by George Orwell

1984 essay questions.

Compare and contrast Julia and Winston. How does each rebel against the Party, and are these rebellions at all effective?

Trace Winston's path towards destruction. Where do we first see his fatalistic outlook? Is his defeat inevitable?

Discuss the role of technology in Oceania. In what areas is technology highly advanced, and in what areas has its progress stalled? Why?

Discuss the role of Big Brother in Oceania and in Winston's life. What role does Big Brother play in each?

Discuss contradiction in Oceania and the Party's governance, i.e. Ministry of Love, Ministry of Truth, Ministry of Plenty, Ministry of Peace. Why is such contradiction accepted so widely?

Discuss and analyze the role O'Brien plays in Winston's life. Why is he such a revered and respected character, even during Winston's time in the Ministry of Love?

Discuss the symbolic importance of the prole woman singing in the yard behind Mr. Charrington's apartment. What does she represent for Winston, and what does she represent for Julia?

1984 is a presentation of Orwell's definition of dystopia and was meant as a warning to those of the modern era. What specifically is Orwell warning us against, and how does he achieve this?

Analyze the interactions between Winston and the old man in the pub, Syme, and Mr. Charrington. How do Winston's interactions with these individuals guide him towards his ultimate arrest?

Analyze the Party's level of power over its citizens, specifically through the lens of psychological manipulation. Name the tools the Party uses to maintain this control and discuss their effectiveness.

Outline the social hierarchy of Oceania. How does this hierarchy support the Party and its goals?

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1984 Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for 1984 is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Describe O’Briens apartment and lifestyle. How do they differ from Winston’s?

From the text:

It was only on very rare occasions that one saw inside the dwelling-places of the Inner Party, or even penetrated into the quarter of the town where they lived. The whole atmosphere of the huge block of flats, the richness and...

What was the result of Washington exam

Sorry, I'm not sure what you are asking here.

how is one put into the inner or outer party in the book 1984

The Outer Party is a huge government bureaucracy. They hold positions of trust but are largely responsible for keeping the totalitarian structure of Big Brother functional. The Outer Party numbers around 18 to 19 percent of the population and the...

Study Guide for 1984

1984 study guide contains a biography of George Orwell, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • 1984 Summary
  • Character List

Essays for 1984

1984 essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of 1984 by George Orwell.

  • The Reflection of George Orwell
  • Totalitarian Collectivism in 1984, or, Big Brother Loves You
  • Sex as Rebellion
  • Class Ties: The Dealings of Human Nature Depicted through Social Classes in 1984
  • 1984: The Ultimate Parody of the Utopian World

Lesson Plan for 1984

  • About the Author
  • Study Objectives
  • Common Core Standards
  • Introduction to 1984
  • Relationship to Other Books
  • Bringing in Technology
  • Notes to the Teacher
  • Related Links
  • 1984 Bibliography

Wikipedia Entries for 1984

  • Introduction
  • Writing and publication

1984 essay questions igcse

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Essay Questions

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Use these essay questions as writing and critical thinking exercises for all levels of writers, and to build their literary analysis skills by requiring textual references throughout the essay.

Differentiation Suggestion: For English learners or struggling writers, strategies that work well include graphic organizers, sentence frames or starters, group work, or oral responses.

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Student Prompt: Write a short (1-3 paragraph) response using one of the below bulleted outlines. Cite details from the play over the course of your response that serve as examples and support.

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1. A text’s atmosphere is a feeling created through the details and language used to describe setting.

  • How does Orwell establish a dystopian atmosphere early in the novel? ( topic sentence )
  • Give at least 3 examples of details, images, or phrasing that support a dystopian atmosphere. Explain how they accomplish this task.
  • In your concluding sentence or sentences, explain how the dystopian atmosphere supports the theme Constant Surveillance is Oppressive or Totalitarian Power Diminishes Individuality .

2. Winston believes that there is something essentially different about the impact the Party has on proles versus the impact it has on Party members.

  • Why does Winston hope the proles will be able to contest the Party’s power? ( topic sentence )

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1984 essay questions igcse

George Orwell

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Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on George Orwell's 1984 . Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.

1984: Introduction

1984: plot summary, 1984: detailed summary & analysis, 1984: themes, 1984: quotes, 1984: characters, 1984: symbols, 1984: theme wheel, brief biography of george orwell.

1984 PDF

Historical Context of 1984

Other books related to 1984.

  • Full Title: Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel
  • When Written: 1945-49; outline written 1943
  • Where Written: Jura, Scotland
  • When Published: June 1949
  • Literary Period: Late Modernism
  • Genre: Novel / Satire / Parable
  • Setting: London in the year 1984
  • Climax: Winston is tortured in Room 101
  • Antagonist: O'Brien
  • Point of View: Third-Person Limited

Extra Credit for 1984

Outspoken Anti-Communist. Orwell didn't just write literature that condemned the Communist state of the USSR. He did everything he could, from writing editorials to compiling lists of men he knew were Soviet spies, to combat the willful blindness of many intellectuals in the West to USSR atrocities.

Working Title. Orwell's working title for the novel was The Last Man in Europe .

The logo.

Prose - IGCSE Literature in English 0475

Topic outline.

  • Select activity Resource Plus Prose Resource Plus Prose 

Important notice

Resource Plus is a supplementary support for the Cambridge IGCSE / IGCSE (9-1) Literature in English course and is not intended as an exhaustive guide to the teaching and assessment of the subject. We encourage teachers to try out different approaches to suit different learning styles and encourage candidates’ to explore their own writing styles and personal responses to the texts that they study.

Videos: Assessment objectives

Teaching packs.

  • Set Text animation
  • Language, structure and form
  • Unseen Prose - Using quotations
  • Unseen Prose - Tone and voice
  • Unseen Prose - Writer's techniques
  • Great Expectations
  • Picnic at Hanging Rock
  • Purple Hibiscus
  • The Namesake
  • The War of the Worlds
  • To Kill a Mockingbird
  • Fire on the Mountain
  • Things Fall Apart
  • Show detailed knowledge of the content of literary texts in the three main forms (drama, poetry and prose), supported by reference to the text.

Prose AO1 - Teacher notes


  • When you use selected quotations, and develop explanations of meaning, significance and context in your paragraphs then you are addressing AO1 and AO2
  • When you use these same quotations to analyse the range of effects created by the writer’s use of language and structure devices, then you are meeting AO3
  • AO4 relates to the entirety of a candidate’s response, but it can be explicitly addressed and reinforced in a well-developed conclusion.
  • In poetry you have a wide range of structural devices to draw upon which are absent in Prose
  • In drama you can consider and discuss the use of stagecraft in your responses
  • In Prose, the narrative style is an important element that can be different from techniques used in Drama and Poetry texts
  • Understand the meanings of literary texts and their contexts, and explore texts beyond surface meanings to show deeper awareness of ideas and attitudes.

Prose AO2 - Teacher notes

  • Recognise and appreciate ways in which writers use language, structure and form to create and shape meanings and effects.

  • Communicate a sensitive and informed personal response to literary texts.

Skills Pack - set text animation

We have selected a few of the Set Texts as an example of a type of activity teachers may use to engage their learners when introducing a Set Text. The content of these videos will need to be expanded on to cover what candidates are expected to know and be able to comment on in an examination.

Teaching Pack: Set text animation - Rebecca

  • Chapters 1-6
  • Chapters 7-11
  • Chapters 12-15
  • Chapters 16-18
  • Chapters 19-27

Teaching Pack: Set text animation - Picnic at Hanging Rock

Teaching Pack: Set text - Purple Hibiscus

Teaching Pack: Set text - The Namesake

Teaching Pack: Set text - The War of the WorldTo Kill a Mockingbird

  • Introduction

Teaching Pack: Set text - Fire on the Mountain

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  • English Literature
  • Prose Fiction
  • George Orwell

1984 vs Brave New World

1984 vs Brave New World

984 vs Brave New World Undoubtedly, the thought of living in, or forming a utopian society has flashed through nearly every person's mind. A few people have even tried to make this ideal dream society a reality. Unfortunately, within the pursuit of these societies the leaders become corrupt and begin to become paranoid with the fear of rebellion. Hundreds of people were murdered during the reigns of Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin in what they considered measures to maintain peace and stability within their respective "perfect" society. One must also consider the hardships that the citizens were forced to endure while living under these oppressive governments. This dream of forming and maintaining a utopian society was immortalized in two novels dealing with the same basic ideas, 1984 by George Orwell and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Both of these novels deal with the lives of main characters that inadvertently become subversives in a totalitarian government. These two books differ greatly however with the manner in which the government controls the population and the strictness of the measures taken to maintain this stability. This essay with compare and contrast the message and tone of each novel as well as consider whether the utopia is a positive or negative one. In 1984, George Orwell explores the many facets of a negative utopia. Orwell seems to focus on the

  • Word count: 1318
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English

1984 Quote Journal

1984 Quote Journal

Sarah Pathammavong August 15, 2002 British Lit. Smith 984 Quote Journal "On each landing, opposite the lift shaft, the poster with the enormous face gazed from the wall. It was one of those pictures which are so contrived that the eyes follow you about when you move. Big Brother Is Watching You, the caption beneath it ran." (Orwell 5) This quote is an example of how effective and convincing The Party can make a simple poster. The Party has put posters everywhere constantly reminding the Party members that they are being watched. Being watched played a major role in every Party member's life in the book. Winston who was constantly scared of doing things, such as having a face of anxiety or not cheering with as much enthusiasm in the two minute hate. Everything that Winston did throughout the novel that he thought was not seen by the Thought Police was seen by them. Winston even tried to make sure that his diary was not bothered with so he sprinkled some powder on the corner of the book. That powder was carefully replaced as if it was the same as when it was first put there, by the Thought Police, that is how watchful and investigative the Thought Police is. The Thought Police are continuously spying on the Party members through the televisions, hidden microphones throughout Oceania, and spies of their own. The Party wants to keep an eye on their Party members to have

  • Word count: 1277

When and where was the Intuitionist?   Colson Whitehead

When and where was the Intuitionist? Colson Whitehead

Rahul 1 Rahul Shah Sharon Warycka Writing & literature I 5th November, 2002 Essay # 3 - When and where was the Intuitionist? In Colson Whitehead's, "The Intuitionist" there is no particular set time or place that the story takes place in. The plot could be placed anywhere in time; in the past or in the distant future, the events of the story could just as well be occurring in the present in any one of the many metropolitan cities in the world. "The Intuitionist'' is set in "the most famous city in the world,'' which is never named outright, but somehow resembles New York to quite an extent as would be depicted in a 1930's noir detective movie. Another reason we can say that the book could have been about past times is that it differentiates people as "colored" and "whites" as was done in the past. But then we see the enormously tall glass and steel walled skyscrapers, that the characters live and associate their lives with, with the compact cars and normal city life as can be seen today and also possible in the future. The book by Colson Whitehead has been written so brilliantly in the sense that he has not given any particular character more importance than another, not written in a manner which would cause for attachments with any character in particular however high the degree of their pain was. For example, the description of the man who's fingers were being cut of

  • Word count: 1041

Comparing Texts: 'Nineteen Eighty Four' & 'The Handmaid's Tale' How do Orwell and Atwood portray the tensions that exist between the individual and the demands of a totalitarian state?

Comparing Texts: 'Nineteen Eighty Four' & 'The Handmaid's Tale' How do Orwell and Atwood portray the tensions that exist between the individual and the demands of a totalitarian state?

