Groovy Tutorial

  • Groovy Tutorial
  • Groovy - Home
  • Groovy - Overview
  • Groovy - Environment
  • Groovy - Basic Syntax
  • Groovy - Data Types
  • Groovy - Variables
  • Groovy - Operators
  • Groovy - Loops
  • Groovy - Decision Making

Groovy - Methods

  • Groovy - File I/O
  • Groovy - Optionals
  • Groovy - Numbers
  • Groovy - Strings
  • Groovy - Ranges
  • Groovy - Lists
  • Groovy - Maps
  • Groovy - Dates & Times
  • Groovy - Regular Expressions
  • Groovy - Exception Handling
  • Groovy - Object Oriented
  • Groovy - Generics
  • Groovy - Traits
  • Groovy - Closures
  • Groovy - Annotations
  • Groovy - XML
  • Groovy - JMX
  • Groovy - JSON
  • Groovy - DSLS
  • Groovy - Database
  • Groovy - Builders
  • Groovy - Command Line
  • Groovy - Unit Testing
  • Groovy - Template Engines
  • Groovy - Meta Object Programming
  • Groovy Useful Resources
  • Groovy - Quick Guide
  • Groovy - Useful Resources
  • Groovy - Discussion
  • Selected Reading
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  • Developer's Best Practices
  • Questions and Answers
  • Effective Resume Writing
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  • Computer Glossary

A method is in Groovy is defined with a return type or with the def keyword. Methods can receive any number of arguments. It’s not necessary that the types are explicitly defined when defining the arguments. Modifiers such as public, private and protected can be added. By default, if no visibility modifier is provided, the method is public.

The simplest type of a method is one with no parameters as the one shown below −

Following is an example of simple method

In the above example, DisplayName is a simple method which consists of two println statements which are used to output some text to the console. In our static main method, we are just calling the DisplayName method. The output of the above method would be −

Method Parameters

A method is more generally useful if its behavior is determined by the value of one or more parameters. We can transfer values to the called method using method parameters. Note that the parameter names must differ from each other.

The simplest type of a method with parameters as the one shown below −

Following is an example of simple method with parameters

In this example, we are creating a sum method with 2 parameters, a and b . Both parameters are of type int . We are then calling the sum method from our main method and passing the values to the variables a and b .

The output of the above method would be the value 15.

Default Parameters

There is also a provision in Groovy to specify default values for parameters within methods. If no values are passed to the method for the parameters, the default ones are used. If both nondefault and default parameters are used, then it has to be noted that the default parameters should be defined at the end of the parameter list.

Following is an example of simple method with parameters −

Let’s look at the same example we looked at before for the addition of two numbers and create a method which has one default and another non-default parameter −

In this example, we are creating a sum method with two parameters, a and b . Both parameters are of type int. The difference between this example and the previous example is that in this case we are specifying a default value for b as 5. So when we call the sum method from our main method, we have the option of just passing one value which is 6 and this will be assigned to the parameter a within the sum method.

The output of the above method would be the value 11.

We can also call the sum method by passing 2 values, in our example above we are passing 2 values of 6. The second value of 6 will actually replace the default value which is assigned to the parameter b .

The output of the above method would be the value 12.

Method Return Values

Methods can also return values back to the calling program. This is required in modern-day programming language wherein a method does some sort of computation and then returns the desired value to the calling method.

Following is an example of simple method with a return value.

In our above example, note that this time we are specifying a return type for our method sum which is of the type int. In the method we are using the return statement to send the sum value to the calling main program. Since the value of the method is now available to the main method, we are using the println function to display the value in the console.

Instance methods

Methods are normally implemented inside classes within Groovy just like the Java language. A class is nothing but a blueprint or a template for creating different objects which defines its properties and behaviors. The class objects exhibit the properties and behaviors defined by its class. So the behaviors are defined by creating methods inside of the class.

