
Flocabulary Answers Key 2024 [FREE Access]

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As mentioned, you are free to see the quiz answers we revealed below.

Marie Curie & Determination

Scientific method, scientific inquiry, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, space rocks, land biomes, types of rocks, earthquakes, the water cycle, earth’s history.

  • Solar System

Current Electricity

Heat transfer, mass, volume & density, electromagnetic spectrum, chemical reactions, atoms & elements, states of matter, carbon free energy, simple machines, space exploration, the fertile crescent, ancient greece, ancient egypt, the renaissance, the french revolution, imperialism, modern china, american revolution, the declaration, a more perfect union, world war 1, world war 2, harlem renaissance, civil rights, political parties, veterans day, economic systems, what is history, math properties, gcf & lcm, order of operations, adding integers, subtracting integers, expressions, inequalities, linear equations, mean, median & mode, box & whisker plots, scatter plots, topic sentences, compare and contrast, opinion writing, text structure, paraphrasing, transitions, summarizing, personification, what is poetry, figurative language, word choice, test-taking vocabulary, plot elements, theme in literature, sentence fragments, run-on sentences, misplaced modifiers, active & passive voice, commonly confused words, complex sentences, parts of speech, simple and compound sentences, public speaking, shakespeare, huckleberry finn, perspectives on race, goal setting, paying for college, about flocabulary, flocabulary answers key – trending quiz topics covered.

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For your convenience, we divided answers into different topics and sub-topics to make it easier for you. Also, please note that we will be covering answers for Grade 5 to Grade 12 because we all know Grade K to Grade 4 quizzes can be answered easily. But don’t worry, a few hard topics are covered by our team.

Flocabulary Answer Key

Flocabulary Answer Key – SCIENCE

Science >> scientific practices.

Find the topics below to get exclusive answers:

Below you can find  Flocabulary Marie Curie & Determination quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Where was Marie Curie born?… Ans: Warsaw Q.2. Where did Curie study in Paris?… Ans: Sorbonne University Q.3. Curie earned a doctorate degree in… Ans: chemistry Q.4. Why did Curie change her first name from Maria to Marie?… Ans: to sound more French Q.5 . What science term did Curie invent?… Ans: radioactivity Q.6. How many Nobel Prizes did Curie win?… Ans: two Q.7. Which of these elements was not found by Curie to be radioactive?… Ans: scandium Q.8 . True or False: Curie was Sorbonne’s first female professor… Ans: True Q.9. How did Curie help soldiers during World War I?… Ans: by providing x-rays on the field Q.10. What was the cause of Marie Curie’s death?… Ans: Radiation exposure

Click the below button to find both “Quiz” answer key and answers for “Read and Respond” section:

Below you can find the Flocabulary Science Inquiry quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of the following describes a scientific process?… Ans: Pedro plants a sapling in his front yard. He observes and measures it each day. Using his observations, he hypothesizes that the leaves grow most in the spring. Q.2. On which of the following could a scientific claim be based?… Ans: experiments and studies Q.3. Sandra claims that invisible fairies live above the clouds where no one can see, hear or feel them. Which of the following is true?… Ans: Sandra’s claim is not scientific because it is not testable. Q.4. Which of the following describes empirical evidence?… Ans: Dogs have two eyes and two ears Q.5. Which of the following describes a scientific law?… Ans: Any two objects in the universe attract each other with a force called gravity. Q.6. A scientific theory is a… Ans: Well-tested explanation for a wide range of observations or experimental results. Q.7 . Which of the following would be a scientific theory?… Ans: an explanation of why global temperatures are rising. Q.8. Which of the following describes the relationship between scientific theories and scientific laws?… Ans: A law can describe a phenomenon, and a theory can give a possible explanation for it. Q.9. True or false: scientific theories and models cannot be modified… Ans: False Q.10. Which of the following is an example of pseudoscience?… Ans: A claim that pretends to be scientific but has not actually been tested.

Science >> Life Science

Below you can find the Flocabulary Nutrition quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. The key to good nutrition is… Ans: balancing different kinds of food. Q.2. Which of these is not a macronutrient?… Ans: vitamins Q.3. Carbohydrates give your body… Ans: good energy. Q.4. Which of these is a good source of protein?… Ans: beans Q.5. True or False: Fat is an important part of our diets…. Ans: True Q.6. Which of these is not a good source of fat?… Ans: rice Q.7. Vitamins and minerals are both… Ans: small compounds. Q.8. Which of these nutrients helps muscles grow strong?… Ans: iron Q.9. Most of what we drink should be… Ans: water Q.10. In which nutrient group would you find sugary sweets?… Ans: carbohydrates

Below you can find the Flocabulary Ecosystems quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What is the correct order for this food chain?… Ans: grass, antelope, lion Q.2. Which shows the correct path of how energy flows in a food chain?… Ans: producer, consumer, predator, decomposer Q.3. Which event might disrupt a stable ecosystem?… Ans: An invasive species enter the environment. Q.4 . The relationship between a carnivore and an herbivore can be stated as… Ans: predator and prey Q.5. Which is an example of a parasite and host relationship?… Ans: a tapeworm and a human Q.6. An ecosystem is defined as… Ans: a group of organisms and the habitat they share. Q.7. Carrying capacity is… Ans: the number of organisms an ecosystem can support. Q.8. Photosynthesis is a process that… Ans: green plants use to produce food. Q.9. What is a scavenger?… Ans: an organism that feeds on dead matter Q.10. What do decomposers leave behind after getting their energy?… Ans: elements like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus

Below you can find the Flocabulary Photosynthesis quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Photosynthesis occurs inside of which organelle?… Ans: chloroplasts Q.2. Which of the following is converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis?… Ans: light energy Q.3. Photosynthesis occurs… Ans: in the cells of autotrophs. Q.4. How do plants get the carbon dioxide they need for photosynthesis?… Ans: Carbon dioxide enters their leaves from the atmosphere. Q.5. In addition to carbon dioxide, __ is a reactant of photosynthesis… Ans: water Q.6. What do plants do with most of the oxygen produced in photosynthesis?… Ans: They release most of the oxygen into the atmosphere. Q.7. Why is photosynthesis important to plants?… Ans: It produces a simple sugar they need for cellular respiration. Q.8. Photosynthesis is important to animals because… Ans: oxygen, which animals breathe, is released as a byproduct. Q.9. Animals, including humans… Ans: get glucose from the food they eat. Q.10. True or false: Photosynthesis is an important part of the carbon cycle… Ans: True

Below you can find the Flocabulary Evolution quiz answer key for free:

Q1. The British naturalist Charles Darwin developed a theory after observing species in the Galapagos Islands. What is the name of this theory?… Ans: Theory of Evolution. Q2. Natural selection means… Ans: individuals that fit best into their environment survive to pass on their genes while individuals that are less fit die out. Q3. A mutation… Ans: is a random change in a cell’s DNA. Q4. Severe or sudden changes in Earth’s atmosphere can cause entire species of animals to die. When all of the members of species die out, it is called… Ans: extinction. Q5. New forms of drug-resistant bacteria can evolve quickly because… Ans: When a drug kills most of the bacteria, the ones left to breed are those that have a natural resistance to the drug. Q6. Evolution explains how Earth’s present-day species developed from earlier species through… Ans: natural selection. Q7. Genes are strands of __ found on chromosomes in the nucleus of a living cell… Ans: DNA Q8. A species has a better chance of surviving if it has greater variation in its… Ans: genes. Q9. All of the following provide evidence for evolution except… Ans: sexual reproduction Q10. What increases the chances that a trait will be passed on to offspring?… Ans: if the trait helps the organism compete for resources

Science >> Earth & Space Science

Below you can find the Flocabulary Space Rocks quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of the following is not a space rock?… Ans: A Star Q.2. True or False: Asteroids orbit the sun… Ans: True Q.3. Which of the following space rocks is most likely to leave a huge crater if it hits the Earth?… Ans: An Asteroid Q.4. Which of the following space rocks is mostly made of ice, gas, and dust?… Ans: A Comet Q.5. What generally happens when a comet nears the sun?… Ans: Its gas burns up Q.6. How are meteoroids different from asteroids?… Ans: Meteoroids are smaller than asteroids. Q.7. What generally happens when a meteoroid reaches Earth’s atmosphere?… Ans: It catches fire and burns up. Q.8. The flash of light from a meteoroid falling through Earth’s atmosphere is called a… Ans: meteor. Q.9. A small space rock that falls to the ground on Earth is called a… Ans: meteorite Q.10. True or False: Meteorites are far too big to hold in your hand… Ans: False

Below you can find the Flocabulary Tornadoes quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of the following best describes the shape of a tornado?… Ans: Funnel Q.2. Most tornadoes last about … Ans: 10 minutes Q.3. True or False: Scientists aren’t totally sure how tornadoes end… Ans: True Q.4. Which of the following is used to measure the intensity of tornadoes?… Ans: Fujita scale Q.5. In the United States, tornadoes are most frequent in a region known as … Ans: Tornado Alley Q.6. Tornadoes form when a warm and a cool collide, forming a thunderstorm called a supercell… Ans: Air mass Q.7. Winds blowing in opposite directions form a cylinder that might get tipped up by a supercell’s … Ans: updraft Q.8. What is the spinning cylinder called when it is tipped up?… Ans: Mesocyclone Q.9. True or False: A tornado is pulled to the ground by a downdraft, rain, or hail… Ans: True Q.10. Which of the following is the safest place to be during a tornado?… Ans: A basement with no windows

