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The Most Popular PhD Thesis Topics In Strategic Management

A PhD thesis is your chance to add a voice into the field of strategic management. The gist about your voice is captured in your topic. While a topic is a single word, it carries the weight of the entire paper. It acts as a door through which a reader enters into your mind or begins to view your ideas. As such, it must be attractive and captivating. Here are some of the exciting topics to consider in strategic management.

  • The relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance
  • An assessment of expectations of consumers on brands and the social life of their top managers
  • Is attention to personality more important than academic qualification when selecting top managers?
  • Assessing the influence that charisma of a leader has on the perception of consumers
  • Is there a correlation between the personality of a CEO and the motivation of its employees?
  • The effect of outward sourcing on performance of a company during rebranding phase
  • Ways of reducing bias in employee evaluation by managers
  • What would cause an employee to be blatantly unethical?
  • Should direct managers be allowed to evaluate the performance of their juniors?
  • Why entrepreneurs become poor managers
  • The dangers of managers attracting persons with personalities and qualities similar to theirs
  • Managing a transition into a multinational brand
  • How to effectively manage generation Y in a traditional work environment
  • The management disruptions that come with technology
  • Impartiality when managing family businesses

The title or topic for your thesis will invite a reader to peruse through your paper. Since this is the first step, what will keep the person interested in your work until the end?

  • Facts - at PhD level, you will not be forgiven for misrepresenting facts. Read widely and evaluate or verify all the information you get before including it in your paper. You are required to refer from credible books, articles, journals and other approved materials. Your committee will guide you accordingly.
  • Cohesiveness - a reader should easily follow your arguments and identify a running line of thought. The ideas must be connected and add value to each other. This relationship makes your arguments water tight and believable.
  • Proper Language - language is used to communicate ideas. It strengthens them or weakens them depending on how you use it. Find the right words to express your arguments. They should be appropriate to strategic management. Edit your thesis to get rid of errors that distort your arguments.

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Search for dissertations about: "strategic planning"

Showing result 1 - 5 of 205 swedish dissertations containing the words strategic planning .

1. Planning in the 'New Reality' : Strategic Elements and Approaches in Swedish Municipalities

Author : Charlotta Fredriksson ; Göran Cars ; Raine Mäntysalo ; KTH ; [] Keywords : planning theory ; planning practice ; municipality ; region ; comprehensive planning ; strategic planning ; forum-arena-court ; case study ; planeringsteori ; planeringens praktik ; kommun ; region ; översiktsplanering ; strategisk planering ; forum-arena-court ; fallstudie ;

Abstract : Central to this dissertation is a discourse in contemporary Swedish planning practice referred to as the ‘new reality’. The name of this discourse reflects the notion that planning practice interprets the conditions of today as differing from those which occurred previously. READ MORE

2. Strategic planning and environmental judgements : the performance in SBU organized industrial groups

Author : Anders Pehrsson ; Linköpings universitet ; [] Keywords : SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP ; SOCIAL SCIENCES ; SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP ; SOCIAL SCIENCES ; Strategic planning ; implementation ; planning styles ; environmental judgements ; market analysis ; perceived environmental uncertainty ; familiarity ; strategic business unit ;

Abstract : Formal Strategic Planning, FSP, has become an instrument to find long-term directions under profitability constraints in industrial companies. This instrument is used to decentralize decisions and more effectively adapt to unstable environments. FSP must, however, to some extent be adjusted to unique situations of single organizational units. READ MORE

3. Strategic Objectives in Complex Planning Environments : Insights from a Swedish Case for Critical Infrastructure Protection

Author : Christine Große ; Aron Larsson ; Olof Björkqvist ; Pär M. Olausson ; Henrik Tehler ; Mittuniversitetet ; [] Keywords : SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP ; SOCIAL SCIENCES ; Systemic Thinking ; Soft Operations Research ; design-oriented Information Systems Research ; Governance ; Complex Systems ; Critical Infrastructure Protection ; Largescale Planning ; Multi-level Planning ; Strategic Management ;

Abstract : Large-scale and long-term planning imposes extensive requirements on governance efforts regardless of whether it involves public organisations, private organisations, or both. The proportions of such planning entangle many actors and stakeholders as system components within and around a complex system. READ MORE

