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Dissertation - Marking Criteria

The text below is an extract from the MSc handbook for students

Each dissertation is independently marked by two examiners; one of these is normally the supervisor. An external examiner moderates the assessment. The examiners may conduct an oral examination if they wish to check the depth of the student's understanding and to ensure that the dissertation is the student's own work. Students must obtain a pass grade on the dissertation to pass the MSc degree. The examiners give up to 100 points where the points translate to the following categories:

85 − 100:   An exceptionally high level of understanding and outstanding  research potential.

70 − 84.99:   Very high competence and excellent research potential.

60 − 69.99:   Evidence of some creativity and independence of thought.

50 − 59.99:   Sound understanding of the literature, but lack of accuracy or originality.

0 − 49.99:   Insufficient or no understanding of the topic, poor quality of work.  

The points are given according to the following guidelines:

Knowledge of subject (25)

21 − 25:   Deep understanding and near-comprehensive knowledge.

18 − 20:   Deep understanding.

15 − 17:   Very good understanding.

12 − 14:   Sound knowledge of relevant information.

10 − 11:   Basic understanding of the main issues.

0 − 9:   Little or no understanding of the main issues.

Organisation of material (25)

21 − 25:   Of publishable quality.

18 − 20:   Arguments clearly constructed; material very well-organised.

15 − 17:   Well-organised; aims met with no significant errors or omissions.

12 − 14:   Coherent and competent organisation.

10 − 11:   Lack of clarity in written presentation or aims only partially met.

6 − 9:   Major flaws in arguments; aims of project not met.

0 − 5:   Arguments are missing/deficient. Disorganised or fragmentary.

Originality, interpretation and analysis   (20)

17 − 20:   Significant originality in the interpretation and/or analysis;  project aims challenging.

14 − 16:   Some originality; evidence of excellent analytical and problem- solving skills.

12 − 13:   Good attempt to interpret and analyse existing literature.

10 − 11:   Minor flaws in interpretation/analysis of existing literature.

5 − 9:   Poor interpretation/analysis or project aims too simple.

0 − 4: Little or no interpretation or analysis; project aims trivial.

Evidence of reading (10)

8 − 10:   Independent reading including research papers.

6 − 7:    Good use of outside reading.

4 − 5:    Some evidence of outside reading.

0 − 3:    Little or no evidence of outside reading.  

Bibliography and referencing   (10)

9 − 10:   Of publishable quality.

7 − 8:    Good referencing and bibliography.

5 − 6:     Either poor bibliography or poor referencing.

3 − 4:    Poor bibliography and little or no referencing.

0 − 2:    No bibliography and little or no referencing.

Style, spelling, punctuation and grammar (10)

9 − 10:   Incisive and fluent, no errors of spelling, punctuation or grammar.

7 − 8:    Very minor errors of spelling, punctuation or grammar.

4 − 6:    Some errors of spelling, punctuation or grammar.

0 − 3:    Many errors of spelling, punctuation or grammar.

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Academic Manual

  • 4. Marking & Moderation


Section 4: Marking & Moderation

Published for 2023-24

4.1 Overarching Principles

4.2 responsibilities, 4.3 markers, 4.4 anonymity, 4.5 marking criteria, 4.6 second marking, 4.6.1 minimum requirements, 4.6.2 parity meetings, 4.6.3 sampling, 4.6.4 reconciliation of marks, 4.6.5 third markers, 4.6.6 documentation of marking, 4.7 internal moderation, advice for students.

Further information and advice for students about assessment is available on the  Examinations & Awards webpages .

Recent Changes

A guide to changes to the regulations are available from the  Recent Changes  page.

MSc Project Marking Guidelines

The project is assessed on the basis of a written final dissertation. Dissertations will typically conform to the following format:

  • Title page with abstract.
  • Introduction : an introduction to the document, clearly stating the hypothesis or objective of the project, motivation for the work and the results achieved. The structure of the remainder of the document should also be outlined.
  • Background : background to the project, previous work, exposition of relevant literature, setting of the work in the proper context. This should contain sufficient information to allow the reader to appreciate the contribution you have made.
  • Description of the work undertaken : this may be divided into chapters describing the conceptual design work and the actual implementation separately. Any problems or difficulties and the suggested solutions should be mentioned. Alternative solutions and their evaluation should also be included.
  • Analysis or Evaluation : results and their critical analysis should be reported, whether the results conform to expectations or otherwise and how they compare with other related work. Where appropriate evaluation of the work against the original objectives should be presented.
  • Conclusion : concluding remarks and observations, unsolved problems, suggestions for further work.
  • Bibliography.

This format is given for guidance only. The structure of an MSc dissertation should be chosen to suit the project.

  • The problem is clearly stated and the student demonstrates an understanding of the problem.
  • The work is `complete', with a coherent conclusion and evidence in support of it.
  • The quality of the work demonstrates a thoroughness and clarity in approach.
  • The quality of presentation is of an adequate standard, with the arguments well-structured and the English fluent.
  • The student demonstrates extensive knowledge of the literature
  • There is an excellent critical evaluation of previous work
  • There is a critical evaluation of the student's own work
  • There is sound justification of design decisions
  • There is a novel solution of conceptual problems
  • The amount of work undertaken is more than one would expect, in the time available.
  • There is evidence of outstanding merit e.g. originality
  • The dissertation includes material worthy of publication in peer-reviewed outlets.

