Beowulf Themes

Themes are overarching ideas and beliefs that the writers express in their texts including poetry, fiction , and plays. These recurring ideas become very important when readers interpret their understanding of the literature to apply or compare various incidents or things. Beowulf has themes that surpass cultures and races. Some of the major themes of Beowulf have been discussed below. The quotations given in the thematic ideas are borrowed from Beowulf translated by Seamus Heaney.

Themes in Beowulf

Heroic Code

The theme of the heroic code of chivalry is the leading theme of Beowulf. The honorable behavior and manners have dominated the Anglo-Saxon culture. Courage , bravery and the will to fight were considered basic norms of that heroic code. Beowulf sticks to these norms from the very beginning as he comes across the Danes. He fights against Grendel and kills him after pledging that he will “settle the outcome in single combat.” These words resonate again when he goes to find Grendel’s mother. When he is older, he proves his bravery again when fighting the last enemy, the dragon. He becomes a dragon slayer but at the cost of his own life. Wiglaf, his young companion pays tribute to him saying, “vowed you would never let your name and fame / be dimmed while you lived.” This heroic code lasts until Beowulf’s death.

Good against Evil

Good against evil is another major theme of this classic English epic . Epics mostly used to demonstrate the themes of good and evil, encouraging future generations to be virtuous. The good is demonstrated through the characters of Hrothgar and Beowulf, and the evil can be seen through the three antagonists Grendel, his mother, and the dragon. Good traits are connected with the ideas of glory, loyalty, honesty and heroic feats. Hrothgar shows generosity and fairness in his rule, while Beowulf shows bravery, courage, and wisdom when fighting Grendel, his mother, and the dragon. Grendel and his mother’s actions of killing the Danes must be considered evil.

The epic of Beowulf demonstrates the true characters of warriors. During the war and on the battlefield it is crucial for every soldier to be loyal to their country and comrades. Loyalty is one of the central themes of this epic poem and also shows through the conflict between two major characters; Unferth and Beowulf. Beowulf’s loyalty to King Hrothgar is due to the refuge and help the King extended to his father. Unferth, on the other hand, taunts Beowulf and proves disloyal companion to the king until he knows the truth. During the battle with the dragon, Wiglaf proves his loyalty as he stands by Beowulf throughout the fight against while the other warriors flee the scene in terror.

Bravery is another element of medieval chivalry and theme of the epic, Beowulf. Beowulf, himself, is an epitome of bravery and courage as he visits the Danes and offers his services to King Hrothgar. He displays confidence when telling the royal guards on the border that his father “was a famous man.” He further adds, “We come in good faith” to prove his bravery and to help the king. Then he demonstrates his bravery when fighting Grendel and also goes under the lake to kill his mother. He finally locks horns with the dragon despite knowing that these are his last days.

Revenge can also be considered as one of the major themes of the epic of Beowulf. Beowulf, though, comes to help the King Hrothgar, he, in fact, wants to take revenge for the death of the Danes killed by Grendel. Grendel’s killing spree is also to take revenge because the Danes singing disturbs his peace. Moreover, Grendel’s mother seeks revenge against them for the brutal death of her son. Beowulf, in his old age, heads to seek revenge against the dragon because of its senseless killings. Surprisingly, the dragon’s madness is revenge for the lost cup. Blind revenge ruled that period and was part of the medieval culture.

Generosity is another theme and the life-affirming value shown in Beowulf. The first sign of generosity comes from the King Hrothgar who gives refuge to Ecgheow, Beowulf’s father when he is at war with his enemy tribes. Then Beowulf comes to pay back that generosity by saving the Danes from the wrath of Grendel and his mother’s vengeance. The queen herself accepts this generosity of Beowulf and praises him. Beowulf’s rule is also filled with generous acts of rewarding his thanes. He also proves his love and generosity by defending the people from the dragon.


Hospitality is a minor theme of this epic. King Hrothgar extended his hospitality to Beowulf’s father and offered him refuge. Beowulf expresses his gratitude to King Hrothgar as he enjoys his hospitality. His words “Here we have been welcomed / and thoroughly entertained. You have treated us well” show his joy. Later, Beowulf also repays the hospitality by putting his life in danger for King Hrothgar and other Danes when fighting Grendel.

