U.S. News Grad Rankings: Berkeley Social Sciences departments among America's best

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The 2024 U.S. News & World Report graduate rankings are out. Several departments in Berkeley Social Sciences continue to top the list.  Sociology ranked No. 1, Psychology No. 1, History No. 1, Economics No. 4 and Political Science No. 4.

"I'm very proud that University of California, Berkeley Social Sciences once again has some of our nation's best academic programs," Berkeley Social Sciences Dean Raka Ray said. 

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Penn School of Social Policy & Practice Ranked Among Best Graduate Schools by U.S News & World Report

U.S News & World Report

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The University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice (SP2) has been named among the top 10 schools of social work in the 2020 U.S. News & World Report ranking of Best Graduate Schools.

Each year, U.S. News & World Report unveils its ranking of professional school programs in business, education, engineering, law, medicine, and nursing— including specialties in each area. The rankings are based on expert opinions about program excellence and statistical indicators that measure the quality of a school’s faculty, research, and students.

“For more than a century, the School of Social Policy & Practice has promoted innovation, impact, and inclusion in social work and social policy. Our faculty, students, and staff exemplify excellence in educating practitioners, policymakers, and researchers to advance social justice,” said Sara “Sally” Bachman, PhD, Dean of the School of Social Policy & Practice. “We are proud that our commitment to these values has resulted in our rising in the school of social work rankings.”

Founded in 1908 as the School of Social Work, the Penn School of Social Policy & Practice was the first Ivy League school to offer a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree and is now home to four other transdisciplinary programs, including the Master of Science in Social Policy (MSSP), Master of Science in Nonprofit Leadership (NPL), PhD in Social Welfare, and a Doctorate in Clinical Social Work (DSW). The School also offers an array of dual degree programs, submatriculation programs for undergraduates, and specialized certificates.

In addition, the School’s premier research centers address violence and abuse in relationships, child welfare policies, social impact strategy, older adults’ health and mental needs, carceral communities, high-impact philanthropy, and veteran homelessness.

While SP2 has frequently featured on the U.S News & World Report list of Best Graduate Schools, the 2020 ranking marks the School’s first appearance among the top 10 list in its category.

Sara S. Bachman, PhD

Sara S. Bachman, PhD

office: 215.898.5512

fax: 215.573.2099


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Programs of Study

Consistently ranked among the top ten social science research universities in the world, the Division of the Social Sciences is at the vanguard of inquiry and impact. The Division offers Doctoral degrees in nine programs , Masters in four , and  opportunities for joint degrees with other University of Chicago divisions and professional schools.

Doctoral Programs

  • Anthropology
  • Comparative Human Development
  • Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science
  • Political Science
  • Social Thought

Masters Programs

  • Computational Social Science
  • International Relations
  • Middle Eastern Studies
  • Social Sciences

Joint/Dual Doctoral Programs

  • Anthropology and Linguistics
  • Cognition and Linguistics
  • Financial Economics
  • Psychology and Business
  • Social Thought and Classics
  • Social Thought and Philosophy
  • Political Economy

Joint/Dual Masters Programs

  • JD/MA in International Relations
  • MPP/MA in Middle Eastern Studies
  • MBA/MA in International Relations
  • MBA/MA in Area Studies
  • MA in Public Policy and International Relations

Undergraduates and the Social Sciences

Undergraduates at the University of Chicago  apply to  and receive admission from the  College .  As part of the  Core  and through their  Major and Minor  programs, their interaction with the Division’s distinguished faculty is a cornerstone of their UChicago experience. 

The Division, in concert with the College, offers  BA/MA opportunities for undergraduates , and Division faculty offer a host of research positions for undergraduates throughout the academic year to more closely engage them in the core mission of the institution.

UChicago College

Quick links, joint ba/ma degrees, uchicagograd.

The social sciences are the means by which we come to understand the world in which we live.

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Department of Sociology

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Ph.D. in Sociology


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Department of Sociology

Ranked among the top 10 programs in the U.S. (U.S. News & World Report), the UCI graduate program in sociology offers students six years of guaranteed funding .

Scholars in the department have a proven record of earning competitive research funding from national agencies including the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health; from private foundations including the Russell Sage Foundation and Grant Foundation; and from campus-level fellowships, such as the Public Impact, Fletcher Jones, and Chancellor's Club fellowships.

Faculty in the department publish regularly in the field's top academic journals, and graduate students have incredible opportunities to publish alongside them.

