dissertation book cover

How to design a great thesis cover (Ultimate guide)

Picture of Typesettr

  • July 19, 2023

woman-hands-holding-stack-books (1)

I could write an entire book just on book covers. It’s a deeply interesting subject with a wealth of both art and data behind it…but I won’t do that to you, because you probably don’t care.

Instead, I’m going to make this as simple as possible for you to get your dissertation cover design right.

This chapter will walk you through what you need to know about book covers, why you need a book cover designer, how to find a good one, how to work with them to ensure they create the cover you want, and how to make sure you have the right cover when the process is done.

  • What You Need to Know About Thesis Covers

What to Do Before You Hire a Dissertation Cover Designer

How do you find a thesis cover designer.

  • How Do You Work With Your Dissertation Cover Designer?
  • How Can You Check If You Have a Good Thesis Cover Design?

There are three big principles you need to know:

1. Your book will be judged by its cover (and that’s good)

We all know the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” But that’s not the reality of life, is it?

Everyone judges books by their covers. Especially your dissertation.

In fact, we almost cannot biologically stop ourselves. Humans are visual creatures. We see our way through the world, and vision is our defining sense. Humans can be immediately reached, engaged, and moved by color and shape because these images enter the brain literally at light speed. This is the power of design.

Here’s the thing:  it’s good news that people judge your book by the cover . Otherwise, they might not make any judgment at all, and no judgment means they aren’t buying or reading it.

Can you imagine walking through a bookstore that had covers with no information on it other than the title? Or browsing Amazon and looking only at book titles? That would make book-buying decisions much more difficult.

People will judge your book cover and use that judgment to evaluate whether they want to buy it. This is a chance to win a reader, and reach the exact who needs to read your book .

dissertation book cover

2. You should not design your own dissertation book cover

When you want a bottle of beer, do you brew it yourself?

When you want a new coat, do you sew it yourself?

When you need a new bar of soap, do you make it yourself?

No. You buy those things from people who are experts at making them.

Thesis covers are no different. You should not design your thesis cover yourself. You should have your book cover designed by a professional to get a professional cover.

This is for the same reason that most people don’t make homebrewed beer even though it’s not terribly complicated, and why no one wears homemade clothes, even though they’re easy to make—they’re awful when compared to the professional alternatives.

The only real difference between beer and coats, and book covers is that some people think they can design their own book covers, even if they really can’t.

For some reason I can’t understand, many authors think they are also designers. I don’t know if it’s that design software is fun to use, or that great design has a simplicity to it that belies its difficulty, but let me be very clear about something:

Unless you are a multi-year dissertation designer with 400+ titles in your portfolio, you should not be designing your own cover.

3. There are objectively good and bad book covers

Book cover design is not completely subjective. There are good and bad book covers, and a good designer can clearly tell you the difference between them.

This is because a book cover is a piece of art with a specific purpose:

Book covers exist to give visual form to written content.

A great cover makes someone in your intended audience say “I need to read that,” by  showing  them why the book matters to them in a way they can immediately grasp (or at least raising their interest enough to want to learn more). It should help your audience realize that they should be reading your book.

Another way to think about it is framed by Chip Kidd, a famous book cover designer, who said that “ a book cover is a distillation of the content, almost like what your book would look like as a haiku. ”

That being said, a good book cover is not just an expression of the idea behind a book, it’s the way the audience first engages that idea.

It’s marketing. And that is how you measure an objectively good book cover:

A good book shows what’s in the book, and makes the audience interested in reading it.

dissertation book cover

Now you understand what purpose a cover serves and why a professional book cover is important, you’re ready to find a good book cover designer and hire them, right?

Not so fast.

The main problem book designers have with authors is poor communication. The author has no idea what they want or has vague, ambiguous cover ideas, and the two never get on the same page.

You can avoid this problem by doing some work prior to finding a book cover designer. Not only will this result in a better cover, but it can also save you a lot of money.

1. Look at lots of thesis covers, both in your field and out

The first thing to do is get an idea of what other books in your field are like, and maybe get some ideas from them.

Go to your universities online library and search in the category your book falls into. Search Pinterest for artsier titles if you’d like. If you want a classic, look to Bookcoverarchive.com for the best, most avant-garde titles.

Once you spend some time looking at a lot of dissertation covers in your genre, you’ll be shocked at how repetitive they are. That’s common.

Don’t feel bad about using some of these tropes—they exist for a reason, and they will help you, actually. It is a good thing for people to be able to identify your thesis as being in the genre you want to be in.

It’s also important to look at books in lots of other fields to get ideas as well. Just because your book is about psychology doesn’t mean you have to use the same tropes as all psychology books; you can use some ideas from business or self-help books, or even novels.

Also, don’t feel bad about taking inspiration from your favorite books. Great art and design don’t magically appear in a vacuum. They have to be born of some inspiration point.

dissertation book cover

2. Narrow down to a few covers that have elements of what you want

As you look through the hundreds of covers, save a few examples of the ones you really like, or ones that have elements that you really like. The reason you’re doing this should be obvious: you need to  show  your designer what you like (not just try to describe it).

Save the links or images and send them to your designer. A picture is worth a thousand words, which is worth massive savings in your time and money. Designers see the world visually, and the best way to get a point across to them is to show them.

At Typesettr, we have an onboarding process designed to help you get the right information prepared in your cover briefing which can be discussed with your designer.

3. Pick brands or other pieces of art that capture your aesthetic

Don’t just look at covers. Pull in logos, websites, art, photos, or pretty much any image you can find that’s in some way similar to what you want on your thesis cover.

Remember that design is everywhere. Do you love the clean, light simplicity of the Apple logo? Or are your more into the zany black and green playfulness of Android?

You are essentially creating a collage (some people call this a mood board) of visual inspiration and ideas that can help your designer understand how to best get your researches’s message across to your audience.

There are many places to hire book cover designers. We’re going to break them down by price point, and as always, priciest is best. You get what you pay for. Designers who are able to charge 2k and up for the services, do so because their designs SELL.

1. Independent Designer (€150-2000+):

The highest quality option is always to hire an independent thesis cover designer. Many of the best book cover designers in the world, who work regularly with major publishing houses, are available to hire on a freelance basis.

There are a few ways to find these people. One of the best options is Reedsy, a freelance marketplace designed specifically for authors. The other option is to go to more general design sites, like Behance or Dribbble, and search for book designers there. They can be a bit slow to respond and difficult to get in touch with, but the quality there is outstanding as well.

But the best method is to look inside your favorite books, and see who designed the cover. Then google their name–more than half the time, you’ll find their design site and can contact them directly.

2. 99Designs (€300-600+):

99Designs (and similar sites like Crowdspring) can work sometimes, at least to get decent designs.

