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Writing a Research Paper

Asme journals digital submission tool guidelines and information, writing a research paper or technical brief.

Only original contributions to the engineering literature are accepted for publication; work should incorporate substantial information not previously published.


If a submission contains excerpts from other copyrighted material (including without limitation any diagrams, photographs, figures or text), it is the responsibility of the authors to acquire in writing all necessary rights from third parties to include those materials in a submission. In addition, appropriate credit for that third-party material must be included in footnotes, figure/table captions, Acknowledgements, References or Bibliography. This is part of the Terms and Conditions of the Copyright Transfer Agreement required form each author prior to publication of an accepted submission.

Resources The Office of Research Integrity has the following guide that may be a useful reference: Avoiding Plagiarism, Self-Plagiarism, and Other Questionable Writing Practices: A Guide to Ethical Writing.

Accuracy It is of the greatest importance that all technical, scientific, and mathematical information contained in the paper be checked with the utmost care.

It is ASME policy that SI units of measurement be included in all papers. When U.S. customary units are given preference, the SI equivalent should be provided in parentheses or in a supplementary table. When preference is given to SI units, the U.S. customary units should be provided in parentheses or in a supplementary table.

A research paper should not exceed 12,000 words. Beyond this amount, a mandatory excess-page charge can be assessed. These charges are described here: Publication Charges .

To estimate figures and tables:

  • 1 journal page = 1000 words
  • Half-journal page or a single column = 500 words
  • Half-column = 250 words
  • Quarter column = 125 words.

The Editor reserves the right to send papers that exceed the length limitation back to the author(s) for shortening before initiating the review process.

Elements of a Paper

The basic elements of a paper or brief are listed below in the order in which they should appear:

  • author names and affiliations
  • body of paper
  • acknowledgments
  • nomenclature
  • figures and tables

Text: 9 or 10 pt. Times Roman medium (or equivalent typeface), justified, with single line spacing

The title of the paper should be concise and definitive.

Author Names and Affiliations

It is ASME policy that all those who have participated significantly in the technical aspects of a paper be recognized as co-authors or cited in the acknowledgments. Author name should consist of first name (or initial), middle initial, and last name. The author affiliation should consist of the following, as applicable, in the order noted:

  • university or company (with department name or company division)
  • mailing address
  • city, state, zip code
  • country name (other than the U.S.)
  • e-mail (university or company email addresses should be used whenever possible)

An abstract (250 words maximum) should open the paper or brief. The purpose of the abstract is to give a clear indication of the objective, scope, and results so that readers may determine whether the full text will be of particular interest to them.

The text should be organized into logical parts or sections. The purpose of the paper should be stated at the beginning, followed by a description of the problem, the means of solution, and any other information necessary to properly qualify the results presented and the conclusions. The results should be presented in an orderly form, followed by the author'/s conclusions.

Headings and subheadings should appear throughout the work to divide the subject matter into logical parts and to emphasize the major elements and considerations. Parts or sections may be numbered, if desired, but paragraphs should not be numbered.

Equations should be numbered consecutively beginning with (1) to the end of the paper, including any appendices. The number should be enclosed in parentheses and set flush right in the column on the same line as the equation. It is this number that should be used when referring to equations within the text. Equations should be referenced within the text as "Eq. (x)." When the reference to an equation begins a sentence, it should be spelled out, e.g., "Equation (x)."

Formulas and equations should be created to clearly distinguish capital letters from lowercase letters. Care should be taken to avoid confusion between the lowercase "l"(el) and the numeral one, or between zero and the lowercase "o." All subscripts, superscripts, Greek letters, and other symbols should be clearly indicated.

In all mathematical expressions and analyses, any symbols (and the units in which they are measured) not previously defined in nomenclature should be explained. If the paper is highly mathematical in nature, it may be advisable to develop equations and formulas in appendices rather than in the body of the paper.

All figures (graphs, line drawings, photographs, etc.) should be numbered consecutively and have a caption consisting of the figure number and a brief title or description of the figure. This number should be used when referring to the figure in text. Figure references should be included within the text in numerical order according to their order of appearance. Figures should be referenced within the text as "Fig. 1." When the reference to a figure begins a sentence, the abbreviation "Fig." should be spelled out, e.g., "Figure 1." A separate list of figure numbers and their respective captions should be included at the end of the paper (for production purposes only). ASME accepts .tiff (.tif) or .eps file formats for figures.

  • TIFF (Tag Image File Format) is for bitmap images (spatially mapped array of bits).
  • EPS (Encapsulated Postscript) is for vector graphics (mathematical expressions of geometrical primitives).

Images created in Word can opened in Adobe Acrobat and saved as .tif or .eps

Figure files greater than 15MB should be checked to see if layers were merged.

All tables should be numbered consecutively and have a caption consisting of the table number and a brief title. This number should be used when referring to the table in text. Table references should be included within the text in numerical order according to their order of appearance. Tables should be inserted as part of the text as close as possible to its first reference — with the exception of those tables included at the end of the paper as an appendix. A separate list of table numbers and their respective captions should be included at the end of the paper (for production purposes only).

Video Files

Currently, the ASME Journal Tool does not accommodate the submission of video files. Authors can contact the Editor by email if they have video files. If accepted by the Editor for review, ASME will provide information for transferring the files by FTP.

Video files should augment a figure that is included in the paper since they will be included as part of the peer-review of the paper, and if accepted for publication, part of the archival version of the paper.

The following file formats can be accepted for video files:

Supplemental Material

Go to “ Supplemental Material ” for information on this.


Acknowledgments may be made to individuals or institutions not mentioned elsewhere in the work who have made an important contribution.

Funding Information

Funding information provided will be placed at the end of the Acknowledgment section.


Nomenclature should follow customary usage. For reference, consult American National Standards Institute (ANSI) recommendations. The nomenclature list should be in alphabetical order (capital letters first, followed by lowercase letters), followed by any Greek symbols, with subscripts and superscripts last, identified with headings.

Sample Nomenclature

  • Pages must be paginated.
  • Highly technical terms or phraseology must be explained and defined.
  • The use of the first person and reference to individuals should be made in such a manner as to avoid personal bias.
  • Company names should be mentioned only in the acknowledgments.
  • All papers should be concise regardless of length.
  • Long quotations should be avoided by referring to sources.
  • Illustrations and tables must be kept to a practicable minimum.
  • Detailed drawings, lengthy test data and calculations, and photographs not integral to the understanding of the subject, should be omitted.
  • Equations should be kept to a reasonable minimum, and built-up fractions within sentences should be avoided.
  • Spell out all acronyms on first use. Put the acronym in parentheses immediately after the spelled-out term.
  • All lines of the initial submission must be numbered.

Within the text, references should be cited in numerical order according to their order of appearance. The numbered reference citation within text should be enclosed in brackets.

Example: It was shown by Prusa [1] that the width of the plume decreases under these conditions.

All references must include a DOI.

In the case of two citations, the numbers should be separated by a comma [1,2]. In the case of more than two references, the numbers should be separated by a dash [5-7].

Note: ASME primarily uses the Chicago Manual of Style for reference format. Authors are encouraged to seek out precise instructions via: http://www.ChicagoManualofStyle.org. ASME does not allow references to Wikipedia.

Sample References

References should be listed together at the end of the paper; footnotes should not be used for this purpose.

References should be arranged in numerical order according to the sequence of citations within the text. Each reference should include the last name of each author followed by initials.

Website Content

  • [2] Wayne, John “John Cowboy Videos 2009,” YouTube video, 7:00, November 13, 2009, http://www.you tube.com/ watch?v= aBcDeFgH9yz.
  • [3] “Apple Privacy Policy,” last modified February 4, 2009, accessed July 19, 2010, http://www.apple.com/intl/en/privacypolicy.html.
  • [17] “WD2000: Visual Basic Macro to Assign Clipboard Text to a String Variable,” revision 1.3, Microsoft Help and Support, last modified November 23, 2006, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/212730.
  • Note: If a site ceases to exist before publication, or if the information is modified or deleted, this must be included: [8] As of February 22, 2013, Sullivan was claiming on her website that … (a claim that had disappeared from her page by March 4, 2013).

Journal Articles and Papers in Serial Publications

  • [3] Adams, Z., 2014, “Bending of an Infinite Beam on an Elastic Substrate,” ASME J Appl. Mech., 3, pp. 221-228.
  • [9] Zhang, T. W., Khun, C., Liu, Q., and Miller, A. P., 2011, “Self-Healing Techniques,” Nature, 332(6662), pp. 888-892.

Textbooks and Monographs

  • [10] Gibson, T.A., and Tucker, M. T., 2008, The Big Book of Cellular Studies, John Wiley and Sons, NY.

Chapter Within a Book

  • [32] Stevens, T. T., 1999, “Stochastic Fields and Their Digital Simulation,” Stochastic Methods. T. A. Sulle, and M. Siiu, eds., Martinius Publishers, Dordrecht, Germany, pp. 22-36.

Individual Conference Papers/Papers in Compiled Proceedings/Collection of Works by Numerous Authors

  • [21] Wions, T. T., and Mills, C. D., 2006, “Structural Dynamics in Parallel Manipulation,” Proceedings of the IDETC/CIE, New Orleans, LA, September 10-13, 2005, ASME Paper No. DETC2005-99532, pp. 777-798.

Theses and Technical Reports

  • [1] Oligaria, T. T., Fredy, C. W., Popullo, A. Z., and Tucker, M. A., 20111, “Characterization of PKM Dynamics,” SAE Technical Paper No. 2011-02-8345, 07ATC-96.
  • [25] Mollen, T., P., 2014, “Use of General Nonlinear Material in Articulated Systems,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Boston, Boston, MA.
  • [27] Clinton, D., 2013, “Review of Rocket Technology,” NASA Report No. NASA RE-8842.

Books Consulted Online

  • [23] Smith, John, 2014, A Dog’s Life in Berlin. Oxford University Press, New York. Doi: 10.1055/acprof.oso/97890.0394.000.

Citing ASME Journal Titles

In order to improve the accuracy of citation data collection, ASME is standardizing on the following abbreviations for the titles in the ASME Journal Program. Authors should use these abbreviations for ASME titles in their references:

Applied Mechanics Reviews Appl Mech Rev
Journal of Applied Mechanics J Appl Mech
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering J Biomech Eng
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics J Comput Nonlin Dyn
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering J Comput Inf Sci Eng
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control J Dyn Syst-T ASME
Journal of Electronic Packaging J Electron Packaging
Journal of Energy Resources Technology J Energ Resour
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power J Eng Gas Turb Power
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology J Eng Mater
Journal of Fluids Engineering J Fluid Eng
Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology J Fuel Cell Sci Tech
Journal of Heat Transfer J Heat Trans
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering J Manuf Sci E
Journal of Mechanical Design J Mech Design
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics J Mech Robot
Journal of Medical Devices J Med Devices
Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing J Micro Nano-Manuf
Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine J Nanotech Eng Med
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering J Offshore Mech Arct
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology J Press Vess
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering J Sol Energ
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications J Therm Sci Eng Appl
Journal of Tribology J Tribol
Journal of Turbomachinery J Turbomach
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics J Vib Acoust

Journal Statements:

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211 Interesting Engineering Research Paper Topics

Engineering Research Paper Topics

The world of engineering is replete with experimentation and discoveries; it’s only a matter of understanding what is required and knowing where to look. Sometimes, college students are at a loss on how to choose the right research topic for their projects, especially when it comes to their area of specialty. This is normal in most cases.

If you’re in university and you’re so confused about how to choose a suitable engineering topic for research papers to work on, then you’re in luck. This entire guide is dedicated to offering you expert quality and professional research paper writing services and writing tips you can’t get anywhere else online.

Genetic Engineering Research Paper Topics

This refers to the process of deliberately altering the genetic composition of an organism. Nowadays, the leaps in genetic engineering have benefited several important aspects, including stem cell research.

Through genetic engineering, several diseases and predisposing factors have been discovered and written out or edited. The fact that such technologies exist, gives enough motivation for many to want to carry out further research on the topic.

Below are some relevant topics for further research that students can use in the field of genetic engineering.

  • The possibility of recovering and the DNA of extinct animals in the restocking of said species.
  • Existing genetic theories and explanations which support or disprove certain aspects of human behavior.
  • The viability of cloning organisms.
  • The existing relationship between genetic factors and acne susceptibility of individuals.
  • Genetic explanations and theories supporting or disproving social animal behavior.
  • The connection between coronary heart disease and genetic interference.
  • Genetic research and how they have influenced the environment.
  • How close are we to cloning humans?
  • The relationship between genetic factors and allergic reactions.
  • Can congenital deformities be passed down from mother to child?
  • Genetic explanation for similarities in personalities of twins raised apart.
  • Genetic explanation for differences in personalities of twins raised apart.
  • Who funds genetic research?
  • Factors that contribute to inbreeding depression.
  • Genetic explanation of genetic variations in the distribution of organisms of the same species.
  • Current strides in genetic engineering.
  • Genetic engineering: moral or immoral?
  • When does genetic engineering cross the line?
  • Who defines right and wrong in genetics?
  • The future of genetic coding and editing.

Industrial Engineering Research Paper Topics

This branch of engineering is one that deals specifically in making complex systems, organizations, structures, etc. more efficient by developing and improving upon the pre-existing systems. In industrial engineering, the goal is the improvement and application of researched, factual upgrades to systems when dealing with individuals, finance, information, etc. in order to produce optimized results and functions.

Industrial engineering seeks to improve the methods employed by companies in the implementation of processes in the manufacture and operations of projects.

Research in industrial engineering will help broaden your knowledge of how things are and how they should be to function more efficiently and effectively. To help you get started, here are some research topics you can consider taking a closer look at.

  • Mining and discovery of data.
  • The designing, structuring, and execution of experiments.
  • Strategies employed in manufacturing.
  • Single-objective optimization.
  • Poly-objective optimization
  • Managing a supply chain.
  • Analytical approach to the management of data.
  • Experimental designing.
  • Analysis of variance.
  • Interaction of dependent and independent variables in our reality.
  • The algorithm of differential evolution.
  • Artificial neural networks and their application.
  • Planning and design concepts in the building of structures.
  • Layouts and designs of structures.
  • Systems and analyses of handling industrial materials.
  • Artificial intelligence.
  • The influence of computers on driving.
  • Application of ergonomics in the world of engineering today.
  • The rise of automation in modern industries.

Research Paper Topics Related To Civil Engineering

One simple way to define civil engineering is that it’s basically all that we can see that has been built around us. It simply refers to an expert branch or discipline of engineering that focuses on making viable, practical arrangements with the plan, development, and maintenance of the physical, visible structures around us.

Civil engineering focuses on specific areas of structural building and maintenance, including public works like streets, waterways, dams, air terminals, sewerage frameworks, pipelines, primary segments of structures, rail routes, and so on.

Civil engineers imagine, plan, create, administer, work, develop and keep up basic interactions and frameworks in the general population and private area, including the roads, structures, airport terminals, burrows, dams, extensions, and frameworks for water supply and sewage treatment.

Below are some more topics you might be interested in, which will help as a student to answer some research paper projects and assignments.

  • Automation of the operation of machines in industries.
  • Designing, building, and engineering sturdy structures.
  • Designing long-lasting buildings and systems.
  • Materials for innovation.
  • Systems employed to help in the detection and management of natural disasters.
  • Elimination and mitigation of industrial and structural hazards.
  • Analyses of risks and reliability of computational alerts.
  • Informatics and its application.
  • Simulations in engineering.
  • Land surveying.
  • Designing, engineering, and construction of roads.
  • Designing, engineering, and construction of buildings.
  • Engineering and transportation.
  • Geotechnical and its application in everyday life.
  • Engineering: its contribution and effects on the environment.
  • The impact of engineering on the structure and interaction of microorganisms in the soil.
  • Analyzing and designing residential and industrial structures.
  • The integration of various designs into construction plans.
  • The role of civil engineering in the control of environmental pollution.

Research Paper Topics Software Engineering

Software engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the systemic application of analyses and research findings to the creation and management of software.

In software engineering, the process entails a disciplined, quantifiable approach to the application of said findings in the creation, operation, management, and security of software.

Further research topics and areas yet to be fully explored in software engineering are listed below.

  • The Internet of Things.
  • Cybersecurity.
  • Mining data.
  • Application of software engineering in the diagnosis and treatment of medical diseases.
  • Applications of Deep Neural Networking.
  • Detection and prevention of scams and online frauds.
  • Hacking: ethical hacking and the blue nowhere.
  • Benefits of professionalizing esports.
  • Automating the repairs of machines and industrial structures.
  • Assessing and testing clones.
  • The sustainability of ICT in various industries.
  • Application of ICT in Small and Medium-scale Enterprises.
  • Artificial intelligence and its contribution to the economy.
  • Ranking clone codes.
  • Data analytics.
  • Prediction and elimination of errors in software engineering.
  • Debugging in architecture.
  • Using machine learning to predict and detect defects in software.

Research Paper Topics For Engineering

Without mincing words, engineering is an umbrella term for the discipline which combines mathematics, physics, and physical sciences in the creation, development, and maintenance of technology.

Some areas for further research are listed below.

  • Systems of electrical power.
  • Sustainable alternatives and sources of energy.
  • Material modeling.
  • The mechanics of damage.
  • Renewable and non-renewable sources of energy.
  • Acoustics in engineering.
  • The engineering of chemical reactions.
  • Electronic appliances.
  • Electronics.
  • Electromagnetism.
  • The fusion of Information and Communications Technology with multimedia.
  • Content administration.
  • Electrical applications of physics.
  • Fusion of nuclei.
  • Engineering of light.
  • Design of advanced systems.
  • Clean technology and zero-carbon energy.
  • Hydroelectric engineering.

Research Paper Topics About Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering refers to the branch of engineering that entails the operational use of technology of electricity and electrical appliances. This division of engineering focuses on the design and application of equipment used in the generation and distribution of power, as well as the control of machines and communications.

There’s a whole new world under the name of electrical engineering, and further research into the field will yield solutions to many world problems. Some of these research topics are listed below.

  • Harnessing the infinite potentials of solar energy.
  • Harnessing the infinite potentials of thermal energy.
  • Designing, engineering, and creating wind generators.
  • 3D printing.
  • Constructing circuits.
  • Additive manufacture.
  • Renewable forms of energy.
  • Soft robotics.
  • Conventional robotics.
  • Medical diagnoses and health monitoring using electrical appliances and engineering.
  • Design of energy generators.
  • Management and control of energy.
  • General applications of vehicular control.
  • Cloud services.
  • Smart grids.
  • Quality of power.
  • Wireless transfer of energy from a higher source of energy to a machine with low energy.

Research Paper Topics In Automobile Engineering

Automobile engineering is perhaps one of the most practical branches of engineering that can be seen and put to use in everyday life. It involves the study of the creation, design, structure, interaction between component parts, etc. of vehicles and other means of transportation.

