
Informative Speech Thesis Statement

thesis statement for informative speech on autism

Unlock the power of effective communication with informative speech thesis statement examples. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the art of crafting compelling thesis statements for informative speeches. From unraveling the intricacies of informative speech thesis statements to providing step-by-step writing strategies, you’ll gain valuable insights into captivating your audience’s attention and delivering informative speeches that leave a lasting impact. Elevate your speaking prowess with expert tips tailored to engaging and enlightening your listeners.

What is an Informative Speech Thesis Statement? – Definition

An informative speech thesis statement is a concise and focused sentence that encapsulates the main idea or central message of an informative speech. It serves as a roadmap for the audience, providing them with a clear preview of the topics, concepts, or information that will be presented in the speech. The informative speech thesis statement helps the audience understand the purpose of the speech and what they can expect to learn or gain from listening.

What is an Example of Informative Speech Thesis Statement?

Example: “In this informative speech, I will explore the history, cultural significance, and health benefits of traditional herbal remedies used by indigenous communities around the world.”

In this example, the informative speech thesis statement clearly outlines the main topics that will be covered in the speech. It indicates that the speech will delve into the history, cultural importance, and positive health effects of traditional herbal remedies within indigenous cultures globally. This thesis statement provides a roadmap for the audience, giving them a glimpse of the informative content that will follow in the speech.  In addition, you should review our  thesis statement for personal essay .

100 Informative Speech Thesis Statement Examples

Informative Speech Thesis Statement Examples

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  • Today, we’ll explore the mysterious world of the deep sea and the creatures that inhabit it.
  • The history of chocolate reveals a complex journey from Mayan rituals to modern day luxury.
  • Understanding the basics of solar energy can lead us to sustainable solutions for the future.
  • The Great Wall of China represents centuries of historical evolution, defense strategies, and cultural significance.
  • Let’s delve into the intricate world of bee communication and the role of pheromones.
  • The human brain’s plasticity offers insights into learning, memory, and recovery.
  • The art of origami goes beyond paper folding, reflecting Japanese traditions and philosophical insights.
  • Mount Everest’s geological formation, history, and climbing challenges are both captivating and daunting.
  • Sleep is a complex process that affects our mental, emotional, and physical health in surprising ways.
  • Leonardo da Vinci’s inventions showcase the genius of a Renaissance man.
  • The process of wine-making, from grape to glass, combines art and science.
  • By understanding the different waves of feminism, we can appreciate the evolution of gender rights.
  • The history of the Olympics traces the evolution of human athleticism and global unity.
  • Artificial intelligence’s rise and implications touch every facet of our modern lives.
  • Delve into the mysterious culture and rituals of the Maasai tribe in East Africa.
  • The Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, is a natural wonder driven by Earth’s magnetism.
  • The evolution of the internet has transformed global communication, commerce, and culture.
  • The Silk Road was more than a trade route; it was a bridge between cultures and epochs.
  • The health benefits of meditation extend beyond relaxation, influencing brain structure and function.
  • Exploring the dynamics of black holes uncovers the universe’s enigmatic phenomena.
  • The ancient pyramids of Egypt tell tales of pharaohs, engineers, and a civilization ahead of its time.
  • Yoga, beyond flexibility, promotes holistic health and spiritual growth.
  • The migration patterns of monarch butterflies are one of nature’s most astonishing journeys.
  • Unpacking the ethical implications of cloning gives insights into the future of biotechnology.
  • The life cycle of a star reveals the universe’s beauty, complexity, and constant change.
  • From farm to cup, the journey of coffee beans impacts economies, cultures, and your morning ritual.
  • The Renaissance era: an explosion of art, science, and thought that shaped the modern world.
  • The complexities of the human immune system defend us against microscopic invaders daily.
  • Antarctica’s ecosystem is a fragile balance of life, adapting to the planet’s harshest conditions.
  • The Titanic’s tragic voyage remains a lesson in hubris, safety, and fate.
  • Let’s understand the intricacies of quantum mechanics and its revolution in modern physics.
  • Delve into the world of paleontology and the mysteries of dinosaur existence.
  • Sign languages around the world are rich, diverse modes of communication beyond spoken words.
  • The world of dreams: decoding symbols, understanding stages, and their impact on our psyche.
  • The Wright brothers’ journey was a testament to innovation, persistence, and the human spirit.
  • The evolution of musical genres reflects societal changes, technological advancements, and cultural blends.
  • Samurai warriors embody the ethos, discipline, and martial traditions of feudal Japan.
  • The three states of matter offer a basic understanding of the universe’s physical essence.
  • The Hubble Space Telescope has revolutionized our perception of the universe and our place within it.
  • Journey through the rich tapestry of African tribal cultures, traditions, and histories.
  • The concept of time travel, while popular in fiction, presents scientific and philosophical challenges.
  • Explore the world of forensic science and its pivotal role in modern criminal justice.
  • Delve into the world of cryptocurrencies, their workings, and their potential to redefine finance.
  • The linguistic diversity of the Indian subcontinent showcases a mosaic of cultures, histories, and beliefs.
  • The process of photosynthesis is nature’s way of converting light into life.
  • The mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle have intrigued scientists, historians, and travelers alike.
  • Uncover the importance and workings of vaccines in combating infectious diseases.
  • The Eiffel Tower is more than an icon; it’s a testament to engineering and cultural symbolism.
  • Delving into the myths, facts, and history of the majestic white wolves of the Arctic.
  • The cultural, economic, and culinary significance of rice in global civilizations.
  • Discover the beauty, function, and preservation of coral reefs, the oceans’ rainforests.
  • The enigma of Stonehenge reflects ancient engineering, astronomical knowledge, and cultural rituals.
  • Human memory is a complex interplay of neurons, experiences, and emotions.
  • The history of jazz music: its roots, evolution, and impact on modern music genres.
  • The incredible world of bioluminescence in deep-sea creatures.
  • The philosophy and practices of Buddhism offer a path to enlightenment and inner peace.
  • The Big Bang Theory unravels the universe’s origin, expansion, and eventual fate.
  • Examine the rich history, culture, and significance of Native American tribes.
  • The formation and importance of wetlands in maintaining global ecological balance.
  • The metamorphosis process in butterflies: a dance of genes, hormones, and time.
  • Delve into the wonders of the human genome and the secrets it holds about our evolution.
  • The history and future of space exploration: from the moon landings to Mars missions.
  • Discover the dynamic world of volcanoes, their formation, eruption, and influence on ecosystems.
  • The French Revolution: its causes, timeline, and lasting impacts on global politics.
  • Breaking down the science and art behind architectural marvels across history.
  • The multifaceted world of the Amazon rainforest: its biodiversity, tribes, and conservation challenges.
  • The principles and practices of sustainable farming in modern agriculture.
  • Decoding the mysteries of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization.
  • The art of bonsai: a journey of patience, aesthetics, and nature’s miniaturization.
  • The Second World War: its origins, major events, and lasting global implications.
  • The water cycle: nature’s way of sustaining life on Earth.
  • Understanding autism: its spectrum, challenges, and societal implications.
  • The cultural, historical, and spiritual significance of the holy city of Jerusalem.
  • The physics and thrill of skydiving: conquering gravity and fear.
  • The impact of the printing press on literature, religion, and the dissemination of knowledge.
  • Delve into the intriguing world of espionage: its history, techniques, and impact on geopolitics.
  • The cinematic evolution of Hollywood: from silent films to digital masterpieces.
  • The profound impact of the Harlem Renaissance on art, literature, and black consciousness.
  • The fascinating science behind earthquakes and our quest to predict them.
  • The challenges, resilience, and beauty of life in the world’s deserts.
  • The role and significance of the United Nations in global peace and diplomacy.
  • The fashion revolutions of the 20th century and their socio-cultural impacts.
  • Journey through the intricate and diverse world of spiders.
  • The principles and history of the art of storytelling across civilizations.
  • The enigma and allure of the Mona Lisa: beyond the smile and into da Vinci’s world.
  • The magic of magnetism: its principles, applications, and mysteries.
  • The impact of social media on society: communication, psychology, and privacy concerns.
  • The mysteries and significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls in biblical research.
  • The innovations and challenges of deep-sea exploration.
  • Explore the evolution, beauty, and significance of Japanese tea ceremonies.
  • The majestic world of eagles: species, habitats, and their role in ecosystems.
  • The cultural and historical significance of ancient Greek theater.
  • Dive into the art and techniques of cinematography in filmmaking.
  • The complex history and geopolitics of the Panama Canal.
  • The practice and significance of animal migration across species and ecosystems.
  • The legacy and lessons of the Roman Empire.
  • The beauty, challenges, and adaptations of alpine flora and fauna.
  • The history, techniques, and significance of mural painting across cultures.
  • The science and wonder of rainbows: from mythologies to optics.
  • Discover the significance and celebrations of Diwali, the festival of lights.

Informative Speech Thesis Statement Examples for Introduction

An introductory informative speech thesis statement sets the stage, creating intrigue or establishing the context for the topic that follows. It lays the groundwork for what listeners can anticipate.

  • Let’s embark on a journey through the ages, exploring the timeless allure of ancient civilizations.
  • As we unravel the secrets of the universe, we begin with its most mysterious element: dark matter.
  • Today, let’s understand the fabric of our global economy and the threads that weave it together.
  • Venturing into the digital realm, we’ll discover the evolution and impact of social media on human connections.
  • Set sail with me to explore the enigmatic world of lost cities submerged beneath the seas.
  • Journeying back in time, we delve into the age of chivalry and the knights of old.
  • Let us embark on an odyssey into the intricate realm of modern art and its diverse interpretations.
  • Today, we set foot in the mesmerizing world of optical illusions and the psychology behind them.
  • Navigating through the labyrinth of the human mind, we begin with dreams and their interpretations.
  • As we chart our course today, let’s explore the unsung heroes behind history’s greatest discoveries.

Informative Speech Thesis Statement Examples for Graduation

Graduation speeches are pivotal moments, focusing on accomplishments, transition, and the journey ahead. A  concise thesis statement should resonate with the gravity of the milestone.

  • Today, we celebrate not just the culmination of years of hard work but the dawn of new beginnings.
  • Graduation is a testament to perseverance, growth, and the dreams we dared to chase.
  • We stand on the threshold of a new era, armed with knowledge, experiences, and ambitions.
  • Together, we’ve climbed mountains of challenges, and today, we pause to admire the view.
  • This graduation isn’t an endpoint but a launching pad for dreams yet to be realized.
  • Through shared challenges and achievements, we’ve woven a tapestry of memories and aspirations.
  • Today, as we close this chapter, we eagerly await the stories we’re destined to write.
  • Graduation is a reflection of past endeavors and the beacon guiding our future journeys.
  • As we don the cap and gown, we embrace the responsibilities and promises of tomorrow.
  • This ceremony is a tribute to our resilience, aspirations, and the legacy we’re beginning to build.

Informative Speech Thesis Statement Examples For Autism

Autism speeches inform and spread awareness. The thesis should be insightful, compassionate, and devoid of any stereotypes.

  • Autism, in its spectrum, paints a vivid tapestry of diverse experiences and unique strengths.
  • Delving into autism, we discover not just challenges but unparalleled potential and perspectives.
  • Unpacking the world of autism offers a glimpse into diverse minds shaping our world uniquely.
  • Autism is not a limitation but a different lens through which the world is perceived.
  • Through understanding autism, we pave the way for inclusivity, appreciation, and holistic growth.
  • Autism, in its essence, challenges societal norms, urging us to redefine success and potential.
  • Embracing the autistic community is embracing diversity, creativity, and the myriad ways of being human.
  • Navigating the realm of autism, we find tales of resilience, innovation, and boundless spirit.
  • Autism stands as a testament to human neurodiversity and the endless forms of intelligence.
  • In the heart of autism lies the profound message of acceptance, understanding, and unbridled potential.

Informative Speech Thesis Statement Examples on Depression

When discussing depression, the thesis should be sensitive, informed, and aimed at eliminating stigma while spreading awareness.

  • Depression, often silent, is a profound emotional experience that impacts countless lives globally.
  • Delving into the depths of depression, we uncover its nuances, challenges, and paths to healing.
  • Today, we shine a light on the shadows of depression, fostering understanding and empathy.
  • Depression, beyond just a mood, is a complex interplay of biology, environment, and experiences.
  • Recognizing and addressing depression is pivotal to building a compassionate and resilient society.
  • In understanding depression, we equip ourselves with tools for empathy, intervention, and support.
  • Depression, while daunting, also presents stories of strength, recovery, and hope.
  • Through the lens of depression, we see the urgent need for mental health advocacy and education.
  • Navigating the intricate world of depression helps dispel myths and foster genuine understanding.
  • As we unravel the fabric of depression, we realize its universality and the importance of collective support.

Informative Speech Thesis Statement Examples on Life

Life, in its vastness, offers endless topics. A thesis on life should be profound, insightful, and universally resonant.

  • Life, in its ebb and flow, presents a mosaic of experiences, challenges, and joys.
  • Delving into the journey of life, we find lessons in the most unexpected moments.
  • Life, with its unpredictable twists, teaches us resilience, adaptability, and the value of time.
  • Through life’s lens, we appreciate the transient beauty of moments, relationships, and dreams.
  • Life’s tapestry is woven with threads of memories, decisions, and the pursuit of purpose.
  • Navigating the terrain of life, we encounter peaks of joy and valleys of introspection.
  • Life’s rhythm is a dance of challenges met, lessons learned, and love discovered.
  • Embracing life means acknowledging its imperfections, uncertainties, and boundless potentials.
  • Life is a rich canvas, painted with choices, experiences, and the colors of emotions.
  • In the vast expanse of life, we find the significance of connections, growth, and self-awareness.

Informative Speech Thesis Statement Examples Conclusion

Conclusion thesis statements wrap up the essence of the speech, leaving listeners with poignant thoughts or a call to action.

