ProQuest™ Dissertations & Theses Citation Index

The ProQuest™ Dissertations & Theses Citation Index (PQDT) is the world's most comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertations and theses, offering over 5.5 million records representing dissertations and theses from thousands of universities around the world.

Extending from they early 1600s to present, PQDT coverage is broadly multidisciplinary and includes foundational research in the life sciences, mathematics, computer science, engineering, social sciences, and humanities. Within dissertations and theses is a wealth of scholarship, yet it is often overlooked because most go unpublished.

Key Features

The ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index will be a standalone database and included in an All Databases search by default. WoS users also have filter options available in each search so that they can search broadly and then narrow focus on a particular collection, subject category, document type, etc. If a user wants to locate dissertations or theses specifically, they can also search of ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index only.

Standalone and aggregated search

PQDT is included in ALL Database search and can also be searched as a unique collection.

Track citation activity in Web of Science Core Collection

Dissertations and theses that have been cited by Web of Science Core Collection records will include a citation count and a link to the citing articles.

Claim dissertation or theses to a Web of Science Researcher Profiles

Researchers can manually claim their dissertation or thesis to their Web of Science Researcher Profile and make it part of the public view of their profile.

Links to Full Text of dissertations and theses on ProQuest platform

Institutions that subscribe to PQDT Global on the ProQuest platform will be able to link directly to their entitled full text.

Note: ProQuest Dissertation and Theses Citation Index will be released to customers in two phases. Phase 1: In July 2023, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Citation Index will go live with metadata records for 5.5+ million dissertations and theses. The records will not include cited reference indexing, which means that functionality such as Related Records and Cited References lists and associated navigation will not display. Phase 2: In late 2023, Linked Cited References lists and Related Records will be released to fully connect dissertations to the Web of Science citation network. If you have any questions regarding PQDT entitlement or functionality, please contact the Web of Science support team .

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global indexes dissertations and masters' theses from most North American graduate schools as well as some European universities.

It provides full text for most indexed dissertations from 1990 to present.

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New ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global Citation Connections

  • Article Number: 000095300

Citation Connections are the next step in the evolution of the ProQuest Platform, moving functionality beyond standard recommender lists and towards technology that delivers more effective, targeted results that enable you to spend less time searching and more time researching. 

Getting Started 

Start the process by performing a search on ProQuest Dissertations & These Global (PQDT Global) and you normally perform using key terms in the search bar. Since the Citation Connections algorithm uses extracted references, you may want to add “AND ref(1)“  to your search terms to ensure that all returned results include references. From the results page, select the dissertation or theses that you wish to use as the starting document and click on the link to open the Document View. 

Seed Document 

When a dissertation or thesis in PQDT Global is selected, the document displayed on this page is used as the ‘seed’ of a computational framework to identify other sources related to the topic. The seed document is used to surface relevant items in Similar Dissertations and Foundational Research on this topic. 

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Similar Dissertations Panel  

At the bottom of the Document View page, the new Similar Dissertations panel is displayed. The Citation Connections algorithms start by building a “neighborhood” of similar documents based on the overlap in their citation lists.  

Each card in the Similar Dissertations panel is a dissertation or thesis that has an overlap in references with the seed document and are they are displayed ranked by the most reference overlap and should be useful to help identify other dissertations that have been written on this topic. Clicking on the title inside a card will take you to that dissertation, with its own set of Similar Dissertations and Foundational Research citations, using that dissertation as the “seed document”. 

Image of Citation Connection Panels - Similar Dissertations An image of the document view of a dissertation with Citation Connection panels. Similar dissertation panel is on the bottom of page under the PDF reader. Inside each Similar Dissertations panel is a carousel of cards, each card with a reference to a document.

Similarity Index 

Inside of each card in the Similar Dissertations panel, you will see a Similarity Index icon. The Similarity Index is used to rank the collection of Similar Dissertations by the degree of relationship to the topic of the seed document displayed on the page. The closer the score is to 100%, the more likely this dissertation is about the same topic. 

