23 Ideas for Science Experiments Using Plants

ThoughtCo / Hilary Allison

  • Cell Biology
  • Weather & Climate
  • B.A., Biology, Emory University
  • A.S., Nursing, Chattahoochee Technical College

Plants are tremendously crucial to life on earth. They are the foundation of food chains in almost every ecosystem. Plants also play a significant role in the environment by influencing climate and producing life-giving oxygen. Plant project studies allow us to learn about plant biology and potential usage for plants in other fields such as medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology. The following plant project ideas provide suggestions for topics that can be explored through experimentation.

Plant Project Ideas

  • Do magnetic fields affect plant growth?
  • Do different colors of light affect the direction of plant growth?
  • Do sounds (music, noise, etc.) affect plant growth?
  • Do different colors of light affect the rate of photosynthesis ?
  • What are the effects of acid rain on plant growth?
  • Do household detergents affect plant growth?
  • Can plants conduct electricity?
  • Does cigarette smoke affect plant growth?
  • Does soil temperature affect root growth?
  • Does caffeine affect plant growth?
  • Does water salinity affect plant growth?
  • Does artificial gravity affect seed germination?
  • Does freezing affect seed germination?
  • Does burned soil affect seed germination?
  • Does seed size affect plant height?
  • Does fruit size affect the number of seeds in the fruit?
  • Do vitamins or fertilizers promote plant growth?
  • Do fertilizers extend plant life during a drought?
  • Does leaf size affect plant transpiration rates?
  • Can plant spices inhibit bacterial growth ?
  • Do different types of artificial light affect plant growth?
  • Does soil pH affect plant growth?
  • Do carnivorous plants prefer certain insects?
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100+ Botany Research Topics [Updated 2024]

Botany Research Topics

Botany, the scientific study of plants, holds the key to understanding the intricate and fascinating world of flora that surrounds us. As we delve into the realm of botany research, we uncover a vast array of botany research topics that not only contribute specifically to our scientific knowledge but also play an important role in addressing real-world challenges. 

In this blog, we will embark on a journey through the rich landscape of botany research, exploring various captivating topics that researchers are delving into.

How to Select Botany Research Topics?

Table of Contents

Selecting an appropriate and engaging botany research topic is a crucial step in the research process. Whether you are a student working on a thesis, a scientist planning a research project, or someone passionate about exploring the wonders of plant biology, the right choice of topic can significantly impact the success and enjoyment of your research. 

Here are some guidelines on how to select botany research topics:

  • Identify Your Interests:
  • Start by reflecting on your own personal interests within the field of botany. Consider the aspects of plant biology that fascinate you the most. 
  • Whether it’s plant physiology, taxonomy, ecology, genetics, or any other subfield, choosing a topic aligned with your interests can make the research process more enjoyable.
  • Review Literature:
  • Conduct a thorough review and it will be of existing literature in botany. Explore recent research articles, journals, and books to identify gaps in knowledge, emerging trends, and areas where further investigation is needed. 
  • This can help you find inspiration and identify potential research questions.
  • Consider Relevance:
  • Assess the relevance of your chosen topic to the current state of botany and its applications. Consider how your research could contribute to addressing real-world challenges, advancing scientific knowledge, or informing practical solutions. 
  • Relevant research topics often garner more attention and support.
  • Evaluate Feasibility:
  • Evaluate all possible feasibility of your chosen topic in terms of available resources, time constraints, and research capabilities. 
  • Consider the accessibility of study sites, the availability of equipment and materials, and the level of expertise required. A feasible research topic is one that aligns with your resources and constraints.
  • Collaborate and Seek Guidance:
  • Discuss your ideas with mentors, professors, or colleagues in the field. 
  • Collaborative discussions can provide valuable insights, help refine your research questions, and guide you toward topics that align with current research priorities.
  • Explore Emerging Technologies:
  • Consider incorporating emerging technologies and methodologies in your research. This not only adds a contemporary dimension to your study but also opens up new possibilities for exploration. 
  • Technologies like CRISPR-Cas9, high-throughput sequencing, and remote sensing have revolutionized botany research.
  • Think Interdisciplinary:
  • Botany often intersects with various other disciplines, such as ecology, genetics, molecular biology, environmental science, and more. 
  • Consider interdisciplinary approaches to your research, as this can lead to innovative and comprehensive insights.
  • Address Global Challenges:
  • Botany research can play a crucial role in addressing global challenges like climate change, food security, and biodiversity loss. 
  • Choosing a topic that contributes to solving or mitigating these challenges adds societal relevance to your work.
  • Explore Local Flora:
  • If applicable, explore the flora of your local region. Investigating plant species native to your area can have practical implications for local conservation, biodiversity studies, and environmental management.
  • Stay Inquisitive and Open-Minded:
  • Keep an open mind and stay curious. Scientific research often involves unexpected discoveries, and being open to exploration can lead to novel and exciting findings. 
  • Be willing to adapt your research questions based on your findings and new insights.

100+ Botany Research Topics For All Students

Plant physiology.

  • The Role of Plant Hormones in Growth and Development
  • Mechanisms of Photosynthesis: A Comprehensive Study
  • Impact of Environmental Stress on Plant Physiology
  • Water Use Efficiency in Plants: Regulation and Adaptation
  • Nutrient Uptake and Transport in Plants
  • Signaling Pathways in Plant Defense Mechanisms
  • Regulation of Flowering Time in Plants
  • Physiological Responses of Plants to Climate Change
  • Role of Mycorrhizal Associations in Plant Nutrition
  • Stress Tolerance Mechanisms in Halophytic Plants

Plant Taxonomy

  • Phylogenetic Analysis of a Plant Family: Case Study
  • Integrating Molecular Systematics in Plant Taxonomy
  • Plant DNA Barcoding for Species Identification
  • Revision of a Plant Genus: Taxonomic Challenges
  • Cryptic Species in Plant Taxonomy: Detection and Implications
  • Floristic Diversity in a Specific Geographic Region
  • Evolutionary Trends in Angiosperms
  • Ethnobotanical Contributions to Plant Taxonomy
  • Application of GIS in Plant Taxonomy
  • Conservation Status Assessment of Endangered Plant Species

Plant Ecology

  • Ecosystem Services Provided by Plants
  • Dynamics of Plant-Animal Interactions in a Habitat
  • Impact of Invasive Plant Species on Native Flora
  • Plant Community Composition Along Environmental Gradients
  • Ecological Consequences of Plant-Pollinator Decline
  • Microbial Interactions in the Rhizosphere
  • Plant Responses to Fire: Adaptation and Recovery
  • Climate Change Effects on Plant Phenology
  • Restoration Ecology: Reintroducing Native Plants
  • Plant-Soil Feedbacks and Ecosystem Stability

Plant Pathology

  • Molecular Mechanisms of Plant-Pathogen Interactions
  • Emerging Plant Diseases: Causes and Consequences
  • Integrated Disease Management in Agriculture
  • Fungal Pathogens: Diversity and Control Strategies
  • Plant Immunity and Defense Mechanisms
  • Resistance Breeding Against Viral Pathogens
  • Bacterial Diseases in Crop Plants: Diagnosis and Management
  • Impact of Climate Change on Plant Pathogen Dynamics
  • Biocontrol Agents for Plant Disease Management
  • Genetic Basis of Host Susceptibility to Plant Pathogens


  • Traditional Medicinal Plants: Documentation and Validation
  • Cultural Significance of Plants in Indigenous Communities
  • Ethnobotanical Survey of a Specific Region
  • Sustainable Harvesting Practices of Medicinal Plants
  • Traditional Plant Use in Rituals and Ceremonies
  • Plant-Based Foods in Indigenous Diets
  • Ethnopharmacological Studies on Antimicrobial Plants
  • Conservation of Ethnobotanical Knowledge
  • Ethnobotanical Contributions to Modern Medicine
  • Indigenous Perspectives on Plant Conservation

Genetic and Molecular Biology

  • CRISPR-Cas9 Applications in Plant Genome Editing
  • Epigenetics in Plant Development and Stress Response
  • Functional Genomics of Plant Responses to Abiotic Stress
  • Genetic Diversity in Crop Plants and its Conservation
  • Genetic Mapping and Marker-Assisted Selection in Plant Breeding
  • Genome Sequencing of Non-Model Plant Species
  • RNA Interference in Plant Gene Regulation
  • Comparative Genomics of Plant Evolution
  • Genetic Basis of Plant Adaptation to Extreme Environments
  • Plant Epigenome Editing: Methods and Applications

Plant Anatomy and Morphology

  • Comparative Anatomy of C3 and C4 Plants
  • Xylem and Phloem Development in Plants
  • Leaf Anatomy and Adaptations to Photosynthesis
  • Morphological Diversity in Plant Reproductive Structures
  • Evolution of Floral Symmetry in Angiosperms
  • Root Architecture and its Functional Significance
  • Stem Cell Dynamics in Plant Meristems
  • Comparative Morphology of Succulent Plants
  • Tissue Regeneration in Plants: Mechanisms and Applications
  • Wood Anatomy and Tree-Ring Analysis in Dendrochronology

Climate Change and Plant Responses

  • Impact of Global Warming on Alpine Plant Communities
  • Plant Responses to Elevated CO2 Levels
  • Drought Tolerance Mechanisms in Plants
  • Shifts in Plant Phenology Due to Climate Change
  • Climate-Induced Changes in Plant-Pollinator Interactions
  • Carbon Sequestration Potential of Forest Ecosystems
  • Ocean Acidification Effects on Seagrass Physiology
  • Plant Responses to Increased Frequency of Extreme Events
  • Alpine Plant Adaptations to Harsh Environments
  • Climate-Driven Changes in Plant Distribution and Biogeography

Emerging Technologies in Botany Research

  • Application of Machine Learning in Plant Phenotyping
  • Nanotechnology in Plant Science: Current Status and Future Prospects
  • Metagenomics in Studying Plant Microbiomes
  • Remote Sensing for Monitoring Plant Health
  • High-Throughput Sequencing in Plant Genomics
  • CRISPR-Based Gene Drives for Ecological Restoration
  • Advances in Plant Imaging Techniques
  • Synthetic Biology Approaches in Plant Engineering
  • Augmented Reality Applications in Plant Biology Education
  • Digital Herbariums: Integrating Technology in Plant Taxonomy

Misc Botany Research Topics

  • Metabolic Pathways in Plant Secondary Metabolism: Regulation and Significance
  • Population Genomics of Endangered Plant Species: Implications for Conservation
  • Impact of Soil Microbes on Plant Health and Productivity
  • Evolutionary Dynamics of Plant-Pathogen Coevolution: Insights from Molecular Data
  • Application of CRISPR-Based Gene Editing for Improving Crop Traits
  • Phytochemical Profiling of Medicinal Plants for Drug Discovery
  • Investigating the Role of Epigenetic Modifications in Plant Stress Responses
  • Role of Plant Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Ecological Interactions
  • Biotic and Abiotic Factors Influencing Plant Microbiome Composition
  • Molecular Basis of Plant-Microbe Symbiosis: Lessons from Nitrogen-Fixing Associations

How to Make Botany Research Successful?

