how to write master thesis in germany

Guidelines for Master’s Theses

Students on campus

There are very few formal requirements when writing your master’s thesis. We have put together the most important of these as well as additional helpful information in our guidelines for master’s theses .

You can also download a style sheet . This is a pre-formatted Word document you can directly use to write your thesis.

Information about academic writing and how to avoid plagiarizing can be found here .

We have also provided a list of past master’s theses to help you brainstorm ideas for your own thesis.

My Life In Germany

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Thesis in Germany – Tips to write your thesis at a company

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In order to graduate from your bachelor or master studies in Germany, you will probably need to write a thesis in your last semester. Having a thesis semester was not something that I was familiar with. I did my bachelor degree in Hong Kong, where we did not have a thesis semester. When I did my master degree in Germany , I had many questions relating to the thesis semester. In this post, I will explain to you what a thesis semester is and provide some tips about writing your thesis at a company.

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What is thesis semester?

Thesis semester is very typical in German universities. It is normally the last semester before your graduation. By the end of your last semester, you need to submit an academic thesis called Abschlussarbeit in German. You need to find a topic that is approved by your professor, write a thesis and present it in the end. The length of your thesis depends on your department’s requirement. To give you an idea, my master thesis was around 60 pages long. A thesis is a formal document. You need to write with formal wording, and quote your sources for whatever you state in the content.

There are three ways to do your thesis. The first way is to write a thesis by yourself. An advantage is that you are quite flexible with your location. You can write it at home, or even in another country, as long as you can submit your thesis in the end. The second way is to write at the university with a topic from a professor. If you are in a technical field, your professor may have some topics on hand that you are free to choose from. In that case, you need to work with your professor to understand his expectations and requirements for the specific thesis topics.

The third way to do your thesis is to write it with a company. Some companies are looking for thesis students to help them to investigate certain topics that are of their business interest. In this case, you need to write your thesis at the company. It is like you work for this company. You get a contract for a fixed period of time and you write your thesis in the office. In the end, you have to hand in your thesis to both the company and your professor.

Why do companies hire students to write theses?

There are different reasons for that:

To research on a topic

Sometimes, companies want to get more knowledge on a certain topic. A hypothetical example: the government is planning to change the law relating to foreign investment in 2 years. The company wants to know how this law will affect their investment strategy.

Since the regular employees may not have time to do this research, the company may want to hire a student who is fully dedicated to this task. The student needs to collect all information on this new law, and investigates how this law would affect the company and what the company can do about it. It is like a consultation that the company can use for their decision making in the future.

To develop a tool

Companies want to achieve some process improvement. An example: the employees have a tedious task that they need to do daily. They need to pull all the data from system A and put into system B and do some daily analysis with this data. It is a manual process that requires a lot of copy and paste. The company wants to automate this process so that it can save time for the employees.

In this case, the company may want to hire a student to look at how this process can be improved. A tool can be developed by the students which automates this process. This can be a creation of a Macro tool or using one of the existing systems tools in the company. The student needs to develop the tool, explains in the thesis what the tool does and how it helps the company. The company can benefit from the thesis as they get a tool now which helps to improve their process.

To find potential employees

Similar to hiring interns, hiring thesis students is a way to find potential good employees. It is kind of like a probation period. The thesis students work for a few months in the company. This gives a chance for the company to see how the students perform and if they are suitable to work permanently in the company. See also this post about tips to boost your chances of getting hired.

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Why should you write your thesis with a company?

For me personally, I prefer to write a thesis with a company. There are some advantages relating to it:

You may get some money for it

As a student, I was living on a very tight budget. If you write your thesis for a company, you may be able to get some compensation (though not all companies will pay). For example, I got about 2000 EUR for writing my thesis. I spent around 6 months to write it. So, it was really not a lot of money. But it helped already and it was better than nothing. Check out this post as well for other ways to earn money in Germany as a student.

Writing for a company is more practical

When you write your thesis with a company, it is like you are working in this company. You work on your thesis in the office, you need to work with different people in the company, and your thesis has a business context. In my opinion, it is more practical as it relates to real life business, rather than just a student work with theory.

Interaction with other people

Writing thesis with a company is like having a full-time job in the company. You have a supervisor in the company who guides you on the topic and you need to work with other employees to collect the necessary information. In my opinion, this is more interesting than if I have to write my thesis at home on my own.

Exposure to the company’s management

After finishing your thesis, it is likely that you need to present the result to the company’s management. This is a good chance for you to practice your presentation skills in a real business setting. And it is your show time on all the hard work you put in for this thesis semester.

Future job opportunities

As mentioned before, some companies hire thesis students in order to find potential good employees. If you write a good thesis, you will have a chance to get hired after your graduation. You have an advantage since you already work in the company for a while and make some connections there. See this post about how I got my job offer after my thesis.

Besides, your thesis experience in a company will also make your CV looks good . You can request the company to give you a reference letter for future job search.

Read also: How To Write Your Cover Letter in Germany (+ English Example!)

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How to find thesis opportunities with companies?

Basically, it is the same process as when you are looking for a permanent job. Here are some of the ways:

Apply online

You can find thesis offers in different job portals or directly on the career page of the companies’ websites. If you are curious about the compensation that you may get, check out my post about salary in Germany . Below are some of the portals that I used:




– LinkedIn 

– Xing  

It is quite common that some companies participate in job fairs to advertise their companies and find potential employees. These job fairs sometimes take place in universities. Each company has its own booth and it is a great chance for students to ask any questions relating to the companies and job positions. You can also ask around in the job fairs for any thesis opportunities.

Through an internship

I had an internship semester right before my thesis semester. During my internship, I made connection with different people in the company and asked about any thesis opportunities. I had an advantage since I knew the people and had some understanding of the business already through my internship. And this was how I got my thesis contract afterward.

How to generate a thesis topic by yourself in a company?

Let’s say you are doing an internship in a company now and you would like to write a thesis for this company afterward. How easy it is to get a thesis topic in the company depends a lot on your field. For example, if you study in a technical field like engineering, the company may have some thesis topics available already that you can just pick from.

However, if you are in a general business field like me, there may not be as many topics available in the company. What if you really want to write a thesis in the company, but they tell you that they have no thesis topic available?

Instead of waiting for the company to give you a topic, it is better to be proactive and suggest a topic by yourself. Think of a topic and suggest this to the company to see if they are interested. At least this was what I did. Below are some tips on how you can generate a topic for the company:

Research online or ask your classmates

Let’s say you study supply chain management. To get some ideas, you can research online to see what kind of thesis topics are out there. Besides, if your classmates are writing theses for other companies, you can also ask them what topics they are writing about and see if this topic applies to your company as well. The point here is not to pick a topic you find online or from your classmates. But it is more to give you an idea of what a potential thesis topic in your field is. This can help you to generate ideas for yourself which are also potentially interesting for your company.

Networking in your company

During your internship, you should try to network as much as possible. Networking should not be limited to the team you are working for, but also to other teams in the company. Tell the people that you are searching for a thesis opportunity and ask if they need help on any topic. The more connection you have, the better your chance is to get a thesis contract.

Think about what is your company’s interest

Companies like proactive students. You should be there to help the employees to solve problems, rather than to create more work for the employees. So, instead of begging people for a topic, you should be proactive and tell the people why you think writing on a certain topic is beneficial for the company. During your internship, you should already have some understanding of the business. Do you see a gap somewhere? Should any processes be improved?

For example, let’s say you are working in a local real estate company that is growing rapidly. Do you know if the company has a plan to expand internationally as well? If yes, which countries make sense for them to expand? What about expanding in Austria? How is the real estate market in Austria? What factors should the company consider for this expansion?

Another example: your company has recently acquired another company. Can you write a thesis regarding the acquisition? How does it affect the work and the employees? What should the company consider to have a smooth transition? What has the company done and how effective is the process?

These are just some hypothetical examples. You should think from your company’s perspective on what kind of topics can be interesting for them. If you don’t have an idea, start with networking and talk to as many people as possible in your company. Ask them what they do in their daily jobs and what kind of improvement they would like to see in their tasks/company. It may help you to think of a topic which is helpful for the people.

Improve your technical knowledge

Companies like practical and useful tools. The best is that you can create a tool that can improve their daily process. If you study in general business like me, you will probably think that “developing a tool” is too complicated and it is something for the technicians.

This is not completely true. For example, a tool can be as simple as an excel macro. I did not know anything about macro before. During my internship, I bought a book to learn about it because I know this can be beneficial for my thesis or future jobs. It never hurts to learn one more technical skill.

Some companies use enterprise resource planning systems for their operation. During your internship, you should try to learn the system as good as you can. This knowledge will be very helpful in case you want to do data analysis or develop a tool for your thesis.

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4 Replies to “Thesis in Germany – Tips to write your thesis at a company”

Its informative blog, thanks.

Glad that you like it. Hope it helps you!

Many thanks for practical tips! Now I have much more clear picture of how I can organize my thesis at a company.

Thanks for your comment! I am glad to hear that my article helped you 🙂

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Points to take into account while writing your master's thesis

The topics you can choose for a master's thesis should be highly relevant for practice and policy and the thesis should to be empirically grounded.

