A Comparative Analysis of Frankenstein and Edward Scissorhands

Comparing outcasts: frankenstein and edward scissorhands.

In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands, both characters have been put in a place where they both don’t fit in and are rejected in many ways. They’re different from everyone else and are scary and vulnerable. Edward Scissorhands was accepted before he was betrayed by a group of high school kids that were bullies. After Edward came out from his hiding place, everyone welcomed him. Sadly, Frankenstein, the Monster, didn’t get the same treatment. Instantly after being created, he was rejected first by the man who created him.

Unlike Frankenstein, Edward had a chance to fit into society and live a normal life. Frankenstein never was given a chance because nobody would take the risk of talking to him because he was big, scary, and ugly. Frankenstein and Edward both are betrayed after they put their trust in people to do the right thing, which doesn’t work out like they hoped and thought. Another similarity is the way that the two stories end with them both being sad and all alone. Both creations are discriminated against in the way that they look. These two were just looking for acceptance and someone that they could call a friend who wouldn’t judge them or mistreat them.

Childhood Impressions and Character Sympathies

It’s sad reading about these characters because they got so mistreated. Before I read Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, I never imagined how dark it’d be. I’m always so used to reading the Kiddie version, which is brighter than the original. I also find it surprising how similar Frankenstein and Edward are. I remember being young and watching the movie Edward Scissorhands and crying because I got so sad that the kids left him behind, and he took the blame for breaking into the house. I don’t think he had a clue about what was going on.

Kim, the daughter of the woman that was hosting him, had feelings for him even when she had a boyfriend. On the night they left Edward behind, Kim was trying to save him. It made me mad that Kim’s boyfriend Jim had his group and Edward break into his own house and then lick him in a room he can’t get out of. To me, that’s so messed up because Edward didn’t know any better. He was just learning people skills.

Darkness of Frankenstein’s Tale

Frankenstein, on the other hand, was much darker than Edward Scissorhands. Victor felt bad for his creation, and he ended up started making his significant other. Then he stopped, and Frankenstein didn’t like that. so he decided to kill Victor’s wife so he could feel the same pain. This shows that Frankenstein doesn’t have the right people skills. He even kills victors’ little brother, William. I also feel like, therefore, Victor shouldn’t mess with life and death.

The Desire for Acceptance

At least Edward’s scissors hands never meant any harm to anybody and were always nice, even to people that didn’t deserve it. So, a difference between these two creations is that one has sympathy and empathy while the other was just so neglected and mistreated he didn’t know right from wrong and did what he wanted. In conclusion, Edward and Frankenstein have similarities when it comes to wanting to be accepted and looking for a friend and company.


  • Shelley, Mary. “Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus.” Project Gutenberg, www.gutenberg.org/files/84/84-h/84-h.htm.
  • Burton, Tim, director. “Edward Scissorhands.” 20th Century Fox, 1990.

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Frankenstein vs. Edward Scissorhands Essay Example

Many fictional pieces of media have offered audiences helpful insight into their health and wellbeing throughout history. The gothic novel Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley follows a scientist named Victor who creates artificial life. However, the creature he creates turns out to be a horrid monster and is cast away by Victor and the rest of humankind. As time progresses and the Monster becomes increasingly lonely and angry, he begins to take revenge on Victor by killing everyone he loves. The romantic fantasy film Edward Scissorhands directed by Tim Burton, illustrates the life of a human-like robot named Edward who has scissors for hands. A saleswoman named Peg finds Edward living alone and invites him to live with her family; Edward soon falls in love with Peg's daughter, Kim. Even with his gentle personality and incredible artistic skill, he is still an outcast in the community due to his scissor-hands. Both characters, although outcasts are raised very differently and live very different lives. Shelley and Burton demonstrate people who lack love are often left in isolation, leaving them indignant.