Conducting successful botany research involves a combination of careful planning, effective execution, and thoughtful analysis. Whether you are a student, a researcher, or someone conducting independent studies, here are key tips to ensure the success of your botany research:

  • Establish Clear Objectives: Clearly articulate the goals and objectives of your research. What specific inquiries do you intend to address? A well-defined research focus serves as a guiding framework, ensuring your efforts remain purposeful and on course.
  • Conduct an In-Depth Literature Review: Immerse yourself in the existing body of literature within your field of study. Identify gaps, discern trends, and pinpoint areas where your research could contribute significantly. A thorough literature review lays a robust groundwork for shaping your research design.
  • Choose an Appropriate Research Topic: Select a research topic that resonates with your interests, aligns with your expertise, and addresses the current needs of the scientific community. Ensure that the chosen topic is not only feasible but also harbors the potential for impactful outcomes.
  • Develop a Sound Research Plan: Create a detailed research plan outlining the methodologies, timelines, and resources required. A well-structured plan helps in efficient execution and minimizes the risk of unforeseen challenges.
  • Utilize Cutting-Edge Technologies: Stay updated with the latest technologies and methodologies in botany research. Incorporate advanced tools such as high-throughput sequencing, CRISPR-Cas9 , and remote sensing to enhance the precision and efficiency of your research.
  • Collaborate and Seek Guidance: Collaborate with experts in the field, seek mentorship, and engage in discussions with colleagues. Networking and collaboration can provide valuable insights, guidance, and potential avenues for collaboration.
  • Ensure Ethical Considerations: Adhere to ethical guidelines and standards in your research. Obtain necessary approvals for human subjects, follow ethical practices in plant experimentation, and ensure the responsible use of emerging technologies.
  • Implement Robust Experimental Design: Design experiments with attention to detail, ensuring that they are replicable and provide statistically significant results. Address potential confounding variables and incorporate controls to enhance the reliability of your findings.
  • Collect and Analyze Data Thoughtfully: Implement systematic data collection methods. Use appropriate statistical analyses to interpret your results and draw meaningful conclusions. Transparent and well-documented data analysis enhances the credibility of your research.
  • Regularly Review and Adapt: Periodically review your progress and be open to adapting your research plan based on emerging findings. Flexibility and responsiveness to unexpected results contribute to a dynamic and successful research process.
  • Communicate Your Research Effectively: Share your findings through publications, presentations, and other relevant channels. Effective communication of your research results contributes to the broader scientific community and enhances the impact of your work.
  • Foster a Collaborative Research Environment: Encourage collaboration within your research team. A collaborative environment fosters creativity, diverse perspectives, and a collective effort towards achieving research goals.
  • Contribute to Sustainable Practices: If your research involves fieldwork or plant collection, adhere to sustainable practices. Consider the impact on local ecosystems and strive to minimize any negative consequences.
  • Stay Resilient: Research can have its challenges, setbacks, and unforeseen obstacles. Stay resilient, remain focused on your goals, and view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.
  • Celebrate Achievements and Learn from Failures: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Learn from any setbacks or failures and use them as lessons to refine and improve your research approach.

In the vast and diverse field of botany research, scientists are continually unraveling the mysteries of the plant kingdom. From the intricate processes of photosynthesis to the challenges posed by emerging plant diseases and the potential of cutting-edge technologies, botany research is a dynamic and ever-evolving field. 

As we delve deeper into the green secrets of the plant world, our understanding grows, offering not only scientific insights but also solutions to address pressing global challenges such as food security, biodiversity loss, and climate change. 

The exploration of botany research topics is a journey of discovery, paving the way for a sustainable and harmonious coexistence with the plant life that sustains our planet.

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171+ Botany Research Topics For High School Students

Botany subject matter takes center stage in our blog, offering a captivating exploration of the latest advancements and intriguing facets within the realm of plant science. Delving into diverse Botany research topics, we unravel the complexities of plant life, from molecular intricacies to ecological dynamics. Whether you’re a seasoned botanist, a curious learner, or simply fascinated by the wonders of the botanical world, our blog promises to be a rich resource. 

Join us on a journey through the verdant landscapes of scientific discovery, where each post unveils the secrets and marvels that make plants not just a living entity, but an endlessly intriguing and vital part of our planet. Let the exploration of Botany’s wonders commence!

Table of Contents

About Botany Research Topic

Botany research topics for high school students offer a fascinating journey into the world of plants, cultivating both academic growth and practical skills. By aligning research interests, relevance to the curriculum, and collaboration with teachers, students can explore captivating ideas like plant adaptations to climate change, medicinal properties of indigenous plants, and the impact of soil pH on plant growth. Access to resources such as laboratory facilities, online databases, and botanical gardens empowers students to conduct experiments, analyze data, and present their findings effectively. Overcoming challenges, sharing success stories, and considering the broader impact on college applications enrich the botany research experience, fostering a lifelong passion for plant sciences. Discover the boundless possibilities within this engaging field.

Importance of Botany Research for High School Students

Here are some importance of botany research topics for students: 

1. Academic Growth

High school students engaging in botany research not only enhance their academic prowess but also develop critical thinking skills. Exploring the intricate world of plants fosters a deeper understanding of biological concepts.

2. Skill Development

Beyond textbooks, botany research cultivates practical skills. From designing experiments to analyzing data, students gain hands-on experience that transcends the confines of traditional classroom learning.

3. Future Career Opportunities

Botany research sets the stage for future career opportunities in diverse fields such as environmental science, agriculture, and pharmaceuticals. It serves as a stepping stone for those passionate about contributing to scientific advancements.

4. Personal Growth and Curiosity

Engaging in botany research sparks personal growth and curiosity among high school students. Investigating plant life encourages a sense of wonder and a desire for knowledge, instilling a lifelong love for learning. This intrinsic motivation goes beyond academic requirements, nurturing a curious mindset that extends into various aspects of their lives.

5. Environmental Awareness and Conservation

Botany research instills a sense of environmental awareness and conservation ethics in high school students. By studying plant ecosystems, students develop a profound understanding of the delicate balance within nature. This heightened awareness cultivates a responsibility towards environmental stewardship, preparing them to address pressing global issues related to biodiversity loss and climate change.

Choosing Botany Research Topics

Here are some steps to choose the botany research topics for students:

Aligning with Interest

Selecting a topic aligned with personal interests enhances motivation and engagement. Whether it’s the study of plant adaptations or medicinal properties, a genuine curiosity fuels meaningful research.

Relevance to High School Curriculum

Choosing topics relevant to the high school curriculum ensures that students integrate research seamlessly into their academic journey. This alignment facilitates a more comprehensive understanding of botanical concepts.

Collaboration with Teacher

Teachers play a pivotal role in guiding students toward suitable research topics. Collaborating with educators helps students navigate the vast array of possibilities and ensures the chosen topic aligns with academic goals.

Also Read: ECE Project Ideas for Final Year

Botany Research Topics For High School Students

Here are some botany research topics for high school students in 2024:

Plant Adaptations

  • The Role of Leaf Morphology in Drought Resistance
  • Investigating Root Modifications for Nutrient Absorption
  • Adaptations of Xerophytes to Arid Environments
  • Comparative Study of Hydrophyte Adaptations in Aquatic Environments
  • Sun vs. Shade: Examining Plant Responses to Light Variations
  • Thermal Adaptations in Plants: Surviving Extreme Temperatures
  • Evolutionary Patterns in Plant Adaptations to High Altitudes
  • Investigating CAM Photosynthesis in Desert Plants
  • Role of Epiphytic Plants in Tropical Forest Canopies
  • Exploring Plant Responses to Soil Salinity
  • Xylem Adaptations for Water Transport in Drought-Resistant Plants
  • Investigating Leaf Surface Structures in Hydrophobic Plant Adaptations
  • Shade Tolerance in Plants: Examining Strategies for Low-Light Environments
  • Extreme Cold Adaptations: How Plants Survive Freezing Temperatures
  • Evolutionary Significance of Plant Mimicry in Adaptations

Medicinal Plants

  • Bioactive Compounds in Traditional Medicinal Herbs
  • Evaluating Antimicrobial Properties of Plant Extracts
  • Investigating Anti-Inflammatory Agents in Medicinal Plants
  • Analyzing the Potential of Plants in Cancer Treatment
  • Ethnobotany: Studying Indigenous Medicinal Plant Knowledge
  • Comparative Analysis of Medicinal Properties in Common Weeds
  • Herbal Remedies for Respiratory Disorders: A Botanical Perspective
  • Antioxidant Properties of Culinary Herbs
  • Exploring Plant-Based Therapies for Neurological Disorders
  • Investigating Anti-diabetic Compounds in Plant Extracts
  • Investigating Plant-Based Compounds for Antiviral Properties
  • Neuroprotective Properties of Plants: Potential Therapies for Brain Health
  • Traditional vs. Modern Medicine: A Comparative Study of Plant Remedies
  • Anti-inflammatory Potential of Plants Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Exploring Plant-Based Treatments for Metabolic Syndrome

