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Welcome to the Electronic Theses and Dissertations Website!

PREPARE: Before You Write

Be prepared with the necessary tools and knowledge to plan your ETD before you begin to write and save hours of hassle. In this section, you will find resources to help you learn to use the ETD templates, map out what you should know about tables and figures, simplify your bibliography by using reference managers, and find the resources and help you need as you begin the writing process.

WRITE: As You Work

When you have questions during the ETD writing process, find the answers you need here. Whether it’s about the craft of writing, the technicalities of the template, or how to use software tools to make your ETD the best it can be, we have a variety of resources for you. In this section, you’ll find help through online tutorials, group workshops and classes, and one-on-one consultations.

SUBMIT: Finish and Share

Due dates and requirements come quickly at the end of your ETD process. What forms are due when? Where can you find your school’s submission and graduation information? How do you pick the right options for submitting your ETD? Who can you ask for help? In this section, you will find the resources you need to finish and submit your ETD and share your work with the world.

About ETDs at the University of Pittsburgh

Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) at Pitt are one of the final steps in the graduate student experience. However, the ETD process begins early and involves learning new skills and gaining knowledge, both about your research topics as well as about the process of creating and publishing a document. 

This website is broken into steps to help you along the way. When you start the thesis or dissertation process, right after your proposal is accepted, read the material on the "Prepare" page to get you started on the right path and to save you time and frustration later. As you work and write, check back on our "Write" pages for resources that will help you with common questions and problems during the process. And when you are nearing the end, make sure to read the "Submit" pages so that you know what you need to do and when. 

If you are interested in the Pitt ETD program broadly, you can also  search the ETDs or read about the program's history and statistics .

ETD Student Services Staff can login here .

University of Pittsburgh Shield

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Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The Electronic Theses and Dissertation (ETD) website is a one-stop shop for everything graduate students need for submitting their final documents electronically. The ETD Guide provides step-by-step instructions, with visual examples, to help explain the Graduate School’s formatting and production requirements. Students are encouraged to read the ETD Guide before writing and make sure to refer to the guide throughout the writing process. Using one of our ETD templates can also simplify the formatting process.

Before submitting the first ETD draft, all students should review the ETD Process page , which provides important details about each stage of the ETD review and approval process.  Also, students are encouraged to review this ETD formatting checklist , which covers some common issues.

The NC State Graduate School offers 100% electronic processing for graduate theses and dissertations. This means that all ETD reviews, ETD final submissions, Graduate School and Advisory Committee ETD approvals, and NCSU Library catalogs are electronic. The public may access NC State ETDs online on the library’s repository website.  After consulting the ETD Guide, feel free to send any questions to the ETD Reviewer ( [email protected] ).

  • ETD Process 
  • Doctoral Required Forms 
  • ETD Info/Technical Help 
  • ETD Templates 


Electronic theses & dissertations (ETDs)

Electronic dissertations and masters’ theses have been deposited in the Libra scholarly repository at the University of Virginia since 2012. Libra makes UVA scholarship available to the world and provides safe and secure storage for the scholarly output of the UVA community. Submitting your work to Libra is a graduation requirement for all graduate students whose programs have required theses and for PhD students. LibraETD is can be used by all students, undergraduate  or graduate, whose programs have optional theses or capstones.

Before you upload your thesis or dissertation, be sure you have reviewed:

Copyright Essentials for Scholarly Work  (including Graduate Students)

The ETD Submission Checklist

Older dissertation formats

All dissertations submitted to the UVA Library in CD format were deposited into Libra in early 2014. Access to these items is UVA-only, replicating the accessibility level of the originally deposited CDs.

If you are the author of one of these dissertations and would like to change the access level to be world-wide open access, please  contact us .

Paper copies

We no longer accept paper copies for the Library shelves.  Many frequently requested dissertations from the UVA collection have been added to Libra through a generous grant from Jefferson Trust. If you are the author of one of these dissertations now in Libra and would like to change the access level to be world-wide open access, please  contact us .

If your dissertation was published in paper previously and you would like it to be added to Libra, please  contact us .

Many UVA dissertations were deposited in ProQuest until 2012, and some students continue to take the option to deposit to this commercial vendor of databases and other information products. ProQuest’s  Dissertations and Theses Full Text  database contains many dissertations published in the U.S. and is used by scholars worldwide whose institutions opt to provide paid access to the database. ProQuest also sells full-text copies of dissertations directly to the public, though it is worth noting they do not share revenue from those sales with authors. NOTE: To access "online" ETD's in Proquest, you must be affiliated with an institution that subscribes to the ProQuest database.

ProQuest charges fees for submission, and they have particular formatting and copyright requirements.  Please see their  submission instructions  for details. UVA does not require thesis or dissertation deposit to ProQuest, nor does UVA have an institutional agreement with ProQuest for such deposit. Students who opt to deposit with ProQuest do so as individuals contracting with this vendor.

Libra Contents

  • Libra: Search and submit
  • About Libra
  • About LibraETD
  • About LibraData
  • About LibraOpen
  • Copyright essentials

Global ETD Search

Search the 6,480,478 electronic theses and dissertations contained in the NDLTD archive:

The archive supports advanced filtering and boolean search.


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EBSCO Open Dissertations makes electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) more accessible to researchers worldwide.

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Overview of Electronic Theses and Dissertations

What are etds.

An ETD is an openly-accessible electronic version of your thesis or dissertation that will be kept by Duke University Libraries instead of a bound paper copy. The transition to ETDs is a cooperative effort between The Graduate School and the library. All the information presented here comes from these two sources and represents the official policies of Duke University.

How do I submit my thesis or dissertation?

The process is  done online . Step-by-step instructions are provided at the submission site, and formatting guidelines are provided by The Graduate School’s  Guide for Electronic Submission of Thesis and Dissertation (PDF) . The Graduate School also has  Word and LaTex templates .

Initial submission to the Duke Graduate School/ETD availability Kathy Ivanov [email protected] 919-681-5985

ETD copyright or publishing Copyright Consultants Duke University Libraries [email protected]

What are the benefits of open access for my thesis or dissertation?

  • Greater visibility helps improve your reputation in your field. Many scholars today do their initial searching on a topic online. Scholars seeking to build their reputation need to make their work accessible in forms actually used by potential colleagues and employers.
  • Scholarly communication happens very quickly today. Internet availability is much more beneficial than the long delays and added costs that accompanied library processing and lending of print theses and dissertations.
  • Your thesis or dissertation will become part of a growing international collection of ETDs through the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
  • Because your work, and the fact that it is your work, will be easy to find, it will be much harder for anyone to appropriate your research without giving you credit.
  • Research shows that scholarship available on the internet through open access is cited more often, and is cited sooner, than work that is available only through a subscription or the loan of a print copy.
  • Multimedia objects, including color images, hyperlinks, audio, video, spreadsheets and databases, even virtual reality worlds can be easily incorporated into your dissertation and can readily be made available to all of your readers.
  • You can include a stable URL for your work in a CV or e-mail it to colleagues and hiring committees. Because our database is OAI compliant, your work also will be found by major search tools.
  • Open access more fully embodies the goal of the thesis or dissertation to be a public contribution to scholarship. On the internet your work can reach an audience whose interest in it may have been unforeseeable. New possibilities for interdisciplinary or cross-disciplinary research, and the formation of unexpected research collaborations, are created by open access to scholarship.

