geography research topics in ghana

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geography research topics in ghana

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Department of Geography & Rural Development

Kwame nkrumah university of science and technology, undergraduate, geography and rural development.


The objective of course is to introduce students to the study of the physical environmental systems with reference to influencing agents and processes.  Topics include components of physical environmental systems, introductory development of geomorphic thought, rock types, structure of the atmosphere, climatic elements and climatic controls, soil forming processes, major soil groups of Ghana and the ecosystem.


This is to introduce students to the nature and utility of maps as tools for geographical investigation. Course components include definition and types of maps, functions of maps, characteristics of maps, scales, measurements of distances and areas, enlargement and reduction. Others include location and direction, representation of relief and drainage on topographical maps, identification and interpretation of physical and cultural features.


The course seeks to expose students to the dominant theories in Human Geography.  It introduces students to the dynamic interrelationships between man and his environment.  Components include definition, scope and relevance of human geography, the concepts of environmental determinism, possibilism and probabilism, history of population growth and world population distribution, concept of negative areas, man as an agent of spatial (environmental) change.


This course introduces students to some of the human activities in space and how these activities satisfy the needs of humankind. Specific issues of concern are urbanization, culture and perception of natural resources and resource extracting techniques, concept of the shrinking world and globalization, improvement in international relations, communications and transport, world bodies like UN, Africa Union, UNESCO, etc. and how they contribute to globalization, concepts of population density, optimum population, and overpopulation and under population.


The specific objectives of the course are to establish the need to study the history and development of geographic thought and identify the nature and origins of geography’s chief themes.  Topics include the need for the study of the history of geographic thought, geography in antiquity: role of Homer, Herodotus, Eratosthenes, Strabo, etc.; Geography in the middle Ages and Renaissance, Arab Geography, and influence of Christianity.


This course traces the connection between geography and allied disciplines and tries to foster understanding of the deep intellectual roots of contemporary geography and identify the generally agreed features of sound research in geography.  Topics include the contributions of Emmanuel Kant, the Modern (Classical) Era: Critique of the contributions of the classical period of the development of geographic thought; contributions of the Ritter and Humboldt, Vidal de la Blache, Friedrich Ratzel, Alfred Hettner, Ellen Churchill Semple and 20th century determinists and Carl Urtwin Sauer


What is Computer?  Classification of Computers.  Hardware – Memory, Central Processing Unit, Input/Output Devices.  Software– System, Applications, Utility, Translators, Programming languages and others.  Disk operating system (DOS) and Windows as Operating Systems. Word Processing Software: Microsoft Word.


Spreadsheet Software: Microsoft EXCEL; Relational Database Software: Microsoft ACCESS.

MATH 153: STATISTICAL METHODS I           (2, 1, 2)

Introduction: Nature and Uses of Statistics; Some Basic Concepts of Statistics.

Data Collection: Types of Sources of Data, Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design.  Descriptive Analysis of Data: Organisation and Presentation of Data; Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion, Quartiles, Percentiles, Skewness and Kurtosis.  Elementary Probability Theory: Random Experiments, Definitions of Terms and Measure of Probability. Some Basic Laws of Probability involving Compound Events. Computation of Probabilities involving Simple Events, Application of Counting Techniques and to Decision Problems.  Random Variables and Probability Distributions: Concepts of Random Variables; Definition and Properties of Probability Distribution, Expectation, Median and Variance of Random Variables; Application to Decision Problems.

MATH 154: STATISTICAL METHODS II         (2, 1, 2)

Some Special Probability Distributions: Binomial, Poisson, Geometric Multinomial, Hypergeometric, Normal and Exponential distributions.  Inferential Analysis of Data: Sampling Methods; Sampling Distributions of the Means and Proportions, Standard Errors; The Use and Reading of Normal (Z), t -, F and Chi-Square ( X2 ) Distributions, Tables in Inferential Analysis. Point and Interval Estimation of Parameters; Means and Proportions. Hypothesis Testing – Significance of Tests for Means and Proportions using Z-, t-, and F- Distributions; One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).  Analysis of Categorical Data: Chi-Square Tests for Goodness-of-Fit and Independence.  Regression Analysis: Basic Concepts of Regression and Correlation Analysis; Scatter Diagram, Correlation Coefficient and its Interpretation; Simple Linear Regression Model, Estimation of Regression Parameters and Coefficient of Determination.  Use of Statistical Software for Statistical Analysis: Excel, SPSS, MINITAB, SAS, GENSTAT, etc.

ENGL 157 COMMUNICATION SKILLS           (2,1,2)

The course takes all first year students through a review of English grammar, and is a required course for all first year students of KNUST.  Students will be assisted to review some of the common problem areas of their writing, such as verb/tense system, concord, sentence construction and paragraph organization.  There shall also be a study of basic grammatical structures that shall involve teaching students to write formally correct sentences, avoiding sentence errors, and using punctuation effectively.


This course is designed to continue the process of enhancing communication skills of students to become better users of the English language.  The first part of the course will focus on writing skills – paragraphs, and then essays.  Students shall also study the preparation of technical documents such as memos, reports, letters and proposals.


This course is designed to deepen students understanding of the earth’s structure, the formation and appearance of the main relief features and the geology of the earth. Specific issues will include the aim, position, current trends and methods of research in Geomorphology and development of geomorphic thought of William Morris Davis and others. Issues of concern include the Davisian Cycle of Erosion, mineralogy (rock forming minerals), elements of Crystallography, elements of petrology etc.


To assist students to acquire a clear understanding of selected processes in the atmosphere of the world’s major climates and the interaction between them and various land forms. Specific topics include climatic elements and control factors affecting temperature, atmospheric pressure and precipitation processes; formation of rainfall and raindrop; tropical meteorology and the study of synoptic charts; processes of soil formation; the soil profiles; Soils of Ghana; classification of plant communities; energy flow in the ecosystem; the hydrological, nitrogen and carbon cycles and the role of climate in the biotic complex/ecosystem.


The course is intended to predispose students to the subject matter and key concepts of geography.  Topics include the methodology of geography; the scientific status of geography; dualism and holism in geography; the region and regionalism; positivism, functionalism and humanistic approaches to geography and the birth of applied geography.


The focus is on models, methods and techniques used in the explanation of geographical issues and problems.  Topics include the role of laws, theories and models in geography; application of the scientific method; the quantitative revolution in geography; systems analysis in geography; the central place theory; Von Thunen Model of land use; concept of the Growth Pole; distance decay; gravity model; Spatial Diffusion; geography in a globalizing world.


The course aims at equipping students with the basic principles and techniques of map-making, and also to help them apply such principles in analysis of spatial data.  It is to train students to acquire the skill to plan the representation of spatial phenomena on a map. Topics to be treated include concept and scope of cartography, historical development of cartography, concept of map, basic properties of a map: (the scale, distance, direction, location and the coordinate systems, measurement (enlargement and reduction of scale), the map as a communication system, map projections and the techniques of mapping linear, area, and volumetric data.


This is to equip students with the theoretical and practical knowledge in the analysis of the topographical map, and the fundamentals of the basic survey methods.  This knowledge is to enable students to use the map as a basic tool for analyzing spatial information for the purpose of planning. Specific topics include cartographical methods of representing relief, mathematical computations in relief analysis, drawing relief profiles and long profiles of rivers, delineation of physical features on topographical maps, interpretation of human features on topographical maps, description of land use patterns on topographical maps and fundamentals of chain survey, compass traversing, aerial photo interpretation, leveling and remote sensing.


This is a basic course in Literature, introducing all university students to opportunities to enjoy and to love the world of books in English and in our various Ghanaian languages.  Special consideration will be given to language as the primary vehicle of literature. Old classics as well as significant contemporary works by living authors will be studied.  The course will also draw on the vast stock of Africa’s oral literary heritage and performance traditions.  Given the wide range of disciplinary backgrounds and interests of the students who are expected to take this, the selection of texts will take into consideration the interrelations of literature and other disciplines.  The course will focus on poetry and drama.


This course has as its main components the study of folktales, short stories and the novel.  African and westerns texts representative of this genre shall be used to illustrate the language, themes, and the literary devices employed for these


It focuses on the scientific approach to geographical research.  By the end of the course, students would have been introduced to the processes of research, reviewing literature, formulating a research problem, identifying key variables – predictive and outcomes, constructing hypothesis, selecting a study design, identifying data collection techniques, sampling procedures, data analysis frameworks and interpretation of research results.  


This course is a continuation of the First Semester’s course GEOG 351. It focuses on the scientific approach to geographical research.  By the end of the course, students would have been ready for the GEOG 490 project work to the practical processes of reviewing literature, developing of a research proposal, identifying key variables– predictive and outcomes, setting  and testing of hypotheses, appropriate study design, identifying the appropriate data collection techniques, sampling procedures, data analysis frameworks and interpretation of research results.  Students would also be introduced to statistical tools and quantitative handling of data in geographical analysis including frequency distribution, testing hypotheses, measuring associations, multivariate analysis of variance, etc.


