So much is at stake in writing a conclusion. This is, after all, your last chance to persuade your readers to your point of view, to impress yourself upon them as a writer and thinker. And the impression you create in your conclusion will shape the impression that stays with your readers after they've finished the essay.

The end of an essay should therefore convey a sense of completeness and closure as well as a sense of the lingering possibilities of the topic, its larger meaning, its implications: the final paragraph should close the discussion without closing it off.

To establish a sense of closure, you might do one or more of the following:

  • Conclude by linking the last paragraph to the first, perhaps by reiterating a word or phrase you used at the beginning.
  • Conclude with a sentence composed mainly of one-syllable words. Simple language can help create an effect of understated drama.
  • Conclude with a sentence that's compound or parallel in structure; such sentences can establish a sense of balance or order that may feel just right at the end of a complex discussion.

To close the discussion without closing it off, you might do one or more of the following:

  • Conclude with a quotation from or reference to a primary or secondary source, one that amplifies your main point or puts it in a different perspective. A quotation from, say, the novel or poem you're writing about can add texture and specificity to your discussion; a critic or scholar can help confirm or complicate your final point. For example, you might conclude an essay on the idea of home in James Joyce's short story collection,  Dubliners , with information about Joyce's own complex feelings towards Dublin, his home. Or you might end with a biographer's statement about Joyce's attitude toward Dublin, which could illuminate his characters' responses to the city. Just be cautious, especially about using secondary material: make sure that you get the last word.
  • Conclude by setting your discussion into a different, perhaps larger, context. For example, you might end an essay on nineteenth-century muckraking journalism by linking it to a current news magazine program like  60 Minutes .
  • Conclude by redefining one of the key terms of your argument. For example, an essay on Marx's treatment of the conflict between wage labor and capital might begin with Marx's claim that the "capitalist economy is . . . a gigantic enterprise of dehumanization "; the essay might end by suggesting that Marxist analysis is itself dehumanizing because it construes everything in economic -- rather than moral or ethical-- terms.
  • Conclude by considering the implications of your argument (or analysis or discussion). What does your argument imply, or involve, or suggest? For example, an essay on the novel  Ambiguous Adventure , by the Senegalese writer Cheikh Hamidou Kane, might open with the idea that the protagonist's development suggests Kane's belief in the need to integrate Western materialism and Sufi spirituality in modern Senegal. The conclusion might make the new but related point that the novel on the whole suggests that such an integration is (or isn't) possible.

Finally, some advice on how not to end an essay:

  • Don't simply summarize your essay. A brief summary of your argument may be useful, especially if your essay is long--more than ten pages or so. But shorter essays tend not to require a restatement of your main ideas.
  • Avoid phrases like "in conclusion," "to conclude," "in summary," and "to sum up." These phrases can be useful--even welcome--in oral presentations. But readers can see, by the tell-tale compression of the pages, when an essay is about to end. You'll irritate your audience if you belabor the obvious.
  • Resist the urge to apologize. If you've immersed yourself in your subject, you now know a good deal more about it than you can possibly include in a five- or ten- or 20-page essay. As a result, by the time you've finished writing, you may be having some doubts about what you've produced. (And if you haven't immersed yourself in your subject, you may be feeling even more doubtful about your essay as you approach the conclusion.) Repress those doubts. Don't undercut your authority by saying things like, "this is just one approach to the subject; there may be other, better approaches. . ."

Copyright 1998, Pat Bellanca, for the Writing Center at Harvard University

Improving Your English

Conclusion transition words: Phrases for summarizing and ending

conclusion example words

Transition words help us structure our thoughts and guide the reader or listener through what we are saying. When it’s time to summarize your message or end a paragraph, conclusion transition words let you signal this closing.

It’s good to know some synonyms for ‘in conclusion’ and ‘to conclude’, because although these are good examples of concluding words, they can get repetitive.

Our comprehensive list of transition words for conclusion and summary should give you all the inspiration you need, whether you are writing an essay or speech, or just want to become more confident forming an argument. These signal words can also be helpful for restating ideas, drawing attention to key points as you conclude.

We have included plenty of examples of how you can use these transition words for concluding paragraphs or sentences, so by the end of this article, you should be clear on how to use them properly.

conclusion example words

Conclusion transition words with examples

We have grouped these summarizing and concluding transition words according to how and where they can be used. For example, some should only be used when forming a final conclusion, whereas others can be used to summarize sections mid-way through your speech or writing.

First, let’s be clear about the difference between a summary and a conclusion .

Summary vs conclusion

A conclusion comes at the end of a speech, chapter, or piece of text, and it brings together all of the points mentioned. A summary, however, can be placed anywhere (even at the beginning). A summary gives a brief outline of the main points but is not as in-depth as a conclusion.

If you are giving a presentation or writing a blog, you may wish to summarize the main points in your introduction so that people know what you are going to cover. You could also summarize a section part-way through before moving on to another angle or topic.

In contrast, the conclusion always comes at the end, and you should only use specific conclusion transition words as you are drawing to a close.

Transition words for conclusion paragraphs

Let’s begin with some discourse markers that signal you are moving to the concluding paragraph in your presentation, speech, essay, or paper. These can all be used to start a conclusion paragraph.

  • In conclusion
  • To conclude
  • We can conclude that
  • Given these points
  • In the final analysis
  • As can be seen
  • In the long run
  • When all is said and done
  • I’ll end by
  • As we draw to a close

The last three on this list, the ‘closing’ transition words, would generally only be used in spoken discourse.

Some transition words for order and sequencing should also help with structuring what you want to say, including the ending.

Example conclusion sentences

The following sentences show how to use conclusion words correctly:

  • In conclusion , we can say that plan A will be of greater benefit to the company.
  • When all is said and done , it’s clear that we should steer clear of this investment strategy.
  • Given these points , I believe the trial was a great success.
  • I’ll end by reminding you all that this experiment was just the beginning of a much larger project.
  • To wrap up , let’s look at how this learning can be applied.
  • In the long run , we will make more profit by investing heavily in new machinery.
  • Having analyzed seven of our competitors in detail, we can conclude that our content marketing strategy should be updated.

Transition words for summary

The following summary transition words may be used as part of a conclusion paragraph, but they are especially helpful for concisely drawing together several points.

  • To summarize
  • On the whole
  • Generally speaking
  • All things considered
  • In a nutshell (informal)
  • In any case

Note that although you can insert summary transition words anywhere, the specific phrases ‘In summary’, ‘To summarize’ and ‘To sum up’ are generally only used at the end, similar to conclusion phrases.

Example summary sentences

  • In brief , this presentation is going to cover the pros and cons of the device and how we can apply this to our own product development.
  • This new technology is, in a word , revolutionary.
  • All things considered , we found that Berlin was a great city for a weekend break.
  • To summarize , we can say that Shakespeare’s writing continues to have a global influence.
  • We can say that the combustion engine was, on the whole , a good invention.
  • In any case , we should put the necessary precautions in place.
  • Generally speaking , girls are more thoughtful than boys.

Transition words to end a paragraph

You may wish to add ending transition words in the final sentence of a paragraph to conclude the ideas in that section of text, before moving on to another point.

Here are some transition words to conclude a paragraph:

  • This means that
  • With this in mind
  • By and large
  • For the most part

Note that some of these could equally be used to begin a new paragraph, so long as that paragraph is summarizing the points previously mentioned.

Cause and effect transition words could also be helpful in this context.

Examples of transition words for the end of a paragraph

  • Jamie is a vegan and Sheryl has a lot of allergies. This means that we should be careful which restaurant we choose.
  • The weather forecast said it would rain this afternoon. With this in mind , should we postpone our hike?
  • Each of the students has their own opinion about where to go for the field trip. Ultimately , though, it’s the teacher who will decide.

Restating points as you conclude

Conclusion transition words can also signal that you are restating a point you mentioned earlier. This is common practice in both writing and speaking as it draws the reader or listener’s attention back to something you want them to keep in mind. These are, therefore, also examples of transition words for emphasizing a point .

Here are some helpful transition words for concluding or summarizing by restating points:

  • As mentioned previously
  • As stated earlier
  • As has been noted
  • As shown above
  • As I have said
  • As I have mentioned
  • As we have seen
  • As has been demonstrated

You may switch most of these between the passive and active voice, depending on which is most appropriate. For example, ‘As has been demonstrated’ could become ‘As I have demonstrated’ and ‘As shown above’ could become ‘As I have shown’.

Example sentences to restate a point in conclusion or summary

  • As I stated earlier , the only way we can get meaningful results from this survey is by including at least a thousand people.
  • As has been demonstrated throughout this conference, there are exciting things happening in the world of neuroscience.
  • As shown by this study, the trials have been promising.

If you were researching these transition words for concluding an essay, you might find it helpful to read this guide to strong essay conclusions . Of course, there are many ways to use summary transition words beyond essays. They may be a little formal for casual conversation, but they certainly can be used in speech as part of a presentation, debate, or argument.

Can you think of any other concluding words or phrases that should be on this list? Leave a comment below to share them!

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


What this handout is about.

This handout will explain the functions of conclusions, offer strategies for writing effective ones, help you evaluate conclusions you’ve drafted, and suggest approaches to avoid.

About conclusions

Introductions and conclusions can be difficult to write, but they’re worth investing time in. They can have a significant influence on a reader’s experience of your paper.

Just as your introduction acts as a bridge that transports your readers from their own lives into the “place” of your analysis, your conclusion can provide a bridge to help your readers make the transition back to their daily lives. Such a conclusion will help them see why all your analysis and information should matter to them after they put the paper down.

Your conclusion is your chance to have the last word on the subject. The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues you have raised in your paper, to synthesize your thoughts, to demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and to propel your reader to a new view of the subject. It is also your opportunity to make a good final impression and to end on a positive note.

Your conclusion can go beyond the confines of the assignment. The conclusion pushes beyond the boundaries of the prompt and allows you to consider broader issues, make new connections, and elaborate on the significance of your findings.

Your conclusion should make your readers glad they read your paper. Your conclusion gives your reader something to take away that will help them see things differently or appreciate your topic in personally relevant ways. It can suggest broader implications that will not only interest your reader, but also enrich your reader’s life in some way. It is your gift to the reader.

Strategies for writing an effective conclusion

One or more of the following strategies may help you write an effective conclusion:

  • Play the “So What” Game. If you’re stuck and feel like your conclusion isn’t saying anything new or interesting, ask a friend to read it with you. Whenever you make a statement from your conclusion, ask the friend to say, “So what?” or “Why should anybody care?” Then ponder that question and answer it. Here’s how it might go: You: Basically, I’m just saying that education was important to Douglass. Friend: So what? You: Well, it was important because it was a key to him feeling like a free and equal citizen. Friend: Why should anybody care? You: That’s important because plantation owners tried to keep slaves from being educated so that they could maintain control. When Douglass obtained an education, he undermined that control personally. You can also use this strategy on your own, asking yourself “So What?” as you develop your ideas or your draft.
  • Return to the theme or themes in the introduction. This strategy brings the reader full circle. For example, if you begin by describing a scenario, you can end with the same scenario as proof that your essay is helpful in creating a new understanding. You may also refer to the introductory paragraph by using key words or parallel concepts and images that you also used in the introduction.
  • Synthesize, don’t summarize. Include a brief summary of the paper’s main points, but don’t simply repeat things that were in your paper. Instead, show your reader how the points you made and the support and examples you used fit together. Pull it all together.
  • Include a provocative insight or quotation from the research or reading you did for your paper.
  • Propose a course of action, a solution to an issue, or questions for further study. This can redirect your reader’s thought process and help them to apply your info and ideas to their own life or to see the broader implications.
  • Point to broader implications. For example, if your paper examines the Greensboro sit-ins or another event in the Civil Rights Movement, you could point out its impact on the Civil Rights Movement as a whole. A paper about the style of writer Virginia Woolf could point to her influence on other writers or on later feminists.

