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Sample Theses by AUB Food Security Students

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The Syrian Refugees' Impact on Lebanon's Food Security / Noura Sakr  (Politecnico Milano)

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  • Agrarian transition and food security in the Village of Nahle, Northern Bekaa / Fatima Yahfoufi Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Food Security Program, 2023.
  • Exploring the potential role of urban agriculture as a community engagement strategy in universities during a food security crisis: the American university of Beirut as a case study / by Melody Tamer Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Food Security Program, 2022.
  • The contribution of urban agriculture to food security in post-conflict Syria / by Ali Hashem Alhasan. Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Food Security Program, 2021.
  • Agrarian transition and food security in the village of Nabha, Central Bekaa / by Nour El Houda Amhez. Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Food Security Program, 2019. ST:6925.
  • Agrarian transition and food security in the village of Khreibet El Jundi, Akkar, Lebanon / by Nour El-Jundi. Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Food Security Program, 2019. ST:6976.
  • Assessing ecologically sound practices influencing climate change adaptation strategies and food security : a case of smallholder farmers in central Bekaa, Lebanon / by Aliaa Ahmad Al Dirani. Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Food Security Program, 2019. ST:6975.
  • The effectiveness of food aid on food availability and food stability among small scale pastoralist communities in Tana River County, Kenya / by Kelvin Kiragu Kimani. Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Food Security Program , 2019. ST:7037.
  • The role of household-level dairy preservation ("mouneh" production) in the food, protein, and nutrition security, and in the food sovereignty of Jordanian households / by Hannah Nicholson. Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Food Security Program, 2019. ST:7038.
  • واقع الأمن الغذائي في الأردن = Food Security Status in Jordan by جوابرة ، رنيم زياد أحمد Publication Date: 2015
  • الأبعاد السياسية و الاقتصادية للأمن المائي العربي و أثره على الأمن الغذائي ( 2000 - 2013 م ) = Political and Economic Dimensions of the Arab Water Security and its Impact on Food Security 2000 - 2013 by الدغمي ، صايل رميح طنا Publication Date: 2014
  • التبعية الغذائية العربية و الأمن القومي العربي : الأسباب و الآثار = Food Dependency and Arab National Security : Causes and Effects by الشوك ، رباب علي جميل أمين Publication Date: 2011

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  • Undergraduate Honors Thesis

Food Insecurity Among College Students: An Assessment of Prevalence and Solutions Public Deposited

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thesis statement on food security

  • This study examines the prevalence of food insecurity within the University of Colorado Boulder student population. Food insecurity can have consequences for physical and mental health. In order to address the prevalence of food insecurity on campus, I used an online survey to collect data to determine the level of food security of 339 respondents, along with a variety of demographic variables. I found that 54% of the respondents were food insecure. Students that received financial aid were the most likely to be food insecure. These results suggest that food insecurity is a problem for a large amount of students studying at CU Boulder. Food assistance programs for students could address this issue; respondents suggested three types of program that they reported would be useful to them: on-campus food assistance, on-campus education programs, and off-campus food and grocery assistance. My study leads me to recommend that CU should have staff on campus who are dedicated to helping students locate food assistance resources in the state, and CU should offer meal plan assistance that is based on financial aid.
  • Adamovic, Emilie
  • Environmental Studies
  • Newton, Peter
  • House, Veronica
  • Miller, Dale
  • University of Colorado Boulder
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Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help Essay (Speech)

Introduction, works cited.

  • General Purpose: To persuade
  • Specific Purpose: To persuade listeners that the food insecurity issue is severe and that everyone can contribute to its solution.
  • Time: ~ 8 min.
  • Imagine a day when you have little strength and energy – you feel weakness and soreness – the feelings are rather unpleasant. Now imagine that you feel this discomfort and lack of strength every day.
  • In a world where for many people, any food is within walking distance and abundantly presented on supermarket shelves, it is easy to forget how many people are still starving. Moreover, hunger in its usual understanding of lack of food is only part of the problem. Some families are forced to choose cheap and low-quality food, only worsening their health. This problem usually intersects with others – frequent diseases and chronic conditions, high medical expenses, moral oppression, and similar issues.
  • Tie to the audience: This is not just a problem on remote continents about which reporters talk. People suffering from food insecurity can live in your community. Moreover, an irresponsible attitude and nature can lead to consequences for each of us.
  • Thesis Statement: The problem of food insecurity today is not in the amount of food but its availability. It affects people’s life quality and social development, but there are several measures that each of us can take.
  • Thus, I want to talk to you today about the very problem of food insecurity, its causes and consequences, and what individuals can do to help.

