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Into the Wild by John Krakauer Thesis Statements and Essay Topics

Below you will find four outstanding thesis statements / paper topics for “Into the Wild” by John Krakauer that can be used as essay starters. All four incorporate at least one of the themes found in “Into the Wild” and are broad enough so that it will be easy to find textual support, yet narrow enough to provide a focused clear thesis statement. These thesis statements offer a short summary of “Into the Wild” in terms of different elements that could be important in an essay. You are, of course, free to add your own analysis and understanding of the plot or themes to them. Using the essay topics below in conjunction with the list of important quotes from  “Into the Wild”  on our quotes page, you should have no trouble connecting with the text and writing an excellent essay.

Thesis Statement #1: The Allure of the Wilderness

To many people the wilderness has a certain allure as a pristine place free of the evils of modern society, a place where one can be free and get in touch with his soul. However, the reality of living in the wilderness can be quite different from the romantic notions harbored by those who see it as an escape. How does Chris McCandless handle this conflict between appearance and reality as he journeys into the wilderness alone? Is he deluded by a romantic view of the wilderness, or does he actually find what he is looking for there? Write an essay with textual support in which you explore this conflict and how McCandless deals with it.

Thesis Statement #2: Isolation

Chris McCandless isolates himself from the other students at Emory, from his friends, and from his family, resulting in his decision to make a solitary trek into the wilderness, where his isolation will be complete. Yet, at one point in the story, he pleads, “Mom, mom, help me.” Does McCandless really wish to be isolated? If so, why? If not, why does he behave as he does, pushing away the people who care about him the most and going headlong into a potentially dangerous situation? Write an essay using solid textual evidence in which you explain McCandless’s behavior as you understand it, keeping in mind his journal entries and reflections.

Thesis Statement #3: Forgiveness

Chris McCandless is a study in contradictions. On the one hand, he is a compassionate person, who feels a responsibility for the many people who are poor and hungry. On the other hand, his actions toward his family and friends are selfish and hurtful. His inability to forgive what he perceives as his parents’ greed and materialism affects his entire life, contributing to his decision to isolate himself at Emory and to his disgust with society, which prompts him to go alone into the wilderness. If he had found a way to forgive his parents for their mistakes, would he have gone to such extremes in his search to find himself? Write an essay using evidence from the text in which you explain how McCandless’s attitude toward his family and society and his inability to forgive contribute to his ultimate demise.

Thesis Statement #4: The Search for Identity

Many books about young people focus on the main character’s quest for identity. Chris McCandless, at nineteen, is no exception, as evidenced by his rejection of everything his parents stand for. Desperate to separate himself from them in every way possible to explore his very soul, he isolates himself physically and emotionally, hoping to find freedom and peace within. He will go to any lengths to avoid being like his parents, even, out of a sense of moral certitude, rejecting the gift giving he and his friends once enjoyed, oblivious to the fact that he is hurting his friends as a result. How could someone so kind, compassionate, and intelligent heartlessly reject his parents and friends, with no thought to their feelings? Is his kindness merely a charade by which he fools himself into thinking he is different from the others? Does his cruel behavior reflect the person he really is? Who is the real Chris McCandless? How does his identity struggle affect the decisions he makes for the rest of his all-too-brief life? Write a persuasive essay with textual support in which you explain who Chris McCandless really is and how you have come to that conclusion.

Into The Wild - Essay Samples And Topic Ideas For Free

Into The Wild is a non-fiction book by Jon Krakauer that was later adapted into a film, chronicling the journey of Christopher McCandless into the Alaskan wilderness. Essays could explore themes like the quest for identity, the allure of adventure, and the critique of materialism presented in the narrative, as well as the broader societal reflections it offers. We’ve gathered an extensive assortment of free essay samples on the topic of Into The Wild you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Why did Chris Mccandless Go into the Wild

Chris McCandless was an outside kinda individual and appreciated the life as one. Many viewed him as an untouchable, trap or blundering individual, anyway that was not the circumstance. McCandless was searching for another kind of big business and this drove him to Alaska and into nature to investigate and get another span on life. He surrendered everything finally including: cash, property, and needs. To him none of this was the best approach to ecstasy as his key was life […]