Denying Defeat

The epic of Beowulf shows that heroes of the medieval period do not accept defeat. They are trained to win even at the cost of their own death. Beowulf wins two battles against Grendel and his mother, and the third victory costs him his life. Despite his death, he doesn’t display cowardice or retreats while fighting the dragon. That is why the Geats remember him after his death as the king “kindest to his people and keenest to win fame.” The defeat is considered an act of shame during the medieval time. Hence, this is one of the reasons that denying defeat is minor and yet prominent themes of the epic.

Despite winning fights and battles, heroes face death. Beowulf, too, faces death during the battle with dragon though he kills it. Beowulf’s death becomes legendary, as he passes all the responsibility to Wiglaf. However, during Wiglaf’s era, the kingdom of the Geats sees its end due to the onslaughts of other tribes and nations. Therefore, death not only means the end of life but also an end to an era or a kingdom.

Ruler’s Obligation

The ruler must keep his people safe and rule justly. The two most important examples of this theme are King Hrothgar and Beowulf. Both are very popular among their people. Hrothgar felt obligated to entertain his Danes, so he builds the mead-hall where all Danes can enjoy and sing. Beowulf took responsibility for the safety of all the Geats’ tribes for several years. His obligation to costs his life when he fights the dragon. Hence, rulers at any periods or position are obligated to protect their people.

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Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Anonymous's Beowulf . Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.

Beowulf: Introduction

Beowulf: plot summary, beowulf: detailed summary & analysis, beowulf: themes, beowulf: quotes, beowulf: characters, beowulf: symbols, beowulf: theme wheel, brief biography of anonymous.

Beowulf PDF

Historical Context of Beowulf

Other books related to beowulf.

  • Full Title: Beowulf
  • When Published: Beowulf exists in a single damaged manuscript in the British Library. The manuscript was probably written in England in the early eleventh century, though the poem itself was probably first written down in the eighth century, and was passed on orally before that.
  • Literary Period: Medieval; Anglo-Saxon
  • Genre: Epic poem
  • Setting: Northern Europe, especially Denmark and Sweden, around the sixth century
  • Climax: Beowulf's final fight with a dragon
  • Point of View: The unnamed speaker of the poem

Extra Credit for Beowulf

Old English Style. Beowulf is the longest poem written in Old English. Old English poetry uses alliterative meter, meaning that the stressed words in a line begin with the same sound. A line of Old English poetry has two halves, with a brief pause, called a caesura, in the middle of the line. The two halves of a line are linked by the alliteration (repetition of an initial consonant); at least three words in a line alliterate. Old English poetry also uses kennings , compressed metaphors like "heaven's candle" for the sun, or "whale's road" for the sea, or calling a woman married in an effort to gain peace a "peace weaver."

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Beowulf | Summary, Poem, Characters, Monster, Analysis

Beowulf, an iconic piece of Old English literature, transcends time with its gripping narrative and profound themes. Journey through the legendary tale as we dissect its summary, explore its characters, and delve deep into its analysis.

Table of Contents

The Epic Saga Unveiled

A hero’s journey.

Beowulf | Summary, Poem, Characters, Monster, Analysis begins with the valiant hero Beowulf, who sets out on a perilous journey to rid the Danish kingdom of the menacing monster Grendel.

The Arrival of Beowulf

In this gripping chapter of Beowulf | Summary, Poem, Characters, Monster, Analysis, we witness Beowulf’s arrival in Denmark and his bold proclamation to King Hrothgar.

Exploring the Poem’s Depths

Rich symbolism.

Within Beowulf | Summary, Poem, Characters, Monster, Analysis lies a tapestry of rich symbolism, woven through its poetic verses. Explore the depths of its allegorical significance and unravel its hidden meanings.

Themes of Good vs. Evil

Delve into the heart of Beowulf | Summary, Poem, Characters, Monster, Analysis as we dissect the timeless battle between good and evil depicted in its verses.

Characters: Heroes and Villains

Beowulf: the heroic protagonist.

Meet Beowulf, the epitome of heroism and valor. Explore his character arc and delve into the depths of his noble deeds in Beowulf | Summary, Poem, Characters, Monster, Analysis.

Grendel: The Malevolent Menace

In this chapter of Beowulf | Summary, Poem, Characters, Monster, Analysis, we encounter the nefarious Grendel, a formidable foe who terrorizes the Danish kingdom.

Confronting the Monstrous Challenge

Battle with grendel.

Experience the adrenaline-pumping encounter between Beowulf and Grendel as we dissect this pivotal moment in Beowulf | Summary, Poem, Characters, Monster, Analysis.

