• Thesis Procedures

Rules & Regulations

  • Regulations @ IAM
  • Non-Thesis Procedures
  • Procedures (FBE İşleyiş Kartları)

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Please find the steps required during the completion of your thesis below. the students are expected to follow all steps and the deadlines. all the rules stated below are in line with middle east technical university rules and regulations governing graduate studies   (also available in turkish )..

  • You can assign your supervisor via  METU Thesis Supervisor Assignment System .
  • Thesis supervisor must be a member of METU. Faculty members from other universities or other departments from METU, persons having PhD from industry can be appointed as co-supervisor for METU theses.
  • Master's students have to assign their supervisors at the end of their first semester . PhD students have to assign their supervisors at the end of their second semester . Their interactive course registrations will be approved by their supervisors following that semester.
  • You can assign your co-supervisor through the same system at least one semester before the thesis jury. If the name of the co-supervisor is not on the list in the mentioned system, you can email nejla[at]metu.edu.tr  by providing us the necessary information about the co-supervisor you want to assign including the title, institution, and the email address.
  • A thesis supervisor must have supervised at least one master's thesis in order to be able to supervise a PhD dissertation.

Publication Requirement for Graduation

  • In order to be able to defend the graduate thesis, students should satisfy the following conditions:
  • MSc students  must prepare a draft of a manuscript prepared in the format of a national or an international journal along with their MSc thesis. In case of an already existing publication based on his/her thesis' studies a copy of the paper would be sufficient.
  • PhD students  must have submitted a manuscript   for possible publication in one of the  SCI, SCI-E or SSCI indexed journals. This manuscript must be handed over to the jury members together with the thesis' draft. In case of an already existing publication based on his/her thesis' studies a copy of the paper would be sufficient.
  • This rule will be valid for the students enrolled to the programmes at IAM starting from 2019-2020 Fall Semester.

Jury Assignment

The thesis jury is appointed by the recommendation of the thesis advisor and the programme chair after the approval of the Institute. If the principal advisor is an affiliated faculty of IAM, it is highly recommended that the thesis jury should contain one member from IAM Faculty . The Jury Assignment Form ( Tez Jürisi Atama Formu , in Turkish) has to be typed digitally and sent to the Institute one month before the exam date for its approval.

MSc Thesis Jury

  • The MSc Thesis Jury is composed of three or five members. In case of the jury with 3 members, the co-supervisor is not allowed to be a jury member . However, the co-supervisor can be a jury member if she/he is a faculty member and if the jury comprises of five members;
  • The MSc Thesis Jury  must be formed by at least one of jury members must be a IAM member  and at least one of the jury members must not be a METU member .

PhD Thesis Jury

  • The PhD Thesis Jury is composed of five members of faculty including those in the Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) (Tez İzleme Komitesi (TİK)) and two faculty members from  who are not a member of METU;
  • In addition to the five members of the thesis jury, the co-supervisor may attend the meeting without a right to vote .

Term Project Submission Rules

  • Term project report should be prepared according to the rules of thesis preparations. The format should be iamPaperFormat-v.1.0.rc1 .
  • Upon the submission of your report, an oral presentation is expected to be made which is announced to IAM mail list.
  • The final draft (pdf) should be submitted to the secretary office as well as OpenMETU .

Thesis Preparations

  • IAM has its own set of rules on the thesis format in accordance with the university regulations and the format approval is required before finalizing the binding process.


  • Use IAM thesis LaTeX template . No other document format is accepted.
  • The current LaTeX template for theses of IAM can be downloaded: thesisFormat-2.1.zip .
  • We suggest you also should check the Frequently Asked Questions on the topic.
  • The LaTeX template downloaded from  iamPaperFormat-v.1.0.rc1 can be used for the purpose of
  • Term Project,
  • Report for Thesis Monitoring Committee,
  • Qualification in PhD,
  • Draft of a Manuscript.
  • If needed, please visit METU Academic Writing Center for improving the text.
  • Photocopies must be made from the original and all pages must have high contrast with consistently dark print throughout the thesis. Inferior copies and copies not made on approved paper will not be accepted .
  • Kind of type and type size should be one of the document class from IAM thesis LaTeX template . But footnotes, endnotes, quotations, examples, tables, charts, figures, etc. can be written with smaller point sizes as long as they are easily readable.
  • Ink corrections, strikeovers and handwriting are never allowed .
  • The pages in each chapter should be two-sided . However, there are intentionally left blank pages between chapters; see LaTeX template!


  • All headings and titles should be presented in the same way , in terms of capitalization, placement, kind of type used, point size, etc. including all Preliminary Pages, Chapters, Appendices, References & CV.
  • Title page (on page i, but without numbering)
  • Approval page must be corrected according to the sample approval page (on page iii, but without numbering). First committee member should be the chair of examining committee. Second committee member should be your supervisor and third committee member should be your co-supervisor if s/he is exist. The rest should be sorted according to their academic titles. All affiliations should fit in a single line. If affiliation line is broken into two lines, you should shorten the affiliation by using abbreviations or any other means.
  • Plagiarism Page (on page v)
  • Abstract / Öz (each starts on an odd-numbered pages)
  • Dedication , Acknowledgements , and Preface are optional, but each starts on an odd-numbered page. Dedication must be brief and centered on the respective odd-numbered pages.
  • Table of Contents (on an odd-numbered page)
  • List of Tables , if applicable/necessary (on an odd-numbered page)
  • List of Figures , if applicable/necessary (on an odd-numbered page)
  • List of Symbols / Abbreviations , if applicable/necessary  (on an odd-numbered page)
  • The Text/Chapters (each chapter starts on an odd-numbered page)
  • Illustrations of any kind should be numbered, this includes appendices.
  • Table numbers and captions are placed above the top of line of illustration.
  • Figure numbers and captions are placed below the last line (bottom) of illustration.
  • For all illustrations (figures, tables, charts, etc.), the captions and headings should be same in terms of typeface, point size.
  • Bibliography / References starts on an odd-numbered page. Special names and abbreviations should be written with capital letters. The names of the journals should be in long format ; using iamBiblioStyle.bst and BibTeX are strongly advised .
  • Appendices : Do not make a cover page for appendices; each appendix starts on an odd-numbered page.
  • Vita  required only for PhD thesis  should start on an odd-numbered page.


  • Check whether the format of your thesis fits with IAM Thesis Template.
  • Send your thesis document to kaytanci[at]metu.edu.tr for a format check before sending it to the Examining Committee Members at least 20 days before your defense .
  • Send your thesis to Examining Committee Members at least 15 days before your defense .
  • Send your  Thesis Announcement Form (Tez Duyuru Formu, in Turkish) to IAM secretarial  at least 15 days before your defense in order for it to be announced by IAM.
  • Print out the (first page of the) turnitin report of your thesis (to be done by your supervisor). Check the FAQ: https://faq.cc.metu.edu.tr/Turnitin .
  • Make sure that your Thesis Exam Official Report Form ( Tez Sınavı Tutanak Formu ) to be signed after the defense by jury members. This form has to be submitted to the secretary office no later than 2 days after the defense.


