Kártörténeti elemzés 3 990 Ft-ért

Művészet, csak nem mindenki érti – lancia thesis, a lancia thesis 2001-ben debütált a kappa utódjaként, a furcsa kinézetű luxusautót a mercedes e-osztály és az a6-os audi ellenfelének szánták..

Az olasz autók többnyire szépek. Hát persze, hogy azok, hiszen a divat, a stílus és a finom elegancia hazájában gyártják őket, ahol a tervezők mindig arra törekednek, hogy valami újat, valami különlegest mutassanak az adott szegmensben, legalábbis optikailag. Ez általában sikerül is nekik, hiszen az új Fiat 500-ast 2007 óta változatlanul imádják, de ott van az Alfa Romeo Giulia vagy a Stelvio , amik szintén nagyon vagányul néznek ki úgy, hogy kilométerekről felismerhető, hogy nem németek alkották őket. Alapvetően konzervatív ízléssel rendelkezem, szeretem azokat a formaterveket és dizájnokat, amiket a prémiumgyártók piacra dobnak, de ugyanakkor élek-halok a régi Alfákért, Fiatokért és Lanciákért. Ami szép, azt mindig elismerem márkajelzéstől függetlenül, talán az olasz gépeknél kicsit elfogultabb is vagyok a kelleténél. Van azonban egy típus, amit akárhányszor meglátok, kiveri a biztosítékot. Mindig jól megnézem, keresem benne a szépet, néha találok is, de találkozásaink végén mindig fintorgó arckifejezéssel búcsúzok tőle. Ez a Lancia Thesis.

Az autóról képeket ide kattintva találsz.

A Lanciát sokan a raliversenyekről ismerik, a Fulvia, a Stratos, a 037 és a Delta Integrale kétségkívül beírta magát a motorsportok történelmébe, de az olasz gyártó a luxusautók kategóriájában is nagy erővel próbálkozott. Az utcai modellek mezején a Lancia mindig is az elegánsabb, „prémium” vonalat képviselte, már az 50 évvel ezelőtt bemutatott Flavia is magasan kiemelkedett hazai konkurensei közül. A ‘70-es években következett a dupla körlámpás 2000-es, majd 1976-ban debütált személyes kedvencem, a Gamma : kétajtós Coupé változata szerintem mindmáig az egyik legszebb olasz autó, ami létezik, Aldo Brovarone, a Pininfarina műhelyének mestere nem tudott hibázni. Utódja, a Thema már kicsit kommerszebb formatervet kapott, de cserébe robusztusabb lett, ami a ‘90-es évekre mondhatni elvárás lett a felső-középkategóriában. Az utolsó konzervatív megjelenésű limuzinja a Lanciának kétségkívül a Kappa volt, az ezredforduló előtt még nem akartak túlzásba esni, a nagy csinnadrattát a 2000-es évekre hagyták.

Az új luxuslimuzin első prototípusáról 1998-ban rántották le a leplet, a Dialogos tanulmány a Torinói Autószalonon debütált. Futurisztikus megjelenése gyökeres változást ígért a Lancia palettáján: szakított a Kappa kommersz stílusával és inkább egy radikális irányvonalat jelölt ki. Pietro Camardella és Marco Tencone munkája lefektette a Thesis dizájnjának alapját, amin már csak finomítani kellett.

Persze ezen még látszott, hogy messze van a rendszámos változattól, de nem kellett sokat várni a következő variánsra. 2000-ben érkezett a Giubileo névre keresztelt koncepció, amit felajánlották pápamobilnak II. János Pál számára. Formatervét tekintve ez a korai Thesis „készen volt”: már hordozta a sorozatgyártott változat stílusjegyeit és vonalvezetését, az Őszentségének készített Lancia azonban landaulet stílusú volt, tehát a B-oszloptól hátrafelé gombnyomásra el lehetett húzni a tetőt. Marketinges szempontjából sem volt utolsó ez a lépés, hiszen elég meggyőző üzenete van annak, hogy a katolikus egyház első emberét egy Lancia limuzinnal szállítják.

A Giubileo után mindenki tudta, hogy a Thesis már a sorozatgyártás kapujában áll, így nem volt meglepő, hogy a következő évben megkezdték a limuzin forgalmazását. Debütálásakor a dizájncsapat vezetője elmondta, hogy nagyon odafigyeltek arra, hogy a leendő vásárlók semmilyen „fogást” ne találjanak az autón, ami eltántorítaná őket a vételi szándéktól. Explicit kimondták, hogy az A6-os Audi és a Mercedes E-osztály riválisának készült, a gyártó elmondása szerint a németeknél több technika és stílus lakozik a Thesisben. Az előbbi kétlem, hiszen mégiscsak két csúcstermékről van szó olyan márkáktól, amik egy ideje már benne vannak a prémium-bizniszben.

Az utóbbiban viszont van valami ráció. Mert sem a W210-es pápaszemes Merci, sem a gömbölyű C5-ös Audi nem volt egy telitalálat megjelenés szempontjából. Az olasz limuzinnak viszont vitathatatlanul volt karaktere, megosztó ugyan, de ezt senki sem veheti el tőle. Egy centi híján elérte a 4,9 métert, így már puszta méretével is megragadta az emberek tekintetét, és nem is engedte azokat. A modern és a retró elegye keveredett a Thesisen, a hatalmas, pajzsszerű hűtőmaszk valósággal uralta az autó orrát, de a sarokba ültetett, szintén pajzshoz hasonló fényszórókkal és a markáns domborításokkal szerintem az egész külsőt agyonverték. Valami mintha hiányozna az elejéről, de ami van, valahogy az is bénának hat. Értem én, hogy különlegest és feltűnőt akartak, de azért számolniuk kellett volna azzal, hogy ez nem biztos, hogy mindenkinek bejön. Oldalról egyébként teljesen rendben van, hozza a zömök „limuzinos” exteriőrt, a farában pedig van egyfajta klasszikus elegancia, még a fehér lámpatestekkel is. Szerintem pirossal jobban mutatott volna, de a végén még összekevernék a Jaguar XJ-vel, szóval jól van ez így.

A Thesis súlya 1,7 és 1,9 tonna körül mozgott, egy ekkora behemót mozgatásához kellett teljesítmény, így a kínálat négy helyett öthengeres motorokkal kezdődött. A benzinesek közül a belépőt a 2,4-es 20V jelentette, ami mindenféle rásegítés nélkül 170 lóerőt produkált, ami elegendő volt a 215 km/órás végsebesség eléréséhez. Aki a szívómotorokra esküdött, annak ott volt a 3,0 vagy 3,2 literes V6-os, utóbbi 230 lóerőjével már a komoly prémiumok között is megállta a helyét. Készült még turbós 1998 köbcentis benzines is 185 lóerővel, ezt az értéket viszont a modellciklus végéhez közeledve a 2,4-es öthengeres Multijet dízel is tudta.

A limuzinos komfortról bonyolult, többlengőkaros futómű gondoskodott, amit a Lancia megspékelt a Skyhook nevezetű adaptív technikával, amit a Sachs fejlesztett eredetileg a Maserati számára. A Bosch-féle távolságtartó tempomat is bemutatkozott a Thesisben, így nem túlzás állítani, hogy szinte minden akkoriban jelentős innovációt megkapott az olasz luxusgép. Az utastérben természetesen fejedelmi kényelem várta az utasokat, a vásárlók rengeteg bőrborítás és megannyi extra közül választhattak. Számomra érdekes volt, hogy a radikális külső dizájnhoz képest mennyire visszafogottra sikerült a Thesis műszerfala: letisztult, egyszerű vonalakkal rajzolták meg. Aki hátul igazán terpeszkedni akart, annak ott volt a Stola S85 hosszított változat, ami 5,5 méteres hosszával már inkább sofőrös autónak számított, meg valószínűleg nem is volt elérhető átlagos földi halandók számára.

Amilyen megosztó volt a dizájnja, legalább annyira vegyes volt a Thesis fogadtatása is a nemzetközi médiában. Sokan istenítették, hogy végre nem egy újabb kommersz limuzin a németektől, viszont legalább ennyien szidták is furcsa külseje miatt. Azt viszont mindenki elismerte, hogy különleges és kitűnően eleget tesz azoknak az igényeknek, amelyek a felső-középkategóriás járműveknél jellemző. A gyártó direkt az E-osztálynál 15 százalékkal olcsóbb áron hirdette a Thesist, hogy jobban elcsábuljanak a vásárlók, de a gyakorlat azt igazolta, hogy nem volt elég ez az engedmény ahhoz, hogy a Lancia limuzinja piacvezető szerepre törjön a szegmensben. Talán bölcsebb lett volna mondjuk a Mondeóval egy áron hirdetni, akkor talán szebb karrier jutott volna neki.


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2002 Lancia Thesis 3.0 V6 Review

2002_1_Lancia Thesis profile

When the Thesis was launched in 2002, Lancia wanted a flagship to re-position the brand as a maker of convincing luxury cars, an Italian Mercedes if you like. The Thesis’ predecessor, the Kappa, had been less successful than the Thema, despite receiving plaudits for its refinement, packaging and capable chassis. The Thesis was supposed to recover ground lost during the Kappa’s production run and also to re-affirm the company´s tradition of top-drawer refinement and visual elegance.

To this end, Lancia threw enormous resources at the Thesis such that it had its own unique platform and shared no pressings or interior parts with any other Fiat group product. As quoted in CAR magazine in 2002, the designer Mike Robinson said “People will be looking for reasons not to buy this car. We don’t want to give them any.”

Not so much has been written about the Thesis so I decided to see for myself what the car was really like and to find out why only 16,000 were sold during a seven year production run.

Technicalities:  The construction of the Thesis was fairly conventional: a transversely mounted engine driving the front wheels. Given that the Thesis was intended more for comfort than handling the selected arrangement is, objectively, a rational one. Lancia’s reasoning was probably the same as Rover’s: most people are indifferent as to which axle is receiving the power.

A 2 litre soft turbo, a 2.4 litre 20 valver and a 3.0 V6 24 valve engine made up the petrol burning range. A 2.4 JTD diesel was also available. The suspension design was a mix of the ordinary and the clever. The routine elements consisted of independent five-link suspension with coil springs. The intention behind this set up was to minimise the distance between the wheel centre and the virtual steering axle to the advantage of accuracy and crispness. At the rear were installed multiple-arm suspension elements, designed to provide a good capacity to absorb impacts. In essence, these were just incremental improvements on the theme of multi-link suspension.

All the same, I do like the idea of bringing the wheel centre and steering axle together as these kind of refinements were what made Lancias steer so well in the ’70s. The clever part was the use of telescopic Skyhook adaptive dampers. These gadgets allow semi-active suspension in that the damper rates can be varied by computer management to suit the driving conditions and driving style. All this was done with microchips smaller than your thumbnail. A similar system is used on the Maserati Spyder.

These specifications were class competitive but don’t compare to the originality of Lancia’s 1963 Flavia: transverse leaf springs and double wishbones at the front and dead axle and transverse leaf springs at the rear, supporting a front-wheel drive four-cylinder boxer engine. The Flavia’s peers were at that time using straight sixes and eights sending power to the rear. The point here is that the differences between the Thesis and its peers are not insignificant but not very great either, and the chassis design was nothing like as ingenious as its ’60s ancestor.

The Thesis weighed from 1600 kilos for smaller engined versions to 1800 kilos, as in the 3.0 V6 tested here. By way of comparison, the 1999 Mercedes S-320 weighed less, having 30 kilos fewer to drag along. Given that the Thesis is smaller in most dimensions than an S, it was thus a conspicuously dense machine. Being 4888 mm long and having a front drive format meant the passenger compartment was spacious, with plenty of room in every direction. The boot holds a competitive 480 litres.

Whilst the chassis and power train of the Thesis were quite conventional, Lancia was in some sense leading the way by encrusting the mechanicals with a dizzying superabundance of extra equipment, digital trinkets and electric novelties, more than one could list fully in the space allowed.

The 3.0 litre tested was equipped with integrated satellite navigation (a novelty in 2002), an automatic gearbox, electrically-powered automatic parking brakes and four-way adjustable climate control. This can send chilled air through lushly damped louvres on the elegantly sculpted dashboard and through vents in the b-pillars. In addition, subtle perforations in a metal strip across the dash allow draught free ventilation.

