
251+ Math Research Topics [2024 Updated]

Math research topics

Mathematics, often dubbed as the language of the universe, holds immense significance in shaping our understanding of the world around us. It’s not just about crunching numbers or solving equations; it’s about unraveling mysteries, making predictions, and creating innovative solutions to complex problems. In this blog, we embark on a journey into the realm of math research topics, exploring various branches of mathematics and their real-world applications.

How Do You Write A Math Research Topic?

Writing a math research topic involves several steps to ensure clarity, relevance, and feasibility. Here’s a guide to help you craft a compelling math research topic:

  • Identify Your Interests: Start by exploring areas of mathematics that interest you. Whether it’s pure mathematics, applied mathematics, or interdisciplinary topics, choose a field that aligns with your passion and expertise.
  • Narrow Down Your Focus: Mathematics is a broad field, so it’s essential to narrow down your focus to a specific area or problem. Consider the scope of your research and choose a topic that is manageable within your resources and time frame.
  • Review Existing Literature: Conduct a thorough literature review to understand the current state of research in your chosen area. Identify gaps, controversies, or unanswered questions that could form the basis of your research topic.
  • Formulate a Research Question: Based on your exploration and literature review, formulate a clear and concise research question. Your research question should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  • Consider Feasibility: Assess the feasibility of your research topic in terms of available resources, data availability, and research methodologies. Ensure that your topic is realistic and achievable within the constraints of your project.
  • Consult with Experts: Seek feedback from mentors, advisors, or experts in the field to validate your research topic and refine your ideas. Their insights can help you identify potential challenges and opportunities for improvement.
  • Refine and Iterate: Refine your research topic based on feedback and further reflection. Iterate on your ideas to ensure clarity, coherence, and relevance to the broader context of mathematics research.
  • Craft a Title: Once you have finalized your research topic, craft a compelling title that succinctly summarizes the essence of your research. Your title should be descriptive, engaging, and reflective of the key themes of your study.
  • Write a Research Proposal: Develop a comprehensive research proposal outlining the background, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes of your research. Your research proposal should provide a clear roadmap for your study and justify the significance of your research topic.

By following these steps, you can effectively write a math research topic that is well-defined, relevant, and poised to make a meaningful contribution to the field of mathematics.

“Exploring the Dynamics of Chaos: A Study of Fractal Patterns and Nonlinear Systems”

251+ Math Research Topics: Beginners To Advanced

  • Prime Number Distribution in Arithmetic Progressions
  • Diophantine Equations and their Solutions
  • Applications of Modular Arithmetic in Cryptography
  • The Riemann Hypothesis and its Implications
  • Graph Theory: Exploring Connectivity and Coloring Problems
  • Knot Theory: Unraveling the Mathematics of Knots and Links
  • Fractal Geometry: Understanding Self-Similarity and Dimensionality
  • Differential Equations: Modeling Physical Phenomena and Dynamical Systems
  • Chaos Theory: Investigating Deterministic Chaos and Strange Attractors
  • Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms for Solving Optimization Problems
  • Computational Complexity: Analyzing the Complexity of Algorithms
  • Game Theory: Mathematical Models of Strategic Interactions
  • Number Theory: Exploring Properties of Integers and Primes
  • Algebraic Topology: Studying Topological Invariants and Homotopy Theory
  • Analytic Number Theory: Investigating Properties of Prime Numbers
  • Algebraic Geometry: Geometry Arising from Algebraic Equations
  • Galois Theory: Understanding Field Extensions and Solvability of Equations
  • Representation Theory: Studying Symmetry in Linear Spaces
  • Harmonic Analysis: Analyzing Functions on Groups and Manifolds
  • Mathematical Logic: Foundations of Mathematics and Formal Systems
  • Set Theory: Exploring Infinite Sets and Cardinal Numbers
  • Real Analysis: Rigorous Study of Real Numbers and Functions
  • Complex Analysis: Analytic Functions and Complex Integration
  • Measure Theory: Foundations of Lebesgue Integration and Probability
  • Topological Groups: Investigating Topological Structures on Groups
  • Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Geometry of Continuous Symmetry
  • Differential Geometry: Curvature and Topology of Smooth Manifolds
  • Algebraic Combinatorics: Enumerative and Algebraic Aspects of Combinatorics
  • Ramsey Theory: Investigating Structure in Large Discrete Structures
  • Analytic Geometry: Studying Geometry Using Analytic Methods
  • Hyperbolic Geometry: Non-Euclidean Geometry of Curved Spaces
  • Nonlinear Dynamics: Chaos, Bifurcations, and Strange Attractors
  • Homological Algebra: Studying Homology and Cohomology of Algebraic Structures
  • Topological Vector Spaces: Vector Spaces with Topological Structure
  • Representation Theory of Finite Groups: Decomposition of Group Representations
  • Category Theory: Abstract Structures and Universal Properties
  • Operator Theory: Spectral Theory and Functional Analysis of Operators
  • Algebraic Number Theory: Study of Algebraic Structures in Number Fields
  • Cryptanalysis: Breaking Cryptographic Systems Using Mathematical Methods
  • Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Number Theory
  • Mathematical Biology: Modeling Biological Systems Using Mathematical Tools
  • Population Dynamics: Mathematical Models of Population Growth and Interaction
  • Epidemiology: Mathematical Modeling of Disease Spread and Control
  • Mathematical Ecology: Dynamics of Ecological Systems and Food Webs
  • Evolutionary Game Theory: Evolutionary Dynamics and Strategic Behavior
  • Mathematical Neuroscience: Modeling Brain Dynamics and Neural Networks
  • Mathematical Physics: Mathematical Models in Physical Sciences
  • Quantum Mechanics: Foundations and Applications of Quantum Theory
  • Statistical Mechanics: Statistical Methods in Physics and Thermodynamics
  • Fluid Dynamics: Modeling Flow of Fluids Using Partial Differential Equations
  • Mathematical Finance: Stochastic Models in Finance and Risk Management
  • Option Pricing Models: Black-Scholes Model and Beyond
  • Portfolio Optimization: Maximizing Returns and Minimizing Risk
  • Stochastic Calculus: Calculus of Stochastic Processes and Itô Calculus
  • Financial Time Series Analysis: Modeling and Forecasting Financial Data
  • Operations Research: Optimization of Decision-Making Processes
  • Linear Programming: Optimization Problems with Linear Constraints
  • Integer Programming: Optimization Problems with Integer Solutions
  • Network Flow Optimization: Modeling and Solving Flow Network Problems
  • Combinatorial Game Theory: Analysis of Games with Perfect Information
  • Algorithmic Game Theory: Computational Aspects of Game-Theoretic Problems
  • Fair Division: Methods for Fairly Allocating Resources Among Parties
  • Auction Theory: Modeling Auction Mechanisms and Bidding Strategies
  • Voting Theory: Mathematical Models of Voting Systems and Social Choice
  • Social Network Analysis: Mathematical Analysis of Social Networks
  • Algorithm Analysis: Complexity Analysis of Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Machine Learning: Statistical Learning Algorithms and Data Mining
  • Deep Learning: Neural Network Models with Multiple Layers
  • Reinforcement Learning: Learning by Interaction and Feedback
  • Natural Language Processing: Statistical and Computational Analysis of Language
  • Computer Vision: Mathematical Models for Image Analysis and Recognition
  • Computational Geometry: Algorithms for Geometric Problems
  • Symbolic Computation: Manipulation of Mathematical Expressions
  • Numerical Analysis: Algorithms for Solving Numerical Problems
  • Finite Element Method: Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations
  • Monte Carlo Methods: Statistical Simulation Techniques
  • High-Performance Computing: Parallel and Distributed Computing Techniques
  • Quantum Computing: Quantum Algorithms and Quantum Information Theory
  • Quantum Information Theory: Study of Quantum Communication and Computation
  • Quantum Error Correction: Methods for Protecting Quantum Information from Errors
  • Topological Quantum Computing: Using Topological Properties for Quantum Computation
  • Quantum Algorithms: Efficient Algorithms for Quantum Computers
  • Quantum Cryptography: Secure Communication Using Quantum Key Distribution
  • Topological Data Analysis: Analyzing Shape and Structure of Data Sets
  • Persistent Homology: Topological Invariants for Data Analysis
  • Mapper Algorithm: Method for Visualization and Analysis of High-Dimensional Data
  • Algebraic Statistics: Statistical Methods Based on Algebraic Geometry
  • Tropical Geometry: Geometric Methods for Studying Polynomial Equations
  • Model Theory: Study of Mathematical Structures and Their Interpretations
  • Descriptive Set Theory: Study of Borel and Analytic Sets
  • Ergodic Theory: Study of Measure-Preserving Transformations
  • Combinatorial Number Theory: Intersection of Combinatorics and Number Theory
  • Additive Combinatorics: Study of Additive Properties of Sets
  • Arithmetic Geometry: Interplay Between Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry
  • Proof Theory: Study of Formal Proofs and Logical Inference
  • Reverse Mathematics: Study of Logical Strength of Mathematical Theorems
  • Nonstandard Analysis: Alternative Approach to Analysis Using Infinitesimals
  • Computable Analysis: Study of Computable Functions and Real Numbers
  • Graph Theory: Study of Graphs and Networks
  • Random Graphs: Probabilistic Models of Graphs and Connectivity
  • Spectral Graph Theory: Analysis of Graphs Using Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
  • Algebraic Graph Theory: Study of Algebraic Structures in Graphs
  • Metric Geometry: Study of Geometric Structures Using Metrics
  • Geometric Measure Theory: Study of Measures on Geometric Spaces
  • Discrete Differential Geometry: Study of Differential Geometry on Discrete Spaces
  • Algebraic Coding Theory: Study of Error-Correcting Codes
  • Information Theory: Study of Information and Communication
  • Coding Theory: Study of Error-Correcting Codes
  • Cryptography: Study of Secure Communication and Encryption
  • Finite Fields: Study of Fields with Finite Number of Elements
  • Elliptic Curves: Study of Curves Defined by Cubic Equations
  • Hyperelliptic Curves: Study of Curves Defined by Higher-Degree Equations
  • Modular Forms: Analytic Functions with Certain Transformation Properties
  • L-functions: Analytic Functions Associated with Number Theory
  • Zeta Functions: Analytic Functions with Special Properties
  • Analytic Number Theory: Study of Number Theoretic Functions Using Analysis
  • Dirichlet Series: Analytic Functions Represented by Infinite Series
  • Euler Products: Product Representations of Analytic Functions
  • Arithmetic Dynamics: Study of Iterative Processes on Algebraic Structures
  • Dynamics of Rational Maps: Study of Dynamical Systems Defined by Rational Functions
  • Julia Sets: Fractal Sets Associated with Dynamical Systems
  • Mandelbrot Set: Fractal Set Associated with Iterations of Complex Quadratic Polynomials
  • Arithmetic Geometry: Study of Algebraic Geometry Over Number Fields
  • Diophantine Geometry: Study of Solutions of Diophantine Equations Using Geometry
  • Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves: Study of Elliptic Curves Over Number Fields
  • Rational Points on Curves: Study of Rational Solutions of Algebraic Equations
  • Galois Representations: Study of Representations of Galois Groups
  • Automorphic Forms: Analytic Functions with Certain Transformation Properties
  • L-functions: Analytic Functions Associated with Automorphic Forms
  • Selberg Trace Formula: Tool for Studying Spectral Theory and Automorphic Forms
  • Langlands Program: Program to Unify Number Theory and Representation Theory
  • Hodge Theory: Study of Harmonic Forms on Complex Manifolds
  • Riemann Surfaces: One-dimensional Complex Manifolds
  • Shimura Varieties: Algebraic Varieties Associated with Automorphic Forms
  • Modular Curves: Algebraic Curves Associated with Modular Forms
  • Hyperbolic Manifolds: Manifolds with Constant Negative Curvature
  • Teichmüller Theory: Study of Moduli Spaces of Riemann Surfaces
  • Mirror Symmetry: Duality Between Calabi-Yau Manifolds
  • Kähler Geometry: Study of Hermitian Manifolds with Special Symmetries
  • Algebraic Groups: Linear Algebraic Groups and Their Representations
  • Lie Algebras: Study of Algebraic Structures Arising from Lie Groups
  • Representation Theory of Lie Algebras: Study of Representations of Lie Algebras
  • Quantum Groups: Deformation of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
  • Algebraic Topology: Study of Topological Spaces Using Algebraic Methods
  • Homotopy Theory: Study of Continuous Deformations of Spaces
  • Homology Theory: Study of Algebraic Invariants of Topological Spaces
  • Cohomology Theory: Study of Dual Concepts to Homology Theory
  • Singular Homology: Homology Theory Defined Using Simplicial Complexes
  • Sheaf Theory: Study of Sheaves and Their Cohomology
  • Differential Forms: Study of Multilinear Differential Forms
  • De Rham Cohomology: Cohomology Theory Defined Using Differential Forms
  • Morse Theory: Study of Critical Points of Smooth Functions
  • Symplectic Geometry: Study of Symplectic Manifolds and Their Geometry
  • Floer Homology: Study of Symplectic Manifolds Using Pseudoholomorphic Curves
  • Gromov-Witten Invariants: Invariants of Symplectic Manifolds Associated with Pseudoholomorphic Curves
  • Mirror Symmetry: Duality Between Symplectic and Complex Geometry
  • Calabi-Yau Manifolds: Ricci-Flat Complex Manifolds
  • Moduli Spaces: Spaces Parameterizing Geometric Objects
  • Donaldson-Thomas Invariants: Invariants Counting Sheaves on Calabi-Yau Manifolds
  • Algebraic K-Theory: Study of Algebraic Invariants of Rings and Modules
  • Homological Algebra: Study of Homology and Cohomology of Algebraic Structures
  • Derived Categories: Categories Arising from Homological Algebra
  • Stable Homotopy Theory: Homotopy Theory with Stable Homotopy Groups
  • Model Categories: Categories with Certain Homotopical Properties
  • Higher Category Theory: Study of Higher Categories and Homotopy Theory
  • Higher Topos Theory: Study of Higher Categorical Structures
  • Higher Algebra: Study of Higher Categorical Structures in Algebra
  • Higher Algebraic Geometry: Study of Higher Categorical Structures in Algebraic Geometry
  • Higher Representation Theory: Study of Higher Categorical Structures in Representation Theory
  • Higher Category Theory: Study of Higher Categorical Structures
  • Homotopical Algebra: Study of Algebraic Structures in Homotopy Theory
  • Homotopical Groups: Study of Groups with Homotopical Structure
  • Homotopical Categories: Study of Categories with Homotopical Structure
  • Homotopy Groups: Algebraic Invariants of Topological Spaces
  • Homotopy Type Theory: Study of Foundations of Mathematics Using Homotopy Theory

In conclusion, the world of mathematics is vast and multifaceted, offering endless opportunities for exploration and discovery. Whether delving into the abstract realms of pure mathematics or applying mathematical principles to solve real-world problems, mathematicians play a vital role in advancing human knowledge and shaping the future of our world.

By embracing diverse math research topics and interdisciplinary collaborations, we can unlock new possibilities and harness the power of mathematics to address the challenges of today and tomorrow. So, let’s embark on this journey together as we unravel the mysteries of numbers and explore the boundless horizons of mathematical inquiry.

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181 Mathematics Research Topics From PhD Experts

math research topics

If you are reading this blog post, it means you are looking for some exceptional math research topics. You want them to be original, unique even. If you manage to find topics like this, you can be sure your professor will give you a top grade (if you write a decent paper, that is). The good news is that you have arrived at just the right place – at the right time. We have just finished updating our list of topics, so you will find plenty of original ideas right on this page. All our topics are 100 percent free to use as you see fit. You can reword them and you don’t need to give us any credit.

And remember: if you need assistance from a professional, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are not just the best place for math research topics for high school students; we are also the number one choice for students looking for top-notch research paper writing services.

Our Newest Research Topics in Math

We know you probably want the best and most recent research topics in math. You want your paper to stand out from all the rest. After all, this is the best way to get some bonus points from your professor. On top of this, finding some great topics for your next paper makes it easier for you to write the essay. As long as you know at least something about the topic, you’ll find that writing a great paper or buy phd thesis isn’t as difficult as you previously thought.

So, without further ado, here are the 181 brand new topics for your next math research paper:

Cool Math Topics to Research

Are you looking for some cool math topics to research? We have a list of original topics for your right here. Pick the one you like and start writing now:

  • Roll two dice and calculate a probability
  • Discuss ancient Greek mathematics
  • Is math really important in school?
  • Discuss the binomial theorem
  • The math behind encryption
  • Game theory and its real-life applications
  • Analyze the Bernoulli scheme
  • What are holomorphic functions and how do they work?
  • Describe big numbers
  • Solving the Tower of Hanoi problem

Undergraduate Math Research Topics

If you are an undergraduate looking for some research topics for your next math paper, you will surely appreciate our list of interesting undergraduate math research topics:

  • Methods to count discrete objects
  • The origins of Greek symbols in mathematics
  • Methods to solve simultaneous equations
  • Real-world applications of the theorem of Pythagoras
  • Discuss the limits of diffusion
  • Use math to analyze the abortion data in the UK over the last 100 years
  • Discuss the Knot theory
  • Analyze predictive models (take meteorology as an example)
  • In-depth analysis of the Monte Carlo methods for inverse problems
  • Squares vs. rectangles (compare and contrast)

Number Theory Topics to Research

Interested in writing about number theory? It is not an easy subject to discuss, we know. However, we are sure you will appreciate these number theory topics:

  • Discuss the greatest common divisor
  • Explain the extended Euclidean algorithm
  • What are RSA numbers?
  • Discuss Bézout’s lemma
  • In-depth analysis of the square-free polynomial
  • Discuss the Stern-Brocot tree
  • Analyze Fermat’s little theorem
  • What is a discrete logarithm?
  • Gauss’s lemma in number theory
  • Analyze the Pentagonal number theorem

Math Research Topics for High School

High school students shouldn’t be too worried about their math papers because we have some unique, and quite interesting, math research topics for high school right here:

  • Discuss Brun’s constant
  • An in-depth look at the Brahmagupta–Fibonacci identity
  • What is derivative algebra?
  • Describe the Symmetric Boolean function
  • Discuss orders of approximation in limits
  • Solving Regiomontanus’ angle maximization problem
  • What is a Quadratic integral?
  • Define and describe complementary angles
  • Analyze the incircle and excircles of a triangle
  • Analyze the Bolyai–Gerwien theorem in geometry
  • Math in our everyday life

Complex Math Topics

If you want to give some complex math topics a try, we have the best examples below. Remember, these topics should only be attempted by students who are proficient in mathematics:

  • Mathematics and its appliance in Artificial Intelligence
  • Try to solve an unsolved problem in math
  • Discuss Kolmogorov’s zero-one law
  • What is a discrete random variable?
  • Analyze the Hewitt–Savage zero-one law
  • What is a transferable belief model?
  • Discuss 3 major mathematical theorems
  • Describe and analyze the Dempster-Shafer theory
  • An in-depth analysis of a continuous stochastic process
  • Identify and analyze Gauss-Markov processes

Easy Math Research Paper Topics

Perhaps you don’t want to spend too much time working on your next research paper. Who can blame you? Check out these easy math research paper topics:

  • Define the hyperbola
  • Do we need to use a calculator during math class?
  • The binomial theorem and its real-world applications
  • What is a parabola in geometry?
  • How do you calculate the slope of a curve?
  • Define the Jacobian matrix
  • Solving matrix problems effectively
  • Why do we need differential equations?
  • Should math be mandatory in all schools?
  • What is a Hessian matrix?