The juxtaposition between the environments that Edward and the Monster live indirectly correlate to their feelings toward society. After Victor abandons him and he is forced to fend for himself in the lab, the Monster tries his best to be part of a community, but to no avail. Clouded in his thoughts, the Monster ponders his existence: "But it is even so; the fallen angel becomes a malignant devil. Yet even that enemy of God and man had friends and associates in his desolation; I am alone" (Shelley 209). The Monster wakes up to a disgusted Victor who promptly leaves him in a cold and dark lab to fend for himself. During his isolation, the Monster blames his suffering on Victor and seeks to take revenge on him. The diction of "fallen" and "malignant" support the theme of resentment that surrounds isolation. He categorizes God and Man as both on the same side and sees himself as an outcast of both, which makes him relate more with the devil. The way the Monster envies the devil could be a factor in why he seeks violence. Unlike the Monster, Edward had a father figure, the Professor, for a significant portion of his life. After the Professor passes, Peg brings Edward to live with her family. Edward's constant affection and love from the community shifts his view on the outside world, giving him a sense of security and home, which the Monster never felt. Edward is introduced to a community that has matching single-story houses that each house one family, perfectly trimmed lawns, always sunny weather, and everything has vibrant colors (Burton). All elements of the community support a theme of hospitality. Initially, the juxtaposition between Edward's dark clothes and the bright colors of the town alienates him from the town, but over time as he gets to know Peg's family, his style becomes more casual, and he becomes assimilated to the community. Even before Peg took him in, Edward did not act out violently; he had only experienced the love and kindness of the Professor. Whereas the Monster only endures violence and hate, which influences him considerably.  

The contrast between Edward's and the Monster's interactions with their respective creators displays the vast differences in their characters. After destroying the female Monster that was supposed to accompany the Monster, Victor curses out the Monster: "I shall collect my funeral pile and consume to ashes this miserable frame, that its remains may afford no light to any curious and unhallowed wretch who would create such another as I have been" (Shelley 157). Victor's tirade against the Monster was not the first time he insulted his creation. Victor despised the Monster since he was brought to life. He abandons and insults it continuously. Victor's use of "funeral" and "ashes" points to a theme of death; this is probably due to the destruction of the female Monster, which he burns in front of the Monster. The Monster's isolation and constant abuse eventually lead to his breaking point and his acceptance of violence and revenge. The Professor creates Edward in a lab similar to Victor's, but instead of berating his creation, the Professor takes the time to understand and help nurture Edward. The Professor acts as Edward's father for a considerable part of Edward's life. During flashbacks, Edward recalls attentively sitting and listening to the Professor read stories (Burton). The Professor is slow and meticulous in order for Edward to learn everything he says. The interactions between creation and creator lay the foundation of Edward's social skills in society. On the other hand, Edward's interactions with Peg's family create a sense of security and purpose that he never felt before. The more fluid conversations he has with Peg's family help him become part of a community, which he could never do with only the Profesor. Edward stuck out in the community due to his hands, and without Peg's guidance, he probably would have had a significantly different experience.

The different social and physical environments that Edward and the Monster live in ultimately shape their personalities and future. Both forms of media help the audience reflect upon themselves to see if the place they surround themselves in is a healthy environment. By showcasing the Monster's struggles and how Edward flourished with Peg's family, Burton and Shelley depict the necessity of love and how, in isolation, people are more susceptible to anguish.

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Great Works II: Literature and the Modern World

Edward scissorhands x frankenstein.

When I was growing up, we had the DVD of Edward Scissorhands in our home. Although I haven’t seen the film in years, many different aspects of Mary Shelley’s novel reminded me of this Romantic dark fantasy film. Edward Scissorhands was released in 1990 and directed by the famed Tim Burton. For those who don’t know, his style is very dark, gothic, and spooky- just like Frankenstein. The plot of the film Edward Scissorhands is essentially about an old inventor or “mad scientist” who forms this creature with scissorblades instead of hands. His creature died before completing and raising him. Edward eventually is found by a nice family who takes him in. Edward seems like a dangerous being but we soon see how compassionate and kind he is. He ends up falling in love with a woman named Kim, and discovers that he can use his bizarre feature for something beautiful and positive- cutting and carving bushes. Unfortunately, things changed for the worse when he accidentally causes troubles in the town.

