Interesting Literature

A Summary and Analysis of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

Death of a Salesman is that rare thing: a modern play that is both a classic, and a tragedy. Many of the great plays of the twentieth century are comedies, social problem plays, or a combination of the two. Few are tragedies centred on one character who, in a sense, recalls the theatrical tradition that gave us Oedipus, King Lear, and Hamlet.

But how did Miller come to write a modern tragedy? What is Death of a Salesman about, and how should we analyse it? Before we come to these questions, it might be worth briefly recapping the plot of what is, in fact, a fairly simple story.

Death of a Salesman : summary

The salesman of the title is Willy Loman, a travelling salesman who is in his early sixties. He works on commission, so if he doesn’t make a sale, he doesn’t get paid. His job involves driving thousands of miles around the United States every year, trying to sell enough to put food on his family’s table. He wants to get a desk job so he doesn’t have to travel around any more: at 62 years of age, he is tired and worn out.

He is married to Linda. Their son, Biff, is in his thirties and usually unemployed, drifting from one temporary job to another, much to Willy’s displeasure. Willy’s younger son, Happy, has a steady job along and his own home, and is therefore a success by Willy’s standards.

However, Happy, despite his name, isn’t happy with the life he has, and would quite like to give up his job and go and work on a ranch out West. Willy, meanwhile, is similarly dreaming, but in his case of the past, rather than the future: he thinks back to when Biff and Happy were small children and Willy was a success as a salesman.

The Lomans’ neighbour, Charley, offers Willy a job to help make ends meet, but Willy starts to reminisce about his recently deceased brother, Uncle Ben, who was an adventurer (and young Willy’s hero). Linda tells her sons to pay their father some respect, even though he isn’t himself a ‘great man’.

It emerges that Willy has been claiming to work as a salesman but has lately been borrowing money as he can’t actually find work. His plan is to take his own life so his family will receive life insurance money and he will be able, with his death, to do what he cannot do for them while alive: provide for them. Biff agrees reluctantly to go back to his former boss and ask for a job so he can contribute to the family housekeeping.

Meanwhile, Willy asks his boss, Howard, for his desk job and an advance on his next pay packet, but Howard sacks Willy. Willy then goes to Charley and asks for a loan. That night, at dinner, Willy and Biff argue (Biff failed to get his own former job back when his old boss didn’t even recognise him), and it turns out that Biff once walked in on his father with another woman.

Willy goes home, plants some seeds, and then – hearing his brother Ben calling for him to join him – he drives off and kills himself. At his funeral, only the family are present, despite Willy’s prediction that his funeral would be a big affair.

Death of a Salesman : analysis

Miller’s family had been relatively prosperous during the playwright’s childhood, but during the Great Depression of the 1930s, as with many other families, their economic situation became very precarious. This experience had a profound impact on Miller’s political standpoint, and this can be seen in much of his work for the theatre.

Death of a Salesman represented a decisive change of direction for the young playwright. His previous success as a playwright, All My Sons , was a social drama heavily influenced by Henrik Ibsen, but with his next play, Miller wished to attempt something new. The mixture of hard-hitting social realism and dreamlike sequences make Death of a Salesman an innovative and bold break with previous theatre, both by Miller and more widely.

In his essay ‘ Tragedy and the Common Man ’ (1949), which Miller wrote to justify his artistic decision to make an ordinary American man the subject of a theatrical tragedy, Miller argued that the modern world has grown increasingly sceptical, and is less inclined to believe in the idea of heroes.

As a result, they don’t see how tragedy, with its tragic hero, can be relevant to the modern world. Miller argues, on the contrary, that the world is full of heroes. A hero is anybody who is willing to lay down his life in order to secure his ‘sense of personal dignity’. It doesn’t matter what your social status or background is.

Death of a Salesman is an example of this ethos: Loman, who cheated on his wife and lied to his family about his lack of work and his reliance on friends who lent him money, makes his last gesture a tragic but selfless act, which will ensure his family have money to survive when he is gone.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that Miller is somehow endorsing the hero’s final and decisive act. The emphasis should always be on the word ‘tragedy’: Loman’s death is a tragedy brought about partly by his own actions, but also by the desperate straits that he is plunged into through the harsh and unforgiving world of sales, where once he is unable to earn money, he needs some other means of acquiring it so he can put food on the table for his family.

But contrary to what we might expect, there is something positive and even affirmative about tragedy, as Arthur Miller views the art form.

For Miller, in ‘Tragedy and the Common Man’, theatrical tragedy is driven by ‘Man’s total compunction to evaluate himself justly’. In the process of doing this, and attaining his dignity, the tragic hero often loses his life, but there is something affirmative about the events leading up to this final act, because the audience will be driven to evaluate what is wrong with society that it could destroy a man – a man willing to take a moral stand and evaluate himself justly – in the way that it has.

Does Willy Loman deserve to be pushed to take his own life just so his family can pay the bills? No, so there must be something within society that is at fault. Capitalism’s dog-eat-dog attitude is at least partly responsible, since it leads weary and worn-out men like Willy to dream of paying off their mortgage and having enough money, while simultaneously making the achievement of that task as difficult as possible. When a younger and better salesman comes along, men like Willy are almost always doomed.

But by placing this in front of the audience and dramatising it for them, Miller invites his audience to question the wrongs within modern American society. Thus people will gain a greater understanding of what is wrong with society, and will be able to improve it. The hero’s death is individually tragic but collectively offers society hope.

So it may be counter-intuitive to describe a tragedy like Death of a Salesman as ‘optimistic’, but in a sense, this is exactly what it is. Miller takes the classical idea of the tragic flaw, what Aristotle had called the hamartia , and updates this for a modern audience, too: the hero’s tragic flaw is redefined as the hero’s inherent unwillingness to remain passive in the face of what he conceives to be a challenge to his dignity and rightful status in society.

There is something noble in his flaw, even though it will lead to his own destruction. So really, the flaw is not within the individual or hero as much as in society itself.

A key context for Death of a Salesman , like many great works of American literature from the early to mid-twentieth century, is the American Dream: that notion that the United States is a land of opportunity where anyone can make a success of their life and wind up stinking rich. Miller’s weaving of dream sequences in amongst the sordid and unsatisfactory reality of the Lomans’ lives deftly contrasts the American dream with the American reality.

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2 thoughts on “A Summary and Analysis of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman”

This is a very insightful and convincing appreciation. What it misses is any idea that Miller’s being Jewish may have had a hand in helping him to see why the American dream and its popularity-cult needed to be criticized. The word “cult” in “populairty-cult” says it all, because “The Death of a Saleman” is at its core a play about idolatry, the Ol,d Testament theme against which its prophets railed the most.

Willy is portrayed as an idol-worshipper, whereas his friend, Charely, and Charley’s son, Bernard, are both seen as devotees of the “true” God, in whose religion the human being is always endowed with dignity and always seen as an end in himself, never as a means to some other end. The play, in fact, asks a very Jewish question. If the true God and the false god both require sacrifice, how can you ever know which is which? And its tragedy supplies us with Miller’s answer: those who worship idols discover in the end that THEY are the sacrifice!

Miller, like Philip Roth later on, was a Jewish-American inheritor of the Old Testament’s prophetic tradition, a tradition in which Amos, Isaiah, Jeremia en Ezekiel continually used their verbal art to expose Israel’s stinking moral corruption, foreseeing nothing but doom if it continued in irs idolatrous ways. Change ancient Israel to America, change the average Israelite of that time to Willy Loman now: both wind up destroying themsevles for the very same reason: with all the good will in they world, they have no self-knowledge and spend their whole lives worshipping a false god, deluded in the belief that they are worshipping the true one.

Their mistake in both cases only becomes apparent when it is time to offer the sacrifice, but by then, of course, it is always too late!

Perfect analysis, particularly when viewed in regards to recent events, involving American involvement with Israel dogma

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Analysis of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman

By NASRULLAH MAMBROL on July 30, 2020 • ( 0 )

Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman is, perhaps, to this time, the most mature example of a myth of Contemporary life. The chief value of this drama is its attempt to reveal those ultimate meanings which are resident in modern experience. Perhaps the most significant comment on this play is not its literary achievement, as such, but is, rather, the impact which it has had on spectators, both in America and abroad. The influence of this drama, first performed in 1949, continues to grow in World Theatre. For it articulates, in language which can be appreciated by popular audiences, certain new dimensions of the human dilemma.