Automobile engineering is often restricted to land vehicles and some suitable research topics that may interest you are listed below.

  • Techniques, procedures, structural designs, and functionality in race cars and Formula 1.
  • Drones and other unmanned aerial conveyors.
  • Processes in centrifugal casting.
  • Shaper machines and their practical examples in everyday life.
  • Tectonic sources of heat energy.
  • Conversion of wave energy.
  • General conversion of energy.
  • Airbags and their contribution to ensuring the safety of passengers while en route.
  • Designs, applications, and operations of aerodynamics.
  • Application of aerodynamics in physics and automobile engineering.
  • Design, application, functions, and restrictions surrounding robotic systems.
  • Electric cars, the future of automobiles and driving.
  • Solar-powered cars.
  • Brakes and vehicular control.
  • Solar-powered air conditioning units.
  • Speed sensors for vehicles in motion.
  • Steam energy: application, viability, risks associated with it, and how to minimize the risks involved.
  • Wind energy: production of renewable energy from wind turbines.
  • Smart cars: artificial intelligence, real-time analyses, and utilization of data by artificial intelligence.

Engineering Ethics Research Paper Topics

Engineering ethics refers to the branch of engineering that addresses ethical issues surrounding the study and pursuit of engineering.

More often than not, engineering, in the quest for globalization and technological advancement, crosses some ethical lines in carrying out its duties. Engineering ethics is there to keep the branches of engineering in check to make sure that the obligations to the public and everyone else are carried out ethically.

Discover new horizons in engineering ethics by studying any of the following research topics.

  • The history of engineering ethics, and its application through the years.
  • Circumstances that led to the relevance and development of engineering ethics.
  • Connections between the scientific, historical and technological in engineering ethics.
  • Approaches to ethical engineering.
  • Principles and vast potentials of engineering ethics.
  • Associations and bodies that monitor and uphold engineering ethics.
  • Similarities in engineering ethics and ethics in other professions.
  • Differences between engineering ethics and ethics in other professions.
  • The engineer’s obligations to the public in general.
  • Engineering ethics: responsibility and accountability of engineers.
  • Violation of engineering ethics.
  • Effects of projects undertaken in engineering on the environment.
  • Balancing public obligations and development of work projects.
  • The impacts of globalization on ethical engineering.
  • Engineering ethics and voluntarism.
  • Contradictory ethical standpoints in engineering ethics.
  • The engineer’s societal obligations and ethics in engineering.
  • Engineering ethics and professional obligations.
  • How engineering ethics influences profit generation.

Research Paper Topics: Security Engineering

Security engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the integration of security monitoring and controls in a system, such that the controls are absorbed into the system, and are now seen as parts of the operational abilities of the system.

Above all else, security engineers analyze, supervise and develop technology and technicalities that help organizations in preventing malware from invading their systems, leaks of client information, breaches, etc. associated with cyberterrorism and cybercrime.

Security engineers major in building infallible, resilient software systems that stand tall in the face of malware, defects, errors, etc. It relies on certain tools in the design, implementation, testing, etc. of finished systems, as well as the continuous upgrades in time with environmental changes.

  • Protection of clients’ data.
  • Protecting the privacy of users.
  • Cloud security.
  • Security policies to protect client data.
  • Data management and security policies.
  • Privacy and security on the internet.
  • Client data and software security.
  • Security of users while participating in online interactive platforms.
  • Mobile app security.
  • The implication of unified user profiles for clients while using the Internet of Things.
  • Cyberattacks and some ways that corporations can survive them.
  • Centralizing the system of data storage.
  • Cybersecurity of online mobile gaming platforms and user data.
  • Computer security.
  • Security of software.
  • Cybersecurity and social engineering.
  • Effects of automation of operations in security engineering.
  • The human factor in security engineering.
  • Combating malware with antiviruses.

Aerospace Engineering Research Paper Topics

Aerospace engineering refers to the branch of engineering that is concerned with making current, factual researches, designing, developing, constructing, conducting tests, technology, dynamics, and applications of spacecraft and airplanes.

Aerospace engineering refers to aerial systems that are operational within the Earth, and in outer space.

  • The dynamics of unstable gases.
  • Parallel systems based on ground power unit (GPU).
  • Laser tools: computation, precision calculations, and implementation from start to finish.
  • Simulation of turbulence in reactive flows.
  • Fluid dynamics in aerospace engineering.
  • The propagation of elastic waves.
  • Designs for lunar missions.
  • Detection of faults in composite aerospace locations.
  • Applications of elastic abrasives.
  • Management of supply chains.
  • Functional designs for wind turbines.
  • Dynamics of fluids and fuels for machines.
  • Mechanics of solids.
  • Rocket propulsion.
  • Missile launching: precision and analyses.
  • Structures in aerospace.
  • Micro Aerial Vehicles.
  • Different fuselage systems.
  • Structural differences between a forward-swept wing passenger aircraft and a backward-swept wing passenger aircraft.

Chemical Engineering Research Paper Topics

Chemical engineering is another practical branch of engineering. It deals with the planning, designing, as well as operations of processing sites, as well as the interaction between physical, biological, and chemical processes involved in creating economically important technologies.

Some research topics are listed below.

  • The use of different types of oils in the manufacture of soap.
  • Replenishing soil nutrients and microorganisms in polluted areas by the use of organic fertilizers.
  • Degradation of soil and stripping of soil nutrients by industrial waste deposition.
  • Speeding up the degradation of plastic and reducing pollution.
  • Petrochemical products and their applications.
  • The interaction between soil microorganisms and organic fertilizers.
  • Techniques in separating simple and complex homogeneous liquids.
  • Techniques in reversing the action of free radicals.
  • Relationship between elements in the environment.
  • Molecular biology and the intricate specialization of cells.
  • Interaction between drugs and the immune system of a living organism.
  • Heat and heat energy.
  • Mass production of alternatives to fossil fuels.
  • Renewable, plant-based sources of energy.
  • Reclaiming methane as by-products of waste products.
  • Redox reactions and their applications.
  • Heat properties of paper.
  • Designing, producing, and enhancing supercapacitors.
  • Controlled extraction of plant-based wax from the pods of plants like the Theobroma cacao.
  • Water pollution and pollutants.

Research in engineering begins with an ideal topic. Backing either of the above up with factual findings is guaranteed to get you top grades.

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How to Write an Engineering Research Paper

Overview of how to write an engineering research paper .

Engineering research papers are a key course requirement for scholars in the engineering field.

As a physical science, engineering approaches research in a different manner.

Its research is more application oriented and less theory focused.

While it is essential to explain the theory behind data collected, the physical results are considered more important than explanations of the respective theoretical dispositions.

For this reason the  steps for writing a research paper  in engineering are slightly different from such fields as social sciences. 

Features of a Good Engineering Research Paper

Although writing engineering research papers may appear basic and less encompassing, the process should pay extensive attention to a number of elements that determine the accuracy and appropriateness of the entailed research.

These elements include:

a)  Well Thought-out Research Message:  The message is a core element in an engineering research paper. You must understand what you intend to achieve in your research and stick to it to the end.

Generally, engineering research papers seek to change people’s views towards a particular issue.

Achieving this requires you to ensure that the problem being addressed is interesting, is complicated, and that you found an appropriate solution.  

You must ensure that the message is suitable for your target audience and that the solution is original.

b)  Proper Organization and Clarity of Results:  Organization and clarity are two essential elements when it comes to how to write an engineering research paper.  

About proper organization and clarity of results, your engineering research paper must ensure that the message being communicated is clearly stipulated from the word go.

All paper parts must successively do so while providing adequate details. Importantly, no new set of information should be introduced along the way.

This is important in ensuring that the research paper is quite predictable.

Per se, appropriate approach requires that you start by making the point and then proceed to provide supporting data. This is for all paper sections and paragraphs.

c)  Provide Theoretical Support for Data Used:  This involves providing the reasons for collection and state of data used in the engineering research paper.

Since such papers are inclined towards scholarship endeavors, it is important to explain the theory behind the data.

This helps illuminate the scientific inquiry nature of the research paper.

Theoretical explanations can be provided by exploring all data’s possible interpretations and explanations, referring to past studies, and developing a hypothesis that is supported by data collected.

d) Being Concise and Using Figures Effectively:  It is very important to be brief and concise when writing an engineering research paper.

You should avoid words or sentences that do not add value to the point being made. You must be on point and ensure that all parts of the research paper serves their expected purpose.

To ensure this, you should rely more on tables in figures in relaying data and relevant information.

You should also, strive to support your mathematical and textual presentations with tables and graphs. 

The Structure of an Engineering Research Paper

Paper structure should feature significantly whenever you explore how to write an engineering research paper. Per se, such structure has a profound impact on your audience’s perception of the paper.

Such a structure should be elaborate and simple at the same time. It should be as illustrated below.

a) Introduction : the introduction looks at the background of your research. The history of the study being undertaken should be provided in a concise but detailed manner.

You should highlight the research hypothesis or question being studied. Also, stipulate the motivation behind the research study and expected outcomes. Importantly, provide accurate and credible references.

b) Materials and Methods : this part explains the equipment, processes, and techniques used to generate the engineering research paper results.

This section should be detailed and well organized to ensure that the reader understands how the research results were derived. 

It should also stipulate any complex computer programs used in data collection or analysis. Notably, this part is critical in the duplication of the study, which is a key element of a scientific study.

c) Results : this part encompasses presentation of all the data used. It is mainly in the form of figures. In this part, you should only include tables and graphs that show results and attach the rest of the figures in the appendix.

The figures should be brief and clear, well numbered and labelled, and containing accurate units.

d) Discussion : this is one of the most important sections of an engineering research paper. It examines the research findings.

This section requires you to make sense of the research data presented in the results section.  In doing so, you should compare and contrast the findings with your expectations.

You should therefore critically analyze how the research results proved your hypothesis. All the relevant relationships should explained here. As well, you should explore opportunities for further research.

e) Conclusion : this part summarizes the research findings and provides the parting statement on the engineering research paper results.

In this, all the key points forming respective arguments should be highlighted in this section. It is also important to ensure that the conclusion recoups the thesis statement.

f)   References : this part encompasses all the sources used in the research paper. It should follow the stipulated format. IEEE is usually the most preferable referencing style for engineering research papers.

However, you could be required to use other formats like APA, Harvard, or MLA. It is therefore important to familiarize yourself with the other various referencing styles. 

g )  Appendices : it covers all the figures with raw data and calculations that could not have been included in the body of the research paper. Only the not so essential data should be included in this section.  

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Guide to writing an engineering research paper.

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However, many students in application-based fields like engineering are much more comfortable with numbers than they are with words. Because of this, research papers can be challenging for them. Fortunately, there are a few key steps you can take to make sure your next engineering research paper truly shines.

  • Plan your research early: Many students who are less comfortable with research paper writing tend to wait to research as they write, but this creates problems. First, it means that you are wasting time going back and revising each new piece of information rather than starting with a complete understanding of your topic. Second, it also means that you will be scrambling to research as you write, costing you time through inefficiency and redundancy. Instead, the better choice is to start your research process as quickly as possible in order to give yourself time to analyze and digest what you are reading and to develop original ideas about what the research has to say about your topic. Separating the research process from the writing process will help you to develop stronger ideas and prepare for the writing process, making the actual writing of your paper that much faster and more efficient.
  • Use only the most current research: While there are some cases where historical articles can be important for understanding the development of an idea, you will want to use current research to support your analysis. Current research keeps you abreast of the latest information in your field. This is especially important because of the changing nature of engineering. New information and new approaches can render older ways of doing things obsolete. You want to ensure that your paper is the strongest it can be, which means that you need to stay current to ensure your paper is on the cutting edge.

engineering research paper, how to write engineering research paper

  • Select data by quality, not by quantity: Many engineering students rightly value numbers and data because this is the raw material used in engineering. However, a research paper is a little different from other types of engineering work. In a research paper, you should focus on high-quality data, not simply the volume of data you can pack into your paper. In a research paper, focusing on the best and most important information is paramount. Extraneous information, redundant data, or irrelevant data don’t make a manuscript stronger, even if they make it longer. They are a distraction and can undercut the power of your main points.
  • Discuss the theory, not just the results: Because engineering is an applied discipline, many students minimize or ignore theory in favor of discussing results. While results are important, in a research paper it’s also essential to talk about the methodology and theory used to obtain those results. By explaining the background of a theory and the underpinnings that demonstrate why it is true, you show the reader that you know what you are talking about and have considered the strengths and weaknesses of the approach you have used to obtain your results. It also shows that you have an understanding of the conventions and requirements of academic writing.
  • Remember to explain your hypothesis: When you have explained the theories behind your work, you will need to tell the reader what your paper will investigate and what you hope to demonstrate or prove. Outlining the hypothesis is important to make sure that the audience understands why you have chosen to present specific data, and what it all means.

Writing an engineering research paper doesn’t have to be hard! It just takes a little bit of work and a bit of mindfulness about how to employ and deploy research to support and defend your great ideas. Before you know it, you’ll have an excellent engineering research paper! If you still need professional assistance from academic experts in the engineering field, don’t hesitate to address a research paper writing service that will help you immediately with your project.

Syed Zain Nasir

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110 Engineering Research Topics For Engineering Students!

engineering topics

Getting engineering topics for research or presentation is not an easy task. The reason is that the field of engineering is vast. Engineers seek to use scientific principles in the design and building of machines, structures, bridges, tunnels, etc.

Engineering as a discipline has a broad range of specialized fields such as chemical engineering, civil engineering, biomedical engineering, computer engineering, mechanical engineering, software engineering, and lots more! In all, engineering seeks to apply mathematics or science to solving problems.

110 Engineering Topic Ideas in Different Areas

Genetic engineering topics, mechanical engineering research topics, electrical engineering research topics, software engineering research topics, computer engineering research topics, biomedical engineering research topics, civil engineering topics, chemical engineering research topics, controversial engineering topics, aerospace engineering topics, industrial engineering topics, environmental engineering topics for research.

We understand how difficult and tiring it could be to get engineering research topics; hence this article contains a total of 110 interesting engineering topics covering all aspects of engineering. Ready to explore? Let’s begin right away!

Genetic engineering is the direct manipulation of the gene of an organism using biotechnology. Many controversies are surrounding this engineering field because of the fantastic potential feats it could achieve. Here are some genetic engineering topics that encompass essential areas of this field.

  • Can the human personality be altered through genetic engineering?
  • Genetic engineering: hope for children with intellectual disabilities?
  • Genetic engineering: the problems and perspectives.
  • Genetic engineering and the possibility of human cloning.
  • Genetic Engineering
  • The side effects of altering human personality
  • Immortalizing humans through genetic engineering
  • Addressing human deficiencies through genetic engineering

Mechanical engineering deals with the design and manufacture of physical or automated systems. These systems include power and energy systems, engines, compressors, kinematic chains, robotics, etc. Here are some impressive mechanical engineering topics that double as mechanical engineering thesis topics too.

  • A study of the compressed air technology used in cars.
  • The design of a motorized automatic wheelchair that can serve as a bed.
  • The why and how of designing stronger and lighter automobiles.
  • The design of an electronic-assisted hydraulic braking system.
  • Basics of Electronics Engineering
  • AC and DC motors and operations
  • Design and implementation of wind energy
  • Power lines and electricity distribution
  • Electromagnetic field and its applications
  • Generators and electric motors

Electrical engineering is a trendy and well-sought field that deals with the design and manufacture of different electrical and electronic systems. Electrical engineering encompasses power and electronics. The basic principle of digital technology and electricity are all given birth to in this field. From your lighting to computers and phones, everything runs based on electricity. Although finding topics in electrical engineering could be difficult, we have carefully selected four electrical engineering topics to give you a great head start in your research! or write research paper for me

  • A study on how temperature affects photovoltaic energy conversion.
  • The impact of solar charging stations on the power system.
  • Direct current power transmission and multiphase power transmission
  • Analysis of the power quality of the micro grid-connected power grid.
  • Solar power and inverters
  • Alternator and electric magnetic induction
  • AC to DC converters
  • Operational amplifiers and their circuits.

Software engineering deals with the application of engineering approaches systematically to develop software. This discipline overlaps with computer science and management science and is also a part of overall systems engineering. Here are some software engineering topics for your research!

  • The borderline between hardware and software in cloud computing.
  • Essential computer languages of the future.
  • Latest tendencies in augmented reality and virtual reality.
  • How algorithms improve test automation.
  • Essentials for designing a functional software
  • Software designing and cyber security
  • 5 computer languages that will stand the test of time.
  • Getting software design right
  • Effects of malware on software operation.

Computer engineering integrates essential knowledge from the subfields of computer science, software engineering, and electronic engineering to develop computer hardware and software. Computer engineering applies various concepts to build complex structural models. Besides, we have completed researches in the information technology field and prepare great  it thesis topics for you. Here are some computer engineering topics to help you with your research.

  • Biotechnology, medicine, and computer engineering.
  • Programs for computer-aided design (cad) of drug models.
  • More effective coding and information protection for multinational companies.
  • Why we will need greater ram in modern-day computers.
  • Analysis and computer-aided structure design
  • Pre-stressed concrete structures and variations
  • General computer analysis of structures
  • Machine foundation and structural design
  • Storage and industrial structures.

Biomedical engineering applies principles and design concepts from engineering to medicine and biology for diagnostic or therapeutic healthcare purposes. Here are some suggested biomedical engineering topics to carry out research on!

  • A study on how robots are changing health care.
  • Can human organs be replaced with implantable biomedical devices?
  • The advancement of brain implants.
  • The advancement of cell and tissue engineering for organ replacement.
  • Is planting human organs in machines safe?
  • Is it possible to plant biomedical devices insensitive to human organs?
  • How can biomedicine enhance the functioning of the human brain?
  • The pros and cons of organ replacement.

Civil engineering deals with the construction, design, and implementation of these designs into the physical space. It is also responsible for the preservation and maintenance of these constructions. Civil engineering spans projects like roads, buildings, bridges, airports, and sewage construction. Here are some civil engineering topics for your research!

  • Designing buildings and structures that withstand the impact of seismic waves.
  • Active noise control for buildings in very noisy places.
  • The intricacies of designing a blast-resistant building.
  • A compatible study of the effect of replacing cement with silica fume and fly ash.
  • Comparative study on fiber-reinforced concrete and other methods of concrete reinforcement.
  • Advanced construction techniques
  • Concrete repair and Structural Strengthening
  • Advanced earthquake resistant techniques
  • Hazardous waste management
  • Carbon fiber use in construction
  • Structural dynamics and seismic site characterization
  • Urban construction and design techniques

Chemical engineering transverses the operation and study of chemical compounds and their production. It also deals with the economic methods involved in converting raw chemicals to usable finished compounds. Chemical engineering applies subjects from various fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics. It utilizes technology to carry out large-scale chemical processes. Here are some chemical engineering topics for you!

