
Essay on Conclusion of Internet

Students are often asked to write an essay on Conclusion of Internet in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Conclusion of Internet

The necessity of the internet.

The Internet has become an essential part of our lives. It helps us communicate, learn, work, and entertain ourselves.

Internet’s Impact

The Internet has revolutionized many fields. It has made information easily accessible and has connected the world in an unprecedented way.

Internet’s Challenges

However, the Internet also poses challenges. Cyberbullying, misinformation, and privacy concerns are some issues we face.

In conclusion, the Internet is a powerful tool with both positive and negative aspects. It’s up to us to use it responsibly.

250 Words Essay on Conclusion of Internet

Introduction, the power of connectivity.

The Internet’s greatest strength lies in its ability to connect people, irrespective of geographical distances. It has fostered a global community, where ideas, cultures, and knowledge are shared freely. This connectivity has fueled innovation, enabling the rapid development and dissemination of technologies.

The Dark Side of the Internet

However, the Internet also has a darker side. Cybercrime, misinformation, and privacy breaches have become significant concerns. The Internet’s anonymity can foster harmful behaviors, and its unregulated nature allows for the spread of false information. Moreover, the Internet can be addictive, impacting mental health and social relationships.

Regulation and Responsibility

To mitigate these issues, there is a growing call for regulation and digital literacy. Governments, corporations, and individuals all have roles to play in creating a safer, more ethical online environment. This includes implementing stricter cybersecurity measures, promoting fact-checking, and educating users about responsible Internet use.

In conclusion, the Internet is a powerful tool with immense potential for positive change. However, its misuse poses significant risks. As we continue to navigate the digital age, we must strive to maximize the Internet’s benefits while minimizing its drawbacks. This requires a balance of regulation, education, and individual responsibility. The future of the Internet lies in our hands.

500 Words Essay on Conclusion of Internet

The Internet, since its inception, has transformed the world in ways that were previously unimaginable. It has revolutionized communication, education, business, and entertainment, enabling us to connect with people and information from all over the world in an instant. However, as with any powerful tool, the Internet also comes with its share of challenges.

Internet: A Tool for Global Connectivity

Internet and education.

The Internet has transformed the way we learn and access information. It has made education more accessible and affordable, allowing anyone with an Internet connection to learn from the best institutions and experts in the world. It has also made it possible for us to access vast amounts of information on any topic in an instant, making research and learning more efficient and effective.

Internet and Entertainment

The Internet has revolutionized entertainment, giving us access to a vast array of content from all over the world. It has given rise to streaming platforms, online gaming, and social media, providing us with endless sources of entertainment. It has also made it possible for artists and creators to reach a global audience, democratizing the entertainment industry.

Challenges of the Internet

In conclusion, the Internet is a powerful tool that has transformed our world. It has made us more connected, made education more accessible, and revolutionized entertainment. However, it also comes with its share of challenges, from cybercrime and privacy concerns to the digital divide. As we continue to navigate the digital age, it is crucial that we address these challenges and ensure that the Internet remains a tool for positive change. It is our responsibility as digital citizens to use the Internet responsibly, to protect our privacy, to combat misinformation, and to work towards bridging the digital divide. The Internet is not just a tool, it is a reflection of our society, and it is up to us to shape it in a way that reflects our values and aspirations.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

इंटरनेट एक शक्तिशाली उन्नयन है, जिसने हमारी दुनिया को बदल दिया है। इसने हमारी शिक्षा को और सुलभ बना दिया और मनोरंजन में क्रांति ला दी।हलांकि, ये साइबर अपराध और डिजिटल विभाजन तक की चुनौतियाँ के साथ भी आता है। अगर हम इसका ठीक ठाक उपाय करें तो यह हमारा सही काम आएगा।

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the conclusion of internet


Comment and Technology

Does losing net neutrality really mean the end of the internet.

Hyperbole and misinformation followed the US decision to end net neutrality. It's important to know what's really at stake, says Aaron Mak

By Aaron Mak

15 December 2017

New Scientist. Science news and long reads from expert journalists, covering developments in science, technology, health and the environment on the website and the magazine.

Chip Somodevilla/Getty

New Scientist. Science news and long reads from expert journalists, covering developments in science, technology, health and the environment on the website and the magazine.

After the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to repeal net neutrality regulations on Thursday, reactions on Twitter were strong.

Many despaired about the possible end of access to a free and open internet, while others urged neutrality supporters to not give up the fight by calling their representatives in Congress and keeping an eye on the various state governments and advocacy groups that are planning to sue the FCC.

Even before Thursday’s vote, people were warning that you might have to pay an itemised fee to access sites like Twitter if net neutrality – the principle that internet service providers treat all content equally – ends. While technically possible, this scenario is highly unlikely.

After the decision, hyperbole and misinformation were out in full force. Again, one of the most common fears was that consumers were going to have to pay extra fees to access certain websites:

Thank god they repealed net neutrality I mean who doesn’t want to pay more to use their favorite web sites or to have them blocked. Freedom of speech what’s that? #ThanksTrump — Corey (@Big_CRen) December 14, 2017
Twitter: $14.99/month Snapchat: $9.99/month Youtube: $19.99/month Netflix: $9.99/per movie Google: $1.99/per search If you don't want to pay extra for your favorite sites you need to be supporting #NetNeutrality — banksy (@thereaIbanksy) December 13, 2017

Internet service providers, if they do change their policies after the repeal of net neutrality, are more likely to charge websites higher fees to reach consumers. This dynamic could end up prioritising more established sites that can afford higher connection speeds, while putting smaller sites at a disadvantage if they don’t have the requisite funds.

Another prevailing sentiment was that much of the population would be losing internet access, perhaps even the next day. Some Twitter users wrote impassioned farewells to the internet – some of which may have been in jest – and even warned that we may return to a less-technologically advanced era.

As Slate technology reporter April Glaser wrote : “It’s unlikely that the internet will change dramatically overnight. Instead, you may start to notice some differences gradually.” Rather than keeping watch over your internet access, it would be more productive to try to observe how quickly certain sites are loading compared to others. Are the bigger sites like CNN or Google loading faster than the ones for your local paper or community organisations?

While it’s difficult to discern whether these Twitter users were genuine or just trolling, it’s important to know what’s really at stake in the net neutrality debate.

This article was first published on Slate

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21 Pros and Cons of the Internet

21 Pros and Cons of the Internet

Dalia Yashinsky (MA, Phil)

Dalia Yashinsky is a freelance academic writer. She graduated with her Bachelor's (with Honors) from Queen's University in Kingston Ontario in 2015. She then got her Master's Degree in philosophy, also from Queen's University, in 2017.

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21 Pros and Cons of the Internet

Chris Drew (PhD)

This article was peer-reviewed and edited by Chris Drew (PhD). The review process on Helpful Professor involves having a PhD level expert fact check, edit, and contribute to articles. Reviewers ensure all content reflects expert academic consensus and is backed up with reference to academic studies. Dr. Drew has published over 20 academic articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education and holds a PhD in Education from ACU.

the conclusion of internet

The internet is a technological innovation that brings a lot of advantages and disadvantages to society because of how much it facilitates fast, easy communication.

Benefits include access to information, broader social circles, and convenience with meeting needs for work and home.

But digital media can be harmful when they damage the health of users or isolates people. As a result, parents often put limitations on internet use for children to help them get the benefits while minimizing the harms of internet usage.

Pros and Cons of the Internet

Pro 1: ease of communication.

Almost every internet user uses it for communication in one form or another. For some, it is their primary way of communicating with people.

But even those who still prefer traditional methods like phone calls or letters in the post will have to deal with a business by email or live chat at some point.

The internet revolutionized methods of communication, including those that were once just science fiction, like video calling and conferencing.

Even types of communication that seem crude to us now, like web forums, were a huge game changer when they were first introduced.

Pro 2: Unrestricted Social Circles

Before the internet, a person’s social group was almost exclusively limited to people who lived in their geographic proximity.

Pen friends and long-distance relationships existed, but letters take days to get through the post and international telephone calls were very expensive.

One of the pros of social media on the internet is that people are now able to connect with others who share the personal identities , same interests, hobbies, passions , and quirks wherever they are in the world.

You can even use instant online translators to have conversations with people with whom you do not share a language.

Pro 3: Global Collaboration

The ability to reach like minds anywhere in the world through the internet is not just limited to social use.

This global infrastructure also allows people to collaborate with anyone anywhere on the planet.

These collaborations can be professional or amateur and can range from the academic to the creative.

Many scientific journals will post studies done jointly by universities thousands of miles apart, and YouTube is full of virtual bands with each member recording their part in their own home or local studio and putting it all together online.

Pro 4: New Careers

The internet is both so expansive and so unlike anything that has come before it, that it has created multiple whole new industries of jobs.

These include jobs that are directly connected to how it works, like web developers and designers, but also jobs with an indirect link, such as e-commerce and digital marketing.

But even old jobs are online now – you can even teach online !

In creating these jobs, the internet stimulates the economy and reduces unemployment. The fact that these jobs can be done from anywhere in the world also means that it improves the situation in less powerful economies without any barriers.

Pro 5: Improvements to Existing Careers

The internet does not only help the job market by creating new jobs. It also makes existing jobs easier and more convenient to do, as well as more effective.