Strategies to avoid

  • Beginning with an unnecessary, overused phrase such as “in conclusion,” “in summary,” or “in closing.” Although these phrases can work in speeches, they come across as wooden and trite in writing.
  • Stating the thesis for the very first time in the conclusion.
  • Introducing a new idea or subtopic in your conclusion.
  • Ending with a rephrased thesis statement without any substantive changes.
  • Making sentimental, emotional appeals that are out of character with the rest of an analytical paper.
  • Including evidence (quotations, statistics, etc.) that should be in the body of the paper.

Four kinds of ineffective conclusions

  • The “That’s My Story and I’m Sticking to It” Conclusion. This conclusion just restates the thesis and is usually painfully short. It does not push the ideas forward. People write this kind of conclusion when they can’t think of anything else to say. Example: In conclusion, Frederick Douglass was, as we have seen, a pioneer in American education, proving that education was a major force for social change with regard to slavery.
  • The “Sherlock Holmes” Conclusion. Sometimes writers will state the thesis for the very first time in the conclusion. You might be tempted to use this strategy if you don’t want to give everything away too early in your paper. You may think it would be more dramatic to keep the reader in the dark until the end and then “wow” them with your main idea, as in a Sherlock Holmes mystery. The reader, however, does not expect a mystery, but an analytical discussion of your topic in an academic style, with the main argument (thesis) stated up front. Example: (After a paper that lists numerous incidents from the book but never says what these incidents reveal about Douglass and his views on education): So, as the evidence above demonstrates, Douglass saw education as a way to undermine the slaveholders’ power and also an important step toward freedom.
  • The “America the Beautiful”/”I Am Woman”/”We Shall Overcome” Conclusion. This kind of conclusion usually draws on emotion to make its appeal, but while this emotion and even sentimentality may be very heartfelt, it is usually out of character with the rest of an analytical paper. A more sophisticated commentary, rather than emotional praise, would be a more fitting tribute to the topic. Example: Because of the efforts of fine Americans like Frederick Douglass, countless others have seen the shining beacon of light that is education. His example was a torch that lit the way for others. Frederick Douglass was truly an American hero.
  • The “Grab Bag” Conclusion. This kind of conclusion includes extra information that the writer found or thought of but couldn’t integrate into the main paper. You may find it hard to leave out details that you discovered after hours of research and thought, but adding random facts and bits of evidence at the end of an otherwise-well-organized essay can just create confusion. Example: In addition to being an educational pioneer, Frederick Douglass provides an interesting case study for masculinity in the American South. He also offers historians an interesting glimpse into slave resistance when he confronts Covey, the overseer. His relationships with female relatives reveal the importance of family in the slave community.

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Douglass, Frederick. 1995. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself. New York: Dover.

Hamilton College. n.d. “Conclusions.” Writing Center. Accessed June 14, 2019. .

Holewa, Randa. 2004. “Strategies for Writing a Conclusion.” LEO: Literacy Education Online. Last updated February 19, 2004.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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conclusion example words

How to Write a Conclusion for an Essay

conclusion example words

By the time you get to the final paragraph of your paper, you have already done so much work on your essay, so all you want to do is to wrap it up as quickly as possible. You’ve already made a stunning introduction, proven your argument, and structured the whole piece as supposed – who cares about making a good conclusion paragraph?

The only thing you need to remember is that the conclusion of an essay is not just the last paragraph of an academic paper where you restate your thesis and key arguments. A concluding paragraph is also your opportunity to have a final impact on your audience. 

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How to write a conclusion paragraph that leaves a lasting impression – In this guide, the team at EssayPro is going to walk you through the process of writing a perfect conclusion step by step. Additionally, we will share valuable tips and tricks to help students of all ages impress their readers at the last moment.

Instead of Intro: What Is a Conclusion?

Before we can move on, let’s take a moment here to define the conclusion itself. According to the standard conclusion definition, it is pretty much the last part of something, its result, or end. However, this term is rather broad and superficial.

When it comes to writing academic papers, a concluding statement refers to an opinion, judgment, suggestion, or position arrived at by logical reasoning (through the arguments provided in the body of the text). Therefore, if you are wondering “what is a good closing sentence like?” – keep on reading.

What Does a Good Conclusion Mean?

Writing a good conclusion for a paper isn’t easy. However, we are going to walk you through this process step by step. Although there are generally no strict rules on how to formulate one, there are some basic principles that everyone should keep in mind. In this section, we will share some core ideas for writing a good conclusion, and, later in the article, we will also provide you with more practical advice and examples.


Here are the core goals a good conclusion should complete:

  • “Wrap up” the entire paper;
  • Demonstrate to readers that the author accomplished what he/she set out to do;
  • Show how you the author has proved their thesis statement;
  • Give a sense of completeness and closure on the topic;
  • Leave something extra for your reader to think about;
  • Leave a powerful final impact on a reader.

Another key thing to remember is that you should not introduce any new ideas or arguments to your paper's conclusion. It should only sum up what you have already written, revisit your thesis statement, and end with a powerful final impression.

When considering how to write a conclusion that works, here are the key points to keep in mind:

  • A concluding sentence should only revisit the thesis statement, not restate it;
  • It should summarize the main ideas from the body of the paper;
  • It should demonstrate the significance and relevance of your work;
  • An essay’s conclusion should include a call for action and leave space for further study or development of the topic (if necessary).

How Long Should a Conclusion Be? 

Although there are no strict universal rules regarding the length of an essay’s final clause, both teachers and experienced writers recommend keeping it clear, concise, and straight to the point. There is an unspoken rule that the introduction and conclusion of an academic paper should both be about 10% of the overall paper’s volume. For example, if you were assigned a 1500 word essay, both the introductory and final clauses should be approximately 150 words long (300 together).

Why You Need to Know How to End an Essay:

A conclusion is what drives a paper to its logical end. It also drives the main points of your piece one last time. It is your last opportunity to impact and impress your audience. And, most importantly, it is your chance to demonstrate to readers why your work matters. Simply put, the final paragraph of your essay should answer the last important question a reader will have – “So what?”

If you do a concluding paragraph right, it can give your readers a sense of logical completeness. On the other hand, if you do not make it powerful enough, it can leave them hanging, and diminish the effect of the entire piece.

Strategies to Crafting a Proper Conclusion

Although there are no strict rules for what style to use to write your conclusion, there are several strategies that have been proven to be effective. In the list below, you can find some of the most effective strategies with some good conclusion paragraph examples to help you grasp the idea.

One effective way to emphasize the significance of your essay and give the audience some thought to ponder about is by taking a look into the future. The “When and If” technique is quite powerful when it comes to supporting your points in the essay’s conclusion.

Prediction essay conclusion example: “Taking care of a pet is quite hard, which is the reason why most parents refuse their children’s requests to get a pet. However, the refusal should be the last choice of parents. If we want to inculcate a deep sense of responsibility and organization in our kids, and, at the same time, sprout compassion in them, we must let our children take care of pets.”

Another effective strategy is to link your conclusion to your introductory paragraph. This will create a full-circle narration for your readers, create a better understanding of your topic, and emphasize your key point.

Echo conclusion paragraph example: Introduction: “I believe that all children should grow up with a pet. I still remember the exact day my parents brought my first puppy to our house. This was one of the happiest moments in my life and, at the same time, one of the most life-changing ones. Growing up with a pet taught me a lot, and most importantly, it taught me to be responsible.” Conclusion:. “I remember when I picked up my first puppy and how happy I was at that time. Growing up with a pet, I learned what it means to take care of someone, make sure that he always has water and food, teach him, and constantly keep an eye on my little companion. Having a child grow up with a pet teaches them responsibility and helps them acquire a variety of other life skills like leadership, love, compassion, and empathy. This is why I believe that every kid should grow up with a pet!”

Finally, one more trick that will help you create a flawless conclusion is to amplify your main idea or to present it in another perspective of a larger context. This technique will help your readers to look at the problem discussed from a different angle.

Step-up argumentative essay conclusion example: “Despite the obvious advantages of owning a pet in childhood, I feel that we cannot generalize whether all children should have a pet. Whereas some kids may benefit from such experiences, namely, by becoming more compassionate, organized, and responsible, it really depends on the situation, motivation, and enthusiasm of a particular child for owning a pet.”

What is a clincher in an essay? – The final part of an essay’s conclusion is often referred to as a clincher sentence. According to the clincher definition, it is a final sentence that reinforces the main idea or leaves the audience with an intriguing thought to ponder upon. In a nutshell, the clincher is very similar to the hook you would use in an introductory paragraph. Its core mission is to seize the audience’s attention until the end of the paper. At the same time, this statement is what creates a sense of completeness and helps the author leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Now, since you now know what a clincher is, you are probably wondering how to use one in your own paper. First of all, keep in mind that a good clincher should be intriguing, memorable, smooth, and straightforward.

Generally, there are several different tricks you can use for your clincher statement; it can be:

  • A short, but memorable and attention-grabbing conclusion;
  • A relevant and memorable quote (only if it brings actual value);
  • A call to action;
  • A rhetorical question;
  • An illustrative story or provocative example;
  • A warning against a possibility or suggestion about the consequences of a discussed problem;
  • A joke (however, be careful with this as it may not always be deemed appropriate).

Regardless of the technique you choose, make sure that your clincher is memorable and aligns with your introduction and thesis.

Clincher examples: - While New York may not be the only place with the breathtaking views, it is definitely among my personal to 3… and that’s what definitely makes it worth visiting. - “Thence we came forth to rebehold the stars”, Divine Comedy - Don’t you think all these advantages sound like almost life-saving benefits of owning a pet? “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”, The Great Gatsby


Conclusion Writing Don'ts 

Now, when you know what tricks and techniques you should use to create a perfect conclusion, let’s look at some of the things you should not do with our online paper writing service :

  • Starting with some cliché concluding sentence starters. Many students find common phrases like “In conclusion,” “Therefore,” “In summary,” or similar statements to be pretty good conclusion starters. However, though such conclusion sentence starters may work in certain cases – for example, in speeches – they are overused, so it is recommended not to use them in writing to introduce your conclusion.
  • Putting the first mention of your thesis statement in the conclusion – it has to be presented in your introduction first.
  • Providing new arguments, subtopics, or ideas in the conclusion paragraph.
  • Including a slightly changed or unchanged thesis statement.
  • Providing arguments and evidence that belong in the body of the work.
  • Writing too long, hard to read, or confusing sentences.

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Conclusion Paragraph Outline

The total number of sentences in your final paragraph may vary depending on the number of points you discussed in your essay, as well as on the overall word count of your paper. However, the overall conclusion paragraph outline will remain the same and consists of the following elements:

conclusion ouline

  • A conclusion starter:

The first part of your paragraph should drive readers back to your thesis statement. Thus, if you were wondering how to start a conclusion, the best way to do it is by rephrasing your thesis statement.

  • Summary of the body paragraphs:

Right after revisiting your thesis, you should include several sentences that wrap up the key highlights and points from your body paragraphs. This part of your conclusion can consist of 2-3 sentences—depending on the number of arguments you’ve made. If necessary, you can also explain to the readers how your main points fit together.

  • A concluding sentence:

Finally, you should end your paragraph with a last, powerful sentence that leaves a lasting impression, gives a sense of logical completeness, and connects readers back to the introduction of the paper.