  • Capable wastewater treatment processes and technology.
  • Enhanced oil recovery with the aid of microorganisms.
  • Designing nanoparticle drug delivery systems for cancer chemotherapy.
  • Efficient extraction of hydrogen from the biomass.
  • Separation processes and thermodynamics
  • Heat, mass, and temperature
  • Industrial chemistry
  • Water splitting for hydrogen production
  • Mining and minerals
  • Hydrocarbon processes and compounds
  • Microfluidics and Nanofluidics.

Not everyone agrees on the same thing. Here are some engineering ethics topics and controversial engineering topics you can explore.

  • Are organic foods better than genetically modified foods?
  • Should genetically modified foods be used to solve hunger crises?
  • Self-driving cars: pros and cons.
  • Is mechanical reproduction ethical?
  • If robots and computers take over tasks, what will humans do?
  • Are electric cars really worth it?
  • Should human genetics be altered?
  • Will artificial intelligence replace humans in reality?

Aerospace engineering deals with the design, formation, and maintenance of aircraft, spacecraft, etc. It studies flight safety, fuel consumption, etc. Here are some aerospace engineering topics for you.

  • How the design of planes can help them weather the storms more efficiently.
  • Current techniques on flight plan optimization.
  • Methods of optimizing commercial aircraft trajectory
  • Application of artificial intelligence to capacity-demand.
  • Desalination of water
  • Designing safe planes
  • Mapping a new airline route
  • Understanding the structural design of planes.

Petroleum engineering encompasses everything hydrocarbon. It is the engineering field related to the activities, methods, processes, and adoptions taken to manufacture hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbon examples include natural gas and crude oil which can be processed to more refined forms to give new petrochemical products.

  • The effect of 3d printing on manufacturing processes.
  • How to make designs that fit resources and budget constraints.
  • The simulation and practice of emergency evacuation.
  • Workers ergonomics in industrial design.
  • Heat transfer process and material science
  • Drilling engineering and well formation
  • Material and energy flow computing
  • Well log analysis and testing
  • Natural gas research and industrial management

Manufacturing engineering is integral for the creation of materials and various tools. It has to do with the design, implementation, construction, and development of all the processes involved in product and material manufacture. Some useful production engineering topics are:

  • Harnessing freshwater as a source of energy
  • The design and development of carbon index measurement systems.
  • Process improvement techniques for the identification and removal of waste in industries.
  • An extensive study of biomedical waste management.
  • Optimization of transportation cost in raw material management
  • Improvement of facility layout using systematic planning
  • Facilities planning and design
  • Functional analysis and material modeling
  • Product design and marketing
  • Principles of metal formation and design.

So here we are! 110 engineering research paper topics in all major fields of engineering! Choose the ones you like best and feel free to contact our thesis writers for help. It’s time to save humanity!

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research paper example engineering

  • > Research Methods for Engineers
  • > Introduction to engineering research

research paper example engineering

Book contents

  • Frontmatter
  • An introductory note for instructors
  • 1 Introduction to engineering research
  • 2 Literature search and review
  • 3 Developing a research plan
  • 4 Statistical analysis
  • 5 Optimization techniques
  • 6 Survey research methods
  • 7 Research presentation
  • 8 The path forward
  • Appendix A: Matlab plot functions
  • Appendix B: Excel plot functions

1 - Introduction to engineering research

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  05 September 2014

Why engineering research?

The disciplines of engineering are all described as the application of science to realistic systems which benefit humankind [1]. Engineering research is therefore based on the principles of scientific research which, in turn, are based on the scientific method, in which observations (experiments), theories, calculations and models are derived from the existing body of scientific knowledge and verified independently by others who are experts in the field [2–4]. This latter process is called ‘peer review’. While this formal review by peers is not foolproof, it constitutes the best method of validation and verification of research results. Engineering research is based on precisely the same scientific method; however, the research is directed toward the practical application of science to products, services and infrastructure.

Most research starts with a hypothesis; that is, a statement which can be either proved or disproved. In most cases it is easier to disprove a hypothesis because only one counter example is required to discredit the idea. To prove a hypothesis, it is necessary to exhaustively examine every possible case and make sure the hypothesis applies. Often this results in the creation of limiting conditions. The conclusion becomes slightly modified in that the hypothesis is valid providing certain conditions are met. A full evaluation of a hypothesis may take many years without a conclusive resolution.

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  • Introduction to engineering research
  • David V. Thiel , Griffith University, Queensland
  • Book: Research Methods for Engineers
  • Online publication: 05 September 2014
  • Chapter DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139542326.003

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150+ Best Engineering Research Topics for Students To Consider

Table of Contents

Engineering is a wide field of study that is divided into various branches such as Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Chemical, etc. Basically, each branch has thousands of engineering research topics to focus on. Hence, when you are asked to prepare an engineering research paper or dissertation for your final year assignments, you might experience difficulties with identifying a perfect topic. But hereafter, you need not worry about topic selection because to make the topic selection process easier for you, here we have suggested some tips for choosing a good engineering research topic. Additionally, we have also shared a list of the best 150+ engineering research paper topics on various specializations. Continue reading this blog to get exclusive ideas for engineering research paper writing.

Engineering Research Paper Topic Selection Tips

When it comes to research in the field of engineering, identifying the best engineering research topic is the first step. So, during that process, in order to identify the right topic, consider the following tips.

  • Choose a topic from the research area matching your interest.
  • Give preference to a topic that has a large scope to conduct research activities.
  • Pick a topic that has several reference materials and evidence supporting your analysis.
  • Avoid choosing an already or frequently discussed topic. If the topic is popular, discuss it from a different perspective.
  • Never choose a larger topic that is tough to complete before the deadline.
  • Finalize the topic only if it satisfies your academic requirements.

Engineering Research Topics

List of the Best Engineering Research Topics

Are you searching for the top engineering project ideas? Would you have to complete your academic paper on the best engineering research topic? If yes, then take a look below. Here, we have suggested a few interesting engineering topics in various disciplines that you can consider for your research or dissertation.

Top Engineering Research Topics

Mechanical Engineering Research Topics

  • How does the study of robotics benefit from a mechanical engineering background?
  • How can a new composite substitute reduce costs in large heat exchangers?
  • Which will become the predominant energy technology this century?
  • Why structural analysis is considered the foundation of mechanical engineering?
  • Why is cast iron used in the engines of large ships?
  • What is the finite element approach and why is it essential?
  • Why is the flow of fluids important in mechanical engineering?
  • What impact does mechanical engineering have in the medical field?
  • How do sports incorporate mechanical engineering theories?
  • What is the process of thermal heat transfer in machines?
  • How can solar panels reduce energy costs in developing countries?
  • In what ways is mechanical engineering at the forefront of the field?
  • How do various elements interact differently with energy?
  • How can companies improve manufacturing through new mechanical theories?

Additional Research Paper Topics on Mechanical Engineering

  • Power generation: Extremely low emission technology.
  •   Rail and wheel wear during the presence of third-body materials.
  •  Studying the impact of athletic shoe properties on running performance and injuries
  • Evaluating teeth decay using patient-specific tools
  •   Nanotechnology.
  • Describe the newly developed methods and applications in Vibration Systems
  • Perspective or general Commentaries on the methods and protocols relevant to the research relating to Vibration Systems
  • Software-related technology for Visibility of end-to-end operations for employee and management efficiencies
  • What should be the best strategies to apply in the planning for consumer demand and responsiveness using data analytics
  • Analysis of the monitoring of manufacturing processes using IOT/AI
  • Critical analysis of the advancing digital manufacturing with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) Data Analytics
  • Pyrolysis and Oxidation for Production and Consumption of Strongly Oxygenated Hydrocarbons as Chemical Energy Carriers: Explain
  • Explore the most effective strategies for fatigue-fracture and failure prevention of automotive engines and the importance of such prevention
  • Explore the turbomachinery performance and stability enhancement by means of end-wall flow modification
  • Production optimization, engine performance, and tribological characteristics of biofuels and their blends in internal combustion engines as alternative fuels: Explain

Civil Engineering Research Topics

  • The use of sustainable materials for construction: design and delivery methods.
  • State-of-the-art practice for recycling in the construction industry.
  • In-depth research on the wastewater treatment process
  • Building Information Modelling in the construction industry
  • Research to study the impact of sustainability concepts on organizational growth and development.
  • The use of warm-mix asphalt in road construction
  • Development of sustainable homes making use of renewable energy sources.
  • The role of environmental assessment tools in sustainable construction
  • Research to study the properties of concrete to achieve sustainability.
  • A high-level review of the barriers and drivers for sustainable buildings in developing countries
  • Sustainable technologies for the building construction industry
  • Research regarding micromechanics of granular materials.
  • Research to set up remote sensing applications to assist in the development of sustainable construction techniques.
  • Key factors and risk factors associated with the construction of high-rise buildings.
  • Use of a single-phase bridge rectifier
  • Hydraulic Engineering: A Brief Overview
  • Application of GIS techniques for planetary and space exploration
  •   Reengineering the manufacturing systems for the future.
  • Production Planning and Control.
  •   Project Management.
  •   Quality Control and Management.
  •   Reliability and Maintenance Engineering.

Environmental Engineering Research Paper Topics

  • Design and development of a system for measuring the carbon index of energy-intensive companies.
  • Improving processes to reduce kWh usage.
  • How can water conductivity probes help determine water quality and how can water be reused?
  • A study of compressor operations on a forging site and mapping operations to identify and remove energy waste.
  • A project to set up ways to measure natural gas flow ultrasonically and identify waste areas.
  • Developing a compact device to measure energy use for a household.
  • What are carbon credits and how can organizations generate them?
  • Production of biogas is from organic coral waste.
  • Analyzing the impact of the aviation industry on the environment and the potential ways to reduce it.
  • How can voltage reduction devices help organizations achieve efficiency in electricity usage?
  • What technologies exist to minimize the waste caused by offshore drilling?
  • Identify the ways by which efficient control systems using information systems can be introduced to study the energy usage in a machining factory.
  • The process mapping techniques to identify bottlenecks for the supply chain industry.
  • Process improvement techniques to identify and remove waste in the automotive industry.
  • In what ways do green buildings improve the quality of life?
  • Discussion on the need to develop green cities to ensure environmental sustainability
  • Process of carbon dioxide sequestration, separation, and utilization
  • Development of facilities for wastewater treatment

Environmental Engineering Research Topics

Read more topics: Outstanding Environmental Science Topics for You to Consider

Electrical Engineering Research Topics

  • Research to study transformer losses and reduce energy loss.
  • How does an ultra-low-power integrated circuit work?
  • Setting up a control system to monitor the process usage of compressors.
  • Integration of smart metering pulsed outputs with wireless area networks and access to real-time data.
  • What are the problems of using semiconductor topology?
  • Developing effective strategies and methodical systems for paying as-you-go charging for electric vehicles.
  • A detailed review and investigation into the key issues and challenges facing rechargeable lithium batteries.
  • Trends and challenges in electric vehicles technologies
  • Research to investigate, develop and introduce schemes to ensure efficient energy consumption by electrical machines.
  • What is meant by regenerative braking?
  • Smart charging of electric vehicles on the motorway
  • Research to study metering techniques to control and improve efficiency.
  • Develop a scheme to normalize compressor output to kWh.
  • Research to introduce smart metering concepts to ensure efficient use of electricity.
  • What is the most accurate method of forecasting electric loads?
  • Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics
  • Use of DC-to-DC converter in DC (Direct Current) power grid
  • Development of Microgrid Integration

Electronics and Communications Engineering Research Topics

  • Developing the embedded communication system for the national grid to optimize energy usage.
  • Improvement of inter-symbol interference in optical communications.
  • Defining the boundaries of electrical signals for current electronics systems.
  • The limitation of fiber optic communication systems and the possibility of improving their efficiency.
  • Gaussian pulse analysis and the improvement of this pulse to reduce errors.
  • A study of the various forms of errors and the development of an equalization technique to reduce the error rates in data.
  • Realizing the potential of RFID in the improvement of the supply chain.
  • Design of high-speed communication circuits that effectively cut down signal noise.
  • Radiation in integrated circuits and electronic devices.
  • Spectral sensing research for water monitoring applications and frontier science and technology for chemical, biological, and radiological defense.

Computer and Software Engineering Research Topics

  • How do businesses benefit from the use of data mining technologies?
  • What are the risks of implementing radio-controlled home locks?
  • To what extent should humans interact with computer technologies?
  • Are financial trading systems operating over the web putting clients at risk?
  • What challenges do organizations face with supply chain traceability?
  • Do chatbot technologies negatively impact customer service?
  • What does the future of computer engineering look like?
  • What are the major concepts of software engineering?
  • Are fingerprint-based money machines safe to use?
  • What are the biggest challenges of using different programming languages?
  • The role of risk management in information technology systems of organizations.
  • In what ways does MOOD enhancement help software reliability?
  • Are fingerprint-based voting systems the way of the future?
  • How can one use an AES algorithm for the encryption of images?
  • How can biological techniques be applied to software fault detection?

Read more: Creative Capstone Project Ideas For Students

Network and Cybersecurity Engineering Research Topics

  • Write about Cybersecurity and malware connection.
  • How to detect mobile phone hacking.
  • Discuss Network intrusion detection and remedies.
  • How to improve network security using attack graph models.
  • Explain Modern virus encryption technology.
  • Investigate the importance of algorithm encryption.
  • Discuss the role of a firewall in securing networks.
  • Write about the global cybersecurity strategy.
  • Discuss the Privacy and security issues in chatbots.
  • Write about Cloud security engineering specifics

Industrial Engineering Research Paper Topics

  • The application of lean or Six Sigma in hospitals and services-related industries.
  • The use of operation research techniques to reduce cost or improve efficiency.
  • Advanced manufacturing techniques like additive manufacturing.
  • Innovation as a Complex Adaptive System.
  • CAD-based optimization in any manufacturing environment.
  • Gap analysis in any manufacturing firm.
  • The impact of 3D printing in the manufacturing sector.
  • Simulating a real-life manufacturing environment into simulating software
  • The rise of design and its use in the developing world.
  • Building a network-based methodology to model supply chain systems.
  • Risk optimization With P-order comic constraint
  • Technology and its impact on mass customization
  • How project management becomes more complex with disparate teams and outsourced functions?
  • Scheduling problem for health care patients.

Biomedical Engineering Research Ideas

  • How does the use of medical imaging help patients with higher risks?
  • How can rehabilitation techniques be used to improve a patient’s quality of life?
  • In what ways can biomaterials be used to deliver medications more efficiently?
  • What impact does medical virtual reality have on a patient’s care?
  • What advancements have been made in the field of neural technology?
  • How does nanotechnology pave the way for further advancements in this field?
  • What is computational biology and how does it impact our lives?
  • How accurate are early diagnosis systems in detecting heart diseases?
  • What does the future hold for technology-fueled medications?
  • What are the guiding principles of biomedical engineering research?

Read more: Top Biology Research Topics for Academic Writing

Chemical Engineering Research Topics

  • How can epoxy resins withstand the force generated by a firing gun?
  • The use of software affected design aspects in chemical engineering.
  • What challenges are there for biochemical engineering to support health?
  • The advancements of plastic technology in the last half-century.
  • How can chemical technologies be used to diagnose diseases?
  • What are the most efficient pathways to the development of biofuels?
  • How can charcoal particles be used to filter water in developing countries?
  • Increased production of pharmacy drugs in many countries.
  • How do complex fluids and polymers create more sustainable machinery?

Miscellaneous Engineering Research Ideas

  • Sensing and controlling the intensity of light in LEDs.
  • Design and development of a pressure sensor for a solar thermal panel.
  • Development of microsensors to measure oil flow rate in tanks.
  • How can organizations achieve success by reducing bottlenecks in the supply chain?
  • Research to identify efficient logistics operations within a supply chain.
  • Developing frameworks for sustainable assessments taking into account eco-engineering measures.
  • Research to identify process improvement plans to support business strategies.
  • What can engineers do to address the problems with climate change?
  • The impact of training on knowledge performance index within the supply chain industry.
  • Research to introduce efficiency within information systems and support the timely transfer of knowledge and information.

Out of the 150+ engineering research paper topics and ideas suggested in this blog, choose any topic that is convenient for you to conduct research and write about. In case, you have not yet identified a good topic for your engineering research paper, reach out to us immediately.

research paper example engineering

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Jacob Smith

I am an Academic Writer and have affection to share my knowledge through posts’. I do not feel tiredness while research and analyzing the things. Sometime, I write down hundred of research topics as per the students requirements. I want to share solution oriented content to the students.

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100 Engineering Research Paper Topics

10 October, 2021

13 minutes read

Author:  Kate Smith

Engineering is one of the most interesting areas of expertise, yet it’s one of the hardest ones to study and write about. The majority of students who pursue this major struggle with writing papers and getting high grades for them. Therefore, we decided to create this guide to help you understand what is expected from you when your instructor assigns engineering topics. Also, you will find out how to choose the right topic, make it understandable and easy to find references to, and write your paper fast. Besides this, we will provide you with the top 100 engineering research topics that you can use for your homework.

Engineering Research Paper Topics

What Is an Engineering Research Paper?

Before we give you ideas on the best engineering topics, let’s find out the definition of an engineering research paper first. This is a substantial academic work that falls into the scope of a certain engineering major and discusses how the theoretical principles of engineering work in practice. Such papers are written by students, scholars, and researchers who either do it as part of their research project or as a final paper to defend an academic degree.

The distinctive features of engineering papers are accuracy, novelty, and practicality since they are written to be applied in the respective field of engineering later, e.g. construction, drug production, electricity supply, software development, etc. Therefore, such papers should contain a practical side that allows to check the credibility of research done by a student or a scholar.

Writing engineering papers is important not only due to their potential application to real-life construction and technology, but also to develop the students’ understanding of how the whole process of invention, production, and usage of a certain technology is done. Thus, by writing a paper on engineering topics, you can understand your future profession better and gain the necessary knowledge of communication with contractors, customers, and colleagues.

A Quick Guide to Choosing the Right Topic

Now that you know what an engineering paper is, it’s time to find out how to choose the best topic for it. Below, you can find effective tips on how to embark on the most interesting and relevant topic for writing:

  • Discover major trends in your future field of expertise. Before you are given any homework assignment or a research paper topic to write, consider checking trends and news that fall into the scope of your major. For instance, if you are going to become a specialist in mechanical engineering, consider reading news and visiting events for automotive, CAD, control, and maintenance engineers to understand how the industry works. Once you start doing it a few times per month, coming up with the best mechanical engineering topics for writing will not be a problem for you;
  • Read the relevant literature. Remember about reading spcialized magazines or online publications from time to time. Doing this will broaden your professional outlook and provide you with interesting insights to study, research, and write about;
  • Understand your interests. What was the reason for choosing engineering as your profession? What position do you want to apply for after graduation? Where do you want to intern before getting a degree? Answering these questions will help you detect the most interesting topics covered by your study program and choose the respective engineering topics for writing essays and papers;
  • Ask your instructor to choose the topic on your own. You can always ask your professor for permission to opt for a topic from the list of topics of mechanical engineering or other disciplines if you want to. If your professor requires you to write on a given topic only, consider the next tip;
  • Reshape the given topic. If you have ideas for improving or modifying the given topic, don’t be afraid to discuss them with your instructor. They will appreciate your creative approach and desire to write an original paper;
  • Create the topic yourself. Finally, if you are given total academic freedom, feel free to formulate your paper topic on your own. To make your brainstorming process more productive, write as many engineering topics as possible. Then, choose a few that you like the most, and edit them. Finally, visit your instructor’s office with a few engineering topics listed for approval of one of them.

