essay writing 6th grade

  • Mar 24, 2021

Essays in 6th Grade: A Basic Format that Elevates the Standard 5-Paragraph Structure

essay writing 6th grade

6th grade is such a funny year. Funny haha and funny weird. Student writing levels are all over the map. You will have students coming to you writing on a very elementary level, still needing loads of help with grammar and paragraph formation. Then, you will have students ready to write critique pieces and analyses. How do you navigate this? Read to find out more!

Give Them a Start

I've learned that 6th graders still need format . They still need structure. They still need checklists. As much as I loathe limiting them in this way, I think it is very reassuring to them. That's not to say you can't tweak for the strong writers, but I do still feel they need it.

For my students in particular, I like to let them dabble in looser formats of non-fiction writing in other ways. They do book reviews , a debate , podcasting , etc. They are offered choices in reading responses to non-fiction reading and analysis, too. My classes actually write digital eBooks, too. But on the whole, they are expected to write two essays with a very similar format twice a year.

Bye-Bye 5-Paragraph Essay

Alright, so this is kind of not totally true. My students do end up writing 5 paragraphs, but that typical structure we all commonly know, I navigate away from. I think it's a fine format, but as they get into middle school they are expected to compare a LOT more and not focus on one specific topic . They are expected to follow through on a thread, a claim, a theme, an idea and how it is shown in various sources. And this is super new for them, analyzing various sources on the same concept. They really need a structure for this.

So, the typical essay, before they get to me, goes like this, and it is a good precursor:

Introduction that states your thesis and 3 major reasons to support your claim.

Conclusion that looks a whole lot like the introduction.

This format does not allow analysis of multiple sources and if you throw in other sources, it gets messy. Instead, I gear my students to focus on each source separately, then comparing them all.

The Format that Works (Research and Literary Analysis)

First of all, it's important to know what essays I actually do with my kiddos. I do a research unit. This changes almost every year, but typically they choose some kind of topic, I group them based on their topic choice. First, they do research (non-fiction skills) using a book, article, and video. They then use those sources to write an essay on a claim they make based on their topic. Later, they make eBooks in groups based on their topic.

The other essay I do is Literary Analysis . This follows a dystopian unit . They read a dystopian book in book clubs. Then, I have them choose from a short list of short stories that are dystopian. Lastly, we watch the movie The Truman Show . (This year I had them watch "The Scarecrow" on YouTube since we were hybrid due to the pandemic). They then determine a theme that is true for all three sources and write an essay based on that theme.

This essay format works for both of these essays. So here it goes!

essay writing 6th grade

Introductory and Conclusion Statements

In a traditional essay, students have to write a hook, their claim/thesis, and essentially ANOTHER three sentences that state what their essays will be about. In my opinion, all of this is completely unnecessary. How many times do you read introductions in books? Okay, real avid readers do, but in reality many people don't. So for these, I tell my students to get right to the point .

Here's what should be in their introductory and conclusion statements:

A statement that introduces the topic. (This is a hook of some kind. I sometimes tell them to start it with "in our world..." or "in our lives..." and something that relates to their topic. Or just starting it with their topic and explaining what it is.)

The claim/thesis.

A statement that references there are differences and similarities in the sources. (For example: "[Title of sources] support this claim in different and similar ways." That's it.)

This all ends up being 2-3 sentences.

Topic Sentences

I have my students start their essay prep with topic sentences. This helps them get a sense of where their essays will go.

The big thing to understand here is how the paragraphs are set up .

Body #1 : Focus on source #1 and how it shows claim/thesis.

Body #2 : Focus on source #2 and how it shows claim/thesis.

Body #3 : Focus on source #3 and how it shows claim/thesis.

Body #4 : Focus on how ALL SOURCES show the claim/thesis in the same way.

So they start with creating topic sentences for those paragraphs. Each topic sentence is set up like this. The last topic sentence would start with "all sources..." instead of "source title".:

essay writing 6th grade

Body Paragraph Format

In the picture you see below, I have specific colors for specific aspects of body paragraphs. ALL body paragraphs follow this format in that exact sequence/order. I will be completely honest, I don't give them a ton of wiggle room since this is pretty new to them. However, my stronger writers dabble in mixing evidence stems and elaboration stems around.

essay writing 6th grade

Their paragraph starts with the topic sentence they already prepared. From there, the next sentence begins with an evidence stem . Here are a few examples of evidence stems:

According to the text,

The author states,

In [title],

Right after the evidence stem, in the same sentence, they add their text detail to support their topic sentence. I encourage them to quote exactly from the text for most text details. They can paraphrase, too, but should really try to get exact lines.

In regards to quoting, I also mention to them not to quote plop . I made this up. I plan on making a product for this at some point. A quote plop is bad . It's when students take a line from the text and just plop it in their essay. I show them how to break up the quote from the text with their own words.

So, a first sentence may look like this: According to the text [evidence stem, highlighted green] , when Luke was hiding due to being a third child, "they took the woods away" , [text detail with context, a.k.a. not just plopping the quote in the sentence, highlighted yellow].

Directly after that sentence should be an elaboration stem with an elaboration explaining how the text detail shows their claim/thesis. Students highlight this entire sentence in blue and their claim within it dark blue. Here are some elaboration stems:

This proves [claim] because...

This shows [claim] because ...

After that they do the same process two more times; two more text details with elaborations. Lastly they do a closing sentence .

essay writing 6th grade

Comparison Paragraph: This is set up almost exactly the same, except the focus is on how ALL the sources show the claim in the same way. They then provide a NEW text detail from each source to prove how the claim is being shown similarly in each.

essay writing 6th grade

Once all their body paragraphs are written, I have them go review their introductory and conclusion statements, put everything into a final draft and leave the highlights in the essay . This helps them visualize all the components and helps me grade!

For revision, the focus is on not quote plopping, being sure their details support their thesis, changing up the wording of claims/theses, and rearranging for strong writers.

Bottom Line

While this is very limiting for some, it is super helpful for struggling writers. Having that checklist and having the highlights helps students visualize what they need to compare sources in an essay format.

I'd say it'd be great to introduce this in 6th and by 8th, they can certainly make these more interpretive, creative, and unique.

You can find a lot more detail about this in the product below . What you see here is only a taste. This contains a full sample essay, checklists, tips, and more. You can also edit it to meet your needs.

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6 comentarios

Really interesting - thank you!!

This exactly the kind of thing I've been looking for, and even better! I love your approach and it's so well explained. I couldn't disagree more with any of the negative feedback to this article. I think it's perfect for my style of teaching and my standard of writing. Most of all, the way you explained this and broke it down into small steps will make it so achievable for even lagging students to develop great writing skills and feel confident in the process! You nailed it. Thank you so much!

I read all the essay writing format instructions. All the points are useful for any kind of essay writing. But at the age of high-level essay writing learners need to be essay writer experts like the 6 Dollars Essay Website , ready to do professional essay writing for any essay grade.

This is beyond me and I teach HS English. Where does this lady teach, at Princeton? I do not know any 6th grader that does this or would understand this. I see why so many of our young people have become disinterested in the learning process. I also see why so many teachers quit. The profession is stale, boring, and antiquated. This article was not fun to read and I'm thinking this new 5 paragraph writing style would be a drag for the average ela teacher to teach.

