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Writing Task 2 Sample

IELTS Writing Task 2 ( also known as IELTS Essay Writing ) is the second task of your IELTS Writing test. Here, you will be presented with an essay topic and you will be scored based on your ability to respond to the topic.

You need to write at least 250 words and justify your opinion with arguments, discussion, examples, problem outlining, proposing possible solutions and supporting your position. You will have approximately 40 minutes to finish your Essay Writing. IELTS Writing Task 2 carries more weights than Writing Task 1.

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IELTS Preparation with Liz: Free IELTS Tips and Lessons, 2024

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20 Common Essay Topics for IELTS Writing Task 2

Below is a list of the 20 most common IELTS essay topics that appear in writing task 2 with subtopics.  Although the essay questions change, the subject of the essays often remains the same. Each topic is divided into subtopics which you should prepare.

You should practice developing ideas for all common essay topics used by IELTS so that you can write your essay within the given time limit. Follow this link to get over 100 IELTS essay questions for the topics below.

Common Essay Topics with Subtopics

  • censorship of art and artists
  • art at school
  • the benefits of art for individuals and society
  • small vs large business
  • international business
  • family run business
  • management and leadership
  • success in business
  • business and technology
  • skills vs knowledge for business
  • materialism and consumerism
  • technology and communication
  • family and communication
  • face to face vs long distance communication
  • types of communication
  • the development of character and personality
  • innate or developed personalities
  • female / male characters
  • prisons vs rehabilitation
  • capital punishment vs other types of punishment
  • criminals – what makes a criminal
  • major vs minor crime
  • crime and technology
  • teenagers and crime
  • role of policemen
  • men and women in law enforcement
  • cash vs credit cards
  • saving vs spending
  • globalisation and economy
  • world economic issues
  • economic progress and success
  • children and education
  • relevant subjects
  • education and technology
  • role of teachers
  • discipline and rules in school
  • single-sex schools
  • educational aid to poorer countries
  • protection of endangered species
  • environmental problems
  • saving the environment & solving problems
  • government vs individual roles
  • family roles
  • family size
  • the generation gap
  • role models
  • family and education
  • health diets
  • education of diet
  • traditional vs modern diets
  • children and diet
  • prevention vs cure
  • health and education
  • poor countries and rich countries
  • dealing with global epidemics
  • hospitals and treatment
  • exercise and health
  • having only one language in the world
  • methods of language learning
  • travel and language
  • the disappearance of languages
  • language and culture
  • censorship, control and freedom of speech
  • advertising methods
  • children and advertising
  • media and technology
  • news & reporting
  • Space Exploration
  • Water and Oceans
  • Change or Moving vs Stability and Constancy
  • paper books vs ebooks
  • children and reading
  • books in education
  • reading and leisure
  • controlling the internet
  • socialising online
  • children and technology (safety)
  • the change in society
  • letter vs email
  • storing data
  • safety of personal information
  • development of infrastructure
  • comparing forms of transport
  • problems with modern forms of transport
  • environmental issues
  • culture and travel
  • understanding people and travel
  • living in a global world
  • overpopulation
  • homeless people
  • crime on the streets
  • modern life styles
  • budget spending
  • public services
  • professionals vs amateurs
  • sport and learning
  • sport as a school subject
  •  men vs women in sport
  • types of sport
  • women in work
  • types of jobs (blue collar / white collar)
  • children and exploitation
  • part time work
  • work and technology

IELTS Recent Exam Topics

To get a list of recent essay questions as well as recent topics and question from all other sections of the IELTS test, follow this link: Recent IELTS Exam Questions & Topics

IELTS Writing Task 2

Get model essays, tips, free video lessons and practice exercises for IELTS writing task 2: IELTS Writing Task 2

100 IELTS Essay Questions

Get over 100 IELTS essay questions for free. The essay questions are organised into topics and also into different types of essays: 100 IELTS essay questions

IELTS Vocabulary

Develop your vocabulary for some of the above topics: IELTS vocabulary page .

Main IELTS Pages Develop your IELTS skills with tips, model answers, lessons, free videos and more. IELTS Listening IELTS Reading IELTS Writing Task 1 IELTS Writing Task 2 IELTS Speaking Vocabulary for IELTS IELTS Test Information (FAQ) Home Page: IELTS Liz

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Hi Liz.. I really appreciate your good work here and pray that God will give you more strength to continue this your great work to humanity..

My question is on writing task 2 about the way they use to ask their questions.. For example,In many countries, paying for things using mobile phone is becoming increasing common. Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages? My question now, should I just choose one and give my reasons or should I elaborate on both the advantages and disadvantages and conclude with the one that has more advantage?..

Secondly,some will ask you to what extent do you agree or disagree?

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Sounds like you need my advanced lessons which take you step by step through the different types of essays. This is a link to my store:

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Why are you not active in youtube. When can we see new video of yours there ?

This is due to a serious health problem that has prevented me from making videos for many years.

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Breaks my heart to here this. I’m sure everybody’s wish here is same as me and that we all hope you recover soon.

Thanks. That’s very kind. I hope that next year my health will be more stable and if so, I’ll try to make some new videos 🙂

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Hi Liz, Hope your great.

Just need your opinion about increasing overal writing from 6 to 7 or above. Even though how hard i tried my writing score is not increasing beyond 6. Would be happy if you could give your overal opinion on how to increase it. Thanks in advance

This is not a simple task to explain in just a short message on my website. For this reason, I created advanced writing task 2 lessons and e-books in my online store: . You can buy them individually so you can see if one of them helps you. If they do help, you can consider getting more.

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I need your help in understanding this question in Task 2- writing. Some people think educated people are more valuable than people who learned skills through experience. Do you think educated people are the most valuable to society? What kinds of skills can people through experience that can benefit society? In this question, does education mean Hard Skills or formal education such a degree/ certification and skills through experience means soft skills? Thanks for your support.

Education refers to formal educational. This is about education or skills – not about different types of skills.

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I’m new to this website, although reading the few comments here makes me feel secured. I hope to get the best from here. Thanks

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Hello Liz You have some great content. It is extremely helpful when preparing for IELTS. Recently I came across an essay topic for GT that seemed quite vague. ‘In some areas of the US, a curfew is imposed, in which teenagers are not allowed to be out of doors after a particular time at night unless they are accompanied by an adult. What is your opinion about this?’ This is from a credible practice material. What is a good response to this?

Which sources did you get this from? IELTS essay questions do not relate to only one country. However, the topic of curfew is possible. With such a topic, you would write about freedom of movement, learning independence and learning about safety, against protecting children for various reasons.

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I love the way you answered a question. Thank you Liz for your tutoring. Tan from Vietnam

Nice to meet you, Tan from Vietnam

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Hi Liz, Is there any difference in essay topics that can appear for general and academic writing task 2? If yes, can you categorize them accordingly? Is there any difference in writing essay for academic and general ielts?

The topics are basically the same although it is unlikely GT candidates will get Space Exploration as a topic (but they could easily get this topic in the Speaking test part 3). For this reason, all candidates should prepare all topics. As for differences in the writing test, see this page:

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Your trainings are very useful. For those writing the general ielts test (Not Academic), are the essay topics limited to specific areas ? Would the topics be selected from the different essay types such as opinion essay, discussion essay, solution essay, direct questions etc ?

See this page: . If you use the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website, you’ll find links to all key pages on this site.

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Hi liz, I am a trainer of IELTS. Your lessons are much beneficial for me. But I have a question that while getting training I heard from trainers that we are not allowed to use personal words like we, us, he, she, him, her, our as well as words like etc. and too, too much as it effect our writing bands. So can you tell me that is it put any effect on our band of writing or not? Thank you

“etc” is an abbreviation of “et cetera”. When you give examples, choose the number of examples to give rather than use “etc”. When you explain something, be specific rather than using “etc”. It is completely fine to use pronouns, but some pronouns are used more than others. For example, the pronouns “we” and “us” are not commonly used. Also the pronouns “he/him” or she/her” are also not used a lot because we are mostly writing about people in general rather than specific people. The word “too” is used whenever it is needed. So, you see, there are no IELTS rules about this. It is just about what the likely to be used based on the aims of the essay. I have a chapter on Pronouns in the Grammar E-book which covers this.

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Task 2 academic topic: Date: August 6, 2020 Some people believe that old customs and traditions should be given up, as people do not use them now. To what extent you agree and disagree?

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Hi Liz,, I would like to thank you for the great effort put in this website,, really useful. Regarding writing task 2,, what should I do if I did not get the meaning of the essay topic?!!

If you can’t understand the meaning fully, hopefully you can understand the meaning partially. Of course, it will affect your score for Task Response, but not for the other marking criteria. However, most essay questions are written quite simply so you can understand. Also, your preparation should involve reviewing all common topics and over 100 essay questions.

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Hi Liz, I hope you’re doing well. I have encountered some problems in giving correct points in writing task 2. Here is the question of the task which I selected for your website. Some schools are very strict about their school uniforms and the appearance of their pupils, while other schools have a very relaxed dress code. May I know ‘strict about their school uniforms’ simply means having the same dress codes/school uniforms? Looking forward to your reply. Thank you so much

Strict implies that they follow the dress code precisely and have very specific dress codes. For example, they have very precise rules for the length of a girls skirt and they make sure these rules are followed. In South Korea, they are even strict about the length of a girls hair and if a teacher thinks the girls hair is longer than permitted, they get a pair of scissors and cut it. That is a very strict rule about appearance. However, in the school I went to, girls had to wear ties, but the ties could be tied in any way the girl wanted. There were also rules about how short a skirt could be. But, in fact, the girls often looked very sloppy with ties in a mess and skirt very short. So, my school had rules but didn’t enforce them properly. So, struct dress codes applies to both the rules and the enforcing of those rules.

Hi Liz, thank you for the very clear and informative explanation. I’ve bought your E-books and advanced lessons and I’ve noticed my improvement after following exactly what you mention in the books and the lessons. All in all, I’m more than happy that I found your website and I would highly recommend to anyone who wishes to score in IELTS follow every note and advise at your website. Thank you and stay safe.

I’m pleased you are improving 🙂

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Hello Liz, I have been reluctant to send you a comment since I don’t know if you would be free to reply. I am planning to take the GT exam whenever the quarantine is over but until then, I have been practicing the writing task. my questions is: Can you have a glance at my essays and just let me know if what I am doing is right or not? I just need to know if my answering steps are in place, if I am starting my essay in the correct way and how much will I approximately score if I continued practicing in this manner. Thank you in advance and stay safe!

Unfortunately I don’t offer a marking service at present. However, I suggest you get my Advanced Writing Task 2 Lessons which take you step by step through each paragraph and will ensure you use the right techniques. I’m running a discount from about May 5th on those lessons as well as for my new Grammar E-book which will released then. Wait for that time to purchase.

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Is there any important topics for GT essay? Could you please assume frequently asked essay?

There is no difference between GT essays and Academic essays except that the GT essays are easier with slightly easier essay questions, So, ALL the lessons and tips for writing task 2 on this site are for both GT and Academic Writing Task 2. If you want ideas for topics, get my Ideas for Topics E-book which you can find in my online store. Click here: Liz’s Online Store

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I just started ielts preparation so please share ielts materials.

This whole website contains hundreds of page of lessons, tips etc. Go to the HOME page and read how to access them.

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Hello Liz, I have a question to ask about agree or disagree essay. “In the future, it seems more difficult to live on the Earth. Some people think more money should be spent on researching other planets to live, such as Mars. To what extent do you agree or disagree?” My essay goes like this: 1. Intro: disagree, money should be spent on saving the Earth rather than doing researches on other planets 2. Body 1: no certainty about life on other planets => could waste money 3. Body 2: saving the Earth is more important => reasons 4. Conclusion Is it ok if I write like that? Thank you in advance!

You have the right approach. However, your third body paragraph is not needed. That forms part of body paragraph 1 = Earth is more important which is why more money should be spent on research.

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Dear Liz, do we have to practice all the subtopics to get a good band in writing? Or working on only one subtopic will be enough?