It is pretty evident how many similarities there are between these two brilliant tales. Tim Burton and Mary Shelley’s texts both present the idea of a vicious society in which prejudice and acceptance are constant struggles.

The style of the stories are similar as in they are told within frames. In Edward Scissorhands, the grandmother is telling a story to a young girl.

Both scientists had principled intentions in creating this being. Similarly to Victor, Edward’s creator wanted a sort of companion, someone he could treasure, nurture and teach. Victor implied his reason for creating by saying that he wanted to have “a new species [that] would bless me as its creator and source”. (54) Contrastly, Edward Scissorhand’s creator instilled a sense of acceptance from the start- and Edward Scissorhands was able to function within society. Edward felt love and therefore he differed from the creature in Frankenstein with his emotional stability. I believe both these works had this notion of putting something in a certain unfamiliar and uncomfortable environment and both creatures returned to their original familiar state.

The second similarity is that both creatures lived the first part of their lives in total isolation. Frankenstein’s monster was abandoned and on his own, as was Edward Scissorhands when he lived in his creator’s house for years before being found. This time of isolation had a large impact on their interactions with other humans.

A symbol that appears in both tales is that of snow and ice. In Frankenstein, Victor gets stuck in the mountains full of snow/ice and find the creature in the ice. Ice is a restriction and obstacle, yet it brings Walton, the creature and Victor together in different scenarios. In Edward Scissorhands, he discovered the beautiful sculptures he could carve from ice with the thing that made him look so evil. With this, he made a lasting positive impact and the snow brought him closer to society.

Edward Scissorhands and Frankenstein were written in very different time periods, however, society is vicious in both. This provokes the readers and viewers to reflect on common discourse and issues in society today.

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Comparing Edward Scissorhands and Frankenstein

Comparing Edward Scissorhands and Frankenstein

Compare the way in which the 2 films Frankincense and Edward Scissor Hands represent stories of the misunderstood outcast in society. The sass’s black and white film Frankincense by James Whale and sass’s film Edward Scissor Hands by Tim Burton are two movies about a misunderstood creation that is seen as an outcast and practically shunned by the community. In this essay I will be comparing the two films on the outcast, context, style and technique. The monster in James Whale’s production of Frankincense is misunderstood and seen as an outcast.

A scene that highlights this is where the monster is in the windmill and the villagers are burning it and setting it on fire. You can tell that the community doesn’t see the monster as one of their own because if they did they probably would have treated him a bit more fairly. But in this case they Just grab their torches and hunt him down like some animal. Another scene where the monster is depicted as an outcast is when he is chained up in Frankincense’s dungeon.

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He is treated like a criminal and locked to a wall with only a tiny window of light. Basically all this is telling the creature that he is no good for freedom or for life and all because people didn’t understand him and Judged him to be scary and unsafe. The storyline in the film Edward Scissor Hands is actually very similar to Frankincense’s. It’s all about a creation that clashes into a world that Judges him and misunderstands him. The line in the film, “Can I bring him to Show and Tell on Monday? Immediately presents the fact that people think of Edward as an object or something to Jeer at and don’t give him the respect of a normal person. Another quote’s “Freak! ” So in other words is saying that he isn’t normal he’s not one of us which really translates into outcast. Between the sass’s and the sass’s a lot of changes occurred, especially in the movie industry. From Frankincense’s dark, black and white horror to Edward Scissor Hands bright and colorful suburbs, it was a major difference in both color and scenery.

Since Frankincense was filmed in the sass’s camera angles and dialogue would have been very different to the sass’s film Edward Scissor Hands, an example of this is that n Frankincense the monster hardly said a word, however in Edward Scissor Hands the creation could talk, walk, think and experience emotions. There are many other things that highlight the different time frames from which the movies were produced, but I will explain them a bit later in the essay. The style in which the two movies Frankincense and Edward Scissor Hands were filmed are entirely different.