[Transition into the body of speech: I will begin with what is food security and insecurity and why it is so important.].

  • Description of Problem: Food insecurity is “a lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life” ( What is Food Insecurity? para. 2). Although the problem is closely related to hunger, this is a different concept since hunger refers to physical sensations, and insecurity refers to the lack of available resources and does not always imply hunger. Another phenomenon that helps to understand the problem better is food swamp – areas in which unhealthy food, such as fast food, is more accessible and common than a healthy one (Caspi para. 17).
  • Besides the daily feeling of hunger or weakness, food insecurity negatively affects physical and mental health and development, especially in children.
  • People experiencing food insecurity are more likely to suffer from chronic conditions such as diabetes, blood pressure problems, anemia, and similar issues ( Compromises and Coping Strategies para. 5). Without enough energy and health, they cannot improve their life quality.
  • Example, Narrative, or Testimony: Quality food is an essential condition for maintaining a person’s intellectual and physical abilities.
  • Extent of Problem: Some households often have a difficult choice between quality food and other vital needs.
  • According to the United Nations, the number of people suffering from the problem in the world reaches 690 million inhabitants, or almost 9% ( Goal 2: Zero Hunger para. 1).
  • In America, one in nine citizens experience food insecurity problems, equating to 37 million people, of which 11 million are children ( What is Food Insecurity? para. 1).
  • More than 60% of American citizens facing food insecurity are forced to choose between food and utilities, healthcare, or transportation ( Compromises and Coping Strategies para 2). To save money, about 80% of affected people choose unhealthy food ( Compromises and Coping Strategies para. 4).
  • At the same time, about 1.3 billion tonnes of food, a third of all food produced for people, is wasted every year (Depta para. 2).
  • Who is Affected: Food insecurity can affect adults, children, people of different nationalities – all low-income citizens. It can be caused by economic instability, extreme weather events such as drought or flooding, armed conflicts, and similar problems ( Global Report on Food Crises 2021 para. 2-3).

Example/Narrative and/or Facts/Statistics: Nevertheless, the representation of the problem reflects the general picture of the population – African Americans and Hispanics suffer more (Caspi para. 14). Injustice is associated with general discriminatory practices and their consequences – difficulties accessing opportunities, lack of affordable housing, and other problems.

[Transition: As you can see, the reasons for food insecurity are deep, and states should devote part of their activities to its solution. However, each person can also take several measures to help improve the situation.]


  • How Solution Satisfies Need: A responsible attitude towards the environment will slow climate change, giving time to solve problems in the long term. Charity will have an effect in the short term, as it will provide the necessary resources to those who need them.
  • How Solution can be Implemented: To take action, you need awareness of the problem and solutions and participation in charitable organizations’ work.
  • Step 1 of Plan: Responsible attitude to the environment involves recycling, not pollution of nature, saving natural resources, and similar measures that everyone can learn.
  • Step 2 of Plan: It is necessary to prevent the excessive purchase of food and its throwing out by planning meals and supporting local producers.
  • Step 3 of Plan: Participation in charity can be different – volunteering or making donations. You only need to find suitable initiatives in your area using the Internet.

[Transition: Thus, you can start solving global problems with small steps but achieve great results.]


  • Describe Expected Results of Action: The more people learn about the problem and take action, the greater their effect. In particular, responsible food consumption and the purchase will reduce surplus production and use resources in less affluent areas. Taking care of the environment will also slow climate change. Finally, helping people get the nutrition necessary for a healthy life will improve the nation’s health and well-being.
  • Describe Consequences of Inaction: If the problem is ignored, the number of people who do not receive the necessary nutrition will increase. Their oppressed condition will prevent them from showing their potential and talents and investing it in the development of society. Moreover, we contribute to inequality, discrimination, environmental degradation, and other related issues by ignoring the problem.

[Transition: In conclusion]

  • Brakelight: In conclusion, as you see, the solution to global problems is the shared responsibility of each of us.
  • Summary: I provided to you information about what food insecurity is, its danger, the reasons, and how to deal with it. The inaccessibility of quality food negatively affects people’s health and well-being and can be triggered by poverty, environmental disasters, inequality, and other causes.
  • Tie Back to the Audience: Although it may seem that the responsibility lies with others – politicians, corporations, international organizations, everyone makes a choice – whether or not to help.
  • Concluding Remarks:

CALL TO ACTION: I encourage you to be responsible in your lifestyle, help others and take care of your health.