Into the Wild about Society

Transcendentalism is the era that "transcends" the limits of intellect, reason, and society, allowing emotions and the soul to aid in creating a relationship with the universe or nature to achieve perfection. This era occurred in the 1800s and was made from the start of controversial debates between "New Light" theologians and the "Old Light" opponents. The "New Light" members believed religion should focus on the people's personal experience, unlike the "Old Light" members who valued to have reason in […]

Comparing Chris McCandless, Everett Ruess and Jon Krakauer

Many people decide to live their lives alone. Though, only a few choose to live in the wild. In the book, Into the Wild, Jon Krakauer vividly depicts the adventuresome trek Chris McCandless left. From the friends and colleagues he made to the hardships he went through, McCandless is defined as a warm, sociable and friendly person despite the fact that he was a traveler. Other than McCandless, there are even more people that have decided the risks to live […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Perspectives of into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

Jon Krakauer is an American writer and a mountain climber. He was born April 12, 1954 in the State of Massachusetts. Jon Krakauer is well- known for his writing about the outdoors; one of the main topics that he writes about is mountain climbing. Into The Wild is a nonfiction novel, written by Jon Krakauer. It was told in third person omniscient. The story takes place in the Alaskan wilderness. The protagonists named Chris changes his name/identity to Alex because […]

Literary and Rhetorical Devices in into the Wild

In the story Into the Wild you follow a man by the name of Chris McCandless and his questionable thoughts. The author of a novel always plays an essential role in portraying the purpose to the audience. The story was written by a man with the name Jon Krakauer. Krakauer is an American writer and mountaineer, who is primarily known for writing stories about the outdoors, mostly mountain climbing. Jon Krakauer utilizes vivid imagery, specific details from Chris' journal, and […]

What Kind of Person was Chris McCandless?

Into The Wild is a novel by John Krakauer, that tells the story of Chris McCandless. Chris McCandless was a hiker and internet traveler from El Segundo, CA who was also known by the name of Alexander Supertramp. He came from a well to do upper-middle class family in Virginia, and was set to live well to do life. But Chris McCandless didn't want to live a life of materialism and decided to become a nomad and go into the […]

Into the Wild Freedom

In the book Into the Wild Christopher McCandless went to Alaska to live in nature with very little supplies. He was inexperienced and uneducated but he had his reasons to be out there, emotional reasons. Chris was searching for Answers, he wanted to explore the unknown, and get away from society. Chris also wanted to live a life without responsibility and he didn’t need to rely on other people for his survival, he was an independent man and he wanted […]

Into the Wild: the Quest for Adventure, Freedom, and Solace

In the novel Into The Wild, by Jon Krakauer, advances to catalog the life of an intelligent graduate student and former athlete, Chris McCandless. As well as how he suddenly decided to drop everything such as his possessions, all of his money, and a possible career. After realizing he didn’t need a wealthy lifestyle, he sets out on a massive hitchhiking journey from the east coast, all the way towards the outdoor freezing portions of Alaska. Only after a short […]

Is Chris McCandless a Hero?

Chris McCandless said, “The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure.” Chris McCandless was an adventuristic tramp who enjoyed the glories of nature and the wild, traveling all over North America by foot. McCandless lived out Transcendentalist philosophies by showing that nature is reliable in all aspects of life. McCandless’ journey was quite courageous and inspiring. Chris McCandless, also known as Alex Supertramp, was an adventurous man who sought the joy of freedom that […]

Into the Wild Materialism

“What is the purpose of life?” This simple question intimidates many who refuse to confront the reality of life. Living in a fast paced world consumed by technology and materialism, it is difficult for one to examine what is truly important to live life wholly. Because of this struggle, many settle with unhappy lives, wallowing in fear, regret and dissatisfaction. In John Krakauer’s novel Into the Wild, he examines the short life of Christopher McCandless, a courageous man who detached […]

Into the Wild Nature

There is no doubt that nature has given back to mankind. Everything individuals have anticipated that would continue was given by the ordinary world around us: food, water, medicine, materials for shelter, ect. Individuals, on the other hand, have caused issues that will keep on influencing the nature around us, for example, contamination through the improvement and advancement of technology. So, the real question is do we need nature or does nature need us, because as it seems that nature […]

What was Chris Mccandless Seeking in the Wilderness?