—Esther Merle Jackson, “ Death of a Salesman : Tragic Myth in the Modern Theatre”

It can be argued that the Great American Novel—that always elusive imaginative summation of the American experience—became the Great American Drama in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman . Along with Eugene O’Neill’s Long Day’s Journey into Night , Miller’s masterpiece forms the defining myth of the American family and the American dream. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is the play’s only rival in American literature in expressing the tragic side of the American myth of success and the ill-fated American dreamers. A landmark and cornerstone 20th-century drama, Death of a Salesman is crucial in the history of American theater in presenting on stage an archetypal family drama that is simultaneously intimate and representative, social and psychological, realistic and expressionistic. Critic Lois Gordon has called it “the major American drama of the 1940s” that “remains unequalled in its brilliant and original fusion of realistic and poetic techniques, its richness of visual and verbal texture, and its wide range of emotional impact.” Miller’s play, perhaps more than any other, established American drama as the decisive arena for addressing the key questions of American identity and social and moral values, while pioneering methods of expression that liberated American theater. The drama about the life and death of salesman Willy Loman is both thoroughly local in capturing a particular time and place and universal, one of the most popular and adapted American plays worldwide. Willy Loman has become the contemporary Everyman, prompting widespread identification and sympathy. By centering his tragedy on a lower middle-class protagonist—insisting, as he argued in “Tragedy and the Common Man,” that “the common man is as apt a subject for tragedy in its highest sense as kings were”—Miller completed the democratization of drama that had begun in the 19th century while setting the terms for a key debate over dramatic genres that has persisted since Death of a Salesman opened in 1949.

Death of a Salesman Guide

Miller’s subjects, themes, and dramatic mission reflect his life experiences, informed by the Great Depression, which he regarded as a “moral catastrophe,” rivaled, in his view, only by the Civil War in its profound impact on American life. Miller was born in 1915, in New York City. His father, who had emigrated from Austria at the age of six, was a successful coat manufacturer, prosperous enough to afford a chauffeur and a large apartment over-looking Central Park. For Miller’s family, an embodiment of the American dream that hard work and drive are rewarded, the stock market crash of 1929 changed everything. The business was lost, and the family was forced to move to considerably reduced circumstances in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn in a small frame house that served as the model for the Lomans’ residence. Miller’s father never fully recovered from his business failure, and his mother was often depressed and embittered by the family’s poverty, though both continued to live in hope of an economic recovery to come. For Miller the depression exposed the hollowness and fragility of the American dream of material success and the social injustice inherent in an economic system that created so many blameless casualties. The paradoxes of American success—its stimulation of both dreams and guilt when lost or unrealized, as well as the conflict it created between self-interest and social responsibility—would become dominant themes in Miller’s work. As a high school student Miller was more interested in sports than studies. “Until the age of seventeen I can safely say that I never read a book weightier than Tom Swift , and Rover Boys, ” Miller recalled, “and only verged on literature with some of Dickens. . . . I passed through the public school system unscathed.” After graduating from high school in 1932 Miller went to work in an auto parts warehouse in Manhattan. It was during his subway commute to and from his job that Miller began reading, discovering both the power of serious literature to change the way one sees the world and his vocation: “A book that changed my life was The Brothers Karamazov which I picked up, I don’t know how or why, and all at once believed I was born to be a writer.”

In 1934 Miller was accepted as a journalism student at the University of Michigan. There he found a campus engaged by the social issues of the day: “The place was full of speeches, meetings and leaflets. It was jumping with Issues. . . . It was, in short, the testing ground for all my prejudices, my beliefs and my ignorance, and it helped to lay out the boundaries of my life.” At Michigan Miller wrote his first play, despite having seen only two plays years before, to compete for prize money he needed for tuition. Failing in his first attempt he would eventually twice win the Avery Hopwood Award. Winning “made me confident I could go ahead from there. It left me with the belief that the ability to write plays is born into one, and that it is a kind of sport of the mind.” Miller became convinced that “with the exception of a doctor saving a life, writing a worthy play was the most important thing a human could do.” He would embrace the role of the playwright as social conscience and reformer who could help change America, by, as he put it “grabbing people and shaking them by the back of the neck.” Two years after graduating in 1938, having moved back to Brooklyn and married his college sweetheart, Miller had completed six plays, all but one of them rejected by producers. The Man Who Had All the Luck, a play examining the ambiguities of success and the money ethic, managed a run of only four performances on Broadway in 1944. Miller went to work at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, tried his hand at radio scripts, and attempted one more play. “I laid myself a wager,” he wrote in his autobiography. “I would hold back this play until I was as sure as I could be that every page was integral to the whole and would work; then, if my judgment of it proved wrong, I would leave the theater behind and write in other forms.” The play was All My Sons, about a successful manufacturer who sells defective aircraft parts and is made to face the consequences of his crime and his responsibilities. It is Miller’s version of a Henrik Ibsen problem play, linking a family drama to wider social issues. Named one of the top-10 plays of 1947, All My Sons won the Tony Award and the New York Drama Critics’ Circle Award over Eugene O’Neill’s The Iceman Cometh. The play’s success allowed Miller to buy property in rural Connecticut where he built a small studio and began work on Death of a Salesman .

This play, subtitled “Certain Private Conversations in Two Acts and a Requiem,” about the last 24 hours of an aging and failing traveling salesman misguided by the American dream, began, as the playwright recounts in his introduction to his Collected Plays , with an initial image

of an enormous face the height of the proscenium arch which would appear and then open up, and we would see the inside of a man’s head. In fact, The Inside of His Head was the first title. . . . The image was in direct opposition to the method of All My Sons —a method one might call linear or eventual in that one fact or incident creates the necessity for the next. The Salesman image was from the beginning absorbed with the concept that nothing in life comes “next” but that everything exists together and at the same time within us; that there is no past to be “brought forward” in a human being, but that he is his past at every moment. . . . I wished to create a form which, in itself as a form, would literally be the process of Willy Loman’s way of mind.

The play took shape by staging the past in the present, not through flashbacks of Willy’s life but by what the playwright called “mobile concurrency of past and present.” Miller recalled beginning

with only one firm piece of knowledge and this was that Loman was to destroy himself. How it would wander before it got to that point I did not know and resolved not to care. I was convinced only that if I could make him remember enough he would kill himself, and the structure of the play was determined by what was needed to draw up his memories like a mass of tangled roots without ends or beginning.

At once realistic in its documentation of American family life and expressionistic in its embodiment of consciousness on stage, Death of a Salesman opens with the 63-year-old Willy Loman’s return to his Brooklyn home, revealing to his worried wife, Linda, that he kept losing control of his car on a selling trip to Boston. Increasingly at the mercy of his memories Willy, in Miller’s analysis, “is literally at that terrible moment when the voice of the past is no longer distant but quite as loud as the voice of the present.” Reflecting its protagonist, “The way of telling the tale . . . is as mad as Willy and as abrupt and as suddenly lyrical.” The family’s present—Willy’s increasing mental instability, his failure to earn the commissions he needs to survive, and his disappointment that his sons, Biff and Happy, have failed to live up to expectations—intersects with scenes from the past in which both their dreams and the basis for their disillusionment are exposed. In the present Biff, the onetime star high school athlete with seeming unlimited prospects in his doting father’s estimation, is 34, having returned home from another failed job out west and harboring an unidentified resentment of his father. As Biff confesses, “everytime I come back here I know that all I’ve done is to waste my life.” His brother, Happy, is a deceitful womanizer trapped in a dead-end job who confesses that despite having his own apartment, “a car, and plenty of women . . . still, goddammit, I’m lonely.” The present frustrations of father and sons collide with Willy’s memory when all was youthful promise and family harmony. In a scene in which Biff with the prospect of a college scholarship seems on the brink of attaining all Willy has expected of him, both boys hang on their father’s every word as he exults in his triumphs as a successful salesman:

America is full of beautiful towns and fine, upstanding people. And they know me, boys, they know me up and down New England. The finest people. And when I bring you fellas up, there’ll be open sesame for all of us, ’cause one thing, boys: I have friends. I can park my car in any street in New England, and the cops protect it like their own.