We will see classes in more detail in a later chapter but Following is an example of a method implementation in a class. In our previous examples we defined our method as static methods which meant that we could access those methods directly from the class. The next example of methods is instance methods wherein the methods are accessed by creating objects of the class. Again we will see classes in a later chapter, for now we will demonstrate how to use methods.

Following is an example of how methods can be implemented.

In our above example, note that this time we are specifying no static attribute for our class methods. In our main function we are actually creating an instance of the Example class and then invoking the method of the ‘ex’ object.

The output of the above method would be the value 100.

Local and External Parameter Names

Groovy provides the facility just like java to have local and global parameters. In the following example, lx is a local parameter which has a scope only within the function of getX() and x is a global property which can be accessed inside the entire Example class. If we try to access the variable lx outside of the getX() function, we will get an error.

When we run the above program, we will get the following result.

this method for Properties

Just like in Java, groovy can access its instance members using the this keyword. The following example shows how when we use the statement this.x , it refers to its instance and sets the value of x accordingly.

When we run the above program, we will get the result of 200 printed on the console.

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Read and write files with Groovy

Woman programming

WOCinTech Chat. Modified by CC BY-SA 4.0

Two common tasks that new programmers need to learn are how to read from and write to files stored on a computer. Some examples are when data and configuration files created in one application need to be read by another application, or when a third application needs to write info, warnings, and errors to a log file or to save its results for someone else to use.

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Every language has a few different ways to read from and write to files. This article covers some of these details in the Groovy programming language , which is based on Java but with a different set of priorities that make Groovy feel more like Python. The first thing a new-to-Groovy programmer sees is that it is much less verbose than Java. The next observation is that it is (by default) dynamically typed. The third is that Groovy has closures, which are somewhat like lambdas in Java but provide access to the entire enclosing context (Java lambdas restrict what can be accessed).

My fellow correspondent Seth Kenlon has written about Java input and output (I/O) . I'll jump off from his Java code to show you how it's done in Groovy.

Install Groovy

Since Groovy is based on Java, it requires a Java installation. You may be able to find a recent and decent version of Java and Groovy in your Linux distribution's repositories. Or you can install Groovy by following the instructions on Groovy's download page . A nice alternative for Linux users is SDKMan , which you can use to get multiple versions of Java, Groovy, and many other related tools. For this article, I'm using my distro's OpenJDK11 release and SDKMan's Groovy 3.0.7 release.

Read a file with Groovy

Start by reviewing Seth's Java program for reading files:

Now I'll do the same thing in Groovy:

Groovy looks like Java but less verbose. The first thing to notice is that all those import statements are already done in the background. And since Groovy is partly intended to be a scripting language, by omitting the definition of the surrounding class and public static void main , Groovy will construct those things in the background.

The semicolons are also gone. Groovy supports their use but doesn't require them except in cases like when you want to put multiple statements on the same line. Aaaaaaaaand the single quotes—Groovy supports either single or double quotes for delineating strings, which is handy when you need to put double quotes inside a string, like this:

Note also that try...catch is gone. Groovy supports try...catch but doesn't require it, and it will give a perfectly good error message and stack trace just like the ex.printStackTrace() call does in the Java example.

Groovy adopted the def keyword and inference of type from the right-hand side of a statement long before Java came up with the var keyword, and Groovy allows it everywhere. Aside from using def , though, the code that does the main work looks quite similar to the Java version. Oh yeah, except that Groovy also has this nice metaprogramming ability built in, which among other things, lets you write println() instead of System.out.println() . This similarity is way more than skin deep and allows Java programmers to get traction with Groovy very quickly.

And just like Python programmers are always looking for the pythonic way to do stuff, there is Groovy that looks like Java, and then there is… groovier Groovy. This solves the same problem but uses Groovy's with method to make the code more DRY ("don't repeat yourself") and to automate closing the input file:

What's between .with { and } is a closure body. Notice that you don't need to write myScanner.hasNextLine() nor myScanner.nextLine() as with exposes those methods directly to the closure body.  Also the with gets rid of the need to code myScanner.close() and so we don't actually need to declare myScanner at all.