And if that wasn't enough, the UCI campus is located less than 10 miles from Newport Beach, is the #1 university doing the most for the American dream ( New York Times College Access Index ), and the #1 best value university in the U.S. ( Forbes ). And USA Today College ranked UCI the #8 best place to earn a sociology degree ( U.S. News & World Report ).

Learn more about sociology at UCI...

university committed to economic diversity and upward mobility - New York Times College Access Index

best college in the nation - Money Magazine

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Best Social Psychology Programs

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Social psychologists are often niche practitioners who examine how environment affects a person's behaviors. This branch of psychology focuses on thoughts, feelings and behavior. These are the top schools for social psychology. Read the methodology »

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PhD Degree Requirements

Phd overview.

PhD students receive training in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, sociological theory, and major substantive fields within sociology such as gender, sexuality, environment, race and ethnicity, culture, social networks, labor, immigration, and political economy. The department places a strong emphasis on research, and many students will find opportunities to participate in projects conducted by faculty members.

MA or MS and PhD in Sociology

Students are required to complete 55 credit hours of graduate-level work for the master’s degree, and an additional 20 credits, plus 18 dissertation credits, for the PhD. Students who have earned a master’s degree from another program must still complete the master’s paper requirement from the department as one of the steps toward earning the PhD. 

Students having completed graduate-level work in sociology prior to admission to the department may transfer credits to fulfill department requirements if a formal request is submitted to and approved by the Curriculum Committee. Most graduate courses are five (5) credit hours. All required courses must be taken on a graded basis. Students who are Graduate Employees (almost all students their first few years) usually take two or three (2-3)courses per term. The minimum number of credits required for students to enroll in is nine (9) if they have a contract, and three (3) if they do not.

Required Courses

Sociology 607 (Introduction to Graduate Sociology) All incoming students must take this seminar for three (3) credits. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the department and the university community and should be taken their first term.

  • Sociology 512 and 513 (Sociological Research Methods): These courses cover quantitative methods, including hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, multiple regression, regression methods with dichotomous and limited dependent variables, and an overview of other advanced quantitative methods. 
  • Sociology 612 (Research Design): This course provides hands-on coverage of research design issues, including problem/question formulation, literature review, hypothesis construction, sampling decisions, choice of method for data collection, and strategies for data analysis. The final assignment is a comprehensive proposal for research suitable for the master’s paper requirement. To assist their progress toward the proposal, students work through exercises resulting in draft components of the proposal. Enrollment is normally restricted to sociology graduate students. 
  • Two (2) advanced methods courses (Sociology 613), one (1) of which can be taken post-master’s. Advanced methods classes taken must include two (2) separate methods, as determined by the judgment of the student’s advisor.
  • One (1) advanced theory course (Sociology 615): These courses focus on specialized traditions of social theory or the works of a major theorist. A second advanced theory course can be substituted for one of the substantive graduate seminars (see G below), as long as the content differs substantially from the first 615 course, as determined by the student’s advisor. The second course may be taken post-master’s. 
  • Sociology 617 and Sociology 618 (Sociological Theory I and II): These courses cover major 19th, 20th, and 21st century social theorists, especially Marx, Weber, and Durkheim, and major themes in contemporary sociological theory.

Substantive Seminars

Students must take four (4) substantive graduate seminars or three (3) substantive seminars and a second advanced theory course. In either case, at least two (2)substantive seminars must be taken pre-master’s. 

The substantive seminars are: 

  • Sociology 616 (Environment and Resources)
  • Sociology 644 (Race and Ethnicity)
  • Sociology 646 (Work and Organizations)
  • Sociology 656 (Issues in the Sociology of Gender)
  • Sociology 664 (Political and Economic Sociology)

Any of the above seminars may be taken more than once, so long as the class content differs substantially each time. Both syllabi must be submitted to the Curriculum Committee to confirm the difference.

Master’s Paper and Electives

To meet the master’s requirement, students take two (2) classes (10 credits) of electives in sociology at the 500- or 600-level. Only one (1) independent study course (SOC 601 - Research or SOC 605 - Reading), taken for a grade, can  be used to meet elective requirements.

Students register for five (5) credits of SOC 608 - Master’s Paper in the term they complete their master’s paper.

