1. PDF Juvenile Delinquency in India: an Analysis of Factors and Policy

    le delinquency is a pressing social concern that affects societies worldwide. In India, it poses s. gnificant challenges due to the country's large and diverse youth population. Juvenile delinquency refers to the involvement of min. rs in illegal activities, ranging from petty crimes to more serious offenses. Understanding the underlying causes ...

  2. (PDF) Comprehensive Approaches for Addressing Juvenile Delinquency in

    Education as a Tool for Crime Prevention: A Stud y of Juvenile Delinquency in India. International Journal of Advanced Research and Develop ment, 1(7), 69- 73. 48) Singh, H., & Kaur, R. (2021).

  3. PDF International Journal of Advanced Legal Research Juvenile Delinquency

    juvenile delinquency in India, offering insights and recommendations to inform policy development, program implementation, and future research endeavours aimed at addressing this pressing social ... The dissertation unfolds across eight chapters, each delineating specific facets of juvenile delinquency within the Indian milieu. Chapter 2 ...

  4. PDF Contemporary Movement of Juvenile Delinquency in India: Issues and

    economic factors that affect juvenile crime. In an urban setting, it gives a specific view of the problem. Tuhina Ganguly 2016 "Juvenile Delinquency and the Juvenile Justice System in India: A Critical Appraisal" This source gives a critical assessment of India's juvenile justice system in terms of how well it deals with juvenile crime.

  5. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET: Juvenile Justice System in India A Statutory and

    The Centre for Child and the Lawand#8223;s Juvenile Justice Teamand#8223;s (JJ Team) investigates in Bangalore Urban and Rural, (especially on Multi-Disciplinary Pre-Hearing Case Conferences,3 juveniles alleged/found to have committed serious crime along with other factors involved in his/her case, aimed at impacting JJB decisions, individual ...

  6. (PDF) Juvenile Delinquency in India: An Analysis

    Email- [email protected]. ABSTRACT. This research paper aims to explore the evolution of the juvenile justice system in India and its impact on juvenile delinquency. Juvenile delinquency is ...

  7. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET: An Analysis of Juvenile Justice System in India A

    The underlying principle behind establishing Juvenile Justice System was the belief that young persons are more vulnerable than adults and more amenable to rehabilitation. newlineNumber of offences committed by juveniles has constantly been increasing in the last decade but the horrible Nirbhaya Gang Rape Case which involved a juvenile accused ...

  8. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET: Juvenile delinquency a critical Study of

    Shodhganga: a reservoir of Indian theses @ INFLIBNET The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access.

  9. (Pdf) Juvenile Delinquency in India- Latest Trends and Entailing

    Juvenile delinquency is a serious offence and it is detrimental for the social order in any country. There is a trend of increase in juvenile crimes world -over, with more and more involvement of ...

  10. PDF A Study on Factors Underlying Juvenile Delinquency and Positive Youth

    ational Institute of Technology Rourkela Rourkela - 769008 Odisha India CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that Kavita Sahmey has carried out the research embodied in the present dissertation entitled, "A Study on Factors Underlying Juvenile Delinquency and Positive Youth Development Programs", under my supervision for the award of the.

  11. PDF Juvenile Delinquency in India: A study

    of duty or fault or crime. Thus juvenile delinquency indicates any failure in or omission of duty or fault or crime on the part of a young or a child. The word juvenile has been derived from the Latin term Juvenis which means young. The juvenile delinquency is a legal term that was first defined in 1889. The term juvenile delinquency

  12. Thesis On Juvenile Delinquency in India

    Thesis on Juvenile Delinquency in India - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document discusses juvenile delinquency in India and the challenges of writing a thesis on this topic. It notes that researching and analyzing juvenile delinquency in India is a complex process that requires expertise, as the issue is sensitive and the socio-economic ...

  13. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET: Juvenile delinquency and its justice system in

    Juvenile delinquency and its justice system in India a critical study with special reference to juvenile justice care and protection of children act 2000: Researcher: Dwivedi Azad Kumar: Guide(s): ... Adobe PDF: View/Open: 04 contents.pdf: 54.48 kB: Adobe PDF: View/Open: 05 abbreviation.pdf: 54.61 kB: Adobe PDF:

  14. PDF Juvenile Delinquency in India: Causes, Prevention and Rehabilitation

    and love are more vulnerable to anti-social influences.(ii) Poverty. In India, one of the main causes of juvenile delinquency is pov. rty. In disadvantaged areas, juvenile criminality is more prevalent. Delinquent behavior does occur in all regions, but it is thought to be more prevalent in those where young.

  15. PDF Juvenile justice system in India and contemporary challenges

    tried in juvenile courts now they will be tried in regular courts where they will be questioned the facts of the crime, their intention behind the crime, mensrea behind crime, etc. Another issue that the age of a juvenile should be 16 or 18 so as to treat them adults:- as per National Crime Record Bureau

  16. PDF Juvenile Delinquency in India

    2000, which dealt with juvenile delinquency in India and allowed 16-18 year olds who were in trouble with the law and committed serious crimes to be tried as adults. Under the aforementioned law, juvenile justice commissions, consisting of a metropolitan district judge or magistrate and two social workers, could decide whether an offender would ...

  17. PDF A study on the causes of juvenile delinquency and its prevention

    vandalism, theft, street hawking, black marketing and others are treated as juvenile delinquency (Shipra, 1993). Juvenile delinquency is becoming very prevalent in today's society. According to Muregasan (2014) India has the world's largest number of children and at the same time the largest number of vulnerable child population.


    Juvenile delinquency is a serious offence and it is detrimental for the social order in any country. There is a trend of increase in juvenile crimes world-over, with more and more involvement of ...

  19. Thesis On Juvenile Justice in India

    Thesis on Juvenile Justice in India - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Embarking on writing a thesis on juvenile justice in India is extremely challenging due to the complex nature of the subject matter and ever-evolving policies. Students find it difficult to manage the extensive research required while addressing all relevant legal, social, and ...

  20. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET: Juvenile delinquency in india an analytical study

    Juvenile delinquency in india an analytical study: Researcher: Kumawat, Mahesh Kumar: Guide(s): Keywords: Juvenile Delinquency, Causes of Juvenile Delinquency, Juvenile Justice, Law and Juvenile Delinquency, Effect of Juvenile Law Social Sciences Social Sciences General: University: Mohan Lal Sukhadia University: Completed Date: 2020: Abstract:


    social life, his behaviour is called "delinquency". Thus,Juvenile delinquency is defined as an individual under the age of 18 who fails to abide. by the laws. In simple words, it can be said that ...

  22. Sheetal Dissertation

    Sheetal Dissertation (2) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document is a dissertation submitted to Amity Law School analyzing juvenile delinquency and the juvenile justice system in India. It discusses the research conducted under the supervision of Dr. Ankita Sharma on the topic. The dissertation will analyze relevant laws and court cases, and ...

  23. Dissertation Sample

    Chapter- 2: Juvenile Delinquency. This Chapter explains the concept of the juvenile delinquency as the participation by a minor child, usually between the ages of 10 and 17, in illegal behavior or activities. A detailed study has also been made with regard to the juvenile delinquents and t he factors triggering such juvenile delinquency.