Note the "file not found" exception; this is because there isn't a file called example.txt yet. Note also that the files are from things like .

So I'll write something into that file…

Write data to a file with Groovy

Combining what I shared previously about, well, being "groovy":

Remember that true after the file name means "append to the file," so you can run this a few times:

Then you can read the results with ingest1.groovy :

The call to flush() is used because the with / write combo didn't do a flush before close. Groovy isn't always shorter!

Groovy resources

The Apache Groovy site has a lot of great documentation . Another great Groovy resource is Mr. Haki . And a really great reason to learn Groovy is to learn Grails , which is a wonderfully productive full-stack web framework built on top of excellent components like Hibernate, Spring Boot, and Micronaut.

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Class Writer

Methods summary, methods inherited from class java.lang. object.

addShutdownHook , any , any , asBoolean , asType , collect , collect , collect , dump , each , eachMatch , eachMatch , eachWithIndex , every , every , find , find , findAll , findAll , findIndexOf , findIndexOf , findIndexValues , findIndexValues , findLastIndexOf , findLastIndexOf , findResult , findResult , findResult , findResult , getAt , getMetaClass , getMetaPropertyValues , getProperties , grep , grep , hasProperty , identity , inject , inject , inspect , invokeMethod , is , isCase , isNotCase , iterator , metaClass , print , print , printf , printf , println , println , println , putAt , respondsTo , respondsTo , setMetaClass , split , sprintf , sprintf , stream , tap , toString , use , use , use , with , with , withCloseable , withStream , withTraits

Methods inherited from interface java.lang. Appendable

leftShift , withFormatter , withFormatter

Methods Detail

Public writer leftshift ( object value).

Overloads the leftShift operator for Writer to allow an object to be written using Groovy's default representation for the object.

public PrintWriter newPrintWriter ()

Create a new PrintWriter for this Writer.

public Object withPrintWriter ( Closure closure)

Create a new PrintWriter for this Writer. The writer is passed to the closure, and will be closed before this method returns.

public Object withWriter ( Closure closure)

Allows this writer to be used within the closure, ensuring that it is flushed and closed before this method returns.

public void write ( Writable writable)

A helper method so that dynamic dispatch of the writer.write(object) method will always use the more efficient Writable.writeTo(writer) mechanism if the object implements the Writable interface.


Groovy Script Tutorial for Beginners

James Hartman

What is a Groovy Script?

Apache Groovy is an object oriented and Java syntax compatible programming language built for the Java platform. This dynamic language has many features which are similar to Python, Ruby, Smalltalk, and Pero. Groovy source code gets compiled into Java Bytecode so it can run on any platform that has JRE is installed. Groovy also performs a lot of tasks behind the scene that makes it more agile and dynamic.

Groovy language can be used as a scripting language for the Java platform. It is almost like a super version of Java which offers Java’s enterprise capabilities. It also offers many productivity features like DSL support, closures, and dynamic typing. Unlike some other languages, it is designed as a companion, not a replacement for Java.

Why Groovy?

Here, are major reasons why you should use and learn Groovy-

  • Groovy is an agile and dynamic language
  • Seamlessly integration with all existing Java objects and libraries
  • Feels easy and natural to Java developers
  • More concise and meaningful code compares to Java
  • You can use it as much or as little as you like with Java apps

Groovy History

  • 2003: Developed by Bob McWhirter & James Strachan
  • 2004: Commissioned into JSR 241 but it was abandoned
  • 2005: Brought back by Jeremy Rayner & Guillaume Laforge
  • 2007: Groovy version 1.0
  • 2012: Groovy version 2
  • 2014: Groovy version 2.3 (official support given for JDK 8)
  • 2015: Groovy became a project at the Apache Software Foundation

Features of Groovy

  • List, map, range, regular expression literals
  • Multimethod and metaprogramming
  • Groovy classes and scripts are usually stored in .groovy files
  • Scripts contain Groovy statements without any class declaration.
  • Scripts can also contain method definitions outside of class definitions.
  • It can be compiled and fully integrated with traditional Java application.
  • Language level support for maps, lists, regular expressions
  • Supports closures, dynamic typing, metaobject protocol
  • Support for static and dynamic typing & operator overloading
  • Literal declaration for lists (arrays), maps, ranges, and regular expressions

How to install Groovy

Step 1) Ensure you have Java installed .