4. Organizational resilience through crisis strategic planning

Author : Rudrajeet Pal ; Högskolan i Borås ; [] Keywords : SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP ; SOCIAL SCIENCES ; SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP ; SOCIAL SCIENCES ; Organizational resilience ; crisis strategic planning ; economic crisis ; Sweden ; textile and clothing ; small and medium -sized enterprise ;

Abstract : Resilience, in an organizational sense meaning the ability to withstand crises and disturbances, has become a keyword during the last ten years. It is associated with established activities like risk and crisis management and business continuity planning or with strategic management, but it allows for new perspectives and insights into the conditions for doing business. READ MORE

5. Urban Planning Participation: Linking Practice and Theory

Author : Björn Malbert ; Chalmers tekniska högskola ; [] Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER ; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ; sustainable urban development ; complexity ; local Agenda 21 ; shared-power situations ; urban design and planning ; reflective practice and research ; strategic choice approach ; uncertainty and conflicts in urban planning ; communicative planning theory ; participatory decision-making ; tasks and roles of planners ; planning methodology ;

Abstract : Continuing efforts to apply, at the local level, the Agenda 21 mandate of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, in 1992, provide good illustrations of problems typical in contemporary public planning and decision-making in many European countries. The claims for participatory decision-making and the coordination of decision and action among diverse actors and stakeholders constitute challenges to established public planning systems. READ MORE

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See yesterday's most popular searches here . Dissertations.se is the english language version of Avhandlingar.se .

View of Linköping, a city in Sweden.

Strategic Urban and Regional Planning, Master's Programme

Our cities and regions are currently facing fundamental challenges related to climate change, globalisation, urbanisation, digitalisation and social inequality. Strategic urban and regional planning is one of the most powerful local instruments to (re)shape long-term urban and regional development and create sustainable cities and regions of tomorrow. 

  • Autumn 2024

Strategic Urban and Regional planning, Master's Programme - First and main admission round

Autumn 2024 / Full-time / Linköping

Entry requirements

  • Bachelor's degree in urban and regional planning or other relevant subject area equivalent to a Swedish Kandidatexamen
  • English corresponding to the level of English in Swedish upper secondary education (Engelska 6) Exemption from Swedish

Selection Groups

Selection will be based on academic merits. 

Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Urban and Regional Planning

Tuition fees

SEK 218800 - NB: Applies only to students from outside the EU, EEA and Switzerland.

Syllabus and curriculum

Strategic Urban and Regional planning, Master's Programme - Second admission round (open only for Swedish/EU students)

Selection will be based on academic merits.

Future opportunities

Syllabus and course details, course details.

The programme runs over two years and encompasses 120 credits, including a thesis.

Semester 1 and 2

In the first two semesters the programme consists of compulsory courses (60 credits) characterised by both knowledge and skills within strategic urban and regional planning. The second term concludes with a course to prepare for writing a thesis in strategic urban and regional planning.

In the third semester, the programme allows students an individual specialisation through studies abroad, internships and elective courses. The elective courses give the student opportunities to deepen the students’ knowledge and skills in, for example, health, visualisation, foodscapes, urban sustainability, and the politics of planning. The internship can be performed in Sweden or abroad where the students carry out a specific task which links to the activities of the chosen organisation and the students’ future professional interests.

The topic of the master’s thesis is decided together with the supervisor. The master’s thesis shall be written within the main area of study, urban and regional planning and should integrate the knowledge, skills, and theoretical approaches garnered in the first three semesters.

Further information

Link to recorded webinar about the master's programme Strategic Urban and Regional Planning

This webinar covers the programme structure, the master’s thesis, examination forms, job opportunities, related research, and what it’s like to live in Sweden.

Student insights

Young asian woman in a yellow shirt in front of palm trees and blue sky

Wenjing Wang, China

Planning for cities and dealing with the challenges of sustainability and climate transformation is very important under the circumstance of globalization. I would like to play a role in this process and plan for smart cities in the era of digitalization. Linköping University support me in this ambition. It provides med with the academic and theoretical knowledge and I have learned how to corporate with others by participating in the group works.

Jessica Pengel in front of japanese city lights

Hands-on work with climate adaptation

Taking an international master's programme gives new insights and perspectives. Jessica is looking forward to a career in the development of sustainable societies, with respect to both social aspects and the climate.