Here are examples of engineering paper topics to choose from. Consider picking those topics that are already covered by your study program.

engineering research paper topics

20 Mechanical Engineering Research Topics

  • The mechanical engineering background role in the study of robotics.
  • The role of structural analysis in mechanical engineering.
  • Improvement in manufacturing via implementation of new mechanical theories.
  • A parabolic solar cooker: design and performance evaluation.
  • Kaplan hydraulic turbines: design and analysis of performance.
  • The development of pedal-powered water pumping machines.
  • The design and development of a low-cost biomass briquette machine.
  • The development of a fire-tube steam boiler for laboratories.
  • The design and development of a pedal powered washing machine for low-income communities.
  • How to design a night vision camera for a mobile surveillance robot?
  • The usage of the Internet of Things for an irrigation monitoring and control system.
  • How to design a performance appraisal system for an industrial plant?
  • The development of a road pothole detection robot: methods and challenges.
  • Advanced engineering materials: Key to Millennium Development Goals in Third-World Countries.
  • The detailed evaluation of natural gas potentials in the economic development of North European countries.
  • How to process activated Carbon from agricultural waste?
  • Case study: energy consumption and demand in Bayside High School, Queens, NY.
  • The role of mechanical engineering in modern medicine.
  • The reduction of energy costs through the usage of solar panels: the solution for developing countries.
  • What is the global effect of gas flaring?

20 Biomedical Engineering Research Topics

Before choosing any topic on the list, be sure to check whether it falls in the scope of your subject. The following biomedical engineering topics are intended for college as well as Master’s students:

  • How to measure the blood glucose level based on blood resistivity?
  • How to design a programmed Oxygen delivery system?
  • The design of a central medical waste recycling plant: pros and cons.
  • The real-time heart sounds recognition tool development: the breakthrough in treating heart conditions.
  • How to develop a management program for a clinical engineering department?
  • The expert system design for diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • Artificial neural networks usage in diagnosing breast cancer.
  • Prediction of kidney failure: how to realize it with artificial neural networks?
  • Using gold nanoparticles in designing a detector for vaccine containers.
  • Statistical methods in heartbeat rate variability analysis.
  • How to develop a model to inspect medical devices in health facilities?
  • The challenges of implementation of a non-invasive malaria detection system.
  • The development of an inspection protocol for imported medical devices: problems and solutions.
  • The role of nanotechnologies in biomedical engineering.
  • The modern neural technology: the current advancements and the potential of the field.
  • Medical virtual reality and its potential effectiveness for treating patients.
  • The impact of computational biology on our lives.
  • Technology-fueled medications: is there any future for them?
  • The usage of early diagnosis systems in treating heart illnesses.
  • How can nanotechnologies be used in creating cancer vaccines?

20 Electrical Engineering Research Topics

  • Quantifying the cost of an unplanned outage at Astoria East Energy – CC1 and CC2 Power Station.
  • How to design and produce an electronic siren?
  • The impact of scientific changes of the 19th century on modern engineering.
  • How to implement solar technologies in the life of modern cities?
  • The ways to save energy costs through setting up automated systems.
  • How can city authorities improve on energy distribution?
  • The usage of semiconductor topology: peculiarities and challenges.
  • The design and development of an automated street lighting system.
  • Developing battery charging control for the system of wind energy generation.
  • Th comparative analysis of the most effective ways of testing power systems.
  • Storing power in ion batteries: challenges, peculiarities, and potential.
  • Measuring the most accurate ways to forecast electric loads for cities.
  • Globalization and energy distribution: challenges and prospects for developing countries.
  • Kenya Electricity Industry: Current Problems and Solutions.
  • The renewable energy potentials in African countries.
  • The ways of using the Internet of Things in developing modern electricity industries.
  • Sustainable future and alternative sources of power: evaluation and predictions.
  • The evaluation of modern US hybrid distributed energy systems performance.
  • Modeling of core loss in an induction machine.
  • Design and development of the monitoring system for a robotic arm.

The electrical engineering topics presented above can be used for Bachelor’s and Master’s projects; however, consider narrowing down the topic you choose if you have written similar papers before.

20 Topics on Civil Engineering

  • Fire risk assessment of Atlanta construction companies.
  • How to create models for predicting the compressive strength of concrete?
  • The usage of concrete alternatives as a way to cut expenditures for cities.
  • Natural disasters prevention: the steps for rural communities.
  • The biggest infrastructure challenges for Nigeria and their solutions.
  • The distribution of water to dry areas in Cape Verde.
  • The impact of civil engineering on the life level in the 20th century.
  • The role of road planning in building sustainable city life.
  • The ancient building principles in modern civil engineering: the importance of past experience.
  • Developing smart housings as a way to build a sustainable city.
  • How to measure sustainability in the context of urban water management in North Asia?
  • The ways to manage the outcomes of the volcano eruption in modern cities.
  • The impact of stress and anxiety on the productivity of construction workers in Latin America.
  • Analytical investigation of using concrete alternatives in Oregon, USA.
  • The analysis of the effective methods of geometric design of highways.
  • Water resources management in Burkina Faso.
  • Legal rules for the development of infrastructure in Mexico.
  • The green concrete research: potentials and challenges.
  • The new water governance solutions for Eastern European countries.
  • The importance of dewatering in construction work.

20 Software Engineering Topics

  • Evaluating strategies for optimizing password management against hacker attacks.
  • Data mining ways for industrial safety improvement in Nevada, USA.
  • The relevance of automatic speech recognition for the development of a lock door security system.
  • The application of artificial neural networks for diagnosing human eye diseases.
  • Development of an Android app with an anti-theft car tracking system.
  • The design and development of a smart traffic control system for metropolises.
  • The implementation of an automated parking lot system.
  • The challenges for data security in online trading systems.
  • The pros and cons of using chatbot technologies for ensuring customer satisfaction.
  • Does society need to rethink the extent to which we interact with computer technologies?
  • The pros and cons of using different programming languages in the context of changing working places.
  • The ways for a user to evaluate the quality of a mobile app.
  • The improvement of databases in the last twenty years.
  • How to improve the weather forecasting systems with modern software?
  • The evaluation and improvement of Argentina railway tracking systems.
  • The design of a low-cost health monitoring system for hospitals.
  • Using the latest software advancements for teaching primary school students.
  • The methods of increasing online security in university campuses’ online networks.
  • User strategies for optimization of electronic books memory capacity.
  • Development of a secure contact payment system for Chad cities.

Now that you are familiar with the most up-to-date engineering topics, we suggest that you choose at least three for your next assignment. Don’t forget to contact your instructor to reach agreement on the topic you like the most, and start working on it according to our tips at the beginning of this guide. Remember: every topic from our list can be elaborated according to your discipline and year of study.

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200+ Best Engineering Research Paper Topics in 2022


Team Desklib

Published: 2022-10-13


Since the dawn of humanity, there have been  engineering issues   and a need to solve them. Without technological understanding, ancient civilizations would not have been feasible because even then, enormous cities were being constructed with the aid of engineering principles.

This list of research issues aims to familiarise anyone interested in real-world engineering with specific scenarios that occur during practically any sort of professional activity of an engineer and call for ethical problem-level solutions.

You should first define the direction of engineering before beginning your research. You can locate an intriguing research topic in a variety of areas and subtopics. Students interested in history can learn more about engineering anthropology and comprehend this field's numerous phenomena and growth.

Genetic engineering might be a topic for those that enjoy biology. Additionally, any student is free to approach the teacher for suggestions on the most delicate subject matter.

You can choose the topic that will help you find a lot of useful technical information with the assistance of someone with years of experience.

There are many intriguing  engineering research paper   themes available in today's technologically advanced world. However, their diversity can also be an issue because it might be difficult to choose the proper one if you want to present high-quality work.

In this post, we provide a list of intriguing research paper topics for engineering students that are both simple to investigate and enjoyable to write about.

But before suggesting you some good engineering research topics we want to teach you how to choose engineering topics for your research paper.

The following procedures and advice will assist you in selecting the appropriate option from the list of options:

  • If there isn't a list of suggested subjects, brainstorm ideas to come up with engaging engineering research topics that are pertinent to both your project and the industry as a whole.  
  • Select a topic that you are familiar with because engineering topics can get very difficult; moreover, ensure that the topic you select is one that you can understand.  
  • Ensure there are enough resources available on the topics; while writing an essay on a specialized subject can produce intriguing content, it can become too difficult if there aren't good information sources available.  
  • Be open-minded while making your choice; instead of limiting yourself to topics you are familiar with, consider what will make your essay compelling and leave an impression on the grader.

The application of scientific principles is a  direct concern of engineering . Because of this, this field has several unique  characteristics that you cannot find elsewhere.

These are the engineering subjects that touch on them:

  • Engineering education issues and suggestions for improvement
  • The idea of engineering optimization
  • Engineering, quality assurance
  • Engineering measurement and data analysis specifics
  • Utilizing optical techniques for engineering analysis
  • Corrosion's impact on engineering
  • Nanotechnology applications in contemporary engineering
  • Value engineering and analysis
  • AI and machine learning applications in engineering
  • Engineering modeling techniques
  • Engineering and upkeep
  • Micromanufacturing and engineering
  • Engineering advancements in Western culture
  • Technical economy
  • Engineering's theoretical underpinnings and their connection to science
  • Engineering material specifics
  • The design and administration of complex systems
  • Reliability's significance in engineering
  • Complex nuclear engineering issues
  • The function of statistics and probability in engineering
  • Trends in the creation of agricultural technology equipment.
  • Technology in the food sector conserves energy and resources.
  • Innovations in the food business that produces little or no waste.
  • Food industry engineering in small businesses.
  • The modern technosphere's high level of complexity and its extensive integration into societal life.
  • Apparatus for heating up food bulk.
  • Hardware for filling and presenting finished goods.
  • Automation and mechanization of technological procedures in the food sector.
  • Food industry construction products.
  • Food industry production lines.
  • Approaches to systems engineering.
  • Theories for making an engineering-related career decision.
  • Professional analysis of an engineer's education and activity.
  • Professional competency is formed and developed during training.
  • An engineer's design and engineering tasks.
  • Engineering organization and management tasks.
  • Engineering production and technological activities.
  • Engineers and inventors from the United States and Europe (in the field of food production).
  • Types of programs for engineering education.
  • American and international engineering training systems integration

Top 8 Engineering Branches and Research Topics

  • Engineering ethics-related research paper topics
  • Genetic engineering research paper topics
  • Biomedical engineering research paper topics
  • Electrical engineering research paper topics
  • Security engineering research paper topics
  • Software engineering research paper topics
  • Mechanical engineering research paper topics
  • Civil engineering research paper topics

20 Best Engineering Ethics-related Research Paper Topics

  • A set of moral guidelines that engineers use in their work.
  • How might a moral engineer benefit society more?
  • What moral ideals ought to guide engineering practice and research?
  • What moral considerations ought every engineer to make before beginning their professional development?
  • The conception of a product in accordance with all moral principles.
  • Problems with ethics in the test and design areas.
  • Ethical problems with goods and services. How can they be fixed?
  • Moral dilemmas in leadership and collaboration.
  • Obeying the law and ethical principles.
  • What are the most crucial moral principles for engineers?
  • How can an engineer maintain morality?
  • Phases of a personality's growth professionally in engineering.
  • Engineering ethics: What is it?
  • How may engineering ethics be followed?
  • The primary functions of engineering psychology and ergonomics.
  • Why is a strong work ethic necessary in an organization?
  • How does a strong work ethic help a company avoid many issues?
  • Humanitarian knowledge's integration into engineering methods.
  • How may human knowledge be related in many ways to technical thinking?
  • The fundamentals of engineering ethics.

20 Best Genetic Engineering Research Paper Topics

  • Genetic engineering and morality
  • Genetic engineering's significance in modern agriculture
  • Using genetic engineering to increase the production of biofuel
  • One of the key tools for genetic engineering is CRISPR-Cas.
  • Manufacture of antibiotics with genetic engineering
  • The global politics of genetic engineering
  • Genetic engineering: Myths and actual risks
  • Genetic modification and organic food production
  • Possibilities of combining conventional breeding with genetic engineering
  • Utilizing genetic engineering to combat pollution
  • Gene therapy in genetic engineering.
  • How much of our genetic makeup is under our control, and when do we stop being human?
  • What are the benefits of genetically modified organisms?
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of genetic testing.
  • What are epigenetics and its value?
  • How to label food with genetically modified organisms?
  • Use of genetically modified organisms in future farming.
  • How can we involve nursing in genomics?
  • Explain the genetic characteristics in humans having different traits like homosexuality.
  • Food safety and guidelines for using genetically modified food products.

Top 20 Interesting Biomedical Engineering Research Paper Topics

  • Research On Blood Resistivity-Based Blood Glucose Measurement
  • Using Finite Element Analysis, A Hybrid Artificial Hip Joint Was Designed.
  • Design Of A Clinical Engineering Department's Management Program With a Real-Time Planning System for Recognizing Heart Sounds
  • Design of a Programmed Oxygen Delivery System Improvement: Adaptive Techniques for Cardiac Arrhythmia Detection Using Artificial Neural Networks By looking for a suitable activation function short message technique in health level 7, U-Net for MRI brain tumor segmentation (HL7)
  • A Study of the Optical and Thermal Effects of Gold Nanoparticles for Magnetic Resonance Noise Reduction Image
  • Analysis of Heart Rate Variability Using Statistical Techniques
  • Reflexology for the Early Detection of Stomach Pain
  • Central Medical Waste Treatment Facility Developing an Internet-Based Tele-Pediatric System
  • Conducting polymers are used in biomedical engineering.
  • The greatest successes in contemporary biomedical engineering
  • IoT applications for biomedical engineering
  • Engineering in biomedicine and 3D printing
  • Carbon-based nanomaterials' significance for biomedical engineering
  • Tactile sensing techniques and technologies
  • Techniques for repairing damaged nerves with biomedical engineering
  • Biomedical engineering uses X-rays, terahertz imaging, and spectrography for medical imaging.
  • Potential of biological materials in biomedical engineering
  • Piezoelectricity in systems for biomedical engineering
  • Breast cancer can be detected by using artificial neural networks.
  • Medical waste treatment equipment.

Best 30 Electrical Engineering Research Paper Topics

  • Can general relativity affect the techniques used in electrical engineering?
  • Electrical engineering and computer science integration
  • Methods for electronic control in mechanical engineering
  • Electrical engineering ideas of energy and information
  • Engineering in electrical nonlinear optimization
  • Dielectric materials that work best for electrical engineering
  • Electrical engineering's differential progression
  • Electrical circuits and quantum electrodynamics
  • Optimization's advantages in electrical engineering
  • Electrical engineering uses polymers and nanoparticles
  • High-speed, high-power PM machines.
  • Active voltage equalization using li-ion and supercapacitor cells connected in series.
  • Direct drive in-wheel motor design choice.
  • Inertia Motors.
  • Nanoelectronics.
  • Interaction engineering at the atomic level.
  • Using silicon carbide, graphene, and photovoltaics.
  • Ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity.
  • Analyzing behavior using computer modeling.
  • Computational research on novel materials and technologies.
  • Powerful electronic devices and tools.
  • Motors for electric vehicles and their redesign.
  • Networks of energy and the mathematics supporting them.
  • Engineering for electrical systems using computers.
  • Monitoring for smart grids.
  • Composites made of soft magnets.
  • Gearboxes and motors for electric vehicles.
  • Loss detection of grid events in distributed generating systems using pattern recognition
  • Autonomous power system difficulties
  • Hybrid electric aerospace.

Top 30 Security Engineering Research Paper Topics

  • Patterns used in security engineering
  • Cloud security engineering specifics
  • Security design for distributed or complicated systems
  • Engineering for privacy and security
  • Security requirements analysis's significance
  • Engineering security in the automobile sector
  • Modeling and testing for security analysis
  • A financial viewpoint on security engineering
  • Flexible security measures
  • Using attack graph models to improve network security
  • the development of ransomware in the field of cybersecurity.
  • Digital device denial-of-service attacks.
  • the foundation of the global cybersecurity strategy.
  • Network intrusion detection and remedies.
  • How should the government deal with cybersecurity?
  • A firewall's function in securing networks.
  • the most typical closed weaknesses.
  • After a data breach, what to do?
  • Widespread spectrum sharing for communications in public safety.
  • Digital security and downloaded materials
  • How to efficiently use the Internet.
  • Modern virus encryption technology.
  • Investigating the importance of algorithm encryption.
  • What is digital piracy?
  • How to navigate the efficiency of the internet?
  • Where do the vulnerabilities come from in a wireless mobile data exchange?
  • Describe the evolution of Android malware.
  • How to detect mobile phone hacking?
  • Privacy and security issues come in chatbots.
  • Cybersecurity and malware connection.

20 Interesting Software Engineering Research Paper Topics

  • Software engineering economics
  • Experimental software engineering techniques
  • There are significant disparities between software engineering theory and practice.
  • Software engineering role models
  • Software engineering for industry
  • Testing's significance in software engineering
  • Collaborating when developing software
  • Security through software engineering
  • Problems with embedded software engineering
  • Managerial techniques in software engineering
  • Describe the distribution of anti-virus software.
  • Suggest some software tools for qualitative research.
  • Software development by data scientists.
  • What is an agile software development process?
  • The Capabilities of Compiere Software and How Well It Fits Into Different Industries.
  • WBS completion and software project management.
  • International Software Development's Ethical Challenges: User-Useful Software
  • People with visual impairments face difficulties using assistive application software.
  • Getting to the Ideal Process. Application Development
  • Development of Software with IPR Violations.

Top 25 Mechanical Engineering Research Paper Topics

  • Nonlinear oscillations and mechanical engineering
  • Mechanical engineering education through gaming Techniques for dependable and sustainable design
  • How can the design development cycle for mechanical engineering designs be shortened?
  • appropriate material selection's significance in mechanical engineering
  • Mechanical engineering's use of mechatronics and microcontrollers
  • German mechanical engineering is a benchmark worldwide
  • Modern mechanical engineering techniques for modeling and prototyping
  • System design using numerical calculation techniques
  • What effects has the growth of mechanical engineering had on Western culture?
  •  Machine learning approaches for quality assurance in a manufacturing setting
  • Using a variable speed drive with supervisory control and data acquisition to control an induction motor.
  • Biomechanics.
  • Energy and combustion systems.
  • Fluid mechanics and aerodynamics.
  • Fluid-structure interactions, acoustic, and vibrations.
  • Food industry category for quality.
  • Food industry physical and mechanical procedures.
  • The food sector uses thermal procedures.
  • Food industry physical and chemical processes.
  • Processes of mass transfer in the food business.
  • Food industry biochemical and microbiological processes.
  • the significance of technological chemical regulation in the food sector.
  • Process engineers and mechanical engineers have different jobs in the food industry.
  • Tools for preparing raw materials for the main technical procedures.
  • Equipment for processing food bulk mechanically.