Caspi, Caitlin. “What is Food Insecurity?” The Conversation , 2021, Web.

“Compromises and Coping Strategies.” Feeding America , Web.

Depta, Laura. “Global Food Waste and its Environmental Impact.” Reset , 2018, Web.

“Global Report on Food Crises 2021.” Reliefweb , 2021, Web.

“Goal 2: Zero Hunger.” United Nations , Web.

“What is Food Insecurity?” Hunger + Health , Web.

  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2022, July 23). Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help.

"Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help." IvyPanda , 23 July 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help'. 23 July.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help." July 23, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help." July 23, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help." July 23, 2022.

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  • Promoting Fast Food Ingredient Awareness
  • Wildlife Conservation and Food Safety for Human
  • Food Processing and Preservation Methods
  • The Role of Sweeteners in Weight Gain
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Research Proposal SAMPLE: Assessing Food Insecurity (Food-Access Inequality) In Southeast San Diego Households

Profile image of Jessica Baltmanas Little

Although an estimated 85.5% of American households were considered food secure in 2010, about 48.8 million people weren’t (Andrews et al.). These households struggled with being able to access proper and enough food for the members of their home to have healthy growth and development. In the proposed study, I seek to assess the degree to which households in Southeast San Diego are food secure by measuring their level of access to healthy foods. Results will place households on a continuum developed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to have high, marginal, low, or very low food security compiled by the USDA Economic Research Service and listed in Appendix A. The access to food I will be focusing on is the proximity to sufficient grocery stores. I will be assessing the sufficiency of grocery stores in providing healthy food options, the availability of supermarkets, and geographical limitations to accessing these goods (such as transportation). By using research tools of surveys, interviews, online databases, and mapping, I will be able to assess a household’s access to healthy foods and determine the number of households and members in these households who have low access to healthy foods. The household interview in Appendix B will be analyzed to find trends of needs and suggestions for ways to improve the community. The survey of grocery stores in Appendix C will be analyzed independently to find possible trends of the availability and unavailability of certain food products. By also assessing the general racial/ethnic demographics of Southeast San Diego, I will be able to study how the degree of food access may disproportionately affect people of color. A second part to this research must be conducted to study the affordability of the healthy foods that these communities can access, with respect to race/ethnicity. A third part to the research must study the health consequences of the disparity of food access and affordability, with respect to race/ethnicity. The fourth part to this research project must be conducted to cater solutions to the problems of food access, affordability, and health disparities discovered in Southeast San Diego communities, with respect to race/ethnicity.

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Food security research with resettled refugees in the United States and other Global North countries has found alarmingly high rates of food insecurity, up to 85% of surveyed households. This is well above the current US average of 12.7%. However, the most common survey tool used to measure food security status in the US, the US Household Food Security Survey Module (HFSSM), has not been sufficiently validated for resettled refugee populations, leading to the risk that the HFSSM may actually be underestimating the prevalence of food insecurity among resettled refugees in the US. Though research has attempted to establish validity of the HFSSM for resettled refugees through statistical associations with other risk factors for food insecurity, no efforts have been made to first explore and establish the content validity of the HFSSM for measuring food security among resettled refugees. Content validity is an essential component of construct validity. It first requires a qualitative theoretical foundation for demonstrating the relationships of the test contents to the underlying construct (ie food security) that the test intends to measure. Our research explores these theoretical relationships through a qualitative grounded study of food insecurity and food management experiences described by resettled refugees living in Vermont. We conducted 5 semi-structured focus groups in the summer and fall of 2015 with Bhutanese (2 groups), Somali Bantu (1 group), and Iraqi (2 groups) resettled refugees. During the focus groups, we inquired about food management practices under typical circumstances and under circumstances of limited household resources, as well as difficulties participants have faced in these processes. Additionally, I conducted 18 semi-structured interviews and 1 focus group in the same time frame with service providers who have worked with resettled refugees in capacities primarily related to food, health, and household resources. These interviews provided additional data about context, household food management practices among clients, and triangulating data for the focus groups. A Grounded Theory analysis of the focus group data yielded 5 major emergent themes: 1) Past food insecurity experiences of resettled refugee participants exerted significant influence on the subjective perception of current food insecurity. 2) Barriers other than just financial resources restricted participants’ food security, especially for recently resettled refugees. 3) Preferred foods differed significantly between generations within households. 4) Common elements of quality and quantity included in the definition and measurement of food security did not translate into the languages or experiences of food insecurity among participants. 5) Strategic and adaptive food management practices prevailed among participants, highlighting the temporality and ambiguity of food security concepts. These themes present potential problems of content validity for every HFSSM question. They also reveal the importance of food security concepts that are not covered by the HFSSM, including elements of nutritional adequacy of food, food safety, social acceptability of food and of means of acquiring food, short and long term certainty of food access, and food utilization. I conclude by discussing implications of our findings for service providers and local governments in Vermont who seek to better serve resettled refugee and other New American populations.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Food security'