This course aims to introduce students to the various concepts and issues of rural development. It pays particular attention to student’s understanding of the rural environment and its implications for development. Issues of concern include the concept of rural resource development and the need for regional policy, the physical basis of rural development: hydrology, and agro-climatology, evapotranspiration and water resources, soils and vegetation, rural population dynamics – sources of basic demographic data: population composition, components of population changes, settlement types and functions. It will also focus on the social structure and organisation of rural communities, Optimization of rural land use and sustainable development: Von Thunen Theory, Linear programming etc.


This course focuses on the need for rural development. It will introduce students to rural-urban contrast/imbalance, migration, especially rural urban migration and its implication in rural development. Differences in socio-economic amenities in rural and urban areas and the systems approach to understanding rural problems and development. It looks at an overview of rural development efforts in Ghana, the role of government, quasi-government, non-governmental institutions in rural development, strategies and various approaches and constraints to rural development in Ghana, integrated rural development and the role of culture in rural development. The role of science and technology and the rural environment will also be examined.  


It focuses on the physical geography of Africa; the people of Africa, ethnicity, and independence and their spatial implications. Regional economic growth and systems of transformation, migration, and regional study of one of the following regions of Africa are given detailed consideration: North Africa, Central Africa, Eastern Africa and Southern Africa. Issues that would be treated include population, agriculture, tourism and environment.


This course exposes students to the detailed Regional Geography of West Africa. Issues to be discussed are the physical environment and its interrelationships with the human/social environment. These would be treated, mindful of the West African environment and its general challenges to the primary economic activities in the region, industrialization, energy resources, transportation, population distribution, migration and urbanization, tourism in relation to development.


The main objective of this course is to introduce students to an in-depth study of the earth structure and forms and their influencing agents and processes.  In addition students would be introduced to the earth’s water supply systems – the sources of water, processes of water flow, its chemical reactions with the rest of the earth and its reaction to life on the earth.  At the end of the course, students must be able to plan an effective physical management of land and water resources.  Topics to be treated include: systems analysis in geomorphology, evaluation of slopes, channel process, evaluation of valleys and drainage forms and patterns and coastal processes.


This course is a sequel to Geomorphology and Hydrology I.  Topics to be treated include glacial erosion and glaciated features, definitions of hydrology, and historical development of hydrology, the hydrological system and cycle, precipitation and water resource development, infiltration and soil water, runoff, basin forms and development, coastal processes; coastal landforms and raised beaches.


The course is structured to equip students with the knowledge and functioning of various climatic phenomena and their effects on man and his activities. In addition, the course will introduce them to the characteristics and management of various biological resources with special reference to those in West Africa. Topics to be treated include: air masses, fronts and associated weather conditions; tropical disturbances; easterly waves, tropical depressions, hurricane, thunderstorms, monsoon depressions; weather associated with synoptic systems; anticyclones, ridges, depressions, trough, cols etc. climatic    classification such as the generic, rational as in Thornthwaite’s and Koppen’s will be treated.


The course will introduce students to: atmospheric humidity and its measurements; ozone depletion and processes of desertification. Applied climatology to the areas of agriculture, industry, engineering and recreation will also be examined. Climate of West Africa in relation to insects and insect-borne disease, management of soils, vegetation and other biological resources will be considered.


Students would be introduced to the practical aspects of remote sensing and how to use it to capture and analyze spatial data.  Some of the topics include; data acquisition and interpretation, image interpretation and analysis, satellites/platforms and sensors, multistage remote sensing and applications. 


Students would be introduced to the use of the GPS in spatial data collection. Components of the GIS include: map and spatial information, computer assisted mapping and map analysis, components of GIS (software, hardware and organisation aspects), types of analysis with GIS, types of work (map data representation), identifying resources for development with GIS and the constraints to the use of GIS in Ghana.


This course introduces students to the growing concern on natural resources, development and the environment within the broad context of the ecology and their effects on the rural economy. The components of the course include the concept and classification of resources, population resource relationships, resource processes, techniques of natural resource surveys and the environment. An overview of natural resource sectors: mineral and energy resources, food and agriculture resources will be considered.


As a follow up of the basic concepts introduced in semester one, this course aims at introducing students to an overview of resources and development in Ghana. Topics to be addressed are: resource concerns/patterns and development; environment and the issue of sustainable development; resources and environmental policy/strategy such as, land tenure reforms, agrarian reforms and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures in Ghana.


The basic objective of this course is to address development issues within gender perspectives in development strategies.  In addressing this objective, students will learn key concepts, definitions, analysis and approaches in Gender and Development. Students shall be introduced to gender and development theories. Other issues of interest will be gender and reproductive health – birth control, contraceptives and education, gender differentials, women status and other indicators.


Through teaching and research, students will be exposed to the critical factors of gender in the development process for a meaningful understanding of the nature of development.  The topics to be addressed are: gender issues in migration and urbanization; labour/Employment in the various sectors, such as the agriculture, industries, division of labour and traditional society. Also, the population and gender relationships in education, adolescent reproductive health and HIV/AIDS would be treated. Issues such as transitions, new patterns and controversies in gender and development will be considered.


This course is to expose students to the concept of decentralization, its role and responsibilities in service delivery to the people at the district level.  It seeks to equip students to understand the politics, development issues and challenges of decentralized administration. Topics to be addressed include the following: major forms of decentralization – deconcentration, delegation, privatization and devolution, administration and political decentralization dichotomy, decentralization and governance, power, poverty alleviation and development.


This course examines the practice of decentralization in Ghana. It is to expose students to understand the practice and trend of decentralization from the colonial period to the present.  Issues such as the development activities of the District Assemblies including the structure, planning processes, financial decentralization, participation of the people and poverty alleviation strategies under the decentralized system of Ghana shall be treated. The role of Traditional Authorities, the decentralized Departments, and NGOs etc. would be examined.


To provide students with understanding in the role of projects in the development process and to help equip them with the necessary skills for project identification, preparation, projects analysis and the preparation of feasibility studies. Based on the above students shall be introduced to the following: the role of projects in the development process; project proposal; techniques of project identification; project preparation/preparing the project document; project analysis (technical analysis); project analysis (economic analysis) and preparing a feasibility study.


The course is to acquaint students with the principles and techniques for project implementation, monitoring and ex evaluation. It will therefore focus on: project analysis (financial analysis); project analysis (social analysis); project analysis (institutional analysis); project analysis environmental analysis); project implementation and management; project monitoring; project ex post evaluation and designing and evaluation system.


This is to introduce students to various development theories, analytical tools and planning models within the context of the region. The concept of development and theories of development and under-development would be considered alongside generalized factors of development and theories of regional development. Issues such as the structure of dependence, Regional domination theory, sub-national development planning, Growth Pole and Core-periphery models and their applications in development planning in developing countries will be studied.


The course aims at guiding students to explore in-depth regional development issues.  It will focus on the following: the concept of the region, planning theory, regional planning models and development plans. Other topics to be considered include; institutional and organizational structures for regional development, methods of regional analysis including data for regional analysis, Gravity model and other spatial interaction models and techniques such as linear programming, location quotient, factor analysis, nearest neighborhood analysis etc. A field trip to some of the Regions in Ghana will be organized to study the problems of regional development as case studies.


The focus of this course is on spatial organization, particularly how spatial processes and structures are coordinated to bring about optimum use of space to achieve the highest possible interaction at the least cost. Approaches to the study of spatial organization, spatial interaction, and evolution of spatio-cultural patterns and spatial organization of modern agriculture would be some of the themes to be covered. Students will be introduced to the delimitation of cultural groups/areas on the basis of political organization, religion, social studies, standard of living and technology, perception in spatial organization and spatial diffusion of innovation.  


The course will focus on the concept of urbanization, evolution of settlements and their role in African development, organization of rural space and introduction to cultural geography, evolution of spatio-cultural patterns in Africa, the growth pole theory and the central place theory. Also to be discussed are the inter-relationship among population, resources, environment and development. The course will further give students insight into cultural convergence and divergence – the influence of the developed world on Africa, patterns of spatial organization as they relate to development in the developed and developing world.


The main objective of this course is to introduce undergraduates to the basic concepts and understanding of poverty including absolute, relative, complex approaches, approaches to the measurement of poverty, Participatory Poverty Assessment and tools, the causes and effects of poverty and poverty reduction strategies.  It will focus on the various dimensions of poverty and their effects on the rural populace. The Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy, Poverty reduction strategies under the District Assemblies and NGOs in Ghana will be assessed.


This course will focus on the general overview of the policies and experiences in rural development in sub-Saharan Africa and other developing parts of the world. The approach is comparative and draws on examples from countries from Africa, South East Asia, and Latin America. It seeks to broaden student’s knowledge in global perspectives on rural development and poverty alleviation. Technologies for rural development and management of rural resources for increased productivity in the respective countries would be covered.

