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Spanish Research Guide

  • Creating and Selecting a Research Topic

Generating Ideas for a Research Topic

Selecting a topic.

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You have been asked to write or present about a research topic, but how do you come up with a topic? Here is a process to help.

  • Think about what has been discussed in class. What are some broad topics that immediately come to mind?
  • Skim your textbook, course readings, and notes for these topics. What do you already know about these topics?
  • What would you like to know more about each topic? Phrase it as a question.

Now that you have a few broad topics, you need to select one that is appropriate for the assignment, has enough information available, and will hold your interest. For each of the topics you have generated, search a few keywords in Google , Library Search , and Google Scholar .

  • Is there a lot of information available or only a few sources?
  • What words are being used in titles and abstracts (article summaries) to describe the topic?
  • Are there names, dates, places, things, etc. that are repeatedly mentioned?
  • Is there anything more specific about a topic that sounds interesting?

For help using Google, Library Search, and Google Scholar, check out these guides:

  • Advanced Searching in Google
  • Library Search
  • Getting the most out of Google Scholar
  • Reading Scholarly Articles
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This guide serves as an introduction to the Spanish resources provided by the Kathryn A. Martin Library. However, this guide is by no means a complete list of resources. To see all the available digital resources in World Languages and Cultures, visit the A-Z databases list:

  • World Languages & Cultures Subject Page

If you have questions, contact your librarian!

Databases for Spanish

These databases and journals contain articles relevant to the study of the Spanish language, as well as Spanish and Latin American politics and culture. In addition, they may contain articles related to a wide range of humanities and social science disciplines.

  • List of Spanish and Latin American journals in print and electronic format The journals linked here are either in Spanish or contain articles concerning Spanish-speaking countries and cultures across the globe.
  • Surrealist Journals from Argentina, Chile & Spain (1928-67)

Available on-campus (guest access in library). Off-campus access with UMD credentials

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After clicking the UMD Find It icon, if the article is not available online or in the library, UMD Library Catalog will say "Check availability":

  • If you are not already logged into your library account, click Sign in to request
  • Click Interlibrary Loan and log in using your UMD credentials.
  • Choose "date needed by" and your department.
  • Submit your request.

If you need assistance contact a librarian .

Do you have more questions about FindIt? Check out this video from UMN Libraries on the subject

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Spanish Linguistics Guide: Writing Your Research Paper

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  • Writing Your Research Paper

Developing your Topic

Narrowing your topic.

Pop music in the US ⇒ Too big

The linguistic expression of pop music in the US  ⇒ It is still too big.

Language contact presence in pop music in the US ⇒ Narrowing it to language contact

Bilingualism in Latinx pop music in the US ⇒ Narrowing it to bilingualism and Latinx pop music

Topic :  Spanish language-infused pop music in the US: from code-switching to cultural appropriation

Activity: Your Research Topic

Research question.

For your "Projecto Final" you will research a topic related to Spanish and Spanish speakers in the United States. Your research question will be related to your topic. This question usually answers a matter not covered by previous scholarship.

Developing Research Questions: Your Purpose

Consider where your questions will lead you. Will your questions:

  • How are the uses and attitudes of Spanish in Colorado differ for heritage speakers and native Spanish speakers?
  • How did a topic happen in relation to another topic?
  • What are the representations of Spanish and Spanish speakers in the media?
  • What are the linguistic implications of Spanish in contact with other varieties and languages in the U.S.?
  • Explain the significance of X and how you can measure this significance

What is the impact of bilingualism (Spanish-English) in educational contexts in the Boulder-Denver area?

  • What are the consequences of X
  • How does X affect Y
  • How does Spanish contact with other varieties of languages affect the linguistic expression of musical artists in the US?
  • What are the recommendations you presented in your paper?
  • Present opposing views and argue in favor or against a view

What are the pros and cons of the Spanish language use in public and commercial signs as a mark for the linguistic landscape of the Longmont-Denver area?

Definition : An abstract summarizes the most important content of your paper sequentially, highlighting your research topic, the reason for your study, a basic description of your methodology, and important findings. Good abstracts use the active voice in the past tense and rely on brief but well-structured sentences.

Format : Abstracts are usually formatted in one block paragraph without indentations. Avoid unnecessary phrases, quotes, citations, or ambiguous content, and follow the publishing journal of choice for specific rules. Remember, your abstract should point to the key contents of your paper.

Parts of an Abstract

  • Establish the topic of your study and why it is relevant (elevator pitch)
  • Briefly refer to the methodology you followed
  • State key findings from your study
  • State main conclusions and implications

There are Three Types of Abstracts Used in Academic Writing

Descriptives Abstracts:

A descriptive abstract is usually formatted as a short paragraph summarizing your paper's main points and focusing on outlining the work. Sometimes these abstracts include the reason behind the study, a concise description of the methodology, and the scope of the study. Descriptive abstracts do not usually refer to the results or conclusions.

Informative Abstracts:

An informative abstract is usually formatted as a 300-words paragraph containing the purpose of the study, a brief methodology, the scope, and the summary of the results and conclusions. The author can also add recommendations.

Critical Abstracts:

A less used format is the critical abstract, a rather long paragraph containing a summary, main findings, and comparisons with other papers on the same topic. 

University of Southern California - The Abstract

Avondale University  - Writing an Abstract

Kent State University -Preparing Academic Presentations Writing Abstracts

Royal Roads University - Types of Academic Writing

Consortium Library - Abstracts

Go to this Jamboard, read the abstract, and find the elements of its construction.

2023 padlet   https://tinyurl.com/2tj9h39v, 2024 jamboard  https://tinyurl.com/2tj9h39v , research process.

For more information see:

Strategy: Get Started  - Search Terms  - C onsidering Format and Sources  - Selecting a Search Tool  - Managing your Sources  - Literary Review

graphic of the research process: research question, keywords, background information, find sources, review literature, organize in citation management tool, outline and write and cite your sources

Keywords and Related Terms

Bilingual Searches :

The following search samples relate to different topics:

  • Spanish heritage speakers AND attitudes AND Colorado
  • Spanglish OR code-switching AND Denver
  • Spanish speakers AND U.S. AND identity OR race (gender, sexuality, social class, immigration status, etc.)
  • Spanish AND media AND representation
  • espanol AND televisión AND representación 
  • Spanish language AND Latinx AND identity
  • Español AND latinx AND identidad
  • Lengua de Herencia AND identidad Latinx
  • Heritage speakers AND native Spanish differences
  • Latinx AND lenguaje AND ideología
  • Multilingüismo AND Educación OR salas OR aulas
  • Spanish language contact AND varieties
  • Alternancia de códico OR code-switching
  • Spanish language contact AND leveling OR accommodation OR code-switching OR borrowing 
  • Préstamo lingüístico OR cruce lingüístico 
  • Spanish language contact AND simplification
  • Spanish language change AND US AND linguistics factor
  • Spanish language change AND US AND social factors
  • Latinx AND ideologías de lenguaje

Cover Art

MLA Overview

Cover Art

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Lee, Harper.   To Kill a Mockingbird .   Lippincott, 1960.

 Learn more:  Citing Books

Llanera, Tracy.   "Rethinking Nihilism: Rorty Vs Taylor, Dreyfus and Kelly."   

Philosophy & Social Criticism.   vol. 42,   no. 9,     2016,   pp. 937-950.  

doi:10.1177/0191453716645151.   Accessed 1 Jan. 2017.

Lukainoff, Greg and Jonathan Haidt.   "The Coddling of the American Mind."    

The Atlantic,    1 Sept. 2015,   pp. 42-52.

 Learn more:  Citing Periodicals

  “University Libraries: University of Colorado, Boulder.” .   University of Colorado Boulder,

  www.colorado.edu/libraries/. Accessed 1 Jan. 2017.

 Learn more:  Citing Electronic Sources

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Searching for Scholarly Articles

Finding scholarly journal articles in spanish/portuguese, scholarly articles on language and literatures.

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There are several places to find Spanish- or Portuguese-language scholarly articles. Northwestern University Libraries subscribes to several large databases which may include English-language scholarship on Spanish- or Portuguese-speaking countries. Check "Getting Started" Tab on this Research Guide, and/or the Research Guides for Anthropology ,  English , History , Latino Studies ,  Political Science , Sociology , and/or JSTOR for lists of general disciplinary databases for each subject. Below are more specialized resources in Spanish and Portuguese, on topics relevant to African, Caribbean, Iberian, or Latin American Studies.

