Grad Coach

All But Dissertation (ABD) Status 😬

A Plain-Language Explainer + Guide For Stuck Students

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Expert Reviewer: Dr. Eunice Rautenbach | April 2024

When it comes to completing a PhD or doctoral degree, “all but dissertation” (or ABD) is all too often the danger zone for candidates. In this post, we’ll explore what it means to be ABD , look at the factors that contribute to students finding themselves in this position, and offer practical suggestions to help you navigate (or altogether avoid) ABD. 

Overview: All But Dissertation (ABD)

  • What exactly is ABD?
  • Why do students get stuck?
  • How to avoid or escape ABD status
  • Common questions about ABD

What Does “All But Dissertation” Mean?

As the name suggests, “all but dissertation” or ABD describes a PhD or doctoral-level candidate who’s completed all the necessary coursework and passed all relevant exams, but has not yet submitted and defended their dissertation or thesis (in which case, it’s called “All But Thesis”). In essence, it’s a form of academic purgatory – so close to the finish line, yet so far.

To be clear, achieving ABD status is no small feat – if you’ve made it this far, you’ve likely already conquered years of rigorous study, challenging exams, and the general academic torment that accompanies postgraduate-level study. So, pat yourself on the back. However, the challenge now is to push yourself past the plateau and complete your dissertation. Easier said than done, we know…

Need a helping hand?

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Why Do Students Get Stuck?

Over the years, we’ve had many ABD students approach us for help in the form of private coaching . While everyone’s situation is unique, we’ve seen some patterns in terms of the underlying factors that contribute towards students getting stuck in the all but dissertation holding pattern.

Let’s unpack some of the most common contributing factors, after which we’ll discuss some practical measures you can take to mitigate them.

ABD Factor 1: Procrastination & Poor Time Management

Writing a dissertation requires a huge commitment of time and energy . Naturally, many students struggle with procrastination and/or poor time management, making it hard for them to maintain the consistent progress needed to conquer the dissertation mountain.

This is often exacerbated by a general lack of structure in terms of their approach. Without the routine of regular classes and clearly defined deadlines, students often derail and find themselves burning a lot of time on relatively low-value activities. In other words, they find themselves very “busy”, but not very productive.

ABD Factor 2: Supervision Issues & Social Isolation

As we’ve discussed before , maintaining high-quality engagement with your research supervisor is critically important throughout the dissertation process. It’s no surprise then that conflicts or a general lack of support from an advisor can significantly delay or even stall students’ progress . As the relationship erodes further and further, students lose more and more momentum, eventually grinding to a dead halt.

Related to this dynamic, a feeling of isolation and loneliness can often creep in over the months or years. This puts a major drag on students’ general feelings of well-being, further contributing to a l oss of momentum . In a nutshell, a lack of high-quality, productive relationships is a major contributing factor to getting stuck in all but dissertation status.

The ABD procrastination problem is often exacerbated by poor time management skills and a general lack of structure and daily routine.

ABD Factor 3: Academic Burnout & Research Roadblocks

After years of intense study and research, some students will experience burnout. This feeling of mental and physical exhaustion then impedes their ability to complete their dissertation or thesis, and dampens their motivation to push on with the project. In other words, they burn out and lose the passion and enthusiasm they had at the start of their PhD journey.

At the same time, it’s not uncommon for students to encounter unexpected problems in their research . Quite often, we see students facing difficulties with data collection, changes in research direction, or challenges in interpreting results. These are par for the course in the research process, but dealing with them in an already burnt-out state is often just too large a rock to push up the mountain.

ABD Factor 4: Funding Issues

In many cases, doctoral programmes offer funding for a specific period of time (often 3-5 years). However, completing all the requirements for a PhD can sometimes take longer. When the funding runs out before the dissertation is completed, students face the challenge of supporting themselves financially while they finish their research work. As you’d expect, this leads to increased stress and oftentimes forces students to take on part-time or full-time jobs, which can significantly slow down their academic progress and get them stuck in ABD.

Hiccups are par for the course in the research process, but dealing with them in an already burnt-out state is often just too much.

ABD Factor 5: Perfectionism

This list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the treacherous trait of perfectionism. All too often, we see hardworking doctoral candidates struggle with perfectionism, feeling that their dissertation or thesis is never good enough to submit. This can lead to a cycle where students continually revise their work, never feeling satisfied enough to consider it complete.

Given that a dissertation is a substantial and defining piece of work, the desire to produce something flawless can be particularly paralysing . Perfectionism can also then feed intro procrastination (which we discussed earlier), creating a vicious cycle of inaction.

Of course, these are just a handful of common contributors to students landing up in all but dissertation land – there are many other potential factors that can come into play. However, if you want to move past ABD status (or avoid it altogether), you’ll want to take a proactive stance to combat these issues.

How To Break Through The ABD Barrier

Whether you’re currently stuck in ABD or you’re just starting the dissertation stage and want to make sure you don’t hit a scholarly standstill, there are several simple but effective actions you can take to conquer the proverbial Mount Thesis.

Action 1: Establish A Well-Defined Routine

Creating a clearly defined daily routine is crucial for making steady progress on your dissertation. By setting aside specific times each day for writing and research, you can mimic the structured setting of coursework, which will help you maintain focus and productivity.

In practical terms, you’ll want to articulate a clear daily schedule of well-defined activities. Put these into your calendar and perhaps even consider using a time-tracking app such as Toggl Track . Also, it’s a good idea to find a consistent working location that’s free from distractions, so that you can cultivate an environment conducive to deep work.

In addition to maintaining a firm daily routine, you’ll also want to regularly assess your progress . So, take some time each week to review what you have accomplished, what you haven’t – and adjust your plans accordingly for the week ahead. This regular check-in will help keep you on track and prevent feelings of overwhelm.

Action 2: Set Realistic Goals (And Action Plans)

Setting realistic, achievable goals is key to making consistent progress and avoiding the dreaded all but dissertation limbo. To this end, it’s wise to begin by outlining the major milestones you need to achieve and then break these down into smaller , highly specific tasks. For example, instead of setting a goal to ‘write a chapter,’ you might set a goal to ‘write the introduction section of chapter one.’ This approach makes the task seem less daunting and more attainable.

With your goals set, you’ll then need to develop an action plan to achieve them. In other words, you need to define which specific actions you’ll take day in, day out to achieve each goal. It pays to get very specific here – for each goal, consider what exactly you’ll need to do, how much time it will take, what resources you’ll need, whose input you’ll require and so on. The more granular you get at this stage, the less chance of nasty surprises catching you off guard down the line.

A final thought on goals and goal setting. It’s important to celebrate your victories as you achieve them, no matter how small they might be. Recognise each task you complete and allow yourself to bask in a moment of pride. Ticking items off your to-do list is a simple practice, but this positive reinforcement can be incredibly motivating and will help you maintain a positive outlook throughout the dissertation process.

achieve and then break these down into smaller, highly specific tasks. For example, instead of setting a goal to 'write a chapter,' you might set a goal to 'write the introduction section of chapter one.' This approach makes the task seem less daunting and more attainable.

Action 3: Invest In Your Advisory Relationship

When it comes to conquering your dissertation or thesis, maintaining a strong working relationship with your advisor is critically important. In fact, we’d go so far as to say that it’s the number one defence against getting stuck in all but dissertation mode. Making a concerted effort to grow this relationship pays significant dividends.

In practical terms, aim to have structured, regular meetings where you discuss your progress, challenges, and the next steps in your research. Being prepared with specific talking points or questions will make these meetings more productive – but it will also demonstrate to your advisor that you value their time and take the process seriously .

As an overarching philosophy, try to always put your best foot forward when engaging with your advisor. Don’t be the student who constantly whines and moans about every little obstacle. Bring potential solutions to the table – not just problems. Simply put, make yourself an attractive student to work with and you’re much more likely to have an invested advisor on your side.

Action 4: Build A Support Network

Building a strong network of peers and colleagues is key to mitigating the feelings of loneliness and isolation that will invariably present themselves during the research journey. While you must (by design) travel down a narrow, lonely path in terms of the intellectual focus, it doesn’t need to be a lonely path psychologically and socially.