In April 1992, Christopher McCandless lands at the remote zone only North of Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska. Seeing Chris' ineptness, the newcomer who drops him off gives him a pair of boots. Chris goes into the wild and sets up an campfire at the relinquished automobile, which he calls "the Magic car". At first, McCandless is happy with the separation, the excellence of world in him, and the energy of living off the earth. He carries with […]

Seeking the Raw Essence of Existence: a Deep Dive into “Into the Wild”

The pursuit of authenticity, a life unencumbered by society's trappings, and a quest for raw, unfiltered experiences – these themes course through the veins of Jon Krakauer's compelling narrative, "Into the Wild". Chronicling the real-life journey of Christopher McCandless, who adopted the moniker "Alexander Supertramp", the book stands as a haunting exploration of the lengths a person might go to find genuine meaning in life. McCandless, a young man freshly graduated from Emory University, chose to leave behind a life […]

Christopher Mccandless: a Transcendental Philosopher

Into the wild is a biographical drama and it is based on true story, telling us about an adventurer called Christopher McCandless. This is a cinematic masterpiece, where the main character denies himself of the luxury of an upper middle class family and dives into a lifestyle of nature and self discovery. This movie offers us an insight on how we construct nature, especially wilderness,as a place for self discovery, transcendence and an escape from society. Chris, the main character, […]

Chris McCandless’s Extreme Ethics

Once in everyone’s life time people start to realize they can make their own decisions. We become independent and self sufficient. Chris McCandless in the non-fiction book “Into The Wild” was a person who was separated from everyone, didn’t have many friends, And was known for being a weird person by his classmates. His family was together, but broken. Chris had never really been independent in his life. This is what motivated him to take the trip to Alaska to […]

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How To Write an Essay About Into The Wild

Understanding 'into the wild'.

Before starting an essay about Jon Krakauer's 'Into the Wild,' it's important to understand the book thoroughly. 'Into the Wild' is a non-fiction book that explores the life and death of Christopher McCandless, a young man who ventured into the Alaskan wilderness in search of a more authentic existence, away from societal constraints. Begin by analyzing the main themes of the book, such as the allure of wilderness, the critique of materialism, and the search for meaning in life. Familiarizing yourself with McCandless's journey, Krakauer's narrative style, and the book's structure will provide a solid foundation for your essay.

Formulating a Thesis Statement

Your essay should be centered around a clear, concise thesis statement. This could be an argument about the book's central themes, Krakauer's portrayal of McCandless, or the broader implications of McCandless's journey for understanding the relationship between humanity and nature. Whatever your focus, your thesis should guide the direction of your essay and provide a unique perspective on 'Into the Wild.'

Gathering Supporting Evidence

To build a strong argument, gather evidence from the book to support your thesis. This might involve analyzing specific events in McCandless's journey, Krakauer's use of other adventurers' stories, or the way he incorporates his own experiences into the narrative. Select quotes and instances from the book that align with your thesis, and use them to support your argument effectively.

Analyzing Krakauer's Narrative and Themes

In your essay, analyze how Krakauer narrates McCandless's story and the themes he explores. Discuss Krakauer's narrative technique, including his use of flashbacks, letters, and interviews. Examine how Krakauer develops the themes of adventure, idealism, and the harsh realities of nature, and how these themes contribute to our understanding of McCandless's character and motivations.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your analysis and restating your thesis. Your conclusion should tie together your interpretation of 'Into the Wild' and reflect on the broader significance of the story. You might also want to consider the impact of McCandless's story on contemporary society or how it fits into the genre of adventure and wilderness literature.

Reviewing and Refining the Essay

After completing your essay, take time to review and refine it. Check for coherence in your argument and clarity in your writing. Ensure that your essay is well-structured and free from grammatical errors. Consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors to further improve your essay. A well-crafted essay on 'Into the Wild' should not only convey your understanding of the book but also demonstrate your ability to engage critically with literary texts.

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Into The Wild

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Discussion Questions

Many Alaskans feel that McCandless brought death upon himself due to his own ignorance. After reading Into the Wild , do you agree with them?