  • HAPI Online: Hispanic American Periodicals Index This link opens in a new window Provides citations to articles about Central and South America, Mexico, the Caribbean basin, the U.S.-Mexico border, and Hispanics in the U.S. Covers 1970-present.
  • HLAS: Handbook of Latin American Studies This link opens in a new window The Handbook is a bibliography on Latin America consisting of works selected and annotated by scholars. Edited by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress, the multidisciplinary Handbook alternates annually between the social sciences and the humanities. Each year, more than 130 academics from around the world choose over 5,000 works for inclusion in the Handbook. Continuously published since 1936, the Handbook offers Latin Americanists an essential guide to available resources.
  • Dialnet Provides access to tables of contents of more than 3,000 journals in the humanities, social sciences and sciences published in Spain and Latin America. more... less... Also, provides access to the full text of some Spanish doctoral dissertations as well as the full text of working papers from some research centers in Spain and Latin America.
  • Bases de datos bibliográficas del CSIC Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) produces since 1971 three free access bibliographic databases with references to articles published in mainly Spanish scientific journals.
  • Clase and Periodica This link opens in a new window Indexes materials published in Latin America in Spanish, Portuguese, French and English specializing in the social sciences, humanities, and science and technology. Contains information from articles, essays, book reviews, monographs, conference proceedings, technical reports, interviews and brief notes published in journals edited in 24 different countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as from publications that focus on Pan-American issues.
  • Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de CLACSO Single search database for Redalyc, Scielo, LatIndex, RevistALAS, DOAJ, Dialnet, and CLASE, sponsored by el Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales.
  • SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online This link opens in a new window SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online is a model for cooperative electronic publishing of scientific journals on the Internet. Especially conceived to meet the scientific communication needs of developing countries, particularly Latin America and the Caribbean countries. It contains about 500 journals and nearly 150.000 articles published in Latin America, Caribbean countries, Portugal and Spain. Most of the titles are Open Access.
  • CLASE CLASE es una base de datos bibliográfica creada en 1975 en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Ofrece alrededor de 350 mil registros bibliográficos de artículos, ensayos, reseñas de libro, revisiones bibliográficas, notas breves, editoriales, biografías, entrevistas, estadísticas y otros documentos publicados en cerca de 1 500 revistas de América Latina y el Caribe, especializadas en ciencias sociales y humanidades.
  • DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) Indexes articles appearing in Open Access journals. As of September 2015, from a total of 10,529 Open Access journals registered in DOAJ, approximately 2000 journals are from Latin America and the Caribbean, of which around 1000 journals are from Brazil.
  • Latindex Latindex es un sistema de Información sobre las revistas de investigación científica, técnico-profesionales y de divulgación científica y cultural que se editan en los países de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal. La idea de creación de Latindex surgió en 1995 en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y se convirtió en una red de cooperación regional a partir de 1997.
  • REDALYC Maintained by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), this open access online portal includes peer-reviewed and journal articles on the social sciences and humanities from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal.
  • MLA International Bibliography This link opens in a new window Compiled by the Modern Language Association, the MLA International Bibliography lists articles and books in the fields of literature, language, and linguistics in the modern languages, as well as folklore, film studies, literary theory & criticism, dramatic arts, and historical aspects of printing and publishing.
  • Gale Literature Criticism This link opens in a new window An extensive compilation of literary commentary available representing a range of modern and historical views on authors and their works across regions, eras, and genre.
  • Film & Television Literature Index with Full Text This link opens in a new window A comprehensive index covering the entire spectrum of television and film writing and produced for a broad target audience, from film scholars to general viewers. Subject coverage includes: film & television theory, preservation & restoration, writing, production, cinematography, technical aspects, and reviews.
  • Hispania The official journal of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) includes articles on applied linguistics, cultural studies, culture, film, language, linguistics, literary criticism, literature, and pedagogy having to do with Spanish and Portuguese. 1917-present.
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What are journals?

A scholarly journal is a publication released in regular instalments which contains research relating to a particular subject area. These are often referred to as periodicals or serials.

Journals are useful when you:

  • are seeking information for your assignment or literature review
  • need to find recently published papers on a particular topic
  • want to identify important and current research in your field
  • commence the ‘scoping exercise’ for your research project.

Find journals using SuperSearch

SuperSearch is a portal that provides a single search across the majority of ANU Library resources.

SuperSearch  is a great place to start searching for journal articles. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Select  Articles  under Format to search for articles only.
  • Select  Journals  under Format to search for journals only.
  • Click  Journal Search  from the top menu to search by title or browse by category.
  • Use Advanced Search to filter by a particular date of publication, language or format.

You can get additional help with searching for journal articles through the  Finding Journal Articles and More guide .

Find print journals

If you can't find the journal you need online, you can also search for print issues. If a print journal is available, it will list the Library branch it is located in under Location.

Issues of journals published before 1990 are usually stored off-campus at the  ANU Print Repository . To access these, go to the item record and click on Print Repository  under Find in Library  and you will be prompted to fill in a request form. Make sure you are logged in!

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

The  SCImago Journal & Country Rank  is a free and publicly available database that provides journal rankings based on citation data from SCOPUS, a major Elsevier scientific abstracting and indexing database. They understand that journal prestige is "a function not of just the quantity of citations received but of a combination of the quantity and the quality"  ( The SJR Indicator: A New Indicator of Journals' Scientific Prestige ). 

Use  SCImago's Journal & Country Rank  tool to see journal rankings by discipline i.e. "Language and Linguistics" or "Literature and Literary Theory" and/or by country.

Some top-ranked Spanish and Latin American Studies journals

  • Anales de Historia del Arte Publication Date: 2005 - current Publishes the best research conducted in the history of medieval, modern and contemporary art from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
  • Ancient Mesoamerica Publication Date: 1990 - current The international forum for the method, theory, substance and interpretation of Mesoamerican archaeology, art history and ethnohistory. The journal publishes papers chiefly concerned with the Pre-Columbian archaeology of the Mesoamerican region, but also features articles from other disciplines including ethnohistory, historical archaeology and ethnoarchaeology. Topics covered include the origins of agriculture, the economic base of city states and empires, political organisation from the Formative through the Early Colonial periods, the development and function of early writing, and the use of iconography to reconstruct ancient religious beliefs and practices.
  • Bulletin of Hispanic studies Publication Date: 2001 - current One of the front-ranking journals in the field of Hispanic research, devoted to the languages, literatures and civilizations of Spain, Portugal and Latin America. The journal’s interests are broad-ranging, engaging all aspects of Hispanic Studies, publishing articles in the areas of literature, linguistics, cultural history, film and visual arts, cultural and gender studies.
  • Bulletin of Latin American Research Publication Date: 1981 - current This journal publishes original research on Latin America, the Caribbean, inter-American relations and the Latin American Diaspora from all academic disciplines within the Social Sciences and Humanities. They also publish a substantial section of book reviews, aiming to cover publications in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
  • eHumanista: journal of Iberian studies Publication Date: 2001 - current A peer-reviewed ejournal with articles on Spanish and Portuguese Medieval and Early Modern Literatures and Cultures. eHumanista has also created three new journals: eHumanista/IVITRA, eHumanista/Cervantes, and eHumanista/Conversos. eHumanista is also a distributor of monographs and scholarly editions of texts and manuscripts; see Publications of eHumanista. A new series called eHumanista/Minorías eBooks has also been added.
  • Espacio, tiempo y forma. Serie 7, Historia del arte Publication Date: 1997 - current A journal on the history or art and architecture in Spain from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Facultad de Geografía e Historia
  • European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Publication Date: 2000 - current An Open Access, scientific journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles in English and Spanish. Contributions reflect substantial empirical research and/or are theoretically innovative with respect to major debates within social science research on Latin America and the Caribbean. In addition to research articles, they cover new themes that stimulate debates, and review essays, books and films.
  • Gestos Publication Date: 2008 - current Journal of the theory and practice of Spanish, Latin American and US Latino theater.
  • Hispanic research journal Publication Date: 2000 - current Hispanic Research Journal (HRJ) promotes and disseminates research into the cultures of the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America, from the Middle Ages to the present day. The fields covered include literature and literary theory, cultural history and cultural studies, language and linguistics, and film and theatre studies. Hispanic Research Journal publishes articles in four languages; Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, and English, and encourages interaction between researchers all over the world who are working in these fields.
  • Hispanic review Publication Date: 1933 - current Research in the Hispanic literary & cultural studies. Features essays & book reviews on the diverse cultural manifestations of Spain & Latin America, from the medieval period to the present.
  • Hispanófila Publication Date: 2005 - current Published by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Romance Languages, Hispanófila covers literary, linguistic, and cultural topics dealing with the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking worlds.
  • Iberica Publication Date: 1999 - current Revista de la Asociación Europea de Lenguas para fines específicos
  • Journal of Iberian and Latin American research Publication Date: 1997 - current A refereed journal of the Association of Iberian and Latin American Studies of Australasia (AILASA)
  • The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology Publication Date: 2007 - current The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (JLACA) is a peer-reviewed journal of anthropological research on Latin America and the Caribbean. JLACA publishes original research grounded in ethnography in different article formats. The JLACA maintains an inclusive geographical scope that includes diasporic populations throughout the Americas and the world. The journal’s purview also includes global processes that effect or interconnect not only different regions or nations within the Americas but also the Americas with other world geographic regions.
  • Journal of Latin American Studies Publication Date: 1969 - current Presents recent research in the field of Latin American studies in development studies, economics, geography, history, politics and international relations, public policy, sociology and social anthropology. Regular features include articles on contemporary themes, short thematic commentaries on key issues, and an extensive section of book reviews.
  • Journal of medieval Iberian studies Publication Date: 2009 - current The Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies (JMIS) is an interdisciplinary journal for innovative scholarship on the multiple languages, cultures, and historical processes of the Iberian Peninsula and surrounding zones. Recognizing the vitality of debates about change in the fourth and fifth centuries, and conscious of the artificiality of the boundaries associated with 1492, JMIS publishes innovative scholarship of interest to the community of medievalists and Iberianists. JMIS encompasses archaeology, art and architecture, music, philosophy and religious studies, as well as history, codicology, manuscript studies and the multiple Arabic, Latin, Romance, and Hebrew linguistic and literary traditions of Iberia.
  • Journal of Spanish cultural studies Publication Date: 2000 - current Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies (JSCS) is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles on any historical period and in or across any cultural discipline, including: literary studies, performing arts, music, visual culture, film, media, intellectual history, philosophy, social analysis, history of science, psychoanalysis, cultural theory, cultural history, material culture, anthropology, religion, popular culture, mass culture, museum studies, tourism, cultural policy including its relationship to broader geo-political scenarios (Iberian Peninsula, Mediterranean, Europe, the Americas, Africa, etc.).
  • Latin American theatre review Publication Date: 2005 - current Founded in 1967, the Latin American Theatre Review (LATR), published twice yearly by The University of Kansas' Department of Spanish and Portuguese and the Center of Latin American Studies, covers all aspects of Latina/o and Latin American theatre and performance and is one of the premiere scholarly journals in its field.
  • Latin American Perspectives Publication Date: 1974 - current Latin American Perspectives is a theoretical and scholarly journal for discussion and debate on the political economy of capitalism, imperialism, and socialism in the Americas. Most issues focus on a single problem, nation, or region, providing an in-depth look from participants and scholars throughout the Americas.
  • Latin American Politics and Society Publication Date: 2001 - current Latin American Politics and Society publishes original social science scholarship on Latin America. In addition to its traditional research articles, Latin American Politics and Society includes Critical Debates — review essays that survey major themes in recent Latin American studies literature. The Policy Issues section presents contending perspectives on major issues of significant policy relevance, and Research Notes is an outlet for shorter pieces with questions of data, theory, and method. The Book Review section provides critiques individual books.
  • Latin American Research Review Publication Date: 1965 - current The Latin American Research Review (LARR) publishes original research and review essays on Latin America, the Caribbean, and Latina/Latino studies. LARR covers the social sciences and the humanities, including the fields of anthropology, economics, history, literature and cultural studies, political science, and sociology. The journal reviews and publishes papers in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. All papers, except for book and documentary film review essays, are subject to double-blind peer review. LARR, the academic journal of the Latin American Studies Association, has been in continuous publication since 1965.
  • Latin beat magazine Publication Date: 1996 - current Magazine covering Latin and World music.
  • Letr@s hispanas: revista de literatura y cultura Publication Date: 2004 - current A peer-reviewed, open-access online journal dedicated to publishing scholarly essays that engage topics in connection with Spanish, Latin American, and US Latino literatures and cultures.
  • Onomazein: revista de lingüística y traducción Publication Date: 2014 - current This journal aims to be an effective vehicle for scientific exchange among researchers of the language sciences. Onomazein welcomes unpublished articles derived from scientific research in the different disciplines of theoretical and applied linguistics; in classical, Indo-European, Romance and Hispanic philology; in theory of translation and terminology, as well as outstanding studies on indigenous languages.
  • Revista hispánica moderna Publication Date: 1934 - current A semiannual peer-reviewed journal committed to the dissemination of outstanding scholarship in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian literary and cultural studies. It publishes essays and book reviews in Spanish, English, or Portuguese on the full spectrum of Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian cultural production in Europe, Latin America and the United States, and in all historical periods, from the Middle Ages to the present.
  • Signos lingüísticos: revista semestral Publication Date: 2005 - current The journal of the Department of Philosophy of the Autonomous Metropolitan University - Iztapalapa, Mexico publishes original contributions on Spanish-American and Spanish literature, as well as theoretical and applied linguistics.
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Spanish Studies: Find Articles & E-Journals