To build a network, a good starting point is to engage with fellow PhD candidates in your department – or if need be, in other departments. You can also consider attending academic conferences and participating in online forums related to your research area. These interactions not only provide social support but can also lead to new insights and ideas for your own dissertation. Again, while everyone’s research focus will be unique, the experience (and its associated challenges) will be very similar across the board.

If you are fortunate enough to connect with candidates within your specific research area, you might also consider forming a study group where members can share their progress and provide feedback on each other’s work. Naturally, this collective approach can help you maintain motivation and reduce the sense of isolation.

While you must travel down a narrow, lonely path intellectually, it doesn’t need to be a lonely path psychologically and socially.

Action 5: Be Proactive About Burnout

A surefire way to secure all but dissertation status is to burn yourself out midway through the research process. So, keep an eye out for common burnout warning signs such as chronic fatigue, disillusionment, and decreased productivity .

If you spot these red flags, you’ll need to take proactive steps to reduce your risk of hurtling over the edge and completely flattening yourself. In practical terms, this could include setting more reasonable work hours, ensuring you take time off for relaxation, and engaging in hobbies and exercise. Don’t underestimate the power of a little exercise – oftentimes, a little time away from the screen can do wonders for your writing.

If you find yourself already thoroughly burnt out, consider seeking professional help such as counselling or therapy. In some cases, universities themselves offer resources for stress management and mental health support. So, be sure to check what’s available to you.

Action 6: Say Farewell To Perfectionism

To move past ABD (or, ideally, avoid it altogether) you must move past perfectionism . To this end, start by defining what ‘good enough’ looks like for each stage of your dissertation. Here, it’s a good idea to consult with your supervisor so that you can align expectations. Remember, the goal is to complete a dissertation that meets the specified academic standards – not to produce a flawless piece of work, change the world or earn a Nobel prize.

Beyond defining what success looks like, it’s useful to cultivate a mindset that values progress over perfection . In practical terms, this could mean setting limits on the number of revisions for each section or chapter and using timers to enforce focused writing periods without self-editing. The aim here is to encourage yourself to move forward with the writing process, even when you feel that certain parts could be improved. Remember, done beats perfect – every day.

Remember that the goal is to complete a dissertation that meets the specified academic standards - not to earn a Nobel prize.

FAQs: All But Dissertation Status

All but dissertation faqs, can you get a phd abd degree.

No, you cannot get a “PhD ABD degree.” ABD status is not a degree; rather, it describes a stage in the doctoral study process. In some cases, universities may award a Master’s-level degree to ABD status students who drop out of the PhD programme, but this varies from university to university.

How long do students typically remain in ABD status?

The duration can vary widely among students and disciplines. Some complete their dissertation in a year or two, while others may take longer. Extending too long in ABD status can risk programme deadlines and even lead to students leaving the programme without completing their dissertation.

Can ABD status expire?

Yes, some programmes have a time limit by which the dissertation must be completed. If the dissertation is not completed within this timeframe, the student may lose their ABD status and might have to meet additional requirements to re-enter the programme or complete the degree.

Can ABD status impact my career prospects?

Being ABD has different impacts, depending on the field. In academia, not completing the dissertation can significantly hinder career prospects, as a completed doctoral degree is often required. In other industries, substantial coursework and research might still be valued even if the dissertation is not completed.

Can I use the title "Dr." if I'm ABD?

No, you cannot use the title “Dr.” The title is reserved for individuals who have completed all requirements of their doctoral degree, including the dissertation or thesis project.

Are there any specific support systems for ABD students?

Many universities offer specific resources for ABD students, including dissertation boot camps, writing retreats, and specialised advising. Private coaching can also prove invaluable for students stuck in ABD.

Wrapping Up

Navigating (or avoiding) all but dissertation status is undoubtedly challenging. But, with the right approach, it is certainly manageable. If you find yourself in ADB land, remember that you’ve already accomplished so much by reaching this point and you most certainly have what it takes to cross the finish line.

If you need 1:1 help moving past ABD status, be sure to check out our private coaching service , where we hold your hand through every stage of the research process.

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How to Put Your Thesis on a Resume

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In This Guide:

When it's appropriate to feature your thesis in a resume

A template and example on how to feature a thesis on your resume

Tips to list your thesis on your resume.

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A thesis is a statement that explains the general point of a project. Typically, this statement gives the reader a clear idea of the primary points so they can have more context when working through the information to follow. It may also offer a definitive hypothesis, statement, or personal perspective.

The thesis also refers to an academic project that a doctoral candidate completes in pursuit of their professional qualification. We’ll focus on that usage today, looking at how to add this project to a resume.

In this article, you’ll learn

  • When it’s appropriate to add a thesis to a resume
  • Tips on adding your thesis to a resume
  • Key takeaways

When it's appropriate to feature your thesis in a resume

Here are a few instances when you should add your thesis to your resume.

When applying for another degree

Thesis work looks good when you’re applying for other programs. It shows that you’re familiar with academic coursework and have completed significant challenges in your field.

When it’s relevant to the position

A thesis shows that you’ve earned specialized knowledge. When that knowledge pertains to a certain position, the employer must know that. Even if the relevance is a slight stretch, it’s still worth citing on your resume.

When you want to show transferable skills

Gaining a thesis requires refined skills. Those skills are likely transferable . Isolate those skills and think of ways they could apply to your intended position. If the skills relate directly, that’s a great reason to add the thesis to your resume.

Let’s see how you could add your thesis to a resume . It might be challenging to figure out where you should add the information. The following examples should give you some perspective.

Example of a thesis on a resume

Here’s an example of how to cite your thesis under “relevant experience.”

Doctoral Thesis

March 2019 - january 2020.

Produced an accepted thesis on the function of microorganisms in the onset of heart disease. Worked closely with University faculty to achieve insights that have since saved lives. Utilized intense research, communication, and organizational skills to complete the project.

A few concise sentences about impact, structure, and the effort required will help display the work you’ve done.

A thesis on resume template

You could cite your thesis in numerous places in your resume. However, it’s smart to find one place and stick to it.

In a template , you might find space for your thesis under “work experience,” “professional experiences,” “education,” or somewhere in an introduction.

Here are a few things you could note in your description of the thesis.

Make sure to mention your GPA

Your GPA holds a lot of weight. Noting that you could finish a thesis and maintain a solid GPA is smart. You can also note any grading that came from your thesis work, specifically.

List relevant research projects

Cite particular research projects that occurred within your thesis work. These will all highlight different skills or unique knowledge that you have.

A key thing to remember is that you can apply skills gained while earning your thesis. You can also use your thesis in numerous areas of the resume.

Understanding how to add a thesis to your resume intelligently can help you stand out and utilize the skills you gained through your doctoral process.

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Trapped in dissertation revisions?

All but dissertation (abd): a complete guide, published by steve tippins on may 8, 2019 may 8, 2019.

Last Updated on: 2nd February 2024, 05:30 am

What does ABD Mean?

The term “ABD” stands for All But Dissertation. This means that you have finished everything in a PhD program except for the dissertation. Someone who is ABD has successfully completed all of the required classwork and any required comprehensive exams. The term itself has no academic standing but is used to tell others where you are in your program.

Having completed in the neighborhood of two years of classwork, it is nice to have something to acknowledge this accomplishment. Many use the term “ABD” to let others know their position in their doctoral journey.

However, this should not be a destination. ABD should just be a way to tell people where you are on your journey, similar to telling someone that you just passed the hardware store on your way home. Home is your destination, not the hardware store.

Can You Get a “PhD ABD Degree”?

The short answer is no, there is no such thing as a “PhD ABD degree.” Rather, the term “PhD ABD” is used to refer to a place in one’s journey towards getting a PhD.

Another term that has begun to be used to connote a similar message to “PhD ABD” is “PhDc” (also expressed as “PhD(c)” or “PhD-c”). This term has gained popularity recently but there is concern about its use. The APA has expressed concern that the general public may not know what the term means and believe that the holder has completed her/his PhD. Similarly, the term “ABD Degree” makes claim to a degree that was never completed.

When a similar question was asked online, one user commented, “A PhD that’s All But Dissertation is like an espresso that is All But Coffee. It’s hot water with a bit of sugar, thus defeating the entire purpose of the exercise.”