GEOG 457 INDUSTRIAL GEOGRAPHY (3,1,3)          

The purpose of the course is to introduce students to theories of industrial location and how such theories apply to developing countries including Ghana. The Scope of Industrial Geography would include industrialization in the development process of countries (particularly LDCs), industrial location theories, the role of government in industrial activity and the export processing zone (EPZ) concept. Students will be introduced to the role of industrialization in the development process.


This is a sequel to Geog 457.  The course is designed to help students to understand the spatial aspects of industrial development and how it affects the trend of industrialization in developing countries particularly, Ghana. The economic forces and the geographical factors which determine industrial location pattern will be considered. Also to be explored are the determinants of  industrial location patterns, state/government industrial location polices, regional distribution of industries in Ghana, the Role of Manufacturing; Investment Decisions and their culminating effects on development


Medical Geography is to expose the student to the spatial patterns of health and diseases, as well as the concepts, theories and principles underlying them.  It is to equip the student with the tools for describing, explaining and predicting the aetiology, occurrence, transmission and effects of disease and their spatial variations and patterns. Students will also be exposed to the basic approaches of analyzing health data.


This course is to examine the inter-relationships between health and development, using specific examples from both developing and developed countries. It is also to examine the causes and developmental impact of selected diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Malaria.  The socio-cultural and economic factors of health that impinge on development are to be examined in their spatial perspectives. Students are also to be exposed to policy analysis in addressing the health and development problems in developing countries.


The course aims at giving students a clear understanding of the concepts and techniques of collecting analyzing population data. Population characteristics such as age and sex composition, fertility, mortality and migration will be studied. Students will also be introduced to the concept of population projections and population growth. The spatial measures and techniques of population analysis will be reviewed.


As a follow up to the basic issues introduced in semester one, this course will assist students to gain in-depth knowledge about world population trends and their inter-relationships with social and economic change. In this regard, special considerations will be given to spatial characteristics. These will include population growth/distribution and resources; spatial patterns of population and their relevance for development. The link between population, environment and development will be explored.  Population policies, advanced demographic analysis and techniques of population analysis as well as detailed population studies of special problems and special regions (Ghana, Africa etc.) will also constitute essential themes.


The course seeks to give students a general overview of the environment, the concept of the environment from the earth scientists and the social scientist perspectives and the global environmental debate. Also to be elaborated on are the ecosystem management and worldviews on environmental ethics. Environmental risk management, environmental education, ecotourism, environmental policy and development and the issue of climate variability and change will also be explored.


This course will focus on the human impact on the natural environment, urban environmental problems, the principles and tools of environmental management such as the environmental impact assessment (EIA), environmental management system (EMS), and strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).  The course will further expose students to the institutional roles of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); the environmental resources policies of Ghana and elsewhere in Africa as well as the formulation and implementation of environmental programmes.


The main objective of this course is to introduce undergraduates to some of the basic principles, concepts and models associated with Leisure, Recreation and Tourism (LRT) studies.  It is also aimed at examining the empirical status of some of these theories. Specific topics to be treated include the following: definition of tourism and who is a tourist. Tourism, its multidisciplinary nature, motivators and determinants of tourism, factors that promote and restrict tourism development, systems theory and development (i.e. strategic planning models), impacts of tourism – social, economic and physical impacts of tourism on societies and their ecological set ups.


The main objective of this course is to examine the various paradigms of tourism development in developing countries.  It also examines efforts of developing countries towards tourism development and tourism impact studies and its assessment.  The following topics shall be treated: Tourism development in the third world, the diffusionist paradigm and theory, the dependency theory in tourism development, the concept of tourism area cycle of evolution, tourism development in Ghana and regional distribution of tourism resources, tourism development planning in Ghana and tourism impact assessment.


This course introduces undergraduates to transportation and the organization of human society.  It also looks at theories and models of transportation development and transportation planning.  Students shall also be introduced to network formulation and analyses, transport economics and technology and transport development. Specific topics include, definition of transportation geography and its role and practical importance in the geographical system, Historical development of the various modes of transport, Models and Theories in transportation geography, network analysis, principles of transportation planning and introduction to transport economics.


This course examines the inter-relationships between transportation networks and the concepts of development.  Urban and rural transport systems would be examined and Ghana’s transport system such as road, rail, air and water and their roles of transporting goods and services will be studied. It will also focus on the contributions of improved transportation and the links between transport and development, tourism, urbanization, regional integration, international trade, transport and information communication technologies (ICTs).


The course exposes students to the origins, scope and development of Urban Geography and the distribution and structure of towns and cities. The emergence, scope and development of towns and cities, the origin of towns and cities in eras of the Greek, Roman and Medieval Africa are discussed. The issues of urbanization in Western Europe, North America and Africa as well as the location and spacing of towns will be given due consideration. The application of the central place theory and rank–size rule in urban studies will be used to analyse the inter-relationships between urban structure, functions, and urban populations.


This is a sequel to the GEOG 469 designed to give students more insight into the internal morphology of towns and cities. Occupation characteristics of towns and cities in terms of the urban economic functions will be discussed. Other equally important topics in the course will be the non-basic concept; the main sectors of the urban economy and urban land use plans. The course will further explore urban problems with respect to urban amenities (supply & demand); urban environmental pollution, the development of slums; traffic congestion in large towns; urban renewal; urban influence on the fringe and the hinterlands will as well be treated. There will be case studies of large towns, cities and urbanization in selected regions in Africa.      


The course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and functioning of various climatic phenomena and how the earth’s climate and its variability occur across space and time, their effects on man and his activities. It is also to introduce them to the characteristics and management of various biological resources with special reference to those in West Africa. There will be in-depth study of air masses, fronts and associated weather conditions; tropical disturbances; easterly waves, tropical depressions, hurricane, thunderstorms, monsoon depressions; weather associated with synoptic systems; anticyclones, ridges, depressions, trough, cols etc and climatic classification (rational and generic-Thornthwaite’s and Koppen’s). Practical exercises will include field data collection and modelling of results for analysing and projecting changes through time.


The course will introduce students to the following: atmospheric humidity and its measurements; ozone depletion and desertification; applied climatology for agriculture, industry, engineering and recreation; climate and water resources management; climate & urban risk management, climate risk and decision making under uncertainties. Other topics will include, climate of West Africa as favourable conditions for breeding insects and insect-borne disease studies; soils, vegetation conservation and management. Critical assessment of future scenarios of climate and human links will also be investigated. The course will further expose students to the global, regional and national institutions in the forefront of climate science and related issues (e.g. IPCC, UNFCCC, COP; WWF, GEF, etc).


The course discusses conceptual principles underlying the processes of geomorphic landforms and their resultant structure on the earth surface. Emphasis will be placed on the typical tropical areas as a morphogenetic region as well as the global zones of morphological processes and forms as modified by the respective climatic environment. The outline includes geomorphic theories underlying the weathering processes and products, deep weathering profiles, Duricrusts, denudational processes, inselbergs, hillslopes and pediments, stream channels, orogenetic processes and bioclimatic interruptions, quantitative and geomorphologic mapping, glaciology and sedimentologic study of surface particles. The examination and determination of soils and their characteristics in the field, (horizons, texture, colour, consistency, reaction with organic matter) will also be discussed.


The course will treat areas such as a definition of applied geomorphology. The application of the various geomorphologic principles in solving spatio-temporal problems caused by geomorphic processes with the anthropogenic infractions will be discussed. The course would focus on the application of quantitative principles underlying geomorphic processes such as drainage basin morphometry, the calculation of stream frequency, elongation ratio, basin relief, ruggedness number, bifurcation ratio, drainage density, graded river, environment and development. Other topics to be examined are the dynamic effects of coastal processes and landforms on human settlements, Atterberg limits and the behaviour of clay minerals, particle shape and its application to coastal engineering with field studies would also be discussed. Also to be addressed are field studies of erosion and deposition, development issues in hot, integrated river basin management, irrigation agriculture in savanna and arid environments etc.


Water constitutes the greatest element of the planet earth. Therefore accurate scientific knowledge of this resource is pertinent for humanity on the earth surface. This course is designed to expose students to the concepts and theories of hydrologic dynamics of the earth. The course content would detail the essentials of hydrology and hydrological measurements of intensity, frequency and duration of precipitation at a given point, estimation of evaporation and evapo-transporation from water surfaces and oils, infiltration: soil moisture, laws governing infiltration, groundwater; types of aquifer, inter-relationship between groundwater and surface water, surface runoff: elementary hydrograph, types of runoff and depth/area/duration relationships will be addressed.


