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Medical Research Institute Sri Lanka

The national reference laboratory and the premier medical research institute in sri lanka, medical research institute - sri lanka, proposal writing guide.

  • New Proposal—A proposal submitted to a sponsor for the first time, or a proposal being resubmitted after having been declined by a potential sponsor.
  • Revised Proposal—This modifies a proposal that is pending or is otherwise unfunded, but   not official declined by the sponsor. If a proposal has been declined, a new proposal must be prepared.
  • Supplemental Proposal—A supplemental asks for an increase in support for a proposal that has already been funded. The requested increase would occur in the current budget period   and may involve a broadening of the project’s approved scope. Since additional funding is requested, a new budget is required.
  • Continuation Proposal—A continuation applies to a multi-year award. The continuation proposal requests the already approved funds for the next phase (or next year) of the project. Typically, sponsors require a progress report and budget before releasing additional funds. These proposals only apply to project and budget years that were approved by the sponsor the original award.
  • Pre-proposal/Notice of Intent—The purpose of the pre-proposal is to peak the interest of a potential sponsor. It typically does not include a cost estimate and is not expected to  result in an award. Interested sponsors will ask for a full proposal.
  • Title Page : Most sponsoring agencies specify the format for the title page, and some provide special forms to summarize basic administrative and fiscal data for the project. Titles should be comprehensive enough to indicate the nature of the proposed work, but also be brief.
  • Abstract : The funder may use the abstract to make preliminary decisions about the proposal. An effective summary states the problem addressed by the applicant, identifies the solution, and specifies the objectives and methods of the project. This summary should also outline funding requirements and describe the applicant’s expertise.
  • Table of Contents : Very brief proposals with few sections ordinarily do not need a table of contents; the guiding consideration in this is the reader’s convenience. Long and detailed proposals may require, in addition to a table of contents, a list of illustrations (or figures) and a list of tables. If all of these are included, they should follow the order mentioned, and each should be numbered with lower-case Roman numerals. The table of contents should list all major parts and divisions (including the abstract, even though it precedes the table of contents).
  • Introduction (including Statement of Problem, Purpose of Research, and Significance of Research): The introduction of a proposal should begin with a capsule statement of what is being proposed and then should proceed to introduce the subject to a stranger. It should give enough background to enable an informed layman to place your particular research problem in a context of common knowledge and should show how its solution will advance the field or be important for some other work. The statement describes the significance of the problem(s), referring to appropriate studies or statistics.
  • Background (including Literature Survey):
  • Description of Proposed Research (including Method or Approach) : The comprehensive explanation of the proposed research is addressed not to laymen but to other specialists in your field. This section is the heart of the proposal and is the primary concern of the technical reviewers. Remember as you lay out the research design to (1) be realistic about what can be accomplished. (2) be explicit about any assumptions or hypotheses the research method rests upon. (3) be clear about the focus of the research. (4) be as detailed as possible about the schedule of the proposed work. (5) Be specific about the means of evaluating the data or the conclusions. (6) be certain that the connection between the research objectives and the research method is evident. (7) spell out preliminary work developing an analytical method or laying groundwork as Phase 1. At the end of that phase you will be able to report that you have accomplished something and are ready to undertake Phase 2.
  • Description of Relevant Institutional Resources : In general this section details the resources available to the proposed project and, if possible, shows why the sponsor should select this University and this investigator for this particular research. Some relevant points may be the institution’s demonstrated competence in the pertinent research area, its abundance of experts in related areas that may indirectly benefit the project, its supportive services that will directly benefit the project, and its unique or unusual research facilities or instruments available to the project.
  • List of References : The style of the bibliographical item itself depends on the disciplinary field. The main consideration is consistency; whatever style is chosen should be followed scrupulously throughout.
  • Personnel : This section usually consists of two parts: an explanation of the proposed personnel arrangements and the biographical data sheets for each of the main contributors to the project. The explanation should specify how many persons at what percentage of time and in what academic categories will be participating in the project. If the program is complex and involves people from other departments or colleges, the organization of the staff and the lines of responsibility should be made clear.Any student participation, paid or unpaid, should be mentioned, and the nature of the proposed contribution detailed. If any persons must be hired for the project, say so, and explain why, unless the need for persons not already available within the University is self-evident.
  • Budget : Sponsors customarily specify how budgets should be presented and what costs are allowable. The budget delineates the costs to be met by the funding source, including personnel, non-personnel, administrative, and overhead expenses. The budget also specifies items paid for by other funding sources. Includes justifications for requested expenditures.
  • What is a proposal?
  • Types of proposals
  • Parts of a proposal
  • Must-have resources
  • What do you want to do, how much will it cost, and how much time will it take?
  • How does the proposed project relate to the sponsor’s interests?
  • What difference will the project make to: you/ your university, your students, your discipline,                                                                                              the state, the nation, the world, or whatever the appropriate categories are?
  • What has already been done in the area of your project?
  • How do you plan to do it?
  • How will the results be evaluated?
  • Why should you, rather than someone else, do this project?

