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80 Behavioral Finance Research Topics

FacebookXEmailWhatsAppRedditPinterestLinkedInWelcome to the realm of academic exploration, where the worlds of research and topics intertwine to shape the foundation of your scholarly journey in Behavioral Finance. As students venture into the captivating domain of finance, the quest for compelling research topics to anchor the course of their undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral theses becomes both a […]

Behavioral Finance Research Topics

Welcome to the realm of academic exploration, where the worlds of research and topics intertwine to shape the foundation of your scholarly journey in Behavioral Finance. As students venture into the captivating domain of finance, the quest for compelling research topics to anchor the course of their undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral theses becomes both a challenge and an opportunity.

This pivotal decision not only lays the groundwork for an intellectually stimulating pursuit but also holds the power to contribute significantly to the ever-evolving field of finance. In this guide, we delve into the fascinating expanse of Behavioral Finance, unveiling a plethora of research avenues that await your investigation and offer a chance to unravel the mysteries of human behaviour in financial decision-making.

A List Of Potential Research Topics In Behavioral Finance:

  • Decision-making biases in employee retirement plan selection.
  • Prospect theory and pension fund investment strategies in the UK.
  • Regret aversion and stock portfolio rebalancing.
  • Behavioural factors in initial coin offerings (ICOs).
  • Prospect theory and investment in emerging markets.
  • Behavioural biases in peer-to-peer lending.
  • Psychological factors influencing post-COVID real estate investment trends.
  • Nudging techniques in retirement planning.
  • Decision fatigue and financial choices.
  • Behavioural biases in cryptocurrency adoption.
  • The role of trust in online financial transactions.
  • Prospect theory and corporate merger decisions.
  • Behavioural factors in cryptocurrency adoption intention.
  • Investor behaviour during financial crises: Lessons from the pandemic.
  • Overconfidence and trading patterns in the UK foreign exchange market.
  • Overoptimism and IPO underpricing.
  • Prospect theory in the context of environmental investments.
  • Framing effects in healthcare financing choices.
  • Mental accounting and household financial planning.
  • Decision-making under uncertainty: Insights from behavioural economics.
  • Decision biases in real estate investment trusts (REITs) selection.
  • Prospect theory and entrepreneurial investment decisions.
  • Impact of pandemic-related uncertainty on cryptocurrency investment behaviour.
  • Pandemic-induced behavioural shifts in retail investors’ decision-making.
  • Neuroeconomic insights into impulse buying behaviour.
  • Social influences on investment choices.
  • Exploring herding behaviour in the UK stock market: A behavioural approach.
  • Behavioural aspects of sustainable investing: A review of current research.
  • Regret aversion and investment decisions during market crashes.
  • Socially responsible investing and behavioural factors.
  • Impact of social media on investment decision-making.
  • Navigating the behavioural biases in remote financial advising: Lessons from the pandemic.
  • Mental accounting and tax planning strategies.
  • Behavioural biases and the performance of robo-advisors.
  • Behavioural factors in ethical investment choices: The UK perspective.
  • Anchoring and adjustment in real estate investment valuations.
  • Emotional influences on commodities trading.
  • Decision-making patterns in sustainable investing post-COVID.
  • Decision-making biases in UK housing market: A behavioural analysis.
  • A comprehensive review of behavioural biases in investment decision-making.
  • Investor sentiment and stock market volatility: A cross-country analysis.
  • Investor sentiment measurement and its role in behavioural finance : A critical review.
  • Emotional influences on day trading performance.
  • Anchoring effects in pricing strategies.
  • Psychological factors in online shopping cart abandonment.
  • Herding behaviour in behavioural finance: A synthesis of empirical studies.
  • Investor sentiment and stock market volatility in the UK: Post-Brexit insights.
  • Behavioural factors in sustainable investing.
  • Herding behaviour in the UK cryptocurrency market: Prevalence and implications.
  • Overconfidence and credit card debt accumulation.
  • Emotional biases in online auction bidding.
  • Market sentiment dynamics in the post-COVID recovery phase.
  • Prospect theory and corporate risk management strategies.
  • Cultural influences on investor behaviour in the UK: A comparative study.
  • Framing effects in retirement savings choices.
  • Herding behaviour and mutual fund performance.
  • Anchoring and home price negotiations.
  • Behavioural biases in healthcare investment choices post-COVID.
  • Framing effects in charitable giving.
  • Prospect theory and portfolio diversification strategies.
  • Emotional biases in financial decision-making during crisis: A post-COVID perspective.
  • Behavioural biases in crowdfunding campaigns.
  • Regret aversion and investment choices among UK high-net-worth individuals.
  • Herding behaviour in cryptocurrency markets: A behavioural perspective.
  • Prospect theory and risk perception changes in the post-COVID investment landscape.
  • Regret theory in behavioural finance: Recent developments and empirical findings.
  • Decision-making biases in retirement planning: A literature review.
  • Herding behaviour in stock markets post-COVID: A cross-country analysis.
  • Impact of behavioural biases on UK millennials’ retirement planning.
  • Behavioural biases in venture capital investment.
  • Behavioural biases in algorithmic trading.
  • Emotional biases in financial markets: An in-depth review of research.
  • Prospect theory and investment timing.
  • The role of overconfidence in investment decision-making.
  • Emotional biases and cryptocurrency investment.
  • Overconfidence and investment in renewable energy projects.
  • Anchoring effects in consumer price perceptions.
  • Emotional influences on forex trading.
  • Cultural differences in investment risk perception.
  • Behavioural finance theories and models: A critical literature review.