Triumphantly, Willy passes on his secret of success: “Be liked and you will never want.” His advice exposes the fatal fl aw in his life view that defines success by exterior rather than interior values, by appearance and possessions rather than core morals. Even in his confident memory, however, evidence of the undermining of his self-confidence and aspirations occurs as Biff plays with a football he has stolen and father and son ignore the warning of the grind Bernard (who “is liked, but he’s not well liked”) that Biff risks graduating by not studying. Willy’s popularity and prowess as a salesman are undermined by Linda’s calculation of her husband’s declining commissions, prompting Willy to confess that “people don’t seem to take to me.” Invading Willy’s memory is the realization that he is far from the respected and resourceful salesman he has boasted being to his sons as he struggles to meet the payments on the modern appliances that equip the American dream of success. Moreover, to boost his sagging spirits on the road he has been unfaithful to his loving and supportive wife. To protect himself from these hurtful memories Willy is plunged back into the present for a card game with Bernard’s father, Charley. Again the past intrudes in the form of a memory of a rare visit by Willy’s older brother, Ben, who has become rich and whose secrets for success elude Willy. Back in the present Willy is hopeful at Biff’s plan to go see an old employer, Bill Oliver, for the money to start up a Loman Brothers sporting goods line. The act ends with Willy’s memory of Biff’s greatest moment—the high school football championship:

Like a young god. Hercules—something like that. And the sun, the sun all around him. Remember how he waved to me? Right up from the field, with the representatives of three colleges standing by? And the buyers I brought, and the cheers when he came out—Loman, Loman, Loman! God Almighty, he’ll be great yet. A star like that, magnificent, can never really fade away!

The second act shatters all prospects, revealing the full truth that Willy has long evaded about himself and his family in a series of crushing blows. Expecting to trade on his 34 years of loyal service to his employer for a nontraveling, salaried position in New York, Willy is forced to beg for a smaller and smaller salary before he is fired outright, prompting one of the great lines of the play: “You can’t eat the orange and throw the peel away—a man is not a piece of fruit.” Rejecting out of pride a job offer from Charley, Willy meets his son for dinner where Biff reveals that his get-rich scheme has collapsed. Bill Oliver did not remember who he was, kept him waiting for hours, and resentfully Biff has stolen his fountain pen from his desk. Biff now insists that Willy face the truth—that Biff was only a shipping clerk and that Oliver owes him nothing—but Willy refuses to listen, with his need to believe in his son and the future forcing Biff to manufacture a happier version of his meeting and its outcome. Biff’s anger and resentment over the old family lies about his prospects, however, cause Willy to relive the impetus of Biff’s loss of faith in him in one of the tour de force scenes in modern drama. Biff and Happy’s attempt to pick up two women at the restaurant interconnects with Willy’s memory of Biff’s arrival at Willy’s Boston hotel unannounced. There he discovers a partially dressed woman in his father’s room. Having failed his math class and jeopardized his scholarship, Biff has come to his father for help. Willy’s betrayal of Linda, however, exposes the hollowness of Willy’s moral authority and the disjunction between the dreams Willy sells and its reality:

Willy: She’s nothing to me, Biff. I was lonely, I was terribly lonely.

Biff: You—you gave her Mama’s stockings!

Willy: I gave you an order!

Biff: Don’t touch me, you—liar!

Willy: Apologize for that!

Biff: You fake! You phony little fake! You fake!

Willy’s guilt over the collapse of his son’s belief in him leads him to a final redemptive dream. Returning home, symbolically outside planting seeds, he discusses with Ben his scheme to kill himself for the insurance money as a legacy to his family and a final proof of his worth as a provider of his sons’ success. Before realizing this dream Willy must endure a final assault of truth from Biff who confesses to being nothing more than a thief and a bum, incapable of holding down a job—someone who is, like Willy, a “dime a dozen,” no better than any other hopeless striver: “I am not a leader of men, Willy, and neither are you. You were never anything but a hard-working drummer who landed in the ash can like all the rest of them!” Biff’s fury explodes into a tearful embrace of his father. After Biff departs upstairs the significance of his words and actions are both realized and lost by the chronic dreamer:

Willy, after a long pause, astonished, elevated Isn’t that—isn’t that remarkable? Biff—he likes me!

Linda: He loves you, Willy!

Happy ,deeply moved Always did, Pop.

Willy: Oh. Biff! Staring wildly: He cried! Cried to me. He is choking with his love, and now cries out his promise: That boy—that boy is going to be magnificent!

Analysis of Arthur Miller’s Plays

Doggedly holding onto the dream of his son’s prospects, sustained by his son’s love, Willy finally sets out in his car to carry out his plan, while the scene shifts to his funeral in which Linda tries to understand her husband’s death, and Charley provides the eulogy:

Nobody dast blame this man. You don’t understand: Willy was a salesman. And for a salesman, there is no rock bottom to the life. He don’t put a bolt to a nut, he don’t tell you the law or give you medicine. He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. And then you get a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory.

Linda delivers the final, heartbreaking lines over her husband’s grave: “Willy. I made the last payment on the house today. Today, dear. And there’ll be nobody home. We’re free and clear. We’re free. We’re free . . . We’re free. . . .”


The power and persistence of Death of a Salesman derives from its remarkably intimate view of the dynamic of a family driven by their collective dreams. Critical debate over whether Willy lacks the stature or self-knowledge to qualify as a tragic hero seems beside the point in performance. Few other modern dramas have so powerfully elicited pity and terror in their audiences. Whether Willy is a tragic hero or Death of a Salesman is a modern tragedy in any Aristotelian sense, he and his story have become core American myths. Few critics worry over whether Jay Gatsby is a tragic hero, but Gatsby shares with Willy Loman the essential American capacity to dream and to be destroyed by what he dreams. The concluding lines of The Great Gatsby equally serve as a requiem for both men:

Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eludes us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther . . . And one fine morning—

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

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Family Name in “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller

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Linda Loman in “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller

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Escaping the Shackles of Modern Society

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Utilizing Literary Device of Theme in ‘Death of a Salesman’

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Comparison of Father-Son Dynamics in ‘Death of a Salesman’ and ‘Fences’

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Analysis of Death of a Salesman

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The American Dream in Play ‘The Death of a Salesman’

Research from Washington University Professor Mark Rank found that people define the American dream as three things: being able to pursue your passion, have economic security and being optimistic about the future (Cite 2). But, what if your typical dream never unfolds as in the case of Willy Loman and his family, in the play “The Death of a Salesman”? It’s as if the creator of the play, Arthur Miller, had a crystal ball in the 1940’s to look at […]

Paralels with Death of a Salesman

"In the Death of a Salesman there are many poems that connect with its themes, such as family life or work life. You can also see some themes alike like wanting to save the life of someone you love. Or just wanting someone you love to succeed these are some parallels in the poems and Death of a Salesman. In the poem Do Not Go Gentle by Dylan Thomas it has a lot in common with death of a salesman […]

Death of Salesman

The play “Death of a Salesman” greatly portrays a specific ideology in regards to values, dreams, goals, and success in our society. It helps showcase the American dream that society tends to strive for even in the early 1900’s. That dream of being a successful business person. As well as the theory that image and physical attributes are most important to gaining fruition. Willy Loman plays a man in his sixties who has strived for this American dream for over […]

Different American Dreams in Death of a Salesman

"In the play Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller brings to life the idea that the American dream is different for everyone, yet is achieved by the same process and rules through the use of convincing analogies, metaphors, and verbal contradictions. Miller's use of convincing analogies in the play during Act 2 brings across the importance of knowing people, being well-liked and putting a smile on your face. ”WILLY: Without a penny to his name, three great universities are begging […]

Death of a Salesman Tells the Story

"Death of a Salesman tells the story of a dysfunctional family through the eyes of the father whose sons are grown. The family went from prosperous, to needing support as the father gets older and the truth of his character is revealed. We see Willy, the father, as a grumpy old man we find out through his unhinged flashbacks his life used to be golden, he lived the American dream. His sons were popular, he was a great salesman who […]

