PhD Interview Questions and Answers (13 Questions + Answers)

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Most PhD applications include an interview. This allows your university (and perhaps even your prospective supervisor) to discuss the PhD with you in more detail.

This article lists some of the most common PhD interview questions along with their answers. The goal is to help you prepare for a PhD interview and pass with flying colors.

1) How did you develop this proposal?

PhD interview questions

When responding to this question, demonstrate your thought process, research skills, and the evolution of your ideas. Let's choose the subject of "Renewable Energy Integration in Urban Planning" as an example.

Sample answer:

"My proposal on 'Renewable Energy Integration in Urban Planning' originated from my undergraduate thesis on sustainable cities. Intrigued by the potential of renewable energy in urban environments, I conducted a literature review to identify gaps in current research. This review highlighted a lack of comprehensive strategies for integrating renewable technologies at a city-wide level. I then consulted with experts in urban planning and renewable energy, which provided practical insights into the challenges and opportunities in this field. I designed a methodology that combines spatial analysis with energy modeling to explore optimal renewable energy integration in urban landscapes. This proposal represents an amalgamation of academic research, expert consultation, and innovative methodology development."

This answer is effective because it mentions a literature review demonstrates the ability to conduct thorough research and identify gaps in existing knowledge.

2) Why do you wish to pursue a PhD?

For this question, it's important to articulate your passion for the subject, your long-term career goals, and how the PhD program aligns with these aspects.

Let's choose the subject of "Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare" for this example.

"I am passionate about leveraging technology to improve healthcare outcomes, and pursuing a PhD in Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare aligns perfectly with this passion. During my Master's, I was fascinated by the potential of AI to revolutionize diagnostic processes and personalized medicine. I believe a PhD will provide me with the deep technical knowledge and research skills necessary to contribute significantly to this field. My goal is to develop AI systems that enhance medical diagnostics, ultimately improving patient care and treatment efficiency. This PhD program, known for its pioneering research in AI and strong healthcare collaborations, is the ideal environment for me to develop these innovations and achieve my career aspirations in healthcare technology."

This is a great answer because you clearly state that the PhD will provide the necessary skills and knowledge, indicating a clear understanding of the purpose of the program.

3) Why do you think you are the right candidate for this PhD program?

Discuss how your research interests align with the program's strengths and the faculty's expertise. Explain how the program's resources, courses, and research opportunities can help you achieve your academic and career goals.

"I am deeply passionate about environmental science, particularly in the area of sustainable urban development. This passion was ignited during my master's program in Environmental Studies at XYZ University, where I completed a thesis on urban green spaces and their impact on city microclimates. This research not only honed my skills in data analysis and GIS mapping but also highlighted the importance of interdisciplinary approaches to environmental issues. I am drawn to your PhD program at ABC University because of its innovative research on sustainable urban planning and the renowned work of Professor Jane Smith in this field. Her research aligns with my interest in integrating green infrastructure into urban planning to mitigate climate change effects. My perseverance, attention to detail, and ability to synthesize complex data make me an ideal candidate for this challenging program. Pursuing this PhD is integral to my goal of becoming an environmental consultant, where I plan to develop strategies for cities to reduce their environmental footprint."

This response is effective because it mentions particular aspects of your experience and the program, avoiding generic statements. It also outlines how the PhD fits into your career path.

4) What do you plan to do after you have completed your PhD?

Be specific about the type of career you aspire to, whether it's in academia, industry, research, etc. Explain how the PhD will equip you with the skills and knowledge for your chosen career path.

"After completing my PhD in Computational Neuroscience, I plan to pursue a career in academia as a university professor. My doctoral research on neural network modeling will provide a strong foundation for teaching and conducting further research in this area. I aim to develop innovative courses that bridge computer science and neuroscience, addressing the growing demand for interdisciplinary knowledge in these fields. Additionally, I intend to continue my research on applying machine learning techniques to understand brain function, which has potential implications for developing new treatments for neurological disorders. This academic pathway allows me to contribute significantly to both education and research in Computational Neuroscience."

This is a great answer because it connects the PhD research directly to future career plans.

It also articulates how your work can impact both academia and the broader field of Computational Neuroscience.

5) Why have you chosen this specific PhD program?

Mention specific aspects of the program that attracted you, such as the curriculum, research facilities, faculty expertise, or reputation.

Explain how the program aligns with your research interests or academic background.

"I chose the PhD program in Artificial Intelligence at MIT because of its cutting-edge research and interdisciplinary approach, which perfectly aligns with my academic background in computer science and my passion for machine learning. The program's emphasis on both theoretical foundations and practical applications in AI is particularly appealing. Additionally, the opportunity to work under the guidance of Professor [Name], whose work in [specific area, e.g., neural networks or AI ethics] has deeply influenced my own research interests, is a significant draw. This program is an ideal fit for me to further develop my skills and contribute to the field of AI, ultimately aiming for a career in AI research and development in the tech industry."

This answer connects your background and goals to the program's offerings.

Including a specific professor's name shows detailed knowledge about the program and faculty.

6) What impact would you like your PhD project to have?

When answering this question, convey both the academic significance and the potential real-world applications of your research. Let's choose a project focused on developing eco-friendly battery technologies for electric vehicles for this example.

"My PhD project aims to develop new eco-friendly battery technologies for electric vehicles (EVs), addressing both the environmental impact of battery production and the efficiency of energy storage. I hope my research will contribute to the academic field by advancing our understanding of sustainable materials for energy storage, potentially leading to publications and patents. Beyond academia, I envision this project significantly impacting the EV industry by providing a more sustainable and efficient battery alternative. This innovation could play a crucial role in reducing the carbon footprint of transportation and supporting global efforts towards a greener future. Ultimately, I aspire for my work to not only advance scientific knowledge but also drive real-world changes in how we approach energy sustainability in transportation."

This is an excellent answer because it connects the project to larger environmental goals and societal benefits. It also reflects a forward-thinking approach, demonstrating your understanding of the project's potential long-term implications.

7) What difficulties would you expect to encounter during this project?

It's important to demonstrate awareness of potential challenges and convey a proactive mindset toward problem-solving. Let's choose a project focused on the development of a novel AI-driven diagnostic tool for early detection of neurological diseases for this example.

"In developing an AI-driven diagnostic tool for early detection of neurological diseases, I anticipate several challenges. Firstly, the accuracy and reliability of the tool depend heavily on the quality and diversity of the data used for training the AI algorithms. Obtaining a comprehensive dataset that adequately represents the population can be difficult due to privacy concerns and data availability. Secondly, ensuring the AI model's interpretability to be clinically useful while maintaining high performance is another challenge, given the complexity of neurological diseases. To address these, I plan to collaborate with interdisciplinary teams, including data privacy experts and neurologists, to source and utilize data ethically and effectively. I also intend to continuously refine the AI model, focusing on both its predictive accuracy and clinical applicability. These challenges, while significant, present valuable opportunities for innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration."

This response is effective because it clearly outlines realistic challenges specific to the AI diagnostic tool project. It also presents a proactive approach to overcoming these challenges, showing problem-solving skills.

8) How will you fund this project?

When answering this question, show that you've thought about the financial aspects of your research and are aware of funding sources that are available and applicable to your project. 

"I have identified multiple funding sources to support my renewable energy research project at Stanford University. Firstly, I plan to apply for the DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program, which offers substantial support for projects focusing on sustainable energy. My proposal for this grant is already in progress, highlighting how my project aligns with the DOE's priorities in advancing clean energy technologies. Additionally, I'm exploring departmental fellowships at Stanford, particularly those aimed at renewable energy research. I am also keen on establishing industry partnerships, given the project's relevance to current energy challenges and the potential for collaborative funding and technological exchange. Last but not least, I will seek conference grants to present my research findings, which can lead to further academic collaborations and additional funding opportunities."

Notice how this answer mentions funding sources that align with the renewable energy focus of the project and the resources available at Stanford University.

9) Tell us about a time you experienced a setback

Focus on a situation relevant to your academic or research experience. Let's use a real-world example where a research experiment failed due to unexpected variables.

"During my Master’s thesis on the effects of soil composition on plant growth, I faced a major setback. My initial experiments, which involved growing plants in different soil types, failed to produce consistent results due to unanticipated environmental variations in the greenhouse. This was disheartening, especially as the deadline approached. However, I responded by reassessing my experimental setup. I consulted with my supervisor and decided to control more variables, such as humidity and temperature. I also refined my data collection methods to include more frequent soil and plant measurements. These adjustments led to more reliable results, and I successfully completed my thesis. This experience taught me the importance of adaptability in research and reinforced the value of meticulous experimental design."

This is a great answer because it shows how you’ve encountered and overcame a specific problem, demonstrating resilience and adaptability.

10) What are your strengths and weaknesses?

When answering this question, it's important to present a balanced view of yourself, showing self-awareness and a commitment to personal development. Choose strengths that are relevant to a PhD program and weaknesses that you're actively working to improve.

"One of my key strengths is my analytical thinking, which I demonstrated during my Master's project where I developed a novel algorithm for data analysis. This required me to not only understand complex theories but also apply them creatively to solve real-world problems. As for weaknesses, I sometimes struggle with overcommitment, taking on too many projects at once. This occasionally led to stress during my undergraduate studies. However, I am actively working on this by improving my time management skills and learning to prioritize tasks more effectively. I've started using project management tools and setting clear boundaries, which has already shown improvements in my workflow and stress levels."

This answer maintains a good balance between strengths and weaknesses. It also shows self-awareness, demonstrating a proactive approach to personal development.

11) Why have you chosen to study for a PhD at this university?

Mention specific aspects of the PhD program that attracted you. Explain how your research interests align with the work being done at the university.

"I am drawn to the PhD program in Astrophysics at Caltech due to its outstanding reputation in space research and the unparalleled resources available at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory. My research interest lies in the study of exoplanets, and Caltech's active projects in this area, such as the Zwicky Transient Facility, align perfectly with my academic goals. The opportunity to work under the guidance of Professor [Name], known for pioneering work in exoplanetary atmospheres, is particularly exciting. Additionally, Caltech's collaborative environment and emphasis on interdisciplinary research are conducive to my professional growth, providing a platform to engage with experts from various fields in astrophysics."

This response directly connects your research interests with ongoing projects and facilities at Caltech. It also shows you’ve done your research on faculty members and their work.

12) What can you bring to this research group?

Focus on your unique skills, experiences, and perspectives that will contribute to the research group's success. Let's choose the field of Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University for this example.

"As a prospective member of the Biomedical Engineering research group at Johns Hopkins University, I bring a unique combination of skills and experiences. My expertise in microfluidics, honed during my Master’s research, aligns well with the group’s focus on developing lab-on-a-chip devices for medical diagnostics. I have also co-authored two papers in this field, demonstrating my ability to contribute to high-impact research. Additionally, my experience in a start-up environment, where I worked on developing portable diagnostic tools, has equipped me with a practical understanding of translating research into applications. I thrive in collaborative settings, often bringing interdisciplinary insights that foster innovative problem-solving. I am excited about the prospect of contributing to the group’s ongoing projects and introducing fresh perspectives to advance our understanding and application of biomedical technology."

This response shows your relevant expertise, ability to work in a team, and the unique perspectives you can offer, positioning you as a valuable addition to the research group.

13) Do you have any questions for us?

Asking good questions demonstrates your motivation. It also shows that you’ve given some genuine consideration to the project and/or program you’re applying to.

Some questions you can ask the interviewer include:

  • What will the supervision arrangements be for the project?
  • What kind of training and skills sessions are offered as part of the PhD program?
  • How many other PhD students has this supervisor seen to completion?
  • Are there any major developments or partnerships planned for the department?
  • Are there likely to be any changes to the funding arrangements for the project?
  • What opportunities will I have for presenting my research?

Remember: you’re a good student, with lots of potential. You’re considering at least three years of hard work with this university. You need to know that you’ll get on with your supervisor, that your work will be appreciated and that there are good prospects for your project.

What to wear to a PhD interview

Wear formal attire for a PhD interview. Your best bet is to wear a suit. A navy blue suit is the best and most versatile option. No matter your gender, a suit is always very professional.

For men, wear a suit with a tie, dress shirt, and dress shoes. For women, wear a suit (pantsuit or skirt suit) with a blouse, or conservative dress, and closed-toe shoes.

When in doubt, it’s better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed. The goal is to make a professional impression and feel confident, without your attire distracting from the conversation.

What to expect from a PhD interview

At its core, a PhD interview will consist of questions that allow your potential supervisors to get to know you better and have an understanding of what you’d like to study, why you’ve chosen your field of study, and whether you’d be a good fit for the PhD program.

You should expect general questions to help the interviewer get a sense of your likes and dislikes, and your overall personality.

Next, expect questions about your personal motivations for studying a PhD. Your interviewer will also be interested in any relevant experience you have to qualify you to study this PhD.

In the next section, expect questions about your PhD project. You should be prepared to discuss your project idea in detail and demonstrate to the interviewer that you are the ideal candidate.

Last but not least, the interviewer will discuss your future ambitions and give you an opportunity to ask questions. Remember that this interview goes both ways.

It’s important to ask the interviewer relevant questions to show your engagement and the serious consideration you are giving their program.

You are preparing to spend several years of your life at this school. Think about what is important to you and what would make or break your decision to attend this university.

Prepare a list of questions ahead of the interview.

Understanding the interviewer’s point of view

During a PhD interview, interviewers are typically looking for a range of traits that indicate whether you are well-suited for the rigors of a doctoral program and a research career.

These traits include:

Intellectual Curiosity and Passion: A strong enthusiasm for the subject area and a desire to contribute to and expand knowledge in the field.

Research Skills and Experience: Demonstrable skills in conducting research, including designing experiments, collecting and analyzing data, and interpreting results. Prior research experience relevant to the PhD topic is often a plus.

Resilience and Perseverance: The capacity to handle setbacks and challenges, which are common in research, and to persist in the face of difficulties.

Collaboration and Teamwork: Although PhD research can be quite independent, the ability to work well with others, including advisors, faculty, and other students, is crucial.

Self-Motivation and Independence: The drive to work independently, manage one's own project, and stay motivated over the long term.

Fit with the Program: Alignment of the candidate’s research interests and goals with the strengths and focus of the PhD program and faculty.

These traits not only indicate your readiness for a PhD program but also your potential to contribute meaningfully to their field of study and succeed in a research-oriented career.

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Top 15 PhD Interview Questions and Answers

Top 15 PhD Interview Questions and Answers

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Are you ready to conquer the pivotal challenge of PhD interviews? Your path to securing a coveted spot in a doctoral program hinges on your ability to navigate the often intricate world of PhD interview questions. In this guide, we'll delve deep into the types of questions you may encounter, equip you with effective strategies to tackle them, and provide insights to help you shine in your academic pursuits. Let's dive right in and decode the art of answering PhD interview questions with confidence and poise.

What is a PhD Interview?

A PhD interview is a critical step in the admissions process for doctoral programs. It serves as an opportunity for the admissions committee to get to know you better, assess your qualifications, and determine your suitability for the program. In a PhD interview, you'll typically engage in a conversation with faculty members or admissions representatives to discuss your academic background, research interests, motivations, and potential contributions to the program.

Importance of PhD Interviews

PhD interviews hold immense significance in the admissions process. Here's why they matter:

  • Assessment of Fit : Interviews help institutions assess whether you are a good fit for their program and research community. They want to ensure that your academic and research goals align with their offerings and objectives.
  • Personality and Interpersonal Skills : Interviews provide insight into your personality, communication skills, and how well you might collaborate with faculty and peers. Your interpersonal skills can be as important as your academic qualifications.
  • Clarification and Engagement : Interviews allow you to clarify any aspects of your application and engage in meaningful conversations about your research interests. This interaction can set you apart from other candidates.
  • Demonstration of Enthusiasm : By participating in an interview, you have the chance to demonstrate your genuine enthusiasm and passion for your field of study and the program itself.
  • Lasting Impression : A successful interview can leave a lasting positive impression on the admissions committee, potentially tipping the scales in your favor during the final decision-making process.

How to Prepare for PhD Interviews?

Effective preparation is key to a successful PhD interview. Here's what you need to consider:

  • Research the Program : Dive deep into the program's website, course offerings, and faculty profiles. Understand their research areas, recent publications, and ongoing projects. Be ready to discuss how your interests align with theirs.
  • Create a Strong CV and Personal Statement : Craft a compelling CV and personal statement that highlight your academic achievements, research experience, and motivations. Tailor these documents to reflect your passion for the field and your alignment with the program.
  • Practice Interview Responses : Practice answering common interview questions, both alone and with a friend or mentor. Focus on clarity, conciseness, and relevance in your responses.
  • Gather Questions to Ask the Interviewers : Prepare thoughtful questions to ask the interviewers. This shows your genuine interest and engagement. Examples include inquiring about ongoing research projects and the support structure for graduate students.
  • Dress and Present Professionally : Choose a professional and comfortable outfit for your interview. Dressing appropriately shows respect for the process, while confidence in your appearance can boost your self-assurance during the interview.

Remember that preparation is the foundation of success in PhD interviews. By understanding their significance and thoroughly preparing, you can approach your interviews with confidence and increase your chances of securing a spot in your desired program.

Types of PhD Interviews

PhD interviews come in various formats, each designed to assess different aspects of your candidacy and suitability for a doctoral program. Understanding these interview types will help you tailor your preparation effectively.

Structured Interviews

Structured interviews are highly organized and follow a predefined set of questions. They aim to objectively evaluate your qualifications and fit for the program. Here's what to expect:

  • Question Consistency : In structured interviews, all candidates face the same questions, ensuring fairness and comparability.
  • Focused Assessment : Interviewers assess your responses against specific criteria, such as academic background and research experience.
  • Formal Setting : These interviews often occur in a formal setting and may involve a panel of interviewers.

Unstructured Interviews

Unstructured interviews take a more conversational approach, allowing interviewers to explore your personality, motivations, and compatibility with their research group. Here's what makes them unique:

  • Open-Ended Questions : Interviewers ask open-ended questions, giving you the freedom to express yourself more spontaneously.
  • Personality Assessment : This format delves into your personal qualities, interpersonal skills, and enthusiasm for the field.
  • Informal Atmosphere : Unstructured interviews often create a more relaxed, informal atmosphere.

Panel Interviews

Panel interviews involve multiple interviewers assessing you simultaneously. While they can be intimidating, they offer diverse perspectives and insights into your candidacy:

  • Varied Perspectives : Different panel members may come from various academic backgrounds, providing a holistic assessment.
  • Multifaceted Questions : Be prepared for a range of questions, including those related to your research, motivations, and potential contributions.
  • Time Management : Managing your responses and interactions with multiple interviewers can be challenging but crucial.

Video Interviews

In the digital age, video interviews have become increasingly common, especially for international candidates. Excelling in a video interview requires additional considerations:

  • Technical Setup : Ensure your camera, microphone, and internet connection are reliable to avoid technical disruptions.
  • Virtual Presence : Convey your enthusiasm and professionalism through the screen by maintaining eye contact and using appropriate body language.
  • Background and Attire : Choose a clean, professional background and dress as you would for an in-person interview. Avoid distractions.

Understanding these interview types will help you tailor your preparation and approach to each specific format, increasing your chances of success in the PhD admissions process.

Research Experience and Background Interview Questions

1. tell me about your research experience and background in your field..

How to Answer: Start with a brief overview of your academic and research journey, highlighting key milestones, projects, and publications. Emphasize your expertise, the relevance of your work to the PhD program, and any unique contributions you've made.

Sample Answer: "I hold a Master's degree in [Your Field] and have been actively involved in research for the past five years. My work has primarily focused on [Specific Research Area], where I've conducted experiments on [Research Topic]. I've published several papers in reputable journals and presented my findings at international conferences."

What to Look For: Look for candidates who can effectively communicate their research experience, showcasing their passion for the field and the impact of their work. Assess the alignment between their research background and the program's objectives.

2. Can you discuss a specific research project you've worked on in detail?

How to Answer: Choose a significant research project and provide a structured overview, discussing the objectives, methodologies, key findings, and your role in the project. Be concise and clear in explaining the project's relevance.

Sample Answer: "Certainly, one of my most impactful research projects was centered around [Project Title]. The primary aim was to [Project Objective]. I employed [Research Methodology] and collaborated closely with [Team Members]. Our findings, which indicated [Key Finding], have the potential to [Potential Impact]."

What to Look For: Evaluate the candidate's ability to articulate complex research projects coherently, emphasizing their contribution, teamwork, and understanding of the research's implications.

Motivation and Goals Interview Questions

3. why do you want to pursue a phd in [your field].

How to Answer: Share your genuine passion for your field, explaining how a PhD aligns with your long-term goals and emphasizing your commitment to contributing to knowledge.

Sample Answer: "I am deeply passionate about [Your Field] because of its potential to address pressing global issues, such as [Relevant Issue]. Pursuing a PhD is the next logical step for me to delve deeper into these challenges, conduct innovative research, and ultimately make a meaningful impact."

What to Look For: Seek candidates who demonstrate a clear and authentic passion for their field and a well-thought-out rationale for pursuing a PhD.

4. What are your specific research interests and potential research topics for your PhD?

How to Answer: Discuss your research interests, explaining how they align with the department's expertise. Mention potential research topics and why they are relevant.

Sample Answer: "My research interests revolve around [Specific Research Area], and I'm particularly intrigued by [Specific Aspect]. I see potential for investigating [Potential Research Topic] because it addresses [Research Gap], and it complements the ongoing work at your department, especially with [Professor's Name]'s research in [Related Area]."

What to Look For: Look for candidates with well-defined research interests that align with the program and an understanding of how their interests fit within the department's expertise.

Academic Preparedness Interview Questions

5. how have your academic achievements prepared you for a phd program.

How to Answer: Highlight your academic achievements, emphasizing relevant coursework, grades, honors, or awards. Discuss how these accomplishments have equipped you for the challenges of a PhD.

Sample Answer: "During my undergraduate and master's studies, I consistently excelled in courses related to [Relevant Subjects], earning top grades. I was also honored with [Academic Award] for my outstanding performance in [Specific Course], which I believe demonstrates my ability to excel in rigorous academic environments."

What to Look For: Evaluate candidates' academic records, looking for a history of strong performance and evidence of their ability to excel in the PhD program.

6. How do you plan to manage the demands of a PhD program, including coursework, research, and potential teaching responsibilities?

How to Answer: Outline your organizational and time-management skills, discussing strategies for balancing coursework, research, and other responsibilities. Mention any prior experience in multitasking or teaching.

Sample Answer: "I recognize that a PhD program can be demanding, but I've honed my time-management skills through [Relevant Experience]. I plan to create a detailed schedule that allocates dedicated time for coursework, research, and any potential teaching duties, ensuring that I maintain a healthy work-life balance."

What to Look For: Seek candidates who demonstrate a proactive approach to managing the academic demands of a PhD, emphasizing their organizational skills and adaptability.

Research Proposal Interview Questions

7. have you developed a research proposal for your phd if so, can you provide a brief overview.

How to Answer: Summarize your research proposal briefly, outlining the research question, objectives, methodology, and potential significance. Be concise and showcase your innovative thinking.

Sample Answer: "Yes, I've developed a preliminary research proposal focusing on [Research Question]. The main objectives are to [Research Objectives]. I plan to employ [Research Methodology] to investigate this, and if successful, this research could contribute by [Potential Impact]."

What to Look For: Evaluate the candidate's ability to conceptualize a research project, the clarity of their proposal, and the alignment with the program's research priorities.

8. How does your research proposal align with the department's research priorities and potential advisors?

How to Answer: Explain the alignment between your research proposal and the department's strengths and potential advisors. Mention specific faculty members you are interested in working with.

Sample Answer: "My research proposal aligns closely with the department's focus on [Department's Research Focus]. I am particularly interested in collaborating with [Professor's Name], as their work in [Professor's Research Area] directly relates to my research proposal, and I believe their expertise would be invaluable."

What to Look For: Look for candidates who have thoroughly researched the department's strengths and potential advisors and can clearly articulate the alignment between their proposal and the program's resources.

Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Interview Questions

9. can you describe a complex problem you've encountered in your research or academic work and how you approached solving it.

How to Answer: Share a specific example of a challenging problem, outlining the steps you took to address it. Emphasize your problem-solving skills and critical thinking.

Sample Answer: "In one of my research projects, we encountered a complex issue with [Problem Description]. To tackle this, I initiated a collaborative discussion with my team, conducted thorough literature reviews, and explored alternative approaches. Eventually, we devised a novel solution that not only resolved the problem but also contributed to the field."