These three key elements make up a perfect essay conclusion. Now, to give you an even better idea of how to create a perfect conclusion, let us give you a sample conclusion paragraph outline with examples from an argumentative essay on the topic of “Every Child Should Own a Pet:

  • Sentence 1: Starter
  • ~ Thesis: "Though taking care of a pet may be a bit challenging for small children. Parents should not restrict their kids from having a pet as it helps them grow into more responsible and compassionate people."
  • ~ Restated thesis for a conclusion: "I can say that taking care of a pet is good for every child."
  • Sentences 2-4: Summary
  • ~ "Studies have shown that pet owners generally have fewer health problems."
  • ~ "Owning a pet teaches a child to be more responsible."
  • ~ "Spending time with a pet reduces stress, feelings of loneliness, and anxiety."
  • Sentence 5: A concluding sentence
  • ~ "Pets can really change a child life for the better, so don't hesitate to endorse your kid's desire to own a pet."

This is a clear example of how you can shape your conclusion paragraph.

How to Conclude Various Types of Essays

Depending on the type of academic essay you are working on, your concluding paragraph's style, tone, and length may vary. In this part of our guide, we will tell you how to end different types of essays and other works.

How to End an Argumentative Essay

Persuasive or argumentative essays always have the single goal of convincing readers of something (an idea, stance, or viewpoint) by appealing to arguments, facts, logic, and even emotions. The conclusion for such an essay has to be persuasive as well. A good trick you can use is to illustrate a real-life scenario that proves your stance or encourages readers to take action. More about persuasive essay outline you can read in our article.

Here are a few more tips for making a perfect conclusion for an argumentative essay:

  • Carefully read the whole essay before you begin;
  • Re-emphasize your ideas;
  • Discuss possible implications;
  • Don’t be afraid to appeal to the reader’s emotions.

How to End a Compare and Contrast Essay

The purpose of a compare and contrast essay is to emphasize the differences or similarities between two or more objects, people, phenomena, etc. Therefore, a logical conclusion should highlight how the reviewed objects are different or similar. Basically, in such a paper, your conclusion should recall all of the key common and distinctive features discussed in the body of your essay and also give readers some food for thought after they finish reading it.

How to Conclude a Descriptive Essay

The key idea of a descriptive essay is to showcase your creativity and writing skills by painting a vivid picture with the help of words. This is one of the most creative types of essays as it requires you to show a story, not tell it. This kind of essay implies using a lot of vivid details. Respectively, the conclusion of such a paper should also use descriptive imagery and, at the same time, sum up the main ideas. A good strategy for ending a descriptive essay would be to begin with a short explanation of why you wrote the essay. Then, you should reflect on how your topic affects you. In the middle of the conclusion, you should cover the most critical moments of the story to smoothly lead the reader into a logical closing statement. The “clincher”, in this case, should be a thought-provoking final sentence that leaves a good and lasting impression on the audience. Do not lead the reader into the essay and then leave them with dwindling memories of it.

How to Conclude an Essay About Yourself

If you find yourself writing an essay about yourself, you need to tell a personal story. As a rule, such essays talk about the author’s experiences, which is why a conclusion should create a feeling of narrative closure. A good strategy is to end your story with a logical finale and the lessons you have learned, while, at the same time, linking it to the introductory paragraph and recalling key moments from the story.

How to End an Informative Essay

Unlike other types of papers, informative or expository essays load readers with a lot of information and facts. In this case, “Synthesize, don’t summarize” is the best technique you can use to end your paper. Simply put, instead of recalling all of the major facts, you should approach your conclusion from the “So what?” position by highlighting the significance of the information provided.

How to Conclude a Narrative Essay

In a nutshell, a narrative essay is based on simple storytelling. The purpose of this paper is to share a particular story in detail. Therefore, the conclusion for such a paper should wrap up the story and avoid finishing on an abrupt cliffhanger. It is vital to include the key takeaways and the lessons learned from the story.

How to Write a Conclusion for a Lab Report

Unlike an essay, a lab report is based on an experiment. This type of paper describes the flow of a particular experiment conducted by a student and its conclusion should reflect on the outcomes of this experiment.

In thinking of how to write a conclusion for a lab, here are the key things you should do to get it right:

  • Restate the goals of your experiment
  • Describe the methods you used
  • Include the results of the experiment and analyze the final data
  • End your conclusion with a clear statement on whether or not the experiment was successful (Did you reach the expected results?)

How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper

Writing a paper is probably the hardest task of all, even for experienced dissertation writer . Unlike an essay or even a lab report, a research paper is a much longer piece of work that requires a deeper investigation of the problem. Therefore, a conclusion for such a paper should be even more sophisticated and powerful. If you're feeling difficulty writing an essay, you can buy essay on our service.

How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper

However, given that a research paper is the second most popular kind of academic paper (after an essay), it is important to know how to conclude a research paper. Even if you have not yet been assigned to do this task, be sure that you will face it soon. So, here are the steps you should follow to create a great conclusion for a research paper:

  • Restate the Topic

Start your final paragraph with a quick reminder of what the topic of the piece is about. Keep it one sentence long.

  • Revisit the Thesis

Next, you should remind your readers what your thesis statement was. However, do not just copy and paste it from the introductory clause: paraphrase your thesis so that you deliver the same idea but with different words. Keep your paraphrased thesis narrow, specific, and topic-oriented.

  • Summarise Your Key Ideas

Just like the case of a regular essay’s conclusion, a research paper’s final paragraph should also include a short summary of all of the key points stated in the body sections. We recommend reading the entire body part a few times to define all of your main arguments and ideas.

  • Showcase the Significance of Your Work

In the research paper conclusion, it is vital to highlight the significance of your research problem and state how your solution could be helpful.

  • Make Suggestions for Future Studies

Finally, at the end of your conclusion, you should define how your findings will contribute to the development of its particular field of science. Outline the perspectives of further research and, if necessary, explain what is yet to be discovered on the topic.

Then, end your conclusion with a powerful concluding sentence – it can be a rhetorical question, call to action, or another hook that will help you have a strong impact on the audience.

  • Answer the Right Questions

To create a top-notch research paper conclusion, be sure to answer the following questions:

  • What is the goal of a research paper?
  • What are the possible solutions to the research question(s)?
  • How can your results be implemented in real life? (Is your research paper helpful to the community?)
  • Why is this study important and relevant?

Additionally, here are a few more handy tips to follow:

  • Provide clear examples from real life to help readers better understand the further implementation of the stated solutions;
  • Keep your conclusion fresh, original, and creative.

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So, What Is a Good Closing Sentence? See The Difference

One of the best ways to learn how to write a good conclusion is to look at several professional essay conclusion examples. In this section of our guide, we are going to look at two different final paragraphs shaped on the basis of the same template, but even so, they are very different – where one is weak and the other is strong. Below, we are going to compare them to help you understand the difference between a good and a bad conclusion.

Here is the template we used: College degrees are in decline. The price of receiving an education does not correlate with the quality of the education received. As a result, graduated students face underemployment, and the worth of college degrees appears to be in serious doubt. However, the potential social and economic benefits of educated students balance out the equation.

Strong Conclusion ‍

People either see college as an opportunity or an inconvenience; therefore, a degree can only hold as much value as its owner’s skillset. The underemployment of graduate students puts the worth of college degrees in serious doubt. Yet, with the multitude of benefits that educated students bring to society and the economy, the equation remains in balance. Perhaps the ordinary person should consider college as a wise financial investment, but only if they stay determined to study and do the hard work.

Why is this example good? There are several key points that prove its effectiveness:

  • There is a bold opening statement that encompasses the two contrasting types of students we can see today.
  • There are two sentences that recall the thesis statement and cover the key arguments from the body of the essay.
  • Finally, the last sentence sums up the key message of the essay and leaves readers with something to think about.

Weak Conclusion

In conclusion, with the poor preparation of students in college and the subsequent underemployment after graduation from college, the worth associated with the college degree appears to be in serious doubt. However, these issues alone may not reasonably conclude beyond a doubt that investing in a college degree is a rewarding venture. When the full benefits that come with education are carefully put into consideration and evaluated, college education for children in any country still has good advantages, and society should continue to advocate for a college education. The ordinary person should consider this a wise financial decision that holds rewards in the end. Apart from the monetary gains associated with a college education, society will greatly benefit from students when they finish college. Their minds are going to be expanded, and their reasoning and decision making will be enhanced.

What makes this example bad? Here are a few points to consider:

  • Unlike the first example, this paragraph is long and not specific enough. The author provides plenty of generalized phrases that are not backed up by actual arguments.
  • This piece is hard to read and understand and sentences have a confusing structure. Also, there are lots of repetitions and too many uses of the word “college”.
  • There is no summary of the key benefits.
  • The last two sentences that highlight the value of education contradict with the initial statement.
  • Finally, the last sentence doesn’t offer a strong conclusion and gives no thought to ponder upon.
  • In the body of your essay, you have hopefully already provided your reader(s) with plenty of information. Therefore, it is not wise to present new arguments or ideas in your conclusion.
  • To end your final paragraph right, find a clear and straightforward message that will have the most powerful impact on your audience.
  • Don’t use more than one quote in the final clause of your paper – the information from external sources (including quotes) belongs in the body of a paper.
  • Be authoritative when writing a conclusion. You should sound confident and convincing to leave a good impression. Sentences like “I’m not an expert, but…” will most likely make you seem less knowledgeable and/or credible.

Good Conclusion Examples

Now that we've learned what a conclusion is and how to write one let's take a look at some essay conclusion examples to strengthen our knowledge.

The ending ironically reveals that all was for nothing. (A short explanation of the thematic effect of the book’s end) Tom says that Miss Watson freed Jim in her final will.Jim told Huck that the dead man on the Island was pap. The entire adventure seemingly evaporated into nothingness. (How this effect was manifested into the minds of thereaders).
All in all, international schools hold the key to building a full future that students can achieve. (Thesis statement simplified) They help students develop their own character by learning from their mistakes, without having to face a dreadful penalty for failure. (Thesis statement elaborated)Although some say that kids emerged “spoiled” with this mentality, the results prove the contrary. (Possible counter-arguments are noted)
In conclusion, public workers should be allowed to strike since it will give them a chance to air their grievances. (Thesis statement) Public workers should be allowed to strike when their rights, safety, and regulations are compromised. The workers will get motivated when they strike, and their demands are met.
In summary, studies reveal some similarities in the nutrient contents between the organic and non-organic food substances. (Starts with similarities) However, others have revealed many considerable differences in the amounts of antioxidants as well as other minerals present in organic and non-organic foods. Generally, organic foods have higher levels of antioxidants than non-organic foods and therefore are more important in the prevention of chronic illnesses.
As time went by, my obsession grew into something bigger than art; (‘As time went by’ signals maturation) it grew into a dream of developing myself for the world. (Showing student’s interest of developing himself for the community) It is a dream of not only seeing the world from a different perspective but also changing the perspective of people who see my work. (Showing student’s determination to create moving pieces of art)
In conclusion, it is evident that technology is an integral part of our lives and without it, we become “lost” since we have increasingly become dependent on its use. (Thesis with main point)

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How To Write A Conclusion For An Essay?

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How to Write a Conclusion for Research Papers (with Examples)

How to Write a Conclusion for Research Papers (with Examples)

The conclusion of a research paper is a crucial section that plays a significant role in the overall impact and effectiveness of your research paper. However, this is also the section that typically receives less attention compared to the introduction and the body of the paper. The conclusion serves to provide a concise summary of the key findings, their significance, their implications, and a sense of closure to the study. Discussing how can the findings be applied in real-world scenarios or inform policy, practice, or decision-making is especially valuable to practitioners and policymakers. The research paper conclusion also provides researchers with clear insights and valuable information for their own work, which they can then build on and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field.

The research paper conclusion should explain the significance of your findings within the broader context of your field. It restates how your results contribute to the existing body of knowledge and whether they confirm or challenge existing theories or hypotheses. Also, by identifying unanswered questions or areas requiring further investigation, your awareness of the broader research landscape can be demonstrated.