Logic Topics to Research

We have some interesting logical topics for research papers. These are perfect for students interested in writing about math logic. Pick one right now:

  • Discuss the reductio ad absurdum approach
  • Discuss Boolean algebra
  • What is consistency proof?
  • Analyze Trakhtenbrot’s theorem (the finite model theory)
  • Discuss the Gödel completeness theorem
  • An in-depth analysis of Morley’s categoricity theorem
  • How does the Back-and-forth method work?
  • Discuss the Ehrenfeucht–Fraïssé game technique
  • Discuss Aleph numbers (Aleph-null and Aleph-one)
  • Solving the Suslin problem

Algebra Topics for a Research Paper

Would you like to write about an algebra topic? No problem, our seasoned writers have compiled a list of the best algebra topics for a research paper:

  • Discuss the differential equation
  • Analyze the Jacobson density theorem
  • The 4 properties of a binary operation in algebra
  • Analyze the unary operator in depth
  • Analyze the Abel–Ruffini theorem
  • Epimorphisms vs. monomorphisms: compare and contrast
  • Discuss the Morita duality in algebraic structures
  • Idempotent vs. nilpotent in Ring theory
  • Discuss the Artin-Wedderburn theorem
  • What is a commutative ring in algebra?
  • Analyze and describe the Noetherian ring

Math Education Research Topics

There is nothing wrong with writing about math education, especially if your professor did not give you writing prompts. Here are some very nice math education research topics:

  • What are the goals a mathematics professor should have?
  • What is math anxiety in the classroom?
  • Teaching math in UK schools: the difficulties
  • Computer programming or math in high school?
  • Is math education in Europe at a high enough level?
  • Common Core Standards and their effects on math education
  • Culture and math education in Africa
  • What is dyscalculia and how does it manifest itself?
  • When was algebra first thought in schools?
  • Math education in the United States versus the United Kingdom

Computability Theory Topics to Research

Writing about computability theory can be a very interesting adventure. Give it a try! Here are some of our most interesting computability theory topics to research:

  • What is a multiplication table?
  • Analyze the Scholz conjecture
  • Explain exponentiating by squaring
  • Analyze the Myhill-Nerode theorem
  • What is a tree automaton?
  • Compare and contrast the Pushdown automaton and the Büchi automaton
  • Discuss the Markov algorithm
  • What is a Turing machine?
  • Analyze the post correspondence problem
  • Discuss the linear speedup theorem
  • Discuss the Boolean satisfiability problem

Interesting Math Research Topics

We know you want topics that are interesting and relatively easy to write about. This is why we have a separate list of our most interesting math research topics:

  • What is two-element Boolean algebra?
  • The life of Gauss
  • The life of Isaac Newton
  • What is an orthodiagonal quadrilateral?
  • Tessellation in Euclidean plane geometry
  • Describe a hyperboloid in 3D geometry
  • What is a sphericon?
  • Discuss the peculiarities of Borel’s paradox
  • Analyze the De Finetti theorem in statistics
  • What are Martingales?
  • The basics of stochastic calculus

Applied Math Research Topics

Interested in writing about applied mathematics? Our team managed to create a list of awesome applied math research topics from scratch for you:

  • Discuss Newton’s laws of motion
  • Analyze the perpendicular axes rule
  • How is a Galilean transformation done?
  • The conservation of energy and its applications
  • Discuss Liouville’s theorem in Hamiltonian mechanics
  • Analyze the quantum field theory
  • Discuss the main components of the Lorentz symmetry
  • An in-depth look at the uncertainty principle

Geometry Topics for a Research Paper

Geometry can be a very captivating subject, especially when you know plenty about it. Check out our list of geometry topics for a research paper and pick the best one today:

  • Most useful trigonometry functions in math
  • The life of Archimedes and his achievements
  • Trigonometry in computer graphics
  • Using Vincenty’s formulae in geodesy
  • Define and describe the Heronian tetrahedron
  • The math behind the parabolic microphone
  • Discuss the Japanese theorem for concyclic polygons
  • Analyze Euler’s theorem in geometry

Math Research Topics for Middle School

Yes, even middle school children can write about mathematics. We have some original math research topics for middle school right here:

  • Finding critical points in a graph
  • The basics of calculus
  • What makes a graph ultrahomogeneous?
  • How do you calculate the area of different shapes?
  • What contributions did Euclid have to the field of mathematics?
  • What is Diophantine geometry?
  • What makes a graph regular?
  • Analyze a full binary tree

Math Research Topics for College Students

As you’ve probably already figured out, college students should pick topics that are a bit more complex. We have some of the best math research topics for college students right here:

  • What are extremal problems and how do you solve them?
  • Discuss an unsolvable math problem
  • How can supercomputers solve complex mathematical problems?
  • An in-depth analysis of fractals
  • Discuss the Boruvka’s algorithm (related to the minimum spanning tree)
  • Discuss the Lorentz–FitzGerald contraction hypothesis in relativity
  • An in-depth look at Einstein’s field equation
  • The math behind computer vision and object recognition

Calculus Topics for a Research Paper

Let’s face it: calculus is not a very difficult field. So, why don’t you pick one of our excellent calculus topics for a research paper and start writing your essay right away:

  • When do we need to apply the L’Hôpital rule?
  • Discuss the Leibniz integral rule
  • Calculus in ancient Egypt
  • Discuss and analyze linear approximations
  • The applications of calculus in real life
  • The many uses of Stokes’ theorem
  • Discuss the Borel regular measure
  • An in-depth analysis of Lebesgue’s monotone convergence theorem

Simple Math Research Paper Topics for High School

This is the place where you can find some pretty simple topics if you are a high school student. Check out our simple math research paper topics for high school:

  • The life and work of the famous Pierre de Fermat
  • What are limits and why are they useful in calculus?
  • Explain the concept of congruency
  • The life and work of the famous Jakob Bernoulli
  • Analyze the rhombicosidodecahedron and its applications
  • Calculus and the Egyptian pyramids
  • The life and work of the famous Jean d’Alembert
  • Discuss the hyperplane arrangement in combinatorial computational geometry
  • The smallest enclosing sphere method in combinatorics

Business Math Topics

If you want to surprise your professor, why don’t you write about business math? We have some exceptional topics that nobody has thought about right here:

  • Is paying a loan with another loan a good approach?
  • Discuss the major causes of a stock market crash
  • Best debt amortization methods in the US
  • How do bank loans work in the UK?
  • Calculating interest rates the easy way
  • Discuss the pros and cons of annuities
  • Basic business math skills everyone should possess
  • Business math in United States schools
  • Analyze the discount factor

Probability and Statistics Topics for Research

Probability and statistics are not easy fields. However, you can impress your professor with one of our unique probability and statistics topics for research:

  • What is the autoregressive conditional duration?
  • Applying the ANOVA method to ranks
  • Discuss the practical applications of the Bates distribution
  • Explain the principle of maximum entropy
  • Discuss Skorokhod’s representation theorem in random variables
  • What is the Factorial moment in the Theory of Probability?
  • Compare and contrast Cochran’s C test and his Q test
  • Analyze the De Moivre-Laplace theorem
  • What is a negative probability?

Need Help With Research Paper?

We offer the absolute best high school and college research paper writing service on the Internet. When you need any kind of research paper help, our experienced ENL writers and professional editors are here to help. With years of experience under their belts, our experts can get your research paper done in as little as 3 hours.

Getting cheap online help with research papers has never been easier. College students should just get in touch with us and tell us what they need. We will assign them our most affordable and experienced math writer in minutes, even during the night. We are the best-rated online writing company on the Internet because we always deliver high-quality academic content at the most competitive prices. Give us a try today!

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260 Interesting Math Topics for Essays & Research Papers

Mathematics is the science of numbers and shapes. Writing about it can give you a fresh perspective and help to clarify difficult concepts. You can even use mathematical writing as a tool in problem-solving.

In this article, you will find plenty of interesting math topics. Besides, you will learn about branches of mathematics that you can choose from. And if the thought of letters and numbers makes your head swim, try our custom writing service . Our professionals will craft a paper for you in no time!

And now, let’s proceed to math essay topics and tips.

🔝 Top 10 Interesting Math Topics

✅ branches of mathematics, ✨ fun math topics.

  • 🏫 Math Topics for High School
  • 🎓 College Math Topics
  • 🤔 Advanced Math
  • 📚 Math Research
  • ✏️ Math Education
  • 💵 Business Math

🔍 References

  • Number theory in everyday life.
  • Logicist definitions of mathematics.
  • Multivariable vs. vector calculus.
  • 4 conditions of functional analysis.
  • Random variable in probability theory.
  • How is math used in cryptography?
  • The purpose of homological algebra.
  • Concave vs. convex in geometry.
  • The philosophical problem of foundations.
  • Is numerical analysis useful for machine learning?

What exactly is mathematics ? First and foremost, it is very old. Ancient Greeks and Persians were already utilizing mathematical tools. Nowadays, we consider it an interdisciplinary language.

Biologists, linguists, and sociologists alike use math in their work. And not only that, we all deal with it in our daily lives. For instance, it manifests in the measurement of time. We often need it to calculate how much our groceries cost and how much paint we need to buy to cover a wall.

Albert Einstein quote.

Simply put, mathematics is a universal instrument for problem-solving. We can divide pure math into three branches: geometry, arithmetic, and algebra. Let’s take a closer look:

  • Geometry By studying geometry, we try to comprehend our physical surroundings. Geometric shapes can be simple, like a triangle. Or, they can form complicated figures, like a rhombicosidodecahedron.
  • Arithmetic Arithmetic deals with numbers and simple operations: subtraction, addition, division, and multiplication.
  • Algebra Algebra is used when the exact numbers are unclear. Instead, they are replaced with letters. Businesses often need algebra to predict their sales.

It’s true that most high school students don’t like math. However, that doesn’t mean it can’t be a fun and compelling subject. In the following section, you will find plenty of enthralling mathematical topics for your paper.

If you’re struggling to start working on your essay, we have some fun and cool math topics to offer. They will definitely engage you and make the writing process enjoyable. Besides, fun math topics can show everyone that even math can be entertaining or even a bit silly.

  • The link between mathematics and art – analyzing the Golden Ratio in Renaissance-era paintings.
  • An evaluation of Georg Cantor’s set theory.
  • The best approaches to learning math facts and developing number sense.
  • Different approaches to probability as explored through analyzing card tricks. 
  • Chess and checkers – the use of mathematics in recreational activities.
  • The five types of math used in computer science.
  • Real-life applications of the Pythagorean Theorem. 
  • A study of the different theories of mathematical logic.
  • The use of game theory in social science.
  • Mathematical definitions of infinity and how to measure it.
  • What is the logic behind unsolvable math problems?
  • An explanation of mean, mode, and median using classroom math grades.
  • The properties and geometry of a Möbius strip.
  • Using truth tables to present the logical validity of a propositional expression.
  • The relationship between Pascal’s Triangle and The Binomial Theorem. 
  • The use of different number types: the history.
  • The application of differential geometry in modern architecture.
  • A mathematical approach to the solution of a Rubik’s Cube.
  • Comparison of predictive and prescriptive statistical analyses.
  • Explaining the iterations of the Koch snowflake.
  • The importance of limits in calculus.
  • Hexagons as the most balanced shape in the universe.
  • The emergence of patterns in chaos theory.
  • What were Euclid’s contributions to the field of mathematics?
  • The difference between universal algebra and abstract algebra.

🏫 Math Essay Topics for High School

When writing a math paper, you want to demonstrate that you understand a concept. It can be helpful if you need to prepare for an exam. Choose a topic from this section and decide what you want to discuss.

  • Explain what we need Pythagoras’ theorem for.
  • What is a hyperbola?
  • Describe the difference between algebra and arithmetic.
  • When is it unnecessary to use a calculator ?
  • Find a connection between math and the arts.
  • How do you solve a linear equation?
  • Discuss how to determine the probability of rolling two dice.
  • Is there a link between philosophy and math?
  • What types of math do you use in your everyday life?
  • What is the numerical data?
  • Explain how to use the binomial theorem.
  • What is the distributive property of multiplication?
  • Discuss the major concepts in ancient Egyptian mathematics. 
  • Why do so many students dislike math?
  • Should math be required in school?
  • How do you do an equivalent transformation?
  • Why do we need imaginary numbers?
  • How can you calculate the slope of a curve?
  • What is the difference between sine, cosine, and tangent?
  • How do you define the cross product of two vectors?
  • What do we use differential equations for?
  • Investigate how to calculate the mean value.
  • Define linear growth.
  • Give examples of different number types.
  • How can you solve a matrix?

🎓 College Math Topics for a Paper

Sometimes you need more than just formulas to explain a complex idea. That’s why knowing how to express yourself is crucial. It is especially true for college-level mathematics. Consider the following ideas for your next research project:

  • What do we need n-dimensional spaces for?
  • Explain how card counting works.
  • Discuss the difference between a discrete and a continuous probability distribution. 
  • How does encryption work? 
  • Describe extremal problems in discrete geometry.
  • What can make a math problem unsolvable?
  • Examine the topology of a Möbius strip.

Three main types of geometry.

  • What is K-theory? 
  • Discuss the core problems of computational geometry.
  • Explain the use of set theory .
  • What do we need Boolean functions for?
  • Describe the main topological concepts in modern mathematics.
  • Investigate the properties of a rotation matrix.
  • Analyze the practical applications of game theory.
  • How can you solve a Rubik’s cube mathematically?
  • Explain the math behind the Koch snowflake.
  • Describe the paradox of Gabriel’s Horn.
  • How do fractals form?
  • Find a way to solve Sudoku using math.
  • Why is the Riemann hypothesis still unsolved?
  • Discuss the Millennium Prize Problems.
  • How can you divide complex numbers?
  • Analyze the degrees in polynomial functions.
  • What are the most important concepts in number theory?
  • Compare the different types of statistical methods.

🤔 Advanced Topics in Math to Write a Paper on

Once you have passed the trials of basic math, you can move on to the advanced section. This area includes topology, combinatorics, logic, and computational mathematics. Check out the list below for enticing topics to write about:

  • What is an abelian group?
  • Explain the orbit-stabilizer theorem.
  • Discuss what makes the Burnside problem influential.
  • What fundamental properties do holomorphic functions have?
  • How does Cauchy’s integral theorem lead to Cauchy’s integral formula?
  • How do the two Picard theorems relate to each other?
  • When is a trigonometric series called a Fourier series?
  • Give an example of an algorithm used for machine learning.
  • Compare the different types of knapsack problems.
  • What is the minimum overlap problem?
  • Describe the Bernoulli scheme.
  • Give a formal definition of the Chinese restaurant process.
  • Discuss the logistic map in relation to chaos.
  • What do we need the Feigenbaum constants for?
  • Define a difference equation.
  • Explain the uses of the Fibonacci sequence.
  • What is an oblivious transfer?
  • Compare the Riemann and the Ruelle zeta functions.
  • How can you use elementary embeddings in model theory?
  • Analyze the problem with the wholeness axiom and Kunen’s inconsistency theorem.
  • How is Lie algebra used in physics ?
  • Define various cases of algebraic cycles.
  • Why do we need étale cohomology groups to calculate algebraic curves?
  • What does non-Euclidean geometry consist of?
  • How can two lines be ultraparallel?

📚 Math Research Topics for a Paper

Choosing the right topic is crucial for a successful research paper in math. It should be hard enough to be compelling, but not exceeding your level of competence. If possible, stick to your area of knowledge. This way your task will become more manageable. Here are some ideas:

  • Write about the history of calculus.
  • Why are unsolved math problems significant?
  • Find reasons for the gender gap in math students.
  • What are the toughest mathematical questions asked today?
  • Examine the notion of operator spaces.
  • How can we design a train schedule for a whole country?
  • What makes a number big?

Mathematical writing should be well-structured, precise, and easy readable

  • How can infinities have various sizes?
  • What is the best mathematical strategy to win a game of Go?
  • Analyze natural occurrences of random walks in biology.
  • Explain what kind of mathematics was used in ancient Persia.
  • Discuss how the Iwasawa theory relates to modular forms.
  • What role do prime numbers play in encryption?
  • How did the study of mathematics evolve?
  • Investigate the different Tower of Hanoi solutions.
  • Research Napier’s bones. How can you use them?
  • What is the best mathematical way to find someone who is lost in a maze?
  • Examine the Traveling Salesman Problem. Can you find a new strategy?
  • Describe how barcodes function.
  • Study some real-life examples of chaos theory. How do you define them mathematically?
  • Compare the impact of various ground-breaking mathematical equations .
  • Research the Seven Bridges of Königsberg. Relate the problem to the city of your choice.
  • Discuss Fisher’s fundamental theorem of natural selection.
  • How does quantum computing work?
  • Pick an unsolved math problem and say what makes it so difficult.

✏️ Math Education Research Topics

For many teachers, the hardest part is to keep the students interested. When it comes to math, it can be especially challenging. It’s crucial to make complicated concepts easy to understand. That’s why we need research on math education.

  • Compare traditional methods of teaching math with unconventional ones.
  • How can you improve mathematical education in the U.S.?
  • Describe ways of encouraging girls to pursue careers in STEM fields.
  • Should computer programming be taught in high school?
  • Define the goals of mathematics education .
  • Research how to make math more accessible to students with learning disabilities. 
  • At what age should children begin to practice simple equations?
  • Investigate the effectiveness of gamification in algebra classes. 
  • What do students gain from taking part in mathematics competitions?
  • What are the benefits of moving away from standardized testing ?
  • Describe the causes of “ math anxiety .” How can you overcome it?
  • Explain the social and political relevance of mathematics education.
  • Define the most significant issues in public school math teaching.
  • What is the best way to get children interested in geometry?
  • How can students hone their mathematical thinking outside the classroom?
  • Discuss the benefits of using technology in math class. 
  • In what way does culture influence your mathematical education?
  • Explore the history of teaching algebra.
  • Compare math education in various countries.

E. T. Bell quote.

  • How does dyscalculia affect a student’s daily life?
  • Into which school subjects can math be integrated?
  • Has a mathematics degree increased in value over the last few years?
  • What are the disadvantages of the Common Core Standards?
  • What are the advantages of following an integrated curriculum in math?
  • Discuss the benefits of Mathcamp.

🧮 Algebra Topics for a Paper

The elegance of algebra stems from its simplicity. It gives us the ability to express complex problems in short equations. The world was changed forever when Einstein wrote down the simple formula E=mc². Now, if your algebra seminar requires you to write a paper, look no further! Here are some brilliant prompts:

  • Give an example of an induction proof.
  • What are F-algebras used for?
  • What are number problems?
  • Show the importance of abstract algebraic thinking. 
  • Investigate the peculiarities of Fermat’s last theorem.
  • What are the essentials of Boolean algebra?
  • Explore the relationship between algebra and geometry.
  • Compare the differences between commutative and noncommutative algebra.
  • Why is Brun’s constant relevant?
  • How do you factor quadratics?
  • Explain Descartes’ Rule of Signs.
  • What is the quadratic formula?
  • Compare the four types of sequences and define them.
  • Explain how partial fractions work.
  • What are logarithms used for?
  • Describe the Gaussian elimination.
  • What does Cramer’s rule state?
  • Explore the difference between eigenvectors and eigenvalues.
  • Analyze the Gram-Schmidt process in two dimensions.
  • Explain what is meant by “range” and “domain” in algebra.
  • What can you do with determinants?
  • Learn about the origin of the distance formula.
  • Find the best way to solve math word problems.
  • Compare the relationships between different systems of equations.
  • Explore how the Rubik’s cube relates to group theory.

📏 Geometry Topics for a Research Paper

Shapes and space are the two staples of geometry. Since its appearance in ancient times, it has evolved into a major field of study. Geometry’s most recent addition, topology, explores what happens to an object if you stretch, shrink, and fold it. Things can get pretty crazy from here! The following list contains 25 interesting geometry topics:

  • What are the Archimedean solids?
  • Find real-life uses for a rhombicosidodecahedron.
  • What is studied in projective geometry?
  • Compare the most common types of transformations.
  • Explain how acute square triangulation works.
  • Discuss the Borromean ring configuration.
  • Investigate the solutions to Buffon’s needle problem.
  • What is unique about right triangles?

The role of study of non-Euclidean geometry

  • Describe the notion of Dirac manifolds.
  • Compare the various relationships between lines.
  • What is the Klein bottle?
  • How does geometry translate into other disciplines, such as chemistry and physics?
  • Explore Riemannian manifolds in Euclidean space.
  • How can you prove the angle bisector theorem?
  • Do a research on M.C. Escher’s use of geometry.
  • Find applications for the golden ratio .
  • Describe the importance of circles.
  • Investigate what the ancient Greeks knew about geometry.
  • What does congruency mean?
  • Study the uses of Euler’s formula.
  • How do CT scans relate to geometry?
  • Why do we need n-dimensional vectors?
  • How can you solve Heesch’s problem?
  • What are hypercubes?
  • Analyze the use of geometry in Picasso’s paintings.