Jonathan Holmsten in front of the building site of the new Linköping indoor swimming pool.

My favourite - sustainable transport

The master's programme in Strategic Urban and Regional Planning has given Jonathan in-depth knowledge about how urban and regional planning can be used in a long-term perspective. His focus during the internship is sustainable transport.

News on the programme

master thesis strategic planning

An internship improved his career opportunities

Mohammad Habibi Savadkoohi is studying the master’s programme Strategic Urban and Regional Planning. He has arranged to do an internship at an international consulting company – something which has opened up a lot of paths for his future.

Young man in front of a building site

One year of Strategic Urban and Regional Planning

The first 37 students on the programme are halfway through their studies and the programme coordinator sees them as committed students eager to understand the challenges society is facing. At least the same number are expected to enrol in the autumn.


New master’s programme in strategic urban and regional planning

LiU’s new international master’s programme in strategic urban and regional planning is the first of its type in Sweden. Having gained knowledge in societal challenges students will be equipped to plan the cities of the future.

Bilden visar byggnadsarbetare. The picture shows workers.

Technology and Social Change (TEMAT)

So much of our lives depend on technology. The development and use of technology creates possibilities as well as social, ethical and political dilemmas. That’s what we study at Tema T – Technology and Social Change.

People on bicycles at Skeppsbron in Stockholm.

The role of urban and regional planning in promoting sustainability energy transitions in the transport sector

Planning for a sustainable energy transition in the transport sector is becoming increasingly important, especially with the implementation of the global sustainability goals, so also in Swedish municipalities and regions.

Charging electric car.

Households infrastructure junctions

Sustainable energy systems are becoming increasingly integrated at local level. This project focuses on the integration of energy systems from a user perspective.

An electrical car is beeing charged

Planning sustainable energy transition

This project will identify and in collaboration with regional and municipal actors further develop instruments and tools that give urban and regional planners a more active role in shaping a sustainable energy transition.

Application & admission

Apply button for master's programmes

How to apply for master's degree studies at LiU

A step-by-step guide to everything you need to know about applying for LiU's international master's degree programmes using the application system in Sweden.

  • Master's Programme in Strategic Urban and Regional Planning
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  • Ekonomi, organisation, ledning
  • Samhälle, politik, juridik
  • Energi, miljö, hållbar utveckling
  • E-Learning Moodle
  • E-Exam System
  • Digital Repository (AAUPSpace)
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Master thesis defense in the strategic planning and fundraising at arab american university.

Researcher Radwan Mahmoud Abu Mowais, a student in the strategic planning and fundraising program at the Arab American University faculty of Graduate Studies, defended his thesis entitled “Credit Risk Assessment Strategies for Commercial Banks listed on the Palestine Exchange”.

Radwan Mahmoud Abu Mowais defense

Radwan Mahmoud Abu Mowais defense

In his thesis, researcher examined credit risk strategies used by the commercial banks listed on the Palestine Exchange through the used methods in evaluating customers' requests for credit, recognize whether banks differ in using these methods and whether they differentiate between customers using such methods.

He distributed questionnaires to a number of Palestinian banks that harmonize with the research objectives, to find that all commercial banks in Palestine use valuation methods, they focus more on guarantees and ability to pay and liquidity.

The researcher recommended, developing more systematic and efficient regulatory procedures focusing individually on the three categories of risk; factors, cause and effect. He stressed on the need to develop a computer-based system that automatically assess the borrower credit status once the relevant data about him/her is entered. This system may use any credit rating tools as a standard or combination depending on the specificities of the need.

At the end, the committee of thesis supervisor and head of committee Dr. Sharif Abu Karsh, Arab American University internal examiner Dr. Suliman Abadi and external examiner from Kadoori University Dr. Hisham Awartani, decided to give the student Radwan Abu Mowais a master degree.


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master thesis strategic planning

Customer Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

Johan Wideroos


  1. The Strategic Planning Process: a Case Study of A Non Profit Organization

    First, strategic planning serves as the ultimate basis for all that an organization does. Second, strategic planning provides the criteria for major investment decisions. Lastly, strategic planning serves as the basis to evaluate the performance of the organization and its managers (Anthony, 1985).