On 99Designs, you post a detailed brief with all the technical parameters and visual examples you pulled, and then their designers read this information and post their work. Dozens of designers take your brief, design a cover, and post it for your approval. You then have the option to choose the winning designer to take the cover from, or, if you don’t like any of the designs, get a full refund with no hassle.

99Designs is great as a first option to test if a great cover would be worth the money to you. That way you can see the designs, get some ideas, and hopefully find a great cover. But, if not, no harm, and you can go back to the drawing board with the other options.

We’d recommend doing the Silver contest (which costs $499). The lower end contests really repel the better designers on the site, and the higher-end ones don’t seem to garner much higher quality (and actually tend to get fewer submissions).

3. Upwork (€50-500+):

The next step up the quality ladder would be a freelance network like Upwork. The overall quality of Upwork is not high, but there are some quality designers hidden on there. Expect to take your time to find the right person on one of these sites, but you will be able to find them. Job ads typically get dozens if not hundreds of responses, and designers typically link a portfolio of past work.

Screen out anyone with more than a few negative reviews, and then focus 100% of your screening time on judging their portfolios. Do a side by side comparison of the covers you liked when you did your research on Amazon. Do they appear to be of similar quality? If you can’t tell, ask a friend who understands the basics of design.

Portfolios are the only thing that gives you a real picture of the quality of their work. If you like their past work, you’ll probably like their future work. Everything else is just marketing.

4. Fiverr ($5-50):

Fiverr is a marketplace of services available for $5 or so. There are a ton of book cover designers on Fiverr, but almost all of them are absolute garbage.

I’ve never used Fiverr for cover design, but friends have been able to find a couple of designers who are good.

What happens is that a new designer will do a great job, get a ton of 5-star reviews, and then disappear to another site where they can charge more than $5 for their work. Think of it this way. If someone has any design talent, why would they work for $5 a cover?

5. DIY ($0):

If you do this, do so at your own risk, and you will get precisely what you pay for. How Do You Work With Your Thesis Cover Designer?

Once you’ve picked a designer and negotiated price, then comes a discussion of your cover idea. Here is where all that work you did before comes into play.

1. Schedule the first call for phone or video

Schedule your first call to be phone or video. Email is very hard to effectively communicate with strangers, especially about abstract concepts like design.

2. Send them the covers and logos you liked before the call

Prior to the call, send them a cover design brief. This should include all the book covers you like, all the logos and other pictures you like, and everything else you assembled. Do this at least a day ahead of time, designers like to have time to digest images and ideas.

3. Explain your thinking

Once on the call, walk them through your thinking:

  • Start with explaining who is your target reader.
  • Then, explain what you like and dislike about each cover.
  • Talk about what you want your cover to feel like.
  • Discuss the signals you are trying to send to your audience.
  • If you can, discuss the emotions you want your reader to feel when they see the cover.

The more you explain all of your thinking to the cover designer, the better they will do.

4. Ask for at least 3 mock-ups

This should be standard for good book cover designers. They will come up with an array of ideas and show you at least 3 different ones.

5. Give constructive notes on the mock-ups

Once you get the mock-ups back, if one jumps out at you, great. Give specific notes and feedback to get it where you want, and then you’re done.

If you aren’t happy with any of the covers, that’s OK too. Get back on the phone with the designer, and–while being polite–be as specific as possible about what you would like different.

This is not about getting angry or frustrated with the cover designer. They aren’t in your head, and if their mock-ups did not fit your vision, that’s OK. Just be clearer and more methodical in your description, and you’ll get there.

Remember this: your cover designer is a human who has feelings, but also a professional that wants to do a great job. You are both on the same team. You can be firm, but also polite and understanding.

How Can You Check If You Have a Good Dissertation Cover?

Once you have a cover, or you think you have one, here are the questions to ask to check if it’s working for you:

1. Does it stand out?

This is crucial. Look at it from all angles; print it out and put it across the room. Think of every possible way someone will look at it–on a screen, in a university library, etc–and make sure it stands out that way. Can you read the title? Is the image clear?

Check it as a thumbnail too. Does your cover look good when you shrink it down to a tiny thumbnail? That’s how most of your readers will see it, as a small image on Amazon.

dissertation book cover

2. Does it have a clear focus?

Establish a principal focus for the cover—nothing is more important than this one thing. Your book is about something, and the cover ought to reflect that one idea clearly. You must have one element that takes control, that commands the overwhelming majority of attention, of space, of emphasis on the cover.

Don’t fall into the trap of loading up your cover with too many elements, 3 or 4 photos, illustrations, maps, “floating” ticket stubs. This just confuses people, and confused people become repelled.

And don’t fall into the trap of believing your cover is a billboard, and every inch of space on it is real estate that needs to be filled up with the biggest possible words. The type needs to sit within the appropriate amount of emptiness in order to be readable. What is NOT on your cover is just as important as what IS on it. A quality designer will intimately know the appropriate font size for subtitles, blurbs, and author titles. Asking for them to be bigger, is merely going to drain the impact from your design.

3. Does it indicate what the thesis is and who the book is for?

Not only does your book stand out, but at a glance, your audience ought to know:

  • The general genre of your book
  • The general subject matter or focus, and
  • Some idea of the tone or position of the book

A truly great book is one that captures the book inside in some fundamental and perhaps unforeseen way.

At the same time, don’t fall into the trap of feeling it has to show the content of the book or show an element or scene from the book (no one will know that is correct until after reading the book anyway).

4. Did you explore too many options?

Some authors spend far too much time trying to find the perfect cover. Usually, this is because it’s a way to work their anxieties about publishing out during the thesis cover design process.

It’s the major creative part of the publishing journey, and many people are nervous about what will happen when it ends. They force the hand of their designer through round after round of revisions, thinking they are bettering their cover.

In actuality, they are both running from their fears and ruining their cover design. Ask your cover designer when they believe your cover is done because they are the only impartial source for this knowledge.

5. Did you make the brave choice?

We see this happen all the time: we’ll give an author three mock-ups, and there will almost always be a non-optimal choice, a solid choice, and a great choice.

The great choice will almost always require the author to be brave in selecting it. It will have some angle or position that is novel in your field, or make a statement that is controversial, or just be different in a way that will make you just a little uncomfortable.

I’d say that only about 25% of authors pick the brave choice.

You don’t have to make the brave choice, but it’s almost always the best one (if there is a brave choice available). Be aware if this happens to you.

The solid choice is not bad, but it means your book won’t stand out or get the attention it deserves. The brave choice means it will.

If you are unsure how to define brave, here is a way to think about it:

The brave choice says what everyone is thinking, but not saying out loud. The brave cover is the one that people will remember. You’ve worked too hard on writing your book to cover it in mediocrity because some stranger on Facebook doesn’t like blue.

