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  • Type (Contract / Grant) -- Type -- Contract Grant
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  • Doctoral program -- Country -- Chile (Conicyt) China (CSC) Kazakhstan (Bolashak) Mexico (Conacyt) Pakistan (Higher Education Commission) Sub-Saharan Africa (Islamic Development Bank)
  • Category (PhD / Master's / Postdoc) -- Category -- Master Internship Doctorate Post-Doc CDI Other -- Doctorate type -- Full Doctorate Joint Supervision Doctorate Sandwich Doctorate Doctoral Programme
  • Domains & disciplines -- Domain -- Agronomy Ecology Biology & Health Chemistry Computer Sciences Earth & Universe Engineering Law, Management, Economy, Politics Maths Physics Social Sciences Acoustics Aeronautical Enginnering African, Arab, Chinese, Japanese and Hebrew languages and literatures AgroFood Algorithms Analytical Chemistry Ancient and Medieval History Ancient languages and literatures Animal Health Animal Husbandry Anthropology Applied mathematics Applied physics Archeology Architecture Artificial Intelligence Arts Astrophysics Atmospheric Sciences Automatics Autre (Physics) Big Data Biochemistry Bioinformatics Bioingeneering Biophysics Biotechnology Botanics Business Intelligence Cell Biology Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Climatology Clinical Science Comparative Literatures Condensed Matter Cosmology Cryptography Cultural Studies Demography Develoment Economics Ecology Economy Ecosystems Electrical Engineering Electromagnetism Electronics Embedded Systems Energy English and Anglo-Saxon languages and literatures Environmental Chemistry Epidemiology Epistemology Ethics and Deontology Ethnology Evolution Exobiology Fluid Mechanics Fondamental mathematics Formal Methods French Language and Literature Genetics Geochemistry Geography Geology Geometry Geophysics German and Scandinavian languages and literatures History of Law and Institutions Human Ressources Humanities Hydrology Immunology Infectious Diseases Information and Communication Sciences Inorganic Chemistry Intellectual Property International & European Law International Relations Labour Law Language Sciences Learning Sciences Macroeconomics Management Marine biology Material Chemistry Material science Mechanical Engineering Metrology Microbiology Mineralogy Modelisation Modern and Contemporary History Molecular biology Nanotechnology Networks Neurology Neurosciences Nuclear physics Number Theory Numerical analysis Nutrition Oceanography Oncology Optics Organic Chemistry Other (Agronomy Ecology) Other (Biology & Health) Other (Chemistry) Other (Computer Sciences) Other (Earth & Universe) Other (Engineering) Other (Law, Management, Economy, Politics) Other (Maths) Other (Social Sciences) Parasitology Particle Physics Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pharmacology Philosophy Photonics Physical Chemistry Physiology Planetology Plasmas Political Science Population Biology Prehistory Private Law and Criminal Sciences Probability Process Engineering Psychiatry Psychology Public Finance Public Health Public law Public Policy Robotics Roman languages and literatures: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and other languages Sensors Signal Processing Sismology Slavs language and literatures Sociology Software Engineering Solids Mechanics Sound and Images Sports Sciences Statistics Tectonics Theology Theoretical Physics Toxicology Transportation Urbanism and Spatial planning Virology Volcanology Water Zoology
  • Regions Grand Est Nouvelle-Aquitaine Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Normandie Bourgogne Franche-Comté Bretagne Centre-Val de Loire Corse Ile-de-France Occitanie Hauts-de-France Pays de la Loire Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur La Réunion Guadeloupe Guyane Martinique Polynésie Française Nouvelle-Calédonie
  • Institution, university... -- Cluster/networks -- Université Clermont Auvergne COMUE Aquitaine HESAM Institut polytechnique du Grand Paris Languedoc Roussillon Universités Normandie Université Sorbonne Universités Université confédérale Léonard de Vinci Université Côte d'Azur Université d'Aix-Marseille Université d'Alsace Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté Université de Champagne Université de Lorraine Université de Lyon Université de Picardie Université fédérale de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées Université Grenoble Alpes Université Lille Nord de France Université Paris Est Université Paris Lumières Université Paris Saclay Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL) Université Paris Seine Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (USPC) CoMUE Centre Val-de-Loire Redoc-SPI RedoX Res-CAM Agreenium
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  • Annual tuition -- Amount -- None Less than 1 000 €/an Less than 10 000 €/year Less than 15 000 €/year Less than 20 000 €/year Less than 30 000 €/year More than 30 000 €/year
  • Duration -- Duration -- Less than 3 months Less than 6 months Less than 1 year Less than 2 years Less than 3 years Less than 4 years Less than 5 years More than 5 years
  • Languages Thesis in English possible
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Undertaking a PhD in France

Are you considering doing your PhD in France? Below, discover everything you need to know. Learn more about the application criteria, project development process, and types of PhDs.

Advanced degree

In France, a PhD is the highest academic degree you can earn. Doctoral studies are a form of research-based training with the same value as professional experience. PhD students carry out research on a defined topic under the supervision of their thesis advisor(s). 

PhD students are enrolled in doctoral programmes run by institutions of higher education (i.e., universities or grandes écoles ), but they are trained within research laboratories. Students carry out original scientific research either on their own or as part of collaborative projects; the results form the basis for their dissertations. Students must also go through a thesis defence in which they present their findings to a committee that judges the quality of their work. Those who succeed are awarded doctoral degrees. 

Generally, earning a PhD requires 3 years of full-time research. One-year extensions may be granted under certain circumstances. In exceptional cases and for compelling reasons, a student may request a leave of absence of up to 1 year. Such requests are only granted once, upon approval by the establishment’s director. Any leave of absence is excluded when calculating thesis duration, given that the student suspends their training and research during that period.

To be eligible for doctoral studies, you must have a master’s degree. This requirement can be waived by an establishment’s director if approval is granted by the doctoral programme’s administrators. You need to show that you have an equivalent level of education or professional experience.

PhD programmes frequently have an international component. For example, doctoral students often take part in joint degree programmes or dual degree programmes, a situation that is facilitated under French law. 

phd thesis france

Status of doctoral students

In France, the status of doctoral students depends on their funding source. Anyone doing a PhD is officially recognised as a student because they must be enrolled in a doctoral programme at an institution of higher education. In addition, many are also salaried workers because they are contractual employees.

International doctoral students with foreign grants have the status of students in France.