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Spanish Language and Literature: Search topic by keyword

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  • Dialnet Index of Spanish academic journals, includes some full text. It is particularly useful for subjects related to Spain. Coverage is 1980 to the present.

View a complete list of databases for Spanish and Portuguese Languages & Literatures.

History and Social Sciences Databases: Search topic by keyword

  • SciELO Access to scholarly literature in sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities published in leading open access journals from Latin America, Portugal, and Spain.

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Popular request:

120 amazing latin american research paper topics.

January 2, 2020

Do you have the task of writing a Latin American research paper? The first step is coming up with a great topic. This is one of the major challenges for most students. But you do not need to worry anymore because we are here to help. Here are the best 120 Latin American research topics that you can consider.

latin american research paper topics

Mixed Latin American Research Paper Topics

  • A closer look at the history of the church and human rights in Latin America.
  • An in-depth analysis of Latin American feminist theology.
  • Exploring the women’s rights in Latin America: A case study of Peru and Colombia.
  • Analyzing the implications of foreign debt on Latin America countries.
  • The impact of the Cold War on Latin America.
  • Analyzing the commonest management styles in Latin American companies.
  • Discuss the main components of Latino culture.
  • Analyzing key economic challenges affecting economic development in Latin America.
  • Impact of outside trading forces on Latin America development.
  • Significance of tourism in Latin America.
  • Analyzing social, political trends in Latin America: A case study of Argentina and Cuba.
  • Evaluate the role played by the military in Latin America studies.
  • Analyzing the first contact between early Spanish settlers and Latin Americans.
  • Meso American civilizations: A case study of Maya civilization.
  • Implications of music on Latino children: A case study of salsa music.
  • Modernism in South America.
  • The history of the Panama Canal.
  • Political consequences of Neo-Liberalism in South America.
  • Analyzing the invention of Latin America.
  • Taking a closer look at the new age of Latin America.
  • Evaluating US involvement in Latin America.

Latin America Research Topics about Brazil

  • Analyzing the cultural relations between Brazil and the US.
  • A closer look at the evolution of Brazil culture.
  • Evaluating the different governments of Brazil.
  • The economy of Brazil during the Cold War.
  • The influence of the Roman Catholic Church in Brazil.
  • Discuss the importance of Brazil’s rainforest in addressing global warming.
  • Comparing Brazil and the US education systems.
  • Comparing the Indian and Brazilian economies.
  • Brazil and global economics: A Closer look at Brazil Role in the BRICS.
  • Neo-liberalism IN Brazil: What are the consequences?
  • The Brazil’s quest for autonomy: Analyzing Brazil’s foreign policy under President Lula.
  • Urban poverty in Rio.

Latin American Topics about Costa Rica

  • Evaluating the business climate in Costa Rica.
  • A closer look at Costa Rica’s economic challenges in the Cold War era.
  • A comprehensive analysis of Costa Rica’s economic performance.
  • Efforts to address global warming in Costa Rica: A case study of Klinki Forestry Project.
  • Analyzing the main problems facing Costa Rica.
  • Deforestation in Costa Rica.
  • Tourism in Costa Rica.
  • Comparing the history of coffee in Costa Rica and Brazil.
  • Analyzing contemporary issues in Costa Rica Tourism.
  • Analyzing the main exports and imports of Costa Rica.
  • A closer look at key political issues in Costa Rica.
  • Comparing culture and ethics in Costa Rica and Mexico.
  • What is the future of Costa Rica’s economic growth?

Unique Latin American Research Topics

  • Effects of El Nino in South America.
  • The relationship between Argentina’s economy and the black market.
  • Key elements of Argentina’s democracy.
  • Analyzing the sexual behavior of Amazon people.
  • The history of Chile’s economic growth.
  • Comparing the economic growths of Chile and Mexico.
  • Analyzing the persistence of drug lords in Colombia.
  • What implications does drug trafficking have on the Colombian economy?
  • Comparing the education system of Peru and Brazil.
  • The effect of remittance in Latin America economy.
  • History of slavery in South America.
  • Democracy in Latin America.
  • A closer look at enlightenment in Latin America.
  • Analyzing independent movements in Latin America
  • Analyzing Latin America after the end of the Wars of Independence.

Latin American Topics on the Caribbean

  • Evaluating the significance of Grenada Island during the Cold War.
  • Comparing the ethnic slave rebellion in Bahia and Caribbean.
  • Comparing the history of slavery in the Caribbean and the US.
  • A review of the Haiti revolution.
  • Highlighting the struggles of Marielitos.
  • A closer look at socioeconomic struggles in Barbados.
  • Analyzing the problem of racism in Cuba.
  • A closer look at the history of Haiti between 1843 and 1973.
  • Analyzing the US involvement in Haiti in the early 20 th century.

Latin American Research Paper Topics about Cuba

  • Analyzing music development in Cuba.
  • What factors drive Cubans to immigrate to the US?
  • Analyzing the Aesthetic beauty of Cuba.
  • Comparing slavery in Virginia, the USA with Slavery in Cuba.
  • What is Fidel Castro’s greatest social economic contribution to Cuba?
  • Comparing the Cuban and Brazilian economies.
  • What are the key cultural similarities between Cuban and Americans?
  • Evaluating the economic performance of Cuba after World War II.
  • A closer look at the medical industry in Cuba.
  • What is the future of Cuban economic growth?

Latin America Topics about Guatemala

  • Analyzing the performance of Guatemala economy after the Cold War.
  • A review of Guatemala’s attitudes towards Axis and Allied powers in the World War II.
  • Comparing Guatemala and Costa Rica’s coffee management processes.
  • A review of Guatemala’s trade relationships with the US.
  • Analyzing the sufferings and abuses of Guatemala’s children during the country’s civil wars.
  • Guatemala history: Evaluating the fall of President Arbenz.
  • Comparing the culture of Guatemalans and Brazilians.
  • Analyzing the Guatemala government’s efforts on conservation.

Latin America Research Topics on Mexico

  • What are the main challenges of the Mexico’s education system?
  • Analyzing the Zapatista Revolution.
  • Was the 1914-1916 Woodrow Wilson’s intervention in Mexico Justified?
  • The colonization of Texas by Mexico.
  • Comparing the Mexican art of the 19 th and 20 th centuries.
  • Analyzing the hybrid Mexico culture.
  • What are the key success factors of the 1990s Mexican film success?
  • Comparing the Mexican and US culture: What are the key differences?
  • A closer look at the economic performance of Mexico after the Cold War?
  • Illegal Mexican immigrants.
  • Should the US use a more protected border with Mexico?
  • The history of Aztec Empire.
  • What is the future of Mexico economy?
  • Analyzing the major problems that Mexico experienced under the leadership of President Zedillo.
  • Comparing the US and Mexico justice systems.
  • What were the main causes of the Mexican Peso crisis of the 1990s?
  • Latin America telenovelas.
  • Comparing conservatives and liberals after revolutionary Latin America.
  • A closer look at the Cuban embargo.
  • What factors led to the Mexican revolution.

Latin American Research Topics: Puerto Rico

  • The importance of Puerto Rico during the 18 th -century slave labor and trade.
  • Analyzing the controversy of Puerto Rico’s statehood.
  • Analyzing the industrialization of Puerto Rico.
  • Comparing the Puerto Rican and Brazilian cultures.

Controversial Topics in Latin America

  • The growing Chinese influence in Latin America.
  • Analyzing the discovery of America via Latin America.
  • The struggle for national identity in South America.
  • History of Latin America: Taking a closer look at the rights of Portugal over Latin America.
  • Mexican Peso crisis of the 1990s: Was Bill Clinton’s decision for bailout justified?
  • Analyzing the US-Cuban relationship during the Cold War.
  • Guatemala history: Evaluating the fall of President Arbenz and the possible involvement of the US government.
  • Drug trade in South America: What are the historical roots?

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Spanish: A Guide to Research was created in 2021 by Jennifer Jensen and the faculty of the Foreign Languages & Literature department at SUNY Oneonta in 2021. 

  • We gratefully acknowledge that elements of this guide were inspired by guides by Michelle Hendley, Heather Statler, and Sarah Rhodes. 

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 Image by Anne Karakash from Pixabay

The Research Process

This library guide is designed to help you along each step of the research process as you prepare and write papers for your Spanish classes. For general  Research Paper Help, try this guide , too. 

research process - pick a topic, find sources, write & cite, and revise

Each section of the guide connects with one step of the research process:

  • Pick a topic with ideas from the news, library databases, and more.
  • Find Research Sources by searching for articles, books, and other library resources to help you learn about your topic.
  • When you are ready to get writing, the Write & Cite page has helpful links to citation and writing/revising resources.

Plus there is more! Practice your listening and language skills using the  links and ideas on the   Language Learning Resources , Open Access Books , and Streaming Videos pages of this guide. 