Create a spot-on reference in apa, mla, chicago, harvard, and other styles.

Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Food security.'

Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen work in the citation style you need: APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, Vancouver, etc.

You can also download the full text of the academic publication as pdf and read online its abstract whenever available in the metadata.

Browse dissertations / theses on a wide variety of disciplines and organise your bibliography correctly.

Gabbert, Silke, and Hans-Peter Weikard. "Food deficits, food security and food aid : concepts and measurement." Universität Potsdam, 1998.

Duncan, Jessica. "The reformed Committee on World Food Security and the global governance of food security." Thesis, City University London, 2014.

Mannette, Jessica. "Food Security in Urban New Zealand: Food Waste, Food Utopias, and Food Values." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2020.

Parnell, Winsome R., and n/a. "Food security in New Zealand." University of Otago. Department of Human Nutrition, 2005.

Butrico, Gina Marie. "Food Security and Identity: Iceland." Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2013.

MANE, ERDGIN. "Microeconometric analysis of food security." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2010.

Raedeke, Maurine A. "Food security, nutrition and health of food pantry participants." Diss., Columbia, Mo. : University of Missouri-Columbia, 2007.

Korale, Gedara Pradeepa. "Food Market Integration and Food Security in Sri Lanka." Thesis, Griffith University, 2015.

Esamwata, Joab O. "Exporting food, importing food aid? : Kenya and food security in the world food system." Thesis, Kansas State University, 2014.

Drewett, Jessica. "Student food security: the (dis)connection between student food experiences, sustainability and green spaces from the lens of food security." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2018.

Cochrane, Logan. "Strengthening food security in rural Ethiopia." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2017.

Long, Lauren Christine. "Food security and family well-being." Thesis, Montana State University, 2007.

Kersten, Larissa C. S. K. "Food security and Preferential Trade Agreements." Thesis, University of Essex, 2018.

Al-Azri, Masoud. "Modelling crop diseases for food security." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2017.

McQueary, Brandy Jeanette. "Cincinnati Food Security: A Community Assessment." Cincinnati, Ohio : University of Cincinnati, 2008.

Taylor, Nicole. "The Public Market System of New Orleans: Food Deserts, Food Security, and Food Politics." ScholarWorks@UNO, 2005.

Smith, Kara C. 1974. "The Lane County Food Policy Council and Re-framing Food Security." Thesis, University of Oregon, 2008.

Adjapong, Frederick Kwaku. "Linking Food Security Governance and Changing Food Security Priorities: A Case Study of the Northern Region of Ghana." Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2021.

González, Calabuig Andreu. "Electronic Tongues for food and security applications." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2018.

Jeanty, Pierre Wilner. "Two essays on environmental and food security." Columbus, Ohio : Ohio State University, 2006.

Lambden, Allison Jill. "Food security of Canadian Arctic indigenous women." Thesis, McGill University, 2006. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=99342.

Bajželj, Bojana. "Land use, food security and climate change." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2015.

Malan, LP, and Rooyen EJ van. "Community partnerships- enhancing municipal food security policy." Journal of Public Administration, 2010.

Williams, Dana M. "Food security and access in Akron, Ohio." Akron, OH : University of Akron, 2002.

Solaroli, Laura <1983&gt. "Assessing Food Security in Selected Mediterranean Countries." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2014.

Solaroli, Laura <1983&gt. "Assessing Food Security in Selected Mediterranean Countries." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2014.

Chen, Jinzhou <1995&gt. "Food Security Drivers: the case of China." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2020.

Gupta, Rachita. "Study of food security impediments in India." Thesis, IIT Delhi, 2019.

Tincani, Lucrezia Stella. "Resilient livelihoods : adaptation, food security and wild foods in rural Burkina Faso." Thesis, SOAS, University of London, 2012.