Be proud of your achievement. Be bold. Make your mark.

6. DO NOT POST on social media to get feedback

The best way to ensure you choose the mediocre (or even bad) cover is to poll people on social media.

Your average potential reader–when asked which cover they like–is going to channel their inner mob mentality and respond to the title that is most like what already saturates your market. They pick the most common design, because to them, common means fitting in. True, fitting in is better than looking a mess, but the cover game, first and foremost, is about BEING MEMORABLE.

Beyond that, a good book cover is not designed to appeal to everyone. It’s designed to appeal to the target audience of the book. Your 2500 Facebook friends include people you knew in high school and in-laws and that guy you met at a conference three years ago. They are not the target audience for your book.

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Ready for your thesis cover design?

After years of hard work it’s time for your thesis cover design. I’d love to help you with it! Together we’ll make a personal and beautiful design. Are you interested? Please contact me!

Thesis cover illustration with invitations for PhD defense

Your thesis design, your story

your PhD is a scientific achievement as well as a personal journey. It contains not only science, but also a big part of your spare time and life. If someone takes up your thesis, we want to make that person curious with the thesis design. Curious to open up your book and read more. But also, what I really like, is that your thesis design reflects you as a person. That can be very subtle in color choice and style or only visible to those who really know you. In this way we’ll get something unique. Every person is different, every taste is different and every subject is different. Combining these gives a new thesis design every time again.

What can I do for you?

Almost everything, except the text itself :-). Think about:


Backgrounds of your powerpoint slides

The layout of the inside

On the basis of your thesis cover I always come up with extra ideas that add something to your design. For inspiration have a look at my lay-out page!

Unfortunately I don’t do designs for bachelor or master theses as well as designs for those who do their PhD at a university outside the Netherlands. I want to be fully updated about all the regulations regarding your cover and I want to know the printer we are cooperating with well. So I’m sure we will deliver a beautiful book. If you are working/living abroad, but your defense is still in the Netherlands of course that’s not a problem at all.

What does a thesis cover design cost?

The total cost depends on your wishes and things as the number of pages if you want us to do the layout. I’ll be happy to talk to you on the phone and hear what you wish for your thesis design. Of course, that’s for free.

No inspiration? I’ll help you!

Don’t worry if you don’t have any idea for your thesis design. You borrow my brain, which is always full of ideas. I ask you the right questions, so I know who you are and what your thesis is about. Based on that my brain starts to work and an idea will pop up that suits you and your subject. No preparation needed 🙂

Positive energy!

The design of your thesis cover is a great proces. You’ll see it will give you new energy. We’ll talk about who you are, what you want to radiate and we explore your taste. You’ll get a new, creative view on your thesis and you can picture the end result: a real book. You’ll have written a real book! There are only a few people who can say that.

Is there still space?

I want to maintain my personal way of working and high quality designs. Therefore I only have a few spaces each month. Please contact me at least four months before your defense. 

Would you like to see more of my designs?

Then as a final note: you can see I posted several designs on my website to give you an idea of what I have done before. However, this is just a small selection. If you’d like to see more please visit my Pinterest page . I try to keep the Pinterest page updated as well as possible so you can see all my designs.

Thesis design

How does it work?

Intake conversation for your thesis design.

During our first conversation (on the phone) I’ll ask you about the subject of your PhD and I try to get to know you a little bit. I’d like to know who you are so I can make a design that suits your subject as well as you as a person. The first conversation takes about an hour. Then I’ll ask you to send me some pictures of things that appeal to you. We’ll talk about them during our second conversation (also on the phone). The second talk is to give me an idea of your taste and will take about half an hour.

Concept phase

After our two conversations I design a concept thesis cover. The concept is just about the idea for the cover. It consists of a sketch and a color palette. As soon as you agree to the idea I will execute the design.

Design phase

I make the whole design for your thesis cover and I send it to you as a PDF file.

Correction round

We can adapt the thesis one more time. This round is meant for small changes. We can finetune the last things.

Print ready file of your thesis design

You’ll get your files as a pdf with the right print marks for the printer. This you can forward to the printer of your thesis. From the printer you will get a print proof of your thesis. It’s usually the best to ask for a paper print proof. On paper you always see different things then on a screen. At most printers, the paper print proof is included in the price.

A memory to hang on your wall

All my designs start with a handmade sketch. What happens next is usually partly or complete handwork depending on what I think will suit you best. I love handwork, since I feel it still has the most authentic feel to it. Very often my designs are therefore completely handmade. The only thing I do on the computer is to add the title. This means that there is an original painting. The painting stays with me to start with, but if you are interested it’s possible to buy it from me . In that way you have a nice memory to put on your wall. If I executed your design partly or completely on the computer, we can have it printed in a bigger size via a specialized printer .

Sketching for thesis design

I see you have a medical background. My thesis is about a completely different subject. Can you still help me?

Sure, I can. I’m very interested in a broad range of sciences. I really enjoy learning from all the different PhD students and subjects I work with. I’d love to help you!

I do see designs on your website that I like, but ‘my’ design is not there, is that a problem?

Because my way of working is very personal, every design is made for a specific person with their specific subject. You are unique and even more unique combined with your subject. Therefore you won’t find an already existing thesis that completely satisfies your needs. It’s simply not there yet.  In case you’d like to have a style that you don’t see on my website you can always talk to me about that. I’m open for every new idea. If I think I won’t be able to do what you want, I’ll honestly tell you. 

I love my thesis design so much, I would like to use it for my business card. Is that allowed?

The design is made only for the thesis cover. If you want to use it for something else we’ll have to make a new price deal. 

Can you also print my thesis?

I’m a designer and not a printer. You need to print your thesis at a professional printer. I’ll make sure the design is completely ready for print. I know all the big thesis printers in the Netherlands and they know me, so I can cooperate with any of them. A printer that I can very much recommend is Ridderprint . I think they deliver very good quality for a good price. They are also very communicative. A good quality print is very important for you and for me too, since your design is your and also my business card.

Thesis cover design

Thesis gallery

Please take your time to have a look at my thesis gallery. Because it’s impossible to show everything on the website, every now and then I move some designs to my Pinterest page . I try to keep that up to date as well as I can, so you can see everything.

PhD cover design

Thesis cover

Thesis cover illustration

Thesis cover illustration

Thesis jacket design

Thesis cover design

Book cover PhD illustration

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Designing your thesis: make a cover that suits you and your dissertation

18 December 2018 by ellen

Designing the front of your thesis is actually nothing more than making a book cover. You’ve been busy with a lot of things in recent years, but probably not with designs. This article gives you tips and ideas for the cover design of your thesis.