Below you can find the Flocabulary Deserts quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. The ecosystems in a biome generally share the same… Ans: Climate Q.2. Deserts are best known for being… Ans: Dry Q.3. In a desert, evaporation is more than precipitation… Ans: Greater Q.4. Deserts are commonly found around degrees of latitude… Ans: 30 Q.5. True or False: Deserts can be very cold… Ans: True Q.6. Which of these adaptations helps cacti hold on to water?… Ans: sprawling roots Q.7. How do most desert animals conserve water?… Ans: by resting during the day Q.8. Sandgrouses can store water in their… Ans: Feathers Q.9. How have deserts been changing in recent years?… Ans: They are growing quickly. Q.10. Which of these is an effect of desertification?… Ans: Loss of fertile land to farm.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Earthquakes quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of these is not one of Earth’s layers?… Ans: epicenter Q.2. The churning movement of the mantle is due to… Ans: convection currents Q.3. Which of these best describes convection currents?… Ans: slow-moving Q.4. Which of these most resembles Earth’s division into tectonic plates?… Ans: A cracked eggshell Q.5. The area on the fault line where an earthquake’s energy is first released is called the… Ans: Hypocenter Q.6. What can a seismogram tell us about an earthquake?… Ans: How big the seismic waves are. Q.7. On the Moment Magnitude Scale, a major earthquake usually measures __ or higher… Ans: 7 Q.8. While it is impossible to predict an earthquake, they typically occur near… Ans: Both A & B Q.9. What is the Ring of Fire?… Ans: The area around the Pacific Ocean where many earthquakes occur. Q.10. True or False: Aftershocks can last for years after an earthquake… Ans: True

Below you can find the Flocabulary The Water Cycle quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. True or False: The total amount of water on Earth is constantly changing… Ans: False Q.2. Which of the following describes condensation?… Ans: Water in the air cools down and forms droplets. Q.3. Which of the following describes evaporation?… Ans: Water turns into steam or vapor and rises into the air. Q.4. What happens after condensation to cause precipitation?… Ans: Clouds fill with moisture and get too heavy. Q.5. True or False: When it rains, all of the water is absorbed back into the ground… Ans: False Q.6. Which of the following is a type of precipitation?… Ans: All of the above. Q.7. What is runoff?… Ans: The excess water that isn’t absorbed into the ground after it rains. Q.8. What makes water move through the water cycle?… Ans: The sun Q.9. What part of the water cycle do the raindrops represent?… Ans: Precipitation Q.10. Where does runoff end up?… Ans: All of the above

Below you can find the Flocabulary Earth’s History quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. How do sedimentary rocks form on Earth’s surface?… Ans: In horizontal layers Q.2. What are strata?… Ans: Rock layers Q.3. What is normally found at the lowest stratum?… Ans: The oldest rock. Q.4. Stratigraphy is the study of… Ans: Rock layers Q.5. Which of the following is not a unit of geologic time?… Ans: Millennium Q.6. Which of the following describes the relative age of someone or something?… Ans: Kaitlyn is younger than Dillon. Q.7. True or false: Sometimes older rocks end up on top of younger rocks?… Ans: True Q.8. Using a substance’s rate of decay to determine its age is an example of… Ans: Absolute dating Q . 9. What happened during the Cambrian explosion?… Ans: Many animals first appeared. Q.10. Which of the following rock layers contains the youngest fossils?… Ans: A

S olar System

Below you can find the Flocabulary Weather quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What is the order of the events for the water cycle on a typical warm day?… Ans: evaporation, condensation, precipitation Q.2. Water located in wells underground is… Ans: ground water. Q.3. The lowest level of the atmosphere is the… Ans: troposphere. Q.4. The oceans, lakes, and rivers that cover 75% of Earth’s surface are called the… Ans: Hydrosphere Q.5. The ozone layer is located in the… Ans: stratosphere Q.6. A large body of air that has similar pressure, temperature, and atmospheric conditions is called a(n)… Ans: Air mass. Q.7. The name of the narrow belt of high-speed wind in the stratosphere is the… Ans: Jet stream Q.8. The leading edge where one weather system meets another is called a(n)… Ans: Weather front Q.9. The transfer of heat energy by the circulation of warm air is called… Ans: thermal convection. Q.10. Which is a major cause of global warming?… Ans: The greenhouse effect

Science >> Physical Science

Below you can find the Flocabulary Matter quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which one of the following is a solid?… Ans: Cheese Q.2. Which of the following is a property of a liquid?… Ans: It takes the shape of the container you choose. Q.3. What does all matter have?… Ans: Mass. Q.4. Atoms of a __ move around the most… Ans: Gas Q.5. Which of the following is a true statement?… Ans: Atoms in liquids are farther apart than in solids. Q.6. Which form of matter does not take the shape of a container you put it in?… Ans: Solid. Q.7. Which form of matter has no definite shape, form or volume?… Ans: Gas Q.8. What would cause a liquid to turn into a solid?… Ans: cooling it until it freezes Q.9. In the image below, what is the heat from the stove doing?… Ans: Giving energy to the atoms in the water Q.10. When a liquid becomes solid, the atoms in the solid usually… Ans: Are closer together than they were before.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Gravity quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What two things does gravity depend on?… Ans: Mass and distance Q.2. What does the force of gravity do to objects?… Ans: It pulls them together. Q.3 . How does gravity on Earth compare to gravity on the moon?… Ans: There is more gravity on Earth. Q.4. Sir Isaac Newton came up with a theory about __ in 1687… Ans: Gravity Q.5. What does the word mass mean?… Ans: The amount of matter in something. Q.6. True or False: Objects that have more mass also have more gravity… Ans: True Q.7. Why would it be harder to jump on the planet Jupiter than on Earth?… Ans: The gravity on Jupiter is stronger than on Earth. Q.8. Which of the following is NOT a true statement?… Ans: Earth’s gravity keeps all the planets spinning around the sun. Q.9. Based on the picture, would Man A or Man B have more gravity?… Ans: Man B Q.10. Imagine you throw a baseball on Earth. Then, you travel to a planet with less gravity than Earth and throw the same baseball there. Which of the following would be true?… Ans: The baseball would go farther on the other planet.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Heat Transfer quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. There are _ different methods of heat transfer… Ans: Three Q.2. Conduction is the transfer of heat through… Ans: Direct contact. Q.3. If you pour hot soup into a bowl, and the bowl stays cool to the touch, you can assume that… Ans: The bowl is a good insulator of heat. Q.4. The process by which heat moves through air or liquid is called… Ans: Convection Q.5. Which method of heat transfer can occur in empty space?… Ans: Radiation Q.6. A good conductor of heat… Ans: Let heat moves through it easily. Q.7. Which of the following is the best example of a heat insulator?… Ans: A pair of wool gloves. Q.8. Which of the following is the best example of a heat conductor?… Ans: A metal frying pan Q.9. What is another name for heat?… Ans: Thermal energy. Q.10. Which of these is the best example of heat transfer through radiation?… Ans: Warming up leftover pasta in the microwave

Below you can find the Flocabulary Electromagnetic Spectrum quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What must be true if a wave’s wavelength is short?… Ans: Its frequency is high. Q.2. What is one-way radio waves are used?… Ans: To carry signals for televisions. Q.3. How do microwaves help heat frozen food?… Ans: The waves are absorbed by water in food. Q.4. How can humans detect infrared waves?… Ans: They feel them as heat. Q.5. True or false: Electromagnetic radiation cannot travel through a vacuum… Ans: False Q.6. How fast do electromagnetic waves travel?… Ans: At the speed of light. Q.7. Which color has the shortest wavelength in the visible spectrum?… Ans: Violet. Q.8. Which of the following can block some UV rays?… Ans: The ozone layer Q.9. Which type of electromagnetic radiation carries the most energy and has the highest frequency?… Ans: Gamma rays Q.10. Which types of electromagnetic radiation might a doctor use to treat patients?… Ans: x-rays and gamma rays

Below you can find the Flocabulary Chemical Reactions quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What happens in a chemical reaction?… Ans: Substances interact to form one or more new substances. Q.2. The reactants are… Ans: The substances present when the reactions begins. Q.3. In a synthesis reaction, the elements Fe and S might react to form which of the following?… Ans: FeS Q.4. In a decomposition reaction, NaCl might form which of the following?… Ans: Na and Cl Q.5. In a chemical reaction, what happens to the total number of each type of atom?… Ans: The total number of each type of atom always stays the same. Q.6. Identify the product(s) of the following reaction: H2CO3->H2O+CO2… Ans: H2O and CO2 Q.7. In a science experiment, Marisa concludes that no chemical reaction has occurred. What evidence would support this conclusion?… Ans: No new substance was formed. Q.8. In a science experiment, Javi concludes that a chemical reaction has occurred. What evidence would support this conclusion?… Ans: A substance’s color and odor changed. Q.9. In a science lab, burning steel wool creates only iron oxide. What must be true?… Ans: The reaction of burning steel wool always creates iron oxide. Q.10. True or false: In a chemical reaction, atoms of elements cannot be present in the products if they were not present in the reactants… Ans: True