What to Look For: Assess the candidate's ability to navigate complex challenges, their problem-solving strategies, and their commitment to finding innovative solutions.

10. How do you approach interdisciplinary collaboration and integrating different perspectives into your research?

How to Answer: Explain your approach to interdisciplinary collaboration, highlighting instances where you've successfully integrated diverse perspectives into your work. Emphasize the benefits of such collaboration.

Sample Answer: "I believe that interdisciplinary collaboration is essential for addressing complex issues. In my previous research on [Project Name], I collaborated with experts from [Related Discipline]. We integrated their insights, which enriched our project by [Outcome]. This experience has reinforced my commitment to embracing diverse perspectives."

What to Look For: Look for candidates who value interdisciplinary collaboration, demonstrate an ability to work effectively with experts from other fields, and can articulate the benefits of such collaborations.

Communication Skills Interview Questions

11. how do you communicate your research findings to both academic and non-academic audiences.

How to Answer: Discuss your communication skills, emphasizing your ability to convey complex ideas in a clear and accessible manner. Mention any presentations, publications, or outreach activities.

Sample Answer: "I believe in effective science communication. I've presented my research findings at conferences, where I tailored my presentations to engage both experts in my field and non-specialist audiences. Additionally, I've authored articles for [Publication], aiming to make my research accessible to a wider readership."

What to Look For: Evaluate candidates' communication skills, assessing their ability to adapt their message to different audiences and their commitment to disseminating their research beyond academia.

12. How would you handle a situation where your research findings faced skepticism or resistance from peers or advisors?

How to Answer: Describe a hypothetical scenario where your research findings were met with skepticism, and outline your approach to addressing this challenge diplomatically and professionally.

Sample Answer: "If my research findings were met with skepticism, I would first seek to understand the concerns of my peers or advisors. I'd be open to constructive feedback and engage in respectful discussions to address their doubts. If necessary, I'd reevaluate my methodology or findings and provide additional evidence to support my conclusions."

What to Look For: Look for candidates who demonstrate resilience, the ability to handle criticism professionally, and a commitment to constructive dialogue when faced with skepticism.

Professional Development Interview Questions

13. how do you stay updated with the latest developments and trends in your field.

How to Answer: Share your strategies for staying informed about the latest developments in your field, such as attending conferences, reading journals, or participating in online forums.

Sample Answer: "I stay updated by regularly attending conferences like [Conference Name], subscribing to relevant journals, and actively participating in online communities and forums where experts discuss emerging trends. This continuous learning helps me remain at the forefront of advancements in my field."

What to Look For: Assess candidates' commitment to professional development and their proactive approach to staying informed about the latest research and trends.

14. Can you discuss any leadership or mentoring experiences you've had in your academic or professional journey?

How to Answer: Highlight any leadership or mentoring roles you've undertaken, emphasizing your ability to lead and mentor others effectively.

Sample Answer: "I've had the privilege of serving as a mentor for junior researchers in my lab, guiding them through research processes and offering academic support. Additionally, I was elected as the president of [Student Organization], where I led a team of [Number] members in organizing [Event/Project], which greatly enhanced my leadership skills."

What to Look For: Seek candidates who have demonstrated leadership and mentoring abilities, showcasing their capacity to contribute positively to the academic community.

Conclusion and Fit with the Program Interview Questions

15. why do you believe you are an ideal fit for our phd program in [your field].

How to Answer: Summarize the key reasons why you believe you are a strong fit for the program, emphasizing your alignment with the department's goals, resources, and values.

Sample Answer: "I am enthusiastic about your PhD program because it aligns perfectly with my research interests in [Your Field]. The department's renowned faculty, well-equipped laboratories, and collaborative environment make it an ideal place for me to pursue my research goals. Furthermore, I appreciate the department's commitment to fostering interdisciplinary collaborations, which mirrors my approach to research."

What to Look For: Evaluate candidates' understanding of the program's strengths and their ability to articulate why they are an excellent fit based on their research interests and values.

How to Prepare for a PhD Interview?

Preparing for PhD interviews is a critical step in ensuring your success in the admissions process. We will dive into the key aspects of thorough preparation that will help you leave a lasting impression on the interview panel.

Researching the Program and Faculty

Before you step into the interview room, it's essential to have a deep understanding of the program you're applying to and the faculty members who might become your mentors. Here's how to do it effectively:

  • Program Insights : Explore the program's website, course offerings, and any recent publications or research projects. Understand the program's strengths and what sets it apart from others.
  • Faculty Profiles : Dive into the profiles of faculty members in your area of interest. Familiarize yourself with their research, publications, and current projects. Identify potential advisors who align with your research goals.
  • Department Culture : Seek insights into the department's culture and values. This can help you tailor your responses to demonstrate your alignment with their objectives.

Creating a Strong CV and Personal Statement

Your CV and personal statement are your opportunities to showcase your academic achievements, research experience, and motivations. Crafting these documents effectively is crucial:

  • CV Highlights : Ensure your CV highlights relevant academic accomplishments, research contributions, and any publications or presentations. Use a clear, concise format.
  • Personal Statement Impact : Your personal statement should be a compelling narrative of your academic journey, research interests, and why you're passionate about pursuing a PhD. Tailor it to the program you're applying to.
  • Demonstrate Fit : Emphasize how your academic background and research experience align with the program's goals and faculty expertise. Show how you can contribute to the department's research endeavors.

Practicing Interview Responses

Practice makes perfect, and practicing interview responses is no exception. Here's how to hone your interview skills:

  • Mock Interviews : Conduct mock interviews with friends, mentors, or career advisors. Practice answering common questions while receiving constructive feedback.
  • Video Recordings : Record yourself answering interview questions. Review the recordings to assess your body language, clarity, and confidence.
  • Storyboard Responses : Create storyboards for potential questions. Outline your responses with key points and examples to ensure you address the interviewers' expectations.

Gathering Questions to Ask the Interviewers

Preparing thoughtful questions to ask the interviewers not only demonstrates your interest but also helps you gain valuable insights:

  • Research-Based Questions : Ask questions related to ongoing research projects, faculty collaborations, and opportunities for graduate students. For example, inquire about recent publications or upcoming research initiatives.
  • Program Support : Seek information on the support structure for graduate students, including funding, resources, and mentorship opportunities.
  • Departmental Vision : Ask about the department's vision for the future and how they envision contributing to your academic and research growth.

Dressing and Presenting Professionally

Your appearance and demeanor play a crucial role in creating a positive first impression. Here are some tips for presenting yourself professionally:

  • Appropriate Attire : Choose professional attire that is appropriate for the interview setting. Dressing well shows respect for the process and your interviewers.
  • Grooming : Pay attention to grooming and personal hygiene. Ensure you feel comfortable and confident in your chosen attire.
  • Body Language : Practice good body language, such as maintaining eye contact, offering a firm handshake, and sitting up straight. These non-verbal cues convey professionalism and confidence.

Thoroughly preparing for your PhD interviews is your opportunity to shine and showcase your commitment to academic excellence and research. Each aspect of preparation contributes to a successful interview experience, increasing your chances of securing a spot in your desired program.

During the PhD Interview

The moment you step into the interview room is when your preparation meets the real test. This section will guide you through the crucial aspects of handling yourself during the interview, leaving a lasting impression on the interview panel.

Arriving Early and Being Punctual

Punctuality is a mark of professionalism and respect. Arriving early not only demonstrates your commitment but also helps you settle in and overcome any last-minute nerves. Here's how to ensure you're punctual:

  • Plan Your Journey : Calculate the travel time and consider potential traffic or delays. Aim to arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled interview time.
  • Venue Familiarity : If the interview is in person, visit the interview venue beforehand, if possible, to familiarize yourself with the location. This can help reduce anxiety on the interview day.
  • Backup Plans : Have a backup plan in case of unexpected circumstances, such as traffic jams or technical issues for virtual interviews.

Building Rapport with Interviewers

Building a positive rapport with the interviewers can go a long way in making a favorable impression. Here are some strategies to establish a connection:

  • Engage Actively : Be an active listener during the interview. Respond thoughtfully to the interviewers' questions and show genuine interest in their responses.
  • Respectful Interaction : Address the interviewers by their titles or preferred names, and maintain a respectful tone throughout the conversation.
  • Ask Clarifying Questions : If you're unsure about a question or need clarification, don't hesitate to ask. This demonstrates your commitment to understanding and providing thoughtful responses.

Communicating Clearly and Confidently

Effective communication is essential during your PhD interview. Clear and confident communication helps convey your ideas and qualifications effectively:

  • Clarity is Key : Ensure your responses are clear and concise. Avoid jargon or overly technical language that might be unfamiliar to some interviewers.
  • Confidence and Poise : Maintain a confident tone while speaking, even when discussing complex topics. Confidence can inspire trust in your abilities.
  • Practice Active Listening : Show that you're engaged by nodding or providing verbal cues to indicate you're actively listening to the interviewers.

Addressing Tough Questions with Poise

Challenging questions are a part of most PhD interviews. How you handle them can make a significant difference. Here's how to address tough questions with poise:

  • Take a Breath : If faced with a difficult question, take a moment to collect your thoughts. Don't rush into an answer. Composure is more important than speed.
  • Structured Responses : Structure your responses logically, addressing the question's core and providing relevant examples or evidence to support your answer.
  • Be Honest : If you don't know the answer to a question, it's okay to admit it. Offer to explore the topic further or express your eagerness to learn.

Demonstrating Enthusiasm and Passion

Your enthusiasm for your field of study and the PhD program should shine through during the interview. Here's how to convey your passion effectively:

  • Speak About Your Research : When discussing your research interests, convey your excitement and the potential impact of your work on the field.
  • Share Relevant Experiences : Highlight experiences that have fueled your passion for the subject matter. Discuss the projects or coursework that have influenced your journey.
  • Show Gratitude : Express your gratitude for the opportunity to interview and your eagerness to contribute to the academic community.

The interview is your moment to not only showcase your qualifications but also your personality, professionalism, and enthusiasm. By mastering these aspects during the interview, you'll leave a memorable impression on the interview panel.

Post-PhD Interview Etiquette

Once the interview is over, your job isn't done yet. Proper post-interview etiquette is crucial in maintaining a positive impression and handling potential next steps. We'll delve into the essential aspects of post-interview conduct.

Sending Thank-You Notes or Emails

Sending a thank-you note or email after your PhD interview is a courteous gesture that can leave a lasting impression. Here's how to do it effectively:

  • Promptness : Send your thank-you note within 24-48 hours of the interview to express your appreciation while your interview is still fresh in the interviewers' minds.
  • Personalization : Customize each thank-you message for each interviewer, referencing specific points of discussion or insights gained during the interview.
  • Express Gratitude : Express your gratitude for the opportunity to interview and your enthusiasm for joining the program.

Reflecting on the Interview Experience

After the interview, take some time to reflect on the experience. Self-assessment can be a valuable tool for personal growth and future interviews:

  • Strengths and Weaknesses : Identify your strengths during the interview and areas where you can improve. Reflect on the questions that challenged you.
  • Learning Opportunities : Consider what you've learned from the interview process. How can you apply this knowledge to future interviews or your academic journey?
  • Feedback : If you receive feedback from the interview panel, use it constructively to enhance your interview skills for future opportunities.

Preparing for Possible Follow-Up Interviews

In some cases, you may be invited for a follow-up interview, especially if you're a strong candidate. Be prepared for the possibility of additional interviews:

  • Research Continuation : Be ready to discuss your research interests in more depth. Prepare to elaborate on your proposed projects or potential contributions to the program.
  • Personalized Questions : Expect more specific questions related to your application or areas of interest. Demonstrate your commitment and passion for the program.

Handling Rejections and Acceptances

The outcomes of your PhD applications can be emotionally charged, especially when it comes to rejections and acceptances.

Coping with Rejection

Receiving a rejection can be disheartening, but it's important to remember that it's not a reflection of your worth or potential. Here's how to cope:

  • Seek Feedback : If possible, request feedback from the admissions committee. Understanding the reasons for rejection can help you improve your future applications.
  • Stay Resilient : Maintain a positive outlook and resilience. Rejections are a natural part of the application process and can lead to growth and self-improvement.
  • Explore Alternatives : Consider alternative options, such as reapplying in the future or exploring similar programs that align with your goals.

Evaluating PhD Offers and Making Decisions

If you're fortunate enough to receive multiple offers, you'll face the pleasant yet challenging task of evaluating and choosing the right program for you. Here's how to navigate this decision-making process:

  • Comparative Analysis : Create a spreadsheet or chart to compare the pros and cons of each program, considering factors like funding, research opportunities, faculty expertise, location, and support services.
  • Visit the Campuses : If possible, visit the campuses or engage in virtual tours to get a feel for the environment and culture.
  • Consult Mentors and Advisors : Seek guidance from mentors, advisors, or professors who can provide insights and advice based on your academic and career goals.
  • Trust Your Instincts : Ultimately, trust your instincts and choose the program that aligns best with your aspirations and offers the support and resources you need.

Handling the aftermath of PhD interviews, including sending thank-you notes, reflecting on your experiences, and managing outcomes, is an integral part of the journey. By following these guidelines, you can leave a positive impression and make informed decisions regarding your academic future.

Facing PhD interview questions may seem daunting, but with careful preparation and a confident approach, you can shine during this critical stage of your academic journey. Remember to showcase your qualifications, passion for research, and enthusiasm for the program. Your ability to communicate effectively and handle questions with poise will set you on the path to success.

As you reflect on your interview experience and await the outcomes, maintain a positive attitude and be ready to adapt and learn from each opportunity. Whether you receive an acceptance or a rejection, remember that every step in this process is a valuable learning experience that can help shape your future endeavors. Stay resilient, stay motivated, and keep pursuing your passion for knowledge. Your PhD journey is just beginning.

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phd interview questions and sample answers

  • Common PhD Interview Questions
  • Applying to a PhD

In this guide, we’ll share 11 common PhD interview questions and our suggestions on how to answer them.

A PhD interview is an essential step in securing a doctorate position. This is because it enables the prospective supervisor to get to know you better and determine whether you’d be a good fit for the project. Equally, it provides you with the opportunity to learn more about the project and what the university offers. Although being asked to attend an interview by the admissions committee can be daunting, it’s actually a positive sign. It means that based on your application and academic qualification, the academic department believes you have the potential to make a good PhD student for the position.

Whilst most questions you’ll be asked during your PhD interview will focus on your proposed research project, a handful of generic questions will almost certainly be asked. To give yourself the best chance of succeeding in the interview, we highly recommend that you prepare answers to these generic questions beforehand.

Without further delay, here are 11 common PhD interview questions and tips on how you should answer them.

1. Tell Us About Yourself

It comes at no surprise that this common ice-breaker question is at the top of our list. This question will likely be asked to help you calm your initial nerves and settle into your interview. As this is a warm-up question, aim to give the interviewer a general overview about yourself as opposed to a detailed breakdown. To achieve this, structure your answer into three sections:

Tell us about yourself - Common PhD Interview Questions

  • Academic History : start with a summary of your academic background – where and what have you studied? What grades did you achieve?
  • Research Topic : go onto explain your research interest in your chosen topic – what do you like about it? Do you intend to pursue a career related to it upon obtaining your degree?
  • Why a PhD : Finish with why you want to undertake a PhD – do you want to make a contribution to science? Do you want to get a job in academia?

2. Why Do You Want to Do A PhD?

Although you may have touched on this in your answer to the above, your interviews will want to know more of the detail if they ask this question as a direct followup.

Though it may appear obvious, the interviewer is specifically interested in discovering your personal motivations for undertaking a PhD . Too often, students answer this question by listing the benefits of a PhD. Not only will the interviewer already know the benefits of a PhD, but a generic answer also won’t help you stand out among the other applicants.

To answer this question and leave a lasting impact, try to include an academic or personal experience that has strengthened your passion for research. As well as this, outline what your career aspirations are and explain how the proposed PhD will help you achieve them. The key to selling yourself here is to let the interviewer know how passionate you are about the project without having to say it.

3. Why Did You Choose This Project?

This is your chance to show that you have researched the University, supervisor and project.

First, talk about the project. Is there a particular aspect that you’re interested in? If so, mention it. This will show that you’re engaged in the topic and already have a basic understanding of the field. Besides this, a great way to show that you’ve really looked into the research topic would be to discuss a certain part of the methodology the project could adopt.

Next, talk about the University – there may be several universities offering similar projects, but what makes this one stand out? Is it their resources? Is it the prospective supervisor’s research group? Is it their previous involvement in previous influential studies? Again, show that you’ve adequately researched the University and clearly understand what makes it unique.

Finally, you can mention if your decision to apply to their university has been influenced by the expertise of the proposed supervisor. Given that the supervisor will be highly knowledgeable in the research topic you’re applying to, it’s possible they may have contributed to some significant findings in it. If so, it’s acceptable to acknowledge this by mentioning how you would like the opportunity to work under their guidance. However, be careful not to overdo. Although you may be sincere in your answer, it can go against you if your supervisor feels like you’re trying to flatter him. To avoid giving this impression, focus on how his or her expertise will help you develop into a competent researcher.

4. Why Should We Choose You?

A very blunt question, but your PhD supervisor will want to make sure you’re the best candidate for the position. This is especially true given they’ll be responsible for supporting you over the next few years. Therefore, the primary aim of your answer will be to reassure them you have the skills and experience required to undertake a doctoral study. To achieve this, identify the critical knowledge and skills required for the project and discuss how you meet each of these. Follow up each justification with a short, relevant example to help give your answers more impact.

When asked this question, some students tend to just summarise their academic CV and cover letter . This isn’t an effective way to answer the question as you’re telling the supervisor information they already know about you. It’s fine to reiterate a few key points, however, try to delve deeper into what you can offer going forward as opposed to what you’ve achieved in the past. As part of your answer, identify the soft skills which will be imperative to the doctorate and state how you have each of these. These can include skills such as effective communication, great time management, problem-solving, adaptability and high work ethic.

5. How Did You Come up With This Project?

If you’ve developed your own research proposal , then expect to have to defend it as part of your interview. You should have a thorough understanding of what the current gaps in knowledge are surrounding your research topic and how these could limit the findings of your study. Besides this, you’ll want to show that you’re clear on what the key aims and objectives of your project are and appreciate how they could contribute to your field of research. This last point is essential in convincing the interviewers this project is a worthy pursuit. What makes your project groundbreaking and worth dedicating several years to?

The interviewer wants to know if you have thought out all aspects of your project and so will likely scrutinise the finer details of your proposal. Therefore, be ready to outline the literature you’ve read and discuss how you evaluated different methodologies before suggesting your current one.

If you want an edge over other students, you can also produce a high-level plan, similar to the one below (but with more detail), which outlines the different phases of your research project. This can include stages such as the literature review, undertaking experiments, producing your thesis and preparing for your viva voce. Although they won’t expect your plan to be fully accurate, especially given how dynamic research projects can be, it will show your positive attitude towards being imitative and taking responsibility for your project.

PhD Project Plan - How to Prepare for A PhD Interview

6. What Challenges Are You Expecting to Encounter in This Project?

A common PhD interview question students struggle with is “What difficulties do you think you will face?” This purpose of this question is to check how much you’ve thought about the project. Students who provide a poor answer generally do so as they think admitting to any potential difficulties may make them seem incompetent. This couldn’t be any further from the truth.

Identifying potential difficulties shows the interviewers you’ve given serious thought to the project. This reassures the supervisor that should you run into difficulties during the research, you’re not only capable of identifying them but also mature enough to do so. Not highlighting potential difficulties, whether it’s due to a lack of confidence or understanding the project, suggests your project will be vulnerable to problems which could go amiss.

When answering this question, try to follow up on each potential difficulty with how you intend to address it. This can include measures such as making use of internal development opportunities, enrolling onto external training courses or signing up to specific research master classes.

7. What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?

This is a standard question for most interviews, and a PhD interview is no different.

Pick strengths that compliment your PhD programme. For example, if applying to a Physics or Engineering PhD, mentioning you have good attention to detail would be highly beneficial given the amount of data analysis involved. Try to support each of your claims with a relevant example. Using the above case as an example, you could discuss how as part of your Bachelor’s or Master’s dissertation project, your high attention to detail allowed you to streamline some of your experiments or identify potential problems with your data.

Likewise, try to discuss a weakness that won’t be detrimental to your research project. An example of something you would want to avoid would be “I have a tendency to put the hard tasks off until the end until I know I should really start working on them to not miss any deadlines“. Although this may seem like a harmless response, it will seriously concern the interview panel. This is because a model student will need to be consistent in their efforts to meet the challenging workload, even in times of difficulty. As before, follow up your weakness with a plan on how you intend to address it. For example, if you state your weakness as public speaking, a suitable follow up would be to discuss how you would like to work on it by presenting your research to undergraduate students and attending seminars.

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8. Can You Describe a Time You Encountered a Problem or Challenge and How You Approached It?

A key trait of all successful researchers is the ability to overcome problems independently. Given that even a minor problem can derail a research project, it’s important for your project supervisor to know whether you can adequately address them.

Despite what your example may me, try to cover the below three aspects as part of your answer:

  • Identification – How did you identify the problem? Was a check you had in place triggered or did you stumble upon it naturally?
  • Deconstruction – How did you break the problem down? Did you identify any assumptions or limitations which could have been associated with it? If so, how?
  • Overcoming – How did you identify the solution? If you had several solutions, how did you determine the most sensible one? What did you learn from it?

Your example doesn’t need to relate directly to the research programme you’re applying to, however, it should be kept academic if possible. For example, you could discuss a challenge you encountered during your undergraduate dissertation project, such as limited literature on your research topic or inaccurate experiment results.

The key point to remember here is that a supervisor is there to supervise, not to fix all your problems. Not only will they not have the time do to this, but it will directly go against the ethical requirement of ensuring your work is yours and yours alone.

9. What Are Your Career Aspirations?

PhD Interview Questions - Career path and aspirations

Your interviewers will want to see that you’ve considered what you will do after completing your PhD. This is to help them determine what your motivations are and to confirm that you want to enrol onto a PhD for the right reasons. It’s clear that anyone who has thought through their decision will have a long-term plan in mind, even if it’s a handful of well-considered options.

Don’t feel like your answer needs to relate to academia. One of the many benefits of a PhD degree is that it can lead to a variety of career paths. By being open with your true intentions, they can better determine what support and training you’ll require from them.

Despite your long-term goals, research into this and know the route you’d like to take post-PhD. A good understanding of your career plans and how to get there will go a long way in conveying your commitment to the project.

10. How Will You Fund This Project?

The interviewing panel will ask about this if your project is self-funded or conditionally funded (e.g. competitive funding schemes where funding is not guaranteed).

You don’t need to provide a complete breakdown of your savings, nor would they expect you to. The primary concern the interviewers want to address is that you’re fully aware of the costs associated with undertaking a PhD . If you intend to apply for external funding or take on a part-time job, mention this. In doing so, make sure you stress that you will base your part-time work around your PhD and not the other way around. The interviewers want to reassure themselves that you will make your research your top priority throughout the course of your degree.

11. Do You Have Any Questions for Us?

This interview is not only for the supervisors to evaluate you but also for you to evaluate them, the PhD project and University.

Although you will have already researched the position at length, ensure you ask questions when offered to do so. Asking questions will show that you’re engaged and are an individual who likes to make informed decisions. Not asking questions, or not asking well thought-out ones, will send the wrong message.

If you’re wondering what makes a great question, a quick internet search for “What questions should I ask at a PhD Interview?” show’s you’re not alone. Some examples of great questions to ask in a PhD interview are:

  • Are there any major developments or partnerships planned for the department? – Although this won’t always be the case, the department may be planning to upgrade its research facilities or partner with another leading institution. Asking about this shows you’re genuinely enthusiastic about undertaking influential research.
  • What are the supervision arrangements? – This is a great way to find out if your expectations match that of your potential supervisors. This can include aspects such as how often the two of you will meet and what level of support they intend to provide.
  • Will there be any opportunities for teaching within the department? – If you intend to pursue an academic career after completing your research, this will be a brilliant way to show them you’re committed to your long-term plans. Even if you plan on following a different career path, asking will let you know whether there is any opportunity to earn whilst you study.
  • What opportunities will I have for presenting my research? – This shows you intend to be an active member within your research field. This won’t be great only for your development but will help the university increase its research network and reputation in the wider community.