Best 20 Civil Engineering Research Paper Topics

  • Civil engineering's effect on how we live our daily lives
  • Neural networks' use in civil engineering
  • Engineering and vegetation
  • Techniques for inspecting civil engineering components
  • various composite materials' micromechanics in civil engineering
  • Uncertainty's relevance in civil engineering modeling
  • IR thermography's application to civil engineering
  • In civil engineering, cutting-edge materials and adhesives are employed.
  • Risk assessment's significance in civil engineering
  • Sustainability and civil engineering
  • Techniques for enhancing plants' ability to withstand water stress.
  • The most pressing issues in civil engineering and solutions.
  • Building quality is in jeopardy due to a lack of certified professionals.
  • Economics in transportation engineering is significant.
  • Protection at building sites.
  • Modern developments in civil engineering.
  • How can the entropy theory be applied in real life?
  • How can I discover a suitable job offer and how much is civil engineering worth?
  • How can issues in seismically active areas be resolved?
  • What opportunities does civil engineering have?

A theoretical inquiry is part of the  engineering discipline's control task . You must independently choose the pertinent scientific data, process it, and accurately present it in a sequential manner for your answer to be effective.

Scientific research is still a challenging procedure, especially for students who are unable to balance work and school.

You may always get in touch with our business to conduct the study if you find yourself in such a predicament.  Professional artists   create each work particularly for each client, making each piece unique.

Additionally, they can offer planning advice, suggest study topics, and explain the nuances of research methodology.

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Design Research Samples

Students: Louisa A. Avellar (UCB), Mircea Badescu, Stewart Sherrit, Yoseph Bar-Cohen, and Wayne Zimmerman of Caltech Research Project Title: Pneumatic Sample Acquisition and Transfer System Location: NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California

Abstract: http://www.techbriefs.com/component/content/article/3-ntb/tech-briefs/mechanics-and-machinery/19562-pneumatic-sample-acquisition-and-transfer-system

Student:Antonia Bronars Professor/Sponsor: Professor Alice Agogino Mentor:Alan Zhang Research Project Title:Actuating a Spherical Tensegrity Robot using Momentum Wheels

Abstract: This paper presents theoretical and initial hardware exploration of spherical tensegrity robots actuated using momentum wheels. A tensegrity structure consists of rods suspended in a network of cables. It is inherently compliant and resistant to failure because of its ability to distribute external force through its tension network. This mechanical property provides shock from impact, making the tensegrity a promising candidate for space exploration. The Berkeley Emergent Space Tensegrities lab currently actuates the tensile network using motors, causing the robot to deform, shifting the center of mass, and making the robot roll. The. current actuation scheme necessitates a tradeoff in determining the stiffness of the springs enforcing the tensile network: high spring constant ensures a safe drop, while low spring constant allows for lower actuating torques and consequently smaller, lighter motors. This paper proposes using momentum wheels to actuate the tensegrity, thereby decoupling the stiffness of the tensile network and the actuation scheme of the robot.

Student:   Tim K. Chan Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Alice Agogino Mentor:  Euiyoung Kim Research Project Title:   Prototyping of Wearable Notification and Tracking Device with Bluetooth Connectivity

Abstract:  We introduce the use of a wearable device for notification under distracting environment, for instance, in a rave or a conference. During the research, we came up with two models – centralized and ad-hoc. In the centralized model, the wearable device is aimed at finding people who present in the same event/venue whilst the ad-hoc model, we targeted one-to-one location tracking without the use of pre-existing network. Centralized model will be used during a populated event like a rave where it’s virtually unable for people to hear their phone ring of vibrate. Ad-hoc model will be used in situations like parents keeping track on their kids in an amusement park.

Student:   Serena Chang Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Alice Agogino Mentor:   Euiyoung Kim Research Project Title:   Activity Comparisons Over Digital Artifact By Their Physical And Emotional Distance: User’s Attention Level Upon Primary and Secondary Digital Artifacts

Abstract: Although a majority of the Internet of Things devices have been introduced in the market places, the adoption rate of these new devices hasn’t been quite inspiring due the lack of motivation that enables users to stick with them around over a long-term time frame. Many introduced IoT devices have short life cycles and people simply go back to their traditional devices as primary interaction. Based on our research, the laptop and the smartphone are the most dominant devices regardless of the introduction of the new IoT devices. Thus, this research focuses on the usages of these two devices to explore users different attention levels upon primary and secondary digital artifacts and to compare their physical and emotional distances.

A prototyping segment of this research further explores the concept of emotional distance between users and devices in physical spaces. Indicator spectrums allow users to visually indicate their emotional state to other co-located individuals with whom they are not directly interacting, at the opposite corner of a coffee shop, for instance.   Once the indicators are digitized and connected, the “mood” of a particular physical space can be assessed by IoT developers.

Student: Stephanie Chang Professor/Sponsor: Professor Alice Agogino Mentor: Euiyoung Kim Research Project Title: Establishing User Spaces in Medical Exoskeleton

Abstract: As exoskeleton technology matures and becomes increasingly commercialized, the user spectrum of such technologies need to be identified and studied. This project examines exoskeleton technology from a human centric standpoint, establishing a comprehensive range of users for such products. In order to establish context to create a spectrum of exoskeleton users, literature was collected and reviewed to discover what exoskeleton researchers identify as their target users. The functionality of different types of exoskeletons are also identified and categorized and then matched up to potential user needs from different personas. From the literature review, different categorical spectrums are established to represent the range of users who would make use of exoskeleton technologies. Examples of spectrums include age, physical age, familiarity with advance technology, etc. In addition, further research into socially sustainable assistive technologies are identified and matched up to corresponding user personas and needs.

Student:  Galen   Elias Professor/Sponsor: Professor Reza Alam Research Project Title: Load Shedding Trends of Submerged Rigid Bodies Subject to Monochromatic Water Waves Research Areas:  Design, Fluids, Ocean Engineering

Abstract: Wave Energy Converters are devices which convert the renewable energy in ocean waves to electricity. A submerged pressure differential WEC uses a rigid absorber to split a wave’s orbital, creating a pressure gradient which drives a generator. One of the engineering challenges of WECs is to make the device robust enough to handle extreme ocean conditions, during which waves can carry upwards of 30 times more power than usual. 1  As such, we looked into ways to reduce the load the device would experience under extreme conditions. Due to the high buoyancy of the device and the high-energy cost of increasing its depth, we focused mainly on the effect of changing the device’s shape. In particular, we analyzed trends in front-to-back hole placement and trends in wall thickness between holes within a constant footprint.

Student:   Grant   Emmendorfer Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Alice Agogino Mentor:  Alan Zhang Research Project Title:  Intuitive Controller Designs for Tensegrity Robots Abstract

Student:   Jordan   Francis Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Dennis Lieu Research Project Title:  Design and Construction of a High Capacity Battery Pack for Flywheel-Hybrid Vehicles Abstract

Student:   Hunter   Garnier Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Alice Agogino Mentor:  Drew Sabelhaus Research Project Title:  Force Sensors for a Quadruped Robot

Abstract: Sensors measuring the ground reaction forces applied to a quadruped’s throughout different movements can be advantageous for any robot involved in movement. Feedback from force sensors allows for more accurate control of a robot and is integral for balance. This research report describes the process of implementing force sensors into the legs of the ULTRA Spine quadruped in order to measure the axial force of each leg during movements such as bending and torsion. Previously, the two main motions of the spine—torsion and bending—were seen qualitatively but not expressed quantitatively. Thus, data collected from performing experiments with these force sensors will be compared to the NTRT model of these movements. Although several force sensing options were explored such as load cells, strain gages and expensive optical sensors, Flex Sensors were selected because of their availability, ease of installation, and potential to eliminate confounding variables.

In addition to selecting appropriate force sensors for this application, a new hip and leg design was developed to house these force sensors. Since the previous prototype lacked storage space for electronic components, a new hip was designed and 3D printed which includes a hollow center that allows room for electronic components to be stored there. Additionally, since the previous leg attachment method was ineffective and required constant maintenance, higher-fidelity legs were waterjet cut and attached more efficiently. Different flexible materials to mount the Flex Sensors to were explored such as brass shim and spring steel. However, the spring steel was found to be more effective because, after bending, it returned to its original shape—am important aspect for repeatability of experiments.

To continually improve the ULTRA Spin toward a higher-fidelity prototype, several rapid-prototyped hardware components were replaced by machined parts. Furthermore, a new attachment method for actuating the robot was explored which would replace attaching the actuating strings directly to endcaps via springs. Instead, each string would be clamped directly onto the rubber lattice. Although this method is still being prototyped, exploration of it will be continued in the future.

Student:  Hunter   Garnier Professor/Sponsor: Professor Alice Agogino Mentor: Drew Sabelhaus Research Project Title: ULTRA Spine

Abstract: Due to its complexity, the ULTRA Spine Quadruped robot assembly process is extremely time consuming and tedious, making it difficult to rapid-prototype new designs. This research report describes the process of designing an elastic lattice that would replace the cables and springs that traditionally tensioned the robot. In order to create the final design, several concepts were explored, a tension test was completed on silicon rubber to find its elastic modulus, and various lattice shapes were assessed. The final design decreased the assembly time of the ULTRA Spine from three hours to approximately 7 minutes, improved the symmetry and vertebrae alignment of the robot, and will reduce the design, manufacturing and assembly process of future spine prototypes.

Additionally, a test setup to measure ground forces on the prototype’s feet is described in this report. Previously, the two main motions of the spine—torsion and bending—were seen qualitatively but not expressed quantitatively. By placing a load cell under each foot of the quadruped prototype, the forces under each could be measured while the spine underwent torsion or bending. However, this test setup was unsuccessful and did not produce convincing data.

Future plans for this project include designing a higher quality test setup to measure ground reaction forces as well as a higher fidelity spine prototype.

Student: Jimmy Huang Professor/Sponsor: Professor Dennis Lieu Sub Area: Biomechanical Engineering Research Project Title: Novel Silicone-Compatible Pressure Transducer Tips and Calibration Device for Simulation Torso Design

Abstract: This paper details the progress made during the Spring semester of 2015 in Professor Dennis Lieu’s Ballistics Impact Lab, and is a continuation of “Silicone Curing Behavior and Updated Method of Simulation Torso Construction” from Fall 2014.

Less-lethal projectiles such as rubber and wooden bullets are commonly used by law enforcement for the purpose of incapacitating targets with minimum injury. However, these non-penetrating injuries can still cause severe internal damage and even death. With understandable concern, investigation by Professor Dennis K. Lieu and his Ballistics Impact Lab researchers has been underway since 2003. Originally intended to model the response of the human torso utilizing silicone, the scope of this project has extended to include the design of safer less-lethal projectiles.

Recently, the group has been experiencing difficulties producing a homogeneous and consistent silicone simulation torso with embedded pressure transducer. One main focus of this paper is the design and manufacturing of several new, oil-tight pressure transducer tips. This includes our continued exploration of silicone-compatible materials as well as a new sensor housing design. Another area of focus is the design and manufacturing of a calibration device for new pressure transducers before they are embedded into a silicone torso. This information will hopefully be useful for new Ballistics Impact Lab researchers and for those in similar laboratories or using the same silicone material.

Student:   J immy Huang Professor/Sponsor:   P rofessor Dennis Lieu Research Project Title:   The Effect of Varying Transducer Tip Thicknesses on Peak Internal Pressures Subarea:  B iomechanical Engineering

Abstract: This paper details the progress made during the Fall semester of 2015 in Professor Dennis Lieu’s Ballistics Impact Lab, and is a continuation of  “Novel Silicone-Compatible Pressure Transducer Tips for Simulation Torso Design” from Spring 2015.

Less-lethal projectiles such as rubber and wooden bullets are commonly used by law enforcement for the purpose of incapacitating targets with minimum injury. However, these non- penetrating injuries can still cause severe internal damage and death. With understandable concern, investigation by Professor Dennis K. Lieu and his Ballistics Lab researchers has been underway since 2003. Originally intended to model the response of the human torso utilizing silicone, the scope of this project has extended to include the design of safer less-lethal projectiles.

Most recently, the group has been focusing its efforts towards improving the design and manufacturing method for the model torso with an embedded pressure transducer. This semester, our team set out to understand the effect of varying transducer tip thicknesses on peak internal pressures. This endeavor involved manufacturing a brand new model torso and subsequently testing different torsos with distinct tip designs. During the process we also designed and manufactured  a novel calibration apparatus. This apparatus allowed us to translate peak voltages to internal pressures experienced by the model torso, and can help us to individually calibrate each sensor and tip design in the future. Finally, the lab also revisited the concept of healing the silicone in an effort to recycle spent silicone torso blocks.

Student:   J immy Huang Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Dennis Lieu Research Project Title:  New Silicone Tissue Stimulant and Pressure Transducer Setup for L e ss Lethal Ballistics Applications

Abstract:  Less-lethal projectiles such as rubber and wooden bullets are commonly used by law enforcement for the purpose of incapacitating targets with minimum injury. However, these non- penetrating injuries can still cause severe internal damage and death. With understandable concern, investigation by Professor Dennis K. Lieu and his Ballistics Lab researchers has been underway since 2003. Originally intended to model the response of the human torso utilizing silicone, the scope of this project has extended to include the design of safer less-lethal projectiles. This paper details the progress made during the Spring semester of 2016 in Professor Dennis Lieu’s Ballistics Impact Lab, and is a continuation of ” The Effect of Varying Transducer Tip Thicknesses on Peak Internal Pressures” from Fall 2015. Most recently, the group has been focusing its efforts towards improving the design and manufacturing method for the model torso with an embedded pressure transducer. This semester, our team initially focused on exploring the concept of healing silicone in an effort to recycle old silicone torso blocks.  Further along, the group set out to benchmark new silicone tissue stimulants as well as new pressure transducer alternatives for more robust less lethal ballistics setups.

Student: Shayan Javaherian Professor/Sponsor: Professor Reza Alam Mentor: Dr. Mohsen Saadat Research Project Title: CalSat

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to make underwater wireless communication possible by using ROVs and laser tractions. The calsat project is consist of two different version which they call CalSat 1 and CalSat 2. For CalSat 1 the purpose of this project is to modification of controls of two submarine model to carry out the proof of concepts of underwater optical communication using a swarm of autonomous underwater vehicles. For CalSat 2 we made our own ROV that is an Agile and robes underwater platform used for underwater communication by using laser tractions. I widely work on design, prototyping, and manufacturing of CalSat 2. CalSat 2 Has different versions which each one of them developed and improved based on the previous version. Different version of CalSat 2 are as following: CalSat 2A, CalSat 2B, CalSat 2C, CalSat 2D. Following pictures are for CalSat 2C while testing for leakage and performance in O’Brien facility at UC Berkeley.

Student:Lace Co Ting Keh Professor/Sponsor: Professor Homayoon Kazerooni Research Project Title: Exoskeleton Support For Stroke Rehabilitation

Abstract: Nearly 800,000 individuals suffer a stroke each year. The growing number of individuals that require assistive recovery post stroke has been growing over the last decade. In turn, there has been a high demand for qualified physical therapists and a dire need for alternative ways to allow for safe recovery of patients. The exoskeleton industry offers unique perspective to address this demand. Exoskeletons have been used in the military to assist soldiers in carrying heavy loads. These have shown tremendous success in assisting able bodied soldiers. Exoskeletons in this industry have effectively allowed soldiers to conserve their energy when transporting gear. Furthermore, these have allowed soldiers to control the power of their legs and potentially allow for actions that would not have been possible without human augmentation.

An interesting application of the exoskeleton is its use in a medical setting. Paraplegics, quadriplegics, and post stroke patients are typically lose control of certain limbs. The exoskeleton offers a manner in which the user is able to manipulate their actions and allow a robotic system to perform specific actions for them. One of the biggest caveats faced by the exoskeleton industry is the support necessary for patients using lower limb exoskeletons. Lower limb exoskeletons are designed to be used by patients who are unable to control their lower limbs. This not only limits their ability for walking or running but also their ability to maintain balance. Because of this, patients are put at a high level or risk when using the exoskeleton because of the full reliance on the robotic systems. It is therefore necessary to design a support system for exoskeletons being used by patients who are unable to maintain balance when a malfunction occurs.

Student: Stefan Klein Professor/Sponsor: Professor Dennis Lieu Mentor: Daniel Talancon Sub Area: Mechatronics Design Research Project Title: INSTAR – Inertial Storage and Recovery

Abstract: INSTAR (Inertial Storage and Recover) is a mechanical engineering research group headed by Professor Lieu and recent PhD graduate Daniel Talancon. Our research surrounds a flywheel energy storage device for electric vehicle applications. In the past semester working with INSTAR, I completed several tasks related to the preparation of our go-kart test platform for our Cal Day exhibit and to the rebuilding of our flywheel energy storage device. To prepare our go-kart, I flushed and bled our brake system, which returned it to working condition, but also led to me discovering a leak on the master cylinder, which will be repaired by the next Cal Day. Furthermore, I disassembled our inertial simulation test setup, which consists of two large steel disks to simulate the inertia of the kart and two magnetic brakes to simulate the mechanical brakes of the kart. I then reassembled our battery packs and reinstalled the seat and wheels. In preparation for Cal Day, where we would, for the first time, have the final flywheel on display, a polycarbonate shield in between the flywheel and driver had to be designed and machined. I oversaw and helped several of the team’s freshmen in this task. Finally, there was a significant electronics error in our kart, which caused the startup of our motor controllers to fail randomly. I traced the error to the pedal assembly of the kart, whose angular encoders tended to slip, causing a non-zero braking and throttle signal to be inputted into the motor controllers, causing the startup to fail. Regrettably, I was unable to find a permanent fix for the problem before the exhibition on Cal Day, but a pedal assembly redesign is planned to stop the problem at its source. On Cal Day, I helped present our project to prospective students and parents, which has generated some interest in new students who have already contacted our lab. Finally, I began the process of rebuilding the flywheel’s rotor. For this task I rebuilt the electric motor’s rotor, which had to have a new set of neodymium magnets epoxied to it and was then wrapped in kevlar for strength. Overall, my participation in INSTAR has helped further my education in design and mechatronics and helped keep the INSTAR project rolling even with the recent graduation of our graduate student, Daniel.