Zhao, Ke. "Australian water security and Asian food security: complexity and macroeconomics of sustainability." Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2015.

O'Hare-Gordon, Meagan Ann. "School-Based Food Programming in the Northwest Territories: Working Towards More than Just Food Security." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2016.

Whiting, Erin Feinauer. "Understanding reservation hunger food acquisition and food security among the northern Cheyenne /." Diss., Columbia, Mo. : University of Missouri-Columbia, 2006.

Webb-Yeates, Morgan. "Food Defense Among Meat Processing and Food Service Establishments in Kentucky." TopSCHOLAR®, 2013.

Gendron, Danielle Renee. "Eating Gitxaała, being Gitxaała : food and cultural security." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2016.

Stokes, Hamish Maynard. "Food security debate : limited logic and partial truths /." Title page, contents and abstract only, 2001.

Wright, Helena Louise. "Effective finance for food security under climate change." Thesis, Imperial College London, 2014.

Tiwasing, Pattanapong. "Nutrition, labour productivity and food security in Thailand." Thesis, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2016.

Yobom, Oudah. "Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security in Sahel." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2020.

Johnson, Michelle. "Measurement of household food security in rural Ecuador." The Ohio State University, 2005.

Kane, Kathleen Joanne. "Diet quality and Food Security of Cancer Patients." The Ohio State University, 2018.

Nakabo, Ssewanyana Sarah. "Women and household food security in rural Uganda." Thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, 2000.

Kankwamba, Henry [Verfasser]. "Economic disruptions, markets and food security / Henry Kankwamba." Bonn : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2020.

Delbourg, Esther. "Achieving water security through cooperation and food trade." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016.

Dhungel, Tanka Prasad. "Agro-Economic environment and food security in Sikkim." Thesis, University of North Bengal, 2018.

Foord, Wayne. "Energy scarcity and food security : strategies for transition to resilient food system governance." Thesis, Queen's University Belfast, 2016.

Reynolds, Stuart David. "Resilience to food insecurity: Measuring access to food in the urban environment." Thesis, University of Canterbury. Geography, 2014.

Yao, Ruoxue. "Trends in beverage consumption among U.S. food secure and food insecure adults: NHANES 2001-2010." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2013.

Chhabra, Surbhi. "Social Capital, Social Support, and Food Insecurity in Food Pantry Users." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2012.

Munim, Khandaker Mohammed Ashraful. "Salinity intrusion and food security : evidence from three food systems in south-western Bangladesh." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2013.

Mwakatoga, Joyce Donald. "Improving Food Production and Food Security in Tanzania through a Youth DevelopmentProgram in Agriculture." The Ohio State University, 2016.

thesis statement on food security

Food Security Research Papers, Thesis, Dissertations, Projects for Students and Researchers

food security research

Whether you are an undergrad or postgraduate student or researcher working on food security research, this may be helpful.

The United Nation’s Committee on World Food Security defines food security as all people of the world having access to safe, sufficient and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary need for an active/healthy life.

For anyone doing research on food security;

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  • food security project 
  • food security thesis and dissertations

Whether you are looking for food security research topics or wish to glean relevant materials for your topic the above links will prove useful. You may also go through some of the selected food security research papers thesis, projects below.

Some Food Security Research Papers

Improvement of food security in Nigeria

Food security is made up of two words “food” and “secure”, meaning “securing of food”.The opposite of food security is food insecurity. It is a sad situation of limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate or safe food.Different countries have different methods of combating food insecurity. For Nigeria, sustainable agricultural intervention by all stakeholders is the key. Having seen the aftermath of food insecurity, the question then is what is the way forward in improving food security in Nigeria? | See full document

Food Security; Improving Food Security and Livelihoods

Food security, as defined by the United Nations’ Committee on World Food Security, means that all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life.

Food security exists when “all people, at all times have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life”. Close to 800 million individuals do not have access to enough food, 2 billion individuals experience key micronutrient deficiencies, and; 60% of individuals in low-income countries are food insecure. | See full document

Food Security in Nigeria: A Case Study of President Buhari’s Agricultural Policy (2015- 2018)

Squealing to the discovery of petroleum, Nigeria has rapidly grown into a major food importing nation as the government has become neglectful of the agricultural sector since petroleum is considered a more viable resource for economic development. This situation quickly polarized the nation into high and low income groups. Unfortunately, while only small fraction of the population benefited from the oil wealth, the population suffered the misfortune of food insecurity as they can hardly afford the rising prices of imported foods. However, this paper highlights the important role the Buhari’s regime have played in revamping the agricultural sector in overturning the food insecurity problems that befell Nigeria and the coping strategies. | See full document