Other PhD Interview Tips and Advice to Help You Prepare

  • Format – The format of the PhD interview varies depending on the University. If you’re unsure of what format your upcoming interview will follow, get in touch with the department you will interview with. They should be able to give you an idea about what to expect and how long it will typically last. This knowledge will prove invaluable when preparing for a PhD interview.
  • Video interview – Some interviews will be conducted as either a phone interview or a skype interview. This is especially true if you’re an international student still within your home country. If so, conduct your interview in a place with a reliable internet connection and a clean backdrop.
  • Attendance – Usually, your interview will comprise the primary and secondary supervisor. However, sometimes your interview panel can comprise non-technical staff or the Head of Department.
  • Presentation – You may be asked to prepare a PhD interview presentation if you’re proposing your own research topic . If you’re requested to do this, keep it brief, use at least 80% of the time they permit and base it around your research proposal.
  • Paperwork – Bring two to three copies of your application form, and if applicable, your research proposal. Although in most cases your interviewers would have bought their own copy, it’s better to be on the safe side.
  • Etiquette – If you’re unsure of what to wear to a PhD interview, a good general rule of thumb is to wear what you would to a formal job interview. In other words, keep it formal. Additionally, learn how to pronounce the names of the interviewers and any other staff members you may mention beforehand.
  • Practice – There’s a lot of truth in the old saying ‘practice makes perfect’. You will want to practise as many PhD interview questions as you can. Don’t just limit yourself to the ones discussed on here. Find as many PhD questions as you can and prepare draft answers for all of them. In fact, you don’t even need to limit yourself to questions specifically for PhD students. There are many out there that, although written for generic academic interviews or the job market, will be applicable to you. If you find yourself short on resources, try searching for ‘tell us a time when you…’ in google as these will provide great scenario-based questions you can practise with.

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Top 25 PhD Interview Questions and Answers in 2024

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Ph.D. Interview Questions and Answers

If you desire to advance academically, be aware that attending a Ph.D. interview is a fundamental part of the admission process. Many institutions must interview potential candidates to ascertain whether they exhibit adequate commitment, discipline, and passion for completing the program. Still, an interview allows candidates to meet program advisors and gain more insights about the institute they wish to join.

Before you get admission into a graduate school, you must pass two stages. The first one is to make a formal application and answer any queries. Then, in the next stage is an invitation for an interview, during which a panel comprising your supervisory team will expect you to tackle any additional questions they ask.

To succeed, you must comprehensively answer all questions and use that opportunity to showcase your commitment, discipline, and enthusiasm for your academic career. Ph.D. interview questions may be confusing, but only if you don’t prepare. Below is a sample of commonly asked questions and the most likely responses that Ph.D. panels will expect you to answer.

1. Please Tell Us About Yourself?

I’ve always been enthusiastic about research and making discoveries. It was during my undergraduate studies that drove my interest in learning more about environmental science. I had the opportunity to research more during my master’s degree program, which inspired me to advance to the Ph.D. level. I love traveling and sightseeing, so I’d love to utilize that to visit different places and do my research while sensitizing communities on the importance of environmental conservation.

2. How Do You Intend To Financial Support This Project? 

Academic excellence has always been a passion for me. Immediately after high school, I enrolled in a business-related short-term course while awaiting to join campus. That led me to start a business that has successfully been able to break even. I have a reliable team that works for me and can independently handle the business operations while taking a less active role. In case of a funding challenge, I will utilize proceeds from the business to help support me. However, I intend to approach external sponsors and agencies willing to support this research.

3. Why Do You Need To Enroll In A Ph.D. Program?

After graduating with a master’s degree, I got a chance to lecture undergraduate students and discovered my enthusiasm for sharing knowledge with the younger generation. My background in research drives me to want to further my academic knowledge and make an impact on the next generation.

I want to pursue my Ph.D. studies, lecture at institutions of higher learning, and hopefully, one day, become a professor. I am excited about advancing my knowledge in environmental studies, which will enable me to make a valuable academic contribution in this field.

4. Why Do You Think You Are An Ideal Candidate For This Ph.D. Program? 

After completing my master’s degree, I realized there is a need to sensitize the public, especially the disadvantaged communities about the importance of conserving our environment for a better future. After graduation, I worked as a volunteer for a non-governmental organization and learned a lot about global warming and its effects on future ecosystems.

Through this Ph.D. program, I will make an impactful contribution as it strongly aligns with my master’s degree research and my field of specialization. I want to use my research to make an environmental difference.

5. What Long-Term Objectives Do You Have As A Ph.D. Graduate? 

I desire to live in an environment free from global warming drives my passion for dedicating time and effort to increasing environmental awareness. That is why I majored in environmental science for my undergraduate studies.

My research during my master’s revolved around the effects of industrialization on weather patterns. My Ph.D. research extends my master’s degree as I want to develop solutions that minimize environmental degradation.

6. Share With Us Your Strengths And Weaknesses? 

My colleagues and acquaintances consistently complement my leadership skills . I find it easy to mobilize departments and organize activities within the community. Under my leadership and guidance, we have accomplished much through mentorship programs in learning institutions in my locality.

We’ve also initiated tree planting activities and other programs to conserve the environment. I am also a good orator with excellent verbal and written communication skills . My academic background and professional experience enable me to clearly and concisely demonstrate and articulate my ideas. I believe this strength will help me systematically document my research findings.

However, my greatest challenge is maintaining set deadlines. In my previous academic journey, I struggled to complete my assignments within set deadlines. Though my work was thorough and well researched, I could not stick to the set time frame because I was handling too many responsibilities at the time. To counter this, I hope to delegate most of my responsibilities and outsource some duties to other professionals to enable me to concentrate on my studies.

7. How Will You Motivate Yourself Not To Give Up?

My academic journey is not just a duty but something I am passionate about. I thoroughly enjoy academics and am at my best when compiling content for my thesis. I’m convinced I have more to offer as an independent researcher, which is enough motivation to complete each academic year. My passion for this subject makes me sacrifice and come up with solutions. I also feel the matter is not receiving enough attention, and I hope to address that.

8. What Do You Intend To Achieve With This Project? 

Much research outlines steps needed to contain global warming and save future ecosystems. There have also been a lot of theoretical solutions the findings have yet to translate into action. I want to re-direct this project to a bearing that focuses on theory and translates that information to solutions.

I would dedicate more effort to minimizing pollution from manufacturing firms and sensitize communities to play a more active role in environmental conservation. Since my work will revolve around the environment, I hope to provide practical global warming solutions and share my passion for this topic with a broader audience.  

9. Why Do You Want To Enroll For A Ph.D. In This Institution? 

One of my major reasons for desiring to join this institution is because the facilities here are ideal for my research and are second to none. Also, the university’s approach toward my subjects of interest is very supportive and will help me achieve my goals. Thankfully, this university prides itself on being a trendsetter in my chosen field, and it will be a pleasure to be a part of a winning team like this one. The lecturers are also well-versed and will give me the mentorship I need to complete my thesis.

10. What Books Or Publications Have You Read Recently? 

Currently, I am reading a seminal paper on conservation that primarily involves sustainable logging processes that help eliminate deforestation. I’ve also just read about New Scientific, a newsletter I have subscribed to.  

11. What Are You Bringing To The University? 

As a passionate member of my previous school debating club, I enjoy academic discussions, so I believe I’d contribute to industry-related academic dialogs. My skill and knowledge of MS PowerPoint make me an asset as I love creating and giving presentations that will benefit research and documentation for future reference.

12. Do You Have Any Work-Related Experiences? What Have You Learned? 

One of my responsibilities in a past task as a part-time lecturer was to teach environmental studies to first-year students at a local university. The role was very satisfying as I am passionate about imparting knowledge and mentoring the youth. The responsibilities and experiences have taught me to read widely and increase my knowledge on the subject as things are consistently evolving. It also gave me insights into how academia relates to the real world.

13. What Inspired The Subjects You Chose For Your A-Levels? 

I settled on subjects I believed would best prepare me for this career path. I picked topics that I genuinely enjoy and am good at. I also chose units that would teach me a wide range of skills to help me get maximum value from my A-levels.

I considered these subjects ideal and would comprehensively support my direction for my undergraduate studies. The unit selection and subject choice were perfect links that quickly merged and complemented each other to make me better market my skills in the job market.

14. What Challenges Do You Anticipate During This Academic Season? 

Most of the previous research on this subject has mainly concentrated on the effects of global warming, but not many have come up with practical solutions. To start, I need to study archived research material, easily accessible in the institution’s library.

I also need access to scientific data, proper SOPs, and field research that will constitute a large portion of my research. The institution will play a significant role in sharing archived statistics to help me start.

The most common crisis I may face is raising adequate funds for field research. Though I will partially pay for the project, I still need the scholarship to help me complete the project.

15. Is There Training You Intend To Take During Or After Your Ph.D.?

There are technical skills and developmental programs on my top priority list. These skills include learning to use software and modern apps to make my work easier and save time. I also intend to take a refresher computer course that will help me improve my typing skills and make it easier to compile my thesis.

I intend to utilize project management software to help me effectively manage my finances and time and ensure I complete my research productively.

16. What Plans Do You Have After Finishing Your Ph.D. Studies? 

First, I would be honored to start my academic Ph.D. journey at this institution. It will be an answered prayer as I have always envisioned myself graduating here. I also am very excited to do my Ph.D. in this subject as it has been my topic of interest since my undergraduate and master’s studies.

After graduation, I want to commit to publishing statistics and information that I believe will be helpful for further research. I feel my Ph.D. project can open opportunities for inquiry in this field which can be a foundation for a fruitful career. I desire to partner with stakeholders to collaborate and develop environmentally friendly solutions for conserving the ecological system.

17. Share One Of Your Most Outstanding Academic Achievements And What You Learned From It? 

My most outstanding academic achievement was taking four years to complete my Bachelor’s degree with a 3.8 GPA. I had a lot of financial challenges at the time and could not access any scholarships or financial support. I had to work full-time while pursuing my undergraduate studies.

That experience taught me the importance of discipline and focus. I also learned that you could achieve anything you put your mind to through dedication and commitment. I am proud of this achievement and know that what I have learned will propel me to greater heights as I embark on this Ph.D. academic journey.

18. What Impact Has Your Bachelor’s And Master’s Degree Had On Your Professional Journey So Far?

During my attachment, I got a chance to intern at the prestigious United Nations Environmental Programme, a position I got due to my exemplary academic performance while on campus. Soon after completing my Bachelor’s degree, I immediately got a job as I graduated at the top of my class.

Though I had no working experience, my academic performance favored me to start working in a managerial position. The job gave me a lot of exposure and opportunities to advance in my studies, which is how I got a full scholarship to do my master’s degree. I am grateful for the opportunities presented to me and utilize them to make the world a better place.

19. How Do You Handle Defeat Or Failure? 

My first job was at a supervisory level, and I was ill-equipped and inexperienced, but I knew I had the qualities for success in that position. I had to swallow my pride and take instructions and learn from junior staff. I recognized that to excel at the top, I had to learn everything from scratch, and who better to teach me than those at entry-level positions.

I had to create a conducive working environment based on mutual respect between management and junior staff, a relationship that had previously been strained and nonexistent. Creating a harmonious working environment saw the company grow its production, improve efficiency and expand much faster. We spread to other towns and launched two more branches within two years thanks to the harmonious working relationship between management and employees.

20. Do You Have Any Concerns Or Questions You Would Like To Ask?

I want insights into who my supervisor is and how you will structure my supervision. I also would like to know if there are any publishing opportunities available in the department.

21. What Impact Will Your Project Make On This Faculty?

My research will make an instrumental contribution and support other related studies in the department. My outcomes will be supporting material for future studies as I intend to gather data and publish my findings. I also anticipate contributing to other relevant publications within the department.

Last year, I researched and published a paper that I presented at the international environmental conference held last month, which got widespread approval from participants. I intend to use that experience for the good of the department. If given a chance, I am willing to volunteer a few hours of my time to tutor new students or mentor those interested in my field of study.

22. What Strategy Do You Have To Ensure Success For This Project?

I intend to have a schedule where I will indicate deadlines for each milestone. Scheduling will help me stay on course and complete my research on time. 

23. What Qualities Do You Have To Guarantee Success In Compiling This Project? 

My background as a research assistant and data analysis knowledge is beneficial as I will easily compile and interpret my findings with minimal challenges and resistance.

24. What Challenges Are You Likely To Face In The Field, And How Do You Intend To Overcome Them? 

Scheduling time to meet respondents can be challenging, but I intend to communicate and book appointments early enough. From previous experience, I know that research needs ample time and adequate funding to succeed.  

25. How Do Your Colleagues Describe You? 

My colleagues consistently tell me that I am well organized, selfless, and excellent at time management . During a recent research assignment on the effects of globalization on wildlife habitation, my team praised me for proper planning and maintaining set deadlines. We completed the project ahead of time, and it was very successful.


While it is imperative to make a good impression by being assertive, you should not lose your individuality. Try not to be someone else but strive to be as authentic as possible. Ensure to remain objective without losing your enthusiasm.

By the time you make it to the Ph.D. interview stage, you must have explored your project feasibility and institution and program research, which are needed and give you confidence in addressing the interviewer’s concerns. Practice studying various potential Ph.D. interview questions to prepare you to answer questions from an informed viewpoint.

Study your Ph.D. project in detail to help you defend your research and support the relevance of your research question while displaying its academic contribution.

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Top 10 PhD Interview Questions

So, you’ve been invited for a PhD interview. Congratulations! This means that the admission committee thinks you are qualified and capable of doing a PhD at their university. The interview will allow the committee to determine if you’re a good fit, and you have the motivation and drive to complete a doctorate. While you cannot predict the exact questions you will be asked, certain topics are almost inevitable. Here are ten common PhD interview questions.

1. Tell us about yourself

This is a popular opener for just about any type of interview. It’s meant to be an easy icebreaker, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a wrong answer. Make sure to your response is relevant to the context of a PhD interview. Talk about your academic background, motivation, and interests. You don’t have to get into the details at this point, just give an overview.

2. Why do you want to do a PhD?

This is another straightforward question that doesn’t have a straightforward answer. A PhD is a big undertaking and you’ll have to be driven to see it though. Your answer should address your motivation for doing a PhD in a way that conveys your passion and enthusiasm for the subject.

3. Why are you interested in this program?

What drew you to this program and this school? Does it have a unique feature or take a different approach than other programs? Are there certain professors you are interested in working with? Your answer to this questions shows you have done some research and are ready to engage in the department. It’s also an opportunity to demonstrate that you don’t just want a PhD, you want one from this school.

4. What experience makes you a good candidate?

Yes, the interviewer has read your CV, but this question allows you to draw their attention to specific qualifications or skills that might not be obvious from just your resume. Talk about courses you have taken that have taught you the necessary skills for graduate work or give examples of past research experience from your Bachelor’s or Master’s.

5. How did you develop this proposal?

There are no trick questions here. The interviewer wants to see that you are engaged with the field and spent some time preparing your proposal. Take them through your thought process and discuss the background reading and research you did. What other approaches did you consider before deciding on this one? What will your project contribute to the field?  

6. What difficulties would you expect to encounter during this project?

No matter how carefully you plan, no project goes off without a hitch. Be honest about where you see potential difficulties, but more importantly discuss how you plan to work through them.

7. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Another classic interview question, and one you definitely don’t want to be answering off the top of your head. Pick a strength that is relevant to this position and then give a few examples of how you have used it well. When it comes to choosing a weakness, be truthful and then (using examples again) talk about how you have been working to overcome it.

8. Tell us about a time you experienced a setback

The next three to six years of your PhD won’t be smooth sailing. You are likely to hit many snags along the way. The interviewer wants to know you are resourceful and can handle these setback. Try to think of an academic challenge you have had to overcome rather than a personal one.

9. What are your future career plans?

This is another way to suss out your motivations for doing a PhD and see if you have given a thought to what comes after your doctorate. How will a PhD help you achieve your future goals? Someone with a clear goal in mind is likely to be more committed to doing a PhD. For many, the goal will be to pursue an academic career, in which case this is an opportunity to show you understand the academic career path.

10. Do you have any questions for us?

Remember that this interview goes both ways. It is important that you have some questions to ask the interviewer to show your engagement and the serious consideration you are giving their program. You are preparing to spend several years of your life at this school. Think about what is important to you and what would make or break your decision to attend this university. Prepare a list of questions ahead of the interview.

The interview is your time to shine, and being prepared will allow you to do just that.

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phd interview questions and sample answers

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Top 15 PhD interview questions that you must be ready to answer!

Professor dawid hanak.

  • July 14, 2021
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PhD interview is a crucial part of the admission process. To help you prepare, we’ve put together a list of the best PhD interview questions! Check it out!

How do you get admitted to a graduate school? In most cases, there are at least two stages. In the first stage, you need to make an official application to your grad school and answer their questions. Then, in the second step, you may be invited for a PhD interview during which a panel, usually comprising your supervisory team, will be asking you interview questions. 

If you want to become a successful PhD student, you really need to nail these PhD interview questions and use this interview as an opportunity to showcase your motivation and dedication to your academic career. 

I know there is quite a lot of confusion about what PhD interview looks like and what are common PhD interview questions. Are you wondering how to prepare for a PhD interview? Let me share what I look for when I’m interviewing prospective PhD students. 

Table of Contents

Structure of a PhD interview

Before I’ll talk about the most common PhD interview questions, let me briefly outline what you can expect during the interview itself. 

Depending on the graduate school and the preference of the prospective supervisor, the interview can be very formal or quite informal. The structure of the interview may also vary depending on your area of study, as the focus in social sciences will be different than that in environmental science or engineering. 

Regardless of this, there are similar stages that you need to go through before you can be offered a place on the PhD programme. 

In many cases, the PhD interview starts with a short presentation that you give in front of the interview panel. This will likely focus on your background and your PhD proposal. If you apply for a specific project, then the focus of your presentation will likely be on how do your knowledge and skills align with the scope of that specific project. 

Once you are done with your presentation, which by the way is usually between 10 and 20 minutes, then the panel members will start asking you the interview questions. 

These questions aim to help the panel assess your: 

  • understanding of what a PhD degree is about and what’s required to successfully complete a PhD
  • current skills and knowledge and your ability to further develop your academic and technical skills
  • ability to manage projects under uncertainty 
  • understanding of novelty and original research 
  • understanding of what being a PhD student means and how demanding it is
  • ability to deliver the research project within given time scale (and budget)

These are just a few areas that the PhD panel will quiz you about. But remember, this isn’t just about them asking you questions – you can also do so! If you want me the share the best PhD interview questions to ask as a prospective PhD candidate, please do let me know in the comments!.


What are the most common PhD interview questions? 

#1 why do you want to do a phd .

Having a clear reason why you want to do a PhD gives the prospective supervisor an indication that you’ve thought this decision through. You are, therefore, less likely to drop off. Regardless of whether you want to do a PhD because of the career path you chose, willingness to solve challenges, being a lecturer in the higher education sector or just for personal ambition, having a clear why makes your performance during the PhD interview much stronger.

#2 What motivates you to do a PhD?

Another benefit of having a clear why is the fact that you will have something to aspire to. This will provide a strong driving force for you to complete your PhD, regardless of the challenges that you may experience. Make sure you list all reasons why you want to do a PhD degree before you apply and keep this list with you in case you need to boost your motivation. This will help you convince the panel that you’re prepared to handle the uncertain circumstances of research. 

#3 What makes you a good PhD candidate?

One of the most common PhD interview questions is asking you to tell the panel why you think you are fit to undertake a PhD research. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is critical. You of course want to emphasise your strengths as much as possible during the interview, but you need to be ready to discuss how you are going to handle any weaknesses you may have, what further training you need during your grad school, and what other development needs you to have to put you on the academic career path. 

how to perform well during phd interview

#4 What do you think PhD is about?

This is one of the first questions I ask every one of my prospective graduate students. Understanding what does PhD entails, in terms of scientific contribution and effort it takes, is critical to succeeding during your PhD interview. You need to know what you’re signing up for and you need to be prepared to work hard and smart to achieve impact with your work. It’s not only about having a good research proposal . PhD is primarily about advancing our knowledge and understanding of the world we live in. It’s challenging, it’s new, it’s uncertain – you need to be able to demonstrate that you’re able to handle this as a graduate student. 

#5 What is one thing that is most important for you to successfully complete your PhD programme?

The panel is aware that research is uncertain and you may need to pivot as you go along with your work. But they may ask you about the most important question you think is necessary to help you successfully complete your PhD project. This PhD interview question is quite tricky because there isn’t a right and wrong answer. We are all different and the panel wants to verify how you’ll build on your strengths to deliver your project and impact.

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#6 What experience do you have in this research field?

Although it isn’t always necessary to have direct experience in the field of the PhD you apply for, it will definitely help. The panel wants to verify your CV and how your past experience and education relate to the scope of your PhD. They want to make sure you have the fundamental understanding of the research area as this is crucial to success. So if your background is in social science but apply for PhD in environmental science, you need to be able to demonstrate that you’ve built a sufficient understanding of the PhD research field in another way. 

#7 How your previous experience and skills will help you to deliver this project?

This is one of the interview questions that is rather asked to those who spent some time in their profession, rather than joining a graduate school straight after their Bachelor or Masters degree. This question asks you to demonstrate how you can leverage the hard and soft skills that you’ve already developed during your career to deliver a research project. The panel may also ask about the difference between the delivery of commercial and research projects at this point. 

top phd interview questions you need to be ready

#8 How you can further build your skills to deliver this project?

You decided to join a grad school to further develop your skills. It isn’t only about delivering a breakthrough project, but also about developing you as an independent researcher. Therefore, you need to be able to reflect on your current skills and discuss what skills you need to succeed in graduate school. Also, think about how the faculty and supervisors can help you achieve this via additional training or mentoring. 

#9 What is the novelty of your research project?

The success of your research proposal ultimately depends on the novelty it presents. Therefore, one of the most critical PhD interview questions is about the novelty of your work. Although you’ve already written your proposal, the panel may still ask you questions to further expand on your contribution to the existing body of research. 

what panel asks during phd interview questions

#10 How did you come up with your project proposal?

Building on the previous question, the PhD panel can go one step further and ask you how you actually come up with your project proposal. To answer this question, you need to demonstrate an understanding of the current state-of-the-art, know the main discussions and challenges in your research field. I’m sure you’ve done some sort of literature review when preparing your research proposal.

If you’re still working on your proposal, make sure you check our approach to the literature review and research tools that can support you in the process. 

If you’re having trouble coming up with new research ideas, make sure you check my article and webinar on preparing research proposals .

#11 Why this research project has not been done before?

This is one of my favourite PhD interview questions. It essentially asks why other researchers haven’t done this research yet. It allows you to demonstrate your understanding of the state-of-the-art and show your critical analysis skills. Make sure you know why the research questions weren’t answered yet. Is this because people aren’t aware of these? Or maybe there are limitations in the current approaches and you’re going to change this in your research project?

how to prepare for phd interview

#12 What challenges do you expect to encounter in this project?

This interview question allows you to demonstrate your approach to project and risk management. Understanding what may go wrong will help you prepare better for the delivery of your project. Although you may not predict everything, it demonstrates to the panel that you understand that the PhD research is uncertain by nature. 

#13 How do you deal with uncertainty and challenges?

Building on the question above, the PhD panel may actually ask you how you would handle the challenges and uncertainty in your research project. They don’t expect you to identify all challenges that you’ll experience. Rather they want to understand whether you’re able to realistically plan a research project and don’t overcommit yourself. Of course, having a clear project management plan helps with the project delivery, but it also significantly reduces the stress and anxiety associated with doing the PhD. 

Some time ago I wrote h ow you can handle the uncertainty of research . Make sure you check it out. 

#14 What are your career aspirations?

This question will help the PhD panel understand what career path you’d like to pursue after your PhD, whether that’s a career in higher education or industry. They want to make sure that the PhD will contribute towards building your skillset and knowledge to support your future career. Although you may want to get a PhD degree to satisfy your personal aspirations, in the majority of cases getting a doctorate is dictated by your career aspirations. 

what to wear to phd interview

#15 Do you have any questions for me?

As in any kind of interview, once the panel stopped throwing their questions at you, they’ll ask whether you have any questions. I ALWAYS do this! Why? Although this isn’t a very difficult “question” to answer, it gives us, the panel, a significant amount of information.