Step 2) Go to and click installer.

install Groovy

Note: You can also install Groovy using the Zip file or as an Eclipse IDE . In this Groovy tutorial, we will stick to Windows Installer

Step 3) Launch the downloaded installer. Select language and click OK

install Groovy

Step 4) Launch. In welcome screen, click NEXT

install Groovy

Step 5) Agree with the license terms

install Groovy

Step 6) Select components you want to install and click NEXT

install Groovy

Step 7) Select Installation Directory and click NEXT

install Groovy

Step 8) Choose Start Menu Folder and click NEXT

install Groovy

Step 9) Once install is done, let the paths default and click NEXT

install Groovy

Step 10) Click NEXT

install Groovy

Step 11) In start Menu search for Groovy Console

install Groovy

Groovy Hello World Example

Consider we want to print a simple string “Hello World” in Java. The code to achieve the string Groovy hello world would be

The above code is valid in both Java and Groovy as Groovy is a superset of Java. But the advantage with Groovy is that we can do we away with class creation, public method creation, etc and achieve the same output with a single line code as follows:

There is no need for semicolons

There is no need for parenthesis

System.out.println is reduced to println

Groovy Variables

In Java, static binding is compulsory. Meaning the type of a variable has to be declared in advance.

In the above example of this Groovy tutorial, type of variable (integer) is declared in advance using the keyword “int”. If you were to declare a floating point number you use the keyword float.

If you try to assign a String value to an int (uncomment line #5), you will get the following error

In contrast, Groovy supports Dynamic Typing. Variables are defined using the keyword “def,” and the type of a variable does not need to be declared in advance. The compiler figures out the variable type at runtime and you can even the variable type.

Consider the following groovy example,

In Groovy, you can create multiline strings. Just ensure that you enclosed the String in triple quotes.

Note : You can still variable types like byte, short, int, long, etc with Groovy. But you cannot dynamically change the variable type as you have explicitly declared it.

Consider the following code:

It gives the following error


An operator is a symbol which tells the compiler to do certain mathematical or logical manipulations.

Groovy has the following five types of operators –

  • Arithmetic operators: Add (+), Subtract (-), Multiplication (*), Division(/)
  • Relational operators: equal to (==), Not equal to (!=), Less than (<) Less than or equal to (<=), Greater than (>), Greater than or equal to (>=)
  • Logical operators: And (&&), Or(||), Not(!)
  • Bitwise operators: And(&), Or(|), (^), Xor or Exclusive-or operator
  • Assignment operators: Negation operator (~)


In Java, you would define a loop as follows

You can achieve the same output in Groovy using upto keywords

You get the same output as above. $it is a closure that gives the value of the current loop.

Consider the following code

It gives an output

You can also use the “times” keyword to get the same output

Consider, you want to print 0,2,4 with for loop in Java

You can use the step method for the same

Groovy- Decision Making

Groovy list.

List structure allows you to store a collection of data Items. In a Groovy programming language, the List holds a sequence of object references. It also shows a position in the sequence. A List literal is presented as a series of objects separated by commas and enclosed in square brackets.

Example of Grrovy list:

A list of Strings- [‘Angular’, ‘Nodejs,]

A list of object references – [‘Groovy’, 2,4 2.6]

A list of integer values – [16, 17, 18, 19]

An empty list- [ ]

Following are list methods available in Groovy:

Consider the following Groovy script example

Groovy Maps

  • A Map Groovy is a collection of Key Value Pairs

Examples of Groovy maps:

  • [Tutorial: ‘Java, Tutorial: ‘Groovy] – Collection of key-value pairs which has Tutorial as the key and their respective values
  • [ : ] Represent an Empty map

Here, is a list of map methods available in Groovy.