  • Make the necessary adjustments offered by the Examining Committee Members in 30 days .
  • Make sure that the format and appearance are as required! For this, the thesis manuscript has to be approved by Araş. Gör. Kübra Kaytancı (kaytanci[at]metu.edu.tr) before it is officially binded.
  • Ensures that all the fields on the approval page of the thesis are signed by the related faculty member. Blue ink must be used for all signatures.
  • You may close the online access to your thesis for 6 months, your patent for two years after its submission to the institute. To do so, you have to make an official application to the secretary office no later than one week after the thesis defense.
  • Bring your printed, binded and signed thesis to METU Library attached with Thesis Permission Form ( Tez İzin Formu ).
  • Fills the OpenMETU form. (This form will not be printed).
  • Fills the  YOK Thesis Entry Form  and prints it. In addition to this form, prepare a CD with the pdf of your thesis (No personal information and signatures should be on this pdf).
  • In summary, at the last stage you are required to bring the following documents to the secretary office:
  • Binded and signed copy of the thesis.
  • Advisor-signed turnitin report of your thesis.
  • Approved OpenMETU form (sent by METU Library to the institute secretary right after you fill the OpenMETU form).
  • YOK Thesis Entry Form.
  • PDF of your thesis recorded on CD.
  • Thesis Information Form ( Tez Bilgi Formu ).

General Principles, Rules and Regulations

  • Middle East Technical University Rules and Regulations Governing Graduate Studies   (also available in Turkish ).

Uygulamalı Matematik Enstitüsü, Üniversiteler Mahallesi, Dumlupınar Bulvarı No:1, 06800 Çankaya/Ankara © ORTA DOĞU TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ ANKARA KAMPUSU

  • AF ��rencileri tez konusu ve dan��man� ile ilgili de�isiklikleri ADD-DROP'lardan bir hafta sonra girecektir. Af ��rencilerinin sadece DERS k ay�tlar�n� yap�p onaylar�n� almalar� gerekiyor.

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Thesis Submission Procedures

All graduate students must follow the instructions below to complete the thesis submission procedures within one month at most* after their thesis defense.

See: Thesis Manual

Reference Management Tool: http://lib.metu.edu.tr/tr/e-kaynaklar-referans-yonetim-araci

Prepare your thesis according to the rules specified in the Thesis Manual. Use 1.5 or 2 line spacing throughout your thesis and print it double-sided starting from the Plagiarism page.

For METU Library access criteria,  Thesis Permission Form   must be filled in and added to the Appendices of the thesis as the last piece.

The signature page of the thesis must be format-checked before collecting the professors’ signatures . For the format check, please visit the Thesis Office (Room No. 441 or 444) at the Graduate School of Social Sciences. The full text of your thesis does not have to be ready for the format check of the signature page; you could get it checked separately.

Following your thesis defense, print out the full version of your thesis  after making the necessary revisions required by the jury and  after fully completing the Turkish Summary . Then, bring the print-out copy for format check to the  Thesis Office (Room No. 441 or 444) at the Graduate School of Social Sciences . Format check may take around 30 minutes. The students who would like to bring their theses for the format check are required to book an appointment through  https://sbetez.youcanbook.me . Booking an appointment is not necessary for the remaining thesis procedures. 

Following the format check, collect all the signatures (in blue or black ink) except that of the Director of the Graduate School and get your thesis bound. All the copies are to be submitted to the Thesis Office for the last signature; that of the Director. This process might take  approximately one week . For queries about the status of your thesis, you may call the Thesis Office at +90 312 210 3701 or 7353.

You may leave  6 copies of your thesis at most . One of these copies is to be submitted to METU Library. No copies are submitted to the Graduate School of Social Sciences. For information about the procedure of Thesis Submission to the Library, please click  here . 

While submitting your thesis copies to the Thesis Office, you are expected also to submit the first page of the “Turnitin Similarity Index” report. This page must be signed by the Thesis Advisor with his/her title, name and surname on it. Similarity index may be  at most 20% .

While your thesis copies are at the Thesis Office waiting to be signed, you are expected to prepare the following documents: 

YOK Thesis Data Input and Publication Permit Form: (YÖK Tez Veri Girişi ve Yayımlama İzin Formu )

First register at  https://tez.yok.gov.tr/UlusalTezMerkezi/sistemGiris.jsp  and then fill in the Thesis Data Input Online Form. Then click on the Thesis Publication Permit Form; check all your data there; and be sure to register in the system. You do not have to bring the hard copy of the document. 
Save the full PDF version of your thesis. The name of this PDF document must only be the reference number provided to you by YOK in the Thesis Data Input and Publication Permission Form. Send this document by e-mail to [email protected] . Please write Referans No - MS/MA/PhD - Name Surname in the subject part of the e-mail.

 METU Library E-Thesis Submission Form:

Go to  http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/  on a computer that is connected to the internet through the campus network and then fill in the E-Thesis Submission Form.

Following the completion of the signature procedure, receive a signed copy of your thesis from the Graduate School and submit it to the Library. After your submission, library personnel will provide you with the E-Thesis Submission Form. ( Before submitting your thesis to the Library, you need to have filled in the E-Thesis Submission Form specified in article 8/c.)

After completing all these steps, you need to bring METU Library E-Thesis Submission Form specified in article 8c to the Thesis Office.  Your graduation procedures may only be initiated once you have completed all of the steps in article 8.  

  • According to the decision of the Executive Board of the Council of Higher Education ( YÖK ) taken on 13.05.2020, all graduate students of thesis programs and all academics must have an "Open Researcher and Contributor ID - ORCID " number and should register all of their publications. Please open an account in the https://orcid.org/ address and register your all publications.

Things to do in this 1-month period:

Bring your thesis to the Graduate School for format check.

Do the required revisions and get the thesis bound.

Collect all the signatures except that of the Director.

Submit the Turnitin Similarity Index report to the Graduate School.

Collect the signature of the Director.

Register in the YOK System

  • Send thesis PDF by e-mail and submit the Library Form to the Graduate School.

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Üniversiteler Mahallesi, Dumlupınar Bulvarı No:1, 06800 Çankaya/Ankara © ORTA DOĞU TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ ANKARA KAMPUSU

Students of Graduate Programs

For students who will enroll in the 2nd semester of the Master with Thesis Program and the 3rd semester of the Doctorate Program ; The students must appoint a thesis advisor , who is a full-time faculty member of METU, through program 71 before the interactive registration and advisor approval dates mentioned in the academic calendar. Moreover, the students are required to register for the courses "thesis and thesis studies" of their thesis advisor each semester starting from the semester they appoint their advisor.