McCandless refused gifts of food and advice throughout his travels. Why do you think he did this?

After graduating college, McCandless cut off all contact with his parents. Do you think he was justified in doing so? Or was this unnecessary for his freedom?

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Into the Wild

By jon krakauer, into the wild essay questions.

Is it possible for a biography to be truly impartial? Is Into the Wild ?

Biography can never be truly impartial, as, even if the author could include every moment of the subject’s life, rather than choosing which are most important, his method of presentation and his diction, inherently affect how the reader will feel about the subject. There is still a scale of more or less impartial, however, and Into the Wild falls on the less-impartial side, as Krakauer himself admits. For example, because he sees a lot of similarities between Chris and himself, he makes certain assumptions about Chris’s motivations and desires that he might not otherwise make. Yet because Krakauer makes this explicit, and doesn’t try to fool the reader, the reader still has the freedom to make their own interpretation.

Is McCandless truly compassionate, as he is often described?

McCandless’s compassion is the most enigmatic part of his story. It is clearly central to his personality for his whole life—he spends weekend nights in high school bringing burgers to homeless people—and yet he shows almost no compassion in dealing with his parents once he is in college. He willingly and intentionally leaves them in a state of utter unhappiness while he travels, and his disregard for his own safety threatens and ultimately destroys their wellbeing. This does not mean that he is not truly compassionate, but this compassion does have bounds.

In Krakauer’s depiction of McCandless, is he a flat or round character? Static or dynamic?

In Krakauer’s depiction, McCandless is certainly a round character. Although he is largely presented as good, his flaws are illuminated, and even his best qualities sometimes fail him. Krakauer also makes him a dynamic character, although the basis for this is largely conjecture. Krakauer believes that McCandless changed during his Alaska trip, that he may have mellowed and become ready to rejoin society and maybe even his family, although all of this is based on a few small lines Chris wrote, and passages he underlined in his reading.

Explain how McCandless’s quest for “ultimate freedom” is inherently selfish.

McCandless’s quest for ultimate freedom is not rooted in selfishness; it, in fact, comes out of largely noble desires. It is still inherently selfish, however, because it means acting for the individual over society, which is designed to protect everybody. Ultimate freedom means being accountable to no one but oneself, and thus, even if McCandless usually intended to act for the greater good, he has only his own limited perspective on what will truly lead to the greater good.

How does Krakauer’s authorial presence affect McCandless’s story?

Krakauer’s own upbringing and experiences as a young man come up throughout Into the Wild . Because there are such strong similarities to McCandless, the biggest difference being that Krakauer survived his odysseys, and so can tell his tale, Krakauer uses his own past to provide insights into McCandless’s actions and motivations. This also probably leads Krakauer to present McCandless in the most forgiving light that he can.

What does Into the Wild posit as the core of the problems between McCandless and his father?

Both Chris and Walt McCandless are strong-willed and independent, and Chris’s resistance to all authority means that he resents the authority his father has over him, even as he tries to please him. Chris specifically detests arbitrary authority, and so once he has proof that his father isn’t perfect, he then considers Walt’s authority over him to be completely arbitrary, and he resists it absolutely. Because of Chris’s intensity and tendency towards extremes, this becomes much more than just a typical adolescent rebellion.

What specific appeal does the wilderness have for all the adventure seekers described in Into the wild ?

The adventure seekers in Into the Wild all seem to be searching for a life with a kind of brute simplicity, which they believe they can find in the wilderness. High-risk living leaves little time for the complicated problems of modern society, and this seems to be much of the appeal for these men. They also seem to believe that there is some core of truth hidden beneath all the layers of modern life, and this can only be found in the wild. Finally, surviving the challenges posed by this way of life provide a feeling of deep accomplishment for these often ambitious or competitive men.

How is McCandless’s difficulty forgiving a driving force in his journeys?

McCandless, though largely driven by his principals and morals to live a rootless, anti-materialist existence, also seems at least partially driven forward by a desire to punish his parents. He resents their pressure for him to go to law school, their materialism, and what he sees as their attempts to control him, so he tells Carine that he is going to cut them out of his life completely because he cannot forgive them. In not contacting them at all while he is on the road, he turns his odyssey into a tool for punishment, at least on some level.

