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  • 60+ Great food survey questions to ask (+ free templates)

60+ Great food survey questions to ask (+ free templates)

ƞeyma Beyazçiçek

The food is an excellent source of pleasure for both eater and the maker . Witnessing the food is approved is such a happy feeling for you! To make them happier and increase the quality of the food, you only need to share survey questions about food.

A good food survey is a helpful tool for you to gain valuable feedback from your target audience, including service, restaurant, etc . Collecting their positive and negative reviews will let you know your strong and weak sides.

If you want to gather feedback about all the thoughts, feelings, and advice about the food, you are at the right place because we have collected the must-ask 60+ great food survey questions to ask and how to create one.  

  • What is a food survey?

A food survey is a document that gathers any kind of customer experience that is related to food & drink, service, taste, restaurant, mobile/web apps, packaging, accessibility to the help center, speed, etc . All the feedbacks about these topics are vital for you because they affect the views on your brand.

The definition of a food survey

The definition of a food survey

It is a well-known fact that most unsatisfied customers will stop choosing your business without complaining. This rate even goes as far as 91% and simply illustrates the importance of paying attention to your customer’s feedback before lettering them go.  

Food survey types

Food surveys are divided into some categories according to their contents. For that reason, the food questions of the survey will show differences from type to type. Food survey types can be listed as listed below: 

  • Food quality survey
  • Food habits survey
  • Favorite foods survey
  • Fast food survey
  • Food survey questions about restaurant
  • Food allergy survey
  • Food waste survey
  • New food product survey
  • Food-app questions
  • 60+ questions examples for your next food survey

A good food survey shows its difference with its question quality. Finding the proper and right questions for your food survey might be confusing since there are lots of things to rate or learn about your customers. However, we have collected the most useful examples of food survey questions to use in your food survey. 

Look at the excellent questions in the lists given below we’ve collected for you!

Food quality survey questions

research questions examples about food

Food quality questions ask the general question about the food to test the quality. The quality of the food is what customers make sure about eating healthily and protect them from the dangers of consuming tainted food. Here are your must-ask food quality survey questions:

1. From 1 to 10, how do you rate our food?

2. What do you like about our food the most?

  • Healthy Options

3. Which food of ours was the least favored?

4. Do you believe the quality makes us different from others?

5. How are you likely to choose us again?

  • Very Likely
  • Very Unlikely

6. How are you likely to recommend us to your friends & family?

Food habits survey questions

research questions examples about food

The food habits of the consumers might answer many questions about their choices and frequencies. Also, you can learn their general habits from the survey responses related to your restaurant. If you want to learn these, have a look at the food habit survey questions:

7. How often do you eat here?

  • Once a week
  • Twice a week
  • Three times a week
  • Four times a week

8. Generally, what do you eat here?

9. Generally, what do you drink here? 10. Generally, with whom do you come here?

11. Do you order online or from the restaurant generally?

12. Since when do you choose us?

  • Within the last 6 months
  • 6 months to 1 year ago
  • 1 to 2 years ago
  • 2 to 3 years ago
  • 3+ years ago

13. Do you like eating different meals?

Favorite food survey questions

research questions examples about food

Have you ever wondered about your most liked food? You can learn iy by asking your favorite food survey questions to your customers. Learning the most requested food will help you to invest better. For that reason, see the best favorite food survey questions given below:

14. Which dish do you like the most?

15. Which food do you dislike the most?

16. Which drink do you like the most?

17. Which drink do you dislike the most?

18. How often do you eat your favorite food?

  • Once a month
  • Twice a month
  • Once a year

19. Do you recommend your favorite food to others?

20. Do you recommend your favorite drink to the others?

Fast food survey questions

research questions examples about food

Learning the most requested meals or aspects of fast food is only possible by presenting your customers with fast food survey questions. In order to learn their preferences, advice, or opinions about fast food, ask these most significant fast food survey questions:

21. How often do you eat fast food?

22. Which fast food menu do you order the most?

23. What makes us different from the other fast food chains?

24. What do you pay attention to in fast food the most?

  • Quality of ingredients
  • Nutritional value
  • Speed of delivery

25. Do you find the prices of fast food affordable?

26. Which other fast food chains do you prefer?

  • Burger King
  • Dunkin' Donuts
  • Chick-fil-A
  • Other (specify)

27. Do you have any particular fast food preferences?

Food survey questions about the restaurant

research questions examples about food

Restaurants are vital for your business because it also reflects your brand. Creating a friendly atmosphere is so important because, in the restaurant, people do not only eat their food and leave; they also spend time there. So, the guests’ feedbacks really matter. Take a look at the most significant restaurant survey questions below: 

28. Are you satisfied with the general hygiene in the restaurant?

29. Did you use the toilets?

30. How do you rate the hygiene of the toilets?

  • Below Average

31. Was the lighting enough?

32. How do you rate the design of the restaurant?

33. How do you rate the general order of the table?

34. Do you find the place family-friendly?

35. Do you enjoy spending time in the restaurant?

Food allergy survey questions

research questions examples about food

The guests’ experience with your food in terms of allergic reactions is really important. In order to learn if your food has any reactions or the allergic people can choose your food comfortably, you should definitely ask the food allergy survey questions listed below:

36. Do you have an allergy? 

37. Do you think you might have an allergy?

38. What are you allergic to?

39. Is the thing you are allergic to in our food?

40. While giving orders your food, do our staff pay attention to you about your allergy?

41. Do you have any dietary restrictions?

Food waste survey questions

research questions examples about food

Food waste is a big problem in the food industry. To decrease food waste, you can present your customers with a feedback survey to learn advice or comments on food waste. If you want to overcome the food waste problem, have a look at the food waste survey questions:

42. Do you think the portions are too big?

43. Do you always finish your meal?

44. Do you always finish your drink?

45. Do you pack the rest of your meal? 46. What do you think we should do to reduce food waste?

New food product survey questions

research questions examples about food

Presenting your customers with new food or updated version will make your business more lively. Moreover, gathering feedback about their opinions about the new food will enable you to take more confident steps for your following decisions. See the new food product survey questions: 

47. Did you try the new food?

48. How do you rate the new food’s portion?

49. What do you think about the new food?

50. Did you see our new food on social media?

51. Would you recommend our new food to your loved ones?

Food app survey questions

research questions examples about food

The usability of the survey is quite important. Moreover, you will learn the loved or disliked features of the food app. Apart from the questions, you can ask whether the customer got their food quickly. Check the usability of your app by asking these  food app survey questions:

52. What do you like about the app the most?

  • The user-friendly interface
  • The wide range of features
  • The ability to customize the app
  • The helpful customer support
  • The frequent updates

53. What do you dislike about the app the most?

  • Lack of features
  • Poor user interface
  • Buggy performance
  • Lack of customization
  • Difficult to use

54. Do you order on the app easily?

55. Did food arrive quickly?

56. Did you quickly find what you were looking for? 

57. Would you advise the app to your friends?

58. What is the best feature of the food app?

  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Wide variety of recipes
  • Detailed nutritional information
  • Meal planning capabilities
  • Shopping list feature

59. Did you encounter any errors while ordering?

60. From 1 to 10, how do you rate the app?

  • How to create your own food survey online

Once you decide to create your own food survey, the rest is relatively easy thanks to an online survey tool, like .  Now that you have lots of questions listed above, you can start creating your food survey.

As long as you follow the basic steps given below, you will have an excellent opportunity to gather feedback as you wish. You can design a well-prepared and smart survey if you follow these 3 basic steps:

1. Generate with AI, choose a template, or start from scratch

If you want to take advantage of the latest technology, use’s AI . Additionally, you can start from scratch if you wish to decide on the whole details. And if you want to save time, you can also choose ready-to-use food survey templates .

Choose how you like to start creating your survey

Choose how you like to start creating your survey

2. Edit & customize your survey

While deciding on the questions, you can choose multiple or open-ended questions based on your needs. You can edit your food survey as you wish. In this part, let your creativity speak for you! You can use the colors of your brands as the background or use your brand’s logo in the survey however you wish. 

Edit your food survey

Edit your food survey

3. Share your survey

In the final step, after checking your survey to prevent any mistakes, you can share your food survey on different platforms, including Wha tsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Mail, WordPress, and QR code. 

Share your food survey or embed it on a website

Share your food survey or embed it on a website

  • Final words

To wrap it all up, food surveys are an excellent chance for your business. It can increase the engagement rate and collect data on different advertising opinions. Making your customers happy will make you happier, and this is possible with a good food survey.

So, that’s it: We have covered what a food survey is, shared 60 food survey questions that you can use as it is or customize for your needs, and talked about how you can create your own food questionnaire with free templates. Use the information available here and enjoy collecting data with your own survey.

ƞeyma is a content writer at She loves art and traveling. She is passionate about reading and writing. ƞeyma has expertise in surveys, survey questions, giveaways, statistics, and online forms.

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What characterizes a good question.

  • Well-conceptualized
  • Direct and clear
  • Includes all components (main concepts)

Why should I formulate a structured research question?

  • To point you in a specific direction (narrowing your scope/focus to ask a manageable question)
  • To identify the main concepts of your question
  • To help build your literature search strategy
  • To improve your information retrieval
  • To be able to evaluate the usefulness/appropriateness of the information retrieved 

Identifying Key Concepts and Search Terms

Using a framework to develop your research question can help to identify the main concepts of your review topic (see further down the page). Whether you use a framework or not, the goal is to identify the main concepts of your question and the synonyms / similar terms that might be used to describe each of those concepts:

Combining search terms with Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) and parentheses:

Use AND to combine different main concepts of your search: Childhood AND Asthma. Narrows results (see gray overlapping section of Venn diagram). 

Venn diagram of Childhood AND Asthma:

venn diagram of childhood AND asthma with overlapped section in gray

Use OR to include similar terms / synonyms (and sometimes antonyms) for a concept: childhood OR adolescence. Fertility OR infertility. Broadens results (see Venn diagram with all sections shaded in gray). 

Venn diagram of Childhood OR Adolescence: 

venn diagram of Childhood OR Adolescence with all parts in gray


When you use synonyms and different concepts, you will need parentheses similar to the order of operations in math. Example: (childhood OR adolescence OR children) AND (asthma OR wheezing). This tells the database that any of the child terms must be in the article along with any of the asthma terms, but an article may not have just a child term or just an asthma term.

Use the Boolean operator NOT with caution. You will miss out on articles that talk about both concepts. For example: Child NOT Adult will miss articles that talk about children and adults, which may mean you don't see a key piece of information about your topic. To find information about children, the safer method is to include Child as a concept (e.g., AND (child OR childhood OR children OR kids)) to your search instead of 'NOTting' out Adults. 

Venn diagram of NOT Adult when you want to see information about children; the center slice could contain relevant information about children that you would miss by using NOT Adult:

venn diagram of Child NOT Adult with only the Child portion in gray, the center slice and Adult portion are white.

Another example from Slippery Rock University Bailey Library using Peanut Butter and Jelly  may further clarify the use of Boolean operators and parentheses. 

Considerations for searching:

It is not always necessary to include all of your main concepts in the search. In some PICO questions, the outcome (O) is implied and does not need to be included. In other cases, any and all outcomes might of interest and so the search strategy can leave this out to keep it open.

Example research question: In seniors with dementia, does a falls prevention program, compared to no falls prevention program, result in decreased falls?

  • In the above PICO question, the comparator (C) can be left out of the search strategy as there is no great way to search for "not" having the intervention (in contrast to when there is a placebo or an alternate intervention as a comparison)
  • Also, the intervention (I) somewhat implies the outcome (O), so the outcome (decreased falls) can be left out of the search strategy
  • The main concepts that should be included in this particular search are: seniors (P1), dementia (P2), and falls prevention (I). Keep in mind though that there are different ways of describing these three concepts and so synonyms / similar terms are important to include in the search as well

Frameworks for Research Questions

Applying a framework when developing a research question can help to identify the key concepts and determine inclusion and exclusion criteria.

  • PICo: Population/Participants, phenomenon of Interest, Context
  • PICO(S): Patient/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, (Study design)
  • PECO(S):  Patient/Problem, Exposure, Comparison, Outcome, (Study design)
  • PESICO: Person, Environment, Stakeholders, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome
  • PIPOH: Population, Interventions, Professionals/Patients, Outcome, Healthcare Setting
  • PS:  Population, Situation
  • SPICE:  Setting, Perspectives, Intervention, Comparison, Evaluation

Example: PICO Questions

P (Patient, Population, Problem) I (Intervention) C (Comparison) O (Outcome)
How would I describe a group of patients similar to mine? What main interventions, prognostic factors or exposure are you considering? What is the main alternative to compare with the intervention? What can you hope to accomplish, measure, improve or effect?


Otherwise healthy children…


exposure to in utero cocaine…


children not exposed to in utero cocaine…

Result in:

increased risk of learning disabilities?


Primary school children


school-based physical activity


no school-based physical activity

Result in:

a decrease in obesity

Example: SPICE Question

S (Setting) P (Perspective) I (Intervention) C (Comparison) E (Evaluation)
Where? For whom? What? Compared with what? With what result?
In the setting of rural communities From the perspective of a pregnant woman How does facility-based care Compare with traditional birth attendants at home In relation to the woman’s perceptions and experiences?

Example from: Booth, A., Noyes, J., Flemming, K., Moore, G., Tunçalp, Ö., & Shakibazadeh, E. (2019). Formulating questions to explore complex interventions within qualitative evidence synthesis . BMJ Global Health, 4(Suppl 1), e001107.

Example: Nutritional Sciences

Search strategy development in the Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health Guide .

Formulating Research Questions

Underdeveloped question: .

What interventions help against vaping in youth?

Refined research question:

What strategies are effective for preventing nicotine vaping in youth?

The content of this page is almost entirely from  Queen's University Library's Public Health Guide .

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120 Food Research Paper Topics

How to choose a topic for food research paper:, fast food research paper topics:.

  • The impact of fast food consumption on obesity rates in children
  • The influence of fast food advertising on consumer behavior
  • The correlation between fast food consumption and cardiovascular diseases
  • The role of fast food in the development of type 2 diabetes
  • The effects of fast food on mental health and well-being
  • The environmental impact of fast food packaging and waste
  • Fast food and its contribution to food deserts in urban areas
  • The economic implications of the fast food industry on local communities
  • Fast food and its association with food addiction and cravings
  • The nutritional value and quality of ingredients used in fast food
  • The influence of fast food on dietary patterns and nutritional deficiencies
  • The role of fast food in the globalization of food culture
  • The ethical concerns surrounding fast food production and animal welfare
  • The impact of fast food consumption on academic performance in students
  • Fast food and its relationship to food insecurity and poverty

Food Insecurity Research Paper Topics:

  • The impact of food insecurity on child development
  • Food insecurity and its relationship to mental health
  • Exploring the causes of food insecurity in urban areas
  • The role of food banks in addressing food insecurity
  • Food insecurity among college students: prevalence and consequences
  • The effects of food insecurity on maternal and infant health
  • Food insecurity and its implications for rural communities
  • The relationship between food insecurity and obesity
  • Food insecurity and its impact on academic performance in children
  • The role of government policies in addressing food insecurity
  • Food insecurity and its connection to chronic diseases
  • The effects of food insecurity on older adults’ health and well-being
  • Food insecurity and its influence on food choices and dietary quality
  • The role of community gardens in reducing food insecurity
  • Food insecurity and its impact on social inequalities and disparities

Organic Food Research Paper Topics:

  • The impact of organic farming on soil health and fertility
  • The nutritional differences between organic and conventionally grown fruits and vegetables
  • The effects of organic farming practices on water quality and conservation
  • The potential health benefits of consuming organic dairy products
  • The role of organic agriculture in reducing pesticide exposure and its associated health risks
  • The economic viability and market trends of organic food production
  • The impact of organic farming on biodiversity and ecosystem services
  • Consumer perceptions and attitudes towards organic food: A global perspective
  • The effectiveness of organic farming in mitigating climate change
  • The role of organic farming in promoting sustainable food systems
  • Organic versus conventional meat production: A comparison of animal welfare standards
  • The impact of organic food consumption on human health and disease prevention
  • The challenges and opportunities of organic food certification and labeling
  • The role of organic farming in reducing food waste and promoting food security
  • The potential environmental and health risks associated with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in organic food production

Food Technology Research Paper Topics:

  • The impact of food processing techniques on nutritional value
  • The role of food technology in reducing food waste
  • The development of sustainable packaging materials for food products
  • The use of nanotechnology in food processing and preservation
  • The application of artificial intelligence in food quality control
  • The potential of 3D printing in personalized nutrition
  • The impact of food technology on the sensory properties of food products
  • The role of food technology in improving food safety and reducing foodborne illnesses
  • The development of novel food ingredients using biotechnology
  • The use of blockchain technology in ensuring traceability and transparency in the food supply chain
  • The impact of food technology on the shelf life and stability of food products
  • The role of food technology in addressing food allergies and intolerances
  • The application of robotics in food processing and manufacturing
  • The development of functional foods for specific health conditions
  • The use of genetic engineering in enhancing crop productivity and nutritional content

Food Safety Research Paper Topics:

  • The impact of foodborne illnesses on public health
  • The role of government regulations in ensuring food safety
  • Food safety practices in the restaurant industry
  • The effectiveness of food safety training programs for food handlers
  • Food safety risks associated with genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
  • The role of food packaging in maintaining food safety
  • Food safety concerns in the global food supply chain
  • The impact of climate change on food safety and security
  • Food safety risks associated with food delivery services
  • The role of consumer behavior in ensuring food safety
  • Food safety practices in home kitchens
  • The impact of food additives and preservatives on food safety
  • Food safety risks associated with food allergies and intolerances
  • The role of technology in enhancing food safety measures
  • Food safety challenges in developing countries

Food History Research Paper Topics:

  • The Evolution of Food Preservation Techniques
  • The Impact of the Columbian Exchange on Global Cuisine
  • The Role of Food in Ancient Egyptian Society
  • The Origins and Development of Chocolate as a Culinary Delight
  • The Influence of French Cuisine on Modern Gastronomy
  • The Cultural Significance of Spices in Medieval Europe
  • The History of Food and Nutrition in World War II
  • The Impact of Industrialization on Food Production and Consumption
  • The Role of Food in Ancient Greek and Roman Rituals and Festivals
  • The History of Street Food and its Socioeconomic Impact
  • The Origins and Evolution of Sushi in Japanese Cuisine
  • The Influence of Immigration on American Food Culture
  • The History of Food and Medicine: From Ancient Remedies to Modern Nutraceuticals
  • The Role of Food in Colonialism and Cultural Assimilation
  • The Evolution of Fast Food and its Impact on Global Health

Food Marketing Research Paper Topics:

  • The impact of social media on consumer behavior in the food industry
  • The effectiveness of celebrity endorsements in food marketing campaigns
  • The influence of packaging design on consumer perception and purchasing decisions
  • The role of sensory marketing in food product development and promotion
  • The effects of nutritional labeling on consumer choices and health outcomes
  • The use of virtual reality and augmented reality in food marketing strategies
  • The impact of food advertising on children’s food preferences and consumption patterns
  • The role of cultural factors in shaping food marketing strategies and consumer behavior
  • The effectiveness of personalized marketing approaches in the food industry
  • The influence of food branding and brand loyalty on consumer purchasing behavior
  • The role of sustainability and ethical considerations in food marketing practices
  • The effects of food pricing strategies on consumer choices and market competition
  • The impact of online food delivery platforms on consumer behavior and market dynamics
  • The role of food labeling claims and certifications in consumer trust and decision-making
  • The effects of food marketing on public health and policy implications

Food Chemistry Research Paper Topics:

  • Analysis of food additives and their effects on human health
  • Investigating the role of antioxidants in preventing food spoilage
  • The chemistry behind flavor development in fermented foods
  • Analyzing the chemical composition of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food
  • Understanding the chemical reactions involved in food browning and Maillard reaction
  • Investigating the chemistry of food preservation methods, such as canning and freezing
  • Analyzing the chemical changes in food during cooking and their impact on nutritional value
  • The role of enzymes in food processing and their effects on food quality
  • Investigating the chemistry of food allergies and intolerances
  • Analyzing the chemical composition and health benefits of functional foods
  • Understanding the chemistry of food packaging materials and their impact on food safety
  • Investigating the chemical changes in food during storage and their effects on shelf life
  • Analyzing the chemical composition and nutritional value of organic versus conventionally grown foods
  • Investigating the chemistry of food contaminants, such as heavy metals and pesticides

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Culinary and Food Research Topics: 100 Tasty Ideas for Students

The world of food is intriguing because of how it permeates every aspect of our life. In today’s fast-paced digital world, processed and fast food have risen to become the dominant options in the culinary scene.