During 2020, for example, the internet made it possible for many people to continue doing their jobs from home rather than simply losing them.

As working from home becomes more standard, the internet will become an even more integral part of employment.

Pro 6: Convenience

A lot of the daily chores of life are made so much more convenient through the use of the internet.

Paying bills by going to the provider’s website and clicking a few buttons is much easier than going to the bank every month.

The same can be said for doing your shopping online and getting it delivered instead of traveling from store to store.

These little conveniences make a difference because they are unavoidable tasks, but by doing them through the internet, you save so much time that would otherwise have been lost.

Pro 7: Access to Essential Services

It’s not just the daily chores that the internet makes easier, but also some essentials.

Using public services is more convenient when you can do so on the appropriate website rather than go to or ring up a government office.

Another example is education, which the internet played a critical role in allowing to continue when schools were shut down in some places in 2020/2021.

Pro 8: Huge Range of Entertainment

The internet has allowed people to access entertainment with a breadth and convenience that has not been seen before.

This covers everything from movies to music to video games.

Whereas before, you would have to go to a theater or a video store to watch a new movie on your own time, now you can stream it.

Instead of having to go out and buy a new video game on a DVD from a brick and mortar store, you can now download it.

Pro 9: Creative Outlet

In addition to allowing people to enjoy others’ creative efforts, the internet is also a great platform for people to express their own creativity .

Through the combination of a global infrastructure and a catalog of sites for creative endeavors, individuals can upload and share anything that they create and express themselves to an audience that they would not have access to in their local community.

Pro 10: One Global Repository for Information

The internet offers access to the largest quantity of information possible. It does this because it is not itself a true repository, but rather it allows access to any source of information that is online.

Books that have been digitized are available on the internet, and you can access these regardless of where you are in the world.

Whether your local library stocks a specific book or not is no longer an issue.

The internet also allows people to share information with others, either through large encyclopedia sites like Wikipedia or through non-mainstream investigative journalism.

Pro 11: Free Information

From the blog post you’re currently reading to Wikipedia and YouTube, the internet is full of free information.

No other generation in the history of the world has had so much access to free information at their fingertips.

This has made it possible to learn skills that help them get jobs, make money, learn a language, or anything else of interest without having to pay for an expensive course.

Con 1: People Trying to Con You

While the internet is a disruptive technology , these disruptions can cause social problems . One of the biggest threats coming from the internet is people who want your money and will take it through nefarious means.

People who are less familiar with how the internet works are especially vulnerable to this because they are often less able to spot bad actors as it is about to happen or even after it has happened.

This might be as simple as opening the wrong type of email that will end up getting you caught up in a huge mess. Using high quality security software is a must!

Con 2: Losses of Privacy

Privacy concerns are linked to the above example. People can take your identity online and use it in harmful or unauthorized ways.

Although governments have started making laws to regulate this, internet-based companies are still infamous for taking user information and giving it to marketers.

This has historically been done without the consent of unwitting users and continues to be done so still to a lesser extent.

Social media has also been a way that individuals’ privacy has deteriorated.

Con 3: Conflict

The internet is an open forum that allows anyone to engage with anyone on a global scale.

While this is incredible for fostering wanted communications, it creates a very easy opportunity for unwanted communications.

Before the internet, people had to look each other in the eyes to say what they thought. This meant there was both a public pressure against it and a way to control it. But through the internet, this is not so.

This is especially true when the social media user is anonymous, which means they have no direct disincentive.

Con 4: Social Isolation

When people spend too much time on the internet, it can increase feelings of loneliness and social isolation.

The internet makes it very easy for this condition to appear because a lot of people may feel like their needs for social interaction are being met through social media and similar services.

When this decreases the amount of time they spend with friends and family outside of the internet, it can be unhealthy.

Con 5: Overuse and Dependence

Meeting social needs is not the only reason why people become dependent on the internet.

The convenience it offers in so many aspects of life may make people rely on it for many tasks, even the simplest ones.

Someone who is very used to doing all of their shopping online, for example, may find it difficult to adapt if they can no longer use the internet for this.

How long could you live without internet?

Con 6: Internet Addiction

Overdependence on the internet can even progress into full-blown addiction.

In cases of internet addiction, even mild ones, people will spend time on the internet without doing anything productive and without even enjoying it.

Cyberloafing is a common manifestation of internet addiction.

In addition to the negative influence this can have on a person directly, it can also decrease productivity, which, over a large scale, can harm entire economies.

Con 7: Deterioration of Health

People who spend too much time on the internet, even if it is for legitimate and positive reasons, can begin to develop certain health problems.

When all of a person’s work and most of their leisure time is online, this can promote a very sedentary lifestyle.

The lack of physical activity can have serious consequences if it is not made up for in some other way, like with exercise, for example.

Con 8: Fake News and Other Misinformation

Because the internet is largely decentralized, there is little to no quality control on what information is put on it (in other words, there is no gatekeeper ).

This means that with anyone able to say anything, information that is untrue, incomplete, or misrepresented can spread very quickly and very widely.

Today, we see people who have become highly radicalized, indoctrinated, and manipulated into believing nonsense and conspiracies spread online.

To address this, we all need to ensure we have very good media literacy skills .

Con 9: Public Distrust

As people become more used to the amount of false information that is on new media on the internet, they may begin to lose trust in any information that is presented.

Although a degree of skepticism in life can be healthy, it can be damaging to a society when it develops to a point where too many people do not trust those around them.

This includes not just large institutions but also their friends and family.

Con 10: New Stratification of Society

All of the benefits that the internet brings can themselves create a negative effect when they are only possible for some people but not for others.

This creates a new sort of stratification in society, dividing those that are able to use the internet well and those that are not. We call this the ‘digital divide’.

Although this has historically affected poorer regions with less capable infrastructure, it can also be seen within communities.

Elderly people, for example, may be negatively affected by the internet when it becomes the only way that they can pay a bill or order something that they need.

Table Summary – Internet Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of the InternetDisadvantages of the Internet
1. It provides ease of communication1. People may rrying to con you online
2. You can access a wide range of social circles2. Your privacy is compromised online
3. You can collaborate globally3. There is a lot of conflict in online spaces
4. It has opened up a lot of new career options4. It can lead to less face-to-face communication
5. It has made existing careers easier5. Society is over-dependant on it
6. It is extremely convenient6. Some people can get addicted
7. It helps people to access essential services7. Your health may deteriorate due to less exercise
8. It provides entertainment access8. It enables the spread of fake news
9. The internet is a creative outlet9. There is rising public distrust of online information
10. It is a global repository for information10. It causes a ‘digital divide’
11. It is a source of free information 

We have looked at 20 pros cons of the internet and learned why as vast as it is, it will always have a positive side and a negative one. As the internet evolves and AI continues to take hold on the web, we’ll learn about more positives and negatives of the internet for our lives.


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The Positive and Negative Effects of the Internet on Our Daily Lives

Dave Devloper

Dave Devloper

the conclusion of internet

Technology touches every aspect of our lives, from the way we communicate to the way we think and learn. The invention of the internet in the late ’60s has been instrumental in engineering the 24/7 information age. Due to the advances, learning has become more interactive, collaborative, and convenient. In the same breath, the introduction of innovative apps on the phones has increased access to information and awareness of issues such as health and finances. In the area of communication, the internet has given rise to email, social networking, and video conferencing. On the downside, the platform has received a lot of bad press lately due to privacy scandals, security breaches, cyber-bullying, cyber theft, child pornography, internet addiction, and the proliferation of fake news. Here’s an in-depth look at the positive and negative effects of the internet on our daily lives:

Boost connectivity

The internet is a global networking platform and the guiding light of today’s technology. Over 7 billion wireless device users use internet technology to perform various tasks. Due to its massive growth, gadgets like laptops, tablets, and smartphones have become commonplace. The US mobile internet patterns show people spend more time on their devices sending instant messaging, visiting social media sites, web browsing, and listening to music. Using instant messaging services and video calls, one can easily connect with family, friends, and acquaintances living thousands of miles away.

Enhanced communication

The emergence of the internet as a communication tool has had a multifarious effect. Most people use the platform for socializing, accessing information, and for career and commerce. Popular information includes political stories, health tips, and government services. Also, people across the world use social media Apps such as Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp to communicate with family and friends. The Apps are very engaging and easy to use. It takes only a few minutes to write and share a meaningful text. On top of these benefits, both small and large businesses can publish their information. With expanded internet access, you can easily find a pizza place, an automated car wash when on a road trip, a NOMOS authorized dealer near you when planning to buy a watch, and evidently everything else.

Promote education

The internet has made education more fun and convenient. Students can now access tons of study materials and video tutorials without breaking a sweat. With platforms like Google, you can ask any question and receive instant feedback. People interested in pursuing various careers and e-commerce are also turning to the internet to apply for jobs, attend online classes, and make payments remotely.

Social life problems

Studies show the internet has had a net positive impact on education but has been negative when it comes to morality and politics. Also, people who spend excessive amounts of time on social media platforms tend to be lonely and socially isolated. Excessive internet engagement can also impact self-esteem. A report published in 2017 indicates up to 60% of social media users reported suffering from negative self-esteem issues, while 80% said it was easier to be deceived by others using the information they share online.


