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Preparing a Master's Thesis

Starting the thesis work:.

  • Familiarize yourself with SCI's instructions and thesis process ; these instructions and process descriptions are valid with the exception that you do not have to give a presentation of your thesis
  • Agree upon the thesis topic with your supervisor .
  • Apply for the approval of the topic 

Preparing your thesis:

  • Primary guidance comes from your advisor.
  • Discuss the thesis structure with your supervisor already in the early phase of the process.
  • Remember that all theses are public documents.
  • The Systems Analysis Laboratory maintains an archive of all master's theses online. If you add the text below in Finnish or in English to the cover page of your thesis, your thesis can be made openly available in this archive: "Työn saa tallentaa ja julkistaa Aalto-yliopiston avoimilla verkkosivuilla. Muilta osin kaikki oikeudet pidätetään. " "The document can be stored and made available to the public on the open internet pages of Aalto University. All other rights are reserved. " If the text has not been added, the thesis will be password-protected but still available in the laboratory.

Finalizing the thesis:

  • You will need to give a presentation of on your thesis (about 15 minutes). Unless you have agreed otherwise with your supervisor, you can give this presentation in the weekly seminar of the Systems Analysis Laboratory, held on Mondays at 15.15 in RIIHI (Y225a, Otakaari 1). Once your supervisor has agreed that you are ready to present your thesis in this seminar, please contact Leevi Olander to reserve a time. After giving the presentation, please fill in the thesis presentation form on your part and ask your supervisor to sign and submit it to the student services of the MSc programme . 
  • Deliver the thesis to the supervisor for feedback and guidance. Note that the supervisor may need up to a month to read your thesis. You may also need time to edit and correct your thesis. 
  • Once the thesis has been submitted, the supervisor typically contacts the advisor before preparing the assessment statement. 

Submitting the thesis:

  • Follow the SCI-level instructions and links
  • Email a pdf copy of the thesis to Minna Westerlund .  
  • If you choose to have your thesis bound as a hard copy, it is common to give a bound copy to your advisor and supervisor.

Evaluation of the thesis:

  • The supervisor proposes a grade for your thesis in the assessment statement. See evaluation principles .
  • The Master's Programme Committee accepts all theses and decides on the grades.


  • You have graduated with valuable skills in Systems and Operations Research! 
  • Keep in touch with us also in the future!

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Economics MSc Thesis Information

Department of economics - aalto university school of business, thesis topics and research questions.

Research is motivated by questions. Whether you are doing a literature review or producing original research, it is crucial to be clear about what the research question is. (Usually one is the right number of research questions in an MSc thesis). To determine whether a question is interesting, it is worth considering what would be the use of a credible and precise answer if you (or the literature that you review) obtained it? The hypothetical "user(s)" may be firms, governments, other organizations, or consumers.

The thesis must allow you to show learnedness in Economics . ("Opinnäyte" = "Demonstration of learnedness"). It is not meant to show your learnedness in all aspects and all fields of economics. In particular, there is no need to include both theory and empirical sections in every thesis. Original research and original literature reviews are equally meritorious. However, there needs to be some part in every thesis that addresses the main research question while going deeper into the subject from at least one angle in a way that requires MSc-level Economics.

It is valuable to pick a topic that you find interesting, so that working on the thesis feels less like work. However, not all interesting questions in economics make for good MSc thesis topics. It would be wise to discuss the topic with a faculty member before becoming invested in it.

Examples of thesis topics

List of examples of topic areas and specific thesis topics suggested by faculty.

If you are interested in working on a listed topic, contact the faculty member who suggested it. However, students may be reassigned between advisors in order to keep their numbers balanced across advisors, and also due to faculty leaves of absence.

The list contains also topic areas, which are broader than thesis topics and where you could discuss many types of potential research questions suited for various levels of ambition. It would result in a literature review or in original research in some subset of the topic area.

One purpose of the list is to help students formulate their own research questions by showing what is a proper depth and breadth of a thesis topic. If you have a potential topic, you can simply approach a faculty member with an email that includes an informal description (a couple of paragraphs). If you would like to get started on your thesis, but have no idea for a topic, you can simply ask a faculty member for a topic of their choice in some broad area of economic interest. If you don't know which faculty member to turn to, don't worry, the first one will forward you to a more appropriate one if necessary.