Almost everything is powered apart from the front sun visors and the minuscule front ashtray. The multi-adjustable seats could be set to memorise the driver’s postural preferences. Servos even operate the front head restraints. This in itself is a wonderfully unnecessary refinement and speaks volumes about the painstaking efforts to create a truly luxurious saloon. The glove box opens with the push of a daintily chromed button (but amusingly, the glove box itself won’t hold more than a few packs of cigarettes).

A power operated sunblind performs impressive acrobatics: simply dab a switch on the rosewood veneered centre console. It’s worth pausing here to consider that engineering that sunblind probably involved a team of six engineers at a cost of several hundred thousand euros. Naturally, the boot lid is power operated, requiring merely nudge of a button to open and a slight push to close.

Exterior:  The vehicle exterior is dominated by the gloriously confident Lancia grille, evoking the firm’s past triumphs. The diamond shaped headlamps are powerful Xenon units. Both the grille and the headlamps are set amidst quite large expanses of unadorned metal work. The intention, according to Lancia’s designer, was to create the impression of glittering jewellery.

The rear lamps – striking vertical slashes- are painfully intense and are simultaneously nostalgically chrome edged and ultra-modern with the LED technology. The theme then was of evocative classicism underpinned by the latest in automotive technology. All the panels were joined tightly and the vehicle was well surfaced, apart from an odd depression where the wing to bonnet valley fades into the plastic bumper.

Interior:  I’ve mentioned the features but I haven’t described how they all work together. It’s no use loading a car with toys if they are not well assembled or made of the best materials. Are they? The Lancia’s interior uses leather, metal, wood and the finest plastic. And they are handled well. The interior is well sculpted and classic without being too retro.

The wood strip gracing the dashboard and doors is thick and very evidently real tree. It’s the kind of substantial slab of wood not seen since the solid door capping on 1970’s Ford Granada Ghia’s. All this adds up to lashings of comfort, warmth and quality. It is an effect very, very different from the cold, hardness achieved by Mercedes and Lexus. Even a Jaguar XJ seems a bit glacial in comparison while the similarly priced S-type is embarrassingly Crown Victoria.

The driver’s seat – hand stitched parchment hide- is beautifully supportive without being too firm. The Thesis passes the door slam test, by a factor of five. Pulling the door shut required a well-judged degree of effort, just enough to make you notice the heft. When the door clunked home it felt as if each element of the closure was machined to a fine tolerance. It made me think of a Mercedes 300 SEL 6.3, in fact.

In front of the driver is a classically styled instrument pack. The lettering is redolent of the labelling on a bottle of fine Italian wine and indeed it’s all in Italian. Rather surprisingly, there is an analogue gauge to display fuel consumption, scaled from 6 litres per 100 km to 20 litres per 100 kilometres. It isn’t more readable or effective than a digital LCD display but it is incredibly amusing as it sweeps from left to right like a deranged pendulum.

The rear of the car is a similarly fine place to reside. The legroom is plentiful, more than enough to sprawl out during a long trip from Rome to Cap Ferrat. The centre console features the display and buttons for the climate control so while the driver might require 17 degrees, passengers can opt for more or fewer independently. The stereo system can be operated by a remote control unit. Each of the finely trimmed doors has an ashtray of pretty respectable size and the door cards are unusually handsome, made of precisely the same high quality materials as those at the front.

In short, whether you’re up front twirling the steering wheel or being cossetted in the back, the Thesis is a terribly agreeable place to find oneself.

In motion:  We’re 1200 words into this review at which point it really does become very necessary to start revealing what the Thesis is like to drive. Putting it very bluntly, the Thesis is singularly unobtrusive, resembling nothing so much as a really talented butler. I drove the car in a variety of different modes, ranging from tasteless dashing along narrow country lanes at one extreme and, at the other, driving like I had a hung-over primo ministro slumping in the back. Whatever it is asked, the Thesis does what it is told.

If you stamp on the accelerator pedal, the vehicle takes a tiny pause and then leaps forward. Very little vibration is felt and little noise heard. The Skyhook suspension coupled with the sheer weight of the car do a remarkable job at smothering bumps and potholes. The ride is impressively smooth without being floaty. Bad surfaces are simply ignored by the Thesis while changes in direction do not provoke annoying body roll. This is comfort-orientated suspension that respects the needs of handling to a commendable degree. Presumably the benchmark for Lancia was Jaguar not BMW.

With an automatic transmission, there was little to do but steer and brake. And the steering is pleasantly light, quite direct but not nervous and the car had a crisp bite to the turn-in. Of torque steer there was no sign. At the same time, the steering had no positive character either, being more a collection of elegant neutralities. I wanted to notice the steering character rather than to notice I could not detect anything either way. That’s my problem though, not Lancia’s. Like the good butler, it is keeping its personality, its means of operation, completely hidden.

When confronted with a sharp corner, it was best to brake, turn and accelerate again. The Thesis is not a go-kart. But the Thesis felt controllable and if you really had to cover 100 kilometres using b-roads, the car would do it without complaint. But at no point would you feel as if you were in physical contact with the car’s mechanical core.

That kind of road testing is, in the end, rather pointless except to say that the Thesis, could in extremis, make a good fist of getting you from Zurich to Lausanne decisively ahead of schedule, even if you avoided the motorways. But if driven as intended, the Thesis as a car simply disappears for both driver and passenger and instead the wealth of creature comforts come to the fore. In the end, the Thesis is a means not an end in itself. I’ve always said that if Vincenzo Lancia was still around he’d be making Lexuses (or do I mean Lexi?). These too, in their larger manifestations, are smooth and compliant servants rather than machines with which to take on 120 kilometres of coast road for the fun of it.

Sobering Thought:  At 20 miles per gallon, the Thesis has a touring range of 333 miles. From Rome to Cap Ferrat would require a stop for fuel after 5 hours.

Concluding ruminations:  Mr Robinson’s determination to avoid offering hostages to fortune failed at the first hurdle. By aiming for classicism the Thesis was immediately marked down as retro-design as were Rover’s 75 and Geoff Lawson’s Jaguars. I mentioned that the car was slightly smaller in most dimensions when compared to the 1999 Mercedes S-class. The Lancia is unfortunately taller, to the benefit of headroom but to the detriment of appearance.

The car looks slightly too short which is a huge pity as the car is in fact, actually very big indeed. The very plain side elevations (the c-pillar is the weak link) and the odd proportions evoke the 1960s Flavia but this is such an odd reference. I doubt it was intentional. When shaping the bodysides I presume the designers were hoping for cool restraint but instead achieved banality.

How you feel about the car’s appearance depends on which angle you view it from and whether you are sitting inside it or outside it. From the inside it’s simply lovely and says ‘Latin luxury’ without making you think of 1980s Maseratis or the Renault Safrane Baccara. But to get inside the car you have to get past the exterior, which presumably many people failed to do, even if they were only shown the front, its best aspect.

It’s the inconsistencies that puzzle: the striking front and rear contrasting with the Hyundai body side; the cast magnesium cover for the CD loading slot, not four centimetres above the fiddly flimsy lid of the tiny ashtray; incredible thought was put into the lovely details like the rear lamps and grille but the car’s proportions are just noticeably wrong. Perhaps this is because as a statesman’s car the need for maximum interior space trumped the requirement for supreme elegance. But if it was packaged as a statesman’s limousine why are there are no reading lights in the rear c-pillars and why is there not one single cigar lighter for the rear passengers?

Dynamically, the Thesis offers very good refinement and a generous turn of speed. And thus it lands between a few stools. It’s not as refined as a Mercedes E-class. It’s not as sporting as Jaguar S-type. Volvo’s S80 catered very well to the driver unconcerned with dynamics. For Lancia enthusiasts expecting sportiness, the Thesis is too smooth and aloof and not fast enough. For Lancia enthusiasts expecting the cerebral satisfaction of a car with palpable mechanical character the Thesis is too distant and inscrutable.

And finally:  Perhaps it would have been better if the Thesis had been a car in the Mondeo class, rather than trying to offer S-class size for a less than E-class price. Think of it like this: if you want a better class of Mondeo, you are forced to choose a sporty German saloon. But what if Lancia had offered a more comfortable, more pleasant alternative? For the Mondeo driver, half the refinements of the Thesis would have been enough, so long as the car was at least as good to drive. And taking five percent of the C/D market might have been a lot easier than trying to take sales from the sector dedicated to serving Europe’s richest, least imaginative and least interesting people.

Considering the car as it is, rather than what else it could have been, it is a fine thing: well made, extremely comfortable and very well equipped indeed. It is even charming in many of its details. It’s when you triangulate the car against its peers and betters you realise that Lancia simply did a very fine job of making the wrong car.

Facts:  Horsepower 215. Compression ratio 10:1. Maximum torque 263Nm at 5000 rpm. 5 speed automatic gearbox standard. Standard wheels were 215/60 R16 95W. Steering rack and pinion with variable rate power assistance. Front: Independent multilink suspension, coil springs with telescopic Skyhook adaptive damping, torsion bar. Rear: multilink with anti-roll bar. Ventilated disc brakes

Length: 4888 (Merc S-class: 5220 mm);

Height: 1470 (Mercedes S.-class 1444 mm)

Wheelbase: 2803 mm.

Rear track: 1541 mm; front track: 1569 mm.

Luggage room: 480 litres.

Weight: 1895 kg in 3.0 litre trim (Mercedes S-320: 1770 kg)

Fuel tank capacity: 75 litres.

How fast? How thirsty?

O – 60: 9,2 seconds

A kilometre in 29,8 seconds

Fuel consumption, claimed 31 mpg on tour, combined 20 mpg.

Tested Feb 6th 2011. Conditions: dry, windless, 2-4 degrees.

Ergonomics: test driver is 5´ 9″, 70 kilos, 50th percentile male (height).

Note: If you like this article, please feel free to post a comment below. Have you driven a Thesis? Did you find out what you wanted to know? Or just say what´s on your mind concerning Lancia´s sad demise…. You are one of a constant stream of daily visitors to this page so share your views with your fellow Lancia enthusiasts. Thanks for calling by!

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Author: richard herriott

I like anchovies. I dislike post-war town planning. View all posts by richard herriott

43 thoughts on “2002 Lancia Thesis 3.0 V6 Review”

Is the car conservative? It is retro but the styling was not reserved. Since there are so many saloons with sporting pretensions the decision to provide something different was to be applauded. The car had plenty of muscle to do some asphalt ripping which is great if you really have to press on. However, the demeanour of the car is more about comfort and refinement. The more I think about it, the more puzzled I am that it didn´t get at least sales of 50,000 units worldwide. There just isn´t that much that is so wrong with it. Some of the reasons for failure are not intrinsic to the car but reside in Lancia´s marketing strategy and perhaps their dealer network. If someone can tell me how well the Citroen C6 sold I´d be pleased to hear, the C6 being at least as outré as the Lancia and not too different in pricing. We can conclude that the market is very intolerant of what are, to be objective, very small variations from the norm.

I must say that I could have written something slightly different a week ago and I could write a review with another angle next week. To attack myself, I have conflated judgments of the car from a marketing point of view with judgments of the car as a thing in its own right. The reasons for its market failure (it was the wrong car) are not reasons to criticise the car as an ownership proposition. The idiosyncratic styling could be seen as a plus and they are certainly not so odd to permit one to say the car is objectively bad. Objectively, the worst things about the car were trivial: small ashtray, absent reading light, slightly severe fuel consumption (but it was the V6). The build quality was fine and the seats comfortable and the ride quality superb. Was it a driver´s car? No. Did it have a “personality”? No, it had features and competence. So, perhaps I should rewrite the review and leave out all the marketing philosophy. The aftermarket wheels were horrible but the ride was still good. I imagine running on Lancia footwear the car would be even nicer.

Stephen Bayley wrote this a long time ago: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/2724085/Car-culture-Decline-and-fall.html

And a few years later the Fabrica Italiana Automobili Torino has turned into Fabrica Americana-Europea Automobili Londra. I’m rather certain Stephen Bayley isn’t all that proud that his observations have proven to be quite so prescient.

I’m baffled, and not just regarding the automotive sector, how as resourceful a country as Italy could end up on the receiving end of the effects of globalisation.