Soil and Plant Growth

  • Impact of Soil Microorganisms on Plant Health
  • Soil Amendments and Their Effect on Crop Yields
  • Rhizosphere Ecology: Understanding Soil-Root Interactions
  • Soil pH Variations and Their Influence on Plant Nutrient Uptake
  • Nitrogen-Fixing Plants: Enhancing Soil Fertility
  • Allelopathy: Investigating Plant-Plant Interactions in Soils
  • The Role of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Nutrient Absorption
  • Soil Erosion Control: Plant-Based Strategies
  • Microbial Biofertilizers for Sustainable Agriculture
  • Phytoremediation of Contaminated Soils
  • Microbial Diversity in Rhizosphere: Its Impact on Plant Health
  • Exploring Organic Soil Amendments for Sustainable Crop Production
  • The Influence of Soil Microbes on Nitrogen Fixation in Leguminous Plants
  • Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plant Phosphorus Uptake: A Mutualistic Relationship
  • Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals: Plant-Based Strategies for Soil Cleanup

Plant Genetics

  • Genetic Variation in Wild vs. Cultivated Plant Populations
  • Epigenetic Modifications in Plant Development
  • CRISPR-Cas9 Technology in Plant Genome Editing
  • Investigating Plant Hybridization and Its Implications
  • Mendelian Genetics in Plant Breeding
  • Genetic Diversity in Endangered Plant Species
  • Gene Expression in Response to Environmental Stress
  • Study of Plant Genome Sequencing: Advances and Challenges
  • Transgenic Plants for Improved Crop Traits
  • Investigating the Genetics of Plant Pathogen Resistance
  • CRISPR-Cas12b System: Advancements in Precision Plant Genome Editing
  • Investigating Epigenetic Changes in Plants Exposed to Environmental Stress
  • Genetic Markers for Assessing Biodiversity in Plant Populations
  • Transcriptomics: Studying Gene Expression Patterns in Plants under Abiotic Stress
  • 15. Investigating the Epigenetic Inheritance of Adaptive Traits in Plant Evolution

Plant Ecology

  • Biodiversity Hotspots: Plant Species Richness in Different Ecosystems
  • Impact of Invasive Plant Species on Native Ecosystems
  • Ecological Significance of Plant-Pollinator Interactions
  • Plant Community Dynamics in Successional Habitats
  • The Role of Plants in Carbon Sequestration
  • Urban Green Spaces: Assessing Plant Diversity in Cities
  • Edible Forests: Sustainable Agriculture in Agroforestry Systems
  • Alpine Plant Adaptations to Harsh Climatic Conditions
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Plant Distribution
  • Studying Plant-Soil Feedbacks in Natural Habitats
  • Fire Adaptations in Plant Communities: Studying Post-Fire Succession
  • Microclimates in Urban Environments: Impact on Plant Species Distribution
  • The Role of Plants in Carbon Sequestration in Wetland Ecosystems
  • Assessing the Ecological Impact of Invasive Aquatic Plant Species
  • Ecosystem Services Provided by Plant Diversity in Agricultural Landscapes

Plant Physiology

  • Investigating Photosynthetic Pathways in C3 and C4 Plants
  • Stomatal Regulation: Adapting to Environmental Conditions
  • Water Transport in Plants: From Roots to Leaves
  • Hormonal Regulation of Plant Growth and Development
  • Understanding Plant Responses to Light: Photomorphogenesis
  • Investigating Plant Senescence: The Aging Process
  • Osmotic Stress in Plants: Mechanisms of Adaptation
  • Plant Nutrient Uptake: From Soil to Cells
  • Plant Biomechanics: How Plants Respond to Mechanical Stress
  • The Role of Plant Secondary Metabolites in Defense Mechanisms
  • Investigating the Role of Plant Hormones in Stomatal Closure
  • Light Signal Perception: How Plants Respond to Different Light Wavelengths
  • Water Use Efficiency in Cacti: A Study of Osmotic Adjustments
  • Analyzing the Impact of Mechanical Stress on Plant Growth Hormones
  • Investigating the Metabolic Pathways of Secondary Metabolites in Plants

Ethical Use of Plants

  • Sustainable Harvesting of Medicinal Plants: Balancing Conservation and Utilization
  • Ethical Considerations in Plant Genetic Engineering
  • Fair Trade Practices in the Plant-Based Industry
  • Indigenous Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights in Ethnobotany
  • Plant Conservation Ethics: Protecting Endangered Species
  • Cultural Perspectives on Plant Use: A Global Comparison
  • Organic Farming Practices: Enhancing Soil Health and Plant Nutrition
  • Balancing Economic Development and Plant Biodiversity Conservation
  • Plant-Based Products: Navigating Ethical Consumer Choices
  • Ethical Considerations in Herbal Medicine Research
  • Ethical Considerations in the Global Trade of Medicinal Plants
  • Indigenous Ecological Knowledge: Integrating Traditional Practices in Conservation
  • Plant Conservation and Indigenous Rights: A Collaborative Approach
  • Sustainable Practices in Wild Harvesting of Medicinal Plants
  • Ethical Marketing of Plant-Based Products: Transparency and Consumer Trust

Plant Anatomy and Morphology

  • Comparative Anatomy of Different Plant Tissues
  • Trichomes: Their Structure and Functions in Plant Defense
  • Investigating Leaf Venation Patterns in Dicot vs. Monocot Plants
  • Xylem and Phloem Structure: Transport Systems in Plants
  • Floral Morphology: Adaptations for Pollination
  • Stem Modifications in Succulent Plants
  • Root Nodules in Leguminous Plants: Anatomical Insights
  • Comparative Study of Plant Epidermal Structures
  • Wood Anatomy: Growth Rings and Environmental Signals
  • Investigating Adaptive Leaf Modifications in Desert Plants
  • Investigating Trichome Density as an Indicator of Plant Stress
  • Leaf Morphology and Water Use Efficiency in Different Plant Species
  • Xylem and Phloem Transport in Succulent Plants: Anatomical Insights
  • Exploring Floral Morphology in Orchids: Adaptations for Specific Pollinators
  • Stem Anatomy in Climbing Plants: Mechanisms for Vertical Growth

Plant Pathology

  • Fungal Pathogens in Agricultural Crops: Identification and Management
  • Viral Diseases in Ornamental Plants: Epidemiology and Control
  • Bacterial Pathogens and Plant Immune Responses
  • Understanding Resistance Mechanisms in Genetically Modified Plants
  • Nematode Infestations in Crop Plants: Strategies for Control
  • Emerging Plant Diseases: Investigating Causes and Solutions
  • Phytophthora Infestations in Forest Ecosystems: Impact and Management
  • The Role of Endophytic Microorganisms in Plant Disease Resistance
  • Biocontrol Agents: Using Beneficial Microbes to Manage Plant Pathogens
  • Integrated Pest Management in Sustainable Agriculture
  • Investigating Plant Immune Responses to Emerging Viral Pathogens
  • Impact of Climate Change on Nematode Infestations in Crop Plants
  • Plant Disease Surveillance: Early Detection and Prevention Strategies
  • Investigating Endophytic Microorganisms as Biocontrol Agents in Agriculture
  • Sustainable Approaches to Integrated Pest Management in Greenhouse Farming

Plant Reproduction

  • Pollination Mechanisms in Orchid Species
  • Seed Dispersal Strategies in Wind-Pollinated Plants
  • Investigating Floral Scent Chemistry and Reproductive Success
  • The Role of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Orchid Reproduction
  • Comparative Study of Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants
  • Flowering Time Control: Genetic Mechanisms and Environmental Factors
  • Investigating Self-Pollination vs. Cross-Pollination in Plant Species
  • Seed Dormancy and Germination: Factors Influencing Plant Life Cycle
  • Gametophyte Development in Mosses: A Comparative Analysis
  • Investigating Apomixis in Plants: Asexual Seed Production
  • Floral Morphogenesis: Genetic Control of Petal and Sepal Development
  • Investigating the Role of Nectar Chemistry in Pollinator Attraction
  • Hybrid Seed Production: Challenges and Opportunities in Agriculture
  • Symbiotic Relationships between Plants and Mycorrhizal Fungi
  • The Impact of Environmental Factors on Seed Germination Timing

Plant Evolution

  • Evolutionary Adaptations in Carnivorous Plants
  • Paleobotany: Studying Ancient Plant Fossils
  • Comparative Genomics in Plant Evolutionary Studies
  • Evolutionary Significance of Plant Secondary Metabolites
  • Investigating Evolutionary Relationships in Plant Families
  • Evolution of C4 Photosynthesis in Grasses
  • Coevolution of Plants and Their Pollinators
  • Adaptive Radiation in Island Plant Species
  • Evolution of Plant Sex Determination Mechanisms
  • Evolutionary Consequences of Polyploidy in Plants
  • Plant Evolution in Anthropogenic Landscapes: Human-Induced Selection Pressures
  • Molecular Clocks in Plant Evolution: Estimating Divergence Times
  • Evolutionary Adaptations in Halophytic Plants: Surviving Saline Environments
  • Investigating Coevolutionary Patterns Between Plants and Herbivores
  • Paleoclimate Reconstruction Using Plant Fossil Records: Insights into Environmental Changes

Plant Biotechnology

  • Genetic Engineering for Increased Crop Yield
  • Investigating the Use of Plant Tissue Culture in Cloning
  • CRISPR-Cas12a System for Precise Plant Genome Editing
  • Metabolic Engineering of Plants for Biofuel Production
  • Developing Transgenic Plants for Enhanced Nutrient Content
  • Plant-Microbe Interactions in Bioremediation Processes
  • Nanotechnology Applications in Plant Biotechnology
  • RNA Interference (RNAi) for Pest Control in Agriculture
  • Synthetic Biology Approaches in Plant Engineering
  • Application of Plant Biotechnology in Phytoremediation
  • CRISPR-Cas Systems beyond Cas12a: Emerging Genome Editing Technologies
  • Epigenome Editing in Plants: Controlling Gene Expression without DNA Alteration
  • Using Plant-Microbe Interactions for Enhanced Nutrient Uptake
  • Smart Nanomaterials for Controlled Release of Plant Growth Regulators
  • Exploring the Potential of RNA-Based Vaccines for Plant Pathogen Control

These diverse botany research topics aim to inspire high school students to delve into the intriguing world of botany, fostering a deeper understanding of plant sciences and encouraging a passion for research.