The Wrath of Grendel’s Mother

In this thrilling segment of Beowulf | Summary, Poem, Characters, Monster, Analysis, witness Beowulf’s epic confrontation with the vengeful Grendel’s mother.


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Analyzing the Epic Tale

Literary analysis.

Embark on a journey of literary exploration as we analyze the themes, motifs, and stylistic elements of Beowulf | Summary, Poem, Characters, Monster, Analysis.

Historical Context

Delve into the historical backdrop of Beowulf | Summary, Poem, Characters, Monster, Analysis, and gain insights into its significance in the context of Old English literature.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the central theme of beowulf.

The central theme of Beowulf revolves around the timeless battle between good and evil, valor, and heroism.

Who is the author of Beowulf?

The authorship of Beowulf remains a subject of scholarly debate, with no definitive answer.

What role does Grendel play in Beowulf?

Grendel serves as the primary antagonist in Beowulf, symbolizing the embodiment of evil and chaos.

Is Beowulf based on true events?

While Beowulf is a work of fiction, it is believed to be inspired by historical events and figures.

What is the significance of Beowulf in literature?

Beowulf holds immense significance in the realm of literature, serving as a cornerstone of Old English poetry and a timeless exploration of heroism and valor.

How does Beowulf reflect Anglo-Saxon culture?

Beowulf reflects various aspects of Anglo-Saxon culture, including its emphasis on bravery, loyalty, and the heroic code.

In conclusion, Beowulf | Summary, Poem, Characters, Monster, Analysis stands as a timeless masterpiece, captivating readers with its epic narrative and profound themes. Dive into this legendary tale, unravel its mysteries, and discover the essence of heroism and valor.

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Tales of Beowulf: Theme’ Analysis Essay

Introduction, theme of family, theme of fame, exaggerated pride, and inevitable shame, theme of cycles and changes, theme of religion, works cited.

Beowulf is one of the oldest pieces of poetry known today that was written in the English language. It is the story about the young man overcoming numerous challenges with heroism and sacrifices worthy of the greatest kings of that time. The poetic form reflects the approach of the poets of that epoch to the process of recording and then glorifying noticeable events. The poem is enriched by the tales presented by the author to emphasize the main idea of the good and evil, deception and honesty, sacrifices, and selfishness. Considering the peculiarities of Beowulf, the paper aims at exploring particular themes such as family, fame and shame, changes and cycles, and the theme of religion present in the poem to show how the interpolated tales define the central story.

One of the central themes in Beowulf is the concept of family and the related belonging of a family to some clan or tribe. The Medieval culture of Germans, presented in the poem, was substantially influenced by the importance of these institutions (Traidl 45). People, who did not belong to some tribe, did not belong to a family as well, as in the case of Grendel, for example, and Heremond. They are depicted in Beowulf as joyless characters who have nobody in their lives (“Beowulf: Theme Analysis” par. 2).

In fact, everything in the poem is based on the values of a family and tribe. The unknown poet writes “… No truce, accepting no settlement, no price/ In gold or land, and paying the living …” (“Beowulf Quotes” par. 1). It was written about Grendel, a vicious monster born to be alone. The need in family and tribe is the central line of the entire poem, which is understandable, considering the way of life people had back then.

A fame of a decent king and a fame of a decent warrior seem to be based on the same grounds. However, as it is presented in the poem, these concepts have different roots (Alishman par. 6). While Beowulf positions himself as a great warrior, mighty and fearless, and, of course, seeking for fame, Hrothgar is a king who must think of his people to have the fame of the decent king (“Synopsis of Beowulf” par. 16).

In these words of a poet, one can see almost reckless bravery and enormous pride of Beowulf talking about Grendel: “…Beating at my sword blade, would be helpless. I will meet him/ With my hands empty-unless his heart/ Fails him, seeing a soldier waiting/ Weaponless, unafraid” (“Beowulf Quotes” par. 3). That is why Hrothgar hires Beowulf to fight Grendel, the creature terrorizing villagers in Hrothgar’s kingdom. The king cannot risk his life unnecessarily, just for fame. It seems like a shame, but it is the quality of a decent king to be selfless.