If you are inquisitive about the research group, other projects, research environment, development opportunities and so on, this shows that you’re really interested in working with me. It also tells me that you’re willing to explore options and are not worried to ask questions – a skill that is CRUCIAL for all researchers. When you don’t ask any questions, this may leave a rather unfavourable impression. Therefore, make sure that you have a list of several questions that you want the panel to answer. 

An interview is a crucial factor that helps the PhD panel decide whether to admit you onto their PhD degree or not. In addition to preparing a strong research proposal, you will need to demonstrate your skills, knowledge and understanding of PhD process to the panel comprising your prospective supervisor and other members of faculty.

I hope this article will give you an idea of how to prepare for a PhD interview. Here I included a list of the most difficult PhD interview questions so that you can get yourself ready.

But remember, this isn’t just about them asking you questions – you can also do so! If you want me the share the best PhD interview questions to ask as a prospective PhD candidate, please do let me know in the comments!.

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Top Ten PhD Interview Questions and Answers

Top Ten PhD Interview Questions and Answers

Your PhD interview date is fast approaching. This article provides carefully chosen tips to help you prepare, and ten PhD interview questions you should be ready to answer.

What to do before the interview.

It is important to treat the PhD interview like a job interview. Dress smartly and bring two printed copies of your application form. It is also useful to bring your research proposal or your notes on how you will fit into the existing research project. Organise materials neatly so that you can quickly access any information requested, but also commit crucial details to memory—and rehearse.

Do background research on the university, the department, and the academics who will interview you. Prepare several informed questions about their current research and the overall research culture in the department.

Make sure you know where and when the interview will occur and arrive ahead of time. If possible, visit the building in advance. You will feel more at ease if the surroundings are a little familiar.

To avoid embarrassment, try to find out how to pronounce the names of staff members you will meet.

Top 10 interview questions.

The “ right ” answers to these are personal and depend greatly on what the specific staff members and their department is looking for. Scour the PhD studentship advert, the department’s mission statement, vision, aims and objectives and information about current staff research to learn about research priorities, interests, and positions in theoretical debates. Showcase your personal skills, capabilities and attributes, and how well they fit.

Tell us about yourself.

Include not only your academic background, but your personal motivation—and particularly what motivates you to do in-depth research in this specific field of study.

Why have you applied to do a PhD here?

This is where research can give you an edge. Show that you have chosen this programme/department/university for strong and valid reasons, such as your high regard for named researchers’ work, the availability of specific collections, equipment, or lab resources, and overall reputation. Give concrete examples, not banal generalities.

What can you do for us?

Academics will have to give up a great deal of time to supervise you, most of which they will receive no scheduled hours or recognition for. So, what research skills, personal attributes, connections, theoretical ideas and so on do you have that will make it worth their while? Again, give specific and concrete examples.

What do you think pursuing a PhD will do for you?

If you plan to become an academic, say so, but not in terms of just getting a job—talk about your long-term research plans . If applying to a professional doctorate programme, show that you understand the realistic career impact. Applicants pursuing a PhD towards the end of their career may want to talk about gaining recognition for innovative practice or solving complex issues through research. It is important to showcase your knowledge, motivation, background and commitment at this point.

What skills do you have that make you a good fit for the PhD place you have applied for or for the department?

Tailor your response specifically: Play up your strengths, including any prior research training and experience. Discuss project management skills, leadership skills, interpersonal skills, collaborative working, critical thinking and international experience or understanding.

Tell us about your research project.

If proposing your own topic, over-prepare. Refer to current scholarship and explain how your cutting-edge work will break new ground. If applying to join a project, show that you understand its value and demonstrate that you are the right person to make it happen. Be enthusiastic!

What would you say are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

Yes, that tired job-interview question will appear here as well. Make sure the strengths you list include examples, and your “weaknesses” are also “strengths”—for example, “sometimes I’m a terrible perfectionist.” It is important to mention and demonstrate how your determination reaps project succession. The panel will want to know that you will persist in completing the PhD. Demonstrate this!

Tell us about a challenge you have overcome in the past.

It’s best to choose a research challenge as your answer: for example, how you handled an issue during your Master’s dissertation such as a disagreement with a supervisor or an issue with ethical approval. If you use a career or personal challenge, show how you used research or project-management skills to solve it.

What do you see as the most important issue/problem in this field today?

This question gives you space to show your knowledge of current research, theory and practice. Use this as an opportunity to showcase your knowledge.

Is there anything you would like to ask us?

This is your chance to show how informed you are and position yourself as an intellectual equal. Be prepared . Be ready.

We hope you found our Top Ten PhD Interview Questions and Answers article useful.

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Dr Denise White FRSA

Dr Denise White FRSA is a multi-award-winning intellectual disability and music expert. Having over 25 years’ experience in the field of early years, primary, post-primary, special educational needs, further and higher education, Denise is known for her innovative and creative teaching methods that transforms lives. She is an advocate for inclusive and community-based ethical learning and teaching models.

She is a passionate education advocate with the talent to develop inspiring hands-on lessons that will capture a student’s imagination and breed success.

Known as ‘The Music Doctor’, Denise is an Author at Bookhub Publishing. Her Music Doctor Series will launch in March 2019. Denise is also a Speaker, Trainer, Consultant, Mentor and Researcher.


Twitter: @_TheMusicDoctor

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25th September 2020 at 10:06 pm

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10th July 2021 at 9:22 pm

You have really helped me with the video and the texts on PhD/job interview. Thank you so much.

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7th November 2021 at 6:33 am

Instructive and precise.

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26th January 2022 at 7:47 am

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Dos and don’ts of a phd interview.

Dos & don'ts of a PhD interview

Studying for a PhD is an amazing academic achievement, as well as serious time commitment , and it's certainly not one for the faint-hearted. Once you've decided to embark on this academic path, your PhD interviewer needs to be sure that you are able to rise to the challenge and are academically capable of achieving this ultimate goal. And the PhD interview is how they assess your potential for a place on the program when applying for a PhD .

Your PhD interview will consist of questions that will enable your potential supervisors to get to know you better and have an understanding of what you’d like to study, why you’ve chosen your field of study, and whether you’d be a good fit for the PhD program. 

This interview will also give you the opportunity to ask questions about the program and the university to make sure it’s the place you’d like to study. 

Here, we've compiled a list of dos and don'ts of a PhD interview from the interviewer's perspective, to hopefully guarantee you success when answering the PhD interview questions and thus beginning your Doctorate journey.

PhD Interview dos and don'ts

PhD interview questions to help you prepare

Your interviewers will ask a range of different questions in order to determine whether you will be let into the PhD program . They will ask different types of questions to get an idea of who you are, what your interests are, and how much of an asset your research will be to the university. 

General PhD interview questions

One important aspect of the PhD interview is for the interviewers to get a good idea of who the interviewee is.

They will do this by asking a series of questions that are more general to try and get a sense of your likes and dislikes, and your overall personality. These opening questions could be viewed as ‘warm up questions’ and are likely to also include questions and discussions about your academic history, reasons why you are interested in your particular research topic, and why you’re studying a PhD.

Example questions could include:

  • What is your academic background?
  • Describe your personal qualities?
  • What sets you apart from the candidates?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?

The PhD interviewer will ask you questions about your motivation to study a PhD which you should find straightforward to answer as you clearly have a keen interest and knowledge in a particular research topic to be considering it at PhD level. Now all you need to do is illustrate to the interviewer why you are the right person for this PhD at their university.

The first way to do this is to go into detail about your personal motivations for studying a PhD. Do you have a historical or family link with this topic? Was it an area you covered in your bachelors degree that you now want to explore further? Are you destined for a career in academia? 

Another thing you should demonstrate in your PhD interview is what experience you’ve had either academically, personally or in the workplace that has strengthened your passions for your research.

It is also important to show that you have researched the university, the supervisor and your project. If many universities offer this particular PhD course, then why did you choose this specific one? Do they have resources that will be useful? Is there a supervisor you’d like to work with? 

Example questions that you can expect to receive at this stage in your PhD interview could include:

  • Why are you motivated to pursue a PhD and why in this specific field?
  • Why did you choose this university?
  • Why did you choose this program?
  • Tell us about a time you experienced a setback

Relevant experience

Your PhD interviewer will be interested in any relevant experience you have to qualify you to study this PhD. Use your answers to draw attention to your specific qualifications that may not be obvious from your CV or project. Discuss other courses that you’ve taken, past research, etc. Use this time to reassure your prospective supervisor that you have the skills and experience needed to undertake a doctorate.

Consider what is the critical knowledge and skills needed for this project and explain to the interviewer how you meet these.

Don’t just summarise your CV as the interviewer has already seen this. They will want to see your passion and motivation for your research project.

Example questions they may ask at this stage could be:

  • What experience do you have that makes you suitable for this particular PhD and in what ways?’
  • Why should we choose you?

Your PhD project

Interviewers will want to know that students understand their project and the research involved in successfully studying a PhD. 

You should be prepared to discuss your project idea in detail and demonstrate to the interviewer that you are the ideal candidate. For example, you should explain that you understand the current gaps in knowledge around your topic and how you propose to fill these gaps. Show that you know what your aims and objectives are and how your efforts will contribute to the research field.

Here are some example questions to help you discuss your PhD project:

  • How are you planning to deliver your project on time? 
  • What will you do if you do not find the expected results?
  • What difficulties would you expect to encounter during this project?
  • How did you develop this proposal?

Future ambitions

It’s important for students to know where their work may lead them. Knowing how a PhD will help achieve this, and articulating these aspirations to the interviewer, will give the interviewer a better picture of the student’s goals. 

If the goal is to have an academic career, use this as an opportunity to show the interviewer that you understand the academic career path.

An example question at this stage could be:

  • How will this PhD open the door for future ambitions and aspirations?

Your own questions

As well as being properly prepared to answer questions about your PhD proposal, it is also important to ask your own questions to the interviewer to make sure that this is the university and PhD program that you’re looking for.

Example questions that you could ask a potential supervisor could include:

  • Are you likely to remain at the university for the duration of my PhD program?
  • Are there good links within a specific industry/work field for your post-PhD career?
  • How many PhD students to you supervise at one time?
  • How much contact time am I likely to get?

PhD interview questions: DOs 

PhD Interview dos

  • "Brand" yourself. Show your personality . We must remember you for something besides your academic skills.
  • Be confident and sure of your abilities, but don’t be overconfident. You are not the best in everything that you do, so don't pretend you are!
  • If we ask you a witty question, reply with a witty answer.
  • All PhD interviews are different. Be flexible when preparing for your interview and don’t take anyone’s advice as definite, instead use it to build upon.
  • Avoid simple yes or no answers.
  • Show that you are an independent and original thinker by engaging in debate and supporting your arguments with reasonable statements. However, always be polite and argue without insulting us.
  • Be professional. Professionals can find the right measure between being serious and being informal.
  • Show that you care about what you want to study and about what we do, and don’t be interested in our PhD program just to get the title.
  • Research what we do. We don’t want to talk to someone who knows nothing about our work.

PhD interview questions: DON'Ts

PhD Interview don'ts

  • Don’t undermine the importance of 'soft' general questions like “Where do you see yourself in future?” or “What is motivating you to do the PhD?”
  • Don't be passive in communication. We are interviewing you, but you are also interviewing us.
  • Don’t give too general answers. Be specific and to the point because that will show us that you are not feigning but you know what you are talking about.
  • Don’t get nervous if you think the interview is not going well. In many cases this is just your personal impression, which may be wrong.
  • Don’t come dressed as if you just woke up – make an effort! 
  • Don’t talk jargon. It is not very likely that we were born in the same place or have the same background, so we may not understand what you are saying.
  • Don’t try to pretend that you are someone you're not. We don’t like pretentiousness and can usually see straight through it.
  • Don’t try to be too funny. We may have a different sense of humour than you do, especially if you come from a different culture.
  • Don’t become too emotional during the PhD interview. Enthusiasm is good but not if it’s exaggerated, then it becomes quite off-putting.

Summary of PhD interview questions 

This table shows some examples of different categories of questions you might enounter at a PhD interview.

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PhD interview questions: Everything you need to know

If you’re going to be studying a PhD, you will need to have an interview for your degree. We have a number of PhD interview questions to help you with your university interview.


Postgraduate degrees work a little differently from undergraduate degrees. You’ll have more of a focus on research longer form writing like dissertations.

With a PhD, you will have an interview at the beginning of the course to see if you are a good fit for the course and a good fit for the subject itself. You will be asked to complete a dissertation, project or thesis to submit to a regulatory body, which will then require you to defend your thesis.

PhD interview questions

How to answer PhD interview questions

There isn’t necessarily a hard-and-fast rule for students who are answering difficult questions in a PhD interview, but the best thing for you to do is to remain confident, relaxed and attentive. And remember, be yourself!

These are some common questions for you to be asked:

Can you tell us about yourself?

It's common in all university interviews as well as job interviews. Talk about yourself, but make it relevant to your PhD and your study-subject. Your interviewer is there to see how you will fit into university life, so the more passion you show for your course, the better it will be.

Why do you want to study a PhD?

This is one of the most common questions asked in a PhD interview and it’s a tough one to answer initially. The best thing for you to do is speak about your passion for the subject, your passion for study and your interest in a career in this area. Enthusiasm is key to answering this question. As you will be specialising in a specific area when working on your thesis, if you already have some initial ideas and it is great to showcase this too.

What are your strengths and what are your weaknesses?

Another one to add to the bumper book of Commonly Asked PhD interview questions! Again, be honest.Don't try to cut corners by listing a strength as a weakness, be honest about what you're good at and what you feel needs improvement. The best thing to do when listing a weakness is to follow it up with a short plan on how to plan to improve on it.

Why are you interested in this subject/programme?

As with being asked why you want to study a PhD, let your enthusiasm and your passion do the talking here, don't oversell things too much, but show that you have a passion for it.

What impact would you like your PhD to have?

This can feel like an odd question, but universities like to know that students know what impact their studies will have. Of course, it’s important to see how the PhD will impact you, but also think of the broader picture.

How will it potentially affect the wider world? How will it shape the subject your studying or current areas of thought within the subject area? Universities like to know how you plan to use what you've learned in a real-world context and how it adds to the field you’re studying.

Why do you think you are the right candidate for this course?

This is a pretty common question to be asked. This is generally done to see why this specific course appeals to you and what you would bring to the university if you were to study it.

Universities like to be flattered. This is a chance to speak about the excellent facilities on offer at the university, or the standard of teaching you’ve heard so much about. Maybe there’s a specific course leader or lecturer you’re looking to learn from! It’s also a chance to speak about the course content. What was it about this course, specifically, that drew you to it?

PhD university interview questions

What are your future career plans?

This is again, fairly easy to answer, just tell the interviewer what you plan to do with your career and how you plan on moving forwards to achieving your goal. Make sure you mention how the PhD would aid that.

Tell us about a time that you have faced a problem and how did you deal with it?

This too is a very common question in job interviews as well, but for a PhD, it’s a bit more unlikely. That doesn’t mean it won’t get asked. Interviewers have a knack for asking a question you’re least expecting. Speak about how you have overcome any issues using some of your more impressive skills. It's best to mention something whereby your problem-solving skills led to the project succeeding.

Do you have any questions for us?

It always seems like a bizarre question, but don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain a better understanding of the PhD programme. You can ask anything you like (within reason) and you can find out more about the course. It’s not one of those questions to ask during a PhD interview that is designed to catch you out or make you look foolish, it’s purely there to give you the chance to voice a concern or to ask a question that you haven’t previously asked.

What questions to ask in a PhD interview

After you’ve answered their questions, your PhD interview is great chance to have the panel answer some of your own questions. This is also a great way to highlight your enthusiasm for the course! But what should you ask? It’s good to focus on the questions you know you’ll need answering throughout your PhD and before presenting your thesis at the very end.

These are some examples of questions to ask when in your interview.

Will I have opportunities to present or publish?

This should be a very important question to ask your PhD panel. It’s not one of the more difficult PhD interview questions, but it will nevertheless allow you to work out what the opportunities are on your course. The best PhD programmes allow you an opportunity to teach or to present your findings and to communicate your ideas.

What are the supervision arrangements for the course?

All PhDs will have arrangements of some kind. This will also show your interviewer that you have a vested interest in how the course is taught, this is one of the more common PhD interview questions, but you’d be surprised just how far it can go.

What are the funding arrangements for the project?

Funding arrangements are important to ask about. PhD funding has always been a point of contention for some universities, with most bursaries , grants and scholarships not necessarily covering the necessities at PhD level for students. That doesn’t mean there isn’t funding available so definitely ask how they can support your studies.

Are there any related programmes or events run during the course of my PhD?

This should be the number one question! Not only does it show that you are interested in the PhD, but also shows that you’re very interested in the extracurricular activities of the university and the course itself. Working on these projects might even beef up your student CV as well, and who can say no to those?

PhD uni interview questions

Are there any training sessions offered as part of my PhD?

This ranks pretty high in terms of good questions to ask at PhD interview as well. Again, itshows your interest in the development that the PhD can offer you and that you’are also interested in improving the skills you already have.

Make sure you ask what things that will help you the most. While it can be tempting to try and think outside the box and offer the clichéd fantasy of asking the totally left-field question, this could potentially derail the interview and not give you what you want out of the process.

Virtual interviews

More and more universities are opting for virtual interviews rather than face-to-face.

Universities will use platforms like Zoom to conduct their online interviews. If you're a student from Manchester , for example, and you're going to be studying in Plymouth , it may easier for the university to do thisvirtually.

While it’s virtual, still dress smartly - no pjs allowed! Make sure you look presentable and find a place with good signal, good lighting and has very little noise. While it may be tempting to wear a shirt on top and trackies on the bottom, we’d recommend dressing from head to toe - it can really help to put you in the right frame of mind and keep you focused.

What if I’m in the UK on an F1 Visa?

This shouldn’t affect you too much. Those on an F1 Visa , are not going to be treated any differently, so there aren’t specific F1 Visa interview questions for PhD students. One thing to do is make sure that your F1 Visa, or your J1 Visa or even your Tier 4 Student Visa , allows you to study a PhD in the UK - you’d be surprised how many students haven’t checked this!

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  • Graduate School

120 Common and Difficult Graduate School Interview Questions

Including expert answers to help you prepare.

Graduate School Interview Questions

In this blog, you will see some of the most common and some of the most difficult or tricky graduate school interview questions candidates often face in interviews. These are the kinds of questions you likely already have in mind, and to which you have hopefully given some thought already, especially when you prepared your other materials such as your graduate school resume and graduate school cover letter . For those more difficult questions, we’ll provide some discussion about the question and an expert response. 

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Article Contents 21 min read

Types of graduate school interview questions, “the process of preparing for graduate school interviews can be both very arduous and anxiety inducing. through bemo not only was i able to quell my anxiety, but i was also able to establish a baseline through which i can improve on any weaknesses come interview day. additionally, their mock interviews truly help with getting you (as the prospective student) acclimated to the environment in order to be even more prepared for the whole process.” - anonymous, bemo student.

Similar to how there are graduate programs that don’t require GRE , not all graduate programs require an interview, but – increasingly – many programs are making an interview a part of their graduate program requirements . 

If you’re applying to a graduate program, ranging from a master’s in social work and master’s in psychology to the easiest PhD programs to get into , you may face an interview, and you need to be prepared for the kinds of questions you may be asked, such as “ why do you want to do a PhD? ”. 

While you should feel comfortable enough to speak in a collegial way with your interviewer(s), you still need to be attentive to the fact that you are being evaluated at all times. With that said, bear in mind that making it to the interview stage for a graduate program means that they’re likely looking for reasons to keep you, rather than reasons to exclude you. Your application materials, such as your graduate school statement of purpose or your PhD motivation letter have gotten you this far, but the last step is your interview. Nikki, who got into a top-tier graduate program in California described the entire graduate school application process as “it's a ton of paperwork; it's a lot of questions you weren't expecting to answer; and it's a lot of writing.”

So while your writing has piqued the review committee’s attention, now, they want to see if you’re as awesome as you seem on paper – that is, if you’re both someone with promising ideas and someone they’ll be interested in bringing into their departmental community; and that can only be done through an interview But as Nikki said, there are many graduate school interview questions that you might not expect to be asked, and you have to be able to know the different types of questions commonly asked in graduate school interviews, as having an idea of what to expect will allow you to put your best self forward on interview day.

“I practiced answering common interview questions. I also prepared explanations of my past experiences and why they made me a good fit for the lab as well as the program overall. I also did some research into the program so I could highlight why I was interested in York specifically.” - Christina Lapytskaia, MA, PhD

Graduate school interview question #1: tell me about yourself.

This is almost certainly the most common interview question, regardless of where or to what you are applying. This question can and will appear in any professional interview. For example, you can check out sample answers we provide for " Tell me about yourself " medical school interview, " Tell me about yourself” residency interview , and even “ tell me about yourself” nursing school interview . Truly, this is the most common, but nevertheless nerve wracking question out there. In general, you want to think of this as your “opening statement”, the introduction to the story of you as an aspiring grad student.

But I knew I would need to scale up at some point and develop more skills as a filmmaker. That\u2019s when I decided to pursue undergraduate studies in film. Throughout that experience, I worked with other students who were interested in all different aspects of filmmaking: production, acting, cinematography, film history, screenwriting, and others. . Having a Bachelor of Arts degree in film studies was great for my resume and burgeoning reputation as an emerging creator, but I knew what I was lacking was a more robust learning experience in film history, theory, and analysis. . It\u2019s been a difficult road, but I\u2019ve been slowly building myself up as a creator. I believe that as I continue to develop my knowledge and understanding of film from a philosophical perspective, I can have a fulfilling career as a filmmaker\/critic. ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab1" template="BlogArticle">

Would you rather watch a video? Here's some tips on preparing for your grad school interview:

Graduate School Interview Question #2: Why Our School/Program?

“find out in advance who you will be interviewed by - is it the head of the program or a mix of students and professors this will help you determine how to prepare and anticipate what kinds of questions may be asked and what you should discuss. the second tip would be to research the school and the program. what is the school known for what is the program known for once you know the answers to these questions, determine what relevant experience you have, either through work, academics, extracurricular, or volunteering, that you can use as content to showcase how the skills and experiences you have align with that of the school and the particular program you are applying to. lastly, avoid statements that are vague and uninformative to showcase alignment, such as stating 'i love research' or 'i have a passion for learning'. instead, showcase your 'love for research' or your 'passion for learning' through personal examples/stories that demonstrate how you are motivated to pursue research etc. this will make you stand out compared to other applicants.” - megan aoki, phd.

As Megan says, in responding to this question, you need to be specific. You need to think about questions, such as, what is it about the curriculum at that school that fits your own learning style or needs? What faculty member(s) would you like work with, and why do you want to work with them? Do you have a potential supervisor in mind? And, if so, have you reached out to them yet, to ensure they’re taking on students and interested in your intended course of study? Note: if you haven’t done this by the time you get the invitation to interview, then you need to do so prior to the interview, if at all possible!

 I believe that while theory and practical knowledge are important aspects of a robust education for this particular discipline, it\u2019s perhaps just as important to have experience applying concepts to real-world issues in the community and worldwide. The University of Toronto Master of Environment and Sustainability has a strong emphasis on research, as well. With one of my biology professors, I participated in an a few field biology experiences; on one particular expedition, we collected samples and data concerning mottled duskwings, a medium-sized butterfly native to the geography. It\u2019s always been important to me that my education emphasizes experience and practical application, especially in a field such as environmental studies. With collaborative specializations in Environment and Health, I expect to acquire a more holistic perspective on environmental issues with a better approach to solutions, at the University of Toronto in this program. ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab2" template="BlogArticle">

“My interview prep would include researching the program, practicing responses to common questions, and ensuring I could eloquently articulate my academic and research experiences. Also, I would engage in practice sessions with mentors, including graduate students with who I collaborated and worked with. Additionally, I would seek advice from my professors to enhance my preparedness for addressing specific questions.” - Celia Ferrag, PhD, University of Toronto

Up to this point, you’ve probably been thinking more about what you, as a student, will “get” from the institution (in terms of funding, research support or resources, work in a lab or as a TA, scholarly mentors, how to transition from academia to industry , and how to find industry jobs after PhD etc.). At this stage of your education, however, you must realize that the institution will get a lot out of you, as well. They will benefit from the research you do, the teaching work you will likely have to do, etc. So, what new, exciting ideas are you bringing with you? What can you offer them that others may not be able to offer (or, at least, not in the same ways as you)?