In conclusion, our Botany research blog strives to cultivate a deeper appreciation for the marvels of plant life. From the microscopic intricacies to the vast ecological tapestry, we’ve explored the forefront of Botany’s ever-evolving landscape. As we continue to unravel the secrets of the green world, we invite you to stay connected for future discoveries and insights. Whether you’re a scientist, student, or plant enthusiast, our journey into Botany’s depths aims to inspire and foster a profound understanding of the integral role plants play in shaping our planet.

1. What makes botany research topics suitable for high school students?

Botany research topics offer a hands-on approach to learning, fostering critical thinking and practical skills. Engaging in these topics enhances academic growth and opens doors to future career opportunities in various scientific fields.

2. How can high school students access resources for botany research?

High school students can access resources like laboratory facilities, online databases, and botanical gardens. Collaborating with teachers and leveraging educational platforms enriches the research experience. Seek guidance, utilize available tools, and explore the vast world of botany research topics.

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Education Corner

Top 17 Plant Science Experiments: Exploring Plant Growth

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Join us as we embark on a journey of scientific exploration, unveiling the wonders of plant life one experiment at a time.

We have selected the best plant-related science experiments for this collection. These hands-on, educational activities are suitable for students of all age groups and not only satiate our curiosity about the natural world but also anchor our understanding of ecology and biology.

Let’s get started, and hopefully, this botanical journey will inspire a lifelong appreciation for the marvels of mother nature.

1. Grow Your Own Plants

This experiment offers an immersive learning experience, allowing students to witness firsthand the stages of plant growth, understand the requirements for healthy development, and observe the effects of various environmental factors.

2. Chlorophyll Paintings

Chlorophyll Paintings

“Chlorophyll Paintings” offers an innovative and artistic approach to plant science experimentation that both students and teachers should explore.

This unique experiment combines the worlds of biology and art, allowing participants to create captivating masterpieces while exploring the wonders of chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for a plant’s green color.

Learn more: Chlorophyll Paintings

3. Color Changing Flowers

Color Changing Flowers

This experiment provides an excellent opportunity to explore the process of water uptake in plants and how it affects the distribution of pigments within the flowers.

Learn more: Color Changing Flowers

4. Low-Prep Flower Dissection

Low-Prep Flower Dissection

“Low-Prep Flower Dissection” presents an accessible and engaging plant science experiment that is ideal for both students and teachers seeking hands-on learning experiences with minimal preparation.

This experiment offers a fascinating glimpse into the intricate anatomy of flowers and the functions of their various parts.

Learn more: Low-Prep Flower Dissection

5. Acid Rain Science

“Acid Rain Science” presents an impactful and relevant plant science experiment that offers valuable insights into the environmental effects of acid rain.

Students and teachers should engage in this experiment to understand the detrimental consequences of pollution on plant life and ecosystems.

6. Reveal a Plant’s Vascular System

Reveal a Plant’s Vascular System

“Reveal a Plant’s Vascular System” offers an exciting and enlightening plant science experiment that allows students and teachers to explore the hidden wonders of a plant’s circulatory system.

Learn more: Reveal a Plant’s Vascular System

7. Make Oxygen at Home

Through the process of photosynthesis, plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, a vital component for supporting life on Earth.

This experiment offers a unique opportunity to understand the connection between plants, photosynthesis, and the oxygen we breathe.

8. How Water Travels Through Leaves

How Water Travels Through Leaves

Students and teachers should engage in this experiment to gain a deeper understanding of how plants absorb and distribute water, while also exploring the concepts of transpiration and the importance of water in plant survival.

Learn more: How Water Travels Through Leaves

9. Growing a Bean Plant

By following simple steps, participants can cultivate their own bean plants and observe the stages of germination, root development, and leaf growth.

This experiment offers an excellent opportunity to explore plant anatomy, photosynthesis, and the importance of environmental factors for healthy plant growth.

10. Easy Seed Sprouting

Easy Seed Sprouting

“Easy Seed Sprouting” offers a simple yet rewarding plant science experiment that students and teachers should embrace to witness the wonder of seed germination and plant growth.

Learn more: Easy Seed Sprouting

11. Leaf Color Chromatography

By conducting this experiment, participants can explore the fascinating world of pigments and chromatography, gaining a deeper understanding of the diverse hues present in plant leaves.

12. How to Revive Any Dying Plant

This experiment offers a hands-on opportunity to understand the factors influencing plant health and to develop skills in plant care and problem-solving.

By exploring various techniques such as adjusting watering schedules, providing appropriate light exposure, and optimizing soil conditions, participants can revive and rejuvenate struggling plants.

13. Make Your Own Fun Light Maze for Plants

By constructing a maze using various light sources, participants can investigate how plants respond to different light conditions and orientations.

14. How Plants Breathe

By engaging in this experiment, participants can gain a deeper understanding of how plants exchange gases and respire, just like humans and animals.

Through this experiment, students will discover the importance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in plant metabolism and growth.

15. The Color-Changing Celery Experiment

This experiment provides a unique opportunity to witness the movement of water and the transportation of pigments through the xylem vessels of celery stalks.

16. Growing Seeds in Eggshells

Growing Seeds in Eggshells

This experiment not only promotes sustainable practices by repurposing waste materials but also provides an opportunity to explore the principles of seed germination, root development, and plant nutrition.

Learn more: Growing Seeds in Eggshells

17. Make a 3D Flower Model with Parts

Make a 3D Flower Model with Parts

By constructing a three-dimensional model using various materials, participants can explore the different parts of a flower and their functions.

Learn more: Make a 3D Flower Model with Parts

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Plant Science Subject Guide — Research Topics

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  • Encyclopedias & Handbooks
  • Finding Books
  • Botanical Gardens
  • Other Information Sources
  • Useful Tools

Narrowing a topic

Sometimes narrowing to a specific topic does not come naturally and can be a difficult task. Here are some techniques available to make this process simpler.

  • First, pick a topic in which you are interested. You will spend a lot of time with your topic and you will do a better job with it if you find the topic enjoyable. As you search through potential topics, note which pique your interest and follow them further.
  • Look for a topic with some recent controversy or a set of related topics which can be compared and contrasted.
  • Pick a topic which you have some hope of understanding. If you cannot understand the basics you will not be able to write about it. Not all topics are appropriate for undergraduate paper writing.

Some additional sites with help on choosing and narrowing topics are listed below.

  • Choosing and Narrowing a Topic
  • Narrowing a Topic
  • Narrowing a Topic and Developing a Research Question
  • Identifying when a Topic is Too Narrow or Too Broad

Where to find possible topics for science papers

If you don't know on what topic you want to write a paper, start by looking in sources with broad spreads of relevant information. 

  • Search any database by a particular journal or review journal (Science, Nature, Trends in Ecology & Evolution, etc.)
  • Look for a classic topic in your textbook 
  • Scan popular science sciences magazines such as Bioscience, Scientific American, Discover, etc.
  • Go to the popular  website  www.sciencedaily.com which covers most aspects of science and search for a topic
  • Search for ideas in the encyclopedias, handbooks or other books listed in this guide on a separate page
  • If you have some idea of a topic, search for review articles on that topic in one of the science databases listed in this guide
  • Search the table of contents of a journal which specializes in review articles, such as Trends in Ecology and Evolution

Search Strategies for Topics

Part of picking a topic will involve conducting literature searches. As you search for your topic(s) start with searches as BROAD as possible, while remaining relevant to your topic. Starting broad will give a breadth of coverage that allows you easy options for narrowing your topic. If you start with a narrow topic it is much harder to broaden your topic later to explore more options.

Describe your topic in a sentence.

How did carnivorous plants evolve digestive enzymes?

What are your major concepts? Identify the main elements of your topic.

Think of related terms for your concepts. Use both common words and scientific terms.

Add Boolean Operators (AND & OR) to structure the search in a database search interface.

  • << Previous: Starting Your Research Project
  • Next: Searching Scholarly Databases >>
  • Last Updated: Nov 30, 2023 8:42 AM
  • URL: https://guides.lib.uconn.edu/plantscienceresources

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Science News

A windswept sycamore maple tree grows in a field in Wales.

Plant ‘time bombs’ highlight how sneaky invasive species can be

Sycamore maples and some other plant invaders lurked for centuries before starting to choke out native ecosystems and species.

Flowers may be big antennas for bees’ electrical signals

Big monarch caterpillars don’t avoid toxic milkweed goo. they binge on it, more stories in plants.

Against a night-black background, a hawkmoth hovers over a paper filter cone that is designed to mimic a night-blooming flower. The hawkmoth's long proboscis is reaching into the center of the cone.

How air pollution may make it harder for pollinators to find flowers

Certain air pollutants that build up at night can break down the same fragrance molecules that attract pollinators like hawk moths to primroses.

A giant tortoise stands on soil in front of some trees.

Giant tortoise migration in the Galápagos may be stymied by invasive trees

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In hot Spanish summers, the thistle Carlina corymbosa is somehow able to cool itself substantially below air temperature.

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Ancient trees’ gnarled, twisted shapes provide irreplaceable habitats

Traits that help trees live for hundreds of years also foster forest life, one reason why old growth forest conservation is crucial.