The more you prepare, the better your chances of getting a specific question you have prepared. You can use this page for questions: and this page is a link to my Ideas for Essay Topics E-book in my online store:

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Hi Liz, Thank you for your effort in providing excellent resources. I have a strange question. If I get a question which I dont know at all in task 2, can I write something general related to that.For instance, if they asked about the importance of preserving historic places, can i just talk about history and can still get good bands for the other three criteria except for task achievement. Secondly, If I dont talk about anything about history,and I completely write offtopic, do they still consider my answer by giving 0 for task achievement,but giving appropriate band scores for the other three criteria.Thank u

1. If you don’t write about history at all, you might get band 0 for a memorised answer. Don’t change the topic because you prefer a different one. 2. If your topic is obviously off topic because you chose that – the above might apply. 3. You should always stick as close to the topic as possible. Yes, being on or off topic, only affects Task Response score – unless the above applies. 4. If you got my e-book “Ideas for Essay Topics” this is an unlikely situation: . In fact, preserving old buildings and also the importance of history are both given in my e-book which actually covers over 150 common essay topics. I hope this helps 🙂

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Hey Liz, Greetings. Can I agree on the first half and express my disapproval on the second half for the same essay?

For the same point? You would say “I agree in free education” and then in the next paragraph you would say “I don’t agree with free education”? This means you have confused the reader. In an opinion essay, the requirement of a high score is that you maintain a clear position throughout – this means one position from start to finish. This is clearly stated in the band score descriptors that IELTS have published to the public.

I think what you are talking about it actually a partial agreement (a balanced approach) to an opinion essay. You should only try this if you have been trained. See my Advanced Writing Task 2 Lessons which you can purchase on this page: . Otherwise, stick to a one sided approach – it’s easier.

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it depends on the plan followed in an essay as well as question asked. for illustration, if you are asked to give only your views then you can,,or if you are asked to discuss both pros and cons of notion.In the case,you are discuss give only one side so you have to go on one side either in favour or not. MAY YOU FIND THIS HELPFUL

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Dear Liz Thanks a million for all the unconditional help and support you have given us during these years to improve our English. I have a question regarding Agree/Disagree essays. In the following essay question are we supposed to write about both positive and negative effects if we think there are more positive aspects? I mean in these types of questions we must explain both sides even if we think there are more advantages? Below is the question. In the last 20 years there have been significant development in the field of IT. However, these developments are likely to have more negative effects than positive in future. To what extent do you agree with this view? Best regards Mona

You need to look at how it is phrased: more X than Y. If you think there is more X, you will also think there is less Y. This means you will explain both from your point of view. Do you see what I mean?

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MAM A Huge Thanks for providing theses topics! I have almost gone through every topic in detail and now when i check latest questions from your website, i feel like i can write ay of those tasks easily.

I have just one doubt. While studying about poverty i found that every cause of it is totally related to other one, and in this situation it becomes difficult to write two separate reasons or body paragraphs about poverty. Overpopulation, for instance, is the reason of lack of resources or services that include education, but education can be a different reason. In the similar way unemployment is another cause of pooverty, and unemploymet is also due to overpopulation.

You have plenty of ideas and that’s great. Now it is your task to select and organise. You can’t put all your ideas in your essay – you need to decide which ones to use. If the essay is about poverty (lack of money), then resource depletion isn’t really relevant. However your point about limited education is a good point. You do not need to link lack of good education to overpopulation – that isn’t necessarily connected. So, one cause is – lack of good education which helps create professionals who will pull a country out of poverty. Your second point is lack of employment – this is a clearly connected to poverty and that is a another good cause. You can add as a supporting point that overpopulation leads to too much competition for jobs that are scarce in the first place. So, you see, you need to filter your ideas and cut out any point that isn’t directly related. IELTS essays are short – only 280 words on average – you can’t list everything. So, we have cut out “resource depletion” and we have decided that “overpopulation” is a supporting point which adds problems to the lack of employment. The two main causes will be: limited education and lack of jobs, which together cause poverty both for the country, for families and for individuals. Do you see how you need to plan more after you have brainstormed. Once you have ideas, sift through them to choose only two causes that you will use. This of course is advice for a cause/solution essay where you shouldn’t have more than two causes. I hope this helps.

Thanks for clearing my doubts mam You are so generous and humble. I can’t express my gratitude towards you in words.

I wish you healthy and happy life!!!

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Dear Lucia, Thank you so much. It took me about 2 month to improve my skills and to be honest, I spent most of my time reading different topics. Based on Topic’s complexity and range of questions, each topic took me between 1 to 4 days to study at first.

Hi Dear Liz, I didn’t know where to say my words so i Chose this page. I just wanted to extremely express my appreciation for your great website and your efforts to help people pass the IELTS exam. I have centered around my study time on your website and I went through all the 100 essay topics and latest speaking questions in all three parts. I have succeeded in the exam with L:8.5, R:8, S:7.5, W:7.5 while my previous scores were: L:8.5, R:8.5, S:6.5 W:6 and your website was the one main way that made my dream come through. I again want to thank you a lot and I am referring your website and your courses to all the people who ask about my success path here in Iran. I hope all people understand and appreciate your hard work and thanks for all the positive energies. Regards, Danial

I’m really pleased for you, Danial. It’s great to see your scores improving so much – well done 🙂

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hi liz there is no written topic about globalisation…. can u please provide

See the topic of society on this page:

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Hi Danial, I am also happy for you that you got that such a brilliant score.. Could you please share how you make it? I also following Liz’s website which is very helpful fo me.. But i wondering about how long did you prepare to get that much improvement?and how many topics of writing did you do everyday?

Thank you in advance

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Hi Danial, What exactly you did to improve your skill by this website?

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Dear Liz, I just want to know that in agree or disagree type of essay, the body paragraph should be based on one side either agree or disagree or it should be 80:20 ratio? Please guide me, I will be very thankful to you.

There are no such rules. No rules at all like that in IELTS. You decide your own personal opinion when you read the essay question.

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Are calculators allowed in the IELTS exam? Thanks!

IELTS requires no calculations and, therefore, you need no calculator.

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Hlo mam can u please provide last 3 months essay topics

See this page:

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Hello Liz, I had this question, I saw several times in videos that while question asks about “advantages and disadvantages”, tutors write one example of for each advantage and disadvantage. I was wondering, is it OK to do so on test day? thanks in advance!

It is your choice how you expand and explain your ideas. You can use or not use examples – it’s your choice.

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I had a question and would appreciate if you could kindly clarify. The below essay statement falls under which category? and Why? To me it looks like an opinion essay where we need to choose a side either positive or negative and then give points to support the view in 2 paragraphs. Is that right?

Essay Question: Some universities offer online courses for students. Do you think it is a positive or negative development for students?

The question is listed under sample essay questions on this website.

Thank you, Soumen

This is listed under the category of direct questions. It requires you to answer one question only and present your opinion. You can find a model for this on this page:

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Please give me last six months essay topics which came in a ielts exam..

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I’m Ali , from iran and I have to say THANK YOU ! May God bless you

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Advertisement reflects the power of renowned consumer products in which celebrities are act as a crowd puller by doing advertises on television screen. Youngsters attract easily due to their favourite film stars , singers advertisevent. However, it is true argument that reduces the substancial real needs of the society in which they sold their goods.

Throughout the years, the scenario has been changed due to development of technology worldwide that helps the advertise companies to launch their products efficiently. Although, there is no actual need of that goods but individual purchase it through online website for instance, / etcetera that leads to wastage of currency and also grown-ups foster their guardians for that unworthy things. Besides this, companies provide lot of benefit and offer on goods to influence the public but it might have palpable effect that create skin infection , elergy problems due to the usage of cosmetica, medicines or protein powders that are consumed to gain or lpose weight . So , generally unhealthy for people.

On the other hand, there are various aspects against this argument. It is a people’s choice to take decision to buy goods . Advertising may be not a cause of consumer’s buying habits .individuals have their own spending habits . If they have got enough disposable income then they have right to purchase that product . Before buying consumer goods they should evidently aware about it positives and negatives.

To conclude , it is quit inconvenient to say everyone is swayed by advertising. Compared with other product companies , the sensitive areas of business such as toys industries that should be curtail to advertise because children have not enough mature to judge about good or bad.

Sory I don’t comment on writing.

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Hi Liz, your website is very helpful,no doubt :). My ielts test day is 15th dec and i am really confused… i wanted to ask that what i ought to do if i have no knowledge about the question in writing task 2. waiting for your response.. Thanks.

You will have a problem if you have not prepared ideas for common topics in writing task 2. See this page for a list of more topics: . You can find ideas from model essays online and debate websites.

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hi Liz, today I have elaborately studied marking criteria of writing task 2. Could you please explain me these three things- 1)coherence 2)cohesion 3)referencing

looking forward to your reply thanks in advance 🙂

You can find detailed information about the writing task 2 band scores on this page: . Coherence is about your language being easy to understand with a logical flow of ideas. Cohesion is about how ideas connect to each other (ie linking). Referencing is about referring back in grammar by using “it” or “they”.

thank you : )

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I have been looking for site to know writing task 2 topics with sub-topics,thanks to ieltsliz because its made my task easy.

You can find more here:

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You might have no idea how MANY DOCTORS around the world are thankful for your help in learning English! On behalf of all white coat wearing people, THANK YOU!.

I read many FB med group chat’s comments and other social networks, where many who want to come to the UK to practice medicine get together , and many of them recommend watching your videos.

Thousands of them, mostly from developing countries, show their gratitude to you.

we need above 7.5 in total and above 7 in each.

Personally, I have given IELTS 5 times, in 6 years. Unfortunately, I have not received the required score yet. BUT, I have received in Speaking 8, reading 7, Listening 7.5, and most horrible part-writing 6.5

Those numbers were different in each time, I just compiled them in the best shape, to show the greatest achievement I could get in those hardest ever my exams. I never got any bad marks during my 8 years of medical exams. I graduated from medical school with Honors yet ENGLISH- is my weak point.

I am proactive and will try for the 6th time, I believe it will be my last time of giving IELTS, I will achieve the required and even more band.

I have never really practice writing exactly at it is given in your explanation. But this time I WILL.

from Central Asia.

Thanks so much for your comment. I’m aware of the issues doctors face hitting their required score and am glad my site helps 🙂 I have actually replied to you at length via email using the email address you have used to post this message. Take a look as I’ve given you some extra tips and a gift. Good luck 🙂

Thank you . You are not wise only, generous and have real concerns for your students.

Heavenly rewards for your tremendous work.

Advance Merry Christmas!

Many new adventures in coming year 2017!

Thank you!!!

Merry Xmas 🙂

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Thank you Liz for your help so much! I know you have probably heard it many times before but I really do appreciate your great work. In my case especially, your study materials are priceless. I am a mother of a 9 months old baby girl so you can only imagine how challenging for me is studying and taking care of her at the same time. Actually, now at the moment I am burning the midnight oil to study for my IELTS exam (Academic) which is coming in the beginning of December 2016. My English is far from being perfect and my dream is to get band 8+. I am full of doubts and totally bushed, worried about my final results but I know that I just simply cannot give up. I think many people are having the same thoughts and worries as I do. But you are here, for us and that’s amazing. I am sending my warmest greetings from Finland.

Coming soon 🙂

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Thank you very much for your stunning site and I really like and benifited from it.I am a student of IELTS. My asking to you, how can I guess Argumentative written or narrative written. Some time I make mistake it . May you give me any easy way to identify it. Thank you

See the free information video on this page which explain the five types of IELTS essays:

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4 in reading

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really love your website. It’s very interactive.

In my speaking test had to speak about the last story I had watched on TV, with whom I watched and what did I liked about it and why.

Thanks for sharing 🙂 I’m glad my site is useful.

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Hi, In most of the GT writing test part II in the introduction paragraph, its mentioned that “In this essay I will be describing or I explained about…..bla bla

Similarly, In conclusion part,”I/we discussed and explained so and so…….”

My question is that is it right to use I and We the way I used in the above example or generalised statement will be given more weightage.

None of the phrases you have listed are advisable to use. I suggest you see my advanced writing task 2 lessons:

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Hi Liz Thank you for your great and wonderful lessons and tips that is really valuable to us. i bought your Advanced IELTS Writing task2 for different types of essay questions and its amazing,v.thanks. “people should work a fixed number of hours per week,and employers should not ask anybody to work more than this” give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples. what is this type of essay?and how to deal with it?and if any advices you can give it to me regarding my question. thank you.

That question is not complete. Where did you find it?

Cambridge 10 general training test2


That’s so badly written for an IELTS question. It’s an opinion essay. You need to comment on the opinion given by giving your own opinion. You need to explain what you think of people working a fixed number of hours in a week.

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Hello mam, i done my best in ielts exam …i follow format similar trend which should be followed but unfortunately i overall got 5.5 band in writing ..Can u suggest me something I’m going for it again.

See my advanced lessons:

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I am going to give general ielts test and I need your advice before giving the test please give me some tips for general ielts test and which lessons is are good for general test from your lessons

All writing task 2 lessons are also for GT. On the writing task 1 page, you will find tips for letter writing.

