150 Strong History Dissertation Topics to Write about

history research thesis topics

Writing a dissertation is one of the most challenging and exciting moments of an academic career. Such work usually takes a great deal of time, courage, and intellectual effort to complete. That’s why every step in your work process is essential.

It all starts with finding a good topic, which can be a challenge of its own. It especially matters when it comes to liberal arts subjects. In social studies, literature, or world history options are practically endless.

Coming up with history dissertation ideas, you need to think of historical events that interest you. We get it, choosing one is tough. There can be too much to wrap your head around. That’s why IvyPanda experts prepare some dissertation topics in history ready for you.

  • How to Choose a Topic?
  • Ancient History
  • Medieval History
  • Modern History
  • Cold War Topics
  • American History
  • European History
  • Indian History
  • African History
  • Performing Arts
  • Visual Arts
  • How to Structure

🧐 How to Choose a History Dissertation Topic?

Before examining our ideas for dissertation topics in history, you should get ready for this. You have to understand how to pick a history dissertation topic, which will ensure your academic success. Keep in mind that this is a vital step in your career.

So, check some tips on picking what to write about:

  • Make sure that the topic fits in your field of study. You have to understand what you’re writing about. Basing your paper on existing knowledge and experience is a part of any dissertation. Working on an overly complicated idea can sound impressive but lead to failure. It will become a nightmare already on the stage of writing a dissertation proposal. How can you write the entire thing without comprehending it?
  • Estimate whether you’re interested in the topic you intend to write on. Although this might seem obvious, yes. However, being actually invested makes a massive difference for your further work. There are plenty of students who settle for “easy but boring” topics and end up struggling twice as much.
  • Ensure that your topic is specific enough. Your idea should have the potential for fruitful research. Narrowing down your area of study is essential for writing a good dissertation. It helps you to find the direction of your examination and enough sources to work with. Moreover, this way, you’ll be able to explore your topic in its entirety.
  • Do some prior research. It will give you an understanding of how much literature on your topic is out there. Take notes of the materials for the reference list and your analysis. Checking history essay samples is a good idea, too.
  • Don’t be shy to ask your dissertation advisor for some assistance. After all, they are here to help and guide you through the process. Besides, you have to see what ideas they consider relevant and appropriate.

👍 Good Dissertation Topics in History: Time Period

History is a subject as ancient and vast as the humankind itself. It’s only rational to study it according to a particular timeline. Here are some good history dissertation topics for different periods.

🏺 Ancient History Dissertation Topics

  • Ancient Civilizations: The Maya Empire . The Maya was an incredibly powerful Empire with its prime around six century A.D., excelling in mathematics, calendar-making, astrology, and writing. It faced the decline of its city-states in nine century A.D., leaving a rich cultural heritage to the studies of subsequent generations.
  • Women’s Roles and Gender relations in the Ancient World
  • Greek City-States . Ancient Greece is the place where the first city-states were formed. How did the first governments in the ancient history timeline develop? How did people’s attitudes towards leadership change in that context?

A city-state was the community structure of ancient Greece.

  • Ancient Near-Eastern Thought and the Old Testament
  • The Inca Empire as a Great Civilization of Pre-Columbian America
  • The Impact of Mongol Invasion in Ancient Arab
  • The personality of Julius Caesar and His Effect on Rome
  • The Role of Poets and the place of Poetry in Ancient Greece
  • Mesopotamian Civilization . This was a fertile land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It has been home to some of the world’s wealthiest and most advanced ancient cities. It can also make an excellent archaeology dissertation topic. There are plenty of fascinating sites that could be studied.
  • History: Ancient Greek Olympics . Started in 776 BC, the Olympic Games were the most important cultural event in Ancient Greece. They were held in honor of Zeus every four years. Besides, the Olympics were representative of the triumph of physical and spiritual power.
  • Warfare and Violence in Ancient Times. Try to do a comparative analysis of warfare techniques used by different ancient civilizations. It could be a great dissertation topic.
  • Burial Rituals in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece: a comparison
  • Plutarch’s Vision on Alexander the Great
  • Dissolution of the Roman Empire . The Empire sprawled from the coast of North Africa to the territories of the modern UK and Armenia. Once, it was the most powerful political entity in the entire Mediterranean. The empire, however, collapsed in 476 CE. What were the reasons for its eventual decline?

There are at least 8 prominent reasons for the Roman Empire's decline.

  • How Geography Has Impacted the Development of Ancient Cultures
  • Cause and Effect of Art on Classical Societies
  • The Invention of Papyrus and its impact on the World
  • Chichen Itza Archaeological Site . Chichen Itza is a great pre-Columbian archaeological site, home to the Maya civilization. It is a fascinating study case in many aspects. Consider the origins and Maya history. Analyze the cultural preservation issues that it faces nowadays.
  • Egyptian Pyramid’s Importance in Egypt’s society
  • The Stone Age Period and its Evolution

🛡 Medieval History Dissertation Ideas

  • Cultural Exchanges in the Medieval Period . In the aftermath of the Roman Empire’s fall, new geopolitical conditions formed. The early Middle Ages period already marked the appearance of new trade routes. It fostered cultural exchange between nations.
  • Rome in the Middle Ages and its cultural transformation
  • The Development of Feudalism and Manorialism in the Middle Ages
  • The Catholic Church and the Black Death in the 14th Century . During the high Middle Ages, the plague epidemic terrorized Europe. It was a dreadful challenge to medicine, religious institutions, and the social apparatus of the time. How did the Catholic Church deal with such a complex and disastrous medical phenomenon?
  • Jews and Muslims in Medieval Spain . Christian, Islamic, and Jewish communities shared the Iberian peninsula in the early Middle Ages. It formed a vibrant cultural environment.
  • London during the Roman Age: A Critical Overview
  • Causes of the First Crusade of 1095-1099
  • Twelfth-Century Renaissance, how Franciscans reacted to it and benefited from its development
  • Business and Empire, the British ideal of an Orderly World
  • The Black Death, Late Medieval Demographic crisis, and the Standard of Living controversies
  • The Role of the Church in the life of the Middle Ages

Over the Middle Ages, the church was the only universal European institution.

  • Medieval Siege Warfare . Exploring methods of defense used during the Middle Ages might be an interesting research project.
  • The Conditions of Hindu and Islamic women in Medieval India
  • Why the Crusades Failed
  • The Mechanical Water clock of Ibn Al-Haytham, his philosophy of the rise and fall of empires
  • The Renaissance and its Cultural, Political and Economic Influence
  • The Dark Ages as the Golden Ages of European History . Plenty of facts demonstrate civilization’s decline during the Middle Ages. It was, nevertheless, the time of significant scientific, literary, and technological progress. For some interested in writing a medieval literature dissertation: think of Dante’s Divine Comedy . Da Vinci made his groundbreaking study projects during the Middle Ages. It was the time when first universities, such as Cambridge and Oxford, were founded. Overall, this period has a lot to offer!
  • Japan’s Development Under Edo/Tokugawa Shogunate
  • Historical and Theological Context of Byzantine Iconoclasm
  • Medieval Convivencia: Document Analysis

🕰 Modern History Dissertation Topics

  • World History: Enlightenment in Society and its Impact on Global Culture
  • Nationalism and its 19th Century History
  • Why Mussolini and the Fascists Were Able to Seize Power in Italy
  • Religious Symbolism in Renaissance paintings . Renaissance is well-known as a period when fine arts were thriving. It was an early modern birthplace of many technological and cultural advancements. Religion, however, was still a central topic in visual art.
  • Industrial Revolution and its Impact on Western Civilizations
  • Principles of Liberalism and Its Connection to Enlightenment and Conservatism
  • “History and Topography of Ireland” by Gerald of Wales . Looking for an incredible Irish history dissertation topic? Then this document might be an interesting prompt. Its somewhat controversial tone of describing contemporary Irish culture, history, and traditions can be subject to a comprehensive analysis.
  • Moral treatment of Mental Illness . Over the 19th and 20th centuries, psychology has changed. Moving from a scientific periphery, it became one of the central subjects of scholarly discussions. Mental illnesses were highly disregarded in earlier centuries. People even considered them to be manifestations of demonic possession. How did this attitude change? Why did people rethink psychology as a scholarly discipline?
  • A History of the Cuban Revolution

The Cuban Revolution started in 1953.

  • Abraham Lincoln’s Historical Influence
  • Role of Women During the Spanish Civil War
  • Conquest and Colonization of America by European Countries . Colonization of America is one of the grandest enterprises in the world’s political history. What were its driving forces?
  • Origins and Trajectory of the French Revolution
  • Major Impacts of Consumerism in contemporary world history
  • Coco Chanel Fashion: History of Costume . Probably not the first topic for a history dissertation that comes to mind. Chanel is truly an iconic figure in modern history, though. She revolutionized the fashion industry concerning gender as well.
  • Causes of the Breakup of the Former Yugoslavia
  • The Russian Working Class Movement . Before 1861, the agriculture and peasant-owning system were the foundation of the Russian Empire’s economy. Serfs made up a significant part of the population, accounting for over 60% in some regions. Then the serfdom abolition happened. A lot has changed in the economic and social life of the country.
  • Segregation During the 1960s
  • Historical Development of Feminism and Patriarchy
  • Monetary and Fiscal Policy during the Great Depression

🔔 History Dissertation Topics on Cold War

  • The Role of Cold War in Shaping Transatlantic Relations in the Period from 1945 to 1970
  • The showdown between the United States and the USSR . Cold Was was essentially the power struggle between the US and the Soviet Union. It unleashed in the aftermath of World War II. This political precedent came to an end with the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, the answer to the “Who won the Cold War?” question may be unclear.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis , its causes, and effects
  • US Foreign Policy during the Cold War. Cold War, as a phenomenon, has many layers to it. Yet the one crucial is the contest of two ideologies: democracy and communism. How did the US shape its foreign policy and pursue its interests abroad? And how did the cultural and political setup within the country adjust to it?
  • To what extent did the Cold War shape the US relations with Latin America?
  • What was the importance of Berlin in the Cold War?
  • Japan’s role since the end of the Cold War
  • Cold War Politics, Culture, and War . Exploring the Cold War causes and effects can be quite a challenge. It is such a multifaceted phenomenon. It was a war led on many fronts. Both USSR and the US pursued their interests using a variety of methods.

For your history dissertation, analyze the Cold War from different angles.

  • How did Cold War propaganda influence the film industry?
  • What were the challenges in the post-cold war world?

🗺 History Dissertation Topics: Geographical Regions

Every country has its historical course, and so does every continent. Geography has always been an important factor when talking about history. It shapes historical trajectory in varied, unique ways.

Look at a dissertation topics history list based on geographical regions:

🦅 American History Dissertation Topics

  • History of Hollywood, California . Oh, Hollywood. A place where American movie history was born. What about Hollywood’s history? Although a less traditional American history dissertation topic, it is still a fascinating one. Explore the way technological advancements in filmmaking were introduced over the decades. How did they influence the film’s general style?
  • History: Migration into the United States . How did migration influence the economy of the time?
  • The Relationships between the Settlers and Native Americans
  • Literary works’ Views on Slavery in the United States
  • Causes of the Civil War in America
  • What is the real meaning of a cowboy?
  • The United States military experience through the eyes of films
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor: Effects of Foreign policy
  • Causes of Depression in the 1890s
  • Has President Obama’s Presidency changed the US?
  • The role of Founding Fathers in American Society and Religion
  • Post-Civil War reconstruction . Consider the way America’s economy, trade, and finance transformed in the aftermath of the Civil War.
  • Principal causes and consequences of the Spanish-American War
  • Why was the Declaration of Independence written?
  • The Significance of the Frontier in American History
  • How is a “new racial narrative” in the U.S.A created?
  • American Revolution and the Crisis of the Constitution of the U.S.A. Rethink the origins of the American constitution, as well as the following events. It could be an exciting thesis idea for an American history dissertation.

The US Constitution can be recognized as a crisis.

  • Growth and Development of San Francisco and Los Angeles after the Gold Rush
  • The Role of Racism in American Art
  • Drug Use and Abuse in America: Historical Analysis

🏰 European History Dissertation Topics

  • Age of Discovery in Europe. The Age of Exploration in Europe lasted from the 15th to the 17th century. Over this period, Europe actively engaged with other territories and continents. Discoverers formed new international relations and expanded geographical knowledge. This topic could also make an excellent cultural history dissertation.
  • Analyzing the Impact of British Colonization
  • Nationalism in World War II
  • Effects of the Industrial Revolution concerning World War I
  • The Rise and Fall of Napoleon and the Cause of Revolution . Napoleon is one of the most prominent figures in French history. What has shaped his career as a political leader?
  • History of Hitler’s Nazi Propaganda . Consider a brief history of Germany. Undoubtedly, the rule of Hitler and the Third Reich was its most devastating chapter. The “art” of propaganda flourished during the nazi regime. It penetrated the cultural, political, and social life of the country.
  • Evolution of the IRA
  • Napoleon’s Strategy and Tactics in his Invasion of Russia . For someone interested in writing a military history dissertation.
  • Industrial Revolution Impact on Gender Roles
  • Witchcraft in Europe (1450-1750) . Witch hunts took place as early as the Middle Ages in Europe. Held by the Church in most cases, witch hunts targeted those who were suspected of practicing black magic. Examine this both astonishing and problematic phenomenon.

Witch hunts are strongly tied to the gender discrimination.

  • French Revolution: Liberal and Radical Portions
  • West European Studies: Columbus’s Journey
  • History of Feudalism . Feudalism dominated the European way of life during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. What were its distinctive features as a system? Why did it eventually fade away?
  • Europe’s perception of Islam in the Early and Middle centuries
  • Cold War Consequences for European Countries
  • Mutated Medical Professionals in the Third Reich: Third Reich Doctors
  • Was the Holocaust the Failure or the Product of Modernity?
  • How did the use of print change the lives of early modern Europeans ?
  • Early Modern England: a Social History
  • Jewish Insight of Holocaust

⛰ Indian History Dissertation Topics

  • History of the Indian Castes. The Indian Caste system is a complex and unique example of social stratification.
  • Mahatma Gandhi’s Leadership . Gandhi is, for sure, among the greatest human rights advocates in the world’s history. His one of a kind leadership style is subject to many studies. While practicing a peaceful form of civil protest, he fought for equality, independence, and compassion.
  • Political conflicts in India in the XVII century
  • Impacts of the First World War on British Policies in India
  • Movement Against the British rule in India. Led by Mahatma Gandhi, with the support of the National Congress, the movement took place in 1920-22. It sought to fight for the freedom of Indians.
  • The Origin and Course of the Indian revolt of 1857
  • The Issues of the Partitioning of India in 1947
  • India Since 1900 . India is a region rich with unique traditions. Its spiritual and cultural heritage goes back to antiquity. The country’s authentic art and architecture, music, and cuisine have served as an inspiration worldwide. A considerable part of its history is, however, affected by British rule.

Colonization has created a merge of cultures in India.

  • Women in Hinduism and Buddhism
  • The British East India Company

🌍 African History Dissertation Topics

  • Ancient Societies in Mesopotamia and Ancient Societies in Africa: a comparison . Egypt is one of the most ancient African civilizations. Its origins go back to the third millennium B.C. Back then, the cultural exchange between Egypt and Mesopotamia was flourishing. What were the significant differences between the two civilizations? What did they have to offer to one another?
  • Political Violence in South Africa between 1985 and 1989
  • Did History of Modern South Africa begin with the Discovery of Diamonds and Gold?
  • Nelson Mandela: “Freedom in Africa.” Nelson Mandela is, without a doubt, one of the central figures in African history. His devotion and tireless effort in fighting against apartheid were remarkable. Thanks to him, many sub-Saharan countries enjoy the freedoms and advances of a democratic society.
  • The Cult of the Dead in West Africa: The Kongo People . African tribal rituals and traditions are unique and specific to their region. Cult of the Dead is prevalent in Western African culture. It can be notoriously known as the origin place of voodoo and other black magic practices. There is yet much more to this culture. Dismantling some prejudices could make an excellent African history thesis.
  • Christianity, Slavery, and Colonialism: the paradox
  • The Colonial War in Southwest Africa
  • African-Europe Relations between 1800 and 2000
  • Impacts of Slavery and Slave Trade in Africa
  • African Communities in America

There are organizations of African immigrants in the US.

🎨 Art History Dissertation Topics

Art comes in all shapes and forms. To grasp it better, we can explore each kind separately. Here’s a list of art history dissertation ideas:

🎶 Topics on Performing Arts

  • History and Development of Ballet . Ballet is an art form with a long history. Initially, a specific dance originated in Medieval Italy. It was later brought to France and Great Britain. Ballet thrived in the 20th century Russia, where Russian choreographers brought it to the highest level of mastery.
  • The Life and Work of William Shakespeare: His Contribution to The Contemporary Theater
  • Jazz Music in American Culture . Jazz is one of the most complex and exciting music genres of all time. It was born in the 20’s century black communities of New Orleans and quickly spread across America and then the world. The genre, however, will always be an integral part of African-American identity.
  • The Instrumental Music of Baroque: Forms and Evolution
  • Rock Music of the 1970s
  • Michael Jackson’s Life as a Musician and Choreographer
  • Development of the Symphony Orchestra in the 19th and 20th Century
  • Woodstock Music Festival . This massive music festival that first took place in 1969 was the epitome of hippie culture. It has a rich history that once again underscores the importance of performing arts in Western culture.
  • The History of Modern Chinese Music
  • The Renaissance Theater Development. The era in which both visual and performing arts were thriving. It has a lot to offer for proper dissertation research.

🖼Topics on Visual Arts

  • Art Period Comparison: Classicism and Middle Age
  • Vincent Van Gogh: Changes in the Technique
  • The Ambiguity of Mona Lisa Painting

The US Constitution can be recognized as a crisis.

  • Orientalism in Western Art . It’s commonly associated with romanticism and some 20th-century artworks. Orientalism is a Western term that speculates the aesthetics of the Orient. Consider this concept as a prism through which Westerners viewed the Eastern world.
  • Classical Art and Cubism: History and Comparison
  • Postmodern and Modern Art . The 20th and 21st centuries have been a breeding ground for many forms of fine art to emerge and flourish. Some art movements presented their philosophy in the form of manifestos. These texts can be nothing but a pure treasure for someone writing an art history dissertation.
  • Female Figures in Ancient Greek Sculpture
  • Andy Warhol’s Career . Pioneer of pop-art, creator of Studio 54, and a style icon.
  • Filippo Brunelleschi and Religious Architecture
  • The Photographic Approaches Towards American Culture of Robert Frank and Garry Winogrand

📋 How to Structure Your Dissertation?

An adequately structured history dissertation can immensely help students. It ensures that they present their ideas and thoughts logically. Sticking to a particular dissertation structure is an essential element of such work.

Proper organization of a history dissertation can improve the working process.

The general plan of any dissertation type is the following:

  • Title Page. A title page should only contain essential information about your work. It usually shows your name, type of the document (thesis, research paper, dissertation), and the title itself. A good history dissertation title is crucial! It’s the first thing a reader will see.
  • Acknowledgments. Do you wish to give credit to someone for supporting you during the tiresome months of your work? This is the right part to do so, be it your family, friends, or professors. It is an excellent form to express gratitude to those who proofread your drafts. Or those who brought you another cup of coffee when you needed it.
  • Declaration. This section is your written confirmation. You declare that all the research and writing is entirely original and was conducted by you. If someone intellectually contributed to your project, state it in the acknowledgments.
  • Table of Contents. Essentially, it’s a brief structure of your dissertation. List every section that you’ve included in your academic paper here.
  • Abstract. This is the section where you write a brief summary of your dissertation. It should describe the issue, summarize your core message and essential points. List your research methods and what you’ve done. Remember to make it short, as the abstract shouldn’t exceed 300 words or so. Finish the part with a few essential keywords so that others can find your work.
  • Introduction. A dissertation introduction presents the subject to the reader. You can talk about the format of your work. Explain what you plan to contribute to the field with your research.
  • Literature Review. The chapter reviews and analyzes pieces of scholarly work (literature) that have been made on the subject of your research. The sources should present relevant theories and support your thesis. Be sure to discuss the weaknesses and strengths of the selected area of study and highlight possible gaps in this research.
  • a code of conduct;
  • research limitations;
  • research philosophy;
  • research design;
  • ethical consideration;
  • data collection methods;
  • data analysis strategy.
  • Findings and Results. Restate everything you have found in your research. However, do not interpret the data or make any conclusions yet.
  • Discussion and Conclusion. In this chapter, you should personally interpret all of the data and make conclusions based on your research. It is essential to establish a logical link between the results and evidence. Finally, conclude the overall study. You can add final judgments, opinions, and comments.
  • References. This section contains a list of references to all the sources that you used. Write down every material, which you quoted, mentioned, or paraphrased in your work. Check your educational institution’s guidelines to see how to do so correctly.
  • Bibliography. Similar to the reference section, a bibliography is a list of sources you used in your dissertation. The only difference is that it should contain even the sources you don’t directly mention in your writing. Whatever helped you with the research, you state here.
  • Appendices. The section may include any supplementary information that explains and complement the arguments. Add pictures, diagrams, and graphs that serve as examples for your research subject.

An appendix of the history dissertation should be available to provide the reader with evidence.

Writing a dissertation is the right challenge for those with ambitions and lots of determination. It is a lot like a marathon, and it starts with choosing the right topic. We hope that you will find one for yourself on this list. Good luck! Share the article to help those who may need a piece of advice or some history dissertation topics.

🔗 References

  • How To Write A Dissertation: Department of Computer Science, West Lafayette, Purdue University
  • Ph.D. Thesis Research, Where Do I Start: Don Davis, Columbia University
  • Writing with Power: Elbow P., Oxford University
  • Writing a Thesis or Dissertation – A Guide to Resources: Gricel Dominguez
  • The Elements of Style: Strunk, W. Jr., White, E.B., Angell, R.
  • A Collection Of Dissertation Topics In American History: asqauditconference.org
  • Yale History Dissertations: Department of History, Yale University
  • Dissertation Outline: School of Education, Duquesne University
  • Developing a Thesis Statement: The Writing Center, University of Wisconsin–Madison
  • Writing an Abstract: The Writing Center, George Mason University
  • Formatting Additional Pages: University of Missouri Graduate School
  • Reference List vs. Bibliography: OWLL, Massey University
  • How to Write Your Dissertation: Goldsmiths University for The Guardian
  • Tips on Grammar, Punctuation and Style: Kim Cooper, for the Writing Center at Harvard University
  • Acknowledgments, Thesis and Dissertation: Research Guides at Sam Houston State University
  • Thesis Formatting, Writing up your Research: Subject Guides at University of Canterbury
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60+ History Research Paper Topics From Our Top Writers

History Research Paper Topics

Finding that fascinating topic for history research paper can be a pain in some students’ necks. In this article, we reveal our only suggestions of ideas for good history research topics.