Students who take additional time for correction   must renew their registration for the additional period . They must pay the tuition fee and get the approval of the advisor for the new semester.

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Thesis submission, thesis submission:, before the defending the thesis:.

The students who are going to defend their thesis need to deliver their thesis copies (one spiral bound copy for each committee member and pdf version for check of format) and committee assignment form to our institute one month before the thesis defense date. They should get their reviewed thesis copies back 15 days after the delivery of the forms and the thesis copies. Our institute is not responsible for the mistakes which could arise by any modifications made after the review process.

Contact Info

You can get into contact with the relevant person for your department from the Contact  page for requesting a review of the thesis copy or the delivery of the documents mentioned above to the institute. As a summary: One copy of thesis should be submitted to the institute. After defending the thesis: Students, who successfully defend their thesis, should make the corrections offered by the institute and deliver a minimum of 5 copies of bound copies of their thesis within one month after the date of thesis defense (All the fields in the signature page should be signed except the institute director). Note on “A minimum of 5 thesis copies”: 5 copies are requested for the institute, the department, thesis advisor, the library and for the students themselves. In the case of a co-advisor, a minimum number of six copies should be submitted. Students can get additional copies for themselves. After institute director signs the thesis, one copy of the thesis should be submitted to the library after required steps mentioned below are completed. A thesis submission form should be obtained from the library.

Thesis Submission Procedure for METU Library

Note on library submission: Before submitting a printed copy of your thesis to the library you should fill electronic thesis submission form from any place inside the campus in order to make your thesis available in electronic media. 

Thesis Submission Guide

Library Thesis Submission Video

You should also fill the Thesis Photocopy Permission Form before submission of a printed copy of the thesis to the library. ( Click to download the form ) As a summary: After the upload of the thesis to electronic media and filling of the thesis photocopy permission form you should submit one printed copy of the thesis to the library and bring the thesis submission form obtained from the library to the institute . Thesis Submission Procedure for METU Library    ·    Points to be considered in preparing CD copy of the thesis for submission to YÖK (Higher Council of Education) : http://tez2.yok.gov.tr/tezvt/tm_teslim_klavuzu.php ?)

  • Full text of the thesis will be prepared as one pdf document. Links available in pdf preparation web page can be used for converting word documents to pdf documents.
  • Prepared pdf documents should be the same as the copy of the thesis approved by the Institute or the Dean's Office. As any modifications on the thesis cannot be made by Higher Council of Education; author has the full responsibility for the digital thesis to be the same with the original copy. Adequate enumeration of the pages and identical placement of all the elements found in the main text of the thesis such as figures, graphs and tables should be provided by the author.
  • Documents should be un-compressed and without any password protection.
  • When naming the documents, Turkish characters should be avoided.
  • When naming the documents, related content information should be added after the full name of the author eg. Name_Surname_thesis.pdf
  • Thesis supplements in text format or prepared via photocopy should be found in the pdf document containing the full text of the thesis. In order to do this, documents will be converted to pdf format using scanners or digital photocopy machines.
  • Mixed theses: If the thesis does not only contain text file but involves additional image, map, computer programs, audio/video recordings this case should be stated in "Thesis Entry Form” declaring all the document names. Preferred formats for images, video recordings and audio recordings are given below. If any other program is used this should be contained in the CD with the thesis in an available format to the readers with required license.

Preferred Formats: i-Image Formats Image documents should be prepared using one of the formats given below:

  • TIFF (.tiff)
  • JPEG (.jpeg)

ii-Video Formats

  • MPEG (.mpg)
  • Quick Time – Apple (.mov)
  • Audio Video Interleaved – Microsoft (.avi)

iii-Audio Formats

  • MIDI (.midi)

  Filling the Thesis Entry Form  ( http://tez2.yok.gov.tr/tezvt/tm_teslim_klavuzu.php ?)

“Thesis Entry Form” ( http://tez2.yok.gov.tr/ ) should be filled and saved on the computer by the author, it should be printed out, signed and sent with the thesis after its Reference No is recorded. Form is designed to provide the transfer of the information filled by the author to a transient table associated with Thesis Database. As the filling of the document is completed and “Save” button is clicked, a printable form containing a “Reference No” generated by the system is created. If, incorrect data entry was performed by any means there is the possibility to return and make corrections before printing the form.  In data entry checks carried out in Thesis Center “Reference No” of the form accurately filled and sent by the author will be considered. If any suitable option cannot be found for Department, Division or Discipline, these lines might be left blank.  The principle adopted by Higher Council of Education is that all the theses should be available to the researchers without any restrictions unless there are reasonable grounds (patent application, publication process).  Concern for copying of the thesis cannot be accepted as a ground for restricting the thesis to become accessible. “Publication Delay” option found in Thesis Entry Form should be marked, considering these explanations.

Submission of the bounded thesis to the Institute for Graduation Process

1. Thesis Entry Form to be filled from http://www.yok.gov.tr webpage. 2. One copy of CD named by reference number from Thesis Entry Form taken from YÖK system. 3. Three copies of bounded thesis.

Registration Withdrawal

After students submit their theses and the required documents, they need to perform Registration Withdrawal from https://oibs2.metu.edu.tr/Registration_Withdrawal_269/  address.  

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Essential Information on Thesis Advisor Assignment

In English:


  • The deadline for assigning thesis title, advisor and co-adviser is at the end of 1 st semester.
  • Each student must have a co-advisor as well. Advisor and co-advisor can’t be from the same department.
  • Co-advisor could be registered to MNT program or any other departments.


In Turkish:


  • Öğrenci birinci dönemin sonuna kadar danışman ve eş danışman atamak zorundadır.
  • Eş danışman atanması mecburi olup danışman ile eş danışman aynı akademik bölümden olamaz.
  • Eş danışman MNT programının öğretim üyesi olmak zorunda değildir.

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Üniversiteler Mahallesi, Dumlupınar Bulvarı No:1, 06800 Çankaya/Ankara © ORTA DOĞU TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ ANKARA KAMPUSU

metu thesis advisor

Before you start working on your thesis, it is practical to look at theses written in previous years. What topics have been well-covered? What are some of the most important pieces of literature? What do the theses written with the guidance of a specific advisor look like? These and similar questions are easily answered by the archived thesis collection of METU.

If your question more directly concerns format requirements, your first option should be to consult our Student Requirement System . The 2 nd Annex contains information on the thesis requirements. In terms of referencing, we now follow the current (7 th ) standard of APA. You can find more help with this at  our CooSpace Scene .

What you can and can’t do with archived theses:

  • Find inspiration
  • Find a place to start collecting literature
  • Take a better look at accepted variations in formatting (Be aware that the requirements may have changed over the years! Make sure what you follow is recent.)

You can’t

  • Copy or save all or part of the thesis. You can’t make a reproduction of any kind, nor can you publish all or part of another person’s thesis anywhere
  • Use another person’s thesis as literature for yours. METU will not accept anything below the qualification level of a postgraduate (PhD) dissertation

Where can you find our archived theses?