Remember to tailor the research paper conclusion to the specific needs and interests of your intended audience, which may include researchers, practitioners, policymakers, or a combination of these.

Table of Contents

What is a conclusion in a research paper, summarizing conclusion, editorial conclusion, externalizing conclusion, importance of a good research paper conclusion, how to write a conclusion for your research paper, research paper conclusion examples.

  • How to write a research paper conclusion with Paperpal? 

Frequently Asked Questions

A conclusion in a research paper is the final section where you summarize and wrap up your research, presenting the key findings and insights derived from your study. The research paper conclusion is not the place to introduce new information or data that was not discussed in the main body of the paper. When working on how to conclude a research paper, remember to stick to summarizing and interpreting existing content. The research paper conclusion serves the following purposes: 1

  • Warn readers of the possible consequences of not attending to the problem.
  • Recommend specific course(s) of action.
  • Restate key ideas to drive home the ultimate point of your research paper.
  • Provide a “take-home” message that you want the readers to remember about your study.

conclusion example words

Types of conclusions for research papers

In research papers, the conclusion provides closure to the reader. The type of research paper conclusion you choose depends on the nature of your study, your goals, and your target audience. I provide you with three common types of conclusions:

A summarizing conclusion is the most common type of conclusion in research papers. It involves summarizing the main points, reiterating the research question, and restating the significance of the findings. This common type of research paper conclusion is used across different disciplines.

An editorial conclusion is less common but can be used in research papers that are focused on proposing or advocating for a particular viewpoint or policy. It involves presenting a strong editorial or opinion based on the research findings and offering recommendations or calls to action.

An externalizing conclusion is a type of conclusion that extends the research beyond the scope of the paper by suggesting potential future research directions or discussing the broader implications of the findings. This type of conclusion is often used in more theoretical or exploratory research papers.

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The conclusion in a research paper serves several important purposes:

  • Offers Implications and Recommendations : Your research paper conclusion is an excellent place to discuss the broader implications of your research and suggest potential areas for further study. It’s also an opportunity to offer practical recommendations based on your findings.
  • Provides Closure : A good research paper conclusion provides a sense of closure to your paper. It should leave the reader with a feeling that they have reached the end of a well-structured and thought-provoking research project.
  • Leaves a Lasting Impression : Writing a well-crafted research paper conclusion leaves a lasting impression on your readers. It’s your final opportunity to leave them with a new idea, a call to action, or a memorable quote.

conclusion example words

Writing a strong conclusion for your research paper is essential to leave a lasting impression on your readers. Here’s a step-by-step process to help you create and know what to put in the conclusion of a research paper: 2

  • Research Statement : Begin your research paper conclusion by restating your research statement. This reminds the reader of the main point you’ve been trying to prove throughout your paper. Keep it concise and clear.
  • Key Points : Summarize the main arguments and key points you’ve made in your paper. Avoid introducing new information in the research paper conclusion. Instead, provide a concise overview of what you’ve discussed in the body of your paper.
  • Address the Research Questions : If your research paper is based on specific research questions or hypotheses, briefly address whether you’ve answered them or achieved your research goals. Discuss the significance of your findings in this context.
  • Significance : Highlight the importance of your research and its relevance in the broader context. Explain why your findings matter and how they contribute to the existing knowledge in your field.
  • Implications : Explore the practical or theoretical implications of your research. How might your findings impact future research, policy, or real-world applications? Consider the “so what?” question.
  • Future Research : Offer suggestions for future research in your area. What questions or aspects remain unanswered or warrant further investigation? This shows that your work opens the door for future exploration.
  • Closing Thought : Conclude your research paper conclusion with a thought-provoking or memorable statement. This can leave a lasting impression on your readers and wrap up your paper effectively. Avoid introducing new information or arguments here.
  • Proofread and Revise : Carefully proofread your conclusion for grammar, spelling, and clarity. Ensure that your ideas flow smoothly and that your conclusion is coherent and well-structured.

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Remember that a well-crafted research paper conclusion is a reflection of the strength of your research and your ability to communicate its significance effectively. It should leave a lasting impression on your readers and tie together all the threads of your paper. Now you know how to start the conclusion of a research paper and what elements to include to make it impactful, let’s look at a research paper conclusion sample.

conclusion example words

How to write a research paper conclusion with Paperpal?

A research paper conclusion is not just a summary of your study, but a synthesis of the key findings that ties the research together and places it in a broader context. A research paper conclusion should be concise, typically around one paragraph in length. However, some complex topics may require a longer conclusion to ensure the reader is left with a clear understanding of the study’s significance. Paperpal, an AI writing assistant trusted by over 800,000 academics globally, can help you write a well-structured conclusion for your research paper. 

  • Sign Up or Log In: Create a new Paperpal account or login with your details.  
  • Navigate to Features : Once logged in, head over to the features’ side navigation pane. Click on Templates and you’ll find a suite of generative AI features to help you write better, faster.  
  • Generate an outline: Under Templates, select ‘Outlines’. Choose ‘Research article’ as your document type.  
  • Select your section: Since you’re focusing on the conclusion, select this section when prompted.  
  • Choose your field of study: Identifying your field of study allows Paperpal to provide more targeted suggestions, ensuring the relevance of your conclusion to your specific area of research. 
  • Provide a brief description of your study: Enter details about your research topic and findings. This information helps Paperpal generate a tailored outline that aligns with your paper’s content. 
  • Generate the conclusion outline: After entering all necessary details, click on ‘generate’. Paperpal will then create a structured outline for your conclusion, to help you start writing and build upon the outline.  
  • Write your conclusion: Use the generated outline to build your conclusion. The outline serves as a guide, ensuring you cover all critical aspects of a strong conclusion, from summarizing key findings to highlighting the research’s implications. 
  • Refine and enhance: Paperpal’s ‘Make Academic’ feature can be particularly useful in the final stages. Select any paragraph of your conclusion and use this feature to elevate the academic tone, ensuring your writing is aligned to the academic journal standards. 

By following these steps, Paperpal not only simplifies the process of writing a research paper conclusion but also ensures it is impactful, concise, and aligned with academic standards. Sign up with Paperpal today and write your research paper conclusion 2x faster .  

The research paper conclusion is a crucial part of your paper as it provides the final opportunity to leave a strong impression on your readers. In the research paper conclusion, summarize the main points of your research paper by restating your research statement, highlighting the most important findings, addressing the research questions or objectives, explaining the broader context of the study, discussing the significance of your findings, providing recommendations if applicable, and emphasizing the takeaway message. The main purpose of the conclusion is to remind the reader of the main point or argument of your paper and to provide a clear and concise summary of the key findings and their implications. All these elements should feature on your list of what to put in the conclusion of a research paper to create a strong final statement for your work.

A strong conclusion is a critical component of a research paper, as it provides an opportunity to wrap up your arguments, reiterate your main points, and leave a lasting impression on your readers. Here are the key elements of a strong research paper conclusion: 1. Conciseness : A research paper conclusion should be concise and to the point. It should not introduce new information or ideas that were not discussed in the body of the paper. 2. Summarization : The research paper conclusion should be comprehensive enough to give the reader a clear understanding of the research’s main contributions. 3 . Relevance : Ensure that the information included in the research paper conclusion is directly relevant to the research paper’s main topic and objectives; avoid unnecessary details. 4 . Connection to the Introduction : A well-structured research paper conclusion often revisits the key points made in the introduction and shows how the research has addressed the initial questions or objectives. 5. Emphasis : Highlight the significance and implications of your research. Why is your study important? What are the broader implications or applications of your findings? 6 . Call to Action : Include a call to action or a recommendation for future research or action based on your findings.

The length of a research paper conclusion can vary depending on several factors, including the overall length of the paper, the complexity of the research, and the specific journal requirements. While there is no strict rule for the length of a conclusion, but it’s generally advisable to keep it relatively short. A typical research paper conclusion might be around 5-10% of the paper’s total length. For example, if your paper is 10 pages long, the conclusion might be roughly half a page to one page in length.

In general, you do not need to include citations in the research paper conclusion. Citations are typically reserved for the body of the paper to support your arguments and provide evidence for your claims. However, there may be some exceptions to this rule: 1. If you are drawing a direct quote or paraphrasing a specific source in your research paper conclusion, you should include a citation to give proper credit to the original author. 2. If your conclusion refers to or discusses specific research, data, or sources that are crucial to the overall argument, citations can be included to reinforce your conclusion’s validity.

The conclusion of a research paper serves several important purposes: 1. Summarize the Key Points 2. Reinforce the Main Argument 3. Provide Closure 4. Offer Insights or Implications 5. Engage the Reader. 6. Reflect on Limitations

Remember that the primary purpose of the research paper conclusion is to leave a lasting impression on the reader, reinforcing the key points and providing closure to your research. It’s often the last part of the paper that the reader will see, so it should be strong and well-crafted.

  • Makar, G., Foltz, C., Lendner, M., & Vaccaro, A. R. (2018). How to write effective discussion and conclusion sections. Clinical spine surgery, 31(8), 345-346.
  • Bunton, D. (2005). The structure of PhD conclusion chapters.  Journal of English for academic purposes ,  4 (3), 207-224.

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35 Transition Words for Conclusions

transition words for conclusion, explained below

When transitioning to conclusions, we can simply use the term “In conclusion”, but over time, this word starts to feel tedious and repetitive. There are better ways to do it.

Transition words help your essays flow more easily and act as signposts for your reader so they know when you’re moving from one part of an essay to another.

So, for your next essay conclusion , consider the following transition words which can help you to improve your vocabulary and academic writing skills .

I’ve saved five bonus transition words for the very end which are my personal favorites. These are for advanced students who really want to demonstrate an academic tone – don’t miss them! They’re at the very end.

Transition Words for Conclusions

1. in conclusion.

This phrase is typically used to signal the final remarks in a piece of writing. It helps summarize the main points or findings that have been discussed throughout the text. It is still generally appropriate to use, but can sometimes appear rudimentary use of the English language.

Sample Sentences:

“ In conclusion , implementing green technology in our daily lives can significantly reduce carbon footprints.”
“The research findings were quite revealing. In conclusion , more emphasis should be put on early childhood education.”

2. To sum up

This is often used to encapsulate the main points of a discussion or argument in a succinct way. It is used almost as frequently as ‘in conclusion’.

“ To sum up , a balanced diet and regular exercise are crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.”
“The evidence points towards the need for more environmental protections. To sum up , without immediate action, our natural resources may become irreversibly damaged.”

3. In summary

Similar to “to sum up”, this phrase is used to provide a brief overview of the main points or findings discussed in the writing.

“ In summary , the research suggests a strong correlation between air pollution and respiratory diseases.”
“ In summary , the novel is a fascinating exploration of human resilience in the face of adversity.”

4. All in all

This phrase is used to express a final general statement or judgment considering everything that has been said. It is somewhat more colloquial than the three phrases above, making it potentially less valuable for an essay. However, in reflective pieces, it may be used. See the reflective examples below.

“ All in all , the team performed well despite the challenging circumstances.”
“ All in all , the benefits of recycling outweigh any potential disadvantages.”

5. Ultimately

This word is used to indicate the final result or fundamental reason after considering everything.

“ Ultimately , the success of the project depends on the dedication of the team members.”
“Despite initial hurdles, the venture was successful. Ultimately , perseverance and commitment were key to our success.”

6. Therefore

This word is used to introduce a logical conclusion from the evidence or reasons previously stated. It is used best to conclude a paragraph of sub-section than as the final essay conclusion.