. In the blog post, I mention the various types of writing I do with students. I also have other blog posts that discuss these other formats. This is not the end all be all. In my over a decade experience with teaching writing, having a structure helps struggling writers. This is not a writing style. This a format for one type of writing. As teachers, we should be offering all types of formats, especially with younger writers who are still learning how to write.

50 Engaging 6th Grade Writing Prompts for Thoughtful Essays

Sixth grade marks a big transition in students’ lives. They’re no longer little kids, but they’re not quite teens either–that’s what middle school is all about. To help your students bridge this transition with ease, it’s important to give them plenty of opportunities to practice their writing skills since they’ll be doing a lot of writing in high school and beyond.

Over and above that, writing can be the perfect way for kids to express themselves and explore the world around them. That will only happen if you give them the space to do so, though, so here are 50 engaging 6th-grade writing prompts to help your students get their creative juices flowing.

Narrative Writing Prompts

notepad and pen image

Narrative writing revolves around telling a story with a plot that has rising action, a climax, and a resolution. These narrative writing prompts will give your 6th-grade students plenty to think about–and write about.

Story Starters

teenage girl writing and using a laptop

Students will often struggle with where to start their stories. These story starters will help them get past that initial hurdle by giving them some ideas to get their narratives going.

1. I had the biggest fight with my best friend yesterday. It all started when…

2. My first trip to the beach wasn’t what I expected. I thought it would be…

3. I’ll never forget the time when I was lost in the city. It was…

4. I had the biggest surprise of my life when…

5. My family went on the craziest road trip last summer. We started out by…

As you guide your students through their writing journey, make sure to encourage them to be creative and have fun with it – but still have them include the essential elements of a story, like rising action, a climax, and a resolution, so that their stories are well-rounded and engaging.

Personal Narrative Prompts

boy giving gift to a girl classmate

Personal narratives are all about giving students the opportunity to tell their own stories in descriptive ways. Here are writing prompts to get them started.

6. What’s the best (or worst) birthday you’ve ever had? Why was it so great (or terrible)?

7. What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? What made you do it?

8. Think about your future self–where do you see yourself in 1 year? Write about it.

9. Think about the best day you’ve ever had. What made it so special?

10. Describe a time when the weather was really extreme. Describe it.

Reflective Writing Prompts

girl thinking of bright ideas

Reflective writing is a lot like journaling–it gives students the opportunity to process their thoughts and feelings on a given topic. These reflective writing prompts/journal prompts will encourage thoughtful reflection in your students while giving them some fun.

11. Make a list of your favorite things about yourself.

12. Take a walk in nature and describe what you see. What emotions does it evoke in you?

13. Describe your sports or extracurricular activities. What have you learned from them all?

14. Make a list of all the emotions you experience throughout the day.

15. Make a record of your daily objectives. Consider which one was the most simple to accomplish.

Journal prompts are usually effective because they make you think about a certain topic in a different, more introspective way, and so students should be encouraged to approach these writing prompts with open minds and hearts.

Informational Writing Prompts

students writing essays in school class

Informational writing is an essential skill for middle-schoolers, especially as they head into high school and college, where they’ll be expected to write long-form essays rather than fiction. These informational writing prompts will give your students plenty of practice with this type of writing.

Expository Prompts

two students talking and laughing

Expository writing is a type of nonfiction writing that requires students to investigate an idea, assess evidence, expand on the idea, and present an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner. These prompts will help your students hone their expository writing skills.

16. Compare and contrast two of your friends.

17. Choose a challenge at your school. What’s the ideal solution for it?

18. Discuss a problem in a movie you enjoy. What was the outcome of the situation?

19. What was the cause of a recent argument you had? What was the effect?

20. Find an interesting story/narrative in your local newspaper and tell it in your own words.

Research Prompts

students writing in front of a laptop

Next, research writing prompts will help students practice their research skills by investigating a given topic and finding credible sources to support their claims. These research writing prompts will allow your students to conduct investigative research and write about what they’ve found in detail.

21. How long can fish survive without water?

22. What animals are on the verge of extinction?

23. What’s the history of your favorite sport, and how did it develop?

24. What are people’s civil rights, and who has fought for them?

25. Explore your dream career. What skills would you need to succeed in it?

This may be a good time to introduce your students they could use to reference their information and give credit where it’s due. Inform them that not all sources are created equal, and brainstorm some tips for evaluating the credibility of a website.

Procedural Prompts

girl studying at home with headphone and laptop

As their name suggests, procedural writing prompts provide students with the opportunity to write clear and concise instructions on a given topic. These prompts will help your sixth graders learn the essentials of procedural writing.

26. Make a user guide for anything you use frequently (e.g., your computer, smartphone, video game console).

27. Write a set of instructions for cleaning your room.

28. Teach a younger reader how to do homework without wasting time.

29. What’s the quickest way for you to go to the library if you’re in your classroom now?

30. Describe the steps involved in tying a shoe.

Argument Writing Prompts

students writing classroom activity

The next type of writing prompt is argument writing. Argumentative writing is a type of nonfiction writing that requires students to investigate a topic, collect evidence, and assess their findings to defend a point of view while also considering the perspectives of others.

These argumentative writing prompts will give your young writers practice with this type of persuasive writing.

Argumentative Essay Prompts

teacher helping students in class

The most common type of essay prompt on standardized tests is the argumentative essay question since it’s intellectually challenging. In these questions, students will be given a prompt and they’ll be asked to take a position on an issue or topic.

They’ll then need to provide satisfactory evidence from their research to support their position. Here are some prompts to get them started.

31. Should school uniforms be required in all schools?

32. Is it ever okay to break the law?

33. Do you think people should be required to vote? Why or why not?

34. Is Monday through Friday the best school schedule?

35. Is it important to learn science?

Persuasive Prompts

teacher and students in a class discussion

Emotional appeals can be a powerful tool in persuasive writing. In these prompts, students will need to use their powers of persuasion and other rhetorical strategies to convince their readers to see their point of view. Here are persuasive prompts to put your students’ powers of persuasion to the test.

36. Make a case for or against year-round schooling.

37. Should there be a limit on the amount of homework students can receive?

38. Persuade your parents to let you choose your own bedtime.

39. What’s the best way to deal with bullies in schools?

40. Who’s the greatest sports athlete of all time?

Poetry Prompts

poetry text word image

Poetry prompts are a great way to get your students to write creatively. These prompts will help your students tap into their imaginations and write poems that are both beautiful and moving. Whether in free verse or strict meter, your students will be sure to impress you with their poetic prowess.

41. Write about how you’re feeling right now in a  haiku .

42. Create a poem in memory of a book, TV, or film character who has died.

43. Choose an onomatopoeia and use it five times in a poem.

44. Consider a metaphor for the current school year and create a poem about it.

45. Write a friendship poem in which every line includes a  rhyme for “friend.”

Creative Writing Prompts

student with notebook and laptop picture

Last but not least, creative writing is all about using imagination to create a piece of writing that’s unlike anything else. This creative writing prompts will help your students tap into their imaginations and write some truly unique pieces revolving around self-expression.

