copy of acknowledgment of thesis by guide and research centre

  • Acknowledgements for PhD Thesis and Dissertations – Explained
  • Doing a PhD

The Purpose of Acknowledgements

The acknowledgement section of a thesis or dissertation is where you recognise and thank those who supported you during your PhD. This can be but is not limited to individuals, institutions or organisations.

Although your acknowledgements will not be used to evaluate your work, it is still an important section of your thesis. This is because it can have a positive (or negative for that matter) influence the perception of your reader before they even reach the main body of your work.

Who Should I Acknowledge?

Acknowledgements for a PhD thesis will typically fall into one of two categories – professional or personal.

Within these categories, who you thank will ultimately be your decision. However, it’s imperative that you pay special attention to the ‘professional’ group. This is because not thanking someone who has played an important role in your studies, whether it be intentional or accidental, will more often than not be seen as a dismissal of their efforts. Not only would this be unfair if they genuinely helped you, but from a certain political aspect, it could also jeopardise any opportunities for future collaborations .

Professional Acknowledgements

This may include, but is not limited to:

  • Funding bodies/sponsorship providers
  • Supervisors
  • Research group and lab assistants
  • Research participants
  • Proofreaders

Personal Acknowledgements

  • Key family members and friends
  • Individuals who inspired you or directly influenced your academic journey
  • Anyone else who has provided personal support that you would like to mention

It should be noted that certain universities have policies which state only those who have directly supported your work, such as supervisors and professors, should be included in your acknowledgements. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you read your university guidelines before writing this section of your thesis.

How to Write Acknowledgements for PhD Thesis

When producing this section, your writing style can be more informal compared to the rest of your thesis. This includes writing in first person and using more emotive language. Although in most cases you will have complete freedom in how you write this section of your thesis, it is still highly advisable to keep it professional. As mentioned earlier, this is largely because it will be one of the first things your assessors will read, and so it will help set the tone for the rest of your work.

In terms of its structure, acknowledgements are expected to be ordered in a manner that first recognises the most formal support before moving onto the less formal support. In most cases, this follows the same order that we have outlined in the ‘Who Should I Thank’ section.

When thanking professionals, always write out their full name and provide their title. This is because although you may be on a first-name basis with them, those who read your thesis will not. By providing full names and titles, not only do you help ensure clarity, but it could also indirectly contribute to the credibility of your thesis should the individual you’re thanking be well known within your field.

If you intend to include a list of people from one institution or organisation, it is best to list their names in alphabetical order. The exception to this is when a particular individual has been of significant assistance; here, it would be advisable to list them.

How Long Should My Acknowledgements Be?

Acknowledgements vary considerably in length. Some are a single paragraph whilst some continue for up to three pages. The length of your acknowledgement page will mostly depend on the number of individuals you want to recognise.

As a general rule, try to keep your acknowledgements section to a single page. Although there are no word limits, creating a lengthy acknowledgements section dilutes the gratitude you’re trying to express, especially to those who have supported you the most.

Where Should My Acknowledgements Go?

In the vast majority of cases, your acknowledgements should appear directly after your abstract and before your table of contents.

However, we highly advise you to check your university guidelines as a few universities set out their own specific order which they will expect you to follow.

Phrases to Help You Get Started

Dissertation acknowledgements example for researchers and PhD students

We appreciate how difficult it can be to truly show how grateful you are to those who have supported you over the years, especially in words.

To help you get started, we’ve provided you with a few examples of sentences that you can complete or draw ideas from.

  • I am deeply grateful to XXX…
  • I would like to express my sincere gratitude to XXX…
  • I would like to offer my special thanks to XXX…
  • I would like to extend my sincere thanks to XXX…
  • …for their assistance at every stage of the research project.
  • …for their insightful comments and suggestions.
  • …for their contribution to XXX.
  • …for their unwavering support and belief in me.

Thesis Acknowledgement Examples

Below are three PhD thesis acknowledgment samples from which you can draw inspiration. It should be noted that the following have been extracted from theses which are freely available in the public domain. Irrespective of this, references to any individual, department or university have been removed for the sake of privacy.

First and foremost I am extremely grateful to my supervisors, Prof. XXX and Dr. XXX for their invaluable advice, continuous support, and patience during my PhD study. Their immense knowledge and plentiful experience have encouraged me in all the time of my academic research and daily life. I would also like to thank Dr. XXX and Dr. XXX for their technical support on my study. I would like to thank all the members in the XXX. It is their kind help and support that have made my study and life in the UK a wonderful time. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my parents, my wife and my children. Without their tremendous understanding and encouragement in the past few years, it would be impossible for me to complete my study.

I would like to thank my supervisors Dr. XXX and Dr. XXX for all their help and advice with this PhD. I would also like to thank my sisters, whom without this would have not been possible. I also appreciate all the support I received from the rest of my family. Lastly, I would like to thank the XXX for the studentship that allowed me to conduct this thesis.

I would like to thank my esteemed supervisor – Dr. XXX for his invaluable supervision, support and tutelage during the course of my PhD degree. My gratitude extends to the Faculty of XXX for the funding opportunity to undertake my studies at the Department of XXX, University of XXX. Additionally, I would like to express gratitude to Dr. XXX for her treasured support which was really influential in shaping my experiment methods and critiquing my results. I also thank Dr. XXX, Dr. XXX, Dr. XXX for their mentorship. I would like to thank my friends, lab mates, colleagues and research team – XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX for a cherished time spent together in the lab, and in social settings. My appreciation also goes out to my family and friends for their encouragement and support all through my studies.

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How to Write Acknowledgement for Thesis and Dissertation With Samples and examples

Acknowledgement for Thesis and Dissertation with sample and exaples well written guidance

  Introduction : Acknowledgement for Thesis and Dissertation:

Completing a thesis or dissertation is a monumental achievement, and within its pages lies a section often underestimated in significance – the acknowledgment. This segment offers a platform to extend gratitude to those who have been instrumental in your academic journey. In this article, we will explore the art of crafting a thoughtful acknowledgment for both theses and dissertations, providing examples and samples to guide you through this crucial part of your academic work.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Purpose of Acknowledgments in a Thesis or Dissertation

Before delving into the intricacies of writing acknowledgments, it’s essential to grasp the purpose of this section in your thesis or dissertation. Acknowledgments serve as a medium through which you express appreciation for the invaluable contributions of individuals, institutions, or sources that have played a pivotal role in your research and writing process. It’s more than a formality; it’s an opportunity to recognize and honor those who have supported you.

Key Elements of an Effective Acknowledgment

1. clarity and conciseness:.

Keep your acknowledgement clear and concise. Mention the names and roles of those you are acknowledging without unnecessary elaboration.

2. Chronological Order:

 Consider presenting your acknowledgment in a logical and chronological order. Start with those who had a profound impact and progress to those who offered support in various capacities.

3. Specificity:

Be specific about the nature of the contribution. Whether it’s academic guidance, emotional support, or access to resources, specifying the role adds depth to your acknowledgment.

4. Professional Tone:

Maintain a professional and gracious tone throughout your acknowledgment. This is a formal expression of thanks, so strike a balance between warmth and professionalism.

Examples of Well-Crafted Acknowledgments

To provide practical insights, let’s examine some examples of well-crafted acknowledgments from different theses and dissertations. These examples will serve as templates to help you structure your own acknowledgment effectively.