The convenience of these choices is appealing, but they have also raised some health concerns. Therefore, it is crucial to look into food research paper topics. Research in this area is very important for a variety of reasons, including ensuring food safety, understanding the effects of the food industry, and discovering new sources of healthy food.

Here, we explore the varied world of food to provide you with some interesting research paper topics on this fascinating subject.

Food Research Paper Topics on Nutrition

Understanding the effects of food on our health requires extensive research on nutrition-related subjects. Included in the broad category of food research paper topics are issues like food safety, fast food, organic food, and even the food industry.

Exploring this topic via study helps us learn more about healthy food options, food science, and dietary practices. In addition, Edusson writing service can offer professionally written research papers on these subjects, with reliable sources and organized analysis.

  • The Role of Dietary Fiber in Preventing Chronic Diseases.
  • The Impact of Fast Food Restaurants on Eating Habits and Nutritional Intake Across Age Groups.
  • Prevalence and Causes of Food Allergies in the Modern Population.
  • Fast Food Intake and the Risk of Obesity and Chronic Diseases.
  • Nutritional Education on Food Choices and Dietary Habits.
  • Effects of Food Poisoning Outbreaks on Consumer Trust in the Fast Food Industry.
  • Factors Influencing Food Safety Practices in Fast Food Establishments.
  • Investigating the Impact of Organic Foods on Human Nutrition
  • Organic Food Versus Conventionally Grown Food in Terms of Nutritional Value.
  • Relationship Between Junk Food Consumption and Mental Health Outcomes.

Research Paper Topics on Food Safety and Quality Control

Topics for food research papers on food safety and quality control are very important for resolving issues in the food industry, as a whole. These discussions dive into food science and other related fields to find solutions to problems with food quality and safety.

A safer food system and greater public health are the direct results of research paper efforts to identify potential risks, and strengthen relevant laws. Listed below are some suggestions for research paper topics on the subjects of Food Safety and Quality Control:

  • Investigating the Relationship Between Food Allergies and Food Safety Measures.
  • Junk Food Intake on Food Safety Standards.
  • Quality Control Systems in the Food Industry.
  • The Role of Food Science in Enhancing Food Safety and Quality.
  • Nutritional Profile and Safety of Fast Foods.
  • Food Safety Regulations on the Fast Food Sector.
  • Food Safety Measures and Waste Reduction.
  • Food Safety and Quality Control in Preventing Foodborne Illnesses.
  • Consumer Perceptions of Organic Foods and Food Safety.
  • Food Safety Practices and Food Industry Sustainability.

Culinary Traditions and cultural heritage

Food research paper topics on culinary traditions and cultural heritage include a society’s history, values, and identity via food customs and recipes. Culinary research paper topics are important because they show how food has influenced different civilizations and foster understanding.

Fast food’s health impacts, food science, human nutrition, and overlooked regional cuisines are research paper topics in this area. Explore the paper topics samples below to help spark ideas for your next research paper:

  • Culinary Traditions in Preserving Cultural Identity.
  • Rediscovering Forgotten Culinary Traditions.
  • Traditional Diets and Nutrition.
  • Protecting Culinary Traditions and Intangible Cultural Heritage.
  • Diaspora Food Traditions: Migrant Food Practices.
  • Cultural Appropriation vs. Culinary Appreciation.
  • From Antiquity to the Present: A History of Food and Cooking.
  • The Impact of Globalization on Culinary Traditions
  • Impact of Colonial Powers on Indigenous Food Practices.
  • Culinary Traditions and Generational Shifts: Examining Age-Related Food Preferences and Preparation Methods.

Food Systems and Policy

The terms food systems and food policies refer to the intricate webs of relationships and rules that shape the food supply chain from farm to fork. Writing about food topics for research paper is important for a number of reasons. It aids policymakers in their quest for long-term, equitable answers to problems including fast food, junk food, food poisoning, and food science. Investigating food research paper topics in this field can  help us encourage constructive improvements to our food systems.

  • Food Systems and Policies in Addressing Food Insecurity and Hunger.
  • Organic Food Policies and Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Conservation.
  • The Role of Government Regulations in Reducing Food Wastage Throughout the Supply Chain.
  • Food Systems and the Promotion of Human Nutrition and Well-Being.
  • Suggested Policies to Tackle Food Addiction and the Unhealthy Consumption of Junk Foods.
  • Economic Implications of Organic Food Production and Marketing.
  • Psychological Factors Contributing to Food Addiction and Its Implications for Policy.
  • Possible Policies on Food Technologies on the Quality and Safety of Processed Foods.
  • Agricultural Subsidies on Food Security and Sustainability.
  • Social and Economic Implications of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in the Food System.

Culinary Innovations

Innovations in the kitchen are major steps forward for the food industry. They feature deviations from conventional cooking in the ways of method, ingredients, and presentation. Researching food related topics in this field is essential for making advances in fast food, the culinary arts, and other related fields. Improved food quality, sustainability, and health are all possible outcomes of selecting a food research paper topic in this field.

Exploring food research paper topics in this field helps us find ways to improve our diets and have more enjoyable dining experiences. Here are some examples of culinary arts research paper topics to get you thinking about your own research topic about food;

  • Culinary Innovations and Healthy Fast Foods
  • Plant-Based and Vegan Culinary Innovations: A Growing Trend in The Food Industry
  • Culinary Innovations on Fast Food Employee Training and Skill Development
  • Role of Molecular Gastronomy in Culinary Innovations
  • Sustainability and Culinary Innovations: Exploring Eco-Friendly Food Production
  • Culinary Innovations in Food Packaging and Preservation
  • Role of Food Science in Culinary Innovations: From Molecules to Dishes
  • Social and Environmental Implications of Culinary Innovations in Fast Food Industry
  • Culinary Innovations in Food Education
  • Nutritional Implications of Culinary Innovations in Fast Food Menu Items

Food and psychology, consumer behavior

The interesting relationship between food and our minds is explored in food research topics on psychology and consumer behavior. This research examines mental, emotional, and sensory variables that influence human diets, such as the media’s effect on fast food intake.

Food related research topics in this discipline aim to understand consumer behavior and create effective ways to promote healthier eating choices. The effects of social media on eating habits and the psychology of food cravings are among the many food research paper topics available.

  • Fast Food Packaging Design on Consumer Perception and Purchase Behavior.
  • Sensory Marketing and Its Influence on Food Choices and Consumer Behavior.
  • Psychological Factors that Drive Food Intake During Times of Stress.
  • Social Media and Its Influence on Food Choices and Eating Behaviors.
  • Food Advertising and Its Effects on Children’s Food Preferences and Consumption Patterns.
  • Food Neophobia in Shaping Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors Towards New Food Products.
  • Understanding Its Influence on Dietary Choices and Well-Being.
  • Food Imagery and Visual Cues in Shaping Consumer Perceptions and Preferences.
  • The Effects of Different Labeling Strategies on Consumer Behavior.
  • Mood and Emotions in Food-Related Decision-Making and Consumption Behaviors.

Research Topics on Food Science

Among the many things that go under the umbrella of food science topics are nutritional analysis, sensory assessment, and various methods of safety and preservation of food. Improving food quality, addressing new issues, and creating novel solutions all need more study in this field.

If you’re interested in making a significant contribution to the development of food science, consulting a research paper guide might be a great resource for doing so. The following are some examples of potential food science research topics:

  • Food Processing Techniques on Nutrient Retention and Bioavailability.
  • Exploring the Potential Health Benefits of Functional Foods Fortified with Probiotics.
  • Factors Influencing Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified (GM) Foods.
  • Role of Antioxidants in Preventing Food Deterioration and Extending Product Shelf Life.
  • Fast Food Production Practices on Food Safety and Microbial Contamination.
  • Potential of Plant-Based Proteins as a Sustainable Alternative to Animal-Based Proteins.
  • Nutritional Composition and Health Benefits of Traditional Fermented Foods.
  • The Role of Food Additives in the Development of Food Allergies and Intolerances
  • Food Storage Conditions and the Formation of Harmful Substances, Such as Acrylamide and Aflatoxins
  • Fast Food Packaging Materials and The Migration of Harmful Chemicals Into Food Products

Argumentative Food Research Topics

In the realm of argumentative food research, a wide variety of controversial food topics are examined and argued. This field lays the groundwork for food argumentative essay ideas, allowing us to dive into the nuances of food-related problems and examine their effects on people, the planet, and agriculture.

Delving into argumentative essay topics about food, allows us to learn more about the pros and cons of various dietary options. Our selection of theme ideas might assist, whether you’re looking for fast food argumentative essay topics or more traditional food arguments topics.

  • Should Genetically Modified Crops Be Embraced or Banned? Assessing the Implications for Agriculture and Food Security.
  • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and Human Health: Examining the Evidence and Debunking Misconceptions
  • Sugar Consumption on Obesity and Chronic Diseases: Is Sugar the Main Culprit?
  • Organic vs. Conventional Farming: Evaluating the Environmental and Health Implications
  • Benefits and Drawbacks of Meat Consumption: Is a Plant-Based Diet Superior?
  • Fast Food Chains and the Global Obesity Epidemic: Is Regulation the Solution?
  • Are Food Allergens Safe and Health?
  • Is the Western Diet Responsible for The Rise in Chronic Diseases? Investigating the Link Between Diet and Health Conditions.
  • Should Food Education Be a Mandatory Part of the School Curriculum? Assessing the Importance of Nutrition Knowledge for Children.
  • Is There a Connection Between Food Insecurity and Obesity? Investigating the Paradoxical Relationship and Potential Solutions.

Interesting Food Research Paper Topics for College/University Projects

There is a plethora of interesting food topics available in the realm of food research, making it ideal for use in academic writing. Students that are interested in nutrition, food science, sustainability, and the culinary arts can find many food topics to research to investigate.

To better understand food-related concerns, boost public health, and tackle global difficulties like food security, research topics about food are crucial. Buying research papers for sale might be helpful for students looking for both speed and quality. It helps them save time, gives them access to articles produced by experts, and provides useful information that may direct their own studies.

  • Relationship between Dietary Patterns and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors.
  • Cultural and Social Significance of Traditional Foods in Different Ethnic Communities.
  • Impact of Climate Change on Food Production and Global Food Security.
  • Relationship between Food Allergies and the Gut Microbiome.
  • School-based Nutrition Interventions on Students’ Dietary Behaviors and Academic Performance.
  • Relationship between Food Wastage and Environmental Sustainability.
  • Genetic Engineering in Food Production: Benefits, Risks, and Ethical Considerations.
  • Potential Health Benefits of Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals.
  • Food Additives and Human Health.
  • Safety and Efficacy of Novel Food Ingredients and Food Supplements.

Food Sustainability and Waste Reduction

The food industry is an important framework in which to consider the themes of food sustainability and waste reduction. They are concerned with the sustainability of our food system, including its production, distribution, and consumption.

Researching the problems associated with fast food and related themes, such as fast food research topics or fast food essay topics, is crucial. We can reduce food waste, save resources, and build a more resilient food system for future generations if we work together to find new ways to do things and get the word out.

  • Analyzing the Role of Technology in Reducing Food Wastage.
  • Organic Farming and How It Fosters Reducing Food Wastage.
  • Packaging Design and Minimizing Food Wastage.
  • Promoting Sustainable Diets for Reducing Environmental Impact.
  • The Impact of Food Wastage on Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
  • Economic Implications of Food Waste Reduction.
  • Potential of Edible Food Packaging Materials.
  • Sustainable Approaches to Managing Food Surplus.
  • Sustainable Strategies for Reducing Food Loss During Transportation.
  • The Efficiency of Composting Systems for Food Management.

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research questions examples about food

3 Research Questions Could Hold the Key to Sustainable Eating

Two USDA researchers looking at a row of vegetables

When it comes to healthy eating, there’s a lot we already know.

Just take a look at the scientific report issued by the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee , the group of scientific experts behind the newly released 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans . At 835 pages, the report spans a rigorous review of current research on dozens of topics, from whether eating peanuts early in life reduces the likelihood of peanut allergies (it probably does), to how much added sugar we can eat and still maintain a healthy diet ( way less than what we’re eating now ). It also outlines the broad contours of a healthy diet, which has changed little from past editions of the Dietary Guidelines : it’s typically higher in vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, low- or non-fat dairy, lean meat and poultry, seafood, nuts, and unsalted vegetable oils, and lower in red and processed meats, sugar-sweetened foods and drinks, and refined grains.

But food is more than just nutrition. We also know that food can affect the health of many people before it even reaches our plates. For example, pollution caused by fertilizer runoff from farms have left communities without access to safe drinking water, while many of the people who produce our food don’t earn enough to afford healthy diets themselves. So, is it possible to eat in ways that promote health and produce better outcomes for our collective wellbeing, livelihoods, and natural resources? And what would it take to get us there?

These are complex questions, but critical ones—and if the federal government made it a national priority to answer them, we might have a chance at avoiding otherwise devastating consequences.

That’s why leading experts and scientific bodies, including the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee , are increasingly calling attention to the importance of research on sustainable diets . Though there is no official record of how much federal funding is currently supporting this field, funding for nutrition research across the board has remained stagnant for decades . Research funding at the intersection of food and agriculture issues, in particular, is decidedly inadequate to address the magnitude of the public health challenges before us, including climate change, threats to food security, and persistent poverty and health disparities.

Many, including UCS, are working to change that by advocating for greater government investment in sustainable diets research. Here are three of the most pressing questions that research can answer to enable more sustainable eating for all.

1. When it comes to healthy and environmentally sustainable diets, what exactly is on the menu?

Research on healthy and environmentally sustainable diets has seen extraordinary growth in recent years. According to UCS research , nearly 100 new scholarly articles were published on this topic between 2015 and 2019, including 22 articles focused specifically on US diets. For reference, that’s more than four times the number of articles published on the same topic between 2000 and 2015—in about a quarter of the time.

Much of this research agrees that, in general, healthy diets that are higher in plant-based foods and lower in animal-based foods are more environmentally sustainable—meaning they are often associated with reduced energy and land use, as well as less air and water pollution.

This is an important finding that enables us to take the first steps toward more sustainable diets—and each step is critical, given the urgency and magnitude of dual public health and climate crises. Indeed, a number of other countries already have acted on existing knowledge to incorporate sustainability into national dietary guidance .

But the more we know, the faster (and further) we can move forward.

For example, we need to better understand the impacts of all different kinds of dietary shifts that could improve health and sustainability, and the most effective ways to encourage such shifts at the individual, institutional, and societal levels . We also need to better understand how a wide variety of sustainable diets align with diverse cultures and culinary traditions . Both of these areas of research will be crucial to informing practical public health interventions and policy recommendations that can help all people make meaningful changes.

There are also challenges with available data and models. Many studies on sustainable diets rely on models called Life Cycle Assessments , which help estimate the cumulative environmental impacts of the foods we eat. For example, how much energy is required to process, package, and transport a pound of beef from the farm to the grocery store? How much land, water, and energy was required to raise the cattle? While a Life Cycle Assessment is useful in providing general estimates, it’s often based on averages that don’t account for key differences in production methods, for example, or regions. More data—and more diverse data sources—could make this an even more powerful and practical tool.

These and other outstanding research gaps prompted the Interagency Committee on Human Nutrition Research (ICHNR), an interdisciplinary group of leaders across key federal agencies, to identify sustainable diets as a research priority in the creation of its 2016-2021 National Nutrition Research Roadmap. And though interest in this topic continues to grow, there is evidence that federal funding remains woefully inadequate to support independent research on sustainable diets and food systems.

Three fish on ice

2. How could more socially and economically sustainable food systems support healthy eating?

While environmental sustainability receives a lot of attention, a truly sustainable diet also takes into account the social and economic conditions that can threaten our health, wellbeing, and the future of our food supply.

Among these considerations are the persistent health and economic disparities embedded in the current US food system, which disproportionately affect Black, Indigenous, and other resilient communities of color who have faced decades of racist and discriminatory practices and policies. Even before the pandemic, the people working throughout the US food system —nearly 40 percent of whom are people of color—experienced greater poverty, poorer healthcare access, and higher occupational health hazards relative to the general population. Many of these same populations are also most vulnerable to the environmental consequences of unsustainable food systems, such as climate change, water pollution, and other environmental impacts. The irony should not be lost on anyone that many Indigenous populations have for generations produced food in harmony with ecological systems—a way of living that, in the US and elsewhere, was deeply and violently disrupted by colonization and genocide.

Pervasive exploitation in the food chain can function to make certain foods cheap, while also preventing workers from being able to afford healthy diets themselves. And unfortunately, this isn’t a challenge unique to workers in the food chain. Many US households are already struggling to afford a healthy —let alone sustainable—diet.

So how can research help?

For one, there are an increasing number of studies that are putting dollar signs on healthier and more sustainable diets. Understanding what these diets might cost consumers, and what segments of the population might be unable to afford them, is an important first step in creating policy and programs that can bring healthier and more sustainable eating into reach for more people. Existing research on programs and initiatives such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (also known as SNAP), cash assistance programs, or minimum wage increases will also be useful in identifying the best ways to increase consumer purchasing power, particularly among low-income households. Perhaps most importantly, effective community-based participatory research can support community efforts to resist and address the root causes of social and economic disparities, including racism and exploitative economic systems. Organizations like the HEAL Food Alliance , a multi-racial coalition building a national movement to transform food and farming systems, should be looked to as experts and leaders in shaping the goals and objectives of research that will impact the communities they represent.