I don’t quite grasp the chief designer’s strangely negative statement at the launch “People will be looking for excuses not to buy this car. So, we wanted to be damn sure we didn´t give them anything to hook onto.” Unless Mr Robinson was speaking in Italian and suffered a poor translation, did he not realise that many people would still have been looking for excuses to buy a Lancia, being frustrated that Fiat hadn’t given them any for many years? Actually, Lancia gave them a pretty decent excuse to buy, and 16,000 sales must have been a great disappointment.

Whereas it reflects more on my terminally immature personality than the efforts of Mr Robinson’s colleagues that, whilst still conceding that the Thesis is by far the better car, I’d rather take a Thema 8.32 over this, what I don’t understand is the many people who are more mature, disciplined and responsible than me who were too brainwashed to realise that this, and not a hard riding BMW or S-Line Audi, is what they would have been be happiest driving.

I would rather take “Ferrari” Thema myself:) And yes, for those looking for ultimate confort, choosing Thesis over S-line Audi or sports suspension BMW would have been wise decision…

I’ll write a more thoughtful response to this excellent piece of writing later, but in response to the question re C6 sales, the answer is 34,592 according to Citroenet – which is quite a few more than I had thought. Nevertheless, it’s a dismal sales performance over almost 7 years, and, even though the retail price of the car was high, every car must have cost PSA a significant loss. It is not a surprise to me, being an owner: it’s just so left-field for today’s market/ consumer, and inferior in many ways to the more mainstream (mainly German) competition, but full of “character”. Car actually put it well – maybe a little generously – in the GBU – like a French Blue Cheese – repels and attracts in equal amounts.

SV. If you consider that the SM, generally seen as a commercial failure, sold over 13,000 units in less than 5 years, despite being comfortably over twice the price of the most expensive DS, the C6 figures are very disappointing. I do like the C6 and, in part, I’d say the poor sales reflect as badly on the unimaginative, pack-like behaviour of punters as on any shortcomings of the car. However, the suspension of relatively recent hydractive Citroens is confusing. You would think it would be far more feasible to sensitively control a wide range of ride and handling set-ups using hydraulic valves, sensors and electronics, than it would on conventionally sprung cars. Yet the results don’t seem to bear that out. I’m sure Citroen’s current engineers are skilled, but they need a brief from people who have some passion or insight in the field, which I suspect has been long lacking at PSA. Both the modern Citroen and the modern Lancia seem like fuzzy interpretations of their forebears, created from a third generation template where essential details have been lost in each transcription. A bit like Liam Gallagher thinking he was John Lennon.

As a long-term fan of Lancia ( some of my first toy cars were Stratos and lovely safari-type Fulvia ), and other quirky and unusual cars, I was rather surprised to get a chance to use a Thesis 2.4 petrol manual for a month. It did 25,000km in five years, as a fifth car in a family, and still had that new car smell. I did 600km during that month, mostly on highway and I must admit my impressions are somewhat mixed. Considering that it came in same body colour-interior colour/material combination as our Peugeot 406 SVDT 2.1, a comparison was almost inevitable. For starters, engine somewhat lacked low-down torque to move such a heavy car, front seats didn’t suit me at all (but, I do have strange proportions and rarely find a car seat that fits me…) and it didn’t really feel more luxurious than 406. (disclaimer: I do hate modern interiors, that try to look upmarket with fake aluminum, fake wood, fake carbon…I prefer old Jag interiors. In fact, I actually made a wood veneer inserts for my Yugo, however pointless that may seem 🙂 ) Back to Thesis…it felt slightly cumbersome, perhaps even too large (and I used to drive Sprinter van, so big vehicles don’t scare me!), never really feeling any benefit of that famous Skyhook suspension.(wasn’t even sure if it had been there at all!?!). It had standard wheels (could have been 16′, don’t really remember…but sidewalls were tall than car in this test:) ) Again, 406 felt light, darty, compliant, much smaller by comparison. Bells and whistles were there, and worked fine, but novelty worn off after first 200km. After that, I was mostly focused on 6-speed gearbox (first time I used it,… so after first downshift from sixth to third, luckily at really low speed, I took extra precaution not to repeat same mistake again! ) and just taking extra care not to put a scratch on it. Funny coincidence – this car came to me as I was considering my next car purchase, so by using top-spec Thesis (are there any other!?!:) ), I was actually able to learn what gadgets and options I could live without 🙂 But every one that took a ride with me was very impressed, in fact so much that few people said it would be perfect wedding limo! And that about sums it up – it’s great car for passengers (without low profile tyres, of course:) ), but driver may feel somewhat dissapointed. After 406, it didn’t feel nothing special to drive…

The 406 is a hard car to beat. I know it well. The size is perfect and it is remarkably smooth. The seating for the driver and passengers is superb. Following that, the Thesis is bulky and remote. My feeling is that Lancia should have made a smaller, C-D class car like the 406 and matched its driving character. It would have been more affordable and a novelty in a less status-conscious sector. A V6 406 does everything a Thesis does but is more wieldy.

We do agree! Except I didn’t like 406 leather seats at all and that famous electronic gas pedal…but other than that, it was excellent (ok, reliability of our particular version notwithstanding…) However, having been invited as a long-term 406 owner to the test of facelifted, 2.0 HDI model, I was quite surprised its controls felt quite heavy comparing to our car. Like they tried to make it more sporty, tighter, harder…really, I believe it was unnecessary.

Hello to Pistonheads visitors- March 15th

I have no experience of the Thesis short of seeing one parked in Florence one time. My initial thoughts were that it certainly was more impressive in the flesh than in any photographs. Having owned and driven a Trevi and a Thema I am well accustomed to Lancia’s engineering foibles and understated elegance. It has always been my opinion that to buy a Lancia one must first be willing and capable of thinking outside the box. The Thesis has refinements that go unnoticed by the vast majority of the public. I would be happy to own one but for it’s non availability in right hand drive. It’s a pity that car design has slowly followed the white goods route where cost and performance greatly overshadow individuality. The Thesis should be applauded for what it is, a unmistakably uncompromisingly overly designed car.

Thanks for stopping by Fintan. It has occurred to me that (as far as I can recall) I have never seen a Thesis in the wild. I suspect they look a good deal more imposing than they do in static photography. Nevertheless, it remains a car I’d like to drive (or travel in) more than admire from afar.

A question: As a (former?) Trevi and Thema owner, are you inclined to view the Thesis as less or more of a Lancia than the duo you have owned – or is that an unfair question?

I enjoyed your review. Yes, there’s something wrong with the Thesis.

You miss out the Kappa, two of which I’ve had so far. Utterly reliable — unlike all French cars — ask your friendly breakdown wagon driver, he knows. And I have memory heated seats, and a C-post reading light and fag lighter terminal accessible for rear passengers. And rear screen sunblinds but you have to fiddle them up manually. The boot’s 500 litres, in a car appreciably shorter and narrower than Thesis. I grant we have plastic wood. Hardly marketed, as Fiat “luxed up” Alfa’s bigger model, whose 3.0 V6 is much the same as mine. Kappa has smoothish ride, but many are as good or better. Would love Skyhook, which works on the Maserati. The Kappa estate has self-levelling rear suspension, at £400 a pop to replace, and clever storage layout in the back.

And as for the Kappa coupé, that’s a superior car with its SWB still allowing the 500L boot, and prices hold up — I can get a cheaper Thesis. The 2.0L turbo engine is still the fastest regular production Lancia ever, in either 12v or 24v. And the window comes down a bit for opening/closing the doors. But now I’ve seen a BMW X-whatever number which opens your door a couple of inches on remote unlocking.

In the flesh Thesis looks a lot better, maybe because you can’t easily take in all its ungainly bulk in one view. And have chatted to owners, who do huge mileages happily. Doesn’t self-park, like some Deltas –which has been another expensive mistake with a disproportionately long wheebase. The only success they’ve had is little Elefantino, nice at a price.

Part of the problem is political: Italian statesmen must have an Italian conveyance, so it’s longer inside than it would otherwise need to be. And they rarely need to go fast, so it doesn’t matter that Thesis is woefully under-engined for actual owner drivers. The lack of ostentation has often been a Lancia feature: remember the lovely 2000, a miniature Rolls of its time.

Now all surpassed by the XF, beating all the pretentious characterless Germans.

Don’t knock the Safrane Baccara, a gem. But then I thought Vel Satis was fun too.

Thanks for dropping by. We have a few Kappa articles here plus a Trevi test drive. I had a look at the Kappa as a used car but they are too old (my wife wants hundreds of airbags) and the three on sale here are a bit leggy. I have my eye on a Delta: it’s the right size and has a decent boot.

What’s wrong with the Delta’s wheelbase? It’s exactly what makes this car unique and gives it very elegant proportions. Not your everyday Golf-clone hatchback. The only thing you could criticize is that it’s placed right between the usual car segments which might have contributed to the difficulty of selling it. But as Richard says, for people who don’t need a saloon and want something slightly bigger it’s perfect.

The Delta is only 10 cm shorter than the Peugeot 406 and has the same luggage capacity. Cars after the 406/Laguna2/Mondeo2 got too big. It’s a distinctive car in a market of good but very similar products. The Golf/Focus/Astra trio are all good in (slightly) different ways. There’s no mistaking a Delta for anything else, inside or out.

In many ways I think FCA suffers from Roveritis, which is to say that, while they have people in their ranks who are individually talented and work hard, management is fundamentally an inept cancer that continually enables a deep-seated culture of close-enough-is-good-enough. The truth is that FCA is simply not a serious company in the way that a Toyota or BMW are. The Delta, in fact, is a good case in point. I think the styling has held up well – it was an influential design for its class and considering the constraints put on the design team, that is no mean feat. But the devil is in the detail.

Somewhere on one or another of my hard drives I have a handful of photos that neatly encapsulate the Delta’s fate. They are from the Geneva 2008 launch, which was quite a ritzy affair with, from memory, five Deltas on hand (and nothing else from the range in sight, to fully emphasise the Delta’s importance). Three were decked out in white, two in black. The photos focus on the area just below the tip of the grille’s V. On at least two of the white cars, rivulets caused by running paint are very clearly visible. It’s not very evident in the below photo (the clearest I could find on the web), but you can see, just offset to the left from the ridge that runs down from the bottom of the V, the dried-up ball of paint above the lower intake:


This might seem like a small thing. But in fact, it was a big thing, because it speaks to the seriousness of the whole enterprise. If you are that slapdash about the quality of the cars that are supposedly relaunching the brand and being gone over by most of the world’s motoring press, how serious are you going to be about production cars? The Delta was not an especially cheap car at launch, but the detailing simply didn’t support the price point, because the budget was simply not made available for it. It’s one of those cars that looks worse the closer you get, because things like the grille and doorhandles look like the cheaply-made plastic pieces they are. It’s a shame, really, but almost duty-bound to be that way, because it is the inevitable result when management is utterly committed to, and only to, facilitating PowerPoint presentations and balancing account ledgers.

Oh dear. I am considering buying one.

I wouldn’t; still overpriced. I was dead keen on this before launch, but disappointed the more I got to see of the cars. Its best feature seemed to be you could stand up with your head out of the sunroof and let it park itself. But that, and almost everything else you might have wanted rather more, is an expensive option. I think this applied to the sliding rear seats which I’d have found a boon on two-person long tours.

What really got me, apart from cheap materials described by previous poster, was that the wheelbase was too long for decent handling. I kow you can say it was good to get away from the rigid segment definitions, but it doesn’t really work with today’s herd mentality. There was a time when Lancia could go against this with flair — no longer.

But today’s news may mean the Chinese will buy Fiat-Chrysler (will Trump allow?) so I’ll be having to buy spares now in case the supply dries up completely.

Hello Vic: thanks for the insight. The Kappa is one of my preferred choices. However, I am not the only user and have to compromise. The reviewers were happy with the car´s materials. I am not *very* concerned about handling as the car is to be driven in Denmark where it´s all about rigorously enforced speed limits. I drive on cruise control most of the time. I like the long wheelbase in that it affords a lot of rear leg room, something I set a high price on.