Example 1: Acknowledgment for Academic Guidance (Thesis)

“I extend my deepest appreciation to my thesis advisor, [Advisor’s Name], whose unwavering support and insightful guidance were instrumental in shaping this research…”

Sample Acknowledgment for Dissertation

“I express my sincere gratitude to my dissertation committee, [Committee Members’ Names], for their invaluable feedback and scholarly guidance. Each member played a pivotal role in the development and refinement of this dissertation…”

Certainly! Here are three additional samples for each type of acknowledgment – one for a thesis and two for a dissertation – presented with clear steps and requirements:

Additional Sample Acknowledgment for Thesis with Clear Steps:

1. express gratitude to committee:.

   – *Step 1: Begin by expressing gratitude to your thesis committee, highlighting their crucial role in your academic journey.*

   – *Example: “I extend my sincere gratitude to my thesis committee members, [Committee Members’ Names], for their unwavering support and constructive feedback throughout this academic journey.”*

2. Acknowledge Peer Contributions:

   – *Step 2: Recognize the contributions of peers and colleagues who have enriched your thesis work through discussions and insights.*

   – *Example: “I am deeply thankful to my peers and colleagues who provided valuable insights and engaged in meaningful discussions during the course of my thesis work.”*

3. Appreciate Institutional Support:

   – *Step 3: Acknowledge any institutional support, such as assistance from the university library or other facilities.*

   – *Example: “Special thanks to the dedicated staff at the university library for their assistance in accessing crucial resources for my thesis.”*

Additional Sample Acknowledgment for Dissertation with Clear Steps:

1. express gratitude to collaborators:.

   – *Step 1: Begin by expressing gratitude to research collaborators, acknowledging their shared passion and collaborative efforts.*

   – *Example: “I express my heartfelt appreciation to my research collaborators, [Collaborators’ Names], whose shared passion for the subject matter and collaborative efforts significantly contributed to the success of this dissertation.”*

2. Acknowledge Funding Organizations:

   – *Step 2: Acknowledge any funding organizations that supported your research, highlighting their role in data collection and analysis.*

   – *Example: “A warm acknowledgment to the funding organizations that supported this research project, [Funding Organizations’ Names]. Their financial assistance played a pivotal role in conducting extensive research and data analysis.”*

3. Recognize Peer Review Contributions:

   – *Step 3: Express gratitude to anonymous peer reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions during the review process.*

   – *Example: “I extend my gratitude to the anonymous peer reviewers whose insightful comments and suggestions during the dissertation review process greatly contributed to the refinement and strengthening of this scholarly work.”*

In conclusion, crafting a gracious acknowledgment for your thesis or dissertation is a meaningful way to recognize the contributions of those who supported you along the way. Whether it’s academic mentors, family members, or collaborators, acknowledging their impact adds a personal touch to your academic work. Use the examples and samples provided as a foundation, and tailor your acknowledgment to reflect your unique journey and the individuals who made it possible.

This guide aims to assist you in creating acknowledgments that not only meet formal requirements but also convey the heartfelt appreciation you have for those who contributed to your academic success. Feel free to adapt the examples to suit your specific circumstances and make your acknowledgment a sincere expression of gratitude.

With these insights and examples, you are well-equipped to craft acknowledgments that reflect the depth of your appreciation and the collaborative nature of academic endeavors.

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Overview: Acknowledgements Template

This template provides a basic structure for the acknowledgements section of a typical dissertation, thesis or research project.

In line with academic best practice , the acknowledgements are structured from most formal (supervisor, committee, etc.) to least formal (family and friends). Each section has easy to use placeholders that allow you to create your acknowledgements section in just a few minutes. 

The cleanly formatted Google Doc can be downloaded as a fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), so you can use it as-is or convert it to LaTeX.

PS – if you’d like a high-level template for the entire thesis, you can we’ve got that too .

Dissertation & Thesis Conclusion FAQ

What format is the template (doc, pdf, ppt, etc.).

The acknowledgements section template is provided as a Google Doc. You can download it in MS Word format or make a copy to your Google Drive. You’re also welcome to convert it to whatever format works best for you, such as LaTeX or PDF.

Is this template for an undergrad, Master or PhD-level thesis?

This template can be used for a dissertation, thesis or research project at any level of study. As always, be sure to check your university’s requirements and norms in terms of document structure.

What types of dissertations/theses can this be used for?

The acknowledgements section template template follows the standard format for academic research projects, which means it will be suitable for the majority of dissertations, theses and research projects (especially those within the sciences).

Keep in mind that the exact requirements for the conclusion chapter/section will vary between universities and degree programs. So, be sure to double-check your university’s requirements before you finalize your structure.

How long should the acknowledgement section be?

Typically, the acknowledgements section comprises a few paragraphs at most. Keep it short and sweet.

Can I share this template with my friends/colleagues?

Yes, you’re welcome to share this template in its original format (no editing allowed). If you want to post about it on your blog or social media, please reference this page as your source.

Do you have templates for the other chapters?

Yes, we do. We are constantly developing our collection of free resources to help students complete their dissertations and theses. You can view all of our template resources here .

Academia Insider

How to write acknowledgements in a thesis or dissertation

Navigating the intricate process of writing a thesis or dissertation can be challenging.

One crucial, yet often overlooked part is the thesis acknowledgement. It is also the only bit of my thesis that anyone really reads.

This section allows you to express gratitude to those who contributed to your academic journey. From supervisors and professors to family and friends, the acknowledgement section provides a platform to thank all who played a part in your work.

Whether you’re unsure about how to begin or looking for the best ways to acknowledge your mentors, this blog will provide valuable insights and practical advice to help you create an impactful thesis acknowledgement.

What is your thesis acknowledgement?

A thesis acknowledgement is a section in your thesis where you express gratitude to those who helped and supported you during your research and writing process.

copy of acknowledgment of thesis by guide and research centre

It typically comprises two parts: professional and personal acknowledgements.
  • Professional acknowledgements include your supervisor, colleagues, other academics, funding bodies, or institutions that significantly contributed to your work.
  • Personal acknowledgements encompass your family and friends who provided emotional support or helped with editing and proofreading.

The acknowledgements section is usually more informal than the rest of your thesis , and it’s acceptable to write in the first person. It’s typically placed at the beginning of your thesis, either before the abstract or the table of contents.

Although the length may vary, it usually doesn’t exceed one page. It’s crucial to plan ahead, listing everyone you wish to thank and consider their specific contribution to your work.

Who to thank in your acknowledgements

In your acknowledgements, you should first thank the members of academia who contributed to your research, including:

  • funding bodies,
  • supervisors,
  • professors,
  • proofreaders,
  • and research participants.

Mention them using their full names and titles.

If an authoritative figure in your field provided feedback, their acknowledgement adds weight to your research.

Despite the circumstances, a brief thank you to your supervisor is necessary.

Personal acknowledgements can include friends, family members, or even pets who provided inspiration or support during the writing process. Always refer to your university’s guidelines on acknowledgements.

Creating an acknowledgement can be slightly subjective, as the order and individuals to be thanked can vary greatly depending on the circumstances of the work and the author’s preferences.

However, generally, this example follows a common structure:

The order can be customized based on the importance of the roles these individuals played in the author’s journey.

Some may prefer to thank family or significant others first, while others might start with professional relationships such as advisors or collaborators.

It’s also crucial to keep in mind that the way of expressing gratitude can differ significantly between cultures and individuals.

How Long Should My Acknowledgements Be?

The length of an acknowledgement section varies depending on the individual and the nature of the project.

Some people prefer to keep their acknowledgements brief and only thank those individuals who made significant contributions to their work.

Others may choose to include a more extensive list of people, such as mentors, colleagues, and friends, who provided support and encouragement throughout the process.

In general, it is recommended to keep your acknowledgements concise and focused on those who had a direct impact on the project

. Including a heartfelt thank you to these individuals is a meaningful way to show appreciation for their efforts.