Master’s Paper

  • All students must complete a master’s paper. Students should be able to complete the course requirements for a master’s degree and the master’s paper requirement in their first six (6) terms of enrollment. Students can be granted an extension to a seventh term without consequence if they make a formal request in writing before the end of their sixth term providing a brief explanation of the reason the extension is required, and so long as this request is approved by both committee members and the director of graduate studies. Students who have not completed the requirements within the first six (6) terms will not be in good standing and will not be assured of a GE position until they complete the requirements (they may receive one if a position is available). Students who do not complete the requirements by the end of nine (9) quarters of enrollment will need to appeal for an extension. This extension will only be granted if both committee members, the director of graduate studies, and the department head agree that it is warranted. 
  • The paper is to report original empirical research with an appropriate theoretical context. The paper should be of a style, length, and content appropriate for submission to a peer-reviewed journal in the social sciences. The standard of assessment is whether the paper is worthy of submission to the selected journal. 
  • The student may base the paper on research conducted for an academic degree at another institution or in another program at the University of Oregon. With the approval of the committee, the student may also submit for this requirement an article already published or accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed social science journal. A student who has completed an empirically based master’s thesis that is sociological in content in another program may revise it so that it fits with the department’s expectations and format and submit it for the master’s paper requirement. 
  • For the master’s paper, the student will need to select a committee of two faculty members, one of whom is the chair. The thesis committee does not require an outside member or an oral defense. The Master’s Paper requirement is met when both committee members approve the paper.

Comprehensive Examination 

The Comprehensive Examination (c-exam) will determine the degree to which a student has gained a mastery over the substantive knowledge, theory and methodology of one area of sociological inquiry distinct from the area to which the master’s paper contributes as determined by the c-exam committee. 

  • The area of the examination is selected by the student in consultation with a special committee consisting of at least three (3) faculty members, two (2) of whom must be sociology faculty; the chair of the committee must also be a sociology faculty member. The committee will be responsible for preparing and evaluating the examination. The examination is a three-day (3-day) written examination of the student’s mastery of a reading list approved by the committee. Although the student may suggest a list of questions for the examination, the committee decides on the questions. The committee poses the questions to the student at the start of the exam, and the student has three (3) days to submit their answers.
  • In defining the areas of examination, the committee has the responsibility of guarding against both narrow specialization and unrealistically broad aspirations on the part of the student. The current list of sections within the American Sociological Association should serve as models for balancing breadth and depth.
  • Students who fail to pass an examination on the first attempt will be permitted to take the examination a second time. Students failing an examination twice will be terminated from the program. 
  • To remain in good standing, a requirement for assurance of departmental funding, students must complete the c-exam by the end of their ninth term of enrollment (excluding summers) in the department based on the regular academic calendar.
  • Students should negotiate in advance with the c-exam committee for when they can commit to completing the evaluation. The committee should be given at least three (3) weeks to complete its evaluation.
  • Students are advanced to candidacy after completing coursework and passing the c-exam. Students will be promoted to GE 3 the term after advancement.  

Doctoral Dissertation 

Once the c-exam and coursework are complete, students are advanced to candidacy and begin work on their dissertation proposal.

  • The doctoral dissertation committee will be composed of at least three (3) sociology faculty members and an additional outside member of the UO graduate faculty not affiliated with the Department of Sociology who serves as a representative of the Dean of the Graduate School. This committee should be proposed to the Dean of the Graduate School by the fall of the student’s fifth year of enrollment and no later than six (6) months before the date of completion of the Ph.D. degree.
  • The dissertation committee will be formed at the student’s initiative after passing the Comprehensive Examination (c-exam). All PhD candidates must prepare a dissertation proposal and formally defend it before their committee no later than the fall of their fifth year of enrollment, or they will not be in good academic standing, potentially making them ineligible for departmental funding. Students are encouraged to defend before the end of their fourth year in the program.
  • The student should refer to the Style Manual for Theses and Dissertations published by the graduate school. This manual includes regulations for the dissertation and a checklist of timing for completion of certain administrative procedures.
  • Students are required to enroll in at least three (3) credits of SOC 603 both the term before they defend AND the term they defend.

Apply to Our Graduate Program

Ready to apply? Start your application on Slate, the centralized application portal for graduate admissions at the University of Oregon.

Graduate Program Director

Kari Marie Norgaard Email: [email protected] Phone number: 541-346-8615 Office hours: By appointment

Graduate Coordinators

Sharon Kaplan Email: [email protected]

Rachel Claric Email: [email protected]

RIT graduate pursues Ph.D. across time zones

Nastaran Nagshineh is shown with other faculty in a small room where she defended her thesis.

