129 Human Trafficking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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  • ❓ Research Questions about Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the most challenging and acute assignment topics. Students should strive to convey a strong message in their human trafficking essays.

They should discuss the existing problems in today’s world and the ways to solve them. It means that essays on human trafficking require significant dedication and research. But do not worry, we are here to help you write an outstanding essay.

Find the issue you want to discuss in your paper. There are many titles to choose from, as you can analyze the problem from various perspectives. The examples of human trafficking essay topics include:

  • The problem of child trafficking in today’s world
  • The causes of human trafficking
  • Human trafficking: The problem of ethics and values
  • The role of today’s society in fostering human trafficking
  • Human trafficking as a barrier to human development
  • The rate of human trafficking victims in the world’s countries
  • How to prevent and stop human trafficking

Remember that you can select other human trafficking essay titles if you want. Search for them online or ask your professor for advice.

Now that you are ready to start working on your paper, you can use these key points for writing an outstanding essay:

  • Study the issue you have selected and do preliminary research. Look for news articles, scholarly papers, and information from reputable websites. Do not rely on Wikipedia or related sources.
  • Work on the outline for your paper. A well-developed outline is a key feature of an outstanding essay. Include an introductory and a concluding paragraph along with at least three body paragraphs. Make sure that each of your arguments is presented in a separate paragraph or section.
  • Check out human trafficking essay examples online to see how they are organized. This step can also help you to evaluate the relevance of the topic you have selected. Only use online sources for reference and do not copy the information you will find.
  • Your introductory paragraph should start with a human trafficking essay hook. The hooking sentence or a phrase should grab the reader’s attention. An interesting fact or a question can be a good hook. Hint: make sure that the hooking sentence does not make your paper look overly informal.
  • Do not forget to include a thesis statement at the end of your introductory section. Your paper should support your thesis.
  • Define human trafficking and make sure to answer related questions. Is it common in today’s world? What are the human trafficking rates? Help the reader to understand the problem clearly.
  • Discuss the causes and consequences of human trafficking. Think of possible questions you reader would ask and try to answer all of them.
  • Be specific. Provide examples and support your arguments with evidence. Include in-text citations if you refer to information from outside sources. Remember to use an appropriate citation style and consult your professor about it.
  • Discuss the legal implications of human trafficking in different countries or states. What are the penalties for offenders?
  • Address the ethical implications of the problem as well. How does human trafficking affect individuals and their families?
  • A concluding paragraph should be a summary of your arguments and main ideas of the paper. Discuss the findings of your research as well.

Check out our samples (they are free!) and get the best ideas for your paper!