    What is a proposal?

A proposal is a request for support/facilitation  of sponsored research, instruction, or extension projects. Good proposals quickly and easily answer the following questions: These questions will be answered in different ways and receive different emphases depending on the nature of the proposed project and on the agency to which the proposal is being submitted. Most agencies provide detailed instructions or guidelines concerning the preparation of proposals (and, in some cases, forms on which proposals are to be typed); obviously, such guidelines should be studied carefully before you begin writing the draft.   Types of proposals

Proposals can be sponsored or nonsponsored. MRI can help you with any type of proposal, from new proposals (those being submitted to the sponsor for the first time) to renewals. Each type of proposal, outlined below, may have its own requirements.   Preproposals Requested when a sponsor wishes to minimize an applicant’s effort in preparing a full proposal. Preproposals are usually in the form of a letter of intent or brief abstract. After the preproposal is reviewed, the sponsor notifies the investigator if a full proposal is warranted. Continuation or non-competing proposals Confirm the original proposal and funding requirements of a multi-year project for which the sponsor has already provided funding for an initial period (normally one year). Continued support is usually contingent on satisfactory work progress and the availability of funds. Renewal or competing proposals Are requests for continued support for an existing project that is about to terminate, and, from the sponsor’s viewpoint, generally have the same status as an unsolicited proposal.   Parts of a proposal

Proposals for sponsored activities generally follow a similar format, although there are variations depending upon whether the proposer is seeking support for a research grant, a training grant, or a conference or curriculum development project. The following outline covers the primary components of a research proposal. Your proposal will be a variation on this basic theme. Be sure to (1) make clear what the research problem is and exactly what has been accomplished; (2) to give evidence of your own competence in the field; and (3) to show why the previous work needs to be continued. The literature review should be selective and critical. Discussions of work done by others should therefore lead the reader to a clear impression of how you will be building upon what has already been done and how your work differs from theirs. Why is it Important to Pretest a Questionnaire? Pretesting can help you determine the strengths and weaknesses of your survey or questionnaire. By making your main concern for your pretest to have a reliable question format and also a good wording and order. By establishing a correct pretest, your questionnaire will yield better results. There are two types of survey pretests: participating and undeclared. Participating pretests show that you tell respondents that the pretest is a sample for determine how; rather than asking the respondents to simply fill out the questionnaire, participating pretests usually involve an interview setting somewhere in a setting where respondents are asked to explain reactions to question form, wording and order. This kind of pretest will help you determine if your questions are understandable for the respondent to answer truly to their best opinion. When conducting an undeclared pretest, you do not tell respondents that it is a pretest. You have the respondents manipulated into a situation where they feel like this is a real questionnaire. This type of pretest allows you to check your choice of analysis and the standardization of your survey efficiently. It is said that if researchers have the resources to do more than one pretest, it might be best to use a participatory pretest first, then an undeclared test. Both tests prove to show reliable data in regards to just one test. A pretest is made to gain insight into potential mistakes and misinterpretation. It makes room for improvements by results from the pretest.