Pick a Topic

Looking for ideas? Here are a few ways to generate ideas for a research paper topic: 

  • Consider adapting a topic you are studying for another class -- get the Spanish perspective on it, and use your research twice
  • Browse chapter titles in your textbook or unit titles in your class syllabus
  • Scan newspaper headlines on BBC Mundo  or search topics in Ethnic NewsWatch (make sure to choose "Spanish" in the language filter) for contemporary issues
  • Check out what's trending in social media sites you like
  • Use the "Browse Issues" section in the library's  Opposing Viewpoints database
  • Watch a Latin American Studies film   or documentary about Spain  and explore the film's ideas further with your research paper
  • Next: Find Research Sources >>
  • Last Updated: May 8, 2024 3:24 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.oneonta.edu/Spanish

The LEAF Project

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Project Resources: Research Project Topic Ideas (Spanish/Hispanic)

Posted by LEAF Architect on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 · Leave a Comment  

Project Resources: Creative Project Areas of Interest (Spanish/Hispanic) via Wikimedia Commons


  • Research some aspect of culture of a particular Spanish-speaking country/region.
  • Research a national holiday in a Spanish-speaking country.
  • Research a religious holiday in a Spanish-speaking country.
  • Research a celebration in a Spanish-speaking country (quinceañera, wedding, or other life-cycle celebration).


  • Research a well-known Hispanic artist.
  • Research a specific piece of art created by a Hispanic artist.
  • Research a specific art form or art movement in a Spanish-speaking country/region.
  • Research the architecture of a Hispanic city.


  • Research a well-known Hispanic composer.
  • Research a well-known Hispanic musical group.
  • Research a specific Hispanic musical genre.
  • Research a well-known piece of Hispanic music (popular song, classical piece, opera, etc.).
  • Research the national anthem of a Spanish-speaking country and the history behind it.
  • Compare/contrast the musical traditions of 2 different Spanish-speaking countries.


  • Research a well-known Hispanic writer.
  • Research a specific Hispanic literary genre.
  • Research a well-known piece of Hispanic literature.
  • Research current events in a Spanish-speaking country.
  • Research the literacy rates among Spanish-speaking countries.


  • Research the history of a specific Spanish-speaking country.
  • Research a well-known Hispanic historical figure.
  • Research a well-known Hispanic world leader or political figure.
  • Research Hispanic immigration in the USA.
  • Research the Olmec, Aztec, Maya, Inca, or other indigenous civilization.
  • Research the geography of a specific Spanish-speaking country/region.
  • Research significant rivers, mountain ranges, or other geographical features of Latin America or Spain.
  • Research the ways in which the geography and climate of a specific Spanish-speaking country influence the diet of the people who live there.


  • Research a specific Hispanic dance form (flamenco, salsa, sardana, son, tango, cumbia, etc.).
  • Compare/contrast the dance forms of 2 different Spanish-speaking countries.
  • Research jai-alai, including its history and significance.
  • Research soccer in a specific Spanish-speaking country and the differences in the culture, importance, fan support, player attitudes, etc.
  • Research a well-known Hispanic athlete.
  • Research the national team of a particular sport in a specific Spanish-speaking country.


  • Research the history, culture, and anthropological significance of a specific food item or dish from a specific Spanish-speaking country/region/people.
  • Research the typical diet of a specific Spanish-speaking country/region/people.
  • Compare/contrast the cuisine of 2 different Spanish-speaking countries.
  • Research the wine industry in a specific Spanish-speaking country.


  • Research the history, background, and significance of a specific Spanish-language TV station.
  • Research the history, background, and significance of a specific Spanish-language TV program.
  • Research the history, background, and significance of a specific genre of Spanish-language TV programming (news, game shows, soap operas, etc.).
  • Research a well-known Hispanic TV or film star.
  • Research a well-known Hispanic film director.
  • Research the film industry of a specific Spanish-speaking country.


  • Research the attractions in a specific Spanish-speaking city/region/country (monuments, museums, nature, geography, cultural/historical sites, etc.).
  • Research the travel and tourism industry in a specific Spanish-speaking country/region.
  • Research study abroad opportunities for your area of study in a specific Spanish-speaking city/region/country.
  • Research job opportunities in a Spanish-speaking country for 1 or 2 specific careers.
  • Research and explore Spanish influences in the USA.


  • Research the products for which a specific Spanish-speaking country is known, including the history and significance of each product.
  • Research the ways in which advertisers market to the Spanish-speaking population in the USA.
  • Research the traditional clothing/costumes of a specific Latin American indigenous culture (the Maya, the Bribri, the Aymara, the Inca, etc.).


  • Research your family history.
  • Research the family history of your Spanish-speaking close friends.
  • Research the Spanish-speaking country that your family member/close friend came from.
  • Research the historical, political, economic, religious, and/or other conditions that led your family members/close friends to emigrate.

Category: Project Resources , Resources · Tags: creative , español , hispanic , ideas , LEAF , project , spanish , synthesis

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81 Hispanics Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on hispanics, ✍️ hispanics essay topics for college, 👍 good hispanics research topics & essay examples, 🌶️ hot hispanics ideas to write about.