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  • BorrowDirect Request books and other items from partner libraries. JHED ID required.
  • Interlibrary Loan Request scanned articles, chapters, and more from non-JHU libraries. JHED ID required.
  • Document Delivery via ILL Request scanned articles and chapters from JHU Libraries and the Libraries Service Center. JHED ID required.
  • Journal Search Look for online journals and periodicals available from JHU libraries.
  • Citation Linker Find a specific article or book by searching citation information.
  • eReserves Access online articles and media reserved for courses.

Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs)

  • Submission Checklist
  • Formatting Requirements
  • Submission Deadlines

An Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD) is a requirement for graduation from Doctoral programs and available to graduates from Masters programs.

What is an ETD?

An electronic thesis or dissertation (ETD) is a digital version of a thesis or dissertation that will be deposited in the JScholarship repository managed by the Sheridan Libraries and be available online to the public.

Universities and colleges in the United States and abroad have been moving toward this type of publication for the past decade. Johns Hopkins started its own ETD program beginning in the fall semester of 2013.

Who does this apply to?

  • Required for all PhD Students
  • Optional for Masters students with a required thesis; contact your graduate office for information
  • Other graduate degrees: Consult with your graduate office

How and when do I submit my ETD?

  • Submit after you have defended your thesis or dissertation and made all edits required by your committee
  • Follow the formatting requirements
  • Login with your JHED ID to the JHU ETD submission system , fill in the required metadata, and upload a PDF/A file of your thesis or dissertation
  • The required PDF/A file format is different from a standard PDF. Please see the formatting requirements for further instructions

Fee Payment

The ETD submission fee is $60 and may be paid by credit card or by funds transfer from your department. The fee is due at the time of submission; payment verification is required for approval.

Pay by Credit Card – $60

IMPORTANT: If the card you are using is not your own (e.g., spouse or parent’s card), proceed with the payment at the site, but then email your name, your JHED ID, and the name of the credit card owner to [email protected] so we can link your submission with the payment.

Pay by Department Funds Transfer

NOTE: This option is available at departmental discretion. Request that the department administrator fill out the PDF form and submit it to [email protected] .

Learn More about ETDs

Video tutorials.

A video tutorial of the entire ETD process can be viewed on YouTube

Frequently Asked Questions

No. If your department does not coordinate printing and binding, you might consider Thesis on Demand or PhD Bookbinding . You can upload your PDF, and they will print it, bind it, and ship it to you.

Yes. No individual file can be larger than 512 MB, and the total size of all files cannot exceed 4 GB. If your thesis or dissertation is larger than that, please email [email protected] .

Within two months following degree conferral, ETDs are published to  JScholarship , our institutional repository. There are separate sections in JScholarship for masters theses and doctoral dissertations . If you placed an embargo on your ETD, only the metadata (author, title, abstract, etc.) will be available until the embargo period is up.

Your ETD will be published to our institutional repository, JScholarship , within two months following degree conferral. An ETD is considered published when it is deposited in JScholarship, even if it is under embargo.

Once published, changes cannot be made to your ETD. Your ETD will be published within two months following degree conferral. You are responsible for ensuring your ETD has been thoroughly proofread before you submit to the library.

Students submitting Electronic Theses and Dissertations are responsible for determining any copyright or fair use questions. For assistance, please consult the Copyright LibGuide or contact the librarian listed on the guide.

By default, ETDs are published to JScholarship within two months after you graduate. If you wish to temporarily restrict public access to your ETD, during the ETD submission process you can embargo your document for up to four years. Please note that the title and abstract of your document will still be visible during your embargo. You may release your document from embargo early or extend it up to the four-year maximum by emailing [email protected] . Once your document is publicly accessible, however, we cannot make changes to embargoes.

Contact ETD Office

Milton S. Eisenhower Library [email protected]

ETDs on JScholarship

Electronic theses and dissertations from JHU students. Go to ETDs

JScholarship Home

Open access publications from JHU faculty and students. Visit JScholarship

Please start by reviewing the formatting requirements and submission checklist .

If you have additional questions, email [email protected] for the fastest response.

If we are unable to resolve your inquiry via email, you may request an in-person meeting. Due to the volume of ETDs, we cannot meet on deadline days, or the two days before deadlines.

Please note we do not provide formatting reviews by email, only via the submission system .

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ETD Center Subbranding

Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center

OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) contains over 58,000 theses and dissertations from students at 31 of Ohio’s world-renowned academic institutions. In 2012, Google thanked OhioLINK for making ETD open-access content easier to find by Google Scholar. Theses and dissertations from Ohio’s academic institutions were downloaded more than six million times from researchers around the globe in 2015.

Consider reading this blog post to learn more about the upload process for theses and dissertations. And also check out our overview flyer  about the ETD Center.

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Home > ETDs

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.

If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here . Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Employing Organizational Theory and Strategic Enrollment Management to Private School Student Enrollment , Jessica Adams

The Effect of Wing Shape and Ground Proximity on Unsteady Fluid Dynamics During the Perching Maneuver. , Dibya Raj Adhikari

Theoretical Analysis of Charge Conduction and Rectification in Self-Assembled-Monolayers in Molecular Junctions , Francis Adoah

Optimizing Information Values in Smart Mobility , Fatima Afifah

Exploring the Effects of State Medicaid Policies on Opioid Use Disorder Treatment and Utilization of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder for Criminal Justice-Involved Individuals , Fatema Ahmed

Towards a Holistic and Comparative Analysis of the Free Content Web: Security, Privacy, and Performance , Abdulrahman Alabduljabbar

Enabling Large-Scale Transportation Electrification for Shared and Connected Mobility Systems , Md Rakibul Alam

Human Recognition Theory and Facial Recognition Technology: A Topic Modeling Approach to Understanding the Ethical Implication of a Developing Algorithmic Technologies Landscape on How We View Ourselves and Are Viewed by Others , Hajer Albalawi

An Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Consumer Behavior and Retailers' Business Model in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , Bader Alfardan

Exploring Success Factors of Adopting Advanced Manufacturing Technology for Electrical Vehicles Industry in Saudi Arabia Applying the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) , Abdullah Al Fatais

The Effect of Using a Technology Based Self-Monitoring Intervention on On-Task Behavior for Students with Behavioral Issues in an Inclusive Classroom , Sami Algethami

Refugee Language Barriers in Host Countries and Treatment of Refugees. A Cross-country Analysis , May Ali

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derived Exosomes Attenuates Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity , Sawdah A. Ali

Modeling Active Road-User Interaction: Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Approach for Trajectory Generation with Social Context and Trajectory Prediction , Syed Mostaquim Ali

Adversarial Attacks, Coarse Robustness, and Dataless Neural Networks: Novel Techniques for Improved Classification and Combinatorial Optimization , Ismail Alkhouri

Detecting Manipulated and Adversarial Images: A Comprehensive Study of Real-world Applications , Mohammed Alkhowaiter

Exploring English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Saudi Arabian Teachers' Perceptions vis-a-vis the English Education Context in Primary and Secondary Schools , Mona Abdullah A. Al Mogeerah

Highly Dispersed Transition Metal Oxide Catalysts Achieved on Hydroxyl-Rich Supports for Environmental Catalysis , Murtadha Almousawi