Some universities have different requirements for your thesis: the cover, title page and register must contain certain information. However, this does not apply to most universities and companies and you can at least decide for yourself how the design of your book will look like. Usually only the title, subtitle and name of the author are visible on the cover. You can also choose to write a short introduction on the back and possibly incorporate logos of your university or company into the design.

Cover thesis design

The cover design is the first thing people see. The cover of your dissertation implicitly tells the reader what the book is about, without directly naming the subject. The front of your thesis sets the tone for reading. Many PhD’s often have a photo or other image in their head that fits well with their PhD topic. You can choose to place a photo or an abstract image on the cover of your thesis.

Cover design with Stock Photo

A stock photo is a photograph that a photographer sells through a stock agency. The photo is not exclusive and can be downloaded or purchased by different people. You can use a stock photo under certain conditions. With a thesis you can often assume that you can use all stock photos, this changes when you want to use the photo commercially. Always check the conditions before you use an image.

Below we share some stock photo websites

Shutterstock – Has a huge range of stock photos. To use stock photos you need a (paid) account. Pixabay (free) – Offers many high-quality images. Yet this website is more focused on business and marketing. Tip: pixabay offers free vectors and illustrations. Unsplash (free) – Beautiful pictures with high resolutions. Unsplash does not have that much choice yet, but it is worth it. Thousands of photos are added every day. Pexels (free) – Offers a wide range of photos. A must for artistic or abstract images.

Cover design with your own photo

Choose a beautiful photo in a high resolution as a base. It is usually nice if you can find a visual metaphor for your research. Consider, for example, a photograph of high-voltage cables if you are doing a thesis on the functioning of nerves.Maybe you already have such a picture. If not, you can take a picture yourself. If you are not a good photographer or simply do not have the right equipment, you can ask a photographer.

Cover design with an abstract photo

If you do not find a suitable photo, you can also opt for something abstract. Scientific research often has an abstract character, so it is not strange to give the cover of your thesis an abstract form. You can gain inspiration from the most important graphs or figures in your work. By zooming in or zooming out, you can make an interesting cut that does not fit on the cover of your dissertation.

Specifications of the image An important aspect is the quality of the image. This is expressed in resolution. If you use a low-resolution image, you will eventually see this in the form of pixels, you do not want this. The image must be at least 300 dpi. Do not forget that the cover of your thesis is twice as large as the front.

Designing your thesis cover yourself

Are you familiar with design tools like Photoshop or Illustrator? Then you can make the cover yourself. Are these tools difficult for you? Then you can always ask a friend, relative or acquaintance if he or she wants to make your cover design. Keep in mind that a good design falls or stands in a good briefing. So describe well what you want and upload images that you have already selected for inspiration.

Cover design by Gildeprint

Can you use some help? We can help you with the preparation of your cover. Maybe you have a clear vision of how your cover should look like. Maybe you are still searching or need inspiration. We are ready and happy to help you. Together we will make an inventory of your wishes and make a cover that suits you and your thesis. Do you want to know more about the possibilities? Please contact us or request a quote directly here !

More inspiration?

Click here to see our online flipping books. Here you can see a number of theses printed by us.

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Modal title

Request a thesis cover design.

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A beautiful cover for your PhD dissertation

When your thesis research is almost finished and you're ready to defend, it is time for your thesis cover design. We would love to help you with it! Together we'll make a perfect and professional design. Are you interested? Please contact us!

Take the best path forward

No more boring templates or text-only covers that look like they were created by a teenager. A high-quality cover design for your PhD thesis has huge benefits:

  • Celebrate your PhD milestone with a beautiful thesis cover
  • Publish a dissertation to be proud of
  • Radiate authority and professionalism
  • Amaze your supervisors, your committee and your next employer with a professional-looking book
  • A bookstore-worthy look for your academic work
  • Bring your research to life with our illustrations
  • Make people curious and get a larger audience for your PhD thesis
  • Establish yourself as an expert in your field
  • A stunning dissertation is a wonderful gift for your family and friends

Your research deserves to be read. Be the 1 percent that stands out!

Our rave reviews

The result is beautiful! Daniel, Enschede
Professional looking dissertation cover from Thesiscovers.com. It looks like something you could buy in a bookstore! Tim, Eindhoven
Thank you so much for looking after the cover design so quickly! Emil, Basel
Your design explained my research well! Normally it's too abstract for people to understand but your design made it more tangible to non-experts. Michael, Lyon
The printed version looked excellent. Mahmud, Nijmegen
The colors really fit my personality, thank you so much! Evi, Amsterdam
Awesome that Thesiscovers.com could incorporate our in-joke in the design. My family loved it. Niels, Delft

Our award-winning graphic designers create thesis covers, so you can focus on preparing your PhD defense

Your PhD dissertation deserves to be admired!

Showcase your academic work.

Your PhD is a scientific achievement as well as a professional milestone. It contains not only science, but also your expertise, perseverance and creativity. The thesis cover design should make everyone interested in picking up and reading your thesis. They should be curious to open up your book and read more.

But since a PhD thesis is also a very personal achievement, your thesis design should also reflect you as a person. Illustrations, colour and style should remind other people of you! In this way we'll get something unique. Every person is different, every taste is different and every subject is different. Combining these leads to a unique thesis design every time.

Lack of inspiration? We'll help you!

Don't worry if you're still looking for ideas for thesis design. You can use our gallery to get some inspiration, or you can go online on websites such as Pinterest, Instagram or Google to find more ideas. During the thesis design process we will ask you to tell us more about your research, so we know who you are and what your thesis is about. Remember that you are the expert on this subject already! No special preparation needed.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can you design a thesis cover for me.

Yes! We design for PhD students, bachelor and master theses. We collaborate with students from all over the world, making high-quality designs so you can have a beautiful book at the end of your doctoral journey.

What does a thesis cover design cost?

We provide two thesis cover design packages. Our Regular cover design package costs 549 EUR. We also offer a Premium package for 1429 EUR, in case you want something really special or extra guidance during the process. All of our listed prices are excluding VAT.

How far in advance should I contact you?

Be sure to contact us at least 3 months before you want to send your book to the printer. This way you can have an enjoyable and stress-free thesis cover design experience!

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Trapped in dissertation revisions?

Sample dissertation cover page + how to, published by steve tippins on may 26, 2020 may 26, 2020.

Last Updated on: 6th June 2024, 02:20 am

If you’re wondering about making your dissertation cover page, chances are you’re nearing the final stretch of your doctoral journey. Congratulations!

Luckily, making your title page is one of the simplest tasks you’ll have to complete. Generally speaking, there’s a template your institution will use and you just have to fill in your information.

What Should a Dissertation Cover Page Include?

The inner artist in you might want to make your dissertation cover page beautiful: printed in color, maybe with pictures, or with an interesting font or design. However, you’re going to be limited by your university. 