However, it is important not to get carried away and turn the acknowledgement page into a long list of names. Remember that the focus should be on quality rather than quantity, as the acknowledgement section should not overshadow the main content of the project. 

Where Should My Acknowledgements Go?

The placement of your acknowledgements can vary, but it’s typically located in the first part of your thesis.

Mine is right after the abstract and before the introduction of my PhD thesis. 

You can place it right before your dissertation abstract or before the table of contents. However, the exact positioning may depend on the guidelines and requirements provided by your university.

Always ensure to check your university’s formatting requirements to be sure you’ve chosen the correct location for your acknowledgements section. 

Thesis acknowledgement examples

Here is my PhD thesis acknowledgement.

copy of acknowledgment of thesis by guide and research centre

Here are some sentence starters that you can use for inspiration:

1. “This thesis acknowledgement is a tribute to all the people who made my academic journey worthwhile.” 2. “I would like to thank my supervisor, whose unwavering support has been instrumental in the completion of this thesis.” 3. “In this acknowledgement section, I extend my deepest gratitude to all who have walked with me on this challenging but fulfilling journey.” 4. “Firstly, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the academic staff who provided their invaluable expertise and guidance.” 5. “My thesis would not have been possible without the endless help and support from my colleagues.” 6. “Special thanks go to my family, whose constant encouragement fueled my perseverance during the completion of this dissertation.” 7. “In the professional acknowledgements, I would like to acknowledge the significant contributions made by my research participants.” 8. “I would also like to thank the funding bodies, whose financial support made this research possible.” 9. “Through this acknowledgment, I express my heartfelt gratitude to my friends who have been my pillars of strength.” 10. “The completion of this thesis or dissertation is the culmination of efforts from various individuals whom I would like to express my sincere appreciation.” 11. “This thesis acknowledgement section is an opportunity to give thanks to those who made this journey less daunting.” 12. “I would like to express my gratitude to my editor, whose meticulous proofreading greatly improved my thesis.” 13. “Without their dedication, this thesis would not have been possible.” 14. “I express my sincere gratitude to all those whose names appear in this acknowledgement for their invaluable input.” 15. “In this acknowledgement for my thesis, I extend my appreciation to all those who have been part of this journey.”

Top tips to write acknowledgements

  • Plan Ahead : Make a list of the people you want to acknowledge and their specific contributions to your work.
  • Follow University Guidelines : Check your university’s formatting and content guidelines to ensure your acknowledgements adhere to them.
  • Use First Person : Unlike the rest of your thesis, the acknowledgements can be written in the first person.
  • Keep it Brief : The acknowledgement section should generally not exceed one page. Be concise and precise in expressing your gratitude.
  • Maintain Professional-Personal Order : Start with professional acknowledgements (e.g., supervisors, colleagues, funders) before moving on to personal ones (e.g., friends, family).
  • Be Specific : Highlight the specific contributions each person or organization made to your thesis.
  • Use Full Names and Titles : When acknowledging academic contributors, use their full names and appropriate titles.
  • Use Informal Language : Acknowledgements can be written in a more informal style, but avoid colloquial language.
  • Proofread : Ensure your acknowledgements are free of spelling and grammar errors.
  • Be Genuine and Sincere : The acknowledgements section should sincerely reflect your gratitude to the people who helped you in your academic journey.

Wrapping up – writing your acknowledgements section

As we reach the conclusion of this informative journey into the art of writing acknowledgements for a thesis or dissertation, it’s clear that this often-overlooked section carries significant emotional and professional weight.

A dissertation acknowledgements page is more than just a list of names; it’s a chance to express genuine gratitude and give due credit to all who have contributed to your academic journey. 

Remember, writing this section of your thesis isn’t an obligatory chore but a genuine opportunity to thank those who supported you.

From the tireless members of your thesis committee to the friends and family who offered emotional support, it’s a platform to acknowledge all the people who helped.

From mentors who provided expert guidance, colleagues who offered invaluable insights, to the institutions that funded your research – everyone deserves a heartfelt note of thanks.

Sample acknowledgements in a thesis often include both professional acknowledgements first, followed by personal ones, ensuring that all contributors are recognized appropriately. Always remember to use full names and titles for professional acknowledgements, and express your gratitude sincerely.

The acknowledgement page isn’t a place for long tales, jokes or anecdotes; instead, keep your acknowledgements concise, specific, and heartfelt.

As shown in the thesis acknowledgement examples, you should reflect on the people and organizations that significantly contributed to your research or writing, whether in a substantial technical manner or through support and guidance throughout the process. 

Studentship that allowed you to pursue your research, faculty who guided your studies, even friends who provided distractions when they were most needed – all these contributors deserve your thanks. Remember, it’s okay to use their first names for those who’ve been part of your personal journey, but for professional acknowledgments, full names and titles are recommended. 

As a PhD student, your acknowledgements should reflect your journey – the struggles, the triumphs, and most importantly, the people who have helped you along the way. Whether you include a list of names in alphabetical order, or you decide to group people or organizations, remember to be genuine, concise, and respectful. 

Whether it’s a thesis dedication to a mentor, expressing gratitude to your parents, thanking your friends for their love and encouragement, or even including certain political aspects that influenced your research, the acknowledgments section is yours to personalize. 

Writing a thesis or dissertation is a monumental task, and the people who support you through it are worth acknowledging. Keep this guide in mind when you write your thesis acknowledgements, and don’t forget to thank those who’ve been there for you – for in the journey of research and writing, no one truly walks alone. 

The last sentence may be a heartfelt statement, “I would like to express my gratitude to all those who walked with me throughout my research journey – your support was my strength, and this achievement is as much yours as it is mine.”

copy of acknowledgment of thesis by guide and research centre

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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Academia Bees

Acknowledgement for PhD Thesis (5 Samples and Guide)

January 12, 2024

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By Mohsin Khurshid

Embarking on your PhD journey? Unveil the art of crafting sincere acknowledgments with our guide. Explore 5 curated samples to master the skill of expressing gratitude in your PhD thesis. From mentors to contributors, discover the perfect tone for your acknowledgment section. Stick around for a comprehensive guide on crafting your own.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 PhD Acknowledgement Sample
  • 1.2 PhD Thesis Acknowledgement Sample
  • 1.3 PhD Dissertation Acknowledgement (Long Sample)
  • 1.4 Acknowledgement PhD Thesis (Short Sample)
  • 1.5 Sample Acknowledgement for PhD Thesis File
  • 2 How to Write Acknowledgement for PhD Thesis?
  • 3 Conclusion

Best Five PhD Thesis Acknowledgement Samples

Curious about exemplary PhD thesis acknowledgments? Dive into our handpicked collection of 5 samples. Each one offers a unique perspective, providing inspiration for expressing your gratitude in your dissertation. From mentor appreciation to acknowledging contributors, these samples serve as valuable templates for your own heartfelt acknowledgments.

PhD Acknowledgement Sample

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to my esteemed supervisors, Prof. XXX and Dr. XXX, whose unwavering guidance, continuous support, and boundless patience have been the cornerstones of my PhD journey. Their wealth of knowledge and extensive experience has not only enriched my academic endeavors but has also been a source of inspiration in my daily life.

Special thanks to Dr. XXX and Dr. XXX for their technical expertise, contributing significantly to the success of my study. The members of XXX have played a pivotal role in making my academic experience and life in the UK truly wonderful through their generous help and support.

Finally, I express deep appreciation to my parents, my wife, and my children, whose understanding and encouragement have been indispensable. Without their unwavering support, completing my study would have been an insurmountable challenge.

