Database Management Systems (DBMS)

Database group website:

Declarative languages and runtime systems

Design and implementation of declarative programming languages with applications to distributed systems, networking, machine learning, metadata management, and interactive visualization; design of query interface for applications.

Scalable data analysis and query processing

Scalable data processing in new settings, including interactive exploration, metadata management, cloud and serverless environments, and machine learning; query processing on compressed, semi-structured, and streaming data; query processing with additional constraints, including fairness, resource utilization, and cost.

Consistency, concurrency, coordination and reliability

Coordination avoidance, consistency and monotonicity analysis; transaction isolation levels and protocols; distributed analytics and data management, geo-replication; fault tolerance and fault injection.

Data storage and physical design

Hot and cold storage; immutable data structures; indexing and data skipping; versioning; new data types; implications of hardware evolution.

Metadata management

Data lineage and versioning; usage tracking and collective intelligence; scalability of metadata management services; metadata representations; reproducibility and debugging of data pipelines.

Systems for machine learning and model management

Distributed machine learning and graph analytics; physical and logical optimization of machine learning pipelines; online model management and maintenance; prediction serving; real-time personalization; latency-accuracy tradeoffs and edge computing for large-scale models; machine learning lifecycle management.

Data cleaning, data transformation, and crowdsourcing

Human-data interaction including interactive transformation, query authoring, and crowdsourcing; machine learning for data cleaning; statistical properties of data cleaning pipelines; end-to-end systems for crowdsourcing.

Interactive data exploration and visualization

Interactive querying and direct manipulation; scalable spreadsheets and data visualization; languages and interfaces for interactive exploration; progressive query visualization; predictive interaction.

Secure data processing

Data processing under homomorphic encryption; data compression and encryption; differential privacy; oblivious data processing; databases in secure hardware enclaves.

Foundations of data management

Optimal trade-offs between storage, quality, latency, and cost, with applications to crowdsourcing, distributed data management, stream data processing, version management; expressiveness, complexity, and completeness of data representations, query languages, and query processing; query processing with fairness constraints.

Research Centers

  • EPIC Data lab
  • Sky Computing Lab
  • Alvin Cheung
  • Natacha Crooks
  • Joseph Gonzalez
  • Joseph M. Hellerstein (coordinator)
  • Jiantao Jiao
  • Aditya Parameswaran
  • Matei Zaharia
  • Eric Brewer
  • Michael Lustig
  • Jelani Nelson

Faculty Awards

  • ACM Prize in Computing: Eric Brewer, 2009.
  • National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Member: Ion Stoica, 2024. Eric Brewer, 2007.
  • American Academy of Arts and Sciences Member: Eric Brewer, 2018.
  • Sloan Research Fellow: Aditya Parameswaran, 2020. Alvin Cheung, 2019. Jelani Nelson, 2017. Michael Lustig, 2013. Ion Stoica, 2003. Joseph M. Hellerstein, 1998. Eric Brewer, 1997.

Related Courses

  • CS 186. Introduction to Database Systems
  • CS 262A. Advanced Topics in Computer Systems

For enquiries call:



10 Current Database Research Topic Ideas in 2024

Home Blog Database 10 Current Database Research Topic Ideas in 2024

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As we head towards the second half of 2024, the world of technology evolves at a rapid pace. With the rise of AI and blockchain, the demand for data, its management and the need for security increases rapidly. A logical consequence of these changes is the way fields like database security research topics and DBMS research have come up as the need of the hour.

With new technologies and techniques emerging day-by-day, staying up-to-date with the latest trends in database research topics is crucial. Whether you are a student, researcher, or industry professional, we recommend taking our Database Certification courses to stay current with the latest research topics in DBMS.

In this blog post, we will introduce you to 10 current database research topic ideas that are likely to be at the forefront of the field in 2024. From blockchain-based database systems to real-time data processing with in-memory databases, these topics offer a glimpse into the exciting future of database research.

So, get ready to dive into the exciting world of databases and discover the latest developments in database research topics of 2024!

Blurring the Lines between Blockchains and Database Systems 

The intersection of blockchain technology and database systems offers fertile new grounds to anyone interested in database research.

As blockchain gains popularity, many thesis topics in DBMS[1] are exploring ways to integrate both fields. This research will yield innovative solutions for data management. Here are 3 ways in which these two technologies are being combined to create powerful new solutions:

Immutable Databases: By leveraging blockchain technology, it’s possible to create databases to be immutable. Once data has been added to such a database, it cannot be modified or deleted. This is particularly useful in situations where data integrity is critical, such as in financial transactions or supply chain management.

Decentralized Databases: Blockchain technology enables the creation of decentralized databases. Here data is stored on a distributed network of computers rather than in a central location. This can help to improve data security and reduce the risk of data loss or corruption.

Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. By leveraging blockchain technology, it is possible to create smart contracts that are stored and executed on a decentralized database, making it possible to automate a wide range of business processes.

Childhood Obesity: Data Management 

Childhood obesity is a growing public health concern, with rates of obesity among children and adolescents rising around the world. To address this issue, it’s crucial to have access to comprehensive data on childhood obesity. Analyzing information on prevalence, risk factors, and interventions is a popular research topic in DBMS these days.

Effective data management is essential for ensuring that this information is collected, stored, and analyzed in a way that is useful and actionable. This is one of the hottest DBMS research paper topics. In this section, we will explore the topic of childhood obesity data management.

A key challenge to childhood obesity data management is ensuring data consistency. This is difficult as various organizations have varied methods for measuring and defining obesity. For example:

Some may use body mass index (BMI) as a measure of obesity.

Others may use waist circumference or skinfold thickness.   Another challenge is ensuring data security and preventing unauthorized access. To protect the privacy and confidentiality of individuals, it is important to ensure appropriate safeguards are in place. This calls for database security research and appropriate application.

Application of Computer Database Technology in Marketing

Leveraging data and analytics allows businesses to gain a competitive advantage in this digitized world today. With the rising demand for data, the use of computer databases in marketing has gained prominence.

The application of database capabilities in marketing has really come into its own as one of the most popular and latest research topics in DBMS[2]. In this section, we will explore how computer database technology is being applied in marketing, and the benefits this research can offer.

Customer Segmentation: Storage and analysis of customer data makes it possible to gain valuable insights. It allows businesses to identify trends in customer behavior, preferences and demographics. This information can be utilized to create highly targeted customer segments. This is how businesses can tailor their marketing efforts to specific groups of customers.

Personalization: Computer databases can be used to store and analyze customer data in real-time. In this way, businesses can personalize their marketing and offers based on individual customer preferences. This can help increase engagement and loyalty among customers, thereby driving greater revenue for businesses.

Predictive Analytics: Advanced analytics techniques such as machine learning and predictive modeling can throw light on patterns in customer behavior. This can even be used to predict their future actions. This information can be used to create more targeted marketing campaigns, and to identify opportunities for cross-selling and upselling.

Database Technology in Sports Competition Information Management

Database technology has revolutionized the way in which sports competition information is managed and analyzed. With the increasing popularity of sports around the world, there is a growing need for effective data management systems that can collect, store, and analyze large volumes of relevant data. Thus, researching database technologies[3] is vital to streamlining operations, improving decision-making, and enhancing the overall quality of events.

Sports organizations can use database technology to collect and manage a wide range of competition-related data such as: 

Athlete and team information,

competition schedules and results,

performance metrics, and

spectator feedback.

Collating this data in a distributed database lets sports organizations easily analyze and derive valuable insights. This is emerging as a key DBMS research paper topic.

Database Technology for the Analysis of Spatio-temporal Data

Spatio-temporal data refers to data which has a geographic as well as a temporal component. Meteorological readings, GPS data, and social media content are prime examples of this diverse field. This data can provide valuable insights into patterns and trends across space and time. However, its multidimensional nature makes analysis be super challenging. It’s no surprise that this has become a hot topic for distributed database research[4].

In this section, we will explore how database technology is being used to analyze spatio-temporal data, and the benefits this research offers.

Data Storage and Retrieval: Spatio-temporal data tends to be very high-volume. Advances in database technology are needed to make storage, retrieval and consumption of such information more efficient. A solution to this problem will make such data more available. It will then be easily retrievable and usable by a variety of data analytics tools.

Spatial Indexing: Database technology can create spatial indexes to enable faster queries on spatio-temporal data. This allows analysts to quickly retrieve data for specific geographic locations or areas of interest, and to analyze trends across these areas.

Temporal Querying: Distributed database research can also enable analysts to analyze data over specific time periods. This facilitates the identification of patterns over time. Ultimately, this enhances our understanding of how these patterns evolve over various seasons.

Artificial Intelligence and Database Technology

Artificial intelligence (AI) is another sphere of technology that’s just waiting to be explored. It hints at a wealth of breakthroughs which can change the entire world. It’s unsurprising that the combination of AI with database technology is such a hot topic for database research papers[5] in modern times. 

By using AI to analyze data, organizations can identify patterns and relationships that might not be apparent through traditional data analysis methods. In this section, we will explore some of the ways in which AI and database technology are being used together. We’ll also discuss the benefits that this amalgamation can offer.

Predictive Analytics: By analyzing large volumes of organizational and business data, AI can generate predictive models to forecast outcomes. For example, AI can go through customer data stored in a database and predict who is most likely to make a purchase in the near future.

Natural Language Processing: All businesses have huge, untapped wells of valuable information in the form of customer feedback and social media posts. These types of data sources are unstructured, meaning they don’t follow rigid parameters. By using natural language processing (NLP) techniques, AI can extract insights from this data. This helps organizations understand customer sentiment, preferences and needs.

Anomaly Detection: AI can be used to analyze large volumes of data to identify anomalies and outliers. Then, a second round of analysis can be done to pinpoint potential problems or opportunities. For example, AI can analyze sensor data from manufacturing equipment and detect when equipment is operating outside of normal parameters.

Data Collection and Management Techniques of a Qualitative Research Plan

Any qualitative research calls for the collection and management of empirical data. A crucial part of the research process, this step benefits from good database management techniques. Let’s explore some thesis topics in database management systems[6] to ensure the success of a qualitative research plan.

Interviews: This is one of the most common methods of data collection in qualitative research. Interviews can be conducted in person, over the phone, or through video conferencing. A standardized interview guide ensures the data collected is reliable and accurate. Relational databases, with their inherent structure, aid in this process. They are a way to enforce structure onto the interviews’ answers.

Focus Groups: Focus groups involve gathering a small group of people to discuss a particular topic. These generate rich data by allowing participants to share their views in a group setting. It is important to select participants who have knowledge or experience related to the research topic.

Observations: Observations involve observing and recording events in a given setting. These can be conducted openly or covertly, depending on the research objective and setting. To ensure that the data collected is accurate, it is important to develop a detailed observation protocol that outlines what behaviors or events to observe, how to record data, and how to handle ethical issues.

Database Technology in Video Surveillance System 

Video surveillance systems are used to monitor and secure public spaces, workplaces, even homes. With the increasing demand for such systems, it’s important to have an efficient and reliable way to store, manage and analyze the data generated. This is where database topics for research paper [7] come in.

By using database technology in video surveillance systems, it is possible to store and manage large amounts of video data efficiently. Database management systems (DBMS) can be used to organize video data in a way that is easily searchable and retrievable. This is particularly important in cases where video footage is needed as evidence in criminal investigations or court cases.

In addition to storage and management, database technology can also be used to analyze video data. For example, machine learning algorithms can be applied to video data to identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate suspicious activity. This can help law enforcement agencies and security personnel to identify and respond to potential threats more quickly and effectively.

Application of Java Technology in Dynamic Web Database Technology 

Java technology has proven its flexibility, scalability, and ease of use over the decades. This makes it widely used in the development of dynamic web database applications. In this section, we will explore research topics in DBMS[8] which seek to apply Java technology in databases.

Java Server Pages (JSP): JSP is a Java technology that is used to create dynamic web pages that can interact with databases. It allows developers to embed Java code within HTML scripts, thereby enabling dynamic web pages. These can interact with databases in real-time, and aid in data collection and maintenance.

Java Servlets: Java Servlets are Java classes used to extend the functionality of web servers. They provide a way to handle incoming requests from web browsers and generate dynamic content that can interact with databases.

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC): JDBC is a Java API that provides a standard interface for accessing databases. It allows Java applications to connect to databases. It can SQL queries to enhance, modify or control the backend database. This enables developers to create dynamic web applications.

Online Multi Module Educational Administration System Based on Time Difference Database Technology 

With the widespread adoption of remote learning post-COVID, online educational systems are gaining popularity at a rapid pace. A ubiquitous challenge these systems face is managing multiple modules across different time zones. This is one of the latest research topics in database management systems[9].

Time difference database technology is designed to handle time zone differences in online systems. By leveraging this, it’s possible to create a multi-module educational administration system that can handle users from different parts of the world, with different time zones.

This type of system can be especially useful for online universities or other educational institutions that have a global reach:

It makes it possible to schedule classes, assignments and other activities based on the user's time zone, ensuring that everyone can participate in real-time.