How can McCandless’s Datsun symbolize his interpersonal relationships?

McCandless is completely committed to his Datsun from the time he buys it until he graduates from college, when he is deeply offended by his parents’ offer to buy him a new car. He tells Carine that he would never trade in his Datsun, which he thinks is perfect. Once he has trouble with the car, though, he deserts it immediately and angrily. Chris loves the Datsun despite its surface flaws, just like he is able to love most of his friends regardless of their looks, money, or way of life, but when he perceives a deeper flaw, he is unforgiving, and cuts it out of his life completely, as he does with his parents.

McCandless’s story, despite its tragic end, has inspired many copycats since the original publication in Into the Wild . Why might this be?

Krakauer presents McCandless’s tale in a forgiving way, yet it is still a cautionary tale—although he believes Chris could have survived, and only died because of a small mistake, he shows just how devastating such behavior can be to McCandless, and to those who loved him. Yet McCandless’s passion for living by his principals, for simplicity and purity, is attractive and to Krakauer, admirable, and the book does show that it may indeed be the wilderness that is the best place to find this. Thus, those who feel unsatisfied by modern life and society may see McCandless’s flight from it as worthy of emulation.

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Into the Wild Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for Into the Wild is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Remembering that the Latin prefix ir- means "not," use the context clues in the first paragraph of the passage to define the word irrelevant.

I do not know what specific passage you are referring to.

This chapter begins with a quote from Jack London. Who is he and what has he written?

Jack London is a famous author. He wrote The Call of the Wild, White Fang, To Build a Fire , and a variety of other books.

The purpose of ch 4 in into the wild

The purpose of chapter 4 is to show Chris's wish to shed his worldly possessions, even his identity, and make his way unencumbered by societal possessions. In October 1990, McCandless’s Datsun is found abandoned in the Mojave Desert by Bud Walsh,...

Study Guide for Into the Wild

Into the Wild study guide contains a biography of author Jon Krakauer, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About Into the Wild
  • Into the Wild Summary
  • Into the Wild Video
  • Character List

Essays for Into the Wild

Into the Wild literature essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer.

  • Jim Casy and Chris McCandless: Transcendentalism Gone Wrong
  • The Many Mistakes of Chris McCandless
  • Fatherly Influence in Into the Wild
  • Feeding by Starvation
  • An Unconventional Genre: Evaluating John Krakauer as a Biographer

Lesson Plan for Into the Wild

  • About the Author
  • Study Objectives
  • Common Core Standards
  • Introduction to Into the Wild
  • Relationship to Other Books
  • Bringing in Technology
  • Notes to the Teacher
  • Related Links
  • Into the Wild Bibliography

Wikipedia Entries for Into the Wild

  • Introduction

into the wild essay thesis

into the wild essay thesis

Into the Wild

Jon krakauer, ask litcharts ai: the answer to your questions.

When the body of a young male hiker is discovered in Alaska’s Denali National Park, Outside magazine assigns journalist Jon Krakauer to cover the story. The young man turns out to be the runaway son of a well-to-do East Coast family, Christopher (Chris) McCandless , who after graduating from Emory University in May 1990, gave away his savings to charity, abandoned his car, burned all his cash , and hitchhiked across the country “to live off the land” in the Alaskan wilderness.

Five months earlier, on April 28, 1992, Jim Gallien , driving on the outskirts of Fairbanks, Alaska, spots a young hitchhiker and offers him a ride. The young man is Christopher McCandless, but he introduces himself as “ Alex ” and says that he intends to “live off the land for a few months” in Denali National Park. Gallien, noticing that Chris’s backpack is far too light to be carrying enough supplies for an extended camping trip, tries to dissuade from hiking alone into the woods. But Chris refuses Gallien’s advice, so Gallien insists that the young man take his lunch and boots with him. Chris reluctantly accepts these gifts and walks onto the snowy Stampede Trail . Gallien figures that the boy will reemerge out of the forest when he becomes hungry .