  • Human Trafficking: Process, Causes and Effects To make the matters worse they are abused and the money goes to the pockets of these greedy people as they are left empty handed after all the humiliation they go through.
  • Trafficking of Children and Women: A Global Perspective The scale of women and children trafficking is very large but difficult to put a figure on the actual number of women and children trafficked all over the world. The demand for people to work […]
  • Human Trafficking in the United States The paper also discusses the needs of the victims of human trafficking and the challenges faced in the attempt to offer the appropriate services.
  • Human Trafficking in Africa Therefore, Africa’s human trafficking can be primarily attributed to the perennial political instability and civil unrest as the root causes of the vice in the continent. Some traditions and cultural practices in Africa have significantly […]
  • The Fight Against Human Trafficking Human trafficking constitutes a gross violation of the human rights of the individual as he/she is reduced to the status of a commodity to be used in any manner by the person who buys it.
  • Human Trafficking: Definition, Reasons and Ways to Solve the Problem That is why, it becomes obvious that slavery, which is taken as the remnant of the past, prosper in the modern world and a great number of people suffer from it.
  • Human Trafficking: Slavery Issues These are the words to describe the experiences of victims of human trafficking. One of the best places to intercept human trafficking into the US is at the border.
  • The Widespread Awareness of Human Trafficking A possible solution to the issue of human trafficking might be the implementation of a mapping system that will include the locations with human trafficking activity.
  • Reflection on Human Trafficking Studies When researching and critically evaluating the global issue of human trafficking, I managed to enrich my experience as a researcher, a professional, and an individual due to the facts and insights gained through this activity.
  • Human Trafficking Through the General Education Lens First and foremost, the numerous initiatives show that the regional governments are prepared to respond to the problem of human trafficking in a coordinated manner.
  • Discussion: Human Trafficking of Adults Human trafficking of adults is one of the most essential and significant issues of modern times, which affects the lives of millions of people in almost every corner of the globe.
  • Human Trafficking and Related Issues and Tensions In the business sector, therefore, discrimination leads to the workload of the trafficked employee to make a huge lot of work to be done at the right time required.
  • Doctor-Patient Confidentiality and Human Trafficking At the same time, it is obligatory to keep the records of all the patients in the healthcare settings while Dr. To conclude, the decision in the case of an encounter with human trafficking should […]
  • Three Ethical Lenses on Human Trafficking As a result of the issue’s illegality, a deontologist will always observe the law and, as a result, will avoid or work to eradicate human trafficking.
  • Human Trafficking: Sex Trafficking in Latin America In Latin America, the problem is crucial, as many gangs and criminal organizations use human trafficking as one of the sources of funding their illegal activities. It is also crucial to focus on women and […]
  • Policy Issues on Human Trafficking in Texas The challenge of preventing human trafficking in Texas and meeting the needs of its victims is complicated by the multifaceted nature of the problem.
  • Dark Window on Human Trafficking: Rhetorical Analysis In this essay, Ceaser utilized his rhetorical skills to dive into the dark world of human trafficking, which severely hits Latin America and the USA, through the usage of images and forms of different societal […]
  • Human Trafficking: Giving a Fresh Perspective One question I find reoccurring is, “Are all victims of human trafficking being dishonest?” Throughout my career and law enforcement, I met the cases in which victims were dishonest, and I wanted to discover why.
  • Human Trafficking and Variety of Its Forms The types of human trafficking that harshly break human rights are sex trafficking, forced labor, and debt bondage. To conclude, it is essential to say that human trafficking has been the worst type of crime […]
  • Child Welfare and Human Trafficking Young people and children that live in “out-of-home care” due to reasons of abuse or lack of resources are at higher risk of becoming subjects of trafficking.
  • Human Trafficking and Healthcare Organizations Human Trafficking, which is a modern form of slavery, is a critical issue nowadays since it affects many marginalized people around the world.
  • Human Trafficking Is a Global Affair It refers to the unlawful recruitment, harboring and transportation of men, women and children for forced labor, sex exploitation, forced marriages, through coercion and fraud.
  • Human Trafficking and Nurses’ Education Therefore, there is a need to educate nurses in understanding human trafficking victims’ problems and learning the signs or ared flags’ of human trafficking.
  • Intelligence Issues in Human Trafficking To begin with, the officer is to examine the social groups of migrants and refugees, as they are the most vulnerable groups in terms of human trafficking.
  • Intelligence Issues in Border Security, Human Trafficking, and Narcotics Trafficking This paper aims to emphasize drug trafficking as the main threat for the nation and outline intelligence collecting methods on drug and human trafficking, border security, and cybersecurity.