Pretty much every university that I’ve come across has a template and guidelines that you must follow for your dissertation cover page. You may just be filling in things like your title, name, your university’s name, maybe your committee members’ names, and not much more. You won’t have much (if any) creative license.

The advantage of this is, by the time you get to that stage, you may be tired of writing and it will be easier to follow directions than to come up with something creative. Your dissertation cover page doesn’t need to be a work of art. It just needs to convey what the dissertation is about.

close up shot of a woman working on her laptop

Dissertation Cover Page: The Title

The aspect of your dissertation cover page that you have the most control over is the title . It’s also the most important to get right. 

The main thing to remember is, keep the title simple . It should simply tell a person what they’re going to read in the document. Don’t try to intrigue people or be too clever, just tell them directly. Having a straightforward title helps your committee approve your dissertation more quickly.

Over 50% of doctoral candidates don’t finish their dissertations.

dissertation book cover

Your title should include relevant information that gives the reader a complete picture of what your study was about. Generally speaking, you’ll want to cover a few specific areas.

Quantitative Title Requirements

  • Type of relationship between variables.
  • Key variables (independent and dependent).
  • Population.

Qualitative Title Requirements

  • Central conceptual issue investigated.
  • Qualitative tradition applied.
  • Participant group.

See this article for a more in-depth discussion of choosing your dissertation’s title .

Sample Dissertation Cover Page

Your dissertation cover page should look something like this:

Sample Dissertation Cover Page

While each university has slightly different requirements, generally speaking, a dissertation cover page looks something like this, above. The required sections are as follows:

A Dissertation

Submitted to XXXXX University

Graduate Faculty of the School of XXXXXXXX

in Partial Fulfillment of the 

Requirements for the Degree of 


City, State (of the university)

Final Thoughts

While your dissertation title page doesn’t have to be fancy, it’s important that it aligns with your university’s requirements. Take a look at their rubric and, if needed, look at completed dissertations’ title pages as well. If all else fails, ask your mentor for help.

Once you’ve finished this, pat yourself on the back. You’re almost done!

PS. Need support getting through the final stages of your dissertation, or moving into the world of your career? As a dissertation coach and career coach , I’ve helped countless students achieve their dreams. Let’s achieve yours. Book a free 30-minute consultation today.

Steve Tippins

Steve Tippins, PhD, has thrived in academia for over thirty years. He continues to love teaching in addition to coaching recent PhD graduates as well as students writing their dissertations. Learn more about his dissertation coaching and career coaching services. Book a Free Consultation with Steve Tippins

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Best Dissertation Writing Books

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Published: June 18, 2023 | Updated: June 6, 2024

Dissertation writing books are the topic of our blog post today!

Embarking on a dissertation is a pivotal moment in any scholar’s academic journey, marking the culmination of years of study and research. It’s a daunting task, often filled with challenges that test even the most diligent of students. Recognizing the complexity and significance of this endeavor, I’ve compiled a list of essential books to aid you in your dissertation journey.

Dissertation writing books

These dissertation writing books, carefully selected based on their practicality and insightful guidance, are invaluable resources for any PhD candidate. Whether you’re struggling with formulating your research question, navigating the intricacies of your methodology, or simply seeking to refine your writing skills, these books offer a wealth of knowledge and tips from seasoned academics.

In this post, we will delve into each of these books, exploring how they can ease the burden of dissertation writing and guide you towards successful completion of your academic milestone.

Related: Best Grant Writing Books

Dissertation Writing Books

Here are our top picks for dissertation writing books:

1. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations , by Kate L. Turabian et al.

A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations

Turabian’s guide is a thorough exploration of the research and writing process, tackling each step with precision. The book expertly navigates Chicago’s two source citation styles and covers various facets of editorial style, including quotations and visual material.

Additionally, the manual offers practical solutions to overcoming the common fear of embarking on significant writing projects. An essential resource for anyone engaged in academic writing.

2. How to Write a Thesis , by Umberto Eco 

How to Write a Thesis

Eco presents an invigorating approach to crafting a thesis. Divided into six integral sections, the book covers all facets of the thesis-writing process. It delves into defining and understanding the purpose of a thesis, selecting a compelling topic, conducting detailed research, crafting a work plan, the actual process of writing, and finally, refining the final draft. Eco’s lucid style and practical advice make this book a valuable guide for any student.

3. Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day , by Joan Bolker

Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day

Joan Bolker’s insightful book offers a much-needed support system for dissertation writers. A co-founder of the Harvard Writing Center, Bolker presents valuable tips and encouragement for graduate students to keep them focused and productive. She emphasizes the joy of devoting oneself to a truly engaging project and teaches strategies to overcome fear and improve writing style.

Related: Books on How to Write a Literature Review

4. How to Finish Your Dissertation in Six Months , by Scott Rank

 How to Finish Your Dissertation in Six Months

Rank’s guide provides practical strategies to write a dissertation within a relatively short timeframe. The book shares an effective daily habit, tips on making consistent writing inevitable, managing incomplete research, leveraging advisor meetings, and seeking active help from friends. A game-changer for those struggling with time constraints in their doctoral journey.

5. The Dissertation Warrior , by Guy E. White 

The Dissertation Warrior

White’s book aims to inspire and guide doctoral students on their transformative journey. He addresses various aspects of dissertation writing and personal growth, focusing on efficient time management, aligning research and writing efforts, drafting an impactful introduction, and constructing a comprehensive literature review. A valuable guide that connects academic perseverance with personal development.

6. Authoring a PhD Thesis , by Patrick Dunleavy 

Authoring a PhD Thesis

Dunleavy’s comprehensive guidebook offers practical advice on formulating creative ideas, structuring them logically, drafting and revising text, and successfully completing a dissertation. It covers important aspects of the doctoral journey, such as facing examinations and getting work published. An essential resource for PhD candidates looking to effectively manage their work and intellectual challenges.

7. Getting the Best of Your Dissertation , by Dave Harris

Getting the Best of Your Dissertation

Harris draws from multiple disciplines to provide a series of perspectives aimed at making your dissertation process more efficient and satisfying. The book delves into integrating dissertation work into your life, developing a productive writing practice, managing relationships with professors, designing research, and more. A comprehensive guide for achieving greater value from your doctoral journey.

8. Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation , by Randy L. Joyner, William A. Rouse, Allan A. Glatthorn 

Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation

This book is a well-rounded resource for scholars seeking guidance in every phase of their research journey. The book provides insights on utilizing new technologies, effective planning, engaging writing style, defense preparation, and more. The updated fourth edition includes current case studies, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the teachings contained within.