Note that according to the University's marking regulations (see the document Taught Assessment Regulations (PDF) , and in particular page 32), a dissertation may be judged satisfactory, as presented and without alteration, despite containing small deficiencies and editorial imperfections.

Markers may not recommend that marginal fails be resubmitted with minor ammendments. Resubmissions are not permitted unless this has been approved by CSPC on the basis of a case submitted by the College of Science and Engineering (or in a case falling under Taught Assessment Regulation 58; see below). If the Board of Examiners wishes a student to resubmit, a case on the basis of special circumstances needs to be submitted to CSPC as a College-requested concession.

Note that the 'completion' criterion, B, covers achievement of the original objectives, achievement of modified objectives or providing convincing evidence that the objectives are unachievable. The 'outstanding merit' criterion, K, includes originality and the excellence of engineering.

Many dissertations will not fit neatly into any category, e.g. strong on additional criteria, but weak on a basic one. In this case, examiners are asked to trade one criterion off against another as best they can, bearing in mind that failure on a basic criterion is a serious fault.

The degree may be awarded with merit or with distinction . For distinction , a candidate must have been awarded at least 70% for the dissertation and other work from the taught element of the course must have also be assessed and awarded a mark which is close to, or above the 70% standard. For merit , at least 60% is required on both criteria.

Markers should be particularly careful about assigning grades at these two borderlines. In particular, if the marks assigned by the first and second marker are on different sides of a borderline, then a special justification is required for the agreed mark, explaining why the agreed mark is either below or above the borderline. This justification should be entered in the agreed mark form as free text.

Marks of 45-49. According to Taught Assessment Regulations (number 58), with a mark in this range the student may re-submit the thesis within 3 months, and both markers will need to re-mark the new submission. The same can happen in case of special circumstances, if the SC committee decides on a re-submission.

When examiners are aware of any mitigating factors which should be taken into account, these should not be compensated for in the assessment but should be mentioned in the appropriate section of the report with an indication of the degree of compensation felt to be appropriate. Similarly if an examiners feels that the dissertation does not do justice to the work carried out by the candidate, this should be made clear in the report together with an explanation. In all cases reasons for the overall grading must be given.

In the General Comments section, examiners should include a little contextual information as to what the thesis is about, in no more than one sentence or two. Supervisors should also note the extent to which the candidate was self-directed or required close supervision. Original contributions by the candidate or novelty in the project should also be highlighted. If the project involved extending existing code, the examiner should try to estimate how much work was put into researching the pre-existing background.

It is very important that the comments that are written on the mark sheet are sufficiently informative to justify the mark awarded the dissertation.

In all cases, it is the Board of Examiners that make the final decision, based on the mark sheets and agreed marks. Except under exceptional circumstances, individual mark sheets should be completed without consultation amongst examiners. If it is necessary to consult, this should be indicated appropriately on the submitted form.

Examiners are invited to nominate a dissertation for a prize if they think this is appropriate. Making such a nomination on the project marking form will allow External Examiners to adjudicate between competing projects.

Mathematics Institute

Msc dissertations, mathematics dissertations.

The MSc dissertation counts for 90 CATS - that is, half of the total MSc load.

A dissertation is usually expository, collecting together results from several research papers into a coherent whole. Sometimes dissertations contain original research, and this is encouraged where appropriate. The general framework of a dissertation must be approved by the supervisor. This page may help to find staff members with interesting topics.

The appropriate length for a dissertation will vary with the topic, the formatting, and whether or not it includes figures, etc. As a guide, most MSc dissertations are between 30 and 50 A4 pages, double spaced, with normal font size and margins. Longer dissertations are not necessarily better, and the marks obtained depend much more on the quality of the content (especially the mathematics) than on the number of words. It is essential that the dissertation is well presented.

The dissertation should normally be produced in TEX or LaTEX. The package here is intended for PhD theses, but it can also be used for MSc dissertations. Suitable past dissertations are available for inspection. If you are in any doubt, please consult your supervisor or the Director of the MSc.

Interdisciplinary Mathematics Dissertations

For MSc Interdisciplinary Mathematics candidates the above holds, although these dissertations may be longer if they contain many diagrams, data or programs for example. The level of sophistication of the mathematics used in the dissertation may be lower than that expected in a straight Mathematics MSc provided that the dissertation demonstrates a compensating degree of understanding of the role or appropriate use of the mathematics described. The mathematics in the dissertation should be correct, appropriate for the interdisciplinary topic under discussion, and should say something of scientific value. This page may help to find staff members in the math dept with interesting topics.

Dissertation Marks

The dissertation is read by two internal examiners (including a supervisor) who report to the Examination Board. For MSc Interdisciplinary Mathematics dissertations, reports are generally requested from an internal examiner in each of the relevant departments to ensure sufficient interdisciplinary quality.

Examiners are asked to discuss the dissertation under the headings: Accuracy and depth of understanding (40%); Level of difficulty and degree of originality (40%); Exposition (10%); Context/Literature Bibliography (10%). The marks are passed to the Examination Board. The external examiner reviews the dissertations and marks prior to the Examination Board meeting.

The dissertation pass mark is 50% and students must pass the dissertation in order to pass the MSc.

Submitting your Dissertation or Postgraduate Diploma Project

The submission deadline is 2nd September 2024. Submissions will be made via Moodle. Further details will be provided closer to the deadline.