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I am preparing for Ilets Academic exam, It is on 31st March, I have started my preparation on 19th March 🙁 My goal is to achieve 6.5 band in writing, i am doing quite well in other sections. But i am not feeling confident in writing, kindly give me some tips on writing

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Hey Liz, I know you are taking some time off. However, I have a question for you in regard to Task 1. When the question is asking you to write a letter to your friends and in your letter, thank them for the photos and for the holiday you spent overseas. Since, no names were given, how would you suggest addressing this letter ? Would you suggest simply using imaginary names? Thanks

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Thank you for sharing valuable information for IELTS exam.

After going through your tips, I am a bit confused about how to write an essay for the question ‘To what extent do you agree’?

For example, “Most artists receive low salaries and should therefore receive funding from the government in order for them to continue their work. To what extent do you agree?” – – Can I disagree with the statement or I have to agree only? As I can say here that government has other priorities as well. – In addition to funding, can I write something like additional unemployment benefits for artists etc to further help artists. – Furthermore, If I agree (partially or fully) or disagree, two body paragraphs which I make, I have to justify my statement given in introduction only or can I discuss other side as well (may be in second para)? – I am getting confused over this type of question (To what extent) so please provide me with some resources on it as I have my exam on 23rd Jan.

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Hi, Do you have any solve essay so that I can see all the method.

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What is your opinion on giving a Title to the Essay before we begin writing it. Will that have a positive or negative impact? Please advice.

Thanks, Vijay

You should not write a title. Liz

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hi madam I bit confuse about what I write in this topic some sports make use of steroids in order to boost their performance as it easy to obtain legal drugs through a medical prescription . suggest some possible measures to check such unethical practices ielts task 2 …Please reply me as soon as possible because my exam is on 7 November. .Thanks

This can be checked by regular urine and blood tests. It can also be dealt with by having harsher penalties for people using drugs to enhance their performance. This issue has been in the news a lot so you can read up on google. Good luck Liz

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I can’t remember where I found an essay question that really stressed me out. It was something along the lines of “Some people believe the government should spend more money on defense while others believe social benefits should be favored. Discuss both sides.” I really can’t remember what it was exactly, but it concerned defense and social benefits and I honestly had no idea what I could write about on that topic. Would you have tips?

Thank you so much,

This is a current issue in many countries. Should a country aim to protect itself or should it spend money on providing benefits for its citizens. Defense is essential in order to ensure the security of a country and its citizens. Without defense, a country would be open to attack from terrorists or other countries. It is in the interest of the citizens to provide strong defenses. However, if many of a country’s citizens are in poverty or sick, the government has a responsibility to provide benefits and extra money to support them. Without these benefits, they might end up living below the poverty line. I hope some of these ideas help. Feel free to share your views. Liz

Thank you so much for your answer !

Also, I read that each paragraph should have one controlling idea. However, on subjects such as “Some believe a good salary is more important, others believe an enjoyable job is more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion” (something along those lines, I shortened it of course). I’m struggling on two things :

1. Is it ok if I write two paragraphs, one about good salary and the other about enjoying the job but with more than one idea for both? (ie. I wouldn’t have one single controlling idea). 2. Do I have to give my opinion in the intro or can I give it in the conclusion?

Thank you for your time!

You must put your opinion in the introduction, body and conclusion. You could have two body paragraphs and join your opinion with one of them or you could put your opinion separately. Have a think about getting one of my advanced training lessons for essay writing – they are very detailed and will help a lot: All the best Liz

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i think you are right this will help us and our country and their would not be any problem.

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The writing task 2. I came across in my IELTS general exam was

Some people thinks that radio is much more interesting and entertaining than Tv. To what extent do you agree? Or disagree?. Discuss with relevent examples.

Thanks for sharing 🙂

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Hello there ! Liz, I tried writing this topic and I’m trying the For-and-Against approach, and my opinion stated at the last paragraph. However, I can’t come up with any ideas as to how is radio more entertaining? How is it more entertaining than TV? Could you please help me out?

I am not clear what topic you are referring to – you need to write it in full in your message. Also I don’t know what you mean about the “for-and-against” approach. Are you talking about the discussion essay? Liz

Oh, I’m sorry, I completely forgot to mention which essay I was talking about. I was referring to “Some people think that radio is much more interesting and entertaining than TV. To what extent do you agree/disagree?” And what I meant by “for-and-against” was that I handle those type of questions like a discussion essay. I would first write the reasons why some people think it IS better than TV, and in the next paragraph I would list the reasons why others think it IS NOT. At the end I give my own opinion. However, I couldn’t think of any ways in which radio is more interesting, so I thought I would ask you for some ideas.

Thank you for the fast reply!

It is ESSENTIAL that you follow the instructions. The instructions do not say “discuss both sides”. This is an opinion essay, you decide your opinion in the introduction and explain it in the body paragraph. Never add any information which is not your opinion. If you fail to follow instructions 100%, you will get a low mark. See my opinion essay lesson from my online course for detailed training: All the best Liz

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Do you teach online ?

At the moment, these are the only extra lessons I offer: All the best Liz

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Hi Liz, I found your blog very useful, I have my exam in a week time, I m looking to improve my scores in Reading and Writing Section of ielts, I m good enough in English I would say, What tips you would help me on this.

Listening: As I m from Asian, And you mentioned that on your video that most of the foreigners have issues when it comes to listening to Plurals. with S. any way i can differential or improve on identify it. if so

Reading for General: Ii have experienced issue with matching question type and matching of heading or where you have lists of headings to choice or pick from like for example ( i, ii, iv) or the case of matching with the paragraph ( A, B, D,H). one where of the problem i fixed was with use of Synonyms in passage vs question., with the crunch of time . Are the Any Traps.. to look out for or tips that can help me to do well with this kind of questions apart from skimming the text and identifying the main idea of the paragraph…

Writing: I have issue with sentence construction or paragraph building i have ideas or points in mind when i end up reading up a task question.

Speaking: I plan on using diverse vocabulary words. towards my topic, but how would be able to know when should i use , Could be/ Should be / Would be any differences on those, I m sure i m likely loose points on misuse of words in context or when it comes to pronounciation of words. is that the case

I don’t have time to give you all tips but here are some. For speaking, the issue you are talking about is not vocabulary, it is grammar. The use of the correct modals (should, could etc) and the use of conditional sentences all relates to your grammar accuracy and range. You will find a grammar website recommended on my useful website page in the IELTS Extra section. For writing, the key is preparing ideas for all common topics and also planning your essay so that each paragraph has a central point. If you mix your ideas up in paragraphs, you will not get a good mark for coherence and cohesion – so plan your ideas and then plan how to put them into paragraphs. After that, plan how to support them. All that should be done before you start writing. All the best Liz

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Would you recommend to have a balanced view? Or single sided view? If I will choose a balanced view, I think I still need to state clearly which side I preferred. Is that correct? Thanks

You can get a good score with either approach. A one sided approach choose one side (either agree or disagree). The balanced approach is a specific opinion which doesn’t fully agree or fully disagree. I’ll soon be releasing a video to buy which explains in detail how to do both approaches for the opinion essay. I’ll post a link when it’s ready. Liz

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8+ IELTS Essay Topics for IELTS with Answers, Writing Task 2 Samples

8+ IELTS Essay Topics for IELTS with Answers, Writing Task 2 Samples

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The IELTS writing section is one of the essential components of the IELTS exam as it evaluates your ability to express yourself effectively in written English.

Consisting of two tasks, Writing Task 1 and Writing Task 2 , this section aims to measure your skills in presenting information and opinions, as well as your capacity to organise and articulate ideas coherently.

As a result, it's important to know the most common essay topics for IELTS that are likely to come up.

In this guide, we will discuss the latest IELTS essay topics for 2024 and give you some tips on how to approach them.

Table of Contents

Ielts writing task 2 for academic, 1. opinion essays, 2. discussion essays, 3. solution essays, 4. advantage or disadvantage essays, 5. direct question essays, 1. education, 2. technology, 3. environment, what are the topics for ielts writing, what is the most important essay for ielts, what are the common essay topics for ielts task 2, can i write 400 words in an ielts essay, is 7.0 a good ielts writing score, what happens if i don't write 250 words in ielts, what are the 3 essay types in ielts writing.

These topics are often repeated in IELTS exams , so make sure you are prepared for them!

Read also: IELTS tips and tricks to score high

IELTS Writing Task 2 for Academic assesses your ability to present and support an argument or opinion on a specific topic related to academic subjects or general issues. 

It consists of 2 tasks:

  • IELTS Writing Task 1: It assesses your ability to interpret and describe visual information accurately. In this task, you are presented with a graph, chart, table, diagram, or process, and are required to write a short report summarising the information presented.
  • IELTS Writing Task 2 : It assesses your ability to present and support an argument or opinion on a specific topic related to academic subjects or general issues. It requires you to express ideas coherently, use relevant examples, and maintain a well-structured essay format.

Types of IELTS essays

IELTS essays are divided into 5 main categories. These are:

Opinion essays require you to express your viewpoint on a given topic. You need to clearly state whether you agree or disagree with a statement and support your opinion with relevant arguments and examples.

“You say if you agree or disagree, back it up with good reasons.”

Sample IELTS essay writing topics:

  • In your opinion, should the government invest more in space exploration or environmental conservation?
  • Do you believe that social media has a positive impact on mental health?
  • Some people argue that zoos are essential for animal conservation. What is your opinion on this matter?
  • Is it better to raise children in a single-parent family or a two-parent family? Give reasons for your opinion.
  • In your opinion, should school uniforms be mandatory for all students?
  • Do you think that violent video games contribute to aggressive behavior in children?
  • Some people believe that professional athletes are overpaid. Do you agree or disagree with this view?

Discussion essays demand a balanced analysis of a topic by exploring both sides of an argument. You need to present the main points for each perspective and provide a thoughtful discussion.

“You need to show both sides of a topic and talk about them fairly.”

  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using renewable energy sources over fossil fuels.
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of online education compared to traditional classroom learning?"
  • Examine the impact of globalisation on local cultures and traditions.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of the growing popularity of online shopping.
  • Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of living in a city versus living in a rural area.
  • Examine the impact of technology on interpersonal communication in today's society.
  • Discuss the positive and negative effects of immigration on a country's economy.

Solution essays require you to identify a problem and propose effective solutions to address it. You need to analyse the causes of the issue and present practical remedies.

“You talk about a problem and give practical ideas to fix it.”

  • What are the main causes of traffic congestion in urban areas, and what measures can be taken to alleviate it?
  • Discuss the steps that can be taken to reduce the use of plastic and promote eco-friendly alternatives.
  • Explain how governments can encourage citizens to adopt healthier eating habits and combat obesity.
  • What can be done to address the issue of unemployment among young people?
  • "Discuss the measures that can be implemented to reduce air pollution in major cities.
  • How can governments promote renewable energy adoption and decrease reliance on fossil fuels?
  • Explain the steps that individuals can take to reduce their carbon footprint and combat climate change.

Advantage or disadvantage essays involve analyzing the positive and negative aspects of a particular subject or situation.

“You look at the good and bad parts of something.”

  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using artificial intelligence in various industries.
  • What are the pros and cons of globalisation on the economies of developing countries?
  • Examine the benefits and drawbacks of studying abroad for higher education.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using social media for personal communication.
  • What are the positive and negative effects of tourism on local communities and the environment?
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear power as a source of energy.
  • Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the increasing reliance on online banking and digital transactions.

Also read: 12 best books for IELTS exam preparation

Direct question essays consist of several direct questions related to a specific topic. You need to answer these questions comprehensively.

“You answer specific questions about a topic.”

  • Should governments invest more in public transportation or road infrastructure? Why?
  • Do you believe that the use of animals for scientific research is justified? Why or why not?
  • What are the key factors that contribute to job satisfaction? How can job satisfaction be improved?
  • Should children be given access to smartphones at a young age? What are the potential consequences?
  • Do you think that the death penalty should be abolished worldwide? Why or why not?
  • What are the challenges of an ageing population, and how can societies address them?
  • Should fast-food advertising be restricted to combat the rise in obesity rates among children? Why?

Also read: List of IELTS vocabulary words

8 Common IELTS Essay Topics

Here are the common IELTS essay topics

  • Environment

IELTS essays can cover a wide range of topics, but some topics often appear in the exam. Let's explore The 8 most common IELTS essay topics:

Education is one of the most popular and influential topics for IELTS essays.

Education can take many forms, from formal education in a classroom to informal education through life experiences.

