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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, 50 great argumentative essay topics for any assignment.

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At some point, you’re going to be asked to write an argumentative essay. An argumentative essay is exactly what it sounds like—an essay in which you’ll be making an argument, using examples and research to back up your point.

But not all argumentative essay topics are created equal. Not only do you have to structure your essay right to have a good impact on the reader, but even your choice of subject can impact how readers feel about your work.

In this article, we’ll cover the basics of writing argumentative essays, including what argumentative essays are, how to write a good one, and how to pick a topic that works for you. Then check out a list of argumentative essay ideas to help you get started.

What Is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is one that makes an argument through research. These essays take a position and support it through evidence, but, unlike many other kinds of essays, they are interested in expressing a specific argument supported by research and evidence.

A good argumentative essay will be based on established or new research rather than only on your thoughts and feelings. Imagine that you’re trying to get your parents to raise your allowance, and you can offer one of two arguments in your favor:

You should raise my allowance because I want you to.

You should raise my allowance because I’ve been taking on more chores without complaining.

The first argument is based entirely in feelings without any factual backup, whereas the second is based on evidence that can be proven. Your parents are more likely to respond positively to the second argument because it demonstrates that you have done something to earn the increased allowance. Similarly, a well-researched and reasoned argument will show readers that your point has a basis in fact, not just feelings.

The standard five-paragraph essay is common in writing argumentative essays, but it’s not the only way to write one. An argumentative essay is typically written in one of two formats, the Toulmin model or the Rogerian model.

The Toulmin model is the most common, comprised of an introduction with a claim (otherwise known as a thesis), with data to support it. This style of essay will also include rebuttals, helping to strengthen your argument by anticipating counterarguments.

The Rogerian model analyzes two sides of an argument and reaches a conclusion after weighing the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Both essay styles rely on well-reasoned logic and supporting evidence to prove a point, just in two different ways.

The important thing to note about argumentative essays as opposed to other kinds of essays is that they aim to argue a specific point rather than to explain something or to tell a story. While they may have some things in common with analytical essays, the primary difference is in their objective—an argumentative essay aims to convince someone of something, whereas an analytical essay contextualizes a topic with research.


What Makes a Good Argumentative Essay?

To write an effective argumentative essay, you need to know what a good one looks like. In addition to a solid structure, you’ll need an argument, a strong thesis, and solid research.

An Argument

Unlike other forms of essays, you are trying to convince your reader of something. You’re not just teaching them a concept or demonstrating an idea—you’re constructing an argument to change the readers’ thinking.

You’ll need to develop a good argument, which encompasses not just your main point, but also all the pieces that make it up.

Think beyond what you are saying and include how you’re saying it. How will you take an idea and turn it into a complex and well thought out argument that is capable of changing somebody’s mind?

A Strong Thesis

The thesis is the core of your argument. What specific message are you trying to get across? State that message in one sentence, and that will be your thesis.

This is the foundation on which your essay is built, so it needs to be strong and well-reasoned. You need to be able to expand on it with facts and sources, not just feelings.

A good argumentative essay isn’t just based on your individual thoughts, but research. That can be citing sources and other arguments or it can mean direct research in the field, depending on what your argument is and the context in which you are arguing it.

Be prepared to back your thesis up with reporting from scientific journals, newspapers, or other forms of research. Having well-researched sources will help support your argument better than hearsay or assumptions. If you can’t find enough research to back up your point, it’s worth reconsidering your thesis or conducting original research, if possible.


How to Come Up With an Argumentative Essay Topic

Sometimes you may find yourself arguing things you don’t necessarily believe. That’s totally fine—you don’t actually have to wholeheartedly believe in what you’re arguing in order to construct a compelling argument.

However, if you have free choice of topic, it’s a good idea to pick something you feel strongly about. There are two key components to a good argumentative essay: a strong stance, and an assortment of evidence. If you’re interested and feel passionate about the topic you choose, you'll have an easier time finding evidence to support it, but it's the evidence that's most important. 

So, to choose a topic, think about things you feel strongly about, whether positively or negatively. You can make a list of ideas and narrow those down to a handful of things, then expand on those ideas with a few potential points you want to hit on.

For example, say you’re trying to decide whether you should write about how your neighborhood should ban weed killer, that your school’s lunch should be free for all students, or that the school day should be cut by one hour. To decide between these ideas, you can make a list of three to five points for each that cover the different evidence you could use to support each point.

For the weed killer ban, you could say that weed killer has been proven to have adverse impacts on bees, that there are simple, natural alternatives, and that weeds aren’t actually bad to have around. For the free lunch idea, you could suggest that some students have to go hungry because they can’t afford lunch, that funds could be diverted from other places to support free lunch, and that other items, like chips or pizza, could be sold to help make up lost revenue. And for the school day length example, you could argue that teenagers generally don’t get enough sleep, that you have too much homework and not enough time to do it, and that teenagers don’t spend enough time with their families.

You might find as you make these lists that some of them are stronger than others. The more evidence you have and the stronger you feel that that evidence is, the better the topic.  Of course, if you feel that one topic may have more evidence but you’d rather not write about it, it’s okay to pick another topic instead. When you’re making arguments, it can be much easier to find strong points and evidence if you feel passionate about our topic than if you don't.


50 Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas

If you’re struggling to come up with topics on your own, read through this list of argumentative essay topics to help get you started!

  • Should fracking be legal?
  • Should parents be able to modify their unborn children?
  • Do GMOs help or harm people?
  • Should vaccinations be required for students to attend public school?
  • Should world governments get involved in addressing climate change?
  • Should Facebook be allowed to collect data from its users?
  • Should self-driving cars be legal?
  • Is it ethical to replace human workers with automation?
  • Should there be laws against using cell phones while driving?
  • Has the internet positively or negatively impacted human society?


  • Should college athletes be paid for being on sports teams?
  • Should coaches and players make the same amount of money?
  • Should sports be segregated by gender?
  • Should the concept of designated hitters in baseball be abolished?
  • Should US sports take soccer more seriously?
  • Should religious organizations have to pay taxes?
  • Should religious clubs be allowed in schools?
  • Should “one nation under God” be in the pledge of allegiance?
  • Should religion be taught in schools?
  • Should clergy be allowed to marry?
  • Should minors be able to purchase birth control without parental consent?
  • Should the US switch to single-payer healthcare?
  • Should assisted suicide be legal?
  • Should dietary supplements and weight loss items like teas be allowed to advertise through influencers?
  • Should doctors be allowed to promote medicines?


  • Is the electoral college an effective system for modern America?
  • Should Puerto Rico become a state?
  • Should voter registration be automatic?
  • Should people in prison be allowed to vote?
  • Should Supreme Court justices be elected?
  • Should sex work be legalized?
  • Should Columbus Day be replaced with Indigenous Peoples’ Day?
  • Should the death penalty be legal?
  • Should animal testing be allowed?
  • Should drug possession be decriminalized?


  • Should unpaid internships be legal?
  • Should minimum wage be increased?
  • Should monopolies be allowed?
  • Is universal basic income a good idea?
  • Should corporations have a higher or lower tax rate?
  • Are school uniforms a good idea?
  • Should PE affect a student’s grades?
  • Should college be free?
  • Should Greek life in colleges be abolished?
  • Should students be taught comprehensive sex ed?


  • Should graffiti be considered art or vandalism?
  • Should books with objectionable words be banned?
  • Should content on YouTube be better regulated?
  • Is art education important?
  • Should art and music sharing online be allowed?


How to Argue Effectively

A strong argument isn’t just about having a good point. If you can’t support that point well, your argument falls apart.