Groovy Example:

Groovy- Closures

A groovy closure is a piece of code wrapped as an object. It acts as a method or a function.

Example of simple closure

A closure can accept parameters. The list of identifies is comma separated with

an arrow (->) marking the end of the parameter list.

A closure can return a value.

There are many built-in closures like “It”, “identity”, etc. Closures can take other closure as parameters.

Groovy Vs. Java

Myths about groovy, cons of using groovy.

  • JVM and Groovy script start time is slow which limits OS-level scripting
  • Groovy is not entirely accepted in other communities.
  • It is not convenient to use Groovy without using IDE
  • Groovy can be slower which increased the development time
  • Groovy may need lots of memory
  • Knowledge of Java is imperative.

Groovy Tools

We will discuss 3 important tools in this Groovy script tutorial

1. groovysh: Executes code interactively.

2. groovyConsole: GUI for interactive code execution

3. groovy: Executes groovy scripts. You can use it like Perl , Python , etc.

  • command-line shell
  • Helps you to execute Groovy code interactively
  • Allows entering statements or whole scripts

Groovy Tools

Groovy console

  • Swing interface which acts as a minimal Groovy development editor.
  • Allows you to interacts Groovy code
  • Helps you to load and run Groovy script files

Groovy Tools

It is the processor which executes Groovy programs and scripts. U

It can be used to test simple Groovy expressions.

Groovy Tools

  • Groovy is an Object-oriented programming language used for Java platform
  • Groovy scripting offers seamless integration with all existing Java objects and libraries
  • Bob McWhirter & James Strachan developed groovy in 2003
  • List, map, range, regular expression literals are important features of Groovy
  • Four type of operators support by Groovy are 1. Relational 2.Logical 3. Bitwise 4. Assignment
  • Groovy performed decision making using if, if/else, Nested if, switch, Netsted switch statements
  • List structure allows you to store a collection of Data Items
  • In Groovy, Getters and setters are automatically generated for class members
  • In Java, you can use provide getters and setters method for fields
  • The biggest myth about Groovy is that it can only use for scripting which is not correct
  • Some time Groovy can be slower which increased the development time
  • Three Groovy Tools are: groovysh which executes code, groovy Console which is GUI for interactive code execution and groovy which executes scripts
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How To Work With Groovy File Handling Techniques

Efficient file operations are pivotal for optimal application performance. In this article, we'll explore Groovy-specific techniques to streamline file handling. Learn how to manage resources, handle large files, and more.

Groovy offers a unique approach to file handling, making it both efficient and intuitive. As developers, understanding these techniques can streamline your coding processes. Let's explore the nuances and best practices of Groovy's file handling capabilities.

write method in groovy

Understanding Groovy File Handling Basics

Reading files in groovy, writing to files using groovy, manipulating file content, handling file exceptions and errors, best practices for efficient file operations, frequently asked questions, file object creation, reading a file.

  • Writing To A File

File Properties

Groovy, being a powerful scripting language, offers a simplified syntax for file handling. It's built on the Java platform, which means it inherently possesses Java's file handling capabilities. However, Groovy enhances these capabilities, making file operations more concise and readable.

In Groovy, you can create a File object just like in Java. However, Groovy provides a more straightforward approach.

After creating the File object, you can perform various operations on it, such as reading, writing, and checking its properties.

Reading a file in Groovy is straightforward. Here's how you can read a file's content:

For reading line by line:

Writing To A File:

Writing to a file is equally simple. You can either overwrite the existing content or append to it.

For appending:

Groovy allows you to easily access various properties of a file, such as its size, path, and whether it's a directory or not.

Understanding these basics sets the foundation for more advanced file operations in Groovy. As you delve deeper, you'll find that Groovy's approach to file handling is both efficient and developer-friendly.

Whole File Reading

Line by line reading, reading with a charset, reading specific lines.