Analysis of Food Security Among Farming Households in Imo State

Prevalence of food insecurity has remained a concern in Imo State and indeed the Sub-Saharan Africa. Hence, this study investigated the analysis of food security among farming households in Imo State, Nigeria. Multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 144 farmers for this study. Information on the objectives of this study was elicited from the sampled respondents through a well- structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Food security index and Probit regression model. | See full document

Gender Differentials in Rural Households’ Food Security Coping Strategies in South-Western Nigeria

The study was carried out to investigate gender differences in rural households’ food security coping strategies in South-Western Nigeria. A multi stage sampling technique was used in selecting 252 respondents utilized for the study. A well-structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from them. The result shows that the females were older than the male with a mean age of 50 and 45 years respectively. Most of the male respondents were married as against the females. | See full document

Food Security: A Means to Sustainable Economic Growth

No doubt, no matter the development and height any person can scale, food will always remain relevant. The last thing that will get off anybody’s budget is food. It is a life-long essential and it will remain relevant as long as life remains. The paper exposes how important food security is and how food security can bring about sustainable economy growth. The paper recommends that public policy makers must as a matter of urgency see food security as a vital means to sustainable economic growth and as such develop sufficient political will to achieve increased food production; evolve food policy and eventually attain food security for all. | See full document

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Some Food Security Thesis

Food security thesis are postgraduate thesis written on food security and related topics. We have a lot of them on Afribary. Some of the available thesis include;

Relative Effect of Food and Cash Remittances on Household Food Security

Considerable policy consensus concerning cash remittance as an operational model in the household food security policy dialogue has been established, yet, little knowledge base exists with regard to food remittances and its effect on food security. In view of this, the study focused on food remittance against the backdrop of remittance and food security. Specifically, the study examined spatial variability in food security outcomes across districts in Ghana, the impact of food remittance on household food security and the relative effect of food and cash remittance on household food security. View full document

Determinants Of Food Security Status Of Smallholder Farming Households In The Wa West And Sissala West Districts Of The Upper West Region Of Ghana

Smallholder farmers play a vital role in food production in Ghana. However, their households are major casualties of food insecurity despite their efforts in food production. This study sought to identify the determinants of food security status and describe the coping strategies used among smallholder farming households in the Upper West Region of Ghana. The study calculated a food security index (FSI) to determine the food security status of households in the study area. View full document.

Food Security In The Semi-Arid Machakos County: A Case Study Of Mwala Sub-County

Ensuring food security is a global significant challenge despite struggles to increase agricultural productivity, food distribution and identify appropriate policy interventions to cub food shortage. The recent recurrent incidences of food deficit in Kenya have placed the nation among the 20 most food insecure countries in the world. Food insecurity in the country is a prevalent issue since approximately 84% the country’s landmass is covered by arid and semi-arid land. View full document.

The Nexus Between Usaid-Funded Food Security Programs And Positive Peace: A Case Of Ensure Program, Buhera

This research constitutes one of the first attempts to provide a comprehensive review of the circular relationship between food security and positive peace. It offers some insights on the impact of food security on positive peace and its related development outcomes and how the absence of positive peace contributes to food insecurity. This way it is possible to look beyond income, entitlements or livelihoods related-frameworks as the drivers of food insecurity. View full document

Assessing The Food Security Status Of Smallholder Farm Households In The Northern Region Of Ghana

Smallholder farmers play a vital role in food production especially through subsistence farming. However, their households are major casualties of food insecurity despite their efforts in food production. This study seek to assess the food security status, factors influencing household food security status and coping strategies used among smallholder farm households in West Mamprusi (WMD) and Mamprugu Moaduguri (MMD) Districts in the Northern region of Ghana. The study used the COC, HDDS and HFCS methods to explore the food security status of households in the study area. View full document

The Contribution Of Self Help Groups To Household Food Security In Kakamega Central District, Kenya

Food security is the first of the eight Millennium Development Goals, which seeks to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by the year 2015. Despite Kakamega Central District having so many SHGs, studies have shown that food insecurity was on the rise. The study examined the contribution of SHGs to household food security by comparing the food security status between members and non members of SHGs. View full document

Institutional Determinants Of Food Security In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Singida Region