In conclusion, the diverse array of Behavioral Finance research topics across various degree levels underscores the enduring significance of this field. A more comprehensive understanding emerges as academia delves into the intricacies of investor behaviour, market anomalies, decision-making biases, and the interplay of emotions with financial choices. These research avenues enrich our theoretical framework and provide invaluable insights for practitioners seeking to navigate the complexities of real-world economic scenarios. Through continued exploration and analysis, Behavioral Finance will remain a pivotal lens through which we view and comprehend the dynamics of financial markets and human psychology.

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behavioural finance dissertation ideas

39 Behavioral Finance Dissertation Topics ideas & examples

Behavioral Finance Dissertation Topics Being a relatively new field, behavioral finance combines the principles of psychology with the different domains of finance in a way that can be greatly helpful for people. Behavioral finance research topics include decision-making as the major realm among many other aspects as well. Behavioral finance dissertation topics can also be […]

Behavioral Finance Dissertation Topics

Behavioral Finance Dissertation Topics

Being a relatively new field, behavioral finance combines the principles of psychology with the different domains of finance in a way that can be greatly helpful for people. Behavioral finance research topics include decision-making as the major realm among many other aspects as well. Behavioral finance dissertation topics can also be applied in the field of organizational psychology with the same ease as with finance departments. Check out the related posts for finance dissertation topics and Accounting & finance dissertation topics .

Best Behavioral Finance Dissertation Topics for college students

Below is an extensive list of dissertation topics on behavioral finance:

  • Studying the effects of behavioral finance on the stock-price volatility: a descriptive study.
  • Historical analysis of behavioral finance: connecting past with the present and the future.
  • The role played by financial advertising in the development of behavioral finance: a systematic approach.
  • Investigating the contributions of behavioral finance to the institutionalist finance theories.
  • Correlational analysis of the relationships among behavioral finance, stock market behavior, and data fusion algorithm.
  • Applying the multi-group nonlinear structural equation models to the domain of behavioral finance.
  • Debating on the behavioral finance versus the market efficiency domains.
  • Experimental economics and behavioral finance: focus on the developmental trends.
  • Behavioral finance in the developing versus the developed countries of the world.
  • behavioral finance, efficient markets, and complexity in simple versus complex markets of the world.
  • Cognitive dissonance and behavioral finance: a systematic analysis.
  • Experimental macroeconomics and behavioral finance: challenges and interventions involved.
  • How behavioral finance can be used in the implications of the Black-Litterman model? A descriptive analysis.
  • Behavioral corporate finance: a review of the literature.
  • Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on the domains of market efficiency and behavioral finance: a descriptive study.
  • Investigating the association between financial advisor loyalty and investor attachment style: a quantitative study.
  • Comparative analysis of behavioral finance with the standard finance in X country.
  • The psychology of risk and behavioral finance: a descriptive analysis.
  • The role played by decision-making in the field of behavioral finance: a review of the literature.
  • Correlation among behavioral finance, market efficiency, and long-term returns.
  • Studying the relationship between behavioral finance and the psychology of investing.
  • Asset prices and behavioral finance: a review of the literature.
  • Financial risk tolerance, projection bias, and behavioral finance: a systematic analysis.
  • Studying the trading behavior and attitudes of stock market investors: a descriptive analysis.
  • Role of behavioral finance in reconciling efficient markets: a comparative study.
  • Impacts of psychological capital on asset management: a review of the literature.
  • Relation of investor perceptions with actual trading and risk-taking behavior.
  • Investor governance and behavioral finance: a review of the literature.
  • Understanding the psychology of financial decision-making: a descriptive study.
  • Wealth management and behavioral finance: a descriptive approach.
  • Correlation of neuro-finance, behavioral finance, traditional finance, and bounded rationality.
  • Subjective probability and behavioral finance: a systematic analysis.
  • Investment strategies and behavioral finance: a review of the literature.
  • behavioral finance meets with fraud in the market: a quantitative study.
  • Place of risk in behavioral finance versus traditional finance: a descriptive analysis.