9. How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing , by Paul J. Silvia

How to Write a Lot

Silvia provides strategies to dismantle common excuses and bad habits that hinder writing. His approach encompasses various academic disciplines and offers practical steps to motivate academics to be more prolific writers. The book discusses how to write, submit, and revise academic work, promoting a balanced work-life while achieving writing goals. The second edition includes an additional chapter on writing grant and fellowship proposals.

10. Writing for Social Scientists , by Howard S. Becker 

Writing for Social Scientists

Becker’s guide is a refreshing take on academic writing, emphasizing the importance of simply starting to write and then revise. It uncovers the eccentricities of academic writing, such as unnecessary wordiness and the passive voice, and provides practical solutions to overcome them. This is a must-read for writers aiming to improve their style and efficiency in academic writing.

11. The Elements of an Effective Dissertation and Thesis , by Raymond L. Calabrese

The Elements of an Effective Dissertation and Thesis

Calabrese offers a systematic guide to writing an impressive doctoral dissertation or a master’s thesis. The book breaks down the elements of the dissertation, providing detailed descriptions, definitions, and examples. The approach accommodates both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, helping students understand what content to include and where it fits best.

12. Dissertation Without Tears , by Natalya Androsova

Dissertation Without Tears

In this empowering guide, Androsova tackles the pressure and guilt associated with dissertation writing. The book offers tips to find joy and fulfillment in the writing process, stressing the importance of self-compassion. It debunks 58 myths about dissertation writing and replaces them with a healthy mindset that facilitates a smooth journey to the finish line.

13. Demystifying Dissertation Writing , by Peg Boyle Single 

Demystifying Dissertation Writing

Single’s guide offers a straightforward and systematic process to dissertation writing. The book aims to enhance writing fluency and productivity, offering guidance on topic selection, planning, scheduling, and actual writing. It is especially beneficial for those who feel they aren’t receiving enough guidance and for those seeking to increase their writing productivity.

14. How to tame your PhD , by Inger Mewburn 

How to tame your PhD

Dr. Mewburn, founder of The Thesis Whisperer blog, shares practical strategies for efficient research and writing based on her own doctoral journey. The book consists of re-edited and expanded blog posts offering a wealth of advice on completing a PhD effectively. It is a companion guide that demystifies the PhD process and guides readers towards successful completion.

15. The Dissertation Journey , by Carol Roberts, Laura Hyatt

The Dissertation Journey

This guide is a comprehensive resource for developing and writing a quality dissertation. It provides updated coverage of conducting a literature review, harnessing technology for research, and using progress tracking tools. The guide is filled with sample forms, resource lists, and other user-friendly elements, making the dissertation journey smoother and more manageable.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, the PhD journey is an arduous yet transformative path that demands not only intellectual rigor but also emotional resilience. The experience, as I have personally navigated through its trials, offers profound personal growth and a deeper understanding of one’s field of study.

Facing the adversity of my mother’s illness amidst my PhD was a defining challenge, but it underscored the importance of a strong support system and the resilience needed to persevere. The selection of books I have shared in this post, each offering unique insights and practical advice on dissertation writing, represents a valuable resource for anyone embarking on or currently navigating this demanding academic endeavor.

These dissertation writing books, covering a wide range of topics from research methodology to time management and writing skills, can serve as essential tools to guide, inspire, and support PhD candidates through their journey, making the daunting task of dissertation writing more manageable and ultimately leading to successful completion and personal fulfillment.

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demystifying dissertation writing

Meet Med Kharbach, PhD

Dr. Med Kharbach is an influential voice in the global educational landscape, with an extensive background in educational studies and a decade-long experience as a K-12 teacher. Holding a Ph.D. from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Canada, he brings a unique perspective to the educational world by integrating his profound academic knowledge with his hands-on teaching experience. Dr. Kharbach's academic pursuits encompass curriculum studies, discourse analysis, language learning/teaching, language and identity, emerging literacies, educational technology, and research methodologies. His work has been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published in various esteemed academic journals.

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Thesis Writing

A Guide to Thesis Book Design

A Guide to Thesis Book Design

Marcus Peabody , Rhode Island School of Design Follow Center for Arts and Language , Rhode Island School of Design Follow

Download Full Text (436 KB)


57 pages. "This guide is more basic and specific than other design manuals. Used in isolation it should tell you all you need to produce your book, even without prior graphic design knowledge. It could also be a starting point for a deeper dive into book design: other manuals that deal more thoroughly with elements such as book binding or typography are mentioned along the way for further reference." – from the introduction. "This book is set in Brandon Grotesque and Miller Text. Written and designed by Marcus Peabody (GD MFA 2019). Edited by Jen Liese and Meredith Barrett (A&L). Additional design and typesetting by Everett Epstein (GD MFA 2020)." – Colophon

Publication Date

© Rhode Island School of Design 2019

masters theses, thesis, dissertations, book design, case studies, electronic dissertations, graduate students, artists' books, book making, thesis book, academic writing, printing, guides

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Peabody, Marcus and Arts and Language, Center for, "A Guide to Thesis Book Design" (2019). Thesis Writing . 2. https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/centerforartsandlanguage_thesiswriting/2

Since April 01, 2021

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Thesis & Dissertation Printing

Book1one will give your thesis or dissertation the professional look it deserves..

If you are looking for a world class company to print and bind your thesis or dissertation, you will find that Book1One will give your document the high quality attention it requires and deserves. Graduate students from all over the country have used our services, and we are listed at many colleges and universities as a reliable resource for hardcover and softcover thesis and dissertation book printing. 

We understand that theses and dissertations comprise a special category in the book publishing world. They represent the culmination of a large body of work and achievement at a very high academic level – and are recognized symbols of professional accomplishment.

Cloth and Faux Leather Color Choices:

dissertation book cover

NOTE: Colors may not display accurately due to differences in monitor settings

Why choose Book1One to print your thesis or dissertation?

  • We offer a number of cover options.  At Book1One, you can select from three cover options for hardcover books: a full-color printed cover, a cloth cover with foil stamping, or a faux (imitation) leather cover with foil stamping. The cloth and faux leather book coverings come in four different colors: black, navy blue, dark red, and green. The color choices are shown in the right side on this webpage. Foil stamping, printed on the front cover and spine, can be either a gold or silver color. Softcover theses and dissertations come with a full color printed cover.
  • We have no minimum quantity requirements.  In most instances, the number of printed copies needed for a thesis or dissertation are low. The size of thesis/dissertation orders we receive vary from a high of around ten to a low of one copy. We can print as many or as few copies of your thesis or dissertation at an affordable price and with the same amount of attention we give to larger book orders.

We can offer you a special service regarding foil stamping.

