How To Write a Grant Proposal: Guide + Templates

Fundraising practices.

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Megan Allison

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Nonprofit grant proposals can be a daunting task for fundraisers, but it’s a key way to help gain more sustainable funding for your organization. From finding the right grants to writing and applying for them, grant proposals require a lot of research and attention to detail! Even experienced fundraisers can feel overwhelmed, but by following a planned process and some best practices, you can take the stress out of appealing to grant funders. 

  • What is a grant proposal?
  • 5 best practices for writing a convincing grant proposal

How to write a grant proposal for nonprofits in 11 basic steps

  • Where to find grant opportunities
  • Grant proposal templates
  • Grant proposal do’s and don’ts

What is a grant proposal? 

A grant proposal is a structured document that outlines the need for funding, your nonprofit’s objectives, the proposed project’s scope, and the budget you need to accomplish your project. It serves as your voice when grant funders are reviewing proposals, and it can decide whether you secure the grant or not. 

Nonprofit grant proposals need to tell a moving story about your organization’s mission and vision while adhering to the stringent guidelines set forth by the grant maker. Writing a good grant proposal requires attention to detail, strategic thinking, and a compelling solution to a problem.  

What do you write in a grant proposal? 

Before you start writing your grant proposal, you need to know the key parts to include when writing your proposal .  

  • Cover letter: Your cover letter is the first impression you make on the grant review committee. Include big accomplishments and details that will help persuade the reviewers of the success of your work.  
  • Executive summary: The summary is a snapshot of your proposal. Create a concise but compelling way to capture your mission, the project’s scope, and the budget in a single page. 
  • Statement of need: Dive deep into the problem your nonprofit is trying to solve with grant funding. Use data to make a clear case for why the funder’s support is crucial to the impact you can make. 
  • Project description: Your description details how your organization intends to address the problem identified in your statement of need. Approach this with clear and tangible solutions to the issue at hand. 
  • Organization background : Show your nonprofit’s history, current programs, and any previous successes that demonstrate your capacity to handle the project you’re proposing for the grant. 
  • Budget: Go into detail about how exactly you plan to use the grant funding for your program. 
  • Sustainability plan: The fundraising world is looking more to sustainability to ensure organizations are getting to the root of a problem rather than just applying a short-term bandage. Outline how your program can continue long-term to help the problem at hand.  
  • Overall impact: Bring the grant review committee back to the main goal of your proposal by highlighting the overall impact your project aims to achieve. 

Each component of your grant proposal serves a unique purpose! Use your nonprofit’s voice to help ensure the work you do is highlighted through each part. 

how to write proposal to get funding

5 best practices for writing a convincing grant proposal 

1. make sure you have everything you need for your application. .

The guidelines for the grant you’re applying for should have all the information you’ll need to collect to apply for the grant. Two things you should make sure you have before you apply are your mission statement and any required paperwork. Your mission statement should be clear and explain your nonprofit’s purpose to provide a first impression for funders.  

There are a few types of paperwork you may need to meet the grant’s eligibility requirements. Funders may request financial statements or annual reports, as well as other documentation on your nonprofit to be submitted with your proposal. Make sure you can match all the eligibility criteria before preparing your proposal to avoid wasting energy on applications that are ineligible for approval. 

2. Tell a powerful story. 

Grant funders are looking for projects that can create a lasting impact in their communities. To show your organization can create long-term change, use success stories that can be backed with data to show what your nonprofit can do. Emotional pull is an important part of the grant writing process, but numbers help solidify your funding request.  

Craft a story that paints a clear image of your nonprofit’s identity, both visually and narratively. Share both successes and challenges to build a realistic visual of how your organization solves problems.  

3. Research previous winners. 

Before writing, research the grant you’re applying for and who the previous grant awardees are. Understand what the grant funders value to ensure your proposal is aligned with those priorities. Studying winning proposals from the past can provide insight into what works best for a specific funder. Look for common elements across different winners and structure your proposal in a similar fashion without losing your nonprofit’s voice. 

4. Writing clearly and concisely. 

Avoid using overly specific jargon and be as clear as possible. You’re an expert in your field, but the grant funders might not be. Your proposal might make perfect sense to you, but to others, it could take too much time to understand. Your communication needs to come across clearly, convey why your project matters, and how it will address the funder’s priorities. Make a checklist to guarantee you hit every point in your narrative. 

5. Double check your work. 

Proofread your proposal multiple times and have others review it as well. Typos and grammatical errors can detract from the power of your message. It also helps you ensure that your messaging is consistent throughout the proposal and that you’ve met all necessary guidelines.  

man typing up a nonprofit grant proposal on a computer

1. Finding the right grants to apply to 

Look through well-established grant databases, set up Google alerts, check out company foundations, and network with other nonprofits to keep track of available grants that align with your mission and find one that will fit your program needs. 

2. Making a list of guidelines you must match 

Create a checklist of the grant’s guidelines that need to be met in the proposal you submit. This helps you ensure accuracy and thoroughness throughout the writing process and provides an easy resource when double checking your work 

3. Summarizing your work 

In a few sentences, summarize what your nonprofit does and the primary focus of your work and the project you’re submitting for the grant. You can use this summary as a baseline for creating your nonprofit voice for the proposal, as well as use it to make first impressions when networking with potential funders. 

4. Illustrating the problem you solve 

Use real examples and statistics to help you illustrate the problem you’re tackling. You can show the urgency and need for solutions to the problem by providing tangible evidence of the issues occurring within your community.  

5. Specifying goals and objectives 

Your project needs to have specific goals with metrics you can measure to show your success. These goals should be directly related to resolving the problem you’ve identified in your community. Your objectives should also be something you can reasonably accomplish.  

6. Explaining your project plan 

Detail the steps of your project to achieve your objectives. Be specific about who will do what, when, and how to give an overview of the proposed timeline. You should also include how each step will help you move towards your objectives.  

7. Proposing your budget 

The budget is a key component of your grant proposal. Every line item should be justified and directly tied to activities that will help you achieve your goals. Your budget needs to be reasonable and fit within what the grant is able to offer in funding.  

8. Planning your evaluation 

Decide which metrics you’ll use to measure the success of your project. This part of your proposal demonstrates your commitment to accountability and your capacity to manage the grant. Pick a few key ways the funders can evaluate your program.  

9. Ensuring sustainability 

Show how you’ll maintain the project’s success after the funds from the grant are exhausted. Present a realistic, long-term plan for continuation. Your grant proposal doesn’t just fund a project with short-term results–it should initiate a change or growth that’s sustainable without continuous support from the funder. 

10. Revising your proposal 

Never rush the review process! After completing your first draft, provide a copy to a few reviewers to ensure your message gets across. You should also review yourself a few days after finishing up your draft to get a fresh look. You’ll be surprised how a clear head can help provide new insights. 

11. Following Up 

If you haven’t heard back within a reasonable time, it’s okay to follow up with the grant funders. Keep it simple and check if they’ve had a chance to review your proposal. You can also ask the grant review committee to provide feedback on your proposal to help you improve for your next proposal. 

eBook cover and prompt to download Qgiv's Sustainable Giving Report

Where to find grant opportunities 

There are a couple places you can look when trying to find grant opportunities . Well-known grant databases, such as or GrantWatch , can be great resources to do a wide search of grants. You can also look at large corporations to check if they provide grants, such as Carnegie Foundation or Bank of America . Local government branches that work within your cause are also great resources for grants. You can also network with your board members or other nonprofits to find grant opportunities that you already have a connection with.  

Here are 10 more places to find grants:

  • National Endowment for the Arts
  • GrantFinder
  • Economic Development Directory
  • Walmart Foundation
  • Coca-Cola Foundation
  • Aldi Cares Community Grants
  • Candid’s Foundation Directory
  • GrantStation
  • Home Depot Foundation

Grant proposal templates 

If you’re looking for a place to start, use this grant proposal template: 

Cover letter

Dear [Grantor’s name],

Introduce your organization and thank the grantor for the opportunity to apply. Then, provide a brief overview of your nonprofit, including your mission, goals, and any unique strengths that set your organization apart.

Next, describe the specific project you’re seeking funding for. Explain the problem or need it addresses, the objectives of the project, why your organization is well-suited, and the intended outcomes. Include one or two examples of relevant experience that show your organization’s ability to complete the project.

Thank the grantor for considering your application and provide contact information to answer any questions they may have.

Executive summary

Provide a brief summary of your proposal that provides the grantor the most important details of your project. Explain what your organization does, why the project is important, who the project helps, and an overview of your suggested budget in a concise manner. Be sure to include the items listed below.

  • Mission statement
  • Problem statement
  • Objective of the project
  • Intended outcomes
  • Funding request

Statement of need

Provide context about the issue or challenge that your organization is addressing with this project. Describe the problem in depth and highlight its impact on the community using key statistics about the problem. Provide examples of how this project aligns with your nonprofit, as well. Include images and data graphs to provide a visual of the issue.

Project description

Provide an overview of your proposed project, including its objectives, activities, and intended impact. Outline the specific activities and steps needed to achieve the project’s purpose, as well as details about each activity. Let the grantor see your staffing structure and what responsibilities each role will have in the project.

Include a timeline of key deadlines for your project into smaller phases and explain which activities will take place during each phase. The goal of this section is to show a thorough and transparent plan to the grantor. Break this section down into the sections listed below.

  • Activities and action plan
  • Staffing structure
  • Project manager
  • Roles and responsibilities

Organizational background

Use this section to introduce your organization to the grant reviewer and establish credibility. Restate your missions and values, and describe the different services and programs currently offered by your nonprofit to show your experience in similar projects.

Detail any previous achievements your organization had serving the community to provide credibility and a record of success to your proposal. Include any relevant qualifications your nonprofit has in your cause that could help with accomplishing your proposed project.

Provide an explanation and estimation for each expense of your project (materials, marketing, technology, administration, etc.). The grantor will want to know exactly how you plan to use the funds provided by the grant, so be as specific as possible in your budget when showing how your expenses directly contribute to achieving the project objectives.

Link each line item from the proposed budget to your project’s goal to show each expenses’ part in achieving the desired impact. Provide a chart or graph to add a visual representation of the budget.

Sustainability plan

Outline your nonprofit’s strategy for creating long-term sustainability of the proposed project. These plans should include where future funding will come from, what plans you have for long-term staffing of the project, and what ongoing support the program will receive from your organization.

This section is to show the grantor that the project will provide a reliable solution for the problem and not a short-term fix that relies purely on the grant fund.

Overall impact

Provide a detailed overview of the impact the proposed project will have on the community. Describe what the long-term benefits of the project will be on the community and how this impact can be measured by the grantor. Specify objective metrics that the grantor can use to examine the accomplishments of the project and include what metrics would need to be reached to indicate success.

AI prompt ideas 

Consider using AI to generate new ideas for the different sections of your proposal. It can help you add a fresh perspective to your proposal or save you from writer’s block. Here some prompt ideas to help you fuel your writing process: 

  • “Write a one-page executive summary of [insert proposal sections] highlighting [your organization] accomplishments.”  
  • “Create a data table of [public program data] to show the success of [program name].”  
  • “Describe how [project mission] could help solve [community problem].”   
  • “Use [project estimates] to create a budget for [program name].”  
  • “Define the overall impact of [project plan] on [community problem].”  

woman typing up a nonprofit grant proposal on a laptop

Grant proposal do’s and don’ts 

Use these grants do’s and don’ts as a reminder for writing the best grant proposal you can.  

Do prepare well ahead of time 

Grant proposals need to be a well-planned effort, not a last-minute scramble. Planning ahead can help you make a more polished proposal. 

Do communicate a consistent message 

If it doesn’t feel like your proposal matches your mission, you’ll be less likely to receive the grant. Ensure the messaging of your proposal matches your nonprofit’s mission and branding.  

Do show transparency 

Be open about how your nonprofit works and how you use funds. Transparency shows the grant funders that your organization is trustworthy to follow through with your proposal.  

Don’t submit without creating a connection 

Your proposal isn’t just a document–it’s an overall approach to creating financial partnerships for your organization. Don’t submit your proposal without reaching out and connecting with your potential funder. 

Don’t skim the guidelines 

The guidelines provided for each grant are specific to the grant and are required by the funders to get their funding. Missing out on a guideline can mean you lose your chance at the grant. 

Don’t be vague on your impact 

The grant funders want to see results. Making vague claims about what your organization can do without backing it with data can undermine your credibility. 

Final thoughts 

The grant proposal process can be challenging, but the results are well worth the effort. Successfully securing a grant can provide more sustainable financial support needed to accomplish your nonprofit’s next big project and make a meaningful impact in your community. 

Every word in your proposal should lead the review committee back to the main problem your project can solve with the help of the grant. Tell your story and make a compelling case for why your nonprofit deserves funding and how you can change the world. 

Additional resources 

Use these additional resources to help you find and write grant proposals for your organization.  

  • Quick Guide to Grants for Nonprofits: Tips, Resources & More . Use this guide for more tips and resources for writing grant proposals.  
  • How to Find & Engage The Right Grant Funders For Your Nonprofit . Find grant funds to apply to using this guide.    
  • How To Find And Get Grants . Check out this webinar on how to find and get grants.  
  • Demystifying the Grants Lifecycle: Grant Seeking Lessons and Pro-tips from the Field . Watch this video to learn tips on getting grants from experts in the field.   

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About the Author

Megan is a writer at Qgiv who takes pride in helping nonprofits. In her freetime, she enjoys reading, music, and playing with her two cats.

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Blog Business How to Write a Grant Proposal [Templates Included]

How to Write a Grant Proposal [Templates Included]

Written by: Tobi Ojenike Feb 28, 2024

how to write a grant proposal

If you work for a nonprofit organization or are a researcher, you’ll know that a grant proposal is a document submitted to a funding agency.

Grant proposals are also known as a request for application, notice of funding opportunity, or request for quotes and qualifications.

Grant proposals are your chance to convince grantmaking bodies (agencies that distribute funds) to hand over money. Generally, grant proposals include information such as an organization’s mission and budgetary needs.

In this post, I’ll show you how to write a successful grant proposal (tips and templates included!) and then teach you how to make a grant proposal using a Proposal Maker and grant proposal templates .

Click to jump ahead:

  • Factors to consider before writing a grant proposal

How to write a grant proposal

Sample grant proposal templates.

  • How to create a grant proposal with Venngage

Here are some things to consider before writing a grant proposal

  • Audience:  Consider your target audience and tailor your copy to their interests and needs.
  • Funding:  Choose your funder carefully. Always have an alternative list of potential funders and know the long-term sustainability of your project.
  • Understand the grant requirements: Every grantmaking body sets its own rules regarding goals, application deadlines, and guidelines, so make sure you understand them and can differentiate between them.
  • Have a plan :  Create a specific, actionable plan for what you want to do and why. Make sure you know how your plan will achieve positive results.
  • Write a draft : Research and write down each request in an outline. Plan how you’ll add visuals to give your grant proposal an extra edge.
  • Be clear and concise:  Avoid writing in the past tense and use action verbs. Again, visuals can sometimes be a better option over words.
  • Include supporting materials : Provide a budget of how you’ll use the funds and include evidence to substantiate any claims you make.

Other helpful tips to consider

Here are some extra tips to help you write a grant proposal that stands out.

  • Start early
  • Apply early and often
  • Get feedback and revise your proposal accordingly
  • Be brief, concise and clear
  • Be organized and logical
  • Be explicit and specific
  • Be realistic in designing the project
  • Follow up after the proposal

Grant writing can be tricky, but it doesn’t have to be if you understand the basics.

In this section, I’ll give you tips on how to write grant proposals that’ll impress prospective funders (grant writers take note!).

Include a cover letter

The cover letter is not technically part of a grant proposal but they’re core to a successful grant application because it helps funders understand who you are.

Busy decisionmakers want to know who they’ll be funding and look for clues in your cover letter after reading through your proposal.

In your cover letter, don’t be afraid to bring out your personality, but also make sure you cover the basics like how your project fits with the funder’s objective.

Minimalist Blue Gray Small Business Grant Proposal

Include an executive summary

The executive summary is probably the first (and maybe only) part of a grant proposal read by a funding organization.

It needs to be concise and summarize key points such as goal, strategy, people involved, expected results, and budgetary needs.

Here’s an example executive summary for some inspiration.

Grant Proposal

Provide organizational information

Providing organizational information in a grant proposal helps build credibility and establishes trust.

More importantly, this section allows funders to assess the alignment between their funding priorities and your organization’s goals and activities.

Therefore, make sure to answer questions like: What is your mission? Do you have an organizational history? What will be the impact of this project? What other programs or services do you render? 

Here’s an example of background organizational information you can make your own.

Grant Proposal

State your objective(s)

Early in your grant proposal, you should state the objectives of your project, the target audience, and expected results.

This underscores the feasibility of your project within a grant timeframe and can influence funders’ decision on a project’s worthiness (i.e.; the difference between a yes and no).

Here’s a great example of a grant proposal that nails this section.

Grant Proposal

Describe the statement of needs

The statement of needs section is used to build strong case for your project.

In this section, use data, facts and figures to back statements. This will be more meaningful than just words alone.

But make sure your data is accurate. There’s nothing worse than misleading information which can lead to rejections and damage your reputation.

Here’s a grant proposal template that has a customizable statement of needs.

Minimalist Blue Gray Small Business Grant Proposal

Explain your methods and strategies

You’ve identified a problem and solution, but how are you going to achieve what you plan to do?

That’s what the methods and strategies section is for. Here, potential funders want to see how you’ll use their funds to determine if the project is viable.

For example, maybe your objective is to enhance community health through a mobile clinic initiative.

Detail each step of this process from procurement of medical equipment and vehicles, recruitment and training process for healthcare professionals, and logistics for deploying mobile clinics.

Here’s an example of a grant proposal that first lists goals and objectives and immediately provides an overview of the path to success.

Minimalist Blue Gray Small Business Grant Proposal

Include an evaluation plan

When funders hand out money, they have certain conditions, like making sure you are held accountable of project progress. Often, you’ll only get more money to continue as you complete milestones.

The evaluation plan section is where you show funders how you’ll spend money as described in your grant proposal to ease their fears and doubts.

This section also shows funders that you have a realistic timeline for the project and that you’re not using the funds for any other purposes.

Grant Proposal for Education Initiatives

Include a project budget

Perhaps the most part of your grant proposal is the project budget. This is where you reveal exactly how you’ll be using funds.

Be transparent and provide a full overview of expenses and detail where and how it’ll be spent.

A great way to do this is to use an itemized table or financial plan.

When presenting an overall sum, make sure you don’t overstate or understate your needs. You don’t want funders to doubt your true intent or doubt project viability.

Here’s a grant proposal with a budget section you can use.

Grant Proposal

Include a financial sustainability plan

Most grant writers overlook including a long-term financial sustainability plan.

Most funders view grants as a long-term investment and want to back projects that can be sustainable even after the money stops rolling in.

Demonstrating a clear understanding of these factors shows funders that you have thoroughly considered the project’s financial trajectory and are prepared to manage it responsibly.

What should you include here? Total cost of future ownership, maintenance costs, inflation, ongoing, and future growth potential are a few ideas.

Sign off with your team information

Treat grant proposals as official documentation.

At the end of your grant proposal, include your (or your company’s) contact details. This makes it easier for the funders to reach out to you and do their research on you and your team.

Here’s an example of a grant proposal with a great ‘about us’ section.

Grant Proposal

Now that you understand the basics of a grant proposal, it’s time to get to work and create your own.

But you don’t need to start from scratch. Instead, edit these grant proposal templates and convert them into your own winning proposal

(Hint: visit the links to see the entire template).

Olive Green and White Simple Modern Minimalist Grant Proposals

How to create grant proposals with Venngage

If you want to create grant proposals that grab attention, look no further than Venngage.

With Venngage, you can you communicate boring technical info with engaging visuals and customize our professionally-designed grant proposal templates.

You don’t need to be a designer to use Venngage. If you know how to work Microsoft Word or Google Slides or similar tools, you can use Venngage.

Step 1 – Sign up for a Venngage account (it’s free!)

Sign up for a Venngage account for free using your email, Gmail or Facebook.

venngage sign up

Step 2 – Go to the “Templates” page and select “Proposals”

Venngage already has grant proposal templates you can edit to suit your idea and vision.

To find them, go to our templates page and choose the “Proposals” category. After selecting it, this screen should load.  

proposal templates venngage

Note :  Some of our grant proposal templates are free to use and some require a small monthly fee. Sign-up is always free, as is access to Venngage’s online drag-and-drop editor.

Step 3 – Select the “grant proposal” subcategory

Look for the grant proposals subcategory in the proposals template page and select it.

grant proposal templates venngage

Step 4 – Customize your grant proposal

Browse our selection of grant proposal templates. Once you find one you like, click on it to launch the editor tool.

Here, you’ll be able to add your own text, change the design, and customize the template as you like.

Some of your customization options include:

  • Add engaging visuals and symbols 
  • Change color scheme
  • Change the fonts and text to match your brand or style
  • Move elements around with a drag and drop interface

For example, let’s pretend I chose this grant proposal template to customize.

Let’s edit this together.

education grant proposal template

For example, I want to replace the logo to reflect my company. Well, just select it and click the “ Replace ” feature on the top left. 

education grant proposal edited

Once you click “ Replace “, a tab will open where you can select visuals from our library of icons. You can also upload an image (your logo).

By the way, our in-editor library has thousands of free, professional icons, plus diverse icons.

education grant proposal icon change

Now, let’s say I want to change the background color of some of my template.

That’s easy as well! Just select the text or background and select the “Replace” feature again. This time, you’ll be prompted with another pop-up where you can select a different color.

education grant proposal background change

If you sign up for a Business Plan, you’ll also get access to My Brand Kit . With this, you can apply your brand colors to any design with one click. 