©2019 Medical Research Institute Sri Lanka

P.o. box: no. 527, dr. danister de silva mawatha (baseline road), colombo 08, sri lanka. telephone: 011 2 693532-34 / 0112 693527 fax: 0112 691495 email: [email protected].

Superviced By: Dr. Sanath Thubellage     ||     Developed By: L.L.D. Lakshan Madusanka

Research Support Centre

January 2019.

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Sample Size Calculation for Medical Research

31 st January 2019

By –  Dr Dileepa Ediriweera

Click here to view the presentation.

February 2019

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Hands-on Guidance on Submitting Your Application to ERC/PGIM

28 th  February 2019

By –  Dr Achala Upendra Jayatilleke

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Principles of How to Write a Paper & How to Select a Journal

28 th March 2019

By – Professor Janaka de Silva

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Tips on writing your portfolio: Showcasing your learning

4 th July 2019

By – Dr. Pandula Siribaddana

Click h ere to view the presentation.

January 2018

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Scale Development

25 th January 2018

By –  Professor Madawa Chandratilake

February 2018

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How to Interpret Systematic Review and Meta-analysis? – A Brief Guide

22 nd February 2018

By –  Dr B. Kumarendran

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How to Complete New Ethics Application Form?

24 th May 2018

By –  Dr Achala Jayatilleke

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Writing a Research Proposal

28 th June 2018

By – Dr Dilshani Dissanayake

August 2018

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Avoiding Plagiarism and Showcasing the Originality of Your Research

30 th August 2018

By – Dr. Asela Olupeliyawa

September 2018

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How to Write a Manuscript

27 th September 2018

By –  Professor Upul Senarth

October 2018

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Sensible Presentation of Your Data

25 th October 2018

By –  Professor A Pathmeswaran

November 2018

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29 th November 2018

By –  Dr Himani Molligoda

Inaugural Lecture

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Trends in Medical Research in Sri Lanka

26 th  January 2017

By –  Professor Janaka de Silva

February 2017

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Study Designs & Sample Size Calculation

23 rd February 2017

By –  Professor A Pathmeswaran

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Monitoring Your Research Project

23 rd March 2017

By – Professor Joseph Telfair

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Hands-on Guidelines on Submitting Your Application to ERC/PGIM

25 th May 2017

By – Dr Himani Molligoda

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Tips on Saving Time Writing a Quality Thesis Using Word Processing Applications

29 th June 2017

By – Dr Pandula Siribaddana

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Publishing Your Research: Tips on Choosing the Right Journal & Maximizing the Possibility of Acceptance

27 th July 2017

By – Dr Madhubhashinee Dayabandara

August 2017

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Tips on Writing Your Portfolio: Showcasing Your Learning

31 st August 2017

September 2017

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Searching the Literature

28 th September 2017

By – Professor Senaka Rajapaksha

Click  here  to view the presentation.

October 2017

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Tips on Selecting Your Statistical Test

26 th October 2017

By – Dr B. Kumarendran

November 2017

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ICT for Medical Research

30 th November 2017

By – Dr Achala Jayatilleke

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  • Abstract -This section of the research papers provides a summary of what was studied in this specific study. This report will provide an overview and explanation of how we chose to do our experiment, as well as describe its results so that people may be able to see if they could replicate it for their own purposes or understand why certain factors might affect findings from other experiments.
  • Introduction -This introduction will offer a brief overview of the topic, discussing its history and background before moving on to summarize prior research. Moving into later sections, findings and problems related to this issue will be addressed with an extensive discussion about how it impacts us today.
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Rishan Ukwatta

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Vaseekaran Varatharajah-Freelancer in Colombo,Sri Lanka

Vaseekaran Varatharajah

5 years ago


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Shauri Hettiarachchi-Freelancer in Sri Lanka,Sri Lanka

Shauri Hettiarachchi

Master of Philosophy Student at University of Moratuwa

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Dhammika Fernando-Freelancer in Colombo,Sri Lanka

Dhammika Fernando

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Shenalka Gunasekera-Freelancer in Colombo,Sri Lanka

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Samith Senanayaka-Freelancer in Colombo,Sri Lanka

Samith Senanayaka

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Dr. Sudath Gunasekara B. A . (Hons) PhD. Retired Permanent Secretary to   Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranayaka. 1994.