Science >> Technology & Engineering

Below you can find the Flocabulary Carbon Free Energy quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of the following is true about CO2?… Ans: It is a greenhouse gas. Q.2. Which of the following can be a result of increased greenhouse gas emissions?… Ans: All of the above. Q.3. Who will be hit the hardest by climate change?… Ans: the poorest nations Q.4. By the year 2050, global food demand is expected to… Ans: Increase Q.5. True or False: All forms of energy emit carbon dioxide… Ans: False Q.6. What do we need to do to get CO2 emissions all the way to zero?… Ans: develop new technologies, ideas and advances. Q.7. Current wind, solar, nuclear and hydroelectric energy technologies … Ans: don’t have the efficiency and scale we need Q.8. What do scientists think artificial photosynthesis could do?… Ans: split water molecules to make fuel like a plant. Q.9. What is solar paint?… Ans: material like solar panels that could be painted on roofs or walls. Q.10. What could we put high in the air to create energy?… Ans: wind turbines

Below you can find the Flocabulary Simple Machines quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What do all simple machines have in common?… Ans: All of the above. Q.2. When you use a simple machine to do work, __ … Ans: distance increases and force decreases. Q.3. Genesis is moving a box of books into her treehouse. How will the amount of work change if she uses an inclined plane to get to the treehouse?… Ans: The amount of work will not change when she uses the inclined plane. Q.4. What might an inclined plane be used for?… Ans: raising and lowering objects Q.5. Which simple machine would be most helpful for cutting fruit?… Ans: a wedge Q.6. A screw could best be used for which of the following tasks?… Ans: holding two pieces of wood together. Q.7. Which of the following is an example of a lever being used to do work?… Ans: A woman uses a crowbar, a stick that can be moved back and forth to raise the lid on a box. Q.8. Which of the following is an example of a wheel and axle being used to do work?… Ans: A boy rolls down the street on roller skates. Q.9. Which of the following is an example of a pulley being used to do work?… Ans: lowering the blinds of a window by pulling a rope attached to a wheel Q.10. Which of the following is an example of a compound machine?… Ans: A wheel, lever and wedge that, used together, open a can

Below you can find the Flocabulary Space Exploration quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. After World War II, the US was locked in a space race with… Ans: the Soviet Union. Q.2. In which mission did the US first land a man on the moon?… Ans: Apollo 11 Q.3. What did space scientists find on Mars?… Ans: a frozen lake Q.4. Which of the following is true about the International Space Station?… Ans: It was built from separate parts sent to space. Q.5. Astronauts go to live on the International Space Station for a period of month(s)…. Ans: Six Q.6. True or False: The force of gravity on the ISS is about equal to the force of gravity on Earth…. Ans: False Q.7. Which of these happens to astronauts in space without the pull of gravity?… Ans: Their vertebrae spread out. Q.8. On average, astronauts grow percent in space… Ans: Three Q.9. Which of these do engineers do to assist space travel?… Ans: all of the above Q.10. NASA’s goal is to get humans to walk on Mars by which year?… Ans: 2030

Flocabulary Answers Key – SOCIAL STUDIES

Social studies >> ancient world history.

Below you can find the Flocabulary The Fertile Crescent quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. The fertile crescent got its name because… Ans: it’s a land of rich soil that’s ideal for agriculture. Q.2. Hammurabi’s Code is a famous system of laws because it… Ans: is thought to be one of the earliest written sets of laws. Q.3. The Tigris and Euphrates are… Ans: rivers that were important to ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia. Q.4. Gilgamesh may be the world’s most famous Sumerian leader because he… Ans: had his adventures written in long poems. Q.5. Which of these people was said to have built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?… Ans: Nebuchadnezzar Q.6. The Hebrews were unlike other cultures at the time because they… Ans: believed in a single god. Q.7. Sumerian farmers built canals to… Ans: prevent rivers from flooding and move water where they needed it. Q.8. What was a city-state?… Ans: a city that had its own ruler and government much like states today Q.9. The Sumerians mainly used cuneiform to… Ans: keep track of taxes and government issues. Q.10. The first gold coins were issued by… Ans: the Lydians.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Ancient Greece quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of the following is a   true statement?… Ans: Greek city-states were surrounded by walls and originally built for protection. Q.2. The Athenians were known for ________… Ans: their vibrant art and culture Q.3. Socrates taught his students by ________… Ans: asking a lot of questions Q.4. In the early democracy of Athens, citizens were ________… Ans: expected to participate in their government Q.5. Who was Plato’s most famous student?… Ans: Aristotle Q . 6. The Odyssey is a Greek epic because it is ________… Ans: a long poem about a great hero and his travels Q.7. The Parthenon was ________… Ans: a famous temple dedicated to Athena Q.8. Which of the following is a false statement?… Ans: Alexander the Great wrote  The Republic,  a book about the best form of government. Q.9. Mount Olympus was ________… Ans: believed to be where the Greek gods lived Q.10. What was an agora?… Ans: The marketplace where residents could shop, trade and gossip

Social Studies >> Modern World History

Below you can find the Flocabulary Imperialism quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. During which century did the age of imperialism begin?… Ans: 1800s Q.2. What does the phrase “the white man’s burden” refer to?… Ans: the Europeans’ belief that they had a mission to civilize people of color Q.3. What was the name of the theory that applied natural selection to civilized society?… Ans: social Darwinism Q.4. What was the result of the Sepoy Mutiny?… Ans: The British government gained control of India. Q.5. Why hadn’t conquistadors conquered Africa during the Age of Exploration?… Ans: They didn’t have the drugs needed to fight malaria. Q.6. Which two African countries remained independent during the scramble for Africa?… Ans: Ethiopia and Liberia Q.7. How did Cecil Rhodes affect the map of Africa during the age of imperialism?… Ans: He named two countries after himself. Q.8. Who successfully led an African tribe’s fight against British colonizers?… Ans: Shaka Zulu Q.9. Which of the following was NOT an effect of the Boer War?… Ans: Black South Africans immediately gained equal rights. Q.10. Why did the French originally enter Vietnam?… Ans: to spread Christianity

Below you can find the Flocabulary Modern China quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What was the last dynasty of China?… Ans: Qing Q.2. What was a flaw in the Chinese civil service tests?… Ans: Wealthy people could bribe test examiners to get better jobs. Q.3. What drug caused significant addiction problems in China?… Ans: Opium Q.4. How was Mao Zedong’s interpretation of communism different from that of the Soviet Union?… Ans: The Soviets were focused on the worker, while Mao was focused on the peasants. Q.5. Which of the following is an example of Mao’s cult of personality?… Ans: large posters of Mao’s face Q.6. Why was Chairman Mao’s approach to steel production in the Great Leap Forward misguided?… Ans: Steel melted at home wasn’t usable, and the people destroyed necessary farm equipment. Q.7. What was Mao’s aim during the Cultural Revolution?… Ans: to force people to share his communist values Q.8. Why did people protest in Tiananmen Square in 1989?… Ans: to reform the economy and government Q.9. The “great firewall” of China refers to… Ans: internet censorship Q.10. What is one way that Mao’s rule of China has influenced present-day China?… Ans: China is still officially communist.

Social Studies >> US History

Below you can find the Flocabulary World War 1 quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Why was World War I called the “Great War” when it was happening?… Ans: Many people died, and it was the largest war in history because World War II hadn’t happened yet. Q.2. Which of the following is the best example of imperialism?… Ans: England and Germany competing for colonies Q.3. Which of the following is the best example of militarism?… Ans: England building a powerful navy Q.4. Which of the following was one of four main causes of World War I?… Ans: alliances Q.5. Countries used propaganda to… Ans: sell the war and encourage men to enlist. Q.6. What was the name of the new style of warfare during World War I?…. Ans: trench warfare Q.7. What is one thing that happens during “total war”?… Ans: Families ration their food supplies. Q.8. Which of the following did armies use for the first time during World War I?… Ans: submarines and tanks Q.9. Which treaty ended World War I?… Ans: The Treaty of Versailles Q.10. Which country suffered the most and was “shackled” from the treaty that ended World War I?… Ans: Germany

Below you can find the Flocabulary World War 2 quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of the following is a characteristic of fascism?… Ans: all of the above Q.2. In the decade leading up to WWII, America ________… Ans: was trying to recover from the Great Depression Q. 3. How did Adolf Hitler win the support of the German people?… Ans: He blamed groups like the Jews for Germany’s economic and social problems. Q.4. What event directly caused the United States to join WWII?… Ans: the bombing of Pearl Harbor Q.5. What happened on D-Day?…. Ans: Efforts to liberate France and Italy from Germany’s control began. Q.6. Which of the following was a reason that Truman decided to drop atomic bombs on Japan?… Ans: An invasion of Japan could have cost up to 1 million American soldier lives. Q.7. Which famous historical figure first told President Roosevelt about the possibility of creating an atomic bomb?… Ans: Albert Einstein Q.8. What was the major decision that President Truman faced in 1945?… Ans: whether to drop atomic bombs on Japan Q.9. What happened in late April and early May of 1945?… Ans: Germany surrendered, and Hitler committed suicide. Q.10. What was the purpose of the original concentration camps built in the early 1930s?… Ans: to imprison groups like Jews, gypsies and gay people and have them perform slave labor

Below you can find the Flocabulary Harlem Renaissance quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. The Harlem Renaissance was… Ans: a cultural and artistic movement of the 1920s and 30s, led by African-Americans. Q.2. During the Great Migration, African-Americans… Ans: moved north seeking job opportunities and an escape from racial terrorism. Q.3. Which of the following was a significant part of the Harlem Renaissance?… Ans: new ideas about blackness in America Q.4. W.E.B. DuBois’ theory of double consciousness describes the… Ans: split between black identity and American identity. Q.5. Marcus Garvey encouraged African-Americans to… Ans: migrate to Africa. Q.6. The word “renaissance” refers to a… Ans: rebirth. Q.7. During the Harlem Renaissance, many African-Americans… Ans: redefined their identities through art. Q.8. The musical Shuffle Along was significant because it was… Ans: written, produced and performed by African-Americans. Q.9. Writers like Zora Neale Hurston and Claude McKay often explored themes of… Ans: race and racism. Q.10. Which of these best describes the meaning of Langston Hughes’ “Dreams”?… Ans: Life is meaningless without dreams.