For example, in an essay about education, you could discuss the importance of formal education, the benefits and drawbacks of different types of schooling or teaching methods, or even the impact of technology on education.

Education is a complex and interesting subject. When writing an education-related essay, make sure you research different education systems around the world and provide examples to support your assertions.

Additionally, consider how education can affect different aspects of life, such as economic development or social mobility.

Depending on the question prompt and your personal opinion, you can craft compelling essays that make strong statements about education in general or focus more narrowly on particular aspects, such as technology's role in modern classroom settings.

Additionally, it helps to have a few concrete examples for supporting evidence so that your argument is convincing and well-rounded. Education is a broad topic, but with careful thought, any student can write an essay that impresses the IELTS examiners.

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Technology is one of the ten common IELTS essay topics and is becoming increasingly relevant in modern society.

Technology-related essays ask you to discuss the potential impact of technological solutions on an issue or analyze how technology has been used for progress in a particular field.

Technology can be used as both a positive and negative force, so it's important to consider both sides when tackling these types of IELTS essays. Be sure to explore various opinions and provide reliable evidence to support your points.

Technology should also be discussed regarding its implications for the future, particularly within the context of global development goals. In any case, keep in mind that technology should always be analyzed with a critical eye and thoughtful insight into its impacts on society.

When writing IELTS essays on technology, always use clear and thoughtful language that considers the future implications of this dynamic force.

By understanding the various facets of technology and approaching essay topics with an open mind, you'll be well-prepared to tackle any tech-related IELTS essay you encounter.

The environment is a popular topic for IELTS essays, and it's no surprise why.

Environment-related issues are growing in importance due to the impacts of climate change, pollution, and resource depletion.

As such, there are various IELTS essay topics that may focus on these issues. Examples include:

  • Discussing ways to protect our environment from pollution
  • Identifying strategies for reducing waste
  • Examining the effects of global warming
  • Studying methods of sustainable development
  • Exploring how to conserve natural resources
  • Investigating approaches to preserving biodiversity
  • Analyzing the impact of climate change
  • Evaluating renewable energy sources
  • Proposing solutions to environmental problems
  • Comparing environmental protection strategies in different countries.

It is important to keep up with current events and research related to environmental protection to provide relevant examples when writing your essays.

With the right preparation, you can ensure that your IELTS essay stands out from the crowd!

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Work is an important topic in both Work & Study essays, which are commonly seen on IELTS exams.

Work can refer to any job or career someone has chosen to pursue, whether they are paid or unpaid. Work essays typically end with a discussion of future trends related to the topic. It would be best if you explored both sides of this issue before concluding.

Work-related topics that often appear in IELTS essays include globalization and its effect on labour markets, automation and technological advances in the workplace, new forms of employment such as freelancing or gig economy jobs, part-time or flexible working, and the ethical implications of unpaid labour.

Brainstorming different perspectives on these topics is important to develop a well-rounded essay.

Work is an interesting and often contentious topic that many students are passionate about, so it's important to ensure your arguments are clear and persuasive. Work essays require much thought and research to earn a high score on IELTS exams.

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Culture is a popular IELTS essay topic due to its broad scope and complexity.

Culture can include anything from national traditions, customs, lifestyles, artwork, holidays, and cuisine. Culture also reflects a country's history and values, making it an important topic of discussion in the IELTS exam.

Essays on culture may ask you to discuss how culture affects society or how particular cultural aspects have changed over time. In addition, you may be asked about your own cultural experiences or views on certain cultures worldwide.

To prepare for this type of essay, you should research different cultures and be familiar with key elements such as language, religious beliefs, values, and rituals.

Being able to draw examples from various countries will help demonstrate your understanding of the complex nature of culture.

Crime is a popular topic among IELTS essay questions.

Crime involves any behaviour that goes against social norms and laws, such as robbery, theft, murder, assault or even drug trafficking.

Therefore, it is important to consider both sides of an argument when writing about crime; for example, looking at both the benefits and drawbacks of harsher punishments or greater law enforcement.

Crime essay topics may include discussing the causes and effects of crime, how to tackle it, or its impact on society.

Examples of crime essay questions could involve researching the increase in juvenile delinquency, discussing effective strategies to reduce cybercrime, or providing solutions for tackling alcohol-related offences.

It is also important to provide evidence from reliable sources to support your opinion and make a compelling argument. The more informed you are about current issues concerning crime, the better prepared you will be when tackling this question type.

Ensure that your conclusion summarizes your views on crime and provides reasoned arguments that support them.

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Health is a common topic in IELTS essays, as health and well-being are integral parts of our lives.

You might be asked about health services, health care systems, health promotion, or health education. You may also be asked to discuss the causes and effects of public health issues such as obesity.

To answer these questions successfully, you need to understand health policies and current global health trends.

You should also include sound arguments explaining why certain approaches should be used to address health problems. Citing examples from your own experience or research can help strengthen your essay and make it more convincing.

Moreover, if you can provide health-related statistics, this can also help to illustrate the seriousness of health issues.

Health is an important topic in IELTS essays, and by properly researching and understanding health policies and global health trends, you can write effective essays on the subject.

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Family is another common IELTS essay topic.

Addressing issues such as nuclear versus extended families, parenting styles, gender roles in the home, or traditional versus modern family dynamics are all valid approaches when writing about this topic.

In any case, make sure you use relevant examples to illustrate your point and develop a logical and well-structured argument.

Family can be explored from different angles, ranging from exploring changes in family structure and values to discussing the roles of parents and children within the family dynamic.

It is also possible to write about how families interact with society or how they have adapted over generations to produce a unique culture.

Another important issue to consider when writing about family is how it has been affected by technological and social advancements. Exploring topics such as technology's impact on family life or how a changing society has led to different expectations of parents can provide interesting insights into the topic of family.

With such a wide range of possibilities, family can make for an interesting and thought-provoking essay topic on the IELTS exam.

The IELTS essays cover a wide range of topics and have been designed to test students' writing abilities.

These above-mentioned topics are the eight most common for IELTS essays, but many other potential topics could come up in your exam.

With practice and commitment, any student can become skilled in writing compelling content for the IELTS exam.

Frequently asked questions

IELTS writing topics cover a wide range of subjects, including education, health, technology, environment, society, work, and more. 

Both Task 1 and Task 2 essays hold importance in IELTS writing. However, Task 2 is often considered more crucial as it contributes more to your overall writing score and requires you to present and support your viewpoint on a relevant topic.

Common IELTS Task 2 essay topics include subjects like climate change, technology's impact, education systems, health, social issues, and cultural diversity.

While there's no strict word limit, it's advisable to aim for around 250 to 300 words for Task 2 essays. Writing excessively, such as 400 words, might lead to less focused and coherent content. It's essential to prioritize clarity and quality over word count.

A writing score of 7.0 in IELTS is generally considered good and reflects a strong level of language proficiency. 

Not meeting the recommended word count of around 250 words in Task 2 essays could potentially lead to a lower score. 

The three main essay types in IELTS writing Task 2 are opinion essays, discussion essays, and solution essays.

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IELTS Writing Questions

These IELTS writing questions are examples of essay questions given in the IELTS exam for Task 2.

The IELTS essay topics have been divided into common IELTS writing topics and many have model answers.

This way you can easily see and understand the kind of areas of knowledge you will need to know about in order to help you do well in the test.

Some of the IELTS writing questions could of course be in more than one topic area.

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Model Answer

Blood sports have become a hot topic for debate in recent years. As society develops it is increasingly seen as an uncivilized activity and cruel to the helpless animals that are killed. All blood sports should be banned.

Discuss the main arguments for this statement and give your own opinion.

Examine the arguments in favour of and against animal experiments, and come to a conclusion on this issue.

Culture and Traditions

Government investment in the arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of money. Governments must invest this money in public services instead.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?

It is inevitable that as technology advances, traditional cultures will be lost. It seems that we cannot have these two things together.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There are many types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important and should it be preserved or is international music that is heard everywhere nowadays more useful to a society?

Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history. Some people think they should be knocked down and replaced by news ones.

How important is it to maintain old buildings?

Should history stand in the way of progress?

Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates get better jobs. Others believe there are much wider benefits of university education for both individuals and society.

Education is not a luxury, but a basic human right and as such should be free for everyone irrespective of personal wealth.

Do you agree or disagree?

Some people think that children's free time must include educational activities otherwise they will waste their time.

What is your opinion?

Formal examinations are the only effective way to assess a student's performance. Continual assessment such as course work and projects is not a satisfactory way to do this.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

essay topics with answers for ielts

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Developed countries have created many environmental problems in the World, particularly in their contribution to global warming.

Why is global warming a problem?

What can be done to reduce the dangers of global warming?

In order to solve traffic problems, governments should tax private car owners heavily and use the money to improve public transportation.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution?

Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today.

What are the causes of global warming and what measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issue?

Logging of the rain forests is a serious problem and it may lead to the extinction of animal life and human life.

To what extent to you agree of disagree?

Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems.

Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems.

Health, Fitness and Diet

Currently there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of medicine. However, at best these methods are ineffective, and at worst they may be dangerous.

The percentage of overweight children in western society has increased by almost 20% in the last ten years.

Discuss the causes and effects of this disturbing trend.

Eating a balanced diet is the most important factor for a healthy life.

To what extent do you agree?

Do the dangers derived from the use of chemicals in food production and preservation outweigh the advantages?

Many of the medical problems that people are experiencing in today's world are due to the fact that we have a very sedentary lifestyle.

To what extent to you agree?

Stress is now a major problem in many countries around the world.

What are some of the factors in modern society that cause this stress, and how can we reduce it? 

Some of the methods used in advertising are unethical and unacceptable in today’s society.

To what extent do you agree with this view?

Are famous people treated unfairly by the media? Should they be given more privacy, or is the price of their fame an invasion into their private lives?

These days, we are seeing an increasing amount of violence on television, and this is having a negative impact on children's behaviour.

Families and Children

Nowadays, families are not as close as in the past and a lot of people have become used to this. 

Explain the reasons for this and discuss any possible effects it may have on society.

There is an increasing trend around the world to have a small family rather than a large family.

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a small family rather than a large family? 

Crime and the Law

Smoking not only harms the smoker, but also those who are nearby. Therefore, smoking should be banned in public places.

Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime.

Levels of youth crime are increasing rapidly in most cities around the world.

What are the reasons for this, and suggest some solutions.

Smokers have rights too, so they should be allowed to smoke in public places.

In the last 20 years there have been significant developments in the field of information technology (IT), for example the World Wide Web and communication by email. However, future developments in IT are likely to have more negative effects than positive.

People use computers when they work or go banking, but some argue that it will make people isolated and decrease their social skills.

To what extent do you agree with this viewpoint?

Some people think that computers are more of a hindrance than a help in today's society. Others believe that they are such indispensable tools that they would not be able to live or work without them.

Discuss both opinions and give your opinion.

Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a large number of children play computer games.

What are the negative and positive impacts of playing computer games and what can be done to minimize the bad effects?

Do you think that modern technology, such as the internet and computers will ever replace the book or the written word as the main source of information?

Genetic engineering is an important issue in modern society. Some people think that it will improve people's lives in many ways. Others feel that it may be a threat to life on earth.

Discuss both opinions and give your opinion?

As people live longer and longer, the idea of cloning human beings in order to provide spare parts is becoming a reality. The idea horrifies most people, yet it is no longer mere science fiction.

To what extent do you agree with such a procedure?

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50 Recent IELTS Essay Questions

Hey! It is so important that when you sit down to practice IELTS writing, you only use questions that are “genuine”. This means using either questions that come from the IELTS Cambridge 1 – 15   series or those that have been created by an exam writer like those in my 100 IELTS essay question blog post.  However, many students like to practice recent IELTS essay questions i.e. topics that have been reported by recent test-takers.

I understand why students want to do this – knowing what the recent IELTS essays questions are and checking that you can answer them is reassuring. However, unfortunately, test-takers rarely (if ever) manage to accurately remember the wording of the question that they had in their test.

Can they remember the general topic? Sure.

Can they remember the exact wording? Definitely not!

Sadly, changing even one word in a test can change the focus of a question and, therefore, make it impossible to answer! So, every month, I collect 50 recent IELTS essay questions from students in  My IELTS Classroom  , and edit them so that they are as close to perfect as possible.

Plus, I divide the questions into Academic and General Training (so you can be sure you are tackling the right type of questions) and have highlighted the main topic of each question for you.

This page is updated monthly and is now showing questions from 2021. If you want to see exam questions that reportedly appeared earlier in 2021, then you can look at our 2021 archive .