Comparing Texts: 'Nineteen Eighty Four' & 'The Handmaid's Tale' . How do Orwell and Atwood portray the tensions that exist between the individual and the demands of a totalitarian state? Atwood and Orwell have created texts that reveal the architecture of totalitarian states. Their complex and powerful ideas are the logical outcomes of questions that challenge present situations. They have shown that the essence of totalitarian states is 'control'. By having control, their authoritarian rule expands by psychologically trapping each person into believing that what the state is doing is morally correct. The boundaries of a persons mind under oppression from these states are limited by restricting things that we value most in the present society (such as the freedom of making decisions and speaking liberally), thus making it easy for the state to penetrate each person's beliefs and manipulate them. However, wherever there is a system concentrating on oppression, there will always be a rebellion, and so we are introduced to the protagonists of these stories, 'Winston' and 'Offred'. What makes their role exceptional in this society is their secret rebellion, elusive, to some extent, to the states' eyes. Regardless of the fact that they are exceptional in their roles, they are still odd characters to be classified as 'heroic'. In the case of Winston, as well as psychological, he

  • Word count: 2743

1984 speech. I found 1984 to be a masterpiece- a powerful warning to the dangers of a totalitarian society.

1984 speech. I found 1984 to be a masterpiece- a powerful warning to the dangers of a totalitarian society.

Thankyou for having me. Though I have to say from watching that snippet of the Big Brother show that I am sure all of you will enjoy more of our discussion on the novel. I agree, and I also believe that Orwell's background and experiences influenced his writing as well. He followed his father's footstep after education and joined the Indian Imperial Police though he resented the oppression of imperialism in the society. He quit the position and soon after, he suffered several years of poverty, which increased his hatred of authority; therefore 1984 clearly responses to Orwell's negative impression towards authoritarian governments and dictatorship. (Initial opinion) I found 1984 to be a masterpiece- a powerful warning to the dangers of a totalitarian society. It is bold and confronting and the intricate details of the level of repression frighten the readers into challenging the beliefs and values of that society. The novel portrays a time where individuality can no longer exist due to absolute control demanded by the state. The people are repressed without their own thoughts or privacy, and taught to act only for the collective will. They cannot have relationships or show feelings to anything or anyone, except for Big Brother- their dictator so I call him, who is worshipped by the society as he is credited with divine attributes of every invention and idea in developing the

  • Word count: 767

1984 - What does Orwell do in the opening two pages of the novel to unsettle the reader?

1984 - What does Orwell do in the opening two pages of the novel to unsettle the reader?

What does Orwell do in the opening two pages of the novel to unsettle the reader? In the novel 'Nineteen Eighty-Four', the author, George Orwell employs a range of different techniques such as similes, metaphors and symbolism to unnerve and keep the reader in anticipation, impelling them to read on. The novel is in a third-person narrative style, this technique employed by Orwell creates a distance between the central character, Winston Smith and the reader. This vagueness adds tension and mystery to Orwell's depiction, only allowing the characters emotion to be revealed through dialogue. The narrative viewpoint also allows the reader to grasp an unbiased view of the character and his circumstances. Throughout these first couple of pages Orwell purposefully refuses to expand on things which confuse the reader. For instance, "The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats", and simply doesn't give an explanation why. This deliberate omission is employed to purely keep the reader on edge and impel him/her to read on. Another example of this is towards the end of the second page, "The Patrols did not matter, however. Only the Thought Police mattered". This line immediately grabs attention and creates suspense, but Orwell leaves it here. The reader is now left feeling insecure and leaves us questioning ourselves through mere confusion of what may be happening in this

  • Word count: 676

How does Orwells writing here make this extract so horrifying?     This passage is from Part 3, Chapter 3 during Winstons interrogation at the hands of OBrien.

How does Orwells writing here make this extract so horrifying? This passage is from Part 3, Chapter 3 during Winstons interrogation at the hands of OBrien.

Essay Question: How does Orwell's writing here make this extract so horrifying? This passage is from Part 3, Chapter 3 during Winston's interrogation at the hands of O'Brien. In this passage Orwell describes how Winston's imprisonment within the Ministry of Love has lead to the horrendous emaciation of his body, which is now terribly hideous. Orwell makes this passage horrifying through his description of Winston's emaciated body, the portrayal of how Winston and his rebellion are completely meaningless and the fact that Winston isn't able to argue with O'Brien. In this passage Orwell further emphasizes the dangers of totalitarian regimes, the immense control the Party has over its subjects and the importance and fragility of freedom. Firstly, Orwell makes this passage horrifying through the description of Winston's emaciated body. Orwell portrays Winston as having become a "skeleton-like thing" suggesting that he no longer considers himself to be a person. This implies that Winston has lost all his humanity at the hands of the Party as the "skull-faced man" had earlier in the novel. The fact that the Party had done this to Winston, brutalizing him into the "creature" in the mirror is what is truly horrible about his condition, clearly showing the dangers of totalitarian regimes. As Winston's body could be manipulated so severely by the Party that he now views his own

  • Word count: 856

The Genesis and Presentation of the Political Message in Orwell’s Novel Nineteen Eighty-four

The Genesis and Presentation of the Political Message in Orwell’s Novel Nineteen Eighty-four

THE GENESIS AND PRESENTATION OF THE POLITICAL MESSAGE IN ORWELL'S NOVEL NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-four stands as the most influential political novel written during the course of the twentieth centaury. It is a work of prose that has had a massive impact on the society on which it commented AND on the literature that has followed its example. It is my aim in this essay to examine first briefly where his political and literary ideas came from, and then in some depth, how he has presented them in his novel. To see where his ideas came from we must first understand what they are and what Orwell hoped to achieve by writing his novel, Orwell had hoped that his book would serve as a warning against the evils of a totalitarian state. He wished to warn English society against the growing complacency that proliferated at the time, he saw that this could lead to the rise of such a government as the Bolshevik party, or as the Nazi government of World War 2 Germany. However it would be a very superficial view were his book considered merely as a prophesy of things that were to come, rather he wrote it as a satirical comment on the political and social environment of the day, he was intending to satirize and demonise the rising popularity of the centralised government1. One must be careful when reading the book, as it would be an easy misinterpretation of the novel

  • Word count: 4604

Analyse the character of Winston Smith in Nineteen Eighty-Four. How is he portrayed as an anti-hero and how does this relate to his rebellion in the novel as a whole?

Analyse the character of Winston Smith in Nineteen Eighty-Four. How is he portrayed as an anti-hero and how does this relate to his rebellion in the novel as a whole?

Analyse the character of Winston Smith in Nineteen Eighty-Four. How is he portrayed as an anti-hero and how does this relate to his rebellion in the novel as a whole? In the opening chapter of Nineteen Eighty-Four, the reader is given a description of Winston Smith; our "hero" is described as vulnerable, frail, weak and fearful. However, Winston's function is crucial. As a trickle of his individuality seeps through, there is promise of only failure if he should take any measures to counteract conformity. Winston's defeat may be implicit in the opening of the book, but he is not yet defeated. The reader feels sympathy for Winston. Without Winston as a focus, the novel would lose most of its power. Nineteen Eighty-Four is the story of Winston's revolt against 'The Party'. The story begins with a description of the slavish life of Oceania's citizens. The surprise is that Winston lives a very similar life to ours, as today we are fighting a dictatorship regime, with a war, in Iraq. These oppressed people are brainwashed to not even question 'The Party' but Winston slowly regains his memory, and he remembers how the capitalist world slowly changed into this robotic society. Even the language spoken in Oceania prevented people from speaking their minds and almost succeeded in taking away their individuality completely, as Newspeak would turn the people into clones.

  • Word count: 1862

'Nineteen Eighty Four' by George Orwell - summary of theme and narrative

'Nineteen Eighty Four' by George Orwell - summary of theme and narrative

'Nineteen Eighty Four' by George Orwell The novel 1984 by George Orwell is based on life in a territorial society. We find as a reader that society in which all individuals have to tolerate all contradictions no matter how its implications, if they are to survive. The personality of individuals is reduced to loyalty to authoritarians that control the meaning of language. Personal judgements and morality are disallowed. It is also the decider to what is right and what is wrong based on the absolute power over all feelings, thoughts and behaviour. The aim is to filter these feelings and replace them with party related feelings. Which in terms means neutral feelings. It is not mentioned in the novel what the's intentions are to do. This is mainly because no one has the courage to ask questions or to behave as an individual and to express their own personality. Even keeping a diary is prohibited in Orwell's 1984. Through out the novel there is a major theme of poverty. To create a feeling of poverty, Orwell uses visual and sensual imagery. This then leads to the feelings of corruption and decay. The state seems to be rotting and therefore the reader is repelled. There are war posters and boarded houses. Which resemble the picture of redundancy. There are many references to dust and dirt within the first few chapters of the novel. 'Maze of barbed wire entangled, steel doors

  • Word count: 1049
  • Fewer than 1000 52
  • 1000-1999 44
  • 2000-2999 14

Teacher Reviews

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Peer Reviews

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  • 1 or more reviews 20

CIE Notes

IGCSE English Literature (0486) Past Papers

Complete igcse english literature (0486) past papers.

The syllabus enables learners to read, interpret and evaluate texts through the study of literature in English. Learners develop an understanding of literal meaning, relevant contexts and of the deeper themes or attitudes that may be expressed. Through their studies, they learn to recognise and appreciate the ways in which writers use English to achieve a range of effects, and will be able to present an informed, personal response to the material they have studied.

The syllabus also encourages the exploration of wider and universal issues, promoting learners’ better understanding of themselves and of the world around them.

The last examination series for Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (0486) will be November 2019.

From 2020 this syllabus will be replaced by the updated syllabus,  Cambridge IGCSE Literature in English (0475) .

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Sample Discussion Questions & Answers for 1984 by George Orwell

  • Trent Lorcher
  • Categories : Literature study guides and chapter summaries
  • Tags : Homework help & study guides

Sample Discussion Questions & Answers for 1984 by George Orwell


Which of Orwell’s eerie predictions have come true in the present day?

  • Real World Examples (answers will vary): Scientists have always warned of Global Warming. There has never been such a thing as global cooling . We’ve always been against the war in Iraq . We’ve never been for it.
  • Real World Examples: It’s difficult to go anywhere–the grocery store, public transportation, dentist office–without seeing a giant TV transmitting messages. As of yet, these messages are not controlled by government, the barrage of media resembling <em>Fahrenheit 451</em> more than 1984 ; the apparatus, however, is in place. Think The Patriot Act, for example, on how government can monitor your actions.
  • Real World Examples: Governments justify their expansion by promising to solve all your problems and in doing so making useless personal responsibility: let us provide your health care; let us take care of your retirement; let us take care of the unequal distribution of wealth; we’ll fix everything. Just give us more money and give up a little freedom.

What is Newspeak?

  • Newspeak was a simplification of language to render thoughtcrime impossible. It eliminates words that symbolized illegal things– god, family, love . It eliminates shades of meaning– atrocious and awful could be represented by one word, doubleunplusgood . It contracted words and combined them– duckspeak, speakwrite, Minitruth, Minilove .
  • The purpose of Newspeak is to render thoughtcrime impossible. If the word god does not exist, for example, then there would be no way for an individual to express thoughts that included a power higher than government. Documents such as The Declaration of Independence , therefore, would be impossible to understand even if it remained in existence.
  • Terrorists have become enemy combatants . Wars have become military operations . Wartime civilian deaths have become collateral damage . A failing grade has become an inability to meet standards . Wasteful spending and high taxes are now economic stimulus plans .

How is Society Kept Under Control?