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This weird fern is the first known plant that turns its dead leaves into new roots

Cyathea rojasiana tree ferns seem to thrive in Panama’s Quebrada Chorro forest by turning dead leaves into roots that seek out nutrient-rich soil.

A computer rendering of a tree with a thin, beige trunk and layers of long, palm-like leaves extending from the top in a circle.

A rare 3-D tree fossil may be the earliest glimpse at a forest understory

The 350-million-year-old tree, which was wider than it was tall thanks to a mop-top crown of 3-meter-long leaves, would look at home in a Dr. Seuss book.

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How an invasive ant changed a lion’s dinner menu

An invasive ant is killing off ants that defend trees from elephants. With less cover, it’s harder for lions to hunt zebras, so they hunt buffalo instead.

A photograph of the palm Pinanga subterranea with its green palms sprouting out from brown leaf-strewn ground.

This first-of-its-kind palm plant flowers and fruits entirely underground

Though rare, plants across 33 families are known for subterranean flowering or fruiting. This is the first example in a palm.

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Botany Research Paper Topics

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Divisions of botanical study

Biochemists study the effects of soil, temperature, and light on plants. Plant morphologists study the evolution and development of leaves, roots, and stems, with a special focus on the tissues at various points on stems (called buds) where the cells have the ability to divide. Plant pathologists investigate the causes of plant disease and the effect that pathogens, such as bacteria and fungi, have on forest trees, vegetable crops, grain, and ornamental plants. Economic botanists study the impact of plants as they relate to human needs for food, clothing, and shelter. Plant geneticists study the arrangement and behavior of genes (the physical units of heredity) in plants in order to develop crops that are resistant to diseases and pests. Fossil plants are studied by paleobotanists to determine the earliest appearances of various groups of plants and the conditions under which they existed.

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Plants and animals depend on one another for their survival. Plants are primary producers that, through photosynthesis, provide nutrients that animals use to carry out vital body processes. Animals, in turn, contribute to plant distribution, plant pollination, and every other aspect of plant growth and development. Together with zoology (the study of animals), botany is an important aspect of the study of ecology (the interrelationship of living things and their environments).

History of botany

The field of botany began to take form with the work of Greek philosopher Aristotle (384–322 B.C.), the first person to classify plants. He divided them into categories according to size and appearance. Many years later, Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus (1707–1778) contributed greatly to the study of botany by devising a comprehensive classification system for plants that is still used today. In 1753, Linnaeus published his Species Plantarum, in which he classified every known species of plant according to its structure and its similarity to other species. He also gave each plant a two-part name (called binomial nomenclature), consisting of the genus (the biological classification between family and species) and a second descriptive word.

The first scientific experiment in plant nutrition was conducted by Belgian physician Jan Baptista van Helmont (1577–1644). In growing a tree using only water as nourishment, van Helmont proved that the soil in which the tree was planted was not the only source of plant nutrients. English physiologist Stephen Hales (1677–1761) studied plant transpiration (loss of water from the surfaces of plant leaves and stems) and is credited with establishing plant physiology as a science.

During the nineteenth century, advances were made in the study of plant diseases, spurred by the potato blight in Ireland in the 1840s. Caused by a fungus that destroyed the entire potato crop, the potato blight resulted in over one million deaths from starvation and led to a mass migration of Irish to America.

The modern science of plant genetics developed from the work of Gregor Mendel (1822–1884), an Austrian botanist and monk. His breeding experiments with pea plants provided information on the nature of genes and their role in the inheritance of characteristics between generations. He formulated the Mendelian laws of inheritance, which were applied after 1900 to plant breeding.

Research in botany includes developing new and hardier species of crops, controlling plant diseases, discovering new medicines from plants, and studying the effects of human intervention (such as pollution and logging) on plant life. Exploring ways of maintaining an ecological balance that continues to sustain both plant and animal life is an important subject of study as well.

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Plant science - research topics.

The following Research Topics are led by experts in their field and contribute to the scientific understanding of plant-science. These Research topics are published in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Plant Science , as open access articles .

Green celery leaf macro under the microscope with a magnification of 40 times.

Utilizing Machine Learning with Phenotypic and Genotypic Data to enhance Effective Breeding in Agricultural and Horticultural Crops

Changing climate is driving frequent extreme weather events such as increased drought, and unpredictable seasonal precipitation, resulting in increased salinity, and shifts in pest pressures. Furthermore, changing climate has resulted in shifts in gr...

Plant cell under the microscope view for education biology.

The Regulation of Secondary Plant Cell Wall Formation

Secondary cell walls (SCWs) are the main constituent of plant biomass. SCWs are synthesized in specific cells such as tracheary elements and fibers. These SCWs not only provide mechanical support to the plant body and enable long-distance water trans...

Caenorhabditis elegans, a free-living, transparent nematode (roundworm), about 1 mm in length.

Plant Parasitic Nematode–Host Interactions: Mechanisms and Exploitative Management Strategies

Plant parasitic nematodes (PPN) are pathogens common in global agricultural systems. There is at least one species of PPN for all major food crops and yield losses caused by nematodes threaten global food security. Management of PPN is challenging an...

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Virome Analysis for the Identification of Emerging and Re-Emerging Viruses in Plants

The advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, including pyrosequencing (454; Roche) and sequencing by synthesis (Solexa genome analyzer; Illumina), has facilitated the use of metagenomic analyses to characterize viruses in many host plan...

Almond flower buds in snow; Shutterstock ID 1434140735; purchase_order: Bynder library; job: ; client: ; other:

Chilling Tolerance and Regulation of Horticultural Crops: Physiological, Molecular, and Genetic Perspectives

Chilling injury affects crops in the tropical and subtropical regions. Damage can include surface pitting, discolouration, internal breakdown, water soaking, failure to ripen, growth inhibition, wilting, loss of flavour, and decay. Post-harvest handl...

Fungal mycelium (Mycorrhizae) that provide symbiotic relationship between plants and fungi

Applicative and Ecological Aspects of Mycorrhizal Symbioses

Mycorrhizal symbioses, a mutual association between plants and fungi plays a vital role in shaping and balancing the ecosystem of our planet. Approximately 80% of vascular plant species form mycorrhizal associations between their roots and soil borne...

agricultural engineer in green house for quality control

Recent Advances in Research and Development for Vegetable Crops Under Protected Cultivation

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Woman in mask and uniform is examining seedling in greenhouse with team of professionals

Infection and Colonization of Horticultural Crops by Microbial Pathogens

Horticultural crops are an integral part of economic growth and they contribute significantly to agricultural production. Plants can be infected by pathogenic oomycetes, fungi and bacteria that cause significant yield losses worldwide and have a grea...

Rotten green pepper. Botrytis blight. Diseases of the capsicum and bell pepper. Damaged fruit on the bush. Crop loss

Current Advances in Botrytis cinerea: Biology, Pathogenesis and Interaction with Host Plants

Better known to wine connoisseurs as the “noble rot”, Botrytis cinerea is indeed an important plant pathogen with a very diverse host range, causing gray mold disease in over 1000 plant species, including most vegetable and fruit crops, trees, and fl...

  • Research topics related to

54 Research topics related to Plants

research topics related to

  • November 29, 2022
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Looking for research topics related to Plants? this page might help you come up with ideas. Research topics are subjects or issues researchers are interested in when conducting research. A well-defined research topic is the starting point of every successful research project. Choosing a topic is an ongoing process by which researchers explore, define, and refine their ideas.

There are many research topics related to Plants, depending on your specialization and interests. The topics below are only for guides. We do not encourage writing on any of them because thousands of people visit this page also to get an idea of what project topics to write on.

Plants/Botany focuses on the scientific study of plants, related microbial organisms, and plant habitats and ecosystem relations. The primary purposes of research topics related to Plants are to inform action, gather evidence for theories, and solutions to problems, and contribute to developing knowledge.