The popularity of the internet has also attracted the attention of bad elements in society. Crimes that take place over and around the internet are described as cybercrimes. These crimes are often manifested through identity theft, phishing, fraud, and hacking. With these revelations, the dark web has become a popular platform to trade stolen data and materials. Other vices perpetrated over the internet include cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking, internet predation, child pornography, and spreading hate. Individual and corporate users also stand a risk of being attacked by computer viruses and ransomware. All these factors can lead to loss of money, valuable information, and damage to hardware infrastructure.

Developmental effects

The child’s normal growth and development can be impacted negatively by excessive internet use. And, this is mostly attributed to easy access to illegal or age-inappropriate materials. Studies show excessive internet use among children can negatively impact their attention span, critical reasoning, and language acquisition skills. Children addicted to mobile-supported games like video games may also be pushed to lead sedentary lifestyles and forgo healthy exercises and other outdoor activities. If left unchecked, extended screen time can also cause several health problems, including stress, chronic insomnia and feelings of anxiety in adults.

The emergence of the internet has made it possible for people to access tons of digitized information at their convenience. This has enhanced communication, improved business transactions, and expanded access to information. In the education space, students can work interactively and unrestricted without worrying about time and the usual physical constraints. Another critical development is the emergence of cultural globalization, which is quickly taking root as the conventional meaning of space, time, and distance becomes ever distorted. At the other end of the spectrum, the internet has made it easier for children to access unsuitable materials. Other cons include internet addiction and the proliferation of cyber-crimes.

The Impact of the Internet on Our Lives

People using smartphones

Stepping into the digital age, our lives have become intertwined with the internet, an innovation that has revolutionized how we work, learn, communicate, and entertain ourselves. This powerful network of networks, since its emergence, has consistently evolved, profoundly altering various aspects of our day-to-day existence.

This blog aims to delve into the depths of this subject, exploring the diverse ways in which the internet has influenced our lives.

  • Social Impact

The internet has had profound social implications, changing the way we communicate, connect, and build relationships.

Effect on Communication

The internet has been instrumental in changing the way we communicate. Prior to its inception, communication was relatively slow and often delayed, with letter writing and telephone calls being the primary modes of communication.

Instant Messaging and Emails: With the advent of the internet, instant messaging and emails have become the new norm. Services like WhatsApp, Messenger, and various email platforms allow us to communicate instantly with individuals across the globe, breaking down geographical barriers.

Social Networking Sites: Websites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have changed the face of social interaction, allowing us to connect with a broad network of friends, family, and colleagues. These platforms have made it possible to share thoughts, ideas, and experiences in real-time, fostering a global sense of community.

Impact on Relationships

Our interpersonal relationships have been equally affected by the internet. The way we form, maintain, and even end relationships has been influenced by online platforms.

Online Dating: The rise of online dating sites and apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Match.com has significantly altered the landscape of romantic relationships. These platforms provide an opportunity to meet people outside one’s immediate social circles, providing more options for potential partners.

Maintaining Long-Distance Relationships: The internet has also made it easier to sustain long-distance relationships. With video calls, instant messaging, and social media , couples can stay connected and communicate more easily, regardless of the physical distance between them.

Rise of Social Issues

While the internet has numerous positive impacts, it has also led to new social challenges that we need to address.

Cyberbullying: The internet, particularly social media, has given rise to cyberbullying. This form of bullying occurs online and can have severe consequences for the mental health of the victims.

Privacy Concerns: With the proliferation of digital data, concerns about privacy and data security have become increasingly prevalent. Ensuring the protection of personal information in the online world remains a significant challenge in the internet era.

  • Economic Impact

The economic impact of the internet is vast, transforming commerce, finance, and the workplace.

The Advent of E-Commerce

The internet has been a game-changer in the world of commerce, leading to the rise of online shopping, or e-commerce. Brick-and-mortar stores are no longer the only option for consumers.

Online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Alibaba have transformed the retail landscape, allowing consumers to shop from the comfort of their homes, at any time.

Online Banking and Digital Currencies

The finance sector has also seen significant changes due to the internet.

Online Banking: Internet banking services have made financial transactions seamless and convenient. We can now make purchases, transfer funds, pay bills, and check account balances with just a few clicks.

Digital Currencies: The rise of cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, is another internet-induced phenomenon. These digital currencies provide a new form of value exchange over the internet, challenging traditional financial systems.

Remote Work and Freelancing

The internet has reshaped the workplace and employment in several ways.

Remote Work: With high-speed internet and collaborative tools, many companies now allow employees to work remotely. This flexibility has changed the traditional 9-to-5 office setup and broadened job opportunities for many.

Freelancing: Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr have made it easier for professionals to offer their services on a freelance basis. These platforms connect freelancers with clients globally, providing opportunities for independent work.

Internet’s Influence on Traditional Businesses

Even traditional businesses have been influenced by the internet.

Digital Marketing: Businesses now use the internet for marketing and advertising, leveraging social media, email, and SEO to reach their target audience.

Online Services: Many traditional service providers, such as hotels, taxis, and restaurants, have gone online. Platforms like Uber, Airbnb, and Grubhub have capitalized on this trend, disrupting established industries.

  • Educational Impact

Laptop near white open book

Education has been deeply influenced by the advent of the internet, transforming the learning landscape in unprecedented ways.

Online Learning Platforms and Courses

The internet has fundamentally altered the landscape of education, making learning more accessible and flexible than ever before.

Online Learning Platforms: Websites such as Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy offer a plethora of online courses in various fields, allowing individuals to learn at their own pace and from the comfort of their homes.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): Universities and educational institutions around the world now offer MOOCs, providing free or low-cost access to high-quality education to anyone with an internet connection.

Access to Information and Knowledge

The internet serves as a vast library, providing unparalleled access to a wealth of information.

Search Engines: Platforms like Google have made it possible to find information on virtually any topic in seconds, significantly enhancing research and learning capabilities.

Digital Libraries and Databases: Online libraries and databases offer access to millions of books, academic articles, and other resources, facilitating in-depth research and learning.

Impact on Academic Research

The internet has significantly affected academic research, enabling collaboration and information sharing on a global scale.

Collaborative Research: The internet allows researchers from different parts of the world to collaborate, share data, and conduct joint research projects.

Open Access Journals: These online publications provide free, immediate access to research findings, accelerating the dissemination of knowledge and scientific advancements.

  • Health and Lifestyle Impact

The role of the internet extends to the spheres of health and lifestyle as well, revolutionizing healthcare and our daily habits.

Telemedicine and Online Health Resources

The advent of the internet has significantly influenced the healthcare sector, revolutionizing the way we access and manage health services.

Telemedicine: Internet-enabled telemedicine services allow patients to consult with healthcare professionals from the comfort of their homes. This is especially beneficial for those living in remote areas or with limited mobility.

Online Health Resources: Websites like WebMD, Mayo Clinic, and numerous health blogs offer a wealth of information on various health topics, enabling individuals to educate themselves about different medical conditions and treatment options.

Online Fitness and Wellness Platforms

The internet has also made it easier for individuals to take charge of their personal fitness and wellness.

Fitness Apps and Platforms: Services like MyFitnessPal, Strava, and Peloton provide workout routines, fitness tracking, and community support, helping users stay motivated and achieve their fitness goals.

Mindfulness and Mental Health Apps: Platforms such as Headspace and Calm promote mental well-being by providing mindfulness exercises, meditation guides, and sleep aids.

Effect on Mental Health – Positives and Negatives

While the internet offers numerous health benefits, it also poses certain mental health challenges.

Online Support Groups: The internet provides platforms for individuals dealing with mental health issues to connect with others experiencing similar challenges, offering much-needed support and understanding.

Cyber-Related Mental Health Issues: However, the constant connectivity can also lead to issues such as internet addiction, cyberbullying, and social media-induced anxiety and depression.

The Influence on Our Everyday Habits and Lifestyle

The internet has drastically changed our daily habits and lifestyle.

Digital Entertainment: Streaming platforms like Netflix and Spotify have transformed the way we consume entertainment, providing on-demand access to a vast array of movies, TV shows, and music.

Smart Home Technology: Internet-enabled smart home devices have automated many routine tasks, such as controlling lighting, temperature, and home security systems, simplifying our lives.

  • Political Impact

Politics and civic engagement have been significantly influenced by the internet. This section explores how digital platforms have reshaped political discourse, campaigns, and activism, creating new opportunities and challenges in the political sphere.

Internet as a Platform for Political Discourse

The internet has become a critical platform for political discourse and civic engagement, profoundly reshaping the political landscape.

Social Media and Political Discourse: Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook have become vital tools for political communication, allowing politicians to connect directly with citizens, express their viewpoints, and respond to current issues.

Digital Political Campaigns: Political campaigns have evolved to incorporate digital strategies, utilizing social media, emails, and websites to mobilize supporters, raise funds, and spread campaign messages.

The Role of Social Media in Elections and Politics

Social media’s influence on elections and politics cannot be overstated.

Voter Engagement: Social media platforms play a pivotal role in engaging voters, especially younger demographics. They serve as platforms for political debates, fact-checking, and spreading information about voting processes.

Influence on Election Outcomes: However, social media can also be used to spread misinformation or propaganda, which can influence public opinion and potentially impact election outcomes.

Online Activism and Protest Movements

The internet has also facilitated the rise of online activism and global protest movements.