  • Physical torture, endless wars, state controlled media, spying.
  • The main difference between Ingsoc and authoritarian regimes of the past is their ability to eliminate martyrs. All thought criminals repent before their death; hence, the powerful last line of the book: “He (Winston) loved Big Brother.”
  • The Proles are the only segment of society that is not controlled every second of the day. Unfortunately, they do not have enough sense to realize they’re being controlled; they are satisfied with simply surviving (this could also qualify as a prediction above).

Hopefully these sample discussion questions have sparked some of your own original thoughts to add. Let us know what other questions or observations you have in the comments.

This post is part of the series: 1984 Study Guide

Don’t get sent to room 101 for failing your 1984 exam.

  • Irony in 1984 by George Orwell
  • Chapter Summaries of 1984 by George Orwell
  • Quotes From &ldquo;1984&rdquo; by George Orwell
  • 1984 Character Analysis
  • 1984 Discussion Questions and Answers

allama iqbal essay in english for class 6

Allama Iqbal

Essay on Allama Iqbal Class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 in English, Urdu

Essay Allama Iqbal Class 6-7-8 English-Urdu

Essay on Allama Iqbal | My favourite Personality / Hero

Allama Iqbal was our great National hero. He is the poet of East. He was born in Sialkoat on November 9, 1877. He received his early education in Sialkoat. He passed intermediate examination from Murrey College Sialkoat. Then he went to Lahore for higher studies.

After that, he went to England and Germany. He got Ph.D. in Philosophy. He wrote many poems in praise of the Muslim culture. He reminded the Muslims of their glorious past. The names of some of his books are Bang-e-Dara, Bal-e-Jibril, Payam-e-Mashriq and Asrar-e-Khudi. He gave the idea of Pakistan. He requested Quaid-e-Azam to accept the leadership of the Muslims. He was, indeed, a great leader. He died on April 21, 1938. He was buried near the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore.

Read also: My Favourite Personality Allama Iqbal Essay

Allama Iqbal Essay with Urdu Translation

Read More: Allama Iqbal Essay For Class 9 & 10

24 thoughts on “Essay on Allama Iqbal Class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 in English, Urdu”

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Allah tala allama Iqbal ki maqfirat atta farmay

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Hey, very short but informative essay on allama iqbal….. Everything is being explained well and shortly. Well effort. Keep it up!

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Ilm Ki Awaz

Allama Iqbal Essay in English | علامہ اقبال پر مضمون

Today I write an allama iqbal essay in English with headings, pdf, and quotations for classes 3,6,4,5,7,8,9,1,2, and 10th in small, easy, and short wording. Allama Iqbal is one of the most prominent figures in Urdu literature and Pakistani history. Dr Allama Muhammad Iqbal was a renowned poet, mystic, philosopher, and political activist who was pivotal in the Pakistan Movement. In this my favourite personality allama iqbal essay, we will explore Allama Iqbal’s life, achievements, and legacy, highlighting his enduring impact on modern Pakistani society.

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Essay on Allama Iqbal in English With Headings

Introduction allama iqbal and his significance.

Allama Iqbal, born on November 9, 1877, in Sialkot, British India (now Pakistan), was a renowned philosopher, poet, and politician. He is widely recognized as one of the most influential thinkers and leaders in the history of Pakistan and the Muslim world. Iqbal’s significance lies in his multifaceted contributions to literature, philosophy, and the political movement for the creation of Pakistan.

Early life and education of Allama Iqbal

He belonged to a Kashmiri Muslim family of scholars and religious leaders. His father, Sheikh Noor Muhammad, was a respected tailor and religious scholar. In 1895, Iqbal travelled to England to pursue higher studies. He enrolled at Trinity College, University of Cambridge, and obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1897.

In 1905, Iqbal travelled to Germany to pursue a doctoral degree in philosophy. He studied at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich under the guidance of prominent scholars such as Friedrich Hommel and Friedrich Paulsen. In 1907, Iqbal completed his doctoral thesis titled “The Development of Metaphysics in Persia.”

Literary Works and Contributions to Urdu and Persian Poetry

  • “Bang-e-Dra” (The Call of the Marching Bell): This collection, published in 1924, marks a significant milestone in Iqbal’s poetic journey.
  • “Zarb-i Kalim” (The Reed’s Strike): Published in 1936, this collection further showcases Iqbal’s mastery of poetic expression.” Lab Pe Aati Hai Dua Ban Ke Tamanna Meri” (My Prayer Rises to My Lips as a Desire) and “Sitaron Se Aage Jahan Aur Bhi Hain” (Beyond the Stars.
  • “Bal-e-Jibril” (Gabriel’s Wing): This collection, published in 1935, further showcases Iqbal’s poetic genius. Notable poems from this collection include “Gabriel’s Wing,” “Lenin in Islam,” and “Mard-e-Momin” (The Ideal Muslim).
  • Persian Poetry: Iqbal’s Persian poetry holds immense significance and has garnered appreciation from scholars and poets worldwide. His Persian verses reflect his deep knowledge of Persian literature and philosophy.

Philosophical ideas and Concepts introduced by Allama Iqbal

  • Khudi (Selfhood): Iqbal emphasized the concept of “Khudi” or selfhood as a central theme in his philosophical works.
  • Tawheed (Unity of God): Iqbal explored the concept of Tawheed, emphasizing the unity of God and the interconnectedness of all existence.
  • Iqbal’s Concept of God: Iqbal’s understanding of God is dynamic and evolving. He rejected a static and passive concept of God, advocating for an active and living God who actively engages with creation.
  • Concept of Ijtehad: Iqbal emphasized the importance of “Ijtehad,” which refers to the independent interpretation of Islamic principles and laws in response to changing circumstances.
  • Reconstruction of Muslim Ummah: Iqbal was deeply concerned about the decline of the Muslim community and called for its intellectual and spiritual rejuvenation.

Legacy and Impact of Allama Iqbal on Pakistan and the World

  • Ideological Foundation of Pakistan: Allama Iqbal’s vision and intellectual contributions played a pivotal role in inspiring the demand for a separate homeland for Muslims, leading to the creation of Pakistan in 1947.
  • National Poet and Literary Icon : Allama Iqbal is Pakistan’s national poet. His poetic works in Urdu and Persian continue to be widely read, celebrated and studied.
  • Educational Reforms: Allama Iqbal emphasized the importance of education as a means of empowerment and social progress.
  • International Recognition: Allama Iqbal’s impact extends beyond Pakistan’s borders. His poetry and philosophical ideas have gained recognition and appreciation worldwide.

My Favourite Personality Iqbal Essay Poetry in English – شاعری

Allama Iqbal poetry in English for students

10 lines on Allama Iqbal Essay in English

10 lines on Allama Iqbal in English

Allama Iqbal was a visionary leader who made an indelible impact on the history of Pakistan and the globe. His poetry and ideas continue to inspire and drive others to this day. His philosophy of self-reliance, tenacity, and compassion for everyone has become a cornerstone of Pakistani society, and his legacy will be remembered for years.

Who was allama iqbal?

Allama Muhammad Iqbal was a prominent poet, philosopher, and politician of the 20th century, widely regarded as the national poet of Pakistan. He is known for his poetry which reflects his deep understanding of Islamic spirituality, philosophy, and culture.

When was he formally titled Sir?

Allama Muhammad Iqbal was formally titled “Sir” in 1922 when the British government awarded him a knighthood in recognition of his services as a scholar and a poet.

What was Allama Iqbal’s contribution to literature?

A: Allama Iqbal’s contribution to literature was immense. He wrote poetry in both Urdu and Persian, which is characterized by rich metaphors, deep symbolism, and a profound understanding of Islamic spirituality.

What was Allama Iqbal’s political philosophy?

A: Allama Iqbal’s political philosophy was based on the idea of an independent Muslim state. He played a key role in the struggle for the creation of Pakistan and his vision of a separate Muslim state inspired the Muslim community of India.

What is Allama Iqbal’s legacy?

A: Allama Iqbal’s legacy is that of a poet, philosopher, and political thinker who has had a profound impact on Islamic thought. His poetry and philosophy continue to inspire people in Pakistan and around the world.

Allama Iqbal Born and Death date?

Allama Iqbal, whose full name was Sir Muhammad Iqbal, was born on November 9, 1877, in Sialkot, Punjab, British India (now Pakistan). He passed away on April 21, 1938, in Lahore, Punjab, British India (now Pakistan).

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Essay On Allama Iqbal

This essay delves into the life, contributions, and legacy of Allama Iqbal , a renowned poet, philosopher, and political leader pivotal in the establishment of Pakistan. It encompasses an exploration of his life events, literary works, visionary perspectives, and lasting impact. The essay sheds light on his crucial role in fostering Muslim unity and advocating for a distinct homeland for the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent. Additionally, it delves into the profound philosophical and spiritual themes embedded in Allama Iqbal’s poetry . Notably, Allama Iqbal was born on November 9, 1877, and he departed from this world on April 21, 1938.

Essay On Allama Iqbal 100 Words

Allama Iqbal, born on November 9, 1877, in Sialkot, Punjab, British India, earned renown as a poet, philosopher, and political thinker, playing a pivotal role in the independence movement of Pakistan.

A strong proponent of Muslim unity, Iqbal underscored the necessity for a distinct homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent. His extensive writings delved into Islamic philosophy, spirituality, and nationalism.

His poetry stands out for its profound philosophical insights and spiritual depth, with notable works including “Asrar-e-Khudi,” “Zarb-i-Kalim,” and “Bang-i-Dra.” The widely recited poem “Lab Pe Aati Hai Dua Ban Ke Tamanna Meri” is particularly famous in schools and gatherings across Pakistan.

Allama Iqbal’s visionary outlook anticipated the challenges confronting the Muslim world, and he advocated for their elevation through education and intellectual empowerment. His passing on April 21, 1938, in Lahore marked the end of a life dedicated to leaving behind a lasting legacy of poetry, philosophy, and political thought.

Allama Iqbal essay in English for class 1

Allama Iqbal, a distinguished poet and intellectual figure in Pakistan, came into the world on 9th November 1877 in Sialkot, a city situated in Punjab. Proficient in both Urdu and Persian languages, he earned the title of the “Poet of the East.”

Deeply devoted to his country and religion, Allama Iqbal ardently desired a separate homeland for the Muslims of India. This vision took shape during his renowned speech in Allahabad in 1930, where he proposed the idea of Pakistan. His vision emphasized the creation of a distinct state for Muslims to uphold their unique culture and values.

In addition to his poetic pursuits, Allama Iqbal was a learned scholar and philosopher. Having pursued education in various countries, including England and Germany, he authored numerous books on Islamic philosophy and history. His lectures on the reconstruction of religious thought in Islam aimed at fortifying Muslims and fostering self-reliance.

Allama Iqbal breathed his last on 21st April 1938 in Lahore, where he found his final resting place near the Badshahi Mosque. His tomb draws many admirers who pay homage to his legacy. Recognized as the national poet of Pakistan, Iqbal’s birthday is commemorated annually as Iqbal Day, serving as a perennial source of inspiration for all Pakistanis.