  • As we journeyed through the annals of history, we’re reminded of the footprints we’re destined to leave.
  • Having delved deep into the human psyche, we come away enlightened, empowered, and introspective.
  • As our exploration concludes, let’s carry forward the knowledge, empathy, and drive to make a difference.
  • Wrapping up our journey, we realize that every end is but a new beginning in disguise.
  • As we draw the curtains, the lessons imbibed urge us to reflect, act, and evolve.
  • In conclusion, the tapestry we’ve woven today serves as a testament to our collective potential.
  • As our discourse comes to an end, let’s pledge to be torchbearers of change, understanding, and progress.
  • Concluding today’s journey, we’re left with insights, questions, and a renewed sense of purpose.
  • As we wrap up, the stories shared serve as beacons, illuminating our paths and choices.
  • In the final note, let’s carry the essence of today’s exploration, making it a catalyst for growth and understanding.

What is a good thesis statement for an informative essay?

A good thesis statement for an informative essay is a clear, concise declaration that presents the main point or argument of your essay. It informs the reader about the specific topic you will discuss without offering a personal opinion or taking a stance. The ideal thesis statement is:

  • Specific: It should narrow down the subject so readers understand the essay’s scope.
  • Arguable: Though it doesn’t express an opinion, it should still be something that might be disputed or clarified.
  • Clear: It should be easily understandable without any ambiguity.
  • Focused: The thesis should relate directly to the topic, ensuring it doesn’t stray into irrelevant areas.
  • Brief: While it should encapsulate your main point, it shouldn’t be excessively long.

Example: “The process of photosynthesis in plants is crucial for converting carbon dioxide into oxygen, a transformation that sustains most life forms on Earth.”

Does an informative speech need a thesis?

Yes, an informative speech does need a thesis. The thesis acts as a compass for your audience, providing them with a clear understanding of what they will learn or gain from your speech. It sets the tone, focuses the content, and provides a roadmap for listeners to follow. An informative speech thesis helps the audience:

  • Understand the Purpose: It clearly states what the speech will cover.
  • Anticipate Content: It sets expectations for the type of information they will receive.
  • Stay Engaged: By knowing the direction, listeners can follow along more easily and attentively.
  • Retain Information: With a clear foundation laid by the thesis, the audience can more easily remember key takeaways.

How do you write an Informative speech thesis statement? – Step by Step Guide

Crafting a strong and effective specific thesis statement for an informative speech is vital to convey the essence of your message clearly. Here’s a comprehensive step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

  • Select a Suitable Topic: Start with a subject that is engaging and you’re knowledgeable about. This will give your thesis authenticity and enthusiasm.
  • Refine Your Topic: A broad subject can be overwhelming for both the speaker and the audience. Narrow it down to a specific aspect or angle that you want to focus on.
  • Conduct Preliminary Research: Even if you’re familiar with the subject, conduct some research to ensure you have updated and factual information. This will give your thesis credibility.
  • Determine the Main Points: From your research and knowledge, deduce the primary points or messages you wish to convey to your audience.
  • Formulate a Draft Thesis: Using your main points, write a draft of your thesis statement. This doesn’t have to be perfect; it’s just a starting point.
  • Keep it Clear and Concise: Your thesis should be easily understandable. Avoid jargon and complex words unless they are crucial and you plan to explain them during your speech.
  • Ensure Objectivity: An informative thesis aims to educate, not to persuade. Keep it neutral and avoid any personal bias.
  • Test for Specificity: Your thesis should be specific enough to give your audience a clear idea of what to expect, but broad enough to encompass the main idea of your speech.
  • Seek Feedback: Share your draft thesis with friends, colleagues, or mentors. Their perspectives might offer valuable insights or point out aspects you hadn’t considered.
  • Revise and Refine: Based on feedback and further reflection, refine your thesis. Ensure it’s concise, specific, and clearly conveys the main idea of your speech.
  • Practice it Aloud: Say your thesis statement out loud a few times. This helps you ensure it flows well and can be easily understood when spoken.
  • Align with Content: As you develop the content of your speech, revisit your thesis to ensure it remains consistent with the information you’re presenting. Adjust if necessary.
  • Finalize: Once you’re satisfied, finalize your thesis statement. It should be a strong and clear representation of what your audience can expect from your speech.

Remember, your thesis is the foundation of your informative speech. It sets the stage for everything that follows, so taking the time to craft it meticulously is crucial for the effectiveness of your speech.

Tips for Writing an Informative Speech Thesis Statement

  • Stay Objective: Avoid personal biases. Your goal is to inform, not persuade.
  • Be Specific: General statements can disengage your audience. Specificity grabs attention.
  • Limit Your Scope: Don’t try to cover too much. Stick to what’s essential to avoid overwhelming your audience.
  • Prioritize Clarity: Use simple, direct language. Avoid jargon unless it’s pertinent and you plan to explain it.
  • Test It Out: Before finalizing, say your thesis out loud. This will help identify any awkward phrasings.
  • Stay Relevant: Make sure your thesis relates directly to the rest of your speech.
  • Avoid Questions: Your thesis should be a statement, not a question.
  • Revise as Needed: As you flesh out your speech, revisit your thesis to ensure it still aligns.
  • Stay Consistent: The tone and style of your thesis should match the rest of your speech.
  • Seek Inspiration: Listen to other informative speeches or read essays to see how experts craft their thesis statements.

Remember, your thesis statement is the anchor of your speech. Invest time in crafting one that is clear, compelling, and informative.  You should also take a look at our  final thesis statement .


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14 Crafting a Thesis Statement

Learning Objectives

  • Craft a thesis statement that is clear, concise, and declarative.
  • Narrow your topic based on your thesis statement and consider the ways that your main points will support the thesis.

Crafting a Thesis Statement

A  thesis statement  is a short, declarative sentence that states the purpose, intent, or main idea of a speech. A strong, clear thesis statement is very valuable within an introduction because it lays out the basic goal of the entire speech. We strongly believe that it is worthwhile to invest some time in framing and writing a good thesis statement. You may even want to write your thesis statement before you even begin conducting research for your speech. While you may end up rewriting your thesis statement later, having a clear idea of your purpose, intent, or main idea before you start searching for research will help you focus on the most appropriate material. To help us understand thesis statements, we will first explore their basic functions and then discuss how to write a thesis statement.

Basic Functions of a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement helps your audience by letting them know, clearly and concisely, what you are going to talk about. A strong thesis statement will allow your reader to understand the central message of your speech. You will want to be as specific as possible. A thesis statement for informative speaking should be a declarative statement that is clear and concise; it will tell the audience what to expect in your speech. For persuasive speaking, a thesis statement should have a narrow focus and should be arguable, there must be an argument to explore within the speech. The exploration piece will come with research, but we will discuss that in the main points. For now, you will need to consider your specific purpose and how this relates directly to what you want to tell this audience. Remember, no matter if your general purpose is to inform or persuade, your thesis will be a declarative statement that reflects your purpose.

How to Write a Thesis Statement

Now that we’ve looked at why a thesis statement is crucial in a speech, let’s switch gears and talk about how we go about writing a solid thesis statement. A thesis statement is related to the general and specific purposes of a speech.

Once you have chosen your topic and determined your purpose, you will need to make sure your topic is narrow. One of the hardest parts of writing a thesis statement is narrowing a speech from a broad topic to one that can be easily covered during a five- to seven-minute speech. While five to seven minutes may sound like a long time for new public speakers, the time flies by very quickly when you are speaking. You can easily run out of time if your topic is too broad. To ascertain if your topic is narrow enough for a specific time frame, ask yourself three questions.

Is your speech topic a broad overgeneralization of a topic?

Overgeneralization occurs when we classify everyone in a specific group as having a specific characteristic. For example, a speaker’s thesis statement that “all members of the National Council of La Raza are militant” is an overgeneralization of all members of the organization. Furthermore, a speaker would have to correctly demonstrate that all members of the organization are militant for the thesis statement to be proven, which is a very difficult task since the National Council of La Raza consists of millions of Hispanic Americans. A more appropriate thesis related to this topic could be, “Since the creation of the National Council of La Raza [NCLR] in 1968, the NCLR has become increasingly militant in addressing the causes of Hispanics in the United States.”

Is your speech’s topic one clear topic or multiple topics?

A strong thesis statement consists of only a single topic. The following is an example of a thesis statement that contains too many topics: “Medical marijuana, prostitution, and Women’s Equal Rights Amendment should all be legalized in the United States.” Not only are all three fairly broad, but you also have three completely unrelated topics thrown into a single thesis statement. Instead of a thesis statement that has multiple topics, limit yourself to only one topic. Here’s an example of a thesis statement examining only one topic: Ratifying the Women’s Equal Rights Amendment as equal citizens under the United States law would protect women by requiring state and federal law to engage in equitable freedoms among the sexes.

Does the topic have direction?

If your basic topic is too broad, you will never have a solid thesis statement or a coherent speech. For example, if you start off with the topic “Barack Obama is a role model for everyone,” what do you mean by this statement? Do you think President Obama is a role model because of his dedication to civic service? Do you think he’s a role model because he’s a good basketball player? Do you think he’s a good role model because he’s an excellent public speaker? When your topic is too broad, almost anything can become part of the topic. This ultimately leads to a lack of direction and coherence within the speech itself. To make a cleaner topic, a speaker needs to narrow her or his topic to one specific area. For example, you may want to examine why President Obama is a good public speaker.

Put Your Topic into a Declarative Sentence

You wrote your general and specific purpose. Use this information to guide your thesis statement. If you wrote a clear purpose, it will be easy to turn this into a declarative statement.

General purpose: To inform

Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the lyricism of former President Barack Obama’s presentation skills.

Your thesis statement needs to be a declarative statement. This means it needs to actually state something. If a speaker says, “I am going to talk to you about the effects of social media,” this tells you nothing about the speech content. Are the effects positive? Are they negative? Are they both? We don’t know. This sentence is an announcement, not a thesis statement. A declarative statement clearly states the message of your speech.

For example, you could turn the topic of President Obama’s public speaking skills into the following sentence: “Because of his unique sense of lyricism and his well-developed presentational skills, President Barack Obama is a modern symbol of the power of public speaking.” Or you could state, “Socal media has both positive and negative effects on users.”

Adding your Argument, Viewpoint, or Opinion

If your topic is informative, your job is to make sure that the thesis statement is nonargumentative and focuses on facts. For example, in the preceding thesis statement, we have a couple of opinion-oriented terms that should be avoided for informative speeches: “unique sense,” “well-developed,” and “power.” All three of these terms are laced with an individual’s opinion, which is fine for a persuasive speech but not for an informative speech. For informative speeches, the goal of a thesis statement is to explain what the speech will be informing the audience about, not attempting to add the speaker’s opinion about the speech’s topic. For an informative speech, you could rewrite the thesis statement to read, “Barack Obama’s use of lyricism in his speech, ‘A World That Stands as One,’ delivered July 2008 in Berlin demonstrates exceptional use of rhetorical strategies. 

On the other hand, if your topic is persuasive, you want to make sure that your argument, viewpoint, or opinion is clearly indicated within the thesis statement. If you are going to argue that Barack Obama is a great speaker, then you should set up this argument within your thesis statement.

For example, you could turn the topic of President Obama’s public speaking skills into the following sentence: “Because of his unique sense of lyricism and his well-developed presentational skills, President Barack Obama is a modern symbol of the power of public speaking.” Once you have a clear topic sentence, you can start tweaking the thesis statement to help set up the purpose of your speech.

Thesis Checklist

Once you have written a first draft of your thesis statement, you’re probably going to end up revising your thesis statement a number of times prior to delivering your actual speech. A thesis statement is something that is constantly tweaked until the speech is given. As your speech develops, often your thesis will need to be rewritten to whatever direction the speech itself has taken. We often start with a speech going in one direction, and find out through our research that we should have gone in a different direction. When you think you finally have a thesis statement that is good to go for your speech, take a second and make sure it adheres to the criteria shown below.

Thesis checklist questions.

Preview of Speech

The preview, as stated in the introduction portion of our readings, reminds us that we will need to let the audience know what the main points in our speech will be. You will want to follow the thesis with the preview of your speech. Your preview will allow the audience to follow your main points in a sequential manner. Spoiler alert: The preview when stated out loud will remind you of main point 1, main point 2, and main point 3 (etc. if you have more or less main points). It is a built in memory card!

For Future Reference | How to organize this in an outline |


Attention Getter: Background information: Credibility: Thesis: Preview:

Key Takeaways

Introductions are foundational to an effective public speech.

  • A thesis statement is instrumental to a speech that is well-developed and supported.
  • Be sure that you are spending enough time brainstorming strong attention getters and considering your audience’s goal(s) for the introduction.
  • A strong thesis will allow you to follow a roadmap throughout the rest of your speech: it is worth spending the extra time to ensure you have a strong thesis statement.

Stand up, Speak out  by University of Minnesota is licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

Public Speaking Copyright © by Dr. Layne Goodman; Amber Green, M.A.; and Various is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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National Academies Press: OpenBook

Educating Children with Autism (2001)

Chapter: 16 conclusions and recommendations.