There are different types of doctorates in France. Here are some common examples: 

Traditional PhD 

  • 3 years of work in a single research laboratory
  • Leads to a French degree
  • Enrolment and thesis defence occur at a single institution
  • Single thesis advisor (or co-advisors, if necessary)

Jointly supervised PhD

  • Thesis jointly supervised by a set of co-advisors—one from the student’s main research laboratory (affiliated with the enrolment institution) and one from a separate institution, either in France or another country
  • Enrolment and thesis defence occur at the institution affiliated with the main research laboratory
  • Single degree granted by the above institution 
  • Thesis research might arise from a national and/or international collaboration

Dual degree PhD

  • Thesis jointly supervised by a set of co-advisors, with research taking place in two laboratories
  • Individual dual degree agreement ( convention individuelle de co-tutelle ) establishes a research framework
  • Enrolment occurs at two institutions—one in France and one abroad
  • Tuition is paid to a single institution
  • Single thesis defence but two degrees (one from each institution)

Professional PhD

  • Research carried out at a private company partnered with a publicly funded laboratory and its affiliated institution of higher education
  • Thesis jointly supervised by a set of co-advisors—one from the company and one from the laboratory
  • Work is split between the company and laboratory
  • Student contractually employed by the company
  • Degree is granted by the institution of enrolment
  • Excellent opportunity to gain professional experience 

Doctoral training

The first step in your doctoral studies is to enrol at an institution (university or grande école ) with an official PhD programme that is under the aegis of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Such doctoral programmes are structured to provide a high level of personalised training and supervision during your thesis work:

  • You are under the supervision of one or more thesis advisors
  • You carry out your work within an affiliated research unit and take part in laboratory activities
  • You can participate in courses and seminars designed to establish a solid scientific foundation and guide the development of your research

Your thesis committee will ensure your studies are advancing smoothly, notably by evaluating your training conditions and research progress. To enhance your employability, your doctoral programme and thesis advisor will

  • Encourage you to attend national, European, and international conferences and publish in national, European, and international journals
  • Design a training programme compatible with your PhD project
  • Help you exploit your skills and training

In France, you can write and defend your thesis exclusively in English. However, your thesis summary must be translated into French.

Your PhD project

To begin your PhD, you must find a host research laboratory, a thesis topic, a thesis advisor, and funding. We recommend that you begin this process at least 1 year before your target start date. You can begin by looking at the list of thesis topics posted by doctoral programmes and institutions of higher education. You can also directly contact laboratories working in your area of interest. As a general rule, your future thesis advisor will help you with funding.

International students may be able to find other sources of funding, such as fellowships from embassies, the governments of their home countries, and/or partnership agreements between institutions.

Enrolling in a doctoral programme

Once you have resolved all of the above, you must submit your project to your doctoral programme for approval. Your thesis advisor and the laboratory director will evaluate the quality and feasibility of your proposal.

If their assessment is favourable, the director of the doctoral programme will allow you to enrol. You will be informed of the decision by the head of the doctoral programme (the university or grande école president). The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research establishes the amount of tuition paid by bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral students. Tuition levels are the same everywhere in France.

In 2023, annual tuition for doctoral students was €380. There is also a campus activities fee (CVEC) of €92. In certain cases, both may be waived.

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Useful link

  • Getting a PhD in France—directory of doctoral schools

Related articles

  • Doctoral studies at INRAE
  • Joining INRAE
  • Working conditions & benefits 
  • Publishing results & managing data

Last update: 20 March 2024

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Thè is the search engine for French doctoral theses set up by ABES in 2011. This unique tool is supplied by the thesis-supporting institutions. It lists theses in preparation for the last 10 years in all disciplines and all institutions, as well as all theses defended since 1985.



Thesis topics

  • Research Laboratories
  • International labs
  • Do your thesis at ENS Paris-Saclay
  • Funding for doctoral students
  • Specific doctoral contracts for normaliens (CDSN)
  • Additional training
  • Publishing books

doctorat [at] (Doctorat)

For most of you, the subject of your thesis will be born from an encounter with a researcher or teacher-researcher, within your teaching and research department (DER), in the Master 1 or Master 2 courses, during a stay in a laboratory in France or abroad, after a seminar...

Thesis topics are thus most of the time subjects proposed by the thesis director. The way it will be treated depends on you.

How to find a topic?

For normaliens: annual interviews with the department.

The idea for a thesis can also be born during annual meetings with your teaching or research department heads, or after consulting websites where subjects are posted or defended.

Check out some of the websites

  • For the University of Paris-Saclay, the diffusion of the subjects is done for example via the ADUM tool.
  • You can also access the defenses via the ADUM website.

Subjects and defenses are grouped by doctoral school. The institutional sites of other French schools and universities also contain numerous offers.

  • The thesis defenses and theses in progress are grouped in a national database that can be consulted.

A personal idea

The idea for your thesis can also be yours and it will be your responsibility to find a laboratory and a thesis supervisor to co-construct and concretize the project. The financing of a thesis by a doctoral contract specific to Normalien is perfectly adapted to this situation.

École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay 4, avenue des Sciences 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette

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PhD Studies

University of Lille welcomes you for your PhD in recognized research teams integrated in the 6 doctoral schools of the region. Welcome !

The PhD is the highest degree recognized internationally. 3% of students in France are enrolled in PhD studies.

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To be PhD student

The PhD student is a young researcher in the training step. S/He develops a doctoral project followed by a thesis supervisor and organized by the graduate school. The PhD student is trained in research through research, that is to say by the professional experience acquired within a research lab. At the end of her/his research work and the writing of a manuscript, the PhD student presents his original scientific work during a defense in presence of a committee. The doctoral student is the only author and her/his manuscript is the subject of a legal deposit.

phd thesis france

Thesis funding

The PhD grants of the University of Lille are funding awarded to couples (subject, candidate) proposed by the candidates or laboratories and validated by the doctoral schools. Some grants may involve funding from the University, the Hauts-de-France Region, the ULNE I-Site, ADEME, CNRS, Inria, Inserm, ANR collaborative projects or European, etc. The salary is 1758 € gross / month in 2018. Some PhD students also arrive with their funding in the form of scholarships from their country. Activities complementary to research activities may be proposed with additional remuneration paid to granted PhD students. This supplement is calculated annually and paid monthly [ decree of August 29, 2016 ].

phd thesis france

PhD with a company

A thesis can be considered in collaboration between a laboratory and a company. This allows the PhD student to be immersed in two worlds to carry out her/his research work.

The CIFRE agreements make it possible to carry out a research project between the laboratory and a company. The PhD student spends part of her/his time on each side. The minimum wage is € 23,484 gross annual in 2017 (see the website ).


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L’Université de Lille est constituée par deux types de membres, les composantes et les établissements-composantes. Retrouvez leur liste sur cette page .