Food insecurity is relatively high in Singida Region although there has been an influx of development related institutions, some of which deal with food security. The extent to which the two were linked was empirically unknown. Therefore, the research for this thesis was conducted in Iramba and Singida Districts of Singida Region to determine the role of institutions in improving food security. View full document

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Some Food Security Dissertations 

Food Security Policies And Nutrition In Zimbabwe; Case Study Of Mashonaland Central Province: 2000 To 2015

The paper examines the role of food security policies that have been inaugurated or put in place to ensure food security and nutrition in Zimbabwe since 2000 till date. Such an idea has been necessitated culminating from Zimbabwe experiencing severe food shortage of crop and meet production due to continued early termination of rains (droughts), effects of the fast track land reform, banning of humanitarian aid societies, reduced socio-economic development, increased mortality and mobility among others. View full document

Impact Of Agricultural Adaptation Strategies To Climate Change And Variability On Food Security In Mwanga District, Tanzania

Climate change and variability (CCV) has posed great challenges on agriculture around the world. In response, the farmers and the Tanzanian government have employed different adaptation strategies to cope with this problem. However, Mwanga among other districts are still faced with the problem of food insecurity as a result of impacts of CCV on food crop production. View full document

Contribution Of International Organisations In Enhancing Food Security A Case Of World Food Programme In Chamwino District, Dodoma

This study focused on the contribution of international organizations in enhancing food security: A case of World Food Programme in Chamwino District, Dodoma. The general objective of this study was to assess the contribution of World Food Programme in enhancing Food Security. The study specifically intended to (a) determine various strategies used by World Food Programme to solve food insecurity in Chamwino District, (b) examine how WFP strategies contribute to solving household food insecurity in the study area, (c) assess people‟s perception of strategies used by WFP to solve food insecurity in the study area. View full document

Effects Of Local Government In Promoting Food Security In Tanzania: A Case Of Manyoni District

This study was set to examine the effect of local Government of Tanzania in promoting food security at the household level a case study of Manyoni district. Specific objectives were to examine the strategy used by local government in promoting food security at the household‟s level, to determine the challenges facing local government in promoting food security to the household‟s level and to analyze the achievement of local government reached in promoting food security at household level. View full document

The Efficacy Of Prison Farms Towards Food Security At Chikurubi Maximum Prison

The research sought to find out the contribution of Chikurubi Farm Prison Towards Food Security in the ZPCS. The ZPCS has been affected by food insecurity and due to several factors that include the nation’s economic problems and successive droughts. The concept of food insecurity caused immense suffering to inmates. This has caused the student to research how Chikurubi Farm Prison can contribute to food security in the ZPCS. This research sought to explain the food security situation in the ZPCS. View full document

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  1. PDF The Relationship Among Food Security and By A Thesis Submitted in

    1 CHAPTER I LITERATURE REVIEW Prevalence of Food Insecurity Food security is defined as consistent, dependable access to enough food for an active and healthy lifestyle. Food insecurity is present when a household's access to adequate food is limited by a lack of money and other resources (Coleman-Jensen et al.,

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    This thesis examines the relationship between post-secondary student status and household food insecurity. Food insecurity refers to uncertain or inadequate access to food due to financial constraints. This project aims to examine the demographic factors and household characteristics

  3. PDF Dissertation Three Essays on Food Security and Dietary Diversity

    food security with dietary diversity at the national level in different countries. To build the index, PCA was used to evaluate the contribution of all 31 indicators of the four dimensions of food security (food availability, food accessibility, food utilization, and stability) represented in the FAO data set between 1990 and 2011.

  4. PDF Food Insecurity and Related Correlates Among Students Attending

    Household food security is often measured using the 18-item Household Food Security Survey Module (HFSSM) or the 10-item Adult Food Security Survey Module (AFSSM) published by the USDA/ERS. These tools classify households/individuals on a four-point food security scale ranging from high food security to very low food security. Accordingly,

  5. PDF The Effects of International Monetary Fund Programs on Food Security a

    effects of IMF programs on food security. Taking into account that poverty is a key factor affecting food security (Saad, 2015) and household spending is the strongest driver of food security (Allee et al., 2021), I hypothesize that IMF programs decrease food security in borrowing countries. This can occur through several related channels.

  6. (PDF) The Concept of Food Security

    Abstract. Food security is de fined as a situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their ...