The name of the candidate's supervisor must be stated on the title page of the dissertation. The introduction to the dissertation should state clearly all sources used, and should pinpoint clearly any original passages claimed. The candidate should briefly describe how the sources were used and their relation to the dissertation. Acknowledgements should also appear, where appropriate, in the body of the dissertation. References with precise bibliographic details should be included. A dissertation will not be accepted if any reader (including one unfamiliar with the contents of the references cited) could gain a mistaken impression that expository material is the candidate's own original work.

Good English style, with correct grammar and spelling, is expected. The books Writing Mathematics Well by L. Gillman, and How to Write Mathematics by N.E. Steenrod et al. (AMS 1973) are recommended. (Both can be found in the Library catalogue .) In addition, supervisors can often help by suggesting which published mathematical papers are good models of exposition, and which are not.

Postgraduate Diploma Project

The expected standard in a Postgraduate Diploma is less than that for an MSc degree. If a candidate is recommended to transfer to the Postgraduate Diploma as a result of their examination results, the candidate will need to write a (Diploma) project rather than a dissertation. Students on the 2 year MSc course will submit a project at the end of their first year

The Diploma project counts for 24 CATS (rather than 90 CATS for an MSc dissertation). It is usually an expository work describing a piece of mathematics (which may be related to material covered in lectures). Sometimes a project may involve numerical work or a guided exploration of some particular problem. The project should normally be about 10-20 pages long and should show that the candidate is capable of writing about mathematics in a coherent fashion. The general framework of the project must be approved by the supervisor. The project is marked against these criteria and not against that for the MSc.

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How to survive marking dissertations

About a decade ago I clearly remember a colleague and I negotiating marks for a dissertation. And he browbeat me into awarding a higher mark (and therefore degree classification) than I felt was deserved. It's stuck with me – I can even remember the student's name. I should have stuck to my guns and agreed to put it to a third marker.

The whole business of dissertation marking is a fascinating and all too human process. On the face of it, awarding marks should be a predominantly objective procedure. There are assessment and grade criteria, specific headings that students know they need to deliver against – are the aims and objectives clear and tracked through? Does the literature review provide good coverage of existing sources relevant to the dissertation topic? Are the adopted methods explained, appropriate and justified? Does it read well and look 'the biz'?

So in the next few weeks colleagues – including myself – will be hit by a tidal wave of incoming final year undergraduate dissertations. Often these are worth two module credits and can disproportionately weigh in the balance when it comes to determining a final degree award. Typically dissertations are blind double marked. So that each marker judges the work independently and only then discusses with a colleague, the definitive mark to be awarded. At this point there are three outcomes – first, markers are of one mind and agree; second, they pace around like fencers, land a few good arguments and, again, reach a settlement. Third, they disagree so dramatically about the quality of the work and its mark that it must go to a third marker.

How do such divisions arise? There are various reasons: the dissertation adviser will likely have formed a working relationship with the student, and it may be difficult to disentangle things like effort from achievement. Related to this is the fact that where a second marker criticises a submission, the adviser/first marker may not only feel (partly) responsible, but can become defensive as they blur boundaries between marking student work and being drawn in to assessing their own inputs and advice. The key point here is to stick to the evidence and, in particular, to focus on major points such as good literature coverage but very limited primary research; clear articulation and delivery of aims and objectives.

Then there is 'power play'. In my experience the vast majority of cases of mark negotiation are cordial, professional and straightforward. But occasionally you find yourself discussing with a colleague who is determined to 'have their way'. Equally – with substantial numbers of dissertations to assess - you may find yourself uncomfortably at the edge of your known world in terms of expertise. This in turn may lead to overly lenient or punitive marking.

So what to do?

Try to start marking as soon as the dissertations are distributed for marking and – just like student dissertation writers – do a little and often. Personally – whether as a marker or external examiner – I can't cope with more than about four dissertations a day. Beyond which it's hard to know which way is up.

Over about 18 years I have learned that it takes me about 1.5 hours to read a dissertation and write up a report on it. I (and colleagues) use a template with headings such as 'abstract', 'literature review', 'methodology', 'findings and discussion', 'conclusions' (and recommendations where relevant), quality of bibliography and appendices and so on. This helps to ensure that negotiations review the same aspects and sections.

Try to hone in on key points – see the wood for the trees; don't get fixated on every jot and tittle. Is it a good read? Is it professionally turned out? Does it do what it says on the tin – title matches aims and objectives, that then inform methods, that deliver persuasive findings and lead up to reasoned conclusions, that link back to starting objectives?

Remember it's the piece of work you are marking, not the student overall; nor the fact that they worked very hard at it or are delightful. What you see is what they get.

Be clear about whether or not you are allowed to give an agreed mark to the student prior to exam board consideration. At my institution we are not allowed to do this; so we email qualitative feedback that gives a clear nod as to how the wind is blowing. Here's an extract from 2011: "Overall this is an excellent piece of research. Very well done…A beautifully and meticulously presented piece of work that demonstrated an excellent level of endeavour and research. Strengths of your work aside from the clear and methodical layout include…Areas that could be improved…" So, what was the mark? You guessed - a first class 70%+ piece of work.

Double markers should try to agree a mark otherwise it creates more work for another colleague as third marker. But if it does go to a third person, be clear about the procedure – is their decision 'final'? Do the disagreeing colleagues mutually agree a third marker? Or is it the module/course leader that does this? There also needs to be a written trail so that, for example, an external examiner can see how two staff diverged, and how the third decided on the given mark.

Colleagues may like to read my article : Shall we dance? The importance of staff-student relationships to undergraduate dissertation preparation in the journal Active Learning in Higher Education Volume 12 Issue 2, July 2011.