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16 Conclusions and Recommendations This chapter summarizes the committee’s conclusions about the state of the science in early intervention for children with autistic spectrum disorders and its recommendations for future intervention strategies, pro- grams, policy, and research. The chapter is organized around seven key areas pertaining to educational interventions for young children with autistic spectrum disorders: how the disorders are diagnosed and as- sessed and how prevalent they are; the effect on and role of families; appropriate goals for educational services; characteristics of effective in- terventions and educational programs; public policy approaches to en- suring access to appropriate education; the preparation of educational personnel; and needs for future research. DIAGNOSIS, ASSESSMENT, AND PREVALENCE Conclusions Autism is a developmental disorder of neurobiologic origin that is defined on the basis of behavioral and developmental features. Autism is best characterized as a spectrum of disorders that vary in severity of symptoms, age of onset, and association with other disorders (e.g., mental retardation, specific language delay, epilepsy). The manifestations of au- tism vary considerably across children and within an individual child over time. There is no single behavior that is always typical of autism and no behavior that would automatically exclude an individual child from a 211

212 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM diagnosis of autism, even though there are strong and consistent com- monalities, especially relative to social deficits. The large constellation of behaviors that define autistic spectrum dis- orders—generally representing deficits in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, and restricted patterns of interest or behav- iors—are clearly and reliably identifiable in very young children to expe- rienced clinicians and educators. However, distinctions among classical autism and atypical autism, pervasive developmental disorder-not other- wise specified (PDD-NOS), and Asperger’s disorder can be arbitrary and are often associated with the presence or severity of handicaps, such as mental retardation and severe language impairment. Identifying narrow categories within autism is necessary for some research purposes; however, the clinical or educational benefit to subclas- sifying autistic spectrum disorders purely by diagnosis is debated. In contrast, individual differences in language development, verbal and non- verbal communication, sensory or motor skills, adaptive behavior, and cognitive abilities have significant effects on behavioral presentation and outcome, and, consequently, have specific implications for educational goals and strategies. Thus, the most important considerations in pro- gramming have to do with the strengths and weaknesses of the indi- vidual child, the age at diagnosis, and early intervention. With adequate time and training, the diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders can be made reliably in 2-year-olds by professionals experi- enced in the diagnostic assessment of young children with autistic spec- trum disorders. Many families report becoming concerned about their children’s behavior and expressing this concern, usually to health profes- sionals, even before this time. Research is under way to develop reliable methods of identification for even younger ages. Children with autistic spectrum disorders, like children with vision or hearing problems, re- quire early identification and diagnosis to equip them with the skills (e.g., imitation, communication) to benefit from educational services, with some evidence that earlier initiation of specific services for autistic spectrum disorders is associated with greater response to treatment. Thus, well meaning attempts not to label children with formal diagnoses can deprive children of specialized services. There are clear reasons for early identifi- cation of children, even as young as two years of age, within the autism spectrum. Epidemiological studies and service-based reports indicate that the prevalence of autistic spectrum disorders has increased in the last 10 years, in part due to better identification and broader categorization by educators, physicians, and other professionals. There is little doubt that more children are being identified as requiring specific educational inter- ventions for autistic spectrum disorders. This has implications for the provision of services at many levels. Analysis of data from the Office of

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 213 Special Education Programs, gathered for school-age children since the autism category was recognized in 1991, would support investigation of whether the dramatic increases in the numbers of children served with autistic spectrum disorders are offset by commensurate decreases in other categories in which children with autistic spectrum disorders might have previously been misclassified or whether these dramatic increases have come about for other reasons. Although children with autistic spectrum disorders share some char- acteristics with children who have other developmental disorders and may benefit from many of the same educational techniques, they offer unique challenges to families, teachers, and others who work with them. Their deficits in nonverbal and verbal communication require intense effort and skill even in the teaching of basic information. The unique difficulties in social interaction (e.g., in joint attention) may require more individual guidance than for other children in order to attract and sustain their children’s attention. Moreover, ordinary social exchanges between peers do not usually occur without deliberate planning and ongoing struc- turing by the adults in the child’s environment. The absence of typical friendships and peer relationships affects children’s motivation systems and the meaning of experiences. Appropriate social interactions may be some of the most difficult and important lessons a child with autistic spectrum disorders will learn. In addition, the frequency of behavior problems, such as tantrums and self-stimulatory and aggressive behavior, is high. The need for sys- tematic selection of rewards for many children with autistic spectrum disorders, whose motivation or interests can be limited, requires creativ- ity and continued effort from teachers and parents to maximize the child’s potential. Although general principles of learning and behavior analysis apply to autistic spectrum disorders, familiarity with the specific nature of the disorder should contribute to analysis of the contexts (e.g., commu- nicative and social) of behaviors for individual children and result in more effective programming. For example, conducting a functional as- sessment that considers contexts, and then replacing problem behaviors with more appropriate ways to communicate can be an effective method for reducing problem behaviors. Recommendations 1-1 Because of their shared continuities and their unique social diffi- culties, children with any autistic spectrum disorder (autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder, atypical autism, PDD-NOS, child- hood disintegrative disorder), regardless of level of severity or function, should be eligible for special educational services within the category of autistic spectrum disorders, as opposed to other

214 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM terminology used by school systems, such as other health im- paired, social emotionally maladjusted, significantly developmen- tally delayed, or neurologically impaired. 1-2 Identification of autistic spectrum disorders should include a for- mal multidisciplinary evaluation of social behavior, language and nonverbal communication, adaptive behavior, motor skills, atypi- cal behaviors, and cognitive status by a team of professionals experienced with autistic spectrum disorders. An essential part of this evaluation is the systematic gathering of information from parents on their observations and concerns. If the school system cannot carry out such an assessment, the local education author- ity should fund the assessment through external sources. Early diagnosis should be emphasized. Because of variability in early development, younger children with autistic spectrum disorders should receive a follow-up diagnostic and educational assess- ment within one to two years of initial evaluation. 1-3 Professional organizations, with the support of the National Insti- tutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), should disseminate infor- mation concerning the nature and range of autistic spectrum dis- orders in young children to all professionals who have contact with children, particularly those who work with infants, toddlers, and preschool children. This information should include the vari- able presentations and patterns of behavior seen in autistic spec- trum disorders from toddlers to school age children. Members of “child find” teams within the early intervention systems, as well as primary care providers, should be trained in identifying the “red flags of autistic spectrum disorders” and the importance and means of early referral for comprehensive diagnostic evaluation. Advocacy groups and relevant federal agencies, as well as profes- sional organizations, should use effective media resources, in- cluding the Internet, to provide information concerning the range of behaviors in autistic spectrum disorders. ROLE OF FAMILIES Conclusions Having a child with an autistic spectrum disorder is a challenge for any family. Involvement of families in the education of young children with autistic spectrum disorders can occur at multiple levels, including advocacy, parents as participating partners in and agents of education or

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 215 behavior change, and family-centered consideration of the needs and strengths of the family as a unit. Nearly all empirically supported treat- ments reviewed by the committee included a parent component, and most research programs used a parent-training approach. More informa- tion is needed about the benefits of a family-centered orientation or com- bined family-centered and formalized parent training in helping parents. It is well established that parents can learn and successfully apply skills to changing the behavior of their children with autistic spectrum disorders, though little is known about the effects of cultural differences, such as race, ethnicity, and social class, nor about the interactions among family factors, child characteristics, and features of educational interven- tion. For most families, having a child with an autistic spectrum disorder creates added stress. Parents’ use of effective teaching methods can have a significant effect on that stress, as can support from within the family and the community. Parents need access to balanced information about autistic spectrum disorders and the range of appropriate services and technologies in order to carry out their responsibilities. They also need timely information about assessments, educational plans, and the avail- able resources for their children. This information needs to be conveyed to them in a meaningful way that gives them time to prepare to fulfill their roles and responsibilities. In the last ten years the widespread availability of the Internet and media attention to autistic spectrum disorders have increased parents’ knowledge but often conveyed perspectives that were not balanced nor well-supported scientifically. Of crucial importance is the question of how to make information available to parents and to ensure their active role in advocacy for their children’s education. Recommendations 2-1 Parents’ concerns and perspectives should actively help to shape educational planning. Specifically: a. In order for a family to be effective members of the Indi- vidualized Education Plan (IEP) team that plans a child’s educa- tion, the local school system should provide to the parents, at the beginning of the assessment process, written information con- cerning the nature of autistic spectrum disorders and eligibility categories, the range of alternatives within best practices in early education of autistic spectrum disorders, sources of funding and support (e.g., a support guide and bibliography), and their child’s rights. b. Prior to the IEP meeting, the local school system should provide to each family the written results of their child’s assess-

216 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM ment, and a contact person to explain the findings if they wish, and should indicate that they will have the opportunity to present their concerns. Early during the IEP meeting, parents should be given an opportunity to voice their questions, concerns, and per- spectives about their child’s development and educational pro- gramming. 2-2 As part of local educational programs and intervention programs for children from birth to age 3, families of children with autistic spectrum disorders should be provided the opportunity to learn techniques for teaching their child new skills and reducing prob- lem behaviors. These opportunities should include not only di- dactic sessions, but also ongoing consultation in which individu- alized problem-solving, including in-home observations or training, occur for a family, as needed, to support improvements at home as well as at school. 2-3 Families that are experiencing stress in raising their children with an autistic spectrum disorder should be provided with mental health support services. Under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which addresses family sup- port and service coordination, including private service provid- ers, services should be extended to include families of children at least up to age 8 years. GOALS FOR EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Conclusions At the root of questions about the most appropriate educational inter- ventions lie differences in assumptions about what is possible and what is important to give students with autistic spectrum disorders through edu- cation. The appropriate goals for educational services are the same as those for other children: personal independence and social responsibility. These goals imply continuous progress in social and cognitive abilities, verbal and nonverbal communication skills, adaptive skills, amelioration of behavioral difficulties, and generalization of abilities across multiple environments. In some cases, reports have suggested that particular treat- ments can foster permanent “recovery”. However, as with other develop- mental disabilities, the core deficits of autistic spectrum disorders have generally been found to persist, to some degree, in most individuals. Research concerning outcomes can be characterized by whether the goal of intervention is broadly defined (e.g., “recovery” or “best out-

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 217 come”) or more specifically defined (e.g., increasing vocabulary or peer- directed social behavior); whether the design involves reporting results in terms of group or individual changes; and whether the goals are short term (i.e., to be achieved in a few weeks or months) or longer term (i.e., over years). A large body of single-subject research has demonstrated substantial progress in individual responses to specific intervention tech- niques in relatively short periods of times (e.g., several months) in many specific areas, including gains in social skills, language acquisition, non- verbal communication, and reductions in challenging behaviors. Studies over longer periods of time have documented joint attention, symbolic play, early language skills, and imitation as core deficits and hallmarks of the disorder that are predictive of longer term outcome in the domains of language, adaptive behaviors, and academic skills. Many treatment studies report postintervention placement as an out- come measure. While successful participation in regular classrooms is an important goal for some children with autistic spectrum disorders, the usefulness of placement in regular education classes as an outcome mea- sure is limited, because placement may be related to many variables other than the characteristics of the child (e.g., prevailing trends in inclusion, availability of other services). The most commonly reported outcome measure in group treatment studies of children with autistic spectrum disorders has been changes in IQ scores, which also have many limita- tions. Studies have reported substantial changes in large numbers of chil- dren in intervention studies and longitudinal studies in which children received a variety of interventions. Even in the treatment studies that have shown the strongest gains, children’s outcomes are variable, with some children making substantial progress and others showing very slow gains. The needs and strengths of young children with autistic spectrum disorders are very heterogeneous. Although there is evidence that many interventions lead to improvements and that some children shift in spe- cific diagnosis along the autism spectrum during the preschool years, there does not appear to be a simple relationship between any particular intervention and “recovery” from autistic spectrum disorders. Thus, while substantial evidence exists that treatments can reach short-term specific goals in many areas, gaps remain in addressing larger questions of the relationships between particular techniques, child characteristics, and outcomes. Recommendations The IEP and Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) should be the vehicles for planning and implementing educational objectives.

218 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM 3-1 Appropriate educational objectives for children with autistic spec- trum disorders should be observable, measurable behaviors and skills. These objectives should be able to be accomplished within 1 year and expected to affect a child’s participation in education, the community, and family life. They should include the devel- opment of: a. Social skills to enhance participation in family, school, and community activities (e.g., imitation, social initiations and re- sponse to adults and peers, parallel and interactive play with peers and siblings); b. Expressive verbal language, receptive language, and non- verbal communication skills; c. A functional symbolic communication system; d. Increased engagement and flexibility in developmentally appropriate tasks and play, including the ability to attend to the environment and respond to an appropriate motivational system; e. Fine and gross motor skills used for age appropriate func- tional activities, as needed; f. Cognitive skills, including symbolic play and basic con- cepts, as well as academic skills; g. Replacement of problem behaviors with more conven- tional and appropriate behaviors; and h. Independent organizational skills and other behaviors that underlie success in regular education classrooms (e.g., complet- ing a task independently, following instructions in a group, ask- ing for help). 3-2 Ongoing measurement of educational objectives must be docu- mented in order to determine whether a child is benefiting from a particular intervention. Every child’s response to the educational program should be assessed after a short period of time. Progress should be monitored frequently and objectives adjusted accord- ingly. CHARACTERISTICS OF EFFECTIVE INTERVENTIONS Conclusions In general, there is consistent agreement across comprehensive inter- vention programs about a number of features, though practical and, some- times, ethical considerations have made well-controlled studies with ran- dom assignment very difficult to conduct without direct evaluation. Characteristics of the most appropriate intervention for a given child must

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 219 be tied to that child’s and family’s needs. However, without direct evalu- ation, it is difficult to know which features are of greatest importance in a program. Across primarily preschool programs, there is a very strong consensus that the following features are critical: • entry into intervention programs as soon as an autism spectrum diagnosis is seriously considered; • active engagement in intensive instructional programming for a minimum of the equivalent of a full school day, 5 days (at least 25 hours) a week, with full year programming varied according to the child’s choronological age and developmental level; • repeated, planned teaching opportunities generally organized around relatively brief periods of time for the youngest children (e.g., 15- 20 minute intervals), including sufficient amounts of adult attention in one-to-one and very small group instruction to meet individualized goals; • inclusion of a family component, including parent training; • low student/teacher ratios (no more than two young children with autistic spectrum disorders per adult in the classroom); and • mechanisms for ongoing program evaluation and assessments of individual children’s progress, with results translated into adjustments in programming. Curricula across different programs differ in a number of ways. They include the ways in which goals are prioritized, affecting the relative time spent on verbal and nonverbal communication, social activities, behav- ioral, academic, motor, and other domains. Strategies from various pro- grams represent a range of techniques, including discrete trials, incidental teaching, structured teaching, “floor time”, and individualized modifica- tions of the environment, including schedules. Some programs adopt a unilateral use of one set of procedures, and others use a combination of approaches. Programs also differ in the relative amount of time spent in homes, centers, or schools, when children are considered ready for inclu- sion into regular classrooms, how the role of peers as intervention agents is supported, and in the use of distraction-free or natural environments. Programs also differ in the credentials that are required of direct support and supervisory staff and the formal and informal roles of collateral staff, such as speech language pathologists and occupational therapists. Overall, many of the programs are more similar than different in terms of levels of organization, staffing, ongoing monitoring, and the use of certain techniques, such as discrete trials, incidental learning, and struc- tured teaching. However, there are real differences in philosophy and practice that provide a range of alternatives for parents and school sys- tems considering various approaches. The key to any child’s educational program lies in the objectives specified in the IEP and the ways they are

