PhD, Postdoc, and Professor Salaries in Germany

Germany is one of the leading countries for research and a hub for innovation. The country’s high quality of life combined with lower cost of living make it an attractive destination for international researchers. Are you contemplating a move to Germany? Here is a breakdown of the most common German academic jobs and their salaries. All salary statistics in this article are in Euros per month and are pre-tax.

Doctorate Degree

In Germany applicants must apply for a preset doctoral project that is usually tied to a professor’s own research. Students do not do any coursework; they start working on their project immediately. They are also required to take on some teaching responsibilities. The time it takes to earn a doctorate depends on the field, but three to five years is typical.

The salaries of PhD students are based on the federal wage agreement ( Tarifvertrag der Länder or TV-L). There are several pay scales ( Entgeltgruppe ) within the TV-L but PhD students are usually paid at the TV-L E13 level. Within this level, there are three factors that determine the student’s actual salary. The first is the pay grade ( Stufe ) which is based on the number of years of experience you have. Most PhD students start at Stufe 1 and progress through the grades as they gain years of seniority. The next factor is the working hours (50%, 67%, 75%, or 100%) and the final factor which federal state the university is in. You can find the salary calculators for each state here . For example, the salary range for a 100% PhD student is €4,053-€5,701 per month while the range for a 67% PhD student is €2,729-€3,820 per month.

Postdoctoral Researcher/Fellow

After earning their doctorate, researchers go on to a postdoc. A postdoc is a continuation of the researcher’s training that allows them to further specialize in a particular field and learn new skills and techniques. It may require them to take on teaching responsibilities. German postdocs typically last two to four years.

Like all non-tenured academic positions in Germany, postdoc salaries are fairly rigid. They are based on the same TV-L federal wage agreement as PhD salaries. The salaries are determined the same way too, taking into account pay scale, pay grade, working hours, and state. You can find the salary calculators for each state here . Postdocs are paid at the E13 or (less commonly) E14 level , with the exact starting pay grade depending on how their years of experience (bachelor's, Master’s, and PhD) are counted. The salary range for a 100% E13 postdoc is €4,053-€5,701 per month and the salary range for a 100% E14 postdoc is €4,419-€6,076 per month.


Junior professors positions offer early career academics the opportunity to research, supervision, administration, and teaching experience on equal terms to other university instructors. Junior professorships are usually for three to four years and can be extended for a total of six years. It is often a temporary position, however, certain universities offer a tenure-track option. Germany has recently signed an agreement to create 1,000 tenure-track junior professorships by 2032.

Junior professors, like all German professors, are paid according to the W- Besoldung salary table . This scale dictates base salaries according to which state the university is in. Unlike the PhD and postdoc pay scale, there are no pay grades within this scale. A W1 professor will make minimum €4,713-€5,301 per month.

Professur (W2)

To become a professor, an academic needs to have completed the Habilitation, have a positive evaluation as a junior professor, or have led their own junior research group. W2 professors are considered independent researchers and generally have permanent positions. Internal promotion to these positions is not encouraged in Germany. With the exceptions of junior professors, academics cannot be appointed a professor at the university they did their Habilitation.

The base salary for a W2 professor is €5,365-€6,676 per month depending on which state the university is in. In Bund, Bayern, Hessen, and Sachsen there are multiple pay grades within the W2 band meaning the professor’s salary will increase in five or seven years in the position. Salaries can also be increased by family allowances, retention payments, and performance bonuses. As professors are civil servants with high job security, they do not typically pay the same social insurance contributions as other employees.

Professur (W3)

A W3 professor is the highest German academic position that usually involves responsibility of a chair or for an institute. The requirements to become a full professor are very demanding and as a consequence, there is often a minimum age requirement for this sort of professorship. Professors in Germany are public servants and as such have permanent positions at their universities.

The base salary for a W3 professor is €5,343-€7,578 per month depending on which state the university is in. In Bund, Bayern, Hessen, and Sachsen there are multiple pay grades within the W3 band meaning the professor’s salary will increase in five or seven years in the position. Salaries can also be increased by family allowances, retention payments, and performance bonuses. As professors are civil servants with high job security, they do not typically pay the same social insurance contributions as other employees.

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  • Postdoc 344
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phd candidate salaries in germany

phd candidate salaries in germany

Calculated on the basis of a full-time position, doctoral students receive between 46,000 and 56,000 euros gross per year, depending on how much experience the doctoral student already has. It should be noted that an employment contract often only covers 50% of the positions.

  • The tariff structure for the salary of scientists and scholars in Germany is very transparent. If a doctoral student is a research assistant at a state university or research institution, he/she is automatically a public sector employee and his/her salary is therefore regulated by a collective agreement.
  • Depending on the institution, this is either the Collective Agreement for the Public Sector (TVöD) or the Collective Agreement for the Public Sector of the Länder (TV-L). These collective agreements are renegotiated every one or two years.
  • All state universities, universities of applied sciences and research institutes thus pay comparable wages. As government-funded research organisations, the Max Planck Society, the Fraunhofer Society and the Helmholtz Association also follow the regulations of the collective agreement for the public sector with regard to employment, pay and social benefits.
  • Doctoral students are classified in the lowest salary group E13 for scientists. Since salary group 13 has a very wide range (from newly started doctoral students to experienced postdocs), the salary groups are differentiated according to experience levels. Since 2018, all public sector wage agreements have differentiated between six experience levels, each with increasing duration.
  • Doctoral students starting at experience level 1 should therefore make sure that their contract runs for at least 12 months, as employment contracts of less than one year are not considered relevant professional experience. In the event of a new position, you will be re-grouped in experience level 1, regardless of the length of time you have already worked at that level. This is true even if the change of contract is made seamlessly at the same institution. The problem, however, is that employment contracts at universities are often limited to a very short term. Around half of the contracts of academic staff in the doctoral phase are shorter than 12 months.
  • The Federal Report on Young Academics and Scientists of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of 2017 points out that the average monthly net income of doctoral students is 1,261 euros per month. This is at the lowest end of the official standard salaries.

Salaries of doctoral students in Euro per month according to collective agreements, July 2020 the salaries are based on 100% employment

Source:, public

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Doctorate salaries What does a doctoral candidate earn in Germany?

A doctoral degree will certainly only help you to become rich in an idealistic sense. The first contract for a PhD position should have a term of at least one year - after which, graduates are rewarded with their first salary increase.

Envelope as a metaphor for the PhD salary in Germany

What determines the salary of doctoral candidates in Germany?

Which pay band applies to doctoral students in germany, what is the salary of doctorate students in germany, what are levels of experience and how do i gain relevant professional experience during my phd degree in germany, does changing to another research project or institute in germany have an impact on postgraduates' experience level, if doctoral candidates go abroad, become temporarily unemployed or receive a scholarship, what effect does this have on their experience level, what additional salary benefits are there for postgraduates in germany.

Most doctoral candidates are appointed at a university or non-university research institution through a third-party centre or funding centre. These are all civil service institutions, so the salary for employed doctoral candidates is either based on the collective agreement for civil service (TVoeD) or the collective agreement for the civil service in the individual federal states (TV-L). Hesse, which is not a member of the collective agreement community of the federal states, has its own TV-H collective agreement. Other ways to finance your own PhD as a junior scientist include a PhD scholarship, an industrial PhD programme at a research institute in the private sector or an extra-occupational PhD. Even in the case of an industrial PhD programme, postgraduates are usually paid on the basis of a collective agreement. For example, if you are completing your PhD while working for a car manufacturer, the company collective agreement that IG Metall has concluded with the company will apply.

In the case of the TVoeD, TV-L and TV-H, employees are paid according to their professional qualifications and the demands of their job. There are 15 pay bands in this area. Postgraduates are paid in accordance with pay band 13. PhD positions with a classification in pay band 14 are the absolute exception. Advanced postdocs are usually only promoted to a higher pay band if the they take on additional research responsibility. PhD status is no guarantee of promotion to the next pay band.

The collective bargaining agreements between employers and unions are regularly renegotiated. These negotiations aim to improve working conditions and increasing the monthly gross salary of all civil servants. This means that even postgraduates can look forward to a slightly higher salary. As postgraduates rarely fill a full-time position, their actual gross salary needs to be adjusted on the basis of their working hours.

There are newcomers and old hands in every profession. For researchers with a PhD in science, this breadth of experience is taken into account in the experience levels, which each come with a significant salary increase, as is the case for all employees of the civil service. All three collective agreements for civil servants provide for six levels of experience. The time spent at each stage, the stage duration, increases by one year at each stage. According to this scheme, graduates are entry-level applicants. Accordingly, postgraduates start at experience level 1 with the lowest salary. In their first postgraduate position, it is essential that PhD graduates ensure that the contractual term is at least 12 months and that they will be employed for a full year with no interruptions. Employment contracts of less than one year do not qualify as relevant professional experience according to civil service regulations.

When starting in a new position, you are therefore allocated back at Experience level 1 – without taking the progress you have already made into account. This applies even if the change of contract is seamless and remains within the same facility. Experience level 1 must be fully completed in a single employment contract to qualify for Experience level 2. However, once these twelve months have been served, shorter contractual terms then apply as relevant professional experience. Students who are awarded their doctorate within the allocated six years and are employed as a research associate at the same time can therefore also achieve Experience level 4 with a considerable salary when they graduate. It is not important whether you have a full-time position while completing your doctorate or, as is the case for most PhD positions, have a part-time job (50%–75% position).