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In this example, the dissertation, Motor Learning Guided Treatment with Childhood Apraxia of Speech: Cueing & Feedback, has 91%, or 253, references in common with the seed document, Speech Motor Complexity in Childhood Apraxia of Speech, which is the selected dissertation displayed on the Document View Page. 

If a document in Similar Dissertations has every reference in common with the seed document, the Similarity Index for the document would be 100%. 

Shared References  

Inside of each card in the Similar Dissertations panel, you will see a Shared References icon. Shared References is the number of references in common with the seed document displayed on the card.  

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In this example this document has 253 references in common with the seed document displayed on the Document View Page. 

Foundational Research Panel 

At the right side of the Document View page the new Foundational Research panel is displayed. Foundational Research is a list of records from a Neighborhood of related sources that cite at least five documents cited by the seed document displayed on this page. Foundational Research records are ranked according to the frequency with which they are cited by documents in the Neighborhood. This collection can be useful when building a foundational understanding of a topic or when selecting a topic for a research project. 

The Citation Connections algorithms start by building a “neighborhood” of related documents that share at least five citations with the “seed document” or the document you are viewing. Then the top 20 most cited documents in this neighborhood are presented in the Foundational Research panel, ranked by their citation frequency with the most cited at the top of the list. The assumption behind Foundational Research is that the more cited references two documents share, the closer the subject relationship, and the most frequently cited sources in a subject area are part of the core knowledge in that topic.  

Foundational Sources can include references to books, journal articles, newspaper articles, and more, and if your library has subscription access, or if a document is open access, the sources in the Foundational Research panel may be linked to the abstract or full text of the source, allowing you to save, download, or export the record, which may be useful when building a foundational understanding of a topic or when selecting a topic for a research project. 

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This image shows the title of a source recommended by the algorithms in our Citations Connections. Clicking on the title will take you to more information about document, and may include access to full text. 

Cited By 

Cited By is the number of documents in ProQuest databases that have cited this source. You can find Cited By counts associated with references throughout the ProQuest database, including the Foundational Research panel of Citation Connections. 

A mouse click on a Cited By link will open a list of documents in the ProQuest database that have cited that document. For example, if a document has a Cited By count of 83, this means that it has been cited by 83 other documents in the ProQuest database. 

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Tool Tip Descriptions 

Click on any “i” icon to view the description of a feature for more information. 

Highlights the presence of info icons. Users can click an icon to see a brief description of a feature. Preceded by explanatory text.

Not Seeing Results Message 

In some instances, you could see a “Not Seeing Results” message in the Foundational Research panel.   You may see this result if 

Citations are not extracted into the citation network for the seed dissertation or thesis. The algorithms that support Citation Connections require the citations to be integrated into the citation network to provide the list of recommended sources. 

If there are not very many documents available for your topic, that is, if your topic is unique. 

We recommend selecting another dissertation or thesis on the same topic that has full text or starting a new search that expands the topic more broadly.  Refer to the  Support Article for Tips & Tricks for help with your search experience. 

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Legacy Theses & Dissertations (2009 - 2024)

The Legacy ETD collection includes all theses or dissertations submitted to ProQuest electronically between 2008 and 2022.

These ETDs are still available and searchable within PQDT Global , and UAlbany authors still retain copyright of their ETD, allowing them to publish their own work at any time with any publisher.

By making this work openly available in Scholars Archive and sharing this scholarship with the global community free of charge, UAlbany’s valuable scholarship enjoys a broader reach and deeper impact and better embodies the spirit of the Graduate School and UAlbany’s mission to provide “the leaders, the knowledge, and the innovations to create a better world.”

Note: Retrospective ETDs are provided for research and educational purposes only and are under copyright by the author or the author’s heirs.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact us .