➗ Calculus Topics to Write a Paper on

You can describe calculus as a more complicated algebra. It’s a study of change over time that provides useful insights into everyday problems. Applied calculus is required in a variety of fields such as sociology, engineering, or business. Consult this list of compelling topics on a calculus paper:

  • What are the differences between trigonometry, algebra, and calculus?
  • Explain the concept of limits.
  • Describe the standard formulas needed for derivatives.
  • How can you find critical points in a graph?
  • Evaluate the application of L’Hôpital’s rule.
  • How do you define the area between curves?
  • What is the foundation of calculus?

Calculus was developed by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibnitz.

  • How does multivariate calculus work?
  • Discuss the use of Stokes’ theorem.
  • What does Leibniz’s integral rule state?
  • What is the Itô stochastic integral?
  • Explore the influence of nonstandard analysis on probability theory.
  • Research the origins of calculus.
  • Who was Maria Gaetana Agnesi?
  • Define a continuous function.
  • What is the fundamental theorem of calculus?
  • How do you calculate the Taylor series of a function?
  • Discuss the ways to resolve Runge’s phenomenon.
  • Explain the extreme value theorem.
  • What do we need predicate calculus for?
  • What are linear approximations?
  • When does an integral become improper?
  • Describe the Ratio and Root Tests.
  • How does the method of rings work?
  • Where do we apply calculus in real-life situations?

💵 Business Math Topics to Write About

You don’t have to own a company to appreciate business math. Its topics range from credits and loans to insurance, taxes, and investment. Even if you’re not a mathematician, you can use it to handle your finances. Sounds interesting? Then have a look at the following list:

  • What are the essential skills needed for business math?
  • How do you calculate interest rates?
  • Compare business and consumer math.
  • What is a discount factor?
  • How do you know that an investment is reasonable?
  • When does it make sense to pay a loan with another loan?
  • Find useful financing techniques that everyone can use.
  • How does critical path analysis work?
  • Explain how loans work.
  • Which areas of work utilize operations research?
  • How do businesses use statistics?
  • What is the economic lot scheduling problem?
  • Compare the uses of different chart types.
  • What causes a stock market crash?
  • How can you calculate the net present value?
  • Explore the history of revenue management.
  • When do you use multi-period models?
  • Explain the consequences of depreciation.
  • Are annuities a good investment?
  • Would the U.S. financially benefit from discontinuing the penny?
  • What caused the United States housing crash in 2008?
  • How do you calculate sales tax?
  • Describe the notions of markups and markdowns. 
  • Investigate the math behind debt amortization.
  • What is the difference between a loan and a mortgage?

With all these ideas, you are perfectly equipped for your next math paper. Good luck!

  • What Is Calculus?: Southern State Community College
  • What Is Mathematics?: Tennessee Tech University
  • What Is Geometry?: University of Waterloo
  • What Is Algebra?: BBC
  • Ten Simple Rules for Mathematical Writing: Ohio State University
  • Practical Algebra Lessons: Purplemath
  • Topics in Geometry: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • The Geometry Junkyard: All Topics: Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
  • Calculus I: Lamar University
  • Business Math for Financial Management: The Balance Small Business
  • What Is Mathematics: Life Science
  • What Is Mathematics Education?: University of California, Berkeley
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210 Brilliant Math Research Topics and Ideas for Students

Table of Contents

Do you have to submit a math research paper? Are you looking for the best math research topics? Well, in this blog post, we have shared a list of 150+ interesting math research topics to consider for assignments and academic projects. If you are a student who is pursuing a degree in mathematics, then you can very well use the topic ideas suggested here. Also, you can check this blog post and get to know the important steps for writing a brilliant math research paper.

Math Research Topics

What is Mathematics?

Mathematics is a broad academic discipline that focuses on numbers, structures, spaces, and shapes. This subject contains many analysis and calculation methods. Especially in the real world, math is considered an effective problem-solving tool. By using math, you can find solutions for both simple and complex problems.

Basically, mathematics is an integrated language that is widely used in several fields such as engineering, physics, medicine, finance, computer, business, and biology. Apart from the complex scientific fields, even math plays a vital role in the basic cost and time calculation in our everyday life.

Different Branches of Mathematics

Listed below are some popular branches of mathematics.

Arithmetic: It is a basic branch of math that focuses on numbers and their associated operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Algebra: When the numbers are unknown, algebra steps in. Generally, along with numbers, algebra uses the letters such as A, B, X, and Y to represent unknown quantities. Mainly, businesses depend on algebra concepts to predict their sales.

Geometry: It is a popular branch of mathematics that deals with shapes, sizes, and figures. The concept commonly revolves around lines, points, solids, angles, and surfaces.

Apart from all these common branches, mathematics also includes more advanced types such as calculus, trigonometry, statistics, topology, probability, etc.

How to Write a Math Research Paper?

In general, a math research paper is an academic paper that is prepared to explain a mathematical concept with proper results. For writing a math research paper, first, you must have a good research topic from any branch of mathematics. As math is a vast discipline, you can easily search and find plenty of research topics from it. But when you have many topics, then it will be more tedious to identify one perfect topic out of them all.

Right now, are you searching for a perfect math research topic? Well, then this is what you should do during the topic selection process to spot the right topic.

Topic Selection

Whenever you are asked to come up with a research paper topic on your own, initially, restrict yourself to the research area that you have strong knowledge of and are passionate about. Next, in that research area, explore and identify one great topic that has a broad scope to evaluate and express your ideas.

Remember, the topic you select should be comfortable for you to perform research and write about. Never pick a topic with less or no research scope. The topic should support the research method of your choice. Most importantly, give preference to the topic that has wide research information, references, and evidence. Also, before finalizing the topic, check whether your topic satisfies your instructor’s guidelines.

Research Paper Writing

After you have found a good math research topic, you can proceed to write the research paper. The research paper you write should follow a proper format and structure. So, in the math research paper, make sure to include the following essential sections.



In the introduction section, you should first give brief background information about your topic to familiarize your readers. Here, mainly you should explain the primary concepts along with the history of its terms. Also, you should state the basic research problem and discuss the symbols and principles that you are going to use in the essay.

The body of your research paper should elaborate on all your findings. Particularly, in the body paragraphs, you should talk about the formulas, theories, and mathematical analysis methods you have used to find solutions for the research problem.

The implication is the last or closing part of your research paper. Here, you should share your research insights with the readers. Also, you should include a brief summary of all the important points that you have discussed in the entire essay.

List of the Best Math Research Topics

Are you struggling to come up with a good math research paper topic for your assignment? No worries! Here we have shared a list of top-rated math research topic ideas on various branches of mathematics.

Math Research Topics

Explore them all and find a topic that suits you perfectly.

Simple and Easy Math Topics

  • Explain the working of Partial fractions.
  • Discuss the application of Mathematics in daily life.
  • What is the basis of Cramer’s rule?
  • How to solve Heesch’s problem?
  • Explain the history of calculus .
  • What is Euler’s formula?
  • Explain the working of Logarithms.
  • What are the different types of sequences?
  • Explain the different types of Transformations.
  • Define Brun’s constant.
  • What are the methods of factoring quadratics?
  • Examine Archimedean solids.
  • Explain Gaussian elimination.
  • Write about encryption and prime numbers.
  • How does Hypercube work?
  • Analyze Pygaoethores Theorem
  • Describe the logicist definitions of mathematics
  • Describe the purpose of homological algebra
  • Compare and contrast Concave and Convex in geometry
  • The study and contributions of Blaise Pascal to Probability
  • Explain the Fibonacci series briefly
  • How the Ancient Greek architecture influenced by mathematics?
  • Discuss the ancient Egyptian mathematical applications and accomplishments
  • Discuss the easiest ways to memorize algebraic expressions
  • Algebra is an exposition on the invariants of matrices – Explain

Basic Math Topics for Middle School Students

  • Define the Artin-Wedderburn theorem.
  • How to calculate net worth?
  • How to identify critical points in graphs?
  • What is the role of statistics in business?
  • Describe the principles of the Pythagoras theorem.
  • What are the applications of finance in math?
  • What do limits in math mean?
  • Explain the ratio and root test.
  • Define Jacobson’s density theorem.
  • What are the principles of calculus?

Interesting Math Topics for High School Students

  • What are the different number types? Explain with examples.
  • Explain the need for imaginary numbers.
  • How to calculate the interest rate?
  • How to solve a matrix?
  • How to prepare a chart of a company’s financial analysis?
  • When to use a calculator in class?
  • Explain the importance of the Binomial theorem.
  • Write about Egyptian mathematics.
  • Describe the applications of math in the workplace.
  • How to solve linear equations?
  • Describe the usage of hyperbola in math.
  • Why do so many students hate math?
  • What is the difference between algebra and arithmetic?
  • How to calculate the mean value?
  • What is the numerical data?

Math Research Paper Topics for Undergraduate Students

  • Explain the different theories of mathematical logic.
  • Discuss the origins of Greek symbols in mathematics.
  • Explain the significance of circles.
  • Analyze predictive models.
  • Explain the emergence of patterns in chaos theory.
  • Define abstract algebra.
  • What is a continuous stochastic process?
  • Write about the history of algebra.
  • Analyze Monte Carlo methods for inverse problems.
  • What are the goals of standardized testing?
  • Define the Pentagonal number theorem.
  • Discuss the Lorentz–FitzGerald contraction hypothesis in relativity.
  • How to solve simultaneous equations.
  • How do supercomputers solve complex mathematical problems?
  • What is a parabola in geometry?

Math Research Topics

Math Research Topics for College Students

  • Explain the Fibonacci sequence.
  • What are the core problems of computational geometry?
  • Discuss the practical applications of game theory.
  • What is the Traveling Salesman Problem?
  • Describe the Influence of math in biology.
  • Analyze the meaning of fractals.
  • Discuss the origin and evolution of mathematics.
  • What is quantum computing?
  • Explain Einstein’s field equation theory.
  • What is the influence of math on chemistry?
  • How to solve a Rubik’s cube mathematically?
  • How to do complex numbers division?
  • Explain the use of Boolean functions.
  • Analyze the degrees in polynomial functions.
  • How to solve Sudoku using mathematics?
  • Explain the use of set theory.
  • Explain the math behind the Koch snowflake.
  • Explore the varieties of the Tower of Hanoi solutions.
  • What is the difference between a discrete and a continuous probability distribution?
  • How does encryption work?

Applied Math Research Topics

  • What is the role of algorithms in probabilistic modeling?
  • Explain the significance of step-stress modeling.
  • Describe Newton’s laws of motion.
  • What dimensions are used to examine fingerprints?
  • Analyze statistical signal processing.
  • How to do Galilean transformation?
  • What is the role of mathematicians in crime data analysis and prevention?
  • Explain the uncertainty principle.
  • Discuss Liouville’s theorem in Hamiltonian mechanics.
  • Analyze the perpendicular axes rule.

Business Math Research Topics

  • What is the difference between a loan and a mortgage?
  • How to calculate sales tax?
  • Explore the math behind debt amortization.
  • How do businesses use statistics?
  • What is the economic lot scheduling problem?
  • Explain how loans work.
  • Discuss the significance of business math in real life.
  • Define discount factor.
  • What are the major causes of a stock market crash?
  • Compare the uses of different types of charts.
  • Describe the notions of markups and markdowns.
  • How does critical path analysis work?
  • What are the pros and cons of annuities?
  • When to use multi-period models?
  • Compare business and consumer math.

Advanced Math Research Paper Topics

  • What is an oblivious transfer?
  • Compare the Riemann and the Ruelle zeta functions.
  • What are the different types of knapsack problems?
  • Define an abelian group.
  • What are the algorithms used for machine learning?
  • Define various cases of algebraic cycles.
  • When a trigonometric series is called a Fourier series?
  • What is the minimum overlap problem?
  • What are the basic properties of holomorphic functions?
  • Describe the Bernoulli scheme.

Complex Math Research Topics

  • Write about Napier’s bones.
  • What makes a number big?
  • Examine the notion of operator spaces.
  • How do barcodes function?
  • Define Fisher’s fundamental theorem of natural selection.
  • What are the peculiarities of Borel’s paradox?
  • How to design a train schedule for a whole country?
  • Describe a hyperboloid in 3D geometry.
  • What is an orthodiagonal quadrilateral?
  • Explain how the Iwasawa theory relates to modular forms.

Math Research Ideas on Probability and Statistics

  • Roll two dice and calculate a probability.
  • Write about the Factorial moment in the Theory of Probability.
  • Explain the principle of maximum entropy.
  • Compare and contrast Cochran’s C test and his Q test.
  • Discuss Skorokhod’s representation theorem in random variables
  • How to apply the ANOVA method to rank.
  • Analyze the De Moivre-Laplace theorem.
  • What is the autoregressive conditional duration?
  • Explain a negative probability.
  • Discuss the practical applications of the Bates distribution.

Algebra Research Topics

  • Explain Descartes’ Rule of Signs.
  • How to factor quadratics?
  • What is the use of F-algebras?
  • Discuss the differential equation.
  • What is the difference between eigenvectors and eigenvalues?
  • What are the properties of a binary operation in algebra?
  • What is a commutative ring in algebra?
  • Discuss the origin of the distance formula.
  • Explain the quadratic formula.
  • Analyze the unary operator.
  • Define range and domain in algebra.
  • Describe the Noetherian ring.
  • Discuss the Morita duality in algebraic structures.
  • Define the Abel–Ruffini theorem.
  • What is the use of determinants?

Math Research Paper Topics on Geometry

  • Research the real-life uses of a rhombicosidodecahedron.
  • Find out the solutions to Buffon’s needle problem.
  • What is unique about right triangles?
  • What is the Klein bottle?
  • What are the Archimedean solids?
  • What does congruency mean?
  • Discuss the role of trigonometry in computer graphics.
  • What is the need for n-dimensional vectors?
  • Explain the Japanese theorem for concyclic polygons.
  • Prove the angle bisector theorem.
  • Identify the applications for the golden ratio.
  • Explain the Heronian tetrahedron.
  • Describe the notion of Dirac manifolds.
  • What is the use of geometry in Picasso’s paintings?
  • How do CT scans relate to geometry?

Calculus Research Topics

  • How to calculate the Taylor series of a function?
  • What is the role of calculus in real life?
  • Discuss the Leibniz integral rule
  • Discuss and analyze linear approximations.
  • What is the use of predicate calculus?
  • What is the foundation of calculus?
  • How to calculate the area between curves?
  • Describe the standard formulas needed for derivatives.
  • Explain the working of multivariate calculus.
  • Define the fundamental theorem of calculus.

Outstanding Math Research Topics

  • What is a sphericon?
  • What is the role of Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence?
  • Define De Finetti’s theorem in probability and statistics.
  • How to calculate the slope of a curve?
  • Discuss the Stern-Brocot tree.
  • Explain Pascal’s Triangle.
  • Analyze the Georg Cantor set theory.
  • How to measure infinity?
  • Explain the Scholz conjecture.
  • How is geometry used in contemporary architectural designs?
  • How to solve the Suslin problem?
  • What is a tree automaton?
  • Explain the working of the Back-and-forth method.
  • What is a Turing machine?
  • Discuss the linear speedup theorem.
  • Discuss the benefits of using truth tables to present the logical validity of a propositional expression
  • Critical analysis of the major concepts in ancient Egyptian mathematics
  • Discuss the similarities and differences between a continuous and a discrete probability distribution
  • Analysis of the problem with the wholeness axiom and Kunen’s inconsistency theorem
  • Develop a study focusing on the Seven Bridges of Königsberg and relate the problem to the city or state of your choice

Latest Math Research Topics

  • What does point zero reflect on a graph where the vertical and horizontal lines meet?
  • How to recognize adjacent angles easily without any trouble?
  • Compare the differential vs. analytic geometry by citing relevant examples.
  • Explain how to use a graphics system for solving various types of equations.
  • How to divide the feasible and non-feasible regions in linear programming?
  • What are confidence intervals and how it helps in statistical math?
  • How to differentiate the effect of a magnetic field on a given point of the circle by using appropriate differential formula?
  • What are the different types of identities that are used in trigonometric functions?
  • Why polynomials are difficult to solve as compared to monomials? Give examples.
  • Explain radical expressions and their significance with examples.

Final Words

We hope you have identified an ideal topic from the list of math research topics and ideas recommended above. If you haven’t found a unique research topic or need assistance to complete your math research paper, then contact us.

mathematics research paper topics

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Jacob Smith

I am an Academic Writer and have affection to share my knowledge through posts’. I do not feel tiredness while research and analyzing the things. Sometime, I write down hundred of research topics as per the students requirements. I want to share solution oriented content to the students.

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Research Paper Topics on Mathematics

Research papers in mathematics usually have a set of basic requirements that apply to all students. As a rule, they relate to the format of the research work and the requirements for it. Students need to adhere to a specific font, spacing, and writing format. It is necessary to have a title page of the research paper and the project, as well as the correct text formatting with recommendations and pagination.

Students must adhere to a clear heading hierarchy in research work and adhere to the correct abbreviations and formulas in the design of the entire project. As a rule, research work associated with the use of certain drawings, tables, diagrams, and graphs. Also, there may be charts which must also be marked following the requirements.

Students must reveal the topic given to them and bring clear arguments in favor of their statements. It should be a full-fledged mathematics research topic that fully reveals the theme and provides the reader with real evidence of opinion. It's important to choose an interesting math research topic.

The main task for each student is to relate everything they plan to write with one Topic. It will allow the teacher not to waste time looking for information and get the opportunity to see holistic work that fully meets all the established requirements. Students should also check the practical part as mathematics is an exact science that does not tolerate assumptions. So, let's take a look at the math research topics for middle schools.

Algebra & Algebraic Geometry

Algebra and algebraic geometry are the oldest branches of this science. This section arose as a result of the need to solve arithmetic problems of the same type. Now, this is a huge branch of science, which is extremely important because of its ability to make accurate calculations and definitions in various areas of our life. Choose any research topic for mathematics that suits you well.

  • Formality in Deformation Theory
  • The World of P-adic Numbers
  • Toric Geometry and Mirror Symmetry
  • Algebraic Geometry and Singularity Theory
  • P-adic Dynamics and Applications of P-adic Numbers in Other Sciences
  • Algebraic Geometry New Trends: The height Functions in Modern Science
  • Theory of Height Functions & in Math

Algebraic Topology

This section of typology studies topological spaces using the juxtaposition of algebraic objects. At the moment, it is one of the more popular offshoots that uses homotopy groups and homomorphism. Any research topic in mathematics is a chance to create a good paper. This area of mathematics is popular thanks to several scientific studies. Here is a list of paper themes, but you can also find math education research topics by yourself.

  • Main Calculus Functions and How to Use it in Real Life
  • The Calculus of Functors and Applications
  • How to Use the Algebraic Models for Spaces in Real Life
  • New Wave of Automorphisms in Math
  • The Asymptotic Properties of Polynomials in Higher Dimensions
  • Moduli Spaces Geometry: Main Features
  • The Lefschetz Properties and Main Parameters
  • The Group Theory in Mathematics: Main Benefits
  • Automorphisms of Manifolds and Related Options
  • Modern Trends in Algebraic Topology and How to Use it Properly

Analysis & PDEs

This list of topics can be especially interesting for those who want to develop methods for solving equations of mathematical physics. Let's proceed to researchable topics in mathematics. In particular, students can create their work based on the approximation of the differential operator and use numerical methods to solve the tasks and open the topic of scientific research.

  • Regularity Theory for Linear, Semilinear, and Fully Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Equation
  • New Theory for Linear, Semilinear, and Nonlinear Functions
  • Qualitative Properties of Solutions to Reaction-diffusion Equations
  • The Analysis of Problems in Mathematical Physics and Mathematical Modeling
  • Delay Equations Formulation of Structured Population Dynamics
  • Fractional differential equations and Fractals
  • Mathematical Modeling of Ecological Systems and Epidemic Systems
  • Delay Differential Equations is One Best Research Area in Mathematics.

According to many historians, the foundations of geometry were laid by the ancient Greeks, who took over from the Egyptians some mathematical calculations and general principles. This section received such a name in 1822. Nevertheless, all the foundations and important stages of this science branch were laid many centuries ago. Here are the applied mathematics research topics.