Posted on January 30th, 2022

A proposal to the Government of Sri Lanka to set up an International Museum cum Research Institute on Colonial rule in this country from1505-1948 in Kandy at the old Bogamabara Prison site in memory of the brave Kandyan who sacrificed their lives in battle against three ruthless European Invaders, Portuguese, Dutch and English to save their Motherland and the Sinhala Nation on which their ancestors had found and developed the civilization and the culture from 543 B.C. with special emphasis on the colonial crimes that were committed  by the British during the  two main freedom struggles namely  the Uva-Wellassa (1817-1818)  and the other in Matale in (1848). 

(Proposed name for the Institute)

I propose that it should be named as The Sekadagala International Museum and Research Institute on Colonial rule and Crimes Committed by Portuguese, Dutch and British from (1505-1948) in Sri Lanka: Museum premises should be planned as narrative historical and educational sequence from 1739-1948 within a tropical botanical garden rich in flush greenery and flamboyant verdure, ponds, sprinkles and water falls.

 Bogambara Prison

The Bogambara prison was built by the British in 1874 as the second largest Prison in this country on the model of the famous Bastille Prison in Paris. Bastille was built to imprison and suppress those who rose against the French Monarchy. Similarly. Bogambara was built by the colonial invader British to imprisoned, suppress and hang the native Sinhala patriots who revolted and rose against the British colonial Government . Bogambara did the same job in Sri Lanka to Sinhalese, what the Bastilles did in France. There was very little difference between what happened in Bastille in France and Bogambara in Sri Lanka. Theo only difference was one happened in France and the other happened in Sri Lanka a, colony ceded to the United Kingdom by deception and intrigue in 1815.

No final Plan to develop Bogambara Prison complex even after 8 years of its closing in 2014.

Already 8 years have passed since this prison was closed down in 2014 and shifted to Pallekele, perhaps making room for future development of a fast-changing cultural city. Four Governments since then have been talking high and the Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinha and a number of Ministers, of these governments and officials of different institutions also have visited this site many a time. Much public funds have already being spent on these public shows and many a report have been published, spending millions of public funds without any substantial development to be seen, for 8 long years. Apart from commencing some real development isn’t it a tragedy that even after 8 years there is no unanimity among the political masters or the officials entrusted with the job, on what really, they are going to do here.

According to the UDA Final Report: Vol.2 (2019-2020) ‘the redevelopment plan is not finalized yet”

Looking at the long delay in converting this historic place, located right at the center of the historic world heritage city Mahanuwara (Kandy), The Great City /Capital, of the last Kingdom of Sinhale, a glistering jewel of the 2500 years old Sinhala Kingdom, to a useful purpose and more over lack of clarity in the minds of those who are in charge of the project as stated in the UDA report, which says ‘Currently, no decision has been made on who will redevelop the major part of the prison buildings” is really very puzzling. I wonder as to what 4 Governments have been doing for 8 years with so much of talking and public displays. Just like the governments, the management also has been going from hand to hand (Central Engineering Consultancy Services and UDA, the Prison Dept and dept of Archaeology) with different priorities and expertise that are far apart from the historical, cultural, political and strategic depth of this city and its environs.