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

The simulated sensitivity of the North American monsoon at convection-permitting scales , Brendan Wallace

Dynamic instance-wise decision-making for machine learning , Yasitha Warahena Liyanage

The Long Island Opt-Out Movement and local politics in four school districts , Raymond James Webb

AB42 alters glutamatergic transmission in the CA1 region of the mouse hippocampus , Patrick Harry Wehrle

The dark figure of wrongful convictions : how intake decisions impact exonerations , Jennifer Weintraub

Understanding sense of belonging of students of color attending a liberal arts college , Jessica Wenger

Women's work history and mental well-being : evidence from the Indonesian family life survey , Nurul Widyaningrum

Relationships of teacher perceptions and racially diverse third grade student achievement : an analysis of ECLS-K:2011 data University at Albany , Lynnette Renee Williams

New York city micronet : comprehensive site metadata and classifications and characteristics of the urban heat island , Ashley Williamson

Computational methods for propagation of optical fields with the angle-impact Wigner function , Jeremy Wittkopp

Spatio-temporal analyses of the relationships between stop, question and frisk and crime in New York City , Haemi Won

Examining the relationship between admission requirements and program outcome variables in a special education teacher preparation program , Emily Woofenden

Adolescent maltreatment, substance use, and self-efficacy : a test of General Strain Theory among a sample of clinical youth , Sonya Worthington

Sampling distribution of non-overlap indices using bootstrapping procedure : a monte carlo simulation study and empirical demonstration , Xinyun Xu

Stability and differential privacy of stochastic gradient methods , Zhenhuan Yang

Probing the stability and solution processability of metal chalcogenide semiconducting materials , Mengwen Yan

High-capacity and interpretable temporal point process models for user activity sequence modeling , Mengfan Yao

"We are the stories" : narrative competence and cognitive mapping as a culturally sustaining pedagogy in the education of emergent bilinguals , Sepideh Yasrebi

Applications of search and matching to international trade and unemployment insurance , Kai You

Innovation capacity in local government organizations : a comparative case study of three innovation labs in the U.S , Qianli Yuan

Contrapuntal readings of the exilic consciousness : reading Yehuda Amichai and Mahmoud Darwish together , Sarah Brooks Zahed

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Novel functional proteomics techniques for multiplex and single cell cytokines detection , Mohammed Abdullah

Statistical and variational modeling and analysis of passive integrated photonic devices , Norbert Dinyi Agbodo

Black bisexual women's experiences of growth following gendered racism and biphobia , Alexandra Agiliga

Development of bioaffinity based assays for forensic applications , Juliana Maria Agudelo Cano

Graduate students' intrinsic motivation in fully online courses , Ahmed Alahmari

Long noncoding RNA AK001796 as a mediator of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in metastatic breast cancer , Sumayya Adib Alchalabi

Arabic-speaking students' responses to children's literature about the Middle East , Amal Aldaej

Evaluating the impact of tobacco retailer density on smoking among patients with serious mental illness and diabetes in New York State , Amani Alharthy

Graduate students' understanding, perception, and preference of time management in online learning , Majed Ali

Isolating oral bacterial species from a single donor through a multi-step detection method , Khalid Al-Lakhen

Flexible lives on engineering's 'Bleeding edge' : gender, migration and belonging in the semiconductor industry , Sarah E. Appelhans

Mass spectral and chemometric analysis for the detection and identification of forensically relevant materials , Meghan Grace Appley

Change and continuity in biology , Gunnar O'Neill Babcock

The time course and interaction of emoji and text processing during natural reading : evidence from eye movements , Eliza Barach

Utilizing raman spectroscopy to determine the time since deposition of heated bloodstains , Alexis Pearl Barber

Supporting highly mobile literacy learners : examining how an elementary school provided support to mobile students in an urban school district , Rebecca L. Benjamin

Factors influencing psychotherapy completion in children exposed to adverse childhood experiences , Cheryl Kayleen Best

An examination of the Arctic environment and Arctic cyclones during periods of low and high forecast skill of the synoptic-scale flow , Kevin Biernat

Role of RNA helicases in the drosophila germline , Patrick Blatt

Feasibility of acceptance-based health coaching targeting food cravings in pregnancy , Lauren Blau

A cross cultural comparison of Asian college students' well-being : exploring the impact of cultural factors in a social cognitive framework , Jennifer Joy Bordon

Belonging and bias : how diatonicity and response bias affect pitch memory in a probe tone task , Jeff Bostwick

Novel sensing concept for organophosphate monitoring , Cheyenne Bowman

Legacy and emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances : analysis, environmental distribution, and bioconcentration , Richard Anthony Brase

Using machine learning to predict super-utilizers of healthcare services , Kevin Paul Buchan Jr.

Disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline : implementing alternative education programs to reduce student disciplinary issues , Michael M. Burns

The sensitivity of convection to boundary layer parameterization in hurricanes Harvey and Irma 2017 , Dylan Card

The foundations of inference and its application to fundamental physics , Nicholas Matthew Carrara

Crime and safety in United States schools : selected findings regarding the relationship of interventions on the rate of student removal from the educational setting for disciplinary reasons , Heather Chadwell Dennis

Modulation of Rho termination : expectation vs reality , Kavya Sri Sai Chegireddy

Navigating racial discrimination as transnational actors : racial experiences of Asian international students in the U.S. under the Covid-19 pandemic , Chen Chen

Higher education under market forces how the "transnational shadow education" industry emerged and persisted to help Taiwanese students to study in the U.S , Kenneth Han Chen

The acquisition of variation in future time expression by high school student learners of Spanish in Upstate New York , Erika E. Clarkin

The effect of mindfulness on autonomic nervous system coordination in individuals with interparental conflict exposure , Rachel Clegg

Critical media literacy in social studies : a case study , Lauren Collet-Gildard

Sex differences in context fear neural circuitry and behavior across development , Lorianna Marie Colon

Black women social workers : a qualitative exploration of stress and coping , Collina D. Cooke

Exploring the roles of school business officials through the lens of financial transparency reporting requirements in New York State , Colette Crawfordmack

Tapestry and tomb, choreography and clot : metaphors for mobilities and moorings in geographical literature , Zachary Robert Cudney

Intrabodies reveal critical steps involved in ricin's interactions with the ribosome , Timothy Francis Czajka

Substance abuse policies, prescribing behaviors, and health outcomes , Huy Do Dang

What drives collective informal learning : the influence of team learning orientation, process efficacy, and metacognition , Gabrielle Danna

Uncle Tom's women : slavery and Black female sexuality , Natalia Davila

Examining the benefits of a sustained balance and fall prevention programming for independent older adults living in a community setting , Noah Davis

Courtland Street, Lake George : a bioarchaeological study of the skeletal foot morphology of early Revolutionary War soldiers , Alexandra Grace Decarlo

Inverse problems for topological summaries in topological data analysis , Jordan Desha

The materiality of metaphor in Mayan hieroglyphic texts : metaphor in changing political climates , Rebecca Ann Dinkel

Properties of curriculum-based measurement for mathematics : an investigation of the average growth, variability, and precision of three forms , Arianna Doss

Social identities at work : how do multiple social identities influence organizational attraction? , Aileen Dowden

Emotion regulation and executive functioning : a comparison of collegiate taekwondo athletes, other athletes, and non-athletes , Rae Danett Drach

Aerosol and terrain effects on winter cloud and precipitation over New York State , Yuyi Du

Addressing the development of reading comprehension in students with ASD : a meta-analysis , Halley Eacker

Molecular simulation of RNA conformational dynamics : an example of Micro-RNA targeting messenger RNA : Mir-34a-MSIRT1 , Parisa Ebrahimi

Cuerpos femeninos en concursos de mujeres o 'reinados' en Colombia, 1991-2018 , Ernesto L. Ebratt

19th century exam, 21st century policing : an examination of the New York State Civil Service and police officer recruitment: , Amani Edwards

Diagnosing high sinuosity regimes associated with anomalous Greenland ice-melt events using self-organizing maps , Mansour El Riachy

Kinetic characterization of two C-family polymerases from the gram-positive bacterium staphylococcus aureus , Sean P. Fagan

Seasonal differences in the impacts of IPO and AMO on temperature and precipitation over South America , Thomas Favata

The contributions of dynamical and diabatic processes preceding and accompanying major Greenland ice-melt events , Scott Feldman

A comparison of implicit and explicit error detection and their effects on purchase intention and judgments of quality , Rachel Fernandes

Developing and testing a single-case experimental design tool : improving the way researchers choose and justify quantification techniques , Joelle Fingerhut

Intergenerational risk of maternal childhood maltreatment on infant health concerns in low-income Mexican American mother-child dyads , Amanda Flagg