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Direction générale des services adjointe - projets transversaux Direction aide au pilotage et qualité Direction données personnelles et archives

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Direction générale déléguée vie universitaire Direction vie étudiante Direction culture Direction développement durable responsabilité sociale Service universitaire médecine de prévention et de promotion de la santé (SUMPPS) (rattachement fonctionnel - service commun) Service universitaire activités physiques et sportives (SUAPS) (rattachement fonctionnel - service commun)

Direction générale déléguée relations humaines (DRH) Direction gestion des personnels enseignants Direction gestion des personnels BIATSS Direction développement et gestion prévisionnelle des compétences Direction environnement social au travail Direction pilotage et affaires générales RH Service inter universitaire des pensions Service social des personnels Service santé au travail Service commun affaires sociales (SCAS)(rattachement fonctionnel - service commun)

Direction générale déléguée immobilier logistique Direction stratégie, programmation et maîtrise d’ouvrage Service valorisation des installations sportives Imprimerie Direction campus Cité Scientifique Direction campus Pont-de-Bois Direction site Lille centre Direction site Roubaix-Tourcoing Direction site Grande région

Direction générale déléguée affaires financières (DAF) Direction commande publique Direction budget Direction gestion

Direction générale déléguée systèmes d’information (DSI) Direction développement et exploitation des systèmes d’information Direction infrastructure et support informatique

Services centraux - les directions : Direction communication Direction affaires juridiques Direction prévention des risques Direction U-link Direction sécurité défense Coordonnateur médecine de prévention  Conseiller de prévention Fonctionnaire sécurité défense Agence comptable Maison de la médiation Délégué à la protection des données

Les services communs (au sens de l'article 714-1 du code de l'éducation) Service commun de documentation Service universitaire d’activités physiques et sportives Service commun des affaires sociales Service universitaire de médecine préventive et de promotion de la santé Centre des langues de l'Université de Lille Institut Eric Weil

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15/05/2024 - 21:16

Doctoral programmes

The université de toulouse offers 15 doctoral programmes.

The 15 Doctoral Programmes represent a research potential of 5,300 scientists working in top ranking research centers and 4,300 PhD Candidates (among whom 40% are international students).

The École des Docteurs has a unique dedicated  International PhD Office , federated the 15 doctoral schools, providing information, advice and support for PhD candidates wishing to study abroad and international students wishing to enroll in a PhD programmes at the Université de Toulouse. "L'École des Docteurs" representing a total of 9,100 research personnel, including 5,100 academic staff and 4,300 PhD students, with 900 PhDs awarded per year. It covers all scientific domains and it is located in the Occitanie region.

15 Doctoral programmes

♦ experimental sciences and technology.

  • Aeronautics and astronautics - AA (.pdf)
  • Biology, Health and Biotechnologies - BSB (.pdf)
  • Geosciences, Astrophysics,
Space science and Environment SDU2E (.pdf)
  • Electrical Engineering, Electronic and Telecommunications - GEET (.pdf)
  • Mathematics, Informatics and Telecommunications - MITT (.pdf)
  • Physics, Chemistry 
and Material Sciences SDM (.pdf)
  • Systems - EDSYS (.pdf)
  • Mechanics, Energetics, Civil and Process Engineering - MEGeP (.pdf)
  • Science for Ecology, Veterinary, Agronomy and Bioengineering SEVAB (.pdf)

♦ Social Sciences & Humanities

  • Arts, Literature, Languages, Philosophy, Information and Communication - ALLPH@ (.pdf)
  • Communication, Language, Education, Socialisation and Cognition - CLESCO (.pdf)
  • Management Science - SG (.pdf)
  • Legal and Political Sciences - DSP (.pdf)
  • Time, Territory, Societies and Cultures - TESC (.pdf)
  • Toulouse School of Economics - TSE (.pdf)

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International doctoral programs

International collaborations are an integral part of research. Some programs in particular enable the development an international experience in the context of doctoral education.

Published on 4/12/2019 - Updated on 6/03/2024

China Scholarship Council – Sorbonne University

The China Scholarship Council (CSC) and Sorbonne University have established a collaborative program offering excellent doctoral education to Chinese candidates in all disciplines represented at Sorbonne University. Doctoral candidates are hosted in a laboratory under the supervision of Sorbonne University and receive a scholarship funded by the CSC . This scholarship is for a maximum of 4 years. Its amount is currently 1350 €/month (amount periodically re-evaluated by the CSC). In addition, doctoral candidates will have to pay administrative fees. Candidates having obtained the CSC scholarship are required to commit to returning to China after the defense of the thesis or after a postdoctoral stay abroad (after agreement of the CSC).

Recruitment campaign

It takes place in several stages:

  • A call for doctoral research projects is launched to researchers and academic researchers at Sorbonne University. The doctoral research projects are then validated by the doctoral schools and published.
  • Chinese candidates send their applications to the project leaders , who forward the files of the candidates they have pre-selected to the doctoral schools. The candidates' files are examined by each doctoral school, which may issue a pre-admission letter subject to funding.
  • The list of all candidates pre-selected by the Sorbonne University doctoral schools is sent to the CSC.
  • Candidates must then apply in China on the CSC website . They are evaluated by the Chinese party, which notifies and awards the thesis scholarship if necessary.

Eligibility conditions of candidates

The CSC 2021 is only open to candidates of Chinese nationality who do not have any job outside the Chinese territory at the time of their application . They must demonstrate a very good level of English and, for some fields of humanities and social sciences, a very good level of French (B2 minimum, C1 recommended).

Student in China

  • Be a student in the final year of a master's degree or have recently graduated or,
  • Be in the first year of the PhD program, a letter of recommendation from the home university will be required.

Chinese student abroad

  • Be a student in the final year of a master's degree or have graduated less than a year before applying for the scholarship.

  Calendar 2021-2022

  • October 1st: Postinf of  validated projects on the Sorbonne University website , opening of students applications, Chinese candidates contact the project leaders and send them an application file . Applicants  submit their application file under this   link .
  • January 31 : Closing of applications. The project leaders sent the selected application after hearing the candidates at their doctoral school. 
  • Until february 21 : after examination, the Doctoral schools send the signed and stamped pre-admission letters of the selected candidates to the doctoral college
  • February 28 : The doctoral collège send the pre-admissions letters to the candidates
  • Until March 31 : The candidates selected by Sorbonne Universite candidate on CSC website
  • May 31 : Diffusion of results by the CSC to Sorbonne Université. Results are send to candidates as well as project leaders. 

Doctoral project proposed for 2022

See doctoral project proposed for 2022

Admission file

Link to submit application

Request for specific assistance for doctoral fellows (sciences) - ASDB

For all doctoral candidates who will be affiliated to the Faculty of Sciences of the Sorbonne University, the ASDB should be set up in order to complete the 1350 euros of scholarships More information Contact for ASDB related issues

For any questions (except for the ASDB), please contact Camille Vignes [email protected]

Modeling of Complex Systems (MSC) Program

The International Doctoral Program in Complex Systems Modeling (PDI MSC) is a cross-disciplinary program at all doctoral schools of the Sorbonne University. It is the first North-South doctoral program of Sorbonne University built on the commitment to recruit for 3 years young doctoral candidates from all countries and more particularly from Southern countries where the IRD has developed many collaborations for more than 60 years.

