Summary Writing 12th Class Format, Topics, Examples

Summary writing is an important skill that every student should learn, especially in the 12th class. It involves condensing the main ideas and key points of a longer text into a shorter version, without losing the essence of the original content. In this article, we will discuss the format, topics, and examples of summary writing for 12th-class students.

Also Read: Summary Writing Examples For Class 10 

Format of Summary Writing for 12th Class

The format of a summary includes the following elements:

1. Introduction: The introduction should provide a brief overview of the text, including the author’s name, the title of the text, and the main ideas. 2. Body: The body should include the key points and main ideas of the text. It should be organized in a logical and coherent manner. 3. Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main points of the text and provide a final thought or opinion.

Topics for Summary Writing for 12th Class

Here are some topics for summary writing for 12th-class students:

  • The impact of social media on society.
  • The causes and effects of climate change.
  • The history of the American Civil Rights Movement.
  • The impact of technology on education.
  • The importance of mental health in the workplace.
  • The effects of globalization on the economy.
  • The role of women in politics.
  • The history and impact of the Industrial Revolution.
  • The effects of drug abuse on society.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of online learning.

Examples of Summary Writing for 12th Class

Here are some examples of summary writing for 12th-class students:

Example 1: Summary of the impact of social media on society.

Social media has become an integral part of modern society. It has changed the way we communicate, share information, and interact with each other. While social media has many benefits, such as connecting people from all over the world, it also has negative impacts on society. Cyberbullying, addiction, and the spread of fake news are some of the problems associated with social media. It is important for individuals to use social media responsibly and for society to address the negative impacts of social media.

Example 2: Summary of the causes and effects of climate change.

Climate change is a complex issue that is caused by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. The effects of climate change include rising sea levels, increased frequency and intensity of natural disasters, and the extinction of animal and plant species. It is important for individuals and governments to take action to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as reducing carbon emissions and protecting natural habitats.

Example 3: Summary of the history and impact of the Industrial Revolution.

The Industrial Revolution was a period of significant change in human history that began in the 18th century. It involved the transition from manual labor to machine-based manufacturing and led to the development of new technologies and inventions. The Industrial Revolution had a profound impact on society, transforming the way goods were produced and distributed, and leading to the growth of urban centers and the rise of capitalism. However, it also had negative impacts, such as the exploitation of workers and environmental degradation.

summary writing is an essential skill that 12th-class students should learn. It allows students to condense complex information into a concise and clear format. By following the format and choosing relevant topics, students can write effective summaries that convey the main ideas and key points of a text. The examples provided in this article are a good starting point for 12th-class students who want to improve their summary writing skills.

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Summary Writing is an essenti al chapter for Class 12 students in the Maharashtra Board . The chapter introduces students to the concept of Summary Writing and followed with solved examples and practice questions. In this chapter, students will be able to learn all the methods to solve questions on Summary Writing. In order to understand the chapter in detail, refer to the PDF where solutions can be downloaded for the chapter.

These solutions for Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing have been carefully designed by the subject matter experts at Vedantu who are completely well-versed with the essential topics and sub-topics included in the chapter. Downloading the Summary Writing Chapter 3.1 solutions will help students gain a better understanding of the chapter.


Access Maharashtra Board Solutions for English Class 12 Section Three 3.1 Summary Writing

Ice breakers.

1. Discuss in pairs and guess the correct alternative for the following.

1. To summarize means .

(a) Put information in chronological order

(b) To recapitulate the main points in selection

(c) To introduce new information

(d) To write one’s opinion about selection

2. The type of summary that consists of a paragraph to express the main idea is .

(a) Outline 

(b) Report 

(c) Synopsis 

(d) Written summary

Ans: Do it yourself.

2. There are various ways of incorporating other writers’ works into your own writing. They differ according to the closeness of your writing to the source writing. Match the ways of writing in brief given in column:

(A) with their descriptions in column (B).

Sr. No.

(A) Ways of writing

(B) Descriptions




It includes not just the main idea but every detail expressed clearly and to the point.




It includes selection of proper lines from the given text for correction, condensation and organization.


Précis writing


It includes the most essential part or the crux of the matter.




It includes taking broader segment of the source and

condensing it slightly.




It includes main ideas into one’s own words.


Gist Writing


It must be identical to the original and match the document word by word.


(A1) Complete the following as instructed

Read the passage and write its summary according to the given steps.

Communication is a part of our everyday life. We greet one another, smile or frown, depending on our moods. Animals, too, communicate, much to our surprise. Just like us, interaction among animals can be both verbal or non-verbal. Singing is one way in which animals can interact with one another. Male blackbirds often use their melodious songs to catch the attention of the females. These songs are usually rich in notes variation, encoding various kinds of messages. Songs are also used to warn and keep off other blackbirds from their territory, usually a place where they dwell and reproduce. 

Large mammals in the oceans sing too, according to adventurous sailors. Enormous whales groan and grunt while smaller dolphins and porpoises produce pings, whistles and clicks. These sounds are surprisingly received by other mates as far as several hundred kilometres away.


Communication in the Animal Kingdom

Animals and humans use communication to express different emotions and messages through vocal and nonverbal means. Blackbird males have a reputation for singing to attract females and prevent other males from entering their area. Sea mammals sing to attract mates from as far away as hundreds of kilometres.

(i) Cut redundant words :

We’re often inefficient in our language, using more words than necessary. Consider the following phrases. Find five more redundant words.

“Circle around” can become “circle.”

“Write down” can become “write.”

“Added bonus” is simply a “bonus.”

“Get to the point as quickly as possible” is really “get to the point.”

“Close proximity” is “close.”  

“During the course of” is “during.”

Ans: Five redundant words are given below: 

Current trend 

Completely finished

Return back 

(ii) Avoid adverbs :

Adverbs clutter up your copy. You can usually live without them. Here are some examples. Just delete all those italicized words and rewrite.

“That’s usually a good thing to do.”

“That’s fairly good coffee.”  

“I totally agree.”

“Actually, I disagree.”

Ans: The correct answers are: 

“That’s a good thing to do.” 

“That’s good coffee.”

“I agree.” 

“I disagree.” 

(iii) One word substitution:

One word substitutes are words that replace a group of words or a full sentence effectively without creating any ambiguity in the meaning of the sentences.

The life story of man written by himself: autobiography

A sound that cannot be heard: inaudible

A list of books : catalogue

A sentence whose meaning is unclear: ambiguous

Find as many examples as you can from the internet and make a list.

Ans: Here are a few examples of one-word substitutions:

Employing a metal or stone plate with a smooth surface for printing - Lithography

Pathology is the scientific study of physical illnesses.

The study of rocks and the earth is known as geology.

Anthropology: The study of human development

Autocrat: One with unrestricted power

An allegory is a story, lyric, or visual work that can be read in a way that reveals a hidden meaning, usually a moral or political one.

In the same phrases as when they were first used - Verbatim

Ambidextrous - Capable of utilising both hands

One who abstains from drinking - Teetotaller

(i) Use of noun in apposition :

Apposition is a grammatical construction in which two elements, normally noun phrases, are placed side by side, with one element serving to identify the other in a different way; the two elements are said to be in apposition. Apposition can be used to make the compound sentences short and simple.

Neha is their eldest child and she is very intelligent.

- Neha, their eldest child, is very intelligent. [Here, Neha and their eldest child

are the same person.]

The person I'm closest to is a director. She is a Bangalore resident. 

Bangalore is where my closest friend, a director, resides.

The world's cultural centre previously resided in Athens. Now it is a ruin.

Formerly the centre of the world's culture, Athens is now in ruins.

(ii) Transforming Complex to Simple: By using phrases like '' or using nouns\phrase instead of a clause :

Nagpur is the city where oranges grow.

- Oranges grow in Nagpur.

The old man is so weak that he cannot walk.

- The old man is too weak to walk.

Change the following sentences into simple:

Mr Rohit is the member and he is also the director.

The room is so small that it cannot accommodate many people.

You have to prove that you are innocent.

He was late so he walked in a great hurry.

Ans:  Complex sentences are written into simpler ones as given below: 

Mr Rohit is the member and director. 

The room is too small to accommodate many people. 

You have to prove your innocence.

Being late, he walked in a hurry.

(i) Read any book of your choice and write its summary according to the steps explained in the chapter.

Ans: Summary of the book: Hamlet by Shakespeare

William Shakespeare's tragedy, Hamlet relates the tale of Prince Hamlet, a young prince of Denmark, who has gone home from school to grieve the passing of his father, the King of Denmark, who had passed away two months before. Hamlet is horrified to return home and discover that his mother has already wed his uncle, who has now proclaimed himself king. Prince Hamlet then sees the ghost of the Danish king, who informs him that Hamlet's mother and uncle killed the monarch. The ghost of the deceased king then commands his son to kill the new king in revenge for his death. Hamlet then hatches a plan to take revenge, but in his obsession, he also accidentally kills Ophelia's father and drives the woman he loves. Ophelia gets insane and ultimately kills herself. In response, his uncle hatches a plan to murder him. The play concludes with a fight between Ophelia's brother and Hamlet in which the King, the Queen, Ophelia's brother and Hamlet all are killed. 

(ii) Find some professions that require the skill of summary writing and editing. Write them in your notebook.

Ans: Some occupations that require the ability to write and revise summaries include the following:

News reporter 

Content Editor 


Film critic

Importance of Maharashtra Board textbook solutions for Class 12 English Summary Writing

The Chapter 3.1 of the Class 12 syllabus of English for the Maharashtra Board , Summary Writing, is quite crucial. The chapter discusses all the important topics such as She Walks in Beauty . Students can learn about Small Towns and Rivers . They also get to learn the formulas and its application in real life.

1. Access to Solutions by Experts : Getting guidance and learning from experts who have curated the answers that focus on learning standards specific to the age group. It also provides well explained and easy to understand solutions for a student.

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4. Practice with the Right Approach: Practicing the questions by following correct methods and techniques becomes significant for a student. These practice questions become the building blocks for their further question-solving practice. Hence, it is crucial to solving many questions based on a concept with the right approach.