  • Hispanic Marketing in Online and Mobile Formats
  • Interpersonal Space and Touch in Hispanic Culture
  • Food and Family in the Hispanic Culture
  • The Hispanic Community in Homestead Florida
  • Health Promotion Among Hispanic-Latino Population
  • Challenges Faced by Hispanic Immigrant Population
  • Transcultural Nursing and Hispanic Patient’s Outcomes
  • Inventing Hispanics: Labeling a Diverse Minority It is widely believed that a Hispanic employee can have lunch for two hours, or their five-minute breaks will last for half an hour.
  • Hispanics in the United States It is clear that all Hispanics are not natives of the US; they have Spanish as their primary language which actually form the basis of their name.
  • Hispanic Ethnocultural Population: Immersion Project This project explores the “Hispanics” group that consists of the US citizens affiliated with the Hispanic ethnocultural background, who share some of the same behavioral traits.
  • Depression in Hispanic Culture There are different ways in which culture or ethnicity can impact the treatment of the development of mental health disorders.
  • Roberto Clemente as a Hispanic Hero Roberto Clemente was also a humanitarian and a powerful source of inspiration, overcoming the discrimination that was prevalent at the time and helping others.
  • Hispanics Health and Cultural Practices Hispanic Americans originated in Spain and other countries in Latin America. Hispanic Americans are made up of a wide range of other ethnicities.
  • Hispanic Cuban Americans’ Cultural Heritage and Traditions The Cuban American’s culture and traditions are a blend of Spanish customary practices, different homeland Cubania heritages, and the US lifestyle.
  • Alcohol Use Amongst Hispanic College Apprentices The results showed that less assimilated Hispanic percent of boys in the buffer zone could be at greater risk of alcohol addiction than Hispanic masculine apprentices.
  • The Hispanic Unemployment Issue in the US A Hispanic person in the US is more likely to be unemployed than an average American. People of color have historically been one of the most discriminated groups.
  • Latinos and Hispanics: History of Migration to North America Throughout history, and even in modem times, Hispanic and Latino immigrants have often relocated to North America to seek better opportunities.
  • Epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes Among Hispanic Males Diabetes is a disease with a very high prevalence of 19% among Hispanic males. It is more common among Hispanics than all other races.
  • Health Status of Hispanic Americans The US is populated by numerous ethnic groups, including non-Hispanic whites, Alaskan Natives, Asian and African Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Hispanics.
  • The Discrepancies in Unhealthy Food Advertising: Hispanic and Black Consumers This research aims to outline the discrepancies in unhealthy food advertising directed toward Hispanic and Black consumers.
  • Obesity in Adolescence in the Hispanic Community The health risks linked to Hispanic community adolescent obesity range from diabetes, heart problems, sleep disorders, asthma, and joint pain.
  • Hispanic Culture Immersion in United States The Hispanic population has shown development in the United States. 31 million people are recognized as Hispanics, constituting the biggest minority group in the country.
  • People of Cuban Heritage: Hispanic Americans v. Cuban Americans The highest proportion of Hispanic Americans is in New Mexico, California, and Texas. The largest proportion of Cuban Americans is in Florida, New Jersey, California.
  • Mental Health in Adolescents Ages 15-18 of Hispanic Culture Latino youngsters face many challenges, such as the risk of behavioral issues like drug use, unplanned pregnancy, and low education levels.
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder in a Hispanic Male Nicolάs, 27 years old, is a Hispanic male who reports three years of anxiety attacks. Thus, the complete diagnosis is Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
  • The Problem of Hispanic Interracial Crimes Hispanic on Hispanic crime is more prevalent than Hispanic on non-Hispanic crime. In summary, most offenders commit crimes against people of a similar race or ethnicity to them.
  • Hispanic Obesity in the Context of Cultural Empowerment This paper identifies negative factors directly causing obesity within the Hispanic people while distinguishing positive effects upon which potential interventions should be based.
  • Researching the Hispanic Community in El Paso, Texas The Hispanic community is an ethnic group residing in El Paso, Texas, on the border with Mexico. The community is dominant in the city as of the approximately 680,000 population
  • Hispanic or Latino Populations of the USA: Health Status and Promotion and Disease Prevention The socioeconomic factors play a particularly important role as a barrier to the health promotion of the group.
  • Obesity in Hispanic American Citizens The issue of obesity anong Hispanic Americans occurs as a result of poor dieting choices caused by misinformed perceptions of proper eating.
  • The Prevalence and Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Diseases Among Hispanics This paper focuses on one of the minority ethnic groups namely Hispanics/Latinos. It discusses the frequency of CVD risk factors that affect the community.
  • Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers in Hispanic Elderly People This paper shows that pressure ulcers will continue to increase in severity and costs if the current situation persists and becomes worse than the current situation.
  • Cultural Assessment in Healthcare Setting: Hispanic Americans The research claims that certain health care issues affect Hispanic clients more than non-Hispanics due to their unique social, economic, and environmental factors.
  • Analysis of Hispanic American Literature Over the years, Hispanic American literature has developed a rich and complex diversity of themes, forms, creative idioms, and styles that call for analysis.
  • Increasing Diabetes Infections Among the Hispanic Populations The article’s objective is centered around establishing whether chronic stress makes US Hispanics more susceptible to diabetes.
  • Hispanic Community: Alcohol & Substance Abuse Among the Female Gender Population This study will focus on alcohol and substance abuse among the female gender population proportion (12-20 years and 25-45 years) in the Hispanic community in California.
  • Hispanic Americans Cultural Care: Background and Beliefs Culturally respectful treatment can make healthcare for Hispanic people less stressful and more common, lowering the risk of chronic illness and improving the community’s health.
  • Impact of the 2008 Election on the Hispanic Population The 2008 presidential election can be considered a major historical event, as the percentage of the Hispanic population that voted for Obama was the highest ever.
  • Portrayal of a Hispanic Social Group in the Media As of late, Hispanics have been portrayed in the media as leeches on the American public system wherein they take but do not give.
  • Children’s Obesity in the Hispanic Population The purpose of this manuscript is to examine nurses’ knowledge concerning the major risk factors of obesity in school-age Hispanic population.
  • Hispanics as Vulnerable Population Children, women, the elderly, the poor and immigrants are main social groups considered to be vulnerable population.
  • The History of Florida and Hispanics in It This paper looks at the history of Florida and Hispanics in it, and their social diversity; looks at Hispanic contribution in the political arena, social life and economic sector.
  • Pregnant Hispanic Girls Despite Available Birth Control Girls who are sexually active are at risk of getting unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.
  • Ethnicity Studies: Hispanic American Diversity The Hispanics do not have differences across their cultures except for the fact they came from different locations.
  • Hispanic American Diversity: A Comparison of Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Chileans This work analyzes the main similarities and differences in social, political, and cultural conventions of Hispanic ethnic groups live in the U.S.
  • Social Diversity: Hispanics in America The essay describes occurrences of several common elements in culture, that serve in uniting the Hispanics from varied backgrounds.
  • Intervention and Health Promotion Plan for Hispanic and Latino Community Such primary health problems of young Hispanics as STDs, HIV, heart diseases, and cancer are imposed by excessive alcohol consumption as a moderator of acculturative stress.
  • Hispanic and Mexican Heritage and Health Beliefs This paper demonstrates a compare and contrast analysis of common characteristics and distinguishing traits between Hispanic American, Latino American, and Mexican heritage.
  • The Hispanic Community of Miami The Hispanic community of Miami is the most dominant in the city due to large-scale migrations that occurred during the 1920s.
  • Hispanic and Latino Population Presentation The aim of this research paper is to present the main characteristics of such cultural groups as Hispanics and Latinos.
  • Hispanic, Latino Americans and Mexican Heritage Culture Hispanics/Latinos are the largest minority cultural group, while Mexicans form the largest socio-cultural group among the Hispanic/Latino constituency.
  • Hispanic Society’s and Bryant Park Websites Both the Hispanic Society and the Bryant Park sites comply with the existing standards for websites in terms of information provision.
  • Hispanic Communities Effects on Policing Plans This paper is a literature review that seeks to examine whether or not the characteristics of the Hispanic communities affect the community-oriented policing plans.
  • Health Disparity of Hispanics Hispanics are an ethnic group that is disproportionately affected by obesity. The health disparity requires the immediate attention of the members of the health community.
  • French, Chinese and Hispanic Cultural Customs The paper discusses a French custom of getting together to have dinner, Chinese weddings, and Hispanic Quinceañeras – celebrating girl’s passage from childhood to womanhood.
  • Culturally Congruent Care and Hispanic Health The paper overviews health promotion beliefs, health needs and concerns, and evidence-based health promotion strategies specific to Hispanic people.
  • IPhone Addiction and Health of Hispanic Adolescents iPhone addiction among Hispanic adolescents is becoming a major health problem in the United States. The use of phones while driving is one of the leading causes of accidents.
  • Hypertension Literacy Among Hispanic Patients One is considered to have hypertension if the force exerted by blood against the wall of blood vessels is greater than normal.
  • Educational Programs for Hispanic Patients with Diabetes The main goals of this paper are to provide an evaluation plan and discuss the implications for the practice and future research. The research will be carried out in medical settings.
  • Hispanic Population’s Health at Miami-Dade County Miami-Dade County ranks 23 out of 67 counties in the state of Florida. 67.3 percent of the population is Hispanic and encounters several chronic diseases.
  • Colon Cancer Among Male Hispanic Population The problem of colon cancer among the male Hispanic population in the United States is a major cause of concern.
  • Hispanic Patient’s Health and Heritage Assessment The Heritage Assessment tool is helpful in evaluating and analyzing the health problems of a particular cultural group.
  • The HIV Risk for Older Hispanic Women The authors of the article Unique Factors that Place Older Hispanic Women at Risk for HIV: Intimate Partner Violence, Machismo, and Marianismo clearly state the primary purpose of the research.
  • Diabetes Among Hispanics in Miami: Risk Factors Diabetes is one of the most severe health-related threats in the world, as well as the USA. Hispanics develop diabetes due to their eating habits and sedentary life.
  • Health Promotion Among Hispanic Population Hispanic Americans are still an underprivileged group that has limited access to healthcare services. The major health issues are related to healthy lifestyle.
  • The Hispanic Population’s Health in the USA The target population is exposed to a series of risks. Statistics reveal that Hispanic Americans show a 50% higher diabetes-caused death rate than the whites.
  • Hispanics and African Americans in Miami Community Miami is one of the diverse communities in Florida. This is the case because it is characterized by different ethnic groups such as African Americans, Latinos.
  • Adolescent Pregnancy in Hispanics and Afro-Americans This statement defines and explores the problem of adolescent pregnancy in Hispanic and black females and provides a position statement on the issue.
  • Hispanic, Asian-Pacific, Jewish Populations’ Health This paper describes the unique cultural perspective toward health and well-being and the health needs of Hispanic populations, Asian-Pacific Islanders, and Jewish people.
  • Old Hispanic Women and HIV Risk Factors The current study provides a significant contribution to the existing level of knowledge that involves old Hispanic women (OHW) and the already defined HIV risk factors.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy Among Hispanics in Miami The purpose of the current paper is to evaluate the health risk related to the timely diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy that is faced by Hispanics/Latinos in Miami.
  • Hispanic Communities’ Healthcare and Spirituality The demography of Hispanic communities in the United States demonstrates low economic standards as opposed to other communities.
  • Health Issues Affecting African Americans and Hispanics Healthcare practitioners should provide adequate care to different members of the community. This exercise examines the health issues affecting African Americans and Hispanics.
  • Hispanic Elderly Patients and Their Caregivers In elderly patients with chronic diseases does patient education intervention compared with only medication treatments improve their health statuses?
  • Obesity Trends Among Non-Hispanic Whites and Blacks The primary objective of the reported study was to investigate the connection between education achievements and obesity.
  • Culturally Competent Care and Hispanic Patients This paper seeks to collect information that might be relevant to nurses when they are caring for Hispanic families and patients in clinical settings.
  • Health Promotion Among Hispanic Minority Group The following paper addresses the issue of health disparities of the Hispanic minority group through health promotion.
  • Hispanic Population With Heart Failure The research problem was based on the realization that the effectiveness of heart failure management programs had not been tested when in Hispanic participants.
  • Hispanic as a Vulnerable Population in the US The paper reviews Hispanic population as a vulnerable population in the US using Vulnerable Population Conceptual Model, and healthcare models in the US.
  • Hispanic American Cultural Group: Demographic and Behavior The Hispanic American cultural group is comprised of individuals of different ancestry. The group includes the Mexican, Colombian, Rican, Neomexican, Guatemalan, Cuban, and Dominican.
  • Hispanic Population in the USA The Hispanic population is the largest national-linguistic minority on the territory of the USA, which has a long and complicated history. The Hispanics are the representatives of two unequal groups.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, July 14). 81 Hispanics Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/hispanics-essay-topics/

"81 Hispanics Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 14 July 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/hispanics-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2022) '81 Hispanics Essay Topics'. 14 July.

1. StudyCorgi . "81 Hispanics Essay Topics." July 14, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/hispanics-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "81 Hispanics Essay Topics." July 14, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/hispanics-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "81 Hispanics Essay Topics." July 14, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/hispanics-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Hispanics were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on December 27, 2023 .

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  • Spanish Studies Subject Guide
  • Narrowing Topics in Spanish Studies

Spanish Studies Subject Guide — Narrowing Topics in Spanish Studies

  • Thinking about Topics
  • Exploring Broad Topics in Spanish Studies
  • Forming a Research Question
  • Finding Primary Sources
  • Finding Secondary Sources
  • Finding Open Access Sources
  • Finding Audiovisual Materials
  • Finding Current News
  • Finding Materials on Microform
  • Citing Sources
  • Finding Additional Resources

Narrowing a Topic

Adapt or narrow your topic to match the course expectations or research project assignment.

  • For example, is it a long research paper where you might analyze multiple aspects of 1970s Spanish literature or a short paper where you might focus on a specific novel?
  • Are there enough secondary sources (monographs, edited volumes, peer-reviewed journal articles) to support your analysis of a narrow topic?
  • Are primary sources available in a language that you can read and are they digitized or available through the UConn Library?

Use the examples below as models to think about matching the size and scope of the topic with the expectations for the assignment or research project.

Contemporary Spanish Literature

Cover of Soldados de Salamina

Soldados de Salamina (2001) 

Cover of El monarca de las sombras

El monarca de las sombras (2017)

Argentine Cinema

Cover of El abrazo partido

El abrazo partido   (2003)

Cover of Derecho de familia

Derecho de familia (2006)

  • << Previous: Exploring Broad Topics in Spanish Studies
  • Next: Forming a Research Question >>
  • Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024 3:43 PM
  • URL: https://guides.lib.uconn.edu/Spanish

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126 Hispanics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best hispanics topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on hispanics, 📌 most interesting hispanics topics to write about, 📃 interesting topics to write about hispanics, 🔍 simple & easy hispanics essay titles.