Employment contracts of less than one year do not qualify as relevant professional experience according to civil service regulations. When starting in a new position, you are therefore allocated back at Experience level 1 – without taking the progress you have already made into account. This applies even if the change of contract is seamless and remains within the same facility. Experience level 1 must be fully completed in a single employment contract to qualify for Experience level 2. However, once these twelve months have been served, shorter contractual terms then apply as relevant professional experience. Students who are awarded their doctorate within the allocated six years and are employed as a research associate at the same time can therefore also achieve Experience level 4 with a considerable salary when they graduate. It is not important whether you have a full-time position while completing your doctorate or, as is the case for most PhD positions, have a part-time job (50%–75% position).

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Many doctoral candidates are employed in third-party funded projects are required to move from job to job to secure their income. Graduates who have been employed for at least a year with one single employment contract and has therefore gained the required professional experience is in fact in a secure position in terms of their experience level. After this point, shorter contractual terms then apply as relevant professional experience. Even switching between different employers, states and collective agreements is no longer a problem, and the duration of each stage remains the same for doctoral candidates and other researchers from now on. However, they must submit an application to their new employer. In the case of a difficult candidate situation, institutions can even accommodate their future employees to some extent, for example by classifying them into the next experience level earlier than usual. However, in such cases, postgraduate must also have completed their first twelve months without interruption. Employees who change from one collective agreement to another as a postgraduate should inquire in advance whether this will have any detrimental effects on their salary. The collective agreements also stipulate a range of very different salaries within Pay band 13.

How do postgraduates fund their studies?

Many doctoral students want to spend a period of time abroad, as this is required in many scientific professions. Others are awarded a scholarship and finance themselves or take a break from their doctorate if they are offered a good job in the private sector. Some things should be kept in mind with regard to the experience level: Employment contracts at foreign universities and research institutions are generally recognised automatically. However, more caution should be taken with scholarships, even if the scholarship is affiliated with an institute and the same work is performed as employed researchers. This time may be included in the duration spent at each stage, but this is not necessarily always the case. After all, this time is considered "beneficial" rather than a "detrimental interruption". The latter is the case, for example, when a doctorate student enters the private sector for several years to continue their doctorate studies there. Only professional experience gained with a public employer is considered relevant. If such an interruption lasts more than three years, the employee may even be punished when returning to public service by downgrading them to a lower experience level. On the other hand, this does not apply to postgraduates on maternity leave or paid leave. This is also true of incapacity for work up to a maximum of 39 weeks. Time spent at the particular stage is still counted in such cases. Parental leave, however, is considered to be an interruption and is not counted for transition to the next experience level.

Postgraduates who hold a PhD position at a research institution receive and annual special payment, like all other employees in the civil service. This varies depending on the collective agreement and tariff area (East or West), but ranges between 33 and 60% of the average gross salary. Postgraduates who already have children and are paid on the basis of the TV-H, which is only valid in Hessen, will also benefit from a child supplement. The collective agreements also allow for additional compensation for services rendered, such as special services associated with the acquisition of third-party funds. However, there is no standard practice among the federal states and the various institutions.

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Conferral of Doctorates at Faculty IV

The doctorate is the acquisition of the doctoral degree at an institution of higher education within the framework of an examination procedure that is regulated at the TU Berlin by doctoral regulations common to all faculties. This scientific work makes an important contribution to the development of the latest scientific findings and to their transfer and application in practice.

There are various ways to earn a doctorate at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: as a research assistant, within structured doctoral programs, or as an external doctorate. The requirements and the examination performance in the form of the dissertation with the scientific defense are the same for all doctoral candidates.

TU Berlin Doctoral Regulations

Doctoral Degrees at our Faculty

  • Doktor*in der Ingenieurwissenschaften (Dr.-Ing.) - for doctorates with a focus on engineering
  • Doktor*in der Naturwissenschaften (Dr. rer. nat.) - for doctorates with a focus on mathematics and the natural sciences

► Which doctoral degree is suitable for me?

The right doctoral degree for your doctorate, "Dr.-Ing." or "Dr. rer. nat.", depends on the subject focus of your doctoral thesis, but not on the subject focus of your university degree.


  • Master’s degree from a university or a university of applied sciences or a degree of a similar level (Diplom, Magister, Staatsexamen) in the subject area of the respective doctoral degree.
  • Diploma graduates from a German Fachhochschule are admitted to gaining a doctoral degree, if their final grade is above average (at least "good") and they have passed the assessment examinations (Feststellungsprüfungen).

► In terms of content

  • successful completion of a research paper (doctoral thesis)
  • passed oral exam (scientific defense)

Doctoral Examination Procedure: Information & Important Forms

Application as a doctoral candidate.

As at most universities, at the Technische Universität Berlin you first need a written confirmation of supervision from your doctoral supervisor . As soon as you have received such a confirmation from a professor of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, you can apply as a doctoral candidate.

In order to get clarity and certainty about the doctoral requirements of the faculty at an early stage, you should apply as a doctoral candidate in good time . The faculty then decides whether to accept or reject your declaration of intent and at the same time specifies any requirements for additional study and examination achievement. For example, additional study and examination requirements may be imposed on candidate with degrees from other disciplines or from foreign countries.

In addition, the supervisor and the doctoral candidate document their mutual expectations and obligations by concluding a doctoral agreement . This includes, in particular, the mutual commitment to the guidelines for ensuring good scientific practice at the TU Berlin, which are based on the recommendations of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG), as well as the recognition of the characteristics that are considered fundamental within the TU Berlin for a good supervisory and working relationship in the context of a doctorate.

You can submit your application at any time at our Faculty Service Center. Please use the following two forms:

  • Application as a Doctoral Candidate (Dr.-Ing. / Dr. rer. nat.)
  • Supervision Agreement

Admission to the Doctoral Examination Procedure

Once you have completed your doctoral thesis, you can apply to commence the doctoral examination procedure . In this application you propose, among other things, the preferred evaluators. You can also propose a name for the chair of the doctoral examination board.

Please consider the requirements of the TU Berlin Doctoral Regulations as well as the Guidelines for Writing Dissertations at Faculty IV   and our binding deadlines , both listed further down on this web page under "Important Information at a Glance".

Important forms:

  • Application to Commence the Doctoral Procedure - new TU Berlin Doctoral Regulations

Information sheets and forms for dual doctorates / cotutelle de thèse are available at the Faculty Service Center.

Scientific Defense

As soon as the doctoral examination procedure has been commence by the Faculty Board and all the evaluations have been submitted to the Faculty Service Center, the scientific defense follows.

The scientific defense is open to the university public and it takes place in the presence of the doctoral candidate and all members of the doctoral examination board.

It is divided into two parts:

  • Presentation by the doctoral candidate about the dissertation (30 minutes)
  • Discussion with the evaluators on the subject discipline of the dissertation (60 to 90 minutes).

According to § 8 (1) of the new TU Berlin Doctoral Regulations, doctoral candidates of Faculty IV are allowed to inspect the evaluators' reports prior to the scientific defense. For this purpose a request for inspection can be submitted.

Legal regulations & guidelines:

  • Guidance for the Organization of Scientific Defenses using Videoconferencing – NEW TU Berlin Doctoral Regulations
  • Guidance for the Organization of Scientific Defenses using Videoconferencing – OLD TU Berlin Doctoral Regulations


According to § 9 of the TU Berlin Doctoral Regulations , a doctoral thesis must be made available to the scientific public in an appropriate manner after the scientific defense. Accordingly, you must fulfill your publication obligation within twelve months after your scientific defense.

The University Library Dissertation Service of TU Berlin is responsible for publication. There you have to hand in the version of your doctoral thesis approved by the doctoral examination board (including the changes ordered by the doctoral examination board). The Dissertation Service issues confirmations of receipt, publishes the thesis and provides a record of it in the relevant library databases.

Important Information at a Glance

Legal regulations & guidelines:.

  • Guidelines for writing doctoral theses at Faculty IV
  • Regulations for cumulative theses

Binding Deadlines

Submission of doctoral theses & applications for admission to the doctoral examination procedure (always by 12:00 noon):

  • until Wednesday, June 5, 2024
  • until Wednesday, July 3, 2024
  • until Wednesday, September 11, 2024
  • more dates to follow
  • Center for Junior Scholars (CJS)
  • virtuelles Kolleg ProMotion (German)
  • Scientific Continuing Education and Cooperation (ZEWK)
  • Introduction session for new doctoral students February 2023

Good Scientific Practice

  • Statute on the Safeguarding of Good Academic Practice at TU Berlin
  • Investigation Commission for Scientific Misconduct

After your Doctorate

Dissertation awards.

  • Deutscher Studienpreis - Körber Stiftung ( partially in English, since currently in translation )
  • Tiburtius-Preis - Preis der Berliner Hochschulen

Completed Doctorates

Doctorates completed at Faculty IV can be found here:

  • Dissertation Database TU Berlin
  • Doctorates from 2021

Consultation & Contact

Office for doctoral affairs.

The Office for Doctoral Affairs is part of the Faculty Service Center

  • your basic contact for questions concerning your doctorate and 
  • responsible for all organizational questions and tasks in the context of your entire doctoral process

Please always contact Jana Peich directly if you have any questions.