  7. Food for Thought: Food Insecurity and Academic Performance

    A raw score of zero indicates high food security; a raw score of 1-2 indicates marginal food security; a raw score of 3-7 represents low food security, and a raw score of 8-18. represents very low food security ( In 2019, the USDA reported that 11.1% (14.3 million) of American households were.

  8. College Students Experiencing Food Insecurity at San Jose State University

    average of food insecurity found in 14.5% of households (Feeding America, 2015). And although food insecurity can conceivably affect students of all racial and ethnic. backgrounds, certain demographic groups of students experience it at disproportionate. rates, including students of color and low-income students4.

  9. (PDF) Vulnerability and resilience to food and nutrition insecurity: A

    Current approaches to measuring food and nutrition security (FNS) mainly consider past access to food, while assessing vulnerability and resilience to food insecurity requires a dynamic setting ...

  10. (PDF) Scholarly Research in Food Security: A Bibliometric Analysis of

    Global Food Security: Agriculture, Policy, Economics and Environment GFS) is. a leading peer-reviewed journal founded in 2012. The aims and scope of GFS. are broad. The journal has developed the ...

  11. PDF Food Security Status and Its Determinants Among Rural Households in Oda

    I hereby certify that I have read and evaluated this Thesis entitled "Food Security Status and Its Determinants among Rural Households in Oda Bultum District, West Hararghe Zone, Oromia ... STATEMENT OF THE AUTHOR By signature below, I declare and affirm that this thesis is my original work. I have followed

  12. PDF Impact of Livelihood Diversification on Household Food Security: the

    Figure 2.0 Evolution and Shifts in Understanding Food Security 49 Figure 2.1 Interrelationships between Food Security Components 63 Figure 2.2 Adequacy and Stability Dimensions of Food Security 68 Figure 2.3 Analytical Framework Analysing Household Food Security 69 Figure 2.4 How Households Access Food 71

  13. Theses & Dissertations

    Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Food Security Program , 2019. ST:7037. The role of household-level dairy preservation ("mouneh" production) in the food, protein, and nutrition security, and in the food sovereignty of Jordanian households / by Hannah Nicholson. Thesis.

  14. Undergraduate Honors Thesis

    Food insecurity can have consequences for physical and mental health. In order to address the prevalence of food insecurity on campus, I used an online survey to collect data to determine the level of food security of 339 respondents, along with a variety of demographic variables. I found that 54% of the respondents were food insecure.

  15. Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help Essay (Speech)

    Thesis Statement: The problem of food insecurity today is not in the amount of food but its availability. It affects people's life quality and social development, but there are several measures that each of us can take. ... [Transition into the body of speech: I will begin with what is food security and insecurity and why it is so important.].


    The United States has invested nearly $1 billion a year to address global hunger, poverty, and malnutrition since the launch of its global hunger and food security initiative, Feed the Future, in 2010. The results from concentrating strategies and funding in select focus countries reaped impressive returns.

  17. Research Proposal SAMPLE: Assessing Food Insecurity (Food-Access

    Raw score 0-1—High or marginal food security (raw score 1 may be considered marginal food security, but a large proportion of households that would be measured as having marginal food security using the household or adult scale will have raw score zero on the six-item scale) Raw score 2-4—Low food security Raw score 5-6—Very low food ...

  18. Food Security Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    18 essay samples found. Food Security is the condition where all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food. Essays might explore the strategies to achieve food security, challenges like climate change or political instability hindering food security, and the roles of individuals ...

  19. Missouri State University : BearWorks Institutional Repository

    Missouri State University : BearWorks Institutional Repository

  20. Dissertations / Theses: 'Food security'

    Create a spot-on reference in APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, and other styles. Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Food security.'. Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen ...

  21. Food Security Research Papers, Thesis, Dissertations, Projects for

    You may also go through some of the selected food security research papers thesis, projects below. Some Food Security Research Papers . Improvement of food security in Nigeria. Food security is made up of two words "food" and "secure", meaning "securing of food".The opposite of food security is food insecurity.

  22. Thesis Statement.docx

    Thesis Statement Food insecurity has always been a widespread global issue, especially in developing countries, and in low income households within developed countries. Food security is defined as having the availability, accessibility, and affordability to safe, nutritious, and sustainable foods for everyone at all times (Rojas et al., 2011). Even in Vancouver, a highly-developed city in a ...

  23. Doctoral Dissertation: Strengthening Food Security in Rural Ethiopia

    Abstract and Figures. Food insecurity in rural areas of southern Ethiopia is widespread; in recent years over half of all communities in this region have been reliant upon emergency support ...