Nastaran Nagshineh, center, defended her Ph.D. thesis at RIT in April. Faculty from RIT’s Rochester and Dubai campuses served on her thesis committee and include, from left to right, Kathleen Lamkin-Kennard, Steven Weinstein, Nathaniel Barlow, and David Kofke (a professor at the University at Buffalo). Mohamed Samaha participated remotely and appears on the video screen behind the group and alongside Nagshineh’s picture.

Nastaran Nagshineh is one of the first Ph.D. candidates to bridge RIT’s Rochester and Dubai campuses. Her accomplishment creates a path for future students at the university’s international campuses.

Nagshineh completed her Ph.D. in mathematical modeling while working full time as a mathematics lecturer at RIT Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, teaching as many as five classes a semester. She described her Ph.D. journey as “an exercise in perseverance” due to competing demands and long days. Rochester is eight hours behind Dubai, and the time difference meant many late-night classes and meetings.

“I saw this collaboration as an opportunity, rather than as a challenge, because my primary adviser, Dr. Steven Weinstein (RIT professor of chemical engineering), and my co-adviser, Dr. Mohamed Samaha (RIT Dubai associate professor of mechanical engineering), both have the same area of research interest,” she said. “They both worked toward my success.”

Nagshineh is one of 67 RIT Ph.D. students who defended their thesis this academic year and who will earn their doctorate. RIT awarded 63 Ph.D. degrees in 2023.

In 2020-2021, RIT’s Graduate School met and surpassed the university’s goal of conferring 50 Ph.D. degrees during an academic year. That number will continue to grow as students cycle through the seven new Ph.D. programs that RIT has added since 2017, said Diane Slusarski , dean of RIT’s Graduate School.

Meeting these goals puts RIT on a path toward achieving an “R1,” or research-intensive designation, from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Learning. RIT is currently ranked as an R2 institution . Many factors go into changing a university’s status, including research investment and maintaining a three-year average of 70 Ph.D. degrees awarded per year, according to Slusarski.

“We have met the goals of the strategic plan, and now we look forward to contributing to the research innovation in the future,” Slusarski said. “We want to help the new programs thrive and win national research awards.”

RIT’s emphasis on high-level research is seen in Nagshineh’s Ph.D. work. She applies mathematical modeling to the field of fluid dynamics. Her research has been published in top-tier journals and has gained notice, said Weinstein, her thesis adviser.

Weinstein describes Nagshineh’s accomplishments as “a testament to a fantastic work ethic and commitment” and is inspirational to younger students at Rochester and Dubai.

“The collaboration between RIT Dubai/Rochester has continued,” he said. “Another paper was submitted a few weeks ago with Mohamed Samaha and Nate Barlow (RIT associate professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics) as co-authors, as well as Cade Reinberger, a younger Ph.D. student in my research group.”

Mathematical modeling is one of RIT’s newer Ph.D. degree programs, and Nagshineh is among its earliest graduates. The program has doubled in size since it began accepting students in 2017, Slusarski said. This past fall, the mathematical modeling program had 35 students, with two graduating this year.

Altogether, RIT has 13 Ph.D. degree programs currently enrolling 438 students, with computing and information sciences accounting for the largest with 117 students. RIT’s other Ph.D. programs include astrophysical sciences and technology , biomedical and chemical engineering , business administration , color science , electrical and computer engineering, imaging science , mechanical and industrial engineering , microsystems engineering , and sustainability .

New programs in cognitive science and physics will launch in the fall.

The growth in RIT graduate education—with more than 3,000 master’s and doctoral students—reflects a demographic change in the student population, Slusarski said. “We have a higher percentage of women in the graduate programs than we have for RIT undergraduate programs.”

RIT’s graduate programs enroll 42 percent women, according to Christie Leone , assistant dean for the Graduate School.

Nagshineh, who also holds an MS in electrical engineering from RIT Dubai, welcomes her role as a mentor to other women students on both campuses.

“As a young woman in an Arabic country, the power of women is often underestimated and undervalued, and I hope to serve as a role model to female students, especially those that question their path,” Nagshineh said.

She plans to continue in her career as a professor and a researcher. “I would like to pursue a research program where I can advise my own students and teach them more deeply.”

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Best universities for social sciences degrees in the US 2024

Explore the best universities in the us for social sciences degrees, using data from the times higher education world university rankings 2024.

Best universities in the US for social sciences degrees

Top 10 universities in the US for social science degrees 2024

Scroll down for the full list of best universities for social sciences in the US

As the home to some of the top universities in the world, the US is a great place to study for a social science degree.