[email protected]

+49 30 314-22229

Ombudspersons for Doctorates

►► PLEASE NOTE first: Our ombudspersons are NOT available for organizational tasks related to your doctorate, here  please always contact Jana Peich, Office for Doctoral Affairs , contact information see above.

Our ombudspersons are there to

  • help you with non-subject-related problems, conflicts of interest and problematic co-authorships , for example
  • promote the cooperation between Faculty IV and the  Center for Junior Scholars at TU Berlin (CJS) , central institution for the advancement of junior scholars at TU Berlin
  • participate in introductory events of the CJS and spread the word about education offers, scholarships and further news.

Marianne Maertens

[email protected]

+49 30 314-24478

Prof. Dr. habil.

Ombudsperson for Doctorates

[email protected]

+49 30 314-25154

Michel Steuwer

[email protected]

+49 30 314-25102

CS@max planck is a highly selective doctoral program that grants admitted students full financial support to pursue doctoral research in the broad area of computer and information science, with faculty at Max Planck Institutes and some of the best German universities.

To qualify for the program, students must hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in computer science (or a related field) and have an outstanding academic record.  We especially encourage applications from students who wish to explore research across the CS spectrum before committing to a topic and advisor.

Why choose CS@max planck ?

  • CS@max planck offers an internationally renowned research community , with world-class faculty across the full spectrum of computer and information science.
  • CS@max planck offers a stimulating environment that includes the top research institutes and universities in Germany , including the MPI for Informatics, MPI for Intelligent Systems, MPI for Software Systems, and their partner universities.
  • Before committing to a research topic, admitted students have the opportunity to explore different areas across the full spectrum of computer and information science. After committing to a group, students may continue to collaborate with other groups throughout the program. 
  • All admitted students are offered full financial support .
  • There are opportunities to transfer technology developed as part of graduate research with support from the Max Planck Society .
  • CS@max planck offers an English-speaking, multicultural , and diverse  working environment.

Admission to the program is highly competitive. A Bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree in CS or a closely related field from a top-tier institution of higher education is required. Applicants should have an outstanding academic record (at or near the top of their class), proficiency in spoken and written English, and strong letters of recommendation from their past academic advisors or work supervisors. Prior research experience is welcome but not required.

Application Procedure

Applications are accepted beginning September 1st through the online application system . You will need to provide the following material:

  • transcripts
  • statement of purpose
  • contact information of at least two references providing recommendations
  • English test scores (TOEFL, IELTS or Cambridge Test) are required unless you are a native speaker or have received a significant part of your education in English.
  • GRE scores are encouraged

You need to submit a complete application before we can process it. (The website displays missing fields in red.) Completed applications can be updated subsequently, e.g. to add an additional reference. We request references only for those applicants that pass a first round of review, i.e., we do not request references automatically.

Application Deadline

Applications for Fall admission must be completed by December 31 of the previous year. Phone or Skype interviews may be conducted with candidates short-listed for admission.

Program Structure

The program is divided into a preparatory and a dissertation phase.

Preparatory Phase

During the preparatory phase, students take courses to build on their existing knowledge of core computer science areas. Depending on a student’s prior academic background (e.g., MS degree), course requirements may be partially or completely waived at the time of admission. Students also have the opportunity to take specialized courses that focus on the development of scientific writing and presentation skills. These courses may be taken at any time during the program.

All incoming students are assigned an initial faculty mentor, but have the opportunity to explore different research areas through research immersion labs  at different groups, institutes, and universities.  Students need not commit to an area, topic, or doctoral advisor until the end of the preparatory phase.

In addition to taking courses, students conduct research from the day they enter the doctoral program. Based on their initial research, students are required to pass a research qualifying exam , which is designed to evaluate the student’s ability to successfully obtain a doctoral degree. Completing the course requirements and passing the qualifying exam concludes the preparatory phase.

Dissertation Phase

During the dissertation phase, students do research and work towards their dissertation. Specific research projects can be done individually between student and primary adviser, or as part of collaborative teams that may span groups, institutes, universities, and include multiple faculty and external collaborators from around the world.

Teaching is both an important part of the academic training of a doctoral student and a uniquely effective learning experience. A student may complete the requirement to serve as a teaching assistant for two courses at any point in the program.

Students complete their doctoral studies by submitting a thesis and taking a public oral thesis defense exam. The exam consists of a scientific presentation by the student followed by a period of questioning by the thesis committee and the public.

Do students receive financial aid? All doctoral positions are fully funded, including social benefits. Students also receive funding to attend conferences and other events related to their research, and have access to outstanding facilities.

Do I need to know English? Yes, English is the program’s working language. Test scores are strongly encouraged for the application unless you are a native speaker or have completed a significant part of your prior studies in English.

Do I need to know German? No, knowledge of German is not required, but you have the option of taking free German language courses during your graduate studies.

How long does a doctoral program usually take? Graduate studies in the CS@max planck program usually last for 4-5 years.

Can students travel to conferences/summer schools? CS@max planck provides funding for travel, and students regularly attend conferences or summer schools related to their research.

Can students go on research/industry internships? Yes, internships are encouraged.

When can I start? Graduate students normally begin their studies in early September. However, students may be able to start their research early, if agreed upon by student and initial advisor.

Do I get a degree from an MPI? MPIs are not degree-granting institutions. Students obtain a doctoral degree from one of the program’s partner universities as well as a certificate of doctoral research from CS@max planck .

Do you provide help with visa proceedings? Admitted students from non-EU countries receive documentation to support their application for a visa.

Where will I live? During the preparatory phase, students normally stay in Saarbrücken. They may move temporarily for research immersion labs. Once a student commits to an area and primary research advisor, they move to the city of the advisor.  The program offers assistance in locating accommodation on a best-effort basis.

Your question wasn’t answered? For more information regarding the CS@max planck graduate program, please contact the program coordinator:  [email protected]

Life in Germany

Living and working in germany.

The booklet Living and Working in Germany from the Max Planck Society has most of the important information regarding visas, health insurance and medical care, finding and renting an apartment, and public transportation. It also includes useful checklists for what you need to bring and what you will need to take care of initially. 

phd computer science salary germany

Computer Scientist Average Salary in Germany 2024

How much money does a person working as computer scientist make in germany.

phd computer science salary germany

A person working as Computer Scientist in Germany typically earns around 5,700 EUR . Salaries range from 2,620 EUR (lowest) to 9,070 EUR (highest).

Salary Variance

This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits. Computer Scientist salaries in Germany vary drastically based on experience, skills, gender, or location. Below you will find a detailed breakdown based on many different criteria.

Computer Scientist Pay Scale and Salaries in Germany

Median and salary distribution Germany Computer Scientist monthly

Salary Structure and Pay Scale Comparison

Median salary, maximum and minimum salary, minimum wage, starting salary, and the salary range, salary range, minimum wage, and starting salary.

Salaries for the position Computer Scientist in Germany range from 2,620 EUR (starting salary) to 9,070 EUR (maximum salary). It should be noted that the given figure is not the legally mandated minimum wage; rather, it represents the lowest figure reported in a salary survey that included thousands of participants and professionals from all regions of the country.

Median Salary

With a median salary of 5,450 EUR , half of the professionals who work as Computer Scientist in Germany earn less than this amount, and the other half earn more. The median salary denotes the middle value of salaries. Ideally, you would want to belong to the group earning more than the median salary, located on the right side of the salary distribution graph.

Percentiles and Salary Scale

The median is closely associated with two other values known as the 25th and 75th percentiles. By examining the salary distribution chart, it can be determined that 25% of professionals employed as Computer Scientist in Germany earn less than 4,390 EUR, while 75% earn more. Similarly, the chart shows that 75% earn less than 6,280 EUR while 25% earn more.

Pay Scale Structure

To provide a better understanding of expected salaries, we categorized the frequently occurring salaries into different ranges. This approach provides a more precise representation of salary distribution for the job title Computer Scientist in Germany compared to simply calculating the average. The majority of reported salaries, approximately 65%, fall within the range of 3,260 EUR to 4,740 EUR. About 20% of salaries are below the 3,260 EUR mark, while 10% fall within the range of 4,740 EUR to 5,410 EUR. Only 5% of individuals have salaries exceeding 5,410 EUR.

Salary Comparison by Years of Experience / Computer Scientist / Germany

How do experience and age affect pay.

Salary comparison by years of experience monthly Germany Computer Scientist

The experience level is the most important factor in determining the salary. Naturally, the more years of experience the higher the wage. We broke down salaries by experience level for people working as Computer Scientist and this is what we found.

Employees with less than two years of experience earn approximately 2,980 EUR.

While someone with an experience level between two and five years is expected to earn 3,980 EUR, 34% more than someone with less than two year's experience.

Moving forward, an experience level between five and ten years lands a salary of 5,880 EUR, 48% more than someone with two to five years of experience.

Additionally, professionals whose expertise span anywhere between ten and fifteen years get a salary equivalent to 7,170 EUR, 22% more than someone with five to ten years of experience.

If the experience level is between fifteen and twenty years, then the expected wage is 7,810 EUR, 9% more than someone with ten to fifteen years of experience.

Lastly, employees with more than twenty years of professional experience get a salary of 8,460 EUR, 8% more than people with fifteen to twenty years of experience.