It also relies on the network set up by the International Joint Unit UMMISCO of Sorbonne University-IRD, whose teams specialized in mathematical and computer modeling are spread over five countries: Morocco, Senegal, Cameroon, Vietnam and France.

The themes of the PDI MSC are multidisciplinary; they relate in particular to the use of complex systems modeling to solve problems of development and/or management of resources and environments, particularly in southern countries with problems in health and epidemiology, management of renewable resources, urban and regional dynamics, ecosystem dynamics.

Each year, the last three promotions of doctoral candidates registered at Sorbonne University in co-supervision with several foreign universities are gathered on the IRD Bondy campus to follow a 3-week training course.

  • For more information

European Founding Myths in Arts and Literature

Sorbonne University / University of Bonn / University of Florence

The Universities of Bonn, Florence and Sorbonne have agreed on a jointly structured doctoral training course with the title "Founding Myths of Europe in Literature, Arts and Music". The disciplines concerned arethe various philologies and literatures, the history of art and music, history, political science, philosophy, sociology, without a priori restrictions. Doctoral candidates prepare a thesis on the founding myths of Europe.

  • More information on the website of the University of Bonn

Italian Studies

Since 2006, the Universities of Florence, Bonn and Sorbonne have agreed on a doctoral Program with a common structure and the mention "International Doctorate in Italian Studies". The whole of Italian Studies (Literature, Language, Civilisation, Performing Arts, Cinema) is covered in this training.

Coordinator: Professor Andrea FABIANO (ED 020: Civilisations, Cultures, Literature and Societies)

  • For more information, visit the Italian Literature and Culture Team website.

Humanism and Rebirth

Sorbonne University / University of Florence

Sorbonne University have signed a collaboration with the University of Florence (Università degli Studi di Firenze) that enables doctoral candidates working on the world of European Humanism, in all disciplines to enrolled in this framework.  The doctoral candidates will obtain the double title of Doctor of the University of Florence and Doctor of Sorbonne University, when they have defended their doctorate, directed in partnership by professors from both universities.

This co-diplomation is part of joint research on Humanism, directed, at the University of Florence by Donatella Coppini and at Sorbonne University by Hélène Casanova-Robin. It enables doctoral candidates to benefit from a rich education, thanks to the diversity of scientific methods implemented within each of these institutions. It also opens a large international research network on humanism (seminars, conferences, colloquia) to the doctoral candidates, due to the various collaborations already established by the partner research units within these universities.

The language of the doctorate must be either French or Italian; the subject must be on the texts (literary forms, philosophy, art, aesthetics...) of Humanism and the Renaissance (14th-16th centuries), transmitting the ancient tradition, and/or their posterity.

Coordinator: Professor Hélène CASANOVA-ROBIN Professor of Latin Literature (specialist in Humanism) Director of the E.A. 4081 Rome and its renaissances ED 022 Ancient and Medieval Worlds

Joint Ca'Foscari-Sorbonne University Program

The Universities of Venice (Ca'Foscari) and Sorbonne University have agreed to a joint doctoral program. This program has been signed between the doctoral school “Civilizations, Cultures, Literatures and Society” (ED 020) and the Venetian program” Lingue, culture e società moderne e Scienze del linguaggio”. It concerns the cultures of the Romance and English speaking countries in Europe, America and the world, the Germanic and Slavic speaking countries in Central and Northern Europe, in the following fields: literature, linguistics and civilization.

Coordinators :

Eduardo Ramos Izquierdo (ED 020)

Alexis Tadie (ED 020)

For more information, see: the University of Venice site

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List of PhD Theses

Consult the list of theses defended in recent years:

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Updated: January 2023

Useful Documents

Instructions to Prepare the Electronic Thesis for Priting (PDF)

(In French)

  • Thesis presentation guide (PDF)
  • Submitting theses electronically (PDF)

Tutorials :

  • Formating thesis on Word 2003 (PDF)
  • Formating thesis on Word 2007 to 2011 (PDF)

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Université Paris Cité

International dual PhD programme

The international dual PhD degree programme promotes doctoral mobility and scientific cooperation. It is an unique opportunity for a PhD student enrolling in the first year of a thesis, to carry out his/her research work under the responsibility of at least 2 PhD supervisors (Université Paris Cité – partner university) for the entire duration of the PhD.

phd thesis france

PhD supervisors must hold an accreditation to supervise research or equivalent. The PhD student is required to spend his/her study period alternately in at least both institutions.

For more information

What is an international dual PhD degree ?

It is a PhD degree, carried out both in a French institution of higher education and one or several foreign higher education institutions. The PhD student is therefore directed by a thesis supervisor in each institution. The student utimately obtains at least two degrees: one from the French higher education institution and the other from one or several international partner institutions.

Who can apply for it?

The future PhD supervisor of Université Paris Cité must be at the initiative of the dual PhD degree programme request or application.

The International Relations and Strategy Office (IRO) is responsable for the instruction of the international dual PhD degree agreement. They establish the terms and conditions of the thesis: duration, lengths of stay in each institution, the balanced payment of the registration fees, title of degrees, number of the defense jury’ members, place and deadline of the defense.

The College of the Doctoral School is in charge of the issues related to the thesis: pedagogical and administrative enrollment, defense…Etc

Note: the international co-supervision for a dual PhD degree agreement can be set up only during the first year of the PhD program in both institutions. Any request/application from a PhD student in a superior year will be refused by Université Paris Cité.

Application period

From June 15 th 2023 to November 30th, 2023

Procedures & Forms

All the steps listed below are destined to national and international students. They are required to set up a dual PhD and to obtain the doctor diploma from Université Paris Cité.

  • Dual PhD request form
  • Modification/extension request form
  • Withdrawal form

Rules and Regulations

The decree of May 25, 2016 sets the national framework for training and the procedures leading to the issuance of the national doctoral diploma and more importantly the dual PhD supervision (under Article III)

  • It sets out the elements that must be included in the international dual PhD degree agreement, such as “The terms and conditions for the constitution of the jury and the material, pedagogical and linguistic support of the students. It must include the following information:
  • “The title of the thesis, the name of the thesis supervisor and the student, the name of the contracting higher education institutions and the nature of the prepared degree.
  • The language in which the thesis is written; when this language is not French, the writing is completed by a substantial summary in French.
  • The procedures for the recognition of training activities carried out in one or other of the higher education institutions.
  • The arrangements for the payment of tuition fees in accordance with the pedagogical provisions adopted, without the doctoral student being obliged to pay fees in several institutions simultaneously.
  • The health insurance coverage terms as well as the conditions of accommodation and financial aid that the doctoral student can benefit to ensure his/her mobility.”