Whether you need United States history research paper topics, Europe and across the world, we have you covered. We have selected relevant topics with a clear statement to jumpstart your writing process. Check out our ultimate list of American history research paper topics for college students:

US History Research Paper Topics

  • What was the history and culture of Native Americans before the invasion by Europeans?
  • How did 9/11 change the US foreign policy?
  • Why did Japan target Pearl Harbor and how significant was it to the US?
  • Why did American Revolution leaders fail to achieve equality for everyone?
  • What traditions define Independence Day in the US?
  • What events led to the abolishment of slavery?
  • Who were the initial inhabitants of the US, and how was it found?
  • Did the US have to use two atomic bombs on Japan?

World History Research Paper Topics

  • What happened in Germany after the fall of Hitler and the Nazis?
  • Communism and why it is considered it is considered a lousy system historically.
  • Explain why nationalism is a primary source of identity everywhere else but has failed among the Arab States
  • In what ways did the assassination of John F. Kennedy change the course of US politics?
  • Who was Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, and what were the impacts of his ideas on the Islam world?
  • What was the primary intention of the US dropping atomic bombs on Japan? Was it to end the war or to prevent the Soviet Union from amassing influence in Asia?
  • Why is the fall of Constantinople in 1453 perceived as the saddest moment in the history of humankind?

European History Research Paper Topics

  • Why Eastern Europe has always trailed Western Europe in terms of development
  • Which other country used women in World War Two other than Russia?
  • What was Hitler’s reasoning for attacking the Soviets during WWII?
  • What European nation has the most influential culture in history?
  • What are some of the events that shifted France and England’s relationship from enemies to allies?
  • Point out some of the differences between feudalism in Eastern Europe and Western Europe
  • How were European countries affected by the Industrial Revolution?
  • Define the factors the led to the mass degradation of French women in the aftermath of WWII

Ancient History Research Paper Topics

  • Explain how philosophy became so popular in Ancient Greece
  • What are some of the similarities between Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome?
  • Alexander the Great; who was he, and why is he considered one of the most outstanding leaders in history?
  • In what way was ancient Egypt unique from Ancient Rome and Greece?
  • Point out the difference and similarities between Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome
  • What is the origin of democracy in Ancient Greece, and how did it come to be in general?
  • What is the story of Theagenes of Thasos, the strongest fighter in Ancient Rome?

Modern World History Research Topics

  • What was the status of women in the USSR through the 20th century?
  • Why didn’t any western countries intervene in Communist China in the mid-20th century?
  • What was the necessity of using an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
  • What are some of the reasons behind US policies towards immigrants in the 21st century?
  • What is the price of industrialization to the American nation?
  • What are some of the most prominent inventors and industrialists in the modern-day world?
  • How did industrialization influence social movements in the USA?
  • Explain American foreign policy from the start of the 21st century

History Topics To Write About Africa

  • How Idi Amin did change the world’s attitude to Uganda
  • In what ways is the Democratic Republic of Congo different from its neighboring countries?
  • Why did it take until the 19th century for European powers to start colonizing Sub-Saharan Africa?
  • How were oil and petroleum discovered in Ethiopia?
  • Explain why North Africa went from the wealthiest regions during times of the Roman Empire to a regional backwater
  • Historically speaking, what are the wealthiest countries in Africa, and what contributed to the wealth in those counties?
  • What are some of the post-colonial drawbacks that Africa has had to deal with in recent times?
  • What was the African continent’s state in the 1600s? Was it similar to Asia and Europe?
  • What religions were practiced in Africa before being influenced by Europe and Asia?
  • What were some of the most potent African empires between the 6th and the 8th century?
  • What were the consequences of German Warfare in Africa in 1884?

Middle East Historical Research Paper Topics

  • The Sumerians; what made the first great civilization of humankind?
  • What are some of the less known facts about the Byzantine Empire?
  • Explain how the Ottoman Empire spread to the Middle East
  • Which countries in the Middle East have been powerful economically throughout history?
  • In what ways were the Byzantine and Roman cultures adapted to and incorporated in the Middle East?
  • What are the main events that altered the Middle East in modern history?

African American History

  • What were some of the impacts of Martin Luther King’s speech on the African American community?
  • What was the position of black Americans during the industrial age?
  • What were the struggles of the African American population after the Civil War?
  • What are some of the beliefs and traditions of African American culture?
  • In what way did the African American women help during WWII?
  • What did the 14th amendment have to offer the black community?
  • What are some of the legends and cultural traits in black history?

Music History Research Paper Topics

  • What is the history of the film industry and classical composers?
  • How Classical German composers influenced further music development
  • How classical melody has been impacted by technology
  • Discuss the origins of classical composing
  • Analyzing Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony
  • A study of early music history and the evolution of musical instruments

History papers carry a lot of weight, allowing college students to learn the culture, traditions, and past of other nations. With our vast range of ideas, you should have a smooth time selecting an ideal topic.

Remember, you can always find research paper writing help online. Online writing services provide cheap, yet quality research papers that are carefully crafted by expert writers. What are you waiting for when help is only a few clicks away?

Political Science Research Topics

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Home — Blog — Topic Ideas — Thesis Topics in History: The List of 100 Perfect Ideas

Thesis Topics in History: The List of 100 Perfect Ideas

history thesis examples

When choosing a thesis topic in history, several essential factors come into play. Firstly, consider your passion and interest in the subject matter. Opt for a topic that genuinely intrigues you, as this will motivate and drive your research efforts. Secondly, strive for originality and significance. Look for gaps in the existing historical literature and propose a fresh perspective or a novel approach to a well-studied topic. Your goal should be to contribute new insights and knowledge to the field. If your ideas are recognized, then perhaps in the future some history thesis examples will be written based on them.

Feasibility is crucial in selecting a thesis topic. Ensure that you have access to the necessary primary and secondary sources, archives, or data required to support your research. Additionally, consider the relevance of your chosen topic to current historical debates or contemporary issues. Demonstrating the significance of your research in the broader context adds depth and impact to your work.

Ultimately, the result you should strive for is a well-crafted thesis topic that not only showcases your academic prowess but also excites and captivates your readers or academic committee. Your chosen topic should be engaging, thought-provoking, and capable of advancing the collective understanding of historical events or phenomena. By meticulously selecting a compelling thesis topic and conducting thorough research, you can embark on a rewarding journey of scholarly exploration and contribute meaningfully to the ever-evolving field of history.

✨ Top-20 History Thesis Ideas

  • The Role of Media in Shaping Public Perception during the Cold War
  • The Great Depression: Economic and Social Impacts on American Society
  • The Age of Exploration: Cultural Exchanges and Global Interactions
  • Women's Suffrage Movement: Analyzing Strategies and Achievements
  • The French Revolution: Causes, Consequences, and Historical Interpretations
  • The African-American Civil Rights Movement Essay : Leaders, Strategies, and Legacies
  • The Rise and Fall of Ancient Empires: Lessons from Mesopotamia and Egypt
  • World War II: Examining the Global Impact and Lessons Learned
  • The Scientific Revolution: Advancements in Science and their Societal Impact
  • Slavery and Abolition: A Comparative Study of Different Regions
  • The Cultural Exchange along the Silk Road: Connecting East and West
  • The Age of Imperialism: Colonialism, Resistance, and Global Consequences
  • The Renaissance and Its Influence on Art, Literature, and Politics
  • The Native American Experience: Examining Histories and Perspectives
  • The Impact of the Protestant Reformation on European Society and Religion
  • The Construction and Fall of the Berlin Wall: Symbolism and Global Implications
  • The Spanish Inquisition: Religious Orthodoxy and Power Dynamics
  • The Industrial Revolution: Changes in Work, Society, and the Environment
  • The Mongol Empire: Conquest, Governance, and Cultural Integration
  • The Crusades: Motivations, Outcomes, and Effects on Christian-Muslim Relations

✍️ History Thesis Topics for Bachelor's Degree: Tips and Tricks

Writing a diploma thesis in history is a significant milestone for university graduates. It allows students to showcase their research skills, critical thinking, and expertise in the subject. Crafting a compelling and well-structured thesis requires careful planning and adherence to specific guidelines. Here are some recommendations and criteria to consider when undertaking a history dissertation:

  • Topic Selection: Choose a topic that genuinely interests you and aligns with your academic passions. A well-chosen topic will keep you motivated throughout the research process.
  • Originality: Strive for originality in your research. Identify gaps in existing historical literature and propose a unique perspective or fresh analysis.
  • Research Depth: Conduct thorough research using a variety of primary and secondary sources. Academic journals, historical documents, and reputable books are essential resources.
  • Structure and Format: Follow the prescribed structure and format provided by your university or department. Adhere to proper citation and referencing guidelines.
  • Word Count: Depending on your university's requirements, diploma theses in history typically range from 60 to 100 pages. However, check the specific word count guidelines for your institution.
  • Abstract: Include a clear and concise abstract that summarizes the key objectives, research methods, and findings of your thesis.
  • Introduction: Introduce your topic, provide background information, and state your research question or thesis statement.
  • Literature Review: Review relevant literature to demonstrate your understanding of existing research on the topic.
  • Methodology: Explain the research methods and approaches you used to collect and analyze data.
  • Analysis and Findings: Present your research findings and analyze them in the context of your research question.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main arguments, discuss the implications of your findings, and suggest avenues for future research.
  • References: Provide a comprehensive list of all the sources you cited in your thesis.

When starting your dissertation, begin with extensive reading and research to gain a solid understanding of the topic. Take notes and organize your sources efficiently. Create a detailed outline that will serve as a roadmap for your writing process. Seek guidance from your advisor or professors throughout your research journey, as their insights and feedback will be invaluable.

As you write, maintain a clear and coherent writing style, and avoid excessive jargon. Use headings and subheadings to structure your thesis logically. Remember to proofread and edit your work carefully to ensure accuracy and clarity.

In conclusion, writing a diploma thesis in history requires dedication, critical thinking, and meticulous research. By following these recommendations and adhering to the given criteria, you can create a compelling and well-argued thesis that contributes meaningfully to the field of history. Embrace this opportunity to delve into the past, unearth new insights, and leave a lasting academic legacy as you embark on this exciting academic journey.

If you still have not found suitable historical theses, then we continued the list with examples, one of which is right for you

🌆American History Thesis Topics

  • The American Revolution : Causes, Consequences, and Legacies
  • 1950s Body Image History
  • The 1950s vs Modern Era
  • 1960s Entertainment
  • Abigail Adams Letter Rhetorical Analysis
  • Abigail Williams in The Crucible
  • American Imperialism: Factors, Impact, and Legacy
  • The American and French Revolutions: Causes, Key Events, and Outcomes
  • A Comparative Analysis of Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine
  • About The Underground Railroad
  • Colin Kaepernick Argument: a Controversial Figure in American Sports
  • Mitch Landrieu Speech Analysis
  • Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X in the Civil Rights Movement
  • Causes of the Civil War
  • Harlem: A Community Profile Examination
  • Harriet Hollywood Film
  • Manifest Destiny: Expansion, Impact, and Legacy
  • A Day Of Infamy: Speech Analysis
  • The Lasting Impact of Slavery
  • How the Columbian Exchange Benefited Europe and North America

🗺️ Ideas for Thesis Topics in European History

  • The Life of Adolf Hitler: Understanding the Emergence of a Monster
  • Biography of Adolf Hitler
  • Factors Contributing to the Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Alexander The Great: a Rhetorical Analysis
  • Christopher Columbus: Legacy and Impact
  • Julius Caesar: Funeral Speech Analysis
  • The Industrial Revolution in Europe: Technological Advancements and Social Changes
  • The Cold War in Europe: Superpower Rivalries and the Division of the Continent
  • The Age of Exploration: European Voyages and Global Encounters
  • The Profound Impact of the Black Death
  • The Russian Revolution : Revolution and the Formation of the Soviet Union
  • The Crusades: Religious Wars and Their Influence on Europe and the Middle East
  • The Treaty of Versailles: Evaluating Its Role in Shaping Post-World War I Europe
  • The Spanish Inquisition: Investigating Religious Persecution and Its Consequences
  • The Age of Imperialism: European Colonization and Its Global Consequences
  • The Holocaust : Examining the Holocaust and the Dark Chapters of European History
  • The Berlin Wall: The Divided City and Its Symbolism during the Cold War
  • The Byzantine Empire: A Comprehensive Study of Its Contributions and Decline
  • The Napoleonic Era: Napoleon Bonaparte's Impact on European Politics and Warfare
  • The Reformation and Counter-Reformation: Religious Conflicts and Their Resolutions in Europe

🎭 Ideas for Art History Thesis Topics

  • The Renaissance Masters : Analyzing the Artistic Achievements of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael
  • Impressionism and Its Influence on Modern Art
  • The Evolution of Abstract Art: From Kandinsky to Pollock
  • Women in Art: Celebrating Female Artists and Their Impact on Art History
  • A Great And Mighty Walk Analysis
  • Compare Reverend Hale and John Proctor
  • Mark Antony's Speech: A Masterclass in Rhetoric
  • Iconography and Symbolism in Religious Art
  • African Art and Cultural Identity
  • Surrealism: Exploring Dreams and the Subconscious in Art
  • The Art of Ancient Civilizations: Uncovering the Aesthetics of Egypt, Greece, and Rome
  • The Birth of Modern Photography: Pioneering Photographers and Their Contributions to Art
  • Investigating the Relationship between Artistic Expression and Sociopolitical Movements
  • Postmodernism in Art: Deconstructing Boundaries and Challenging Tradition
  • The Harlem Renaissance: African-American Art and Culture in the 1920s
  • Pop Art: Examining the Pop Culture Movement and Its Influence on Contemporary Art
  • Islamic Art and Architecture: Tracing Aesthetics across Different Eras and Regions
  • Asian Art and Cultural Heritage: A Comparative Study of China, Japan, and India
  • Exploring the Intersection of Digital Media and Creative Expression
  • The Role of Museums in Shaping Art History

📒 History Thesis Topics for Master’s Degree

Choosing an appropriate history dissertation topic for your master's degree is a key step. It is important to choose a subject that matches academic interests and hobbies. The theme should also offer room for originality and contribution to the existing body of historical knowledge. A master's thesis in history is a comprehensive academic work, often 80 to 100 pages or more. This requires careful research, analysis of primary and secondary sources, and critical evaluation of historical arguments. In addition, the dissertation must comply with the guidelines and formatting requirements set by the academic institution. Seeking advice from faculty advisors and professors is invaluable in the dissertation writing process. Their experience and feedback can determine the direction of the research and ensure its scientific rigor. Here are some examples of possible History Thesis Topics for Master's Degree that can serve as a basis for you:

  • Abigail Williams: A Villain Analysis
  • Early Colonial Government Policies Still in Use Today
  • A Kingdom Strange: Analysis
  • History of Egypt
  • Compare and Contrast Inca and Aztecs
  • Positive Effects of Colonialism in Africa
  • Benefits of Colonialism to Europeans and the Colonies
  • Japan’s Rise and Fall in the Global Electronics Market
  • Information On The Holocaust
  • An Analysis of the Leadership Style of Mahatma Gandhi
  • Comparison and Contrast of Egypt and Mayans
  • Oppression: Contemporary Manifestations, and Resistance
  • Analyzing Cultural Exchange along the Ancient Silk Road
  • Medieval Queens: Agents of Power and Diplomacy
  • Ottoman Empire: Socio-Political Changes and Legacy
  • The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Africa's Role and Impact on the America
  • The Fall of Ancient Civilizations: Lessons from Rome and Greece
  • Reevaluating the Causes and Impacts of the American Revolution
  • Propaganda in World War II: Shaping Public Perception
  • The Impact of the Russian Revolution: Political Ideologies and Social Shifts

In conclusion, theses and dissertations serve different purposes and have different requirements depending on the academic level. Each represents a milestone in the student's academic journey, and mastering the arts of research, analysis, and critical thinking is essential to success at every level. Whether you are writing a short abstract or a comprehensive dissertation, the pursuit of knowledge and scientific contributions remains at the center of all academic research. And of course, to prepare a quality thesis, you will have to start choosing your topic among the many history thesis examples. We hope that we have helped you with finding an idea to start. And in the following articles we will try to develop this topic so that you can write an interesting and individual thesis.

topics in history

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history research thesis topics

US History Research Paper Topics: Moments that Shaped a Nation


Table of contents

  • 1.1 Interesting US History Topics for Research Paper Before 1877
  • 1.2 US History Paper Topics on the Civil War
  • 1.3 American History Topics for Research Paper on Industrialization
  • 1.4 American History Research Topics on Reconstruction
  • 1.5 20th-Century American History Paper Topics
  • 1.6 US History Term Paper Topics in World War I and II
  • 1.7 American History Paper Topics about the Civil Rights Movement
  • 1.8 Native American History Thesis Topics
  • 2 Which Topics to Choose for History Research?
  • 3 Conclusion: Reflections on America’s Past

Exploring the rich and complex narrative of the United States, this article is designed as a resource for students and researchers embarking on assignments that require a deep dive into American history. Perfect for term papers, thesis projects, and detailed historical analyses, the guide presents a curated selection of interesting US history research paper topics.

  • We provide a comprehensive guide for students, researchers, and history enthusiasts seeking engaging and insightful topics for their research papers on American history.
  • These topics cover critical eras and events shaping America, from the early days before 1877 to the transformative 20th century.

With these good US history research topics in mind, let’s go over each one in-depth, creating a foundation for smart research and analysis.

List of 160 American History Research Paper Topics

History is a rich and complex subject, ripe for exploration in academic research. Whether you’re a student seeking a topic for an assignment or a history enthusiast looking to delve deeper into America’s past, this list offers a diverse range of subjects. From early colonial times to the modern era, each topic provides a unique lens through which to examine the nation’s history.

Interesting US History Topics for Research Paper Before 1877

  • The impact of European colonization on Native American societies.
  • The Salem Witch Trials: Causes and effects.
  • The role of the Seven Years’ War in shaping early American society.
  • The Declaration of Independence: Context and legacy.
  • The Articles of Confederation: Strengths and weaknesses.
  • The Constitutional Convention of 1787: Key debates and outcomes.
  • The Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist debate: Impact on the US Constitution.
  • The Louisiana Purchase: Motivations and consequences.
  • The War of 1812: Causes, course, and outcomes.
  • Manifest Destiny: Ideology and impact on westward expansion.
  • The Trail of Tears and Native American Removal Policies.
  • The role of slavery in antebellum America.
  • The Mexican-American War: Origins and effects.
  • The Gold Rush of 1849 and its impact on American expansion.
  • The Compromise of 1850 and its role in the lead-up to the Civil War.
  • The Dred Scott Decision: Implications and controversy.
  • The Underground Railroad: Key figures and operations.
  • The election of 1860 and its role in the secession crisis.
  • The role of women in antebellum America.
  • Early American foreign policy: Principles and practices.

US History Paper Topics on the Civil War

  • The causes of the American Civil War: A comprehensive analysis.
  • Abraham Lincoln’s presidency and its impact on the Civil War.
  • The role of slavery in sparking the Civil War.
  • Military strategies of the Union and the Confederacy.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation: Intentions and effects.
  • Key battles of the Civil War: Gettysburg, Antietam, and others.
  • The role of technology in the Civil War.
  • The impact of the Civil War on civilian life in the North and South.
  • The role of African American soldiers in the Civil War.
  • The diplomatic dimensions of the Civil War.
  • Reconstruction plans: Lincoln vs. Johnson.
  • The assassination of Abraham Lincoln: Impact on post-war America.
  • The economic consequences of the Civil War for the South.
  • The role of women during the Civil War.
  • The Draft Riots of 1863: Causes and impact.
  • The impact of the Civil War on American literature and art.
  • The role of nurses and medical practices during the Civil War.
  • The use of propaganda in the Civil War.
  • The transition from slavery to freedom during and after the Civil War.
  • The legacy of the Civil War in American memory.

American History Topics for Research Paper on Industrialization

  • The Second Industrial Revolution: Key innovations and their impact.
  • The rise of American industrial tycoons: Carnegie, Rockefeller, and others.
  • The impact of the railroad expansion on American society and economy.
  • Urbanization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
  • Labor movements and strikes of the late 19th century.
  • The rise of monopolies and antitrust laws in the United States.
  • The impact of immigration on American industrial growth.
  • The role of women and children in industrial labor.
  • Technological advancements and their societal impact during industrialization.
  • The emergence of consumer culture in the late 19th century.
  • The environmental impact of industrialization.
  • Social Darwinism and its influence on American society.
  • The rise of organized labor and the American Federation of Labor.
  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire and its aftermath.
  • The Homestead Strike: Causes and consequences.
  • The impact of the Industrial Revolution on American agriculture.
  • The role of education during the Industrial Revolution.
  • Transportation innovations and their impact on American life.
  • The evolution of American business practices during industrialization.
  • The Gilded Age: Wealth, poverty, and social disparity.

American History Research Topics on Reconstruction

  • The Reconstruction Amendments: Impact and limitations.
  • Presidential vs. Congressional Reconstruction: A comparative analysis.
  • The role of the Freedmen’s Bureau in post-Civil War America.
  • Sharecropping and tenant farming: Continuation of slavery by another name?
  • The rise and impact of the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction.
  • The Compromise of 1877 and the end of Reconstruction.
  • The Black Codes: Purpose and effects.
  • The impeachment of President Andrew Johnson: Causes and consequences.
  • The role of African Americans in politics during Reconstruction.
  • Economic challenges of the South during Reconstruction.
  • The establishment of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
  • The legacy of Reconstruction in the South.
  • The Jim Crow laws: Origins and impact.
  • The role of women during Reconstruction.
  • The Slaughterhouse Cases and their impact on civil rights.
  • The Enforcement Acts and their effectiveness in protecting African American rights.
  • The impact of Reconstruction on Northern society and politics.
  • Education reform in the South during Reconstruction.
  • The role of the U.S. military in enforcing Reconstruction policies.
  • The long-term effects of Reconstruction on American race relations.