In addition to managing time zones, a time difference database system can also help manage student data, course materials, grades, and other important information.

Why is it Important to Study Databases?

Databases are the backbone of many modern technologies and applications, making it essential for professionals in various fields to understand how they work. Whether you're a software developer, data analyst or a business owner, understanding databases is critical to success in today's world. Here are a few reasons why it is important to study databases and more database topics for research paper should be published:

Efficient Data Management

Databases enable the efficient storage, organization, and retrieval of data. By studying databases, you can learn how to design and implement effective data management systems that can help organizations store, analyze, and use data efficiently.

Improved Decision-Making

Data is essential for making informed decisions, and databases provide a reliable source of data for analysis. By understanding databases, you can learn how to retrieve and analyze data to inform business decisions, identify trends, and gain insights.

Career Opportunities

In today's digital age, many career paths require knowledge of databases. By studying databases, you can open up new career opportunities in software development, data analysis, database administration and related fields.

Needless to say, studying databases is essential for anyone who deals with data. Whether you're looking to start a new career or enhance your existing skills, studying databases is a critical step towards success in today's data-driven world.

Final Takeaways

In conclusion, as you are interested in database technology, we hope this blog has given you some insights into the latest research topics in the field. From blockchain to AI, from sports to marketing, there are a plethora of exciting database topics for research papers that will shape the future of database technology.

As technology continues to evolve, it is essential to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the field of databases. Our curated KnowledgeHut Database Certification Courses will help you stay ahead of the curve and develop new skills.

We hope this blog has inspired you to explore the exciting world of database research in 2024. Stay curious and keep learning!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

There are several examples of databases, with the five most common ones being:

MySQL : An open-source RDBMS used commonly in web applications.

Microsoft SQL Server : A popular RDBMS used in enterprise environments.

Oracle : A trusted commercial RDBMS famous for its high-scalability and security.

MongoDB : A NoSQL document-oriented database optimized for storing large amounts of unstructured data.

PostgreSQL : An open-source RDBMS offering advanced features like high concurrency and support for multiple data types.

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a high-level language designed to communicate with relational databases. It’s not a database in and of itself. Rather, it’s a language used to create, modify, and retrieve data from relational databases such as MySQL and Oracle.

A primary key is a column (or a set of columns) that uniquely identifies each row in a table. In technical terms, the primary key is a unique identifier of records. It’s used as a reference to establish relationships between various tables.


Monica Gupta

I am Monica Gupta with 19+ years of experience in the field of Training and Development. I have done over 500 Corporate Trainings. I am currently working as a freelancer for several years. My core area of work is Java, C++, Angular, PHP, Python, VBA.

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An Updated Guide on Where to Apply for a PhD in Databases in the US (2018)

Posted on Friday November 09, 2018 at 04:25 AM

The Ph.D. admissions season is upon us once again! That means applicants will repeat the same clichés as people in previous years. This includes things like students emailing to tell me about how they want to come CMU to work on graph databases (bad). The SOPs with overly effusive language that talk about how "Prof. Pavlo is the world's premiere expert in databases" (good) or how Berkeley/Stanford/MIT is the "dream school for me" even though I work at CMU (bad). Lastly there is the shady behavior from some people trying to get in by making up stories (bad) or lying on their CV (bad); more on that in the next blog article. I love this excitement and uncertainty. I don't watch TV other than baseball, news, or illegitimate theater , so this is my source of drama.

I originally posted my guide on what schools to apply to for a Ph.D. in database systems in 2016 because I was writing recommendation letters for six students that year. I figured it would be useful materials for others to help them figure out where to apply for graduate school. But that was two years ago and a lot of things have changed since then. LeBron is not with Cleveland anymore, and some of the professors that I listed in my old guide are not with the same universities as they used to be. I am writing letters for four students this year, so I figured it was time to update my guide.

Given this, the following is my list of database groups in the US that I am encouraging my students to apply to in 2018 (other than CMU ). Note that I do not know whether these professors are taking new students. I am describing what aspects of their research projects that I find interesting or why I like them as a person.

My first Ph.D student graduated this summer and is now faculty at GA Tech to be part of Atlanta's crunk scene. I am taking more students for fall 2019, but by "more" I mean only one or two. You can apply to CMU to work with me (early deadline is December 1st) but you should also consider other schools. I am the only "core" DB professor at CMU [1] . Other DB groups have more faculty members and admit more students than I can. And you should consider other schools beyond the "top four" (i.e., MIT, CMU, Stanford, Berkeley). I believe that it is a mistake when applicants say that they only applied to these four schools. The database professors at the other schools that I list below are doing awesome work. For example, Wisconsin is traditionally the database research powerhouse.

It important for you to also be aware that some professors may end up leaving their university before fall 2019. Make sure you ask around to find out what their plans are so that you do not come to a university only to find that they have left. They could be on a (temporary?) leave of absence for start-ups (e.g., Peter Bailis , Amol Deshpande ), industry (e.g., Yannis Papakonstantinou , Feifei Li ), or they may have moved to another university. Some professors are still at their respective schools but may be in a (temporary?) leadership role that is eating up most of their time. For example, Mike Franklin , Ugur Cetintemel , and Zack Ives are currently the department chairs at Chicago, Brown, and Penn, respectively.


This list is not exhaustive. I do not have a formal criteria of who I choose to include in my list. My only judgment call was whether a person recently wrote a paper that I admire and that I wish that I wrote.

There are other professors doing novel database research in non-systems areas, such as Immanuel Trummer (Cornell), Jun Yang (Duke), Ashwin Machanavajjhala (Duke), Mirek Riedewald (Northeastern), Tiark Rompf (Purdue), and Dan Suciu (UW). I am only listing the ones that are doing work that is somewhat related to the research problems that I am focusing on now. There is also newer faculty, like Joy Arulraj (GT), Stephen Bach (Brown), and Marco Serafini (UMass), that just started and have yet to establish their research agenda. They are definitely interested in taking new students.

There are also awesome people doing good systems research but do not typically publish in the same conferences that I do. Notable examples include Dave Andersen (CMU), Eddie Kohler (Harvard), Raluca Ada Popa (Berkeley), Adam Belay (MIT), and Joey Gonzalez (Berkeley). Again, I am only listing my SIGMOD/VLDB fam here.

Lastly, I am again only including schools in the United States. I have stomach problems when I travel abroad that Imodium does not seem to remedy, so I think that this is fine. If you don't want to live in the US, then you should consider applying to work with Ken Salem ( Waterloo ), Hannes Muhleisen ( CWI ), Peter Boncz ( CWI ), Natassa Ailamaki ( EPFL ), Christoph Koch ( EPFL ), Thomas Neumann ( TUM ), Gustavo Alonso ( ETH ), Viktor Leis (???), Holger Pirk ( ICL ), or Jana Giceva ( ICL ). And yes I realize that most of these people are either German or work at a university in a German speaking country. This should not be surprising. After the United States, Germany has produced the second most number of DBMSs than any other country in the world.

By Research Area

The list of schools kept growing as I was writing this article, so I generated an approximate grouping to cross-reference the schools by database research area:

The List (2018)

Ph.D. in Information Systems

with Kat Campise, Data Scientist, Ph.D.

Considering a PhD in Information Systems? At the intersection of computer science, business, and information technology lies a highly specialized field poised for immense growth over the next decade. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates 16% job growth in the field by 2031, much faster than the average occupation.

This guide is designed for those interested in continuing their education following the completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Systems or a Master’s Degree in Information Systems , highlighting the curriculum and time commitment required as well as a cost-benefit analysis to help determine if pursing a PhD in Information Systems is the right next step for your career. 

Master’s vs. a Ph.D. in Information Systems

Within the U.S. academic system, a Master’s Degree in Information Systems will lead you down the research path, to a point. Culminating in a master’s thesis, a master’s degree program typically takes 2 years to complete and is considered a shorter and less in-depth application of your coursework than a PhD. In contrast, a PhD in Information Systems program is focused on completing a lengthy dissertation and a set of rigorous exams (this last requirement differs depending on the program and university). A PhD, ultimately, is a research degree that advances a brand-new idea or innovation within the discipline. You could say that a master’s thesis is an exploratory analysis that supports a given hypothesis while PhD research is more extensive and results in a book-length and detailed exegesis of your approved topic.

Career Outlook

According to Kat Campise, Data Scientist, PhD, most PhD trajectories head straight for a career in academics where “publish or perish” is the ongoing mantra. There are exceptions as graduates of PhD programs launch or continue careers in government, finance, technology and business; advancing to positions including, but not limited to, senior information manager, chief information offer, chief technology officer, director of systems development, or director of information technology operations.

It is worth noting that a gap exists between business expectations and academic perceptions of value. The world of business is focused on the “bottom line.” Due to the widespread adoption of data science, businesses are more amenable to an academic research approach, but with the caveat that the value constraints, such as key performance indicators, risk measures, etc. continue to drive the determination as to whether a job function is providing an increase in their financial inflows while keeping costs to a minimum. Also, while a bachelor’s degree is sufficient for many entry-level positions, a master’s degree is often required to advance across most industries. Meanwhile, academia’s valuation is in how (and if) you’re pushing the research in your field of expertise forward. In academia, post-doctoral job expectations include teaching, writing, attaining grant funding, attending and presenting at conferences, and conducting research. The focus here is solely on intellectual capital rather than filling the corporate coffers.

Earning Potential

As of their May 2021 employment survey, the BLS lists the median annual salary for information systems managers as $159,010 . Entry-level information systems (IS) professionals may expect salaries closer to $95,220. However, the top 10% of IS managers often earn more than $208,000 per BLS data. Compensation depended on several factors including education, certifications, specific skill set, and years of experience.

According to Campise, whether you’ll hit the top of the pay scale after you complete an Information Systems PhD depends on where you intend on applying those learnings (i.e., industry and specialization) and how you market yourself. While those who’ve completed a doctorate tend to have higher median earnings than their master’s degree level cohorts, it is not a guarantee.

Guide to Choosing a PhD Program in Information Systems

If after reading the above you’ve decided that you’re ready to embark on the PhD in Information Systems path, then the steps below will take you through the next phase: applying to a PhD program.

Step 1: Assess your location and time commitment constraints

PhD level degrees aren’t for the faint of heart. You’ll be committing a substantial amount of mental and financial energy toward completing all coursework, attempting to publish your research, attending conferences, and following the requirements for your dissertation. Depending on the school, program, and whether you’re a full or part-time student, a typical PhD program takes an average of six years to complete.

Online vs. On Campus

An important factor to consider is whether you wish to complete your PhD through a traditional on campus program or online. While on-campus programs remain popular, numerous respected, accredited schools now offer the flexibility of online PhD programs. Online programs are ideal for working adults who require asynchronous scheduling with the option of evening or weekend classes and meetings. Many online PhD programs are hybrids that require an on-campus presence at certain points throughout the program.

When determining whether an online or in-person program is right for you, consider answering the following questions. Is there a local university that offers a PhD in Information Systems or, alternatively, a PhD in Computer Information Systems? Are you willing and/or have the financial ability to relocate for such a program? Do you have the time to travel to and from campus along with completing the research and writing? What other commitments do you have that limit the time and energy needed to complete a PhD?

Your answers should help you choose between an on campus and online program as well as jump-start your initial list of university options, which should be narrowed down before you reach the final step: applying to one or more universities.

Step 2: Review the curriculum

The PhD emphasis in most disciplines is a theoretical approach. Your academic goal as a PhD in Information Systems student is to learn and test established theories that will lead you to derive a theory of your own. As you peruse the course requirements for each potential university, you may notice the use of the term seminars . Seminars are discussion-based as opposed to traditional lectures where the professors speak at the students. It’s likely that you’ll be assigned published research papers to read, analyze, and discuss with your professor and fellow students during the class. Some PhD programs combine seminars with lectures in terms of the type of courses offered. Others may only incorporate the lecture environment. Consider your learning style while you’re reviewing the curriculum.

The course topics for a PhD in Information Systems usually include theories in information systems, qualitative and quantitative research in information systems along with technical applications via statistics, analytics, and machine learning. You’ll spend a great deal of time thoroughly learning how to conduct research in the field. Many programs offer a concentration option such as healthcare, cybersecurity or analytics.

Since a PhD course of study will consume a huge chunk of time and effort, it’s important to self-assess your level of interest. It’s extremely likely that you’ll have moments of doubt and lack of motivation at some point during the degree, says Campise, but an intense interest in a certain concentration can help carry you through the trials and tribulations.