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As always, these questions are provided so that you can check that you have ideas for the nw topics. If you are preparing with a teacher or want high-quality feedback on your  writing  then you should always use a question from the original IELTS Cambridge Series .

Academic IELTS Essay Questions (February 2021 – September 2021)

1. Some people think that criminal behaviour has genetic causes . Others believe that it is circumstances that lead people to commit a crime. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

2. Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in an area. Others believe that local councils should allow people to choose different designs for their houses. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

3. Some people say that the best way to teach children to behave well is to punish them. Others argue that rewarding and praising children is a better way to teach them the difference between right and wrong. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

4.  Some people believe that women should be able to join their country’s army and police forces . Others think that only men should be allowed to work in these areas. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

5.  In some countries, there are not enough medical or educational facilities in rural areas. Therefore, some people believe newly graduated teachers and doctors should be sent to work in rural areas for some time. Others think that people should be free to choose where they work after graduation. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

6. A lot of research has shown that overeating can have a number of negative effects on the body. Some people therefore believe that the advertising of certain foods should be banned in the same way that some countries have banned advertising cigarettes. Do you agree or disagree?

7 Some people think that parents should teach their children about the importance of recycling . Others believe recycling should be taught in schools. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

8. The media has the right to publish information about the personal life of celebrities . To what extent do you agree or disagree?

9. Some people say that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

10. Young people today mostly learn by reading books or watching movies and TV shows , rather than personal experience. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

11. Big companies should provide sports and social facilities for the local communities where they operate. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

12. Some people argue that thanks to the widespread accessibility of the internet, libraries are no longer necessary. Do you agree or disagree?

13. If asked to choose between a life without work and a life that involves working most of the time, people will always choose not to work. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

14. Eighteen is the appropriate age for children to finish school. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

15. Schools should stop using books to teach and use films, TV and computers in the classroom instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Writing a good IELTS essay doesn’t have to be difficult. Follow our step-by-step guide to every type of essay to find out what the examiner expects and exactly what you can do to satisfy the band descriptors in our Task Two course. The first three lessons are free!

16. Nowadays foreign visitors show more interest in the museums of a country than its local residents do. Why is this? What can be done to attract more local residents to visit museums in their country?

17 Many companies sponsor sports teams and events to advertise their products or service . What advantages and disadvantages does this bring for the teams and individuals that these companies sponsor?

18. Most information today is available online whereas in the past it was stored in books or on paper. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

19. The difference between countries is becoming less and less evident as people all over the world wear the same fashions, watch the same TV channels, use the same brands, and have similar eating habits. Do you think that the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

20. Nowadays many people get the news online instead of reading it in newspapers or watching it on TV. Is this a positive or negative development?

21. In many countries today the proportion of older people in the population is higher than the proportion of younger people . Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

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22. More and more tasks in the home and at work are being performed by robots . Why do you think this is the case? Is this a negative or positive development?

23. Nowadays tourists and scientists are allowed to travel to remote natural environments . Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

24. Due to population growth many people these days live in apartments with limited space and no outdoor areas. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?

25. Every country in the world has its own road rules , but many drivers don’t obey them. What do you think are the reasons for this? What can be done to solve this problem?

BONUS In many countries, shopping is now one of the most popular types of leisure activity . Why do you so many young people like shopping? Is this a positive or a negative development?

What are the current Aacdemic writing trends?

My observation of the most recent IELTS essay questions from 2021 is that there have been A LOT of Discuss Both Sides and To What Extent questions. In fact, this is more or less all that I have seen in the first month of the new year, so be sure that you are ready to answer these.

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GT IELTS Essay Questions (February 2021 – September 2021

1. Some people believe that individuals who earn a lot of money are the most successful in life . Others say that the individuals who contribute to the society (such as scientists or teachers) are more successful. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

2. It is universally accepted that eating too much  sugar has a negative effects on people’s health . Therefore, some believe that the government should control the amount of sugar people consume. Others think that it is the responsibility of an individual to monitor their sugar intake. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

3. Some people say that the development of technology means that people no longer need to learn the skill of handwriting . Others believe that it is still necessary for people to learn how to write by hand. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

4. Some people believe that individuals over 65 should not be allowed to continue working . Others think that people should be allowed to work for as long as they choose. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

5. Some people think that it is a good idea for parents to help their children with their homework. Others believe that children should do their homework on their own. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

6. Some people think that the government should spend money on cultural activities such as music or art. Others think this is a waste of taxpayers’ money. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

7. Some people think that children should be taught how to become good parents at school . Do you agree or disagree?

8. Many mothers stay at home to take care of their family and don’t go out to work . Some people believe these mothers should be paid by the government. Do you agree or disagree?

9. In many countries, it is common for people to consume fast food. However, some people believe that fast food has too much influence on our lifestyle and diet. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

10. Some people say that playing sports helps to prepare children for their future jobs . Do you agree or disagree?

11. Some people say that the Olympic Games no longer play a role in the 21st century . Do you agree or disagree?

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12.   People’s behaviour (for example, their table manners and they way they dress) varies from country to country. When traveling to a different country, people should copy the behaviour and habits of the inhabitants of the country they  visit. Do you agree or disagree?

13.  The best way to increase road safety is to make car drivers retake their driving test every year. Do you agree or disagree?

14.  Some people believe that family is more important than friends . What do you think?

15.  The Internet is the best place to find information . Do you agree or disagree?

16.  In many countries traditional customs are being lost.  Why do you think this is? What can parents and schools do to keep traditional customs alive? 

17.  People who are learning a foreign language can face a number of difficulties. What are some of these problems? In your opinion, what are the best ways to overcome these difficulties?

18. Young people today are often less polite and show less respect than previous generations . Why do you think this is? What can be done to solve this problem? 

19. Developments in technology mean that more and more machines are being used in the workplace instead of human employees. Does this development have more advantages or more disadvantages?

20. In some countries, young people choose to move from their parents’ home to their own house at an early age. In other countries, young people stay with parents for a longer time. Do you think young people who leave their parent’s home at a younger age have more advantages or disadvantages than those who stay?

21. In many parts of the world, more and more large supermarkets are opening and smaller local shops are closing down. Does this development have more advantages or more disadvantages for local people?

22. In some countries it is illegal to stop people applying for a job because of their age . Is this a positive or a negative development?

 23.  In many countries, people are earning more money today than in the past, so they are able to buy more things. Is this a positive or a negative development?

24. Nowadays, people prefer to shop at large shopping centres rather than in local shops or markets. Why is this? Is this a positive or negative development?

25. Nowadays in many countries traditional customs are becoming less popular than in the past . Do you agree or disagree? What can parents and teachers do about this?

BONUS –  Playing team sports at school can teach students a number of lessons that are useful outside of sport. What values can students learn from playing team sports? How can they apply these values in the future? 

What are the current GT writing trends?

So far this year, I have noticed two main trends for the recent IELTS essay questions for General Training students. First, there continue to be more 2-part questions than in the Academic test, and the topics seem to be more and more diverse.

Also, the test writers seem to making small changes to the wording of questions, which don’t actually change what you are expected to do, but may confuse some students. For example, in the past, you were always asked “Is this a positive or negative trend?” but recently the same question has been phrased as:

  • Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
  • Do you think this is right or wrong?
  • Do you think this this a good or bad use of public money?

If you enter the exam room and feel confused by the question, my advice is always to simply answer the question that you have been given.

Yes, there are question types that repeat, but if you are given a direct essay question or a type of question that is unfamiliar, simply focusing on answering the question/s you have been given clearly is always the best approach!

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OK – those are the 50 most recent IELTS essay questions. I will try to do this every month so that you can be sure you have ideas for every possible IELTS question in your exam. Well, maybe not to every question, but at least by practicing with these, you will have sharpened your idea-generation skills . Plus, you can help me by adding any questions that you can remember from a recent IELTS exam in the comments below 🚀

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Most Common IELTS Task 2 Topics (In 2024)

The post will give you the 10 most common task 2 topics.

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The post will give you the 10 most common IELTS Writing Task 2 topics.

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IELTS Writing Topics

A question my students keep asking, repeatedly, is ‘What are the most common IELTS writing part 2 topics?’ They are worried that they won’t be familiar with the topic and will not have any relevant ideas. This is especially true for students from ‘developing’ countries because most of the questions are ‘first world’ problems and issues. Let’s turn that disadvantage into an advantage.

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To answer the question, I have asked my students over the last few years to send me the topics on their exams.

A big thank you to those students who were kind enough to send me their questions.  I have built up a huge amount of questions, and I think it is about time to analyse them.

Are the same Writing Task 2 topics repeated?

The answer is yes and no. There are a huge amount of topics that come up in writing task 2. At the last count, there were around 50 different topics (based on collecting data over the last few years), and if you would like all 50, please let me know, but I’m more concerned about the topics that come up again and again. If you have time to familiarise yourself with over 50 topics, then please do, but I think most people have to be smart with their time, and it, therefore, makes more sense to prioritise the most common topics.

I try to encourage my students to be efficient in learning. However, I don’t agree with the saying ‘Work smart, not hard’ as this implies you can do very little work and still achieve your goals. My motto is to work hard and smart.

IELTS Essay Topics

10 general topics come up more often than all of the rest put together. They are:

  • Environment
  • Development
  • Globalisation
  • Public Transport
  • Criminal Justice
  • Youth Crime
  • Government Spending

So what can I do with this information?

Now you know the common topics, there are 3 things you can do:

1.  Develop a vocabulary list for each topic

Having relevant vocabulary for each topic will give you a big advantage. Many students fail to provide relevant vocabulary, and their band score suffers.

When looking at new vocabulary, try to guess the meaning from context first and then look up the meaning to ensure your idea matches the actual meaning. Also, be sure to look at the word within a sentence to be aware of how it relates to other words.

When recording vocabulary, do it in a way that will help YOU remember it. Everyone learns differently, and everyone learns vocabulary differently. Some people like to draw pictures beside the word, some like synonyms or antonyms, others prefer to write a few sentences, and others like to use the phonemic chart to write the word that way. Whatever works for you, do it.

It is also very important to review words regularly. This is the most effective way to remember the words. So many people learn lots of words and a week later, they can’t remember them. I would recommend reviewing them one day after learning them for the first time, then one week later and then finally one month later. After that, they should be firmly stuck in your head for good.

I am developing a vocabulary list for each of the topics above, which you can access here.

2. Practice reading and listening within these topics

To do well on your IELTS test, you should practice at home. Even just 60 minutes per day can make a big difference. This will not only improve all four skills but familiarise you with the common topics at the same time. Why waste time listening or reading something if it is about something that probably won’t come up on the test? Unless you are listening or reading for pleasure; in that case, be my guest.

When reading an English newspaper, look for articles on common topics and highlight good vocabulary.

If you like listening to the radio or podcasts, find ones on common topics.

Please check out my 25 online language learning tools for many ways to study at home for free.

3. Study the common topics

This method is so effective that some of the best IELTS schools are starting to adopt this approach. If you are going to study or practice anything, then do it within the context of one of the common topics. For example, if you are practising speaking with a friend on Skype, why not discuss one of the issues above? If you are practising writing essays, find a question about one of the most popular or repeated IELTS topics.

This method allows you to practice both skills and learn about these crucial topics.

They also come up quite a lot in the speaking test.

Can I focus on these topics and get a high band score?

Obviously, there is much more to achieving a high score than just focusing on repeated topics, but this will allow you to study and prepare more smartly and efficiently, giving you a huge advantage.

However, I would like to add that studying things you are passionate about is also important. If you are genuinely interested in a topic, then it is much easier to study, and you are less likely to quit. Please also make time to read, listen, talk and write about your passion. If you love football, read about your team every day on www. . Love fashion?- find some fashionista blogs. Have a passion for photography?- why not blog about it? Have a passion for astrophysics? Listen to star talk radio.

Here are the latest topics:

  • Traditional Culture
  • International Aid
  • The Environment

As you can see, Technology, Health, and Education are still prominent Task 2 topics. It was interesting to see Traditional Culture popping up twice in such a short period, but that doesn’t mean that it will definitely feature again soon.

I still think that Technology, Health, Education and the Environment are important topics and will regularly feature in the future. Reading about these topics will help you, and you will also pick up other vocabulary just by reading about them.

The important thing is to read actively. When you see a word you don’t know, note it down and find its meaning, collocation and synonyms. Soon you will have a notebook full of new words, and you review them regularly until they become part of your vocabulary.

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I recommend looking at our IELTS task 2 page for many more lessons, tips and sample task 2 answers.

Need help writing essays? Check out our ESSAY CORRECTION SERVICE .