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20th-Century American History Paper Topics

  • The Progressive Era: Reforms and key figures.
  • The impact of World War I on American society and politics.
  • The Roaring Twenties: Culture, economics, and politics.
  • The Great Depression: Causes and the New Deal response.
  • The impact of World War II on the American home front.
  • The Cold War: Key events and American foreign policy.
  • The Civil Rights Movement: Key figures and legislative milestones.
  • The Vietnam War: Causes, course, and impact on American society.
  • The Women’s Rights Movement of the 1960s and 1970s.
  • The Watergate Scandal and its impact on American politics.
  • The Space Race: Technological advancements and Cold War implications.
  • The rise of environmentalism in the 20th century.
  • The impact of the automobile on 20th-century American life.
  • The rise of the American suburbs in the post-World War II era.
  • The counterculture of the 1960s and its impact on American society.
  • The Reagan Era: Policies and impact on the United States.
  • The War on Drugs: Origins, strategies, and consequences.
  • The impact of technological advancements on late 20th-century life.
  • The rise of the internet and its impact on society and culture.
  • The 9/11 attacks and their aftermath on American foreign policy.

US History Term Paper Topics in World War I and II

  • The causes and consequences of American entry into World War I.
  • The impact of the Treaty of Versailles on post-war America.
  • American isolationism between World War I and World War II.
  • The Lend-Lease Act and American support for the Allies before entering World War II.
  • The attack on Pearl Harbor: Causes and immediate effects.
  • The home front during World War II: Women, minorities, and the war effort.
  • The role of propaganda in American support for World War II.
  • The development and use of the atomic bomb.
  • The impact of World War II on American foreign policy.
  • The internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.
  • The role of African Americans in World War II.
  • The D-Day invasion: Planning, execution, and significance.
  • The Battle of Midway: Turning point in the Pacific War.
  • American military strategy in the European and Pacific theaters.
  • The Holocaust and American responses to it.
  • The post-war world order and the establishment of the United Nations.
  • The GI Bill and its impact on post-war American society.
  • The Nuremberg Trials: Legal and moral implications.
  • The Marshall Plan and American post-war economic policy.
  • The start of the Cold War: Origins and early confrontations.

American History Paper Topics about the Civil Rights Movement

  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott: Causes and outcomes.
  • The role of Martin Luther King Jr. in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Little Rock Nine and school desegregation.
  • The Freedom Rides: Objectives and impact.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964: Development and effects.
  • The Voting Rights Act of 1965: Importance and consequences.
  • The role of women in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Black Power Movement: Ideals and key figures.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on other minority groups.
  • The assassination of Malcolm X: Context and aftermath.
  • The Selma to Montgomery marches: Significance and outcomes.
  • The role of the NAACP in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Birmingham Campaign and the use of nonviolent protest.
  • The role of the media in shaping public perception of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Civil Rights Movement in the North: Challenges and Achievements.
  • The Economic Bill of Rights proposed by the Poor People’s Campaign.
  • The role of music in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on American law and society.
  • The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC): Contributions and challenges.
  • The legacy of the Civil Rights Movement in contemporary America.

Native American History Thesis Topics

  • The impact of European colonization on Native American cultures.
  • The Trail of Tears: Causes, course, and consequences.
  • Native American resistance movements: King Philip’s War, Pontiac’s Rebellion, and others.
  • The impact of the Indian Removal Act of 1830.
  • Native American life on reservations in the 19th and 20th centuries.
  • The role of Native Americans in American wars.
  • The Ghost Dance Movement and the Wounded Knee Massacre.
  • Native American boarding schools: Policies and impact on culture.
  • The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 and its implications.
  • The American Indian Movement (AIM): Goals and major actions.
  • The impact of the Dawes Act on tribal land and culture.
  • The role of Native American women in their societies.
  • Contemporary Native American issues: Sovereignty, land rights, and cultural preservation.
  • The Native American Renaissance: A cultural and literary overview.
  • The impact of environmental changes on Native American communities.
  • The repatriation of Native American artifacts and remains.
  • The role of treaties in Native American history.
  • Native American spiritual beliefs and practices.
  • The impact of the fur trade on Native American societies.
  • Contemporary Native American political activism.

Which Topics to Choose for History Research?

Given the breadth and diversity of US history topics, choosing one to write about can be difficult. To reduce your options, think about your interests and the extent of your investigation. Look for themes that provide a balance of available materials and new perspectives to explore.

When choosing a topic, consider its significance in the larger context of American history. Consider how the topic has influenced or reflected societal, political, or economic trends. For example, topics such as the Civil Rights Movement and World War II provide insights into moments of revolutionary change and struggle.

Also, examine the availability of primary and secondary sources. A well-documented topic provides for a more thorough study and a stronger argument. Always ensure that your chosen topic adheres to the criteria and objectives of your assignment or research aim.

Conclusion: Reflections on America’s Past

In this journey through American history, we have explored various topics that offer a window into the nation’s complex and multifaceted past. From the struggles and triumphs of early American society to the transformative events of the 20th century, these topics provide a foundation for understanding how the United States has evolved. Engaging with these topics enriches our historical knowledge and deepens our understanding of the present. As students, scholars, or simply curious minds, delving into these aspects of America’s past can provide valuable insights and perspectives on the nation’s journey and its ongoing story.

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history research thesis topics

World History Research Paper Topics

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In this comprehensive guide, we explore the fascinating world of world history research paper topics , designed to assist history students in their academic pursuits. Delving into the annals of human civilization, this page offers a diverse array of research paper topics categorized into 10 distinct themes, each presenting a captivating journey through time. From ancient civilizations and medieval Europe to modern global interactions and cultural movements, these topics provide a rich tapestry of subjects to explore and analyze. Emphasizing the importance of topic selection, the guide provides 10 tips to help students make informed choices that align with their interests and academic objectives. Furthermore, it equips aspiring historians with 10 essential tips for crafting compelling world history research papers that showcase critical thinking and scholarly excellence. For those seeking professional assistance, iResearchNet’s custom world history research paper writing services are presented, featuring a host of advantages and personalized support. As history enthusiasts embark on their academic journey, we invite them to unravel the tapestry of world history, exploring the intricacies of our shared human heritage and shaping a deeper understanding of the world’s past.

100 World History Research Paper Topics

World history is an expansive realm, brimming with diverse cultures, societies, and epochal events that have shaped human civilization. For history students embarking on research papers, this page offers an extensive compilation of world of world history research paper topics thoughtfully divided into 10 categories, each providing an intriguing window into the annals of time.

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Ancient Civilizations:

  • Mesopotamia: The Cradle of Civilization
  • Ancient Egypt: Pyramids, Pharaohs, and Society
  • Indus Valley Civilization: Trade and Urban Planning
  • Ancient Greece: Democracy and Philosophical Contributions
  • Roman Empire: Expansion and Decline
  • Ancient China: The Qin Dynasty: Unification and Terracotta Army
  • Ancient India: The Maurya Empire: Emperor Ashoka’s Reign and Buddhist Legacy
  • Ancient Africa: The Kingdom of Kush: Civilization Along the Nile River
  • Ancient Americas: The Maya Civilization: Architecture, Mathematics, and Calendar
  • Ancient Mesoamerica: The Aztec Empire: Society and Rituals

Medieval and Renaissance Europe:

  • The Crusades: Religious Conflict and Cultural Exchange
  • The Black Death: Social and Economic Impact
  • The Italian Renaissance: Art, Science, and Humanism
  • The Age of Exploration: European Expansion and Global Encounters
  • The Reformation: Religious Reforms and the Power of the Church
  • Medieval Japan: Feudal System and Samurai Culture
  • Medieval China: The Song Dynasty: Innovations and Maritime Trade
  • Medieval Middle East: The Islamic Golden Age: Science, Philosophy, and Art
  • Medieval Africa: The Mali Empire: Mansa Musa’s Hajj and Economic Prosperity
  • Medieval Americas: The Inca Empire: Engineering Marvels and Governance

Modern Global Interactions:

  • The Age of Enlightenment: Intellectual Revolutions and Enlightenment Thinkers
  • The French Revolution: Causes, Events, and Consequences
  • Industrial Revolution: Economic Transformations and Social Impact
  • The American Revolution: Independence and Constitutionalism
  • The British Empire: Colonization and Legacy
  • Imperial China: The Qing Dynasty: Opium Wars and Decline
  • Imperial India: The British Raj and Indian Independence Movement
  • Modern Japan: Meiji Restoration and Westernization
  • Colonial Africa: Scramble for Africa and the Berlin Conference
  • Latin American Revolutions: Bolivar, San Martin, and Independence Movements

Cultural and Intellectual Movements:

  • The Harlem Renaissance: African American Art and Literature
  • The Enlightenment in Latin America: Independence Movements
  • The Bauhaus Movement: Modernist Architecture and Design
  • Surrealism: Artistic Expression of the Unconscious Mind
  • Chinese Cultural Revolution: Mao Zedong’s Ideological Campaign
  • The Civil Rights Movement: Struggles for Equality and Desegregation
  • Feminist Movements: Suffrage and Gender Equality
  • The Beat Generation: Literature, Poetry, and Counterculture
  • Postcolonial Literature: Identity, Resistance, and Representation
  • Cultural Revolution in Iran: Ayatollah Khomeini and Islamic Revolution

Empires and Dynasties:

  • The Mongol Empire: Conquests and Legacy
  • The Byzantine Empire: Continuity and Survival
  • The Safavid Empire: Persian Renaissance and Religious Identity
  • The Gupta Empire: Golden Age of Indian Science and Mathematics
  • The Tang Dynasty: Cultural Flourishing and Silk Road Trade
  • The Ottoman Empire: Sultans, Janissaries, and Decline
  • The Mughal Empire: Akbar the Great and Artistic Patronage
  • The Spanish Empire: Conquistadors and Colonial Rule
  • The Russian Empire: Tsars and Westernization
  • The Austro-Hungarian Empire: Multiculturalism and Nationalism

Global Conflicts and Wars:

  • The Peloponnesian War: Athenian and Spartan Rivalry
  • The Hundred Years’ War: England and France Conflict
  • The Napoleonic Wars: European Conflicts and Napoleon’s Ambitions
  • The Korean War: Divided Peninsula and Cold War Tensions
  • The Vietnam War: Anti-War Movement and Long-term Impact
  • World War I: Causes, Events, and Aftermath
  • World War II: The Holocaust and Global Consequences
  • The Cold War: Superpower Rivalry and Nuclear Arms Race
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: US-Soviet Confrontation in the Caribbean
  • The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Origins and Continuing Struggles

Revolutions and Independence Movements:

  • The Haitian Revolution: Slavery and Independence
  • The Mexican Revolution: Social and Political Transformations
  • The Russian Revolution: Fall of the Romanovs and Bolshevik Rule
  • The Chinese Revolution: Rise of the Communist Party and Mao Zedong
  • The Iranian Revolution: Ayatollah Khomeini and Islamic Republic
  • The Indian Independence Movement: Gandhi’s Nonviolent Resistance
  • The Nigerian Civil War: Biafra’s Secession and Conflict Resolution
  • The Algerian War of Independence: FLN and French Colonialism
  • The American Civil Rights Movement: Martin Luther King Jr. and Equality
  • The Apartheid Movement in South Africa: Mandela, Soweto, and Freedom

Explorers and Expeditions:

  • Christopher Columbus: The Discovery of the New World
  • Ferdinand Magellan: The First Circumnavigation of the Globe
  • Vasco da Gama: Voyage to India and the Maritime Spice Trade
  • Captain James Cook: Pacific Voyages and Exploration of Australia
  • Marco Polo: Travels to the East and the Silk Road
  • Zheng He: Ming Dynasty’s Great Navigator and Diplomat
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition: Exploring the American West
  • Roald Amundsen: First to Reach the South Pole
  • Amelia Earhart: Pioneering Aviator and Her Disappearance
  • Neil Armstrong: The First Moon Landing and Space Exploration

Pre-Columbian Civilizations:

  • The Aztec Empire: Society and Rituals
  • The Inca Empire: Engineering Marvels and Governance
  • The Maya Civilization: Astronomy and Calendar System
  • The Moche Civilization: Art and Ceremonial Centers
  • The Chaco Culture: Ancestral Puebloans and Architecture
  • The Cahokia Mounds: Mesoamerican Influence in North America
  • The Tiwanaku Empire: Andean Civilization and Stone Monuments
  • The Ancestral Puebloans: Cliff Dwellings and Sustainable Farming
  • The Olmec Civilization: Cultural Influence and Artistic Legacy
  • The Nazca Lines: Geoglyphs in the Peruvian Desert

Ancient China:

  • The Qin Dynasty: Unification and Terracotta Army
  • The Han Dynasty: Silk Road and Cultural Achievements
  • The Tang Dynasty: Golden Age of Poetry and Literature
  • The Song Dynasty: Technological Innovations and Economic Growth
  • The Yuan Dynasty: Mongol Rule and Cultural Exchange
  • The Ming Dynasty: Exploration and Zheng He’s Voyages
  • The Qing Dynasty: Opium Wars and Decline
  • Confucianism: Philosophy, Ethics, and Political Influence
  • Daoism (Taoism): Nature, Balance, and Harmony
  • Buddhism in China: Spread, Syncretism, and Cultural Impact

With these thought-provoking world history research paper topics, history students can embark on enlightening journeys through time, unearthing captivating narratives that have shaped the human story and expanded our understanding of the world’s rich and diverse past. Whether delving into ancient civilizations, exploring cultural movements, or analyzing global conflicts, these topics provide an opportunity to connect with the past and gain valuable insights into the complexities of our shared history.

World History: Exploring the Range of Topics

World history is an intriguing tapestry that weaves together the diverse threads of human civilization. As we delve into the past, we encounter a multitude of cultures, societies, and historical events that have shaped the trajectory of human development. From the rise and fall of empires to the intellectual revolutions that transformed thought and the conflicts that reshaped borders, the canvas of world history is vast and vibrant, offering an extensive range of research paper topics that entice history students to embark on explorative journeys through time.

  • The Journey through Ancient Civilizations : The study of ancient civilizations opens the door to some of the most awe-inspiring and enigmatic epochs in human history. Topics in this category offer a glimpse into the cradle of civilization, where great empires emerged, and remarkable achievements were made. Scholars can delve into the mystery of the pyramids in Egypt, decipher the cuneiform script of Mesopotamia, explore the urban planning of the Indus Valley Civilization, contemplate the philosophical musings of ancient Greek thinkers, and unravel the intricate political mechanisms of the Roman Empire. Each civilization represents a unique tapestry, providing fertile ground for researchers to explore a variety of aspects, from architecture and religion to governance and social structures.
  • Unraveling the Threads of Medieval and Renaissance Europe : The medieval period witnessed the rise and fall of empires, the flourishing of art and culture, and the spread of knowledge across Europe. Research paper topics in this category encompass the tumultuous era of the Crusades, which saw the collision of civilizations, and the transformative impact of the Black Death on society. The Italian Renaissance brought about a resurgence of art and humanism, igniting intellectual revolutions that reverberated throughout Europe. Meanwhile, the Age of Exploration expanded the boundaries of human knowledge, with explorers charting new territories and cultures. Topics in this category offer an opportunity to delve into the complex interplay of politics, religion, and cultural exchange that shaped the medieval and Renaissance periods.
  • Modern Global Interactions: From Enlightenment to Modernity : The age of enlightenment ushered in an era of intellectual ferment, fueled by the desire to challenge traditional authority and embrace reason, science, and individual rights. Research paper topics in this category delve into the ideological underpinnings of revolutions, such as the French Revolution, which forever altered the political landscape of Europe. The industrial revolution marked a period of immense economic growth and societal transformation, laying the groundwork for the modern world. As the empires expanded their influence, interactions between nations intensified, resulting in conflicts such as World War I and II, shaping the course of the 20th century. Scholars can explore the profound societal changes brought about by these events, the rise of nationalism, and the quest for global stability in the face of geopolitical tensions.
  • Cultural and Intellectual Movements: Art, Literature, and Ideas : Cultural and intellectual movements have played a pivotal role in shaping societies and challenging prevailing norms. Research paper topics in this category offer an opportunity to delve into the vibrant creativity of the Harlem Renaissance, celebrating the artistic contributions of African Americans. Surrealism invites exploration into the realms of the unconscious and dreams, reflecting the psyche of the 20th-century mind. Meanwhile, the Civil Rights Movement signifies the unyielding spirit of activism, seeking justice, and equality. Topics in this category span an array of artistic and literary movements, philosophical ideas, and social changes that have left indelible marks on the human experience.
  • Empires and Dynasties: The Rulers and the Ruled : The rise and fall of empires are entwined with the stories of great rulers and the lives of the people they governed. From the vast Mongol Empire, led by figures like Genghis Khan, to the mighty Byzantine Empire, known for its continuity and survival, each dynasty leaves a legacy that influences subsequent generations. The Safavid Empire in Persia flourished with a renaissance of art and culture, while the Gupta Empire in India witnessed an era of scientific and mathematical brilliance. Scholars can explore the intricacies of governance, economic systems, and cultural achievements that characterized these empires and dynasties, shaping the societies they ruled over.
  • Global Conflicts and Wars: Struggles and Transformations : Wars and conflicts have been defining moments in history, altering political landscapes, and redrawing the boundaries of nations. Research paper topics in this category examine pivotal events, such as the Peloponnesian War, which brought about the decline of ancient Greek city-states, and the Hundred Years’ War, which shaped the relationship between England and France. The modern era witnessed devastating conflicts, from World War I and II, the Korean War, to the Vietnam War, which continue to shape geopolitical dynamics. Scholars can explore the social, political, and economic ramifications of these conflicts, as well as the ideologies that fueled them and the legacies they left behind.
  • Revolutions and Independence Movements: Quest for Change : Revolutionary movements have been catalysts for profound social and political transformations. The Haitian Revolution challenged the institution of slavery, resulting in the establishment of the first independent black republic. In Latin America, revolutionary figures like Simon Bolivar and José de San Martin spearheaded the fight for independence from colonial powers. Topics in this category allow researchers to delve into the motivations and ideologies that drove these movements, the challenges faced, and the long-term impact on the societies they sought to liberate.
  • Explorers and Expeditions: Expanding Horizons : The Age of Exploration marked a period of bold adventurers setting sail to chart uncharted territories, discovering new lands, and encountering diverse cultures. Explorers like Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, and Zheng He embarked on expeditions that expanded the known world. Topics in this category offer an opportunity to explore the motivations and consequences of these explorations, the interactions between explorers and indigenous peoples, and the lasting impact on global trade and cultural exchange.
  • Pre-Columbian Civilizations: Lost Worlds of the Americas : The Americas were home to a rich tapestry of civilizations long before the arrival of European explorers. Research paper topics in this category allow scholars to delve into the fascinating civilizations of the Aztecs, Incas, Mayans, and more. From their complex social structures and religious practices to architectural marvels and astronomical knowledge, these pre-Columbian cultures offer a captivating glimpse into the ingenuity and achievements of indigenous peoples.
  • Ancient China: Dynasties and Philosophies : China’s history spans a myriad of dynasties, each contributing to its rich cultural heritage. Research paper topics in this category delve into the profound impact of dynasties such as the Qin and Han, witnessing the unification of China and the flourishing of arts and culture. The Tang Dynasty left an enduring legacy of poetry and literature, while the Ming Dynasty saw great explorations led by the famous navigator Zheng He. Scholars can explore the philosophical underpinnings of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism, which have profoundly shaped Chinese thought and society.

In conclusion, world history presents a vast array of research paper topics that beckon history students to embark on journeys through time. From ancient civilizations to the modern era, from cultural movements to global conflicts, each topic offers a unique perspective on the human experience and the forces that have shaped the world we live in today. As we explore the intricate tapestry of world history, we gain valuable insights into the complexities of human societies and the interconnections that have molded our shared global heritage. The depth and breadth of world history research paper topics provide students with endless opportunities to unearth captivating narratives, challenge existing interpretations, and contribute to our collective understanding of the past.

Whether one’s interests lie in the awe-inspiring wonders of the ancient world or the intricacies of modern geopolitics, world history research paper topics offer something for every curious mind. As history students embark on their academic journey, they are encouraged to choose topics that resonate with their passions and intellectual curiosity. To assist in this process, the following section provides guidance on how to select world history research paper topics that will not only captivate readers but also showcase the students’ analytical and critical thinking abilities.

How to Choose a World History Topic

Selecting a compelling and relevant research topic is a crucial step in the journey of crafting an exceptional history paper. The process of choosing a topic can be both exciting and challenging, as it requires striking a delicate balance between personal interest, academic significance, and the availability of credible resources. To help history students navigate this undertaking successfully, let’s delve deeper into ten valuable tips on how to choose world history research paper topics that will not only captivate readers but also showcase the students’ analytical and critical thinking abilities.

  • Explore Your Interests : The study of world history encompasses a vast range of periods, regions, and themes. Begin by exploring your own interests within this vast landscape. Consider historical eras or topics that intrigue you the most. Perhaps you are fascinated by ancient civilizations, drawn to the tumultuous era of revolutions, or curious about the interactions between cultures during the Age of Exploration. The more passionate you are about the subject, the more engaged and committed you will be during the research and writing process.
  • Focus on Specificity : Rather than opting for broad and generic topics, narrow down your focus to specific aspects or events within a broader historical context. For example, instead of choosing “The Industrial Revolution,” you could focus on “The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on the Working Class in 19th-century England.” By narrowing your topic, you allow for more in-depth analysis and provide a unique perspective on familiar subjects.
  • Consider Unexplored Areas : World history is a treasure trove of untold stories and lesser-known events. Take the opportunity to explore uncharted territories within historical research. Seek out topics that have been underrepresented or under-researched. These unexplored areas may offer fresh insights and novel perspectives, making your research paper stand out and contribute to the field.
  • Research Availability : Before finalizing your research topic, ensure that there are sufficient credible sources and academic materials available to support your investigation. Adequate research materials not only substantiate your arguments but also enrich the depth of your analysis. Access to primary sources, archives, and academic journals specific to your chosen topic will contribute to the academic rigor of your research.
  • Relevance and Significance : Choose a topic that holds relevance and significance not only in its historical context but also in the present day. Investigate how the chosen topic relates to contemporary issues and challenges. Highlighting the enduring impact of historical events or phenomena can help readers understand the relevance of the past to the present and the future.
  • Consult with Professors and Experts : Don’t hesitate to seek advice from your history professors or academic advisors. They can provide valuable insights, guidance, and suggestions for potential research paper topics based on their expertise. Their knowledge of the field can help you refine your ideas and identify fruitful areas of research.
  • Analyze Primary Sources : If possible, incorporate primary sources into your research. Primary sources are firsthand accounts or original documents from the past. These sources offer direct perspectives from historical actors and can add authenticity and depth to your research. Engaging with primary sources demonstrates your ability to conduct thorough historical research.
  • Connect with Current Debates : World history is an ever-evolving field with ongoing debates and discussions among scholars. Engage with current historiographical debates, controversies, or unresolved questions related to your chosen topic. Demonstrating awareness of these debates will elevate the significance of your research and stimulate discussions on diverse perspectives.
  • Consider Global Connections : Many historical events and phenomena have global connections or transnational implications. Explore topics that highlight the interconnectedness of world history. Investigate how events and ideas from one region impacted others, leading to a more comprehensive analysis of historical developments.
  • Brainstorm and Refine : Choosing the right research paper topic is a process that requires time and thoughtful consideration. Don’t rush the selection process. Take the time to brainstorm ideas, conduct preliminary research, and refine your choices. Seeking feedback from peers or instructors can also provide valuable perspectives and enhance the quality of your final research topic.