Typical Salary Progress for Most Careers

Salary Comparison By Experience Level

Salary Comparison By Education / Computer Scientist / Germany

How do education levels affect salaries, displayed below is the average salary variance between different education levels of professionals working as computer scientist..

Salary comparison by education level monthly Germany Computer Scientist

We all know that higher education equals a bigger salary, but how much more money can a degree add to your income? We broke down salaries by education level for the position Computer Scientist in order to make a comparison.

Level 1: Bachelor's Degree

Employees at this education level have an average salary of 3,400 EUR.

Level 2: Master's Degree

At this level, the average salary becomes 5,330 EUR, 57% more than the previous level.

Level 3: PhD

At this level, the average salary becomes 8,940 EUR, 68% more than the previous level.

Is a Master's degree or an MBA worth it? Should you pursue higher education?

A Master's degree program or any post-graduate program in Germany costs anywhere from 19,100 EUR to 57,400 EUR and lasts approximately two years. That is quite an investment. You can't really expect any salary increases during the study period, assuming you already have a job. In most cases, a salary review is conducted once education is completed and the degree has been attained. Many people pursue higher education as a tactic to switch to a higher-paying job. The numbers seem to support the theory. The average increase in compensation while changing jobs is approximately 10% more than the customary salary increment. If you can afford the costs of higher education, the return on investment is definitely worth it. You should be able to recover the costs in roughly a year or so.

Typical Salary Difference by Education for Most Careers

Salary Comparison By Education Level

Salary and Compensation Comparison By Gender / Computer Scientist / Germany

Salary comparison by gender Germany Computer Scientist monthly

Though gender should not have an effect on pay, in reality, it does. So who gets paid more: men or women? For the people who work as Computer Scientist in Germany, the average difference between the salary of male and female employees is 6%.

Salary Comparison By Gender in Germany for all Careers

Salary comparison by gender monthly Germany

43 Careers That Pay Women More Than Men!

Average Annual Salary Increment Percentage / Computer Scientist / Germany

How much are annual salary increments in germany for individuals working as computer scientist how often do employees get salary raises.

Individuals working as Computer Scientist in Germany are likely to observe a salary increase of approximately 12% every 16 months. The national average annual increment for all professions combined is 8% granted to employees every 16 months.

Annual Salary Increment Rate Germany Computer Scientist

Germany / All Professions

Annual Salary Increment Rate Germany

The term Annual Salary Increase usually refers to the increase in 12 calendar month period, but because it is rare that people get their salaries reviewed exactly on the one-year mark, it is more meaningful to know the frequency and the rate at the time of the increase.

How to calculate the salary increment percentage?

The annual salary Increase in a calendar year (12 months) can be easily calculated as follows: Annual Salary Increase = Increase Rate x 12 / Increase Frequency

Worldwide Salary Raises: All Countries and All Jobs

World Average Annual Salary Increment

Salary Packages and Schemes

Not all compensation increases are reflected directly in the salary. Some companies offer upgraded packages to their staff instead of cash money. The figures displayed here account only for direct increments to the base salary.

Bonus and Incentive Rates / Computer Scientist / Germany

How much and how often are bonuses being awarded share this chart    tweet          get chart link 38% of surveyed staff reported that they haven't received any bonuses or incentives in the previous year while 62% said that they received at least one form of monetary bonus. those who got bonuses reported rates ranging from 2% to 7% of their annual salary. received bonus 62% no bonus 38% types of bonuses considered.

The most standard form of bonus, where the employee is awarded based on their exceptional performance.

Occasionally, some companies like to celebrate excess earnings and profits with their staff collectively in the form of bonuses that are granted to everyone. The amount of the bonus will probably be different from person to person depending on their role within the organization.

Granted upon achieving an important goal or milestone.

These types of bonuses are given without a reason and usually resemble an appreciation token.

Bonuses Are Not Commissions!

People tend to confuse bonuses with commissions. A commission is a prefixed rate at which someone gets paid for items sold or deals completed while a bonus is in most cases arbitrary and unplanned.

What makes a position worthy of good bonuses and a high salary?

Revenue generators usually get more and higher bonuses, higher salaries, and more frequent salary increments. The reason is quite simple: it is easier to quantify your value to the company in monetary terms when you participate in revenue generation.

Bonus Comparison by Seniority Level

Top management personnel and senior employees naturally exhibit higher bonus rates and frequencies than juniors. This is very predictable due to the inherent responsibilities of being higher in the hierarchy. People in top positions can easily get double or triple bonus rates than employees down the pyramid.

Average Hourly Wage / Computer Scientist / Germany

The average hourly wage (pay per hour) for individuals working as computer scientist in germany is 33 eur.this is the rate they get paid for every worked hour., about the hourly pay rate.

The hourly wage is the salary paid in one worked hour. Usually, jobs are classified into two categories: salaried jobs and hourly jobs. Salaried jobs pay a fixed amount regardless of the hours worked. Hourly jobs pay per worked hour. To convert salary into hourly wage the above formula is used (assuming 5 working days in a week and 8 working hours per day which is the standard for most jobs). The hourly wage calculation may differ slightly depending on the worked hours per week and the annual vacation allowance. The figures mentioned above are good approximations and are considered to be the standard. One major difference between salaried employees and hourly paid employees is overtime eligibility. Salaried employees are usually exempt from overtime as opposed to hourly paid staff.

What is the minimum hourly rate of pay?

The minimum pay rate per hour for people working as Computer Scientist in Germany is 15 EUR. This is the minimum as per the gathered data in the salary survey not the minimum hourly rate mandated by law.

Salary comparison with similar jobs

phd computer science salary germany

Salary Comparison By City

Government vs private sector salary comparison.

Where can you get paid more, working in a private company or the government? The difference between the public or government sector salaries and the private sector salaries in Germany is 5% on average across all career fields.

Salary Statistics and Calculation Guide

What is considered to be a good and competitive salary for the job title computer scientist in germany.

A good and competitive compensation would range anywhere between 5,450 EUR and 6,280 EUR. This is a very rough estimate. Experience and education play a very huge part in the final earnings.

Gross Salary (before tax) and Net Salary (after tax)

All salary and compensation figures displayed here are gross salary figures, that is the salary before tax deductions. Because taxes may differ across sectors and locations, it is difficult to accurately calculate the net salary after tax for every career.

Base / Basic Salary

The base salary for a careers like Computer Scientist in Germany ranges from 2,620 EUR to 4,390 EUR. The base salary depends on many factors including experience and education. It is not easy to provide a figure with very little information, so take this range with a grain of salt.

What is the difference between the median and the average salary?

Both are indicators. If your salary is higher than both the average and the median then you are doing very well. If your salary is lower than both, then many people earn more than you and there is plenty of room for improvement. If your wage is between the average and the median, then things can be a bit complicated. We wrote a guide to explain all about the different scenarios. How to compare your salary

phd computer science salary germany

©Salary Explorer 2024

PhD Handbook

PhD Stipend in ...

PhD Stipend in Germany: How to Find a Good Job In Germany After PhD?


All countries offer financial support to PhD students in their ways, but Germany takes doctoral research particularly seriously. German PhD funding takes numerous forms, reflecting the diverse ways you can complete a PhD in Germany. The PhD programs in the country are well structured and have a practice-oriented curriculum, giving students a chance to learn the subject from the grassroots level. 

phd computer science salary germany

The popular PhD programs in Germany are mathematics, computer science, physics, economics and engineering. International students have the flexibility to complete their PhD thesis in English and join their field of work without hassle. Also, Doctoral students are often supported by traditional academic scholarships and fellowships, but German universities and research institutes offer salaried assistantships for their PhD researchers. Based on a full-time position, doctoral students accept between 46,000 and 56,000 EUR gross per year ((INR 36,61,472 to INR 44,57,444), depending on how much experience the doctoral student already has.

PhD Stipend in Germany For International Students

International students can apply for internships during and after the degree. While pursuing a degree course, you can apply for internships at the university itself as an assistant to the professor or research assistant at the lab. Here we have presented some of the important points regarding PhD student stipend in Germany:

  • International students pursuing a PhD in German universities receive a monthly stipend. The average stipend for PhD students in Germany is 24,500 EUR/year (INR 19,53,189/year approximately).
  • Besides being a PhD student, one can intern at public and private organisations with an average stipend of 500 EUR/month (INR 39,848/month approximately).
  • Doctoral students starting at entry experience level should validate that their bond runs for at least 12 months, as employment agreements of less than 1 year are not measured as relevant professional experience.

Types of Universities in Germany

phd computer science salary germany

Job & Salary After PhD in Germany

After completion of the PhD, the salary of a student is determined by several factors. These important factors are industry, years of experience, candidate’s skills and the job position. We have listed down some of the job positions offered to PhD graduate students in Germany with their average annual salaries -

High Paying Jobs In Germany

There are various high paying jobs in Germany that are offered to international students after completing their Phd course from top universities. 

Part Time Jobs for Students

Top Recruiters & Salary After PhD in Germany  

Depending on a student's level of knowledge and years of experience, a plethora of job opportunities will come for a PhD graduate. Some of the important industries in Germany that offer placements to PhD students are as follows:

Studying In Germany!

How to Find a Job After PhD in Germany?

The top cities in Germany attract a lot of PhD graduate students for their lucrative job market. Let’s look at the top cities in the country for international students.