  • Human Trafficking in the UK: Examples and References The bureaucracy and lack of flexibility pose quite significant threats to the success of the UK anti-trafficking strategies. An illustration of this lack of flexibility and focus is the case of the Subatkis brothers.
  • Criminology: Human Trafficking However, the UAE clearly has admitted that there is a high level of rights infringement against women by the ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
  • Human Trafficking: Labor Facilitators and Programs Labor trafficking is a significant issue in the modern world because it refers to people who are forced to engage in labor through the use of coercion, fraud, and force.
  • Human Trafficking: Solution to Treat Survivors And A Public Health Issues Ultimately, this led to the child’s lack of a sense of security, to the presence of a strong desire to be loved and important to someone.
  • Human Trafficking and Its Social and Historical Significance Human trafficking is a type of crime that involves kidnapping and transporting of women, men, and children out of the country with the purposes of slave labor, prostitution, organ harvesting, and other nefarious purposes.
  • Human Trafficking as a Global Crime Industry: Labor, Slavery, Sexual Slavery, Prostitution, and Organ Harvesting As members of the society, every individual has to be aware of this glaring issue, and do their part in preventing human trafficking. This project will present an in-depth analysis of various aspects and perspectives […]
  • Egypt and Sudan Refugees and Asylum Seekers Face Brutal Treatment and Human Trafficking In this report by Amnesty International, the issue of the security of refugees and asylum seekers in Shagarab refugee camps, which are located in the eastern parts of Sudan, is raised.
  • Stephanie Doe: Misyar Marriage as Human Trafficking in Saudi Arabia In this article, the author seeks to highlight how the practice of temporary marriages by the wealthy in Saudi Arabia, commonly known as misyar, is a form of human trafficking.
  • Effects of Human Trafficking in Teenagers: The Present-Day Situation In this case, the inclusion of the additional factor, the type of human trafficking, will contribute to a better understanding of the problem and develop a solution.
  • Aftermath of Human Trafficking in Children and Teenagers The major part of the available research is concentrated on the victims of sex abuse and the applied means of their treatment.
  • Human Trafficking of Illegal Immigrants People perceive II not as a vulnerable demographic but as a part of the problem, thus causing the target population to develop the behaviors that complicate the process of preventing and addressing the instances of […]
  • Human Trafficking in the USA However, the development of the society and rise of humanism resulted in the reconsideration of the attitude towards this phenomenon and the complete prohibition of all forms of human trafficking.
  • Human Trafficking and Exploitation in Modern Society It is necessary to determine the essence of human trafficking to understand the magnitude of the problem of slavery in the modern world.
  • Child Welfare: Human Trafficking in San Diego The paper consists of an introduction, the consecutive sections addressing the definition of the issue, its legal background, the occurrence of child trafficking, and the interventions initiated by the authorities to fight the threat.
  • Human Trafficking as an Issue of Global Importance Being a threat to global safety and well-being, the phenomenon of human trafficking has to be managed by reconsidering the existing policy statements of organizations responsible for monitoring the levels of human trafficking and preventing […]
  • Psychotherapy for Victims of Human Trafficking The use of different dependent variables is the primary feature that differs a single-subject design from a program evaluation the essence of which is to cover a range of questions and evaluate them all without […]
  • Human Trafficking: Enforcing Laws Worldwide This essay focuses on the issue of enforcement of laws concerning human trafficking, the influence of country prosperity on the approaches to solving this problem, the vulnerable categories at high risk of becoming victims, and […]
  • Social Work: Human Trafficking and Trauma Theory One of the theoretical frameworks is trauma theory that focuses on the traumatic experiences victims are exposed to as well as the influence of these traumas on their further life.
  • Human Trafficking Problems in Canada The authors describe the government’s influence on the level of human trafficking and argue that the concept of slavery is almost the same as modern human trafficking.
  • Terrorism, Human Trafficking, and International Response One of the key positive results of the global counter-terrorism efforts was the reduction of Al Qaeda’s presence both globally and in the Middle East, and the enhancement of travel safety.
  • Human Trafficking in Mozambique: Causes and Policies “Human Trafficking in Mozambique: Root Causes and Recommendations” is a policy paper developed by the research team of UNESCO as a powerful tool in order to analyze the situation with human trafficking in Mozambique and […]
  • Human Trafficking as a Terrorist Activity The biggest problem that is worth mentioning is that it is believed that the number of such activities is growing at an incredibly fast rate, and it is important to take necessary measures to limit […]
