
Here are some useful resources to help guide you through your Dissertation:

General Reminders:

  • Dissertations should be between 2500 and 3000 words.
  • Use of secondary Critical Perspectives is advisable in the support of your line of argument
  • Sources which directly impact on your dissertation need to be fully referenced (Primary and Secondary sources) using footnotes and a Bibliography – see guide below.
  • The dissertation must be clearly comparative
  • Maintain a clear line of argument throughout – should be related to your proposal (what you have set out to prove)
  • Analysis needs to be detailed and supported with clear textual evidence
  • Make sure your stance is evaluative and genuinely engages with the texts and their key concerns

Guide – Dissertation Guide

Note-Taking – Note Making Advice

Proposal Table – Dissertation Proposal Table

Example Proposals – Example Dissertation Tasks

Example Openings – Dissertation Openings

Referencing Guide:  How to reference sources ; Referencing

Exemplar Dissertations (most old style max word count 4500 – except final one which got 24/30): English Dissertation Final ; Dissertation ; Dissertation ; room-and-lullabies

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177 English Dissertation Ideas – Enjoy The Best Topics!

English Dissertation Ideas

Understanding the rules of an English dissertation is the first step to a top-notch paper. College and university students find it difficult to express themselves when it comes to English dissertation papers. We have factored all that in the preparation of our custom ideas for the English dissertation. Keep reading.

Developing English Dissertation Ideas

The key to a professional paper is the topic that you will use. However, coming up with a particular issue is not an all rosy affair. Once you understand which topics to write and which ones to avoid, you will be at the prime of scoring high grades.

You can develop fast topics for your English dissertation from the sources below:

Poetical works such as the writings of Shakespeare Conference papers and past thesis papers on the English language Symposiums and talks such as ‘The Difference Between British and American English.’ Works of ENL writers that are available online

Do you now see how easy it is to retrieve English dissertation topics? It is a task that shouldn’t take you more than five minutes from the time your professor gives you the paper. Furthermore, such sources will also give you working ideas that you can use for starters.

Now, the English dissertation topic you choose should fit the following requirements:

It should address one aspect in abstract terms. The topic should be specific to the particular audience It should be unique and engaging for the audience

Once you have your fascinating subject, the next step is to begin writing your paper.

To win your reader’s heart, ensure that you provide a unique view on the topic you have chosen. You can use engaging personal experiences to spice up your paper and attract readers.

Look at our compilation of the best English dissertation topics for your inspiration.

Good English Literature Dissertation Ideas

These excellent ideas are a good starting point for your dissertation:

  • How accurate is history in historical novels?
  • How to decode ancient and medieval literature
  • Applying the critical theory of stream of consciousness in analyzing literary forms
  • Impact of writing a piece of literature from a feminist point of view
  • What are the differences between expression literary work in words and drawing?
  • What makes a piece of writing universal literature?
  • How are women and men depicted in modern literature as compared to the past?
  • How does immortality auger in works of fiction?
  • Effects of using Gothic literature in European literature
  • Practical ways of analyzing themes in different genres of literature
  • Means of making literary works more appealing to the layman
  • How literature has helped in maintaining good morals
  • English literature works with societal significance in the 21 st Century
  • How you can use literature to fight against corruption
  • The impact of the freedom of expression on advancing English literature
  • Importance of understanding the Native English language in writing literary works
  • A case study of social movements that have arisen as a result of literary works

Controversial English Language Dissertation Ideas

Here are debatable prompts that you can use to score top tier grades with:

  • Why feminist and patriarchal points of view are a threat to literature
  • Religious beliefs that determine what a person writes
  • Impacts of stereotyping on cross-examination of literary works
  • Does the state have a responsibility to ban some literary works?
  • Where do we draw the line between human rights and freedom of expression in literature?
  • The role of creative writing in romantic works of art
  • How myths and misconceptions shape English literature
  • The role of literature in advancing slavery in the European countries
  • How do literary works on sexuality influence the morals of society?
  • Are playwrights successful in highlighting political and social issues?
  • The role of Mark Twain’s writings in promoting slavery
  • Does there exist a difference between screenwriters and verbal dramatists?
  • Is tragedy overhyped in English literature?
  • The characterization of witches in English literature: How accurate is it?
  • The contribution of literary works to espionage and covert operation in the 2 nd World War
  • Should literature be used as a form of letting out one’s emotions?