  • Berlin, the capital of Germany is known to offer jobs in the marketing sector.
  • Frankfurt is a hub for the financial sector
  • Munich is known for its automobile industry

Since Germany has a skilled labour shortage of more than 400,000 people, PhD graduates can conveniently get a job in Germany. Here is how international students can find jobs in Germany post degree completion -

1. Public German Job Sites

The Federal Employment Agency is one of the largest recruiting service providers in Germany. It has more than 700 offices in the country and has a platform named “International Placement Service” through which international students can find work. Make a profile on their website and mention your qualifications to get matched with a job position. 

2. Private German Job Sites

There are several websites through which PhD graduate students can search for specialised jobs. 

  • Academics is a website where students can look for research-related work
  • Jobware for vacancies in the field of management
  • Staufenbiel and Stepstone for internships and graduate jobs 
  • Students can also check Jobooh for working in startups. 

3. German Recruitment Agencies

International students who have completed their PhH course from German universities can also look for a job position in "German Yellow Pages" which has an employment section named ‘Arbeitsvermittlung’ dedicated to recruiting agencies. If the recruiting agencies are a member of the Federal Employer’s Association of Personnel Service Providers, then they can be trusted for international students. 

4. German Newspapers

For academic and governmental jobs, look through the job sections in the Sunday editorials of the following newspapers -

  • Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

It has the widest newspaper circulation in Germany and 148 more countries. It is a centre-right, liberal conservative newspaper.

  • Süddeutsche Zeitung

It is one of the largest daily newspapers in Germany and is published in Munich. It is a centre-left, progressive-liberal newspaper.

It is the flagship newspaper daily of the Axel Springer publishing group and is printed in Bonn.

  • Handelsblatt  

It is a German-language business newspaper published by Handelsblatt Media Group. The English language version of the newspaper is known as Handelsblatt Global Edition.

Germany is one of the top 3 countries in the world to welcome more than 30,000 students in their PhD programs. The comprehensiveness of the PhD courses helps in the overall development of students and makes them job-ready. Wondering how to apply to the best universities for a PhD? Subscribe to Yocket Premium and get one-on-one personalised guidance on the admission and scholarship process. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Germany PhD Stipend

What is the PhD student salary in Germany after tax?

Usually, student stipend in Germany is tax-free when it is awarded from public sources like public universities or government scholarships. However, if you are doing internships at laboratories and private institutions, the average PhD student salary in Germany after tax is about 24,500 EUR per year (INR 19,53,189 per year approximately).

How can I work in Germany after PhD?

In order to work in Germany after your PhD, you will require a residence permit and a German work visa/employment permit. To apply for a Blue Card or work permit, you must have a job offer of 45,000 EUR/year (INR 35,87,490 approximately) before taxes.

Does the average PhD stipend in Germany increase?

The average PhD stipend in Germany per month is 2500 EUR (INR 99,305 approximately). The PhD fellowship stipend will be increased at the start of every academic year. 

What are the top academic jobs in Germany after a PhD?

The top academic jobs in Germany after PhD are that of professors, lecturers, scientists and researchers. The average PhD stipend in Germany for these jobs is between 60,000 EUR to 75,000 EUR per year (INR 47,83,320 to INR 59,79,150 approximately) depending on the candidate’s experience.

What are the top non-academic jobs in Germany after a PhD?

The top non- academic jobs in Germany after PhD are that of an actuary, data analyst, operation analyst, business analyst and product developer. The average PhD stipend in Germany for these jobs is between 68,000 EUR to 80,000 EUR per year (INR 54,21,096 to INR 63,77,760 approximately).


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phd computer science salary germany

IT Salaries in Germany

phd computer science salary germany

With a staggering number of tech companies, over 100,000 to be precise, Germany has established itself as a powerhouse in the tech world. Not only does this thriving tech ecosystem create a whopping one million jobs, but it also generates 230 billion Euros in revenue. As the second-largest tech hub in Europe, Germany shows no signs of slowing down, with a projected 6% growth in the ITC market from 2021 to 2026. 

If you're exploring options for a career in IT, seeking to improve your salary negotiations, or just interested in the earning possibilities in this rapidly changing industry, this article can offer you some helpful perspectives and insights into IT salaries in Germany. 

What is the average IT salary in Germany?

Glassdoor estimates that the average IT salary in Germany is €65,421, 32.8% higher than the national average. 

This higher-than-average IT salary could be due to the country's strong economy and a well-developed technology sector. Many multinational companies and startups operate in Germany, creating a high demand for IT talent across various industries. The country's digitalisation trend increases demand for skilled professionals in AI, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and data analytics to drive innovation.

RELATED: Average Salary in Germany

Average IT salary in Germany by most in-demand job role

The demand for IT specialists has been high for a long time in Germany. Reports and surveys indicate that there are currently about 124,000 open positions for IT professionals, which is a 50% increase compared to the previous year. Here are some of the most in-demand IT job roles in Germany. The figures below have been sourced from the Economic Research Institute (ERI). 

RELATED: Data Analyst Salary Germany 

Average IT salary in Germany by highest-paid job role

The following are some of Germany's most highly-paid IT job positions. The precise salary for each position may differ depending on the employer, level of experience, and location. However, these positions are in high demand, and they provide excellent salaries and opportunities for career advancement.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in IT, these are some of the top positions to consider. 

1. Software Architect

Average Salary: €81,500

Designing and developing software systems is the primary responsibility of software architects. They thoroughly understand software engineering principles and practices, enabling them to easily translate business requirements into technical specifications. Typically, software architects hold a master's degree in computer science or a related field.

2. Cloud Architect

Average Salary: €78,822

Cloud architects play a vital role in creating, executing, and overseeing cloud computing solutions. They possess a comprehensive knowledge of cloud computing technologies and are skilled in developing solutions tailored to their client's specific requirements. Typically, cloud architects hold a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field.

3. DevOps Engineer

Average Salary: €65,800

DevOps engineers are crucial in automating software systems' development, deployment, and operations. They possess a comprehensive understanding of both software development and IT operations, allowing them to effectively bridge the gap between these two disciplines. Typically, these professionals hold a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field.

4. Cybersecurity Engineer

Average Salary:  €103,888 

Computer systems and networks are constantly threatened by cyberattacks, and it's the responsibility of cybersecurity engineers to protect them. These professionals possess a deep knowledge of cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities and employ their expertise to design and implement solutions to mitigate them. Typically, cybersecurity engineers hold a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field.

RELATED: Ways to Make Money Hacking

5. Program Project Manager 

Average Salary: €79,900 

Managing extensive programs containing multiple projects is no easy feat. That's why a program manager is crucial in overseeing and ensuring the seamless alignment of these projects with the company's goals and strategic direction. In Germany, it is standard for Program Project Managers to hold a university degree in computer science, business information systems, business administration, or other related fields.

RELATED: 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Germany

Average IT salary in Germany by most popular job role 

Some of the most popular job roles in the IT industry include software developers, Full Stack Developers and Java Developers. The average salary for these roles ranges from €55,000 to €65,800 per year, depending on factors such as experience, qualifications, and the location of the job. 

  • Full Stack developer salary in Germany
  • Backend Developer Salary in Germany
  • Frontend Developer Salary in Germany
  • Software Developer Salary in Germany  

Average IT salary in Germany by area 

The IT salary average in Germany is not the same everywhere. Generally, salaries are higher in cities like Berlin, Munich and Frankfurt. These cities are home to many large technology companies and startups that offer competitive salaries to attract top talent. Furthermore, the cost of living in these cities is typically higher, contributing to higher salaries. In smaller cities or rural areas, salaries may be lower as the demand for IT professionals is not as high. However, it is important to note that salaries can also vary depending on factors such as the type of IT role, level of experience, and the specific industry.

Factors that influence IT Salaries in Germany

In addition to location, several other key factors can impact the average salary for IT professionals in Germany. It's crucial to carefully weigh these factors when assessing compensation packages and negotiating employment conditions.

1. Education and Qualifications

An individual's education and qualifications strongly influence their IT salary in Germany. People with advanced degrees, like a master's or PhD, tend to earn higher salaries than those with only a bachelor's degree or lower qualifications.

2. Skills and Experience

An individual's specific skills and experience are significant factors in determining IT salaries. Specialised skills in software development, cybersecurity, data analytics, and artificial intelligence are in high demand and can lead to higher salaries.

3. Company Size

The size of the company can impact salaries. Larger companies offer higher salaries compared to smaller companies. 

4. Negotiation Skills

The ability to negotiate can impact salaries, allowing skilled negotiators to secure better compensation.

5. Language Skills 

Speaking German fluently can increase salaries for roles involving German-speaking clients or stakeholders.

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CSStipendRankings: PhD Stipend Rankings

CSStipendRankings is a stipend-based ranking of top-paying computer science departments in US. We may implement support for other countries and you are welcomed to contribute! For a real academic ranking, please refer to CSRankings . For reviewing individual PhD advisors, please refer to PI Review .