Step 3: Perform a cost-benefit analysis

Completing a PhD comes with financial and opportunity costs. If there are ample grants or fellowships available for research, then you may be able to earn some money or reduce tuition costs while you’re completing the degree. This is not guaranteed. Working full time during a PhD might be marginally feasible. Tuition costs vary between $7,000 and more than $30,000 per year. That’s only the tuition and doesn’t include your living and travel expenses (for conferences). Attaining a graduate assistantship and/or teaching lower-level university courses can help offset the financial outflow. On the other hand, you may lose some work experience (in the business world) or need to put your job search on hold while you complete the PhD requirements. That said, it’s important to carefully weigh the sacrifices you’ll be making in the short term with the potential benefits that can occur in the long run. If you’re planning on entering or returning to the realm of private business, practice your research skills and run a search on various job sites. Review information systems jobs, their salary, and compare that to the education requirements. Can you earn significantly more with a PhD in Information Systems or by attaining a PhD in Computer Information Systems? Also, what are the factors motivating you to complete this advanced research degree?

Step 4: Analyze the admission requirements

Minimum scores on the GRE or GMAT are required for entrance to most PhD programs. International students are generally required to take either the TOEFL or the IELTS; the TOEFL tends to be the favored test for English proficiency. Each school will have their own cutoff range which is usually listed on the department’s website (wherever the PhD in Information Systems is housed). As always, official transcripts will be required, and many set a Master’s Degree in Information Systems as the minimum level of education considered as viable for program entry. This, however, is not 100% consistent. Other majors may be admissible, and in some cases a bachelor’s degree might be acceptable in lieu of a master’s degree.

Expect to spend additional money on application fees (approximately $60+). You’ll find that most applications must include a Statement of Purpose (SOP), and likely another writing sample. Some PhD applications also require the addition of a research paper that you’ve written in a prior class or have published (in a journal or a conference paper). The SOP for a PhD application should address how your research interests align with either the department or specific faculty members. You’ll likely be choosing your dissertation committee members from within the departmental faculty, so matching their research focus is particularly important. Research interests evolve throughout the degree, but it’s ok to focus on a specific area when applying.

On Campus Listings

Arizona State University  – Tempe, Arizona PhD in Business Administration with a concentration in Information Systems Program Length:  84 Semester hours Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $11,864 (Resident), $23,372 (Non-resident) Course  Offerings

Auburn University  – Auburn, Alabama Ph.D. in Business-Information Systems Program Length:  28 Credit hours Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $1361 per hour credit (Resident) $2,431 per hour credit (Non-resident) Course  Offerings

Baylor University  – Waco, Texas PhD in Information Systems Program Program Length:  54 credit hours Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $22,400.2 estimate tuition and required fees per semester Course Offerings

Carnegie Mellon University  – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Ph.D. Studies in Information Systems & Management Program Length:  54 credit hours Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $27,396 Course Offerings

Colorado Technical University  – Manitou Springs, Colorado Ph.D. Studies in Information Systems & Management Program Length:  100 credit hours Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:   Not required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $598 per credit hour Course Offerings

Drexel University  – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania PhD in Information Science Program Length:  24 post-master’s course credits Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Not Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $1,265 per credit hour Course Offerings

Emory University  – Atlanta, Georgia PhD Information Systems and Operations Management (ISOM) Program Length:  4 years Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $20,900 per semester Course Offerings

Florida State University  – Tallahassee, Florida Management Information Systems  Program Length:  27-33 credit hours yearly Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $479.32 per credit hour (resident) $1,110.72 per credit hour (non-resident) Course Offerings

Georgia State University  – Atlanta, Georgia Information Systems Program Length:  66 credits Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  Tuition will be completely covered if you are accepted into this program. For out-of-state graduate students, this represents a benefit of approximately $49,000 per year if you register for fall, spring and summer. Course Offerings 

Harrisburg University  – Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems Engineering & Management Program Length:  30 credit hours per semester Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $800 per semester hour Course Offerings 

Indiana University – Bloomington, Indiana PhD in Information Systems  Program Length:  40.5 credit hours Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $1,330 per credit hour Course Offerings 

Iowa State University – Ames, Iowa PhD in Information Systems  Program Length:  74 credits Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $10,504 (Resident), $23,790 (Non-resident) Course Offerings 

Michigan State University – East Lansing, Michigan PhD in Business Information Systems Program Length:  30 credit hours Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $769.50 per credit (Resident), $1,498.50 (Non-resident) Course Offerings

Mississippi State University – Mississippi State, Mississippi PhD in Business Information Systems Program Length:  71-74 credit hours Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $4,325 per term Course Offerings

New Jersey Institute of Technology – Newark, New Jersey Ph.D. in Information Systems Program Length:  33-48 credits Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $31,074 (resident) $40,802 (non-resident) Course Offerings   

New York University – New York, New York Doctoral Program in Information Systems Program Length:  5 years Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $111,616 (based on nine month academic year) Course Offerings 

Nova Southeastern University – Fort Lauderdale, Florida PhD in Information Systems  Program Length:  64 Credit hours Delivery Method:  Campus or Hybrid GRE Required:  Not Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $12,075 per term Course Offerings 

Purdue University – West Lafayette, Indiania PhD Management Information Systems Program Length:  4 Years Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  Tuition-waiver and other funding opportunities are provided for the entire four-year duration Course Offerings

Rutgers University – Newark, New Jersey Ph.D. in Accounting Information Systems Program Length: 72 credits Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $8,616.00 term (Resident) $14,652.00 term (Non-resident) Course Offerings

Temple University  – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania PhD Management Information Systems Program Length:  4 Years Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  All admitted students receive full financial support including tuition and stipend Course Offerings

Texas Tech University  – Lubbock, Texas Ph.D. in Business Administration, Concentration in Management Information Systems Program Length:  60 Semester credits Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $326 per credit (resident) $741 per credit (non-resident) Course Offerings

University of Arizona  – Tucson, Arizona Management Information Systems Program Length:  42 units Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $837 per unit (resident), $1,781 per unit (non-resident) Course Offerings

University of Arkansas – Fayetteville, Arkansas Information Systems PhD Program Length:  72 graduate semester credit hours beyond the bachelor’s degree and 42 graduate-only semester hours beyond the master’s degree Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:   $23,548 per academic year (resident), $40,766 per academic year (non-resident) Course Offerings 

University of Colorado Denver  – Denver, Colorado PhD. Computer Science and Information Systems  Program Length:  60 course hours Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $10​,760 per year (Resident) $31,640 per year (Non-resident) Course Offerings 

University of Georgia  – Athens, Georgia PhD in Business Administration (Management Information Systems) Program Length:  5 years Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $363 Credit hour (Resident), $1,029 Credit hour (Non-resident) Course Offerings 

University of Houston  – Houston, Texas Ph.D. in Management Information Systems (MIS) Program Length:  51 credit hours Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  Students receive a tuition waiver for four years (less student-paid fees). It is recommended to have a “fund” of $5,000 designated for paying the tuition every semester which will be reimbursed. Course Offerings 

  University of Illinois at Chicago  – Chicago, Illinois PhD in Management Information Systems Program Length:  60 Semester Hours Delivery Method:  Campus or Online GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $10,716 (in-state), $12,853 (out of state) per semester Course Offerings 

University of Iowa  – Iowa City, Iowa PhD in Management Sciences Program Length:  72 Semester Hours Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  100% covered tuition cost and fees Course Offerings =

University of Maryland  – College Park, Maryland Information Systems PhD Program Length:  42 Credits Minimum Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $717.00 per credit (resident), $1,548.00 per credit (non-resident) Course Offerings

University of Maryland Baltimore County  – Baltimore, Maryland Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems Program Length:  5 area courses Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $640.00 per credit (Maryland resident), $1,099.00 per credit (non-resident) Course Offerings 

University of Massachusetts-Amherst  – Amherst, Massachusetts PhD Program in Information Systems Program Length:  45 credits Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Not Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $8,262.00 Total Tuition & fees for 12+ credits (resident), $16,812.50 Total Tuition & fees for 12+ credits (non-resident) Course Offerings 

  University of Memphis  – Memphis, Tennessee Ph.D. in Management Information Systems Program Length:  60 hours (minimum) Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:  $609.00 per credit (TN Resident), $801.00 per credit (Non-TN Resident) Course Offerings 

University of Michigan-Dearborn – Dearborn, Michigan Ph.D. in Information Systems Engineering  Program Length:  50 hours Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Not Required 2020-2021 Tuition:   $406 per credit hour (Resident), $778 per credit hour (non-resident) Course Offerings 

University of North Carolina Charlotte – Charlotte, North Carolina Ph.D. in Computing and Information Systems Program Length:  72 post baccalaureate credit hours Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:   $2,168.50 for 9+ Credit Hour (NC resident), $8,885.50 for 9+ Credit Hour (NC resident) Course Offerings 

University of North Carolina Greensboro – Greensboro, North Carolina Ph.D. in Information Systems Program Length:  71-84 credit hours Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:   $3,700 per semester (in-state), $10,600 per semester (out-of-state) Course Offerings 

University of North Texas – Denton, Texas Information Systems Ph.D. Program Program Length:  Minimum of 69 hours of graduate credit beyond the Master’s degree or 99 hours of graduate credit beyond the Bachelor’s degree. Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:   $21,646 annual cost (resident), $29,332 annual cost (non-resident) Course Offerings 

University of Pennsylvania – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Ph.D information systems (IS) Program Length:  16 course credits are required for graduation Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Not Required 2020-2021 Tuition:   $39,470 plus the general fees and health insurance per academic year Course Offerings 

University of Pittsburgh – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania PhD in Information Systems and Technology Management Program Length:  12 Courses Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:   $1,308 per credit Course Offerings 

University of Rochester – Rochester, New York PhD in Business Administration major in Computers and Information Systems Program Length:  90 credit hours Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:   $1,925 per credit Course Offerings 

  University of South Florida – Tampa, Florida PhD in Business Administration Information Systems Concentration Program Length:  Minimum of 90 Credit Hours beyond the Bachelor’s Degree Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:   $431.43 per credit (resident), $863.64 per credit (non-resident) Course Offerings

University of Texas at Austin – Austin, Texas Information Systems Doctoral Program Program Length:  4 to 5 years Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:   $5,530 per semester (resident), $19,365 per semester (non-resident) Course Offerings

University of Texas at San Antonio – San Antonio, Texas Ph.D. in Information Technology Program Length:  84 semester credit hours Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:   $705.45 per semester credit hour (resident), $1,640.58 per semester credit hour (non-resident) Course Offerings 

  University of Texas Dallas – Dallas, Texas PhD in Management Science, Information Systems Concentration Program Length:  4 to 5 years Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:   $29,286 – $29,740 Total (resident), $53,128 – $54,364 Total (non-resident) Course Offerings 

University of Utah – Salt Lake City, Utah Ph.D. in Business Administration with a major field in Information Systems Program Length:  55 degree hours minimum Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:   $264.06 per credit hour (resident), $929.38 per credit hour (non-resident) Course Offerings 

University of Washington – Seattle, Washington Information Systems PhD Specialization Program Length:  30 Credits Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:   $16,590 annual tuition (resident), $20,881 annual tuition (non-resident) Course Offerings  

Washington State University – Pullman, Washington PhD in Management Information Systems Concentration Program Length:  37 Credits Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required 2020-2021 Tuition:   $23,485 per academic year (resident), $37,721 per academic year (non-resident) Course Offerings

Walton College – Fayetteville, Aarkansas PhD in Management Information Systems Concentration Program Length:  72 Credits Delivery Method:  Campus GRE Required:  Required Tuition : $23,548 per academic year (resident), $40,766 per academic year (non-resident) Course Offerings

Online Listings

University of Bridgeport – Bridgeport, Connecticut PhD Technology Management Delivery Method:  Online GRE Required:   minimum score of 155 in both Verbal and Quantitative Tuition : $31,305 per year Course Offerings

Capella University PhD in Information Technology Delivery Method : Online with in-person research seminars GRE Required : No Tuition : $965 per credit, $2,895 Comprehensive exam, Dissertation $2,895 per quarter Course Offerings

Capitol Technology University PhD in Technology Delivery Method: Online GRE Required : No Tuition: $933 per credit Course Offerings

University of the Cumberlands – Williamsburg, Kentucky PhD Information Systems Delivery Method:  Online GRE Required:   Tuition : $500/credit hour + $50 technology fee per Bi-term Course Offerings

Dakota State University – Madison, South Dakota PhD Information Systems Delivery Method:  Online GRE Required : Yes, taken within the last 5 years. Exceptions granted for those who meet specific prerequisites. Tuition : $34,500 Course Offerings

Northcentral University PhD Information Systems Delivery Method : Online GRE Required : No Tuition : $68,365 Course Offerings

Syracuse University Doctor of Professional Studies in Information Management Delivery Method : Online GRE Required : No Tuition : Scholarships, grants and fellowships available Course Offerings

Walden University PhD in Management Information Systems Management specialization Delivery Method : Hybrid GRE Required : No Tuition : $68,360 – $144,220 Course Offerings

2021 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for computer and information systems managers reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed January 2023.

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Department of Technology, Operations, and Statistics | Doctoral Program in Information Systems

Doctoral program in information systems.