Click the below button to find both the “Quiz” answer key and answers for “Read and Respond” section:

Social Studies >> Civics

Social studies >> geography, social studies >> holidays, social studies >> economics.

Below you can find the Flocabulary GDP quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. The gross domestic product is equal to the total ________ of a nation… Ans: goods and services Q.2. What is an example of a good and/or service?… Ans: paying a repairman to fix your bike Q.3. Whose spending is included in GDP?… Ans: all of the above Q.4. Net exports is equal to ________ minus imports… Ans: exports Q.5. When is GDP measured?… Ans: yearly and quarterly Q.6. What does nominal GDP mean?… Ans: GDP is calculated using current prices. Q.7. What does real GDP mean?… Ans: GDP is calculated taking inflation into account. Q.8. If China’s GDP was 10 trillion and its population 1.4 billion in 2014, what is the correct way to solve for China’s GDP per capita?… Ans: 10 trillion divided by 1.4 billion Q.9. In 2014, America’s GDP was ________ trillion… Ans: 17 Q.10. True or false: A fall in per capita GDP means economic growth and productivity?… Ans: False

Social Studies >> Historical Practices

Below you can find the Flocabulary Math What Is History quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What is another term for a document created at the time of or by a person who was present at a historical event?… Ans: primary source Q.2. How could you use the above source in your research?… Ans: as a secondary source that gives background on Pocahontas’s visit to England Q.3. Referring to the excerpt from  The Great Rogue: A Biography of Captain John Smith , which of the following is a theory that Paul Lewis has come up with about Pocahontas?… Ans: Many people would probably have ignored her if she wasn’t a Christian. Q.4. Which of the following is true of Sam Drowne’s and Thomas Preston’s accounts of March 5, 1770?… Ans: They agree the British soldiers shot colonists, but disagree about why they fired. Q.5. What is one reason why Thomas Preston’s account might not be reliable?… Ans: Preston was in jail and trying to clear his name. Q.6. Based on the passage, what kind of source does it represent?… Ans: primary source Q.7. Referring to the excerpt from a letter by jailed Freedom Rider, who is the letter’s audience?… Ans: the author’s parents Q.8. Providing context for an event involves… Ans: giving background information about what else was happening at the time. Q.9. The lyric “Historians research more than just the word of one / To learn all sides of history” most closely means that… Ans: historians use multiple accounts to get the fullest picture of events. Q.10. Which of the following examples illustrates how the past helps us make sense of the present or future?… Ans: Carolina researches zoning laws and immigration history, which helps her better understand why her neighborhood is mostly Puerto Rican.

Flocabulary Answers Key – MATH

Math >> numbers & operations.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Math Properties quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which property can you use to solve the following expression?5(6 + 9)?… Ans: distributive Q.2. The commutative property can be expressed as… Ans: A + B = B + A Q.3. What is another way of writing the following expression?4 + 5 + 2… Ans: (4 + 5) + 2 Q.4. If both addition and multiplication are used in a single expression, then the _ property might apply… Ans: distributive Q.5. Which properties could you use to solve the following expression?3 + 7 + 2 + 5 + 9… Ans: associative and commutative Q.6. The associative property works with expressions that use… Ans: multiplication and addition. Q.7. What is another way of writing the following expression?3(7 + 4)… Ans: (3 × 7) + (3 × 4) Q.8. The associative property states that you can… Ans: group terms using parentheses to add or multiply. Q.9. Which of the following is equal to the expression 6(11 + 3)?… Ans: 6 × 14 Q.10. The commutative property does not apply to which of the following operations?… Ans: division and subtraction

Below you can find the Flocabulary GCF & LCM quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. The GCF of two whole numbers is the … Ans: largest whole number that divides evenly into both numbers Q.2. What is the name for the smallest multiple that two whole numbers share?… Ans: least common multiple Q.3. Least common multiples are most helpful for … Ans: adding and subtracting fractions Q.4. Using the greatest common factor, reduce the fraction 15/20 to its simplest form… Ans: 3/4 Q.5. What is the GCF of 12 and 30?… Ans: 6 Q.6. What is the GCF of 8 and 24?… Ans: 8 Q.7. Using the greatest common factor, reduce the fraction 32/48 to its simplest form… Ans: 2/3 Q.8. What is the LCM of 3 and 6?… Ans: 6 Q.9. What is the LCM of 4 and 14?… Ans: 28 Q.10. What is the LCM of 9 and 15?… Ans: 45

Below you can find the Flocabulary Order of Operations quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What is the correct order of operations?… Ans: parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction Q.2. If your expression contains square roots, during which step of PEMDAS do you solve them?… Ans: exponents Q.3. True or False: If your expression contains more than one set of parentheses, you should evaluate all of them before doing anything else… Ans: True Q.4. Which steps of PEMDAS would you need to use to evaluate the following expression?… Ans: parentheses, exponents, multiplication, subtraction Q.5. If you were evaluating the expression (20-2…, what would you do first?… Ans: D Q.6. True or False: If there are multiple operations inside parentheses, you do not need to complete these in the order of PEMDAS…. Ans: False Q.7. Evaluate 36-(12÷2)square… Ans: 0 Q.8. Evaluate 2square⋅(45÷9)-3… Ans: 17 Q.9. Evaluate 3square⋅(4÷2)-1+(2⋅3)… Ans: 23 Q.10. Evaluate (14-2)÷3⋅(2⋅3)-2square… Ans: 20

Below you can find the Flocabulary Adding Integers quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What is absolute value?… Ans: a number’s distance from zero Q.2. How can you find the sum of integers with the same sign?… Ans: add their absolute values and keep the sign of the integers Q.3. Which equation is shown on the number line below?… Ans: 4 + (-8) = -4 Q.4. To show -1 + (-6) on the number line, which directions would you move?… Ans: left one unit, then left another six units Q.5. How could you add -13 + 10?… Ans: Subtract 13 – 10, and keep the negative sign from the -13. Q.6. Find the sum: -11 + (-8) = … Ans: -19 Q.7. Find the sum: 16 + (-7) = … Ans: 9 Q.8. Find the sum: -12 + (-4) = … Ans: -16 Q.9. Find the sum: -5 + 13 = … Ans: 8 Q.10. Find the sum: -9 + (-4) = … Ans: -13

Below you can find the Flocabulary Subtracting Integers quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. The sum of any integer and its additive inverse is __ … Ans: 0 Q.2. Which equation is modeled on the number line below?… Ans: -6 – 26−2 = -8 Q.3. Which equation is modeled on the number line?… Ans: -7 -− (-10) = 3 Q.4. How can you rewrite 12 -− (-5) as an addition problem?… Ans: 12 + 5 Q.5. How can you rewrite -8 -− 10 as an addition problem?… Ans: -8 + (-10) Q.6. Find the difference: -11 -− 5 = … Ans: -16 Q.7. Find the difference: 25 -− (-3) = … Ans: 28 Q.8. Find the difference: -7 -− (-2) = … Ans: -5 Q.9. Find the difference: 4 -− 15 = … Ans: -11 Q.10. Find the difference: 6 -− (-9) = … Ans: 15

Math >> Expressions & Equations

Below you can find the Flocabulary Expressions quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of these is a mathematical expression?… Ans: 4 – 3r Q.2. Identify the variable(s) in the expression below: 5 + 12w… Ans: w Q.3. Identify the coefficient(s) of the variable in the expression below: 25 – 6z… Ans: 6 Q.4. What is y – 1 when y = 4?… Ans: 3 Q.5. What is 3z + 2 when z = 2?… Ans: 8 Q . 6. What is 2x + 2 when x = 0?… Ans: 2 Q.7. Which expression means “y more than seven”?… Ans: y+7 Q.8. 14 + w is the same as which expression?… Ans: w+14 Q.9. On Saturdays, Jasmyn works three hours more than Eve. Which expression represents how many hours Jasmyn works on Saturdays? … Ans: e+3 Q.10. Hugh says that “one less than four times a number” can be written as two expressions: 1 – 4n and 4n – 1. Why is Hugh incorrect? … Ans: because subtraction is not commutative