Benefits of using Vedantus' PDF Solutions for Class 12 English Maharashtra Board

The solutions for Class 12 Chapter 3.1 for the Maharashtra Board Students have been created by Vedantu experts. With amplified knowledge about the concepts, they have left no detail unexplained in the chapter. Students can use elaborate explanations, examples, etc., to gain further understanding of the chapter.

Solutions for Summary Writing will help students understand how to solve complex problems related to the chapter. These solutions have been explained in a way that is easy to comprehend for students.

They can prepare properly for their examinations by solving the problems with the help of the solutions. All details about different ways to solve Summary Writing have been explained. Students can build a strong foundation for the chapter with these solutions.

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Class 12 English Lesson 3.1 Summary Writing

Yuvakbharati English Digest Std 12 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing

A Summary is a record in the reader’s own words that gives the main points of a piece such as a newspaper, article, a lecture, a passage, a chapter or even a whole book.


Discuss in pairs and guess the correct alternative for the following.

1. To summarize means ……………….

(a) Put information in chronological order

(b) To recapitulate the main points in selection

(c) To introduce new information

(d) To write one’s opinion about selection

Answer: (b) To recapitulate the main points in selection

2. The type of summary that consists of a paragraph to express the main idea is ……………..

(a) Outline

(c) Synopsis

(d) Written summary

Answer: (d) Written summary

There are various ways of incorporating other writers’ works into your own writing. They differ according to the closeness of your writing to the source writing. Match the ways of writing in brief given in column (A) with their descriptions in column (B).

  • Summarizing – (e) It includes main ideas into one’s own words.
  • Paraphrasing – (f) It must be identical to the original and match the document word by word.
  • Precis writing – (d) It includes taking broader segment of the source and condensing it slightly.
  • Quoting – (a) It includes not just the main idea but every detail expressed clearly and to the point.
  • Editing – (b) It includes selection of proper lines from the given text for correction, condensation and organization.
  • Gist writing – (c) It includes the most essential part or the crux of the matter.

 Std 12 English 3.1 Summary Writing


(A1) Complete the following as instructed.

Read the passage and write its summary according to the given steps.

Communication is a part of our everyday life. We greet one another, smile or frown, depending on our moods. Animals, too, communicate, much to our surprise. Just like us, interaction among animals can be both verbal and non verbal. Singing is one way in which animals can interact with one another. Male blackbirds often use their melodious songs to catch the attention of the females. These songs are usually rich in notes variation, encoding various kinds of messages. Songs are also used to warn and keep off other blackbirds from their territory, usually a place where they dwell and reproduce. Large mammals in the oceans sing too, according to adventurous sailors. Enormous whales groan and grunt while smaller dolphins and porpoises produce pings, whistles and clicks. These sounds are surprisingly received by other mates as far as several hundred kilometres away.

Communication: Irreplaceable part of our Life

Not only humans but animals, birds and even fish in the sea communicate through verbal and non verbal means. The sounds are rich in notes, variations, encode various kinds of messages and can travel as far as several kilometres away. These means of communication are used not only to attract the attention of their mates but also to warn and keep off others from their territory.

  Maharashtra State Board Class 12 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing

(A2) (i) Cut redundant words:

We’re often inefficient in our language, using more words than necessary. Consider the following phrases. Find five more redundant words.

(a) “Circle around” can become “circle.”

(b) “Write down” can become “write.”

(c) “Added bonus” is simply a “bonus.”

(d) “Get to the point as quickly as possible” is really “get to the point.”

(e) “Close proximity” is “close.”

(f) “During the course of” is “during.”

(i) return back – return

(ii) turn around – turn

(iii) whispered softly – whispered

(iv) finished completely – finished

(v) plan ahead – plan

(ii) Avoid adverbs: Adverbs clutter up your copy. You can usually live without them. Here are some examples.

(a) “That’s usually a good thing to do.”

(b) “That’s fairly good coffee.”

(c) “I totally agree.”

(d) “ Actually , I disagree.”

Just delete all those italicized words and rewrite.

(a) “That’s a good thing to do.”

(b) “That’s good coffee.”

(c) “I agree.”

(d) “I disagree.”

(iii) One word substitution : One word substitutes are words that replace a group of words or a full sentence effectively without creating any ambiguity in the meaning of the sentences.

(a) The life story of man written by himself: autobiography

(b) A sound that cannot be heard: inaudible

(c) A list of books : catalogue

(d) A sentence whose meaning is unclear: ambiguous

Find as many examples as you can from the internet and make a list.

Very able – proficient

Very boring – tedious

Very confused – baffled

Very dirty -filthy

Very easy – effortless

Very funny – Hilarious

Very glad -overjoyed

Very happy – estatcic

Very interesting -fascinating

Very joyful- exuberant

Very kind – compassionate

Very large -huge

Very mad -demented

Very nasty – obnoxious

Very old – ancient

Very painfull – excurciating

Very quiet -hush

Very rude -Boorish

Very shy -timid

Very tired -exhausted

Very ugly -hedious

Very vicious- malicious

Very wicked – evil

Very xenophobic- Jingoistic

Very young -juvenile

Very zen -meditative

  Yuvakbharati English Digest Class 12 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing

(A3) (i) Use of noun in apposition:

Apposition is a grammatical construction in which two elements, normally noun phrases, are placed side by side, with one element serving to identify the other in a different way; the two elements are said to be in apposition. Apposition can be used to make the compound sentences short and simple.

Neha is their eldest child and she is very intelligent.

– Neha, their eldest child, is very intelligent. [Here, Neha and their eldest child are the same person.]

(ii) Transforming Complex to Simple: By using phrases like ‘too…to’ or using nouns\phrase instead of a clause :

Nagpur is the city where oranges grow.

– Oranges grow in Nagpur.

The old man is so weak that he cannot walk.

– The old man is too weak to walk.

Change the following sentences into simple:

(a) Mr Rohit is the member and he is also the director.

Answer: Mr Rohit is the member and also the director.

(b) The room is so small that it cannot accommodate many people.

Answer: The room is too small to accommodate many people.

(c) You have to prove that you are innocent.

Answer: You have to prove your innocence.

(d) He was late so he walked in a great hurry.

Answer: Being late, he walked in a hurry.

 Yuvakbharati English Digest Std 12 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing

(A4) (i) Read any book of your choice and write its summary according to the steps explained in the chapter.

The Swiss Family Robinson – Johann David Wyss

The Swiss Family Robinson is a well- known adventure novel that people of many countries have enjoyed for more than two hundred years. It has also been made into graphic novels and films. The novel, written by the Swiss clergyman Johann David Wyss, is not just an adventure. It aims at teaching young people values like self-reliance, determination, love for your family, co-operation and prudent use of resources. It also has good lessons relevant in natural sciences, good husbandry and even mathematics! Some elements of the novel do stretch reality to a certain extent- but we must consider that it is a work of fiction and not a fact file. Given below is a synopsis- an outline of its basic story.

The father was a Swiss clergyman, who, in the Revolution of 1798, had lost all his fortune, and had determined to emigrate, in order to seek elsewhere the means of supporting his family. He went first to England, with his wife and children, consisting of four sons, between the ages of twelve and five. He there undertook the office of missionary to Otaheite; not that he intended to remain on that uncivilized island, but he wished to proceed from thence to Port Jackson as a free colonist. He invested his little capital in seeds of every description, and some cattle, to take out with him. They had a prosperous voyage till they were near the coast of New Guinea, when they were overtaken by a frightful storm. At this period he commenced his journal, which he afterwards committed to the care of Mr. Horner, to be forwarded to his friends in Switzerland. Some time before, a boat from an English vessel, the _Adventurer_, had visited them, and the father had sent the first part of his journal by Lieut. Bell to the captain, who remained in the vessel. A violent tempest arose, which continued some days, and drove the _Adventurer_ from the coast. The family concluded the ship was lost; but this was not the case

(ii) Find some professions that require the skill of summary writing and editing. Write them in your notebook.

News reporter


Content Editor

Film critic


1.1 An Astrologer’s Day         R. K. Narayan  

1.2 On Saying “Please”           Alfred George Gardiner

1.3 The Cop and the Anthem             O’Henry

1.4 Big Data-Big Insights

1.5 The New Dress     Virginia Woolf

1.6 Into the Wild        Kiran Purandare

1.7 Why we Travel      Siddarth Pico Raghavan Iyer

1.8 Voyaging Towards Excellence     Achyut Godbole


2.1 Song of the Open Road    Walt Whitman

2.2 Indian Weavers                 Sarojini Naidu

2.3 The Inchcape Rock           Robert Southey

2.4 Have you Earned your Tomorrow            Edgar Guest

2.5 Father Returning Home    Dilip Chitre

2.6 Money       William H. Davies

2.7 She Walks in Beauty         George Gordon Byron

2.8 Small Towns and Rivers   Mamang Dai

Figures of Speech (all Poems)

SECTION THREE (Writing Skills)

3.1 Summary Writing

3.2 Do Schools Really Kill Creativity? (Mind-Mapping)

3.3 Note–Making

3.4 Statement of Purpose

3.5 Drafting a Virtual Message

3.6 Group Discussion

SECTION FOUR (Genre-Novel)

4.1 History of Novel

4.2 To Sir, with Love E. R. Braithwaite

4.3 Around the World in Eighty Days           Jules Gabriel Verne

4.4 The Sign of Four   Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle

Maharashtra Board Solutions

Maharashtra State Board Yuvakbharati English 12th Digest Guide Textbook Answers

Maharashtra state board english yuvakbharati 12th digest guide textbook solutions.