A few exceptional theses are exhibited as printed copies in our Central Library, and you may use these to see what formatting has been accepted in theses graded excellent. However, these theses are heavily restricted both in terms of topic and language, the majority being in Hungarian. 

To make your life easier, we also have an online thesis repository . This includes the theses written and successfully defended in previous years. Be aware that grades are not included, and any thesis at or over a passing grade is stored. This means that the university and the library accept no liability for the quality of the contents or formatting beyond it having been acceptable at the time. 

If you are looking for a list of exceptional theses from our database, we have a table for this in CooSpace . Keep in mind that formatting and referencing rules change over time, the more recent theses you look at, the better.

If you follow the link to our repository , you will reach the following page.

metu thesis advisor

You may search using any and all search fields, as well as use the year slider to narrow your results. Other field types can also be selected, including full-text search.

When you click “Search,” a list of results appears (see below). The facets on the side can be used to filter (refine) your search. You can also click on the keywords below individual results to see more theses that use this keyword.

metu thesis advisor

You can read the metadata (such as author, advisor, major, etc.) and, if available, abstract of a thesis even without logging in. The full text is available only after you have logged in.

To do so, click on the Login option at the top of the page. Use your usual METU username and password to log in .

ATTENTION!  If others also use the computer or smart device you log in on, don’t allow your browser to remember your login details. The person whose login was used will be held responsible for any misuse of the theses, even if someone else used their login details.

After logging in, you can read the full text of the theses whether you are accessing from home or from a computer at the university.

metu thesis advisor

ATTENTION!  If others also use the computer or smart device you’re on, always log out after reading theses.

metu thesis advisor

There are two possible reasons for the full text being inaccessible even after logging in.

  • The thesis is confidential and only its metadata are included in the repository;
  • The thesis is old or was uploaded wrong into our previous system, and we don’t have the digitised text anymore.

These data will remain in the system for archival reasons, as we try to record the existence of every thesis written by former students. If the full text is not available, the module offering the full-text and abstract will not appear. This is an example of what that looks like:

metu thesis advisor

We wish you a productive time with your reading and research!

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METU Master of Urban Design

metu thesis advisor

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Esra GürelSketching as a Method of Analyzing Urban Space, in Case of Ankara Yücel Can Severcan
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Büşra SönmezCollage in Urban Design: A Critical Review of Design ThinkingOlgu Çalışkan
Fethiye ArslantaşDeveloping urban design inputs to enhance the functionality of green areas in cities from ecosystem services perspective: The case of Çankaya District in AnkaraMüge Akkar Ercan
Büşra İnceUrban stigma: A morphological investigation of the marginality in the cityOlgu Çalışkan
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Olgu Çalışkan

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Yücel Can Severcan

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Neslişah KesiciCrowd Oriented Public Space Approach on the Istiklal Street, Istanbul: Many People, in the Same Place, at the Same TimeAnlı Ataöv Demirkan
Sabrina ShurdhiCoherency of Urban Space: Analyzing the Street EnvironmentsOlgu Çalışkan
Solmaz Zare GharehgheshlaghiPublic art in public spaces: Tracking graffiti and mural art practices in contemporary TehranMüge Akkar Ercan
Nilay Nida CanInvestigating industrial heritage through value-based mapping of Zonguldak Central Scrubber AreaMüge Akkar Ercan
Zeliha Irmak BilirQuestioning the spatial boundaries in suburban residential sites in Ankara: The case of Koru Neighbourhood

Müge Akkar Ercan

Hira TariqDynamics of non-conforming spaces in a planned modern city: The case of France Colony in Islamabad

Müge Akkar Ercan

Cansu DemirPublic art in urban space: The case of Yeldeğirmeni, İstanbulOlgu Çalışkan
Hande GürsanThe forgotten value: A study on the restructuring urban fabric with waterAdnan Barlas
Elif Eda UzunoğullarıThe role of urban space in socialization and dissociation: Demystification of public spacesAdnan Barlas
Özge İdali ÖzdenStream daylighting: An operative landscape infrastructure for AnkaraAdnan Barlas
Özgü ApaydınA study on the energy efficiency criteria of green campus with a multi-scale approach: METU CampusMeltem Şenol Balaban
Gözde Güldal(Re)production of industrial terrain vague: The case of the national textile factory in AdanaNil Uzun
Atıf Emre BayındırIntegration of Industrial Heritage Areas into the City through Urban Design: The Case of Sümerbank Nazilli Textile Factory CampusBahar Gedikli
Burçin YorulmazEffects of Urban Tourism on the Historical Urban Space within the Framework of Urban Revitalization: The Case of Hamamönü, AnkaraSerap Kayasü
Duygu KalkanlıInvestigation of streets as ‘learning landscapes’ for children: the cases of AnkaraYücel Can Severcan
Maheen AbbasiSocial Implications of the Modernist Urbanism: Islamabad Master Plan by DoxiadisOlgu Çalışkan
Aslı Ceren MavikurtStreet as Playground