The decree of May 25, 2016 also states that:

  • “The thesis gives rise to a unique defense. (…)”.
  • “The terms and conditions for the protection of the subject, the filing of reports and the reproduction of theses, as well as those for the management of the research results common to the laboratories involved, their publication and their exploitation, are decided in accordance with the specific legislation of each country involved in the preparation of the thesis and specified by the convention.”

Setting up an International Dual PhD Degree

You will find below the steps to implement a dual PhD, which will lead to the signature of an agreement between the two institutions that will set in motion the administrative and pedagogical formalties to award the double diploma. This agreement will also enable to legally protect  the research of the PhD candidates in regards to intellectual property, confidentiality and publications.

1.Preparation of the dual PhD request

First the student needs to find two thesis supervisors, one in Université Paris Cité, the other in one foreign university or more.

Caution: Only the researchers with an authorization to direct researches (HDR) can supervise a thesis in France. If you need, you can contact the doctoral school of your study/research field. It is not possible to have more than one thesis supervisor in each institution. If you already have a cosupervision, you will need to end it in order to establish a dual PhD.

  • Refer to the list of doctoral school of the university
  • Read the conditions carefully with the thesis supervisor from Université Paris Cité and follow the steps to set up the dual PhD:
  • Fill out the dual Phd request form and have it signed by the thesis supervisor and the director of the doctoral school, in this order. The doctoral school will probably ask you to complete its admission procedure before signing 

Please note: The dual PhD agreement can only be signed during the first year of PhD in both institutions. It is not possible to make a request if the student has already completed his or her first year in one of the two institutions.

The doctorants enrolled in Université Paris Cité in September must be aware of the academic calendar and the enrollment process at the partner institution.

  • In Université Paris Cité, non-French student must enroll by the same way the French students do, following the calendar set by the CED (Doctoral School College).
  • In case of registration fee waiver for the first year the student must complete his.her enrollment file on eCandidat and the enrollment team will get back to him.her once the agreement is signed.
  • If the students must pay his.her registration fee in UP Cité for the first year, he will be able to finalize the enrollment process with the CED before the signature of the agreement if he complete and submit the dual PhD request form after. If he.she doesn’t the student will be considered as a regular student in UP Cité.

2. Examination of the request

The signed request form must be sent to the Strategy and International Relations Office (SRI/IRO) by the doctoral school. The dual PhD request will then be examined by the IRO to check its coherence and conformity regarding to the regulations and norms of the university. Additional informations can be asked to the thesis supervisors. Once the examination is completed, the IRO will contact the partner institution to start the negotiation related to the provisions of the dual PhD agreement.

3. Negotiation

The IRO will negotiate the dual PhD agreement with the partner.s institution.s in light of the informations communicated by the future thesis supervisors.


Once the parties agree on the terms, all the concerned persons sign the agreement. The institutions will sign one after the other respecting this order: Thesis supervisor à Director of the doctoral school à Institution head (President/Rector) or his or her delegate. The PhD candidate can sign at any time during the process. The IRO will be responsable for collecting the three signatures from UParis Cité and from the candidate as needed.

5.Validity of the agreement

Once all the signatures are collected, the dual PhD is set. It remains effective if the student registers in the two partner institutions for the entire period of his or her thesis. The IRO will send the signed version to all the concerned persons on UParis Cité’s side. The agreement will remain in effect until the defense deadline, which is generally the first three years of the PhD.

Note: If the student was not able to defend his or her thesis before the deadline in the agreement, he or she must make a request for an extension. For any change to the initial agreement (thesis supervisor, periods of stay, etc…), a modification request must be made (cf. requesting an addendum).

Requesting an Addendum (modification and/or extension of the agreement)

For any change or extension of the initial agreement, a modification request form must be given to the doctoral school, who will sign and transmit it to the International Relations Office. In the case of an extension request, the form must be completed at the same time as the usual derogation request, and must be transmitted to the doctoral school by all the PhD students at UParis Cité after the third year.

Once the IRO receives the request, we will follow the same steps as the setting up of the initial agreement, enabling to establish an addendum to it.

For the enrollment, while waiting for the addendum to be signed, the student can pay his or her fee in the institution indicated in the request form. However, in UParis Cité’s side, in case of a fee waiver for the concerned year, we will have to wait until the addendum is signed before the registration team can issue the registration.

In case of an extension, the addendum will be valid until the new defense deadline, that generally being one additional year.

Note: The addendum can only be signed for one year and if the student doesn’t defend his or her thesis before the new deadline, another addendum must be requested during the next year following the same procedures. As a reminder : In France, six years is the maximum duration of the PhD.

Defending your PhD Thesis

The CED and the Doctoral School (ED) are the dedicated contacts of PhD students for all questions whether they are of pedagogical or administrative nature.

Please note that organizing the PhD thesis defense takes time. Finding a jury and a defense date that suits everyone takes at least 3 months. If the date of the defense exceeds the validity of the dual PhD agreement or if it exceeds the date of the amendment for extension:

  • Either a new amendment is drawn up following an extension request made by the student. Students are then required to enroll for the following year.
  • Or the international dual PhD degree agreement is null and void, i.e. it expires given the agreement is no longer legally valid. The PhD will then lose the Cotutelle status. Students will be required to pay the tuition fees in Université Paris Cité for all the previous  years, if in the case it has not already been done.

Three tips to succeed:

  • Obtain information about the procedure for your PhD defense at Université Paris Cité (even if the defense takes place abroad). Inform the Doctoral School and the International Relations and Strategy Office (IRO) of the desired date of defense.
  • To constitute the thesis jury, send a jury proposal to the Doctoral School (even if the defense takes place abroad).
  • After the defense, the minutes of the exam board meeting, the defense report and the thesis must imperatively be sent to the College of the Doctoral School in order to be awarded of a PhD degree from Université Paris Cité.

Financial Support

International mobility grant from the French Government for an international PhD co-supervision. Scholarships from the French Government are awarded by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs for internships or language stays in France. A majority of them are awarded by the Cooperation and Cultural Action Departments of French embassies and General Consulates abroad. Read more

Eiffel scholarship . This scholarship programme offered by Campus France is designed to support the international recruitment efforts of French higher education institutions. It applies to three priority areas of study:

  • Economics and management
  • Law and Political Science

Programmes offered by Campus France

Existing international funding is listed in the Campus Bourses directory.