If I am accepted into your program, I want to be one of those students who can support their classmates.  Collaboration in math is perhaps an underappreciated element; but for me, it is an integral component. In the primary research areas being vehemently explored at Waterloo, including carbon nanotubes and fluid mechanics, my collaborative spirit and enthusiasm will motivate students to work together to move research forward. ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab3" template="BlogArticle">

Here's how to tackle the hardest graduate school interview questions:

Graduate School Interview Question #4: Why Are You Interested in This Field?

“my interview with gautham pulagam was an extremely pleasurable experience. he not only helped me discover what i need to do to better myself, but he offered examples and tasks to do so. his help along with all the other people at bemo has been crucial in helping me develop my interview and writing skills. he was extremely helpful, and made me feel welcome because he remembered reading my personal statement from what i said during the mock interview. overall, it was a pleasant experience and i would recommend his help to anyone attempting to get into grad school.” - thomas w., bemo student.

Whatever graduate program you’re pursuing, you need to have specific reasons for why you are following this particular path. You love the field? Great! What do you love about the field? WHY do you love those specific things about the field? What do studies in this area offer you that you can’t find in other disciplines? Answering these questions will give you the best answer to “Why are you interested in this field?”

And if you’re nervous about this question – don’t be. You inadvertently already answered this question in your graduate school statement of purpose or your grad school career coals statement. This time, you will simply need to articulate your interest verbally. Make sure to use examples of events and experiences that showcase that you took all the necessary steps to be certain in your field of choice.

I think that there are many ways that education could be improved in terms of inclusion and diversity. I think it\u2019s also important to acknowledge what education on various levels does well and strive to uphold these practices. Traditional methods used in our classrooms and lectures can truly empower students from all different backgrounds, but we also need to work on diversifying the methods we use to address a variety of student populations. From experience, I know that classroom settings can either alienate or promote self-realization and unification. I want to deepen my knowledge of the relationship between education and society with a focus on equity and social justice. My goal is to become an educator, so I know it will be important to integrate a variety of perspectives on these issues so I can embody a message of inclusion in the classroom. ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab4" template="BlogArticle">

"The most common issue I encountered when I interviewed prospective graduate students (especially for a master’s program) is the lack of interest and clear goals in pursuing grad school. Some students apply to master’s as a placeholder for other professional programs (medicine, dentistry, vet, pharmacy, nursing, etc.) until they get in. This is sometimes apparent in interviews when a student’s goals do not align with pursuing graduate school (i.e. they are not interested in academia or industry). I have heard this answer too many times and it should be avoided: 'I am not entirely sure what I want to do in the future, and I truly believe this lab is a good avenue to explore whether or not I like research'. Even if this is the case, it was always a red flag to interviewers about their seriousness or commitment.” - Reem Sabry, MSc, PhD

If you’re hoping to do a PhD, it is important to be able to articulate why doing a PhD, specifically, is the right choice for you, your priorities, and your goals.  Remember, the interviewers will most likely have reviewed your research resume and other application materials, so they know what you are capable of academically. Try to give them a larger picture of what a PhD will mean for your career and personal goals. Most importantly, remember to indicate what the school or the program possess that would allow you to achieve your PhD ambitions.

I have many goals with my research; but I think my central purpose in wanting to obtain a PhD at this particular institution is to gain access to the research institute connected with your school. Many formidable contributions to the growing body of research have been made within those walls, from causal interference models to AI and AI in public health. The abundant opportunities to collaborate and work with some of these eminent researchers is my primary attraction to this program. ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab5" template="BlogArticle">

Here are some tips on getting into graduate school!

Graduate school interview question #6: where else are you applying.

This is a difficult question because you need to be honest, but you also need to be able to demonstrate why this particular institution would be a top choice for you. They want to be fairly certain that you’ll accept an offer, if it’s extended; at the same time, you need to cover your own bases and apply to multiple schools, if that’s what’s right for you (though we don’t recommend casting an overly-wide net with applications). This is why your answer should speak to elements you really value in any program, such as curriculum, research opportunities, faculty, teaching opportunities, and so on. So rather than focusing on specific schools and what they offer, focus your answer on why you applied to certain schools, including the one where you are interviewing.

When I looked for graduate school programs, I mostly focus on scholarship and research opportunities, as well as the faculty I had a chance to work with. In addition to this program, I have also applied to X school and Y school, both of which have excellent programs and scholarship opportunities in-line with my interests. That said, this school would be one of my top choices, particularly because of the work Dr. Singh is doing in his [Research Lab]. I\u2019ve corresponded with Dr. Singh about his current initiative, and found that our interests overlap considerably, and he responded favorably when I asked if he might consider supervising my project, if I am accepted. I am up-to-date on his work and have been following it for some time now; working with him as I complete my degree would be ideal, due to my interest in this particular area. While I need to spend some time familiarizing myself with the wider field and theoretical resources, which will happen during my coursework, I already have some ideas of independent research I could possibly do, branching off of the work he\u2019s done already. ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab6" template="BlogArticle">

Graduate School Interview Question #7: What Do You See as the Major Trends in Your Field of Study?

While it’s not expected that you will be an expert in the field at this point, you do need to demonstrate that you’re engaging the literature, that you’re pursuing the ideas in this area of scholarship, and that you’re doing these outside of and beyond your standard coursework. Those who do the bare minimum aren’t generally well-suited for graduate school. In undergraduate studies, you’re gaining exposure to a wide range of ideas, but you only take the very first steps down the specialization process in your final year or two of undergrad. Graduate school is a whole different beast – graduate school is as different from undergraduate as undergrad was from high school.

Wearable technologies are also rapidly developing innovations. ReWalk is perhaps one of the best examples. ReWalk allows patients with spinal injuries or injuries preventing them from being able to walk to stand and move using motors at the hip and knee; these devices are equipped with gravity sensors that the patient can use to steer and direct themselves with weight distribution. ReWalk is the first of probably many exoskeletons to get FDA approval for personal use. ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab7" template="BlogArticle">

Graduate School Interview Question #8: Can You Explain Your Research (or Research Interests) in a Way that Would be Comprehensible to Non-Specialists?

“when i interviewed to do my master’s and my phd in a specific lab under two different faculty members, i started by reading their research. i read at least 2 most recent publications for that faculty member. i also created a list of my personal experiences that could be relevant to their research. i focused on technical lab skills as this is a common question if you are joining a wet lab. lastly, i practiced the most common interview questions (tell me about yourself and tell us your weaknesses.)” - reem sabry, msc, phd.

Ensure you can break down key concepts, unpack complex jargon, and explain the things you’ve done as if you were speaking to someone with no specific knowledge in the area. While you’ll likely learn additional methodologies and approaches as part of your graduate education, you still need to be able to discuss your own work and interests, demonstrate the skills and competencies you’ve already started polishing, and stir your listener’s interest by demonstrating both enthusiasm and nuanced, trenchant consideration of the field and the contributions you’d like to make to scholarship (broadly defined – inside and outside of academe).

In my developments on this topic, I make the case for what some have called a \u201cproto-racist\u201d conception of ancient Greek racism and discrimination. I don\u2019t believe that there is much evidence, as it stands, to suggest that the ancient Greeks were discriminating against discrete groups of people who would\u2019ve assumed a \u201cWhite\u201d identity, put in our modern terms. They did, for instance, attribute to groups a common characteristic that weren\u2019t biologically determined, yet were influenced by external factors. ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab8" template="BlogArticle">

Here's some advice on writing your research resume:

Graduate School Interview Question #9: What is Your Research Interest?/What Are You Hoping to Research?

At first glance, this may not seem like a difficult question. Indeed, it may be one of the most obvious. However, at the stage of applying to graduate school, you will likely not have a clear research agenda yet, and that’s okay! As well, even if you do have a clear research agenda, it will almost certainly change before you finish your degree, as that is – quite simply – just the nature of research at this level.

The good thing is that your interviewer knows all of this. They know you’re not a grad student – yet. They know you’re not an expert – yet. So, come in with a clear idea of where you think you want to go with your education, but don’t panic if you can’t hand in a detailed research plan – yet. Be as specific as you can, and demonstrate why these ideas matter to you. On the other side of things, don’t come in with some grand plan that you think will shake the discipline to the core with its revolutionary ideas. So, do bring a good dose of humility with you into the interview.

 For my undergraduate thesis under Dr. Koenig at XYZ University, I was able to draw on Dr. Stevenson\u2019s theories to explore the 2016 Standing Rock protests and media\/social media response, a project that allowed me to respectfully approach members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe for an interview, to better understand what they saw happening in this historical event and the popular support shown on major social media sites, like Facebook. The ways in which a history that, at the time, seemed to me rather far in the past, was seen as immediately relevant \u2013 a symbol of a larger struggle that has been teeming for centuries \u2013 was eye-opening for me. I want to understand this more deeply and explore the ways in which contemporary social media similarly collapses boundaries between past and present. ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab9" template="BlogArticle">

Graduate School Interview Question #10: If You Could, Would You Change Anything About Your Academic Experience so Far?

Academia is a social sphere, and there are alliances, cliques, and gossips, as there are in any social sphere. You don’t want to speak poorly of one professor, only to find out that they are close colleagues with your interviewer. So, if that thing you’d change has to do with the institution, avoid naming names and discuss why the issue was concerning or disruptive enough to leave you wishing it were different, and explain how you succeeded despite this. Turn it into a positive conversation about what you’ve overcome.

At my undergraduate institution, we were a rather small department. While I immensely value the education I received, the courses I took, and the professors who supported me, the diversity of perspectives was not as expansive as I wish it could have been. I was exposed to many different ideas and perspectives, and these were certainly present among our faculty, but with only 5 core professors, I was limited in terms of the specific guidance I was able to receive. That said, my professors were incredibly encouraging, and two of them put me into contact with colleagues at other institutions, whose ideas they thought I might appreciate. We corresponded by email, and they sent me some of their syllabi and reading lists, which added supplemental material to the courses I was already taking. Although a wide diversity of perspectives wasn\u2019t available to me on campus, my mentors were able to point me to resources that helped me expand my interests and follow what captured my attention. I look forward to the day when I\u2019m presenting at conferences, so that I can meet these scholars and thank them in person \u2013 I don\u2019t know if they realize just how important their insights were in fostering my passion to continue my studies. ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab10" template="BlogArticle">

Still working on your statement of purpose for graduate school? Here are some tips:

Graduate School Interview Questions: Personal

Graduate school interview question #11: how do you deal with failure/disappointment.

Asking about uncomfortable things from our life history – failures, limitations, weaknesses – is very common in any interview. The purpose is generally two-fold: to see how you handle being asked about such things in a high-pressure situation (because we all just LOVE talking about our failures, right?!), and to see how you approach such “negatives”. It is very important that you reflect on such questions in advance, and do some probing to gain insights into who you are, how you’ve grown, and how you overcame such drawbacks. It is, quite frankly, inevitable that we will all fail at some point, we all have limitations and weaknesses, but what we do with all of these matters. If you can view these as mere bumps on the longer path to success, and focus on what you’ve learned when confronted with your own limitations or failures, then you’ll be able to navigate a touchy question like this one successfully , like our admissions expert Dr. Thais Lavangolli, PhD, did:

“I think the hardest question I had at that time was about describing a situation that I failed. I was afraid to come across unprepared or that I didn’t have the skills required to succeed in their program. I didn’t have much experience with interviews or how to address this type of questions, so I remember that I panicked for a moment until I was able to focus on an effective answer that showed that everyone can make mistakes, but it is important to be able to recognize them and improve from there.” – Dr. Thais Lavagnolli, PhD, Imperial College of London

If asked to give  examples of personal limitations , again, be honest. Do not try to sneak in a “weakness-that’s-really-a-strength” – interviewers can see right through it, and it comes off feeling cliché, at best. Have you historically had poor time management? Say so. Do you have a hard time saying “no” to others? Tell them. Are you someone who is not naturally inclined toward organization? Confess. But, in all of these cases, do not simply leave it at that! Tell them how you are working past (or how you have worked past) such limitations. Poor time management? How do you stay on top of your school and other work, and how will you continue to do so as a graduate student? Uncomfortable saying “no”? What have you done to start creating boundaries, so that you won’t be overwhelmed? Disorganized? What systems have you put in place to manage your data? Show them you won’t just shrug your shoulders when you face adversity – even when the source of it is you yourself!

I realized, after some reflection, that my expectations needed recalibration. As a first-time writer seeking representation, I needed to understand that it was unlikely to get published without any prior experience or credentials. So, during my undergraduate studies, I joined a writer\u2019s club. With a group of motivated writers from all different experience levels, we critiqued each other\u2019s work and discussed technique, style, and how to develop strong pitch materials. At the same time, I was volunteering as an editor for the school literary journal. I was reading submissions and making recommendations to the senior editor about what I thought would be good material to publish. I was learning to deal with my disappointment by using it to motivate improvement, in a more productive scientific manner. I had my first short story published in a mid-tier magazine. It was one of the most rewarding feelings. Failure is all about perspective; if you use it productively, you can turn it into something positive. ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab11" template="BlogArticle">

Graduate School Interview Question #12: What is Your Most Significant Accomplishment?

If you’re applying to a graduate program, you likely have significant accomplishments – academic, but probably personal, as well. That’s awesome! You should absolutely talk about this in the interview, of course! But, a word of caution: Be Humble – especially if you choose to talk about academic achievement. Your accomplishments are valid and worthy and you should absolutely be proud of them. However, you’re about to enter an arena where everyone is at least as accomplished as you are. You may be used to being at the top of every list, but now, you’re going to be working with all the other #1s, as well as the people who rank such lists. A dose of humility is always welcomed. Remember, the people interviewing you are looking at you as a future colleague. Graduate school is – ideally – more about working collaboratively and collegially with your peers and professors than it is working for your profs in undergrad. Along with evaluating your academic bona fides, they also want to ensure that you’re a person they’d like to see every day , as our admissions expert Vicky Cerdeira, MSc, points out:

“Don’t be robots. They want to see passion, and not scripted answers. You want to showcase that you are thinking, and that you are capable of applying your knowledge about life (and science) in and outside of the program. So let other people see how excited you get about the subject/program/research, while also highlighting your accomplishments. Be yourself, and never lie (to yourself and to others).” – Vicky Cerdeira, MSc, Université du Québec à Montréal 

But the road didn\u2019t stop there. We faced some of the best teams in the region on our way to the finals. I wasn\u2019t the best player on the team, but I did my best to motivate everyone with hard practice and pre-game speeches. We were the underdogs. When we won, I almost couldn\u2019t believe it. It was an incredible feeling to be able to lead a struggling team to victory, to prove that I could be a strong voice for the team and motivate us out of defeat. ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab12" template="BlogArticle">

We are seeing mental health crises in many facets of society, and academia is included in this. The pressure of graduate school is immense and virtually indescribable to those who haven't gone through it.

It’s all a lot to deal with, and it can be mentally trying, even in good times. Depression and anxiety are common. Every year, graduate students abandon their studies under the weight of it all, and some – particularly those with pre-existing struggles with mental health – are driven past the point of no return. Even those who seem “strong” or “okay” may be hurting far more than they may let on.

As such, the push toward a mental wellness model in academia is underway, but it’s slow-going. You need to demonstrate during the interview that you are realistic about the immense pressure you will be under, and that you have coping strategies in place to handle such stressors. As such, do not demonstrate any behaviors that can be construed as signs of stress or anxiety, as our admissions expert Dr. Megan Aoki, PhD, says:

“Generate a positive impression from the start of your interview through your body language (posture, eye contact, warm expression). With this in mind, avoid the following in your non-verbal communication: folding in on yourself, constant downward gaze instead of eye contact, fidgeting, playing with hair, intense eye contact (be natural about it), rigid posture, etc. These behaviors convey information to the interviewer that could be perceived as a lack of confidence or inability to handle stress. Therefore, it is important to think about the impression you want to leave. Think about using your non-verbal communication to establish a good first impression that you reiterate then with your verbal responses.” - Dr. Megan Aoki, PhD

I\u2019m fortunate in that I\u2019m very close with my family, and I have a long-term partner, as well. They are all an immense source of support, and I always have a loving ear when I need to vent. On top of that, being in nature really helps me keep everything in perspective. My partner and I go camping every long weekend during the warmer months, and I live 5 minutes away from a massive, beautiful park, right on the lake. I actually take my books and laptop there frequently, sitting at a picnic table in the shade of a massive tree, looking out across the lake \u2013 it\u2019s one of the best places to get work done. I can take breaks, listen to birds chirping, watch squirrels play, or just feel the breeze on my face. Even when I can\u2019t go there, I have a nice garden in my backyard, where I grow flowers and vegetables, and a little outdoor work station where I can do some reading or writing. ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab13" template="BlogArticle">

Want to know how to get into grad school with a low GPA? These tips can help:

Graduate School Interview Question #14: What Have You Been Reading?/What’s the Last Book You Read?

This question is difficult because of how informal it can come across when asked. As ever, you want to be honest, but that means making a note to yourself right now: Ensure you’re reading things that show depth and curiosity! This doesn’t mean reading only those things related to your area of scholarship, but you absolutely do need to have such things in your regular rotation. If, for example, there are primary works in your field that you haven’t had the chance to read yet, then get to a library! Often, in undergraduate studies, you’ll read a lot of secondary sources – that is, readings about key theories, thinkers, and methodologies in the field, written by others. But, if there are landmark names in your field whose actual works you’ve never read, work them into your rotation along with some things that are more current. As noted earlier, if you’re not sure what these are – in either case, old or new – ask a research librarian at your school. Most schools will have discipline-specific librarians who are familiar with the major works in that discipline, foundational primary texts and cutting-edge scholarship happening at this very moment. Make use of this incredibly valuable resource – you’re paying for it with your tuition, whether you use it or not!

If you enjoy fiction, non-fiction works outside your field, graphic novels, etc., that’s great, of course! You don’t have to lose yourself and your enjoyment to pursue graduate studies. Just be sure to think through the image you project, if you discuss these in an interview. Reading  Vampirella  is a bit different than reading  Watchmen  or  Maus . Discussing your love of trashy romance novels comes off in a different way than discussing your love of historical biographies. That’s not to suggest there’s anything wrong with enjoying the former of either comparison – you do you! But, you do want to be strategic in what you disclose in an interview, since you're making a first impression (your quirks can come out after you've been accepted!). So, if you’ve legitimately just put down the most recent Harlequin novel, give it some consideration before reflexively answering this question in a way that doesn’t highlight your own depth --unless, of course, you want to study such things as part of your scholarship. 

To be honest, over the past month, I\u2019ve been handling a heavy load at school, so my recreational reading time has been spent more on fiction than non-fiction. I do have a subscription to [Top Journal], but I haven\u2019t had an opportunity to really dig into the latest issue yet. Instead, I\u2019ve been reading Margaret Atwood\u2019s MaddAddam Trilogy before bed each night. If you\u2019re not familiar, it\u2019s a dystopian science fiction story that explores some of the anxieties and potentialities around genetic modification, environmental catastrophe, and the human\/non-human species divide. As someone with an interest in apocalyptic narratives of the past, apocalyptic speculation about the future is also something I find fascinating. Atwood is also renowned for the research that goes into her novels, so seeing her explore the possibilities \u2013 both beneficial and terrifying \u2013 of the technological advances of the present really helps me think through some societal and personal anxieties about where the world is heading. She also just weaves deeply rich and incredibly elaborate worlds that I love spending time in and pondering, even if they are rather unsettling, at times. ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab14" template="BlogArticle">

Here's some more advice on writing your graduate school personal statement:

Graduate School Interview Question #15: What are Your Career Goals?

You have most likely touched upon this question in your applications already, but the challenge here is to vocalize this verbally in a coherent narrative. The problem is, many students might be unsure of what exactly they may want to do after grad school. Our admissions expert Dr. Reem Sabry, PhD, shares her experience interviewing grad students:

“The most common issue I encountered when I interviewed prospective graduate students (especially for a master’s program) is the lack of interest and clear goals in pursuing grad school. Some students apply to master’s as a placeholder for other professional programs (medicine, dentistry, vet, pharmacy, nursing, etc) until they get in. This is sometimes apparent in interviews when a student’s goals do not align with pursuing graduate school (i.e. they are not interested in academia or industry). I have heard this answer too many times and it should be avoided: “I am not entirely sure what I want to do in the future, and I truly believe this lab is a good avenue to explore whether or not I like research” Even if this is the case, it was always a red flag to interviewers about their seriousness or commitment.” – Dr. Reem Sabry, PhD

The key to answering this interview question, even if academia is not your final goal, is to outline what exactly led you to an interest in graduate work in this field and how this program will help you get where you want to go. . If you’re having trouble brainstorming what exactly you want to include in your answer, reach out to a graduate school admissions consultant who can help you with this answer.

Entering university, I joined a peer support group for student recovery an addiction resources. The school already established a strong support program. I mainly worked on developing and promoting resources detailing the effects of substance abuse, how to see the signs, and where to get help. The students I met through the program \u2014struggling or otherwise\u2014were always very grateful for our services. With this student group, I helped develop a report on how university students perceive substance abuse services to understand barriers and resistance to seeking treatment. We found that many students felt they were unworthy of support. To combat this sense of unworthiness, we launched our \u201cyou are worth campaign\u201d promoting anonymous services that people can use to hopefully introduce them to help and lower the perception that they don\u2019t deserve help. I was able to use my father\u2019s experience to help these students and change attitudes towards addiction and treatment at my undergraduate alma mater. I hope to continue this work in my graduate school journey.  ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab15" template="BlogArticle">

Your answer must not only outline what you plan to research in your new program, but what steps you took in your education so far to get to where you are now, as our admissions expert Dr. Reem Sabry, PhD, points out:

"To do a thesis-based graduate program, prior research experience, particularly in a lab setting is valued. Alongside my undergraduate degree, I completed a biotechnology technician diploma at a college, and I included this in my CV. The technical lab skills I learned through extracurriculars made me stand out for grad school.” – Dr. Reem Sabry, PhD

Even if you changed your interests radically, make sure to create a narrative that shows why you are interested in your topic and how you got there.

If I\u2019m given the opportunity to work on research at your institution on the graduate level, I would like the pursue a similar body of research investigating The Global Workspace Theory and other competing theories, such as Higher-Order theories of consciousness. These are, as I\u2019ve noticed, the two areas that many of your faculty members in the philosophy department are occupied with. Coming from a neuroscience background, I\u2019m also aware of the invaluable contributions and collaborations of a strong neuroscience department. The cognitive neuroscience research facilities available at your institution, equipped with CT and MRI machines, will be an important aspect of my mission to illuminate the mystery of the emergence of consciousness. ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab16" template="BlogArticle">

Graduate School Interview Question #17: What Do You See as the Major Trends in Your Field of Study?

Another question that inquires about your level of familiarity with the current questions and research in your field. This is your chance to showcase your knowledge! While you want to remain humble and polite, this is a question that you can prepare for and really demonstrate your level of understanding and interest in the field you are pursuing.

The final trend that I think is worth mentioning is mindfulness. Mindfulness has been given a lot more attention in recent years, especially as research continues to show the short and long-term benefits of applying mindfulness meditation and strategies to their every day lives. I recorded a study during my undergraduate studies using MRI to image the brains of people before and after they learned and applied mindfulness techniques for two months. The activation of the amygdala appeared to diminish whilst subjects performed basic everyday tasks, like studying. I think that mindfulness has a lot of potential to become a more prevalent treatment option for most anxiety-based disorders, including generalized anxiety, OCD, and PTSD. ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab17" template="BlogArticle">

Graduate School Interview Question #18: Share Your Opinion on a Current Issue in Your Field.

As you can see, a question on current trends in your field can be asked in different ways. In this case, you are asked about only one trend or issue. This means you can get really in-depth about the topic of your choosing!

I\u2019ve become an advocate to try to help mitigate some of these issues, but I think they will always be present until the government enacts more provisions, and stricter ones at that. I work for an organization that promotes resources and laws that protect nurses from violence and harassment. We have an entire domain full of downloadable resources covering workplace violence prevention policies, updates to occupational safety regulations, how to report to a supervisor, employer duties under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and more. It\u2019s important for nurses to know their rights in these stations, ideally before they have to face them. And hopefully they never have to. ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab18" template="BlogArticle">

This is a dreaded question for those who choose to pursue a discipline that differs from the one they studied previously. But there is nothing to be afraid of! You must simply outline why you chose to pursue a different field and how your previous field prepared you for the one you are pursuing now! This is very common in all kinds of post-graduate and professional programs! Our admissions expert Aaron Schultze, JD, shares how he made his Drama major relevant for law school applications:

“I had a nontraditional major for law school (Theater & Dance). I explained how my fine arts education created a foundation for truthful storytelling and how to perform authentically. I was interested in Criminal Defense, so I explained how a degree in Theater allowed me to understand and relate to different characters in different circumstances.” – Aaron Schulze, JD, University of Texas School of Law

 Brainstorm which qualities and skills you gained in previous field of study that are really valuable and useful in the new field of study you are pursuing.