Assessing Influence Factors Affecting the Quality of the Diffusion of Innovation and New Technology Management in the Higher Education Sector in Saudi Arabia , Mohammed Ghanem M Alqahtani

An Econometric Analysis of Shared Mobility , Nami Alsulami

Improving Vulnerability Description Using Natural Language Generation , Hattan Althebeiti

Ponatinib-induced Cardiac Toxicity is Mediated by Impaired Angiogenesis , Imran Altiokka

Structural Transformations in Photo-Thermo-Refractive Glass for Hologram Recording , Roberto Alejandro Alvarez Aguirre

Gatsby Revived Through Memes , Sabrina Alvarez

Micro-Credentialing with Fuzzy Content Matching: An Educational Data-Mining Approach , Paul Amoruso

Assessment of Midblock Pedestrian Crossing Facilities using Surrogate Safety Measures and Vehicle Delay , Nafis Anwari

Shock Tube Investigation of Fuel Reaction Kinetics in Extreme Combustion Environment , Farhan Arafin

Foreign Constellations , Steven Archer

The Effect of Osmolytes on Actin Bundling and Bundle Mechanics by Chlamydia trachomatis Tarp , Brianna Ariza

Spectrally Selective Pyroelectric Detectors For THz Sensing , Christopher Arose

Me and My Baby: Directing & Designing "Chicago" at the High School Level , Leo Arteche Arencibia

The Effects of Microgravity on the Development of Osteoporosis , Jackson Asiatico

Impacts of the Protist Pathogen Amphibian Perkinsea on Amphibian Species and Communities , Matthew Atkinson

Contributions to Professional School Counselors Entering and Remaining in the Profession: A Grounded Theory , Kathryn Babb

Radioprotectant Ceria Nanoparticles Drug Delivery System to Reduce Reactive Oxygen Species Levels and Mitigate Spaceflight Osteopenia , Balaashwin Babu

Transportation Electrification in Interdependent Power and Transportation Systems - Analysis, Planning, and Operation , Sina Baghali

The Impact of Culturally Responsive Instruction on Academic Achievement , Rolando Bailey

Testing the Three-Step Theory of Suicide: An Examination of Pain in First Responders , Shelby Baker

Bridging the Gap Between Black Americans' and White Americans' Completion of Advance Care Directives: The Role of Religion and Spirituality in End-of-life Planning , Rachel Bassett

Changes in Preservice Secondary Science Teachers' Views, Beliefs, and their NOS Teaching During a Science Methods Course Guided by RFN , Kelsey Beeghly

The Impact Math Interventions Have on Student Achievement in an Urban School Setting , Jennifer A. Bellinger

Material Appearance Modeling for Physically Based Rendering , Alexis Benamira

The Interplay of Spatial Ability, Sex, Training Modality, and Environmental Features: Effects on Spatial Cognition, Mental Map Formation, and Wayfinding , Rhyse Conner Bendell

An Investigation on the Procedural Rhetoric of Curated Difficulty , Ismael Benjelloun

Trauma In the Acting Process: My Role as Camae In the Mountaintop and the Implementation of Practical Techniques for Empowerment , Anita Bennett

An Exploratory Study of Eye-Tracking on Elementary Children With and Without Reading Disabilities , Monica Berns-Conner

Children's Knowledge of Intravenous Needle Insertion and Distress: The Indirect Effects of Cognitive Appraisals of Threat and Coping , Emily Bernstein

Ruffled: Examining Feminism & Femininity Through Animation , Savannah Berry

Statistical Analysis of Detonation Stability , Joshua Berson

Design Considerations and Imaging Setup for Liquid Fuel Droplet Detonation Wave Experiments , Nicolas Berube

Investigation of Endothelial Mechanics on Primary Cell Functions: Endothelium Permeability and Wound Healing , Sean Beverung

Responses of a Pine Flatwoods Specialist Treefrog to Prescribed Fire , Ian Biazzo

Two essays on ESG , Natalya Bikmetova

Topographical Distribution and Morphology of Sympathetic Postganglionic Innervation and Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia (CIH) Induced Remodeling of the Whole Heart at Single Cell/Axon/Varicosity Scale , Ariege Bizanti

The Perfect Storm: Motherhood, Intimate Partner Violence, and COVID-19 , Kelly Blauschild

Dormant Propagules in Demographic Studies: a Recurrent Bias and Potential Solutions , Federico Borghesi

Electrochemical Sensors For Sub-ppb Level Water Contaminant Detection Using Eco-friendly Materials , Pouya Borjian

Identification and Influence of Species-Informative 16S Ribosomal RNA Sequences and Evaluation of Ocean Biofilms , Nikhil Bose

Boys to Men , Brandon Bradley

The Relationship Among Identity Development, Dark Personality, and Risk-Taking Behaviors , Reilly Branch

An Evaluation of Thermocouple Reconstruction Techniques , Derek Brauneis

Middle School Space Science Education: An Investigation of Self-Efficacy, Content Knowledge, and STEM Career Interests , Kristina Brendel Otero

The Comparison of Water Droplet Breakup in a Shock or Detonation Medium , Sydney Briggs

Employee Volunteering: Integrating the Volunteering and Helping Literatures Using a Latent Profile Approach , Emily Broksch

The Successful Characteristics That Contribute to Black Male Students Matriculating into Medical School , Cedric Brown

Taste of Grief & Other Stories , Madison Brown

Exploring the Experiences of Black Male Residence Life Professionals Working at Predominantly White Institutions: A Phenomenological Study of 2020 , Arian Lemoyne Bryant

Leveraging the Principles of Reticular Chemistry for the Design of Crystallographically and Chemically Complex Multivariate Frameworks , Jacob Bryant

Rapid Fabrication of Nanoparticles on Carbonaceous Nanofibers , Alex Burnstine-Townley

The Distribution of Entrepreneurship Within and Across Generations of Enterprising Families , Sarah Burrows

Understanding the Interactions Between Conservation Agencies and Rangers: A Mixed-Methods Approach , Christina M. Burton

XPS Study of Calcium Lanthanum Sulfide Ceramics , Brian E. Butkus

Exploring Risk Factors Associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptomatology in Police , Lori Camacho

Examining Domestic Violence: The Relationship Between Socio-Demographic Factors and Case Dispositions , Alesha Cameron

Bench- and Pilot-Scale Corrosion Control Inhibitor Effectiveness Studies for a Community's Blended Surficial and Brackish Groundwater Supply , Paula Campesino

Racial Discrimination, Social Support and Psychological Distress among Black Pregnant Women , Camilla Carey

The Design and Implimentation of a Three-Phase Multilevel Inverter Testbed , Maximilian Carroll

Gendered and Racialized Bodies in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization , Saphronia Carson

Gait Strategies While Walking with Discrete Perturbations on a Self-Paced Treadmill , Cesar Castano

The Development of Computational Models for Melting-Solidification Applications Using the Volume-Of-Fluid Method , Brendon Cavainolo

Save the Drowning Child: Stories , Kayla Cayasso

Optimal Sequencing and Scheduling Algorithm for Traffic Flows Based on Extracted Control Actions Near the Airport , Sharmistha Chakrabarti

A Study on Robustness and Semantic Understanding of Visual Models , Madeline Chantry