The course is an application of the theories and concepts students were exposed to in the first semester course (GEOG 475). The focus of the course will be on the impact of hydrological processes on the environment. The course will highlight some phenomena and conservation measures necessary for the planning, design and operational phases of water management. Also to be considered are the anthropogenic dynamics on water resources: flood forecasting, routing and management, erosion and sediments yield and sedimentology, urban drainage, salt water intrusion and drought management. The techniques of assessing the physico-chemical parameters of water from the various sources will be examined. Wetland management and environmental ramifications of water resource projects will also be considered. Again, the application of appropriate models to water management would be explored with ample fieldwork (e.g. FAST; MODFLOW, CHILD etc).


This course introduces students to the principles of remote sensing. Theories of Geospatial Technologies, including global positioning systems and remote sensing, total stations would be introduced. The course also introduces students to the theory and interpretation of remote sensing imagery, with emphasis on photographic, multi-spectral, thermal, and microwave remote sensing systems.


This course is a sequel to Remote Sensing I and introduces students to the application of Remote Sensing techniques. These include image processing and interpretation; ground truthing and applications. The techniques for image processing would also be taught. The course will also illustrate geographic and environmental applications of remote sensing data


This course introduces students to the principles of Geographic Information Systems, the nature of spatial data and their representation. Students would be equipped with the practical skills of geographic information systems, including the categories of geographic data acquisition, data input, data models, and spatial analysis.


This course is a sequel to the first semester course and introduces students to the application of Geographic Information Systems. The course emphasizes technical application of geographic information systems (GIS) in socio-economic and environmental studies. Students will gain experience with applications and utilities of Geographic Information Systems, and learn how to plan and implement a GIS project. Emphasis would also be placed on constraints to application of GIS in Africa, with special reference to Ghana. 


The course is designed to develop the intellectual and analytical capabilities of students for opportunities in the non-governmental and voluntary sectors. The course will equip students with a sound understanding of the types of NGOs and the issues facing NGOs and create the platform for reflection on the impact of NGOs, within Geographical scopes of community development, improve knowledge in the organizational forms of NGOs and challenges they face. The course will also explore the concepts, definitions and functions of NGOs within global development practice. It will promote knowledge in theories explaining the relevance of NGOs in international and local level development. The organizational structures and systems, resource mobilization techniques and strategic management of resources for grassroots development shall be examined


This course shall be the sequel to GEOG 481; NGO Management and Community Development I. It will equip students with the critical approaches of NGOs to community development within the context of Ghana. It will review the functions, strategies and impacts of NGOs in rural-urban development dynamics in Ghana with special focus on the relevance of community engagement and participation in NGOs functional processes. The course will also make students to appreciate the various institutional and operation strategies as well as the challenges of the non-profit and the voluntary sectors within national development and spatial organization framework. The course will closely examine the managerial strategies for sustaining NGOs operations within local socio-cultural environment.


This course introduces students to the evolution and geo-spatial distribution and of hazards and disasters in societies. It focuses on understanding the relation between the risks to which societies are exposed to and the human practices that may increase, decrease, or relocate these risks. The principal objective of the course is to introduce students to spatial distribution and temporal variations of environmental hazards. 


As a follow up to the basic issues introduced in semester one, students will be assisted to gain knowledge about vulnerability as a challenging policy problem and on the assessment of vulnerability as a guiding planning principle. This course focuses on vulnerability as a manifestation of the relationship between society and hazards, especially of how people and societies cope with and respond to environmental hazards within space and over time. A central objective is to facilitate critical review of disaster management policies in Africa, with special reference to Ghana, and to examine some solutions being proposed and implemented to reduce vulnerability to environmental hazards.


This course integrates soil science principles, particularly soil chemistry, fertility and microbiology and applies these principles to agronomic and environmental problems.  Topics covered include: growth and yield laws; ions uptake models; soil fertility, its evaluation and problems in Ghana; electrical characteristics of soil/water interface; soil solution. Microbial population dynamics and activity in soils; introduction to contemporary research problems in soil microbiology; role of micro-organisms in nutrient cycling and their effects on plant growth.


Environmental soil science deals with soil systems and their environments from the perspective of soil development and classification, field water cycle and groundwater pollution.  Major topics include: Pedogenic processes influencing soil genesis and characteristics; soils of Ghana, soil surveys, mapping and classification; land evaluation; field water cycle; redistribution of water in soil; evaporation from bare soil; soil-plant-water relations; water balance and energy balance in the field; irrigation and water use efficiency; groundwater drainage pollution.

GEOG 489 / 490 DISSERTATION (0,12, 6 ) (3 Credits per Semester).

Final Year students are expected to conduct research, under supervision, on a given topic in their areas of specialisation as part of the requirements in partial fulfilment for the award of the BA Degree in Geography and Rural Development. The topic, which needs to be approved by the student’s supervisor, must be such that the study is development-oriented.

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geography research topics in ghana

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geography research topics in ghana

The Ghana Journal of Geography (GJG) is published by the Department of Geography and Resource Development, University of Ghana. The Journal publishes the best of original research and scholarship in physical and human geography as well as research from other related disciplines working on issues of spatial relevance. It provides a forum for discussing new issues and ideas of relevance to the developing world.

Current Issue: Vol. 16 No. 1 (2024)

Published: 2024-01-30

Household Water Use Efficiency and its implication for Sustainable Accessibility: A Case Study

The contribution of climate-smart agriculture to reducing climate-related risks to rain-fed maize production: insights from tanzania’s semi-arid and sub-humid regions, severe cold harmattan events in the northwestern region of nigeria from 1961 to 2020, sediments composition and morphology of the fosu lagoon barrier beach, bakaano, cape coast, ghana, exploring the nature of road safety education in basic schools and school children’s travel mode options in winneba, ghana, perceived effects of drought on urban and peri-urban crop production in nigeria: farmers’ adaptation measures, the challenges of deforestation and management in nigeria: suggestions for improvement, covid–19 impacts: government interventions and residential housing prices in lagos metropolis, analysis of households’ water access and consumption in differential urban neighbourhoods of osogbo, nigeria.

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A geospatial perspective of flood risk hotspots, transport networks and emergency response services in Accra, Ghana

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Analysing the spatial pattern of retail store locations in the urban environment of accra using GIS

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Changing land and labour relations on cocoa farms in Sefwi, Ghana: Continuity and change

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Top 100 geography topics for research.

April 13, 2021

geography topics

Your geography paper or essay can also cover multiple fields. You can also opt to write on scientific or empirical geographic models. Alternatively, you can write about how humans relate to the environment. If your educator has asked you to write a research paper or essay, here are some of the best geographical topics to consider for your project.

Unique Geography Topics

Maybe you like researching and writing about unique ideas. And this is very important because uniqueness is one of the factors that educators consider when grading academic papers and essays. Here is a list of unique geography topics for research that you should consider.

  • Environmental and social-economic effects of gas and oil exploration in your town
  • Demographic and land-use changes in your area
  • Cartography history
  • The emerging grassland agriculture trends
  • Badland areas geomorphological changes
  • How human activities contribute to climate change
  • What causes soil erosion – How to mitigate it
  • How weather variables like wind, temperature, and snow contribute to the vegetation in native grassland
  • Effects of wet summer on agricultural production
  • Effects of modern farming techniques on agricultural production
  • Science historical geographies
  • How to control galley erosion in your area
  • How volcanic action affects land fertility
  • Mapping for landslide hazard and potential solutions
  • How acidification of ocean weather affects the marine life
  • How weather patents relate and possible mitigation in various countries
  • Effects of high urban areas’ population
  • How global warming affects the planet
  • How to manage the aging infrastructure
  • How to deal with urbanization and expansion in big cities

These are some of the best world geography project ideas to explore when writing an essay or a paper. Nevertheless, take your time to research your topic extensively and analyze data to come up with a solid paper.

Cultural Geography Topics

Cultural geography is among the major science branches, alongside social, political, and economic geography. It entails the study of ethnic geography. And this covers religion, art, and languages. Maybe you love researching and writing about cultural geography. In that case, consider these cultural geography essay topics.

  • The educational systems in western and eastern cultures
  • Geographical aspects of the world religions’ study
  • The role women play in the Chinese society
  • Heritage monuments in the geo-cultural space
  • The Native culture’s influence on human psychology
  • How globalization benefits developed and developing countries
  • How cultural superiority affects how humans behave
  • How globalization has affected the Chinese economy
  • The role of cultural geography in promoting tourism
  • The most represented food in my country

These are brilliant cultural geography research paper topics. Pick any of these ideas and then develop them to suit your project.

Human Geography Topics

Human geography entails the study of the network and distribution of people and different cultures across the world. It’s also about the study of how humans relate to their physical environment. Here are some of the best human geography research topics to consider for your papers.

  • India and China – The universal effects of the increasing economic powers of these countries
  • Ethnic Dressing evolution through different centuries
  • Human culture – How it has changed over time
  • The untoward impacts of overgrazing on the Mongolian Steppe’s agricultural production
  • World Power – The evolution of China into a powerful country
  • The development of military geography
  • The expansion of large cities – how does it affect the environment?
  • Settlement movements of the Scythians
  • How the Indian population growth impacts the environment
  • The spread of the South African diseases

These are interesting human geography essay topics. But, you should research your ideas carefully and extensively to come up with a solid paper regardless of your chosen topic.