46. If I could have any superpower, it would be…

47. Write about a day in the life of your favorite cartoon character.

48. If you could be a historical figure for a day, who would you choose to be?

49. Write a family story from the perspective of your pet.

50. Invent a new holiday and describe how it’s celebrated.

Jump In : Better prepare your 6th graders for this activity by improving their reading comprehension first! Proceed to read my list of fun comprehension exercises here —  11 Fun 6th Grade Reading Comprehension Activities (& Games) .

Dust Off Those Pencils and Get Ready to Write! 

While many students lose motivation as their first middle school year goes on, these 50 6th grade writing prompts will help keep them excited about writing all year long. With tons of different genres and modes of writing to choose from, there’s something here for everyone! So get those pencils sharpened and those minds thinking—it’s time to start writing!

Last Updated on July 24, 2022 by Emily

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Emily is an active mother of two and a dedicated elementary school teacher. She believes the latest technology has made a huge impact on the quality of early learning and has worked hard to upgrade her classroom and her own children’s learning experience through technology.

Follow her on Twitter , Pinterest , and Instagram for more teaching fun!

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6th grade writing

by: Hank Pellissier | Updated: August 4, 2022

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6th grader's writing under Common Core standards

This year, your sixth grader should learn to use precise language, the right pronouns, and high-quality sources for research. Public presentations are also a nerve-wracking but important skill highlighted this year. Read on to learn the key sixth grade writing skills your child should learn this year.

Introducing argument writing

Developmentally, sixth graders are entering a rebellious phase. Luckily, all this attitude has an academic outlet: argument writing . Your tween will write persuasive essays that promote their bold opinions with organized logic, backed by evidence from carefully researched, respectable sources. ( Wikipedia , The Onion , and National Enquirer won’t qualify, but Wikipedia does often link to sources at the bottom of their entries that may be acceptable.)

Your 11- or 12-year-old will also write formal essays that explain complicated topics with precise information. They’ll start with intriguing introductions, and then present their research in a clear, organized way. They will use quotes, facts, definitions, compare-and-contrast statements, cause-and-effect statements, graphics (e.g., charts, graphs), subject-specific vocabulary, and multimedia. It will all be formatted (e.g., using headings, subheadings, and bullet points), to make their points clear. They’ll end with concluding paragraphs that recap their main points.

“ To put it another way, Mommy, there is compelling evidence that I need another scoop of ice cream. ” This grown-up language sounds amusingly hoity-toity in squeaky voices, but don’t laugh when your child attempts it in daily conversation. Indeed, it is good practice for their writing.

Incredibly, what happened next was..

Storytelling is a fun part of sixth grade writing. This year, kids practice narrative writing in fiction and nonfiction papers. They learn effective ways to select their narrator, characters, setting, dialogue, descriptions, and conclusion. They work to make plot sequences seem natural. To really make their stories sing, kids should use specific details, precise language, and transition vocabulary (think: After nightfall or When she awoke ) that guides readers from one setting or plot point to another. Don’t be surprised if your shy bookworm starts writing a trilogy.

If at first you don’t succeed

Grit. Determination. Perseverance. Ernest Hemingway rewrote the last page of one of his novels 39 times. Rewriting and editing both teach kids discipline and determination. They are required to plan before they write, and then plan some more as their draft develops. They’re encouraged to outline before they start writing. They draft and redraft. They will revise certain parts and maybe restructure their entire paper. Then they will edit, possibly rewrite, and re-edit. At every turn, they’re encouraged to try new approaches. This isn’t obsessive redundancy; it helps students practice thinking about what they’re really, truly trying to say and then use their writing skills to convey their thoughts clearly and exactly.

Command of the keyboard

Writing nowadays often means typing . Sixth graders accelerate their hand-eye coordination as they evolve from hunt-and-peck slowness to rat-tat-tat-tat-tatting at a furious pace. The goal is for sixth graders to be able to sit and type three pages in a single sitting. Additionally, kids are taught online interaction and collaboration (e.g., emailing their work to each other, sharing Google docs, and adding suggestions and comments to each other’s work).

My research reveals…

Sixth graders get writing assignments that require research. To answer questions like What famous historical character do you admire? What’s your favorite invention? What endangered species do you worry about the most? , your young detective will read thick reference books and print periodicals at the library and digital data online (yes, often via Google). Students learn to evaluate the credibility of sources . Is National Lampoon as legitimate as Encyclopedia Britannica ? No. Using evidence, they compile information to write reports. They’ll learn to paraphrase what they’ve read, synthesize new thoughts, and use quotations to share information without plagiarizing.

Novel approach

Is Harry Potter more emotionally conflicted than Katniss Everdeen? Sixth graders sharpen their critical thinking skills by doing literary analysis. They’ll analyze poems, stories, historical novels, and nonfiction books. Kids learn to compare and contrast topics and themes. They’ll do this, for example, by discussing the consequences of prejudice in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry and in Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad or by explaining how nature directs the plots of The Secret Garden and The Island of the Blue Dolphin . In nonfiction, sixth graders learn to divide an author’s statements into facts supported by evidence versus opinions. For example, was the Great Houdini truly “the world’s greatest magician” or is this an opinion? After all, David Copperfield walked through the Great Wall of China.

Pronouns: not just me-me-me all the time

Grammar isn’t easy, especially for 11- and 12-year-olds. Pronoun usage can be particularly tough. Kids learn about proper pronoun case . What’s that? Subjective case refers to pronouns used as subjects (I, you, he, she, it, we, they). Objective case indicates pronouns used as objects (me, you, him, her, it, us, they). Possessive case conveys ownership (my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, our, ours, their, theirs). Using pronouns incorrectly can leave the writer (or speaker) looking unintelligent. For example, Us and her carried apples over to yous big barn is neither proper nor pretty.

Mistakes in pronoun person are common among this age group. To correct this, your child needs to loyally stick with the “person” they started with. No switching from first person (I or me) to second person (you), or vice-versa: When I go to school, you should have your homework done, or When you go to school, a person should have his homework done . (Hint, that second example goes from second person to third person.) Both switches are incorrect and can create confusion.

Pronoun number is also crucial. If the subject indicates a plural quantity, the related possessive pronoun needs the identical number. Here’s an example of this common error: All of the school girls took her umbrella. (It should be their umbrellas) . Vague pronouns are also a no-no. Take the sentence: Alice put a vase with a red rose on the desk, and sold it. What was sold: the vase, the rose, or the desk? We don’t know because it, used here, is too vague.

Sentences, spelling, punctuation

Sixth grade writing raises the bar when it comes to sentence structure. Kids are expected to vary their sentences by alternating the length and structure to keep their writing interesting.

When it comes to spelling, many sixth graders know that spelling rules in English are finicky and have many exceptions. Kids learn to spell odd English words correctly, with silent letters ( island, crumb ) and bizarre combo consonants ( cough, pheasant ). As such, spelling is best learned through practice and, eventually, by memorizing. If your child gets frustrated spelling words like climb or plumbing , let them know that Theodore Roosevelt, Andrew Carnegie, and a committee of concerned citizens tried to simplify English spelling more than a century ago — sadly, to no avail.

Finally, as their writing becomes more advanced, sixth graders tend to use commas, parentheses, and dashes to set apart phrases and clauses. You can help by reviewing these sentences and making sure the punctuation is placed correctly.