Examining the Relationship between phiETA Susceptibility & Temperate Phage Diversity in Staphylococcus aureus , Atrayee Chatterjee

Smoothing Spline Analysis of Variance Models On Accelerometer Data , Lulu Chen

A Thermal, Mechanical, and Materials Framework for a Shape Memory Alloy Heat Engine for Thermal Management and Energy Recovery , Maria Chikhareva

VTubers vs FaceCam: How the Visual Representations of Live Streamers Affects Audience Experience , Paola Chinchilla

Fabrication of Alkaline-Earth Fluoride Ceramics for High-Power Lasers via Fusion Casting and Hot Forging , Adrian Cintron

A Holistic Work System Approach to Creating Flow During Transactional Work , Steven Clapp

Flow Independent Fuel Injection for More Consistent Liquid Combustion Using Pintile Injectors , Charles Clark

Quarrying and Social Status: GIS Analysis of Lidar Data In the El Mirador Region , Jessica L. Clark

Studying Memes During Covid Lockdown as a Lens Through Which to Understand Video-Mediated Communication Interactions , Tatyana Claytor

Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Tobacco Related Samples via High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Laser Excited Time Resolved Shpol' Skii Spectroscopy , Ahmed Comas

Inkling: An Exploration of Visual Effects as a Character , Joshua Cooper

Multi-Kilowatt Fiber Laser Amplifiers and Hollow-Core Delivery Fibers , Matthew Cooper

Study on the Methodology of Florida Sinkhole Identification, Monitoring, and Mitigation , Timothy Copeland

Numerical Insights Into the Effect of Spacing on Axial Resistance of Auger Cast Piles , Edgar Camilo Correa Prada

A Spatiotemporal Examination of Crime Site Selection for Commercial Burglary and Street Robbery , Devin Cowan

"Do You Want to Build with Snowman?": Positioning Twine Story Formats Through Critical Code Study , Daniel Cox

The Impact of the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and the Role Instructional Leaders and Teachers have on the Implementation of an MTSS Framework , Stephanie Crim

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Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs): Overview

Uw master’s theses and doctoral dissertations.

"A thesis or dissertation constitutes an important contribution to scholarship. Disseminating such contributions is consistent with the University of Washington’s mission to share its scholarly work with other scholars, students, and the public. Therefore, the University views the wide and timely dissemination of thesis and dissertation results as an obligation of students.

The Graduate School requires that all theses and dissertations be deposited electronically and made available through the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Database , and through the University of Washington Libraries’ ResearchWorks repository service – which makes them available to other UW researchers and the general public."

- UW Graduate School's  Policy for Deposit and Dissemination of Master’s Theses and Doctoral Dissertations

electronic theses & dissertations

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  • UW Graduate School Thesis/Dissertation Website The starting point for all of the Grad School's information about the ETD process
  • UW ETD Administrator The portal through which you will upload your thesis or dissertation
  • UW ResearchWorks UW's institutional repository, which hosts all theses and dissertations and makes them openly available on the web
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Electronic Theses and Dissertations

This collection includes theses and dissertations from the University of Louisville. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form .

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Fbg αC 389 – 402 modulates Factor XIII crosslinking in the fibrinogen αC region. , Francis Dean Orlina Ablan

Synthesis, property tuning and degradation studies of phosphorene-based materials. , Usman Onuminya Abu

“Difference in/at the center" a transnational approach for mobilizing international multilingual graduate writers' writing assets during writing instruction. , Olalekan Adepoju

Adaptive personalized drug delivery method for warfarin and anemia management: Modeling and control. , Affan Affan

Synergistic strategies in sinter-based material extrusion (MEX) 3D printing of copper: process development, product design, predictive maps and models. , Kameswara Pavan Kumar Ajjarapu

First principles study of 2D polar heterostructures. , Safia Abdullah R Alharbi

Interrogating autism from a multidimensional perspective: an integrative framework. , Mohamed T. Ali

Tumor targeting gold nanoparticles for delivery of RNA and DNA oligonucleotide therapies for glioblastoma. , Nicholas Allen

Perovskite oxide derivatives for enhanced electrochemical water splitting and pseudocapacitor applications. , Md. Sofiul Alom

Organizational change in Saudi healthcare settings: Evaluating organizational and individual readiness for change, and the mediating role of readiness for change between management support and commitment to change. , Sultan Alsaif

Supraspinal reorganization after pediatric-onset spinal cord injury. , Luis Alvarado

Barriers and facilitators of dairy consumption among individuals with metabolic syndrome. , Kofi Amoh-Mensah

Formalizing the Faustian bargain within the healthcare domain: an end-of-life approach. , Rachel Appel

Scalable solution processing of NiOx nanoparticles. , Peter James Armstrong

The relationship between high school stem courses and students attending low-income schools' college major and career choices: a social cognitive perspective. , Don Bacon

Connectivity of amygdala somatostatin-expressing neurons and their role in taste-guided behavior. , Jane Jeruto Bartonjo

Metabolomic differentiation of tumor core and edge in glioma. , Mary E. Baxter

Understanding associations between chronic illness identity, psychological flexibility, and type 2 diabetes emotional, behavioral, and psychosocial functioning. , Valery Bodziony

Investigating the effects of subchronic dietary zinc supplementation on diet-induced metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease. , Oluwanifemi Esther Bolatimi

Dynamic scene understanding: Pedestrian tracking from aerial devices. , Abdelhamid Bouzid

Connections between polyvictimization, daily stress, emotion regulation, and mental health symptoms: An ecological momentary assessment study. , Zoe L. Bridges-Curry

Injury induced neuroplasticity and cell specific targeting of the lumbar enlargement for gene therapy. , Brandon Lee Brown

Quantifying impacts of climate change on headwater streamflow regime in Robinson Forest: Insights from 35-years of data collection. , Lauren Brown

A modular framework for surface-embedded actuation and optical sensing in soft robots. , Paul Bupe Jr

To hell with 'that' religion: Malcolm X and an africana critical theory of religion. , Jimmy Butts

Study of the effects of chronic cadmium exposure on the pathogenesis of pulmonary arterial hypertension. , Dakotah Dominique Cathey

Breaking virulent: The coincidental evolution of virulence factors in bacteria. , Rhiannon Emmanuelle Cecil

Food insecurity and residential segregation among adults in the United States: the national health and nutrition examination survey 2017- March 2020 pre-pandemic data. , Chandre' L. Chaney

Perception is reality! How perception shapes our world. , Nicole Clay

False memories are impacted by semantic pairing of DRM lists. , Ryan Coleman

New species of dryolestoid from the late cretaceous allen formation and implications for South American faunal diversity. , Brigid Erin Connelly

Land tenure and the urban institutional politics of sustainability: How sustainability "lands" in the relationships between global North and South contexts. , Lindsey Connors

Computational fluid dynamics model of hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. , Olivia Cooney

Building an affirmative LGBTQ+ leadership paradigm: An autoethnography. , Joshua D. Covington

Perineuronal nets are not required to close the critical period for ocular dominance plasticity. , Emily Crouse

The study of corrosion on additive-manufactured metals. , Braydan Daniels

The forest for the trees: how a local arboretum shapes rhetoric and discourse surrounding environmentalism. , Cooper Day