Willy Character Analysis in “Death of a Salesman”

Willy Loman in Arthur Miller's 'Demise of death of a Salesman' is a complex and clashed character. He winds up inconsistent with his environment, his qualities, and even his family, now and again. Furthermore, these contentions overflow into how he brings up his children. Willy attempts to impart what he supposes are his increasingly outstanding attributes into his young men; affability and activity. In any case, one can see by his activities and even his words that he has a […]

Themes in Death of a Salesman

The American Dream is a relevant and universal theme in the play. As Willy Loman there are many people who misinterpret the idea of the American Dream. For him, to accomplish success and wealth a person needs to be “well liked” (p.20). Willy’s obsession with popularity leads him to tell his son Biff “you are going to be five times ahead of him. / Because the man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal […]

Failure in Achievnig the American Dream

"In The Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller shows the failure to achieve the American Dream that we all strive for can lead to drastic decisions by using irony, symbolism, and allusions. For example, Biff Loman in The Death of a Salesman tells Willy Loman “I am not a leader of men, Willy, and neither are you. You were never anything but a hard-working drummer who landed in the ash can like the rest of them!"" (Miller 132). This quote is […]

Literary Analysis – Death of a Salesman

In “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller, the conflict between father and son shapes the work’s overall significance and explains all the unfortunate occurrences throughout. The American Dream plays a big role in this novel. The American Dream symbolizes the ideas of futurism and possibilities. The American Dream has a definite objective for many people, and it means a different thing for all. The American dream also is accessible, but in this world, people still believe that because of […]

Death of a Salesman Summary

"The tragic play Death of a Salesman written by Arthur Miller is a story about a salesman named Willy Loman, who spends his whole life with a deluded dream of achieving lofty goals in an unforgiving society. Willy often neglects his family’s needs, because he is so blinded by the thought of vast riches that are unattainable for him. Being a modern day tragedy, Death of a Salesman examines the effects of what can happen when a person chasing the […]

Willy’s Obsession with the American Dream in Death of a Salesman

The American Dream throughout the ages has stood as each person's idea of success. The American dream normally associated with nineteen fifties America is a small family, cookie cutter house, and maybe even a dog. Though that is only one idea of the American dream, a shallow analysis that can and should go farther. Arthur Miller uses his play Death of a Salesman to do just that and absolutely succeeds in doing so. Throughout Death of a Salesman, Miller portrays […]

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How to Write an Essay About Death Of A Salesman

Understanding 'death of a salesman'.

Before writing an essay about Arthur Miller's 'Death of a Salesman', it is essential to understand the play's context, themes, and characters. 'Death of a Salesman' is a classic of American theater, written in 1949, that explores the American Dream's disillusionment through the life of Willy Loman, a struggling salesman. Begin your essay by outlining the play's plot, setting, and main characters, including Willy, his wife Linda, and their sons, Biff and Happy. Discuss the historical and cultural context of post-war America in which the play was written, as it is crucial for understanding the themes of the play, such as the pursuit of success, the fragility of the human psyche, and the impact of societal expectations.

Developing a Thesis Statement

A strong essay on 'Death of a Salesman' should be centered around a clear, concise thesis statement. This statement should present a specific viewpoint or argument about the play. For example, you might analyze Willy Loman’s character as a representation of the failure of the American Dream, discuss the play's commentary on societal values and pressures, or explore the theme of reality versus illusion. Your thesis will guide the direction of your essay and provide a structured approach to your analysis.

Gathering Textual Evidence

To support your thesis, gather evidence from the text of the play. This involves close reading to find relevant quotes, dialogues, and scenes that support your argument. For instance, if discussing the theme of disillusionment, identify key moments in the play that demonstrate Willy's growing despair and disillusion. Use these examples to build your argument and provide depth to your analysis.

Analyzing Miller's Techniques and Themes

Analyze how Arthur Miller uses literary techniques to develop the play's themes and characters. Discuss his use of symbolism, the play’s structure, and the use of flashback as a narrative device. For example, explore the symbolism of the seeds Willy plants, which fail to grow, as a metaphor for his unfulfilled dreams and aspirations. This analysis should demonstrate a deep understanding of the text and how Miller communicates his ideas.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing your main arguments and restating your thesis in light of the discussion. Your conclusion should tie together your insights into 'Death of a Salesman,' emphasizing the significance of your findings. Reflect on the broader implications of the play, such as its relevance to contemporary society or its place in American literary history.

Reviewing and Refining Your Essay

After completing your essay, review and refine it. Ensure that your arguments are coherent, your evidence is clearly presented, and your writing is free of grammatical errors. Consider seeking feedback from teachers or peers to help improve your essay. A well-written essay on 'Death of a Salesman' will not only demonstrate your understanding of the play but also your ability to engage critically with literary texts.

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Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Argumentative Essay

Introduction, personal failure, cultural failure.

Although he appears visionary and hardworking, Willy Loman fails to teach his sons the lessons of becoming successful in life because of his beliefs. Willy survives with a misconstrued ambition of becoming wealthy and inculcates this idea into his sons, Happy and Biff, even though he did not know how to achieve it. He trained his sons on his approach to life and hoped they would follow and achieve his dream of success.

He has no plan for his life and concentrates on his past failures, and his children seem perched to being successful, primed on his world hypotheses. Salesmanship has given Willy a feeling of greatness and merit. He believes that the present world has dishonored them by taking away the personality of salesmen.

Willy has taught this notion to his sons, who are very receptive and obedient to their father. However, these believes have caused him disappointment as they end up turning down his principles and goals. Willy Loman fails to guide his sons to greatness in their lives because of his personal and cultural beliefs.

Willy has an insensitive personality. He does not realize that his capabilities and aspirations are different from those of his sons. While Biff wanted an outdoors job, his father wanted a white collar job for him. Willy does not admit failure nor consider the opinion of his sons. This has led to rebellion from his sons, when they discover what is right for them.

For example, Biff disliked the business life recommended by his father and opted a life on the farms after realizing that success means an enjoyable life and not money. Willy believed that Biff would be successful in business because of his attractiveness, and his past splendor in high school soccer. However, this notion was wrong as Biff failed to graduate from high school and join college because of his arrogance.

He later recognizes his true personality and decides to work on a farm, where he would enjoy and feel comfortable. Willy is very upset in him and is discontented in all that he does. Contrary to his believe that popularity and fame lead to success; Willy never earned handsome wealth despite his claim for fame, and many years of experience.

This is made unsound when his boss demotes him, and he merely earns a commission before he finally gets fired, despite his friendship with Wagner’s father. His claim for connections fails him again. Willy’s idea of connecting Biff with important people at Penn State would be futile as football does not seem to be the best career for him. To Biff, having the right connections does not always help.

The expectations of Willy that his requiem would be fully packed due to his well connection and popularity failed to turn out as he thought since only the family members were present. Willy had inculcated a sense of superiority in Biff Loman that made him arrogant. This made him unsuccessful in graduating from high school and advance to college.

Willy’s melancholy originates from the misconceptions he had about the American dream and his incapability to connect how the world works with how he thinks it should work. The American dream stated that: through the established qualities of determination, creativity, hard work, and resilience, one may get contentment through riches and that a good-looking and loved man will no doubt attain the comforts of modern life.

This dream can be divided into two significances; the traditional dream and the business achievement dream. When one owns a house, has a good paying job, and lives a secure life, then h/she has accomplished the traditional dream. Willy Loman has accomplished this vision as he has an occupation, a vehicle, a residence, and a family, but he did not appreciate it.

He was so preoccupied with the business dream that he dismantles his family in the end. This dream made him sacrifice going to Alaska in search of his father where he came across the successful salesman, Dave. He decides to follow the same career path as Dave and hopes to get the same success as Dave. It is not until thirty five years of his career when he realizes he had not achieved the prosperity he had hoped to achieve.

What Willy fails to know is that even Dave Singleman, who is his epitome of prosperity, has not fulfilled the American dream. This is because at the age of eighty-four, Dave has not retired, lives in a hotel room, and has no family. His illusion about life and his mental disarray about the real American dream make him fail his sons as he does not know what is really needed of them to succeed.