It’s all about presentations

In sixth grade, kids will read their writing aloud to classmates. As they read, they’ll be expected to make eye contact, pronounce their words clearly, and speak loudly enough to be heard by the entire class. They’ll share their arguments, research papers, projects, and literary efforts, which will often be accompanied by visual displays, music, audio, charts, and slides. Your child may be nervous before these presentations, but hopefully your child will be empowered by the experience.

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35 Thought-Provoking Persuasive Writing Prompts For 6th Graders

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Looking for a solid persuasive essay topic for your 6th grader?

The below post contains tons of great ideas that will get your 6th-grade students thinking, researching, debating, and writing!

I’m not talking about simple opinion writing topics – like their favorite food, favorite book, or how much money they should get for an allowance.

That is the the thing that my 3rd grade student would delight in arguing. 

No, sixth graders are ready for more meaty topics that require a bit of research and thought. The more they dig into the topic and refine their point of view, the more they will sharpen their critical thinking and writing skills!

Don’t miss the free pdf printable at the bottom of this page with all of the ideas in one place!

Persuasive Writing Prompts For The 6th Grade Student

boxing gloves facing each other showing oppostie opinions

1. Is a dress code ever necessary?

In this prompt, students will be asked to take a stance on whether or not they think there is ever a time to enforce a dress code. Are there times when someone should be told how to dress? Such as a school dress code or wedding? Or should people be allowed to dress in any way that expresses themselves or their personality? 

2. Should recycling be mandatory instead of suggested?

Students will be asked to consider whether the government should be more aggressive about recycling. They will  be working with the concepts of the benefits of recycling vs. the freedoms of people.

3. Should  vending machines ban junk food?

6th grade students will be asked to argue for or against the ban of junk food in vending machines. Vending machines are often used by people who are hungry and in a hurry. The vending options are usually less than healthy. Should vending machine owners be required to provide better choices? Or should they be allowed to stock their machines as they see fit?

4. Is it okay to keep exotic animals as pets?

This persuasive topic will have students take a stance on whether or not it is a good idea to keep exotic animals as pets. They will need to consider the benefits and drawbacks of keeping exotic pets and present a strong argument for their position. Make sure the student has a good understanding of the topic and the different types and sizes of animals that some people keep as pets.

5. Should the federal government impose a tax on sugary drinks?

In this prompt, students will be asked to argue for or against a government tax on sugary drinks – similar to the tax on cigarettes. They will need to consider the potential benefits of such a tax. What would the tax money be spent on? Or should people be free to drink any kind of beverage they wish, no matter how healthy or unhealthy? 

6. Should life skills be a greater focus for education?

In this prompt, students will be asked to take a stance on what should be taught in school. Should the schools be doubling down on the basics of reading, writing, and math since test scores have dipped? Or should schools start allotting more time for important life skills, like time management, personal finance, and cooking, which are things many young adults struggle with.

7. Should there be age limits to use social media? 

Students will list specific reasons why there should or should not be age restrictions for facebook pages and other forms of social media.

8. Is it important to save endangered species?

Students will be asked argue why enndangered animals should or should not be protected. They may be quick to make up their mind, but make sure they do research and find factual reasons that support their opinions.

9. Should video games be considered a sport?

Even though video games do not require the physical activity of traditional sports, does it still require focus, skill, and grit that would make it a modern sport? Or should that title only be awarded to an activity that requires you to sweat?

10. Should there be a ban on plastic bags?

Everyone knows plastic bags are bad for the environment, but should they be banned? What would the alternative be? 

11. Is it necessary to have physical books anymore?

In the age of digital everything, are paper books still necessary? College students are already buying digital books instead of expensive physical ones. What benefits would come from doing away with paper books? What drawbacks would there be for those without a computer or solid internet?

12. Is it important to teach physical education in schools?

What is the goal of physical education? Does it have a place in the academic environment of education? Should those things be taught at home or on a sports team instead of during school hours? Shouldn’t physical activity be optional? Or is PE a vital piece of knowledge for a well-rounded education?

13. Should zoos be banned?

Do zoos raise money and awareness for animal conservation…or do they imprison animals for a lifetime that should be free and in the wild?

14. Should recess be scheduled for all kids in school? Even high school students?

What are the benefits of taking an outside break with fresh air for students? Are other subjects too important to sacrifice the time? Could older students be more productive with some sunshine and fresh air during the day?

15. If a student has good grades all school year, should they still have to take standardized tests?

If a student has shown that they are learning and progressing academically, should they have to take a long standardized test? Are there other reasons to take these tests? 

16. Is hunting cruel to animals?

Most people buy their meat at grocery stores these days, so is there really any reason to still hunt animals? Does harvesting animals keep humans safe? Or does it make sport of animal lives?

17. Should gas powered cars be outlawed?

Fossil fuels are wreaking havoc on the planet, so should gasoline powered vehicles become illegal? Are electric cars a better option? Do electric cars have any drawbacks? 

18. Is a rewards program or discipline more effective to motivate students?

What incentivizes kids to dive into their work, when maybe they don’t want to? Is it a really strong rewards program that will motivate them to finish a difficult task? Or fear of a consequence if they don’t complete their work?

19. Should the United States require military service for men and women, like other countries do?

Many countries require their population to do some form of federal service. America has a draft registration for men, but not for women. Should both genders be required to serve our country? Would it strengthen our nation and our people to have a common experience with service? Or is it unfair to require people to pause their lives for 2 years during the prime of their youth?

20. Should healthcare be free for everybody?

Is it a human right to get healthcare for free? If the patient doesn’t pay, then who should pay for the treatment? What benefits and/or consequences could come from reshaping our healthcare system?

21. Should candy purchases be limited based on how many cavities you have?

Dental health is very serious. Should a kid’s candy be rationed based on their dental records? The more cavities, the less candy you can have – and vice versa?

22. Is it appropriate to let kids work at younger ages, like 10 or 12, if they can do the job?

Many kids today have a strong desire to work, make money, and be successful. We have child labor laws in place to protect kids, but could that be holding them back? If they can do a job, should they be allowed to be hired? Or would that be robbing a kid of their right to a carefree childhood?

23. Should foreign language be required in school or should it be one of the elective courses?

English is spoken nearly worldwide, as it is taught in many countries around the world. What benefits come from learning another language? Should students be able to choose another elective if they don’t want to learn a new language? Or should American children try harder to be multilingual?

24. Should students be allowed to use their cell phones during tests?

You cannot get away from cell phones these days. Even small children have them! They will be a readily available resource in most work places, so shouldn’t they be allowed during tests? Or are memorization and internalization of information important skills for students to learn?

25. Should plastic water bottles be banned?

Plastic water bottles are a huge problem in our environment. Should we outlaw them to help the Earth? What kind of things are one-use water bottles used for that might be important? 

26. Is it more important to continue exploration of space or the ocean?

Many wonderful advancements and knowledge have come from space exploration, but we know precious little about our ocean which covers 2/3 of the planet. Should governments be investing money into finding what lies beneath the surface instead of what’s above our heads?