Our story, our song: assessing and addressing black women's healthcare experiences. , Jason Deakings

The red deeps: a retelling of George Eliot's the mill on the floss. , Emily Denton

Someone, stop her! The musical (the gallery show): The thesis document. , Hannah DeWitt

The self-consistent field energy landscape and its application to describing electron correlation. , Xinju (Spancer) Dong

The evolution of empathy: through the lens of a rodent model. , Caroline Driscoll-Braden

Postpartum depression in Jamaica: Exploring the lived experiences. , Shakeyrah Elmore

Regeneration: restorative theatre practice in theatre education. , Sarah Elston

An analysis of the effects of certified electronic health records on organizations and patients. , Picandra Elzie

Public space and well-being: an empirical study of Central Park in Old Louisville. , Maryam Entezam

Addition of process control experiment to Unit Operations II Laboratory. , Bradley Esselman

Mechanism and kinetics of photocatalytic partial oxidation of methane on single site MOx reaction centers. , Clint Evrard

The association of long working hours and the use of prescription sedatives among U.S. workers. , Emmanuel Ezekekwu

The relationships between state-level economic policies, child maltreatment, and suicidal behavior and mortality. , Yana B. Feygin

“The urgent necessity for more original creative works by transgender and gender expansive artists" is not the title of my thesis. , Alicia Fireel

Using graphic novels to teach economics content to high school students with extensive support needs. , Caroline Mae Fitchett

Novel insights into oligodendrocyte biology from developmental myelination studies in autophagy deficient mice and analysis of oligodendrocyte translatome response to contusive spinal cord injury. , Michael David Forston

Development and application of a microfluidic platform for quantifying intra-tumoral compressive stress. , Zachary P. Fowler

Swallow, breathing and survival: sex-specific effects of opioids. , Michael Frazure

Chemosensory processing by the mediodorsal thalamus. , Kelly Fredericksen

Genetically engineering Gingipains for high yield large scale purification. , Andrew E. Fuchs

Spirits in my studio. , Katelyn Gabbard

Understanding the impacts of global change: from students to microbes. , Kylea Garces

The well-tempered android: philosophical posthumanism in science fiction cinema. , Cody Gault

Teachers and administrators' perceptions of the implementation of district student conduct procedures. , Amy Ghibaudy

Paragons of art and nature in eighteenth-century British aesthetic theory. , Eduard Ghita

Characterization of the immunoglobulin lambda chain across diverse human populations. , William Gibson

Environmental exposures and aging. , Daniel Chris Gomes

Social ecological resilience, social capital, anomie and the impact of COVID-19. , Kevin Pacifico Gonzaga

The impact of environmental pollutants on alcohol-associated liver disease pathogenesis. , Tyler Charles Gripshover

Investigation of light management strategies and photochemistry of Si/TiO2 tandem microwire slurries for solar hydrogen generation. , Saumya Gulati

Menstruation stigma: A qualitative exploratory study of the lived experiences of Nepali women. , IImisha Gurung

Novel microdevices to analyze toxic volatile organic compounds. , Sujoy Halder

“I became myself”: Exploring cultural learning through stories and storytelling. , Leah Halliday-Johnson

KDM5B as a potential epigenetic regulator of cardiomyocyte regeneration and cell cycle activation. , Dana Hammouri

Sense of belonging for Black families at their child's school: factors that promote, inhibit, and oppress. , Jill Handley

Assessment literacy influenced by administrator identity and professional learning confident administrators within Kentucky independent school districts. , Amy J. Harris

From androgyny to binary and back: a qualitative analysis of nonbinary TikToks. , Savannah Hatton

A machine learning approach to constructing Ramsey graphs leads to the Trahtenbrot-Zykov problem. , Emily Hawboldt

Promotional communication for a college food pantry: findings from a cross-sectional assessment of socioecological variables related to past use of a campus-based food pantry. , Bunny Marie Hayes

Changes to water quality and discharge in an urban stream in Southwest Jefferson County. , Karina Henson

Perceptions of preparedness regarding administrative responsibilities: a comparative analysis of preservice and in-service secondary music educators. , Ashley Ann Hokenson

Statistical methods for assessing treatment effects on ordinal outcomes and selecting optimal treatment on survival outcomes using observational data. , Huirong Hu

Investigating MEMS devices in flow conditions relevant to flow-through systems. , Mohammad Shafquatul Islam

Incidence and determinants of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in the US: hospitalization discharge rate for preeclampsia, eclampsia, and gestational hypertensions, 2016-2018. , Kahir S. Jawad

Engineering 3D architected metamaterials for enhanced mechanical properties and functionalities. , Huan Jiang

Inhibition of RAS as a novel therapeutic approach in Luminal B breast cancer. , Raphael Ngozichi Jigo

Effects of a protection zone in a reaction-diffusion model with strong Allee effect. , Isaac Johnson

The Influence of power on racial identity and social power: learning while a minority in a Bullitt County High School In Kentucky. , Michele Johnson

The conceptual compression of space and time as intimated in the depiction of the horse in China, circa 1250 BCE-CE 400. , Robert Jones

A data-driven multi-regime approach for predicting real-time energy consumption of industrial machines. , Abdulgani Kahraman

Genetic risk scores for hypertension and chronic kidney disease in African Americans. , Aastha Kakar

Super p-sulfur cathodes for quasi-solid-state lithium-sulfur-batteries. , Milinda Bharatha Kalutara Koralalage

Structural, magnetic, electrical, pseudocapacitive, and electrocatalytic properties of bilayered ruddlesden-popper oxides. , Chandana Kananke-Gamage

Visibility based hospital inpatient unit design. , Uttam Karki

"Our house there is ugly but still we happy": An ethnographic study with women navigating displacement and resettlement. , Bridget Kearney

Working for yourself: A guide for performers with learning difference. , Sa'id "Nxttime" Kelly

Adverse birth outcomes: Investigating the role of nativity and perceived racial discrimination among black mothers enrolled in Des Moines, Iowa healthy start. , Kendria Kelly-Taylor

Development of nonorthogonal wavefunction theories and application to multistate reaction processes. , Emily Kempfer

Microgenerations: Bridging the generation gap in workplace values. , Melissa Kempf Taylor

Guided data augmentation for improved semi-supervised image classification in low data regime. , Fadoua Khmaissia

Author(iz)ing literacy: a rhetorical/historical analysis of literacy for college readiness in Kentucky from KERA to the Common Core (and beyond). , Susannah Kilbourne

Media consumption effects on college students' perceived risk of victimization and fear of crime: Does the usage of social media police scanners alter public perceptions of safety? , David Kim

Biotic and abiotic factors contributing to the invasion success of microstegium vimineum in eastern deciduous forests. , Kimberly Koenig

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  • Guidelines for the Preparation and Processing of Theses and Dissertations (School of Interdisciplinary & Graduate Studies) ( PDF )
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UCI Theses & Dissertations

Format, Submit, Discover

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The UCI Libraries provides formatting and submission support for graduate theses and dissertations. Theses and dissertations may be submitted electronically (via ProQuest), or on paper. Electronic submission best serves the majority of our graduate students and is highly encouraged.

If you have questions about formatting or the submission process, read through the FAQs or email [email protected] . If you have questions or concerns that do not relate to the formatting of your manuscript, please contact Graduate Division . 