In this state of confusion, I am convinced that this will be never converted to a functional level at least for anotherr10 years, as already 8 years have gone waste, under four Governments since 2014. Different Ministers, have come out with different, but stale utopian plans. Nevertheless, still it is at ground level after 8 years, as stated by the UDA. I remember once Minister Malik Samarawickrama of the Yahapaalanaya government said he will convert this place into a five-star Hotel to attract foreign tourists. His plan is now gone for good along with his own, fortunately.

PM Ranil has also declared to open a so-called Cultural Park outside the Prison wall included in the 2016 plan. This event was attended by 6 Ministers 2 Ambassadors, Thailand and Japan and about 10 officials. At that time, it was under the Central Engineering Service and UDA. But very little activity is seen around the place since then.  Surprisingly for a layman like me, it looks a ghost prison site now. But even Ranil has not thought of a master plan to develop the fast-dilapidating building.

At a later stage Champika Ranavaka, Minister of Megapolis visited the place and declared that he will develop this place as a major tourist attraction. This plan was dropped in 2021 May and the Department of Prison also declared it will open a five-star Prison Hotel (a crazy idea) here. Champika’s fairy plans were also disappeared in the air along with him and the Yahapalanaya Government.

Then Minister Keheliya Rambukwella (New Government) on a tour conducted on 21.7.2021 weekend declared that plans were afoot to develop the old Bogambara Prison buildings and its land as a prominent tourist attraction for both local and foreign visitors to see the heritage city of Kandy, the Minister said. Sri Lankans, particularly the Kandyan traditional craftsmen and artistes, would be given the opportunity to display their goods within the premises, the Minister said.

Meanwhile the State Minister Ministry of Heritage, Vidura Wickramanayake who visited the place on August 2. 2021, emphasized that a very special mixed project will be established in the premises of the Bogambara Prison and that priority will be given to artefacts of cultural and artistic value which have been protected up to now centered on the last kingdom of Kandy. He also has said the speculations that the old Prison building will be demolish is untrue.

State Minister Wickramanayake further has said that the environment required for artisans who engage in creations highlighting traditional arts which is hereditary to Kandy, will be set up within these premises. He said that the programme will be launched together with the Urban Development Authority, the Department of Archaeology and the Prisons Authority.

The UDA who are supposed to be in charge of this rehabilitation Project (as opposed to doing something novel) on the other hand in their GREATER KANDY URBAN PLAN, Final Report: Vol.2 says.

Main Text Plans ready to develop old Bogambara Prison Complex has said they are planning to convert it to a develop old Bogambara Prison Complex that will be turned into a mixed-use building with public open space in front as tourist attraction center (Details not given. Also, it looks very vague. As they say it will me a mixed project. The details of the composition of the mix are not reveled)

Scanning through all these Mixed stories” overall, it looks to me now, that it is like Alice in Wonderland. I wonder whether all the people who visited the site have fallen through a rabbit hole and are there, still in Alice’s Wonderland.

My observations

 Looking at all these news reports it is more than clear that even after 8 years there is no final plan or a final decision of development, rehabilitation, whatever they call it, on the proposed new Project.  All speakers have highlighted only the conventional, but rather stale, tourist promotion aspect and the service they have in their minds on Kandyan Arts and Crafts. None of them seems to be aware of the existence of the Laksala and the Department of Small Industries, with their Kundasale Sri Narendra Sinha Arts and Crafts Colony and a large number of private shops with a massive Kandyan Arts Center (Incidentally for which I laid the Foundation in 1972 as Assistant Director of the Department of Small Industries Kandy, at that time.) just in front of the Kings wood College, to take care of this sector from late 1970 s.

All these lose talks prove that even after 8 year none of them seems to has a clear idea as to what the overall plan of development for this site should be.  Therefore, it is still in the speculation stage most of them groping in the dark, politicians taking center stage, as a display of cheap political propaganda to attract the votes only. It has been a merry-go round for everybody at public expense.