Process of a master's thesis

  • Discuss a possible topic with Prof. Liudvika Leišytė.
  • Write a 2-page proposal (incl. title, table of contents and timeline of the thesis).
  • Get approval for this by Prof. Leišytė.
  • Prof. Leišytė will write a letter to the Central Examinations Office to declare that she will be your supervisor.
  • Write the thesis: in the process, make sure to send the questionnaire for surveys or interview schedules to Prof. Leišytė to get approval before you start your empirical work.
  • Submit your thesis to the Section Central Examinations Office, Dez. 4.3.

Type and time frame of the master’s thesis

  • Generally, all theses at the Professorship are empirical (i.e. the self-organized collection and analysis of data is part of every thesis). This type of thesis has a time frame of 26 weeks (for details see the Prüfungsordnung ).
  • In exceptional cases, theoretical theses are accepted. The specific topic must then be discussed and agreed on with Prof. Liudvika Leišytė. The time frame for this type of thesis is only 17 weeks.

The time frame (count of weeks) starts with the registration of your topic (letter from Prof. Leišytė to the Central Examinations Office).

Topic of the thesis

The topic you choose should relate to the main research fields of the Professorship of Higher Education. Possible Topics:

  • Innovation through organizational learning
  • Stakeholder representation and characteristics in the boards of universities
  • Promotion of collaboration at German universities: policies and practices
  • Changing governance of universities and implications of this for their performance
  • The implementation of gender policies in German universities
  • Characteristics and challenges of an inclusive professional organization

Academic entrepreneurship

  • Policies of German universities to promote spin off creation in Germany
  • The characteristics of founders of new high tech ventures in Germany
  • Motivations of academic entrepreneurs to patent
  • Gender and entrepreneurship: evidence from patenting activities

Academic profession and managerialism

  • The role of new public management on publication behaviour of academics
  • The role of performance based systems on grant acquisition of academics
  • Gender in academia: what are the gender differences in academic productivity?
  • Challenges of integration of foreign knowledge workers in Germany


Master's theses at the Professorship of Higher Education are accepted according to certain preconditions and according to capacities of scientific staff:

  • Bachelor's degree
  • Successful completion of two seminars of the Professorship of Higher Education
  • Parallel to master’s thesis: Participation in the Research Colloquium of the Professorship

For theses in the Master WiWi as well as the exam regulations (Prüfungsordnung) see: WiWi: Master of Science

how to write master thesis in germany

Guidelines for Master Theses / FAQs

The following FAQ will support you in the process of writing your master thesis at our chair. It provides the most relevant information for students that are interested in writing their master thesis at the assistant professorship of management analytics. It should answer all (administrative) questions that might come up before or during the thesis process.

Alternatively, look up this document for a summarized version of all relevant information.

Before you start

What are the eligible programs.

Our chair supervises master students in the Mannheim Master of Management (MMM) and Master of Business Informatics (BI) programs. The programs differ with regards to the timespan of the thesis and the number of credit points (CP):

  • MMM:  20 weeks, 24 CP
  • BI: 6 months, 30 CP

These differences will be considered when scoping your topic.

What are the necessary prerequisites?

To write a master thesis at our chair, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Successful completion of the seminar at the assistant professorship for management analytics (IS 752).  Alternatively , seminar theses from other business or business informatics chairs can be accepted if the topic is relevant for the envisioned master thesis topic. This will be checked on a case-by-case basis.
  • Some experience with business process management and/ or process mining (proven, e.g., by successful completion of the course IS 515 Process Management & Analytics).

These prerequisites are necessary, because you need at least some level of experience for writing a master thesis in a technically challenging field like process mining. If you start without any previous experience, you spend too much time learning the basics.

Is there a deadline for applications?

No, our department does not have fixed application deadlines. Applications for Bachelor's or Master's theses are accepted throughout the year. However, to ensure optimal supervision, we still recommend contacting us early.

How can I find a topic for my master thesis?

Typically, we do not have thesis topics “in stock” that we can hand out to students. We define each topic individually, such that it matches the research topics of the supervisor and the experience and preferences of the student. Therefore, you should think about concrete topics before you approach us about writing a thesis. Ideally, such topic ideas have emerged while writing your seminar thesis, during the IS 515 course, or in the context of your working student position. Alternatively, you can read recent publications of the chair (or other researchers in the same domain) and see whether those match your interests and offer potentials for a thesis topic. Make sure that your idea is as concrete as possible. 

If you want to read current literature in the BPM domain to find some motivation for a topic, we suggest that you check out the current proceedings of the International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM) or the International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM) or the associated workshops. You can also look at the BPM tracks of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) or the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) . The journals Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE, Springer) or Information Systems (IS, Elsevier) also publish BPM papers.

In the rare case that we do have concrete thesis topics available, you will find them on our website.

How can I apply for writing my master thesis at the chair?

If you fulfil the prerequisites and have found one or multiple ideas for a thesis topic, you can apply for supervision. For applying, please send an e-mail with the following documents:

  • Motivation for writing a thesis at our chair (in the body of your e-mail)
  • Application documents (CV, Current Transcript of Records)
  • PDF of your seminar thesis
  • Concrete ideas for a thesis topic (at least half a page, “I want to do something with Management Analytics / Process Mining / Machine Learning” is not a concrete idea)

You should address your e-mail to the employee of the chair who in your opinion has the best fit with the topic (check their websites and publication records for details). If you are not sure, you can alternatively address your e-mail to jpmac mail- .

If we already know you, e.g., because you have written your seminar thesis at our chair, you can skip the application procedure and approach your seminar thesis supervisor about potential thesis topics directly.  

Can I also write my bachelor thesis at the chair?

In principle, we only supervise bachelor theses if you have previous knowledge in process mining / business process management / data mining because otherwise the familiarization with the topic would take too much time. If you have such prior knowledge (e.g. from lectures at the University of Mannheim, lectures during your semester abroad, internships, etc.), please outline it in your application. If you have concrete topic ideas or wishes, please also include them. All other regulations concerning bachelor theses will be explained to you by the supervising person.

Please find more information here .

How can I approach the research proposal?

If an employee of the chair finds your topic sufficiently interesting and has free capacities, you can start working on a detailed proposal of your research topic. This proposal is very important because it sets the objectives and expectations of your thesis. You can expect that your proposal will go through multiple iterations before your supervisors accepts it. Only then you may only officially register your thesis. Working on a proposal is therefore not a commitment for supervising your thesis! There is always a chance (for you and for us) to decide against supervision if we feel that it’s not a good fit for one side.

In the first iteration, research proposal should be about 3–5 pages (net, so text and figures only). It should contain the following:

  • Motivation of your topic
  • Research questions and research objectives
  • Research method
  • Preliminary outline
  • Seminal literature (at least 20 references)

You should use the official thesis template (available at the chair website or from your supervisor).

Once the research proposal is accepted, it will serve as an orientation throughout your writing process. However, that does not mean that everything in the proposal is set in stone. If during the writing process, you realize that you need to change something, that is always possible (if your supervisor agrees).

How can I officially register my master thesis?

Once your proposal is accepted, you may officially register your thesis. For registering, you need to fill out the official registration form, which your supervisor will send to you. This document needs to be signed by Prof. Rehse and sent to the study office. You can freely choose the official start date and hence the submission deadline of your thesis.

Can I cooperate with a company on my master thesis?

In general, our chair welcomes thesis projects in cooperation with industry. We have a lot of experience in this area and have seen great results come out of those cooperations. However, before starting your thesis project in cooperation with a company, here’s a few things you should consider:

  • Topic: We prefer that the company supplies the topic in these cooperative projects. This ensures that the company is sufficiently involved in the successful outcome of the thesis (see also below). However, the topic must also be sufficiently interesting to make a contribution to research (i.e., it may not already be solved in academic literature).
  • Company involvement: We find that the most successful cooperation projects are those where the company has a genuine interest in the outcome of the thesis and is involved in the day-to-day business. This ensures a good supervision from their side. One way to show this involvement is, for example, that they offer you a contract as a thesis student (with payment) and name a concrete supervisor for you to work with on a daily basis. If they do not do that, you can still work with them, but you need to consider that supporting you may not be the first priority of the company, which means that you may be left to solve potentially arising problems on your own. 
  • Time pressure: When working with a company, you can expect things to go slower than they normally would, because you rely on the input of people that are potentially very busy with other things. You risk coming under time pressure for submitting your thesis on time. When possible, plan for long waiting times, incorporate time buffers, and think about alternative plans.
  • Increased expectations: A great cooperation project makes a contribution to both research and practice. This is absolutely possible but may be more challenging than just making a contribution to research.
  • Data protection: When you’re working with company data (for example, event logs, interviews, internal documents), you typically need to ensure that this data is sufficiently protected. Think about this topic up front and remember that it does not only involve you but also your supervisor and a potential second reviewer, If the company asks for an NDA, please approach us as early as possible.

