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Exercise 6: Writing an essay for examination from 2024 (Ultimate Guide)

Exercise 6 of the Reading and Writing paper of the IGCSE English as a Second Language (ESL) exam (0510/0511/0991/0993) is always a formal or semi-formal writing. It can be an article, an essay, a report, or a review.

In this article, you will discover how to write an almost-perfect essay that impresses the examiner and gets you the highest band. So, are you ready? Let’s dive in!

So, what is an essay?

An essay is a short piece of writing on a particular subject. The purpose of an essay is to present an argument or point of view about a particular topic and give examples or reasons to support it. The topic will be a question or an issue which people generally have different opinions about.

The essay could present both sides of the argument, or just one, depending on the instructions given in the task. So, if the instructions ask you to give your opinion, you can address just this one point of view, or you can discuss the arguments for and against. But if the task instructions state that arguments for and against should be included, then you should address both points of view.

The Tone and Register of an Essay

In the exam, the essay is usually for your teacher, so the tone and register should be formal or semi-formal . Therefore, it should avoid language that is too idiomatic and colloquial.

Now, before diving into the details of how to write a successful essay, let’s first explore a few differences between articles and essays.

Differences between an article and an essay

An essay is very similar to an article with only a few key differences.

An article is usually published in a newspaper or a magazine, so as far as the exam is concerned, the audience is often students at your school (school magazine article), or sometimes your teacher or the local newspaper.

The audience of an essay is often your teacher (who requested the essay in the first place).

An article is generally written to inform and persuade the reader that a certain viewpoint is correct.

An essay is generally written as a response to a question or a proposition (often by your teacher). It presents an argument or point of view about a particular topic and gives examples or reasons to support it.

Tone and style:

Articles generally have a more objective tone and style, focusing on presenting information in a neutral or balanced manner.

Essays are generally subjective, reflecting the writer’s opinion and perspective.

An article may have a heading to grab the reader’s attention (though not compulsory in the exam).

An essay does not require a heading.

The format of a one-sided argument essay

A one-sided argument essay can have two formats, depending on whether you include a counterargument from the opposing viewpoint or not.

Paragraph 1:  Introduction (including your opinion)

Paragraph 2:  First point supporting your opinion with an explanation

Paragraph 3:  Second point supporting your opinion with an explanation

Paragraph 4:  State a counterargument (an idea from the opposing viewpoint) and counter the counterargument (i.e., explain why this counterargument is invalid). In other words, state a point made by people who have a different opinion from yours and explain why they are wrong.

Paragraph 5:  Conclusion (including your opinion again but in different words)

Paragraph 2:  One or two points supporting your opinion with an explanation

Paragraph 3:  One or two points (different from those of the previous paragraph) supporting your opinion with an explanation

Paragraph 4:  Conclusion (including your opinion again but in different words)

The format of a two-sided argument essay

Paragraph 1:  Introduction (without your opinion)

Paragraph 2:  One side of the argument

Paragraph 3:  The other side of the argument

Paragraph 4:  Conclusion (including your opinion)


The purpose of the introduction is to  inform the reader  about the main point (topic) of the essay and  engage the reader  to make them interested in the topic. The main components of an effective introduction are:

  • Topic sentence

Start your essay with a brief topic sentence that outlines the argument that the essay will discuss. Give  forceful statements  rather than “I think that”, “maybe” or “perhaps”. For example, “Teenagers love fast food.”, “Nowadays, music plays an indispensable role in our lives.”, etc.

To write an effective topic sentence, you might  use adverbial time phrases  and  generalizations . Here are some examples of each.

Adverbial time phrases

  • Nowadays/these days/currently
  • Every day/week/year
  • Recently/for many years/decades
  • In the past
  • 10 years ago
  • In the last (few/five) (days/weeks/months/years/decades)


  • A large number of / The vast majority (of)
  • Several/some
  • Not many/hardly any/ few
  • In almost all cases
  • In the majority of cases
  • In a large number of cases
  • In most cases
  • In some cases
  • On the whole/ Overall
  • Rhetorical question(s)

Use rhetorical questions (questions that don’t require an answer but make your reader think) to get the reader interested in the topic and encourage them to read on. For example:

  • How much longer do animals have to suffer?
  • Could you live with yourself if you missed out on this opportunity?
  • How could we possibly stand the …?
  • What would happen if …?
  • Could your conscience cope with …?
  • Is it really worth …?
  • Do you want to be part of …?
  • Should students do sport at school?
  • Should teenagers completely avoid fast food?
  • We all love convenience food. But is it the best thing for our waistlines, our wallets and our world?
  • Your opinion (if it is a one-sided argument essay)

If you are writing a two-sided argument essay,  DO NOT  give your opinion in the introduction.

If you are writing a one-sided argument essay, you MUST give your opinion (whether you support or oppose the viewpoint expressed in the statement).

Here are some opinion phrases to help you express your opinion.

  • In my opinion/view
  • From my perspective
  • From my point of view
  • I concur/agree
  • I believe/think (that)
  • It seems to me that
  • I am in favour of
  • I am against the idea of
  • I am strongly opposed to
  • I disagree/cannot accept

You may also kill two birds with one stone and begin your essay with a rhetorical question that introduces the topic to the reader, thus acting as a topic sentence. Here are some examples.

“Have you ever thought how school life would be if the school day started later? In my perspective, this will have countless benefits.”

“Should students do sport at school? This is a question which people have different opinions about.”

One-sided essay structure:

Body paragraph 1:  First idea supporting your opinion with an explanation

Body paragraph 2:  Second idea supporting your opinion with an explanation ( should be different from the first idea )

Body paragraph 3:  State a counterargument (an idea from the opposing viewpoint)  AND  counter the counterargument (i.e., explain why this counterargument is invalid). In other words, state a point made by people who have a different opinion from yours and explain why they are wrong.

Body Paragraph 1:  one or two points supporting your opinion with an explanation

Body Paragraph 2:  one or two points (different from those of the previous paragraph) supporting your opinion with an explanation

When introducing the counterargument in the 3 rd  body paragraph, use any of the following phrases.

  • Opponents of this idea claim/assert/argue that …
  • Those who disagree/are against these ideas may say/insist that …
  • Some people allege/argue/contend that …
  • Some people may suggest/point out that …
  • A common counterargument is that …
  • It can be argued that …

When countering the counterargument in the 3 rd  body paragraph, use any of the following phrases depending on the context.

  • Although true to a certain extent, …
  • While this may be true to some extent, …
  • While it is true that …, it is important to consider…
  • While some may believe that … recent studies have shown that …
  • What this invalid argument misses is …
  • What these people fail to notice/take note of is …
  • The evidence, however, disproves this argument because …
  • However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that …
  • However, a closer analysis reveals that …
  • However, this flawed argument overlooks the fact that …

Two-sided essay structure:

Body paragraph 1:  One side of the argument either in favour or against ( mention 2 different ideas )

Body paragraph 2:  The other side of the argument either in favour or against ( mention 2 different ideas )

General guidelines for both kinds of essays:

  • Read the question carefully  and  draft a plan  for your essay in the blank space below the question using a pencil. Here are some steps to follow.
  • Separate the blank space into two parts, one for and one against.
  • Jot down any points that come to your mind in the correct part, along with any interesting vocabulary or expressions suitable for the task. Remember to write briefly and in bullet points.
  • Decide whether you will write a one-sided essay or a two-sided essay. If the instructions in the question state that you must include arguments for and against, then choose the best 2 points supporting each side and write a two-sided essay. If it’s not mentioned that you must include arguments for and against, then the choice is yours.
  • Consider how you will begin your essay and how you will engage the reader at the start. For example, write some variations of the topic sentence and rhetorical questions that you could use.
  • Choose the most effective ones and begin writing. Remember to  spend no more than 5 minutes on the plan.
  • Start your body paragraphs with a topic sentence rather than just jumping into the advantages or disadvantages (especially if you’re writing a two-sided essay). This helps to organize your writing and makes the purpose of the paragraph clear to the reader. For example, in an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of fast food, it is better to start your first body paragraph with a topic sentence like “There are some obvious advantages of fast food. Firstly, …” rather than just getting into the first point and writing, “To begin with, it’s quite tasty.”.
  • You can use the few prompts given in the question, but it is better to  use your own ideas  if you want to get higher marks. If, however, you are out of ideas, use the ideas in the question and make sure to paraphrase them (write them in different words) and develop them well.
  • Support your ideas with reasons, evidence, or examples . Keep in mind that the examiner knows the evidence or examples will be made up and doesn’t expect these to be correct. Yes, you can make up your own statistics! Just make sure it’s not overly unrealistic.
  • Keep to the topic  (don’t wander away from the main subject of the essay). Remind yourself constantly by looking again at the question.
  • Use a variety of linking words and cohesive devices  (mainly formal) to create a smooth and logical flow in your writing. Here are some examples.

When presenting the first point (used in the 1 st  body paragraph of both one-sided essays and two-sided essays)

  • There are some obvious advantages of
  • Those in support of … believe that …
  • People who think … say that …
  • The main argument in favour of/against is
  • The main point/reason is
  • The most important point/reason is
  • The first point/reason is
  • First of all
  • First and foremost

When  adding  more points to the same side of the argument

  • In addition,
  • Furthermore,
  • Additionally,
  • Not only … but also…
  • As well as.
  • Another noteworthy point is …
  • Apart from that
  • What is more

When  contrasting  ideas (typically used to introduce the opposite viewpoint in the 2 nd  body paragraph of a two-sided essay

  • Some people argue that …
  • Nevertheless
  • Even though
  • In spite of
  • On the other hand
  • On the contrary
  • By contrast

When giving examples

  • For example
  • For instance
  • One clear example is
  • To illustrate
  • In other words

When reasoning:

  • Results and consequences: as a result, consequently, therefore, thus, hence, for this reason, as a result (of), which means that, etc.
  • Reasons and causes: owing to, because (of), on account of, due to, since, as, etc.   

When highlighting and stressing

  • Particularly
  • In particular
  • Specifically

The purpose of the conclusion is to  sum up what you have said  and  express (or re-express) your opinion.

In the conclusion:

  • Briefly summarize your main points using concluding phrases. Here are some examples.
  • In conclusion
  • To conclude
  • To reiterate
  • On the whole
  • All things considered
  • After weighing the benefits and drawbacks
  • I believe that …
  • Thus, I am of the opinion that …
  • Given these points

Remember to use different words from those used to express the points in the body.

  • Give your final opinion (regardless of whether it’s a one-sided or a two-sided essay) and any solution or suggestion if applicable.

The solution or suggestion might be part of your opinion if you’re writing a two-sided essay and want to take a balanced view on the issue rather than siding with one side. For example, “Overall, I believe eating fast food occasionally isn’t a problem, but fresh home-cooked food is best.” Use the opinion phrases stated earlier in the Introduction section to express your opinion, and if it’s a one-sided essay, make sure to use different words from those used in the introduction.

  • End with a strong, impactful statement that leaves the reader with something to think about. This could be a rhetorical question or a statement that encourages the reader to decide what they think about the same viewpoint. For example:
  • “To conclude, I wholeheartedly believe that everyone should pursue higher education. Why not embrace this invaluable opportunity to fast-track your career, build your confidence, and broaden your social circle?”
  • “Overall, I believe eating fast food occasionally isn’t a problem, but fresh home-cooked food is best. Do you not think so?”
  • “After weighing the benefits and the drawbacks, it is apparent that convenience food, while palatable, may negatively impact other areas of your life. Think about this before you reach for your next snack!”

It’s worth mentioning that this step is PREFERABLE . So don’t stress too much about ending your essay with an impactful statement or a rhetorical question. Just make sure that the conclusion reflects the argument presented in the main body of the essay and that your final opinion is clear to the reader.

Points to keep in mind

  • Read the task carefully to make sure that the ideas and supporting information you include are relevant to the topic. Students often lose focus and write about wider, more general issues associated with the topic, which significantly affects their marks.
  • Organize your essay into 4-5 paragraphs . Leave a line between paragraphs or indent the first line of each new paragraph. Don’t do both!
  • Take care of spelling, punctuation, and grammar . This is important as the examiner will look at the accuracy of your language.
  • Use a combination of simple, compound, and complex sentences . A series of long sentences will make your writing difficult to read, and a series of short simple sentences will make your writing boring to read. Balance is the key.
  • Use a wide range of formal vocabulary, including some advanced and less commonly used ones .
  • Include a range of topic-related vocabulary to show that you have a good understanding of the topic.
  • Use a wide variety of formal linking words to link ideas in sentences and paragraphs.  Examples have been mentioned earlier.
  • Use advanced punctuation sparingly  (1-3 in the whole essay), for example, colon (:) and semicolon (;).
  • Include language appropriate for expressing opinions, agreeing, and disagreeing. In addition to mentioning your opinion in the introduction and/or conclusion, your viewpoint can also be included in the body paragraphs (whether it’s a one-sided or a two-sided essay) by:
  • Mentioning personal examples or experiences (which implies that you agree with this point of view)
  • Explicitly agreeing while presenting a point in the body paragraph. Here is an example: “People who think sports lessons are a good idea say that students need exercise, and I agree that doing sports helps to make you healthy and avoid getting overweight.”
  • Aim to complete towards the maximum word limit  (approximately 160 words). Exceeding the word limit slightly (15-20 words) is fine as long as you write accurately and complete the task within the correct time. If you exceed the word limit by any number of words, be it even 100, no marks will be cut directly, but you increase your chances of making more mistakes and spending more time than required for this exercise, which may affect your mark indirectly. If you write towards the lower limit or below, you are highly unlikely to achieve the highest band for Content as your content is not well developed.
  • Spend about 30 minutes on this exercise : the initial 5 minutes for planning and the last 2-3 minutes for checking your work for simple spelling, punctuation, and grammatical mistakes.
  • Write legibly


  • Do not write a heading.
  • Avoid colloquial or ‘chatty’ language (which includes informal vocabulary, abbreviations, or slang such as how r u, OMG, BTW, etc.).
  • Avoid listing  (firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc.). There is no problem in writing “firstly”, but avoid writing “secondly” and “thirdly”.
  • Avoid repetition of vocabulary and beginning your sentences with the same words . Sometimes, students write 3 or more sentences in a row starting with “The”!
  • Avoid including too many different ideas in your essay. It is better to include fewer ideas and develop one or two in greater depth rather than writing many ideas which are not well-developed.
  • Avoid writing an overlong introduction and conclusion. It would be more effective to utilize the limited word count to develop your ideas within the body of the essay. Also, avoid pre-learned language for these parts of the essay, as this may not be totally relevant or might sound unnatural.
  • It’s preferable to avoid contractions , but they can be used as the essay can have a semi-formal tone and register. In both cases, remember to be consistent throughout. So, if you used contractions, use them throughout your whole essay, and if not, avoid them altogether.

Practice a lot of past papers and get feedback on your writing. We know that essay writing is newly added to the syllabus, but you can still practice writing essays in response to past years’ article writing questions as they are very similar.