  • Human Trafficking: Healthcare and Globalization Aspects The first study conducts a literature review on articles in the year 2011 and 2012 based on the handing of human trafficking by healthcare professionals.
  • Human Trafficking and Modern-day Slavery One of the biggest challenges in addressing modern slavery and human trafficking is the fact that the vice is treated as a black market affair where facts about the perpetrators and the victims are difficult […]
  • Combating Human Trafficking in the USA It is necessary to note, however, that numerous researchers claim that the number of human trafficking victims is quite difficult to estimate due to the lack of effective methodology.
  • Criminal Law: Human Trafficking Promises of a good life and the absence of education opportunities for women have led to the increased levels of human trafficking.
  • Human Trafficking and the Trauma It Leaves Behind According to Snajdr, in the United States, most of the Black immigrants who came to the country during the colonial era were actually victims of human trafficking.
  • Mexican Drug Cartels and Human Trafficking Reports from Mexico says that due to the pressure exerted on the drug cartels by the government, they have resolved in other means of getting revenue and the major one has been human trafficking alongside […]
  • Human Trafficking in Eastern Europe The fall of communism in Eastern Europe has led to a long-term issue of human trafficking in some of the nations in the region.
  • Human Trafficking between Africa and Europe: Security Issues This situation is usually made possible by the fact that the traffickers are usually criminal groups that have a potential to do harm to the victims and to the family of the victims.
  • Tackling the Issue of Human Trafficking In Europe, prevention of human trafficking is interpreted to mean both awareness raising and active prevention activities that ideally look into the primary causes of human trafficking.
  • Human trafficking in Mozambique The reason for this goes back to the fact the government in place has failed to put the interests of its people as a priority.
  • “Not For Sale: End Human Trafficking and Slavery”: Campaign Critique To that extent, Not for Sale campaign attempts to enhance the ability of the people in vulnerable countries to understand the nature and form of trafficking and slavery.
  • The Human Trafficking Problem Another way is through employment and this involves the need to create more jobs within the community that is at a higher risk of facing human trafficking.
  • Human Trafficking in the United States: A Modern Day Slavery The question of the reasons of human trafficking is a complex one to answer since there are various causes for it, but the majors causes include; Poverty and Inequality: It is evident that human trafficking […]
  • Definition of Human Rights and Trafficking One of the infamous abuses of human rights is the practice of human trafficking, which has become prevalent in the current society.
  • How Prostitution Leads to Human Trafficking This is a form of a business transaction that comes in the name of commercial sex either in the form of prostitution or pornography.
  • Criminal Enforcement and Human Trafficking
  • Combating Human Trafficking Should Go Towards the Recovery of The Victim
  • Connections Between Human Trafficking and Environmental Destruction
  • The Problems of Human Trafficking and Whether Prostitution Should Be Legal
  • The Issue of Human Trafficking, a Criminal Business in the Modern Era
  • The Problem of Human Trafficking in America
  • Ways You Can Help Fight Human Trafficking
  • Assignment on Human Trafficking and Prostitution
  • The Plague of Human Trafficking in Modern Society
  • Critical Thinking About International Adoptions: Saving Orphans or Human Trafficking
  • The Issue of Human Trafficking and the Backlash of Saving People
  • The Role of Corruption in Cambodia’s Human Trafficking
  • A Theoretical Perspective on Human Trafficking and Migration-Debt Contracts
  • Conditions That Allow Human Trafficking
  • Understanding Human Trafficking Using Victim-Level Data
  • Evaluation of the International Organization for Migration and Its Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking
  • Causes and Consequences of Human Trafficking in Haiti
  • Fishing in Thailand: The Issue of Overfishing, Human Trafficking and Forced Labor
  • Differences Between Definitions of Human Trafficking
  • Banks and Human Trafficking: Rethinking Human Rights Due Diligence
  • The World Are Victims of Human Trafficking
  • Understandings and Approaches to Human Trafficking in The Middle East
  • The Issue of Human Trafficking, Child Prostitution and Child Soldiers
  • Human Trafficking and the Trade in Sexual Slavery or Forced
  • The Protection of Human Trafficking Victims by the Enforcement Bodies in Malaysia
  • The Remnants of Human Trafficking Still Exists Today
  • The Issue of Human Trafficking and Its Connection to Armed Conflict, Target Regions, and Sexual Exploitation
  • Causes Effects of Human Trafficking
  • The Issue of Human Trafficking and Forced Child Prostitution Around the World
  • Assessing the Extent of Human Trafficking: Inherent Difficulties and Gradual Progress
  • The Unknown About Human Trafficking
  • Trafficking: Human Trafficking and Main Age
  • The Issue of Human Trafficking in Thailand and South Africa
  • The Tragedy of Human Trafficking
  • Vertex Connectivity of Fuzzy Graphs with Applications to Human Trafficking
  • Child Pornography and Its Effects on Human Trafficking