If you’re convinced about doing your thesis in cooperation with a company, don’t let these points discourage you! These projects can be great starting points for your career in a company and may be very helpful in the long run.

While you write

Which formalities do i have to consider.

Your thesis should be around 60 pages long. If your topic contains a major implementation, this can be shortened to around 40 pages. Any major deviations from these guidelines need to be approved by your supervisor. These page counts refer to net pages (i.e., pages with text, tables, and figures) and do not include table of contents, lists of tables and figures, appendices, and the bibliography.

Your thesis should be formatted according to the chair template (available on the chair website or from your supervisor). The template is available for Word and LaTeX (on Overleaf).

How can I organize my schedule?

Your thesis project will (roughly) consist of the following phases:

  • Exploration phase (research proposal phase): In this phase, you will approach your topic by reading relevant literature, clarify the expectations of your supervisor, and scope your topic. The end product of this phase is the completed and agreed-upon research proposal. Typically, this phase takes about 1–2 months and does not count towards the official timespan of your thesis. However, it is very relevant to get familiar with the literature. After this phase, you can start the actual research work.
  • Research phase: In this phase, you will conduct the actual research, following the specifications of goal and method from the research proposal. What exactly you do here, depends on your thesis topic. Depending on the scope of your thesis, this phase takes between 1 and 4 months.
  • ( Optional ) Implementation phase: If your topic involves the production of code, such as a data analysis or an implementation of a newly designed algorithm, this happens in this phase. Typically, the implementation phase is closely intertwined with the research phase, but you should treat them differently. Implementations are inherently hard to schedule for, because a lot of unexpected things can happen (e.g., problems with dependencies, bug fixing, provision of computing resources). Therefore, you should plan for plenty of buffer time to not get into trouble.
  • Writing phase: Once your research is done, you start writing the thesis document itself. To make this easier, it’s important to document the previous phases really well. This phase typically takes about 1 month.
  • Finalization phase: Ideally, the first complete draft of your thesis is done a few weeks before the submission deadline, which leaves plenty of time for finalizing it. In this phase, you correct and finalize the draft, have it proofread, and clarify final small questions before submission.

To manage your thesis project, it is helpful to make a rough schedule before you register.

When and how should I contact my thesis supervisor?

Your supervisor’s task is to guide your research, to help you in case of questions, and (eventually) to grade your work after submission. Your supervisor may be interested in your topic, but that doesn't mean that it’s “their” topic – your thesis is your responsibility, and your supervisor will not do the work for you. This also means that you sometimes need to make your own decisions and justify them.

Our general policy is that you need to be proactive about contacting your supervisor if you need their input. Depending on their availability and preferences, you can either clarify questions via e-mail or schedule a meeting. As a rule of thumb, you should be in touch with your supervisor at least once a month, but no more than twice per month (except for emergencies). If you have many small questions, it’s better to collect them in one larger e-mail or meeting.

How can I deal with confidential data?

If your thesis contains confidential data (for example, if you cooperated with a company), there are two ways to deal with this:

  • You can anonymize the company in your thesis, such that a reader will not know what company or other entity the data refers to. This is advisable when you’re working, e.g., with an event log of a common process that exists in any company.
  • You can add a so-called clause of confidentiality or blocking notice to your thesis. This blocks the contents of your thesis from any unauthorized readers. This is advisable when you’re working with data that is very specific to the respective company or individual. To do this, you add a page at the beginning of your thesis document, which contains the following text: This master thesis TITLE contains confidential information of COMPANY. This thesis may only be made available to the members of the examination board of the University of Mannheim and must not be published, reproduced, or disclosed to any other third party – neither in full or in part – for a period of DURATION years after completion of the thesis examination process without explicit prior written approval by COMPANY.

Which way you choose depends on the circumstances of your thesis. It is important that you clarify any data protection concerns early in your thesis project such that they don’t cause problems after the fact. Note that your thesis must always be available to the examiners, i.e., your supervisor, Prof. Rehse, and a potential second reviewer. 

Can I change the title of my thesis after registering?

After registration, you can still change the title as long as there are no thematic changes. Please send an email to your supervisor with the new title so that it can be correctly noted in the final assessment report.

Can I use ChatGPT or other generative AI tools for writing my master thesis?

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT are great tools to support you in your writing process. However, they should be used with care. The most important thing to consider is that you are 100% responsible for the contents of your thesis, whether you wrote them from scratch, used writing tips from tools like Grammarly, or if you used ChatGPT for certain parts. It is crucial that you recognize that ChatGPT does not actually understand the answers that it provides, can reply with unwarranted confidence, may provide non-existing references, and does not know the rest of your thesis, e.g., which terminology you have defined.

Therefore, you should only use this technology for tasks for which you can (and will) verify the correctness of the output. This means that with respect to your thesis, you should primarily use it as a tool for writing support, not to come up with argumentation and other actual content. For example, you can use ChatGPT to get quick suggestions on how to turn a set of bullet points into a nicely flowing paragraph, or how to improve the textual flow of an initial paragraph you drafted. Do not blindly copy the given answer but pick and choose the parts of its answer that you like, while also making sure that the meaning and terminology of the final paragraph remain correct. You can find additional information in the booklet ChatGPT im Studium (available in German only).

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you only use generative AI tools in such a way that it does not violate plagiarism and other rules of the University of Mannheim.

When you are done

What are my options for a final check.

You have the option to send a preliminary version of your final submission to your supervisor for feedback. They will not read every word of your manuscript, but they can give you high-level feedback on the content and structure and point out obvious flaws if there are any.

How can I submit my master thesis?

You need to submit your thesis in two ways:

  • Electronic submission: On the date of your submission date (or earlier), submit the thesis via e-mail to your supervisor. This e-mail should contain your finalized thesis document as well as all additional data that is part of your submission (e.g., analysis results, implementations, etc.) as one ZIP file. If the data is too large to be submitted via e-mail, you can alternatively provide a github link or something comparable, where we can download the data.
  • Printed submission: In addition, you need to submit two printed copies of your thesis. We prefer your printed copies to be A4, softcover, with an adhesive binding in black. You can submit the printed versions either in person at our office (please make an appointment with your supervisor to make sure someone is there) or via mail. Our mail address is Universität Mannheim zu Händen: Jana-Rebecca Rehse, Juniorprofessur für Management Analytics 68131 Mannheim

If you send the thesis via mail, it does not need to arrive here on the date of the submission deadline. Only the submission of the electronic version counts.

Make sure that your electronic and your printed submission are identical. Both should contain the required affidavit as specified in the Prüfungsordnung.

How can I get a certificate of passing?

Once you have submitted your thesis, we will automatically issue a submission confirmation and send it to the study office. In addition, we can issue a certificate of passing, which confirms that your thesis will be graded with at least a 4.0. If you need such a certificate, approach your supervisor.

Do I have to present my master thesis? Will it be published?

In addition to supervision, you are expected to participate in the chair's thesis colloquium. The aim of the colloquium is to promote the exchange between students and to strengthen your presentation skills and feedback competences. To this end, you are expected to present your work at least once. A good time to do this is around the middle of your editing period, when you already have a good idea of your topic but can still incorporate feedback. Participation in the colloquium is mandatory during the editing period, even if you do not present. The colloquium usually takes place on the second last Thursday of the month. An invitation is sent separately to the respective students as soon as they officially registered for writing their theses. 

Master theses are not published. However, very good theses can be turned into a research paper at a conference or in a journal. If this is the case for your thesis, your supervisor will let you know. You will have the chance to work on turning your thesis into a publication and of course will be listed as an author of this publication.

What are the grading criteria for my master thesis?

Your thesis will be graded based on the following criteria:

  • Structure and outline: Your topic is well-motivated and contextualized in existing research. The research problem at hand is well-described and specified by means of concrete research questions. Your thesis is structured adequately.
  • Foundations: The scientific foundations of your thesis are relevant and complete.
  • Use of literature: The used scientific literature is relevant and complete. The differences between existing literature and your contribution are shown.
  • Content / method: The chosen research method is well-executed. The research results address the research problem and solve it in an adequate way.
  • Evaluation: The research results are evaluated appropriately.
  • Discussion: Scientific and practical potentials and limitations are discussed.
  • Citations: Citations are adequately used and formatted correctly.
  • Linguistic & formal presentation: The language of your thesis is adequate, precise, and understandable. The thesis is free from grammatical, syntactical, or orthographical errors. The thesis is formatted uniformly according to the template.

For any additional questions, please contact your supervisor or the chair at jpmac mail- .

Good luck on your thesis!

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How To Write A Bachelor/Master Thesis [2024]

Student schreibt Bachelor Arbeit

It's that time of year again when students are wrapping up their final semester and beginning to write their dissertation. In Germany, students must adhere to some particular formatting standards while writing their Bachelor's or Master's thesis. 

The dissertation is a crucial component of all German higher education programs. Students may use it to demonstrate their understanding and abilities in a given field of study. The thesis also plays a crucial role in helping students develop critical thinking and research skills. They are a valuable preparation for future career opportunities.

In this article, we'll go through everything you must do to write a successful thesis. We will also provide tips and tricks to stay organized and on track throughout the process!