PhD Thesis Acknowledgement Sample

My sincere appreciation goes to my esteemed supervisor, Dr. XXX, whose invaluable supervision, unwavering support, and expert guidance have been instrumental throughout my pursuit of a PhD degree. I extend gratitude to the Faculty of XXX for providing the funding opportunity that allowed me to undertake my studies at the esteemed Department of XXX, University of XXX.

Dr. XXX deserves special acknowledgment for her influential support, significantly shaping my experimental methods and offering insightful critiques of my results. I also express my thanks to Dr. XXX, Dr. XXX, and Dr. XXX for their mentorship, which has greatly contributed to my academic growth.

Heartfelt thanks to my friends, lab mates, colleagues, and the research team – XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX – for the cherished time spent together in the lab and social settings. I am deeply thankful to my family and friends for their unwavering encouragement and support throughout my academic journey.

PhD Dissertation Acknowledgement (Long Sample)

I extend my sincere gratitude to my esteemed advisor, Prof. _______, whose unwavering support, patience, motivation, and profound knowledge have been instrumental throughout my Ph.D. study and related research. His guidance has been a beacon, shaping my research endeavors and enriching the writing of this thesis. I am immensely grateful for the privilege of having such a dedicated advisor and mentor.

In addition to my advisor, I express my heartfelt thanks to the members of my thesis committee: Prof. __________, Prof. ___________, and Dr. ____________. Their insightful comments, encouragement, and challenging questions spurred me to broaden my research perspectives.

Special appreciation is due to Dr. _________, Dr. ______________, and Dr. __________ for providing me the opportunity to intern with their team and granting access to invaluable laboratory resources. Without their precious support, the successful conduct of this research would not have been possible.

I am indebted to my fellow labmates for their stimulating discussions, the collaborative efforts during sleepless nights leading up to deadlines, and the camaraderie that enriched the past four years. Gratitude extends to my friends at __________________________ for their companionship, with a special acknowledgment to Dr. Chen Fan for offering a first glimpse into the world of research.

Last but certainly not least, heartfelt thanks go to my family—my parents, brothers, and sister—for their unwavering spiritual support throughout the thesis writing process and in all aspects of my life.

Acknowledgement PhD Thesis (Short Sample)

I extend my deepest appreciation to my advisor, Prof. _______, for being a guiding light throughout my Ph.D. journey. His unwavering support, patience, and immense knowledge have been indispensable. My heartfelt thanks go to the members of my thesis committee—Prof. __________, Prof. ___________, and Dr. ____________—for their valuable insights and encouragement.

Special gratitude is reserved for Dr. _________, Dr. ______________, and Dr. __________ for their support during my internship and providing access to vital research facilities. I am grateful to my labmates for their camaraderie and shared dedication, and to my friends at __________________________ for their constant support.

Last but not least, my family—parents, brothers, and sister—deserve profound thanks for their unwavering encouragement and spiritual support throughout this academic pursuit.

Sample Acknowledgement for PhD Thesis File

In presenting this PhD thesis, I express my sincere gratitude to Prof. _______, my dedicated advisor, for his invaluable guidance. My appreciation extends to the members of my thesis committee—Prof. __________, Prof. ___________, and Dr. ____________—for their constructive comments and motivation.

Thanks to Dr. _________, Dr. ______________, and Dr. __________ for providing a rewarding internship experience and access to essential research resources. To my labmates and friends at __________________________, your collaboration and support have been cherished.

Lastly, heartfelt thanks to my family—parents, brothers, and sister—for their enduring encouragement and unwavering belief in my academic journey. This thesis file stands as a culmination of collective support and collaborative effort.

Sample Acknowledgement for PhD Thesis File

How to Write Acknowledgement for PhD Thesis?

Writing the acknowledgment section for your PhD thesis is an essential expression of gratitude towards those who played a significant role in your academic journey. Follow these guidelines to craft a meaningful and well-structured acknowledgment:

1. Identify Key Contributors:

  • Acknowledge your primary advisor and thesis committee members first.
  • Recognize mentors, colleagues, and institutions that provided support.

2. Be Specific and Personal:

  • Mention individuals by name and specify their contributions.
  • Share personal anecdotes or experiences to make the acknowledgment genuine.

3. Use Gracious Language:

  • Employ a positive and appreciative tone throughout the acknowledgment.
  • Express gratitude for the specific ways each individual or institution contributed.

4. Order of Mention:

  • Typically, advisors and committee members are acknowledged first, followed by other contributors.
  • Consider grouping individuals by their role or contribution.

5. Include Professional Courtesy:

  • Follow any specific guidelines or formalities suggested by your institution.
  • If acknowledging professionals or organizations, maintain a respectful and professional tone.

6. Avoid Overuse of Formal Language:

  • Keep the language clear, concise, and heartfelt.
  • Strike a balance between formality and a personal touch.

7. Consider Length and Relevance:

  • Keep the acknowledgment section concise, focusing on individuals or entities directly related to your thesis .
  • Ensure that all acknowledgments are relevant to the academic context.

8. Express Gratitude to Loved Ones:

  • Don’t forget to express heartfelt thanks to family and friends who provided emotional support.

“I extend my deepest appreciation to my primary advisor, Prof. _______, for their unwavering guidance. Special thanks to my committee members—Prof. __________ and Dr. __________—for their insightful comments. Gratitude to Dr. _________ and Dr. ______________ for their valuable contributions during my internship. I am also indebted to my labmates, friends at __________________________, and my family for their enduring support. Crafting this acknowledgment allows me to express my profound gratitude to each contributor, without whom this PhD thesis would not have been possible.”

Remember, the acknowledgment is a personal expression of gratitude, so tailor it to reflect your genuine appreciation for the support received during your PhD journey.

In wrapping up, these acknowledgments weave a story of collective support that fueled the success of your PhD thesis. Each thanked individual, from advisors to family, played a vital role in your academic journey. Beyond mere formalities, this acknowledgment is a tribute to shared dedication and encouragement. As you step into the next phase of your academic or professional pursuits, carry with you the echoes of gratitude and collaboration. Here’s to the collaborative spirit that turned challenges into triumphs and the connections that made your thesis journey remarkable.

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Acknowledging contributions: best practices for thesis acknowledgements.

Acknowledging Contributions: Best Practices for Thesis Acknowledgements

Thesis acknowledgements serve as a formal gesture of gratitude, allowing students to express their appreciation for the support received during their research journey. This article delves into the best practices for crafting meaningful and professional acknowledgements in a thesis, guiding students through the structure, content, and nuances of acknowledging contributions effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • Acknowledgements should balance professional and personal gratitude while adhering to institutional guidelines.
  • Contributors should be identified and prioritized based on their impact on the research and academic support provided.
  • The wording of acknowledgements must be sincere, specific, and may include anecdotes to personalize the gratitude expressed.
  • Common pitfalls such as generic expressions and exclusions can be avoided by careful planning and inclusive writing.
  • Analyzing sample acknowledgements can provide insights into effective gratitude expression and help avoid common mistakes.

The Structure and Content of Thesis Acknowledgements

Determining the appropriate length and placement.

When crafting your thesis acknowledgements, it's essential to consider both the length and the strategic placement within your document. Acknowledgements should be concise yet comprehensive , effectively expressing gratitude without overwhelming the reader. According to Scribbr, thesis or dissertation acknowledgements typically appear between your title page and abstract and should not exceed one page. This placement ensures that your expressions of thanks are read by those who engage with your work, while the one-page guideline helps maintain brevity and relevance.

Adherence to specific formatting rules is also crucial. For instance, the text of short dedications must be centered and begin 2 inches from the top of the page, with headings required for the Acknowledgements and Preface pages. While these standards may vary across institutions, they provide a general framework for presenting your acknowledgements in a professional manner. Remember to consult your institution's thesis guide for precise requirements, as these guidelines are instrumental in shaping the formal presentation of your work.