Physical Geography Research Topics

Physical geography is arguably a major field in this subject. It entails the study of the natural environment. This includes the patterns and processes like the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere. Ideally, physical geography covers both the built and cultural environment. Here are some of the best physical geography topics to consider for your paper or essay.

  • How climate change affects the intensity of the Australian bushfire
  • The meteorology history and its effects on modern research
  • River ice – The worldwide effects of the high ice loss rate across the globe
  • How the Australian bush fires affect the global weather
  • Organizational forms of the living matter on earth
  • The evolution and origin of the biosphere
  • The geographical envelope and its causes
  • Environmental nihilism and environmental determinism
  • Forms of chemical elements migration
  • The atmospheric vertical structure – Gas composition features of air and the determining factors
  • Characteristics of the elementary geochemical landscapes
  • The significance of the main gases in the atmosphere
  • Alkalinity and acidity of the soil – How to regulate them
  • The soil horizons color – How physicochemical properties of the constituent substances of the soil depend on their color
  • Soil formation – The anthropogenic factors
  • The role of endogenous geological processes in earth l formation

Physical geography is generally a complete sciences’ system that entails the study of dynamics, structures, and functioning of the geological envelope, as well as, its structural parts. Pick your geography topic from this category if you love exploring the environment in its natural and man-made forms.

Interesting Geography Topics

Do you want to research and write about something interesting? In that case, consider this category of interesting geography paper topics.

  • Features and qualities of coastal erosion
  • Why should humans protect the endangered rain forests tree species?
  • Why glaciers melting is happening faster than predicted
  • Which was the worst ecological crisis in the world’s history
  • Meteorological science – Is it accurate or real?
  • How to minimize the effects of deforestation
  • Effects of floods on the lives of humans
  • Hurricanes effects and how to predict them
  • An exploration of geographical features of a desert
  • Human roles in the increasing global warming
  • Why earthquakes and landslides are popular today
  • Can eco-friendly food feed the world?
  • How to use innovative technologies to produce eco-friendly food
  • The role of humans in their extinction
  • How a volcanic eruption occurs
  • How humans have contributed to the ever-changing climate
  • How oil and gas exploration affects the social issues
  • How volcanoes affect nearby settlements
  • The happenings and process of earthquakes
  • Factors that lead to the urbanization of some areas over time
  • Indicators and causes of climate change

Choose your geography research topic from this category and then develop it extensively. Use reliable and authentic sources to find relevant information for your paper or essay to earn the top grade.

The Best Geography Research Topics to Choose from

Maybe you want to pick your geography essay topics from a list of the best ideas. Whether you need AP human geography topics or world geography topics, this list comprises the best ideas to consider when writing your paper or essay.

  • The main causes and effects of earthquakes
  • A description of the Amazon basin formation
  • How flooding helps in sustaining life
  • Environmental effects of oil exploration
  • Common hazards associated with landslides
  • Glaciers formation – Describe this process
  • Dumping waste alternatives
  • Explain the impact of the atomic blasts on Nagasaki and Hiroshima
  • Continental drift process from Pangaea until today
  • How geography relates to climate
  • How water bodies affect the climate
  • How public housing affects the housing industry
  • Influence of geographical location on a country’s climate
  • What causes water pollution?
  • What causes the eruption of wildfire
  • Effects of the rising industrialization trend
  • What should humans do to protect rare species
  • How to protect floods
  • How to prevent human-animal conflicts
  • How to deal with the continuing water crisis
  • The severity of natural disasters in the modern world
  • What’s the responsibility of individuals in curbing global warming?
  • How using green energy can substitute fossil fuels

These are amazing topics to consider when writing an essay or a research paper. Take your time to understand each of these ideas to pick the one you will be comfortable working with.

Students have many ideas to explore when writing academic papers and essays. However, the most important thing is to choose a topic you will be happy to research and write about. What’s more, understand the requirements and instructions set by your educator when exploring different geographical project topics. Additionally, take your time to find relevant sources, gather and analyze information before writing. That way, you will come up with a paper that will impress the educator to award you the top grade. You can also contact our writing service to save your time and effort.

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Geography and the Tale of Two Ghanas: The North–South Divide

  • First Online: 30 October 2012

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geography research topics in ghana

  • Alexander Krauss 2  

Part of the book series: SpringerBriefs in Economics ((BRIEFSECONOMICS,volume 49))

722 Accesses

2 Altmetric

Physical geography matters for development. Accordingly, development trends in Ghana are largely shaped by its geographic circumstances. Ghana—also West Africa for that matter—is not located on one of the major global trade routes, contributing to less favourable export market conditions. Many communities in Ghana are located in remote areas and are sparsely populated, raising the costs of basic social service delivery and infrastructure development. Most tropical zones, and those with higher precipitation levels such as the forest belt, have ecological conditions that favour mortal diseases such as malaria. The North (or Northern Ghana, which incorporates the Upper West, Upper East and Northern regions) has an arid environment conducive to a higher prevalence of drought and its population is known to live under harsher environmental and agricultural conditions.

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© 2013 Alexander Krauss

About this chapter

Krauss, A. (2013). Geography and the Tale of Two Ghanas: The North–South Divide. In: External Influences and the Educational Landscape. SpringerBriefs in Economics, vol 49. Springer, New York, NY.

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Published : 30 October 2012

Publisher Name : Springer, New York, NY

Print ISBN : 978-1-4614-4935-5

Online ISBN : 978-1-4614-4936-2

eBook Packages : Business and Economics Economics and Finance (R0)

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Top 100 Geography Project Topics [Updated]

geography project topics

Geography is more than just maps and place names; it’s a dynamic field that studies the Earth’s features, inhabitants, and processes. Geography projects offer an exciting opportunity to delve into various aspects of our world, from physical landscapes to human societies. In this blog, we’ll explore a range of engaging top 100 geography project topics suitable for students and enthusiasts alike.

Benefits of Exploring Geography Project Topics

Table of Contents

Exploring geography project topics offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Interdisciplinary Learning: Geography projects often integrate elements from various disciplines such as environmental science, sociology, economics, and technology, fostering a holistic understanding of complex issues.
  • Critical Thinking: Engaging with geography topics encourages critical thinking skills as students analyze data, evaluate evidence, and propose solutions to real-world problems.
  • Global Awareness: Examining various regions and cultures enables students to develop a more expansive worldview, nurturing empathy and comprehension of a wide range of societies and environments.
  • Hands-On Experience: Many geography projects involve fieldwork, mapping, and data collection, providing students with practical experience and skills applicable in both academic and professional settings.
  • Environmental Stewardship: Investigating topics like climate change, natural disasters, and sustainable development instills a sense of responsibility towards the environment and encourages environmentally conscious behavior.
  • Cultural Appreciation: Exploring cultural geography topics allows students to appreciate the diversity of human cultures, traditions, and practices, promoting respect and tolerance for cultural differences.
  • Career Opportunities: Geography projects develop skills highly valued in various fields such as urban planning, GIS analysis, international relations, and sustainable development, opening up diverse career paths for students.
  • Personal Growth: Through independent research, problem-solving, and project management, students develop confidence, resilience, and a sense of achievement, contributing to their personal growth and academic success.

Overall, exploring geography project topics not only enhances academic learning but also cultivates skills, knowledge, and attitudes essential for informed citizenship and global engagement.

Top 100 Geography Project Topics: Category Wise

Physical geography project topics.

  • Climate Change and Its Impact on Polar Regions
  • Analysis of Tropical Rainforest Biomes
  • Coastal Erosion and Management Strategies
  • The Formation and Impact of Volcanoes
  • Desertification: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
  • Glacial Retreat and Its Consequences
  • Hydrological Cycle and Water Management
  • Plate Tectonics and Earthquake Prediction
  • Weather Patterns and Climate Variability
  • Soil Erosion and Conservation Techniques

Human Geography Project Topics

  • Urbanization Trends and Challenges in Developing Countries
  • Migration Patterns in Europe: Causes and Impacts
  • Cultural Diversity in Urban Settings
  • Economic Disparities between Rural and Urban Areas
  • Gender Inequality in Access to Resources
  • Tourism Development and Its Effects on Local Communities
  • Globalization and Its Impact on Indigenous Cultures
  • Population Growth and Urban Sprawl
  • Political Geography of Border Conflicts
  • Sustainable Development Goals and Progress

Geospatial Technology Project Topics

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Applications in Environmental Monitoring
  • Remote Sensing Techniques for Land Use Mapping
  • GPS Technology in Wildlife Tracking and Conservation
  • LiDAR Technology for Terrain Mapping
  • Spatial Analysis of Crime Patterns
  • Mobile Mapping Applications for Disaster Response
  • Drone Technology in Geographic Research
  • Big Data Analytics for Urban Planning
  • Crowdsourced Mapping for Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Web Mapping Applications for Public Participation