Essay on Allama Iqbal in Urdu for class 2

علامہ اقبال پاکستان کے عظیم شاعر اور رہنما تھے۔ وہ 9 نومبر 1877 کو سیالکوٹ میں پیدا ہوئے، ان کے والد کا نام شیخ نور محمد اور والدہ کا نام امام بی بی تھا۔ اس کے دو بھائی اور ایک بہن تھی۔

علامہ اقبال کو بچپن ہی سے لکھنے پڑھنے کا شوق تھا۔ انہوں نے اردو، فارسی، عربی اور انگریزی زبانیں سیکھیں۔ انہوں نے اردو اور فارسی میں خوبصورت نظمیں لکھیں۔ انہیں شاعر مشرق بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔

علامہ اقبال چاہتے تھے کہ ہندوستان کے مسلمان انگریزوں کے تسلط سے آزاد ہوں۔ انہوں نے 1930 میں الہ آباد میں اپنی مشہور تقریر میں پاکستان کا نظریہ دیا، انہوں نے کہا کہ مسلمانوں کا ایک الگ ملک ہونا چاہیے جہاں وہ اسلام کے مطابق زندگی گزار سکیں۔

علامہ اقبال بھی ایک عقلمند اور بہادر رہنما تھے۔ انہوں نے مسلم لیگ میں شمولیت اختیار کی اور قیام پاکستان کے لیے قائد اعظم محمد علی جناح کے ساتھ کام کیا۔ انہوں نے قائداعظم کو خطوط بھی لکھے اور مشورہ بھی دیا۔

علامہ اقبال کا انتقال 21 اپریل 1938 کو لاہور میں ہوا۔ وہ بادشاہی مسجد کے قریب دفن ہیں۔ ان کا مقبرہ ایک خوبصورت جگہ ہے جہاں بہت سے لوگ آتے ہیں اور احترام کرتے ہیں۔ وہ پاکستان کے قومی شاعر ہیں اور ان کا یوم پیدائش ہر سال یوم اقبال کے طور پر منایا جاتا ہے۔ ہمیں علامہ اقبال اور پاکستان کے لیے ان کی خدمات پر فخر ہے۔

Allama Iqbal Essay in Urdu for class 3

علامہ اقبال پاکستان کے مشہور شاعر، فلسفی اور رہنما تھے۔ وہ 9 نومبر 1877 کو سیالکوٹ میں پیدا ہوئے۔ ان کے والد شیخ نور محمد اور والدہ کا نام امام بی بی تھا۔ اس کا ایک بھائی اور ایک بہن تھی۔

علامہ اقبال بہت ذہین اور محنتی تھے۔ انہوں نے اردو، فارسی، عربی اور انگریزی زبانوں کا مطالعہ کیا۔ انہوں نے اردو اور فارسی میں نظمیں لکھیں جو بہت خوبصورت اور معنی خیز ہیں۔ انہیں مشرق کا شاعر بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔

علامہ اقبال چاہتے تھے کہ ہندوستان کے مسلمان انگریزوں کے تسلط سے آزاد ہوں۔ انہوں نے 1930 میں الہ آباد میں اپنی تقریر میں پاکستان کا نظریہ دیا، انہوں نے کہا کہ مسلمانوں کا ایک الگ ملک ہونا چاہیے جہاں وہ اسلام کے مطابق زندگی گزار سکیں۔

علامہ اقبال بھی ایک بہادر اور دیانتدار رہنما تھے۔ انہوں نے مسلم لیگ میں شمولیت اختیار کی اور قیام پاکستان کے لیے قائد اعظم محمد علی جناح کے ساتھ کام کیا۔ انہوں نے قائداعظم کو خطوط بھی لکھے اور مشورہ بھی دیا۔

علامہ اقبال کا انتقال 21 اپریل 1938 کو لاہور میں ہوا۔ وہ بادشاہی مسجد کے قریب دفن ہیں۔ ان کا مقبرہ ایک خوبصورت جگہ ہے جہاں بہت سے لوگ آتے ہیں اور احترام کرتے ہیں۔ وہ پاکستان کے قومی شاعر ہیں اور ان کا یوم پیدائش ہر سال یوم اقبال کے طور پر منایا جاتا ہے۔ ہمیں علامہ اقبال اور ان کی شاعری سے پیار ہے۔

Allama Iqbal essay class 4

Allama Iqbal, a distinguished poet, philosopher, and statesman of Pakistan, entered the world in Sialkot on 9th November 1877. Born to Sheikh Noor Muhammad and Imam Bibi, he had a brother named Sheikh Ata Muhammad and a sister named Fatima Jinnah.

Demonstrating remarkable talent and diligence, Allama Iqbal immersed himself in the study of Urdu, Persian, Arabic, and English languages. His poetic prowess extended to both Urdu and Persian, earning him the title of the “Poet of the East.”

Driven by a desire for the freedom of Muslims in India from British rule, Allama Iqbal proposed the concept of Pakistan during his 1930 speech in Allahabad. He envisioned a separate nation where Muslims could live in accordance with the principles of Islam.

In addition to his role as a visionary poet, Allama Iqbal displayed courage and integrity as a leader. Aligning with the Muslim League, he collaborated with Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the endeavor to establish Pakistan. His letters to Quaid-e-Azam served as insightful advice during this crucial period.

Allama Iqbal departed from this world on 21st April 1938 in Lahore, finding his final resting place near the Badshahi Mosque. His tomb, a serene and revered site, attracts numerous visitors paying homage. Recognized as the national poet of Pakistan, his birthday is commemorated annually as Iqbal Day, a testament to the enduring love and admiration for Allama Iqbal and his timeless poetry.

Essay on Allama Iqbal in English for class 5

Allama Iqbal, a renowned poet, philosopher, and statesman of Pakistan, was born in Sialkot on 9th November 1877. His parents were Sheikh Noor Muhammad and Imam Bibi, and he had a brother named Sheikh Ata Muhammad and a sister named Fatima Jinnah.

Allama Iqbal’s exceptional talent and diligence were evident in his mastery of Urdu, Persian, Arabic, and English languages. His poems in both Urdu and Persian gained widespread acclaim, earning him the epithet “Poet of the East.”

Driven by a fervent desire for the freedom of Muslims in India from British rule, Allama Iqbal presented the concept of Pakistan during his 1930 speech in Allahabad. He envisioned a separate nation where Muslims could live in accordance with Islamic principles.

In addition to his role as a visionary poet, Allama Iqbal displayed courage and integrity as a leader. Aligning with the Muslim League, he collaborated with Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the efforts toward the creation of Pakistan. His letters to Quaid-e-Azam offered valuable advice during this critical period.

Allama Iqbal passed away on 21st April 1938 in Lahore and found his final resting place near the Badshahi Mosque. His tomb, a serene and revered location, attracts numerous visitors who come to pay their respects. Recognized as the national poet of Pakistan, his birthday is celebrated annually as Iqbal Day, a testament to the enduring love and admiration for Allama Iqbal and his timeless poetry.

Allama Iqbal essay in English for class 6

Allama Iqbal, a renowned poet, philosopher, and statesman of Pakistan, entered the world in Sialkot on 9th November 1877. His parents were Sheikh Noor Muhammad and Imam Bibi, and he had a brother named Sheikh Ata Muhammad and a sister named Fatima Jinnah.

Demonstrating exceptional talent and diligence, Allama Iqbal immersed himself in the study of Urdu, Persian, Arabic, and English languages. His poems in both Urdu and Persian, including notable works like Shikwa, Jawab-e-Shikwa, Asrar-e-Khudi, and Bang-e-Dara, are celebrated for their fame and inspiration. He is also recognized as the “Poet of the East.”

Fueled by a fervent desire for the freedom of Muslims in India from British rule, Allama Iqbal presented the concept of Pakistan in his 1930 speech at Allahabad. He envisioned a separate nation where Muslims could live in accordance with Islamic principles. His famous song, “Saare Jahan Se Achha,” expresses his love for India.

In addition to his role as a visionary poet, Allama Iqbal displayed courage and integrity as a leader. He joined the Muslim League, collaborating with Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the efforts towards the creation of Pakistan. Allama Iqbal’s correspondence with Quaid-e-Azam showcased his insightful advice. He also engaged with other leaders such as Gandhi, Nehru, and Jinnah.

Allama Iqbal departed from this world on 21st April 1938 in Lahore, finding his final resting place near the Badshahi Mosque. His tomb, a serene and revered location, attracts numerous visitors who come to pay their respects. Recognized as the national poet of Pakistan, his birthday is celebrated annually as Iqbal Day, a testament to the enduring love and admiration for Allama Iqbal and his timeless poetry.

Allama iqbal essay in urdu class 6

علامہ اقبال ایک مشہور شاعر، فلسفی اور سیاسی مفکر تھے جنہوں نے پاکستان کی تحریک آزادی میں نمایاں کردار ادا کیا۔ وہ 9 نومبر 1877 کو سیالکوٹ، پنجاب، برطانوی ہندوستان میں پیدا ہوئے۔

اقبال مسلم اتحاد کے داعی تھے اور انہوں نے برصغیر کے مسلمانوں کے لیے علیحدہ وطن کی ضرورت پر زور دیا۔ انہوں نے اسلامی فلسفہ، روحانیت اور قوم پرستی کے موضوعات پر وسیع پیمانے پر لکھا۔

ان کی شاعری اپنی گہری فلسفیانہ بصیرت اور گہری روحانیت کے لیے مشہور ہے۔ ان کی مشہور تصانیف میں “اسرارِ خودی،” “ضربِ کلیم،” اور “بنگ درا” شامل ہیں۔ وہ اپنی مشہور نظم “لیب پہ آتی ہے دعا بن کے تمنا میری” کے لیے بھی جانا جاتا ہے، جسے پاکستان کے اسکولوں اور اجتماعات میں بڑے پیمانے پر پڑھا جاتا ہے۔

علامہ اقبال ایک وژنری تھے جنہوں نے مسلم دنیا کو درپیش چیلنجز کا پیش خیمہ کیا اور تعلیم اور فکری بااختیار بنانے کے ذریعے ان کی بہتری کی وکالت کی۔ وہ 21 اپریل 1938 کو لاہور میں وفات پاگئے، شاعری، فلسفے اور سیاسی فکر کی ایک بھرپور میراث چھوڑ گئے۔

Allama iqbal essay in English for class 8

Allama Iqbal, a renowned poet, philosopher, and leader of Pakistan, was born in Sialkot on 9th November 1877 to Sheikh Noor Muhammad and Imam Bibi. His familial ties included a brother named Sheikh Ata Muhammad and a sister named Fatima Jinnah.

Known for his exceptional talent and unwavering diligence, Allama Iqbal delved into the study of Urdu, Persian, Arabic, and English languages. His poetry, resonating in both Urdu and Persian, has gained widespread acclaim, earning him the title “Poet of the East.” Some of his notable works include Shikwa, Jawab-e-Shikwa, Asrar-e-Khudi, Bang-e-Dara, Zarb-e-Kaleem, and Bal-e-Jibril.

Driven by a fervent desire for the freedom of Muslims in India from British rule, Allama Iqbal proposed the idea of Pakistan during his 1930 speech in Allahabad. He envisioned a separate nation where Muslims could live in accordance with the principles of Islam. His famous song, “Saare Jahan Se Achha,” expresses his love for India.

In addition to his role as a courageous and honest leader, Allama Iqbal was a scholar and thinker. His educational journey took him to various countries, including England, Germany, and Spain. He authored numerous books on Islamic philosophy and history, delivering lectures on the reconstruction of religious thought in Islam. His vision was rooted in the aspiration for a strong and self-reliant Muslim community.

Allama Iqbal departed from this world on 21st April 1938 in Lahore and found his final resting place near the Badshahi Mosque. His tomb, a serene and revered location, attracts numerous visitors who come to pay their respects. Recognized as the national poet of Pakistan, his birthday is celebrated annually as Iqbal Day, a testament to the enduring love and admiration for Allama Iqbal and his timeless poetry.