In conclusion, selecting the right world history research paper topic is a critical step that sets the stage for an enriching and fulfilling academic journey. By exploring personal interests, focusing on specificity, and considering the availability of credible resources, students can discover research paper topics that not only ignite their curiosity but also contribute to the broader discourse of world history. A well-chosen topic serves as the foundation for a compelling and insightful research paper that sheds new light on the past, enhances historical understanding, and connects the complexities of history to the present and future.

How to Write a World History Research Paper

Crafting a well-structured and insightful world history research paper is a rewarding endeavor that allows students to delve deep into the annals of time and contribute to the broader understanding of human civilization. As history students embark on this academic journey, it is essential to approach the writing process with careful planning, thorough research, and effective communication of ideas. In this section, we will explore ten essential tips to guide students on how to write a world history research paper that will leave a lasting impression on readers and contribute to the ever-evolving narrative of the past.

  • Conduct In-Depth Research : The foundation of a successful world history research paper lies in thorough research. Begin by gathering a wide range of credible sources, including books, academic journals, primary documents, and reputable online databases. Take meticulous notes and keep track of all your sources to ensure accurate citations.
  • Develop a Clear Thesis Statement : Your thesis statement is the backbone of your research paper. It should succinctly convey the main argument or claim of your paper. A well-crafted thesis statement sets the tone for the entire paper and guides the reader on what to expect.
  • Create a Detailed Outline : Organize your research and thoughts into a coherent outline. This roadmap will serve as a guide throughout the writing process, ensuring a logical flow of ideas and a well-structured paper. Divide your research paper into clear sections, such as introduction, literature review, methodology (if applicable), main body, and conclusion.
  • Provide Context and Background : In the introduction, provide necessary context and background information to orient your readers. Explain the significance of the chosen topic and its relevance to the broader historical narrative. Engage your readers from the outset by highlighting the importance of your research.
  • Engage with Scholarly Debates : Situate your research within existing scholarly debates and historiographical discussions. Show an understanding of various perspectives on your topic and how your research contributes to the ongoing discourse. By engaging with scholarly debates, you showcase your ability to critically analyze and synthesize existing research.
  • Utilize Primary and Secondary Sources : Incorporate a mix of primary and secondary sources to support your arguments. Primary sources provide direct evidence from the past, such as letters, diaries, official documents, and artifacts. Secondary sources offer scholarly interpretations and analysis. Strive for a balance between these types of sources to provide a well-rounded perspective.
  • Analyze and Interpret Evidence : Avoid merely presenting historical facts; instead, critically analyze and interpret the evidence to support your thesis. Draw connections between sources, contextualize events, and offer insightful conclusions. Your ability to analyze evidence will demonstrate the depth of your historical understanding.
  • Craft Strong Topic Sentences : Begin each paragraph with a strong topic sentence that outlines the main point of the paragraph. Well-crafted topic sentences keep your research paper focused and maintain a cohesive flow of ideas. Each paragraph should contribute to the overall argument of your paper.
  • Address Counterarguments : Acknowledging and addressing counterarguments demonstrates intellectual rigor and an understanding of the complexity of historical issues. Anticipate potential objections to your thesis and provide compelling counterpoints to strengthen your position.
  • Revise and Edit Thoroughly : After completing the initial draft, take the time to revise and edit your research paper meticulously. Check for coherence, clarity, grammar, and proper citation formatting. Pay attention to the overall organization and structure of your paper. Seeking feedback from peers or professors can provide fresh perspectives and help refine your work.

In conclusion, writing a world history research paper requires careful planning, in-depth research, and effective communication of ideas. By conducting thorough research, developing a clear thesis statement, and creating a detailed outline, you set the stage for a compelling and well-structured paper. Engaging with scholarly debates, analyzing evidence, and crafting strong topic sentences enhance the quality of your research. Addressing counterarguments showcases your critical thinking skills and strengthens your argument. Lastly, thorough revision and editing are essential to ensure that your research paper meets academic standards and effectively conveys your historical insights.

Through the process of writing a world history research paper, students not only contribute to the body of historical knowledge but also develop essential skills in research, analysis, and effective communication. As you embark on this academic journey, remember that every word and idea you put on paper adds to the rich tapestry of human history and expands our understanding of the world’s diverse and interconnected past. Embrace the challenge, and let your research paper be a testament to the curiosity and passion that drive historians to explore the depths of time and unravel the mysteries of our shared heritage.

iResearchNet’s Custom Research Paper Writing Services

At iResearchNet, we understand the significance of academic excellence and the value of well-crafted research papers in the field of world history. Our custom world history research paper writing services are designed to cater to the specific needs of history students who seek professional assistance in their academic endeavors. As a leading provider of academic writing solutions, we take pride in offering top-notch services that empower students to excel in their studies and achieve their scholarly goals.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers : At the core of our custom world history research paper writing services are our expert writers. We handpick highly qualified writers with advanced degrees in history or related fields. Our team of writers encompasses specialists in various historical periods and global regions, ensuring that we can match each student with a writer who possesses expertise in their chosen research topic.
  • Custom Written Works : Every research paper we deliver is 100% custom-written to meet the unique requirements and specifications of each student. We adhere to strict academic standards and ensure that all papers are original, plagiarism-free, and tailored to the specific research question.
  • In-Depth Research : Our writers are skilled researchers who are adept at conducting in-depth research on a wide range of historical topics. They have access to extensive databases, academic journals, and primary source materials, enabling them to gather comprehensive and credible information to enrich the content of each research paper.
  • Custom Formatting : Formatting plays a crucial role in the presentation of a research paper. Our writers are well-versed in various formatting styles, including APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard. They ensure that each paper adheres to the specified formatting guidelines, including citations and references.
  • Top Quality : We are committed to delivering top-quality research papers that meet the highest academic standards. Our team of editors reviews each paper meticulously to ensure accuracy, clarity, and coherence. We strive for excellence in every aspect of the writing process.
  • Customized Solutions : At iResearchNet, we recognize that every student’s research paper requirements are unique. Our writers work closely with each student to understand their research objectives, preferences, and academic level. This personalized approach enables us to provide customized solutions that address individual needs.
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In conclusion, iResearchNet’s custom world history research paper writing services are dedicated to providing students with the support and assistance they need to excel in their academic pursuits. Our expert writers, in-depth research capabilities, custom formatting expertise, and commitment to top quality ensure that students receive research papers that are academically sound, original, and tailored to their unique research questions. With flexible pricing, short turnaround options, and 24/7 customer support, we strive to make our services accessible to students from all walks of life. At iResearchNet, we take pride in contributing to the success of history students and empowering them to unravel the rich tapestry of world history through their research papers.

Order Your Custom World History Research Paper!

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey through the annals of time, exploring the captivating narratives and enigmatic mysteries of world history? Look no further! At iResearchNet, we invite you to unravel the rich tapestry of human civilization with our custom world history research paper writing services. Whether you are a passionate history student or a seasoned scholar seeking professional assistance, our team of expert degree-holding writers is here to guide you on this enlightening expedition.

iResearchNet is your gateway to unraveling the captivating narratives and hidden treasures of world history. Our custom world history research paper writing services offer personalized guidance, in-depth research, and top-quality content to empower you in your academic pursuits. Embrace the adventure of exploring the past, discover new perspectives, and contribute to the ever-evolving narrative of human civilization. With iResearchNet, you can step into the footsteps of history and leave your mark on the grand tapestry of human experience. Embrace the journey with us and embark on an academic adventure that will shape the future through the lens of the past. Let the voyage begin!


history research thesis topics

100 History Research Paper and Essay Topics

15 August, 2021

13 minutes read

Author:  Richard Pircher

History is reasonably one of the most important subjects every student encounters in their school, college, or university life. Some students adore it and prioritize history among all other subjects, while others hate it and find it ultimately boring. The truth is, history class is quite essential: it teaches you how to think critically, reflect on the events, find links between cases and occasions, and gives you a valuable opportunity to develop analytical skills. Indeed, studying what happened in the past is critical for understanding the future and being able to interpret current events. Moreover, learning history can make us capable of controlling the things happening around us and contributing to the better quality of our own lives.

History Research Paper and Essay Topics

As a history student, you are certainly expected to compose sound essays on world history topics as well as elaborate on any American history topic. To make sure you write quality essays , you need to learn how to process history essay topics, outline your arguments, and depict historical events in a convincing and accurate way. All in all, keeping some pieces of advice in mind can do you good if your goal is to come up with interesting history topics and craft excellent essays. In the following guide, we will talk about the key features of a history research paper, discuss how to choose history topics to write about, and provide you with sample history topics.

interesting history topics

What Is a History Research Paper?

A history research paper challenges students with analyzing literature sources that are relevant to a particular historical event or historical era. Writing such a paper requires thorough preparation as well as in-depth research. Just like other types of college essays, a history essay follows a standard structure, where you need to develop a thesis statement and support it with relevant arguments and respective data. Thus, the only difference between a history research paper and other types of academic essays is that the first one analyzes solely historical events.

When writing a history research paper, it is critical to keep several points in mind, namely:

  • Relevance of the topic: why is it worth being discussed these days?
  • How is the topic related to the current times?
  • Why was the topic critical in the past?
  • How can a topic contribute to solving current economic and social issues?

Once you consider all the tips outlined above, you’ll become a pro at mastering any subject, from United States history research paper topics to the history of the middle ages.

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A Quick Guide to Choosing the Right Topic

If your goal is to craft an amazing history research paper with a strong thesis statement and not a less strong argument, there is a lot of effort to be made. A huge component of success lies in choosing the right topic. If you select a good and interesting one, you facilitate the writing process for yourself as well as make sure you will ultimately grab the reader’s attention. You might need to step out of your comfort zone and avoid limiting yourself to typical topics that have already been discussed thousands of times. Take a look at some tips that will help you come up with interesting but at the same time controversial topics in history:

It is always helpful if you take a look at existing, ongoing research topics. Coming up with your topic might be quite a challenge if you have no idea of what is going on in History research. For instance, find 20-30 US history topics, take a look at them, and think for a while. Which one has grabbed your interest the most? Which topic has the most potential  and the biggest importance to you?

Do some prior research

Once you know the approximate direction of your research, go to the Internet and discover what others write about it. Try to search for some evidence you might need to apply in your paper. Once you find enough support and information, you will be able to narrow down the research topic and come up with your arguments for an essay.

Select the best sources

Writing a history research paper has a lot to do with literature research. You will need to find a bunch of online sources and select only the ones that are most relevant to your research topic. Make sure you use only the most reliable sources and always apply appropriate citations to avoid plagiarism.

Start outlining

Once you’re all set with a research paper topic, don’t forget to structure your history paper. Outlining is the key to writing a proficient, coherent, well-argumented paper. You will need to follow standard outlining: introduction, main body paragraphs, and a summary paragraph at the end. Make sure you have reasonable arguments and evidence for each point of your outline.

Develop multiple thesis statements

A thesis statement plays a critical role when we talk about history research papers. First, it gives the reader an idea of what you will be talking about in the essay. Additionally, it does let the reader know which line of arguments you will follow later on and helps them understand why you decided to talk about a specific historical event. To make it easier for you to structure body paragraphs, develop several statements. If you do so, you will develop several different arguments and finally choose the best ones.

interesting history topics

Without further ado, take a look at 100 history research paper topics that will serve you as a basis for your own piece of writing:

Ancient History

  • Ancient Rome vs. ancient Greece: which one had more power in the past, and whose impact can be traced better today?
  • The philosophy of ancient greeks and its impact today
  • How the voting system of ancient Greece was organized
  • Protests in the ancient era: how demonstrations were organized in the past
  • The political system of ancient Rome
  • The military forces in ancient Greece
  • How Gladiator games were organized and which goal they pursued?
  • The society organization in ancient Egypt
  • Alexander the Great as one of the most leading figures in ancient History
  • Ancient Rome and civilian life

Middle Ages History Research Paper Topics

  • Crimes in the middle ages and how criminal behavior was treated
  • European Cities’ infrastructure during the medieval times
  • Philosophers of Medieval times and their impact on life today
  • The role of interfaith marriages in Medieval Europe
  • The most meaningful discoveries during the Middle Times and their contribution to the world economy
  • Revival of the Byzantine: the role and importance of the notion
  • Quran and its role in Medieval Europe
  • Middle Ages and the impact on the history of Europe
  • Why do some historians associate the Middle Ages with the era of discoveries?

Modern History

  • The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: the reasons and possible prevention mechanisms
  • Native Americans in the US today
  • US immigrant policy: the challenges that are being put on the foreign residents
  • Social movements and the role of the industrialization
  • Social movements in the US today
  • The notion of Westward Expansion
  • The most prominent inventions of the 21st century and their inventors
  • Industrialization and its consequences for the US
  • Great Recession: tracing the adverse consequence of the crisis today
  • The role of NATO in the modern society

World History Research Paper Topics

  • The war between the United States and Mexico: the reasons and outcomes
  • The colonization of South America
  • The famous battle at sea Spain and Great Britain
  • How Medieval Europe shaped and perceived social interactions and personal relationships
  • The long-term consequences of the Cold War between the countries of the Soviet Bloc and the United States
  • The Chernobyl explosion: one of the biggest nuclear catastrophes of the mankind
  • 1968 student revolts
  •  Formation of the European Union and the key events that contributed to it

European History

  • French revolution and the force distribution that followed
  • The history of the European economy
  • Early Modern Europe
  • Muslims of Europe
  • The propaganda of western theories in the 20th century
  • England of the 17th century and the problem of gender bias
  • The analysis of Mid-Tudor Crises in Europe
  • The history of Nazi Germany: comparing German government of the past to the government of today

World War I

  • The Treaty of Versailles and its impact on the events of World War I
  • The Gallipoli campaign and the World War I
  • The image of eastern and western fronts in ​​World War I
  • Chemical Weapon in World War I: economic necessity or a hazard?
  • The entrance of America into the World War
  • Most influential alliances during the times of World War I
  • World War I and the Russian revolution
  • Battle at sea vs battle in the air: which countries used which strategies and why?
  • People and World War I: the cost of lives

World War II

  • How the Soviet army entered World War II and why its entry was critical for the World history
  • Child labor during the times of World War II
  • Africa and the World War II
  • Why did America decide to take a neutral role during World War II?
  • The fate of Germany after the end of the World War II
  • The state of diplomacy during World War II
  • The occupation of Japan
  • The events of the final year of World War II
  •  Resistance towards Hitler in Germany during the times of World War II

African American History Research Paper Topics

  • The role of the 14th Amendment in the lives of African American society
  • Attempts to end slavery via Abolitionist Movement: success and failure factors
  • Angela Davis – one of the greatest civil rights activists in African American society
  • How Black Codes were designed to limit the freedoms of African Americans
  • Black History month: the roots of an opportunity to fight racism and learn the history of African Americans
  • Dr. Martin Luther King and his impact that finds reflection in the African American society today
  • Malcolm X and the rights of the people of color
  • How cultural movements of African Americans contributed to the cultural diversity of the United States
  • Robert F. Kennedy and the success of his speech

United States History

  • The causes of civil war in the United States
  • 1776: the years of independence declaration
  • The key personalities during the times of revolutionary war
  • American social movements and the consequences that industrialization has had on the first
  • The history of slavery and human rights deprivation in the United States
  • The role of indigenous people: how is modern culture shaped by the impact of native Americans?
  • Analyzing the period between the wars
  • Emancipation Proclamation of 1863
  • Alcohol prohibition in the US: the roots and long-term consequences for the economy
  • Some of the most prominent historical events that took place during the times of Cold War
  • The Image of the United States during the Cold War
  • Cold War ar the period of uncertainty, fear, and resilience
  • The reason why Europe’s impact has been constantly shrinking at the times of cold war
  • Countries involved in the cold war and their role in it
  • Was it possible to prevent the Cold War or reduce its duration?
  • The influence of the Cold War in the current era: comparison of Russian vs. American pop cultures
  • The culture of the Soviet Union at the times of the Cold War
  • Chinese Communist Revolution during the Cold War

20th Century History Topics

  • American history of the 21st century
  • Ronald Reagan and the impact of the Mixed Legacies
  • The Holocaust and Roosevelt’s administration
  • Vietnam war: the role of females
  • Political Risks in American History during the reign of Harry Truman
  • Dictatorship in North Korea: the reasons behind it
  • The uprising of democratic movements
  • The history of organized crime in the 1920s in America
  • The greatest causes and consequences of the Great Depression
  • The death of the Soviet Union: how the world’s biggest country came to an end

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A life lesson in Romeo and Juliet taught by death

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Ethical Research Paper Topics

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Art Research Paper Topics

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Department of History

Yale history dissertations.

history research thesis topics

During the late 1800’s, only a trickle of dissertations were submitted annually, but today, the department averages about 25 per year. See who some of those intrepid scholars were and what they wrote about by clicking on any of the years listed below.

UCLA History Department

Thesis Statements

What is a thesis statement.

Your thesis statement is one of the most important parts of your paper.  It expresses your main argument succinctly and explains why your argument is historically significant.  Think of your thesis as a promise you make to your reader about what your paper will argue.  Then, spend the rest of your paper–each body paragraph–fulfilling that promise.

Your thesis should be between one and three sentences long and is placed at the end of your introduction.  Just because the thesis comes towards the beginning of your paper does not mean you can write it first and then forget about it.  View your thesis as a work in progress while you write your paper.  Once you are satisfied with the overall argument your paper makes, go back to your thesis and see if it captures what you have argued.  If it does not, then revise it.  Crafting a good thesis is one of the most challenging parts of the writing process, so do not expect to perfect it on the first few tries.  Successful writers revise their thesis statements again and again.

A successful thesis statement:

  • makes an historical argument
  • takes a position that requires defending
  • is historically specific
  • is focused and precise
  • answers the question, “so what?”

How to write a thesis statement:

Suppose you are taking an early American history class and your professor has distributed the following essay prompt:

“Historians have debated the American Revolution’s effect on women.  Some argue that the Revolution had a positive effect because it increased women’s authority in the family.  Others argue that it had a negative effect because it excluded women from politics.  Still others argue that the Revolution changed very little for women, as they remained ensconced in the home.  Write a paper in which you pose your own answer to the question of whether the American Revolution had a positive, negative, or limited effect on women.”

Using this prompt, we will look at both weak and strong thesis statements to see how successful thesis statements work.

While this thesis does take a position, it is problematic because it simply restates the prompt.  It needs to be more specific about how  the Revolution had a limited effect on women and  why it mattered that women remained in the home.

Revised Thesis:  The Revolution wrought little political change in the lives of women because they did not gain the right to vote or run for office.  Instead, women remained firmly in the home, just as they had before the war, making their day-to-day lives look much the same.

This revision is an improvement over the first attempt because it states what standards the writer is using to measure change (the right to vote and run for office) and it shows why women remaining in the home serves as evidence of limited change (because their day-to-day lives looked the same before and after the war).  However, it still relies too heavily on the information given in the prompt, simply saying that women remained in the home.  It needs to make an argument about some element of the war’s limited effect on women.  This thesis requires further revision.

Strong Thesis: While the Revolution presented women unprecedented opportunities to participate in protest movements and manage their family’s farms and businesses, it ultimately did not offer lasting political change, excluding women from the right to vote and serve in office.

Few would argue with the idea that war brings upheaval.  Your thesis needs to be debatable:  it needs to make a claim against which someone could argue.  Your job throughout the paper is to provide evidence in support of your own case.  Here is a revised version:

Strong Thesis: The Revolution caused particular upheaval in the lives of women.  With men away at war, women took on full responsibility for running households, farms, and businesses.  As a result of their increased involvement during the war, many women were reluctant to give up their new-found responsibilities after the fighting ended.

Sexism is a vague word that can mean different things in different times and places.  In order to answer the question and make a compelling argument, this thesis needs to explain exactly what  attitudes toward women were in early America, and  how those attitudes negatively affected women in the Revolutionary period.

Strong Thesis: The Revolution had a negative impact on women because of the belief that women lacked the rational faculties of men. In a nation that was to be guided by reasonable republican citizens, women were imagined to have no place in politics and were thus firmly relegated to the home.

This thesis addresses too large of a topic for an undergraduate paper.  The terms “social,” “political,” and “economic” are too broad and vague for the writer to analyze them thoroughly in a limited number of pages.  The thesis might focus on one of those concepts, or it might narrow the emphasis to some specific features of social, political, and economic change.

Strong Thesis: The Revolution paved the way for important political changes for women.  As “Republican Mothers,” women contributed to the polity by raising future citizens and nurturing virtuous husbands.  Consequently, women played a far more important role in the new nation’s politics than they had under British rule.

This thesis is off to a strong start, but it needs to go one step further by telling the reader why changes in these three areas mattered.  How did the lives of women improve because of developments in education, law, and economics?  What were women able to do with these advantages?  Obviously the rest of the paper will answer these questions, but the thesis statement needs to give some indication of why these particular changes mattered.

Strong Thesis: The Revolution had a positive impact on women because it ushered in improvements in female education, legal standing, and economic opportunity.  Progress in these three areas gave women the tools they needed to carve out lives beyond the home, laying the foundation for the cohesive feminist movement that would emerge in the mid-nineteenth century.