Regional Geography Project Topics

  • Case Study of the Amazon Rainforest: Biodiversity and Conservation
  • Comparative Analysis of East Asian Megacities
  • Geography of Conflict: The Middle East
  • Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Environmental Challenges in the Himalayan Region
  • Cultural Landscapes of Europe: UNESCO World Heritage Sites
  • Political Geography of South America: Border Disputes
  • Oceania: Islands, Culture, and Climate Change
  • Arctic Region: Resources and Governance
  • Caribbean Islands: Tourism and Sustainability

Interdisciplinary Geography Project Topics

  • Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Coastal Communities
  • Public Health and Environmental Pollution
  • Urban Agriculture and Food Security
  • Renewable Energy Potential and Implementation
  • Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Building
  • Indigenous Knowledge and Environmental Management
  • Smart Cities: Technology and Sustainability
  • Environmental Justice and Equity
  • Gender Perspectives in Disaster Management
  • Climate Refugees: Challenges and Solutions

Geography Education Project Topics

  • The Use of Geospatial Technologies in K-12 Education
  • Inquiry-Based Learning in Geography Classrooms
  • Fieldwork Techniques for Geography Students
  • Integrating Geography into STEM Education
  • Geography Awareness Week: Activities and Resources
  • Virtual Field Trips for Geography Education
  • Story Maps as Educational Tools
  • Gamification in Geography Learning
  • Outdoor Education and Experiential Learning
  • Citizen Science Projects in Geography Education

Environmental Geography Project Topics

  • Air Pollution Monitoring and Mitigation Strategies
  • Water Scarcity and Water Management Policies
  • Waste Management and Recycling Initiatives
  • Urban Heat Island Effect and Green Infrastructure
  • Deforestation and Reforestation Efforts
  • Marine Pollution and Ocean Conservation
  • Sustainable Agriculture Practices
  • Energy Transition and Renewable Resources
  • Biodiversity Conservation in Urban Areas
  • Green Building Design and Sustainable Architecture

Social Geography Project Topics

  • Gentrification and Neighborhood Change
  • Spatial Patterns of Poverty and Social Exclusion
  • Health Inequalities and Access to Healthcare
  • Gendered Spaces: Women’s Safety and Mobility
  • Ethnic Enclaves and Cultural Identity
  • Urban Segregation and Housing Policy
  • Rural-Urban Migration and Social Integration
  • LGBTQ+ Geographies: Space, Place, and Identity
  • Ageing Population and Urban Design
  • Disability and Accessibility in the Built Environment

Economic Geography Project Topics

  • Global Trade Networks and Supply Chains
  • Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth
  • Industrial Clusters and Innovation Hubs
  • Informal Economy and Urban Informality
  • Tourism and Economic Development
  • Agricultural Land Use and Food Systems
  • Economic Geography of Natural Resource Extraction
  • Economic Resilience and Regional Development
  • Global Financial Centers and Urban Economies
  • Economic Geography of Post-Industrial Cities

Political Geography Project Topics

  • Geopolitics of Energy Resources
  • Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea
  • Border Walls and Border Security Policies
  • Secessionist Movements and Self-Determination
  • Refugee Camps and Forced Migration
  • Electoral Geography and Gerrymandering
  • Colonial Legacies and Post-Colonial Geopolitics
  • Geopolitical Implications of Climate Change
  • Geopolitics of Cyberspace and Digital Surveillance
  • Nationalism and Identity Politics in a Globalized World

Things To Avoid Mistakes In Geography Projects

Avoiding mistakes in geography projects is crucial for ensuring accuracy, reliability, and effectiveness. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid:

  • Lack of Clear Research Objectives: Ensure that your project has well-defined research objectives and a clear focus. Unclear goals can lead to confusion and haphazard research.
  • Insufficient Background Research: Conduct thorough background research on your topic before diving into the project. Lack of understanding can result in inaccurate interpretations and conclusions.
  • Ignoring Methodological Rigor: Follow proper research methods and techniques appropriate for your study. Neglecting methodological rigor can undermine the credibility of your findings.
  • Poor Data Quality: Use reliable and up-to-date data sources for your project. Relying on outdated or inaccurate data can lead to flawed analysis and conclusions.
  • Misinterpretation of Data: Take care to analyze and interpret your data accurately. Misinterpreting data can lead to erroneous conclusions and undermine the validity of your project.
  • Overgeneralization: Avoid making sweeping generalizations based on limited data or observations. Acknowledge the limitations of your study and avoid extrapolating findings beyond their scope.
  • Neglecting Spatial Context: Geography projects often involve spatial analysis, so consider the spatial context of your research. Failure to account for spatial relationships can lead to incomplete or misleading conclusions.
  • Ignoring Ethical Considerations: Be mindful of ethical considerations in your research, particularly when working with human subjects or sensitive data. Respect confidentiality, privacy, and consent guidelines.
  • Inadequate Citation and Attribution: Properly cite and attribute sources for all data, information, and ideas used in your project. Failure to do so can result in accusations of plagiarism and academic misconduct.
  • Poor Communication: Clearly communicate your findings, methodology, and conclusions in your project report or presentation. Use appropriate language and visuals to effectively convey your message to your audience.
  • Failure to Seek Feedback: Seek feedback from peers, mentors, or advisors throughout the project to identify and address potential issues early on. External perspectives can help improve the quality of your work.
  • Procrastination: Avoid procrastination and manage your time effectively throughout the project timeline. Starting early and maintaining a consistent workflow can prevent rushed or incomplete work.

By avoiding these common mistakes and following best practices in geography research, you can ensure the quality and success of your projects.

Geography offers a vast array of intriguing topics for exploration, ranging from physical landscapes to human societies and from traditional fieldwork to cutting-edge technology.

Whether you’re interested in understanding the forces shaping our planet or addressing pressing societal challenges, there are various geography project topics waiting for you to discover and delve into further.

So, grab your maps, data, and curiosity, and embark on a fascinating journey through the diverse and dynamic world of geography. Happy exploring!

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146 Impressive Geography Research Topics Every Student Will Like

geography research topics

Are you a student seeking inspiration for your next geography research project? Look no further! In this article, we present you with a treasure trove of 146 original and top-quality geography research topics, completely free of charge. Whether you’re pursuing a degree in geography or simply passionate about exploring the world around you, these topics cover a wide range of fascinating subjects.

From human geography and cultural landscapes to physical geography and environmental sustainability, we’ve got you covered. Each topic is carefully crafted to ignite your curiosity and help you delve deeper into the field. Get ready to embark on an exciting journey of exploration and discovery as you uncover unique research ideas that will captivate both you and your readers.

Areas Of Geography

Geography is a field of study that explores the Earth’s physical features, human activities and their interactions. It examines the spatial patterns, processes, and relationships between the environment and society. Geographers investigate the Earth’s surface, analyzing its landscapes, climate, ecosystems and resources, as well as the distribution of populations, cultures, economies, and political systems. There are several types of geography, each focusing on specific aspects of the Earth’s physical and human dimensions:

Physical geography examines natural phenomena like landforms, weather and ecosystems. Human geography studies human activities, such as population distribution, urbanization and cultural landscapes. Economic geography explores the spatial patterns of economic activities, trade and resource distribution. Political geography analyzes the political systems, boundaries and geopolitical relationships between regions. Environmental geography investigates the interactions between humans and the environment, including environmental issues and sustainability. Geographical information systems (GIS) and remote sensing employ technology to analyze spatial data and maps.

These subfields together provide a comprehensive understanding of the Earth’s complexities and its relationship with human society.