  • Stipend is the minimal amount of pre-tax allowance graciously granted by the institution to its PhD students. Currently, we support displaying (1) the stipend received by the majority of students , (2) the minimal guaranteed stipend , and (3) the stipend that students receive during the semester only . Note that some departments do not have guaranteed summer funding , and we are currently working to collect such data. For now, this data is not complete.
  • Fees are annual non-reimbursible tariffs (including health insurance) reclaimed by said institution. See why health insurance is included in here. If the institution charges a CPT fee or summer enrollment fee for international students, they should also be counted here. In short, this should be the maximum possible fee that the institution charges.
  • Living cost is calculated based on the MIT Living Wage Calculator for the institution's city. See why we use this calculator and its limitations in here .
  • summer-gtd , indicating summer funding is guaranteed in this department.
  • varies , indicating the amount of funding varies from advisor to advisor in this department.
  • no-guarantee , indicating this department does not guarantee any funding at all (at least for a subset of its enrolled PhD students, where a PhD student is defined as a graduate student who is required to conduct research under an advisor to graduate and get a degree). Anyone who can prove this is welcomed and encouraged to submit an issue, and we will add this label immediately. See the reason here .
  • cpt-fee , indicating international students in this department need to pay a fee for their CPT applications.
  • striking , indicating this department is currently under a strike.
  • , indicating the stipend is verified for the semesters, but not for the summer. This icon also serves as a hyperlink to the document used for verification, if the document is uploaded to a publicly accessible location, such as GitHub issues.
  • , indicating we have a survey for this department. If you are a PhD student at this department, please click the icon to fill it.

To raise issues/comments : We believe issues and comments should be discussed and resolved publicly on GitHub for transparency. If you believe any data is inaccurate or have additional comments, please open an issue or a pull request . The maintainers will not respond to private messages sent to their personal or university accounts regarding this website.

* We have noticed discrepancies in the data reported for this university or department, and we suspect that it may not be entirely accurate. If you have access to more reliable information, we would appreciate it if you could share it with us.

This ranking is part informational and part satire, designed to democratize information on how PhD students in computer science and related areas are paid for their labor – inadequately , in most cases.

Most of the frontend code of this website is from CSRankings , and we intentionally used the same template. The code of this website can be found at , and the data presented can be found as a CSV file here .

Contributing: Everyone is welcomed to submit patches or report the stipend via pull requests . Also, feel free to submit issues on GitHub . We encourage submitting datapoints through issues due to its ability to facilitate public discussion. Additionally, it provides the advantage of creating a hyperlink on the checkmark that directs to the corresponding issue. In most cases, we will respond to a submitted issue within a few days.

Frequent-Asked Questions: Please see FAQs here .

Disclaimer: CSStipendRankings is designed to highlight stipend situations across various institutions, based on user-submitted information. We try our best to verify their accuracy, but we cannot guarantee they are correct or up-to-date. Ultimately, while we hope you find this information useful, this should not be used as the primary basis for grad school decisions . We advocate users to do their own research before making life decisions.


CSStipendRankings is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License . The frontend (i.e., CSS and HTML) of this website is based on code licensed from CSRankings, a work at . The copyright of CSRankings is owned by Emery Berger . The copyright of the non-CSRankings part of CSStipendRankings is owned by its contributors .

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Webinar recordings, stay up to date on hr news, computer scientist, 120.109 € (eur)/yr, 57,74 € (eur) /hr, 5.165 € (eur) /yr.

The average computer scientist gross salary in Germany is 120.109 € or an equivalent hourly rate of 58 €. In addition, they earn an average bonus of 5.165 €. Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in Germany. An entry level computer scientist (1-3 years of experience) earns an average salary of 84.188 €. On the other end, a senior level computer scientist (8+ years of experience) earns an average salary of 149.193 €.

Data powered by ERI's Salary Expert Database .

This page is a promotion for SalaryExpert’s Assessor Platform and is not intended for professional use.

Professionals should subscribe to SalaryExpert’s Assessor Platform .

ERI’s compensation data are based on salary surveys conducted and researched by ERI. Cost of labor data in the Assessor Series are based on actual housing sales data from commercially available sources, plus rental rates, gasoline prices, consumables, medical care premium costs, property taxes, effective income tax rates, etc.


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138.573 € (EUR)

Based on our compensation data, the estimated salary potential for Computer Scientist will increase 15 % over 5 years.

This chart displays the highest level of education for: Computer Scientist , the majority at 100% with associates.

Typical Field of Study: Computer Programming, Specific Applications

Cost of living is calculated based on accumulating the cost of food, transportation, health services, rent, utilities, taxes, and miscellaneous.

Germany, officially the Federal Republic of Germany, is a country in the western region of Central Europe. It is the second-most populous country in Europe after Russia, and the most populous member state of the European Union. Germany lies between the Baltic and North Sea to the north and the Alps to the south. Its 16 constituent states have a total population of over 84 million, covering a combined area of 357,600 km2 (138,100 sq mi) and sharing land borders with Denmark to the north, Poland and...

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Average gross starting salary for university graduates in Germany 2022

German law graduates holding a doctorate degree can currently expect the highest average gross starting salary in the country when they enter the job market. Other degrees with good earning prospects include medicine, computer science (also with a doctorate degree), and industrial engineering. In comparison, those who studied graphics/design, humanities and social sciences are at the bottom of the starting salary food chain.

Law courses among most attended

Law, economics and social sciences were the subject groups seeing the highest student numbers in German universities, totaling over one million in 2022/2023. Engineering and mathematics rounded up the top three. German universities offer a variety of internationally recognized degrees, the Bachelor being the most frequently taken type of final exam .

Slow yearly salary increase

Among selected countries in the European Union, Germany ranks eighth in terms of average annual wages . All the same, when studying the change in average annual pay specifically in Germany during the last decade, a slow, but steady increase is visible year after year, until the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic hit in 2020.

Average gross starting salary for university graduates in Germany in 2022, by field of study (in euros)

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* The average starting salary is the median, 50 percent below and 50 percent above. The data was collected in March 2023.

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About the industry

  • Basic Statistic Higher education students from African countries in Russia 2010-2021
  • Basic Statistic Post-baccalaureate enrollment U.S. 1976-2031, by attendance type
  • Premium Statistic Enrollment in U.S. 4-year postsecondary institutions 1970-2031, by attendance
  • Basic Statistic Undergraduate enrollment numbers U.S. 1976-2021, by ethnicity
  • Basic Statistic Hispanic undergraduate enrollment numbers U.S. 1980-2021, by gender
  • Premium Statistic Undergraduate enrollment in the U.S. 1970-2031, by gender
  • Basic Statistic Post-baccalaureate enrollment numbers U.S. 1976-2021, by ethnicity
  • Premium Statistic Enrollment/projections in U.S. 2-year postsecondary institutions 1970-2031, by gender
  • Basic Statistic Number of U.S. students participating in study abroad programs 2019/20
  • Premium Statistic Enrollment for U.S. 2-year postsecondary institutions, by attendance 1970-2029

About the region

  • Premium Statistic Students supported with a student loan in Germany 1991-2022
  • Premium Statistic Average monthly federal loan support per student Germany 1991-2022
  • Premium Statistic Number of university students in Germany 2022/2023, by subject groups
  • Premium Statistic Age of first degree university graduates in Germany from 2003 to 2022
  • Premium Statistic Taken final university exams in Germany by type of degree 2022
  • Basic Statistic Number of students in German universities in winter semesters 2002/2003-2022/2023
  • Premium Statistic Student numbers in universities in Germany 2022/23, by type of university
  • Basic Statistic Germany: inflow of university students from European countries 2005-2012
  • Premium Statistic The 20 most popular universities in Germany in 2023
  • Premium Statistic Key figures for Excellence Universities in Germany 2019

Selected statistics

  • Basic Statistic African-American undergraduate enrollment numbers, by gender 1976 to 2011
  • Basic Statistic Post-baccalaureate enrollment numbers in the U.S., by institution type 1976-2010
  • Basic Statistic Number of degrees in visual and performing arts in the U.S. 1999-2013

Other regions

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  • Basic Statistic Enrolment numbers at public universities in Spain 2008-2023, by degree
  • Basic Statistic Total Education tax savings for college students U.S. 2002-2023
  • Basic Statistic Number of university students in Iceland 2010-2022
  • Premium Statistic Colombia: university enrollment 2010-2014
  • Basic Statistic Best European Universities by Times Higher Education 2023
  • Premium Statistic Enrolled university students in Qatar by gender 2010/2011-2018/2019
  • Premium Statistic Most popular fields of study for overseas students Australia 2021
  • Premium Statistic Enrolled students at Sapienza University of Rome in Italy 2020-2021
  • Premium Statistic Number of tertiary students in Ghana 2019, by type of institution

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  • Basic Statistic Least popular college majors in the U.S. by gender 2009
  • Basic Statistic College majors with the highest participation of Asian students in the U.S. 2009
  • Basic Statistic U.S. college majors with the highest participation of African-American students 2009
  • Premium Statistic Students' evaluation of online vs on-campus colleges in the U.S. in 2011
  • Premium Statistic HR managers' evalations of online vs on-campus colleges in the U.S. in 2011
  • Basic Statistic Share of student loans provided in the U.S. 2001-2023, by source
  • Premium Statistic Median income of arts majors by study focus in the U.S. 2013

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  • Students' evaluation of online vs on-campus colleges in the U.S. in 2011
  • HR managers' evalations of online vs on-campus colleges in the U.S. in 2011
  • Share of student loans provided in the U.S. 2001-2023, by source
  • Median income of arts majors by study focus in the U.S. 2013

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  • Why Go for MS in Germany?
  • Job Opportunities in Germany
  • How Do You Get Into Your Dream MS Program in Germany?
  • Bottom Line

Salary After MS in Germany: Job Opportunities and Salaries in 2024

Many students who wish to study abroad hope to find a job soon after graduation to repay their student loans or settle down in a foreign country. Suppose you’re planning to pursue a Master’s degree in Germany. In that case, there’s good news: Germany’s job market is highly receptive to international students who have completed a Master’s degree program in the country. 