An exploration of undergraduates' intercultural development : a case study of an internship abroad program , Jennifer Fong

Against empathy bias : the moral value of equitable empathy , Zoe Fowler

Exploring environmental and methodological sensitivities of forecasted and observed surface winds and gusts using underutilized datasets , Alex Roslyn Gallagher

Epitranscriptomic writer regulation of gene expression in Escherichia coli , William Eugene Gasperi

Identifying the microphysical sensitivities of mesoscale and synoptic precipitation using an ensemble framework , Lauriana Gaudet

Applications of mass spectrometry to forensic entomology : calliphoridae species determination, monitoring of decomposition volatiles, and discovery of chemical cues , Justine Elizabeth Giffen-Lemieux

Mining subgroups from temporal data : from the parts to the whole , Alexander Gorovits

Mechanical analysis of a heterogeneously integrated silicon photonic interposer , Erica Charlene Graham

The case of environmental education of children , Mary Greagan

A project to dye for : differentiation of dyed and non-dyed human hairs Using ATR FT-IR spectroscopy , Joseph John Greco

The circulatory process and user-data , Matthew Greene

Are there individual differences in the foreign language effect? , Rita Gross

Dominican Spanish in New York : language attitudes and variation of final /ɾ/ and /l/ , Gabriel Valentín Guadalupe

Simulation analysis of the snowball chamber , Thomas Guile

Student teachers' TPACK development and technology integration in the shared collective lesson planning , Chen Guo

The role of school and district leaders in discipline systems in positive outlier high schools , Catherine E. Guthrie

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Journal of Montessori Research logo

Mortarboard Review

Montessori-related dissertations, 2023.

  • Jennifer Moss Emporia State University
  • Katie Keller Wood CMStep: Cincinnati Montessori Secondary Teacher Education Program

This is the second article in an ongoing series, published annually, highlighting a selection of English-language dissertations from the previous calendar year related to Montessori philosophy and education. Thirteen doctoral dissertations completed and approved during the 2023 calendar year were identified. The authors selected three dissertations to spotlight because they represent high-quality research in an area that is relevant to the current educational landscape: antibias and anti-racist (ABAR) educational practices.

Author Biography

Joel Parham is an Affiliate Researcher at the University of Kansas and owner of JRP Consulting & Research. He has a Bachelor of Science in Sociology and a Master of Library and Information Science. His research interests include the historical diffusion of the Montessori method of education, and the American Montessori movement. Joel is also the creator of the Montessori Bibliography Online – – which he regularly maintains.

Bass-Barlow, K. (2023). Examination of Montessori training: Experiences of People of Color in public and charter Montessori schools [Doctoral dissertation, Arkansas State University].

Canzoneri-Golden, L., & King, J. (2020). An examination of culturally relevant pedagogy and antibias-antiracist curriculum in a Montessori setting [Doctoral dissertation, Lynn University].

Canzoneri-Golden, L., & King, J. (2023). Montessori education and critical race theory in the United States. In A. K. Murray, E.-M. Tebano Ahlquist, M. K. McKenna, & M. Debs (Eds.), The Bloomsbury handbook of Montessori education (pp. 503–511). Bloomsbury Academic.

Cooper, J. (2022). Searching for equity in education: A qualitative study examining the experiences of African American families in accessing and financing Montessori education [Doctoral dissertation, Saint Joseph’s University].

Cossentino, J. (2009). Culture, craft, & coherence: The unexpected vitality of Montessori teacher training. Journal of Teacher Education, 60(5), 520–527.

D’Cruz Ramos, G. O. (2023). Critical Montessori education: Centering BIPOC Montessori educators and their anti-racist teaching practices [Doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland].

Debs, M. (2019). Diverse families, desirable schools: Public Montessori in the era of school choice. Harvard Education Press.

Freire, P. (1968). Pedagogy of the oppressed. Seabury Press.

Giroux, H. A. (1988). Schooling and the struggle for public life: Critical pedagogy in the modern age. Minnesota University Press.

Giroux, H. A. (2011). On critical pedagogy. Bloomsbury.