Thesis Statement for Human Trafficking

  • Categories: Human Trafficking

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Published: Mar 20, 2024

Words: 612 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Prevalence of human trafficking, causes of human trafficking, impact on victims, measures to combat human trafficking.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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sex trafficking thesis

Empirical Studies of Sex Trafficking

  • Living reference work entry
  • First Online: 14 April 2020
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sex trafficking thesis

  • Hiroaki Matsuura 7  

Part of the book series: Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals ((ENUNSDG))

270 Accesses


Sex trafficking is the trafficking of people for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Based on the UN Palermo Protocol of 2000, sex trafficking is more formally defined as “the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability” for the purpose of commercial sex or other forms of sexual exploitation (UNGA 2000 ).


Sex trafficking is one of the least studied forms of the international movement of population occurring in almost all countries of the world. No country is immune to sex trafficking. Sex trafficking has an element of sex trading but also sexual slavery (Kara 2009 ). The history of sex trafficking is perhaps as old as human history. Sex slavery was described in the Bible (Exodus 21:7–11). In the Western world, sex trafficking flourished in ancient Greece and Rome, where...

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Shoin University, Atsugi, Japan

Hiroaki Matsuura

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European School of Sustainability, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Walter Leal Filho

Center for Neuroscience & Cell Biology, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

Anabela Marisa Azul

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Passo Fundo University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Passo Fundo, Brazil

Luciana Brandli

Istinye University, Istanbul, Turkey

Pinar Gökcin Özuyar

International Centre for Thriving, University of Chester, Chester, UK

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Matsuura, H. (2020). Empirical Studies of Sex Trafficking. In: Leal Filho, W., Azul, A., Brandli, L., Özuyar, P., Wall, T. (eds) Decent Work and Economic Growth. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71058-7_66-1

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71058-7_66-1

Received : 27 August 2019

Accepted : 05 November 2019

Published : 14 April 2020

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-319-71058-7

Online ISBN : 978-3-319-71058-7

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  1. Human Trafficking and Child Welfare: A Guide for Caseworkers

    sex trafficking thesis

  2. FulltextThesis.pdf

    sex trafficking thesis

  3. Summary

    sex trafficking thesis

  4. Sex trafficking statistics: How many people are victims?

    sex trafficking thesis

  5. Facts about the youngest victims of sex trafficking

    sex trafficking thesis

  6. 4 Legal Framework

    sex trafficking thesis


  1. Senior Thesis Human Trafficking

  2. Sex Trafficking Cases, Jury Psychology & Future of AI I Robert Simon DSH #388

  3. "A WONDER FULL LOVE" short documentary thesis produced and directed by Natalie Chang in 2008


  1. PDF Thesis Human Trafficking

    Sex trafficking is defined as "a commercial sex act that is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform sex acts is under 18 years of age" (Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000). Measures have been implemented to help combat and prevent human trafficking worldwide.

  2. PDF Healing the Trauma of Sex Trafficked Women In

    terms sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation are frequently used interchangeably, but sex trafficking is the term that will be used in this paper. Annually, the sex trafficking industry creates around 4.8 million victims worldwide (Mumey et al., 2021; Veldhuizen-Ochodničanová et al., 2020). Due to the crime occurring in

  3. PDF Human Trafficking: Modern-day Slavery in Need of A Modern-day Solution

    Trafficking is commonly understood to involve a variety of crimes and abuses associated with the recruitment, movement and sale of people into a range of exploitative conditions around the world.1 Human trafficking comes in many forms; forced labor, sex trafficking, bonded labor, migrant workersږ debt bondage, and forced child labor.

  4. PDF Human Trafficking: A Rural and an Urban Problem

    A Thesis in the Field of International Relations. for the Degree of Master of Liberal Arts in Extension Studies. Harvard University. November 2021 2021 Alisa Gbiorczyk Abstract. It has to be recognized that human trafficking is a problem in all American states. Small towns do, in fact, face this international problem.

  5. Perspectives of Human Service Providers for Sex Trafficked Women about

    attention in the law to improve the legal protection of victims of sex trafficking. Currently, research suggests law enforcements' job of addressing sex trafficking victims works best when they collaborate with social service providers and make provisions for sex workers (Anasti, 2020). This current study explores the task of human services

  6. PDF Between victims and prostitutes: Is there any difference? The

    sex work and sex trafficking, specifically in a criminalized setting. This research focuses on the United States and samples three states to make this assessment.

  7. Sex Trafficking Thesis

    Sex Trafficking: a commercial sex act that is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which. the person induced to perform such acts has not attained 18 years of age. Victims: Women 18 years of age and above that have been involved in sex trafficking as defined. by TVPA.

  8. Sex Trafficking: Explanations and Suggested Solutions

    The purpose of this thesis is to add to the existing sex trafficking literature by. analyzing (1) explanations for why sex trafficking exists and (2) suggested solutions for. combating the phenomenon as articulated by victims of trafficking, social service. agents, law enforcement officials, and health care providers1.