“The cost of production has significantly decreased. Therefore , we can expect an increase in profit margins.”
“He didn’t meet the eligibility criteria. Therefore , his application was rejected.”

This is similar to “therefore” and is used to introduce a conclusion, a result or an implication. As with ‘therefore’, ‘It ‘hence’ is used best to conclude a paragraph of sub-section than as the final essay conclusion.

“He was late for his interview. Hence , he didn’t make a good impression.”
“The data was incomplete. Hence , the results of the study may not be entirely accurate.”

8. Consequently

This word is used to express a result or effect of a previous statement. It is best used mid-paragraph or in the middle of a sub-section, not an overall conclusion.

“There was heavy rainfall throughout the night. Consequently , the match was postponed.”
“The company didn’t adapt to the changing market trends. Consequently , they faced heavy losses.”

This is used to denote the conclusion or summary of something previously stated. It indicates that what follows is a result or inference from what has been stated before. It is best used mid-paragraph or in the middle of a sub-section, not an overall conclusion. While I quite like this term, some teachers see it as a bit old-timey.

“She didn’t study hard. Thus , she failed the exam.”
“The evidence is clearly inadmissible. Thus , the case should be dismissed.”

10. This essay’s final analysis is…

This phrase is used to introduce the ultimate conclusion that has been reached after consideration of all the facts.

“ This essay’s final analysis is that it is the lowest earners in society who have been hit hardest by this economic downturn.”
“ This essay’s final analysis is that it’s clear that the policy has had a positive impact on the community.”

11. On the whole

This phrase is often used when you want to make a general summary statement about a larger body of information or arguments. It implies that the statement accounts for all the details and complexities discussed previously. Generally, this is more colloquial so should only be used in less formal essay styles.

“On the whole” can help to simplify complex arguments, and it can signal that the writer has given due consideration to different perspectives or evidence before arriving at their conclusion.

“ On the whole , the company’s strategy has been effective, leading to an increase in profits and customer satisfaction.”
“Despite some negative feedback, on the whole , the policy has received wide public approval.”

12. To conclude

Similar to “In conclusion,” this phrase is a clear signal that the writer is about to wrap up their argument or findings.

“To conclude” can provide a sense of closure for the reader and it reaffirms the significance of the arguments or findings that have been presented.

“ To conclude , the study revealed that regular exercise can significantly reduce stress levels.”
“ To conclude , it is evident from the data that our marketing strategies have significantly boosted sales.”

13. To recap

This phrase is used when the writer wants to summarize the key points of their argument or discussion.

“To recap” can help to reinforce the importance of these points for the reader and it also serves as a quick reference or summary.

“ To recap , our findings suggest that the new drug can effectively alleviate symptoms in 80% of patients.”
“ To recap , our team achieved all project milestones on time and under budget.”

14. In essence

This phrase is often used when the writer wants to encapsulate the fundamental nature or core idea of their argument or discussion.

“In essence” can help to distill complex ideas or arguments down to their most basic and important elements.

“ In essence , the concept of freedom is at the heart of democratic societies.”
“ In essence , our project aims to develop sustainable solutions for waste management.”

15. In retrospect

This phrase is typically used when the writer wants to look back on a situation, decision, or period of time and make a summary statement or conclusion about it. Use it in reflective essays.

“In retrospect” can be useful for conveying a sense of learned wisdom or insight gained after the fact. It often suggests that the writer’s perspective has evolved or deepened over time.

“ In retrospect , investing in renewable energy technologies was a wise business decision.”
“ In retrospect , we could have implemented additional measures to ensure the safety of our staff during the pandemic.”

16. Overall

This is commonly used to indicate a consideration of all factors or an assessment of the situation in its entirety.

“Overall” is often used to summarize complex scenarios involving multiple elements. It represents a comprehensive viewpoint that takes into account all the variables discussed.

“ Overall , our company’s performance this year has been exceptional, with growth in nearly all sectors.”
“While the program faced some obstacles initially, overall , it has been successful in achieving its main objectives.”

17. Finally

This word is often used to indicate the last point or idea in a list or sequence.

“Finally” is a transition word that suggests the end of a discussion. It can also indicate the final and often most important point in an argument or discussion.

“ Finally , the most compelling evidence for climate change is the consistent rise in global temperatures over the past century.”
“ Finally , it’s worth mentioning the commitment and dedication of our team, which played a significant role in the project’s success.”

18. Accordingly

This word is used to express the idea that something is a logical result of something else.

“Accordingly” signifies that the statement that follows is based on what was previously mentioned. It reflects a cause-effect relationship between two points or arguments.

“We have noticed a significant increase in demand for our product. Accordingly , we have decided to increase our production capacity.”
“The weather forecast predicts heavy snowfall. Accordingly , we have postponed the event.”

19. As a result

Similar to “accordingly”, this phrase is used to indicate that something is a consequence of a previous action or situation.

“As a result” introduces the outcome of a given circumstance or set of circumstances, signifying a cause-effect relationship.

“Our competitors have lowered their prices. As a result , we have also decided to adjust our pricing strategy.”
“The new policies were not well received. As a result , the company faced significant backlash from the public.”

20. In short

This phrase is used when you want to summarize a complex idea, argument, or discussion in a concise way.

“In short” helps to condense complex or lengthy explanations into a simpler and shorter summary. It indicates a concise conclusion.

“ In short , the environmental benefits of renewable energy make it a vital component of our fight against climate change.”
“ In short , the project was a success, meeting all its goals and objectives within the allocated time and budget.”

21. In brief

This phrase is used to provide a concise summary of information or to draw a quick conclusion.

“In brief” helps to distill longer discussions or complex arguments into their most critical points. It aims to convey the gist of the matter succinctly.

“ In brief , adopting sustainable practices is not just beneficial for the environment, but it also makes economic sense.”
“ In brief , our research findings confirm the hypothesis that regular exercise can improve mental health.”

22. To summarize

This phrase helps encapsulate the key points discussed in the conversation or writing.

“To summarize” allows the writer to highlight the most important points or findings, reaffirming them for the reader. It reinforces the primary arguments or conclusions.

“ To summarize , we believe investing in renewable energy is a strategic decision that will yield long-term benefits.”
“ To summarize , the data clearly shows an upward trend in consumer demand for eco-friendly products.”

This word is often used to introduce a conclusion or a result based on the previous discussion.

“So” is a simple and effective way to link cause and effect, or problem and solution. It leads the reader directly to the outcome or conclusion.

“The experiment failed to produce the expected results, so we’ll need to revise our approach.”
“Our marketing campaign has been highly successful, so we plan to increase our advertising budget.”

24. Clearly

This word is often used to express that something is obvious or noticeable, especially after analyzing the data or arguments presented.

“Clearly” can emphasize the strength of the evidence or arguments, and it signals confidence in the conclusion.

“ Clearly , our efforts to improve customer service have resulted in higher client satisfaction rates.”
“After reviewing the data, it’s clearly evident that our sales have significantly increased since launching the new product line.”

25. After all

This phrase can be used to emphasize a decisive argument or fact that should be considered.

“After all” often introduces a compelling reason or justification that supports the conclusion. It can help stress the importance of the points previously mentioned.

“We should move forward with the merger, after all , it presents a unique opportunity to expand our market reach.”
“The committee decided to fund the project, after all , it aligns with our goals and has significant potential.”

26. As mentioned earlier

This phrase refers back to something that was stated previously in the conversation or text.

“As mentioned earlier” can be used to re-emphasize an important point or piece of evidence that supports the conclusion. It can reinforce the argument by reminding the reader of what has been discussed previously.

One downside of this is it seems redundant – why are you repeating what you said earlier rather than doing what a conclusion should do: summarizing and synthesizing your points.

“ As mentioned earlier , the correlation between the variables is strong, indicating a significant relationship.”
“ As mentioned earlier , our success is largely due to our dedicated and talented team.”

27. As has been noted

This phrase is often used to restate something important that has been pointed out in the discussion.

“As has been noted” functions similarly to “as mentioned earlier,” serving to underscore a significant point or detail previously discussed. It strengthens the conclusion by referencing crucial information.

As with the phrase “as mentioned earlier”, this one may come across as a redundant phrase and could even signal that you’re repeating yourself rather than adding value through an evaluation or revision exercise.

“ As has been noted , the high turnover rate in the company is a significant concern that requires immediate attention.”
“ As has been noted , the initiative has resulted in substantial benefits for our community.”

28. As has been shown

This phrase is used to reference evidence or arguments that have been presented earlier.

“As has been shown” emphasizes the proof or reasoning that led to the conclusion. It reaffirms the legitimacy of the conclusion based on the presented evidence.

This can also come across as redundant, though.

“ As has been shown , our new marketing strategies have significantly boosted our brand visibility.”
“ As has been shown , the new policy has had a substantial positive impact on our employees’ work-life balance.”

29. As we have seen

Similar to the above, this phrase refers to the evidence or arguments discussed earlier in the text.

“As we have seen” serves to revisit important details or arguments that have been presented. It strengthens the conclusion by directly linking it to the evidence discussed.

“ As we have seen , the implementation of stricter environmental regulations has led to significant improvements in air quality.”
“ As we have seen , investing in staff training and development leads to increased productivity and employee satisfaction.”

30. Given the above points

This phrase is used to draw a conclusion from the arguments or points that have been presented.

“Given these points” signals that the following statement is based on the information discussed earlier. It helps establish a logical connection between the conclusion and the supporting points.

“ Given the above points , it’s clear that we must take immediate action to address the climate crisis.”
“ Given the above points , our company should continue to prioritize customer service as a key aspect of our business strategy.”

31. By and large

This phrase is often used to indicate a general conclusion, considering all the information.

“By and large” is used to sum up general trends or themes that have been discussed. It signals that the conclusion takes into account all the points made, rather than focusing on one particular point.

However, it can come across as a bit informal.

“ By and large , our team’s performance this quarter has exceeded expectations.”
“ By and large , customer feedback about our new product line has been positive.”

32. For the most part

Similar to “by and large”, this phrase indicates that the conclusion drawn applies broadly but allows for exceptions.

“For the most part” suggests a nuanced conclusion that covers the majority of situations or cases but acknowledges that there may be exceptions. It indicates a balanced and fair summary.

This one’s formality level is also quite low

“ For the most part , the new legislation has been successful, though there are a few areas that require further refinement.”
“ For the most part , our employees have embraced the new remote working arrangements, though a small number have experienced challenges.”

33. As has been demonstrated

This phrase refers to the evidence or arguments presented in the body of the text that support the conclusion.

“As has been demonstrated” underscores the points or evidence that have been made and connects them directly to the conclusion. It is a way of affirming the strength of the presented arguments or evidence.

“ As has been demonstrated , the innovative design features of our product set us apart from the competition.”
“ As has been demonstrated , implementing green initiatives in our operations has both environmental and economic benefits.”

34. With this in mind

This phrase suggests that the conclusion follows logically from the information or arguments that have been presented.

“With this in mind” sets up the conclusion as a direct response or reaction to the evidence or points made. It indicates that the conclusion is informed by these considerations.

“ With this in mind , we propose an expansion of our research and development department to drive future innovation.”
“ With this in mind , it’s crucial that we continue our efforts to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable practices.”

35. Taking everything into account

This phrase is used to express a comprehensive conclusion that considers all the arguments, evidence, or factors presented.

“Taking everything into account” shows a thorough and thoughtful conclusion that takes into account all aspects of the discussion. It signifies a balanced and careful consideration of all the relevant information.

“ Taking everything into account , we recommend a strategic pivot towards digital marketing in order to reach a broader audience.”
“ Taking everything into account , our analysis suggests that investing in renewable energy sources would be beneficial for our long-term growth.”

Advanced Transition Phrases for Conclusions

The following are five phrases I personally use in my own academic conclusions, especially for argumentative essays. They’re for advanced students aiming to show depth of knowledge!