  • Algal Diversity And Water Quality Of Asata River Enugu
  • Assessment Of Genetic (Via Protein Electrophoresis) And Nutritional Variabilities Among Ten Accessions Of Sphenostylis Stenocarpa (Hocht. Ex. A. Rich) Harms
  • Biodiversity In Organic Cropping Systems
  • Combating The Global Food Crisis: Diazotroph Bacteria As A Cereal Crop Growth Promoter
  • Comparative Phytochemical Analyses Of Methanolic And Aqueous Leaf Extracts Of Three Medicinal Plants Used In Plant Disease Control
  • Comparative Studies On The Heavy Metal Concentration In Leaf, Stem, And Root Of Corchorus Olitorius L. Irrigated With Sewage Water And Tap Water Respectively
  • Compare The Rate Of Growth And Plant Vigor Of Hydroponically Grown Plants To Plants Grown Conventionally, In Soil.
  • Corn Response To Sulfur And Zinc Study
  • Determine The Effect Of Earthworm Density On the Decomposition Or Reduction Of Surface Residues.
  • Determine Whether Or Not Recycled (Reclaimed) Water Would Harm California Native Plant Species.
  • Effect Of Different Concentrations Of Iaa (Plant Hormone) On Root Initiation
  • Effect Of Sucrose Concentrations On The In Vitro Plantlet Regeneration From Mature Zygotic Embryo Explants Of Jatropha Curcas L. In Murashige And Skoog (Ms) Medium
  • Effects Of Abscisic Acid During Water Stress
  • Effects Of Crude Oil On Some Bacteria And Mineral Constituents Of Rhizosphere Of Delonix Regia Hook
  • Effects Of Nitrogen Fertilizer And Plant Spacing On Two Pasture Grasses (Brachiaria Decumbens And Digitaria Decumbens )
  • Effects Of Plant Hormones On Regrowth Of Grasses
  • Effects Of Simulated Crude Oil Contamination On The Physicochemical Properties And Bacterial Population Of Rhizosphere Of Sorghum Vulgare Pers
  • Effects Of Some Ethno Medicinal Plant Extracts On Fungi Associated With Rot Of Yam (Dioscorea Rotundata Poir)
  • Fungitoxic Effect Of Ethanolic And Aqueous Leaf Extracts Of Azadirachta Indica A. Juss, Ocimum Gratissimum Linn And Benlate In The Control Of Post-Harvest Fungal Diseases Of Solanum Melongena Linn (Egg Plant)
  • Genetics Of Aphid (Aphis Craccivora Koch.) And Rosette Resistance In Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.)
  • Gossypium Hirsatum[Phytochemical Analysis Of Methanolic Extract Of Cotton Plant]
  • Hydrocarbon Degradation And Accumulation By Sansevierialiberica Gerome And Labroy Polluted With Crude Oil
  • Hydrocarbon Degradation And Heavy Metals Uptake By Senna Alata (L.) Roxb. In Soil Polluted With Spent Engine Oil
  • Improvement Of Crop Production In Arid Areas
  • Jatropha Curcas Seed Cake As An Organic Fertilizer
  • Managing Continuous Corn For High Yields
  • Methanolic Extract Of Aqueous Of Enantia Chlorantha
  • Monitoring Of Crop Physiology Using Remote Sensing Methods
  • Must Plants Have Energy From The Sun To Live
  • Nitrogen Fertility Management Of Switchgrass For Sustainable Bioenergy Feedstock Production
  • Nutrient Requirements For In Vitro Propagation Of Ricinus Communis L. Zygotic Embryo Using The Basal Media Of Murashige And Skoog, Gamborg Et Al. And Schenk And Hildebrandt
  • Phytochemical Screening Of Loranthus Micranthus Linn. Parasitic On Six Different Host Plants
  • Relationship Between Pod Growth And Plant Hormones
  • See If A Garlic Extract Can Prevent Crown Gall In Rose And Tomato Plants
  • Studies On Aspects Of Reproductive Biology And Pod Yield In Bambara Groundnut (Vigna Subterranean (L.) Verdc)
  • Taxonomic Studies Of Five Varieties Of Colocasia Esculenta (L.) Schott (Cocoyam)
  • The Effect Of Far Infrared On The Growth Of Mold
  • The Effect Of Light Quality On The Structural Properties Of Wheat Plants
  • The Effect Of Radiation And Heat On The Germination Of Radish Seeds
  • The Effect Of Temperature On The Percentage Of Germination Of Mung Beans
  • The Effect Of Ultraviolet Light On Plant Development And Fruit Production
  • The Effects Of Gravity And Centrifugal Forces On The Gravitropism And Growth Of Bean Seeds
  • The Effects Of Nitrogen Fertilizer On Plant Growth
  • The Effects Of Plant Hormones On Root Initiation
  • The Effects Of Soil Moisture Content On The Growth And Distribution Of Sorghum Root Systems
  • The Effects Of Tillage On Soil Organic Matter
  • The Influence Of Soil Compaction On Grass Growth
  • The Use Of Watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus) Seed As A Coagulant In The Treatment Of Industrial Wastewater.
  • The Western Red Lily And Its Adaptations For Survival In Its Habitat
  • Use Of Biofertilizer Produced From Fermented Organic Wastes In The Production Of Okra
  • Variability And Correlation Studies In Basil, Scent Leaf (Ocimum Gratissimum)
  • Water Quality And Algal Biodiversity
  • Water Quality And Algal Diversity Of Fish Ponds And Dam Reservoir
  • Which Natural Insecticide Kills The Fewest Lady Beetles

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13 new horticulture research projects you need to know about.

w_Phytophthora-on-gloxinia_Photo-credit-R.K.-Jones,-North-Carolina-State-University,-Bugwood.org horticulture research

Phytophthora species are well-known and recurrent pathogens of ornamental greenhouses and nurseries in the U.S.

The Horticultural Research Institute (HRI), the foundation of AmericanHort , has announced the portfolio of research projects receiving 2022 funding. Projects reflect HRI’s research priority areas of quantifying plant benefits, creating innovative solutions, gathering consumer insights, and producing practical and actionable solutions. HRI is providing a total of $417,039 in financial support this year.

“Now celebrating its 60th year, HRI is more relevant to the success of the horticultural industry than ever before,” says Alan Jones ( Manor View Farm , Monkton, MD), HRI President. “The projects selected for 2022 funding represent a diverse selection of research topics showcasing ‘The Power of Plants.’ To date, HRI has supported $9.5 million in research grants and scholarships and looks forward to expanded funding as the endowment continues to grow.”

The Horticultural Research Institute’s mission is to direct, fund, promote, and communicate horticulture research. Supporting research that challenges current methods and bridges the divide between businesses and the consumer is exactly how HRI helps build prosperous businesses, advance the green industry, and fulfill its core vision.

“HRI supports projects where the outcomes impact the bottom line for industry businesses,” says Jennifer Gray, HRI administrator. “The projects selected for funding encourage innovative solutions, provide practical application, and will garner valuable information companies can use to grow their businesses.”

easy research topics about plants

Here’s a closer look at the projects receiving 2022 funding.

Quantifying Plant Benefits

Measuring the Benefits of Plants: Improved Cardiovascular Health and Well-being from Visual Exposure to Plants (J. Hollander, Tufts University): New research findings and tools in biometrics have advanced this field drastically and offer significant opportunities to better quantify the benefits of plants. These new tools dramatically improve understanding of how the unconscious human mind responds to plants and what that means for cardiovascular health and wellbeing. These technologies give us the means to compare horticultural elements in ways that were not possible before bringing complex data to bear to quantify the benefits of plants.

Creating Innovative Solutions

  • Creation of Emerald Ash Borer-Resistant “Lingering Ash” Cultivars for Restoration of Ash as Landscape and Street Trees (S. Merkle, University of Georgia): North American ash species are under threat of destruction by the emerald ash borer (EAB; Agrilus planipennis ), an exotic wood-boring beetle that has destroyed millions of ash trees. “Lingering ash” trees are individual ash trees that have been identified as potentially EAB-resistant by their persistence in populations where EAB-induced mortality exceeds 99%. Clonally propagating these lingering ash trees or selected progeny from them would allow clonal testing of potential EAB-resistant genotypes to confirm genetic-based resistance and the development of elite EAB-resistant ash cultivars for production by the nursery industry and planting by landowners and municipalities as landscape and street trees.
  • Stimulating Adventitious Root Formation in Recalcitrant Woody Plants with Agrobacterium rhizogenes (H. Liang, Clemson University): Some woody plant species are notoriously difficult to form adventitious roots. This project aims to examine the rooting stimulation effect of Agrobacterium rhizogenes, a soil-borne gram-negative bacterium that induces hairy roots in dicotyledonous plants, on cuttings of American chestnut ( Castanea dentata ), and yellow-flowering camellias. The project objectives are to evaluate the effect of A. rhizogenes on promoting rooting and identify optimal strains and reveal the physiological and biochemical responses during adventitious root formation induced by A. rhizogenes.
  • Tulipalins: A Natural Fungicide for Greenhouse Hydrangeas from a Tulip Bulb Waste Stream (T. Gianfagna, Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey): Tulip bulbs from cut flower production are considered a substantial waste-stream product. Tulip bulbs have been found to contain tulipalin lactones, which have anti-fungal properties, especially against Botrytis cinerea . Botrytis is a soilborne fungus that affects greenhouse-grown hydrangeas at several stages of production by damaging the flowers and the leaves. We think that a possible way to control Botrytis would be by using a natural anti-fungal spray or compost containing tulipalin.

Gathering Consumer Insights

  • Enhancing Marketplace Acceptance of Native Plants (A. Rihn, University of Tennessee): Traditionally, retailers have not had highly effective marketing of a wide variety of native plants and educating their customers about which plants are native in their region. Some retailers may perceive that consumer may be unaware of the many benefits that native plants provide or that consumers are not interested in environmental benefits. The goal of this project is to take the first step to enhance the marketing of native plants by assessing consumer demand, profiling consumers by their values and native plant acceptance, and identify consumer preferences for native plants to ultimately increase eco-conscious plantings in landscapes that improve environmental health and biodiversity.
  • Images of People or Plants: Which Sells More Plants? (B. Behe, Michigan State University; J. Mundel, Arizona State University): A majority of signage in both independent retail garden centers and home improvement centers show images of plants, not people. This is due largely to a desire to show consumers what the mature plant will look like. However, a theory called image congruency states that people identify strongly with products used by people who look like they feel. The objective is to identify which helps sell more plants: images of people congruent with the observer holding a plant, or an image of the plant itself.