Finally, don’t forget to check out our samples page and if you find this helpful, please share it with your friends.

Good luck! Go get that A*!

21 responses to “Exercise 6: Writing an essay for examination from 2024 (Ultimate Guide)”

Ayaan yousuf avatar

Dear ESL KINGS Team,

Your notes have always helped me, including the samples ofcourse. I have made a number of progress, but there is still some questions I have.

To begin with, when would it be perfect/suitable for you to start uploading essay samples? My exam is on May 8 and I really do require their needs. I know that article is basically almost like an essay, But I still haven’t seen a proper essay For esl ever.

Moving on, I wanted to ask that are the International examiners more strict? I am asking this because the samples you have provided have made me totally fall apart as I was shocked by the language required to score top marks. My emails are average on a scale of 13/15 while my formal writings are between 10 – 12, and since I never have experienced the real examiner, I am scared I will even get less then that. It’s my hugest goal to Get around 95 marks from 100 in ESL. For now, If I can estimate I will get around 93 marks which I still don’t find in appeal.

Please do help me with this.

Warm regards, Ayaan Yousuf.

ESL Kings team avatar

Dear Ayaan,

Thank you for your kind words! We’re glad you’re making progress!

Unfortunately, we may not be able to upload any more samples at the moment as we’re very busy with our exams. However, you may check out Cambridge’s essay sample available here . We appreciate your understanding.

It’s absolutely normal to feel that your writing is not as good as the samples because they are not a standard every student must follow to achieve good mark. They are just meant to inspire you: you can use any of their vocabulary, ideas or structures in your own writing to improve it. You can still score very good marks with a language below that of the samples. Our advice is to focus now on practicing as much as you can instead of how many marks you will score, and you will be able to get your desired grade inshallah.

Best regards, ESL Kings team

Muhammad Gamal avatar

Thank you for providing such helpful resources and samples. Your examples are very good and advanced, but I feel my writing isn’t as good. Is this something to worry about, or is it normal? Will the examiners be very strict, or somewhat lenient, considering this is ESL?

Thank you for your kind words! It’s absolutely normal to feel that your writing is not as good as the samples. This is completely understandable and actually a good sign because it provides room for improvement.

We suggest that you get your writing marked by a teacher, a family member, a friend or even yourself; this will give you an idea of where your writing actually stands. And keep practising as much as you can, taking into account the tips we provide in the notes, and you will definitely see progress.

Examiners know of course that this is a second language exam and they mark based on the criteria mentioned in the mark scheme, which is more lenient than a first language exam.


Appreciate this post! Very helpful to me as a teacher.

Thank you! We really appreciate your positive feedback!

Muhammad Ali avatar

Thank you so much for giving us the ideas how to write an essay. Specially, phrases how to begin sentences from each paragraph

You’re welcome 🙂 We’re glad it helped!

Carmela Lamarina avatar

Wonderful materials for my students who are going to take the exam next May. Thank you so much

Thank you so much for your kind feedback! We’re glad our notes are benefiting your students! Good luck to them!

Sara avatar

Thank you so much for your help! Could you also post some sample essays, it would be very helpful for us!!

Hi Sara, thank you for your comment! We will definitely consider adding them after completing the review writing notes which we are currently working on.

What do you mean by do not write a heading? Do you mean we shouldn’t have a title for the essay?

Yes, an essay doesn’t require a title. Trying to come up with one will use up your exam time unnecessarily.

Omar avatar

Is there going to be direct deduction of marks if written?

yes no title in essay

AM avatar

Hello, I’m having my exam in 4 months and I can’t believe I didn’t know about this website before, seriously I wholeheartedly appreciate what you do, I heard there’s a service where you can correct or give feedback on pieces of writings and grade them, is it available?

Thank you so much for your nice comment! We really appreciate it! Our marking service was available, but unfortunately, it is now suspended as it requires a lot of time and effort, which we can’t provide at the moment. We apologize for this! And we wish you good luck with your exam!

Abdullah majed avatar


Thank you for your kind words! We’re really glad you found them helpful!

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How to Write an Outstanding IGCSE English Essay?

  • Author: Litera Centre
  • Updated: November 27, 2023
  • Language: English

Writing an outstanding IGCSE English essay is a skill that can elevate your academic performance and equip you with invaluable communication abilities. Whether you’re a student aiming to excel in your IGCSE examinations or an aspiring writer looking to hone your craft, mastering the art of essay composition is essential. 

In this blog, we’ll delve into the intricacies of crafting exceptional IGCSE English essays. From understanding the essay prompt and organizing your thoughts to perfecting your writing style and enhancing your argumentation, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide to help you tackle this academic endeavor with confidence and finesse. 

Let’s dig deeper to unlock the secrets of impressive essay writing.

The Significance of IGCSE English Essay!

Before giving you the tips to ace the IGCSE English essay writing, let’s know the significance of this section first: 

Global Recognition & Standardization: 

The IGCSE English Essay holds immense significance due to its global recognition and standardization. It is administered by Cambridge Assessment International Education, which is respected worldwide for its rigorous curriculum and assessments. This means that when a student completes the IGCSE English Essay, their achievement is recognized and respected by educational institutions and employers around the world.

Enhanced Language Proficiency: 

The IGCSE English Essay plays a pivotal role in enhancing a student’s language proficiency. It encourages students to engage with diverse texts, fostering their reading, writing, and comprehension skills. As a result, students become more adept at expressing their ideas and thoughts clearly and effectively, a crucial skill in both academic and professional settings.

Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills:

Another significant aspect of the IGCSE English Essay is its emphasis on critical thinking and analytical skills. Through analyzing literary texts, students develop the ability to dissect complex ideas, interpret themes, and make persuasive arguments. These skills are not only essential for success in the English subject but are transferable to various fields, including law, journalism, and research.

Cultural Awareness & Empathy: 

The IGCSE English Essay often includes a variety of literary works from different cultures and periods. This exposure fosters cultural awareness and empathy in students as they explore the perspectives and experiences of characters from diverse backgrounds. Such awareness is vital in today’s interconnected world, promoting tolerance and understanding.

Preparation for Advanced Study and Careers: 

Beyond its academic benefits, the IGCSE English Essay serves as a crucial stepping stone for students planning to pursue further education or careers that require strong communication and writing skills. It provides a solid foundation for more advanced English courses, including A-levels and university-level studies. Additionally, in a professional context, effective writing and communication skills are highly valued and can open doors to a wide range of career opportunities.

In conclusion, the IGCSE English Essay holds great significance in a student’s educational journey. It offers a standardized platform for language development, fosters critical thinking, promotes cultural awareness, and equips students with skills that are valuable both in academia and the professional world. Its benefits extend far beyond the classroom, making it a valuable and worthwhile component of a student’s education.

Step-to-Step Process to Write an Excellent IGCSE English Essay: 

Here are seven steps you must follow to write an outstanding IGCSE English essay: 

Step 1: Understand the Essay Prompt: 

This step involves dissecting the essay question meticulously. In simpler words, you need to identify essential keywords as well as directives, such as “analyze,” “discuss,” or “compare.” 

By carefully deconstructing the prompt, you gain a clear understanding of what the essay requires. This initial comprehension is vital, as it forms the basis for your essay’s direction and structure. It ensures that you don’t deviate from the essay’s core purpose and helps you focus on addressing the specific elements the prompt intends to evaluate, setting the stage for a well-structured and on-point essay.