3. What are the synergies and tradeoffs when you value both public health and sustainability?

Not every food choice that supports health will support sustainability, and vice versa. In fact, as our research shows , if the US population shifted from our current diet to a healthier diet, greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, and water use could actually increase. This is due in part to the fact that many fruits and vegetables—which most of us don’t eat nearly enough of—are produced in ways that require a lot of water and energy.

Another commonly cited example is the conflict between US dietary recommendations for fish and shellfish and the ability of fisheries to meet this demand in a sustainable way—an issue highlighted by experts in a National Academies of Science workshop and the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee .

None of this is to say that we should abandon our efforts to eat healthfully. Rather, it’s to say that we need to do some problem-solving if we want to eat in ways that are healthy and sustainable for people and the planet, and research can play a key role in helping us get there.

Solving the sustainable food Rubik’s cube

It was more than thirty years ago that federal policy established the first specific directives for prioritizing nutrition research, yet its funding has  remained stagnant for decades  and coordination across federal agencies remains inconsistent. Meanwhile, many complex factors are fueling the public health challenges embedded in the US food system: rates of diet-related disease and health disparities continue to climb, the degradation of soil and other natural resources has grown more dire, many workers are still underpaid and unsafe, and climate change is now a reality that looms large in our daily lives.

It’s time for the next generation of nutrition research. To fill these gaps in research and provide information we need to make the best possible policy decisions, we must invest in research that is systems-oriented and can help identify healthy diets that deliver the best possible social, economic, and environmental benefits for all populations. Such research must span disciplines, take leadership from communities most affected by health disparities and environmental injustices, and at its core focus on tackling root causes of the greatest threats facing the food system, including the systemic exploitation of people and finite resources.

President Biden’s administration has no shortage of opportunities to prioritize this area of research, which sits at the nexus of some of its foremost policy priorities . US Department of Agriculture Secretary Vilsack is well positioned to play a powerful role in lifting up and improving coordination of nutrition research needs, particularly as he works to rebuild capacity in the department’s research arms. And Congress, for its part, can leverage legislative opportunities such as appropriations and the potential reauthorization of child nutrition programs to ensure that funding is finally available to answer these and other critical nutrition research questions.

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Research Question Examples đŸ§‘đŸ»â€đŸ«

25+ Practical Examples & Ideas To Help You Get Started 

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | October 2023

A well-crafted research question (or set of questions) sets the stage for a robust study and meaningful insights.  But, if you’re new to research, it’s not always clear what exactly constitutes a good research question. In this post, we’ll provide you with clear examples of quality research questions across various disciplines, so that you can approach your research project with confidence!

Research Question Examples

  • Psychology research questions
  • Business research questions
  • Education research questions
  • Healthcare research questions
  • Computer science research questions

Examples: Psychology

Let’s start by looking at some examples of research questions that you might encounter within the discipline of psychology.

How does sleep quality affect academic performance in university students?

This question is specific to a population (university students) and looks at a direct relationship between sleep and academic performance, both of which are quantifiable and measurable variables.

What factors contribute to the onset of anxiety disorders in adolescents?

The question narrows down the age group and focuses on identifying multiple contributing factors. There are various ways in which it could be approached from a methodological standpoint, including both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Do mindfulness techniques improve emotional well-being?

This is a focused research question aiming to evaluate the effectiveness of a specific intervention.

How does early childhood trauma impact adult relationships?

This research question targets a clear cause-and-effect relationship over a long timescale, making it focused but comprehensive.

Is there a correlation between screen time and depression in teenagers?

This research question focuses on an in-demand current issue and a specific demographic, allowing for a focused investigation. The key variables are clearly stated within the question and can be measured and analysed (i.e., high feasibility).

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Examples: Business/Management

Next, let’s look at some examples of well-articulated research questions within the business and management realm.

How do leadership styles impact employee retention?

This is an example of a strong research question because it directly looks at the effect of one variable (leadership styles) on another (employee retention), allowing from a strongly aligned methodological approach.

What role does corporate social responsibility play in consumer choice?

Current and precise, this research question can reveal how social concerns are influencing buying behaviour by way of a qualitative exploration.

Does remote work increase or decrease productivity in tech companies?

Focused on a particular industry and a hot topic, this research question could yield timely, actionable insights that would have high practical value in the real world.

How do economic downturns affect small businesses in the homebuilding industry?

Vital for policy-making, this highly specific research question aims to uncover the challenges faced by small businesses within a certain industry.

Which employee benefits have the greatest impact on job satisfaction?

By being straightforward and specific, answering this research question could provide tangible insights to employers.

Examples: Education

Next, let’s look at some potential research questions within the education, training and development domain.

How does class size affect students’ academic performance in primary schools?

This example research question targets two clearly defined variables, which can be measured and analysed relatively easily.

Do online courses result in better retention of material than traditional courses?

Timely, specific and focused, answering this research question can help inform educational policy and personal choices about learning formats.

What impact do US public school lunches have on student health?

Targeting a specific, well-defined context, the research could lead to direct changes in public health policies.

To what degree does parental involvement improve academic outcomes in secondary education in the Midwest?

This research question focuses on a specific context (secondary education in the Midwest) and has clearly defined constructs.

What are the negative effects of standardised tests on student learning within Oklahoma primary schools?

This research question has a clear focus (negative outcomes) and is narrowed into a very specific context.

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research questions examples about food

Examples: Healthcare

Shifting to a different field, let’s look at some examples of research questions within the healthcare space.

What are the most effective treatments for chronic back pain amongst UK senior males?

Specific and solution-oriented, this research question focuses on clear variables and a well-defined context (senior males within the UK).

How do different healthcare policies affect patient satisfaction in public hospitals in South Africa?

This question is has clearly defined variables and is narrowly focused in terms of context.

Which factors contribute to obesity rates in urban areas within California?

This question is focused yet broad, aiming to reveal several contributing factors for targeted interventions.

Does telemedicine provide the same perceived quality of care as in-person visits for diabetes patients?

Ideal for a qualitative study, this research question explores a single construct (perceived quality of care) within a well-defined sample (diabetes patients).

Which lifestyle factors have the greatest affect on the risk of heart disease?

This research question aims to uncover modifiable factors, offering preventive health recommendations.

Research topic evaluator

Examples: Computer Science

Last but certainly not least, let’s look at a few examples of research questions within the computer science world.

What are the perceived risks of cloud-based storage systems?

Highly relevant in our digital age, this research question would align well with a qualitative interview approach to better understand what users feel the key risks of cloud storage are.

Which factors affect the energy efficiency of data centres in Ohio?

With a clear focus, this research question lays a firm foundation for a quantitative study.

How do TikTok algorithms impact user behaviour amongst new graduates?

While this research question is more open-ended, it could form the basis for a qualitative investigation.

What are the perceived risk and benefits of open-source software software within the web design industry?

Practical and straightforward, the results could guide both developers and end-users in their choices.

Remember, these are just examples…

In this post, we’ve tried to provide a wide range of research question examples to help you get a feel for what research questions look like in practice. That said, it’s important to remember that these are just examples and don’t necessarily equate to good research topics . If you’re still trying to find a topic, check out our topic megalist for inspiration.

research questions examples about food

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This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...

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  • Writing Strong Research Questions | Criteria & Examples

Writing Strong Research Questions | Criteria & Examples

Published on October 26, 2022 by Shona McCombes . Revised on November 21, 2023.

A research question pinpoints exactly what you want to find out in your work. A good research question is essential to guide your research paper , dissertation , or thesis .

All research questions should be:

  • Focused on a single problem or issue
  • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
  • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
  • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
  • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
  • Relevant to your field of study and/or society more broadly

Writing Strong Research Questions

Table of contents

How to write a research question, what makes a strong research question, using sub-questions to strengthen your main research question, research questions quiz, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about research questions.

You can follow these steps to develop a strong research question:

  • Choose your topic
  • Do some preliminary reading about the current state of the field
  • Narrow your focus to a specific niche
  • Identify the research problem that you will address

The way you frame your question depends on what your research aims to achieve. The table below shows some examples of how you might formulate questions for different purposes.

Research question formulations
Describing and exploring
Explaining and testing
Evaluating and acting is X

Using your research problem to develop your research question

Example research problem Example research question(s)
Teachers at the school do not have the skills to recognize or properly guide gifted children in the classroom. What practical techniques can teachers use to better identify and guide gifted children?
Young people increasingly engage in the “gig economy,” rather than traditional full-time employment. However, it is unclear why they choose to do so. What are the main factors influencing young people’s decisions to engage in the gig economy?

Note that while most research questions can be answered with various types of research , the way you frame your question should help determine your choices.

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Research questions anchor your whole project, so it’s important to spend some time refining them. The criteria below can help you evaluate the strength of your research question.

Focused and researchable

Criteria Explanation
Focused on a single topic Your central research question should work together with your research problem to keep your work focused. If you have multiple questions, they should all clearly tie back to your central aim.
Answerable using Your question must be answerable using and/or , or by reading scholarly sources on the to develop your argument. If such data is impossible to access, you likely need to rethink your question.
Not based on value judgements Avoid subjective words like , , and . These do not give clear criteria for answering the question.

Feasible and specific

Criteria Explanation
Answerable within practical constraints Make sure you have enough time and resources to do all research required to answer your question. If it seems you will not be able to gain access to the data you need, consider narrowing down your question to be more specific.
Uses specific, well-defined concepts All the terms you use in the research question should have clear meanings. Avoid vague language, jargon, and too-broad ideas.

Does not demand a conclusive solution, policy, or course of action Research is about informing, not instructing. Even if your project is focused on a practical problem, it should aim to improve understanding rather than demand a ready-made solution.

If ready-made solutions are necessary, consider conducting instead. Action research is a research method that aims to simultaneously investigate an issue as it is solved. In other words, as its name suggests, action research conducts research and takes action at the same time.

Complex and arguable

Criteria Explanation
Cannot be answered with or Closed-ended, / questions are too simple to work as good research questions—they don’t provide enough for robust investigation and discussion.

Cannot be answered with easily-found facts If you can answer the question through a single Google search, book, or article, it is probably not complex enough. A good research question requires original data, synthesis of multiple sources, and original interpretation and argumentation prior to providing an answer.

Relevant and original

Criteria Explanation
Addresses a relevant problem Your research question should be developed based on initial reading around your . It should focus on addressing a problem or gap in the existing knowledge in your field or discipline.
Contributes to a timely social or academic debate The question should aim to contribute to an existing and current debate in your field or in society at large. It should produce knowledge that future researchers or practitioners can later build on.
Has not already been answered You don’t have to ask something that nobody has ever thought of before, but your question should have some aspect of originality. For example, you can focus on a specific location, or explore a new angle.

Chances are that your main research question likely can’t be answered all at once. That’s why sub-questions are important: they allow you to answer your main question in a step-by-step manner.

Good sub-questions should be:

  • Less complex than the main question
  • Focused only on 1 type of research
  • Presented in a logical order

Here are a few examples of descriptive and framing questions:

  • Descriptive: According to current government arguments, how should a European bank tax be implemented?
  • Descriptive: Which countries have a bank tax/levy on financial transactions?
  • Framing: How should a bank tax/levy on financial transactions look at a European level?

Keep in mind that sub-questions are by no means mandatory. They should only be asked if you need the findings to answer your main question. If your main question is simple enough to stand on its own, it’s okay to skip the sub-question part. As a rule of thumb, the more complex your subject, the more sub-questions you’ll need.

Try to limit yourself to 4 or 5 sub-questions, maximum. If you feel you need more than this, it may be indication that your main research question is not sufficiently specific. In this case, it’s is better to revisit your problem statement and try to tighten your main question up.

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If you want to know more about the research process , methodology , research bias , or statistics , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.


  • Sampling methods
  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Cluster sampling
  • Likert scales
  • Reproducibility


  • Null hypothesis
  • Statistical power
  • Probability distribution
  • Effect size
  • Poisson distribution

Research bias

  • Optimism bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Anchoring bias
  • Explicit bias

The way you present your research problem in your introduction varies depending on the nature of your research paper . A research paper that presents a sustained argument will usually encapsulate this argument in a thesis statement .

A research paper designed to present the results of empirical research tends to present a research question that it seeks to answer. It may also include a hypothesis —a prediction that will be confirmed or disproved by your research.

As you cannot possibly read every source related to your topic, it’s important to evaluate sources to assess their relevance. Use preliminary evaluation to determine whether a source is worth examining in more depth.

This involves:

  • Reading abstracts , prefaces, introductions , and conclusions
  • Looking at the table of contents to determine the scope of the work
  • Consulting the index for key terms or the names of important scholars

A research hypothesis is your proposed answer to your research question. The research hypothesis usually includes an explanation (“ x affects y because 

A statistical hypothesis, on the other hand, is a mathematical statement about a population parameter. Statistical hypotheses always come in pairs: the null and alternative hypotheses . In a well-designed study , the statistical hypotheses correspond logically to the research hypothesis.

Writing Strong Research Questions

Formulating a main research question can be a difficult task. Overall, your question should contribute to solving the problem that you have defined in your problem statement .

However, it should also fulfill criteria in three main areas:

  • Researchability
  • Feasibility and specificity
  • Relevance and originality

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McCombes, S. (2023, November 21). Writing Strong Research Questions | Criteria & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 24, 2024, from

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Getting Started: What is Your Research Question?

Step 1: identify big ideas, step 2: brainstorm keywords, step 3: build your search, step 4: search, step 5: evaluate your results, step 6: improve your search.

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Before you start searching:

  • Think about what information you are trying to find.
  • What question are you trying to answer through your research?
  • It is okay if your research question changes as you explore your topic.

Examples of Research Questions

  • Is there a better kneading technique I could be using when I make bread?
  • Should restaurant managers prioritize building sales or controlling costs?
  • How did migration impact Mediterranean food cultures?
  • What is a reliable recipe for paella?

Use your own culinary knowledge to work through the following steps.

Identify the main concepts  in your research question.

For the research question "Where can I find a local sustainable vendor? The big ideas are identified as "geographic location," "Sustainability," and "Place to purchase food."

Brainstorm keywords (a.k.a. search terms) that relate to your main concept.

Lists of keywords relating to the big ideas: Geography (Michigan, "West Michigan," Muskegon, Grand Rapids, Grand Haven), Sustainability (sustainable, local and sustainable, farm-to-table), Places to purchase food (vendor, "food distributor," co-op, "food cooperative").

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Are there more specific words or subcategories that relate to this main concept? (Example: Scotch is a kind of whiskey, so if you want information about whiskey, you might search for "Scotch")
  • Are there more general/broad words or categories that relate to this main concept? (Example: whiskey is a kind of liquor, so if you want information about whiskey, you might search for resources about "liquor")
  • Are there any synonyms (words that mean the same thing or almost the same thing) as the keywords I have already brainstormed? 

Build your search by combining some of the keywords you brainstormed. Include words from each of the main concept categories.

Example searches include: "west michigan" AND sustainable AND "food distributor", Muskegon AND sustainable local AND vendor

  • Use quotation marks to group together words that represent a single idea, such as "West Michigan". 

Evaluate your initial search results.

Look at your initial search results, do you see the information you need?

  • If yes- congratulations!
  • Dig deeper into the results and don't be afraid to click around.
  • You may need to move on to step 6.

Improve your search strategy.

If you didn't find what you needed in your initial search results:

  • Try another set of keywords from your original brainstorming session.
  • See if you can brainstorm better keywords based on what you did (or didn't) find in your initial search.
  • Keep informal notes on what search terms you have tried and what you haven't tried so you don't end up doing the same unsuccessful search over and over again.

It is called REsearch for a reason. Sometimes you have to circle back to earlier steps and try different things. That is okay! It is all part of the research process.

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30+ Food Quality Survey Questions to Ask Your Customers

Last Updated:  

23 May 2024

Table Of Contents

  • Food quality survey questions
  • Restaurant survey questions

Do you want to evaluate the quality of your food? Need some sample food quality survey questions to come up with your own?

The best way to improve the quality of your food is to ask your customers for feedback.

And what better way to gather feedback than surveying your customers?

In this article, we’ve curated a list of the best food quality survey questions you can ask your customers to evaluate the quality of the food you serve at your restaurant.

As a bonus, we’ve also listed the best restaurant survey questions you should ask your customers to measure their overall satisfaction with your food and their experience so far.

Most importantly, We’ve also added a Free Food Quality Survey Template , which is used by brands worldwide, which you can start using for free to collect feedback from customers.

Sign up with your mail and customize the survey how you want in just a few minutes, and you’re ready to circulate it.

Try our food quality survey to test the conversational experience!

Here’s what more we’ll cover in this article:

  • Food Quality Survey Questions to Evaluate Food Quality
  • Restaurant Survey Questions

30+ Food Quality Survey Questions to Ask for Actionable Feedback

Here are 30+ food survey questions you can ask your customers:

  • What did you think about our food?
  • How would you rate the quality of our food?
  • Was the food served hot?
  • Did the menu have a good variety of items?
  • Was the food tasty and flavorful?
  • What premium options or ingredients would you like us to offer?
  • Was the food served fresh?
  • Do you receive the same quality with every meal?
  • Do we offer enough upscale or premium ingredients?
  • Was the quality of the food excellent?
  • {Restaurant name} uses little to no processed foods and artificial ingredients.
  • {Restaurant name} uses fresh herbs and spices to add flavor to food.
  • On a scale of 1-10, how good is the look, feel, and smell of our ingredients?
  • {Restaurant name} cooks with natural products and ingredients?
  • How good is our restaurant’s culinary expertise?
  • Are proper preparation standards followed?
  • What did you like best about our menu?
  • What did you dislike about our menu?
  • Are there any drinks you’d like to see on our menu?
  • Did you find anything missing from the menu?
  • How would you rate the menu selection?
  • How would you rate the value of the food?
  • Were you pleased with our drink offerings?
  • How would you rate the portion size?
  • How would you rate the value of the beverages?
  • Is there anything about our food you would improve, and if so, what?
  • Is there anything about our beverages you would improve, and if so, what?
  • How would you rate the presentation of the meal?
  • Do you find our menu has something for everyone?
  • How would you rate the range of options on our menu?
  • If you have a dietary restriction, were you accommodated well today?
  • Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the quality of our food?

Craft the finest food quality surveys for Free

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30+ Restaurant Survey Questions to Ask Your Customers

Here are 30+ questions to ask in your restaurant surveys:

  • Was this your first time visiting our restaurant?
  • How often do you dine at our restaurant?
  • Do you find our restaurant family-friendly?
  • Are our operating hours convenient for you?
  • How far did you travel to visit us today?
  • If {new process or product} was an option, would you try it out?
  • Was the staff friendly and welcoming?
  • How long did it take for you to be greeted upon arrival?
  • Who was your server today?
  • What was the speed of the service?
  • Did your waiter recommend any of our menu specials?
  • How would you rate your server’s knowledge of the menu?
  • If there were any issues, did your server handle them well?
  • How would you rate our service?
  • Were all of the restaurant staff wearing masks?
  • How would you rate the atmosphere in terms of temperature, sound level, etc.?
  • Was the music volume to your liking?
  • Was hand sanitizer provided?
  • How comfortable did you find the seating?
  • How would you rate the reservation process?
  • If you ordered online, how quickly did your food arrive?
  • If you ordered online, did the food appear and taste fresh when it arrived?
  • Was your food at the right temperature when it arrived?
  • How would you rate the food packaging?
  • Which online platform did you use to order food from our restaurant?
  • Did our restaurant meet your standard of cleanliness and hygiene?
  • What do you think about our restaurant’s ambiance and environment?
  • What was your favorite part of your experience at our restaurant?
  • Are you a member of our loyalty program?
  • How did you find out about our restaurant?
  • Did you use any of our discounts or special offers?
  • How likely would you be to return to our restaurant?
  • What was the least favorite part of your experience at our restaurant?
  • How likely would you be to recommend our restaurant to your family and friends?
  • How could we serve you better in the future?
  • Is there anything we can do to motivate you to visit us more often?
  • Do you have any other general feedback for us?