Balancing Professional and Personal Acknowledgements

In the crafting of your thesis acknowledgements, you must strike a delicate balance between professional and personal gratitude. Professional acknowledgements typically precede the personal, beginning with those who have contributed most directly to your academic work: supervisors, committee members, and funders. It is essential to use full names and titles where appropriate, acknowledging their specific roles in your scholarly journey.

Personal acknowledgements follow, offering thanks to those who provided support beyond the academic realm. This includes family, friends, and perhaps even peers who offered emotional sustenance or practical assistance, such as proofreading . While the tone can be more informal, it remains important to convey your appreciation with sincerity and respect.

  • Maintain a Professional-Personal Order : Start with professional acknowledgements before personal ones.
  • Be Specific: Detail the particular contributions of each individual or entity.
  • Use Full Names and Titles: Especially for academic contributors, to show proper respect.

Remember, the acknowledgements section is not the venue for lengthy stories or humor; it is a place for concise and heartfelt thanks. By adhering to these guidelines, you ensure that all who have contributed to your thesis feel valued and appreciated.

Adhering to Institutional Guidelines and Etiquette

When crafting your thesis acknowledgements, it is crucial to adhere to the specific guidelines and etiquette established by your institution. Each university or college may have its own set of rules regarding the structure, content, and placement of acknowledgements. For instance, some institutions may require that you consider plans for publication and norms around order of authorship , as highlighted in the DISE MA Thesis guidelines.

It is also important to respect the personal nature of certain sections, such as dedications, which are typically reserved for individuals who have provided personal support, rather than entities like scholarship funds. Moreover, acknowledgements can offer readers insight into the development of your project and your academic journey , including the confidence you gained to pursue your research.

To ensure you meet these requirements, consider the following steps:

  • Review your institution's official thesis or dissertation manual.
  • Consult with your supervisor or department for any discipline-specific standards.
  • Reflect on the intellectual and personal contributions that have shaped your work.
  • Draft your acknowledgements with a balance of professionalism and personal gratitude.

Identifying and Prioritizing Contributors

Recognizing academic and professional support.

In the journey of thesis writing, acknowledging the academic and professional support you've received is not just a formality, but a sincere gesture of gratitude. Effective time management is crucial for successful thesis writing, and often, it is the structured guidance from your academic mentors that enables this. Your supervisors, committee members, and any staff who have provided assistance deserve a special mention for their invaluable contributions.

When crafting your acknowledgements, remember to address individuals by their full names and titles , reflecting the formal tone of your gratitude. For instance, “Dr. John Smith, my academic advisor” not only shows respect but also acknowledges their specific role in your academic journey. Additionally, if your research was supported by any funding bodies or institutions, it is essential to express your appreciation for their financial support, which allowed you to focus on your research without the burden of financial constraints.

Here is a simple list to ensure you don't miss out on anyone:

  • Supervisors and advisors
  • Committee members
  • Academic peers and mentors
  • Technical and administrative staff
  • Funding bodies and institutions

By adopting a gracious tone and identifying key individuals, your acknowledgment will become a genuine reflection of appreciation, leaving a lasting impression on your readers. Embrace this opportunity to honor those who have played pivotal roles in your academic success .

Acknowledging Personal and Emotional Contributions

While the focus of your thesis acknowledgements may lean towards academic and professional support, it is equally important to recognize the personal and emotional contributions that have bolstered your journey. Your family and friends often provide the unseen scaffolding that sustains you through challenges and triumphs alike. Their support, though less tangible, is no less critical to your success.

In acknowledging these personal contributions, consider the following points:

  • Express gratitude for the emotional sustenance provided by loved ones.
  • Mention any practical assistance, such as proofreading or moral support during stressful periods.
  • Reflect on the personal growth facilitated by these individuals.

Adhering to a professional-personal order can help maintain the appropriate tone, starting with formal acknowledgements before moving to personal ones. This structure not only respects academic conventions but also provides a natural transition to the more intimate expressions of gratitude. Remember, specificity is key; detailing the unique support you received personalizes your thanks and underscores the significance of each contribution.

Navigating Hierarchies and Diplomacy in Acknowledgements

When crafting your thesis acknowledgements, it's essential to navigate the academic and professional hierarchies with tact. Begin by listing those who have made the most significant academic contributions , such as supervisors and advisors, followed by other contributors like collaborators and committee members. Remember to consider the cultural and institutional norms that may influence the order and formality of your acknowledgements. For instance, some cultures emphasize the recognition of elders or community members, and certain institutions may have explicit guidelines for the structure of acknowledgements.

It's also crucial to employ diplomacy to ensure that all contributors feel appropriately valued. This can be a delicate balance, as you must acknowledge the support without causing unintended offense. Here is a suggested order of acknowledgement, which you can tailor to your specific situation:

  • Supervisors/Advisors
  • Committee Members
  • Collaborators
  • Research Participants
  • Technical or Administrative Support
  • Personal Acknowledgements (e.g., family, friends)

Lastly, be mindful of the language you use. It should reflect gratitude and respect, while also being genuine and personal. This level of personalization adds depth and authenticity to your acknowledgment section, making it more than just a formality.

Crafting the Wording of Acknowledgements

Employing tone and language for sincerity.

When crafting your thesis acknowledgements, it is crucial to employ a tone and language that exude sincerity. Begin with a gracious tone , setting the stage for genuine gratitude. This initial warmth will resonate throughout the entire section, reflecting your true appreciation for the support received.

In your acknowledgements, balance formality with personal touch. Use complete names and titles where appropriate, and ensure that your language is respectful and appreciative. Avoid overly flowery or manipulative language, as it can detract from the authenticity of your thanks. Instead, aim for a professional yet heartfelt expression of gratitude that acknowledges each contribution in a collegial manner.

Here are some tips to consider:

  • Maintain formal language and complete sentences.
  • Express respect for each contribution without excessive flattery.
  • Tailor your language to match the nature of the support, whether academic, professional, or personal.

Remember, the acknowledgements section is not only a reflection of your gratitude but also of your professionalism and attention to detail. By adhering to these principles, you can convey your thanks in a manner that is both sincere and scholarly.

Utilizing Specificity to Highlight Contributions

When crafting your thesis acknowledgements, specificity is your ally in conveying genuine gratitude . Be Specific : Highlight the specific contributions each person or organization made to your thesis. This not only shows that you value their individual input but also provides clarity on the impact of their support. For instance, rather than a generic 'thank you' to your supervisor, detail the ways in which their guidance shaped your research direction or methodology.

Adopting a detailed approach allows you to reflect on the unique role each contributor played. Consider the following points:

  • Mention the precise nature of the support, such as critical feedback, data analysis, or resource provision.
  • Acknowledge the time and effort dedicated by individuals, especially for tasks beyond their usual responsibilities.
  • If applicable, include the outcomes that were directly influenced by specific contributions , like published papers or successful experiments.

Remember, an acknowledgement that resonates with sincerity is one that takes the time to recognize the nuances of each contribution. By avoiding broad generalizations, you not only adhere to academic etiquette but also create a more engaging and meaningful section of your thesis.

Incorporating Anecdotes and Personal Touches

In the quest to personalize your thesis acknowledgements, anecdotes can serve as powerful tools to convey gratitude in a memorable way. Employing anecdotes not only illustrates the support you've received but also breathes life into your acknowledgements , making them resonate with readers. When you share specific instances of assistance or inspiration, you acknowledge the unique contributions of individuals in a manner that generic thanks cannot capture.