Willy’s life was a disappointment as he had the wrong ambitions and failed to teach his sons the lessons for victory in life. He deluded himself that he could be a wealthy salesman, when he knew that he would be excellent at operating with hands. If Willy had faced his capabilities in a rational and sincere way, his life would not have ended this way.

It is evident that the top secret to success is a fortune in possessing ordinary talents and aptitude, and readiness to take chances in the corporate world, in addition to being industrious, devoid of taking shortcuts with friends. Cultural believes, such as the American dream, should help to instill values in individuals to put efforts in everything that they do.

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IvyPanda. (2019, July 5). Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller.

"Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller." IvyPanda , 5 July 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller'. 5 July.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller." July 5, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller." July 5, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller." July 5, 2019.

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Analysis of "Death of a Salesman"

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Words: 847 |

Published: Jan 31, 2024

Words: 847 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Table of contents

Body paragraph 1: the illusion of the american dream, body paragraph 2: the demise of the traditional family, body paragraph 3: the dehumanizing effects of capitalism, body paragraph 4: the evolving definition of success, counterargument: critiques and alternatives, references:.

  • Trandell, Jesica et al. "American Dream: Is the American Dream Dead or Alive?" Michael H. Conseur Company, 2020,
  • "Family Dynamics - a Look at the American Family." Walden University,
  • Kasser, Tim. "Materialistic Values and Goals." Psychology Today, 21 June 2012,
  • Ramasubbu, Shantala. "Death of a Salesman: A Mindmap and General Notes." Ramasubbu, 2011,
  • SparkNotes Editors. "SparkNote on Death of a Salesman.", SparkNotes LLC, 2002,

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what is a good thesis statement for death of a salesman

Death of a Salesman Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

This article seeks to provide a comprehensive guide on Death of a Salesman research paper topics , spanning character analyses to thematic explorations. Navigating the intricate layers of Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” can be a daunting task for students, but the potential research avenues it presents are vast and enriching. By diving deep into the play’s significance, readers will be introduced to a multitude of perspectives and insights. Furthermore, with tailored tips on choosing and writing on Death of a Salesman research paper topics, and the customized assistance offered by iResearchNet, students are well-equipped to craft compelling and insightful research papers on this literary masterpiece.

100 Death of a Salesman Research Paper Topics

Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman has been a cornerstone in American drama and literature since its debut in 1949. The play’s profound examination of the American Dream, family dynamics, and the complex layers of its characters offers a treasure trove of topics for academic exploration. Below is a curated list of 100 Death of a Salesman research paper topics, divided into ten categories, ensuring that students can find a subject that resonates with their personal interests and the requirements of their assignment.

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Get 10% off with 24start discount code, 1. character analysis:.

  • Willy Loman: A Study of Delusion and Desperation.
  • Biff Loman: The Struggles of Identity and Expectation.
  • Linda Loman: The Silent Sufferer.
  • Happy Loman: In the Shadow of Biff.
  • Charley: A Foil to Willy’s Ideals.
  • Bernard: Success Outside the American Dream.
  • The Role of Ben in Willy’s Psyche.
  • Howard: The New Age Capitalist.
  • The Minor Characters: Their Role and Significance.
  • Comparative Analysis of the Loman Family Dynamics.

2. Themes Explored:

  • The Elusiveness of the American Dream.
  • Reality vs. Illusion in Death of a Salesman .
  • Materialism and Its Impact on Willy.
  • The Generational Conflict.
  • Role of Women in the Play.
  • The Concept of Success in a Capitalistic Society.
  • Personal Freedom vs. Societal Expectations.
  • Friendship and Isolation.
  • Guilt and Regret: An Unending Cycle.
  • Legacy: What Does Willy Leave Behind?

3. Symbolism and Motifs:

  • Seeds and Willy’s Desire for Legacy.
  • The Stockings: A Symbol of Betrayal.
  • The Rubber Hose: Desperation and Escape.
  • The Car: Movement and Stagnation.
  • Flashbacks: Windows to Willy’s Psyche.
  • Biff’s Sports Trophies: Lost Potential.
  • Ben’s Diamond: The Illusion of Tangible Success.
  • The Recorder: Technological Progress and Willy’s Decline.
  • The Brooklyn Bridge: Connectivity and Isolation.
  • The Loman House: Trapped Ambitions.

4. Historical and Social Context:

  • Post-War America and Death of a Salesman .
  • The Changing Face of Capitalism in the 1940s.
  • Economic Disparity and Willy’s Downfall.
  • Death of a Salesman in the Context of the Great Depression.
  • The Rise of Corporate America.
  • Societal Expectations in 1940s America.
  • The Decline of the Travelling Salesman Profession.
  • The Role of Technology: Foreshadowing Changes.
  • The Nuclear Family in Post-War America.
  • Consumerism and its Impact on Identity.

5. The Play’s Structure and Techniques:

  • Use of Flashbacks: Blending Past and Present.
  • Miller’s Use of Minimalist Stage Design.
  • The Role of Monologues in Character Development.
  • Dramatic Irony in Death of a Salesman .
  • The Relevance of the Title: Who is the Salesman?
  • Use of Music and Sound in the Play.
  • Realism vs. Expressionism in Death of a Salesman .
  • Miller’s Dialogue Style: Naturalism and Nuance.
  • The Play Within a Play: Willy’s Hallucinations.
  • Dramatic Tension and Its Build-up.

6. Comparisons and Adaptations:

  • Death of a Salesman vs. The Crucible : Miller’s Examination of the American Experience.
  • Film vs. Play: Differences and Adaptations.
  • Comparative Analysis with Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie .
  • Death of a Salesman and F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby : Dreams and Delusions.
  • The Play’s Influence on Modern Drama.
  • Death of a Salesman in the Age of Digital Media.
  • Comparative Study with Eugene O’Neill’s Long Day’s Journey into Night .
  • Willy Loman vs. Shakespeare’s Tragic Heroes.
  • Analyzing Death of a Salesman alongside A Raisin in the Sun .
  • Global Adaptations and Interpretations of Death of a Salesman .

7. Critical Responses and Controversies:

  • Initial Reception of Death of a Salesman in 1949.
  • Feminist Critiques of Death of a Salesman .
  • Marxist Interpretations of the Play.
  • The Play’s Reception Outside of America.
  • Modern Appraisals: How Death of a Salesman Resonates Today.
  • The Debate: Is Willy Loman a Tragic Hero?
  • The Role of Race in Death of a Salesman .
  • Death of a Salesman in Academic Curriculum: Pros and Cons.
  • The Play’s Relevance in the 21st Century.
  • Death of a Salesman and Mental Health Discourse.

8. Personal Reflections and Influences:

  • Miller’s Personal Experience and its Influence on the Play.
  • Autobiographical Elements in Death of a Salesman .
  • Miller’s Relationship with His Own Father.
  • The Influence of New York City on Death of a Salesman .
  • Miller’s Views on Success and Failure.
  • The Play as a Reflection of Miller’s Fears.
  • Influence of Miller’s Early Career on the Play.
  • Personal Losses and their Echoes in Death of a Salesman .
  • Miller’s Perspective on Family Dynamics.
  • The Role of the Artist in Society: Miller’s Stand.

9. Broader Literary and Cultural Impacts:

  • Death of a Salesman ‘s Influence on Popular Culture.
  • The Play’s Legacy in American Drama.
  • Lessons from Death of a Salesman for Modern Society.
  • The Play in Modern Theatre Repertoire.
  • Death of a Salesman and the Concept of Americana.
  • Influence on Subsequent Generations of Playwrights.
  • Willy Loman in Pop Culture.
  • Literary Critiques and Their Evolution Over Time.
  • The Play’s Role in Shaping Modern Tragic Drama.
  • Death of a Salesman in the World of Academia.

10. Philosophical and Ethical Questions Raised:

  • The Morality of Willy Loman’s Choices.
  • Death of a Salesman and the Question of Identity.
  • What Constitutes a Worthwhile Life?
  • The Ethics of Dream Pursuit.
  • The Play’s Commentary on Truth and Self-Deception.
  • The Illusion of Control in Death of a Salesman .
  • Society’s Role in Shaping Individual Fate.
  • The Nature of Regret and Redemption.
  • Personal Responsibility vs. Societal Influences.
  • The Existential Crisis in Death of a Salesman .