James Derounian is a principal lecturer in community development and local governance and National Teaching Fellow, University of Gloucestershire

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Dissertation examples

Listed below are some of the best examples of research projects and dissertations from undergraduate and taught postgraduate students at the University of Leeds We have not been able to gather examples from all schools. The module requirements for research projects may have changed since these examples were written. Refer to your module guidelines to make sure that you address all of the current assessment criteria. Some of the examples below are only available to access on campus.

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Yes, if your document is longer than 20,000 words, you will get a sample of approximately 2,000 words. This sample edit gives you a first impression of the editor’s editing style and a chance to ask questions and give feedback.

How does the sample edit work?

You will receive the sample edit within 24 hours after placing your order. You then have 24 hours to let us know if you’re happy with the sample or if there’s something you would like the editor to do differently.

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Yes, in the order process you can indicate your preference for American, British, or Australian English .

If you don’t choose one, your editor will follow the style of English you currently use. If your editor has any questions about this, we will contact you.

Yes, our editors also work during the weekends and holidays.

Because we have many editors available, we can check your document 24 hours per day and 7 days per week, all year round.

If you choose a 72 hour deadline and upload your document on a Thursday evening, you’ll have your thesis back by Sunday evening!

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Masters degree grades.

Masters degree grades student

A typical masters degree will be graded using four terms:

  • Distinction: a final grade of 70% or above
  • Merit: a final grade of 60-69%
  • Pass: a final grade of 50-59%
  • Borderline pass/fail: a final grade of 40-49%

In the UK, masters degrees are usually graded in a different way to bachelors degrees, with the system being Distinction, Merit and Pass rather than 1st, 2.1, 2.2 and 3rd.

This table illustrates approximately how the two different grading systems can be compared:

However, although masters degree grades are usually different to undergraduate degree grades, this does depends on what masters course you are studying. Here, we’ll look at the most common three:

Integrated masters degree grades

Masters degree grades

An integrated masters is one that follows directly on from your undergraduate course. This is most common in the sciences , where you apply for a four year course in your chosen subject and then in your second year make a decision on whether to follow the path to a BSc or to an MChem, MPhys, etc.

This is graded like an undergraduate degree, in that the classification you receive will be either;

First (1st);

Second class honours upper division (2.1);

Second class honours lower division (2.2);

Third (3rd) or;

In these cases, the later stages of study are weighted more than the earlier.

Standalone masters degree grades

Taught masters degree.

Taught masters degrees require 180 credits worth of work, made of a combination of taught modules, projects and a dissertation. The individual masters modules are usually worth between 10 and 30 credits each, depending on their length and the amount of assessment required. In some cases taught masters are merely graded as a pass or fail, but commonly taught masters degree grades are fail, pass, merit (or credit) and distinction. The boundaries for this are usually 50% for a pass, 60% for a merit and 70% for a distinction, as the above table illustrates. This masters degree grading system will be covered in greater detail later. 

Masters degree by research

A masters by research (an MPhil or MRes, and sometimes MLitt) is usually graded as pass or fail, with occasional universities offering distinction as a classification as well.

Masters grading system in the UK

Masters degree grades

The final masters grade is based on a ‘weighted’ score. For an integrated masters, this means your marks in your final two years are worth more than in your first two. 

On other masters courses , it can depend on which proportion of the mark is made up by taught aspects or research aspects. In general though, as well as having to aim for a certain weighted average, you also need to have marks within a certain range. Generally, this means for a pass, no marks under 40; a merit, none below 50; and for a distinction, none below 60.

If your course involves a dissertation, the mark that you achieve for this will also impact your final masters grade. Often, to achieve a certain classification, you are required to achieve that mark as minimum on your dissertation, for example, for a merit, your dissertation needs to score 60 or above, and for a distinction, 70 or above. If this sounds intimidating, try not to worry, we have plenty of helpful advice for you from writing your dissertation proposal to various ways to avoid dissertation drama .

Whilst these classifications are pretty much standard, they do vary between courses as well as between universities, so do check out your particular university and find out how it works out its masters degree grades. Some universities, whilst sticking to the pass/merit/distinction boundaries for their final grades, may use a variety of ways to mark your work throughout the year – percentages, letter grades (A, B, C, etc), so do make sure you know how it all adds up!

Also, remember that university guidelines, whilst strict, do have an element of leniency. Often there is a boundary (commonly 2% under) that if your final average is in, you may be able to persuade yourself up a class! This is most common if you excelled on your dissertation, but perhaps were let down by an earlier taught module. So don’t be afraid to ask.

Pass, merit and distinction

As an estimate of what quality of work you’re looking for, take a look at some example guidelines below:

Distinction Grade

Again, these are general guidelines, and looking at your particular university will give you much more specific information on their masters grades. If it all looks a bit much, don’t worry – we have a guide on how to get a first class postgraduate degree here .

You may have noticed that, despite the official classifications being distinction, merit and pass, that there is a tendency towards continuing with undergraduate language. This is because they roughly match up –  a first is roughly a distinction, a second class honours, upper division a merit, and a second class honours, lower division a pass. This can be helpful to bear in mind when thinking about masters degree grades, as, after all by this stage you should have a great understanding of how the undergraduate system works!

Masters degree assessments

Masters degrees are assessed in various different ways to determine the student’s overall grade – methods of assessment can include coursework , essays , presentations and exams . These will all be used to evaluate the masters student understanding of their core subject. Practical placements and internships may also contribute to the masters degree grading in certain subjects.