The reason I decided to pursue a graduate degree in philosophy, and not English, is because I found that I enjoy reading the philosophical texts more than I did the English ones. I gradually veered toward philosophical literature, like Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, until I dived into more classic philosophy such as Plato, Descartes, Hobbes, and Kant. One of my professors, who I took advice from, suggested that if I am still reading and studying philosophy on my own time by the time I graduate, it\u2019s a good indication that I will enjoy a career in philosophy. So, while my approach is somewhat intuitive, I think that my degree in English with some background in philosophy will allow me to pursue this degree with conviction and qualification. ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab19" template="BlogArticle">

Graduate School Interview Question #20: What Do You Do for Fun?

Do not be alarmed. This is not a trick question. Grad school interviewers are also people, and these people will most likely spend a lot of time with you if you get accepted. As we already mentioned, graduate school is really about collaboration and working together with other students and faculty. These people want to get to know you and this is why they ask this question. To some extent, you can be honest with your pastimes, but try to avoid contentious or controversial topics. Feel free to reveal your volunteer engagements or activities you like to do with your family and friends. And most importantly, try to reveal in your answer a quality or a skill you think will really demonstrate your character. Tell a story, and engage your interviewers with your answer. You can even connect your pastime with your research, if possible.

My husband and I love to watch Italian cinema. Especially, films made in mid XX century. The appearance on screen of Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Claudia Cardinale, and other stars of Italian cinema is always a celebration for us. What I love about Italian films the most are the incredibly sophisticated humor and philosophical outlook on life. Each culture has its own way of seeing the world, and I truly enjoy watching cinema from all over the world, but I find the complexities of life are addressed best in Italian movies, such as the dilemma of artistic creation and mundane reality. As I look for graduate programs in creative writing, I cannot help my reflect on the struggles of the poor Guido Anselmi from Fellini\u2019s 8 1\u20442 who, as an artist, struggled but strived to be an authentic \u201cauteur\u201d, as the French say. I too look for autonomy in creation and inspiration, and understand that only by being honest with myself and with the help of others I can achieve my goals in creative writing. This is something I look forward to in finding in your program.  ","label":"Expert Sample Answer","title":"Expert Sample Answer"}]" code="tab20" template="BlogArticle">

  • How long does it take to typically complete this program?
  • Where are recent alumni employed? What do most graduates do after graduation?
  • What types of financial aid are offered?
  •  What criteria are used for choosing recipients?
  • What opportunities are available through the program to gain practical work experience? Are there opportunities such as assistantships, fellowships or internships available? What are the deadlines to apply to these opportunities?
  • Are there any scholarships or internships available?

The most common grad school interview questions are “tell me about yourself”, “why do you want to pursue this program?”, and “what is your research focus?”. Keep in mind that these questions can be worded in different ways, such as “what brought you here?”, “why did you choose to apply to our program?”, or “how have you prepared for your research interest?”. 

This depends on many factors, including your personality. But most students find personal questions quite difficult. Why? Because it’s often hard to talk about yourself in a professional and succinct manner.

The best way to prepare is to research sample grad school interview questions, like the ones we list in our blog, and start brainstorming talking points you can use. Then, we strongly advise you to set up mock interviews where you can practice answering questions in a realistic setting. It's also smart to check out questions asked by specific schools, for example, Stanford graduate school interview questions .

There are 3 main categories of graduate school questions: general, personal, and academic. Their differences are outlines in our blog. 

No, they are not common for most graduate programs. However, programs like social work might include behavioral questions in their interview format, especially as MMI questions . 

Some of the interviewers might be faculty from the department that you want to join as a grad school, some may be students from the department, but some might be faculty or professionals from a completely different field. This is why when you speak about your research, make sure to not use any jargon so they can understand you.

You should definitely research this for every school you’re applying to. Most grad schools will use the traditional format or the panel format. However, some programs may also use MMI or some other form of modified interview formats. 

It really depends on the format, but anywhere from 20 minute to 1.5 hours. You must also keep in mind that if you’re invited to an interview, you might also have the opportunity to meet with peers and take a tour of the campus. So make sure to delegate a whole day to your grad school interview.  

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Helen Bradley

I have applied to a PhD program that is new and the only one in the U.S. It is a PhD in palliative care at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. What would be appropriate questions to ask about the program since this is new to all?

BeMo Academic Consulting

Hello Helen! Thanks for your question. You can ask your interviewers about the mission and goals of this new program. What is the vision? Where do they want the program to advance? You can also ask how they ended up being a part of this new program. This can spark a friendly and open conversation about their interests and background. Check out our blog about the kind of questions you can ask interviewers ( Though they are aimed for medical school interview, you can modify these to fit your needs. Hope this helps!

Helen, you are the winner of our weekly draw. Please email us by the end of the day tomorrow (July 31) at content[at] from the same email address you used to leave your comment to claim your prize!

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Graduate School Interview Questions (With Example Answers)

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Graduate school is a major opportunity for growth and is an opportunity to apply the skills you acquired in your undergraduate career to the specific field of study you’ve chosen to pursue. With a master’s degree in hand, you’ll be far more likely to catch the eyes of prominent employers down the road.

If you’re thinking about applying for graduate school or you have a grad school interview set up, it will be essential for you to understand the various stages of the application process. In this article, we’ll go over some grad school interview questions and answers as well as how to prepare for a graduate school interview.

Key Takeaways:

Grad school interview questions will test your commitment to the program, so make sure to show your resolve in your answers.

Clarify ahead of your interview what the process will be because every school has a different interview process.

Practice the STAR Method to prepare for behavioral interview questions.

Stand out in a graduate school interview by being appropriately authentic in your answers.

Graduate School Interview Questions (With Example Answers)

11 Common graduate school interview questions (with example answers)

Questions to ask yourself before you apply for grad school, graduate school interview process, how to prepare for graduate school interview, questions to ask the interviewer, graduate school interview questions faq.

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To help you feel maximally prepared and minimally nervous, here’s an overview of ten common questions that you might be asked during a graduate school interview (as well as some suggestions about how to respond to them):

What are your career goals? The primary purpose of this question is to gauge the extent to which you’ve thought through your long-term professional goals – that is, the goals that you’d like to achieve in your chosen field after you receive your master’s degree.

You don’t need to know precisely what you’d like to achieve (one of the points of grad school, after all, is to add greater clarity to your long-term professional goals), but you should have some idea of the major goals that you intend to pursue after you achieve your degree.

Here’s an example of a high-quality response to this question:

“After I receive my master’s degree in journalism, I intend to pursue a career as a foreign correspondent with a major, New York City-based publication such as The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal. More specifically, it has always been my dream to provide on-the-ground coverage in major conflict zones such as Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen. Ultimately, I hope to write a New York Times best-selling book focusing on the connection between the rise of nationalist politics in the twenty-first century and the collapse of colonialism in the twentieth century.”

Can you tell me about a time when you failed? How did you recover from that failure, and what lessons did you learn from the experience? More than anything else, the goal of this interview question is to gain a deeper understanding of how well you’re able to cope with unexpected challenges, both in an academic and professional setting.

For the record, it will never benefit you to simply brush off this question by claiming that you have never had to face a crushing failure in the classroom or the workplace. The simple reason behind that is that everyone has faced a crushing defeat at least once in their career.

So rather than trying to evade the question, you can seize this as an opportunity to demonstrate to your interviewer that you’re capable of overcoming failure and learning from your past experiences.

“A little over two years ago, as you’ll see on my resume , I was working as a project manager with a start-up tech company in Los Angeles. It was my first major job in the tech field, and I was eager to make a good impression on my new colleagues, managers, and clients. In retrospect, I may have been a little too eager. Shortly after being hired, I was asked to take the lead on a very important project for one of our top-tier clients. In an effort to impress those around me, I promised this client that I would deliver a final deliverable to them a full two weeks earlier than the delivery date that they had originally proposed. As you might be able to guess, I ended up having to rush my work throughout the entire project in order to be able to meet the pushed-up deadline that I had suggested. The final deliverable, as a consequence, was of a lesser quality than it could have been, had I agreed to the original deadline. I was enormously embarrassed, and I resolved then and there to never sacrifice quality for speed. In other words, I learned that it’s always worth it, in the long run, to take your time and put in your very best effort the first time around.”

Who do you admire? What are the specific qualities, abilities, or accomplishments that you find admirable in those people? You can learn a lot from a person by discovering who they admire and why. From the interviewer’s perspective, the central point of this question is to gain a clearer understanding of the values that you hold nearest and dearest to your heart, as well as the qualities that you aspire to emulate in your day-to-day life.

As you prepare to answer this question, it will be ideal if you’re able to reference an individual or two that will be directly relevant to your field and familiar to the person who’s interviewing you. If you choose to discuss someone who’s too obscure, you’ll risk losing the interest and attention of your interviewer .

At the same time, you can always choose to discuss someone significant to you, even if they’re not someone who’s famous within the field that you’re pursuing – your mother or father, say, or maybe an influential teacher that you knew back in high school. No matter who you choose to discuss, just be sure that you’ll be able to directly tie them back to your intent in pursuing a master’s degree and your long-term career goals.

“Viktor Frankl has always been one of the most towering and important figures in my life, from both an intellectual as well as an ethical perspective. His book, “Man’s Search for Meaning,” absolutely changed my life when I was an adolescent and inspired me to pursue a career in law. It is thanks to Mr. Frankl that I have a firm ethical code that directs my life today. My father has also been an enormous inspiration throughout my life. A self-starter since a young age, he worked his way through law school and founded his own practice in 1979 at the age of 22. I intend to apply the lessons that I’ve learned from Viktor Frankl and from my father to advocate on behalf of downtrodden and underrepresented individuals who seek my legal counsel .”

What do you consider to be your greatest strengths ? By asking you about your strengths, talents, and abilities, your interviewer will be trying to gain a clearer understanding of how and why you stand apart from the crowd of other applicants.

When you’re formulating your response to this question, do your best to avoid generic or boring answers. You may lose your interviewer’s interest, for example, if you respond by saying something along the lines of: “I’ve always considered myself to be a great team player because I get along well with others.” See what we mean?

Being a great team player is a valuable quality, but it’s important to be as specific as possible when you’re describing how that quality sets you apart from other applicants in the particular context of the graduate school program that you’re applying to.

“I’ve always considered myself to be a great team player. I first discovered my unique ability to collaborate and cooperate with others when I began working as a lead product manager with Google. In that role, I was required to delegate a considerable number of tasks among dozens of employees and across multiple departments within the company. Gradually, my abilities as a communicator and delegator led me to discover my inherent talent and passion for leadership. This discovery initially inspired me to pursue my master’s degree in business administration from Columbia University.”

What do you consider to be your greatest weaknesses? On the other side of that coin, it’s equally important for an interviewer to understand your abilities to self-reflect and honestly recognize your flaws. To that end, they will almost certainly ask you to identify a few of your greatest weaknesses .

Again, it will benefit you to be as honest as possible when you’re answering this question – just be sure to tactfully describe your shortcomings in a manner that will help you to come across as an asset. We know that that may sound paradoxical, but it can be done if you plan out your response ahead of time.

“My greatest weakness throughout my academic and professional career has probably been my inability to say “no” to new projects or responsibilities. I am incredibly ambitious and driven in my work, which often leads me to take on a heavier workload than I am capable of managing. I also strive to be a team leader and a role model for my colleagues, and this has been another factor that has frequently led to me biting off more than I can hope to chew. As a result, I’ve made it one of my many personal goals to work on being a more effective delegator, and to rely on my team members to the same degree that I depend on myself to get projects completed on time.”

How and why would you be a valuable addition to our graduate program? At the end of the day, any graduate school interview’s primary purpose is to identify those few applicants that truly stand out .

To be a stand-out applicant, it won’t be enough to simply point to your stellar grades or your illustrious resume (although both of those certainly won’t hurt your chances). You’ll also need to provide your interviewer with a detailed explanation of why you will be an ideal fit for that program in particular.

In light of that, you should make it your goal with your response to this question to go into a bit more detail about how your experience, qualifications , and skill set will make you a particularly valuable asset to that program’s student roster.

“While studying environmental policy as an undergraduate, I learned to analyze and critique our nation’s growing body of environmental laws. As a consultant working with a prominent national environmental non-profit, I worked directly with some of our nation’s top polluters in an effort to hold them directly accountable for their blatant disregard for the current and future health of our ecological landscape. As a part of your program, I would apply the unique blend of skills that I’ve honed over the past five years to contribute a real-world perspective to my classmates and a sense of moral urgency to every project that I contribute to.”

Why are you interested in this graduate program? There are countless graduate schools and grad school programs out there to choose from. What was it about this school and this specific program that initially caught your eye and inspired you to apply?

Again, the simplest and most effective way to respond to this question is to be direct and honest. It’s also an excellent opportunity to prove to your interviewer that you’ve actually put some careful thought into your decision to apply to this program and that you haven’t just selected it at random.

“The master’s in American history program at George Washington University has stood out to me for a couple of reasons. For one thing, its faculty includes some of the most qualified and prestigious professors in the entire country. For another, I was extremely impressed by recent alumni’s achievements – in fact, many of these align closely with my own long-term career goals. Finally, the setting of the program in Washington , DC is perfectly amenable to my aspiration to eventually find employment as a history teacher in the area’s public schools.”

What books have you been reading recently? You can also learn a lot about a person by asking them what kind of literature they’ve been reading lately. A person’s literary tastes provide a reliable glance into that person’s personality.

This question is also the perfect opportunity to demonstrate that you have some background knowledge and interests directly pertinent to the graduate school program you’ve chosen to pursue.

“In order to prepare myself for this graduate school program, I’ve been reading a lot of classical-era literature, such as Homer’s “The Iliad and The Odyssey.” I’ve also been steeping myself in works of contemporary historical nonfiction to familiarize myself with the major historical events and characters that have come to define the classical era in the modern world.”

What other schools and programs have you applied to? From your interviewer’s perspective, this question’s main goal is to gauge how serious you are about pursuing the field and profession represented by their program.

From your perspective, it’s crucial, to be honest when you’re responding to this question – but you should also make it a point to emphasize how and why you’ve come to be interested in that program in particular.

“I’ve also applied to similar graduate school programs at New York University and the City University of New York to diversify my options. To be frank, however, your program has always stood out to me as being a cut above the rest. The other New York City-based programs certainly have a lot to offer, but the faculty and curriculum that’s in place at this program, in particular, is uniquely well suited to my career goals and interests.”

Do you have any questions about the program? This question’s primary purpose is to kick off an ongoing dialogue between you and the interviewer that will (hopefully) continue after the end of the interview.

To make an optimal first impression , you should be sure to have at least three questions queued up for when this question inevitably arises at the end of your interview. This will show your interviewer that you’ve been giving some serious thought to the finer points of your decision to attend grad school in general and this program in particular.

“Actually, I do have a few questions for you. Thank you for asking! First of all, could you please provide me with some further details regarding your summer internship program? Secondly, how closely will I be working with the careers office throughout the course of the program? Finally, who will I need to speak with about financial aid if I’m accepted for the program?”

What didn’t you like about your college/university? There’s a good chance there was just one thing you didn’t like about your school. The interviewer will ask this to get an understanding of your self-awareness and how well you understand your own preferences.

This question will also the interviewer gauge your problem-solving skills. They want to know if you were able to identify a problem, and how you overcame it. It will also showcase your adaptability and resilience.

Remember to give a balanced and contrastive answer. Even when discussing the negatives, focus on how you’ve grown and what you have learned from the experiences.

“I had a generally positive experience at XYZ University, and there many things that I enjoyed. However, if I were to pinpoint something I didn’t like, I would say the size of some classes was a drawback. Some of the larger lecture-style classes made it challenging to engage in meaningful discussions and interact with the professors on a more personal level.

Since the classes were so large, I sought out opportunities to connect with professors during office hours and participated in smaller discussion groups whenever available. This helped me mitigate the issues to a certain extent and allowed me to have a more enriching educational experience.”

More common graduate school interview questions

Here are some more common graduate school interview questions you may encounter during your interview:

Tell me about yourself .

What are your research interests?

Tell me about a time you failed.

Why did you major in ____?

Why did you choose to attend ____ university/college?

What courses have been most difficult for you>

What courses have you enjoyed the most?

Do you feel your academic record accurately reflects your abilities and potential?

What extracurricular activity has been most satisfying for you?

What challenges do you think you might face in the graduate program?

What are your short-term and long-term goals?

Tell me how you handle stress.

What makes you a good candidate for the graduate program?

Grad school is a significant commitment. Therefore, it’s crucial to be sure that graduate school will be the right next step for your career before you start submitting applications.

With that in mind, here are three questions that you should ask yourself before you apply for grad school:

Will you be able to afford graduate school? According to a recent study from Franklin University, the average cost of a master’s degree in the United States today is between $30,000 and $40,000. And if you’re hoping to attend one of the nation’s more prestigious universities, the cost of a master’s degree can reach upwards of $100,000.

Therefore, it’s essential to have your financial strategy in place before you decide to submit your applications for graduate school. What funds and assets do you have that are immediately available to you? Will you have to take out student loans? If so, will you be able to secure a job after receiving your degree that will provide you with financial security ?

Is a master’s degree essential for my particular career path? Though a master’s degree will invariably provide you with an expanded skill set, professional network , and a sense of self-confidence, it isn’t always an absolutely essential step in one’s career.

Suppose you’re interested in becoming an entrepreneur and founding your own company, for example. In that case, receiving your Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree can give you a significant edge over the competition.

But it isn’t mandatory in the way that an advanced degree is mandatory for someone who is looking to excel in, say, the medical, scientific, or academic fields. Both Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates never received their MBAs, and they’ve gone on to be among the most successful entrepreneurs and business people of our time.

Is this the right time in my life to attend graduate school? While there aren’t necessarily any “bad” times to attend graduate school (aside from those times when you don’t have the money to afford it), there are some times that will be more convenient than others.

For example, many people choose to spend a period of time after they receive their undergraduate degree to travel the world or get some professional experience in their industry. Furthermore, both of those experiences – international travel and real-world work experience – can ultimately increase your chances of impressing an admissions board and landing a spot for yourself in a grad school program.

It is important to become acquainted with the application and interview process of graduate school. Note that some programs won’t require a meeting with an admissions officer or someone from your program, so be sure to research the steps in the specific program you’re interested in.

The good news is that today’s world has become very accustomed to remote interviews , so even if your school of choice is far from where you’re currently living, you should be able to arrange an interview without having to buy plane tickets.

Regardless of the setting of your interview, there are a few people you might meet with. It could be the head of the department, a program director , a dean , or an entire admissions committee in a panel interview.

Or you might meet with a series of interviewers throughout the course of one or more days. You might even partake in group interviews with other candidates, depending on the nature of the program you’re interested in.

We recommend researching and speaking directly with a representative of a school you’re interested in to learn more about the ins and outs of their application and interview process.

When preparing for a graduate school interview, you should first research the program and study any relevant materials for the program. Here is a more detailed list for preparing for a grad school interview:

Research the program. Just as you should brush up on your knowledge of a company before applying for a job, you should do your homework on the program you’re applying to. Learn about the coursework, the opportunities available for students, the research topics, and the staff.

Study relevant materials. No matter what program you’re applying for, it pays to do a study session on the topics that every applicant should know at an absolute minimum. Otherwise, you run the risk of being caught off guard and looking like you don’t have a firm grasp on the subject matter.

Study common interview questions. The most common interview questions for jobs are also quite common at graduate school interviews. You can either perform mock interviews with friends or family or just run through some answers on your own. It’s important that you don’t write or follow a script, though.

Practice the STAR method. Behavioral interview questions are among the most common tools in an interviewer’s arsenal. These questions ask you to examine your past behavior as a way of predicting how you’ll act in the future. They typically start with phrases like “Tell me about a time” or “Give me an example of a time when.”

Bring everything you need. Copies of your resume, something to write with and on, and any other documents that you think will help (like a professional portfolio ) are all things on your “bring to the interview” list .

Dress well. For most programs, opting for a business casual look is probably the right call, but check out pictures of students online if you can. If it looks like a more formal setting, you might want to err on the side of caution and wear business professional attire .

Answering all your questions perfectly at a graduate school interview is a good start, but you’re also expected to show up equipped with questions of your own. The questions you choose to ask say a lot about what you’re most interested in and what you’ll bring to the table as a student, so think carefully about a handful you want to ask before the interview begins.

Here are a few good starter questions to get you thinking:

Do students in this program often publish papers? What publications do they commonly appear in?

What careers do past graduates typically enter after graduating?

Are there opportunities for hands-on, experiential learning?

Do students have the option to participate in teaching assistantships and adjunct positions?

Are there internship programs affiliated with this graduate program?

Can you tell me what research opportunities I’ll be involved with?

What is the culture like on campus?

What issues have students had with succeeding in this program in the past?

What are you looking for in your ideal student?

What types of financial aid are offered?

How long does it typically take to complete the program?

How do I prepare for a graduate school interview?

To prepare for a graduate school interview, do your research. Study the program, relevant materials, and common interview questions.

Also, be mindful of the logistics of the interview. Make sure you have communicated fully with the program and know exactly when and where the interview will take place. Finally, dress appropriately and bring all the materials you need.

How do you introduce yourself in a grad school interview?

To introduce yourself in a grad school interview, provide a brief, polite explanation of your interests that lead you to apply in the first place. Doing this allows you to seamlessly move into the topics of the interview. Note that it is important to talk about yourself in a natural way. Don’t try to “force” the conversation into the topic of the graduate school interview.

How do I stand out for a grad school interview?

To stand out in a grad school interview, along with all your preparation, be authentic and try to relax. You want to show the admissions interviewer who you are as an individual. This could be underscoring your unique interests, thought processes, or takes on the program itself. Just make sure to keep your answers relevant and appropriate.

How long does it take to make a first impression at an interview?

It only takes seven seconds for an interviewer to make a first impression at an interview. Making a good first impression is important to you should make sure you are at least 10 to 15 minutes early to your interview and that you are dressed professionally. Dressing professionally can help make the most of those first seven seconds.

How can I impress my grad school interviewer?

You can impress your grad school interviewer by researching the university, preparing questions to ask them, and dressing appropriately. Another great way to impress them is to show up with confidence and give thoughtful answers to the questions they ask. The best way to give thoughtful answers is to prepare common grad school interview questions as well as common interview questions.

U.S. Department of Labor – Interview Tips

University of Dallas – Graduate & Professional School Interview Questions

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Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

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30 Situational Interview Questions & How to Answer Them (+ Sample Responses)

  • Julia Mlcuchova , 
  • Updated May 16, 2024 12 min read

Situational interview questions can be pretty tricky to answer, since you're expected to think on your feet and think fast.

These questions often throw candidates into hypothetical scenarios that require quick thinking and creative problem-solving.

Moreover, they are designed to peel back the layers of rehearsed answers, revealing how you handle challenges and unexpected situations . 

Feeling the stress-levels rising already? That's understandable, but unnecessary!

While it might seem impossible to prepare for such unpredictable questions, there is a tried-and-true method that can help you deliver your answers with confidence.

Piqued your interest? If so, keep on reading and discover: 

  • What are situational interview questions;
  • 30 situational interview questions examples ;
  • How to answer situational interview questions;
  • And 3 detailed sample responses .

Table of Contents

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What is a situational interview

What are situational interview questions, 30 situational interview questions examples, how to answer situational interview questions, tips on how to prepare for situational interview questions, how not to answer situational interview questions, key takeaways: situational interview questions.

In short, during a situational interview, the job candidate is asked to explain how s/he would deal with specific work scenarios . This type of interview helps recruiters figure out how a candidate might perform on the job by seeing how they think through problems and deal with challenges in real time. 

But what makes the situational interview such a hot commodity? 

Basically,  it's popular among recruiters because it goes beyond what's written on your resume . 

Let us explain: Your resume is succinct and concise, which means that you need to be very selective about the information you include. While you have enough space to showcase all your proudest achievements and results, you don't really get the chance to go into much detail on how exactly you got there. And this means that the recruiters can’t see how you approach problems and what attitude you have when faced with challenges. 