Neither PhD ABD nor PhDc represents the achievement of a degree, so the use of either in a formal setting, such as your CV or in correspondence, should probably be avoided. Avoid making claims like holding an ABD Degree.

However, a new type of degree has arisen lately for those who stop their studies having completed all but their dissertation. This gives people something to show for their time in the PhD program. Called names such as Certificate of Doctoral Completion, this is a way to allow students who leave a program to do so with a degree–albeit, one not nearly as esteemed as a PhD. This may serve the purpose as an ABD degree.

All But Dissertation: Why Do So Many PhD Candidates Quit?

close-up shot of an open laptop in a college classroom

Around 50% of those who start a PhD program do not finish . Many of those who do not finish get to the All But Dissertation stage before they leave their program. Why would someone leave a PhD program after such a big time and effort investment?

all but thesis resume

There are many reasons why people leave at the ABD level. Among the reasons are:

Lack of funds

Getting a PhD takes time and money. For many people the money (or access to loans) can run out. If that happens, there may be no other option but to leave.

External obligations

Life happens and situations change. Maybe you have had two kids during the process and they need your time and attention, perhaps your aging parents need your care, or maybe your Aunt Melville died and left you her $30 million estate. We cannot predict the future, and valid reasons may arise to leave a program.

Bad situations

There are many stories about abusive advisors/mentors in PhD programs. There is an uneven power distribution between committees and doctoral students. This can turn into a reason to not finish a degree.

Realization that they don’t want/need a PhD

One of the things that you learn in PhD classes is critical thinking and asking questions. What is not part of these programs is solving problems. You learn to answer questions and leave the application/problem solving to others.

Some people get to the ABD stage and determine that they are more suited to being advocates and solving problems than answering questions, giving them an incentive to go out and begin solving the problems that they see. The world needs both types of people.

All But Dissertation: How Not to Stay There

Many people get stuck at the ABD phase of the journey and do not finish their degree. Most of the time, this leaves them with nothing to show for the considerable amount of coursework they completed.

If you decide to leave a program at the ABD stage, having loans can make it seem worse.  Eight months after you stop attending school, student loan payments kick in. No one really enjoys making student loan payments, and they can seem even worse if you left a program without a degree.

Here is my advice for powering through the all but dissertation phase and earning your degree.

Know what’s coming

close-up shot of a big pile of books

When you were taking classes, your program was laid out in front of you. You knew which courses to take when and what grades you needed. As you enter the dissertation phase things are not as straightforward. You should read everything that your school provides on the process and become familiar with any templates that are provided. A good template can signal to you what sections are needed in each chapter and save you time.

Also understand the review process for the work you submit and plan accordingly. If it takes two weeks for your committee to review your Prospectus , then work on finding more literature for your eventual Chapter 2. If your Proposal is being reviewed, start preparing your IRB submission. Be as efficient as possible.

Work every day

There is a book titled “Writing Your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day.” The idea is that you need to work on your dissertation consistently, everyday. I find that people who put time in on a regular basis, daily if possible, tend to move forward faster than those who put in a lot of time on an irregular basis. If you have large amounts of time between sessions, you have to spend time remembering where you were. Make writing your dissertation a habit and you will move beyond the ABD stage.

Ask for help

In our society, we’re often taught that asking for help is a sign of weakness. But if you want to complete your PhD program, you’d better let go of that belief and recognize that asking for help is both wise essential for your success.

man and a woman having a discussion in an outdoor café

If you are in a graduate program there are people out there who can help you if you ask. For example, librarians can help you find material and save you lots of time. If your writing needs help, most schools have Writing Centers and if that is not enough, a good academic editor can save you a lot of time and help you move forward.

You dissertation chair and committee are resources as well. Ask the members of the committee for guidance (read: What to Do if Your Advisor is Ignoring You ).

If you are looking for more hands-on help, a dissertation coach can help you towards the finish line.

Be good to yourself

Graduate school is not a sprint. It can be a long, grueling process so you need to take care of yourself along the way. You don’t want to reach the end and be so burned out that you aren’t able to use the degree you worked so hard for.

Self care is very important. Try to add simple things like taking a walk of talking to a friend to your routine. This can save your sanity and help you move forward. For more on this see my article on self care .

Realize your progress

It is easy to get lost in the vastness of writing a dissertation and not realize how much you have actually accomplished. Sometimes it is good to stop and look back at what you have accomplished. For example, you have finished all of your coursework and comprehensive exams. You have done a great deal. Now you get to concentrate on something that truly interests you.

Reward yourself for genuine progress. Rather than paying attention to how much time you spent writing, set mile markers such as writing 2,000 words, finishing a draft of your Chapter One, or addressing all of your committee’s comments.

all but thesis resume

All But Dissertation: Summary

You have the chance to be one of the 2 percent of the population with a doctoral degree. Take care of yourself on the journey, stay dedicated to the process and call on all available resources. You can do this!

Steve Tippins

Steve Tippins, PhD, has thrived in academia for over thirty years. He continues to love teaching in addition to coaching recent PhD graduates as well as students writing their dissertations. Learn more about his dissertation coaching and career coaching services. Book a Free Consultation with Steve Tippins

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What is ABD (“All But Dissertation”) and How Can You Avoid Getting Stuck There?

all but thesis resume

ABD, or “all but dissertation,” is a term used frequently in the US to designate a PhD student who has passed all qualifying degree elements except for the writing, presentation, and defense of the doctoral dissertation.

For many students, abd can stand as both an exciting milestone and a terrifying sinkhole . .

This is because ABD is the term used to refer to students who have left their PhD programs at this crucial stage: they have put in the blood, sweat, tears, and eye-strain but don’t have the coveted PhD degree and title to show for it.

This post will cover some quick tips to help you prepare early to avoid the ABD sinkhole.

Why Do Students Fail to Move Past the ABD Stage?

There are many reasons why students often fail to progress beyond the abd stage, including financial pressures, changes in life goals and directions, institutional shortfalls, and writing and research challenges..

Sometimes, a student can get stuck at the ABD stage through no fault of their own. One of the most heartbreaking stories I have heard in my time as a dissertation coach was a student who never moved past the ABD stage because all the supervisors she had been working with at her institution left. Shocking and unacceptable as this type of situation is, it is becoming more and more common as HE institutions deal with increasing hiring pressures.

More commonly, however, ABD occurs when students encounter roadblocks they don’t know how to overcome. They may run out of funding, and not know how to get more. They may take a radical turn in life, such as getting married or having children, that changes their desire to complete a PhD. Or, they may become daunted by the task of researching and writing the dissertation—especially if they are not strong writers or lack proper institutional support.

Four Ways to Prepare to Stride Past ABD

To avoid getting stuck at the “all but dissertation” stage, there are key ways you can prepare yourself in advance., choose your supervisory team carefully., learn how to find and apply for funding, grants, and scholarships..

  • Plan for personal issues.

Seek dissertation help early.

Your supervisory team is your lifeline within your institution, so it pays to choose its members with care. Don’t select supervisors purely according to research interests; instead, choose supervisors:

  • You already know and feel comfortable working with;
  • Who have a reputation for being dependable and supportive;
  • With a strong history of student mentorship;
  • With a strong record of successfully graduating PhD students.

Ask your supervisors directly when you approach them if they intend to remain at your institution long-term and what the plan will be if they do leave. Also, make sure that you discuss with them the level of support they will be willing and able to provide during your PhD journey, including research support, motivation, accountability, writing support, and career support. Be clear about your needs and choose supervisors who are willing to support them.

If your personal funds and degree funding are tight, grants and scholarships can mean the difference between completion and ABD. Most institutions have a grants and scholarships department or office that can help you find and apply for these types of funding. Many also offer workshops and training sessions (or even credit-bearing classes) on grant writing. Finally, you can use sites like GrantFoward (free to sign up to) or check the websites of professional organizations in your field.

Plan for Personal Issues

Usually, when students drop out due to personal issues, it is because the pressure of planning for them is too much on top of the mental effort needed just for the degree itself. Even where there are objections due to finances or time pressures, these usually come down to logistics. You can help mitigate such unforeseen roadblocks by planning ahead for them.

Even if you think there is only a 1 in 7 billion chance that you will get married, have a baby, lose a loved one, etc., make a concrete plan just in case. Could you work part-time? Could you do evening classes? What support networks do you have available to you? Thinking these things through in advance will make the unexpected much more manageable if it ever happens, making you much less likely to drop out.