Students: Andrew Kooker and Casey Duckering Professor/Sponsor: Professor Robert Full Mentor: Chen Li Sub Area: Mechatronics Research Project Title: Micro-Robot with Ambulating and Jumping Abilities: A modification of the Biomimetic Millisystems Lab robotics for testing and analysis on animal locomotion processes

Abstract: The goal of this project is to create micro-robots that can simulate standard insect/animal motions such as walking and running while being able to jump over encountered obstacles. The simulation of jumping mechanisms found in nature on fully mechanical robots can be used to better understand how and why they are used. Designs for robots can be created by understanding the dynamic effects of a jumping ability on motion when encountering obstacles, and simulating them effectively.

The initial step of our project dealt with simulating the simple motion of jumping on micro-robots that could already walk and run. It was important to analyze different methods of jumping from quick actuation to elastic storage; for the ability to continuously jump on command, the method of quick actuation seemed ideal. We created an actuating hinge mechanism in SolidWorks and developed the basic skeletal models for the robot in AutoCAD. By using rapid-prototyping techniques such as 3D printing and laser cutting, we were able to quickly bring these computer renditions to life for physical testing. We integrated mechanical and electrical components like gearing systems and microcontrollers for actuation, and combined these assemblies with the base-skeleton of our robot. After writing software to test the system, we analyzed the effectiveness of our design based on the robot performance and developed a second iteration of the robot accordingly.

Throughout the design process, we were required to focus on key decisions like material choice, specific component purchases, and overall integration methods. We developed many iterations of software to efficiently test the robots, and made many design changes to the jumping mechanism and robot body itself. We were also able to learn principles of re-design by taking already-developed robotic components from the Biomimetic Millisystems Lab, and further modifying them to fit our needs.

We compared the effectiveness of our designs among iterations, and mapped out performance goals for future generations of the robots. We plan to continue modifying current robot designs and creating custom completely new designs for jumping-specific robots in the future. We also hope to continue the development of unique electronic components and software to seamlessly integrate with our mechanical robots.

Student:   Leslie Leung Professor/Sponsor:  Professor  Dennis Lieu Research Project Title:   The design and initial testing of flashlight-inspired battery tubes

Abstract:  The INertial STorage And Recovery (INSTAR) vehicle combines the use of battery packs and a flywheel as its energy storing and supplying components.  The subject of this research centers on a new impact-resistant, fire-resistant, and well-ventilated design for battery packs consisting of rechargeable lithium ion cells.  Inspired by the packaging of a flashlight, the design aims to achieve an ease of assembly and disassembly for replacement of individual cells.  Housed in standard-sized aluminum tubing, six cells are preloaded by stainless steel springs fixed against polyether ether ketone (PEEK) end caps by a stainless steel bevel head screw.  Current flows from one battery tube to others via copper bus bars connecting adjacent tubes together.  A prototype consisting of two tubes was constructed as a proof of concept.  Static testing with a voltmeter returned expected voltage readings for a single tube, two tubes in series, and two tubes in parallel.  A setup scheme for dynamic testing is proposed for future study to determine the safe operating frequency range and the robustness of electrical connections during motion.  The design of the casing for the complete battery packs and the battery packs’ electrical connections with the vehicle’s battery management system (BMS) are also proposed.

Student:   Kevin Li Professor/Sponsor:  Professor  Alice Agogino Mentor:   Lee-Huang Chen Research Project Title:   Design, Manufacturing and Testing of Tensegrity V3 Robot Design

Abstract:  With recent advances in reusable rocketry and planetary discoveries, space exploration has come to the forefront of scientific news and research. My role in the Berkeley Emergent Space Tensegrities Lab has been to assist in developing the Tensegrity Spherical Robot V3, a robust yet compliant robotic system designed to take advantage of the unique characteristics of tensegrity structures. In doing this, I was involved in all aspects of the engineering process including hardware and software design, component manufacturing and component testing. In designing and manufacturing hardware, emphasis was placed on the ease, speed and cost of manufacturing and assembly in order to streamline the rapid iterative design process. In software design, an intuitive control scheme was developed for the twenty-four independent motors as well as a text interface for switching between manual control of individual motors and preset step sequences. Finally, in component testing, a physical drop test was developed to drop the Tensegrity V3 from heights of up to six feet, which helped confirm the compliance of the system, the strength of individual components and the accuracy of simulations.

Student:  Carlin Liao Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Alice Agogino Mentor:  Julia Kramer Research Project Title:  ‘The Design Exchange’ Ontology Team

Abstract: The work of the ontology team of the Design Exchange is primarily qualitative, focusing on categorizing and analyzing various methods in design thinking. Within the pools of “Data Gathering,” “Ideation,” “Analysis & Synthesis,” “Building/Prototyping,” and “Communications,” we have collected process descriptions for close to three hundred design methods such as Dot Voting, Visual Brainstorming, and Video Ethnography. From these processes, our team has identified more than 100 skills shared across multiple methods that may be relevant to design thinking as a professional endeavor. Following the completion of our master skill list will be the construction of a questionnaire designed to refine and verify our assessment of common design skills by surveying the professional design community, in particular those making the decision on which designers to hire.

Student: Chengming Liu Professor/Sponsor: Professor Liwei Lin Mentor: Casey Glick Subarea: Fluid Mechanics Research Project Title: Single-Layer Microfluidic Current Source via Optofluidic Lithography Abstract

Student:  Kevin Li Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Alice Agogino Mentor:  Lee-Huang Chen Research Project Title:  Design and Manufacturing of Soft Spherical Tensegrity Robot  

Abstract: With recent advances in reusable rocketry and planetary discoveries, space exploration has come to the forefront of scientific news and research. My role in the Berkeley Emergent Space Tensegrities Lab has been to assist in developing TT-4, the fourth version of the spherical tensegrity robot, a robust yet compliant robotic system designed to take advantage of the unique load-bearing characteristics of tensegrity structures. The goal for this prototype was to validate scaling of the spherical tensegrity design from the smaller TT-3, so the prototype is completely passive with the circuit boards designed specifically for drop testing. Key steps included manufacturing of hardware components and circuit boards, followed by final assembly of the TT-4 drop test prototype. Following that, a full drop test was designed and characterized to test the capabilities of the much larger TT-4. Hardware components included aluminum rods and endcaps, plastic and FDM module housings, extensions springs and fishing line. The circuit board was built for the drop testing and contained only a Teensy 3.2 microprocessor, 9-DOF absolute IMU, XBee wireless chip and voltage regulator. With a fully assembled board attached to the central payload of TT-4 as well as another attached to a module, a comparison of the G-forces between the payload and a rigid element of the robot can be made in order to validate the load-distributing characteristics of the tensegrity structure as well as the safety of a potential payload. With the hardware and software components of the TT-4 drop test prototype completed, the final step will be completing the drop test at a later date.

Student: Ryan Liu Professor/Sponsor: Professor Dennis Lieu Research Project Title: Protocol for Ballistics Lab Data Collection

Abstract:  In an effort to reduce long-term sustained injury from non-lethal weaponry, research was undertaken to investigate a new type of kinetic energy projectile. The projectile is similar in shape and energy transfer to currently used commercial non-lethal projectiles, but is made of a highly deformable, hyper-elastic, modified silicon rubber. Tests were conducted analytically using ABAQUS (FEA) and experimentally inside the UC Berkeley ballistics test lab. This report outlines the protocol necessary to perform ballistics lab work, which may be useful for both new ballistics lab researchers and for researchers at other laboratories alike.

Student:  Hannah   Ling Professor/Sponsor: Professor Dennis Lieu Mentor: John Madura Research Project Title: Design/Manufacturing of Oil Circulation System for Electric Vehicle Research Areas:  Design, Manufacturing

Abstract: The Inertial Storage And Recovery(INSTAR) kart uses an electric flywheel as part of a hybrid system to efficiently store energy from regenerative braking. The flywheel can store up to 100 kJ of energy by spinning at speeds up to 20,000 RPM. An adequate lubrication system is crucial to the safety and durability of the flywheel because it reduces wear when spinning the flywheel at high speeds. The design and components of the previous lubrication system were flawed and did not effectively lubricate the flywheel. The following report documents the features of the previous circulation system and illustrates its flaws, as well as explaining the design, part selection, and manufacturing process of a new reservoir and circulation system. Although the system is not fully assembled, the currently installed components have already improved the effectiveness of the lubrication system allowing for a greater range in the speed of flywheel testing.

Student: Jacob Madden Professor/Sponsor: Professor Masayoshi Tomizuka Research Project Title: Preliminary Modeling and Design of an Active-Passive Upper-Body Assistive Device

Abstract: Assistive devices, such as exoskeletons, are widely utilized across many fields to increase power output or provide basic support for human users and have shown great potential for use in fields such as medical rehabilitation. This paper documents preliminary work completed on a hybrid active-passive upper-body exoskeleton designed for rehabilitation of stroke victims. Goals included decreased mechanical complexity and increased range of motion over previous designs, while retaining adequate support for daily use and gravity compensation during daily tasks. The work described here includes simulation modeling, mechanical design, and physical hardware testing. Results from preliminary testing indicate that the final prototype shows greater range of motion and similar support when compared to previous designs, with the potential to be integrated into existing assistive systems to assist with medical rehabilitation or miniaturized into a compact, portable system.

Student:   Saunon   Malekshahi Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Alice Agogino Mentor:  Edward L. Zhu Research Project Title:  Lattice-Enabled Actuation for Tensegrity Robots Featuring Cluster Scouting Functionality

Abstract: Our paper presents a new spherical tensegrity robot capable of performing locomotion through the use of an actuator-powered lattice. Featuring a six-bar nodal actuator mount, this robot effectively delivers a rapid prototyping platform enabling the user to transition from a passive-actuated assembled state within minutes. Featuring a control scheme running on a RF wireless protocol, the TT-Unisphere provides a test platform for simulated cluster scouting between multitudes of tensegrity robots. Developed at UC Berkeley in collaboration with NASA Ames, the TT-Unisphere enables a broader scope of experimentation for tensegrity robots, namely in the domains of modeling interactive behavior for surface scouting and ergonomic assembly.

Student: Tony Ngo Professor/Sponsor: Professor Dennis K. Lieu Mentor: Cyndia Cao and John Madura Research Project Title: Model Development and System Identification of INSTAR’s Test Vehicle

Abstract: This paper serves to create a basic dynamic model of the current that runs throughout the Inertia Storage and Recovery (INSTAR) vehicle such that data can be acquired and fitted to a transfer function that represents the entire closed loop system. Using the methodology of system identification, and therefore recording the input current and output current of every subsystem, we can tune a PID controller to monitor the current that runs through the battery, and every individual motor controller. Such testing procedure is described further within the paper, where it explains how step inputs are used to receive the transient and steady state behavior of each subsystem. Though, the work within this paper does not fully address the implementation of the closed loop controller within LabView, it can be the framework to replace the open-loop model that exists within the vehicle’s code. Through the implementation of the closed loop model, efforts can be made to improve battery life, while also addressing the current draw issues that limits the performance of the vehicle. Serving as the stepping stones of more advance current controllers as well, the transfer function created can be used to optimize current flow during the different transient phases that exist while the vehicle is running. The creation of such a model can then be scaled and used to implement and optimize the concept of a triple hybrid system within a passenger vehicle.

Student:  Derek   Pan Area:  Design, Energy Science and Technology Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Dennis Lieu Research Project Title:  Design and Fabrication of a Novel Li-ion Battery Pack for Regenerative Braking Research

Abstract: The InStar Lab focuses on researching the viability of a regenerative braking system that utilizes an electromechanical flywheel as interim power storage between cycles of motor braking and vehicle acceleration and/or battery recharging. As a platform for this research, a go-kart was modified to be driven by two electric motors, in turn powered by two lithium iron-phosphate (LiFePO4) battery packs. In response to certain criteria that were found lacking in the battery packs currently in use on the kart, a team of undergraduates designed and fabricated a new pack. Construction of the new pack started in Fall of 2017 and was continued through Spring 2018. Preliminary testing was done to determine the viability of its design. In addition, research was done on finding a way to implement a battery management system (BMS) with the pack’s unusual architecture, where the cells are grouped into “parallel strings.” Typically, battery packs use cells grouped into parallel banks, which are then connected in series, whereas this pack groups six cells in series inside tubes, which are then connected in parallel. Because BMS are generally designed for the former layout, most are incapable of monitoring the higher voltages that result from series groupings. This is an area that requires further research. Overall, the design was found to have shortcomings that would need to be improved for regular, long-term use, chief among these being the difficulty in implementing a BMS and the pack having too low of an electrical capacity. Nevertheless, it is a functional li-ion battery pack that is at least usable on a temporary basis, and which has led to much insight into battery technology and pack design.

Student: Nicholas Anthony Renda Professor/Sponsor: Professor Dennis Lieu Mentor: Daniel Talancon Research Project Title: INSTAR RP-1: Development and Testing of an Electric Vehicle KERS Platform

Abstract: My research this semester focused on creating a robust mounting solution for a flywheel-based energy storage system as part of the INertial STorage And Recovery (INSTAR) Lab. The flywheel is part of a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) on an electric go-kart, for the purpose of regenerative braking. The flywheel mount is designed to support the flywheel under extreme driving loads (cornering, braking, accelerating), while simultaneously damping vibrations through the use of rubber isolators. The flywheel spins up to 25,000 rpm, so special care is taken to isolate all vibrations between it and the go-kart chassis.

The mount is made of 6061-T6 aluminum billet, and was designed to be manufactured almost entirely on a waterjet machine through the use of 2d profile parts. Bolt holes were postdrilled on a drill press to ensure tight tolerances. Rubber isolators embedded in the mounting plate damp vibrations and react shear loads to the chassis. A containment system was also designed to account for special load cases, such as flywheel seizure. In this load case, the rotating steel mass stops in less than 2 rotations due to debris in the bearing or an external impact. This imparts a massive torque on the mount, which begins to rotate and shears through the rubber isolators. It then comes in contact with the containment brackets, which are designed to take the load of a seizure impact without failing.

The go-kart was tested without the flywheel to ensure proper function of all other systems, including batteries, steering, brakes, motors, pedals, and electronics. INSTAR met its goal of a fully functional kart by Cal Day, having debugged code and designed new batteries and pedals to accomplish this task. The vehicle systems were then thoroughly tested to ensure sturdiness during multiple cycles of high-intensity accelerating and braking.

Student:  Nick Renda Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Dennis Lieu Research Project Title:  Load and Safety Considerations in the Design of Flywheel Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems for Electric Vehicles

Abstract: Flywheel technology has novel applications in electric vehicles as the core component of a kinetic energy recovery system. Flywheels have quick charge and discharge rates, and can be used to recapture the energy that is generally lost using current regenerative braking technology or traditional friction brakes. One challenge to implementing these systems is mechanically connecting the flywheel to the vehicle chassis. This project focuses on the development of a robust flywheel mounting system that minimizes vibration transmission from the chassis, reacts loads under extreme driving conditions, and protects the driver in the event of a catastrophic failure.

Student: Hale Reynolds Course Project: ME 102B Research Project Title: “Smart” Energy Harvesting and Usage as Applied to a Bicycle Light

Abstract: For this project, a standard battery powered Light Emitting Diode (LED) bicycle light was modified, allowing it to harvest and store all the energy required for its use.

When normally operated, the bicycle light used for this project requires four AA batteries, located in a compartment just behind the circuit board holding the LEDs, and normally operates for around nine hours before the batteries must be replaced. The batteries were removed and replaced with a coin-sized rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery (LIB), and circuitry governing the storage and usage of the generated electricity. (The LIB and circuit take up the same space as the four AA batteries.)

To generate electricity from the normal usage of the bicycle, very strong magnets (Neodymium magnets with residual flux density of 14.7 KGs) were mechanically fixed to the spokes in a similar fashion to the typical attachment of bicycle speedometer magnets. Then a tightly wound, fine copper wire coil was attached to the bicycle fork at the location where the magnets attached to the spokes would pass. As the magnets pass the copper coil, their magnetic field induces a potential difference across the coil ends. This voltage potential then drives the flow of current through wires run along the bicycle frame to the battery compartment. Before reaching the battery, the current must pass through series of four diodes arranged as a full-wave rectifier to ensure that regardless of the direction of the magnet rotation and regardless of the magnet polarity orientation, the electricity serves to charge the battery.

To govern the usage of the charge stored in the battery, a simple control circuit was designed. For daytime operation of the bicycle, when it is light out, the generator charges the battery. Because no additional light is needed when it is bright out, the battery stores its charge and does not power the LEDs. For night riding or in other dark conditions, it is desired that the LEDs be powered to illuminate the cyclist’s way. This photosensitive functionality was achieved using two transistors, an operational amplifier, a photosensor, and a series of resistors.

The circuit governing the use of the battery’s charge is a small photosensor interfaced with an operational amplifier which was then connected to a CMOS Inverter (composed of the two transistors, one N-Channel and one P-Channel). If the output from the photosensor is high (light is incident upon it), this signal is amplified by the operational amplifier and the inverter allows no current to pass from the battery to the LEDs of the bicycle light. If the output from the photosensor is low (no light is incident upon it), this signal is still amplified by the operational amplifier, but if it is low enough, the inverter allows all the required current for full LED brightness to pass to the LEDs of the bicycle light. The resistors are used in balancing the operational amplifier, effectively calibrating the system. With the proper resistor combination, the circuit was calibrated to have the inverter transition between states at the proper, practical light intensities for day and night bicycling.

Key Points: Through the use of this device, rather than replace four AA batteries after every nine hours of use, a smaller battery may be used to store energy generated from the normal use of the bicycle, and does not need replacing. It was found that during normal usage of the bicycle, 40% of the energy consumed from full-brightness bicycle-light use could be generated. This means that when it is bright out, and the bicycle light is off, the battery is easily charged, while at night the battery life is greatly extended. Although the energy produced by this device comes from the energy supplied by the rider, because there is no contact between moving components, and because the power generated is relatively small, there is no noticeable drag on the wheel due to energy generation. Also, in-terms of cost, the total cost of this project was much less than for a high-end bicycle light.

Student:  Patrick Savidge Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Dennis Lieu Research Project Title:  Calibration of Piezoresistive Pressure Transducer Embedded in Silicone

Abstract: The Impact Lab at UC Berkeley is in development on non-lethal bullets. Currently the lab is developing bullets made from Medical Grade Silicone Gel. These bullets are shoot at a silicone torso and the internal pressure felt by the torso is recorded. This paper outlines the process used and results obtained from calibrating the Piezoresistive Pressure sensor embedded in the silicone torso. The sensor was mounted in a small piston cylinder device and Medical Grade Silicone Gel was cured around the sensor. Various weights were applied to the device to vary the pressure applied and the output voltage from the sensor was recorded. These voltages were then applied to data obtained within the Impact Lab to determine the pressure experienced under impact testing.