In this back drop, as I see it, the Bogambara prison site has become a mere theater for politicians for regular cheap political media shows, to deceive the voters, just as they had done in all other fields for the past 73 years, by pretending that they are seriously interested in developing this place on a multifaceted development fairy tale, like the Midsummer Night Dream of Shakespeare, without a clear idea as to what they are going to do with this historically and economically valuable site. The fact that each politician who visited the site had a different approach and a different perception of future development on this site explains the confusion and lack of purpose and clarity as to what the Government is going to do here or in other words it does not have a concrete plan at all in hand and it has just boiled down to a dirty political game only. All of them are still groping in the dark, I think. To me it appears that only Heritage Minister had said something sensible, even though not comprehensive. Everybody appears to have fallen in to a rabbit hole as in Alice in wonderland.

However, no one has said anything sensible. Also no one has seen or thought of the historical, political and sociological importance of this prison site that has witnessed one of the darkest chapters of Sri Lankan history where many a conspiracy and crimes have been hatched and committed against the Sinhala Nation and similarly about the light it can throw on the atrocities of expansion of Colonialism and the spread of religion at gun point by the war minded hungry European invaders in the Middle Ages with no mercy on any human being outside their complexion.

Talking about the Prison per se, it is a pity none has taken in to account the importance of the historical and political role played by this prison during the time of repressive colonial administration in designing a plan that display the sacrifices made by the Kandyan peasants and their patriotic  leaders, the battles they fought and how valiantly they kept all the invaders locked up in a narrow coastal belt for 310 long years until the British succeeded in annexing the Island to the British empire a shrewd and cunning intrigue hatched and implemented by John Doily, supposed to be  the cleverest spy the British ever had.

 None of these politicians or the officials have had the slightest idea of the important role played by the Kandyan peasants, who suffered and died inside these walls helplessly, for fighting against the enemy, and their unique braveries in defending the motherland and the Sinhala nation for 310 years, not only in protecting the Kandyan Kingdom but also the whole country and the Sinhala nation surrounded by the mighty Indian Ocean by not allowing the invades to annex the Kandyan Kingdom

 In fact, in my view the new project that is to come up here should be dedicated to the memory of that great people, who are now completely forgotten and even their descendants criminally betrayed by everybody, including the politicians who are clueless about what their ancestors had done to save this land for them and moreover their own pristine heritage as a world class nation.  These politicians and officials who do not know that they had a glorious past today live and fly high in an empty European made air balloon,    taking this country and the Sinhala Nation to imminent disaster. So how can people like that ever conceive a meaningful plan to make the best use of this wonderful site?

The best example I can quote to prove the ignorance, disregard, the callousness and jealousy the present- day politicians have towards these great people (Kandyans) who saved the country and the Sinhala nation from Western Colonial invasions is the abolition of the Department of Kandyan Peasantry Rehabilitation Department and the Kandyan Area Development Authority in Jan 2014 by the present Minister of Finance Mr. Basil Rajapaksa, who still have double allegiance by being a dual citizen (1 America and 2 Sri Lanka)  to establish his pet Project  Divineguma in 2014. by closing down three important institutions started by previous governments namely, a) The Kandyan Peasantry Rehabilitation Dept and the Kandyan Area Development Authority and the Janasaviya.  

Therefore, any Development Project designed for this site should be a Master piece that could take the world by surprise on the darker side of Colonialism and also that could pave the way for the countries in Asia Africa and Latin America, for political, economic and cultural liberation from the neo-colonial suppressions and oppressions  

I also suggest that this memorial institute is divided in to three separate sections to demonstrate each colonial period separately vide; Portuguese Wing, Dutch Wing and the British Wing to enable the visitors to see the scales of crimes done by each colonial power to this country. Such a division will make it easy to compare and differentiate the crimes each power had done and also understand the commitments for liberation made by the Kandyan while some lowlanders 1815.and minority Tamils and Muslims betrayed the country during this period by assisting the enemy in different ways, especially against the natives of each period. Serving the invaders as mercenaries and cheap labour in the battle field (Tamils) and acting as spies (Muslims) were the two main roll they played. The  important thing to note here is the minorities always took the side of the invader/enemy  against the native Sinhalese.