It is never too early to start thinking about your dissertation and seeking the support you will need to finish. Whether you need help understanding the research process, getting your results into writing, following academic conventions, or even just staying motivated, start searching out support sources early. Add mentors to your support network, explore institutional and private coaching options, and ask questions at every stage of the way. Prepare in advance for the things that challenge you, and you will be in a much stronger position once you reach the ABD milestone.

Need More Help?

Need some extra support getting ready to be ABD? Check out my coaching packages to find out how I can help you!

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Setting The Record Straight: ABD (All But Dissertation) Degree Status

Doctorate degrees are a lifetime achievement that few individuals pursue and complete. In fact, according to leading labor market analytics firm EMSI, only 3.6% of degrees completed in 2020 were doctoral degrees.

It’s not surprising that doctorates are completed by fewer individuals. Doctorate degrees are intensive, requiring the highest levels of scholarly research and writing. For many people, the dissertation is the most challenging part of getting a doctorate degree. That’s why “ABD,” or “all but dissertation,” has entered the mainstream terminology of doctorate degrees. However, the term leaves many confused if ABD is a type of degree or not. 

We’re here to help clarify what ABD means and how it relates to earning your doctorate degree.

Is ABD A Form Of A Doctorate Degree? 

No . High-quality doctorate programs require the completion of a dissertation to earn your doctoral degree (with the exception of professional and clinical doctorates in areas like law and nursing). ABD simply means you have completed all required doctorate coursework, but have not written and defended your dissertation.

While ABD brings you one step closer to completing your doctorate, achieving ABD status doesn't mean you can take your foot off the gas. ABD doesn’t hold academic weight and you can’t be called a doctor until you finish your dissertation. 

Unfortunately, many doctorate students stop at ABD. Let’s look at the reasons why.

Why So Many Doctorate Students Stop at ABD

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There are a host of reasons doctoral students may dropout or take a break at the ABD stage of their doctorate program. Let’s look at some of the most common reasons students stop at ABD so you can navigate these pitfalls:

  • Self doubt: Some students struggle with imposter syndrome and wonder if they’re really qualified to get their doctoral degree. Lack of confidence can leave students feeling unmotivated, causing them to put their degree on pause or dropout all together.
  • Time Management: Once you get to the dissertation stage, you no longer have the structure of a typical course with weekly deadlines. Some students struggle with managing their time and fall behind. If procrastination gets the best of them, it may feel easier to quit than get back on track.
  • Finances: Getting a doctorate degree is a significant financial investment. If students don’t properly budget, or face new financial challenges, they may pause their degree at ABD.
  • Personal Circumstances: Whether students have family or professional changes, some situations that lead to ABD are unavoidable. If students need to take a break, they should put a plan in place for picking up where they eft off.
  • Dissertation Intimidation: Starting a dissertation can feel like a stark departure from the familiarity of taking coursework. At this stage, students are put into the driver’s seat and are responsible for their own progression, which can feel daunting.
  • Difficulty Writing: The dissertation is extremely research and writing intensive. Most dissertations are over 100 pages. If students struggle with focused and scholarly writing, it can be a detriment to finishing a doctoral degree.
  • Lack of Support: Some students feel isolated when they move into the dissertation phase of their doctorate degree. If you don’t choose a program with support services or create a strong peer network, the solitary nature of a dissertation can deter students from finishing.

Earning a doctorate is challenging and rewarding, but do you know what to really expect? Download this free guide for tips and insights to help you prepare for success.

If you started but haven’t completed a doctoral program you aren’t alone. According to the Council of Graduate Schools, almost 50% of students who start a Ph.D. program don’t complete their degree. However, Ph.D. programs only represent one type of doctoral degree. Completion stats vary widely between universities and doctoral degree programs. The biggest difference in successful completion of a doctoral degree is often the university and program a student chooses. If you’re ABD, you need to find a student-centered program designed to meet the needs of ABD students.

Measuring Doctoral Student Success: Average Doctoral Program vs. Student-Centered Doctoral Programs at Franklin University

*Source: First Cohort Data January 2017-August 2021

Are you still feeling stuck at ABD? Let’s look at ways you can set yourself up to successfully complete your doctoral degree.

6 Tips to Complete Your Doctorate—from ABD to Dr.

No matter how long you've been ABD, you can regain your motivation and finish strong. Here are 6 tips that can help you graduate from your doctorate degree program:

  • Get inspired early and start thinking about the topic of your dissertation at the beginning of your doctorate program. If you’re ABD, pick a topic you’re passionate about before restarting your doctorate.
  • Create a plan that maps out steps and milestones to complete your dissertation in your desired timeframe. Being proactive and setting your own deadlines will help you stay on track.
  • Get into a routine so that researching and writing your dissertation just feels like a normal part of your schedule. 
  • Develop a support system —both at home and in your program. Your family and friends can help you stay motivated, while faculty advisors, committee members and peers can make writing your dissertation feel more manageable.
  • Practice self care , because a dissertation isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. Most students take anywhere from 1 to 2 years to complete the dissertation, but it can take longer based on the amount of time you commit.
  • Find a student-centered universit y that offers dedicated support, including personal faculty advisors and a student support network, that make it easier to complete your doctorate.

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Don’t Stop at ABD—Find The Right Program and Complete Your Doctorate Degree

Remember, ABD is not a recognized credential and there are ways to overcome the barriers that prevent many from finishing the work. A doctorate is the academic achievement of a lifetime and is attainable if you stay organized, motivated and dedicated. 

Choosing the right doctorate program is the first way to set yourself up for success. Whether you’re starting from the beginning or picking up where you left off, you need a doctorate designed for your unique needs.

Franklin University offers transfer-friendly online doctorate degrees that help working adults achieve their goals. From start to finish, you can complete your doctorate degree in as few as 3 years, including your dissertation. Franklin doctorate programs accept up to 24 hours of transfer credit, so if you have completed coursework, but not your dissertation, Franklin can help you get over the finish line.

Explore the doctoral programs offered at Franklin to see if there is a program that will help you take your career to the next level.

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PhD ABD (All But Dissertation) [the scary reality]

All but dissertation is the equivalent of academic limbo. The scary reality is that there is a huge portion of students who make it to the dissertation stage but simply do not write up their thesis in order to finish their degree.

ABD stands for all but dissertation and refers to a PhD student who has completed all of the prerequisites (such as coursework, and research) but has not yet written up their dissertation.

There are a variety of reasons why people find themselves as an ABD student in this article will go through all of the important aspects of why people do not qualify despite having done most of the work of their doctoral degree.

What does ABD Mean?

ABD stands for “all but dissertation” and refers to someone who has successfully completed all the coursework and exam requirements for a doctoral program, but has yet to complete their final dissertation.

This means that they have often completed:

  • literature review
  • significant amount of research

but have still yet to write up their thesis.

ABD status is important because it signifies that someone has made significant progress towards earning their PhD, but it is not the same as having completed the degree program.

It is important to note that even though someone may be ABD, they are not yet a doctoral graduate until they have successfully written and defended their dissertation.

All But Dissertation: Why Do So Many PhD Candidates Quit?

It’s a surprising fact that many phd candidates quit at the ABD stage, for reasons that vary from personal to systemic.

There are many reasons why someone may not finish their degree and I have seen multiple students become stuck at the dissertation stage because:

  • the supervisor does not help them with revisions
  • they have left to get a job and say that they will “write up alongside a full-time job” – often this never ends up happening
  • they don’t actually need a PhD for their current career directions so focus on growing and networking in their current role
  • being overwhelmed by thought of writing such a large document

One major factor is the pressure and stress that the dissertation process entails.

Writing a dissertation takes a significant amount of time, research, and effort, and requires a student to write diligently every day for multiple weeks to complete.

There are loads of reasons why a PhD is hard to write – check on my YouTube video about the unglamorous truth about writing any graduate thesis.

Additionally, a lack of support from faculty members, financial struggles, and competing priorities, such as work or family, can also contribute to candidates dropping out of their PhD program.

Who is considered an ABD? Dissertation status?

If you are a PhD candidate and have completed all your coursework, passed comprehensive exams, and are now in the process of researching and writing your dissertation, you can consider yourself ABD (All but dissertation).