The tales in the poem contain a considerable about of repetitions such as the beginning of the story based on the king’s funeral and the end of it, having the funeral of another king again. The fights of Beowulf with sea monsters, Grendel, Mother of Grendel, Dragon are very similar in the essence as well (Sheehan 227). Such a cyclic narration in the poem presents the continuity of everything around, using the idea that there is nothing new in the world, just events that repeat time after time with different variations. According to the author of the poem, everything is cyclic: “These ancient ears…If your lord,/ Hrethel’s son, is slain by a spear, / Or falls sick and dies…” (“Beowulf Quotes” par. 5). However, these cycles lead to something new every time, symbolizing the inevitable changes.

Finally, the theme of religion adds certain controversy to the poem as it was written in the times of paganism (the 7th century) but it is known that the oldest manuscript of Beowulf is dated by the 11th century, and it contains certain overtones inherent to Christianity. Hrothgar, for example, is not aware of God, but he continuously thanks him for fortune (“Structure in Beowulf — Several Possibilities” par. 4). Additionally, the success of Beowulf, according to the author, seems to be the favor of God mostly but not the sole efforts of the hero: “Let God in His wisdom/ Extend His hand where He wills, reward/ Whom he chooses!” (“Beowulf Quotes” par. 5). It is rather obvious addressing to one God, which is strange, considering the time the story was written.

Summing, the paper explored the particular themes such as family, fame and shame, changes and cycles, and the theme of religion present in the poem to show how the interpolated tales define the central story. The poem appeared to be the seamless combination of different tales, having Beowulf, the hero, the king, and the deceiver as the central figure. The tales enrich the life story of Beowulf and add details that are worthy of the audience’s attention. The poem about Beowulf is a good piece of poetry that is interesting to read even today because it is the reflection of the modern life, in metaphorical meaning. Family, fame, shame, changes and repetitions, and, of course, religion, are the eternal themes in poetry as the reflection of the real life.

Alishman, D. L. Beowulf . 2010. Web.

Beowulf: Theme Analysis 2013. Web.

Beowulf Quotes 2015. Web.

Sheehan, John. “The Quest of Everyman: An Analysis of Eriksonian Psychology and Beowulf.” Annual American Men’s Studies Association Conference Proceeding . Harriman: Men’s Studies Press, 2011. 210-222,271. Print.

Structure in Beowulf — Several Possibilities 2016. Web.

Synopsis of Beowulf 2016. Web.

Traidl, Veronika. Telling Tales about Beowulf: The Poem and the Films . Munchen: Herbert Utz Verlag, 2016. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, July 9). Tales of Beowulf: Theme' Analysis.

"Tales of Beowulf: Theme' Analysis." IvyPanda , 9 July 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Tales of Beowulf: Theme' Analysis'. 9 July.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Tales of Beowulf: Theme' Analysis." July 9, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Tales of Beowulf: Theme' Analysis." July 9, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Tales of Beowulf: Theme' Analysis." July 9, 2020.

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beowulf theme essay

Beowulf Theme Essay

Beowulf is an epic poem that tells the story of Beowulf, a brave warrior who defeats the monster Grendel and saves his people. Beowulf is a great example of epic poetry, and it contains many themes that are still relevant today. Some of the important themes in Beowulf include courage, strength, loyalty, and honor. These themes are evident throughout the poem and help to make Beowulf a timeless classic.

The thesis, or central idea, is the core message that is expressed in the narrative. The purpose of the theme is to convey the moral of the tale. Some stories have only one major topic, but others may have many. Beowulf is one of those tales with more than one major topic. The themes of Beowulf are good vs. evil, loyalty, and bravery.

One of the most important themes in Beowulf is the theme of good versus evil. Beowulf is a story about a young hero who defeats an evil monster, Grendel. Grendel terrorizes the people of Heorot until Beowulf comes to fight him. Beowulf ultimately defeats Grendel, but Grendel’s mother seeks revenge. Beowulf then kills her too. The story ends with Beowulf defeating a dragon but being mortally wounded in the process. Although he dies, Beowulf is remembered as a great hero who fought against evil and protected his people.

Another important theme in Beowulf is loyalty. Beowulf shows his loyalty to Hrothgar by defeating Grendel. Beowulf is also loyal to his men, risking his own life to save them from the dragon. Beowulf’s men are also loyal to him, willing to fight alongside him even though they know they may not survive.

The last important theme in Beowulf is bravery. Beowulf is a brave hero who is not afraid to fight evil. He puts his own life at risk to save others. Beowulf’s bravery is what makes him a great hero and an important figure in the story.