220 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM addressed. Much more important than the name of the program attended is how the environment and educational strategies allow implementation of the goals for a child and family. Thus, effective services will and should vary considerably across individual children, depending on a child’s age, cognitive and language levels, behavioral needs, and family priorities. Recommendations The committee’s recommendations for effective treatment are made on the basis of empirical findings, information from selected representa- tive programs, and findings in the general education and developmental literature. In particular, it is well established that children with autism spend much less time in focused and socially directed activity when in unstructured situations than do other children. Therefore, it becomes crucial to specify time engaged in social and focused activity as part of a program for children with autistic spectrum disorders. 4-1 Based on a set of individualized, specialized objectives and plans that are systematically implemented, educational services should begin as soon as a child is suspected of having an autistic spec- trum disorder. Taking into account the needs and strengths of an individual child and family, the child’s schedule and educational environment, in and out of the classroom, should be adapted as needed in order to implement the IEP. Educational services should include a minimum of 25 hours a week, 12 months a year, in which the child is engaged in systematically planned, develop- mentally appropriate educational activity aimed toward identi- fied objectives. Where this activity takes place and the content of the activity should be determined on an individual basis, de- pending on characteristics of both the child and the family. 4-2 A child must receive sufficient individualized attention on a daily basis so that individual objectives can be effectively implemented; individualized attention should include individual therapies, de- velopmentally appropriate small group instruction, and direct one-to-one contact with teaching staff. 4-3 Assessment of a child’s progress in meeting objectives should be used on an ongoing basis to further refine the IEP. Lack of objec- tively documentable progress over a 3 month period should be taken to indicate a need to increase intensity by lowering stu-

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 221 dent/teacher ratios, increasing programming time, reformulat- ing curricula, or providing additional training and consultation. 4-4 To the extent that it leads to the specified educational goals (e.g., peer interaction skills, independent participation in regular edu- cation), children should receive specialized instruction in settings in which ongoing interactions occur with typically developing children. 4-5 Six kinds of interventions should have priority: a. Functional, spontaneous communication should be the pri- mary focus of early education. For very young children, pro- gramming should be based on the assumption that most children can learn to speak. Effective teaching techniques for both verbal language and alternative modes of functional communication, drawn from the empirical and theoretical literature, should be vigorously applied across settings. b. Social instruction should be delivered throughout the day in various settings, using specific activities and interventions planned to meet age-appropriate, individualized social goals (e.g., with very young children, response to maternal imitation; with preschool children, cooperative activities with peers). c. The teaching of play skills should focus on play with peers, with additional instruction in appropriate use of toys and other materials. d. Other instruction aimed at goals for cognitive develop- ment should also be carried out in the context in which the skills are expected to be used, with generalization and maintenance in natural contexts as important as the acquisition of new skills. Because new skills have to be learned before they can be general- ized, the documentation of rates of acquisition is an important first step. Methods of introduction of new skills may differ from teaching strategies to support generalization and maintenance. e. Intervention strategies that address problem behaviors should incorporate information about the contexts in which the behaviors occur; positive, proactive approaches; and the range of techniques that have empirical support (e.g., functional assess- ment, functional communication training, reinforcement of alter- native behaviors). f. Functional academic skills should be taught when appro- priate to the skills and needs of a child.

222 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM PUBLIC POLICIES Conclusions The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) contains the necessary provisions for ensuring rights to appropriate education for chil- dren with autistic spectrum disorders. However, the implementation and specification of these services are variable. Early intervention for young children with autistic spectrum disorders is expensive, and most local schools need financial help from the state and federal programs to pro- vide appropriate services. The large number of court cases is a symptom of the tension between families and school systems. Case law has yielded an inconsistent pattern of findings that vary according to the characteristics of the individual cases. The number of challenges to decision-making for programming within school systems reflects parents’ concerns about the adequacy of knowledge and the expertise of school systems in determining their children’s education and implementing appropriate techniques. The treatment of autistic spectrum disorders often involves many disciplines and agencies. This confuses lines of financial and intellectual responsibility and complicates assessment and educational planning. When communication between families and school systems goes awry, it can directly affect children’s programming and the energy and financial resources that are put into education rather than litigation. Support sys- tems are not generally adequate in undergirding local service delivery programs and maximizing the usefulness of different disciplines and agencies, and transitions between service delivery agencies are often prob- lematic. A number of states have successful models for providing services to children with autism, and mechanisms are becoming increasingly effi- cient and flexible in some states. In most cases, existing agencies at state and federal levels can develop appropriate programs without restructur- ing—with the possible addition of special task forces or committees de- signed to deal with issues particular to children with autistic spectrum disorders. Recommendations The committee recommends that a variety of steps be taken to ensure that policies are effectively carried out at the state and local levels. 5-1 At the federal level, the National Institutes of Health’s Autism Coordinating Committee and the Federal Interagency Coordinat- ing Council should jointly appoint a clinical research oversight

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 223 task force of professionals knowledgeable in the field of autistic spectrum disorders, to review and periodically report on basic and applied research programs to the parent agencies and to track program implementation through the State Interagency Coordi- nating Councils or relevant state agencies. Administrative sup- port for these efforts should be provided by the appropriate de- partment of the Secretary’s office. 5-2 States should have regional resource and training centers with expertise in autistic spectrum disorders to provide training and technical support to local schools. States should also have a mechanism to evaluate the adequacy of current support systems to local schools and recommend ways for improvement. One such mechanism could be an autistic spectrum disorders support systems task force that would examine the relevant provisions for personnel preparation, technical assistance, and demonstration of exemplary programs and would make recommendations as to what would be needed to bring a state’s support systems into alignment with quality education for children with autistic spec- trum disorders. States should monitor coordination among and transitions between service delivery systems and should develop ways to facilitate these processes. 5-3 Families should have access to consultation and legal knowledge such as provided by an ombudsman who is independent of the school system and who could be a standard part of Individual- ized Educational Plan planning and meetings. The ombudsman should be knowledgeable about autistic spectrum disorders and about relevant law and court decisions. The ombudsman’s role should include attending IEP meetings, interpreting the school system’s communications about a child to parents, and propos- ing, at the parents’ request, alternatives to those presented by the school system. Professional and advocacy groups should work together to provide this service, with the Governor’s Council for Developmental Disabilities or the Autistic Spectrum Disorders Support Systems Task Force responsible for ensuring funding for training and support of this service. 5-4 State and federal agencies should consider ways to work with and support professional and advocacy groups to provide up-to- date, practical, scientifically valid information to parents and practitioners.

224 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM 5-5 States should have clearly defined minimum standards for per- sonnel in educational settings for children with autistic spectrum disorders. For example, at a minimum, teachers should have some special preparation (e.g., preservice course work, equiva- lent inservice training, workshops, and supervised practice in re- search-based practices in autistic spectrum disorders) and should have well-trained, experienced support personnel available to provide ongoing training and additional consultation. 5-6 States should develop a systematic strategy to fund the interven- tions that are necessary for children with autistic spectrum disor- ders in local schools, so that this cost is not borne primarily by the parents or local school systems. State education departments should develop interagency collaborations to pool support for local systems. A state fund for intensive intervention, or more systematic use of Medicaid waivers or other patterns of funding currently in place in some states, should be considered. Families should not be expected to fund or provide the majority of educa- tional programming for their children. 5-7 An updated, accurate summary of case law, consultation services, and mediation mechanisms in autistic spectrum disorders should be made accessible by the Office of Special Education Programs so that schools and parents can understand the options available to them when conflicts arise. 5-8 Since levels of information about autistic spectrum disorders vary greatly within the groups and agencies that make funding and policy decisions about autistic spectrum disorders, including state task forces in education and review panels in federal agencies, it is crucial that persons knowledgeable in the range of needs and interventions associated with autistic spectrum disorders be in- cluded in those decision-making activities. PERSONNEL PREPARATION Conclusions The nature of autistic spectrum disorders and other disabilities that frequently accompany them has significant implications for approaches to education and intervention at school, in the home, and in the commu- nity. Approaches that emphasize the use of specific “packages” of mate- rials and methods associated with comprehensive intervention programs

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 225 may understate the multiple immediate and long-term needs of children for behavior support and for instruction across areas. Teachers are faced with a huge task. They must be familiar with theory and research concerning best practices for children with autistic spectrum disorders, including methods of applied behavior analysis, naturalistic learning, assistive technology, socialization, communication, inclusion, adaptation of the environment, language interventions, assess- ment, and the effective use of data collection systems. Specific problems in generalization and maintenance of behaviors also affect the need for training in methods of teaching children with autistic spectrum disorders. The wide range of IQ scores and verbal skills associated with autistic spectrum disorders, from profound mental retardation and severe lan- guage impairments to superior intelligence, intensify the need for person- nel training. To enable teachers to adequately work with parents and with other professionals to set appropriate goals, teachers need familiar- ity with the course of autistic spectrum disorders and the range of pos- sible outcomes. Teachers learn according to the same principles as their students. Multiple exposures, opportunities to practice, and active involvement in learning are all important aspects of learning for teachers, as well as stu- dents. Many states and community organizations have invested substan- tial funds in teacher preparation through workshops and large-audience lectures by well-known speakers. While such presentations can stimulate enthusiasm, they do not substitute for ongoing consultation and hands- on opportunities to observe and practice skills working with children with autistic spectrum disorders. Personnel preparation remains one of the weakest elements of effec- tive programming for children with autistic spectrum disorders and their families. Ways of building on the knowledge of teachers as they acquire experience with children with autistic spectrum disorders, and ways of keeping skilled personnel within the field, are critical. This is particularly true given recent trends for dependence on relatively inexperienced assis- tants for in-home programs. Providing knowledge about autistic spec- trum disorders to special education and regular education administra- tors, as well as to specialized providers with major roles in early intervention (e.g., speech language pathologists) will be critical in effect- ing change that is proactive. Findings concerning change in educational and other opportunities suggest that administrative attitudes and sup- port are critical in improving schools. Recommendations The committee recommends that relevant state and federal agencies institute an agenda for upgrading personnel preparation for those who

226 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM work with, and are responsible for, children with autistic spectrum disor- ders and their families. These efforts should be part of a larger effort to coordinate and collaborate with the already established infrastructure of special education, regional resource centers, technical assistance pro- grams, personnel preparation, communication sharing, and other relevant aspects of the existing infrastructure. Professionals aware of the special nature of these children are already carrying out many of these recom- mendations in a limited fashion. The committee urges agencies to pro- vide the personnel preparation resources needed for intensified efforts to build a viable support structure for educating children with autistic spec- trum disorders. 6-1 The Office of Special Education Programs should establish a 5- year plan to provide priority funds for preservice and inservice preparation for teachers, paraprofessionals, and other personnel providing services for children with autistic spectrum disorders, including children under age 3 years. 6-2 The need for a team approach involving many professions should be addressed by personnel preparation and practicum work within multidisciplined organizations and teams. 6-3 A special emphasis should be placed on training of trainers. There is a short supply of expertise and experience in the field of educa- tion for children with autistic spectrum disorders, and special attention should be paid to rapidly increase the capabilities of the trainers, who may have experience in special education or related fields, but not in the special skills and practices for children with autistic spectrum disorders. 6-4 The existing support systems that provide short-term training (e.g., technical assistance systems, resource centers, etc.) should include people with special expertise in autistic spectrum disor- ders on their staff. 6-5 The content of the curriculum for children with autistic spectrum disorders should be based on sound research. A continuing pro- gram should be established from such agencies as the National Institute of Mental Health and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to translate their research into usable information for practitioners. Work on family research is particularly relevant.

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 227 NEEDED RESEARCH Conclusions There are several distinct and substantial bodies of research relevant to young children with autistic spectrum disorders. One body identifies neurological, behavioral, and developmental characteristics. Another body of research addresses diagnostic practices and related issues of prevalence. Another has examined the effects of comprehensive early treatment programs on the immediate and long-term outcomes of chil- dren and their families. These treatment studies tended to use some form of group experimental design. An additional body of research has ad- dressed individual instructional or intervention approaches, with many studies in this literature using single-subject experimental methodology. Altogether, a large research base exists, but with relatively little integra- tion across bodies of literature. Highly knowledgeable researchers in one area of autistic spectrum disorders may have minimal information from other perspectives, even about studies with direct bearing on their find- ings. Most researchers have not used randomized group comparison de- signs because of the practical and ethical difficulties in randomly assign- ing children and families to treatment groups. In addition, there have been significant controversies over the type of control or contrast group to use and the conditions necessary for demonstrating effectiveness. Al- though a number of comprehensive programs have provided data on their effectiveness, and, in some cases, claims have been made that certain treatments are superior to others, there have been virtually no compari- sons of different comprehensive interventions of equal intensity. Across several of the bodies of literature, the children and families who have participated in studies are often inadequately described. Stan- dardized diagnoses, descriptions of ethnicity, the social class, and associ- ated features of the children (such as mental retardation and language level) are often not specified. Fidelity of treatment implementation has not been consistently assessed. Generalization, particularly across set- tings, and maintenance of treatment effects are not always measured. Though there is little evidence concerning the effectiveness of discipline- specific therapies, there is substantial research supporting the effective- ness of many specific therapeutic techniques. Recommendations 7-1 Funding agencies and professional journals should require minimium standards in design and description of intervention projects. All intervention studies should provide the following information:

228 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM a. Adequate information concerning the children and fami- lies who participated, and who chose not to participate or with- drew from participation, including chronological age, develop- mental assessment data (including verbal and nonverbal IQ levels), standardized diagnoses, gender, race, family characteris- tics, socioeconomic status, and relevant health or other biological impairments; b. description of the intervention in sufficient detail so that an external group could replicate it; detailed documentation is crucial especially if no treatment manual is available; c. fidelity of treatment and degree of implementation; d. specific objective measures of expected outcomes, assessed at regular intervals; and e. measures of outcome that are independent of the interven- tion, in terms of both the evaluators and the measures, and in- clude broad immediate and long-term effects on children and families, particularly generalization and maintenance effects. 7-2 Funders and performers of research should recognize that valu- able information can be provided by a variety of approaches to research in intervention, including group experimental and single-subject designs. 7-3 In order to help educators and consumers make informed deci- sions about appropriate methods of intervention for particular children, federal agencies involved in autistic spectrum disorders initiatives (including the Office of Special Education Programs, the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, the Na- tional Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute of Neu- rological Disorders and Stroke, and the National Institute on Deaf- ness and Other Communication Disorders) and nonprofit agen- cies with similar national missions (such as Autism Society of America Foundation, Cure Autism Now, and National Alliance for Autism Research) should form a research task force and spe- cifically allocate federal responsibilites for recruiting and funding a comprehensive program of research related to intervention and treatment. This program should include: a. development of more specific, precise measures of impor- tant areas of outcome, such as social functioning, peer relation- ships, spontaneous communication and language, and the acqui- sition of competence in natural contexts (e.g., classroom, home);

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 229 b. definition of appropriate educational skills and sequences in social and cognitive development, informed by normal devel- opmental literature; c. measurement of the effects of the interactions between fam- ily variables (e.g., family structure, family supports, socioeco- nomic status), child factors (such as degree of language impair- ment), and responses to educational interventions (including family-centered, parent training, and other approaches) on out- comes. d. longitudinal treatment studies, where feasible, built on a clinical model with randomly assigned samples of sufficient size to assess the effectiveness of differing modes of treatment. 7-4 Treatment studies should recognize the common components of many comprehensive programs (e.g., standardized curriculum, family training, presence of typically developing peers) and should target and measure, longitudinally when feasible, “active ingredients” and mediating variables that influence the effects of intervention (e.g., communication and interaction opportunities for engagement, levels of interaction and initiation, specific teach- ing techniques, proportion of time in close proximity of peers). The concomitant development of innovative treatments building on these “active ingredients” should be supported. 7-5 In response to amendments in IDEA to make education more outcome oriented, a federal initiative should solicit and fund stud- ies in the following areas, not easily supported under the current review system: a. the development of instruments for measurement of diag- nosis and critical aspects of development, particularly tools for early screening of autistic spectrum disorders and for measure- ment of response to interventions; b. the development and application of sophisticated statisti- cal methods of analysis of change and growth, particularly multi- variate designs and those applicable to small samples; and c. the development and dissemination of novel research de- signs that combine individual and group approaches in ways that minimize biases and maximize the power of small samples. 7-6 Competitively funded initiatives in early education in autistic spectrum disorders should require plans and contain sufficient funding for short- and long-term assessment of child outcomes and measures of program efficacy.