Allama Iqbal essay in English for class 12

Allama Iqbal, a distinguished poet, philosopher, and intellectual luminary, served as a profound inspiration for the Pakistan movement. Widely acknowledged as the national poet of Pakistan, he stands as one of the most influential figures in Urdu literature, celebrated for the depth, beauty, and originality of his poetry in both Urdu and Persian. Beyond his poetic accomplishments, Iqbal authored numerous works on Islamic philosophy, politics, and history.

Born on 9 November 1877 in Sialkot, Punjab, a part of British India at that time, Iqbal hailed from a family where his father, Sheikh Noor Muhammad, was a devout Muslim and a skilled tailor. His mother, Imam Bibi, played a pivotal role in nurturing his education and encouraging his pursuits. Iqbal’s early education was acquired from a local madrassa and a Scottish Mission School, where he mastered Arabic, Persian, and Urdu languages, fostering a profound interest in poetry and religion.

Continuing his educational journey, Iqbal earned his B.A. and M.A. degrees in philosophy from Government College Lahore. Subsequently, he taught Arabic at the Oriental College Lahore before embarking on further studies in England. There, he acquired another B.A. degree from Trinity College Cambridge and a law degree from Lincoln’s Inn. During his time in England, Iqbal had the opportunity to engage with prominent British poets and writers such as Thomas Hardy and William Butler Yeats, whose influence left an indelible mark on his literary style.

Iqbal then moved to Germany to pursue his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Munich. His doctoral thesis was titled The Development of Metaphysics in Persia and was later published as a book. He also wrote some of his famous poems in German language, such as Das Geheimnis des Selbst (The Secret of the Self) and Die Lieder des Orients (The Songs of the Orient).

Iqbal returned to Lahore in 1908 and started his law practice. However, he soon devoted himself to writing and teaching. He became a professor of philosophy at the Government College Lahore and later at the Punjab University. He also joined various political and social organizations, such as the Muslim League, the Anjuman-i-Himayat-i-Islam, and the All India Muslim Educational Conference. He participated in the Khilafat Movement, the Aligarh Movement, and the Pakistan Movement.

Iqbal’s poetry reflects his vision of a cultural and political ideal for the Muslims of India. He advocated the revival of Islamic values, the unity of Muslim ummah, and the creation of a separate homeland for Muslims. He also expressed his love for his country, his faith in God, and his quest for self-realization. Some of his famous poetic works are Bang-e-Dara (The Call of the Caravan), Bal-e-Jibril (The Wings of Gabriel), Zarb-e-Kalim (The Blow of Moses), Javed Nama (The Book of Javed), and Armaghan-e-Hijaz (The Gift of Hijaz).

Iqbal died on 21 April 1938 in Lahore after a long illness. He was buried near the Badshahi Mosque in a tomb that is visited by millions of people every year. His legacy lives on in his poetry, his philosophy, and his role in the Pakistan movement. He is widely honored as the Shair-e-Mashriq (The Poet of the East), the Mufakkir-e-Pakistan (The Thinker of Pakistan), and the Hakeem-ul-Ummat (The Sage of the Ummah). He is also considered as one of the greatest poets of all time.

Essay On Allama Iqbal 200 Words

Allama Iqbal, also recognized as Muhammad Iqbal, emerged as a distinguished poet, philosopher, and statesman in the Indian subcontinent. His birth took place on November 9, 1877, in Sialkot, Punjab, during the British India era.

Iqbal fervently advocated for Muslim unity and championed the idea of establishing a separate homeland for Muslims in the Indian subcontinent. His extensive writings delved into Islamic philosophy, spirituality, and nationalism, continuing to serve as a source of inspiration for millions worldwide.

Renowned for his poetry’s profound philosophical insights and spiritual depth, Iqbal composed verses in both Urdu and Persian. Notable among his works are “Asrar-e-Khudi,” “Zarb-i-Kalim,” and “Bang-i-Dra.” His poem “Lab Pe Aati Hai Dua Ban Ke Tamanna Meri” holds a special place, resonating widely in schools and gatherings across Pakistan.

Beyond his poetic endeavors, Allama Iqbal engaged in political activism, affiliating with the All India Muslim League. His pivotal role in the creation of Pakistan materialized his vision for a nation where Muslims could live freely and independently, culminating in the establishment of Pakistan in 1947.

Allama Iqbal’s demise occurred on April 21, 1938, in Lahore, leaving behind a profound legacy encompassing poetry, philosophy, and political thought. His enduring influence extends to individuals globally who cherish values of freedom, independence, and spiritual enlightenment.

Essay On Allama Iqbal 250 Words

Allama Iqbal, also recognized as Muhammad Iqbal, stood as a distinguished poet, philosopher, and political visionary, leaving an enduring impact on the intellectual and political landscape of the Indian subcontinent. His birth occurred on November 9, 1877, in Sialkot, Punjab, within British India.

Iqbal ardently championed the cause of Muslim unity and championed the notion of establishing a distinct homeland for Muslims in the Indian subcontinent. His prolific writings spanned Islamic philosophy, spirituality, and nationalism, sustaining a pervasive influence on countless individuals globally.

Renowned for his poetry’s profound philosophical insights and spiritual profundity, Iqbal crafted verses in both Urdu and Persian. Prominent among his creations are “Asrar-e-Khudi,” “Zarb-i-Kalim,” and “Bang-i-Dra.” His renowned poem, “Lab Pe Aati Hai Dua Ban Ke Tamanna Meri,” enjoys widespread recitation in schools and gatherings throughout Pakistan.

Beyond his poetic pursuits, Allama Iqbal engaged actively in political activism, aligning himself with the All India Muslim League. His pivotal role in the establishment of Pakistan realized his vision for a nation where Muslims could live autonomously and unrestricted, culminating in the country’s formation in 1947.

Iqbal’s philosophy underscored the imperative for Muslims to rediscover their spiritual and intellectual heritage, which he believed had eroded due to colonialism and westernization. He advocated for an embrace of modern education and science while remaining anchored in Islamic principles.

Allama Iqbal passed away on April 21, 1938, in Lahore, leaving behind a substantial legacy of poetry, philosophy, and political thought. His enduring influence continues to resonate globally among those who esteem values of freedom, independence, and spiritual enlightenment. His ideas and works have indelibly shaped the intellectual and cultural narrative of the Indian subcontinent.

Essay On Allama Iqbal 300 Words

Allama Iqbal, revered as a distinguished poet, philosopher, and political thinker in the Indian subcontinent, entered the world on November 9, 1877, in Sialkot, Punjab, British India. Widely acknowledged as one of the greatest Urdu poets in history, Iqbal’s literary contributions remain a source of inspiration for millions worldwide.

A fervent advocate of Muslim unity, Iqbal strongly supported the idea of establishing a separate homeland for Muslims in the Indian subcontinent. His extensive writings on Islamic philosophy, spirituality, and nationalism continue to be subjects of study and analysis for scholars and students globally.

Iqbal’s poetry stands out for its profound philosophical insights and spiritual depth, conveyed in both Urdu and Persian. Notable among his renowned works are “Asrar-e-Khudi,” “Zarb-i-Kalim,” and “Bang-i-Dra.” His widely recited poem, “Lab Pe Aati Hai Dua Ban Ke Tamanna Meri,” resonates in schools and gatherings across Pakistan.

Beyond his poetic pursuits, Allama Iqbal actively engaged in political activism as a member of the All India Muslim League. His instrumental role in the creation of Pakistan realized his vision for a nation where Muslims could live freely and independently, culminating in the country’s establishment in 1947.

Iqbal’s philosophical stance underscored the imperative for Muslims to rediscover their spiritual and intellectual heritage, which he believed had suffered due to colonialism and westernization. He advocated for an embrace of modern education and science while staying true to Islamic roots.

Allama Iqbal’s ideas and works have left an enduring impact on the intellectual and cultural history of the Indian subcontinent. Recognized as a national poet in Pakistan, his birthday is celebrated as a national holiday. Translated into numerous languages, his works continue to inspire people globally.

Allama Iqbal’s passing on April 21, 1938, in Lahore, marked the conclusion of a life that bequeathed a rich legacy of poetry, philosophy, and political thought. His enduring inspiration resonates with those worldwide who value freedom, independence, and spiritual enlightenment, serving as a testament to the potency of human imagination, creativity, and perseverance.

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Allama Iqbal Essay in English for Class 6 & Primary Classes

Allama Iqbal Essay in English for Class 6

Here is Allama Iqbal essay in English for Class 6 and other primary and middle classes. This is a very easy and short essay on Allama Iqbal in English and Urdu.

Allama Iqbal Essay in English for Class 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Short essay on Allama Iqbal in English and Urdu

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Essay on Allama Muhammad Iqbal in English

The architect of the ideology of Pakistan Doctor Allama Iqbal is, undoubtedly, the great Islamic thinker of the modern times and one of the greatest of all time. He is a great poet, philosopher, educationist, and reformer. He had made a lasting contribution to Human thought. His poetic works made him immortal. Essay on Allama Muhammad Iqbal in English with Quotations. Allama Iqbal was the great poet-philosopher and active political leader born at Sialkot, Punjab, in 1877. He descended from a family of Kashmiri Brahmans, who had embraced Islam about 300 years earlier.

Allama Iqbal received his early education in the traditional Madrassa. Later he joined the Sialkot Mission School, from where he passed his matriculate examination. In 1897, he obtained his Bachelor of Arts Degree from Government College, Lahore. After Two years , he secured his Masters Degree and was appointed in the Oriental College, Lahore, as a lecturer of history, philosophy and English. He later proceeded to Europe for higher studies. Having obtained a degree from Cambridge, he secured his doctorate at Munich and finally qualified as a lawyer.

Essay on Allama Muhammad Iqbal in English

He returned to India in 1908. Besides teaching and practicing law, Iqbal continued to write poetry. He resigned from government service in 1911 and took up the task of propagating individual thinking among the Muslims through poetry. When the Hindu philosophers presented this philosophy that a nation is born throughout the country and when Maulana Hussam Ahmed Madni seconded it then Iqbal reacted strongly towards it.

Allama Iqbal his debut in politics then he was elected as the member of Punjab’s legislative assembly in 1926, during the elections of 1937 when Quaid-e-Azam started re contructioning of the Muslim League Allama Iqbal was along with him.

Allama Iqbal believe that the Muslims of India have a separate identity and to protect his identity the establishment of a separate homeland for the Muslims of india was necessary. On 28 March 1909 he excusing the invitation from the secular party “Minsva Lodge” said I have been a keen supporter of this theory that religious differences in the country should end and even now I practice the principle. During 1930-32 three sessions of Round Table Conference were held. Iqbal attended second and third round table conference. Having attended the second round table conference in September 1931 in London, he was keenly aware of the deep seated Hindu and Sikh prejudice and unaccommodating attitude.

Iqbal also acted as the Right hand of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Iqbal also worked for the prosperity of Muslims. But He could not see his dream becoming a reality and died on 21st April 1938. His Tomb is near the main gate of Badshahi Mosque.He gave the message of Love, brotherhood, hope, and self-awareness. His message will remain forever. May his soul rest in peace.

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500 Words Essay on Allama Iqbal in English

500 Words Essay on Allama Iqbal in English

by Cherie McCord

Allama Iqbal was undoubtedly a prestigious National hero born in Sialkot. He was an outstanding poet-philosopher and political leader. However, writing an essay on such great personalities requires enormous time and research to do complete justice. Hence, availing help from expert essay writers can make your life easier. They perform detailed research and write an essay that surely entices the readers.