Groovy simplifies the process of reading files, making it more intuitive and less verbose compared to traditional Java methods. With its enhanced syntax , reading files becomes a breeze.

One of the most common tasks is reading the entire content of a file. Groovy provides a direct property for this.

This method is best suited for smaller files. For larger files, reading line by line or in chunks is recommended to avoid memory issues.

For more control over the content, or when dealing with larger files, you might want to read the file line by line.

This method is memory efficient as it processes one line at a time, making it ideal for large files.

Sometimes, you might need to specify a charset when reading a file, especially if it contains special characters.

Specifying a charset ensures that the file's content is interpreted correctly, preserving any special characters or symbols.

Groovy also offers the flexibility to read specific lines or a range of lines from a file.

Being able to target specific lines can be particularly useful when you're interested in only a portion of a file's content.

In Groovy, the act of reading files is not just about fetching content; it's about doing so efficiently and with ease. The language's design ensures that developers can achieve their goals with minimal code, leading to cleaner and more maintainable scripts.

Overwriting File Content

Appending to a file, writing with a charset, writing multiple lines.

When it comes to writing data to files, Groovy offers a set of streamlined methods that make the process intuitive and efficient. Whether you're looking to overwrite existing content or append new data, Groovy has got you covered.

To replace the content of a file entirely, Groovy provides a straightforward assignment operation.

While this method is convenient, always ensure you want to replace the content, as this operation is irreversible.

If you wish to add content to the end of a file without disturbing its existing content, Groovy offers the append operator.

Appending is particularly useful when logging data or adding records to a file over time.

For files that require a specific charset , Groovy allows you to define it when writing to ensure proper encoding.

Using the correct charset is crucial when dealing with files that contain special characters or when ensuring compatibility across different systems.

When you have multiple lines or a list of data to write, Groovy provides a method to handle this efficiently.

This method is especially handy when dealing with structured data or when writing outputs from a program that generates multiple lines of results.

In essence, Groovy's approach to writing files is designed to be both powerful and user-friendly. By understanding and utilizing these methods, developers can ensure efficient and accurate file operations, making data storage and retrieval tasks seamless.

Transforming Each Line

Filtering file content, replacing content, working with csv files.

Beyond just reading and writing, Groovy offers a suite of tools to manipulate file content . Whether it's transforming data, filtering lines, or performing search and replace operations, Groovy's syntax makes these tasks intuitive.

If you need to make changes to each line in a file, Groovy's transformLine method is your ally.

This method reads and writes each line in a single operation, ensuring efficiency.

To filter out specific lines or content from a file based on a condition, you can use the filterLine method.

This is particularly useful for cleaning up data or removing comments from configuration files.

For search and replace operations within a file, Groovy provides the replace method.

This method is handy for making bulk changes or updates to file content.

Groovy also offers tools to manipulate structured data, like CSV files. Using the CsvParser class, you can easily read, modify, and write CSV data.

Manipulating CSV data becomes straightforward with Groovy's built-in classes and methods.

In Groovy, manipulating file content isn't just about changing data; it's about doing so with precision and efficiency. By leveraging the language's powerful methods, developers can easily transform, filter, and update file content, ensuring data integrity and consistency.

Basic Exception Handling

Handling multiple exceptions, using finally block, logging exceptions.

While Groovy simplifies file operations, it's essential to handle potential exceptions and errors that might arise. Proper error handling ensures that your application remains robust and can recover gracefully from unexpected situations.

The most common way to handle exceptions in Groovy is by using the try-catch block.

By catching exceptions, you can provide informative feedback to users or take corrective actions.

Sometimes, multiple exceptions can arise from a single operation. Groovy allows you to catch and handle each exception type separately.

By distinguishing between exception types, you can provide more specific error messages or take different actions based on the error.

To ensure that certain actions are taken regardless of whether an exception occurs, you can use the finally block.

The finally block is crucial for resource cleanup, ensuring that resources like files or network connections are closed properly.

Instead of just printing error messages, it's often a good practice to log exceptions for later analysis.