Assessment weighting is likely to differ for each module of the course, which means that some assessments may carry different significance than others. For instance, a module might comprise an exam and coursework, each contributing 50% to the final grade. In such a scenario, if a student scored 65% in the exam and 55% in the coursework, the module's final grade would be 60%. In other modules the overall assessment could be a smaller proportion of the final masters degree grade.

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How can you get a distinction in your masters degree?

Masters degree grades

1.  High academic standards throughout – aim to achieve consistently high grades across all modules and assessments from the very start and strive to excel in all aspects of your academic work. Make sure you produce high-quality coursework assignments, essays, reports and projects that all demonstrate critical thinking, originality and depth of analysis.

2.  Engagement and participation – actively participate in class discussions, seminars and group projects. Engage with course materials beyond the required readings to ensure you to gain a thorough understanding of the subject matter.

3.  Conduct independent research – be sure to conduct independent research and produce original research papers or a dissertation that contributes new insights to your chosen field.

4.  Networking and collaboration – try and build professional relationships with faculty members, fellow students and professionals in your field. You can do this by collaborating on research projects, attending conferences and engaging in academic and professional networking opportunities.

5.  Feedback and improvement – actively seek feedback from your supervisors and lecturers, as well your peers, then incorporate their suggestions for improvement into your work.

6.  Demonstrate leadership and initiative – take on leadership roles in group projects and participate in relevant extracurricular activities. Show initiative in pursuing opportunities for professional development, internships and/or research grants.

7.  Be organised and manage time effectively – develop strong organisational and time-management skills, prioritising tasks and ensuring you allocate sufficient time for studying, research and preparation.

What if you are failing your masters degree?

Pass merit distinction

1. Retake a module to bring your masters grades up

As previously discussed, a masters degree is divided up into several modules, which are usually are worth between 10 and 30 credits each. If you’ve only failed one or two modules there is likely to be the opportunity to re-sit some assessments within these modules to increase your overall masters grade.

2. Revise your dissertation to improve your grades

 If you fail your dissertation, contact your supervisor to see if you can submit a revised version later in the year. If this is allowed it could be enough to raise your overall masters degree grade.

3. Switch to a Postgrad Certificate or a Postgrad Diploma

If your masters program is going completely wrong and you are almost certainly going to fail, there may still be a chance of you achieving a different postgraduate qualification, for example a Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma . These PG qualifications require less credits to complete than a masters degree, and by achieving one of these you can rest assured that your postgraduate studies were not in vain!

4. Re-sit exams or extend deadlines for extenuating circumstances

If your academic achievement (or lack of it) has been affected by extenuating circumstances – such as illness or bereavement – speak to your supervisor as soon as possible as they may allow you to submit your dissertation at a later date or re-sit some exams before submitting your work to the official examining board.

5. Submit an appeal for a remark

Finally, if you feel that the official examining board’s grade is an unfair reflection of your work, you may be able to submit an appeal for a remark.

Masters degree grades

Questions about the masters grading system

How are masters degrees graded in the uk.

Everything at masters level is double-blind marked, so two of your lecturers or tutors will mark your work and then agree on the grade between them. It depends on the assignment and how it is presented as a piece of work, as an essay or an exam will be marked differently from a presentation.

Is a masters grade the same around the world?

A masters degree has the same weighting across Europe as European universities have agreed that all university qualifications are worth the same number of credits. This means that the qualifications are transferable all over Europe . Generally, the same can be said for many other countries, especially in the English-speaking world, but if you are planning on continuing your education in another country, you should check with the institution you are planning on attending with regards to the transferability of your qualifications. See the section below for further information about how the grading systems work in the United States and Europe.

Do grades matter at masters level?

At postgraduate level, there is more emphasis on the content of your essays and research rather than on the masters grades you received. If you are planning on moving into a specific field of work after you graduate, then you should ensure that the modules you study and essays you write are all geared towards that field. The only time the grade truly matters is if you are considering a PhD after completing the masters program. However, showing that you have improved your skills across the course is just as important as getting the best grades right from the start.

What else is important?

Once you get into searching for a job you will quickly realise that extra-curricular activities and work experience are just as important as your masters grades, as is trying to meet the right people through networking. Showing you can work efficiently and are a self-reliant person is an important addition to your CV.

How many people have a masters degree in the US?

Here’s a table showing the percentage of adults over the age of 25 with a masters degree in the United States.

Masters grading in other countries

Masters grades are calculated differently across the world – here is a brief overview on the grading systems used in the United States and Europe.

Masters degree grades in the USA

In the United States, universities employ the Grade Point Average (GPA) system to evaluate students' academic performance in masters degrees. Under this system, students receive a grade on a four-point decimal scale for each assignment or assessment they complete. The accumulated points from all coursework are then added up and divided by the number of courses or assessments completed, and this gives the final GPA score. Unlike grading methods in other countries, the GPA system calculates the final grade continuously as students progress through their course. While the highest GPA score achievable is 4.0, maintaining such a perfect score throughout a full masters degree program is very difficult. Typically, a GPA of 3.67 or higher in a masters program is considered equivalent to achieving a Distinction in the UK.

Masters degree grades in Europe

Most universities in Europe use the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) for masters degree grading. The ECTS assigns values to courses and/or modules, and each course has clearly defined learning outcomes and grades available. Although HEIs in different European countries use different grading systems, the ECTS facilitates the portability of academic qualifications, enabling credits to be easily transferred between institutions and countries within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) if the student moves between institutions, for example if they are on the Erasmus scheme.