Thesis writing process

Bachelor’s thesis vs. Master’s thesis

A Bachelor's and a Master's thesis are two types of academic papers. A Bachelor's thesis is usually shorter and is meant to show that the student has learned the basics of the subject. In contrast, a Master's thesis is more extended and more in-depth. It should serve as evidence that the student has mastered their chosen subject.

How to format your Bachelor's or Master's thesis in Germany

The following are some of the most critical format requirements in any thesis:

Note:  Depending on the university and the "style" of the student's thesis, the formatting requirements might vary (e.g., Harvard or APA). Be sure to check with your supervisor or department for specific guidelines.

  • Margins:  Your thesis must have 1-inch margins on all sides.
  • Spacing:  The text must be double-spaced.
  • Fonts:  Subtitles must be in a 14-point typeface. The text's main body should be in 12-point font, subheadings in a 14-point typeface, and title headings in a 16-point typeface.
  • Length:  A Bachelor's thesis should be around 60 pages, while a Master's thesis should be about 80 pages.
  • Language:  Your thesis must be written in German or English, depending on your program.

Let's take a look at each thesis component, starting with the Title page. The following are the required sections for both Bachelor's and Master's thesis.

Title page 

The title page of your thesis must include the following information:

  • The title of your thesis
  • The name of your supervisor
  • The name of your program

The abstract is a summary of your thesis. It should be a maximum of one page long and include the following information:

  • Your research questions

Table of contents

The table of contents must list all of the sections and subsections of your thesis.

  • List of figures:   The figures must include all the figures used in your thesis.
  • List of tables:   The list of tables must consist of all of the tables used in your thesis.


The introduction should explain the context of your research and the problem you are trying to solve. A Bachelor's thesis should be around three pages, while a Master's thesis should be about five pages .

Literature review

The literature review critically analyzes the existing research on your topic. The literature review is an essential part of any research paper.

It helps you situate your research within the context of existing scholarship and allows you to critically evaluate the existing research on your topic. It is essential to be as critical as possible when reviewing the literature.  It would be best if you addressed questions such as:

  • What are the limitations of the existing research?
  • What gaps does the current research leave open?
  • How can my research contribute to the current body of scholarship?


The methodology section explains the research methods you used to collect data for your thesis. This information is crucial because it allows the reader to understand how you gathered your data and what conclusions you drew from it. It is also essential to be transparent when describing your research methods so the reader can evaluate them critically.

Results & Discussion

Result and discussion : The results section presents the data you collected during your research. The discussion section is where you interpret the data and discuss the implications of your findings.

The conclusion summarizes your findings and their implications for practice or future research. A Bachelor's thesis should be around three pages, while a Master's thesis should be about five pages.


The references section lists the sources you used in your thesis. It is essential to list all of the sources you used, even if you did not cite them directly in the text.

The appendices include any additional material relevant to your thesis but do not fit within the main body of the text. This part might consist of data sets, survey instruments, or detailed descriptions of research methods.

Tips and tricks for writing a successful Bachelor's or Master's thesis

Choose a topic you are passionate about : This factor will make writing your thesis much easier, as you already have some knowledge about the subject. Passion will also help you stay motivated throughout the writing process!

Do your research : Make sure to do a thorough literature review to be familiar with the existing research on your topic. This step will also help you develop new and original ideas for your thesis.

Create an outline : Once you have done your research, create an outline of your thesis to know what topics you will cover and in what order. It will help you stay organized and on track.

Start early and give yourself enough time : This will allow you to avoid unnecessary stress.

Create a schedule and stick to it:  This step will help you stay on track and make steady progress.

Take breaks and reward yourself : Breaks are essential to avoid burnout. Make sure to schedule some breaks and reward yourself for completing tasks! It will help you stay motivated.

Get feedback from your supervisor:  It is vital to get regular feedback throughout the process. It will ensure that you are on the right track.

Ask for help when you need it:  Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. There are many resources available to help you with the writing process.

These are the general guidelines for writing a Bachelor's or Master's thesis. However, checking with your supervisor and program for specific requirements is essential. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to writing a Bachelor's or Master's thesis. However, these tips and tricks will help you write a successful dissertation!

Happy writing!

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Munich Business School Insights

Writing Your Master’s Thesis Whith a Company – MBS Alumnus Philip Dorpema Shares His Experiences

September 16, 2022

Close up of man typing his thesis on laptop

When students reach the home stretch of their degree, they not only need to find a suitable topic for their final thesis, they also need to decide whether to write their thesis at the university or while working at a company. MBS alumnus Philip Dorpema chose the second option and, in this interview, shares some key insights and tips for writing your master’s thesis from within a company.

MBS Insights: Philip, you wrote your master’s thesis in partnership with Generali Versicherung  rather than working on it solely at university. How exactly did that come about? Did you always plan to write your master’s thesis while working at a company? If so, how did you find the right company for your project?

Philip Dorpema: On the  Sports Business and Communications  program, we were told from the outset that we were welcome to write our master’s thesis while working at a company. I soon decided that I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity, because it allows you to get so much input and support for your project that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to access. When the time came to look for a position at a company, I looked for internships at a number of firms who are active in the field of sponsorships, which I had chosen as the focus topic for my master’s thesis. That’s when I came across Generali.

MBS Insights: What differences do you think there are between writing a master’s thesis at a company and writing it at university?

Philip Dorpema: There are certain differences between writing a master’s thesis in a company and writing one at uni. The first difference is that you have at least two mentors you can turn to for advice: one at the university and another contact in the company. There’s also a stronger practical connection when working in a company. My bachelor’s thesis, which I wrote exclusively at university, was far more theoretical than the master’s thesis I wrote while working. For example, in my master’s thesis I was able to use data from active sponsorship projects Generali was running, which meant I was more closely connected to the topic. And, of course, it’s always nice to be paid for your work. I was employed as an intern for six months and was paid accordingly.

MBS Insights: What exactly was the topic of your master’s thesis? How did you come up with it?

Philip Dorpema: My master’s thesis focused on finding alternatives to conventional sponsorship in the digital space, as most events had been canceled due to the pandemic. As a result, companies and events increasingly resorted to digital platforms in order to reach their target audiences. Unfortunately, I can’t share the results because I signed a non-disclosure agreement. I’ve been interested in sponsorship for a long time, which is why I wanted to write my master’s thesis on the topic. At the onset of the pandemic, and many events were canceled and sponsorship contracts were terminated, so the topic soon crystallized in my mind. The staff at Generali were enthusiastic right away because it’s obviously a very important topic for them as a company. That’s another way that writing your master’s thesis in a company creates value: you work on a topic relevant to the company, which allows you to generate genuine added value.

MBS Insights: What insights from your master’s studies at MBS were you able to apply in your internship and in writing your master’s thesis?

Philip Dorpema: There were certain insights from my studies that I was able to apply in my internship and in writing my master’s thesis in the company. Among other things, I spent a lot of time working with social media and digital marketing during my internship, which we had discussed at length at uni. However, sponsorship was also a major part of my responsibilities during my internship. For example, I helped to develop sponsorship concepts for digital platforms and get them ready to present to sponsorship partners. It also involved platforms that were uncharted territory for Generali, like Twitch. In addition, I was responsible for identifying new KPIs for social media, which would then be integrated into new sponsorship contracts. All in all, I had a range of responsibilities in the fields of online marketing and sponsorship, which fed into my master’s thesis – and for which my time at MBS proved excellent preparation.

MBS Insights: How exactly does writing your master’s thesis in a company work? How do you structure your time working as an intern and writing your thesis?

Philip Dorpema: It was all very tightly scheduled. In the six months of my internship, I actually never quite started writing my master’s thesis. At the end of my internship, I conducted my interviews and collected the data I needed to write my thesis. I organized it this way so that I was able to gain as much practical work experience as possible and familiarize myself with the company and the topic as well as I could. After my internship, I started writing my master’s thesis, which enabled me to make optimal use of everything I had learned and the data I had collected.

MBS Insights: Who would you recommend to write their master’s thesis in a company and what tips would you give for writing it?

Philip Dorpema: Honestly, I would recommend that every student (at MBS) writes their master’s thesis in a company. Not only does it give you a better frame of reference for your master’s thesis and allow you to gather tips from your mentor in the company, it also makes it considerably easier to collect very usable data, because large companies collect data anyway for market research analyses. In addition, there are plenty of people in a company you can interview on certain topics, which means that you can write a quantitative, qualitative or mixed thesis in the company. My tip would be to think about your topic from an early stage and start looking for a suitable company early on. I started looking at a relatively late stage and was very lucky to find a good fit with Generali, which meant I was able to start my internship soon after.