Producing Practical And Actionable Solutions

  • Improved Irrigation Efficiency Through Modeling and Spatial Distribution Analysis (P. Bartley, Auburn University): Improper irrigation management in container production can seriously affect crop productivity and cause issues such as overuse of water resources and nutrient losses to surrounding water bodies. The overall goal of this research is to evaluate and optimize irrigation parameters for specialty crop producers using soilless container cultivation. The results are intended to aid researchers and producers in characterizing irrigation efficiency and dynamic root substrate interactions in order to improve the sustainability of container cultivation of specialty crops.
  • Improving Water Management in Pine Bark Substrates via Pore Size Characterization and Infiltration Testing (R. Stewart, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University): Containerized nurseries require proper management of water within individual pots to minimize shrinkage or crop loss and to ensure environmental and economic sustainability. It is commonly assumed that soilless substrates are able to receive water through their surface at an infinite rate (in/hr), and that their capacity to retain water remains the same throughout production. In this project, researchers seek to better understand and characterize water infiltration and storage processes in pine bark substrates composed of three different size fractions.
  • Management Options for Jumping Worms in Private & Commercial Landscapes and Natural Areas (E. Buchholz, University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum): Jumping worms are a growing concern within the horticultural community throughout the eastern half of the U.S. Amynthas spp. have been shown to have a significant impact in the losses of leaf litter and nutrient levels in surface soils. There are no practical methods of control or removal. This research will focus on determining which methods and products can offer a solution.
  • Periodical Cicada: Study of Potential Controls for the Tennessee Nursery Industry (D. Airhart, Tennessee Technological University): The goal of this research project is preventing or controlling periodical cicada oviposition damage associated with nursery tree crops. To accomplish this goal, two major priorities will be addressed: 1) evaluation of some new or typical insecticide treatments to manage periodical cicada adults to identify more effective management options; and 2) assessment of nursery tree damages by periodical cicada adults (Brood X, 2021) by oviposition, now starting in eastern Tennessee.
  • Preliminary Study on the Parasitoid Complex of the Box Tree Moth in Asia for a Classical Biological Control Program in North America (M. Kenis, CAB): The objective of the project will be to initiate the research and foreign exploration needed to implement a classical biological control program for box tree moth through the introduction of parasitoids from the region of origin to North America for permanent establishment and control. This first stage will consist in surveys and collections of parasitoids in East Asia and in the establishment of parasitoid cultures at the quarantine laboratory of CABI in Switzerland. After the establishment of cultures and initiation of efficacy and host specificity studies at the CABI quarantine, work in subsequent years will focus on sending the most promising candidate BTM parasitoids to the USDA-APHIS quarantine laboratory in Buzzard’s Bay, Massachusetts to evaluate possible impacts on non-target species to support an application for a U.S. release permit.
  • Preventing Disease Outbreaks in Ornamental Nurseries: Determining Most Effective Diagnostics Tools and Developing a Rapid Diagnostics Test for Phytophthora Species Infecting Ornamental Crops (J. Del Castillo, University of California Davis): Phytophthora species are well-known and recurrent pathogens of ornamental greenhouses and nurseries in the U.S. The development of faster and more specific diagnostics tool is imperative to determine in a timely fashion if plants are infested with Phytophthora and consequently prevent pathogen spread. The objectives of this project are to: 1) Compare and determine the efficacy of the currently available diagnostics tools to diagnose several Phytophthora species, and 2) Develop a rapid and more specific Phytophthora genus and species-specific detection tool that can be implemented in the field.
  • Soil Microbiomes for Plant Health: Exploring Microbes in the Soil for Candidates That Protect Plants Against Root Rot Disease Caused by Phytophthora cinnamomic (J. Burns, Case Western Reserve University): Between 20% to 40% of crop productivity worldwide is lost to plant diseases every year, and plant diseases cost the global economy around $220 billion/year. While chemical control of many plant diseases is possible, pathogens often evolve and become resistant to these measures. Biocontrol using soil microbial species, or the soil microbiome, has great potential in agriculture and horticulture to reduce our reliance on chemical control, enhance plant health, and maintain global food security. The goal of this research is to characterize this complex community, which is essential to the future development of probiotic products that might enhance plant health.

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The Horticultural Research Institute , the AmericanHort Foundation, supports scientific research and students for the advancement of the horticultural industry. HRI was established by industry leaders on the premise that no one could better direct needed research to advance horticulture than the very people who work in it, day in and day out. See all author stories here.

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Plant genetics articles from across Nature Portfolio

Plant genetics deals with heredity in plants, specifically mechanisms of hereditary transmission and variation of inherited characteristics. Plant genetics differs from animal genetics in a number of ways: somatic mutations can contribute to the germ line more easily as flowers develop at the end of branches composed of somatic cells; polyploidy is more common; and plants additionally contain chloroplastic DNA.

easy research topics about plants

A sweet victory for sugarcane genomics

Owing to its size and complexity, the genome of modern sugarcane has never been previously assembled in its entirety, which leaves it as one of the last remaining major crop species without a reference genome. The newly completed polyploid assembly of an archetypal modern hybrid reveals the complexities of sugarcane’s genetic past, and presents new opportunities for the researchers and breeders invested in its future.

  • Elizabeth A. Cooper

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Circadian and photoperiodic regulation of the vegetative to reproductive transition in plants

A review synthesizes interplays between photoperiodism and circadian regulation of the vegetative to reproductive transition in Arabidopsis and crops in responses to changing day lengths that ensures optimal timing for flowering and seed production.

  • Tongwen Han
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A spatial transcriptome map of the developing maize ear

The authors integrate spatial (Stereo-seq) and single-cell transcriptomes of the developing maize ear to produce an atlas of maize ear cells and their developmental trajectories. They also identify a pair of transcription factors involved in inflorescence development.

  • Yuebin Wang

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Harnessing clonal gametes in hybrid crops to engineer polyploid genomes

An approach to generate unreduced, clonal gametes in hybrid tomato genotypes enables polyploid genome design through controlled combination of four predefined genome haplotypes, thereby establishing a framework for exploiting progressive heterosis in crops.

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  • Charles J. Underwood

easy research topics about plants

An integrated multi-omics approach reveals polymethoxylated flavonoid biosynthesis in Citrus reticulata cv. Chachiensis

Citrus reticulata cv. Chachiensis (CRC) is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various ailments. Here Wen et al . provide genomic, transcriptomic and metabolomic resources for CRC and propose a possible biosynthetic pathway for bioactive components.

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Ecotype variation in the endemic tree Callicarpa subpubescens on small oceanic islands: genetic, phenotypic, and environmental insights

  • Suzuki Setsuko
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easy research topics about plants

Genomic analyses reveal the stepwise domestication and genetic mechanism of curd biogenesis in cauliflower

A high-quality reference genome assembly of cauliflower C-8 (V2) and genomic analyses of 971 diverse accessions and their relatives reveal the stepwise domestication and the genetic mechanism of curd biogenesis.


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easy research topics about plants

Coffee history under the genomic lens

Polyploid sugarcane genome architecture.

easy research topics about plants

Constants and variations in 69 diverse genomes of Arabidopsis thaliana

Chromosome-level genome sequences of 69 diverse Arabidopsis thaliana strains reveal a quasi-fixed genome structure worldwide, in which large rearrangement is limited almost exclusively to the centromeric regions. Pan-genome analysis uncovered substantial diversity in gene content that, together with the genome assemblies, will fuel future genetic research.

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An immune module against gray leaf spot

easy research topics about plants

The faces of JANUS

  • Raphael Trösch

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[100+] Botany Research Topics For College Students With Free [Thesis Pdf] 2022

Are You Searching Research Topics For Botany ,   Topics For Botany Research Paper, Botany Research Topics For Students, Research Topics Ideas For Botany, Botany Research Topics For Phd, Botany Phd Topics. So You are at right place. At this website you can get lots of Botany Research Topics for College Students,  Phd, Mphil, Dissertations, Thesis, Project, Presentation, Seminar or Workshop.

In this article we provide you latest research topics for Botany with full Phd thesis. By these research topics for Botany you can get idea for your research work.  Check the suggestions below that can help you choose the right research topics for Botany : You can also Free Download Cyber Crime Research Phd Thesis in Pdf by given link.

Now Check 50+ Botany Research Topics List

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Research Topic For Botany 2023

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Note: All Research Work Idea on this website is inspired by Shodhganga: a reservoir of Indian Theses. We provide you mostly research work under Creative Commons Licence. Credit goes to https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/

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This Post is also helpful for: Botany Thesis Pdf, Botany Thesis Topics, Botany Dissertation Topics, Botany Thesis, Catchy Title For Botany, Phd Thesis Topic for Botany, Botany Research Paper Topics, Botany Phd Topics, Botany Research Topics, Botany Research Topics For College Students

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  • Agriculture

Plant Science

Plant science research papers/topics, genetic variability and path coefficient analysis for yield and yield related traits in 4 varieties and 26 accessions of hot pepper (capsicum annuum l.) cultivated at tony farm, dire dawa, et.

Abstract: Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) is an important spice, an integral part of many cuisines and widely used foods in the world. To assess the magnitude and extent of genetic variability, and association of agronomic traits among some chili accessions and varieties and their contributions to yield, a field experiment was conducted using twenty six accessions and four varieties during the off-season period from November 2016 to May 2017 under irrigation. The experiment was conducted using RC...


Abstract: Assessment of genetic variability in crop species is one of the major activities of plant breeding which helps to design breeding methods and/or selection of genotypes for further evaluation to meet the diversified goals. Therefore, this field experiment was conducted to assess the genetic variability in garlic genotypes, to determine association among traits and estimate the direct and indirect effects of traits on bulb yield. The field evaluation of 34 genotypes and 2 released va...


Abstract: Zinc and iron are among the essential plant nutrients required in relatively small quantities for plant growth. Deficiencies of Zn and Fe have been reported in soils of Tigray, Ethiopia. The deficiencies of Zn and Fe in the soil system affect both plant growth and the nutrient contents in the grain of cereals for human consumption. This study was developed to (1) assess the status of Zn and Fe in leaves of teff and bread wheat in relation to soil contents and properties in agro-eco...


Abstract: Medicinal plants have been used for centuries to treat diseases. This study was carried out to screen the phytochemical composition and evaluate the antibacterial activities of crude leaf extracts of Tanacetum parthenium (feverfew) against dental pathogenic bacteria. T. parthenium is a medicinal plant which belongs to the family Asteraceae. Mature leaves of this plant were collected from Haramaya University and were shade dried and ground to powder. The crude extracts were prepared...


Abstract: Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is one of the earliest food legumes of the world used as source of high protein for human and animal consumption. In Guna wereda no studies were conducted on faba bean genetic variability and this study is designed to fill this gap. The study was designed to reveal the genetic variability and using phenotypic traits, fifteen accessions were laid out in a Randomized complete block designs (RCBD) with three replications. Each block consisted of 15 genotypes....


Abstract: Low soil fertility is a prominent factor for low agricultural productivity, whereby inorganic fertilizers have become important inputs to overcome the problem. In Ethiopia, different blended fertilizer types are used without clearly identifying the production limiting nutrient of a specific crop for a specific soil type. The present study was designed to identify the most yield limiting nutrients for sorghum on Leptosols through nutrient omission trials, which was conducted in 2021...