While anecdotes add a personal dimension, it's essential to maintain a balance. A brief, impactful story is more effective than a lengthy narrative. Consider the following points to ensure your anecdotes enhance your acknowledgements:

  • Relate the anecdote to the thesis process or personal growth.
  • Keep it concise and relevant to the contributor's impact.
  • Avoid overly personal or private details that may not be appropriate for the academic context.

Remember, the goal is to express sincere appreciation without diverting too much from the academic nature of the document. By thoughtfully incorporating anecdotes, you create a heartfelt and personalized acknowledgement that stands out.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Overcoming generic and clichéd expressions.

When crafting your thesis acknowledgements, it's crucial to avoid falling into the trap of using generic and cliched expressions. Strive for authenticity in your gratitude to make each contributor feel genuinely appreciated. Academic writing should be correct, concise, and precise, steering clear of language that is too informal, vague, or exaggerated. To ensure your acknowledgements resonate with sincerity, consider the following points:

  • Use specific examples to illustrate the support you received. This not only adds depth to your acknowledgements but also demonstrates a thoughtful reflection on the contributions made.
  • Maintain a balance between professionalism and warmth. While it's important to express genuine thanks, remember to keep the tone appropriate for an academic document.
  • Avoid overused phrases such as 'I would like to thank' or 'I am grateful for'. Instead, find fresh ways to convey your appreciation that reflect your personal voice and the unique support you received.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can craft acknowledgements that are both meaningful and in line with academic integrity . Remember, the goal is to acknowledge contributions in a way that is respectful and considerate of both the individuals and the academic community.

Ensuring Inclusivity and Preventing Omissions

When crafting your thesis acknowledgements, it is crucial to ensure that no significant contributor is inadvertently omitted. Begin by making a comprehensive list of all individuals and entities that have played a role in your academic journey. This list should include, but not be limited to, academic advisors, committee members, peers who provided feedback, and any organizations that offered support or funding.

To avoid overlooking anyone, consider categorizing contributors into groups such as academic, professional, and personal. Within these categories, prioritize individuals based on the extent and impact of their contribution. It is also advisable to review your list with a mentor or colleague to catch any potential oversights. Remember, inclusivity extends beyond the academic sphere; personal acknowledgements for friends and family who provided emotional support are equally important.

Finally, ensure that your acknowledgements align with the Positionality Statement from the Centre for Teaching and Learning, which emphasizes the importance of meaningful and personal expressions of gratitude. Utilize resources like the Thesis Action Plan and Worksheets to help organize and articulate your acknowledgements effectively.

Maintaining Professionalism Amidst Informality

When crafting your thesis acknowledgements, it's essential to strike a balance between a warm, appreciative tone and the professional decorum expected in academic writing. Maintain a level of formality that reflects the significance of the document and the respect due to those you are acknowledging. Use complete sentences and address contributors with their full names and appropriate titles, ensuring that your gratitude is conveyed with the utmost respect.

While personal anecdotes can enrich your acknowledgements, they must be selected with care to preserve the professional nature of the section. Here are some points to consider:

  • Start with professional acknowledgements before personal ones.
  • Be specific about each person's contribution.
  • Adhere to cultural and institutional norms.

Remember, the acknowledgements section is not only a reflection of your gratitude but also of your professionalism and ability to navigate academic conventions. Websites offering tools for thesis writing and academic planning can be invaluable in this process, providing resources such as worksheets and templates to help structure your acknowledgements effectively.

Sample Acknowledgements and Analysis

Examining exemplary acknowledgement sections.

When you delve into the acknowledgement sections of theses, you'll notice a pattern of excellence that transcends mere formality. Exemplary acknowledgements strike a balance between professional courtesy and personal gratitude, often reflecting the unique voice of the author . To understand this balance, consider the following points:

Determining the Tone : The tone should be respectful yet warm, acknowledging both the professional support and the personal encouragement received.

Specificity is Key : Mention specific contributions rather than general support. This not only shows genuine appreciation but also highlights the unique roles of each contributor.

Personal Touches : Including anecdotes or personal notes can add a layer of sincerity, making the acknowledgements memorable and heartfelt.

By analyzing these sections, you can gain insights into the art of expressing gratitude in a manner that is both professional and personal. Remember, the goal is to convey your genuine appreciation in a way that resonates with both the contributors and future readers.

Dissecting the Elements of Effective Gratitude Expression

When crafting your thesis acknowledgements, it is essential to dissect the elements that contribute to effective gratitude expression. Begin your acknowledgement section with a clear and concise expression of gratitude to those who have supported your research journey. This initial statement sets the tone for the rest of the section and demonstrates your sincere appreciation.

Employ a gracious tone and maintain a balance between professionalism and personal touch. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Be specific about each contributor's role and support.
  • Use full names and titles for academic contributors.
  • Keep the focus on quality, not quantity, to avoid overshadowing the main content.

Remember, the acknowledgement section serves as a tribute to those who have played a significant role in your academic and personal growth. It is a customary practice that conveys professionalism, humility, and courtesy, showing respect for the contributions of others. By adhering to these principles, you can craft an acknowledgement that resonates with sincerity and genuine thankfulness.

Learning from Acknowledgement Missteps in Published Works

While examining published works can provide valuable insights into crafting acknowledgements, it is equally important to learn from the missteps. Avoiding plagiarism is a fundamental principle in academic writing, and this extends to the acknowledgements section. It is not uncommon for authors to inadvertently use someone else's words or expressions without proper attribution, which can lead to accusations of plagiarism. To prevent this, always ensure that your gratitude is expressed in your own words and that any inspirational sources are duly credited.

Another common pitfall is the inclusion of excessive hyperbole or effusiveness, which can detract from the sincerity of the acknowledgements. A balanced tone that reflects genuine appreciation without overstatement is more effective and professional. Below is a list of key points to remember when writing your acknowledgements:

  • Be authentic and use your own voice.
  • Maintain a professional tone, even when acknowledging personal contributions.
  • Ensure all contributors are recognized appropriately, avoiding any unintentional omissions .
  • Obtain consent from individuals you are acknowledging, especially if they are not authors on the paper.

By learning from these errors and adhering to best practices, you can craft acknowledgements that are both meaningful and reflective of academic integrity.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the success of our project. Your support and feedback have been invaluable. For a detailed analysis of our work and to join our growing community, we invite you to visit our website . Don't let a temporary glitch deter you; refresh the page or reach out for assistance if needed. Together, we can continue to achieve great things!

In conclusion, crafting thesis acknowledgements is a nuanced task that requires careful consideration of both academic and personal contributions. By adhering to best practices such as planning ahead, following university guidelines, and maintaining a professional-personal order, students can effectively express their gratitude. Acknowledgements should be concise, specific, and heartfelt, reflecting the support and guidance received throughout the research journey. As a bridge between formal academic content and the personal journey of thesis writing, acknowledgements offer a unique space to honor those who have contributed to the student's academic and personal growth. Ultimately, well-crafted acknowledgements not only comply with academic conventions but also serve as a testament to the collaborative nature of scholarly work.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the recommended structure for thesis acknowledgements.

Thesis acknowledgements typically begin with the most formal acknowledgements, such as advisors and committee members, followed by other academic staff, funding bodies, colleagues, and finally, personal acknowledgements like family and friends.

How long should my thesis acknowledgements be?

Thesis acknowledgements are usually concise and should not exceed one page; they should be long enough to mention all significant contributions without being overly lengthy.

Is it appropriate to include personal anecdotes in thesis acknowledgements?

While thesis acknowledgements can be somewhat informal, it's best to keep them professional. Personal anecdotes should be relevant and brief if included.

Can I write thesis acknowledgements in the first person?