"Study Business in Germany" Banner; Business Master's at Munich Business School

After completing your bachelor’s degree, you would like to delve even deeper into the processes of international business administration and specialize in a particular area, such as finance, marketing, or sports business? Then you will find a broad selection of business master’s programs with different focuses at Munich Business School. In all programs, you’ll benefit from small classes, lecturers from the business world, and outcome-focussed learning that makes it easy to start your career. See for yourself: Master’s in International Business Master’s in International Business I Finance Master’s in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Master’s in International Marketing and Brand Management M aster’s in Sports Business and Communication

  • Company Cooperation
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  • Final Thesis
  • Master's Thesis
  • Practical Experience
  • Sports Business
  • Sports Business and Communication
  • Sports Marketing
  • Sports Sponsoring

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Master thesis in Germany Writing your master thesis at a company: joining the team as a specialist

Companies have long since recognised the potential of Master's graduates. A growing number of companies are offering students the opportunity to put their specialist knowledge to practical use already before completing their studies - by writing their Master thesis at a company.

Teamwork - Metaphor: Master thesis in Germany

Take an application-oriented approach to work

The supervision and topic for the master thesis must be right, feedback loops and deadline extensions, kick-start your career with a master thesis.

For many, the greatest motivation for pursuing a Master's degree is personal development and enhancement of the future career opportunities. The opportunity to develop one's own specialist interests and become an expert also plays a major role. The specialist knowledge students acquire during the Master's degree course is attractive to many companies. According to the "JobTrends 2013" survey conducted by the Staufenbiel Institute, a Master's degree is the most popular qualification for 90 per cent of German companies. This is the reason why many companies advertise topics for Master's theses. 

This option for the final thesis is also advantageous to students: "If you want to do something with a practical application, writing your Master thesis at a company is ideal," says Arno Zimmermann, who is studying industrial engineering at the Technische Universität Berlin. While completing a practical at Bayer in China during his Master's course, he learned of an interesting company project that would make an excellent topic for the Master thesis. "It involves the further development of company technology to convert CO2 into plastic," the 26-year-old explains. "An extremely fascinating and innovative topic." Having written a very theory-based Bachelor thesis at university, the challenge of a Master thesis with a strong practical orientation appealed. "Something always emerges at the end that has an impact on the company, and this is extremely satisfying." The high practical orientation and results-oriented cooperation within a team are a major incentive for many students to spend the six-month Master thesis phase at a company. 

"I spent a solid three months in the library when I wrote my Bachelor thesis, and I definitely didn't want to repeat this experience," Ralf Knudsen explains. The 27-year-old resolved to go abroad after completing his Bachelor's degree in business administration at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. He signed up for a Master's degree course at the Copenhagen Business School specialising in accounting, and gained practical experience as a working student and during practical work at a company. He decided also to write his Master thesis at a company. For Knudsen, an important advantage of completing the Master thesis phase at a company was that "later on, there is rarely the opportunity to consider a problem affecting everyday work from a theoretical perspective". He decided on the precious metals and technology company Heraeus that he came upon in a list of so-called "Hidden Champions". These particularly successful companies are often still unknown despite their success. 

Despite being offered the opportunity to cover easier topics at two other companies, Knudsen decided for what he believed to be the most challenging option. "I felt that I would receive the most support at Heraeus." Besides the good expert supervision, Knudsen also receives commensurate remuneration from the company during the Master thesis phase. Zimmermann, who is also able to cover his living costs with his company pay, knows to appreciate the financing. The going is tough for those without any financial support wishing to work on their thesis full-time. However, the most important factors should be an enthusiasm for the topic and a desire to enhance one's appeal to the work market as an expert. Zimmermann also firmly believes that students should not make any major compromises when it comes to the topic for their Master thesis. "If the topic does not knock your socks off, then it won't be any fun to write about - regardless of whether you do so at a company or at university." The industrial engineer also highlights the importance of a structured, concentrated approach for not dissipating one's energies. Even those who make very high demands of themselves should remember that they do not need to re-invent the wheel. 

A whole semester is scheduled for the Master thesis. To ensure students do not lose sight of their goal during these six months, they should ensure they always keep the rules of play in mind. "There are three parties involved: the professor, the student and the supervisor at the company. The overlap between their mutual interests must be reviewed," Zimmermann describes the special challenge of writing a Master thesis at a company. "Feedback loops are therefore unbelievably important. While regular contact can be demanding, it is essential to make good progress." This is particularly the case if problems should arise with the topic chosen. "The topic should be defined narrowly as quickly as possible," Knudsen advises students who still have their Master thesis before them. The breadth of his chosen topic, the cooperation within the company and the need to complete a final few university courses meant he took a total of seven and a half months to complete his Master thesis. Luckily, this was not a problem for his professors in Copenhagen; in Germany, the deadlines are a lot stricter though. Structuring the topic well and starting to write early on is essential to meeting deadlines. 

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Knudsen joined the two-year trainee programme "Finance & Controlling" at Heraeus in February 2013. "We have a great deal of freedom and are able to decide on the individual stations," praises the 27-year-old, who was able to spend several months with the company in the USA. What's more, when the two years are completed, the prospects of a permanent position are good. Zimmermann, who has just submitted his Master thesis, is already planning his next big step: he wants to write a doctoral thesis within the same project. The framework for his collaboration within the EU-funded project has already been defined. Although the Master thesis phase left Zimmermann's and Knudsen's heads spinning, the writing process stalled and the despair was great, both would definitely choose to write their Master thesis at a company again. For the exciting opportunities this opened up to them were so very great. 

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Studying in Germany

Applying For a Master’s Degree in Germany

how to write master thesis in germany

Master’s programs in Germany offer a diverse range of options, with many taught in English. They are known for their affordability, top-notch curricula, hands-on learning, and excellent career prospects. So, it’s no wonder that master’s degrees are the go-to choice for international students in Germany. During the 2021/2022 period, 42.6% of them (148,901 students) were enrolled in master’s programs.

But don’t let the application process hold you back – we’re here to guide you through the steps and set you on the path to success in Deutschland!

Here are the main steps to apply for a master’s degree in Germany:

Research and Choose a Master’s Program

Check admission requirements.

  • Gather Documents and Meet All Requirements

Secure Funding

Submit your application, wait for the admission letter, get health insurance, apply for the german student visa.

When it comes to pursuing a master’s degree in Germany, the initial step is all about research and making an informed choice. Start by assessing your career goals and pinpoint the field of study that aligns with your aspirations. Look into the curriculum to ensure it covers the subjects that pique your interest.

Language matters too — many programs are available in English, but if you’re proficient in German, it opens up more options. When it comes to costs, most programs are quite affordable or even tuition-free, but be sure to check tuition fees just in case.

To aid your search, German study program databases and university websites offer detailed program information and application guidelines. Take your time to explore and find the program that’s the perfect fit for your educational journey.

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Study at Berlin School of Business and Innovation

Creating Tomorrow's Industry Leaders

> Check out our list of over 9,000 master’s study programs in Germany.

Once you’ve picked a couple of programs that pique your interest and align with your study goals, it’s time to check if you meet their admission requirements or can meet them by the application deadline.

While each program may have its unique requirements, let’s explore some of the most common admission criteria for master’s programs in Germany:

  • Bachelor’s degree. You have graduated or will graduate from a program equivalent to a German bachelor’s degree, often in a related field to the master’s program you’re applying for.
  • Transcripts and diplomas . Submit transcripts and copies of your academic diplomas from previous educational institutions.
  • Subject-specific knowledge . Some programs may require you to have gained specific subject knowledge or credits during your prior education. Business schools and MBA programs may require a particular score from recognized tests, like GMAT or GRE.
  • Language proficiency. Demonstrate proficiency in the language of instruction, which is typically English or German. Proof of language proficiency is often required through standardized tests like IELTS, TOEFL, TestDaF, or DSH.
  • Curriculum vitae (CV) or resume . Provide a comprehensive CV or resume detailing your academic and professional background.
  • Statement of purpose & letters of recommendation. Some universities may request a Statement of Purpose (SOP), which details your motivations and goals, along with one to two letters of recommendation from professors or professionals.

> Visit our full guide of admission requirements for master’s programs in Germany for more details.

Gather Documents and Ensure You Meet All Requirements

After reviewing admission requirements and selecting your program(s), it’s time to start gathering what you need for your application, including transcripts, motivation letter, etc.

This is also an ideal time to confirm that you meet your university’s language proficiency requirements. Depending on your program’s language (English or German), you may take a standardized language test or provide alternative proof. Consider language courses if improvement is needed.

According to the German government’s regulations, international students planning to study in Germany must demonstrate financial resources of at least €11,208 per year (equivalent to €934 per month) to qualify for a student visa and pursue a master’s degree in the country.

This financial requirement may seem daunting for many students, so it’s crucial to address this well in advance of the official application period at your preferred German university. You can meet this requirement in various ways:

  • Having €11,208 deposited in a German blocked account .
  • Your parents can provide documentation of their income and financial resources.
  • Someone with permanent residence in Germany can guarantee to the Alien Registration Office that they will financially support you.
  • Present a scholarship awarding certificate specifying the financial amount or coverage granted to you.

Important Tip: To Maximize Your Chances of Getting Your German Student Visa You Should Use a Blocked Account as Proof of Financial Resources.

A blocked account is a special type of bank account , to prove you have enough funds to live in Germany for one year.

As of 2022, as a foreigner in Germany you need a minimum of €934 euros per month for living expenses. So, you are required to have a total of €11,208 in your bank account before you apply for a German internship visa.

Click here to learn more about the German Blocked Account

Planning ahead is important before your preferred German university’s application deadline, as this amount may be substantial for most students. Usually, four to six months prior should provide enough time to save money and explore scholarship and loan options.

Now is the exciting time to send in your application! Most universities have their own application portals where you’ll need to create an account, or they might use uni-assist for handling applications.

Make sure to read and follow all the instructions on the master’s program website, and be sure to submit all the required documents. It’s crucial to respect the application deadlines; your application won’t be processed if you miss the deadline.

Once your application is submitted, the next step is simply waiting for the university’s decision. While you wait, you might want to brush up on your language skills or start looking into the specific visa and travel requirements for Germany. It’s also a good time to explore accommodation options.

The university will notify you via email about the status of your application, and if you’re accepted, they’ll include the next steps you should follow.

Health insurance is a must for all international students in Germany. You can kickstart this process after receiving your admission letter or once you arrive in Germany.

If your home country has an agreement with Germany, you can often use your current health insurance, typically with a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). In some cases, private health insurance from other countries may also be accepted.

Alternatively, you can choose to obtain insurance through a provider in Germany, with student packages usually priced around €120 per month, depending on your age and the provider.

Most international students in Germany prefer to get health insured with DR-WALTER .

EDUCARE24 by DR-WALTER is suitable for the following groups of people:

  • Foreign exchange students, language students and students participating in university preparatory courses (Studienkolleg)
  • University students
  • Participants in exchange programmes (e.g. ERASMUS, DAAD, SOKRATES)
  • Accompanying family members

Still have questions about health insurance?  Learn more about health insurance in Germany from experts.

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With a few exceptions, the majority of international students planning to study in Germany require a student visa. Our German student visa guide covers everything you need to know about this process, from requirements to the application process, fees, and more.

To kickstart the process, set up a visa interview at the German Embassy or Consulate in your home country, ideally about three months before your planned start of studies.

During the interview, provide all the required documents like proof of admission, language proficiency, financial means, and health insurance. Be ready for potential requests for more documents during the interview, and make sure your passport stays valid for your entire stay.

Arrive in Germany and Attend Orientation

Once your German student visa is sorted, it’s time to get on that plane and arrive in Germany. After settling in, make use of the pre-semester orientation sessions at German universities. Some things addressed through the orientation or to over on your own include:

  • You’ll complete the enrollment process , which involves registering for your courses, receiving your class schedule, and learning about academic requirements.
  • Getting your student ID . You’ll be issued a student identification card, often referred to as a “Studierendenausweis” in German.
  • Residence registration. Once you’re in Germany, you will have to register your residence. This is a mandatory process that involves obtaining a “Meldebescheinigung” from the Resident’s Registration Office (Einwohnermeldeamt).
  • Opening a local bank account. Orientation often provides guidance on opening a bank account in Germany.
  • Campus tour. You’ll explore the campus to discover its facilities, libraries, and labs.
  • Language courses. Some universities offer language courses or resources to help international students improve their German language skills if necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) & Additional Information

Below, you’ll find answers to common questions and additional information to support you on your path to pursuing a master’s degree in Germany:

Which Universities Offer Master’s Degree Programs in Germany?

The higher education system in Germany includes public universities, funded and regulated by the state, and private universities established by independent entities.

While private universities may have higher fees, they are valuable for specialized courses not available at public institutions. Public universities in Germany have their own degree programs, assessments, and entry requirements, with state oversight to ensure the quality and accreditation of courses.

Germany has four main types of higher education institutions that offer master’s degree programs:

  • Research Universities. These publicly administered institutions offer Master’s and PhD programs, focusing on various academic disciplines.
  • Technical Universities. A subgroup of research universities, they specialize in science, technology, and engineering fields.
  • Universities of Applied Sciences. These institutions concentrate on engineering, business, and social sciences, often partnering with professional organizations.
  • Colleges of Art, Film, and Music. These institutions provide instruction in creative fields and can be part of research universities or universities of applied sciences.

What Are the Types of Master’s Degrees in Germany?

In Germany, you can pursue various types of Master’s degrees. Some of the most common include:

  • Master of Arts (MA). Awarded in humanities, social sciences, and arts-related fields.
  • Master of Science (MSc) . Awarded in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA). Focuses on management and business administration topics.
  • Master of Education (M.Ed.). For degrees for high school teacher positions.

What Are Consecutive and Non-consecutive Master’s Degrees?

Consecutive master’s Degrees in Germany follow a logical progression from a related bachelor’s degree and build upon the same academic field. They provide in-depth knowledge and specialization within the same subject area.

Non-consecutive master’s Degrees, on the other hand, don’t necessarily need a bachelor’s degree in the same field. Students with diverse academic backgrounds can go for non-consecutive master’s programs, which often focus on broader skills and interdisciplinary knowledge. These programs may include extra coursework to bridge any knowledge gaps.

How Long Is a Master’s Degree in Germany?

A master’s degree in Germany typically lasts for one to two years, depending on the specific program and the number of semesters required. Each academic year consists of two semesters, and the program may also include a final project or dissertation conducted in collaboration with a mentor.

How Many ECTS Credits Is a German Master’s Degree Worth?

Master’s programs in Germany typically consist of 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits. However, the exact number of credits may vary depending on the university and the specific program.

What is Numerus Clausus?

Numerus Clausus (NC) in German master’s programs is a restricted admission system where limited spots are available, and selection is based on factors like academic performance and qualifications. It controls program capacity to prevent overcrowding. Applicants compete for admission based on their qualifications, and requirements vary by program.

When Are Application Deadlines for Master’s Degrees in Germany?

There are two semesters in German universities; the winter semester and the summer semester. Application deadlines for master’s programs vary depending on the university, however, the most common dates are:

  • For courses starting on the winter semester: July 15th
  • For courses starting on the summer semester: January 15th

Can I Apply for a Master’s in Germany Before I Get My Undergraduate Degree?

Yes, it’s common for students to apply during the final year of their bachelor’s degree. However, you must provide proof of your current academic progress and an expected graduation date as part of your application.

What Are the Language Requirements for Master’s Degrees in Germany?

If your courses are in German, you’ll need to prove your proficiency through tests like TestDaf or DSH. A lower level of proficiency may be accepted if you continue taking language courses upon arriving in Germany or during the early stages of your Master’s program. However, language requirements for master’s programs in Germany can vary depending on the university and program

If you choose English-taught programs, no German language tests are required. Non-native English speakers may need to take English language tests like TOEFL, IELTS, and PTE. If you’ve completed your undergraduate studies in English, you typically won’t need English language tests.

To discover programs in your preferred language, explore our tool and select the program language from the options on the left.

How Much Does a Master’s Degree Cost in Germany?

In most public universities in Germany, semester fees for master’s programs typically range from €100 to €350 per semester, with some exceptions. Some specialized graduate programs may have tuition fees, and the federal states of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria may charge tuition fees for non-EU international students.

Private universities set their own tuition fees, and the cost of master’s degrees can vary significantly, especially for programs like MBAs. At private universities in Germany, tuition fees can range from approximately €5,000 to €20,000 per year or more, depending on the institution and program.

To find out more about the costs of studying in Germany, visit our extensive guide .

Can I Work While Studying for a Master’s Degree in Germany?

Yes, students of all nationalities can work while studying for a master’s degree in Germany.

  • EU, EEA, Swiss, and Norwegian students can work up to 20 hours per week. They can exceed this number, however they will have to pay social security contributions.
  • Non-EU students can work up to 120 full days or 240 half days per year, but they face restrictions on self-employment and freelancing.
  • Academic assistants have no limitations on workdays but are required to inform the foreigners’ office.

> Read more about working while studying in Germany .

What Is the Master’s Thesis Process Like in Germany?

In your final year of a master’s program in Germany, you’ll work on your thesis project, guided by a professor. The goal is to showcase your ability to tackle a subject-related issue independently using research methods.

You can usually write your thesis in German or English and may even complete it externally, like at a company or another research institute. Universities often set page limits, usually between 50 to 100 pages, and impose deadlines, typically around six months from the project start.

The thesis defense involves submitting your work and presenting your research methods and findings.

Study Visa Requirements for a Master’s Degree in Germany

Make sure you collect on time all the documents you typically need in order to apply for a German Student Visa .

For detailed information about Germany Visa requirements, go to

What Are the Career Prospects With a German Master’s Degree?

With a German master’s degree, you’ll have excellent career prospects, especially in STEM fields . EU/EEA graduates can work immediately after graduation, while non-EU/EEA graduates can extend their residence permits for up to 18 months to find field-related jobs.

You can also pursue academic careers, and highly skilled non-EU graduates can apply for an EU Blue Card to work and stay in Germany. Plus, your German degree is globally recognized, offering international career opportunities in multinational companies and organizations.