27. Should reading an analog clock still be taught in school?

Digital clocks are everywhere – on your phone, stove, microwave, computer, cable box. Do you really need to learn how an analog clock works anymore? Are there times that digital clocks may not be available? Or are they becoming as archaic as a sundial?

28. Is learning  proper handwriting or fast typing more important in today’s world?

Many have stopped learning cursive handwriting, so should schools also stop focusing so much on print handwriting? Should kids be spending that time learning how to type on a keyboard instead? 

29. Should the voting age be lowered so elementary school students can vote?

Kids today are developing opinions and beliefs at younger ages and want to be heard. Should we lower the voting age so that children can make more of a difference? Or are most children not quite ready to handle the responsibility of voting?

30. Should AI be allowed in writing school papers if calculators are allowed in math?

Many teachers are concerned about how to tell the difference between an AI-written essay and one written by a student. Should that be a concern? If math allows calculators, can’t English classes allow help from another form of artificial intelligence? What drawback could come from not expecting kids to write their own essays?

31. Are cell phones good or bad for your health?

Cell phones are common around the world now, but are they good for us? How do they benefit our health? How might they hurt our overall health?

32. Should bees become a protected species?

Many scientists have expressed concern about the dwindling number of bees. Should these important pollinators become a protected species like the bald eagle? Or is it unreasonable to expect a person not to kill a bee that is buzzing around them?

33. Is it ever appropriate to ban a book?

Many heated discussions have come up recently about banning books. Is there ever a time that certain books should be kept from kids – like an R rating on a movie? Or should kids be allowed to read whatever they are interested in? Should offensive content be censored or should it be learned from?

34. Should community service be required for kids, middle schoolers and up?

What good could come of requiring community service from children? Or should people only serve because they genuinely want to help their community?

35. Is reading or math more important in today’s world?

Which is a more crucial skill to master? Should kids be focused on reading at the highest levels? Or should they be focused on learning the language of math at the highest levels?

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These essay topics will go along with any persuasive writing unit in your  writing curriculum ! Let your student go through the list and find the one that really gets them excited.

If you’re looking for more fun writing prompts, be sure to check out the picture writing prompts below. There are 40 images with corresponding text that will get your kid excited to write!

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6th Grade Writing Prompts: Unlocking Imagination

By: Author Paul Jenkins

Posted on Published: March 27, 2023  - Last updated: July 31, 2023

Categories Writing

6th Grade Writing Prompts are a valuable tool for educators and parents alike, allowing young students to explore their thoughts, feelings, and ideas through creative writing exercises. These prompts can cover various topics, from personal experiences and emotions to thought-provoking scenarios and ethical dilemmas. The aim is to encourage students to think critically and express themselves effectively while developing their writing skills.

At this crucial stage of development, providing a supportive and engaging environment for students to practice and improve their writing abilities is vital. Numerous resources offer a wealth of compelling writing prompts specifically designed for 6th graders. The prompts you’ll find below in this article can inspire students to ponder real-world issues, reflect on their personal experiences, and imagine creative solutions to hypothetical situations.

The Importance of Writing Prompts

Writing prompts play a crucial role in developing the writing skills of 6th-grade students. They provide a starting point for students to begin expressing their thoughts and ideas, helping them overcome the common challenge of “writer’s block.” As students engage with various writing prompts, they learn to think critically, express their opinions, and dive into imaginative storytelling.

By offering a diverse range of topics, such as prompts that focus on procedural writing, students are exposed to different genres and styles of writing. This variety expands their writing horizons and helps them become well-rounded, versatile writers.

Introducing writing prompts at the 6th-grade level also enhances students’ analytical and problem-solving abilities. They learn to use evidence, logic, and reasoning to support their viewpoints and persuade readers. Additionally, writing prompts allow students to explore their creativity and foster a sense of self-discovery.

Lastly, engaging with writing prompts helps 6th graders develop crucial communication skills that serve as a foundation for future academic success and life experiences. Writing prompts encourage active participation in the learning process, promote self-expression, and cultivate a lifelong love for writing.

25 6th Grade Writing Prompts

  • Imagine you’ve discovered a hidden door in your home that leads to a secret room. Describe the room and what you find inside.
  • Write a story about a day when everyone’s dreams come true. How does this change the world?
  • If you could switch lives with any historical figure for a day, who would you choose and why? Describe your day in their shoes.
  • Imagine you have a time machine that can only be used once. Where and when would you go, and what would you do?
  • Write a letter to your future self ten years from now. What advice would you give, and what questions would you ask?
  • Create a new holiday and explain its celebration, including unique traditions or activities.
  • Write an opinion essay on whether or not students should be required to wear uniforms in school. Provide reasons to support your argument.
  • Imagine you can communicate with animals. What would you talk about, and which animal would you be most excited to speak with?
  • Write a short story where the main character finds a mysterious map that leads to a hidden treasure.
  • You’ve been chosen to represent Earth in an intergalactic council. What would you share about our planet and its inhabitants?
  • Write a persuasive essay arguing for or against using technology in the classroom.
  • Create a new superhero and describe their powers, backstory, and how they use their abilities for good.
  • Imagine you are the president for a day. What would be your top priorities, and how would you address them?
  • Write a story that starts with the sentence: “It was a dark and stormy night…”
  • Create a fictional island and describe its geography, culture, and inhabitants. What makes this island unique?
  • If you could invent a new gadget or tool to make life easier, what would it be, and how would it work?
  • Write a personal narrative about a time when you faced a challenge and how you overcame it.
  • Imagine you could create a new class or elective for your school. What would the class be about, and why would students benefit from it?
  • Write a descriptive essay about your favorite place to visit. Use vivid sensory details to make the reader feel like they are with you.
  • You wake up one day to find you’ve gained the ability to read minds. How do you use this power, and what challenges or moral dilemmas do you face?
  • Create a fictional holiday and write a short story about a family celebrating it for the first time.
  • Write a persuasive essay about the importance of conserving natural resources and the steps that should be taken to protect our environment.
  • Imagine you are a detective solving a mysterious crime. Write a story that details your investigation and how you uncover the truth.
  • If you could converse with any famous author, who would it be, and what would you ask them?
  • Write a personal narrative about a memorable experience with a friend and what it taught you about friendship.

Understanding the 6th Grade Writing Curriculum

The transition from elementary to middle school.

As students enter 6th grade, they transition from elementary to middle school. This brings new challenges and expectations in their writing skills. They will be expected to write more complex content and use more sophisticated vocabulary. This includes writing for extended periods, such as long-term research or expressive pieces that may take a week, and writing for shorter durations in one sitting.

Emphasis on narrative writing

In 6th grade writing curriculum, there is a strong emphasis placed on narrative writing. This requires students to develop their storytelling abilities and write in a manner that engages the reader. They will focus on creating a clear narrative structure, developing characters, setting, and plot, and using vivid descriptive language to engage their audience.

Introduction to essay writing and personal narratives

Another vital part of the 6th grade writing curriculum is the introduction to essay writing and personal narratives. Students will learn how to effectively organize their thoughts and ideas coherently and logically. They will gain experience writing various essay types, such as persuasive, informative, and argumentative. Personal narratives will also play a key role, encouraging students to write about personal experiences and emotions and helping them build their voice and style as writers.