Autism is a word most of us are familiar with. But do we really know what it means?

Children with autism are challenged by the most essential human behaviors. They have difficulty interacting with other people—often failing to see people as people rather than simply objects in their environment. They cannot easily communicate ideas and feelings, have great trouble imagining what others think or feel, and in some cases spend their lives speechless. They frequently find it hard to make friends or even bond with family members. Their behavior can seem bizarre.

Education is the primary form of treatment for this mysterious condition. This means that we place important responsibilities on schools, teachers and children's parents, as well as the other professionals who work with children with autism. With the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1975, we accepted responsibility for educating children who face special challenges like autism. While we have since amassed a substantial body of research, researchers have not adequately communicated with one another, and their findings have not been integrated into a proven curriculum.

Educating Children with Autism outlines an interdisciplinary approach to education for children with autism. The committee explores what makes education effective for the child with autism and identifies specific characteristics of programs that work. Recommendations are offered for choosing educational content and strategies, introducing interaction with other children, and other key areas.

This book examines some fundamental issues, including:

  • How children's specific diagnoses should affect educational assessment and planning
  • How we can support the families of children with autism
  • Features of effective instructional and comprehensive programs and strategies
  • How we can better prepare teachers, school staffs, professionals, and parents to educate children with autism
  • What policies at the federal, state, and local levels will best ensure appropriate education, examining strategies and resources needed to address the rights of children with autism to appropriate education.

Children with autism present educators with one of their most difficult challenges. Through a comprehensive examination of the scientific knowledge underlying educational practices, programs, and strategies, Educating Children with Autism presents valuable information for parents, administrators, advocates, researchers, and policy makers.


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165 Autism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Struggle with writing a research paper topics on autism? We’ve got your back covered! Below, you will find a list of 147 topics about autism as well as autism research paper examples!

🏆 Best Research Autism Topics & Essay Examples

👍 good autism essay topics, 💡 psychology research autism topics to write about, ⭐ simple & easy autism essay titles, ❓ research questions about autism.