Online Activism: Online activism, or “clicktivism,” allows individuals to support causes and engage with social issues digitally. Petition platforms like Change.org, hashtag activism on social media, and fundraising for causes online are all part of this trend.

Global Protest Movements: The internet has played a key role in organizing and amplifying protest movements worldwide, such as the Arab Spring, Black Lives Matter, and climate change protests. These movements rely on social media and other digital tools to mobilize supporters, coordinate actions, and spread their messages globally.

  • The Future of the Internet

Black smartphone showing social media apps

As we look ahead, it’s clear that the internet will continue to evolve, further shaping our world in ways we can’t fully predict.

Internet of Things (IoT): The growth of IoT devices, from smart home appliances to connected cars, will continue to enhance our daily lives. These devices, communicating and interacting with each other over the internet, will automate routine tasks and provide improved services.

Increased Connectivity: With initiatives like Elon Musk’s Starlink, the future will see increased efforts to provide global internet coverage, bridging the digital divide and connecting remote areas to the world wide web.

The Emergence of New Technologies

Emerging technologies will shape the future of the internet, opening new possibilities and challenges.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): AI and ML are set to revolutionize various sectors, from healthcare to finance. They will enable more personalized services, predictive capabilities, and automation.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies: Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies will likely continue to impact digital transactions, data security, and online identity verification.

Addressing Future Challenges

While the future of the internet holds immense potential, it will also bring new challenges that we need to prepare for.

Cybersecurity: As our dependence on the internet grows, so does the need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect personal and professional data.

Regulating AI and New Technologies: The ethical and regulatory aspects of AI, machine learning, and other emerging technologies will be a major focus, requiring careful consideration and legal frameworks.

The Internet and Society: Shaping Our Future Together

The future of the internet isn’t just about technology—it’s also about the people who use it.

Digital Literacy: As the internet becomes increasingly integral to our lives, promoting digital literacy will be crucial to help individuals navigate the online world safely and effectively.

Creating an Inclusive Digital Society: Ensuring equal access to the internet and digital services for all segments of society will be vital to prevent a digital divide and create a more inclusive future.

As we have journeyed through the various facets of the internet’s impact on our lives, it’s clear that this powerful technology has brought about significant changes in virtually every sphere of human endeavor, from social interactions and economic activities, to education, health, politics, and beyond.

The internet has not only transformed the way we communicate and consume information, but also how we work, learn, shop, and participate in societal and political processes. It has fostered global connectivity, broken down geographical barriers, and democratized access to information and opportunities.

While the internet has indisputably been a force for good, enabling unprecedented levels of progress and convenience, it has also introduced new challenges. Issues such as cyberbullying, privacy concerns, misinformation, and digital divide have emerged as critical areas that require our collective attention and action.

Looking ahead, the internet is set to continue evolving and shaping our world in ways we can only imagine. From the expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the adoption of emerging technologies like AI and Blockchain, to the quest for universal internet access and the need for digital literacy and regulation, the future of the internet holds vast potential and challenges.

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Has the Internet Positively or Negatively Impacted Human Society? Argumentative Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Impact of internet on society, a case for the internet, works cited.

The internet is arguably the most influential invention made in the last half a century. This creation has had immense impact on the world with person’s personal and professional lives being influenced by this innovation. The internet has invaded most aspects of human life with its use spanning from industries as diverse as health care provision to mining and manufacturing.

This wide application of the internet has made it hard for people to envision a world without the internet. For most people, it would be impossible to operate efficiently if the internet was not there to provide quick and effective communication. However, the internet has contributed to some negative outcomes in society due to its attributes of efficiency and ease of information provision. This paper will argue that the world would be a better place if the internet had not been invented.

The information available on the internet has contributed to the rise in violence in our society. The internet contains a wide array of information on all topics. Some of the information contained pertains to violence and how a person can engage in acts of violence. There are websites that offer in-depth information on how to create a homemade bomb or even how to convert a handgun into a semi-automatic weapon.

This information has been used by various individuals to carry out acts of violence against members of the society (Schmitt 1). In the recent Boston bomb attack, the perpetrators used the internet to gain information on how to turn pressure cookers into deadly bombs that were used to carry out the terror attacks. The Norwegian terrorist, Anders Breivik who killed 77 people and injured at least 110 more is reported to have used the internet in his preparation for the brutal attacks.

Proponents of the internet argue that individuals with violent tendencies will find a way to carry out attacks even without the help of the internet. They argue that a person who wants to commit a crime can get the information they need from books or use traditional weapons such as guns and knives. While this is true, the internet has made it easier for the violent people to access dangerous information with little effort. This has increased the danger that such individuals pose to our society.

The internet has contributed to making the world an unsafe place by making it easy for international terrorists to operate. The prevalence of global acts of terror in the last decade has made international terrorism the greatest danger to world security.

Terror attacks in major cities such as New York, London, and Madrid have caused world leaders to recognize the devastating effect of international terrorism. The internet has assisted in the growth and development of international terrorist organizations. Schmitt reveals that the internet plays a role in the recruitment and radicalization of terrorists in countries all over the world (1).

For example, radical clerics have been known to post radical sermons online and gain many followers all over the world. The radical messages have contributed to the prevalence of “home grown” terrorists who communicate hateful messages through the internet. In the Boston bombing incident, the two brothers are reported to have been influenced and radicalized by the Islamic Cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki whose sermons provided the motivation for their deadly attacks (Schmitt 1).

The al-Qaeda terror network is known to use the internet extensively to spread its hateful messages and inspire acts of terrorism against Western targets. Without the internet, terrorists would not have such an efficient medium through which to spread their messages. It is therefore conceivable that the world would be safer without the internet to facilitate the spread of international terrorism.

The internet has given governments the tools with which to engage in pervasive surveillance of their citizens. While we live in an open community where freedom is guaranteed, the government may want to keep track of its citizens. In the past, attempts by the governments to engage in surveillance have been met with resistance.

However, the internet has provided an efficient and cheap means for the governments to track people and keep records of their communication often without their consent. By gathering information from sources such as Internet Service Providers, search engines, and Social Networking Sites, the government can build profiles of individuals and invade privacy. A report by the CNN ominously warns that thanks to the internet, “our surveillance state is efficient beyond the wildest dreams of George Orwell” (Schneier 1).

The internet has made it possible for a person’s private information to be accessed and stored by third parties. The US government has engaged in spying activities on its own citizens without their consent or knowledge. The internet has therefore contributed to the dramatic infringement of personal privacy by the government and made our society less free.

The internet has played a part in the prevalence of moral decay by providing individuals with decadent material. The internet is the largest repository of information in the world. Among this information is material of a questionable moral caliber such as pornography. A report by the BBC states that four in every ten individuals who use the internet are subjected to pornographic material (1).

This report is corroborated by the fact that the pornography industry has grown into a multi-million dollar industry with many pornography websites appearing online. Pornography is damaging to the society since it leads to a pervasion of sexual acts and promotes acts of violence such as rape.

Reports indicate that many convicted rapists and child molesters cite pornography as a trigger to their damaging actions (BBC 1). Proponents of the internet argue that there was still decadent material in the society before the invention of the internet. They claim that photographic material could be obtained through magazines and even bootleg tapes. These claims are true since offensive material has been in the society since the invention of the printing press.

However, the spread of this material before the internet was restricted and it occurred in a regulated fashion. A report by the BBC reveals that since the arrival of the internet, “pornography is far more readily available and less regulated” (1). Without the internet, it would be harder for people to access pornographic material. The society would therefore be protected from the negative effects of this decadent material.

Advocates of the internet assert that is has contributed to the growth and development of society. Industries and Businesses have benefited from improved efficiency and effectiveness due to the internet. Increased productivity in organizations has resulted in economic growth, which is a desirable outcome for the society.

The internet has also enhanced scientific research and innovation by making it easy for various professionals to work collaboratively through the internet. It has increased the research abilities of various professionals therefore contributing to the development of our society. Knut asserts that the internet has served as an enabler for all forms of innovation in the society (1). This positive attributes of the internet are all true and the prevalence of the internet has greatly affected societies and the economy.

However, it should be noted that innovation and research would still have occurred even without the presence of the internet. Economic growth and prosperity was in action for decades before the advent of the internet. What the internet has done is increase the rate at which economic growth and technological advancement has taken place in society. It would therefore be wrong to assume that there would be no development if the internet was not invented.

While the internet has been hailed as the “most important technology” developed, it has led to much harm to society. This paper has argued that the world would be a better place if the internet had not been invented. To buttress this assertion, the paper has highlighted how the internet has contributed to the rising insecurity and violence in the world. The internet has made it easy for international terrorism organizations to expand their influence.

It has noted that governments can infringe upon the freedom of their citizens more efficiently because of the internet. The paper has also highlighted the contribution that the internet has played to moral decay. However, the paper has also acknowledged the positive contributions that the internet has played in society. Even so, the positive contributions are outweighed by the negative influences that the internet has had. It can therefore be declared that the society would be better off if the internet had never been invented.

BBC. The internet and Pornography . 2011. Web.

Knut, Blind. The Internet as Enabler for New Forms of Innovation: New Challenges for Research. 2011. Web.

Schmitt, Eric. Boston Plotters Said to Initially Target July 4 for Attack . 2013. Web.