Binational institutions

These institutions aim to promote the academic collaboration between two countries. They are able to fund theses in dual PhD between the concerned countries:

  • Université Franco-allemande
  • Université Franco-italienne

Withdrawal from the International Dual PhD or From the PhD

In case of withdrawal, the dual PhD the withdrawal form must be completed and signed. It will enable us to define clearly whether the withdrawal only concerns the dual PhD procedure or whether it concerns the entire thesis. If it only concerns the dual PhD procedure then the student will be allowed to complete his or her thesis in one of the two institutions, according to his or her choice.

The IRO will determine on a case-by-case basis the measures that must be taken. It is possible that no further steps are required.

International Relations and Strategy Office

Grand moulins campus, 5 rue thomas mann 75013 paris, [email protected], odéon 85 boulevard saint germain paris 6e [email protected].

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> Thesis Network > Selection of sites

Selection of reference sites

Guides and documentation.

  • Contractual framework of the educational exception : how to use and quote works in your thesis?
  • Documentation for doctoral students (provided byAbes): understanding the national repository for doctoral theses; reporting your thesis subject; using the search engine
  • Guide to the doctorate : 23 practical sheets proposed by the National Association of Doctors (ANDès) for doctoral students, doctors, institutions, doctoral schools, etc.
  • Guide to Copyright (2017) : this guide deals with legal issues arising in intellectual property law .
  • Open Science - Codes and software : this booklet looks at the specific issues involved in opening up the codes and software produced and used in scientific research. 
  • Sharing scientific publication data - A guide for researchers : the aim of this guide is to familiarize researchers with the steps involved in sharing publication data.
  • Carnet Questions éthique et droit en SHS : a guide to good ethical and legal practice in the dissemination of SHS data.

Cover Passport to Open Science

French doctoral schools

  • Campus France directory of doctoral schools : consult the list of doctoral schools
  • Campus France : finding a research laboratory
  • ScanR : consult the directory of French research and innovation

Doctors and PhD students

  • Ma thèse en 180 secondes : organised in France since 2014 by the CNRS and the CPU - Conférence des présidents d'université, this competition, inspired by the 3 Minute Thesis launched by the University of Queensmand (Australia), aims to make people understand their research in three minutes and to the greatest number.
  • MESR - doctorate
  • MESR - doctoral training
  • MESR - doctoral funding
  • MESR - professional integration of doctoral students
  • ANDès - National Association of Doctors
  • Campus France - French agency for the promotion of higher education, hospitality and international mobility
  • CGE - Conférence des Grandes écoles - "publications" section  
  • CJC - Confederation of Young Researchers   
  • Kastler Foundation  
  • Intelli'agence - Bernard Gregory Association
  • HCERES - High Council for Research and Higher Education

Search for a thesis

  • An extraction of all data relating to doctoral theses defended since 1985 is available online at https: //  
  • Catalogue Sudoc : national bibliography of theses. Consult the help page dedicated to thesis research in the Sudoc

Access the full text of the theses

Numerous open archives and distribution platforms have been set up by doctoral-accredited institutions and/or IST operators such as CCSD (Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe).

  • HAL theses : open archive managed by the CCSD for the open access distribution of doctoral theses
  • AURORE : platform for student work at the University of Limoges (doctoral theses, practice theses, dissertations)
  • CITHER : INSA Lyon thesis portal
  • ENS - Institut Français de l'Éducation : portal to theses defended in France since 2003 in the fields of education and training.
  • OATAO : Open Archive Toulouse Archive Ouverte
  • PASTEL : ParisTech online theses / HAL ParisTech portal collection
  • PEPITE : the University of Lille's institutional archive provides access to doctoral theses, practice theses, teaching resources and speech therapy dissertations.

On the international scene

  • ADT : theses defended in the 22 largest Australian universities
  • BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine: meta-search engine referencing and providing access to over 120 million full-text academic documents, including theses 
  • BICTEL : common directory of electronic theses of the universities of the French community of Belgium
  • DART-Europe : full-text theses from 28 European countries
  • Dialnet : portal of Spanish theses in SHS
  • DissOnline : Database of German electronic theses
  • DIVA : database of theses and research papers from 28 Scandinavian universities
  • EThOS : UK electronic theses database
  • NDLTD : Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
  • OATD : Open Access Theses and Dissertations , a portal set up by the library of Wake Forest University (USA), which harvests several international directories of electronic theses in open access
  • RERODOC : electronic library of the RERO network (network of French-speaking Switzerland) including books, theses, dissertations in full text
  • Shodhganga : reservoir of Indian theses.
  • Teseo : catalogue of doctoral theses defended in Spanish universities
  • Theses Canada : catalog of theses and dissertations produced in Canadian universities
  • Toubk@l : national catalogue of theses and dissertations of Morocco

Access to current thesis topics

  • Otrohati : reporting on theses being prepared in Moroccan doctoral study centres.
  • : listing of theses being prepared in French higher education institutions.

Buy a reproduced thesis

From 1986 to 2016, theses deposited in printed form were reproduced on microfiche by the ANRT - Atelier National de Reproduction des Thèses . The mission of the ANRT was initially to ensure the reproduction of theses on microfiche and their distribution to institutions. Following the decree of 25 May 2016 , which established the transition to electronic filing for all French doctoral theses, the ANRT ceased this national mission.

On the other hand, the ANRT offers the "Thèse à la carte" service : theses for which a contract has been signed between the ANRT and the author are digitised and reproduced in their entirety, without reworking. These theses are listed in the "Thèse à la carte" catalogue and are available for sale to individuals (teachers, researchers, students ....) and/or organisations (bookshops, libraries, etc.) who request them.

  • Arabesques n°78 (April-May-June 2015): Dossier "The thesis in all its states: filing, reporting, promoting". 
  • Valorization of academic production - Collection, conservation, dissemination - Mennessier Anne-Laurence ; Daubernat Séverine ; Giloux Marianne ; Mauger Perez Isabelle - BBF, 2011, n°1 
  • New thesis repository, new positioning for libraries? - Feedback from the common documentation services of Lille 2 and Valenciennes - Bihan Solenn ; Cambier-Meerschman Perrine ; Granger Sabrina - BBF, 2011, n°1