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Autism is a serious disorder that has the potential to disrupt the success of people living with it. This is to mean that the theory of causation regarding autism is not complete as yet.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder in a Child At the moment, M.is more verbal with his parents and siblings and reacts adequately to them, especially in repeated day-to-day situations.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children and Its Impact on the Family Manning, Wainwright and Bennet argue that children with autism are faced with a big challenge because of the nature of the symptoms the disorder.
  • “Let Me Hear Your Voice: A Family’s Triumph Over Autism” by Catherine Maurice The book was published in 1994, and it was a success as parents of autistic children were waiting for someone to prove that autism was not an incurable disorder.
  • Autism and Educational Process Owing to these adverse effects that can stem from autism and the shear prevalence of the condition in the country’s population, a lot of research effort has been dedicated to the early diagnosis and treatment […]
  • Exploring Autism in the Drama Film Rain Man Charlie Babbitt, the brother to Raymond, is the actor who portrays Raymond’s autism on the way to Los Angeles to secure his fair share in the Babbitt’s $3 million fortunes in form of inheritance.
  • How Christopher’s Autism Affect His Life In spite of the fact that the issue of autism is not clearly explained in the story, the condition of the narrator is referred to as high-functioning autism or Aspersers Syndrome on the cover of […]
  • Analysis of Children Autism in “The Black Balloon” It is imperative to note that Charlie’s emotions are not regulated and as such, manifest in immature behaviors such as flapping of his hands.
  • Inclusion Curriculum for Children With Autism In the given paper, the issue of children autism, the developmental issues that autism triggers and the educational prospects for children with autism are going to be considered.
  • The Autism-Vaccine Debate, Arguments, and Research Autism is defined by the Autism Society of America as ” a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first 3 years of life and is the result of a neurological disorder that affects […]
  • Impact of Autism Disorder on Adolescents This essay discusses the impact of autism disorder on adolescents in the community and a nursing intervention that can be used to assist adolescents in becoming prominent society members.
  • Progression of Reading Ability in a Child Diagnosed With Autism The battery of assessments and interviews with parents on the participant’s socialization and early reading ability indicates the study applied the Psychometric and Social Contextual approaches.
  • Analysis of Behavior of Preschool Age Child With Autism The child’s behavior in the video differs from that of a mentally healthy child, and these differences lie in the child’s other emotional state and degree of interest in talking to people.
  • Autism and Disability Advocacy People with autism can contribute to the diversity of disability culture by expanding understanding of what disability is and how it can be accepted.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis According to DSM-5, to fit the diagnostic criteria for ASD, a child must have evident deficits in three major areas of social communication as well as 2 out of the 4 restricted or repetitive behaviors.
  • Thinking in Pictures: Autism and Sensory Problems The chapter “The Squeeze Machine: Sensory Problems in Autism” in Grandin’s Thinking in Pictures presents a series of life perspectives of various individuals, including her own, regarding the sensory problems they experienced. They postulated that […]
  • Therapeutic Programs for Children With Autism in K-12 Institutions In the paper, the gaps in the research of effective treatments for children with ASD are explored, after which the efficacy of a multi-system aquatic therapy and standardized equine-assisted therapy program is argued.
  • Societal Issue Research Project: Autism Spectrum Disorder The first factor is the significant risk that the genetics of siblings who had ASD diagnosis will increase the chance of the disorder.
  • Child-Centered Play Therapy and Autism The purpose of the discussed research was to investigate the effects of CCPT on the sample of children with autism, establishing and describing the connection between CCPT and social and emotional growth.
  • Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Training Program for Caregivers The latter means that many caregivers take care of children with ASD, hence the importance of equipping them with the necessary skills for effective and smooth parenting and coping with various difficulties.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder’s Impact on Child’s Learning In regards to the public-school setting, standardized testing demands youngsters to grasp and react to spoken as well as written communication at an anticipated pace and level.
  • Laboratory Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders The purpose of my study is to discover which of these methods is more accurate, with the reason being the importance of early diagnosis of ASD, which leads to better treatment outcomes.
  • Autism and Related Cognitive Concepts It has been suggested that children with autism show a general deficit of cognitive skills in multilevel planning and in the regulation of behavior.
  • Bullying and Autism Spectrum Disorder In fact, bullying as a social phenomenon can be characterized as a social and interaction issue; therefore, it is possible to analyze the connection between autism and acts of bullying and inappropriate behavior.
  • Aspects of Autism Spectrum Disorder Overall, for children with autism spectrum disorder, it is quite complicated to learn the norms within society around them, as they are having difficulties comprehending other people’s emotions and behavior.
  • Face Emotion Recognition in Autism Phenotype One critical aspect of social communication is the capability to apprehend the emotions and intentions of another person. In conclusion, Autism Spectrum Disorder makes the interpretation of facial expressions difficult.
  • How Does Having a Child With Autism Affects Parents’ Lifestyle? The creation of a system of psychological, pedagogical and social support can reduce the risk of a complete family life dedication to a child with autism.
  • Misrepresentation of Autism in the ‘Music’ Film While the film was not centered on the topic of autism as its message, the stereotype-heavy portrayal and a lack of research make it a harmful piece of media.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Prevalence and Impact in Society It has therefore been impossible to determine the level of increase in autism cases that is as a result of improved diagnostic measures and that which can be attributed to the real increase in autism […]
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder: Diagnosis, Impact, Treatment The main diagnostic element for ASD is the evidence of difficulties, either in the present or past, which are different across the age groups.
  • Autism and Vaccination Refusal Management Among Somalian Parents Somalian parents in their community in Minnesota refuse from their children being vaccinated, as they believe that vaccination causes autism.
  • Everyone Has the Power to Effect Positive Change Within the Autism Community This paper presents what is autism, how every one reacts to the problem, what is the difference between the rich and the poor in their response towards the problem.”Autism is one of five developmental disorders […]
  • Reducing Off-Task Behaviors Using a Token Economy System in Children With Autism Token economy is a strategy of positive reinforcement that can be provided to children in the form of tokens for completing the assigned tasks.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder: Key Points The requirement to meet these needs is supported by the fact that the rate of students with ASD is high: according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, more than 83 per cent of […]
  • “Theoretical Aspects of Autism” by Helen Ratajczak On the whole, it is possible to say that the standards set by Austin Hill cannot be always met, in part because the physiological aspects of this disease have not been fully investigated.
  • Dr. Temple Grandin’s Argument on Visual Thinking and Autism A more in-depth analysis of visual activities can reveal the all imagery can be mentally processed and modified by children so that images are rotated and analyzed to make the brain map expand.
  • Intellectual Disability: Autism In their adulthood, and because of the communication issues that most individuals with autism tend to have, they will naturally have difficulty in finding and keeping jobs.
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Children With Autism On the positive side, it fastens the production of different types of reactive oxygen used in the body. It is arguable that the size of the samples used in the study was small.
  • Occupational Therapy for Children With Autism The main reason for the appearance of autism is the disturbance of the development of the patients brain which results in the appearance of various symptoms.
  • The Mitochondria and Autism – Results and Main Function The results are important in health because children with autism were more probable to have dysfunctions and abnormalities of the mitochondria such as over replication and deletion of mitochondrial DNA compared to those without the […]
  • Autism Etiology, Symptoms, Beliefs, and Management To date, debate on the cause or etiology of autism still remains divided, with extant literature demonstrating that “although many hypotheses have been proposed, a singular or specific combination of causes has yet to be […]
  • Quantitative Assessment of Neuromotor Function in Adolescents With High Functioning Autism: Critique The study authors did not give the benefits and/or risks associated with the study participation. The authors indicated that the ZNA was appropriate for collecting the data because it could measure the 11 parameters of […]
  • Critical Appraisal on the Impact of Autism Spectrum Disorders on the Family: A Qualitative Study of Mothers’ Perspectives The study researchers established the significance of the study by outlining the social and financial implications of taking care of children with ASD.
  • Autism: External Forces, Causes and Treatment The increasing prevalence of Autism in the United States and across the world is attracting great attention from the healthcare sector to design critical programs tailored to stem the disorder in terms of prevention, treatment, […]
  • The Importance of Services for Children With Autism The plea of the majority of Americans for the reverse of healthcare budget allocation is well because it is wrong to interfere with services offered to children with autism. With childcare initiative in place, the […]
  • Autism: General Information and Treatment She argues that the treatment of autism is through scientific proven medication that aids in controlling aggressive behaviors and that Trisperidone is the commonly used antipsychotic.
  • The Issue of Autism: Task-Group Project The role of B.N.in the meeting can be seen as a summarizer, providing a summary of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  • Concepts of Autism and Williams Syndrome The disorder manifests itself in the early years of a child’s life, with long-lasting effects that are not curable but controllable and easy to deal with on condition that, the concerned parties take the necessary […]
  • Autism Programs to Enhance Students’ Outcomes In addition to social and behavioral challenges, ASD typically hinders a learner’s ability to gain and process the necessary academic information.
  • Autism Program’s Impact Across Contexts In other words, a detailed overview of the issues that administrators face when designing the program and which the teachers have to deal with when addressing the needs of children with autism must be carried […]
  • Autism: Teaching Plan for Taking All the Features Into Account For the first child, caregiver training was done at child’s bedroom, and for the second child it was done at living room, and for the third child with severe mental retardation it was carried out […]
  • Education Considerations for Students With Autism Two articles under consideration consider the opposite views regarding the education of students with autism; on the basis of the information obtained from these articles, it can be stated that none of the perspectives is […]
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders: Diagnostic Procedure In general, this journal is very interesting and it is an important contribution to the development of appropriate screening and identification procedures for children with ASD.
  • Developmental Psychology: Autism and Vaccination Vaccination of infants is widely used today as the pattern of endemic diseases can be explained in terms of interplay of social, physical and biological factors in an area that is conducive to a continuous […]
  • Social Work Methods to Treat the Child Who Is Suffering From Autism This is a clear indicator that alcohol intake by the family is costing the members and it is an issue that needs to be looked into.
  • Proposal for the Organization of the Concert in Autism Support The paper will be focused on the organizational aspects of the autism support concert and the people to be invited to this meeting attendance.
  • The Development of Autism Analysis The paper will disclose the interviews of this famous and significant person whom managed to give all her efforts to the development of autism charitable programs and contribute to autism support all over the world. […]
  • Autism and Immunization: Vaccines and the Changing Epidemiology The interest and attention invoked by this paper were largely due to the fact that it appeared to provide a biological means through which MMR vaccine resulted in autism.
  • Autism. Child and Family Assessment The other common disorder associated with autism is that of mutism whereby it also lies under the category of speech disorder and in many cases it is difficult to be diagnosed and at the same […]
  • Autism and False Belief in Psychology The theories are found to be covering the deficits of an individuals’ mind and factors relating to autism, research further indicates that a child’s behavior may be influenced by the executive functions this, therefore, brings […]
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder and Interventions However, the negative side of it is that such an intervention is limited to those patients who are verbal and have limited vocabulary.
  • Autism: Methods of Diagnosing and Treatment Analysis A malfunction in the neural circuitry of the brain of those with autism is the likely cause of their perceptions regarding social interaction and lack of adequate cognitive abilities.
  • Autism: Symptoms, Forms, Diagnostic Instruments Autism is basically a developmental disorder of the human brain that its first symptoms are initially manifested in infancy and it follows a steady cause without relapse.
  • Mercury, Vaccines and Autism: One Controversy, Three Histories In due course of time, the emergence of organomercurials as effective agents in combating bacterial contamination of vaccines slowly resulted in the research on and inclusion of thimerosal, a white crystalline powder in the form […]
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Features in Children One of the causes for the appearance of these issues is an inborn disability that might presuppose the need for specific methods to educate a child and guarantee a chance for integration with society.
  • Autism Occurrence by Measles Vaccine Status The organization of information in the text follows a logical format by introducing the background for the vaccine, incorporating the issue of ASD connection, and leading up to the primary research question.
  • Parental Report of Vaccine Receipt in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder In the introduction, which is the first section, the study’s research problems and their significance to nursing are stated. The discussion section covers how the authors relate the findings to the research objective and the […]
  • Teenagers With Autism Disorder Autism is seen as a spectrum disorder since its severity and symptoms vary greatly among affected individuals – from mild and occasional to persistent and interfering with all aspects of life.
  • Impact of Autism Spectrum Disorders on Life However, between the ages of two and three, his lack of verbal activity and inability to “echo” simple sounds and syllables were found to be very concerning by the family.
  • Risperidone in Children With Autism: ANOVA Article The variables used in the article are sufficient for the investigation, and they would not be changed. The study authors assume that risperidone and placebo treatments would have significant variations in the mental abilities of […]
  • Autism Should Not Be Viewed as a Disability A good example is that the treatment of autism as a mental disorder makes it possible for pharmaceutical companies and clinics to invent new health systems or procedures that will meet the needs of the […]
  • Autism Spectrum and Features of Health Conditions Nevertheless, the manifestations of the autism spectrum also depend on the intellectual abilities of the person and his or her age.
  • Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder For instance, the researchers have reviewed the findings by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention and the Government Accountability Office to present the statistics on children with ASD and the increase in the number […]
  • Autism: Main Symptoms and Research Major symptoms of the disorder are repetitive behavior, abnormal communication development, and motor skills development. Major symptoms of autism are repetitive behavior, abnormal motor skills, and communication development.
  • Autist Student’s Behavior and Remedial Plan In the process of reading, I would pay attention to the student’s concentration and ability to integrate what she was reading. She also took long in doing this and did not want to stop the […]
  • Autism Treatment, Its Methods and Results It was appropriate to focus on the use of the DSE intervention and examine if addressed most of the challenges facing many ASD patients.
  • The Physiological Impact of Autism on Children and Parents It is possible to speak about the physiological impact of ASD on children and their parents in the UK, and the detailed examination of this issue is required. To review the literature on possible barriers […]
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder: Programs Effectiveness The purpose of this PE, therefore, is to evaluate and analyze the efficiency of the programs implemented by the Day Support Services.
  • Autism: Characteristics, Prevalence and Interventions The symptoms of autism are noticeable in the early years of childhood. Occupational therapy is one of the non-educational interventions used to assist kids with autism.
  • Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders The main goal of this paper is to present a review of relevant literature addressing the issue of helping college students with ASD prepare for workforce readiness and job placement.
  • Autism Treatment Network in the PEACE Program In order to use these resources in PEACE, it is necessary to establish a budget that will cover expenditures on training courses for specialists involved in the program, educational materials, seminars, and individual counseling.
  • Association Between Vaccination and Autism The study examined whether there is a link between the toxic effects of exposure to thimerosal-containing vaccines and the risk of developing ASD.
  • Olfaction and Autism Spectrum Disorder Relationship These findings reveal that the sniff test can reveal both the presence and severity of ASD in young children. The link between ASD and olfaction can be used in diagnosing young children with autism.
  • Vaccination Contrubution to Autism Development This anxiety has led to a civic health dispute about the civil liberties of parents to decide whether to vaccinate their children, along with the state regulation on vaccinations to guard the wellbeing of its […]
  • Abu Dhabi Autism Center The Abu Dhabi Autism Center has to operate within the laws and regulations of the Zayed Higher Organization for Humanitarian Care and Special Needs.
  • Applied Behavior Analysis Treatment for Autism It is the most commonly applied autism treatment remedy in the United States and several other countries in the world and the major method that schools and therapists embrace and use.
  • Involving Adults With Autism Plus Learning Disability Since the method is interviewing, a particular aspect of the study that should be addressed with attention is the researchers’ perspective.
  • Inclusive Education: Child With Autism and Spina Bifida It is worth mentioning that Ted’s mother is willing to cooperate with teachers, and her participation can be of great assistance to the teacher.
  • Bright Not Broken: Gifted Kids, ADHD, and Autism It is possible to state that the book provides rather a high-quality review of the issues about the identification, education, and upbringing of the 2e children.
  • Case Law and Case Study of a Student With Autism On reviewing the evaluation results in the presence of the student’s mother, an agreement was reached on the general education placement for the student.
  • Children With Autism’ Communication in Saudi Arabia Parents of children with autism in Saudi Arabia have complained that the government has neglected the needs of autistic children by failing to finance their education and research to detect the effectiveness of the digital […]
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders: Testing and Measurement It will begin with the rationale that explain why the issues are critical, followed by the reasons for unavailability of the solutions to the issues and the consequences of the issues.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders and Educational Interventions From this point, this paper aims to discuss the definition of Autism Spectrum Disorders, examine the etiology and incidence of the disorder, focus on the prevalence of autism, and analyze the effectiveness of the DTT […]
  • Autism Expressed: Branding Strategy and Marketing The promise that the brand offers to the public should be in line with the desires of the clients. This firm will need to prepare this branding strategy in a way that will meet its […]
  • Vaccines and Autism: Separating Facts From Fiction The advocacy groups say that thimerosal, a preservative used in vaccines, is toxic to the central nervous system and responsible for an alarming rise in rates of autism among children in the United States and […]
  • Self-Injury in Autism: Applied Behavior Analysis Applied behavior analysis incorporates the utilization of direct perception, estimation, and useful investigation of the relations in the middle of the environment and conduct.
  • Lesson for Learners With Autism: Reflection Observation The essay identifies the instructional methods used by the teacher during the exercise. The teacher also guided the learners to solve the mathematical problems using different visual objects.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Concept Besides, Temple often explores her own experiences and attempts to understand the feelings of others that are unavailable to her by visualizing herself as other creatures people and animals.
  • Dubai Autism Center’ Quality Management TQM employs strategies and effective communication within the organization to incorporate the quality principles into the culture and activities of the organization to ensure that all the activities are geared towards satisfying the customers.
  • Vaccination and Autism in Children The problem with this case is that while it may be true that the cause for the development of autism in children have yet to be fully determined, the fact remains that there have been […]
  • Video Modeling for Individuals With Autism The video model will be developed according to the needs of autistic children, with the focus on the role of visual and auditory stimuli in the teaching process.
  • The Effects of Vaccines on Autism From their study, the findings demonstrate that the presence of thimerosal is one of the causes of the disorder. It is imperative to state that they have used many studies that have indicated that there […]
  • Vaccination as a Cause Autism This paper borrows on the arguments of Monica Prasad and Washington and Haydn when they argue that the belief about vaccinations as a primary cause of autism stems from emotional, psychological, and behavioral barriers, as […]
  • Youth With Autism Disorder: Education and Employment This includes the communication patterns of the teenager, the extent of social relations and the unusual behavioral characteristics of the teenager in the environment.
  • Autism Children Education Inclusion Policy in Private Schools: Compulsory Enrollment Policy 2011 The following are the main areas will be addressed by the policy: Prohibited Private schools will be prohibited from ignoring the needs of children suffering from autism; they will be compelled by the act to […]
  • Autism: Pathogenesis and Intervention Similarly, a person with autism has to be trained on the process of communicating normally and forming a relationship with objects, events and people in their lives.
  • The Real Causes of Autism However, the main problem is that this association or correlation does not imply that autism is triggered by a vaccine. This is the main argument that can be put forward.
  • Applied Behavior Analysis and Autism The primary subject of this study is applied behavior analysis while the secondary subject is applied behavior analysis and its effects on autism in children.
  • Autism. Sensory Integration. Tactile Desensitization The poor development that is recorded at the early stages in life is likely to affect the development of different skills by the individuals even in the adult stages The signs that are associated with […]
  • Autism Effect on Children It is crucial to understand the behavior of children with autism in the school set up in order to understand how autism affects children and their social interactions. It is up to the teacher to […]
  • Autism and Its Effects on Social Interaction The article “Social Impairment in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder” identifies the major challenges facing many people with autism. The authors wanted to examine the social problems and difficulties encountered by individuals with Autism Spectrum […]
  • Older Dads More Likely to Have Kids With Autism The author highlights autism as one of the main outcomes of late fatherhood following the release of the results of a study involving the counting of the mutations corresponding to a father’s age at the […]
  • Evidenced-Based Practice: Autism Management in Children Autism largely is connected to communication abilities of a child, a situation that later results into the child experiencing disability problems in effectively encoding and decoding communicative messages.
  • Miami Dance Project for Autistic Children For me, what the Miami dance project represents is in line with what is known as the concept of confidence building wherein through the development of certain talents children with autism will begin to have […]
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders and Family Impact One of the greatest fears of a parent with such a child is the fact that such a child would be taken care of until the advanced stages of their lives.
  • Program Models in Autism The DTT technique has been designed in such a way as to target the individual behavior of an autistic child using the available curriculum.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder in Relation to Education Attending to students having ASD in the regular classrooms requires specialized teachers and supplementary staff in order to aid in the realization of the needs of the students having ASD.
  • Critical Analysis of Published Articles: Autism It was therefore the goal of the research to find out if the negative attitude of people towards autistic children can be altered to the benefit of the parents.
  • Autism in Saudi Arabia This support may come in the form of modification of the curriculum to cater for the special needs of the autistic children.
  • Analysis of Autism Disorder This disorder affects the brain of the child during growth so that it does not develop in the right way thus affecting the social and communication skills of the child. This is especially to the […]
  • One-To-One Programs: Supporting Autistic Children The purpose of conducting this essay will be to examine the educational intervention of one-to-one support programs during normal school times within a mainstream classroom and also to discuss the challenges faced by teachers and […]
  • Psychological Disorders and Their Treatment: An Overview of the Recent Progress and the Current Challenges in Treating Autism in Children In the given paper, the issue of psychological disorders is being addressed in reference to the ideas expressed in Chapter 11 “Psychological Disorders” in Carole Wade and Carol Tavris’s Invitation to Psychology.
  • Early Intervention for Young Adults With Autism This is due to unavailability of information on children development stages and the importance of early detection and intervention in the case of autism.
  • Different Behaviors in Children With Autism The purpose is to find out whether the co morbidity changes with the environment, and assess the influence that the environment has on the behavior of an autistic child.
  • Diagnosis and Treatment for Autism Disorder Children with autism are therefore able to reason and even interpret the feelings of other people but the challenge is to communicate the response to other people.
  • Autism: Qualitative Research Design Golafshani continues to argue that the use of the term “dependability” in qualitative studies is a close match to the idea of “reliability” in quantitative research.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder However, the reality is that the number of children with autism and having high intelligence is insignificant. It is apparent that, in autism, a disorder is found in the structure of the brain.
  • Treatment of Autism With the Use of the Picture Exchange Communication System There are lots of types of this communication system that may be used with children, who have autism, and one of them is the Picture Exchange Communication System that is characterized by a proper picture […]
  • Vaccines and Autism: A Critical Analysis of Thimerosal in Relation to Measles, Mumps, and Rubella The safety and efficacy of vaccines has been the subject of many studies in the medical field. The disorder was observed in one participant from each of the cohorts in the experiment.
  • How to Recognize and Teach Students With Autism If these groups of students have to be given directions that are more than three steps, the directions have to be written down due to their inability to remember sequences.
  • Autism and Visual Thought Suprisingly the quality of visual thinking according to Bogdashina is dependent on other factors like time and the state the autistic person is in.
  • Do Vaccines Cause Autism? Thimerosal is alleged to increase the exposure of mercury in the vaccine to a substantiated high amount. In fact, the amount of antigens between children with autism and without is the same irrespective of the […]
  • Language Development Problems in Children: An Indicative Characteristic of Autism This is because it is a time when it is expected that a majority of the kids should be able to talk.
  • The Disease of Autism Origin The disorder is one of the new diagnoses of the autism. Other effects of the disorder are constipation and growth failures that may be a problem to the lives of the individual.
  • Autism’s Teaching Tips for Children and Adults The present description is concerned with the role of teacher in the better management of Autism in children. Further, assessment of the interactive and developmental skills is on of the important component in the teacher […]
  • What Are Autism Spectrum Disorders?
  • How Does Autism Affect the Person With It and Those Around Them?
  • What Are the Barriers of Learning for a Learner With Autism/Aspergers in Performing Arts?
  • Does Gluten Effect Children With Autism?
  • What Are the Causes of Autism?
  • How Does Autism Affect a Child’s Educational Performance?
  • What Can Autism Look Like and Things You Can Do to Spot It?
  • Can Children With Autism Develop a Theory of Mind?
  • Which Interventions Reduce Anxiety in Autistic People?
  • What Influence Has the Development of Autism Had on a Diagnosed Individual?
  • How Does Autism Affect the Development of a Child?
  • Are Huddles the Missing Piece of the Puzzle in Implementing Clinical Innovation for the Eating Disorder and Autism Comorbidity?
  • How Does Autism Start?
  • Can Mouse Imaging Studies Bring Order to Autism Connectivity Chaos?
  • How Does ‘Fake News’ Affect Autism Policy?
  • Are There Any Relationships Between Latent Toxoplasma Gondii Infection, Testosterone Elevation, and Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder?
  • How Do People With Autism Experience the World?
  • Can Robotic Systems Promote Self-Disclosure in Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder?
  • How Did the Media Perpetuate the Autism-Vaccine Scare?
  • Are There Cultural Differences in Parental Interest in Early Diagnosis and Genetic Risk Assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder?
  • How Can the Therapist Help Autism Children?
  • Can Vaccinations Cause Autism?
  • Does Autism Spectrum Disorder Affect People All Around the World?
  • Is There a Correlation Between Epigenetics and Autism Spectrum Disorder?
  • How Does Autism Affect Regular Brain Functions as Well as Socialization Skills?
  • What Can Responses to Music in Autism Tell Us About the Nature of Musical Emotions?
  • Why Has the Incidence Rate of Autism Increased?
  • What Are the Most Effective Ways to Support/Provide Social Care For Autistic Adults?
  • Which Interventions Are Effective in the Development of Communication/Language Skills in Autism?
  • How Can Parents and Family Members Be Supported/Educated to Care For and Better Understand an Autistic Relative?
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 165 Autism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/autism-essay-topics/

"165 Autism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/autism-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '165 Autism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "165 Autism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/autism-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "165 Autism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/autism-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "165 Autism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/autism-essay-topics/.

