1. Web Based Thesis Repository

    thesis repository

  2. Shodhganga thesis repository

    thesis repository

  3. GitHub

    thesis repository

  4. finalVersion

    thesis repository

  5. View/Open

    thesis repository

  6. GitHub

    thesis repository


  1. Pedoman Upload TA, Skripsi dan Thesis ke Repository PNB

  2. How To Find Bibliographies on Your Topic in Dissertations and Theses

  3. Updated & Revised Video of How to Thesis Upload on Shodhganga Repository

  4. How to Search Thesis & Synopsis from Shodhganga & Shodhgangotri Repository

  5. Shodhganga: a National Repository of Indian Electronic Theses and Disseratations by INFLIBNET centre

  6. UNISPAL-UN Information System on the Question of Palestine: largest digital collection on Palestine