500 words Complete essay on Allama Iqbal in English. You can use the Allama Iqbal essay as my favourite poet, hero, and personality as well. Allama Iqbal is the national poet of Pakistan. He was born in Sialkot in 1877. After completing his primary education in Sialkot, he moved to Lahore for further studies.

He did his MA in philosophy there and taught for some time in the GC Lahore. After that, he went to Germany for his PhD in philosophy.

At that time, English were the ruler of India. They were trying their utmost to confine Muslims to the cages of slavery and ignorance. Therefore, the situation of Muslims was pathetic during that time. They were not offered high-rank jobs in Government.

Iqbal, being a well-wisher of Muslims, tried to awaken them from the deep sleep of negligence. He used the power of poems and verses to give Muslims of the subcontinent a light of hope. He reminded them of the achievements and standards of their forefathers.

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Essay on Allama Iqbal Quotes

I lead no party; I follow no leader. I have given the best part of my life to careful study of Islam, its law and polity, its culture, its history, and its literature Allama Iqbal
Nations are born in the hearts of poets, they prosper and die in the hands of politicians. Allama Iqbal

Two Nation Theory by Allama Iqbal

He also wrote letters to Quaid-e-Azam to work for his depressed nation. In his Allahabad session, he gave the solution to the problems of Muslims in the form of Two Nation Theory. He believed that Muslims are different in every aspect of life from Hindus. He suggested that Muslims should work for getting their own homeland.

Iqbal as a Poet

Iqbal was a great poet. The goal of his poetry was to remind the Muslims of their glorious history. His poetry highlighted golden Muslim traditions and achievements. Every verse by Iqbal gave Muslims a wake-up call to regain their respect. It is full of permanent national feelings.

Teachings by Allama Iqbal

He wrote poetry both in Urdu and Persian. His verses give reference to the Holy Quran. It gives a sense of spirituality and morality. In this age, Muslims need to get guidance from his poetry. He is our hero and one of the people who laid the foundation of Pakistan.

Allama Iqbal died on 21st April 1938 due to severe throat infection. May his would rest in heaven. May his words continue to inspire young generations to follow the path of self-esteem.

We hope that this essay on Allama Iqbal has provided you enough information to use it in 9th, 10th, first year and second year classes and you won’t need to ask expert essay help from someone from Write My Paper Hub for writing your own paper on similar topics.

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Essay on Allama Iqbal in 450 Words

allama iqbal essay in english for class 6

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  • Sep 16, 2023

Essay on Allama Iqbal

The real name of Allama Iqbal was Mohammad Iqbal. He was born on November 9, in the year 1877, in Sialkot, Punjab. Iqbal belonged to a Kashmiri Brahmin family that embraced Islam in the seventeenth century. After receiving his traditional education in Arabic, Persian, and Urdu, he turned to liberal education which helped in encouraging his interest in poetry in his life. He started his educational career at the Scottish Mission School and he went on to acquire his degree in M.A. Philosophy. After that, he joined the Trinity College. Further, he got his degree of doctorate from the University of Munich, Germany by working on his thesis ‘The Development of Metaphysics’ in Persia. Continue reading the essay on Allama Iqbal to know more about his life.

  • 1 Essay on Allama Iqbal in 450 Words
  • 2 Philosophical Position and Influence of Muhammad Iqbal
  • 3 Popular Works of Allama Iqbal

Also Read: Allama Iqbal Shayari on Life, love, and Inspiration

Allama Iqbal is known for his influential efforts in directing his fellow Muslims in British-administered India toward the idea of establishment of a separate Muslim State. This aspiration was eventually realized during The Partition of 1947.

After completing his education and returning from Europe, he gained his bread and butter via practicing Law, but the fame he acquired was from his Persian and Urdu-language poetry, which he wrote in a classical style to make it easy for the public to recite. His poetry became widely known through poetic synopsis and in a milieu in which memorizing verse was customary. 

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Philosophical Position and Influence of Muhammad Iqbal

In The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam (1934) his philosophical position was articulated. This was a volume based on six lectures delivered at Madras and Aligarh in 1928-29. He argued that a man who is rightly focused should generate vitality unceasingly through his interaction with the purposes of the living god. 

Allama Iqbal had returned from his unitary experience of god to let loose on Earth a new type of Cultural World and manhood through the abolition of priesthood and hereditary kingship and by emphasis on the study of Nature and History. Iqbal also promoted and advocated the theory of ijma i.e. consensus. 

During the time he was delivering lectures, he began working with the Muslim League. In the year 1930, at the annual session of the league at Allahabad, Iqbal gave the presidential address and made a statement that the Muslims of North-Western India should demand status as a separate state. 

Popular Works of Allama Iqbal

There were 3 significant poems written by him namely, Shikwah (The Compliant), Jawab-e Shikwah (The Answer to the Compliant), and Khizr-e rah (Khizr, The Guide) which were published later in the year 1924 in the Urdu collection Bang-e rah (The Call of the Bell). In these poems, via his words, Iqbal gave an intense expression to the anguish of the Muslim powerlessness.

Although Iqbal was in favor of the creation of Pakistan and is known as the Nation’s National poet, he wrote a famous patriotic song in the year 1905 that celebrates the Greatness of India. A song that is recited by every Indian and proudly puts forth feelings of love and loyalty towards India, the song is ‘Saare Jahaan Se Achha‘ which is also known as ‘Tarana-e Hind’.

The year 1923 saw King George V bestow a knighthood upon Allama Iqbal, who went on to be known as “Sir Mohammad Iqbal” from that point forward.

Allama Iqbal is regarded as a poet-philosopher of the East who addressed the Muslim ummah and believed in the Wahdatul wujood. He wrote in both, Persian as well as Urdu. 

His poetry emerged as an amazing site where art and message converged to deliver his individual vision. He used to include a lot of poetic devices such as myth, metaphors, symbols, etc. Some of his works that are widely recognized include a collection of poems namely, Rumooz-e Bekhudi, Baal-e Jibreel, Zaboor-e ‘Ajm, Javed Naama, Payaam-e Mashriq, etc. 

Allama Iqbal died on April 21, 1938, in Lahore, Punjab. He has been acclaimed as the father of Pakistan and hence, Iqbal Day is celebrated in Pakistan on November 9. Sir Muhammad Iqbal was a Pakistani Poet-Philosopher and is known as the National Poet of Pakistan. He has been acclaimed as the father of Pakistan and hence, Iqbal Day is celebrated in Pakistan on November 9. 

Also Read:- The Evergreen Shayari of Gulzar

Ans: Sir Muhammad Iqbal wrote a famous patriotic song in the year 1905 that celebrates the Greatness of India. A song that is recited by every Indian and proudly puts forth feelings of love and loyalty towards India, that song is ‘Saare Jahaan Se Achha‘ which is also known as ‘Tarana-e Hind’

Ans: Allama Iqbal is known for his influential efforts in directing his fellow Muslims in British-administered India toward the idea of establishment of a separate Muslim State. This aspiration was eventually realized during The Partition of 1947. 

Ans: Muhammad Iqbal is frequently referred to as Allama Iqbal, where Allama is an Urdu word for ‘Scholar’. He was a renowned scholar and was famous for his Urdu poetry

We hope this blog on Allama Iqbal helped you gain knowledge about him. Follow Leverage Edu for more interesting articles and topics on essay writing . 

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Short Essay: Allama Iqbal

A couple of short essay examples on Allama Iqbal.

Allama Iqbal Essay Example 1

Allama Iqbal was a renowned philosopher, poet, and political leader who played a pivotal role in the independence movement of Pakistan. He is widely regarded as the spiritual father of the country and is remembered for his contributions towards the betterment of the Muslim community. His poetry and philosophy continue to inspire people to this day, and his teachings remain relevant in contemporary times. In this essay, we will explore the life and works of Allama Iqbal, his contribution towards the independence movement, and his philosophy of self-realization and Muslim unity.

Allama Iqbal was born in Sialkot, Punjab, in 1877. He received his early education in his hometown and later went on to study in Lahore and Cambridge. He was a brilliant student and excelled in academics. Iqbal was deeply influenced by Western philosophy and literature, and his works reflect the fusion of the Eastern and Western intellectual traditions. He was a prolific writer and wrote in both Urdu and Persian. Some of his most famous works include “Asrar-i-Khudi,” “Bang-i-Dra,” and “Zarb-i-Kalim.” Iqbal’s poetry was characterized by its philosophical depth, emotional intensity, and lyrical quality. His poems were not only aesthetically pleasing but also conveyed profound ideas and messages.

Allama Iqbal was a staunch advocate of Muslim unity and played a key role in the independence movement of Pakistan. He believed that the Muslims of the subcontinent needed to unite and assert themselves in the face of colonialism and oppression. Iqbal was a member of the All India Muslim League and served as its president in 1930. He was instrumental in formulating the idea of a separate Muslim state, which eventually led to the creation of Pakistan in 1947. Iqbal’s vision of a separate Muslim state was based on the idea of creating a society that was based on Islamic principles and values, where Muslims could live freely and prosperously.

Iqbal’s philosophy emphasized the importance of self-realization and the need for Muslims to assert themselves. He believed that Muslims needed to be self-aware and strive for excellence in every aspect of their lives. Iqbal’s concept of “khudi” or selfhood emphasized the importance of individuality and self-expression. He believed that every individual had the potential to achieve greatness and that it was the duty of every Muslim to realize their full potential. Iqbal’s philosophy was not only relevant in the context of the independence movement but also holds relevance in contemporary times. His ideas of self-realization and Muslim unity continue to inspire people to this day.

Allama Iqbal was a towering figure in the intellectual and political landscape of the subcontinent. His contributions towards the independence movement and his philosophy of self-realization and Muslim unity continue to inspire people to this day. Iqbal’s works reflect the fusion of the Eastern and Western intellectual traditions and convey profound ideas and messages. He was a true visionary who believed in the power of the individual to effect change in society. His legacy continues to shape the cultural and intellectual landscape of Pakistan and the wider Muslim world.

Allama Iqbal Essay Example 2

Allama Iqbal is one of the most celebrated figures in the history of Pakistan. He was a poet, philosopher, and politician who played a significant role in the creation of Pakistan. His poetry celebrates the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Muslim world, and his ideas have had a profound impact on the development of Pakistan as a nation. This essay will explore the life and achievements of Allama Iqbal, with a focus on his poetry, his role in the creation of Pakistan, and his lasting legacy.

Allama Iqbal was a remarkable poet whose work celebrates the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Muslim world. His poetry is characterized by its beauty, depth, and complexity, and it has been translated into many languages around the world. Iqbal’s poetry is infused with a deep sense of spirituality, and it reflects his belief in the unity of God and the oneness of humanity. His most famous work is the poem “Shikwa,” which expresses his frustration with the decline of the Muslim world and his desire to see it restored to its former glory.

Allama Iqbal played a crucial role in the creation of Pakistan, and he is considered one of the most important figures in the country’s history. He was a passionate advocate for Muslim rights and was instrumental in the movement for Indian Muslims to have their own separate state. Iqbal’s famous speech at the Allahabad session of the All India Muslim League in 1930 is widely regarded as a pivotal moment in the struggle for independence. It was here that he first proposed the idea of a separate Muslim state in India, which eventually led to the creation of Pakistan in 1947.

Allama Iqbal’s legacy is still felt in Pakistan today. He is widely recognized as a national hero and a symbol of Pakistani identity. His ideas about the importance of Muslim unity and the need for a separate Muslim state in India continue to shape the country’s political and cultural landscape. Iqbal’s poetry is still read and celebrated, and his ideas about the relationship between Islam and modernity continue to be debated and discussed. In short, Allama Iqbal’s contributions to Pakistan’s history and culture are immeasurable, and his legacy will continue to inspire generations to come.