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Students in the School of Economics at the University of Nottingham consistently produce work of a very high standard in the form of coursework essays, dissertations, research work and policy articles.

Below are some examples of the excellent work produced by some of our students. The authors have agreed for their work to be made available as examples of good practice.

Undergraduate dissertations

  • The Causal Impact of Education on Crime Rates: A Recent US Analysis . Emily Taylor, BSc Hons Economics, 2022
  • Does a joint income taxation system for married couples disincentivise the female labour supply? Jodie Gollop, BA Hons Economics with German, 2022
  • Conditional cooperation between the young and old and the influence of work experience, charitable giving, and social identity . Rachel Moffat, BSc Hons Economics, 2021
  • An Extended Literature Review on the Contribution of Economic Institutions to the Great Divergence in the 19th Century . Jessica Richens, BSc Hons Economics, 2021
  • Does difference help make a difference? Examining whether young trustees and female trustees affect charities’ financial performance. Chris Hyland, BSc Hons Economics, 2021

Postgraduate dissertations

  • The impact of Covid-19 on the public and health expenditure gradient in mortality in England . Alexander Waller, MSc Economic Development & Policy Analysis, 2022
  • Impact of the Child Support Grant on Nutritional Outcomes in South Africa: Is there a ‘pregnancy support’ effect? . Claire Lynam, MSc Development Economics, 2022
  • An Empirical Analysis of the Volatility Spillovers between Commodity Markets, Exchange Rates, and the Sovereign CDS Spreads of Commodity Exporters . Alfie Fox-Heaton, MSc Financial Economics, 2022
  • The 2005 Atlantic Hurricane Season and Labour Market Transitions . Edward Allenby, MSc Economics, 2022
  • The scope of international agreements . Sophia Vaaßen, MSc International Economics, 2022

Thank you to all those students who have agreed to have their work showcased in this way.

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Ansley Almonor 8th to commit to Kentucky basketball and Mark Pope via NCAA transfer portal

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LEXINGTON — The Kentucky basketball  roster added another accomplished player to the fold Thursday: former Fairleigh Dickinson forward Ansley Almonor .

The 6-foot-7, 219-pound Almonor appeared in 32 games (with 31 starts) for the Knights last season. He earned first-team Northeast Conference honors after averaging 16.4 points and 5.1 rebounds per outing.

Almonor knocked down 43.6% (178 for 408) of his shots from the field, including 39.4% (93 of 236) behind the 3-point line. His 93 triples tied a single-season program record, set by Manny Ubilla in 2007-08. He also shot 80% (76 for 95) at the free-throw line. Almonor's 30 points versus Le Moyne on Feb. 24 were a single-game personal best.

During the 2022-23 campaign, Almonor played in 36 game s, making 34 starts. He was part of the starting lineup for all three of the team's NCAA Tournament games, which included its 16-over-1 upset of Purdue in the first round. Almonor averaged 13.6 points and 4.8 rebounds per outing that season while leading the Knights in total rebounds (172).

Almonor is the eighth player first-year UK coach Mark Pope has plucked from the transfer portal, joining Koby Brea  (Dayton),  Lamont Butler  (San Diego State),  Andrew Carr  (Wake Forest),  Brandon Garrison  (Oklahoma State),  Kerr Kriisa  (West Virginia),  Otega Oweh  (Oklahoma) and  Amari Williams  (Drexel). The Wildcats also have added former BYU signee  Collin Chandler  and in-state high school stars Travis Perry (the  state's all-time scoring leader ) and Trent Noah .

Ansley Almonor highlights: Watch Kentucky basketball transfer portal commit

Reach Kentucky men’s basketball and football reporter Ryan Black at [email protected] and follow him on X at @RyanABlack.

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Rishi Sunak’s Dismal Task: Leading U.K. Conservatives to Likely Defeat

After 14 years of Conservative government, Britain’s voters appear hungry for change. And Prime Minister Rishi Sunak seems unable to persuade them otherwise.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and others sit around a large table inside a Downing Street room.

By Mark Landler

Reporting from London

A few days before Britain’s Conservative Party suffered a stinging setback in local elections on Thursday, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak recorded a short video to promote some good news from his government. In the eight-second clip , Mr. Sunak poured milk from a pint bottle into a tall glass, filled with a steaming dark beverage and bearing the scribbled figure of 900 pounds on the side.

“Pay day is coming,” Mr. Sunak posted, referring to the savings that an average wage earner would supposedly reap from a cut in mandatory contributions to Britain’s national insurance system.

The mockery soon started. He’d added too much milk, some said. His numbers didn’t add up, said others. And why, asked one critic, would Mr. Sunak choose a pint bottle as a prop days after the opposition Labour Party’s deputy leader, Angela Rayner, had skewered him in Parliament as a “pint-size loser”?

However partisan her jab, loser is a label that Mr. Sunak is finding increasingly hard to shake, even among his members of his own party. In the 18 months since he replaced his failed predecessor, Liz Truss , Mr. Sunak, 43, has lost seven special parliamentary elections and back-to-back local elections.

This past week’s local elections, in which the Conservatives lost about 40 percent of the 985 seats they were defending , were merely the latest signpost on what analysts say is a road to thumping defeat in a general election. National polls show the Labour Party leading the Conservatives by more than 20 percentage points , a stubborn gap that the prime minister has been unable to close.

The drumbeat of bad news is casting fresh scrutiny on Mr. Sunak’s leadership and the future of his party, which has been in power for 14 years but faces what could be a long stretch in the political wilderness.