ABD means that you have finished all the requirements for the PhD except the dissertation. You are then considered a doctoral candidate, and not yet a doctor, until you have defended your dissertation.

ABD is a term used to describe the status of a graduate student who has completed everything for their PhD except the dissertation.

If you have submitted your dissertation proposal, conducted extensive research, and prepared your work for publication, but have yet to defend your dissertation, then you are considered ABD.

Once you have defended and successfully completed your dissertation, you will be awarded your PhD.

How Long Does the All But Dissertation Phase Last on the Doctoral Journey?

The length of the dissertation phase may vary significantly, depending on the program and the individual student’s progress.

Some doctoral programs require their students to complete the dissertation within a certain time frame, while others may not enforce strict deadlines.

I was able to write up my PhD thesis within three months . I had a very tight deadline and I spent eight hours a day in the library working in two sprints until my thesis have been written.

The ABD phase can last for a few months to several years, depending on the research work required, the amount of time the student can dedicate to the project, and the feedback provided by advisors.

I know of one person who took over 10 years to complete their PhD – much of it in the “all but dissertation” stage.

Here is my video on how to write up quickly if you just want to get over the all but dissertation hurdle:

Can You Get a “PhD ABD Degree”?

A PhD ABD degree refers to a student who has completed all the requirements of a PhD program, except for the dissertation.

It is not officially recognized or awarded as a degree but colloquially it is what many people refer to ADB students as.

While it is possible to have a successful career without completing a doctoral program, having an ABD status may limit some potential job opportunities.

Quite often it is recommended that you do not put your ABD degree on your CV if it has been many years of writing.

Should you list PhD ABD on your resume? Academic jobs could be harmed.

Listing PhD ABD (All But Dissertation) on your resume is a personal choice.

It is important to consider what message you want to convey to potential employers and if they see your lack of submission as a negative.

For example, I was able to apply for a job with an ADB because my thesis had been submitted but not yet reviewed. Andy Stapleton

If your thesis is about to be submitted, reviewed, it’s probably okay to put on your resume. However, it is been many years since you had last contact with your PhD program is probably best to leave it off.

Potential employers may view this as incomplete education or lacking the necessary qualifications.

It is your decision whether or not to list PhD ABD on your resume, but it is important to consider the potential impact it may have on your job search.

Endless ABD Status?

Being in an Endless ABD Status can be frustrating for graduate students who have completed their coursework, but have not successfully defended their dissertation.

This can be a difficult phase for students as they are often dealing with limited funding, competing demands on their time, and the pressure of completing their dissertation within a reasonable timeframe.

I know of people who spend up to 6 months waiting for their thesis to be examined which severely limited their career momentum and this is very frustrating.

Graduate school is an already challenging experience, and the ABD phase can make things even more daunting.

Challenges of Being All But Dissertation

Being All But Dissertation (ABD) presents a unique set of challenges for graduate students in a doctoral program.

The pressure to complete the dissertation can be daunting and overwhelming. So much so, that many people do not finish.

The research, writing, and revision required to complete a doctoral dissertation can be time-consuming and mentally exhausting.

ABD status can become a barrier to professional opportunities both inside and outside of academia.

It is difficult to secure academic positions without a completed dissertation, and non-academic employers may not fully recognize the value of an ABD status.

This creates a challenging environment for those trying to navigate this stage of their doctoral program.

My recommendation is that if you are an all but dissertation, you should focus 100% of your efforts on your goal of completion if your circumstances allow.

Many people say that they will return to their thesis after a little break – many people I know and are leaving their thesis for ever after the get a job and move away from academia.

If your current career projection doesn’t require a PhD and you are happy with our PhD there is also no pressure for you to actually finish your dissertation.

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Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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How to Include Thesis in Resume

all but thesis resume

Do you feel that every time you apply for a job, you feel a lot of pressure and uncertainty? If you are tired of not getting a job interview, then you need to be ready to change something. Logically, the best method would be to improve your knowledge and skills.

However, if they already are at the highest level, then there is something wrong with your resume!

Fortunately for you, multiple options are in front of you, and it is up to you whether you will choose the best one. One thing that will certainly raise your chances of getting a job interview is to put a thesis on your resume. It is a document that confirms your expertise in a particular topic.

Also, you can check this fantastic read about how you should list patents on your resume. But, how to put a thesis on a resume?

Answering that question in one or two sentences is not easy. That is the reason why we decided to provide you with an in-depth guide on how to list a thesis on a resume. We strongly recommend you analyze each tip from the list and apply those that seem most suitable to your career ambitions and goals!

4 Tips on How to Include Thesis on Resume

As you could conclude on your own from the subheading, there are four different ways you can complete this part of the job. Moreover, four different parts of the document you submit are ideal for something like this. Let’s find them out together!

Presenting your thesis effectively on your resume is crucial for the positions you apply for. However, optimizing your resume requires more effort, and our resumesolution reviews can offer valuable insights. Learn more about how ResumeSolution can make your application stand out.

1. Include a Thesis in Resume Education Section

We will start the list with the most common method people use for adding a thesis to their resume. The education section is the ideal place to add a piece of information like this. All you will have to figure out on your own how connected your thesis is with the job position you are applying for.

In case you see there is a strong connection, then you should add more details. For instance, you can say more about the achievements you had, mention the name and the title of the advisor you worked with, etc. On the other hand, if there is no strong bond between the job position and the thesis you possess, then it is going to be enough to add the name and location of the institution as well as the period of education. Everything else is going to be irrelevant to the hiring manager.

2. Include Your Thesis in the Work Experience Section

Another place where you can put a thesis in your resume is the work experience section. However, this time, adding a thesis to your resume is going to be a bit more demanding as you will have to be a bit more creative.

In this section, you will have to create some sort of subheading where you will describe all the projects you worked on. But, the question is – how to list research on a resume ? How difficult is that?

Don’t write a lot of pieces of information there as your document won’t be eye-pleasing that way. Instead of that, you should only highlight a couple of relevant pieces of information there

  • Name of the research project/job title
  • The name of the institution where you worked
  • More information about your supervisor
  • The period you worked there
  • All the duties, responsibilities, and achievements that can confirm your expertise

As you see, including a thesis on a resume this way is a bit more challenging. However, work experience is usually at the top of the document. Because of that, there is a big chance you will make your expertise more visible by applying this tip.

3. Write about Thesis In Skills Section

Research programs you worked on as a student will certainly help you put a senior thesis on your resume. However, as mentioned, if you decide to put that in the education section, there is no need to talk about a bunch of details. Instead of that, if you want to talk about skills you got there, there is a separate section where you can do that.

Dividing the skills section is the best thing you can do. One subheading should contain all the hard skills you gained through the research you had. On the other hand, there should also be one subheading dedicated to soft skills you improved during that period. Listing a thesis on a resume that way will certainly raise your chances of getting a job interview.

4. Include a Thesis in the Resume Summary Section

All the pieces of advice we mentioned above are going to be valuable for each candidate. We only suggest you put into consideration your career ambitions and goals as well as the job position you are applying for. The answer on how to include a thesis in resume in the best possible way will appear after that.

Yet, as a rule of thumb, all the hiring managers will primarily check the summary of the document. Because of that, whichever method you decide on, not mentioning this information at the beginning of the document would be a huge mistake!

Include a Thesis in the Resume Summary Section

You probably feel right now that you know how to mention your thesis in resume. But, if you truly strive to achieve the best results, then we have some additional information for you! Continue reading if you want to get more valuable pieces of advice!

Avoid Adding Irrelevant Information

People that know how to include a thesis on a resume will always follow the standards! More precisely, they will never add irrelevant pieces of information to boost the word count of their resume. As a rule of thumb, the resume should not be longer than 2 pages. That especially counts for the job positions that a big number of people are applying for. Hiring managers will not have enough time to check all the details of every document they get.

Structure Your Thesis Resume Based on Your Work Experience

We already mentioned that the work experience section is usually the first one after the resume summary. However, that is not the standard that all candidates should strictly follow. If you recently graduated and you lack work experience, then the education section should first appear in the resume. Moreover, the education section is the ideal place to put an honor thesis on a resume.