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Undergraduate programmes in the US are typically four years long and include the opportunity to study multiple subjects in the first two years, before specialising in the second half of your degree.

Subjects you study alongside your specialisation are known as minors, and your specialisation is your major, or special concentration. This format allows for a level of flexibility and allows students to get a grounding across the social sciences.

There are also a huge range of postgraduate options at US universities for students interested in pursuing further research in the social sciences. 

Below are the top universities for social sciences in the US, according to the  Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024.

Best universities in the world for social science degrees Best universities for social sciences degrees in the UK Best universities for social sciences degrees in Canada Best universities for social sciences degrees in Australia

5.  University of California, Berkeley

The social sciences division at the  University of California, Berkeley  is the university’s largest division and is home to around 25 per cent of student enrolments and 20 per cent of faculty. 

Social science programmes at Berkeley encourage students to consider real-world issues such as how refugees, population displacement and inequality affect human society or the impacts of technology on cognition and how citizens can become more informed and responsible. 

There are 15 departments within the social sciences division, ranging from African American studies to cognitive science, economics to global studies. Courses are available at both the undergraduate and graduate level.

4.  Princeton University

Princeton University  offers four main areas of study: humanities, engineering and applied science, natural sciences and social sciences. A key feature of a Princeton education is independent research, whether that is carried out by undergraduate seniors writing their thesis or graduate students completing their dissertation.

There are both undergraduate and graduate degree programmes available in the social sciences at the university. Students can choose to study courses from a range of disciplines such as American studies, economics, European cultural studies, gender and sexuality studies, and health policy.

Princeton has a number of institutes, centres and schools that facilitate research into society and politics, including the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs and the Kahneman-Treisman Center for Behavioral Science and Public Policy.

What can you do with a media and communications degree? What can you do with a geography degree? What can you do with a politics degree? What can you do with a sociology degree?

3.  Harvard University

Social sciences courses at  Harvard University  are largely interdisciplinary. Students are encouraged to study a broad range of subjects at the undergraduate level before specialising in their chosen major, or concentration as it’s known at Harvard.

Common fields of study for Harvard undergraduates include economics, government, sociology, gender studies and psychology. For all these subjects, both undergraduates and graduates are expected to conduct empirical research and analyse data. Senior thesis projects can involve qualitative or quantitative research methods, or both.

One initiative central to the division of social science at  Harvard University  is the Donald T. Regan Fund. This was established to support programmes that bring diverse speakers to the university to lecture to undergraduates. Speakers discuss economics, government and social problems both nationally and internationally and provide students with new ways of thinking about and seeing the world.

=1.  Stanford University

The School of Humanities and Sciences at  Stanford University  offers social sciences courses in anthropology, communication, economics, political science, psychology and sociology.

In political science classes, undergraduates study US politics and international political systems in relation to conflict, social activism, ideology and race issues. The department of anthropology is known for an innovative approach where the subject must be studied in relation to contemporary affairs.

A range of interdisciplinary degree programmes join together traditionally disparate subjects in the humanities and sciences; these include African studies, biophysics, comparative studies in race and ethnicity, international relations and more.

Stanford is also home to globally renowned centres and institutes that facilitate social sciences research. These include the Center for Computational, Evolutionary and Human Genomics, the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, and the Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research.

=1.  Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The  Massachusetts Institute of Technology  (MIT) has five academic schools, including the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences.

The School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences offers a range of courses at both undergraduate and graduate level. Fields include anthropology, economics, global languages, history and philosophy. All undergraduate students at MIT take classes in the arts and social sciences and many end up taking joint degrees between the sciences and the social sciences. 

There are also a number of PhD programmes available. 

Research is carried out in areas including human health, the health of the planet and social innovation. There are four Nobel laureates, seven MacArthur fellows and five Pulitzer prize-winners who are current faculty members.

Top universities in the US for social sciences degrees 2024

Click each institution to view its full  World University Rankings 2024  results. 

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  9. PhD programmes in Social Sciences in United States

    This Applied Developmental Psychology PhD program from University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) reflects the intersection of developmental psychology and applied science by considering questions of developmental import within the social context of children's everyday lives. Ph.D. / Full-time, Part-time / On Campus.

  10. U.S. News Grad Rankings: Berkeley Social Sciences departments among

    The 2024 U.S. News & World Report graduate rankings are out. Several departments in Berkeley Social Sciences continue to top the list. Sociology ranked No. 1, Psychology No. 1, History No. 1, Economics No. 4 and Political Science No. 4. ... Berkeley Social Sciences once again has some of our nation's best academic programs," Berkeley Social ...