36. Based on the available evidence

This phrase is demonstrating that you’re about to sum up the essay’s key arguments. You are saying that you’re making an evaluation after examining all of the evidence and research on the topic. It helps to show your argument is based on evidence , which is good to show in an academic paper.

“ Based on the available evidence , it appears that the best path forward for addressing AI in the workplace is to allow it but regulate it to prevent unwanted negative externalities such as job losses.”
“ Based on the available evidence , teachers should be paid more than they currently are, given that they contribute significantly to social and economic development of societies.”

37. According to the key literature outlined in this paper

Similar to the above example, this one demonstrates that your final decision and thesis statement in your argumentative essay is based on real evidence and research, not just your opinion. So, you could begin your conclusion like this!

“ According to the key literature outlined in this paper , it appears that the best path forward for addressing AI in the workplace is to allow it but regulate it to prevent unwanted negative externalities such as job losses.”
“ According to the key literature outlined in this paper , teachers should be paid more than they currently are, given that they contribute significantly to social and economic development of societies.”

38. From an evaluation of the above arguments

This point doesn’t lean on evidence for your conclusion directly, but it does lean on the culminated evidence of the arguments you’ve put forward. You’re saying that you have put forward a range of arguments, and now, you’re going to powerfully sum them up and present your final thesis statement.

“ From an evaluation of the above arguments , the most compelling argument is that students should still be given homework, despite the fact there is evidence on both sides of the homework argument.”
“ From an evaluation of the above arguments , it is the position of this paper that schools should start later to allow children to sleep in and therefore be more rested when it is time to study.”

39. The balance of evidence finds

This statement highlights that you have looked at both the pros and cons of your topic before coming to a position. The metaphor of ‘balance’ makes us think of someone holding the points for one side of the argument in one hand, the opposing points in the other hand, and they’re weighing each up before deciding which is heavier.

“ The balance of evidence finds that essays help students to reinforce their knowledge, learn more deeply, and develop academic skills.”
“ The balance of evidence finds that taxation should be lowered in order to stimulate economic growth which, on balance, will lead to a more prosperous and thriving society.”

40. The research compellingly indicates

Lastly, the phrase “the research compellingly indicates” can be used in a transition to a conclusion because it demonstrates that you’re about to sum up all the research you’ve just made and you’re going to make a final evaluation.

“ The research compellingly indicates that visiting the doctor for a yearly check-up saves money overall, prevents backlog in hospitals, and prolongs life.”
“ The research compellingly indicates that essay writing helps students to learn their topics more deeply, develop critical thinking skills, and improve long-term retention of knowledge.”

Other Types Of Transition Words

  • Compare and Contrast: In comparison, In contrast, However, Despite this, Other researchers argue, Unlike the above point, Conflicting research finds
  • Cause and Effect : Therefore, Thus, As a result, This has led to, As a result, Because, Consequently, For that reason, Hence, For that reason
  • List Order: First, Second, Third, Forth, In the first instance, In the second instance, Firstly, Secondly, Next, Lastly, Finally
  • Time Order: Afterwards, Concurrently, Later, Meanwhile, Following, In the meantime, Simultaneously, Concomitantly, Subsequently
  • Evidence Transition Words : As can be seen in, To demonstrate, Evidence of this fact can be seen in, Proof of this point is found in, For instance, For one thing, Compelling evidence shows
  • Transitioning to examples : For example, for instance, as illustrated by, take the following case in point.
  • Emphasis and addition : In fact, Indeed, Furthermore, Particularly, Surely, Undeniably, Indesputably, Confirms, Certifies, Proves
  • Similarity: Similarly, In a similar way, Concurring research finds, likewise, equivalently, also, significantly

Well, how would someone conclude an article about how to write a good conclusion? I’ll finish up like this: every conclusion is unique. Work on your own writerly voice, come up with your own transition words for conclusions, and be creative with it. The biggest challenge you will face is staying within the formal guidelines of an academic essay. For this, rely on your teacher. Keep asking for feedback, and even specifically ask for feedback on your transition words. This will help you learn what your teacher prefers and help you to keep refining your writing style.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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5 Examples of Concluding Words for Essays

5 Examples of Concluding Words for Essays

4-minute read

  • 19th September 2022

If you’re a student writing an essay or research paper, it’s important to make sure your points flow together well. You’ll want to use connecting words (known formally as transition signals) to do this. Transition signals like thus , also , and furthermore link different ideas, and when you get to the end of your work, you need to use these to mark your conclusion. Read on to learn more about transition signals and how to use them to conclude your essays.

Transition Signals

Transition signals link sentences together cohesively, enabling easy reading and comprehension. They are usually placed at the beginning of a sentence and separated from the remaining words with a comma. There are several types of transition signals, including those to:

●  show the order of a sequence of events (e.g., first, then, next)

●  introduce an example (e.g., specifically, for instance)

●  indicate a contrasting idea (e.g., but, however, although)

●  present an additional idea (e.g., also, in addition, plus)

●  indicate time (e.g., beforehand, meanwhile, later)

●  compare (e.g., likewise, similarly)

●  show cause and effect (e.g., thus, as a result)

●  mark the conclusion – which we’ll focus on in this guide.

When you reach the end of an essay, you should start the concluding paragraph with a transition signal that acts as a bridge to the summary of your key points. Check out some concluding transition signals below and learn how you can use them in your writing.

To Conclude…

This is a particularly versatile closing statement that can be used for almost any kind of essay, including both formal and informal academic writing. It signals to the reader that you will briefly restate the main idea. As an alternative, you can begin the summary with “to close” or “in conclusion.” In an argumentative piece, you can use this phrase to indicate a call to action or opinion:

To conclude, Abraham Lincoln was the best president because he abolished slavery.

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As Has Been Demonstrated…

To describe how the evidence presented in your essay supports your argument or main idea, begin the concluding paragraph with “as has been demonstrated.” This phrase is best used for research papers or articles with heavy empirical or statistical evidence.

As has been demonstrated by the study presented above, human activities are negatively altering the climate system.

The Above Points Illustrate…

As another transitional phrase for formal or academic work, “the above points illustrate” indicates that you are reiterating your argument and that the conclusion will include an assessment of the evidence you’ve presented.

The above points illustrate that children prefer chocolate over broccoli.

In a Nutshell…

A simple and informal metaphor to begin a conclusion, “in a nutshell” prepares the reader for a summary of your paper. It can work in narratives and speeches but should be avoided in formal situations.

In a nutshell, the Beatles had an impact on musicians for generations to come.

Overall, It Can Be Said…

To recap an idea at the end of a critical or descriptive essay, you can use this phrase at the beginning of the concluding paragraph. “Overall” means “taking everything into account,” and it sums up your essay in a formal way. You can use “overall” on its own as a transition signal, or you can use it as part of a phrase.

Overall, it can be said that art has had a positive impact on humanity.

Proofreading and Editing

Transition signals are crucial to crafting a well-written and cohesive essay. For your next writing assignment, make sure you include plenty of transition signals, and check out this post for more tips on how to improve your writing. And before you turn in your paper, don’t forget to have someone proofread your work. Our expert editors will make sure your essay includes all the transition signals necessary for your writing to flow seamlessly. Send in a free 500-word sample today!

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50 Transitional Phrases for Conclusions(+ Examples You Can Use)

When writing a conclusion, you want to ensure that your final thoughts are clear and concise. Using transitional phrases can help you achieve this by linking your ideas together and making your writing flow smoothly.

Transitional phrases are words or phrases that connect one idea to another, whether it be within a sentence, paragraph, or the entire text. They signal to the reader that you are moving on to a new point or summarizing the previous one.

There are various types of transitional phrases that can be used in a conclusion. Some examples include:

  • Conclusion phrases: These phrases signal that you are wrapping up your thoughts and ending your discussion. Examples include “in conclusion,” “to sum up,” and “finally.”
  • Summary phrases: These phrases are used to summarize the main points discussed in the text. Examples include “in summary,” “to summarize,” and “overall.”
  • Transition words: These are words that connect two ideas together. Examples include “however,” “therefore,” and “moreover.”

It is important to use transitional phrases appropriately and sparingly. Overusing them can make your writing appear choppy and disjointed. Additionally, not all conclusions require the use of transitional phrases. If your ideas flow naturally from one to the next, you may not need to use them at all.

Transitional Phrases for Conclusions

When writing an essay or a speech, it is important to use transitional phrases to signal that you are reaching the end of your argument or presentation. These phrases help to summarize your main points and prepare your audience for the conclusion.

Here are some transitional phrases that you can use for conclusions:

  • In conclusion
  • To conclude
  • As a result
  • Consequently

These phrases can be used to signal that you are about to wrap up your argument or presentation. They help to guide your audience to your final thoughts and summarize the main points you have made throughout your work.

It’s important to note that these phrases should be used sparingly and appropriately. Overusing them can make your writing or speech sound repetitive and amateurish. Use them only when necessary to signal that you are reaching the end of your argument or presentation.

In addition to these phrases, you can also use other techniques to signal the end of your work. For example, you can use a rhetorical question to provoke thought or a call to action to encourage your audience to take action based on your argument.