Easy Geography Research Paper Topics

Want to write your paper in just a couple of hours? Explore a curated list of accessible and easy geography research paper topics that will make your geography research paper writing a breeze:

  • The impact of climate change on coastal regions
  • Exploring the relationship between geography and tourism
  • Analyzing urbanization trends in developing countries
  • Investigating the effects of deforestation on biodiversity
  • Examining the role of geography in natural disaster management
  • Studying the cultural landscape of a specific region
  • Analyzing the geography of food production and distribution
  • Exploring the impact of transportation on urban development
  • Investigating the geography of renewable energy sources
  • Analyzing the spatial patterns of population growth
  • Studying the impact of globalization on local economies
  • Examining the geography of water resources and management

Human Geography Research Topics

Improve your chances of getting a top grade! Delve into the complex interplay between humans and their environment with this comprehensive list of human geography research topics:

  • Exploring the social implications of gentrification in urban areas
  • Analyzing the influence of gender on migration patterns
  • Investigating the impact of globalization on cultural identity
  • Examining the geography of poverty and social inequality
  • Studying the relationship between health and geographical location
  • Analyzing the spatial distribution of ethnic communities in cities
  • Investigating the geography of political power and governance
  • Exploring the role of geography in shaping human behavior
  • Analyzing the impacts of urban sprawl on communities
  • Studying the geography of education access and quality
  • Examining the spatial patterns of crime and its socio-economic factors
  • Investigating the geography of healthcare provision and disparities

Cultural Geography Research Topics

Interested in cultural geography? Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of cultures and their geographical influences with this captivating list of cultural geography research topics:

  • Analyzing the cultural landscapes of indigenous communities
  • Exploring the impact of globalization on cultural diversity
  • Investigating the geography of language and its preservation
  • Examining the influence of religion on cultural landscapes
  • Studying the role of cultural heritage in tourism development
  • Analyzing the geography of cultural festivals and events
  • Investigating the spatial patterns of cultural diffusion
  • Exploring the impact of migration on cultural identities
  • Analyzing the geography of music and its regional variations
  • Investigating the role of food culture in shaping identities
  • Examining the spatial distribution of cultural institutions
  • Studying the geography of art and its impact on communities

Physical Geography Research Topics

Do you want to write about physical geography? Investigate the natural processes and phenomena shaping our planet through this collection of compelling physical geography research topics:

  • Analyzing the processes of coastal erosion and their impacts
  • Investigating the formation and characteristics of river systems
  • Examining the effects of climate change on glacial landscapes
  • Analyzing the spatial patterns of soil erosion and conservation
  • Investigating the biogeography of specific ecosystems
  • Exploring the impacts of climate on vegetation patterns
  • Analyzing the geography of water resources and hydrology
  • Investigating the formation and classification of landforms
  • Examining the spatial distribution of biodiversity hotspots
  • Studying the interactions between humans and the natural environment
  • Exploring the impacts of urbanization on natural landscapes

Geography Thesis Topics

Are you busy planning your thesis? Engage in an in-depth exploration of geographic concepts and theories with this thought-provoking list of geography thesis topics:

  • Investigating the geographical aspects of sustainable development
  • Analyzing the impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities
  • Exploring the role of geography in disaster risk reduction
  • Studying the geography of migration and refugee movements
  • Examining the relationship between urban planning and social equity
  • Analyzing the spatial patterns of energy consumption and renewable solutions
  • Exploring the geographical dimensions of political conflicts and peacebuilding
  • Investigating the role of geography in land use planning and conservation
  • Examining the impacts of globalization on local economies

Urban Geography Thesis Topics

Are you interested in writing about urban geography? Analyze the complexities of urban landscapes and urbanization processes with this curated selection of urban geography thesis topics:

  • Analyzing the effects of gentrification on urban neighborhoods
  • Investigating the role of urban design in creating sustainable cities
  • Examining the spatial patterns of urban sprawl and its consequences
  • Studying the geography of social segregation in urban areas
  • Analyzing the impacts of transportation systems on urban mobility
  • Investigating the relationship between urbanization and public health
  • Exploring the geography of informal settlements and slums
  • Analyzing the impacts of urban green spaces on quality of life
  • Investigating the geography of urban food systems and food security
  • Examining the role of technology in shaping smart cities
  • Studying the spatial distribution of cultural and recreational amenities in cities

PhD Research Topics In Geography

Expand the boundaries of geographical knowledge and contribute to the field with this diverse and stimulating list of PhD research topics in geography:

  • Analyzing the geography of environmental justice in urban areas
  • Investigating the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities
  • Examining the role of geography in disaster risk governance
  • Studying the spatial patterns of land use change in rapidly urbanizing regions
  • Analyzing the impacts of transportation infrastructure on accessibility and equity
  • Investigating the geographical dimensions of health inequalities
  • Exploring the relationship between globalization and urbanization processes
  • Analyzing the geography of political conflicts and territorial disputes
  • Investigating the impacts of natural resource extraction on local communities
  • Studying the spatial dynamics of international migration and its consequences
  • Exploring the geography of innovation and knowledge economies in cities

Captivating Research Topics In Geography

Looking for some captivating research topics in geography? Ignite curiosity and scholarly interest with this awesome collection of research topics that delve into various aspects of geography:

  • Investigating the geography of mega-cities and their challenges
  • Analyzing the impacts of climate change on vulnerable coastal regions
  • Exploring the spatial patterns of cultural landscapes and heritage sites
  • Studying the geography of borderlands and transnational interactions
  • Examining the impacts of tourism on local communities and environments
  • The role of geography in understanding human-environment interactions
  • Analyzing the spatial distribution of environmental pollution and its impacts
  • Exploring the geography of global food systems and agricultural practices
  • Investigating the impacts of natural disasters on urban resilience
  • Examining the role of geography in understanding urban inequalities
  • Studying the geography of geopolitical conflicts and their implications
  • Exploring the impacts of technological advancements on landscapes

Interesting Geography Research Topics

Discover a wide range of interesting geography research topics that will pique your professor’s curiosity and offer new insights into the world of geography:

  • Analyzing the impacts of climate change on glacier retreat and water resources
  • Investigating the geography of renewable energy transition and its challenges
  • Examining the spatial patterns of urban heat islands and their mitigation strategies
  • Studying the impacts of land use change on biodiversity conservation
  • Investigating the role of geography in understanding cultural diversity
  • Exploring the geography of disease outbreaks and their spatial spread
  • Investigating the impacts of natural hazards on human vulnerability and resilience
  • Examining the spatial distribution of ecological corridors
  • Studying the geography of regional economic disparities and development strategies
  • Exploring the impacts of transportation infrastructure on urban accessibility
  • The role of geography in understanding weather patterns

Good Geography Research Topics For 2023

Looking for some current topics to write about? Choose from a list of good geography research topics for 2023 that showcase the relevance and significance of geography in today’s world:

  • Impacts of population growth on urban infrastructure and services in geography
  • Geography of water scarcity and its implications for communities
  • Spatial patterns of environmental conservation and protected areas in geography
  • Impacts of land degradation on agricultural productivity and food security
  • Geography of natural resource management and sustainable practices
  • Relationship between climate change and human migration patterns in geography
  • Spatial distribution of environmental justice and marginalized communities
  • Impacts of urbanization on water pollution and ecosystem degradation
  • Geography of renewable energy sources and their integration into the grid
  • Role of geography in understanding regional conflicts over natural resources
  • Impacts of deforestation on biodiversity loss and ecosystem services

Geography Topics For Research For College

Need some great geography topics for research for college? Explore a comprehensive list of geography research topics tailored for college-level studies, offering opportunities for critical analysis and exploration:

  • Impacts of transportation infrastructure on urban air quality in geography
  • Geography of urban gentrification and displacement
  • Spatial patterns of urban food waste and its environmental consequences
  • Impacts of tourism development on fragile ecosystems in geography
  • Geography of environmental migration and its social implications
  • Role of geography in understanding climate adaptation strategies
  • Spatial distribution of environmental inequalities and environmental racism
  • Impacts of land use change on water quality in agricultural regions
  • Geography of geopolitical conflicts and territorial disputes
  • Impacts of industrial pollution on urban health and well-being
  • Role of geography in understanding disaster preparedness

Interesting Geography Topics For High School

Get the most interesting geography topics for high school. Foster geographical curiosity and critical thinking skills with this intriguing list of essay topics designed specifically by our best dissertation service writers for high school students:

  • Analyzing the impacts of climate change on the polar regions
  • Investigating the geography of natural hazards
  • Examining the spatial distribution of endangered species
  • Studying the impacts of urbanization on wildlife habitat fragmentation
  • Exploring the geography of cultural diversity and multiculturalism in cities
  • Investigating the role of geography in understanding climate variability
  • Analyzing the spatial patterns of population distribution and density
  • Investigating the geography of international migration and refugee flows
  • Examining the impacts of tourism on local communities and cultures
  • Studying the geography of natural resources
  • Exploring the role of geography in understanding global inequality

Engaging Geographical Research Topics

Embark on a captivating journey of geographical exploration with this diverse collection of engaging geographical research topics, connecting people, places and the environment through insightful investigations:

  • Urban sprawl impacts on land use and ecosystem services in geography
  • Geography of renewable energy transition and its challenges
  • Spatial patterns of urban heat islands and impacts on residents
  • Impacts of climate change on coastal erosion and shoreline management
  • Geography of water scarcity and implications for human populations
  • Role of geography in understanding geopolitical conflicts and peacebuilding
  • Spatial distribution of environmental pollutants and health effects
  • Impacts of globalization on local economies and cultural landscapes
  • Geography of gender inequalities and spatial dimensions
  • Impacts of natural disasters on vulnerable communities and recovery
  • Role of geography in understanding migration dynamics and urbanization
  • Geography of political borders and their social and economic implications

Affordable Thesis Help You Can Rely On

When it comes to working on a geography research paper or a thesis for Master’s degree , our company is your trusted source for comprehensive writing help. Our team of expert writers consists of experienced professionals who specialize in geography, ensuring that you receive top marks for your school or class. We pride ourselves on delivering high quality and impressive custom written theses tailored to your specific requirements.