And asking situational interview questions allows them to see just that!

In other words, a situational interview is like a test run to see how you might perform in the real world , focusing on practical skills and real-life problem solving rather than just what you say you can do.

Situational interview vs. behavioral interview

One can’t simply talk about the situational interview without mentioning its twin – the behavioral interview . 

These two job interview methods are quite similar, so much so that people sometimes use the terms interchangeably. 

But while both of these interview styles force you to demonstrate your skills and know-how on specific work scenarios, there is one key difference : 

  • Behavioral interview: This approach focuses on your real past experiences. Behavioral questions prompt you to demonstrate your skills by presenting situations you've actually dealt with in real life. For example, a question probing your conflict resolution skills can look like this: “Tell me about a time you had an interpersonal conflict at work.”
  • Situational interview: The situational approach examines how you would act in hypothetical future scenarios. For instance, our conflict resolution question could go something like this: “How would you deal with an interpersonal conflict at work?”

On a superficial level the difference between the two might seem too little to matter. But if you're a career changer or a fresh graduate , you'd quickly see why the situational interview questions are a much better alternative. 

Well, you can hardly talk about the experiences you don't have, right? But what you can do is discuss future hypothetical scenarios based on your intuition, skills, and logic. 

Heading to a job interview?

Practice answering the most common interview questions for your job position using AI.

Well, when we talk about job interviews, there are certain questions everybody expects to hear, such as “ Why are you interested in this position? ” , “ Where do you see yourself in 5 years? ” or “ Why are you looking for a new job? ”  

And while your answers to these questions reveal your enthusiasm for the role, your career goals, and your motivation respectively, they don't provide much insight into what's going on in your head when faced with problems in the workplace.

That's why the formulation of situational questions typically revolves around “what if” scenarios that could actually happen to you in your new role. 

For example, the interviewer might ask, “What steps would you take if you were given a project with a very tight deadline?" or “How would you communicate negative feedback to your team?”

Apart from specific industry knowledge , suítuational questions can shine light on your soft skills :

  • Ability to think on your feet. Do you have the right approach for handling the pressures and responsibilities of the job? 
  • Your problem solving skills . How good are you at analyzing, prioritizing, and decision-making? 
  • Your creativity and adaptability. And, how quickly can you come up with a potential solution to an unusual problem?

Below, you'll find 30 examples of situational interview questions (You can't accuse us of being stingy!) that might come your way during the job interview rounds.

Additionally, you'll find the specific skill each question probes in the brackets.

Please, keep in mind that the precise wording of these questions may differ from company to company. 

  • What would you do if a client made a complaint about your work? (Feedback Reception Question)
  • How would you react if halfway through a major project, the core objectives were changed by management? (Adaptability Question)
  • If you were leading a team that seemed demotivated, what strategies would you use to boost morale? (Leadership Question)
  • If you had to choose between meeting a project deadline with a compromised product or delaying delivery to ensure quality, what would you do? (Decision-making Question) 
  • How would you handle a situation where you need to communicate a last-minute change in project direction to a team that is not on-site? (Communication Skills Question)
  • How would you manage a scenario where an important client demands a service or product adjustment that is not currently feasible? (Customer Service Question)
  • How would you lead a project with team members who are more experienced than you in the subject matter? (Leadership Question) 
  • How would you prioritize your tasks if you find yourself with multiple high-priority assignments due on the same day? (Time Management Question)
  • A new employee has joined your team. What do you do to make them feel welcome? (Leadership Question)
  •  Imagine you have conflicting deadlines for two equally important projects. How would you decide which to prioritize? (Decision-making Question)
  • Imagine you're leading a critical project that is running behind schedule. How would you handle the pressure? (Stress Management Question)
  • Imagine you need to explain a new, complex software tool to a team that isn't tech-savvy. How would you go about it? (Communication Skills Question)
  • If you found yourself in a disagreement with a colleague about a project approach, how would you handle it? (Conflict Resolution Question) 
  •  How would you organize your time if you're having a busy week? (Time Management Question)
  • How would you approach a situation where you have to work closely with someone whose work ethic is vastly different from yours? (Communication Skills Question)
  • Walk me through how you solve a prevailing issue with your manager. (Communication Skills Question)  
  • Imagine you must choose between investing in new technology or upgrading existing systems with a limited budget. How would you make your decision? (Decision-making Question)
  • What would you do if you discovered a critical flaw in a product that's about to launch? (Problem-solving Question)
  • How would you react if you discovered that one of your colleagues acts against the company values? (Communication Question)
  • How would you ensure smooth cooperation between different departments? (Teamwork Question)
  • Imagine that you discovered an opportunity for improvement in a process that's not within your direct responsibility? (Initiative Question)
  •  What would you do if your team members constantly ignored your input? (Communication Question)
  • How would you respond to a customer complaint you believe is unwarranted? (Customer Service Question)
  • How would you handle a situation where you need to mediate a conflict between two key team members who are crucial for the project's success? (Conflict Resolution Question) 
  • Imagine you're leading a project and your team expresses doubts about the plan. How would you address their concerns? (Leadership Question)
  • Suppose during a project review, you notice data that suggests a potential problem no one else has seen. How would you handle this situation? (Critical Thinking Question)
  • You're presented with two competing proposals for a new project. Both have potential but also significant risks. How would you evaluate and decide which proposal to go with? (Critical Thinking Question) 
  • Imagine that you'd be asked to do something you've never done before. How would you handle that? (Adaptability Question)
  • If you noticed a team member feeling excluded and their contributions diminishing as a result, what steps would you take to involve them more into the team dynamic? (Teamwork Question)
  • Imagine you're taking over a team that has been underperforming. What initial steps would you take to assess the situation and begin turning around the team's performance? (Leadership Question )

Because workplaces and job roles are so diverse, employers can craft countless unique scenarios to test your problem-solving skills, adaptability, teamwork, leadership, and other crucial competencies. 

Still, there's a way to deliver your answer clearly and persuasively no matter the question – by following the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result). 

Let us walk you through the S-T-A-R method step by step: 

Firstly, start by setting the scene. If the situational interview question was quite vague, you've got a chance to fill in the blanks! Mention where this hypothetical situation is happening and the circumstances from which this situation arose.

Secondly, you should explain what exactly is the problem you're dealing with. Talk about what responsibilities would be on your shoulders and what would be the general expectations from you. And, of course, make sure to mention skills and duties that directly relate to the job position you're trying to fill . 

Thirdly, you talk about the concrete actions you'd take to fix the problem. Remember that this part is the heart of your answer! And the recruiters want to see the thought processes that lead to your actions.

And lastly, finish your response by talking about the outcomes your actions would bring. Think about how the company would benefit from your solution. Focus on showcasing how your actions lead to success in this hypothetical scenario.

With that being said, we’ll have a look at how you can put the theory into practice!

Example #1: Leadership question

Situational interview question: Imagine you're taking over a team that has been underperforming. What initial steps would you take to assess the situation and begin turning around the team's performance?

Sample answer:

“ [Situation] Well, let’s say that the team’s low performance has been impacting project delivery times for quite some time. [Task] In that case, my main task would be to assess the underlying issues that are causing the poor performance and plan out steps to eliminate them. [Action] I would begin by holding individual meetings with each team member to understand their challenges and motivations. Then, I’d organize a team workshop so we can all be involved and establish clear and achievable milestones. I would also introduce ongoing feedback loops that would encourage open communication. [Result] As a result, I’d expect to see improvements in team morale and engagement within the first few months. And then, an increase in productivity and quality of work should follow suit.”

Example #2: Feedback Reception Question

Situational interview question: What would you do if a client made a complaint about your work? 

“ [Situation] Let’s say that we’ve recently completed a project and everything seemed fine. But then the client tells me they’re not happy with some parts of it. [Task] As a project manager, my responsibility is to listen to the client’s concerns and fix the problem to keep a good relationship with them. [Action] First, I’d let the client know I heard their complaint and that I take it seriously. After our talk, I’d meet with my team to see if we can make the changes the client wants. All this time I’d keep the client updated about what we’re doing to fix things. [Result] By handling the problem this way, I’d show the client that we care about doing things right and keeping them happy. This could help fix any issues with our relationship. And we’d make sure that they’ll want to work with us again.”

Example #3: Decision-making question

Situational interview question: Imagine you have conflicting deadlines for two equally important projects. How would you decide which to prioritize?  

“ [Situation] Right, let’s say I’m in a situation where I’m responsible for two big projects at the same time, and both are due soon. [Task] In that case, I need to figure out which project to focus on first and not let the other one fall behind. [Action] First, I would look at both projects to see if there are any parts that absolutely must be done right away. I’d also talk to the people I’m working with and the clients to see if there’s any flexibility with the deadlines. Then, I’d check which project might have a bigger impact on our company if it’s delayed. After gathering all this information, I’d make a plan to work efficiently on both projects. [Result] As a result, I’d manage both projects without letting either of them slip through the cracks.”

You can't know exactly which situational interview questions you'll be asked.

Which is why you should never underestimate the power of good preparation. 

Once you've received your job interview invitation, you can start doing these 4 things:

  • Review the job posting. Although you don't know for certain what the questions will be, you can take an educated guess. Hint: The requirements outlined in the job ad are a dead giveaway of what the employer cares about. 
  • Look for examples of situational interview questions. Basically, you're doing it right now. Do as much research as possible! Because going into job interviews blindly is simply nonsensical. 
  • Revisit pivotal moments and challenges of your career. While it's true that situational questions usually involve hypothetical scenarios, that doesn't mean you can't talk about the things you've already achieved! For example, you can preface your response by mentioning that your answer is informed by real-life experience. 
  • Rehearse your answer out loud. No, no, don't raise your eyebrows just yet! Going over your answers in your mind in one thing. But spending an extensive period of time talking out loud can be more exhausting than you'd think. Especially in a nerve-inducing setting like a job interview. And practice is key!

Don't get intimidated by the unknown! Instead, get familiar with it by diligent research and practice. 

A well-rounded job interview preparation isn't just about knowing what to say, but also about knowing what NOT to say. We advise you to avoid the following: 

  • Don't say “I don't know.” You might as well just throw in the towel! These questions are meant to test your adaptability and attitude towards challenges. Keep that in mind.
  • Don't be vague. Instead, go into detail on the steps you take in each scenario. The more specific, the better!
  • Don't be hasty with your answer. It's OK to give yourself some time to think. It's better to take a few seconds to check in with yourself instead of blurting out something that doesn't make sense. But that doesn't mean that you should sit there in silence for 5 torturous minutes. 
  • Don't panic. Yes, we know that it's difficult to stay cool, calm, and collected in a situation where you don't hold the wheel. But just take a deep breath and focus! Plus, practicing can make you feel more prepared and in control.

To sum it all up, situational interview questions are meant to probe how you would deal with workplace problems in real life. 

Situational interviews focus on hypothetical scenarios to assess how a candidate might perform on the job, giving insight into their problem-solving and decision-making skills.

Though these questions can be difficult to predict, following the STAR method allows you to give your answers the structure and clarity they need to impress the hiring manager. 

Here is a simple how-to: 

  • Firstly, make sure you understand the question.
  • Provide context of the Situation.  
  • Continue by defining the Task ahead.
  • Outline what Action you'd take to solve the issue.
  • Finally, round up your answer by mentioning the desirable Results.
Julia has recently joined Kickresume as a career writer. From helping people with their English to get admitted to the uni of their dreams to advising them on how to succeed in the job market. It would seem that her career is on a steadfast trajectory. Julia holds a degree in Anglophone studies from Metropolitan University in Prague, where she also resides. Apart from creative writing and languages, she takes a keen interest in literature and theatre.

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10 Examples of Strengths and Weaknesses of Job Interviews

In a job interview, learn to answer the question, "What are your strengths and weaknesses?"

[Featured Image] A woman talks about her weaknesses during a job interview.

It is very common for hiring managers to ask about your strengths and weaknesses during a job interview. Like any question, your response holds weight. An interview aims to evaluate your ability to get the job done. This is an opportunity to highlight your positive qualities and demonstrate a growth mindset.

Everybody has both strengths and weaknesses. Answering this question will help you provide a context example of how you use your strengths to shine and improve any weaknesses relevant to the role. 

This article explains why interviewers ask this question, lists examples of strengths and weaknesses, and offers suggestions to help you answer wisely.

Why interviewers ask about strengths and weaknesses

This common question is a helpful tool for interviewers to understand your personality and working style. When hiring managers ask about your strengths and weaknesses, they evaluate a few things:

How do you conduct a self-assessment

Whether you are aware of your positive traits and how you use them in the workplace

Whether you can address your weaknesses and how you’ve worked to improve them

How your skills and traits will balance out those of current team members 

Strategies for talking about strengths

It may be helpful to first reflect on this question from the hiring manager’s perspective. What qualities or competencies are they looking for in this specific role? Consider how you can leverage your strengths to align with a key competency of the job description.

For your strengths, be confident. This is your chance to highlight what makes you a great fit for the job. Mention one or two top strengths, and provide examples of how you’ve used them in the workplace. Suppose you can back this up with measurable results, which would be even better. Reflect on these two questions as you formulate your answer: 

Why are you good at X? 

How does X help you at work?

Here is a sample structure for a response:

I am [STRENGTH]. I learned this through [HOW YOU DEVELOPED STRENGTH], and this allowed me to [IMPACT of STRENGTH] at my current/previous job/experience.

When you approach this question, consider the positive qualities you embody and the skills you possess that serve you well in the workplace. Here is a list of strengths to consider: 





Able to lead

Expert in a particular skill or software

Sample responses to "What are your strengths?"

These examples can give you an idea of the type of structured response. They demonstrate that you are confident of this strength and will use it to succeed in this specific role.

1. Collaborative

I am very collaborative. I’ve always enjoyed working on teams, and it is one of my strongest attributes. In my previous job as a marketing research analyst, I led a project involving diverse stakeholders, focus groups, and extensive field research, which taught me my ability to inspire others in stressful situations. The client used our insights to create a sustainable (both environmentally and financially) product.

2. Technical know-how

I love staying up-to-date with trends in the tech industry. From my current role, I know the ins and outs of SAP very well, so I can anticipate problems before they arise. I get excited about tinkering around with gadgets in my personal life, and this trait has come in handy in the workplace when I get to know a piece of software or program intimately.

3. Detail-oriented

As a content creator, I love brainstorming new approaches to reach our consumers. However, I am most known for my attention to detail. I care a lot about word choice because precise language can transform a piece from good to excellent (and I never miss a deadline). My blogs and articles consistently perform well and reach the top of Google searches. 

4. Positive attitude

My positive attitude is definitely one of my strengths. I have been a restaurant server, tutor, and health aide in the past decade, all jobs that require plenty of energy and endurance. I can view a situation from multiple perspectives and empathise with my customers, students, and patients to understand their needs at any time.

5. Solving problems

I am a solutions-oriented person and a quick learner. As an electrical engineer, I learned to perform well under pressure when designing equipment because our team could only win a contract if we produced the blueprints quickly with as few resources as possible. I am fearless in asking questions to determine the challenge in these circumstances. I do extensive research so that every client is extra prepared.

Strategies for talking about weaknesses

We all have weaknesses—that's just a part of being human. But your capacity to recognise a weakness and work towards improvement can be a strength. The key to talking about your weaknesses is to pair self-awareness with an action and a result:

What's the weakness?

What have you been doing to improve?

How has that improvement had a positive impact on your work?

Your interviewer may approach this question differently, so you’ll want to be prepared for the possibilities. Variations might include:

• What would your current manager/colleagues say is your biggest weakness?

• If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

• How do you bounce back from mistakes?

• What areas in your career do you feel you could improve?

Explaining that you are aware of a particular weakness and have taken steps to improve is a sign of maturity and drive that is attractive to employers. Here is a sample structure for a response:

I used to have trouble with [WEAKNESS]. I've been working to address this by [ACTION] and realised I was improving because of [IMPACT].

When preparing to discuss your weaknesses, choose one that allows you to demonstrate growth and enthusiasm for learning. Here are some weaknesses that you might select from for your response: 



Prone to procrastination 

Uncomfortable with public speaking

Uncomfortable with delegating tasks




Extreme introversion or extroversion

Limited experience in a particular skill or software

Sample responses to "What are your weaknesses?"

Feeling uncomfortable talking about your weaknesses to a potential employer is normal. But remember, this is an opportunity to showcase your ability to assess your performance honestly, respond to feedback positively, and continually improve—essential traits in almost any role. 

The following examples can help you formulate your response.

1. Self-criticism

I can be quite critical of myself, leading to negative self-talk and burnout. I can avoid this by recording my goals, objectives, and key results and setting aside time to celebrate milestones and achievements, big and small. This not only helps me focus on how I'm benefiting the team, but it has also helped me improve my prioritisation of my most impactful tasks.

2. Fear of public speaking

I am a naturally shy person. Since I was a kid, I have always felt nervous about presenting in front of the class and translating into the workplace. I led a big project a few years ago and was asked to present it to board members. I was so nervous, but I realised I had to overcome this fear. I signed up for Toastmasters as a way to practice public speaking. Not only did this help get me through that first presentation, but it also helped me feel more confident as a leader. Now, I'm helping my team build presentation skills.

3. Procrastination

Procrastination has long been a bad habit of mine. It stems from a fear of failure, to be honest. In my last job as a real estate agent, keeping up with appointments and critical paperwork was essential to success. I started using Google Calendar and apps like Trello to manage my time better. Crossing things off my to-do list makes me feel accomplished, and I've learned to tackle more challenging tasks early in the day when I'm feeling refreshed and less likely to put them off. 

4. Issues with delegating tasks

I'm a perfectionist, so I sometimes struggle to delegate tasks to my teammates. This has led to taking on too much. As a manager, I've been intentional about recognising the strengths of those on my team and delegating tasks that match those strengths. It was hard at first, but I've seen that by communicating clear expectations and trusting my team, they rise to the occasion, and I can manage projects more efficiently. 

5. Lack of experience with skill or software

I haven't had as much experience with Python as I'd like. When I shifted to data analytics, I knew I'd need a statistical programming language to perform efficient analysis. I signed up for a Python for Everybody course, and I've found I really love it. I'm excited to start applying the techniques I'm learning to help make my workflow more efficient.

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Download Interview guide PDF

Hr interview questions, download pdf.

To hire suitable candidates, every company conducts various rounds of interviews to measure the candidate’s technical and behavioral prowess. HR interviews are done to gauge the personality- strengths and weaknesses of a candidate to handle the role and then understand whether the candidate is suitable to do the job. Sometimes, the interviews are conducted to decide how well the candidate can fit into the company’s work culture. Generally, these rounds are done at the end of the recruitment process after the technical skills evaluation.

The HR interview rounds can make or break your opportunity to join your dream company. Hence it is best to keep some tips in mind to ace this interview.

  • Do not fake! Be yourself. Bluffing during the HR interview should be avoided at all costs.
  • Answer to the point and while answering, be honest and truthful.
  • Wear comfortable but formal clothes. Keep accessories to a bare minimum.
  • Reach the venue on time. If the interview is scheduled online, then log in at least 10-15 minutes earlier than the scheduled time and ensure that your connection set up is alright.
  • Do not sound dull while answering. Be enthusiastic and interactive with the hiring managers. In case the interview is online, then remember to keep your video on.
  • Lastly, have a smile on your face.

In this article, let us see what are the most commonly asked HR interview questions and understand why the questions are being asked and what would be the sample acceptable answers to those questions.

Traditional HR Questions

Behavioural hr interview questions.

  • Opinion-based HR Interview Questions

Brainteasers HR Interview Questions

Salary related questions, multiple choice questions, 1. tell me about yourself..

This is the universal question asked at the very first of any interview. It sounds easy, right? But this is the most important question where the candidates fail to create an impression with the interviewer as most of the time they are not aware of what exactly needs to be said.

Some tips to answer this question:

  • Do not ask the interviewer what he wants to know about you. You may be asking genuinely, but that just sounds rude.
  • Do not speak what is already there in the resume. The interviewer wants to know what they have not seen on the resume. And do not speak about anything personal.
  • Introduce yourself by including certain adjectives like problem-solving, innovation and tech-savvy, creative, quick learner, etc. that best describe you in your professional life to boost your chances.
  • Cover what you have accomplished in your career and what work you have done in the past which can help you excel in the position that you are being interviewed for.
  • You can also tell why you want the position and how the job is going to be perfect for you.
  • Focus only on your strengths that are relatable to the work.

phd interview questions and sample answers

Sample answer could be:

I am an energetic person, an effective communicator, and a quick learner. I was also one of the top students in my batch while I was pursuing a B.E degree in the XYZ domain. I worked on various projects related to the software domain which provided me a great deal of technical exposure along with the importance of working in a team and the value of client satisfaction. I have worked on developing various enterprise-level web applications for helping companies solve problems like ensuring business continuity, market research analysis, etc. So, I believe I am a good fit for technology-centric roles in your company.

2. Why do you want to work for our company?

Another popular question asked by the interviewer to make sure that the candidate has understood the job requirements and help the interviewer understand the reason behind choosing their company for that job. You should answer in such a way that the interviewer gets convinced that you are a great fit for the role.

  • Talk about the past projects that you had worked on that matches the requirements of the current role.
  • Talk about your career aspirations that are associated with this job role.
  • Have the knowledge in hand about the company’s vision, mission, and the work it has done in recent years that inspired you to join the organization.

Sample answer:

I feel that with my current skill sets and my experience in the XYZ domain, the job requirements this role presented are a perfect match for me. I could visualize myself in that role as it aligned with my career aspirations, skills, and expertise. Besides, I have researched your company and found that it has impressive and promising projections which made me excited to be a part of the amazing future. I would take pride in working under the great leadership of this company and I found this place to be a perfect fit for utilizing my expertise along with the promising aspect of personal growth.

3. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

HR asks this question to get to know more about your characteristics and your suitability for the job. It is also one of the standards and most commonly asked questions.

  • Start by stating the strongest skills and qualities that can be of a great match to the job role.
  • Be ready with the backup claim for each of the strengths that you mention. Hence, avoid speaking of the strengths that you do not possess.
  • Do not tell any weakness that can potentially jeopardize your candidature.
  • Do not mention more than 2 weaknesses and always mention how you are working on improving them.
  • Do not tell cheesy, cliché answers like “I am a perfectionist which is both my strength and my weakness”.
I think one of my greatest strengths is that I am a great team player. I am also a self-motivated and quick learning individual. Whatever task that I set to do, I always give my best and complete it diligently well in advance. My weakness would be that I am learning to master people skills while meeting new individuals. I get nervous while talking to new people. I have been working on this for quite a long time and I can say with utmost confidence that I have come a long way.

4. Why are you looking for a change?

Yet another commonly asked question for experienced candidates, the interviewer wants to understand what made you look for different opportunities and identify if there are any red flags. Whatever is the reason for changing your job, do not talk negatively about the current employer. Do not divulge information about how bad the work environment was, how poor the salary was as these are of no concern to the interviewer. Keep the answer professional without sharing your woes.

The reason I am looking for change is that I feel like now is the time to expand my horizon. I have worked in my current company for quite a long time and while I am grateful for all the opportunities that were presented to me there, I want to go beyond my current role here, explore different avenues and take up challenging roles and I believe that your company will be the perfect place for me to push and grow myself as an individual.

There might be cases where you might have been laid off due to budget and management constraints. In these cases, you have to convey the below things to the recruiter:

  • It happened due to an unforeseen event and it was not your fault.
  • You still have a positive mindset about various opportunities that are available in the market.

Sample answer can be:

The client that I was working for was leaving the market and hence our company was forced to dissolve the department. Unfortunately, I had joined that position in that department very recently and hence my duration in this company was short. I do not have any regrets though as I was extremely happy due to the learning opportunities presented which will help me a lot in my further career endeavors.

5. Tell me about the gap in your resume.

This question comes up when the interviewer finds something interesting and out of ordinary in the resume. Some examples could be a job that could be unrelated to what you are seeking or a job that lasted only for some months or in some cases, the outright gap between two consequent jobs. Here, HR wants to make sure that the gaps are not due to any red flags.

After the completion of my bachelor’s degree, I started working continuously for 8 years without taking any break. This sort of impacted my productivity and also harmed my work-life balance. Hence, I decided to take a break of 6 months to clear my mind, make amends with my family, and also do solo travel to different places. I also gained some lessons during this break such as the importance of work-life balance, organizational ability, and a fresh new perspective on life.