Advanced Higher English Dissertation Ideas

This section entails a list of writing ideas for those undertaking a higher degree in literature:

  • How Shakespeare’s writings have influenced the English language
  • The role of times and seasons in inspiring literary writers
  • Analyze race in the English literary works of the 17 th CenturyCentury
  • How do English writers represent gender relationships?
  • Impact of translating English literary works to other languages
  • Can immortality come through the defeat of biological death in fiction novels?
  • The impact of incorporating music into American literature
  • How native Americans and European colonizers shaped ancient literature
  • The role of wars on advancing literary works
  • Cartographies of the feminist body in American literature
  • Compare and contrast diction in British and American literature
  • Analyze the theme of death in modern literature
  • A case study of tragedy in Aeschylus’ Agamemnon
  • The role of the associative and metaphorical power of words in drama
  • Can literature fall under the category of a universal feature of human history?
  • How ancient English writers set social boundaries in their works

Dissertation Ideas In English Literature For High Grades

Explore the ideas below for an insightful look into English literature:

  • Explore the symbols and imagery used in ancient English literature
  • How literature can convert a civilized person into a more sophisticated individual.
  • The role of highlighting societal issues in curbing them
  • How literature can make society a better place to live in
  • Is technology a threat to the advancement of English literature?
  • The role of conspiracy theories in creating literary works
  • How literature underpins severe issues in the society
  • Discuss the concept of the family in English literature
  • Must academic writers be informed on everything around them?
  • How LGBTQ is changing the perception of gender in modern literature
  • The role of history and philosophy in writing literary work
  • Compare and contrast the effectiveness of writing in prose vis-à-vis verse form
  • Impact of critical theories on English literature
  • How to use tone in literature to persuade readers
  • Does the mental state of a person affect his/her understanding of literature?
  • The impact of classical works on ancient literature

Top-Rated English Literature Dissertation Titles

You can use these ideas to juggle up your mind on what to write:

  • What is the best way of analyzing a piece of art like a painting?
  • The implication of assertions by Plato and Emmanuel Kant on literature
  • How long should a typical writer take to compile a poem?
  • Are internet and television competing literary works in terms of attention?
  • Is the background of the author necessary in evaluating a literary text?
  • Discuss the evolution of English literature from the 15 th CenturyCentury
  • How different competing worldviews and ideas influence the perception of literature
  • Compare and contrast the reception of a novel to a film
  • How is the American Dream represented in literature?
  • The impact of censorship on the freedom of expression
  • How changes in the British media landscape are affecting literary works
  • The role of creative writing in developing a top literary piece
  • How do societal controversies and debates affect English literature?
  • A discourse analysis of some of the features in written texts
  • Exploring the purpose of English as a communication medium
  • Conduct a comparative genre analysis of literary works

Custom English Literature Dissertation Topics

Try out these writing ideas for your next holiday assignment and see the difference:

  • The impact of modernism and religion in the tone and styles of literary works
  • How do modernist novels compare to those of the medieval age?
  • Evaluate how racism is portrayed in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
  • The contribution of Hardy’s poetry to American literature
  • How is pessimism described in Tess of the D’Urbervilles?
  • Compare and contrast the French and English literature in terms of style
  • What is the contribution of the metaphysical poets to the world of literature?
  • Distinctive features in the Poetry of Anna Barbauld
  • How the use of symbols and metaphors make a wok of art more fascinating
  • What was the central theme of William Blake’s Songs of Experience?
  • Explore what happened in the English renaissance poetry
  • How did society perceive the novel in the 18th CenturyCentury?
  • The contribution of the works of Jane Austen to modern English literature
  • Discuss the poetry of English Romanticism in American versus British texts
  • What is different in Contemporary British Poetry?
  • The implication of slave narratives on human rights