Earning a Master’s degree in Germany not only demonstrates academic success but also opens up exciting job opportunities. Graduates benefit from practical skills and a strong industrial network, which are the foundations of their careers. Even though numerous employment opportunities are available in fields like technology, engineering, and finance, students can pursue various career paths.

With its emphasis on innovation and a robust job market, Germany offers a perfect environment for postgraduate studies. Graduates of Master’s programs have access to excellent career prospects, with average salary in Germany ranging from 40,000-100,000 Euros per annum. 

Germany’s ability to produce top-notch graduates is a source of pride for the entire country. Graduates of Stomach Avenue benefit from transferable skills and a broad-based industrial network, which enable them to pursue careers in fields like technology, engineering, and finance. 

Thanks to the country’s strong and innovative labor market, it’s an ideal place to pursue further education that leads to prosperous careers and competitive salaries.

Germany is now the home to some of the most prestigious universities across the globe, which makes it the ultimate destination for a trip to a university. 

In Germany, you have the opportunity to study at the highest level, live in multicultural surroundings, survive on a low budget, love great food, admire spectacular landscapes, and enjoy nightlife. – This is what you get in Germany. Pursue a Global MBA from one of the leading universities in Germany with the aim of gaining the best pinch of a pure academic atmosphere.

Here’s a list of the top benefits of studying abroad:

  • Diverse Selections of Courses to Choose From

International universities offer a wide variety of courses, from research experiences to skill-based training. Hence, applying to a foreign college is a great way since you are presented with many different courses to choose from, which in turn gives you an opportunity to change your narrative. Of course, it is sometimes possible to take a few different courses at the same time with certain programs. By working with this, you can become interested in the university learning process.

  • Creates Opportunities for Encouraging Communication and Language Skills.

Going through a foreign university will place you in a setting where you will be interacting with your fellow countrymen, supervisors, and colleagues from around the globe, which in turn will help you build up intercultural communication skills. Tenacity is a very advantageous skill, definitely worthy of effort.

For instance, the case with studying in Germany is that you must learn German because you cannot communicate with the majority of people in Germany who do not speak English. This can also be helpful in ensuring that you get a job fast in your areas of interest. Of course, in some professions, such as diplomacy and international relations, bilingualism is an essential skill.

  • Makes You More Employable

The number one motto for attending a college abroad is to advance your personal development and also get out in the open market with a competitive edge. 

By taking these steps to study abroad, hiring managers would understand that you have the guts, the ability to adapt to new cultural environments, global awareness, and the knowledge of how others work and think in the diverse world. This is why you are indeed the favorite news on the job market. 

To have detailed insight into navigating the process of studying abroad for your MS in Germany, delve into our blog: “ MS in Germany: A Guide for International Students .”

Given below are some of the highest-paying jobs in Germany after a MS:

Medical doctors are among the highest paying jobs in Germany. Moreover, they have a significant worldwide health status. Many of the medical careers are among the most lucrative in Germany.

Medical directors and dentists, as a rule, are the top salary earners in the job market. Year on year, a German physician makes €65,000 , which is a medium rate. This earning ability calls a nation to invest in and reward doctors and other health-related professionals who contribute to the preservation of our good health a great deal.

  • Engineering

The Germans are particular in engineering since it’s the area that leads to high-end cars like BMWs and Mercedes-Benz. Furthermore, it inspires the shift to renewable energy sources and the promotion of wind turbines and photovoltaic systems, which are significant features of Germany.

In everything, whether it is about electricity, vehicles, or machinery, engineers are hell-bent on safety, performance, and structural soundness. Their profession eventually bridges many gaps between human beings and their environment for the betterment of society.

For an Engineer, the annual salary in Germany is, on average, €81,776 . The average salary in Germany for software engineer is €60,194 annually.

Attorneys educate individuals, companies, and organizations with respect to laws when they face any legal problems. These latter function mainly with regard to the provision of legal aid and ensuring that their clients know and respect their rights and obligations as stipulated by the law.

The other role of the lawyers is to assist clients in preparing for case hearings by providing them with chosen paths of the matters. They play a crucial role and serve to keep in check the passing of laws, which are at all times under the legal standards, and ensure that there is fairness among individuals and entities.

A salary of €72,500 is for a basic Lawyer.

In Germany, IT has gained a reputation because it is the language of communication, the engine driving business and economy, and an integral component of education, especially through e-learning methodologies, healthcare, and online governance.

It involves the transport of people, holds a big potential in entertainment, and contributes to the development of technology in other sectors. It allows us to perform our mundane tasks faster, and it builds up with our values as technology progresses.

The standard salary an IT Specialist working in Germany gets a year is €55,000 .

  • Mathematics

Mathematics plays a vital role in understanding ecology, physics, technology, business, finance, and information technology. Its significance is increasing in the environment of pivotal subjects that include biology, medicine, and social science.

The mathematics discipline has always been viewed highly, with award platforms and other forms of recognition putting it in the limelight. In math, both arithmetic and equation solving is dealt with, as well as solutions to intriguing problems. These individuals build models and formulas even when it is challenging to solve issues by applying numbers and equations.

Math specialists earn €51,150 per year on average.

  • Natural Sciences

The scientific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and earth sciences are combined together and are known as Natural Sciences. As they have progressed across the centuries, these branches of knowledge have achieved miracles and extremely important findings about the Universe.

Therefore, someone with a degree in these fields gets a rather valuable job with a big salary.

Professionals receive a salary of about €60,761 in this job.

  • Management courses

Being able to run the organization and design the strategy of the business itself can make it either a success story or a failure case. Business studies are vital for all types of private or public sector companies and groups that aim to make economic decisions and function harmoniously.

An unemployed economy heavily depends on the progress of companies. Therefore, those who have such degrees receive a higher average annual salary, which is €67,500 .

  • Architecture

The way of building has always been a powerful human activity, undertaken and perfected over thousands of years, thus creating architecture.

Every time we visit cities, photographs, town halls, and houses belonging to different architectural groups come into view. These styles give us the ability to pinpoint when they were constructed, the economic status of their country, their ways of life, their traditions and culture, the history, and the temperament of their people.

Architecture greatly contributes to people’s daily existence in their approximately simple and social areas, and it creates a certain atmosphere that influences mood. Art is a key component of the life. Average salaries vary from €82,000 per year.

Explore “ 40 Interesting Facts About Germany ” and uncover why it’s a top choice for students looking to study abroad!

  • Find the Right Master’s Program in Germany.

The MS in Germany cost may vary on whether you choose to go to either public or private institutions. The main difference between the two is their funding sources and whether they require you to enroll in a fee depending on the program or not. The Masters in Germany cost may vary.

On the other hand, aspiring students go through the following process: trying to find an academic program that matches their educational background as well as their future career goals. To be sure, you’re going to want to check out the required courses you took. 

Bachelor’s level education to know if they will constitute the desired amount of college credit hours necessary for entry into this Master’s program.

  • Meet the Language Requirements.

But when it comes to the English-taught degree courses in Germany, you have to remember the proof of German language proficiency. What a relief! 

On the other hand, electives may well be seen as primarily taught in English but are not officially accessible to international students. In that case, you should provide clearance to speak German until level B1 or more.

  • Know the Best Time to Apply to German Universities.

German universities noticeably have a couple of periods of application per year. Generally, students applying for winter semester admission have to hand in the applications in early July. The course begins in late October with classes. 

For summer semester starters, late January may be the initial due date for applications, with classes starting at the end of April.

Remember that the university has the final word on application deadlines, so ensure that you check with them on the exact dates. If you are a non-EU citizen, you may be permitted to submit your application depending on when the start of the school year is set during the winter semester intake.

  • Get the Required Papers Together and Apply for a Master’s Degree in Germany.

The biggest challenge is gathering all the important papers for your application, which usually takes a long time. The precise set of needed documents will be based on your situation, and the exact choice of documents will depend on the requirements of your program. 

Along with this, many websites are offering a comprehensive master’s in Germany cost calculator to help you streamline your planning process.

  • Show Evidence That You Are Able to Finance Your Study.

Despite the low cost of higher education, the biggest issue hindering getting a German master’s for international students might be a necessity to prove their financial ability. In other words, the German government aims to ensure that the would-be students from abroad shall be self-sufficient while studying in Germany.

  • Formalize Your Admission to a Master’s Level Course.

Finally, this is the moment all these steps actually pay off, and you get your acceptance letter. That’s the right time to enroll in a Master’s program! To register, you have to submit a properly filled out form signed by you with proof of payment covering the study fee for the semester or student fees. 

Also, you have to send the document that proves you have health insurance coverage.

  • Seek a German German Student Visa or Residence Permit.

Due to your nationality, you must take care of the residence permit for Germany. You need to receive it either before entry or after you arrive in the country.

Following the introduction of the new rule, students from particular countries, as well as foreign nationals, would be able to enter Germany visa-free and stay for a period of 90 days while simultaneously submitting their documents to the Bürgeramt or the local citizen’s office.