For now, Mr. Sunak appears to have quieted talks that a cabal of Conservative lawmakers would try to oust him before the vote, which is expected in the autumn. The local results, while bad, were not as catastrophic as they could have been, averting a full-fledged panic among his colleagues. Having cycled through three prime ministers since the last election, the Tories are also running out of alternative leaders.

Embattled as he is, Mr. Sunak seems likely to limp to the general election as the standard-bearer of an exhausted, divided party.

“The broader view is that it’s probably better now to let Rishi stay in his post and absorb the defeat, and for successors to position themselves for what happens after Labour wins in a landslide,” said Matthew Goodwin, a political scientist at the University of Kent who has advised the Conservative Party.

Tim Bale, a professor of politics at Queen Mary University of London and an expert on the Tories, said, “He does look, to be honest, like a dead man walking.”

Defenders of Mr. Sunak say he is a victim of global economic headwinds coming out of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as the poisoned legacy he inherited from Ms. Truss, whose sweeping tax cut plan spooked the financial markets and tarnished Britain’s reputation for fiscal probity.

Britain’s persistent inflation, high mortgage rates and a stagnant economy all predated Mr. Sunak. The inflation rate has dropped to 3.2 percent from 11.1 percent when he took office, though credit for that goes principally to the Bank of England.

Mr. Sunak did win praise for steadying the markets and restoring Britain’s credibility after Ms. Truss. But critics said he never followed that up with a convincing strategy to recharge growth. Nor did he fulfill two other promises: to cut waiting times in the National Health Service and to stop the small boats carrying asylum seekers across the English Channel.

“Liz Truss cratered the party’s reputation for economic competence,” Professor Bale said. “But it’s also down to Sunak: He hasn’t got the grip, charisma or authority that someone doing the rescue job required would have needed.”

Part of that, critics said, reflects Mr. Sunak’s political shortcomings. He can be querulous in media interviews, and his attempts to connect with voters are often tin eared. He drew japes after posing in a pair of Adidas Sambas , an athletic shoe favored by celebrities like Rihanna and Harry Styles, while promoting his tax policies. “Sunak took an eternally cool sneaker, and ruined it for everyone,” said British GQ magazine.

Some say that Mr. Sunak, a onetime Goldman Sachs banker whose wife, Akshata Murthy, is the daughter of an Indian technology billionaire, is simply not a relatable figure. Before he was mocked for wearing Sambas, he caught flack for wearing £490 ($616) Prada suede loafers to a construction site.

The Labour Party leader, Keir Starmer, has taken aim at Mr. Sunak’s preference for flying across Britain to taking the train. “I’m sure from the vantage point of his helicopter everything might look fine,” Mr. Starmer said in Parliament, “but that’s not the lived experience of those on the ground.”

Mr. Sunak once posed with a “smart mug” for coffee, which retails for £180, on his desk — an image that stuck in the minds of those critiquing his milk-pouring video. “If anyone can afford a £900 cup of tea, it’s the prime minister,” the journalist Robert Hutton wrote on social media.

Others noted that Mr. Sunak’s claim that workers would save £900 in lower national insurance payments was misleading , because the government had frozen income tax thresholds. With inflation-adjusted wages, people are paying higher taxes without taking home extra money.

Mr. Sunak did not spend much time in the political trenches before becoming prime minister. He entered Parliament in 2015 and rose in just five years to be chancellor of the Exchequer under Prime Minister Boris Johnson. After helping precipitate Mr. Johnson’s fall, he was beaten in his first leadership contest by Ms. Truss.

However bumpy his tenure, Mr. Sunak insists that his government has made headway on the economy, immigration and defense, with a pledge to increase Britain’s military spending to 2.5 percent of economic output by 2030.

Writing in The Daily Telegraph on Saturday, Mr. Sunak drew a sharp distinction between the Tories and Labour. Voters, he said, would have a choice between “a plan versus no plan, bold principled action versus U-turns and prevarication, a clear record of delivery versus political game playing.”

Nowhere has Mr. Sunak invested more political capital than on immigration. He won passage of a divisive law that would put asylum seekers on one-way flights to Rwanda , and now vows to put planes in the air by July, before the election.

The Rwanda policy, which involves permanently deporting asylum seekers without hearing their claims for asylum, is anathema to rights activists, constitutional lawyers and the courts. But it is popular with rank-and-file Conservatives — calculated to win over the same voters in the Midlands and Northern England who turned against the Tories in the local elections.

Traditionally, these areas had been Labour strongholds, earning the nickname “red wall” after the party’s campaign color. But they swung to the Tories in 2019 because of Mr. Johnson’s promise to “Get Brexit Done.” Now, the coalition he cobbled together appears to be fracturing; the red wall is swinging back to Labour.

Consider Blackpool South, a seaside district in the north, where Labour won a Tory-held seat in a special election on Thursday. In 2016, the wider Blackpool region had voted in favor of Brexit by 67.5 percent.

Professor Goodwin faulted the Conservatives for not moving more aggressively to cut immigration. These results, he said, “underline just how much they’ve lost touch with the post-Brexit political realignment.”

To other analysts, however, Mr. Sunak’s struggles are evidence that this realignment was always something of a mirage. In the Conservative Party’s heartland in the south — known as the “blue wall” — voters want low taxes and stable government. Some are turned off by the anti-immigrant tone of the Rwanda policy.