Resources for choosing a thesis topic

Enrolling in the 2023-24 seminars.

To enroll in the thesis seminar a student must have a topic accepted by a faculty member at the Department of Economics. The deadline for the Fall 2023 seminar is May 31st and November 15th for the Spring 2024 seminar. Adjusting the topic to be suitable for approval may require some back-and-forth between the student and the faculty, so students should make sure to begin the process several weeks before the deadline. The student must then notify Kristiina Huttunen (for participation in the Fall seminar) or Marko Terviö (Spring seminar) by email about the topic in the form of a provisional title for the thesis with the faculty member who approved it in cc. After that the student can enroll in the seminar just like in any other course (code 31E99905). The initial approved topic is not set in stone: it can be changed subject to the same approval procedure as the initial topic.

The purpose of the MSc thesis seminar is to learn to present, critique, and comment economic research. When the seminar begins the participants must therefore have already made some progress on their thesis, and need to be ready in the second week of the seminar to give their first presentation (in which the research question is introduced in the context of a broader topic). In the second seminar period students give their main presentation, accompanied by the main paper. These focus on communicating the results of economics research, either your own or the research that your review. The main paper is max 30 pages and the presentation 20-25 minutes. For more information, see the seminar page at MyCourses. The seminar is not meant to substitute for thesis supervision, for which purpose each thesis writer has an individual faculty advisor.

Further information

The seminar is organized by Kristiina Huttunen in Fall 2023 and Marko Terviö in Spring 2024. See the seminar page at MyCourses (search for "31E99905") for current information on seminar work. The official course descriptions for the new academic year won't be published in Oodi until August.

The working language of the seminar is English. The main paper can be written in either Finnish or English, but presentations and discussions in the seminar will be in English.

General advice for the Economics MSc Thesis Seminar -->

Helsinki GSE   |   Faculty Homepages  |  Department of Economics   |   School of Business   |   Aalto University

Computer science: Theses and dissertations

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  • Theses and dissertations
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Publishing of master's and bachelor's theses

The Master's and Bachelor’s theses are collected in Aaltodoc publication archive via MyCourses and the eAge electronic service delivery system.


  • Instructions on submitting the Master's and Bachelor’s thesis, see your school's pages in Into
  • Please note! Submit your thesis in PDF/A format. See instructions on converting a file to PDF/A format

Contact information:

Other theses and dissertations

Find master's theses, licentiate theses and bachelor's theses.

Electronic theses are stored in the Aaltodoc publication archive. Master's and licentiate theses are published online with a permission of the author.

  • Aaltodoc publication archive

Bachelor's theses of the schools of technology have been archived only in electronic format from the beginning of 2008. In Inssi database and Aaltodoc it is possible to access the full-text versions only with a password. Please contact the Learning Centre staff in order to access the files.

Printed master's and licentiate theses are mainly situated in the archive of Learning Centre, from which they can be ordered for reading. Information on the printed and electronic theses can be searched via the Inssi database.

  • Inssi database

Aalto user, report a problem with e-resources to the Learning Centre

thesis presentation aalto

Find doctoral dissertations

Printed doctoral dissertations are situated in the Learning Centre and other libraries at the Otaniemi Campus. Information on the doctoral dissertations can be searched via Aalto-Primo .

The majority of doctoral dissertations of the schools of technology have been published also in electronic format since 2000.

Electronic doctoral dissertations are available in the Aaltodoc publication archive.

Publishing of doctoral dissertations

Doctoral dissertations of the schools of technology are published mainly in the Aalto University DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS series. Publications are put together on the publication platform webservice , and the process is finished with placing an order to the printing house.

It is preferable to publish the electronic version of the dissertation in Aaltodoc  publication archive. The publication can be published in Aaltodoc only upon the permission of all the publication authors.

Further information:

  • Publishing dissertations (Aalto.fi)
  • Questions relating the use of the publication platform, the publishing process and the Aalto publication series: [email protected]
  • Questions relating the Aaltodoc, the electronic publishing and the electronic archiving of theses: [email protected]
  • Schedule an appointment for an instruction session on publication platform
  • << Previous: Articles and databases
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  • Last Updated: May 2, 2024 10:44 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.aalto.fi/computer

Student Guide

Workshop on writing article thesis summary

Photo_Writing outdoors_designed by Freepik.