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Top 20 Behavioural Finance Dissertation Topics for your Next Assignment Submission

  • October 15, 2021 October 15, 2021

The maintenance of wealth is as challenging as earning the same. Behavioural finance is a branch of financial management which helps in drawing the line of difference between the expectations of rational and efficient investor behaviour and the actual behaviour. The integration of behavioural finance into the modern corporate practices has turned out to be one of the founding pillars of improving the overall client experience, their constant retention, deepening the relationships, and not to mention, potentially rendering better outcomes.

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(since 2006)

Behavioural finance is one of the important branches of finance offering career opportunities to the freshly graduated students. That is also one of the prominent reasons why students seek assignment help from our experts to excel in their grade points and gain a competitive edge for better career opportunities. Behavioural finance is rightly meant to check the standard pattern of financial decisions taken by an individual. It is regarded more as a psychological arm of finance in comparison to conventional finance, which is more focussed towards the economic models, mathematical calculations, and interpretation of the market behaviour.

Behavioural Finance Dissertation Topics - ThoughtfulMinds


Behavioural finance is a finance with rational people in it. It helps in setting the benchmarks on the grounds of which the investors judge, forecast, analyse, and review the procedures for financial decision making. The practices include investment psychology, gathering of information, defining, and understanding, as well as to conduct research and analysis. These practices help in safeguarding the interests of the investors by keeping a check over the decision-making biases and the information processing errors impacting their financial decision-making prowess.

Here, moving forward with our legacy of offering free assistance to our students in terms of advising the correct dissertation format or selection of the right dissertation topic, we have brought you the list of top 20 behavioural finance topics for your reference. The best part is that these topics can be used for different assignment writing formats. In case there is paid assignment service requirement for the students to complete their behavioural finance dissertation at any stage, then our assignment writing services can undeniably be a game changer for them.

The Ever-Expanding Scope of Behavioural Finance in Career Opportunities

The study and the degree of behavioural finance open new avenues of career opportunities for the students. The following are some of the important fields of job opportunities that students can always explore once passing out with a degree.

  • Stock Broker: The job opportunity of buying and selling the stocks at the direction of the concerned clients.
  • Financial Analyst: A professional undertaking the task of financial analysis for internal and external clients in the given organization.
  • Behavioural Economics Researcher: The goal of a behavioural economic researcher is to gain a better insight about the human decision-making skill. It helps to economically shape the social phenomena, including the investment activities in private pensions, decisions on finance, health care and education.
  • Investment Manager: The manager of a financial institution taking the charge of the asset management of different kinds of securities. These include bonds, shareholdings, and the assets like the real estate.
  • Financial Associate: The career opportunities in the jobs of managing the financial tasks within an organization. These include the creation of budgets, planning the investments and making payments.
  • Personal Financial Advisor: Offering personalised services to the selective clients with the need for financial advice and services. These are meant to address their money management specific needs, customising the solutions as per the individual needs to prevent costly mistakes, and to mitigate risk.

Students from all parts of the world seek online assignment help from our agency to successfully forge careers in one of the said career streams. They can always ask for a free sample of our work and get a free online quote with reasonable rates to confirm down the order.

Are you struggling to find the right topic for your next financial management dissertation? Reach the below link and explore the most suited one from the hand-picked titles by the experts. 

Must read: top 100 finance dissertation topics trending in the year 2021, top 20 behavioural finance assignment topics for your next submission.

The following is the list of behavioural finance assignment topics that can offer you necessary dissertation help at the time of assignment completion. Now, it is fully anticipated that your topic selection needs will not bother you anymore.