Ela Babalık

Kayhan KökenAssessment of recently developed inner city neighborhoods according to sustainable urban planning and design criteria: the case of Çukurambar M. Anıl Şenyel Kürkçüoğlu
Maheen AbbasiSocial implications of the modernist urbanism: Islamabad master plan by Doxiadis Olgu Çalışkan
Umut ArslanoğluThe role of spatial designer in the prestigious housing projects: the case of Ankara Olgu Çalışkan
Mert AkayAlgorithmic design control for plot–based urbanism: a model proposal in Turkish spatial planning context Olgu Çalışkan
Çağrım KoçerScale in urban design: the notion of scale in spatial design thinking Olgu Çalışkan
Ecem KutlayDifferent waves of coffee houses as third places and the use of information and communication technology devices in these settings: a cross-case study in Ankara Yücel Can Severcan
Burcu UysalSpatiality of Diaspora: representation of home on urban street in the case of Beyoğlu, İstanbul Yücel Can Severcan
Ilgın KurumAssessing mothers’ use of neighborhood open spacesYücel Can Severcan
Didem TürkSearching for place identity in post-traumatic cities: Diyarbakır Suriçi case Yücel Can Severcan
Mert Can Yılmaz Investigating actors and perceptions in the 
concept of smart city: The case of Hamburg.
Müge Akkar Ercan
Soghra Rashidi Analyzing safety toward a walkable campus: A case-study of Middle East Technical University (METU) Müge Akkar Ercan
Sinem GörücüCo-gnito as a serious game to understand users’ urban perception. Müge Akkar Ercan
Volkan ErInvestigating the morphological aspects of public  spaces: The case of Atakum Coastal Promenade in Samsun Müge Akkar Ercan
Esin Duygu DönerUrban regeneration: Enabling social  sustainability in historical quarters via adaptive reuse: Case of  Gaziantep historical quarter. Müge Akkar Ercan
Selen KaradoğanAn implementation of a new sustainable design  approach on public spaces: The case of Ulus Square. Müge Akkar Ercan
Ender İplikçiMoving-image as a means of reading the rhythms in the urban scene: the case of ‘City Symphonies’Bahar Gedikli
Samira Hokmabad GhoshouniIntegrated evaluation of urban regeneration projects: case study of Sulukule neighborhood in İstanbulAdnan Barlas
Sina RangrazUnfinishedness of place and the place-making projectAdnan Barlas
Onur TümtürkDesigning (with) complexity: improving adaptive capacity of urban form by designOlgu Çalışkan
Ebru ŞevikTerritoriality of heterotopia:
threshold as a condition of heterotopian space in the case of Emek district, BursaOlgu Çalışkan
H. Eren EfeoğluFuturist thinking in urbanism:
a retrospective & prospective view in the global context of transforming socio-economic structuresOlgu Çalışkan
Rüya ErkanDesign problematique of paired border citiesOlgu Çalışkan
Begüm SakarParametric modelling for the mitigation of urban heat island effect: a model proposalOlgu Çalışkan
Irmak YavuzCalyx: A Geomorphological Approach to Formation of Urban Space in the Context of AnkaraAdnan Barlas
Orxan Sekiliyev An assessment of the relationship between changes in the identity of Baku Bulvar and people’s identification with this setting Yücel Can Severcan
İrem BahçelioğluTransit oriented design and urban design: eskişehir caseEmine Yetişkul Şenbil
Damla KaragözAn Assessment of energy efficient and climate sensitive urban design principles: design proposals for residential city blocks in temperate arid and hot humid regionsOsman Balaban
Damla IşıklılarHeterotopic practice of space: taksim gezi park revisitedAdnan Barlas
Ayaz ZamanovDesigning the airport city: an international perspectiveEmine Yetişkul Şenbil
Şule DemirelReconceptualizing the gentrification process: the case of cihangir, İstanbulEmine Yetişkul Şenbil
Hakan ŞanlıReintegration of an inner-city industrial heritage to the wider urban context: the case of CermodernBahar Gedikli
Sadık Deniz Akman‘Parametric landscape urbanism’: a model proposal for operational frameworkOlgu Çalışkan
Çiğdem FındıklarThe role of festivals in urban identity: a study on the relationship between perception and experience of place; case of Şeb-i ArusMeltem Şenol Balaban