Step 2: Brainstorm and Plan: 

Here, you take time to gather your thoughts and devise a strategic approach. Start by brainstorming ideas related to the essay prompt, considering potential arguments, themes, and examples. This brainstorming helps clarify your thoughts and allows you to identify the most compelling points to include in your essay. 

Subsequently, create an outline or a mind map that organizes these ideas into a coherent structure. This plan serves as a roadmap for your essay, ensuring that your arguments flow logically and are well-organized. 

By investing time in this step, you set yourself up for a more organized and effective essay.

Step 3: Introduction with a Strong Thesis Statement: 

Needless to say, the introduction serves as the gateway to your essay, and it should be engaging to capture the reader’s attention. It begins with a hook, which can be a quote, a question, or a compelling statement relevant to the topic. 

Following the hook, you must present a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the central argument or purpose of your essay. 

The thesis statement is the essay’s backbone, providing a roadmap for what the reader can expect. It sets the tone and direction for the entire essay and is essential for a well-structured and coherent piece of writing.

Step 4: Body Paragraphs with Evidence and Analysis:

Each body paragraph should begin with a clear topic sentence, summarizing the main point of that specific paragraph. Following this, you should provide supporting evidence, which may include quotes from the text, examples, or references to literary elements. 

Once the evidence is presented, you need to engage in in-depth analysis. This means interpreting and explaining the significance of the evidence in your thesis statement. 

The combination of evidence and analysis reinforces your arguments and ensures that your essay is not just a summary, but a critical exploration of the topic, fostering a deeper understanding of the text and its themes.

Step 6: Transition Smoothly Between Paragraphs: 

To maintain the coherence and flow of your essay, you should use transitional words and phrases effectively. These transitions connect your ideas, guide the reader through your argument, and establish logical relationships between paragraphs. 

Common transitional words and phrases include “furthermore,” “however,” “in contrast,” and “conversely.” 

By implementing these transitions, you create a seamless narrative that allows the reader to follow your essay’s progression effortlessly. This step is essential for making your IGCSE English Essay more comprehensible and ensuring that your arguments are presented in a clear and interconnected manner.

Step 7: Conclusion and Final Thoughts: 

In this stage, you need to summarize the key points you’ve made in the body of your essay, restate your thesis statement using different wording, and provide a sense of closure to your argument. 

Your conclusion should offer a concise reflection on the main themes and arguments, reinforcing their significance and relevance. It should leave a lasting impression on the reader, helping them understand the broader implications of your analysis. 

A strong conclusion ties up your essay neatly, leaving a lasting impact and ensuring that your message resonates with the reader.

Step 8: Proofread and Edit: 

This step involves a comprehensive review of your work to eliminate grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and punctuation issues. In addition to basic mechanics, you should also assess the clarity and coherence of your writing. 

Ensure that your arguments and ideas are logically presented and that your essay is well-structured. Reading your essay aloud can help identify awkward phrasing or convoluted sentences. 

Editing is a critical step that polishes your work, ensuring it is clear, concise, and free from distractions. It guarantees that your message is communicated effectively and leaves a lasting positive impression on the reader.

Master IGCSE English Essay Writing with Litera Centre:

Are you preparing for the IGCSE English examination, particularly focused on mastering essay writing? Look no further—Litera Centre is here to provide you with the expert guidance, valuable resources, and personalized coaching you need to excel.

Expert Coaching for IGCSE English Success : 

At Litera Centre, we know how important it is to do well in the IGCSE English Essay. Our team of experienced teachers and English experts is here to help you reach your academic goals. We offer personalized coaching to help you master:

  • Essay Structure
  • Argument Development
  • Grammar and Syntax

Comprehensive Resources and Strategies :

With our expert guidance, you’ll learn how to:

  • Write Strong Essays
  • Understand Complex Questions
  • Improve Analytical Skills

Our resources and strategies will give you the confidence and precision you need to excel in your exams.

Take Control of Your Success :

Don’t leave your IGCSE English success to chance. Let Litera Centre help you achieve excellence. Join us today and take a big step toward mastering your IGCSE English exam and boosting your academic performance.

Connect with Litera Centre :

Visit Litera Centre now and start your journey to IGCSE English success! Our team is ready to support you every step of the way.

How Can Litera Centre Help You? 

So, are you preparing for the IGCSE English examination, with a specific focus on essay writing? Look no further, as Litera Centre is here to provide you with the expert guidance, valuable resources, and personalized coaching you need to excel in your IGCSE journey.

At Litera Centre, we understand the importance of excelling in the IGCSE English Essay examination, and we are dedicated to helping you achieve your academic goals. Our team of experienced educators and English language experts are here to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to tackle the essay writing component of the exam with confidence and precision.

With our tailored coaching, you’ll receive personalized attention and support, ensuring that you fully grasp the intricacies of essay writing, including structure, argument development, and grammar. 

Don’t leave your IGCSE English success to chance. Let Litera Centre be your partner in achieving excellence in your examinations. Join us today and take a step closer to taking your IGCSE English examination.


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IGCSE English Literature: Essay Writing Guide

Nuha ghouse.

  • Created on May 7, 2019
  • Blog , IGCSE , Learning Tips

Essay Writing Guide: How to Write Essay Writing for IGCSE

Guidelines for igcse essay writing.

While most of you have already had experience of essay writing, it is important to realise that essay writing at University level may be different from the practices you have so far encountered.

The aim of this tutorial is to discuss what is required of an English Literature essay at University level, including:

1. information on the criteria in relation to which your essay will be judged

2. how to plan and organise an essay

  •     Planning an Essay: Essay Structure
  •     Independence and Critical Reading
  •     Use of Secondary Material

3. advice on writing style

4. a final checklist

Must Read: Cambridge IGCSE: Benefits, Subjects, Grading Scheme, and Tips


In assessing essays , you are asked to bear in mind:

  •  Relevance to the essay-subject as it has been set;
  • A well-defined line of argument, with each stage clearly marked;
  •  Appropriate, economical, and accurate illustration;
  •  Mastery of the relevant background material (contextual, critical, theoretical), and evidence of independent and wide-ranging reading;
  •  Evidence of independent thinking about the subject, and, where ideas are taken from critics, ability to apply them to materials of the student’s own choice;
  •  Crisp expression. Failure to stay within the maximum number of words set for written work will be penalised;
  •  Spelling, punctuation, grammar;
  •  Accurate and comprehensive referencing of sources and list of Works Cited.

Must Read:  Notice Writing Format, Importance, Examples and How to Prepare


Planning for IGCSE essay writing needs careful planning which is the key to producing a good essay.

Do NOT begin to write your essay the night before it is due to be submitted.

You should allow yourselves time to consider, plan, write, rewrite and revise, and proof read your essay before its submission.

The diagram and questions reproduced below will assist you in planning your essay .

Must Read:  Directed Writing: Format, Benefits, Topics, Common Mistakes and Examples


Your essay should present a discussion and a reasoned argument:

it should not be a set of random reflections on the texts or topic you have chosen.

This will require some planning and organisation of your material before you begin to write, to ensure that your argument is coherent and engages directly with the question asked.

A good introduction is often the key to a good essay.

The first thing you should do is define any complex or potentially ambiguous terms in the question.

This can also be one good way of effecting an introduction. Another is to consider why the question might be asked, what makes it interesting, or why it is relevant to the texts you are considering.

You might also use your introduction to outline briefly your intentions in writing the essay: but remember that for a 1,000 or 2,000 word essay the introduction will necessarily be brief.

The body of the essay of the essay should relate to the issues you outline in your introduction. It also needs a coherent structure :

if you have used your introduction to identify the key issues of your discussion, structuring the essay becomes easier, as you can address these issues in separate paragraphs.