Finance Assignment Help

  • Reaching out to the decisions of an organizational enterprise for its profit on the grounds of the statistical data
  • What is the role of quantitative behavioural finance in terms of maximization of profit of a business enterprise?
  • Effective utilization of the quantitative data by an individual of a business enterprise to take into account the necessary decision for the thriving business based upon his own logical thinking
  • The influence of empirical knowledge on the grounds of the decision taken by a person about the significant subject of the business
  • Throw some light upon the application of the decision theory of behavioural finance in the creation of business associated decision by a person
  • What is the role of game theory in behavioural finance and its application in the market forces for supply and demand?
  • What is the role of public choice theory in behavioural finance and how to realise its modern context of the business?
  • The theory of behavioural finance is identified as the finest theory for the decision making processes of the business: Comment
  • The significance of the application of behavioural finance psychology in the process of decision making of a business organization
  • How the authenticity of data is managed and its application by an individual for the objective of quantitative behavioural finance?
  • The function of conventional methods for the successful creation of the business related decisions through behavioural finance
  • The significance of research to render new theories in the field of behavioural finance
  • The theories of behavioural finance that required to be substituted after conducting the research in them
  • Discuss behavioural analytics theory in behavioural finances by citing pertinent real/ hypothetical examples
  • What is the role of psychology in successful thriving of a business with the most suitable examples
  • The risk related with behavioural finance on the basis of the psychology of a single individual
  • The psychology of a multiple number of people in behavioural finance to decide upon specific matters of the business
  • Discuss some of the milestone research successfully conducted in the field of behavioural finance in the contemporary period of time
  • Behavioural finance has proven to be important in certain cases for the sake of development: Elaborate
  • Economic behavioural finance is catching every eye in the nook and corner nowadays for inclusive financial participation: Discuss the statement with the help of examples

And with that, we come to the end of the list prepared by our expert financial researchers and writers for the sake of your behavioural finance topic selection necessities as a student. While preparing upon the list, we have taken special care to make the topics useful for not only your dissertation writing needs, but also other assignment writing formats as well. In case you are seeking case study help , essay help , research paper writing help , thesis help as well as for the term paper writing help, then also these assignment writing topics can turn out to be more relevant than a source elsewhere.

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Must read: manage budgets and financial plans – sample.

The selection of the right behavioural finance topic helps in saving precious amounts of time and efforts that play a critical role in completion of the task within the stipulated deadline. The subject helps us understand how the decisions on financial matters such as payments, investments, personal debt, and risk are greatly impacted by the human emotion. Mastering the core concepts of the subject can help us keep a check on the cognitive limitations and the biases in responding and processing of the information.

In addition to our recommendation for the dissertation titles, we offer paid assignment help to our students for all sorts of behavioural finance topics. Visit finance help and let the finance experts with over 15 years of expertise in the field attend your needs now. The most affordable online homework help is just a click away; contact our representative to get a free quote now!

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behavioural finance dissertation ideas

  • Pedro Manuel Nogueira Reis 7 &
  • António Pedro Soares Pinto 7  

32 Accesses

Behavioural finance ; Investor sentiment


The holy grail of academic finance is to identify those factors that are best able to explain expected returns. The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) proposed by Sharpe ( 1964 ) and Lintner ( 1965 ) sought to calculate the risk premia inherent to financial assets. Researchers correspondingly study a variety of risk factors to best explain and predict the expected returns, including works by Fama and French ( 2016 , 2018 ), and Barillas and Shanken ( 2018 ) among many others. In addition to company fundamentals and the macroeconomic environment, a new branch of finance has emerged for forecasting expected returns based on investor sentiment as one of the main drivers inducing return co-movements. Optimism or pessimism may drive investor behaviors that condition their interactions with the markets and therefore impacting on stock returns. This investor sentiment can derive from their belief or otherwise in the future...

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Baker, M., & Wurgler, J. (2006). Investor sentiment and the cross – Section of stock returns. The Journal of Finance, 61 (4), 1645–1680.

Article   Google Scholar  

Baker, M., & Wurgler, J. (2007). Investor sentiment in the stock market. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 21 (2), 129–152.

Barillas, F., & Shanken, J. (2018). Comparing asset pricing models. Journal of Finance, 73 (2), 715–754. https://doi.org/10.1111/jofi.12607 .

Benhabib, J., Liu, X., & Wang, P. (2016). Sentiments, financial markets, and macroeconomic fluctuations. Journal of Financial Economics, 120 (2), 420–443. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2016.01.008 .

Chen, R., Yu, J., Jin, C., & Bao, W. (2019). Internet finance investor sentiment and return comovement. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 56 , 151–161.

Fama, E. F. (1960). Efficient market hypothesis. Doctoral dissertation, Ph.D. thesis, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago Graduate School of Business.

Google Scholar  

Fama, E. F., & French, K. R. (2016). Dissecting anomalies with a five-factor model. Review of Financial Studies, 29 (1), 69–103.

Fama, E. F., & French, K. R. (2018). Choosing factors. Journal of Financial Economics, 128 (2), 234–252. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2018.02.012 .

Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1990). 6. Prospect theory: An analysis of decision under risk. In Rationality in action: Contemporary approaches (p. 140). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lintner, J. (1965). The valuation of risk assets and the selection of risky investments in stock portfolios and capital budgets. Review of Economics and Statistics, 2 , 13–37.