Role of reading comprehension and vocabulary development

Reading comprehension and vocabulary development are crucial in the 6th grade writing curriculum. Students must be able to understand complex texts, as this will inform their writing. Students will be exposed to new words and phrases to improve their vocabulary through reading assignments and class discussions. Building a strong vocabulary allows students to express their ideas more accurately and clearly, ultimately leading to more effective writing.

Types of 6th Grade Writing Prompts

Narrative prompts.

Narrative prompts encourage students to tell a story, real or imagined. These prompts can range from personal experiences to creating stories based on given scenarios. For example, a narrative prompt could be “Describe the hardest thing you have ever learned to do.”

Short Story Ideas

Short story ideas are prompts that invite students to create a fictional story with characters, settings, and a plot. These writing activities push students to develop their writing skills, storytelling abilities, and creativity. An example of a short story idea might be to “Write a story about a magical forest.”

Personal Narratives

Personal narrative prompts ask students to write about their own experiences or thoughts. These types of prompts encourage reflection, introspection, and the exploration of personal feelings. A personal narrative prompt might be “Write about a time you overcame a fear.”

Story Starters

Story starters are prompts that provide the beginning of a story, challenging students to continue and develop the narrative. They help spark students’ imaginations and encourage them to think creatively. For example, “In a world where animals could talk, a young girl made a surprising discovery…”

Descriptive Prompts

Descriptive writing prompts ask students to describe a specific object, place, or situation in detail, using vivid language and sensory details. This type of prompt helps students practice their creative writing and observation skills. An example of a descriptive prompt could be “Describe your dream vacation destination.”

Persuasive Prompts

Persuasive writing prompts require students to convince the reader of a particular opinion or point of view. Students practice building strong arguments, using evidence and facts, and addressing opposing viewpoints. An example of a persuasive prompt might be “Convince your readers why cell phones should or should not be allowed in school.”

Expository Prompts

Expository writing prompts ask students to explain, evaluate or analyze a topic, providing information and facts to support their position. This style of writing promotes critical thinking and research skills. A sample expository prompt might be “Explain the benefits and drawbacks of renewable energy sources.”

Creative Writing Prompts

Encourage your students to express their emotions and creativity through poetry. Here are some poetry prompts to inspire them:

  • Write a poem about the changing seasons.
  • Describe your favorite place using vivid imagery and sensory details.
  • Compose a haiku about an everyday object.
  • Create a poem from the perspective of an animal.

Imaginative Stories

Imagination is a powerful tool for developing writers. Provide these creative story prompts to spark their ideas:

  • Write a story about a school where magic is real.
  • Imagine you are a time-traveling scientist. Describe your adventures.
  • Develop a story that revolves around a mysterious key.
  • Create a tale where the main character’s best friend is a talking animal.


Scriptwriting can build dialogue and narrative skills. Suggest these engaging scriptwriting prompts for your students:

  • Write a short script about two friends with a deep secret.
  • Develop a scene featuring an unexpected encounter.
  • Create a script that mixes elements of reality and fantasy.
  • Compose a dialogue-rich scene set in a public place.

Using these creative writing prompt categories, 6th grade students can develop their writing abilities while letting their imagination soar.

Essay Writing Prompts

In this section, we explore a variety of essay writing prompts for 6th-grade students. These prompts are categorized under opinion essays, informative essays, and persuasive essays.

Opinion Essays

Opinion essays allow students to express their thoughts on a specific subject. Here are some prompts for 6th graders:

  • What is your favorite hobby, and why?
  • Which is better, traditional books or e-books? Explain your choice.
  • What’s the best (or worst) birthday you’ve ever had?
  • What is your greatest aspiration? Or, your darkest fear?

Informative Essays

Informative essays help students develop research and presentation skills. They should provide factual information about a topic. Here are some informative essay prompts:

  • Describe your favorite short story in your own words.
  • Write about the life cycle of a butterfly.
  • Explain the process of photosynthesis in plants.
  • Describe the history and importance of a famous landmark.

Persuasive Essays

Persuasive essays help students to develop their argumentative skills. They should present clear reasons and evidence to support their opinion. Here are some persuasive essay prompts:

  • Should school uniforms be mandatory? Why or why not?
  • Is it essential to learn a foreign language? Explain your view.
  • Do video games have a positive or negative impact on children?
  • Should students be allowed to use mobile phones in school? Provide reasons for your opinion.

Subject-Specific Prompts

Integrating subject-specific writing prompts can help students connect their writing skills to various subjects. This section will explore writing prompts for Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Math, and Life Skills.

Language Arts

Language Arts writing prompts encourage students to analyze literature, express their thoughts, and improve their vocabulary. Examples include:

  • Write a character analysis of the protagonist in your favorite book.
  • Create a poem describing a historical event.
  • Compose a short story inspired by a well-known myth.

Science writing prompts assist students in describing experiments, explaining scientific concepts, and making real-world connections. Examples include:

  • Describe the steps of the water cycle and its importance to Earth.
  • Explain the theory of evolution and provide examples of natural selection.
  • Write about the role of technology in reducing the environmental impact of humans.

Social Studies

Social Studies writing prompts help students to explore historical events, cultural perspectives, and global issues. Examples include:

  • Write an essay comparing the government systems of two countries.
  • Discuss the significance of a famous historical figure’s actions.
  • Analyze the impact of a specific geographical feature on human settlement.

Math writing prompts challenge students to apply mathematical concepts in various contexts and describe the logic behind problem-solving. Examples include:

  • Explain how to solve a given math problem using the order of operations.
  • Describe a real-world scenario where fractions are used and explain how to solve it.
  • Discuss the role of geometry in architecture and provide examples.

Life Skills

Life Skills writing prompts encourage students to reflect on their personal experiences, goals, and values. Examples include:

  • Write a letter to your future self, discussing the lessons you’ve learned and the goals you hope to accomplish.
  • Discuss the importance of effective communication in relationships and provide examples.
  • Explain the steps to achieving a specific personal goal and the challenges you may encounter.

Framework for Developing Prompts

When developing 6th grade writing prompts, balancing challenging and engaging topics is crucial. This allows students to explore new concepts while encouraging creativity and critical thinking. The framework presented in this section offers a few guiding principles for crafting effective prompts for this age group.

First, consider the interests and experiences of 6th grade students. Choosing topics related to their lives and what they care about will increase their motivation to write. For example, you might create prompts about the school, friendships, hobbies, or current events.

Next, design prompts that encourage a variety of writing genres, such as narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive. This helps students develop skills in different writing styles and formats. For example, a narrative prompt might ask students to tell a story about a memorable experience, while an expository prompt might ask them to explain how a particular invention works.

Ensure to include prompts requiring students to practice critical thinking and problem-solving. These prompts often involve solving a given situation, analyzing a topic, or comparing and contrasting ideas. This helps 6th graders develop analytical and evaluative skills essential for academic and personal success.

Lastly, incorporate opportunities for reflection and self-expression. Reflective prompts allow students to examine their feelings, beliefs, and ideas. For example, ask students to consider how they would handle a specific dilemma or what they appreciate most about their family or friends.

Following these guiding principles, you can create a diverse collection of 6th-grade writing prompts that encourage creativity, critical thinking, and self-expression.