Step 5 – Save, share, or download your grant proposal

When your grant proposal is complete, you can save it as a PDF or PNG file if you’re on a Business Plan.

However, all users will always have access to shareable link that they can send potential funders.

venngage download page

Final thoughts: Create grant proposals with Venngage and secure funding today

A well-structured grant proposal with appealing visuals can make a lasting impression on funders and tip the balance in your favor.

Don’t waste your time with tools like Word, Google Docs where you’ll get limited design flexibility and visuals that don’t engage.

Instead, head over to Venngage’s grant proposal templates to give yourself a winning edge.

Frequently asked questions

How long is a grant proposal? 

The length of a grant proposal depends on the funder but a typical grant proposal is usually between 5-20 pages. The funding body might request additional documents as well, so it’s important to know funding guidelines.

What is the writing style for a grant proposal?

The writing style for a grant proposal is formal. You want to be concise and objective, so focus on clarity, impact and your alignment with the priorities of the funder.

What is the lifecycle of a grant proposal?

The grant proposal lifecycle begins with research, planning and development, followed by drafting, revising and editing the narrative and budget. Applications are then submitted before funders review and make decisions. If successful, negotiations may occur to finalize details, after which the funded project is implemented according to the approved plan. Finally, progress and final reports are submitted to the funder. This cyclical process ensures accountability and project success.

What is the difference between a proposal and grant proposal?

Proposal is a broader term encompassing various applications for funding, resources, or partnerships whereas a grant proposal specifically refers to an application for grant funding from a foundation, government agency, or other organization.

What is the difference between a grant proposal and a grant letter?

A grant proposal is a detailed document that includes the project description, methodology, financial plan, and financing rationale. A grant letter, on the other hand, can be a more straightforward request or statement of interest.

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How to write a grant proposal: a step-by-step guide

How to write a grant proposal

What is a grant proposal?

Why should you write a grant proposal, format of a grant proposal, how to write a grant proposal, step 1: decide what funding opportunity to apply for, and research the grant application process, step 2: plan and research your project, preliminary research for your grant proposal, questions to ask yourself as you plan your grant proposal, developing your grant proposal, step 3: write the first draft of your grant proposal, step 4: get feedback, and revise your grant proposal accordingly, step 5: prepare to submit your grant proposal, what happens after submitting the grant proposal, final thoughts, other useful sources for writing grant proposals, frequently asked questions about writing grant proposals, related articles.

You have a vision for a future research project, and want to share that idea with the world.

To achieve your vision, you need funding from a sponsoring organization, and consequently, you need to write a grant proposal.

Although visualizing your future research through grant writing is exciting, it can also feel daunting. How do you start writing a grant proposal? How do you increase your chances of success in winning a grant?

But, writing a proposal is not as hard as you think. That’s because the grant-writing process can be broken down into actionable steps.

This guide provides a step-by-step approach to grant-writing that includes researching the application process, planning your research project, and writing the proposal. It is written from extensive research into grant-writing, and our experiences of writing proposals as graduate students, postdocs, and faculty in the sciences.

A grant proposal is a document or collection of documents that outlines the strategy for a future research project and is submitted to a sponsoring organization with the specific goal of getting funding to support the research. For example, grants for large projects with multiple researchers may be used to purchase lab equipment, provide stipends for graduate and undergraduate researchers, fund conference travel, and support the salaries of research personnel.

As a graduate student, you might apply for a PhD scholarship, or postdoctoral fellowship, and may need to write a proposal as part of your application. As a faculty member of a university, you may need to provide evidence of having submitted grant applications to obtain a permanent position or promotion.

Reasons for writing a grant proposal include:

  • To obtain financial support for graduate or postdoctoral studies;
  • To travel to a field site, or to travel to meet with collaborators;
  • To conduct preliminary research for a larger project;
  • To obtain a visiting position at another institution;
  • To support undergraduate student research as a faculty member;
  • To obtain funding for a large collaborative project, which may be needed to retain employment at a university.

The experience of writing a proposal can be helpful, even if you fail to obtain funding. Benefits include:

  • Improvement of your research and writing skills
  • Enhancement of academic employment prospects, as fellowships and grants awarded and applied for can be listed on your academic CV
  • Raising your profile as an independent academic researcher because writing proposals can help you become known to leaders in your field.

All sponsoring agencies have specific requirements for the format of a grant proposal. For example, for a PhD scholarship or postdoctoral fellowship, you may be required to include a description of your project, an academic CV, and letters of support from mentors or collaborators.

For a large research project with many collaborators, the collection of documents that need to be submitted may be extensive. Examples of documents that might be required include a cover letter, a project summary, a detailed description of the proposed research, a budget, a document justifying the budget, and the CVs of all research personnel.

Before writing your proposal, be sure to note the list of required documents.

Writing a grant proposal can be broken down into three major activities: researching the project (reading background materials, note-taking, preliminary work, etc.), writing the proposal (creating an outline, writing the first draft, revisions, formatting), and administrative tasks for the project (emails, phone calls, meetings, writing CVs and other supporting documents, etc.).

Below, we provide a step-by-step guide to writing a grant proposal:

  • Decide what funding opportunity to apply for, and research the grant application process
  • Plan and research your project
  • Write the first draft of your grant proposal
  • Get feedback, and revise your grant proposal accordingly
  • Prepare to submit your grant proposal

5 steps for writing a grant proposal.

  • Start early. Begin by searching for funding opportunities and determining requirements. Some sponsoring organizations prioritize fundamental research, whereas others support applied research. Be sure your project fits the mission statement of the granting organization. Look at recently funded proposals and/or sample proposals on the agency website, if available. The Research or Grants Office at your institution may be able to help with finding grant opportunities.
  • Make a spreadsheet of grant opportunities, with a link to the call for proposals page, the mission and aims of the agency, and the deadline for submission. Use the information that you have compiled in your spreadsheet to decide what to apply for.
  • Once you have made your decision, carefully read the instructions in the call for proposals. Make a list of all the documents you need to apply, and note the formatting requirements and page limits. Know exactly what the funding agency requires of submitted proposals.
  • Reach out to support staff at your university (for example, at your Research or Grants Office), potential mentors, or collaborators. For example, internal deadlines for submitting external grants are often earlier than the submission date. Make sure to learn about your institution’s internal processes, and obtain contact information for the relevant support staff.
  • Applying for a grant or fellowship involves administrative work. Start preparing your CV and begin collecting supporting documents from collaborators, such as letters of support. If the application to the sponsoring agency is electronic, schedule time to set up an account, log into the system, download necessary forms and paperwork, etc. Don’t leave all of the administrative tasks until the end.
  • Map out the important deadlines on your calendar. These might include video calls with collaborators, a date for the first draft to be complete, internal submission deadlines, and the funding agency deadline.
  • Schedule time on your calendar for research, writing, and administrative tasks associated with the project. It’s wise to group similar tasks and block out time for them (a process known as ” time batching ”). Break down bigger tasks into smaller ones.

Develop a plan for your research project.

Now that you know what you are applying for, you can think about matching your proposed research to the aims of the agency. The work you propose needs to be innovative, specific, realizable, timely, and worthy of the sponsoring organization’s attention.

  • Develop an awareness of the important problems and open questions in your field. Attend conferences and seminar talks and follow all of your field’s major journals.
  • Read widely and deeply. Journal review articles are a helpful place to start. Reading papers from related but different subfields can generate ideas. Taking detailed notes as you read will help you recall the important findings and connect disparate concepts.

Notetaking for a grant proposal

  • Writing a grant proposal is a creative and imaginative endeavor. Write down all of your ideas. Freewriting is a practice where you write down all that comes to mind without filtering your ideas for feasibility or stopping to edit mistakes. By continuously writing your thoughts without judgment, the practice can help overcome procrastination and writer’s block. It can also unleash your creativity, and generate new ideas and associations. Mind mapping is another technique for brainstorming and generating connections between ideas.
  • Establish a regular writing practice. Schedule time just for writing, and turn off all distractions during your focused work time. You can use your writing process to refine your thoughts and ideas.
  • Use a reference manager to build a library of sources for your project. You can use a reference management tool to collect papers , store and organize references , and highlight and annotate PDFs . Establish a system for organizing your ideas by tagging papers with labels and using folders to store similar references.

Organize your library with a reference manager when writing a grant proposal

To facilitate intelligent thinking and shape the overall direction of your project, try answering the following questions:

  • What are the questions that the project will address? Am I excited and curious about their answers?
  • Why are these questions important?
  • What are the goals of the project? Are they SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Timely)?
  • What is novel about my project? What is the gap in current knowledge?
  • What methods will I use, and how feasible is my approach?
  • Can the work be done over the proposed period, and with the budget I am requesting?
  • Do I have relevant experience? For example, have I completed similar work funded by previous grants or written papers on my proposed topic?
  • What pilot research or prior work can I use, or do I need to complete preliminary research before writing the proposal?
  • Will the outcomes of my work be consequential? Will the granting agency be interested in the results?
  • What solutions to open problems in my field will this project offer? Are there broader implications of my work?
  • Who will the project involve? Do I need mentors, collaborators, or students to contribute to the proposed work? If so, what roles will they have?
  • Who will read the proposal? For example, experts in the field will require details of methods, statistical analyses, etc., whereas non-experts may be more concerned with the big picture.
  • What do I want the reviewers to feel, and take away from reading my proposal?
  • What weaknesses does my proposed research have? What objections might reviewers raise, and how can I address them?
  • Can I visualize a timeline for my project?

Create an actionable plan for your research project using the answers to these questions.

  • Now is the time to collect preliminary data, conduct experiments, or do a preliminary study to motivate your research, and demonstrate that your proposed project is realistic.
  • Use your plan to write a detailed outline of the proposal. An outline helps you to write a proposal that has a logical format and ensures your thought process is rational. It also provides a structure to support your writing.
  • Follow the granting agency’s guidelines for titles, sections, and subsections to inform your outline.

At this stage, you should have identified the aims of your project, what questions your work will answer, and how they are relevant to the sponsoring agency’s call for proposals. Be able to explain the originality, importance, and achievability of your proposed work.

Write first draft grant proposal

Now that you have done your research, you are ready to begin writing your proposal and start filling in the details of your outline. Build on the writing routine you have already started. Here are some tips:

  • Follow the guidelines of the funding organization.
  • Keep the proposal reviewers in mind as you write. Your audience may be a combination of specialists in your field and non-specialists. Make sure to address the novelty of your work, its significance, and its feasibility.
  • Write clearly, concisely, and avoid repetition. Use topic sentences for each paragraph to emphasize key ideas. Concluding sentences of each paragraph should develop, clarify, or summarize the support for the declaration in the topic sentence. To make your writing engaging, vary sentence length.
  • Avoid jargon, where possible. Follow sentences that have complex technical information with a summary in plain language.
  • Don’t review all information on the topic, but include enough background information to convince reviewers that you are knowledgeable about it. Include preliminary data to convince reviewers you can do the work. Cite all relevant work.
  • Make sure not to be overly ambitious. Don’t propose to do so much that reviewers doubt your ability to complete the project. Rather, a project with clear, narrowly-defined goals may prove favorable to reviewers.
  • Accurately represent the scope of your project; don’t exaggerate its impacts. Avoid bias. Be forthright about the limitations of your research.
  • Ensure to address potential objections and concerns that reviewers may have with the proposed work. Show that you have carefully thought about the project by explaining your rationale.
  • Use diagrams and figures effectively. Make sure they are not too small or contain too much information or details.

After writing your first draft, read it carefully to gain an overview of the logic of your argument. Answer the following questions:

  • Is your proposal concise, explicit, and specific?
  • Have you included all necessary assumptions, data points, and evidence in your proposal?
  • Do you need to make structural changes like moving or deleting paragraphs or including additional tables or figures to strengthen your rationale?
  • Have you answered most of the questions posed in Step 2 above in your proposal?
  • Follow the length requirements in the proposal guidelines. Don't feel compelled to include everything you know!
  • Use formatting techniques to make your proposal easy on the eye. Follow rules for font, layout, margins, citation styles , etc. Avoid walls of text. Use bolding and italicizing to emphasize points.
  • Comply with all style, organization, and reference list guidelines to make it easy to reviewers to quickly understand your argument. If you don’t, it’s at best a chore for the reviewers to read because it doesn’t make the most convincing case for you and your work. At worst, your proposal may be rejected by the sponsoring agency without review.
  • Using a reference management tool like Paperpile will make citation creation and formatting in your grant proposal quick, easy and accurate.

Get feedback on grant proposal.

Now take time away from your proposal, for at least a week or more. Ask trusted mentors or collaborators to read it, and give them adequate time to give critical feedback.

  • At this stage, you can return to any remaining administrative work while you wait for feedback on the proposal, such as finalizing your budget or updating your CV.
  • Revise the proposal based on the feedback you receive.
  • Don’t be discouraged by critiques of your proposal or take them personally. Receiving and incorporating feedback with humility is essential to grow as a grant writer.

Check requirements of granting agency

Now you are almost ready to submit. This is exciting! At this stage, you need to block out time to complete all final checks.

  • Allow time for proofreading and final editing. Spelling and grammar mistakes can raise questions regarding the rigor of your research and leave a poor impression of your proposal on reviewers. Ensure that a unified narrative is threaded throughout all documents in the application.
  • Finalize your documents by following a checklist. Make sure all documents are in place in the application, and all formatting and organizational requirements are met.
  • Follow all internal and external procedures. Have login information for granting agency and institution portals to hand. Double-check any internal procedures required by your institution (applications for large grants often have a deadline for sign-off by your institution’s Research or Grants Office that is earlier than the funding agency deadline).
  • To avoid technical issues with electronic portals, submit your proposal as early as you can.
  • Breathe a sigh of relief when all the work is done, and take time to celebrate submitting the proposal! This is already a big achievement.

Now you wait! If the news is positive, congratulations!

But if your proposal is rejected, take heart in the fact that the process of writing it has been useful for your professional growth, and for developing your ideas.

Bear in mind that because grants are often highly competitive, acceptance rates for proposals are usually low. It is very typical to not be successful on the first try and to have to apply for the same grant multiple times.

Here are some tips to increase your chances of success on your next attempt:

  • Remember that grant writing is often not a linear process. It is typical to have to use the reviews to revise and resubmit your proposal.
  • Carefully read the reviews and incorporate the feedback into the next iteration of your proposal. Use the feedback to improve and refine your ideas.
  • Don’t ignore the comments received from reviewers—be sure to address their objections in your next proposal. You may decide to include a section with a response to the reviewers, to show the sponsoring agency that you have carefully considered their comments.
  • If you did not receive reviewer feedback, you can usually request it.

You learn about your field and grow intellectually from writing a proposal. The process of researching, writing, and revising a proposal refines your ideas and may create new directions for future projects. Professional opportunities exist for researchers who are willing to persevere with submitting grant applications.

➡️ Secrets to writing a winning grant

➡️ How to gain a competitive edge in grant writing

➡️ Ten simple rules for writing a postdoctoral fellowship

A grant proposal should include all the documents listed as required by the sponsoring organization. Check what documents the granting agency needs before you start writing the proposal.

Granting agencies have strict formatting requirements, with strict page limits and/or word counts. Check the maximum length required by the granting agency. It is okay for the proposal to be shorter than the maximum length.

Expect to spend many hours, even weeks, researching and writing a grant proposal. Consequently, it is important to start early! Block time in your calendar for research, writing, and administration tasks. Allow extra time at the end of the grant-writing process to edit, proofread, and meet presentation guidelines.

The most important part of a grant proposal is the description of the project. Make sure that the research you propose in your project narrative is new, important, and viable, and that it meets the goals of the sponsoring organization.

A grant proposal typically consists of a set of documents. Funding agencies have specific requirements for the formatting and organization of each document. Make sure to follow their guidelines exactly.

how to write proposal to get funding

Step-By-Step Guide to Writing a Grant Proposal

Writing a grant proposal is incredibly time-consuming.

No joke. It's one of the most complicated documents you could write in your entire life.

There are different requirements, expectations, and formats—not to mention all the prep work you need to do, like market research and clarifying your project timeline.

Depending on the type of company or organization you represent and which grants you’re applying for, your grant could run anywhere from a dozen to a hundred pages. It’s a lot of work, and we’re here to help.

In this guide to grant proposals, we offer writing steps and examples, as well as resources and templates to help you start applying for funding right away.

Graphic showing increased success when writing grant proposals

Types of grant proposals

Grant proposals typically fall into one of these main categories:

Research grant proposals - Research grant proposals are usually sent by university professors or private research organizations in order to fund research into medical, technological, engineering, and other advancements.

Nonprofit grant proposals - Nonprofits send grant proposals to philanthropic organizations and government agencies to acquire funds for community development, health, education, and similar projects.

Technology grant proposals - Grant proposals can also be sent by technology companies (software, hardware, solar, recycling, environmental, manufacturing, health, and other types of tech companies). These proposals are often sent to large government organizations looking for solutions to current and future problems, as well as VC firms looking to invest in smart startups.

Small business grant proposals - Local governments often give grant awards to small businesses to help them kickstart, market, or expand.

Arts grants - Grants allow artists that would otherwise lack the financial resources to devote extended periods of time to their art. They might need to complete an installation that can be enjoyed by the community as part of the grant.

Grant RFP proposals - There can also be a request for proposals (RFP) for just about anything. From multinational organizations like the UN to family philanthropic grants, you can find RFPs for a variety of projects.

How to prep before you write

Before you can sit down to write your grant proposal, you’ll need to have a deep understanding of:

Existing scientific literature (for research grants) or relevant reports and statistics

Market and competitor landscape

Current available solutions and technologies (and why they’re not good enough)

Expected positive impact of your project

The methods and strategies you’ll employ to complete your project

Project phases and timelines

Project budget (broken down into expense categories)

With these things all buttoned down, you’ll have a much easier time writing the sections that cover those details, as well as the sections that highlight their meaning and importance (such as your statement of need and objectives).

Create a document where you can play around. Take notes, write down ideas, link out to your research, jot down different potential budgets, etc.

Then, when you’re ready to write, create a fresh document for your actual grant proposal and start pulling from your notes as needed.

How to write a grant proposal (ideal format)

Now, let’s get writing.

The ideal outline for a grant proposal is:

Cover Letter

Executive summary, table of contents, statement of need, project description, methods and strategies, execution plan and timeline, evaluation and expected impact, organization bio and qualifications.

If you’re not writing a super formal grant proposal, you might be able to cut or combine some of these sections. When in doubt, check with the funding agency to learn their expectations for your proposal. They might have an RFP or other guidelines that specify the exact outline they want you to follow.

Note: In business proposals, the cover letter and executive summary are the same, and those phrases are used interchangeably. But for grant proposals, the cover letter is a short and simple letter, while the executive summary offers a description of key aspects of the proposal.

In your cover letter, you'll write a formal introduction that explains why you are sending the proposal and briefly introduces the project.

What to include :

The title of the RFP you are responding to (if any)

The name of your proposed project (if any)

Your business or nonprofit organization name

A description of your business or organization, 1-2 sentences

Why you are submitting the proposal, in 1-2 sentences

What you plan to do with the funds, in 2-4 sentences

Dear [Name], The Rockville Community Garden is responding to the city of Rockville’s request for proposals for nonprofit community improvement projects. The Rockville Community Garden is a space for relaxation, healthy eating, exercise, and coming together. We are submitting a proposal to request funding for Summer at the Garden. Every summer, parents are tasked with finding childcare for their children, and we have received countless requests to host a summer camp. We're requesting funding to cover tuition for 100 low-income children ages 5 to 12. The funds will make our summer camp accessible to those who need it most. Thank you for your consideration, [Signature] [Title]

The executive summary of a grant proposal goes into far more detail than the cover letter. Here, you’ll give

Statement of Need overview, in 2 - 5 sentences

Company Bio and Qualifications, in 2 - 5 sentences

Objectives, in 2 - 5 sentences

Evaluation and Expected Impact, in 2 - 5 sentences

Roman architecture stands the test of time until it doesn’t. Roman building techniques can last thousands of years but will crumble to dust instantaneously when earthquakes strike. Meanwhile, our own building techniques of reinforced concrete and steel last only a couple of centuries. Ancient Architecture Research firm is dedicated to modernizing roman building techniques to create new structures that are earthquake safe and sustainable. Our principle investigators hold PhDs from renowned architecture universities and have published in numerous journals. Our objectives for the research grant are to create a prototype structure using Roman building techniques and test it on a shake table to simulate an earthquake. The prototype will pave the way for our application for an amendment to the California building code to permit unreinforced masonry construction. With the success of the prototype, we will prove the safety and viability of this technique. This project will have an enormous potential impact on several crises plaguing the state of California now and in the future: disaster relief, affordable housing, homelessness, and climate migration. Unreinforced masonry construction can be taught and learned by amateur builders, allowing volunteers to quickly deploy temporary or permanent structures.

Next up, you need your Table of Contents! Make sure it matches the names of each of your following sections exactly. After you’ve written, edited, and finalized your grant proposal, you should then enter accurate page numbers to your TOC.

Next up is the statement of need. This is where you sell why you’re submitting your grant request and why it matters.

A description of who will benefit from your proposal

Market and competitive analysis

Statistics that paint a picture of the problem you’re solving

Scientific research into how the problem is expected to worsen in the future

Reasons why your small business deserves funding (founder story, BIPOC founder, female founder, etc.)

While women hold 30% of entry-level jobs in tech, they only make up 10% of C-suite positions. The Female Leadership Initiative seeks to develop women tech leaders for the benefit of all genders. Female leaders have been proven to positively impact work-life balance, fairer pay, creativity, innovation, teamwork, and mentorship.

In this section, you’ll describe the basics of your research project, art project, or small business plan. This section can be kept fairly short (1 - 3 paragraphs), because you’ll be clarifying the details in the next 5 paragraphs.

The name of your project (if any)

Who will benefit from your project

How your project will get done

Where your project will take place

Who will do the project

The Fair Labor Project will seek to engage farm workers in the fields to identify poor working conditions and give back to those who ensure food security in our communities. Trained Spanish-speaking volunteers will visit local farms and speak with workers about their pay and work conditions, helping to uncover any instances of abuse or unfair pay. Volunteers will also pass out new work gloves and canned food. Volunteers will also place orders for work boots and ensure that boots are later delivered to workers that need them.

You should also write out clear goals and objectives for your grant proposal. No matter the type of agency, funding sources always want to see that there is a purpose behind your work.

Measurable objectives tied directly to your proposed project

Why these objectives matter

We seek to boost volunteer turnout for our voter registration efforts by 400%, allowing us to reach an additional 25,000 potential voters and five additional neighborhoods.

Now it’s time to clarify how you’ll implement your project. For science and technology grants, this section is especially important. You might do a full literature review of current methods and which you plan to use, change, and adapt. Artists might instead describe their materials or process, while small business grant writers can likely skip this section.

The names of the methods and strategies you will use

Accurate attribution for these methods and strategies

A literature review featuring the effectiveness of these methods and strategies

Why you are choosing these methods and strategies over others

What other methods and strategies were explored and why they were ultimately not chosen

“We plan to develop our mobile app using React Native. This framework is widely regarded as the future of mobile development because of the shared codebase that allows developers to focus on features rather than create everything from scratch. With a high workload capacity, react native also provides user scalability, which is essential for our plan to offer the app for free to residents and visitors of Sunny County.”

You’ll also need to cover how you plan to implement your proposal. Check the RFP or type or grant application guidelines for any special requirements.

Project phases

The reasoning behind these phases

Project deliverables


In our experience and based on the literature,11,31-33 program sustainability can be improved through training and technical assistance. Therefore, systematic methods are needed to empirically develop and test sustainability training to improve institutionalization of evidence-based programs. This will be accomplished in three phases. In Phase 1, (yr. 1, months 1-6) we will refine and finalize our Program Sustainability Action Planning Model and Training Curricula. As part of this refinement, we will incorporate experiential learning methods3-6 and define learning objectives. The Program Sustainability Action Planning Training will include action planning workshops, development of action plans with measurable objectives to foster institutional changes, and technical assistance. We will also deliver our workshops in Phase 1 (yrs. 1 and 2, months 6-15) to 12 state TC programs. Phase 2 (yrs. 1, 2, and 3) uses a quasi-experimental effectiveness trial to assess the Program Sustainability Action Planning Training in 24 states (12 intervention, 12 comparison). Evaluation of our training program is based on the theory of change that allows for study on how a change (intervention) has influenced the design, implementation, and institutionalization of a program.7,8,11,28 We will collect data on programmatic and organizational factors that have been established as predictors of sustainability9,11 using state level programmatic record abstraction and the Program Sustainability Assessment Tool (PSAT)43 to assess level of institutionalization across intervention and comparison states at three time points. Data will be used to establish the efficacy of the Program Sustainability Action Planning Model and Training Curricula. In Phase 3 (yr. 4, months 36-48), we will adapt our training based on results and disseminate Program Sustainability Action Planning Model and Training materials. - From Establishing The Program Sustainability Action Planning Training Model

A budget table with various expense categories

An explanation of what each category entails

Expenses broken down by month or year (if this fits your proposal)

Here’s an example budget table with expense categories:

Grant proposal budget table

You can then include a brief description of each category and the expenses you expect within them.

A great grant proposal should clarify how you will measure positive outcomes and impact.

Details on the expected impact of your project

Who will benefit from your project and how

Your plan for evaluating project success

How you will measure project success

We will measure the success of the project by monitoring the school district’s math scores. We are expecting an 8% increase in state testing scores from the fall to the spring across grades 1 through 3.

And lastly, finish up your grant proposal with a bio of your organization, your company, or yourself.

Company name

The names of people on your team

Professional bios for everyone on your team

Your educational background

Any relevant awards, qualifications, or certifications

Jane Doe received her masters in fine arts specializing in ceramics from Alfred University. She has received the Kala Fellowship and the Eliza Moore Fellowship for Artistic Excellence.

Successful grant proposal examples

Want to write winning grant applications?

We’ve rounded up examples of successful, awarded grants to help you learn from the best.

Check out these real examples across science, art, humanities, agriculture, and more:

Funded arts and research grants from the University of Northern Colorado

Samples of awarded proposals from the Women’s Impact Network

National Cancer Institute examples of funded grants

Institute of Museum and Library Services sample applications

Specialty Crop Block Grant Program awarded grants examples

Grant application and funding resources

To help you get started writing and sending grant proposals, we’ve found some great application resources.

Research grants:

United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grants

William T. Grant Foundation grants on reducing inequality

Russel Sage Foundation research grants

Nonprofit grants:

Walmart’s Local Community Grants

Bank of America’s Grant Funding for Nonprofits

Canada GrantWatch’s database of nonprofit grants

Technology grants:

Google Impact Challenges

UN Sustainable Development Goals Fund

US Department of Energy Funding

Small business grants:

US Chamber of Commerce Small Business grants

Canada Small Business Benefits Finder

US Small Business Administration (SBA) grants

Arts grants :

National Endowment for the Arts grants

Art Prof Artist Grants

Canada Council for the Arts grants

Get started with our proposal writing templates

The best way to start any proposal is with a template. A template informs your writing, while drastically speeding up the time it takes to design an attractive proposal.

All of our 75+ proposal templates can easily be adapted for any purpose, including grants or requests for funding. Try our project proposal template and make it your own by adding your executive summary, statement of need, project description, execution plan, budget, and company bio.

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how to write proposal to get funding

Grant Writing: How to Win Every Time (8 Free Checklists)

how to write proposal to get funding

What’s the difference between a winning grant proposal and a losing one?

Grant writing.

Grant funding today is more difficult to obtain than ever before. A recent National Institute of Health (NIH) report showed that out of 50,000 grant applications , only 10,000 were given funding. That’s only 19%, which has fallen from 33% in the last 15 years.

A lack of Government funding, fierce competition, and poor grant writing skills.

We can’t do anything about the Government funds. We can do little about fierce competition. We can, however, do a lot about poor grant writing skills.

From completing complex grant applications to writing tip-top proposals, we’ve created the following eight templates to hone your grant writing skills.

If you’re in a hurry, go ahead! Click on the links below to jump straight in!

Applying for a Government Grant Checklist

Budget proposal template.

  • Grant Application Process
  • How to Search for Grants Process

How to Write a Grant Proposal Checklist

How to write a research proposal checklist, proposal template checklist process, simple proposal format checklist.

Curious about what these templates looks like? Check out the Proposal Template embedded below.

Scroll down for more information on each template of our grant writing template pack.

In addition to introducing our grant writing templates, I’ll be taking you behind the grant writing scenes, covering the following topics:

What is a grant? (Clue: it’s not free money)

Uncover the truth about what grant writing really is, how to write grant proposals that win every time, how to ace your grant proposals with process street.

Ready? Let’s start with the basics…

grant writing image

A grant is, in basic terms, an institution-or-governmental-funded bundle of money given for free, with the intent to fund a specific purpose, with no strings attached.

This is the official definition of a grant from the Collins Dictionary:

“ A grant is an amount of money that a government or other institution gives to an individual or to an organization for a particular purpose such as education or home improvements ” – Collins Dictionary

But wait. While researching this post, I discovered something different.

“ The federal government does not offer grants or “free money” to individuals to start a business or cover personal expenses, contrary to what you might see online or in the media ” – USA Gov

Grants are not easy. They are not free (well..technically they are kind of free..which I’ll explain in a second). And there are a LOT of strings attached.

Even the process of securing a grant requires serious effort . You need to fully understand the funding opportunity, its requirements, and your organization’s capacity, structure, and resources essential to fulfill the purpose of the grant. Applications or grant proposals can take upwards of 20 hours to write, and grants are awarded to those who can fulfill the grantor requests and not to those that need it the most.

To win a grant is beyond competitive. As an example, the probability of being awarded funding is between 10% and 35% in the UK.

And the effort doesn’t stop when the cheque hits your account either.

You have to stick to the grantor’s rules, terms, and conditions like glue. You have to report back to the funders regularly, to prove you are meeting their terms and conditions. You cannot use the money for what is not within the grant guidelines.

Grants also often provide only a portion of the funds needed for a given project. You must meet detailed performance standards during the funding period, and all project expenditures must be strictly accounted for. Detailed program goals must be developed, approved and carried out exactly as specified in the grant application.

To top it all off, failure on the part of the grant recipient to perform under the requirements of the grant can result in penalties, ranging from economic sanctions to prison in cases of improper use or theft of public funds!

So, in conclusion, a grant is not a Christmas present. A grant is, in fact;

“ A form of gift that entails certain obligations on the part of the grantee and expectations on the part of the grantor ” – Robert Langley , ThoughtCo

So, now we know what a grant really is, let’s familiarise ourselves with what grant writing really is.

“ Grant writing is many things — difficult, challenging, confusing, frustrating, mind-boggling and competitive. It’s rarely described as easy, fun or simple ” – Megan Hill , NonProfitPro

Sounds great, doesn’t it? I’ll bet you’re itching to start!

However, before you resign, throw the towel in, and plan to hire an expensive grant writer to take on your next proposal, it’s not all doom and gloom.

Grant writing is a form of persuasive writing . It’s about telling stories. It’s exhilarating, imaginative work and a chance to make a huge difference to your organization, your community, yourself and even the big wide world. You have the opportunity to turn your ideas into something real with grant writing.

“ You have a distinct vision for how something could be improved or advanced, and you’re ready to ask for funding or other support to help this vision become a reality ” – The Writing Center

What could be more exciting?

grant writing funding for growth image

But, when you consider only a quarter of applicants that submitted applications to the main federal funding agencies received funding, you realize, it’s competitive out there. Grant writing is tough.

“ In 2014, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s TIGER grant program accepted less than 10% of eligible grant applications for the $600 million of available funding ” – eCivis

That’s why it’s crucial to have a great set of grant writing skills and know-how to write a cracking grant proposal.

Which, coincidentally, brings me to my next point.

Contrary to what you might think, grant writing isn’t all about writing. In fact, the writing part accounts for only 1/3 of the process . The three key components that make up a good grant proposal are:

Let’s take a closer look at each part.

1. Grant writing: Research

Grant writing begins, like most writing does — by gathering information. Knowledge is power! The more you know about your (potential) grantor, the better you can tailor your proposal to meet their requirements.

Obtain guidelines and deadlines and study them. Look at who and what was funded before you. Write preliminary material. Conduct a literature review. Look at old proposals. Research the grantor. Spend time defining your project, program or activity. Look for potential barriers to success and find ways around them. Talk to people. Predict questions and prepare answers.

Great research will lead to a greater chance of grant funding.

2. Grant writing: Planning

A request for proposal (RFP), usually specifies what information to include your grant proposal and in what format. Study these requirements until you’re blue in the face. Carefully plan out the structure of your proposal and include details about what you need to include, where it needs to go, and in what format. Triple check your plan against the RFP to make sure you have accounted for every single requirement that the grantor has asked for.

“ Missing or incomplete items often result in outright rejection or at least a lower score, limiting your chance for funding ”- ARC

Having said that, writing a grant proposal is like building a house. Several components will vary based on industry, company size, and many other factors – but the fundamentals are the same . The house will always need a roof, walls, windows, and doors. Grant proposals will always need information about your company, demonstrated knowledge of the problem, a budget, and a sound methodology.

“ There’s a lot of money out there, and you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to get a share of it. You do, however, need to be organized and clear about what you want ” – Funding Centre

3. Grant writing: Writing

Once you’ve finished your extensive research and meticulously planned out what to include and where to include it, you’ll finally be ready to start writing your proposal.

grant writing image

Final decisions about which proposals are funded often come down to whether the proposal convinces the reviewer that the project is well planned and feasible and whether the investigators are qualified enough to execute it. This can be conveyed through your writing.

“ Obvious errors in writing undermine the evidence of competence ” – Dr. Raymond A. Shapek

Be direct and specific. Imagine you’re on Blind Date and you have five seconds to convince someone, who’s never met you and knows nothing about you, that you’re the one for them. Tell them exactly what you want, why you want it and what you will do for them.

Don’t overkill a point . State it, support it, and move on.

Avoid inflated or impossible promises. Cut unsupported subjective arguments. And don’t assume that the reader is intimately familiar with the subject (it will only make an ass out of u and me ).

Finally, and I hate to break this to you, the majority of review-panel members will only read your proposal’s abstract . So, if nothing else, make that the best thing you write. It must not only provide a clear snapshot of the entire project or program, but it must also convey what is novel about your application.

Most readers are lazy and will not respond well to a poorly organized, poorly written, or confusing proposal, so write a clear, structured and well thought-through grant proposal.

In a previous job, before Process Street , I worked for a digital agency that specialized in building websites. As part of my role, I wrote project proposals to support these website builds.

Although not in the same league as grant writing, in terms of competitiveness and complexity, it was still highly pressured, time-consuming and required a lot of effort.

I found that articles and blog posts on the “common proposal writing mistakes” were, well.. common! But merely avoiding the mistakes wasn’t good enough to make a winning proposal.

I needed strong processes in place to make sure I’d gathered all the required information, adhered to all set guidelines and was writing clear, concise and persuasive proposals.

This is when I wish I’d known about Process Street!

What is Process Street?

Process Street is super-powered checklists. You can manage all your recurring tasks, procedures and workflows with our bespoke Business Process Management (BPM) software. With Process Street you can create a process for everything .

You can create templates and run individual checklists for each member of your team. Check tasks off as you work through them, set deadlines, request approval, assign tasks , and track each team member’s progress .

Watch this video, it will explain all:

With Process Street, you can also connect to thousands of apps through Zapier , webhooks and API access to automate your workflows.

Watch this webinar on business automation to discover how to take your workflows to the next level:

As if that wasn’t enough, we also have the following additional features that have been designed to create efficiencies, automate workflows and make processes within your business run smoothly:

  • Dynamic due dates
  • Task permissions
  • Conditional logic
  • Approval tasks
  • Embed widget
  • Role assignments

So, now you know who we are and what we do, it’s time to find out how we can help.

We have created the below eight grant writing templates to help you search for the right funding opportunities, write winning proposals, and apply for those competitive grants.

Applying for a government grant can be highly competitive, with grant seekers across the nation vying with each other to apply for a government grant and obtain it successfully. Use this checklist alongside your grant application to make sure your application is complete, including everything that is required.

Click here to access the Applying for a Government Grant Checklist

Many, if not all, grant proposals will require a short budget to be included. Use this checklist to breakdown direct and indirect costs associated with the benefit that’s being created.

Click here to access the Budget Proposal Template

Grant Application Process Checklist

The grant application process can be highly complex and extremely competitive. This checklist covers the areas that need to be researched, the questions that are likely to be asked and the information that should be gathered for the application.

Click here to access the Grant Application Process Checklist

How to Search for Grants Process Checklist

Use this checklist each time you need to search for a funding opportunity for your project, activity or program. The process behind how to search for grants typically begins with prospect research to find out who is most likely to give you money. Matching interests is the most critical aspect of finding an excellent prospective funder.

Click here to access the How to Search for Grants Process Checklist

The process of how to write a grant proposal is a long one, and it can seem overwhelming. With so much information to compile and so much riding on success, it’s important to follow a process to make sure you have the best possible chance of success.

Click here to access the How to Write a Grant Proposal Checklist

Use this checklist to make sure your research proposal contains all the right information, is structured and coherent, and displays the facts in an interesting, engaging way and ultimately supports your research proposal in requesting funding/sponsorship for your research project.

Click here to access the How to Write a Research Proposal Checklist

Writing a successful proposal is a competitive, tough and a long process. Follow this checklist to make sure you have gathered all the required information, adhered to all set guidelines and you are writing clear, concise and persuasive proposals.

Click here to access the Proposal Template Checklist

You have the opportunity to turn your ideas into something real with your grant proposal. Use this checklist alongside the proposal document you are planning to submit. Use it to make sure that all elements have been considered, that the proposal contains everything it needs to and that it meets all set requirements.

Click here to access the Simple Proposal Format Checklist

We also have the following related articles and checklists that will help you in all areas of grant writing.

Grant writing-related articles and blogs

  • How to Write a Proposal and Get What You Want
  • 6 Types of Project Proposals That Get Approved (and How to Write Them)
  • Project Proposal Writing
  • Proposal Writing: The Six-Step Process
  • Proposal writing: Stages and Strategies with Examples
  • Planning and Writing a Grant Proposal: The Basics
  • How to Write a Grant Proposal
  • How to Write a Winning Grant Proposal
  • Grant Proposals (or give me the money!)
  • Government Grants Statistics
  • 4 Types of Grant Funding
  • Top 3 Things to Know Before Applying for a Grant
  • Grantseeking Basics
  • Government Grants and Loans
  • A Short Summary of Federal Grants
  • What Is a Grant?
  • Things to do Before Writing a Grant Proposal
  • Understanding Government Grants
  • 11 Things to Consider Before Applying for Government Funding
  • 10 Checklist Tips for an Optimal Web Design Proposal Template
  • 5-Step Guide to Get Your App Funded in 2019

Additional grant writing related process checklists

  • Writing a Proposal: Step-by-Step Guide
  • Construction Proposal Template
  • Construction Progress Report
  • Continuation Project Proposal Template
  • Renewal Project Proposal Template
  • Supplemental Project Proposal Template
  • Social Media Engagement Campaign Proposal
  • Budget Preparation Checklist
  • Budget Template
  • Budget Process
  • Startup Due Diligence For A Venture Capitalist
  • Environmental Accounting Internal Audit
  • Financial Plan Template
  • Cash Flow Report
  • Expense Management Process
  • Cash Management Process

Preparing to submit a grant proposal can seem overwhelming . With the amount of information you will need to compile, the number of requirements you will need to meet, and a lot riding on the success of the proposal, it’s important to stack the odds in your favor.

This is where Process Street can help. Sign up for a free trial and try it for yourself!

I hope you found this post useful. We’d love to hear about your grant writing processes in the comments below. Who knows? You may even get featured in an upcoming article!

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how to write proposal to get funding

Amanda Greenwood

Amanda is a content writer for Process Street. Her main mission in life is to write content that makes business processes fun, interesting, and easy to understand. Her background is in marketing and project management, so she has a wealth of experience to draw from, which adds a touch of reality and a whole heap of depth to the content she writes.

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Grant Proposals (or Give me the money!)

What this handout is about.

This handout will help you write and revise grant proposals for research funding in all academic disciplines (sciences, social sciences, humanities, and the arts). It’s targeted primarily to graduate students and faculty, although it will also be helpful to undergraduate students who are seeking funding for research (e.g. for a senior thesis).

The grant writing process

A grant proposal or application is a document or set of documents that is submitted to an organization with the explicit intent of securing funding for a research project. Grant writing varies widely across the disciplines, and research intended for epistemological purposes (philosophy or the arts) rests on very different assumptions than research intended for practical applications (medicine or social policy research). Nonetheless, this handout attempts to provide a general introduction to grant writing across the disciplines.

Before you begin writing your proposal, you need to know what kind of research you will be doing and why. You may have a topic or experiment in mind, but taking the time to define what your ultimate purpose is can be essential to convincing others to fund that project. Although some scholars in the humanities and arts may not have thought about their projects in terms of research design, hypotheses, research questions, or results, reviewers and funding agencies expect you to frame your project in these terms. You may also find that thinking about your project in these terms reveals new aspects of it to you.

Writing successful grant applications is a long process that begins with an idea. Although many people think of grant writing as a linear process (from idea to proposal to award), it is a circular process. Many people start by defining their research question or questions. What knowledge or information will be gained as a direct result of your project? Why is undertaking your research important in a broader sense? You will need to explicitly communicate this purpose to the committee reviewing your application. This is easier when you know what you plan to achieve before you begin the writing process.

Diagram 1 below provides an overview of the grant writing process and may help you plan your proposal development.

A chart labeled The Grant Writing Process that provides and overview of the steps of grant writing: identifying a need, finding grants, developing a proposal and budget, submitting the proposal, accepting or declining awards, carrying out the project, and filing a report with funding agencies.

Applicants must write grant proposals, submit them, receive notice of acceptance or rejection, and then revise their proposals. Unsuccessful grant applicants must revise and resubmit their proposals during the next funding cycle. Successful grant applications and the resulting research lead to ideas for further research and new grant proposals.

Cultivating an ongoing, positive relationship with funding agencies may lead to additional grants down the road. Thus, make sure you file progress reports and final reports in a timely and professional manner. Although some successful grant applicants may fear that funding agencies will reject future proposals because they’ve already received “enough” funding, the truth is that money follows money. Individuals or projects awarded grants in the past are more competitive and thus more likely to receive funding in the future.

Some general tips

  • Begin early.
  • Apply early and often.
  • Don’t forget to include a cover letter with your application.
  • Answer all questions. (Pre-empt all unstated questions.)
  • If rejected, revise your proposal and apply again.
  • Give them what they want. Follow the application guidelines exactly.
  • Be explicit and specific.
  • Be realistic in designing the project.
  • Make explicit the connections between your research questions and objectives, your objectives and methods, your methods and results, and your results and dissemination plan.
  • Follow the application guidelines exactly. (We have repeated this tip because it is very, very important.)

Before you start writing

Identify your needs and focus.

First, identify your needs. Answering the following questions may help you:

  • Are you undertaking preliminary or pilot research in order to develop a full-blown research agenda?
  • Are you seeking funding for dissertation research? Pre-dissertation research? Postdoctoral research? Archival research? Experimental research? Fieldwork?
  • Are you seeking a stipend so that you can write a dissertation or book? Polish a manuscript?
  • Do you want a fellowship in residence at an institution that will offer some programmatic support or other resources to enhance your project?
  • Do you want funding for a large research project that will last for several years and involve multiple staff members?

Next, think about the focus of your research/project. Answering the following questions may help you narrow it down:

  • What is the topic? Why is this topic important?
  • What are the research questions that you’re trying to answer? What relevance do your research questions have?
  • What are your hypotheses?
  • What are your research methods?
  • Why is your research/project important? What is its significance?
  • Do you plan on using quantitative methods? Qualitative methods? Both?
  • Will you be undertaking experimental research? Clinical research?

Once you have identified your needs and focus, you can begin looking for prospective grants and funding agencies.

Finding prospective grants and funding agencies

Whether your proposal receives funding will rely in large part on whether your purpose and goals closely match the priorities of granting agencies. Locating possible grantors is a time consuming task, but in the long run it will yield the greatest benefits. Even if you have the most appealing research proposal in the world, if you don’t send it to the right institutions, then you’re unlikely to receive funding.

There are many sources of information about granting agencies and grant programs. Most universities and many schools within universities have Offices of Research, whose primary purpose is to support faculty and students in grant-seeking endeavors. These offices usually have libraries or resource centers to help people find prospective grants.

At UNC, the Research at Carolina office coordinates research support.

The Funding Information Portal offers a collection of databases and proposal development guidance.

The UNC School of Medicine and School of Public Health each have their own Office of Research.

Writing your proposal

The majority of grant programs recruit academic reviewers with knowledge of the disciplines and/or program areas of the grant. Thus, when writing your grant proposals, assume that you are addressing a colleague who is knowledgeable in the general area, but who does not necessarily know the details about your research questions.

Remember that most readers are lazy and will not respond well to a poorly organized, poorly written, or confusing proposal. Be sure to give readers what they want. Follow all the guidelines for the particular grant you are applying for. This may require you to reframe your project in a different light or language. Reframing your project to fit a specific grant’s requirements is a legitimate and necessary part of the process unless it will fundamentally change your project’s goals or outcomes.

Final decisions about which proposals are funded often come down to whether the proposal convinces the reviewer that the research project is well planned and feasible and whether the investigators are well qualified to execute it. Throughout the proposal, be as explicit as possible. Predict the questions that the reviewer may have and answer them. Przeworski and Salomon (1995) note that reviewers read with three questions in mind:

  • What are we going to learn as a result of the proposed project that we do not know now? (goals, aims, and outcomes)
  • Why is it worth knowing? (significance)
  • How will we know that the conclusions are valid? (criteria for success) (2)

Be sure to answer these questions in your proposal. Keep in mind that reviewers may not read every word of your proposal. Your reviewer may only read the abstract, the sections on research design and methodology, the vitae, and the budget. Make these sections as clear and straightforward as possible.

The way you write your grant will tell the reviewers a lot about you (Reif-Lehrer 82). From reading your proposal, the reviewers will form an idea of who you are as a scholar, a researcher, and a person. They will decide whether you are creative, logical, analytical, up-to-date in the relevant literature of the field, and, most importantly, capable of executing the proposed project. Allow your discipline and its conventions to determine the general style of your writing, but allow your own voice and personality to come through. Be sure to clarify your project’s theoretical orientation.

Develop a general proposal and budget

Because most proposal writers seek funding from several different agencies or granting programs, it is a good idea to begin by developing a general grant proposal and budget. This general proposal is sometimes called a “white paper.” Your general proposal should explain your project to a general academic audience. Before you submit proposals to different grant programs, you will tailor a specific proposal to their guidelines and priorities.

Organizing your proposal

Although each funding agency will have its own (usually very specific) requirements, there are several elements of a proposal that are fairly standard, and they often come in the following order:

  • Introduction (statement of the problem, purpose of research or goals, and significance of research)

Literature review

  • Project narrative (methods, procedures, objectives, outcomes or deliverables, evaluation, and dissemination)
  • Budget and budget justification

Format the proposal so that it is easy to read. Use headings to break the proposal up into sections. If it is long, include a table of contents with page numbers.

The title page usually includes a brief yet explicit title for the research project, the names of the principal investigator(s), the institutional affiliation of the applicants (the department and university), name and address of the granting agency, project dates, amount of funding requested, and signatures of university personnel authorizing the proposal (when necessary). Most funding agencies have specific requirements for the title page; make sure to follow them.

The abstract provides readers with their first impression of your project. To remind themselves of your proposal, readers may glance at your abstract when making their final recommendations, so it may also serve as their last impression of your project. The abstract should explain the key elements of your research project in the future tense. Most abstracts state: (1) the general purpose, (2) specific goals, (3) research design, (4) methods, and (5) significance (contribution and rationale). Be as explicit as possible in your abstract. Use statements such as, “The objective of this study is to …”


The introduction should cover the key elements of your proposal, including a statement of the problem, the purpose of research, research goals or objectives, and significance of the research. The statement of problem should provide a background and rationale for the project and establish the need and relevance of the research. How is your project different from previous research on the same topic? Will you be using new methodologies or covering new theoretical territory? The research goals or objectives should identify the anticipated outcomes of the research and should match up to the needs identified in the statement of problem. List only the principle goal(s) or objective(s) of your research and save sub-objectives for the project narrative.

Many proposals require a literature review. Reviewers want to know whether you’ve done the necessary preliminary research to undertake your project. Literature reviews should be selective and critical, not exhaustive. Reviewers want to see your evaluation of pertinent works. For more information, see our handout on literature reviews .

Project narrative

The project narrative provides the meat of your proposal and may require several subsections. The project narrative should supply all the details of the project, including a detailed statement of problem, research objectives or goals, hypotheses, methods, procedures, outcomes or deliverables, and evaluation and dissemination of the research.

For the project narrative, pre-empt and/or answer all of the reviewers’ questions. Don’t leave them wondering about anything. For example, if you propose to conduct unstructured interviews with open-ended questions, be sure you’ve explained why this methodology is best suited to the specific research questions in your proposal. Or, if you’re using item response theory rather than classical test theory to verify the validity of your survey instrument, explain the advantages of this innovative methodology. Or, if you need to travel to Valdez, Alaska to access historical archives at the Valdez Museum, make it clear what documents you hope to find and why they are relevant to your historical novel on the ’98ers in the Alaskan Gold Rush.

Clearly and explicitly state the connections between your research objectives, research questions, hypotheses, methodologies, and outcomes. As the requirements for a strong project narrative vary widely by discipline, consult a discipline-specific guide to grant writing for some additional advice.

Explain staffing requirements in detail and make sure that staffing makes sense. Be very explicit about the skill sets of the personnel already in place (you will probably include their Curriculum Vitae as part of the proposal). Explain the necessary skill sets and functions of personnel you will recruit. To minimize expenses, phase out personnel who are not relevant to later phases of a project.

The budget spells out project costs and usually consists of a spreadsheet or table with the budget detailed as line items and a budget narrative (also known as a budget justification) that explains the various expenses. Even when proposal guidelines do not specifically mention a narrative, be sure to include a one or two page explanation of the budget. To see a sample budget, turn to Example #1 at the end of this handout.

Consider including an exhaustive budget for your project, even if it exceeds the normal grant size of a particular funding organization. Simply make it clear that you are seeking additional funding from other sources. This technique will make it easier for you to combine awards down the road should you have the good fortune of receiving multiple grants.

Make sure that all budget items meet the funding agency’s requirements. For example, all U.S. government agencies have strict requirements for airline travel. Be sure the cost of the airline travel in your budget meets their requirements. If a line item falls outside an agency’s requirements (e.g. some organizations will not cover equipment purchases or other capital expenses), explain in the budget justification that other grant sources will pay for the item.

Many universities require that indirect costs (overhead) be added to grants that they administer. Check with the appropriate offices to find out what the standard (or required) rates are for overhead. Pass a draft budget by the university officer in charge of grant administration for assistance with indirect costs and costs not directly associated with research (e.g. facilities use charges).

Furthermore, make sure you factor in the estimated taxes applicable for your case. Depending on the categories of expenses and your particular circumstances (whether you are a foreign national, for example), estimated tax rates may differ. You can consult respective departmental staff or university services, as well as professional tax assistants. For information on taxes on scholarships and fellowships, see .

Explain the timeframe for the research project in some detail. When will you begin and complete each step? It may be helpful to reviewers if you present a visual version of your timeline. For less complicated research, a table summarizing the timeline for the project will help reviewers understand and evaluate the planning and feasibility. See Example #2 at the end of this handout.

For multi-year research proposals with numerous procedures and a large staff, a time line diagram can help clarify the feasibility and planning of the study. See Example #3 at the end of this handout.

Revising your proposal

Strong grant proposals take a long time to develop. Start the process early and leave time to get feedback from several readers on different drafts. Seek out a variety of readers, both specialists in your research area and non-specialist colleagues. You may also want to request assistance from knowledgeable readers on specific areas of your proposal. For example, you may want to schedule a meeting with a statistician to help revise your methodology section. Don’t hesitate to seek out specialized assistance from the relevant research offices on your campus. At UNC, the Odum Institute provides a variety of services to graduate students and faculty in the social sciences.

In your revision and editing, ask your readers to give careful consideration to whether you’ve made explicit the connections between your research objectives and methodology. Here are some example questions:

  • Have you presented a compelling case?
  • Have you made your hypotheses explicit?
  • Does your project seem feasible? Is it overly ambitious? Does it have other weaknesses?
  • Have you stated the means that grantors can use to evaluate the success of your project after you’ve executed it?

If a granting agency lists particular criteria used for rating and evaluating proposals, be sure to share these with your own reviewers.

Example #1. Sample Budget

Jet travel $6,100 This estimate is based on the commercial high season rate for jet economy travel on Sabena Belgian Airlines. No U.S. carriers fly to Kigali, Rwanda. Sabena has student fare tickets available which will be significantly less expensive (approximately $2,000).

Maintenance allowance $22,788 Based on the Fulbright-Hays Maintenance Allowances published in the grant application guide.

Research assistant/translator $4,800 The research assistant/translator will be a native (and primary) speaker of Kinya-rwanda with at least a four-year university degree. They will accompany the primary investigator during life history interviews to provide assistance in comprehension. In addition, they will provide commentary, explanations, and observations to facilitate the primary investigator’s participant observation. During the first phase of the project in Kigali, the research assistant will work forty hours a week and occasional overtime as needed. During phases two and three in rural Rwanda, the assistant will stay with the investigator overnight in the field when necessary. The salary of $400 per month is based on the average pay rate for individuals with similar qualifications working for international NGO’s in Rwanda.

Transportation within country, phase one $1,200 The primary investigator and research assistant will need regular transportation within Kigali by bus and taxi. The average taxi fare in Kigali is $6-8 and bus fare is $.15. This figure is based on an average of $10 per day in transportation costs during the first project phase.

Transportation within country, phases two and three $12,000 Project personnel will also require regular transportation between rural field sites. If it is not possible to remain overnight, daily trips will be necessary. The average rental rate for a 4×4 vehicle in Rwanda is $130 per day. This estimate is based on an average of $50 per day in transportation costs for the second and third project phases. These costs could be reduced if an arrangement could be made with either a government ministry or international aid agency for transportation assistance.

Email $720 The rate for email service from RwandaTel (the only service provider in Rwanda) is $60 per month. Email access is vital for receiving news reports on Rwanda and the region as well as for staying in contact with dissertation committee members and advisors in the United States.

Audiocassette tapes $400 Audiocassette tapes will be necessary for recording life history interviews, musical performances, community events, story telling, and other pertinent data.

Photographic & slide film $100 Photographic and slide film will be necessary to document visual data such as landscape, environment, marriages, funerals, community events, etc.

Laptop computer $2,895 A laptop computer will be necessary for recording observations, thoughts, and analysis during research project. Price listed is a special offer to UNC students through the Carolina Computing Initiative.

NUD*IST 4.0 software $373.00 NUD*IST, “Nonnumerical, Unstructured Data, Indexing, Searching, and Theorizing,” is necessary for cataloging, indexing, and managing field notes both during and following the field research phase. The program will assist in cataloging themes that emerge during the life history interviews.

Administrative fee $100 Fee set by Fulbright-Hays for the sponsoring institution.

Example #2: Project Timeline in Table Format

Example #3: project timeline in chart format.

A chart displaying project activities with activities listed in the left column and grant years divided into quarters in the top row with rectangles darkened to indicate in which quarter each activity in the left column occurs.

Some closing advice

Some of us may feel ashamed or embarrassed about asking for money or promoting ourselves. Often, these feelings have more to do with our own insecurities than with problems in the tone or style of our writing. If you’re having trouble because of these types of hang-ups, the most important thing to keep in mind is that it never hurts to ask. If you never ask for the money, they’ll never give you the money. Besides, the worst thing they can do is say no.

UNC resources for proposal writing

Research at Carolina

The Odum Institute for Research in the Social Sciences

UNC Medical School Office of Research

UNC School of Public Health Office of Research

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Holloway, Brian R. 2003. Proposal Writing Across the Disciplines. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Levine, S. Joseph. “Guide for Writing a Funding Proposal.” .

Locke, Lawrence F., Waneen Wyrick Spirduso, and Stephen J. Silverman. 2014. Proposals That Work . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Przeworski, Adam, and Frank Salomon. 2012. “Some Candid Suggestions on the Art of Writing Proposals.” Social Science Research Council. .

Reif-Lehrer, Liane. 1989. Writing a Successful Grant Application . Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Wiggins, Beverly. 2002. “Funding and Proposal Writing for Social Science Faculty and Graduate Student Research.” Chapel Hill: Howard W. Odum Institute for Research in Social Science. 2 Feb. 2004.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Make a Gift

How to write a winning grant proposal

  • Stephen Robertson (he/him)
  • February 7, 2023

A man writing a grant proposal

Writing a proposal for a project grant can feel like a daunting task, but with the right guidance, it doesn’t need to be a bewildering endeavor. Like climbing a mountain, it helps to have a path to follow to reach its summit, or in this case, a map of sorts to guide you to your desired destination—a compelling proposal that unlocks funding to advance your mission-driven work.     In this blog, we will share the key elements of a typical project proposal and best practices for how to approach drafting each section to help you secure the grant you seek. 

Key elements of a grant proposal 

Executive summary  .

Often, your executive summary will be the first spot funders look to decide if they want to continue reading the entire proposal. Although an executive summary is typically included at the beginning of your final grant proposal, it’s best to tackle writing this section last given its importance. Your executive summary provides a snapshot of your overall proposal and often includes: 

  • The problem or need you’re seeking to address, or your proposal’s need statement. 
  • A brief description of the project, including your goals and objectives. 
  • Information about your organization and its experience addressing your proposal’s key need or problem. 
  • How much money that you are asking the funder to consider granting you.  

Need statement  

Your need statement is where you’ll convince your prospective funder of the urgency of addressing your proposed problem or need in one page or less. In this section, do your best to succinctly peak the prospective funder’s interest in your specific project by incorporating data-driven insights and human stories that bring your need to life. Once completed, it should seek to answer these questions: If your project is funded, how will it be better and for whom, and why should this particular funder care?  

Given you are competing with other applicants, don’t forget to align your need statement with your funder’s objectives. After all, the best way to get a funder to care about your solution is to explain how it overlaps with the focus areas of their foundation.   

Project description  

Your project description should delve deep into the specific activities of your project and how they will benefit your target demographic. This section should include a detailed outline that explains exactly how, when, and by whom the project will be executed and completed. An additional tip for success: Consider emphasizing any collaborations and partnerships with other organizations on similar efforts to boost your credibility. 

Project goals and objectives  

When it comes to grant proposals, it is important to understand the difference between goals and objectives. Goals are typically broad, general statements of need, while objectives are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timebound ( S.M.A.R.T. ). It is also important to discuss whether the issue is currently being addressed, and how your solution or organization will be better than the status quo.  

Organizational information  

In your grant proposal, you should provide more information about your organization. This is where you can showcase your mission, organizational history, as well as the impacts of your other programs and/or services. In this section, you can highlight your nonprofit’s accomplishments, staff’s expertise, and track record of success in your community. When approaching writing this section of your proposal, aim to include details that help the funder see why your organization is best suited to solve the problem or need at hand, if awarded the grant.     If you are wondering how to get started, consider showcasing the information in your Candid nonprofit profile . 

Project budget  

Here you’ll get down to the dollars and cents required to address your need or problem. Your project budget will ideally mirror the associated direct and indirect costs of the items outlined in your project description, such as staffing, rent, supplies, promotion, and the like. In this section, you will also want to detail the revenue sources you are planning to use to fund the project. Another tip for success: Be sure to explain how you will continue to support and sustain the project—beyond the specific grant you are seeking.      For a more in-depth understanding of how to create a project budget, be sure to check out this free training on the topic. 

With this roadmap to guide your efforts, you’re ready to begin writing a successful grant proposal. If you’re interested in some additional tips and pointers, be sure to also consider the following best practices: 

  • Start with an outline to help you better prepare, organize your thoughts, and guide your efforts. 
  • Do your research to understand who you are approaching and what their priorities are by exploring the information on their website, the types of nonprofits and issue areas they fund using Foundation Directory , and the like. 
  • Focus on the funder’s objectives and use your powers of persuasion to make them understand that your approach is in their best interest. 
  • Always follow the funder’s guidelines and keep your language clear and concise. 
  • Tap into the power of your colleagues’ feedback, and don’t forget to revise and edit your proposal before submitting it. 

To learn even more, visit where you can find free resources and sample documents or join us for our three-week, in-depth Proposal Writing Bootcamp to help you craft a winning grant proposal. 

  • Tips & Training
  • Budgets and financials
  • Fundraising, giving, and donations
  • Nonprofit and charity work

About the author

Portrait of Stephen Robertson

Stephen lives to create order out of chaos by developing people-centered systems and training programs that maximize efficiency and impact. Coming from four-generations working in the social sector, Stephen experienced in university the positive power of business to shape people’s lives – empowering them to develop a growth mindset and providing them with the tools and social support to lift themselves out of poverty.

Stephen started his career at Enactus, a global network of students, academicians, and business executives committed to using business acumen for societal progress. In his roles as Regional Program Manager and Director of United States Programs, Stephen created direct training and train-the-trainer programs implemented across 500+ universities with over 18,000 students involved in over 3,000 social impact projects and entrepreneurial ventures.  Directing the development of the organization’s first online training center providing internal and external constituents with on-demand training modules and resources, Stephen delivered capacity building workshops for staff and external constituents across Africa, Asia, Europe, and Central America.

At Candid, Stephen ideates on ways to better serve the network of over 500+ partner organizations providing tools and resources to nonprofits through the creation of efficient internal systems and processes related to territory management. In addition, Stephen assists in an annual flagship research effort to create financial snapshots of the field and works with individual community foundations to benchmark their performance against peers and perform deep analyses of their own operating models.

Insatiably curious, Stephen spends his free time traveling, specifically to places in nature that inspire wonder or cultures vastly different from his own to expand his mind, listening to science and psychology podcasts, and gardening. He also writes and produces original music, merging his love of R&B/Gospel music with electronic music, fusing global sounds from his travel across six continents and 23 countries.

Stephen holds a B.B.A in Business Management with a minor in Theology and Leadership Studies from Evangel University.

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We have free examples of grant proposals in our Sample Documents page .


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We have lots of resources to help you write a grant proposal! Get started here: How do I write a grant proposal?

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How to Write a Successful Grant Proposal

Research budgets are getting tighter. Funding agencies are enforcing stricter guidelines and restrictions. All the while, few researchers receive formal training on how to write effective grant applications. Here we improve your career prospects as a researcher by writing better grant proposals.

Updated on May 26, 2022

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Research budgets have become more stressed, while funding agencies enforce strict guidelines and restrictions. At the same time, few researchers receive formal training on how to write effective grant applications. Writing better grant proposals will hugely improve your career prospects as a researcher.

Grant writing is especially challenging if you're an early-career researcher and/or English isn't your first language. However, it's not rocket science (unless it's a grant for researching rocket science). You can get what you want if you know how to get it.

Here we outline the key components of a successful grant proposal to help you navigate the intricacies of the application process, including:

  • Searching for and identifying grant opportunities
  • Writing and reviewing a grant proposal
  • What to do after you submit your proposal

What's a grant proposal and why do you need one?

A grant proposal or application is a document (or set of documents) addressed to an organization or funding agency to get funding for a research project.

Grant proposals differ widely across the scientific disciplines, but there are general tips that work universally.

A successful grant proposal can be a key to achieving your research goals by getting money. But writing a grant application also offers many indirect benefits, such as:

  • If you're a researcher on a fixed-term contract, getting funding can extend your contract.
  • You can use a successful grant proposal to take on a temporary position with another research group or institution.
  • Receiving a research grant can mean that an expert review panel views your research ideas as better than others.

Conducting pre-proposal research

The efforts you put in before you send your proposal can improve your chances of acceptance a great deal. You'll hone in on what you really need and you'll see ways of successfully getting it. Think ahead and you'll benefit.

Tough competition

Competition for grants has never been tougher.

Look at the European Commission's Horizon 2020 program. Horizon is the EU's most extensive research and innovation program. Nearly 80 billion euros (~US$84 billion)in funding was set aside in 2014–2020.

A Nature article shows that EU Horizon 2020 reported a 14% success rate for its first 100 calls for proposals—submissions to some categories had lower success rates.

Don't play the short game, think longer-term

Considering those odds, it's critical to start the process early. Give yourself at least 4–6 months to put your proposal together.

To increase your chances of success, before you begin drafting your grant proposal, you need to develop a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and anchored within a Timeframe) plan for what you want to do and why you want to do it.

View samples of successful grant proposals

Look at what's worked (and what hasn't) and you'll save yourself time repeating other people's mistakes. Look for previous proposals you can get from your:

  • University library
  • Trusted peers
  • Supervisor or mentor
  • Past or prospective funding body
  • Online sites and databases

For example, on Open Grants, you can read 250+ grant proposals , both successful and unsuccessful, for free.

Focus on samples of successful proposals in your discipline or applications that have obtained the grant you're applying for. But don't overlook the failures. Read them critically and think how you can do better.

Identifying a grant opportunity and pitching your proposal

Just like choosing the right school, scientific niche, and journal to publish your research, you're seeking the right grant for your future work.

Search grant databases

The easiest way to find grant opportunities is via a database. Although some require a subscription, they can do in seconds what could take days of Googling. This is also a much easier way to organize and keep track of grant opportunities.

Pivot , Scientifyresearch , and ResearchConnect are free, structured databases providing global funding information. They also guide you on how to navigate their interface and use filters (scientific field, submission deadline, allocated budget, etc.) to refine your results.

Evaluate requirements in the solicitation

Finding the right funding body takes more than researching available grants. It takes a critical eye.

If you're unclear about what they're looking for, then writing that grant application may not be worth your time. And knowing that will save you time.

Once you decide to apply for funding, read the grant guidelines carefully. Stick to the suggested structure (e.g., subheadings), format (e.g., font), and language (terminology used).

While reading the instructions, make a list of everything needed for submission, and who on your side will be responsible for gathering this information.

Understand the sponsor's scoring system

Find out how the grant will be evaluated. This will ensure your proposal is tailored to the assessment criteria. For example, the UK Research and Innovation scoring matrix is based on

  • Scientific quality and impact
  • Scientific leadership
  • Justification of resources
  • Other: ethical and governance issues

The deadline is also a critical factor, not just in terms of being on time. If it's in three weeks, it might not be worth your time trying to prepare a proposal. As noted above, it's more realistic to think in months rather than weeks. You'll save yourself wasted time, not to mention stress.

Identify the funder's mission

Granting agencies don't exist solely to give out money. Their priorities vary based on their foundations' missions. Research the organization to see if its mission statement closely aligns with your project and target your request to their mission.

Among others, the Economic and Social Research Council funding priorities now include understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals, groups, and institutions in society. So, a medical researcher studying the impact of COVID-19 on neonatal mortality is better off targeting a different funder.

For example, the UK's National Institute for Health and Care Research focuses on health and social care research.

Make friends with the program manager

Directly contact the granting source if you've read the grant instructions and you're still not sure if your project is eligible. Making a human connection is generally a good thing, unless they specifically indicate they don't want to be contacted. In this regard, it's quite like a job application and networking.

They'll have a dedicated grants officer (maybe called a program manager or director) helping applicants like you. Beyond clearing up what's eligible and what's not, developing a relationship with them can help build their confidence in you and your work.

Note that the role of the program manager varies greatly among granting agencies. The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), for example, encourages young researchers to contact program managers. It offers step-by-step instructions on whom you should contact and how .

In some smaller foundations, however, program officers are very busy and might discourage you from getting in touch. To figure this out, you need to research the sponsor's culture on a case-by-case basis.

Make friends with your research support office

Writing a grant proposal doesn't have to be a solo journey. Your institution will likely have a research support office/department (also called a sponsored research office).

These valuable folks can give administrative help with the grant submission process. They'll be able to help fill out relevant forms and double-check that the proposal meets the granting agency's guidelines.

Writing the main body of your grant proposal

All the agencies, people, and processes of grant writing are crucial. But the fundamental part of any grant application remains the written proposal itself.

To get your grant, you need to make a strong case for the importance of your research, particularly regarding community benefit and social impact.

Prove your research will solve real-world problems

Many researchers don't put much thought into the real-world relevance of their work. Yet, most funders want to finance proposals that promise to solve society's biggest challenges.

Before you draft your proposal, you need to consider how your research will confer value to society.

You want to be able to argue that it might save lives or money, improve people's well-being, or have another tangible impact.

Team up with project partners

Involving suitable research collaborators can also increase your chance of success.

If you're conducting cancer research, you could liaise with hospital clinicians or an association against a particular type of cancer. You could team up with a museum or heritage foundation if you're a history researcher. This will help translate your research into practice.

You don't have to go far to find collaborators. Start from your peers and direct contacts or links that your institution or research group might have.

Networking with fellow researchers or industry representatives in your field in conferences and seminars will also help you identify suitable grant collaborators. You can also look for them when you go through previously funded research projects.

Involve peers from relevant disciplines

Interdisciplinary research is seen as innovative because insights from each field contribute to the others. This extends the impact across different scientific specialties and across society.

For example, if you're a social psychologist studying drivers' perceptions of speeding risks. Involving researchers in transport studies, engineering, and related disciplines, not to mention community organizations and law enforcement, will make your proposal look more robust. And it'll actually be more robust.

Adopt research storytelling

Grant proposals can all start to sound the same for those who read and assess them. They're like job applications. As the applicant, you need to set yourself apart and inspire the reader.

You can do this by marketing yourself and your science in an engaging story. Spend less time formulating complex research questions and more time stressing how your research will benefit society. Providing an effective solution will give the reviewers positive emotions. It's like storytelling.

Getting some science communication training will help with this. Try using free science-storytelling tools, like Message Box . This easy-to-use solution lets you convey the information in your head about your work in ways that resonate with your audience. Start by reading real Message Boxes .

Set realistic research questions

A common mix-up among first-time applicants is that promising lots of work will make your proposal look better. It might be tempting to argue that you can solve these big, challenging problems in a single project. But, realistically, that's not often feasible.

For a 2–3-year project, have no more than four research questions. Even after you have proposed these, you'll have just enough space to provide a literature review, a research plan, and a list of expected impacts for each question.

Gather supplementary documents

The proposal itself is the core document, but it's the product of many supporting documents.

Describe the research environment

Other than your expertise, the funders will also want to confirm if you (or your research team) have the capacity to deliver the proposed project successfully.

Do you have access to the necessary facilities to complete the project? This might include access to a university library, to laboratory resources and equipment, or to your study population.

Your proposal needs to prove that you have everything required to start and complete the proposed research project successfully (within time and budget). You cannot be too thorough here.

Create biosketches for the research team

Most funding agencies and institutions ask for a biographical sketch (biosketch): a simplified version of the research team members' CVs. Biosketches stress team members' expertise and experience related to the research project.

Agencies like the National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) and the National Science Foundation both use standard biosketch formats that are regularly updated. They even provide tools to help you create your biosketch and format it according to NIH requirements.

We can't reprint them here, but you can view NIH sample biosketches here .

However, foundations and industry sponsors also set specific requirements for your CV/Biosketches. Follow these precisely.

Create a project timeline

Explain the timeframe for the research project in some detail. When will you begin and complete each step? Presenting a visual version of your timeline makes it easier to understand.

For complex multi-year research proposals, a timeline diagram can clarify the study's feasibility and planning (see below).

Here's a sample timeline to give you a general idea.

productivity table for work packages in a grant proposal

Gather supporting documentation

The supporting documents you'll need entirely depend on the sponsors' requirements. Most often, these include a cover letter, letters of support, and CVs.

Write the executive summary

The executive summary (abstract) outlines the most critical elements of your proposal in a condensed form. For longer proposals, you may be able to use a whole page. For others, you'll have to stick to just one paragraph. Either way, tell the reviewers:

  • What's the goal of your project, the need you're addressing, and/or the real-world problem you're solving?
  • What are your project's projected outcomes and broader impact, and how will you achieve them?
  • How will you evaluate your project's success?
  • Who are you, and why do you deserve this funding?

Let the mission and funding proprieties of the granting agency inform your abstract. Although the summary is the first part of your proposal, it's best to write it at the end. In the same way, it's best to write your manuscript abstract after writing your manuscript. That's the point where you have all your details, your entire story. Now you just have to write it out in a concise and accessible way.

Develop a grant budget

The funder will want to know precisely how you plan to spend their money. They want to ensure that your research project's cost-effective and that you've considered the actual costs of running your project.

In their calls for proposals, agencies provide information on the number of grants expected to be funded and the estimated size of each grant award. This information should inform the creation of your budget.

Meet with the grant office to talk through expenses

As mentioned, most institutions have grant administrators who can work with you to create the budgets and complete any budget forms required by the funder. If you're awarded the grant, they are most likely to manage these budgets.

In preparing a grant budget, there are three main considerations:

  • Policies and requirements of the funding agency
  • Policies of your institution
  • Costs related to each project task

Knowing these rules before developing a grant application will save you time. The grant office can help you understand them, plus translate your project's goal and objectives into money.

Identify categories

Budgets are typically formatted in tables and figures. They contain three components:

  • Direct costs
  • Facilities and administrative costs
  • Institutional commitments

The latter describes your institution's agreement to share the expenses of a research project with the funding body.

Each component is divided into separate categories.

For example, direct costs refer to expenses linked to the performance of specific activities and the resources needed to deliver the project. These often comprise:

  • Personnel: research project team members' salaries
  • External consultants: e.g., you might need an expert adviser to do a cost-benefit analysis for your project
  • Equipment: furniture or laboratory equipment
  • Travel expenses: transportation, accommodation, and/or daily subsistence costs

Create and justify a budget

On top of providing a line-by-line budget, you'll need to justify each expense. This involves a brief explanation for each line item in your budget. When writing this, follow the order in which budget items are presented.

In computing your budget, be as realistic as possible.

If your proposed budget is under the grant limit, think bigger. Think about how your research plans could be better, such as by choosing a bigger population sample or conducting more experiments.

If your estimated budget is over the available limit, you may be proposing too much. Think about removing a research question or staff involved.

The following is a sample 12-month research project budget (in which the university and sponsor share project expenses):

Budget Period: 10/15/2022 to 10/14/2023

budget costs for work packages in a grant proposal

Create a budget timeline

You've established your project's specific aims. Now it's time to create a timeline of key activities and specify when each activity will be completed. This is key to the construction of a sound budget.

Imagine you're proposing a two-year study. You plan to enroll 80 research participants over 12 months (around six people monthly). You'll interview each one for 1 hour in their home.

In year one, you'll need to budget for recruiting and interviewing study participants and traveling to their houses. In year two, though, the project won't involve such activities. Instead, the budget might reflect data entry, analyses, and report generation.

Get down to specifics. Explain yourself clearly. Show your plan.

Finalize, review, and polish your proposal

Think like the reviewer (just like you need to think like a journal editor when you submit a manuscript, or a job interviewer when you're trying to get hired).

Suppose you're tired and hungry. You've got multiple applications to read in a short period. How can you make it as easy as possible for the reviewers?

Avoid jargon

No matter how innovative your ideas are, sloppy or unfocused writing can hide them.

Use clear, concise, and accessible language. Flow clearly from one idea to the next. Use a “plain” word instead of a “smart-sounding” one.

Compare these pairs of sentences:

Bad: I propose dissecting the wartime mnemonic practices of externally displaced Afghan populations.

Better: I would like to see how Afghan refugees remember and talk about the war in their country.

Bad: I aim to explore the heterogeneity of forest ecosystems in spatial and temporal recovery following numerous turbulences.

Better: I hope to see what occurs when a forest grows back after being logged, burned, and cultivated.

Avoiding scientific jargon will help you tell your story from the heart, in words that many more people can understand. Take that type of thinking into your manuscript writing, and you'll increase your research impact.

Use reader-friendly formatting

Along with omitting jargon, formatting also increases readability.

White space, bold headings, standard fonts, and illustrations all make proposals easier to read. Widening margins and reducing the font size to 9-point (or less!) to squeeze in more text may add detail. But it also makes your document harder to read.

Organize ideas with numbered lists. Lists are easier to scan and encourage succinctness. Preface the lists with phrases like, “This project's three main goals are:” or “This work will involve four stages:”

Make sure your English is grammatically correct and readable

Spelling errors, bad grammar, unnatural word choice, exceeding the word limit... these issues can make the reader doubt how rigorous your research is. They might also wonder how careful you'll be with their money.

English errors can result from both a lack of English skills and from hurried writing.

Apart from the usual advice about getting a professional edit or proofread , and using a grammar tool , allow plenty of time. If you wait until the last day, week, or even month to prepare your grant, you're almost guaranteed to make language mistakes.

Even if you're a good writer, you'll probably miss a chance to write something more clearly, remove jargon and idioms, and have a consistent, professional tone.

Once your proposal's clearly written and you've edited it until it seems “perfect,” set it aside for a week. Yes, you're in a hurry, but you'll benefit from this break.

Then go back to it and edit/proofread/revise. Better yet, do it twice.

Get lots of feedback

Peer review is key to all research funding applications.

Even if you follow the advice outlined above, there might still be unclear bits of your proposal (at least to some). To strengthen your proposal, get other people to read it. Don't limit yourself to colleagues from your field. They'll probably be familiar with research jargon and methods.

  • Former grant recipients
  • The funding agency you're applying to
  • Trusted peers in your field

They'll all help you learn more about what successful grant proposals look like in your career stage.

The more feedback you receive, and from a greater variety of people, the better. Arrange early on when and which person will look at your proposal and revise the proposal after each set of feedback.

Life after grant submission

There's no guarantee of funding, no matter how strong your application is. In fact, rejection is common because of the tough competition (see above).

Even renowned scientists aren't always successful.

The Nature article cited above notes that on the day molecular biologist Dr. Carol Greider was awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, she learned her recently submitted grant proposal got the thumbs down. Wonder how that grant funder felt when they read the news the next day!

So, even if your proposal ends up not getting funded, the process of planning and writing is valuable, to say the least. Why? Because…

  • You'll generate new ideas.
  • You'll expand your horizons by talking to peers or involving project partners.
  • You may even decide there's a better way to do your study or another research question that's important for you.

Grant writing can be frustrating and tiring, especially if you're an early-career researcher and not used to it.

Take your time to learn from past rejections and negative feedback. It will increase your chances of nailing your next grant proposal.

Final thoughts

Need help with your grant proposal? We can create a concise and polished proposal according to the funder's requirements while communicating the impact of your proposed research project. Learn more about our grant services .

Additional resources

  • Ardehali, H. (2014). How to Write a Successful Grant Application and Research Paper. Circulation Research, 114(8), 1231–1234.
  • Brownson, R. C., Colditz, G. A., Dobbins, M., Emmons, K. M., Kerner, J. F., Padek, M., Proctor, E. K., & Stange, K. C. (2015). Concocting that Magic Elixir: Successful Grant Application Writing in Dissemination and Implementation Research . Clinical and Translational Science, 8(6), 710–716.
  • Chung, K. C., & Shauver, M. J. (2008). Fundamental Principles of Writing a Successful Grant Proposal . The Journal of Hand Surgery, 33(4), 566–572.
  • MacKellar, P. H. (2011). Writing Successful Technology Grant Proposals: A LITA Guide. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc.
  • Pequegnat, W., Stover, E., & Boyce, C. A. (1995). How to Write a Successful Research Grant Application: A Guide for Social and Behavioral Scientists. New York: Plenum Press.
  • Porter, R. (2005). What Do Grant Reviewers Really Want, Anyway? (PDF)
  • Przeworski, A., & Salomon, F. (2012). Some Candid Suggestions on the Art of Writing Proposals . Revised for the Drugs, Security and Democracy Fellowship Program by SSRC staff (PDF)
  • Ries, J. B., & Leukefeld, C. (1994). Applying for Research Funding: Getting Started and Getting Funded (1st ed.). California, London: SAGE Publications, Inc.
  • Squitieri, L., & Chung, K. C. (2014). Funding Research in the Twenty-First Century . Hand Clinics, 30(3), 367–376.
  • Wisdom, J. P, Riley, H, Myers, N. (2015). Recommendations for Writing Successful Grant Proposals , Academic Medicine: 90(12), 1720-1725.

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how to write proposal to get funding

  • How to Write Winning Grant Proposals: 9 Tips and Techniques

Securing grant funding is not just about having a great project idea—it’s about effectively communicating that idea to align with the funding organization’s goals. Winning grant proposals act as a bridge between the potential of your project and the priorities of the funder, presenting a compelling case for why your project deserves support.

This article will guide you through the essential elements of crafting effective grant proposals, including how to structure your proposal, what key details to include, and how to ensure your proposal resonates with the funder’s objectives.

By mastering these elements, you can enhance your ability to secure funding and bring your project visions to life.

How to Write Winning Grant Proposals: Tips and Techniques

1. understand the funder’s objectives.

Before you start writing, it’s crucial to thoroughly understand what the funder is looking for. Review the funder’s mission and past funded projects to gauge their priorities and interests.

This knowledge will help you tailor your proposal to clearly align with their goals, increasing your chances of success. Delve into the specific criteria that the funder uses to evaluate grant proposals and look for any strategic themes or focus areas emphasized in their recent grant cycles .

Engaging with the funder’s published materials, such as annual reports or strategic plans, can also provide deeper insights into their long-term objectives and how they measure impact.

By aligning your proposal with these insights, you not only demonstrate your project’s relevance but also show your commitment to contributing to the funder’s overarching goals, significantly strengthening your grant proposals.

2. Structure Your Proposal Clearly

grant proposals

A well-structured proposal makes a strong first impression. Most grant proposals include the following sections:

  • Executive Summary: A concise overview of your project that includes the need for the project, the expected outcomes, and the amount of funding requested.
  • Statement of Need: Why the project is necessary and what issues it seeks to address.
  • Project Description: Detailed outline of the project including goals, timeline, and activities.
  • Budget: An itemized list of how funds will be used.
  • Organization Information: Background information that establishes credibility and capacity to complete the project.
  • Conclusion: Briefly recap the proposal’s key points, reinforcing the project’s importance and your organization’s capacity to successfully implement it.

3. Focus on the Need

Your proposal should clearly articulate the problem or need your project addresses. Use data and research to back up your statements and show the funder why this issue is important.

This section should evoke a sense of urgency and demonstrate that your project can effectively address this need. Be sure to present a compelling narrative that connects the need to real-world impacts, illustrating the consequences of inaction and the benefits of timely intervention.

Detailing the specific populations or ecosystems affected and citing recent studies or statistics not only validates the significance of the need but also positions your organization as well-informed and capable of handling the challenge.

Furthermore, by articulating a clear, direct connection between the funder’s objectives and your project’s aims, you enhance the relevance of your grant proposals, making it more compelling to the decision-makers.

4. Define Clear Goals and Objectives

grant proposals

Clearly state what your project intends to achieve. Goals should be broad, long-term aims, and objectives should be narrow, specific, and measurable. This clarity helps the funder understand your project’s scope and the specific outcomes you aim to achieve, which makes your grant proposals more compelling.

5. Develop a Detailed Project Plan

This is where you outline how you intend to achieve your objectives. Include a timeline, the specific activities to be completed, and who will be responsible for each activity. This section should convey a realistic and well-thought-out plan that instills confidence in your ability to manage the project .

Elaborate on the resources you will need, including any tools, technologies, or support services that are essential to project execution. Additionally, delineate the milestones you expect to reach throughout the project duration, providing clear markers of progress that align with your goals.

This level of detail not only demonstrates your thorough preparation but also reassures the funder that your organization has the competence and foresight to navigate any challenges that may arise.

By presenting a robust, actionable plan, you effectively communicate your commitment to making the project a success and your accountability in using the funder’s resources responsibly.

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6. include a comprehensive budget.

grant proposals

The budget should be detailed, realistic, and justified. It should clearly align with your project activities and reflect a prudent use of funds. Be sure to include a narrative that explains each budget item. This transparency helps build trust with the funder.

7. Make Your Case Compelling

Use persuasive language to make your case. While your grant proposals should be based on facts and evidence, remember that conveying a compelling story can also capture the funder’s interest.

Show how your project will change lives, improve systems, or transform communities. Incorporate testimonials or case studies from past initiatives that demonstrate your organization’s impact and expertise.

These narratives can humanize your data, giving a face and a story to the numbers and making the outcomes of your proposed work more relatable and tangible.

Moreover, explain the broader implications of your project: discuss how the changes you propose will lead to significant societal, environmental, or economic benefits.

This approach helps the funder visualize the ripple effects of their investment, further solidifying the value and urgency of your proposal.

By intertwining factual data with emotive storytelling, you can engage the funder on both intellectual and emotional levels, making a memorable and persuasive case for your project.

8. Revise and Proofread

grant proposals

Grant proposals that are well-written and error-free reflect your organization’s professionalism and attention to detail. Before submitting, revise your proposal several times and have it proofread by someone who can provide a fresh perspective.

9. Follow Submission Guidelines

Carefully review the submission guidelines provided by the funder. Adhering to these guidelines is crucial as failure to do so can lead to your proposal being disqualified before it is even reviewed.

Crafting winning grant proposals is a crucial skill that can significantly impact your organization’s ability to fund and execute projects. By aligning your proposal with funder priorities, articulating a clear need, and detailing a sound project plan and budget, you increase your chances of success.

Remember, the key to effective grant writing is not just in following a template but in understanding how to tell your project’s story in a way that engages funders and clearly shows the value of your work.

As you apply these tips and refine your approach, each proposal becomes an opportunity to learn and improve, enhancing your ability to secure funding and make a meaningful difference in your community and beyond.

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how to write proposal to get funding

How to Create a Startup Funding Proposal: 8 Samples and Templates to Guide You

how to write proposal to get funding

Being a founder is difficult. Managing the day-to-day as a founder while trying to secure capital for your business can almost feel impossible. Thankfully, there are different tools and techniques that founders can use to systemize their fundraise to focus on what truly matters, building their business.

One of those tools is a startup funding proposal. In this guide, we’ll break down what a startup funding proposal is and how you can leverage it to build momentum in your fundraise.

What Is a Startup Funding Proposal?

A startup funding proposal is a document that helps startup founders share an overview of their business and make the case for why they should receive funding. A startup funding proposal can be boiled down to help founders layout 3 things:

  • What — what does your startup do
  • How — how does your startup or product help customers accomplish what they are seeking
  • Why — why does your startup need funding and why should an investor fund your business

Related Resource: How to Write a Business Plan For Your Startup

Types of Startup Funding Proposals

Like any business document, there are many ways to approach a startup funding proposal. Ultimately it will come down to pulling the pieces and tactics that work best for your business. Investors are seeing hundreds, if not thousands, of deals a month so it is important to have your assets buttoned up to move quickly and build conviction during a raise. Check out a couple of popular types of funding proposals below:

Traditional Startup Funding Proposal

The most traditional or “standard” standard funding proposal is generally a written and visual document that is created using word processing software and/or design tools.

A traditional proposal is great because it allows you to share context with every aspect of your business. For example, if you include a chart of growth you’ll be able to explicitly write out why that was and what your plan is for future growth.

This document is generally designed to fit your brand and will hit on the key components of your business is structured and predictable way. We hit on what to include in your proposal below.

Startup Funding Proposal Pitch or Presentation

The most common approach we see to a fundraise or proposal is the pitch deck. Pitch decks take the same components as any proposal and fit them into a visual pitch deck that can be easily navigated and understood by a potential investor.

Pitch decks are not required by investors by are generally expected and are a great tool that can help you efficiently close your round. To learn more about building your pitch deck, check out a few of our key resources below:

  • Tips for Creating an Investor Pitch Deck
  • 18 Pitch Deck Examples for Any Startup
  • Our Teaser Pitch Deck Template

1-on-1 Proposals (Elevator Pitch)

A 1 on 1 proposal or an elevator pitch is the quickest version of any proposal. Every founder should have an elevator pitch in their back pocket and is a complementary tool to any of the other funding proposals mentioned here.

As the team at VestBee puts it, “Elevator pitch” or “elevator speech” is a laconic but compelling introduction that can be communicated in the amount of time it takes someone to ride an elevator, usually around 30 seconds. It can serve you for fundraising purposes, personal introduction, or landing a prospective client.”

Email Proposal

Another common way to share a startup funding proposal via email. While the content might be similar to what is seen in a “traditional” funding proposal this allows you to hit investors where they spend their time – their inbox.

The format will follow a traditional proposal with less emphasis on visual aspects and more emphasis on the written content. Check out an example from our Update Template Library below:

Related Resource: How to Write the Perfect Investment Memo

Investor Relationship Hub

Lastly, there is an investor relationship hub or data room that can be used to share your proposal with potential investors. A hub is a great place to curate multiple documents or assets that will be needed during your fundraise. For example, you could share your funding proposal and your financials if they are requested by a potential investor.

Related Resource: What Should be in an Investor Data Room?

What to Include in Your Startup Funding Proposal

How you share your funding proposal might differ but ultimately the components are generally closely related from one proposal to the next. However, be sure that you are building this for your business. There is no prescriptive template that will work for every business.

how to write proposal to get funding

Project Summary

First things first, you’ll want to start with a summary of your project or your business. This can be a high-level overview of what your proposal encompasses and will give an investor the context they need for the rest of the proposal. A couple of ideas that are worth hitting on:

  • What your company does and how it’s different from existing solutions to pressing problems.
  • Existing market gaps and how your product covers them.
  • The importance of your product in your industry and how it improves the industry.
  • Existing resources and manpower, investment requirements, and potential limitations.

Current Performance and Financial Report

Of course, investors want to see how your business has been performing. The data and metrics around your business are generally how an investor builds conviction and further interest in your business. We suggest using your best judgment when it comes to the level of metrics or financials that you’d like to share. A couple examples of what you might share:

  • Current assets and liabilities
  • MVP presentation for companies still in the ideation stage
  • Appendix with financial reports

Related Resource: ​​ Building A Startup Financial Model That Works

Existing Investors and Partners

Inevitably investors will want to know who else you have raised capital from and partnered with in the past. Include a brief description of the different investors you have on your cap table and be ready to field additional questions if they have any.

Pro tip: The first place an investor will go to when performing due diligence is your current investors. Make sure you have a strong relationship and good communication with your current investors.

Market Study and Sales Goals

Investors will also care about your customer acquisition efforts and want to make sure you can repeatably find and close new customers. A couple of things that might be important to include in this section:

  • Product pricing and information
  • Revenue targets and goals
  • Customer acquisition model and efforts
  • Sales and marketing related KPIs
  • Stories or testimonials from happy customers

Current Valuation, Investment Requirements, and Expected Returns

This is an opportunity to lay out your cap table and explain your current valuation, investment requirements, and what future valuations could look like. As always, we suggest using your best judgment when it comes to what level of detail you’d like to share about your cap table.

Potential Pitfalls and Solutions

There is an inherent risk when investing in any startup. It is important to make sure potential investors are aware of this. Layout the common pitfalls your startup might face and stop you from achieving your goals. Next, lay out the solutions to these problems and how you plan to tackle them if/when they arise.

8 Startup Funding Proposal Samples and Templates

Below are 8 proposal templates to help you kick off your next fundraise. Note that some of these are technically investor updates and not designed for first-time fundraising. Keep in mind that a startup funding proposal could also be utilized for additional funding after the first round of funding.

1. An Investment Summary Template by Underscore VC

how to write proposal to get funding

Underscore VC is a seed-stage venture fund based out of Boston. As the team at Underscore writes :

“As part of this, we strongly recommend you write out a pitch narrative before you start to build a pitch deck. “Writing the prose forces you to fill in the gaps that can remain if you just put bullets on a slide,” says Lily Lyman, Underscore VC Partner. “It becomes less about how you present, and more about what you present.”

This exercise can help you synthesize your thoughts, smooth transitions, and craft a logical, compelling story. It also helps you include all necessary information and think through your answers to tough questions.

Check out the template here .

2. The Visible “Standard” Investor Update Template

Our Standard investor update template is great for communicating with existing investors. If you are regularly sending Updates to their investors they should know when you are beginning to raise capital again and can almost be treated as an investment proposal.

Check out the template for our standard investor update template here .

3. Sharing a Fundraising Pitch via Video

how to write proposal to get funding

Videos are a great way to give the right context to the right investors in a concise and quick way. Video is a great supporting tool for any other information or documents you might be sending over. For example, you can include a few charts or metrics and some company information and use the video to further explain the data and growth plans. Check out the template here .

4. Financial Funding Proposal

The team at Revv put together a plug-and-play financial funding proposal. As they wrote, “A funding proposal must provide details of your company’s financials to obtain the right amount of funding. Check out our funding proposal template personalized for your business.” Check out the template here .

5. Investor Proposal Template for SaaS Companies

The team at Revv put together a template to help founders grab the attention of investors. As they wrote, “With so many Investing Agencies, this Investor proposal will surely leave an impact on your company in the long run.” Check out the template here .

6. Startup Funding Proposal Sample has created a downloadable funding proposal template that can be edited using any tool. As they wrote, “Get your business idea off the ground by winning investors for your business through this Startup Investment Proposal. Fascinate investors with how you are going to get your business into the spotlight and explain in vivid detail your goals or target for the business.” Check out the template here .

7. Simple Proposal Template

Best Templates has created a generic proposal template that can be molded to fit most use cases. As they wrote, “Use this Simple Proposal Template for any of your proposal needs. This 14-page proposal template is easily editable and fully customizable using any chosen application or program that supports MS Word or Pages file formats.”

8. Sample Investment Proposal for Morgan Stanley

Another example is from the team at Morgan Stanley. The template is commonly used by their team and can be applied to most proposal use cases.

Connect With More Investors and Tell Your Story With Visible

Being able to tie everything together and build a strategy for your fundraise will be an integral part of your fundraising success. Check out how Visible can help you every step of the way below:

Visible Connect — Finding the right investors for your business can be tricky. Using Visible Connect, filter investors by different categories (like stage, check size, geography, focus, and more) to find the right investors for your business. Give it a try here .

Pitch Deck Sharing — Once you’ve built out your target list of investors, you can start sharing your pitch deck with them directly from Visible. You can customize your sharing settings (like email gated, password gated, etc.) and even add your own domain. Give it a try here .

Fundraising CRM — Our Fundraising CRM brings all of your data together. Set up tailored stages , custom fields , take notes, and track activity for different investors to help you build momentum in your raise. We’ll show how each individual investor is engaging with your Updates, Decks, and Dashboards. Give it a try here .

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how to write proposal to get funding

How To Draft A Financial Funding Proposal For Your Project

Financial Funding Proposal

Most organizations are dependent on either government or donor funding . But in order to get financing, you will have to send a proposal . This is where learning how to write a  financial funding proposal  can be useful.

If you don’t know how to do this, our step-by-step guide should help you start your proposal. 

Table of Contents

How to Write a Financial Funding Proposal

A financial funding proposal is a written document that serves as a formal request for funding a certain aspect of the organization. This proposal usually contains the following information:

  • Amount of money requested
  • How will the money be utilized
  • Expected returns

The process of drafting financial funding proposals can be learned easily. You just have to make sure to use the proposal as a fundamental management tool. With a proposal in place, you can achieve the following:

  • Write down the facts objectively and clearly
  • Clearly identify products, suppliers, and markets
  • Create a lasting impression
  • Serve as a guideline to measure results
  • Let you see your chances of success

Free Financial Funding Proposal Template

One of the good things about technology is that you don’t have to know how to create a financial funding proposal from scratch. There are several places where you can easily download a template and customize it according to what you need. 

how to write proposal to get funding

Financial Funding Proposal

What to Include When Writing a Financial Funding Proposal

There are three main things to include when writing the document:

  • Description of the organization
  • Management information
  • Overview of project implementation

You can also follow this structure in your financial funding proposal creation:

This part of your proposal should include the title of the proposal, your business name, proposal date, business address, and contact details. 

Executive summary

Since this is the most important part of the proposal, it needs to catch the attention of your reader. Just like its name suggests, it is an overview of the entire plan. It helps decision-makers get a quick look into your proposal and see whether it interests them. 

Even though this is in one of the first pages of the document, it is actually written at the very end so that the whole essence of the plan can be summarized. 

Organizational overview

The next section of your proposal should include the following information:

  • Your organization’s background, goal, purpose
  • Services and products offered
  • Achievements and track record
  • Contactable references
  • Core funders/donors
  • Management information and structure
  • Organization chart

Project details

Next, you will proceed with the project details. Include what your overall goal is and state the purpose of the project. Don’t forget to include specific objectives that need to be done to implement the project.  

Implementation plan and budget

Your proposal should also include your implementation plan and  budget . Some of the things you need to identify in this section include the following:

  • Risk assessment
  • Organizations and partnerships
  • Project communication strategy
  • Project timelines
  • Budget 

After completing the proposal, you can proofread it to make sure it contains the correct information that will help get your financial funding request approved.

Financial Funding Proposal

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Financial Funding Proposal

It’s important that your proposal gets approved by the right people. In order to do that, we’ve put together some of the common mistakes that you should avoid when writing a proposal: Don’t forget to customize your proposal

Whether you decide to write the proposal from scratch or use a template, you should always customize it. A proposal should never be a “one proposal fits all.” Make sure you research the funding agency to know how to draft a financial funding proposal that fits their agency. 

Stuff your proposal with irrelevant information

Only include relevant information that your potential stakeholders are able to relate to. Your proposal should include information relevant to the project and not something else. 

Leave out information that your donor is entitled to

Since you are requesting funding for the project, you will need to provide the right information so that it can get approved. Add any financial information that will be relevant to getting your proposal approved. 

Bombard the reader with so much documentation

While it’s good that you provide the appropriate information to your reader, you should also avoid bombarding them with so much documentation that they decide to give up.

Assume that he knows you

You should always include an introduction at the start of your proposal. Even if you personally know the donor, it’s still a good practice to make a formal introduction at the beginning of your proposal.  

How Fill Can Help Write a Financial Funding Proposal

There are plenty of tools you can use to write a proposal. But to help you save time and energy in drafting one, you can use a financial funding proposal template. Just remember to customize the template with the information relevant to your project. 

Apart from customizable templates, we have an online signature tool that you can use to sign documents on the go. Sign up for a free Fill account to start using our tools today. 

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Andria is a seasoned content writer, specializing in document management solutions and HIPAA compliance, providing valuable insights for businesses and professionals alike.


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How to Write a Grant Proposal for Your Nonprofit Organization + Template & Examples

business grant proposal

In order to get funding for your nonprofit corporation, you may find yourself writing a grant proposal to secure nonprofit grants . A great proposal can make all the difference in whether or not your nonprofit receives the money it needs. In this article, we’ll outline what should be included in your grant proposal and we’ll give you a sample template with an example of how to be successful in your proposal.

What Is a Grant Proposal?

A grant proposal is a document that requests funding from a government agency or private foundation. The proposal outlines the nonprofit’s mission and goals, as well as how the funding will be used. A grant is similar to a business plan; the key difference is that a business plan is typically presented to a private party who will fund your organization in return for debt or equity. If creating a business plan, we suggest using an AI business plan generator or a business plan builder . If creating a grant, use the nonprofit grant proposal template below.

What Should Be Included In Your Grant Proposal?

There are several key elements that should be included in your grant proposal:

-Cover Letter/Letter Of Intent: This is a letter that introduces your nonprofit and outlines its mission. It should also explain why you are requesting funding and how the money will be used.

-Executive Summary: This is a brief overview of your nonprofit and what it does. It should include information on your target population, as well as the goals of your nonprofit and how the funding will be used.

-Needs Statement: This is a statement that outlines the problems your nonprofit is trying to solve. It should include data and statistics to back up your claims.

-Program Description: This is a description of the programs and services your nonprofit offers. It should include information on who the programs serve, as well as how they are operated.

-Budget: This is a detailed budget of how the funding will be used. It should include information on salaries, overhead costs, and any other expenses.

-Evaluation Plan: This is a plan for the evaluation process that determines the success of your nonprofit programs. It should include information regarding who will be responsible for conducting the evaluation, as well as how often it will be conducted.

-References: This is a list of references that can attest to the successful work or services offered by the nonprofit organization. References can be provided by individuals, businesses, or other organizations.

-Proof Of 501(c)3 Status: Some organizations may require proof that your nonprofit is a 501(c)3 organization. The designation as a “501(c)3” nonprofit organization certifies the exemption of federal taxes for your nonprofit.

Step By Step Process of Writing a Grant Proposal

Now that you know what should be included in your proposal, it’s time to start writing. Follow these steps to ensure that your proposal is well-written and accurate:

Identify The Problem/Program That Needs Funding

The first step in writing your proposal is to identify the problem or program that needs funding. What are you trying to solve with this grant money? Be specific and use data and statistics to back up your claims.

Research Grant Options

Before you start writing your proposal, it’s important to do your research. You should have a good understanding of the organization you are applying to and what their requirements are. Additionally, you should be familiar with the grant process and what is required of you.

Gather the Required Documents

Once you have a good understanding of the grant process, it’s time to start gathering the required documents. This will vary depending on the organization you are applying to, but may include things like your nonprofit’s 501(c)3 status, financial statements, and program evaluations.

Write a Cover Letter/Letter of Intent

The cover letter or letter of intent is your nonprofit’s introduction. In this letter, you will want to explain the mission and goals of your nonprofit organization. You should also explain why you are requesting funding and how the money will be used.

Write the Rest of the Grant Proposal

Now it’s time to start writing the rest of your proposal. Begin with an executive summary that outlines your nonprofit and what it does. Then, include a needs statement that outlines the problems you are trying to solve, followed by a program description that outlines the programs and services you offer. Next, include a detailed budget of how the funding will be used. Finally, include an evaluation plan of how you will evaluate the success of your nonprofit’s programs.

Proofread and Edit Your Proposal

Once you have finished writing your proposal, it’s time to proofread and edit it. Make sure that there are no errors and that all of the required information is included. Additionally, you may want to have someone else read it over to make sure that it is clear and concise.

Finalize and Submit

After you have proofread and edited your proposal, it’s time to submit it. Follow the instructions of the organization you are applying to and submit your proposal by the deadline.

After you have submitted your proposal, it’s important to follow up. This shows that you are interested in the grant and that you are committed to the process. Additionally, it gives you an opportunity to clarify any questions or concerns that the organization may have.

Grant Proposal Template & Example

If you need some help getting started, you can use the following template as a guide. Keep in mind that this is just a general outline and you will need to tailor it to the specific organization you are applying to.

Name of Organization:

Phone Number:

Contact Name:

We are pleased to submit our grant proposal for your consideration. Our organization, (name of organization), is a non-profit (or for-profit) corporation that is dedicated to (mission statement). We are requesting funding in the amount of $ (requested amount) for our programs and services.

The money we receive from this grant will be used to fund our (program name) program. This program provides (services offered). Last year, we served a total of (number of clients served). We are expecting to serve an increased number of (clients/patients/students, etc.) this year.

Our program is unique because (explain what makes your program special or different from others). We have been in operation for (length of time) and our track record shows that we are successful at (outcomes achieved).

Our organization is run by a board of directors who are committed to our mission. We have a staff of qualified professionals who are experienced in working with (population served). Our programs are accredited by (name of accrediting body, if applicable).

Attached to this proposal, you will find our non-profit exemption status, financial statements, program evaluations, and other supporting materials. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We thank you for your time and consideration.

(Your name)

(Your title)

Check Out Our Brand-New 20 Minute Training on How to Make Money as a Grant Writer

Grant Writing 101: What is it & how do you get started?

Have you been thrown into the deep end working at a nonprofit organization and tasked to apply for grant funding for the first time? Maybe you've heard about the field, catching the buzz from a friend starting a grant writing side hustle . Or you've seen how others have pivoted their careers to launch grant writing consultant businesses.

However you found grant writing, we're glad you're here!

Grant writers are perceived to have superpowers—they know how to get free money!

Well, it's not quite that easy. There is no such thing as free money, and grant writing is a lot of hard work.

However, it is very learnable and an incredible skill set to have in your quiver. Even newcomers succeed with the right guidance and training under their belt.

This crash course in grant writing will cover everything you need to know to start approaching grant writing like a boss!

Grant Writing Essentials: Definitions & FAQs

  • Grant Writing vs. Nonprofit Fundraising

The Grant Writing Process for Beginners

Understanding the grant fundraising landscape, why grant writing is such a valuable skill.

Curious about how to get into grant writing without prior experience? Check out this video to learn more.

Let’s start with the essentials: a few grant writing definitions and frequently asked questions.

What is grant writing?

Grant writing is the process of crafting a written proposal to receive grant funding from a grant making institution in order to fund a program or project.

Grant writing involves laying out your case for why the grant will do the most good for you (or your project or organization). A stellar grant proposal will clearly show the funder that your plan is the best possible choice for accomplishing your shared goals.

Think of grant writing like making a pitch to investors or lenders but to receive funding that you won’t need to pay back.

That begs the question…

What are grants?

A grant is a financial award to support a person, organization, project, or program. It is intended to achieve a specific goal or purpose. Nonprofits can use grants to complete projects, run programs, provide services, or continue running a smooth operation.

Great, now where is all of this money coming from?

Who provides grant funding?

Typically, grants are awarded to organizations from grant making institutions (also called grantors ). These include foundations, corporations, and government agencies.

Grantors provide grants to help further their goals in their communities (or around the country or world) and to support other organizations that do on-the-ground work. These goals are typically philanthropic or social in nature, but grants might also be offered for educational, scientific, or any other purpose.

Grants usually come with very specific guidelines for what the money can and can’t be used for, as well as rules for how the “winner” of the grant (or the grantee ) will report on its progress. When a grant has specific guidelines, we call these funds restricted . Restricted funding means they can only be used for the purposes laid out in the proposal and specified by the funder.

So, can anybody and everybody get grant money?

Who is eligible for grant funding?

Many different types of organizations are eligible to write proposals and apply for grant funding. Most notably, 501(c) nonprofit organizations that have IRS Letters of Determination (basically any type of legit nonprofit).

More specifically, these types of organizations are eligible for grants through grant writing:

  • Nonprofits/public charities with IRS-recognized status
  • Unincorporated community groups with fiscal sponsors
  • Tribal organizations (and sometimes housing authorities)
  • Faith-based organizations (which sometimes must provide direct social services depending on the grantor’s guidelines)
  • Local governments

Exciting, right? Grants can do a lot of good for organizations of all sizes. But who’s doing the work?

Who does the actual grant writing and drafts the proposal?

All different kinds of folks! Each organization finds their sweet spot for getting the work done. Grant proposals can be written by:

  • Employees of eligible organizations
  • Volunteers lending their time
  • Freelance grant writers providing a contract-based service
  • Grant writing consultants who provide organizations with ongoing help through retainer contracts

Successful grant writing leads to positive impacts on real people and real communities. Grant writers put in the elbow grease because they care about charitable organizations and their missions. They want to see their communities thrive.

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How do you learn grant writing?

Grant writing is a set of specific skills and processes, so it can be taught and learned like any other subject.

There are a few different avenues you can explore to level up your grant writing skills.

  • DIY Method: You can binge-watch YouTube content to pick up the bits and pieces of grant writing. This is certainly a cost-effective method! However, factoring in the stress of reinventing the wheel while riding the struggle bus of going it alone, you’re spending more time (and $$) in the long run to learn grant writing skills.
  • Higher-Ed Programs: Several universities offer certifications in nonprofit management, but most do not focus solely on grant writing. For a semester or two, the curriculum will teach you the ins and outs of nonprofit organizations, which includes grant writing. These courses include a university certificate for formal education. The downside, however, is that university programs fall short of helping students bridge the gap between learning the material and actually applying it—in other words, getting paid tp use your newly acquired knowledge in the field.
  • Online Courses: There’s a wide variety of online courses to help you learn how to become a grant writer. Online education is flexible for those who are looking to add grant writing as a new skill set on top of a full-time schedule (life, work, etc.) or level up their skills. Yes, even if you’re an in-house grant writer working with a nonprofit organization, professional training is applicable. You can check out a roundup of the best grant writing classes here.

Curious about how to break into grant writing without prior experience and with no added debt? The Global Grant Writers Collective is the only program of its kind to show you how to be a world-class grant writer while also building a flexible, fulfilling life you love.

Grant Writing vs. Non Profit Funding

We’ve covered all the basics, but there’s a bit more important context to understand as you launch your grant writing journey.

You know that grants provide funding to organizations to do good work in their communities, but how does this relate to the bigger concept of fundraising?

TL;DR — Grant Writing vs. Fundraising

Fundraising is how you raise money for your organization. Grant writing is one type of fundraising activity. Grant writing includes asking foundations or government entities for support while other fundraising activities usually target individual donors.

What is nonprofit fundraising?

Fundraising is generally defined as the process of soliciting financial support for a cause or project.

Central to the idea of fundraising is the collection of cash donations (although all kinds of assets can be donated). Donations can be collected immediately or over months or years, as is the case for long-term pledges of large donations to capital campaigns.

Fundraising is an essential way for most nonprofits to bring in revenue for their missions. Monies raised through general fundraising activities are often referred to as unrestricted funds and can be used for any expenses, such as staff salaries or rent. Donors can also require that their money be used in a specific (or restricted) way.

Who fundraises, and what do you need to do it?

Nonprofits are the most common group to fundraise. However, other groups like those adorable Girl Scouts selling their highly addictive cookies (our greatest weakness 😋) and people raising funds for mission trips are eligible for fundraising, too.

The only thing you technically need to fundraise is trust from your donors. But when you represent an organization, establishing trust means getting official with a 501(c)(3) designation and publishing an annual report.

Remember that fundraising isn’t so much about asking for money as it is about inviting others who have a passion for what you do to join you in your mission. Once you find them, you can do that work together—the beauty of fundraising!

How is grant writing different from fundraising?

As you can already tell, fundraising has a much broader definition than grant writing.

Fundraising can take many forms, and grant writing falls under that umbrella.

Fundraising usually refers to generating cash donations by:

  • Building relationships with individual donors
  • Holding fundraising events
  • Making public appeals for donations and marketing your organization to the community

When you submit a proposal for a grant, it’s a one-on-one targeted pitch to a funder. You understand their past giving history. You’ve vetted them for mission alignment, and your project meets their goals for impact. The relationship between you and the funder is more formalized (though there is room for personal relationships over time).

With fundraising through individual donors, not through a grant, your approach is less formal. You likely don’t need a lengthy proposal, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a plan. To fundraise from individual donors, you may be soliciting funds from individuals whose circumstances and philanthropic interests are largely unknown to you. Your approach can usually be applied to a wider audience, whereas grant writing targets one organization with specific guidelines.

In either case, relationship-building and strategies like prospect research are very important for nonprofits.

Then what do grant writing and fundraising have in common? In both cases, you need to do research, pursue leads, prepare talking points, evaluate opportunities, and cultivate relationships. The essence of both practices is the same. What is different is the target and approach.

With all the context out of the way, let’s get to the meat and potatoes. How do you actually write a grant proposal? What are the key steps to follow?

Here it is: our signature 7-step process for writing a winning grant. We’ll summarize the key points to understand for each step, but please check out our longer grant writing process explainer for a deep dive into the nitty gritty.

  • Follow your North Star (the funding guidelines). A funder will provide guidelines for their grant that all applicants need to follow to be considered. Think of these as instructions. Guidelines can vary a lot from one grant to another, so it’s important to never take them for granted (see what we did there?). Download, print, read, and reread the guidelines.
  • Prepare your narrative skeleton. Every grant should tell a story, but sitting down to write a prizewinning story on a blank page is a lot easier said than done. Give yourself an easier start by outlining your proposal based on the funding guidelines themselves. These are the questions you’ll have to answer, so bake them into your story from the very start. Simple bullet points will do here—no need to lock down full sentences just yet.
  • Host a kick-off meeting. Gather everyone involved in the project to get on the same page. These are all the people who’ll provide you with the information you need for the grant as well as those who’ll be involved in running the project that it funds. Remember, everyone loves an organized meeting—send an agenda and your narrative skeleton in advance, then a summary of action items after, plus an invite to a progress check-in meeting.
  • Finalize your grant budget. Next, you need to know how much the project you’re proposing will cost to complete—this budget will impact all other parts of your application. For example, funders often ask for a “budget narrative” that explains how you determined your final numbers. Some grants are structured to provide a percentage of your total costs rather than a flat sum. Grab a copy of our free grant budget template when you’re ready!
  • Write your narrative fast and furiously. With your budget in hand, now’s the time to start putting pen to paper (or fingers to keys). Review your grant guidelines again, and start filling in your narrative skeleton with the details it needs to paint a compelling picture. We could go on and on with all the tips and hacks we’ve learned—check them out in Step 5 of our grant writing process guide.
  • Prep your key attachments. Funders usually want more than just your perfectly written document. They often ask for additional attachments like separate budget documents, a resolution, and letters of support. Some attachments, like resolutions, can take a long time to get finalized, which is why understanding your guidelines early is so important so that you can get the ball rolling quickly.
  • Review and submit your grant! Phew—you made it! But you’re not done yet. Reviewing and double-checking your proposal is a must, and it should be done by an independent reviewer who hasn’t been knee-deep in the process like you. Collect and discuss their feedback, make changes, review one last time, and then hit submit (ideally a day or two before the deadline). After the adrenaline wears off, take the afternoon off.

There’s no magic formula for writing a winning grant—your proposal should always be tailored to that unique grant and funder—but there are best practices and principles that give you a reliable roadmap to follow each time. Our 7-step grant writing process condenses a ton of them into one digestible process, but for an even closer look, join our free grant writing class!

Free Grant Writing Trainings

These how-to videos offer a smattering of webinar replays from our online grant writing training and feature topics such as working remotely, project management, fundraising, and how to utilize the Freedom of Information Act for federal funding.

Essential Grant Writing Tips for Newcomers

Once you’ve mastered the steps above, you’re probably wondering how to actually put rubber to the road and get started. Here are our top 5 recommendations:

  • Find a real project to work on! Try identifying a real grant opportunity and approaching a nonprofit in your community. Or if that idea terrifies you—we get it—you can start slower with sample projects and training courses.
  • Commit to excellence in project management. Grant writing is complicated, no way around it. Familiarize yourself with project management best practices and you can stay organized and energized.
  • Fake it until you make it. Imposter syndrome is very real, and even experienced grant writers deal with it. But don’t let it hold you back. When you invest in your grant writing skills and get real-world practice, you have something worth sharing. Build some momentum and see how far you can go!
  • Have a process mindset. When you pull the mask off the big hairy grant writing monster, you’ll find it’s really just a big stack of steps and processes—learnable steps and processes. Master these, and you’ll have a reliable framework for success.
  • Don’t be stubborn (said with love). Trying to go it alone when learning grant writing leads to more mistakes and wasted time and money. Grant writing is a craft, after all, and there’s a lot to be gained from connecting with fellow grant writers.

P.S. Want more grant writing videos like this one? There’s more where that came from.

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If you’re new to grant writing (or even considering turning it into a side hustle), it’s important to understand the big picture. Why do grants matter?

Grants make up a considerable chunk of nonprofits’ operating revenue.

According to Nonprofit Impact Matters , the nonprofit sector generates roughly 31.8% of its revenue from government sources (including both grants and paid contracts) and 2.9% from foundations in the form of grants.

It’s generally recommended that grant funding should provide 10-20% of a nonprofit’s total annual budget.

Funding from foundations is growing.

Total giving from foundations reached $105.21 billion in 2022, a 2.5% increase from the year before, and it’s part of a continued upward trend. Put another way, foundations provided 21% of total giving to nonprofits , or $1 of every $5 given to charity.

This is one of only a few areas that saw growth when adjusted for inflation. Family foundations (founded by families as a way to better manage their philanthropic activities) and corporate foundations have led the charge.

Grants are an important part of a safe revenue mix.

Nonprofits need to have diversified revenue streams so that they can rely on other ways to generate money when one shrinks or dries up.

Grants are an essential part of this equation, especially as a turbulent economy causes individual donors to rein in their spending. Case in point—the 2023 Giving USA Report found that giving from individuals declined 6.4% in 2022 (or 13.4%, when adjusted for inflation), a finding that sent shockwaves through the nonprofit world.

But when a nonprofit has a sturdy fundraising program, grant writing process, and an active grant opportunity pipeline, it becomes much easier to weather the storms and keep on doing the good work their communities need.

This leads us to a logical conclusion (which you might have already caught onto)...

Grant writing is an incredibly valuable skill because:

  • It’s always in demand.
  • It helps nonprofits secure the diverse funding they need to thrive.
  • It drives on-the-ground good by funding projects and programs.

Competition for grants will only get tougher as giving from foundations grows and donor habits keep changing in the coming years.

The right unicorn of a grant writer can make a world of difference for nonprofit missions of all sizes and build the fulfilling career they want: a win-win!

Study up on grant writing best practices. Stretch your grant writing muscles by taking a free class or investing in more lessons, coaching, and community (like through the Global Grant Writers Collective ).

Whether you’re looking to win more funding for your nonprofit or break out into a new freelance field, anyone can succeed with grant writing with the right preparation and practice.

Want to learn more? We know you do. We recommend these additional resources:

  • Can I Make Money as a Grant Writer?
  • Three Possible Career Paths Through Grant Writing Training
  • Why Start a Side Hustle Grant Writing?
  • Grant Writing for Nonprofits: Our Top 10 Tips
  • Tips for Writing Your First Draft of a Grant Narrative
  • Top Mistakes Grant Applicants Make (And How to Avoid Them)
  • A Review of the Top 10 Grant Databases

Free Grant Writing Class

Learn the 7-steps to write a winning grant application and amplify the impact you have on your community.

About the author...

Alexis Swenson serves as Unicorn Coach and Content Director for Learn Grant Writing. The product of small-town northwestern Minnesota, she is a self-declared “old soul” and grounded free spirit. She has secured over $2.7 million in grant funding in her career. Alexis writes to help people learn, laugh, and not be so hard on themselves.

Want To Learn More?

We made this video to answer your questions about how to build a career in grant writing without the fear of where you will find clients or the fear of failure. We cover the top three mistakes that keep people from making the leap from a soul-sucking job to something more meaningful.

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How to Write a Grant Proposal

Last Updated: January 22, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Michelle Golden, PhD . Michelle Golden is an English teacher in Athens, Georgia. She received her MA in Language Arts Teacher Education in 2008 and received her PhD in English from Georgia State University in 2015. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,259,262 times.

True grants can be very difficult to find and harder still to get. It may not be easy to find the right grant, but when you do, properly completing the grant application will be your biggest challenge. Most grant applications ask for similar information, but they often have different formats. Some will have a list of questions. Others will ask for a “narrative”—the story of your project. Whether it's for a business or organization, writing a grant proposal is a skill that you can learn.

Sample Grant Proposal Documents

how to write proposal to get funding

Getting Started

Step 1 Read the grant application carefully.

  • Assess the purpose the grant is intended to fulfill. Throughout the process, you'll want to make sure to highlight your organization's contribution to this purpose, both in the past and in the present. [2] X Trustworthy Source Kansas University Center for Community Health and Development Community-based research center focused on supporting public health development and education Go to source
  • For example, if the grant is intended to promote education, you'll want to make sure to highlight your organization's educational activities, donations, etc.
  • Before you start writing—brainstorm. What are the strong points of your organization? Your program? What are your best arguments and examples? These ideas give you a place to start writing. [3] X Research source

Step 2 Write a summary statement.

  • Who you are, explained as if the grantor has never heard of your organization before. [4] X Research source
  • What your project is, and specifically what you plan to do.
  • How much you’re asking for, and exactly what you'll use the money for. [5] X Research source
  • If the grant requires an abstract, this summary statement will serve as your first draft.

Step 3 Create an outline.

  • Expand each point as needed to fully explain each section.
  • Use the grantor's request for proposals (RFP) or criteria as the basis. The outline should follow, painstakingly, the sequence and terms prescribed by the grantor.

Step 4 Determine if your proposal is the type of project the grantor actually funds.

  • The truth is that grantors are usually very specific in what they are looking for (and sometimes a bit odd, but that's their choice), and will rarely deviate from their category.
  • You may have the very best purple widget in the world, but if the grant is only for the producers of red widgets, you won't get the grant.

Writing Your Proposal

Step 1 Write the first draft.

  • Look at your brainstorm ideas and your outline, and start with the questions that you have the most answers for. If you get stuck on one question, work on another one for a while. [8] X Research source
  • Focus on the parts of your project that they’ll like best—use their guidelines for clues. For example, if they're partial to environmental responsibility, and part of your project is using renewable resources for energy, make that stand out.
  • Where appropriate, highlight your organization's partnerships with other groups. This builds credibility and legitimacy.

Step 2 Clearly lay out specific goals.

  • If you say, for example, "I want this grant so that I can help the community," you won't get nearly the credibility as you would by saying "This grant will allow us to buy two new computers, and create two part-time paid staff positions in an area where jobs for high school students are very difficult to find."

Step 3 Make it shine.

  • You can use the key words and phrases you underlined in the application. But don’t worry about getting fancy—just say what you have to say, briefly and clearly.
  • Review your original summary. Make sure it exactly reflects the proposal you've actually written—your ideas might have changed!

Step 4 Review the proposal and the requirements.

  • If it says that the grant must be submitted via the online form, don't even bother to ask if you can send it via fax.
  • Unlike employment applications, in which it sometimes pays to be original, grant committees have rules in place for a specific reason, and they expect them to be followed to the letter. To do otherwise may mean that your application will be disqualified before it ever gets read.

Step 5 Proofread carefully.

  • Take time to have at least two people proofread your proposal before you submit it—and then read it out loud to yourself to make sure. [13] X Research source Some say reading something from back to front is a good way to catch errors you might otherwise miss, but do whatever you must to make certain you are submitting a flawless document.

Step 6 Do a reality check.

  • If they cannot explain what you are trying to do, chances are the grants committee won't either, and they won't fund what they can't comprehend.

Adding Required Support Documentation

Step 1 Define the project's budget.

  • In a grant proposal, guessing won’t make it. If a grant reviewer suspects that your financial sheet is not accurate, they don't have either the time or the inclination to do the research—you just lost the grant.
  • Find out exactly what kind of equipment, labor, and anything else you are going to need, and exactly what the cost will be so you can spell it out in the proposal.

Step 2 Produce a budget summary.

  • Typically, you will allocate the summary across several columns of information: total project cost, amount sought from the funder, and the matching funds you are contributing.
  • Grantors are more likely to consider proposals that show the applicant is also has a stake in the outcome.
  • Do not use a line called "other expenses" unless you fully explain it.

Step 3 Create a budget justification.

  • In all circumstances, make sure your amounts balance out, meaning that everything adds up to the same numbers throughout the proposal.

Step 4 Show that your participation matters.

Finalizing Your Application

Step 1 Add a cover letter.

  • Your cover letter will, in many cases, provide your grantor with their first impression of you. You should invest as much time and care in the cover letter as the other parts of the document.

Step 2 Proofread everything—again.

  • Keep a look out for small details, such as a "there" that should be "their," an "it's" that should be "its," or a word that is commonly misspelled.

Step 3 Double check everything.

Following Up

Step 1 Give it a little time.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • It's a good idea to apply for grants from several sources, as any individual grant is likely to either not come through, or provide only part of the funds you've requested. [20] X Trustworthy Source University of North Carolina Writing Center UNC's on-campus and online instructional service that provides assistance to students, faculty, and others during the writing process Go to source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If you really want the money, then spend the time to put it together correctly, without shortcuts. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Give yourself enough time. Don't throw the proposal together in order to meet the deadline because it shows. A good proposal package takes time to assemble and research properly. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Michelle Golden, PhD

If you need to write a grant proposal to apply for a grant, start by carefully reading the grant application. Highlight any questions you must answer and materials you must include in your proposal. When you’re ready to start writing, open with a one-paragraph statement summarizing who you are, what your project is, how much you’re asking for, and what you’ll use the money for. Next, go into detail about each step of your plan, using the grantor’s request for proposals, or RFP, as a guideline. For tips from our reviewer on how to produce a budget summary, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How do I write a grant proposal for my individual project? Where can I find samples?

Few proposal writing resources are specifically for individual grantseekers. Foundations that give to individuals have highly specific criteria, so creating a comprehensive "how-to" guide is hard.

If you don't qualify, don't apply

Remember one important rule: If you don't qualify, don't apply. Approach only foundations that have demonstrated interest in your field and geographic area. These funders are more likely to consider your proposal.

Parts of a grant proposal

Your proposal should be a compelling presentation of your project, which includes reasonable objectives, a plan to achieve them, and your ability to carry out the plan. Your proposal should suggest that you are a potential partner in furthering the funder's mission, not just a person asking for money.

Click here if the funder has asked you to provide an artist's statement.

Proposals from individuals usually do not exceed five single-spaced pages, in addition to the cover letter and the budget. Below is a typical breakdown:

Cover Letter: Written specifically to the appropriate contact person at the foundation. 1 page.

Abstract (also known as executive summary): Describes concisely the information that will follow. 250 words or fewer.

Introduction: Helps to establish your credibility as a grant applicant. 1 sentence to 2 paragraphs.

Statement of Need: Describes a problem and explains why you require a grant to address the issue. 1 page.

Objectives: Refine your idea and tell exactly what you expect to accomplish in response to the need. 1 page.

Methods: What you will do to accomplish your objectives within a stated time frame. 1 page.

Evaluation: Measures your results and effectiveness. This should correspond to your objectives. 1 page.

Future Funding: Details feasible plans to sustain your project. This applies only if the project will run indefinitely. 1 paragraph.

Budget: Itemized list of income and expenses that shows precisely how much money you will need and how you will spend it to accomplish your objectives. 1 page.

To learn more about how to prepare each section listed above, and how to write proposals in general, check out the following training resources. Although the trainings were created for nonprofit organizations, much of the content can be applied to individual grantseekers:

  • Introduction to Proposal Writing , available free as an online webinar or in-person class.
  • Proposal Writing : Browse trainings, articles, videos, and more on this topic.

See also "Document Checklist for Grant Proposals" , a 3-part blog post series that covers the many types of documents often needed during this process.

Sample Proposals

Sample grant proposals for individual projects are hard to find. Applicants want to guard their ideas, and a proposal is very specific to the project and donor.

Sample proposals from nonprofit organizations might help, in terms of how to write the sections required from both individual and nonprofit grantseekers, like the statement of need. Also, some resources below link to sample proposals from individual grantseekers.

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Explore resources curated by our staff for this topic:, staff-recommended websites, on the art of writing proposals.

Eight pages of proposal writing advice for scholarly researchers.

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Grant Proposals (or Give me the money!)

This handout will help you write and revise grant proposals for research funding in all academic disciplines (sciences, social sciences, humanities, and the arts). Targeted primarily to graduate students and faculty, but also helpful to undergraduates who are seeking funding for research (e.g. for a senior thesis). Includes sample budget and project timeline.

Sample Grant Application Questions and Narrative

An excellent example from an arts nonprofit.

Sample Project Description for Young Artist Grant Proposal

2006 recipient of DC Commission on the Arts & Humanities' Young Artist Grant shares the project description from his winning proposal.

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How to Write a Winning Grant Proposal: A Nonprofit’s Guide to Securing Funding


Grants, which are funds awarded by an outside source and typically earmarked for a particular use, are incredibly valuable for nonprofit organizations to achieve their missions. In fact, it is not uncommon for organizations to rely on this type of funding to cover operating expenses, pay workers, and launch initiatives.

Common sources of grants include public and private institutions, including government departments, family trusts, foundations, and the like.

Because of the competitive nature of the grant process, it’s important to know how to write a grant proposal, how to evaluate which opportunities are worth pursuing, and how to effectively communicate your organization’s intentions.

What Is Grant Writing?

Grant writing is the application process required of an organization seeking certain financial awards. Crafting an impactful grant proposal takes compelling communication, clear language, and an understanding of the funding landscape. To start, it is useful to differentiate between funding sources and the types of grants they offer.

  • Federal grants are a way in which the U.S. government contributes to a wide range of ideas and projects that provide public services or stimulate the economy.
  • State grants vary from federal grants when it comes to administration. For example, a state grant is typically geared toward local needs as opposed to national or international causes.
  • Local (city or county) grants are useful for an even smaller scope. This level of targeted support typically involves the improvement of community development, infrastructure, public services, and individual efforts by community members.
  • Private grants can come from corporate or non-corporate entities, family trusts, foundations, financial institutions, or individuals. When it comes to these types of non-government grants, Candid keeps a global database of opportunities.

How to Write a Grant

These six steps will help you create a strong grant proposal, increasing your chances of achieving the funding and recognition that can drive your organization forward.

Dedicate ample time to analyzing your needs, including what areas of your organization will benefit from grants, exactly how much funding is needed, and realistic outcomes. You will want to thoroughly explore opportunities you qualify for, and allocate resources — time and personnel — to thoughtfully write your grant proposal.

2. Know what sets you apart

Grants are often highly sought after, so you’ll need to be well-versed on the ins and outs of what makes your organization unique and deserving. Conduct thorough research about your field, including the needs you serve and the impact you can make with grant funding. Share specific stories, testimonials, and experiences that stand out to you and the community at large that you serve.

3. Utilize facts and figures

Data will help prove your organization’s worth. Consider providing financial insights, information about existing partnerships, and budgeting outlooks. Use numbers to show the needs of populations you serve and project how beneficial grant funding will be, including plans for allocation.

4. Communicate clearly

Be highly sensitive to each and every requirement. These will vary by grant and must be followed. You’re the expert in your field, but your reader might not be. Write your grant proposal using clear, concise language without industry jargon if it’s not well-known. It’s important to also abide by any word counts or length requirements.

5. Fact-check and proofread

Get another set of eyes on the application to ensure nothing was overlooked, preferably someone with grant writing experience. Spelling errors, misrepresentations, and room for interpretation could all sway a grantor from accepting your proposal.

6. Educate yourself

For those interested in learning the latest nonprofit grant writing practices, USD offers a 100% online course focused on the step-by-step process of grant preparation, organization, and detailed evaluation. This course is best suited for nonprofit professionals and volunteers of all levels, including CEOs, executive directors, grant writers, and fundraising coordinators.

ESL mid-page CTA: eBook – 6 Common Mistakes in Nonprofit Management

Grant Writing Do’s & Don’ts

It’s probably clear by now that there are certain actions that will improve your chances of obtaining grant funding or quickly eliminate you from consideration. Here’s a simple breakdown of some of the most common habits to consider (and to avoid) when grant writing.

How do I know if I should apply for a grant?

Start by taking a close look at your organization’s circumstances — financial and otherwise — to evaluate exactly what areas need support. This will allow you to seek grant opportunities that are the right fit, also helping to ensure that you’ll stand out from other applicants.

Where do I find grant opportunities?

Resources like , , and the Council on Foundations have searchable databases of grant opportunities. Consult your local network as well to learn about any community resources that might be available.

What are grant writing best practices?

Being prepared with facts and figures to prove your organization’s needs is important. Communicating clearly, knowing the latest industry trends, and setting yourself apart are also best practices when it comes to grant writing.

Where do I learn how to write a proposal for funding?

Courses such as USD’s online Nonprofit Grant Writing are incredibly useful to stay up to date on the latest, most effective methods. Students learn how to identify grant opportunities, step-by-step processes of grant preparation, how to integrate budgeting, and more.

What makes a grant proposal stand out?

Get specific during the grant writing process about how you will use grant funds and what beneficial outcomes are imminent. Make the grantor connect with your cause, even if this is the first time they’re learning about what you do. Include standout stories and examples to paint a clear picture of your circumstances.

What are some common mistakes in grant writing?

All too often, grant proposals include unrealistic asks, industry buzzwords that lack real meaning, and too much room for interpretation. Instead, it’s best to be as straightforward as possible and make clear what good you will be able to achieve with grant funding.

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5 Essential Grant Writing Tips to Secure Funding for Nonprofits

This is a guest blog by OnBoard .

In addition to money secured through creative fundraising, nonprofits need grants to support their operations and programs. Grants provide a stable and predictable source of revenue that helps cover costs, implement new initiatives, and reach new audiences.

Nonprofits face stiff competition when it comes to securing major grants, making the grant writing process critical. In this blog, you will find grant writing best practices to maximize your chances of securing funding.

Why is Grant Writing Important?

Grants are an essential primary source of funding for nonprofit programs and operations. In addition, earning a grant can increase a nonprofit’s visibility and credibility, helping it attract additional funding and support from other sources.

The grant writing process requires nonprofits to carefully consider their goals, objectives, and strategies and develop a detailed budget and timeline. Doing so can help nonprofits better plan and prioritize their work. By providing a clear and compelling case for support, grant writing helps nonprofits demonstrate their work’s impact and hold themselves accountable for delivering results.

Failing to secure funding can have far-reaching and long-lasting impacts on a nonprofit organization, its programs, and its ability to serve its constituents and achieve its mission.

Without sufficient funding, nonprofits may be forced to reduce their programs’ scope or scale, or close programs altogether. In addition, nonprofits may have to lay off staff or reduce hours, which can impact the organization’s capacity to deliver programs and services. Lack of funds may harm the organization’s credibility and reputation, making it harder for the nonprofit to acquire funding and support from other sources in the future.

Elements of an Effective Grant Proposal

An effective grant proposal typically includes the following elements:

Title Page and Cover Letter: The grant proposal’s title page and cover letter give the funding organization a first impression of the nonprofit organization and its proposal. They should be well-written, professional, and aligned with the funding organization’s priorities and requirements.

Problem, Goals, and Objectives: The problem, goals, and objectives provide the foundation for the proposed project and help to ensure the project is focused and well-aligned with the funding organization’s priorities. They should be well-researched, clearly stated, and compelling, demonstrating a strong understanding of the problem your organization hopes to solve with the funds and a clear plan for addressing it.

Evaluation Plan: The evaluation plan provides the funding organization with a clear understanding of how the project will be monitored and assessed, and how the nonprofit organization will measure the outcome. A strong evaluation plan demonstrates that the nonprofit organization is committed to transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement.

Budget: A well-prepared budget demonstrates the project’s financial viability and helps the funding organization to understand how the nonprofit organization will use the requested funds. An accurate, transparent, and well-justified budget helps to build trust with the funding organization and increases the chances of securing funding.

Tips to Secure Funding

Tell a Good Story: Telling a compelling and persuasive story can be an effective way to secure grant funding. A well-told story can help the funding organization understand the project’s significance and the impact it will have. It can also help to build trust and create an emotional connection with the funder. When telling your nonprofit’s story, describe first-hand, authentic experiences, so funders can clearly see how their grants make a difference through your organization.

Be Concise: Being concise, while including all the required application materials is important because funding organizations receive many grant proposals and may only have a limited time to review each one. As a result, nonprofits should create a grant proposal that is easy to read, well-organized, and focuses on the most critical aspects of the project.

Target a Specific Project: Grant organizations want to know exactly how their funds will be used and that they’ll make a measurable impact. Targeting a specific project demonstrates a clear and focused plan for how the funding will be used.

Focus on Solving a Problem: Focusing on solving a specific problem suggests that the organization is committed to addressing a pressing need in the community and making a positive impact. By focusing on solving a specific problem, the organization can provide more detail, including the budget, timeline, and evaluation plan.

Hire a Grant Writer: Writing an effective grant proposal requires your team’s time, attention, and grant writing know-how. However, busy nonprofit boards and staff may not have the resources or expertise it takes to organize and strategize the grant-writing process. Such organizations can leverage the skills of a reliable grant writing consultant to streamline the process. In addition to ensuring that you submit a persuasive proposal, a consultant can also help you source high-value grant opportunities.

Supporting Fundraising at the Board Level

A nonprofit board’s main responsibility is enabling the organization to serve their communities and achieve their goals; securing funding through grants plays a vital in making that impact and success possible.

As a result, nonprofit board members should make supporting fundraising efforts a top priority.

Fundraising and grant writing requires effective planning and coordination at the board level. Download this free board meeting agenda template to keep your board meetings on track and ensure that fundraising is always a topic of discussion.

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How to Use AI Tools to Write Grant Proposals?

Dave Andre

  • May 21, 2024 Updated


Crafting a winning grant proposal can be an intimidating task. Juggling research , outlining , and persuasive writing while meeting deadlines can leave even the most seasoned grant writer feeling overwhelmed. Here’s the good news: you don’t have to do it alone.

I have gathered some of the best AI writing tools to help you brainstorm ideas, structure your proposal, and even fine-tune your writing, making the entire process smoother and less stressful so that you can easily learn how to use AI tools to write grant proposals.

Beginning your first grant proposal? Keep reading to find out how to get started!

How to Use AI Tools to Write Grant Proposals – Step-by-Step Guide

While crafting a winning proposal still requires your expertise and storytelling prowess, AI assistants can become valuable companions in your grant writing journey . Here’s a step-by-step guide using ChatGPT for grant writing:

1. Start With a Specific Prompt:

2. improve your proposal with additional information:, 3. achieve your word limit:, 4. factcheck to maintain human oversight for optimal results.

The more specific you are, the better the results you will get.

Instead of just typing in “ write a grant proposal ,” you could type in “ create a detailed grant proposal to raise funds for the underprivileged community in Mexico in order for them to access Housing Development .”


You can then ask chat GPT to update the proposal with additional information like timeline , budget , stakeholders , and key performance indicators .


Chat GPT can also help you do research for your proposal . For example, you could ask it for information on the current homeless situation in San Diego or for examples of successful housing development projects


Grant proposals often have strict word or character count limitations. AI tools can be instrumental in helping you condense your message efficiently. Utilize AI to summarize boilerplate language while preserving its core meaning.

I have drafted the following boilerplate language (paste your boilerplate text here). Please rewrite it to be concise and clear, ensuring it stays within a character limit of [desired character count]. Maintain the core message and avoid compromising clarity or professionalism.


While AI offers significant benefits , it should not replace human expertise and judgment . AI-generated content can have limitations and may require fact-checking and editing . Always maintain a critical eye on the AI output.


Ensuring accuracy , authenticity , and a compelling voice that resonates with the target audience. To achieve this, it’s crucial to humanize AI-generated text , ensuring it meets high standards of quality and engagement .

What Types of AI Tools Are Used for Grant Writing?

AI grant-writing generators have emerged as exceptionally helpful tools to streamline this process. Here are some of the best AI proposal writing tools I tried out while learning how to use AI tools to write grant proposals:

What are Grant Proposals?

Grant proposals are formal documents written to request funding for a specific project or program. They are typically submitted to organizations like government agencies , corporations , or foundations that offer grants to support initiatives aligned with their interests.

What Are the Benefits of Using AI in Grant Writing?

As a grant writer, I’m always looking for ways to streamline the process and improve my proposals . That’s why I’m excited about the benefits AI for grant writing brings to the table. Here are the benefits of how to use AI tools to write grant proposals:

  • Free Up Your Time: Let AI handle repetitive formatting, editing, and even draft sections, giving you more time to strategize.
  • Boost Success Rates: Analyze past grants and suggest improvements to craft winning proposals tailored to funders.
  • Sharpen Your Grammar: Ensure your proposal is polished and error-free with AI’s keen eye for detail.
  • Write to Impress: Get help crafting compelling language that grabs attention and convinces funders of your project’s value.

What are Some Advanced Tips for Writing Grant Proposals Using AI?

I won a competitive grant for my clinical research project, and let me tell you, Artificial Intelligence was a game-changer . Here are some advanced tips , based on my experience and learnings, while learning how to use AI tools to write grant proposals:

  •  Check the Funding Agency’s Guidelines:
  • Not all funding agencies allow the use of AI for proposals. It’s crucial to read the fine print to ensure AI-generated content is acceptable.
  • Consider Data Privacy Limitations:
  • If you provide the AI with any confidential information about your project or organization, be mindful of data privacy limitations. Make sure the AI tool you’re using has strong data security practices.
  • Don’t Use AI to Write Your Entire Grant:
  • AI is a great tool to assist, but it shouldn’t replace your expertise and voice . Grant proposals need a human touch to showcase your passion and understanding of the problem you’re addressing.
  • Craft Custom Prompts for Specific Feedback:
  • Don’t just ask the AI for generic help. Give it specific prompts to get the most out of it. For example, ask it to suggest ways to strengthen your methodology or craft a compelling introduction for a particular section.
  • Fact-Check Everything:
  • AI-generated content isn’t guaranteed to be accurate. Double-check all facts , figures, and citations before submitting your proposal. It’s essential to fact-check AI-generated content to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  • Use AI for Inspiration in Figures:
  • AI can be helpful in creating visuals like charts or graphs to represent data in your proposal. However, ensure the data itself is accurate and the visuals are clear and easy to understand.
  • Don’t Forget Human Interaction:
  • While AI can be a valuable tool, human interaction remains vital . Talk to potential funders, collaborators, and experts in your field.
  • Play and Experiment:
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment with the AI tool. Try different prompts , see what works best for you, and have fun exploring its capabilities!

What are the Challenges in Writing Grant Proposals Using AI?

  • Limited Contextual Understanding: AI can analyze data, but it might struggle to grasp the unique context of your proposal. Grant writing involves storytelling and aligning your project with the funder’s mission, something AI might miss.
  • Lack of Human Touch: Building rapport with reviewers is crucial. AI can’t replicate the emotional connection and passion a skilled writer brings, potentially weakening your proposal’s impact.
  • Ethical Concerns: Transparency is key. If you use AI, disclose it to the funder. Unclear authorship raises ethical red flags and could hurt your application.

What Are the Future Trends of AI in Grant Writing?

AI is revolutionizing grant writing , and its potential is only growing . Here’s what the future holds for you if you learn how to use AI tools to write grant proposals:

  • Streamlining Tedious Tasks: AI will become even better at handling repetitive aspects like prospect research and note-taking, freeing up grant writers for more strategic work.
  • Enhanced Research and Editing: Expect AI to excel at summarizing research materials and offering suggestions for improved clarity, grammar, and structure.
  • For instance , if you’re working on a proposal that needs to be submitted in both English and Spanish , you can use AI writing tools for multilingual content creation to ensure accurate and culturally appropriate content in both languages.
  • Focus on Nuance: However, human expertise will remain vital, especially for understanding the specific needs and values of your organization and tailoring proposals accordingly.

Get More Inspiration: Explore these How-to Guides Too:

For additional inspiration and practical advice, explore our how-to guides below:

  • How to Use AI Tools for Teachers to Save Time
  • How to Use AI to Write a White Paper
  • How to Write Scientific Papers with the Help of AI Writing Tools
  • How to Use AI Tools to Write Reflective Essays
  • How to Use AI Tools for Writing Captivating Book Reviews

Will AI replace grant proposal writers?

AI is unlikely to fully replace grant proposal writers due to the need for human insight , creativity , and a nuanced understanding of funding priorities.

Should you use AI for writing grant proposals?

AI can be a helpful tool for drafting and organizing, but human oversight is crucial to ensure accuracy and alignment with specific grant requirements.

What is the difference between a proposal and a grant proposal?

A proposal is a general term for any document suggesting a plan or idea , while a grant proposal specifically seeks funding from an organization or institution.

Are there free AI tools available for grant writing?

Yes , several free AI tools are available for grant writing, offering basic drafting and organizational features to assist in the proposal process.

Can AI tools assist in writing the budget section of a grant proposal?

Grant writing can be a troublesome task, but with the right tools, it becomes significantly more manageable. This guide has shown you how to use AI tools to write grant proposals, making the process smoother and less stressful . By leveraging AI for brainstorming , drafting , editing , and research , you can streamline your workflow and enhance the quality of your proposals.

AI becomes your partner, letting you focus on the big picture and craft a proposal that wows funders. Want to learn more about AI terms? Check out our AI glossary .

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Digital marketing enthusiast by day, nature wanderer by dusk. Dave Andre blends two decades of AI and SaaS expertise into impactful strategies for SMEs. His weekends? Lost in books on tech trends and rejuvenating on scenic trails.

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Public Scholarship and Engagement

Public Scholarship and Engagement

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Essential Tips for Collaborative Grant-Writing with Community Partners

  • by Ryan Meyer
  • May 15, 2024

If you can get a shot of adrenaline from reading a request for proposals — as you wade through pages and pages of stodgy, jargon-laden, and confusing text — then perhaps being a university research center director is for you. As the Executive Director of the Center for Community and Citizen Science at UC Davis, finding and responding to grant opportunities is a big part of my job. Most of the time, I have to fully fund my own position through grants. When I tell people this, they often groan in sympathy – 'grant-writing is the worst!' And yes, it is hard, but it can also be exciting.

Grant-writing doesn't just keep me employed; it is the engine that drives collaboration with our many partners and makes that work real. We are always exploring and building partnerships with teachers, non-profit workers, scientists, community groups, and government agencies, looking for new ideas about how science can meaningfully involve non-professionals. But until we can find funding, those new ideas remain aspirational and hypothetical. That's where the adrenaline comes in. For me, encountering a new proposal opportunity means a chance to get concrete about what we can really do with our partners – to distill from aspirational conversations the nugget of what's important and exciting about our collaboration.

Writing a grant proposal with partners from outside the university raises particular challenges. Here I'll share advice and guidance, based on my experiences at the Center for Community and Citizen Science, and some ideas about how the University can better support this practice.

1. Understand the Dynamics of Collaboration 

Collaborative grant-writing is like solving a Rubik's Cube, where each turn affects the position of other pieces. The challenge is to align the interests, priorities, and requirements of the University, researcher, community partner, and funder simultaneously. Even with an established long-term partnership, the addition of the funder’s priorities and requirements adds new dynamics into your relationship.

Graphic of three overlapping circles. The top circle says “University/Research Interests”. The bottom right circle says “Partner interests/needs”. The left bottom circle says “What will make for a competitive proposal?” The left bottom circle is in a different shade and has a speech bubble that says “New set of parameters.”

2. Prioritize Frequent Communication

At the heart of the grant-writing process is an iterative cycle of planning, budgeting, scoping, and writing. It's a nonlinear journey that requires patience, flexibility, and open communication. To navigate this, meet often! These meetings provide a space to:

  • Clarify collective goals and individual responsibilities
  • Identify and address hidden assumptions or misunderstandings
  • Discuss budget realities and make necessary adjustments
  • Refine the project scope to ensure it's feasible, competitive, and meaningful to partners
  • Review and revise the proposal drafts collaboratively

Frequent and deliberate communication is the glue that holds this process together. Through open, honest dialogue and actively listening to each other's perspectives, partners can build trust and a shared sense of ownership in the project.

A circular cycle of arrows going in clockwise direction. In the middle says “Iterate. MEET OFTEN!” On the top right it says “BUDGET What will be needed, what will it cost?”, bottom right “SCOPE Who is responsible for what?”, bottom left “WRITE Does it look good (and make sense) on paper?”, followed by the top left “PLAN What do you collectively (and individually) want to do and accomplish?”

3. Protect Partner Leadership and Voice 

Writing a grant with your non-university partner requires a challenging balance. On one hand, you want to support the interests and priorities of your community partner. This may mean, for example, positioning them as leaders in the project, ensuring their voice comes through in the grant proposal, or developing a project scope that helps them build new capacity. On the other hand, you must avoid over-burdening them with unfair or misplaced expectations, both in the grant-writing process, and in the details of the project you are proposing together. In one sense, you are trying to maximize the benefits of working with a university, while also protecting them from the university, and the sometimes-perverse incentives of the academic system. This all turns on trust, mutual understanding, and, as mentioned above, frequent communication. 

4. Choose the Right Partnership Structure

One key consideration is the partnership structure itself. While a subaward arrangement can lend legitimacy to the partner's role and make the proposal more competitive, it also comes with increased administrative responsibilities that may stretch a partner's capacity. A contract might be simpler but could position the partner as more of a vendor of services, than as a co-leader.

In deciding on the appropriate structure, it's important to engage in candid conversations with partners about their interests, capabilities, and competing priorities. Aligning the partnership structure with the partner's level of engagement and resources will set the stage for a more sustainable and equitable collaboration, once the grant is funded.

5. Discuss the Writing Process Itself

Supporting partners throughout the grant-writing process is another critical aspect. This starts with establishing shared expectations about roles and responsibilities, particularly when it comes to writing the proposal itself. Will the partner be an advisor, a co-writer, or an approver? Clarity on these expectations, along with guidance on budget development and other administrative requirements, can help ensure that partners feel valued and equipped to contribute meaningfully.

Budget development can be especially challenging in collaborative grant-writing. It's important to discuss each partner's financial realities, indirect cost policies, and compensation structures early on. However, it's equally important to approach the project plan and associated costs with flexibility. A key aspect of this is being open — especially at the early stages — to adjusting the scope and activities of the project. It may be that the activities on the scope make sense, but result in a budget that feels inequitable. The goal is not just to propose good work, but to find a budget balance that is fair, reasonable, and supports each partner's needs and goals. Think also about how the budget can be flexible, as new challenges and opportunities arise during the project.

6. Navigate Institutional Barriers Together 

In focusing on the University’s leadership in engaged scholarship, we understandably tend to look at the exciting outcomes of individual projects. But behind each project is a story about how those partners worked together, built trust, and navigated considerable administrative complexity to get that work done, in an academic culture that does not incentivize such work. A true institutional commitment to engaged scholarship means smoothing that path, and providing many kinds of navigational support. This “collaborative infrastructure,” of the university – every bit as important as the physical infrastructure that is so much easier to see and value, can take many forms. Grant-writing with non-university partners requires us to build that infrastructure within ourselves, and the institution. 

Additional Resources

As part of my work with the Public Scholarship Faculty Fellows Program, I've created a slide deck that lays out the various aspects of collaborative grant-writing. Based on personal experience with many kinds of partners and partnership structures, this resource provides a roadmap for navigating the complexities of writing grant proposals with non-University groups.

I've also developed a template designed to guide partners through the extensive paperwork associated with subawards. This template represents a small step towards the kinds of concrete support that can benefit researchers at the University who are embarking on collaborative projects with external partners.

We need more of this kind of support, building toward an ecosystem of policies, personnel, and programming advancing community-engaged research at UC Davis. Beyond resources, training, and support from skilled staff, we also need to address institutional policies and procedures that can hinder meaningful collaboration, in spite of rhetoric about public scholarship and engagement. 

You can access the slide deck and the Google Doc template here.

Closing Thoughts

There’s no avoiding the fact that collaborative grant-writing is really hard. From navigating competing interests and institutional barriers to fostering trust and equity in partnerships, the process requires dedication, flexibility, and frankly, a lot more work than more traditional modes.

But the potential benefits of collaborative grant-writing are considerable. Bringing together diverse expertise, resources, and perspectives can catalyze new kinds of learning, understanding, and working, which benefits us as professional academics, and creates lasting impact in the communities we serve.

Authorship Note:

In the writing process I worked with the Claude AI chatbot, tasking it with summarizing a slide deck, and then going back and forth on text at both the outline and drafting stages. Though all of the ideas substantive here are mine, I feel I have to give Claude some portion of the credit for how they are expressed. It was a useful experiment, and I emerged with a stronger sense of the current strengths and limitations of these tools as writing aids. I’m not sure if I would do it again, not least because of the murky position I now found myself in with respect to authorship! 

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