Thesis Checklist

When revising your thesis, check it against the following guidelines:

  • Does my thesis make an historical argument?
  • Does my thesis take a position that requires defending?
  • Is my thesis historically specific?
  • Is my thesis focused and precise?
  • Does my thesis answer the question, “so what?”

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History Dissertation Topics

Published by Grace Graffin at January 9th, 2023 , Revised On April 16, 2024


Choosing the most appropriate topic for a history dissertation can be tricky. Before selecting a topic, it is imperative to have an in-depth knowledge of the historical events or phenomena you wish to evaluate. Complete comprehension of a topic area is necessary before you can go about the task of completing your dissertation.

To help you get started with brainstorming for history topic ideas, we have developed a list of the latest topics that can be used for writing your history dissertation.

PhD qualified writers of our team have developed these topics, so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics here.

2024 History Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: who was responsible for european civil wars an exploratory study identifying the determinants of the 1870 franco-prussian war.

Research Aim: This research aims to determine various political, social, and economic factors which caused European civil wars. It will use the 1870 Franco-Prussian War as a case study to analyse which political, social, or economic forces played their part in exaggerating this war. Moreover, it will use various historical lenses to evaluate the available evidence in this area to determine the factors objectively. Lastly, it will recommend ways through a historical viewpoint that could’ve saved lives in these wars.

Topic 2: What were the Socio-Economic Discontents of the Second Industrial Revolution? A Marx-Engels Perspective

Research Aim: This study identifies various socio-economic discontents of the second industrial revolution through the Marx-Engels communist lens. It will analyse how the second industrial revolution brought undesirable socio-economic changes in Europe and the rest of the world. It will develop a socio-economic framework by using Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’s critique of capitalism and social class theory to show the second industrial revolution divided the entire world into two classes. Moreover, it will show how imperialist powers used the second industrial revolution to change the world order.

Topic 3: Did Mongols Bring Social Change in Ancient Arab? Impact of Mongols Invasion on Ancient Arab Culture and Traditions

Research Aim: This research intends to analyse the social change brought by Mongols in ancient Arab. It will find the impact of the Mongols’ invasion on ancient Arab culture and traditions by identifying channels such as slavery, forced marriages, etc., through which Mongols brought a cultural change. Moreover, it will find whether Arabs could come back to their original state or modern Arabs have their traits? And through which ways did ancient Arabs resist those changes?

Topic 4: What is Common among the United States’ Iraq, Japan, Afghanistan, and Cuba Invasions? A Comparative Study Finding the United States Common Political and Economic Motives

Research Aim: This study compares the United States’ Iraq, Japan, Korea, Afghanistan, and Cuba invasions. It will identify the United States’ common political and economic motives among these invasions, which gave it an incentive to pursue. It will be a multidisciplinary study exploring geopolitical, geo-economic, geo-strategic, and historical aspects of the invasions. Moreover, it will also compare the post-invasion situation of these countries to show how these countries dealt with it and how can which didn’t recover from invasion can improve.

Topic 5: The Life and Work of William Shakespeare: His Influence on The Modern Theater- A Critique of Dr. Johnson

Research Aim: This study sheds light on the life and work of William Shakespeare by analysing his role in modern theater. It will try to highlight his contribution in the field of literature and theater but through the approach of Dr. Johnson. Johnson’s works will be evaluated to see whether William Shakespeare has done something significant for modern theater or it is just a one-sided view of William Shakespeare’s followers. It will analyse various works of William Shakespeare from Johnson’s critical lens to provide an objective assessment.

Covid-19 History Research Topics

Topic 1: the history of coronavirus..

Research Aim: This study will explore the historical facts and theories related to the coronavirus pandemic.

Topic 3: History of Spanish flu

Research Aim: In 1918, a deadly pandemic called Spanish flu hit the world, and many people lost their lives. This study will highlight the history of the disease, symptoms, and similarities with the present crisis of COVID-19.

Topic 3: The history of various types of pandemics and their consequences

Research Aim: This study will investigate the history of various types of pandemics and their consequences on people’s health, economy, and the world’s transformation after it.

History Research Topics 2023

Topic 1: types of communications in history.

Research Aim: This research aims to identify the types of communications in history

Topic 2: Terrorism and its impact on people's life

Research Aim: This research aims to address terrorism’s impact on people’s life

Topic 3: Treaty of Lausanne and the world's predictions about Turkey in 2023

Research Aim: This research aims to conduct a study on the Treaty of Lausanne and the world’s predictions about Turkey in 2023

Topic 4: Mythological stories and their impact on the youth

Research Aim: This research aims to study the impact of mythological stories on the youth.

Dissertation Topics from the Nineteenth Century

Topic 1: analysis of church wealth expropriation and political conflict in 19th century colombia..

Research Aim: The research will explore the events of political violence after independence in Colombia regarding the redefinition of the Catholic Church’s property rights. The study primarily focuses on the country after 1850 to measure the influence of that expropriation of the Church’s assets on political violence.

Topic 2: Exploring the impact of 19th-century development of refrigeration on The American meatpacking industry.

Research Aim: The city of Chicago in the United States is known to be the center of modern refrigeration development due to it being the hub of the meatpacking industry. The proposed research will analyse Chicago’s meatpacking sector’s development and its significant role in developing critical technologies such as refrigeration. The study will examine the development of refrigerated transport and cold storage units to comprehend the city’s meatpacking industry’s local and later global success throughout the 19th century.

Topic 3: Examining the impact of the telegraph in the United States of America

Research Aim: The research uses document analysis to examine the influence of the invention of the telegraph in the United States of America. Specifically, the study will analyse how the telegraph revolutionized communication and news broadcasting to newspapers over national and international networks.

Topic 4: The impact of industrial conflict and technology on the development of technical education in 19th-century England.

Research Aim: The research will analyze the role that 19th-century employers played in training and educating the young industrial workers in England. The purpose of the study is to comprehend the various factors that influenced the development of technical education while discovering the reason for antagonistic relations with skilled workers, which may have caused the Great Strike and Lockout of 1897.

Topic 5: The impact of changing gender relations on childbearing populations in the 19th-century Netherlands.

Research Aim: The research will look to comprehend the changes in childbearing patterns using a sequence analysis approach. The study will also try to understand the association between gender relations, historical fertility records, and women’s reproductive patterns in the 19th century Netherlands.

Topic 6: Examining the shift of hierarchical and ethnocentric foreign relations to the western model of international relations in 19th-century Japan.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the 19th century, a period of transition in Japanese foreign policy. The study will mainly focus on the Russo-Japanese relations using document analysis to assess the four stages of shift that led Japan from an ethnocentric foreign policymaker to the Western-type without colonization and defeat in war.

History and Religious Dissertations

Topic 1: the impact of popular culture on evangelical christians in america..

Research Aim: The research uses document analysis to examine the impact that popular culture has had in shaping Evangelical Christian thought in the United States from the 1960s to the 2000s. The study focuses on analysing the variables that have allowed Evangelicalism to becoming a middle-class populist movement.

Topic 2: Fertility, feminism, and the American revolution

Research Aim: The research using document analysis, analyses the impact of the American Revolution on declining birth rates in the colonies and the increase of family limitation among white free women. The research will investigate the intentions of founding American women on their rejection of abundant fertility and a patriarchal family and the existent or non-existent role that colonial Christians played.

Topic 3: The decline of irrational and magical ideologies in England 1500-1600.

Research Aim: The research analyses how the introduction of religion, specifically early Christianity, had an impact on declining the conventional thought processes that used irrationality or magic as their basis. The research will use document analysis as its research method.

Topic 4: The impact of religion on innovation, 1604.

Research Aim: The research examines how Sir Frances Bacon’s epistle “Of Innovations” argues for the positive potential of innovation from the understanding of the Biblical scriptures. The study will also explore the relationship between Bacon and the English Protestant Church.

Topic 5: The role of churches and religion in World War II.

Research Aim: The research looks to examine the role of churches in Europe during WWII. The study will also analyse their religious ideologies and their deeds as institutions to impact the perceptions of World War II. The research will be conducted using document analysis.

History and Sociology Dissertations

Topic 1: race, poverty, and food deserts in cardiff, 1980-2016..

Research Aim: The research examines the demographic and spatial patterns that have shaped access to supermarkets in low-income neighbourhoods in Cardiff from 1980 to 2016. The research methods used will be quantitative.

Topic 2: Impact of World War II rationing on British cuisine

Research Aim: The research analyses the impact of rationing items by the British Ministry of Food on the specific culture from the 1940s to the 1980s. The research uses variables of socio-economic classes and geographic locations of the country to examine the cultural impacts it had on the British palate during the time. The research methods will include quantitative and qualitative analysis.

Topic 3: Impact of religious doctrines and ideologies on racism and racist factions in the USA.

Research Aim: The research analyses the relationship between different Christian sects and racial prejudice among groups of Christians based on geographic location (North or South) in the United States after the 2016 presidential elections. The research will be quantitative in nature but will incorporate qualitative techniques of historical document analysis to examine how racism in the country has changed since the Civil Rights Era of the United States.

Topic 4: The historical development and impact of public transportation in Shanghai, China, 1843-1937.

Research Aim: The research will analyze the impact of public transportation on the development of Shanghai’s urban landscape using the variables of tradition vs modernity, state and social relationships, and technology and society relations. The research will provide a historical analysis of the city from the British and the Opium Wars’ colonization to the 20th century. The study will use qualitative document analysis and quantitative techniques as research methods.

Topic 5: The impact of water resource management, technological solutions, and urban growth after World War II on Atlanta, Georgia.

Research Aim: The purpose of the dissertation is to examine the origins of water-related issues in Atlanta by discovering the challenges that public officials, activists, and engineers faced in the area in terms of planning and enacting an effective environmental policy after World War II in the metropolitan area of Atlanta. The research will use historical document analysis as its methodology.

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Historical People and Events Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: examining the events and people giving rise to winston churchill.

Research Aim: The research examines the network of friends and colleagues of former Prime Minister Winston Churchill on how they influenced the primer’s reputation after his retirement and death. The study will analyze the history of the Churchill Archives Centre, Cambridge, and the influence that Sir John Colville had on shaping Churchill’s image.

Topic 2: The rise of the right-wing woman in 20th-century Britain- Analysing Margaret Thatcher and Mary Whitehouse

Research Aim: The relationship between conservative powerhouses Margaret Thatcher and Mary Whitehouse was well known to the public for its traditional undertones. The research will examine the relationship between the two women using document analysis, particularly the public presentation relationship, to better understand the importance of conservative women in Britain. The research will analyze the twentieth-century political and cultural contexts that gave rise to these two women.

Topic 3: Examining the cooperative transformational leadership of Nelson Mandela and F. W. de Klerk.

Research Aim: The research will study the transfer of power in South Africa by focusing on the cooperative leadership strategies, policies, and personal characteristics of leaders such as Nelson Mandela and F. W. de Klerk. The research will examine how these two leaders could bring systematic revolution through democratic and peaceful means.

Topic 4: Pablo Picasso- The making of “Guernica” and its historical context.

Research Aim: The research will analyze the history of paintings of people suffering from convulsion of war, explicitly focusing on Goya. The paper will examine the factors and influences on Pablo Picasso that lead to the development of “Guernica.” The research will analyze how Picasso depicted real history snatches with symbolism that resonated with people.

Topic 5: Analysing the role of women in the Crusade Movement.

Research Aim: The research examines women’s contribution to the Crusades and its impact on propaganda, recruitment, organization of the crusades, and financing of the campaigns. The study will also survey their roles in looking after families and properties while also giving liturgical support at home for those on the crusade campaigns.

Topic 6: The impact of the Harlem Renaissance on urban landscaping, Jazz music, and literature.

Research Aim: The research will examine the Great Migration of the 1910s in the United States, where a concentration of African American population moved North causing demographic shifts. The study will analyse Toni Morrison’s Jazz, Persia Walker’s Black Orchid Blues, and other works regarding music and urbanization.

Topic 23: John F. Kennedy- Rise of American foreign power and South Vietnam.

Research Aim: The research will analyze John F. Kennedy’s foreign policy strategies’ central themes. The paper examines the themes of counterinsurgency, credibility, and commitment in South Asia, particularly South Vietnam, to improve his credibility after the Bay of Pigs incident. The paper will observe the president’s fascination regarding psychological warfare, military forces, and countering ‘communism’ aggression in Southeast Asia.

Italian Unification History Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the preservation of italy- analysing the fragility of italian unity 1866-68..

Research Aim: The research analyses the impact of the Austro-Prussian War at its conclusion in July 1866. The paper analyses factors such as the fall of the Liberal government in Britain that impacted the fragility of the Italian Unification. The paper examines the historical event through the bilateral relationship between a newly rising Italy and Britain.

Topic 2: Analysing the Italian post-unification period- Racial and colonial factors influencing modern Italians.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the rise of Italian fascism with the premise that it rose from the failures of previous liberal governments. The study particularly examines the first Liberal period after unification which led to the explosion of civil war in the South of Italy. The study will analyse the racial and colonial factors that influenced the competition with Western European nations for imperialistic endeavours.

Topic 3: Prison system management in 19th-century Italian prisons after unification.

Research Aim: The research analyses accounting practices in prisons using documentation analysis of the prison management system of major Italian States in the early 19th century. The study aims to use various accounting methods to uncover the potentially socially damaging tools of accounting in prison reforms to discipline individuals of lesser status.

Topic 4: The impact of the mafia on Italian education after unification.

Research Aim: The research will use historical point data to analyse the impact the Mafia had on the level of education between 1874 to 1913. The particular geographic constraint of the study will be restricted to Sicily, Italy, after the unification of the Italian Kingdom in 1861.

German Unification History Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: examining the parties and problems of governance in the german empire..

Research Aim: The research will examine using document analysis the various processes for political restructuring that caused the founding of many political parties, interest groups, and civic associations. The research analyses how the Federal Republic strategized to transfer German Democratic Republic citizens’ sovereign rights to international institutions and the Federal Republic institutions.

Topic 2: Analysing the collapse of the GDR and the re-unification of Germany.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the factors and influences surrounding the collapse of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) from 1898 to 1990 and the reunifications of East and West Germany. The research will also analyse the role of businesses with regards to the collapse, particularly the German business elites and their relationship with the Soviet Union.

Topic 3: Analysing the impact of Bismarck on the capitulation of German liberalism.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the impact the German National Liberal party of 1866 to 1867 had to support Otto von Bismarck’s policy of German unification. The study will examine the political stakes involved and the philosophy of Realpolitik on the Unification of the German Empire.

Topic 4: The impact of radical nationalism and political change after Bismarck.

Research Aim: The research will examine the factors that gave rise to the radicalization of the German right under the politics of Otto von Bismarck. The study looks to find evidence of German fascism prior to World War II. To conduct the research, a thorough document analysis will be done with an extensive literature review.

World War I Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the response of german immigrants to discrimination in the usa during world war i.

Research Aim: The research will examine the impact of caste-based discrimination on assimilation patterns of immigrant minorities, specifically German immigrants in the United States during WWI. The study will understand if discriminated minority groups increase their assimilation efforts to avoid discrimination and public harassment. The research will use naming patterns of children and records of petitions of naturalisations to conduct the study empirically.

Topic 2: Analysing the impact of affective experience and popular emotion on WWI International Relations.

Research Aim: The research will examine the factors of communal emotion and mass emotion during the outbreak of WWI to demonstrate the political significance of widespread sentiment. The research looks to study the factors with regard to contemporary populism.

Topic 3: The impact of military service in WWI on the economic status of American Veterans?

Research Aim: The research will analyse the different registration regimes during the WWI draft to find their impact on economic outcomes. The research will use empirical from 1900 to 1930 United States to study short term impact of military service while the United States census of 1960 is used to determine the long term impacts. The data collected will be of household income and draft population of the time in WW1.

Topic 4: Examining the Impact of Quarrying Companies Royal Engineers in WWI to support British armies on the Western Front.

Research Aim: The research will examine the history of the Quarrying Companies unit within the Royal Engineers in WWI. The study will analyse the impact that the group had on British armies on the Western Front, particularly for the aid of the British Expeditionary Forces until its disbandment in 1919.

The Great Depression (Britain 1918-1939) Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the impact of the great depression on labour productivity..

Research Aim: The research will examine the labour productivity of the UK manufacturing industry during the Great Depression. The research will be of empirical methodology and collect data of actual hours of work, real output, and employment statistics. The study will prove that during the Great Depression, output per work-hour was counter-cyclical between 1929 and 1932.

Topic 2: Analysing the discourse of British newspapers during the Great Depression.

Research Aim: The research will use document analysis and text analysis to examine the rhetoric of British newspapers when unemployment rises. The study will accurately analyse the Great Depression in Britain by determining how the stigmatisation of poverty changes in the rhetoric of newspapers when discussing unemployment.

Topic 3: The Impact of the Great Depression on British Women Migration 1925-1935.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the impact that the Great Depression had on the migration of women out of Britain to the rest of its empire. The study will use empirical data to analyze the Society for Oversea Settlement of British Women (SOSBW). The research will assess if the society’s training programme influenced the employment and migration of women.

Topic 4: The Great Depression and British industrial growth- Analysing economic factors contributing to the Great Depression in Britain.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the British deceleration of industrial growth and the percentage rate of growth as the cause of the Great Depression in Britain. The research will examine the contribution of the Industrial Revolution and its initial rapid percentage of rate of growth causing ‘retardation.’ The study will be empirical and analyse historical patterns of Britain’s national economy.

Second World War Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: analysing brazilian aviation in world war ii.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the extent to which Brazilians were actively engaged in combat on the Brazilian coast and in the European theatre. The study will primarily focus on the global conflict through the Forca Aerea Brasileira, FAB, or the Brazilian Air Force development before participation in the Second World War.

Topic 2: The impact of invention secrecy in World War II.

Research Aim: The research will examine the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) patent secrecy orders which put over 11,000 US patent applications given secrecy orders. The study will analyse how this policy impacted keeping technology from the public during the war effort, specifically radar, electronics, and synthetic materials.

Topic 3: Analysing aerial photographic intelligence in WWII by British geologists.

Research Aim: The research will examine the period of WWII from 1939 to 1945, when intelligence was collected from aerial photographs by the Allied Central Interpretation Unit. The study will assess the history of aerial photographic information based on geology contributing to the Allied landings in Normandy in 1944.

Topic 4: Analysing British propaganda in the United States during WWII.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the strategies that British propagandists used to understand the American opinion of WWII during the war and for post-war relationships. The study will investigate the policies and factors that contributed to keeping the wartime alliance and creating an acceptable political climate in the United States for post-war cooperation.

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History of Nazi Germany Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the impact of discrimination against jewish managers on firm performance in nazi germany..

Research Aim: The research will examine the large-scale increase in discrimination in Nazi Germany to cause the dismissal of qualified Jewish managers in large firms. The study will analyse the persistent stock prices of firms, dividend payments, and return on assets after the discriminatory removal of Jewish managers.

Topic 2: Examining children’s literature in Nazi Germany

Research Aim: The research will analyse children’s literature which was propagandised between 1933 and 1945 under the National Socialists party. The paper will examine the various themes, specifically the Nordic German worldview, and how German values were distorted to produce a homogenous folk community.

Topic 3: Shifting from liberal education of the Weimar Republic to Nazi educational reforms- Analysing educational reforms under the Nazi government.

Research Aim: The research will examine education reform that the National Socialist government implemented in elementary education. The research will look to accumulate personal accounts of families and students who experienced the era to better comprehend the educational reforms. The study seems to under how these educational reforms moulded student ideologies.

Topic 4: The effects of antisemitism in film comedy in Nazi Germany,

Research Aim: The research will explore the themes of antisemitism in film comedy produced during the reign of the Nazi party in Germany. The research will study how themes impacted the perceptions of people living in Germany post-war. The research will use document analysis and empirical analysis to document and examine the themes and attitudes.

History of Cinema Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: analysing the history and politics of bollywood..

Research Aim: The research will explore the various events in Indian film history that have allowed it to become a global sensation. The paper will analyse its market-driven triumph against Hollywood imports starting from the 1930s. The paper will also examine the nationalist social views of films produced in Bollywood during the 1950s.

Topic 2: The role of cinematic depictions influencing popular understanding of the Spanish Civil War.

Research Aim: The research will examine the role that cinema played in shaping the understanding of the Spanish Civil War. The study will focus on fictional films that were produced in Spain and Hollywood between the 1940s and the early years of the 21st century.

Topic 3: Analysing distinctive characteristics of Korean films.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the characteristics of Korean films and examine their historical development. The research will focus on the eras of the Japanese colonial period to 1945 when the American army occupied South Korea. The study will analyse the role of censorship throughout this time period in producing Korean films.

Topic 4: Examining the history of cinema in Britain since 1896.

Research Aim: The research will explore the development of cinema exhibitions and cinema-going in Britain in 1896. They will analyse various factors that led to the rapid growth of cinema in Britain just before WWI. The study will examine factors such as the position of cinema, development of modern spaces, artistic respectability, the invention of sound, and cinema as individual entertainment.

History of Racism Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: analysing the factors influencing institutional racism in america..

Research Aim: The research will explore the complicated history of racism in the United States. It will analyse how racism has become embedded throughout American society from land ownership, education, healthcare, employment, and the criminal justice system. The research will use a mixed-methods research approach to gather data.

Topic 2: Examining the relationship between racism and environmental deregulation in the Trump Era.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the possible relationship between environmental deregulation and racism between 2016 and 2017 under the Trump Administration. The study will primarily collect data from executive actions, ecological events, and tweets from the President during this time period. The study will document racist events that were targeted at people of colour, Asians, Arabs, South Asians, Muslims, and indigenous persons.

Topic 3: Analysing the experience of racism in English schools towards Eastern European Migrants.

Research Aim: The research will use qualitative design to analyse the experience of racism faced by students of Eastern European descent. The research will use the framework proposed by the Critical Race Theory and Critical Conceptions of Whiteness to conduct the study. The research will focus on the racism experienced by these students as marginal whiteness for their various linguistic accents.

Topic 4: The impact of racism on Afro-Italian entrepreneurship.

Research Aim: The research will use qualitative data to analyse the participation of Afro-Italian women entrepreneurs in start-ups relating to beauty, style, and hair care lines. The study explores the obstacles that young black women entrepreneurs face in Italian due to racism and how their inclusion in small economies changes the perception of Blackness and Black womanhood related to Italian material culture.

Also Read: Religion, Theology and Philosophy Dissertation Topics

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History of Spanish Civil War Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: examining the role of international nurses during the spanish civil war..