  • Overview of the Doctoral Program in Information Systems

Program Requirements

Doctoral Courses

  • Doctoral Students and their Research
  • Information Systems Faculty

Overview of the IS Doctoral Program

Mission: To educate and train scholars who will produce first-rate IS research and who will succeed as faculty members in first-rate universities. We offer tracks in technical perspectives on IS, economic perspectives on IS, and organizational/management perspectives on IS. Admissions and performance: We enroll an average of three students each year out of more than 100 highly qualified applicants. Students enrolling typically have GMATS over 700 or GREs over 1400. International students typically have TOEFLs higher than 640. Our students are highly competitive within Stern and nationally. Recently our students have received school-wide awards as "outstanding doctoral students." They have won acceptance at doctoral consortia sponsored by the Academy of Management and the International Conference on Information Systems. And they have won national dissertation research competitions.

Advising and evaluation: The IS doctoral program faculty director advises all first-year doctoral students. During the first year students have many opportunities to get to know the research interests of all departmental faculty. By the beginning of the second year, students have selected a concentration advisor who will guide them through the comprehensive exam process and up to the thesis stage. By the middle of the third year students will have selected a thesis advisor. Each year every student submits a statement of intellectual progress to his/her advisor. All faculty meet to review the progress of all students in a day-long meeting each year. At this time, the student's intellectual progress is reviewed and plans for the following year are considered. The results of this review include a formal letter to the student assessing the previous year's work and offering guidance for the following year's work. All students take a comprehensive written and oral exam at the end of the second year. Students defend their thesis proposal by March of their fourth year and defend their completed dissertation at the end of the fourth year or during the fifth year.

Research and interaction with faculty: The heart of the IS doctoral program is immersion in a community of researchers. Every student has a formal research apprenticeship with one or more faculty members each year. Every student participates in formal and informal research seminars each week with departmental faculty and visitors. Every student presents research in progress and works toward producing publishable papers, usually with a faculty co-author. Students learn to be researchers by doing research. They learn to be research colleagues by working with others and critiquing their research.

Placement record: In the past ten years, our graduates have accepted faculty positions at such schools as University of California at Berkeley, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, University of Maryland, University of Minnesota, University of Texas at Austin, the University of British Columbia, National University of Singapore, The Wharton School and the University of Cambridge, UK.   Please click on the links on the right to learn how to apply, to attend an information session, and to contact the Stern School Doctoral Office. 

Natalia Levina Coordinator, Information Systems Doctoral Program IOMS Department


All students take a common core of courses during their first year which provides an overview of the major research areas in IS and the fundamental knowledge necessary for specialized course work in the second year. In the second year students take specialized course work in one of three concentrations: technical perspectives, economic perspectives, behavioral/managerial perspectives.  

Mandatory Breadth Courses (3)

  • Behavioral Research Methods
  • Micro-economics
  • Technical Foundations
  • Each student is required to take 1 Probability and 1 Statistics course, from a list of approved courses.
  • Technical Research in IS
  • Economics Research in IS
  • Behavioral/Managerial Research in IS
  • Research Apprenticeship

YEAR TWO - Each student chooses one concentration track

Technical Track:

  • A programming requirement, may be satisfied in a variety of ways
  • Honors Analysis of Algorithms
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Optimization
  • Database Systems
  • Machine Learning/Data Mining
  • Other courses based on student's interest
  • Research apprenticeship

Economics Track:

  • Mathematical Methods for Economists
  • Econometrics
  • Game Theory
  • Students will take elective courses in the Stern Economics Department, at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, in Operations Management, Statistics, or at Courant as specified in consultation with the advisor

Behavioral/Managerial Track:

  • Any two of the following four Stern Management Department Courses
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Managerial Cognition
  • Organizational Theory
  • At least one research methods or statistics course beyond the first year courses.
  • Students may take doctoral level courses in Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Public Policy, History, Education, or Law.
  • Electives in the area of interest
  • Thesis research
  • Teaching apprenticeship (in year 3 or 4)
  • Teaching one course (in year 3 or 4)
  • INFO-GB.3345 (B20.3345)  Doctoral Seminar in Digital Economics  (offered in Spr 2012) This course introduces students to scientific paradigms and research perspectives related to the economics of information technologies. Topics in 2012 include information goods, piracy, digital rights management, network economics, sponsored search auctions, user-generated content, contagion in networks, technological innovation, IT productivity, the digital commons and online privacy.  
  • INFO-GB.3382 (B20.3382)  Research Seminar on IT and Organizations: Social Perspectives (offered in Spr 2012) The course introduces students to sociological and organizational literature on the role of Information Technology in organizations and society.  
  • INFO-GB.3383 (B20.3383)  Networks, Crowds & Markets   
  • INFO-GB.3386 (B20.3386)  Technical Foundations of IS  
  • INFO-GB.3355 (B20.3355)  Behavioral Research Methods  
  • INFO-GB.3391 (B20.3391)  Research Seminar in Data Science   (offered in Spr 2012) In this course we will take a deep dive into selected topics in data science. The focus will be two-fold. First, we will read textbook segments, classic papers, and new research, with the goal of understanding research in data science. Second, we will study the actual practical application of data science methods to extract knowledge from large-scale data. We will cover topics such as machine learning, data mining, information retrieval, text classification, sentiment analysis, similarity analysis, network analysis, graphical models, Bayesian models, topic models, model evaluation, crowd-sourcing and micro-outsourcing, massive-scale data processing, reducing data for analytic purposes, and more. The selection of which topics are covered in a particular semester will be based on: (i) the current research and business environments, (ii) the research interests of the IS faculty, and (iii) the interests of the students in that semester. We also will discuss applications that are of current interest, such as recommender systems, social-network marketing, online advertising, Mechanical Turking, and more.


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PhD in Management Information Systems

Research in Information Systems and Technological Progress

The UIC Business PhD program in Management Information Systems educates and trains future scholars to establish successful careers as productive researchers, scientists and scholars at leading universities and research institutions. Our program stresses technical, economic and organizational/management aspects of information systems.

A STEM Degree Program

The PhD in Management Information Systems is approved as a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Designated Degree Program. Under the Optional Practical Training program, international students who graduate from the program are able to remain in the United States and receive training through work experience for up to 12 months, and can remain for an additional 24 months on an OPT STEM extension.

Learn More Heading link Copy link

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Meet the Team Heading link Copy link

  • Current PhD Students Learn more about the program and see whether you would be a good fit here at UIC by reading about our current students’ backgrounds and research interests.
  • Program Faculty Read about faculty areas of research and teaching focus.

Important Dates Heading link Copy link

The application deadline for this program is January 15.

Admission Heading link Copy link

Admission is competitive and applicants are considered on an individual basis. The college considers applications for full time degree seeking status for the Fall term only. The deadline to submit the application, fee and required materials is January 15. Please see the admissions section of our catalog for application requirements

Requirements and Dissertation Heading link Copy link


Breadth Requirement

Two introductory courses in any two functional areas of business, for example:

  • Operations management (IDS 532)
  • Accounting (ACTG 500)
  • Economics (ECON 520,521)
  • Finance (FIN 500)
  • Marketing (MKTG 500)
  • Management (MGMT 541)

These courses will not count towards the 64 semester hours required for entrants with a master’s degree.

Technical Requirements

  • Data Structures and Operating Systems (IDS 401)
  • Business Systems Analysis & Design (IDS 405)
  • Business Database Design (IDS 410)

Each course may be waived based on equivalent prior coursework or appropriate work experience in the technical area. These courses will not count towards the 64 semester hours requirement for entrants with a master’s degree.

Basic Competency

  • Advanced database management (IDS 520)
  • Distributed processing and telecommunication systems (IDS 521)
  • Enterprise application infrastructure (IDS 517)

Each course may be waived based on equivalent prior coursework or appropriate work experience in the technical area.

Research Methods: 3-4 courses (12-16 semester hours) including statistical methods in research, behavioral research methods overview, quantitative methods in research and additional courses to be decided in consultation with the director of the PhD program.

MIS Specialization: Minimum of six courses (24 credit hours) including two IDS research seminars (IDS 529), three specialized courses in areas of individual interest, IS research topics (IDS 525), and an additional courses in consultation with the director of the PhD program.

Additional doctoral-level course work, including dissertation: at least 8 courses (32 semester hours minimum.

IDS 599: PhD Thesis Research or additional doctoral-level course work chosen with the consent of the PhD coordinator and in consultation with the dissertation adviser. A maximum of 32 semester hours of thesis research can count toward the degree.

Annual Evaluation The student will write a research paper each year beginning the first summer in the program and continuing until the preliminary evaluation. An assessment of the summer paper will be conducted at the beginning of the fall semester each year that the student is in the program, except the first year. The evaluation will be conducted by a three-member faculty committee, which will include the PhD director as the chairperson, the student’s mentor and an MIS faculty member who has taught the student during that year.

Preliminary Examination The preliminary examination is normally taken upon successful completion of the required course work. In exceptional cases, the examination may be taken earlier upon recommendation of the MIS director of doctoral studies and the student’s PhD adviser. The Graduate College requires that “the preliminary examination may not be given before one calendar year of residence nor later than one calendar year before defense of the dissertation.”

The preliminary examination consists of an oral examination on the dissertation proposal and related material. The examination may cover any issues relevant to the topic addressed in the proposal and PhD common core and basic knowledge in the field of specialization related to the proposal.

For a full list of degree requirements, click here for the UIC Catalog .


A dissertation, which makes an original contribution to knowledge in MIS, is required and must be defended. Dissertations may address theoretical or applied problems. In most cases, a minimum of 24 semester hours will be required to prepare a dissertation acceptable to the committee. Up to 32 semester hours of credit can be awarded for successful completion of a dissertation.

Explore the UIC Catalog

Placements heading link copy link, 2023 placements.

  • Tengteng Ma, University of South Florida
  • Moh Hosseinioun, Postdoc, Northwestern University

2022 Placements

  • Ramah Al Balawi, Baruch College at CUNY

2021 Placements

  • Keran Zhao, T. Bauer College of Business, University of Houston
  • Atiya Avery, Auburn University
  • Ecem Basak, Baruch College, City University of New York

2020 Placements

  • Pankhuri Malhotra, Michael F. Price College of Business, The University of Oklahoma
  • Cheng Chen, Lubar School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

2018 Placements

  • Pouya Rahmati, Deloitte, University of Georgia (Prior)
  • Minghong Xu, Practice at Carey Business School, Johns Hopkins
  • Atiya Avery, University of Alabama in Huntsville
  • Amer Aljarallah, King Saud University
  • Sridhar R. Papagari Sangareddy, Centers for Disease Control
  • Mohan Thirumalai, University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Ivan Alfaro, Wellspring
  • Ferdi Eruysal, Texas A&M
  • Melike Findikogu, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
  • Doug Lundquist, UIC
  • Mauricio Vasquez, University of Puerto Rico
  • Poornima Krishnan, Instructor, North Central College / Research Analyst, Sullivan, Cotter & Associates
  • Sanjeev Jha, University of New Hampshire
  • Ariel Lapaz, Departamento de Control de Gestion y Sistemas de Informacion, Chile
  • Chen Ye, Virginia State University
  • Christina Outlay, DePaul University
  • Darrin Thomas, Morningstar Inc.
  • Dong Back Sen, University of Groningen, Netherlands
  • Kirill Yurov, Northeastern Illinois University
  • Kurian Tharakkunel, Rowan University, NJ
  • Chei Sian Lee, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • Kevin Desouza, University of Washington
  • Yifeng Zhang, University of Illinois at Springfield
  • John Warren, University of Texas at San Antonio
  • James Watson, CEO, Doculabs, Chicago
  • Kumar Mehta, University of Connecticut

CS 764 Topics in Database Management Systems

This course covers a number of advanced topics in the development of database management systems (DBMS) and the modern applications of databases. The topics discussed include query processing and optimization, advanced access methods, advanced concurrency control and recovery, parallel and distributed data systems, implications of cloud computing for data platforms, and data processing with emerging hardware. The course material will be drawn from a number of papers in the database literature. We will cover one paper per lecture. All students are expected to read the paper before coming to the lecture.

Prerequisites: CS 564 or equivalent. If you have concerns about meeting the prerequisties, please contact the instructor.

  • Red Book : Readings in Database Systems (5th edition) - edited by Bailis, Hellerstein, and Stonebraker.
  • Cow Book : Database Management Systems (3rd edition) - by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, McGraw Hill, 2003.

Lecture Format: Each lecture focuses on a classic or modern research paper. Students will read the paper and submit a review to before the lecture starts. Here is a sample review for the paper on join processing.