Embarking on a research paper centered around Death of a Salesman is not just a journey through the play, but also a reflection of the broader American experience. The Death of a Salesman research paper topics listed above span a diverse range of themes and approaches, ensuring students can find the perfect fit for their academic pursuits.

Death of a Salesman and the Range of Research Paper Topics It Offers

Arthur Miller’s masterpiece, Death of a Salesman, premiered in 1949 and quickly became a staple of American theater and literature. More than just a play, it has since become a deep examination of the American Dream and its sometimes tragic intersections with reality. Its enduring relevance in academic and theatrical circles isn’t a mere accident; rather, it’s rooted in its multi-layered narratives, its timeless themes, and its universally relatable characters.

A Socio-Cultural Commentary on America

Death of a Salesman is not merely a personal tragedy but a reflection of an entire society, of an American Dream that promises success and prosperity but often fails to deliver. This dichotomy is embodied in Willy Loman, a man who spent his life chasing an elusive dream, often sacrificing reality in the process. The play highlights the disillusionment of a generation that believed in the myth of success, only to find themselves in the midst of economic strife and personal failures. Through Willy, Miller critiques the unrelenting pursuit of success and the societal constructs that measure a man’s worth by his achievements, rather than his character.

The Complexity of Characters

Miller’s characters are not black and white; they are deeply flawed, filled with regrets, dreams, and illusions. Willy, despite his delusions, is a symbol of the everyman – people we know, or even aspects of ourselves. His unyielding pride, despite evident failures, strikes a chord with anyone who has faced setbacks in life. Similarly, Biff’s struggles with identity, caught between his father’s dreams and his own desires, echo the sentiments of many young adults trying to find their path. Even Linda, in her silent suffering, represents those who are caught in the crossfires of their loved ones’ battles, choosing loyalty over confrontation. These characters, in their complexity, provide a wealth of avenues for character studies, comparative analysis, and psychological interpretations.

An Array of Themes

Beyond its socio-cultural critique, Death of a Salesman delves into themes that are universal. The conflict of illusion vs. reality, the generational gap, the role of materialism, identity crises, and the nature of success – these are but a few of the deep-seated issues Miller touches upon. The symbolism of seeds, the haunting presence of the Loman’s Brooklyn home, the recurring motif of stockings, all serve as anchors that ground these themes, offering a rich tapestry of Death of a Salesman research paper topics for thematic studies.

The Interplay of Dramatic Techniques

Miller’s ingenious use of dramatic techniques, like the blend of realism with expressionism, the use of music, the nonlinear structure punctuated with flashbacks, and minimalist stage directions, make the play a goldmine for those interested in drama and theater studies. Analyzing these techniques helps in understanding how Miller conveys the internal turmoil of his characters and their external interactions, blurring the lines between past and present, dreams and reality.

Broader Literary Context

Death of a Salesman doesn’t exist in isolation. Its themes and characters can be compared and contrasted with other literary works, both from Miller’s own portfolio and from other writers of his time and before. Whether it’s comparing the disillusionment in “The Great Gatsby” with Willy’s own crumbling dreams, or drawing parallels between Willy Loman and classical tragic heroes, the play’s broader literary context provides countless avenues for research and exploration.

Modern Relevance

Despite being set in the post-war era, the issues Miller addresses remain eerily relevant today. In our age of social media, where success is often measured by likes, followers, and virality, many face the same existential questions that plagued Willy. The modern gig economy, with its uncertainties, mirrors the unpredictability of Willy’s profession, making the play an essential study for understanding contemporary societal structures.

An Array of Academic Explorations

Given the richness of the play’s narrative and its wide-ranging implications, it’s no surprise that Death of a Salesman offers a plethora of research paper topics. Whether one wishes to explore the psychoanalytical aspects of Willy’s character, the sociological implications of the American Dream, the use of symbolism and dramatic techniques, or the play’s relevance in today’s context – there’s a topic for everyone.

In conclusion, Death of a Salesman is more than just a play about a man’s downfall. It’s a mirror held up to society, reflecting its aspirations, failures, and the often-blurred line between dreams and delusions. For students, researchers, and literature enthusiasts, it offers an expansive field of study, a chance to delve deep into the human psyche, and an opportunity to understand the societal constructs that continue to shape our perceptions of success and failure. In its pages, in Willy’s dreams, and in the haunting echoes of his failures, we find questions that are as relevant today as they were in 1949, making Death of a Salesman an evergreen subject for academic exploration.

How to Choose Death of a Salesman Research Paper Topics

Choosing a suitable research paper topic for Death of a Salesman is pivotal for ensuring a robust analysis and understanding of Arthur Miller’s iconic play. This masterpiece offers a vast canvas of themes, symbols, characters, and socio-political critiques that can be explored in depth. When you’re ready to embark on the analytical journey of this play, it’s essential to have a clear and engaging topic. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the selection process:

  • Understand the Play’s Core Themes : Before settling on a topic, ensure you have a comprehensive grasp of the play’s primary themes, such as the American Dream, betrayal, identity, and societal expectations.
  • Character Analysis : Choose a character that intrigues you. Willy Loman’s tragic flaw, Biff’s transformation, or Happy’s denial are just a few areas you could delve into.
  • Historical and Societal Context : Consider writing about the historical backdrop of the play. How does Miller’s portrayal of post-war America reflect societal values, economic pressures, and the challenges of urban life?
  • Symbolism and Motifs : Death of a Salesman is rich in symbols such as stockings, the rubber hose, or the seeds. Investigate their significance and how they enhance the play’s layers of meaning.
  • Literary Techniques : Examine Miller’s use of literary devices such as flashbacks, sound effects, or stage directions. How do they add depth and complexity to the narrative?
  • Comparative Analysis : Compare Death of a Salesman with other works of literature. This could be another play by Miller or other plays that explore similar themes, like Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire .
  • Personal Resonance : Pick a topic that genuinely interests you. Your passion and curiosity about the subject will shine through in your research and writing.
  • Feasibility of Research : Ensure that there are enough scholarly resources available for your chosen topic. This will help in constructing a well-researched and well-argued paper.
  • Scope of the Topic : While it’s essential to have a specific focus, ensure your topic isn’t too narrow, making it difficult to find sufficient information. Conversely, avoid overly broad Death of a Salesman research paper topics which can be hard to tackle in depth.
  • Seek Feedback : Before finalizing your topic, discuss it with your peers, professors, or academic advisors. Their input can provide a fresh perspective or refine your focus.

In conclusion, selecting a research paper topic for Death of a Salesman requires a mix of personal interest, comprehensive understanding of the play, and practical considerations of research feasibility. With its intricate character dynamics, myriad themes, and poignant societal critiques, Arthur Miller’s play offers a treasure trove of avenues for exploration. Choose wisely, and your research journey will be both fulfilling and intellectually stimulating.