The filing deadline for a Spring 2024 degree is 5:00 pm on  Friday, June 7, 2024.

The formatting manual.

Please consult the  UCI Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Manual  when writing your manuscript. In addition to providing detailed information about proper formatting, the manual details the submission process and provides sample pages and templates.

Pre-Submission (Formatting) Critiques

Pre-submission critiques are available to all graduate students who would like the formatting of their manuscript looked at before final submission. You may request a pre-submission critique on a working draft of your thesis. 

Pre-Submission Critiques are no longer available for Winter Quarter 2023.

As you approach the filing deadline, the availability of formatting critiques changes as follows :

It may take up to 2 business days (M-F, excluding holidays) to receive a response to your question, critique, or ProQuest submission - especially during high-volume times in the quarter.  

Please plan accordingly; we respond to questions as they come in and cannot rush or expedite any reviews. 

Video Tutorials/Workshop Recordings

Thesis formatting overview (5 min video).

Topics covered: Pre-submission critiques, Overview of the Formatting Manual, Resources for further assistance

ProQuest submission process (7 min video)

Overview of what the thesis/dissertation submission process looks like in Proquest, addressing commonly asked questions about specific fields.

Workshop Recording  (May 2024 workshop)

1 hour workshop video

  • Answered questions from Zoom chat transcripts
  • Slide deck of Library presentation 
  • Slide deck of Grad Division presentation

If you have any questions, please email  [email protected] .

Open Access Theses and Dissertations

Thursday, April 18, 8:20am (EDT): Searching is temporarily offline. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to bring searching back up as quickly as possible.

Advanced research and scholarship. Theses and dissertations, free to find, free to use.

Advanced search options

Browse by author name (“Author name starts with…”).

Find ETDs with:

Written in any language English Portuguese French German Spanish Swedish Lithuanian Dutch Italian Chinese Finnish Greek Published in any country US or Canada Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Italy Japan Latvia Lithuania Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Peru Portugal Russia Singapore South Africa South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand UK US Earliest date Latest date

Sorted by Relevance Author University Date

Only ETDs with Creative Commons licenses

Results per page: 30 60 100

October 3, 2022. OATD is dealing with a number of misbehaved crawlers and robots, and is currently taking some steps to minimize their impact on the system. This may require you to click through some security screen. Our apologies for any inconvenience.

Recent Additions

See all of this week’s new additions.

electronic theses & dissertations

About aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions . OATD currently indexes 7,241,108 theses and dissertations.

About OATD (our FAQ) .


We’re happy to present several data visualizations to give an overall sense of the collection by county of publication, language, and field of study.

You may also want to consult these sites to search for other theses:

  • Google Scholar
  • NDLTD , the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. NDLTD provides information and a search engine for electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), whether they are open access or not.
  • Proquest Theses and Dissertations (PQDT), a database of dissertations and theses, whether they were published electronically or in print, and mostly available for purchase. Access to PQDT may be limited; consult your local library for access information.

Dissertation and thesis submission (PhD, JSD, DMA, engineering master's)

electronic theses & dissertations

Learn more about dissertation and thesis submission

Graduated and enrolled Stanford students may submit their dissertations and theses through Axess. The electronic submission process is free of charge. The service provides the ability to check your pre-submission requirements, and, when ready, you can upload a digital copy of your dissertation or thesis.  

Learn how to use the Dissertation and Thesis Center

Who is eligible?

The online Dissertation and Thesis Center in Axess is currently available to Stanford PhD, JSD, DMA, and engineering-degree students only.

What to expect

  • After you have applied to graduate and have enrolled, you will see the Dissertation and Thesis Center in Axess.
  • You’ll want to  prepare your work for submission , following the guidelines for format and title page.
  • It may be helpful for you to check out  how to request to use copyrighted material , if you have questions.
  • Next, you’ll submit your dissertation or thesis by following this helpful  checklist for submitting your dissertation or thesis .
  • After submission, a  certificate of final reading will be created by your Final Reader, using the online submission workflow.
  • In addition, you’ll need to  obtain approval from each member of your reading committee .
  • After you have fulfilled all requirements and your dissertation or thesis has been approved by the University Registrar, it will be cataloged, preserved in the Stanford Digital Repository, and made available online via  SearchWorks , the online library catalog. 
  • Please note: if embargoed, your dissertation or thesis PDF will be available only to Stanford affiliates for the duration of the embargo.

For more detailed information about submitting your dissertation or thesis online, refer to this set of dissertations and theses web pages provided by the Student Services Center.

Capstone and thesis submission (undergraduate honors, master's)

Check out the capstone and thesis submission (undergraduate honors, master's) page for information about submitting these types of theses.

Questions about the dissertation and thesis submission service? 

If you have questions about submitting your dissertation or thesis, please contact the  Student Services Center .


  • Library Service Center
  • Science Commons

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

You can find a wealth of information be searching relevant electronic theses and dissertations in the ETD Repository or the Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global Database.

Emory Theses and Dissertations (ETD)

The  Emory Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Repository  holds theses and dissertations from the Laney Graduate School, the Rollins School of Public Health, and the Candler School of Theology, as well as undergraduate honors papers from Emory College of Arts and Sciences.

Non-Emory Dissertations & Theses

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

Restricted to current Emory faculty, staff, and students. 

Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: Dissertations and Theses (Full-Text)

Official digital archive of the Library of Congress and the database of record for graduate research. Search citations to dissertations and theses from around the world from 1861 to present day, and access full text dissertations.

Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)

Access a large collection of theses and dissertations. The NDLTD is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations.

CRL Center for Research Libraries Foreign Doctoral Dissertations

The Center for Research Libraries actively collects foreign dissertations and provides them to member institutions through interlibrary loan.

Dissertations of China in Humanities and Social Sciences  

Restricted to current Emory faculty, staff, and students.

Access dissertations and theses from Chinese research institutions since 1980.

Theses Canada

The central access point for Canadian theses, including AMICUS, Canada's national online catalog, for bibliographic records of all theses in Library and Archives Canada's theses collection.

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Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports

All K-State graduate students are required to submit an electronic version of their thesis, dissertation, or report. The Graduate School does not accept paper copies.

This overview provides the basics about the process for theses, dissertations, and reports in an electronic format at K-State.

Open Access

Electronic theses, dissertations, and reports (ETDR) submitted by K-State students are openly available through the K-State Research Exchange (K-REx) and are indexed by Google, Google Scholar, and other search engines. For information on copyright and your ETDR (such as how to legally reuse others’ works and what to do if you want to publish sections or chapters of your ETDR with an academic journal), please visit Copyright Information for Graduate Students .

Formatting your ETDR

Templates are available for Word and LaTeX. You're not required to use a template, but they do offer time-saving features such as automatically generating your table of contents and lists of table and figures.

Your ETDR must follow specific formatting guidelines . The ETDR Handbook (PDF) , the ETDR Formatting Checklist , and other tools and resources in this site demonstrate how to correctly format your ETDR to meet Graduate School requirements. K-State recommends you use the provided template options and review the videos located on the ETDR Template Resources page.

ETDR submission and other requirements must be completed by specific deadlines in order for students to graduate and participate in commencement with a designated term. Refer to the Graduation and commencement checklists at the beginning of the term in which you intend to graduate to make a plan for completing all requirements on time.