12th English Digest Pdf 2021-2022 Section 1 (Prose)

  • Chapter 1.1 An Astrologer’s Day
  • Chapter 1.2 On Saying “Please”
  • Chapter 1.3 The Cop and the Anthem
  • Chapter 1.4 Big Data-Big Insights
  • Chapter 1.5 The New Dress
  • Chapter 1.6 Into the Wild
  • Chapter 1.7 Why We Travel
  • Chapter 1.8 Voyaging Towards Excellence

English Yuvakbharati 12th Full Digest Section 2 (Poetry)

  • Chapter 2.1 Song of the Open Road
  • Chapter 2.2 Indian Weavers
  • Chapter 2.3 The Inchcape Rock
  • Chapter 2.4 Have you Earned Your Tomorrow
  • Chapter 2.5 Father Returning Home
  • Chapter 2.6 Money
  • Chapter 2.7 She Walks in Beauty
  • Chapter 2.8 Small Towns and Rivers

Yuvakbharati English 12th Digest Guide Section 3 (Writing Skills)

  • Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing
  • Chapter 3.2 Do Schools Really Kill Creativity? (Mind-Mapping)
  • Chapter 3.3 Note–Making
  • Chapter 3.4 Statement of Purpose
  • Chapter 3.5 Drafting a Virtual Message
  • Chapter 3.6 Group Discussion

Yuvakbharati English 12th Textbook Answers Solutions Section 4 (Genre-Drama)

  • Chapter 4.1 History of Novel
  • Chapter 4.2 To Sir, with Love
  • Chapter 4.3 Around the World in Eighty Days
  • Chapter 4.4 The Sign of Four

Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Textbook Solutions

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Summary Writing In English Class 12 pdf | Summary writing examples with answers

Summary Writing In English Class 12 pdf | Summary writing examples with answers

Discuss in pairs and guess the correct alternative for the following:

Question - 1. to summarize means …………… ., question - 2. the type of summary that consists of a paragraph to express the main idea is …………… ., question - 3. there are various ways of incorporating other writers’ works into your own writing. they differ according to the closeness of your writing to the source writing. match the ways of writing in brief given in column [a] with their descriptions in column [b]:.

summary writing 12th class 2021

[A1] - Summary writing examples with answers

Question - 1. complete the following as instructed:, [a2] summary writing examples with answers, [ii] avoid adverbs: delete the adverbs in italics and rewrite:.

  • friendly relationship in which people understand well : rapport [pronounced as ‘rappo’]
  • able to cause death: fatal
  • seize by way of penalty: confiscate
  • someone who goes into buildings in order to steal: burglar
  • the principal character in a play or a story: protagonist
  • the path described by an object moving in air: trajectory
  • a person regarded as a symbol: icon
  • a person who knows many languages: polyglot
  • a badly behaved child: brat
  • a period of ten years: decade
  • a persistent increase in the general level of prices: inflation
  • organisation of supplies and services for any, complex operation : logistics
  • extremely careful about details: meticulous
  • not harmful or offensive: innocuous
  • present, appearing or found everywhere: ubiquitous

[ii] Change the following sentences into simple:

Question - [a] mr. rohit is the member and he is also the director., question - [b] the room is so small that it cannot accommodate many people., question - [c] you have to prove that you are innocent., question - [d] he was late so he walked in a great hurry., [a4] summary writing examples with answers, question - [i] read any book of your choice and write its summary according to the steps explained in the chapter., question - [ii] find some professions that require the skill of summary writing and editing. write them in your notebook., question - [i] cut redundant words:.

  • puzzling mystery = ‘mystery’
  • connect together = ‘connect’
  • divide into two equal halves = ‘divide into halves
  • surrounded on all sides = ‘surrounded’
  • return back = ‘return’

DOs of Summary Writing

Use the following steps for summary writing., summary learning disability:.

  • Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 12th Digest Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Question -s and Answers.
  • Maharashtra State Board Class 12 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing
  • 12th English Digest Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing Textbook Question -s and Answers
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Appreciation Of Poem 12th Standard | 12th english all poem appreciation pdf

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SECTION THREE (Writing Skills) 

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Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 12th Digest Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 12 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing

12th English Digest Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing Textbook Questions and Answers

Discuss in pairs and guess the correct alternative for the following:

Question 1. To summarize means …………… . (a) Put information in chronological order. (b) To recapitulate the main points in selection (c) To introduce new information (d) To write one’s opinion about selection Answer: (b) To recapitulate the main points in selection

Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing

Question 2. The type of summary that consists of a paragraph to express the main idea is …………… . (a) Outline (b) Report (c) Synopsis (d) Written summary Answer: (d) Written summary

Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing 1

  • Summarizing – (e) It includes main ideas into one’s own words.
  • Paraphrasing – (f) It must be identical to the original and match the document word by word.
  • Precis writing – (d) It includes taking broader segment of the source and condensing it slightly.
  • Quoting – (a) It includes not just the main idea but every detail expressed clearly and to the point.
  • Editing – (b) It includes selection of proper lines from the given text for correction, condensation and organization.
  • Gist writing – (c) It includes the most essential part or the crux of the matter.

Question 1. Complete the following as instructed: Read the passage and write its summary according to the given steps: Answer: Use the following steps for summary writing: Step 1: Read the article twice. Step 2: The purpose of writing – To tell the reader about the interesting communication methods among birds and mammals. Step 3: Identify the main idea – Surprising examples of communication methods among birds and mammals. Steps 4 and 5: Write the first draft: Revise your first draft and edit it. (Students may attempt this on their own.) Step 5: Write the final draft (Given overleaf.)

(ii) Avoid adverbs: Delete the adverbs in italics and rewrite:

Question (a) “That’s usually a good thing to do.” Answer: “That’s a good thing to do.”

Question (b) “That’s fairly good coffee.” Answer: “That’s good coffee.”

Question (c) “I totally agree.” Answer: “I agree.”

Question (d) “Actually I disagree.” Answer: “I disagree.”

Question (iii) One word substitution: Find examples similar to those given in the textbook and make a list: Answer:

  • friendly relationship in which people understand well : rapport (pronounced as ‘rappo’)
  • able to cause death: fatal
  • seize by way of penalty: confiscate
  • someone who goes into buildings in order to steal: burglar
  • the principal character in a play or a story: protagonist
  • the path described by an object moving in air: trajectory
  • a person regarded as a symbol: icon
  • a person who knows many languages: polyglot
  • a badly behaved child: brat
  • a period of ten years: decade
  • a persistent increase in the general level of prices: inflation
  • organisation of supplies and services for any, complex operation : logistics
  • extremely careful about details: meticulous
  • not harmful or offensive: innocuous
  • present, appearing or found everywhere: ubiquitous

(ii) Change the following sentences into simple:

Question (a) Mr. Rohit is the member and he is also the director. Answer: Mr. Rohit is the member and also the director.

Question (b) The room is so small that it cannot accommodate many people. Answer: The room is too small to accommodate many people.

Question (c) You have to prove that you are innocent. Answer: You have to prove your innocence.

Question (d) He was late so he walked in a great hurry. Answer: Being late, he walked in a great hurry.

Question (i) Read any book of your choice and write its summary according to the steps explained in the chapter.

Question (ii) Find some professions that require the skill of summary writing and editing. Write them in your notebook.

Yuvakbharati English 12th Digest Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question (i) Cut redundant words: Write five examples of redundant words: Answer:

  • puzzling mystery = ‘mystery’
  • connect together = ‘connect’
  • divide into two equal halves = ‘divide into halves
  • surrounded on all sides = ‘surrounded’
  • return back = ‘return’
  • Going Places Summary Class 12 English

Summary of Going Places

Going Places summary will help you get a better understanding of the story written by A.R. Barton. It revolves around fantasies and daydreams. The story tells us about the teenage period where people are often found dreaming which is far from reality. This period is all about desires and achieving the impossible. In addition, teens usually have a hero they look up to or adore in this age. However, the main background of the story is indeed a reality. It tells us about a girl, Sophie, who belongs to a lower-middle-class family. She dreams of owning the best boutique in the whole town. However, she lacks money and means. Sophie looks up to a young football player, Danny Casey. She dreams about him so much, she believes she has actually met him. Finally, these fantasies are what cause her disappointment.

going places summary

Going Places Summary in English

The story begins by telling the reader about a teenage girl, Sophie. Being a normal teenager, she has also got many fantasies and dreams. Sophie belongs to a lower-middle-class family that struggles with finances. However, she dreams to own a boutique one day. Further, she also dreams of becoming an actress of a fashion designer. Similarly, Jansie, her friend, is more practical and level-headed. She knows that they do not have a strong financial background, thus they have to work in a biscuit factory. Jansie does not have any unachievable fantasies. She tries her best to help Sophie stay in touch with reality, but all that goes in vain as Sophie does not listen.

Sophie has got two brothers and lives with her parents in a small house. She does not shy away from expressing her desires and fantasies. However, her parents do not pay much heed to it as they are far more mature than her. They are already facing the harsh realities of life, thus, they do not believe in her fantasies. Sophie’s elder brother is Geoff who is tall, strong, and handsome and remains reserved. She is sort of fascinated by her elder brother. It is so because his silence makes her jealous and wonders what he keeps thinking about.

Further, we learn that Sophie is always fantasizing about a young Irish football player, Danny Casey. She has seen him play in a number of matches and thus starts liking him. As she is always living in her fantasy world, she makes up stories about him. In one made-up story, she tells her elder brother, Geoff, that they met one day in the streets. Being more sensible, Geoff does not believe her story. He feels it is highly unlikely that she just met such a sensation in the streets just like that.

However, as Sophie is so good at immersing herself in fantasy land, she starts describing life-like details. Thus, upon hearing these details, even Geoff wishes that what she was saying turns out to be true. She even goes on to say that they will meet again as Danny has promised her. Thus, Sophie immerses herself so much in the make-believe story that she starts thinking of it as true.  She keeps waiting for Danny to arrives, but alas he does not. Thus, on the way back, she is thinking about how Danny’s not turning up will disappoint Geoff. Nonetheless, she still keeps fantasizing about him and believes they will definitely meet.

Conclusion of Going Places

To sum up, Going Places summary, we learn about the naïve fantasies of teenagers and how reality may hit us harder as the world in full of compromises and costs a lot of dreams.

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7 responses to “Poets and Pancakes Summary Class 12 English”

Contrary to what is mentioned here that “the author is a poet who joins the studio to become an actor, screenwriter, director or lyricist”, it is the office boy of the make-up department who “wasn’t exactly a ‘boy’; he was in his early forties, having entered the studios years ago in the hope of becoming a star actor or a top screen writer, director or lyrics writer. He was a bit of a poet.”

This factual mistake on your part will misguide the students and discourage us, the teachers to either follow your site or to recommend it to our students. In fact, we may become bound to directly stop our students from following it.

Similarly, it is wrongfully mentioned here that “The author thinks that Subbu is the one who troubles him. As Subbu is a Brahmin, the author thinks he has an upper hand.” The fact is that it’s the office boy of the make-up department and not the author who thinks so.