Richard, I’ve driven in Denmark too. I’m not really happy recommending a Kappa for you as I don’t think it would be v economical in that environment. (I never drive diesels.) You’d have to fit your own cruise control: I’ve never seen a Kappa with it. Lybra might work, but is rare. Has more modern suspension, probably enough airbags — just maybe enough rear legroom. Boot not vast. Oh, and I always choose a car after ensuring I have a mechanic close enough to service/fix it.

Let me know what you think of Lybra idea — afraid I don’t have time to check now.

Some Kappas have all the airbags, maybe only 2000 year Coupés, which will cost a bit for low mileage — they were so good people did use them a lot. But it’s a bigger car.

I looked into the Lybra. There is a leggy one for sale in Kolding. It’s been on sale for months. The rear legroom is disappointing, I have to say. Otherwise a pretty decent car. There are no saloons – the Kolding car is an estate. Life would be easier if I could buy a car from outside Denmark without the mystery of the import (“registration fee”) tax. With all that in mind, the Delta is available, not too high a mileage, spacious and nigh on unique, airbagged. Bloody expensive too.

Richard, first I don’t understand yr import problem: thought DK in the EU, no? What price and year a possible Lybra in, say, Germany/Poland? And what price and yr DK Delta ? Lybra legroom depends on how far front seats are set back, of course. Most factory pix set them right back to give attractive spacious front cabin look! Best go and play with one.

After looking more into Lybra, I might swap out of my Kappa for one — not too expensive here in France, more manouvrable as I age, and an auto box, but only on 2.0L when 1.8 would probably do me. Saloon far better rigid structure than SW. Has to be LX: base model a bit mean.

The import “problem” is twofold. One, there are hard-to-fathom registration fees when the car arrives in Denmark and secondly, domestically, my Danish wife has a very, very strong preference for a locally bought car as opposed to one from outside Denmark (which is in the EU). The Delta I have my eye on is correctly priced for the local market: a huge, huge sum of money which is €8000 plus the Danish registration “tax”. Seriously, don´t ask. It´s a frightener. I will be looking at the car tomorrow.

By the way, are you part of a Lancia forum as well?

A quick look at Lybras wíth under 70,000 km shows them to be a) marvellous as saloons b) rare and c) all in Italy which is domestically a complete no-go. But €3000 gets one a very tidy dark saloon with a tan hide interior. What a lovely car. Sadly, I think I can write that idea off. I notice low mileage Kappas are still worth a lot. The market has belatedly discovered what excellent cars they are.

While I admire your wife’s preference for supporting local Danish enterprises, I’m not sure you’ll be spending enough for the actual financial benefit to them to be very much. There are probably enough Lybras in nearby Holland and Germany to get an idea if it’s the model for you.

I’m not knowingly on other car forums; used to do Viva Lancia! years ago.

Low mileage Kappas are rare, and usually coupés and as you say, holding or increasing prices; mine is a very rare 6ok km berlina, ordered for an Italian mega corp director. True to tax-avoiding stereotype, they got a base model, then loaded it with nearly every extra to get an LX spec without paying the extra tax for it! So I paid a lot for what was a 15-year-old car that looks like a slug, but has complete and comprehensive history. Probably wouldn’t get now what I paid; don’t mind; does what I got it for. [Those stainless window trims can be carefully moved to the right place wearing thick rubber gloves. I’ve seen them on Passats, too, also out of alignment!]

The auto box is “intelligent” — remembers how you’ve driven and constantly updates to what you’re doing now. Love it. Lybra has that too, but adds another option, switching to fully manual too.

Going back to Thesis, which was where I came into your nice site, if they’d just scaled up Lybra to limo size and added Skyhook it would have done far better. Both used input from the Dialogos concept.

Danes are highly risk averse. Buying “abroad” is seen as risky. That, rather than a concern for the economy, drives the preference. The Lancia range needed a car between the Lybra and Thesis: I suppose Lancia thought an image-building large car was the way to go.

Apropros of nothing, I was recently in Belgrade and Lybras (especially SWs) seem to be popular amongst the taxi brigade there.

On the topic at hand, the thing about the Delta is this. It will fit the ‘modern car’ parameters that satisfy your wife much better than even the Lybra and especially the Kappa – it has cruise, is much safer, and so on. As a modern, practical, conventional car with a lot of legroom and a bit of distinctiveness, it’s a perfectly reasonable choice. But with that said, it won’t feel as distinctive as a Kappa or a Lybra, because the engineering freedoms simply weren’t allowed to drag it too far away from a Bravo. I quite like the Bravo so this isn’t really a criticism from my side of the ledger. But it is something to be aware of nonetheless. In any case, my point about the launch cars was more about highlighting management more than engineering incompetence – it is literally impossible to imagine Piech allowing something like this to occur.

I would note that regarding reviewers’ impressions of materials, you might notice they tended to go out of their way to point out how nice the seats are etc etc, usually adding an addendum like, “which means you don’t notice the dashboard plastics”. In truth, actually, for me it is not really the plastic quality so much as the chosen treatment that I don’t care for – the silver-spray radio/infotainment slab on most models I personally find pretty unsightly. There is a piano black finish on expensive ones that makes a world of difference, but I’m going to guess they sold approximately none of these in Denmark, and any that may exist are prohibitively expensive. The cheap materials on the outside, I would say much the same about. As the reviews of Skodas and Hyundais from the 1980s would say, they get the job done. But they just look and feel cheap, and in that way, they undermine the pleasure I take in the car. If you can live with that, though, it sounds like a good car for your requirements.

Today I viewed the Delta. Report to follow.

You do not have to master marketing to know that the unconventional design of the headlights was reason enough for plenty of potential customers not to buy the car. You simply not succeed in selling this kind of refinement to mass customers. Ask at VW how well they’ve understood this and why the VW Golf is such a success. This said, the beautiful front design would be one of the main reasons I’d buy a car that would set me apart from everything else on the streets. But as we know also most of customers which can afford this sort of car do not want to stand out too much from their peers driving around in boring Mercs and BMs..

For someone with a design background I ought to be able to spot that about the lamps. I don´t see the problem there but in the proportions and the bland centre.

I must say that I find the Thesis fascinating and lovely, in many respects, but I have problems ‘seeing’ the front.

I have to study it each time I see it to work out the angles involved, especially of the area that surrounds the grille. Also, at a glance, it looks as though it doesn’t have a bumper or anything to ‘bring it to a conclusion’ at the front.

Finally, the lights strike me as being relatively small and very much at the edges. All of this might be wrong, but it’s the way I see it and I have similar difficulties with the Ford Scorpio. It’s not an ugly design, exactly, but there’s something disturbing about it.

Am I reading too much into the shape of those headlamps, or are they intended to look a little like the Lancia badge, from a high (standing adult) viewing angle?

Hello Daniel – could be. One would have to look at the blurb for the Thesis / Dialogos concept, possibly. By the way, I came across these concepts – I hadn’t seen them before.


Those concept pictures are fascinating. I like the one on the left quite a lot. It’s interesting to note that the middle concept has much better flanks than the production car.

Well here i am, replying on an ancient article on a car i intend to buy. Driven by a subconsious alarm that tells me not to. I want the car because it’s lush and luxurious, exotic in a way and it has a V6 engine, enough power and a faint charm about it that is impossible to describe. Also, i set my financial realm to around 3000 euro’s so there is not a whole lot to choose fromin this segment. Apart from it’s debated flaws and quirky looks that should withold me, i’m just wondering whether i am inclined to considder buying this machine. There’s just something that stands out from the other cars that fit this bill..something that lures me in. Maybe this is my car karma, wich has let me down once too often. Somebody: please discourage me (with arguments)!

Good morning Bas and welcome to Driven To Write. I’m afraid you’ve come to the wrong place if you wish to be discouraged from buying a Lancia of any sort! The Thesis would be a lovely modern classic to own, quietly elegant and understated (unlike almost all current cars). Go for it!

Always bear in mind that the cost of keeping such a car on the road is not depending on the purchase price but on the class of car and that Lancias are particularly expensive to maintain because their spare partes are exceptionally expensive if you can get them. The biggest problem with all cars from the Fiat emporium is spare parts availability. For cars like Thesis, 166 or 916 there is literally nothing you can buy at a Fiat dealer. With luck you get wiper blades and brake pads but that’s all. No body parts and only very few mechanical spares are avilable. Last summer I searched five weeks for a used cambelt cover to replace a cracked one on an Alfa 916 and a Thesis surely isn’t any better. The Alfa V6 is an expensive engine to run and to maintain. Driven hard it has a tendency to drink. You probably never will see better than ten litres per 100 km, inner city driving will be between 13 and 16 litres per 100 km and fast autobahn driving will nearly invariably be beyond 20 litres and beyond. It then also consumes some oil. The V6 needs seven litres of fully synthetic 10W-60 oil every 20.000 kms and you should not go for cheap oil if you want your engine to last. Follow the old Alfa buyers’ recommendatoin and let the owner start the test drive – make sure he is warming it up properly for at least 20 kilometres before he uses it hard. If not, walk away. Maintained and driven properly, the engine will last for 250.000 kms and a bit more which is quite respectable regarding the leaden right foot of the majority of Alfa owners. An Alfa engine overhaul is expensive and definitely not a job for the faint hearted or the inexperienced. Cambelt replacement is recommended every 60.000 kms and should not be pushed beyond 80.000 kms and is a more than 1.000 € job. Look at the service bills to check that. A properly maintained Alfa V6 can provide a lot of fun, a badly maintained one can (and will) become a pig.

I’m an old Italian car nut myself but I wouldn’t do it, at least not at the price level you are looking at. The risk is far too high to buy a car with a significant servicing ‘backlog’ that would become an object of endless money spending. The non-availability of any spare parts also would prevent me from buying such a car.

I can only agree with Dave’s comments. Especially his comment about the budget. With a vehicle at this price level, a significant servicing ‘backlog’ is definitely to be expected. Due to the non-availability of spare parts outlined by Dave – and to be a bit flowery, he was only describing the door handle of the “gate to hell” – a expensive car is the better car in any case.

Should you find a vehicle of your choice and all is well, rest assured I am already envious.

Sorry but I can´t discourage you with any factual reasons to avoid the Thesis. It´s comfortable, elegant, pleasant to drive and distinctive. The rear seating will win friends with your family and acquaintances. The only downside is the silly glove compartment and the tiny ash-tray.

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Lancia's Thesis was its Requiem

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It has been conjectured that Fiat's attempt to take its storied Lancia charge from rallying legend to a somewhat effeminate near-luxury brand, overtly geared to women, was doomed to begin with.

2002-09 Lancia Thesis

However, today - perhaps, particularly this year - it's worth remembering the brand's last flagship, the Thesis, for a memorable ad in which Italian actress Maria Grazia Cucinotta appeared, riding a bike along a tree-lined avenue.

A number of large cars whizz past her, causing her hair to fly uncontrollably, and even her skirt to lift. She stops, annoyed. When a Lancia Thesis approaches at high speed, Maria prepares for yet another buffeting; yet her skirt barely flutters, as the breeze caresses her hair. The car overtakes her gently, quietly, and smoothly.

As the film ends, the cyclist and the driver exchange glances, in mutual recognition of this sophisticated demonstration of power, one which has left room for courtesy and sensitivity.

Lancia is - perhaps soon, was - one of the world's oldest automakers. Founded in 1906, it became known for technological innovation and craftsman-like attention to detail.

1922-24 Lancia Lambda Torpedo

In the Twenties, the Lancia Lambda was the first car in the world with stress-bearing bodywork, eschewing the frame to which American automakers would remain true for the better part of the twentieth century. The Lambda was also first with independent front suspension.

1937 Lancia Aprilia Berlinetta Aerodinamica

France's Citroën would become famous for its obsession with wind tunnels and aerodynamics, but Lancia's Aprilia of the Thirties boasted a wind-cheating body before Citroën had ever mentioned coefficients of drag; and registering a C d of 0.47 back when the average value among the competition was a bluff 0.60.

1950-52 Lancia Aurelia Cabriolet

And in the Fifties, under the Aurelia's hood was the first V-6 ever fitted to a roadgoing vehicle.

From the 1970s onward, under Fiat ownership, Lancia wrestled with reliability and rust prevention, while also struggling to retain its identity. Fiat became increasingly intent on integrating Lancia into its engineering and purchasing systems, which saved cost but also hurt competitiveness - particularly in the upper echelon, where being authentically distinctive is important.