  • The Bending Active Approach In Lightweight Design
  • The Need Of Geometry In Orthodontics
  • Archimedes Theory of a Circle ABCD and a Triangle K
  • Applications of Toric Geometry to Geometric Representation Theory
  • Geometry and Conservation Laws for a Class of Second-Order Parabolic Equations
  • Geometric Constructions of Mapping Cones in the Fukaya Category
  • Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries. Going Beyond the Space, We Used to know

Mathematical Logic & Foundations

This branch of mathematics may be of interest to those who want to study the nature of mathematical proof in general and various mathematical judgments as a branch of informal logic. In many respects, the foundation of this science was laid by Aristotle. Nevertheless, mathematical logic is developing in our time. Therefore, this is a good basis for scientific work.

  • Deductive Parsing of Visual Languages
  • Reduction of the Yablo paradox
  • Gödel's: Minds are not Machines
  • Ways to use the Mathematical logic in data science
  • Applied Propositional Logic and digital circuit design
  • Category Theory and Model Theory of Constructive Systems
  • Constructive Mathematics and Point-free Methods in Topology and Analysis
  • Ways to Use Martin-Löf type Theory and Univalent Foundations in Real Life

Number Theory

This is one of the popular branches of mathematics, consisting of many areas such as the Euclidean algorithm, continued fractions, Diophantine equations, and farm theory. At the moment, this industry has a lot of interesting topics to write a research paper. That's why you can find interesting mathematical topics.

  • Writing Pi As the Sum of Arctangents With Recurring Linear Sequences, the Golden Mean and Lucas Numbers
  • Binary Options Winning Formula: Make Consistent Wins Every Time
  • A Theory of Numbers and New Operations
  • The Twin Prime Conjecture in a Number Theory
  • Pythagorean Triplets (Alternative Approach, Algebraic Operations, Dual of Given Triplets, and New Observations)
  • A New Theory of Numbers: The Latest Discoveries in Mathematics
  • Alternative Formula for the Series of Consecutive m-Squares under Alternating Signs
  • A Clever Way To Factor One Less A Perfect Square
  • How to use Number Theory to fight with gender stereotypes
  • Goldbachs Twin Prime Conjecture

Probability & Statistics

By choosing this direction of mathematics, you can write a lot of interesting materials on modeling and data distribution and the study of two-dimensional numerical data. This is a particularly popular area of mathematics that will allow you to choose interesting topics for yourself with experiments and proofs. Let's check the research topics for mathematic paper.

  • Highlighting Probability Issues in Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search
  • Estimation of the Probability of Non-Response in Sampling Surveys Using Kernel Density Estimation Methods
  • Importance of Statistical Tools and Methods in Data Science
  • A Statistical Approach on Experimental Study for Determining Switching Frequency of Retro Reflector Sensor Using PLC
  • The Statistics Analysis on Gender: Ain't ia Woman
  • Quantitative Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics Using Stata
  • The Data Science and Modern Statistics: the Symbiotic Connection
  • Sei Shonagon's Pillow Book as an Example of Probability & Statistics Processes
  • The Weibull Length Biased Exponential Distribution: Statistical Properties and Applications
  • Univariate and Bivariate Transformations

Representation Theory

This branch of mathematics is especially interesting due to algebraic structures and linear transformations of vector spaces. Students can use Number Theory and Differential Geometry to describe certain nuances of Fourier theory or use topological groups to prove new theories. Here you can choose an undergraduate math research topic.

  • Computing Modular Forms for the Weil Representation
  • Combinatorics of the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
  • The Representation Theory & Asymmetric Simple Exclusion
  • The Weil Representation in Tropical Mathematics
  • Camel and Cactus Test in Representation Theory
  • Combinatorics and Computations in Tropical Mathematics
  • Quaternionic Representation and Its Use in Real Life
  • The Modern Trends in Representation Theory of Diffeomorphism Groups

How to Write a Research Paper on Mathematics?

As we wrote earlier, teachers are very scrupulous about the correct design and writing of research papers. And interesting math research paper topics are a must. First of all, you need to write a clear introduction and structure of all your work. It is worth noting that you need formal and informal exposure, as well as bringing evidence of your work. One of the sections there will be special recommendations that depend on a particular educational institution.

You should understand that any such work requires a clear technical design and the ghost of the necessary graphs, tables, formulas, and calculations. The most important task of such research papers is to provide clear and evidence of your point of view to argue for each point and paragraph of your work. This is the key aspect, without which you do not get good grades.

That is why you should turn to professionals if you are not confident in your abilities or want to save a little time. Our company can help you write a research paper in mathematics and accompany you until you receive your final grade. It's important to choose good research topics in mathematics education, and we are ready to help you.

An Inspiration Sources List:

  • Maths At Home
  • The Holy Grail for Any Student
  • The Mathunion Website
  • Yahoo Mathematics Page
  • Computer Algebra Group
  • MacTutor History of Math
  • Mathematics on the Web

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mathematics research paper topics

166 Extraordinary Math Research Topics For Your Papers

math research topics

Math research topics cover various genres from which students can choose. Many people think that a research project on a math topic is dull. However, mathematics can be a wonderful and vivid field. Since it’s a universal language, mathematics can describe anything and everything, from galaxies that orbit each other to music. However, the broad nature of this study field also makes selecting a research paper difficult. That’s because learners want to pick interesting topics that will impress educators to award them top scores. This article lists the best math research paper topics. It’s useful because it inspires students to select or customize topics for their academic essays without much struggle.

What Are The Different Types Of Math?

As hinted, math covers several genres. Here are the primary types of mathematics:

Geometry: It’s a math branch that deals with the shapes, size, and relative position of figures. Many people consider geometry a practical math branch because it examines figures, shapes, sizes, and features of various entities, including parts like solids, lines, surfaces, lines, and angles. Algebra: It assists in solving equations and manipulating symbols. This branch helps students represent unknown quantities with alphabets and use them alongside numbers. Calculus: This area is vital in determining rates of change, such as velocity and acceleration. Arithmetic: Arithmetic is the most common and oldest math branch, encompassing basis number operations. These operations include subtraction, addition, divisions, and multiplications, and some schools shorten it as BODMAS. Statistics and Probability: They help analyze numerical data to make predictions. Probability is about chances, while statistics entails handling different data using various techniques. Trigonometry: It assists in calculating angles and distances between points. It mainly deals with triangles’ relationships, sides, and curves.

Now that you understand the types of mathematics, it’s easier to select a suitable research topic. The following are some of the best topic ideas in math. 

 Undergraduate Math Research Topics

Maybe you’re pursuing your undergraduate studies. However, you have challenges comprehending math topics, yet the professor expects you to write a superior paper. In that case, here’s a list of engaging research topics in math to consider for your essays.

  • An in-depth comprehension of the meaning of discrete random variables in math and their identification
  • Math evolution- Comprehending the Gauss-Markov
  • Primary math theorems- Investigating how they work
  • Continuous stochastic process- Exploring its role in the math process
  • Analyzing the Dempster-Shafer theory
  • The application of the transferable belief model
  • Exploring the use of math in artificial intelligence
  • The application of mathematics in daily life
  • Algebra and its history
  • Math and culture- What’s the relationship?
  • How drawing and painting could help with mathematics
  • Ways to boost math interest among learners
  • The social and political significance of learning mathematics
  • Circles and their relevance in mathematics
  • Challenges to math learning in public schools
  • Prove the use of F-Algebras
  • Understanding the meaning of abstract algebra
  • Discuss geometry and algebra
  • How acute square triangulation works
  • Discuss the essence of right triangles
  • Why non-Euclidean geometry should be compulsory for math students
  • Investigating number problems
  • Discuss the meaning of Dirac manifolds
  • How geometry influences chemistry and physics
  • Riemannian manifolds’ application in the Euclidean space

These are exciting math topics for undergraduate students. Nevertheless, prepare adequate time and resources to investigate any of these titles to draft a winning essay. You might have to provide theoretical and practical assessments when writing your essay.

Math Research Topics for High School Learners

Maybe your high school teacher asked you to write a research paper. Choosing a familiar topic is an excellent way to get a high grade. Here are some of the best math research paper topics for high school.

  • How to draw a chart representing the financial analysis of a prominent company over the last five years
  • How to solve a matrix- The vital principles and formulas to embrace
  • Exploring various techniques for solving finance and mathematical gaps
  • Discount factor- Why it’s crucial for learners and ways to achieve it
  • Calculating the interest rate and its essence in the banking industry
  • Why imaginary numbers are important
  • Investigating the application of math in the workplace
  • Explain why learners hate mathematics teachers
  • What makes math a complex subject?
  • Is making math compulsory in high school a good thing?
  • How to solve a dice question from a probability perspective
  • Understanding the Binomial theorem and its essence
  • Investigating Egyptian mathematics
  • Hyperbola- Understanding it and its use in math
  • When should students use calculators in class?
  • How to solve linear equations
  • Is the Pythagoras theorem important in math?
  • The interdependence between math and art
  • Philosophy’s role in math
  • Numerical data overview

High school learners can pick any of these titles and develop them into an essay. Nevertheless, they should prepare to spend some time investigating their topics to write pieces that will impress their educators. Titles that address math history and its influence on education can also suit high school students. However, learners should select titles that fulfil the academic requirements set by the educators.

Applied Math Research Topics

As a branch, applied math deals with mathematical methods and their real-life applications. These methods are manifest in engineering, finance, medicine, biology, physics, and others. Here are some of the exciting topics in this field.

  • Dimensions for examining fingerprints
  • Computer tomography and its significance
  • Step-stress modelling- What is its importance?
  • Explain the essence of data mining- How does it benefit the banking sector?
  • A detailed examination of nonlinear models
  • How genes discovery helps determine unhealthy and healthy patients
  • Algorithms and their role in probabilistic modelling
  • Mathematicians and their importance in robots’ development
  • Mathematicians’ role in crime prevention and data analysis
  • The essence of Law of Motion by Isaac in real life
  • The importance of math in energy conservation
  • Math and its role in quantum theory
  • Analyzing the Lorentz symmetry features
  • Evaluating the processing of the statistical signal in detail
  • Explain the achievement of Galilean Transformation

These are exciting ideas to explore when writing a research paper in applied math. Nevertheless, take your time to carefully and extensively research your preferred title to write a high-quality essay. Students should also note that some topics in this category require specialized knowledge to write superior papers.

It’s a challenge to write a paper for a high grade. Sometimes every student need a professional help with college paper writing. Therefore, don’t be afraid to hire a writer to complete your assignment. Just write a message “Please, write custom research paper for me” and get time to relax. Contact us today and get a 100% original paper. 

Interesting Math Research Topics

Maybe you’re among the learners that prefer working with exciting ideas. In that case, this category has topics that will interest you.

  • The uses of numerical analysis in machine learning
  • Foundations and philosophical problems
  • Convex versus Concave in geometry
  • Homological algebra- What is its purpose?
  • Is math useful in cryptography
  • Probability theory and random variable
  • Functional analysis- What are its four conditions?
  • Vector calculus versus multivariable
  • Mathematics and logicist definitions
  • Ways to apply the number theory in daily life
  • Studying complex math equations
  • How to calculate mode, median, and mean
  • Understanding the meaning of the Scholz conjecture
  • The definition of the past correspondence problem
  • Computational maths- What are its classes?
  • Multiplication table and its importance
  • What the Boolean satisfiability problem means for a learner
  • Understanding the linear speedup theory in mathematics
  • The Turing machine description
  • Understanding the Markov algorithm
  • Investigating the similarities and differences between Buchi automation and Pushdown automation
  • What is the meaning of Tree automation?
  • Describing the enclosing sphere method and its use in combinations
  • Egyptian pyramids and calculus
  • Analyzing De Finetti theorem in statistics and probability
  • Examining the congruence meaning in math
  • Application and purpose of calculus in the banking industry
  • Jean d’Alembert’s most famous works
  • Boolean algebra- What are its essential elements
  • Isaac Newton- His contribution, life, and time in math
  • Understanding the meaning of Sphericon
  • What is the purpose of Martingales?
  • Gauss times, energy, and contributions to math
  • Jakob Bernoulli- Exploring his famous works
  • A brief history of math

Some learners think writing a math essay is complex and tedious. However, you can find a topic you will enjoy working with throughout the project. These are exciting ideas to explore in research papers. However, prepare to spend sufficient time investigating your chosen title to write a winning paper, although these are generally relaxing titles for math papers and essays.

Math Research Topics for Middle School

Some middle school students worry about the math topics for their research. However, they can choose unique titles that will impress their teachers. Here are some of these ideas.

  • The impacts of standard exam curriculum on math education
  • Why is learning math so tricky?
  • What is the meaning of the commutative ring in algebra?
  • The Artin-Wedderburn theorem and its meaning
  • How monopolists and epimorphisms differ
  • Understanding the Jacobson density theorem
  • How linear approximations work
  • Root and ratio test definition
  • Statistics role in business
  • Economic lot scheduling- What does it mean?
  • Causes of the stock market crash
  • How many traders contribute to the New York Stock Exchange
  • The history of revenue management
  • Financial signs of an excellent investment
  • Depreciation and its odds
  • How a poor currency can benefit a country
  • How math helps with debt amortization
  • Ways to calculate a person’s net worth
  • Distinctions in algebra, trigonometry, and calculus
  • Discussing the beginning of calculus
  • The essence of stochastic in math
  • The meaning of limits in math
  • Ways to identify a critical point in a graph
  • Nonstandard analysis- What does it mean in the probability theory?
  • Continuous function description and meaning
  • Calculus- What are its primary principles?
  • Pythagoras theorem- What are its central tenets?
  • Calculus applications in finance
  • Theorem value in math
  • The application of linear approximations

This list has some of the best titles for middle school learners. But they also require some research to write superior essays. However, finding information on such topics is relatively easy, making them suitable for middle school students.

Math Research Topics for College Students

Maybe you’re pursuing college studies and need a title for a math research paper. In that case, here are exciting titles to consider for your essay.

  • What is the purpose of n-dimensional spaces?
  • Card counting- How does it work?
  • How continuous probability and discrete distribution differ
  • Understanding encryption- How Does it work?
  • Extremal problems- Investigating them in discrete geometry
  • The Mobius strip- Examining the topology
  • Why can a math problem be unsolvable?
  • Comparing different statistical methods
  • Explain the vital number theory concepts
  • Analyzing the polynomial functions’ degrees
  • Ways to divide complex numbers
  • Describe the prize problems with the millennium
  • The reasons for the unsolved Riemann hypothesis
  • Methods of solving Sudoku with math
  • Explain the fractals formation
  • Describe the evolution of math
  • Explore different types of Tower of Hanoi solutions
  • Discuss the uses of Napier’s bones
  • With examples, explain the chaos theory
  • Why are mathematical equations important all the time?
  • Fisher’s fundamental theorem and natural selection- Why are they important?

College professors expect students to draft papers with relevant and valuable information. These are relevant titles for college students. However, they require extensive research to write winning papers.

Cool Math Topics to Research

Maybe you don’t need a complex topic for your research paper. In that case, consider any of these ideas for your essay. If you have a problem writing even with these topics and you’re thinking: “solve my math for me,” you can always reach out to our service.

  • How contemporary architectural designs use geometry
  • What makes some math equations complex?
  • Ways to solve the Rubik’s cube
  • Discuss the meaning of prescriptive statistical and predictive analysis
  • Understanding the purpose of the chaos theory
  • What limits calculus?- Provide relevant examples
  • A comparison of universal and abstract algebra- How do they differ?
  • The relationship between probability and card tricks
  • Pascal’s Triangle- What does it mean?
  • Mobius strip- What are its features in geometry?
  • Multiple probability ideas- A brief overview
  • Discuss the meaning of the Golden Ration in Renaissance period paintings
  • How checkers and chess matter in understanding mathematics
  • Ways to measure infinity
  • Evaluating the Georg Contor theory
  • Are hexagons the most balanced shapes in the world?
  • The Koch snowflake- Explain the iterations
  • The history of various number types and their use
  • Game theory use in social science
  • Five math types with significant benefits in computer science

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How to do Research on Mathematics

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Selected Subject Headings

Listed below is a sample of a few broad Library of Congress subject headings—made up of one word or more representing concepts under which all library holdings are divided and subdivided by subject—which you can search under and use as subject terms as well when searching online library catalogs for preliminary and/or additional research, such as books, audio and video recordings, and other references, related to your research paper topic. When researching materials on your topic, subject heading searching may be more productive than searching using simple keywords. However, keyword searching when using the right search method (Boolean, etc.) and combination of words can be equally effective in finding materials more closely relevant to the topic of your research paper.

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Get 10% off with 24start discount code, suggested research topics in math.

  • Business Mathematics
  • Game Theory
  • Mathematics—Philosophy
  • Women in Mathematics

Selected Keyword Search Strategies and Guides

Most online library indexes and abstracts and full-text article databases offer basic and advanced “keyword” searching of virtually every subject. In this case, combine keyword terms that best define your thesis question or topic using the Boolean search method (employing “and” or “or”) to find research most suitable to your research paper topic.

If your topic is “the importance of mathematics in the world,” for example, enter “importance” and “mathematics” with “and” on the same line to locate sources directly compatible with the primary focus of your paper. To find research on more specific aspects of your topic, alternate with one new keyword at a time with “and” in between (for example, “advancements and mathematics,” “contributions and mathematics,” “influence and mathematics,” etc.).

For additional help with keyword searching, navigation or user guides for online indexes and databases by many leading providers—including Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, EBSCO, H.W. Wilson, OCLC, Ovid Technologies, ProQuest, and Thomson Gale—are posted with direct links on library Web sites to guides providing specific instruction to using whichever database you want to search. They provide additional guidance on how to customize and maximize your search, including advanced searching techniques and grouping of words and phrases using the Boolean search method—of your topic, of bibliographic records, and of full-text articles, and other documents related to the subject of your research paper.

Selected Source and Subject Guides

Mathematics Research Guide 2

Guide to Information Sources in Mathematics and Statistics , by Martha A. Tucker and Nancy D. Anderson, 348 pages (Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited, 2004)

Mathematics Education Research: A Guide for the Research Mathematician , by Curtis McKnight et al., 106 pages (Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2000)

In addition to these sources of research, most college and university libraries offer online subject guides arranged by subject on the library’s Web page; others also list searchable course-related “LibGuides” by subject. Each guide lists more recommended published and Web sources—including books and references, journal, newspaper and magazines indexes, full-text article databases, Web sites, and even research tutorials—that you can access to expand your research on more specific issues and relevant to your subject.

Selected Books and References


The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics , by Christopher Clapham and James Nicholson, 4th ed., 528 pages (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2009)

This revised fourth edition of applied mathematics and statistics features more than 3,000 entries, arranged in alphabetical order and illustrated with charts, diagrams, and graphs, covering technical mathematical terms, from Achilles paradox to zero matrix. Includes free access to regularly updated online version of the book.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics , 2nd ed., edited by Mathematical Society of Japan and Kiyosi Ito, 4 vols. (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1987)

This unique four-volume encyclopedia of applied mathematics features 450 articles, including 70 new articles since its first edition, published in 1977, covering such categories as algebra; group theory; number theory; Euclidean and projective geometry; differential geometry; algebraic geometry; topology; analysis; complex analysis; functional analysis; differential, integral, and functional equations; special functions; numerical analysis; computer science and combinatorics; probability theory; statistics; mathematical programming and operations research; mechanics and theoretical physics; and the history of mathematics.

The Facts on File Dictionary of Mathematics , 4th ed., by John Daintith and Richard Rennie, 262 pages (New York: Checkmark Books, 2005)

This dictionary covers mathematical terms and concepts—some 320 entries in all—fully illustrated, including lists of Web sites and bibliographies of sources.

The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics , 4th ed., edited by David Nelson, 496 pages (London and New York: Penguin Books, 2008)

Everything from algebra to number theory and statistics to mechanics is thoroughly covered in this updated reference encompassing more than 3,200 cross-referenced entries from all branches of pure and applied mathematics. Also includes biographies of more than 200 major figures in mathematics.


CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics , 2nd ed., by Eric W. Weisstein, 3,252 pages (Boca Raton, Fla.; London: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2003)

This revised and expanded second edition—adding 1,000 pages of new illustrated material since its first edition—broadly covers mathematical definitions, formulas, figures, tabulations, and references on the subject.

Encyclopaedia of Mathematics , 11 vols., 5,400 pages (Dordrecht, Netherlands, and Boston: Reidel; Norwell, Mass.: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989–94; New York: Springer, 2005– )

This major unabridged 11-volume reference with index, hailed as “the most up-to-date, authoritative and comprehensive English-language work of reference in mathematics which exists today,” contains more than 7,000 cross-referenced entries covering all aspects of mathematics, including mathematical definitions, concepts, explanations, surveys, examples, terminology and methods, and more. In 2007, two new supplements—the first since the series was first published—were issued containing nearly 600 new entries in each written by experts in the field.

Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education , by Louise Grinstein and Sally I. Lipsey, 700 pages (New York: Routledge Falmer, 2001)

Designed for elementary, secondary, and post-secondary educators, this single-volume lists more than 400 alphabetically arranged entries covering all areas of mathematics education, including assessment, curriculum, enrichment, learning and instruction, and more.

Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences , 2nd ed., edited by Samuel Kotz, et al., 16 vols., 9,686 pages (New York: Wiley, 2005)

Revised reference set expanded to 16 volumes and written by 600 experts detailing every area of statistical sciences, including its origin, new trends, and changes, and such areas as statistical theory and methods and application in biomedicine, computer science, economics, engineering, genetics, medicine, the environment, sociology, and more.

Guides and Handbooks

Companion Encyclopedia of the History and Philosophy of the Mathematical Sciences , 2nd ed., by Ivor Grattan-Guiness, 2 vols., 976 pages (Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003)

This illustrated two-volume set features 176 concise articles divided into 12 sections covering the development, history, cultural importance, problems, and theories and techniques of math and its execution in related sciences, including astronomy, computer science, engineering, philosophy, and social sciences, from its early beginnings through the 20th century. Features annotated bibliographies of sources with each article.

Figures of Thought: Mathematics and Mathematical Texts , by David Reed, 208 pages (London and New York: Routledge, 1994)

This single reference traces the history and evolution of mathematics and the work of famous mathematicians throughout history, including Dedekind, Descartes, Grothendieck, Hilbert, Kronecker, and Weil and an understanding of their approaches to mathematical science.

Guide to Information Sources in Mathematics and Statistics , by Martha A. Tucker and Nancy D. Anderson, 368 pages (Englewood, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 2004)

Praised as a “useful resource for college librarians and those just getting started in mathematics and statistics research,” this revised edition encompasses how to locate and access hundreds of print and electronic sources on mathematical sciences from 1800s to date.

A History of Mathematics: An Introduction , 3rd ed., by Victor J. Katz (Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2009)

This updated third edition provides a historical and world perspective of mathematics—its early and modern history, its evolving techniques, and contributions to the art of mathematics from throughout the Western and non-Western world.

INSTAT, International Statistics Sources: Subject Guide to Sources of International Comparative Statistics , by M. C. Fleming and J. G. Nellis, 1,080 pages (London: Routledge, 1994)

Unprecedented in its coverage, this A-to-Z guide details statistical data sources on business, economics, and social sciences topics, including agriculture, employment, energy, environment, finance, health, manufacturing, population, and wages. A subject index to all topics is included.

Selected Full-Text Article Databases

ArticleFirst  (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC FirstSearch, 1990– )

Full-text articles and citations to more than 16,000 journals in all subjects, including science, technology, and others; also known as OCLC ArticleFirst Database.

ESBCOHost Academic Search Elite  (Ipswich, Mass.: ESBSCO Publishing, EBSCOHost, abstracting/indexing: 1984– , full text: 1990– )

A Web index of full-text articles from more than 1,250 journals, plus abstracts and citations from 3,200 journals covering general science, the social sciences, and more.

JSTOR  (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Journal Storage Project, 1800s—latest 3 to 5 years)

A Web archive of important scholarly journals, some in full text, including more than 37,000 articles from The American Mathematical Monthly (1894–2004), since the 1800s in economics, finance, and mathematical sciences.

ScienceDirect  (St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier Science, 1995– )

Leading science database on the Web with full-text access to more than 9.5 million articles from more than 2,500 scientific, mathematical, technical, and social science journals.

Web of Science  (Philadelphia: Thomson Scientific, 1840– )

Contains detailed bibliographic records to more than 8,700 worldwide scientific journals and publications, with full-text articles from more than 250 scientific journals from 1840 to date; allows searching of material from other related databases, including Science Citation Index (1900– ), Social Sciences Citation Index (1956– ), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975– ), Index Chemicus (1993– ), and Current Chemical Reactions (1986– ).

Wilson Select Plus  (Bronx, N.Y.: H.W. Wilson Co., WilsonDisc/OCLC FirstSearch, 1994– )

On the Web, indexes and abstracts full-text articles from 2,621 journals, magazines, and newspapers covering such subjects as science, humanities, education, and business.

Selected Periodicals

Acta Mathematica Sinica  (Tokyo, Japan: Springer-Verlag Tokyo/Chinese Mathematical Society, 1936– )

This English-translated version of the popular quarterly journal published by the Chinese Mathematical Society since 1936 (originally titled, Journal of Chinese Mathematical Society, until it was renamed in 1952) publishes authoritative reviews of current citations with abstracts to articles from current and past issues searchable in such online databases as Academic OneFile, Current Abstracts, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences, International Abstracts in Operations Research, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Mathematical Reviews, Science and Technology Collection, Science Citation Index Expanded, SCOPUS, TOC Premier, and Zentralblatt MATH.

American Journal of Mathematics   (Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1878– )

As “the oldest mathematics journal in the Western Hemisphere,” published since 1878, this academic journal, one of the most respected and celebrated in its industry, publishes pioneering mathematical papers and articles about all areas of contemporary mathematics. Articles are indexed and abstracted in the following electronic databases: CompuMath Citation Index, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences, Current Mathematical Publications, General Science Index, Index to Scientific Reviews, Math-SciNet, Mathematical Reviews, Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index, and Zentralblatt MATH. To browse journals by subject or title, or search past issues, visit .

Annals of Applied Probability  (Beachwood, Ohio: Institute of Mathematical Statistics, February 1991– )

First published in February 1991, this scholarly journal publishes important and original research covering all facets of contemporary applications of probability. Electronic access to all issues of the journal is available through JSTOR (issues older than 3 years from the current year).

Annals of Combinatorics  (Singapore and New York: Springer-Verlag, 1997– )

This journal covers new developments, mathematical breakthroughs and mathematical theories in combinatorial mathematics, particularly its applications to computer science, biology, statistics, probability, physics, and chemistry, as well as representation theory, number theory topology, algebraic geometry, and more. Articles are indexed and fully searchable in Academic OneFile, Current Abstracts, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Mathematical Reviews, Science and Technology Collection, Science Citation Index Expanded, and others.

Foundations of Computational Mathematics  (New York: Springer-Verlag New York, 2001– )

Introduced in January 2001, this quarterly academic journal, published in association with the Foundations of Computational Mathematics, features articles discussing the connections between mathematics and computation, including the interfaces between pure and applied mathematics, numerical analysis, and computer science. Full-text articles from issues since 2001 can be viewed in PDF form at .

Historia Mathematica  (Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Science B.V., 1974– )

Launched in February 1974, this quarterly periodical of the International Commission on the History of Mathematics of the Division of the History of Science of the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science covers all aspects of mathematical sciences, including mathematicians and their work, organizations and institutions, pure and applied mathematics, and the sociology of mathematics, as well as all cultures and historical periods of mathematics and its development. The primary aim and focus of each issue is topics in the history of math, including research articles, book reviews, and more. Full-text articles are accessible through ScienceDirect.

Journal of Mathematics and Statistics  (New York: Science Publications, 2005– )

Published since January/March 2005, this peer-reviewed, open-access international scientific journal presents original and valuable research in all areas of applied and theoretical mathematics and statistics. To view or search back issues, visit .

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra  (Evanston, Ill.: Elsevier Science, 1971– )

This monthly journal published in association with Northwestern University’s math department focuses on the development and theories of pure and applied algebra. Also available in microform since its first issue in January 1971, full-text articles from all issues can be searched in Elsevier Science’s ScienceDirect online database.

The Journal of Symbolic Logic  (Poughkeepsie, N.Y.: Association for Symbolic Logic, 1936– )

Leading scientific journal founded in 1936 by the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL) containing scholarly work and research on symbolic logic. The journal is distributed with two others published by the ASL: The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic and Review of Symbolic Logic. Full-text access to The Journal of Symbolic Logic (1936–2003) is available via JSTOR.

Journal of the American Mathematical Society (JAMS)  (Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, January 1, 1988– )

Mathematics journal published quarterly by the American Mathematical Society reporting research in all areas of pure and applied mathematics. Journal articles are indexed in such subscription Web databases as Citation Index—Expanded, CompuMath Citation Index, and Current Contents, Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences. Since January 1996, JAMS is also accessible online at .

Mathematical Physics, Analysis, and Geometry  (Norwell, Mass.: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishing Corp., 1998– )

Scientific journal covering concrete problems of mathematics and theoretical analysis and application of analysis on all math, from geometry to physics, including problems of statistical physics and fl uids; complex function theory; operators in function space, especially operator algebras; ordinary and partial differential equations; and differential and algebraic geometry. Journal is indexed and abstracted in many subject-specific online databases, including Academic OneFile, Current Abstracts, Google Scholar, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Mathematical Reviews, and others.

SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics  (Newark, Dela.: Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics, 1953– )

Published by the Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics since 1953, this quarterly journal reviews applied mathematics of physical, engineering, biological, medical, and social sciences, including research articles discussing problems and methods pertinent to physical, engineering, financial, and life sciences. Full bibliographic records with abstracts of articles from 1997 to the present can be searched on SIAMS Journals Online at .

Selected Web Sites

American Mathematical Society  ( )

Association of professional mathematicians, headquartered in Providence, Rhode Island, reporting on mathematical research and education, conferences, surveys, publications, scholarship programs, and more.

American Statistical Association  ( )

This Web site for the nation’s leading professional organization for statisticians and professors provides resources for visitors and members, including association news, membership information, educational opportunities, publications, meetings and events, and outreach programs.

Euler Archive—Dartmouth College  ( )

Provides online access to Dartmouth College’s archive of 866 original works of pioneering Swiss mathematician Leonard Euler as well as other original publications and current research.

MacTutor History of Mathematics  ( )

Features searchable historical mathematical topics, biographies of notable mathematicians from AD 500 to present, and an index of famous curves.

Math Archives  ( )

Online resource covering a wide range of mathematical topics and Internet resources arranged by subject.

Mathematical Atlas  ( )

Gateway collection of articles discussing various mathematical concepts, with links to additional resources in all areas of mathematics.

Mathematics on the Web  ( )

Online mathematical sources maintained by the American Mathematical Society and organized by subject, including article abstracts and databases, as well as bibliographies; books, journals, columns, and handbooks; math history and math topics; information about mathematics departments, institutes, centers, associations, societies, and organizations; and related software and tools.

Mathematics, Statistics, and Computational Science at NIST  ( )

Site provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, offering information on NIST projects, events, and organizations; math software; statistical guides and handbooks; statistical data sets; and more.

Math Forum  ( )

This site, maintained by Drexel University’s School of Education, offers both resources and information on math and math education, along with access to the Internet Mathematics Library, discussion groups, and more.

Math on the Web  ( )

Web portal produced by the American Mathematical Society providing access to mathematical news and information, journals, and reference materials.

Math World  ( )

Deemed by its creators as “the Web’s most extensive mathematics resource,” this site includes a searchable math dictionary and encyclopedia, interactive tools, and information on the computational software program Mathematica.

+plus magazine  ( )

Free access to this weekly online magazine featuring the latest mathematical news, articles by leading mathematicians and science writers, a browsable archive, and information on a variety of mathematical applications.

Probability Tutorials  ( )

Online math tutorials explaining probability, definitions, theorems, solutions, and more.

SIAM: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics  ( )

Official Web site for the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics offering information on books, careers and jobs, conferences, journals, proceedings, and the latest news.

Zentralblatt MATH  ( )

Searchable database of more than 2 million citations with abstracts to books, journals, conference reports, and more, from 1868 to present.

Careers Related to Mathematics

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Career Cluster ( )

Science careers include jobs in biology, chemistry, geology, meteorology, or any other natural, physical, or earth science. Mathematics is the science and study of numbers and how they relate to each other. Engineering and technology encompasses many areas of study, such as aviation, environmental science, and robotics, just to name a few. All of these engineering fields employ unique and sometimes similar methods of research, development, and production to reach practical solutions to problems and questions.

Mathematics and Physics Career Field ( )

Mathematics and physics are closely related natural sciences. Mathematics is the science and study of numbers and how they relate with each other. Physics is the study of the basic elements and laws of the universe.

Engineering Career Field  ( )

A lot of brainpower goes into engineering—a lot of knowledge, creativity, thoughtfulness, and pure hard work. Humankind has been “engineering,” so to speak, since we realized we had opposable thumbs that we could use to handle tools. And from that point on we began our ceaseless quest to make, to build, to create tools and systems that helped us live our lives better. There were a lot of mistakes, but engineers and scientists learned from them and built a foundation of engineering laws and principles.


mathematics research paper topics


Exploring Best Math Research Topics That Push the Boundaries

Mathematics is a vast and fascinating field that encompasses a wide range of topics and research areas. Whether you are an undergraduate student, graduate student, or a professional mathematician, engaging in math research opens doors to exploration, discovery, and the advancement of knowledge. The world of math research is filled with exciting challenges, unsolved problems, and groundbreaking ideas waiting to be explored.

In this guide, we will delve into the realm of math research topics, providing you with a glimpse into the diverse areas of mathematical inquiry. From pure mathematics to applied mathematics, this guide will present a variety of research areas that span different branches and interdisciplinary intersections. Whether you are interested in algebra, analysis, geometry, number theory, statistics, or computational mathematics, there is a wealth of captivating topics to consider.

Math research topics are not only intellectually stimulating but also have significant real-world applications. Mathematical discoveries and advancements underpin various fields such as engineering, physics, computer science, finance, cryptography, and data analysis. By immersing yourself in math research, you have the opportunity to contribute to the development of these applications and make a meaningful impact on society.

Throughout this guide, we will explore different research areas, discuss their significance, and provide insights into potential research questions and directions. However, keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list, and there are countless other exciting topics awaiting exploration.

Embarking on a math research journey requires dedication, perseverance, and a passion for discovery. As you dive into the world of math research, embrace the challenges, seek guidance from mentors and experts, hire a math tutor , and foster a curious and open mindset.. Math research is a dynamic and ever-evolving field, and by engaging in it, you become part of a vibrant community of mathematicians pushing the boundaries of knowledge.

So, let us embark on this exploration of math research topics together, where new ideas, connections, and insights await. Prepare to unravel the mysteries of numbers, patterns, and structures, and embrace the thrill of contributing to the ever-expanding tapestry of mathematical understanding.

What is math research?

Table of Contents

Math research is the process of investigating new mathematical problems and developing new mathematical theories. It is a vital part of mathematics, as it helps to expand our understanding of the world and to develop new mathematical tools that can be used in other fields, such as science, engineering, and technology.

Math research is a challenging but rewarding endeavor. It requires a deep understanding of mathematics and a strong ability to think logically and creatively. Math researchers must be able to identify new problems, develop new ideas, and prove their ideas correct.

There are many different ways to get involved in math research. One way is to attend a math research conference. Another way is to join a math research group. You can also get involved in math research by working on a math research project with a mentor.

Math Research Topics

A few examples of math research topics:

Number theory

Number theory is a branch of mathematics that studies the properties of integers and other related objects. It is a vast and active field of research, with many open problems that have yet to be solved. Some of the current research topics in number theory include:

The Riemann hypothesis

This is one of the most important unsolved problems in mathematics. It states that the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function have real part 1/2.

The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture

This conjecture relates the zeta function of an elliptic curve to the behavior of its rational points.

The Langlands program

This is a vast program in number theory that seeks to unify many different areas of the field.

The classification of finite simple groups

This is a complete classification of all finite simple groups, which are the building blocks of all other finite groups.

The study of cryptography

Number theory is used in many cryptographic algorithms, such as RSA and Diffie-Hellman.

The study of prime numbers

Prime numbers are fundamental to number theory, and there are many open problems related to them, such as the Goldbach conjecture and the twin prime conjecture.

The study of algebraic number theory

This is a branch of number theory that studies the properties of algebraic numbers, which are roots of polynomials with integer coefficients.

The study of combinatoric number theory

This is a branch of number theory that uses tools from combinatorics to study problems in number theory.

The study of computational number theory

This is a branch of number theory that uses computers to solve problems in number theory.

These are just a few of the many research topics in number theory. The field is constantly evolving, and new problems are being discovered all the time.

Topology is a branch of mathematics that studies the properties of spaces that are preserved under continuous deformations. Some of the most important research topics in topology include:

Algebraic topology

This branch of topology studies topological spaces using algebraic tools, such as homology and cohomology. Algebraic topology has been used to great effect in the study of knot theory, 3-manifolds, and other important topological spaces.

Geometric topology

This branch of topology studies topological spaces using geometric tools, such as triangulations and manifolds. Geometric topology has been used to great effect in the study of surfaces, 3-manifolds, and other important topological spaces.

Differential topology

This branch of topology studies topological spaces using differential geometry. Differential topology has been used to great effect in the study of manifolds, including the study of their smooth structures and their underlying topological structures.

Knot theory

This branch of topology studies knots, which are closed curves in 3-space. Knot theory has applications in many other areas of mathematics, including physics, chemistry, and computer science.

Low-dimensional topology

This branch of topology studies topological spaces of low dimension, such as surfaces and 3-manifolds. Low-dimensional topology has been used to great effect in the study of knot theory, 3-manifolds, and other important topological spaces.

Topological quantum field theory

This branch of mathematics studies the relationship between topology and quantum field theory. Topological quantum field theory has applications in many areas of physics, including string theory and quantum gravity.

Topological data analysis

This branch of mathematics studies the use of topological methods to analyze data. Topological data analysis has applications in many areas, including machine learning, computer vision, and bioinformatics.

These are just a few of the many research topics in topology. Topology is a vast and growing field, and there are many exciting new directions for research.

Differential geometry research topics

Differential geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies the geometry of smooth manifolds. Some of the most important research topics in differential geometry include:

Riemannian geometry

This branch of differential geometry studies Riemannian manifolds, which are smooth manifolds equipped with a Riemannian metric. Riemannian geometry has applications in many areas of mathematics, including physics, chemistry, and computer science.

Complex geometry

This branch of differential geometry studies complex manifolds, which are smooth manifolds that are holomorphically equivalent to a complex vector space. Complex geometry has applications in many areas of mathematics, including physics, chemistry, and computer science.

Geometric analysis

This branch of differential geometry studies the interplay between differential geometry and analysis. Geometric analysis has applications in many areas of mathematics, including physics, chemistry, and computer science.

Mathematical physics

This branch of mathematics uses differential geometry to study physical systems. Mathematical physics has applications in many areas of physics, including general relativity, quantum field theory, and string theory.

Computer graphics

This field of computer science uses differential geometry to create realistic images and animations. Computer graphics has applications in many areas, including video games, movies, and simulations.

Medical imaging

This field of medicine uses differential geometry to create images of the human body. Medical imaging has applications in many areas, including diagnosis, treatment, and research.

These are just a few of the many research topics in differential geometry. Differential geometry is a vast and growing field, and there are many exciting new directions for research.

Algebraic geometry research topics

Algebraic geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies geometric objects using the tools of abstract algebra. Some of the most important research topics in algebraic geometry include:

Algebraic curves

This branch of algebraic geometry studies curves, which are one-dimensional algebraic varieties. Algebraic curves have applications in many areas of mathematics, including number theory, representation theory, and mathematical physics.

Algebraic surfaces

This branch of algebraic geometry studies surfaces, which are two-dimensional algebraic varieties. Algebraic surfaces have applications in many areas of mathematics, including topology, differential geometry, and number theory.