For example in Frankincense it is mostly horror where as in Edward Scissor Hands it is more comedy and curiosity. Another example on the iterant styles to filming is that in the movie Frankincense the producer James W followed a code known as the Hays Code. This code states a number of things that aren’t allowed to be in films, e. G. Violence, nudity or mocking of religions. However in Edward Scissor Hands there are fighting scenes and various scenes where the neighbors are making fun of Smaller and her beliefs. The techniques of the two films Frankincense and Edward Chardonnays are very different in a number of ways.

One example is color; in Frankincense it’s all black ND white where as in Edward Chardonnays there are lots of bright, pastel colors. Camera angle is another technique that is used differently between the two movies. For example in Frankincense, since it was filmed decades before Edward Chardonnays there were more older camera techniques used like the defined close ups on faces. In Edward Chardonnays however there were more modern techniques in camera angles, such as when Jim falls out the window there is a camera view looking down like you were standing there yourself.

So to sum it up Frankincense had older techniques than Edward Chardonnays more modern techniques. In conclusion the sass’s film Frankincense by James Whale and the sass’s film Edward Chardonnays by Tim Burton both tell the story of two misunderstood outcasts that never seemed to fit into society. Even though the context, style and techniques of the two films were different they both shared the same meaning. To not Judge people based on looks or a passing glance, but to get to know the person first and you never know, they may Just surprise you.

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comparative essay frankenstein and edward scissorhands

Queer Monster Good: Frankenstein and Edward Scissorhands

  • First Online: 01 January 2016

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  • Jack Curtis Dubowsky  

Part of the book series: Palgrave Studies in Audio-Visual Culture ((PSAVC))

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The ‘Queer Monster’ has been studied extensively by cinema scholar and critical theorist Harry Benshoff, notably in Monsters in the Closet: Homosexuality and the Horror Film (1997). The archetypal cinematic monster is an outsider figure opposed to a requisite heterosexual romance embedded in the horror film; the monster can be understood as a racial, ethnic, sexual, political, or ideological Other. Benshoff based his work upon essays by Robin Wood, who suggested that the horror film was thematically based upon three variables: normality , represented by heterosexual patriarchal capitalism; the Other , embodied by a ‘monster’; and the relationship between them (Benshoff 1997: 4).

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© 2016 Jack Curtis Dubowsky

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Dubowsky, J.C. (2016). Queer Monster Good: Frankenstein and Edward Scissorhands . In: Intersecting Film, Music, and Queerness. Palgrave Studies in Audio-Visual Culture. Palgrave Macmillan, London. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137454218_7

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137454218_7

Published : 03 March 2016

Publisher Name : Palgrave Macmillan, London

Print ISBN : 978-1-349-68713-8

Online ISBN : 978-1-137-45421-8

eBook Packages : Literature, Cultural and Media Studies Literature, Cultural and Media Studies (R0)

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    In the novel "Frankenstein" and the movie "Edward Scissorhands" both pieces portray several similarities that compare them amongst each other. Throughout the novel and the movie, both characters can be seen as identical individuals based on their background and other developing factors. However each character can be seen as a burden to ...

  11. Scissorhands: a variation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein?

    ISSUE: To what extent is Scissorhands a variation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein? Excerpt 1: Edward Scissorhands, 1990, screenplay by Caroline Thompson ...

  12. Frankenstein Compare And Contrast Edward Scissorhands

    The purpose of Edward Scissorhands is being used as a comparison for Frankenstein is the fact that it is a gothic text and can be used to draw similarities between the two narratives, as there plot lines parallel. The fact that "Edward Scissorhands" is set in an old and run-down mansion, which adopts the image of a grand castle, is very ...