Studies and reports

  • L'état de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche en France (The state of higher education and research in France ) - annual figures published by the MESR (Ministry of Higher Education and Research)
  • The French Open Science Barometer - annual statistical monitoring of French doctoral theses available in open access.
  • A more favourable integration and employment conditions of PhDs for 2016 graduates compared to 2014 graduates - Note d'information du SIES (September 2021)
  • Doctors of engineering: the choice of a professional insertion in the private sector - Note d'information du SIES (September 2020)
  • The doctorate in France: from choice to career pursuit - report by the General Inspectorate of Education, Sport and Research (July 2020)
  • International mobility of young employed PhDs - Note d'information du SIES (October 2019)
  • L'état de l'emploi scientifique en France - biennial statistical publication by MESRI (2018 edition)
  • Repères et références statistiques - MESR annual publication
  • CIFRE PhD - article by Romain Perronnet (UPEC) and Nahla Salameh Bchara (École des Mines de Saint-Etienne)
  • Young doctors; profile, career path, integration - APEC quantitative study (January 2015)
  • The professional future of young PhDs: what path, what insertion 5 years after the thesis ? - qualitative study by APEC (October 2014)  
  • The University and the professional world: what are the challenges for the doctorate? - Labex Hastec conference (January 2013) 
  • Doctors: a long march towards stable employment

History of the doctorate and the deposit of theses

  • Becoming scholars: theses and doctorates of letters in the 19th century: virtual exhibition
  • Carnet Es lettres - Les thèses de doctorat ès lettres en France au XIXe siècle : this notebook contains posts and actions linked to the "Es lettres" project, whose aim is to study the corpus of doctoral theses in literature defended in the 19th century.
  • Theses and other academic writings: identification and location: despite some obsolete information, this guide published by the BnF in 2005, contains interesting information on the history of the doctorate as well as a chronology of legislative texts on the deposit of theses from 1923 to 1985
  • Françoise Huguet, Les thèses de doctorat ès lettres soutenues en France de la fin du XVIIIe siècle à 1940 (Doctor of Letters theses defended in France from the end of the 18th century to 1940 ), November 2009 - LARHRA - Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes, UMR CNRS 5190 - online
  •  Edouard Des Places, Cent cinquante ans du doctorat es lettres (1810-1960), Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé , 4e série, 2, juin 1969, p.209-228 - online

phd thesis france

phd thesis france

Theses and PhDs at the CEA

Each year, nearly 400 young scientists are welcomed to a CEA laboratory to prepare a doctoral thesis in partnership with a doctoral school. As part of the preparation of a thesis, young scientists can benefit from different types of funding, which condition the kind of contract as well as the conditions to be met. Most of these contracts are for a three-year period. To facilitate the vocational integration of trained doctors into the CEA laboratories, INSTN offers training courses during the three years of the thesis.

Service Formation par la recherche et emploi scientifique (SFRES) [email protected] Tel. +33 1 69 08 80 38

* Required fields

  • UFR Droit Economie Management
  • UFR Médecine
  • UFR Pharmacie
  • UFR Sciences
  • UFR Sciences du Sport
  • AgroParisTech
  • CentraleSupélec
  • ENS Paris-Saclay
  • Institut d'Optique
  • Polytech Université Paris-Saclay
  • Accessibility

phd thesis france


This doctoral program is dedicated to chemists, who want to start a PhD at Université Paris Saclay. Because chemistry is one the main pillars in sciences, we offer immersive doctoral programs for motivated students to reach the highest level in chemical sciences.

Our open-minded doctoral school carries out inorganic, organic, analytical, physical, material and biological chemistries in the best laboratories at the south of Paris.

Chemical Sciences / Organic Chemistry / Inorganic Chemistry / Analysis and Instrumentation / Biosystems and Biochemistry

Program content.

For this program, you will be attached to the doctoral school Chemical sciences: molecules, materials, instrumentation and bio systems (2MIB)

The doctoral school "Chemical Sciences: Molecules, Materials, Instrumentation and Biosystems (2MIB)" is a disciplinary school based on the components of chemistry of the Paris-Saclay perimeter which cover a large part of the spectrum of the discipline. Its ambition is to offer doctoral students a training space for fundamental research and its applications in response to societal challenges, typically in the field of environment, sustainable development, materials, biology or pharmacology.

The ED is organized around 3 poles or intra-ED programs

  • Physical, BioPhysical and Analytical Chemistry (CPBA)
  • Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry (BOC)
  • Inorganic Chemistry and Materials (CIM)

Two transverse axes are added to these three poles :

  • The professional integration and international mobility of doctoral students
  • Doctoral training  

Learn more about the doctoral school

Doctoral students admitted to the doctoral program will have a public law doctoral contract. The duration of the contract is 3 years. The contractual doctoral students are full-time employees with the sole or main mission of carrying out their doctoral project. They may also be entrusted with complementary missions of teaching, scientific mediation, valorization or expertise.

More information 

Possible employers* for doctoral students under contract to the program are :

  • Université Paris-Saclay (Faculties of Sciences of Orsay, Medicine, Pharmacy, Sports Sciences and Law-Economy-Economy-Management)
  • University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines
  • University of Evry Val d'Essonne
  • Centrale Supélec
  • Agro Paris Tech

* This list remains to be completed or specified

The PhD within the doctoral school imposes an annual monitoring committee with two researchers or teacher-researchers from outside the project and the laboratory in which the thesis is done. In addition, the doctoral school, through its director, its assistant directors and its secretariat is attentive to the smooth running of the doctoral program and the well-being of its doctoral students. From the day of their arrival, the first years are invited to contact their cluster director and/or the monitoring committee in case of difficulty. If the thesis is stopped, the doctoral school systematically schedules an interview to find out the reasons why.

The employment rate of doctors from the 2MIB doctoral school is excellent at 94% with a salary level of 37,000 euros per year for the years 2016-2018. The parity is almost perfect for our graduates (52% women and 48% men). Finally, we note that the vast majority of the doctoral school's doctors are 87% satisfied with their jobs.

Find all the statistics on the jobs of our doctors here  

How to be admitted to the doctoral program in chemistry?

Find below the different steps to apply for the Chemistry Program - Graduate School Chemistry


The recruitment of a doctoral student is subject to obtaining a master's degree (engineer or equivalent with the possibility of VAE) or equivalent in chemistry from a French or foreign university.

Jury Evaluation Criteria

1. Background and skills

  • Academic background, diplomas obtained, student's ranking
  • Past research experiences, internship and quality of the associated internship report
  • Letter of recommendation from supervisors

2. Stakes and originality of the subject, understanding of the scientific context

  • Proposed scientific approach
  • Quality of the presentation and answers to questions

The director of each cluster constitutes the cluster's recruitment jury. The Graduate School of Chemistry as well as all the HDRs of the ED are informed of the composition of the jury.