Kindly take proper care before posting anything. Otherwise, it will adversely affect the student-community that too of a Board class like Class-XII.

Bahar me jao bas bakwas band karo samjhe

well okay this place is toxic af lmoa

shit typo lmao

This poem is toxic. This poem may sometimes create a bad impression of men towards women in younger women. The word torchure doesn’t suite good as she is saying like marriage is like going to hell.

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Maharashtra board class 12 English Chapter 1 An Astrologer's Day Complete solution with explanation

Class 12 english chapter 1 , 'an astrologer's day' explanation, introduction:.

       In this blog, I am going to summarize unit 1.1 'An Astrologer's Day''. It is a thriller suspense short story written by R.K. Narayan. As the title suggests,  the story deals with a single day in the life of an astrologer. 'How had he become an astrologer?' and 'how his past affected his present?' 'what is the significance of that day which is mention here?' Let's understand.

Other Chapters:

About the author : , r. k narayan.

        R. K. Narayan was an Indian English writer, f  f his realistic novels. he has written 14 novels, 5 volumes of short stories, and several travelogues. 'My Days' is his famous memoir where he has created imaginary town 'Malgudi'. His other book 'The Guide' has won the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1961.

Theme : 

                    Irony of fate                     Religion and blind faith,                      crime and punishment,                      human greed                                                 Karma


        The Astrologer started his day like any other day. He sat under the tamarind tree, spread all his equipment like  Cowrie shell, a square piece of cloth which had an obscure mystic chart, a notebook, and a bundle of a palmyra writing. His forehead was decorated with sacred ash & vermilion, a saffron-colored turban was rolled around his head and had dark whiskers. His appearance enhances the power of his eyes & helpful to attract his clients. 

        It was a crowded marketplace with varied trades and occupations. we can experience the struggle of the people to be successful in their business or profession. Here the astrologer is not the only person who is cheating the people but others also, for example, a  vendor of fried groundnut who called his wares a fancy name each day. Now it was dark enough but the marketplace did not have sufficient lighting. Some people have their lights but one or two like astrologers had to manage without lights of their own. 

        Then writer tells us about the astrologer's past life. The astrologer didn't want to be an astrologer. It is his fate that made him an astrologer. In the past, he had to left his village without any previous thought or plan. So he settled in this village and became an astrologer for his subsistence. He was successful in pleased and astonished people though he didn't have any knowledge about astrology. Even he was unable to pretend about his own life. How? It's just because he studied the human mind, his many year's practices, some tricks, and obviously guesswork.  

        At the end of the day when the astrologer started to bundled up, he saw a man. Assuming he was a client he started chatting with him. The man expressed doubt on the astrologer's knowledge. the astrologer took it as a challenge and started to predict. He said all the similar things that he said to others. But the man catches his trick and stopped him. Then he gave an offer to the astrologer and they made a deal that if the astrologer's answer satisfied the man then the man has to give him eight annas otherwise the astrologer has to give him all his collection of that day. 

   An Astrologer's Day 12th exam guide

Astrologer's appearance

                                    Then they both sat down and the man lightens the cheroot (type of cigar). In that deem light, the astrologer got the sight of his face. Now the astrologer was very uncomfortable and again started to bundled up. but the man didn't let him go. So the astrologer started predicting. he told the man that he was tried to be killed and left him for dead. the agreed and told that he was finding that person to take revenge. then the astrologer amazed him by calling his name 'Guru Nayak'. Now the man had faith in him. the astrologer took advantage of this chance and warned the man to leave the village soon for his safety and convince the man to believe that the person he was searching for was dead now.  

         In the end, when the astrologer reached home and was talking with his wife, the secret of the story is revealed that the person whom the man was searching is not anyone but the astrologer himself. this is the event for that he was run away from home and became an astrologer.

         Finally, we can say that is a fine example of Indian society where people are so superstitious. I hope you have understood the topic. If you have any questions please comment below. I will try to answer. In the next blog, we will see activities based on it. So stay tuned.

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Very nice story

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Class 12 English Notes: Guide & Summary 2081

Are you looking for easy to understand notes for your 12th grade English class? The SR Zone has made Class 12 English notes for the year 2081. It has summaries and notes from all the chapters in your English textbook.

Just click on the links corresponding to the chapter name, and you will see the solution and notes of that chapter. Do not forget to share these with your friends too. 

Section - I : Language Development

Unit Chapters Exercise
1. Critical Thinking
2. Family
3. Sports Euro 2020
4. Technology
5. Education
6. Money and Economy QR Code
7. Humour
8. Human Culture Land of Plenty
9. Ecology and Environment
10. Career Opportunities
11. Hobbies On Walking
12. Animal World
13. History
14. Human Rights
15. Leisure and Entertainment
16. Fantasy
17. War and Peace
18. Music and Creation
19. Migration and Diaspora
20. Power and Politics

Section -II : Literature

Unit Chapter Summary Exercise
1. Neighbours by Tim Winton
2. 'A Respectable Woman'
3. A Devoted Son by Anita Desai
4. The Treasure in the Forest
5. My Old Home By Lu Shun
6. The Half-closed Eyes of the Buddha and the Slowly Sinking Sun
7. A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings
Unit Poem Summary Exercise
1. A Day by Emily Dickinson
2. Every Morning I wake
3. I Was My Own Route
4. The Awakening Age by Ben Okri
5. Soft Storm by Abhi Subedi
Unit Essay Summary Exercise
1. On Libraries
2. Marriage as a Social Institution
3. Knowledge and Wisdom
4. Humility by Yuval Noah Harari
5. Human Rights and the Age of Inequality

One Act Plays

Unit Play Summary Exercise
1. A Matter of Husbands
2. Facing Death
3. The Bull

This set of notes is meant to help you understand each chapter well and help you answer questions from the book. It has answers to exercises, explanations of grammar rules, solutions to questions from the textbook, and summaries of each chapter.

Having all these things together in one place makes studying English easier and more effective. You don't have to look everywhere to find answers or learn about the different parts of English. The notes cover everything you need from one simple guide.

Download Class 12 English Notes 2081 App ( by The SR Zone ) 

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The SR Zone provides an easy to use app for Class 12 English notes. This app has all the study materials together in one place on your mobile.

To get the app, search "Class 12 English The SR Zone" on the Google Play Store. Or visit website for a direct download link. Installing the app is simple and free.

Some good things about using The SR Zone's Class 12 English notes:

  • It makes preparing for exams more manageable as all notes are organized well.
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  • The detailed notes help you better understand lessons and concepts.
  • Having notes on your phone means you can revise anytime, anywhere.

The Class 12 English notes app from The SR Zone is a good helper for students. With full notes and solutions for all chapters, you can study well and score better in your exams. Download the app notes from Play Store or website today!

About Class 12 English Guide 2081

Hey guys, check out my notes for Class 12 English! I've put together all the important info, notes, exercise solution, grammar and summary from the textbook in this one easy-to-use guide which is called "Class 12 English Guide".

This guide covers everything - all the language development units like Family, Sports, Humour etc. And all the literature sections with Stories, Poems and Essays. You'll find notes and summaries for each chapter right here.

Just click on the chapter names to see the solutions for each exercise. I've also included the option to download a PDF version of the notes at the end of each chapter. No more searching all over the place online.

Here's a quick breakdown of what's included:

  • Section 1 - Language Development units with 20 chapters
  • Section 2 - Literature with Stories, Poems and Essays

Don't stress about exams - all the questions and answers are here too. And if you want offline access, you can download my Class 12 English Notes 2081 app from the Play Store.

Getting these notes is simple - either download the specific chapter PDFs or grab the full app. Let me know if you have any other questions! My goal is to make this exam prepation as easy and stress-free as possible.

I've also included some tips on how to write the best answers for your English exams. Don't sweat the small errors, just focus on getting your ideas down on paper. And don't be afraid to give your creative ideas - that's what English is all about. You've got this!

Why are Class 12 English Notes important?

  • Chapter summaries - These quickly explain what happens in each part of the story. They help you understand the main ideas.
  • Exercise answers - You'll find the solutions for all the questions at the end of each chapter. This can help you check your work.
  • Grammar lessons - There are explanations of important grammar topics you need to know.
  • Textbook solutions - The notes go through your textbook and solve all the problems step-by-step.

How to get Notes of Class 12 English Book ?

Where can i find pdf of class 12 english notes, benefits of class 12 english textbook solution, how to get good marks in class 12 english exam.

English is a tough subject for many students. The main problem I see with students is they don't like thinking hard or writing their own answers. They just want to copy things, so who will help develop their creativity?

The best tip I can give is don't stress too much about grammar mistakes. Focus on answering questions right instead of writing perfectly. Bad spelling and lack of creativity holds students back in English, along with grammar errors.

Don't let feeling uncomfortable stop you from expressing yourself and your thoughts freely. Keep writing down what you learned. Then, you can work on improving your language and grammar skills. First learn to write, then make it easy to understand. Writing well actually takes practice.

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Question 1: Do The SR Zone's Class 12 English notes work for NEB?

Answer 1: Yes, the notes cover the main topics for National Education Examination (NEB) board. They are designed to match what is usually taught in Class 12 English textbooks designed by curriculum developement centre.

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Answer 2: Yes, The SR Zone provides full notes and solutions for every chapter in the Class 12 English textbook. You get summaries, exercise answers and extra details to cover the whole syllabus.

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Answer 4: Definitely! The detailed notes from The SR Zone help students understand concepts better, revise efficiently and do well in exams with chapter summaries, explanations and exercise solutions.

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Answer 5: The SR Zone notes are a good study resource to get above 90% in English subject. Using only them can give you a complete understanding. It's better to also refer to look at past year questions and their pattern, your official textbook, other reference books and do extra practice questions.

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Also Read: 

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Main Ideas Explained- CSEC English A- Summary Writing

summary writing 12th class 2021

Today we will be reviewing the term main ideas. This is important when it comes to Section A – Summary Writing on the CSEC English A Paper 2 as well as understanding comprehension passages.

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One thought on “Main Ideas Explained- CSEC English A- Summary Writing”

Initially my main idea was: Summer is the best season to spend at west beach It has a long coastline best suited for walking and it’s filled with recreational activities.