  13. Comparative Essay: Frankenstein and Edward Scissorhands

    How monstrosity represents humanity in the form of: MONSTER? Nature vs Nurture How does the idea of 'monstrosity' portray the true nature of humanity? Abnormality and Strangeness Appearance and Reality Abnormality and Strangeness Appearance and Reality Nature vs Nurture -

  14. Similarities Between Frankenstein And Edward Scissorhands

    1495 Words6 Pages. The novel Frankenstein and the movie Edward Scissorhands is a mix between monstrosity, sadness, rejection, loneliness, and the want of having someone. I will thematically be comparing and contrasting the novel Frankenstein to the movie Edward Scissorhands. Similar themes between the two are creation and isolation from society.

  15. Similarities Between Frankenstein And Edward Scissorhands

    Frankenstein and Edward Scissorhands have the same theme that the creatures aren't always the monsters, humans can be the real monsters, they are not accepting of beings who are different. ... Comparative Essay Comparing Frankenstein And Grendel. Two creatures, opposite but quite similar in numerous ways. Lost in a world where they cannot ...

  16. Comparative essay structure

    Frankenstein and Edward Scissorhands Preparation 1. Look at all your notes again (from Frankenstein and Edward Scissorhands) 2. Decide on a comparative structure to write your response (block or integrated) and write detailed plans 3. UNPACK/ DECONSTRUCT the key words (highlight key words - find synonyms/antonyms/ associated word s). 4.

  17. Frankenstein and Edward Scissorhands Compare/Contrast

    Free essays, homework help, flashcards, research papers, book reports, term papers, history, science, politics. ... Frankenstein and Edward Scissorhands Compare/Contrast Element Frankenstein (notes) Edward Scissorhands (notes) Similar and Different (explanation) 1. frame of story Story is told within several frames. Creature tells Victor.

  18. ⇉Comparing Edward Scissorhands and Frankenstein Essay Example

    Comparing Edward Scissorhands and Frankenstein. Compare the way in which the 2 films Frankincense and Edward Scissor Hands represent stories of the misunderstood outcast in society. The sass's black and white film Frankincense by James Whale and sass's film Edward Scissor Hands by Tim Burton are two movies about a misunderstood creation ...

  19. PDF Queer Monster Good: Frankenstein and Edward Scissorhands

    Queer Monster Good: Frankenstein and Edward Scissorhands The 'Queer Monster' has been studied extensively by cinema scholar and critical theorist Harry Benshoff, notably in Monsters in the Closet: Homosexuality and the Horror Film (1997). The archetypal cinematic monster is an outsider figure opposed to a requisite heterosexual

  20. Frankenstein Vs. Edward Scissorhands by Mike MacEwan on Prezi

    Frankenstein Vs. Edward Scissorhands by Mike MacEwan on Prezi. Blog. April 18, 2024. Use Prezi Video for Zoom for more engaging meetings. April 16, 2024. Understanding 30-60-90 sales plans and incorporating them into a presentation. April 13, 2024.

  21. Edward Scissorhands And Frankenstein Comparative Analysis

    Frankenstein Comparison Between Of Mice And Men. Where there is so much as a speculation of an abomination, there is a society desperately scrambling to reinstate dominance. Society's fight for supremacy is prevalent in both books, Frankenstein by Marie Shelley and Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. The creature from Frankenstein and Lenny ...

  22. The Theme of Being Different in Edward Scissorhands

    Get custom essay. Being Different and accepted is one of the main themes displayed in Tim Burton's Edward Scissorhands. He shows that Edward is judged, has to change and is misunderstood, and with all that he still cannot fully fit in. The audience can connect and empathise with Edward throughout the movie because his issue occurs in the real ...

  23. Queer Monster Good: Frankenstein and Edward Scissorhands

    Abstract. The 'Queer Monster' has been studied extensively by cinema scholar and critical theorist Harry Benshoff, notably in Monsters in the Closet: Homosexuality and the Horror Film (1997). The archetypal cinematic monster is an outsider figure opposed to a requisite heterosexual romance embedded in the horror film; the monster can be ...