Mind-Blowing English Dissertation Titles Examples

Surprise your ever mean professor with these powerful essay ideas:

  • Discuss the age factor in understanding English literature
  • How does English as a foreign language affect literary works?
  • The implication of using literature in advertising
  • Concepts of life/death in ancient English literature
  • The portrayal of happiness and sadness in literary works
  • How the personality of the teacher affects the students’ understanding of English literature
  • The relationship between English literature and gender
  • Evaluate the evolution of literature: A case of postmodern American fiction
  • Analyze English literature related to queer and identity studies
  • Differences between American and British prose
  • Impact of urban and city life on the sale of literary works
  • How to express subjectivity in English literature
  • The grammatical phenomenon in English literature
  • Analysis of verb complementation in literary works
  • How linguistic landscapes affect the understanding of English literature
  • Evaluate Hispanics in American cultural history

Latest Examples Of Dissertation Titles

It is a list of updated topics that you can use for a literature paper:

  • How immigration to the U. S. in the 20th CenturyCentury affected literature
  • How changing values are involving English literature
  • The role of the press in advancing the study of literature
  • The beef between Mark Twain and Sir Walter Scott
  • Consequences of parliamentary reforms on English literature
  • A cultural perspective of the study of English literature
  • Analyze modality and aspect in the study of literary works
  • How English as a global language is shaping the spread of literary works
  • Metaphors that appeal to the emotions of readers in literature
  • How developments in climate change are impacting literature
  • Literary works that championed the removal of the death penalty
  • The promotion of women empowerment through literature
  • A critical analysis of teenage-related literature
  • How the use of digital media is affecting access to English literature
  • A comparative study of human vis-à-vis machine translators in literature
  • How to address communication gaps through literary works

Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century English Literature topics

You will find great literature topics from these earliest centuries:

  • The uniqueness of the Bible as a book
  • A closer examination of the 17 th -century myths
  • Impact of the first literary explorers
  • The development of imagination in the 18 th CenturyCentury
  • The representation of loss in the 17 th CenturyCentury
  • How female writers expressed themselves in the 17 th CenturyCentury
  • Poetical imagination in the 17 th CenturyCentury
  • A case study of Paradise Lost
  • Popular literature genres in the 18 th CenturyCentury
  • Literary styles of the 17 th CenturyCentury
  • The problem of the aesthetic
  • The development of the novel
  • The writings of Laurence Sterne
  • Fiction in the 17 th CenturyCentury
  • The onset of consumerism in the 18 th CenturyCentury
  • Poetical Works of John Donne

Children’s Literature Dissertation Topics

These prompts touch on children-related topics in literature:

  • Use of imagination
  • Sensitive use of language
  • The imagery used in children literature
  • How to target a specific age for children literature
  • The role of picture stories
  • Impact of making generalizations
  • Universal themes for children literature
  • Children’s novels since the 19 th CenturyCentury
  • Narrative techniques for children
  • Part of illustrations in children narratives
  • The popular Cinderella story
  • Ridiculous metaphors in children literature
  • Role of adventure stories
  • History of children literature
  • Setting social contexts in children literature
  • Representing disability in children literature

William Shakespeare Dissertation Topics

Here are some ideas from the works of William Shakespeare:

  • The importance of the bard
  • Shakespeare and drama
  • How Shakespeare represented a conflict
  • Fate and free will in Romeo and Juliet
  • The theme of sin in Hamlet
  • Appearance and reality in Shakespeare’s works
  • Confusion as a theme in Shakespeare’s works
  • Racism in Othello
  • Forgiveness in The Tempest
  • Depiction of politics in Julius Caesar
  • The piece of marriage in Taming of the Shrew
  • Analysis of the Merchant of the Venice
  • Murder in Macbeth
  • Shakespeare’s famous phrases
  • Comedy versus tragedy
  • Sexuality in Shakespeare’s works

Our professional UK writers are ready to help you with any English Literature topic. Order your paper today and enjoy cheap rates!