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Summary Writing: HSC Writing Skills 2021

  • February 1, 2021

summary writing 12th class 2021

Summary Writing

Write the short summary of the above  extract with a suitable title with the help of the given points/hints

My son starts school today. It is all going to be strange and new to him for a while and I wish you would treat him gently. It is an adventure that might take him across continents. All the adventures probably include wars, tragedy, and sorrow. To live this life will require faith, love, and courage.

So, dear teachers, will you please take him by his hand and teach him things he will have to know but gently, if you can. Teach him that for every enemy there is a friend. He will have to know that all men are not just, that all men are not true. But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero that for every crooked politician, there is a dictated leader.

Teach him if you can that 10 cents earned are of far more value than $1 found. In school, teach him it is far more honorable to fall than to cheat. Teach him to learn how to gracefully lose, and enjoy winning when he does win.
Teach him to gentle with people, tough with tough people. Steer him away from envy if you can and teach him the secret of quiet laughter. Teach him if you can how to laugh when he is sad, teach him there is no shame in tears. Teach him there can be glory in failure and despair in success. Teach him to scoff at cynics.

Teach him if you can the wonders of books, but also give time to ponder the extreme mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on the green hill. Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tells him they are wrong.

Try to give my son strength not to follow the crowd where everyone else is doing it. Teach him to listen to everyone, but teach him also to filter all that he hears on a screen of truth and take only good that comes through.

Teach him to sell his talent and brain to the highest bidder but never to put a price tag on his heart and soul. Let him have the courage to be impatient, let him have the patience to be brave. Teach him to have sublime faith in himself, because then he will always have sublime faith in mankind, in God. This is the order, teachers but see what the best you can do. He is a nice little boy and my son. (Abraham Lincoln’s letter to his son’s teacher)

Q.2. (B) Summary:

Write a summary of the above extract in short with the help of the given clues and suggest a suitable title.

Abraham Lincoln’s letter to the teacher – adventures – humanity – honesty – child tackle ups and down in life – book reading – not to follow crowd – message – conclusion.

This is a letter written by Abraham Lincoln to his son’s teacher and it is full of optimism and values he believed in. The letter has universal appeal. It shows Lincoln’s passion and zeal for learning. The purpose of education as stated by Lincoln elsewhere is to inculcate honor and character among the children. Extract says education is a potential tool for building up the all-around personality of the student, transferring him into a successful human being and an excellent global citizen. The letter has a far-reaching impact on the whole gamut of education. It answers a number of challenges, encountered by policymakers of education today.

Q.2. (B) Summary writing 

(Need of information Technology – need of digital skills – development – economy – various sectors – banking sector – insurance sector – service rendering to people.)

In the coming years, requirements for rapid changes in the skills of a large number of people in periods of say three to five years many become a continuous feature when newer technologies are introduced into the economy. Such rapid changes will cover all sectors. underlining how the agriculture, manufacturing, and service sectors are intertwined. In the agriculture sector there will be better optimization of input resources like seeds, soil conditioning, fertilizer micronutrient mixes, and pesticides, and so on, as well as changes in the overall agriculture management. The agriculture sector may also use remote sensing through satellites for regular monitoring of crops and soil conditions or water resources, or for better weather forecasts through satellites and ground-borne system. Or in the use of modern communication to be in closer touch with old or new markets. Water quality may be monitored more carefully in the future theater for human or animal consumption. Rapid improvements in advanced sensors would make it possible to have such a sensing system at affordable prices in many of our sectors.

In the industry and manufacturing sector, of course, the uses of sensors, and modern electronics, and information technology will be a continual feature requiring rapid reorientation of the skills of not only the workforce but also the entire management including the board level operations. Installation of IT system for all these sectors, training persons at all level and maintaining and improving their skills would be a major service industry.

Despite voluminous growth in the banking and insurance sector, processing and transactions have been carried out by largely manual means. A national network of banking and insurance business has to emerge. This lack adversely affected efficiency and is a major cause of the high rates charged for financial services. The introduction of IT for various operations at the earliest has become a necessity. This means the use of computers for near-total electronics data management and the use of telecommunications and multimedia data, adopting a total system approach.

The above extract about the future imagination that information technology and digital skills are very much needed in the development of an individual as well as the economy of the country. The sectors like the agriculture industry could make use f sensors and modern electronics and information technology for its development. The banking and insurance sector also need to use IT for various operations to send service to the public.

(Youth contribution today…….ignited minds……science empower the nation………students question…….dignitaries reaction.)

Dear friends,

I realize how the contribution of youth in the past has continuously contributed to the world of today in many fields. I would like to assert that no youth today need to fear about the future. Why? The ignited mind of youth is the most powerful resource on the earth, user the earth, and above the earth. Dear young friends I would like to talk to you on the topic ‘I am born with wings.’

Last year I went to a village t inaugurate a program called Sasthrayaan, which means ‘the propagation of science’. The mission of Sasthrayaan was to ensure the preparation of about two thousand students from different schools, towards making them eligible to an engineer, scientists, doctors, qualified managers, and civil servants. This action would be, in turn, empower about two thousand families of the village. My inaugural address to a mixed audience, consisting of five thousand students and family members was on the topics, ‘Science Empower the Nation.’

After my address, hundreds of hands were raised for asking questions. Due to the limited availability of time, I selected twelve students at random, from the last row to the first, to ask questions. I would like to share with you one question of great concern which was asked by a student.

The question was from a teenager who had come from a faraway village. He was nervous and a typical representative of the youth of India. The boy began speaking, “Sir, I don’t know what I should ask. I am nervous. I have not asked any question in my class. I need to have confidence, but I have not gained any confidence through my education during all these years. I am afraid to talk to my teachers. I am afraid to talk to my friend. Whenever I talk, I compare myself with other students and their elegant dress. Please tell me. I want to become a marine engineer. I want to travel on a ship. I want to be the captain of the ship. I want to build the engine of the ship. shall be able to do all these, sir? How can I achieve this mission? What should I do? When the boy completed the question the entire audience and the dignitaries on the dais including the Chief Minister, were looking at me wondering what Kalam was going to say to a sincere question of a young village boy.’

The above extract is a speech delivered by former president DR. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam at the inauguration program called Sasthrayan’. The meaning of Sasthrayan is ‘propagation of science’. Kalam sir feels, ignited mind of youth is the most powerful resource on the earth. Two thousand students were present for the program which was going o empower these two thousand families. Many students wanted to ask him questions after the speech but due to lack of time, he selected 12 students to ask the questions. A question asked by a student who was nervous and had no confidence despite education made Kalam sir feel concerned. He wanted to be a marine engineer. Everybody was waiting in wonder for Kalam sir’s answer.

(Increasing environment pollution……..pollution result of……contamination of the things……….survival problem…….need to control……..including humans all in dangers……population growth)

       It is true that progress in knowledge has led to the development of science and technology, which has, in turn, profoundly altered our environment. For example, fertilizers and insecticides have increased agriculture output, which is required to feed the swelling population of the world. However, both give rise to population. Each one in the modern modern world has accumulated in our bodies a few milligrams of D.D.T., which is organ-chlorine, a type of insecticide. The D.D.T. level in fish is rising and already some fish eating the bird and becoming sterile. Fertilizers used in the farmlands are washed away by rain into rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. The heavy intake content in fertilizers leads to wild growth of vegetation in them, which in turn de-oxygenizes the waters and, as a result, all the fish is lost.

Massive industrialization too has led to serious pollution of the environment. Millions of tons of smoke, sulfur gas, ash, and unknown quantities of toxic by-products are sent up every day all over the world and we simply do not know if our chemical involvement is slowly poisoning us all. What is even worse, the increase in carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere from burning oil and coal may, in time, prevent the escape of the sun’s heat from the earth. Leading to the rise in the earth’s temperature, the melting of ice-caps, and arise in the level of the ocean.

The sea has become a cheap dumping ground for all kinds of waste products. Although the sea has a great capacity to break down all kinds of waste, this capacity is not unlimited, especially in shallow seas. Industrial effluent gets washed out to sea, for industries tend to concentrate in coastal areas in order to be able to dispose of unwanted waste cheaply. Atomic wastes, as well as poison gases, are dumped in the sea by industrial and military authorities.

It would be foolish to shut our eyes to the danger of pollution that human beings cause. It is true that more and more people have become aware of the dangers of pollution. Rivers are being gradually resorted to the health; international organizations are trying to keep the seas clean. Industries are being asked to pay large sums to meet the cost of disposing of effluents. Campaigns are being organized against cutting down trees. Public opinion is gradually being aroused to concern, and if all of us become concerned about our environment, we shall be able to keep the Earth habitable for the future generations

The given extract expresses fear about the survival of future generations in the context of increasing environmental pollution. This extract enumerates various types of pollution resulting from the advancement of technology. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and even the food we eat today are contaminated. The survival of all living creatures will be in danger if steps are not taken to control the pollution of air, water, and food. The writer stresses that it is not only human beings who are at risk but also the creature living in water and on the earth. All living organisms are affected by pollution and are in grave danger. The growth of population in the world is one of the reasons for pollution.

(Bollah’s family background – his blindness – adversities – industrialist – help to the other differently-abled people – his lessons of life)

When he was born everyone ‘advised’ his parents to get rid of the kid as he was blind. But his parents, who were not affluent by any counts, choose to take care of him, that too, to the best of their abilities and gave him an education. Forbes has named him in the list of super achievers from Asia under the age of thirty but visually challenged Shrikant Bhollah is in no mood to celebrate. His goal is to get into the Forbes list of richest person – and he won’t settle for anything else.

Such is the determination of the 25 years – old, who was born blind and overcome all adversities to become the first international blind student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and now heads a rupees 30 crore ($4.6 million) company.

Visiting manufacturing plants in different locations in Telangana and Karnataka, attending business meetings, and, in between, troubleshooting over the phone, the CEO of Bollant Industries is a busy man.

Born in a family of farmers in Machilipatnam in Andhra Pradesh, life has been one long struggle for him. After passing his class 10th exam he chose to science stream for the plus-two stage but was not permitted to write the Joint Entrance Exam for IIT-aspirants as he was blind.