Loughran, T., & Mcdonald, B. (2016). Textual analysis in accounting and finance: A survey. Journal of Accounting Research, 54 (4), 1187–1230. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-679X.12123 .

Piccione, M., & Spiegler, R. (2014). Manipulating market sentiment. Economics Letters, 122 (2), 370–373. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2013.12.021 .

Pompian, M. M. (2011). Behavioral finance and wealth management: How to build investment strategies that account for investor biases (Vol. 667). Hoboken: Wiley.

Sharpe, W. F. (1964). Capital asset prices: A theory of market equilibrium under conditions of risk. Journal of Finance, 19 (3), 425–442.

Zhou, G. (2018). Measuring investor sentiment. Annual Review of Finance Economics, 10 , 239–259. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-financial-110217-022725 .

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School of Management, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Viseu, Portugal

Pedro Manuel Nogueira Reis & António Pedro Soares Pinto

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Correspondence to António Pedro Soares Pinto .

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International Training Centre of the IL, International Labor Organization, Turin, Italy

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Reis, P.M.N., Pinto, A.P.S. (2023). Behavioral Finance. In: Idowu, S.O., Schmidpeter, R., Capaldi, N., Zu, L., Del Baldo, M., Abreu, R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-25984-5_985

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-25984-5_985

Published : 22 November 2023

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-031-25983-8

Online ISBN : 978-3-031-25984-5

eBook Packages : Business and Management Reference Module Humanities and Social Sciences Reference Module Business, Economics and Social Sciences

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  • International Center for Finance
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Behavioral Finance Research

The International Center for Finance is a leading center for research in behavioral science – specifically, research in the fields of behavioral decision-making, behavioral economics, and behavioral finance. Behavioral decision-making studies the basic psychology of decision-making, while behavioral economics and behavioral finance study the role of irrational thinking in economic and financial decision-making, respectively. Yale’s research efforts in these fields have been helped immeasurably by the generous support of the Lynne & Andrew Redleaf Foundation (formerly Whitebox Advisors).

Yale Summer School in Behavioral Finance

Summer school 3

The Yale Summer School in Behavioral Finance, which has been led since its inception in 2009 by Nicholas Barberis with support from the ICF’s outstanding staff members, is a one-week intensive course in behavioral finance for PhD students.

Lynne & Andrew Redleaf Foundation Student Fellows

Whitebox Conference

Lynne & Andrew Redleaf Foundation Student Fellows (formerly Whitebox Advisors student fellows) are selected by a committee of Yale faculty and receive funding to help with their research.

Behavioral Research Projects

Behavioral research projects funded with the generous support of the Lynne & Andrew Redleaf Foundation (formerly Whitebox Advisors) that have been published either in journals or as working papers.

Lynne & Andrew Redleaf Foundation Graduate Student Conference

Since 2005, the annual Lynne & Andrew Redleaf Foundation Graduate Student Conference (formerly the Whitebox Advisors Graduate Student Conference) , held in conjunction with the Behavioral Science Conference, draws top doctoral students from around the world to present their research in the fields of behavioral economics, behavioral finance and behavioral marketing. The goal of the conference is to foster an environment to promote interaction amongst doctoral student researchers, and to provide feedback for students presenting their work in these fields.

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Essays on behavioral finance and corporate finance

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  • 10.26116/dd2e-g320
  • TiU_220207_CeNTER_proefschrift Lingbo Shen_digitaal Final published version, 1.32 MB


  • Behavioral Finance Business & Economics 100%
  • Corporate Finance Business & Economics 95%
  • Analysts Business & Economics 45%
  • Conference Calls Business & Economics 40%
  • Inventor Business & Economics 31%
  • Ethnic Groups Business & Economics 23%
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  • Interaction Business & Economics 14%

T1 - Essays on behavioral finance and corporate finance

AU - Shen, Lingbo

N2 - This Ph.D. dissertation consists of three independent chapters in behavioral finance and corporate finance. The first chapter examines whether and how ethnicity similarity between analysts and executives affect their interactions in conference calls. The second chapter investigates firms' demand for inventor executives, executives with innovation experience, around firms' IPOs. The last chapter studies teams and individual analysts performance differences during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis time.

AB - This Ph.D. dissertation consists of three independent chapters in behavioral finance and corporate finance. The first chapter examines whether and how ethnicity similarity between analysts and executives affect their interactions in conference calls. The second chapter investigates firms' demand for inventor executives, executives with innovation experience, around firms' IPOs. The last chapter studies teams and individual analysts performance differences during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis time.