Allama Iqbal was a remarkable figure whose poetry, philosophy, and political activism have had a profound impact on the history and culture of Pakistan. His work celebrates the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Muslim world, and his ideas about Muslim unity and the need for a separate Muslim state in India were instrumental in the creation of Pakistan. Allama Iqbal’s legacy is still felt in Pakistan today, and his contributions to the country’s history and culture will continue to inspire generations to come.

Allama Iqbal Essay Example 3

Allama Iqbal is a household name in Pakistan, known for his contributions to philosophy, poetry, and politics. He is widely regarded as the spiritual father of Pakistan, having played an instrumental role in the country’s creation. Iqbal’s poetry continues to inspire generations of Pakistanis, with themes that include spirituality, self-discovery, and the struggles of the Muslim community. This essay will explore the life and legacy of Allama Iqbal, focusing on three key aspects of his contributions to Pakistani culture and politics.

Allama Iqbal was a philosopher, poet, and politician who played a key role in the creation of Pakistan. Born in Sialkot, Punjab, in 1877, Iqbal completed his education in Lahore before traveling to Europe to pursue further studies. It was during this time that he developed his interest in philosophy, particularly the works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Henri Bergson, and Ibn Arabi. Iqbal’s poetry reflects his philosophical ideas, with a focus on themes such as self-discovery, spirituality, and the relationship between the individual and society. Iqbal’s political career began in the early 1920s when he was elected to the Punjab Legislative Council. He went on to become a member of the All India Muslim League, which advocated for the creation of a separate Muslim state in India. Iqbal’s vision for Pakistan was based on the idea of a separate homeland for Muslims, where they could practice their religion and culture freely.

Iqbal’s poetry focused on themes such as spirituality, self-discovery, and the struggles of the Muslim community. His most famous works include ‘Asrar-e-Khudi’ (Secrets of the Self), ‘Bang-i-Dra’ (The Call of the Marching Bell), and ‘Zarb-i-Kalim’ (The Reed’s Pen). These works explore the concept of self-realization, with Iqbal urging his readers to discover their own inner strength and potential. Iqbal’s poetry also reflects his concern for the Muslim community, which he saw as facing many challenges in India. He wrote about the need for Muslims to unite and work towards creating a separate homeland, where they could live according to their own traditions and beliefs.

Allama Iqbal’s ideas and writings continue to be influential in Pakistani culture and politics. His vision for Pakistan as a separate homeland for Muslims was realized in 1947, when India was partitioned into two nations. Iqbal’s legacy as a philosopher and poet is also evident in the continued popularity of his works in Pakistan. His poetry is often recited at cultural events, and his ideas continue to inspire generations of Pakistanis. Iqbal’s political legacy is also significant, with his vision for Pakistan serving as a guiding principle for many political parties and movements. In recent years, there has been renewed interest in Iqbal’s ideas, particularly his emphasis on self-realization and individual freedom.

In conclusion, Allama Iqbal was a philosopher, poet, and politician who played a key role in the creation of Pakistan. His poetry focused on themes such as spirituality, self-discovery, and the struggles of the Muslim community, and his ideas continue to be influential in Pakistani culture and politics. Iqbal’s legacy as a thinker and writer is evident in the continued popularity of his works in Pakistan, and his vision for Pakistan as a separate homeland for Muslims has been realized. Allama Iqbal remains an important figure in Pakistan’s history and culture, and his ideas continue to inspire generations of Pakistanis.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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Essay on Allama Iqbal

Allama Iqbal Quotes

Allama Iqbal is one of the most influential Muslim thinkers. Allama Iqbal was one of the greatest philosophers, and poets as well as an active political leader. His poetry is quite famous and had a great impact on Pakistan’s freedom movement. Mohammad Iqbal was born on the 9th of November 1877, in the city of Sialkot. He was born into a Kashmiri family that migrated from Afghanistan during British rule . His name was Allama which meant scholar. Allama Iqbal grew up in a very religious family. Allama Iqbal was a bright intelligent student, his education began at a traditional Madrassa and later he joined the Sialkot Mission School where he passed his Matriculation exams.

Throughout his career, Allama Iqbal followed various professions but at different times. He is held in high regard in Pakistan as well as India and among the Muslims of South Asia. Allama Iqbal worked as a professor of philosophy, took part in politics, practiced law, and even joined the round table conference. Years later, Allama Iqbal became a national poet, and he favored the idea of Pakistan.

Allama Iqbal had command over many languages. Such as Persian, Arabic, and Urdu. He not only wrote masterpieces in Urdu but in Persian as well. His poetry is quite famous and has even received international acclaim, while many people have even criticized upon his work. Some people believe him to be a political poet.

Allama Iqbal was among the very few people who raised his voice for the Muslims residing in India who were under British rule, he even brought the social problems into the light and addressed them. It was due to his outstanding poetry that many Muslims were influenced in 1930 to brainstorm the idea of a separate homeland for Muslims.

Allama Iqbal has written many books. Some of the most famous ones are The Secrets of the Self, Shikwa and Jawab-e-Shikwa, The Call of the Marching Bell, Zarb-i-Kalim, and many more. His amazing piece of poetry is still appreciated by many people. Allama Iqbal died in 1938 on the 21st of April. He is buried in Lahore.

Some of Allama Iqbal’s famous quotes are as follows:

“The ultimate aim of the ego is not to see something, but to be something.”

“Vision without power does bring moral elevation but cannot give a lasting culture.”

“Words without power, are mere philosophy.”

“Man is primarily governed by passion and instinct.”

“Failure is not fatal until we surrender trying again is the key to glorious victory.”

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Farhat Qamar

Nicely written thanks for this informative essay 👍♥️


Raheel Ahmed

Nicely written, we need to highlight more on Allama Iqbal, and the youth should be informed more about the Legend


Muhammad Usman

May Allah make everyone successful

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100 Words Essay On Allama Iqbal In English

Muhammad Iqbal is Allama Iqbal’s full name.  Sir Muhammad Iqbal was born on November 9, 1877, in Punjab, India, and died on April 21, 1938. He lived for 61 years. He suffered for a long time due to throat disease and thereafter passed away. He had an arranged marriage and had two daughters.

He is a Muslim poet and philosopher. He gave the idea of Pakistan and became the national poet of Pakistan. He is also known as the political thinker of Pakistan. He had no interest in fame and wealth and was down to earth. He is highly regarded for his Persian works.

His famous poems are “Shikwa” and “Jawab-e-Shikwa”, “A Cow and a Goat”, “A longing, “A mother’s dream”, and so on. He was a very talented man and loved so dearly, especially for his poetic works and his Islamic way of life.

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plz may increase this essay its very short for 2nd year student

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Study Paragraphs

Allama Iqbal Essay & Paragraph In English For Students

Paragraph on Allama Iqbal: Poet Iqbal is one of the names in the golden pages of history. Allama Dr Muhammad Iqbal birth date is November 9, 1877 in the historical city of Sialkot.

His ancestral homeland was Kashmir. Your father Sheikh Noor Mohammad was a religious and Sufi man. His mother was also a very religious woman. He received his early education at Sialkot. Then, he joined Government college Lahore and did his MA in Philosophy there.

Write A Brief Paragraph On Allama Iqbal | For Class 7, 8, 9 & 10th class Students

Poet of east Allama Muhammad Iqbal Paragraph

He worked as a lecturer in Philosophy in Government college, Lahore. Then, he went to England for higher studies. From Germany he did his PhD in philosophy he also obtained the degree of Bar-at-law from the Cambridge University. At the same time you gave six lectures on the subject of Islam which became very popular.

His stay in Europe was of great importance. He have come to the conclusion that Western civilization is based on false principles and is destructive to humanity. He returned home in 1908 and stayed in Lahore.

He practiced law for some time but did not make it a permanent profession . He devoted his most of time to poetry, philosophy and religion. In fact, he had great love for the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent. His poetry was the source to awaken the Muslim nation.

He was a great poet. A great force was created in his poetry and gradually the effect of the true teachings of Islam began to appear in his poetry. He composed many poems on the glory of the Islamic power and civilization.

In 1930, Allama Iqbal was elected President of the All India Muslim League. In his address at Allahabad, he presented the two Nation theory. This idea gave a definite direction to the struggle of the Indian Muslim for a separate homeland Pakistan . He prepared the Muslim nation mentally for independence and establishment of Pakistan through his poetry.

Allama Iqbal not only presented the concept of Pakistan but also gave very useful advice to Quaid-e-Azam in this regard. Allama Iqbal awakened the Muslims from their slumber and instilled in them the spirit of freedom and liberty. He tried to make all Muslims realize that they can regain their lost place. He created a new spirit in Muslims through his poetry.

Poetry Of Allama Iqbal

A poet like Allama Iqbal is born centuries later. He is one of our greatest poets. He wrote in both Urdu and Persian. Several collections of his poems have been printed . “Bang-e-Dara”, “Bal-e-Jabril”, “Asrar-e-Khudi”, “Pyam-e-Mashriq”, “Zarb-e-Kalim” , “Sheqwa”, “Jawab-e-Sheqwa” and “Javid Nama” are some of them. Iqbal used the word “Eagle” as a symbol for the energetic Muslim youth. He also presented the concept of “Khudi”. This concept gave a new life to the Muslims of India and make them one nation.

Allama Iqbal introduces Islamic principle and Quranic theories in his poetry. Iqbal guides us toward our faith and our love of Allah almighty. He says that we must have unflinching faith in Allah almighty and having no faith is worse than slavery. He passed away on April 21, 1938. He was buried near the gate of Badshai Mosque, Lahore.

FAQ On Allama Iqbal Essay

What is Allama Iqbal famous for?

Allama Iqbal was a famous philosopher, poet, and politician in South Asia. He is famous for his contributions to the literature of to Urdu and Persian languages and for political activism for the creation of a separate Muslim country in Hindustan. Iqbal is believed one of the most important person in Asian history. His works continue to influence political and cultural discourse in the region.

What is the moral of Iqbal?

The moral of Allama Iqbal’s poetry is focused around the themes of pursuit of truth, self-discovery, individual responsibility. He lessened his readers to think critically, to get knowledge, and to cultivate a strong sense of self. He also worked for the importance of freedom and independence of nation and individuals.

What is the composition of Allama Iqbal?

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Allama Iqbal Essay In Urdu | علامہ اقبال پر ایک مضمون

Today, we write Allama Iqbal essay in Urdu.Allama Muhammad Iqbal was a philosopher, mystic, poet, and politician in British India who inspired the Pakistan Movement. He is considered one of the most influential figures in Urdu literature. He is one of my favorite poet personality.

allama iqbal essay in urdu

Some people may think that Allama Iqbal was strictly a religious poet, but that is not. He was, in fact, a philosopher and thinker who used poetry as a medium to get his message across. In this essay on Allama Iqbal in Urdu, we explore some of his most famous quotes and see how they relate to life and religion.

He is one of the most famous and influential poets and philosophers of Urdu. His poetry has been translated into many languages all over the world. He is considered one of the most significant literary figures in south Asia. According to a variant account, Iqbal was born in Sialkot on 9 November 1877 in Allahabad in 1876.

He received his early education in Sialkot, and then he went to Lahore for higher studies. In his honor, a poetry festival is held every November, having seminars, speeches, and mushairas of national and international poets. Iqbal was well versed in Arabic, Urdu, and Persian languages.