  11. Penn School of Social Policy & Practice Ranked Among Best Graduate

    The University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice (SP2) has been named among the top 10 schools of social work in the 2020 U.S. News & World Report ranking of Best Graduate Schools.. Each year, U.S. News & World Report unveils its ranking of professional school programs in business, education, engineering, law, medicine, and nursing— including specialties in each area.

  12. Best Global Universities for Social Sciences and Public Health

    India. Italy. Japan. Netherlands. See the US News rankings for the world's top universities in Social Sciences and Public Health. Compare the academic programs at the world's best universities.

  13. Your complete guide to a PhD in Social Sciences

    The overall Social Sciences university-ranking also refers to subdisciplines and related- disciplines such as Economy, Law, Political Sciences and International Relations, Sociology, and so on. The Social Sciences degree rankings are helpful tools for selecting the best Master's for your professional and academic development towards a ...

  14. Programs of Study

    Consistently ranked among the top ten social science research universities in the world, the Division of the Social Sciences is at the vanguard of inquiry and impact. The Division offers Doctoral degrees in nine programs, Masters in four, and opportunities for joint degrees with other University of Chicago divisions and professional schools.

  15. World University Rankings 2021 by subject: social sciences

    View the World University Rankings 2021 by subject: social sciences methodology. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology tops the table for the second consecutive year, while the University of California, Berkeley is the only new entry in the top 10, after climbing eight places to fifth. Meanwhile, the University of Wisconsin-Madison cements ...

  16. World University Rankings 2020 by subject: social sciences

    This year's table includes 720 universities, up from 666 last year. View the World University Rankings 2020 by subject: social sciences methodology. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology tops the table for the first time since 2016 after rising two places. Last year's frontrunner, the University of Oxford, drops one place to second ...

  17. Ph.D. in Sociology

    The reasons students choose the UC Irvine School of Social Sciences for their graduate pursuits are many. Ranked among the top 10 programs in the U.S. (U.S. News & World Report), the UCI graduate program in sociology offers students six years of guaranteed funding. Scholars in the department have a proven record of earning competitive research ...

  18. PhD programmes in Social Sciences in California, United States

    5 years. University of California, Berkeley's Law is unique among major US law schools in housing its own interdisciplinary graduate program in the social, philosophical, and humanistic study of law, leading to MA and PhD degrees in Jurisprudence and Social Policy (JSP). Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus.

  19. Best Social Psychology Programs

    Best Social Psychology Programs. Ranked in 2022, part of Best Social Sciences and Humanities Schools. Social psychologists are often niche practitioners who examine how environment affects a ...

  20. PhD Degree Requirements

    MA or MS and PhD in Sociology. Students are required to complete 55 credit hours of graduate-level work for the master's degree, and an additional 20 credits, plus 18 dissertation credits, for the PhD. Students who have earned a master's degree from another program must still complete the master's paper requirement from the department as ...

  21. World Online Ranking of Best Social & Humanities Scientists

    6 out of 10 scientists in the top 1% are from the United States. In the 2024 edition of our ranking, Harvard University was the leader, with 37 scientists affiliated with the institution included in the ranking. The top-ranking scientist in humanities and social science is Herbert A. Simon from Carnegie Mellon University in the United States ...

  22. RIT graduate pursues Ph.D. across time zones

    RIT awarded 63 Ph.D. degrees in 2023. In 2020-2021, RIT's Graduate School met and surpassed the university's goal of conferring 50 Ph.D. degrees during an academic year. That number will continue to grow as students cycle through the seven new Ph.D. programs that RIT has added since 2017, said Diane Slusarski, dean of RIT's Graduate School.

  23. Best universities for social science degrees 2024

    Top 10 universities in the world for social sciences 2024. Scroll down for the full list of best universities in the world for social science degrees. Social science rank 2024. Social science rank 2023. University. Country/region. =1. 1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

  24. Home

    Our hub for research and graduate education at the intersection of technology, security, and policy ... with undergraduate and postgraduate degrees—including a U.S./U.K. double degree—and world-leading network science research. ... Our West Coast undergraduate campus offering unique entrepreneurship and social impact programming, and home ...

  25. Best universities for social sciences degrees in the US 2024

    Below are the top universities for social sciences in the US, according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024. 5. University of California, Berkeley. The social sciences division at the University of California, Berkeley is the university's largest division and is home to around 25 per cent of student enrolments and 20 ...