Final thoughts

If you’re a restaurant owner, you need to know what your customers truly think about the food you serve at your restaurant. Improving the quality of the food you provide is one of the best ways to grow your restaurant, and a survey for food is an excellent tool for that.

Are you a restaurant owner looking to conduct a food quality survey and evaluate the quality of your food? SurveySparrow provides you with everything you need to create your very own food quality survey that matches your brand.

It provides you with a simple drag-and-drop interface and premade template that anyone can use to create a food quality survey in minutes.

Most of your customers will complete your food survey as they would be pleased to take food surveys that are conversational in nature, and are quite different from the long, boring forms you’ve seen on the internet.

If you’re looking to boost your survey responses and create pleasant experiences, take the conversational way and try SurveySparrow today!

Have you got any questions about creating a food quality survey? Any interesting tips or hacks for creating effective food quality surveys? Let us know in the comment section below.

Looking for a survey tool that makes it easy and effective to conduct interactive and conversational food quality surveys? Wondering whether SurveySparrow is the right fit for creating and sharing your food quality surveys? Reach out to us for a free, personalized demo!

I'm a developer turned marketer, working as a Product Marketer at SurveySparrow — A survey tool that lets anyone create beautiful, conversational surveys people love to answer.

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Top Nutrition Research Paper Topics for Students


Table of contents

  • 1 Nutrition Research Topics for College Students
  • 2 Interesting Nutrition Topics for Research Paper
  • 3 Research Topics in Nutrition and Dietetics
  • 4 Sports Nutrition Topics for Research
  • 5 Other Popular Nutrition Paper Topics
  • 6 Conclusion

Sometimes, coming up with an interesting topic is much more challenging than even writing a 10-page essay. After all, there are so many unique themes you could divulge, and choosing the only one that would suit your needs best can be overwhelming.

To narrow down your list of potential nutrition topics for research, it’s in your best interest to start with broader themes that spark your interest. For example, do you want to know more about how food impacts health and disease? Are you more interested in the psychological and emotional connection to food? Perhaps you’ve always been curious about nutrition and muscle development or weight loss?

Once you have a general direction, you’d like to go in, and finding suitable topics becomes much easier.

But if you’re still struggling with finding inspiration for your next essay, you should check out PapersOwl’s nutrition research paper topic suggestions. We’ve compiled a list of dozens of unique topics that’ll help you finish your assignment.

And if you need more than just suggestions, you can always find nutrition and nursing papers for sale on our platform.

Without further ado, let’s get into some of the best topic ideas!

Nutrition Research Topics for College Students

The following are some of the best nutrition research paper topics for college students who want to learn more about the themes that directly affect them. And in case you need assistance with writing any of the following topics, you can order custom research papers and receive authentic, plagiarism-free content written by nutrition experts.

  • Stress eating a growing problem among college students
  • The cause and effects of Freshman 15
  • How healthy foods can help deal with mental health issues
  • Sleep and nutrition –how they relate to each other
  • How healthy eating impacts a college athlete’s performance
  • Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?
  • Why women are more likely to suffer from anemia
  • Preventing/curing hangovers with smarter food choices
  • The impact of social media on students’ dietary choices
  • What are superfoods, and can they be beneficial?
  • The rising popularity of the paleo diet
  • What makes fast food so addictive?
  • Most common eating disorders among college students
  • Diet and mood – how they’re intertwined
  • Can healthy foods improve cognition and brain power?

Interesting Nutrition Topics for Research Paper

If you’d prefer a bit more exciting topic that encourages debate and gets your readers immersed, take a look at the following nutrition research paper topic suggestions.

  • Overcoming unhealthy emotional relationship with food
  • The intricate relationship between smoking and weight
  • How sleep moderates ghrelin and leptin levels
  • Cannabinoids as nutritional supplements
  • Prevalence of diabetes among college students
  • How helpful are gummy vitamins?
  • Genetic predispositions for becoming obese
  • How parents’ eating habits impact children’s dietary choices
  • Preventing eating disorders in teens and young adults
  • How the body positivity movement can be harmful to young adults
  • In-depth review of US school lunches – what needs to change?
  • Preventing chronic diseases with better food choices
  • Is overhydration more dangerous than dehydration?
  • The impact of social media on women’s body image
  • Hormones and nutrition – how are they connected?

Research Topics in Nutrition and Dietetics

Analyzing diets and their impact on our health and fitness is always intriguing. Learn more about nutrition and dietetics with some of the following nutrition research topics:

  • Keto diet and risk considerations
  • Dietary changes during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Nutrition vs. physical activity for healthy weight management
  • Methods for improving physical fitness while limiting calorie intake
  • In-depth analysis of yo-yo dieting
  • How going vegan impacts health
  • Dietary fats – the good and the bad
  • The dark side of the juice cleanse
  • The role of proteins in weight loss
  • How popular diet trends affect your health
  • Is intermittent fasting a good way to lose weight?
  • In-depth analysis of compulsive eating disorder Pica
  • Harmful trends that promote eating disorders
  • How to ensure proper nutrient intake on a plant-based diet
  • Are vegan foods always healthier?

Sports Nutrition Topics for Research

Student-athletes always want to know more about how food and nutrition impact their performance. The following topics can be just as useful to them as they are to med students.

  • Prevalence of eating disorders among female athletes
  • How plant-based diets impact athletes’ performance
  • How much protein you need for optimal muscle development
  • The role of BCAA’s in weightlifting performance among seniors
  • Is when you eat just as important as what you eat?
  • The impact of food choices on muscle recovery
  • Maintaining electrolyte balance during endurance training
  • The role of creatine in improving athletic performance
  • How to safely cut weight ahead of a competition
  • Effects of dietary fibers on carbohydrate uptake and absorption
  • What athletes need to know about BMI
  • Most effective supplements for bone and tendon health in combat athletes
  • How caffeine impacts athletic performance
  • In-depth analysis or Peri-Workout nutrition for strength athletes
  • Examining the effects of low-carb diet trends on athletic performance

Other Popular Nutrition Paper Topics

Miscellaneous topics can often be some of the most interesting ones, especially since few students ever opt for them. Browse through these ten unique topics and choose the one that suits you best.

Once you’ve found a great topic, writing becomes a much easier task. But if you can’t find the time for your paper, a quick search for services that can “ write my research paper for me ” could be a God-send.

  • Infant brain development and nutrition
  • How a mother’s dietary choices impact the quality of breastmilk
  • Symptoms of malnutrition among children
  • Immune system and diet – how they’re connected
  • The real science behind GMO food
  • The effects of thermal processing on nutrients
  • Factors contributing to obesity among young Americans
  • Different nutritional needs among different age groups
  • Dietary differences between low-income and high-income households
  • Foods that boost serotonin levels

Exploring the ways how human bodies work and react has interested people for thousands of years. No wonder there are a lot of engaging dietary and nursing research topics for modern students to choose from. You’ve already got acquainted with 70 of our top nutrition topics for research papers, so gather inspiration from our list and get started with your essay!

If you need further assistance with your writing, PapersOwl’s experts are available 24/7. Contact us, and place your order for custom nutrition papers.

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Food Research Topics


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150+ Food Research Paper Topics Ideas for Students

Green and White Illustrative Food Research Topics

When writing a research paper on food, there are many angles to explore to choose great research topics about food. You can write argumentative essay topics on food processing methods or search for social media research topics . Moreover, the food industry is advancing, and food styles are changing – another inspiration for an outstanding research topic about food. In other words, if you are looking for your ideal topic for food research , there are many places to look.

How to Choose the “Ideal” Food Research Topics

150+ ideas of experimental research titles about food, research title about food processing.

  • Interesting Research Topics on Fast Food

Research Title about Food Industry

Research title about cookery strand brainly, trending experimental food research topics, research title about food safety, research title about food innovation for college students, thesis title about food safety for an a+ paper, attention-grabbing research title about baking, fascinating research topic about cookery, research topic about cookery strand for presentation, fun-to-write research topics related to food, example of thesis title about food and beverage, example of experimental research about food, contemporary food processing research topics.

Nevertheless, it can be hard to decipher what characterizes a good example of a thesis title for food. Hence, this article will briefly explain what factors to look for in a research title about food so-to-speak. Then, we will provide up to 150 food topics you can explore.

Personal interest is a vital factor to consider when sourcing the best thesis title about food . If you’re choosing a research title about cookery, you want to ensure it is something you’re interested in. If you’re unsure where your interest lies, you can check out social issues research topics .

Also, the availability of information on the topic of food is important in any research, whether it’s a thesis statement about social media or nutrition topics . Furthermore, choose several food topics to have options if one thesis about food doesn’t work out. Last but not least, ensure your chosen topic about food is neither too broad nor too narrow.

If you are unsure what title about food to work on for your research paper, here we are. Below are some of the best examples of thesis titles or professional thesis writers about food for students and researchers.

  • Plant sterols in treating high cholesterol
  • Is skipping breakfast healthy?
  • Macrobiotic diet: advantages
  • Food trendmakers
  • Chocolates and emotions: the connection
  • Are trans fats carcinogenic?
  • Does green tea burn calories?
  • Humble lentil: a superfood?

Interesting Research Topics Fast Food

  • Fast foods: impact on living organisms
  • Food court restaurants
  • Misconceptions about fast foods
  • Is McDonald’s healthy?
  • Fast food: a social problem?
  • National cuisine
  • Fast food: effect on the liver
  • Fast food education
  • Students’ nutrition
  • Fast food in children’s diet
  • Food and 3D virtual reality
  • The contemporary hotel industry
  • Food and fashion
  • Food in different cultures
  • Can food be used for cultural identification?
  • Trends in food box consumption
  • Information innovation in the food industry
  • The food industry in developing countries
  • Proper nutrition
  • History and origin of food traditions
  • Can dietary supplements increase bone density?
  • Why nutrition science matters
  • Organic food: impact on nutrition
  • Antimicrobial resistance
  • Services ensuring food safety in the US
  • Food safety violations in the workplace
  • pH balance impacts flavor
  • Animal testing should be abolished
  • Does overeating suppress the immune system?
  • Lifestyle-related chronic diseases
  • Food justice
  • Government’s involvement in food justice
  • Dietary deficiencies
  • Spice rack organization
  • Nutrients for body development
  • Milk for kids: more or less?
  • Organic food and health
  • Animal-sourced foods: beneficial or dangerous?
  • Continental dishes
  • Continental dishes vs. Indian spices
  • Food factor in national security
  • Junk food vs. healthy food
  • Environmental food safety
  • Safety and control of food colors in the food industry today
  • Criteria and scope of food security
  • Ensuring food security
  • Cooking technology
  • Food quality of agricultural raw materials
  • Problems and solutions to food safety
  • Food security: the theory and methodology
  • Recent labeling food innovations
  • Health benefits of genetically modified foods
  • The vegetarian diet
  • Caloric foods
  • Fast food affects on health
  • Food allergies
  • Fast foods: nutritional value
  • Food in the 21st century
  • The Slow Food movement
  • Doughnut’s history
  • Food safety: role in gene pool preservation
  • Controlling synthetic colors used in food
  • Food assessment and control
  • Food: its influence on pharmacotherapy’s effectiveness
  • Human rights to balanced nutrition
  • Quality of food products in urban areas
  • Food in rural areas vs. urban areas
  • Food security in Uganda
  • Food safety: developed vs. developing countries
  • Food factor in biopolitics
  • Corn starch in baking: the importance
  • Bacteria concerns in baking: Clostridium botulinum
  • Normal butter vs. brown butter
  • Matcha in Japanese pastry
  • Sweet in baked desserts
  • Effect of flour type on cake quality
  • Sugar vs. stevia
  • Why so much sugar in packed cakes?
  • Carob is use in baking
  • Coca-Cola baking: is it safe?
  • Cooking schools
  • Protein food preservation
  • Food preservation techniques
  • Vegan vs. non-vegan
  • Caffeine in drinks
  • Plastic and food quality
  • History of carrot cake
  • Turmeric: health properties
  • Japanese tea ceremonies
  • Healthy sugar substitutes
  • The popularity of plant-based diet
  • Food steaming: history
  • CBD-infused foods
  • Achieving the umami flavor in cooking
  • Climate and diet
  • Quick-service restaurants: impact on life expectancy
  • Drinking and Judaism
  • Chinese tea: a historical analysis
  • Meat canning
  • Resistance of meat to antimicrobials
  • Eliminating botulism
  • Reducing food allergies
  • Avian influenza
  • Vitamin D nutrition: the worldwide status
  • Nutritional supplements are available for the poor
  • Food science: importance in human nutrition
  • Amino acids and muscle growth
  • Poor nutrition and bone density
  • Women and diet
  • Tea vs. coffee
  • Is tea addictive?
  • Cholesterol: myths
  • Sugar vs. sweeteners
  • Keto diet: effect on health
  • Food sensitivities in children
  • African superfoods
  • Spirulina: the properties
  • Wine in French cuisine
  • Garlic and onions
  • Stored foods
  • Preventing food poisoning
  • Food addiction
  • How to fight against food waste
  • Aqueous environment: the toxicity
  • Fast food in hospitals
  • The risks associated with junk
  • Food culture and obesity
  • The link between fast food and obesity
  • Burgers: are they sandwiches?
  • Food additives
  • History of curry
  • Freezing dough: impact on quality
  • Best pizza Margherita recipe
  • Making low-calorie food tasty
  • Jamaica and British cuisine
  • Picked food in India
  • How to eat eggs
  • Egg poaching
  • Italian pasta: types

From food innovation research titles to food sustainability research topics , there are many areas of the food industry to explore. With the list of topics and tips for choosing a topic provided here, finding your ideal topic should be easier.

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457 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about

Are you looking for good topics about food? Luckily, there are so many food topics you can research! You can focus on food safety, the link between nutrition and health, food insecurity, national cuisines, food waste in supply chains, food processing technologies, and many more. Check this list of the most exciting food research questions and titles!