  9. PDF Framing the Issue: Human Sex Trafficking

    thesis explores the portrayal of human sex trafficking in Oregon through mainstream media and its affects on the way college students perceive the issue. According to Youth Ending Slavery (YES,) Portland, Oregon has the highest number of strip clubs ... sex trafficking is a tragic crisis that is sweeping our nation and because of

  10. Remnants of Chattel: Black Women, Sex Trafficking, and The Criminal

    Thesis directed by Professor Hillary Potter This dissertation examines Black women's lived experiences as survivors of sex trafficking and self-identified former prostitutes. This exploratory study is a qualitative ... SEX TRAFFICKING IN ADVOCACY AND RESEARCH.....83 . ix FEMINIST ACTIVISM AND WRITINGS BEFORE THE TRAFFICKING VICTIMS ...

  11. Public Perceptions on Domestic Sex Trafficking and Domestic Sex

    This Thesis - unrestricted is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Works at Digital Commons @ ... Sex trafficking is a grossly misconstrued and increasing issue within the United States. The purpose of this study was to extend current knowledge regarding the public's education on

  12. PDF University of Oklahoma Graduate College Sex Trafficking Recommendations

    trafficking. However, it is arguable that sex trafficking holds another degree of stigmatization that do not typically get attached to other forms of trafficking. Sex trafficking can look a lot of different ways because it includes pornography, prostitution, or other forms of sexual performance. Sex work, in and of itself, is highly stigmatized.

  13. 129 Human Trafficking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    There are many titles to choose from, as you can analyze the problem from various perspectives. The examples of human trafficking essay topics include: The problem of child trafficking in today's world. The causes of human trafficking. Human trafficking: The problem of ethics and values.

  14. Thesis Statement for Human Trafficking: [Essay Example], 612 words

    Thesis Statement for Human Trafficking. Human trafficking is a heinous crime that violates the fundamental human rights of individuals across the globe. This essay aims to explore the various aspects of human trafficking, including its prevalence, causes, impact on victims, and measures to combat this abhorrent practice.


    Sex Trafficking and The Mental Wellbeing Impact It Has on Victims 29 pages. Published (October,2023) Diaconia University of Applied Sciences Bachelor's degree program in social sciences Bachelor of Social Sciences. This thesis aims to understand sex trafficking and its psychological impact on female victims.

  16. PDF Sex Trafficking: The Hospitality Industry's Role and Responsibility

    The thesis entitled Sex Trafficking: The Hospitality Industry's Role and Responsibility ... Sex trafficking is defined under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act as "the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person

  17. (PDF) Investigating Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation: From

    Human trafficking for sexual exploitation, as the most documented type of trafficking both internationally and in South Africa, was the focus of this study as it poses significant challenges to ...

  18. Electronic Thesis/Dissertation

    The media has a large influence in the way the public perceives social issues, and has the ability to influence public discourse among these issues. This study aims to analyze U.S. media coverage of sex trafficking and examine the ways in which sex trafficking narratives have shifted between two time periods, 1995-2005 and 2015-2022.

  19. Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

    Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation ... Individuals who have survived sex trafficking are entering mental health counseling practices and community agencies regularly (Ide & Mather, 2019); yet, the mental health profession is unprepared to provide effective counseling services (Thompson & Haley, 2018). With limited research on counseling ...

  20. What could be a thesis statement for an essay on human trafficking

    The thesis statement is a one or two sentence statement which sets the tone of the paper and gives the reader an overview of the content of the paper. I tend to construct thesis statements in a ...

  21. Empirical Studies of Sex Trafficking

    Sex trafficking is the trafficking of people for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Based on the UN Palermo Protocol of 2000, sex trafficking is more formally defined as "the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of ...

  22. PDF University of Texas at Austin

    Found. Redirecting to https://repositories.lib.utexas.edu/server/api/core/bitstreams/60bfad4e-fd3b-44cb-9118-0f1b29b8eb8b/content

  23. Human Trafficking Thesis Statement

    Thesis Statement When people think of human trafficking, many people think of just sex trafficking, but human trafficking also includes labor trafficking, which means being forced to …show more content… In the United States, human trafficking has taken on different forms than what is normally thought of as human trafficking.