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Autism - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech, and nonverbal communication. Essays could explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment of autism, the experiences of individuals with autism, and societal understanding and acceptance of autism. We’ve gathered an extensive assortment of free essay samples on the topic of Autism you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Image About Autism

Rain Man and Autism

The film Rain man was released into theaters in 1988 and was awarded many awards along with an Academy Award. The movie starts off by showing Charlie who works as a car salesman, attempting to close on a deal involving four Lamborghinis. Charlie decides to drive with his girlfriend Susanna to ensure that this deal goes through. On the drive over Charlie receives a call telling him that his father has just passed away. Charlie and his girlfriend go his […]

Applied Behavior Analysis and its Effects on Autism

Abstract During my research i have found several studies that have been done to support the fact that Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) does in fact make a positive impact on children with Autism through discrete trials. It is based on the thought that when a child is rewarded for a positive behavior or correct social interaction the process will want to be repeated. Eventually one would phase out the reward. Dr Lovaas, who invented this method, has spent his career […]

The Unique Parenting Challenges are Faced by the Parents of Special Children

Introduction For typical children, parenting experiences are shared by other parents whereas the unique parenting challenges are faced by the parents of special children. Mobility and Inclusion of the parents as well as children are affected many a times. Even though careful analysis often reveals abilities, habitual tendency to perceive the disabilities from society’s part often hinders effective normalization and proper rehabilitation. All impose severe identity crisis and role restrictions even in knowledgeable parents.. In some conditions, as in the […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Autism in Japanese Manga and its Significance on Current Progression in J-pop Culture

Abstract In this paper I will explore and examine Autism in Manga, the social and cultural context of Autism in Manga, its movement, and importance of Tobe Keiko’s, “With the Light.” Manga is a huge part of Japanese culture and can be appreciated by so many different people. There are different types of Manga that have been specifically produced for that type of audience. In this paper, I will address the less talked about, women’s Manga or also known as […]

Speech Therapist for Autism

Abstract Autism Spectrum Disorder is a condition that consists of various challenges to an individual such as social skills, nonverbal communication, repetitive behaviors and difficulties with speech. So far doctors have not been able to find out what causes autism although it is believed that it involves both environmental and genetic factors. Autism can usually be detected at an early age, therefore giving the patient and therapist an early start to improve their verbal skills. Speech language pathologists also known […]

Virtual Reality in Regards to Health and how it Can be Life-Changing

        Exploring Virtual Reality in Health Diego Leon Professor Ron Frazier October 29, 2018, Introduction When most individuals think of technology involving computers, they think it can solely involve two of the five senses we humans have – vision (sight) and hearing (audition). But what if we could interact with more than two sensorial channels? Virtual reality deals with just that. Virtual reality is defined as a “high-end user interface that involves real-time simulation and interaction through […]

Growing up with Autism

Autism is a profound spectrum disorder; symptoms, as well as severity, range. It is one of the fastest-growing developmental disorders in America. For every 68 children born in the United States, 1 is diagnosed with a neurological development disorder that impairs their ability to interact and communicate on what we constitute as normal levels. Autism is multifaceted; it affects the brain development of millions worldwide. Not only are those diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum facing difficulties, but the family members […]

Kids with Autism

In this earth we have many different lifeforms. Animals, plants, insects, and people. Humans have populated the earth all throughout it. Some people are born healthy and some are born will disorders and illnesses and diseases. One of the disorders is Autism. Autism is constantly affecting the people who have it and the people around them all over the world. So what is Autism? Autism is a disorder that impairs the ability for social interaction and communication. It is very […]

My Personal Experience of Getting to Know Asperger’s Syndrome

The beginning of this paper covers the history of Asperger’s Syndrome, followed by an explanation of what Asperger’s is. The history provides detailed insights into Hans Asperger and Leo Kanner, and their relationship to each other. Their work has significantly enriched our understanding of the research surrounding Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome. The paper also discusses the process leading to Asperger’s becoming a recognized diagnosis, including the contributions of Lorna Wing and Ulta Frita. Furthermore, it traces Asperger’s entry into the […]

Cultural Stereotypes and Autism Disorder

“It’s the fastest growing developmental disability, autism” (Murray, 2008, p.2). “It is a complex neurological disorder that impedes or prevents effective verbal communication, effective social interaction, and appropriate behavior” (Ennis-Cole, Durodoye, & Harris, 2013). “Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a lifelong disorder that may have comorbid conditions like attention deficit disorder (ADD)/attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety disorder, stereotypical and self-stimulatory behaviors, insomnia, intellectual disabilities, obsessive compulsive disorder, seizure disorder/epilepsy, Tourette syndrome, Tic disorders, gastrointestinal problems, and other conditions. Another certainty, […]

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a cognitive disability that affects a person’s “communication, social, verbal, and motor skills” . The umbrella term of ASD created in 2013 by the American Psychiatric Association that covered 5 separate autism diagnosis and combined them into one umbrella term, the previous terms being Autistic Disorder, Rett syndrome, Asperger’s Disorder, Childhood disintegrative Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorders. The word spectrum in the diagnosis refers to the fact that the disability does not manifest itself in […]

Defining Altruism Issue

In current society, it can be justified that the level of autonomy directly influences the amount of altruism an autistic adolescent implements. Defining Altruism: When it comes to the comprehension of socialization within the development of behaviors in adolescents, altruism is vital. Although there is no true altruism, more or less altruism can be determined based upon the involuntary actions and behaviors of an individual. In the absence of motivation, altruism cannot transpire. An altruist must have the inherent belief […]

911 Telecommunicators Response to Autism

Autism is becoming more prevalent every day. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention released new statistics in 2018. Nationally, 1 in 59 children have autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and boys are 4 (four) times more likely to have autism than girls. 1 in 37 boys and 1 in 151 girls were found to have autism. These are incredibly high statistics that will affect our communities across the United States We, as Telecommunicators, need to know how to understand and […]

Representation of Autism in the Netflix TV Show “Atypical”

In the first season of the TV show “Atypical”, the viewer meets the Gardner family, a seemingly normal family with an autistic teenage son, Sam, as the focus. This show failed initially to deviate from typical portrayals of autistic people on screens, as a white male, intellectually gifted, and seemingly unrelatable, although it seemed to try. Sam acts in ways that seem almost unbelievable for even someone with autism to, such as when he declares his love for someone else […]

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a group of developmental disorders that challenges a child’s skills in social interaction, communication, and behavior. ASD’s collective signs and symptoms may include: making little eye contact, repetitive behaviors, parallel play, unexplainable temper tantrums, misunderstanding of nonverbal cues, focused interests, and/or sensory overload. Positive symptoms of ASD may reflect above-average intelligence, excellence in math, science, or art, and the ability to learn things in detail. A question that many parent has is whAlthough an individual […]

The Complexity of Autism

Autism spectrum disorder is a complex disease that affects the developmental and speech capabilities of adolescents that carries with them to adulthood. It is distinctly apparent when the child is still very young and able to be diagnosed from about a year and a half old onwards. Although the disease cannot be pinpointed to one specific area of the brain, it is believed to stem from a glitchy gene that makes the child more susceptible to developing autism, oxygen deprivation […]

An Overview of the Five Deadly Diseases that Affect the Human Brain

There are hundreds of diseases that affect the brain. Every day, we fight these diseases just as vehemently as they afflict their carriers. Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, depression, autism, and strokes are just five of the most lethal and debilitating diseases that afflict human brains. Parkinson's disease alone claims up to 18,000 lives a year (Hagerman 1). But what is it? Parkinson's disease occurs when a brain chemical called dopamine begins to die in a region that facilitates muscle movement. Consequently, […]

Autism Genes: Unveiling the Complexities

“Autism is a brain disorder that typically affects a person’s ability to communicate, form relationships with others and respond appropriately to the environment (www.childdevelopmentinfo.com).” There are different levels of autism. “There is the autistic disorder, Asperger's syndrome and pervasive developmental syndrome (www.asws.org).” According to (www.everydayhealth.com/autism/types), “Each situation is unique as there are many levels and severities of it. Many cases also include sensory difficulties. These can range from imaginary sights and sounds to other sensations.” There are many different characteristics […]

Autism and Assistive Technology for Autistic Children

Autism is a complex neurobehavioral condition that is found in a person from early childhood days where the person faces difficulty in communicating with another person. It is also known as ASD or Autism Spectrum Disorder. It is a spectrum disorder because its effect varies from person to person. This is caused due to some changes that happen during early brain development. It is suggested that it may arise from abnormalities in parts of the brain that interpret sensory input […]

The Evolution of Autism Diagnosis: from Misunderstanding to Scientific Approach

Autism has come a long way from the early 1980s when it was rarely diagnosed to today where 100 out 10,000 kids are diagnosed. Autism is defined as a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior (NIMH 2018). There are many aspects surrounding Autism and the underlying effects that play a role in Autism. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, people with Autism have “Difficulty with communication and interaction with other people Restricted interests and repetitive […]

Do Vaccines Cause Autism

In a world of medicines and “mommy bloggers”, there is a controversy between pro-vaxxers and anti-vaxxers. The vaccination controversy cause an uproar for many people, understandably, it’s very polarized- you strongly believe in them or you strongly do not. For me, at the age of 15, I strongly believe in the Pro-Vaccine movement and I have data that can back me up. For starters, you may wonder ‘what is a vaccine’ or ‘how to do they work’. For a general […]

Autism: Characteristics, Diagnosis, and Understanding

The prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder has nearly doubled in recent years, and the numbers are staggering: nearly 1 in every 59 children are diagnosed with autism in the United States alone. Yet, there are so many questions surrounding the complexity and increase in diagnoses of this condition that affects so many in such diverse ways. (Autism Speaks) How autism originates in the first place and its impact on communication, both verbal and nonverbal, are questions that need to be […]

Autism Spectrum Disorder and its Positive Effects

 What would it feel like if you were constantly ignored or treated as though you have little usefulness? Many people experience this kind of treatment their entire lives. Long has it been assumed that people with mental disabilities such as Autism, were meant to be cared for but to never expect any value from them. Evil men such as Hitler even went so far as to kill them because he thought they had no use to society. However, there is […]

Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders and ADHD

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication and behavior, generally diagnosed within the early stages of life. No two individuals living with Autism experience the same symptoms, as the type and severity varies with each case (Holland, 2018.). Autism has been around for hundreds of years, but the definition has evolved immensely. In 1943, scientists Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger conducted research on individuals with social and emotional deficits to better refine the definition […]

Raising a Child with Autism

All impose severe identity crisis and role restrictions even in knowledgeable parents.. In some conditions, as in the case of physical challenges, the child needs physical reassurance and support from the parents against those conditions of cognitive deficits in which the demands are always parent’s constant attention and feedback. As far as autism is concerned, the child’s deficits are many namely social, emotional, communicational, sensual, as well as behavioral. Symptoms are usually identified between one and two years of age. […]

Is Autism a Kind of Brain Damage

Many people have different views about autism. Autism may be only one simple word, but with this one word comes many forms in the way it could affect people with this disability. Autism should not be looked down on as much as this disability is from others in society. It may seem as if it has more “cons” than “pros” as some call them, but if looked at from a better perspective, there could be more pros than cons and […]

Trouble with Social Aspects and People on the Autism Spectrum

Autism in childhood starts as early as age two, and symptoms will become more severe as children continue into elementary school. When a child goes to a psychiatrist, they will work on social development. Adolescence with autism struggle when attempting to project others pain. For example, my brother has Asperger's and when I have a bone graph done on my hand, he could not stop touching my hand. He needed constant reminders to not touch and remind him of when […]

Effects of Autism

When he was eight years old, the parents of Joshua Dushack learned that their son was different. He had been diagnosed with Autism. According to the doctors, Joshua would never be able to read, write, talk, or go to school on his own. This might have been the case, had his parents accepted it. But his mother saw her son as a normal boy, and treated him as such. He did need some extra help in school, but because of […]

How Different Types of Assistive Technology Can Help Children with Autism

I. Introduction An anonymous speaker once said, “some people with Autism may not be able to speak or answer to their name, but they can still hear your words and feel your kindness.” Approximately thirty percent of people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder never learn to speak more than a few words (Forman & Rudy, 2018). Fortunately in today’s society, new technologies have made it possible for these individuals to communicate and socialize with others. Purpose The primary focus of […]

Searching Employment Autism

Over the last 20 years, there has been an alarming increase for children who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control, in the year 2000 1 in 159 children would be diagnosed with ASD. In the latest version of the study, the number has been reduced to 1 in 59 children will be diagnosed with ASD (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). This is a subject that […]

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How To Write an Essay About Autism

Understanding autism.