đŸ„« TOP 7 Food Topics – 2024

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  • Sustainable Food Systems, Nutrition
  • Causes and Effects of Fast Food: Essay Example
  • Eating Home-Cooked Food Is Essential
  • Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of the Food and Beverage Industry
  • The Negative Effects of Fast Food: Essay Example
  • Food Waste Management
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Biotechnology in Improving the Nutritive Value of Foods
  • The Food Prices Issue and Its Impacts on the Industry The challenge of increasing food prices is relevant to the culinary, hospitality, and food industries because it significantly affects food availability and quality.
  • Food Technology Importance in Modern Days The Institute of Food Technologists defines food technology as the application of food science, including biological, chemical, and physical makeups.
  • Target Audience of Fast Food Restaurants’ Web Sites When designing a website, its creator focuses on the needs of all visitors or some defined audience. The target audience is users on which the web resource is oriented.
  • Food Security: The Impact of Climate Change Since climate change affects the natural world, it is evident that it poses particular challenges for food security in the future.
  • Italy’s Food: Traditional Italian Food Recipes Italian cuisine is famous around the world for its delicious and healthy food. It includes thousands of varieties of recipes for different dishes with various ingredients.
  • Food Truck Business Strategy, Resources, Management The paper describes the food truck business’s goals and objectives, management functions, decision-making process, organizational structure, etc.
  • Healthy Multicultural Food: Product SWOT Analysis The chosen product is healthy multicultural food, which should be provided to the customers of Active Retirement nursing home.
  • Food Shortage Situation Overview The connections and relationship between population and food shortage transcend all areas of human life and as such encompasses various aspects of demands that support human life.
  • Food in Korean Culture: Describing Korean Cuisine Korean citizens believe that food has medicinal properties that improve a person’s emotional, psychological, and mental well-being.
  • Fast-Food Restaurants’ Popularity and Its Causes Majority of people in the United States have resorted to fast food restaurants, especially college students who are of the view that these restaurants save a lot of time.
  • A Problem of Food Waste and Its Solutions Food waste draws a lot of interest from global policymakers as well as various organizations and scholars – it continues to grow despite the looming resource depletion.
  • Food Truck Market Analysis Example Food truck business has high chances of becoming popular because food industry is one of the kinds of businesses that never go out of fashion.
  • Food Safety Issues in Modern Agriculture According to the United Nations Asian and Pacific Center for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery, an upsurge in international trade on agricultural products has made food safety a major concern.
  • Food and Water Security Management The purpose of this article is to evaluate the current methodologies for addressing food and water security issues and propose sustainable solutions based on scholarly evidence.
  • Super Greens Organic Food Restaurant’s Business Plan ‘Super Greens’ restaurant is a new medium-sized restaurant to be located in a busy locality of Westminster in the neighbourhood of some aristocratic areas.
  • Food Truck Business’s SWOT Analysis The Food Truck company operates in the central business district of Portland, the area where the food delivery industry is very well developed.
  • McDonalds Fast Food Company Organizational Change This paper attempts to explicitly review the successful implementation of the proposed change that involves improving the performance of the McDonalds Company and enhancing its customer focus.
  • Food Additives There are three types of food additives, cosmetic food additives, preservatives and the processing aids of food.
  • National Food Products Company: Marketing Segmentation NFPC has gained the reputation of a company that has been striving in the UAE market quite successfully by delivering essential products such as milk, water, plastic carriers.
  • Food Science: How to Make Butter Fresh milk is made up of a combination of milk and cream; since the cream is less thick than the milk, it separates and rises to the top, where it may be scrapped.
  • Food Culture: Doughnut’s History, Marketing and Sociology A doughnut, or as it is often called donut, is a kind of fried dough baked or pastry meal. The doughnut has become well-known and beloved in numerous countries and cooked in an assorted model.
  • McDonald’s Company: The Flawed Fast Food Tax McDonalds is one of the world’s leading fast food restaurants serving more than 57 million customers daily with branches all over the major cities.
  • McDonald’s: How Strategic Choices Shape Fast Food Supremacy This paper will focus on McDonald’s corporation’s business and corporate-level strategies, competitive environment, and market cycles.
  • Aspects of Muslim Food Culture Islam has many rules related to food. One of the most significant rules in Islam is the restriction on the consumption of pork.
  • Role of Food in Marquez’ “One Hundred Years of Solitude“ and Esquivel’s “Like Water for Chocolate” Laura Esquivel was born and raised in Mexico and may have written this novel with the hope of portraying to her readers some Spanish background and history.
  • Junk Food and Children’s Obesity Eating junk foods on a regular basis causes weight gain and for one in five Americans, obesity, is a major health concern though no one seems to be sounding the alarm.
  • Causes and Effects of Fast-Food Addiction Studies show that those who frequently eat fast food have an increased risk of progressing from simple consumption to addiction.
  • Kenya, Its Tourist Attractions and Food Culture Kenya is one of the most beautiful African countries I have ever been. I am always thrilled to visit it. However, it has taken some time since I was there.
  • McDonald’s: The Most Popular Fast-Food Restaurant McDonald’s is one of the most popular fast-food restaurants, and its success is defined by compliance with the needs of the present-day business world.
  • Food Festival Event for Westboro Residents This paper proposed a draft street food festival event for Westboro residents and developed a marketing plan to promote the event.
  • The Use of Biodegradable Straws in Food and Beverages Business Plastic straw usage is part of the problem of plastic pollution and its adverse impact on the planet’s ecology. Nature is dying, and all new consequences of plastic are manifested.
  • The Six Major Elements of a Food Safety Plan (FSP) A Food Safety Plan (FSP) is a way that identifies and prevents safety hazards from occurring during and after food production, this paper is going to discuss FSP’s major elements.
  • Food Additives: Dangers and Health Impact Research shows that synthetic food additives have a negative human health and consumer dissatisfaction effect which calls for stricter regulation of their use in products.
  • Hospitality Management: Food and Beverage Management A person is preparing for their last high school exam and looking forward to a career in hospitality management, which is currently one of the best in the field.
  • Food Waste Reduction Strategy The Strategy aims to raise society’s awareness and bring the food value back to reduce the volume of food waste generated.
  • Financial Projections for Entrepreneurship in Food Industry Running a restaurant, especially in the area known for its high competition rates among the local food production companies, particularly, the fast food industries, is not an easy task.
  • Indian Culture Examined Through Street Food A fondness of India’s rich culture, combined with a desire to innovate and adapt with the times are all present in the Curry Up Now restaurant and Indian street food as a whole.
  • Food Safety and Hazards Manufacturers are obligated to maintain safe control measures to ensure products are fit for human consumption.
  • Impact of Food Waste and Water Use on Earth The paper explores how food waste and water use affect the food system and how agriculture affects the environment.
  • Indian Cuisine: Food and Socio-Cultural Aspects of Eating Many social and cultural aspects of Indian cuisine are different from American foods. In Indian culture, eating is a significant social occasion.
  • Are Fast Food Restaurants to Blame for Obesity?
  • Are Genetically Modified Food Safe for Consumption?
  • Are the Nutrition Charts on Food Packages Accurate?
  • What Are Issues on Food Around the World?
  • What Is It Called When You Have Food Issues?
  • Are You Harming Your Family by the Food You Are Preparing?
  • Can Organic Farmers Produce Enough Food to Feed the World?
  • What Are the Six Major Threats to Food Security?
  • What Are the Four Major Problems That Affect the World’s Food Needs?
  • Could Biotechnology Solve Food Shortage Problem?
  • Does Dehydration Reduce the Nutrient Value in Quality of the Food?
  • What Are Some Challenges to Food Production?
  • Does Fast Food Have a Possible Connection With Obesity?
  • How Can We Solve Food Supply Problems?
  • How Did Jollibee Build Its Position in the Philippine Fast Food Industry?
  • What Are Four Issues Related to Food Production?
  • How Does America Solve Food Deserts?
  • What Are the Seven Challenges to Food Safety?
  • How Does Whole Food Build Human and Social Capital?
  • What Is the Most Important Food Safety Issue?
  • Should Fast Food Advertising Be Banned?
  • What Are the Six Food Borne Diseases?
  • What Are the Ten Main Reasons for Food Poisoning?
  • Should Fast Food Chains Be to Blame for Childhood Obesity?
  • Should Fast Food Only Be Sold to People Eighteen and Older?
  • Should New Zealand Allow Genetically Modified Food?
  • Should People Abandon Their Favorite Food and Stay Healthy?
  • What Are Three Causes of Food Contamination?
  • Were the Salem Witch Trials Spurred by Food Poisoning?
  • Wendy’s Fast Food Franchise in the Chinese Market Because of the strong presence that KFC and McDonald’s already have in the Chinese market, firms such as Wendy’s have to design a unique product.
  • Evolution of Food Photography: From Daguerreotypes to Digital Storytelling Photos of food have been taken, shared, and appreciated for decades, from ambrosia salads in the 1970s to the current trend of upside-down acai bowls and elaborate latte art.
  • Food Waste Management Importance The world is gradually losing its beauty and is constantly coming under pressure from different problems every other day.
  • Cause and Effect of Genetically Modified Food The paper states that better testing should be done on GMOs. It would lead to avoiding catastrophic health issues caused by these foods.
  • Food Insecurity’s Causes and Implications Food insecurity is a complex problem that affects the economy, demography, ecology, and many other areas of development of states and their societies.
  • The Process of Food Poisoning in General This article focuses on food poisoning: briefly discusses pathogens and symptoms, referring to the article “Encyclopedia of Health – Diseases and Conditions”.
  • Fast-Food Expansion Strategy for Indian Market With the increasing globalization of the world economy and the fast-food industry, in particular, major fast-food chains continuously seek new markets to expand their operations.
  • Right to Food as a Fundamental Right Right to food is an important human right issue today. Advocates for the right to food use the phrase “Food first” to show the importance of availability to food above other priorities.
  • History of Ketchup and Its Role in Foods Tomato ketchup is a popular addition to a variety of dishes which acts as a sauce and goes well with all food.
  • Organic Food Market Trends Food retailers replaced farmers and whole food retailers as the main retailers of organic food. Higher production costs is the only factor to the higher organic food prices.
  • Statistics on Food Disorders in the US and Puerto Rico The purpose of this paper is to analyze the statistics on food disorders in the United States, compare it with the situation in Puerto Rico, and suggest measures to tackle the problem.
  • Proposal for Providing Healthier Food Choices for Elementary Students This paper describes the necessity of having a properly balanced diet, and execute healthy exercising patterns in our routines, along with our children.
  • Food in Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest” The readers of Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest” cannot overlook the fact that the motif of food consumption does resurface throughout the play’s entirety.
  • The Trends of Natural and Organic Foods Organic food is primarily intended to appeal to financially well-off people who can afford to spend more money on food in exchange for its perceived superior quality.
  • McDonald’s and Its Decline & Crisis Due to the Healthy Food Trend The trend for healthy eating was born not so long ago but continues to cover more and more segments of the population around the world.
  • Technical Description of a Food Processor A food processor seems like one of those kitchen gadgets that, once owned, makes a person wonder how they ever survived without it.
  • The Importance of Nutritional Labeling on Packaged Food It is essential to embrace nutritional labeling on packaged food, as they are meant to educate consumers about the products and their content.
  • The Issue of Food and Water Security The global issue for the analysis is food and water security. This is a topical problem nowadays, especially in light of climate change and population growth.
  • Solutions for Food and Water Security Issue With many nations encountering food and water security problems, the consequences of such events have become global, giving rise to multiple outcomes this insecurity.
  • Food Safety and Hygiene Practices This article provides an informative overview of food safety and hygiene practices, covering various aspects of the topic that are important to consider.
  • The “Food Inc.” Documentary by Robert Kenner In his film “Food Inc.”, documentary film producer Robert Kenner explores how massive businesses have monopolized every part of the food supply chain in the United States.
  • Taiwanese Culture, Foods, and Tourism This paper provides a brief overview of Taiwan, including its location, culture, food, and tourism industry and its significant economic impact on the country.
  • “Maple Leaf Foods”: Company’s Issues and Their Management Maple Leaf Foods faces the issue of the lack of a sustainable vision due to poor leadership and contamination of products, adversely affecting consumers’ health.
  • Healthy Food Advertising: Nutrient Content Advertising is certainly a major driver for the success of a business. It is important to mention that healthy foods correlate with overall well-being, both physical and mental.
  • Japan’s Food Patterns and Nutrition Habits The most commonly consumed foods among the Japanese people include sushi and sashimi, ramen, Tempura, Kare-raisu (curry rice), and okonomiyaki.
  • Food Poisoning Case at Air China Flight On October 6, 2013, nearly 50 passengers on an Air China flight that was bound for Beijing fell ill with symptoms such as vomiting, stomachaches and diarrhea.
  • Chick-fil-A Fast-Food Network Brand Analysis Based on customer demographic data, the paper analyzes the Chick-fil-A fast-food network and compares some data to compile an accurate picture of people’s preferences.
  • Food Service Facilities Design: Food Preparation The food service facility design in a mall in Singapore is based on providing customers with various dining options, including fast food, and casual dining.
  • Fast Food Popularity in America: Cause and Effect The popularity of fast food affects Americans in many ways, but the threats of obesity, chronic diseases, and unstable immunity remain critical effects.
  • Sustainable Agriculture Against Food Insecurity The paper argues sustainable agriculture is one way to reduce food insecurity without harming the planet because the number of resources is currently decreasing.
  • Food Innovation: Ayran Yogurt in the Scandinavian Market This study researches the suitability of Ayran yogurt product and how to introduce it as a healthy alternative to soft drinks in the Scandinavian market.
  • “The Future of Food” Documentary The documentary “The Future of Food” is shocking by the revelation of how food is made in America. This work describes two main issues that this film focuses on.
  • Indian Culture and Food in the Raaga Restaurant Before visiting Raaga, a restaurant of Indian cuisine, I tried to consider what I knew about this culture and whether I would eat what I would be served.
  • Consumption of Junk Foods and Their Threat to the Lives Junk foods dominate the grocery store aisles, are served every day in school lunchrooms and, in the form of fast-food junk, crowd every major intersection.
  • Availability of Healthy Food Food security and accessibility are now seen as ensuring that all members of society have physical and economic access to food that is safe.
  • The Food Quality Impact on Economy and Health The problem of food quality and its impact on the economy and health of not only one country but the whole world cannot be overemphasized.
  • Code of Ethics in Food Tracks Business A transformation in the way that food is prepared and enjoyed can be seen in the vast development in the prominence of food trucks.
  • Nutrients in Different Food Groups The essay explains the variety of nutrients in different food groups, the reasons for these variations, and the health benefits associated with the nutrients.
  • Fast Food Addiction: Comparison of Articles Both presented articles argue the harmfulness of fast food, but the scientific article provides evidence of the existence of healthy fast food.
  • The Environmental Impacts of the Food and Hospitality Industry The food wastage issue in the food and hospitality industry in Australia remains to be consciously considered as it may adversely affect the environment.

If you need a good idea for your argumentative essay, check out some food related topics to debate:

  • Should fast food be regulated?
  • Should GMO labeling be mandatory?
  • Is there a need for stricter regulation of food advertising?
  • The link between processed food and obesity.
  • The role of meat consumption in climate change.
  • The pros and cons in functional foods.
  • Can cities become self-sufficient in food production?
  • Why should we promote Meatless Mondays?
  • Are food additives and preservatives evil?
  • The impact of food packaging on plastic pollution.
  • A Qualitative Study of Independent Fast-Food Vendors Near Secondary Schools “A qualitative study of independent fast-food vendors near secondary schools” primarily sought to explore and navigate the barriers toward offering healthier menu options.
  • Healthier Cookie Version: The Challenges to the Food Industry A meal can enhance a healthy body development and, if not well censored, can result in health-related problems such as high blood pressure.
  • Behavior-Based Safety in the Food Industry: DO IT Method The so-called DO IT method is useful when applied to jobs in the restaurant industry, leading to an improvement in the work behavior of employees.
  • World Hunger and Food Distribution as Global Issue World hunger is a serious issue that affects the development of many countries, impairing the overall health of their populations and increasing child mortality.
  • Nutrition: Causes and Effects of Fast Food In modern world productions of fast food and access to take-out combined with little exercise have raised very many health concerns.
  • The Consumer Attitude Towards Buying Organic Food in Hong Kong The aim of this research was to determine the factors that affect attitudes towards purchasing organic food in Hong Kong.
  • Morals and Using Animals for Food The conflict between morality and using animals for food has been a very long-term topic. Animal rights have also been a very influential subtopic.
  • Food Additives and Problem of Safety Certain food additives are believed to have side effects in adults and most importantly in children, such as increased hyperactivity, allergies, asthma problems, and migraines.
  • Healthy Fast Foods: Sector Analysis Health consciousness is fast becoming an important trend in the fast-food restaurant industry. The paper concerns sector analysis on profitability in the said marketplace.
  • The Food Chain: Groups and Functions Producers, consumers, and decomposers are the three groups of organisms that comprise a food chain in an ecosystem.
  • McDonald’s Fast-Food Restaurant’s Analysis The management at McDonald’s would view the SWOT analysis as being partly exhaustive of the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company.
  • Fast-Food Restaurant’s Capacity Increasing Options The fast-food restaurant is experiencing a booming business and looking for ways to increase its capacity to serve more customers. The management has come up with two options.
  • Alaska Natives Diet: Traditional Food Habits and Adaptation of American Foodstuffs The Alaska Natives have retained their culture up-to-date in spite of their interactions with the wider American society.
  • The Food Insecurity Issue and Methods of Solving The paper discusses the issue of food insecurity and methods of how this problem can be solved. Some people do not have access to healthy food.
  • The Food Truck Business Models Development This paper examines the following models for the food truck business: operating model, value model, service model, experience model, cost model, and revenue model.
  • Junk Food Taxation in the United States This paper aims to study junk food taxation in the US, define the related problems, present solutions, and provide recommendations.
  • Food and Cultural Appropriation Article by Cheung The article Cultural Appropriation by Helier Cheung focuses on the case of Lucky Lee restaurant, which started the discussion about the cultural appropriation of food.
  • Unhealthy Food Culture and Obesity Unhealthy food culture plays a significant role in developing health-related diseases, including its contribution to obesity.
  • Aspects of Food Insecurity The paper states that food security is becoming a regulated process within the framework of international political and economic cooperation.
  • Discussion of Food Safety Issues The paper discusses food tampering and bioterrorism are those issues that can result in fundamental problems in food safety area.
  • A Typical American Dinner Plate: Origins of Food A plate with tater tots (fried potatoes), chicken wings, spinach soup, and a piece of watermelon for dessert would qualify as ideal in any American household.
  • Human Geography: Food Insecurity The problem of food insecurity is a significant bother of humankind. Various international organizations were created to address the matter.
  • The Impact of Food Choices on the Economy and Environment I decided to research two food products: salmon fillet and orange juice. I will utilize the data collected to reflect upon how food choices can impact the economy and environment.
  • Healthy Food Access for Poor People Through numerous studies, it is evident that the secret to good health lies in balancing of diet in peoples’ meals.
  • Advertising Promoting Organic Food and Beverages To turn the world more organic, one has to resort to using organic supplies. Creating ads on the way people can improve environmental conditions will change the position.
  • Pet Food Product Marketing Strategy This paper outlines the marketing strategies that will be used for launching my pet food product: SWOT analysis, target market, market needs, and other market strategies.
  • Food Safety and Information Bulletin Factors that contribute to food poisoning include; holding food at the wrong temperature which is mostly caused by inadequate cooling and inadequate cooking.
  • The Indigenous Food Sovereignty Concept The indigenous food sovereignty concept is broad in essence, and it perceives food as integrating all aspects of existence – mental, spiritual, cultural, and intellectual.
  • Researching Food Service in Hospital Combining medical and gustatory qualities in hospital food is one of the most common difficulties in the healthcare sector worldwide.
  • Agriculture and Food in Ancient Greece The paper states that agricultural practices and goods from Greece extended to neighboring countries in the Mediterranean as the dominance increased.
  • Climate Change and Food Production Cycle In order to address the problem of climate change in relation to the overproduction of food, a more responsible attitude toward its consumption.
  • Whole Foods Company’s Product Marketing in France Whole Foods can use different promotion strategies as it will be new to France. To make their product appealing to customers, they can offer coupons.
  • Organic Food Purchases Among Customers of Different Ages This report concerns an analysis of the report on organic food purchases among customers of different ages conducted by Diligent Consulting Group.
  • Food Voice of the Bangladeshi Rice forms the core of the Bangladeshi eating patterns. It is consumed in large quantities across the country, being the base for many traditional dishes.
  • Fast Food and Health Relations Fast food is a way of life for those who look for a quick and cheap alternative to homemade food. What diseases fast food may cause.
  • Eating Fast Food and Obesity Correlation Analysis The proposed study will attempt to answer the question of what is the relationship between eating fast food and obesity, using correlation analysis.
  • “The Food Matters” by James Colquhoun “The Food Matters” movie’s trailer explores the topic of the modern food industry’s deplorable state and presents experts’ opinions.
  • Schieffelin: Rainforest Environment and the Kaluli Food Production The author spends so much time discussing the Kaluli environment to demonstrate the surrounding, as it provides an understanding of the people and the main events.
  • Negative Impact of Soil Erosion on the World`s Food Supply This paper tells about soil erosion as a process whereby soil-mostly the top fertile soil is transported or swept away from its natural environment then deposited in other places.
  • Product Design in Food Industry: A McDonald’s Case Article Critique In “Product Design in Food Industry – A McDonald’s Case,” authors consider McDonald’s recent launch of new products along with some of the aspects of its production process and innovativeness.