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6. how would you rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10.

The main point while answering this question is to not convey that you are perfect. This would indicate that there is no scope for improvement and would showcase yourself as overconfident to the interviewer.

Also, remember to not undervalue yourself too. This would show that you don’t have any self-confidence.

I would like to rate myself an 8. 8 because I know that I am not perfect and there is always a scope for learning and improvement. Continuous learning is the most fundamental part of personal and professional growth.

7. What is your biggest achievement so far?

Make sure to discuss only your work-related achievement. Pick up the most recent achievement of yours and answer this question.

Tips to answer this:

Answer the question in a STAR format. STAR represents: S: Situation, T: Task, A: Action, and R: Result

I have achieved several milestones to date in my career as a software developer . The most recent one is of the time when we were working on a critical component of a product pertaining to customer payments. We were working round the clock for around 2 months and I was a core developer. I was made a lead to this component for completing the task in another 2 months. To meet the deadline, we ensured that we upskilled ourselves to learn all the aspects of the development of this module and also brought in a few more resources to complete it faster. Post the deployment, I trained our team to support the platform proficiently. Ultimately, we could complete the product well in advance of the deadline. When the product was launched, the higher management was super proud of us and our team was awarded for our outstanding performance in the quarterly town hall. It was a very proud moment for me.

8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Now, this question is the trickiest and deadliest one among all. This can prove to be a trap and you might not even be aware of it. While the question might seem casual, the main purpose of this question is to find out how long you are planning to stay in the company if hired and how your vision fits the vision of the company.

  • You might be tempted to answer honestly by saying things about your plans for higher studies, your plans to start a startup, your plans of becoming a hiring manager in the company or if you don’t have a plan then you are simply tempted to say you don’t have a plan at all. These are the things the interviewer doesn’t want to hear and hence avoid giving such answers.
  • The recruiter is only interested in knowing how long you are planning to stay in the company and how satisfied you are with the current position you are going to be hired.
Over 5 years, I would love to utilize all the opportunities that this company provides me to learn by utilizing the internal and external training programs. My ultimate career goal is to become a Technology Architect and hence I would look forward to developing various products that represent the vision of this company and be a part of making a difference along with quickening my journey of becoming a Tech Architect.

9. Why should we hire you?

The recruiter asks this important question to understand how well you would fit into the position because every hire is a risk to the interviewer in case they turn out to be unfit. Your answer to this question can make or break your interview. Hence, prepare well for this question and make sure to convey to the interviewer why you are the perfect fit for the position.

Some tips to answer would be to include:

  • How well you would perform the job and how you would be a great addition to the team.
  • How you possess the right talent which makes you stand apart.
  • Everything should boil down to how you can add great value to the organization.
I am a self-motivated and very open-minded person who can learn very fast. Looking at the job description and my experience in the field of web development, I am confident that I am very much suitable for this role. I enjoy solving problems and I am a great team player. I also believe that my values are aligned with this company’s values. I think this position will support my interest and also give me interesting and exciting opportunities to contribute to the growth of this organization. I am very much excited about this opportunity.

10. How do you deal with criticism?

The main intention to ask this question is to see what your attitude towards feedback is and how you react to it. The main point here is to let the interviewer know that you are always open to constructive feedback. You should not show yourself as a stubborn or ignorant person who is not capable of taking any input for your growth.

I am always enthusiastic about learning new things and during the process, I might tend to make mistakes. If someone provides me with constructive criticism, I am always open to it and I will work on correcting myself and learn from my mistakes. This would help me grow and move forward. If the feedback is negative, then I am mature enough to ignore the feedback and continue working on doing my job to the best of my capabilities without dampening my spirit.

1. What Are These Behavioural Questions

These questions are mostly of the format “Tell me about a time…” where you would be asked to share your experience based on certain scenarios which would help the interviewer judge how well you handled various work situations thereby reflecting your skills, capacity, and personality.

Always answer such types of questions using the STAR format to provide structured answers. STAR has the following questions to be answered in the same order:

  • Situation: What was the situation/event?
  • Task: What were the tasks involved in the above-mentioned situation?
  • Action: What did you do to complete the goal?
  • Result: What was the result of the actions? This is the most important part which conveys if you were successful or not.

Avoid bragging and exaggerating at all costs.

phd interview questions and sample answers

2. Tell me about a time when you were not satisfied with your performance?

Here, the interviewer gets to know the extent of ownership you take while performing any task. It also reflects how well you care about the job and the company.

When I initially joined my job right after college, there was a point where I was constantly becoming dependent on the team members to get work done. I did not like this as I wanted to carry out my responsibilities in an independent manner along with working in a team. I wasted no time and quickly learned the working dynamics of the project and received various assignments related to the project. The more assignments I worked on with minimal help, the more confident I became and the more sense of ownership is provided. I felt more independent and I was lauded multiple times for my dedication, my sense of ownership, and how quickly I was able to adapt to the project.

3. Tell me about a time when you were made to work under close supervision.

Here, the interviewer evaluates how well you work in a team and how well you can work independently.

In my previous job, I was working under the close supervision of my manager. It felt very overwhelming as the manager watched everything that I do throughout the day and I felt like he/she was virtually sitting by me at all times. I was uncomfortable with this because of the constant pressure involved. But then, I found out that the manager did not trust me enough to do my job alone as I was very new to it. So I worked on building her trust by working very diligently without any complaints in the projects and once I felt the manager was convinced of my abilities, I discussed with her to hand me a project which didn’t involve such close supervision. The manager gave me one such project reluctantly and I made sure I gave my best to it and the project was launched successfully which is how I gained her complete trust.

4. Can you tell me about a time where you were happy with your work and what was your reaction?

By asking this question, the interviewer wants to understand what success means to you and what feeling it brings out in you. By this, they can assess your concerns for the growth of the company along with your personal growth.

There was a time in my previous company where I was handling a project related to blogging that would potentially inspire a lot of people. So I worked on researching what topics would people get inspiration from and what would help them be better. I also conducted a survey which I shared with my friends, neighbors and relatives to get better insights about this. When we published the blog, the recognition that we got was tremendous. People loved how relatable the posts were and this turned out to be a significant reason behind the 90% sales of our products. I was very happy with my work as I did my part in contributing to company profits as well as providing a platform to people where they can get inspiration from.

5. Tell me about a time where you experienced difficulty at work while working on a project.

Now, this is a broad question as difficulty can be of any type. This question is asked to assess what are the things that you consider as difficult and how you go about solving that difficulty. While answering this:

  • Focus on describing a problem that was related to your work using the STAR approach.
  • Do not answer negatively or bad mouth any supervisor or any company.
  • The interviewer should be made to understand the cause of the problem.
  • Avoid bringing up personal problems in your life.
  • Focus on the learnings of the problem rather than dwelling too much on the damage.
There was a time in my current company when I received a bug report from our client which stated that the databases were performing below the mark when a complex query was called excessively from the interface. The first thing I did was checking the logs to perform the root cause analysis. Doing this gave me a rough idea regarding where the bug started appearing. I reproduced the bug only on the production server and I tried replicating the same on my local system. While debugging, I found out that there was a bug in the Java code where some lines were commented out by the developers who had already left this company. I fixed this code quickly and did a round of performance testing on the application to ensure that this doesn’t occur again. The issue was fixed at the end of the day and we were able to get the server up and running with enhanced performance. We learnt an important lesson to perform regression testing after every phase of releases to ensure the old functionalities were working fine along with the newly developed ones.

6. Tell me about a time where you displayed leadership skills.

This question is asked to check how competent you are in a particular situation. You have to ensure that you are not sounding lazy or unprofessional.

I remember this event. Every year, my company used to organize a summer barbeque, and this year, the person who was supposed to organize had left for a new job. I used to volunteer for this before so I volunteered myself for organizing the barbeque this year. The annual barbeque was a potluck event with some fun activities planned throughout the day. I conducted a survey amongst the employees to see what kind of activities they were interested in. I made a list of those activities and created teams dedicated to conducting each of them. I also ensured that activities did not cross the budget allocated and took care of sending out regular reminders to track the progress of the team. I sent out posters and went through the office floors with a team of people to make sure people are aware of what exciting things we have planned for them and ensure that they arrive at the venue on time. The day of the event was an amazing one. As we had everything planned, the event went on smoothly and everyone had loads of fun. I received great appreciation from the higher management for my organizational skills and everyone said that they had a great time.

7. Was there any point in your career where you made any mistake? Tell me about it.

Now here is a tricky behavioral question and if you don’t answer this carefully, you would be digging your own grave. The interviewer wants to understand what kind of mistakes you made, how did you approach it and how well you would perform if you are hired for the job. Some tips to answer the question:

  • Talk about a mistake you made which you were able to rectify and which didn’t cause any critical damage to your organization.
  • Talk about what you learned while working on fixing the mistake.
  • Avoid any mistake that represents any flaw in your personality.
I remember an instance when I joined my first company. I was asked to work on two projects simultaneously and I accepted it even though I knew I would not be able to handle it. I did not want to tell my manager that I cannot handle it as I did not want him to think less of me. I was not supposed to tell either of clients that I was working on another project which caused me double stress due to which I was not able to meet the deadlines for the assignments. I realized I should have clearly communicated this with my manager and then my manager understood the situation and allocated a new resource to work with me to complete the project delivery. I learned the importance of keeping my supervisors updated with any task and being open to them if I am facing any roadblocks.

8. How did you handle disagreements with your manager?

The interviewers want to know how well you deal when your ideas are disagreed by your manager/supervisor. Disagreements are part and parcel of working in a team. Hence, the recruiter wants to know if you are capable of handling such disagreements and how well you plan to develop the relationship with the manager.

  • Explain what the disagreement was.
  • How did you overcome that?
  • What was your learning outcome?
  • Do not speak ill or abuse your manager.
  • You can not tell that you never had a disagreement before as it would just prove that you do not have a sense of leadership or you lack creativity.
This reminds me of an instance where I and my manager had a disagreement on why a certain feature has to be included in the product and he was against it. We had lots of discussions regarding the pros and cons of that feature. During this, I explained to him why adding that feature to our website would be the best thing to do and how it would make the lives of our users easier. I gave him various scenarios and good reasons why that feature would be a great idea. My manager was convinced as he felt the reasons were good enough and we got his green signal to work on it. In the end, when we unveiled this feature to our client, the clients were indeed very happy and praised us all as we went out of our way to add this feature. My manager was very happy with the result. I learned that effective and graceful communication is the ultimate key. Ideas should be respectfully conveyed to people when there are disagreements as we belong to a team and the collective vision of the team is to launch the project successfully. In case my manager’s idea was best for the project, then I would gracefully accept that too.

9. Tell me how you will handle it if suddenly the priorities of a project were changed?

Here, the interviewers want to know how the candidate will act in the situation when priorities are changed. This will also reflect the candidate’s ability to handle stress and solve problems.

  • Make sure that you convey the right things to the interviewer.
  • Give instances of how well you are capable of handling pressure and stress.
  • Avoid boasting and no matter how frustrated you were during these situations, do not tell the interviewer.
I certainly understand that there might be valid reasons for a company to change the priority of a project. The vision of a project at one particular point of time would change at another time due to various conditions. If the priority of the task that I work on gets changed, I will put efforts into understanding why this happened and I will consider that it is in the best interest of the company and start to work on the new task of higher priority rather than crib about it. The ultimate goal is to achieve big things by putting in my best efforts.

Opinion based HR Interview Questions

1. consider the scenario - you win a million-dollar lottery. would you still be working.

Generally, these questions would be based on the cases or scenarios. This is to understand how you think and execute the plan in a given situation.

phd interview questions and sample answers

This question is a big trap! If you answer “yes” to this, then you will be considered a materialistic and money-minded person who could easily give up on the company if you are provided with a lot of money. And hence, you won’t be a valuable asset to the company.

I will be super thrilled if I win such a lottery as it would mean that I would be having a hefty saving for me and the future of my family. I won’t be quitting my job because I enjoy my work and I love learning new things continuously and I would still love to explore more domains. My only wish is to retire after completing a very fulfilling career.

2. What would you do if you were working under a bad boss?

Interviewers want to know how well a candidate can cope up with people with different beliefs and ideologies and hence it can get a little tricky to answer this. While answering this, you ensure that you are avoiding emphasis on the negative aspects of the situation.

Firstly, before jumping to the conclusion that my boss is bad, I will try my best to understand his personality and get to know what their problem is. If I find my boss to be aggressive, then I will make note of the things that would make him angry and will work on avoiding that. I will also try asking my colleagues how they have worked on dealing with him. If things get worse, I will contact HR to get a solution regarding this.

3. What do you think is an ideal work environment?

The main intention of this question is to understand if you will fit into the work environment that the company has already. Employers want to ensure that the employees are more productive and happy doing their work and retain them in the long run and hence they ask this kind of question to understand if the employees can fit into their culture.

Some tips to prepare for this question would be:

  • Thoroughly research the company you are interviewing for and have a brief idea of the work culture, the hierarchy of the company, etc.
  • Talk about the work culture that would focus on growth.
  • Emphasize how a team-oriented workplace would be of interest to you.
  • Ensure that whatever you talk about is aligned with the company’s vision.
  • Avoid mentioning a workplace that gives a lot of vacations, flexible timings, more bonuses, and fun. We know it is ideal, but it doesn’t work that way.
According to me, an ideal work environment is one that revolves around a team where the focus is on learning, working, and growing together to take the team members and the company to new heights. It is where the skills and capabilities of team members are being leveraged to grow. While I was researching your company, I found that you pay more importance to teamwork and that was something which impressed me. I believe that I can work better in an encouraging environment.

4. What does motivation mean to you?

This again is a broad question that can be easily misinterpreted by the candidates. While answering this question, we have to make sure that we are honest and also our answer should be associated with the job that we are getting interviewed for. Try giving an example to make things more clear.

Learning new things and the feeling of satisfaction that comes while solving a problem drives me to do my best in my job. I love challenges as they push me to do more. I believe that learning should never end and the day we stop learning is the day we get stagnant and this thought always motivates me to learn something new. Looking at the job description, I know that this job will provide me the motivation to keep things going.

5. What is your dream company like?

This a tricky question where the interviewer again assesses your rightness for the job. While answering this, do not spill out your actual dream of working for 6 figure salary in a company with frequent access to vacation and flexible work hours. The interviewer is not interested in these things and will consider these as red flags as they make you seem materialistic.

Some tips to answer this:

  • Be sincere in what you want in an ideal workspace.
  • What you say should align with the work culture of the company.
  • Avoid exaggeration and point out a specific employer as an example.
My dream company is a place that would provide me loads of opportunities to learn and grow and help me harness my abilities to contribute to the overall growth of the company. I value such a company that will recognize and appreciate performance and based on what I have researched about your company, I believe this place can offer me these opportunities.

6. What do you do to ensure that a certain number of tasks is completed effectively?

By asking this question, the interviewer understands how you will perform while multitasking. These days, every employer expects that a candidate should be able to work on multiple projects simultaneously which is where understanding how capable you are to multitask becomes important to them.

Some tips to answer the question:

  • Describe a situation where you worked on multi-tasking and how you were able to meet up the deadlines.
  • Do not talk about how much you hate multi-tasking.
  • Do not talk vaguely or give generic answers.
  • You can also give examples to back up your claim in STAR format.
Whenever I am assigned multiple tasks, the first thing I do is to calm myself down and build up a positive mindset that I can achieve the task. I then begin to organize them based on the priorities and come up with a plan to set deadlines for each of them and begin to work on the task. Whenever I feel like I am blocked or I am facing roadblocks, I let my supervisor know of this and I don’t hesitate to seek help from my colleagues. If I see that I am not able to meet the deadlines, then I will be informing my manager well in advance by detailing whatever I have done. Most of the time, my manager was kind enough to understand the cause of delays and I would receive an extension in the deadline and I ensure that my tasks are completed.

7. What would you prefer - being liked or being feared?

The answer should be given diplomatically here because no interviewer would want a candidate who likes to be feared.

Honestly, I prefer to be well respected in my organization. Fear does not command respect. I want to be in such a way that my team members will not hesitate to reach out to me for anything.

8. How long do you think you will be working for us if you are hired?

The recruiter wants to check for how long you will be staying in the current company. Do not be honest and share your plans of switching to a dream company or your plans of higher studies.

I am planning to be in this company for a very long time as long as I am being valued and respected for my work and as long as the management sees me as an asset.

9. If you were reborn as an animal, what animal would you want to be?

This might seem to be an odd question to answer to. Rest assured, the interviewer does not want to joke with you. Instead, they ask this question to get what kind of personality you are, what your thought process is, and how creative you are by describing yourself as an animal.

Some tips to answer this question would be:

  • While answering, make sure your justification is aligned with the job role you are choosing.
  • Do not choose animals with poor traits.
  • Do not choose animals with the traits that are opposing the ones required for the job role.
  • Lion: Always ready to fight, never backs from challenges, strong and rightly known as the king of the jungle.
  • Dog: Known for loyalty and friendliness.
  • Elephant: Hardworking animal capable of performing hardcore work.
  • Cows: Known for love and loyalty.
  • Dolphin: Known for selflessness and helpfulness.
  • Butterfly: Has the ability to transform from one stage to another and always waiting to fly beautifully.
  • Ant: Known for being a hard worker and for the ability to carry weights twice their weight.
  • Owl: Wise creatures known for seeing bigger pictures.
  • Dove: Known for peace and non-violence.
  • Chameleon: Jells well in all environments. Also considered to be sneaky. - This animal can be avoided.
  • Snake: Known for being tricky - This animal should be avoided.
  • Tortoise: Known for being lethargic and sluggish. - This animal should be avoided.

I would like to be reborn as a lion. A lion is known for its love for challenges and its pride. It goes for what it wants and it can thrive in a battle (or challenge) which is why I want to be a lion.

10. Will you lie for the company under any circumstances?

To be honest, this question is not commonly asked anymore. However, just be prepared for this question. It is a tricky one to answer as you have the question of integrity and the company benefits in line. The best thing to do here is to be diplomatic.

I believe in the principle of honesty. So, my willingness to be a part of the lie would depend on the situation and the outcomes associated with it. If my lie will not jeopardize anyone and brings a positive result for the company and the employees, then I can be a part of it. However, I do not feel good about lying.

1. What do you think is better - being perfect and delivering late or being good and delivering on time?

phd interview questions and sample answers

Back up your opinion with certain examples and answer what according to you is right.

Here is one possible answer:

I believe that it is always better to be good and deliver on time. Time is money to the organization. If we are good and on time, then there is always room for improvement and enhancements. But if we deliver it late, then no amount of perfection can make up for the time lost.

2. Judy’s mother had 4 children. The eldest one was April, the second child was May and the third child was June. What was the name of the fourth child?

This is a very simple question. Yet some people find it confusing when they hear it for the first time or possibly due to the stress of interviews. Think twice before answering. Never say that you do not know. At least try solving.

The answer is Judy.

3. How many times in a day does the clock’s hand overlap?

While hearing this question for the first time, it might sound very simple but it could also be complex. Interviewers do not generally look for the correct answers. They would just want to see how well you are capable of analyzing a problem and what is your thought process to approach a problem.

  • Take time to analyze the answer.
  • Note down your thought process while answering.
  • Show that you are actually in the process of solving a problem.
  • Do not blurt out answers without thinking.
  • Do not say I don’t know without even trying.
We know that we have 24 hours in a day. The hand first overlaps at 12:00, then at 1:05, 2:10, 3.15, 4:20, 5:25, 6:30, 7:35, 8:40, 9:45 and 10:50 two times in a day. There will be no overlap at 11:55 because the hour hand is moving towards 12 while the minute hand is at 11. This sums up the result to 22.

4. You have only two vessels of 3l and 5l volume and you are given an unending supply of water. Can you find out how to get 4l of water just by using these two vessels?

Take time to analyze the question. Do not think silently. Let the interviewer know of your thought process.

The answer to this question is:

First, fill the 3l vessel with water. Transfer all the water from the 3l vessel into the 5l vessel. Refill the 3l vessel again and pour it off into 5l vessel jug till it is full. In the 3l vessel, we now have 1-litre of water available. Empty the water from the 5l vessel completely. Pour the 1-litre water from 3l vessel to 5l vessel. Fill the 3l vessel with water and pour this into the 5l vessel. We now have 4l of water in the 5l vessel.

1. What to expect?

These kinds of questions are asked to find out if the interviewers can afford to hire you based on their budget and the range that they wish to offer. They want to ensure that your expectations and the range provided by the company are aligned and you are satisfied with it. It is very important to know and realize yourself worthwhile answering these questions especially when your expectations are more than what they are expecting to provide.

You do not want to come across as a money-minded person nor do you want to come across as a saint who is happy with being underpaid. Also, this is the part where your negotiation skills also come into play.

phd interview questions and sample answers

2. What is your current salary?

This question is asked to make sure that the money that you make in your current position falls within the budget that the interviewers want to provide you with.

  • Try your best to avoid telling your current salary.
  • Only in some cases where you are found to be the most perfect fit after excelling in all the rounds of the interview, the companies would be willing to offer you more hikes.
  • Some companies have a specified range dedicated to a particular position.
  • However, the job of the recruiter is to hire a candidate who can do more at less cost. Hence, disclosing your current income might land you in an unfavorable position.

Some tips to answer this would be:

  • Research about the salary provided by the company to that particular job role either by checking on websites like Glassdoor, Indeed or by connecting with people working in that company on Linkedin.
  • Avoid stating your current income.
  • Ask the interviewer what is the range that he/she is providing for the role.
  • Do not lie.
I am not allowed to disclose my current salary information as my employer considers it confidential information and I am bound to that agreement. However, if you share the range that you would be provided for this position, I can let you know if my salary is in that range. Or I can also give a salary range that is based on my research of the company and based on my skills.

3. What is your salary expectation?

You have to answer this question carefully as you do not want to get underpaid for the job role at the end of the day.

  • Research about the salary range the company is providing for the position.
  • Try to get a range from the interviewer and see if you are okay with it. If the interviewer still insists on you providing a number first then give a range that you are looking for.
  • You should be ready for negotiation, hence consider a range where you are okay with even if salary gets negotiated.
  • Do not simply blurt out a range. Explain why you deserve it.
I have been in the software development industry for around 6 years. I have worked on developing and launching so many projects and have come a long way from being a fresher. I have also demonstrated leadership capabilities which I think will also be an added asset for you along with my technical prowess. Considering all this and also based on my research, I think if my compensation falls in the range of ₹15,00,000- ₹20,00,000 then it won’t be a bad idea.

4. How much do you think you should be paid by looking at your qualifications?

By asking this question, the interviewer checks if the candidates are aware of their self-worth and indirectly want to know what money you are expecting. Do not be humble and modest while answering this question. You should sell yourself and prove that you are aware of what you are worth.

  • Research about what is the current market trend for the skills and capabilities that you possess.
  • Let the interviewer know that you have great skills by really selling yourself.
  • Do not undermine or downplay your skills just to please the recruiter.
  • Do not say a specific amount right away. Back it up with why you think you are worthy of that money.

We have seen what are the most commonly asked HR interview questions, why they are being asked, some tips to answer each question, and also possible sample answers to them. The list is quite comprehensive. Sometimes, an HR might also ask role-specific questions to know how well you have understood the job role. The questions asked during this round might seem to be a general casual discussion, but you have to be well prepared to answer this as the HR round is the most important round and the only step away from your dream job. The below image is the summary of all the tips that you can utilize to ace this interview.

Good Luck and go get your dream job!

phd interview questions and sample answers

Explore HR Questions asked in Companies

  • TCS Interview Questions
  • Wipro Interview Questions
  • Cognizant Interview Questions
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  • Accenture Interview Questions
  • Technical Interview Questions - Complete List

What is the most suited answer for the question “Why should we hire you?”

What can be the most suitable answer for the question - “Where do you see yourself in the next five years?”

When is the right time to ask about compensation/salary benefits?

What would be the acceptable answer when you are asked the question - “What would you rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10?”

What should be the content for the question - “Tell me about yourself”?

When HR asks you about your weaknesses what should you be ideally telling them?

What would be the acceptable content for the question “how do you handle failure or disappointment”?

What should be the acceptable answer for the question - “Do you want to relocate?”?

Is it ok to ask about the feedback at the end of the interview before leaving?

 What would be the acceptable answer for the question - “Consider a scenario where your manager leaves for an immediate one-week vacation and before leaving he gives you an assignment. What would you do first?”

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