Logging provides a persistent record of errors, which can be invaluable for debugging and improving your application.

In the realm of file operations, exceptions are inevitable. However, with Groovy's robust error-handling mechanisms, developers can ensure that their applications remain resilient and user-friendly, even in the face of unexpected challenges.

Use Buffered Streams

Close resources properly, check file existence before operations, avoid reading entire files for small changes, regularly backup critical files.

When working with files in Groovy, adhering to best practices can make your operations not only efficient but also reliable and maintainable. These practices ensure that your file handling is optimized and less prone to errors.

For reading and writing large files, it's advisable to use buffered streams. They enhance performance by reducing the number of I/O operations.

Buffered streams can significantly speed up file operations, especially for large files.

Always ensure that you close file resources after operations to free up system resources.

Closing resources prevents potential file locks and memory leaks.

Before performing operations, it's a good practice to check if the file exists or if you have the necessary permissions.

Such checks prevent unnecessary exceptions and provide clearer error messages.

If you need to make a small change, avoid reading the entire file. Instead, use random access or seek operations.

Such methods are more efficient for making pinpointed changes in large files.

While not a coding practice, regularly backing up critical files ensures data integrity and recovery in case of errors.

Regular backups can be a lifesaver, especially when dealing with crucial data.

Incorporating these best practices into your Groovy file operations ensures that your code is not only efficient but also robust and reliable. By being mindful of these guidelines, developers can create applications that handle files seamlessly and effectively.

Can I create directories recursively in Groovy?

Absolutely! Use the file.mkdirs() method. It will create the specified directory and any necessary parent directories.

How do I delete a file or directory using Groovy?

Use the file.delete() method. For directories, ensure they are empty before attempting to delete, or use file.deleteDir() to delete directories even if they contain files or other directories.

Is there a way to rename a file in Groovy?

Yes, you can use the file.renameTo(new File("newPath")) method, where "newPath" is the new name or path for the file.

How can I check if a file is empty using Groovy?

You can use the file.isEmpty() method. It returns true if the file is empty and false otherwise.

file.text returns the entire content of the file as a single string. On the other hand, file.readLines() returns a list of strings, where each string represents a line from the file.

Let’s test your knowledge!

Which method is recommended for reading and writing large files in Groovy?

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  3. Advanced Groovy Tips and Tricks

  4. JavaScript

  5. Do you write your own music? 💡💃 #techno #producer #technomusic #djproducer #electronicmusic #dance

  6. Algebra wrong and write method


  1. Groovy Language Documentation

    The method reference operator (::) can be used to reference a method or constructor in contexts expecting a functional interface. This overlaps somewhat with the functionality provided by Groovy's method pointer operator. Indeed, for dynamic Groovy, the method reference operator is just an alias for the method pointer operator.

  2. Guide to I/O in Groovy

    1. Introduction. Although in Groovy we can work with I/O just as we do in Java, Groovy expands on Java's I/O functionality with a number of helper methods. In this tutorial, we'll look at reading and writing files, traversing file systems and serializing data and objects via Groovy's File extension methods.

  3. Groovy

    Groovy - Methods - A method is in Groovy is defined with a return type or with the def keyword. Methods can receive any number of arguments. It's not necessary that the types are explicitly defined when defining the arguments. Modifiers such as public, private and protected can be added. By default, if no visibility

  4. Introduction to Groovy Language

    1. Overview. Groovy is a dynamic, scripting language for the JVM. It compiles to bytecode and blends seamlessly with Java code and libraries. In this article, we're going to take a look some of the essential features of Groovy, including basic syntax, control structures, and collections. Then we will look at some of the main features that ...

  5. What is the proper way of calling a method in Groovy

    3. Ok, so from the beginning: In groovy you can omit parentheses () when calling a method with arguments. So. log.debug 'lol'. is exactly the same as: log.debug('lol') Since on() and off() don't have any arguments, there's a need to use parens - or they might be mistaken with on and off fields. Blank separates method from arguments.