Course projects: A big component of this course is a research project. For the project, you pick a topic in the area of data management systems, and explore it in depth. Here are lists of suggested project topics created in 2020 and 2021 , but you are encouraged to select a project outside of the list. The course project is a group project, and each group must be of size 2-4. Please start looking for project partners right away. The course project will include a project proposal, a short presentation at the end of the semester, and a final project report. Here are three sample projects from previous years ( sample1 , sample2 , sample3 ). The presentations are organized as a workshop. Please see the program information for DAWN 2019 to have an idea of what it looks like. The project has the following deadlines:

  • Proposal due: Oct. 25
  • Presentation: Dec. 13 & 15
  • Paper submission: Dec. 18
  • CloudLab: (project name: NextGenDB)
  • Chameleon: (project name: ngdb)
  • Paper review: 15%
  • Project proposal: 10%
  • Project presentation: 10%
  • Project final report: 30%


Doctoral Studies in Information Systems & Management

Ph.D. Studies in Information Systems & Management

The doctoral program in Information Systems & Management at Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College prepares students with a deep understanding of the technical and organizational aspects of information systems.

At Heinz, we live and work at the critical nexus of information technology and public policy. Our Ph.D. in Information Systems & Management was created to train scholars to conduct innovative research that cuts across disciplines in order to address significant challenges in IT theory, strategy, management, and design as it relates to business and policy settings. 

Heinz College Ph.D. students enjoy close partnerships with faculty as they explore the complex and exciting interconnectedness of information systems, public policy, and management. Upon graduating, our Ph.D.s receive desirable placements at academic institutions, government agencies, and consulting firms.


Doctoral students take on a broad range of topics and problems, but some key areas of strength at Heinz College include:

As technology enables most content to be digitized, it is also upending business models, competition, and policy needs. From electronic health records, to streaming music and videos, to online social networks, digitization is rapidly affecting every part of the user experience, generating new jobs, and displacing old ones. Our faculty is working on a variety of projects under this broad umbrella. Some major projects are examining the role of social networks, online piracy, digital distribution, impact of mobile, the role of online education, and so on. Faculty and students use variety of methods like field experiments, analytical and structural models to study these questions.

Michael D. Smith and Rahul Telang are world recognized experts on the media industry and copyright policies who also head the IDEA research center.

Beibei Li is an expert on social media, mobile marketing, and understanding individuals’ online and offline decision making. 

Pedro Ferreira works on how people use technology in media and education, and is an expert on running randomized experiments.

Ramayya Krishnan  applies operations research tools to a variety of problems in this domain.

Our world-renowned faculty extensively works with both private firms and policy makers.  

We have multiple research centers like  IDEA ,  LARC , and  iLab  which collect large quantities of data to examine these issues.

Growth of big data has offered opportunities for development and application of novel statistical and computational methods for solving societal problems such as crime, policing, fraud detection, health care and more. To be able to use this data requires cutting edge work on developing new methods and machine learning algorithms. Heinz College has some of the top faculty who work at the intersection of machine learning and public policy.

Some key faculty members working in this space are Leman Akoglu , George Chen , Jeremy Weiss , and David Choi . Each of them is working on problems that intersect the need to use Machine Learning method to solve critical societal problems.

We also offer a joint degree in Machine Learning and Public Policy.

Data security and privacy has increasingly become a complex issue that goes beyond mere technology. Faculty at Heinz College are working on understanding users’ security and privacy decisions using economics, behavioral economics, and data analytics frameworks. This leading edge research is at the forefront of designing better tools and better regulations.

Alessandro Acquisti is an expert on economics of privacy and has done path-breaking work in this space.

Rahul Telang ’s work illustrates that firms may not do enough to protect user data, and highlights how we should design our policies.

Leman Akoglu uses large-scale data to understand our security and privacy vulnerabilities.

This group also works closely with faculty from CyLab , an interdisciplinary research center. This work is highly influential, widely cited, and extensively funded.

This group's research is motivated by information technology's important role in improving health care for patients, hospitals, and doctors. Technology is extensively used in detecting outbreaks, in providing superior quality of care at lower costs, and in prevention of medical errors.

Rema Padman studies IT adoption in hospitals and physical practices. 

Rahul Telang studies the role of electronic health records.

Martin Gaynor is a world-renowned expert on health policy and examines how technology can help improve policy outcomes.

Amelia Haviland examines the role of insurance policies and how they affect patient welfare.

As in other domains, our work on health care and IT is highly influential and has led to significant publications and extensive funding.

Ph.D. Curriculum

The pre-dissertation stage of the Ph.D. in Information Systems & Management is structured around two sets of requirements: coursework and preliminary papers.

Coursework is designed to build methodological skills, modeling competence, and substantive depth.

Preliminary papers illustrate your ability to produce effective research that exhibits your readiness to begin the dissertation.

  • A three-semester   Ph.D. Seminar Series   focusing on the research process
  • Two semesters of   Advanced Electives offering depth in specialized fields
  • Quantitative Methods Cluster   of courses in statistics, econometrics, and machine learning
  • Two semesters of coursework in   Social and Policy Sciences
  • Concentration Area Requirement , combining research and courses to support your research agenda and long-term professional objectives
  • Two semester-long  Technology Classes

Admission to candidacy means that all requirements of the Ph.D. program preliminary to the dissertation have been fulfilled. In addition to satisfying all coursework requirements, you must also meet the following research requirements:

  • First- and second-year Research Papers meeting current Ph.D. requirements
  • Dissertation focused on Information Systems topic as per judgment of Ph.D. committee

While fulfilling these requirements, you'll work closely with the faculty to develop individualized programs of study and research that meet your goals.

Terry College of Business, University of Georgia

PhD In Management Information Systems

MIS Department

Program Overview

The PhD in Business Administration with a focus in Management Information Systems is a five-year full-time program. Consistently ranked among the best information systems PhD programs worldwide, the program is known for its cutting-edge research and support from actively publishing faculty.

The program prepares future information systems academics by providing strong foundations in a broad range of methods spanning psychometrics, econometrics, computational, design, and qualitative and by providing a strong emphasis in theory development to address important business and societal problems.

Given that information systems are ubiquitous and influence every aspect of life — individuals’ personal and work life, their transactions and interactions, organizational processes, outcomes, and interorganizational relationships, online platforms, markets, governments and society — the information systems field is broad and interdisciplinary and affords research opportunities across a diverse range of topics.

The research approach in the program is problem-focused, theory-based, and method-inclusive (i.e., all methods are welcome and no one single method is favored). Our PhD program provides you with significant individual flexibility, while at the same time ensuring you acquire the necessary conceptual and methodological skills to become a scholarly leader in our field.

Priority deadline: January 4

Applications after January 4 will also be considered until spots are filled

Elena headshot

  • C.Herman and Mary Virginia Terry Distinguished Chair of Business Administration, UGA Distinguished Research Professor and Professor , Department of Management Information Systems

Why a PhD in MIS?

There are five compelling reasons to join our program:

Research Productivity

We are among the most research-productive groups, consistently ranked in the top 10 or top 15 departments worldwide in publications in the top two IS journals ( MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research ). Further, several of our faculty have won multiple research grants and awards for outstanding research.

Internationally Renowned Faculty

Our faculty includes a former president of the Association for Information Systems (Richard Watson), two Leo Award winners — the highest award in the field (Richard Watson and Elena Karahanna) — and three AIS Fellows (Richard Watson, Hugh Watson and Elena Karahanna).

Editorial Appointments

Our faculty includes current and former senior editors at MIS Quarterly , Information Systems Research , and the Journal of the Association for Information Systems , associate editors at MIS Quarterly , Information Systems Research , Management Science , and the Journal of the Association for Information Systems , and editorial board members of the Journal of Management Information Systems and Strategic Management Journal , among others.

Weekly Research Seminars

In these weekly seminars top scholars from around the world present and discuss their research. The PhD students have the opportunity to interact and discuss their research with these scholars in a meeting after the seminar.

Student Focus

Our culture is collaborative and supportive and one in which we view our students as junior colleagues. Students are provided extensive mentoring, support, and personal attention given our one-to-one faculty-student ratio. Evidence of the quality of mentoring is the outstanding placement of doctoral students and the plethora of journal papers co-authored with our faculty (over 100 publications in the past 10 years). Students can work with multiple faculty, not just their dissertation chair as they develop as scholars.

Typical Course Sequence

  • MIST 9700 : IS Research Fundamentals
  • MIST 9770 : Research Methods
  • MIST 9760 : Foundational IS Theories and Emerging IS Phenomena
  • MIST 9780 : Workshop & MTP
  • Multivariate Statistics
  • MIST 9750 : User Behavior and Technology Innovation 1
  • MIST 9777 : Big Data Research Methods
  • MGMT 9620 : Econometrics for Strategic Management
  • GRSC 7770 : Teaching Seminar
  • MIST 8990 : Directed Study
  • First Year Exam (May)
  • First Year Summer Paper due (beginning of Fall Semester)
  • MIST 9790 : Combining Machine Learning and Econometrics
  • MGMT 9610 : Introduction to SEM
  • MIST 9710 : Digital Strategy and Digital Innovation 1
  • MIST 9740 : Qualitative Research Methods
  • Research Methods Elective
  • Written & Oral Prelims
  • Second Year Summer Paper due (beginning of Fall Semester)
  • MIST 9000 : Doctoral Research
  • Dissertation Proposal Defense
  • MIST 9300 : Doctoral Dissertation 
  • MIST 9300 : Doctoral Dissertation
  • MIST 9300 : Doctoral Dissertation
  • Dissertation Defense 2
  • MIST 9750 and MIST 9710 are offered every other year. Some incoming PhD student cohorts will take MIST 9750 in their first year and MIST 9710 in their second year and others will take MIST 9750 in their second year and MIST 9710 in their first year.  ↩︎
  • Dissertation defense occurs in the spring of their fifth year.  ↩︎

Our PhD graduates are placed in top research universities around the world.


Departments and program offices.

  • PhD Program Office
  • Department of Management Information Systems

UGA Resources

  • Graduate School
  • Financial Aid

Additional Information

  • Current PhDs
  • Faculty Research

phd topics in database management system

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Best Online Doctorates in Management Information Systems: Top PhD Programs, Career Paths, and Salary

The best online PhDs in Management Information Systems train students to become researchers at the cutting edge of information technology (IT). The field of management information systems studies how new technologies are used by businesses and governments, and this field is constantly changing as new technologies are created.

An online management information systems PhD program helps IT professionals prepare for research positions, either at universities or at large corporations that develop their own IT systems. This article provides an overview of the top schools that offer online PhDs in Management Information Systems and covers the best management information system jobs.

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Can you get a phd in management information systems online.

Yes, you can get a PhD in Management Information Systems online. This degree is designed for students who want to complete a doctoral degree while still working either part-time or full-time. An online PhD program makes it possible for students to attend online classes and meet graduation requirements from home.

Remember, a PhD degree is different from a doctorate degree . A PhD degree includes a dissertation and prepares graduates to become researchers, while a doctorate degree is designed to prepare graduates for non-academic careers.

Is an Online PhD Respected?

Yes, an online PhD is respected. Online learning is much more common today than it was in the past, and employers know that legitimate online degrees are as good as in-person degrees. However, prospective students need to be careful of degree scams. The best way to do this is to make sure that the program is offered by an accredited school.

What Is the Best Online PhD Program in Management Information Systems?

The best online PhD in Management Information Systems is Dakota State University’s PhD in Information Systems. The program has optional foundational courses for students who don’t have a background in management information systems, 60 required credits in core courses, and 12 mandatory credits in writing a dissertation.

Why Dakota State University Has the Best Online PhD Program in Management Information Systems

Dakota State University has the best online PhD program because it is affordable and can be completed by students who don’t have a master’s degree. Tuition is only $470.45 per credit for residents or $580.60 per credit for non-residents, while other programs charge two or even three times as much.

This is one of the few programs that allows students to enroll even if they don’t have a master’s degree . The minimum education requirement is a bachelor’s degree, and it doesn’t have to be in management information systems. Getting to skip the master’s degree means you don’t need to pay for yet another degree, helping you avoid student debt.

Best Online Master’s Degrees

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Online PhD in Management Information Systems Admission Requirements

The admission requirements for an online PhD in Management Information Systems are a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0, GRE or GMAT scores, and some previous education or experience in IT. Most schools also require a resume or CV, a statement of purpose, one or more recommendation letters, and any official transcripts from previous degrees.

International students who are not native English speakers or who have not earned a previous undergraduate or graduate degree from an English-speaking institution will have to show proof of English language proficiency. Exams like the TOEFL or IELTS fulfill this requirement.

  • A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with a GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Official GMAT or GRE test scores
  • Prior education or experience in IT
  • Official transcripts
  • Resume or CV
  • Statement of purpose
  • Letters of recommendation

Best Online PhDs in Management Information Systems: Top Degree Program Details

Best online phds in management information systems: top university programs to get a phd in management information systems online.

The top PhD in Management Information Systems programs are offered by universities including Bowling Green State University, Dakota State Universisty, and Indiana State University. These university programs and more of the best online PhDs in Management Information Systems are described in detail below.

Bowling Green State University (BGSU) is a public research university with humble beginnings that date back to 1910. The university offers over 200 nationally recognized programs to 15,218 undergraduate and 3,107 graduate students. 

PhD in Technology Management

In this program, students take 66 credit hours spread over general technology, research skills, technical specialization, and professional studies courses. For their technical specialization, students can choose from digital communications, construction management, human resource development and training, quality systems, and manufacturing systems.

