How to Write an Awesome Essay About Your Career Goals

  • Before you begin, ask yourself a few key questions like:
  • What are my short-term and long-term career goals?
  • Where do I see myself in ten years?
  • What events in my life have led me to have these goals?
  • What major will help me reach my goals?
  • What skills do I need to reach my goals?
  • What impact do I want to have on society?

Career Goals Essay Template

Need more inspiration.

After you brainstorm the responses to these questions, look for common themes, or pick out the most interesting stories. You can build your main essay “thesis” or idea around this.

Once you’ve got the main idea, create an outline to put your ideas into essay format. This will give you a general idea of structure.

You can use the career essays template below to give you some ideas. But remember that some rules are meant to be broken, so don’t be afraid to be innovative and think outside the box!

Also, when you’re done, head over to Going Merry to apply for the Career Goals scholarship essay bundle (one essay, one application, multiple scholarships!). You might as well make that essay count. Sign up for Going Merry to apply for scholarships more efficiently.

career goals essay

Here’s a paragraph-by-paragraph breakdown:

Paragraph 1 : Establish the main theme of what you’re going to talk about. It should also grab the reader’s attention. For example, instead of starting your essay with something generic (e.g. Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a zoologist), get creative with it! Try something like My greatest memory as a young girl was going to the zoo for the first time or While most kids play house or school, I always wanted to play zookeeper.

Paragraph 2 : Elaborate on what inspired your career goals. Perhaps it was a relative, a TV show, or simply an experience that you had. Remember that old writing adage, “Show, don’t tell.” In other words, try to demonstrate your interest with story or description. 

Paragraph 3 : Discuss your short-term career goals and your intended major. How will your intended major help you reach these goals? What skills do you need to learn to reach them? At the end of the paragraph, try discussing how your short-term goals can help you achieve your long-term goals.

Paragraph 4 : Focus on your long-term goals and the impact that you hope to have on society. If you’re not sure what your long-term goals are, don’t sweat it; they’ll probably change anyways. You can instead focus on the difference you’d like to make overall. And don’t worry too much about the size of the impact…remember that just doing what you’re truly passionate about has a massive impact on those around you.

The last paragraph is your conclusion. You can use this paragraph to summarize what you discussed in the previous few paragraphs. If you want to be even more creative, try ending your essay with a question for your readers or a new insight. Good luck!

And now that you’re ready with that essay, put it to good use! You can recycle that same essay, when applying for the Career Goals Scholarship Bundle. We’ve joined together multiple scholarships (all requesting essays on career goals), into just ONE simple application! See more info here , or just sign up to get going.

Check out examples from other students just like you. Here are links to some great career goal essay examples:

  • Example 1  
  • Example 2  
  • Example 3  

Or maybe you’re looking for help with an academic goals essay — we’ve got you covered there too.

Also, check out this helpful list of the 10 most common scholarship essay topics !

Top 10 Most Common Scholarship Essay Prompts Graphic

Sign up for Going Merry today, and upload your career goal essay right to your profile. It’s that easy!

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Essays About Goals: Top 5 Examples Plus 10 Prompts

Goals could be a one-time event or a lifelong growth process. Write effectively with the help of our essays about goals and writing prompts in our guide. 

Having goals helps us have a sense of purpose. We find our determination, discipline, and strategic thinking tested to their limits. The road toward any goal, especially ambitious ones, is full of thorns and spikes. Some walk away and accept that these goals are not destined for them. Some, however, keep pressing forward, determined to achieve these goals. Gaining confidence in writing can help you achieve your goals by putting pen to paper and starting a plan.

5 Essay Examples

1.  are you goal or growth conscious by katherine beneby, 2. how to help an employee figure out their career goals by dorie clark, 3. no goals: why is it so hard to do something for enjoyment’s sake by jenny valentish, 4. get inspired: how four hikers accomplished their 2021 hiking goals by anna roth , 5. does sharing your goals on social media make you more likely to achieve them by kristan russell, 1. my goals in life, 2. travel goals, 3. the goal of forming better study habits, 4. climate goals: are we progressing, 5. importance of fitness goals, 6. fiscal policy goals, 7. failing at your goals, 8. setting lofty vs. light goals, 9. poverty reduction goals, 10. my academic goals.

“The difference between goals and growth is that goals are seasonal, while growth is lifelong. Goals focus on a destination while growth focuses on a journey.”

In this essay, the writer discusses how achieving our goals may be possible if we reframe our minds to think of them as a growth process. This essay enumerates the difficulties of achieving our objectives and offers guidance on what will help put structure in how we formulate our growth plans. You might also be interested in these essays about bad habits .

“It’s not always possible to help the people we supervise identify and work toward their career goals… [S]o when we can assist our employees in getting there, it’s a meaningful way we can make a difference in their lives and their professional success.”

As per our list of topics to write about , this essay looks at how managers must realize their critical roles in the lives of the employees they handle. Their biggest contribution to the development of their employees is helping them achieve their tasks at work while ensuring these victories lead to their broader career goals. You might also be wondering, why write goals down?

“Once, to stave off depression, I set myself the goal-tastic mission of doing something new every day for a year – from flying in a glider to blowing things up – and blogging about it. Right from day one, the sense of focus lifted my mood, and there was frankly no time to overthink.”

In this essay, the writer looks at how atelic activities, or those we do for fun, positively influence our outlook. Our goal-driven world, however, hinders us from seeing the pure joy of doing things without goals. You might be interested in these essays about dream jobs .

“Last year, she set a goal to simply go hiking at all. And she’s thrilled to have made it happen, saying it was one of the best things she could have done for herself and her family during such a challenging year.”

This writer describes points to inspire people to start hiking and to set personal fitness goals. Look no further and turn to the inspiring stories of people who have targeted to hike across states, hike for the first time, hike once a month for health purposes, and hike a hundred miles yearly. For more inspiration, check out these essays about achievement .

“Wellness gurus and fitness bloggers seem to be divided between whether sharing goals on your social media sabotages you or holds you accountable.“

This essay revolves around a nascent study that aims to see if sharing your goals on social media make them more attainable. While initial results show that those who posted made significant progress compared to people who did not post, more questions need to be explored. You might be inspired by these essays about success .

10 Prompts on Essays About Goals

In this essay, delve into your short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals. Before anything else, elaborate on what drew you to set these goals. Then, share your action plans to make them a reality. Discuss the obstacles you’ve faced and how you’ve conquered them. 

Travel goals

What is the one destination you dream of? For this essay, daydream about your travel goals. Direct that excitement and write your travel itinerary, the duration of your stay, where you will be staying, and what daring activities you will dare yourself to plunge into. You can also talk about whom you would like to be with when you fulfill your travel goals or if you prefer going solo.

It is a challenge to hit the books when we live in a world with unlimited distractions. In this topic prompt, share effective study habits to help students focus on their studies. One helpful tip, for example, is designing your environment to be conducive to a habit change. In the case of study habits, this means temporarily eliminating access to social media and other digital distractions. Cite more tips and conclude your essay with a few words of motivation.

Under the Paris Agreement , the landmark international agreement to fight climate change, countries must jointly strive to arrest global warming and cap it to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2030. The question is: is this goal still on the table? Read recent news articles on how countries are following through on their Paris Treaty pledges. Listen to what environmentalists say about national efforts and tackle what more must be done to attain the climate goals. 

Fitness is a common new year’s resolution but try convincing your readers to start their fitness goals today. First, help your readers explore the right dietary program and workout schedule based on their daily demands. 

Then, underscore the importance of a fitness goal for gaining self-esteem and improving physical and mental health. Entice them with the idea of gaining a new exciting skill from a new workout activity and motivate them to start unlocking the fit version of themselves today. 

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, several countries recorded ballooning debts as governments spent heavily to fight the pandemic and also support struggling sectors. So first, determine whether your country is in a tight fiscal space. 

The fiscal space assessment framework created by the International Monetary Fund may help you identify the metrics and data to gather. Then, shed light on your government’s fiscal policy goals to address debt while spending in sectors that guarantee an economy’s long-term health, such as education and social services. 

How do people receive failures? Write about people’s attitudes and actions when they fail at their goals. Can people develop depression, and how can they recover from the fall? Try to answer these and share your experience of failing at your goals. 

Ask yourself: How did you move forward after that? Then, share your opinions on whether a failure signifies that it would be best for someone to find a new goal altogether or try again with stronger determination and a better-calculated strategy. 

Which is better: aiming for a lofty goal that opens risks of failure, which many fear, or light goals that might do little in stretching out your potential? Answer this by listing the pros and cons of each. Then help readers strike the optimum balance between a loft or light goal. Cite examples of lofty and light goals to help your readers better differentiate the two.

For this essay, take a deep dive into the poverty reduction efforts of your government. First, give an overview of an ongoing flagship poverty reduction program and uncover its outcomes since its implementation. Read through government reports about the breakthrough goals of the program and which ones are gaining momentum. 

Then, look at the other side of the fence by listening to what critics say about the program. Take note of their laments about bottlenecks in the program and what more can be done to attain poverty reduction goals swiftly. 

My academic goals

Start with a descriptive paragraph detailing your academic goals. Writing about it vividly, as though it is the reality, is a creative way to show readers how much you have played out the scenarios of success in your head while helping your readers fully understand your goals. Then snap back to reality and discuss your action plan to realize these goals.

For related topics, you may check our essays about dreams in life . Don’t forget to proofread your essay with the best grammar checkers .

my writing goals essay

Yna Lim is a communications specialist currently focused on policy advocacy. In her eight years of writing, she has been exposed to a variety of topics, including cryptocurrency, web hosting, agriculture, marketing, intellectual property, data privacy and international trade. A former journalist in one of the top business papers in the Philippines, Yna is currently pursuing her master's degree in economics and business.

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Rafal Reyzer

How To Write A Powerful Essay On Achieving Goals (+ Example)

Author: Rafal Reyzer

Writing an essay on achieving your goals can be a great opportunity to share your accomplishments.

Goal setting is a useful strategy to get the most out of life and set yourself up for success. However, there are many things to remember regarding proper goal setting and achievement. When writing a blm argumentative essay , it’s important to provide context on the history of the Black Lives Matter movement and the issues it seeks to address. This can help the reader understand the significance of the essay’s thesis and arguments. Let’s get to grips with the process of goal setting and come up with a powerful essay on achieving goals.

Structuring Your Essay on Achieving Goals:

How to write an introduction.

Any academic essay must have a strong beginning. It will establish your point of view and inform the reader of what to expect. An introduction should:

  • Attract the reader’s attention with a ‘hook’. You can achieve this by quoting a shocking statistic, quote, fact, or controversial statement.
  • Give some background or historical information about the topic. For instance, psychological theories and models on effective goal setting and achievement.
  • Present your thesis (main point of your essay) e.g., “Rewarding achievement is the most effective means by which employers can increase workplace productivity”.

How to Write The Main Body of Your Essay

There should be a minimum of three paragraphs in your essay. Each one is a ‘mini-essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Each should include:

  • Topic sentence: inform the reader about the subject of the paragraph, e.g., “how to measure goal attainment”, or “effective workplace goal setting”.
  • Evidence sentences: inform the reader about the evidence you’ve uncovered, e.g., a business model and study on effective workplace goal setting.
  • Analysis sentences : inform the reader of your thoughts on the evidence and its significance. For example, “Model A clearly shows how employers are to set realistic goals with employees and this model has proven to be successful in study x”.
  • Concluding sentence: summarize what you’ve learned about the topic and how it relates to the essay question. For instance, “Setting realistic goals for employees is straightforward and likely to increase successful goal achievement in the workplace”.

How to Write a Conclusion

  • To signal the essay is ending, use a suitable word or phrase , such as ‘In summary’ or ‘With all of this in mind’.
  • Reread your introduction to remind yourself of your thesis. After that, either paraphrase or respond to the thesis.
  • Summarize the key points stated in each of the assignment’s paragraphs. So, if you wrote three key body paragraphs, the conclusion should include three main themes.
  • Give your readers a concluding line on the main issue and possibly attempt to urge them to further ponder the topic in its wider context.

happy successful goal achieving winner

Example Of An Essay About Achieving Your Goals

So, let’s put all this information together and check an example essay on achieving goals: Effective Methods to Increase the Likelihood of Goal Achievement Achieving goals can be extremely rewarding and result in a more satisfying and successful life. Many people set goals yet cannot achieve them. However, there are ways to avoid or reduce the likelihood of missing the mark. By ensuring that goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound), using visualization techniques, and rewarding goal attainment, the chances of success increase. First, ensure your goals are SMART. This means that goals should be specific and measurable in terms of outcomes, e.g., test scores . Goals should be achievable and realistic to the person’s capabilities and resources available. Also, a goal should apply to the person’s work, education, hobbies, or interests and include a deadline. If there is no specificity of outcome, there’s no real way to see how someone has improved—or how they might be falling short. And if goals are not SMART, they are more difficult to achieve. Second, by imagining and visualizing the feelings and outcomes of achievement of the goal , the likelihood of high achievement increases. The imagination can be a powerful tool. Imagining the feelings of accomplishment helps to increase self-efficacy and motivation. A Canadian study found that imagery skills moderate the effect of mental practice on self-efficacy. The effects of visualization techniques are valuable in goal achievement. Third, once the goal has been accomplished, a reward is required. Getting a reward for hard work will increasingly motivate an individual to set and achieve the next goal. The offer of a reward gives employees and students an extra boost of motivation. Rewards help the cycle of goal setting and goal achieving to continue. In summary, by ensuring the goals set are SMART, visualizing and rewarding success, goal achievement becomes more likely. Achieving goals is a cyclic process that’s possible to master if the right method is in place.

The Basics of Setting and Achieving Goals

Getting things done is often more difficult than you may think. You may have a strong desire to see positive changes, including better grades, weight loss, or passing an educational course. But success requires more than just motivation. The right goal-achievement skill set can help you see the exact steps you need to perform to take your life to the next level. Of course, it all starts with setting a goal and there’s a useful (SMART) acronym to remember:

Goals should be specific and free of generalizations, or they are unlikely to get done. Instead of stating that your goal is to improve your English skills, make it more specific by stating that your goal is to learn and use one new word every weekday to boost your English vocabulary.

A goal should be measurable because you need to keep your finger on the pulse and know where you’re at. For instance, a test or assessment score can provide evidence that you have reached your goal.

A goal needs to be possible to achieved. If it’s beyond your capabilities or requires resources you cannot access, then you will set yourself up for failure.

Goals must have some relevance. It is pointless to set a goal if it’s not relevant to your life, work, education, interests, hobbies, etc.

You must set a completion date for your goal. If you do not set a deadline, you may lack the motivation to reach it. Once you have your SMART goal, record it clearly on paper or a mobile device and then visualize the outcome of achieving that goal. Imagine how happy you will feel when you achieve it. This vivid mental imagery will provide you with the extra motivation to go for it. Finally, when you reach your goal, it’s time to celebrate! Reward yourself with a trip, an item you desire, relaxation time with friends, or whatever else that will make you feel happy.

Ready to write an essay about achieving goals?

Hopefully, the information in the article has given you the basics to help you write a powerful essay on achieving goals. I also hope that this article has helped you think about how you can work toward achieving your own goals. There are many great books about the science of goal achievement. I especially recommend ones written by Brian Tracy , as they have helped me a great deal in my pursuit of happiness . You can also create an engaging presentation about achieving goals and objectives using this  goal presentation template . Next up, you may want to explore an ultimate guide to writing expository essays .

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Rafal Reyzer

Rafal Reyzer

Hey there, welcome to my blog! I'm a full-time entrepreneur building two companies, a digital marketer, and a content creator with 10+ years of experience. I started to provide you with great tools and strategies you can use to become a proficient digital marketer and achieve freedom through online creativity. My site is a one-stop shop for digital marketers, and content enthusiasts who want to be independent, earn more money, and create beautiful things. Explore my journey here , and don't miss out on my AI Marketing Mastery online course.

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5 Tips for Setting Writing Targets and Recovering from Unmet Goals

Gina Edwards

Gina Edwards


In this productivity-oriented culture, goal setting is expected for nearly everything we do. But many writers struggle with setting goals around a writing practice and then lose their way if they don't meet their targets.

A typical goal-oriented question from writers is “Should I write every day?” When I posed that question to a famous published author, she responded without hesitation: “Absolutely.” For years afterward, this whorled in my own writer brain and I couldn’t be open to any other answer. This woman was published, after all; she had to know. And since I wasn’t putting words down in every 24-hour time block, I couldn’t possibly call myself a writer.

I now know how absurd it was to bestow this author with unearned power over MY writing practice. Uncovering the fallacy of her guidance cost me years of writing time; it took decades of trial-and-error to develop a writing practice that allowed for my ever-changing schedule, still gave a sense of momentum, and didn’t leave me with guilt when I wasn’t writing. This required learning to set goals that were right for me .

No one should impose their way of working upon another writer; you’re the only one with the authority to direct and dictate your writing practice and process. So I hope these five things I’ve learned can help you set writing goals that are right for you .

1. Different Methods for Different Writers

2. keep it visible, 3. make it attainable and sustainable, 4. have a recovery plan, 5. review, adjust, reflect, bonus tip: devotion over discipline.

There’s no single “correct” way to set a writing goal, but there are two basic methods:

Method 1: a goal paced for the purpose of completing a project, i.e. project-oriented

To feel a project is progressing, some writers need to see climbing word counts. Indeed, daily or weekly word count goals are the goals writers most commonly set. Another writer might aim for finishing one short story a month regardless of length. Both are project-oriented writing goals; the primary emphasis is the amount of production to complete the project.

Method 2: a goal that works within the confines of available time, i.e. time-focused

A time-focused goal, such as writing for fifteen minutes every morning or thirty minutes during your lunch break, might work better for a busy mom or a writer with a full-time job.

Look at your current situation to decide whether a project-oriented goal or a time-focused goal would work best for you. Whichever goal-setting tactic you use now, remain open to changing it (see #5).

Setting the goal is the easy part. Remembering to do it is another, especially if you’re caught up in a frenzy of responsibilities.

So write your goal on an index card or type it out large. Then put it on your bathroom mirror, stick it to your computer monitor or beside the coffee pot—anywhere you’ll see it every day even if your goal isn’t a daily one.

At writing retreats, I have to check in with new attendees who declare they’ll write for four or five hours a day when, back home, they hadn’t been writing for even one hour a day—or at all. Make sure your goal is reasonable and attainable, and know that you might need to build up to it over time. There’s value in starting small to create momentum.

Your goal should be sustainable, too. If you meet your word-count goal seven consecutive days but find it so grueling that you can’t continue doing it, then what’s the use in having that as your goal? Don’t set yourself up for failure. Your goals should be achievable but also something you can comfortably sustain, at least for the duration of a given writing project.

Sometimes we simply cannot or do not write—for more reasons than there’s space here to list. When fallow times happen, they can seem devastating to our goals. But since they’re a natural and expected part of the writing process, doesn’t it make sense to create a Recovery Plan before we actually need one?


Productivity philosopher and Start Finishing author Charlie Gilkey asserts that we need a mix of creation, connection, and consumption to do our best work. This principle holds keys for resuming an interrupted writing practice and provides a blueprint for an effective Writer’s Recovery Plan.

Let’s apply Gilkey’s principle to the writer’s life:

Creation represents our focused writing time, as well as any other creative activity that refreshes us. If you’re stuck or need to ease back toward your goals, try some new or different act of creation, especially if writing is your primary or only creative activity. Drawing, painting, jewelry-making, sewing, woodworking, gardening, model-making—the possibilities are endless and the crossover effect on your writing can be astounding. Don’t take my word for it though. Try it.

Consumption refers to acquiring knowledge about our writing craft. Both passive and active learning can motivate us toward our writing goals. Opening a great novel or watching a classic movie always inspires me. Writing workshops and conferences provide new knowledge that I’m driven to incorporate into my writing when I return. When I can’t leave home, I look to my bookshelf or local library for a good book on writing. Seek out and build into your Recovery Plan opportunities to learn more about our craft.

I saved Connection for last since it takes a bit more explanation but can be the most effective means to recover from a non-writing period. Gilkey’s definition of connection addresses being in relationship with others, both online and in person. Mine, too, includes connecting with family and friends, as well as other writers. But I've expanded on that definition to incorporate connections that, when accessible to us, can be vital for writers: connections with nature, ourselves (physically and spiritually), and perhaps most importantly, an ongoing connection or a re-connection to our purpose and passion for writing. These could translate into a Writer’s Recovery Plan in the following ways.

Being in, and connecting with, nature can provide quiet time to get the chatter of others out of your head, to calm your mind, and to contemplate your own ideas. So go sit under a tree or stare at a lake.

Physical activity, especially walking but also playing with children, yoga, running, and other types of exercise have a positive effect on creativity and ideation . Connect with your body through movement to enhance your creative thinking.

Spirituality, in the context of this article, has no religious connotation and refers to a search for meaning and understanding. Conveniently, writing and other forms of creativity are some of the best tools for understanding ourselves as well as the complex, ambiguous, beautiful world we live in . The interrelationship between spirituality and creativity and their effects on the human potential are just beginning to be studied. But clearly, tools for spiritual growth such as meditation, prayer, yoga, breathwork, even listening to podcasts on personal development can complement and enhance our growth as writers and strengthen our connections to ourselves and our creativity. Consider experimenting with a few spiritual tools to see what might work for you. Then, if they’re not already part of your routine, include them in your Recovery Plan.

Finally, connection includes reminding ourselves of the “why” for our writing. Every writer has his/her own motivations for writing and being a writer. But sometimes in the throes of striving, we forget what lies at the heart of our purpose and passion for it. When I’m discouraged, confused, or lack motivation to aim for my writing goals, I pull out a journal and write about my writing. To be clear, this isn’t doing the work of the project-in-progress, but rather an exploration in my heart and mind of why I want to do the project in the first place and, on the larger scale, why I want/need to write. It’s an invaluable reminder of why it’s worth it and always directs me back to the work itself. Pull out your journal and write about your writing to connect and reconnect with your project, and with your purpose and passion for writing.


Create a Writer’s Recovery Plan for getting back to your writing practice, no matter the reason for getting away from it. A Recovery Plan can reorient you to your goals and ease you back into your practice with less anxiety and more grace.

Set aside time to periodically review how you’re doing toward your goals. Your situation might change so that your original project goal no longer works. Or the project might evolve into something you didn’t anticipate, so the goal might require adjustment.

Realize, too, that the goal for one project might not be relevant for the next one. Writing 150 words a day might seem reasonable for a writer focusing on short stories, but that pace may feel too slow if s/he shifts to writing a novel. Be willing to experiment with your goal-setting methods and levels.

Your goals review could occur weekly, monthly, or quarterly. The intention isn’t to beat yourself up if you haven’t matched the goal but to shine light on whether you need to make adjustments—up or down. Look carefully at why you’ve exceeded the goal or fallen short, and adjust as needed. End-of-project evaluations are helpful too as they provide perspective for future goal setting.

Finally, don’t forget to reflect; this might seem like the same thing as “review,” but it isn’t. Reflection is a long-range look at your overall writing practice rather than a focus on immediate or current projects. Reflect on what you’ve learned over time about your writing goals so you can continue to get better at setting and meeting them. Carry forward lessons learned and any new techniques you’ve developed.

We sometimes forget to revel in our successes, so also reflect on your achievements. Despite romanticized notions of the writer’s life, writing isn’t easy or glamorous so it’s important to recognize how far you’ve come and to acknowledge the heart and the work you’ve put into those words on the page. You deserve to celebrate what you’ve done.

Rather than imposing discipline around your writing practice, cultivate a devotion for it. Gentle, consistent love and attention might take you farther than rigid, scheduled structure.


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Gina Edwards is a writer, retreat leader, certified creativity coach, and editor. Through retreats, group coaching, and the community Women Writing for CHANGE, she provides safe spaces for women writers—aspiring and published—to claim their voices, write their stories, and leave their legacies. Gina, her clients, and her writer-friends are on a collective mission to positively impact the world through their written words.

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Develop Good Habits

11 SMART Goals Examples for Improving Your Writing Skills

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Good writing skills are becoming more critical, particularly in finding and maintaining a good job. As a writer, you are faced with several challenges. This has to do with your overall writing skills, not just with the profession in general.

A lack of vocabulary, issues with plagiarism, insufficient reasoning and cognitive skills, a lack of feedback, poor grammar and spelling, and a lack of research skills are problems you may face.

However, setting SMART goals is one thing that can help you significantly improve your writing skills. This article discusses SMART goals for writing skills.

SMART goals can help you set precise goals you can measure in realistic ways to monitor your progress over time.

Table of Contents

What Are SMART Goals?

To set usable SMART goals, knowing what they are is crucial. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable (or Attainable), Relevant, and Time-Bound (or Timely). These are five parts of a greater goal.

If you focus on the five letters of this acronym, setting and achieving goals becomes easier. So let’s look at the five letters of the SMART acronym and what they mean in setting SMART goals for writing skills.  

  • Specific: These goals need to be precise, concise, and unambiguous. Setting a goal is relatively meaningless if you don’t know what the goal is.
  • Measurable: The goals you set must be measurable in some way. The more accurately you can measure your progress toward a goal, the better you can judge what still needs to be done to get there.
  • Achievable: Any goal you set needs to be attainable or achievable. Setting unrealistic goals that are not readily attainable will demoralize and demotivate you.
  • Relevant: The goals you set need to be relevant to the specific skill you are looking to improve. For instance, while eating healthy is a worthy goal, it won’t help you become a better writer.
  • Time-Bound: These SMART goals should always be time-bound. These goals should have specific time limits or deadlines that they should be achieved by. This will help motivate you, and it will also help you monitor progress on a linear scale.

If you would like more information on setting and achieving SMART goals, we recommend checking out Ultimate Guide to SMART Goals . In addition, a vision board can help you determine what your biggest goals are.

Why SMART Goals Are Important for Developing Writing Skills

SMART goals help you create structure in a way that makes them easier to achieve.

It’s about setting specific goals where you can measure the progress over a certain period, goals that are relevant to your overall end goal, which, in this case, is improving your writing skills.

There are a significant number of challenges that today’s writers face . One of the most common is dealing with complex and unfamiliar topics and lacking practical research skills. But, of course, to write, you first need to research, which is easier said than done.

Another big challenge , once resources have been found, is to organize them, so they are easily usable for your writing. Also related to research and sources is ensuring that your writing hasn’t been plagiarized, which can land you in serious trouble.

goals as a writer and reader | goals of academic writing | list of writing goals

Moreover, perhaps one of the biggest writing challenges is forming a coherent argument that makes sense and is valid. It concerns using common sense, logical thought, and deductive skills within a solid writing structure to develop an argument that is accurate and easy to understand.

Another challenge writers face a simple lack of grammar and spelling skills , combined with an ineffective vocabulary. The cornerstone of assembling a good piece of writing is knowing the best words to use.

Other challenges you may face include a simple lack of feedback. To improve at something, you need constructive criticism. A lack of practice and experience are also issues.

We want to look at a series of SMART goals for writing skills to help you formulate a strategy that will help you improve.

We will help you set goals to tackle the challenges writers face, as laid out above. SMART goals are your plan of action.

11 Examples of SMART Goals for Writing Skills

Let’s go over a few examples of SMART goals that will help you tackle the challenges mentioned above faced by writers.

1. Read from Academic Sources

“To improve my vocabulary, I will spend at least 15 minutes reading from an academic source each day. All throughout, I will keep track of the number of words I do not know to judge my reading comprehension skills and vocabulary. My end goal is to fully comprehend any piece of writing within one year of the start date.”

S: This goal is specific as you aim to read from an academic source every day for a particular time to increase your vocabulary.

M: This goal is measurable because you can track how many words you are unfamiliar with over 15 minutes of reading.

A: This goal is achievable because spending 15 minutes per day reading is not very time-consuming, nor is making a list to keep track of unfamiliar words.

R: This goal is directly relevant to improving writing skills because having a good vocabulary is essential for writing well. Regularly reading is a great habit to have anyway.

T: This goal is time-bound to a certain degree because the aim is to engage in this practice for at least 15 minutes per day, every day, by the end of each day.

2. Learn New Words

“To help improve my vocabulary, I will spend 10 minutes each day making a list of words that I have heard but do not know the meaning of. I will then use a dictionary and a thesaurus to learn what these words mean and their synonyms. I want to shorten my list of unfamiliar words by at least 5% each week.”

S: This goal is specific as the aim is to make a list of unfamiliar words and then learn their meanings. The objective is to improve your vocabulary.

M: This goal is measurable to a certain degree because you can easily see the length of your list of unfamiliar words.

A: This goal is easy to attain because you can write down unfamiliar words as you read them and then set aside a few minutes each day to look them up.

R: As established above, having a strong vocabulary is essential to becoming a proficient writer.

T: This process is time-bound, as you are setting aside a certain amount of time each day to complete this task. It’s also time-bound as you intend to shorten the list of unfamiliar words within a set timeframe.

3. Ask for Feedback

“Whenever I complete a piece of writing, I will immediately give it to a friend or family member and ask them to provide me with realistic and relevant feedback. I will ask for feedback within three days. Then, I will examine the feedback immediately and make adjustments as needed by the end of the week (or within seven days of giving said person my piece of writing).”

S: This goal is specifically designed to seek feedback on your writing within a specific timeframe to have others tell you what needs improvement.

M: This goal is measurable to a certain degree, as you can use your judgment to determine how positive or negative the feedback is. The more positive feedback you get, the more you progress.

A: This goal is easy to attain because you simply have to find some people willing to engage in this feedback process. Here’s a good guide on how to motivate others to help you.

R: This is highly relevant because things sound different from somebody else’s perspective. You need to know how other people read and interpret your work.

T: This goal is time-based, as the aim is to get feedback and make adjustments within a specific time.

4. Join a Debate Club

“To improve my logical thought, deduction, and argument-formation skills, I will join a debate club within the next 14 days. I will aim to have at least one debate per week, with the overall goal of winning at least two consecutive debates within six months of joining the debate team.”

S: This goal is specific in using a debate team to improve argument-formation skills over a particular time to win consecutive debates.

M: This goal is measurable because you can judge your progress by your performance and overall results in your weekly debates.

A: It’s a relatively easy goal because argument formation skills also improve by practicing debating skills.

R: It’s a relevant goal because good writing requires clear and coherent arguments to be formed.

T: It is a time-bound goal because it aims to win two consecutive debates within six months of joining the team.

5. Learn to Read Faster

“I will read at least one chapter of a book per day and write a summary of the main points within the said chapter. The overall goal is to first increase the speed at which I read, and second, to detail the main points more clearly and concisely within each chapter. My aim is to read at least one word more per minute each day and be able to read at least 100 words per minute within 60 days of beginning this exercise.  I will then go back through each chapter to examine my analysis' accuracy.”

S: This goal is specific because you intend to read a certain amount, be able to read faster, at least one word per minute more each day, and to better comprehend what you’ve read over a period.

M: This goal is measurable because you can keep track of how many words per minute you read and count the main points you could remember and comprehend.

A: This is an easy-to-attain goal because by practicing, your reading speed and comprehension skills will improve over time.

R: A crucial reading and writing skill is to disseminate essential facts quickly and efficiently from large writing pieces.

T: This is a timely goal as the objective is to read a certain number of words more each day, intending to read at least 100 words per minute within 60 days of starting. This could be a part of a daily morning routine .

6. Hone Writing Skills

“I will join a professional writing class by the end of the month and complete it by the end of the year. The overall goal is to hone my writing skills, precisely the style, and type of writing required for my profession. My aim is to get at least a 90% score on all exams in this writing course.”

S: The specific goal is to first complete a particular writing class and, second, get a score of at least 90% on all exams.

M: This goal is easy to measure, as all of your work will be graded by the instructor.

A: This goal is attainable through hard work, practice, and studying.

R: It is a relevant goal because taking a course designed specifically for that end will improve my writing skills.

T: It is a time-bound goal, as writing classes only last for so long.

7. Identify Writers You Admire

“I will identify writers I admire whom I can learn from. By choosing one writer per month, I will have time to research that writer, identifying their trademark style, unique approach to topics, and literary style. I will identify one to three aspects of each writer’s style that I can adapt to my own writing style, practicing these over the last two weeks of each month per writer. I will then track to see which style adaptation works for me and which feels out of place.” 

S: This goal is specific in that you need to identify people who write in such a way that you admire. The task is specific and targeted at a predetermined outcome—finding writers you like. 

M: You can measure your success here by how many great writers you’ve researched and considered as writers you admire. 

A: Achieve this goal by reading up on one writer per month, which is achievable. 

R: Build the relevance of this goal by focusing on a skill (other writers’ writing ability) that you can apply to your own writing career. 

T: This goal has a time limit of one writer per month, which ensures you won’t get bored and will have enough time to research these writers, while still having time to write too. 

8. Developing Writing Tricks

“Having achieved my goal of identifying writers I admire; I will now learn their tricks or the shortcuts that help them create great content and captivating manuscripts. I will use the next month per writer, reading their best work and also their worst work, identifying what worked in the first while being missing in the latter. From my notes, I will then apply the x-factor that helps these writers be so great to help me be a better writer. Having found each writer’s success formula, I will apply this to my writing too.”  

S: Identify the specific traits or skills that a writer used to succeed that was missing from their poor work. This is a specific step.

M: Success can be measured by seeing whether you can identify what made a writer great in their work, while also spotting what made them not succeed, and then seeing if you have similar challenges. You can measure success by how many writers you can analyze in the given time.

A: Anybody can read what someone else wrote, but because you are a writer, you will be able to achieve a real analysis of their work and style through comparison. 

R: This is a relevant goal as it will improve your writing ability if you can see what tricks work and what doesn’t. You write relevant content by learning from someone else’s mistakes. 

T: There is a time limit to this goal because you have a month per writer, which is when you move on to a different writer. 

long term career goals statement examples | sample career aspirations statement for managers | how to write a goal statement for work

9. Develop Brilliant Self-Editing Skills

“I know I am not perfect, so I will sharpen my self-editing skills. I will make it a requirement to read my content at least three times before letting it rest for a week and then reading it again, but this time reading it from the bottom up (not in reverse) so I can check each sentence independently, and also then read it from start to finish to catch any errors and inconsistencies that need to be edited. I will also invest in a good grammatical tool such as Grammarly Premium for the next six months to suggest changes where necessary. By asking family members to check my writing, I can get an indication of my improvements and learning.”  

S: This goal is about improving the quality of your writing, which is a specific goal. 

M: You can measure this goal by looking at the grammar checking tool’s score, while also asking family members to report back on their perception of your writing improvement. 

A: You can achieve this goal as it has smaller micro-goals, such as editing from the bottom up and investing in a grammar tool for six months. 

R: As a writer, having quality content and captivating writing is vital to industry success, which means this goal is relevant to your career as a writer. 

T: With a time limit of reading content three times, resting seven days, then reading it again, you create a healthy time habit that will help you review your work with fresh eyes. 

10. Broaden My Knowledge Base

“To be a successful writer, I also need to be a great “reader” with a wide knowledge base, so I will read a new niche or topic each week. Instead of reading about things I am already familiar with, I need to read new and unusual topics that I know nothing about and possibly never even knew existed. For each new topic, I will create a list of 10 terms or ideas that are unique to that area of expertise, which I will practice referring to in the last week of each month.” 

S: The specifics of this goal are to broaden knowledge, which you can specifically do by reading a new topic each week and keeping notes on that topic.

M: You can measure your knowledge expansion by using industry-specific knowledge in daily discussions. Check off each term or idea each time you use them. 

A: Reading a book or blog each week is achievable, and it’s interesting too, so you will likely keep up the knowledge habit. 

R: Writing is about knowledge, so being informed about many different areas of interest means you will have a wide knowledge base, and this will keep you (and your written content) relevant. 

T: The time limit on this task is specific, helping to keep you on track in your goal to read a new book (topic) each week. 

11. Identify New Writing Markets

“To ensure I can earn a living from writing, I will explore different writing markets until I find one (or more) where I naturally thrive. A market can only be explored if you work in it, so I will choose a new writing market every three months, seeking out writing opportunities and clients in that market. When I am satisfied that I know more about that particular writing market, I will move on to the next (while still maintaining activity in the previous markets). Finally, I will choose the markets where I can enjoy the most success and hone my skills there.”

S: The specific goal is to find new writing markets that may help you write successfully and earn a living. 

M: Your success can be measured by the number of markets you explore and how you slot into each. 

A: You can achieve this goal by applying for new writing jobs or projects online in markets where you haven’t previously written, such as content writing, SEO writing, copywriting, fiction, non-fiction, and more. 

R: The goal is relevant as you want to build a successful writing career, but you may not yet know what market you and your writing abilities are best suited to. 

T: With a time limit of three months per market, you have enough time to investigate a market without forcing yourself to drown in any particular one. You can easily dip your toes into a market in three months, so the goal is reachable and timebound. 

Final Thoughts on SMART Goals for Writing Skills

The best way to hone your writing skills is to set specific goals. The best way to do this is by making them SMART goals, which enable you to set concise goals, achieve those goals, and when they should be completed.

This kind of structure and organization always makes achieving any goal easier. So make five or six SMART goals and start improving your writing today!

And if you want more SMART goal ideas and examples, be sure to check out these blog posts:

  • 7 SMART Goals Examples for Administrative Assistants
  • 6 SMART Goals Examples for Social Media Marketing
  • 7 SMART Goals Examples for Creatives & Artistic People

Finally, if you want to take your goal-setting efforts to the next level, check out this FREE printable worksheet and a step-by-step process that will help you set effective SMART goals .

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How Do I Write An Essay About Achieving My Goals?


Writing an essay about achieving your goals can be a powerful exercise in self-reflection and motivation. Whether you are writing for a class assignment, a college application, or simply for personal development, this article will guide you through the process of creating a well-structured and compelling essay on this topic. By breaking down the steps involved and providing helpful tips, you’ll be equipped to express your aspirations, outline an action plan, and highlight the significance of achieving your goals.

Step 1: Set Clear Goals

Achieving your goals starts with clearly defining what you want to accomplish. Take some time to reflect on your aspirations and think about what truly matters to you. Your goals may include academic achievements, career aspirations, personal growth, or any other area of your life that you wish to improve. Ensure that your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals). By setting clear goals, you will be able to better articulate your vision in your essay.

Step 2: Plan Your Essay Structure

Before diving into the writing process, it’s essential to plan the structure of your essay. This will ensure that your ideas flow smoothly and logically, engaging the reader from start to finish. Generally, an essay consists of three main parts: an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

The Introduction: Begin your essay with a captivating introduction. Grab the reader’s attention with an anecdote, a relevant quote, or a thought-provoking question. Clearly state your goals and the significance they hold for you. Conclude the introduction with a concise thesis statement that presents the main focus of your essay.

Body Paragraphs: The body of your essay offers an opportunity to elaborate on your goals and the steps you are taking or planning to take to achieve them. Divide your body paragraphs based on the subtopics or themes you want to discuss. For each paragraph, present a specific goal, provide relevant details, and explain why it is important to you. Consider incorporating examples, personal experiences, or research to support your statements and make your essay more persuasive.

The Conclusion: Wrap up your essay with a strong conclusion that reinforces the main points you have discussed. Avoid introducing new information here. Instead, highlight the potential impact of achieving your goals and leave the reader with a final thought or call to action.

Step 3: Conduct Research

If your essay requires factual information or expert opinions, conducting research will provide you with valuable insights to enhance your writing. Utilize reputable sources such as scholarly articles, books, or credible websites to gather information that supports your aspirations. When referencing sources, make sure to cite them properly using the appropriate citation style (e.g., MLA, APA).

Step 4: Draft and Revise

Now that you have a plan and have conducted research, begin writing the initial draft of your essay. Start with the body paragraphs, as they contain the core content of your essay. Ensure each paragraph follows a logical flow and connects back to the main focus of your essay.

Once you have completed your draft, take time to review and revise. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. Ensure that your ideas are presented clearly and cohesively. Consider seeking feedback from others, such as teachers, family members, or friends, to gain different perspectives and improve your essay even further.

Step 5: Add Personal Reflection

In addition to presenting your goals and action plans, be sure to include personal reflections throughout your essay. Explain why achieving these goals is meaningful to you and how they align with your values and aspirations. By sharing your personal insights and emotions, you will create a more engaging and authentic essay.

Step 6: Edit and Proofread

Before submitting your essay, it is crucial to edit and proofread your work. Review your essay for any errors, both grammatical and typographical. Ensure that your ideas are coherent and logical, and that your writing flows smoothly. Consider using online grammar checkers or seeking assistance from a professional editor if needed.

Writing an essay about achieving your goals allows you to reflect on your aspirations, establish a concrete plan, and demonstrate your determination to succeed. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a compelling essay that effectively communicates your goals and motivates both yourself and your readers.

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, how do i write a college essay about my future goals.

I have some pretty clear goals for my future, and I think writing about them in my college essay might help me stand out. How can I approach this topic in a way that's engaging and doesn't sound like I'm just listing my ambitions? Thanks for any suggestions!

Hey there! Writing about your future goals is a great idea for a college essay, and it can definitely help you stand out. The key is to tell a story that highlights your goals while also showcasing your personality and experiences.

Start by reflecting on your past experiences and achievements that have led you to these goals. You could talk about a specific moment or event that inspired your ambition, and then explain how it has driven you ever since. This helps to show your passion and dedication towards your goals.

Next, focus on your present efforts to work towards these goals. You could mention any relevant extracurricular activities, internships, or projects you've been involved in that align with your future aspirations. This demonstrates your commitment and hard work.

Finally, discuss your future goals in a way that ties everything together and shows the admissions committee how you plan to make a positive impact in the world. Remember to be authentic and genuine in your writing, and don't be afraid to show some vulnerability. Good luck with your essay!

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How to Write an Essay About My Goal: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Write an Essay About My Goal: A Comprehensive Guide

In the ever-evolving journey of life, setting clear objectives and ambitions is crucial. Whether these goals are short-term or stretch into the far reaches of our future, they act as guiding lights in our journey. This guide will assist you in articulating and expressing these ambitions effectively, especially when it comes to writing them down.

Understanding the Importance of Goal Setting

Setting life goals is a combination of introspection and foresight. It demands an understanding of one's current standing and a clear vision for the future. By penning down your goals, you not only provide yourself a clear road map but also make a commitment to yourself to achieve them.

How To Write An Essay About My Life Goals

  • Introduction : Initiate with an engaging hook—be it a quote, question, or anecdote—that aligns with your goal.
  • State your main goal : Elucidate on what your primary life objective is. Be it professional success, personal achievement, or societal contribution, clarify your aim.
  • The 'Why' behind the goal : Delve into your motivations. Discuss the driving forces behind this ambition.
  • Steps to achieve : Provide a roadmap. Enumerate the steps you'd undertake to transform this goal into a reality.
  • Potential Challenges : Highlight potential obstacles and your strategies to navigate them.
  • Conclusion : Summarize and re-emphasize your dedication towards your objective.

Career Goal Essay Definition

It's essential to differentiate between life goals and career goals. While the former encompasses broader objectives, a career goal essay underscores your professional aspirations, detailing why they matter and how you plan to attain them.

How Long is a Professional Goal Statement?

A professional goal statement's length can vary but should be concise. Ranging typically from 500 to 1000 words, it should capture your aspirations succinctly. Always adhere to specific guidelines if provided.

What to Avoid While Writing Your Career Goal Essay

• Ambiguity: Always be specific. • Unsubstantiated lofty goals: Your ambitions should be grounded in reality. • Neglecting personal growth: Showcase how your past has shaped your future. • Reiteration: Stay succinct and steer clear of repetition.

My Future Goals Essay: 12 Models

  • Entrepreneurial Aspirations : Launching a sustainable fashion startup by 2030.
  • Technological Goals : Developing an AI-driven community healthcare system.
  • Educational Objectives : Attaining a Ph.D. in Quantum Physics.
  • Artistic Pursuits : Holding a solo art exhibition in a renowned gallery.
  • Societal Contributions : Establishing a foundation for underprivileged children's education.
  • Scientific Aspirations : Contributing to renewable energy research.
  • Medical Goals : Becoming a pediatric surgeon and researching rare childhood diseases.
  • Travel Objectives : Visiting every UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Sports Ambitions : Completing an Ironman Triathlon.
  • Literary Goals : Publishing a trilogy of fantasy novels.
  • Environmental Aims : Pioneering a city-wide recycling initiative.
  • Leadership Aspirations : Becoming the CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

Articulating one's life and career goals requires introspection, clarity, and foresight. This guide offers a structured blueprint to ensure your essay not only adheres to academic standards but genuinely resonates with your aspirations and dreams. Whether you're grappling with questions like "what should I write in my college essay?" or "how to draft a goal statement?", this guide is here to light the way.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the ideal structure for a future career essay? Start with an engaging introduction about your aspirations. In the body, detail the steps you plan to take, experiences that have guided you, and why you chose this career. End with a conclusion summarizing your determination and future vision.
  • How do I ensure my career goals essay stands out? Incorporate personal stories or experiences that shaped your goals. Be specific about your aspirations and how you plan to achieve them.
  • How can I relate my past experiences to my future career in the essay? Highlight skills, lessons, or challenges from your past and demonstrate how they have directed or prepared you for your future career.
  • What should I avoid when writing an essay about my career goals? Avoid being too vague about your goals. Steer clear of clichés, and ensure your goals are realistic and grounded.
  • How long should my essay about my goal be? This depends on the requirement. Usually, personal statements are between 500-700 words. Always adhere to the specified word limit.
  • Can I include short-term and long-term goals in my essay? Absolutely! Detailing both shows planning and vision. Highlight how short-term goals will pave the way for long-term objectives.
  • How do I conclude my essay about my goals effectively? Reiterate your dedication to these goals, reflect on the journey ahead, and end with a note of optimism and determination.

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Writing a Paper: Why Set a Writing Goal

Why set a writing goal.

Before jumping into to setting a writing goal, consider why setting a clear writing goal is important. Establishing goals is a common practice within professional and educational communities; however, setting writing-specific goals can have their own unique benefits.

Writing goals help you to:

  • articulate connections between current writing projects and broader professional skills.   When writing a paper, it is hard to see the impact of that project beyond its immediate grade or completion. By setting clear writing goals, you can identify what core competencies you would like to possess and start to make progress toward developing those skills as a writer, scholar, and professional.  
  • overcome reservations and build confidence about your writing abilities.   Perhaps you have received writing feedback in the past and are doubting your abilities. Writing goals can help you face those concerns head on and discover newfound confidence as you conquer those writing anxieties one by one. In other words, setting strong writing goals encourages you to imagine what type of writer you want to be and what skills are needed to make that identity a reality.  
  • establish a manageable path to success.   Writing goals are more than objectives you hope to achieve; they are a road map to your writing success. Writing goals break down the abstract process of becoming a stronger writer into smaller, more tangible steps. You identify specific skills you want to enhance and then map out projects and resources to help you along the way. However, you don’t have to work toward these goals alone. Make a paper review appointment with our writing instructors to receive individualized feedback on your goal progress. Students who made three or more writing appointments per term showed statistically significant gains in grades, persistence, and retention (Irvin, 2014) as well as motivation (Robinson, as cited in Irvin, 2014). Set up a paper review appointment today! Set up a paper review appointment today .  
  • develop motivation and reinforce focus.   Writing is a process that takes practice and patience. It is easy to lose focus as you get deeper into a writing project or course work. For many, writing goals become sources of inspiration. They offer motivation to get started and keep writing as well as reinforce your purpose when your energy is low or you start to veer off track. They serve as little reminders of why your writing project matters and how it positively impacts your future.  
  • build self-efficacy as a scholarly writer and professional.   Part of becoming a stronger writer is the ability to assess your own writing. It can be difficult to step away from the research of your current project and consider how your presentation of information impacts readers. However, when you set clear writing goals and track your progress, you cultivate an awareness of how to evaluate your writing. This self-efficacy will prove invaluable as you progress to larger, more independent projects, including your program’s capstone.  
  • create opportunities to celebrate success.   Often overlooked in the writing process is the importance of celebrating your progress and success. Rarely in writing do we experience an overnight transformation of our skills as writers. Writing more often is characterized as a process filled with small victories and progressions. Setting a writing goal creates the means for tracking these accomplishments. So why not establish a writing goal? You deserve to celebrate your success!  

Irwin, L. L. (2014). What a difference three tutoring sessions make: Early reports of efficacy from a young writing center. Writing Lab Newsletter, 39 (1–2), 1–5.

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my writing goals essay

February 29, 2024

  • Writing Your Career Goals Essay

my writing goals essay

Check out all the blog posts in this series:

  • Identifying the Ingredients of a Winning Essay
  • Finding a Theme for Your Statement of Purpose
  • Revise and Polish Your Application Essays

Your career goals essay demands a laser-like focus. A personal statement, by contrast, allows for some flexibility in its content, though you can – and often should – discuss your career goals. But a career goals essay has a particular and packed agenda. In fact, the prompt for a career goals essay could actually include multiple questions, and in such cases, you want to make sure you address each of them.

For example, in 2022, Kellogg asked applicants to its one-year program to respond to the following prompt: “Please discuss your post-MBA career goal, the current experience you will leverage to support the transition, and the Kellogg 1Y opportunities that will help you reach this goal.” 

This prompt has three parts: (1) What do you want to do post-MBA ? (2) Why is the 1Y program appropriate for you? And (3) what experience has so far prepared you to succeed in your target role? 

So, always pay close attention to your target school’s prompt to ensure that you answer all the questions within its “single” question. 

Three elements of a successful career goals essay

In addition to having a distinct theme , your career goals essay should achieve the following:

  • Highlight specific career achievements. Choose from your most notable or defining experiences. These could be related to your work, community involvement, or extracurricular activities. The experiences you select should showcase your leadership skills , creative thinking, collaborative abilities, and personal reflections about what you learned or gained.
  • Explain why your experiences and influences make your career goal a logical and wise choice.
  • Demonstrate why you are suited to a particular field as a result of your education, experience, abilities, and enthusiasm. Ideally, the material you choose to include will also allow you to prove your knowledge about industry trends and suggest how your abilities and strengths can help you contribute to that field.

It’s a very tall order to achieve all this.

Putting these elements together to create your goals essay

Let’s take a look at a sample MBA Goals Essay and see how these three key elements are incorporated.  

You should be able to easily recognize why the writer’s opening is attention-getting for all the right reasons. The writer introduces herself as the supremely busy executive she visualizes becoming in the future. She trades large amounts of stock, rushes off to a Zoom conference, hurries downstairs, flags down a taxi, then hops on a plane. As she describes this whirlwind of activity, we can practically feel her heart pumping.

After establishing her voice and personality in this opening, she offers context for her MBA goal. Notice that in writing about her work as an accountant for a major firm, she provides relevant details, including how many years she has been in the field, her bilingualism, and her specialty area as an auditor. This information is her springboard to explain why she is pursuing an MBA: she’s bursting out of her limited role as an accountant. Her eyes and ambition are set on a larger playing field as an international investment manager.

Write an essay, not a list or CV

Outstanding career goals essays are not lists of an applicant’s roles and achievements. Instead, they have a narrative flow and arc that convey the candidate’s palpable excitement about their career choice. This writer’s enthusiastic, dreamy first paragraph achieves this, and she returns to that image at the end, where she paints her idealized (if frantically busy) future. She also proves her seriousness by noting that she registered for the CFA exam.

Connect your career goals to your reasons for choosing a particular program

Many essay questions, especially those for MBA programs , will ask why you have chosen the school you’re applying to. Be prepared to respond knowledgeably and enthusiastically. And the only way to become knowledgeable – and enthusiastic – is by visiting campus in-person or virtually, attending student recruitment meetings, participating in forums, reading student blogs, watching videos of students speaking about their experiences, communicating directly with students and/or recent alumni, and otherwise doing your homework. As part of your research, make sure you have familiarized yourself with the courses and specializations that are relevant to your goals.

Summary Tips

  • Focus on answering each and every question asked in a career goals essay prompt. Often, there is more than one.
  • Highlight specific achievements vividly and in a way that shows that your career choice is logical for you.
  • Do the research so you can write about why the school is a good fit for you and do so with genuine enthusiasm.

In the next post in this series , we’ll explain how to take all this advice and apply it to create an exemplary first draft.

Work one-on-one with an expert who will walk you through the process of creating a slam-dunk application. Check out our full catalog of application services . Our admissions consultants have read thousands of essays and know the exact ingredients of an outstanding essay.

Judy Gruen

By Judy Gruen, former Accepted admissions consultant. Judy holds a master’s in journalism from Northwestern University. She is also the co-author of Accepted’s first full-length book, MBA Admission for Smarties: The No-Nonsense Guide to Acceptance at Top Business Schools . Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch!

Related resources:

  • The Winning Ingredients of a Dynamic MBA Goals Essay , a free guide
  • Grad School Personal Statement Examples
  • Focus on Fit , podcast Episode 162

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My Goals and Ways to Achieve Them

  • Categories: Life Goals Personal Goals

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Words: 523 |

Published: Mar 18, 2021

Words: 523 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Works Cited:

  • Chang, L. (2021). The Ultimate Guide to Budgeting: 5 Steps to Take Control of Your Finances. The Balance.
  • Davenport, K. (2022). The 50/30/20 Rule for Budgeting. Forbes Advisor.
  • Dave Ramsey. (2021). Budgeting. Dave Ramsey.
  • Kobliner, B. (2017). Make Your Kid a Money Genius (Even If You’re Not). Simon & Schuster.
  • NerdWallet. (2021). Budgeting 101. NerdWallet.
  • Robbins, T. (2017). Unshakeable: Your Financial Freedom Playbook. Simon & Schuster.
  • The Simple Dollar. (2021). How to Create a Budget: A Step-by-Step Guide. The Simple Dollar.
  • Tiller Money. (2021). How to Create a Budget Spreadsheet in Google Sheets. Tiller Money.
  • Williams, G. (2018). Budgeting: A Practical Guide for Beginners. Amazon Digital Services.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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My Goal In Life Essay

A goal is a vision for the future or the desired outcome that an individual commits to imagining, planning, and achieving. People try to achieve their goals in a restricted time by setting deadlines. Here are some sample essays on my goal in life.

100 Words Essay On My Goal In Life

A goal is a desire you have to accomplish yourself. If one wants to succeed in life, one must have a goal. Being a teacher is my life's ambition. A wonderful and responsible profession is teaching. I have made the conscious decision to do all in my ability to promote knowledge among the people. Some people believe that money is life.

My Goal In Life Essay

However, in my opinion, morality is what makes life truly sweet. In the future, I hope to be a beloved and reputable teacher. I have no clue how far I will get in achieving my goal but I'll give it my best.

200 Words Essay On My Goal In Life

A goal is a vision for the future or a desired outcome that an individual or group of individuals commits to envisioning, planning, and achieving. By setting deadlines, people try to accomplish their goals by setting deadlines.

My current goal is related to my education. I want to come in first place and achieve the top marks in every subject because this will increase my chances of receiving an overseas scholarship. I am putting a lot of effort into achieving this as my objective. Any student wants the chance to pursue their studies overseas, and I have that chance. I also take my coursework seriously and educate myself on all topics pertaining to my field of study, including research, literature, and academic journals.

Additionally, studying overseas will help me get a superior education and a diploma that is recognised across the world, both of which will allow me to compete for prominent jobs. So that I may accomplish my goal, I don't waste time on pointless activities and instead pay attention to my studies. My family is undoubtedly a tremendous benefit for me; they support me at all times and provide me whatever I require. Additionally, I owe a lot of credit for my success to my professors, who are a big help to me in my studies.

500 Words Essay On My Goal In Life

Everybody has a life goal. The aim or aspiration of man is his inner desire. One will not take any action if his or her goals are unclear.

What Is A Goal

The goal of an individual is to achieve a particular objective or target. Goal may also refer to the finish line of a race or the object that a player is attempting to insert as part of a game. As a noun, "goal" has other meanings. A goal is something you strive to achieve after working hard and persistently towards it.

Types Of Goals

Mastery goals | A mastery goal, such as "I will score higher in this event next time," is one that someone sets to attain or master a certain skill.

Performance-approach goals | A performance-approach goal is one where the person aims to outperform their peers. This kind of objective might be to improve one's appearance by dropping 5 pounds or to receive a better performance evaluation.

Performance-avoidance goals | When someone sets a goal, they frequently want to avoid performing worse than their peers, such as setting a goal to avoid receiving negative

Importance Of A Goal

A goal is similar to a specific objective, the anticipated outcome that directs behaviour, or an end, which is a thing, whether it be a tangible thing or an abstract thing, that has inherent worth.

Everyone should have a life goal. When you have a goal, you work hard every day to attain it and live for it. And when you succeed in those efforts, you feel more confident.

Goals provide us a path to follow. We can hold ourselves accountable by having goals. We are able to clarify what we genuinely desire in life when we set goals and strive toward obtaining them. We can better organise our priorities by setting goals.

Goals can be long-term and short-term. For instance, finishing your schoolwork might be a short-term goal. Learning a musical instrument, pursuing a profession as a doctor, or other long-term goals examples.

Due to the length of time required and the fact that we pick our professional objective, long-term goals play crucial roles in life. The most significant effects of choosing a certain career occur both during and after the effort to attain it.

Setting goals encourages us to create plans of action that will help us reach the desired level of performance.

Example Of A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam overcame obstacles to achieve his aim while serving as India's 11th president from 2002 to 2007. Dr Abdul Kalam was raised by Muslim parents who spoke Tamil. Being from a low-income household, Dr Abdul Kalam began delivering newspapers after school at a young age to help augment his family's income. This fact allowed him to help support his father financially. He did not succeed academically, but he was a dedicated student who enjoyed mathematics.

Even during his senior project in college, the dean expressed displeasure with the lack of progress and threatened to revoke his scholarship if the assignment wasn't completed by the next three days. He later put forth a lot of effort on his assignment and finished it on time, impressing the dean. From that point on, Dr Kalam worked as a scientist with the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) , eventually rising to the position of organisation chief. What follows is history.

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    After putting thought into where my weaknesses may be in my writing I have arrived to a conclusion of 5 personal goals to improve my essays. My 5 goals will be the pillars that keep my bridge up and from collapsing, by the use of these 5 goals I will easily transition from high school writing to college writing.

  12. Examples of Effective Writing Goals

    Examples of Effective Writing Goals. Below are a few examples of less effective compared to more effective writing goals: Ineffective Writing Goal: My writing goal is to get an A on my paper because I lost points for organization on my last assignment. Although this goal has admirable intentions, it poses a series of potential obstacles.

  13. How do I write a college essay about my future goals?

    Finally, discuss your future goals in a way that ties everything together and shows the admissions committee how you plan to make a positive impact in the world. Remember to be authentic and genuine in your writing, and don't be afraid to show some vulnerability. Good luck with your essay! CollegeVine's Q&A seeks to offer informed ...

  14. How to Write an Essay About My Career Goals: A Guide to Articulating

    What should I avoid when writing an essay about my career goals? Avoid being too vague about your goals. Steer clear of clichés, and ensure your goals are realistic and grounded. How long should my essay about my goal be? This depends on the requirement. Usually, personal statements are between 500-700 words.

  15. How to Write a Personal Statement

    Watch out for cliches like "making a difference," "broadening my horizons," or "the best thing that ever happened to me." 3. Stay focused. Try to avoid getting off-track or including tangents in your personal statement. Stay focused by writing a first draft and then re-reading what you've written.

  16. The Writing Process

    Step 1: Prewriting. Step 2: Planning and outlining. Step 3: Writing a first draft. Step 4: Redrafting and revising. Step 5: Editing and proofreading. Other interesting articles. Frequently asked questions about the writing process.

  17. Academic Guides: Writing a Paper: Why Set a Writing Goal

    In other words, setting strong writing goals encourages you to imagine what type of writer you want to be and what skills are needed to make that identity a reality. establish a manageable path to success. Writing goals are more than objectives you hope to achieve; they are a road map to your writing success.

  18. Ultimate Guide to Writing Your College Essay

    Sample College Essay 2 with Feedback. This content is licensed by Khan Academy and is available for free at College essays are an important part of your college application and give you the chance to show colleges and universities your personality. This guide will give you tips on how to write an effective college essay.

  19. Writing Your Career Goals Essay

    In addition to having a distinct theme, your career goals essay should achieve the following: Highlight specific career achievements. Choose from your most notable or defining experiences. These could be related to your work, community involvement, or extracurricular activities. The experiences you select should showcase your leadership skills ...

  20. How To Write a Great Career Goals Essay

    1. Understand the concept of career goals. Before you write your career goals essay, you must first identify your career ambitions. Career goals are a form of personal development. Focus on the professional or educational goals you would like to achieve aside from a high salary. The qualities of your goals are a more accurate measure of success ...

  21. My Goals and Ways to Achieve Them

    Goals can help you physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. Goals can help you stay on the right path and not let you fall downhill. But if you don't set a goal you won't know where you'll end up. Setting up a goal can help you set a really good mindset for the future and present. Setting up a goal also gives your life direction ...

  22. My Goal In Life Essay

    A goal is a vision for the future or the desired outcome that an individual commits to imagining, planning, and achieving. People try to achieve their goals in a restricted time by setting deadlines. Here are some sample essays on my goal in life. 100 Words Essay On My Goal In Life. A goal is a desire you have to accomplish yourself.