Do you want to write a paper on the latest advancements in food science and technology? Here are some current food-related research topics to discuss:

  • Potential health benefits of plant-based diets.
  • Nanotechnology in food packaging.
  • The application of 3D printing in the food industry.
  • The benefits of bioprocessing of food waste.
  • The impact of fermented foods on gut health.
  • Current techniques for clean meat production.
  • Food traceability: why does it matter?
  • Alternative sweeteners as a sugar reduction strategy.
  • Emerging trends in food packaging materials.
  • The use of robotics in the food industry.
  • Childhood Obesity Causes: Junk Food and Video Games The problem of “competitive foods and beverages” that are sold in schools outside the existing breakfast and lunch programs has been discussed for a while now.
  • Fast Food as a Cause of Obesity in the US and World In the contemporary rapidly developing world people are always on the move. They want to save time whenever it is possible.
  • Local Food Venture and Its Operations Management Building a small business enterprise is a complex task. This case study examines a model of expanding a local food venture to a permanent location and franchise.
  • Fast-Food Industry’s Market Place and Environment The fast-food industry is experiencing a revenue of over $15 billion growth a year, and the future growth rate at an average of 2.7%.
  • Food Ads Ban for Childhood Obesity Prevention In order to prevent childhood obesity, it is necessary to ban food ads because they have adverse effects on children’s food preferences, consumption, and purchasing behaviors.
  • Whole Foods Market’s Strategic Position and Goals Whole Foods Market is an American company specialized in foods without artificial hydrogenated fats, colors, flavors, and sweeteners.
  • Slow Food Movement in USA The Slow Food movement started in the middle of 1980s by C. Petrini as a protest against the fast food industry and the call for returning to the traditional healthy eating habits.
  • Healthy Food: the Impact of the Vegetarian Diet In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards vegetarianism in societal dietary choices. In the modern world, vegetarians can uphold the nutritional needs of the body.
  • The Food Choices Movie Analysis The main thesis of the movie, ‘Food Choices,’ is that a plant-based diet is the most nutritious, and people should not consume animal products.
  • Factors Influencing Food Choices and Their Impact on Health Many people have access to various food options, while some are limited to the highly available and affordable unhealthy food choices.
  • Food Processing: Principles and Controversies Food processing is a currently applied trend to turn fresh food into different food products through such methods as washing, pasteurizing, freezing, cooking, or packaging.
  • Food Donation and Food Safety: Environmental Health Food safety is often taken for granted, with most people relying on basic practices and following essential hygiene standards without giving a second thought.
  • Effects of Climate Variability on Water Resources, Food Security, and Human Health Evaluating the effects of climate variability on water, food, and health will help identify the areas for improvement and offer solutions to current environmental challenges.
  • Restricting the Volume of Sale of Fast Foods and Genetically Modified Foods The effects of fast foods and genetically modified foods on the health of Arizona citizens are catastrophic. The control of such outlets and businesses is crucial.
  • Agriculture and Food Safety in the United States Agriculture in the United States has grown progressively centralized. The shortcomings in the 2018 U.S. farm legislation resulted in multiple challenges in the food system.
  • Nutrients: The Distribution in the Food Groups This essay associates nutrients to their specific food groups justify their nutritional composition and explains their significance.
  • Food and Agriculture of Ancient Greece The concepts of agriculture and cuisine both have a deep connection to Greek history, culture, development, and social trends.
  • Fortified and Aromatic Wines and Accompanying Food Fortified wines are added with alcohol, and the taste of aromatic wines is strengthened by adding flowers, spices, and herbs.
  • Food Deprivation in the United States Food deprivation in the United States – as well as in the world – is caused by a number of complex socio-economic factors.
  • The Connection Between Food Choices, Identity, and Nationalism Korean nationalism in terms of food is different from that of American culture introduced by American fast food.
  • Healthy Food for Learning Achievements in School The paper indicates that a healthy diet is not only the basis for good habits but also the reason for better learning achievements.
  • Firefly Burger Fast Food Marketing Plan The project aims to examine the internal and external environments that affect the success of Firefly restaurant and the need for changing its marketing strategy.
  • Feasibility Plan for E-Commerce of Food Delivery The use of cell phone innovation can be viewed as one of the creative approaches to assist organizations in improving their business execution in the global market.
  • Food, Health and Environment Relations This essay briefly explores the role played by EHPs in ensuring food safety and quality, the regulatory framework in place as well as risk and proportionality in food quality.
  • The Effects of Food on ADHD The issue of ADHD and its relation to food has been a concern for a while. According to the outcomes of the study, the daily intake of food must be controlled in ADHD patients.
  • Ban on Genetically Modified Foods Genetically modified (GM) foods are those that are produced with the help of genetic engineering. Such foods are created from organisms with changed DNA.
  • Nitrates and Nitrites in Food Nitrates are nontoxic compounds however when converted to nitrites in human bodies they can cause cyanosis, weakness, and a rapid pulse, coma, and cancer.
  • A 3-Day Diet Analysis With the USDA Food Pyramid According to Willett and Skerrett (2005), the USDA Pyramid turns out to be one of the most recognizable systems in American society.
  • First in Show Pet Foods: Case Analysis First in Show Pet Foods is among the newest frozen dog food companies, which can be considered to be a first-mover in the given market.
  • The Current American Food Situation Influenced by the Immigrant Farmers This research paper is concerned with finding out about the States’ food system and how immigrant farmers contribute to the food situation in current American society.
  • Food and Drug Administration History The paper provides a brief introduction, background, and history of the FDA and the ways in which it operates, and the practices implemented.
  • Climate Change and Its Potential Impact on Agriculture and Food Supply The global food supply chain has been greatly affected by the impact of global climate change. There are, however, benefits as well as drawbacks to crop production.
  • “Fast Food Nation” the Book by Eric Schlosser In his book Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser argues that fast food has greatly influenced American society and culture.
  • Fast Foods Lead to Fast Death: Informative Speech The fast-food industry has expanded at a rapid pace during the past half-century. The consequence has been the rapid expansion of the nation’s collective waistline.
  • Genetically Modified Food Safety and Benefits Today’s world faces a problem of the shortage of food supplies to feed its growing population. The adoption of GM foods can solve the problem of food shortage in several ways.
  • Food Stamps: Rationale for Tightened Conditions The state should tighten the conditions for receiving food stamps as the economy improves since citizens are able to make more money and engage in productive activities.
  • Biofoam: The Snack Food That’s Packing America Biofoam is likely to succeed due to its product nature. It is a resilient, lightweight, and inexpensive product. It resists the urge to shift in transit.
  • Costly Healthy Food and State Policies The paper explains a problem of high prices for healthy food giving causes and outcomes, describing relations of costly healthy food and state policy and offering solutions.
  • How Canadian Government Could Improve Food Safety? The paper points out how the government can cooperate with other stakeholders in the food industry to improve the existing standards.
  • Fast Food Harmful Effects on Children This paper states that the exposure of children to fast food early on has an adverse effect on them, resulting in the need to prevent the sale of fast food in schools.

If you’re looking for persuasive topics about food to talk about, here are some suggestions for you:

  • The benefits of eating organic foods.
  • Fast food advertising to children should be banned.
  • Food waste reduction is everyone’s responsibility.
  • The importance of clear and informative food labels.
  • The need for stricter regulation of junk food sales in schools.
  • Why should the government impose a soda tax?
  • The role of food companies in addressing childhood obesity.
  • The impact of social media on eating behaviors.
  • Home cooking is essential for health and family bonding.
  • The role of food companies in addressing food allergies.
  • Packaging in Marketing, Food Safety, Environment
  • Ecological Consumption in Terms of Food
  • Food Sustainability Assessment
  • Effects of Food-Medication Interplay on Recovery
  • Fast Food Nation: Annotated Bibliography
  • Powerade Food Myth Buster: Investigating Health Claims
  • The Reaction to the “Food, Inc.” Documentary
  • Food Habits and Acculturation of Immigrants
  • Hazard Analysis in Food Safety
  • Indian Culture and Food Supply
  • Amazon and Whole Foods Merger
  • Foreign Market Entry of Electronic Food Delivery Service in Nigeria
  • Food and Water Security as Globalization Issues
  • Food Allergies and Eating Disorders
  • Food Security: Global Health Issue Comparison
  • Personal Response About the Documentary “Food Inc.”
  • Logistics Network of the Food and Beverage Production Industry
  • Fast Food Restaurants in the US
  • Halal Food in Other Religions
  • The Use of Low Fat Food
  • Fast Food Chain Locations, Non-Chain Restaurants and Bars
  • Advantages of Using Genetically Modified Foods
  • Visual Communication. Natural Food Packaging Colors
  • How Tesco a Leading Food Retailer Globally
  • Food Safety Issues and Standards
  • “Chinese Restaurant Food” : The Article Review
  • Time and Food: Chrononutrition & Night Eating
  • The Importance of Sustainable Development in the Food Retail Sector
  • Food & Beverage Companies’ Input to Global Food Consumption
  • Food and Drink Industry’s Innovation and Barriers
  • In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan
  • Nutrition, Healthy Food Choice, and Nutritional Value of Fast Foods
  • Food Safety: A Policy Issue in Agriculture Today
  • Genetically Modified Foods and Their Impact on Human Health
  • What the Slow Food Movement Is Doing to Help the World With Food Insecurities
  • The Food Insecurity Action Center
  • Sustainable Food Production: Cooking Chicken Breast
  • Global Trade: Food Price Indexes and Data Collection
  • Canada’s Food Guide Discussion
  • The American Diet Influenced by Fast Food Ads
  • The Meat Inspection and Food Safety Issues
  • Food Deserts’ Impact on Children
  • Food Deserts Control in the United States
  • The Salmonella Bacterium as a Food Borne Illness Pathogen
  • The Omnivore’s Dilemma Regarding Sources of Food
  • Improper Food Handling Practices in Kansas City Restaurant
  • The Age of “Nutritionism”: In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan
  • Food Ingredients: Molecular Reactions
  • Food Preparation in Upper Paleolithic Ohalo II
  • Agriculture, Water, and Food Security in Tanzania
  • Food, Inc., Produced by Kenner Review
  • Jewish Dietary Patterns: Kosher Food and New Meat
  • Improper Food Handling Practices in Kansas City
  • The Lack of Food Safety in Kansas City, Missouri
  • Food Poisoning Caused by Staphylococcus Aureus
  • Food Insecurity Health Issue: How to Mitigate It
  • Scientific Approach to Food Safety at Home
  • The Challenges in Food Supply Chain During COVID-19
  • Nike, Whole Foods, and Mcdonald’s: The Use of Information Systems
  • Food Behaviors Among Mexicans and South Americans
  • Food Industry: The Safety Issues
  • Food-Borne Salmonella Epidemiologic Triad
  • Food Insecurity in New York City
  • Agriculture-Led Food Crops and Cash Crops in Tanzania
  • Food Security: Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine
  • Buffalo Skies Aki Forest Food Sovereignty Pilot Project
  • Protecting Ourselves from Food Article by Sherman & Flaxman
  • Food Deserts and Related Challenges
  • The Baby Food Shortage: Public Service Announcement
  • Examining Solutions for Mitigating the Food and Water Security Issue
  • Expanding Access to Food Interview Plan
  • Liability of Death from Food Poisoning
  • Food Labeling Affecting Sustainable Food Choices
  • Behavioral Reasoning Perspectives on Organic Food Purchase
  • Analysis of Freeman’s Promotion of Junk Food
  • Food Insecurity in the United States
  • Evaluation of Articles on Food and Water Security
  • Food Administration on Sustainable Palm Oil
  • Food Cost Issues in the Hospital
  • Issues of Obesity and Food Addiction
  • Global Societal Issue: Food and Water Security
  • Addressing Food Insecurity in Wyandotte County
  • Chinese Food in the United States
  • “Can You Be Addicted to Food?”: A New Problem Faced by North Americans
  • The Connection Between Food Allergies and Gut Microbiome
  • Food Safety Sanitation Requirements for a Child’s Health
  • Food Facility Design: Sustainable Kitchen for Delight Restaurant
  • Successful Institutional Food Management & Delivery Systems
  • Trade Peculiarities in Food and Agriculture
  • Digitization in Improving the Food Supply Chain
  • The Discrepancies in Unhealthy Food Advertising: Hispanic and Black Consumers
  • The Biofuel and Food Industry Connection
  • “Societal Control” Over Food and Weight Gain
  • Discussion of Freedman’s Article “How Junk Food Can End Obesity”
  • “Fast Food Nation”: The Development of the Food Industry in the USA
  • Introduction to Food: Macromolecules Analysis
  • Discussion of Food Foraging History
  • Botulism Prevention and Food Security Approaches
  • Should Food Manufacturers Label All GMOs?
  • Donating Restaurant Food to Poor People in Peru
  • “Food Stamped” and Its Main Shortcomings
  • Proper Food Rotation Overview
  • Discussion of Food Security Technologies
  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Globalization
  • Supply Chain Strategy for the Foods and Drinks Sector
  • Food Deserts and Their Impact on Local Communities
  • Introduction and Politics of Food Discussion
  • Are Food Manufactures Killing Us?
  • A Community Mobile Food Truck to Serve Disadvantaged Children’s Needs
  • Whole Foods: An Organizational Needs Analysis
  • White-Collar Crimes: Unsafe Food
  • The Class About Nutrition to Real Life Situations When Making Food Choices
  • Food and Beverage Plan: The COVID-19 Pandemic Influence
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture and Food
  • Food Supplements in Preventing Long-Term Illnesses
  • How Do Fried Foods Affect Nutrition for Young Adults?
  • A Plan for Receiving and Handling of Food Products Based on HACCP
  • Quality of Food Served to Children
  • Fast-Food Marketing and Children’s Fast-Food Consumption
  • Genetically Modified Foods: How Safe are they?
  • The Home Food Environment and Obesity-Promoting Eating Behaviours
  • Genetically Modified Organisms in Human Food
  • Nursing: Issue of Obesity, Impact of Food
  • When Food Costs More Than It Is Supposed To
  • Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Amendment
  • American Food Industry in the “Food, Inc.” Movie
  • Obesity Treatment – More Than Food
  • Fast-Food Industry’s Influences on Children
  • Nurse-Led Program on Food Safety Problem
  • Neighborhood Deprivation and Exposure to Fast Food in a Large Rural Area
  • Bacteria That Cause Food Toxicity
  • “The Future of Food” produced by Catherine Lynn Butler
  • Comfort Food as a Quarantine Trend
  • Food Consumption: Enjoyment and Ethics
  • Reducing Food Packaging Litter in Ireland
  • Food Insecurity Assessment in Miami
  • TQM, Six Sigma and Product Liability in Perishable Food Industry
  • Food Labeling and Concordia University’s Food Sphere
  • Food and Family in the Hispanic Culture
  • The Downtown Rideau Area: Food Segway Tours
  • The History of Soul Food Cuisine in the United States
  • The Words on Your Plate: Analysis of the Food Words
  • Expanding Ultima Foods in China
  • The Actual and Budgeted Food Costs
  • Escherichia Coli Infection: Preventing Food Borne Illness
  • Food and Wine Pairing Menu
  • National Food Policy Guaranteeing Healthy Food Marketing
  • Impact of COVID-19 on People’s Livelihoods, Their Health and Our Food Systems
  • Analysis of Nutrition and Food Studies
  • Modeling Sustainable Food Systems
  • Soul Food: An Original American Art Form
  • Macronutrients Consumption: The Best Food Sources
  • Teens ‘Especially Vulnerable’ to Junk Food Advertising
  • The Importance of Variability in the Food Industry
  • “Women, Food, and Learning” by Claudia Setzer
  • Food Additives Use in Agriculture in the United States
  • The Origins of the Soul Food and Barbeque in the USA
  • Food and Sustainable Environmental Issues in Campus
  • 2019 Brooklyn Crush Wine & Artisanal Food Festival
  • America Express Charity Food Overview
  • Food, Body, and Weight Issues Exploration and Family Dynamics in Ireland
  • Is Fast Food Really Harmful and Can It Be Healthy?
  • Traditional Lakota Food: Buffalo
  • Organic Foods Issue of “In Defense of Food” by Michael Pollan
  • Food Safety in the Commercial Industry
  • Working in a Food Pantry
  • Testing Food Service Employees: Policy Assessment
  • Competition in the Australian Food Industry: Case Analysis
  • How the Fast Food Industry Has Changed the Environment and the Health of American Society?
  • Genetic Engineering in Food and Freshwater Issues
  • Food Habits and Dietary Practices: Honey as Food
  • Eric Schlosser’s “Fast Food Nation”
  • White Thinking Hat Fast Food: Overview
  • Genetically Modified Food as a Current Issue
  • The Fast Food Restaurants History in the United States
  • Fast Food Nation: Business Analysis
  • Delectability of Foods Within the Context of Children
  • Concerns Regarding Genetically Modified Food
  • UK Business Sourcing Extensive Food Materials from Greece
  • Obesity Caused by Fast-Food as a Nursing Practice Issue
  • Food and Drug Administration – Regulatory Agency
  • Do Marketers Condition Us to Buy More Junk Food?
  • Bologna-Surface Bacterial Analysis: Bacterial Contamination on Two Food Contact Surfaces
  • The Case of Salesforce and Wegmans Food Market
  • Food Insecurity Intervention and Its Effectiveness
  • Business Within Society: Food Truck
  • Proposal for Lowering the Intake of High-Calorie Food
  • Food Company Managing Business Activities
  • Organizational Design Factors in the Food Industry
  • Granite City Food & Brewery Company’s Analysis
  • Global Food Security: UN Speech
  • Sociology of Food and Eating
  • Australian Consumers Strategies to Reduce Food Waste
  • Waste, Food and Transportation: Sustainable Development
  • Granite City Food & Brewery Company’s Environment
  • Granite City Food & Brewery Company’s Market Capitalization
  • Food Labeling Changes in the United States
  • Global Food Supplies, Overpopulation and Pollution
  • Start Up Company: Genetically Modified Foods in China
  • Granite City Food & Brewery Company’s Value Chain
  • The Currency Devaluation Concept in the Food Industry
  • Nature’s Best Pet Food Brand’s Target Market
  • Food Choices in Food Deserts: Sociological Analysis
  • Healthy and Nutritious Food for Young Children
  • Food Chain: Ricotta Cheese Production
  • Food in Reducing Risks and Improving Health
  • Chick-fil-A Inc.’s Entry into Qatari Food Industry
  • Food and Drug Administration Fast-Track Approval
  • Eco-Friendly Packaging Design for Food and Drinks
  • Dietary Laws and Food Products for Health
  • Food Policy Action and Food Security Legislation
  • Labeling Food With Genetically Modified Organisms
  • Ethical Eating in Daily Food Practices
  • Healthy Food in U.S. Schools
  • Drug-Drug and Food-Drug Interactions
  • Food Diversion as a Type-2 Diabetes Treatment
  • Food Producing Company and Its Key Processes
  • Saddle Creek Corporation: Food Company Analysis
  • IES Lean Systems Ltd. in the Food Industry
  • Food: National Identity and Cultural Difference
  • Food for the Working-class Americans
  • Pizza as One of the Most Famous Food in London
  • Supply Chain Management in the Food Industry
  • Fast Food and Obesity Link – Nutrition
  • Food Science and Technology of Genetic Modification
  • Food Across Cultures: Asida (Jamza) Meal Project
  • Food in the 20th Centure
  • Nutrition and Food Security within the Aboriginal and Remote Communities of Australia
  • Food Allergies and Obesity
  • Nutrition: Foods Containing Calories

Thanks for reading! On this page, we’ve collected:

You’ll discover a wide range of analytical, informative, and argumentative essay topics about food.
Do you want to write a paper about food processing and storage techniques? StudyCorgi has suitable ideas for you!
Feel free to use the titles below for your presentation, persuasive speech, project, and other assignments.
Check out interesting samples below to get inspired and better understand how to structure your own paper about food.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 457 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about.

"457 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021,

StudyCorgi . (2021) '457 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "457 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about." September 9, 2021.


StudyCorgi . "457 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about." September 9, 2021.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "457 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about." September 9, 2021.

These essay examples and topics on Food were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 22, 2024 .

10 Sample survey questions for a tasty new food product

Creating a successful food product depends on crucial market insights. Check out these sample survey questions for a new food product to get you started.

What is a new food product survey?

New food product survey questions, what information do you need to develop a successful food product, survey question examples for new food products , what are you bringing to the table next.

Whenever you try to build something new, it’s best done together, right? 

In your food product development process, you don’t just say ‘bon appétit’ when you market a new product and put it in front of your ideal customer. What if they don’t care for it at all?

Take a step back. Try to create something together .

How? No need to invite a bunch of hungry customers to your production facility and let them play with ingredients. With a new food product survey, you can perfectly gauge what they’re hungry for and create a product that’s a match made in heaven. 

We’re following up our recent guide on market research for product development with some practical examples of survey questions you can use. This article will focus specifically on food products, but make sure to also take a peek if you’re stuck on another type of product — we’re sure you’ll find some inspiration either way.