Below you can find the Flocabulary Equations quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of these is not part of an algebraic equation?… Ans: an inequality sign Q.2. When you isolate the variable, the goal is to get the variable… Ans: by itself on one side of the equal sign and a value on the other. Q.3. Use _ to isolate the variable.… Ans: inverse operations Q.4. Which of these is not an equation?… Ans: 43(4x + 7y) Q.5. What number does b stand for in this equation?3b = 12… Ans: 4 Q.6. What number does y stand for in this equation?2y – 7 = 35… Ans: 21 Q.7. What number does x stand for in this equation?-7x + 6= 27… Ans: -3 Q.8. What happens to the order of operations when you’re solving a two-step equation?… Ans: It reverses, so addition and subtraction come before multiplication and division. Q.9. What is the first step to solving this equation?-5c + 6 = -4 … Ans: Subtract 6 from both sides. Q.10. What is the second step to solving this equation?9x – 23 = 49 … Ans: Divide both sides by 9.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Inequalities quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. There are _ signs that can be used to mark an inequality… Ans: four Q.2. ≤ means… Ans: less than or equal to. Q.3. What does it mean to isolate the variable?… Ans: Get the variable by itself on one side of the inequality sign. Q.4. How do you isolate the variable in an inequality?… Ans: Use inverse operations. Q.5. Which of the following is not an inequality?… Ans: 18x + 9y Q.6. If you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a negative number, you must __ the inequality sign… Ans: reverse Q.7. Which of the following could be true if x < 45?… Ans: x = 44 Q.8. Which of the following could be true if y ≤ -75?… Ans: y = -75 Q.9. How would you graph x > 0 on a number line? … Ans: Draw an open circle over 0, and shade the arrow to the right. Q.10. A solution set always includes… Ans: all the numbers that make the inequality true.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Functions quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. How many outputs are there for each input in a function?… Ans: 1 Q.2. In the function f(x) = 3x + 2, f(5) = ________… Ans: 17 Q.3. Which of the following is true?… Ans: All functions are relations, but not all relations are functions. Q.4. Which of the following sets of ordered pairs is a function?… Ans: {(1, 5), (2, 6), (4, 5)} Q.5 . Which of the following graphs represents a function?… Ans: A Q.6. Which of the following is not an ordered pair from the function f(x) = 5x – 6?… Ans: (4, 10) Q.7. Which of the following sentences does  not  represent a function?… Ans: Timon chewed six gumballs in two hours today and six gumballs in three hours yesterday. Q.8. Which of the following is a way you can express a function?… Ans: All of the above Q.9. What is the test that you can do to tell if a graph represents a function?… Ans: The vertical line test Q.10. f(x) = 4x + 3. f(5) = 23. Which number is the input?… Ans: 5

Math >> Statistics & Probability

Below you can find the Flocabulary Mean, Median & Mode quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What does the mean represent in a set of numbers?… Ans: the average number Q.2. What does the median represent in a set of numbers?… Ans: the number that represents the middle value in the set of numbers Q.3. What does the mode represent in a set of numbers?… Ans: the number that appears most often Q.4. True or False: The mean and the average are the same numbers… Ans: True Q.5. If you take 5 quizzes & get scores of 95%, 95%, 80%, 85%, & 75%, how would you find your mean quiz score?… Ans: Add all the scores together & divide by the number of scores Q.6. How do you find the median of the set of numbers that are not listed in order, like 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 3, 6, 7, 8?… Ans: Rewrite the numbers in order from lowest to highest first, then find the number in the middle. Q.7. What is the mode of 3, 3, 4, 5, 10?… Ans: 3 Q.8. What is the median of 0, 1, 2, 6, 6?… Ans: 2 Q.9. Your basketball team plays 5 games. Your team scores 10 points in the first game, 3 points in the second game, 2 points in the third game, 5 points in the fourth game, & 0 points in the fifth game. What was the mean number of points your team scored for all 5 games?… Ans: 4 points Q.10. A play has 7 people of all different ages: 10, 10, 12, 14, 22, 13, and 24. What is the median age of participants in the play?… Ans: 13

Math >> Geometry & Measurement

Below you can find the Flocabulary Box & Whisker Plots quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. The median is the ________ of a set of data… Ans: middle number Q.2. The smallest number in a data set is called the… Ans: minimum Q.3. In the song, 25 percent of the class weighed less than 6 pounds, 1 ounce at birth. 6 pounds, 1 ounce is the… Ans: lower quartile Q.4. In the song, 7 pounds, 5 ounces was the median weight of the students at birth. Which of these is correct?… Ans: Half the students weighed less than 7 pounds, 5 ounces, and half the students weighed more. Q.5. In the song, the heaviest baby weighed 10 pounds at birth. 10 pounds is the… Ans: maximum. Q.6. What does the interquartile range represent?… Ans: the middle 50 percent of the data Q.7. What is the function of the “whiskers” in a box and whisker plot?… Ans: They link the interquartile range to the minimum and maximum. Q.8. What is the minimum of the following set of data?… Ans: 5.2 Q.9. What is the median of the following set of data?… Ans: 0.5 Q.10. What is the maximum of the following set of data?… Ans: 1.6

Below you can find the Flocabulary Scatter Plots quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Data with two variables is called… Ans: bivariate data. Q.2. True or False: In a scatter plot, both variables are plotted along the x-axis… Ans: False Q.3. Which of the following best describes an outlier?… Ans: A value that is much larger or smaller than most other values. Q.4. True or False: A line of best fit is always an estimate and cannot be calculated… Ans: False Q.5. Which of the following best describes a negative linear association?… Ans: As one variable decreases, the other increases. Q.6. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the variables shown on this scatter plot?… Ans: strong, positive linear association Q.7. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the variables shown on this scatter plot?… Ans: weak, negative linear association Q.8. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the variables shown on this scatter plot?… Ans: no association Q.9. Which of the following scatter plots shows a strong, negative linear association between variables?… Ans: A Q.10. Which of the following scatter plots shows a weak, positive linear association between variables?… Ans: D

Math >>Ratios & Proportional Relationships

Below you can find the Flocabulary Percents quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What percent of the grid is shaded?… Ans: 60% Q.2. What is 1/4 as a percent?… Ans: 25% Q.3. At a clothing store, 15% of the dresses are blue. Which decimal is equivalent to 15%?… Ans: .15 Q.4. Choose the value that makes the statement true… Ans: 60 Q.5. Lakshmi planted 20 begonias, but her neighbor’s dog ate 7 of them. What percent of the begonias did the dog eat?… Ans: 35% Q.6. A baseball team played 25 games and won 10 of them. What percent of the games did they win?… Ans: 40% Q.7. Gabrielle took a Spanish test with 50 questions and answered 44 of them correctly. What percent of the questions did Gabrielle answer correctly?… Ans: 88% Q.8. 60% of a museum’s fossils are from the Jurassic Period. If the number of fossils from the Jurassic period is 15, what is the total number of fossils at the museum?… Ans: 25 Q.9. In a survey, 75% of respondents said that they watch TV for one hour each day. If 30 respondents said they watch TV for one hour each day, how many respondents took the survey in total?… Ans: 40 Q.10. Cam has a collection of ceramic chickens. 10% of the chickens were given to him as gifts, & he bought the rest himself. If 11 chickens were given to him as gifts, how many chickens does he have in total?… Ans: 110

Flocabulary Answers Key – LANGUAGE ARTS

Language arts >> reading & writing.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Topic Sentences quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. A paragraph is a group of sentences that are about the same … Ans: topic Q.2. What does the topic sentence of a paragraph tell you?… Ans: The main idea of the paragraph Q.3. The topic sentence is the sentence of a paragraph… Ans: first Q.4. What do supporting details do?… Ans: Prove why the main idea is true Q.5. Which of these is most likely a topic sentence?… Ans: Out of all the pizza toppings, pepperoni is the best. Q.6. Which question would be most helpful when writing a topic sentence?… Ans: What is the main thing I want to say about the topic? Q.7. The topic sentence of a paragraph is “Adaptations help animals and plants survive in their environments.” Which of these details best supports the topic sentence?… Ans: Grasshoppers adapted to be bright green so they could blend in with grass. Q.8. The supporting details of a paragraph include “We have lots of energy in the morning,” and “Breakfast foods—like eggs, pancakes, and granola—are delicious.” Which of these is most likely the topic sentence of the paragraph?… Ans: Morning is the best time of day. Q.9. The supporting details of a paragraph include “Fossilized footprints help us understand an animal’s size and weight,” and “Fossilized teeth can give us hints about an animal’s diet.” Which of these is most likely the topic sentence of the paragraph?… Ans: Fossils help us learn more about animals and plants that lived on Earth many years ago. Q.10. Which of these is in the correct order for writing a paragraph?… Ans: Topic sentence, detail sentences, closing sentence