As such any project designed to this site should be able to expose the darker side of the barbaric, inhuman and savages’ European colonialism that reflect the true colonial history on this tropical Island.

A multifaceted approach preserving the Kandyan architecture .

All other activities like public Parks, Libraries, tourist shops, cafeterias, Cinema Halls, Conference Halls, Exhibition Halls, lecture theaters should be cited separately nice landscaped. All the new buildings should be designed in the traditional Kandyan Architecture to preserve the indigenous Sinhala architectural designs.

 In my view the development of this place should expand beyond the stale and common tourist promotion mania of average men. I suggest that it must also encompass a broader academic scope. So that it could be a gold mine for researchers and students of different types of colonialism in one place, both medieval and the present times, so that it could turn out to be an academic center par excellence in the Indian ocean, -the path way to the East and the West from ancient times. So that it will attract thousands of researchers and scholars from all parts of the world both the West and the East, thereby opening a super highway for earning Foreign Exchange as well.

No one involved in this project so far seems to have noticed the potentials of developing this historic place, on these lines as a center of attracting academic interests like historians, sociologists, and military strategies of different people at different times in history, in studying how medieval colonial expansion has transformed and changed this modern world. How colonialism was responsible for the present day socio-political, economic and human mess and conundrums arisen from the ills of colonial policies to the victim nations and how to find workable solutions to such ailing white manmade problems due to the perpetuation of the same medieval colonialism in the modern world even today and arrest the neo-colonialism intruding in different forms like trade. Monetary strategies through agencies like the IMF and the World Bank into the affairs of the exploited countries like Sri Lanka.

As such the establishment of a museum of the model proposed here   could be a world famous research center for scholars the world over on colonialism and its impact on reshaping and transforming the old world  in to a new world and how colonialism has implanted the aggressor’s religion, language and culture at gun point and thereby destroying the native and  indigenous systems and replacing the local cultures that has disturbed and destroyed the global equilibrium that was brought about by environmental diversity where each nation respect the other man’s culture that might have far reaching effects on our co-existence on this planet  and WORLD peace, sans the present day global tension and unrest by practicing the ‘Matsya nyaaya as preached by Kautillya, where the stronger swallows UP THE WEAKER.

 In addition to what I have discussed above the proposed museum complex will also have separate sections to display

1 Visuals of brutalities committed by colonial invaders

Like murder, arson, vandalism, destruction of religious places slaughter of cattle, wanton destruction to the environment, large scale deforestation on the hill country, destruction of irrigation canals, village Tanks, destroying home gardens and paddy fields, economic bases social institutions removal of valuable books, ola leaves, artifacts, science and indigenous knowledge like Ayurveda

Instances of Destabilizing internal political harmony by discriminatory methods like giving minorities special privileges, discrimination against the Sinhala majority setting Tamils and Muslims against them, planting Indian nationals right at the centre of the country giving rise to a new Indian Tamil civilization to destroy the territorial integrity of this Sinhala country.

Introducing new laws for the minorities (such as Thesawalamei for Tamils and Muslim law for Muslims while denying the natives their own Sinhala law which they called Kandyan law and imposing Roman Dutch Law on them. Robing the native land by repressive legislation like Encroachment on Crown lands Ord of 1840, Temple Lands Ord of 1853 and the Wasteland Ordinance of 1897. They also destroyed the age old native political, legal, administrative and social institutions and replaced them with systems   completely alien and inappropriate to the traditions of the colonies. The proposed Museum should provide a store House of information on these subjects. Let all lost be documented and preserved for the present generation to know what wealth they had1815.teh British destroyed them. 

AI propose the appointment of special expert committee to study each of these aspects and prepare a comprehensive sectoral plan for each section, put together will serve as the master plan for the proposed project. That Committee can use this brief proposal as the background paper.