U2 - 10.26116/dd2e-g320

DO - 10.26116/dd2e-g320

M3 - Doctoral Thesis

SN - 978 90 5668 683 3

T3 - CentER Dissertation Series

PB - CentER, Center for Economic Research

CY - Tilburg

55 Behavioral Finance Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best behavioral finance topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on behavioral finance, 💡 most interesting behavioral finance topics to write about.

  • Review of “Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics” Book The global economic recession that started in the United States mortgage market and spread to other industries across the world is a perfect example of the danger of ignoring principles of psychology and experimental science.
  • JP Morgan Behavioral Finance Case Study They used momentum stocks to profit from the overconfidence bias and value stocks to profit from the loss aversion bias as their two key investment philosophies. The asset managers in JPMorgan’s asset management business were […]
  • Behavioral Economics’ Impact on the Post-Pandemic Economy This should be used to analyze and develop conclusions on the influence of behavioral economics on the recovery of the economy following the epidemic.
  • Researching of Behavioral Economics Behavioral economics is an analysis methodology that explores the effects of psychological, cognitive, emotional, cultural, and social factors on the decisions of individuals and institutions.
  • Cost Containment Concept in Behavioral Economics The way out lies in a compromise solution for society and the state, in search of the optimal ratio of efficiency and cost of treatment, in the rational use of resources.
  • How Behavioral Economics Affects Healthcare Decisions In terms of healthcare, behavioral economics can be applied to identify different behavioral triggers and use them to create environments in which individuals can make healthier choices.
  • The Behavioral Finance Articles The juxtaposition of cash and extra-credit sessions will be cited as an important rationale in the context of the motivations for a particular choice.
  • Apple: Behavioral Economics Framing is the process of encouraging customers to compare features of a new product with a reference of a frame that they may be familiar with.
  • Behavioral Finance and Efficient Market Hypothesis The behavioral factors involved in the investment market decisions are discussed here for identifying the importance of behavioral finance.”Behavioural finance is the study of the influence of psychology on the behavior of financial practitioners and […]
  • Behavioral Finance: Meaning of Macroeconomics Keen disapproves of all the economic theories that support the concept describing their flaws and mishaps. The theories they disapprove of have some flaws that are well stated and displayed.
  • A Behavioral Finance Perspective on Corporate Mergers and Takeovers Corporate America has been called to task for losing sight of the proper goals of the business: generating economic returns, obtaining the resources and setting strategy for competitiveness and long-run growth, briskly fending off competition […]
  • Behavioral Finance: A Comprehensive Approach In the context of behavioral finance, it is considered that the psychology of the participants of the market can influence the investment decisions and also the result of the market.
  • Behavioral Economics in China Behavioral economics can be defined as the study of the effects of psychological, cultural, emotional, and cognitive factors in the process of making economic decisions involving individuals and organizations.
  • Behavioral Economics and Finance In summary, Behavioral Finance is the modern branch of the economic theory, which explains the market situation based on the investors’ behavior.
  • The Behavioral Finance Paradigm and Its Derived
  • Behavioral Finance Revolution and the Financial Regulations and Policies
  • Stochastic Cost Flow System for Stock Markets With an Application in Behavioral Finance
  • How to Use Behavioral Finance in Asset Management
  • Five Most Significant Breakthroughs in Behavioral Finance
  • Comparing Financial Psychology and Behavioral Finance
  • History, Application, and Outlook of Behavioral Finance
  • Behavioral Finance: Understanding How Biases Impact Decisions
  • Impact of Behavioral Finance on Entrepreneurial Decision Making
  • An Advisor’s Guide to Behavioral Finance
  • Using Behavioral Finance to Better Understand the Psychology of Investors
  • A Behavioral Finance Perspective of the Efficient Market Hypothesis
  • From Efficient Markets Theory to Behavioral Finance
  • Testing Behavioral Finance Theories Using Trends and Sequences in Financial Performance
  • Leveraging Behavioral Finance as a Small Business
  • Can Behavioral Finance Models Account for Historical Asset Prices
  • Concepts and Cases for Teaching Behavioral Finance
  • How to Influence Your Child’s Financial Behaviour
  • Why Adopting Behavioral Finance Techniques Is Now ‘Critical’
  • A Behavioral Finance Perspective of the 2008 Financial Crisis
  • Behavioural Finance in the Field of Finance and Investment
  • Theory of Behavioral Finance and Its Application to Property Market
  • Harnessing the Insights of Behavioral Finance
  • Behavioral Finance and Its Effect on the Housing Market
  • A Behavioral Finance Approach to Decision Making in Entrepreneurial Finance
  • How Behavioral Finance Can Inform Retirement Plan Design
  • Innovative Practices for Competitive Advantage Through Behavioral Finance
  • Behavioral Finance: History and Foundations
  • Market Efficiency Versus Behavioral Finance
  • Behavioral Finance and Market Efficiency in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Can Behavioral Finance Stop a Financial Crisis
  • Behavioral Finance and Its Implications for Stock-Price Volatility
  • Why Behavioural Finance Matters for Wealth Managers
  • The Global Financial Crisis From the Perspective of Behavioral Finance
  • Why Financial Professionals Should Learn Behavioral Finance
  • Reconciling Efficient Markets With Behavioral Finance
  • The Role of Behavioral Economics in the Real Estate Market
  • Information Asymmetry and Equilibrium Models in Behavioral Finance
  • Behavioral Finance: Household Investment and Borrowing Decisions
  • Foundations of Financial Behavior and Adaptive Markets
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 22). 55 Behavioral Finance Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/behavioral-finance-essay-topics/