Below you can find the Flocabulary Opinion Writing quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Something that’s true for you but not for everyone is called a(n)… Ans: opinion. Q.2. True or False: You don’t need to use any facts in an opinion piece… Ans: False Q.3. Read the following sentences: I love a warm cookie and a cold glass of milk. Chocolate chip cookies melt when they’re warm and are easy to make. What is this introduction missing?… Ans: a strong statement of opinion Q.4. Which of these does not introduce an opinion?… Ans: “According to the dictionary…” Q.5. The topic of your opinion piece is the… Ans: opinion you are arguing. Q.6. Which of these adjectives could you use to show an opinion?… Ans: worst Q.7. Lucinda is writing an opinion piece about why horses are the best animals. Which of the following could she use to support her opinion?… Ans: all of the above Q.8. ___________ are always true… Ans: Facts Q.9. Read the following sentence: In conclusion, I think that recycling is the most important thing to do for our planet. What can the author of this essay do to improve his or her conclusion?… Ans: Restate some of the supporting reasons. Q.10. Which of the following is a list of all the things you should do when writing an opinion piece?… Ans: State your opinion clearly, support your opinion with facts and reasons, restate your opinion and reasons to conclude.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Characters quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What are traits?… Ans: descriptive adjectives that tell you what a character is like Q.2. What can you use to figure out what a character’s traits are?… Ans: All of the above Q.3. True or False: Characters can only be humans… Ans: False Q.4. An author writes, “The girl was very patient.” This is an example of … Ans: the author telling you directly what a character is like Q.5. An author reveals that a character is courageous through the character’s words, actions and thoughts. This is an example of … Ans: the author showing you indirectly what a character is like Q.6. A character, Nicki, is friendly. The author shows this by having Nicki sit down at a lunch table with a group of kids she doesn’t know and introduce herself. What is the author using to show Nicki’s trait?… Ans: Nicki’s actions Q.7. A character, Flora, goes on a field trip to an amusement park. She tells her teacher she’s scared to go on the roller coasters. “No way I’m going on those!” she thinks. Flora’s classmates comment on how she’s shaking and looks pale. Based on this evidence, one trait that describes Flora is … Ans: cowardly Q.8. A character, Vishal, wants to be the president of the fourth-grade class. He runs in the election and wins. He says, “Not only am I going to lead the fourth grade, I’m going to be president of the United States one day!” Based on this evidence, one trait that describes Vishal is … Ans: ambitious Q.9. Read the following sentences from a story. Choose the character trait that best describes Grandpa… Ans: wise Q.10. What evidence can you use to support the fact that Carson is “respectful”?… Ans: Carson followed his sister’s rules and didn’t go in her room.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Paraphrasing quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What is a paraphrase?… Ans: a restatement of the information in a text Q.2. Which of these is not a reason why you might paraphrase a text?… Ans: You need a one-sentence explanation of what you read. Q.3. What should you do while reading a text that you’re going to paraphrase later?… Ans: look up unfamiliar words in the dictionary Q.4. A paraphrase should include… Ans: the main idea and the supporting details. Q.5. True or False: A paraphrase is about the same length as the original text… Ans: True Q.6. Which of these should not be changed when writing a paraphrase?… Ans: all of the above Q.7. True or False: You can paraphrase a text just by swapping out a couple of words… Ans: False Q.8. Which of these is plagiarism?… Ans: presenting someone else’s ideas as your own Q.9. Which of these is a way to give credit to your sources?… Ans: including bibliography or works cited Q.10. A successful paraphrase… Ans: uses different wording from the original text, but includes the same information.

Language Arts >> Grammar

Below you can find the Flocabulary Sentence Fragments quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. A sentence must express a complete thought and include a… Ans: subject and a predicate. Q.2. Which of these is a sentence fragment?… Ans: Went to the store for bread and milk Q.3. Which of these is the subject of the sentence above?… Ans: you Q.4. Which of these is the verb in the sentence above?… Ans: barked Q.5. Which of the following would you add to make the sentence fragment above a complete sentence?… Ans: a subject Q.6. Which of the following would you add to make the sentence fragment above a complete sentence?… Ans: a predicate Q.7. Which of these has a subject and verb but is a type of sentence fragment?… Ans: dependent clause Q.8. Which of these is  not  a dependent clause?… Ans: She slept until noon Q.9. Which of these is a complete sentence?… Ans: Sarai swam in the pool Q.10. Which of these is a complete sentence?… Ans: Gymnastics is my favorite sport

Below you can find the Flocabulary Misplaced Modifiers quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of these is considered a modifier?… Ans: adjective Q.2. True or False: A modifier can be more than one word… Ans: True Q.3. Read the following sentence. Which of these is the modifier in the sentence? My favorite class is social studies because I like to read about events throughout history… Ans: favorite. Q.4. Read the following sentence. Which of these is the modifier in the sentence? The tourist excitedly snapped pictures of the ocean… Ans: excitedly Q.5. Read the following sentence. Which word does “accidentally” modify? Theo accidentally told Kate about her upcoming surprise party…. Ans: told Q.6. Read the following sentence. Which word does “having finished the test” modify? Having finished the test, Kenez turned his paper over and fell asleep… Ans: Kenez Q.7. Which of these best describes a misplaced modifier?… Ans: a modifier that modifies a word it is not next to Q.8. Which of these best describes a dangling modifier?… Ans: a modifier that modifies a word that is not in the sentence Q.9. Read the following sentence. Does it contain a misplaced modifier or a dangling modifier? Running on the track, a soccer ball hit her head…. Ans: dangling modifier Q.10. Read the following sentence. Does it contain a misplaced modifier or a dangling modifier? I made cookies for Nicky with extra chocolate chips…. Ans: misplaced modifier

Below you can find the Flocabulary Active & Passive Voice quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which sentence is in active voice?… Ans: The guests left the party by 8 pm. Q.2. Which sentence is in active voice?… Ans: The principal saw the boy pulling on his loose tooth. Q.3. Which voice allows writers to use varied and strong verbs in sentences?… Ans: active voice Q.4. Which voice always includes a form of the verb “to be”?… Ans: passive voice Q.5. Which sentence is in active voice?… Ans: Karen sang a sweet melody. Q.6. Which sentence is in passive voice?… Ans: The coffee was made by Sandy. Q.7. Which of the following revisions would you make to keep the meaning of the sentence and use the active voice? The difficult sonata was played by a talented pianist… Ans: The talented pianist played the difficult sonata. Q.8. Which of the following revisions would you make to keep the meaning of the sentence and use the active voice? The green dress was worn by Sarah… Ans: Sarah wore the green dress. Q.9. Which of the following revisions would you make to keep the meaning of the sentence and use the active voice? The winning goal for the Tigers was scored by Sean…. Ans: Sean scored the winning goal for the Tigers. Q.10. Which of the following revisions would you make to keep the meaning of the sentence and use the active voice? The race was won… Ans: Someone won the race

Below you can find the Flocabulary Commonly Confused Words quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. I told my school that I was going to be absent on Friday… Ans: principal Q.2. We were going to visit our aunt, our uncle and our newborn cousin, … Ans: too Q.3. My aunt and uncle had sent the birth announcement in beautiful blue … Ans: stationery Q.4. I was so excited about the trip that I quickly a bunch of clothes in my suitcase… Ans: threw Q.5 . It was even more exciting when I found out that I was getting a dog for Hanukkah… Ans: than Q.6. baby’s name is Fred. I’m going to call him Freddy… Ans: Their Q.7. When we got to the hospital, my uncle us to the nursery to see Freddy… Ans: led Q.8. We wouldn’t have been able to it if we hadn’t gotten to see our new cousin… Ans: bear Q.9. Seeing our new baby cousin had a strong on my brother, and he started to cry… Ans: effect Q.10. When I look back on my, I’ll always remember that trip we took to go see Freddy… Ans: past

Below you can find the Flocabulary Simple and Compound Sentences quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. A simple sentence must form a complete thought. What else do you need to make a simple sentence?… Ans: a subject, a verb, a capital letter for the beginning, and a punctuation mark for the end Q.2. What do we call an action word like “run”?… Ans: a verb Q.3. Read the sentence below. What is the subject of the sentence? Sammy skated to the park… Ans: Sammy Q.4. Which of these is a simple sentence?… Ans: I voted for the class president. Q.5. Read the group of words below. What would you have to add to it to make it a simple sentence? got a pet turtle… Ans: a subject Q.6. What do you use to join two simple sentences to make a compound sentence?… Ans: a comma and a conjunction Q.7. Read the compound sentence below. What is the conjunction? Penguins can’t fly, but they can walk on the ground… Ans: but Q.8. Which of these is a compound sentence?… Ans: I liked visiting New York, but I don’t want to live there. Q.9. Read the two simple sentences below. Choose the compound sentence that joins them with the right punctuation. She’ll learn to play the piano. She’ll learn to play the trumpet… Ans: She’ll learn to play the piano, or she’ll learn to play the trumpet. Q.10. Read the group of words below. How could you change it to make it a compound sentence? It’s cold in the winter, it’s hot in the summer… Ans: add the word “and” after the comma.

Language Arts >> Research & Study Skills

Below you can find the Flocabulary Public Speaking quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. When you’re giving a speech, how can you check to make sure your ideas are landing?… Ans: by making eye contact Q.2. What is an example of something you’d do during the research phase of the speech-writing process?… Ans: conduct a first-person interview Q.3. Why is it good to use visual aids in a speech?… Ans: to support what you’re saying Q.4. What is the best reason for repeating a phrase in your speech?… Ans: It keeps your audience focused Q.5. When giving a speech, it’s important to speak and … Ans: clearly, loudly Q.6. Evan is writing a speech about Australia for second graders. All of the following would be good for him to include except:… Ans: advanced vocabulary words about Australian wildlife Q.7. Hyun is writing a speech about the negative health effects of eating too much fast food. Which of the following would be the best visual aid for him to use?… Ans: a graph showing that the more fast food people eat, the more likely they are to have a heart attack Q.8. Janae is writing a speech about the importance of music education. All of the following would be good points for her to write on note cards except:… Ans: the names of the members of her favorite singing group Q.9. Lila is giving a speech about the water cycle to people who don’t know much about it. She wants to include the following three points. What would be the best order for Lila to put these in her speech?… Ans: B, C, A Q.10. Sam is writing a speech about why his grandparents immigrated to the US from Russia. Choose the best information that Sam could use to end his speech… Ans: his strongest point about opportunities available to immigrants in the US

Language Arts >> Literature

Below you can find the Flocabulary Huckleberry Finn quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Who is Jim?… Ans: a runaway slave Q.2. Why did Huck’s father show up?… Ans: He heard Huck had struck it rich. Q.3. From whose point of view is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn told?… Ans: It is a first-person account told by Huckleberry Finn. Q.4. Which character represents the worst of Southern white society?… Ans: Pap Q.5. What was the main reason that Jim escapes from Miss Watson?… Ans: He is about to be sold. Q.6. What real-life events likely provided the model for the Grangerfords?… Ans: the feud between the Hatfields and McCoys Q.7. Read the following sentence. By telling Huck to be respectable, Tom means that he should try to be .”But Tom said live respectable-like up there with the widow”… Ans: good Q.8. Huck and Jim leave the island on a raft after … Ans: they learn of a plan to catch Jim Q.9. Why does Huck smear pig blood in the cabin where he stayed?… Ans: He wants his father to think that he is dead. Q.10. How does Jim gain his freedom?… Ans: He is freed by Miss Watson’s will when she died.