Abstract: Production of mungbean has been increasing in Ethiopia because of its high importance as a source of protein and foreign exchange earnings. Determination of appropriate plant density for the varieties of mungbean can increase its productivity. Therefore, an experiment was conducted to determine the effect of inter and intra row spacing on growth, yield components and yield of mungbean varieties under irrigation during 2016 cropping season at Gewane, Northeastern Ethiopia. The treat...


Abstract: Field experiment was conducted to assess the effect of sources of animals’ manure and rates of inorganic NP on yield and yield related parameters of maize on the saline soil at Alage, southern Ethiopia. Factorial combinations of three sources of animals’ manure (beef, goat, and poultry), and five rates (0, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) of the recommended dose of inorganic NP fertilizers (92 kg N ha-1 and 69 kg P2O5 ha-1) were laid out in randomized complete block design with three r...


Abstract: Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is an important food crop cultivated in arid and semi-arid regions of Ethiopia in general and East Hararghe Zone in particular. However, the productivity of the crop is low due to limited and erratic rainfall, low soil fertility, and traditional farming practice. Therefore, effects of seed priming, and combined application of in-situ moisture conservation and nutrient management on sorghum productivity were investigated during 2014 cropping sea...


Abstract: A field experiment was conducted in 2019 main cropping season at Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center research station, Southeastern Ethiopia with the objectives of assessing the compatibility of faba bean and wheat intercropping, to select suitable varieties of faba bean under different spatial pattern in intercropping and to assess the economic profitability of intercropping faba bean with bread wheat(variety Hulluka) in the area. The treatments were three faba bean varieties (As...

High Fertilizer Rates Increase Susceptibility of Tea to Water Stress

Abstract: A study to determine the association of fertilizer with soil water deficit in tea [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze] was conducted in a rain-out shelter using potted plants, in which five rates of fertilizer (0, 75, 150, 225 and 300 kg Nitrogen ha−1) and six levels of soil water content (38, 34, 30, 26, 22 and 18% v/v) were applied in a complete randomized design and replicated three times.The soil water treatment was maintained for a period of 12 weeks during which shoot growth,...

Diversité génétique des variétés traditionnelles de niébé [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] au Sénégal : étude préliminaire

Abstract: Diversité génétique des variétés traditionnelles de niébé [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] au Sénégal : étude préliminaire Des missions de collectes ont été organisées dans les principales régions de production du niébé au Sénégal dans le but d’obtenir des informations sur la diversité morphologique et moléculaire au sein des variétés traditionnelles de niébé. Ces missions ont permis de réunir 58 accessions. Deux classifications des accessions collectées ...

Transaction costs magnitudes, market participation, and smallholder profitability in rural–urban vegetable supply chain

Abstract: Transaction costs are pervasive barriers in agricultural supply chains as they exclude farmers from profitable markets. Identification of these costs without reliance on proxy variables and their effects on smallholder profitability has not been empirically analyzed. The Heckman 2-step model was used to assess the effects of magnitudes of these costs on farmer profitability. Indirect monitoring and negotiation-related transaction costs had significant, positive, association with se...

Different Plant Viruses Induce Changes in Feeding Behavior of Specialist and Generalist Aphids on Common Bean That Are Likely to Enhance Virus Transmission

Abstract: Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV), bean common mosaic necrosis virus (BCMNV), and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) cause serious epidemics in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), a vital food security crop in many low-to-medium income countries, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. Aphids transmit these viruses “non-persistently,” i.e., virions attach loosely to the insects' stylets. Viruses may manipulate aphid-host interactions to enhance transmission. We used direct observation and ele...

Three aphid-transmitted viruses encourage vector migration from infected common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) plants through a combination of volatile and surface cues.

Abstract: Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV), bean common mosaic necrosis virus (BCMNV), and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) are important pathogens of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), a crop vital for food security in sub-Saharan Africa. These viruses are vectored by aphids non-persistently, with virions bound loosely to stylet receptors. These viruses also manipulate aphid-mediated transmission by altering host properties. Virus-induced effects on host-aphid interactions were investigated using ...

Projects, thesis, seminars, research papers, termpapers topics in Plant Science. Plant Science projects, thesis, seminars and termpapers topic and materials

Popular Papers/Topics

Enhancing food supply through genetic engineering, plant science and biotechnology, seed dormancy in palms, effects of charcoal production on tree density cover and wood volume in yeregi malete kwara state, influence of pedological regimes on plants distribution in a lacustrine wetland in uyo, akwa ibom state, nigeria., influence of rock dust-based soil re- mineralisation on root-knot disease of organic watermelon plants, biological control using trichoderma harzianum against penicillium purpurogenum, causal agent of white yam tuber (dioscorea rotundata poir) rb, occurrence of mistletoe (loranthus spp.) infestation on garden croton (codiaeum variegatum) and other host trees, vegetation and species diversity in the northern sector of eastern desert, egypt, vegetation composition related to environmental factors along the international highway-west alexandria, egypt, review on: effect of seed storage period and storage environment on seed quality, review on effect of nitrogen and phosphorous application on seed yield and nutrient uptake of onion (allium cepa l.), assessment of regeneration potential of hibiscus sabdariffa l. under established ecosystems in cameroon, breeding sorghum [sorghum bicolor (l.) moench] for high quality stover for niger, susceptibility of common bean cultivars to storage fungal pathogens.

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  1. 23 Ideas for Science Experiments Using Plants

    23 Ideas for Science Experiments Using Plants. Plants are tremendously crucial to life on earth. They are the foundation of food chains in almost every ecosystem. Plants also play a significant role in the environment by influencing climate and producing life-giving oxygen. Plant project studies allow us to learn about plant biology and ...

  2. 100+ Botany Research Topics [Updated 2024]

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  3. 171+ Botany Research Topics For High School Students

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  4. Plant Biology Science Projects

    In a process called photosynthesis, plants convert light energy, water, and carbon dioxide into oxygen and sugar. They can then use the sugar as an energy source to fuel their growth. Scientists have found an easy way to measure the rate of photosynthesis in plants. The procedure is called the floating leaf disk assay.

  5. Frontiers in Plant Science

    The most cited plant science journal advances our understanding of plant biology for sustainable food security, functional ecosystems and human health. ... 1,793 Research Topics Guest edit your own article collection Suggest a topic. Submission. null. Submission All; Submission open; Submission closed ...

  6. Top 17 Plant Science Experiments: Exploring Plant Growth

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  7. Plant sciences

    Drought is a serious threat to global food security. In upstream research, crop drought-tolerant traits are often studied under extreme drought conditions, which can seem irrelevant in the eyes of ...

  8. Research articles

    Repeat expansions can induce gene silencing exemplified by growth defects in plants to genetic diseases in humans. This paper shows key roles for post-translational modifiers, histone readers and ...

  9. Top 100 in Plant Science

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  10. Plant Science Subject Guide

    Identify the main elements of your topic. Concept 1. Evolution. Concept 2. Carnivorous plants. Concept 3. Digestive enzymes. Think of related terms for your concepts. Use both common words and scientific terms.

  11. Frontiers

    Plant biology is a key area of science that bears major weight in the mankind's ongoing and future efforts to combat the consequences of global warming, climate change, pollution, and population growth. An in-depth understanding of plant physiology is paramount to our ability to optimize current agricultural practices, to develop new crop ...

  12. Plants

    Plant 'time bombs' highlight how sneaky invasive species can be. Sycamore maples and some other plant invaders lurked for centuries before starting to choke out native ecosystems and species ...

  13. Plant Biology Topics

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  14. Botany Research Paper Topics

    Botany Research Paper Topics. See our list of botany research paper topics. Botany is a branch of biology that deals with plant life. It is the science of the structure and the vital processes of plants, including photosynthesis, respiration, and plant nutrition. Among the plants studied are flowering plants, trees, shrubs, and vines.

  15. 15+ Plant Science Activities and Lessons

    Pigments in Leaves. In the Find the Hidden Colors of Leaves activity, students use paper chromatography to explore pigmentation in leaves. 3. Growing Plants without Soil. In the Hydroponics Made Easy activity, students set up their own mini-gardens and grow plants with nutrient-rich water instead of soil.

  16. Plant Science

    The following Research Topics are led by experts in their field and contribute to the scientific understanding of plant-science. These Research topics are published in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Plant Science, as open access articles.

  17. 54 Research topics related to Plants

    Research topics are subjects or issues researchers are interested in when conducting research. A well-defined research topic is the starting point of every successful research project. Choosing a topic is an ongoing process by which researchers explore, define, and refine their ideas. There are many research topics related to Plants, depending ...

  18. One hundred important questions facing plant science research

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  20. 13 New Horticulture Research Projects You Need to Know About

    Here's a closer look at the projects receiving 2022 funding. Quantifying Plant Benefits. Measuring the Benefits of Plants: Improved Cardiovascular Health and Well-being from Visual Exposure to Plants (J. Hollander, Tufts University): New research findings and tools in biometrics have advanced this field drastically and offer significant opportunities to better quantify the benefits of plants.

  21. Plant genetics

    RSS Feed. Plant genetics deals with heredity in plants, specifically mechanisms of hereditary transmission and variation of inherited characteristics. Plant genetics differs from animal genetics ...

  22. [100+] Botany Research Topics For College Students With Free [Thesis

    Botany Research Topics Examples. Sr. No. Research Topic. Check Thesis. 1. Studies in the variations of adaptive mechanisms of some Indian mangrove plants in relation to the environmental conditions. Click Here. 2. Evaluation of antifungal and antibacterial property in the plant extract of Catharanthus roseus Apocynaceae.

  23. Plant Science Books and Book Reviews

    Abstract: Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is one of the earliest food legumes of the world used as source of high protein for human and animal consumption. In Guna wereda no studies were conducted on faba bean genetic variability and this study is designed to fill this gap. The study was designed to reveal the genetic variability and using phenotypic ...