Later that year, in September, a trio of moose hunters, a couple from Anchorage and an ATV driver, happen upon an abandoned bus in Denali National Park, where they discover Chris’ decomposing body. Alaska State troopers recover the corpse, taking it to a crime lab, which determines the cause of death to be starvation.

Two months after the discovery of McCandless’ body, Krakauer interviews grain elevator operator Wayne Westerberg , who recounts the day he picked up Chris, (going by “Alex” at the time), on his way back to Carthage, South Dakota. Chris works so hard on Westerberg’s grain elevator crew that Wayne offers him a job. Yet Wayne is arrested for stealing satellite TV codes, forcing Chris to hit the road in search of work.

Going back to October 1990, McCandless’ yellow Datsun is found abandoned in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area. Through his research, Krakauer figures out that after a flash flood dampened the Datsun’s engine, Chris abandoned the malfunctioning car to conceal his predicament from his parents and the authorities.

Chris then hitchhikes throughout the west. Along the way, he camps with drifters Jan Burres and her boyfriend Bob , flips burgers at McDonald’s in Bullhead City, canoes the Colorado River to Mexico, and befriends eighty-one-year-old Ronald Franz .

On March 14, 1992, Chris returns to Carthage to work for Wayne Westerberg, but leaves at the end of the month, having gathered just enough money and supplies to pursue his dream of living out in the Alaskan wilderness.

Hitchhiking north, Chris arrives in Alaska on April 18, 1992 and crosses the Teklanika River onto the Stampede Trail ten days later. Off the Sushana River, Chris discovers an abandoned city bus, where he makes camp. Throughout the summer, Chris hunts and forages, eventually shooting down a moose . Butchering the moose’s messy carcass to preserve its meat fills Chris with regret, but through reading, journaling and self-reflection, McCandless comes to terms with his kill and decides to return to civilization.

However, the thawing summer floodwaters of the Teklanika River prevent Chris from crossing, so he returns to the bus to regroup.

On July 30, Chris frantically writes in his journal that he is very weak and in grave danger, but also mentions potato seeds . Too weak to hunt or gather, McCandless dies soon thereafter, having spent his last days discovering that the greatest happinesses in life must be shared with others.

Investigating the potato seeds further, Krakauer theorizes that McCandless died of swainsonine poisoning after consuming wild potato seeds laced with a toxic mold.

Having solved the mystery of McCandless’s death, Krakauer accompanies Chris’ parents’, Walt and Billie , to pay their respects at the bus where Chris died. Though comforted by the surrounding landscape’s beauty, Walt and Billie leave still nursing heavy hearts.

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84 Into the Wild Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best into the wild topic ideas & essay examples, 📌 most interesting into the wild topics to write about, 👍 good research topics about into the wild, ❓ into the wild essay questions.

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  • The Concept of Idealism in the Book Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer The article, Into the Wild, has addressed the concept of idealism through the activities outlined in its plot. The concept of idealism has been brought out in the text as an attempt to describe life […]
  • John Krakauer’s “Into the Wild” The main point of the novel is that there is a certain, indescribable element that draws us out into the wild and out of the confines of society.
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  • “Into the Wild” by Krakauer I think that the author of this book does this in order to reveal a mixture of events to the readers of the book in his own way.
  • Into the Wild by John Krakauer The author expresses the desire of the main character to know himself, to purify himself and live in the wild, through recommendations not to sit in one place and be active nomads.
  • Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild” Krakauer, inspired by the deeds done by Christopher, repeated his travels, following his steps in accordance with the diary notes left by the deceased.
  • Chris Mac and Sam Patch in “Into the Wild” Movie From the story, it can be depicted that, Chris was very considerate about the poor in the society; as can be seen in this case where he advocated for alleviation of hunger and gave much […]
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  • The True-Life Story Film “Into the Wild” by Sean Penn McCandless the boy knew there was more to life than just money and possessions and, to prove it, he destroyed all his credit cards and identification and took off in a used car to Alaska, […]
  • ‘Into the Wild’ the Film by Sean Penn Chris learns the true meaning of relationships and family and most importantly the value of sharing in life, the realization of which falls on him and he immediately decides to return home to society.
  • “Into the Wild” the Book by Jon Krakauer The unusual character of these events resulted in the creation of the book Into the Wild by Krakauer, who tried to repeat the same way and explain the main causes of the main character’s actions.
  • The Movie “Into the Wild” Overall, the evaluation of the two works of art suggests a conclusion that the book is more focused on demonstrating the main character’s inner world along with the implications of his world vision that led […]
  • “Into the Wild” a Book by Jon Krakauer Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer tackles McCandless’s life, starting with the discovery of McCandless dead body in a bus, Krakauer takes a journey back into McCandless life as a graduate through his disappearance to […]
  • The Ultimate Freedom in “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer In the process of pursuing his freedom, he experiences different dramatic life events as he heads to the Alaskan wilderness. The theme of ultimate freedom comes out here because he is not around to explain […]
  • Into the Wild by Krakauer The whole story is full of secrecy for it is evident that one of the characters in the narrative, Gallien, is in a similar position as the reader for he cannot possibly understand why Alex […]
  • Into The Wild by LaMarche As a young man he did not enjoy the company of his family and kept to himself as he sought what he had considered as important to him: “…it was important for him to see […]
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  • A Journey Into the Mind’s Abyss in Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild”
  • A Positive and Negative Perspective of Homelessness in Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild”
  • The Search for Happiness in Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild”
  • The Feeling of Fear in the Book “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer
  • Biographical Discourse of Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild”
  • The Self-Discovery Journey of Chris McCandless in the Novel “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer
  • The Death of Chris McCandless in “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer
  • The Search for Freedom in Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild”
  • The Madness of Chris McCandless in “Into the Wild” by John Krakauer
  • The Confidence and Hubris of Chris McCandless in “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer
  • The Fatal Mistakes Chris McCandless Made in Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild”
  • Ground Reality vs Illustrated Fiction in “Into the Wild”
  • A Comparison of Krakauer’s Story “Into the Wild” and McCarthy’s “The Road”
  • The Influence of the Idea of Transcendentalism on Chris McCandless in “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer
  • The Ethics of Individuality in “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer
  • The Views and Values of Transcendentalism in “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer
  • The Search for Meaning in Solitude in Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild”
  • The Impact of Isolation and a Lack of Intimacy on Chris McCandless in Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild”
  • Paternal Symbols in Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild”
  • Jon Krakauer’s View of the Role of the Badlands as Depicted in “Into the Wild”
  • The Core Setting and Theme of “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer
  • The Importance of Light and Color as Portrayed in Krakauer’s “Into the Wild”
  • Chris McCandless’s Extreme Ethics and Own Decisions in “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer
  • The Importance of Following Dreams in “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer
  • Theme and Author Perspective of the Book “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer
  • Analyzing the Theme of Selfishness as Characterized by Christopher McCandless in “Into the Wild”
  • The Struggles to Alaska in “Into the Wild” by Jan Krakauer
  • The Determination of Chris McCandless in Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild”
  • The Existence of Education Outside the Classroom in “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer
  • The Quest for Adventure, Freedom, and Solace in “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer
  • Finding the Meaning of Life in Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild”
  • The Inconsiderate Behavior of Chris McCandless in “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer
  • The Hero’s Journey in “Into the Wild” by John Krakauer
  • The Role of Epigraphs in Creating Atmosphere in “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer
  • The Unwavering Motivation of Chris McCandless in the Book “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer
  • The Portrayal of McCandless in Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild”
  • The Individual Lifestyle of the Protagonist of “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer
  • Use of Literary Techniques by Jon Krakauer When Writing “Into the Wild”
  • Chris McCandless as a Transcendental Philosopher in “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer
  • Was Chris McCandless Prepared When He Went “Into the Wild”?
  • When Was Chris McCandless Found Dead in “Into the Wild”?
  • What External Forces Influence the Protagonist’s Development in Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild”?
  • What Happened to Chris McCandless in “Into the Wild”?
  • Is Christopher McCandless From “Into the Wild” Real?
  • What Influence on American Imagination in “Into the Wild”?
  • Was “Into the Wild” a True Story?
  • How Understanding Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild” Through a Reader Response Lens?
  • Did Chris From “Into the Wild” Have Suicidal Impulses?
  • How Long Was Chris McCandless From “Into the Wild” in Alaska?
  • What Is the Central Message of “Into the Wild”?
  • What Is a Good Thesis Statement for “Into the Wild”?
  • What Is the Conclusion of “Into the Wild”?
  • What Does Chris McCandless From “Into the Wild” Teach Us?
  • How Did the Character in Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild” Live in the Wilderness and Society?
  • What Is the Central Conflict in “Into the Wild”?
  • What Is the Summary of “Into the Wild”?
  • Where Was Chris McCandless From “Into the Wild” Found Dead?
  • Why Did Jon Krakauer Write “Into the Wild”?
  • What Are Some Questions for the Call “Into the Wild”?
  • What Is the Irony in “Into the Wild”?
  • Why Christopher McCandless’ Escape From the Confines of Society in “Into the Wild”?
  • Why Is “Into the Wild” Important?
  • How Understanding Materialism and Modern America Through “Into the Wild”?
  • How Chris McCandless’ Search for Truth in “Into the Wild”?
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IvyPanda. (2023, December 7). 84 Into the Wild Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"84 Into the Wild Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 7 Dec. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '84 Into the Wild Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 7 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "84 Into the Wild Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 7, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "84 Into the Wild Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 7, 2023.