Flocabulary Answers Key – LIFE SKILLS

Life skills >> social & emotional learning.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Perspectives On Race quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. True or False: You can’t tell what a person’s interests are from their physical appearance… Ans: True Q.2. Race is a concept that has most often been used to… Ans: keep groups of people separate. Q.3. Which of these is an example of labeling someone?… Ans: Stephanie calls her classmate Sasha a nerd. Q.4. A large social idea created from other smaller ideas is called a(n)… Ans: Construct Q.5. When Blimes talks about privilege, she is…. Ans: acknowledging the advantages she has had because she is white. Q.6. When a group of people is treated unfairly by those in power, it is known as…. Ans: Oppression Q.7. Systematic oppression means that people are oppressed… Ans: Methodically by social institutions like the education, justice and healthcare systems. Q.8. A person’s creed is their… Ans: Three Q.9. Which of these phrases is the most similar to “keep things in perspective”?… Ans: “See the big picture.” Q.10. Which of these characteristics is most often associated with race?… Ans: skin color

Below you can find the Flocabulary Bullying quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of the following is an example of physical bullying?… Ans: pushing someone over Q.2. Which of the following is an example of cyberbullying?… Ans: posting a put down about someone online Q.3. After school, Viv approaches Leticia and says, “Where did you get that sweatshirt? The dumpster?” This is an example of … Ans: verbal bullying Q.4. Tucker spreads a rumor that Jasmine never takes showers. This is an example of … Ans: social bullying Q.5. True or False: If someone says, “Can’t you take a joke?” after bullying a peer, that undoes the bullying… Ans: False Q.6. What makes cyberbullying different from other kinds of bullying?… Ans: All of the above Q.7. Jana and a few of her friends start teasing Edwin for being overweight. Kayla is standing nearby. She hears what’s going on, but she doesn’t say anything. In this situation, Kayla is a __ … Ans: bystander Q.8. If you witness someone getting bullied, what is a helpful thing to do?… Ans: inform an adult Q.9. Marco is bullying Jonah. Marco says, “How does it feel to be a loser?” What is an example of a neutral comeback Jonah could say in response?… Ans: “It feels fine, thanks.” Q.10. Kim is a bystander who sees Devon getting teased by Justin. All of the following would be helpful things for Kim to do except:… Ans: physically bullying Justin

Below you can find the Flocabulary Activism quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Activists can be… Ans: all of the above. Q.2. During Bali’s “trash season,”… Ans: ocean tides push trash to the shores. Q.3. Melati and Isabel started Bye Bye Plastic Bags by organizing beach cleanups and a petition. When these tactics didn’t work, they… Ans: decided to go on a hunger strike. Q.4. As a result of Melati and Isabel’s work, Bali has decided to… Ans: be plastic bag-free by 2018. Q.5. Which statement would Melati and Isabel most likely agree with?… Ans: Young people are capable of making a difference. Q.6. Which of the following is an example of a boycott?… Ans: refusing to shop at a store that treats its workers badly Q.7. Which of the following is an example of civil disobedience?… Ans: Susan B. Anthony casting a ballot before women had the legal right to vote in the US Q.8. Receiving signatures on a petition… Ans: proves that a cause has support. Q.9. Activists often join organizations in order to… Ans: work with people who have similar goals. Q.10. Civil disobedience is usually characterized as… Ans: peaceful and nonviolent.

Life Skills >> Health & Wellness

Below you can find the Flocabulary Viruses quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Viruses are usually considered… Ans: nonliving. Q.2. Which of these is true?… Ans: Viruses need a host to survive. Q.3. Viruses are inside a protein shell… Ans: genomes Q.4. True or False: All viruses look the same…. Ans: False Q.5. Would a doctor prescribe an antibiotic if you have a virus?… Ans: No — antibiotics are designed to work on bacteria, not viruses. Q.6. Which of these is true about immunity?… Ans: Antibodies protect us from getting the exact same virus twice. Q.7. What is the first step of a virus’s life cycle?… Ans: attaching to a host Q.8. When viruses replicate, they… Ans: make copies of themselves. Q.9. are viruses that target bacteria… Ans: Bacteriophages Q.10. Thanks to vaccines, the __ virus has been eradicated…. Ans: smallpox

Life Skills >> Financial Literacy

Below you can find the Flocabulary Goal Setting quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which is the best way to achieve a large goal, such as becoming wealthy?… Ans: Break it down into smaller goals. Q.2. Ramon dreams about becoming a vet. Which of the following would be the best way to make his goal actionable?… Ans: signing up for an animal biology class Q.3. “I want to be really successful.” This is an example of a goal that is:… Ans: neither specific nor actionable. Q.4. Why are deadlines helpful when you make your plan?… Ans: Deadlines help you stick to your plan. Q.5. What is the main purpose of the SMART approach to goal-setting?… Ans: to help you set a plan for accomplishing your goals Q.6. Painting your room is an example of a … Ans: short-term goal Q.7. What does the “T” stand for in the SMART acronym for goal setting?… Ans: timely Q.8. Grades on a report card or the amount of money in a savings account are both strategies that fall under which element of SMART goal setting?… Ans: measurable Q.9. The 5 Ws are most helpful in making a goal-setting plan more … Ans: specific Q.10. A moderate-term goal is one that you hope to accomplish in what time period?… Ans: one to five years

Below you can find the Flocabulary Banking quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of the following is a false statement?… Ans: If your bank goes out of business, you lose your money. Q.2. The amount of money you need to maintain in your account to avoid a fee is the … Ans: minimum balance Q.3. A credit union is different from a bank mainly because … Ans: credit unions invest in the community and often offer classes on opening businesses and managing debt Q.4. Which of the following is a way your bank can make money?… Ans: all of the above Q.5. Which of the following is a false statement?… Ans: A debit card can be used to pay for a purchase if your checking account is empty. Q.6. Gustavo writes a check to his landlord for $450, but he only has $300 in his checking account. What will happen?… Ans: The check will bounce, or fail to process. Q.7. Sylvia deposits $50 into a savings account with a 2% interest rate. Using the formula for simple interest, how much will she have in the account in 5 years?… Ans: $55.00 Q.8. Once a month, Eddie cashes his paycheck at a check cashing service that charges a 1% fee. If Eddie gets paid $500 per month, which of the following will be true?… Ans: Eddie pays $5 in fees every month. Q.9. Brendan has $200 in a savings account with a 1% interest rate. Using the formula for simple interest, how much will he earn in interest after 7 years?… Ans: $14 Q.10. Josie has $100 in a savings account with a 2% interest rate. Using the formula for simple interest, how much will she earn in interest after 7 years?… Ans: $14

Below you can find the Flocabulary Paying For College quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What is the main purpose of the FAFSA?… Ans: It helps the government and colleges determine the level of aid for which you qualify. Q.2. Which is a potential advantage of community colleges over private colleges and state universities?… Ans: They are less expensive. Q.3. An academic scholarship is an example of… Ans: merit-based financial aid Q.4. When do you usually have to begin paying back federal loans?… Ans: within six months of graduation Q.5. When you start paying back loans, what’s the first thing you should pay?… Ans: the principal Q.6. Which of the following is true?… Ans: TState schools usually charge lower tuition for students living in the state. Q.7. Marta wants to go to college, but she’s concerned about the cost. Which option would you recommend?… Ans: taking out a federal loan and attending a state college Q.8. One advantage of federal loans over bank loans is that federal loans… Ans: have a fixed interest rate. Q.9. The US Department of Education’s Pell Grant is an example of … Ans: need-based financial aid Q.10. The federal government offers subsidized loans to students with ______… Ans: financial need

Flocabulary is a website that provides educational hip-hop songs, videos, and activities for K-12 online learning. The site was founded in 2004 by Alex Rappaport in Brooklyn, NY, USA. Flocabulary’s mission is to “teach academic and life skills through hip-hop music.”

Flocabulary’s songs and videos are used by schools and organizations across the country to supplement instruction and help students learn. The website has a library of over 500 songs and videos, covering a range of topics from math to science to social studies.

In addition to the educational content, Flocabulary also offers a number of resources for educators, including lesson plans, classroom activities, and professional development tools.

We hope you find all the required Flocabulary Answer Key from above.

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writing a thesis flocabulary read and respond answers

Hi, I’m Thomas, and I’ve been a teacher for over 10 years and have taught students at all levels. I created this blog to really help students get ahead of their exams as well as provide helpful guides on various courses.