Prior Publication of A Chapter

Follow these guidelines if you have published a chapter of your thesis or dissertation as a journal article .

Saving your ETDR as a PDF

PDF is the format you will submit for the final version of your document after working in Word. The two important details of the PDF are that your formatting remains intact and your Table of Contents, Lists of Figures and Tables, and other links are clickable and go to their destination. In most cases you can use Word > Print > and then selecting PDF to output your document. You can also choose Save As > PDF in Word. You can also use Adobe Acrobat to export the Word document to PDF. In some cases, these steps can result in non-clickable links. When this happens, using Word online in your browser can be a solution. See instructions under "Outputting your ETDR as a PDF from Online Word" on the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Personal Bound Copies of Your Thesis, Dissertation or Report

You are not required by the Graduate School to submit a bound, paper copy of your ETDR. Many students, however, are interested in obtaining a bound copy for their personal use. Students can order a bound copy online by sending the PDF of your ETDR to Thesis on Demand or to PHD Book Binding . Bound copies also may be printed through K-State's University Printing , but hard-cover binding is not available.

If you have questions on any aspect of your ETDR, start by utilizing the templates, tools, and resources . Additionally, help is available through the Graduate School and the IT Service Desk. See Help and Contact Information to determine which office to contact for your specific question.

  • Updated: 2/21/24

BYU ScholarsArchive

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Home > Theses and Dissertations

Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Multifunctional and Moisture Tolerant Zinc-Based Mono- and Bi-metallic Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) thin films , Emmanuel Agbata

The Generation of Terahertz Light and its Applications in the Study of Vibrational Motion , Aldair Alejandro

School Psychologist's Tiered Social-Emotional Recommendations in Response to Data Gathered From Social-Emotional Screening , Audrey Anita Andersen

Investigating Self-Regulation in Secondary and Higher Education Online Contexts , Karen T. Arnesen

Application of High-Deflection Strain Gauges to Characterize Spinal-Motion Phenotypes Among Patients with CLBP , Spencer Alan Baker

O Processo de Escrita para uma Audiência Autêntica: As Reações de Aprendizes Intermediários da Língua Portuguesa como Terceira Língua , Marcos Paulo Barboza

The Impact of Applied Mental Health Classes on Eudaimonia, Gratitude, and Heart Rate Variability , Derek Charles Bartlett

Validating Boyness: How Art Education Allows Male Adolescent Students a Space for Authenticity, Vulnerability, Empathy, and Connection , Stephanie Behlke-McFarland

Prosodic Speech Rate, Utterance Duration, Interruption Rate, and Turn-Taking Latency in Autistic and Neurotypical Adults , Grace Madeline Bell

Developing a SQL Injection Exploitation Tool with Natural Language Generation , Kate Isabelle Boekweg

Differences in Presenting Concerns of Anxiety Amongst Students in College Counseling Centers Across The United States , Julia Brim

GPS-Denied Localization of Landing eVTOL Aircraft , Aaron C. Brown

Songs and Flowers of the Wasatch: Rhetorical Aesthetics and Latter-day Saint Women's Poetry , JoLyn D. Brown

Robot Proficiency Self-Assessment Using Assumption-Alignment Tracking , Xuan Cao

Associations Between Young Children's Problematic Media Use and Physiological Regulation -- Does Temperament Act as a Mediator? , Noah Alexander Chojnacki

Marriage and Family Therapists' Perspectives of Working With Couples Impacted by Aphasia: General Perceptions and Response to Relationship-Centered Communication Partner Training , Madison Rae Christensen

Understanding Student Perceptions of a High School Wellness Center: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis Qualitative Study , Devan Audrey Clayton

Development of Deployable Arrays for Satellites through Origami-Pattern Design, Modeling, and Optimization , Nathan McKellar Coleman

A Study of Art Education Strategies for Remote Learning During the Pandemic , Stephanie Cook

Still Life Happens , Mary Ann Crabtree

"Pasted Up and Printed Out": Watchmen as Ontographic Network , Thomas B. De Groff

The Materiality of the Soul in Plutarch's Moralia , Caleb Cole Deppermann

Two Sides of the Same Coin or Two Different Coins? The Differential Predictors of Casual and Committed Sex , Carson R. Dover

Student Driven Feedback: A Study in Self-Efficacy , Jennifer L. Dunn

Characterization of Cellular Metabolism Regulation by the Transcription Factor Centromere Binding Factor 1 (Cbf1) , Spencer Ellsworth

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ETDs: Virginia Tech Electronic Theses and Dissertations

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Permanent URI for this community

Virginia Tech has been a world leader in electronic theses and dissertation initiatives for more than 20 years. On January 1, 1997, Virginia Tech was the first university to require electronic submission of theses and dissertations (ETDs). Ever since then, Virginia Tech graduate students have been able to prepare, submit, review, and publish their theses and dissertations online and to append digital media such as images, data, audio, and video.

University Libraries staff are currently digitizing thousands of pre-1997 theses and dissertations and loading them into VTechWorks. Most of these theses and dissertations are fully available to the public, but we will, in general, honor requests by the item's author to restrict access to Virginia Tech only. See our process for Requesting that Material be Amended or Removed .

To search all Virginia Tech print and digital theses and dissertations, use the University Libraries ETD resource guide .

Materials that are restricted to Virginia Tech only may be requested via your own university or public library's Interlibrary Loan program or through the VTechWorks request form that appears when you try to access the item. You might also be able to obtain a copy of the work through ProQuest's database of theses and dissertations. If you are on a Virginia Tech campus but are unable to find the pre-1997 thesis or dissertation you are seeking in VTechWorks, you may also be able to order a physical copy from library storage. Please check the library catalog at for physical copies.

The guidelines that apply to Virginia Tech's graduate students as ETD authors can be found at .

Collections in this Community

Results per page, sort options.

  • Award-winning Theses and Dissertations   74
  • Doctoral Dissertations   17060
  • Masters Theses   22440
  • Undergraduate Theses   4
  • Virginia Tech ETD Resources   17 Documentation about creating and formatting Virginia Tech ETDs

UT Electronic Theses and Dissertations

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This collection contains University of Texas at Austin electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). The collection includes ETDs primarily from 2001 to the present. Some pre-2001 theses and dissertations have been digitized and added to this collection, but those are uncommon. The library catalog is the most comprehensive list of UT Austin theses and dissertations.

Since 2010, the Office of Graduate Studies at UT Austin has required all theses and dissertations to be made publicly available in Texas ScholarWorks; however, authors are able to request an embargo of up to seven years. Embargoed ETDs will not show up in this collection. Most of the ETDs in this collection are freely accessible to all users, but some pre-2010 works require a current UT EID at point of use. Please see the FAQs for more information. If you have a question about the availability of a specific ETD, please contact [email protected].

Some items in this collection may contain offensive images or text. The University of Texas Libraries is committed to maintaining an accurate and authentic scholarly and historic record. An authentic record is essential for understanding our past and informing the present. In order to preserve the authenticity of the historical record we will not honor requests to redact content, correct errors, or otherwise remove content, except in cases where there are legal concerns (e.g. potential copyright infringement, inclusion of HIPAA/FERPA protected information or Social Security Numbers) or evidence of a clear and imminent threat to personal safety or well-being.