Student:   Arbaaz   Shakir Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Alice Agogino Mentor:  Dr. Euiyoung Kim Research Project Title:  Human Centered Design: Renault

Abstract: With the automotive industry on the cusp of a revolution as vehicles attain progressively higher levels of autonomy, car manufacturers are beginning to rethink the concept of personal mobility and re-envision meaningful interactions between people and different transportation modalities. The premise of this project takes meaning in this transformative phase of the automotive industry. With a human-centered approach and with the primary goal of creating better customer experiences, exploring what consumers will want and need in tomorrow’s transportation ecosystem, we looked to gain insight into opportunities in important new areas of potential growth and design solutions in these areas.

The first half of the project i.e. the time frame covered by this report, focused on the early stages of the design process including problem framing and user research. We uncovered areas for design exploration, unpacked consumer needs, framed and structured problems from our findings, prototyped and tested our ideas, and gathered user feedback. The synthesis driver for the project was the iterative design process. We found, from our studies, that the need for a human-machine interface between pedestrians and autonomous vehicles was not pressing, that consumers are vested in the emotion of a traditional driving experience, and that users are looking for a higher level of personalization in their transportation journeys.

Student:   Kimberly   Sover Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Alice Agogino Mentor:  Andrew Sabelhaus Research Project Title:  Hardware Design and Test Setup for Laika: the Quadruped Robot with a Tensegrity Spine Abstract

Student: Kimberly A. Sover Professor/Sponsor: Professor Alice Agogino Mentor: Andrew P. Sabelhaus Research Project Title: Mechanical and Electrical Design of a Fixture to Test Modeling Methods and Control of a Tensegrity Spine

Abstract: Flexible spines for quadruped robots are a growing technology in the soft robotics field. The Berkeley Emergent Space Tensegrities Lab is currently conducting research on a tensegrity-based spine that consists of interlaced rigid cores connected by cables to create movement that mimics that of a vertebrate spine. The spine can be actuated by adjusting the lengths of the cables attached to ends of the vertebrae on the top, bottom, and sides to bend in the sagittal and coronal planes. This paper discusses the development of simplified hardware to robustly test modeling methods and control designs for the current spine prototype. As the semester began, it became clear that the current three-dimensional prototype would not be able to provide accurate data for detailed investigations into the techniques used to construct the governing state equations of the model or the development of control strategies. A stand-alone hardware setup was developed to create and capture the dynamics of a single vertebrae. Mechanically, this test setup was designed to accurately represent a core with cable attachments in two dimensions and eliminate sources of error, such as out of plane motion and fictional effects. Electrically, it was designed to have the ability to precisely dictate the forces the cables apply by using motors to change cable lengths. In addition, there is a camera vision component to the test setup that relays information about the position and rotation of the spine for closed loop control testing. Initial testing of the system, shows that we will be able to move the vertebrae by commanding the motors while tracking the state the vertebrae in real time to perform a variety of tests in both open and closed loop for verification of continued research in the lab. Future work will focus on increased performance and robustness of the test setup for application to a wider range testing possibilities.

Student:  Ellande Tang Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Alice Agogino Mentor:  Lee-Huang Chen Research Project Title:  Hardware Improvements to Tensegrity robots and a Potential Alternative Actuator for Linear Motion

Abstract: Tensegrity robots have tremendous potential for space exploration due to their deformability and compliance. Their innate impact resistance allows them to traverse rough or precipitous terrain with substantially reduced risk. However, tensegrity robots are hampered by their complex geometry, which makes them difficult to assemble and visualize on paper, as well as their primary method of actuation, which requires linear motion. This report examines the improvement of tensegrity assembly methods through improved rod end attachment hardware and re-evaluates the performance of a novel type of linear actuator inspired by twisting cable actuators as well as the double helix geometry of DNA.  The new endcaps were designed to interact more favorably with the single elastic lattice of the TT-4 mini tensegrity robot.  Incorporating grommets into the elastic prevents them from slipping off the rod ends as in previous designs. Additionally, the use dowel pins as wire guides improves manufacturability and allows effective end caps to be made without 3d-printing. Lastly, the introduction of threaded holes simultaneously allows for the lattice to be secured and to attach actuation cables without the need for tying knots. Combined with the other changes, this reduces tensegrity assembly time to under 5 minutes while addressing a number of the previous flaws of the design, improving durability and robustness.

The DNA actuator shows promise as an effective linear actuator. With the construction of a new, lower friction testing assembly, the characteristics of the actuator can be determined with more accuracy. The actuator in its current for displays potential as a practical linear actuator, as it displays interesting properties. Among them is the property of the required torque for actuation depending not upon load but upon the present number of rotations. These properties merit further analysis of the DNA actuator with different materials and geometric configurations.

Student:   Rachel   Thomasson Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Francesco Borrelli Mentor:  David Gealy Research Project Title:  Koko: A Low-Cost, 7 Degree-of-Freedom, Modular Robotic Arm Abstract

Students: Aliakbar Toghyan and Borna Dehghani Professor/Sponsor: Professor Alice Agogino Mentor: Kyunam Kim Sub Area: Controls Research Project Title: Tensegrity Robot

Abstract: Soft robotics and tensegrities are the new chapters to the world of robotics. The term “Tensegrity” is a combination of the words “Tensile” and “Integrity”, and it represents any structure consisting of elements that are only under tension or compression. The main objective of the Tensegrity research was to come up with a relatively low-cost but appropriate representative of NASA’s future explorer SUPERball. The purpose of making the early prototype was the initial approval of the control algorithm used for the movement of the robot, since the process of making the actual prototype in NASA is overly expensive and time consuming.

The robot consists of six rods that are connected by 24 elastic elements and it is formed into a sphere like configuration. The sphere would be able to roll by means of actuating the elastic components. As a team member I focused on designing a control algorithm for the robot. Based on simulation of the robot in Matlab, I found the optimized control algorithm for certain movements. Afterwards, I implemented the control system in the prototype and made sure that the robot had the desired motion.

Student:   Varna   Vasudevan Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Alice Agogino Mentor:  Danielle Poreh Research Project Title:  Redesigning Thedesignexchange Method Page To Assist Novice Designers In Embedding Design Methods Into Practice Abstract

Student:   Richard   Vuu Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Professor Dennis Lieu Mentor:  John Madura Research Project Title:  Designing an adjustable pedals system for a flywheel energy storage (FES) demonstration vehicle. Abstract

Student:  Zea   Wang Professor/Sponsor: Professor Tarek Zohdi Mentor: Maxwell Micali Research Project Title: Variable Nozzle

Abstract: As additive printing is gaining in popularity and increasing its uses, it is important to minimize build time while maintaining resolution throughout the part. A variable nozzle is able to accomplish this by changing the extrusion diameter while printing. A variable nozzle introduces additional flexibility in the 3D printing process. Not only will this make additive manufacturing more efficient, it will allow for artists to explore a new feature, further expanding the abilities 3D printing.

Our team’s design features the use of a mechanical iris mechanism to vary the diameter of the nozzle. This allows for the cross section of the mechanism to remain relatively circular as the diameter varies while printing. The 3D Potterbot, a ceramic printer, was chosen in order focus on the mechanical design without interference of heat and phase transitions in the material. In testing, the mechanical iris was successful in changing the size of the extruded material from 6mm to 20mm continuously. Problems came about as the iris reached the smaller diameters due to the bunching of the rubber liner between the clay and the mechanism. High pressure is also applied to the mechanism from the clay during extrusion making the rotation of the iris and therefore the changing of the diameter difficult.

This semester has been focused on testing the nozzle on a ceramics printer and documenting problems when implementing a variable nozzle. The second priority is finding ways of automating the entire system with a motor. The next steps of this research will focus mainly on the software needed when a variable nozzle is introduced. This includes changes in the slicer as well as the feed and print rates of the 3D printer in order to minimize the build time and provide the best possible resolution.

Students: Lee Weinstein and Martin Cacan Lab: Berkeley Manufacturing Institute Research Project Title: Battery-Replacement Scale Energy Harvesting From HVAC Flows

Abstract: The objective of the project is to create an energy scavenging device that produces over 100 μW of power in air flows of 2-5 m/s. These operating conditions are characteristic of HVAC systems, and the power output would be sufficient to run a low-power wireless sensor node at ~1% duty cycle.

The approach we have pursued is using a cylindrical obstacle inside an HVAC flow to trip vortex shedding. A fin attached to a piezoelectric bender vibrates and harvests energy as a result of an oscillatory pressure differential caused by periodic vortex shedding off of the obstacle.

An image and a few more details are available on our lab website: http://ame.berkeley.edu/

Student: Kriya Wong Professor/Sponsor: Professor Grace Gu Mentor: Zhizhou Zhang, Kahraman Demir Research Project Title: OwlFoil: Development of Bio-Inspired Multimaterial Composites

Abstract: The power of silent flight achieved by owls extends further than simple domination of the evolutionary arms race between predator and prey. Successful modeling and printing of wings have the potential to reform turbine and aerodynamic technology in terms of both energy efficiency and noise reduction. The characteristics of owl wings that render them silent are primarily the leading edge feathers and the trailing fringe of the wing, which work jointly to break up oncoming air currents and channel them along an invariant surface, minimizing the sound during flight. The leading edge feathers, which are typically smaller and more circular in shape, are lined with tiny serrations along the feather that are called pennula, whose primary purpose is to create roughness and texture along the wing that will break up the air currents into smaller streams called micro-turbulences, which raise the noise frequency of the air rushing over the wing to a higher frequency that is not detectable by prey and also humans. The trailing fringe further differentiates the owl from other birds in that the substructure of these feathers allow them to mesh into one another when the wings unfold, such that when the feathers spread, the outer fringe of the feathers create almost a single sheet with very little overlap, maximizing area and creating smoother surface which reduces noise and tapers out into larger, less densely packed barbule areas that break the air currents further into smaller streams to reduce noise. This project aims to create a base model for the computer-aided design (CAD) of synthetic, multi-material bird feathers, specifically of the male barn owl for the rapid prototype and development of 3D-printed feathers. Using an online database of primary feathers collected from the barn owl, three models from different regions of the wing were generated taking into account external feather spline, rachis or stem characteristic, curvature and barbule density. The properties of owls’ silent flight deemed to be the most impactful have been determined to be the comb-like pennula on the leading edge feathers and the fluid-like trailing fringe of the lower wing feathers, which work together to break air currents into smaller pockets as well as smooth the underside of the wing. The successful modeling and 3D-printing of these characteristic feathers unique to the owl have the potential to transform airfoil and turbine technology. As a crucial step towards the modeling of an entire wing, this project defines the parameters necessary for the realistic multi-material generation of owl flight feathers.

Student:  Michael   Zhang Area:  Design, Energy Science and Technology Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Dennis Lieu Research Project Title:  Inertial Storage and Recovery (INSTAR) Research Lab Application of Electronic Differentials

Abstract: The Inertial Storage and Recovery (INSTAR) lab is conducting research on adding alternative energy storage systems in the form of a flywheel to the traditional hybrid automobile in an effort to increase the efficiency of the vehicle. In order to test and collect data to further examine the validity and feasibility of the alternative energy storage systems, a test vehicle was built in the form of an electric go-kart. The projects in this report focus on the development of an electronic differential to increase overall efficiency of the vehicle as well as providing manufacturing support to other teams in the research lab.

Student: Sean Zhu Professor/Sponsor: Professor Alice Agogino Mentor: Cesar Torres Research Project Title: Design Exchange UI Abstract

Student:   Daniel   Zu Professor/Sponsor:  Professor Dennis Lieu Research Project Title:  Belt Drivetrain Design and Analysis Abstract

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Engineering articles within Scientific Reports

Article 28 June 2024 | Open Access

Research on shock wave driving technology of methane explosion

  • Chao-yuan Huang
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Preparation of Erlotinib hydrochloride nanoparticles (anti-cancer drug) by RESS-C method and investigating the effective parameters

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Nonlinear adaptive pose motion control of a servicer spacecraft in approximation with an accelerated tumbling target

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Information encoding and encryption in acoustic analogues of qubits

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  • , David Cavalluzzi
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Development and experimental validation of analytical models for water and mud inrushes through a filled karst conduit

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Peak response regularization for localization

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Investigating the applicability of novel hydrate dissociation inhibitors in oilwell cement through molecular simulations

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Development of overcurrent relay based on wavelet transform for fault detection in transmission line

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Study on compaction characteristics and mechanical model of dry crushing filling material under lateral confinement condition

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Variable data structures and customized deep learning surrogates for computationally efficient and reliable characterization of buried objects

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Multi-optimization for thermal deformation of gravitational wave telescope based on CFRP characteristics

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Deep learning-based prediction of plant height and crown area of vegetable crops using LiDAR point cloud

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Atmospheric pressure microwave (915 MHz) plasma for hydrogen production from steam reforming of ethanol

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Optimizing electric vehicle powertrains peak performance with robust predictive direct torque control of induction motors: a practical approach and experimental validation

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Article 27 June 2024 | Open Access

Application of improved and efficient image repair algorithm in rock damage experimental research

  • , Xianyin Qi
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Growth of bulk β-Ga 2 O 3 crystals from melt without precious-metal crucible by pulling from a cold container

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Investigation on the control of inclusions and tensile strength in Ce-treated P110-grade oil casing steel

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A significant exploration on meta-heuristic based approaches for optimization in the waste management route problems

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The effect of including a mobile arch, toe joint, and joint coupling on predictive neuromuscular simulations of human walking

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Safety evaluation method of bottom coal thickness in thick coal seam roadway

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  • , Shilin Song
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Micromachined needle-like calorimetric flow sensor for sap flux density measurement in the xylem of plants

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The structural evolution of undisturbed loess due to water infiltration

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Machine learning analysis of thermophysical and thermohydraulic properties in ethylene glycol- and glycerol-based SiO 2 nanofluids

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  • , K. V. Sharma
  •  &  Prabhu Paramasivam

Development of data-driven modeling method for nonlinear coupling components

  •  &  Seunghun Baek

Article 26 June 2024 | Open Access

Modeling Al-Qaraqoul canal before and after rehabilitation using HEC-RAS

  • Sara Zahran
  • , Essam A. Gooda
  •  &  Nesma AbdelMeged

Clinical evaluation of AI-assisted muscle ultrasound for monitoring muscle wasting in ICU patients

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Analysis of physical and mechanical behaviors and microscopic mineral characteristics of thermally damaged granite

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Enhanced coalbed methane well production prediction framework utilizing the CNN-BL-MHA approach

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Study on the path of high-quality development of the construction industry and its applicability

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ECAPA-TDNN based online discussion activity-level evaluation

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Prediction of CO 2 solubility in Ionic liquids for CO 2 capture using deep learning models

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  •  &  Shaukat Ali Mazari

Numerical study of diffusive fish farm system under time noise

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DG2GAN: improving defect recognition performance with generated defect image sample

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Development of superhydrophobic and superoleophilic CNT and BNNT coated copper meshes for oil/water separation

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Development of similar materials for fluid–solid coupling model testing and application in damage constitutive models

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Physical and thermomechanical characterization of unidirectional Helicteres isora fiber-reinforced polylactic acid bio-composites

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CT imaging-derived phenotypes for abdominal muscle and their association with age and sex in a medical biobank

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Mitigating sub-synchronous oscillation using intelligent damping control of DFIG based on improved TD3 algorithm with knowledge fusion

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Fluorescence excitation-scanning hyperspectral imaging with scalable 2D–3D deep learning framework for colorectal cancer detection

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Nuclear rupture induced by capillary constriction forces promotes differential effects on metastatic and normal breast cells

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  • , Sam H. Au
  •  &  Chris Bakal

High-brightness betatron emission from the interaction of a sub picosecond laser pulse with pre-ionized low-density polymer foam for ICF research

  • Mikhail Gyrdymov
  • , Jakub Cikhardt
  •  &  Olga N. Rosmej

Article 25 June 2024 | Open Access

Mechanical response of long-span CFST arch bridges based on the hydration heat temperature effect

  • , Qiang Wen
  •  &  Xianliang Tan

Designing prepacked aggregate concrete for improved mechanical properties and its field application in constructing steel tube concrete

  • Xiaojun Zhou
  • , Shiming Bai
  •  &  Xianliang Zhou

Starch vs. tannin as biodegradable reagents for ultrafine hematite depression

  • Mehrdad Kordloo
  • , Ahmad Rahmanian
  •  &  Saeed Chehreh Chelgani

Experiment-guided tuning of muscle–tendon parameters to estimate muscle fiber lengths and passive forces

  • Israel Luis
  • , Maarten Afschrift
  •  &  Elena M. Gutierrez-Farewik

A comparative study of an advanced skin imaging system in diagnosing facial pigmentary and inflammatory conditions

  • Yu-Wen Huang
  • , Walter Arkesteijn
  •  &  Chau Yee Ng

MXene-based novel nanocomposites doped SnO 2 for boosting the performance of perovskite solar cells

  • T. F. Alhamada
  • , M. A. Azmah Hanim
  •  &  M. A. M. Teridi

An entropy based spatial–temporal cube with its application to assess stress of overburden due to mining

  • Changde Yang
  • , Yang Chen
  •  &  Chunshui Huang

Stiffness analysis and structural optimization design of an air spring for ships

  • Yuqiang Cheng
  •  &  Changgeng Shuai


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Browse engineering topics/papers by subfields, engineering research papers/topics, exploring medical polymeric nanoarchitectures for safety in covid-era.

COVID-19 outbreak has rapidly disseminated across the globe, with severe consequences on humanity. Personal protective polymeric materials (PPPM) or personal protective equipments (PPE) are effective barrier protection against bodily fluid penetration and is compulsory for medical personnel to wear during medication of highly contagious COVID-19 patients in varying hospital wards across the globe to ensure protection against contraction. Nanotechnology (NT) advancements in textiles have avail...

A Review: Progress in Electrical conductivity, Electromagnetic interference and Energy Storage Applications of MXene Polymeric Nanocomposites

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Treatment of tea industry wastewater using a combined adsorption and advanced oxidation process

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The Relationship Between Risk Taking and Performance of Small and Medium Agro Processing Enterprises in Kenya

Abstract The element of risk taking in entrepreneurial orientation reflects calculated and manageable risks. Risk taking is a dominant attribute of entrepreneurship as the higher the risk-taking orientation, the higher a firm’s profitability and growth. This purpose of this paper was to establish the influence of entrepreneurial risk taking and firm performance of agro processing small and medium enterprises in Kenya. The study findings revealed that risk taking has a positive impact on fi...

Science And Engineering Research: Assessment Methods

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Co-Cultivation and Matching of Early- and Late-Maturing Pearl Millet Varieties to Sowing Windows Can Enhance Climate-Change Adaptation in Semi-Arid Sub-Saharan Agroecosystems

Abstract In semi-arid regions, climate change has affected crop growing season length and sowing time, potentially causing low yield of the rainfed staple crop pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) and food insecurity among smallholder farmers. In this study, we used 1994–2023 rainfall data from Namibia’s semi-arid North-Central Region (NCR), receiving November–April summer rainfall, to analyze rainfall patterns and trends and their implications on the growing season to propose climate ...