How exactly can you use a survey to create a new food product? It’s not like your customers know what resources and ideas you have. 

It’s all about timing. Once you’ve come out of the woods of the initial ideation phase and are playing with different options, it’s time to ask the public. You’ll be building on options that you’ve verified to be viable in that initial stage, based on your market research, of course. 

At the same time, you’ll use the survey to scratch away any ideas that your customer base doesn’t like, leaving you with a most-desirable product.

So essentially, a food product survey isn’t a build-your-perfect-snack survey for your customers. It’s a tool that will help you determine which options that you’ve already played with are most likely to form a recipe for success.

research questions examples about food

Regardless of if you’re sending out a survey vs a questionnaire , you’ll need to ask the right questions, or find out how to write good survey questions . These are some of the best:

1. What are you trying to solve by using our product?

2. What are you missing in food product category X ?

3. If you could substitute one of the flavours we sell, which one would it be and what for?

4. what foods do you like to combine product x with, 5. if you could adapt one thing in product x, which would be the first thing, 6. if you could magnify one aspect of our product, what would it be, 7. how would you like to put product x to some other use, 8. if you could eliminate something from your diet, what would it be.

9. What food habits would you like to replace, and with what?

10. How well do you think the idea for this particular product fits our brand?

Get reliable insights into your target customers

Check our list of the top market research providers to make sure you choose the right tool for your goals

A new food product survey shouldn’t be a carte blanche with all the options your food scientists can create. You make it more specific and tie it to, ideally, one objective.

Before we get into the list, here are some of the most exciting direct-to-consumer food brands to whet your appetite. And insightful new product research isn’t limited to food products—here are some successful brands who’ve tested beverage branding ideas with consumer research.

What are you trying to achieve from the survey? 

Let’s look at some of the factors that play a role in food products.

  • Taste: salted caramel, cheesy onion… you name it. What taste are your customers missing in the shelves from your brand — and others?
  • Size: would your customers like to have a travel-sized version of some of their favourite foods — or would they like a bag of crisps that’s larger than life?
  • Nutrition: how well does a certain product fit into the lifestyle and goals of your customers? What are they missing that would get them to reach those goals faster?
  • Occasion: when is the product being consumed? For what moment does a consumer need something extra?

You can’t ask your customers to fill in all the blanks. You should use the survey to fill in the blanks you can’t just assume. Let’s say your market research has shown that there’s a considerable demand for one-person portions of healthy vegan meals, for the microwave. That ticks the boxes for size, nutrition and occasion. 

But you’re missing an important element: taste. This is what you can find out in your survey. 

What information do you need to develop a successful product?

It depends on who you ask. 

Product managers tend to say “go” if a product concept does not look bad; researchers want to say “stop” unless it looks good. Jay E. Klompmaker, G. David Hughes & Russell I. Haley, Test Marketing in New Product Development

There’s a difference between a product reaching certain requirements, and it being set up for success. Product managers want to launch a successful product. Researchers want to prevent expensive failed launches.

Of course, you’ll need both, but a new product survey and ad copy testing should be used for product managers — to reach for excellence and step away from the status quo. The bare minimum that your product needs to succeed needs to be established before you launch a survey. What you’ll get from the survey is almost literally the icing on the cake of your new product.

So, what information do you need to develop a successful product?

Find out what customers are missing in the supermarket. What flavours they could not stop buying if they exist. What products they haven’t been buying because of their dietary restrictions. 

Or gather information that will help you create a product that is unique in some way. Go beyond learning what products your customers already love — use that only as your baseline. 

Organic Valley has used Attest go find out what flavours to introduce next – and what to name them.

“We were able to identify the top three flavors that we then wanted to bring into the pilot labs. But while our primary insight was around flavors, we also got back a secondary unanticipated insight around how the consumers were clustered around the naming of products as well. 

It wasn’t just around choosing the right flavor but it was choosing the right flavor in the context of a broader name. To get specific, one of the options was ‘spicy tomato salsa egg bites’ and the consumers said it reminded them of the Mexican dish huevos rancheros. And so then we were able to test ‘spicy tomato salsa egg bites’ versus ‘Mexican egg bites with rancheros salsa’.”

Did that get you hungry? Read the full Organic Valley case study .  

research questions examples about food

You came for questions, and that’s what we’ll give you. We’ve gathered some practical examples of what you could ask in a new food product development survey, or when you’re ready to create a food brand . 

SCAMPER survey questions for new food product development

Before we dive into the questions, we want to explain the concept question 3 to 9 are based on. Ever heard of scamper? It’s an acronym — which is the name of a checklist designed to boost creative thinking. It basically takes an existing product, and lets you modify it in a more structured way than just saying: have your way with it. 

Now, how do you use these questions and more specifically, the answers? The hope is that there will be some consensus in the answers. For instance, for Modify/Magnify, you’ll get a lot of similar answers from your customer base. Or 90% wants to eliminate the same thing from a product — let’s say sugar. 

With that in mind, here are the questions!

This brings us back to the jobs-to-be-done part of any product, and for food products, this shouldn’t be overlooked. Are people searching for something that spices things up in the kitchen, that adds to their nutrition or that’s for comfort or a quick snack?

Knowing this for sure, without assuming, will help you to position your product accordingly. Here’s list of examples for jobs-to-be-done you can present in the survey:

  • Build Muscle
  • Manage my cholesterol
  • Satisfy Hunger
  • Lose weight
  • Improve brain function
  • Strengthen bones
  • Sleep better
  • Improve digestion

See how you can get intel about your audience with Attest

Make smarter decisions for your brand with reliable quantitative and qualitative consumer insights from Attest

2. What are you missing in food product category X

There’s no doubt about it: veganism is no longer a trend. But if you or any of your friends are vegan, you know how frustrating it can be to find the right snacks for movie night. Because yes, there’s such a thing as too many Oreos!

So, let’s say you’ve narrowed it down to the following:

  • Diet: vegan-friendly. No, vegan-loving.
  • Occasion: film night! Snacks that go great with thrillers and High School Musical.
  • Size: perfect to share, even with non-vegan friends

And taste…? With the survey, you could tap into what people who went vegan are missing the most from the snack aisle. Is it more urgent to create vegan cheese-flavoured crisps, or vegan M&M’s?

Here you can list all the flavours you’re currently selling, and give a list of options that you’ve been considering. 

Maybe your customers have found a golden combination of products you haven’t thought of when creating the product. Think peanut butter and jelly, or the ever-controversial pineapple on pizza. 

You can either guide your respondents here by giving them a list of options — after all, you know what is actually possible. Think sizes, price, packaging. Or let them dream out loud by giving them the room for all ideas.

research questions examples about food

Bigger portions? A stronger flavour? More serving suggestions? Find out what your customers can’t get enough of and double down on that.

Would you like an ice cream that is suitable for breakfast? A slice of pizza that you can take as a snack without having to carry an entire box? Find out how your customers are really using certain products, or how they would like to use them if the packaging or portion was suitable for it. 

Get more inspo for your research from our concept testing survey template !

This might sound useless in new product development, but in the bigger picture — which a survey should reveal — this could be very useful information. Maybe you’re looking to create a new breakfast product, but you want it to fit into someone’s dietary restrictions. So, should you focus on gluten-free options? This question will help you find out. 

9. What food habits would you like to replace , and with what?

Here you can again give your respondents two lists to choose from: one with common food habits, and one with healthier — or at least different ones. Like question 8, this type of question will help you see the bigger picture and also helps with positioning.

We’re certain that with all their resources, Red Bull and Coca-Cola could create spectacular tea. But it would probably not catch on, because that’s just not what their brand stands for. So, in your product development survey, do take a moment to see if your brand-new idea actually fits your brand, to prevent a marketing disaster.

Is your food business always testing new flavours and ideas and do you want to bring those products to market with more certainty of success, and more speed? Then Attest is the place to start. Have a look at our free new product development survey templates and make them all yours to gather actionable data.

research questions examples about food

Fu0026amp;B Digest – Wellness foods issue

In the latest edition of our Fu0026amp;B Digest, we’ve digested data from 1,000 UK consumers to discover trends and opportunities in this growing sector.

research questions examples about food

Customer Research Lead 

Nick joined Attest in 2021, with more than 10 years' experience in market research and consumer insights on both agency and brand sides. As part of the Customer Research Team team, Nick takes a hands-on role supporting customers uncover insights and opportunities for growth.

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160 Excellent Food Research Paper Topics for Students

Table of Contents

Are you a food science or food technology student searching for unique topics for your research paper? If yes, then this blog post is for you. Here, for your convenience, we have shared a list of the best 160 food research paper topics and ideas on various themes related to the subject.

Basically, food is essential for all living things because of the nutritional support it provides. Hence, it is impossible to imagine life without food. Moreover, in the fast-moving digital era, along with the development of technology, food has also taken different forms. In specific, processed food, packaged food, fast food and ready-made food with added preservatives are dominating human life. Due to these advancements in the food industry and the changes in the food style, certain health diseases also affect humans.

As food is one of the basic needs, a lot of research activities are being conducted in the field of food processing, food technology, food science, dairy technology, food safety, nutrition, and dietetics. So, for preparing your food research paper, you can also choose any intriguing topic from any of these domains.

Food Research Paper Topics

List of Food Research Paper Topics

Whenever you get stuck with what topic to choose for your food research paper or essay, the list of ideas presented below will be more helpful to you. Explore the entire list and pick any food research topic that you feel is appropriate for you.

Top Food Research Paper Topics

Food Research Paper Topics on Nutrition

  • What are the most important types of nutrition to help body development?
  • Bone density and poor nutrition: the correlation
  • How affordable are nutritional supplements for poor people?
  • The worldwide status of vitamin D nutrition
  • Is it safe to use nutritional supplements to help bone density?
  • Why is food science important in human nutrition?
  • Why are amino acids important to the growth of muscles?
  • How do the dietary habits of females affect their overall nutrition?
  • An exhaustive definition of nutritional deficiency and the critical diseases malnutrition can cause.
  • Nutrition-related health effects of organic foods
  • Do dry beans serve proper nutrition and health benefits?
  • Is organic milk a significant source of nutrition?
  • Increased nutrition regulations on fast food restaurants
  • Food preferences and nutrition culture
  • Qualitative analysis of natural nutritional supplements.
  • Should children be fed more dietary products like milk or less?
  • Women and diet around the world.
  • What are Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics?
  • Discuss the sugar reduction strategies in foods
  • Microbial safety evaluation of sugar-reduced foods and beverages
  • Discuss the health effects of fermented foods containing added sugars
  • Discuss some novel and emerging techniques for the detection of mycotoxins  in foods
  • How to remove mycotoxins from foods?
  • Psychological issues connected to food

Research Paper Topics on Food Safety

  • Food and antimicrobial resistance
  • How to eliminate the risk of botulism?
  • How to effectively reduce the risk of food allergies?
  • Meat and resistance to antimicrobials
  • Recommendations for Ensuring Food Safety & Reducing Disease-Causing Mosquitoes
  • Food safety and inspection service in your country
  • Food safety risk assessment
  • The role of government in food safety
  • Food safety and health violations at the workplace.
  • What consumers must know about Avian Influenza
  •  Food and antimicrobial resistance
  •  How to reduce the risk of botulism?
  •  Health concerns for the use of coffee and caffeine
  • Are color additives safe?
  • How a community can contribute to ensuring food safety?
  • Discuss the phenomena of negative-calorie foods
  • Why it is important to ensure food safety for all?

Research Paper Topics on Food Safety

Research Topics on Food Science

  • What happens to stored foods?
  • Factors that influence the taste of wine
  • How to effectively prevent food poisoning?
  • The influence of ethanol and pH balance on taste.
  • How to influence the psychology of eating?
  • What’s wrong with food addiction?
  • Production and uses of protein hydrolysates and removal of bittering principles
  • A comparative study on the physio-chemical properties of vegetable oils
  • The innovative ways to help to fight against Food Waste.
  • Toxicity of the aqueous environment
  • Why food science is important in human nutrition
  • How dietary habits of females affect their overall nutrition
  • Influence of Food Science on the Diet of Persons
  • Promoting Food Safety

Food Essay Topics

  • The effects of fast food on society
  • Should fast foods be sold in hospitals?
  • An analysis of the socio-economic benefits of the fast-food industry.
  • Do we need more fast-food restaurants in society?
  • Certain food groups should not be mixed – true or false?
  • What are the chronic diseases of lifestyle?
  • What are immune-boosting foods?
  • Protective fats are found in seeds and nuts.
  • Food presentation is a form of art.
  • The risks of eating junk food
  • The influence of food on America
  • Food culture and obesity
  • The future of food
  • How has technology changed the way we eat?
  • How do biofuels impact the food industry?
  • Nutrition: Food Containing Calories
  • Negative Influence of Fast Foods
  • Food Science and Technology of Genetic Modification.
  • Fast Food and Obesity Link

Argumentative Food Research Topics

  • What is the most salubrious way to cook eggs?
  • Are burgers sandwiches?
  • The pros and cons of grass-fed beef vs. grain-fed beef.
  • Is it possible to make good pizza at home?
  • Is a low glycemic index meal for a Neapolitan pizza a suitable choice for diabetes patients?
  • The health impacts of vegetarian and vegan diets.
  • Oxidative DNA damage in prostate: Can cancer patients consume tomato sauce?
  • What is the best way to boil rice?
  • Is it easy to become addicted to food quickly?
  • Overeating suppresses the immune system.
  • Do you think that abortion should be made illegal?
  • Do you think that animal testing should be banned?
  • Do you think that manufacturers are responsible for the effects of the chemicals used in creating their products?
  • Should Hospitals Ban Fast Food Outlets?
  • Where should food sauce be stored?

Read here:   Argumentative Essay Topics That You Must Consider

Interesting Food Research Topics

  • Are emotions related to consuming chocolates?
  • What causes raised acid levels in the body?
  • Should a vegetarian take vitamin and mineral supplements?
  • The role of tartrazine in foods such as butter and margarine
  • Do trans fats, found in many kinds of margarine, lead to cancer?
  • The Role of super-food in our health
  • Does green tea help burn kilojoules?
  • Does an apple a day keep the doctor away?
  • Why the humble lentil is considered a superfood?
  • The role of sodium in sports drinks
  • Coconut oil and Alzheimer’s disease
  • The role of honey in healing wounds.
  • Food additives: Artificial Sweeteners
  • Freshly extracted juices are the ultimate source of live enzymes.
  • How does the consumption of sugared soda drinks cause cell aging?
  • Is raw juice fasting effective for detoxifying?
  • Does poor detoxification lead to inflammation?
  • Does garlic help regulate insulin metabolism?
  • Is there a link between tartrazine and hyperactivity in children?
  • Organic food and healthy eating.
  • Our health and fast food from McDonald’s.
  • Fast food is a social problem of our time.
  •  National cuisine is like healthy competition for fast food.

Amazing Food Research Ideas

  • Is Genetically Modified Food Safe for Human Bodies and the Environment?
  • The role of plant sterols in treating high cholesterol.
  • Is there one optimal diet to suit everyone’s sporting needs?
  • Flavonoids – powerful antioxidants that prevent the formation of free radicals.
  • Explain the impact of caffeine on health.
  • Compare and contrast home-cooked meals and fast food.
  • The role of biotechnology and research in fulfilling the nutritional needs of people at a low price.
  • The winemaking process.
  • Myths of good and bad cholesterol.
  • Calcium deficiency and milk
  • The effects of sweeteners and sugar on health.
  • Is it healthy to skip breakfast?
  • Should plastic food packaging be banned?
  • Are beans a good substitute for meat proteins?
  • Food sensitivities in children.
  • Calcium sources for dairy-allergic people.
  • What are the advantages of the macrobiotic diet?
  • The impacts of a long-term ketogenic diet on health
  • What are the healthiest sugar substitutes?
  • Low Carb Diet Craze

Trending Food Research Paper Topics

  • Millenials: Food Trendmakers
  • Write about the production of Organic Food
  • Describe the connections between stress, junk foods, and obesity
  • Critical analysis of the issues related to fast safety in modern agriculture
  • Pizza and London Cheese Cake are the two most favorite foods among Americans: Explain
  • Discuss the food items consumed by the people belonging to America’s working class
  • Critical analysis of the results and implications of the slow food movement in America
  • Explain the importance of meeting Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger for ensuring food safety globally
  • Describe the benefits and limitations of using 3D food printers and robotics in the food industry
  •  Describe the significance of the digital food management system
  • Describe the three most popular food technologies and their use
  • Discuss the top ten food technology trends in 2023
  • Discuss the benefits and limitations of alternative protein sources and personalized nutrition
  • Analyze the use and effectiveness of ‘Restaurant Voice Bots’ in the US-based startup named Orderscape
  •  Describe the importance of using eco-friendly materials for the packaging of baby foods
  • Discuss the prospects for the development of food industry enterprises using molecular cuisine technology
  • Analyze the pros and cons of food tourism in the context of developing nations.

Captivating Food Research Topics

  • Evaluate the properties of Oil obtained from Carica Papaya Seeds.
  • Discuss the effects of blending cow milk with soy milk and analyze the quality of yogurt.
  • Evaluate the vegetable oil refining process and its food value.
  • Explain the functional properties of plantain flour.
  • Evaluate the nutrient constituents of fresh forages and formulated diets.
  • Analyze the impact of nutrition education on the dietary habits of females.
  • Analyze the use of composite blends for biscuit making.
  • Discuss the storage time effects on the functional properties of Bambara groundnut.
  • Write about the additives and preservatives used in food processing and preservation.
  • Analyze the physical and chemical properties of soya beans.

Out of the top 150+ food research paper topics suggested in this blog post, pick an ideal topic of your choice. In order to make your work successful, when writing your food research paper, first, prepare an outline and then compose the content by providing the relevant facts and evidence supporting the main points of your topic.

research questions examples about food

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I am an Academic Writer and have affection to share my knowledge through posts’. I do not feel tiredness while research and analyzing the things. Sometime, I write down hundred of research topics as per the students requirements. I want to share solution oriented content to the students.

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55 Best Questions to Ask in a Restaurant Survey in 2024 (and How to Ask Them)

Ryan Andrews

As a restaurant owner, your top priority is creating an exceptional customer experience.

But nobody gets it right from the start. If you want your restaurant business to succeed, listening to your guests and using guest feedback to improve your food and service is important.

  • “A great restaurant doesn't distinguish itself by how few mistakes it makes but by how well they handle those mistakes”, says Danny Meyer , a New York City restaurateur and the Founder & Executive Chairman of the Union Square Hospitality Group (USHG).

We know how important customer feedback is, although sometimes it can be difficult to truly understand your guests without talking to them.

Why conduct restaurant surveys?

This is why restaurant surveys exist.

There are many ways you can conduct restaurant surveys (via email, POS system , reservation system, etc.), but what matters the most is asking the right restaurant survey questions.

Worry not because we've got you covered.

Here are the 55 best restaurant survey questions to ask and get honest feedback with actionable insights to improve your restaurant today.