But, if you have at least three years of work experience, then there is no need to use that structure. Start your story with a work history where you will mention your research projects. After that, add the skills you gained in the Skills Section in the way we previously suggested.

Use Assistance If You Can’t Handle the Obstacles

Even after reading all the pieces of advice, we shared here, some people may not manage to figure out how to put honors thesis on a resume. Because of that, looking for assistance is going to be a smart move.

Keep in mind that the average job-seeking process usually lasts around 5 months . If you want to speed up the entire process, hiring a professional resume writing service will certainly pay off. However, don’t do that immediately! Check out how actually creative you are by exploring how to put a senior thesis on your resume. Giving up immediately should not be your habit!

When Should People Put Thesis on Resume?

When Should People Put Thesis on Resume?

No, the answer to the question from the subheading is not “always”. There are particular scenarios when including a thesis on the resume is extremely important. Let’s find them out together!

Whenever a Candidate Applies for Another Degree

Many people do not stop with their education after they conclude their master’s degree. If you are applying for a Ph.D. program, then adding more information about your thesis to your resume would be an amazing thing. If you manage to get Ph.D. ABD, your chances of getting an interview invitation would raise even more! However, we will not analyze how to list Ph.D. ABD on resume in this article; you will manage to find a bunch of posts online analyzing that subject.

Lack of Work Experience

We already analyzed this, so there is no need to talk too much. If you lack work experience, then highlighting your education and confirming your expertise that way is the only option you have. Hiring managers will understand the “flaws” you have, but they will recognize the potential that you have to become a perfect employee one day!

When It Is Not Connected with Job Description/Requirements

Okay, you already know that putting a thesis on a resume is essential if it is relevant for the job position you apply for. However, there are some moments when you can add this piece of information even if it is not connected with the requirements of the company. Some people want to prove their transferable skills with their thesis. Because of that, if you gained skills like time management, work ethic, communication skills, and others, adding a thesis to the skills section would be good!

Matthew T. Cross, an expert that even wrote books about resume writing said an amazing thing.

He said – “No one will ever create a perfect resume on his first try”.

Because of that, do not be desperate if everything you just read seems confusing and challenging. You will probably get refused many times until you realize how to write a kickass resume.

If you need assistance, writing services are always available online. The professionals will know how to boost the quality of the document and represent your skills and mentality in the best possible way. So, are you ready to start this amazing journey? If you need help with your resume writing, then check here our list of the top resume writers online and be sure that you have perfect documents.

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10 Best All But Dissertation Completion Programs [2024 ABD Guide]

Students who completed their doctoral coursework and received doctoral candidacy but left the program before completing their dissertation may qualify for ABD completion programs.

Best All But Dissertation Completion Programs

All but dissertation programs provide doctoral students with the opportunity to finish what they’ve started.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Let’s take a look at how an accredited dissertation only PhD program may help you achieve your academic goals. You can also discover some of the current degree programs available for returning PhD students.

Universities Offering Online All But Dissertation Completion Programs

Methodology: The following school list is in alphabetical order. To be included, a college or university must be regionally accredited and offer degree programs online or in a hybrid format.

1. Alverno College

Alverno College offers an ABD to help with the completion of EdD degrees. There is also a concentration in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education available. Most of the program is online with 2 weekend residencies in Milwaukee. The program requires approximately 6 semesters.

Alverno College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

2. American College of Education

An EdD in Leadership is available through the American College of Education. Those who are considered ABD may be able to follow a customized pathway to completion. The program is fully online, and there are no residency requirements. Courses are in an asynchronous learning format.

American College of Education is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

3. Baker College

Those with 32 credits toward a DBA may finish their degree through Baker College’s ABD completion program. The dissertation program requires an additional 28 credits and may be completed entirely online. On average, the program may be completed in 18 months.

Baker College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

4. Bay Path University

Bay Path University offers an EdD in Educational Leadership. Those who have completed doctoral coursework may be eligible for the ABD program. All coursework is online with 1 weekend residency per year. The dissertation requires 21 credits. The school offers multiple concentrations including Higher Education Leadership and Transformative School Leadership.

Bay Path University is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education.

5. Brenau University

Brenau University offers an online EdD in Education program that features an ABD path for those who have completed core courses. There are start dates each fall and spring, and the program follows a semester schedule. The program requires 2 weekend residencies over the course of the program.

Brenau University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

6. Centenary University

An EdD in Educational Leadership through Centenary University’s ABD program. The program requires 13 to 21 credits. Courses are online or in a blended format. A faculty advisor is available throughout the program. Courses follow a semester schedule.

Centenary University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

7. Gwynedd Mercy University

Gwynedd Mercy University offers an EdD for ABD students. The program is in an accelerated format. All coursework is fully online with 1 weekend residency required. The required 27 credits can typically be completed in 18 months.

Gwynedd Mercy University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

8. Indiana Wesleyan University

Those classified as ABD can earn an EdD through Indiana Wesleyan University. The program is fully online, and there are no residency requirements. The program is taught through a Christian worldview. The program’s required 30 credits may be completed in as little as 20 months.

Indiana Wesleyan University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

9. Manhattanville College

Manhattanville College offers an EdD in Educational Leadership for those who have completed all doctoral coursework except the dissertation. Courses may be completed online or on campus. Online programs start each spring. Courses are in an accelerated format. The program requires 30 additional credits for a total of 59 credits.

Manhattanville College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

10. Union Institute & University

A PhD can be earned through Union Institute & University’s ABD program. All coursework is online with 1 week of residency required at the start of each term. There are start dates are in January and July. The program requires 9 to 12 credits. On average, the program may be completed in 3.

Union Institute & University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Online ABD Completion Programs

Woman attending an Online ABD Completion Program

If you’re interested in completing an all but dissertation (ABD) or dissertation only PhD program, there are a few steps involved.

The process is different for every school and dissertation completion pathway, but you’ll typically be asked to:

  • Submit an application . You’ll be asked to share your educational history, including doctorate coursework completed. Each school will determine if and how they will offer transfer credits for the courses you’ve taken.
  • Complete coursework . Some schools ask students to complete a few prerequisite courses, often regarding research, writing skills, or communications.
  • Seek mentorship and resources . Many schools provide students with a staff mentor who can provide them with support and guidance during the dissertation process.
  • Complete your dissertation . Finally, you’ll have the opportunity to complete your dissertation.

Generally speaking, you’re often asked to have a proposal for your dissertation at the time of admissions. So, you may want to be prepared to speak with the program and admissions staff about your upcoming dissertation during the application process.

Select jobs require candidates to have a doctoral degree, though many careers do not. At the same time, the Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that professionals who have a doctoral degree experience the lowest average levels of unemployment.

Due to many different circumstances, a surprising number of adult students do not complete their dissertation after finishing their doctoral coursework. As a result, they must often start over to earn their PhD—unless they choose an ABD completion pathway.

Why PhD Candidates Quit

students taking PhD degree

Though you may feel alone on an incomplete educational path, there are many other students who find themselves on a dissertation completion pathway.

There are many reasons why a student may find themselves in ABD status, including:

  • Finances and personal circumstances . Some students need to take a break in their studies due to practical situations. Whether due to the cost of tuition or the amount of time spent working toward a degree, life may interfere with your studies.
  • Intimidation or fear . Dissertations often range from 30,000 to 60,000 words and beyond. Many individuals find researching, organizing, and drafting a document this size to be intimidating.
  • Time management challenges . For some students, losing the structure of a school setting can mean losing sight of writing the final dissertation. Without a school and study schedule, they may fall behind in writing their dissertation.

Though a dissertation isn’t an easy challenge to take on, all but dissertation programs help students who are ready for the final step in their doctoral degree. ABD programs could provide resources, mentors, and guidance throughout the process, such as knowing how to decompose the PhD project into distinct dissertation chapters can help in the writing phase.

ABD PhD Completion Programs Admissions Requirements

Woman preparing requirements for ABD PhD Completion

Schools that offer all but dissertation programs will have their own guidelines and admissions requirements for students. So it’s beneficial to review the admissions process and application for each school carefully.

Some common requirements include:

  • GRE or GMAT scores (only some schools require them)
  • Complete undergraduate and graduate transcripts
  • Doctoral work transcripts demonstrating completion of doctoral coursework
  • Minimum GPA standing
  • Academic writing samples

You may be asked to provide course descriptions or syllabus-level course details for some of your graduate and doctoral degree work. This will help each school determine which credits apply toward their doctoral completion program.