Schneier, Bruce. The internet is a surveillance State . 2013. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, December 19). Has the Internet Positively or Negatively Impacted Human Society? Argumentative Essay. https://ivypanda.com/essays/has-the-internet-had-an-overall-positive-or-negative-effect-on-the-society/

"Has the Internet Positively or Negatively Impacted Human Society? Argumentative Essay." IvyPanda , 19 Dec. 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/has-the-internet-had-an-overall-positive-or-negative-effect-on-the-society/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Has the Internet Positively or Negatively Impacted Human Society? Argumentative Essay'. 19 December.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Has the Internet Positively or Negatively Impacted Human Society? Argumentative Essay." December 19, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/has-the-internet-had-an-overall-positive-or-negative-effect-on-the-society/.

1. IvyPanda . "Has the Internet Positively or Negatively Impacted Human Society? Argumentative Essay." December 19, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/has-the-internet-had-an-overall-positive-or-negative-effect-on-the-society/.


IvyPanda . "Has the Internet Positively or Negatively Impacted Human Society? Argumentative Essay." December 19, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/has-the-internet-had-an-overall-positive-or-negative-effect-on-the-society/.

Who won the Biden-Trump debate? Biden's freeze draws age concerns

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WASHINGTON – Presidential debates are always about expectations. And Thursday’s verbal sparring match between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump was no exception.  

The stakes were highest for Biden who, at age 81, was already battling perceptions he is too elderly for a second term. Meanwhile, Trump, 78, was facing concerns from moderate and swing voters about his at times bombastic style.  

The biggest moment of the night came early, when Biden froze for several seconds while answering a question about the economy. 

That – and all of the many other gaffes of the evening − will be replayed on cable news shows and shared thousands of times on social media for weeks to come. But how will it influence the 2024 election?  

Here’s a breakdown of who came out on top and who fell short in the immediate aftermath.  

Trump showed more energy than Biden  

Experts USA TODAY spoke with said they saw sharp differences in the stamina of the two candidates on stage Thursday night, and they said Biden’s low-energy demeanor could hurt him for months to come.  

In one of the most defining moments of the debate, Biden took a prolonged pause and froze while answering a question about the economy. After stuttering, the president continued, but began talking about COVID-19 and Medicare. 

Even some of Biden's Democratic supporters felt his freeze on stage and his somewhat wooden performance tipped the scales in Trump's favor.

Trump sought to highlight Biden’s slower responses, at one point saying, “I really don't know what he said at the end of this, and I don't think he knows what he said, either."

Thomas Whalen, a presidential historian and professor at Boston University, said Biden was “looking his age,” while Trump was “more controlled and sticking to his talking points.” 

Aaron Kall, director of Debate for the University of Michigan Debate Program, suggested Biden’s pauses “could spur endless news cycles about (his) age and fitness to serve another term in office.” 

New debate format aimed to decrease chaos

If seeing Trump and Biden on stage together again didn’t provide enough deja vu, their matchup also marked the first time since 1960 that a presidential debate was held without a live audience . The last time was when John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon clashed.

The format was designed to eliminate immediate reactions to candidates’ remarks. Aaron Kall, director of debate for the University of Michigan, suggested it forced genuine responses rather than scripted statements from the candidates. 

Rather than rely on audience energy, Trump and Biden had to “trust their guts and instincts and previous debate experiences,” Kall said. 

The  use of muted microphones in the debate also nearly eliminated the type of candidate crosstalk that has plagued past debates, including most recently during the GOP primary. 

Georgia voters are central focus  

Trump and Biden weren’t the only ones in the spotlight Thursday night. All-important Georgia voters were, too. 

The location of the debate at CNN’s studios in Atlanta underscored Georgia’s role as crucial swing state in the election and served as a reminder that the candidate's messages − and bickering − will echo far beyond the stage. 

Biden won Georgia by just under 12,000 votes in 2020. But recent polling this year has shown Trump with a slight edge over his competitor in the key battleground territory. 

And the side-by-side comparison of the two candidates Thursday could very well sway the minds of undecided voters in the state. It was one of few opportunities the public will have to hear from the two men directly and judge for themselves who is the better pick for the country. 

Not to mention that the location gave both candidates an opportunity to campaign around the Atlanta suburbs. Trump called in to a local barbershop on Wednesday to talk with a group his campaign called the Black American Business Leaders Barbershop Roundtable. And Biden’s campaign said the president planned to attend watch parties across the city after the debate to talk with voters.  

Also of significance: The debate occurred only a few miles from the jail where Trump was booked last year on charges related to claims that he conspired to overturn the 2020 election.  

A major money boost for Democrats and Republicans  

Both major parties are expected to raise big dollars off Thursday’s affair. Similarly well-watched events have brought in the green for the two candidates.  

Biden’s campaign said he raised $10 million in the 24 hours after the State of the Union address. After Trump’s felony conviction in his New York hush money trial, his campaign said it raised $34.8 million in small-dollar donations.  

And both groups we’re leaning into their fundraising.  

Hours before the debate began, Biden’s team sent out a message telling supporters that he was “counting on” them to donate at least $30.  

“Tens of thousands of new supporters stepped up following my debates against Trump in 2020. And tonight, can’t be any different,” the message said.  

The Democratic Party of Georgia also hosted a watch party charging $24 per advance ticket. Former Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler was similarly hosting a high-dollar event for Trump the night of the debate.  

Biden’s campaign said it had its best grassroots fundraising hours of the entire campaign leading up to the debate. 

False claims abound

Ashley Koning, director of the Rutgers Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling, argued that “facts and truth” were the biggest losers of the night.  

Both Trump and Biden made false comments throughout the debate that largely went unchecked by the moderators.  

Trump repeated claims that the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol was former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s fault. Trump claimed he offered Pelosi “10,000 soldiers” to stop the attack. Pelosi’s office has said, however, that she never received such an officer and that she wouldn’t have had the power to refuse either way.  

The former real estate mogul also claimed the U.S. southern border is the most dangerous place in the world. There is no evidence to suggest this.  

Biden also made incorrect claims. At one point, he claimed he was “the only president this century ... that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world.”  

In 2021, during Biden’s presidency, 13 U.S. service members were killed in a suicide bombing attack in Afghanistan as thousands tried to flee the Taliban’s takeover of the country. 

RFK and third-party candidates absent from the conversation  

Noticeably absent from the CNN stage? Robert F. Kennedy Jr .  

Kennedy didn’t meet the qualifications for the debate, which required candidates to appear on a “sufficient number of state ballots to reach the 270 electoral vote thresholds to win the presidency” and receive at least 15% in four qualifying national polls, according to CNN.  

In a three-way matchup with Biden and Trump, Kennedy receives 10.7% of the vote, according to a Real Clear Politics average of polling .  

Kennedy counterprogrammed the prime-time debate by answering the same questions as Biden and Trump live on a social media stream and on his website. But he remained largely out of sight for most voters on a night that centered on the two major party candidates. 

Internet Archive Blogs

A blog from the team at archive.org, listen: the end of libraries as we know them.

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The publishers’ lawsuit against our library is featured in the latest episode of “ Why Is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast. ”

Listen in as Brewster Kahle , Internet Archive’s digital librarian, talks with Chris Hayes about the future of libraries, and what the publishers’ lawsuit means for libraries & their patrons in the digital age. Chris & Brewster are joined by librarian and lawyer, Kyle K. Courtney .

Streaming now on Apple Podcasts , Spotify , & TuneIn .

3 thoughts on “ LISTEN: The End of Libraries as We Know Them? ”

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Why?! why?! WHY?! This is wrong, this is just wrong. I won’t stand for it. This world was built on libraries, whether people want to admit it or not. I’m not just going to stand here and do nothing, no I know exactly what i need to do. Don’t worry guys, i got your back.

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'KHive' and 'coconut-pilled': Kamala Harris sees a sudden social media renaissance

It happened in what seemed like just a handful of hours. 

A sudden swell of social media chatter around Vice President Kamala Harris has added to the ongoing discourse around whether President Joe Biden will end his campaign following last week’s debate. It happened, as a lot of political conversation still does, on X.

“My entire feed is now Kamala pilled,” Jay Caspian Kang, a New Yorker staff writer, posted on the platform Tuesday night . 

On Wednesday morning, X listed “Kamala” among its trending topics in politics with roughly 188,000 posts, many offering some mix of genuine support and ironic bemusement. Some of Harris’ more memorable lines quickly became running jokes . At some points on Tuesday, “KHive,” the name for her vocal online supporters, made it into the top 20 topics on X, according to trends24.in, a website that monitors the platform. 

Biden’s grip on the nomination, which appeared to have been secure heading into the debate, has in recent days begun to look tenuous. Post-debate concern that could have ebbed over the following weekend has instead intensified — possibly boosted by historic wins for conservatives at the Supreme Court — with one sitting Democratic congressman calling for him to withdraw and even former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., saying on MSNBC that it was legitimate for people to ask whether Thursday night’s debate performance was part of a “condition.”

The social media energy around Harris appears to be predicated on the idea that she would take Biden’s place rather than have to compete with other candidates in an open convention. If Biden drops out, she would be first in line for the millions of dollars in Biden’s campaign war chest , and a recent poll showed her outperforming Biden in a head-to-head matchup with the presumptive Republican nominee, former President Donald Trump.