Before writing an essay about autism, it's essential to understand what autism is and the spectrum of conditions it encompasses. Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a complex developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior. It is characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech, and nonverbal communication. Start your essay by explaining the nature of autism, its symptoms, and the spectrum concept, which acknowledges a range of strengths and challenges experienced by individuals with autism. It's also important to discuss the causes and diagnosis of autism, as well as the common misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding it. This foundational knowledge will set the stage for a more in-depth exploration of the topic.

Developing a Focused Thesis Statement

A strong essay on autism should be centered around a clear, focused thesis statement. This statement should present a specific angle or argument about autism. For example, you might discuss the importance of early intervention and therapy, the representation of autism in media, or the challenges faced by individuals with autism in education and employment. Your thesis will guide the direction of your essay and ensure that your analysis is structured and coherent.

Gathering and Analyzing Data

To support your thesis, gather relevant data and research from credible sources. This might include scientific studies, statistics, reports from autism advocacy organizations, and personal narratives. Analyze this data critically, considering different perspectives and the quality of the evidence. Including a range of viewpoints will strengthen your argument and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Discussing Implications and Interventions

A significant portion of your essay should be dedicated to discussing the broader implications of autism and potential interventions. This can include the impact of autism on individuals and families, educational strategies, therapeutic approaches, and social support systems. Evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions, drawing on case studies or research findings. Discussing both the successes and challenges in managing and understanding autism will provide a balanced view and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points of your discussion and restating your thesis in light of the evidence and examples provided. Your conclusion should tie together your analysis and emphasize the significance of understanding and supporting individuals with autism. You might also want to highlight areas where further research or development is needed or the potential for societal changes to improve the lives of those with autism.

Final Review and Editing

After completing your essay, it's important to review and edit your work. Ensure that your arguments are clearly articulated and supported by evidence. Check for grammatical accuracy and ensure that your essay flows logically from one point to the next. Consider seeking feedback from peers or experts in the field to refine your essay further. A well-crafted essay on autism will not only inform but also engage readers in considering the complexities of this condition and the collective efforts required to support those affected by it.

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  • Treatments of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Topic: Treatments of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

General Purpose : To Inform.

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the treatment of autism spectrum disorder.

Thesis: There is no single best treatment for all children with autism spectrum disorder, but special treatments can be effective in improving the skills of children.

I. Introduction

A. Attention Getter: Do you know that 1 child out of every 110 children in US has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?

B. Reason to Listen: This can affect children of all social classes and races all over the world. Recent research has been inconclusive as to the causes of ASD.

C. Thesis Statement: There is no single best treatment for all children with autism spectrum disorder, but special treatments can be effective in improving the skills of children.

D. Credibility Statement.

  •  I have a relative who has a child with autism spectrum disorder.
  •  I have read and studied a lot of information about treatments of such disorders to help my relatives.

E. Preview of Main Points.

  •  First, I will discuss the autism spectrum disorder.
  •  Second, I will discuss the first signs of ASD.

A. What is ASD?

Autism is not a single disorder, but a variation of closely-related disorders with shared symptoms. Every child with the autism spectrum has problems with social skills, flexible behavior, communication and empathy. But, the level of the combination of symptoms and incapacity varies greatly from one person to another. In fact, two individuals with the same diagnosis may look different when it comes to their abilities and behavior.

Autism spectrum disorders appear in infancy and early childhood, causing delays in many basic areas of development, such as learning to interact with others, talk, play, etc. ASDs are three to four times more common in boys than girls.

When people talk about autism spectrum disorders, they are referring to the three most common pervasive developmental disorders.

  • Asperger’s Syndrome.
  • Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS).

B. Autism symptoms & early signs.

Behavioral symptoms of ASDs are hard to diagnose before 24 months, typically appear before a child is 3, although differences can appear even in the first year of life. If signs are detected by 18 months of age, intensive treatment may help to reverse the symptoms and rewire the brain. The early diagnosis and therapy can be tremendously helpful in improving the behavior and abilities of children with ASD.

  • Early signs of autism in babies and toddlers.
  • Doesn’t make eye contact.
  • Doesn’t smile when smiled at.
  • Doesn’t respond to their name.
  • Doesn’t visually follow objects.
  • Doesn’t make noises to get attention.
  • Doesn’t respond to, or initiate, cuddling.
  • Doesn’t imitate your movements and facial expressions.
  • Doesn’t play with other people, or share interest and enjoyment.

As children get older, the symptoms of autism become more diverse. There are many warning signs and symptoms, but they typically revolve around impaired social skills, speech and language difficulties, non-verbal communication difficulties and inflexible behavior.

C. Treatments of ASD.

A range of teaching approaches and behavioral therapies are used to help children develop skills in the areas where they’re having difficulties. Depending on the child’s needs, occupational, physical and communication therapies may be very helpful too.

First type of a widely accepted treatment is behavior and communication approaches .

  • Applied behavior analysis (ABA). The goals of ABA are to shape and reinforce new behaviors, such as learning to speak and play, and reduce undesirable ones.
  • Developmental, Individual Difference, Relationship-based (DIR) – aims to build healthy and meaningful relationships and abilities by following the natural emotions and interests of the child.
  • TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication Handicapped Children) – emphasizes adapting the child’s physical environment and using visual cues, for example, having classroom materials clearly marked and located so that students can access them independently.
  • Interpersonal Synchrony – targets social development and imitation skills, and focuses on teaching children how to establish and maintain engagement with others.

Medications: There are no medications that can cure ASDs, or even treat the main symptoms. But some medications can help reduce symptoms that cause problems for the child in school, or at home. All medications carry the risk of side effects.

Complementary and Alternative Treatments: To relieve the symptoms of ASDs, some parents and health care professionals use treatments that are outside of what is typically recommended by the pediatrician. These types of treatments are known as alternative and complementary treatments. These usually include special diets, biological, or body-based systems (like deep pressure).

III. Conclusion

A. Summary of main points: An ASD is a life-long condition. But intensive behavioral therapy during the toddler, or preschool, years can significantly improve cognitive and language skills in young children with ASD. B. Re-state thesis: While there is no single treatment for autism, only a loving heart will tell a parent how to help the child.

1. Autism Spectrum Disorder, National Institute of Mental Health http://www.nimh.nih.gov 2. Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs), Centers for disease control and prevention. http://www.cdc.gov 3. Volkmar FR, et al. (2008). Asperger’s syndrome of Pervasive developmental disorders. In RE Hales et al., eds., The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry, 5th ed., pp. 882-884. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing.

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100 Autism Research Paper Topics

autism research paper topics

Careful selection of autism research paper topics is very important. That’s because there are many autism topics that students can research and write about. The topic that a learner chooses dictates the direction that their research and writing process will take. As such, students should select their topic ideas based on their academic goals. Ideally, what a learner opts to write about should help them accomplish their study goals.

Autism can be defined as a spectral disorder that makes a child seem to have a world of their own. Many parents misinterpret this disorder and assume that the child does not notice them. However, this is usually not the case. Parents are the first people to notice this disorder. With more children being diagnosed with this disorder, educators are asking learners to write about autism essay topics.

If you’ve been asked to write about this subject, take your time to research this disorder. You can even read the autobiographies of autistic people. If possible, meet and interact with autistic people before you start writing. This will give you an idea of what this condition is all about. Our psychology topics may also come in handy. In most cases, you will be required to focus your paper or essay on the creation of more autism awareness. This article highlights some of the topics in autism that you can consider for your paper or essay.

Basic Autism Research Paper Topics

Autism is a broad research area. Researchers have delved into this field and came up with different findings. However, you can still pick a topic for your research in this field and come up with new information. Here are some of the most interesting research topics in autism that can form the basis of your academic paper or essay.

  • Why some people autistic and others are not?
  • Does being autistic have advantages?
  • Why is being autistic disadvantageous?
  • Some people have a good memory or recall skills, explain why
  • Facts that people should know about autism
  • Explain the chemical brain differences between autistic and non-autistic individuals
  • Discuss some of major breakthroughs in autism research
  • Why do people with autism have difficulty socializing with others?
  • What can normal people learn from autistic people’s brains?
  • What characteristics should a person with autism have?
  • How should an autistic person be trained during care provision?
  • What should caregivers understand about autism to do their job right?
  • Explain the behavior of autistic individuals towards family members
  • Provide an average autistic individual’s overview
  • How can the social interactions of autistic people be improved?
  • Explain what causes autism
  • What educational programs do autistic people have?
  • How to diagnose autism in the early stages
  • Explain the role of music in an autistic person’s life
  • Is there a treatment for reducing autistic people’s disadvantages?
  • What are the employment limitations and opportunities for autistic people?
  • Discuss the major stories about autism that have been shared in the media
  • What is yet to be discovered about autism?
  • Explain how healthcare workers can help autistic individuals go through their daily life
  • Describe the top 5 autistic individuals that are best known in history

These are some of the most interesting autism topics for research paper or essay. However, you should research them extensively before you start writing. That’s because each of these topics requires you to include verifiable facts in your paper or essay.

Strong Autism Dissertation Topics

With so many children being diagnosed with autism, more learners are writing dissertations on this subject. And there are many autism research topics from which a learner can choose. Here are some of the best autism thesis topics to consider.

  • Is there evidence to prove that environmental triggers are responsible for rising autism cases?
  • Explain the relationship between stimming self-regulator for anxiety and autism
  • Why is autism prevalence in western society greater?
  • How is autism related to mental health?
  • How can family doctors be supported to take care of autistic people?
  • Discuss autism and childhood immunization
  • Discuss some of the prominent individuals in history that were most likely autistic
  • How can autistic people be supported at the workplace?
  • How do autistic females differ from autistic males?
  • Can autistic children adapt to mainstream education?
  • What are the positives and negatives of special education for autistic children?
  • Should autistic children attend special schools?
  • Why do people consider autism a spectrum disorder?
  • What diagnostic changes have raised the concern that Asperger’s Syndrome might no longer exist
  • Does lifestyle play a role in autism?

Some of these topics on autism may seem complex to research and write about. However, you can find relevant and sufficient supporting evidence from different sources. You just need the time and resources required to write about any of these topics about autism.

Autism Parent Training Topics

Raising an autistic child is not easy. Parents and caregivers should learn about autism spectrum disorder and its effects on their children. They should also learn how this disorder affects the entire family. It’s for this reason that researchers focus on research topics in autism that educate parents and caregivers about taking care of autistic children. Here are some of the best autism social learning topics.

  • How to manage the parenting challenges for people with autistic children
  • How to enhance the communication skills of autistic children
  • How to enhance the coping skills of autistic children
  • How to address the negative behaviors of autistic children
  • How to increase the play skills of autistic children
  • How to diagnose autism early in children
  • How to increase the independence of autistic children
  • How to improve self-help in autistic children
  • How does autism in one child affect the other family members?
  • How to solve the daily problems of autistic children

Each of these topics is meant to produce a paper or essay that can help parents of autistic children cope with the disorder. The information can also help the parents make their children lead a better life despite their condition.

Paper Topics about Autism and Education

Since it’s a complex disorder that affects brain development, autism touches on education as well. Here are some of the good research paper topics on autism and education that you can write about.

  • Why is autism worth researching?
  • Discuss the causes of autism
  • Discuss the development realms that are affected by autism
  • What resources do autistic people have access to?
  • Explain how autistic children learn
  • Explain how autism affects the learning process
  • Explain the struggles of autistic students
  • Explain parent training autism
  • Discuss the major types of autism
  • How does learning differ between autistic and normal students?

These topics focus on the relationship between autism and learning or education. Just like the topics in the other categories, they require extensive research to write about too.

Autism Research Proposal Topics

A lot of information about autism is being discussed by researchers across the world. This makes it hard for some learners to pick proposal topics for their autism papers. Here are some of the topics to consider if struggling to pick your proposal topic.

  • What is autism therapy?
  • Is autism therapy helpful?
  • How should caregivers provide care to autistic persons?
  • What is the best way to work for an autistic person?
  • Working with an autistic person- What are the major challenges?
  • How do you cope with an autistic family member?
  • How should autistic people be treated in social places?
  • What limitations do autistic people have in modern society?
  • Is the current society considerate of autistic people?
  • How does modern technology benefit autistic people?

If you pick a research topic on autism from this category, take the time to research it extensively to write a brilliant paper or essay.

Thought-Provoking Autism Debate Topics

Perhaps, you want to write a paper or essay that can form the basis of a debate about autism. In that case, consider one of these topics.

  • How celebrities and pseudo-scientists have caused serious damage by claiming that autism is related to vaccinations
  • How to educate society about autism
  • How to change the future of autistic children with early interventions
  • How school officials can help autistic children
  • How to help autistic kids whose parents are uncooperative or in denial
  • How autistic children can benefit from occupational therapy
  • Discuss the DSM-V regarding autism
  • How educational opportunities for autistic children compare to those of normal children
  • How health officials can convince the public that shots don’t cause autism
  • Should children that have not been vaccinated because parents believe that vaccines cause autism be taken to school?
  • How to support siblings of an individual with autism
  • How to transition a person with autism to community-based services from school-based services.
  • How to fight for autistic people’s rights
  • How to deal with the psychological struggles of autistic children
  • How music affects autistic patients
  • Social organizations for autistic people
  • Why diagnosing autism early is important
  • Can autism be prevented?
  • How to interact with autistic people
  • What employment options do autistic people have?
  • How to manage autism in adults
  • A brief history of autism
  • How living with an autistic person can affect your life
  • How genetics affect autism
  • Can the environment cause autism?
  • Can medical treatment cause autism?
  • A review of autism in different countries
  • A review of autism in different cultures
  • What signs of autism should parents watch out for?
  • How to develop a treatment plan for autism

This category has controversial topics autism researchers can explore too. Nevertheless, whether you choose parenting or autism biology topics for research paper, take the time to research extensively before you start writing. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need thesis writing help .

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thesis statement for informative speech on autism

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    Informative Speech Outline On Autism. Purpose: To inform the audience about autism. Thesis: In order to better understand autism, one must be open minded, develop some level of patience, and be willing to do his/her own research. A. Attention Getter: According to Webster's Compact Dictionary, autism is defined as A mental condition, present ...

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