Unlike many educational opportunities, an ABD program often involves working with admissions and program counselors to determine your placement within their program.

PhD ABD Programs Accreditation

University offering PhD ABD Programs

As you review various PhD ABD programs, it’s beneficial to check whether the programs that interest you most are accredited, just like checking online doctoral programs in education without dissertation .

Accreditation is offered to schools and programs that demonstrate a higher level of educational excellence. Organizations such as CHEA, or the Council for Higher Educational Accreditation , provide more information about the regional accreditation process.

There can be many benefits to selecting an accredited program. Many financial assistance opportunities, including federal student aid, are provided exclusively to those who attend accredited schools. Plus, required steps for employment in your field, such as licensing, certification, or membership in a professional organization may require accredited education.

Financial Aid and Scholarships

ABD Completion Programs Financial Aid

For many students, the first step toward receiving financial aid is completing the FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid . Completing this application helps determine your eligibility for need-based federal assistance.

You can also research what scholarship or grant opportunities the school you will attend may offer. They might also offer financing or repayment opportunities. Other scholarship opportunities might come from your community, local businesses, large corporations, or private donors. There may be financial aid options specifically for those on a dissertation completion pathway.

Additionally, your employer may offer assistance for those who are returning to school. This could potentially include employer-sponsored scholarships, tuition reimbursement programs, or an educational allowance.

What Does ABD Mean?

PhD students taking ABD programs

All but dissertation (ABD) means that a student has completed every step in their doctoral degree program except the final dissertation. Typically, earning a doctoral degree includes 2 to 3 years of classwork followed by exams. After this, students propose, research, write, present, and defend their dissertation in front of a committee.

ABD status means you’ve done everything but the dissertation step. While there is no “ABD degree,” many schools offer all but dissertation (ABD) programs that help provide you with the structure, environment, resources, and timeframe to complete this important final step of earning a PhD.

How Long Are ABD Completion Programs Online?

Man taking ABD Completion online

All but dissertation completion programs online typically take 1 to 3 years to complete, depending on the university and your chosen specialty.

Some universities require students with ABD status to complete a few courses in order to remain eligible for their degree. These prerequisites often highlight helpful skills for dissertation writers, including research, writing, organization, and communication.

In many cases, students are asked to check in regularly with their mentors or advising staff to consider the scope of their projects and findings.

Is an ABD Completion Worth It?

 Woman pursuing ABD Completion, doing research works

Yes, an ABD completion is worth it for many students. While writing a dissertation can be seem intimidating and stressful, many doctoral candidates find that completing the process is rewarding and beneficial.

Not all careers require a PhD. But the Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that professionals who have earned their doctoral degrees typically earn higher median salaries and experience lower incidences of unemployment.

While a dissertation only PhD program can’t guarantee your professional success, it can be helpful for those wishing to gain employment in the highest levels of their field.

Finishing Your Doctorate Degree Online

doctorate student taking ABD programs online

Plenty of doctoral candidates find themselves unable to complete their degree due to the final dissertation. Selecting a dissertation completion pathway can help students in this situation find the structure and guidance they need to finish this last step.

If you are ready to complete your doctorate or PhD degree, you may wish to consider all but dissertation programs to help you conquer this final challenge. Regardless of what caused the delay, you can still complete your terminal degree.

You can explore some of the accredited ABD programs offered online around the country to take this next step in your academic and professional journey.

all but thesis resume

  • Business Management
  • Early Childhood Education & Adolescent Development
  • Criminal Justice Management
  • Emergency Services Management
  • Maternal Child Health: Human Lactation
  • Social Work
  • Applied Nutrition & Dietetics
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  • Human Lactation Studies
  • Health Care Leadership
  • Organizational Leadership
  • Design your own MBA
  • Cybersecurity
  • Integrative Learning
  • Montessori Integrative Learning
  • All But Dissertation (ABD)
  • Educational Justice & Equity
  • Ethical & Creative Leadership
  • Humanities & Culture
  • Public Policy & Social Change
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Studies
  • Doctoral Certificates
  • All But Dissertation (EdD - ABD)
  • Applied Nutrition and Health Education
  • Educational Leadership (Pre-K-12)
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  • All But Dissertation (EdD – ABD)


Did you get to your dissertation and then have to put your Ph.D. on hold? Union Institute & University’s ABD or “All But Dissertation” program is perfect for you. This new program provides an opportunity for students who have completed all requirements for a Ph.D. at another institution, except their doctoral dissertation. Union Institute & University welcomes all applicants who have achieved this stature in their graduate education and whose work aligns with one of our areas of concentration. Now is the perfect time to finish earning your doctorate.

Total credits

Cost per credit hour

Next Start Date


A number of factors may have inhibited your program completion - quite apart from intellectual potential. There are only a few programs in the country designed to streamline completion of the Ph.D. program for those who have made it to the dissertation stage.

  • 9-12 credit hour program
  • Full & part-time options
  • *Hybrid program
  • January & July start dates
  • Complete your degree in as little as 3 years

*100% online classes with a one-week residency in Cincinnati at the start of each term.

The successful ABD student will take two advanced courses in their area of concentration - the dissertation literature review and the dissertation proposal. Both are offered in sequential semesters after which students undertake the dissertation, thus enabling completion in as little as two years.

PhD concentrations

Union's Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Studies focuses on four different concentrations described below.

About the Concentration in Educational Studies

Union’s Educational Studies (EDST) concentration is designed to prepare individuals to address the leading education issues through an integrative, holistic, and critical lens. Union’s strength is demonstrated by close collaboration with diverse disciplines engaged in today’s complex problems. The program stands in support of emergent activist scholars by reflecting voices of the global majority (including, but not limited to Black, Brown, Indigenous, Women, Gender fluid, LGBTQIA+, and neurocognitive diversity).

About the Concentration in Ethical & Creative Leadership

Union’s Ethical & Creative Leadership (ECL) concentration is unique in addressing all forms of leadership, stressing values and their application, cultivating one’s creative power and imagination, and connecting leadership philosophies to practical leadership experiences. ECL offers leaders an intellectual grasp of the makings of effective leadership in a diverse multicultural world, equips them with practical strategies and tools for various leadership roles and prepares them to tackle social justice challenges in their institutions and communities.

About the Concentration in Humanities & Culture

Union’s concentration in Humanities & Culture (HMC) allows you to study the human condition, explore creative ways to advance social justice and acknowledge differences among individuals and social groups. HMC draws on a variety of humanities fields – social and political philosophy, history, religious studies, literature, and aesthetics – that relate to social justice and cultural differences.

About the Concentration in Public Policy & Social Change

Union’s Public Policy & Social Change (PPS) concentration prepares students to critically re-examine the principles and values that undergird the public policy process. PPS challenges students to critically interrogate governmental policies through the lens of ethical leadership, creative problem-solving, social justice, diversity, and global interdependence. Students develop multifaceted expertise through courses such as policy processes, policy analysis, conflict resolution, community development, democratic theory, human rights, and global studies.


Applicants must provide:

  • All graduate transcripts from accredited institutions, showing award of the master’s degree and subsequent training.
  • Documentation of doctoral program completion except for the dissertation by the Registrar or a faculty member affiliated with the prior program.
  • Two letters of recommendation, including one reference from someone who holds a Ph.D. (Starting with our January 2022 term, we will require three letters of recommendation).
  • A Statement of Purpose which describes the intended dissertation topic, identifies the preferred concentration (HMS, PPS, ECL, or EDST), outlines the circumstances which led to the interruption in doctoral training, and discusses the applicant’s currency in research topics related to the planned dissertation.
  • Formal course descriptions for all prior training that supports the selected concentration must also be submitted. If the prior program requires a Comprehensive Exam for doctoral students, that step must have been successfully completed prior to making an application to the Union doctoral program.

Applicants should consult the catalog for the area of concentration requirements. Students whose primary doctoral training is in the biological or physical sciences cannot be considered. Students with credits earned outside the U.S. should have their course work reviewed by AICE or NACES.