And it’s not just some Twitterati who see Harris as having a chance to take the nomination. Betting markets, where people can wager real money on political outcomes, have shifted sharply in Harris’ direction in the last couple days. On PredictIt, one of the internet’s most popular betting markets, Harris overtook Biden as the person most likely to receive the Democratic presidential nomination — a shift that as recently as June 26 gave her almost no chance at all.

On Wednesday morning, Biden’s betting odds further collapsed and Harris’ surged after The New York Times reported that the president had told an ally he was weighing whether to continue in the race. That reporting, based on a single anonymous source, has not been confirmed by NBC News, and the White House had denied it.

By late Wednesday morning, Drudge Report was leading its homepage with a picture of Harris, declaring: “IT’S HER PARTY NOW.”

It wasn’t that long ago that Harris and her KHive were almost entirely absent from social media discussion. As The Daily Beast noted in 2022 , Harris’ declining popularity had just about gutted what remained of her online supporters who were once seen as a particularly pugnacious group who often squared off against supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders, aka “Bernie Bros.”

But shared concern over Biden has appeared to help mend divisions among both groups, with some even poking at the uneasy alliance that now appeared to be necessary to defeat Trump. On X and Instagram, various versions of a “Kamala Harris Apology Form” circulated, jokingly offering reasons that people did not support her in the past.

Others have posted that they have been “coconut-pilled,” riffing off remarks the vice president made at an event in the White House in May 2023. In her speech, Harris said , “You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.” This excerpt became a meme because of its strange phrasing and the vice president’s sudden shift in tone. 

By Tuesday, it was getting seized on as something of a semi-ironic rallying cry .

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Jason Abbruzzese is the assistant managing editor of tech and science for NBC News Digital.

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Daysia Tolentino is a culture and trends reporter for NBC News.

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Despicable Me 4

Steve Carell and Pierre Coffin in Despicable Me 4 (2024)

Gru, Lucy, Margo, Edith, and Agnes welcome a new member to the family, Gru Jr., who is intent on tormenting his dad. Gru faces a new nemesis in Maxime Le Mal and his girlfriend Valentina, an... Read all Gru, Lucy, Margo, Edith, and Agnes welcome a new member to the family, Gru Jr., who is intent on tormenting his dad. Gru faces a new nemesis in Maxime Le Mal and his girlfriend Valentina, and the family is forced to go on the run. Gru, Lucy, Margo, Edith, and Agnes welcome a new member to the family, Gru Jr., who is intent on tormenting his dad. Gru faces a new nemesis in Maxime Le Mal and his girlfriend Valentina, and the family is forced to go on the run.

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  • Trivia Much like in Despicable Me 3 (2017) , Agnes is recast once again due to age requirements.
  • Goofs In the 3rd movie, Silas Ramsbottom retired from the AVL, and was replaced by Valerie Da Vinci. But in this movie, he came out of retirement to stop Maxime Le Mal. Because of this, it's unknown what happened to Valerie.
  • Connections Featured in The Project: Episode dated 17 June 2024 (2024)
  • Soundtracks Everybody Wants to Rule the World Written by Roland Orzabal, Ian Stanley, and Chris Hughes Performed by Steve Carell, Joey King, Will Ferrell, Kristen Wiig

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A Timeline of Julian Assange’s Legal Saga

A plea deal brought an abrupt end to an extraordinary legal saga that has raised novel issues of national security, press freedoms, politics and diplomacy.

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Julian Assange, in a black sport coat over a white shirt, stands at a microphone.

By Charlie Savage

Charlie Savage writes about national security and legal policy. He has helped cover issues related to WikiLeaks since 2010.

Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder who has long fought extradition from Britain to the United States, agreed on Monday to plead guilty to one count of violating the Espionage Act in exchange for a five-year prison sentence.

Under the agreement he will be freed, having already served that time while in British custody. The deal brought an abrupt end to an extraordinary legal saga that has raised novel issues of national security, press freedoms, politics and diplomacy.

Here is a timeline of significant events:

WikiLeaks takes root.

Julian Assange, an Australian computer specialist, founds WikiLeaks with a mission of using the internet to help whistle-blowers bring hidden information to light. Operated by a transnational collective using servers in countries including Iceland and Sweden, it solicits classified, censored or otherwise restricted material for publication online.

An Army intelligence analyst becomes a key contributor.

A U.S. Army intelligence analyst now known as Chelsea Manning downloads large batches of documents from a classified computer network and begins uploading them to WikiLeaks.

They include a video of a U.S. helicopter strike in Baghdad in which a Reuters photographer was killed, incident logs from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars , more than 250,000 diplomatic cables from American embassies around the world and hundreds of dossiers compiling intelligence allegations against Guantánamo detainees .

WikiLeaks begins publishing the material.

The organization works with mainstream news outlets , including The New York Times. It initially appears that WikiLeaks may have numerous sources inside the U.S. government, and Mr. Assange is propelled to global notoriety . Eventually Ms. Manning is arrested and identified as the source of the wave of secret American documents.

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  • > The Quantum Internet
  • > Conclusion: The Vision of the Quantum Internet

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Book contents

  • Frontmatter
  • Acknowledgements
  • 1 Introduction
  • Part I Classical Networks
  • 2 Mathematical Representation of Networks
  • 3 Network Topologies
  • 4 Network Algorithms
  • Part II Quantum Networks
  • 5 Quantum Channels
  • 6 Optical Encoding of Quantum Information
  • 7 Errors in Quantum Networks
  • 8 Quantum Cost Vector Analysis
  • 9 Routing Strategies
  • 10 Interconnecting and Interfacing Quantum Networks
  • Part III Protocols for the Quantum Internet
  • 11 Optical Routers
  • 12 Optical Stability in Quantum Networks
  • 13 State Preparation
  • 14 Measurement
  • 15 Evolution
  • 16 High-Level Protocols
  • Part IV Entanglement Distribution
  • 17 Entanglement: The Ultimate Quantum Resource
  • 18 Quantum Repeater Networks
  • 19 The Irrelevance of Latency
  • 20 The Quantum Sneakernet
  • Part V Quantum Cryptography
  • 21 What is Security?
  • 22 Classical Cryptography
  • 23 Attacks on Classical Cryptography
  • 24 Bitcoin and the Blockchain
  • 25 Quantum Cryptography
  • 26 Attacks on Quantum Cryptography
  • Part VI Quantum Computing
  • 27 Models for Quantum Computation
  • 28 Quantum Algorithms
  • Part VII Cloud Quantum Computing
  • 29 The Quantum Cloud
  • 30 Encrypted Cloud Quantum Computation
  • Part VIII Economics and Politics
  • 31 Classical-Equivalent Computational Power and Computational Scaling Functions
  • 32 Per Qubit Computational Power
  • 33 Time Sharing
  • 34 Economic Model Assumptions
  • 35 Network Power
  • 36 Network Value
  • 37 Rate of Return
  • 38 Market Competitiveness
  • 39 Cost of Computation
  • 40 Arbitrage-Free Time-Sharing Model
  • 41 Problem Size Scaling Functions
  • 42 Quantum Computational Leverage
  • 43 Static Computational Return
  • 44 Forward Contract Pricing Model
  • 45 Political Leverage
  • 46 Economic Properties of the Qubit Marketplace
  • 47 Economic Implications
  • 48 Game Theory of the Qubit Marketplace
  • Part IX Essays
  • 49 The Era of Quantum Supremacy
  • 50 The Global Virtual Quantum Computer
  • 51 The Economics of the Quantum Internet
  • 52 Security Implications of the Global Quantum Internet
  • 53 Geostrategic Quantum Politics
  • 54 The Quantum Ecosystem
  • Part X The End
  • 55 Conclusion: The Vision of the Quantum Internet

55 - Conclusion: The Vision of the Quantum Internet

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  09 September 2021

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  • Conclusion: The Vision of the Quantum Internet
  • Peter P. Rohde , University of Technology, Sydney
  • Book: The Quantum Internet
  • Online publication: 09 September 2021
  • Chapter DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108868815.067

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First 2024 presidential debate in Atlanta

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump at the presidential debate in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S., June 27, 2024. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

Biden's stumbles leave Democrats fearing for election - US Presidential debate as it happened

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the conclusion of internet

Thomson Reuters

Live Page editor. A text and video journalist based in London, Stephen is a former Reuters bureau chief in Jerusalem. He was previously a foreign correspondent for The New York Times and The Times of London. He reported from the Balkans, Iraq, India, Afghanistan, New York and the UK. He is co-author of the book 'Hamas: The Islamic Resistance Movement’.

the conclusion of internet

Mark Porter is a desk editor at Reuters, where he files a plethora of stories on numerous topics, from general news to business and political news. In his more than 20 years at Reuters, Porter has been on the initial teams for the Reuters Insider television project and the breaking news team, he started the entertainment blog and was the Reuters embedded editor at Yahoo. He has worked for almost 40 years as a journalist, with stints at the New York Times, TheStreet.com, Dow Jones and Knight-Ridder/Bridge News.

the conclusion of internet

Rupam Jain reports on India's politics and policy. She has reported from Afghanistan, Iran, the MENA countries, Nepal and Bangladesh. Before joining Reuters, she worked at Agence France Presse (AFP) and The Indian Express. Rupam studied at the Columbia University and the Calcutta University.

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Collection of recommendatory guides

What is the conclusion of using internet?