The Govt must set up a special committee to study each of these aspects and prepare sectoral plan for each section. Within this programme we also can have provisions for Hotels, Sale centers, Theaters, conference halls, craftsmen at work to demonstrate how medieval Sinhala Craftsmen work in their villages, Exhibition halls, libraries with research facilities. In fact, this museum should be developed as a museum complex.

This could be the first of its kind on studies on colonialism in the whole world. The entire site of 14 acres should be nicely landscaped and buildings should reflect Kandyan Architecture. I suggest the following statues should also be erected in prominent places to add colour, decor and pride of a nation that had a Great heritage.

Monaravila Kepetipola Disava, Ehelepola Disava, Pilimatalava Adhikaarama, Meegastenne Adikarama, Viira Madduma Banda  Wariyapola Sumangala and Kadahapola Thero and Welivita Sangharaja Thero,  Puran Appu.,Gongalegoda Banda Saradiyal Sirima Bandarnayaka and Tennakoon Wimlananda, Nittawela Gunaya and Thittapajjala Suramba, so that they will add colour, dignity and pride to a nations past. Keppetipola Disava walking with a hunch back looking downward when questioned by his guard said Man I am looking for the  freedom we lost tot e white man”of my Motherland

. When asked as to what the Adigar was looking for I am looking for the freedom of my motherland we lost to the White man”

1Use the traditional Temple painting technique in narrative form for Wall Paintings like how the medieval painters had done it in DegaldoruwaTempl.

2Miscellaneous items that could be incorporated to enhance the historical and cultural values.

3. All displays should be arranged in a way that pays the nation’s highest gratitude and honour to its heroes who fought against the enemies to defend the Motherland and the Sinhala nation and their religion and sacrificed their loved ones and everything they had and finally their lives in the name of the motherland and its people, during one of the darkest chapters of Sri Lanka’s history.

4.Exhibit Sinhala weaponry and war techniques they used in battle against the invader

5. A fully equipped library to House documents pertaining to the 1505-1848 period with a competent library staff.

6 A research unit in collaboration with the Peradeniya University 7.A Theatre for regular display of Kandyan Dancing and Folk Drama for tourists

Finally, I also propose to set up a Special Committee of experts in Sri Lankan and World Colonial History. Pertaining to the period mentioned (1505-1948) with a mixture of experts in History, Architecture of this country Art and Crafts musical instruments, State Craft and Kandyan Law, Sinhala Legal system and state craft, Indigenous Agriculture social system etc. This branch should fill the vacuume that exist in our universities.

Few names I would like to suggest to this Committee. Emeritus Professor Gerald Peiris, Senaka Weeraratna, Asoka Badarage, Senali Waduge, Ariyawansa Jayakodi, Palitha Ariyaratna, Wansaratna Senaanayaka, Samantha Ratwatta PC.

Ex-Officio members

GA Kandy, Commissioner of Prisons, Mayor of Kandy MC or his Representative, Two scholarly Representatives from Malwatta and Asgiriya Sects, Someone to represent the VC of Peradeniya University, Diyawadana Nilame. a Representative from the UDA, A Rep from the Ministry of Heritage and Com of Archaeology and any other persons suggested by this Committee.

(The services of the writer are also available if they want it,

on request)

(This was published in All Rights Reserved.  on Jn 30 th 2023)

Very IMP note

First it is important for the Govt at the highest level the President, Prime Minister and the Minister of Cultural Affairs and the Secretary to the Ministry of Finance Cultural Affairs and Education are there.

This Proposal should be presented for discussion at that meeting

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  • ලෝක සෞඛ්‍ය සංවිධානයේ යෝජිත වසංගත ගිවිසුම: “එක් සෞඛ්‍යයක් ප්‍රවේශය”, දේශගුණ විපර්යාස භීෂණය සහ ගොවි ජනතාවට හා ආහාරවලට එරෙහි යුද්ධය
  • Did BASL misappropriate monies sent by JICA for anti-corruption programme?

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