Admissions Review Process

The application is reviewed by the Admissions Committee. If materials are deemed appropriate for the next step, the applicant will be interviewed by a member of the Admissions Committee or their designee. If admission is recommended, the course history will be reviewed in light of particular concentration requirements. The admission letter will stipulate which of Union's courses must be completed. Admission may be provisional (to be reassessed after one year), or without condition. Initial review will occur within 48 hours of receipt. 


Ordinarily, the successful “ABD” applicant will take 850 and 860 courses in their area of concentration in sequential semesters, then undertake the dissertation, thus enabling completion in four semesters. If core learning areas are deemed insufficient in the particular concentration, additional courses may be required. The applicant who has completed a recent dissertation proposal may petition the Dean to waive the 850-course requirement and begin with 860. Students must attend at least one residency, nominate a dissertation Chair who agrees to serve in that role, form a dissertation committee, pass the proposal defense, conduct the dissertation, and pass the dissertation defense. Academic progress is a condition of subsequent term registration.

Dissertation Information and Examples

The program supports a variety of formats for doctoral dissertations, including theoretical, historical, and interpretive research, social action research projects, empirical research using qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods, and creative dissertations. Below are some examples from each concentration

Education Justice & Equity:

  • Hopson, J. (2021).  Texas A&M university system website analysis: Disability and diversity 
  • Madry, T. S. (2020). Mentoring: A Leadership Tool for Black Greek Fraternities.
  • Maples, G.L. (2019). Surviving the Invisible Wounds of War: As Told by the Unseen Heroes.
  • Bolton, D. (2018).  Motivating African American Male Readers Through Mentorship.

Ethical & Creative Leadership:

  • Crudup, Larry Terrell (2021). Walk Together Children: Black Congregational Leadership-as-Social Ethic .
  • Worthen, Merritt (2020). Showing Faith through Work(s): Examining how Christian-Based Businesses are Practicing Faith in a Materialistic Society .
  • Bradbury, Douglas S. (2019) . Quantum Reconciliation: A Framework for Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Inescapable Mutuality . ”
  • Washington, Michael A. (2019) . Prince Hall Masonic Order Leader and Leadership Development .

Humanities & Culture:

  • François, Emery (2021). The Beauty and the Strife: A Memoir of Haiti and Her Legacy in the United States .
  • White, Tamara (2020). Visually Representing Diabetes Management for Incarcerated Women in California: A Creative Dissertation .
  • Reinstatler, Michelle L. (2019). Becoming Legend: Constructing Paranormal Experience and Cultural Performance in Ghost-Hunting Reality TV shows and Recreational Ghost Hunting .
  • Johnson, Jr., James L.  (2018). Sympathy for the Devil: Thawing the Ego and Fostering Empathy through a Theory of Lacanian Reader-response.

Public Policy & Social Change:

  • Lewis, Jacinda (2020).   Exploring sex offenders’ experiences through the lens of social justice .
  • Nauta, Carmen (2019). Understanding the challenges to lactation initiation and duration among low-income WIC participants in the South Bronx: A phenomenological study
  • Rojas, Gina Augon (2018). Navigating Contested Terrain: A Critical Case Study of Guam’s Chamorro Land Trust Residential Land Lease Program.


All resources available to students who begin the Ph.D. program at Union will be available to “ABD” students unless the length of enrollment at the university is a criterion for a particular scholarship.

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Explore your financial aid & scholarship options. We strive to make college affordable. See what makes Union the best value.

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RE: Acronym: "a.b.t" on resume?

Subject : RE: Acronym: "a.b.t" on resume? From : bryan -dot- westbrook -at- amd -dot- com To : "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date : Thu, 13 Sep 2001 11:02:10 -0500

"All but thesis" It's a variation on a.b.d. ("all but dissertation"). Usually, it means the person has finished all of the classroom work, but hasn't done the research paper necessary to actually receive the degree. -----Original Message----- From: aschiff -at- factset -dot- com [ mailto:aschiff -at- factset -dot- com] Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 10:55 AM To: TECHWR-L Subject: Acronym: "a.b.t" on resume? I have received a resume from someone who lists under "Education" a Master's Degree, expected at a later date. For example, "May 2002 a.b.t" What does "a.b.t" mean? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A landmark hotel, one of America's most beautiful cities, and three and a half days of immersion in the state of the art: IPCC 01, Oct. 24-27 in Santa Fe. +++ Miramo -- Database/XML publishing automation. See us at +++ +++ Seybold SFO, Sept. 25-27, in the Adobe Partners Pavilion +++ +++ More info: +++ --- You are currently subscribed to techwr-l as: archive -at- raycomm -dot- com To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-techwr-l-obscured -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com Send administrative questions to ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com -dot- Visit for more resources and info.

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  1. Can I put all but thesis on resume? : r/resumes

    How would I put it on resume. As a butt-hurt academic, I think this is dishonest, because the thesis/defence is essentially what the whole degree is about. Graduate courses mean virtually nothing inside academia, as they are there for breadth only. As a person in real life, sure why not.

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    The information you can supply when listing a qualification is: The name of the quali fication. The name of the institution. The location of the institution. Start and end dates. Your GPA, if 3.5 or above, or a grading of Merit or Distinction. Thesis title and a brief synopsis. The name and title of your advisor.

  3. How to List PhD ABD on Your Resume

    When including PhD experience on a resume after you've left the program, include the school's name and location in the education section. Since this is likely the most recent educational experience, it should be listed at the top of the section. List the dates of attendance using the month and year format, as well as the degree subject.

  4. All But Dissertation (ABD) Status

    What Does "All But Dissertation" Mean? As the name suggests, "all but dissertation" or ABD describes a PhD or doctoral-level candidate who's completed all the necessary coursework and passed all relevant exams, but has not yet submitted and defended their dissertation or thesis (in which case, it's called "All But Thesis"). In essence, it's a form of academic purgatory - so ...

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    1. With an active degree, you should just put the expected graduate date. If you completely dropped out of the degree program, you can put you completed your masters courses, but not the thesis. This is actually fairly common for people who dropped out of their PhD programs. Share. Improve this answer.

  6. How to List PhD on Resume: Top Tips

    This would help you greatly in listing your Ph.D. ABD on your resume. On your resume, you can list your pending degree under the education section after the name of your institution. List your Ph.D. ABD status after your college has been listed. You may also write 'pending' if the graduation is near.

  7. How to Put Your Thesis on a Resume

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  8. All But Dissertation (ABD): A Complete Guide

    The short answer is no, there is no such thing as a "PhD ABD degree.". Rather, the term "PhD ABD" is used to refer to a place in one's journey towards getting a PhD. Another term that has begun to be used to connote a similar message to "PhD ABD" is "PhDc" (also expressed as "PhD (c)" or "PhD-c"). This term has gained ...

  9. All but dissertation

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  10. What is ABD ("All But Dissertation") and How Can You Avoid Getting

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  12. phd

    In an earlier post the term "candidate" was discussed. This would be appropriate when presented in a vitae or resume in the educational section for degree not yet completed along with the anticipated completion date. Example: XYZ University City, State Ph.D. Management (Candidate, 2016) My advice is to finish the dissertation and earn the ...

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  14. DBA All But Dissertation Completion Program at Baker College

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  15. PhD ABD (All But Dissertation) [the scary reality]

    Published on: March 8, 2023. All but dissertation is the equivalent of academic limbo. The scary reality is that there is a huge portion of students who make it to the dissertation stage but simply do not write up their thesis in order to finish their degree. ABD stands for all but dissertation and refers to a PhD student who has completed all ...

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  17. All But Dissertation: What Is It?

    If you've begun researching the process of earning a doctoral degree, then you've likely come across this acronym and are wondering what an ABD is. All but dissertation is a status that a doctoral learner achieves after completing all of the required coursework and passing the qualifying exams. It means that all the learner has left to ...

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    Learn more about how ResumeSolution can make your application stand out. 1. Include a Thesis in Resume Education Section. We will start the list with the most common method people use for adding a thesis to their resume. The education section is the ideal place to add a piece of information like this.

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  23. RE: Acronym: "a.b.t" on resume?

    To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>. Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 11:02:10 -0500. "All but thesis". It's a variation on a.b.d. ("all but dissertation"). Usually, it means the person has finished all of the classroom work, but. hasn't done the research paper necessary to actually receive the degree. -----Original Message-----.

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