"55 Behavioral Finance Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 22 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/behavioral-finance-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '55 Behavioral Finance Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 22 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "55 Behavioral Finance Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/behavioral-finance-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "55 Behavioral Finance Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/behavioral-finance-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "55 Behavioral Finance Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/behavioral-finance-essay-topics/.

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Behavioural Finance Dissertation Topics To Leave Your Professors Flabbergasted

Date published June 28 2020 by Carolina James

The first step towards acing any kind of dissertation is to come up with awe inspiring topics and ideas. But this is where most of the people fail miserably, which results in a bad overall dissertation.

Due to their decades of experience, our senior writers know that how common this problem is for students. Therefore, they have compiled a list of free custom finance dissertation topics and finance dissertation ideas to help you start your dissertation.

Table of Contents

How “Dissertation Proposal” Can Help You!

Our top dissertation writing experts are waiting 24/7 to assist you with your university project, from critical literature reviews to a complete masters dissertation.

Behavioural Finance Dissertation Ideas For A Winning Dissertation

Virtue of our 10+ years of experience, our exceptional professional writers have mastered the art of formulating behavioural finance dissertation topics. That will not only be unique and catchy but will perfectly suit your needs.

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Academic Level Undergraduate Masters PhD Others

Some places where you can find up to date and real-world data are:

  • Behavioural finance and financial stability (BFFS) project of Harvard business school. That not only provide raw data but also visualization of those data.
  • HEC Paris’ (one of the top 3 business schools of Europe) database
  • Quandl, that have all the data related to investment banks, hedge funds, stock markets and big companies of the world.
  • Emerald Insight, will provide you access to different journals, books and case studies related to behavioural finance.
  • Talend, gives you insight to behavioural finance using cases, examples and challenges.
  • Springer Open, is a journal where you can find all the data related to behavioural finance.

When it comes to our customer satisfaction, we go an extra mile. This is the reason why we also have access to paid resources subscriptions because we never compromise on our promise of perfection.

It is always a good practice to thoroughly go through different finance dissertation topics before finalizing one so that there is no problem in the future. One such practice is to do quantitative (if possible) analysis on present data to see it something is pursuable.

Different models you can use for quantitative analysis are:

  • Probability and statistical models
  • Time series models
  • Capital asset pricing models
  • GARCH models

The topics provided by our industry leading senior writers are well researched and qualitatively and quantitatively sound, so that you would not have to worry about anything when you order a topic from us.

There are multiple things that you need to keep in mind when searching for the best dissertation topic for yourself. Some of the are:

  • The topic should be relevant to your career goals
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    A List Of Potential Research Topics In Behavioral Finance: Decision-making biases in employee retirement plan selection. Prospect theory and pension fund investment strategies in the UK. Regret aversion and stock portfolio rebalancing. Behavioural factors in initial coin offerings (ICOs). Prospect theory and investment in emerging markets.

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    Below is an extensive list of dissertation topics on behavioral finance: Studying the effects of behavioral finance on the stock-price volatility: a descriptive study. Historical analysis of behavioral finance: connecting past with the present and the future. The role played by financial advertising in the development of behavioral finance: a ...

  3. Top 20 Behavioural Finance Dissertation Topics for your Next Assignment

    The study and the degree of behavioural finance open new avenues of career opportunities for the students. The following are some of the important fields of job opportunities that students can always explore once passing out with a degree. Stock Broker: The job opportunity of buying and selling the stocks at the direction of the concerned clients.

  4. Behavioral Finance Experiments: A Recent Systematic Literature Review

    Much of the financial literature focuses on the decisions of auditors and managers and the behavior of investors in negotiation decisions, leading to the publication of a large number of experimental studies in the 1960s and 1970s (Libby et al., 2002).Moreover, the instruments of the experimental method—the ability to observe directly, control, and manipulate variables—are adequate for the ...