Research Aim: The research will use document analysis, primarily memoirs, to explore the life and work of international nursed participation during the Spanish Civil War. The study will examine their role with regard to contributions made to Spanish nursing during the war.

Topic 2: Examining republican propaganda during the Spanish Civil War.

Research Aim: The research will explore the propaganda used by the Republicans of the Spanish Civil War from 1936 to 1939 to support their ideology of the war. The paper will focus on three primary forms of media – newspapers, cinema, and music. The study will conduct the analysis using historical context to examine its effectiveness in propagating the Republican messages.

Topic 3: The history of British Battalions in the International Brigades of the Spanish Civil War.

Research Aim: The research will examine the role, experiences, and contributions of British volunteers to the Spanish Republic through the British Battalion of the 15th International Brigade. The study will accurately analyse the motivations of the volunteers to join the International Brigades and participate in the Spanish Civil War.

Topic 4: British cultural perspectives on the Spanish Civil War.

Research Aim: The research will explore the cultural perspectives of the political understanding of the British responses to the Spanish Civil War. The study will examine the mass culture and personal experiences of British visitors to Spain in the 1930s.

History of the United States Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the impact of ‘the frontier’ on american expansion and imperialism..

Research Aim: The research explores the idea of ‘manifest destiny, its connection to the American frontier, and its impact on imperialism. The study focuses on how the American perception of savagery and civilisation is related to expanding the American frontier.

Topic 2: Analysing the American public opinion on the War in Vietnam.

Research Aim: The research uses empirical data to analyse the American public attitude with regard to the Vietnam Wat. The data will be analysed using demographic groups and perception studies. The study will investigate how these perceptions eventually shaped government policy preferences during the Vietnam War.

Topic 3: Analysing the inaugural speeches of re-elected US presidents since WWII.

Research Aim: The research identifies, analyses, and assesses the use of individual style in inaugural speeches of re-elected US presidents since WWII. The research will be conducted using document analysis of lexical and semantic levels. The study will assess how the inaugural addresses are shaped to reflect the public policy of re-elected presidents.

Topic 4: Analysing the rise of white power and paramilitary groups in the United States.

Research Aim: The research analyses the rise and expansion of white nationalists, racist far-right groups using government publications, journalistic accounts, and archival records. The research focuses on the failure in Vietnam, giving rise to white power movements. The study will examine various events to assess the factors and significance that caused an increase in paramilitary groups in the United States.

Topic 5: Examining the rise of new white nationalism in America.

Research Aim: The research will use data acquired from speeches, books, and internet sources written by white nationalists to assess the shift of white nationalist ideas of oppression of other races to a view of victimhood of white nationalists. The research will use an extensive literature review to document the development of white nationalism in American history while also considering the development of social media.

Historic Events of Early Twentieth Century Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the creation of uniquely american musical sounds; changes in classical music from the 19th to 20th century..

Research Aim: The research explores the changes in American classical music, shifting from its traditional European origins to a more defined American sound. The study will contend that historical events such as the upheaval and shifts of society during the American Civil War were the main factors of the creation of new American classical music.

Topic 2: The influence of political parties on democracy and party-state relations in the 20th-century.

Research Aim: The research will analyse institutional reforms of party-state relations, including constitutions, electoral laws, and party laws in France and Italy during the 20th century. The study will examine the impact of party entanglement on contributing to democratisation in Europe.

Topic 3: The impact of suspicion and distrust on conflict coverage- A case study of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Research Aim: The research will use inductive-qualitative analysis to examine the journalistic narratives of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. To do so, the factors of suspicion of information sources, awareness of being under suspicion, and distrust of peer journalists are used to examine the trust of journalists and the dilemma they face in hostile environments.

Also Read: Project Management Dissertation Topics

Important Notes:

As a student of history looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing history theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

The field of history is vast and interrelated to so many other academic disciplines like literature , linguistics , politics , international relations , and more. That is why it is imperative to create a history dissertation topic that is particular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic; it is the basis of your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation as you may end up in the cycle of rejection at the very initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best history dissertation topics that fulfill your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and can also be practically implemented. Take a look at some of our sample history dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure your History Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgments
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems to be addressed. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic, in light of research questions to be addressed. The purpose is to highlight and discuss the relative weaknesses and strengths of the selected research area while identifying any research gaps. Break down of the topic, and key terms can have a positive impact on your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of the results in this chapter, and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section is to establish the link between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regards to implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : Make sure to complete this in accordance with your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, or graphs that were used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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History: writing a history dissertation.

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  • Literature Search Plan

Starting a Literature Search

Conducting a literature search is a great way to find a viable topic and plan your research. It will also give you the opportunity to look for primary and secondary resources that can support the arguments you make in your dissertation. 

Starting your literature search early will help you plan your dissertation and give you an overview of all the resources you might want to consult. Below are examples of how you can start this process and how they can help.

Dissertation Books

history research thesis topics

Define your Topic

Start your search by identifying a broad subject area, such as a country, period, theme or person. You might do this by looking at reference works, such as a Very Short Introduction , Cambridge Histories , or Oxford Handbooks . These books will give you an insight into the many areas you can investigate in greater depth and they will also provide references to peer-reviewed material on more defined topics. 

Next , look at material which focuses more on the area you have identified from reference works. These might be books, chapters or articles which focus on a more defined area of the subject you have identified. Use these to formulate questions that you can answer in your research.

Then ,  read resources that will help you form your argument and answer the questions you have set. This material should focus on the topic you have chosen and help you explain what has been written on this area before.

Search for Secondary Resources

In order to successfully search for resources relevant to your study, you will need to use search-terms which will retrieve the best results. The tips below will help you do this:

Terms you have found in your reading

Keep a note of terms you have seen when you have been identifying your topic. This could be anything relevant your topic, including: places, people, jobs, religions, institutions, objects, periods, or events. Also, take note of terms that are related to your topic and had an impact on the area you are studying. Write down all the terms which relate to your topic and note which ones provide the most relevant results.

It can also be useful to keep a note of what you are not looking at so that you stay focused on your topic and do not retrieve too many results.

Authors who are written about the topic

You will start to notice that some authors are mentioned as specialists on the topic you are researching. Search a variety of catalogues to find what they have written on the subject in different formats. They might have contributed to edited works, written articles, given presentations to conferences or annotated works. They also might lead you to others who have written about your topic or research groups which are relevant to your studies.

Use subject searches

Most secondary resources have been indexed according to their subject. Through using these subject terms you can search catalogues more efficiently and find relevant resources without just searching the title or author. 

If you find a useful resources, try looking at its catalogue record. See if any of the subject headings look useful and note what terminology they use as this will be consistent across most databases. When you have found a useful term, copy and paste it into a subject search (or select the link) and see what other resources are available.

You can also use an online thesaurus to find search terms. The most commonly used terms are the Library of Congress Subject Headings  which provide uniform terms across international databases.

Use databases

The University subscribes to many databases that focus on different countries and topics. These will provide a comprehensive guide to what has been written in your area and may use different subject headings. Reference databases and bibliographies can be especially useful for finding citations of everything that has been written on a certain area of history. Biographical databases can also help find information about individuals and institutions. For a complete list of all the databases the University subscribes to, look at the A-Z of databases . 

Search for Primary Resources

There are plenty of primary resources that can be used in your dissertation. The University subscribes to many databases that provide access to primary resources and some of our libraries hold special collections which can be used in your research. Below are some examples:

The University subscribes to many newspapers from the past and present. They can be a really useful tool for finding contemporary accounts of events and provide more than just articles (including: advertisements, illustrations, family notices, sports, arts, court cases). Many newspaper databases will also include related content, such as pamphlets and newsbooks.

The University Library has a collection of print newspapers which can be consulted on site. The University also subscribes to electronic databases of national and local newspapers across the world. More information about the newspaper databases we subscribe to is available on our  dedicated website .

Special Collection Material

Many libraries and archives provide access to rare, unique and specialised collections of books and manuscripts. The University Library, for example, provides access to Manuscripts and Rare Books Departments , as do some of the colleges. Some of the more frequently used and important material is also available as part of an online library, such as Cambridge's CUDL .

Official Publications (Government Documents)

Documents produced by governmental and intergovernmental bodies can provide an insight into their decision making and governance. Several libraries in Cambridge have received official publications material and a lot of material is now available online. More information about the official material in Cambridge libraries is available on our Official Publications LibGuide .

Data and Statistics

Figures can be used to help illustrate a point and provide evidence as you answer the central question in your dissertation. You might chose to refer to census data, crime statistics, trade figures, or any other data set that relates to your area of history. This sort of information can be found in databases and replicated in secondary resources. 

Private Papers

If you are researching an individual (or someone who played a prominent role in the area you are focusing on) it is a good idea to see if they have deposited private papers in an archive. These might includes diaries, letters, draft works, or anything else that was kept and not published. These works are normally kept in an archive, so a good starting point is to look at a catalogue that might show where relevant papers are held (such as Archives Hub )

These can include maps, cartoons, paintings and photographs. Images are available both in print and online, but you need to be cautious of the copyright restrictions of images before you use them (check the information given by the source). Some databases will allow you to search images, like ARTstor , so use them as a good starting point for your search. 


Similarly to images, the University provides access to a variety of audio-visual resources, including interviews, recordings, radio and films. If there is a particular DVD you would like to use, try searching the title in iDiscover. For example, " Interviews with Historians " will take you to a comprehensive collection of DVDs available at the Seeley. Many films are also available online, such as British Pathe .

Organise and Save Your Research

You will be able to do a comprehensive and efficient literature search if you keep a record of what you have read, where you read it and what each item means to your research. The best way to achieve this is to:

1. Record the key ideas, themes and quotes from what you have read. Try to find a uniform way to do this as it will make it easier to find information when you come to write your dissertation. Some formats are freely available on the internet, such as the Cornell Note Taking System .

2. Save citations you have looked at so you do not struggle to find them again. Also, this will help you when you come to do your references. There are many reference managers available to help you store this information and create a fully formatted bibliography.

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Doing Historical Research [without getting hysterical!] In addition to being a scholarly investigation, research is a social activity intended to create new knowledge. Historical research is your informed response to the questions that you ask while examining the record of human experience. These questions may concern such elements as looking at an event or topic, examining events that lead to the event in question, social influences, key players, and other contextual information. This step-by-step guide progresses from an introduction to historical resources to information about how to identify a topic, craft a thesis and develop a research paper. Table of contents: The Range and Richness of Historical Sources Secondary Sources Primary Sources Historical Analysis What is it? Who, When, Where, What and Why: The Five "W"s Topic, Thesis, Sources Definition of Terms Choose a Topic Craft a Thesis Evaluate Thesis and Sources A Variety of Information Sources Take Efficient Notes Note Cards Thinking, Organizing, Researching Parenthetical Documentation Prepare a Works Cited Page Drafting, Revising, Rewriting, Rethinking For Further Reading: Works Cited Additional Links So you want to study history?! Tons of help and links Slatta Home Page Use the Writing and other links on the lefhand menu I. The Range and Richness of Historical Sources Back to Top Every period leaves traces, what historians call "sources" or evidence. Some are more credible or carry more weight than others; judging the differences is a vital skill developed by good historians. Sources vary in perspective, so knowing who created the information you are examining is vital. Anonymous doesn't make for a very compelling source. For example, an FBI report on the antiwar movement, prepared for U.S. President Richard Nixon, probably contained secrets that at the time were thought to have affected national security. It would not be usual, however, for a journalist's article about a campus riot, featured in a local newspaper, to leak top secret information. Which source would you read? It depends on your research topic. If you're studying how government officials portrayed student activists, you'll want to read the FBI report and many more documents from other government agencies such as the CIA and the National Security Council. If you're investigating contemporary opinion of pro-war and anti-war activists, local newspaper accounts provide a rich resource. You'd want to read a variety of newspapers to ensure you're covering a wide range of opinions (rural/urban, left/right, North/South, Soldier/Draft-dodger, etc). Historians classify sources into two major categories: primary and secondary sources. Secondary Sources Back to Top Definition: Secondary sources are created by someone who was either not present when the event occurred or removed from it in time. We use secondary sources for overview information, to familiarize ourselves with a topic, and compare that topic with other events in history. In refining a research topic, we often begin with secondary sources. This helps us identify gaps or conflicts in the existing scholarly literature that might prove promsing topics. Types: History books, encyclopedias, historical dictionaries, and academic (scholarly) articles are secondary sources. To help you determine the status of a given secondary source, see How to identify and nagivate scholarly literature . Examples: Historian Marilyn Young's (NYU) book about the Vietnam War is a secondary source. She did not participate in the war. Her study is not based on her personal experience but on the evidence she culled from a variety of sources she found in the United States and Vietnam. Primary Sources Back to Top Definition: Primary sources emanate from individuals or groups who participated in or witnessed an event and recorded that event during or immediately after the event. They include speeches, memoirs, diaries, letters, telegrams, emails, proclamations, government documents, and much more. Examples: A student activist during the war writing about protest activities has created a memoir. This would be a primary source because the information is based on her own involvement in the events she describes. Similarly, an antiwar speech is a primary source. So is the arrest record of student protesters. A newspaper editorial or article, reporting on a student demonstration is also a primary source. II. Historical Analysis What is it? Back to Top No matter what you read, whether it's a primary source or a secondary source, you want to know who authored the source (a trusted scholar? A controversial historian? A propagandist? A famous person? An ordinary individual?). "Author" refers to anyone who created information in any medium (film, sound, or text). You also need to know when it was written and the kind of audience the author intend to reach. You should also consider what you bring to the evidence that you examine. Are you inductively following a path of evidence, developing your interpretation based on the sources? Do you have an ax to grind? Did you begin your research deductively, with your mind made up before even seeing the evidence. Historians need to avoid the latter and emulate the former. To read more about the distinction, examine the difference between Intellectual Inquirers and Partisan Ideologues . In the study of history, perspective is everything. A letter written by a twenty- year old Vietnam War protestor will differ greatly from a letter written by a scholar of protest movements. Although the sentiment might be the same, the perspective and influences of these two authors will be worlds apart. Practicing the " 5 Ws " will avoid the confusion of the authority trap. Who, When, Where, What and Why: The Five "W"s Back to Top Historians accumulate evidence (information, including facts, stories, interpretations, opinions, statements, reports, etc.) from a variety of sources (primary and secondary). They must also verify that certain key pieces of information are corroborated by a number of people and sources ("the predonderance of evidence"). The historian poses the " 5 Ws " to every piece of information he examines: Who is the historical actor? When did the event take place? Where did it occur? What did it entail and why did it happen the way it did? The " 5 Ws " can also be used to evaluate a primary source. Who authored the work? When was it created? Where was it created, published, and disseminated? Why was it written (the intended audience), and what is the document about (what points is the author making)? If you know the answers to these five questions, you can analyze any document, and any primary source. The historian doesn't look for the truth, since this presumes there is only one true story. The historian tries to understand a number of competing viewpoints to form his or her own interpretation-- what constitutes the best explanation of what happened and why. By using as wide a range of primary source documents and secondary sources as possible, you will add depth and richness to your historical analysis. The more exposure you, the researcher, have to a number of different sources and differing view points, the more you have a balanced and complete view about a topic in history. This view will spark more questions and ultimately lead you into the quest to unravel more clues about your topic. You are ready to start assembling information for your research paper. III. Topic, Thesis, Sources Definition of Terms Back to Top Because your purpose is to create new knowledge while recognizing those scholars whose existing work has helped you in this pursuit, you are honor bound never to commit the following academic sins: Plagiarism: Literally "kidnapping," involving the use of someone else's words as if they were your own (Gibaldi 6). To avoid plagiarism you must document direct quotations, paraphrases, and original ideas not your own. Recycling: Rehashing material you already know thoroughly or, without your professor's permission, submitting a paper that you have completed for another course. Premature cognitive commitment: Academic jargon for deciding on a thesis too soon and then seeking information to serve that thesis rather than embarking on a genuine search for new knowledge. Choose a Topic Back to Top "Do not hunt for subjects, let them choose you, not you them." --Samuel Butler Choosing a topic is the first step in the pursuit of a thesis. Below is a logical progression from topic to thesis: Close reading of the primary text, aided by secondary sources Growing awareness of interesting qualities within the primary text Choosing a topic for research Asking productive questions that help explore and evaluate a topic Creating a research hypothesis Revising and refining a hypothesis to form a working thesis First, and most important, identify what qualities in the primary or secondary source pique your imagination and curiosity and send you on a search for answers. Bloom's taxonomy of cognitive levels provides a description of productive questions asked by critical thinkers. While the lower levels (knowledge, comprehension) are necessary to a good history essay, aspire to the upper three levels (analysis, synthesis, evaluation). Skimming reference works such as encyclopedias, books, critical essays and periodical articles can help you choose a topic that evolves into a hypothesis, which in turn may lead to a thesis. One approach to skimming involves reading the first paragraph of a secondary source to locate and evaluate the author's thesis. Then for a general idea of the work's organization and major ideas read the first and last sentence of each paragraph. Read the conclusion carefully, as it usually presents a summary (Barnet and Bedau 19). Craft a Thesis Back to Top Very often a chosen topic is too broad for focused research. You must revise it until you have a working hypothesis, that is, a statement of an idea or an approach with respect to the source that could form the basis for your thesis. Remember to not commit too soon to any one hypothesis. Use it as a divining rod or a first step that will take you to new information that may inspire you to revise your hypothesis. Be flexible. Give yourself time to explore possibilities. The hypothesis you create will mature and shift as you write and rewrite your paper. New questions will send you back to old and on to new material. Remember, this is the nature of research--it is more a spiraling or iterative activity than a linear one. Test your working hypothesis to be sure it is: broad enough to promise a variety of resources. narrow enough for you to research in depth. original enough to interest you and your readers. worthwhile enough to offer information and insights of substance "do-able"--sources are available to complete the research. Now it is time to craft your thesis, your revised and refined hypothesis. A thesis is a declarative sentence that: focuses on one well-defined idea makes an arguable assertion; it is capable of being supported prepares your readers for the body of your paper and foreshadows the conclusion. Evaluate Thesis and Sources Back to Top Like your hypothesis, your thesis is not carved in stone. You are in charge. If necessary, revise it during the research process. As you research, continue to evaluate both your thesis for practicality, originality, and promise as a search tool, and secondary sources for relevance and scholarliness. The following are questions to ask during the research process: Are there many journal articles and entire books devoted to the thesis, suggesting that the subject has been covered so thoroughly that there may be nothing new to say? Does the thesis lead to stimulating, new insights? Are appropriate sources available? Is there a variety of sources available so that the bibliography or works cited page will reflect different kinds of sources? Which sources are too broad for my thesis? Which resources are too narrow? Who is the author of the secondary source? Does the critic's background suggest that he/she is qualified? After crafting a thesis, consider one of the following two approaches to writing a research paper: Excited about your thesis and eager to begin? Return to the primary or secondary source to find support for your thesis. Organize ideas and begin writing your first draft. After writing the first draft, have it reviewed by your peers and your instructor. Ponder their suggestions and return to the sources to answer still-open questions. Document facts and opinions from secondary sources. Remember, secondary sources can never substitute for primary sources. Confused about where to start? Use your thesis to guide you to primary and secondary sources. Secondary sources can help you clarify your position and find a direction for your paper. Keep a working bibliography. You may not use all the sources you record, but you cannot be sure which ones you will eventually discard. Create a working outline as you research. This outline will, of course, change as you delve more deeply into your subject. A Variety of Information Sources Back to Top "A mind that is stretched to a new idea never returns to its original dimension." --Oliver Wendell Holmes Your thesis and your working outline are the primary compasses that will help you navigate the variety of sources available. In "Introduction to the Library" (5-6) the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers suggests you become familiar with the library you will be using by: taking a tour or enrolling for a brief introductory lecture referring to the library's publications describing its resources introducing yourself and your project to the reference librarian The MLA Handbook also lists guides for the use of libraries (5), including: Jean Key Gates, Guide to the Use of Libraries and Information Sources (7th ed., New York: McGraw, 1994). Thomas Mann, A Guide to Library Research Methods (New York: Oxford UP, 1987). Online Central Catalog Most libraries have their holdings listed on a computer. The online catalog may offer Internet sites, Web pages and databases that relate to the university's curriculum. It may also include academic journals and online reference books. Below are three search techniques commonly used online: Index Search: Although online catalogs may differ slightly from library to library, the most common listings are by: Subject Search: Enter the author's name for books and article written about the author. Author Search: Enter an author's name for works written by the author, including collections of essays the author may have written about his/her own works. Title Search: Enter a title for the screen to list all the books the library carries with that title. Key Word Search/Full-text Search: A one-word search, e.g., 'Kennedy,' will produce an overwhelming number of sources, as it will call up any entry that includes the name 'Kennedy.' To focus more narrowly on your subject, add one or more key words, e.g., "John Kennedy, Peace Corps." Use precise key words. Boolean Search: Boolean Search techniques use words such as "and," "or," and "not," which clarify the relationship between key words, thus narrowing the search. Take Efficient Notes Back to Top Keeping complete and accurate bibliography and note cards during the research process is a time (and sanity) saving practice. If you have ever needed a book or pages within a book, only to discover that an earlier researcher has failed to return it or torn pages from your source, you understand the need to take good notes. Every researcher has a favorite method for taking notes. Here are some suggestions-- customize one of them for your own use. Bibliography cards There may be far more books and articles listed than you have time to read, so be selective when choosing a reference. Take information from works that clearly relate to your thesis, remembering that you may not use them all. Use a smaller or a different color card from the one used for taking notes. Write a bibliography card for every source. Number the bibliography cards. On the note cards, use the number rather than the author's name and the title. It's faster. Another method for recording a working bibliography, of course, is to create your own database. Adding, removing, and alphabetizing titles is a simple process. Be sure to save often and to create a back-up file. A bibliography card should include all the information a reader needs to locate that particular source for further study. Most of the information required for a book entry (Gibaldi 112): Author's name Title of a part of the book [preface, chapter titles, etc.] Title of the book Name of the editor, translator, or compiler Edition used Number(s) of the volume(s) used Name of the series Place of publication, name of the publisher, and date of publication Page numbers Supplementary bibliographic information and annotations Most of the information required for an article in a periodical (Gibaldi 141): Author's name Title of the article Name of the periodical Series number or name (if relevant) Volume number (for a scholarly journal) Issue number (if needed) Date of publication Page numbers Supplementary information For information on how to cite other sources refer to your So you want to study history page . Note Cards Back to Top Take notes in ink on either uniform note cards (3x5, 4x6, etc.) or uniform slips of paper. Devote each note card to a single topic identified at the top. Write only on one side. Later, you may want to use the back to add notes or personal observations. Include a topical heading for each card. Include the number of the page(s) where you found the information. You will want the page number(s) later for documentation, and you may also want page number(s)to verify your notes. Most novice researchers write down too much. Condense. Abbreviate. You are striving for substance, not quantity. Quote directly from primary sources--but the "meat," not everything. Suggestions for condensing information: Summary: A summary is intended to provide the gist of an essay. Do not weave in the author's choice phrases. Read the information first and then condense the main points in your own words. This practice will help you avoid the copying that leads to plagiarism. Summarizing also helps you both analyze the text you are reading and evaluate its strengths and weaknesses (Barnet and Bedau 13). Outline: Use to identify a series of points. Paraphrase, except for key primary source quotations. Never quote directly from a secondary source, unless the precise wording is essential to your argument. Simplify the language and list the ideas in the same order. A paraphrase is as long as the original. Paraphrasing is helpful when you are struggling with a particularly difficult passage. Be sure to jot down your own insights or flashes of brilliance. Ralph Waldo Emerson warns you to "Look sharply after your thoughts. They come unlooked for, like a new bird seen on your trees, and, if you turn to your usual task, disappear...." To differentiate these insights from those of the source you are reading, initial them as your own. (When the following examples of note cards include the researcher's insights, they will be followed by the initials N. R.) When you have finished researching your thesis and you are ready to write your paper, organize your cards according to topic. Notecards make it easy to shuffle and organize your source information on a table-- or across the floor. Maintain your working outline that includes the note card headings and explores a logical order for presenting them in your paper. IV. Begin Thinking, Researching, Organizing Back to Top Don't be too sequential. Researching, writing, revising is a complex interactive process. Start writing as soon as possible! "The best antidote to writer's block is--to write." (Klauser 15). However, you still feel overwhelmed and are staring at a blank page, you are not alone. Many students find writing the first sentence to be the most daunting part of the entire research process. Be creative. Cluster (Rico 28-49). Clustering is a form of brainstorming. Sometimes called a web, the cluster forms a design that may suggest a natural organization for a paper. Here's a graphical depiction of brainstorming . Like a sun, the generating idea or topic lies at the center of the web. From it radiate words, phrases, sentences and images that in turn attract other words, phrases, sentences and images. Put another way--stay focused. Start with your outline. If clustering is not a technique that works for you, turn to the working outline you created during the research process. Use the outline view of your word processor. If you have not already done so, group your note cards according to topic headings. Compare them to your outline's major points. If necessary, change the outline to correspond with the headings on the note cards. If any area seems weak because of a scarcity of facts or opinions, return to your primary and/or secondary sources for more information or consider deleting that heading. Use your outline to provide balance in your essay. Each major topic should have approximately the same amount of information. Once you have written a working outline, consider two different methods for organizing it. Deduction: A process of development that moves from the general to the specific. You may use this approach to present your findings. However, as noted above, your research and interpretive process should be inductive. Deduction is the most commonly used form of organization for a research paper. The thesis statement is the generalization that leads to the specific support provided by primary and secondary sources. The thesis is stated early in the paper. The body of the paper then proceeds to provide the facts, examples, and analogies that flow logically from that thesis. The thesis contains key words that are reflected in the outline. These key words become a unifying element throughout the paper, as they reappear in the detailed paragraphs that support and develop the thesis. The conclusion of the paper circles back to the thesis, which is now far more meaningful because of the deductive development that supports it. Chronological order A process that follows a traditional time line or sequence of events. A chronological organization is useful for a paper that explores cause and effect. Parenthetical Documentation Back to Top The Works Cited page, a list of primary and secondary sources, is not sufficient documentation to acknowledge the ideas, facts, and opinions you have included within your text. The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers describes an efficient parenthetical style of documentation to be used within the body of your paper. Guidelines for parenthetical documentation: "References to the text must clearly point to specific sources in the list of works cited" (Gibaldi 184). Try to use parenthetical documentation as little as possible. For example, when you cite an entire work, it is preferable to include the author's name in the text. The author's last name followed by the page number is usually enough for an accurate identification of the source in the works cited list. These examples illustrate the most common kinds of documentation. Documenting a quotation: Ex. "The separation from the personal mother is a particularly intense process for a daughter because she has to separate from the one who is the same as herself" (Murdock 17). She may feel abandoned and angry. Note: The author of The Heroine's Journey is listed under Works Cited by the author's name, reversed--Murdock, Maureen. Quoted material is found on page 17 of that book. Parenthetical documentation is after the quotation mark and before the period. Documenting a paraphrase: Ex. In fairy tales a woman who holds the princess captive or who abandons her often needs to be killed (18). Note: The second paraphrase is also from Murdock's book The Heroine's Journey. It is not, however, necessary to repeat the author's name if no other documentation interrupts the two. If the works cited page lists more than one work by the same author, include within the parentheses an abbreviated form of the appropriate title. You may, of course, include the title in your sentence, making it unnecessary to add an abbreviated title in the citation. > Prepare a Works Cited Page Back to Top There are a variety of titles for the page that lists primary and secondary sources (Gibaldi 106-107). A Works Cited page lists those works you have cited within the body of your paper. The reader need only refer to it for the necessary information required for further independent research. Bibliography means literally a description of books. Because your research may involve the use of periodicals, films, art works, photographs, etc. "Works Cited" is a more precise descriptive term than bibliography. An Annotated Bibliography or Annotated Works Cited page offers brief critiques and descriptions of the works listed. A Works Consulted page lists those works you have used but not cited. Avoid using this format. As with other elements of a research paper there are specific guidelines for the placement and the appearance of the Works Cited page. The following guidelines comply with MLA style: The Work Cited page is placed at the end of your paper and numbered consecutively with the body of your paper. Center the title and place it one inch from the top of your page. Do not quote or underline the title. Double space the entire page, both within and between entries. The entries are arranged alphabetically by the author's last name or by the title of the article or book being cited. If the title begins with an article (a, an, the) alphabetize by the next word. If you cite two or more works by the same author, list the titles in alphabetical order. Begin every entry after the first with three hyphens followed by a period. All entries begin at the left margin but subsequent lines are indented five spaces. Be sure that each entry cited on the Works Cited page corresponds to a specific citation within your paper. Refer to the the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (104- 182) for detailed descriptions of Work Cited entries. Citing sources from online databases is a relatively new phenomenon. Make sure to ask your professor about citing these sources and which style to use. V. Draft, Revise, Rewrite, Rethink Back to Top "There are days when the result is so bad that no fewer than five revisions are required. In contrast, when I'm greatly inspired, only four revisions are needed." --John Kenneth Galbraith Try freewriting your first draft. Freewriting is a discovery process during which the writer freely explores a topic. Let your creative juices flow. In Writing without Teachers , Peter Elbow asserts that "[a]lmost everybody interposes a massive and complicated series of editings between the time words start to be born into consciousness and when they finally come off the end of the pencil or typewriter [or word processor] onto the page" (5). Do not let your internal judge interfere with this first draft. Creating and revising are two very different functions. Don't confuse them! If you stop to check spelling, punctuation, or grammar, you disrupt the flow of creative energy. Create; then fix it later. When material you have researched comes easily to mind, include it. Add a quick citation, one you can come back to later to check for form, and get on with your discovery. In subsequent drafts, focus on creating an essay that flows smoothly, supports fully, and speaks clearly and interestingly. Add style to substance. Create a smooth flow of words, ideas and paragraphs. Rearrange paragraphs for a logical progression of information. Transition is essential if you want your reader to follow you smoothly from introduction to conclusion. Transitional words and phrases stitch your ideas together; they provide coherence within the essay. External transition: Words and phrases that are added to a sentence as overt signs of transition are obvious and effective, but should not be overused, as they may draw attention to themselves and away from ideas. Examples of external transition are "however," "then," "next," "therefore." "first," "moreover," and "on the other hand." Internal transition is more subtle. Key words in the introduction become golden threads when they appear in the paper's body and conclusion. When the writer hears a key word repeated too often, however, she/he replaces it with a synonym or a pronoun. Below are examples of internal transition. Transitional sentences create a logical flow from paragraph to paragraph. Iclude individual words, phrases, or clauses that refer to previous ideas and that point ahead to new ones. They are usually placed at the end or at the beginning of a paragraph. A transitional paragraph conducts your reader from one part of the paper to another. It may be only a few sentences long. Each paragraph of the body of the paper should contain adequate support for its one governing idea. Speak/write clearly, in your own voice. Tone: The paper's tone, whether formal, ironic, or humorous, should be appropriate for the audience and the subject. Voice: Keep you language honest. Your paper should sound like you. Understand, paraphrase, absorb, and express in your own words the information you have researched. Avoid phony language. Sentence formation: When you polish your sentences, read them aloud for word choice and word placement. Be concise. Strunk and White in The Elements of Style advise the writer to "omit needless words" (23). First, however, you must recognize them. Keep yourself and your reader interested. In fact, Strunk's 1918 writing advice is still well worth pondering. First, deliver on your promises. Be sure the body of your paper fulfills the promise of the introduction. Avoid the obvious. Offer new insights. Reveal the unexpected. Have you crafted your conclusion as carefully as you have your introduction? Conclusions are not merely the repetition of your thesis. The conclusion of a research paper is a synthesis of the information presented in the body. Your research has led you to conclusions and opinions that have helped you understand your thesis more deeply and more clearly. Lift your reader to the full level of understanding that you have achieved. Revision means "to look again." Find a peer reader to read your paper with you present. Or, visit your college or university's writing lab. Guide your reader's responses by asking specific questions. Are you unsure of the logical order of your paragraphs? Do you want to know whether you have supported all opinions adequately? Are you concerned about punctuation or grammar? Ask that these issues be addressed. You are in charge. Here are some techniques that may prove helpful when you are revising alone or with a reader. When you edit for spelling errors read the sentences backwards. This procedure will help you look closely at individual words. Always read your paper aloud. Hearing your own words puts them in a new light. Listen to the flow of ideas and of language. Decide whether or not the voice sounds honest and the tone is appropriate to the purpose of the paper and to your audience. Listen for awkward or lumpy wording. Find the one right word, Eliminate needless words. Combine sentences. Kill the passive voice. Eliminate was/were/is/are constructions. They're lame and anti-historical. Be ruthless. If an idea doesn't serve your thesis, banish it, even if it's one of your favorite bits of prose. In the margins, write the major topic of each paragraph. By outlining after you have written the paper, you are once again evaluating your paper's organization. OK, you've got the process down. Now execute! And enjoy! It's not everyday that you get to make history. VI. For Further Reading: Works Cited Back to Top Barnet, Sylvan, and Hugo Bedau. Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing: A Brief Guide to Argument. Boston: Bedford, 1993. Brent, Doug. Reading as Rhetorical Invention: Knowledge,Persuasion and the Teaching of Research-Based Writing. Urbana: NCTE, 1992. Elbow, Peter. Writing without Teachers. New York: Oxford University Press, 1973. Gibladi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 4th ed. New York: Modern Language Association, 1995. Horvitz, Deborah. "Nameless Ghosts: Possession and Dispossession in Beloved." Studies in American Fiction , Vol. 17, No. 2, Autum, 1989, pp. 157-167. Republished in the Literature Research Center. Gale Group. (1 January 1999). Klauser, Henriette Anne. Writing on Both Sides of the Brain: Breakthrough Techniques for People Who Write. Philadelphia: Harper, 1986. Rico, Gabriele Lusser. Writing the Natural Way: Using Right Brain Techniques to Release Your Expressive Powers. Los Angeles: Houghton, 1983. Sorenson, Sharon. The Research Paper: A Contemporary Approach. New York: AMSCO, 1994. Strunk, William, Jr., and E. B. White. The Elements of Style. 3rd ed. New York: MacMillan, 1979. Back to Top This guide adapted from materials published by Thomson Gale, publishers. For free resources, including a generic guide to writing term papers, see the Gale.com website , which also includes product information for schools.