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  • Project-dissertation
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Advanced Higher RMPS - project-dissertation

Project-dissertation 2023  (all links open as pdf files), to what extent does aquina's proof from motion prove the existence of god of classical theism.

  • Candidate 1 Evidence 2023

To what extent is the Teleological Argument Convincing?

  • Candidate 2 Evidence 2023

To what extent does the Kalam Cosmological argument convince us of the existence of God?

  • Candidate 3 Evidence 2023
  • Candidates 1 to 3 Commentaries 2023

Project-dissertation 2022  (All links open as PDF files)

Euthanasia morally acceptable how far do you agree.

  • Candidate 1 Evidence 2022

Who holds moral responsibility over capital punishment?

  • Candidate 2 Evidence 2022

To what extent is God responsible for evil and suffering?

  • Candidate 3 Evidence 2022
  • Candidates 1 to 3 Commentaries 2022

Project-dissertation 2021  (All links open as PDF files)

To what extent can it be argued that religious experience is the best evidence for the existence of god.

  • Candidate Evidence 2021
  • Commentary 2021

Project-dissertation 2019  (All links open as PDF files)

How convincing is the teleological argument as proof for the existence of god.

  • Candidate 1 Evidence

To what extent does the Teleological Argument establish the existence of God?

  • Candidate 2 Evidence

Is Aquinas’ Cosmological argument strong enough to prove that God exists?

  • Candidate 3 Evidence

To what extent is the concept of God incoherent?

  • Candidate 4 Evidence

Is a termination during pregnancy ever morally acceptable?

  • Candidate 5 Evidence

A critical evaluation of the moral acceptability of euthanasia.

  • Candidate 6 Evidence

Religious experiences are such that they are beyond academic study. To what extent is this a valid assertion?

  • Candidate 7 Evidence

Secular perspectives have discredited religious experience. To what extent is this accurate?

  • Candidate 8 Evidence
  • Candidates 1 to 8 Commentaries
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  1. SQA

    Project-dissertation 2016 (All links open as PDF files) From session 2019/20 onwards, the word count for the Advanced Higher English project: dissertation will increase to a maximum of 3,500 words (was previously 3,000 words). None of these examples reflect the revised word count however, they all remain valid and continue to exemplify national ...

  2. PDF Advanced Higher English

    2.1 Producing a research outline in which the purpose of the undertaken literary research is identified and explained. 2.2 Selecting, analysing and evaluating evidence from a range of sources. 2.3 Understanding approaches to organising research findings. English: Creation and Production (Advanced Higher) Outcome 1.

  3. PDF Advanced Higher English Project-dissertation Assessment Task

    The project—dissertation is worth 30 marks. This is 30% of the overall marks for the course assessment. This is one of four course assessment components. The other components are a Literary Study question paper, Textual Analysis question paper, and a portfolio—writing. The marking instructions for the Advanced Higher English project ...

  4. Advanced Higher English

    Advanced Higher English Literary Study Specimen Question Paper August 2019; Advanced Higher English Textual Analysis Specimen Question Paper August 2019; 2021. There were no exams in 2021. The 2020-21 question paper resources are, for most subjects, modified papers which reflect the modifications put in place for session 2020-21

  5. Dissertation

    General Reminders: Dissertations should be between 2500 and 3000 words. Use of secondary Critical Perspectives is advisable in the support of your line of argument. Sources which directly impact on your dissertation need to be fully referenced (Primary and Secondary sources) using footnotes and a Bibliography - see guide below.

  6. PDF Instructions for the submission of Advanced Higher English coursework

    Advanced Higher English coursework is electronically marked. Electronic marking requires each candidate's portfolio and dissertation to be electronically scanned. To ensure complete accuracy in the scanning process, candidates must use the SQA approved template to produce a physical copy of their portfolio and dissertation for submission.