If your foil stamping involves basic text and numbers, such as book title, author’s name, school and date, Book1One can assemble your cover for you at no additional cost to use. If you wish us to provide this service to you, when you place your order, upload a PDF file indicating what you would like printed on your front cover and spine and approximate positioning. We will fit and center the type using the Time New Roman font. For more on foil stamping click  here .

Get an instant price quote without having to call or email!

Book1One is one of very few book manufacturers who has a website price calculator that will enable you to obtain an accurate price quote without having to place a phone call or submit an email. It’s fast, easy, and our customers love it!

Simply insert the specifications of your book project and, with one click, see what the price of your project will be.

Placing your order is as easy as 1-2-3!

If you have completed the design and layout of your thesis or dissertation and are ready to upload your print ready PDF file(s) to us and place your order, simply click on the red “Place Order” button located at the top of your screen. You will then be taken through the simple three step process of (1) creating your personal account, (2) uploading your cover and page files and (3) completing the checkout procedure.

  • How Our Process Works
  • Plastic Coil
  • Book Cover Sizing Diagrams


Our guarantee to you is that we will give your project our utmost personal attention to ensure that, when finished, your books meet the highest quality production standards.

Remember, at Book1One:

  • We work with easy-to-use PDF files, and our online ordering process is a snap.
  • We have no minimum order requirements – even for hardcover books.
  • We have no set up fees. Your only expense is the cost to print, bind & ship your books.
  • Our turnaround times are fast – five business days for softcover and plastic coil bound; 10 business days for hardcover books. And rush production is available.
  • You’ll receive personal “hands-on” service. We’ll answer your emails quickly, and if you call us, you’ll get a real person.


I just received my book order of an early 1900's scrapbook replica you printed for me - and it is perfect! I can't wait to show it to my client and display it at a networking show next month. Many thanks for a great job.

Wendy McSweeney Powhatan, VA

It has been a pleasure working with you on my photo book project. Many of my colleagues have complimented the book's photo colors and quality.

R. C. Livesay Author & Photographer of The Secret Life of the Grand Lake Pelican

You did a wonderful job with our book project. Everything was done exactly the way we had envisioned it.

Fairlee MacEslin Woodstock, VT

We received our books today, and they look fabulous! You do quite a professional job. We will certainly keep you in mind for any future projects.

Shelley White Uriccio, Howe, Krell, Jacobson,Toporek, Theos & Keith Charleston, SC

Wow! You all did an amazing job printing our proposal books. Thank you so much for your most efficient and beautiful work. We'll definitely be doing this again.

Dlorah deVore CDI Contractors, LLC Little Rock, AR

My book looks amazing! This is the first time I have used your services, and I could not be happier. Thank you for exceeding my expectations in every way.

Dan M. Chicago, IL

I received my cookbooks today and wanted you to know how much I appreciate the wonderful printing and binding job you did. You have helped put together a 'treasured keepsake' for our family.

Shan Wilkins Berryville, VA

I received my books today, and all I can say is OMG! They are so much more than I expected. Thank you for providing such a wonderful service and product.

Jim D. Corydon, IN

Book1One has been an amazing resource for launching my publishing business. I couldn't have done it without their timely service and high-quality results. Thanks for helping memorylanejane.com publish some amazing Life Story Books!

Lauren Befus Founder, Memory Lane Jane

I am a designer who has ordered several low-volume books for my clients from Book1One over the last few years and have been extremely pleased with the quality as well as the customer service. I have created both hard cover and soft cover books, and the website has useful templates for formatting the book layout so everything comes together seamlessly. I also love the instant quote generator on the website, it helps to see how the different options impact the pricing without having to go back and forth with an estimator or sales rep. I will definitely keep using Book1One!

Kathryn D'Amanda Graphic Designer, Mill Race Design

Instant Quote

Grad Coach (R)

What’s Included: The Dissertation Template

If you’re preparing to write your dissertation, thesis or research project, our free dissertation template is the perfect starting point. In the template, we cover every section step by step, with clear, straightforward explanations and examples .

The template’s structure is based on the tried and trusted best-practice format for formal academic research projects such as dissertations and theses. The template structure reflects the overall research process, ensuring your dissertation or thesis will have a smooth, logical flow from chapter to chapter.

The dissertation template covers the following core sections:

  • The title page/cover page
  • Abstract (sometimes also called the executive summary)
  • Table of contents
  • List of figures /list of tables
  • Chapter 1: Introduction  (also available: in-depth introduction template )
  • Chapter 2: Literature review  (also available: in-depth LR template )
  • Chapter 3: Methodology (also available: in-depth methodology template )
  • Chapter 4: Research findings /results (also available: results template )
  • Chapter 5: Discussion /analysis of findings (also available: discussion template )
  • Chapter 6: Conclusion (also available: in-depth conclusion template )
  • Reference list

Each section is explained in plain, straightforward language , followed by an overview of the key elements that you need to cover within each section. We’ve also included practical examples to help you understand exactly what’s required in each section.

The cleanly-formatted Google Doc can be downloaded as a fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), so you can use it as-is or convert it to LaTeX.

FAQs: Dissertation Template

What format is the template (doc, pdf, ppt, etc.).

The dissertation template is provided as a Google Doc. You can download it in MS Word format or make a copy to your Google Drive. You’re also welcome to convert it to whatever format works best for you, such as LaTeX or PDF.

What types of dissertations/theses can this template be used for?

The template follows the standard best-practice structure for formal academic research projects such as dissertations or theses, so it is suitable for the vast majority of degrees, particularly those within the sciences.

Some universities may have some additional requirements, but these are typically minor, with the core structure remaining the same. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to double-check your university’s requirements before you finalise your structure.

Will this work for a research paper?

A research paper follows a similar format, but there are a few differences. You can find our research paper template here .

Is this template for an undergrad, Masters or PhD-level thesis?

This template can be used for a dissertation, thesis or research project at any level of study. It may be slight overkill for an undergraduate-level study, but it certainly won’t be missing anything.

How long should my dissertation/thesis be?

This depends entirely on your university’s specific requirements, so it’s best to check with them. As a general ballpark, Masters-level projects are usually 15,000 – 20,000 words in length, while Doctoral-level projects are often in excess of 60,000 words.

What about the research proposal?

If you’re still working on your research proposal, we’ve got a template for that here .

We’ve also got loads of proposal-related guides and videos over on the Grad Coach blog .

How do I write a literature review?

We have a wealth of free resources on the Grad Coach Blog that unpack how to write a literature review from scratch. You can check out the literature review section of the blog here.

How do I create a research methodology?

We have a wealth of free resources on the Grad Coach Blog that unpack research methodology, both qualitative and quantitative. You can check out the methodology section of the blog here.

Can I share this dissertation template with my friends/colleagues?

Yes, you’re welcome to share this template. If you want to post about it on your blog or social media, all we ask is that you reference this page as your source.