This policy is in keeping with the  American Library Association code of ethics  to resist efforts to censor library resources, and the  Society of American Archivists code of ethics  that states "archivists may not willfully alter, manipulate, or destroy data or records to conceal facts or distort evidence." Please see UT Libraries'  Statement on Harmful Language and Content  for more information.

Authors of these ETDs have retained their copyright while granting the University of Texas Libraries the non-exclusive right to reproduce and distribute their works.

Collections in this Community

  • UT Electronic Theses and Dissertations   30995

electronic theses & dissertations

EThOS: e-theses online service Open access EThOS: e-theses online service Open access

EThOS, provided by the British Library, is a free online service providing access to UK doctoral theses.

Access EThOS is an open access resource.

Content  EThOS, provided by the British Library, is a free online service providing access to UK doctoral theses. It does not cover MPhils or master's dissertations.

EThOS aims to provide a central listing of all doctoral theses awarded by UK higher education institutions, with the full text of as many theses as possible. 

The database includes more than 600,000 records. Around 4,000 law theses are covered, dating from the 1920s to the present day.

Searching  EThOS has basic and advanced search facilities. Searches can be limited to theses available for immediate download.

Advanced search allows users to search by author, title, awarding body, year of award and other criteria. Boolean connectors (AND, OR, AND NOT) can be selected from a drop-down menu

Downloading  Many theses are available for download; it is necessary to create a free account to do this. 

There is an option to request digitisation of a thesis if it is not yet available for download. Sometimes this is free, but sometimes there is a charge (see FAQs). 

Help A Help menu and an FAQ page are available.


  1. EBSCO Open Dissertations

    EBSCO Open Dissertations. EBSCO Open Dissertations makes electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) more accessible to researchers worldwide. The free portal is designed to benefit universities and their students and make ETDs more discoverable. Content Includes: 1,500,000 electronic theses and dissertations.

  2. Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) at Pitt are one of the final steps in the graduate student experience. However, the ETD process begins early and involves learning new skills and gaining knowledge, both about your research topics as well as about the process of creating and publishing a document.

  3. Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    The Electronic Theses and Dissertation (ETD) website is a one-stop shop for everything graduate students need for submitting their final documents electronically. The ETD Guide provides step-by-step instructions, with visual examples, to help explain the Graduate School's formatting and production requirements. Students are encouraged to read ...

  4. Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations

    The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). We support electronic publishing and open access to scholarship in order to enhance the sharing of knowledge worldwide.

  5. Electronic theses & dissertations (ETDs)

    Electronic dissertations and masters' theses have been deposited in the Libra scholarly repository at the University of Virginia since 2012. Libra makes UVA scholarship available to the world and provides safe and secure storage for the scholarly output of the UVA community. Submitting your work to Libra is a graduation requirement for all ...

  6. Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations

    Global ETD Search. Search the 6,479,935 electronic theses and dissertations contained in the NDLTD archive: advanced search tips how to contribute records.

  7. EBSCO Open Dissertations

    EBSCO Open Dissertations makes electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) more accessible to researchers worldwide. Download. You might also be interested in. Support Your Academic Library with Panorama Analytics View product guide Discover the Enhanced EBSCOhost Experience Watch video

  8. Overview of Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    An ETD is an openly-accessible electronic version of your thesis or dissertation that will be kept by Duke University Libraries instead of a bound paper copy. The transition to ETDs is a cooperative effort between The Graduate School and the library. All the information presented here comes from these two sources and represents the official ...

  9. Electronic Theses & Dissertations

    Electronic Theses & Dissertations. Harvard Medical School & Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health students can now use ProQuest ETD to make their electronic theses and dissertations accessible to the research community: Submitted works will join almost 5 million others freely available through ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

  10. Electronic Theses and Dissertations » UF Libraries » University of Florida

    Electronic Theses & Dissertations An Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD) is a document that reports the research of a graduate student. The Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida catalog, preserve, and provide access to the dissertations and theses produced in support of graduate degree programs at UF. ...

  11. Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs)

    An electronic thesis or dissertation (ETD) is a digital version of a thesis or dissertation that will be deposited in the JScholarship repository managed by the Sheridan Libraries and be available online to the public. Universities and colleges in the United States and abroad have been moving toward this type of publication for the past decade.

  12. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) contains over 58,000 theses and dissertations from students at 31 of Ohio's world-renowned academic institutions. In 2012, Google thanked OhioLINK for making ETD open-access content easier to find by Google Scholar. Theses and dissertations from Ohio's academic institutions were downloaded more ...

  13. Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004. If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed ...

  14. Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs): Overview

    Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs): Overview. UW Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations "A thesis or dissertation constitutes an important contribution to scholarship. Disseminating such contributions is consistent with the University of Washington's mission to share its scholarly work with other scholars, students, and the ...

  15. Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    Electronic Theses and Dissertations. This collection includes theses and dissertations from the University of Louisville. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries.

  16. Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    Theses and dissertations may be submitted electronically (via ProQuest), or on paper. Electronic submission best serves the majority of our graduate students and is highly encouraged. If you have questions about formatting or the submission process, read through the FAQs or email [email protected]. If you have questions or concerns that do not ...

  17. OATD

    You may also want to consult these sites to search for other theses: Google Scholar; NDLTD, the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.NDLTD provides information and a search engine for electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), whether they are open access or not. Proquest Theses and Dissertations (PQDT), a database of dissertations and theses, whether they were published ...

  18. Dissertation and thesis submission (PhD, JSD, DMA, engineering master's

    Graduated and enrolled Stanford students may submit their dissertations and theses through Axess. The electronic submission process is free of charge. The service provides the ability to check your pre-submission requirements, and, when ready, you can upload a digital copy of your dissertation or thesis. Learn how to use the Dissertation and ...

  19. Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) Access a large collection of theses and dissertations. The NDLTD is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations. CRL Center for Research Libraries Foreign Doctoral Dissertations.

  20. Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports

    This overview provides the basics about the process for theses, dissertations, and reports in an electronic format at K-State. Open Access Electronic theses, dissertations, and reports (ETDR) submitted by K-State students are openly available through the K-State Research Exchange (K-REx) and are indexed by Google, Google Scholar, and other ...

  21. Theses and Dissertations

    6. 7. Total Papers Total Downloads Downloads in the past year. Brigham Young University's open access repository for electronic theses and dissertations. This collection contains digital-born theses and dissertations, as well as paper theses and dissertations which have been digitized retrospectively.

  22. ETDs: Virginia Tech Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    Virginia Tech has been a world leader in electronic theses and dissertation initiatives for more than 20 years. On January 1, 1997, Virginia Tech was the first university to require electronic submission of theses and dissertations (ETDs). Ever since then, Virginia Tech graduate students have been able to prepare, submit, review, and publish ...

  23. UT Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    This collection contains University of Texas at Austin electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). The collection includes ETDs primarily from 2001 to the present. Some pre-2001 theses and dissertations have been digitized and added to this collection, but those are uncommon. The library catalog is the most comprehensive list of UT Austin ...

  24. EThOS: e-theses online service

    EThOS is an open access resource. EThOS, provided by the British Library, is a free online service providing access to UK doctoral theses. It does not cover MPhils or master's dissertations. EThOS aims to provide a central listing of all doctoral theses awarded by UK higher education institutions, with the full text of as many theses as possible.