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is the conclusion of using internet?
  • 2 What is Internet Advantage disadvantage?
  • 3 What is the disadvantage of essay?
  • 4 Is the impact of the Internet on students positive?

Especially for people with social anxiety and other similar disorders, online communication can be a powerful tool to both develop communication skills, and become more comfortable with social interactions. Because of this we must say that the overall impact of the internet on our social lives has also been positive.

What is a disadvantage of Internet?

1) Hacking is the most common disadvantage of the internet. 2) Personal information in social media is very much vulnerable to hackers. 3) Virus threats on the internet can damage your data and information. 4) Too much addiction to internet leads to time wastage, affecting our productivity and health.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of conclusion essay?

You could make up an example from a report, journal, newspaper or University study. In the fourth paragraph, you write the conclusion giving a summary of your main points and say what you think were the most important pros and cons. You should not enter any new information or ideas in this paragraph.

What is Internet Advantage disadvantage?

1) There is a lot of wrong information on the internet. 2) There are predators that hang out on the internet waiting to get unsuspecting people in dangerous situations. 3) Some people are getting addicted to the internet and thus causing problems with their interactions of friends and loved ones.

What are the negative effects of Internet essay?

Continuous usage of the internet leads to a lazy attitude. We may suffer from illnesses, such as obesity, incorrect posture, defect in eyes, etc. The internet is also giving rise to cybercrimes, such as hacking, scamming, identity theft, computer virus, fraud, pornography, violence, etc.

What are the disadvantages of digital India?

Drawbacks of Digital India The internet speed, which comes daily, including the Wi-Fi hotspots, doesn’t work fast in regards to other developed nations. The restricted capability of entry-level smartphones for flexible internet access in the country.

What is the disadvantage of essay?

Some disadvantages of essay exams include the amount of time they take to grade and their inherent subjectivity. Multiple-choice tests are easier to take (usually involving only simple recognition and recall), permit a certain amount of guessing, and require basic study skills.

What is Internet its advantages and disadvantages?

It is the biggest source of information, communication, and advertising. Computers and the internet are present in most homes but it has its own advantages and disadvantages. The Internet has many applications like BlockChain, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and etc.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet?

Is the impact of the Internet on students positive?

Why do so many people use the Internet?

Why is the Internet good for essay writing?

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Conclusion of Internet Essay Example

Conclusion of Internet Essay Example

  • Pages: 2 (515 words)
  • Published: December 18, 2017
  • Type: Essay

Role of internet in business

The Internet is certainly the place for businesses to expand, reach new markets and provide new services but there must be a balanced approach to the Internet. The Internet must be regarded as a strategic resource important to the whole business. The technical detail of the Internet can be complex. Management responsibility however is more productively focused on managing the implementation process to achieve strategic goals and assure smooth, secure operations.

The IS Manager must first define why the company wants to be connected to the Internet then move to stablish the appropriate connection, choosing the most cost effective option between capacity and speed. For medium businesses it is recommended that high speed modem links to a provider with dedicated telephone line

s would be most appropriate. Issues such as how to advertise and promote the company on the Web must then be tackled, taking into account the human and social issues on the net.

Users of the Web can include both employees and potential customers. By learning what and how the Internet can help the employees in their day to day work, non- business use of the Internet can be reduced, and by offering on-line services and upporting the customer via the Internet, a whole new market can be created for the business. A medium business would consider having a Web site with the Internet provider but perhaps creating and updating the web pages themselves. Finally security against intrusion has to be maintained.

Technology Is a vital tool to IS Managers to cope with this. Also by having the Web site at the provider and linking to the Internet

by regular telephone lines It makes the company's data safe from hackers. In conclusion, with careful planning and proper management, putting a business on the Internet can make It more effective and productive. However understanding and knowing how the rapid changes and various complex Issues that can be encountered In getting the business onto the Net Is Imperative to Its success.

This responsibility lies largely on the IS Manager who must know what options are available to him or her before being able to cope with It. Surfing the Internet can be an Interest for people. But people need to use It properly. If not, It will become Internet addiction. Internet addiction harmfulness Is bigger than "TV addiction". In deed Internet addiction can be called "a mental Illness". playlng online games easonably can make people happy on free time.

Short conclusion of internet

People also can Increase the relationships between friends by rational use of network. Indisputably, network Is a good way to find the Information. Then, buying something online Is very convenient. But doing anything need moderately. Otherwise It will be bad for people. There are some way to treat the online addlcltlon. people can go outside to do some sport. Then people do not have energy to play computer. Also, people spend time to chat with friends at real life. It Is good way to Improve the friends relationship.

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Conclusion Of Digital Marketing: What Are The Important Aspects Of Digital Marketing?

Conclusion of digital marketing: New technologies in digital marketing has moved a great deal. The market approach has also evolved with the rise of new technology. Digital marketing has a number of advancement and improvements in its strategy, so it is important to know the conclusion of digital marketing . Keep reading this article to know more about it. 

Customers and marketers need to learn about the pros and cons of digital marketing to get the best out of it. When you don’t learn the pros and cons of digital marketing, you won’t reap the full benefits.

Importance of Digital Marketing

  • Which Are The Various Digital Marketing Elements?: Conclusion Of Digital Marketing

Basic Aspects Of Digital Marketing 

Social media marketing, email marketing: conclusion of digital marketing, seo (search engine optimization), direct advertising  , the digital marketing costs, consumer-friendly, 24/7  availability: conclusion of digital marketing, easy marketing for the brand, global announcements: conclusion of digital marketing, easy to calculate, immediate output, 5d’s in digital marketing and conclusion of digital marketing, digital media,  digital devices, digital channels, digital technologies, digital performance, final words.

Simply put, digital marketing is the method of sales and promotion of a brand through digital media, particularly with the help of various tools available on the Internet.

Compared to traditional sales and marketing strategies it is more complex, omnipresent and efficient. This produces quicker positive results than traditional techniques, and is a more versatile form of marketing than conventional methods. 

The great thing about digital marketing is that it offers numerous resources for an immediate study of the impact of every digital marketing industry. And if a vendor uses Google AdSense, they have a method to find full statistics of the effects.

Below mentioned is the important aspect of digital marketing. Read the below-mentioned points carefully to know more about the conclusion of digital marketing. 

Social networks rapidly proliferated. It is the most powerful platform on the internet, where an organization can very easily touch countless people. 

All modern companies, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, use social media to advertise their brands. 

It’s the first digital marketing term but it’s still really relevant. This program tells current customers and others about the different goods and services provided by the company. 

Also, the public is encouraged to take part in various fascinating events conducted by the company.

It’s the process of making a page in a search engine more accessible compared to other related types of web pages. A successful campaign for search engine optimisation will in the long run produce an incredibly profitable SEO Company in Brisbane . 

There are many innate processes in SEO which require expert attention to create a useful and successful SEO target, such as content marketing and link building.

Conclusion Of Digital Marketing

You can get to know your customers about your products during the digital marketing. It would help you to perform well in the highly competitive sector if you follow a fantastic advertisement strategy and promotional tools.

If you want to make the most of digital marketing, you’ll need to grasp the digital marketing premise and conclusion of digital marketing.

Digital marketing is a perfect way to interact if the primary goal is to reach vast numbers of people. Marketing in social media has revolutionised marketing behavior. 

There are various social media channels . They’re cost-effective on Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp talk, Skype, Google+, Blogs, Instagram, YouTube, etc.

Unlike traditional marketing platforms such as TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, banners and so on, digital marketing is free.

Social networks have a very important role to play in promoting digital behavior. This feature helps small businesses promote their companies by reaching foreign clients.

Digital marketing is perfect advice for the world. It’s good enough because it never sits on the network. The goods will only be available to the public for 24 hours.

The growth of the digital market means that numerous brands can meet their consumers quickly.

Through digital marketing, given geographic barriers, you can expand your customer’s scope to other countries. This is one of the best digital marketing advantages.

Having a proper understanding on the conclusion of digital marketing gives companies the ability to evaluate their advertising activities. Additionally, it allows advertisers to analyze and audit their quality content online.

It will save you time and money when you launch your company on the Internet. There are other ways to stay in contact with your clients, the support of live chat and the segment of FAQ.

You can get direct feedback from your customers during the digital marketing. So, you can improve your services quickly.

To understand the importance of digital marketing in every industry and the future of marketing, it’s important to think about the experiences with the customer that we need to consider and handle. 

Digital marketing today includes far more forms of public contact than email or web site. Later implementation. 5D provides customers with opportunities to engage with brands and businesses to reach and learn from their audience in various ways:

For example, Separate, paid, owned and originated contact platforms, including ads, email, texting, search engines and social media, to reach and engage the public.

 When communicating with web sites and mobile apps, brands are encountered by the public, usually through a variety of connected devices like smartphones, laptops, desktops, televisions and gaming devices.

Many of these devices communicate with each other through a browser or main platform or service applications, namely Facebook (and Instagram), Google (and YouTube), Twitter and LinkedIn.

Digital Marketing

Companies are using marketing or martech stack technologies to construct digital interactions from blogs and mobile apps, in-store kiosks, and email campaigns.

Data obtained by businesses about their customer profiles and their experiences with businesses, which in many countries must be covered by law.

Digital Marketing is very important for specialists in digital marketing. Digital marketing is a perfect business opportunity for digital marketers. To be competitive on the digital market, you need to have a clear understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of digital marketing.