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101 Exciting US History Research Paper Topics: Quick Ideas

US history research paper topics

People have many ideas of US history topics to write about but crafting them to an appealing and thrilling level is the problem. You, however, are lucky because you are going to have exclusive access into some of the most top drawer US history research paper topics.

Before we move into the juicy part, let’s have some quick tips to help you forge ahead like a soldier.

Tips for Finding History Research Paper Topics

  • Have an outline
  • Consult credible and authentic sources
  • Have a look at previous research topics
  • Avoid plagiarism at all costs

United States history research paper topics will also follow the same guidelines listed above. You must be anxious about the issues, are you?

Let’s cut the anxiety short.

101 US History Topics to Write About

The following US history research paper topics are categorized to give you ample time in choosing one according to your assignment needs.

World War 1

  • US entry into WW1
  • The Zimmermann telegram
  • US declaration of war on Germany
  • Authorization of the Selective Service Act of 1917
  • The 19th Amendment ratification
  • The Espionage Act of 1917
  • US advocates for the League of Nations
  • The sinking of the British ocean liner by Germany
  • Declaration of ceasefire
  • Expansion of the US government.

World War II

  • Attack on Pearl Harbor
  • The Quarantine Speech of 1937
  • The replacement of British invasion forces in Iceland by the US
  • The Lend-Lease Act of 1941
  • The shoot on sight order
  • The American Prisoners of war
  • The Pacific war
  • The bombing of Japanese home islands
  • The North African campaign
  • The Italians surrender
  • The invasion of France
  • Fall of Berlin to the Soviets
  • The cost of world war II on America
  • The number of casualties the US suffered in the war
  • Operation Cobra

The Civil Wars in the US

  • The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
  • The threat by the confederate forces
  • What led to the surrender of Major Robert?
  • The First Battle of Bull Run
  • Replacement of General Winfield Scott
  • The Second Manassas
  • The Battle of Antietam
  • The effect of the Emancipation Proclamation
  • The Battle of Chancellorsville
  • The aftermath of the Battle of Chattanooga
  • The Battle of the Wilderness
  • The Postwar politics
  • Civil War commemoration
  • Evolution of the modern navy
  • The role of women in the civil war
  • Prisoners of the civil war
  • The causes of secession
  • Features of the civil war
  • The economic impact of the civil war
  • Diplomacy as a method to solve the American civil war

The Reconstruction Era

  • The devastation of material in the South
  • Restoration of the South to the Union
  • The reconstruction of Lincoln’s presidency
  • February 1865 Peace conference
  • The enactment of Black codes
  • The legalization of slave marriages
  • The state constitutional conventions of 1867-1869
  • The congressional investigation
  • The split of the republican nationally
  • Panic of 1873
  • The US elections of 1876
  • The military reconstruction acts (1867)
  • Formation of religious organizations
  • The establishment of public schools
  • Change in the taxation

The Federal Era

  • Establishment of a new government
  • The assumption of state debts
  • The Quasi-War taxation
  • The rise of political parties
  • The Whiskey rebellion
  • The Northwest Indian war
  • The Jay treaty
  • The Quasi-war with France
  • The Alien and Sedition Acts
  • The fall of the federalists
  • Election on 1800
  • The 12th Amendment
  • The Louisiana purchase
  • The Judiciary Act of 1802 approved
  • Impeachment of the district judge, John Pickering

The Great Depression Era

  • The impact of the stock market crash
  • The desperation of urban politics
  • The tight monetary policy
  • Consequences of the Hoover policy
  • How the US responded politically to the depression era
  • The recession of 1937-1938
  • The massive military spending of 1940
  • The impact on industrial production
  • Number of banks affected by the depression era
  • The Mexican Repatriation program
  • The Hams and Eggs movement
  • The timeline of the Great Depression
  • Penny Auction
  • The US census of 1930
  • The impact of the National Labor Relations Board

The Civil Rights Era

  • The end of Liberalism
  • Formation of the Civil Rights Movement
  • Impact of the 1964 elections on civil rights
  • The climax of the Space Race
  • The Vietnam War
  • The creation of the Women’s Movement
  • Effects of Nixon’s administration
  • The 1973 oil crisis
  • The Watergate scandal
  • Factors that led to the sexual revolution
  • President Ford’s pardon of Richard Nixon

The United States is the envy of many. It is the dream of many to visit it and just gaze at the beauty of this magnificent country. However, writing on it would be an excellent start to achieving this dream.

Get Help With US Hisrtory Research Paper Topics Today!

American history research paper topics are like the sand of the sea. I mean, a whole 50 states with a population of over 320 million people – who can miss something to write? However, good history research topics are not easy to come by. That is why this article is explicitly set to help you achieve that.

US history paper topics are not limited to the ones listed above. There are many others which remain of significant significance to the country’s history.

The list above is to trigger your mind to exploring more American history research paper topics. However, you can start by testing yourself using one or two of the two problems provided above. Let the issues you come up be as concise as possible to attract the reader’s eye to the rest of your history essay.

You can also seek expert writing help from our pro writers . Don’t worry about the tight deadlines; we can meet even the closest of them.

Political Science Research Topics

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Handbook for Historians

How to choose a paper topic, suggested topics.

  • Thesis Statement
  • What Sources Can I use?
  • Gathering sources
  • Find Primary Sources
  • Paraphrasing and Quoting Sources
  • How to create an Annotated Bibliography
  • Formatting Endnotes/Footnotes
  • Formatting Bibliographies
  • Avoiding Plagiarism
  • Sample Papers
  • Research Paper Checklist

The paper you will write for your history course will occupy a significant share of your time for several weeks or months. Common sense dictates that the topic chosen for such a complex project should be one that you will find interesting. If you approach this assignment with the preconceived notion that it is merely an exercise in drudgery which must be completed in order to pass the course, then that is exactly what it will become. But if you look forward to it as an opportunity to learn more about a subject which excites your imagination and curiosity, you can expect a far more rewarding experience. Never select a topic unless you are reasonably certain that you can "live with it" for the weeks or months required to complete your paper. Once you select a topic, you will realize that it is almost certainly too broad for an undergraduate research project. Subjects like “The Medieval Church,” “World War Two,” and “The American Revolution” assuredly qualify as interesting, but even full length books cannot do justice to their complexity. These are general topics which must be narrowed drastically before you begin your research. Your professor will be happy to help you in this task, but only after you have begun the narrowing process yourself. Here are some examples of the type of narrowing that you must do:

Broad Topic: "Early Modern Middle East." First Narrowing: “The Ottoman Empire in the time of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent.” Second Narrowing: “Sultan Suleyman and Emperor Charles V.” Third Narrowing: “The Competition between Sultan Suleyman and Emperor Charles V for Supremacy in the Mediterranean.”

Broad Topic: "The Medieval Church." First Narrowing: “Church State Relations in Medieval Europe.” Second Narrowing: “Henry IV, Pope Gregory VII, and the Conflict over Lay Investiture.” Third Narrowing: “Henry IV and the Pilgrimage to Canossa: A Turning Point in Church State Relations.”

Broad Topic: "Latin American Independence." First Narrowing: “Mexican Independence.”   Second Narrowing: “Miguel Hidalgo and Mexican Independence.” Third Narrowing: “How Hidalgo’s uprising led to the protracted struggle for independence in Mexico.”

Broad Topic: "Women's Rights." First Narrowing: “The Women’s Suffrage Campaign in Britain.” Second Narrowing: “The Pankhursts and the WSPU.” Third Narrowing: “The Terrorist Tactics of the Pankhursts and the WSPU and their impact on the Women’s Suffrage Campaign in Britain.”

Broad Topic: "World War Two." First Narrowing: “Medical Advances during World War Two.” Second Narrowing: “How Medical Advances helped Soldiers during World War Two.” Third Narrowing: “The Role of Plasma and Sulfonamides in reducing Mortality Rates during World War Two.”

Broad Topic: "The Modern Middle East." First Narrowing: “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” Second Narrowing: “Land Issues and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” Third Narrowing: “The Role of Settlements in the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process.”

A conference with your professor will be far more helpful if you have narrowed your topic in advance.  The professor will then be able to help you refine your topic further, and will be able to make a number of practical suggestions concerning organizational format, source materials, thesis statement, and proper avenues for research.  In short, you must select and narrow your topic yourself; only then will your professor be able to give you explicit advice about your paper; only then will you be able to make the best use of that advice.

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  • Research Guides

The History Research Process

  • Choosing a Topic & Framing a Research Question
  • Brainstorming Search Terms
  • Feasibility: Secondary Sources
  • Feasibility: Primary Source Overview
  • Example Assessment of Primary Sourcebase #1
  • Example Assessment of Primary Sourcebase #2
  • Where and How to Find Primary Sources
  • Tutorial on Reading Primary Sources
  • Searching: How-To Videos
  • Writing History Book Reviews
  • Find the Historiography of a Topic This link opens in a new window
  • Evaluating Sources (new window) This link opens in a new window
  • Reference Sources
  • Surveying Scholarship
  • Discussing Scholarship in Your Narrative
  • Referencing Scholarship in Footnotes
  • Chicago Citation Style (new window)

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Research Topics Versus Research Questions

You will often begin by selecting a research topic, then defining a research question within this topic to investigate. What's the difference?

A simple topic is too broad. For example:

  • African Americans and the Civil War may be a broad topic that interests you, but this is not yet a question you can attempt to answer.
  • How did African American participation in the Union and Confederate armies change during the course of the war? is one example of a research question you might create from the previous topic.
  • How were African Americans participating in the Civil War in eastern Kentucky in June of 1864? is one example of a question which relates to the previous topic, but which is too narrow in scope to be reasonable.

As you explore scholarly secondary sources and historical primary sources, you may need to periodically re-evaluate your research question to ensure that it is neither too broad nor too narrow.

  Robert C. Williams suggests that a research question might:

  • "ask how or why an event happened (causation, explanation)"
  • "ask what the consequences were of a particular event"
  • "discuss the intellectual origins of a particular idea"
  • "ask what the cultural context of an event was";
  • "ask whether or not an individual was responsible for a certain act"
  • "ask about the social history of a political event"
  • "quantify broad trends in a society at a particular time" (52)

  Source: Williams, Robert C. The Historian's Toolbox: A Student's Guide to the Theory and Craft of History . Second ed. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2007.

Additional Resources for Selecting Topics

The following books can suggest topic ideas.

Consulting a special encyclopedia in your area of history may also inspire you with ideas for topics and research questions.