Event language(s)

  • Microsoft Outlook
  • Web Outlook
  • Google Calendar

The purpose is this workshop is to inspire you to complete your thesis! You can join one or more workshop sessions.

The Language Centre and Doctoral education services arrange the workshops in English once a month on Tuesdays over Teams.

More information about the workshops in Finnish (aalto.fi)

The workshops in English are held on Tuesdays 8:30-11:30:

Autumn 2024

13.8., 3.9., 8.10., 5.11., 3.12.

Spring 2025

7.1., 4.2., 4.3., 15.4.

The workshop centres on the key elements of a doctoral thesis and focuses on the structure of the integrative summary. We also examine academic style, citation strategies and individual choices regarding reporting voice.

The workshop concludes in a review session, which is a good opportunity to test your work-in-progress on a peer and get feedback on elements you're struggling with. The session is interactive so feel free to come with questions!

The workshop is facilitated by Dr Pia Lappalainen. Please register to her ( [email protected] ) to obtain the Teams link. Please use your Aalto email to sign up. Only doctoral students studying at Aalto are accepted to the workshops.

Drawing of a stack of books, with notes between the pages of the books.

Doctoral thesis at Aalto University

Resources, guidelines and information on doctoral theses at Aalto University

Drawing of two doctoral students each holding a paper, with doctor's hats shining on their heads.

Finalising your doctoral studies

Doctoral students at the end phases of studies: information on pre-examination, defence, publishing the thesis and graduation, etc.

Feedback about the page

  • Published: 14.5.2024
  • Updated: 14.5.2024

MyCourses out of service on today 2.5.2024 from 10:00 to 17:00 due to update. Please save your work before 10:00


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  1. SCI Master's Thesis Guide 2023-: Thesis presentation

    Thesis presentation is completed as a seminar presentation or an equivalent presentation as a part of masters thesis. Completion is a mandatory part of masters thesis for all School of Science students. ... Fill the Thesis presentation form (pdf) and s ubmit it to [email protected] . Last modified: Monday, 16 October 2023, 1:33 PM ...

  2. Thesis

    Master's thesis in Building Technology. The master's thesis is a 30-credit entity that also includes the maturity test and presentation of the thesis. The master's thesis is a piece of applied research and is written on a topic related to the advanced studies of the degree programme. The key goal of the master's thesis is solving a problem ...

  3. Thesis

    Thesis. JOIN.bsc Bachelor's Thesis and Seminar is a 10-credit study module that is completed during one study term (fall, spring, or summer) in the third year of studies. The work is divided across two periods to allow time for planning, conducting research, reading literature, writing & revising multiple drafts, and giving a thesis presentation.

  4. Thesis

    The supervisor of the thesis must be a professor or a university lecturer working in Aalto University. You must also have one or two advisors for your thesis. A Master's thesis advisor must have completed at least a Master's degree. The Supervisor's responsibility is to provide guidance on the scientific validity and format of the thesis and ...

  5. PDF Master's Thesis Instructions

    The presentations prompt students to think along lines that otherwise may not occur to them. Thesis groups Students should start their thesis work during their second fall term on the Master's program, for the latest. Students enroll into thesis groups headed by one of the thesis supervisors in accordance to this timing target.

  6. Thesis

    The thesis author presents their final thesis in a thesis presentation session. , the thesis is submitted for evaluation as instructed in the thesis seminar guidelines. Any other components belonging to the thesis must be submitted for evaluation as agreed with the teacher-in-charge. The student will have one week to finalise their thesis based ...

  7. Thesis

    How to format your thesis for submission. Use the thesis template for all Aalto University Schools that can be found here. The first page of the submitted file should be the cover page, while the next should be the thesis abstract page. Use the same language in the cover page and abstract as you have in the bachelor's thesis.

  8. PDF Master's Thesis Guide of the Aalto University School of Arts, Design

    Master's Thesis Guide 2022 1 Master's Thesis Guide of the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and ... which the thesis is written to agree on the presentation of the topic. The availability of a suitable thesis ... Pursuant to Aalto University guidelines on the languages of degree and instruction (AAK 6.4/2/2015) the ...