One of the most important things you can do in writing a strong argumentative essay is organizing well. Your essay should have a distinct beginning, middle, and end, better known as the introduction, body and opposition, and conclusion.

This example follows the Toulmin model—if your essay follows the Rogerian model, the same basic premise is true, but your thesis will instead propose two conflicting viewpoints that will be resolved through evidence in the body, with your conclusion choosing the stronger of the two arguments.


Your hook should draw the reader’s interest immediately. Questions are a common way of getting interest, as well as evocative language or a strong statistic

Don’t assume that your audience is already familiar with your topic. Give them some background information, such as a brief history of the issue or some additional context.

Your thesis is the crux of your argument. In an argumentative essay, your thesis should be clearly outlined so that readers know exactly what point you’ll be making. Don’t explain all your evidence in the opening, but do take a strong stance and make it clear what you’ll be discussing.

Your claims are the ideas you’ll use to support your thesis. For example, if you’re writing about how your neighborhood shouldn’t use weed killer, your claim might be that it’s bad for the environment. But you can’t just say that on its own—you need evidence to support it.

Evidence is the backbone of your argument. This can be things you glean from scientific studies, newspaper articles, or your own research. You might cite a study that says that weed killer has an adverse effect on bees, or a newspaper article that discusses how one town eliminated weed killer and saw an increase in water quality. These kinds of hard evidence support your point with demonstrable facts, strengthening your argument.

In your essay, you want to think about how the opposition would respond to your claims and respond to them. Don’t pick the weakest arguments, either— figure out what other people are saying and respond to those arguments with clearly reasoned arguments.

Demonstrating that you not only understand the opposition’s point, but that your argument is strong enough to withstand it, is one of the key pieces to a successful argumentative essay.

Conclusions are a place to clearly restate your original point, because doing so will remind readers exactly what you’re arguing and show them how well you’ve argued that point.

Summarize your main claims by restating them, though you don’t need to bring up the evidence again. This helps remind readers of everything you’ve said throughout the essay.

End by suggesting a picture of a world in which your argument and action are ignored. This increases the impact of your argument and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

A strong argumentative essay is one with good structure and a strong argument , but there are a few other things you can keep in mind to further strengthen your point.

When you’re crafting an argument, it can be easy to get distracted by all the information and complications in your argument. It’s important to stay focused—be clear in your thesis and home in on claims that directly support that thesis.

Be Rational

It’s important that your claims and evidence be based in facts, not just opinion. That’s why it’s important to use reliable sources based in science and reporting—otherwise, it’s easy for people to debunk your arguments.

Don’t rely solely on your feelings about the topic. If you can’t back a claim up with real evidence, it leaves room for counterarguments you may not anticipate. Make sure that you can support everything you say with clear and concrete evidence, and your claims will be a lot stronger!

What’s Next?

No matter what kind of essay you're writing, a strong plan will help you have a bigger impact. This guide to writing a college essay is a great way to get started on your essay organizing journey!

Brushing up on your essay format knowledge to prep for the SAT? Check out this list of SAT essay prompts to help you kickstart your studying!

A bunch of great essay examples can help you aspire to greatness, but bad essays can also be a warning for what not to do. This guide to bad college essays will help you better understand common mistakes to avoid in essay writing!

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Melissa Brinks graduated from the University of Washington in 2014 with a Bachelor's in English with a creative writing emphasis. She has spent several years tutoring K-12 students in many subjects, including in SAT prep, to help them prepare for their college education.

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300 Questions and Images to Inspire Argument Writing

Recent Student Opinion and Picture Prompts, categorized by topic, to help students discover the issues that matter to them.

argumentative essay topics 2020

By The Learning Network

Update: This list is available as a PDF .

If you’ve taught argument writing with our resources in the past, you already know we ask a fresh question every day as part of our long-running Student Opinion series . Teenagers around the world are invited to visit and post their thoughts on topics including politics, medical ethics, fashion, sports and entertainment.

We’ve rounded up lists of these prompts in the past, but this year we’re doing something new: Below you can find a categorized collection of all our recent, relevant Student Opinion questions, but alongside them we’re also including related Picture Prompts. These short, image-based forums are accessible to learners of all ages, but still provide engaging jumping-off points to help students make and support claims.

For instance, let’s say your class is interested in meme culture. A Student Opinion question asks, “ Do Memes Make the Internet a Better Place? ” and invites students to read and weigh in on a New York Times article that examines the role of memes in how teenagers process world events. Over 700 students have already submitted their thoughts .

But if you scan the “Technology and Social Media” category below, you’ll see we also have a Picture Prompt that asks a more direct, concrete question: “ What are your favorite memes? ” For many, that may be a fun, comfortable place to start.

So give your students both “voice and choice” by inviting them to find the questions and format that speak to them. All the prompts below are still open for comment. We look forward to seeing which ones inspire the most passionate arguments, and we invite your class to submit the results to our Eighth Annual Editorial Contest .

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argumentative essay topics 2020

52 Argumentative Essay Ideas that are Actually Interesting

What’s covered:, how to pick a good argumentative essay topic, elements of a strong argumentative essay, argumentative essay idea example topics.

Are you having writer’s block? Coming up with an essay topic can be the hardest part of the process. You have very likely encountered argumentative essay writing in high school and have been asked to write your own. If you’re having trouble finding a topic, we’ve created a list of 52 essay ideas to help jumpstart your brainstorming process! In addition, this post will cover strategies for picking a topic and how to make your argument a strong one. Ultimately, the goal is to convince your reader. 

An argumentative essay tasks the writer with presenting an assertion and bolstering that assertion with proper research. You’ll present the claim’s authenticity. This means that whatever argument you’re making must be empirically true! Writing an argumentative essay without any evidence will leave you stranded without any facts to back up your claim. When choosing your essay topic, begin by thinking about themes that have been researched before. Readers will be more engaged with an argument that is supported by data.

This isn’t to say that your argumentative essay topic has to be as well-known, like “Gravity: Does it Exist?” but it shouldn’t be so obscure that there isn’t ample evidence. Finding a topic with multiple sources confirming its validity will help you support your thesis throughout your essay. If upon review of these articles you begin to doubt their worth due to small sample sizes, biased funding sources, or scientific disintegrity, don’t be afraid to move on to a different topic. Your ultimate goal should be proving to your audience that your argument is true because the data supports it.

The hardest essays to write are the ones that you don’t care about. If you don’t care about your topic, why should someone else? Topics that are more personal to the reader are immediately more thoughtful and meaningful because the author’s passion shines through. If you are free to choose an argumentative essay topic, find a topic where the papers you read and cite are fun to read. It’s much easier to write when the passion is already inside of you!

However, you won’t always have the choice to pick your topic. You may receive an assignment to write an argumentative essay that you feel is boring. There is still value in writing an argumentative essay on a topic that may not be of interest to you. It will push you to study a new topic, and broaden your ability to write on a variety of topics. Getting good at proving a point thoroughly and effectively will help you to both understand different fields more completely and increase your comfort with scientific writing.

Convincing Thesis Statement

It’s important to remember the general essay structure: an introduction paragraph with a thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. A strong thesis statement will set your essay up for success. What is it? A succinct, concise, and pithy sentence found in your first paragraph that summarizes your main point. Pour over this statement to ensure that you can set up your reader to understand your essay. You should also restate your thesis throughout your essay to keep your reader focused on your point.

Ample Research

A typical argumentative essay prompt may look like this: “What has been the most important invention of the 21st century? Support your claim with evidence.” This question is open-ended and gives you flexibility. But that also means it requires research to prove your point convincingly. The strongest essays weave scientific quotes and results into your writing. You can use recent articles, primary sources, or news sources. Maybe you even cite your own research. Remember, this process takes time, so be sure you set aside enough time to dive deep into your topic.

Clear Structure

If the reader can’t follow your argument, all your research could be for nothing! Structure is key to persuading your audience. Below are two common argumentative essay structures that you can use to organize your essays.

The Toulmin argument and the Rogerian argument each contain the four sections mentioned above but executes them in different ways. Be sure to familiarize yourself with both essay structures so that your essay is the most effective it can be.

The Toulmin argument has a straightforward presentation. You begin with your assertion, your thesis statement. You then list the evidence that supports your point and why these are valid sources. The bulk of your essay should be explaining how your sources support your claim. You then end your essay by acknowledging and discussing the problems or flaws that readers may find in your presentation. Then, you should list the solutions to these and alternative perspectives and prove your argument is stronger.

The Rogerian argument has a more complex structure. You begin with a discussion of what opposing sides do right and the validity of their arguments. This is effective because it allows you to piece apart your opponent’s argument. The next section contains your position on the questions. In this section, it is important to list problems with your opponent’s argument that your argument fixes. This way, your position feels much stronger. Your essay ends with suggesting a possible compromise between the two sides. A combination of the two sides could be the most effective solution.

  • Is the death penalty effective?
  • Is our election process fair?
  • Is the electoral college outdated?
  • Should we have lower taxes?
  • How many Supreme Court Justices should there be?
  • Should there be different term limits for elected officials?
  • Should the drinking age be lowered?
  • Does religion cause war?
  • Should the country legalize marijuana?
  • Should the country have tighter gun control laws?
  • Should men get paternity leave?
  • Should maternity leave be longer?
  • Should smoking be banned?
  • Should the government have a say in our diet?
  • Should birth control be free?
  • Should we increase access to condoms for teens?
  • Should abortion be legal?
  • Do school uniforms help educational attainment?
  • Are kids better or worse students than they were ten years ago?
  • Should students be allowed to cheat?
  • Is school too long?
  • Does school start too early?
  • Are there benefits to attending a single-sex school?
  • Is summer break still relevant?
  • Is college too expensive?

Art / Culture

  • How can you reform copyright law?
  • What was the best decade for music?
  • Do video games cause students to be more violent?
  • Should content online be more harshly regulated?
  • Should graffiti be considered art or vandalism?
  • Should schools ban books?
  • How important is art education?
  • Should music be taught in school?
  • Are music-sharing services helpful to artists?
  • What is the best way to teach science in a religious school?
  • Should fracking be legal?
  • Should parents be allowed to modify their unborn children?
  • Should vaccinations be required for attending school?
  • Are GMOs helpful or harmful?
  • Are we too dependent on our phones?
  • Should everyone have internet access?
  • Should internet access be free?
  • Should the police force be required to wear body cams?
  • Should social media companies be allowed to collect data from their users?
  • How has the internet impacted human society?
  • Should self-driving cars be allowed on the streets?
  • Should athletes be held to high moral standards?
  • Are professional athletes paid too much?
  • Should the U.S. have more professional sports teams?
  • Should sports be separated by gender?
  • Should college athletes be paid?
  • What are the best ways to increase safety in sports?

Where to Get More Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas

If you need more help brainstorming topics, especially those that are personalized to your interests, you can use CollegeVine’s free AI tutor, Ivy . Ivy can help you come up with original argumentative essay ideas, and she can also help with the rest of your homework, from math to languages.

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argumentative essay topics 2020

argumentative essay topics 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics and Ideas

argumentative essay topics 2020

Did you know that according to our argumentative essay writing service , the average person makes about 35,000 decisions every day? With so many fascinating topics out there – from politics to technology – the right one can be a real adventure. 

In this article, we'll explore how to pick argumentative essay topics that get people talking and make your paper stand out.

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Examples of Argumentative Essay Topics

It's crucial to ensure that you choose unique argumentative essay topics. While your school may occasionally offer a selection of subjects, there may be times when you find it difficult to settle on one. You can also try a persuasive essay writing service if your workload is too heavy on all fronts.

Argumentative Essay Topics for Middle Schoolers

  • Recycling in communities.
  • Outdoor activities for kids.
  • Student involvement in policies.
  • Year-round schooling.
  • Social media and teen mental health.
  • Zoos: Entertainment vs. welfare.
  • Peer tutoring's academic impact.
  • Sports in education.
  • School vouchers.
  • Technology in classrooms.
  • Student choice in classes.
  • Financial literacy for kids.
  • Homeschooling pros and cons.
  • Standardized testing debate.
  • Music education's impact.

Argumentative Essay Topics for High School Students

  • Social media's impact on relationships.
  • Lowering the voting age.
  • Legalizing marijuana: Pros and cons.
  • Effectiveness of standardized testing.
  • Cyberbullying: Causes and effects.
  • Free college education debate.
  • Importance of financial literacy.
  • Technology in education.
  • School dress codes: Yes or no?
  • Gun control laws debate.
  • Drinking age: Lower or raise?
  • Climate change awareness.
  • Banning animal testing for cosmetics.
  • Online learning.
  • Ethics of genetic engineering.

Argumentative Essay Topics for College Students

  • Social media's impact on college students' mental health.
  • Paying college athletes.
  • Pros and cons of online learning
  • College education: Worth the cost?
  • Affirmative action in college admissions.
  • Free college tuition: Should it be universal?
  • Effects of climate change policies.
  • Technology's role in higher education.
  • Hate speech and the First Amendment.
  • Ethics of genetic engineering and cloning.
  • Diversity in the college curriculum.
  • Pass/fail grading: Should it be an option?
  • Student loan debt's impact on mental health and careers.
  • Trigger warnings in college.
  • Legalizing recreational substances: For or against?

Controversial Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should euthanasia be legalized?
  • The pros and cons of capital punishment.
  • Is gun control necessary in modern society?
  • Should abortion be legal or illegal?
  • The debate over same-sex marriage.
  • Are affirmative action policies fair or unfair?
  • The ethics of animal testing in scientific research.
  • Should prostitution be legalized?
  • Is climate change a hoax or a real threat?
  • The impact of immigration on society.
  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • The role of religion in government and politics.
  • Is genetic engineering ethical?
  • The ethics of cloning humans.
  • The morality of military intervention in foreign countries.

Funny Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Cats vs. dogs: The ultimate debate.
  • Flat Earth theory: Myth or reality?
  • Pajamas: Fashion statement or fashion faux pas?
  • Pineapple pizza: Love it or hate it?
  • Procrastination: The art of delay.
  • Emojis: The new language.
  • Socks: More than just footwear.
  • The five-second rule.
  • Surviving boring meetings.
  • DIY zombie apocalypse survival.
  • Alien encounters: Fact or fiction?
  • Air guitar: Serious sport or silly hobby?
  • Deciphering cat communication.
  • The thrill of watching paint dry.
  • Laughing at your boss's jokes: A skill or survival tactic?

Are you too exhausted to be in the mood for jokes? Then address our writers, saying, ‘ do my essay ,’ so they can help you within the blink of an eye. 

Topics for Argumentative Speech

  • Importance of voting in a democracy.
  • Should college education be free for all?
  • Impact of social media on mental health.
  • Is climate change a real threat?
  • Ethics of animal testing in scientific research.
  • Should the legal drinking age be lowered?
  • Pros and cons of legalizing marijuana.
  • Should school uniforms be mandatory?
  • Role of technology in shaping society.
  • Need for stricter gun control laws.
  • Benefits of renewable energy sources.
  • Is online learning as effective as traditional education?
  • Effects of fast food on public health.
  • Should genetic engineering of humans be allowed?

Use our speech writing service if you want to leave your audience nothing short of amazed!

Argument Topics on Social Media 

  • Should social media regulate hate speech?
  • Role of social media in spreading misinformation.
  • Is social media addiction real?
  • Should employers use social media for hiring?
  • Influence of social media on political views.
  • Should parents monitor children's social media?
  • Ethical implications of influencer marketing.
  • Effects of social media on relationships.
  • Should social media ban political ads?
  • Responsibility of social media companies against cyberbullying.
  • Impact of social media on self-esteem.
  • Should social media have age restrictions?
  • Privacy concerns with social media.
  • Role of social media in activism.

Argument Topics on Music

  • Impact of music education on academics.
  • Should explicit music lyrics be censored?
  • Influence of music on emotions.
  • Streaming music: Did it help musicians?
  • Is music piracy a crime?
  • Music's role in cultural identity.
  • Should music therapy be mainstream?
  • Effects of music on child development.
  • Autotune: Boon or bane for music?
  • Prioritizing funding for school music programs.
  • Ethics of sampling in music.
  • Relevance of classical music today.
  • Music's role in social movements.
  • Age restrictions at music venues.
  • Live music vs. recorded experiences: Which is better?

Health Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Fast food's impact on health.
  • Junk food ban in schools?
  • Legalizing marijuana for medicine.
  • Universal healthcare: A right?
  • Vaccination: preventing diseases.
  • Smoking in public: should it be banned?
  • Genetics: Testing and editing ethics.
  • Mental health vs. physical health?
  • Exercise: Vital for health?
  • Taxing sugary drinks: Good idea?
  • Alternative medicine: Pros and cons.
  • Mandatory flu shots for healthcare?
  • Technology's mental health impact.
  • Organic food: Worth the cost?
  • GMOs: Safe for consumption?

Argument Topics on Science and Technology

  • Ethics of artificial intelligence.
  • Pros and cons of genetic engineering in humans.
  • Renewable energy: Benefits and drawbacks.
  • Nuclear energy: Sustainable solution?
  • Technology's impact on privacy.
  • Regulating facial recognition technology.
  • Manned missions vs. robotics in space exploration.
  • Ethics of CRISPR gene editing.
  • Technology and social connection.
  • Role of technology in climate change.
  • Autonomous vehicles on public roads: Yes or no?
  • Social media algorithms and information consumption.
  • Regulation of artificial intelligence development.
  • Biometric surveillance: Potential dangers.
  • Limits on military technology development.

Argument Topics on Sports

  • Impact of sports on youth development.
  • Should college athletes be paid?
  • Technology in sports officiating.
  • Benefits of competitive sports for children.
  • Performance-enhancing substances in sports.
  • Banning violent sports like boxing.
  • Ethics of gender segregation in sports.
  • Importance of sportsmanship in competition.
  • Changing racially insensitive sports team names.
  • Hosting major sporting events for cities.
  • Legitimacy of esports as sports.
  • Sports' impact on mental health.
  • Athlete protests during events.
  • Salary caps in professional sports.
  • Sports' role in promoting social change.

Argument Topics on Government

  • Government's role in healthcare.
  • Lowering or raising the voting age.
  • Is democracy the best system?
  • Term limits for politicians.
  • Abolishing the Electoral College.
  • Influence of lobbying on decisions.
  • Government's role in regulating the economy.
  • Stricter regulations on campaign finance.
  • Universal basic income debate.
  • Necessity of government surveillance.
  • Ethics of Government Censorship.
  • Limits on executive powers.
  • Government policies and climate change.
  • Government's role in addressing inequality.

Argument Topics on TV, Movies, Video Games

  • Impact of violent video games on behavior.
  • Should violent media be restricted?
  • Influence of celebrity culture.
  • Harmfulness of binge-watching.
  • Portrayal of gender and race in media.
  • Age restrictions on video game content.
  • Effects of advertising in children's shows.
  • Is piracy damaging to the industry?
  • Role of censorship in protecting audiences.
  • Regulation of video game loot boxes.
  • Social media's impact on entertainment.
  • Need for diversity in Hollywood.
  • Future of virtual reality in entertainment.
  • Streaming services vs. traditional TV.
  • Regulating children's screen time.

How to Choose Argumentative Essay Topics

To come up with engaging and thought-provoking argumentative essay topics for students, it’s crucial to choose a strong topic. Here are seven genuine suggestions to help you through the process:

How to Choose Argumentative Essay Topics

Explore Your Interests

Brainstorm interesting argumentative essay topics that genuinely interest you. A subject you're passionate about will make the research and writing process more enjoyable and engaging.

Consider Controversy

Look for topics for argumentative essay that spark debate or have multiple perspectives. Controversial issues often make for compelling argumentative essays because they allow you to explore different sides of an issue and present your stance.

Assess Current Relevance

Select unique argumentative essay topics that are relevant to current events or ongoing discussions in society. This ensures your essay resonates with readers and contributes to meaningful dialogue on contemporary issues. Also, we recommend learning more about an argumentative essay structure before working on your first draft. 

Narrow Down Broad Topics

Once you've identified a general area of interest, narrow it down to a specific aspect or angle. This will help you focus your research and develop a clear thesis statement for your essay.

Evaluate Feasibility

Consider the availability of credible sources and data for your chosen topic. Ensure that you find enough evidence to support your arguments and counterarguments effectively. Just in case, we have an article with a cause and effect essay structure , so don’t forget to consult it.

Check for Personal Connection

Reflect on your experiences, beliefs, or values that may intersect with potential topics. A topic that is personally significant to you can add depth and authenticity to your arguments.

Seek Feedback

Discuss your topic ideas with peers, instructors, or mentors for their input and perspectives. They can offer valuable insights, suggest alternative angles, or help you refine your topic to make it more persuasive. If you’re in a hurry, you can simply buy argumentative essay and call it a day.

A quality topic should be relevant, timely, and debatable, offering multiple perspectives for examination. Moreover, it should align with the writer's interests and expertise, enabling them to present a well-reasoned and well-supported argument.

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What are good topics for an argumentative essay, what is an argumentative example.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

argumentative essay topics 2020

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

  • Added infographics.
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  • Oliver, E. (2023, May 18). Good Argumentative Essay Topics. Read Relevant.
  • 52 Argumentative Essay Ideas that are Actually Interesting. (2021, April 19). CollegeVine Blog.

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Good Argumentative Essay Topics

Good Argumentative Essay Topics

Having meaningful conversations and debates is important. Argumentative essays give us a way to do that. But figuring out what to argue about can be tricky. There are so many subjects out there, from big social issues to tricky ethical questions.

In this article, we will help you pick perfect argumentative essay topics that get people talking and make you think. So, let's dive in and find something worth debating!

By the way, if you’re pressed for time, hire an argumentative essay writer right now.

Characteristics of a Good Argumentative Essay Topic

A compelling argumentative essay topic possesses several key characteristics to engage readers and stimulate critical thinking. Here are some qualities to consider:

Characteristics Description
Audience Appeal
Ethical Considerations
Personal Interest
Scope for Argumentation

If you’d like to know more about how to write an argumentative essay , please review this guide.

How to Choose a Good Argumentative Essay Topic?

Choosing argumentative essay topics is a pivotal step in the writing process. Here's a structured approach in seven steps to help you select the right topic:

Identify Your Interests

Start by brainstorming points that genuinely interest you. Consider issues, controversies, or debates you're passionate about or curious to explore further. Your enthusiasm for the central idea will enhance your motivation and engagement throughout the writing process.

Research Current Events and Trends

Stay updated on current events, trends, societal issues, politics, technology, culture, and other relevant areas. Browse reputable news sources, journals, and online platforms to identify timely, relevant, and potentially controversial subjects.

where to find good argumentative essay topics

Consider Multiple Perspectives

Reflect on different viewpoints surrounding potential subjects. A good argumentative essay often involves exploring opposing arguments and presenting a balanced view. Choose a matter that allows for diverse opinions and encourages critical analysis.

Evaluate Feasibility and Scope

Assess the feasibility of researching and arguing your chosen topical matter within the scope of your essay assignment or word limit. Avoid overly broad themes that are difficult to cover comprehensively and overly narrow subjects that may lack depth or significance.

Check for Credible Sources and Evidence

Ensure that your chosen point is supported by credible evidence, data, research studies, or expert opinions. Conduct preliminary research to determine the availability of reliable sources and evidence to substantiate your arguments. A subject with ample supporting material will strengthen the persuasiveness of your essay.

Consider Audience Interest and Relevance

Analyze your target audience's interests, knowledge level, and values. Choose a point that is likely to resonate with your readers and provoke their interest or thought. Consider the idea's broader societal relevance and potential impact on your audience.

Refine and Narrow Down Your Topic

Once you've generated a list of potential themes, refine and narrow down your choices based on the above criteria. Consider each subject's uniqueness, complexity, controversy, and ethical considerations. Choose the one that best aligns with your interests, research capabilities, and essay assignment requirements.

argumentative essay topics 2020

150 Argumentative Essay Topics

After checking out this collection of topics for an argumentative essay gathered by our essay writers , your creative juices will flow abundantly!

Science Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Genetic engineering ethics.
  • Vaccination effectiveness.
  • Climate change biodiversity.
  • GMO safety.
  • Nuclear energy debate.
  • Space exploration importance.
  • Tech and climate.
  • Stem cells in medicine.
  • Alternative medicine efficacy.
  • Animal testing ethics.
  • Plastic pollution impact.
  • Fracking controversy.
  • Renewable energy.
  • Biodiversity conservation.

Technology Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Social media's impact on relationships.
  • Cell phone use in schools.
  • Ethics of digital surveillance.
  • AI's threat to employment.
  • Tech's role in fighting climate change.
  • Video games' mental health effects.
  • Internet access as a human right.
  • Tech's influence on education.
  • Online vs. traditional learning effectiveness.
  • Regulating algorithms' societal impact.
  • Remote work pros and cons.
  • Government regulation of facial recognition.
  • Tech addiction's mental health impact.
  • Necessity of online censorship.
  • Tech's role in democracy.

Health Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Universal healthcare pros/cons.
  • Mandatory child vaccination.
  • Fast food's health impact.
  • GMO safety in food.
  • Organ transplantation ethics.
  • Gov't junk food regulation.
  • Medical marijuana legalization.
  • Traditional vs. modern medicine.
  • Mental health in schools.
  • Healthcare as a human right.
  • Antibiotic resistance.
  • Social media and mental health.
  • Mental illness stigma.
  • Healthcare: Privilege or right?
  • Pharma and public health.

Government Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Democracy's effectiveness.
  • Electoral college vs. popular vote.
  • Government's role in inequality.
  • Term limits for officials.
  • Campaign finance reform.
  • Political polarization.
  • Government surveillance.
  • Mandatory voting.
  • Stricter weaponry control.
  • Money in politics.
  • Freedom of speech.
  • Regulating social media.
  • Gov't action on climate change.
  • Globalization vs. sovereignty.
  • Voting age.

Education Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Standardized testing effectiveness.
  • Free college education.
  • Technology in education.
  • School dress codes.
  • Homeschooling's impact.
  • Teaching financial literacy.
  • Online vs. traditional learning.
  • Mandatory intercourse education.
  • Importance of arts education.
  • Teaching critical thinking.
  • Year-round schooling pros/cons.
  • Fairness of grading system.
  • Standardized curriculums' impact.
  • Free school meals.
  • Extracurricular importance.

Environmental Argumentative Essay Topics

  • The urgency of climate action.
  • Stricter carbon regulations.
  • Renewable energy's role.
  • Deforestation impact.
  • Single-use plastics ban.
  • Ethics of animal agriculture.
  • Preserving natural habitats.
  • Conservation vs. development.
  • Recycling program effectiveness.
  • Eco-friendly consumerism.
  • Urbanization's environmental impact.
  • Implementing carbon pricing.
  • Geoengineering ethics.
  • Corporate environmental responsibility.

Sports Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Paying college athletes.
  • Ethics of performance-enhancing substances.
  • Youth sports' impact on development.
  • Concussions in sports.
  • Transgender athletes' participation.
  • Technology in sports officiating.
  • Athletes' moral standards.
  • Sports and gender equality.
  • Commercialization of sports.
  • Safety of contact sports.
  • Racially insensitive team names.
  • Sports endorsements' influence.
  • Sports and academic success.
  • Sports-related gambling.
  • Legitimacy of esports.

Ethics Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Capital punishment.
  • Physician-assisted suicide.
  • Genetic embryo modification.
  • Cloning morality.
  • Abortion debate.
  • Autonomous vehicles ethics.
  • Business ethics.
  • Lying morality.
  • Animal entertainment.
  • Firearms control debate.
  • Charity donation ethics.
  • Whistleblowing.
  • Sweatshop labor.
  • Government morality.

Religion Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Prayer in public schools.
  • Ethics of religious conversion.
  • Religion's impact on society.
  • Religion and gender equality.
  • Displaying religious symbols.
  • Science vs. religion compatibility.
  • Creationism vs. evolution in schools.
  • Legitimacy of atheism.
  • Religion in politics.
  • Religious extremism ethics.
  • Taxation of religious institutions.
  • Religion and LGBTQ+ rights.
  • Limits on religious freedom.
  • Existence of a higher power.
  • Religious teachings in schools.

Social Issues Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Increasing the minimum wage.
  • Bias in the criminal justice system.
  • Affirmative action policies.
  • Immigration ethics.
  • Stricter arms control.
  • Same-gender marriage debate.
  • Universal healthcare.
  • Combatting racism.
  • Free childcare services.
  • Taxation for income redistribution.
  • Poverty's impact on education.
  • Gender pay gap.
  • Social programs and homelessness.
  • Freedom of speech vs. hate speech.

argumentative essay topics 2020

Ryan Acton is an essay-writing expert with a Ph.D. in Sociology, specializing in sociological research and historical analysis. By partnering with EssayHub, he provides comprehensive support to students, helping them craft well-informed essays across a variety of topics.

  • Green, L., Green, L., Green, L., & Green, L. (2024, April 3). 160 Good Argumentative Essay Topics for Students in 2024 . College Transitions - College Admissions Counseling & Consulting.
  • Argumentative Writing Prompts . (n.d.). The New York Times.

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50 Argumentative Essay Topics for Students

50 Argumentative Essay Topics for Students

4-minute read

  • 11th June 2022

The goal of an argumentative essay is to persuade the reader to understand and support your position on an issue by presenting your reasoning along with supporting evidence. It’s important to find the right balance between giving your opinions and presenting established research.

These essays discuss issues around a range of topics, including science, technology, politics, and healthcare. Whether you’re a teacher looking for essay topics for your students or a student tasked with developing an idea of your own, we’ve compiled a list of 50 argumentative essay topics to help you get started!

●  Does texting hinder interpersonal communication skills?

●  Should there be laws against using devices while driving?

●  Do violent video games teach or encourage people to behave violently?

●  Should social media sites be allowed to collect users’ data?

●  Should parents limit how long their children spend in front of screens?

●  Is AI helping or hurting society?

●  Should cyber-bullying carry legal consequences?

●  Should Supreme Court justices be elected?

●  Is war always a political decision?

●  Should people join a political party?

●  Is capitalism ethical?

●  Is the electoral college an effective system?

●  Should prisoners be allowed to vote?

●  Should the death penalty be legal?

●  Are governments around the world doing enough to combat global warming?

●  Is healthcare a fundamental human right?

●  Should vaccinations be mandated for children?

●  Are there any circumstances under which physician-assisted suicides should be legal?

●  Should parents be able to choose specific genetic modifications of their future children?

●  Should abortion be legal?

●  Is it ethical to perform medical experiments on animals?

●  Should patients who lead unhealthy lifestyles be denied organ transplants?

●  Should doctors be able to provide medical care to children against their parents’ wishes?

Mental Healthcare

●  What causes the stigma around mental health?

●  Discuss the link between insufficient access to mental health services and the high suicide rates among veterans.

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●  Should cannabis be used as a treatment for patients with mental disorders?

●  Is there a link between social media use and mental disorders?

●  Discuss the effect of physical activity on mental health.

●  Should sports be segregated by gender?

●  Should male and female athletes be given the same pay and opportunities?

●  Are professional athletes overpaid?

●  Should college athletes be paid?

●  Should sports betting be legal?

●  Should online access to art such as music be free?

●  Should graffiti be considered art or vandalism?

●  Are there any circumstances under which books should be banned?

●  Should schools be required to offer art courses?

●  Is art necessary to society?

●  Should schools require uniforms?

●  Should reciting the Pledge of Allegiance be required in schools?

●  Do standardized tests effectively measure intelligence?

●  Should high school students take a gap year before pursuing higher education?

●  Should higher education be free?

●  Is there too much pressure on high school students to attend college?

●  Are children better off in two-parent households?

●  Should LGBTQ+ partners be allowed to adopt?

●  Should single people be able to adopt children as easily as couples?

●  Is it okay for parents to physically discipline their children?

●  Does helicopter parenting help or hurt children?

●  Should parents monitor their children’s Internet use?

Proofreading & Editing

An argument could also be made for the importance of proofreading your essay ! The reader can focus more on your message when your writing is clear, concise, and error-free, and they won’t question whether you’re knowledgeable on the issues you’re presenting. Once you have a draft ready, you can submit a free trial document to start working with our expert editors!

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101 Standout Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas

An argumentative essay is just what it sounds like: an essay where you argue. You pick a topic, take a stance, research information to support your opinion, state your claims, and voilà! You’ve got your essay.

Choose a topic that is debatable. You need to present your own personal stance but also discuss an opposing point of view. If the topic is too universally agreed upon, it won’t work.

As simple as that may sound, writing a persuasive essay can be quite difficult for even very experienced writers. It takes excellent organization and planning to clearly address your thoughts and requires stellar research skills to find valid arguments that support your claim.

But before you can state your case, you first need to come up with the topic you’re going to argue about.

How to Choose a Topic for an Argumentative Essay

When you choose a topic for an argumentative essay, it’s important to keep these tips in mind:

  • Your topic must be debatable. Duh... this seems obvious, but it’s worth stating. You need a topic that has (at least) two sides. Choosing a topic such as Puerto Rico is My Favorite Place is not really debatable. However, picking a topic like Puerto Rico Should Become the 51st State to Join the United States is something arguable. Some people agree with this statement, and others do not. There are pros and cons that can be discussed. ‍
  • Write about what people are talking about. Watch the news. Browse the internet. It’s more engaging to write about something that’s relevant right now. For example, if you keep hearing a lot about immigration, you might choose a topic such as America Should Close Its Borders . Or if you read a lot about standardized testing in schools, you can create a topic like Colleges Should Eliminate Standardized Testing From Their Application Process . When a topic is current and intriguing, it makes for a more interesting essay. ‍
  • Reflect on your interests. It’s always better to write about something for which you have a passion. If you love video games, you could write a persuasive essay such as Video Gaming is Healthy for Teens . If you’re passionate about sports, you could cover something like College Athletes Deserve to Be Paid . Researching and writing an argumentative essay takes quite a bit of time, so you should pick a topic you’re fascinated by to make the process a little less painless.

Forming General Arguments

To test whether or not the prompt you have in mind is up to snuff for an entire essay, you can test it out by putting it in a general argument.

Pick the topic you’re thinking about and see if it works as a two-sided debate in any of the following formats:

  • Is…effective? Productive? Helpful? Worth it? (i.e. Is school choice effective?)
  • Is…hurtful? Harmful? Wasteful? (i.e. Is fracking harmful to the environment?)
  • …should be allowed for… (i.e. Alcohol should be allowed for all people who are 18 and older. )
  • …should be forbidden for… (i.e. Football should be forbidden for children under the age of ten .)

If you can make a topic from any of these, you’re ready at this point to start outlining your essay . If not, you need to find a more specific starting point.

To see if your topic has enough depth to fill up a full essay assignment, try putting it into a general argument. This will help you determine if the prompt you have in mind is truly debatable.

Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas

Need some ideas to help you choose a topic? This list will get you started.

Note that these are listed as questions so you can take your own stance. For example, Should everyone have free healthcare? gives you at least two possible topics depending on your point of view: Everyone is Entitled to Free Healthcare vs. It is Not the Government’s Responsibility to Provide Healthcare for Everyone .

Laws & Policies

  • Should the drinking age be lowered/raised?
  • Should military participation be mandatory for all citizens?
  • Should all Americans be required to speak English fluently?
  • Should Americans be required to speak Spanish?
  • Should teachers be armed?
  • Should gun control laws be stricter?
  • Should the military age be lowered/raised?
  • Should there be limits to free speech?
  • Should marijuana be legal?
  • Should the internet be censored?
  • Are gun control laws too strict?
  • Should people of the same sex be allowed to marry each other?
  • Should abortion be legal?
  • Should laws be grounded in religion?
  • Should churches be tax-free institutions?
  • Should the voting age be lowered/raised?
  • Should felons have the right to vote?
  • Should the electoral college still exist?
  • Should Puerto Rico become a state?
  • Should all politicians have term limits?
  • Should everyone have free healthcare?
  • Should social security be privatized?
  • Should the United States build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico?
  • Should the minimum wage be raised?
  • Should wealthier citizens pay more taxes?
  • Should the use of the penny be eliminated?
  • Should every citizen be required to vote?
  • Is life better now than it was X years ago?
  • Who is the greatest president of all time?
  • Who is the most ethical/moral politician that has ever served?
  • Is globalization a good thing?
  • How can governments prevent World War 3?
  • Is democracy the best form of government?
  • Are teenagers now smarter than teenagers of past generations?
  • Does revolution result in real change?
  • Should the U.S. get involved with other countries’ wars?
  • Should cursive writing be taught in schools?
  • Should students have to wear school uniforms?
  • Should all students have free college tuition?
  • Should teachers be paid more?
  • Should K–12 school selection be based on where you live?
  • Should all students be required to study abroad?
  • Should year-round schooling be mandatory?
  • Should high school start times be later?
  • Should everyone be required to learn a foreign language?
  • Should schools have mandatory metal detectors and security guards?
  • Is standardized testing fair?
  • Should prayer be allowed in school?
  • Should sex education be required for all students?
  • Are single-sex schools more effective?
  • Should students be required to take a year off before starting college?

Science & Technology

  • Should we invest in space travel?
  • Are nuclear weapons helping make the world safe?
  • Are video games harmful?
  • Do video games cause children to be violent?
  • Does screen time have an effect on a child’s social behavior?
  • Should animals be used to test new products?
  • Has technology helped or hurt society?
  • Does technology make life easier?
  • Are online relationships legitimate?
  • Is cloning ethical?
  • How can we best fight against the obesity epidemic?
  • Should smoking be illegal?
  • Should energy drinks be banned?
  • Are diets helpful?
  • Is technology making healthcare more/less personal?
  • Should schools offer healthier food choices?
  • Should doctor-assisted suicide exist?
  • Should unhealthy foods and beverages be taxed at a higher rate?
  • Should physical education be mandatory for everyone?
  • Should recycling be mandatory?
  • Should every household have a trash limit?
  • Should people eat vegan to help save the environment?
  • Should tax money be used to save endangered species?
  • Should cars be outlawed in cities?
  • Should plastic straws and bags be banned worldwide?
  • Should there be limits on water usage?
  • Should solar and wind power be used more often than other energies?
  • Should college athletes be paid?
  • Should players have to stand for the National Anthem?
  • Do athletes have a responsibility to be role models?
  • Who is the greatest athlete of all time?
  • Is football too dangerous for young athletes?
  • Should sports betting be illegal?
  • Does playing a sport help build character in young children?
  • Should professional sports have cheerleaders?

Pop Culture & the Arts

  • Should beauty contests be terminated?
  • Should artwork be censored?
  • Do celebrities have responsibilities to be role models?
  • Is social media helpful or hurtful?
  • Do television shows accurately represent current American lifestyles?
  • Should music be censored?
  • Should people live together before marriage?
  • Should children be put in the spotlight at a young age?
  • Does money lead to happiness?
  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Is there any time when breaking the law is okay?
  • Is money the root of all evil?
  • Are we responsible for other people or only for ourselves?
  • Do the ends justify the means of any action?
  • Can people ever change who they are?

Once you have chosen a topic that is relevant, debatable, and worth discussing, you are free to begin organizing your argumentative essay. Outline your opinion, do some research, and get started!

How to Write Essay Titles and Headers

Don’t overlook the title and section headers when putting together your next writing assignment. Follow these pointers for keeping your writing organized and effective.

Need a topic for your upcoming argumentative essay? We've got 100 helpful prompts to help you get kickstarted on your next writing assignment.

Writing a Standout College Admissions Essay

Your personal statement is arguably the most important part of your college application. Follow these guidelines for an exceptional admissions essay.

Argumentative Essay Writing

Argumentative Essay Topics

Cathy A.

Take Your Pick – 200+ Argumentative Essay Topics

20 min read

Published on: Jul 11, 2020

Last updated on: Jan 31, 2024

argumentative essay topics

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These days, students of all levels may come across the daunting task of writing an argumentative essay .

 It can leave you feeling overwhelmed, but we’ve got your back! 

Our comprehensive list contains over 200 ideas for argumentative topics. No matter what kind of issue you want to explore, from immigration to technology, it’s on here.

 With this extensive selection, there is almost definitely something that will spark your interest. 

Pick something out today and get started on your paper!

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Best Argumentative Essay Topics For Students

When it comes to choosing an argumentative essay topic, it’s important to select one that is interesting and relevant.

While you may think that any topic will do, considering the audience you are writing for can be beneficial. 

Think about topics that have a lot of room for debate and analysis. This will ensure that your paper is engaging and well-developed. 

Let's dive into our comprehensive list of topics!

Argumentative Essay Topics For Middle School

  • Should students be required to wear uniforms in school? 
  • Should schools offer fast food options in their cafeteria? 
  • Is homework beneficial or detrimental to student learning? 
  • Are video games a positive or negative influence on kids? 
  • Should competitive sports be mandatory for all students? 
  • Are standardized tests an accurate measure of student success? 
  • Should students be allowed to use cell phones in the classroom?
  • Is year-round school a better option for students? 
  • Is cheating in school ever justified? 
  • Should high schools offer more career guidance and job placement assistance?

Argumentative Essay Topics For Grade 6

  • Should students be required to do community service in order to graduate? 
  • Is recess an important part of the school day? 
  • Are zoos necessary for animal conservation? 
  • Are video games or movies more educational for kids? 
  • Is it appropriate for children to watch horror films? 
  • Are video games a good way to keep kids active? 
  • Should students be allowed to have their own social media accounts? 
  • Is it important for children to learn cursive handwriting in school? 
  • Is learning a foreign language at a young age beneficial?  
  • Are competition-based activities good for building teamwork skills?

Argumentative Essay Topics For 7th Graders

  • Should parents be required to limit their children’s screen time? 
  • Do school lunches provide enough nutrition for students? 
  • Is using a computer in the classroom better than using textbooks? 
  • Should physical education classes be mandatory in schools? 
  • Should students be allowed to use their phones during class? 
  • Is cheating ever justified in school assignments? 
  • Are single-sex classrooms better for learning than co-ed ones? 
  • Do children learn best through play or through instruction? 
  • Should schools offer more career guidance and job placement assistance?

Argumentative Essay Topics For Grade 8

  • Should students be allowed to use cell phones in the classroom? 
  • Should schools offer more vocational courses for students? 
  • Is standardized testing an accurate measure of student success? 
  • Should elementary schools offer more technology classes? 
  • Are year-round schools better for student learning? 
  • Is online learning as effective as traditional methods of teaching? 
  • Should teachers be allowed to assign homework over the weekend?

Argumentative Essay Topics For High School

  • Should students be able to choose their own courses in high school? 
  • Is the current system of education outdated and in need of reform? 
  • Is cheating ever justified in exams or assignments? 
  • Does standardized testing accurately measure student intelligence?  
  • Is it necessary for high schoolers to learn a foreign language? 
  • Should students be required to participate in physical education classes? 
  • Is there too much emphasis on technology in classrooms today? 
  • Should high schoolers have part-time jobs during their studies? 
  • Is it important for schools to offer more career guidance and job placement assistance?  ?
  • Should students participate in more outdoor games?

Argumentative Essay Topics For O Levels

  • Should students be allowed to use cell phones in school? 
  • Is standardized testing an effective measure of student success? 
  • How can schools best prepare students for the job market? 
  • Are universities doing enough to prepare students for the future? 
  • Should physical education classes be mandatory in high school? 
  • Should students be able to choose their own classes in college? 
  • Are video games a problem for children these days?
  • Do video games have a positive or negative influence on kids? 
  • Should online classes be offered as an alternative to traditional schooling?  ?

Argumentative Essay Topics For College Students

  • Are colleges doing enough to prepare students for the job market? 
  • Should college athletes be paid for their performance? 
  • Is standardized testing an accurate measure of student intelligence?  
  • What is the best way to prevent cheating in university exams? 
  • Is a college degree still necessary for success in today’s job market?  
  • Should universities offer more vocational courses for students? 
  • Are year-round classes beneficial or detrimental to student learning? 
  • How can we best ensure that college graduates have the skills they need for success? 
  • Should college admissions be based on test scores and grades alone?  ?

Argumentative Essay Topics For University Students

  • Is the current system of higher education outdated and in need of reform? 
  • Are online classes as effective as traditional ones for student learning?  
  • Are admissions tests the right test to give admission to a student?
  • Is it necessary for university students to learn a foreign language? 
  • Should college admissions be based on test scores and grades alone?  
  • How can universities best prepare students for the job market? 
  • Does standardized testing accurately measure student intelligence?  ?

Good Argumentative Essay Topics for Teenagers

  • Should teens be allowed to make their own decisions about their education? 
  • Is it important for teenagers to learn a foreign language? 
  • Does Social Media have a negative impact on teenage mental health? 
  • Are online classes just as effective as traditional ones for student learning?  
  • Is standardized testing an accurate measure of student intelligence? 
  • Are teenagers more attracted to drugs than adults?
  •  Is it beneficial for teenagers to have part-time jobs during their studies? 
  • Should there be stricter laws in place to regulate the use of cell phones by teens? 
  •  How can schools best prepare teenagers for the job market?  

Easy Argumentative Essay Topics 

  • Should students be allowed to have cell phones in school?
  • Is homework necessary for students to succeed academically?
  • Should junk food be banned in schools?
  • Are video games beneficial or harmful to children?
  • Should school uniforms be mandatory for all students?
  • Is it better to read books or use technology for learning?
  • Should pets be allowed in all public places?
  • Is it fair for kids to have an equal share of household chores?
  • Should children be allowed to watch TV or use electronic devices before bedtime?
  • Is it better to be an only child or have siblings?

Easy Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should the minimum wage be increased? 
  • Do plastic bags have a negative environmental impact? 
  • Is violence in video games and films responsible for violent behavior in children? 
  • Is standardized testing an effective measure of student learning? 
  • Should the voting age be lowered? 
  • Should animals be used in scientific research? 
  • Is it necessary to have a college degree in order to be successful in life? 
  • Is social media responsible for a rise in mental health issues among teenagers?  ?

Unique Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Are artificial intelligence and robotics a threat to human employment? 
  • How can governments best address the global refugee crisis?  
  • Should employers be required to provide flexible working hours for parents? 
  • Is the current education system in need of reform to prepare students for the job market? 
  • Should universities be held accountable for the success of their graduates? 
  • How can technology best be utilized to improve the quality of education?  
  • Should college admissions be based on test scores and grades alone? 
  • Is the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports a violation of ethical standards?  ?

Controversial Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Is it ethical to use animals for scientific research? 
  • Are student-athletes receiving fair compensation for their performance? 
  • Should the death penalty be abolished in all countries?  
  • Is the current immigration system in need of reform? 
  • Do violent video games and films contribute to the rise in crime? 
  • Should same-sex marriage be legalized in all countries? 
  • Should abortion be made illegal in all countries?  ?

Interesting Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should the legal drinking age be lowered? 
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of homeschooling? 
  • Does social media have a negative impact on teenage mental health? 
  • Are school uniforms a necessary expense? 
  • Is homeschooling better than a normal school?
  • What measures should be taken to protect endangered species?  ?

Fun Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should the “Star Wars” prequel trilogy be considered canon? 
  • Is it important for teenagers to learn how to play a musical instrument?  
  • What are the beneficial effects of video games on teenage development? 
  • Are there any benefits to watching television shows or movies in 3D? 
  • Are superheroes a necessary element in modern-day films? 
  • Should children be allowed to watch movies rated PG-13 and above? 
  • Is it ethical for companies to produce products with an “end of life” plan built into them? 
  • Can art influence society in a positive way? 
  • Should parents be allowed to choose their child’s gender before birth? 
  • Is the book always better than the movie adaptation? ?

Mental Health Argumentative Essay Topics

  • What is the link between mental health and physical health? 
  • Is there a stigma attached to mental illness? 
  • How can we better support young people with mental health issues? 
  • Does social media have an impact on our mental well-being? 
  • Should all schools provide access to mental health professionals? 
  • What measures should be taken to reduce the incidence of suicide among teens?  
  • Are there any benefits to taking medication for mental health issues? 
  • Should employers make accommodations for employees with mental illness? 
  • Is it ethical to force someone into treatment for a mental health condition?  
  • Should mental health be considered an important part of healthcare reform?

General Argumentative Essay Topics ?

  • Should genetically modified crops be widely adopted in agriculture?
  • Is it ethically justifiable to genetically modify humans for the purpose of treating terminal illnesses?
  • Should the United States abolish the Electoral College in favor of a popular vote system?
  • Is there a need for better support systems and reduced stigma around mental health in the workplace?
  • Is taking a gap year after high school a beneficial choice for personal and academic growth?
  • Is the death penalty a justifiable form of punishment or an act of barbarism?
  • What should be the role of the United States in global politics: assertive superpower or impartial mediator?
  • How do political parties impact and shape the democratic process in the United States?
  • Should high school students have more opportunities for physical education beyond traditional gym classes?
  • Is animal testing a necessary evil or an unjustified act of cruelty?

How to Choose a Good Argumentative Essay Topic?

Choosing a good argumentative essay topic can be challenging. It’s important to pick a topic that is both interesting and has two sides that can be argued on. 

Here are some tips to help you choose the best argumentative essay topic:

1. Choose a topic that interests you

This is the most important factor when selecting an argumentative essay topic. Pick a subject that is interesting to you and allows for debate or discussion. 

2. Consider both sides of the argument

There must be two opposing positions in any good argument. Make sure your topic allows for both sides to have a valid argument . 

3. Research the topic thoroughly

 Take the time to research and understand both sides of the issue before you begin writing your essay. This will help ensure that you are able to make an informed argument in your paper. 

4. Consider current events

 Argumentative essays can be based on any current issue or event, which makes them great topics for discussion. Select a topic that is currently relevant and will engage readers. 

5. Think critically

 Finally, make sure to approach the essay with an open mind. Consider both sides of the argument before making your own conclusion. This will help ensure that your argument is sound and well-supported.  Check out this video to learn more!

Follow these tips and you will be able to choose a good topic for your argumentative essay!

Tips for Writing a Compelling Argumentative Essay

Once you’ve selected a great argumentative essay topic, it’s time to start writing! Here are some tips for crafting a compelling argumentative essay: 

  • Structure your paper properly

Make sure that your paper follows the standard structure of an essay and includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Check out the comprehensive blog on how to create a perfect persuasive essay outline !

  • Use evidence and examples to support your argument

To make your essay more persuasive, be sure to provide facts, statistics, and research-based evidence that supports your opinion. 

  • Be aware of counterarguments

 Anticipate the opposing viewpoints on your topic and develop a rebuttal for each one in advance. This will make your essay more convincing and will help you refute any counterarguments. 

  • Use a clear writing style

 Your argumentative essay should be written in a formal yet engaging style. Avoid biased language and personal attacks, and focus on presenting the facts objectively. 

  • Take a stance

Choose one side of the argument and make sure your essay expresses your opinion clearly. This will help ensure that you present a convincing argument in your paper. 

By following these tips, you can create an effective and compelling argumentative essay!

You now know how to write an argumentative essay, and there are plenty of topics to choose from. 

With over 200 examples of argumentative essay topics at your disposal, we’re sure you’ll find something that interests you. 

Struggling with your upcoming essay? Our online essay writing service  is here to rescue you!

Specializing in crafting high-quality argumentative essay writing , our team of expert writers is dedicated to delivering content that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Whether it's a complex topic or a tight deadline, we've got you covered.

And for those who seek an even more streamlined solution, our advanced AI tool is the perfect choice. Our essay writer AI is designed to provide quick, efficient, and personalized essay writing assistance, adapting to your unique style and requirements. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i choose an argumentative essay topic.

When choosing an argumentative essay topic, it is important to select one that you are both knowledgeable and passionate about. Consider topics that you have studied in depth or can research easily. 

How should I structure my argumentative essay?

An argumentative essay typically follows the classic five-paragraph structure. 

It includes an introduction that introduces your topic and states your claim. Three body paragraphs that provide evidence and analysis to support your claim. Finally, a conclusion that summarizes your argument and emphasizes the importance of your evidence.

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