  6. Read and write files with Groovy

    Write data to a file with Groovy. Combining what I shared previously about, well, being "groovy": new FileWriter( "example.txt", true ).with {. write( "Hello world\n" ) flush() } Remember that true after the file name means "append to the file," so you can run this a few times: $ groovy exgest.groovy. $ groovy exgest.groovy.

  7. Apache Groovy: Write files with ease

    $ groovy Groovy20b.groovy /tmp/junk $ cat /tmp/junk foo bar $ Examining line eight above, you can see that the write() method is particularly applicable to the case where you build a list of data to be written in the application and then write it once completed. This could occur, for example, when you want to read a file containing some kind of ...

  8. Groovy Language Documentation

    Introduction. Groovy… * is an agile and dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine * builds upon the strengths of Java but has additional power features inspired by languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk * makes modern programming features available to Java developers with almost-zero learning curve * provides the ability to statically ...

  9. Writer (Groovy JDK enhancements)

    Create a new PrintWriter for this Writer. Allows this writer to be used within the closure, ensuring that it is flushed and closed before this method returns. A helper method so that dynamic dispatch of the writer.write (object) method will always use the more efficient Writable.writeTo (writer) mechanism if the object implements the Writable ...

  10. The Apache Groovy programming language

    1.1. Single-line comment. Single-line comments start with // and can be found at any position in the line. The characters following //, until the end of the line, are considered part of the comment. // a standalone single line comment. println "hello" // a comment till the end of the line. 1.2. Multiline comment.

  11. Introduction to Testing with Spock and Groovy

    1. Introduction. In this article, we'll take a look at Spock, a Groovy testing framework. Mainly, Spock aims to be a more powerful alternative to the traditional JUnit stack, by leveraging Groovy features. Groovy is a JVM-based language which seamlessly integrates with Java.

  12. Groovy Script Tutorial for Beginners

    What is a Groovy Script? Apache Groovy is an object oriented and Java syntax compatible programming language built for the Java platform. This dynamic language has many features which are similar to Python, Ruby, Smalltalk, and Pero. Groovy source code gets compiled into Java Bytecode so it can run on any platform that has JRE is installed.

  13. Complex Code With Groovy Objects: A Practical Approach

    Methods in Groovy are actions that an object can perform. They can have parameters and return values. Groovy methods are defined using the def keyword, followed by the method name. ... Practice by writing small Groovy scripts and gradually move on to more complex projects. Joining Groovy communities and forums can also provide valuable insights ...

  14. How To Work With Groovy File Handling Techniques

    Writing to a file is equally simple. You can either overwrite the existing content or append to it. file. text = "New content for the file". 📌. This overwrites the file with the new content. For appending: file << "Appending this text to the file". 📌. This appends the specified text to the end of the file.

  15. The Apache Groovy programming language

    The Groovy programming language comes with great support for writing tests. In addition to the language features and test integration with state-of-the-art testing libraries and frameworks, the Groovy ecosystem has born a rich set of testing libraries and frameworks. This chapter will start with language specific testing features and continue ...

  16. The Apache Groovy programming language

    Simply write the command line as a string and call the execute() method. E.g., on a *nix machine (or a Windows machine with appropriate *nix commands installed), you can execute this: ... To accommodate use of such APIs, Groovy provides methods for converting between the JSR 310 types and legacy types. Most JSR types have been fitted with ...

  17. Groovy built-in REST/HTTP client?

    I heard that Groovy has a built-in REST/HTTP client. The only library I can find is HttpBuilder, is this it? Basically I'm looking for a way to do HTTP GETs from inside Groovy code without having to import any libraries (if at all possible). But since this module doesn't appear to be a part of core Groovy I'm not sure if I have the right lib here.

  18. The Apache Groovy programming language

    To make things easier, Groovy supplies several helper methods to deal with class nodes. For example, if you want to say "the type for String", you can write: assert classNodeFor(String) instanceof ClassNode ... write the extension in Groovy, compile it, then use a reference to the extension class instead of the source. write the extension in ...