1992 Lancia Delta HF Integrale

The '80s rallying success of the legendary Lancia Delta Integrale - six consecutive world championship titles - gave Lancia something truly unique to talk about again. More recently, its Ypsilon city car proved very popular.

But the soft, sinuous lines for which many remember Lancia need a large canvas to really work.

1988-92 Lancia Thema V6

Lancia's last commercially successful flagship was the 1985 Thema. The Thema's successor, the Kappa, had not done quite as well, despite plaudits for its refinement, packaging, and capable chassis. Some said that Kappa's use of an Alfa Romeo platform had condemned it to also-ran status.

Determined to regain its stature, Lancia decided to pull out all the stops. In 1995, it launched itself into researching what the typical Lancia customer - the "enlightened bourgeois of the 1950s and 1960s," as Fiat Auto managing director Roberto Testore put it - would want at the turn of the Millennium.

1998 Lancia Dialogos concept

The answer came in the form of Mike Vernon Robinson's stunning "Diàlogos" concept of the 1998 Turin Motor Show. The high front, long bonnet, and profile resembling an upside-down wedge marked a new formal language, one which refuted the school of rational forms in favor of emotional elegance. Its large, vertical grille was flanked by diamond-shaped headlamps; its sculpted, shapely fenders broke away from the hood line in a manner similar to cars of the Thirties and Forties. All of this bucked the trend for over-rational, visually spare shapes.

1998 Lancia Dialogos concept

"Exciting elegance goes far beyond rational utility to leave space for the imagination," Lancia enthused. Though controversial, the look successfully averted the customary protruding bumper and consequent front overhang of front-wheel-drive cars.

Neither Fiat nor Alfa Romeo had anything rear-wheel drive. The new Lancia flagship - unlike the Mercedes-Benzes and BMWs with which it would compete - would thus be front-drive. That apart, however, Lancia promised that the Thesis platform would not be shared with any other cars in the Fiat group. Fiat had virtually invented platform sharing, but was now developing spaceframe technology which allowed the basic chassis to be tailored to different cars, with flexible dimensions and flexible mountings.

2002-09 Lancia Thesis

Inside, innovative telematics technology would prove that the Italians had, finally, mastered multiplexing; with the added bonus of providing intriguing contrast to the retro exterior. There would be a seven-inch TFT color display in the dashboard, with navigation, voice recognition, a hands-free phone, and an optional television. Other options of note would include radar cruise-control, a sunroof with solar cells to power the air conditioning when the vehicle was parked in the sun, dual climate zones for the rear passengers, power assistance when opening the doors, tri-fan ventilated and massaging seats, an electronic parking brake, and an eleven-speaker Bose audio system.

2002-09 Lancia Thesis

Each Thesis would get eight air bags as standard, and electronic stability control.

The doors would close as soundly as those of a Mercedes E-Class, and the materials employed in the cabin would be used not merely for appearance, for also for the tactile and acoustic reactions they aroused.

"People will be looking for excuses not to buy this car. So, we wanted to be damn sure we didn't give them anything to hook onto," Robinson told CAR magazine.

Underlining the technology within were bi-xenon headlights and thirty LEDs per taillight.

The Italians were particularly proud of their telematics system which, they promised, was the easiest to use around. This, remember, was just as BMW's iDrive launched in the E65 7 series, confounding journalists and owners alike.

However, like the French , the Italians had never been particularly good at electronic gadgetry. The car suffered several delays.

"Trimmed as it is in acres of (real) wood, leather, and alcantara, it's sure to become a favorite among Europe's executive class," wrote Frank Markus for Car and Driver in February 2001 upon seeing the finished result at Geneva.

"The cabin is truly rich, and walks the right side of that line in Italian style dividing the perfectly proportioned minimalism from their bling-bling rap-star Versace vulgarity," said Paul Horrell for CAR. Horrell was particularly impressed with the lightly-varnished wood trim and cast magnesium in the center console. "I can't tell you how much more satisfying it is to use a cupholder or ashtray that glides out of solid metal than some clacky plastic lid."

The car would be named "Thesis" which, like Thema, recalled a letter from classical Greek. This, said Lancia, conjured up the image of culture, while also conveying the idea of advanced scientific research and state-of-the-art technology.

2002-09 Lancia Thesis

Originally planned to launch in 2000, the Thesis in April 2002 finally became the largest and most luxurious sedan in the Fiat Group portfolio.

To Lancia's credit, the challenging front and rear fasciae of the concept had been retained for production. Yet something had been lost in translation; mostly, perhaps, in the flanks. Something about those door frames seemed more plebian than the rest of the car, and that bulging waistline, much though (as design critic Stephen Bayley has suggested ) it might have recalled the 1965 Flaminia, did not quite fit.

2002-09 Lancia Thesis

Rumor had it that some degree of inflexibility in Fiat's early spaceframe strategy had forced the change in proportions.

Whatever the reason, the Thesis tended to photograph as though three cars: front, sides, and rear. Not for nothing was it frequently described as simultaneously pleasantly controversial yet frustratingly mellow.

2002-09 Lancia Thesis

On the road, where the human eye tends to focus on one aspect, the Thesis' lines worked better. Front and rear, from a dead-on perspective, it looked at least as rich as the German competition, and certainly exhibited more character.

To drive, Thesis should have been fairly capable. Its aluminum front suspension was a development of the traditional double-wishbone layout, which enthusiasts find preferable to MacPherson struts. Five links controlled the movement of the front wheels, yet kept virtual steering axle as close as possible to the wheel center, to benefit steering accuracy and response. At the rear, various arms in aluminum, steel, and cast iron provided a fair degree of passive rear steer. Grip was decent, particularly for a car which weighed four thousand pounds. Predictably, the nose would eventually run wide under hard cornering, but the lack of feel through the steering was as frustrating as its non-linear response.

2002-09 Lancia Thesis

The odd twitchiness of the chassis could pay off, however, as the Thesis was throttle steerable. Lift off, and balance would be restored.

The silent cabin, with its five-millimeter glazing, met a ride that was very good indeed. For the body control, and superlative smoothness over the most pocked roads, one could thank Maserati, who (together with Mannesmann-Sachs) had engineered those six-sensor, semi-active dampers for its Spyder sports car. More akin to a Jaguar than to the German competition, so good was the suspension's ride quality that it even had a name: "Skyhook." Buick would unofficially borrow that name to describe the ride of its own cars.

Predictably, the Thesis' most popular engine was the torquey yet economical 2.4-liter JTD diesel. Surprisingly in thrifty and displacement-taxed Europe, gasoline buyers bypassed the two-liter turbocharged and 2.4-liter five-cylinder models in favor of the sonorous, Alfa-derived three-liter 24-valve V-6.

Lancia had invented the V-6, and this particular engine revved happily to its 6,300-rpm power peak, and 7,000-rpm red-line, producing 215 horsepower and 194 foot-pounds of torque. That made for a top speed of one hundred and forty-six mph; but the Thesis’ sheer heft ultimately conspired against it, resulting in a rather relaxed, 9.2-second 0-60 mph time.

A 3.2-liter V-6 was also available. Plans were made to offer Cadillac's Northstar V-8 and a three-liter Isuzu V-6 diesel was offered as well (to be shared with the Saab 9-5 and Renault Vel Satis), but Fiat's messy divorce from General Motors in 2002 put paid to that.

Thesis was supposed to support an effort to push Lancia sales from just one hundred and fifty thousand in 2001, to three hundred thousand by 2008.

However, Thesis failed to hit even the modest sales goals Lancia had set for it: a mere thirteen thousand and two hundred units in 2002, and hopes for twenty-five thousand in 2003. Mind you, in true Italian fashion, they could never quite agree on a target. Juan Jose Diaz Ruiz, executive vice-president for marketing and sales, was more ambitious. He foresaw annual sales of thirty-five thousand cars.

In the end, they sold just sixteen thousand over seven years. Sales ran through 2009, but the Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi triumvirate was never threatened. More to the point, the Thesis couldn't nearly match the sales of its Kappa predecessor; and the Kappa, in turn, had not done as well as the Thema before it.

lancia thesis népítélet

Lancia took the failure on the chin, having invested four hundred and five million euros in the project (one hundred and eighty-five million for R&D, and two hundred and twenty-one for tooling).

Following 2010’s Fiat/ Chrysler tie-up, Lancia CEO Olivier François took on the additional role of Chrysler CEO. He saw a parallel between the two brands. For the past ten years, he noted, both had strived to offer, to varying degrees, a quietly elegant, near-luxury experience. Both were positioned as style-conscious brands for upwardly mobile, trend-setting customers.

François was widely regarded to have done a good job at Lancia with limited resources. Despite the long-running Ypsilon and Musa both being based on the floorpan of the last-generation Fiat Punto, and though the Lancia Delta was constrained in its proportions by the Fiat Bravo platform, Fiat’s near-luxury brand had ridden out the effects of the economic downturn remarkably effectively. In a down market which had battered the auto industry, Lancia’s sales in 2009 had remained flat.

But François would sound Lancia's death knoll when he rebadged various Chryslers - including a minivan - as Lancias.

Today, Lancia sells cars only in Italy - and its only car is the little Ypsilon hatchback. The brand is not expected to last much longer.

What a pity. Thesis was a colorful car in a conservative segment - a dignified expression of what Lancia thought its brand could be in the modern era. However, after several years of lackluster cars, for one model to muster the distinction to support a hefty price tag was always going to be a tall order. And the relevance of Lancia's somewhat muddled brand values, post-Millennium, was at best debatable.

Writing for CAR, Paul Horrell saw this clearly at the time. "Imagine a Rover 95 (a theoretical step-up from the British brand's retro 75, which debuted at roughly the same time as the Thesis and which also proved to be its maker's swansong) and you would be spookily close.

"It's a scary thought: two brands that refuse to be youthful or sporty (are the) two brands that have underperformed."

Further reading

Lovely and wrong: Richard Herriott assesses Lancia's former flagship Driven To Write

Thu 14 Dec 17

  • Communication

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Spain's Youthful SEAT Car Brand

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A Guide to Summer Shopping in Italy

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The Challenges of Learning Arabic

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Pick-ups Over Here, Hatchbacks Over There

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Tulips are known as the flower of springtime in the Netherlands. Tourists and locals alike flock to visit the country's many beautiful flower gardens. Yet this iconic flower is not Dutch!..

Saving Hebrew

Hebrew was virtually dead as a spoken language - until a father and son persuaded their community that all could have a hand in restoring Hebrew, and modernizing it, word by word...

The First Modern Hatchback

French motoring journalists had long been muttering over their Gauloises about the need for a new mid-market Renault. The R16 of 1965 was the first modern hatchback, versatile and comfortable...

Keeper of the Bridge

'Most,' in Serbo/ Croatian, means bridge. 'Stari' means old. 'Mostar' could be - and has been – loosely interpreted to mean 'Keeper of the bridge.'..

The Anti-Pensioner Volvo

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Introduction to the Philippines

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Where Women Brew the Village Beer

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Bewitchingly Flawed

As CAR magazine once put it of the Ferrari 348 - the final V8 mid-engined model to be developed by Enzo Ferrari himself - 'A Ferrari – even a flawed Ferrari – is simply too bewitching.'..

Just the Happy Country Songs, Please. We're Japanese

Enka music is very Japanese - the tear-stained crystallization of the long-suffering Japanese heart. And country music, being quintessentially American, is by definition the exact opposite...

Japan's Caprice

Toyota had made its name on reliable small cars. Now, Toyota wanted to increase its profitability – and that meant Cressida: a larger, more prestigious car...

The First Martians

The problems that arise when something is mistranslated can be comical – indeed, dangerous – and can have far-reaching consequences. NASA reminds us of an unusual instance which dates back to the late 19th century...

Dolma or Tolma?

There's no point arguing. Any dish that evokes the spirit of a particular Armenian community, any dish that makes them feel that it is Armenian, is Armenian...

Jetta: Hip to be Square

The Jetta and its irreverent advertising led legions of Gen Y drivers to Volkswagen, lured by the fun image the company projected...

Speisen wie Gott in Frankreich: Wiener Schnitzel

These thinly pounded cutlets that are first breaded and then fried are so beloved that they've even made it on the menus of such elite restaurants as Wolfgang Puck's Spago in Beverly Hills...