Hammond, Z. (2015). Culturally responsive teaching and the brain: Promoting authentic engagement and rigor among culturally and linguistically diverse students. SAGE.

Hammons, M. S. (2023). Antiracist pedagogy in White spaces: An exploration of antiracist White teachers and their commitment to create antiracist classrooms [Doctoral dissertation, San Francisco State University].

hooks, b. (1994). Teaching to transgress: Education as the practice of freedom. Routledge.

hooks, b. (2003). Teaching community: A pedagogy of hope. Routledge.

McLaren, P. (1989). Life in schools: An introduction to critical pedagogy in the foundations of education. Irwin Publishing.

McLaren, P. (2016). Pedagogy of insurrection: From resurrection to revolution. Peter Lang.

Moquino, T. (2023). The need for Indigenous Montessori teacher education. In Equity examined: How to design schools and teacher education programs where everyone thrives (pp. 42–44). American Montessori Society.

Moquino, T., Walker, N., & Kitchens, K. (2023). Beyond authenticity: Indigenizing Montessori education in settler colonial United States. In A. K. Murray, E.-M. Tebano Ahlquist, M. K. McKenna, & M. Debs (Eds.), The Bloomsbury handbook of Montessori education (pp. 513–524). Bloomsbury Academic.

Schaeffer, K. (2021). U.S. public school students often go to schools where at least half of their peers are the same race or ethnicity.

Welch, A. M. (2023). Racial identity development in the early years: A Montessori student/educator’s autoethnographic study [Master’s thesis, California State University, Los Angeles].

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Copyright (c) 2024 Joel Parham, Jennifer Moss, Katie Keller Wood

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Journal of Montessori Research Author Agreement The following is an agreement between the Author (the “Corresponding Author”) acting on behalf of all authors of the work (“Authors”) and the Journal of Montessori Research (the “Journal”) regarding your article (the “Work”) that is being submitted for consideration.   Whereas the parties desire to promote effective scholarly communication that promotes local control of intellectual assets, the parties for valuable consideration agree as follows. A. CORRESPONDING AUTHOR’S GRANT OF RIGHTS After being accepted for publication, the Corresponding Author grants to the Journal, during the full term of copyright and any extensions or renewals of that term, the following: 1.    An irrevocable non-exclusive right to reproduce, republish, transmit, sell, distribute, and otherwise use the Work in electronic and print editions of the Journal and in derivative works throughout the world, in all languages, and in all media now known or later developed. 2.    An irrevocable non-exclusive right to create and store electronic archival copies of theWork, including the right to deposit the Work in open access digital repositories. 3.    An irrevocable non-exclusive right to license others to reproduce, republish, transmit,and distribute the Work under the condition that the Authors are attributed. (Currently this is carried out by publishing the content under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 license (CC BY-NC.) 4.    Copyright in the Work remains with the Authors. B. CORRESPONDING AUTHOR’S DUTIES 1.    When distributing or re-publishing the Work, the Corresponding Author agrees to credit the Journal as the place of first publication. 2.    The Corresponding Author agrees to inform the Journal of any changes in contact information. C. CORRESPONDING AUTHOR’S WARRANTY The Corresponding Author represents and warrants that the Work is the Authors’ original work and that it does not violate or infringe the law or the rights of any third party and, specifically, that the Work contains no matter that is defamatory or that infringes literary or proprietary rights, intellectual property rights, or any rights of privacy. The Corresponding Author also warrants that he or she has the full power to make this agreement, and if the Work was prepared jointly, the Corresponding Author agrees to inform the Authors of the terms of this Agreement and to obtain their written permission to sign on their behalf. The Corresponding Author agrees to hold the Journal harmless from any breach of the aforestated representations. D.  JOURNAL’S DUTIES In consideration of the Author’s grant of rights, the Journal agrees to publish the Work, attributing the Work to the Authors. E. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This agreement reflects the entire understanding of the parties. This agreement may be amended only in writing by an addendum signed by the parties. Amendments are incorporated by reference to this agreement. ACCEPTED AND AGREED BY THE CORRESPONDING AUTHOR ON BEHALF OF ALL AUTHORS CONTRIBUTING TO THIS WORK

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