Enkela Alimadhi  
Defining ‘In-betweenness’ as a New Spatial Form: The Case of Durana, Albania. Müge Akkar Ercan
Leyla Mirjam ErolThe Archaeological sites as living components of the city the case of Ayasuluk Hill in Selçuk / İzmirMüge Akkar Ercan
Emre SevimRethinking roots of socialist cityÇağatay Keskinok
Meltem  GülcanChallenges of coastal resort towns regarding second home developments : the case of AyvalıkMüge Akkar Ercan
Selen SarıkulakChanging identity of public spaces : Güven Park in AnkaraMüge Akkar Ercan
Başak ZekaThe humanistic meaning of urban sequares: the case of Çayyolu Urban Square ProjectAnlı Ataöv Demirkan
Ebru ErenInconsistencies (problems of) between two dimensional graphics of (urban) design and its three dimensional (urban) formsAdnan Barlas
Erkan KertiSpace-errorAdnan Barlas
Şeyda YılmazAn Assessment on the link between sustainability and urban form : the case of GaziantepSerap Kayasü
Özlem YalçınkayaAssessing Ankara Metropolitan Municipality‘s public art approach in Ankara since the mid-1990sMüge Akkar Ercan
Nihan Oya MemlükInclusivity of public space : changing ‘inclusivity’ of an urban park, Gençlik Parkı, AnkaraMüge Akkar Ercan
Züleyha Sara BelgeIncreasing walkability capacity of historic city centers: the case of MersinMüge Akkar Ercan
Görsev ArgınChanging sense of place in historic city centers : the case of Antalya KaleiçiMüge Akkar Ercan
Can GölgelioğluUrban image and morphology of Kızılay (Ankara)Baykan Günay
Deniz KimyonAssessment of factory campus development in Turkey through an urban design perspective : the case of İskenderun Iron and Steel Factory CampusBahar Gedikli
Duygu CihangerTrees In The Urban Context: A Study On The Relationship Between Meaning And DesignBahar Gedikli
Hazal AtakSpatial attributes of learning environments that catalyze the mental and socio-psychological factors enhancing design students{u2019} creativityAnlı Ataöv
Işıl GülkökProduction of the sidewalks : the case of Atatürk BoulevardIşıl Gülkök
Mustafa Raşit ŞahinAnalysis of urban morphology in squatter transformation areasEmine Yetişkul Şenbil
Sıla ÖzdemirIntervening to urban decline by urban design tools in divided cities: LefkoşaNil Uzun
Parisa Ghadimkhani Increasing walkability in the public spaces of the city centers: The case of Tunalı Hilmi Street. Müge Akkar Ercan
Yonca PehlivanoğluUnderstanding perceptions regarding the aesthetics of urban public space: Tunalı Hilmi Street, AnkaraMüge Akkar Ercan
Yiğit AcarUrban transformation within the interface of design and administration: the case of izmir harbor districtMüge Akkar Ercan
Özge EngürSpaces of communication in high-rise residential buildings, Electronic resourceAdnan Barlas
Gülnar  BayramoğluPlanning and design criteria to make urban transport more sustainable: the case of BakuEla Babalık Sutcliffe
Nazli  SongülenSpace organisation in urban block : interfaces among public, common and private spaces based on Conzen method in BahçelievlerBaykan Günay
Deniz ÜstoğluAgriculture in urban areas as a socio-economic and townscape value : the case of RizeBaykan Günay
Hülya YorulmazLiveability in urban spaces : the case of Orhangazi Urban SquareSerap Kayasü
Aslan Eslami TaheriFunctional decline in the case of Salıpazarı, IstanbulNil Uzun
Gökçe OylumSpatial analysis of mass housing areas in DüzceNil Uzun
Hanaw AminTransformation of the Morphology of Sulaimaiah (Northern Iraq) from the Perspective of Ownership Patterns 
Selin ÇavdarPlace, Gender, Policy; Ladies’ Clubs in AnkaraBaykan Günay
Özüm İtezSituating and constructing the history, identity and spatiality of a settlement: the case of Başhüyük town in Konya provinceAli Cengizkan
Semra KöseSpatial Formation of the Interface between University and City; Consideration of the Interfaces of Ankara University and METU in their own ContextsBaykan Günay
Bilge SerinTaxonomy of Design Control ToolsBaykan Günay
Ender PekerRelationship Between Campus Open Space Design and Students’ Learning ExperiencesAnlı Ataöv Demirkan
Başak ZekaThe humanistic meaning of urban squares: the case of çayyolu urban square projectAnlı Ataöv Demirkan
Özge ÖzgürAn analysis of rail transit investments in Turkey: are the expectations met?Ela Babalık Sutcliffe
Emel KarakayaConstruction of the republic in city space: from political ideal to planning principlesÇağatay Keskinok
Serhat CelepAssessment of sub-center development: Batikent, AnkaraBaykan Günay
Çiğdem HacıoğluSpatial requirements of fire stations in urban areas: a case study of AnkaraAdnan Barlas
Melda TanrıkuluEnvironmental performance of urban patterns in terms of their ecological footprintAdnan Barlas
Fuat KaragüneyThe problem of eligibility of uncertified gecekondu possessors in urban transformation implementations in Turkey: the case of Ankara Dikmen valley 4th and 5th phases urban transformation and development projectSerap Kayasü
Berk KesimThe boulevard as a communication tool; Atatürk BoulevardAdnan Barlas
Elnaz TorabiImproving urban facades as an intervention into the built environment the case of façade improvement application along the protocol highway of Ankara, a route from Aydinlikevler district to Esenboğa AirportAdnan Barlas
Vildan SeçkinerCinematic representation of gecekondu as an urban memoryGüven Arif Sargın
Seda DuzcuThe assessment criteria of urban regeneration projects: The case of the Fener-Balat districts in Istanbul.Müge Akkar Ercan
Melda Açmaz ÖzdenPlanning for sustainable communities in suburban residential Neighbourhoods: the case of Ümitköy, AnkaraMüge Akkar Ercan
Semih KelleciInvestigating the publicness of administrative spaces and a case study in Bakanlıklar District : AnkaraAdnan Barlas
Eser KökenProcesses and strategies of new central business district development and public space patterns: Levent-Büyükdere AvenueAli Cengizkan
Neslihan Kulözü“Transformation of Public Space: The Case of Hacıbayram Square”, June 2008.Baykan Günay
Meltem Şentürk“ Consolidating the Image of the City: Mobile Phones and New Identities of Meeting PlacesAdnan Barlas
Ebru UğuzTransformation of collective memory in the case of Ankara Atatürk BoulevardAnlı Ataöv
Ahmet ÜnverPeople’s Experience of Urban Lighting in Public SpaceAnlı Ataöv
Elif Demirbaş“Agri-tourism : as a new element of rural development”Baykan Günay
Zeynep EraydınBuilding a legible city : how far planning is successful in AnkaraAdnan Barlas
Emre Kabal“The Role of Design Brief in Urban Design Competitions”,Baykan Günay
Miray Özkan”Transformation of the Arcades in Beyoğlu”, .Baykan Günay
Özay ÖzkanElective: Strategic way of design in Rem Koolhaas’ parc de la villette projectBerin Gür
Murat YazıcıLand-cut versus Land-fill as an Alternative for Creating Urban Space on WaterfrontsBaykan Günay
Utku Serkan ZenginUrban Conservation as an ownership Problematic: Zeyrek – IstanbulBaykan Günay
Özgül AcarProduction Of Urban Space In The Southwestern Periphery Of AnkaraNil Uzun
Burcu BakırcıoğluAn Analysis of Street as a Shopping Precinct: Tunalı Hilmi Street vs Shopping CentresEla Babalık Sutcliffe
Özlem BalkanArchitectural spaces of innovation the case : METU TechnopolisSevin Osmay
Tümay ÇinTransformation of a Public Space in İstanbul: The Eminönü SquareCana Bilsel
Deniz ErtekSymbolic meaning of cemeteries for users: Karşıyaka Cemetery caseAnlı Ataöv
Yücel Can SevercanRegeneration problem of the Maltepe gas and electric factory landscape within the context of conserving the industrial archaeological heritageAdnan Barlas
Eda ÜnverSustainability of cultural heritage management : “Keklik street and its surrounding conservation and development project”Anlı Ataöv
Serkan YaşdağAchieving a Pedestrian Oriented Transportation System in AnkaraBaykan Günay
Açalya AlpanIntegration of urban archaeological resources to everyday life in the historic city centers Tarragona, Verona and TarsusNuman Tuna
Aslıhan ÖzaslanUrban balconies as public open areas a case study: BursaAdnan Barlas
Cem EkizNew space organization and development alternatives in METU-TECH (METU Technopolis)Melih Pınarcıoğlu
Doğan DursunDifferent forms of global integration of film industry: the case of İstanbulAyda Eraydın
Ebru BingölA quality of life perspective to urban green spaces of AnkaraMelih Pınarcıoğlu
Şebnem Arbak  (Erdem)An Analysis on the Transformation of Urban Identity: Case Study of BodrumSerap Kayasü
Umut CırıkA design problem of under-utilized spaces: the case of Ankara-old industrial districtSevin Osmay
Valbona KociSpatial transformations of the waterfront-as an urban frontier case study: Durres a port cityGüven Arif Sargın
Mert AkitPedestrian experiences in Bahçelievler 7th Street: setting the design criteria for the enhancement of urban public realmCana Bilsel
Özgür AlmaçProblems caused by coastal law and decision making mechanism in small coastal settlements: case study Muğla-BozburunAdnan Barlas
Deniz AltayUrban spaces re-defined in daily practices: the case of “minibar”, AnkaraGüven Arif Sargın
Ebru Aras MiroğluThe transformation of urban space at the conjunction of the old and new districts: the city of AleppoGüven Arif Sargın
Yavuz Selim BarbarosCreation of the commercial node: Söğütözü, AnkaraBaykan Günay
Aslı ÇakanCentral Business District problems in Ankara: Transformations in Kazıkiçi BostanlarıBaykan Günay
Olgu ÇalışkanUrban compactness : a study of Ankara urban formBaykan Günay
İrem Erdem AlmaçTourism development and spatial organization: Antalya – Belek caseÇağatay Keskinok
Feray KocaUrban growth and conservation problematic in Muğla, KarabağlarAdnan Barlas
Hayal MemikAn evaluation of the changing approaches to children’s play spacesSerap Kayasü
Banu ÖzberkThe evolution and evaluation of the fenaket megaroid dwellings: a seasonal hamlet in western Bozburun peninsulaErhan Acar
Metin TopçuSpatial variation of apartment housing in AnkaraAli Türel
Zeynep AktunaRe-reading the social context of apartment block development in İstanbul: 1889–1922Murat Güvenç
Ebru ArasThe transformation of urban space at the conjunction of the old and new districts: the city of AleppoGüven Arif Sargın
Funda BaşWaterfront revitalization: a new challenge for urban developmentBaykan Günay
Yener BaşDesigning urban space with the tools of the development legislationAdnan Barlas
Aybike CeylanStructural tools in the making of cities: form as a development control mechanismAdnan Barlas
Ervin DojceProperty relations and urban space in Albania before, during and after socialism: A case study on the city of PogradecBaykan Günay
Volkan KepoğluThe contribution of geographic information system to the urban planning process in TurkeyÇağatay Keskinok
Mustafa KızıltaşThe Dilemma of Flexibility in the Spatial Development of Science Parkas: The Case of METU Technopolis”, December 2006Baykan Günay
Derya YıldırımDesign problems of AOÇ as a public propertyBaykan Günay
Cenk AtunCultural tourism-led urban revitalization in the walled city of Lefkoşa 
Banu BedelSustainable urban design in earthquake prone areas: Gölyaka as a caseCana Bilsel
A. Pınar GedikliThe transformation of urban waterfronts in Istanbul and evaluation of the golden horn arsenals.Cana Bilsel
Metehan GültaşlıThe territorial sense in sidewalks: A case study in Kumrular street, Ankara.Sevin Osmay
Ebru GürlerA comparative study in urban regeneration process: The case of IstanbulÇağatay Keskinok
Tuncay KayaPost evaluation of physical planning experience of Ankara: 1957 plan of Uybadin-YücelAdnan Barlas
Filiz Kırsakal“City image and metro, case study: Batıkent metroAdnan Barlas
Enver KolaçA new campus for Middle East Technical University in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus: Educational program and design issuesÖzcan Esmer
Bige ŞimşekA study on recent approaches in the production of public parks in western citiesGüven Arif Sargın
Umut YılmazProcesses and tools of housing redevelopment in urban designAdnan Barlas
Resmiye AlparDivided cities: physical and social restructuring of Lefkoşa, Cyprus.Melih Pınarcıoğlu
Sandro CapadonaThe urban reconstruction process of “The Konak Square” (Izmir) : a historical studyYıldırım Yavuz
H. Burcu ÇıngıRelation between shopping centers and the urban quality: transformation of retail space organization in relation to changing consumption patternsMelih Pınarcıoğlu
Devrim ÇimenPedestrian and vehicle conflict in third dimension: the legitimacy problematic of Meşrutiyet Street in the context of pedestrian platform net.Baykan Günay
Sertaç ErtenDesign with proper use of spatial standardsAdnan Barlas
Zeynep GençHousing production processes: can user-oriented methods of production replace the conventional ones?Erhan Acar
Emre GönlügürThe new urban segregation: the rise of gated enclaves in İstanbul.Güven Arif Sargın
Atanur OsmançavuşoğluUrban transformation process: Ulus historical center planning project.Baykan Günay
Özkan KarababaCity and collective memory: Urban projects in the Hacıbayram areaCana Bilsel
Meltem ŞenolThe Role of climate and geomorphological structure of city macroform: a case study on Ankara macroformBaykan Günay
Ayşe Deniz TemizSpatial transformations within the historical centre of Izmir: representations of space and representational typologiesGüven Arif Sargın
Serdar UçarChanging understandings in the space organization of a university campus: The Middle East Technical UniversityCana Bilsel
Hande UluğThe role of political concepts on planning and design process of new capitals: a comparative study.Çağatay Keskinok
Banu AkselIs a commercial complex an urban center? A case study: Bilkent Center AnkaraR. Raci Bademli
Sinan BuratGreen belt as a planning tool and green belt of Ankara.Adnan Barlas
Cansu CanaranUrban design in earthquake prone settlementsAdnan Barlas
Dilek İnceAnalysis of shopping activity and its spatial organizationBaykan Günay
Serkan MertyürekDetermination of user awareness and appreciation on the issues of urban design in the specifics of housingAli Türel
Nalân ÖzkadifAn evaluation of townscape vocabulary as a design tool for shaping today’s urban environmentsBaykan Günay
Çelen PaşalarBauhaus: Reconsideration within the framework of German idealismBaykan Günay
Öykü RenklidağThe urban park: an extension of nature and urban cultureBaykan Günay
Volkan AkkoyunluThe role of land readjustment in urban designBaykan Günay
Neslihan ArtarThe impacts of telecommunication technologies on urban spaceAdnan Barlas
Duygu BorazancıProactive Approach to Urban Design – Case Study: South Shoreditch / Hackney, LondonBaykan Günay
Tolga LeventPedestrian zones as communication environments case study: Yüksel pedestrian zone – AnkaraBaykan Günay
Serdar ÖzbaySustainable solid waste management in campus: METU Campus as a case studyAdnan Barlas
Hilal ÖzcanA holistic approach to evaluate the neighborhood conceptÇağatay Keskinok
Sinem ŞiranlıUrban design as process design: An evaluation of Ulus historical centre planning and urban design experiencesErhan Acar
Umut TokerTechnopoles as high technology workplaces: A ‘new’ workplace?Yıldırım Yavuz
Mesure TüzünAn analysis of sexual discrimination in designed areas of modern planningErhan Acar
Fariha Amjad UbaidKarachi: Some steps in experiencing KarachiOğuz Işık
Tolga ÜnlüUrban coding as a tool to control urban formBaykan Günay
Fikret ZorluThe role of traffic network design in circulation systems and in the formation of urban patternsBaykan Günay