13 thoughts on “Flocabulary Answers Key 2024 [FREE Access]”

Thanks for your time in bringing all the important Flocabulary topics answers.

Hope you got what you are looking for…

Great content. Thanks for your time.

Really helpful!

Good to hear that bud!

Hey, thanks for the answers.

Its really helpful for parents like me.

Cheers Marrie

Thank you so much you have helped me to find answers.

Keep up the good work

Good to hear that.

very helpful I have been using AnswerKeyFinder for like 3 months good job

Good to hear that!

Really great answers

can you do Stem flocab

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Flocabulary - "The Five Paragraph Essay"...

5th - 12th grade, flocabulary - "the five paragraph essay" quiz.

10 questions

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Where is the thesis stated in a 5-paragraph essay?

in the introduction

in the first body paragraph

in the third body paragraph

in the conclusion

What is the purpose of the body paragraphs?

to restate the thesis

to give support for the thesis

to offer an introduction

to provide a conclusion

In the essay, each body paragraph should have a ________.

topic sentence

True or False: The introduction of a five paragraph essay should describe each of your points in great detail.

Below is the second paragraph from a five paragraph essay about sloths. Read the paragraph and choose the best topic sentence for it.

Sloths have long claws that let them easily grip tree branches and hang upside down. In fact, sloths' claws make walking on the ground very difficult for them, and they're clumsy on land. Sloths can sleep upside-down for up to 18 hours at a time. Algae grows on sloths' fur, which camouflages the sloths and allows them to blend into the trees. Their diets include tree leaves, shoots and fruit.

Sloths are very humorous creatures.

Sloths use camouflage to avoid predators.

Sloths are well suited for their lives in the rainforest trees.

Sloths can give birth to their young upside down.

Where does the writer restate the thesis in a new way?

In a five paragraph essay, the ________ is the main idea you're trying to prove.


first body paragraph

Which of these shows the correct order of the parts of a five paragraph essay?

introduction, conclusion, three body paragraphs

three body paragraphs, introduction, conclusion

introduction, three body paragraphs, conclusion

conclusion, three body paragraphs, introduction

Your thesis is "summer is the best season." Which of these is most likely to be one of your three main points?

Some schools don't have summer vacation.

During the summer months, there are many activities for students to enjoy.

Summer camp can be boring and expensive.

There are four seasons in a year.

True or False: In the conclusion, you should restate your thesis word for word.

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The Flocabulary Blog

Develop Reading Skills with Flocabulary’s New Feature, Read & Respond

  • July 27, 2016
  • Flocabulary Team
  • Product News & Updates

The Flocabulary team has been working diligently over the past year to bring exciting and practical new features to classrooms this fall. To familiarize you with our shiny new Flocab, we’re sharing the low-down on each of our new features on the blog.

To start, let’s review our new reading feature, Read & Respond.  This new addition empowers students to develop close reading and content area literacy skills in select Flocabulary units, and we’re pretty pumped to share it with you.

How does Read & Respond work?

Read & Respond provides short, assignable reading passages and practice questions that are based on content presented in the unit’s video and lyrics. Students can dive deeper and think more critically about the unit’s content and simultaneously practice their reading skills. Read & Respond passages are based on both fiction and non-fiction texts, and the workflow emulates a similar structure to what students will experience on high-stakes tests.

To keep the learning experience streamlined, students answer questions right within the Flocabulary unit.

Here’s a glimpse of how Read & Respond works:

When students complete a Read & Respond activity, responses are sent directly to the teacher’s classroom dashboard, where they can review the data at the class-wide or student level. See?

Try Read & Respond for Yourself

Even fancy gifs can’t replace using it with your students.

How do I use Read & Respond in the classroom?

Read & Respond is a flexible teaching tool that can be tailored to different instructional approaches. It can work both as a front-of-classroom approach or independent activity for each student. To ensure all educators can reap the benefits of Read & Respond, we’ve made it available for all subscription types, too!

As this is a gradual roll-out, Read & Respond will be available on reading, writing and grammar ELA units, and all new Week in Rap and Week In Rap Jr. videos starting in late July 2016. We’ll be continuously adding Read & Respond to Flocabulary units in the coming school year, too! Check back here to see our most up-to-date list of Read & Respond units:

Give Read & Respond a test run today and sign up for a free 30-day Flocabulary trial .

Questions? Let us know through the feedback widget, found in the bottom right corner on every Flocabulary page, or at [email protected] . Happy reading!

*Teacher dashboard data is available for school or district licenses.

  • Tweets from the Floor: An ISTE 2016 Twitter Recap
  • Flocabulary’s Lyric Lab: A Springboard to Student Creativity


  1. Flocabulary Worksheet Answers

    writing a thesis flocabulary read and respond answers

  2. Explore the Lesson Sequence

    writing a thesis flocabulary read and respond answers

  3. Using the Read & Respond

    writing a thesis flocabulary read and respond answers

  4. Teach how to write a thesis statement with Flocabulary's educational

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  5. Writing a thesis flocabulary five things

    writing a thesis flocabulary read and respond answers

  6. Develop Reading Skills with Flocabulary's New Feature, Read & Respond

    writing a thesis flocabulary read and respond answers


  1. Flocabulary


  3. Sentences/Sentences According to Their Structures/Compound, Complex & Complex-compound Sentences

  4. Flocabulary

  5. Reading Response Activities for Chapter Books

  6. Lesson 1: CELPIP Writing Task 2 Masterclass


  1. Writing a Thesis

    A thesis is just a sentence--a carefully constructed sentence that sits at the end of the first paragraph of your essay. And this song defines a "thesis," as well as offering strategies for writing a strong one. A thesis has to argue something, and writers can make that argument strong by keeping the sentence focused and specific.

  2. Writing a Thesis Flocabulary Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like a statement that can be argued., Where should a thesis appear?, A strong thesis must _ and more.

  3. Writing a Thesis Flashcards

    Flocabulary Vocabulary Set for Writing a Thesis Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free.

  4. Writing a Thesis

    Writing a Thesis - C quiz for 6th grade students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free!

  5. Writing a Thesis

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like argument, claim, thesis and more.

  6. Using the Read & Respond

    Using the Read & Respond. This assignable feature provides short reading passages and practice questions that are based on content presented in the unit's video and lyrics. Read & Respond passages include both fiction and nonfiction texts, giving students additional reading practice in a format that mirrors high stakes tests.

  7. Flocabulary

    How to Write A Thesis Statement Flocabulary Video

  8. Writing a Thesis

    Writing a Thesis quiz for 7th grade students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free!

  9. Writing a thesis statement

    1 pt. What is a thesis statement? Sentence that answers the prompt, explains the claim, and the provides the reasons that support your claim. Sentence that gets the reader's attention. Sentence that is the first sentence of a paragraph, it provides the subject of the paragraph. Sentence that provides a specific detail or example.

  10. How to Write a Thesis Statement

    Placement of the thesis statement. Step 1: Start with a question. Step 2: Write your initial answer. Step 3: Develop your answer. Step 4: Refine your thesis statement. Types of thesis statements. Other interesting articles. Frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

  11. Using the Flocabulary Activities (Students)

    Using the Flocabulary Activities (Students) Each Flocabulary video comes with a set of activities to help you practice with the key vocabulary words. In this article, we will look at how you can use each of the activities, including: Teachers can assign activities for students to complete, or you can look for videos on your own and complete the ...

  12. BW

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like argument, conclusion, debate and more.

  13. Flocabulary Answers Key 2024 [FREE Access]

    You are at the right place if you are searching for Flocabulary answers key online.

  14. Flocabulary

    A thesis statement is the most important sentence in an argumentative essay. In this one-minute video, students learn how to write a strong thesis statement. A host explains why a thesis is necessary, and students come up with their own examples.

  15. Read & Respond Now Provides Instant Feedback with Answer Explanations

    When we launched Read & Respond —our reading passages and prompts tool—this summer, we made it clear that we wanted to hear from you, the awesome educators who use and, in turn, help improve Flocabulary. Already, your feedback has inspired changes.

  16. Teacher Resources

    Writing Academic Rhymes - There are a wealth of resources available to help you g uide your students to develop higher-order thinking skills through high-interest writing. Once students have listened to Flocabulary songs and learned information in any subject area, they can synthesize what they've learned by writing their own rhymes.

  17. Flocabulary

    Flocabulary - "The Five Paragraph Essay" Quiz quiz for 5th grade students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free!

  18. 10 Instructional strategies to teach reading comprehension

    There are many methods of teaching reading comprehension. It's essential for ELA teachers to tackle reading comprehension strategies head-on while reiterating and reinforcing them. Keep reading to explore instructional strategies for reading comprehension using impactful tools like Flocabulary.

  19. Develop Reading Skills with Flocabulary's New Feature, Read & Respond

    To start, let's review our new reading feature, Read & Respond. This new addition empowers students to develop close reading and content area literacy skills in select Flocabulary units, and we're pretty pumped to share it with you.

  20. Imperialism Flocabulary: Read and Respond

    Imperialism Flocabulary: Read and Respond. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the Industrial Revolution and imperialism? A. The Industrial Revolution created an increased demand for raw materials, which led Europeans to conquer new lands in search for them in the late 1800.

  21. The Writing Process

    Review techniques for the writing process with Flocabulary's educational rap song and lesson plan.

  22. "What is Poetry?" Flocabulary Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like alliteration, figurative language, poem and more.