  • Gender Roles and Family Systems in Hispanic Culture In the Hispanic culture, amarianismo’ and amachismo’ are the terms used to determine the various behavioral expectations among the family members.
  • Overview and Analysis of Hispanic & Latino Theology The Hispanic theology is shown as a representation of the religious and theological inflections of the Hispanic people staying in the United States.
  • Hispanic Culture in “Como Agua Para Chocolate” by Laura Esquivel The subject matter of the book is Hispanic culture and traditions, particularly the cuisine and the family traditions in Mexico. They have a special term “machismo” which is associated with the responsibility of a man […]
  • Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Reduction in Hispanic Women Its purpose is to reduce STI’s Gonorrhea/Chlamydia among Hispanic women in Michigan and to plan a culturally appropriate intervention to address this area of health. The final data is also inclusive of the ethnic and […]
  • Asian American and Hispanic Identities in the US This is especially true of immigrants from Laos, who may not feel a strong sense of belonging to the greater Asian American group because they come from different cultural and historical backgrounds.
  • Cultural Empowerment in the Hispanic Community In the case of the Hispanic community prone to obesity, the use of cultural empowerment tools might help identify and incorporate positive elements in the culture.
  • Preventing Obesity Among the Hispanic Population The first factor within the dimension of relationships and expectations is associated with the perception of health-related values, beliefs, and attitudes that create a basis for an individual to engage in healthy behaviors.
  • Epidemiology: Type II Diabetes in Hispanic Americans The prevalence of type II diabetes in Hispanic Americans is well-established, and the search for inexpensive prevention methods is in the limelight.
  • Obesity Among Black and Hispanic Adults In conclusion, obesity is a health issue that is likely to be faced by black and Hispanic adults following poverty, lack of health education, and cultural beliefs.
  • Type 2 Diabetes in Hispanic Americans The HP2020 objectives and the “who, where, and when” of the problem highlight the significance of developing new, focused, culturally sensitive T2D prevention programs for Hispanic Americans.
  • COVID-19 Among Hispanics in the United States Since the findings demonstrate that the condition is significant for the selected population, it seems reasonable to conduct another study to investigate the epidemiology of COVID-19 among Hispanics living in the United States.
  • Expanding Knowledge of Hispanic Culture In a family, the men are the ones who are expected to provide for that family and as well be the individuals in charge of that family.
  • Hispanic Patients: The Cultural Differences Due to the processes of economic development of the United States, the import of foreign labor into the country is growing.
  • Obesity in Adolescent Hispanic Population According to Kemp, “the percent of Black and Hispanic teens with obesity increased significantly over the past decade, but the prevalence of obesity remained unchanged for non-Hispanic White adolescents and young children, according to data […]
  • Reduction of Obesity in the Adolescent Hispanic Population According to Kemp, “the percent of Black and Hispanic teens with obesity increased significantly over the past decade, but the prevalence of obesity remained unchanged for non-Hispanic White adolescents and for young children, according to […]
  • Child Obesity in Hispanic Community The problem of obesity among children in the Latin American community is not primarily related to the lack of attention of parents to the growing problem.
  • “Diabetes Prevention in U.S. Hispanic Adults” by McCurley et al. This information allows for supposing that face-to-face interventions can be suitable to my practicum project that considers measures to improve access to care among African Americans with heart failure diseases. Finally, it is possible to […]
  • Conditions of People Migrating to the U.S.: Hispanic Migration In the first half of the century, Mexican comprised the majority of the Hispanic migrants to the country, with a small proportion of immigrants from the Caribbean countries.
  • “In the Heights”: A Depiction of Hispanic Immigrant Experience in the United States In many cases, immigrants form or join the closed communities, and the people, who live there, are often not adjusted to the environment of the main population. Nina Rosario is the daughter of two hard-working […]
  • Discrimination Against Hispanics in America Today, Mexicans and all other Hispanics are still victims of the stereotypes and inequalities faced by their people in the US over a hundred years ago.
  • Hispanic American History: Importance and Impact The study of the complex interrelationships and general trends of Hispanic-American economic, political, and social developments helped deepen and understand the features of the people, which is helpful for professional activities.
  • Hispanic Americans and Immigrants The people of Hispanic origin account for a considerable part of the population of the United States. More specifically, the Hispanic population of the country has surpassed sixty million by the year 2019, and this […]
  • Addressing the Needs of Hispanic Patients With Diabetes Similarly, in the program at hand, the needs of Hispanic patients with diabetes will be considered through the prism of the key specifics of the community, as well as the cultural background of the patients.
  • Hispanic and Black Community Injustice Moreover, in the letter to environmental organizations, people of color demanded to include them in the ruling positions of unions and to raise funding in the polluted areas.
  • High Blood Pressure Management in Hispanic Patient These symptoms are complemented by heavy snoring and the lack of pain except for the headaches, which are becoming more frequent and last for a couple of hours.
  • Hispanic and Latino Community’s Health in Florida In terms of the present presentation, the community health assessment will be focused on the health state of the Hispanic and Latino community in the state of Florida and Broward County, in particular.
  • Anxiety and Depression in Hispanic Youth in Monmouth County Therefore, the Health Project in Monmouth County will help Hispanic children and adolescents between the ages of 10 and 19 to cope with anxiety and depression through behavioral therapy.
  • Heart Disease Among Hispanic and Latino Population Hispanics and Latinos have the highest propensity for heart related diseases in the society. They are at a very high risk of developing diabetes, obesity, and hypertension.
  • Hispanic Migrant Workers’ Community The primary language spoken by Hispanics in the United States is Spanish as in the case of the farm workers of Mexican origin or Latin American nationalities.
  • Nursing in Different Cultures – Hispanic Cultures Cultural conflicts can occur when nurses acknowledge the influence of their values on global health. Cultural values are the lasting belief systems, which a society focuses on.
  • Heart Disease Among Hispanic & Latino Population One of the causes of the rise in the case of heart diseases in Westminster is the literacy rate of the Hispanic/Latinos in the county.
  • Community Health Advocacy Project: Diabetes Among Hispanics It will be important to evaluate the performance of the intervention plan in order to determine how appropriate it is in addressing the identified problem.
  • Community Health Advocacy Project: Hispanics With Diabetes Statistics clearly show that age, gender, socio-economic status, and weight management are some of the key factors that affect the distribution of type-2 diabetes amongst the Hispanics.
  • Hispanics Are More Susceptible to Diabetes That Non-Hispanics This trend is persistent to date, and is the reason behind the prevalence of diabetes among Hispanics. The condition of the environments in which Hispanics live also adds increases their susceptibility to diabetes.
  • Rates Diabetes Between Hispanics Males and Females An increase in the period that one spends in the US correlates with the chances of developing the disease. In this context, all the levels would be used to address the high prevalence rates of […]
  • Hispanics: Scholarly Culture Paper Duran, notes that the absence of information about Hispanics contributes largely to the unavailability of competitive healthcare services of the same.
  • Hispanic Americans Opinion Takeyuki Tsuda The book Immigration and Ethnic Relations in the U.S.speaks on the theme of reshaping the face of the United States during the period of the past few decades.
  • A Portrait of Hispanics Living in California The originality of the Hispanic population in the US can be traced to different ethnic groups comprising of Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Cubans.
  • Educational Disparities: Non-Hispanic Whites vs. Blacks The segregation set up the course for disparities in the education sector because the black schools mainly in the south were poor and thus could not afford to provide adequate facilities for the students.
  • Boosting Education and Culture Among Hispanic Women There is also the fact that the Hispanic women who have managed to go to school do not demonstrate a strong attachment to the Hispanic culture.
  • Hispanic Males in the 19th-21st Centuries This change in the family setup has led to the change in the role of the Hispanic male. The family’s security was in the hands of the Hispanic male while the woman acted as the […]
  • Norms, and Characteristics of African American and Hispanic Living in Florida The two minority groups selected for my research are African American people and Hispanic groups with whom I am familiar from my locality.
  • African Americans and Hispanics in New Jersey In fact, “African-American history starts in the 1500s with the first Africans coming from Mexico and the Caribbean to the Spanish territories of Florida, Texas, and other parts of the South”.
  • Hispanic Americans as Illegal Immigration Thus a historical loyalty to the Democratic Party is still sustained even today At 15% the Hispanic-American population of the United States makes up the fastest growing minority in the United States.
  • Hispanic Nation: Brief Retrospective The number of the baby born to Hispanics in comparison to other groups is very high. Another threat is of the low skill set of the Hispanics and their ability to learn new skill for […]
  • Hispanic American Diversity Analysis Mexican started migrating to the United States in considerable numbers as early as 1850 following the discovery of Gold in Sierra Nevada of California and continued doing so as the economy of the United States […]
  • Assessing Learning: Hispanic Lessons and Assessments Assessment is a vital activity in the process of learning in the modern educational framework and it is through assessment that the learning of the content is evaluated and central changes in the process are […]
  • Health Effects of Tobacco Smoking in Hispanic Men The Health Effects of Tobacco Smoking can be attributed to active tobacco smoking rather than inhalation of tobacco smoke from environment and passive smoking.
  • Hispanic American Diversity and Conventions According to the analysis in these countries majority of these people are catholic, that is 70 %, the Protestants are 23%, and 6% have no affiliation.
  • Immigration, Hispanics, and Mass Incarceration in the U.S. This article evaluates the effect of the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, that led to the legalization of approximately 3 million immigrants had on the crime rates in the U.S.
  • Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Hispanic Women The study is justified because establishing the level of HPV, cervical cancer, and HPV vaccine knowledge among Hispanic women would pave the way for the formulation of strategies on patient education on the issue.
  • National Association of Hispanic Nurses: Importance of Involvement The official website of the organization, http://nahnnet.org/, stipulates that the primary purpose of the organization is to unite the nurses and make sure that they provide the Hispanic population with adequate care.
  • Hispanic Women’s Stereotypes in the USA Importantly, the single-story related to Hispanic females refers to the representatives of the entire continent since people pay little attention to the origin of the Latino population.
  • Hispanic Culture: Juan’s Health Case If he obtains the necessary documents, it would be possible to bring his family to the country, and this will facilitate family therapy. He will have to forget about his family for some time because […]
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Hispanic Teenager Family dynamics and social withdrawal do not seem to have affected the client’s academic history; her grades are good and she has no history of behavioral problems.
  • Bilingual Education for Hispanic Americans The right to learn a native language is incorporated as Article 29 of the Convention of Right of a Child in the General assembly of the United Nations in 1989.
  • Perception of Diabetes in the Hispanic Population Diabetes is also defined as one of the leading causes of death among the citizens of the United States. Despite the possibility to create certain measurements of this nursing research project, it is also required […]
  • Anti-Obesity Program for Hispanic Children It is expected that the successful implementation of the program will lead to a subsequent 15% drop in the levels of obesity among Hispanic children in the target community.
  • Hispanic Student’s Cultural and Ethical Issues Unfortunately, there is a lot of evidence supporting the fact that the educational experience for Hispanics in the United States is one of the most pressing problems.
  • Hispanic and Asian Americans’ Mobility Factors As for me, I believe that the level of discrimination and assimilation have a critical impact on the socioeconomic flexibility of the immigrants due to the ability of the society to create stereotypes while the […]
  • Obesity in Hispanic Adolescents and Fast Food Most of these, however, describe the relationship existing between the prevalence of diabetes in the population and the consumption of fast foods.
  • Hispanic Patients and Dietary Approaches (DASH) As to sugars, the DASH diet limits the sweets intake to the daily servings of fructose from fruit and additional 5 servings of sugar per week.
  • African, Caribbean, Hispanic, Pakistani, Dutch Cultures In addition, Nigerians are believed to speak their own Nigerian pidgin, which is not true since the official language of the country is English, and many people speak it fluently.
  • Counseling and Mentorship Program for Hispanic Children The purpose of the mentorship program was to educate and widen their learning skills of the targeted children. The program also targeted to inform these individuals about the relevance of schooling in the Hispanic society.
  • The Hispanic Project” by Nikki S. Lee One of the most complicated and at the same time the most essential problems of the modern world, the racial segregation, and the racial hegemony is to be considered because of the growing number of […]
  • Hispanic American Diversity: Mexican, Cubans, Guatemalans and the Puerto Ricans These groups are the Mexican Americans, Cubans, Guatemalans and the Puerto Ricans. The main political issue relates to the Mexican American borders and the reduction of illegal immigrants.
  • The Hispanic Community Concept: History and Characteristics It could refer to the current Spain; it can also be used to refer to the Spanish language, or the term can be used to refer to the communities in the world that speak the […]
  • Hispanic American Culture and its Impact in America Impact of Hispanic Americans culture in American is evident. Hispanic Americans are the most culturally influential minority cultural and ethnic group in United States today.
  • Hispanic Childhood Poverty in the United States Importance of the Problem The problem of childhood poverty in Hispanic groups in America is important to this study and to the social studies in America.
  • Ethnic Stratification, Prejudice, Discrimination: Hispanics The author of this paper discusses the effects of ethnic stratification on the Hispanics/Latinos, and how prejudice and discrimination are relevant to this ethnic group.
  • Hispanic Americans: Roles Played in the American Society. In the first place, it is necessary to remember that Hispanic Americans constitute about 15 % of the entire American population, which makes them the second largest ethnic group in the USA.
  • Hispanic Americans: Racial Status Starting the discussion with the identification of the Hispanic Americans and their place in the population of the USA, the author says that some cities inhabit more Hispanic Americans than Americans.
  • The US Ethnic Groups: the Hispanic Americans Of all the Hispanic Americans ethnic groups in the US, the Mexican is the largest, followed by Puerto Ricans, and then Cubans. The population of the Hispanic Americans has increased rapidly and is now the […]
  • The Role of Hispanic Americans in Counseling Family structure and gender roles Family commitment in different cultures is an indispensable characteristic, which involves loyalty, a strong support system, the behavior of a child, which is associated with the honor of the family, […]
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Sexuality in the Hispanic Culture Men are the breadwinners of the family, a duty that requires men to play the father figure role in the family.
  • Assessing the Challenges in Treating Substance Abuse Among Members of Hispanic Families In this respect, it is necessary to define the peculiarities of Hispanic culture in terms of family structure traditions, gender role distributions, and influence of family problems on members’ substance abuse.
  • Mexican American, Chicano, Latino, Hispanic Cultural Variations in Childrearing Most of the Mexican Americans lived in areas in the USA that once belonged to Mexico that is areas such as California, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and others and in the regions that they […]
  • The Minority Groups: African Americans and Hispanics All the challenges facing African Americans and Hispanics have been there for a very long time and the authorities do not seem to care the plight of these groups.
  • Immigration bias on Hispanics in North Carolina Immigration bias against the Hispanics has been witnessed in the State of North Carolina based on implementation of Section 287 of the Immigration and Nationality Act.
  • The Hispanic Population in the United States The Hispanic population represents the largest minority group in the United States. Around one half of Hispanic residents in the United States were born in a foreign country.
  • The Ethnic Issues of the Hispanic American People In the article, it is evident that the population of people from the Hispanic American origin has risen over the years, and currently, they contribute to approximately fourteen percent of the entire population of the […]
  • The Social and Economic Conditions of the Hispanic Immigrants In the course of time, the attitude to Latin Americans has changed due to the shifts in perceiving cultural and social beliefs.
  • Economic and Social Inequalities in the United States Between Whites, Asian Americans, Hispanics and African Americans Although, there are similarities in the wellbeing of whites and Asian American, Asian Americans are still seen as foreigners. However, to further isolate them, they are indentified with a tag inclined to the origin of […]
  • The Aspects of Hispanic History and Culture S history emphasize on how the British colonies of North America were found and their subsequent growth, their gaining of independence in 1776 and the east to west growth of the U.S.
  • Annotation Of: Hispanics and the Death Penalty It also identified several manifestations of racial discrimination between the whites and non whites by comparing Asian Americans and Hispanics marriages with the whites and discovered that the Asian Americans and Hispanics had higher chances […]
  • African Americans and Hispanics of Mental Health Facilities
  • Assimilation and Health: Linked Birth Records of Second and Third-Generation Hispanics
  • Background Knowledge Immigration Hispanics From the United States
  • Blacks, Hispanics, and White Ethnic Groups: Are Blacks Uniquely Disadvantaged?
  • Bragging About Online Purchases: Comparing Consumer Word-Of-Mouth Among Hispanics and Non-Hispanics Groups
  • Brain Amyloid Burden and Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Late Middle-Aged Hispanics
  • Cancer, Respiratory and Cardiovascular Diseases: Mortality Rates Among African-Americans and Hispanics
  • Gender Disparity in Automobility Among Hispanics in the U.S
  • Child Sexual Abuse Among Hispanics and TF-CBT
  • Comparing Modernity Between Hispanics and Tibetans in Baltimore
  • Considering the Economic Status of Black Americans and Hispanics
  • Contextual Factors and Weight Change Over Time: U.S. Hispanics and Other Groups Comparison
  • Diversity Analysis: The Impact of Hispanics in the Workplace
  • Domestic Violence Against Hispanics and Latinas in Louisiana
  • The Problem of Domestic Violence Among Hispanics
  • Educational Disparities Among Black and Hispanics
  • Racial Discrimination and Hispanics in the United States
  • Ethnic Stratification, Prejudice, Discrimination: Hispanics
  • Overview of Healthcare Disparity Among the Hispanics
  • The Case of Direct Marketing Advertising for Hispanics
  • The Problem of Teenage Pregnancies Anong Hispanics
  • Hispanics and the American Dream: Analysis of Hispanic Male Labor Market Wages
  • The Problem of Alcoholism Among Hispanics
  • Hispanics and Their Contribution to America’s Human Capital
  • Analysis of Hispanic Health Care Issues in Texas
  • Hispanics, Black, Substance Abuse, and Multicultural Counseling
  • Legal and Social Justice for Hispanics and Women
  • Looking Through the Eyes of Undocumented Hispanics in the United States
  • Hispanics’ Habits and Attitudes Towards Drinking
  • Marital Assimilation Among Hispanics: Evidence of Declining Cultural and Economic Incorporation
  • His Panic: Why Americans Fear Hispanics in the U.S
  • Mind, Body, and Culture: Somatization Among Hispanics
  • Minority Groups: African Americans, Women, and Hispanics
  • Mortality Among Elderly Hispanics in the USA: Past Evidence and New Results
  • Operant Conditioning and Parenting Practices Between Hispanics and North Americans
  • Police Brutality Against Hispanics and African Americans
  • Racial and Ethnic Inequality of Hispanics in the USA
  • Self-Selection, Prenatal Care, and Birthweight Among Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics in New York
  • Racial Prejudice and Bias Against Hispanics
  • Police Brutality: Hispanics, Asians, and African American
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 29). 126 Hispanics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hispanics-essay-topics/