  7. Sqa Advanced Higher English Dissertation Topics

    Sqa Advanced Higher English Dissertation Topics - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  8. PDF Advanced Higher English Useful Information, Websites and Revision Tips

    Advanced Higher English Useful Information, Websites and Revision Tips. Component 1: Literary Study Ensure you have sufficient depth and breadth of knowledge of the studied texts to allow reasonable choice in the context of an unseen examination. Ensure you have had ample practice in making effective use of the time available (1.5 hours).

  9. 177 Outstanding English Dissertation Ideas In 2023

    Advanced Higher English Dissertation Ideas. This section entails a list of writing ideas for those undertaking a higher degree in literature: How Shakespeare's writings have influenced the English language; The role of times and seasons in inspiring literary writers; Analyze race in the English literary works of the 17 th CenturyCentury

  10. Shetland Library h

    SENIOR FICTION SUGGESTIONS FOR ADVANCED HIGHER ENGLISH DISSERTATIONS By Theme Autobiography/Memoir Ageing: Children, Teenagers, Young Adult, Adolescence, School Coming-of-Age, The Elderly Countries: African, American, Russian, Scottish Crime and Detective: Literary Crime & Detective, Journalism Feminism

  11. Advanced Higher English dissertation ideas!

    Advanced Higher English dissertation ideas! A. MissK18. Hi, I've recently started in 6th year and the teacher are already pushing us to think of ideas for a dissertation. I'm set on comparing 1984 and Animal Farm by George Orwell but apparently that's a bit cliché and the SQA are sick of it, so I have to find a different text to compare.

  12. PDF Instructions for the submission of Advanced Higher English coursework

    The dissertation will continue to be marked out of 30. The word count remains the same and the dissertation must be between 2,500 and 3,500 words. All current conditions of assessment for both the Advanced Higher English portfolio and dissertation, as outlined in the course specification, remain unchanged.

  13. Advanced Higher English Dissertation Topic

    Hi, I recently started 6th year and we are already being pushed to pick our dissertation topics for advanced higher english (definitely understandable considering how much we have already missed out on this year) and I'm finding it rather choosing between topics. My option at the moment are as follows: 1. Gothic literature-I'd probably go for a gothic horror route and compare The Strange Case ...

  14. PDF Advanced Higher English Portfolio-writing assessment task

    This assessment applies to the portfolio-writing for Advanced Higher English. The portfolio-writing is worth 30 marks. This is 30% of the overall marks for the course assessment. It assesses the following skills, knowledge and understanding: writing in one genre. Your teacher or lecturer will let you know if there are any specific ...

  15. SQA

    Advanced Highest Spanish - project-dissertation topics. Candidates should breathe made aware this the primary purpose of the Advanced Higher English project-dissertation is to write a continuous critical review, analysing and evaluating literary technique. The quotations of the dissertation topic shoud reflect this somewhere possible.

  16. SQA

    Advanced Higher . Question paper ; Project-dissertation ; Presentations ; Course Reports ; Additional resources for sessions 2020-22 ; Advanced Higher RMPS - project-dissertation Project-dissertation 2023 (All links open as PDF files) To what extent does Aquina's proof from motion prove the existence of God of Classical Theism?

  17. PDF Advanced Higher Modern Studies Approved List of Dissertations 2021-22

    Advanced Higher Modern Studies: Approved List of Dissertations, version 1.2 6 Topic C: Political Structures Constitutions and political systems A codified constitution is preferable to an uncodified constitution. The original intent of the Constitution of the United States is no longer fit for purpose.

  18. PDF Advanced Higher History Approved List of Dissertations

    Advanced Higher History: Approved list of dissertations, version 1.6 1 Introduction This list of suggested Advanced Higher History dissertation titles offers scope for considerable research into major issues in the fields. It focuses on areas where there is sufficient evidence and historiography to produce a successful dissertation.