50  Transition Phrases for Conclusions(+Examples)

  • In short, the program has been a huge success.
  • In short, we face challenges, but we’re equipped to overcome them.
  • In brief, the study covers several key points about environmental impacts.
  • In brief, the team has made remarkable progress this quarter.
  • To summarize, our findings suggest new approaches are necessary.
  • To summarize, the market trends indicate a shift towards sustainability.
  • So, we must take immediate action to address these concerns.
  • So, this evidence clearly points to the need for reform.
  • In conclusion, the evidence overwhelmingly supports the theory of climate change.
  • In conclusion, this study demonstrates the need for more research in this area.
  • To sum up, both arguments have their merits, but the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
  • To sum up, our team’s success was due to hard work and dedication.
  • In summary, the findings suggest a significant correlation between diet and health.
  • In summary, this project has shown promising results for future development.
  • All in all, the festival was a fantastic experience, despite the minor setbacks.
  • All in all, the company’s performance this quarter has been remarkable.
  • Ultimately, the decision rests on what is best for the community.
  • Ultimately, our goal is to achieve a sustainable future.
  • Therefore, it is essential to adopt new policies to address these issues.
  • Therefore, we recommend implementing these strategies immediately.
  • Hence, the study concludes that more targeted interventions are necessary.
  • Hence, the team decided to change its approach.
  • Consequently, the species’ population has shown a significant increase.
  • Consequently, there has been a noticeable improvement in air quality.
  • Thus, the experiment successfully proves our hypothesis.
  • Thus, it’s evident that early intervention is key to success.
  • This essay’s final analysis is that social factors significantly impact learning.
  • This essay’s final analysis is that technological advancements have both pros and cons.
  • On the whole, the new policy has been beneficial to the majority.
  • On the whole, the conference provided valuable insights into the industry.
  • To conclude, further research in this field is absolutely crucial.
  • To conclude, our findings support the need for more comprehensive regulations.
  • To recap, the main points discussed highlight the need for change.
  • To recap, we have covered the historical background and current trends.
  • In essence, the theory simplifies a complex set of phenomena.
  • In essence, our mission is to empower the community.
  • In retrospect, the decision made was the best under those circumstances.
  • In retrospect, the project taught us valuable lessons about teamwork.
  • Overall, the campaign was a resounding success.
  • Overall, the results exceeded our initial expectations.
  • Finally, we would like to thank everyone who contributed to this project.
  • Finally, after much deliberation, the committee reached a consensus.
  • Accordingly, the plan was adjusted to better meet our goals.
  • Accordingly, resources will be reallocated to prioritize this initiative.
  • As a result, there has been a significant decrease in reported issues.
  • As a result, customer satisfaction has improved dramatically.
  • Clearly, the data shows a trend that cannot be ignored.
  • Clearly, our efforts have had a positive impact on the community.
  • After all, the most important thing is the wellbeing of our staff.
  • After all, our hard work has led to these remarkable results.
  • As mentioned earlier, the strategy needs to align with our objectives.
  • As mentioned earlier, these issues have been persistent for some time.
  • As has been noted, there are several limitations to this study.
  • As has been noted, the company has made significant strides in innovation.
  • As has been shown, the new approach yielded positive outcomes.
  • As has been shown, community engagement is crucial for success.
  • As we have seen, the historical context is essential for understanding this issue.
  • As we have seen, technological advancements are rapidly changing the industry.
  • Given the above points, it’s clear that a new strategy is needed.
  • Given the above points, the benefits of the proposed plan are evident.
  • By and large, the feedback on the project has been overwhelmingly positive.
  • By and large, trends indicate a growing interest in sustainable practices.
  • For the most part, the team’s efforts have been successful.
  • For the most part, the data supports our initial hypothesis.
  • As has been demonstrated, effective communication is key to success.
  • As has been demonstrated, the model accurately predicts market trends.
  • With this in mind, we must carefully plan our next steps.
  • With this in mind, the focus will be on increasing efficiency.
  • Taking everything into account, the decision was not an easy one.
  • Taking everything into account, we are confident in our future direction.
  • Considering all of these points, the committee decided to revise its approach.
  • Considering all of these points, it is evident that our strategy is working.
  • Reflecting on these facts, it’s clear that our efforts are having an impact.
  • Reflecting on these facts, we see that continuous improvement is necessary.
  • Given this evidence, we must reconsider our current policies.
  • Given this evidence, it’s apparent that the program is effective.
  • Bearing this in mind, our focus should shift towards customer satisfaction.
  • Bearing this in mind, we need to adjust our expectations accordingly.
  • Considering this, it’s imperative that we act quickly to implement changes.
  • Considering this, our plan must be flexible enough to accommodate new data.
  • With regard to these points, the data suggests a need for a new approach.
  • With regard to these points, our team’s strategy has been largely successful.
  • Upon reflecting, it’s evident that teamwork played a crucial role in our success.
  • Upon reflecting, the challenges faced were significant but surmountable.
  • Taking this into consideration, our next steps should be carefully planned.
  • Taking this into consideration, the project’s scope may need to be expanded.
  • Drawing from these conclusions, it’s clear that more research is needed.
  • Drawing from these conclusions, our approach has proven effective.
  • From this perspective, the long-term benefits of the project are clear.
  • From this perspective, we can see the importance of continuous innovation.
  • Looking back on this, the progress we’ve made is substantial.
  • Looking back on this, lessons learned will inform our future strategies.
  • Upon examination, the results support the need for more targeted efforts.
  • Upon examination, our strategies have been effective in several key areas.
  • In light of these facts, a revision of our strategy is advisable.
  • In light of these facts, the success of the initiative is undeniable.
  • After considering all these factors, the decision was unanimous.
  • After considering all these factors, our path forward is clear.
  • Having discussed all these points, it’s time to make a decision.
  • Having discussed all these points, the direction for the future is set.

Transitional Phrases for Adding Information

When writing a conclusion, it is important to add information that supports your thesis statement. Transitional phrases can help you do this by linking your ideas together and making your writing more coherent. Here are some transitional phrases that you can use to add information to your conclusion:

  • First: Use this phrase to introduce the first point that supports your thesis statement. For example, “First, it is important to consider the impact of climate change on our planet.”
  • Second: Use this phrase to introduce the second point that supports your thesis statement. For example, “Second, we need to take action to reduce our carbon footprint.”
  • Third: Use this phrase to introduce the third point that supports your thesis statement. For example, “Third, we must work together to create a sustainable future for generations to come.”
  • Addition: Use this phrase to add more information to support your previous point. For example, “In addition, recent studies have shown that global temperatures are rising at an alarming rate.”
  • In addition: Use this phrase to add more information to your previous point. For example, “In addition, we need to invest in renewable energy sources to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.”
  • Moreover: Use this phrase to add more information that strengthens your argument. For example, “Moreover, the use of electric cars can help reduce air pollution in our cities.”
  • Furthermore: Use this phrase to add more information that supports your argument. For example, “Furthermore, investing in public transportation can help reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality.”
  • Also: Use this phrase to add more information that supports your argument. For example, “Also, we need to educate people about the importance of recycling and reducing waste.”
  • Too: Use this phrase to add more information that supports your argument. For example, “We need to reduce our carbon footprint, and we can do so by using energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs, too.”
  • Another: Use this phrase to add another point that supports your thesis statement. For example, “Another way to reduce our carbon footprint is by planting more trees, which absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.”
  • For example: Use this phrase to provide an example that supports your argument. For example, “For example, the city of Copenhagen has set a goal to become carbon-neutral by 2025.”
  • For instance: Use this phrase to provide an example that supports your argument. For example, “For instance, the use of solar panels can help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.”
  • Especially: Use this phrase to emphasize a point that supports your argument. For example, “Especially in urban areas, we need to invest in green spaces to improve air quality and reduce the urban heat island effect.”
  • Particularly: Use this phrase to emphasize a point that supports your argument. For example, “Particularly in developing countries, we need to promote sustainable agriculture practices to reduce deforestation and soil degradation.”
  • Indeed: Use this phrase to emphasize a point that supports your argument. For example, “Indeed, the evidence shows that climate change is a real and urgent threat to our planet.”
  • In fact: Use this phrase to provide a fact that supports your argument. For example, “In fact, the burning of fossil fuels is the main contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.”

Transitional Phrases for Comparing and Contrasting

When writing an essay or article, it is important to compare and contrast different ideas or concepts. Transitional phrases can help you do this effectively by guiding the reader through your thought process. Here are some transitional phrases that you can use to compare and contrast different ideas:

  • Contrast: If you want to highlight the differences between two ideas, you can use transitional phrases such as “on the other hand” or “however”. For example, “The new product is cheaper than the old one. However, it is not as durable.”
  • Like/Likewise/Similarly: If you want to show that two ideas are similar, you can use transitional phrases such as “like”, “likewise”, or “similarly”. For example, “Both products are made from organic materials. Likewise, they are both environmentally friendly.”
  • On the contrary: If you want to show that two ideas are opposite, you can use transitional phrases such as “on the contrary”. For example, “Some people believe that technology will save the world. On the contrary, others believe that technology is destroying the planet.”
  • Despite/Nevertheless: If you want to show that two ideas are contradictory, you can use transitional phrases such as “despite” or “nevertheless”. For example, “Despite the fact that the new product is more expensive, it is still selling well.”
  • While/Equally: If you want to show that two ideas are of equal importance, you can use transitional phrases such as “while” or “equally”. For example, “While the new product is more expensive, it is also more durable.”

Using transitional phrases can help you compare and contrast different ideas in a clear and concise manner. By using these phrases, you can guide the reader through your thought process and make your writing more engaging and informative.

Transitional Phrases for Cause and Effect

When writing an article or essay, it is important to use transitional phrases to link ideas and concepts. One of the most commonly used types of transitional phrases is the cause-and-effect transitional phrase. These phrases help to connect two events or actions and describe how one event or action led to another.

Some of the most commonly used transitional phrases for cause and effect include “cause,” “result,” “because,” “as a result,” “consequently,” “hence,” “thus,” and “cause and effect.” These phrases can be used at the beginning of a sentence to indicate the cause of an event or action, or at the end of a sentence to indicate the effect of an event or action.

For example, you can use the transitional phrase “because” to indicate the cause of an event or action. For instance, “Because of the heavy rain, the streets were flooded.” Here, the cause of the flooded streets is heavy rain.

Another commonly used transitional phrase for cause and effect is “as a result.” For example, “The company experienced a loss of profits this quarter. As a result, they are considering cutting back on expenses.” Here, the effect of the loss of profits is the company’s decision to cut back on expenses.

In addition to “cause” and “result,” other transitional phrases that can be used to indicate cause and effect include “consequently,” “hence,” and “thus.” These transitional phrases are useful for indicating the relationship between two events or actions.

Transitional Phrases for Time and Sequence

When you are writing about a sequence of events, transitional words and phrases can help you order things chronologically. Without these time order words, it can be difficult for your reader to logically follow what you are saying. Here are some transitional phrases for time and sequence that you can use in your writing:

  • Subsequently

Using these transitional phrases for time and sequence can help you structure your writing in a clear and organized way. For example, if you are writing a process essay, you can use these phrases to describe each step of the process in a logical order.

In addition to using transitional phrases, it’s important to make sure that your writing is clear and concise. Avoid using overly complex sentences or jargon that might confuse your reader. Instead, use simple language that is easy to understand.

Transitional Phrases for Concluding Thoughts

When writing an essay or a speech, it is essential to conclude your thoughts in a clear and concise manner. Transitional phrases can help you achieve this by linking your ideas together and providing a smooth transition to your conclusion. Here are some transitional phrases that you can use for concluding thoughts:

  • To conclude: This phrase is a straightforward way to signal that you are about to summarize your main points and reach a conclusion. It is a great transitional phrase to use when you want to wrap up your thoughts.
  • To summarize: Similar to “to conclude,” this phrase is an excellent way to signal that you are about to summarize your main points. It is a slightly more formal way to conclude your thoughts.
  • In summary: This phrase is a concise way to summarize the main points of your essay or speech. It is a great transitional phrase to use when you want to wrap up your thoughts quickly.
  • To sum up: This phrase is another concise way to summarize your main points. It is a great transitional phrase to use when you want to emphasize the most important points of your essay or speech.
  • Overall: This phrase is a great way to signal that you are about to provide a general overview of your essay or speech. It is a great transitional phrase to use when you want to emphasize the most important points of your thoughts.
  • Finally: This phrase is a great way to signal that you are about to reach a conclusion. It is a great transitional phrase to use when you want to emphasize the finality of your thoughts.
  • Hence, thus, therefore: These phrases are all great ways to signal a cause-and-effect relationship between your ideas. They are great transitional phrases to use when you want to emphasize the logical progression of your thoughts. .

Practical Examples of Transitional Phrases

When it comes to writing conclusions, transitional phrases can help you effectively summarize your main points and leave a lasting impression on your reader. Here are some practical examples of transitional phrases that you can use to make your writing more cohesive and engaging:

  • In conclusion: This is a classic transitional phrase that signals the end of your discussion. It helps to summarize your main points and leave a lasting impression on your reader. For example, “In conclusion, it is clear that climate change is a pressing issue that requires immediate action from policymakers and individuals alike.”
  • To sum up: This transitional phrase is similar to “in conclusion” and can be used to restate your main points. For example, “To sum up, the evidence suggests that regular exercise can have a positive impact on mental health.”
  • In summary: This phrase is useful for providing a brief overview of your main points. For example, “In summary, the research indicates that social media use can have both positive and negative effects on mental health.”
  • To illustrate: Use this phrase to provide examples that support your main points. For example, “To illustrate, studies have shown that meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety.”
  • In other words: This phrase is useful for restating your ideas in a different way. For example, “In other words, the study suggests that there is a strong correlation between sleep deprivation and poor academic performance.”
  • As a result: This phrase is useful for discussing the consequences of your main points. For example, “As a result, it is important for individuals to make a conscious effort to reduce their carbon footprint.”

By incorporating these transitional phrases into your writing, you can effectively summarize your main points and leave a lasting impression on your reader. Whether you are writing an essay, paper, or discussion post, these practical examples can help you elevate your writing and make it more cohesive and engaging.