IvyPanda . "84 Into the Wild Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 7, 2023.

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Home — Essay Samples — Literature — Into The Wild — A Rhetorical Analysis Of Into the Wild


A Rhetorical Analysis of into The Wild

  • Categories: Chris Mccandless Into The Wild Jon Krakauer

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Words: 887 |

Published: Apr 29, 2022

Words: 887 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Table of contents

Rhetorical analysis of used literary devices in "into the wild", adding the lens of pathos to let the reader connect with the characters, works cited.

  • Carrington, D. (2007). Christopher McCandless and the allure of the wilderness. The Harvard Review of Latin America, 7(2), 12-15.
  • Drescher, L. (2008). Back to the wild: The photograph as evidence in the search for the real Christopher McCandless. MFS Modern Fiction Studies, 54(2), 323-350.
  • Everett, S. (2008). "It's all about the journey": Nature, narrative, and gender in Into the Wild. Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 49(3), 291-302.
  • Graf, R. (2010). Into the Wild: The spiritual quest of Christopher McCandless. Literature and Theology, 24(2), 141-155.
  • Haugen, R. K. (2019). Wild truths: The myth of Christopher McCandless and the contested landscapes of the American West. Western American Literature, 54(3), 337-368.
  • Krakauer, J. (1996). Into the Wild. Anchor Books.
  • McAllister, K. (2016). Into the Wild and the rhetoric of literary journalism. American Literary History, 28(3), 475-496.
  • McCandless, C. (1990). Carine McCandless interviews. Krakauer, Jon. Retrieved from
  • Moore, M. J. (2009). Crossing the wild river: The mythical geography of Into the Wild. Western American Literature, 44(4), 397-425.
  • Taylor, J. M. (2003). Nature as God: The spiritual journey of Christopher McCandless. BYU Studies Quarterly, 42(2), 81-102.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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Jon Krakauer's non-fiction book "Into the Wild" tells the story of Christopher McCandless, a young man who left his comfortable life to live off the land in the Alaskan wilderness. Throughout the book, Krakauer explores [...]

"Into the Wild" by Jon Krakauer is a captivating and thought-provoking exploration of the life and death of Christopher McCandless, a young man who rejected societal norms in pursuit of a more authentic existence in the [...]

Into the Wild, written by Jon Krakauer, is a non-fiction book that follows the journey of Christopher McCandless, a young man who gives up his possessions and money to live a life of solitude in the Alaskan wilderness. The book [...]

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer is a captivating story that follows the journey of Chris McCandless, a young man who decides to abandon his conventional life and embark on a solo adventure into the Alaskan wilderness. Through his [...]

Into the wild is about a young man name Chris McCandless otherwise known as Alex, who is a transcendental. In the beginning of the book, Alex grew up in a very puritanical family but Alex becomes rebellious and transcendentalism [...]

In conclusion, Chris McCandless's decision to venture into the wild was undoubtedly risky and ultimately led to his tragic death. However, it is important to view his actions within the context of his motivations and personal [...]

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