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University Honors Theses

Third rome: religion, politics and a persistent myth.

Seth Brugger Monteith , Portland State University

First Advisor

Jon Mandaville

Date of Award

Document type.

Closed Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in History and University Honors

Moscow (Russia) – Historiography, Moscow (Russia) -- Politics and government -- History


This thesis is the culmination of research from over the past three years. It started out with the question: Can the foreign policy of the medieval Muscovite State be fully explained by the concept of Third Rome? Third Rome is a concept of political inheritance whereby Moscow was seen as heir of the religious and political ideology of Byzantium, and, therefore, the Roman Empire. I made an appointment to see the Russian historian Dr. David Goldfrank at Georgetown University. It quickly became apparent that my research, at the time, was inadequate, but with a few suggestions I was sent back on the right path. Yet, I kept thinking that all my research could not have been inadequate. After all, it came from well published historians. I delved deeper into the historiography. The great majority of scholarship that mentioned the concept appeared to validate my original assumption, but recent scholarship by Russian, or more specifically Muscovite, historians countered this assumption. There was a shift in scholarship from those that supported the concept of Third Rome to those that upheld counter views. With such a vast amount of scholarship at my fingertips I sought to organize and explicate how such a shift occurred. The result is this historiographic survey of the concept of Third Rome.

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This thesis is only available to students, faculty and staff at PSU.

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Recommended Citation

Monteith, Seth Brugger, "Third Rome: Religion, Politics and a Persistent Myth" (2008). University Honors Theses. Paper 1008. https://doi.org/10.15760/honors.1032

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    METU Thesis Supervisor Assignment System. Thesis sypervisors must be members of METU. Professors from other universities can be co-supervisors for METU theses. ... This page must be signed by the Thesis Advisor with his/her title, name and surname on it. Similarity index may be at most 20%. Please do not forget to sign plagiarism (iii) page.