“I said when IIT doesn’t want me, I don’t want IIT either. Let me find the best opportunity in the world- better than IIT. MIT being the top school in the world, I always wanted to go there and I went there,” said Shrikant, who was B.SC in management from MIT.

When his bachelor’s course was ending few questions hindered Shrikant he decided to give up the ‘golden opportunity,’ in corporate America and come back to India in search of answers to his question.

Shrikant Bollah set up a support service platform to rehabilitate, nurture and integrate differently-abled people into society. Shrikant helped about 300 students in acquiring educational and vocational rehabilitation. Later, when he thought about their employment he builts this company which now employs 150 differently-abled people. Srikanth’s three most important Life lessons are-show to compassion and make the people rich. Include people in your life and remove loneliness, and lastly do something well; it will come back to you. Srikanth Bollah, the guy who was born blind is now a new ray of hope for many people.

The extract is a story of a blind boy who was in a poor family. Despite people’s advice getting rid of him they looked after him and gave him the best of the education. With his determination, he becomes the first blind student to study at MIT. He was refused admission to IIT. He started his own industry named Bollant Industries and offered a job opportunity to physically disabled children like him. He becomes the richest person in Asia in Forbes list below the age of thirty. He also through the Support Service System rehabilitated thousands of students. Lessons from experience learned our show the compression, make people rich, and remove the loneliness and do something good. The moral or message is that we can overcome any problem in life and can make progress.

HSC English Writing Skills: Literary Genre – Novel 2021 For sample paper Click Here

Reference: Uttam’s Noble Publication House 

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SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank solutions for 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board chapter 3 - Section 3 : Writing Skills [Latest edition]

SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank solutions for 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board chapter 3 - Section 3 : Writing Skills -


Solutions for chapter 3: section 3 : writing skills.

Below listed, you can find solutions for Chapter 3 of Maharashtra State Board SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank for 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board.

SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank solutions for 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board Chapter 3 Section 3 : Writing Skills Set 5: A1. Drafting virtual message

Imagine, you have to leave early from home for an interview. Draft a message in about 100/150 words, to convey the same to your friend. Give your own reasons to support your message.

Imagine, you are not well and will not be able to attend lectures at college. Draft a message in about 100/150 words to convey the same to your teacher. Give your own reasons to support your message.

Imagine, you have planned different methods to study for your board exam. Draft a message in about 100/150 words, to give these details to your friend. Give your own reasons to support your message.

Imagine that you have to leave your hostel room to attend to a relative coming at the city hospital from your native place. Draft a message in about 100/150 words giving reason of your absence at the birthday party of your roommate at the hostel. Give your own reasons to support your message.

Imagine that you have won two entry tickets to a popular drama at a theater near you this weekend. Draft a message in about 100/150 words to convey the incredible news to your best friend.

SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank solutions for 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board Chapter 3 Section 3 : Writing Skills Set 5: A2. Statement of purpose

You are highly passionate towards becoming a successful entrepreneur and therefore want to peruse your higher education in “Business Management”. Your background and skills have motivated you towards business and now you seek admission to accomplish a degree in “Business Management” at a reputed university. Prepare a ‘statement of purpose’ in about 100 to 150 words, which will help you to get admission to this University.

You have great thirst for knowledge in a foreign language of your own choice. You are also prepared to peruse your education abroad for the same. You are therefore seeking a university for a degree in a foreign language of your choice. Prepare a ‘statement of purpose’ in about 100 to 150 words, which will help you to get admission to this University.

You have developed good skills in English Language. You think of directing your skills for more specific goals. Now you aspire for a degree in “Mass Communication” at a specific university which provides this programme. Prepare a ‘statement of purpose’ in about 100 to 150 words, which will help you to get admission to this University.

You have been shortlisted for a scholarship to attend an online course in developing English speaking skills from the American Embassy in India. You always wanted to learn English from expert teachers in India and from native American trainers. The final selection will be made as per the statements of purpose given by the shortlisted candidates. Prepare a ‘statement of purpose’ in about 100 to 150 words, which will help you to get entry to the course.

There are limited vacancies for getting admission to a well-known music and dance academy in Mumbai. Dancing is your passion and you always wanted to pursue career in music and dance. Prepare a ‘statement of purpose’ in about 100 to 150 words, which will help you to join the academy.

SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank solutions for 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board Chapter 3 Section 3 : Writing Skills Set 5: A3. Group discussion

Imagine that you have recently discussed with your friends on ‘the benefits of travelling’, write the same discussion in the form of dialogues that you have experienced. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the given topic.

Imagine that you have recently discussed with your friends on ‘Mobile Addiction’, write the same discussion in the form of dialogues that you have experienced. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the given topic.

Imagine that you have recently discussed with your friends on ‘Good Handwriting’, write the same discussion in the form of dialogues that you have experienced. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the given topic.

Imagine that you have passed the entrance examination to get entry into the armed forces. As a test, you participated in a group discussion session with four other candidates on the topic ‘Flood Situation and Mitigating the Natural Disasters’. Write the same discussion in the form of dialogues that you have experienced. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the given topic.

Imagine that you have participated in the inter-college group discussion contest on the occasion of National Youth Day. There were three other contenders with you in the final round of the contest and the topic of the discussion was ‘Paper Books are better than the E-Books’. Write the same discussion in the form of dialogues that you have experienced. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the given topic.

SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank solutions for 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board Chapter 3 Section 3 : Writing Skills Set 4: B1. E-Mail

Draft an E-mail in a proper format to be sent to a famous and distinguished personality in order to invite him/her for the “Prize Distribution” programme organized by the college authorities and to be held at your junior college campus. Give complete programme schedule and details about the event.

Imagine you are in-charge of a social organization and you want to organize a “Cleanliness Campaign” at a rural place. Draft an E-mail in a proper format to be sent to concerned authorities asking for the necessary permission. Give all details specifying the scope and importance of this event.

Frequent cases of thefts have caused fright in the minds of the people in your locality. Draft an E-mail in a proper format to the police department giving all details and happenings to expect an immediate action and permanent solution on this issue.

Write a letter to the Editor of a Newspaper, making the public aware of rising air and noise pollution in your area. Mention the bad air quality index that appears in the newspaper daily and write about the bad effects of air and noise pollution and suggest some measures to curb it.

You are the General Secretary of the College Sports Committee. Your college is preparing to regain the championship title in the state level Subroto Roy School Football Tournament. Write a letter to Rajpoot Sports Company requesting them to supply various materials including kits and equipment.

SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank solutions for 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board Chapter 3 Section 3 : Writing Skills Set 5: B2. Report writing

Imagine you have recently witnessed a demonstration on “Health and Fitness” organized at your college campus. Write a report in about 100-150 words, adding all information and the overall happenings of this event.

As a coordinator of the “poetry recitation competition” held at your college campus, you are a witness to the overall organization of this programme. Write a report in about 100-150 words, adding all information and the overall happenings of this event.

Your institution recently organized an awareness program on “Social Media”. Write a report in about 100-150 words, adding all information and the overall happenings of this event.

Your class visited a “place of natural beauty” the other day. Write a report in about 100-150 words, about the prominent places you visited during the tour.

You have visited your uncle who is a primary teacher in a “Zilla Parishad School”. Being the regular contributor to your College Magazine, write a report in about 100-150 words, adding all information and the overall experience of your visit.

SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank solutions for 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board Chapter 3 Section 3 : Writing Skills Set 5: B3. Interview

Imagine, you have to conduct an interview of a distinguished personality in the field of your own choice. With the help of the given table and points draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions)

Name of the interviewee
(distinguished personality)
Area of Success/Reputation  
Duration of Interview  
1. Early life/struggle  
2. Hurdles in Education  
3. Role model/Inspiration  
4. Family support  
5. First success/achievement  
6. Success Plan  
7. Dreams unfulfilled  
8. Message  

Imagine, you have to conduct an interview of a distinguished personality in the field of sports. With the help of the given table and points draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions)

Name of the interviewee
(distinguished personality)
Area of Success/Reputation  
Duration of Interview  
1. Student life  
2. Early Interest  
3. Idols  
4. Primary training  
5. Opportunity  
6. Accomplishments  
7. Target/Goals  
8. Suggestion  

Imagine, you have to conduct an interview of a distinguished personality in the field of entertainment. With the help of the given table and points draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions)

Name of the interviewee
(distinguished personality)
Area of Success/Reputation  
Duration of Interview  
1. Inspiration  
2. Preparation  
3. Development  
4. Teacher/Guide  
5. Memorable moments  
6. Skills required  
7. Performances  
8. Do’s and Don’ts  

SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank solutions for 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board Chapter 3 Section 3 : Writing Skills Set 5: C1. Speech

The supervisor of your class is going to retire after 28 years of service in your college. You have been selected to deliver a speech at the farewell function arranged by the college staff and the students. Prepare a speech to be delivered at this occasion in about 120 words.

All over the world there is a growing awareness about the problems of climate change. Your college is observing ‘Earth Day’ on April 22. Draft a speech in about 120 words to be delivered before your college students on the need to support the cause.

Your college NCC unit has undertaken a cleanliness drive in your town. Prepare a speech that you would give as an NCC captain.

You can use the following points.

  • Cleanliness is next to godliness.
  • Need/Importance of cleanliness.
  • Effects of unhygienic conditions- diseases, pollutions, etc.
  • Suggestions and concluding the speech.

Imagine that as a part of the Republic Day celebrations, your college has organized an elocution competition. Prepare a speech in about 120 words on: My Idea of India as a Developed Country.

Prepare a short speech in about 120 words to be delivered before your class on ‘Blood Donation.’

SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank solutions for 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board Chapter 3 Section 3 : Writing Skills Set 5: C2. Compering

The annual social function of your junior college will be held next week on your college campus. Your friend and you have selected to compère the inauguration function of the programme. Prepare a script for the same with the help of the following points:

  • Introduction
  • Welcoming the guests
  • Lighting the traditional lamp
  • Inauguration of the annual function
  • Keynote address
  • Felicitation of successful students
  • Presidential address
  • Vote of Thanks!

Imagine that you are a compere of ‘Reading Day Programmes’ at your school to mark the birth anniversary of Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. Prepare a script for the same with the help of the following points.