 This is a growing business field. Digital marketing is nothing more than taking advantage of new technologies to achieve marketing objectives. The digital marketing team and the marketing department are no different.

 The following details should assist digital marketers in recognizing the benefits and drawbacks of digital marketing. Finding digital marketing, however, is a useful concept because digital marketing requires only some skills in using digital technology.

 You should take the opportunity to invest in the digital economy, after acquiring the understanding above. It’s an active rising sector. So, don’t neglect digital marketing luck. 

Within the short span of a lifetime, digital marketing will bring all your cherished dreams come reality. Digital marketing is a place where someone without much effort can make a career. Only patience is required to get your desired goals.

Which Of The Following Is A Part Of The Marketing Concept?: What Are The Important Concepts In Digital Marketing?

Previous post, which details should you look to include on a business profile page on social media.

759 Pinewood Avenue


  • Conclusion de la importancia del internet en la sociedad actual

the conclusion of internet

El internet se ha convertido en una herramienta indispensable en la sociedad actual. Desde su creación, ha revolucionado la forma en que las personas se comunican, trabajan, se divierten y aprenden. En este artículo, hemos explorado la importancia del internet en la sociedad actual y hemos llegado a la conclusión de que su impacto es indudablemente positivo.


Entretenimiento, preguntas frecuentes.

Uno de los mayores beneficios del internet es la forma en que ha mejorado la comunicación. Antes, era difícil comunicarse con amigos y familiares que vivían lejos, pero hoy en día, las redes sociales y las aplicaciones de mensajería instantánea nos permiten estar en contacto con ellos en tiempo real. Además, el internet también ha mejorado la comunicación en el ámbito laboral, permitiendo a las empresas comunicarse con clientes y colegas de todo el mundo.

El internet también ha cambiado la forma en que trabajamos. Antes, los trabajos se limitaban a un lugar físico, pero ahora, muchas personas pueden trabajar desde cualquier lugar con una conexión a internet. Esto ha generado nuevas oportunidades laborales y ha permitido a las empresas expandirse a nivel global.

El internet ha transformado la forma en que nos entretenemos. Ahora, podemos ver películas y programas de televisión en línea, escuchar música en streaming y jugar videojuegos en línea con amigos de todo el mundo. Además, las redes sociales nos permiten compartir fotos y videos con amigos y familiares, lo que nos mantiene conectados y entretenidos.

El internet también ha transformado la educación. Ahora, los estudiantes pueden acceder a recursos educativos en línea y tomar cursos en línea desde cualquier lugar del mundo. Esto ha democratizado la educación y ha hecho que el aprendizaje sea más accesible para todos.

En conclusión, El internet ha tenido un impacto extremadamente positivo en la sociedad actual. Ha mejorado la comunicación, ha cambiado la forma en que trabajamos, nos entretenemos y aprendemos. El internet ha revolucionado la forma en que vivimos nuestras vidas y ha hecho que muchas cosas sean mucho más fáciles y accesibles.

1. ¿El internet tiene algún impacto negativo en la sociedad?

Si bien el internet tiene muchos beneficios, también ha generado algunos problemas, como la adicción a las redes sociales y la propagación de la desinformación. Es importante ser conscientes de estos problemas y trabajar para solucionarlos.

2. ¿Cómo ha cambiado el internet la forma en que trabajamos?

El internet ha permitido a las empresas expandirse a nivel global y ha hecho posible que muchas personas trabajen desde cualquier lugar con una conexión a internet. Esto ha generado nuevas oportunidades de trabajo y ha cambiado la forma en que las empresas operan.

3. ¿Cómo ha mejorado el internet la comunicación?

El internet ha permitido a las personas comunicarse con amigos y familiares en tiempo real, incluso si viven lejos. Además, ha mejorado la comunicación en el ámbito laboral, permitiendo a las empresas comunicarse con clientes y colegas de todo el mundo.

4. ¿Cómo ha transformado el internet la educación?

El internet ha democratizado la educación al hacer que los recursos educativos sean más accesibles. Ahora, los estudiantes pueden tomar cursos en línea y acceder a recursos educativos en línea desde cualquier lugar del mundo.

5. ¿Cómo ha afectado el internet al entretenimiento?

El internet ha transformado la forma en que nos entretenemos. Ahora, podemos ver películas y programas de televisión en línea, escuchar música en streaming y jugar videojuegos en línea con amigos de todo el mundo. Además, las redes sociales nos permiten compartir fotos y videos con amigos y familiares.

  • Cual es el papel de los ponentes en un debate
  • Partes en que se divide la electricidad para su estudio

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    Conclusion. In conclusion, the Internet is a powerful tool that has transformed our world. It has made us more connected, made education more accessible, and revolutionized entertainment. However, it also comes with its share of challenges, from cybercrime and privacy concerns to the digital divide. As we continue to navigate the digital age ...

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  3. 21 Pros and Cons of the Internet (2024)

    Con 6: Internet Addiction. Overdependence on the internet can even progress into full-blown addiction. In cases of internet addiction, even mild ones, people will spend time on the internet without doing anything productive and without even enjoying it. Cyberloafing is a common manifestation of internet addiction.

  4. The Positive and Negative Effects of the Internet on Our Daily Lives

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  6. Has the Internet Positively or Negatively Impacted Human Society

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  13. Conclusion

    Conclusion. The fields of business, entertainment, communication, and education have been greatly impacted by the creation of the internet in many ways. The internet was created in the 1960s by a British computer scientist. Not long after, the internet had already impacted the world by making communication and entertainment easier to access ...

  14. 55

    > The Quantum Internet > Conclusion: The Vision of the Quantum Internet; The Quantum Internet. The Second Quantum Revolution. Buy print or eBook [Opens in a new window] Book contents. Frontmatter. Dedication. Contents. Preface. Acknowledgements. 1. Introduction. Part I. Classical Networks. 2. Mathematical Representation of Networks. 3.

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  16. Internet Fixates On Wild Moment From the Biden-Trump Debate

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  18. What is the conclusion of using internet?

    1) Hacking is the most common disadvantage of the internet. 2) Personal information in social media is very much vulnerable to hackers. 3) Virus threats on the internet can damage your data and information. 4) Too much addiction to internet leads to time wastage, affecting our productivity and health. What are the advantages and disadvantages ...

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    Leads to a massive increase in the growth and potential of online marketing. It causes more reduction in the overall expenses. Communication to other businesses and customers is enhanced. More control over marketing campaigns. Improved customer service experience. Provides a competitive advantage over other types of marketing.

  20. Conclusion of Internet Essay Example

    There are some way to treat the online addlcltlon. people can go outside to do some sport. Then people do not have energy to play computer. Also, people spend time to chat with friends at real life. It Is good way to Improve the friends relationship. Conclusion of Internet Essay Example 🎓 Get access to high-quality and unique 50 000 college ...

  21. Conclusion Of Digital Marketing: What Are The Important Aspects Of

    Below mentioned is the important aspect of digital marketing. Read the below-mentioned points carefully to know more about the conclusion of digital marketing. Social Media Marketing. Social networks rapidly proliferated. It is the most powerful platform on the internet, where an organization can very easily touch countless people.

  22. Conclusion de la importancia del internet en la sociedad actual

    Conclusión. En conclusión, El internet ha tenido un impacto extremadamente positivo en la sociedad actual. Ha mejorado la comunicación, ha cambiado la forma en que trabajamos, nos entretenemos y aprendemos. El internet ha revolucionado la forma en que vivimos nuestras vidas y ha hecho que muchas cosas sean mucho más fáciles y accesibles.

  23. Conclusion the internet is an effective medium of

    Conclusion The Internet is an effective medium of communication with audience. It attracts, retains and manages the customers and engages them in a long-term relationship. It is the newest form of technological advancement used for direct communication with customers. Marketing managers can continuously and quickly update customer's profile and buying behavior.

  24. The End of the Internet

    The End of the Internet. EndOfTheInternet.com. That's right, this is the Last Page on the very Last Webserver of the Entire Internet! In case you were wondering, the end of the Internet is located way up in the cloud. No journey would be complete without a souvenir t-shirt or webcomic from Amazon!

  25. Baahubali 2 The Conclusion 2017

    A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building façade. An illustration of a heart shape "Donate to the archive" An illustration of a magnifying glass. ... baahubali-2-the-conclusion-2017 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.7.0 . plus-circle Add Review. comment. Reviews

  26. Conclusion Internet Services

    Conclusion can advise you on how to best take advantage of the new electronic marketplace. Conclusion provides a wide range of Internet services including: Internet Strategy. Internet Site Design. Internet Site Implementation. Internet Site hosting. Internet site maintenance. Java and ActiveX development. Web Application Development.

  27. In conclusion internet is one of the best things ever

    In conclusion, internet is one of the best things ever invented in humanity. The amount of things you can do over the internet is extremely phenomenal. It is an absolute great tool to learn and communicate in just a click of a mouse. Its unrestricted accessibility, however, creates apprehension to young people who can access to it. Internet can expose these young minds to harmful uncensored ...

  28. Conclusion

    Conclusion. Menu Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits. Whew! Oh, and Congratulations to all of you for completing this daunting task. Now that we just about learned about every function of the Internet, we must learn how to be safe on the Internet and how to use proper Netiquette. Remember, there is still so much more to ...