Algebraic threefolds

This branch of algebraic geometry studies threefolds, which are three-dimensional algebraic varieties. Algebraic threefolds have applications in many areas of mathematics, including topology, differential geometry, and number theory.

Algebraic varieties

This branch of algebraic geometry studies varieties, which are arbitrary-dimensional algebraic sets. Algebraic varieties have applications in many areas of mathematics, including topology, differential geometry, and number theory.

Algebraic groups

This branch of algebraic geometry studies groups that are also algebraic varieties. Algebraic groups have applications in many areas of mathematics, including number theory, representation theory, and mathematical physics.

Moduli spaces

This branch of algebraic geometry studies moduli spaces, which are spaces that parameterize objects of a certain type. Moduli spaces have applications in many areas of mathematics, including number theory, representation theory, and mathematical physics.

Arithmetic geometry

This branch of algebraic geometry studies the intersection of algebraic geometry and number theory. Arithmetic geometry has applications in many areas of mathematics, including number theory, representation theory, and mathematical physics.

Complex algebraic geometry

This branch of algebraic geometry studies algebraic varieties over the complex numbers. Complex algebraic geometry has applications in many areas of mathematics, including topology, differential geometry, and mathematical physics.

Algebraic combinatorics

This branch of algebraic geometry studies the intersection of algebraic geometry and combinatorics. Algebraic combinatorics has applications in many areas of mathematics, including combinatorics, computer science, and mathematical physics.

These are just a few of the many research topics in algebraic geometry. Algebraic geometry is a vast and growing field, and there are many exciting new directions for research.

Mathematical physics research topics

Mathematical physics is a field of study that uses the tools of mathematics to study physical systems. Some of the most important research topics in mathematical physics include:

Quantum mechanics

This branch of physics studies the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level. Quantum mechanics has applications in many areas of physics, including chemistry, biology, and engineering.

This branch of physics studies the relationship between space and time. Relativity has applications in many areas of physics, including cosmology, astrophysics, and nuclear physics.

Statistical mechanics

This branch of physics studies the behavior of systems of many particles. Statistical mechanics has applications in many areas of physics, including thermodynamics, chemistry, and biology.

Chaos theory

This branch of physics studies the behavior of systems that are sensitive to initial conditions. Chaos theory has applications in many areas of physics, including meteorology, economics, and biology.

Mathematical finance

This field of mathematics uses the tools of mathematics to study financial markets. Mathematical finance has applications in many areas of finance, including investment banking, insurance, and risk management.

Computational physics

This field of mathematics uses the tools of mathematics to solve physical problems. Computational physics has applications in many areas of physics, including materials science, engineering, and medicine.

Mathematical biology

This field of mathematics uses the tools of mathematics to study biological systems. Mathematical biology has applications in many areas of biology, including genetics, ecology, and evolution.

Mathematical chemistry

This field of mathematics uses the tools of mathematics to study chemical systems. Mathematical chemistry has applications in many areas of chemistry, including materials science, biochemistry, and pharmacology.

Mathematical engineering

This field of mathematics uses the tools of mathematics to study engineering systems. Mathematical engineering has applications in many areas of engineering, including civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering.

These are just a few of the many research topics in mathematical physics. Mathematical physics is a vast and growing field, and there are many exciting new directions for research.

Mathematical biology research topics

Mathematical biology is a field of study that uses the tools of mathematics to study biological systems. Some of the most important research topics in mathematical biology include:

Modeling of biological systems

This branch of mathematical biology uses mathematical models to study the behavior of biological systems. Mathematical models can be used to understand the dynamics of biological systems, to predict how they will respond to changes in their environment, and to design new interventions to improve their health.

Computational biology

This field of mathematical biology uses computational methods to study biological systems. Computational methods can be used to analyze large amounts of biological data, to simulate biological systems, and to design new experiments.


This field of mathematical biology uses statistical methods to study biological data. Biostatistical methods can be used to identify patterns in biological data, to test hypotheses about biological systems, and to design clinical trials.

Mathematical epidemiology

This field of mathematical biology uses mathematical models to study the spread of diseases. Mathematical models can be used to predict the course of an epidemic, to design public health interventions, and to assess the effectiveness of those interventions.

Mathematical ecology

This field of mathematical biology uses mathematical models to study the interactions between species in an ecosystem. Mathematical models can be used to predict how ecosystems will respond to changes in their environment, to design conservation strategies, and to assess the effectiveness of those strategies.

Mathematical neuroscience

This field of mathematical biology uses mathematical models to study the nervous system. Mathematical models can be used to understand how the nervous system works, to design new treatments for neurological disorders, and to assess the effectiveness of those treatments.

Mathematical genetics

This field of mathematical biology uses mathematical models to study genetics. Mathematical models can be used to understand how genes work, to design new treatments for genetic disorders, and to assess the effectiveness of those treatments.

Mathematical evolution

This field of mathematical biology uses mathematical models to study evolution. Mathematical models can be used to understand how evolution works, to design new conservation strategies, and to assess the effectiveness of those strategies.

These are just a few of the many research topics in mathematical biology. Mathematical biology is a vast and growing field, and there are many exciting new directions for research.

Mathematical finance research topics

Mathematical finance is a field of study that uses the tools of mathematics to study financial markets. Some of the most important research topics in mathematical finance include:

Asset pricing

This branch of mathematical finance studies the prices of assets, such as stocks, bonds, and options. Asset pricing models are used to price new financial products, to manage risk, and to make investment decisions.

Portfolio optimization

This branch of mathematical finance studies how to allocate money between different assets in a portfolio. Portfolio optimization models are used to maximize returns, to minimize risk, and to achieve other investment goals.

Derivative pricing

This branch of mathematical finance studies the prices of derivatives, such as options and futures. Derivatives are used to hedge risk, to speculate on future prices, and to generate income.

Risk management

This branch of mathematical finance studies how to measure and manage risk. Risk management models are used to identify and quantify risks, to develop strategies to mitigate risks, and to comply with regulations.

Market microstructure

This branch of mathematical finance studies the structure and dynamics of financial markets. Market microstructure models are used to understand how markets work, to design new trading systems, and to improve market efficiency.

Financial econometrics

This branch of mathematical finance uses statistical methods to study financial data. Financial econometrics models are used to identify patterns in financial data, to test hypotheses about financial markets, and to forecast future prices.

Computational finance

This field of mathematical finance uses computational methods to solve financial problems. Computational finance methods are used to price financial products, to manage risk, and to simulate financial markets.

Mathematical finance and machine learning

This field of mathematical finance uses machine learning methods to study financial markets and to make financial predictions. Machine learning methods are used to identify patterns in financial data, to predict future prices, and to develop new trading strategies.

These are just a few of the many research topics in mathematical finance. Mathematical finance is a vast and growing field, and there are many exciting new directions for research.

Numerical analysis research topics

Numerical analysis is a branch of mathematics that deals with the approximation of functions and solutions to differential equations using numerical methods. Some of the most important research topics in numerical analysis include:

Error analysis

This branch of numerical analysis studies the errors that are introduced when approximate solutions are used to represent exact solutions. Error analysis is used to design numerical methods that are accurate and efficient.

Stability analysis

This branch of numerical analysis studies the stability of numerical methods. Stability analysis is used to design numerical methods that are guaranteed to converge to the correct solution.

Convergence analysis

This branch of numerical analysis studies the convergence of numerical methods. Convergence analysis is used to design numerical methods that will converge to the correct solution in a finite number of steps.

Adaptive methods

This branch of numerical analysis studies adaptive methods. Adaptive methods are numerical methods that can automatically adjust their step size or mesh size to improve accuracy.

Parallel methods

This branch of numerical analysis studies parallel methods. Parallel methods are numerical methods that can be used to solve problems on multiple processors.

Heterogeneous computing

This branch of numerical analysis studies heterogeneous computing. Heterogeneous computing is the use of multiple processors with different architectures to solve problems.

Nonlinear problems

This branch of numerical analysis studies nonlinear problems. Nonlinear problems are problems that cannot be solved using linear methods.


This branch of numerical analysis studies methods for finding the best solution to a problem. Optimization methods are used to find the best parameters for a numerical method, to find the best solution to a problem, and to find the best way to solve a problem.

Scientific computing

This branch of numerical analysis studies the use of numerical methods to solve problems in science and engineering. Scientific computing is used to solve problems in areas such as physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering.

This branch of numerical analysis studies the use of numerical methods to solve problems in physics. Computational physics is used to solve problems in areas such as fluid dynamics, solid mechanics, and quantum mechanics.

Computational chemistry

This branch of numerical analysis studies the use of numerical methods to solve problems in chemistry. Computational chemistry is used to solve problems in areas such as molecular dynamics, quantum chemistry, and materials science.

This branch of numerical analysis studies the use of numerical methods to solve problems in biology. Computational biology is used to solve problems in areas such as genetics, molecular biology, and neuroscience.

These are just a few of the many research topics in numerical analysis. Numerical analysis is a vast and growing field, and there are many exciting new directions for research.

Probability research topics

Probability is a branch of mathematics that deals with the analysis of random phenomena. Some of the most important research topics in probability include:

Foundations of probability

This branch of probability studies the axioms and foundations of probability theory. Foundations of probability is important for understanding the basic concepts of probability and for developing new probability theories.

Stochastic processes

This branch of probability studies the evolution of random phenomena over time. Stochastic processes are used to model a wide variety of phenomena, such as stock prices, traffic patterns, and disease outbreaks.

Random graphs

This branch of probability studies graphs whose vertices and edges are chosen randomly. Random graphs are used to model a wide variety of networks, such as social networks, computer networks, and biological networks.

Markov chains

This branch of probability studies stochastic processes whose future state depends only on its current state. Markov chains are used to model a wide variety of phenomena, such as queuing systems, genetics, and epidemiology.

Queueing theory

This branch of probability studies the behavior of queues. Queues are used to model a wide variety of systems, such as call centers, hospitals, and traffic systems.

Optimal stopping theory

This branch of probability studies the problem of choosing when to stop a stochastic process. Optimal stopping theory is used to make decisions in a wide variety of situations, such as gambling, investing, and medical diagnosis.

Information theory

This branch of probability studies the quantification and manipulation of information. Information theory is used in a wide variety of fields, such as communication, cryptography, and machine learning.

Computational probability

This branch of probability studies the use of computers to solve probability problems. Computational probability is used to solve a wide variety of problems, such as simulating random phenomena, computing probabilities, and designing algorithms .

Applied probability

This branch of probability studies the use of probability in other fields, such as physics, chemistry, biology, and economics. Applied probability is used to solve a wide variety of problems in these fields.

These are just a few of the many research topics in probability. Probability is a vast and growing field, and there are many exciting new directions for research.

Statistics research topics

Statistics is a field of study that deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data. Some of the most important research topics in statistics include:

This branch of statistics studies the analysis of large and complex datasets. Big data is used in a wide variety of fields, such as business, finance, healthcare, and government.

Machine learning

This branch of statistics studies the development of algorithms that can learn from data without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning is used in a wide variety of fields, such as natural language processing, computer vision, and fraud detection.

Data mining

This branch of statistics studies the extraction of knowledge from data. Data mining is used in a wide variety of fields, such as marketing, customer relationship management, and fraud detection.

Bayesian statistics

This branch of statistics uses Bayes’ theorem to update beliefs in the face of new evidence. Bayesian statistics is used in a wide variety of fields, such as medical diagnosis, finance, and weather forecasting.

Nonparametric statistics

This branch of statistics uses methods that do not make assumptions about the distribution of the data. Nonparametric statistics is used in a wide variety of fields, such as social science, medical research, and environmental science.

Multivariate statistics

This branch of statistics studies the analysis of data that has multiple variables. Multivariate statistics is used in a wide variety of fields, such as marketing, finance, and environmental science.

Time series analysis

This branch of statistics studies the analysis of data that changes over time. Time series analysis is used in a wide variety of fields, such as economics, finance, and meteorology.

Survival analysis

This branch of statistics studies the analysis of data that records the time until an event occurs. Survival analysis is used in a wide variety of fields, such as medical research, epidemiology, and finance.

Quality control

This branch of statistics studies the methods used to ensure that products or services meet a certain level of quality. Quality control is used in a wide variety of fields, such as manufacturing, healthcare, and government.

These are just a few of the many research topics in statistics. Statistics is a vast and growing field, and there are many exciting new directions for research.

How to find math research topics

Here are some tips on how to find math research topics:

Talk to your professors and advisors

They will be able to give you insights into current research in your area of interest and help you identify potential topics.

Read math journals and conferences

This will help you stay up-to-date on the latest research and identify areas where you could make a contribution.

Attend math conferences and workshops

This is a great way to meet other mathematicians and learn about their research.

Think about your own interests and passions

What are you curious about? What do you want to learn more about? These can be great starting points for research topics.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you’re struggling to find a research topic, talk to your professors, advisors, or other mathematicians. They will be happy to help you get started.


How to get started with math research

Getting started with math research can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Find a mentor

A mentor can help you find a research topic, develop your research skills, and navigate the research process. Talk to your professors, advisors, or other mathematicians to find someone who is interested in your research interests.

Do your research

Read articles, books, and papers on your topic. Talk to experts in the field. The more you know about your topic, the better equipped you will be to conduct research.

Develop a research plan

A research plan will help you stay organized and on track. It should include your research goals, methods, and timeline.

Research can be a slow and challenging process. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t make progress immediately. Just keep working hard and you will eventually reach your goals.

Start small

Don’t try to tackle too much at once. Start with a small research project that you can complete in a reasonable amount of time.

Get feedback

Share your work with others and get their feedback. This will help you identify areas where you can improve.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

If you’re struggling with something, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your mentor, advisor, or other mathematicians.

Research can be a rewarding experience. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success.

In conclusion, exploring math research topics provides an opportunity to delve into the fascinating world of mathematics and contribute to its advancement.

The wide range of potential research areas ensures that there is something for everyone, whether you are interested in pure mathematics, applied mathematics, or interdisciplinary studies. By engaging in math research, you can deepen your understanding of mathematical principles, develop problem-solving skills, and contribute to the collective knowledge of the field.

Remember to choose a research topic that aligns with your interests and goals, and seek guidance from mentors and experts in the field to maximize your research potential. Embrace the challenge, curiosity, and creativity that math research offers, and embark on a journey that can lead to exciting discoveries and breakthroughs in the realm of mathematics.

Frequently Asked Question

How do i choose a math research topic.

When choosing a math research topic, consider your interests, background knowledge, and future goals. Explore various branches of mathematics and identify areas that intrigue you. Additionally, consult with professors, mentors, and professionals in the field for guidance and suggestions.

Can I pursue research in math as an undergraduate student?

Yes, many universities and research institutions offer opportunities for undergraduate students to engage in math research. Reach out to your professors or department advisors to inquire about available research programs or projects suitable for undergraduates.

What are some emerging areas in math research?

Math research is a constantly evolving field. Some emerging areas include computational mathematics, data science, cryptography, mathematical biology, quantum computing, and mathematical physics. Staying updated with current research trends and attending conferences or seminars can help you identify new and exciting research avenues.

How can I conduct math research effectively?

Effective math research involves a systematic approach. Start by thoroughly understanding the existing literature on your chosen topic. Develop clear research questions and hypotheses, and apply appropriate mathematical techniques and methodologies.

Can math research have real-world applications?

Absolutely! Math research has numerous real-world applications in fields such as engineering, finance, computer science, cryptography, data analysis, and physics. Mathematical models and algorithms play a crucial role in solving complex problems and optimizing various processes in diverse industries.

What resources can I use for math research?

Utilize academic journals, online databases, research papers, books, and mathematical software to access relevant information and tools. Libraries, online platforms, and research institutions also provide access to valuable resources and databases specific to mathematical research.

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100+ Amazing Algebra Topics for Research Papers

Algebra Topics

Many students seek algebra topics when writing research papers in this mathematical field. Algebra is the study field that entails studying mathematical symbols and rules for their manipulation. Algebra is the unifying thread for most mathematics, including solving elementary equations to learning abstractions like rings, groups, and fields.

In most cases, people use algebra when unsure about the exact numbers. Therefore, they replace those numbers with letters. In business, algebra helps with sales prediction. While many students dislike mathematics, avoiding algebra research paper topics is almost impossible at an advanced study level.

Therefore, this article lists topics to consider when writing a research paper in this academic field. It’s helpful because many learners struggle to find suitable topics when writing research papers in this field.

How to Write Theses on Advanced Algebra Topics

A thesis on an algebra topic is an individual project that the learner writes after investigating and studying a specific idea. Here’s a step-by-step guide for writing a thesis on an algebra topic.

Pick a topic: Start by selecting a title for your algebra thesis. Your topic should relate to your research interests and your supervisor’s guidelines. Investigate your topic: Once you’ve chosen a topic, research it extensively to know the relevant theories, formulas, and texts. Your thesis should be an extension of a particular topic’s analysis and a report on your research. Write the thesis: Once you’ve explored the topic extensively, start writing your paper. Your dissertation should have an abstract, an introduction, the body, and a conclusion.

The abstract should summarise your thesis’ aims, scope, and conclusions. The introduction should introduce the topic, size, and significance while providing relevant literature and outlining the logical structure. The body should have several chapters with details and proofs of numerical implementations, while the conclusion should restate your main arguments and tell readers the effects. Also, it should suggest future work.

College Algebra Topics

You may need topics to consider if you’re in college and want to write an algebra research paper. Here’s a list of titles worth considering for your essay.

  • Exploring the relationship between Rubik’s cube and the group theory
  • Comparing the relationship between various equation systems
  • Finding the most appropriate way to solve mathematical word problems
  • Investigating the distance formula and its origin
  • Exploring the things you can achieve with determinants
  • Explaining what “domain” and “range” mean in algebra
  • A two-dimension analysis of the Gram-Schmidt process
  • Exploring the differences between eigenvalues and eigenvectors
  • What the Cramer’s rule states, and why does it matter
  • Describing the Gaussian elimination
  • Provide an induction-proof example
  • Describe the uses of F-algebras
  • Understanding the number problems in algebra
  • What’s the essence of abstract algebra?
  • Investigating Fermat’s last theorem peculiarities
  • Exploring the algebra essentials
  • Investigating the relationship between geometry and algebra

These are exciting topics in college algebra. However, writing a winning paper about any of them requires careful research and analysis. Therefore, prepare to spend sufficient time working on any of these titles.

Cool Topics in Algebra

Perhaps, you want to write about an excellent topic in this mathematical field. If so, consider the following ideas for your algebra paper.

  • Discussing a differential equation with illustrations
  • Describing and analysing the Noetherian ring
  • Explain the commutative ring from an algebra viewpoint
  • Describe the Artin-Weddderburn theorem
  • Studying the Jacobson density theorem
  • Describe the four properties of any binary operation from an algebra viewpoint
  • A detailed analysis of the unary operator
  • Analysing the Abel-Ruffini theorem
  • Monomorphisms versus Epimorphisms: Contrast and comparison
  • Discus Morita duality with algebraic structures in mind
  • Nilpotent versus Idempotent in Ring theory

Pick any idea from this list and develop it into a research topic. Your educator will love your paper and award you a good grade if you research it and write an informative essay.

Linear Algebra Topics

Linear algebra covers vector spaces and the linear mapping between them. Linear equation systems have unknowns, and mathematicians use vectors and matrices to represent them. Here are exciting topics in linear algebra to consider for your research paper.

  • Decomposition of singular value
  • Investigating linear independence and dependence
  • Exploring projections in linear algebra
  • What are linear transformations in linear algebra?
  • Describe positive definite matrices
  • What are orthogonal matrices?
  • Describe Euclidean vector spaces with examples
  • Explain how you can solve equation systems with matrices
  • Determinants versus matrix inverses
  • Describe mathematical operations using matrices
  • Functional analysis of linear algebra
  • Exploring linear algebra and its fundamentals

These are some of the exciting project topics in linear algebra. Nevertheless, prepare sufficient resources and time to investigate any of these titles to write a winning paper.

Pre Algebra Topics

Are you interested in a pre-algebra research topic? If so, this category has some of the most exciting ideas to explore.