Make the links and transitions between paragraphs clear. Remember that every paragraph and sentence should contribute directly to your argument.

Your essay needs to strike a balance between argument and supporting evidence.

Avoid unsupported generalisations. Stating that ‘society is a patriarchy’ or that ‘evil is more interesting than good’ without offering evidence to support the assertion is little different from claiming that ‘the earth is flat’ or ‘tall people are more intelligent than short ones’.

Even your more particular points about texts or issues always need supporting evidence, often in the form of quotations from the texts. Remember that you may need to explain how your evidence supports your point.

Your essay needs a conclusion to avoid it petering out and losing its force. You might use the conclusion to draw together the threads of your argument, to re-visit the original question, or even to point towards new questions that your discussion has opened up. Whatever your conclusion, you should use it to step back slightly from the detail of the preceding argument to re-consider the wider picture.


The purpose of an essay is to develop and present your own thinking about the texts and issues raised by the question.

All essays are likely to draw on ideas taken from others, whether from critical books, lectures or discussions.

But clearly an essay is not intended to be simply an anthology of others’ ideas: those ideas should only be introduced in order to form and advance your own argument, which is both the substance and the purpose of the essay.


Critical books and articles are often useful in stimulating your ideas about the literature you are writing on.

It is also important to develop some awareness of the ongoing critical debate about works and literary issues; sometimes you may even be asked to write about the critical or theoretical works themselves.

But ideas and words from other writers should never simply replace your own, either directly, or in the form of paraphrase.

Quoted or paraphrased thoughts and words from another critic should be included in the text of your essay only if you wish to say something about them. You may want to take issue with them, or to develop them, or to illustrate a particular view which you then discuss.

It is not helpful to quote from or paraphrase critics simply because you think their words sound more authoritative than your own.

While you will often draw on other critics’ ideas, you need to distinguish their words and opinions clearly from your own.

Students should exercise caution and care in the use of paraphrase in particular.

It is imperative that the reader should always be able 7 to distinguish your voice and argument from that of the critics you cite.

So avoid simply ventriloquising critical arguments and conduct instead a critical engagement with them. For example, do not accept interpretations in critical works as matters of fact; demonstrate to the reader of your essay the ways in which you have produced a thoughtful response to the critics that you have employed.

If you do not ensure that there is no confusion in an essay about the origin of its arguments, you will find that your readers are unable to judge your arguments. You will also lay yourself open to a charge of plagiarism, which is a serious academic offence.

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University level essays should be written in a formal style and demonstrate your understanding of the codes of academic discourse as they relate to the study of English Literature.

While there are variations between different disciplines, there are three main characteristics that are common to all academic essays. These are:

  • An overriding concern to interpret and make meaning through the presentation of arguments;
  •  Careful attention to the marshalling of relevant and valid facts, examples and other kinds of evidence to substantiate or refute arguments and interpretations;
  •  A structure or organisational framework which has not been chosen arbitrarily, but is instead designed to present arguments and evidence in a coherent and logically appropriate form

Clarity and expressiveness of language is obviously particularly important in essays on literature, and the development of an accurate and engaging writing style is one of the aims of a degree in this discipline.

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About The Author

Nuha Gouse is the Co-founder of Tutopiya and is equipped with a first class honours Math degree from Imperial College, London. Her mission is to provide personalized individual lessons online where students from around the world can learn at their own pace and convenience.

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Argumentative essays.

Argumentative Essays – Tips & Tricks

  • Read the topic carefully. Underline the main point of the topic (such as Politics).
  • Decide ‘for’ or ‘against’ (i.e. are you in favour or against?).
  • Jot down all the RELEVANT & LOGICAL points related to your opinion. Spend 5-10 minutes doing this in the form of notes. No emotional reasons should be included. As we say in Urdu, don’t be “ jazbaati “.
  • Starting – No quotes are needed; some books/resources will tell you to state your opinion at the start or by the end. In the paper, state it at the BEGINNING of your essay, most preferably in the opening paragraph.
  • Ease into the topic then generally give your opinion. For example: “The trend of social media has greatly increased over the last four years. Nowadays, it has become a necessity for teenagers. I personally believe ……..”
  • Start directly by exclaiming a valid point and giving your opinion. “Social Media, recently, has had a great negative/positive impact on teenagers. My personal opinion is that ……..”
  • General “For” Argument – Include all valid points that are logical and EMPHASIZE on them – All points must be in favour of your opinion and they should be your STRONGEST points.
  • Counter Argument – Pick out you’re strongest counter arguments and state them. Be completely logical and honest when pointing the counter arguments. The reason for this is that if you’re writing in favour, someone else will write against. You have to give both sides of the argument and prove yourself right.
  • Disputing Counter Arguments – After writing the counter arguments, you must dispute them and prove them to be either wrong or not STRONG enough to win the argument. Here’s an example:

A counter argument could be “ Social media is required for teenagers, it forms a platform for conversations, discussions and sharing valued information “.

Disputing this counter argument “ Although it does provide a medium for communication, teenagers waste most of their precious time in procrastinating since they needlessly read comics/have useless discussions. Social media is one of main reasons why teenagers procrastinate. “

You can also add the fact that other mediums of communication such as e-mail, messaging are also available.

  • Conclude your essay by restating your opinion in a different perspective, i.e. you could say, “Other resources of communication should be adopted such as messaging and teenagers should be encouraged to have outdoor activities rather than sit home and stick their heads to the computers.”
  • After disputing you’re counter arguments – finish on a high by adding a strong ending sentence to conclude your essay. For example “Hence all these points show that Social media is indeed an unnecessary part of life which has been forcibly indulged into the life of teenagers.”
  • You’re not listing points or stating your opinion. You’re trying to CONVINCE the examiner that you’re opinion is correct using LOGICAL points.
  • Don’t get emotional and carried away over the course of your writing. Don’t be prejudiced.
  • DO NOT EMPHASIZE TOO MUCH ON VOCABULARY. Sentence structures, punctuation, tenses are all equally as important as vocabulary. Don’t forcibly use strong words if you don’t know their correct usage.
  • You’re not making a list of your points. Don’t use “firstly, secondly, thirdly and finally”. Remember, you’re language is being tested. Use good expressions and connectives such as “Furthermore, In addition to this”.

Here is a great website concerning words and expressions. Do read it.

Difference b/w Discursive and Argumentative Essays:

In Discursive essays, you present a balanced argument that contains ‘for’ and ‘against’ points. You do not state your opinion.

In Argumentative, you give your opinion and convince the reader on your point of view.

Example Argumentative Essay:

Some people say that the Internet does more harm than good. What is your view? To majority of teenagers and working adults, the Internet has been regarded as one the most innovative achievements of humankind. Since the invention of the internet, its pervasive and life-altering influences can be felt in many aspects of people’s daily lives. While mostly beneficial in areas such as communication, trade and research, the internet has also caused a proliferation of vices such as pornography and hacking. Despite the negativity associated with the internet, I strongly believe that Internet does more good than harm.

Communication all over the world has been considerably improved thanks to the Internet. With the widespread availability of messengers and social networks like Yahoo and Facebook, people can easily communicate irrespective of their geographic locations. Gone are the days when international communication meant a delay of several days to months. Today, interaction through the Internet is not only much cheaper and more convenient than traditional modes of communication, it also has options to allow face to face interaction such as through the use of Skype. Now, family members and businesses can not only have instantaneous communication, they can also have the added personal touch even if they are in different continents or in any remote part of the world.