Techniques to Engage Students

Creating meaningful and engaging writing prompts for sixth-grade students involves considering their interests, skills, and development stage. Several techniques can help achieve this.

First, one can use creative prompts to encourage students to think outside the box and express their unique perspectives. Some examples of creative writing prompts for sixth graders include writing a poem about feeling outraged or imagining a day from a cell phone’s perspective.

Next, incorporating argumentative and persuasive prompts can help students learn to articulate their opinions and support them with strong evidence. This is particularly useful in developing research and critical-thinking skills. Examples include writing a persuasive essay on a current issue or debating the merits of a controversial book or movie.

Another effective technique involves using real-world connections in prompts to make them more relevant and applicable to students’ lives. For instance, ask students to write about their first hospital experience or discuss how technology has impacted their daily routines.

Lastly, integrating different writing styles like narrative, expository, and descriptive prompts will allow students to experiment with various writing techniques and improve their writing skills. Examples include composing a personal narrative about overcoming a challenge, writing an expository essay on a historical event, or crafting a descriptive piece about a favorite place or object.

Assessing and Providing Feedback

One of the key aspects of 6th Grade Writing Prompts is the assessment and provision of constructive feedback to students. Assessing their writing skills helps teachers identify strengths and weaknesses and guide future instruction tailored to student needs.

When evaluating student writing, it’s essential to consider various aspects, such as content, organization, word choice, sentence structure, and grammar. Providing specific and actionable feedback allows students to improve their skills and better understand writing concepts.

A helpful approach for grading and feedback is to use rubrics. Rubrics offer a structured way to outline the expectations for a writing assignment and help students understand the evaluation criteria. There are different types of rubrics, such as analytic, holistic, grid, numeric, and hybrid, which can be customized to suit a variety of writing prompts.

Another strategy for providing effective feedback is ensuring students know the learning objectives and quality expectations for their writing assignments. Explicitly discussing the writing goals and criteria helps students focus their efforts and self-assess their progress.

Lastly, integrating student-teacher conferences or peer review sessions can benefit the feedback process. These sessions allow for dialogue, clarification, and additional insights from different perspectives.

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How to Write A 6th Grade Level Essay

Your child has started sixth grade, which may be the start of middle school for them. This is an exciting time for a lot of reasons, but they are also learning how to write much more sophisticated and interesting essays. This is also true for the writing prompts they are seeing. The prompts can be creative, informative, expository, persuasive, or a combination of the categories they’ve seen up until now. They will have to understand what kind of essay to write based on the prompt itself and how to answer it.

Here are examples of writing prompts they may see:

5th grade writting prompt

  • Write a short story about your favorite fictional character. This prompt can have a narrative or creative response, or both at the same time. The response should make sense for that character, for example, if they are writing about their favorite character that is a regular cat, having that cat fly to the moon wouldn’t be a good response.
  • What is the strangest thing that’s ever happened to you? This would be a good prompt for a narrative essay. Your child will have to give a lot of detail relating to what they saw, felt, heard, and did in a logical order. It doesn’t have to be a chronological story; by this point, they may be able to creatively tweak the timing of things to make it more interesting. For example, they may start their story with, “Waking up that morning, I had no idea that my day would end up so strange.” They are writing from the perspective of already experiencing the events, so this is appropriate.
  • Write a poem about your grandparents. This is a creative prompt that can be a lot of fun for your child. They should have been introduced to similes, metaphors, and other literary devices and they should use those when they can in their creative responses. Writing a poem gives them a chance to exercise these new skills and allows them to explore more emotions without having to worry about narrative structures.

If your child is struggling with their writing, it may be helpful to enroll them in Reading Genie. The program at Reading Genie is designed to help students not only catch up, but get ahead in their writing skills. They are given fun and engaging prompts that the teachers can help them with, and they get the practice they need.

It can also be helpful for you to do the writing prompts with your child. Even if you both don’t write anything, talking about these kinds of ideas or questions is a great way to help your child get their creative juices flowing, and they can apply those ideas to writing prompts later. It can be a lot of fun, too!

Check out the top-rated writing tutoring program in New Jersey . Held at our New Jersey tutoring centers , our middle school writing program is specifically designed to meet state standards and help prepare students for standardized testing. Learn more about our writing classes in East Brunswick , writing classes in Hillsborough , writing classes in Marlboro , writing classes in South Brunswick , writing classes in Plainsboro , and writing classes in South Plainfield .  


Topics: Essay , Writing Skills , paragraph writing , Sixth Grade , Writing Prompt

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In Unit 3, students begin their work with literary argument essay writing. They apply the Painted Essay® structure to this new type of writing, evaluating how it changes when applied to writing a literary argument. As they have done previously, students deconstruct the model and complete a collaborative practice argument essay. In each lesson, students look at a discrete aspect of the argument essay model and practice using it in their own writing. In response to an open-ended prompt, they brainstorm possible reasons to support two different positions. They collect textual evidence for both sides of the argument and connect the evidence to the reasons with sound reasoning. Finally, students determine their strongest argument and make a claim. Using these skills practiced with a partner, students are then prepared to independently plan and draft an argument essay to answer the prompt: Should Cal return to Challagi Indian Industrial School?

After writing their essay for the mid-unit assessment, students are ready to move towards the culmination of the module, an audio museum exhibit featuring the voices of American Indian boarding school students. First, students will select a text (a poem, personal narrative, etc.) written by a survivor of the boarding schools, one that resonates with them personally. They respond to this reading by writing a preface to provide context and a reflection to explain why the text is meaningful. Using the recording application first introduced in Unit 2, students record themselves reading their preface, text, and reflection aloud using proper and respectful intonation, volume, and pacing. This recording will be used for both the performance task and the End of Unit 3 Assessment. Students record two versions of their performance task contribution and then reflect on and self-assess each for their volume, pronunciation and language use. Students use their observations about their first attempt to improve their performance on the second attempt. Finally, they listen to a peer’s second recording and reflect on and paraphrase the content and assess their peer’s volume, pronunciation, and language use in that second performance.

To showcase their recordings, the class prepares listening stations where guests of the audio museum can listen and learn about American Indian boarding schools. Learning from the module and the performance task synthesizes in a concluding whole class discussion about the importance of honoring diverse experiences and perspectives.

Please note: For the 6-8 Language Arts Curriculum, there are Teaching Notes for each unit that contain helpful information for supporting English language learners. These overview notes complement the more specific English language learner supports and differentiated materials within each lesson. You will find the Teaching Notes in the Unit download below.