  • Investigating the importance of pre-algebra
  • The best way to start pre-algebra for a beginner
  • Pre-algebra and algebra- Which is the hardest and why?
  • Core lessons in pre-algebra
  • What follows pre-algebra?
  • The first things to learn in pre-algebra
  • Investigating the standard form in pre-algebra
  • Provide pre-algebra examples using the basic rules to evaluate expressions
  • Differentiate pre-algebra and algebra
  • Describe five pre-algebra formulas

Consider exploring any of these ideas if you’re interested in pre-algebra. Nevertheless, choose a title you’re comfortable with to develop a winning paper.

Intermediate Algebra Topics for Research

Perhaps, you’re interested in intermediate algebra. If so, consider any of these ideas for your research paper.

  • Reviewing absolute value and real numbers
  • Investigating real numbers’ operations
  • Exploring the cube and square roots of real numbers
  • Analysing algebraic formulas and expressions
  • What are the rules of scientific notation and exponents?
  • How to solve a linear inequality with a single variable
  • Exploring relations, functions, and graphics from an algebraic viewpoint
  • Investigating linear systems with two variables and solutions
  • How to solve a linear system with two variables
  • Exploring linear systems applications with two variables
  • How to solve a linear system with three variables
  • Gaussian elimination and matrices
  • How to simplify a radical expression
  • How to add and subtract a radical expression
  • How to multiply and divide a radical expression
  • How to extract a square root and complete the square
  • Investigating quadratic functions and graphs
  • How to solve a polynomial and rational inequality
  • How to solve logarithmic and exponential equations
  • Exploring arithmetic series and sequences

These are exciting topics in intermediate algebra to consider for research papers. Nevertheless, learners should prepare to solve equations in their work.

Algebra Topics High School Students Can Explore

Are you in high school and want to explore algebra? If yes, consider these topics for your research, they could be a great coursework help to you.

  • Crucial principles and formulas to embrace when solving a matrix
  • Ways to create charts on a firm’s financial analysis for the past five years
  • How to find solutions to finance and mathematical gaps
  • Ways to solve linear equations
  • What is a linear equation- Provide examples
  • Describe the substitution and elimination methods for solving equations
  • How to solve logarithmic equations
  • What are partial fractions?
  • Describe linear inequalities with examples
  • How to solve a quadratic equation by factoring
  • How to solve a quadratic equation by formula
  • How to solve a quadratic equation with a square completion method
  • How to frame a worksheet for a quadratic equation
  • Explain the relationship between roots and coefficients
  • Describe rational expressions and ways to simplify them
  • Describe a cubic equation roots
  • What is the greatest common factor- Provide examples
  • What is the least common multiple- Provide examples
  • Describe the remainder theorem with examples

Explore any of these titles for your high school paper. However, pick a title you’re comfortable working with from the beginning to the end to make your work easier.

Advanced Topics in Algebra and Geometry

Maybe you want to explore something more advanced in your paper. In that case, the following list has advanced topics in geometry and algebra worth considering.

  • Arithmetical structures and their algorithmic aspects
  • Fractional thermoentropy spaces in topological quantum fields
  • Fractional thermoentripy spaces in large-scale systems
  • Eigenpoints configurations
  • Investigating the higher dimension aperiodic domino problem
  • Exploring math anxiety, executive functions, and math performance
  • Coherent quantiles and lifting elements
  • Absolute values extension on two subfields
  • Reviewing the laws of form and Majorana fermions
  • Studying the specialisation and rational maps degree
  • Investigating mathematical-pedagogical knowledge of prospective teachers in ECD programs
  • The adeles I model theory
  • Exploring logarithmic vector fields, arrangements, and divisors’ freeness
  • How to reconstruct curves from Hodge classes
  • Investigating Eigen points configuration

These are advanced topics in algebra and geometry worth investigating. However, please prepare to explore your topic extensively to write a strong essay.

Abstract Algebra Topics

Most people study abstract algebra in college. If you’re interested in research in this area, consider these topics for your project.

  • Describe abstract algebra applications
  • Why is abstract algebra essential?
  • Describe ring theory and its application
  • What is group theory, and why does it matter?
  • Describe the critical conceptual algebra levels
  • Describe the fundamental theorem of the finite Abelian groups
  • Describe Sylow’s theorems
  • What is Polya counting?
  • Describe the RSA algorithm
  • What are the homomorphisms and ideals of Rings?
  • Describe integral domains and factorisation
  • Describe Boolean algebra and its importance
  • State and explain Cauchy’s Theorem- Why is it important?

This algebra topics list is not exhaustive. You can find more ideas worth exploring in your project. Nevertheless, pick an idea you will work with comfortably to deliver a winning paper.

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exercise Physiology Research Topics

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mathematics research paper topics

Department members engage in cutting-edge research on a wide variety of topics in mathematics and its applications. Topics continually evolve to reflect emerging interests and developments, but can roughly grouped into the following areas.

Algebra, Combinatorics, and Geometry

Algebra, combinatorics, and geometry are areas of very active research at the University of Pittsburgh.

Analysis and Partial Differential Equations

The research of the analysis group covers functional analysis, harmonic analysis, several complex variables, partial differential equations, and analysis on metric and Carnot-Caratheodory spaces.

Applied Analysis

The department is a leader in the analysis of systems of nonlinear differential equations and dynamical systems  that arise in modeling a variety of physical phenomena. They include problems in biology, chemistry, phase transitions, fluid flow, flame propagation, diffusion processes, and pattern formation in nonlinear stochastic partial differential equations.

Mathematical Biology

The biological world stands as the next great frontier for mathematical modeling and analysis. This group studies complex systems and dynamics arising in various biological phenomena.

Mathematical Finance

A rapidly growing area of mathematical finance is Quantitative Behavioral Finance. The high-tech boom and bust of the late 1990s followed by the housing and financial upheavals of 2008 have made a convincing case for the necessity of adopting broader assumptions in finance.

Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

The diversity of this group is reflected in its research interests: numerical analysis of partial differential equations , adaptive methods for scientific computing, computational methods of fluid dynamics and turbulence, numerical solution of nonlinear problems arising from porous media flow and transport, optimal control, and simulation of stochastic reaction diffusion systems.

Topology and Differential Geometry

Research in analytic topology continues in the broad area of generalized metric spaces. This group studies relativity theory and differential geometry, with emphasis on twistor methods, as well as geometric and topological aspects of quantum field theory, string theory, and M-theory.

logo Mathematics Research Reports

Mathematics Research Reports is free for readers and authors. It publishes research announcements of significant advances in all branches of mathematics, short complete papers of original research (up to about 15 journal pages), and review articles (up to about 30 journal pages). All articles should be designed to communicate their contents to a broad mathematical audience and should meet high standards for mathematical content and clarity. All papers are reviewed, and the entire Editorial Board must approve the acceptance of any paper.

MRR articles are abstracted and indexed in Mathematical Reviews and ZbMath .

> > Introduction to Research in the Classroom

What is mathematics research?

Mathematics research is the long-term, open-ended exploration of a set of related mathematics questions whose answers connect to and build upon each other. Problems are open-ended because students continually come up with new questions to ask based on their observations. Additional characteristics of student research include:

How do students benefit from doing mathematics research?

Mathematics research influences student learning in a number of ways:

Students develop mastery of mathematics topics. Philosopher and educator claimed that we don’t learn the basics by studying the basics but by engaging in rich activities which require them. Research experiences require the repeated application of technical skills in the service of looking for patterns and testing conjectures (e.g., factoring and graphing polynomials for the project). It is this repetition, in the context of motivating and meaningful problems, that leads to greater understanding and retention of mathematics skills. During an investigation, students make connections between ideas that further enhance retention.

For which students is research appropriate?

This question is usually more bluntly framed as "Can kids really do this?!" The experience of teachers in all types of school settings is that children can successfully engage in mathematics research. teachers have undertaken research with urban, rural, and suburban students from grades 4 through 12. They have guided at-risk, honors, and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes through projects lasting from a few weeks up to a year. Students in math clubs, individual students, and home-schooled students have carried out successful investigations. One of our teachers first introduced research to her honors seventh graders. Once she was confident in her own experience, she tried the same project with two low-tracked eighth-grade sections. The quality of the questions, experimenting, reasoning, and writing was excellent in all three sections and indistinguishable between the honors and non-honors students. Research drew upon a richer array of student abilities than were assessed for tracking purposes.

Research can thrive in a heterogeneous class of students if you pick a project that does not require a lot of background to get started but which also inspires sophisticated questions. Students will pose problems at a level that is both challenging and appropriate for them.

How can I get my feet wet with research?

Making Mathematics teachers have been most comfortable trying research for the first time with one of their "stronger than average" sections. Some teachers have begun work with one or more interested students as part of a mathematics club or independent seminar. The purpose of these first excursions has been for the students to become familiar with the research process and for the teacher to see how students respond to lengthy, open-ended problem-solving.

Popular starting projects have been , , , and . These projects are good starting points for any secondary group because they quickly inspire observations, conjectures, and new questions ("What if we do this…?") and can get to informal reasoning to justify some of the conjectures within a day or two. This easy entry is due to the familiarity of the content (e.g., counting, arithmetic, shapes).

You should commit at least three consecutive class periods at the start of a first investigation in order to maintain the momentum of the experience. You want students to appreciate that the questions are not typical quick exercises, so it is important that they get to wade into the work. Interruptions also make it harder for them to maintain a line of thinking. After the initial burst, you can sustain a project through weekly discussions of work done at home. If a problem is working well, do not be afraid to let kids pursue it for a long period of time. All of these projects have proven to remain challenging and interesting during weeks of student exploration (except for the , which works best as a shorter introductory activity for older students).

What can I do once my feet are wet?

If you have tried research with just a few students, try it with a class. If you have begun research with one class, try it with others. Read more chapters of the and integrate some of the supporting activities that focus on particular research skills. The most fun and greatest benefits accrue when research becomes an ongoing strand within a course. One investigation gives us a taste of research. When we engage in research regularly, we hone our intuitions about what approaches to attempt at each juncture in the process. Additionally, students who do research periodically start to apply to all of their mathematics studies the habits of extending questions, conjecturing, looking for patterns, generating confirming and counter- examples, and checking their reasoning carefully.

When students become really excited about doing mathematics and want to try a long-term project, you can form a seminar or club to support them as they work on one topic for a semester or more. Meetings can alternate between discussing the students’ progress with their questions and studying specific research skills (e.g., , , etc.).

is central to long projects. Once a student has solved an initial question, they should look for extensions of the question that build on their work. They will discover that research problems can last forever. Each new piece of work can spawn many more questions for research. However, students need to be thoughtful about the research agenda that they pursue. Endless generalizations and extensions of a problem may not yield a satisfyingly cohesive research product. For example, the many cow problems listed in the problem-posing chapter are all related by context and type, but they may not produce some larger vision that makes the solving of the next cow problem easier. There may be no interesting of cow problems and ultimately one does not just want a bag of problems but a connected whole with overarching patterns and methods that recur throughout many of the questions and solutions.

What kind of support will I need?

Many teachers independently introduce research into a class. Your work will have greater impact on students if they encounter research in all of their mathematics classes. Both for that reason and in order to feel less isolated as you experiment, it is helpful to recruit one or more colleagues to try out research along with you. Share ideas and observations and even visit each other’s classes on days when the students are doing research. Talk with your department head or supervisor to garner support for your efforts.

If you want an advisor for yourself or an outside audience for the work that your students do, you can contact the mathematics or mathematics education department at a local college and ask if any of the professors would be willing to serve as a mentor (either via email, phone, or in person) for you and your class. We have also found good mentors contacting corporations that employ scientists and mathematicians. Your mentor may just communicate with you or she may be willing to read updates or reports from the students and provide responses. You should make these exchanges via your email account—parental consent is required by law for direct internet communication. Be sure to let any prospective mentor know what your goals and expectations are for the students and for their involvement.

Mentors can help in a number of ways. They can:

s efforts). s mathematical statements.

What do I need to do before I begin?

project, and start your work looking for patterns, trying to state clear conjectures, searching for proofs or disproofs, and studying new, related problems (read about the in the chapter and work through the and chapters together as well). Many teachers have found the summer a good time for professional growth via a research project. ). If you come to feel that research is a necessary outcome of studying mathematics, then your questions will shift from " I do this?" to " can I do this?" home to parents that helps them to understand what you will be doing and why. You or your department head can talk with your principal about your goals for your students.

How do I choose a project topic?

Choose projects that are at the right level of challenge for your students. For novice student researchers, it is preferable if the focus is on learning about the research process. Projects that involve familiar content allow for a gentle introduction and for the greatest possibility of multiple interpretations and avenues of exploration that draw upon well-developed student understandings. When students can jump in fast, they are more likely to work through the more than once and grasp the iterative and open-ended nature of research. We describe these projects as having a low threshold and a high ceiling—every student can participate and there is lots of room for the most advanced students to find challenging questions.

As students gain experience with research, they will be more confident and ready to tackle questions involving less familiar areas of mathematics. It is at this point that it will be easier to have students learn new mathematics topics in the context of research. This combination will allow you to give students practice developing important mathematical habits of mind while covering the content required of a given course (see below).

Certain projects are particularly inspiring for students because of their visual appeal. For example, the pictures that emerge during the or investigations can catch students’ attention and stimulate them to look for the underlying explanations of what they see. See Alan Schoenfeld’s discussion of criteria for good problems at ).

You need to consider your own comfort level when picking a project as well. You may want to spend some time working on and familiarizing yourself with the questions before you introduce them to the class. Do not feel that you have to have the entire project mastered. Once students get working, they invariably raise questions that none of us anticipate, so it is impossible to figure out all of the answers ahead of time (see below and in ).

If you are working with a small number of students, you may want to have them pick the project. One advantage to giving students a choice is that they will feel more motivated having picked a question that most interests them. They will also see that you want them to develop their own personal mathematical tastes. It is better if at least two or three students work on a given project so that they can share ideas with each other. We have, however, seen many cases of individual students working productively on problems that they have chosen or posed themselves.

Finally, one or more students may come to you with an original question or you can invite students to pose their own questions (see ). Students who tackle their own questions are coming into their own as mathematicians, but there is a caveat that accompanies such an endeavor. Since the problems are original, it may not be clear ahead of time if they are too difficult for the student. Similarly, the examples may not turn out to follow any recognizable patterns or yield any conjectures. Original questions do not come with guarantees.

What if I am not familiar with a problem?

Perhaps the greatest anxiety that teachers express about doing research is that they themselves may not be able to answer the questions that students are exploring. As noted , we cannot expect to know all of the answers to all questions, nor should we portray ourselves in that light. It is not our job to answer all of questions that students might pose—it is our job to model for them the questions that they should be asking themselves when they are having difficulty making progress (see ). We have, in fact, been unable to answer numerous problems posed by our researching students, in part because they have had much more time to think about each question than we have and in part because some have been quite hard (and remain unsolved). Consider the following note from a mentor to a teacher who had just finished a research unit with her class:

validate you’re work because you’re the first one to try it! have to figure it out, convince yourself, and then convince others.

For every project that a class investigates, the students should have a running list of conjectures that they have not yet proven or disproven. This will help them see that it is the natural state of mathematics to have open questions with which many researchers are grappling.

How do I help my students during research?

When students are engaged in research, our job is to teach them the stages of the process and to coach them to develop the habits that lead to success. The most common coaching maneuver is to ask a question. The purpose of an inquiry is to model the types of questions that the student should be asking herself and to help the student and her teacher understand what she is doing and why.

The other key to helping your students is to be enthusiastic about their ideas and questions and to be patient when they are stuck. Acknowledge both the satisfactions and the difficulties of research so that students can address the emotions that accompany learning. Because progress in research can take time and come sporadically, it is important that you remove any external stresses when students begin research (unless you are very careful, grading can be a distraction and hindrance for novice researchers). Here are some of the basic acts that teachers use when coaching students (note that many of these are just statements of good teaching in general):

See the for mentor comments that exemplify the above list of responses.

How should I use the warm-up problems?

Each Making Mathematics project has associated warm-up problems. Which, if any, you use will depend on the background of your students. Students can start most research projects at an interesting level without work on any of the warm-up problems. In some cases, you may want to use the warm-ups after an initial exploration so that students are thinking about the problems within the context of the main project questions. Certain warm-up problems may turn out to be lengthy research challenges themselves (so gauge your available time accordingly or just use the warm-up as a research question).

The teaching notes accompanying the project and activity can serve as models that you can adapt to other projects. As noted , it is best if you can introduce research with a burst that permits a coherent presentation of the research process before separating discussions with several days of non-research studies.

Once research is underway, each student or group of students may work on different, but related, questions. During whole-class discussion, classmates should describe the different problems that they are exploring. Students should report back on their progress (new questions, conjectures, proofs, etc.) periodically.

At the end of a class session devoted to research, each group should give themselves a homework assignment in their . You can check these recorded tasks to make sure that the assignments were meaningful and check the subsequent entry in the logbook to make sure that the student made reasonable progress with the tasks. Typical homework challenges include:

Students can think about where they are in the in order to decide what step to attempt next. Their work should have some narrative explanations ("I did this because…"). Students can work on their homework for a few days, but groups will also need regular class time to catch up on each other’s thinking, to work together, and to then coordinate next steps before their next stretch of independent work.

Although the teaching notes for many of the Making Mathematics projects suggest what to do on the first day, the second day, and so forth, you will need to pace the phases of a particular investigation according to the length of your class periods and the timing of a given class’s particular questions and discoveries. Here are some other decisions that you should be alert to as work proceeds:

(generating test cases, remaining skeptical in the face of confirming examples, extreme and degenerate cases, and counter-examples).

As a class works thorough its early research experiences, be sure to document for them as much of their work as possible. Posters listing the students’ conjectures, questions, and theorems help students grasp the cyclical nature of the research process. They see how their different questions connect and build upon each other and learn which research methods are most helpful at which stages of an investigation. After these beginning projects, students are ready to work more independently and should be encouraged to pose their own questions for research.

Stand-alone activities from the teacher handbook and entries can be used during research explorations or in between as a way to keep research thinking fresh when other topics are taking central stage in your class. When used in the midst of an investigation, they are a response to a "teachable moment" that makes them a timely interruption. You can also intersperse readings (see the chapter) about present-day and their work as a way to broaden students’ view of the field and to inspire them with the personal stories of persistence and discovery.

See Writing Math Research Papers by Robert Gerver for more advice on structuring individual research projects.

How does a research project end?

A project can end when a student or group has resolved some central question. Often, there are many questions and, after good progress with some of them, students’ enthusiasm for the others may wane. You may have established certain goals for students: to create a proof, to generate a few clear conjectures, to pose a new problem and make progress with it. Each of these possibilities is a reasonable time for work on a project to end. Students can come to a satisfying sense of closure even with a project that leaves many unanswered questions. That feeling can be enhanced if they write a final report that summarizes their main questions and work and that concludes with a list of possible extensions worth exploring. See for ideas about formal write-ups for students who have engaged in a lengthy examination of a research question.

How will doing research affect my workload?

Ultimately, research is no more demanding on your time than teaching that is more traditional. In some cases, it shifts the balance so that you spend less time preparing lessons and more time responding to student work. If you have not taught research before, there will be an initial need to think through the different issues that will arise in class. This work will prepare you to take advantage of any "teachable moments" (student comments that can lead the class to new understandings). The is a valuable resource as you develop experience doing research with students.

One strategy for managing the demands of teaching research is to keep good notes on your observations during class. Thorough ongoing documentation will facilitate the comments that you need to make when you collect work because you will have a good sense of the entire research process that an individual or group has gone through. The more often you can read and respond to student’s entries in a their logbooks, the better, but you do not have to collect everyone’s work all at once. You can sample a few each night. Lastly, having each group submit a single final report reduces the number of papers that you need to study to a manageable number.

How can I balance the development of research skills with the need to cover specific mathematics topics?

Mentor: I appreciate your frustration about the tension between covering technical content and giving your students the opportunity to learn about the process of doing mathematics. There is no question that teachers are being asked to whiz through too many topics. I try to remind teachers of what they already know: when we go too quickly, the material is not mastered well and so we are not being efficient.

The above exchange between a Making Mathematics teacher and her mentor is typical of the most common and emotional question with which teachers interested in research have grappled. Many have expressed stress at feeling trapped by competing demands. In some cases, the answer is simple: if there is a major state test next week and you need to cover five topics, it is definitely a bad time to start research. But, if you are months away and you consider how often students forget what they have studied, now is a good time to introduce your students to mathematics investigations.

