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2019, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)

With higher degree of school going children suffering from undernourishment, Mid Day Meal Programme (MDM) was launched in India in 1995. Thus the research paper focuses on MDM Scheme in India. There is existence of under prevailing inequality in availing of Mid Day Meal Programme across states and within states and among income groups and social groups. Therefore, the study aims at addressing these issues with the evidences from unit level data of National Sample Survey Office 64th Round. The research focuses upon relationship between Mid Day Meal and school infrastructure. It even studies inequality in availing of MDM in rural and urban areas, among boys and girls, among income and social group. Keyword: Mid Day Meal, Social groups, Infrastructure, Elementary Education

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A large portion of the poor children going to class today have a fascination in school other than free instruction. Indeed, the midday meal gave in the school is an extraordinary walk taken by our government to execute its "Training to All" Act. Since the poor individuals couldn't bear the cost of training to their children, not to say of giving nourishments, the government had apropos joined both the points of interest to the poor. This paper deals with the detailed research of midday meal scheme and also its implications and impact of Indian education system and society.

The Government of India ensures in Article 45 of the Indian constitution that, state shall endeavour to provide free and compulsory education to all children in the age of 6-14 years. With the objectives of providing education and improving health conditions of poor children, Indian government launched the scheme of providing mid-day meals in government and government assisted primary schools. In the present study researcher investigated the various aspects of this scheme like meal menu, locality of kitchen and sheds used for cooking food, quality and quantity of food distributed, frequency of inspection, hygienic condition, effect on student enrolment and retention etc. Researcher visited 20 schools from Chandigarh and 20 schools from Panchkula and a sample of 200 teachers was selected for opinionnaire. Study indicated that the scheme has improved the attendance of students in schools but still could not make up the increased enrolment and retention of students. The scheme is providing sufficient nutrition to the students but the areas like food safety, food variety, distribution time, responsibilities on teachers regarding the scheme and accountability of authorities need much improvement. Key words: Mid -day meal scheme, Universalisation of Education, Elementary Education.


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dissertation paper on mid day meal

Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): March

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Corresponding author(s) : lipikajyoti dowarah.

Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews , Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): March Article Published : April 6, 2020

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Purpose of the study: The research aims to study the implementation of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme in Government primary schools of the Tinsukia district of Assam.

Methodology: For the purpose study descriptive methodology is used. Data are randomly collected through a self-structured questionnaire. Tables and figures are used to analyze the collected raw data.

Main Findings: Results showed that Mid-Day Meal Scheme is playing an important role in reducing classroom hunger of students. But the functioning of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme in many surveyed schools is not by the guidelines of the scheme provided by the government particularly in respect of the timely supply of grains, storage facility of grains and plates for distribution of meal to the children.

Applications of this study: This research can be used by policymakers, teachers, parents and also social welfare activities.

Novelty/Originality of this study: For the first time, implementation of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme has been studied in the Tinsukia district of Assam.

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  1. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET: A study on the effectiveness of mid day meal

    A study on the effectiveness of mid day meal programme as perceived by the teachers and guardians: Researcher: SANTRA BIMALENDU: Guide(s): ... implementation mechanism so as to achieve the objectives set forth for the ambitious programme like MDMS. newlineThe thesis has been divided into six chapters. The First chapter deals with the present ...

  2. The Function of Mid-day Meal Scheme: A Critical Analysis of Existing

    The Government of India initiated the second-largest food security programme, named the mid-day meal (MDM) ... Evidence from India's midday meals programme (Working Paper). Wellesley College. Google Scholar. Bhagwat S., Gulati D., Sachdeva R., & Sankar R. (2014a). Food fortification as a complementary strategy for the elimination of ...


    The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET. Saurashtra University. Department of Education.

  4. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET: A study on the effectiveness of mid day meal

    newline This study aims to discuss the effectiveness of mid-day meal programme as perceived by Teachers and Guardians and utilization of Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) in particular and any public service delivery in study area of West Bengal in general. ... implementation mechanism so as to achieve the objectives set forth for the ambitious ...

  5. (PDF) Efficacy of Mid-Day Meal Scheme in India ...

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  6. Estimating the impact of school feeding programs: Evidence from mid day

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  7. Estimating the impact of school feeding programs: Evidence from mid day

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  8. Efficacy of Mid-Day Meal Scheme in India: Challenges and Policy

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  9. Synopsis of the thesis entitled: Impact of Mid Day Meal Programme on

    Abstract: Mid-day meal programme was launched as a centrally sponsored programme on 15th August 1995. The mid day meal programme was introduced primarily to protect the nutritional as well as the educational rights of the children. Teachers play a key role in the successful implementation of mid day meal programme at school level.

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    years. Under the scheme, on every school day, all students in primary classes in public schools are to be provided a cooked meal consisting of no less than 300 kcal and 8-12 grams of protein. Though officially started in 1995, the National Midday Meal Scheme remained unimplemented in most states till 2002.

  11. PDF Impact of Mid-Day Meal (MDM) Programme on Attendance of Primary School

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  12. PDF Analyzing the Impact of Mid-day Meal Schemes in Government ...

    elementary schools across Delhi-NCR as part of the NEP 2020's school meal programme. The Mid-Day Meal Scheme plays a crucial role in the framework of the manifestation of the principles of NEP & Delhi govt. 2020, which are availability, Fairness, Quality, Cost, and Responsibility.


    The calorific val ue of a mid day meal at upper primary stage has been fixed at a. minimum of 700 calories and 20 grams of proteins by providing 150 grams of food grains (rice/wheat) per child ...

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    The programme will be extended to all areas across the country from 2008-09. The calorific value of a mid day meal at upper primary stage has been fixed at a minimum of 700 calories and 20 grams of proteins by providing 150 grams of food grains (rice/wheat) per child/school day.

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  20. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET: An evaluative study of mid day meal scheme in

    Shodhganga : a reservoir of Indian theses @ INFLIBNET. Shodhganga. The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET. Punjabi University.

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