The Big-Hearted Will Take Away the Bride

Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. This evergreen story of a young man in love with a girl whose father does not approve, celebrates the best of Bollywood...

Dutch in Paradise

A Dutch physician once claimed that his mother tongue was the best and oldest language in the world. According to him, Adam and Eve spoke Dutch in paradise...

The World Envies Us for One Thing

The best Lancias have been faintly mad, evincing the uneven dollops of brilliance that played a role in their conception. The 1976 Lancia Gamma, particularly in coupé form, certainly fit that description...

Nyusu Flash: You Know 26 Words in Korean

English comprises over ninety percent of the 20,000 loanwords currently used in Korean, and new words are being added on a daily basis...

La Tour Eiffel: Ça, c'est Paris!

At its inception, a chorus of opposing voices rose to protest France's Eiffel Tower, attacking it as a meaningless gesture, devoid of function and too reminiscent of an industrial smokestack...

When I See an Alfa Romeo go by, I Tip my Hat

After a twenty-one-year absence from America, Italian Alfa Romeo is back. Will initial attraction translate into a long-term partnership?..

How Does the Bilingual Brain Work?

Reasons to learn italian, reasons to learn french, 3 unbelievable spanish-speaking travel hotspots, 10 of the weirdest international slang phrases, how bilingualism improves your health, why you should learn a language today, truth in advertising, why adults are better language learners than children, how the brain benefits from being bilingual - infographic, a proven approach to language lessons, top quality spanish teachers, affordable french lessons of the highest quality, a better way to learn italian, high quality spanish courses, italian school, top quality french teachers, finding the best language school, italian tutors.

Students are discovering how much fun Italian classes can be at our language institute in Beverly Hills. Learning about the culture and language of Italy is such a treat that students regularly meet in one of the area restaurants to practice casually over lunch...

New Year's Resolution

It's that time of year when many of us look to making a New Year's Resolution. As you ponder your own, you might consider learning a new language...

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The story of the mysterious Lancia Thesis

Posted: 9 April 2024 | Last updated: 9 April 2024

<p>Compared with the Thesis, few cars from <a href="https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-review/new-car-reviews/lancia">Lancia</a> had so much time and money invested in them.</p><p>A a car of slightly mysterious allure but plenty of technology, it was developed on its own bespoke chassis and the same sort of suspension used in the <a href="https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-review/maserati">Maserati</a> Spyder, <a href="https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-review/maserati/granturismo">Granturismo</a> and <a href="https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-review/maserati/quattroporte">Quattroporte</a>. It even had radar-guided cruise control - the first Lancia to do so.</p><p>Despite the effort and attention lavished on it to make it a true rival for the <a href="https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-review/bmw/5-series">BMW 5 Series</a> and <a href="https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-review/mercedes-benz/e-class">Mercedes E-Class</a>, it was dropped from the price list after eight years with less than 20,000 produced.</p><p>We therefore thought it best to find out why, partly because it has never been sold in the UK, partly because it’s a relatively rare sight even in its native Italy, and partly because it looks a little weird.</p>

Lancia Thesis

Compared with the Thesis, few cars from  Lancia  had so much time and money invested in them.

A a car of slightly mysterious allure but plenty of technology, it was developed on its own bespoke chassis and the same sort of suspension used in the  Maserati  Spyder,  Granturismo  and  Quattroporte . It even had radar-guided cruise control - the first Lancia to do so.

Despite the effort and attention lavished on it to make it a true rival for the  BMW 5 Series  and  Mercedes E-Class , it was dropped from the price list after eight years with less than 20,000 produced.

We therefore thought it best to find out why, partly because it has never been sold in the UK, partly because it’s a relatively rare sight even in its native Italy, and partly because it looks a little weird.

<p><span>From the front i</span><span>ts chrome Lancia grille resembles a medieval shield, and from the rear, where the translucent glow of some rather gothic tail-lights give it a look like no other car on the road.</span></p>

Front end design

From the front i ts chrome Lancia grille resembles a medieval shield, and from the rear, where the translucent glow of some rather gothic tail-lights give it a look like no other car on the road.

<p>From the side, however, the Thesis is a car of three parts, its distinctive nose and tail sandwiching one of the dullest centre sections of any executive car on the road. Which is a pity.</p>

Piggy in the middle

From the side, however, the Thesis is a car of three parts, its distinctive nose and tail sandwiching one of the dullest centre sections of any executive car on the road. Which is a pity.

<p>Such dullness is all the more disappointing given the design origins of the Thesis – pronounced ‘tay-sis’, rather than as per the lengthy academic tract - which stemmed from a striking 1998 concept called Dialogos. This car’s clean flanks, wooden floor, subtly sculpted dashboard and suicide-rear-doors promised something refreshing, but Lancia’s nerve faltered, the production version trading the subtle curviness of the original vision for banality instead.</p>

Such dullness is all the more disappointing given the design origins of the Thesis – pronounced ‘tay-sis’, rather than as per the lengthy academic tract - which stemmed from a striking 1998 concept called Dialogos.

This car’s clean flanks, wooden floor, subtly sculpted dashboard and suicide-rear-doors promised something refreshing, but Lancia’s nerve faltered, the production version trading the subtle curviness of the original vision for banality instead.

<p>Given that Lancia’s biggest barely registers on any sales graph featuring the 5 Series, E Class and A6, it might just as well have gone the whole way and produced something really different. Especially as the Thesis feels pretty special inside, despite the loss of the concept’s (admittedly impractical) wooden floor and smooth-contoured seating. Sparely deployed wood, cream-faced instruments and richly upholstered seats make this Lancia a car you want to get in as do the heated and cooled massage seats that can be optionally installed front and rear.</p>

Beauty on the inside

Given that Lancia’s biggest barely registers on any sales graph featuring the 5 Series, E Class and A6 , it might just as well have gone the whole way and produced something really different.

Especially as the Thesis feels pretty special inside, despite the loss of the concept’s (admittedly impractical) wooden floor and smooth-contoured seating.

Sparely deployed wood, cream-faced instruments and richly upholstered seats make this Lancia a car you want to get in as do the heated and cooled massage seats that can be optionally installed front and rear.

<p>The Thesis’s non-availability in the UK meant that I had a long wait, after its 2001 launch, before sampling its charms, and then only as a passenger. But that was enough to discover whether it was burdened with a problem afflicting almost every Fiat Auto product of the day, which was an inability to absorb sharp, transverse ridges like motorway expansion strips without firing a creaky judder through the dashboard.</p>

Forbidden fruit

The Thesis’s non-availability in the UK meant that I had a long wait, after its 2001 launch, before sampling its charms, and then only as a passenger. But that was enough to discover whether it was burdened with a problem afflicting almost every Fiat Auto product of the day, which was an inability to absorb sharp, transverse ridges like motorway expansion strips without firing a creaky judder through the dashboard.

<p>That might sound a ludicrously arcane basis on which to judge a car, but the aura of mild flimsiness provoked by this flaw was one I hoped this more substantially assembled Lancia would be free of. Within minutes of climbing aboard a Thesis at Turin airport I had my answer – it soon hit an autostrada expansion strip, and I heard the faint plastic crack of a dashboard quivering with a tremor that the suspension had failed to suppress. Oh, the disappointment.</p>


That might sound a ludicrously arcane basis on which to judge a car, but the aura of mild flimsiness provoked by this flaw was one I hoped this more substantially assembled Lancia would be free of. Within minutes of climbing aboard a Thesis at Turin airport I had my answer – it soon hit an autostrada expansion strip, and I heard the faint plastic crack of a dashboard quivering with a tremor that the suspension had failed to suppress. Oh, the disappointment.

<p>A couple of years later I got to actually drive a Thesis, and discovered a car not much more able in the bend-bashing department. But those beguiling tail-lights and that classy Italian cabin make this a saloon that I have a mild yearning for - especially as they're so rare.</p><p>Consequently we couldn't find any Thesis' for sale in the UK today. But in Italy cars start at just €1,800 for a runner and rise to €9,000 for a clean example. Tempted?</p>

Mild yearning

A couple of years later I got to actually drive a Thesis, and discovered a car not much more able in the bend-bashing department. But those beguiling tail-lights and that classy Italian cabin make this a saloon that I have a mild yearning for - especially as they're so rare.

Consequently we couldn't find any Thesis' for sale in the UK today. But in Italy cars are available at less than €10,000 for a clean example. Tempted?

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Thesis, the last true Lancia

  • 14 April 2020

Thesis, the last true Lancia image

In 2002 with the Thesis, Lancia launched a valid attempt to return once again to the place it rightly deserved in the annuals of the automobile. The endeavour was inaugurated through a new flagship concept that offered a brave and very astute mix of the past and present and encompassed the celebrated legacy of the Turin brand.


The idea first came to light in 1998 at the Turin Motor Show where a concept called Dialogos was revealed, a semi-final prototype of a three-volume sedan with suicide doors and advanced technological components. The Dialogos was warmly received and a large investment was approved to put it into production. Surprisingly, in 2000, a version appeared for Pope John Paul II, which was given the name “Giubileo” (Jubilee).


At its presentation, in 2002, it was clear how Mike Robinson, chief designer at Lancia, wished to combine the stylistic features of the past with more decisive, contemporary touches; the nose that featured a large Lancia radiator grille, the diamond-shaped headlights and the soft fenders were reminiscent of the Aurelia, while at the rear those characteristically thin and innovative LED lights that look like slender fins, recall the Flaminia. The Thesis heralded a new stylistic language that was balanced by the opulent classicism of the interior. A language that was difficult to understand as history would sadly go on to confirm. The Thesis had the difficult task of repositioning the brand and bringing it back to international markets where Lancia had been absent since the early nineties after the Lancia K debacle.

lancia thesis 34

A promise it was unable to fulfil as only 16,000 examples were produced. The rarity that followed, especially for the top-of-the-range versions powered by a 215bhp 3.0 V6 or the 230bhp 3.2 V6, both petrol engines sourced from Alfa Romeo and designed by Giuseppe Busso, makes it a somewhat inexpensive future classic worth betting on.

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Specifications of the 55-50 sn automatic transmission, five speed compact automatic transmission with front wheel drive.

lancia thesis népítélet

Addition of new functions

Adoption of built in oil cooling device.

  • Reduction in the number of parts on the vehicle (thanks to the simplification of the cooling circuit).
  • Stabilization of the fluid level by adopting a differential unit supplied together with the automatic transmission fluid.
  • Possibility of controlling the temperature of the automatic transmission fluid.
  • Improved reliability, in terms of fluid leaks, thanks to the automatic transmission having no fluid circuit.

lancia thesis népítélet



  • Up hill: when driving uphill, the control unit compares the actual acceleration of the vehicle with the theoretical acceleration on a flat road, thereby determining the gradient of the road. It selects the change law and the most suitable ratio according to the gradient.
  • Down hill: when the control unit detects that the vehicle is accelerating with the throttle closed (descent) and is capable of estimating that by changing down a gear the vehicle will no longer be accelerating, it changes down a gear the first time the brake is operated.
  • the sensors/actuators fitted on the gearbox for acquiring the operating conditions and the operation of the clutches and brakes;
  • the injection/ignition control unit for the exchange of information relating to the engine;
  • the instrument panel for displaying the operating conditions.

lancia thesis népítélet


Switch for starting in neutral (nsw).

lancia thesis népítélet

Gearbox solenoids 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5)

lancia thesis népítélet

Input and output speed sensor (active sensors)

lancia thesis népítélet

Differences between active sensor and impulse sensor

  • this sensor has an integrated Hall circuit that manages the rectangular wave signal producing energy and transmitting the signal to the automatic transmission control unit exploiting the Hall effect. The automatic transmission control unit recognizes the signal in relation to the speed of the vehicle. The specifications of the output signal are fixed and do not therefore depend on the number of revs.
  • strong signal for noise
  • there may also be a low number of revs (10 rpm).
  • as a result of the rotation of the gear, a sinusoidal wave with an induction electro-motive force is produced, in relation to the speed of the vehicle, which is then sent to the automatic transmission control unit. The control unit converts the wave signal into an impulse signal and recognizes it in relation to the speed of the vehicle. The specifications of the output signal depend on the number of revs.
  • the minimum number of revs that can be detected is 50 rpm.