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Conclusions wrap up what you have been discussing in your paper. After moving from general to specific information in the introduction and body paragraphs, your conclusion should begin pulling back into more general information that restates the main points of your argument. Conclusions may also call for action or overview future possible research. The following outline may help you conclude your paper:

In a general way,

  • Restate your topic and why it is important,
  • Restate your thesis/claim,
  • Address opposing viewpoints and explain why readers should align with your position,
  • Call for action or overview future research possibilities.

Remember that once you accomplish these tasks, unless otherwise directed by your instructor, you are finished. Done. Complete. Don't try to bring in new points or end with a whiz bang(!) conclusion or try to solve world hunger in the final sentence of your conclusion. Simplicity is best for a clear, convincing message.

The preacher's maxim is one of the most effective formulas to follow for argument papers:

Tell what you're going to tell them (introduction).

Tell them (body).

Tell them what you told them (conclusion).

When did the Holocaust End? Examining the Conclusion of a Dark Era and its Lasting Impact on World History

This essay about the Holocaust explores the dual themes of human depravity and resilience. It discusses the relentless continuation of the Nazi genocide as World War II was ending and the liberation of concentration camps by Allied forces. The essay also covers the Nuremberg Trials, the challenges survivors faced post-Holocaust, and the ongoing issues of anti-Semitism and genocide. It emphasizes the importance of remembrance and education to ensure that such atrocities are not forgotten or repeated.

How it works

The Holocaust stands as a profound testament to both the darkest capabilities of human nature and the extraordinary resilience inherent in the human spirit. As World War II neared its end, the relentless machinery of the Nazi genocide continued unabated, despite the shifting tides of battle. The encroachment of Allied forces into Nazi-occupied lands brought with it a sliver of hope in a period overshadowed by immense darkness. The liberation of the concentration camps underscored the resilience of the human spirit, as Allied troops were met with harrowing scenes of immense suffering endured by countless individuals.

The liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau on January 27, 1945, marked a critical juncture in history. Soviet forces dismantled the camp’s ominous barbed wire and unlocked the gates to reveal chilling evidence of the atrocities committed—starved prisoners, horrific gas chambers, and the overwhelming smell of death. This scene was replicated as additional camps such as Bergen-Belsen, Dachau, and Buchenwald were liberated by Allied forces.

The termination of the Holocaust did not herald a straightforward conclusion but initiated a prolonged period of justice-seeking and healing. The Nuremberg Trials, convened in the aftermath, attempted to deliver justice to the architects of Nazi horrors. However, the trials also illustrated the profound difficulty of administering justice in response to such vast and heinous crimes, highlighting the fragility and limitations of legal systems against the backdrop of mass atrocities.

For the survivors, the post-Holocaust era posed new challenges as they sought to reconstruct their lives amidst the remnants of war and the persistent echoes of trauma. The psychological scars left by their experiences created lasting impacts that extended into subsequent generations.

Moreover, the end of the Holocaust did not extinguish the fires of anti-Semitism nor prevent future genocides. Despite the solemn vow of “Never Again,” the world has witnessed recurring instances of mass violence and ethnic cleansing since then. The enduring lessons of the Holocaust—spotlighting the dangers of hatred, bigotry, and indifference—remain crucially important in the modern era.

Reflecting on the Holocaust’s aftermath calls for a renewed commitment to remembrance and education, ensuring that the tragedies endured are neither forgotten nor repeated.

Ultimately, the conclusion of the Holocaust did not signify an end but the beginning of an ongoing journey toward recovery, understanding, and hope. As we navigate the shadows cast by this part of our history, we must continue to shine a light on the path ahead with dedication to remembrance, resilience, and a steadfast resolve to never forget.


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When Did the Holocaust End? Examining the Conclusion of a Dark Era and Its Lasting Impact on World History. (2024, May 12). Retrieved from

"When Did the Holocaust End? Examining the Conclusion of a Dark Era and Its Lasting Impact on World History." , 12 May 2024, (2024). When Did the Holocaust End? Examining the Conclusion of a Dark Era and Its Lasting Impact on World History . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 15 May. 2024]

"When Did the Holocaust End? Examining the Conclusion of a Dark Era and Its Lasting Impact on World History.", May 12, 2024. Accessed May 15, 2024.

"When Did the Holocaust End? Examining the Conclusion of a Dark Era and Its Lasting Impact on World History," , 12-May-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 15-May-2024] (2024). When Did the Holocaust End? Examining the Conclusion of a Dark Era and Its Lasting Impact on World History . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 15-May-2024]

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How to convert text to PowerPoint

Want to use an existing doc to give you a jumpstart on creating your slideshow? We’ll show you a few ways to convert text to PowerPoint both online and on your desktop.

conclusion example words

One of the best ways to get a jumpstart on creating a slideshow is by using existing content. You may have a text, Word, or PDF file that has the text you need for your slides. Using any of the three methods listed here, you can convert text to PowerPoint easily.

Note : If you use Microsoft Word on the web, you may notice an option to export the document to a PowerPoint presentation. However, as of this writing, the feature does not work consistently.

Method 1: Convert text to slides with Plus AI

Using Plus AI for Google Slides and Docs , you can upload a file or paste the text. So, you can use whichever is quickest or easiest at the time. Then, simply download the slideshow and open it in PowerPoint.

  • Visit Google Slides , sign in, and create a Blank presentation.
  • Open Extensions , select Plus AI , and pick New presentation with Plus AI .

conclusion example words

  • Select New presentation on the left and optionally, choose a template to get started.

conclusion example words

  • Pick Upload a file and then Choose file . You can use a Word, PDF, PowerPoint, or text file. Alternatively, click Paste in text if you want to go that route.

conclusion example words

  • Make any other adjustments you like and click Generate Presentation .

conclusion example words

  • When your slideshow appears, you can make any changes you like and also use Plus AI to add more slides, rewrite your content, or remix the slide layout.

conclusion example words

  • To download your presentation as a PowerPoint , go to File > Download and pick Microsoft PowerPoint .

conclusion example words

You can then open your downloaded file in PowerPoint.

conclusion example words

Tip : You can also enter a prompt or instructions and let the Plus AI create the content for your slideshow!

Method 2: Convert a Word outline to PowerPoint on the desktop

If you use Microsoft Office on your desktop, you can import an outline to PowerPoint using a Word document.

  • Start by creating the outline for your presentation using the Outline View in Word. Go to the View tab and pick Outline in the Views section of the ribbon.

conclusion example words

  • Use Level 1 for each slide title and subsequent levels for the slide content. Using an example shown below, there are three Level 1 statements beginning with “How to” which will produce three sides. Then, each “Steps for” statement is Level 2 for the content on the corresponding Level 1 slide.

conclusion example words

  • Save and close the Word document; you cannot import it into PowerPoint if the file is open.
  • Launch PowerPoint and create a new slideshow or open an existing one.
  • Go to either the Home or Insert tab, open the New Slide menu, and pick Slides from Outline .

conclusion example words

  • Browse for, select the Word outline document, and click Insert .

conclusion example words

You’ll then see your outline transformed into a PowerPoint slideshow where you can then spruce it up, add more slides, or make whatever edits you like.

conclusion example words

Remember, if you want to intelligently transform text into a presentation, you can use an attractive template with Plus AI and save time from trying to enhance the appearance later.

Method 3: Convert text to PowerPoint with a file converter

One more way to quickly transform text into a PowerPoint slideshow is using an online file converter . By uploading a Word document, text file, or PDF, you can convert the text into a PowerPoint file and download it.

There are several free tools for this task including Convertio and CloudConvert. As an example, we’ll use Convertio.

  • Visit Convertio and confirm you’re on the Online Presentation Converter page.
  • Use Choose Files to upload the document from your computer, Dropbox, or Google Drive.

conclusion example words

  • When the file displays, choose PPT or PPTX per your preference in the drop-down menu to the right.
  • Select Convert .

conclusion example words

  • When the conversion completes, click Download to obtain the file.
  • Access the Downloads in your web browser or head to your Downloads folder and open the file.

You’ll then have your document converted to a PowerPoint presentation where you can adjust the appearance, change the slide size, and add media.

conclusion example words

Depending on the format of your original document, this might not be what you’re looking for. In that case, you might want to use one of Plus AI’s free presentation converter tools that will intelligently use AI to convert your PDF or Word documents into presentations .

Alternatively, you can sign up for the Plus AI add-on and use all of these features directly in Google Slides. 

If you want to convert text to PowerPoint for a head start on your presentation, these different methods should have you covered. For flexibility, templates, and editing tools, Plus AI is the perfect option, but you can also import a Word outline or use an online file converter if you prefer.

Can ChatGPT convert text to PPT?

You can use ChatGPT to generate the content for your PowerPoint presentation. Check out our how-to for creating a PowerPoint slideshow with ChatGPT for complete details.

How do I copy text from Word to PowerPoint?

If you only want to add a certain portion of text from a Word document to a PowerPoint slide, you can simply copy and paste it.

Open both documents, select the text in Word, and right-click to pick Copy . Go to the slide in PowerPoint, place your cursor where you want the text, and right-click to pick one of the Paste Special options.

How to convert a PDF to PowerPoint?

You can turn a PDF into a PowerPoint presentation easily using Plus AI in Google Slides. Then, simply download the file and open it in PowerPoint.

In Google Slides, open Extensions > Plus AI > New presentation with Plus AI . Select Upload a file , choose your PDF, and follow the remaining prompts. Then, pick File > Download > Microsoft PowerPoint to obtain your presentation.

conclusion example words

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Coming out of the ashes we rise: Experiences of culturally and linguistically diverse international nursing students at two Australian universities during the Covid-19 pandemic

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  • ORCID record for Fatch Kalembo
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Background and aim: Research on international students conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic has persistently highlighted the vulnerabilities and challenges that they experienced when staying in the host country to continue with their studies. The findings from such research can inevitably create a negative image of international students and their ability to respond to challenges during unprecedented times. Therefore, this paper took a different stance and reported on a qualitative study that explored culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) international nursing students who overcame the challenges brought about by the pandemic to continue with their studies in Australia. Method: A descriptive qualitative research design guided by the processes of constructivist grounded theory was selected to ascertain insights from participants' experiences of studying abroad in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: Three themes emerged from the collected data that described the participants' lived experiences, and they were: 1) Viewing international education as the pursuit of a better life, 2) Focusing on personal growth, and 3) Coming out of the ashes we rise. Discussion: The findings highlight the importance of recognising the investments and sacrifices that CaLD international students and their families make in pursuit of international tertiary education. The findings also underscore the importance of acknowledging the qualities that CaLD international students have to achieve self-growth and ultimately self-efficacy as they stay in the host country during a pandemic. Conclusion: Future research should focus on identifying strategies that are useful for CaLD international nursing students to experience personal growth and ultimately self-efficacy and continue with their studies in the host country during times of uncertainty such as a pandemic.

Competing Interest Statement

The authors have declared no competing interest.

Funding Statement

This study did not receive any funding

Author Declarations

I confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.

The details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:

Ethical approval was obtained from Curtin University Human Research Ethics Office (HRE2022-0238) and The University of Southern Queensland Ethical Review Committee (H22REA114).

I confirm that all necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived, and that any patient/participant/sample identifiers included were not known to anyone (e.g., hospital staff, patients or participants themselves) outside the research group so cannot be used to identify individuals.

I understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).

I have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines, such as any relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material, if applicable.

Data Availability

All data produced in the present study are available upon reasonable request to the authors

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    Background and aim: Research on international students conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic has persistently highlighted the vulnerabilities and challenges that they experienced when staying in the host country to continue with their studies. The findings from such research can inevitably create a negative image of international students and their ability to respond to challenges during ...