  5. Behavioral Finance: Articles, Research, & Case Studies

    Behavioral finance replaces the traditional and idealized idea of rational decision makers with real and imperfect people who have social, cognitive, and emotional biases. The resulting inefficiencies in the capital markets can create opportunities for investment managers and firms. Closed for comment; 0 Comments. 1.

  6. Jordan Fieger

    The Current State of Behavioral Finance Behavioral finance identifies the potential causes of the recent stock booms and crashes and how they have their roots in human mistakes (Shiller, 2003). Statman (2014) clarified that behavioral finance substitutes "normal" people for the perfectly rational people who are presupposed in standard finance.

  7. PDF Topics in Behavioral Finance (I)

    Potential topics (1) Reaction to news. 21. Mei Wang, Topics in Behavioral Finance Brownbag Lunch Seminar, March 3rd, 2008. Methodology on reaction to news. Experiment. •design experiment to control the timing of events. •real option experiment data (with Chesney) Proxies of perceived probability in the field.

  8. Behavioral Finance

    Behavioral finance applies the field of psychology to finance and became the focus of many studies in the wake of the tech-stock bubble in 2000 (Pompian 2011).Human emotions (investor psychology or cognitive psychology provoking excessive euphoria or fear) and cognitive errors in financial decision-making create psychological biases when assessing the future performance of stock markets ...

  9. Behavioural Finance Dissertation Topics

    Behavioural Finance Dissertation Topics. Behavioural finance is a unique branch of finance and very few people actually choose to pursue a career in it. Mainly, it aims to define how decision-makers take financial decisions on the basis of real-life events. It also defines why every decision may not look to be sensible and lead to unpredictable ...

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    Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on BEHAVIORAL FINANCE. Find methods information, sources, references or conduct a literature review on ...

  12. Behavioral Finance Research

    Behavioral Finance Research. The International Center for Finance is a leading center for research in behavioral science - specifically, research in the fields of behavioral decision-making, behavioral economics, and behavioral finance. Behavioral decision-making studies the basic psychology of decision-making, while behavioral economics and ...

  13. Dissertation Topics in Behavioural Finance

    Dissertation Topics in Behavioural Finance - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. dissertation topics in behavioural finance

  14. Behavioral finance: Its history and its future

    The field of behavioral finance has attempted to explain a litany of biases, heuristics, and. inefficiencies present in financial markets since its creation in the 1980's. This paper is. structured as a comprehensive literature review of behavioral finance, and includes both the. seminal works as well as more recent papers.

  15. PDF Essays in Behavioural Finance and Investment

    This thesis is an attempt to bridge some research gaps in the area of behavioural finance and investment through adopting the three essays scheme of PhD dissertations. There is a widespread belief that the traditional finance theory failed to provide a sufficient and plausible explanation for (1) what motivates individual investors to trade, (2

  16. Essays on behavioral finance and corporate finance

    Abstract. This Ph.D. dissertation consists of three independent chapters in behavioral finance and corporate finance. The first chapter examines whether and how ethnicity similarity between analysts and executives affect their interactions in conference calls. The second chapter investigates firms' demand for inventor executives, executives ...

  17. PDF A Study on Behavioral Finance in Investment Decisions of Investors in

    ©2019IJNRD|Volume4,Issue7July2019|ISSN:2456-4184 IJNRD1907016 InternationalJournalofNovelResearchandDevelopment(www.ijnrd.org) 108 PRIMARYDATA ...

  18. Can anyone suggest me about Behavioural finance topics ...

    Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️. I propose the following research topic in the field of behavioral finance: Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) Coronavirus pandemic on ...

  19. 55 Behavioral Finance Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Researching of Behavioral Economics. Behavioral economics is an analysis methodology that explores the effects of psychological, cognitive, emotional, cultural, and social factors on the decisions of individuals and institutions. Cost Containment Concept in Behavioral Economics.

  20. PDF Behavioral Finance

    Behavioral finance is, in essence, trying to explain and increase un-derstanding of the reasoning patterns of market participants, includ-ing the emotional processes involved and the degree to which they influence the decision-making process (Ricciardi & Simon, 2002). This thesis takes the perspective to investigate the psychological im-

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    Crafting a comprehensive and insightful dissertation in this field can be a daunting task, requiring extensive research, critical analysis, and a deep understanding of both finance and human behavior. From selecting a suitable topic to conducting thorough literature reviews, collecting and analyzing data, and presenting your findings coherently ...