Another approach is to start with the primary sources that are available and work backwards to a research question. Browse through sources from the "Primary Sources" tab (or similar). What questions do the documents raise for you? (Maybe regarding the people who created them, the culture in which they were created, etc.) Your research might seek to answer one of your questions.

history research thesis topics

Tips for Choosing Research Topics

  • Start with something that interests you. Extreme boredom will make it harder to stay motivated.  
  • Jenny Presnell recommends choosing a topic "that exemplifies a larger phenomenon. For instance, you may be following the current debates on the changing family in twenty-first century America and want to explore what families were like in a different place and time" (8).  

This list of tips owes credit to: Presnell, Jenny L. The Information-Literate Historian: A Guide to Research for History Students . New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.

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  • Last Updated: Dec 11, 2023 12:16 PM
  • URL: https://shsulibraryguides.org/historyresearch

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An Early Look at Black Voters’ Views on Biden, Trump and Election 2024

  • Methodology 

Table of Contents

  • Black voters consistently align with the Democratic Party
  • Black voters prefer Biden in 2024 election, but some would replace both candidates
  • Black voters’ views on Biden and Trump as presidents
  • Black Americans’ policy priorities
  • Acknowledgments 

Pew Research Center has a long history of conducting surveys that examine the views of American voters. This analysis of Black voters’ views on political party affiliation, policy priorities and 2024 presidential candidates relies on data from four of these studies.

Study 1: U.S. adults’ views on domestic policy priorities 

The first was conducted among 5,140 adults from Jan. 16 to Jan. 21, 2024, on Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP). There were 759 Black adults in the sample, which included an oversample of non-Hispanic Black men. This survey provided the data on Black voters’ views on domestic policy priorities discussed in this report. For more information on this study, see its methodology and topline questionnaire .  

Study 2: U.S. adults’ views on foreign policy priorities 

The second was conducted among 3,600 adults from April 1 to April 7, 2024 on the Center’s ATP. There were 611 Black adults in the sample, which included an oversample of non-Hispanic Black men. This survey provided the data on Black voters’ views on foreign policy priorities discussed in this report. For more information on this study, see its methodology and topline questionnaire .  

Study 3: Trends in U.S. adults’ political party affiliation from 1994-2023 

The third used annual totals of data from Pew Research Center telephone surveys (1994-2018) and online surveys (2019-2023) among registered voters. All telephone survey data was adjusted to account for differences in how people respond to surveys on the telephone compared with online surveys. All online survey data was drawn from the Center’s ATP. This combination of surveys provided the data for Black voters’ political party affiliation trends. For more information on this study, see its methodology and the full report . Read more on how we adjusted for mode effects when combining telephone and online surveys .  

Study 4: U.S. adults’ views on the 2024 presidential election 

The fourth was conducted among 8,709 adults from April 8 to April 14, 2024 on Pew Research Center’s ATP. There was an oversample of non-Hispanic Black adults, for a total of 1,372 Black adults in the sample. This survey provided the data on Black voters’ views on Joe Biden, Donald Trump and the 2024 presidential election discussed in this report. For more information on this study, see its methodology and topline questionnaire .  

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Evolutionary history of extinct duck revealed

A new University of Otago-led study has uncovered the origins of a mysterious lineage of mergansers in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Mergansers are riverine and coastal fish-eating ducks predominantly found in the Northern Hemisphere, however there are a few rare species from the Southern Hemisphere.

They are the critically endangered Brazilian merganser ( Mergus octosetaceus ) and at least two extinct species known to be from New Zealand's Auckland and Chatham Islands ( Mergus australis and Mergus milleneri , respectively).

The study's lead author Associate Professor Nic Rawlence, Director of the Otago Palaeogenetics Laboratory, says the evolutionary history of mergansers in New Zealand has been shrouded in mystery since the extinction of the Auckland Island merganser, the last surviving population, in 1902.

"There is not even a deep-time fossil record of these birds in the Southern Hemisphere," Associate Professor Rawlence says.

Until now, the evolutionary relationship between the Southern Hemisphere mergansers, when their ancestors arrived in the region, and from where, have been unknown.

The study's findings, published in the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , show mergansers arrived in the New Zealand region at least seven million years ago from the Northern Hemisphere, in a separate colonisation event to that which led to the Brazilian merganser.

Associate Professor Rawlence says this is a significant discovery.

"It shows an increasing number of New Zealand's birds don't hail from Australia, with more cosmopolitan links with Madagascar, Africa, South America, and now the Northern Hemisphere.

"The grandfather of New Zealand palaeontology, Sir Charles Fleming, hypothesised this back in the 1960s, long before the advent of genetics, and it's only now that genetics and palaeontology are catching up."

The collaborative research, which also involved scientists from Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, and the University of Adelaide, used state-of-the-art ancient DNA techniques to extract the DNA from historical specimens of the extinct Auckland Island merganser and the critically endangered Brazilian merganser and "went fishing for their DNA."

"We sequenced the mitochondrial genome of these species and reconstructed the family tree of mergansers and when their ancestors arrived in the region," he says.

"Further research by our lab is hoping to determine when and how mergansers diversified across the New Zealand region, including on the mainland, and Auckland and Chatham Islands."

Associate Professor Rawlence believes future palaeontological and ancient DNA research in the Southern Hemisphere will unearth more unexpected lineages.

  • New Species
  • Exotic Species
  • Ancient DNA
  • Permian-Triassic extinction event
  • Homo (genus)
  • Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event
  • Coriolis effect
  • Ichthyosaur

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Materials provided by University of Otago . Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference :

  • Nicolas J Rawlence, Alexander J F Verry, Theresa L Cole, Lara D Shepherd, Alan J D Tennyson, Murray Williams, Jamie R Wood, Kieren J Mitchell. Ancient mitogenomes reveal evidence for the Late Miocene dispersal of mergansers to the Southern Hemisphere . Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2024; DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlae040

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News Roundup Spring 2024

The Class of 2024 spring graduation celebration

CEGE Spring Graduation Celebration and Order of the Engineer

Forty-seven graduates of the undergraduate and grad student programs (pictured above) in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering took part in the Order of the Engineer on graduation day. Distinguished Speakers at this departmental event included Katrina Kessler (MS EnvE 2021), Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and student Brian Balquist. Following this event, students participated in the college-wide Commencement Ceremony at 3M Arena at Mariucci. 


The University of Minnesota’s Crookston, Duluth, and Rochester campuses have been awarded the Carnegie Elective Classification for Community Engagement, joining the Twin Cities (2006, 2015) and Morris campuses (2015), and making the U of M the country’s first and only university system at which every individual campus has received this selective designation. Only 368 from nearly 4,000 qualifying U.S. universities and colleges have been granted this designation.

CEGE contributed strongly to the College of Science and Engineering’s efforts toward sustainability research. CEGE researchers are bringing in over $35 million in funded research to study carbon mineralization, nature and urban areas, circularity of water resources, and global snowfall patterns. This news was highlighted in the Fall 2023 issue of  Inventing Tomorrow  (pages 10-11). https://issuu.com/inventingtomorrow/docs/fall_2023_inventing_tomorrow-web

CEGE’s new program for a one-year master’s degree in structural engineering is now accepting applicants for Fall 2024. We owe a big thanks to DAN MURPHY and LAURA AMUNDSON for their volunteer work to help curate the program with Professor JIA-LIANG LE and EBRAHIM SHEMSHADIAN, the program director. Potential students and companies interested in hosting a summer intern can contact Ebrahim Shemshadian ( [email protected] ).

BERNIE BULLERT , CEGE benefactor and MN Water Research Fund founder, was profiled on the website of the University of Minnesota Foundation (UMF). There you can read more about his mission to share clean water technologies with smaller communities in Minnesota. Many have joined Bullert in this mission. MWRF Recognizes their Generous 2024 Partners. Gold Partners: Bernie Bullert, Hawkins, Inc., Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and SL-serco. Silver Partners: ISG, Karl and Pam Streed, Kasco, Kelly Lange-Haider and Mark Haider, ME Simpson, Naeem Qureshi, Dr. Paul H. Boening, TKDA, and Waterous. Bronze Partners: Bruce R. Bullert; Brenda Lenz, Ph.D., APRN FNP-C, CNE; CDM Smith; Central States Water Environment Association (CSWEA MN); Heidi and Steve Hamilton; Jim “Bulldog” Sadler; Lisa and Del Cerney; Magney Construction; Sambatek; Shannon and John Wolkerstorfer; Stantec; and Tenon Systems.

After retiring from Baker-Tilly,  NICK DRAGISICH  (BCE 1977) has taken on a new role: City Council member in Lake Elmo, Minnesota. After earning his BCE from the University of Minnesota, Dragisich earned a master’s degree in business administration from the University of St. Thomas. Dragisich retired in May from his position as managing director at Baker Tilly, where he had previously served as firm director. Prior to that, he served as assistant city manager in Spokane, Washington, was the city administrator and city engineer in Virginia, Minnesota, and was mayor of Chisholm, Minnesota—all adding up to more than 40 years of experience in local government. Dragisich was selected by a unanimous vote. His current term expires in December 2024.

PAUL F. GNIRK  (Ph.D. 1966) passed away January 29, 2024, at the age of 86. A memorial service was held Saturday, February 24, at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSM&T), where he started and ended his teaching career, though he had many other positions, professional and voluntary. In 2018 Paul was inducted into the SDSM&T Hardrocker Hall of Fame, and in 2022, he was inducted into the South Dakota Hall of Fame, joining his mother Adeline S. Gnirk, who had been inducted in 1987 for her work authoring nine books on the history of south central South Dakota.

ROGER M. HILL  (BCE 1957) passed away on January 13, 2024, at the age of 90. His daughter, Kelly Robinson, wrote to CEGE that Roger was “a dedicated Gopher fan until the end, and we enjoyed many football games together in recent years. Thank you for everything.”

KAUSER JAHAN  (Ph.D. 1993, advised by Walter Maier), PE, is now a civil and environmental engineering professor and department head at Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering. Jahan was awarded a 3-year (2022- 2025), $500,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The grant supports her project, “WaterWorks: Developing the New Generation of Workforce for Water/Wastewater Utilities,” for the development of educational tools that will expose and prepare today’s students for careers in water and wastewater utilities.

SAURA JOST  (BCE 2010, advised by Timothy LaPara) was elected to the St. Paul City Council for Ward 3. She is part of the historic group of women that make up the nation’s first all-female city council in a large city.

The 2024 ASCE Western Great Lakes Student Symposium combines several competitions for students involved in ASCE. CEGE sent a large contingent of competitors to Chicago. Each of the competition groups won awards: Ethics Paper 1st place Hans Lagerquist; Sustainable Solutions team 1st place overall in (qualifying them for the National competition in Utah in June); GeoWall 2nd place overall; Men’s Sprint for Concrete Canoe with rowers Sakthi Sundaram Saravanan and Owen McDonald 2nd place; Product Prototype for Concrete Canoe 2nd place; Steel Bridge (200 lb bridge weight) 2nd place in lightness; Scavenger Hunt 3rd place; and Aesthetics and Structural Efficiency for Steel Bridge 4th place.

Students competing on the Minnesota Environmental Engineers, Scientists, and Enthusiasts (MEESE) team earned second place in the Conference on the Environment undergraduate student design competition in November 2023. Erin Surdo is the MEESE Faculty Adviser. Pictured are NIKO DESHPANDE, ANNA RETTLER, and SYDNEY OLSON.

The CEGE CLASS OF 2023 raised money to help reduce the financial barrier for fellow students taking the Fundamentals of Engineering exam, a cost of $175 per test taker. As a result of this gift, they were able to make the exam more affordable for 15 current CEGE seniors. CEGE students who take the FE exam pass the first time at a rate well above national averages, demonstrating that CEGE does a great job of teaching engineering fundamentals. In 2023, 46 of 50 students passed the challenging exam on the first try.

This winter break, four CEGE students joined 10 other students from the College of Science and Engineering for the global seminar, Design for Life: Water in Tanzania. The students visited numerous sites in Tanzania, collected water source samples, designed rural water systems, and went on safari. Read the trip blog: http://globalblogs.cse.umn.edu/search/label/Tanzania%202024

Undergraduate Honor Student  MALIK KHADAR  (advised by Dr. Paul Capel) received honorable mention for the Computing Research Association (CRA) Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award for undergraduate students who show outstanding research potential in an area of computing research.


AKASH BHAT  (advised by William Arnold) presented his Ph.D. defense on Friday, October 27, 2023. Bhat’s thesis is “Photolysis of fluorochemicals: Tracking fluorine, use of UV-LEDs, and computational insights.” Bhat’s work investigating the degradation of fluorinated compounds will assist in the future design of fluorinated chemicals such that persistent and/or toxic byproducts are not formed in the environment.

ETHAN BOTMEN  (advised by Bill Arnold) completed his Master of Science Final Exam February 28, 2024. His research topic was Degradation of Fluorinated Compounds by Nucleophilic Attack of Organo-fluorine Functional Groups.

XIATING CHEN , Ph.D. Candidate in Water Resources Engineering at the Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory is the recipient of the 2023 Nels Nelson Memorial Fellowship Award. Chen (advised by Xue Feng) is researching eco-hydrological functions of urban trees and other green infrastructure at both the local and watershed scale, through combined field observations and modeling approaches.

ALICE PRATES BISSO DAMBROZ  has been a Visiting Student Researcher at the University of Minnesota since last August, on a Doctoral Dissertation Research Award from Fulbright. Her CEGE advisor is Dr. Paul Capel. Dambroz is a fourth year Ph.D. student in Soil Science at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria in Brazil, where she studies with her adviser Jean Minella. Her research focuses on the hydrological monitoring of a small agricultural watershed in Southern Brazil, which is located on a transition area between volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Its topography, shallow soils, and land use make it prone to runoff and erosion processes.

Yielding to people in crosswalks should be a very pedestrian topic. Yet graduate student researchers  TIANYI LI, JOSHUA KLAVINS, TE XU, NIAZ MAHMUD ZAFRI  (Dept.of Urban and Regional Planning at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology), and Professor Raphael Stern found that drivers often do not yield to pedestrians, but they are influenced by the markings around a crosswalk. Their work was picked up by the  Minnesota Reformer.

TIANYI LI  (Ph.D. student advised by Raphael Stern) also won the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation (DDET) Fellowship for the third time! Li (center) and Stern (right) are pictured at the Federal Highway Administration with Latoya Jones, the program manager for the DDET Fellowship.

The Three Minute Thesis Contest and the Minnesota Nice trophy has become an annual tradition in CEGE. 2023’s winner was  EHSANUR RAHMAN , a Ph.D. student advised by Boya Xiong.

GUANJU (WILLIAM) WEI , a Ph.D. student advised by Judy Yang, is the recipient of the 2023 Heinz G. Stefan Fellowship. He presented his research entitled Microfluidic Investigation of the Biofilm Growth under Dynamic Fluid Environments and received his award at the St. Anthony Falls Research Laboratory April 9. The results of Wei's research can be used in industrial, medical, and scientific fields to control biofilm growth.

BILL ARNOLD  stars in an award-winning video about prairie potholes. The Prairie Potholes Project film was made with the University of Delaware and highlights Arnold’s NSF research. The official winners of the 2024 Environmental Communications Awards Competition Grand Prize are Jon Cox and Ben Hemmings who produced and directed the film. Graduate student Marcia Pacheco (CFANS/LAAS) and Bill Arnold are the on-screen stars.

Four faculty from CEGE join the Center for Transportation Studies Faculty and Research Scholars for FY24–25:  SEONGJIN CHOI, KETSON ROBERTO MAXIMIANO DOS SANTOS, PEDRAM MORTAZAVI,  and  BENJAMIN WORSFOLD . CTS Scholars are drawn from diverse fields including engineering, planning, computer science, environmental studies, and public policy.

XUE FENG  is coauthor on an article in  Nature Reviews Earth and Environment . The authors evaluate global plant responses to changing rainfall regimes that are now characterized by fewer and larger rainfall events. A news release written at Univ. of Maryland can be found here: https://webhost.essic. umd.edu/april-showers-bring-mayflowers- but-with-drizzles-or-downpours/ A long-running series of U of M research projects aimed at improving stormwater quality are beginning to see practical application by stormwater specialists from the Twin Cities metro area and beyond. JOHN GULLIVER has been studying best practices for stormwater management for about 16 years. Lately, he has focused specifically on mitigating phosphorous contamination. His research was highlighted by the Center for Transportation Studies.

JIAQI LI, BILL ARNOLD,  and  RAYMOND HOZALSKI  published a paper on N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) precursors in Minnesota rivers. “Animal Feedlots and Domestic Wastewater Discharges are Likely Sources of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) Precursors in Midwestern Watersheds,” Environmental Science and Technology (January 2024) doi: 10.1021/acs. est.3c09251

ALIREZA KHANI  contributed to MnDOT research on Optimizing Charging Infrastructure for Electric Trucks. Electric options for medium- and heavy-duty electric trucks (e-trucks) are still largely in development. These trucks account for a substantial percentage of transportation greenhouse gas emissions. They have greater power needs and different charging needs than personal EVs. Proactively planning for e-truck charging stations will support MnDOT in helping to achieve the state’s greenhouse gas reduction goals. This research was featured in the webinar “Electrification of the Freight System in Minnesota,” hosted by the University of Minnesota’s Center for Transportation Studies. A recording of the event is now available online.

MICHAEL LEVIN  has developed a unique course for CEGE students on Air Transportation Systems. It is the only class at UMN studying air transportation systems from an infrastructure design and management perspective. Spring 2024 saw the third offering of this course, which is offered for juniors, seniors, and graduate students.

Research Professor  SOFIA (SONIA) MOGILEVSKAYA  has been developing international connections. She visited the University of Seville, Spain, November 13–26, 2023, where she taught a short course titled “Fundamentals of Homogenization in Composites.” She also met with the graduate students to discuss collaborative research with Prof. Vladislav Mantic, from the Group of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis at the University of Seville. Her visit was a part of planned activities within the DIAGONAL Consortium funded by the European Commission. CEGE UMN is a partner organization within DIAGONAL, represented by CEGE professors Mogilevskaya and Joseph Labuz. Mantic will visit CEGE summer 2024 to follow up on research developments and discuss plans for future collaboration and organization of short-term exchange visits for the graduate students from each institution. 

DAVID NEWCOMB  passed away in March. He was a professor in CEGE from 1989–99 in the area of pavement engineering. Newcomb led the research program on asphalt materials characterization. He was the technical director of Mn/ROAD pavement research facility, and he started an enduring collaboration with MnDOT that continues today. In 2000, he moved from Minnesota to become vice-president for Research and Technology at the National Asphalt Pavement Association. Later he moved to his native Texas, where he was appointed to the division head of Materials and Pavement at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute, a position from which he recently retired. He will be greatly missed.

PAIGE NOVAK  won Minnesota ASCE’s 2023 Distinguished Engineer of the Year Award for her contributions to society through her engineering achievements and professional experiences.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) announced ten inaugural (NSF) Regional Innovation Engines awards, with a potential $1.6 billion investment nationally over the next decade. Great Lakes ReNEW is led by the Chicago-based water innovation hub,  Current,  and includes a team from the University of Minnesota, including PAIGE NOVAK. Current will receive $15 mil for the first two years, and up to $160 million over ten years to develop and grow a water-focused innovation engine in the Great Lakes region. The project’s ambitious plan is to create a decarbonized circular “blue economy” to leverage the region’s extraordinary water resources to transform the upper Midwest—Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Brewing one pint of beer generates seven pints of wastewater, on average. So what can you do with that wastewater?  PAIGE NOVAK  and her team are exploring the possibilities of capturing pollutants in wastewater and using bacteria to transform them into energy.

BOYA XIONG  has been selected as a recipient of the 2024 40 Under 40 Recognition Program by the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists. The award was presented at the 2024 AAEES Awards Ceremony, April 11, 2024, at the historic Howard University in Washington, D.C. 

JUDY Q. YANG  received a McKnight Land-Grant Professorship Award. This two-year award recognizes promising assistant professors and is intended to advance the careers of individuals who have the potential to make significant contributions to their departments and their scholarly fields. 

Professor Emeritus CHARLES FAIRHURST , his son CHARLES EDWARD FAIRHURST , and his daughter MARGARET FAIRHURST DURENBERGER were on campus recently to present Department Head Paige Novak with a check for $25,000 for the Charles Fairhurst Fellowship in Earth Resources Engineering in support of graduate students studying geomechanics. The life of Charles Fairhurst through a discussion with his children is featured on the Engineering and Technology History Wiki at https://ethw.org/Oral-History:Charles_Fairhurst#00:00:14_INTRODUCTION

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  22. How do you devise an original research topic, fellow historians?

    By the end of this semester, I am expected to have written a small (~5000 words) piece of original research on a topic of my choosing. When looking at my areas of expertise and interests (Irish terrorism, European intellectual and philosophical history [especially utilitarianism and existentialism], history of post-punk music and ethics of mass violence), I am finding it incredibly difficult ...

  23. From Dissertation to a Book on a Doctoral Journey

    Doctoral Journey. From Dissertation to a Book on a Doctoral Journey. May 15, 2024 by Dr. Joseph Balskus in [ Doctoral Journey ] It was October of 2015, and after a 36-year military career during which I was blessed to have reached the rank of major general, it was over. Work following the military was and has continued to be good, but something ...

  24. Methodology

    The first was conducted among 5,140 adults from Jan. 16 to Jan. 21, 2024, on Pew Research Center's American Trends Panel (ATP). There were 759 Black adults in the sample, which included an oversample of non-Hispanic Black men. This survey provided the data on Black voters' views on domestic policy priorities discussed in this report.

  25. Evolutionary history of extinct duck revealed

    Evolutionary history of extinct duck revealed Date: May 20, 2024 Source: University of Otago Summary: The study's findings show mergansers arrived in the New Zealand region at least seven million ...

  26. CS&E Announces 2024-25 Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (DDF) Award

    Seven Ph.D. students working with CS&E professors have been named Doctoral Dissertation Fellows for the 2024-25 school year. The Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship is a highly competitive fellowship that gives the University's most accomplished Ph.D. candidates an opportunity to devote full-time effort to an outstanding research project by providing time to finalize and write a dissertation ...

  27. News Roundup Spring 2024

    CEGE Spring Graduation Celebration and Order of the EngineerForty-seven graduates of the undergraduate and grad student programs (pictured above) in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering took part in the Order of the Engineer on graduation day. Distinguished Speakers at this departmental event included Katrina Kessler (MS EnvE 2021), Commissioner of the Minnesota ...