Effects of organic carbon content on in situ remediation time using steam–air injection

Abstract Groundwater contamination by chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHC) is a common phenomenon that poses health risks to both humans and animals. These halogenated hydrocarbons infiltrate into the soil matrices and form pools at the bottoms of the aquifers thus contaminating the groundwater sources. Thermally enhanced soil vapour extraction (TSVE) using steam–air injection has gained popularity as an alternative technique to remediate the saturated and vadose source zones contaminated with C...

Effects of Increased Land Use Changes on Runoff and Sediment Yield in the Upper River Nzoia Catchment

Abstract River Nzoia originates from three water towers namely Nandi hills, Cherengany Hills and Mount Elgon. With increased anthropogenic activities in Nzoia river catchments, land cover has continuously been altered. This scenario has resulted into increased quantity of physical parameters in runoff among them, sediment load and turbidity, during rainy season. This study modelled effects of increased land use changes on runoff and sediment loads. Digital Elevation Model, spatial soil data,...

Investigation of Structural and Electronic Properties of CH3NH3PbI3 Stabilized by Varying Concentrations of Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) (PMMA)

Abstract Studies have shown that perovskites have a high potential of outdoing silicon based solar cells in terms of solar energy conversion, but their rate of degradation is also high. This study reports on improvement on the stability of CH3NH3PbI3 by passivating it with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). Structural and electronic properties of CH3NH3PbI3 stabilized by polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) were investigated by varying concentrations of PMMA in the polymer solutions. Stability tests we...

Simulation of deformation behaviour of Aluminium 7075 during Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP)

Abstract This paper presents a finite element simulation of equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) since it is one of the most common and successful severe plastic deformation techniques. This study reports the influence of the most significant factors influencing the ECAP technique. Through finite element simulation, the effect of the die geometry, workpiece geometry, and the pressing speed on the effective strain distributions, damage, and pressing loads, were investigated. The influence of...

Assessment of rainwater harvesting potential of Rachuonyo North Sub-Catchment in Kenya using the Australian water balance model

Abstract Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is emerging as a promising alternative source of water in sub-Saharan Africa. It can be an alternative source of good-quality water to substitute other freshwater sources, to enable crop production beyond the growing season through supplemental irrigation as well as to improve the environment by minimizing the effect of drought and floods. The Rachuonyo North Sub-County of Kenya experiences low rainfall coupled with high population with limited access to r...

The estimation of broiler respiration rate based on the semantic segmentation and video amplification

Abstract Respiratory rate is an indicator of a broilers’ stress and health status, thus, it is essential to detect respiratory rate contactless and stress-freely. This study proposed an estimation method of broiler respiratory rate by deep learning and machine vision. Experiments were performed at New Hope (Shandong Province, P. R. China) and Wen’s group (Guangdong Province, P. R. China), and a total of 300 min of video data were collected. By separating video frames, a data set of 3,000...

Status of Micro-Hydrokinetic River Technology Turbines Application for Rural Electrification in Africa

Abstract Energy accessibility, reliability and availability are key components of improved quality of life and human development in all spheres. As the United Nations’ SDG 7 calls for access to electricity for all by 2030, Africa still has a wide gap to fill as the statistics show that 85% of the population that will not have access to electricity is in Africa. As the world tries to wean itself off non-renewable energy and transition to green through use of renewable energy sources, hydrop...

Effect of Micro Lime on The Ambient Cured Sugarcane Bagasse Ash-Based Geopolymer Concrete

Abstract Geopolymer concrete has been the ideal replacement for Ordinary Portland cement concrete in producing green concrete. The binder in geopolymer concrete is a cementitious paste made from amorphous Aluminosilicate and activated by an Alkaline solution. The geopolymerization process is initiated at elevated temperatures. Thus, the curing requires elevated temperatures. This curing method limits the application of geopolymer concrete in the construction industry. In a geopolymer mix, th...

River flow modelling for flood prediction using artificial neural network in ungauged Perkerra catchment, Baringo County, Kenya

Abstract rtificial neural network (ANN) modelling has been applied successfully in hydrology to predict future flows based on previous rainfall-runoff values. For a long time, flooding has been experienced in the surrounding areas of the Rift Valley lakes including Lake Baringo, fed by the River Perkerra, due to the rising water levels because of the above-normal rainfall season, resulting in massive socioeconomic losses. The study aims at predicting the occurrence of floods in River Perkerr...

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There is a variety of rules and regulations regarding the electrical circuitry in, on and around a ship. While the requirements of the NFPA 70E are not used to govern the electrical connections on a vessel many of the safety requirements found in this guide for electrical safety can be...

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Identifying Non-Technical Skill Gaps in Software Engineering Education: What Experts Expect But Students Don’t Learn

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Opportunities and Challenges in Code Search Tools

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Psychometrics in Behavioral Software Engineering: A Methodological Introduction with Guidelines

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Towards an Anatomy of Software Craftsmanship

Context: The concept of software craftsmanship has early roots in computing, and in 2009, the Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship was formulated as a reaction to how the Agile methods were practiced and taught. But software craftsmanship has seldom been studied from a software engineering perspective. Objective: The objective of this article is to systematize an anatomy of software craftsmanship through literature studies and a longitudinal case study. Method: We performed a snowballing literature review based on an initial set of nine papers, resulting in 18 papers and 11 books. We also performed a case study following seven years of software development of a product for the financial market, eliciting qualitative, and quantitative results. We used thematic coding to synthesize the results into categories. Results: The resulting anatomy is centered around four themes, containing 17 principles and 47 hierarchical practices connected to the principles. We present the identified practices based on the experiences gathered from the case study, triangulating with the literature results. Conclusion: We provide our systematically derived anatomy of software craftsmanship with the goal of inspiring more research into the principles and practices of software craftsmanship and how these relate to other principles within software engineering in general.

On the Reproducibility and Replicability of Deep Learning in Software Engineering

Context: Deep learning (DL) techniques have gained significant popularity among software engineering (SE) researchers in recent years. This is because they can often solve many SE challenges without enormous manual feature engineering effort and complex domain knowledge. Objective: Although many DL studies have reported substantial advantages over other state-of-the-art models on effectiveness, they often ignore two factors: (1) reproducibility —whether the reported experimental results can be obtained by other researchers using authors’ artifacts (i.e., source code and datasets) with the same experimental setup; and (2) replicability —whether the reported experimental result can be obtained by other researchers using their re-implemented artifacts with a different experimental setup. We observed that DL studies commonly overlook these two factors and declare them as minor threats or leave them for future work. This is mainly due to high model complexity with many manually set parameters and the time-consuming optimization process, unlike classical supervised machine learning (ML) methods (e.g., random forest). This study aims to investigate the urgency and importance of reproducibility and replicability for DL studies on SE tasks. Method: In this study, we conducted a literature review on 147 DL studies recently published in 20 SE venues and 20 AI (Artificial Intelligence) venues to investigate these issues. We also re-ran four representative DL models in SE to investigate important factors that may strongly affect the reproducibility and replicability of a study. Results: Our statistics show the urgency of investigating these two factors in SE, where only 10.2% of the studies investigate any research question to show that their models can address at least one issue of replicability and/or reproducibility. More than 62.6% of the studies do not even share high-quality source code or complete data to support the reproducibility of their complex models. Meanwhile, our experimental results show the importance of reproducibility and replicability, where the reported performance of a DL model could not be reproduced for an unstable optimization process. Replicability could be substantially compromised if the model training is not convergent, or if performance is sensitive to the size of vocabulary and testing data. Conclusion: It is urgent for the SE community to provide a long-lasting link to a high-quality reproduction package, enhance DL-based solution stability and convergence, and avoid performance sensitivity on different sampled data.

Predictive Software Engineering: Transform Custom Software Development into Effective Business Solutions

The paper examines the principles of the Predictive Software Engineering (PSE) framework. The authors examine how PSE enables custom software development companies to offer transparent services and products while staying within the intended budget and a guaranteed budget. The paper will cover all 7 principles of PSE: (1) Meaningful Customer Care, (2) Transparent End-to-End Control, (3) Proven Productivity, (4) Efficient Distributed Teams, (5) Disciplined Agile Delivery Process, (6) Measurable Quality Management and Technical Debt Reduction, and (7) Sound Human Development.

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Software (ISSN: 2674-113X) [...]

Improving bioinformatics software quality through incorporation of software engineering practices

Background Bioinformatics software is developed for collecting, analyzing, integrating, and interpreting life science datasets that are often enormous. Bioinformatics engineers often lack the software engineering skills necessary for developing robust, maintainable, reusable software. This study presents review and discussion of the findings and efforts made to improve the quality of bioinformatics software. Methodology A systematic review was conducted of related literature that identifies core software engineering concepts for improving bioinformatics software development: requirements gathering, documentation, testing, and integration. The findings are presented with the aim of illuminating trends within the research that could lead to viable solutions to the struggles faced by bioinformatics engineers when developing scientific software. Results The findings suggest that bioinformatics engineers could significantly benefit from the incorporation of software engineering principles into their development efforts. This leads to suggestion of both cultural changes within bioinformatics research communities as well as adoption of software engineering disciplines into the formal education of bioinformatics engineers. Open management of scientific bioinformatics development projects can result in improved software quality through collaboration amongst both bioinformatics engineers and software engineers. Conclusions While strides have been made both in identification and solution of issues of particular import to bioinformatics software development, there is still room for improvement in terms of shifts in both the formal education of bioinformatics engineers as well as the culture and approaches of managing scientific bioinformatics research and development efforts.

Inter-team communication in large-scale co-located software engineering: a case study

AbstractLarge-scale software engineering is a collaborative effort where teams need to communicate to develop software products. Managers face the challenge of how to organise work to facilitate necessary communication between teams and individuals. This includes a range of decisions from distributing work over teams located in multiple buildings and sites, through work processes and tools for coordinating work, to softer issues including ensuring well-functioning teams. In this case study, we focus on inter-team communication by considering geographical, cognitive and psychological distances between teams, and factors and strategies that can affect this communication. Data was collected for ten test teams within a large development organisation, in two main phases: (1) measuring cognitive and psychological distance between teams using interactive posters, and (2) five focus group sessions where the obtained distance measurements were discussed. We present ten factors and five strategies, and how these relate to inter-team communication. We see three types of arenas that facilitate inter-team communication, namely physical, virtual and organisational arenas. Our findings can support managers in assessing and improving communication within large development organisations. In addition, the findings can provide insights into factors that may explain the challenges of scaling development organisations, in particular agile organisations that place a large emphasis on direct communication over written documentation.

Aligning Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence With Transdisciplinary

Study examined AI and SE transdisciplinarity to find ways of aligning them to enable development of AI-SE transdisciplinary theory. Literature review and analysis method was used. The findings are AI and SE transdisciplinarity is tacit with islands within and between them that can be linked to accelerate their transdisciplinary orientation by codification, internally developing and externally borrowing and adapting transdisciplinary theories. Lack of theory has been identified as the major barrier toward towards maturing the two disciplines as engineering disciplines. Creating AI and SE transdisciplinary theory would contribute to maturing AI and SE engineering disciplines.  Implications of study are transdisciplinary theory can support mode 2 and 3 AI and SE innovations; provide an alternative for maturing two disciplines as engineering disciplines. Study’s originality it’s first in SE, AI or their intersections.

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Cyber evaluation and management toolkit (cemt): face validity of model-based cybersecurity decision making.

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1. Introduction

1.1. background.

“The DON needs a new approach to cybersecurity that goes beyond compliance because our over-reliance on compliance has resulted in insecure systems, which jeopardise the missions these systems support. Instead of a compliance mindset, the DON will shift to Cyber Ready, where the right to operate is earned and managed every day. The DON will make this transition by adhering to an operationally relevant, threat-informed process that affordably reduces risk and produces capabilities that remain secure after they have been delivered at speed”. [ 5 ] (p. 7)

1.2. Literature Review

1.3. cyberworthiness.

“The desired outcome of a range of policy and assurance activities that allow the operation of Defence platforms, systems and networks in a contested cyber environment. It is a pragmatic, outcome-focused approach designed to ensure all Defence capabilities are fit-for-purpose against cyber threats”. [ 43 ]
“2.10 The seaworthiness governance principles require that seaworthiness decisions are made:
a. mindfully—decisions are more effective and less likely to have unintended consequences when they are made with a thorough understanding of the context, the required outcome, the options available, and their implications now and in the future
b. collaboratively—obtaining input from all stakeholders and engaging in joint problem-solving results in better decisions (bearing in mind that collaboration does not necessarily require consensus)
c. accountably—decisions only become effective when people take accountability for making them happen
d. transparently—decisions are more effective when everyone understands what has been decided and why”. [ 44 ] (p.33)

1.4. Addressing the Problem

  • Usability—there is limited ability to easily create and review these graph-based threat assessments, especially in large, complex systems;
  • Efficiency—reusability of these assessments is limited in comparison to compliance-based approaches that re-apply a common control set;
  • Maintainability—it is difficult to update complex graph-based assessments without specialised toolsets as the system or threat environment evolves.
  • Are integrated threat models, developed using model-based systems engineering (MBSE) techniques, an effective and efficient basis for the assessment and evaluation of cyberworthiness?
  • Do the developed threat models provide decision makers with the necessary understanding to make informed security risk decisions?
  • Does the process provide sufficient reusability and maintainability that the methodology is more efficient than prevailing compliance-based approaches?
  • Do cybersecurity risk practitioners prefer the integrated threat model approach to traditional security risk assessment processes?

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. threat-based cybersecurity engineering.

  • Threat Context, derived from the system or capability design/architecture;
  • Threat Identification, provided by the Cyber Threat Intelligence function within an organisation;
  • Threat Insight, contributed by the Cyber Threat Emulation function within an organisation;
  • Best Practice Controls, distilled from the various cybersecurity frameworks available within the cybersecurity body of knowledge.
  • Preventative Controls, a baseline of preventative cybersecurity controls within the system, for inclusion in the system design;
  • Detecting Controls, a baseline of detection and response controls relevant to the system, for implementation by the Cyber Operations function within an organisation;
  • Recovery Controls, a baseline of recovery and resilience controls relevant to the system, for implementation by the System Operations function within an organisation;
  • Residual Risk, the overall risk presented by the threats to the capability given the mitigation mechanisms that are in place.

2.2. Cyber Evaluation and Management Toolkit (CEMT)

2.3. cemt sample model, 2.3.1. threat modelling.

  • Misuse case diagrams;
  • Intermediate mal-activity diagrams;
  • Detailed mal-activity diagrams.

2.3.2. Threat Mitigation

  • Allocating assets to the threat model;
  • Tracing controls to the threat model.

2.3.3. Risk Assessment

  • Attack tree assessment;
  • Parametric risk analysis;
  • Risk evaluation.

2.4. Achieving Threat-Based Cybersecurity Engineering

2.5. efficiency through automation.

  • Automated update of complex drawings and simulations to ensure that changes to the design or threat environment can be incorporated efficiently into the threat model;
  • Automated model validation to ensure that basic review tasks are automated, allowing expert reviewers to focus on the actual threat assessment component;
  • Automated documentation to ensure that the process of creating enduring design artefacts is efficient and accurate.

3.1. Face Validity Trial Setup

3.2. face validity trial data collection and setup, 4. discussion.

  • Appropriateness of the assessed controls to the system being assessed, as demonstrated by the responses to Question 1;
  • Prioritisation of controls, as demonstrated by the responses to Questions 6 and 14;
  • Ability for non-expert decision makers to understand the assessment, as demonstrated by Questions 7, 8, and 17.

4.1. Significance

  • Extended Model-Based Taxonomy—an extension of an open model-based systems engineering language such as UML or SysML; this is provided to facilitate a model-based approach;
  • Threat Focused—the threats to the system, rather than a best-practice control baseline or asset hierarchy, is used as the focal point of the assessment;
  • Detailed Adversary Modelling—the actions of the adversary are modelled in detail, facilitating a precise discussion and review of any threat analysis;
  • Visualisation and Simulation of Threat—detailed adversary modelling is expressed in simplified graphs such as attack trees, and branches of those graphs can be simulated quantitatively;
  • Explicit Traceability to Threats—derived security controls are directly traceable to adversary actions, facilitating discussion and review of the importance of each control in terms of the malicious action it mitigates.

4.2. Future Work

5. conclusions, author contributions, data availability statement, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest.

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Survey QuestionStrongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
Q1The CEMT produces risk assessments that are tailored to the context in which the system operates00155035
Q2Cyberworthiness assessments are simple to produce using the CEMT50403520
Q3The CEMT is an effective use of time00302545
Q4The CEMT process is intuitive05254525
Q5The CEMT encourages stakeholders to work collaboratively to determine the residual risk level00103555
Q6The CEMT clearly identifies which security controls are important to the system0055540
Q7The CEMT produces transparent cyberworthiness assessments05104045
Q8The CEMT facilitates informed decision making with respect to the identified cybersecurity risks0055045
Q9The CEMT produces cyberworthiness assessments that have ongoing value through the future phases of the capability life cycle00104050
Q10The CEMT would improve my understanding of the cyberworthiness of a system00102070
Q11The CEMT produces accurate assessments of a system’s cyberworthiness010203535
Q12The CEMT facilitates the engagement of stakeholders and the provision of meaningful input from those stakeholders into a cyberworthiness assessment00204040
Q13The cyberworthiness assessments produced by the CEMT are sufficiently detailed05203045
Q14The CEMT identifies the relative impact of security controls with respect to the cyberworthiness of the system05154040
Q15The CEMT is not overly dependent on the subjective opinion of subject matter experts00305020
Q16The CEMT provides sufficient information to allow decision makers to be accountable for their decisions010153540
Q17The CEMT clearly highlights the areas of greatest cyber risk to the system00153550
Q18The CEMT adds value to a system and/or project0053560
Q19The CEMT provides a complete and comprehensive approach to determining cyberworthiness510105025
Q20The CEMT is an improvement over existing cyberworthiness assessment processes05102065
Model-Based Security
Assessment Approach
Extended Model-Based TaxonomyThreat FocusedDetailed Adversary ModellingVisualisation and Simulation of ThreatsExplicit Traceability to Threats
2Larsen et al. [ ]YNNNN
4Navas et al. [ ]YYNNN
5Geissman et al. [ ]YYNNN
9SysML-Sec [ ]YNNNN
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Share and Cite

Fowler, S.; Joiner, K.; Ma, S. Cyber Evaluation and Management Toolkit (CEMT): Face Validity of Model-Based Cybersecurity Decision Making. Systems 2024 , 12 , 238. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems12070238

Fowler S, Joiner K, Ma S. Cyber Evaluation and Management Toolkit (CEMT): Face Validity of Model-Based Cybersecurity Decision Making. Systems . 2024; 12(7):238. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems12070238

Fowler, Stuart, Keith Joiner, and Siqi Ma. 2024. "Cyber Evaluation and Management Toolkit (CEMT): Face Validity of Model-Based Cybersecurity Decision Making" Systems 12, no. 7: 238. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems12070238

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