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Writing the Thesis

Schreiben der Dissertation / Writing the Thesis

Schreiben der Dissertation / Writing the Thesis Image Credit:

You can either submit a monograph or a cumulative thesis . As a general rule, both must be comparable/equivalent in terms of type and scope. The thesis must be written in one language throughout either English or German (with the exception of the German and English summary). This also applies to the acknowledgments and any quotes used. In exceptional cases, the doctoral board shall decide whether the requirement for a cumulative work to be entirely in either German or English can be waived if the work consists of articles in both German and English.

When preparing the dissertation, please observe the requirements of the Statute for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice . If you have any questions about citations, please use the citation consultation hours at the University Library.

Please note: When you are submitting your dissertation to obtain the title "Dr. rer. nat.", the term "Ph.D." should not be used in the acknowledgements (or any other section) - this is a different title, which will not be awarded to you after a successful doctorate.

MONOGRAPH A monograph is a self-contained representation of the research work and its results. It may already be published completely or partially. Any publications related to the thesis have to be submitted separately. They must not be embedded in the thesis.

CUMULATIVE THESIS A cumulative thesis reports the scientific work done during the doctoral thesis using a set of research articles. In a cumulative thesis, the research articles (including supporting information/supplements) are an integral part of the thesis and have to be embedded in the scientific part of the thesis (like the chapters of a monograph). In addition to the research articles, an introduction, a list of references etc., a cumulative thesis must include an extended summary which has to go beyond the summary of the individual papers as it has to give an overarching discussion of the results described in the research articles. Although figures may be taken from the publications, the text should be genuinely new and should not be taken from the text of the individual publications. The contributions of the author must be described for each article individually, according to the requirements of the Statute for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice.

A cumulative thesis must consist of at least two published or accepted publications. Only publications from journals with a peer review system will be considered. All additional publications might be in an earlier stage (in revision, submitted or in preparation). The version submitted cannot be changed or updated in the further course of the doctoral process, i.e. changes to the content as part of the publication process cannot be taken into account once the dissertation has been submitted. Only those articles qualify in which the doctoral student has made substantial contributions. The substantial contribution of the doctoral student to the respective articles must be confirmed by the supervisor of the thesis. This confirmation is requested by the doctoral office as part of the evaluation process. In case of manuscripts being accepted but not yet published, a confirmation of acceptance must be provided at the time of thesis submission; to this end, it is also possible to submit a separate list with DOI links.

For more information on writing a cumulative thesis, click here .

1) First page = cover sheet

Title Inaugural-Dissertation to obtain the academic degree Doctor rerum naturalium (Dr. rer. nat.)

submitted to the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy of Freie Universität Berlin

year of submission

2) Second page:

Please name the time period, supervisor and institute of your doctoral studies.

1 st reviewer: _____________________ 2 nd reviewer: _____________________

Date of defense: ____________ (please leave the date open)

ATTENTION One reviewer must be research active in one of our departmental research areas. At least one reviewer must be a professor of the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, whose primary employment is with the university. (Retired, em., apl., hon. professors are not or no longer considered university teachers).

3) Third page: acknowledgment (if desired)

4) Declaration of authorship     Please use the following text:     I hereby declare that I alone am responsible for the content of my doctoral dissertation     and that I have only used the sources or references cited in the dissertation.

If you are writing an English-language dissertation, please note that all texts must be in English (with the exception of the German-language summary), including the acknowledgments and the declaration of authorship.

6) Summary in German and English

7) Main scientific part of the thesis (incl. introduction, method section, bibliography)

8) If applicable: List of publications

9) CV (voluntary)

10) Appendix

Typeface/line distance/formatting Sheet size: DIN A4 Font: an easy-to-read font (such as Arial). Font size: not less than 10 pt Line spacing: 1½ Margin: approx. 2.5 - 3 cm Unilateral and bilateral printing is accepted. The thesis has to be bound (no spiral or ring binding).

Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) can be found here.  

Read on for the next topic: Submission of the Thesis

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Master Thesis

Approach of the img.

We welcome master students who wish to write a thesis in English, can work well independently and have an interest in one of the topics in the research and teaching area of the IMG .


  • You must have submitted an exposé (2 pages excl. references).
  • The thesis should be written in English.
  • The completion time is 15 weeks.

There is no accompanying seminar for master students, but you will be supervised through individual appointments.

For a comprehensive overview of our requirements and the writing process, please read our Thesis Guidelines . Further information on the application process can be found in the following documents.

  • Important Documents
  • Guide to the Master Thesis ( ZPA )

Useful Information

  • Guidelines of the IMG
  • Topics for Theses
  • Citing Correctly
  • Research Guide (WiWi-Bib)

Skyline von Shanghai im Sonnenlicht

FDI and Institutions

  • Co-evolution between the internationalization of (emerging market) MNEs and institutions
  • Impact of volatility and change of (home/host country) institutions/policies on FDI ( e.g. how does the change of the outward FDI approval process effect the internationalization of Chinese firms?) 
  • FDI and host country impact
  • Intellectual property rights and MNEs

State-owned Multinationals

  • State-owned enterprises’ internationalization
  • Impact of (state-owned) MNEs on institutions/policies

Theory and Methods

  • Comparative perspectives on international business theory
  • Exploring and comparing alternative measures of MNE activity

how to write master thesis in germany


You learn from us – we learn from you. The BMW Group offers you professional support in writing your Bachelor's or Master's thesis with practical relevance. In all areas of the BMW Group, you can show how you would like to shape the future in a sustainable way.

Two students having a meeting.


Are you an enrolled student at a university and would like to write your thesis with a high level of practical relevance and delve deeply into a specific field of research? Start as a Bachelor or Master student. General conditions.

  • The paid contract period for your final thesis depends on the processing time specified in the examination regulations of your university and the corresponding degree programme (Bachelor's or Master's).
  • You do not have any prescribed working hours during the contract period. Your work serves the purpose of writing your thesis. Therefore, you can plan your working hours individually in consultation with your department.
  • After completion, you are required to provide the BMW Group with a copy of your thesis.


What awaits you as a bachelor's or master's student..

 Welcome Sign


At the beginning of your assignment, you will be welcomed by an online welcome event. Here you will receive all important information and content about your assignment as well as exciting and current insights into future topics of the company. 

Five students standing in the center of the image.


NAWI is a student-founded initiative of the BMW Group. NAWI offers exchange and networking opportunities and organises exciting events at our various German locations. This way, you can network right from the start.

A girl standing and holding a folder in the middle of the image.


We place special emphasis on your professional and personal development. Therefore, you have the opportunity to take responsibility for your own exciting projects during your assignment. 

Two women talking in front of a laptop.

During your thesis at the BMW Group, you will be assigned a permanent supervisor. This person will help you with all your questions right from the start, give you regular feedback and support you in a strength-oriented manner.

Students watching a lecture.


In order to know early on how you can continue with us after your thesis, we regularly offer presentations on our entry-level programmes. Current participants in our different talent programmes will inform you about the programmes and answer your questions.

A woman receiving feedback and smiling.


It is very important for us to receive regular feedback from you, as this is the only way we can improve and offer optimal opportunities. You will also receive feedback from your supervisor to support your professional and personal development.

What students can look forward to.


Three interns walking around together.


Experiences of our bachelor and master students..

The master student Theresa.

Discover more.

A group of students attending an event.


Three students at BMW Group having a conversation.

Entry and Scholarship Programmes.

The photo shows two students talking with a BMW employee.

Internship Opportunities for Students.

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  • Degree Programs
  • Application
  • Course Catalogue
  • Study Office
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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Finance Group

Writing a master thesis in finance.

Students who would like to write a Master thesis in the area of Finance must have completed the Financial Economics concentration, and have attend either the Hauptseminar Corporate Finance or the Hauptseminar Financial Economics. It is recommended that students take as many finance electives as possible prior to registering for a Hauptseminar. The courses "Finance Theory" and "Advanced Corporate Finance" are mandatory. The purpose of the Hauptseminars is to introduce students to academic research and scientific writing, and the requirements for writing a master thesis in Finance.

To complete the master program in four semesters, we recommend the following semester plan.

Most thesis topics will be of an empirical nature. Therefore, good econometric skills are essential. The course Econometric Methods is highly recommended. Familiarity with statistical software, such as Stata, R or SAS, is also important. Since most relevant literature is in English, it is recommended to write the master thesis in English, but this is not a necessity.

Master Thesis in Corporate Finance (Adam / Elendner)

If you are interested in writing a master thesis in the area of Corporate Finance, contact Prof. Adam, Prof. Elendner, or one of their assistants to discuss a suitable thesis topic and expected completion time, after you have completed the Hauptseminar. Currently we offer theses topics in the following areas.

  • Corporate Risk Management
  • Mutual Funds
  • Behavioral Corporate Finance
  • Debt Financeing, e.g., Syndicated Loans, Mittelstandsanleihen
  • Credit Rating Agencies
  • Financial Regulation

You should budget at least six months for completing your thesis. It is also possible and encouraged to write a thesis jointly with another fellow student. This is not only more stimulating than writing by yourself but you can also benefit from economies of scale.