"126 Hispanics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 29 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hispanics-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '126 Hispanics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 29 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "126 Hispanics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hispanics-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "126 Hispanics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hispanics-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "126 Hispanics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hispanics-essay-topics/.

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The Classroom | Empowering Students in Their College Journey

Spanish Class Research Paper Topics

What the Byzantine Empire & Islam Have in Common

What the Byzantine Empire & Islam Have in Common

Research papers are a good learning -- and testing -- activity for a Spanish class. Writing a research paper gives the students a practical and creative way to use the language -- each sentence poses a new creative problem to solve. Spain is such a rich and colorful country that writing projects that match a wide variety of interests are easy to find--and Spanish is also spoken in many other countries.

Countries Other Than Spain

There are a lot of countries other than Spain where Spanish is spoken. The differences in how Spanish is spoken in various countries supply materials for dozens of essays. For one thing, the "z" is pronounced "th" in Spain and nowhere else. There is a legend that this is due to a Spanish king who lisped, but some scholars disagree. It is true that this sometimes causes confusion for words like "casa"-- house -- and "caza"-- hunt. There are also dialect differences in the way Spanish is spoken in different South American countries that is a source for some amusing anecdotes.

Regional Histories

The regions of Spain almost seem like different countries--each could be the subject of a Spanish class research paper. Andalusia is famous for flamenco, but also as an agricultural region and the home of Moorish monuments like the Alhambra. Catalan is the home of the Architect Antonio Gaudi -- and his unique style can be seen everywhere. It also has its own language and music. In the north of Spain is the mountainous region of the Basque. This region also has its own language and characteristic cuisine, which is completely different from the rest of Spain.

Famous Spaniards

Spain has produced famous people in all human endeavors: explorers, artists, musicians and scientists. Some of the most famous explorers of the New World were Spanish, including Cortez, Coronado, De Soto and Ponce de Leon. Many other famous explorers sailed from Spain, including Balboa, Magellan, Columbus and Vespucci. Some of the most famous painters in the world came from Spain, including Picasso, Diego Rivera, Goya, Velazquez and Salvador Dali. Foremost among Spanish scientists is Santiago Ramon y Cajal -- the Nobel Prize Winner who first identified the fundamental cellular structure of the brain. Each and every one of these famous individuals could be the subject of an engaging research paper.