Discover the top reasons why Germany is a hotspot for international students in “ Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Study in Germany 2024 “

Germany’s reputation for technological prowess and advanced research attracts a multitude of international students, particularly in science and technology fields, pursuing MS programs. With five universities ranking within the global top 100, Germany offers unparalleled educational opportunities. By 2024, fields like engineering, computer science, and business promise abundant job prospects and competitive salaries. As you contemplate your career path, consider Study Abroad Programs by Great Learning , seamlessly blending virtual and on-campus learning experiences in Germany. These programs offer up to one-third savings on degree costs, waive the need for GRE/TOEFL exams, and provide post-study work visas in the USA or Germany, enriching your educational journey and future career prospects.

Master’s graduates in Germany can expect average salaries ranging from 40,000 to 100,000 Euros per annum, depending on their field of study and level of experience.

Pursuing a Master’s degree in Germany offers diverse courses, multicultural environments, affordable living, and vibrant cultural experiences, making it an attractive destination for international students seeking quality education.

Some of the highest-paying job sectors in Germany for Master’s graduates include healthcare, engineering, law, IT, mathematics, natural sciences, management, and architecture, each offering competitive salaries and rewarding career prospects.

To apply for a Master’s program in Germany, aspiring students should research and find the right program, meet language requirements, apply within the designated application periods, gather required documents, demonstrate financial ability, formalize admission, and obtain a German student visa or residence permit.

International students can adapt to studying and living in Germany by exploring support services offered by universities, participating in language courses, engaging in cultural activities, seeking assistance from student organizations, and staying connected with fellow students and professors.

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Table of contents


  1. Average Salary In Germany After Ms In Computer Science

    phd computer science salary germany

  2. The PhD Degrees That Pay Off With The Highest Salaries [Infographic

    phd computer science salary germany

  3. Comparison of Salary of PhD Students in Europe

    phd computer science salary germany

  4. These are the German degrees that will land you the biggest salaries

    phd computer science salary germany

  5. How much do data scientists earn in Germany in 2022?

    phd computer science salary germany

  6. How much do data scientists earn in Germany in 2022?

    phd computer science salary germany


  1. HSST Computer Science

  2. Fully Funded PhD Program in Computer Science at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri

  3. The LUMS Podcast I MS & PhD Computer Science

  4. Postdoc in Germany: Everything You Need to Know

  5. PhD Computer Science from University of Mumbai: Tips and Guidance

  6. Top 5 Reasons NOT To Get a Computer Science Degree


  1. PhD, Postdoc, and Professor Salaries in Germany

    Postdocs are paid at the E13 or (less commonly) E14 level, with the exact starting pay grade depending on how their years of experience (bachelor's, Master's, and PhD) are counted. The salary range for a 100% E13 postdoc is €4,053-€5,701 per month and the salary range for a 100% E14 postdoc is €4,419-€6,076 per month.

  2. Doctorate (PhD), Computer Science (CS) Salary in Germany

    Doctorate (PhD), Computer Science (CS) - Salary - Get a free salary comparison based on job title, skills, experience and education. Accurate, reliable salary and compensation comparisons for Germany

  3. phd candidate salaries in germany

    phd candidate salaries in germany. Calculated on the basis of a full-time position, doctoral students receive between 46,000 and 56,000 euros gross per year, depending on how much experience the doctoral student already has. It should be noted that an employment contract often only covers 50% of the positions.

  4. Doctorate salaries: What does a doctoral candidate earn in Germany

    Postgraduates who hold a PhD position at a research institution receive and annual special payment, like all other employees in the civil service. This varies depending on the collective agreement and tariff area (East or West), but ranges between 33 and 60% of the average gross salary.

  5. 18 Ph.Ds in Computer Science & IT in Germany

    The "PhD Programme in Computer Science" (PCS) is a PhD programme offered by the graduate school of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics: University of Göttingen School of Science (GAUSS). Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus. University of Göttingen Göttingen, Germany. Ranked top 1%.

  6. Doctorate

    The doctorate is the acquisition of the doctoral degree at an institution of higher education within the framework of an examination procedure that is regulated at the TU Berlin by doctoral regulations common to all faculties. This scientific work makes an important contribution to the development of the latest scientific findings and to their ...

  7. CS@max planck: The Max Planck Graduate Center for Computer and

    Overview. CS@max planck is a highly selective doctoral program that grants admitted students full financial support to pursue doctoral research in the broad area of computer and information science, with faculty at Max Planck Institutes and some of the best German universities.. To qualify for the program, students must hold a Bachelor's or Master's degree in computer science (or a related ...

  8. 363 phd computer science Jobs in Germany, May 2024

    Olaf-Peter Sauer. +49 30 8062 42591. [email protected]. Closing Date: 09.06.2024. This research center is part of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers. With more than 42,000 employees and an annual budget of over € 5 billion, the Helmholtz Association is Germany's largest scientific organisation.

  9. Salary of PhD and Postdoc in Germany

    In this case, the monthly net salary (after tax) is 3009.34 Euro. This is almost 358 Euro more than the same postdoc but on Lohnsteuerklasse I. Hope that will help you to understand all you need to know about PhD students and Postdocs' salaries in Germany in 2023. Available Fully Funded PhD and Postdocs in Germany.

  10. Computer Scientist Average Salary in Germany 2024

    Base / Basic Salary. The base salary for a careers like Computer Scientist in Germany ranges from 2,620 EUR to 4,390 EUR. The base salary depends on many factors including experience and education. It is not easy to provide a figure with very little information, so take this range with a grain of salt.

  11. Salary: Computer Science in Germany 2024

    For Software Engineer in Germany. €67,834 /yr. Software Engineer. €88,000 /yr. Senior Software Engineer. €81,050 /yr. Software Engineer IV. See Full Career Path. Download as data table.

  12. PhD Stipend in Germany: How to Find a Good Job In Germany ...

    The popular PhD programs in Germany are mathematics, computer science, physics, economics and engineering. International students have the flexibility to complete their PhD thesis in English and join their field of work without hassle. ... However, if you are doing internships at laboratories and private institutions, the average PhD student ...

  13. Salary: Phd in Germany 2024

    The estimated salary for a PhD is €48,500 per year in the Germany area. This number represents the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The "Most Likely Range" represents values that exist within the 25th and 75th percentile of all pay data ...

  14. PhD in Germany: Top Universities, Admissions 2024-25 ...

    Students with PhD in Germany secure an average salary of 69,000 EUR per annum. The average salary of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) ranges between 45,000 to 94,000 EUR per annum. Doctor of Science (DS) degree holders annually earn between 42,000 to 120,000 EUR.

  15. IT Salaries in Germany

    Average IT salary in Germany by most in-demand job role. ... Typically, software architects hold a master's degree in computer science or a related field. 2. Cloud Architect. Average Salary: €78,822. ... People with advanced degrees, like a master's or PhD, tend to earn higher salaries than those with only a bachelor's degree or lower ...

  16. CSStipendRankings: CS PhD Stipend Rankings

    CSStipendRankings is a stipend-based ranking of top-paying computer science departments in US. We may implement support for other countries and you are welcomed to contribute! For a real academic ranking, please refer to CSRankings. For reviewing individual PhD advisors, please refer to PI Review.

  17. Computer Scientist Salary in Germany in 2024

    The average salary for a Computer Scientist in Germany is €55,000 in 2024. Visit PayScale to research computer scientist salaries by city, experience, skill, employer and more.

  18. Salary: Computer Scientist in Munich (Germany) 2024

    The estimated salary for a Computer Scientist is €46,500 per year in the Munich, Bavaria area. This number represents the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The "Most Likely Range" represents values that exist within the 25th and 75th ...

  19. computer science

    I am currently pursuing my masters degree in computer science from TU Munich, and I would love to pursue my PhD soon after my graduation, but I am worried about the finances at the same time. ... the graduate salary (it's a salary, not a stipend—as it usually is in the US) is probably more than sufficient to live anywhere in Germany. (Also ...

  20. After my PhD how much salary should I expect as a professor of computer

    There is absolutely no guarantee of a faculty job after completing a PhD, even in computer science; quite the opposite. And finally, ... What's the net income of a W1/W2 german professor?, and according to this link, in Germany and in 2008, the monthly gross salary could go from 3500 euros per month up to 7000 euros per month. Share. Improve ...

  21. Scholarships for Computer Sciences in Germany

    Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Jena, Germany. 1 of 2. Find exclusive scholarships for international PhD students pursuing Computer Sciences studies in Germany. Search and apply online today.

  22. Computer Scientist Salary Germany

    The average computer scientist gross salary in Germany is 120.065 € or an equivalent hourly rate of 58 €. In addition, they earn an average bonus of 5.163 €. Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in Germany. An entry level computer scientist (1-3 years of experience) earns ...

  23. Starting salaries for German university graduates

    Student numbers in universities in Germany 2022/23, by type of university; Germany: inflow of university students from European countries 2005-2012; The 20 most popular universities in Germany in 2023

  24. Salary After MS in Germany: Job Opportunities and Salaries in 2024

    Their profession eventually bridges many gaps between human beings and their environment for the betterment of society. For an Engineer, the annual salary in Germany is, on average, €81,776. The average salary in Germany for software engineer is €60,194 annually. Law.