He has composed several poems and is also known as shair e mashriq (poet of the east). His famous works include “Asrar-e-Khudi”, “rumuz-e-bekhudi”, “Payam-e-Mashriq”, “Zabur-e-Ajam”, “Bal-e-Jibreel”, “Pas Che Bayad Kard Ay Aqwam-e–Sharq

IQBAL Essay Poetry in Urdu – شاعری


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This article provides an essay on Allama Iqbal in Urdu for class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10, 12 and others with headings, poetry, and quotation, and it is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn more about this legendary poet and philosopher. Please like and comment if you found this allama iqbl mazmoon helpful.

You can also read a science ke karishme essay in urdu

Allama Iqbal was a philosopher, poet, and politician in British India who is widely regarded as having inspired the Pakistan Movement. He is considered one of the most important figures in Urdu literature, with literary work in both the Urdu and Persian languages. Iqbal is known for his poems, which are written primarily in Persian, that discuss themes of spiritual awakening, the nature of God, and the role of Muslims in the world. He is also known for his political activism, particularly his support for the creation of a separate Muslim state in the northwest of British India. Iqbal was born in Sialkot, in the Punjab region of British India, in 1877, and studied at some of the most prestigious universities in British India and Europe. He was a member of the All India Muslim League, and his ideas and writings continue to influence political and religious thought in South Asia and beyond.

Allama Iqbal was never formally titled “Sir”. The title “Sir” is typically used as a honorific for knights in the British honours system, or for other individuals who have been knighted by the British monarch. As far as I know, Iqbal was never knighted and therefore never held the title of “Sir”. Iqbal was a philosopher, poet, and politician in British India, and he was known for his political activism and his poetry, but he was not a knight and did not hold the title of “Sir”.

It is not clear how many sisters Allama Iqbal had. Iqbal was born into a family of nine siblings, but the exact number and genders of his siblings is not known. Some sources indicate that Iqbal had four brothers and four sisters, while others suggest that he had three brothers and five sisters. Without more specific information, it is difficult to say for certain how many sisters Iqbal had.

Allama Iqbal was born in Sialkot, in the Punjab region of British India, in 1877. Sialkot is a city in the northeast of modern-day Pakistan, near the border with India. Iqbal’s family was part of the Kāshmirī Pundit community, a Hindu minority group that had converted to Islam several generations before Iqbal’s birth. Iqbal grew up in Sialkot and studied at some of the city’s most prestigious schools, before going on to study at universities in Lahore, Cambridge, and Munich. He returned to Sialkot after completing his studies and spent much of his life there, before moving to Lahore in the 1930s.

It is not clear on which day Allama Iqbal was born. Iqbal was born in 1877 in Sialkot, in the Punjab region of British India. While the exact date of his birth is not known, it is generally accepted that he was born in November of that year. Some sources indicate that he was born on November 9, while others suggest that he was born on November 11. Without more specific information, it is difficult to say for certain on which day Iqbal was born.

It is not clear whether Allama Iqbal drank alcohol or not. There is no mention of alcohol consumption in his biographies or personal writings, and it is not considered to be a part of his personal or religious beliefs. Iqbal was a devout Muslim, and as such, he would have been expected to follow the Islamic prohibition on the consumption of alcohol. However, without concrete evidence one way or the other, it is difficult to say for certain whether he drank alcohol or not.

If you are interested in learning more about the Urdu poetry of Allama Iqbal, there are several resources that you can use. One option is to look for books or articles that provide analysis and explanation of Iqbal’s poetry. You may be able to find these at a local library or bookstore, or you can search for them online. Another option is to look for websites or forums where people discuss and interpret Iqbal’s poetry. These can be a good source of information and can provide insight into the meaning and significance of his work. You may also be able to find recordings or videos of Iqbal’s poetry being recited, which can provide a deeper understanding of his work.

Allama Iqbal is revered in Pakistan as its national poet. So many schools, public institutions and even a province are named after him. But the information about his life is scarce. Few people are aware that allama iqbal was born in 1877 at Sialkot, in a house on a hill overlooking the city. The house is now a school called ‘Allama Iqbal Academy’ but the house holds very few memories of the poet.

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Allama Iqbal Essay in Urdu Class 6: The Legacy of Iqbal

Hello everyone! I hope you are doing great. Today, I want to share a PDF of an essay in Urdu with you for class 6 students about the legacy of Allama Iqbal, a renowned poet, thinker, and political philosopher titled “Allama Iqbal”. His contributions to Urdu and Persian literature, and his philosophical insights, continue to inspire and shape our cultural and intellectual heritage. Let’s dive into it and explore the legacy of Allama Iqbal and the world of his contributions.

Personality of Allama Iqbal:

Allama Iqbal was not just a poet but he holds a high rank between contemporary writers and intellectuals. His poetry and philosophical musings set ideal standards in both Urdu and Persian languages.

Allama Iqbal Essay in Urdu Class 6 PDF:

The PDF includes:

  • An essay about the legacy of Allama Iqbal.
  • Famous books of poetry and literature by Allama Iqbal.

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In Conclusion, Allama Iqbal is a multifaceted person. Allama Iqbal a poet, philosopher, and national leader works as a beacon of enlightenment for Muslims worldwide. His literary, philosophical, and political efforts will forever inspire and guide every generation to come.

Thanks for reading and investing your precious time to read the article and PDF about the legacy of Allama Iqbal. I hope you enjoyed our article and PDF about the legacy of Allama Iqbal, and explored a lot of information about it. So, don’t forget to share it with your friends, family members, classmates, nearby, and everyone who loves Allama Iqbal and his poetry.

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Let’s enjoy the meaningful poetry by Allama Iqbal and value his legacy and efforts.

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allama iqbal essay in english for class 6

Allama Iqbal Essay with Urdu Translation. Allama Iqbal was our great National hero. علامہ محمد ہمارے قومی ہیرو تھے. He is the poet of East. وہ شاعر مشرق ہیں. He was born in Sialkoat on November 9, 1877. وہ 9 نومبر 1877ء کو سیالکوٹ میں پیدا ہوۓ. He received his early education in ...

Read: Allama Iqbal Essay in English for Class 6. Early education: Allama Muhammad Iqbal's early education, like that of ordinary Muslim children, took place in the school according to the custom of the time. Then he entered Mission School Sialkot. He was intelligent from childhood. He passed the fifth class examination with a scholarship and ...

Today I write an allama iqbal essay in English with headings, pdf, and quotations for classes 3,6,4,5,7,8,9,1,2, and 10th in small, easy, and short wording. Allama Iqbal is one of the most prominent figures in Urdu literature and Pakistani history. Dr Allama Muhammad Iqbal was a renowned poet, mystic, philosopher, and political activist who was pivotal in the Pakistan Movement.

Allama Iqbal essay in English for class 1. Allama Iqbal, a distinguished poet and intellectual figure in Pakistan, came into the world on 9th November 1877 in Sialkot, a city situated in Punjab. Proficient in both Urdu and Persian languages, he earned the title of the "Poet of the East.". Deeply devoted to his country and religion, Allama ...

Allama Iqbal is our National poet. He is the poet of the East. He was born in Sialkot on November 9, 1877. He got his early education in Sialkot. Then he went to Lahore for higher studies. After that, he went to England and Germany. He got Ph.D. in Philosophy. He reminded the Muslims of their glorious past. Some of his books are Bang-e-Dara ...

Allama Iqbal was the great poet-philosopher and active political leader born at Sialkot, Punjab, in 1877. He descended from a family of Kashmiri Brahmans, who had embraced Islam about 300 years earlier. Allama Iqbal received his early education in the traditional Madrassa. Later he joined the Sialkot Mission School, from where he passed his ...

500 Words Essay on Allama Iqbal in English. Allama Iqbal was undoubtedly a prestigious National hero born in Sialkot. He was an outstanding poet-philosopher and political leader. However, writing an essay on such great personalities requires enormous time and research to do complete justice. Hence, availing help from expert essay writers can ...

Allama Iqbal Essay: Allama Iqbal Essay includes early life, education, literary and philosophical contributions, and enduring legacy. Throughout British India's history, Allama Iqbal was known as a great poet, philosopher, and politician. Muhammad Iqbal was his full name. Iqbal holds a special place in British India's history as a great ...

Also Read: Allama Iqbal Shayari on Life, love, and Inspiration. Essay on Allama Iqbal in 450 Words. Allama Iqbal is known for his influential efforts in directing his fellow Muslims in British-administered India toward the idea of establishment of a separate Muslim State. This aspiration was eventually realized during The Partition of 1947.

This essay will explore the life and legacy of Allama Iqbal, focusing on three key aspects of his contributions to Pakistani culture and politics. Allama Iqbal was a philosopher, poet, and politician who played a key role in the creation of Pakistan. Born in Sialkot, Punjab, in 1877, Iqbal completed his education in Lahore before traveling to ...

Assalam o Alaikum Viewers!! ️Welcome To My YouTube Channel Educational Skills 💞 The Aim Of This Channel Is To Provide Knowledge And Educational Skills Spec...

The poet and philosopher Allama Iqbal (1877-1938. was one of the greatest poets and thinkers of modern times. He was born in Sialkot, British India, and received his early education at Sialkot Zilla School. In 1894, he became a disciple of Maulana Muhammad Ali, the chief minister of Punjab. In 1899, he went to England for higher studies.

Essay on Allama Iqbal. Allama Iqbal is one of the most influential Muslim thinkers. Allama Iqbal was one of the greatest philosophers, and poets as well as an active political leader. His poetry is quite famous and had a great impact on Pakistan's freedom movement. Mohammad Iqbal was born on the 9th of November 1877, in the city of Sialkot.

Sir Muhammad Iqbal (November 9, 1877 - April 21, 1938), widely known as Allama Iqbal, was a Muslim poet and philosopher.Allama Iqbal gave the idea of Pakistan.He became the national poet of Pakistan after his death. He is also known as the poet of East. He wrote poetry in Urdu and Persian.His poetry is considered to be revolutionary. His vision of an independent state for the Muslims of ...

He died in 1938 and was buried in Lahore. Short Essay on Allama Iqbal in English - Iqbal is known for immense success and accomplishments. Born in Sialkot in 1877, he had a keen interest in languages namely Urdu, Arabic, and Persian. In college, he took philosophy and even taught it for a few years.

Sir Muhammad Iqbal was born on November 9, 1877, in Punjab, India, and died on April 21, 1938. He lived for 61 years. He suffered for a long time due to throat disease and thereafter passed away. He had an arranged marriage and had two daughters. He is a Muslim poet and philosopher.

Please subscribe our channel and like our video. Allama iqbal was the one of the greatest poet in 20th century hope you will like his essay.

This is an English Essay on "Allam Muhammad Iqbal". This essay can be learnt by 2nd year and 10th class students. Allama Iqbal is our national poet. He was born at Sialkot on November 9, 1877. He belonged to a respectable Kashmiri family. You may Want to Read: Informal Letters; Personal Letters; English Stories with moral lessons; Applications ...

Write A Brief Paragraph On Allama Iqbal | For Class 7, 8, 9 & 10th class Students. He worked as a lecturer in Philosophy in Government college, Lahore. Then, he went to England for higher studies. From Germany he did his PhD in philosophy he also obtained the degree of Bar-at-law from the Cambridge University.

Today, I want to share a PDF of an essay in Urdu with you for class 6 students about the legacy of Allama Iqbal, a renowned poet, thinker, and political philosopher titled "Allama Iqbal". His contributions to Urdu and Persian literature, and his philosophical insights, continue to inspire and shape our cultural and intellectual heritage.

Allama iqbal essay in urdu for class 6 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Yes


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