How to Write a Death of a Salesman Research Paper

Writing a research paper on Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller is a rewarding endeavor, delving deep into the complexities of American society, human desires, and the intricacies of family dynamics. To craft a stellar paper on this seminal work, it’s essential to have a systematic approach. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you:

  • Introduction to the Play : Begin your paper with an introduction to Death of a Salesman . Offer a brief overview, highlighting its significance in American theater, its historical context, and Miller’s inspiration for writing it.
  • Thesis Statement : This is the central argument or point of your research paper. Whether you’re discussing Willy Loman’s tragic flaw, exploring the theme of disillusionment, or analyzing the play’s structure, your thesis should be clear, concise, and debatable.
  • Literary Context : Situate Death of a Salesman within the larger realm of American drama. How does it relate to other works of its time? How has it influenced later plays or been influenced by earlier ones?
  • Character Analysis : Dive deep into the psyche of the play’s characters. What drives Willy Loman? How do Biff and Happy represent different facets of the American Dream? Exploring the motivations, relationships, and development of characters can form a substantial portion of your paper.
  • Theme Exploration : Identify and unpack the play’s central themes. From the crumbling American Dream to familial bonds, betrayal, and identity, there’s a wealth of material to analyze. Use textual evidence to support your assertions.
  • Literary Devices : Analyze Miller’s use of symbols, motifs, metaphors, and other literary devices. For instance, the significance of the rubber hose or the seeds can be a focal point, offering insights into the characters and the overarching themes.
  • Historical Analysis : Delve into the historical context. How does Death of a Salesman reflect post-war American society, the rise of consumer culture, or the changing nature of the American Dream?
  • Structural Analysis : Consider the play’s unique structure, notably its use of flashbacks. How do these choices impact the narrative’s progression and the audience’s understanding?
  • Critical Voices : Incorporate perspectives from renowned critics. What have scholars said about the play over the years? Agreeing or disagreeing with them can add depth to your analysis.
  • Conclusion : Summarize your main points, restate your thesis (without simply repeating it), and suggest the broader implications of your findings. How does understanding Death of a Salesman influence our perspective on American literature or society at large?
  • Drafting and Revising : Always start with a draft, allowing yourself time to refine your thoughts. Revisit your paper multiple times, refining arguments, ensuring evidence supports your claims, and checking for coherence in your writing.
  • Citation and Bibliography : Ensure that you properly cite all your sources. Whether you’re referencing a critic’s opinion, a historical fact, or a line from the play, accurate citation is crucial.
  • Feedback : Before final submission, get feedback. Peer reviews, discussions with professors, or even writing workshops can offer fresh perspectives and identify areas for improvement.
  • Proofreading : Lastly, proofread meticulously. A paper free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors reflects professionalism and a keen attention to detail.

In essence, writing a research paper on Death of a Salesman demands both a deep understanding of the text and a methodical approach to research and writing. By immersing yourself in the world Miller created and rigorously analyzing its components, you’re not only uncovering the layers of a dramatic masterpiece but also enhancing your skills as a literary researcher.

Our Custom Research Paper Writing Services

Diving into the profound depths of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman can be both exhilarating and challenging. The multi-layered narrative, its intricate characters, and the deep-rooted societal critiques can sometimes overwhelm even the most dedicated literature enthusiasts. That’s where iResearchNet steps in, offering bespoke research paper writing services tailored specifically for Miller’s magnum opus.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers : Our team boasts professionals with advanced degrees in literature and relevant fields. These experts are not only well-versed in Miller’s work but also have an acute understanding of the socio-cultural and historical contexts surrounding it.
  • Custom Written Works : Every research paper crafted by our team is uniquely tailored to the specific requirements and questions posed by our clients. This ensures a fresh perspective every time, eliminating concerns about plagiarism or cookie-cutter content.
  • In-depth Research : We pride ourselves on our rigorous research methodology. Every paper is backed by comprehensive study, incorporating both primary sources (the play itself) and a wide range of secondary scholarly works.
  • Custom Formatting : Whether your institution requires APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, or Harvard formatting, our team is equipped to deliver impeccably structured papers adhering to any of these standards.
  • Top Quality : At iResearchNet, quality isn’t just a buzzword. Every paper undergoes multiple rounds of review and quality checks to ensure it meets our stringent standards of excellence.
  • Customized Solutions : Recognizing that each student might approach the play from a different angle, we offer solutions tailored to individual perspectives, whether it’s a character analysis, thematic exploration, or a broader socio-cultural critique.
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In conclusion, Death of a Salesman is a rich tapestry of human emotions, societal pressures, and the perennial quest for the elusive American Dream. At iResearchNet, we aim to ensure that your exploration of this literary masterpiece is supported by expert insights, thorough research, and impeccable writing. Let our team be the bridge between Miller’s world and your academic success.

Dive Deep into Miller’s Magnum Opus with iResearchNet

The world Arthur Miller paints in Death of a Salesman isn’t just a critique of the American Dream, but a profound exploration of human aspiration, familial bonds, societal expectations, and the tragic cost of misplaced ambitions. It’s a realm that requires careful navigation, an understanding of nuanced characters, and an appreciation for layered symbolism. To truly unravel and appreciate Miller’s genius, one needs the right tools, guidance, and expertise.

Enter iResearchNet, your premier academic partner.

Our tailored research services are not just about penning down words on a page but about understanding, interpreting, and communicating the essence of Death of a Salesman . With us, you aren’t just ordering a paper; you’re gaining a deeper appreciation for one of the 20th century’s most poignant plays.

Why traverse the challenging landscape of Willy Loman’s dreams and disappointments alone? Our expert team is equipped and eager to accompany you, ensuring that your journey is both enlightening and academically rewarding.

Don’t merely scratch the surface. Dive deep, explore the intricacies, and engage with the heart of Miller’s work. With iResearchNet by your side, you’re not just studying a play; you’re experiencing a literary masterpiece in all its glory.

Act Now! Let iResearchNet be your guide in this captivating literary expedition. Click [here] to embark on a transformative academic journey through the lanes and alleys of Miller’s timeless New York.


what is a good thesis statement for death of a salesman

Death of a Salesman Essay Topics & Samples

As a Pulitzer Prize winner, Death of a Salesman deserves some attention, which is most likely the reason why you were asked to write an essay about it. Even though Arthur Miller wrote it in the middle of the twentieth century, the play is still relevant.

This article aims to help you if you have questions or are looking for a decent Death of a Salesman essay topic or have to choose between many variants.

  • The first section of it contains a list of ideas that might help you write a great essay.
  • The second one contains Death of a Salesman essay samples that you are welcome to use for inspiration.
  • 💡 Essay Topics
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💡 Death of a Salesman: Essay Topics

Miller addresses various themes, such as the American dream and betrayal, incorporated into family life. To write a killer essay on Death of a Salesman , you should first study all aspects of the play. So you don’t forget to read through our analysis of the main characters and themes !

Now you are all set up to pick a topic from the list below.

  • Analyze the main symbols of the play. There are multiple hidden symbols that Miller uses to represent one idea or another. The interpretation depends on you. There are no wrong answers. However, to set a direction, we recommend looking at such a symbol as the stockings. It is quite an obvious hint on the theme of betrayal.
  • How is Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman as a father? Willy Loman, the main character in Death of a Salesman , is far from being the employee of the month. But as a father, he is also supposed to be a role model to his two sons. However, we can see that Biff and Happy have developed their personalities according to their dad’s behavior.
  • Can Willy Loman be considered a hero? Loman tries to solve the problems which are too big for him. He cannot possibly overcome capitalism and becomes its victim. Analyze Willy’s last act and see whether it can be genuinely regarded as a good deed or it is a desperate attempt to get rid of a problem.
  • Discuss the theme of the American Dream in Death of a Salesman . Is it Willy’s fault that he failed his family? Think about how our ambitions shape the course of our lives and write an essay reflecting on it in relation to the play. Discuss the fate of the salesman as the embodiment of the American dream.
  • How reasonable was Willy’s despair in the final scenes? Look through all the details you can find about the Loman family and analyze their social and financial state. Try to write an objective opinion on whether Willy’s suicide was the only option for them. What might have caused him to exaggerate the problems they were having?
  • Discuss the statement “Be liked, and you will never want” from Death of a Salesman . This prompt is related to Willy’s life philosophy, which he passes on to his sons. Are there any reasons to claim that it doesn’t work? Why? Maybe reflect on the same idea circulating in modern society.
  • What is the meaning of Arthur Miller’s play? We suggest you answer the question, “What is the main message of Death of a Salesman ?” Rereading our analysis of the main themes and characters should give you some ideas! However, remember to focus on ONE idea and present persuasive arguments.
  • Analyze Willy Loman’s career choice. What do you think about Willy’s decision to go into the sales business? Was it the right choice? Find the evidence in the play? Think about how different his life and life of his family could be if he had chosen a different occupation, which fits his natural abilities.
  • Illusions and realistic dreams as Willy Loman’s coping mechanism. Look at Death of a Salesman as a tragedy and the story about the main character’s inner fight. Write about how he retreats into the memories to escape real-life problems. Does it have anything to do with his failure to understand his ambitions?
  • Discuss the reason for Willy’s rejection of Charley’s job offer . Loman keeps turning down his friend’s job offer, and it seems to be annoying him more and more every time. But what is the reason? He might have been more well-off if he accepted it. Is it about his pride or social values?