Spanish Food

Spain is an agricultural region -- south of France and with a warmer climate. It is one of the major suppliers of fruits and vegetables to Europe. Like France, it has a rich and complex culinary tradition, ripe for a paper to be written that includes recipes and the history behind them. The only Spanish dishes known to most people are Piaia and horchata, but there are a rich array of meat and seafood dishes that are famous all over Europe. There are also recipes like Sangria (red wine, sugar and citrus fruits) that are enjoyed -- especially in Latin cultures -- all over the globe.

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  • DocStoc: Spanish Research Topics

Srta Spanish

Srta Spanish

Support for Spanish Teachers

7 Fun and Engaging Spanish Project Ideas

January 19, 2023

Learning a language is more than just memorizing verbs and vocabulary words – it’s about connecting the language with real-life experiences. Spice up your middle school and high school classes with these Spanish project ideas that will make the language come alive for your students.

spanish research paper topics

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Why use research projects with students?

Research projects are an amazing way to engage students with the language and give them an opportunity to explore the culture, history, geography, and important figures. These projects allow for creativity, critical thinking, research skills, and (if you want) collaboration. Research projects also help build self-confidence as students practice their Spanish, discover new things about the culture, and develop a deeper understanding of a given topic.

How to get started with research projects

Research projects involve a lot of planning and clear directions. Start by giving your students an overview of the project and outlining the expectations. Be sure to select an appropriate level of difficulty with respect to language, content, resources, and length. Once your students know the general outline of the project, they can begin searching for information to create their final presentation. Finally, you should provide check-in points throughout the project so that you can observe student progress and offer feedback as needed.

spanish research paper topics

I personally like to reach out to the school’s media specialist and ask for help with research. In some schools I’ve been in, the media specialist will come into my classes on the research day(s) to help support students and for another pair of eyes on screens while students are working. As a bonus, most media specialists will know if your school district pays for any sites or resources to help your students in their research!

Spanish Project Ideas

Whether students are working in a printable or digital format, there are great options for your students!

  • Holidays and celebrations
  • Spanish-Speaking Countries (poster)
  • Create a tour of the Spanish-speaking countries (digital)
  • Explore a Spanish-speaking country (digital)
  • Hispanic Heritage Month
  • Afro Latinos Famosos
  • Famous Women throughout history

spanish research paper topics

I hope these ideas are helpful for you! I have always found that having such a clear cut, print and go templates have really helped students to organize their thoughts and create a beautiful project to share their research with classmates and peers. Check out all of my digital and research Spanish project ideas in one bundle here !

spanish research paper topics

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    Need some interesting, relevant Spanish class presentation topics? Let us help you get started with unas ideas: Light Topics: Common Slang Expressions. Every day you say things that don't translate well, they are the things that come out totally wrong when you run them through Google Translate or another online translation tool.

  2. Spanish Studies Subject Guide

    Spanish Studies Subject Guide — Thinking about Topics. Topics and resources for Spanish Studies. Exploring broad topics in Spanish Studies scholarship is a good way to start thinking about potential topics for your essay, research paper, or project. As you explore some of the broad topics in recent scholarship, consider:

  3. Spanish Studies: Topics, Keywords, & Search Tips

    Articles & Research Databases Literature on your research topic and direct access to articles online, when available at UW.; E-Journals Alphabetical list of electronic journal titles held at UW.; Encyclopedias & Dictionaries Resources for looking up quick facts and background information.; E-Newspapers, Media, Maps & More Recommendations for finding news, audio/video, images, government ...

  4. Creating and Selecting a Research Topic

    Opposing Viewpoints in Context This link opens in a new window More than 14,000 pro/con viewpoint essays, 5,000+ topic overviews, 300+ primary source documents, 300+ biographies of social activists and reformers, more than 775 court-case overviews, 5 million periodical articles, nearly 6,000 statistical tables, charts and graphs, nearly 70,000 images and a link to Google Image Search ...

  5. Exploring Broad Topics in Spanish Studies

    Exploring broad topics in recent Spanish Studies scholarship is a good way to start thinking about potential topics for your essay, research paper, or project. As you explore some of the broad topics in recent scholarship, consider: What are the expectations around the essay, paper, or project?

  6. 6 Research Projects for Spanish Class

    This Spanish-Speaking artists research poster project is a great way to kick off the unit! Assign students an artist, or let them choose who to present on. There are 40 artists included, but there's also a blank page so you can add more, or let your students find and choose who to research! Help them celebrate and learn about art from a ...

  7. Find Articles and Databases

    This guide serves as an introduction to the Spanish resources provided by the Kathryn A. Martin Library. However, this guide is by no means a complete list of resources. To see all the available digital resources in World Languages and Cultures, visit the A-Z databases list:

  8. Spanish Linguistics Guide: Writing Your Research Paper

    Definition: An abstract summarizes the most important content of your paper sequentially, highlighting your research topic, the reason for your study, a basic description of your methodology, and important findings.Good abstracts use the active voice in the past tense and rely on brief but well-structured sentences. Format: Abstracts are usually formatted in one block paragraph without ...

  9. Spanish Studies Subject Guide

    Use the UConn Writing Center to formulate or revise a research question or preliminary thesis statement. The writing center offers free in-person and online tutoring. You can make an appointment, drop-in with a quick question, or request written feedback. At UConn Storrs, the writing center is located on Level 2 of the Homer Babbidge Library ...

  10. Hispanic Research Journal

    Journal overview. Hispanic Research Journal (HRJ) promotes and disseminates research into the cultures of the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America, from the Middle Ages to the present day. The fields covered include literature and literary theory, cultural history and cultural studies, language and linguistics, and film and theatre studies.

  11. Research Guides: *Spanish & Portuguese: Find Scholarly Articles

    Finding Scholarly Journal Articles in Spanish/Portuguese. Provides citations to articles about Central and South America, Mexico, the Caribbean basin, the U.S.-Mexico border, and Hispanics in the U.S. Covers 1970-present. The Handbook is a bibliography on Latin America consisting of works selected and annotated by scholars.

  12. LibGuides: Spanish Studies: Journals and e-journals

    The journal reviews and publishes papers in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. All papers, except for book and documentary film review essays, are subject to double-blind peer review. LARR, the academic journal of the Latin American Studies Association, has been in continuous publication since 1965. Latin beat magazine.

  13. Spanish Studies: Find Articles & E-Journals

    Articles & Research Databases Literature on your research topic and direct access to articles online, when available at UW.; E-Journals Alphabetical list of electronic journal titles held at UW.; Encyclopedias & Dictionaries Resources for looking up quick facts and background information.; E-Newspapers, Media, Maps & More Recommendations for finding news, audio/video, images, government ...

  14. Latin American Research Paper Topics

    Latin America Research Topics about Brazil. Analyzing the cultural relations between Brazil and the US. A closer look at the evolution of Brazil culture. Evaluating the different governments of Brazil. The economy of Brazil during the Cold War. The influence of the Roman Catholic Church in Brazil. Discuss the importance of Brazil's rainforest ...

  15. Getting Started

    This library guide is designed to help you along each step of the research process as you prepare and write papers for your Spanish classes. For general Research Paper Help, try this guide, too. Each section of the guide connects with one step of the research process: Pick a topic with ideas from the news, library databases, and more.

  16. Journal of Spanish Language Teaching

    The Journal of Spanish Language Teaching is a new peer-reviewed journal that provides an international forum for innovative research, methods, materials and theories on the teaching and learning of Spanish as a foreign language. The Journal's main purpose is to create a dialogue between researchers and practitioners worldwide in order to enrich a discipline that is experiencing tremendous growth.

  17. Project Resources: Research Project Topic Ideas (Spanish/Hispanic

    Research Hispanic immigration in the USA. Research the Olmec, Aztec, Maya, Inca, or other indigenous civilization. Research the geography of a specific Spanish-speaking country/region. Research significant rivers, mountain ranges, or other geographical features of Latin America or Spain.

  18. 81 Hispanics Essay Topics & Research Titles at StudyCorgi

    Looking for the best Hispanics topic for your essay or research? 💡 StudyCorgi has plenty of fresh and unique titles available for free. 👍 Check out this page! Free essays. Search for: ... The Cuban American's culture and traditions are a blend of Spanish customary practices, different homeland Cubania heritages, and the US lifestyle.

  19. Narrowing Topics in Spanish Studies

    Adapt or narrow your topic to match the course expectations or research project assignment. What are expectations around the length of the paper or project? For example, is it a long research paper where you might analyze multiple aspects of 1970s Spanish literature or a short paper where you might focus on a specific novel?

  20. PDF Research methods and techniques in Spanish library and information ...

    The most commonly used research method in papers published in Spanish library and information science journals was descriptive research (40.1%) followed by bibliometrics (19%), which together accounted for almost 60% of the total papers. Some way behind in third place was theoretical and conceptual research (11.68%).

  21. 126 Hispanics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Community Health Advocacy Project: Hispanics With Diabetes. Statistics clearly show that age, gender, socio-economic status, and weight management are some of the key factors that affect the distribution of type-2 diabetes amongst the Hispanics. Hispanics Are More Susceptible to Diabetes That Non-Hispanics.

  22. Spanish Class Research Paper Topics

    Spanish Class Research Paper Topics. Research papers are a good learning -- and testing -- activity for a Spanish class. Writing a research paper gives the students a practical and creative way to use the language -- each sentence poses a new creative problem to solve. Spain is such a rich and colorful country that writing projects that match a ...

  23. 7 Fun and Engaging Spanish Project Ideas

    These projects allow for creativity, critical thinking, research skills, and (if you want) collaboration. Research projects also help build self-confidence as students practice their Spanish, discover new things about the culture, and develop a deeper understanding of a given topic. How to get started with research projects

  24. 2024 AP Exam Dates

    2024 AP Exam Dates. The 2024 AP Exams will be administered in schools over two weeks in May: May 6-10 and May 13-17. AP coordinators are responsible for notifying students when and where to report for the exams. Early testing or testing at times other than those published by College Board is not permitted under any circumstances.