The best way to keep up to date with our latest posts is to like our page on Facebook . There are also daily practice activities on our Facebook page.

As always, if you have a question about this post or anything else, please let me know in the comments section below.

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My name is Christopher Pell and I'm the Managing Director of IELTS Advantage.

I started IELTS Advantage as a simple blog to help 16 students in my class. Several years later, I am very humbled that my VIP Course has been able to help thousands of people around the world to score a Band 7+ in their IELTS tests.

If you need my help with your IELTS preparation, you can send me an email using the contact us page.

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IELTS Opinion Essay – Topics, Structure and Sample Answers

Nehasri Ravishenbagam

10 min read

Updated On Feb 22, 2024

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IELTS Opinion Essay – Topics, Structure and Sample Answers

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IELTS opinion essays mainly focus on agreeing or disagreeing with a particular fact or information. It presents two opposite views and you have to develop your argument supporting one view (strictly one!) You get 40 minutes to complete this task. You have to write at least 250 words on the topic given.

Given below are some examples of IELTS Writing Task 2 opinion essays along with their structure. So, let’s understand how to frame the IELTS opinion essay from the sample answers given in the blog!

What is the IELTS Opinion Essay Format?

If you’re gearing up to tackle the Opinion Essay in IELTS Writing Task 2, know that it’s all about writing your opinion on a specific topic with supporting examples. To make sure your essay ticks off all the criteria of a band 8+ essay, organizing it in the right way is key!

Let’s now look at a proper format to learn the structuring of an IELTS opinion essay.


  • Keep it short, usually around 2-3 sentences.
  • Introduce the topic and clearly state your opinion.
  • Provide a brief overview of the main points you will discuss in the body paragraphs.

Body Paragraphs (Usually 2 paragraphs):

  • Each paragraph should focus on a single main idea that supports your opinion.
  • Start with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea.
  • Provide evidence, examples, and reasoning to support your main idea.
  • Aim for coherence and cohesion within each paragraph by using appropriate transition words.
  • Make sure to use appropriate vocabulary and grammar while explaining an idea in the body paragraphs.


  • Summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs.
  • Restate your opinion, emphasizing its importance or relevance.
  • Avoid introducing new ideas in the conclusion.

IELTS Opinion Essay Sample Answers

Given below is an example of an IELTS Writing task 2 opinion essay. Let’s understand how to frame the essay from the ideas we have.

Sample Question 1

In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Given below is a brief outline of what to write in the essay after identifying the essay type.

Opinion Essay


Paraphrase the topic of the essay using synonyms for the words used in the topic statement. Clearly state the view on the topic.

Body Paragraph 1

Technological improvements have increased the level of ease and convenience to a point where people can access news and information at the click of a button. This has led to print media becoming outdated.

Body Paragraph 2

The development of news websites and sites that freely distribute information and print media in a digital form has led to a trend of availing such services and content without paying.

Summarize the essay and re-state the opinion on the topic.

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Sample Answer 

Presently, newspapers, books, journals, magazines, etc. are still actively used by a section of the global population. However, with the arrival of news sites and the availability of books, magazines and other forms of media online, totally free of cost, many believe that such forms of media are on their way to becoming outdated. I agree with this statement, and will explain it further with relevant examples in the essay.

It is a well-known fact that in this day and age if an individual wants to read a book or just go over the news of the day, the first step that they take is to search the internet. Devices such as smartphones and tablets have improved the time efficiency of searching for information online to such an extent that a person can access their preferred form of media in the comfort of their homes in a matter of minutes. Consequently, people have started to abandon their preference for print media due to the presence of much more convenient alternatives.

Additionally, the various forms of print media enjoyed by people can often be availed free of charge on several websites. For instance, most news organizations publish their daily news on their official website, which can be accessed by anyone. Also, some numerous sites and databases provide popular books, journals and magazines in a digital form to the public for a nominal subscription fee or sometimes even for free, leading to a majority of readers of such forms of media shifting away from buying hard copies.

Nevertheless, there is still a sizable chunk of the population that enjoys the conventional forms of print media. That being said, with the cost-effective nature of making such information and content available online, organizations will soon completely shift to internet-based services.

In conclusion, I would like to say that people always prefer the more comfortable alternative that is available. Therefore, it can be safely said that in the coming years, there will be a complete shift from traditional print media to online media services and products.

Sample Question 2

Some people say that international sporting events contribute greatly to peace and stability in the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Paraphrase the topic sentence using synonyms.

Mention the view on the topic.

Body Paragraphs

International sports tournaments are events where teams and the general public of various countries come together and collectively participate in the event.

Sports events, especially cricket and football help distract the minds of the citizens from the ongoing difficulties in their country and enjoy these events.

Summarize the essay and state the final view.

Sample Answer

Sports has always been a magnificent platform for the finest talents of a country to showcase their skills and represent their nation. At the same time, sports is also one of the few occasions where every citizen of the country unites in support of their favourite teams. It is considered by many that sports are a great approach to maintain stability among countries. This essay will elaborate on the given topic and justify why sports can successfully bring and preserve global peace.

One of the greatest characteristics of any popular sporting event is that supporters of every team involved in the tournament almost always attend the matches that are organized in their cities. Some veteran fans even travel to different parts of the country to witness a match between their favourite teams. These events also unite the populace of a nation as every patriotic individual prays for the success of their national team. For instance, the entire nation wishes for the victory of their national team in the Olympic Games as winning an Olympic Medal is one of the most prestigious honours that can be bestowed upon a country.

It is a well-known fact that the people of a country collectively face several challenges on a day-to-day basis. These issues can be caused by numerous factors and are the typical difficulties that ordinary citizens have to overcome. Sports help people enjoy a few moments of excitement and take a break from the monotony of everyday life.

That being said, sometimes the passion of overenthusiastic sports fans ends up leading to harmful and conflicting situations among communities. Nevertheless, the overall impact of sports on our lives is undoubtedly positive.

Finally, sports are one of the aspects of human life that bind a whole community together. This is enough evidence to understand that sports help maintain peace and stability in a nation.

Ready to grab the latest IELTS writing task 2 question papers of 2024?

Sample Question 3

Our personalities are predetermined as a result of our genes before we are born and there is nothing that can be done to change our character traits. To what extent do you agree?

Paraphrase the topic and mention the view.

Genetics are only a part of the entire list of factors that affect a person’s personality.

One of the most important influences on an individual’s personality is their childhood and upbringing.

Summarize the essay and mention the final view in brief.

Even between small periods of time, there are subtle variabilities in our disposition. Such alterations are quite natural and are a part of a human being’s existence. However, it is often assumed that our personality is entirely dependent on genetics. The following paragraphs will explore the different aspects of personality and justify why genetics are not the only factor influencing our personality.

An individual has countless experiences in their life from childhood to adulthood and finally until death. Every one of these experiences has an impact on a person’s mind, no matter how giant or small. The kind of people present in a person’s immediate surroundings also has a huge influence on their nature and characteristics. Thus, it can be safely surmised that a person’s genes are not the only contributing factor when it comes to personality.

One of the most significant influences on our personality is our childhood experiences and the teachings of our parents. Children are always known to follow in the footsteps of their parents. Thus, if the parents of a child are successful in teaching their children the right values and morals, they are bound to grow into responsible and decent individuals.

It is true that the personality traits of an individual are determined by the features of their parents. Nevertheless, these traits can be altered over the course of many years and different experiences.

In conclusion, genetics affect our personalities in a trivial manner as compared to all the other aspects of our temperament. That being said, our life experiences and learnings are the consequential factors in developing our character.

The Latest IELTS Opinion Essay Topics of 2024

A few IELTS opinion essay topics are listed down below, which you can practice. These opinion essay questions may appear in the actual examination.

  • In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should be spent on researching another planet to live on, such as Mars. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Many people say that the only way to guarantee a good job is to complete a course in university education. Others claim that it is better to start work after school and gain experience in the world of work. How far do you agree or disagree with the above views?

  • Although more and more people read the news on the internet, newspapers will remain the most important source of news for the majority of people. Do you agree or disagree?
  • Students in schools and universities learn more from their teachers than through other means such as the Internet, libraries, and TV. To what extent you agree or disagree?
  • Nowadays university education is very expensive. Some people say that universities should reduce their fees, especially for the less fortunate students or for those coming from rural areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  • Some people think that governments must insist on preserving the traditional appearance of old buildings undergoing renovation or redevelopment. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?
  • Some people believe that international trade and communication with other countries is a positive trend, while others think it is harmful to nations and they might lose their identities. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.
  • Many people believe that schools should teach children to become good citizens and workers rather than independent individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.

People should follow the customs and traditions when they start to live in a new country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  • It is impossible to help all people in the world, so governments should only focus on people in their own countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • Prevention is better than cure. Do you agree or disagree that out of the country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventive measures?

Top 3 Common Mistakes of IELTS Opinion Essays

In IELTS opinion essays, it’s easy to make some common mistakes that can lower your band score. Getting aware of them is the key to not committing them knowingly or unknowingly while you prepare!

The top 3 common mistakes to avoid are:

  • Not giving a clear opinion.
  • Presenting arguments for both sides of the issue.
  • Failing to support your opinion with well-defined reasons and examples.

Tips to Answer IELTS Opinion Essay Questions

In the IELTS opinion essays, you need to write your opinion about a topic and back it up with proof and examples. If you use a clear structure and good writing methods, you can improve your chances of doing well!

  • Spend 5 minutes on a mind map before writing.
  • Stick to one viewpoint throughout the essay.
  • Use a single main idea to support the topic in each of the two body paragraphs.
  • Express your opinion throughout the essay, not just in the conclusion.
  • Keep the introduction short, a maximum of 50 words.
  • Ensure each body paragraph explains a main idea within 100 words.
  • The conclusion should be shorter than the introduction.
  • Write a complete essay following the given structure.
  • Aim for a word count of 280 words or less.

Here are the 10 Examples for the Opinion Essay Topics IELTS:

Also check:

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  • Tips to write great writing essay
  • IELTS Sample essays
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  • IELTS Writing recent actual test
  • IELTS 2024 Study Plan for 1 month (30 Days) / 15 Days / 7 Days

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the structure for writing the introduction for an opinion essay?

Is it mandatory to state my opinion in the introduction? Can I skip it and introduce my opinion in the body paragraphs?

What are the words that I can use to state my opinion?

Can I underline the important sentences, to attract examiner’s attention?

Is it mandatory to write the essay in first person?

Practice IELTS Writing Task 2 based on Essay types

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Nehasri Ravishenbagam

Nehasri Ravishenbagam

Nehasri Ravishenbagam, a Senior Content Marketing Specialist and a Certified IELTS Trainer of 3 years, crafts her writings in an engaging way with proper SEO practices. She specializes in creating a variety of content for IELTS, CELPIP, TOEFL, and certain immigration-related topics. As a student of literature, she enjoys freelancing for websites and magazines to balance her profession in marketing and her passion for creativity!

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essay topics with answers for ielts

Purnima Koli

Posted on Oct 5, 2021

In fast-paced global economy, it is imperative to have both knowledge and skill. Ability to learn on the job paves way for more hands-on training than discussing case studies at university. Doing a course can be time taking and can surely burn a hole in our parents’ pockets, the middle class knows it better. Getting straight to business of things, meaning starting to work soon after school is beneficial in many ways.

Working in office gives us professional perspective about how business processes are streamlines, turning creative ideas into tangible projects and most importantly getting paid for the amazing work I put out. I feel it’s great to have my ideas being incorporated as solutions to processual issues. Personal growth due to long years of work experience makes us future-ready for the big dream job. Alternatively, some also start their own business after getting gaining a good reputation for their work.

In my personal experience my university education looks good on my CV but has not been financially rewarding for I still have to even out my return on investment. I regret joining an elite institution where I felt out of place as I came from a humble upbringing. However, I learnt a lot about living away from home, managing finances, making new friends, living independently, honed my communication skills.

All in all, I feel it is better to join workforce early on than to do a full-fledged university course. This saves time, money and energy from studying on campus which can be channelized to working with a small business which has ample scope to learn on the job. Later, one can switch to bigger companies with the achieved industry experience after a few years of rigorous hands-on training and development.

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should be spent on researching another planet to live, such as Mars. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The available land for household, industrial and recreational usage is shrinking. We see large scale infrastructure development in India. But for all these activities we need more land on earth itself, not on some other worldly planet, Mars. I would have to disagree that Mars has answers to all our earthly problems. I think it’s more about gaps in planning, policy making and the way we conduct our lives on a day-to-day basis. If we base our routine on sustainable habits, we are already solving more problems than we create. The problems are created on earth so they need solutions on earth itself, I believe.