As Schoenfeld and remind us, the content versus research question reflects a false dichotomy. We know how fruitless it is to teach disconnected topics. If you do not use knowledge in active ways that allow you to make meaning of what you have learned, you do not retain that learning. Why do students seem to forget so much of what they study? Sometimes, they still have the skills but are only able to apply them when prompted (e.g., "I am doing a chapter four problem" or "I was told to use triangle trigonometry techniques"). Sometimes, the learning experience was not memorable (consider what you have remembered and forgotten from high school and try to identify why). The more research work becomes a strand throughout a course and a school’s curriculum, the better the interconnections between, and mastery of, technical content will be.

The NCTM Standards include many important goals (e.g., being able to conjecture, show persistence in problem solving, develop mathematical models, etc.) that we are supposed to "cover" that do not fit well in the framework of timed tests.

So, how do we combine research and technical content goals and what are some of the challenges that we face in our efforts? We can choose a research problem that will reinforce technical skills that a class has already studied. Alternatively, we can pick a problem that will introduce our students to and help them develop an understanding of a new topic. For example, we could use the research project in place of or after a textbook introduction on combinatorics.

One problem that arises when using a research experience as a way to develop or reinforce a particular technical skill is that students’ questions and methods may not head in the direction that you expected. One group of students, presented with the project, wanted to be able to test the behavior of all starting positions. To do so, they had to know how many starting positions there were and so, unwittingly, began a combinatorics exploration of the possible arrangements involving recruits with 2 facing the wrong way. Another group created a circular version of the problem and learned about periodic behavior. If you tell students to use a particular technique, then you short-circuit the research process. You are also risking turning the effort into a planned discovery activity, which usually lacks the motivational and intellectual power of true research.

You can address this problem in a few ways. A careful choice of project or framing of the question can often make certain skills inevitable. For example, a high school class proving theorems about would be hard pressed to avoid using algebraic expressions or thinking about factors. You can also add your own questions to the class’s list. This makes you a participant in the process and assures that the class will spend some time on the issues that you want considered. Alternatively, you can let the students’ work take them where it will knowing that some other important area of mathematics is being developed or reinforced that you will not have to spend as much time on in the future. Then, after the research is over, you can return to the topic that you originally had in mind.

When students do get to follow their own intellectual muse, they are more likely to experience a wide range of mathematics topics. For example, in a class of fifth graders working on the project, one student asked what would happen if each jump was chosen randomly. The shapes were no longer as attractive, but the question of whether they would ever close led to the idea of expected value. An independent research project on randomness in DNA led a student to study matrices and Markov processes. Students will teach themselves a chapter of content from a textbook if they think it will help them on a task about which they care.

How should students keep track of their work?

Students should maintain a logbook throughout a research experience. In this logbook, they will keep a record of everything they do and everything they read. Students should be encouraged to write down questions that they have when they are reading or working on their mathematics. This journal will become a record of the student’s entire mathematics research experience. It will be an invaluable tool during their investigation and as they produce their final write-up at the end of the project.

There are two common approaches to the organization of a mathematics logbook. You should decide which type of logbook better meets the needs of you and your students.

For lengthy research projects, some teachers prefer that students use a bound logbook. Science logbooks, filled with graph paper and pre-numbered pages, are ideal for this sort of journal. Since the page numbers come pre-printed, it is obvious that something is missing if a page is torn out. Logbooks of this type encourage students to keep all of their work, even work that they do not actually use in their final project. It demonstrates a clear progression of mathematical development and thought throughout the research experience. If students want to add copies of articles or diagrams, they can staple or tape them into place. A formal logbook of this type is often for science fair projects. See for student instructions for this type of logbook.

In other cases, we recommend the use of loose-leaf binders for logbooks. Loose-leaf notebooks make it easier to keep material in sections and to move pages around. They also make it easier for teachers to ask students to hand in portions of their logbook because they can remove the pages and then put them back when the teacher is done looking at them. Students can insert computer printouts, pictures, copies of articles, etc. in an appropriate place. (Gerver, pp. 91-92). See for student instructions for this type of logbook.

No matter which format is used, we recommend that students:

Students should write what they are feeling and thinking in their logs. The log is a record of a student’s dialogue with herself and the mathematics ideas of her project. Dry, formal writing is an impediment at this stage of work. One of our students had the following observations and questions in his log:

? + ( , not 0) irrational fractional base like the others?

His comments served to provide a clear narrative of his reasoning and motivation.

Neatness and organization are not an intrinsic virtue in a log book, but they are important to the extent that the student must be able to make sense of her writing days later and will not want messiness to distract any reader of her log.

When and how should students work in groups?

Students benefit from group work in a number of different ways. Students can more readily adjust to the unfamiliar aspects of research with the support and exchange of ideas that a group can provide. Group efforts allow students to contribute their strengths to a research project without getting stuck because of an area of weakness. In other words, groups can be crucial to the early confidence-building stages of teaching research. As research continues in a class, group efforts allow students to discover the power of being part of a mathematical community that is building an interconnected set of mathematics ideas stimulated by each other’s thoughts and questions.

Although a whole class can work on a problem together, smaller groups are preferable inasmuch as they give more students the chance to participate. Multiple groups are also more likely to produce an interesting variety of ideas than will a whole-class discussion. Before starting students off in groups for an extended activity (doing research or anything else), it is worthwhile presenting the discussion questions from the chapter.

We recommend giving each student the chance to spend some time individually making sense of a problem before putting groups together. This initial period allows students to figure out at their own pace what they know about a problem and what questions they have. After the class makes a list of their questions, you can form groups and ask each one to pick a question for their members to explore. Alternatively, you can invite students to join a group based on which question they would like to explore ("If you like problem A, please move over here."). Although there is no hard and fast rule for group size, groups of three or four students often provide a good critical mass of ideas while allowing for plenty of participation.

You should decide whether you want each group to appoint a daily recorder who writes down a full description of all of the group’s work in a log or whether each member is responsible for keeping a record. If students are going to be working at home on the problems, the latter arrangement may be best (although in some classes the teacher photocopies the notes at the end of class for each group member).

When groups work in class, your job is to visit each group, to observe and take notes, and to ask questions. Your goal is to assess where the students are heading (e.g., by asking "What are you all working on at this moment?" followed by "How does that relate to the main question that you are investigating?") and whether they can explain their own decision-making and reasoning (e.g., "Why do you think that that conjecture might be true?"). See and for more advice on helping groups during the research process.

Students also grow from doing research independently. Independent work allows them to follow their own muse, to make progress at their own pace, and to work through challenges and learn from that process in all of its richness and difficulty. The victories are all their own.

What role can technology play in research?

Advanced calculators and computer software can promote research because, in the exploration of functions, numbers, and shapes, they can change the nature and number of questions that students ask. It can be quite exciting when students take advantage of technology’s ability to facilitate rote work and expedite deeper conjecturing about patterns in mathematics.

For example, a student might look at how – 1 factors for different whole numbers using a computer algebra system (CAS) such as Mathematica or the TI-92. But, they are unlikely to be willing to factor – 1 without computer help any more than we would be likely to do long division of 6-digit numbers. The field of fractals and chaos would not have blossomed without the aid of computers that freed researchers up to ask questions that would have been unanswerable in the past. Many of these questions only yielded to analysis after simulations and number crunching revealed patterns. Similarly, access to a spreadsheet or dynamic geometry program can free students to ask "What if…?" about mathematical objects that would be too daunting to study without a technological boost.

As with any tool, students need to learn the benefits and limitations associated with using a particular piece of software. For example, if a student working on a difficult combinatorics problem writes a program to "number crunch" an answer instead of patiently analyzing the structure of the situation, she will usually fail to develop a solution that she can generalize. She is likely to miss the insight that a pencil-and-paper route might have provided.

Although CAS programs can produce exact answers to many problems, most calculators and programs still display approximations, such as 1.7320508 instead of .

Schoenfeld, Alan (1994, 13(1)). What do we know about mathematics curricula? , 55-80. Available online at


Sample Responses to Middle School Groups Working on the Project (taken from email exchanges between students and a Making Mathematics mentor.

2) Identify and celebrate research skills



c) When students came up with an effective representation of the problem:



all the numbers are changing, but what doesn't change is the relationship between x and y: y is always one more than twice x. That is, y=2x+1. Finding what doesn't change "tames" the situation. So, you have tamed this problem! Yay. And if you want a fancy mathematical name for things that don’t vary, we call these things "invariants." The number of messed-up recruits is invariant, even though they are all wiggling back and forth, trying to figure out which way is right!

3) Encourage generalizations

So, of course, the next question that comes to my mind is how to generalize what you’ve already discovered: there are 15 ways that 2 mistakes can be arranged in a line of 6 recruits. What about a different number of mistakes? Or a different number of recruits? Is there some way to predict? Or, alternatively, is there some way to predict how these 15 ways of making mistakes will play out as the recruits try to settle themselves down? Which direction interests you?

4) Inquire about reasoning and rigor

The students were looking at the number of ways the recruits could line up with 2 out of n faced the wrong way: Anyway, I had a question of my own. It looks like the number of possibilities increases pretty fast, as the number of recruits increases. For example, I counted 15 possibilities in your last set (the line of six). What I wonder is this: when the numbers get that large, how you can possibly know that you've found all the possibilities? (For example, I noticed that >>>><< is missing.) The question "How do I know I've counted 'em all?" is actually quite a big deal in mathematics, as mathematicians are often called upon to find ways of counting things that nobody has ever listed (exactly like the example you are working on).

The students responded by finding a pattern for generating the lineups in a meaningful order: The way that we can prove that we have all the possibilities is that we can just add the number of places that the second wrong person could be in. For example, if 2 are wrong in a line of 6, then the first one doesn’t move and you count the space in which the second one can move in. So for the line of six, it would be 5+4+3+2+1=15. That is the way to make sure that we have all the ways. Thanks so much for giving challenges. We enjoyed thinking!

5) Work towards proof

a) The group wrote the following: When we found out that 6 recruits had 15 different starting arrangements, we needed more information. We needed to figure out how many starting positions are there for a different number of recruits.

By drawing out the arrangements for 5 recruits and 7 recruits we found out that the number of starting arrangements for the recruit number before plus that recruit number before it would equal the number of starting arrangements for that number of recruits.

We also found out that if you divide the starting arrangements by the number of recruits there is a pattern.

To which the mentor replied: Wow! I don't think (in all the years I've been hanging around mathematics) I've ever seen anyone describe this particular pattern before! Really nice! If you already knew me, you'd be able to predict what I'm about to ask, but you don't, so I have to ask it: "But why?" That is, why is this pattern (the 6, 10, 15, 21, 28…) the pattern that you find for this circumstance (two recruits wrong in lines of lengths, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8…)? Answering that—explaining why you should get those numbers and why the pattern must continue for longer lines—is doing the kind of thing that mathematics is really about.

b) Responding to students studying a circular variation of raw recruits that never settled down: This is a really interesting conclusion! How can you show that it will always continue forever and that it doesn’t matter what the original arrangement was? Have you got a reason or did you try all the cases or…? I look forward to hearing more from you.

6) Distinguish between examples and reasons

a) You have very thoroughly dealt with finding the answer to the problem you posed—it really does seem, as you put it, "safe to say" how many there will be. Is there a way that you can show that that pattern must continue? I guess I’d look for some reason why adding the new recruit adds exactly the number of additional cases that you predict. If you could say how the addition of one new recruit depends on how long the line already is, you’d have a complete proof. Want to give that a try?

b) A student, working on Amida Kuji and having provided an example, wrote the following as part of a proof: In like manner, to be given each relationship of objects in an arrangement, you can generate the arrangement itself, for no two different arrangements can have the same object relationships. The mentor response points out the gap and offers ways to structure the process of extrapolating from the specific to the general: This statement is the same as your conjecture, but this is not a proof. You repeat your claim and suggest that the example serves as a model for a proof. If that is so, it is up to you to make the connections explicit. How might you prove that a set of ordered pairs, one per pair of objects forces a unique arrangement for the entire list? Try thinking about a given object (e.g., C) and what each of its ordered pairs tells us? Try to generalize from your example. What must be true for the set of ordered pairs? Are all sets of n C2 ordered pairs legal? How many sets of n C2 ordered pairs are there? Do they all lead to a particular arrangement? Your answers to these questions should help you work toward a proof of your conjecture.

9) Encourage extensions

What you’ve done—finding the pattern, but far more important, finding the explanation (and stating it so clearly)—is really great! (Perhaps I should say "finding and stating explanations like this is real mathematics"!) Yet it almost sounded as if you put it down at the very end, when you concluded "making our project mostly an interesting coincidence." This is a truly nice piece of work!

The question, now, is "What next?" You really have completely solved the problem you set out to solve: found the answer, and proved that you’re right!

I began looking back at the examples you gave, and noticed patterns in them that I had never seen before. At first, I started coloring parts red, because they just "stuck out" as noticeable and I wanted to see them better. Then, it occurred to me that I was coloring the recruits that were back-to-back, and that maybe I should be paying attention to the ones who were facing each other, as they were "where the action was," so I started coloring them pink. (In one case, I recopied your example to do the pinks.) To be honest, I’m not sure what I’m looking for, but there was such a clear pattern of the "action spot" moving around that I thought it might tell me something new. Anything come to your minds?

10) Build a Mathematical Community

I just went back to another paper and then came back to yours to look again. There's another pattern in the table. Add the recruits and the corresponding starting arrangements (for example, add 6 and 15) and you get the next number of starting arrangements. I don't know whether this, or your 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5… pattern will help you find out why 6, 10, 15… make sense as answers, but they might. Maybe you can work with [your classmates] who made the other observation to try to develop a complete understanding of the problem.

11) Highlight Connections

Your rule—the (n-1)+(n-2)+(n-3)+… +3+2+1 part—is interesting all by itself, as it counts the number of dots in a triangle of dots. See how?

12) Wrap Up

This is really a very nice and complete piece of work: you've stated a problem, found a solution, and given a proof (complete explanation of why that solution must be correct). To wrap it up and give it the polish of a good piece of mathematical research, I'd suggest two things.

The first thing is to extend the idea to account for all but two mistakes and the (slightly trivial) one mistake and all but one mistake. (If you felt like looking at 3 and all but 3, that'd be nice, too, but it's more work—though not a ton—and the ones that I suggested are really not more work.)

The second thing I'd suggest is to write it all up in a way that would be understandable by someone who did not know the problem or your class: clear statement of the problem, the solution, what you did to get the solution, and the proof.

I look forward to seeing your masterpiece!

Advice for Keeping a Formal Mathematics Research Logbook

As part of your mathematics research experience, you will keep a mathematics research logbook. In this logbook, keep a record of everything you do and everything you read that relates to this work. Write down questions that you have as you are reading or working on the project. Experiment. Make conjectures. Try to prove your conjectures. Your journal will become a record of your entire mathematics research experience. Don’t worry if your writing is not always perfect. Often journal pages look rough, with notes to yourself, false starts, and partial solutions. However, be sure that you can read your own notes later and try to organize your writing in ways that will facilitate your thinking. Your logbook will serve as a record of where you are in your work at any moment and will be an invaluable tool when you write reports about your research.

Ideally, your mathematics research logbook should have pre-numbered pages. You can often find numbered graph paper science logs at office supply stores. If you can not find a notebook that has the pages already numbered, then the first thing you should do is go through the entire book putting numbers on each page using pen.

• Date each entry.

• Work in pen.

• Don’t erase or white out mistakes. Instead, draw a single line through what you would like ignored. There are many reasons for using this approach:

– Your notebook will look a lot nicer if it doesn’t have scribbled messes in it.

– You can still see what you wrote at a later date if you decide that it wasn’t a mistake after all.

– It is sometimes useful to be able to go back and see where you ran into difficulties.

– You’ll be able to go back and see if you already tried something so you won’t spend time trying that same approach again if it didn’t work.

• When you do research using existing sources, be sure to list the bibliographic information at the start of each section of notes you take. It is a lot easier to write down the citation while it is in front of you than it is to try to find it at a later date.

• Never tear a page out of your notebook. The idea is to keep a record of everything you have done. One reason for pre-numbering the pages is to show that nothing has been removed.

• If you find an interesting article or picture that you would like to include in your notebook, you can staple or tape it onto a page.

Advice for Keeping a Loose-Leaf Mathematics Research Logbook

Get yourself a good loose-leaf binder, some lined paper for notes, some graph paper for graphs and some blank paper for pictures and diagrams. Be sure to keep everything that is related to your project in your binder.

– Your notebook will look a lot nicer if it does not have scribbled messes in it.

• Be sure to keep everything related to your project. The idea is to keep a record of everything you have done.

• If you find an interesting article or picture that you would like to include in your notebook, punch holes in it and insert it in an appropriate section in your binder.

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Research Topic For Mathematics 2023


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Applied Mathematics Research

In applied mathematics, we look for important connections with other disciplines that may inspire interesting and useful mathematics, and where innovative mathematical reasoning may lead to new insights and applications.

Applied Mathematics Fields

Photo of water falling

  • Combinatorics
  • Computational Biology
  • Physical Applied Mathematics
  • Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
  • Theoretical Computer Science
  • Mathematics of Data

Applied Math Committee


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    If you are an undergraduate looking for some research topics for your next math paper, you will surely appreciate our list of interesting undergraduate math research topics: Methods to count discrete objects. The origins of Greek symbols in mathematics. Methods to solve simultaneous equations. Real-world applications of the theorem of Pythagoras.

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    260 Interesting Math Topics for Essays & Research Papers. (46 votes) Mathematics is the science of numbers and shapes. Writing about it can give you a fresh perspective and help to clarify difficult concepts. You can even use mathematical writing as a tool in problem-solving.

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  5. 210 Brilliant Math Research Topics and Ideas for Students

    Math Research Paper Topics for Undergraduate Students. Explain the different theories of mathematical logic. Discuss the origins of Greek symbols in mathematics. Explain the significance of circles. Analyze predictive models. Explain the emergence of patterns in chaos theory.

  6. Research

    In applied mathematics, we look for important connections with other disciplines that may inspire interesting and useful mathematics, and where innovative mathematical reasoning may lead to new insights and applications. Combinatorics. Computational Biology. Physical Applied Mathematics. Computational Science & Numerical Analysis.

  7. Mathematics Research Paper Topics

    Mathematics Research Paper Topics. Mathematics undoubtedly began as an entirely practical activity— measuring fields, determining the volume of liquids, counting out coins, and the like. During the golden era of Greek science, between about the sixth and third centuries B.C., however, mathematicians introduced a new concept to their study of ...

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  9. Research Paper Topics on Mathematics

    At the moment, it is one of the more popular offshoots that uses homotopy groups and homomorphism. Any research topic in mathematics is a chance to create a good paper. This area of mathematics is popular thanks to several scientific studies. Here is a list of paper themes, but you can also find math education research topics by yourself.

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  11. 166 Math Research Topics for Academic Papers and Essays

    Here are some of the best math research paper topics for high school. How to draw a chart representing the financial analysis of a prominent company over the last five years. How to solve a matrix- The vital principles and formulas to embrace. Exploring various techniques for solving finance and mathematical gaps.

  12. How to do Research on Mathematics

    If your topic is "the importance of mathematics in the world," for example, enter "importance" and "mathematics" with "and" on the same line to locate sources directly compatible with the primary focus of your paper. To find research on more specific aspects of your topic, alternate with one new keyword at a time with "and ...

  13. Exploring Best Math Research Topics That Push the Boundaries

    From pure mathematics to applied mathematics, this guide will present a variety of research areas that span different branches and interdisciplinary intersections. Whether you are interested in algebra, analysis, geometry, number theory, statistics, or computational mathematics, there is a wealth of captivating topics to consider.

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    Department members engage in cutting-edge research on a wide variety of topics in mathematics and its applications. Topics continually evolve to reflect emerging interests and developments, but can roughly grouped into the following areas. Algebra, Combinatorics, and Geometry Algebra, combinatorics, and geometry are areas of very active research at the University of Pittsburgh.

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  23. Applied Mathematics Research

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    The study, in which Markus Tempelmayr was involved as a doctoral student under Prof. Felix Otto at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, published in 2021 as a pre-print.