Yes, unlike the main body of your thesis, acknowledgements are typically written in the first person to express gratitude more personally.

Should I follow any specific guidelines when writing acknowledgements for my thesis?

Yes, it's important to check your institution's guidelines for thesis formatting and content, as there may be specific requirements for the acknowledgements section.

How do I ensure I don't forget to acknowledge someone in my thesis?

Create a comprehensive list of all individuals and organizations that have contributed to your work, and review it carefully before finalizing your acknowledgements.

Mastering the Art of Thesis Acknowledgement: Tips and Examples

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Acknowledgement Generator: Free acknowledgement generator tool for everyone

  • Post author: Rajveer
  • Post last modified: December 5, 2022
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You are currently viewing Acknowledgement Generator: Free acknowledgement generator tool for everyone

Writing a thesis or project is really easy when you have some tools that make your writing easier. Here Acknowledgmentpedia presents you with an Acknowledgment Generator tool that will help you in generating content for your Acknowledgement page.

In one of my previous posts, I shared an acknowledgement writing guide with you, so now I have decided to make your writing easier by releasing this acknowledgement generator tool.

Introduction to Acknowledgement Generator Tool

How to use this acknowledgment generator.

An acknowledgement generator is an online tool for automatically generating content for writing acknowledgement. This tool has been created by Acknowledgmentpedia, especially for our loyal readers like you. This acknowledgement generator will help you to automatically generate content for writing acknowledgement in your project/thesis.

It is very easy to use this Acknowledgment Generator Tool by Acknowledgmentpedia. All you have to do is fill in the information given below and then click on the submit button. This is done after clicking on the submit button, an auto-generated acknowledgement paragraph will appear which is specially generated for your project/thesis.

Once you get the auto-generated acknowledgement, you can modify and add some additional words as per your requirement. You can easily copy and paste this auto-generated acknowledgement into your project or thesis.

Acknowledgement Generator

Please fill in the required fields below and click on the submit button to generate an acknowledgement for your project.

Email Address

Teacher’s Name

Principal’s Name

Project Title


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  • Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples

Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples

Published on 4 May 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on 4 November 2022.


The acknowledgements section is your opportunity to thank those who have helped and supported you personally and professionally during your thesis or dissertation process.

Thesis or dissertation acknowledgements appear between your title page and abstract  and should be no longer than one page.

In your acknowledgements, it’s okay to use a more informal style than is usually permitted in academic writing , as well as first-person pronouns . Acknowledgements are not considered part of the academic work itself, but rather your chance to write something more personal.

To get started, download our step-by-step template in the format of your choice below. We’ve also included sample sentence starters to help you construct your acknowledgments section from scratch.

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Table of contents

Who to thank in your acknowledgements, how to write acknowledgements, acknowledgements section example, acknowledgements dos and don’ts, frequently asked questions.

Generally, there are two main categories of acknowledgements: professional and personal .

A good first step is to check your university’s guidelines, as they may have rules or preferences about the order, phrasing, or layout of acknowledgements. Some institutions prefer that you keep your acknowledgements strictly professional.

Regardless, it’s usually a good idea to place professional acknowledgements first, followed by any personal ones. You can then proceed by ranking who you’d like to thank from most formal to least.

  • Chairs, supervisors, or defence committees
  • Funding bodies
  • Other academics (e.g., colleagues or cohort members)
  • Editors or proofreaders
  • Librarians, research/laboratory assistants, or study participants
  • Family, friends, or pets

Typically, it’s only necessary to mention people who directly supported you during your thesis or dissertation. However, if you feel that someone like a secondary school physics teacher was a great inspiration on the path to your current research, feel free to include them as well.

Professional acknowledgements

It is crucial to avoid overlooking anyone who helped you professionally as you completed your thesis or dissertation. As a rule of thumb, anyone who directly contributed to your research should be mentioned.

A few things to keep in mind include:

  • Even if you feel your chair didn’t help you very much, you should still thank them first to avoid looking like you’re snubbing them.
  • Be sure to follow academic conventions, using full names with titles where appropriate.
  • If several members of a group or organisation assisted you, mention the collective name only.
  • Remember the ethical considerations around anonymised data. If you wish to protect someone’s privacy, use only their first name or a generic identifier (such as ‘the interviewees’).

Personal acknowledgements

There is no need to mention every member of your family or friend group. However, if someone was particularly inspiring or supportive, you may wish to mention them specifically. Many people choose to thank parents, partners, children, friends, and even pets, but you can mention anyone who offered moral support or encouragement, or helped you in a tangible or intangible way.

Some students may wish to dedicate their dissertation to a deceased influential person in their personal life. In this case, it’s okay to mention them first, before any professional acknowledgements.

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After you’ve compiled a list of who you’d like to thank, you can then sort your list into rank order. Separate everyone you listed into ‘major thanks’, ‘big thanks’, and ‘minor thanks’ categories.

  • ‘Major thanks’ are given to people who your project would be impossible without. These are often predominantly professional acknowledgements, such as your advisor , chair, and committee, as well as any funders.
  • ‘Big thanks’ are an in-between, for those who helped you along the way or helped you grow intellectually, such as classmates, peers, or librarians.
  • ‘Minor thanks’ can be a catch-all for everyone else, especially those who offered moral support or encouragement. This can include personal acknowledgements, such as parents, partners, children, friends, or even pets.

How to phrase your acknowledgements

To avoid acknowledgements that sound repetitive or dull, consider changing up your phrasing. Here are some examples of common sentence starters you can use for each category.

Note that you do not need to write any sort of conclusion or summary at the end. You can simply end the acknowledgements with your last thank-you.

Here’s an example of how you can combine the different sentences to write your acknowledgements.

A simple construction consists of a sentence starter (in purple highlight ), followed by the person or entity mentioned (in green highlight ), followed by what you’re thanking them for (in yellow highlight .)


Words cannot express my gratitude to my professor and chair of my committee for her invaluable patience and feedback. I also could not have undertaken this journey without my defense committee, who generously provided knowledge and expertise. Additionally, this endeavor would not have been possible without the generous support from the MacArthur Foundation, who financed my research .

I am also grateful to my classmates and cohort members, especially my office mates, for their editing help, late-night feedback sessions, and moral support. Thanks should also go to the librarians, research assistants, and study participants from the university, who impacted and inspired me.

Lastly, I would be remiss in not mentioning my family, especially my parents, spouse, and children. Their belief in me has kept my spirits and motivation high during this process. I would also like to thank my cat for all the entertainment and emotional support.

  • Write in first-person, professional language
  • Thank your professional contacts first
  • Include full names, titles, and roles of professional acknowledgements
  • Include personal or intangible supporters, like friends, family, or even pets
  • Mention funding bodies and what they funded
  • Appropriately anonymise or group research participants or non-individual acknowledgments


  • Use informal language or slang
  • Go over one page in length
  • Mention people who had only a peripheral or minor impact on your work

You may acknowledge God in your thesis or dissertation acknowledgements , but be sure to follow academic convention by also thanking the relevant members of academia, as well as family, colleagues, and friends who helped you.

Yes, it’s important to thank your supervisor(s) in the acknowledgements section of your thesis or dissertation .

Even if you feel your supervisor did not contribute greatly to the final product, you still should acknowledge them, if only for a very brief thank you. If you do not include your supervisor, it may be seen as a snub.

In the acknowledgements of your thesis or dissertation, you should first thank those who helped you academically or professionally, such as your supervisor, funders, and other academics.

Then you can include personal thanks to friends, family members, or anyone else who supported you during the process.

The acknowledgements are generally included at the very beginning of your thesis or dissertation, directly after the title page and before the abstract .