Students are required to take nine credit hours in professional studies. Students can fulfill this requirement through independent study, elective courses, or an internship. This is a flexible requirement that each student will define with their supervising instructor and it is designed to give students the chance to develop skills for their specific career path.

PhD in Technology Management Overview

  • Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission
  • Program Length: 3-4 years
  • Acceptance Rate: N/A
  • Tuition: $484.20/credit hour (resident); $495.20/credit hour (non-resident)

PhD in Technology Management Admission Requirements

  • Master’s degree in a relevant field from an accredited university
  • Minimum GPA of 3.5
  • GRE or GMAT scores (no minimum score)
  • Career goal statement essay
  • 5 letters of recommendation
  • CV with 6,000 hours or 3 years professional technology management experience
  • Letters of verification from previous employers

The Perdeceo Education Corporation founded Colorado Technical University (CTU) as a private, for-profit university in 1965. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs, both online and in person. Although the school has its main campus in Colorado Springs, about 92 percent of its students are enrolled in fully-online programs . CTU has no affiliation with the state of Colorado.

Doctor of Computer Science - Cybersecurity and Information Assurance

This 100-credit graduate program teaches students how to vigilantly monitor systems and networks to stay ahead of cyber criminals. Students will learn corporate information security, digital systems security, and enterprise security architecture. The program also includes credits in dissertation development.

Doctor of Computer Science - Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Overview

  • Program Length: 3 years
  • Tuition and Fees: $598/credit

Doctor of Computer Science - Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in a related field
  • Minimum GPA of 2.0
  • Proof of English proficiency
  • Entrance essay
  • Doctoral interview

This public university was established as a teacher’s training school in 1881. Today, Dakota State University (DSU) offers undergraduate and graduate programs with student services to ensure success in students’ academic journeys and careers. In 2015, the National Security Agency selected DSU as an education partner to allow agency employees to work towards a Bachelor’s Degree in Cyber Operations. 

PhD in Information Systems

This 72-credit-hour program requires students to write a cutting-edge dissertation worth 12 credit hours and take 60 credit hours of graduate-level courses. This program has a multidisciplinary approach that emphasizes the application of information systems to organization and management systems. 

PhD in Information Systems Overview

  • Program Length: 3-7 years
  • Tuition: $470.45/credit hour (resident); $580.60/credit (non-resident)

PhD in Information Systems Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from an accredited institution
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Essential knowledge of business fundamentals and information systems through work experience or undergraduate or graduate courses
  • Completion of foundational courses if prior degrees not related to information systems 

George Washington University (GW) is a private research university that was founded in 1821 by the US Congress. It offers degree programs in 71 disciplines and has over 26,000 students enrolled. GW has an active alumni association with more than 310,000 alumni, where students can find mentorship and networking opportunities.

PhD in Systems Engineering

The program teaches students how to manage risk exposure, develop models and techniques for analyzing systems, and design large-scale systems. Students will work directly with a faculty advisor to write and publish their dissertation. The program is also known for its robust integrated research, teaching, and public service approach.

PhD in Systems Engineering Overview

  • Accreditation: Middle State Commission on Higher Education
  • Tuition and Fees: $1,570/credit

PhD in Systems Engineering Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in related field
  • GRE with scores about 50th percentile in each section (optional through fall 2023)
  • Submit required transcripts
  • 3 letters of recommendation from supervisors familiar with your research experience and academic potential

Established in 1865, Indiana State University is a public university with over 100 undergraduate majors and 75 graduate and professional programs. All incoming freshmen who apply for federal financial aid are automatically considered for a Sycamore Technology Award to receive a free new laptop for their studies.

This 66-credit-hour program prepares students for leadership positions in both the public and the private sectors. Students will choose a specialization from construction management, digital communication systems, human resource development and industrial training, manufacturing systems, and quality systems. The program is only open to students who live in the US or Canada.

  • Program Length: 4.5 years
  • Tuition: $432/credit hour (in state); $562 (out of state)
  • GRE or GMAT scores
  • A current CV
  • 5 letters of recommendation from supervisors who can speak to the candidate’s academic potential
  • Career goals statement
  • At least 6,000 hours or 3 years of work experience in technology management with letter(s) of verification from employer

Jerry Falwell Senior and Elmer Towns founded Liberty University as a private evangelical university in 1971. The school offers various programs across its 15 colleges to over 100,000 students on campus and online. The university requires students to follow an honor code based on the Christian faith.

Doctor of Business Administration in Information Technology and Systems

This program prepares students for a career in business through academic research and practical training. This 60-credit-hour degree covers strategic supply chain management and enterprise model courses, and students will learn how to use information systems to solve large-scale business problems. This degree does not have a dissertation requirement.

Doctor of Business Administration in Information Technology and Systems Overview

  • Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
  • Tuition and Fees: $565/hour (full-time students); $615/hour (part-time students)

Doctor of Business Administration in Information Technology and Systems Admission Requirements

  • Master’s degree in business or related field
  • Official college transcripts
  • Proof of English proficiency (for non-native English speakers)

Donald Hecht founded Northcentral University (NCU) as a private, for-profit university in 1996, but in 2018 the National University System acquired NCU and converted it to a non-profit school. NCU has six schools from which it offers online undergraduate and graduate programs. All programs have weekly start dates, so students can enroll whenever they are ready.

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"Career Karma entered my life when I needed it most and quickly helped me match with a bootcamp. Two months after graduating, I found my dream job that aligned with my values and goals in life!"

Venus, Software Engineer at Rockbot

PhD in Technology Management, Information Systems Specialization

The program prepares students for leadership roles in information systems. The course will require the completion of 60 credit hours on a wide range of topics in information systems. Upon graduation, students will have an in-depth understanding of the management of technology and be able to start one of the top careers in information technology .

PhD in Technology Management, Information Systems Specialization Overview

  • Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Senior College and University Commission
  • Program Length: 4-5 years
  • Tuition: $1,111/credit

PhD in Technology Management, Information Systems Specialization Admission Requirements

  • Master’s degree from an accredited institution
  • Proof of English proficiency for international students
  • Technical requirements to join an online program, including internet access, email, and the ability to download attachments

Purdue University is a public, land-grant research university. It was established in 1869 and named after the Lafayette businessman, John Purdue. Purdue University offers online associate degrees , bachelor’s degrees, and graduate degrees in 15 different disciplines.

Doctor of Technology

The Doctor of Technology degree at Purdue is a 90-credit-hour program that will teach students strategic leadership and research skills to excel in roles like chief technology officer and technical architect. After students complete their first full semester, an advisory committee will work with them to establish their study plan and dissertation topic.

Doctor of Technology Overview

  • Tuition and Fees: $1,050/credit (resident); $1,250/credit (non-resident)

Doctor of Technology Admission Requirements

  • Master’s degree from an accredited university
  • 3 letters of recommendation
  • Official transcripts from all institutions

University of the Cumberlands was founded by Baptist ministers in 1888 as Cumberland College and today is still a faith-based school. It has more than 19,000 students in online and in-person undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs. The average class size at the University of the Cumberlands is only 27 students.

PhD in Information Technology

In this PhD program, students will complete 18 credit hours in core information technology courses, 21 credit hours of professional research working on their dissertations, and 21 credit hours in a specialty of their choosing. The available specializations are information systems security, information technology, digital forensics, and blockchain.

PhD in Information Technology Overview

  • Program Length: 5 years
  • Tuition and Fees: $500/credit hour

PhD in Information Technology Admission Requirements

  • Master’s degree in a related field
  • TOEFL or IELTS scores to prove English language proficiency for non-native English speakers

Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) is a private research university. Founded in 1885, it was one of the first engineering and technology universities in the US. WPI has 18 academic departments and offers over 70 undergraduate and graduate degree programs. All courses at WPI use project-based learning to give students a hands-on educational experience.

PhD in Systems Engineering Online

The 60-credit-hour degree instructs students in systems engineering through 30 credits of advanced courses and 30 credits of research. This program requires a qualifying exam before students complete more than 18 credits and a public dissertation defense after the final PhD dissertation certification.

PhD in Systems Engineering Online Overview

  • Accreditation: New England Commission on Higher Learning
  • Program Length: 5-10 years
  • Acceptance Rate: 0-2 candidates per review period
  • Tuition and Fees: $1,610/credit

PhD in Systems Engineering Online Admission Requirements

  • Master of Science in Systems Engineering
  • Statement of purpose and statement of research purpose

Online Management Information Systems PhD Graduation Rates: How Hard Is It to Complete an Online PhD Program in Management Information Systems?

It can be difficult to complete an online PhD in Management Information Systems. A 2017 study estimates that up to 70 percent of online doctoral students don’t finish their program compared to 50 percent of in-person doctoral students.

When PhD students feel more connected to their academic advisor and fellow graduate students, they are more likely to graduate. However, these relationships can be difficult to cultivate online.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in Management Information Systems Online?

It takes about five to seven years to get a PhD in Management Information Systems online. To complete the degree, you need to take 30 to 50 credits of advanced coursework and complete and defend a dissertation. Your own particular situation will affect how long it takes you to complete these requirements and graduate.

If you can enroll in online classes and commit to your dissertation full-time, you may be able to complete the program in three to five years. If you are only able to work on your doctoral degree part-time, or if you need to take a break for professional or personal reasons, it may take up to 10 years.

How Hard Is an Online Doctorate in Management Information Systems?

An online doctorate in management information systems is hard but manageable. The coursework will be enjoyable if you have a high aptitude for mathematics and technology, but it will require a lot of time to study and master. If you have previous experience with programming languages from your bachelor’s or master’s degree, the curriculum will be easier for you.

Since this program is online, the flexible schedule will provide you with enough time to learn at your own pace and repeat sections of courses that you have trouble with. However, not being able to go to campus and meet with your advisor in person can make the experience isolating. Many online graduate students struggle to find the motivation to finish these difficult degrees.

Best PhD Programs

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What Courses Are in an Online Management Information Systems PhD Program?

The courses in an online management information systems PhD include information systems design and management, advanced topics in information security, and advanced database management systems. These programs also cover research methods, dissertation credits, and research seminars.

Main Areas of Study in a Management Information Systems PhD Program

  • IT systems design and management
  • Information security
  • Database management
  • Research methods

How Much Does Getting an Online Management Information Systems PhD Cost?

The average tuition cost for a graduate program is $19,314 per year , according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). This figure will vary depending on the school you attend and whether you decide to enroll as a full-time or part-time student. The tuition cost may also vary in state and out of state.

NCES also reports that the average cost at a public institution is only $12,171 per year for in-state tuition, while private institutions charge an average of $25,929 per year. With such a wide range of costs, it’s important to research several programs before deciding on one.

How to Pay for an Online PhD Program in Management Information Systems

You can pay for an online PhD in Management Information Systems by choosing a fully or partially-funded program and applying for federal financial aid, graduate student scholarships , or private loans. Doctoral students should exhaust all available scholarship or grant options before considering private loans.

How to Get an Online PhD for Free

There are no free online PhDs. However, students can consider the least expensive online PhD programs and choose the most affordable ones. Some schools offer fully funded options which means that doctoral students can access various aid options such as grants, scholarships, residencies, and academic jobs.

What Is the Most Affordable Online PhD in Management Information Systems Degree Program?

The most affordable online PhD in Management Information Systems degree program is the PhD in Technology Management from Indiana State University. This program costs $432 per credit hour for residents, making it much more affordable than a program like George Washington University’s systems engineering PhD, which costs $1,570 per credit.

Most Affordable Online PhD Programs in Management Information Systems: In Brief

Why you should get an online phd in management information systems.

You should get an online PhD in Management Information Systems because it will increase your chances of securing upper management-level roles or academic research positions. This career progression will also mean higher salaries and better benefits packages that come with high-level jobs.

Top Reasons for Getting a PhD in Management Information Systems

  • Learn how to create knowledge. A good PhD pushes you from being a passive consumer of knowledge to creating new knowledge through research. You’ll also develop problem-solving skills that you can innovatively apply in your career.
  • Become an expert. Obtaining a PhD will help you develop highly specialized skills in the field of management information systems. You’ll be able to provide advice and guidance due to your level of expertise.
  • Gain an edge in the job market. An advanced degree will always give you a competitive advantage when it comes to job opportunities. It increases your credibility and proves your expertise in the management information systems field.
  • Become a scholar. This study program will allow you to contribute to the debate about up-and-coming topics at academic conferences. The in-depth research you do during your dissertation will also prepare you to author peer-reviewed articles that could be featured in leading journals.

Best Master’s Degree Programs

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What Is the Difference Between an On-Campus Management Information Systems PhD and an Online PhD in Management Information Systems?

The difference between an on-campus and an online PhD in Management Information Systems is the learning method. Although both degrees are respected and credible, potential doctoral students should consider the critical differences outlined below before choosing a program format.

Online PhD vs On-Campus PhD: Key Differences

  • Learning process. An online PhD has a more flexible learning approach. Students will attend online classes, access their learning materials online, and study on their own schedule. An on-campus PhD will require students to be physically present on the campus where they’ll take their classes, which can take more time overall.
  • Level of interaction. Online students can interact more frequently with faculty and peers, though only through online methods. It may be easier to attend office hours and communicate with classmates in an on-campus program. 
  • Cost. The cost of an online degree program is often lower than an on-campus program. Students will not have to pay some miscellaneous fees that only apply to on-campus students.
  • Digital literacy. Unlike traditional learning, getting a degree online will require doctoral students to be extremely digitally literate. Students will learn to be comfortable in online learning management systems and troubleshooting fundamental technical difficulties.

How to Get a PhD in Management Information Systems Online: A Step-by-Step Guide

A woman looking at a blueprint of a building on a computer.

To get a PhD in Management Information Systems online, you need to complete a program from start to finish. The section below will guide you through the steps to getting your management information systems PhD online.

The first step to earning your doctoral degree is applying to one or more schools school offering an online PhD in Management Information Systems. This process will include filling out the application form, paying the application fee, and providing relevant documents like letters of recommendation or a master’s degree in a related field.

After you are accepted to one or more programs, you need to decide on a program and enroll before the official deadline. At this stage, you might also be asked to choose an academic advisor and pick a specialization.

The next step is to pick your courses with the help of your academic advisor and start going to class. The program will have specific requirements for which types of classes to take. During this primary stage, you will gain in-depth expertise on the subject matter and begin formulating potential ideas for your research.

Before you continue on to the final phase of the PhD, your advising committee will require you to show a comprehensive understanding of the material by passing a comprehensive exam or a qualifying exam. This examination may be written, oral, or both. The faculty will use your performance in this examination to determine your readiness for the dissertation process.

A dissertation requires years of intensive research. You’ll gather evidence and write a multi-chapter dissertation that will transform you from a student into a scholar. You will need to submit a proposal for your academic advisor to approve. Next, you can begin your independent research and writing.

After completing your dissertation, your faculty advisors have to approve it. The approval stage will also involve a final defense where you will present your work and give detailed answers to questions concerning your research, analysis, and conclusion. The program may also require you to meet specific professional standards. You will earn your PhD after the approvals.

Online PhD in Management Information Systems Salary and Job Outlook

When it comes to career outlook and earning potential, an online PhD in Management Information Systems gives you access to opportunities in diverse career fields. With your new skills and knowledge, you will be able to bypass junior-level roles and jump into higher-level positions in the career fields discussed below.

What Can You Do With an Online Doctorate in Management Information Systems?

With an online Doctorate in Management Information Systems, you can become a network engineer , computer network architect, or information research scientist. You can also pursue an academic career where you will teach graduate and undergraduate students in the computer science department of a college or university.

Best Jobs with a PhD in Management Information Systems

  • Computer and Information Research Scientist
  • Computer Hardware Engineer
  • Computer Network Architect
  • Computer Programmer
  • Computer System Analyst

Potential Careers With a Management Information Systems Degree

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What Is the Average Salary for an Online PhD Holder in Management Information Systems?

According to PayScale, the average salary for a PhD in Management Information Systems is $129,000 per year. However, you might earn more or less depending on your job title, location, and years of experience. As you gain more years of experience, your salary will increase as you progress in your career.

Highest-Paying Management Information Systems Jobs for PhD Grads

Best management information systems jobs for online phd holders.

The best management information systems jobs for online PhD holders involve coordinating and directing computer-related activities for businesses and organizations. The best jobs for this degree also include information security management roles where you will protect networks and information systems of large organizations.

Computer and information research scientists are responsible for designing innovative uses for new technologies. They explore computing problems and develop theories to address those problems. They also develop new computing languages, software systems, and tools to improve how people work with computers.

  • Salary with a Management Information Systems PhD: $131,490
  • Job Outlook: 22% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 33,000
  • Highest-Paying States: Oregon, Arizona, Texas, Massachusetts, Washington

Computer hardware engineers work with software developers to ensure that computer hardware components function seamlessly with the latest software. They conduct research and design and oversee the manufacturing process for new computer hardware. They are also responsible for Internet-ready computer systems built into new cars, home appliances, and medical devices.

  • Salary with a Management Information Systems PhD: $128,170
  • Job Outlook: 2% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 66,200
  • Highest-Paying States: California, Washington, Virginia, Oregon, Nevada

Computer network architects are also known as network engineers. They work to ensure information security when building and designing communication networks. To become a network architect , you must have extensive knowledge of an organization's business plans and work with equipment and software vendors to monitor upgrades and support the networks.

  • Salary with a Management Information Systems PhD: $120,520
  • Job Outlook: 5% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 165,200
  • Highest-Paying States: New Jersey, Rhode Island, Deleware, Virginia, Maryland

Computer system analysts study the computer systems, procedures, and designs in an organization and work to improve them. They use various techniques such as data modeling to view processes and data flows. System analysts who monitor the installation of IT systems from start to finish may be called IT project managers.

  • Salary with a Management Information Systems PhD: $99,270
  • Job Outlook: 7% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 607,800
  • Highest-Paying States: California, District of Columbia, Massachusetts, Washington, New Jersey

Computer programmers use some of the most popular programming languages such as C++ and Java to write, modify, test, and fix code. They work with code that allows computer software and applications to function effectively. Programmers also create new features in existing programs.

  • Salary with a Management Information Systems PhD: $93,000
  • Job Outlook: 10% job decline from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 185,700
  • Highest-Paying States: Washington, California, Virginia, District of Columbia, Massachusetts

Is It Worth It to Do a PhD in Management Information Systems Online?

Yes, it is worth it to do a PhD in Management Information Systems online if you want to progress into leadership roles or advance your academic career in management information systems. A management information systems doctoral program offers diverse opportunities for career progression.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment rate for computer and information systems managers will grow 11 percent through 2030. This rate is faster than the average for all occupations. Management information systems is an important and growing field that offers interesting opportunities for a fulfilling career.

Additional Reading About Management Information Systems


Online PhD in Management Information Systems FAQ

Yes, an online PhD is recognized by employers. However, the online school offering this program must be an accredited university if you want a credible degree. If you want to earn a doctoral degree but can’t fit a traditional degree program into your tight schedule, you can earn your PhD online.

No, you can’t complete a PhD in one year. Typically, an online PhD in Management Information Systems will require about four to seven years to complete. The length of a PhD will depend on the exact program. Some schools structure their program for a more intensive degree, allowing you to graduate in only three years.

Yes, it is possible to get accepted into a PhD program with only an undergraduate degree. The conventional route is first to obtain a master’s degree, students can opt to save money and time and enroll in a PhD program without getting a master’s degree if they can demonstrate strong academic performance.

A PhD thesis or dissertation is usually between 60,000 and 80,000 words long, not including the bibliography, footnotes, and appendices. However, the size of a dissertation will depend on your specific research project.

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Prof. Bouros has a long experience in advising and (co-)supervising undergraduate and graduate student projects.

The Data Management group offers interesting topics for theses (bachelor or master) on query processing, database systems and information systems. Some suggested topics can be found in the following link (last update on October 18, 2023). Interested students can also suggest their own topics of interest.

For more information contact Prof. Bouros via email ( ).

Ongoing (first by type, then in alphabetical order)

  • Christian Rauch, Doctorate thesis Temporal Information Retrieval (working title)
  • Achilleas Michalopoulos, Doctorate thesis Partitioning and Indexing Techniques for Scalable Spatial Query Evaluation University of Ioannina Primary supervisor: Prof. Nikos Mamoulis
  • Dimitrios Tsitsigkos, Doctorate thesis Join Operators for Complex Data University of Ioannina Primary supervisor: Prof. Nikos Mamoulis
  • Samia Mubarika Goraya, Master thesis Comparing State-of-the-Art NLP Techniques for Information Extraction from Systems Neuroscience Publications
  • Giorgos Kotsinas, Master thesis Querying intervals (working title) University of Ioannina Primary supervisor: Prof. Nikos Mamoulis
  • Tobias Laures, Master thesis Academic Social Neworks-Spatial Evolution of Scientific Communities
  • Joshua Kempter, Bachelor thesis Managing and visualizing systems neuroscience data (working title)
  • Dennis Scheck, Bachelor thesis Managing and visualizing systems neuroscience data (working title)

Completed (by completion year)

  • 2024 - Julius Hoffmann, Bachelor thesis A Graphical Interface for Managing Geosocial networks
  • 2024 - Patrick Götz, Bachelor thesis A graphical user interface for systems neuroscience data
  • 2024 - Jan Raider, Bachelor thesis A Graphical User Interface for Managing Interval Data
  • 2024 - Timo Suk, Master thesis Route Inference as a Tool for Generating Training Data for ML-based tasks University of Kostanz Primary supervisor: Dr. Theodoros Chondrogiannis
  • 2023 - Yazhou Pan, Bachelor thesis Processing spatial keyword search queries
  • 2023 - Lina Khidair, Bachelor thesis An interactive graphical user interface for systems neuroscience graph data
  • 2023 - Huu Duy Nguyen, Bachelor thesis Path Diversification for Evacuation Planning
  • 2023 - Nina Röckelein, Bachelor thesis Measuring the Attractiveness of Transportation Modes using Relative Reachability and Mobility Patterns University of Kostanz Primary supervisor: Dr. Theodoros Chondrogiannis
  • 2023 - Abed Al Rahman Sansour, Bachelor thesis A Graphical User Interface for generating Geosocial networks
  • 2023 - George Christodoulou, PhD thesis Interval Data Management in Main Memory Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina, Greece Primary supervisor: Prof. Nikos Mamoulis
  • 2023 - Arjanit Arifi, Bachelor thesis Training ETA models with recovered routes
  • 2023 - Maximilian Detlef Zerbe, Bachelor thesis Spatio-textual outlier detection
  • 2023 - Adrian Kissinger, Bachelor thesis Selecting geospatial data on maps for routing applications
  • 2023 - David Betz, Bachelor thesis Extending the EURASIM Interface for Evacuation Planning in Urban Areas
  • 2022 - Judith Kunz, Master thesis Finding Similarity Through Dissimilarity: Utilizing path dissimilarity for role extraction in networks University of Kostanz Primary supervisor: Dr. Theodoros Chondrogiannis (for Prof. Dr. Michael Grossniklaus)
  • 2022 - Samia Mubarika Goraya, Bachelor thesis Generating complex and composite data
  • 2022 - Claudia Berenice Perez Martinez, Bachelor thesis An interactive interface for generating road networks
  • 2022 - Lisa-Patricia Barth, Master thesis App-Based Specification and Visualization of User Preferences in Routing Primary supervisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Kramer
  • 2021 - Yannic Marcel Moog, Bachelor thesis Extending k -Shortest Paths with Limited Overlap
  • 2021 - Marc Araujo Conde, Bachelor thesis A Database with Amnesia Primary supervisor: Prof. Dr. Felix Schuhknecht
  • 2021 - Daniel-Valentin Kowalski, Bachelor thesis Evaluating GeoSocial Reachability Queries
  • 2021 - Christian Häcker, Bachelor thesis k -Most Diverse Near-Shortest Paths
  • 2020 - Artur Titkov, Bachelor thesis Spatially Combined Text Searches
  • 2019 - Mohamed Masarwa, Bachelor thesis Monitoring Geo-Social Influence in Location-Aware Social Networks
  • 2019 - Alina Gerhards, Master thesis Equi-joins on GPU

Primary supervisor: Prof. Bertil Schmidt

  • 2019 - Matthias Sawatzky, Bachelor thesis A Web Application for Analysis and Comparison of k-Shortest Paths with Limited Overlap Algorithms on Road Networks
  • 2017 - Theodoros Chondrogiannis, PhD thesis Efficient Algorithms for Route Planning Problems on Road Networks Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy Primary supervisor: Prof. Johann Gamper
  • 2016 - Shuyao Qi, PhD thesis Advanced Ranking Queries on Composite Data Department of Computer Science, University of Hong Kong, China PR Primary supervisor: Prof. Nikos Mamoulis
  • 2016 - Jens C. B. Madsen and Benjamin Petersen, Graduate student project Continuous Monitoring of Geo-Socially Influential Users

Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University, Denmark

  • 2016 - Tobias Sommer, Graduate student project Outlier detection on spatio-temporal data
  • 2015 - Florian Hönicke, Diploma thesis Optimizing Set Similarity Joins on MapReduce Department of Computer Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany Primary supervisor: Prof. Johann-Christoph Freytag
  • 2015 - John Liagouris, Doctorate thesis Web Data Management with Applications in Privacy (in greek) School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
  • 2014 - Anja Kunkel, Undergraduate student project (Studienarbeit) Set Containment Joins using Two Prefix Trees Department of Computer Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
  • 2012 - Shen Ge, PhD thesis Advanced analysis and join queries in multidimensional spaces Department of Computer Science, University of Hong Kong, China PR Primary supervisor: Prof. Nikos Mamoulis
  • 2009 - Dora Kontogianni, Diploma thesis GRAPHIT-DB: Graph Data Management System (II) (in greek) School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
  • 2009 - Vassilis Giannopoulos, Diploma thesis P-Miner+: Portal Catalogs Administration Supporting Usage Data Mining Processes (in greek) School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
  • 2008 - John Liagouris and Trifon Farmakakis, Diploma thesis DataBase supported Reasoning System (DBRS) (in greek) School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
  • 2007 - Lemonia Boula, Diploma thesis GRAPHIT-DB: Graph Data Management System (I) (in greek) School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
  • 2006 - Theodore Galanis, Diploma thesis P-Miner: Portal Catalogs Administration Supporting Usage Data Mining Processes (in greek) School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

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Management Information Systems

The Ph.D. program in Management Information Systems is NOW accepting applications for Fall 2012.

The MIS doctoral program will not accept applications in 2020.

Due to our large MIS PhD class enrollment in Fall 2019, we do not expect to be able to enroll students in Fall 2020.

“I am interested in information technology (IT) and its application in organizations. I have an interest in research, teaching about, and in helping to invent a future around, applications of IT.”

If that sounds like you, keep reading; this may be the first step towards an exciting and promising career!

Ph.D. versus MS

Deciding between getting a Ph.D. or an MS? (Note: a master's degree is not required in order to pursue a Ph.D.) Typical differences between working in academia with a Ph.D. versus working in industry with an MS:

  • Individuals with a Ph.D. create knowledge; individuals with an MS apply knowledge (e.g., created by those with a Ph.D.).
  • A Ph.D. enables an individual to choose and work in the areas and issues that pique his or her interest. An individual with an MS typically works on problems that are important to others (e.g., his or her supervisor).
  • Individuals with a Ph.D. get paid for learning new things; individuals with an MS typically pay to learn new things (e.g., by taking advanced classes).
  • Individuals with a Ph.D. have many more opportunities to teach undergraduate and/or graduate classes.

What is Management Information Systems?

MIS faculty teach and research about the application of information systems in organizations. This includes the study of social networks, cloud computing, IT consumerization, virtual reality, negotiation systems, collaboration technologies, office automation, electronic payments, strategic information systems, electronic commerce, collective intelligence, tele-medicine, electronic markets, social media, information requirements analysis, systems development methods, enterprise resource planning systems, systems implementation, adoption, and diffusion, mobile computing, and much more. The information technologies and systems we teach and research transform people’s lives, jobs and, for industry after industry, business models, products, supply chains, and distribution channels.

We are also interested in the implications of those technologies for people and society; personal privacy, infrastructure dependency, security, safeguarding of intellectual property, and IT-related stress all capture the interest of MIS faculty. So too do the political implementations of the internet, the evolution of the field, and IT in developing nations. And that’s just today! Ours is one of the most dynamic fields; the area your dissertation will focus on in several years may not have even been conceived of today.

In addition to furthering your knowledge about information systems, you will be given the opportunity to develop the research skills and mindset necessary to be a successful scholar. In our seminars, as well as those you will take in other disciplines, you will learn about research methods, data analysis approaches, and theories applicable to your research. You will also gain necessary teaching expertise and experience.

MIS Faculty Spotlight

Please follow the links below in order to get an idea of the depth and breadth of research being pursued by our MIS faculty.

*Faculty noted with an asterisk have been recognized as being in the top 3% of MIS researchers.

You are also most welcome to contact Randolph Cooper , the MIS Ph.D. coordinator. Before doing so please look over the materials on this web site. Many of your questions will be answered here.

Student Initial Placements

One hundred percent of our Ph.D. graduates who desired academic employment were placed in one of the following academic institutions.

Arizona State University Baylor College of Medicine Dankook University (South Korea) INCAE (Costa Rica) Iowa State University Kennesaw State University Louisiana State University Murray State University Ohio University Penn State University Southern University – New Orleans Texas Christian University Texas Southern University U. Tunku Abdul Rahman (Malaysia) University of Alaska – Anchorage

University of Central Missouri University of Colorado – Denver University of Georgia University of Houston University of Houston – Clear Lake University of Melbourne (Australia) University of Missouri – St. Louis University of Nevada – Reno University of North Florida University of Saint Thomas University of South Florida University of Southern Indiana University of Texas – San Antonio University of Tulsa University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee

Ph.D. Dissertation Topics

Rather than restrict our students’ research to specific topics in information systems, students have the freedom to explore topics in which they have strong interests. When these topics require expertise not available within our MIS faculty, we are happy to draw from other disciplines within the University of Houston as well as from other Universities in order to create appropriate dissertation committees. Below are some dissertation topics that have been explored by our past Ph.D. students.

Dissertation options


Database Management Systems

phd topics in database management system

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed varius ultricies metus. Donec ac ex porta libero venenatis sodales. Sed efficitur eget risus sed molestie. Nulla blandit bibendum metus ut sagittis. Etiam quis semper justo. Sed tristique facilisis felis ut tincidunt. Phasellus auctor convallis nisl ut accumsan. Suspendisse ullamcorper fermentum lectus, vel tincidunt ligula mollis sit amet. Aliquam at ante at elit efficitur tincidunt a quis neque. Donec ut pulvinar metus. Pellentesque lobortis volutpat eros sed sagittis. Nunc rutrum ex eu auctor tristique. Maecenas suscipit vestibulum nunc nec placerat. Phasellus blandit augue nunc, consequat consectetur augue placerat sed. Aenean fermentum scelerisque lectus, sit amet ultricies ex interdum bibendum. Quisque porttitor, enim maximus convallis gravida, dui arcu lacinia libero, quis ornare nibh elit pharetra massa.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed varius ultricies metus. Donec ac ex porta libero venenatis sodales. Sed efficitur eget risus sed molestie. Nulla blandit bibendum metus ut sagittis. Etiam quis semper justo. Sed tristique facilisis felis ut tincidunt. Phasellus auctor convallis nisl ut accumsan. Suspendisse ullamcorper fermentum lectus, vel tincidunt ligula mollis sit amet. Aliquam at ante at elit efficitur tincidunt a quis neque. Donec ut pulvinar metus. Pellentesque lobortis volutpat eros sed sagittis.

Video courses to build new skills from start to finish. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, feugiat delicata liberavisse id cum, no quo maiorum intellegebat, liber regione eu sit. Mea cu case ludus integre. Amber Ivy  (Grancie Company)


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  1. Research Area: DBMS

    Berkeley also gave birth to many of the most widely-used open source systems in the field including INGRES, Postgres, BerkeleyDB, and Apache Spark. Today, our research continues to push the boundaries of data-centric computing, taking the foundations of data management to a broad array of emerging scenarios.

  2. 10 Current Database Research Topic Ideas in 2024

    This is one of the latest research topics in database management systems[9]. Definition. Time difference database technology is designed to handle time zone differences in online systems. By leveraging this, it's possible to create a multi-module educational administration system that can handle users from different parts of the world, with ...

  3. An Updated Guide on Where to Apply for a PhD in Databases in the US

    UC San Diego — Arun Kumar is the junior database faculty member at UCSD that is cranking out great papers. He has mostly been focused on building better management tools and systems for ML workloads, such as for training models and operating over unstructured data (e.g., images, audio).

  4. PhD Database Management Programs 2024+

    Salary and Job Outlook. You may expect to earn a high salary with a PhD Database Management. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual salary for computer and information systems was $164,070 in 2022. Also, an increase of 15 percent related to employment in this field is expected from 2022 to 2032.

  5. Ph.D. in Information Systems

    Master's vs. a Ph.D. in Information Systems. Within the U.S. academic system, a Master's Degree in Information Systems will lead you down the research path, to a point. Culminating in a master's thesis, a master's degree program typically takes 2 years to complete and is considered a shorter and less in-depth application of your coursework than a PhD.

  6. TOPS

    We will cover topics such as machine learning, data mining, information retrieval, text classification, sentiment analysis, similarity analysis, network analysis, graphical models, Bayesian models, topic models, model evaluation, crowd-sourcing and micro-outsourcing, massive-scale data processing, reducing data for analytic purposes, and more.

  7. PhD in Management Information Systems

    The PhD in Management Information Systems is approved as a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Designated Degree Program. ... Advanced database management (IDS 520) Distributed processing and telecommunication systems (IDS 521) ... (IDS 529), three specialized courses in areas of individual interest, IS research topics (IDS ...

  8. CS 764 Topics in Database Management Systems

    The topics discussed include query processing and optimization, advanced access methods, advanced concurrency control and recovery, parallel and distributed data systems, implications of cloud computing for data platforms, and data processing with emerging hardware. The course material will be drawn from a number of papers in the database ...

  9. Ph.D. Studies in Information Systems & Management

    At Heinz, we live and work at the critical nexus of information technology and public policy. Our Ph.D. in Information Systems & Management was created to train scholars to conduct innovative research that cuts across disciplines in order to address significant challenges in IT theory, strategy, management, and design as it relates to business and policy settings.

  10. Ph.D. in Business with an Information Systems and Technology Management

    Learn about the Information Systems and Technology Management doctoral program at the George Washington University School of Business. ... The program is designed to explore diverse research topics in information systems, including digital transformation, IS economics, digital strategy, e-commerce, artificial intelligence (AI), and other ...

  11. PhD In Management Information Systems

    The PhD in Business Administration with a focus in Management Information Systems is a five-year full-time program. Consistently ranked among the best information systems PhD programs worldwide, the program is known for its cutting-edge research and support from actively publishing faculty. The program prepares future information systems ...

  12. PhD in Database Systems

    PhD in Database Systems. Earning a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Information Systems can provide you with an expert perspective on information technologies - including database systems - and their impact on organizations. Review the program length, coursework, online availability, and job outlook and salary potential for doctorate-holders in ...

  13. Best Online PhDs in Management Information Systems

    The courses in an online management information systems PhD include information systems design and management, advanced topics in information security, and advanced database management systems. These programs also cover research methods, dissertation credits, and research seminars. Main Areas of Study in a Management Information Systems PhD Program

  14. Theses

    Theses. Prof. Bouros has a long experience in advising and (co-)supervising undergraduate and graduate student projects. The Data Management group offers interesting topics for theses (bachelor or master) on query processing, database systems and information systems. Some suggested topics can be found in the following link (last update on ...

  15. PhD in Information Systems Programs 2024+

    Potential Careers for PhD in Management Information Systems Graduates Individuals who earn a doctorate degree in management information systems are qualified to become postsecondary teachers. The BLS notes that the demand for college-level teachers specializing in computer science topics is expected to grow by 8% between 2022 and 2032, and that ...

  16. Information Systems and Business Analytics

    12 credit-hours of doctoral level Information Systems and Business Analytics courses (or directed study) Substitutions (or waivers) for the six seminar courses may be permitted by the Director of the PhD program in IS. Such substitutions, if any, will be from courses in related areas, such as Accounting, Management, or Finance.

  17. Ph.D. Program in MIS

    Individuals with a Ph.D. create knowledge; individuals with an MS apply knowledge (e.g., created by those with a Ph.D.). A Ph.D. enables an individual to choose and work in the areas and issues that pique his or her interest. An individual with an MS typically works on problems that are important to others (e.g., his or her supervisor).

  18. 19024 PDFs

    Kerry Brian Walsh. Thakur Prasad Bhattarai. A farm management information system (MIS) entails record keeping based on a database management system, typically using a client-server architecture, i ...

  19. PhD programmes in Information Systems in United States

    27,980 EUR / year. 5 years. The mission of the Information Systems and Operations Management Ph.D. Program at University of Florida is to educate scholars who will make substantial contributions in their field of research. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus. University of Florida Gainesville, Florida, United States.

  20. Information Systems Management

    Explore our PhD in Management Information Systems Management specialization. In this specialization, you will explore an integrative approach to all aspects of organizations, including people, processes, technology, systems, and management. Focus your studies on developing knowledge, systems integration and application, and teaching to yield ...

  21. PhDs in Business & Management: Five Hot Research Topics

    Here, course leaders identify five of the most in-demand areas of business research. 1. Managing technology & innovation. "Management of innovation and technology is of particular importance right now," says Sabatier. "Questions about R&D, strategy and business models, and innovation are very important both from a theoretical and ...

  22. Top 10 Topics for PhD. in Management: A Guide for Topic ...

    Before delving into specific topics, it's essential to gain a holistic understanding of the research landscape in management. In this comprehensive blog, we will delve into the top 10 trending ...

  23. Database Management Systems

    Aliquam at ante at elit efficitur tincidunt a quis neque. Donec ut pulvinar metus. Pellentesque lobortis volutpat eros sed sagittis. Nunc rutrum ex eu auctor tristique. Maecenas suscipit vestibulum nunc nec placerat. Phasellus blandit augue nunc, consequat consectetur augue placerat sed. Aenean fermentum scelerisque lectus, sit amet ultricies ...