Here are the 2 main steps to be part of the Chemistry - Graduate School Chemistry Program 

  • To apply the student must apply on ADUM by choosing a proposed subject (or several subjects).
  • If the student is eligible (after analysis of his or her file) there is then a 30 min audition with 10-15 minutes of presentation + questions and discussion with the jury.

phd thesis france

Calendar 2024 - Candidates

  • january 26, 2024 Deadline for submission of thesis topics on ADUM
  • April 4, 2023 Closing date for applications on ADUM
  • Tuesday May 21 to Thursday May 23, 2024 Candidate hearings by cluster juries
  • April 26, 2024 Publication of competition eligibility results

Discover the offers of thesis subjects

Communication tools

The employment status of graduate school chemistry phds as of december 1, 2019.

phd thesis france


  1. PhD Thesis Award in France 2019 for International Students

    phd thesis france

  2. International PhD Thesis Position CEMEF in France, 2020

    phd thesis france

  3. (PDF) Oscillations, Feuilletages et Lois de Burger. Mathematics Phd

    phd thesis france

  4. France Thesis Writing

    phd thesis france

  5. CEMEF PhD Thesis Position for Domestic and Overseas Students in France

    phd thesis france

  6. (PDF) Cathy Kurz (2000) PhD Thesis in Plant Ecology: Pine litter

    phd thesis france



  2. Focus sur « Ma Thèse en 2 planches » (2018)

  3. PhD School in Life Sciences

  4. 1er rassemblement Lancia Thesis Club de France

  5. PhD THESIS DEFENSE in France 👩‍🎓 Dr S. Heng

  6. Master's thesis Vs A PhD dissertation...what is the difference?


  1. PhD in France

    Category (PhD / Master's / Postdoc) -- Category -- Master Internship Doctorate Post-Doc CDI Other -- Doctorate type -- Full Doctorate Joint Supervision Doctorate Sandwich Doctorate Doctoral Programme

  2. Doctoral Studies

    At the national level, once fully operational, Université Paris Cité will offfer 5% of all PhD degrees in France. Université Paris Cité is committed to a doctoral policy aimed at research training and training by research. It trains future researchers and teacher-researchers as well as future high-level executives. Social Sciences - ED 624.

  3. Admission to a PhD

    In France, joint theses are governed by the amended decree of 6 January 2005 on international joint theses (PDF, 45Ko) At Sciences Po, joint theses may only be permitted if: The student has already been admitted to Sciences Po; The two thesis supervisors approached have conferred and provided their consent in writing.

  4. Prepare a PhD

    The PhD degree attests skills acquired through research in the framework of the doctoral training, which has a 3 years reference duration when the research work is carried out full-time, and a 3 to 6 years duration when the thesis is prepared part-time. The PhD degree can also be obtained by the validation of the acquired experience (VAE). The PhD degree - the highest internationnaly ...

  5. The PhD at Université Grenoble Alpes

    Doctoral dissertation organisation In France, the PhD is a research training leading to the highest university degree. It is prepared in three years, or more depending on the discipline, after obtaining the national master's degree or an equivalent diploma. Progress of the thesis.

  6. Understanding a PhD in France

    In France, a PhD is the highest academic degree you can earn. Doctoral studies are a form of research-based training with the same value as professional experience. PhD students carry out research on a defined topic under the supervision of their thesis advisor (s). PhD students are enrolled in doctoral programmes run by institutions of higher ...


    Access Thè is the search engine for French doctoral theses set up by ABES in 2011. This unique tool is supplied by the thesis-supporting institutions. It lists theses in preparation for the last 10 years in all disciplines and all institutions, as well as all theses defended since 1985.

  8. PhD Study in France- 2024

    Affordability - PhD fees in France are fixed by the State, and international students pay the same amount as French students, making it one of the more affordable study destinations in Europe. Specialisations - The French higher education system is proud of its specialisations. Many institutions, like the Grandes Ecoles and Schools of Arts ...

  9. Thesis topics

    Thesis topics. For most of you, the subject of your thesis will be born from an encounter with a researcher or teacher-researcher, within your teaching and research department (DER), in the Master 1 or Master 2 courses, during a stay in a laboratory in France or abroad, after a seminar... Thesis topics are thus most of the time subjects ...

  10. PhD Studies

    The PhD is the highest degree recognized internationally. 3% of students in France are enrolled in PhD studies. ... S/He develops a doctoral project followed by a thesis supervisor and organized by the graduate school. The PhD student is trained in research through research, that is to say by the professional experience acquired within a ...

  11. Doctoral programmes

    The École des Docteurs has a unique dedicated International PhD Office, federated the 15 doctoral schools, providing information, advice and support for PhD candidates wishing to study abroad and international students wishing to enroll in a PhD programmes at the Université de Toulouse. "L'École des Docteurs" representing a total of 9,100 research personnel, including 5,100 academic staff ...

  12. PhD Program Engineering and Systems Sciences

    The thesis project must fall within the thematic scope of the doctoral school; The thesis director must not have obtained an institutional doctoral contract the previous year; The thesis director does not supervise more than 5 PhD students at the time of the audition selection. Total supervision and co-supervision must not exceed 500% on the ...

  13. PhD Programmes

    For all students admitted to the PhD programme at the "Thesis" level, the annual fee for the 2022/2023 academic year is 380 €, irrespective of tax residency. In order to make Sciences Po accessible to all and promote academic success, Sciences Po has significantly improved its student support services. Find out more on funding from ...

  14. International doctoral programs

    International doctoral programs. International collaborations are an integral part of research. Some programs in particular enable the development an international experience in the context of doctoral education. Published on 4/12/2019 - Updated on 6/03/2024.

  15. List of PhD Theses

    Consult the list of theses defended in recent years:Economics: 2022 - 2021- 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012History: 2022 - 2021- 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - List of PhD Theses | Sciences Po School of Research

  16. International dual PhD programme

    The international dual PhD degree programme promotes doctoral mobility and scientific cooperation. It is an unique opportunity for a PhD student enrolling in the first year of a thesis, to carry out his/her research work under the responsibility of at least 2 PhD supervisors (Université Paris Cité - partner university) for the entire duration of the PhD.

  17. Selection of sites

    Ma thèse en 180 secondes: organised in France since 2014 by the CNRS and the CPU - Conférence des présidents d'université, this competition, inspired by the 3 Minute Thesis launched by the University of Queensmand (Australia), aims to make people understand their research in three minutes and to the greatest number.; MESR - doctorate MESR - doctoral training

  18. Theses and PhDs at the CEA

    Theses and PhDs at the CEA. Each year, nearly 400 young scientists are welcomed to a CEA laboratory to prepare a doctoral thesis in partnership with a doctoral school. As part of the preparation of a thesis, young scientists can benefit from different types of funding, which condition the kind of contract as well as the conditions to be met ...


    Here are the 2 main steps to be part of the Chemistry - Graduate School Chemistry Program. To apply the student must apply on ADUM by choosing a proposed subject (or several subjects). If the student is eligible (after analysis of his or her file) there is then a 30 min audition with 10-15 minutes of presentation + questions and discussion with ...