  9. Systems Analysis Laboratory

    "Työn saa tallentaa ja julkistaa Aalto-yliopiston avoimilla verkkosivuilla. Muilta osin kaikki oikeudet pidätetään." ... You will need to give a presentation of on your thesis (about 15 minutes). Unless you have agreed otherwise with your supervisor, you can give this presentation in the weekly seminar of the Systems Analysis Laboratory ...

  10. SCI Master's Thesis Guide 2023-

    What is a master's thesis? Master's thesis: The Master's thesis is an independent engineering or research project completed by the student. Duration: The extent of the Master's thesis is 30 credits, equivalent of six months of fulltime studies. Timing: It's recommended to orientate and plan the thesis work on the autumn of the second-year ...

  11. Design Guide: Theses and dissertations

    All printed master's theses by Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture are in the closed archive of the Learning Centre. You can request any theses by sending a message to [email protected]. Mention the title of the thesis, author's name and publication year in the request. The material is available at the Learning ...

  12. SCI Master's Thesis Guide 2023-: Deadlines

    Please remember to keep your supervisor informed, and to leave enough time (4 weeks) for the supervisor to read the final thesis and write a statement. Take possible holidays (summer, winter) into account when planning on the schedule, e.g. on giving the thesis presentation and submitting the final thesis to your supervisor for evaluation!

  13. By subject

    Master's theses: in Aaltodoc 1922 onwards | Availability of full-texts depends on authors' permissions. theses from 2018 onwards archived only in electronic form. printed theses from 1960 to 2008 have been scanned into electronic form. remaning printed theses are stored in the archive of the Learning Centre.

  14. PDF Aalto University School of Science GUIDELINES FOR MASTER´S THESIS

    the Aalto University. The Master's thesis is an independent engineering or research project completed by the student. The extent of the Master's thesis is 30 credits, equivalent of six months of fulltime studies. The period of time spent working on the Master's thesis may in reality be longer if the student is at the same time carrying

  15. Aaltodoc Repository :: Home

    Aaltodoc is the institutional repository of Aalto University. Aaltodoc has a new updated appearance. Instructions for searching and more information is available here. Search. ... This thesis introduces a novel hybrid design using a deep learning model to generate the stretched noise component with high quality even for extreme stretching ...

  16. Econ MSc Thesis at Aalto University

    Enrolling in the 2023-24 seminars. To enroll in the thesis seminar a student must have a topic accepted by a faculty member at the Department of Economics. The deadline for the Fall 2023 seminar is May 31st and November 15th for the Spring 2024 seminar. Adjusting the topic to be suitable for approval may require some back-and-forth between the ...

  17. Thesis

    The master's thesis is a 30-credit entity that also includes the maturity test and presentation of the thesis. The master's thesis is a piece of applied research and is written on a topic related to the advanced studies of the degree programme. The key goal of the master's thesis is solving a problem relevant to the field of study based on ...

  18. Business Guide: Theses and dissertations

    Send your orders (author, title and location/thesis number) to [email protected]. Ordered items are available for reading on the next business day after 12 am. School of Business bachelor's theses. Since autumn 2016 information about bachelor's theses at the School of Business will be displayed at the Aaltodoc publication archive. Also ...

  19. Computer science: Theses and dissertations

    Master's and licentiate theses are published online with a permission of the author. Bachelor's theses of the schools of technology have been archived only in electronic format from the beginning of 2008. In Inssi database and Aaltodoc it is possible to access the full-text versions only with a password. Please contact the Learning Centre staff ...

  20. Workshop on writing article thesis summary

    The workshop centres on the key elements of a doctoral thesis and focuses on the structure of the integrative summary. We also examine academic style, citation strategies and individual choices regarding reporting voice. The workshop concludes in a review session, which is a good opportunity to test your work-in-progress on a peer and get ...

  21. Notice

    Aalto university pedagogical training programme ... with a specialist - Digital tools for teaching - Personal data protection instructions for teachers - Workspace for thesis supervision - Course feedback instructions Sisu Student guide Courses.aalto.fi Metacampus - About Metacampus learning environment and Unite! alliance Library Services ...