Key Takeaways

  • Break restaurant survey questions into categories to better understand customer satisfaction.
  • Conduct a restaurant survey for both dine-in and takeout customers.
  • Open-ended restaurant survey questions will help you get valuable insights from guest feedback.
  • Using a restaurant survey app like Eat App makes conducting restaurant surveys smooth and simple.

The Benefits of Restaurant Surveys

1. Get honest feedback: You'll learn what your patrons think of your cuisine, service, and atmosphere.

2. Improve service quality: You can pinpoint problems with your menu, food packaging, and service and fix them to improve the customer experience based on the guest feedback you receive.

3. Plan out enhancements: Regularly conducting restaurant service surveys will enable you to measure restaurant feedback and monitor the effects of your adjustments on customer satisfaction.

4. Collect valuable guest information: When you want to launch customized promotions and offers, it will be invaluable to ask questions that help you understand more about your customers, like their age group and how often they come to your restaurant.

5. Prevents negative comments from being made online: Restaurant surveys are like lifesavers. Unhappy customers might complain online after a bad meal. But if you ask them for feedback first, they can tell you directly instead of posting negative reviews.


Guest feedback, particularly through surveys, is a critical tool to understand what our guests want. It allows us to identify areas where we can improve and innovate to deliver an exceptional restaurant experience.

Here's stats to highlight the importance of surveys:

  • According to a study by Applova, a customer experience platform, 90% of businesses believe that customer experience is critical to their success [source: How can Restaurants Benefit from Customer Surveys? - Applova ].
  • Toast, a point-of-sale system company, highlights that well-designed surveys can provide actionable feedback on food quality, service, and ambiance [source: 30 Restaurant Survey Questions to Help You Get Crucial Feedback | On the Line - Toast].

Types of survey questions for restaurants

To begin with, we would like to clarify that the following sample restaurant survey questions were selected to encompass every facet of a dining experience.

This covers ordering and delivery of food as well as food quality, service, ambiance, and cleanliness. However, 55 questions is a lot for a single survey, so consider your goals for the survey before choosing the questions for your customer feedback form. To uncover ways to make your own online ordering experience and food delivery service better, you can, for example, send one person who is only focused on it.

Select and combine the questions to create the perfect customer feedback survey.

Surveys can ask about different parts of your visit:

  • What customers think of the food
  • How they found the service
  • Ordering online and delivery (if offered)
  • Overall experience

Surveys can be quick and easy to answer:

  • Yes or No answers
  • Selecting a number (like 1 to 10)
  • Choosing from options
  • Short answer questions (not too many!)

We would advise against using too many of the above. Completing lengthy survey responses typically turns off customers.

55 Questions to ask in your restaurant survey

You should cover many topics in the restaurant survey questions - from food quality, service quality, and restaurant atmosphere to food delivery.

We have divided them into seven categories to make them easier for you to implement and start gathering helpful feedback right away.

>>> Want to know more about automatically collecting guest feedback? Schedule a meeting here.

General customer satisfaction questions

The customer feedback survey starts with the overall questions about the customer dining experience .

These restaurant survey questions help you discover the customer satisfaction rate and whether they will be happy to visit again or recommend you to their friends and family.

  • How would you rate your experience from 1 to 10?
  • Are you visiting [Restaurant name] for the first time?
  • How often do you dine at [Restaurant name]?
  • What was the highlight of your dining with us?
  • What did you like the least about [Restaurant name]?
  • How did you hear about [Restaurant name]?
  • Would you recommend [Restaurant name] to a friend?

Questions about restaurant food and drinks

Questions about restaurant food & drinks

Food restaurant survey questions are the center of a restaurant survey.

Learn from the survey responses to understand how to improve food quality and accommodate different dietary preferences.

8. How did you enjoy your meal overall?

9. What did you order?

10. Were you served what you ordered?

11. Did your food arrive on time?

12. What do you think about [Restaurant name] menu items?

13. Did you try any of the [Restaurant name] specials?

14. Were we able to accommodate any dietary restrictions you may have?

15. What drinks were you having?

16. Were you satisfied with the beverages you ordered?

17. How do you like [Restaurant name] drink selection?

Survey questions about bookings

The customer experience begins with making a reservation. These are the survey questions to ask to understand how to improve the booking system.

18. Did you make a reservation before visiting [Restaurant name]?

19. How did you make your reservation?

20. How would you rate the reservation process?

21. Did you receive the reservation confirmation?

22. Did you receive a reservation reminder?

>>> Case Study: Increasing Online Bookings & Streamlining Restaurant Operations

Survey questions about the ambiance

Survey questions about the ambiance

To gain valuable insight into how your guests feel when they dine at your restaurant , ask the following questions about the restaurant's atmosphere in the restaurant survey.

23. Did [Restaurant name] feel welcoming upon your arrival?

24. What do you think about our restaurant's environment?

25. How do you feel about the noise levels in [Restaurant name]?

26. How well would you say the interior space was organized?

Survey questions about facilities

If the facilities meet the standards, they can positively impact the customer experience.

Here are the facilities questions to ask in your restaurant survey.

27. Did our restaurant meet your standard of cleanliness and hygiene?

28. Was the space accessible and able to accommodate your needs?

29. Were the facilities well-equipped (paper towels, tampons, etc.)?

Service-related survey questions

Good service is the second most important aspect of your restaurant business, after food quality.

These restaurant service survey questions should be a part of your regular restaurant survey.

30. How would you rate our service overall?

31. Was our staff friendly and able to accommodate your requests?

32. How long did you wait to be seated?

33. Who was your server?

34. Was the server able to answer any questions you had?

35. Did the server recommend our specials?

36. Was the server attentive towards your table?

37. Were the courses spaced out well?

38. Did the server clean the table between courses?

39. Did you receive adequate silverware for each course?

40. Did the server check if you needed anything regularly?

41. Did the server check your satisfaction after you were served?

42. How could we serve you better in the future?

Takeout restaurant survey questions

Takeout restaurant survey questions

It's important to gather feedback from your dine-in guests, but it is equally important to receive customer feedback from the customers who dine outside the restaurant.

>>> Automatically collecting guest feedback. Schedule a call here today.

Here are restaurant survey questions to ask regarding customer preferences for the takeout and delivery services.

43. Did you make a takeout or delivery order?

44. How did you make your order?

45. Was the online ordering system easy to navigate?

46. How long did the ordering process take?

47. What did you order?

48. How long did you wait for your meal to be prepared?

49. How long did you wait for delivery?

50. Did you get what you ordered?

51. Did you receive an update when the food was ready and on its way?

52. Was our staff friendly during the takeout/delivery service?

53. Was the cutlery included in the delivery box?

54. How satisfied are you with the takeout menu options?

55. How can we improve our takeout/delivery service?

Now that you have your restaurant survey questions lined up, what should you do to get them answered?

Continue reading below to find out how you can get started.

Restaurant surveys: getting started

Restaurant surveys: getting started

Online surveys are a convenient way to collect guest feedback and provide a pleasant customer experience while gathering valuable data.

Online restaurant survey platforms such as Eat App can help you set up an excellent restaurant survey in no time.

When you collect guest feedback with Eat App , you get to gather valuable insights and automated reviews from customers easily and efficiently, taking away all the hassle and manual work of traditional surveys.

Eat App's online restaurant survey platform helps restaurants gather their customer feedback through a simple rate and review survey.

The survey is integrated with Eat App's table management and reservation system , which enables it to be sent out to customers within 12 hours of their dining experience.

>>> Want to know more? Schedule a free demo h ere.

What to do with guest feedback?

Once you have gathered feedback from your customers, it is important to take action on it. This means addressing any severe issues and commonly mentioned concerns.

Severe issues, such as health and accessibility problems, should be addressed immediately. This is also true for issues that have been reported by multiple customers.

For example , if several people have said that the music is too loud, you should take steps to lower the volume.

Issues that are more subjective, such as personal preferences, can be addressed after you have tracked the feedback for a while.

If you see that a particular complaint is mentioned repeatedly , you know it is a real issue that must be addressed.

It is also important to ask the right questions when gathering feedback from your customers.

Think about what aspects of your restaurant you want to improve, and build your survey around those areas. Don't just copy the questions from other restaurant surveys.

Finally, make sure your survey is not too long. You don't want to give your customers a survey they are unwilling to complete. You can offer incentives, such as a chance to win a gift card, to encourage people to give feedback.

Here are some additional tips for using customer feedback effectively:

  • Be transparent with guests about how you will use their feedback.
  • Respond to feedback promptly and respectfully.
  • Take action on the feedback that you receive.
  • Track the results of your changes and make adjustments as needed.

Collect guest feedback with Eat App's automated survey system Gather more post-dining reviews from customers with minimal effort Get Started Now!

Advantages of using an online restaurant survey like Eat App

Collecting customer feedback through software such as Eat App has many perks.

  • Cost-effective : Online restaurant surveys can automatically send the designed surveys to thousands of customers using the existing database in just a few clicks. Forget about typing the survey questions and guest details manually.
  • Quick and easy : Due to the Eat App automation system, you can rest assured all your recent guests will receive a survey and a review request. Once you set up the restaurant survey questions you wish to ask, you don’t have to worry about it ever again.
  • High response rate : Online surveys are sent to your guests via email a while after they’ve had their meal and had the time to form a complete impression. An online survey request doesn’t rush them to respond, so they can do so in their own time and comfort zone, which implies a higher response rate than traditional surveys.
  • Better customer insights : While your guests might feel uncomfortable saying their honest negative feedback in person, they are more likely to express how they feel in a survey.
  • Easy to use : Eat App, as an online survey tool, is very easy to use - both for the managers and the guests. Guests fill in a form you sent them; managers can simply extract, gather, and analyze the data . Moreover, through Eat App’s online review system, managers can look into the daily review reports and be up-to-date with customer satisfaction.
  • Highly accurate : All the data your customers provide is safely stored in the Eat App system, leading to a highly accurate analysis of customer insights and feedback.

Regular customer surveys are important as they give real-time updates about how well your restaurant is performing and what aspects of your business need work.

Listening to your guests and acting upon their feedback can improve restaurant efficiency and inspire customer loyalty after you acknowledge their opinions and top their expectations.

Conducting surveys doesn’t have to be time-consuming and stressful.

You can automatically send restaurant surveys to all your guests in the database with a sophisticated solution such as EatApp.

Book a demo and get started with a carefree collection of meaningful and honest feedback.

How do I make a restaurant survey?

The easiest way to make a restaurant survey is through an online app like EatApp. Make a list of questions and send a restaurant questionnaire to your guests in a few clicks.

What are 5 good survey questions?

Among all restaurant survey questions, these 5 will give you an immediate idea of how well your restaurant is performing:

  • What did you like the most when dining in our restaurant?
  • What did you like the least about dining in our restaurant?
  • Were we able to accommodate your personal preference?
  • Would you recommend us to your family and friends?

What is the purpose of the restaurant survey?

A restaurant survey is the best way to collect guest feedback and analyze survey responses to improve customer experience in your restaurant.

It is the ultimate tool for understanding your guests' needs and learning how to offer better service.

What questions should I ask in a food survey?

  • What did you order?
  • Did you receive what you ordered?
  • How would you rate the food quality?
  • How satisfied are you with the menu options?
  • Was the food warm when delivered?

Director of Marketing at Eat App

For the past 7+ years Ryan has been focused on helping restaurants succeed with digital marketing and front-of-house operations. He is Director Marketing at Eat App.


Reviewed by

Nezar Kadhem

Co-founder and CEO of Eat App

He is a regular speaker and panelist at industry events, contributing on topics such as digital transformation in the hospitality industry, revenue channel optimization and dine-in experience.

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20 Fast Food Survey Questions & Sample Questionnaire Template

This fast-food survey template aims at gathering critical insights regarding the fast-food consumption habits among the customers and the amount of money spent by them on purchasing fast food. Gather feedback from your audience on the effects of junk food on health. This questionnaire sample can be edited according to the objective of the survey and sent out to the target audience to get better insights about fast food consumption.

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13 years or younger 16-20 21-25 26-35 36-50 Above 50 Male Female Prefer not to say Yes No 1-2 times 3-4 times 5-6 times 7 times or more NA Yes No 1-2 times in a week 2-3 times in a week 3-4 times in a week 4-5 times in a week More than 5 times in a week Yes No Yes No Yes No KFC McDonald's Pizza Hut A&W Burger King Cinnabon Subway Tacobell Five guys Dairy Queen Jollibee Chipotle $25 $50 $100 More than $100 Obesity Diabetes Heart disease Cancer Other (Please specify) 1-10% 10-24% 25-50% 50-75% Above 75%
Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neutral Somewhat agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neutral Somewhat agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neutral Somewhat agree Strongly agree

Top 5 Reasons To Use This Fast Food Survey Template

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  • Published: 19 June 2024

Detection of microplastics in the human penis

  • Jason Codrington   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Alexandra Aponte Varnum 1 ,
  • Lars Hildebrandt 2 ,
  • Daniel Pröfrock 2 ,
  • Joginder Bidhan 1 ,
  • Kajal Khodamoradi   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Anke-Lisa Höhme 3 ,
  • Martin Held   ORCID: 3 ,
  • Aymara Evans 1 ,
  • David Velasquez   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Christina C. Yarborough 1 ,
  • Bahareh Ghane-Motlagh 4 ,
  • Ashutosh Agarwal 1 , 5 ,
  • Justin Achua   ORCID: 6 ,
  • Edoardo Pozzi   ORCID: 1 , 7 , 8 ,
  • Francesco Mesquita 1 ,
  • Francis Petrella 1 ,
  • David Miller 1 &
  • Ranjith Ramasamy 1  

International Journal of Impotence Research ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Medical research
  • Sexual dysfunction

The proliferation of microplastics (MPs) represents a burgeoning environmental and health crisis. Measuring less than 5 mm in diameter, MPs have infiltrated atmospheric, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems, penetrating commonplace consumables like seafood, sea salt, and bottled beverages. Their size and surface area render them susceptible to chemical interactions with physiological fluids and tissues, raising bioaccumulation and toxicity concerns. Human exposure to MPs occurs through ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact. To date, there is no direct evidence identifying MPs in penile tissue. The objective of this study was to assess for potential aggregation of MPs in penile tissue. Tissue samples were extracted from six individuals who underwent surgery for a multi-component inflatable penile prosthesis (IPP). Samples were obtained from the corpora using Adson forceps before corporotomy dilation and device implantation and placed into cleaned glassware. A control sample was collected and stored in a McKesson specimen plastic container. The tissue fractions were analyzed using the Agilent 8700 Laser Direct Infrared (LDIR) Chemical Imaging System (Agilent Technologies. Moreover, the morphology of the particles was investigated by a Zeiss Merlin Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), complementing the detection range of LDIR to below 20 ”m. MPs via LDIR were identified in 80% of the samples, ranging in size from 20–500 ”m. Smaller particles down to 2 ”m were detected via SEM. Seven types of MPs were found in the penile tissue, with polyethylene terephthalate (47.8%) and polypropylene (34.7%) being the most prevalent. The detection of MPs in penile tissue raises inquiries on the ramifications of environmental pollutants on sexual health. Our research adds a key dimension to the discussion on man-made pollutants, focusing on MPs in the male reproductive system.

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Authors and affiliations.

Desai Sethi Urology Institute, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA

Jason Codrington, Alexandra Aponte Varnum, Joginder Bidhan, Kajal Khodamoradi, Aymara Evans, David Velasquez, Christina C. Yarborough, Ashutosh Agarwal, Edoardo Pozzi, Francesco Mesquita, Francis Petrella, David Miller & Ranjith Ramasamy

Institute of Coastal Environmental Chemistry, Department for Inorganic Environmental Chemistry, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Max-Planck-Str 1, 21502, Geesthacht, Germany

Lars Hildebrandt & Daniel Pröfrock

Institute of Membrane Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Max-Planck-Str 1, 21502, Geesthacht, Germany

Anke-Lisa Höhme & Martin Held

Dr. J.T. MacDonald Foundation BioNIUM, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA

Bahareh Ghane-Motlagh

Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA

Ashutosh Agarwal

University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA

Justin Achua

Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy

Edoardo Pozzi

IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Urology, Milan, Italy

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Jason Codrington—conceptualization, methodology, investigation, project administration, data curation, visualization, writing—original draft, editing. Alexandra Aponte Varnum—investigation, writing—original draft, editing, data curation, visualization. Lars Hildebrandt—investigation, writing—original draft, validation, resources. Daniel Pröfrock—investigation, editing, validation, resources. Joginder Bidhan—resources, writing—original draft. Kajal Khodamoradi—project administration, resources. Anke-Lisa Höhme—investigation, visualization. Martin Held—writing—original draft, editing. Aymara Evans—writing—original draft. David Velasquez—writing—original draft. Christina C. Yarborough—writing—original draft. Bahareh Ghane-Motlagh—investigation. Ashutosh Agarwal—investigation. Justin Achua—writing—original draft. Edoardo Pozzi—editing. Francesco Mesquita—editing. Francis Petrella—writing—review. David Miller—writing—review. Ranjith Ramasamy—conceptualization, methodology, project administration, resources, supervision, editing, funding acquisition

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Correspondence to Ranjith Ramasamy .

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Dr. Edoardo Pozzi is currently an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Impotence Research.

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The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Miami (Study # 20150740) and conducted following the Declaration of Helsinki. All patients provided written and informed consent to participate in the study.

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Codrington, J., Varnum, A.A., Hildebrandt, L. et al. Detection of microplastics in the human penis. Int J Impot Res (2024).

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Received : 21 March 2024

Revised : 29 May 2024

Accepted : 04 June 2024

Published : 19 June 2024


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How to start and run a food business: learn how to register, verify your business, and manage risks. Read about food safety, food recalls, and requirements for food and beverage production, testing, storing, and transporting.

Use a food control plan for making or selling higher-risk food

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Food control plans, national programmes, risk management programmes, verifying your business

Videos, posters, templates, and staff training resources to help meet food safety rules

Recalled food products list, develop your plan, how to do a recall

Labelling and composition

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Food Act 2014, Wine Act 2003, Animal Products Act 1999, Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997 

Avoid foodborne illness during  floods, storms, power cuts, and earthquakes

How to import food products, including meat, dairy, grains, seeds, wine, and beverages

How to meet the standards of more than 200 export markets

Dairy products

Getting started, yoghurt, ice cream, cheese, liquid milk, and raw milk products, and monitoring and testing

Iodine and folic acid fortification of bread and bread products

Honey and bee products

Mānuka honey, managing tutin contamination, RMPs for honey, industry organisations

Meat and game

Primary and secondary meat processing, dual operator butchers, rendering, homekill and wild meat

Fish and seafood harvest, processing, and sale, sea and land-based processing, aquaculture, bivalve molluscan shellfish

Wine standards management plans (WSMP), supplying grapes, labelling requirements, laboratory testing, verifying winemakers

Poultry and eggs

Primary and secondary poultry processing, poultry farming, Whole Flock Health Scheme, egg production, RMPs

Risk management programmes (RMP), regulated control schemes (RCS), transporting and storing animal products for export

Maintenance compounds in animal product processing

Using approved agents in dairy, meat, non-dairy animal, and seafood processing 

Human health surveillance, managing foodborne risks, food science research, food risk assessment

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