Oil temperature sensor

lancia thesis népítélet

Linear pressure control solenoid (SLT)

lancia thesis népítélet

Lock-up clutch control solenoid (SLU)

  • Engine brake: Brake B3
  • Control of neutral (N): Brake B2.

lancia thesis népítélet

Gearbox pressure control solenoid (SLS)

  • control of 2nd, 3rd, 4th speeds and neutral (N): brake B1
  • control of 5th speed and reverse gear: clutch C2

lancia thesis népítélet

Transmission drive gear

lancia thesis népítélet

Automatic transmission control unit control functions

Adaptive control of gear change by the driver (economy, regular and sports modes), uphill modes 1, 2, downhill mode.


Eladó használt LANCIA



Delta 1.6 mjtd platino seletronic (eu5).


LANCIA  Phedra

Phedra 2.2 multijet 16v dpf platino aut..

LANCIA Voyager

LANCIA  Voyager

Voyager 2.8 ds platinum aut. (7 sz.).


LANCIA  Thesis

Thesis 2.4 jtd executive.


2.4 JTD Emblema


Delta 1.6 Mjet Platino

LANCIA Ypsilon

LANCIA  Ypsilon

Ypsilon 1.2 16v oro.

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lancia thesis népítélet

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A fiat június hatodikára torinóba invitálta a közép-kelet európai autós szaksajtót, hogy lerántsa a leplet a lancia phedra nevű buszlimuzinról, és hogy még egy leplet rántson le a már korábban bemutatott thesisről..

A legmegrázóbb élmény az a pillanat volt, amikor a torinói reptértől a hotel felé tartva a buszon rá döbbentem, hogy a fényképezőgépet a táskában hagytam, ami pedig a csomagtérben pihent. Így sikerült elmulasztanom a lehetőséget, hogy megörökíthessem a Fiat Stilo kombit, amint erős álcázással a hátán száguld az autópályán. Node sebaj, ha valaki látta már a Peugeot 307-et és a belőle készült kombit, hát teljesen azonos lefolyású mutációra számíthat a Stilo esetében is. A hotelhez érkezve tehát első volt a gép előbányászása, a kattintás a második: a torinoi Hotel le Meridien legendás épülete, a valaha Fiat-gyárként fungált betonkomplexum, mely egy teljes tesztpályát visel a tetején döntött kanyarokkal, korlátokkal impozáns fotótéma - ha nem is fér a keresőbe.

A Stupinigi nevű falucskában megbúvó irdatlan vadászkastély - egykori Savoyai-birtok - méltó helyszíne volt a csaknem százéves, patinás márka rendezvényének. A rokokó kastély gyönyörű parkjában szemre úgy hatvan autó sorakozott fel a tiszteletünkre, de az alapjáraton szívmelengető hangon toporzékoló lóerőtenger hőn vágyott megizzasztását még megelőzte a Fiat illusztris képviselőinek sajtótájékoztatója.

Jaguar S-Type és Lancia Thesis: az európai nagyautó fogalmának két olyan manifesztációja, ahol nem a technikára építik rá az eleganciát, hanem éppen fordítva. Már a kocsik sziluettje a kézbe simulást, az igazi boldog békeidő-beli luxust sugallja. A Thesis négy, a kocsi jellegéhez egyaránt méltó motorral készül: 24 szelepes háromezres V6, 20 szelepes öthengeres 2.0 és 2,4 literes kiszerelésben, valamint a 2400-as JTD választható hozzá.

A háromliteres változatot tesztelve már alaposan körbejártuk a Thesist , amit ehhez hozzátehetek a kétezres, öthengeres soft turbo alapos menetpróbája után, hogy a kocsi 1780 (rakottan 2290) kilós tömegéhez ez a motor is elegendő. Olyannyira, hogy a 240 km/h sebesség elérését furcsálkodó eufóriával üdvözöltem: a cég 224 km/h-t ad meg végsebességnek.

A motor jellegéből adódóan persze indulásnál kuplung- vagy gumifüstölés nélkül várni kell, hogy meglóduljon a táj, 2500-2700-ös fordulatszám körül viszont már elemi erővel jelentkezik a teljesítmény, ami 5500-nál csúcsosodik ki 185 lóerőben. A maximális nyomaték 308 Nm, már 2200-tól. Megállni is egyszerű, a 305*28 mm-es első és a 281*22 mm-es hátsó tárcsák az ABS kontrollja alatt hatásosan emésztik fel a mozgási energiát. A Sky Hook becenevű, folyamatosan kontrollált csillapítás a multilink felfüggesztésekkel kényelmes utazási komfort mellett tartja az úton a gépet mindenféle provokált határesetben is, húzós kanyarokban az autó kellemesen alulkormányzott.

A komfort kiváló , mind az Alcantara, mind a hagyományos bőrbelső finoman fogad magába pilótát és életművész gyárigazgatót, a kezelőszervek finomak, határozottak, a műszerfal gyönyörű. Ami nem tetszett, az a hátsó traktus szűkös fejtere (kényelmesen hátradőlve relaxációs szándékkal a fejem a tetőkárpitra feszül, pedig csak 183 centi vagyok), de mivel valamennyi kolléga, s persze a Fiat nálam magasabb munkatársai is kétellyel fogadták ezt az észrevételemet, kezdem azt hinni, én csináltam valamit rosszul.

Ami tény: az ülés legalsó pontjától a tetőig elöl 995, hátul 945 milliméternyi nyújtózkodási lehetőség van. Kissé tolakodó a futóműzaj - bár ez valószínűleg nagy részben áthárítható a motorzajra és a kasztni szélzajára, amik gyakorlatilag nincsenek. A 400 literes csomagtér is nagyon csöpp, de ha a kocsi formája, és a Sky Hook helyigénye ennyit enged, hát legyen, megéri!

A mahagóni betétek (a váltógombban is), az utánozhatatlan formavilág, a mindent átszövő luxus a kiváló minőségű BOSE hifivel, a nagyszerű menetdinamikával és az olyan apró nüanszokkal, mint például a gombnyomásra elektromosan nyíló ajtózárak, az alsó forgáspontú, hosszú úton járó gázpedál, a kipörgésgátló sajátosan olasz, némi erőfitogtatást azért mindig megengedő beállítása és a számtalan egyéb részlet, melyekből Lanciáéknál kilakoltatták az ördögöt: mindez együtt az autózásnak a konkurensek legtöbbjében soha nem érezhető ízét hozza elő.

Még egy apróság: a kiállított példányok között ott csillogott-villogott egy mozgássérültek számára átalakított jószág, kétlem, hogy Magyarországon ez átütő sikert arathat, de jó pont a Lanciának szociális érzékenységéért.

A EUROVAN-koncepció (Peugeot 806, Citroen Evasion és Fiat Ulysse) Lanciáéknál a Phedra nevet kapta. Kapott még igen markáns hűtőmaszkot, Alcantara belsőt mahagóni-csíkkal, krómkilincseket, díszléceket és kezelőszerveket, mindazokat a stílusjegyeket, melyektől Lancia a Lancia. Persze nem pusztán ezek miatt lesz (valószínűleg) a legdrágább a Phedra. Az utazás és vezetés komfortját többzónás (sofőr-anyós-utasok) klímaberendezés, automatikusan működő Xenon-fényszórók, tempomat, kiváló audiorendszer, esőszenzorral maguktól üzemelő ablaktörlők és hasonló ínyencségek teszik teljessé.

Ha a Phedráról a pálcikáig lenyalogatnánk ezeket az ínyencségeket, látnánk, hogy a leglényeg, maga a konstrukció is teljesen rendben van. Kezdjük a motorral: az általunk kipróbált, 2179 köbcentis, változó geometriájú turbóval töltött, 16 szelepes Common Rail dízelmotor nem egy rossz választás a Phedrához. A 4000 1/min-nél leadott 128 lóerő, illetve a 314 Nm maximális nyomaték sok autót sportosan tudna mozgatni - a Lancia 1783 kg-os öntömegű MPV-jéhez éppen elegendő.

Gyorsulást nem mértünk, viszont a végsebességet megnéztük : épp egy picivel 170 felett fogyott el az erő. A 150-160-as utazótempó könnyedén tartható. A biztonság kedvéért ellenőriztük a kilométeróra pontosságát, 120-szal az ezer métert 30,5 másodperc alatt tettük meg, a csalás tehát alig 1-2 %-os lehet. Ekkora tempónál a motor 3300 körül, szép öregurasan forog. A 2.2 literes dízel-Phedra 2000-től 3500-4000-ig autózható ki igazán, ilyen használat mellett a fogyasztásmérő komputer sem borzolja az idegeket: a gyár 7,4 literes átlagfogyasztást ad meg kombinált ciklusra. A 80 literes tankból így bőven futja akár 1100 kilométeres tankolás nélküli útra is.

A sebességváltó karja érdekes szögben mered ki a szerelvényfalból - kissé a Ladákra emlékeztet -, viszont ergonómiailag kiváló az elhelyezése. Kapcsolgatni könnyedén, minimális erővel, bár picit bizonytalanul, pontatlanul lehet. A jobboldalt elhelyezett kézifék pillanatok alatt megszokható és alkalmazható.

A műszerfal igényel némi megszokást , de ha megbarátkoztunk a középkonzol óriási display-én nyomon követhető bonyolult menürendszer kezelésével alig néhány gomb és egy pöcök segítségével, valamint tudomásul vettük, hogy a kilométeróra és a fordulatszámmérő a megszólalásig emlékeztet egy NDK konyhai mérlegre, akkor már pillanatok alatt gyűjthetjük az információkat és adhatjuk a parancsokat.

A futómű komfortosan , de nem túl lágyan érinti az autót az úthoz: még a végsebesség környékén sincs nyoma imbolygásnak, az egyenesfutás is kiváló. Az autó egész picit szélérzékeny, de kamion mögül előbújva is csak pillanatnyi a bizonytalanságérzés. A karosszéria merevsége tökéletes, torziónak nyoma sincs. Az irányítás könnyedsége parkoláskor is megmarad, a könnyű szervokormány és a tolatóradar együtt szinte magától teszi be a Phedrát két objektum közé - sőt, rükvercbe kapcsolva esőben a hátsó ablaktörlő magától beindul. A 11,2 méter átmérőjű fordulókör nem kevés, de ekkora autótól elfogadható.

A fék érzékenysége jól eltalált , hatásossága pedig meglepően jó, a négyszenzoros - négycsatornás EBD-s és fékasszisztenses ABS fejlett elektronikája vészhelyzetben a kocsit az aszfalthoz, az utasokat a biztonsági övhöz ragasztja. Visszaváltáskor az MSR (Motor Schleppmoment Regelung) nevű rövidítés lép akcióba, ami nem engedi megtorpanni az autót a motor és a hajtás között hirtelen fellépő fordulatszám-különbség esetén sem. Valamennyi Phedra számára alapfelszereltség a kipörgésgátló. A légzsákerdőből Jancsinak és Juliskának egy kétkilós vekni elmorzsolásával is nehéz lenne kikeveredni: ha jól számolom, tíz darab védi a Phedra népességét.

4750 mm elég sok hossznak , 1752 pedig magasságnak, ennyi helyen már lehet gazdálkodni. A hét ülés közül az első öt teljes értékű, leghátulra viszont már csak gyerekek próbáljanak akár bejutni is. A variációs lehetőségek száma végtelen: társalgó, kocsma, golfpálya egyaránt képezhető a beltérből az ülések kiszedegetésével, elforgatásával, vagy lehajtogatásával. Hét üléssel 324, kettővel 2948 liternyi bőrönd fér be. A kivett üléseket használhatjuk otthon tévézésre is: az állítható kartámaszú, nagyon kényelmes fotelek főleg a hasított bőr borítással megszégyenítik stabil társaik jó részét.

Mind elöl, mind a hátsó traktusban tárolóhelyek tömkelegét találjuk, elöl már természetes módon dughatjuk kólásdobozunkat a hűtött tárolóba - ha attól tartunk, hogy a három napfénytetőn át betűző nap netalán felforralná tartalmukat.

Akinek a 2.2-es turbódízel nem felel meg , választhat két- vagy háromliteres benzinest 4, illetve hat hengerrel, de mindegyik hengerhez négy szeleppel, spórolósabb autóvásárlók pedig a 109 lovas kétezres turbódízelt is megvehetik - ekkor azonban erősen korlátozott menetteljesítményekkel kell számolniuk.