  3. Thesis Procedures

    Binded and signed copy of the thesis. Advisor-signed turnitin report of your thesis. Approved OpenMETU form (sent by METU Library to the institute secretary right after you fill the OpenMETU form). YOK Thesis Entry Form. PDF of your thesis recorded on CD. Thesis Information Form (Tez Bilgi Formu). General Principles, Rules and Regulations

  4. PDF Assigning Thesis Advisor and Determining Thesis Title 20212

    Microsoft Word - Assigning Thesis Advisor and Determining Thesis Title 20212.docx. To the attention of the MSc-PhD Students, The deadline for the "Tez Danismani Atama ve Tez Basligi Belirleme" for the 2021-2022 Academic Year Spring Semester is February 11, 2022. Master students are required to complete their thesis supervisor appointment ...

  5. Ms Phd Advisor assignment (71.17)

    Enter user code into the "User Code" field. Enter password into the "Password" field. If you are student, enter your 'id number' into the "identification code" area. (e.g.1234567, for a student whose id number is 123456-7) If you are advisor, enter your 'personel id' into the "identification code" area. If you are department user, enter your ...

  6. Thesis Submission Guide

    Thesis Submission Guide. This guide includes the steps and explanations you need to follow in order to upload your Master or PhD thesis to OpenMETU (open.metu.edu.tr) and deliver the hard copy to the Library. According to the Article 40 of the Higher Education Law No: 2547, "Graduate theses are open to electronic access by the National Thesis ...

  7. Thesis Submission Procedures

    Use 1.5 or 2 line spacing throughout your thesis and print it double-sided starting from the Plagiarism page. For METU Library access criteria, Thesis Permission Form must be filled in and added to the Appendices of the thesis as the last piece. The signature page of the thesis must be format-checked before collecting the professors ...

  8. Students of Graduate Programs

    Students of Graduate Programs. Turkish. For students who will enroll in the 2nd semester of the Master with Thesis Program and the 3rd semester of the Doctorate Program ; The students must appoint a thesis advisor, who is a full-time faculty member of METU, through program 71 before the interactive registration and advisor approval dates ...

  9. DOCX Middle East Technical University

    Considering the periods mentioned above, students who do not complete their thesis supervisor assigntment and thesis title specification procedures (For thesis studies) in 2021-2022/1 st Semester through "71.0 Ms Phd Advisor Assignment" Program, will not be given the right to register courses in interactive registrations. Procedure:

  10. Graduate Curriculum

    Student enrolled into the program should register a tentative thesis title and a brief summary with the METU MS-PHD Advisor Assignment program. Students should also register for the following non-credit courses each semester. XX is associated with the thesis advisor. AE500 Sec. XX - M.S. Thesis AE8XX - Special Studies 3x7: Total credit hours: 21

  11. Thesis Submission

    Note on "A minimum of 5 thesis copies": 5 copies are requested for the institute, the department, thesis advisor, the library and for the students themselves. In the case of a co-advisor, a minimum number of six copies should be submitted. ... Thesis Submission Procedure for METU Library · Points to be considered in preparing CD copy of ...

  12. DOCX eee.metu.edu.tr

    The deadline for the "Thesis Advisor Assignment" for the 2023-2024 Academic Year Fall Semester is January 26, 202 4. ... "Tez Danismani Atama Formu" must be sent to [email protected] (Serdar Korkmaz) (add assigned advisor and registration advisor to e-mail list). Author: berkay karacaer

  13. Essential Information on Thesis Advisor Assignment

    Essential Information on Thesis Advisor Assignment. In English: -----------------. The deadline for assigning thesis title, advisor and co-adviser is at the end of 1 st semester. Each student must have a co-advisor as well. Advisor and co-advisor can't be from the same department. Co-advisor could be registered to MNT program or any other ...

  14. To the Attention of the Students Enrolled in Graduate Programs

    You can ASSIGN YOUR THESIS ADVISOR from OIBS program no. 71. You must provide the following information to the system: Thesis name, the name of your thesis advisor, the name of your co-thesis advisor (if any) and a brief thesis abstract (max. 250 words). You should click APPROVE to finalize the process.

  15. Thesis

    Use another person's thesis as literature for yours. METU will not accept anything below the qualification level of a postgraduate (PhD) dissertation ... You can read the metadata (such as author, advisor, major, etc.) and, if available, abstract of a thesis even without logging in. The full text is available only after you have logged in.

  16. METU Theses Collection Search

    METU Theses Collection Search. Türkçe. This project was started to provide web access to theses and dissertations that have been completed at the Middle East Technical University since April 2003. In September 2003, the METU Library Theses and Dissertations Archives was established and since that time students have been submitting their ...

  17. Theses

    TITLE OF THE THESIS: ADVISOR: Volkan Akkoyunlu: The role of land readjustment in urban design: Baykan Günay: Neslihan Artar: The impacts of telecommunication technologies on urban space: ... Analyzing safety toward a walkable campus: A case-study of Middle East Technical University (METU)

  18. Congratulations, John Izzo on successfully defending your dissertation

    On May 17, 2024, our very own John Izzo successfully defended his dissertation to earn his doctoral degree! Dissertation Title: Tironian Notes: Literary and Historical Studies on Marcus Tullius Tiro Advisor: Katharina Volk Wishing you all the best on your new journey, Dr. Izzo !

  19. PDF Federal Bargaining in Post-soviet Russia: a Comparative Study on Moscow

    Russians and the Tatars. The central hypothesis of this thesis is that sometimes the relatively disadvantageous party in federal bargaining might be given more autonomy not because of its bargaining power, but because of the general bargaining strategy of the federal center. Therefore this thesis is an attempt to understand how

  20. PDF (edu.tr extension)

    Considering the periods mentioned above, students who do not complete their thesis supervisor assigntment and thesis title specification procedures (For thesis studies) in 2021-2022/1st Semester through "71.0 Ms Phd Advisor Assignment" Program, will not be given the right to register courses in interactive registrations. Procedure:

  21. Third Rome: Religion, Politics and a Persistent Myth

    This thesis is the culmination of research from over the past three years. It started out with the question: Can the foreign policy of the medieval Muscovite State be fully explained by the concept of Third Rome? Third Rome is a concept of political inheritance whereby Moscow was seen as heir of the religious and political ideology of Byzantium, and, therefore, the Roman Empire. I made an ...

  22. Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA)-COGS-University of Idaho

    Welcome to the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) at the University of Idaho. Our office serves the needs of all postdocs at U of I, and provides a platform for personal growth and professional development. We work with students, faculty and staff, to provide useful resources for the postdoc community and to improve the overall postdoc ...

  23. Postdoc-College of Graduate Studies-University of Idaho

    College of Graduate Studies. Physical Address: Morrill Hall Room 104. Mailing Address: College of Graduate Studies University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 3017