The Internet is one of the key contributors to the global free trade. When the transnational corporations want to open business in the other countries, they first have to contact partners in those countries before officially making a deal. In such case, the Internet certainly does a great job. Furthermore, the internet is instrumental in reducing operation costs for businesses where employees can be easily hired from developing countries and work remotely from their native land. For example, many transnational companies set up call centres in countries like Philippines or India where workers are cheaper to employ. The same benefits are applied to people’s daily lives. With the omnipresence of online shops, many people are able to save their precious time shopping. Instead, they have more time to do other important things such as helping their children do homework or having a short visit to their parents’ house.

On the other hand, objectors of the Internet argue that it spoils the young generation by spreading pornography and violence, which is considered rampant nowadays. There is no doubt that pornographic websites and violence videos are ubiquitous online, but whether the young is spoilt by it depends on the young themselves. Owing to the continual warning of using the Internet on many cyber education programs, the youths are supposed to know about all the boon and bane effect of surfing webs. Thus, once they have heightened awareness, there is likelihood that they will not be attacked by cyber hackers. Moreover there is a variety of information for their researches on line. Instead of spending hours of flipping over hundreds of books in the libraries, one may easily obtain necessary documentation within a second of mouse click.

Similar to any other technological inventions, the Internet has both pros and cons; nonetheless, its benefits far outweigh its harms. With recent upgrading Internet security software and substantial improvements on its use, I am firmly convinced the Internet is more a blessing than a curse.

Here are some pointers from the IGCSE Examiner Tips:

  • Be clear about the difference between an argumentative and a discursive essay. When asked directly to give your own opinion you should commit yourself to a line of argument. When asked to give a range of possible views then you are being discursive and may or may not choose to say what you personally believe.
  • Mention counter arguments – and dispute them. A strong argument includes refutation of the other point of view. This way you can show that you are not being purely ignorant or prejudiced in your response. It is important to show balance in presenting the argument.
  •  If you are having difficulty finding enough points to support your stance you should consider arguing the opposite view – it might be easier!
  • Aim for an effective introduction which captures attention and makes the topic and context clear
  •  You should end on the side you are arguing for structure your essay so that you deal with the other side first and end strongly to clinch your argument with a final convincing point . Do not repeat yourself – ‘To sum up’ and ‘In conclusion’ are not strong endings as you won’t be saying anything new to convince your reader.
  • It is generally advisable to argue your own personal viewpoint as it is likely to sound more convincing. It is however, possible, to argue effectively for or against an argument which you have never considered before, provided that you can marshal some evidence from the media, facts, statistics and experience. These are the areas from which you draw your supporting detail and illustration.
  • Do not get too passionate about the topic as this will make your essay sound too emotional and subjective, and therefore less persuasive.
  • Sometimes there is a single word in the question which alters the emphasis of the argument, for instance the word ‘compulsory’. Make sure you pay attention to the key words in questions when you are planning and answering – it is worth underlining key words to remind you.
  • Try using personal pronouns – ‘I’, ‘you’ and ‘we’ can make your argument seem more authentic and inclusive.
  • Do not start each paragraph with a numbered point- firstly, secondly, thirdly and so on- as this can get tedious for the reader and sound quite artificial if the ideas are not in fact sequential. Use other paragraph linking words, the ones which show whether your argument is continuing in the same direction (e.g. ‘furthermore’, ‘in addition’) or changing direction (e.g. ‘nevertheless’, ‘on the other hand’). The key is to make sure that your argument is “building” as you go. Use your connectives to help you take your reader with you so that they can follow your train of thought all the way through.
  • Three-point structures (sometimes called tricolons) can sound authoritative, e.g. ‘involving the learners, the teachers and the parent’. More than three of anything becomes a list; fewer lacks persuasive impact and overuse of tricolons is rarely effective.


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where your rebuild Naaya

Ultimate Nerd

I have a confusion in writing an effective thesis statement.


how do you differentiate between the two topics?


I have only one confusion that at the end of all 3 body paragraphs we are supposed to write a counterargument or only in the last body paragraph?


It is often looked upon, that “reflective writing” contains, opinions, on a specific topic, while argumentative contains “real solid ‘arguments’ “, that is you argue on a specific idea, generally a stereotype. That being said, the sample provided, concludes, upon argumentative, and reflective, if the two aren’t to be referred to as one “body”, while referring to the sample. Accordingly, should it be then taken up from this, that argumentative can allow, opinions, perhaps that reflective sums up to the creative writing, partially?

Zhou TT

It is just awesome Sir/Ma’am. It is really helpful. Even though it is good but I have a confusion, I have researched from different websites but no one has talked about the word limit and that how much words should be in one paragraph. It would be so nice of you if you can answer this question. Looking forward for your reply. Again it is a superb work piece. Thank you !


There is no set limit for the number of words in a particular paragraph. The word limit for the entire essay is mentioned in the question prompt — try to adhere to that given word limit and make sure that paragraphs are of almost uniform length.

I hope this answers your question.


Respected Sir/Maam I have a question that do the word limit matters?? like if it is 300 to 450 than is it compulsory to write in between them and also what if we cross the words limit..?? will our marks be deducted?? or does it matters to take care of this?? I shall be very thankful to you ….. Thanks for the entire essay writing tips…


1. Intro 2. For 3. For 4 .against and refute. 5. Conclusion Why is there two “for” para. ? This is the only doubt i have.

Hi! I am definitely not that good or capable to reply you’er question but in my point of view I think we write 5 paragraphs from which,

1.Intro 2.Now it depends that are you going for the topic or against it. For example if you want to go against the topic so you will write 2nd and 3rd para for against points and vice versa. 3.Again if you go with against so you will write this para accordingly. 4.According to the example I have given we will write “f or ” the topic whatever it is. 5.Conclusion. I hope this was helpful. I explained it in the simplest words I could.


u will be given a choice of 3 which r argumentative, narative or, descriptive

Daksh Arora

If I would write this in my exams…I will get at least 19/20 by the ICSE Examiner…Lol

Asia Bukhari

dear your sentence structure is not correct.


Exquisitely explained!


Commendable effort👍


This is really helpful..


how do I know from the question if I should write openion or argumentative essay

Good question, Answer: it will ask to state your opinion and there must be two sides, this would give you the judgement to chosse argumentative essay or writing atleast what im aware of doing 511 english as second lang. IGCSE CAIE, to test this view cheack the past papers of your subject code whether 500 first lang. Or whatever cheack the past papers avalable to test this view, normally multiple past papers

but can you tell me that what is the correct way of writing an Argumentative essay that what should be the best way to give a better starting and ending??

english essay topics for igcse

iGCSE English Language Edexcel – Revision Content

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Descriptive Writing Prompts (IGCSE 0500 First Language English)

Descriptive Writing Prompts (IGCSE 0500 First Language English)

Subject: English

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Assessment and revision


Last updated

2 November 2019

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Here’s a list of 25 descriptive writing prompts that would be very suitable for students who are preparing for the IGCSE First Language English (0500) syllabus. They have been written based on the requirements of the latest syllabus updates.

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The English Language for IGCSE

Tuesday, june 7, 2016, descriptive writing, 29 comments:.

english essay topics for igcse

really good, recommended this.

Thanks Rabia!

Your blog is really, really helpful!!!!!

Thanks, glad you liked it!

A good website for childrens


Teachers are giving SA from this website and students can copy them

I think it's up to teachers to recognize when students are plagiarizing work and up to students to be honest and realize that copying answers isn't going to help them on the final exam, when they won't know what question will be asked. I don't think it's fair to take down resources that are helping the majority just because a minority may be using them dishonestly.

big fax tellem my g

One thing I would say is that it is in the wrong tense to the question

You're right - in hindsight, I should have written it in present tense. Thanks for pointing this out!

do you have a website for english ib as well?