    A strategic plan combines various organizational goals to accomplish a specific mission. In his seminal piece on public sector strategic planning, Bryson (2004) submits that public sector strategic planning in the United States is a "disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is,


    The focal point on this thesis was to know if the internal and external factors that affect the organization due to the unlimited resources and the competition need strategic management. The quantitative and qualitative research methods were used in this thesis. The empirical research was based on collecting data from 40 employees of company X.


    Strategic planning is a formalized planning process for shaping an organization's future (Moldof, 1993). Bartol and Martin (1991) describe strategic planning as the development of detailed action steps by top management to reach strategic goals. Bradley and Vrettas (1990) define strategic planning as a process used by leaders of an

  5. Strategic planning for the development of smart cities (PhD thesis)

    The thesis eventually concludes with three sets tools that altogether comprise the integrated framework of effective strategic planning for the development of smart cities: (a) the Strategic ...

  6. PDF Strategic Planning in Education: A Case Study

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    investigating factors affecting strategic plan implementation at the namibian correctional services a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of master of business administration management strategy degree of the university of namibia by laina t.e mwanyekange 20110274 supervisor: dr. africa makasi (nust)

  8. Dissertations / Theses: 'Strategic planning'

    The main purpose of this master thesis is to provide a deeper understanding concerning the concept of strategic planning in Japanese companies. It also has two sub purposes. Firstly, this research aims towards understanding the current strategic planning process, in what way it is used in Japanese companies.

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    The general objective of the study was to identify the influence of strategic planning in event planning firms in Nairobi Central Business District. The study was undertaken to further seek to answer the following questions: Does a vision, mission and action plan as strategic planning tools lead to performance of event planning firms in Nairobi ...

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    The Most Popular PhD Thesis Topics In Strategic Management. A PhD thesis is your chance to add a voice into the field of strategic management. The gist about your voice is captured in your topic. While a topic is a single word, it carries the weight of the entire paper.

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  16. Dissertations.se: STRATEGIC PLANNING

    Search for dissertations about: "strategic planning" Showing result 1 - 5 of 197 swedish dissertations containing the words strategic planning. 1. Planning in the 'New Reality' : Strategic Elements and Approaches in Swedish Municipalities ... Popular complementary terms: essays, phd thesis, master thesis, papers, importance, trend, impact ...

  17. Master in Strategic Planning and Fundraising

    strategic financial management: 3-3-150056040: ngos and local governance: 3-3-150056550: implementation of strategic planning: 3-3-150056560: leadership: 3-3-150056570: strategic management: 3-3-150056580: tools for strategic planning: 3-3-150056610: special topics in strategic planning: 3-3-150056620: special topics in fundraising: 3-3 ...

  18. Strategic Urban and Regional Planning, Master's Programme

    Strategic Urban and Regional planning, Master's Programme - Second admission round (open only for Swedish/EU students) Autumn 2024 / Full-time / Linköping. ... The master's thesis shall be written within the main area of study, urban and regional planning and should integrate the knowledge, skills, and theoretical approaches garnered in the ...

  19. Strategic plan for a new restaurant business

    The present Master thesis is introduced in the form of a Strategic Plan, with the purpose of expressing the commercial and strategic viability of a new restaurant located in Lisbon. The ambition of this start-up is to have a positive acceptance in the restaurant and similar market, taking advantage of the healthy food and lifestyle trends and offering better lunch options and other food ...

  20. Master thesis in Strategic Planning and Fundraising at AAUJ

    The researcher Athar Houdley, a student in Strategic Planning and Fundraising at Graduate Studies Faculty in AAUP Ramallah campus, had discussed her MA thesis under the title of "Enhancing the concept of Monitoring, Evaluating, Controlling and educating in Non-Governmental organizations in Palestine".

  21. Master Thesis Defense in the Strategic Planning and Fundraising at Arab

    Researcher Radwan Mahmoud Abu Mowais, a student in the strategic planning and fundraising program at the Arab American University faculty of Graduate Studies, defended his thesis entitled "Credit Risk Assessment Strategies for Commercial Banks listed on the Palestine Exchange".

  22. Master Thesis Strategic Planning

    All Types. Bennie Hawra. #29 in Global Rating. 385. Customer Reviews. To describe something in great detail to the readers, the writers will do my essay to appeal to the senses of the readers and try their best to give them a live experience of the given subject. View Sample. Master Thesis Strategic Planning, Ap Us History Long Essay Questions ...