Reading—Literary Text

  • RL.6.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
  • RL.6.3: Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.
  • RL.6.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

Reading—Informational Text

  • RI.6.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
  • RI.6.6: Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text.
  • W.6.1: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
  • W.6.1a: Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly.
  • W.6.1b: Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.
  • W.6.1c: Use words, phrases, and clauses to clarify the relationships among claim(s) and reasons.
  • W.6.1d: Establish and maintain a formal style.
  • W.6.1e: Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from the argument presented.
  • W.6.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1-3 above.)
  • W.6.6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of three pages in a single sitting.
  • W.6.9a: Apply grade 6 Reading standards to literature (e.g., "Compare and contrast texts in different forms or genres [e.g., stories and poems; historical novels and fantasy stories] in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics").
  • W.6.10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Speaking and Listening

  • SL.6.2: Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study.
  • SL.6.6: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate. (See grade 6 Language standards 1 and 3 for specific expectations.)
  • L.6.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  • L.6.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
  • L.6.3b: Maintain consistency in style and tone.
  • L.6.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
  • Topic:  American Indian boarding schools
  • Write a literary argument essay (W.6.1, W.6.4, W.6.5, W.6.6, W.6.9a, W.6.10, L.6.2, L.6.3, L.6.6) about whether or not Cal should return to Challagi Indian Industrial School (RL.6.1, RL.6.3, RL.6.10), using reasons and evidence to defend a claim.
  • Record a performance task contribution and then reflect on and self-assess for (W.6.10) volume, pronunciation and language use (SL.6.2, SL.6.6, L.6.6). Provide feedback on a peer's recording (RI.6.1, RI.6.6, W.6.10).
  • Targets: RL.6.1, RL.6.3, RL.6.10, RI.6.1, RI.6.6, W.6.1, W.6.4, W.6.6, W.6.9a, W.6.10, SL.6.2, SL.6.6, L.6.2, L.6.3b, L.6.6 (optional L.6.1)
  • Texts:   Two Roads by Joseph Bruchac

Each unit in the 6-8 Language Arts Curriculum has two standards-based assessments built in, one mid-unit assessment and one end of unit assessment. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize students' understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.

Habits of Character/Social-Emotional Learning Focus

Central to the EL Education curriculum is a focus on "habits of character" and social-emotional learning. Students work to become effective learners, developing mindsets and skills for success in college, career, and life (e.g., initiative, responsibility, perseverance, collaboration); work to become ethical people, treating others well and standing up for what is right (e.g., empathy, integrity, respect, compassion); and work to contribute to a better world, putting their learning to use to improve communities (e.g., citizenship, service).

Students focus on becoming effective learners by persevering as they read and analyze a model essay, then collaborate with a peer to plan and draft an essay as practice for the assessment. They contribute to a better world, using their strengths when working with a partner to give and receive feedback on their recordings.

Most importantly, students work to become ethical people by showing respect and compassion when they listen to and reflect upon the recordings of their classmates during the audio museum. Through this performance task, students contribute to a better world by acting as witnesses to this time period, highlighting the experiences and amplifying the voices of American Indian boarding school students.

Each unit is made up of a sequence of between 10-18 lessons. The Unit-at-a-Glance charts, available on the grade-level landing pages, break down each unit's lessons, showing CCS standards, agenda breakdown, daily learning targets, and ongoing assessments. The charts also indicate which lessons include mid- and end of unit assessments and the performance task.

View the unit-at-a-glance chart

Texts and resources that need to be procured. Please download the Required Trade Books and Resources Procurement List for procurement guidance.

See full list of texts, including recommended texts

Review the Argument Writing checklist and Model Literary Argument Essay to become familiar with what students will be required to do in this unit (see Lesson 1 supporting materials).

Determine if students will be allowed to type their literary argument essays, and arrange the necessary devices for them to do so.

Considerations for the Performance Task:

  • Preread the personal narratives provided for students to use as their End of Unit 3 Speaking and Listening Assessment (see Lesson 12). Consider adding more options to the list (i.e., adding excerpts from the Independent Research Reading text list.)
  • Determine what technology is needed for students to record their readings. Preview audio recording tools, such as or .
  • Gather equipment needed to set up recording stations for each student for use during the End of Unit 3 Assessment.
  • Determine how visitors to the audio museum will listen to the recordings. Preview a QR code generator site such as if planning to use codes to link to audio files.
  • Plan ahead for the performance task; secure a location to set up the audio museum and invite guests from the community, offering specific details about the event.
  • Create a model of the types of visuals one might display at their listening station, such as images of the boarding schools or of the author of the text chosen to be recorded.

The following material is introduced in this unit and referenced throughout both the module and the school year:

  • Characteristics of Effective Argument Writing anchor chart

ELA 2019 G6:M3:U3:L1

Analyze a model literary argument essay, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l2, gather evidence and plan collaborative literary argument essay, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l3, collaborative literary argument essay: analyze a model and draft an introduction, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l4, collaborative literary argument essay: analyze a model and draft proof paragraph 1, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l5, collaborative literary argument essay: analyze a model and draft proof paragraph 2, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l6, collaborative literary argument essay: analyze a model and draft conclusion, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l7, gather evidence and plan independent literary argument essay, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l8, mid-unit 3 assessment: write a literary argument essay (lessons 8-9), ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l10, prepare for performance task: analyze a model and select a text, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l11, plan performance task: audio museum, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l12, end of unit 3 assessment: rehearse and refine performance task recording, ela 2019 g6:m3:u3:l13, participate in performance task: audio museum.

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Free Printable Essay Writing Worksheets for 6th Grade

Essay Writing just got more exciting! Discover our collection of free printable Reading & Writing worksheets for Grade 6 students, crafted by Quizizz to enhance their skills and creativity.


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Explore printable Essay Writing worksheets for 6th Grade

Essay Writing worksheets for Grade 6 are an essential tool for teachers looking to enhance their students' reading and writing skills. These worksheets focus on various aspects of writing, including nonfiction writing, and are designed to help students develop a strong foundation in the art of crafting well-structured essays. By incorporating these worksheets into their lesson plans, teachers can ensure that their students are exposed to a wide range of writing styles and techniques, ultimately improving their overall writing abilities. Moreover, these Grade 6 worksheets also cover essential grammar and punctuation rules, enabling students to write with clarity and precision. In summary, Essay Writing worksheets for Grade 6 are an invaluable resource for teachers who want to foster a love for reading and writing in their students.

Quizizz, a popular online platform for creating and sharing educational content, offers a variety of resources for teachers, including Essay Writing worksheets for Grade 6. In addition to these worksheets, Quizizz provides teachers with access to a vast library of quizzes, games, and other interactive learning materials that can be easily integrated into their lesson plans. By using Quizizz, teachers can create a more engaging and dynamic learning environment for their students, encouraging them to develop their reading and writing skills further. Furthermore, Quizizz allows teachers to track their students' progress and identify areas where they may need additional support or practice. Overall, Quizizz is an excellent resource for teachers looking to supplement their Grade 6 Essay Writing worksheets with additional engaging and interactive content.

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6th grade reading & vocabulary

Unit 1: banning behavior, unit 2: identity, unit 3: ocean conservation.


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    Earth Day Creative Writing Prompt #1: Earth Day Discovery. Worksheet. Descriptive Writing: Picture Prompt #2. Worksheet. Figurative Language in Context #1. Worksheet. Graphic Organizer: Informational Writing. Worksheet. Earth Day Argument Writing Prompt #1: Plastic Bags.

  17. Literary Argument Writing: Gather Evidence and Reflect on Multiple

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  18. 6th Grade Writing Worksheets

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  19. 6th Grade Writing Worksheets (Free Printables)

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  20. Free Printable Essay Writing Worksheets for 6th Grade

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  22. 6th grade reading & vocabulary

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  23. PDF Grade 6 B.E.S.T. Writing Sample Test Materials

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