Unfortunately not - I have taken English Lang & Lit SL, though, so if you need help with that feel free to email me!

I really need help with literature if you could help me. my teacher is very ‘stupid’ and I have 3 months till my final igcse exams. i dont even know how to properloy frame an answer and how many quotes/points i need to present

Hi Het, feel free email me if you need help! I can talk about this in greater detail.

We dont use 'I' in descriptive writings - its an observation.

Helpfully blog

Do you give advice on other type of writing

Very good! I'm sooo impressed, at least now I know, what my teacher was actually expecting from me, and that I gave her serious bullshit!

Very impressive. But for your descriptive essay, shouldn't be not include the narrator performing any actions that adds to any form of plotline?

Amazing blog 👍👌

The mood and imagery was excellent! I felt, even I was in a theme park. Great stuff!

This comment has been removed by the author.

i dont think i would ever be able to write something like this

This was really helpful thanks a lot

really nice

How do you write so good? Please give some tips

Can you help me in English IGCSE


Revision Topics – Checklist for IGCSE ESL

man, education, people-3368474.jpg

Revision Topics – Checklist for IGCSE English as a Second Language

How to use this guide The guide describes what you need to know about your IGCSE English as a Second Language (E2L) examination.

A guide for students

It will help you to plan your revision programme for the examinations and will explain what the examiners are looking for in your answers.

 It can also be used to help you to revise by using the tick boxes in Section 3, ‘What you need to do’, to check what you have covered. The guide contains the following sections:

Section 1: How will you be tested? This section will give you information about the different examination Papers that you will take. You will probably take three elements:

1.Reading & Writing question Paper

2.Listening question paper

If your teacher thinks you should enter for the Core examination, you will take Papers 1 and 3. If your teacher thinks you should enter for the Extended examination, you will take Papers 2 and 4. Your teacher will assess your skills towards the end of your IGCSE course and will discuss with you which Papers and which level of examination (Core or Extended) you should take. You may also wish to discuss the decision with your parents.

Paper number and level of examination 

How long and how many marks?  

What’s in the Paper? Which skills are being tested?

What’s the % of the total examination ?

Part 1 – Reading Part 2 – Reading and writing as a combined skill Part 3 – Writing 

Part 1 – Reading Part 2 – Reading and writing as a combined skill Part 3 – Writing

Part 1 – Listening and responding to short statements Parts 2 and 3 – Listening to longer conversations/interviews 

What will be tested? The syllabus sets outs the skills which will be tested in the examination Papers. In E2L, there are four main skills – two which test how well you understand and receive information, and two which test how well you are able to convey, or pass on, information. This information might be information you have just received, or it might be new and original information. The skills are as follows:

NB:- In addition to the main skills outlined above, you will also be tested on how accurate and consistent your usage of English is. The Examiners will assess your usage of English according to: • How well you can control your grammar and structures. This applies to writing as well as speaking. • The range of vocabulary you use. You will be tested on your understanding and whether you are able to use words accurately and/or appropriately, in both writing and speaking. • How accurately you spell. • Your use of sentences, paragraphs and punctuation in longer pieces of writing. • Your awareness of ‘register’ in formal and informal situations, for example, whether you are aware that you should not write a letter to a friend in the same tone and style as a letter to your Head Teacher, also that spoken English is generally less formal than written English.

Section 3: What you need to do: This section shows the syllabus in a simple way so that you can check that:

• You have practised each skill.

• You can understand and respond, in English, in a variety of contexts and situations.

• You are well prepared for the level of examination (Core or Extended) you will be taking. (You will need to check which level with your teacher.)

• You have covered enough topics and themes to enable you to show your skills in writing and speaking English.

What you need to do: The E2L course doesn’t cover content in the same way as most other IGCSE courses do. In Science, for example, you might need to learn how a particular process works. This means understanding and being able to recall all the steps involved in the process in a logical way. Once you have reached a certain level of knowledge, you can move on and extend that knowledge base.

 The same principle can be seen in Mathematics, where understanding formulae is the basis for making accurate calculations.

 Learning both of these subjects is, therefore, structured in a logical, step-by-step manner. E2L is quite different.

The best way to approach the ‘content’ of your E2L course is to make sure that you have practised English in a wide variety of contexts, that you understand the different ways that English can be used and can respond appropriately.

E2L teachers in different parts of the world probably use different textbooks and teaching materials. This is because there is no single ‘correct’ textbook that should be used. It is generally agreed that the best approach to learning E2L is to use a variety of books, articles, newspapers, magazines, as well as the Internet; also to use as many recordings (to test listening) and oral activities (to test speaking) as possible. Success in learning ESL is certainly linked to using a variety of different resources that will enable students to practise all the skills and combinations of skills that they will be tested on.

The table – containing the checklist – is, therefore, simply a guide to the types of activities, which are useful. However, you should not think of the table as a list of activities that you must do, or as a list of contexts that you must cover. If you do not tick some areas, it does not mean that you have not completed the whole course!

Appendix This section shows you the importance of the command words and phrases that Examiners use in examination questions. It also gives you additional hints and details, which will help you feel more confident when you take the examination.

Exercise 1&2

Give Tick if you revised the skills

Identify key words in questions

Skim & scan the text for specific answers

Extract specific details

Follow the order of the text

Find the main idea in each paragraph

Write short, single word phrase/answers

Write answers on the lines provided

Match the sentences and synonyms

Identify  the paraphrases and ideas and match

Find answers to the last question from the whole text & LIST them.

Write points under relevant headings

Write short phrases/single word notes

Include all the key information

Identify the topic of the summary question

Locate relevant points from the passage

Identify facts and opinions

Include all the key facts related to the subject

Connect ideas into a paragraph using linking words

Use own words to write the paragraph

Can keep to word limit

a) identify facts and opinions

b) use notes to write a paragraph

c) use linking words to connect sentences

d) use own words

e) keep to word limit

Can write email to people in different situations

Write descriptions of events, places and people

Write an email or letter to friends or family explaining an event or which happened recently

Write an appropriate opening for any type of friendly letter

Develop ideas well

Employ and control a variety of grammatical structure

Use range of appropriate vocabulary/can use relevant idioms

Write in proper grammar, punctuation & spelling

Write in conversational tone[appropriate register & style]

Write at correct length 

Avoid repetition of ideas

Develop each bullet point in a separate paragraph

Avoid topics which are not relevant  

Employ and control a variety of grammatical structure 

Use sophisticated vocabulary

Write in proper grammar,  punctuation & spelling

Employ appropriate register & style

Write at correct length and audience

Write a report about a specific issue given

Write an appropriate & interesting introduction 

Write up the conclusion as recommendation

Identify specific pronunciation of words

Listen to announcements, factual details, directions, recordings of interviews, news programs or chat shows

Understand the homophones and write in correct spellings. 

Understand specific instructions.

Write short responses

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Thames Notes

Question 7 Discursive Writing Example

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By Thames Published November 23, 2017 ESL Paper 2

English as a second Language Paper 2 Question 7 Discursive writing example

Click here for ESL discursive writing guide and layout

english essay topics for igcse

1st Point for – Students may get tired in the morning.

1st  point against – Students have time for after-school activities such as sports.

2nd point against- Students get used to early hours for when they grow up and work.

The early bird catches the worm?

These days, many students are coming to school late for their morning lessons. When was the last time you slept before 9PM? Don’t you think it is good practice for the school to start early in the morning? In my opinion, I don’t think the school’s schedule should be moved 1 hour later.