The problems like polluted resources such as air, water, land, soil have ample ways to be fixed as we read in scientific journals and other informational sources. The popular ‘3 Rs’ such as Recycle, Reuse and Reduce need to be inculcated for us to have clean air, water, soil, land. We need community development along with economic development so the civil society, environment and the development process can go hand-in-hand. Overcrowding in urban areas due to migration for work, education or marriage can be solved by having proper laws. On the other hand, achieving conservation targets for endangered flora and fauna is a vital step towards holistic saving the ecosystem.

Consequently, I strongly believe that having ideas about Mars being an inhabitable place in the future is surely fantastic idea. But It’s a childish way to think of a better world somewhere else than fixing problems at hand. Let’s face it, our survival instincts have made us exploit resources faster than the nature can replenish them. And we see the negative outcomes like sea-level rising, frequent coastal flooding, drastic weather changes, global warming. As a global community of conscious individuals, we need our planet more than it needs us.

Posted on Sep 11, 2021

In a new country one faces multiple challenges to overcome the culture shock. Different people may adopt the new ways of life at different pace. But I do agree that willing to accept and change with the circumstances can ease the burden.

As we know that change is inevitable, we need to get accustomed to the new culture. There’s no harm in getting the best of both worlds, from your country of origin to this new land of surprises. Festivals, celebrations, new people, new places, new things tend to broaden our perspective on life. We come out much stronger by dealing with the new possibilities. Initially, the surrounding might be tough to make sense of, but with time it should get better.

The decision of moving to a new country is yours so you’d be the person who needs to adapt to get the best possible advantage. Human psychology is common but mannerisms might be different. So, one can learn that through social observation, trial and error and asking questions.

To belong at a place, we must take the initiative to learn the traditions and customs of the new country. To feel welcomed, one must socialize with like minded individuals, take part in group activities at workplace or educational institute or even neighborhood social clubs. Try to get out there, find your niche, excel at what you do, travel and get to know people. It’s easy if you are willing.

Otherwise, you’ll end up losing new experiences which enliven our senses. To live more each day, we need to blend with the culture. Traditions tells us stories of the past which we could relate with stories back at our homeland as well. This way it’s going to be much easier to make bonds, live a cheerful life.


Posted on Sep 15, 2021

Okay. Thanks for your reply. The 4 paragraph structure goes for all other types of (Task 2) essays too?

Janice Thompson

Posted on Sep 13, 2021

Overall band: 6

Follow the 4 paragraph structure so that it is easy for the examiner to mark you for coherence. . For opinion essays, it is better to write one line after your opinionated paragraphs. Just one line that you are aware of the other side.

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This collection of sample answers is intended to help you understand what is necessary in order to write a great essay. All of these answers have been written by a native speaker who is also a professional writer and IELTS trainer with more than ten years of experience. It is important to note before we begin that these answers are not the only way to score band 9. Whether you study English, Korean, Arabic, Spanish, or any other language, it is important to note that there is more than one way to express yourself. If we gather 1,000 professional writers, they would produce 1,000 different IELTS essays.

The fifty answers in this book have been written in order to guide IELTS candidates to the most effective means of composing an essay. They show how to fulfil the requirements of the marking rubric without using overly complex language.

In fact, that is one of the most important things that you should remember. Accuracy and range are more important than using “difficult” language. The best way to approach IELTS writing is through common sense. You could broadly categorise any good approach to an IELTS essay like this:

1) Analyse the question 2) Structure your answer 3) Write your essay 4) Check your writing

Obviously, the hardest part is #3 because there is so much to consider. However, it is important to note that you do not need to achieve perfection in your essay. You just have to make it very good.

When it comes to structure, I always tell people to keep it simple. Do not try to reinvent the wheel. Every task 2 essay requires an introduction and conclusion, as well as two or three body paragraphs. Your structure should look like this: 1) Introduction 2) Body paragraph 1 3) Body paragraph 2 4) Conclusion

The sample answers in this book should help you to understand the construction and execution of a very good IELTS essay. Do not think that these are the only ways to do it. They are intended as models to help you but ultimately the process of planning and writing an essay comes down to one person – you.


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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics: Exam Format, Common Topics and Preparation Tips

Gaining skills in IELTS Writing Task 2 is essential for both showing your ability to articulate ideas and arguments clearly and for getting the desired score on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Writing Task 2, one of the hardest exam components, requires a thorough comprehension of its structure, knowledge of frequent subjects, and skillful preparation techniques.

In this article, we will explain the exam style, explore typical issues candidates face, and provide important preparation recommendations.

Table of Content

IELTS Writing Task 2 Format

1. structure, 2. word count and timing, 3. question types, common ielts writing task 2 topics, ielts writing task 2 preparation tips, strategies for ielts writing task 2, ielts writing task 2 topics- faqs, what is the word count requirement for ielts writing task 2, how much time should i allocate for writing task 2, what are the common topics in ielts writing task 2, how can i prepare for writing task 2, what are the types of essays in writing task 2, what are the assessment criteria for writing task 2, how can i improve my performance in writing task 2.

IELTS Writing Task 2 presents test-takers with a platform to showcase their ability to articulate arguments, express opinions, and present ideas coherently and logically. Understanding the structure of this task, along with its timing and question types, is fundamental to performing well on the exam.

  • Introduction: Introduce the topic and provide an overview of the main points or arguments that will be discussed in the essay.
  • Body Paragraphs: Develop the main points or arguments introduced in the introduction. Each paragraph should focus on a single idea and provide supporting evidence or examples.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the main points discussed in the essay and restate the thesis statement or main argument.
  • Test-takers are required to write an essay with a minimum word count of 250 words.
  • The recommended time allocation for Writing Task 2 is 40 minutes.
  • Opinion/Argumentative Essays : Candidates may be asked to express their opinion on a given topic, present arguments, and support their viewpoint with examples or evidence.
  • Problem-Solution Essays: Test-takers are required to identify a problem, propose solutions, and justify their recommendations.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages Essays : This type of essay requires candidates to discuss the pros and cons of a given issue or situation.

The following are just a few examples of the common topics that candidates may encounter in IELTS Writing Task 2. It’s important for test-takers to familiarize themselves with these topics and practice writing essays on them to improve their performance on the exam:

Preparation for the IELTS Writing Task 2 is essential to ensure success on the exam. Here are some effective strategies and tips to help you prepare:

  • Understand the Task: Familiarize yourself with the format and requirements of Writing Task 2. Understand the types of essays you may encounter, such as opinion essays, discussion essays, problem-solution essays, etc.
  • Practice Regularly: Practice writing essays regularly to improve your writing skills and familiarize yourself with various topics and question types. Allocate time to write essays under timed conditions to simulate the exam environment.
  • Expand Your Vocabulary: Enhance your vocabulary by learning new words and phrases related to common IELTS topics. Practice using these words in your writing to demonstrate lexical resource.
  • Develop Ideas: Practice brainstorming and generating ideas for essay topics. Learn how to develop coherent arguments and support them with examples, evidence, and relevant details.
  • Structure Your Essays: Learn how to structure your essays effectively, including writing clear introductions, developing coherent body paragraphs, and crafting concise conclusions. Use paragraphing to organize your ideas logically.
  • Practice Time Management: Allocate time wisely during the exam to ensure that you complete both Writing Task 1 and Writing Task 2 within the specified time frame. Practice managing your time effectively during practice essays to improve your efficiency.
  • Review and Revise: Take time to review and revise your essays after writing them. Check for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors, and make revisions to improve clarity, coherence, and cohesion.
  • Seek Feedback: Receive feedback on your essays from teachers, tutors, or peers. Identify areas for improvement and work on addressing them in subsequent practice sessions.
  • Use Sample Essays : Analyze sample essays to understand what constitutes a high-scoring essay. Pay attention to the language, structure, and argumentation used in these essays and incorporate similar techniques into your own writing.
  • Stay Updated: Stay informed about current events and global issues as they often form the basis of essay topics in the IELTS exam. Read newspapers, magazines, and online articles to broaden your knowledge and understanding of various topics.

Here are some specific strategies that will be beneficial for IELTS Writing Task 2:

  • Plan Your Essay: Take a few minutes to plan your essay before you start writing. Outline your main points and supporting details for each paragraph. A well-structured plan will help you organize your ideas and maintain coherence throughout your essay.
  • Introduction: Start with a clear and concise introduction that introduces the topic and presents your main thesis or argument.
  • Body Paragraphs : Develop your main points in separate paragraphs, with each paragraph focusing on a single idea or argument. Provide supporting evidence, examples, or explanations to back up your points.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main points and restate your thesis or argument in the conclusion. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion.
  • Use Formal Language : Maintain a formal tone and use appropriate vocabulary and grammar. Avoid slang, contractions, and overly informal language. Demonstrate a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures to showcase your language proficiency.
  • Address All Parts of the Question: Make sure you address all parts of the task prompt in your essay. If there are multiple questions or instructions, ensure that your essay covers each one adequately.
  • Provide Examples and Evidence: Support your arguments with relevant examples, evidence, or personal experiences. Use specific details to illustrate your points and make your arguments more persuasive.
  • Check for Grammar and Spelling: Leave some time at the end to review and edit your essay for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Ensure that your sentences are clear, concise, and free of mistakes.
  • Practice Writing Essays: Practice writing essays on a variety of topics under timed conditions. Analyze sample essays and seek feedback from teachers, tutors, or peers to identify areas for improvement and refine your writing skills.

In conclusion, one of the most important steps in passing the IELTS exam is to become proficient in Writing Task 2. To achieve a good grade, you must understand the exam format, become familiar with prevalent themes, and use efficient study techniques. Through a thorough analysis of the exam structure, covering everything from word count to question kinds, applicants can more effectively manage the requirements of their task. Also, exploring prevalent subjects like technology, education, and the environment gives test-takers the knowledge they need to address a variety of essay themes. Moreover, optimizing performance requires careful preparation, which includes consistent practice, vocabulary expansion, and time management techniques. Ultimately, candidates can face IELTS Writing Task 2 with confidence and raise their chances of passing by putting these techniques into practice and putting effort into their preparation.

Also Check: How to prepare for IELTS? IELTS Exam Pattern 2024: Section-wise IELTS Exam Paper Pattern, Question Types How to Apply for IELTS 2024| Step-By-Step Guide TOEFL 2024 Preparation Time: Check Month-wise Plan and Week-wise Plan
The minimum word count for Writing Task 2 is 250 words.
It is recommended to spend 40 minutes on Task 2.
Common topics include education, environment, technology, health, and social issues.
Effective preparation involves regular practice, vocabulary enhancement, and time management skills.
Essays may include opinion essays, discussion essays, problem-solution essays, and more.
Task response, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, and grammatical range and accuracy are the key criteria.
Practice under timed conditions, analyze sample essays, and seek feedback to refine your skills.

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IELTS General Training Writing free practice questions

If you need to take an IELTS General Training test, download our free sample questions and add them to your study plan. See sample questions and answers to get a better idea of the questions you might see on test day.

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A quick look at the general training writing test.

Duration: 60 minutes  

The General Training Writing test includes two tasks that are based on topics of general interest.  

Task 1  

You will be presented with a situation and asked to write a letter requesting information or explaining the situation. The letter may be personal, semi-formal or formal in style.  

Task 2  

You will be asked to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument or problem. The essay can be slightly more personal in style compared to an Academic Writing task. You will support your point of view with relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience. 

Task 1: Writing a short letter for a specific purpose

In Task 1 in the General Training Writing test, you are asked to write a letter, where you demonstrate your ability to communicate using English letter-writing conventions. 

You will be given a common, everyday situation such as writing to apologise for missing a friend’s party, or complaining to a company about bad service, writing to give advice to a friend about where to go on holiday, or writing to express your interest in a new job. 

In addition to being given the situation, three bullet points will outline exactly what information you need to include in your letter. You might, for example, have to describe details, give reasons, express likes and dislikes, or make suggestions or recommendations. 

You will need use the correct tone in your letter. Tone is the way you communicate with people showing the kind of relationship you have with them. In letters, the tone you use is clearly indicated by a proper salutation and closing and it should also be conveyed by your choice of words or phrasing. 

Letters are usually written in a formal or informal tone. Generally, if the letter is to friends, people you know well, or family, and the reason for writing is positive, the tone is informal. Letters to everyone else and for all complaints or negative messages, should be more formal. 