✒️ Death of a Salesman: Essay Samples

Below you’ll find a collection of Death of a Salesman essay examples. You are welcome to use them for inspiration!

  • “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller
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Death of a Salesman Study Guide

Is the American dream attainable? What makes someone a successful person? How does your image of yourself shape your life? Arthur Miller’s play is a tragic but true-to-life illustration of these philosophical questions without definitive answers. This Death of a Salesman Study Guide will help you understand the author’s intention...

Death of a Salesman: Summary

Looking for a summary of Death of a Salesman? This article by experts contains everything you might need for your studies or essay: Death of a Salesman’s synopsis, a plot infographic, Death of a Salesman’s short summary, and detailed descriptions of the events in the play act by act....

Death of a Salesman: Characters

This article contains all the information about Death of a Salesman characters: Willy Loman, Biff, Happy, Linda Loman, Ben Loman, Charley, Bernard, the Woman, and others. Additionally, in the first section, you’ll find a detailed Death of a Salesman character map. 🗺️ Death of a Salesman Character Map Below...

Death of a Salesman: Themes

This article explains the key themes in Death of a Salesman. The American dream, family, betrayal and abandonment are the core issues represented in the play by Arthur Miller. 🗽 Death of a Salesman: American Dream One of the main themes in Death of a Salesman is the American...

Death of a Salesman: Analysis

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Death of a Salesman

Death of a salesman.

what is a good thesis statement about dreams changing your identity

 This is a short answer forum so we don't formulate thesis statements. Consider, however, that dreams of grandeur, in people like Willy Loman, often lack the work ethic or drive to attain them.   

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  1. What Is a Good Thesis Statement for "Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller?

    A valid and provocative thesis statement on Arthur Miller's Pulitzer-prize-winning play "Death of a Salesman" should focus on one of the major themes of the play. These themes revolve around the ideas of denial, abandonment and the disorder of madness. Because everyone in the Loman family in "Death of a Salesman" is either living in ...

  2. 105 Death of a Salesman Essay Topics & Samples

    Updated: Dec 6th, 2023. 12 min. Death of a Salesman is Arthur Miller's multiple award-winning stage play that explores such ideas as American Dream and family. Our writers have prepared a list of topics and tips on writing the Death of a Salesman thesis statement, essay, or literary analysis. We will write.

  3. Death of a Salesman Sample Essay Outlines

    Outline. I. Thesis Statement: Being a salesman not only constitutes Willy's occupation but shapes his entire personality and outlook on life. His identity as a salesman greatly influences his ...

  4. A Summary and Analysis of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman

    Death of a Salesman: summary. The salesman of the title is Willy Loman, a travelling salesman who is in his early sixties. He works on commission, so if he doesn't make a sale, he doesn't get paid. His job involves driving thousands of miles around the United States every year, trying to sell enough to put food on his family's table. He ...

  5. Analysis of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman

    Categories: Drama Criticism, Literature. Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman is, perhaps, to this time, the most mature example of a myth of Contemporary life. The chief value of this drama is its attempt to reveal those ultimate meanings which are resident in modern experience. Perhaps the most significant comment on this play is not its ...

  6. Death of a Salesman

    A strong essay on 'Death of a Salesman' should be centered around a clear, concise thesis statement. This statement should present a specific viewpoint or argument about the play. For example, you might analyze Willy Loman's character as a representation of the failure of the American Dream, discuss the play's commentary on societal values ...

  7. Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

    He trained his sons on his approach to life and hoped they would follow and achieve his dream of success. He has no plan for his life and concentrates on his past failures, and his children seem perched to being successful, primed on his world hypotheses. Salesmanship has given Willy a feeling of greatness and merit.

  8. Major Themes in Death of a Salesman

    Death of a Salesman addresses loss of identity and a man's inability to accept change within himself and society. The play is a montage of memories, dreams, confrontations, and arguments, all of which make up the last 24 hours of Willy Loman's life. The three major themes within the play are denial, contradiction, and order versus disorder.

  9. Death of a Salesman Critical Essays

    Analysis. Death of a Salesman raises many issues, not only of artistic form but also of thematic content. Dramatically speaking, the play represents Arthur Miller's desire to modernize the ...

  10. Death of a Salesman Essays and Criticism

    In the following essay, Sister Bettina examines the function of the character of Ben in Death of a Salesman, arguing that Ben is an extension of Willy's own consciousness, and that "through [Ben ...

  11. Essays on Death of a Salesman

    What Makes a Good Death of a Salesman Essay Topic. When it comes to writing an essay on Arthur Miller's iconic play, Death of a Salesman, choosing the right topic is essential. A good essay topic should be thought-provoking, engaging, and allow for in-depth analysis. Here are some recommendations on how to brainstorm and choose a compelling ...

  12. Thesis Statements Death of a Salesman

    Three Approved Thesis Statements for "Death of a Salesman" Note: If you choose to use one of these pre-approved thesis statements, you will need to use it exactly as it is written. 1.

  13. Death of a Salesman

    About Death of a Salesman. Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman addresses loss of identity and a man's inability to accept change within himself and society. The play is a montage of memories, dreams, confrontations, and arguments, all of which make up the last 24 hours of Willy Loman's life. The play concludes with Willy's suicide and ...

  14. Analysis of "Death of a Salesman"

    Arthur Miller's "Death of a Salesman" is a timeless tale of an aging salesman, Willy Loman, who clings to an optimistic philosophy of the American Dream and its associated values while struggling to provide for his family. In this essay, I will argue that the play critiques these values and sheds light on the dark side of the American Dream ...

  15. 10 Death of a Salesman Essay Topics for an Interesting Analysis

    Topic #6: Setting in Death of a Salesman. Setting can affect a variety of elements in a story, including characters' personalities, character interactions, mood, and plot. Here are a few ways you could approach analyzing a Death of a Salesman setting:. Examine the contrasting locations in Death of a Salesman and the effect they have on the play.; Death of a Salesman is set in Brooklyn.

  16. Death of a Salesman Research Paper Topics

    This article seeks to provide a comprehensive guide on Death of a Salesman research paper topics, spanning character analyses to thematic explorations. Navigating the intricate layers of Arthur Miller's "Death of a Salesman" can be a daunting task for students, but the potential research avenues it presents are vast and enriching.

  17. Death Of A Salesman Thesis

    As stated above, Death of a Salesman takes place in the 1940's between the end of The Great Depression and World War II, and the surge of the 1950's. During this time, the American Dream was highly sought after and Americans were desperate to achieve it. The demand for laborers was on the rise as well, making the Dream seem all the more tangible.

  18. A Statement Of Death Of A Salesman English Literature Essay

    Thesis Statement: Although Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller is a classic tragedy in the Aristotelian sense, it is also a biting critique of capitalism and the empty promises of capitalism's materialistic version of the American Dream. II. Death of a Salesman as a Tragedy. A. Catharsis of Emotion. B.

  19. Death of a Salesman Essay Topics & Samples

    Death of a Salesman Essay Topics & Samples. As a Pulitzer Prize winner, Death of a Salesman deserves some attention, which is most likely the reason why you were asked to write an essay about it. Even though Arthur Miller wrote it in the middle of the twentieth century, the play is still relevant. Our specialists will write a custom essay ...

  20. What do you think of my thesis? (Death of the Salesman English ...

    Thesis: In order to better understand Arthur Miller's critique of the American dream ideals in Death of a Salesman, it is necessary to take into account both the- psychological aspect of the protagonist; Willy's self-destructive personality- and its sociological factors; social class, family background, and education.

  21. Death of a Salesman Essay Examples

    Browse essays about Death of a Salesman and find inspiration. Learn by example and become a better writer with Kibin's suite of essay help services. Essay Examples

  22. Death of a Salesman Questions

    what is a good thesis statement about dreams changing your identity. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. More books than SparkNotes. Study Guides; Q & A; ... Death of a Salesman death of a salesman. what is a good thesis statement about dreams changing your identity. Asked by Taylor V #431069 on 5/3/2015 2:15 AM

  23. Good Thesis Statements For Death of A Salesman

    Good Thesis Statements for Death of a Salesman - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.