In a thesis or dissertation, the acknowledgements should usually be no longer than one page. There is no minimum length.

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George, T. (2022, November 04). Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 14 May 2024, from

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Making your thesis available in the research portal

At Bond all Doctoral theses are uploaded into the University's Research Portal which is an Open Access repository.

As an original work you own the copyright in your thesis and data, but if you include any work created by another person this must be cleared before upload into the Research Portal.  

To ensure that your thesis is 'Open Access' copyright compliant, you must check the following:

  • you have permission in writing from the copyright owner, or have a publisher's permission licence, to use any copyrighted material created by others in your thesis.
  • you have a publisher's agreement, or copyright permission, allowing you to reproduce a portion or the whole Accepted version of your own published article in your thesis.

You do not need permission to use:

  • an insubstantial portion of a work, for example short quotes from a book or a journal article
  • work that carries a Creative Commons licence  (but you should state the licence)
  • works where the copyright has expired. When the copyright has expired, the work is considered in the Public Domain and can be used without the copyright owner's permission.

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Copyright for researchers toolkit

Using the  Copyright for Researchers Toolkit  is essential to keep track of any third party copyright material in your work, or if you are planning to produce a thesis by publication.  

Download the Toolkit and Copyright Log Template in excel format (available below)   to record and track copyright permission requests and licences during your research. The Tootlit contains a sample permission letter, as well as easy-to-read information on gaining copyright permissions for higher degree research students.

  • Copyright for Researchers Toolkit A downloadable toolkit for researchers including a sample permissions letter, checklist and simple-to-read information about copyright.
  • Copyright Log Template Excel format

Using copyright material created by others

Management of copyright material is an important element of your thesis journey. 

Careful management of other peoples' work, also known as third-party materials, when writing your thesis will ensure an uncomplicated submission. If copyright material that does not belong to you is included in a thesis, e.g., images, tables, graphs, charts, or a survey template, then you must obtain permission from the copyright owner/publisher to include the reproduced material.  Copyright permission is also required if you want to adapt or modify a copyrighted work, e.g., a diagram in a published article or website.

Gaining Permissions or a Publisher Licence

Permission for the reproduction of copyright works, e.g., diagrams, photographs, maps, and tables, can take different routes. 

Website content belongs to the website owner. Check the Terms of Use, usually found in the website footer, before copying images or diagrams from a website. Ask for permission by sending a request via the website Contact page using the template letter in the Copyright for Researchers Toolkit .

The reproduction of figures and diagrams from scholarly journal articles in a thesis is typically available free of charge, but permission is still required.

The permission letter template in the Copyright for Researchers Toolkit  can be used in many cases, however, many publishers direct user permission requests to the RightsLink automated permission-granting service, whilst other publishers have their own online permission request form. The 'Request Permission' link is often found on the same page as the published article, or the journal website.

Publishers generally have a 'Permissions' link near the title of the article as shown in the example below. 

Permissions from a publisher come in the form of a licence.

Step 1:  The first step in gaining permission to reproduce a figure/table/diagram from a research article, or an entire article of which you are an author, in your thesis is to go to the published article in the journal and open the 'Tools' or 'Permissions' link or icon then select 'Request permission'. 

Note: A journal's 'Permissions' link is found in various places on the article webpage depending on the publisher, e.g. left or right-hand sidebar.

copy of acknowledgment of thesis by guide and research centre

Step 2: The link will take you to the CCC RightsLink page as shown below. Select 'reuse in a dissertation/thesis'. Complete the form. 

copy of acknowledgment of thesis by guide and research centre

Step 3: Click the 'Continue' button to acquire the licence that will provide permission to reproduce the self-authored article, or figure/table/diagram, from the article in your thesis.  Note that the licence is commonly free of charge.

The Manager, Scholarly Publications & Copyright can assist with copyright permissions and general copyright queries. Please make contact at least three (3) months before your thesis submission date for a thorough copyright check.

Example publisher licence application process

Step 1 - request permission.

The first step in gaining permission to reproduce a figure/table/diagram from a research article, or an entire article of which you are an author, in your thesis is to go to the published article in the journal and open the 'Tools' or 'Permissions' link or icon then select 'Request permission'. 

Screenshot: requesting permission from a journal site

Step 2 - Complete the form

The link will take you to the CCC RightsLink page. Select 'reuse in a dissertation/thesis'. Complete the form. 

CCC RightsLink form

Step 3 - Acquire licence

Click the 'Continue' button to acquire the licence that will provide permission to reproduce the self-authored article, or figure/table/diagram, from the article in your thesis.  Note that the licence is commonly free of charge.


Step 4 - Compile permission files

All the publisher permission licenses should be compiled into one pdf file (named: Copyright Permissions) and this should be uploaded into WorkFlowGen with the pre-examination copy of your thesis.

PDF down arrow

Avoid plagiarism

Plagiarism occurs when the work of another person, or persons, is used and presented as one's own.

If you include other people’s words, ideas, or materials without proper acknowledgment (such as including an intext citation, footnote, and reference list entry) you are plagiarising. This is classified as academic misconduct.

The University regards very seriously any acts of cheating, or dishonesty by way of plagiarism and there is a range of penalties that may be imposed on an HDR student for instances of plagiarism which is a breach of the University's Research Misconduct Policy (available below).

Bond University uses Turnitin to check HDR student work for plagiarism.  Read the poster below which illustrates a wide range of actions that are plagiarism.

copy of acknowledgment of thesis by guide and research centre

  • Did I plagiarise? Download the 'Did I plagiarise?' poster.
  • Research Misconduct Policy RES 4.5.5
  • Academic integrity at Bond Academic integrity at Bond Academic Integrity at Bond means adhering, in words and actions and across all aspects of student life, to an academic moral code bound by the seven integrity principles of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, courage, and professionalism. Breaches of academic integrity are known as academic misconduct or academic dishonesty.

Moral rights

Creators of copyright material hold moral rights in the material they create even if they do not hold copyright.

They include the right:

  • to be acknowledged or attributed as the creator of the work
  • not to have their work falsely attributed, to anyone else, and
  • not to have their work used in a derogatory manner.

You must fully acknowledge any copyright material that you use. The attribution must be clear and reasonably prominent in captions under artistic works such as images, diagrams and photographs no matter the source, whether it be a journal article, book, another thesis, or a website.  Literary works should always carry in-text citations and all works should appear in the reference list.

Further information

Copyright Guide for Research Students: What you need to know about copyright before depositing your electronic thesis in an online repository . This is a useful guide for PhD students that contains copyright scenarios.

See the ' Submitting a thesis ' tab for further information on presenting your copyright permissions and licences with your thesis.

  • << Previous: Writing your thesis
  • Next: Reproducing your own published articles in your thesis >>
  • Writing your thesis
  • Reproducing your own published articles in your thesis
  • Submitting your thesis - A stepped process
  • Creative Commons licences
  • Finding theses
  • Faculty Help & Support

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Manager, Scholarly Publications & Copyright +61 7 5595 1523 [email protected]

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Acknowledgement of Country

In Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture it is respectful to formally womin djeka (welcome) people to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander country or land. At RMIT we do this with the following acknowledgement:

Indigenous Design

  “We would like to acknowledge Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nations as the Traditional Owners of the land on which the University stands. We respectfully recognise Elders past and present.”    

At RMIT we recognise and respect the unique culture and contribution that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people bring to our communities. We are also proud to provide study, cultural, and personal support to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in their learning journey. We womin djeka you to further explore and experience more about Australian Indigenous culture by visiting our Indigenous education centre – Ngarara Willim Centre and interacting with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and students.

Research and Writing Skills for Academic and Graduate Researchers Copyright © 2022 by RMIT University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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