With our secure and fast online service, you can access thesis help that is not only affordable but available 24/7. Rest assured that your work will be handled by native English-speaking experts (ENL writers), guaranteeing exceptional quality and adherence to academic standards. Trust us for all your thesis needs and achieve academic success with ease.

Make sure to check our posts with other topics before you leave:

  • 122 Best Ecology Topics To Sparkle Your Writing
  • 195 Top Anthropology Topics For Great Thesis
  • 170 Fantastic Astronomy Topics For High Scoring Tests

Why is choosing a great topic important when writing a geography essay?

Choosing a great topic ensures that your essay is engaging, relevant, and allows you to demonstrate your understanding of key geographical concepts while capturing the reader’s interest.

How can I choose a great topic for my geography essay?

To choose a great topic, consider current geographical issues, areas of personal interest and the availability of reliable sources. Additionally, ensure that the topic aligns with your essay’s objectives and requirements.

What are some strategies for narrowing down a geography essay topic?

To narrow down your topic, focus on specific geographical regions, phenomena, or concepts. Consider exploring the intersections between different aspects of geography, such as human and physical geography, to create a unique and well-rounded essay topic.

Can I get assistance in choosing a great topic for my geography essay?

Yes, you can seek guidance from your instructor, consult reputable academic resources or utilize online platforms that provide topic suggestions. Engaging in discussions with peers or experts in the field can also help generate ideas and refine your topic choice.

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  1. (PDF) A regional Geography of Ghana for Senior High Schools and

    geography research topics in ghana


    geography research topics in ghana

  3. Geology of Ghana 2020-2021

    geography research topics in ghana

  4. Ghana Knowledge Organiser

    geography research topics in ghana

  5. Geography of water insecurity in three localities in the Accra-Tema

    geography research topics in ghana

  6. All About Ghana Country Research Poster / History & Geography Printable

    geography research topics in ghana


  1. ស្វែងយល់ពីប្រទេសហ្គាណា

  2. geography research assignment, part 2

  3. ⒶⒾ Ghana

  4. Things you did not know about African nations

  5. Ghana Did What First??? 🤔🇬🇭

  6. Ghana Geography/Ghana Regions


  1. Ghana Journal of Geography

    Vol 16 No 1 (2024): Ghana Journal of Geography. Published: 2024-02-04.


    PDF | On Mar 11, 2020, Fredrick Ahenkora Boamah published PhD RESEARCH PROPOSAL (ENVIRONMENT) Topic Sustainable urbanization in Ghana: The role of integrated land use planning | Find, read and ...

  3. Geography and Rural Development

    GEOG 352: RESEARCH METHODS IN GEOGRAPHY II. This course is a continuation of the First Semester's course GEOG 351. It focuses on the scientific approach to geographical research. ... this course aims at introducing students to an overview of resources and development in Ghana. Topics to be addressed are: resource concerns/patterns and ...

  4. (PDF) A regional Geography of Ghana for Senior High ...

    Ghana In terms of climate, Ghana is essentially warm and humid. The estimated mean annual rainfall is about 1187 mm, while the mean annual temperature of the country is about 26.1 o C (Abass, 2004) .

  5. Ghana Journal of Geography

    The Ghana Journal of Geography (GJG) is published by the Department of Geography and Resource Development, University of Ghana. The Journal publishes the best of original research and scholarship in physical and human geography as well as research from other related disciplines working on issues of spatial relevance. It provides a forum for ...

  6. PDF Geography education in perspective: an enquiry into ...

    positive and negative attitudes towards geography, International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, DOI: 10.1080/10382046.2020.1727115 To link to this article: ...

  7. Change and Continuity in the Practice and Development of Geography in Ghana

    The colonial period predated the development of academic geography in Ghana, but the developments and debates of that era are foundational. Geography was first introduced as an academic discipline in Ghana in 1948 in the then University College of the Gold Coast and subsequently followed by three other disciplines (i.e., history, sociology, and economics) that same year.

  8. Department of Geography & Resource Development

    Fingerprint. Dive into the research topics where Department of Geography & Resource Development is active. These topic labels come from the works of this organisation's members. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Ghana Earth and Planetary Sciences. 100%. Investigation Earth and Planetary Sciences. 36%.

  9. Ghana Geography Project Topics And Materials

    We offer Ghana Project topics and complete research materials. Abstract (Chapter 1 -5, with references) and well written. Ghana Research Project Topics, Ideas and Materials. Get new Ghana Project ideas or Search for related Ghana Projects using our search box. We give instant delivery of Ghana research materials listed on our website.

  10. 100 Best Geography Topics For Research Papers

    Here are some of the best human geography research topics to consider for your papers. India and China - The universal effects of the increasing economic powers of these countries. Ethnic Dressing evolution through different centuries. Human culture - How it has changed over time.

  11. Top 50 Geography Research Topics [Revised]

    Human Geography Research Topics. Urbanization dynamics in developing countries. Social and economic impacts of gentrification in urban neighborhoods. Migration patterns and trends in Europe. Cultural landscapes and identity politics in contested territories. Gender disparities in access to resources and opportunities in rural areas.

  12. Role of Fieldwork in the Quality of Teaching and Learning of Geography

    1. Assess the extent to which Geography teachers use fieldwork as a teaching and learning method in the teaching of Geography. 2. Evaluate the challenges Geography teachers face when organizing fieldwork. Research Questions In relation to the stated objectives enumerated above, the following research questions guided the conduct of the study: 1.

  13. Geography education in perspective: an enquiry into Ghanaian senior

    This paper examines the factors accounting for students' predilection or aversion for school Geography. The paper draws on data from 116 students (aged 14-19 years) sampled from three public Senior High Schools (SHSs) in the Offinso Municipality of the Asante Region, Ghana.

  14. Full article: Access to social capital and smallholder agricultural

    The third section captures the research methodology. The fourth section presents the findings whereas the fifth section captures the discussion. ... Gender roles and constraints of women in artisanal and small-scale mining operations in north-western Ghana. Geo: Geography and Environment, 10, e130. https: ... Topics in Middle Eastern and North ...


    THEMATIC GEOGRAPHY OF GHANA. This course covers aspects of the physical, socio-political and economic conditions that have shaped the physical and cultural landscape of Ghana. Issues include evolution of landscapes, geographical regions, population distribution and migration, settlement patterns and health systems. Other topics include key ...

  16. (PDF) Geography education in Ghanaian senior high schools: a

    Quantitative and mixed-methods studies are more popular among Ghanaian researchers than qualitative studies. The preference for quantitative and mixed-methods studies originates from the notion ...

  17. Geography and the Tale of Two Ghanas: The North-South Divide

    Accordingly, development trends in Ghana are largely shaped by its geographic circumstances. Ghana—also West Africa for that matter—is not located on one of the major global trade routes, contributing to less favourable export market conditions. Many communities in Ghana are located in remote areas and are sparsely populated, raising the ...

  18. Geography education in Ghanaian senior high schools: a qualitative

    Gender differences were, however, observed in students' understanding of the subject matter of Geography and conceptions of the importance of Geography. Congruent to the cognitive interest theoretical perspective, the findings suggest that there is a considerable link between geographical knowledge and geographical interests of both gender.

  19. Top 100 Geography Project Topics [Updated]

    Exploring geography project topics offers numerous benefits, including: Interdisciplinary Learning: Geography projects often integrate elements from various disciplines such as environmental science, sociology, economics, and technology, fostering a holistic understanding of complex issues. Critical Thinking: Engaging with geography topics encourages critical thinking skills as students ...

  20. 146 Exquisite Geography Research Topics To Write About

    Examining the role of geography in natural disaster management. Studying the cultural landscape of a specific region. Analyzing the geography of food production and distribution. Exploring the impact of transportation on urban development. Investigating the geography of renewable energy sources.

  21. Spatial assessment of intermediate urban towns in Ghana using

    In this paper, the domestic studies fall into five periods as follows: the initial period of research on urbanization in China (1978-1983); the period with both domestically constructed and ...

  22. Perceptions of Geography Among Ghanaian Senior High School Students: a

    This qualitative phenomenological study aimed at exploring the perceptions of geography among Ghanaian senior high school students. A total of 48 students comprising 24 males and 24 females were selected from two different public senior high schools in the Kumasi metropolis of Ghana to participate in the study. Data were obtained using in-depth interview and results were processed and ...

  23. Wire snare removal in protected areas is labor-intensive but effective

    Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW). (2024, June 3). Wire snare removal in protected areas is labor-intensive but effective -- and essential to solving the Southeast Asian ...

  24. Thawing permafrost: Not a climate tipping element, but ...

    Permafrost soils store large quantities of organic carbon and are often portrayed as a critical tipping element in the Earth system, which, once global warming has reached a certain level ...

  25. Technology Integration into the Teaching and Learning of Geography in

    This research paper examines the perception about geography as an academic discipline from the students of different academic levels i.e. intermediate, graduate, master and M.Phil. Data were ...