Master Thesis in Financial Economics (Stomper)

If you are interested in writing a master thesis in the area of financial economics, contact Prof. Stomper or one of his assistants to discuss a suitable thesis topic.

Before you can start working on your thesis, you have to attend the "Master Thesis Seminar - Financial Economics" in order to present/develop your ideas and to write a research proposal (i.e. the seminar paper). Students with suitable research proposals will obtain approval to write their theses according to their proposals.

To apply for admission to the seminar, please send your CV and transcript (i.e., your academic record) to [email protected].

In general, master theses in financial economics will be replication exercises. If an empirical or experimental analysis is to be replicated, then the replication must be done in STATA or R. We will specify which of the two software packages ought to be used in any particular case. If the replication concerns a theoretical paper, then the thesis will analyze a particular specification of the model in the paper. Any programs written/datasets used must be submitted with the thesis in electronic form. In replicating an experimental analysis, students will not conduct experiments, but rather work with data from previous experiments.

To pick a thesis topic, consult the following webpage: Of the papers listed on the above page, any papers with a focus on financial economics (broadly defined) are suitable picks for a replication exercise leading to a HU master thesis in financial economics. Of course, the replication must be doable. For example, a replication of an empirical or experimental paper requires data access. To assess whether a replication is doable, students need to look at the appendices, data sets, etc. linked to a given paper on the AER webpage.

After obtaining a thesis topic the next step is to write and orally present a research proposal (60 min). Proposals take place on Mondays, 14-16 pm, in DOR1-304. During the presentation you should explain why your topic is important, what new insights could potentially be gained from your thesis, and discuss your research methodology. It is important to clearly state the research question and to demonstrate the feasibility of your project. After a successful presentation you can submit the form „Anmeldung zur Masterarbeit“ to the institute's secretary, Mrs. Bulwahn, and begin writing your thesis.

Master theses must be submitted in bound format (2 copies) by the due date to the Prüfungsamt. Each master thesis must include a DVD containing the thesis, all data used, computer programs, and pdf files of all references. Further information about how to write a thesis can be found here .

Exceptional Master theses will be nominated for the David-Kopf Hochschulpreis. See for details.

In addition, you can participate in the following master-thesis competitions:

  • International Competition of Master Degree Thesis on Economics and Finance

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how to write master thesis in germany

Master's Thesis in Germany

Master's students from the GUC can receive a scholarship for a six-month study stay at a German higher education institution. Only Teaching Assistants who are in the final phase of their Master's studies and would like to complete their Master's thesis in Germany can apply for funding. As of April 2023, the funding will include a one-time travel allowance of 850 € and a monthly stipend of 934 €. The scholarship is aimed at Teaching Assistants of the GUC and will be advertised in the fall via the GUC. The application deadline for scholarships for Master's theses in Germany is mid-January for stays starting in July of the same year. The applicants are informed about the outcome of the application process by the end of March.

The application documents for scholarships consist of:

✓ a letter of motivation

✓ a detailed description of the planned Master's thesis topic (following the guidelines provided)

✓ two letters of reference

✓ a transcript of records

✓ a confirmation of supervision from the GUC, indicating with which GUC research group the Master's thesis topic is located (in particular, whether it is part of a BMBF-funded research collaboration)

✓ an invitation including confirmation of supervision from a German professor

✓ the DAAD application form (will be provided)

✓ a completed and signed evaluation form (will be provided)

✓ a passport copy

✓ the confirmation of enrollment as a Master student at GUC.

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  • Published: 15 May 2024

How Iranian students can master integration into German academia

  • Ata Makarem   ORCID: 1 , 2 &
  • Karel Douglas Klika   ORCID: 3  

Nature Physics ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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Thousands of Iranians study at German universities every year, but many struggle with the German academic system. Here, we offer some advice.

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Knerr, B. International Labor Migration: Asian students in Germany Ch. 6 (Kassel University Press GmbH, 2015).

Hüther, O. & Krücken, G. Higher Education in Germany — Recent Developments in an International Perspective , Vol. 49 (Springer International Publishing, 2018).

Moradi, S. Nat. Hum. Behav. 3 , 1025–1025 (2019).

Article   Google Scholar  

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Department of Chemistry, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Ata Makarem

Mannheim Business School, University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany

Molecular Structure Analysis, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany

Karel Douglas Klika

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Correspondence to Ata Makarem .

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Makarem, A., Klika, K.D. How Iranian students can master integration into German academia. Nat. Phys. (2024).

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Published : 15 May 2024


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    proposal and a research paper. Issues related to proposal writing, writing skills, literature review, methodology, documentation and bibliography information will be covered. 2. Formalities Information about writing period, registration of your Master thesis and other formal requirements can be found . here. 3. Language and spelling

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    Guidelines for Writing a Master Thesis. 2. Master Thesis . Submitted on: DD.MM.YYYY. Supervisor: Name of your supervisor at our chair . Jane Doe . Jane Doe Lane 4 . 99999 Doe City . Phone: 0600 555555 . E-Mail: [email protected] . Student Number: 999999 . Semesters in Major: X . Major: Master in Economics . 1. All passages written in red ...

  12. PDF Guidelines for writing a Master's Thesis 1 Preparation for the Master's

    deception and will fail your thesis. Moreover, the submission of a Master's thesis written by a third person or institution under your name is also considered to be an attempt at deception and will be assigned the corresponding grade. Together with the Master's thesis, a declaration of authorship (in German) has to be put at the end

  13. Writing Your Master's Thesis While Working at a Company

    Philip Dorpema: There are certain differences between writing a master's thesis in a company and writing one at uni. The first difference is that you have at least two mentors you can turn to for advice: one at the university and another contact in the company. There's also a stronger practical connection when working in a company.

  14. PDF Institute of Political Science Guidelines for Master's Thesis

    The Master's thesis can be written in either English or German, but the chosen language is to be used consistently. - The page limit for the master's thesis is 80 pages. - What is included in this page count: o An abstract, having a maximum of 200 words. o The main body of the text, including tables. - What is not included in the page count:

  15. Master thesis in Germany Writing your master thesis at a company

    Having written a very theory-based Bachelor thesis at university, the challenge of a Master thesis with a strong practical orientation appealed. "Something always emerges at the end that has an impact on the company, and this is extremely satisfying." The high practical orientation and results-oriented cooperation within a team are a major ...

  16. Masters in Germany for International Students [2024 Guide]

    Here are the main steps to apply for a master's degree in Germany: Research and Choose a Master's Program. Check Admission Requirements. Gather Documents and Meet All Requirements. Secure Funding. Submit Your Application. Wait for the Admission Letter. Get Health Insurance. Apply for the German Student Visa.

  17. Writing the Thesis • Graduate Center / Doctorate • Department of

    You can either submit a monograph or a cumulative thesis. As a general rule, both must be comparable/equivalent in terms of type and scope. The thesis must be written in one language throughout either English or German (with the exception of the German and English summary). This also applies to the acknowledgments and any quotes used.

  18. PDF Master's Thesis Guidelines: Organisational Aspects

    Writing the thesis Time Frame: You have exactly six months to complete the thesis. Changing the Topic: You can suspend the writing of your master's thesis only once and only during the first two months after approval. A new topic must be submitted within four weeks. Title: The thesis title written on the registration form is a provisional title.

  19. Master Thesis

    The thesis should be written in English. The completion time is 15 weeks. There is no accompanying seminar for master students, but you will be supervised through individual appointments. For a comprehensive overview of our requirements and the writing process, please read our Thesis Guidelines. Further information on the application process ...

  20. Final Thesis

    During my final thesis, I really appreciated my freedom and independence. I was really allowed to take on a lot of responsibility right from the start. Sometimes it was a jump in at the deep end, but I was able to learn a lot from it. Theresa. Master Student Gamification. The BMW Group is a huge corporation, but the working atmosphere in my ...

  21. Writing a Master Thesis in Finance

    The purpose of the Hauptseminars is to introduce students to academic research and scientific writing, and the requirements for writing a master thesis in Finance. To complete the master program in four semesters, we recommend the following semester plan. Most thesis topics will be of an empirical nature. Therefore, good econometric skills are ...

  22. Master's Thesis in Germany

    Master's Thesis in Germany. Master's students from the GUC can receive a scholarship for a six-month study stay at a German higher education institution. Only Teaching Assistants who are in the final phase of their Master's studies and would like to complete their Master's thesis in Germany can apply for funding. As of April 2023, the funding ...

  23. What is it like writing a Master's thesis in German? : r/German

    At C2, you can definitely write a master's thesis in German. I wrote my thesis in English, and I don't think my English is at a C2 level. In general, once you're at a C2 level, you're going to be much more worried about the content than the language. You can also ask native speaker friends to proofread. Plenty of them everywhere in Germany. In ...

  24. 1,000+ Master Thesis Jobs in Germany (33 new)

    Search similar titles. Today's top 1,000+ Master Thesis jobs in Germany. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New Master Thesis jobs added daily.

  25. How Iranian students can master integration into German academia

    The number of Iranians studying in Germany has increased over the past decade 1. However, the differences between the cultures and academic systems of the two countries make integration into ...