Beowulf is a story with many important themes. The themes of good versus evil, loyalty, and bravery are all central to the story. These themes help to convey the moral of the tale and make Beowulf a great epic poem.

The theme of loyalty appears frequently in Beowulf. Beowulf proved his devotion to Hygelac the king at the conclusion of the poem, stating that he was loyal to him.He gave me land and the security it provides, so he had no right to look for a lesser hero” (lines 3069-3074). What is presented here is that Beowulf was dedicated to King Hygelac because in return for his loyalty, he was rewarded with riches.

Beowulf is also shown to be extremely loyal to his people as he puts their safety before his own. After Beowulf kills Grendel’s mother, he could have easily taken the treasure and left but instead he makes sure that the people are safe. “I’m going down into her dark dwelling, so hand me my battle gear! I don’t doubt that I’ll manage better on my own than with a troop of men – unless it’s God’s will that I die down there.” Beowulf puts his people’s safety above his own life which shows great loyalty.

Another theme in Beowulf is revenge. This is seen when Beowulf goes after Grendel’s mother to avenge Aeschere’s death. Beowulf says “To avenge my friend’s death, I’ll descend into that awful place. I know it’s risky, but I’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this – all the more because Grendel caused such havoc in Heorot.” Beowulf puts his life at risk to avenge Aeschere’s death which shows how important revenge is to him.

The last theme that will be discussed is fame. Beowulf fights Grendel and Grendel’s mother to achieve fame. Beowulf says “Fame is the highest good; it lives on after us in story and song…I hope to win renown that will never die.” Beowulf is only interested in fighting Grendel and Grendel’s mother to achieve fame and nothing else. He is not interested in the treasure or any rewards, only fame.

Beowulf is an epic poem that tells the story of Beowulf, a hero who fights two monsters, Grendel and Grendel’s mother. The poem explores the themes of loyalty, revenge, and fame. Beowulf is shown to be extremely loyal to his king and people. He puts their safety above his own life which shows great loyalty. Beowulf is also motivated by revenge when he goes after Grendel’s mother. He wants to avenge Aeschere’s death.

When Wiglaf is threatened by the dragon, he fights bravely with Beowulf. “Your accomplishments are well-known; therefore stay strong, my lord, and defend your life to the best of your ability now. I will stand by you.”

Beowulf went to kill the dragon because it was terrorizing a village. Beowulf fights evil for the greater good even though he knows he may die in the process. “And Beowulf, Ecgtheow’s son/ Boarded a ship with his band of thanes…He had heard that Grendel/ Was attacking Hrothgar’s great mead-hall.” Beowulf is also willing to put himself in danger to save others from evil.

The main theme of Beowulf, as in most tales, refers to everyone in real life. Beowulf shows that in order to live a complete life, we must regularly seek out and overcome barriers. It is frequently necessary to head in new directions in order to discover who we are since con-fronting the things we fear often entails coming into conflict with our preconceptions. This is true no matter what the consequences may be because every person will need bravery at some point when faced with these hurdles.

Beowulf is an epic poem written in Old English, probably in the 8th century. The poem tells the story of Beowulf, a hero from Geatland who comes to the aid of Hrothgar, king of the Danes, when he is being terrorized by a monster named Grendel. Beowulf eventually defeats both Grendel and his mother, but is mortally wounded in the process. He dies after defeating a dragon that was terrorizing his homeland.

The themes present in Beowulf are still relevant today. We all face challenges and obstacles in our lives, and we all have fears that we must overcome. Beowulf shows us that it is possible to overcome these challenges and fears, and that doing so can lead to a life that is full and fulfilling.

While Beowulf is often considered to be a story about bravery, it is also a story about strength. Beowulf has great strength, both physical and mental. He is able to overcome challenges that would be impossible for most people. This strength allows him to protect others from harm, and to defeat powerful enemies.

Beowulf also teaches us about the importance of family and friends. Beowulf has a close relationship with his kin, and he is willing to risk his life to help them. He also forms strong bonds with the people he meets during his travels. These bonds are what allow him to defeat Grendel and his mother, and to ultimately overcome the dragon.

Beowulf is an epic poem that tells a story that is still relevant today. The themes of bravery, strength, and family are all present in the poem, and they are all things that we can relate to in our own lives. Beowulf is a great example of how these themes can be used to create a full and fulfilling life.

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