Összességében a Thesis és a Phedra kiváló benyomást keltett, az európai piac igazi minőségi, hozzáértéssel és szívvel konstruált autókat kapott a Lanciától. Mindkét autó értékes többletet tud hozni az autózás érzésvilágába, a minőségi és technikai kritériumok maximális teljesítése mellett. A mérleg: Phedra>MPV, Thesis >nagykategória.

lancia thesis népítélet

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lancia thesis népítélet

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Autós népítélet / Lancia / Delta (2008 - 2014)

Ítéletek (8 db), a totalcar tesztjei a típusról:.

  • Van erre tíz millád? Húsz éve biztos mindenki megőrült volna egy kétturbós Lancia Deltáért. Csakhogy ma dízelből csinálnak ilyesmit. Kár. Vagy nem? Vagy mindegy?
  • Felhívás orálra a jobbos fordítóban Hogy kéne-e? Kéne. Ezzel a motorral. Jól megy, jól meg is áll, csöndes, jó vele utazni, remekül kanyarodik, és a forszírozott 1000 kilométerre elég volt neki 66 liter gázolaj.

Lancia Delta 2008 Lancia Delta 2008

Kapcsolódó anyagok.

  • Bemutatkozik az első Chrysler-Lancia
  • 200 lovas Lancia Delták Genfben
  • Újabb részletek a Lancia Deltáról
  • Hivatalos képeken az új Lancia Delta
  • Frontális és oldalsó ütközésvédelem
  • Gázolási rizikófaktor
  • Gyermekbiztonsági védelem

Népítélet-kereső Népítélet-kereső

  • Fenntartási költség
  • Teljesítmény
  • Megbízhatóság
  • Szerviztapasztalat
  • Ennyire szerette
  • - Évjárat (mettől meddig)
  • Összes ítélet Legalább 5 Legalább 10 Legalább 15 Legalább 50
  • Kategória 5-7 személyes dobozos egyterű alsóközép (kompakt) alsóközép szedán/ferdehátú/kombi busz cc egyterű elektromos autó elektromos kisautó elektromos teherautó elővárosi autóbusz felső kategóriás kupé-kabrió felső-közép felső-középkategóriás kupé-kabrió haszonjármű 2-3,5 tonna között haszonjármű 3,5-7 tonna között hibrid közepes kabrió kis egyterű kisautó kishaszonjármű kishaszonjármű 2,5 tonnáig közepes egyterü közepes SUV középkategóriás szedán/ferdehátú/kombi luxuslimuzin midibusz mini mini egyterü mini SUV minibusz 9 személyig munkagép nagy SUV nyergesvontató pick-up quad sport SUV szupermini teleszkópos rakodógép terepjáró traktor városi busz városi csuklós busz Veterán

Heti merítés - 20.hét

lancia thesis népítélet

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  • Hibabejelentés


  1. Az esztétikum sajátossága

    lancia thesis népítélet

  2. LANCIA Thesis Specs & Photos

    lancia thesis népítélet

  3. Lancia Thesis, l’ultima vera freccia di lusso italiana

    lancia thesis népítélet

  4. LANCIA Thesis Specs & Photos

    lancia thesis népítélet

  5. Fotos de Lancia Thesis 2002

    lancia thesis népítélet

  6. Lancia Thesis (2002-2009): Classic of the future?

    lancia thesis népítélet


  1. Lancia Thesis 2.4jtd 150hp new top speed 235km/h

  2. Lancia Thesis 2.4JTD 0-100 Accerelation

  3. lancia thesis bicolore

  4. Lancia Thesis 2.4 jtd Sound

  5. Nuova Lancia Ypsilon 2012

  6. video lancia thesis


  1. Totalcar autós népítélet

    A Totalcar tesztjei a típusról: A MOM Park előtt ezüstszürke Lancia Thesis áll, az autó mellett jókora tábla szegezi a járókelőknek a kérdést: megéri-e ez a szép és drága autó az árát? Új műfaj született Magyarországon: a luxusautós tüntetés. A Fiat június hatodikára Torinóba invitálta a közép-kelet európai ...

  2. Lancia Thesis

    The Lancia Thesis (Type 841) is a full-size car produced by Italian automaker Lancia between 2001 and 2009. It was available with naturally aspirated and turbocharged engines ranging between 2.0 and 3.2 litres in both straight-5 or V6 configurations. Its appearance was based on the 1998 Lancia Diàlogos concept car. The production car premiered at the 2001 Geneva Motor Show and its interior ...

  3. Művészet, csak nem mindenki érti

    Mindig jól megnézem, keresem benne a szépet, néha találok is, de találkozásaink végén mindig fintorgó arckifejezéssel búcsúzok tőle. Ez a Lancia Thesis. Az autóról képeket ide kattintva találsz. A Lanciát sokan a raliversenyekről ismerik, a Fulvia, a Stratos, a 037 és a Delta Integrale kétségkívül beírta magát a ...

  4. Totalcar

    Lancia Thesis teszt. Testes autót úgy megformálni, hogy ne legyen basáskodó és nehézkes, nem kis feladat. Ráadásul még mindig nem múlt el teljesen a kényszeres kudarckerülő trend, hogy egyéniség nélküli autót kell gyártani, nehogy valaki csúnyának bélyegezzen egy jellegzetes formát. A Lancia vett egy nagy lélegzetet ...

  5. Totalcar

    Népítélet. Lancia Thesis 2002 . Luxusautós tüntető a MOM Park előtt. 2005.08.09. Lancia Thesis 2002 ... Kampón az égből Lancia Thesis teszt . 2001.11.19. NÉPÍTÉLET 3. RÉSZLETES ÍTÉLETEK 14 DB Tanácsok Téli gumik Lancia Y-ra. Ez kifutó modell, és ezért olcsó ennyire? Lancia Dedra: lambdaszonda.

  6. Nem tudok szabadulni a vágytól: Lancia Thesis kell

    Rossznak mondott autóból is van jó, jónak tartottból is akad elhanyagolt vacak. Csak egy nepper vagyok, nem próféta, én is tévedhetek. Kedves Becsületesnepper! Nyilván jellemhiba, de nem tudok szabadulni a vágytól, hogy egy Lancia Thesis birtokosa legyek. Van ennek a típusnak ajánlható motortípusa, olyan jellemzője, amire ...

  7. 2002 Lancia Thesis 3.0 V6 Review

    Lancia's reasoning was probably the same as Rover's: most people are indifferent as to which axle is receiving the power. A 2 litre soft turbo, a 2.4 litre 20 valver and a 3.0 V6 24 valve engine made up the petrol burning range. A 2.4 JTD diesel was also available. The suspension design was a mix of the ordinary and the clever.

  8. Lancia's Thesis was its Requiem

    Thesis was supposed to support an effort to push Lancia sales from just one hundred and fifty thousand in 2001, to three hundred thousand by 2008. However, Thesis failed to hit even the modest sales goals Lancia had set for it: a mere thirteen thousand and two hundred units in 2002, and hopes for twenty-five thousand in 2003.

  9. Totalcar autós népítélet

    Írjon a [email protected] címre, ahova küldje el a probléma leírását illetve az ítélet linkjét. Már indapassal írtam az ítéletet. Ekkor az ítélet alatt megjelenő sárga indapass boxon keresztül kell belépnie. Belépés után az ítélet alján lévő linkre kattintva szerkesztheti azt.

  10. 40 Thesis

    Thesis strange electronic troubles. by Pierre VALLADE » Thu Oct 01, 2009 1:43 pm. 1. 2. 15 Replies. 19328 Views. Last post by peterb123. Sun Jan 09, 2022 4:46 pm.

  11. The story of the mysterious Lancia Thesis

    Lancia Thesis. Compared with the Thesis, few cars from Lancia had so much time and money invested in them. A a car of slightly mysterious allure but plenty of technology, it was developed on its ...

  12. The Last True Lancia: The Thesis Story

    Thesis, the last true Lancia. 14 April 2020. 2 min read. 4 images. In 2002 with the Thesis, Lancia launched a valid attempt to return once again to the place it rightly deserved in the annuals of the automobile. The endeavour was inaugurated through a new flagship concept that offered a brave and very astute mix of the past and present and ...


    The 55-50 SN automatic transmission has a five speed gearbox with a new epicyclic gear train added to the four speed automatic gearbox, maintaining the same overall length and the same distance between the axles. It is also more compact and has a greater capacity compared with the transmission fitted on conventional vehicles.

  14. Totalcar

    Bemutató: Lancia Thema, Voyager 2011. Vályi István. 2011.11.03. 06:11 Módosítva: 2011.11.03. 08:33. Cikkek, hírek. Két hét, és megérkezik az új Lancia Stratos. Feltámad a Lancia: 3 új modell érkezik. Iso Grifo, Bizzarrini Strada, DeTomaso Pantera, az olasz-amerikai házasságnak nagy hagyományai vannak, és az eredmények sem ...

  15. Eladó LANCIA

    Eladó használt LANCIA | Thesis 2.4 JTD Executive 2005.03. | 150 LE, Dízel, Lépcsőshátú, Manuális, 4 ajtós | Minősített Prémium kereskedő: Anda Good Mobil ...

  16. Totalcar

    Miért ilyen olcsó az olasz luxus? Robi autója nagyon ritka, nagyon különleges megoldásai vannak, amúgy viszont ez sem sem más mint a többi. A tizenhárom éves Thesisen is elhasználódik a fék, elbúcsúzik a futómű és a motor sem örök életű, legalábbis elvileg. A Lancia luxusautóját megelőzi a híre: sokan tartanak tőle ...

  17. Eladó LANCIA

    Eladó használt LANCIA | 2.4 JTD Emblema 2003.01. | 150 LE, Dízel, Lépcsőshátú, Manuális, 4 ajtós | Minősített kereskedő: CarTrend Kft., Pécs | JóAutók.hu >> Autót keresek Kereskedők térképe Garancia Magánszemély eladóknak Kereskedőknek Általános szerződési feltételek Tájékoztató fogyasztó részére Impresszum és ...

  18. Totalcar autós népítélet

    A Totalcar tesztjei a típusról: A Fiat június hatodikára Torinóba invitálta a közép-kelet európai autós szaksajtót, hogy lerántsa a leplet a Lancia Phedra nevű buszlimuzinról, és hogy még egy leplet rántson le a már korábban bemutatott Thesisről. Kellett neki egy kis szeretgetés, de jobb kondiban nem is lehetne. Erre aztán ...

  19. Eladó használt LANCIA

    Garantált km-es | Átvizsgált használt LANCIA | Készleten lévő eladó LANCIA | Budapesten és országosan | Csak minősített eladóktól | JóAutók.hu >>

  20. Totalcar

    Bemutató: Lancia Phedra, Thesis. Rácz Tamás. 2002.06.07. 14:24. Cikkek, hírek. A Fiat június hatodikára Torinóba invitálta a közép-kelet európai autós szaksajtót, hogy lerántsa a leplet a Lancia Phedra nevű buszlimuzinról, és hogy még egy leplet rántson le a már korábban bemutatott Thesisről.

  21. Totalcar autós népítélet

    Népítélet. A Népítélet arra van, hogy Ön értékeljen és tájékozódjon. Az eladásban érdekeltek hazudnak, az újságírók hülyék - írja le saját tapasztalatait autójáról, és segítsen a többieknek a választásban. A Népítélet csak akkor hasznos, ha nem hazudik. Csak az igazat írja!

  22. Totalcar autós népítélet

    Írjon a [email protected] címre, ahova küldje el a probléma leírását illetve az ítélet linkjét. ... Lancia Ypsilon 2011 Lancia Ypsilon 2011. Kapcsolódó anyagok. A Chrysler végleg elhagyja Európát; Ez lehet a legutolsó Lancia; Gyere velem plázázni;

  23. Totalcar autós népítélet

    A Totalcar tesztjei a típusról: Van erre tíz millád? Húsz éve biztos mindenki megőrült volna egy kétturbós Lancia Deltáért. Csakhogy ma dízelből csinálnak ilyesmit. Kár. Vagy nem? Vagy mindegy? Lancia Delta (2008) Frontális és oldalsó ütközésvédelem.