  • Introduction.
  • Importance of the Day.
  • Reading for pleasure and profit.
  • Speech by your principal.
  • Different activities and felicitation of winners.
  • Vote of thanks

Imagine that you have been entrusted to compere the ceremonial flag hoisting programme by your district administration on the occasion of the formal ‘Republic Day’ function at your district headquarters. Prepare a script for compering of the ceremony with the help of the following points. Use some good thoughts and inspiring quotations.

  • Welcoming all the VIPs.
  • Flag hoisting by the Guardian Minister.
  • Speech by the Guardian Minister.
  • March past by the police and NCC troops.
  • Conclusion of the formal ceremony.

Imagine, you are given an opportunity to compere a programme at your college based on ‘English Language Day’. As a compere, draft the whole programme script deciding the flow of the overall programme. You may take help of the given hints:

  • prayer/introduction song
  • welcome & introduction
  • felicitation, speaker’s participation
  • presidential address
  • vote of thanks
  • any other important points

Imagine, you are given an opportunity to compere a programme organised at your college with reference to ‘Yoga Day.’ As a compere, draft the whole programme script deciding the flow of the overall programme. You may take help of the given hints:

  • Prayer/welcome song, introduction
  • Felicitation, yoga demonstration
  • Any other important points

SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank solutions for 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board Chapter 3 Section 3 : Writing Skills Set 5: C3. Expansion of idea

Expand the following idea with the help of the points given below. Write your answer in about 100 to 120 words. ‘Honesty is the best policy.’

  • Importance of honesty.
  • Use of the term- ‘policy’.
  • Supporting argument with examples.

Expand the following idea with the help of the points given below. Write your answer in about 100 to 120 words. ‘Believing in yourself is believing in the best’.

  • Having faith in your abilities.
  • Keep doing the work.
  • Supporting your argument with examples.

Expand the following idea with the help of the points given below: (100-150 words) ‘Humour is the Spice of Life’.

  • Problems/hurdles/negativities in life.
  • Purpose of relaxation.
  • Benefits of laughter and humour.
  • Change in attitude and approach.

Expand the following idea with the help of the points given below: (100-150 words) ‘Nature is the best teacher’

  • Hidden treasures in nature.
  • Purpose/Reasons to get close to nature.
  • Teaching/Learning about nature (why best teacher).
  • Gifts/Benefits from nature.

Expand the following idea with the help of the points given below: (100-150 words) ‘Friends – a real treasure’.

  • Need and spice of life.
  • Real share and care.
  • Commitment and inspiration.
  • Need of every moment.

SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank solutions for 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board Chapter 3 Section 3 : Writing Skills Set 5: D1. Review

As a part of the child film festival your college had arranged a screening of some films made for the children. Write a review of one of the films based on the theme of children with special needs. Use some of the points given below to write your review.

  • Title of the film and its importance.
  • The star cast.
  • The central idea of the film.
  • Performance by the actors.
  • Protagonist (Main character) of the film.
  • The message given in the film.
  • Your opinion and recommendations

Write a review of the film that you remember you’ve watched and can’t forget easily. Give details about the movie using the following supporting points.

  • Title of the film.
  • The star cast and production house (if you remember).
  • The gist of the plot.
  • The reason you like the film.
  • Your favourite scene from the movie.
  • Your opinion and recommendation.

You have recently read a book. Write a ‘Review’ on the same with the help of the following points:

  • Title of the book
  • Subject/Story/information
  • Language/Style/Presentation
  • Benefits/Message

You have recently watched a 05-minute video on YouTube titled “Interesting places to visit”.

Write a ‘Review’ on the same with the help of the following points:

  • Type/Purpose of the video
  • Content Presentation and Organisation of the video
  • Video Presentation & Graphics

You have recently read a famous magazine. Write a ‘Review’ on the same with the help of the following points:

  • Title of the magazine
  • Subject and Content
  • Special features/Attractions

SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank solutions for 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board Chapter 3 Section 3 : Writing Skills Set 5: D2. Blog

Write a ‘Blog’ in a proper format on "Cycling – A better way to Commute", with the help of the following points. (100-150 words)

  • Choice of bike
  • Safety equipment
  • Road safety rules

Write a ‘Blog’ in a proper format on ‘Safety Measures’, with the help of the following points. (100-150 words)

  • Need and Purpose
  • Safety equipment and use
  • Safety action plan
  • Management and Implementation
  • Advice/Suggestion/Guidance

Write a ‘Blog’ in a proper format on ‘Positivity in life’, with the help of the following points. (100-150 words)

  • Hurdles/Problems in life
  • Accepting facts and flaws
  • Reorganisation/Restart
  • Human instinct/Fight back
  • Will to Win.

Write a ‘Blog’ in a proper format on ‘recipe of my favourite dish’, with the help of the following points. (100-150 words)

  • Type of dish
  • Why you like it

SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank solutions for 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board Chapter 3 Section 3 : Writing Skills Set 5: D3. Appeal

Prepare an ‘Appeal’ on the topic ‘Say No to Drugs’ with the help of the following points. (100-150 words)

  • Overall harmful
  • Psychological/Physical disorders
  • Human actions - though the facts are know
  • Appeal to teenagers

Prepare an ‘Appeal’ on the topic ‘Stop Child Labour’ with the help of the following points. (100-150 words)

  • Basic Education
  • Lack of knowledge, behaviours and social thinking
  • Effect of education
  • Social behaviour and requirements
  • Appeal to society

Prepare an ‘Appeal’ on the topic ‘Avoid Fast Food’ with the help of the following points. (100-150 words)

  • Attraction of Fast-Food items.
  • Effects on body and mind.
  • Ways of avoiding fast food.
  • Options for fast food.
  • Appeal to society.

The students council of your college has organised a Blood Donation Camp to mark the national youth day. Prepare an appeal with the help of the following points.

  • An effective slogan
  • Use a logo or a picture
  • Blood donation – Noble cause
  • No loss of strength
  • Time, venue and date
  • Signature line

The NSS unit of your college has organised an awareness drive to mark the Road Safety Awareness Campaign at major squares in your town. Prepare an appeal with the help of the following points.

  • An effective slogan.
  • Use a logo or a picture.
  • Road Safety – Need of the hour.
  • Give way to others.
  • Places and Time of campaign.

SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank solutions for 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board chapter 3 - Section 3 : Writing Skills has the Maharashtra State Board Mathematics 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board Maharashtra State Board solutions in a manner that help students grasp basic concepts better and faster. The detailed, step-by-step solutions will help you understand the concepts better and clarify any confusion. SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank solutions for Mathematics 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board Maharashtra State Board 3 (Section 3 : Writing Skills) include all questions with answers and detailed explanations. This will clear students' doubts about questions and improve their application skills while preparing for board exams.

Further, we at provide such solutions so students can prepare for written exams. SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank textbook solutions can be a core help for self-study and provide excellent self-help guidance for students.

Concepts covered in 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board chapter 3 Section 3 : Writing Skills are Letter Writing, Flyer, Compering, Review, Essay Writing, View and Counterview, Writing Skills, Notice Writing, Appeal, Blog Writing, Dialogue Writing, E-mails Writing, Expansion of Ideas, Film Review, Interview Questions, Report Writing, Speech Writing, Reading Skills, Information Transfer, Narration, Paragraph Writing, Tourist Leaflet, Summary Writing, Summary Writing, Do Schools Really Kill Creativity? (Mind-mapping), Note Making, Statement of Purpose, Drafting a Virtual Message, Group Discussion, Figures of Speech, Parts of Speech, Spotting Errors, Free Verse, Homonyms, Grammar, Spotting Errors, Modal Auxiliary, Articles - A, An, The, Change the Voice, Vocabulary, Types of Sentences, Degrees of Comparison, Use ‘As Soon As’, ‘either ... or’ and ‘No Sooner ... Than’, Tense, Synonyms, Preposition, Use ‘Not Only but Also’, Degrees of Comparison, Direct-Indirect Speech, Gerunds, Participles, and Infinitives, Root Word, Idioms and Phrases, Clauses, Make a Sentence.

Using SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board solutions Section 3 : Writing Skills exercise by students is an easy way to prepare for the exams, as they involve solutions arranged chapter-wise and also page-wise. The questions involved in SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank Solutions are essential questions that can be asked in the final exam. Maximum Maharashtra State Board 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board students prefer SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank Textbook Solutions to score more in exams.

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English that goes straight to the heart

Summary Writing Examples With Answers

The summary is a brief account of the chief points of a passage. There is a great difference between the summary and the precis or the substance. The precis is the central idea of a passage.

In this post, we have added the top 10 Summary Writing Examples With Answers.

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  • First, read the passage thoroughly to understand its meaning and retain its main points.
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  • Try to figure out their meaning from the context.

Summary Writing Examples With Answers

Summary Writing Examples With Answers # 1

King Mahala was fond of gold more than anything else in the world. He treasured his royal crown because it was made of that precious metal. If he loved anything good or half as good, it was a little girl who played around her father’s feet so happily. But the more Mahala loved his daughter, the more he desired wealth. He thought the foolish man that he was, the best thing he could possibly do for his beloved child was to bestow upon him the great pile of yellow shiny coins that had been collected since the creation of the world.

So he gave all his thoughts and all his time to this one cause. If ever he looked for a moment at the golden clouds of sunset, he wished they were gold and that they could be safely squeezed into his strong box. (144 Words)

Chief Points:

(i) King Mahala was very fond of gold. (ii) He loved gold for his daughter to whom he wanted to give all the gold in the world. (iii) He even wished the gold-coloured clouds of the sunset to be true gold.

Title: King Mahala’s Obsession with Gold

Summary: King Mahala was fond of gold and treasured his royal crown, but the more he loved his daughter, the more he desired wealth. He decided to bestow upon her a pile of yellow shiny coins that had been collected since the creation of the world. (45 Words)

Summary Writing Examples With Answers # 2

Original Passage: Exercise in nature is very beneficial for both physical and mental health. In addition to the general benefits of exercise, such as improving cardiovascular health and increasing muscle strength, outdoor activities also provide an opportunity to experience the beauty and tranquillity of nature. It can increase feelings of well-being and reduce stress and anxiety. It is important to embrace the benefits of outdoor exercise and incorporate it into your regular routine. (141 words)

Title: The Benefits of Outdoor Exercise

Summary: Outdoor exercise has benefits for physical and mental health, including increasing well-being and reducing stress and anxiety. It is important to include outdoor exercise in your routine. (56 words)

Summary Writing Examples With Answers # 3

Original Passage: A man in the east left all worldly thoughts and went to a wood, where he built a hut and lived there. His only clothing was a piece of cloth that he wore around his waist. But luckily, mice were plentiful in the wood; So he had to keep a cat. Cats need milk; So he had to rear a cow. Cows needed tending, so a cowboy was hired.