Task 2: Writing an essay

In Task 2 of the General Training Writing test, you are asked to write an essay in response to a point of view, an argument, or a problem. Topics are of general interest such as whether it is better to homeschool children, whether the drinking age should be raised, who is responsible for the care of the elderly or how families could be brought closer together. 

The task instructions give you information about the question telling you how to discuss the topic in your essay. You may be asked to provide factual information, outline and present solutions, justify an opinion or evaluate evidence and ideas. It is important that you complete the task carefully using relevant ideas and examples to support your position. Your ideas should be organised clearly, using paragraphs for each idea. You must write a minimum of 250 words.  

You are assessed on your ability to follow English essay-writing conventions to organise and link information in a coherent way using language accurately and appropriately to express your ideas and opinions. 

Sample question: IELTS Writing

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IELTS Daily Essay Topic: Throughout history, people have dreamt of living in a perfect society.


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IELTS Daily Essay Topic: Throughout history, people have dreamt of living in a perfect society.

Brainstorming Ideas

Refer to the following brainstorming ideas to get a better understanding of the answer.

Reasons for creating an ideal society:

  • The rapid pace of technology has made people aware of the possibilities for societal improvement.
  • The increasing interconnectedness of the world has highlighted global issues making people think about the need for change.

How can people create an ideal society:

  • Education can help develop critical thinking, empathy, and awareness skills in people which will gradually empower individuals.
  • Schools should include subjects that focus on social issues.
  • Active participation in community activities fosters a sense of responsibility and cooperation.

Q. Throughout history, people have dreamt of living in a perfect society. However, there is still no agreement about what a perfect society would be like. Why do people want to build a perfect society in the modern world? What can people do to help create an ideal society? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Ans . The quest to have a perfect society is a constant theme throughout human history. This aspiration stems from the inherent human desire to have harmony, justice and prosperity. In the modern world, the pursuit of a perfect society is driven by advancements in technology, social awareness and the collective desire to improve living conditions.

The concept of a perfect society varies across individuals, cultures and societies. For some, it may mean having a society free from crime and injustice, while for others, it could signify a community that fosters innovation and creativity. The diversity in these visions reflects the complexity and multifaceted nature of human needs and aspirations. In the contemporary world, the rapid pace of technology has made people more aware of the possibilities for societal improvement. Additionally, the increasing interconnectedness of the world has highlighted global issues such as poverty, inequality and climate change, prompting a collective desire for change. 

Creating an ideal society, however, is not a task of a few selected individuals, but is a collective responsibility. Education plays an important role in this process. By fostering critical thinking, empathy, and awareness, education can empower individuals to contribute to societal improvement. 

This can be achieved if schools incorporate subjects that focus on social issues, thereby encouraging students to think about solutions for existing problems from a young age. Moreover, active participation in community activities also fosters a sense of responsibility and cooperation. For example, community clean-up drives not only help maintain the environment but also instil a sense of pride and ownership among the participants.

In conclusion, the pursuit of having a perfect society in the modern world is the byproduct of our collective desire for improvement and progress. While the vision of a perfect society may differ from person to person, the path towards it involves education, active participation, and effective governance. 

Paraphrased Statement: The quest to have a perfect society is a constant theme throughout human history. This aspiration stems from the inherent human desire to have harmony, justice and prosperity.

Thesis Statement: In the modern world, the pursuit of a perfect society is driven by advancements in technology, social awareness and the collective desire to improve living conditions.

Body Paragraph 1-Topic Sentences: The concept of a perfect society varies across individuals, cultures and societies. For some, it may mean having a society free from crime and injustice, while for others, it could signify a community that fosters innovation and creativity. 

Body Paragraph 1- Supporting Reasons and Explanations: The diversity in these visions reflects the complexity and multifaceted nature of human needs and aspirations. In the contemporary world, the rapid pace of technology has made people more aware of the possibilities for societal improvement. Additionally, the increasing interconnectedness of the world has highlighted global issues such as poverty, inequality and climate change, prompting a collective desire for change. 

Body Paragraph 2- Topic sentence: Creating an ideal society, however, is not a task of a few selected individuals, but is a collective responsibility. Education plays an important role in this process. By fostering critical thinking, empathy, and awareness, education can empower individuals to contribute to societal improvement.

Body paragraph 2- Supporting Reasons and Explanations: This can be achieved if schools incorporate subjects that focus on social issues, thereby encouraging students to think about solutions for existing problems from a young age. Moreover, active participation in community activities also fosters a sense of responsibility and cooperation. For example, community clean-up drives not only help maintain the environment but also instil a sense of pride and ownership among the participants.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the pursuit of having a perfect society in the modern world is the byproduct of our collective desire for improvement and progress. While the vision of a perfect society may differ from person to person, the path towards it involves education, active participation, and effective governance. 

Vocabulary in Use

Linkers and connectors used.

Following are the linkers and connectors used:

  • Additionally
  • For instance
  • For example
  • In conclusion

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Purti Chawla

Purti is a CELTA, British Council, and IDP-certified language trainer. Having worked as a Study Abroad Test Prep Expert for the past 7 years, she has guided thousands of students towards their desirable scores in IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT and other language proficiency tests to study abroad. She is adept in molding learning strategies according to the needs of the learners and has built multiple courses at Leverage IELTS with result-oriented strategies. Proficient in test prep courses such as IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, and Duolingo, she loves to explore different classroom teaching methods, keeps continuously improving her own skills, and stays abreast with the latest teaching methodologies. She is a master trainer at Leverage Edu and aims to help thousands more through her expertise.

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IELTS Speaking: Topic Ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary and Sample Answers

IELTS Speaking: Topic Ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary and Sample Answers

May 11, 2024 By Edward Kader Leave a Comment

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Table of Contents

Introduction, grammar point covered, pros and cons regarding topic, topic specific vocabulary collocations and phrases, model sentences using the topic phrases and grammar point, model essay about topic, speaking part 3 questions and model answers, further reading.

The IELTS Speaking exam often includes questions related to modern technology. This article will cover topic ideas, grammar rules, vocabulary, and sample answers to help you prepare effectively.

In English grammar, the use of articles can greatly affect the meaning of a sentence. Articles include “a,” “an,” and “the.” Here are five example sentences about modern technology that demonstrate the use of articles:

  • The Internet has revolutionized communication.
  •   A smartphone is a common device in today’s society.
  • An iPad offers versatility and convenience.
  • The  rise of social media has transformed how we interact.
  • T he  development of artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly.

Pros of Modern Technology:

  • Enhanced communication
  • Increased efficiency
  • Access to information
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Improved healthcare
  • Connectivity across borders
  • Job creation
  • Convenience in daily life
  • Education accessibility
  • Entertainment options

Cons of Modern Technology:

  • Dependency on devices
  • Privacy concerns
  • Digital divide
  • Distraction and addiction
  • Job displacement
  • Security threats
  • Environmental impact
  • Social isolation
  • Health risks
  • Technological unemployment
  • digital revolution
  • technological advancements
  • smart devices
  • online connectivity
  • virtual reality
  • cybersecurity measures
  • data privacy concerns
  • tech-savvy individuals
  • innovative solutions
  • internet access
  • The digital revolution has transformed various industries.
  • A smartphone is now considered an essential tool for communication.
  • An online presence is crucial for businesses to thrive.
  • The rise of social media has led to changes in consumer behaviour.
  • The development of artificial intelligence is shaping the future of technology.

Fast food is a part of life in many places. Some people think this has bad effects on lifestyle and diets. Do you agree or disagree?

The consumption of fast food has become ubiquitous in modern society. While some argue that it offers convenience and affordability, others believe that it contributes to unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle diseases.

Why do you think technology is important in today’s world?

Well, to be honest, technology plays a pivotal role in shaping our daily lives. It enhances communication, streamlines processes, and fosters innovation in various sectors. For instance, the internet has revolutionized how we access information and connect with others.

Should governments invest more in technological research?

I’m not an expert on this topic, but I believe that investing in technological research is crucial for societal advancement. Governments should allocate resources to foster innovation and address pressing challenges. For example, funding research in renewable energy could lead to sustainable solutions for environmental issues. (The idiom “foster innovation” means to encourage or promote new ideas or developments.)

How do you think technology will impact education in the future?

As far as I know, technology will revolutionize education by making it more accessible and interactive. With advancements such as virtual reality and online learning platforms, students can engage with educational content in innovative ways. Additionally, technology enables personalized learning experiences tailored to individual needs.

Compare the role of technology in the past with its role in the future.

I’ve never really thought about it before, but I guess you could say that technology has evolved significantly over time. In the past, it was limited to basic tools and machinery, whereas in the future, we can expect advancements like artificial intelligence and biotechnology to redefine how we live and work.

Is modern technology widely adopted in your country?

Absolutely, modern technology is prevalent in my country. People rely on smartphones, computers, and other devices for communication, entertainment, and work. However, there are also concerns about digital dependency and its impact on society.

  • BBC Technology News
  • Wikipedia: Technology
  • UK Government Digital Strategy
  • ResearchGate: Technology Research Papers
  • Coursera: Technology Courses

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IELTS Speaking: Topic Ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary and Sample Answers IELTS Podcast

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  Table of Contents * Introduction * Grammar Point Covered * Pros and Cons Regarding Topic * Topic Specific Vocabulary Collocations and Phrases * Model Sentences Using the Topic Phrases and Grammar Point * Model Essay About Topic * Speaking Part 3 Questions and Model Answers * Further Reading Introduction The IELTS Speaking exam often includes questions related to modern technology. This article will cover topic ideas, grammar rules, vocabulary, and sample answers to help you prepare effectively. Grammar Point Covered In English grammar, the use of articles can greatly affect the meaning of a sentence. Articles include “a,” “an,” and “the.” Here are five example sentences about modern technology that demonstrate the use of articles: * The Internet has revolutionized communication. *  A smartphone is a common device in today’s society. * An iPad offers versatility and convenience. * The rise of social media has transformed how we interact. * The development of artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly. Pros and Cons Regarding Topic Pros of Modern Technology: * Enhanced communication * Increased efficiency * Access to information * Innovation and creativity * Improved healthcare * Connectivity across borders * Job creation * Convenience in daily life * Education accessibility * Entertainment options Cons of Modern Technology: * Dependency on devices * Privacy concerns * Digital divide * Distraction and addiction * Job displacement * Security threats * Environmental impact * Social isolation * Health risks * Technological unemployment Topic Specific Vocabulary Collocations and Phrases * digital revolution * technological advancements * smart devices * online connectivity * virtual reality * cybersecurity measures * data privacy concerns * tech-savvy individuals * innovative solutions * internet access Model Sentences Using the Topic Phrases and Grammar Point * The digital revolution has transformed various industries. * A smartphone is now considered an essential tool for communication. * An online presence is crucial for businesses to thrive. * The rise of social media has led to changes in consumer behaviour. * The development of artificial intelligence is shaping the future of technology. * The digital revolution has transformed various industries. * A smartphone is now considered an essential tool for communication. * An online presence is crucial for businesses to thrive. * The rise of social media has led to changes in consumer behaviour. * The development of artificial intelligence is shaping the future of technology. Model Essay About Topic Fast food is a part of life in many places. Some people think this has bad effects on lifestyle and diets. Do you agree or disagree? The consumption of fast food has become ubiquitous in modern society. While some argue that it offers convenience and affordability, others believe that it contributes to unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle diseases. Speaking Part 3 Questions and Model Answers Why do you think technology is important in today’s world? Well, to be honest, technology plays a pivotal role in shaping our daily lives. It enhances communication, streamlines processes,

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Study Material for 2024 WAEC Verified Physics (OBJ, ESSAY/THEORY) Questions and Answers Available

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Get Study Material for 2024 WASSCE for School Candidates Physics answers : Get Verified study guide 2024 WAEC May/June Physics (Objective, Essay/Theory) OBJ & Theory Questions and Answers for WASSCE for School Candidates material study. | Download study material for WAEC May/June Physics Questions and Answers (21 May, 2024). Tuesday, 21th May 2024 Physics 2 (Essay) 2:00pm – 3:30pm Physics 1 (Objective) 3:30pm – 4:45pm STUDY MATERIAL for 2024 WAEC PHYSICS 2 (ESSAY/THEORY) ANSWERS: Loading................................................... STUDY MATERIAL FOR 2024 WAEC PHYSICS 2 (ESSAY/THEORY) ANSWERS DOWNLOAD PDF MATERIAL STUDY FOR 2024 WAEC PHYSICS 1 (OBJECTIVE) ANSWER PDF ====================== CLICK HERE TO GET FULL STUDY MATERIAL ANSWERS Note : our paperwork is now available for Study material  


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