These more free-market, socially liberal priorities are often at odds with what many voters in the Midlands and the North want. And that has confronted Mr. Sunak with a dilemma, the political equivalent of squaring the circle.

“He’s being asked to pursue two different strategies at the same time,” said Robert Hayward, a Conservative member of the House of Lords and polling expert. “Dealing with the blue wall on one side and the red wall on the other. And it’s not easy to identify a common strategy that will tackle both of them.”

Stephen Castle contributed reporting.

Mark Landler is the London bureau chief of The Times, covering the United Kingdom, as well as American foreign policy in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. He has been a journalist for more than three decades. More about Mark Landler


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  4. Section 7: Classification

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    dissertation to have it assessed at any given assessment session. The pass mark for successful completion of the dissertation is 50% (120 out of 240 marks). On completion, dependent on the unit undertaken, you will be awarded the stand-alone Level 7 'Certificate in Insurance Market Specialisation' or the 'Certificate in London Market

  14. PDF Dissertation Research and Writing Guide

    A dissertation is traditionally divided into the following sections: 1. Title page, which should include your name, the date of submission and the award for which it is submitted. 2. Abstract: a summary in typically 200 words of the topic researched, the methods used and an indication of the main conclusions. 3.

  15. PDF King'S College London Marking Framework

    separately. The two marks are subsequently reconciled to agree the mark for the assessment. Any research project/dissertation which is marked by the supervisor must be independently second-marked. Model 2: Open Second Marking Each assignment is marked by two markers and both examiners record their marks and comments separately, but

  16. How to survive marking dissertations

    The whole business of dissertation marking is a fascinating and all too human process. On the face of it, awarding marks should be a predominantly objective procedure.

  17. PDF Marking of Coursework and Dissertations The First marker reads all of

    coursework marks have been formally confirmed and that they can now proceed to prepare a Dissertation; this is commonly referred to as Progression. Once the marks for the Dissertation have been completed the students Composite Mark Sheet goes back before the Board of Examiners and the recommendations for the award of a degree are made.

  18. Dissertation examples

    The following outstanding dissertation example PDFs have their marks denoted in brackets. PIED5800. Women's Low Labour Participation in Lebanon: Understanding the Intersectional Barriers to Women's Labour Force Participation (Mark 70) Presentation and Reality of Development: A Discourse Analysis of the Ecuadorian State's Buen Vivir (Mark 78)

  19. Dissertation editing and proofreading services by UK editors

    Scribbr's professional dissertation editing and proofreading services help you impress your supervisor and graduate with confidence. ... so don't lose marks for language mistakes. You've done the work - now let's make it shine! ... Email [email protected]; Call +44 (0)20 3917 4242; WhatsApp +31 20 261 6040; Frequently asked questions

  20. Masters Degree Grades & Classifications

    In the UK, masters degrees are usually graded in a different way to bachelors degrees, with the system being Distinction, Merit and Pass rather than 1st, 2.1, 2.2 and 3rd. ... Often, to achieve a certain classification, you are required to achieve that mark as minimum on your dissertation, for example, for a merit, your dissertation needs to ...

  21. Dissertation Examples

    Dissertation Examples. Students in the School of Economics at the University of Nottingham consistently produce work of a very high standard in the form of coursework essays, dissertations, research work and policy articles. Below are some examples of the excellent work produced by some of our students. The authors have agreed for their work to ...

  22. Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples

    Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples. Published on September 9, 2022 by Tegan George.Revised on July 18, 2023. It can be difficult to know where to start when writing your thesis or dissertation.One way to come up with some ideas or maybe even combat writer's block is to check out previous work done by other students on a similar thesis or dissertation topic to yours.

  23. Chevron Puts UK Clair Oilfield Up for Sale in North Sea Exit

    May 16, 2024 at 7:48 AM PDT. Listen. 1:08. Chevron Corp. put its stake in the UK's Clair oilfield up for sale in a move that will mark the US supermajor's exit from the North Sea after more ...

  24. 'The Quiet Force.' One of Mark Pope's biggest moves at UK has been

    The elder Brooks was the director of basketball operations at UK from 2007-09 when Billy Gillispie was the head coach of the Wildcats. "This dude's got three national championships in 20 years.

  25. Kentucky basketball, Mark Pope add Ansley Almonor via transfer portal

    Ansley Almonor is the latest player to commit to Mark Pope's Kentucky basketball program. What to know about forward added via the transfer portal. ... UK's Mark Pope . During the 2022-23 ...

  26. One way Mark Pope's coaching will differ from John Calipari's

    The commitment to Kentucky by Fairleigh Dickinson forward Ansley Almonor as a transfer Thursday morning brings the number of scholarship players for Mark Pope's first UK team up to 11. A 6-foot ...

  27. John Calipari returning to Rupp Arena next season

    UK won both meetings in 2023-24 and are 16-2 against the Commodores in the last 18 matchups. The Wildcats are 86-16 against VU in Lexington and own a 63-29 mark in Nashville.

  28. Mark Pope, UK coaches can recruit at Nike EYBL Indianapolis

    859-242-5257. Support my work with a digital subscription. Kentucky basketball coach Mark Pope and UK coaches can recruit at 2024 Nike EYBL Indianapolis with Will Riley, Jasper Johnson, Caleb Wilson.

  29. Rishi Sunak's Dismal Task: Leading U.K. Conservatives to Likely Defeat

    By Mark Landler. Reporting from London. May 4, 2024. A few days before Britain's Conservative Party suffered a stinging setback in local elections on Thursday, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak ...