Politics Dissertation Topics and International Relations Dissertation Topics

It is absolutely vital to choose the right topic for your dissertation. The correct choice will give you the best opportunity of achieving a high grade. Essentially, you are looking to pick a topic and a question that serves to facilitate an effective critical discussion of the issues at hand, demonstrating original insight and also analysing and evaluating the significance of the literature that has already been produced in your chosen area.

Politics is an interesting area for academic research, especially with the significant political changes happening in 2020-2021, from Brexit to the coronavirus crisis and associated geopolitical changes, to the rise of China, and ongoing tensions in Eastern Europe.

To help you prepare for your politics dissertation, this article discusses international relations and politics dissertation topics related to: the post 9/11 world and terrorism, US foreign policy, British foreign policy, Africa, Russia, Eastern Europe, China, Israel, India, the Middle East, the European Union and international law. The most recent and pertinent geopolitical developments are discussed in the form of questions, to help you formulate your preferred choices.

  • The world since 9/11 Dissertation Topics
  • US Foreign Policy Dissertation Topics
  • British Foreign Policy Dissertation Topics
  • Africa Dissertation Topics
  • Russia and Eastern Europe Dissertation Topics

Chinese Politics Dissertation Topics

Israel and the middle east politics dissertation topics, india dissertation topics.

  • European Union Dissertation Topics
  • International relations after the Second World War Dissertation Topics
  • International law Dissertation Topics

The world since 9/11 Dissertation Topics

The terrorist attacks of 9/11 on the World Trade Centre almost 20 years ago resulted in the creation of new coalitions between Western democracies, while pushing other countries further apart. The resulting ‘war on terror’ has been ongoing ever since, albeit more quietly in recent years and has resulted in a number of complicated geopolitical shifts. This is still a very relevant area that would be ideal to base your politics dissertation topics on. Suggested international relations & politics dissertation topics include:

  • To what extent do the events of 9/11 support the ideas of Samuel Huntingdon’s ‘clash of civilisations’?
  • Was enough done in the immediate wake of 9/11 to prevent further similar acts of terrorism in the West?
  • Were the actions of the United States in the wake of 9/11 legitimate and proportionate?
  • In what ways could the events of 9/11 be said to have impacted on international relations?
  • How were international relations between the West and the Arab world influenced by 9/11?
  • What are the key political lessons learnt by the West since 9/11 and the ensuing war on terror?
  • How has trade between nations developed within the overshadowing context of the continuing war on terror?
  • What is the definition of terrorism? Is the use of force, such as targeted killings and drone attacks, a legitimate response to terrorist attacks?
  • How has the domestic security legislation of Western countries been impacted by the fear of terrorism since 9/11?
  • How have countries used the war on terror, ongoing since 9/11, to justify their own security measures?
  • Did 9/11 act as a catalyst for the political upheaval of the Arab Spring?
  • To what extent has the ongoing war on terror been used to suppress civil liberties?
  • Does the spread of terror attacks in multiple countries in recent years mean that the war on terror has failed?
  • Has Western security policy begun to move on from the post-9/11 terrorism threat, to more conventional state-based challenges such as Russia and China?

US Foreign Policy Dissertation Topics

In the latter half of the last century, US foreign policy has evolved, with the US electing to involve itself in events far across the world as a means of maintaining its position as one of the key ‘superpowers’ in the world. To discuss US foreign policy in your dissertation, you could research one of the following politics dissertation topics.

  • The US has often talked about as the ‘global policeman’ however could such terminology be construed as a cover for mere bullying?
  • Are the actions of the US in the pursuit of its national interest always legitimate under international law?
  • How, could the US be said to have overstepped its boundaries in intervening in other countries’ internal affairs?
  • The relationship between the United Nations and the US is ambivalent: to what extent do the actions of the US undermine the role of the United Nations?
  • How does the development of nuclear power in China and other Asian countries serve to reflect the negative aspects of US foreign policy?
  • In what ways does the growth of China as an economic and military superpower serve to threaten the US?
  • Twenty years of a war on terror, plus tensions with Russia and China have created a militarized US foreign policy that greatly benefits the military industrial complex, which frequently lobbies for foreign interventions. Who actually controls US foreign policy?
  • What is the most significant potential external threat to the US? How is this likely to change US foreign policy going forward?
  • US foreign policy has traditionally been one of liberal internationalism. In an unstable world where democracy and liberalism are being challenged by the growing power of China, how can liberal internationalism continue to guide US foreign policy?
  • Will the current building of the wall on the border of the US with Mexico have detrimental consequences for the global economy?
  • What does the increasing geopolitical power and influence of Russia mean for the future direction of US foreign policy?
  • How is the US likely to approach Brexit, the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union?
  • With competing priorities in the Middle East, Western and Eastern Europe, and the Indo-Pacific, does US foreign policy suffer from a lack of strategic focus, and if so, how?
  • What are the long-term consequences of the rise of ‘Trumpism’ for the United States’ foreign policy? How will the US deal with the growing isolationist and anti-war trend among its own public?
  • To what extent will the Trump policy of economically decoupling from China be continued or reversed by future Administrations?

British Foreign Policy Dissertation Topics

The United Kingdom remains an influential global power, even as its role in the world is in a state of great change due to the challenges of Brexit.  The topics below will help you research further into British foreign policy for your politics dissertation.

  • How will Brexit impact the security co-operation between the United Kingdom and Europe, particularly with reference to data sharing on criminal and terrorist suspects?
  • To what extent was the free movement of people a driver of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union?
  • With the US increasingly focused on the Indo-Pacific, what significance does the UK-US ‘special relationship’ have today?
  • On the basis of Britain’s foreign policy, is Britain little more than the “pet” of the US?
  • How influential is Britain’s foreign policy on the rest of Europe?
  • How can Britain utilise its economic, military, and diplomatic power to improve its position in the global sphere in the wake of Brexit?
  • What would be the implications of a Labour government for British foreign policy in the Middle East?
  • Is Brexit likely to reduce the influence that Britain still wields in global affairs, and in what ways?
  • Post-Covid, is a close UK relationship with China still practical and viable?
  • Is the previous interventionist approach of Britain to foreign policy politically and economically sustainable with significant post-Covid economic constraints on the horizon?
  • How can the United Kingdom keep itself together in the wake of challenges to the Union from Northern Irish and Scottish independence movements?
  • What strategic security approaches should the UK take to minimize the risk of instability in Northern Ireland post-Brexit?
  • Does the UK still hold relevance and significance for the US as an ally, with major budgetary cuts to the British Armed Forces coming in the aftermath of the Covid crisis?
  • How can Britain’s foreign policy be revitalised through the linking of trade and economic priorities to diplomacy and security?

Africa Dissertation Topics

  • Africa’s relations with the rest of the world have historically often been problematic because of the prevalence of state and ethnic conflict, as well as the autocratic nature of many African governments. Growing Chinese involvement in Africa is also a concern. Together with significant developmental challenges, Africa is a rich area for discussion and analysis of many facets of international relations from war to economic growth and the aftermath of colonialism. Have Western interventions only served to make matters worse in Africa?
  • To what extent could the political tensions between communities and ethnic groups in Africa today have been affected by colonial rule?
  • To what extent could ancient tribal traditions and religious beliefs hold some responsibility for the problems between African nations?
  • What are the key causes of problems between African nations and how do they affect their relationships with the West?
  • What efforts have been made by the rest of the world to resolve the tensions between warring African nations? How successful have they been?
  • How are relations between African nations likely to develop in the future?
  • How successful has the African Union been in resolving Africa’s challenges and providing a voice for Africa on the global stage?
  • How effective have efforts at negotiation and conciliation between warring African ethnic groups been? How relevant are Western political ideals in an African setting?
  • In what ways is Africa a destabilising regional force in global politics?
  • In what ways is the rise of an African middle class changing its politics?
  • How are Islamist terror organisations exploiting local African conflicts?
  • How effective have African counterterrorism efforts been in recent years?
  • How has Africa been politically excluded by the international community, and to what extent can this be rectified?

Russia and Eastern Europe Dissertation Topics

Russia remains a critical swing power, as a military peer of the US and a large economy, however the aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union has seen some significant changes in Eastern Europe. Countries in Eastern Europe are looking to align more with the West, potentially increasing mutual enmity between Russia and the West. To base your dissertation in this area, you could use one of the following topics.

  • How has the collapse of the Soviet Union served to influence international relations between Eastern Europe and the West?
  • With the formation of a ‘Single Europe’, has the opening up of the EU to Eastern European countries served to hinder or help this ideal?
  • Why were Eastern European countries so susceptible to Soviet rule? What changed?
  • How successfully have Eastern European countries been integrated into the EU?
  • How will the rise of China impact on Russia’s relationship with the West?
  • What are the most significant problems for the EU caused by the entry of Eastern European States?
  • Why is Russia still considered to be such a threat to Western ideals?
  • Has the Cold War ever really stopped?
  • How did Russia’s annexation of the Crimea and support for rebel forces in Ukraine cause a break in relations with the West?
  • In the aftermath of the war in Crimea, will ‘hybrid war’ be part of a renewed Russian threat to the West?
  • On the basis of past relations, why does Russia still look to distance itself from the West?
  • On the basis of relations between Russia and the US, why have they never actually declared war?
  • Has the threat posed by Russia to the countries of Eastern Europe been neglected?
  • To what extent does Russian influence impact upon an increasingly fragmented European Union?
  • In the light of China’s growing power, is Russia’s preeminent role in Eurasian politics and security likely to continue?
  • Is a Sino-Russian military alliance feasible, and what are the implications for European security?
  • How will Russian hacker attacks on US elections impact on Russia’s relationship with the West? Are such attacks a new method of external political influencing, or merely an extension of Cold War era sabotage?
  • Nord Stream 2 is a highly controversial energy project. Does it increase Russian-German mutual interdependence, or does it only serve to enhance Russian leverage as alleged by the US?

In the latter part of the 20th century, whilst the Chinese government still maintained its distinctly communist ideals, the country became increasingly open to Western views on economic growth and technology, blended together with a view to rapid growth. Starting with Deng Xiaoping’s reforms in the 1980s, to the current President Xi Jinping, Chinese economic and political approaches are the subject of much speculation. There is a lot to be discussed here, and below are some suggested topics for your politics dissertation.

  • To what extent have Western politics and ideals influenced China?
  • Why did China elect to ‘open’ what had previously been a distinctly closed economy?
  • In what way can Deng Xiaoping’s reforms be seen to have moved the Chinese economy towards Western capitalism?
  • Is China is considered a threat to Western ideals? Discuss.
  • How could China’s rapid economic growth be considered a good thing for the West?
  • Why have greater efforts not been made by the West to forge closer relations with the Chinese?
  • How could Chinese political ideals be said to have influenced Western politics? Has this been for the better?
  • Why, when the power of the Soviet Union was considered such a threat, were greater efforts not made to overthrow China’s communist rule?
  • How can China be viewed with such suspicion, when the West is largely responsible for its growth? Discuss.
  • What impact will the Covid crisis have on the Western relationship with China going forward? How will China’s crackdown in Xinjiang impact relations with the West?
  • What are the potential gains and losses for China in trying to take Taiwan by military force?
  • How will the growing hostility between China and India shape the global economic, security and political environment?
  • To what extent does China’s human rights record make relations with the West complex?
  • Is growing Chinese military power a threat to Russia in Siberia?
  • In what ways has President Xi Jinping reversed the policies of predecessors such as Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Xemin?
  • What impact does Xi Jinping’s appointment to rule ‘indefinitely’ have on the potential for democracy in China?
  • Does the Chinese model of state capitalism undermine the western view that capitalism and democracy ‘go hand in hand’?

There have long been significant difficulties in the relationship between the Arabs and the Israelis, mainly centered upon the recognition of a Palestinian State, which has led to many armed conflicts and complications in relationships with other countries. The Middle East also features tensions involving Iran, as well as controversy over the lack of regional democracy. If you are stuck for ideas for your politics on a Middle East centered dissertation, the following topics may be useful for you to research.

  • What have been the main difficulties blocking the creation of a Palestinian State?
  • How have relations between the Arabs and the Israelis served to influence their relationships with Western States?
  • Why has the Arab-Israeli conflict gone on for so long?
  • What is the most significant event that most effectively symbolises the breakdown of relations between the Arabs and the Israelis?
  • How successful have Western attempts proved to be in resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict?
  • To what extent can a two state solution be implemented in Israel and Palestine while settlements are still being built on Palestinian territory?
  • With the expansion of Israeli settlements, are the prospects of a two-state solution dead?
  • Can a Palestinian State ever be recognised?
  • Compare and contrast the recognition sought for a Palestinian State with that of Tibet – which is more likely?
  • Why were events not resolved when the Arab-Israeli conflict descended into war?
  • What role should the United Nations play in resolving the Arab/Israeli conflict?
  • To what extent has former President Trump’s announcement to move the US Israeli embassy to Jerusalem impacted on Israeli/Palestinian relations?
  • What impact has the Arab Spring had on Arab/Israeli relations?
  • To what extent can the Palestinian Authority be seen as an autonomous state government?
  • Is there potential for an Israeli-Palestinian deal, now that many Arabs states such as the UAE have recognized Israel?
  • How will the Israeli-Russian relationship impact on Syria and the wider Middle East?
  • How has the Arab Spring failed to deliver on its early promise?
  • In what ways will ongoing Arab-Iranian antagonism impact on the Middle East?
  • Is the Arab world well positioned for a post-oil future?

India is widely regarded as a rising superpower, and a potential democratic counterbalance to China, in the West. The recent Coronavirus crisis, where Indian manufactured vaccines proved pivotal, underscore how Indian capabilities and confrontation with China will play a role in international relations going forward. Check out some useful ideas for India-related dissertation topics below for international relations and politics.

  • What learnings are there for the rest of the world from Indian experience of counterterrorism?
  • What are the possible gains for the UK in pursuing a close post-Brexit partnership with India?
  • How can India contribute to the ‘Quad’ of Japan, Australia, India and the US in balancing China?
  • How has the export of Covid vaccines altered global perceptions of India?
  • What is the impact of India-Pakistan tensions on UK security?
  • Why has democracy succeeded in India?
  • How has colonialism shaped Indian attitudes to the West?
  • How can India balance development and poverty alleviation with the security challenges in its neighbourhood?
  • What contribution could India make to stabilizing Afghanistan?
  • How will growing Russian-Chinese relations impact on Indian security?

European Union Dissertation Topics

The EU served to cement relations between the countries that were party to the Union with a view to establishing closer ties between the nations on all social, political and economic matters, for the good of the EU and its many member states. Recent political dissatisfaction with the European Union has caused members to think again about the role and the purpose of the institution, not least with the UK referendum vote to leave. There are many subjects to be discussed and researched for your politics dissertation regarding the European Union.  Some of these are suggested below.

  • How could the EU be considered flawed in forming closer political relations between member states?
  • Why could the EU be considered discriminatory to the formation of relations with nations beyond it? How could it be considered little more than a ‘boys club’?
  • How has rapidly increasing the number of member countries in the EU impacted on previous ideals and relationships between existing EU members?
  • To what extent has the EU’s formation been influenced by the historical understanding of the formation of the US?
  • What aspect of the EU could be considered most detrimental to international relations? Why? What does this mean for the political standing of the Union?
  • Can the EU’s move towards ‘shared security’ be seen as a threat to the existence of NATO?
  • Is the EU capable of being a single actor in the defense and security sphere?
  • Are the symbols and tools of statehood, such as flag, anthem and legislature justified for the EU?
  • To what extent has a ‘Single European Entity’ been achieved? In the context of international relations, is this a good thing?
  • Why was a ‘Single European Entity’ not possible sooner? Why were international relations not previously conductive to it?
  • To what extent could the EU be said to be similar to the Soviet Union? Does this mean the Soviet Union was a good thing?
  • What impact has the UK vote to leave the EU had on how other member states view the Union?
  • How important is the EU in keeping the peace in Northern Ireland? Compare and contrast with the role of NATO in Europe?
  • How have far right movements across Europe impacted on the stability of the European Union?
  • What role has large scale migration from the Middle East played on satisfaction with EU membership across Europe?
  • Is EU foreign policy too heavily weighted towards the interests of Germany and France, at the expense of smaller member states?
  • Do energy projects such as Nord Stream 2, and continued scrambles for Middle East oil underscore the need for a renewed sustainable energy policy for Europe?
  • How has the flawed Covid response by the EU, especially for the procurement of vaccines, impacted on public perceptions of the EU?
  • Has the distribution of Coronavirus vaccines in Europe been equitable, with each member country getting a fair share? What will be the political impact of the delays in vaccine deployment and distribution?
  • Can the EU survive the Coronavirus crisis? Has a perceived slow response to Coronavirus damaged the EU?

International relations after the Second World War Dissertation Topics

In the immediate aftermath of World War II, in Europe in particular, many countries faced a great deal of problems as they sought to rebuild. Social unrest and economic instability were particularly prominent, as people struggled to justify their identity and actions, whilst many in authority took advantage of this instability. This was an important time in politics, and a topic relating to international relations after the Second World War would make for an interesting politics dissertation.

  • How could the role played by the US in the immediate aftermath of the War be said to be illustrative of the position they took on in international relations and politics?
  • To what extent did the US ‘take advantage’ of Europe’s decreased position after the war to increase its own power?
  • Was the Marshall Plan ultimately beneficial or detrimental to Europe’s economic recovery?
  • To what extent was Germany’s division illustrative of the state of international relations at this time? Would a ‘united’ Germany have led to closer international relations?
  • How did the state of Europe in the wake of war make many countries susceptible to the Soviet Union and their communist ideals?
  • What was the aim of the Allied Powers in WWII? Did they achieve them?
  • How were European relations effectively structured for the next fifty years by the immediate aftermath of the war? Is this still the case?
  • How did the ‘Cold War’ start? What were its most significant influences on international relations?
  • How did the effects of the ‘Cold War’ spread so quickly? How was it resolved?
  • What was the biggest achievement in international relations in the aftermath of War?
  • How successful were the reparations provided by the US in securing countries against the threat provided by the Soviet Union?
  • Why were nuclear weapons developed? How did they affect international relations?
  • To what extent did World War II directly lead to the creation of the EU?

International law Dissertation Topics

International law provides the framework for international relations to function. However it is adhered to only selectively by Great Powers, and sometimes by smaller countries too.  When and where is the application of international law ideal? Here are some great suggestions on international law for your politics dissertation.

  • In what ways has the law of the EU served to influence relations between the member states? Has this always been a good thing?
  • Why does the law punish some countries when they break it, whilst others are left to their own devices? Discuss.
  • How successful has the United Nations proved to be as a law enforcement agency?
  • Is the US above the law? Discuss with examples.
  • Why are countries like China and Russia allowed to get away with breaches of the law as it stands internationally, whilst Iraq and Afghanistan are punished?
  • Were the actions of the US in Iraq and Afghanistan legitimate?
  • Is the use of force ever justified by international law?
  • What reforms are needed by international law to improve international relations? Are such reforms likely?
  • In the face of complex politics, can international law ever be universally applicable?
  • To what extent are all countries ‘equal in the eyes of the law’?
  • What role does international law have to play in the use of drone strikes?
  • Can international law be effective in a digital age?
  • Why has international law proven unable to find a resolution to the Syrian conflict?
  • How can international law be enforced against Great Powers, many of whom routinely flout it in pursuit of their interests?

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168 Current International Relations Research Topics For Any Level

international relations research topics

Are you a student looking for intriguing international relations research topics? Look no further! In this blog post, we have created a list of 168 unique and thought-provoking research topics in the field of international relations that should help students get an A+ on their next paper.

Whether you’re studying political science, international affairs or related disciplines, this comprehensive list covers a wide range of fascinating subjects. From global governance to security issues, diplomacy, human rights, and more, these topics are designed to inspire your research and help you delve deeper into the complexities of international relations. So, grab your notepad and get ready to explore these captivating research ideas!

A Word On International Relations Theses

International relations is the study of interactions between nations and global actors. It examines politics, economics, security, and culture, exploring how countries cooperate, conflict and shape global dynamics. If you’re about to start working on a thesis in international relations and you are wondering what to include in your paper, here is a short explanation of each of the mandatory chapters:

Introduction: The opening section that presents the research problem, objectives, and significance of the study. Literature Review: A comprehensive review of existing scholarly works related to the research topic, providing a context for the study. Methodology: Describes the research design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques used to address the research questions or hypotheses. Findings: Presents the empirical results or outcomes of the research, often supported by data, analysis, and interpretation. Discussion: Analyzes and interprets the findings in relation to the research objectives, drawing connections to existing literature and providing insights. Conclusion: Summarizes the main findings, highlights the contributions to the field, and suggests avenues for future research. References: Lists all the sources cited in the thesis following a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

Now, it’s time to deliver on our promise and give you the list of international relations research paper topics. Choose the one you like the most:

Easy International Relations Research Topics

Explore our list of easy international relations research topics that will help you understand global politics and analyze the dynamics of international relations with ease

  • The impact of globalization on state sovereignty and international relations
  • Analyzing the role of non-state actors in global governance structures
  • The influence of soft power in shaping international relations and diplomacy
  • Exploring the relationship between human rights and international relations
  • Examining the dynamics of economic interdependence in international relations
  • The role of international organizations in promoting peace and security
  • Assessing the impact of climate change on international relations and cooperation
  • Analyzing the role of regional integration in shaping global politics
  • The implications of cyber warfare for international relations and national security
  • Examining the challenges and opportunities of humanitarian intervention in international relations
  • Analyzing the role of ideology in shaping state behavior in international relations
  • Exploring the impact of migration and refugee crises on international relations
  • Assessing the role of international law in resolving conflicts and promoting peace
  • Investigating the role of intelligence agencies in shaping international relations

International Relations Thesis Topics

Our wide range of international relations thesis topics will guide you towards developing a strong research question, conducting in-depth analysis, and contributing to the field with your original research:

  • Power dynamics and the balance of power in international relations
  • Exploring the role of diplomacy in conflict resolution and peacebuilding
  • The impact of nuclear proliferation on international security and non-proliferation regimes
  • Analyzing the role of international institutions in managing global crises
  • The influence of nationalism on interstate relations and regional cooperation
  • Examining the role of international norms and human rights in shaping foreign policy
  • Assessing the impact of economic globalization on state sovereignty in international relations
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and international relations
  • Exploring the concept of hegemony and its implications for international relations
  • The role of gender in international relations and its impact on policy-making
  • Analyzing the role of intelligence agencies in shaping international relations
  • The implications of emerging technologies on international security and arms control
  • Examining the role of media and propaganda in international conflicts and public opinion
  • The impact of regional integration on state behavior and international cooperation

Advanced International Relations Topics For Research

Dive into complex issues, explore cutting-edge theories, and unravel the intricate dynamics of global affairs with our advanced international relations topics for research:

  • China’s global rise and its power dynamics
  • Non-traditional security threats in international relations
  • AI and warfare: Implications for international security
  • Climate change, conflict, and forced migration in international relations
  • Religion and politics in international relations
  • Populism’s impact on global governance and international relations
  • Social movements and civil society in shaping international relations
  • Pandemics and international cooperation: Implications for global governance
  • Cultural diplomacy and soft power in international relations
  • Information warfare and disinformation in international relations
  • Regional powers shaping global security dynamics
  • Responsibility to protect and humanitarian interventions in international relations
  • Resource scarcity and environmental degradation in international relations
  • Migration and refugee crises’ impact on global stability

International Relations Research Questions

Our carefully curated list of international relations research questions will inspire critical thinking and promote meaningful discussions:

  • How does power transition theory explain shifts in global power dynamics?
  • What are the implications of the rise of non-state actors on traditional state-centric international relations theories?
  • How do identity politics and nationalism shape interstate conflicts?
  • What are the factors influencing state compliance with international human rights norms?
  • How does globalization impact state sovereignty?
  • What are the challenges of multilateralism in addressing global issues?
  • How does public opinion influence state behavior in international relations?
  • What are the causes and consequences of failed states in international relations?
  • How does the distribution of power in international institutions affect their legitimacy?
  • What are the implications of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, on international security?
  • How do regional conflicts and security dilemmas impact regional integration efforts?
  • What are the root causes of terrorism?
  • How does economic interdependence shape interstate relations and global governance structures?
  • What are the challenges of global environmental governance in addressing climate change?

International Relations Paper Topics

Choose one of our international relations paper topics that resonate with your interests and embark on an enriching research journey:

  • The role of ideology in shaping state behavior in international relations
  • Analyzing the impact of economic sanctions on diplomatic relations between countries
  • The role of media and propaganda in influencing public opinion in international conflicts
  • Exploring the relationship between globalization and cultural identity in international relations
  • The implications of cybersecurity threats on national security and international relations
  • Assessing the role of intelligence agencies in gathering and analyzing international intelligence
  • Analyzing the impact of regional organizations on regional conflicts and cooperation in international relations
  • The influence of international trade agreements on global economic and political relations
  • Exploring the dynamics of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation in international relations
  • The role of international law in resolving territorial disputes and promoting peace
  • Non-state actors in international relations: Influence and challenges
  • Conflict resolution mechanisms: Negotiation, mediation, and peacebuilding approaches
  • Diplomatic immunity: Balancing immunity with accountability in international relations
  • The impact of global pandemics on international cooperation and security

Engaging Topic Ideas About International Relations

Are you seeking engaging and captivating topic ideas for your international relations research? Choose one of these engaging topic ideas about international relations:

  • Global governance and international organizations in addressing global challenges.
  • Nationalism’s impact on international relations and global cooperation.
  • Soft power in shaping international perceptions and relations.
  • Regional conflicts’ implications for global stability and security.
  • Cyber warfare: Assessing evolving cyber threats in international relations.
  • Media’s role in international relations: Influence, propaganda, and disinformation.
  • Economic interdependence: Opportunities and risks in global relations.
  • Diplomacy in the digital age: Challenges of virtual diplomacy.
  • Global migration and refugee crises: Humanitarian and political dimensions.
  • Human rights in international relations: Promoting universal rights.
  • Terrorism’s impact on global security and counterterrorism efforts.
  • Environmental diplomacy: Addressing global environmental challenges.
  • Religion’s role in international relations.
  • Regional power dynamics: Influence of major powers in different regions

international relations research topics

Interesting International Relations Research Paper Topics

Uncover fascinating research paper topics in international relations that will captivate your readers and showcase your analytical skills. Use one of these interesting international relations research paper topics:

  • Populism’s rise and its impact on international relations and global governance
  • Climate change’s geopolitical implications: Conflicts, migrations, and resource competition
  • Hybrid warfare: Analyzing blurred lines between conventional and unconventional threats
  • Technology’s impact on diplomacy and the future of diplomatic practices
  • Nuclear energy diplomacy: Balancing peaceful uses and proliferation concerns
  • Soft power and cultural industries’ influence in international relations
  • Politics of humanitarian aid: Challenges and ethical considerations
  • Media framing’s impact on public opinion in international conflicts
  • International cooperation in space exploration and its geopolitical implications
  • Diaspora communities’ role in shaping international relations and global politics
  • Migration policies and human rights: Balancing border control and human dignity
  • Global health governance: Cooperation, challenges, and pandemic responses
  • Environmental peacebuilding: Addressing conflicts over natural resources and degradation
  • Economic sanctions: Effectiveness and ethical implications in international relations

Political Science Dissertation Topics

Our list of political science dissertation topics will provide you with a solid foundation for developing a unique research proposal and making a significant contribution to the field:

  • The role of political ideologies in foreign policy and international relations.
  • National security strategies and state behavior in international relations.
  • Global governance and collective decision-making challenges in international institutions.
  • Public opinion’s influence on foreign policy and international relations.
  • Identity politics and intergroup relations in international contexts.
  • Humanitarian interventions and the responsibility to protect.
  • Geopolitics and resource conflicts: Strategic importance of natural resources.
  • International law’s role in shaping state behavior and resolving conflicts.
  • Comparative political systems in international relations.
  • Political leadership’s impact on diplomatic relations and cooperation.
  • International development assistance: Aid effectiveness and challenges.
  • Non-state actors in global politics: Influence, networks, power dynamics.
  • Intelligence agencies in international intelligence gathering and analysis.
  • Political parties and foreign policy shaping

Current International Relations Topics For Research Paper

Stay up to date with the latest developments in global politics by exploring our selection of current international relations topics for research paper writing :

  • Emerging technologies’ impact on global security and power dynamics.
  • Transnational threats: Terrorism, crime, and cyber challenges in focus.
  • Regional integration in globalization: Achievements, limitations, and prospects.
  • Trade wars: Implications for global economy and cooperation.
  • Disinformation and fake news: Influence on international politics and public opinion.
  • Climate change negotiations: Progress and challenges in combating global warming
  • Cybersecurity and emerging threats in international relations.
  • Regional power dynamics in the Middle East: Implications for global security
  • Global responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: Cooperation and challenges
  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation in international policy
  • Rising nationalism and its impact on international cooperation
  • Humanitarian crisis in Yemen: International responses and challenges
  • Technology and the future of warfare: Implications for global security
  • The Belt and Road Initiative: Assessing its impact on international relations

Awesome Research Topics For International Relations

Our awesome research topics for international relations allow you to explore diverse areas of global politics and contribute to the field with your exceptional research:

  • NGOs’ role in shaping international policies and agendas
  • Humanitarian interventions and the responsibility to protect: Effectiveness and ethics
  • Cybersecurity challenges in international relations: Risks and responses
  • Global migration governance: Policies and implications
  • Globalization vs national sovereignty: Impacts on state behavior
  • China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Geopolitical influence and challenges
  • Nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation: Effectiveness of treaties
  • Gender in international relations: Impact of norms and policies
  • Post-colonial perspectives in international relations: Power dynamics and legacies
  • Climate justice and international cooperation: Addressing climate change
  • Regional organizations in global governance and international relations
  • Politics of humanitarian intervention: Strategies and outcomes
  • Political economy of international trade: Impact of policies and agreements
  • Populism’s impact on democracy and international relations

Controversial International Relations Topics

Delve into the realm of controversy and discourse with our thought-provoking controversial international relations topics:

  • Drones in targeted killings: Legal and ethical implications
  • Nuclear energy and non-proliferation: Benefits and risks
  • Intervention in state sovereignty: Legitimacy and consequences
  • Ethics of economic sanctions: Effectiveness and impact on civilians
  • Cyber warfare and international norms: Regulating cyber conflicts
  • Climate change’s impact on national security and conflicts
  • Intelligence agencies in covert operations and international relations
  • Politics of humanitarian aid: Motivations and challenges
  • Ethics of military intervention: Justifications and consequences
  • Politics of regime change: Motivations and implications
  • Media bias’s impact on international perceptions and diplomacy
  • Private military companies: Challenges and accountability
  • Politics of disarmament and arms control: Progress and challenges
  • Corporate interests’ influence on foreign policy and relations

Best International Relations Topics For 2023

Stay ahead of the curve with our selection of the best international relations topics for 2023. These carefully curated topics reflect the current trends, emerging challenges and pressing issues:

  • COVID-19 pandemic’s implications on global politics and international relations
  • Rise of populism and its impact on democracy and international cooperation
  • Cybersecurity challenges in a hyper-connected world: Risks and responses
  • Future of international cooperation in addressing global challenges and conflicts
  • Climate change and security: Implications for international relations and stability
  • Evolving role of regional powers in shaping global politics and relations
  • Technological advancements’ impact on state power and international relations
  • Global governance reform: Restructuring international institutions
  • Social media’s role in shaping international perceptions and political movements
  • Challenges and prospects of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation
  • Intersection of artificial intelligence and international relations
  • Impact of trade wars on global economic relations and cooperation
  • Geopolitical tensions in the Arctic: Resource competition and influence
  • Future of multilateralism: Relevance and effectiveness in a changing world

Get Affordable Help Today

Are you struggling with your international relations research paper or stuck writing a coursework ? Need some help during your next test? Don’t worry, our academic writing company is here to help. We offer professional thesis writing help with a team of highly educated and experienced writers. Our dedicated professionals ensure our high quality work is delivered in a rapid and efficient manner. We understand the importance of affordability, which is why we provide our services at affordable rates.

With our safe and reliable service, you can trust that your paper is in good hands. Whether you’re a college student or in any class, our custom online assistance will ensure that you receive top marks on your international relations research paper. Don’t stress, let our professional service assist you and help you get an A+ on your next international relations research paper!

We have also prepared a list of best topics on the following disciplines:

  • 122 Best Ecology Topics To Sparkle Your Writing
  • 150 Original Accounting Research Paper Topics
  • 233 Marketing Research Topics To Come Up With An Impressive Paper
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  • 50+ Excellent Economics Paper Topics You Should Not Miss
  • 100 Gender Research Topics For Academic Papers
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  • 110 Impressive Nursing Research Topics To Use

How do I choose a research topic in international relations?

Consider your interests, current events, and gaps in existing literature to identify an area of focus. Brainstorm potential topics and ensure they align with your research objectives.

What makes a strong international relations research paper?

A strong research paper includes a well-defined research question, solid theoretical framework, rigorous analysis, credible sources, and logical structure. It should also contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

How can I narrow down my international relations research topic?

Consider specific regions, actors, theories, or policy areas within international relations. Narrowing down your topic will allow for a more focused and manageable research paper.

Can I use case studies in my international relations research paper?

Yes, case studies can be valuable in providing empirical evidence and in-depth analysis. They help illustrate theoretical concepts and offer real-world examples to support your arguments.

Criminal Justice Thesis Topics

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40+ Expert Suggestions For International Relations Dissertation Topics

As a field of study, international relations delves into the complex relationships between nations. It scrutinizes the political, economic, and social interactions that shape our global society. Embarking on an International Relations dissertation provides an opportunity to critically analyze these interactions and contribute to this field's existing body of knowledge.

Choosing a compelling and relevant topic is the first step in this engaging journey. This article presents a selection of 40+ dissertation topics, curated by experts that will inspire you as you explore the dynamic world of international relations.

The Relevance of International Relations:

As a study field, international relations have never been more relevant than they are today. We live in a rapidly globalizing world where nation-states are interconnected and interdependent. International relations help us understand these intricate connections, addressing inherently international problems—like climate change, global economy, terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and even pandemics.

Moreover, international relations offer critical insights into how national and international politics, world economies, and legal systems interact, influencing global peace and conflict. In this context, a guide for writing an academic paper can be a beneficial resource for students of this discipline, as it provides strategies for effectively writing about these complex and interconnected issues.

Ultimately, international relations enable us to see beyond our borders and understand the broader dynamics at work. This understanding is paramount in our current times and for anyone hoping to help shape a better future.

Decoding the Importance of Expert Guidance:

Expert guidance is pivotal to the success of academic pursuits. This applies heavily to dissertation writing, where the complexity of managing vast quantities of information can be overwhelming. Experts, with their comprehensive knowledge and rich experience, can lead one along the efficient path to academic success. They proficiently mentor students, providing insights into topic selection, research methodologies, and more.

Experts play a crucial role by guiding students to adhere to research ethics, maintain objectivity, and preserve academic integrity. At the same time, they can serve as a source of motivation and reassurance to students during moments of uncertainty.

That said, services provided by an expert report writing agency in UK can be invaluable. Equipped with professionals specializing in various domains, these agencies usher students through the intricate dissertation writing process, ensuring quality content and adherence to rigorous academic standards.

Top 40 International Relations Dissertation Topics:

  • Economic Security: A Lens for Understanding International Relations
  • Unraveling the Causes of Russia-Ukraine Conflict
  • Behind the Scenes: The Driving Forces of Global Terrorism
  • Middle East: A Geo-Economic Examination
  • COVID-19 and Its Effects on Global Diplomacy
  • A Study of UK's Immigration Laws and Regulations
  • The UK's Role in the Indo-Pak Kashmir Conflict
  • The 9/11 Event and Its Influences on Global Trade
  • International Relations and the European Union: An Analysis
  • Emerging Trends in Financial Markets Globalization

Engaging Dissertation Themes in International Relations

  • War Tactics in the Arctic Circle
  • Transnationalism vs Patriotism: A Comparative Insight
  • Global Inequality: The Continuing Impact of Anti-Colonial Injustice
  • The Influence of International Relations on Domestic Policies
  • The Positive Role of International Relations in WHO Operations
  • Domestic Views on Public Trust and Human Rights
  • Upholding Human Rights Laws on a Global Scale
  • Implications of Conflict on Military Organizations
  • Navigating Challenges in Policy Implementation
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Counter-Terrorism Policies

Notable Dissertation Subjects in Politics and International Relations

  • Agile Management's Role: A Case Study in UK Construction
  • Exploring Gen Z and Sustainability: CSR in High-End Fashion
  • Engaging Communities in the Fight Against Elderly Malnutrition
  • Adjustments Impact on Well-being in Autistic Individuals
  • Comparing International Relations in Democratic vs Communist Nations
  • Unraveling Political Issues During World War I .
  • A Study of Human Rights Violations in Uganda
  • The Cold War: Causes, Effects, and Influence on Political Ties
  • Religious and Governmental Influence in Political Sphere
  • The Power of Media in Directing Public Sentiments

Impressive Themes for Dissertation in International Relations

  • 9/11 Implications on Global Relations
  • The Terrorism Threat and Its Influence on Security Legislations
  • The 1939 Non-Aggression Pact and Its Implications
  • Overcoming Challenges in International Relations
  • Destructive Influence of Realism in Global Politics
  • Cryptocurrencies: A New Player in International Diplomacy
  • The Role of Trade Agreements in Shaping European Economy.
  • Understanding the Democratic Peace Theory
  • Offensive vs. Defensive Liberalism: A Comparative Analysis
  • Neo-Globalization Versus Anti-Globalization: A Comparative Study

Suggestions to Develop International Relations Dissertation Topic Ideas:

There are several key considerations while tackling your international relations dissertation topic ideas. One of the critical elements is the prewriting phase for your paper.

Firstly, this phase encompasses various vital activities designed to make your writing distinctive. You should look at examples of international relations dissertations to harness ideas, organize your thoughts, and evaluate your drafts. This exploration will also help you establish a suitable international relations dissertation structure. By investing time in prewriting, you can ascertain the paper's objective and devise a way to engage your readers elegantly.

Topic Selection:

The first crucial step in your academic journey involves selecting a suitable topic for your international relations dissertation. Aim for a topic that is not only manageable and closely related to your field of study but also has the potential to add unique insights to the existing body of knowledge.

Your dissertation aims to motivate others to explore the multifaceted domain of international relations. Reviewing examples of previously published dissertations or seeking your professor's advice could be of great value at this stage. If you find this process daunting or time-consuming, remember that you always have the option to pay someone to do my dissertation as a viable alternative.

Brainstorming and Investigating:

In this phase, firstly, begin by jotting down any ideas that come to mind relating to the topic, disregarding grammar or punctuation at this moment. This free-writing exercise can spark your creativity and foster a diverse while smoothing the development of your international relations dissertation topics. Altogether, In-depth research is essential at this stage, equipping you with comprehensive data and informing the core argument of your dissertation. If you encounter any hurdles during this process, don't hesitate to contact us at our dissertation support service for assistance.

Grouping Ideas and Outlining:

Once you've selected your dissertation topics, organize your thoughts into coherent sentences. Link related ideas and ensure they correspond to your primary theme. Outlining your purpose and pertinent material will help structure your supporting ideas. Lastly, support your arguments with evidence and comply with the document requirements. Dissertation writing services can be helpful if you need additional guidance.

Editing and Proofreading:

While immersed in creating the perfect international relations dissertation topics, it's easy to miss minor and significant errors that could impact the overall quality and readability of the dissertation. You must proofread your document multiple times and make the necessary revisions. Focus on referencing, grammar, tense, coherency, and errors.

If you find this challenging or would like a professional touch, the experts at AcademicEra.co.uk can assist you in ensuring accuracy and excellence in your international relations dissertation.

Concluding Your Dissertation:

Your conclusion is the final component of your dissertation paper, so it should recapitulate your main arguments and thesis statement. Use this section to justify all your paper's international relations dissertation topics. Refrain from introducing new points here; instead, summarize your findings. Share your experiences, including whether the chosen international relations issue was resolved or the challenges encountered. Remember to mention any limitations and potential future studies related to your topic.

Final Thoughts:

Lastly, selecting the right topic for an international relations dissertation can be complex, given the vast array of compelling themes. By presenting 40+ expert suggestions for these topics, we aim to ease this task, providing a Launchpad for your research.

Your endeavors in international relations should not just disseminate information or analysis; ideally, they should instigate thought and inspire further exploration into the many dimensions of international relations. Moreover, we hope these 40+ expert suggestions guide you in shaping an impactful dissertation in the field of international relations. Happy researching!

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213 International Relations Dissertation Topics That Will Help You Succeed

international relations dissertation topics

International relations dissertation topics cover the relations between different nations, regions, economies, and governments. They also explore the essence of economic ties, trade, global security, diplomacy, and foreign policies. Essentially, these topics don’t focus on one country. Instead, they cover events and their impact on regions or countries. Virtually every country should ensure that its economic and international relations with other nations are longstanding and valuable.

International relations studies enable students to understand the operations and connections of different countries. It also allows learners to know the effects of policy changes and other significant incidents among countries. If struggling to select a topic for your paper in this subject, these ideas should guide you.

Dissertation Topics in International Relations

If looking for a topic that will capture your educator’s attention and compel them to award you the top grade, consider any of these topic ideas. These are some of the best topics that can capture the educator’s attention, but you still will have to take your time to research your preferred topic idea thoroughly and write a brilliant paper to impress the educator.

  • Brexit implications for the European Union and the United Kingdom
  • Current globalization trends of financial markets
  • The primary energy and fuel resources suppliers and consumers
  • What is the American interest Promotion system or lobbying?
  • What is democracy retreat?
  • International relations- What are the direct humanitarian interventions?
  • The US global leadership evolution in a contemporary strategy for international relations
  • Investigating the international refugee laws
  • Modern geopolitics- Celebrating realism instead of idealism
  • Differentiating the League of Nations from the United Nations
  • How a rising China can benefit the United States and her allies
  • Viewing globalization from a socioeconomic perspective
  • Lessons from the Russian and American conflict
  • How the American foreign policy affects democratization and human rights
  • The structure of the International Monetary Fund
  • Controversies around Amnesty International
  • Human rights violation in Uganda
  • What causes global poverty?
  • Causes and effects of the Syrian conflict
  • Power battles in the Arctic Circle
  • Investigating the Non-State actors’ roles in Japan Corporations
  • Global distribution of the GM foods market
  • What are the ethical guidelines for NGOs?
  • Analyzing the global security networks
  • Neo-globalization- Investigating international cooperation
  • Anti-globalization movement and globalization
  • Analyzing patriotism during trans-nationalism
  • How to negotiate for hostages in a foreign country
  • How UMSCA affects international trade
  • The impact of the US exit from the Paris Climate Change Treaty
  • How feminists approach international relations theory
  • Comparing Japan’s and China’s foreign aid policies
  • How the UN has failed in its nuclear disarmament plans
  • How China-Soviet conflict affects the US-China relations
  • Effects of China-Taiwan-Hong Kong relations on the international economy
  • Examining the US foreign policy
  • Why domestic policies matter to international relations
  • Analyzing global anti-colonial justice and inequality
  • Why anti-dumping is necessary for international trade legislation
  • Approaches for foreign policy decision making

Politics and International Relations Dissertation Topics

If interested in international relations and politics, you may want to write a paper on a topic in this category. Here are ideas that can earn learners high grades when researched extensively. Your professor will be interested in any of these topics in international relations and politics. However, take your time to research and analyze information extensively to develop a top-notch paper about your preferred topic.

  • World Health Organization- Benefits of international relations for a global medical system
  • International politics on feminism- Analyzing the constant efforts for ensuring gender equality worldwide
  • The American amendments- Analyzing the US laws and their applications
  • Why foreign labor matters- How immigrants help countries develop their cities
  • Economic alliances between nations- How partnerships provide financial support
  • The Israel conflict- Analyzing the historical conflict between Israel and Palestine
  • Investigating the NATO role in military defense
  • The European Union formation and why it’s important
  • The Arab Spring- Investigating revolutions in Arab countries
  • Religion involvement in politics- Religious and governmental roles
  • The origins of right and left parties- the Interesting story behind the segregation
  • Investigating international relations between democratic and communist countries
  • Cold war Studying its causes and effects on political relations
  • The Communist regime- Investigating the hard times in Europe during communism
  • The First World War- Political situations that facilitated World War 1
  • How the Soviet Union’s collapse influenced international relations between the West and Eastern Europe
  • How Single Europe formation opened up the EU to Eastern European nations while hindering or helping this ideal
  • Why countries in Eastern Europe are susceptible to the Soviet rule
  • Has the integration of Eastern European countries into the EU succeeded?
  • How rising China will affect the relationship between Russia and the West
  • Discussing the primary problems that prompted Eastern European countries to enter the EU
  • Why Russia remains a threat to the Western ideals
  • Has the Cold war ended?
  • Will the pre-eminent role of Russia in Eurasian politics continue with the growing power of China?
  • How Russia influences the fragmented EU
  • Considering the relations between the US and Russia, why have they never declared war?
  • Based on past links, why is Russia always distancing itself from the West?
  • Is hybrid war a part of the Russian threat to Western countries?
  • How Crimea’s annexation by Russia can break relations with Western countries
  • Has the world neglected the Russian threat to Eastern European countries?

Best International Relations Ph.D. Ideas

Do you want to write a Ph.D. dissertation about the latest or topical issue? In that case, pick your dissertation title from this list. These are exciting topics for an international relations dissertation in 2023. Nevertheless, research the issue you choose extensively to gather the latest information to incorporate in your paper.

  • Policy shifts in the US-Russia relations after President Donald Trump
  • What role has the UN played in resolving the Indian annexation of Kashmir?
  • Investigating the intervention of Russia in Syria and its effect on US-Europe relations
  • How the economic growth of China will affect the world
  • Should the world be concerned by the India-China border conflict?
  • Investigating the causes of the China-India conflict
  • Should the US feel threatened by the growth of China as a superpower?
  • Should the US change its stance towards Russia?
  • How the US-China trade war affects global trade
  • Investigating the pulling out of the US military from Germany
  • How cryptocurrencies will affect global business and international relations
  • Why is China emerging as an economic power?
  • What caused Brexit?
  • How the Affordable Care Act affects the healthcare system in the US
  • Impact of the Black Lives Matter movement on the view and discussions about racism
  • Changes in the immigration laws in the US over the past years
  • How the immigration laws in the US compare to those of other countries
  • Effects of states with increased minimum wages
  • Factors that have increased the unemployment rate globally
  • Analyzing the relationship between North Korea and the United States
  • Changes in international relations during the Trump presidency
  • How feminist goals changed in the last ten years
  • How China’s One belt One Road project affected the Indian economy
  • Is Iran a strategic Middle East threat to the US?
  • How US sanctions affect the Interest of Iran in Iraq
  • Implications of sanctions by the US on Iran for Pakistan or India
  • What’s the peacemaker role of Iran in Afghanistan following the US withdrawal?
  • Discuss the Indo-Pacific New Great Game
  • Discuss the Afghanistan-Iran relations following the US withdrawal
  • Iran militia’s effect on Israel-Palestine conflict

Interesting International Relations Thesis Topics

Your thesis topic should be exciting to read about for the educator to award you the top grade. This category has suitable topics for you if looking for interesting international relations and politics dissertation ideas. Pick any of these ideas and then develop them through research to create a thesis that will earn you the top grade.

  • Global policeman- Could the US be using this terminology to cover bullying?
  • Analyzing the differences between the foreign policies of democratic and republican secretaries of State
  • Why political relationships matter in fostering global peace
  • Analyzing the China/Hong Kong relationship and its role in Gaza
  • How weapons trade affects relationships between sellers and buyers
  • Analyzing BRIC countries and their relationships’ economic benefits in the African States
  • Analyzing the relationship between the West and the developing world- Is exploitation or co-dependency?
  • Analyzing the essence of sports, competition, and trade between countries as a way of establishing lasting relationships
  • Investigating the crisis in Qatar international relationship- How to prevent future political problems
  • Analyzing foreign intervention in Political processes in a country and its impact
  • Interpreting the public law and international policies- Do they shield or aid criminals from the laws of their countries?
  • Why is continental currency essential to trade?
  • How can a continental currency aid the Africa economies?
  • Analyzing Britain’s exit from the European Union- How will it affect the European continent?
  • How NATO affects the relationships between Russia and member states
  • Analyzing Ancient Greece’s foreign policies and their impact on nearby states
  • The prominent role of China in modern times regarding Sino-African relations
  • How customs, beliefs, and language define the international policies of a country
  • The impact of religious beliefs on the foreign policy of a country and interactions with other states
  • US actions in the pursuit of national interests- Are they always legit under international law?
  • Decoupling from China- For how long this Trump policy will continue?
  • The long-term effects of Trumpism rise in the US- Dealing with the growing anti-war and isolationist trend.
  • Competing priorities in Western, Eastern Europe, Indo-Pacific, and the Middle East- Does the USA foreign policy lack strategic focus?
  • How will the US approach Brexit?
  • What the Geopolitical influence and power of Russia means for the US foreign policy
  • How does the wall between the US and Mexico affect the global economy?
  • Will liberal internationalism remain the guide for the US foreign policy even with China’s growing power?
  • What is the primary threat to the United States?
  • Who controls the foreign policy of a country, and how does that affects its international relations?
  • How can a perceived threat to a country affect its relations with other nations?

Human Rights Dissertation Topics

Internationally, students have many frameworks and policies addressing human rights that they can consider for their dissertation. Here are some of the topics in this category. Pick any of these topics if interested in international human rights. Investigate the idea extensively to develop an exciting paper.

  • Analyzing critical human rights law elements at an international level
  • A review of human rights from an international law’s perspective
  • How human rights and international relations complement each other at a global level
  • Human rights and their custodian at an international level
  • How do the rules governing international human rights differ from those of your country?
  • Does the UK safeguard the immigrant’s social rights?
  • Do the UK’s legal immigrants get equal economic and social rights with the natives?
  • Transnational attitudes and cultural rights- How globalization affects the UK nationals’ rights
  • A perspective on democratic rights, international human rights, and culture
  • How international human rights shape the legal discipline in the academic world
  • Public trust and international human rights- A domestic perspective
  • Who should safeguard human rights laws at the international level?
  • Who suffers because of conflicts against militias?
  • Exploring international human rights within the tort laws context
  • The implementation challenges facing policies on international human rights
  • Enforcing the international human rights laws- Investigating challenges and achievements
  • Unaccompanied children and international human rights- Reviewing the transnational borders with this issue
  • Cultural, religious, and ethnic rights from the perspective of the international human rights
  • Human rights laws violation- Who should be responsible?
  • International human rights- The view of people suffering from armed atrocities and political oppression
  • Human trafficking- How to address this violation of human rights at a global level
  • Gendering documentation- Is it a manual for defending women’s human rights?

Terrorism Dissertation ideas

Terrorism is an international threat, and countries should combine efforts to fight it. Here are sample topics to consider in this category. These brilliant topics on international relations and terrorism will help you narrow your research extensively before writing your dissertation.

  • How the Western security policy has progressed since the 9/11 terrorist attack
  • How the ongoing war against terrorism has suppressed civil liberties
  • Do the recent terror attacks mean that efforts to fight terrorists have failed?
  • Longitudinal and cross-national comparisons of the public opinion on studies regarding supporting and opposing the war against terrorism
  • Evaluating and measuring counter-terrorism policies
  • Unexpected and unwanted side- The boomerang effects on counter-terrorism
  • Addressing the disconnect in terrorism and counter-terrorism intelligence
  • Gender and terrorism
  • The internet and terrorism
  • Investigating civil war and state repression from an international perspective
  • The media and terrorism- How do they shape public opinion?
  • International counter-terrorism policies
  • Counter-terrorism tactics, strategies, and operations
  • Terrorism groups, actors, and incidents
  • How the 9/11 events support Samuel Huntingdon’s idea of a civilization clash
  • Did the world take enough measures to prevent another terrorism act after the 9/11 attack?
  • Were the United States’ actions following the 9/11 attack legit and proportionate?
  • How did the 9/11 events affect international relations?
  • How did the 9/11 attack influence international relations between the Arab world and the West?
  • Discuss the political lessons that the world has learned from the ongoing terror war
  • How trade between countries has continued despite the overshadowing context of the terror war
  • Defining international terrorism- Is the use of drone attacks and targeted killings a legit response to terror attacks?
  • The impact of international terrorism fears on domestic security laws
  • How countries use their war on terror to justify their security measures
  • How the 9/11 attack acted as a catalyst for the Arab spring’s political upheaval
  • Strategies for countering extremist ideologies at the international level
  • How to strengthen the international resilience against terrorism
  • Conspiracy theories for countering terrorism

More Topics in International Relations

Perhaps, you’re yet to find a topic you would like to work with from the above list. In that case, consider these international relations research topics for more ideas.

  • Why did the Soviet Union sign the Non-Aggression treat in 1939?
  • Why power is central to the perspectives of realists on international relations
  • Why international relations are vital to any country
  • China and Russia- Which is the more significant threat to the US national security?
  • Western countries and security concerns
  • China-US forthcomings
  • China-US conflict or cooperation
  • US involvement in Chile and Peru
  • Present and past US foreign policy
  • Defense and foreign policies in the US
  • The Ukraine crisis and Vladimir Putin
  • The State of EU-US relations
  • International politics theories
  • International theory traditions
  • Israel creation and Truman
  • International relations- The structural theory
  • Weaknesses and strengths of the international law
  • International relations and the second industrial revolution
  • International relations and democracy in the 19th century
  • The European Union and Britain- Analyzing their relations
  • How realists approach international relations
  • International war maturation
  • Negative realism role in world politics
  • The global system and new sovereignty
  • Effects of the Nixon doctrine on international relations
  • International relations problems
  • Overseas military bases- What are their problems?
  • Globalization and its impact on international relations
  • Analyzing the good neighbor policy
  • How liberalism affects international relations
  • Why military ethics matter during the global war
  • Relationship issues between the US and Iran
  • International relations in North Korea- A realistic interpretation

Pick any of these ideas and develop them into a winning dissertation. If unable to do it alone, seek professional assistance online. Use cheap services of expert US, British, or UK writers to complete your dissertation fast without compromising quality. That way, you’ll get a custom dissertation from ENL writers with a proven track record of delivering superior papers for college and university students.

Get on top of your homework.

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Our research is focused around three broad themes: conflict, peace and security; the evolving character of global and supra-national institutions; and the interpenetration of civil societies and international relations. In addition we have major strengths in area studies which help to ground our research into these broad thematic areas. Some of this activity is carried out under the umbrella of our various research centres, some within other collaborative contexts both within and outside the university, and some by individual researchers.

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Research Topics & Ideas: Politics

100+ Politics-Related Research Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Political science research topics and ideas

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation or thesis. If you’ve landed on this post, chances are you’re looking for a politics-related research topic , but aren’t sure where to start. Here, we’ll explore a variety of politically-related research ideas across a range of disciplines, including political theory and philosophy, comparative politics, international relations, public administration and policy.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas. This is the starting point, but to develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. Also, be sure to sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic from scratch.

Overview: Politics-Related Topics

  • Political theory and philosophy
  • Comparative politics
  • International relations
  • Public administration
  • Public policy
  • Examples of politics-related dissertations

Topics & Ideas: Political Theory

  • An analysis of the impact of feminism on political theory and the concept of citizenship in Saudi Arabia in the context of Vision 2030
  • A comparative study of the political philosophies of Marxism and liberalism and their influence on modern politics
  • An examination of how the Covid-19 pandemic affected the relationship between individual freedom and collective responsibility in political philosophy
  • A study of the impact of race and ethnicity on French political philosophy and the concept of justice
  • An exploration of the role of religion in political theory and its impact on secular democracy in the Middle East
  • A Review of Social contract theory, comparative analysis of the political philosophies of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau
  • A study of the concept of the common good in political philosophy and its relevance to the ongoing refugee crisis in Europe
  • An examination of the relationship between political power and the rule of law in developing African countries
  • A study of the impact of postmodernism on political theory and the concept of truth, a case study of the US
  • An exploration of the role of virtue in political philosophy and its impact on the assessment of moral character in political leaders

Research topic idea mega list

Topics & Ideas: Comparative Politics

  • A comparative study of different models of federalism and their impact on democratic governance: A case Study of South American federalist states
  • The impact of ethnic and religious diversity on political stability and democracy in developing countries, a review of literature from Africa
  • An analysis of the role of civil society in promoting democratic change in autocratic regimes: A case study in Sweden
  • A comparative examination of the impact of globalization on political institutions and processes in South America and Africa.
  • A study of the factors that contribute to successful democratization in authoritarian regimes, a review of the role of Elite-driven democratization
  • A comparison of the political and economic systems of China and India and their impact on social development
  • The impact of corruption on political institutions and democracy in South East Asia, a critical review
  • A comparative examination of the impact of majoritarian representation (winner-take-all) vs proportional representation on political representation and governance
  • An exploration of Multi-party systems in democratic countries and their impact on minority representation and policy-making.
  • A study of the factors that contribute to successful decentralization and regional autonomy, a case study of Spain

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Topics & Ideas: International Relations

  • A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of diplomacy and military force in resolving international conflicts in Central Africa.
  • The impact of globalization on the sovereignty of nation-states and the changing nature of international politics, a review of the role of Multinational Corporations
  • An examination of the role of international aid organizations in promoting peace, security, and development in the Middle East.
  • A study of the impact of economic interdependence on the likelihood of conflict in international relations: A critical review of weaponized interdependence
  • A comparative analysis of the foreign policies of the EU and the US and their impact on international stability in Africa
  • An exploration of the relationship between international human rights and national sovereignty during the Covid 19 pandemic
  • A study of the role of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO)s in international politics and their impact on state behaviour
  • A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of international regimes in addressing global challenges such as climate change, arms control, and terrorism in Brazil
  • An examination of the impact of the rise of BRICS on the international system and global governance
  • A study of the role of ideology in shaping the foreign policies of states and the dynamics of international relations in the US

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Tops & Ideas: Public Administration

  • An analysis of the impact of digital technology on public administration and the delivery of public services in Estonia
  • A review of models of public-private partnerships and their impact on the delivery of public services in Ghana
  • An examination of the role of civil society organizations in monitoring and accountability of public administration in Papua New Guinea
  • A study of the impact of environmentalism as a political ideology on public administration and policy implementation in Germany
  • An exploration of the relationship between public administration and citizen engagement in the policy-making process, an exploration of gender identity concerns in schools
  • A comparative analysis of the efficiency and effectiveness of public administration, decentralisation and pay and employment reform in developing countries
  • A study of the role of collaborative leadership in public administration and its impact on organizational performance
  • A systematic review of the challenges and opportunities related to diversity and inclusion in police services
  • A study of the impact of corrupt public administration on economic development and regional growth in Eastern Europe
  • An exploration of the relationship between public administration and civil rights and liberties, including issues related to privacy and surveillance, a case study in South Korea

Research topic evaluator

Topics & Ideas: Public Policy

  • An analysis of the impacts of public policy on income inequality and poverty reduction in South Sudan
  • A comparative study of the effectiveness of legal and regulatory, economic and financial, and social and cultural instruments for addressing climate change in South Korea
  • An examination of the role of interest groups in shaping public policy and the policy-making process regarding land-use claims
  • A study of the impact of globalization on the development of public policies and programs for mitigating climate change in Singapore
  • An exploration of the relationship between public policy and social justice in tertiary education in the UAE
  • A comparative analysis of the impact of health policies for the management of diabetes on access to healthcare and health outcomes in developing countries
  • Exploring the role of evidence-based policymaking in the design and implementation of public policies for the management of invasive invertebrates in Australia
  • An examination of the challenges and opportunities of implementing educational dietary public policies in developing multicultural countries
  • A study of the impact of public policies on urbanization and urban development in rural Indonesia
  • An exploration of the role of media and public opinion in shaping public policy and the policy-making process in the transport industry of Malaysia

Examples: Politics Dissertations & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a politics-related research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various politics-related degree programs to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • We, the Righteous Few: Immoral Actions of Fellow Partisans are Judged as Less Possible (Varnam, 2020)
  • Civilizing the State: Civil Society and the Politics of Primary Public Health Care Provision in Urban Brazil (Gibson, 2012)
  • Political regimes and minority language policies: evidence from Taiwan and southeast Asia (Wu, 2021)
  • The Feminist Third Wave: Social Reproduction, Feminism as Class Struggle, and Contemporary Women’s Movements (Angulo, 2019)
  • The Politics of Immigration under Authoritarianism (Joo, 2019)
  • The politics of digital platforms: Sour Dictionary, activist subjectivities, and contemporary cultures of resistance (Okten, 2019)
  • Vote choice and support for diverse candidates on the Boston City Council At-Large (Dolcimascolo, 2022)
  • The city agenda: local governance and national influence in the policy agenda, 1900-2020 (Shannon, 2022)
  • Turf wars: who supported measures to criminalize homelessness in Austin, Texas? (Bompiedi, 2021)
  • Do BITs Cause Opposition Between Investor Rights and Environmental Protection? (Xiong, 2022)
  • Revealed corruption and electoral accountability in Brazil: How politicians anticipate voting behavior (Diaz, 2021)
  • Intersectional Solidarity: The Political Consequences of a Consciousness of Race, Gender and Sexuality (Crowder, 2020)
  • The Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the Coalitional Representation of Latinxs in the U.S. House of Representatives (Munoz, 2019)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. In other words, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

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Terms you may encounter in your research.

Thesis: In the UK, a thesis is normally a document that presents an author's research findings as part of a doctoral or research programme.

Dissertation: In the UK, a dissertation is normally a document that presents an author's research findings as part of an undergraduate or master's programme.

DPhil: An abbreviation for Doctor of Philosophy, which is an advanced research qualification. You may also see it referred to as PhD.

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140+ international relations dissertation topics to research.

September 7, 2021

International relation reflects how sovereign states in the world relate with each other through decisions that are influenced by non-governmental organizations on politics, economics, and security. The discipline covers a wide area of subjects such as law, geography, history, politics, and economics.

international relations dissertation topics

Most students of international relations work as diplomats, protecting the interest of their countries abroad by representing them in trade agreements, security reach, and other consular services. Therefore, any topics in international relations usually demonstrate the political reach of a country, its legal stand, and economic power.

In this article, we’ll look at the most interesting international relations dissertation topics. We’ll explore topics under terrorism, human rights, politics, and other international relations thesis topics. If you’ve ever been looking for where to get international relations research topics that score you high grades, this article is for you. So, continue reading.

Interesting International Relations Dissertation Topics

International relation is an interdisciplinary field of study that focuses on the relationships between countries. More importantly, students get to explore global issues and solve them scientifically. Looking for general international relations PhD ideas and topics? Take a look at these interesting topics below.

  • The world since the first man landed on the moon.
  • Nuclear weapons and cyberwars: the new war language.
  • The implications of online petitions in international relations.
  • The impacts of the Big Tech on world trade and economy.
  • The effects of technological laws on foreign trade and investment.
  • Explain international relations theories and relate them to the realism of state cooperation.
  • Conduct an analysis of the 9/11 terrorist attack on the US and how it shapes the Afghan War.
  • Discuss how the United Nations has failed in discharging its duties?
  • Explore the implications of the different diplomatic laws among the G7 countries.
  • What are the implications of the Abraham Accord between Israel and Arab nations?
  • Nuclear Weapons: Analyze Iran and North Korea’s nuclear weapons and impact on global peace.
  • Explain how the pandemic influenced global trade and international relations.
  • What are the positive and negative impacts of the surge in western cultural adoption in underdeveloped countries?
  • Discuss the influence of the United States on global laws, markets, and relations.
  • Has the UN been partial in the development of laws and support?
  • Illustrate the factors that led to the fall of the Soviet Union and how they shape modern policies.
  • Evaluate the cultural impacts of international relations on developing countries.
  • Obama, Trump, and Biden: explain how each president oversaw the Afghan War.
  • Describe the contribution of major religions to modern-day international agreements.
  • Effect of mass migration from developing countries to diversity in the European Union.
  • Discuss the International Criminal Court has always been partial in the discharge of justice.
  • Cybersecurity and the role of Interpol: Modalities, threat, and significance.
  • The China-India foreign policy: What should be done and how to go about it.
  • Why Africa is finding it difficult to maintain international relations and how it can be helped.
  • The threats and importance of international labour in global trade.

Terrorism Dissertation Ideas and Topics to Research

The very act of terrorism is to create fear within individuals everywhere in the world for global benefits. Counterterrorism and antiterrorism are military tactics, strategies, and trade enforcements countries carry out to prevent terrorism. Find below a list of terrorism dissertation ideas under international relations.

  • Impact of the Afghan War on international relations.
  • Discuss how the Afghan-US War was lost long before Biden.
  • How is the Taliban a terrorist group?
  • The value of defence in terrorism wars.
  • What emotions bind terrorists to extremist groups?
  • Effect of religious extremism on terrorism.
  • The significant relationship between terrorism and military functioning.
  • Terrorism and the long history of World Wars.
  • The Coronavirus pandemic is an act of terrorism.
  • A critical review of how terrorism affects global trade.
  • Roles of colonial and anticolonial laws in past and future terrorism.
  • Terrorist trends from the past to the present.
  • Modalities of regional nationalism towards effective counterterrorism.
  • How transnational relations influence the rise of terrorism.
  • A critical review and study of Turkish terrorism in History.
  • A critical assessment and review of American terrorism.
  • A critical review and study of English terrorism in History.
  • A critical assessment and review of Nazi terror.
  • Effect of extremism on foreign direct investments and international banking.
  • How terrorism influences international banking decisions across several countries.
  • The challenges of counterterrorism in underdeveloped countries.
  • Terrorism, technology, and the use of military force.
  • The consequences of terrorism using Afghanistan and Syria as examples.
  • Impacts of terrorism on global trade and global warming.
  • How the Blockchain industry affects counterterrorism strategies.

Politics Dissertation Ideas in International Relations

Since no country exists in isolation of others, every political decision is therefore probed to ensure peaceful coexistence among countries in the world. The following contains a list of politics and international relations dissertation topics.

  • Political influence of cyberterrorists on international trade.
  • Is cyberterrorism a form of political extremism?
  • Terrorism informatics and impact on political relations.
  • COVID-19 pandemic as an instrument of geopolitics.
  • The UN role in the resolution of the Indo-Pak conflict.
  • 9/11 and influence on trade between the US and Middle Belt.
  • German foreign policy and impact on the rest of Europe.
  • German domination of the EU and impact on the formulation of foreign policies.
  • How underdeveloped countries are threats to political forwardness.
  • Russia and the USA: Review and assessment of political history.
  • Effects and consequences of nuclear weapons to global politics.
  • Role of the UN in the resolution of Pakistan-Israel relations.
  • A critical review of the political role of the UN in civil wars.
  • Application of cyber-political theories to international relations.
  • Role of international relations on the politics of military functioning.
  • How the West and Russia shape the modern perspective of political history.
  • China and the West: A critical analysis of major political decisions then and now.
  • The Chinese economy is a threat to modern world power and security.
  • The Chinese economy is needed in modern world power and security.
  • Questioning the political neutrality of the UN’s major decisions.
  • Political theories and the changing norms of international relations.
  • The geopolitics of the West in the Afghan War.
  • Consequences of the geopolitics of the West in the surge of terrorism and extremism.
  • A critical review and assessment of the political relations between the US and the Arabs.
  • The uprising of the Middle East against the US.

Human Rights Dissertation Topics

Human rights are the fundamental rights of every human that must be protected by all countries. These rights shape international relations decisions and agreements to trade and power. The rights further embody the dignity that every human should be accorded. Here are common human rights dissertation topics and research ideas.

  • Revisioning women’s rights in the Middle East.
  • An in-depth assessment of the historical context of human rights.
  • Universal human rights: the theoretical and practical.
  • Why democratic human rights cannot work in Africa.
  • Human rights in major religions: Islam and Christianity.
  • Impacts of the modern perspective of human rights.
  • Historical reforms on human rights then and now.
  • Human rights and westernism: differences and similarities.
  • Human rights as a major determiner of world poverty.
  • Gender inequality and the concept of human rights.
  • African leadership as a major influence on human rights.
  • A critical assessment of China’s political human rights.
  • Terrorist and extremist impacts on fundamental rights.
  • The rations and sentiments of western human rights.
  • Do human rights treaties foster respect among countries?
  • Exploring the ten commandments for human rights.
  • Human rights in war-ravaged countries: Syria and Afghanistan.
  • The struggle for human rights in Africa and the Middle East.
  • Taiwan and China: Human rights as major political concerns.
  • North Korea and the effects of human rights protectionism.
  • Why cybersecurity is a concern of human rights.
  • Technology and privacy: the end of human rights.
  • Human rights crisis in the West through the impact of racism.
  • The fundamental rights of women in Saudi Arabia.
  • Rights of humans during wars and Western passivity.

International Relations Economics Dissertation Topics

Economics is the business of goods, needs, and survival. Every country is motivated by self-sufficiency and needs sustenance, hence economics is an integrative study in international relations. If you are looking to write on international relations economics dissertation topics, here are popular ones that guarantee you top grades.

  • The implication of the Blockchain industry on international trade and relations.
  • Impacts of taxation on trade agreement and security.
  • The impact of tax on world poverty alleviation systems.
  • The implication of internet banking on global terrorism.
  • Investigating the relationship between trade and war.
  • Effect of UN economic policies on global trade relations.
  • Impact of trade liberalization on the global employment rate.
  • Global inflation and effect on world immigration policies.
  • The oil sector and the agricultural sector and their influence on regional and international conflict.
  • Impact of the oil industry on environmental globalization.
  • Role of insurance policies and companies on global trade.
  • Effects of cashless policy on cybersecurity and terrorism.
  • A critical study of the determinants of foreign investment policy.
  • An analysis of the global population on financial technology.
  • Impact of agricultural imperialism on trade and global warming.
  • How regional agricultural economic policies lead to global war and threat.
  • Role of the UN in facilitating effective global trade policies.
  • The rise of global trade monopoly: A case of the Big Tech.
  • An analysis of technological revolution and impact on global sustainability.
  • Does technological monopoly suggest global western economic monopoly?
  • Effect of cryptocurrency on economic disinformation and misinformation.
  • Global economic relations twenty years from now.
  • The neutrality of the UN in the performance of world trade liberalization.
  • The significant relationship between the financial sector and world poverty index.
  • The significant relationship between global poverty index and terrorism.

Globalization Topics and Ideas in International Relations

When countries begin to operate within their sovereign rights and other countries’ sovereign rights for mutual benefits, it is known as globalization. The world today is linked as if it is a single entity by telecommunications. Here are globalization topics and ideas in international relations you should be looking at for grades.

  • Threats and impacts of globalization on Africa.
  • The social and political implications of globalization.
  • Why globalization is a western concept.
  • Why globalization is not just a western concept.
  • The drive for world power and globalization as a tool.
  • The energy consequences of globalization.
  • Globalization and the erosion of natural languages.
  • The psychological impacts of globalization and foreign cultures.
  • Globalization: theory, practice, ethics, and implications.
  • The implicit concept of globalization is an assimilation strategy of western power.
  • How globalization influences terrorism, counterterrorism, and military functioning.
  • The drive for global power and authority: trade wars and the rise of nuclear weapons.
  • Globalization: why world international relations tomorrow is not a guarantee.
  • The global market is a myth.
  • Media and technology: Two major factors that decide the global market and globalization culture.
  • The globalization of law, culture, economy, and education.
  • History of globalization beyond the internet.
  • The making and remaking of globalization twenty years from now.
  • Challenges of technology and globalization in the Middle East and Africa.
  • The erosion of diversity through the implications of world trade, global laws, and international relations.
  • A critical review and assessment of world religions on global warming and trade.
  • Globalization: A comparative assessment of the US and China global market strategies.
  • Globalization in the 20th century and how it shaped modern global decisions.
  • The psychological impacts of international trade agreements on national citizens.
  • Globalization is the end of international relations.

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International Relations and Geopolitics Dissertation Topics

Published by Carmen Troy at January 9th, 2023 , Revised On August 16, 2023


Are you in search of the best dissertation topics on International Relations and Geopolitics?

To help you get a jump-start at mind-mapping and lifting off with International Relations and Geopolitics dissertation, we have formalized a list of the latest trending topics for you. These international relations and geopolitics dissertation topics have been scrutinised by our highly qualified writers to ensure that they can serve as a basis for your dissertation so that you may select them without any doubt.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question , aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of dissertation topics for 2022 here.

2022 International Relations and Geopolitics Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: russia-israel relationship and its impact on syria and the middle east..

Research Aim: Russia and Israel share significant aspects of their strategic cultures. Both countries have a siege mentality and are led by a security-first mindset and a predominantly military view of authority. p   Russia’s relationship with Israel has grown in importance in the context of Russia’s military operation in Syria. This study aims to examine the relations between Russia and Israel and how they have impacted Syria and the middle east—focusing on different policies, agreements, and military interventions.

Topic 2: The Impact of International Refugee Laws on Incidence of Human trafficking- A Case of Refugees on the Eastern EU border

Research Aim: This study aims to find the impact of international refugee laws on the incidence of human trafficking in the Eastern EU border. It will determine whether the international refugee laws have a statistically significant effect on the incidence of human trafficking. Furthermore, it will link EU immigration policies and international refugee laws to show how these encourage or discourage human trafficking. Lastly, it will also recommend how the EU can reduce the incidence of human trafficking through more flexible immigration policies following international refugee laws.

Topic 3: The rise of China as a superpower- Impact on Russia’s relationship with the west.

Research Aim: The Asia-pacific region has become the centre of global economic and political gravity. This region has enormous natural resources, industrial financial and people potential. As the focus of global growth turns to the East, Russia sess Asia-pacific region as the engine of the global economy with rising China as a superpower.   This study will focus on the rise of China as a superpower and its impact on Russia’s relations with the Western world, focusing on how Russia is strengthening its ties with China how it is influencing liberal western values.

Topic 4: CPEC- The rising economy of Pakistan

Research Aim: CPEC is a huge international initiative to enhance infrastructure within Pakistan in order to boost commerce with China and further develop the region’s countries. CPEC contributes to the creation of modern transportation infrastructure in Pakistan and makes the country’s economy more competitive in the international market. This study will examine the impact of CPEC on the development of Pakistan’s economy, also focusing on the role of China and Chinese technology in the industrial sector to revolutionise the industrial sector of Pakistan.

Topic 5: The role of cryptocurrencies on international diplomacy.

Research Aim: Taxation., information regulation, and governance all have the potential to be disrupted with significant implications for international politics. This study will analyse the role of cryptocurrency in international diplomacy. Furthermore, it will also focus on how the widespread of digital currencies have the potential to change the world financial system.

2020 Covid-19 International Relations and Geopolitics Research Topics

Topic 1: international relations and covid-19.

Research Aim: This study will address the geopolitical issues and International relations during COVID-19

Topic 2: COVID-19 is a geopolitical instrument

Research Aim: COVID-19 has disturbed everything from health to the world’s economy, and it has also created tensions among the nations of the world. This study will identify whether Coronavirus is a geopolitical instrument or not.

Topic 3: International relations scholars and COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will reveal the opinions and role of international relations scholars and COVID-19

Topic 4: Meta-geopolitics and COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will focus on the meta-geopolitics during the COVID-19 crisis

Topic 5: The global order post Coronavirus pandemic

Research Aim: This study will predict the global order post coronavirus pandemic, including international relations, geopolitics, and geo-economics after COVID-19.

2021 International Relations and Geopolitics Dissertation Titles

Topic 1. what impact would brexit have on the relations between uk and scotland.

Research Aim: the current topic would address the relationship between the United Kingdom and Scotland after the United Kingdom leaves the European Union. It is assumed to significantly impact the ties present between the two regions, as it is considered that the Scottish part would want to exit.

Topic 2. Pakistan-Afghanistan relations post-Taliban-US peace accord vis-à-vis US withdrawal from Afghanistan

Research Aim: the current topic would aim to analyse the Pakistan- Afghanistan relations, especially the role that Pakistan is playing in the smooth exit of the US from Afghanistan. It will also critically review the impact that the US withdrawal will have in influencing the upcoming US elections of 2020.

Topic 3. Legitimising the Taliban in Afghanistan’s combat is likely to change the peace situation in Afghanistan

Research Aim: This research topic will consider the possibilities that the Taliban’s legalisation into Afghanistan will have within Afghanistan and its surroundings. How will it affect the relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan?

Topic 4. Exploring the status of ISIS in Afghanistan post US withdrawal

Research Aim: the current topic would aim to consider the past of ISIS, where it was, the devastation it caused in Syria. It would also analyse the future of ISIS in Afghanistan, especially considering its strong foothold in Afghanistan’s east. It will also put forward the implications of a more robust and growing ISIS presence in the regions and Afghanistan’s international relations with its neighbouring countries.

Topic 5. Possibilities of a domino effect in EU post BREXIT

Research Aim: the current topic aims to study the BREXIT deal. Considering the advantages that Britain thinks it has bagged, how much possibility is Britain creating a domino effect? It will also study the scope of which countries can opt for a BREXIT-like movement and be successful. Most importantly, the research will look into the factors that made the BREXIT deal possible.

Topic 6. The British colonisation of the Indian subcontinent and its after-effects even in the 21st century

Research Aim: The current topic aims to study in-depth the effects that the British colonisation had on the Sub-continent. It will present a detailed analysis of how British East India took over the Indian subcontinent and then gradually went from being traders to rulers. It will explain the after-effects that the British colonisation still has over the minds and culture of the people that now live divided into different countries like Pakistan and India.

Topic 7: Can the issue of Kashmir be the ultimate trigger for India-Pakistan to have a nuclear war? Can the United Kingdom play a key role instead of the US in averting this situation?

Research Aim: The current topic aims to investigate the Kashmir issue and analyze the effect that it is causing on two nuclear holding counties, namely India and Pakistan. Can the recent curfew imposed in Kashmir and revoking their special status trigger a nuclear war between India and Pakistan? Will the UN, and the US, step in as promised to resolve the issue, and will it all be in vain as nuclear war is triggered? Or can the UK play a key role in trying to avert the situation?

Topic 8. Trump’s “vision for peace” and its impact on the European Union and the UK

Research Aim: This research will investigate the scope of the current plan that Trump has put forward to divide Palestine into smaller pieces to resolve the conflict that has been going on for ages. How will this “vision for peace” implicate countries like Jordon, Iran, Egypt, etc.? It will also put forward the impact this plan would have on the rest of the world, especially the Middle East, the greater European Union, and the United Kingdom.

Topic 9. What role is the UK playing in the global warming and increasing energy crisis?

Research Aim: This study will enable the readers to understand that the threat of global warming is real. It is not localised to a specific region, country, or continent. Having said this, the current topic will perform an in-depth analysis of the growing global warming issue and what role the UK is trying to fulfill to curb the problem, raise awareness and promote going green. How big is the UK’s footprint?

Topic 10. Can the African Union be inspired by the BREXIT movement?

Research Aim: the current topic aims to look into the BREXIT movement’s success. The study’s scope will also include possibilities that the BREXIT can inspire the African Union to go their own way. Are there any indicators that this might happen shortly?

Topic 11. Analysis and Implication of US sanctions on Iran

Research Aim: the current topic aims to review the US’s sanctions upon Iran. It will also analyse the implications that the US has to face due to Iranian General Qassim Suleimani. It will explore the possibility that the US has gained the strategic advantage they were looking for or have they angered a sleeping giant. The study will also look into the retaliation strategy of Iran and if it holds any weight. How far will Iran be able to withhold these sanctions before succumbing to US wishes?

Topic 12. Human rights violation in the valley of Kashmir

Research Aim: the current topic aims to study fundamental human rights and the many violations against them in Kashmir. The recent revoking of the Kashmiris’ special status and the curfew imposed by India in the Kashmir valley are all evidence of the many violations of human rights that are happening there. The increasing number of missing persons, kidnapping, sexual and physical abuse are serious human rights violations. Why is the world keeping a shut-eye towards the Kashmiris, and where are the so-called custodians of human rights?

Topic 13. What are the political consequences of the NATO alliance for the UK?

Research Aim: the current topic aims to question the NATO alliance and the political consequences of such an alliance between multiple countries, especially in the UK. NATO might be the biggest known alliance amongst many such countries, and what political and personal gain from the UK’s perspective. The study will address the advantages and disadvantages of being a part of the UK’s NATO alliance.

Topic 14. The effect of terrorist organisations on the international relations of the UK

Research Aim: the current topic aims to explore the effects that a terrorist organisation might have on the UK’s international relations. The example under consideration would be the UK and its dealings with a terrorist plagued country like Pakistan. The study would research how the Taliban of Pakistan adversely affected its international relations and destroyed its image globally while also addressing the remedial steps that Pakistan is taking or has taken to overcome them and refurbish a new image globally. The study will also include how successful they have been in bridging the gap between them and the UK.

Topic 15. Coronavirus and International disease prevention, especially in the UK

Research Aim: this study aims to explore the extent to which Coronavirus has spread starting from China and in a concise amount of time spreading into the different corners of the world. Why was no prevention method applied? The study will implore the need to create better and more effective ways to prevent diseases from spreading across countries. The study’s scope will also include putting forward practices for a more proactive rather than reactive method to disease prevention across nations, especially in the UK. What is the UK doing right to stay and remain safe from the coronavirus?

Topic 16. “Make America Great Again” – an attempt to maintain uni-polarity in the World

Research Aim: the current topic aims to study the central ideology behind the concept of “Make America Great Again.” The world is shifting from uni-polar to multi-polar due to the newly forming alliance between China and Russia. America is trying to preserve its status, but the concern is quite prominent and evident in the slogan of “Make America Great Again”. The study’s scope will include the steps that the US is taking to maintain the status quo. It will also put forth the alliance that Russia and China are forging and the impact that it is having on the US as well as the rest of the world.

Topic 17. The implications of UK-EU and US-China trade wars on developing countries

Research Aim: The current study aims to highlight the impact that the United Kingdom and European Union and the United States and China trade wars have on developing countries’ economies. The study’s scope will include an in-depth analysis of the rising cost of living in such countries, along with the deterioration in the sector of education, health, and GDP per capita. It will also put forward the growing concerns that such developing countries are facing.

Topic 18. The relationship between Canada and the UK

Research Aim: the current topic aims to analyse Canada and the UK’s relationship critically. It is most likely to evolve now that the ex-royal couple is planning to relocate to Canada. How will the terms between Canada and the United Kingdom improve? Will they develop more, or will irreconcilable differences emerge and surface in front of the world.

Topic 19. Prince Harry and Meghan Markel leave the British Crown – How will the monarch be affected?

Research Aim: the current topic aims to study in detail the reasons that might have led to a crowned prince, 7th in line to one of the most powerful thrones in the world have to quit all royal duties and the HRH title. Will Canada accept them? What implications does it have for the taxpayers and the millions of pounds they will save on providing security for the royal couple?

Topic 20. A bright future for more strengthened relationships between the African Union and the European Union

Research Aim: the current topic aims to study in-depth the scope that a strong alliance between the European Union and the African Union will have on eliminating and improving problems in Africa. It will be providing theoretical data supported by facts and statistics. The study’s scope will also examine how developing and investing within Africa will help it overcome the internal and external problems it faces.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service!

Important Notes:

As a student of international relations and geopolitics looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing international relations and geopolitics theories – i.e., to add value and interest in your research topic.

The field of international relations and geopolitics is vast and interrelated to many other academic disciplines like civil engineering ,  construction ,  project management , engineering management , healthcare , finance and accounting , artificial intelligence , tourism , physiotherapy , sociology , management , and project management , graphic design , and nursing . That is why it is imperative to create a project management dissertation topic that is articular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic based on your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation as you may end up in the cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best international relations and geopolitics dissertation topics that fulfill your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample international relations and geopolitics dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure your International Relations & Geopolitics Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths whilst identifying any research gaps. Break down the topic, and critical terms can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of results in this chapter, and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section of the paper is to draw a linkage between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regards to implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : This should be completed following your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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ResearchProspect is the world’s best academic writing service that provides help with Dissertation Proposal Writing , PhD Proposal Writing , Dissertation Writing , Dissertation Editing, and Improvement .

Our team of writers is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working in the industry for a long, thus are aware of the issues and the trends of the industry they are working in.

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How to find international relations and geopolitics dissertation topics.

For international relations and geopolitics dissertation topics:

  • Follow global news and conflicts.
  • Study diplomatic relations.
  • Explore historical events.
  • Analyze regional dynamics.
  • Investigate security challenges.
  • Select a specific focus that aligns with your expertise and curiosity.

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Research Methods in Politics and International Relations

Research Methods in Politics and International Relations

  • Christopher Lamont - Tokyo International University
  • Mieczyslaw P. Boduszynski - Pomona College, USA
  • Description

This is the perfect guide to conducting a research project in Politics and International Relations. From formulating a research question and conducting a literature review to writing up and disseminating your work, this book guides you through the research process from start to finish.

-        Is focused specifically on research methods in Politics and IR

-        Introduces the central methodological debates in a clear, accessible style

-        Considers the key questions of ethics and research design

-        Covers both qualitative and quantitative approaches

-        Shows you how to choose and implement the right methods in your own project

The book features two example research projects – one from Politics, one from International Relations– that appear periodically throughout the book to show you how real research looks at each stage of the process. Packed full of engaging examples, it provides you with all you need to know to coordinate your own research project in Politics and International Relations.

See what’s new to this edition by selecting the Features tab on this page. Should you need additional information or have questions regarding the HEOA information provided for this title, including what is new to this edition, please email [email protected] . Please include your name, contact information, and the name of the title for which you would like more information. For information on the HEOA, please go to http://ed.gov/policy/highered/leg/hea08/index.html .

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SAGE 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 www.sagepub.com

There’s no better learning experience for political science students than carrying out an original research project. But the task can be daunting for students as well as instructors.  Research Methods in Politics and International Relations  is an excellent new resource that will be a useful companion as students set out on this endeavor.  Boduszynski and Lamont’s book is methodologically inclusive and touches on important subjects that are often overlooked, such as research ethics and publishing.

Research Methods in Politics & International Relations is a highly useful, engaging, and accessible methods textbook anchored in concise and compelling chapters and clear explanations of key dimensions of qualitative and quantitative research processes. Moreover, the book provides undergraduates with an in-depth understanding of how to design and carry out different types of research projects, ranging from research papers, capstone research projects, and senior dissertations.

Research training is more important than ever for students of Politics and International Relations at all levels. Lamont and Boduszynski provide a comprehensive, pluralist and accessible guide to the research process and the challenges and dilemmas it entails, a great resource for teachers and students alike.

Boduszynski and Lamont’s new textbook breaks new ground in promoting a comprehensive introduction to research methods in politics and international relations. I especially appreciated the unique discussion of research ethics, which provides an opportunity to reflect on the broader significance of one’s research as well as the importance of protecting human subjects. The text wholeheartedly embraces the notion of methodological pluralism, giving equal voice to a range of qualitative and quantitative methods. It does this while avoiding the divisive debates about whether some approaches are superior to others. The progression of chapters also usefully mirrors the research process, from exploring topics to writing and publishing.

“Writing Up”, Chapter 11, is an excellent resource. This is a practical chapter that presents a road map to essay writing, an outline for a thesis, and a check list for the nervous student. Beautifully, the authors remind us that "academic writing, reflecting the social phenomena that we study, is not a book reviews linear process” (p. 167), while continuing to instruct us on the contents of an introduction, the importance of the thesis or main argument, the best ways to present data and empirical analysis, and the elements all good conclusions must contain. Used in the way it was intended, as a guide to writing, a reference for further reading, and as a plan for research design, Research Methods in Politics and International Relations has the potential to improve the readability of student work and provide a template for lecturers to guide undergraduates and postgraduates alike through the minefield of research. 

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Chapter 12 - Final Hurdles and Looking Forward

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Politics and International Relations Dissertation

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Politics and International Relations Dissertation module (PO40006)

Module details.

The Politics Dissertation consists of an extended piece of work (around 10,000 words) written on a specialist topic within subject areas close to the research specialisms of members of staff who provide one-to-one supervision throughout the year.

The aim of the dissertation is to give students, in the last phase of their honours degree, the opportunity to exercise and develop a range of skills they have acquired in the earlier levels of their programme in an extended piece of written work.

Dissertation topics are selected by students from a range of 'special subject' areas indicated by individual members of staff, reflecting their research interests (see below).  The undertaking is phased - from initial idea to planning to draft to final submission.

Your dissertation (around 10,000 words) counts for 100% of the final mark.

An initial discussion takes place at the end of the second semester of your third year.  Once you have been accepted by a supervisor a series of meetings will be arranged for ongoing evaluation of your progress during the final year of your degree.

Intended Learning Outcomes

On completion of the dissertation, you will have developed abilities to:

  • Identify a 'research question' in a given area of political studies.
  • Plan in detail the pursuit of the necessary lines of investigation towards the solving of that question.
  • Determine appropriate methodologies.
  • Locate, evaluate and assimilate relevant source materials.
  • Construct a sustained piece of concise and lucid analysis in the form of an extended paper.

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Political Science and International Relations: Dissertations & Theses

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ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses - Full Text Indexes U.S. doctoral dissertations and master's theses. Includes 2.4 million dissertation and theses citations from around the world from 1861 to the present day together with 1 million full text dissertations that are available for download in PDF format.
  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses @ Big Ten Academic Alliance Institutions Big Ten Academic Alliance dissertations, including free full-text from 1997 to the present. Click on "Full-text" to download the complete dissertation.
  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses @ The University of Iowa UI dissertations, including free full text from 1997 to the present. Click on "Full-text" to download the complete dissertation.

UI Electronic Dissertations and Theses

  • Iowa Research Online Iowa Research Online (IRO) is a service of the University of Iowa Libraries dedicated to preserving and providing open access to the scholarly and creative work of the University. You can find electronic theses and dissertations from the UI.

Dissertations and Theses

  • Australasian Digital Theses Program This database contains 135,254 theses, of which, 9,782 are in digital form, from post-graduate research students in 28 participating Australian universities.
  • DART-Europe E-Theses Portal DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses. The DART-Europe partners help to provide researchers with a single European Portal for the discovery of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs), and they participate in advocacy to influence future European e-theses developments.
  • Ebsco Open Dissertations OpenDissertations.org is a collaboration between EBSCO and BiblioLabs that brings an innovative approach to increasing traffic and discoverability of ETD research.
  • EThOS Electronic Theses Online Service: access to over 250,000 United Kingdom theses.
  • Foreign Doctoral Dissertations CRL has more than 750,000 foreign doctoral dissertations that can be requested through the Interlibrary Loan service - http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/services/illdd.html.
  • Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) is an international organization dedicated to promoting electronic analogues to the traditional paper-based theses and dissertations.
  • Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD) OATD aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 600 colleges, universities, and research institutions. OATD currently indexes over 1.5 million theses and dissertations.
  • SUDOC A French online catalog providing access to academic university libraries in France. To limit your search to theses, select the Advanced Search Screen and choose "Theses (version de soutenance)" as the publication type.
  • Theses Canada Portal Electronic theses that were submitted to the Theses Canada program between 1998 and August 31, 2002.

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UCL European & International Social & Political Studies


Past Dissertations

Below are the titles of dissertations completed by last year's finalists. For older examples, please click on the appropriate year in the list at the end of the page.

Dissertations of Finalists 2020

  • Memes + urban planning
  • A response to #takebackcontrol: is increased national parliamentary involvement the answer to the democratic deficit in the EU? The case of the Bundestag and EU affairs.
  • Refugee law
  • Richard Arkwright, Early Industrialists, and the Changing Relations between State and Economic Regulation in the Long Eighteenth Century.
  • Environmental Human Rights: the emergence, evolution and diffusion of a new norm.
  • Applying deterrence theory to economic cyber conflict: Evaluating the strengths and limitations of a deterrence framework for mitigating conflict in economic cyberspace
  • Economic insecurity, cultural clash, or politics of disillusionment? Explaining the success of the AfD in Germany.
  • Humanitarianism and the case of Venezuela
  • The Spanish and German transitions to democracy.
  • Critical aspects of the EU asylum policy
  • L'écriture inclusive: Gender neutrality in a gendered language
  • Climate Security
  • Democratic theory
  • Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark: The 2015 Refugee Crisis and it’s Role in the Neo-Liberalisation of the Danish Welfare State
  • Visible vexation: charting the evolution of the Yellow Vest movement through visual data (working title)
  • The response of the EU to populism
  • The relationship between autocratic repression and education development in Africa
  • Foreign Policy of the European Union
  • The evolution of France and China diplomatic relations: the EU as a mediator?
  • Music in society, and how music is used as a tool of social change
  • The failed democratization of the DRC (Congo)
  • How do gendered assumptions affect discourses about global citizenship, and what implications does this have for the roles envisaged for women and girls within it?
  • Does the domestic Euroskeptic narrative of populist parties carry through into a  coherent voting behaviour in the European Parliament?
  • A comparative approach to the High Representatives of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
  • Human rights in post-conflict situations
  • German immigration policies from a socio-economic and demographic approach.

Further Dissertation Examples

Department of Politics and International Relations

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Writing a research proposal

two girls looking at a laptop

The research proposal is the main way in which we evaluate the quality of your research plans. You should aim to make your proposal about 1500-2000 words long.

Your proposal should include the following:

The title indicates the overall question or topic of the PhD. It should include any key concepts, empirical focus, or lines of inquiry that you aim to pursue, and it should be concise and descriptive. You can normally discuss changes in the title with your supervisor(s) should you be successful but it is important to try to choose a clear and engaging title.

Research questions

What are the questions or problems for politics or international relations that you are trying to understand and solve? In explaining these, it will be helpful to spell out what else we need to know in order to understand why you are framing the problem this way.

Research aims

In answering these questions, what will your research project do? What will it shed light on or help us to understand that we don’t really understand better?


Why this project? Explain why your project is interesting, what its broader implications are, and – if you think this is relevant – why you are particularly well placed to tackle it. It is also valuable to reflect on who has worked on the topic before and to provide a brief literature review. Are there any good approaches to the topic, or particular articles or books, that you are drawing on or bad ones you want to push back against?

What are the sources you plan to use to answer your research questions? These will vary according to the nature of your research but may include study of particular texts, interviews, published or unpublished data, archival or policy documents, or field site visits, among others. Try to be as specific as you can and assess the possibility of access to relevant sources.

This includes thinking about the research methods you will use to analyse empirical sources (e.g., sampling, survey or interview design, data collection, discourse analysis) but may also include setting out the kind of theoretical framework you will employ or your approach to history or political ideas. What prior knowledge and skills do you bring to the project? What extra training may you need?

Structure and timetable

Include a provisional chapter structure and timetable to completion, covering the three years of the full-time programme or six years of the part-time programme, as appropriate.

To help you with your application here are some examples of PhD proposals which were successful in obtaining funding:  PhD sample research proposal 1 (PDF , 96kb) PhD sample research proposal 2 (PDF , 79kb) PhD sample research proposal 3 (PDF , 197kb)

Apply for a PhD now

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Politics thesis and dissertation collection

politics and international relations dissertation questions

By Issue Date Authors Titles Subjects Publication Type Sponsor Supervisors

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This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Recent Submissions

Commons as deliberative systems: designing institutions for the common good , pluriversal reconciliation: democratic theories, political violence and onto-epistemic dialogue , politics of media circulation: tracing the distribution of digital photographs of and from kashmir , stop the killer robots war humanisers future-proofing the war machine , sex, gender and constitutional attitudes: voting behaviour in the scottish independence referendum , ideas in international trade: the role of programmatic beliefs in the eu and china's approaches to the wto dsm , young farmers regeneration policy in indonesia: a capability approach , 'aquí se ve la fuerza del sme': a political economy analysis of the mexican electrical workers union's path towards self-management , dethroning the sovereign individual: a confucian reconstruction of the theory of right holding , rentier state revisited: the politics of sovereign wealth funds in saudi arabia , knowing better, doing better international development ngos, faith and wellbeing , freedom in and out of work: platforms, precarity, and the democratization of work , personality and us presidential choices: a study of the protracted afghanistan war , reproduction of ignorance in normative political theory: an intersectional methodological critique , speculative leadership: using a radical hegel to reinterpret practice in local government , politics of budget decision-making in south africa , typology of statelessness , lithium overdose: market practices and symptomatology of lithium trade in latin america , taking a ‘leap of faith’ to migrate: exploring uk approaches to anti-human trafficking , inclusion de-moderation hypothesis: egyptian secularists in democratization .

politics and international relations dissertation questions


  1. PDF Politics and International Relations Guide to Dissertations 2020-21

    Choosing a dissertation, a topic and a supervisor Your decision to write a dissertation in Politics International Relations for Part and IIB may turn on what you have gained from writing a long essay for assessment for POL 5 if you took that paper. A Part IIB dissertation, however, will address a question that you will have devised by yourself ...

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    Our awesome research topics for international relations allow you to explore diverse areas of global politics and contribute to the field with your exceptional research: NGOs' role in shaping international policies and agendas. Humanitarian interventions and the responsibility to protect: Effectiveness and ethics.

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    For international relations dissertation topics: Examine global issues and conflicts. Analyse diplomacy, treaties, or organisations. Explore cultural, economic, or political influences. Review current events and debates. Consider regional dynamics. Opt for a topic resonating with your passion and research scope.

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  7. Topics on International Relations & Foreign Policy

    Center for Strategic and International Studies 1616 Rhode Island Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036. Tel: 202.887.0200 Fax: 202.775.3199

  8. International Relations Theses

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  9. PDF Politics and International Relations Undergraduate Dissertations 2018

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  11. 100+ Research Topics In Politics (+ Free Webinar)

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  12. Theses and Dissertations

    The library holds dissertations from the following departments: Criminology, Economics, Geography and the Environment, International Development, Politics and International Relations (note that MPhil Politics and International Relations dissertations are held in the Bodleian Library), Socio-Legal Studies and Social Policy and Intervention.

  13. 140+ International Relations Dissertation Topics To Succeed

    140+ International Relations Dissertation Topics To Research. International relation reflects how sovereign states in the world relate with each other through decisions that are influenced by non-governmental organizations on politics, economics, and security. The discipline covers a wide area of subjects such as law, geography, history ...

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    Topic 1: Russia-Israel relationship and its impact on Syria and the Middle East. Research Aim: Russia and Israel share significant aspects of their strategic cultures. Both countries have a siege mentality and are led by a security-first mindset and a predominantly military view of authority. p Russia's relationship with Israel has grown in ...

  15. Research Methods in Politics and International Relations

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  16. PDF Writing a Politics Dissertation

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  17. Politics and International Relations Dissertation

    The main findings of this dissertation critically highlighted firstly the contradiction of liberal peace-building framework for the recovery of war torn societies. Presenting the failures and the pg. 40 fincompatibility of the promotion of liberal political and economic structures as 'universal solution'.

  18. Politics and International Relations Dissertation module (PO40006

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  19. Dissertations & Theses

    Indexes U.S. doctoral dissertations and master's theses. Includes 2.4 million dissertation and theses citations from around the world from 1861 to the present day together with 1 million full text dissertations that are available for download in PDF format.

  20. Past Dissertations

    Below are the titles of dissertations completed by last year's finalists. For older examples, please click on the appropriate year in the list at the end of the page. Dissertations of Finalists 2020. Memes + urban planning ; A response to #takebackcontrol: is increased national parliamentary involvement the answer to the democratic deficit in ...

  21. PhD research proposal

    The title indicates the overall question or topic of the PhD. It should include any key concepts, empirical focus, or lines of inquiry that you aim to pursue, and it should be concise and descriptive. ... What are the questions or problems for politics or international relations that you are trying to understand and solve? In explaining these ...

  22. Politics thesis and dissertation collection

    Pluriversal reconciliation: democratic theories, political violence and onto-epistemic dialogue . Ardila Arévalo, Camilo Andrés (The University of Edinburgh, 2024-05-01) In this PhD dissertation, I explore the role of democratic theories in contexts of political reconciliation through the lens of pluriversal politics.

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