To begin with, the most obvious reason we should stick to this morning school routine is because it allows us students to get used to waking up early. This is because when we grow up, many of us may work in competitive businesses that require us to get to work on time.

Next, Another reason why school hours shouldn’t be delayed is because it may stop students from participating in after school activities for example, sports such as golf which requires a few hours for a full round. Without this valuable time, school athletes will have less training and may not be able to compete with other schools.

On the other hand, many people say that students are tired in the morning and find it difficult to focus in class. This may be true so we will have to ensure we get enough sleep the previous night in order to get to school on time full of energy.

24 Replies to “Question 7 Discursive Writing Example”

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what about formal idioms

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Um you wouldn’t need idioms for Question 7 but you can put them in question 6(informal letter). Formal idioms are fine if it’s used correctly but make sure your letter stays informal.

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My teacher told me to write foreign expressions such as “ad nauseum” but I’m not sure because its a Latin word and the exam is ESL so is it okay?

I wouldn’t do that especially in a discursive article.

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What would be a possible linking word for conclusion paras in discursuve writing,as my teachers suggest that ‘in conclusion’ won’t work for CIE exams.

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How do i think of a perfect title in a few minutes for ARTICLE WRITING?

Thinking of a perfect title is difficult, sometimes it just pops into your head depending on the topic of the article. I wouldn’t spend too much time on it as your title won’t have a direct effect on your score. Just write a simple title you come up with on the spot.

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Can someone help me. I’m lost. Do I start from question 7 then go backwards or from 1 and onwards?

Do it the way you’re most comfortable with, I do it from Q1 – Q7. An advantage of this is that I could get the easy marks out of the way first.

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I am confused between openion article and argumentative article. Is it the questio. Which iplies which type is the article? Or it is me who can choose to write it as argumentative or openion article?

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You have written about 246 words its not exceptale it should have been between 150-200 words 🙂

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What marks did you get for language and content?

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this discursive writing example was really helpful. thank u cuz now I feel the confidence to face such questions. :)))

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I should have seen this earlier if so I don’t have to waste my time to retake my English thrice

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Greetings, I’m preparing for my IGCSE ESL 2019. Unfortunately, there has been a few alterations in the syllabus, for instance, the argumentative essay has been replaced by a report writing. I have searched the internet for proper guidance but in vain. I kindly request you to give some tips and a sample essay for this. Thank you.

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Report writing is quite easy, depends on the question though! I am also taking the IGCSE ESL 2019 exams, i usually find book review and report writing to be the easiest. I might suggest that you practice frequently and watch videos and tutorials on how to write, that’s how i came to be!!

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Please is it okay to go over the maximum word limit by 50 words ?because sometimes that happens to me

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Serious boobs are big

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Isn’t this too short of a writing

Comments are closed.

Our new “mega-poll” gives Labour an expected majority of 280 seats

It puts the conservatives on a record-low 76 seats, with the liberal democrats and reform uk making gains.

N ATIONWIDE OPINION polls in Britain have long made clear that the Labour Party is on track to win the overall popular vote by a thumping margin. In Britain’s first-past-the-post electoral system, however, translating votes into seats is no easy task. The leading statistical method to produce such estimates is called multi-level regression and post-stratification ( MRP ). This year, in partnership with WeThink, a polling firm, The Economist has conducted its first-ever MRP analysis of a British general election. This mega-poll finds that Labour is on track to win 465 of the 632 seats in England, Scotland and Wales, giving it the biggest majority since the second world war. Meanwhile, the ruling Conservative Party, which won 365 seats in 2019, is set to collapse to a mere 76, the fewest in its history.

To produce these figures, WeThink surveyed a representative sample of 18,595 British adults between May 30th and June 21st. The firm asked respondents which party they planned to support, along with where they lived and basic demographic information about them. Using these data, we built a statistical model—the “multi-level regression” of MRP —to predict voting intentions for each of 16m possible unique combinations of voters’ age group, sex, ethnicity, education level, constituency and voting history. This model is similar to our British “build-a-voter” tool that you can explore here . For example, we estimate that a white woman in Bromsgrove aged 50 to 54, whose highest educational qualification is GCSE , who voted to leave the EU in 2016 and Conservative in 2019, has a 45% chance of voting Conservative again this time and a 29% chance of voting for Reform UK .

The next step, known as “post-stratification”, involves estimating how many people with each of these 16m profiles live in each constituency. In Bromsgrove, we reckon that there are around 185 people in the group described above, whereas in Bethnal Green and Stepney there are only five or so. To produce the final results, we simply multiply the expected vote shares for each party in a given demographic group by the number of people in each constituency who belong to that group.

Our MRP paints a remarkably bleak picture for the Conservatives. A large share of the party’s electoral base is abandoning it for Reform UK , a populist right-wing party that has surged in the polls since Nigel Farage, a leader of the successful campaign for Britain to leave the EU in 2016, announced that he would stand for Parliament. The MRP expects Reform UK , which has never won a seat before, to secure 14% of the national vote and three seats. The Tories are also faring poorly in races where the Liberal Democrats are their primary opposition: the MRP expects Britain’s third party to win 52 seats, the highest number since 2010. Even in seats where the Conservatives are not competitive, however, Labour is on track to make gains—particularly in Scotland, where the Scottish National Party is estimated to fall from 48 seats to 29.

Although MRP relies on statistical modelling to estimate seat-level results from a nationwide survey, it is still ultimately the product of a single poll. MRP s did yield broadly accurate results in the 2017 and 2019 campaigns, but they were rare before then, and there is no guarantee that they will repeat such successes this year. In addition to the sources of error intrinsic to all polling—respondents may not be representative of the eventual electorate, and voters can change their minds between the time they are interviewed and the election— MRP s also face unique risks. They can model the relationship between demography and voting intentions incorrectly, or miscalculate how many people in each demographic group will turn out to vote.

Although we are pleased to contribute a high-quality survey to this year’s polling landscape, many other MRP s use similarly rigorous samples and methods and have produced somewhat different results. Moreover, if there is a particular dynamic about the current election that the MRP approach fails to capture, all MRP s are likely to misfire in the same direction. As a result, our best prediction of the final results is an “ensemble” model that combines the “regional-swing” method, whose forecasts we have published every day since March, with an average of all public MRP estimates—including our own. You can see these blended numbers here .

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Sample essays, descriptive essay composition bank updated (30th april, 2024).

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Wow! The IGCSE is coming up quick! With that in mind… The Descriptive essay compilation has been updated!

Want to gain the exact examples you need for that A*? Sign up for a Premium membership so that you don’t miss out, today!

You’ll find the new essays below:

Describe a set of new clothes.
Describe the people in a park at different times of the year.

We hope you enjoyed these essays! If you want to join our IGCSE First Language English class or just want to know how we can help you, please feel free to fill in this form, or drop us a WhatsApp here .

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Narrative Essay Composition Bank Updated! (April 23rd, 2024)

Dear all, The Narrative essay compilation has been updated!

Write a story which includes the words, ‘… I set off as usual that day …’.
Write a story with the title, ‘Out of time’.

Descriptive Essay Composition Bank Updated! (16th April, 2024)

Dear all, The Descriptive essay compilation has been updated! These feature essays from the May/June 2023 Descriptive Essay questions. They were fun to write, and I hope you’ll enjoy them!

Describe a room before and after being decorated or renovated.
Write a description with the title, ‘The performer’.

CIE IGCSE English as a Second Language (Speaking Endorsement): Past Papers

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Visit all of our Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Past Papers here .


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