The boy needed room to stay. So a house was built for him. A maid had to be employed to look after the house. A few more houses had to be built to provide company for the maids, and people were invited to stay in them. Thus, a small town sprung up in the lovely woods. (136 words)

Title – The Birth of a Town

Summary: Answer 1: A man in the east left all worldly thoughts and went to a wood, where he built a hut and lived there. He had to keep mice, cats, cows, and a cowboy. A house was built for him, a maid was employed to look after him, and a few more houses were built to provide company for the maids. Eventually, a small town sprung up in the woods. (68 words)

Summary: Answer 2: A man in the east left all worldly thoughts and built a hut in a wood, where he had to keep mice, cats, cows, and a cowboy. A house was built for him, a maid was employed, and people were invited to stay. (43 Words)

Also, Read How to Write a Summary?

Summary Writing Examples With Answers # 4

Original Passage: All the great things that have been done on earth have not been done for gold. The Lord Jesus did not come down and die on the cross for gold. The Spartans sought no reward when they fought and died at Thermopylae. The wise Socrates demands no salary from his countrymen but lives all day poor and barefoot only to make them good and noble. And even in our own time, there are heroes who do noble things but not for gold.

Our discoverers did not go out to enrich themselves when they set out on one terrible frozen sea after another: even the women who went to labour in Oriental hospitals did not impoverish themselves that they might become rich in great works. (136 words)

Title – Great Deeds Done For More than Gold

Summary: Answer 1: The great things that have been done on earth have not been done for gold, such as the Lord Jesus, the Spartans, Socrates, the wise Socrates, the discoverers, and the women who went to labour in Oriental hospitals. (38 words)

Summary: Answer 2: The great things that have been done on earth have not been done for gold. Jesus did not come down and die on the cross for gold, the Spartans sought no reward when they fought and died at Thermopylae, Socrates lived poor and barefoot to make people good and noble, and our discoverers did not go out to enrich themselves. Even women who went to labour in Oriental hospitals did not impoverish themselves to become rich in great works.(79 Words)

Summary Writing Examples With Answers # 5

Original Passage: Nelson, in childhood, did not have a strong body. Yet he gave evidence of that stout heart and nobility which have so distinguished him throughout his illustrious career. One day he strayed from his grandmother’s house with a cow. Dinner time passed; He was missing and could not be found. The family’s apprehension became great, for they feared that he might be taken away by the gipsies.

After much searching, he was found sitting huddled on the banks of a river which he could not cross. “I wonder, child,” said the old woman, seeing her, “that hunger and fear did not drive you home”, fear! Grandmother,” answered the future hero, “I was never afraid; What is it?” (137 words)

Title – Nelson’s Heroic Spirit

Summary: Nelson strayed from his grandmother’s house and was feared taken away by the gipsies. After much searching, he was found huddled on the banks of a river. His grandmother asked him why he was never afraid, and he replied that hunger and fear did not drive him home. (48 words)

Summary Writing Examples With Answers # 6

Original Passage: From the moment we are born, we cannot be alone; We stand in constant need of support from all around us, body and soul and spirit; We need clothes that other men make; Houses, which other men build, food, which other men produce; We earn our living by working for others, others earn their living by working for us.

As children we need our parents to be our comforters and take care of others: we cannot live a day without our peers; We need teachers to educate: books and masters to teach us trades; And when we learn it and settle ourselves in life, we need laws made by other men who died hundreds of years before we were born, to secure for us our rights and property, to secure our comfort in our station; And we need friends to comfort us in our sorrows and share our joys. (161 words)

Title – We can not live alone

Summary: We need support from all around us from the moment we are born. We need clothes, houses, food, and teachers to educate us, laws to secure our rights and property, and friends to comfort us in our sorrows and share our joys. We earn our living by working for others, and we need our parents to be our comforters and take care of others. (64 words)

Also, Read Summary Essay

Summary Writing Examples With Answers # 7

Original Passage: One night a holy man, Abu Ben Adhem by name, suddenly woke up from a deep dream of peace and saw in his moonlit room an angel writing something in a book of gold. He did not feel at all frightened. The peaceful face of the angel made Abu bold and he said to the angel, “What are you writing?” The angel looked up and replied in a kind and sweet tone, “I am taking down the names of those who love God.” “And is my name one among them?” Asked Abu. But the angel replied, ” No, it is not.” “I pray thee then,” said Abu, “To write me down as one who loves his fellowmen.”

The Angel wrote and vanished. The next night the angel came again with a great light which awaked Abu Ben Adhem: and he showed Abu the names of those who had been blessed by the love of God. And behold! the name of Abu was at the top of the list. (166 words)

Title – Abu Ben Adhem and the Angel / The Importance of Loving Your Fellowmen

Summary: Abu Ben Adhem woke up from a deep dream and saw an angel writing in a book of gold. He asked the angel to write his name down as one who loves his fellowmen, and the next night the angel showed him the names of those blessed by God, with his name at the top of the list. (58 words)

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Summary Writing Examples With Answers # 8

Original Passage: We call beautiful anything that gives us pleasure and that depends on things outside of us. Perhaps most people think the sea is beautiful only when it is blue. If one has been in Italy as a child and has grown up beside the grey North Sea, he will think that grey seas are ugly: and nothing can be so beautiful as the blue Mediterranean.

But suppose a Scotsman who loves Scotland should go to Italy. He might find the blue sea too uninteresting after a while. When he goes home and sees the grey sea again, he will see the sea as beautiful. We are made in different ways, and grey can be as beautiful as blue, just as a baby’s cry can be sweeter to someone’s ears than the best notes of the greatest singer of all time. Nothing is beautiful or ugly in itself, but thinking makes it so. (172 words)

Title – The Subjectivity of Beauty

Summary: Nothing in this world is beautiful or ugly. Things look beautiful or ugly according to our own idea of ​​beauty. The same thing may look different to people raised in different environments. Generally, most people consider beautiful a thing that gives pleasure. But it depends on our perspective. (56 words)

Summary Writing Examples With Answers # 9

Original Passage: Humans first appeared on earth a million and a half years ago. He was little more than an animal then. Still, early humans had some advantages over animals. He had a large brain, an erect body with fast-moving hands. He invented a language to communicate with his colleagues.

This ability to speak was of the highest value because it allowed men to share ideas and plan together: speech enabled the transmission of ideas from generation to generation. These special advantages put humans far ahead of all other living creatures. Since that distant time, when he first made his appearance, man has achieved a lot. (110 words)

Title – The Emergence of Humanity / From Animal to Human

Summary:Answer 1: Humans first appeared a million and a half years ago and had some advantages over animals, such as a large brain, an erect body, and the ability to speak. This enabled them to share ideas and plan together, making them far ahead of all other living creatures. Since then, they have achieved a lot. (54 words)

Summary:Answer 2: Humans first appeared a million and a half years ago, with a large brain, erect body, and language that enabled them to share ideas and plan.(26 Words)

Summary Writing Examples With Answers # 10

Original Passage: Charity is a universal duty, which is in every man’s power to be sometimes exercised since every assistance given to another from a right motive is an act of charity; and is seldom in such infirmity that he cannot benefit his neighbour in any case. He who cannot relieve the poor can instruct the ignorant, and he who cannot minister to the sick can restore the wicked.

He who can give little help himself may undertake the duty of alms by inciting the greed of others and recommending petitions that he cannot grant, to those who have more power to give. The widow who puts her mite into her treasury and the poor man who brings a cup of cold water to the thirsty will not lose their reward. (143 words)

Title – Every Act of Assistance is Charity

Summary: Charity, a universal duty, must be practiced by all, and can be practiced easily by each according to his ability. Besides money, any help in word or deed, such as nursing, teaching or reforming the wicked, is charity. Failure to do something personally can affect others. (47 words)

Also, Read Examples of Précis Writing

Summary Writing Examples With Answers # 11

Original Passage: Religion seems to me to be based primarily and mainly on fear. It is partly the terror of the unknown and the desire to feel that you have a kind of big brother who will stand by you in all your troubles and conflicts. Fear is the basis of the whole thing – fear of the mysterious, fear of failure, fear of death. Fear is the parent of cruelty and therefore, it is not surprising that cruelty and religion go together.

For fear in this world is the foundation of these two things, that we now understand certain things, and can master them with the help of science, which has forced its way step by step against Christianity: against the churches, and against all the opposition of the old doctrines.

Science can help us overcome this terrible fear that mankind has lived in for generations. Science can no longer teach us to look for allies in the sky but to look below at our own efforts to make this earth a habitable place. (186 words)

Title – The Role of Science Overcoming Fear

Summary: Religion is based on fear, fear of the unknown, fear of failure, and fear of death. Fear is the parent of cruelty, and science can help us overcome this fear by teaching us to look for allies in the sky and look below at our own efforts to make the earth a habitable place. (54 words)

Summary Writing Examples With Answers # 12

Original Passage: Mankind in general is not sufficiently acquainted with the import of the word justice. It is generally considered to include the performance of duties that society’s laws may mandate. This, I allow, is sometimes the import of the word, and in this sense, justice is distinguished from equity. But justice is still broader and unites all the virtues that can be shown. Justice may be defined as a virtue that urges us to give to every person what is his due.

In this extended sense of the word, it refers to the practice of every virtue that determines reason or should be expected of society. Our duty to our Creator, to each other and to ourselves is fully answered if we give them what we owe them. Thus, properly speaking, justice is the only virtue in which all the rest have their root. (150 words)

Title – The Importance of Justice

Summary: Justice, generally understood, means the fulfillment of duties sanctioned by society and in this sense, it differs from equity. But justice in a broader sense refers to the virtue of giving everyone what they deserve. It includes one’s duty to God and society and all other virtues. (47 words)

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