Can Grad Coach help me with my dissertation/thesis?

Within the template, you’ll find plain-language explanations of each section, which should give you a fair amount of guidance. However, you’re also welcome to consider our dissertation and thesis coaching services .

Free Webinar: Literature Review 101

Quality Bindery Services

Quality Bindery Services, Inc.

Call (716) 883-5185

Print Industry Finishing Services | Bookbinding, Bible & Book Repair, Thesis Binding | Mailing 

Do you need your thesis bound, thesis & dissertation binding.

Trust your thesis binding to QBS, a company that reveres education, and the work you have achieved! Our pricing is reasonable. We know you’ve just spent a bundle on your education! We have been helping graduate students preserve their thesis work for years. It’s simple. Whether you want a soft cover or a hard cover -- both are available. We follow the instructions of the school you attend. We use all types of materials, including cloth, paper and leather. If your school no longer requires you to print and bind your dissertation . . . have it bound beautifully for yourself!

Download our Thesis Binding Information Flyer.

Hard Cover Value Pricing Our value pricing for hard cover thesis binding is $55 per book.

Includes hard cover, we use imitation leather

Choose from many colors, including black, navy, medium blue, brown, green and burgundy

With gold or silver foil stamping on spine and front cover

Soft Cover Value Pricing Our value pricing for soft cover thesis binding is $40 per book.

Includes soft cover, we supply the cover stock

Choose black or white cover

Printing Services

QBS also provides printing services on a variety of paper stocks. The prices are as follows:

25% cotton with watermark:        $.45 b/w  $.60 for color

24# bond copy paper:                $.30 b/w  $.40 color

100% cotton with watermark:      $.55 b/w  $.75 for color

Turn around is usually 3 weeks.

If you need your theses sooner, rush charges may apply depending on our schedule:

5 to 10 days: an additional $20 per book

4 days or less: an additional $50 per book

Dissertation Thesis Books Hard Bound and Foil Stamped

"My bound dissertation books arrived today, and you did an amazing job. It looks excellent. I am so thrilled and happy. I will definitely use your services again (going back to school) and I have forwarded information to my other college cohorts. Thank you so much."  B.


Step 1: Fill Out the Order Form Download our PDF Thesis Order Form Important: If you have difficulty filling out our order form via the PDF, please print the PDF form and fill it out. Scan and email to [email protected] or fax it to (716) 883-1598. Step 2: Upload Your Files Upload your files to our secure WeTransfer FTP (file transfer protocol) site.

https://qualitybindery.wetransfer.com/ Step 3: We Email Your Price Confirmation Step 4: PayPal Payment

Send payment directly from your PayPal account using our PayPal email address: [email protected] Step 5: Delivery Options

Click here for hours and directions

Quality Bindery Services Inc.

501 Amherst St. Buffalo, NY 14027

We ship per your instructions on your order form.

For more information call (888) 883-1266 toll-free or (716) 883-5185. We are here to congratulate you and to help you with this next exciting step in your career!

Order Form & How to Order

Here is an example of one of Quality Bindery Services' great Buffalo, New York customers -- D'Youville College.

D'Youville graduates, c lick the below image to download your college's order form. Others use the form in Step 1. 


Does your educational institution no longer require printed and bound theses?  They just put it online.

We think all of the work you completed to get your doctorate degree deserves a place on your bookshelf. It serves as part of your life legacy and can be handed down to your family's future generations.



PHD Bookbinding

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Thesis Binding

Thesis Book Binding or Dissertation Book Binding is the conversion of your thesis or dissertation document into a printed and bound book format. Getting this done correctly involves several considerations that includes the Submission of your document for printing and binding, your choice of Paper, and the Style of binding you want.


The first consideration for Thesis Book Binding or Dissertation Book Binding is whether you want your thesis or dissertation printed and bound for official submission or for your personal use, such as gifts to professors, departments, libraries, parents, sponsors, or you just want copies to preserve for future generations.

If you are officially submitting your Thesis Book Binding or Dissertation Book Binding books to your

institution, you must follow their official guidelines for paper, margins, and type of binding. Every institution has

guidelines and your can ask your department or your graduate studies department for the guidelines. The quote/

ordering process for each of our 3 main types of binding is designed to accommodate all the options that most

schools require.

Binding Options Our 3 main binding options are:

  • Fabric Hardcover Binding with Gold Embossed Lettering and Emblem on the cover https://phdbookbinding.com/fabric-hard-cover/
  • Printed Hardcover Binding with wraparound full color printing on the cover https://phdbookbinding.com/printed-hard-cover/
  • Perfect Binding Softcover with wraparound full color printing on the cover https://phdbookbinding.com/perfect-binding/

But if you’re getting the books for personal use, then you have the option to choose the type of paper, binding and margin size that you prefer. Here again, our quote/order process contains all the options you might want.

Digital or Paper Submission

The second consideration is whether you want to submit a file or paper document(s) for publishing your Thesis or Dissertation. You have the option to place your order with a PDF file or with a paper document. Submitting a PDF file ( https://phdbookbinding.com/digital-printing/#2 ) of your Thesis or Dissertation allows you to do the following online, sit back and forget about it, and receive your books in the mail:

  • Specify the size of your book
  • Choose the type of paper you want for printing ( https://phdbookbinding.com/digital-printing/#9 )
  •  Specify the pages you want to print in color. ( https://phdbookbinding.com/faq/#9 ) Yes, we allow you to specify the pages you want to print in color and you’ll be charged the color rate ONLY for the pages you specify,NOT for all the pages in your document.
  • Specify the exact lettering you want on the cover ( https://phdbookbinding.com/gold-foil-emblem-and-lettering/ )
  •  Specify the exact lettering you want on the spine ( https://phdbookbinding.com/gold-foil-emblem-and-lettering/ )
  • Specify your school emblem for the cover or request a custom emblem ( https://phdbookbinding.com/gold-foil-emblem-and-lettering/#SealList )
  • Choose the shipping speed you want for getting back the completed book(s)

Digital Submission

The option for submitting a PDF file for printing and binding is available for all the binding styles that we offer, including:

  • Fabric Hardcover Binding with Gold Embossed Lettering and Decoration on the cover https://phdbookbinding.com/fabric-hard-cover/
  •  Printed Hardcover Binding with wraparound full color printing on the cover https://phdbookbinding.com/printed-hard-cover/

Submitting a Paper document of your Thesis or Dissertation requires you to

(1) Print your document on the paper of your choice

(2) Fill out the Quote/Order form on this site for the type of Hardcover binding you want

(3) Specify the exact lettering you want on the cover

(4) Specify the exact lettering you want on the spine

(5) Choose the shipping speed you want for getting back the completed book(s)

(6) Print a form on our site that will include the details you entered PLUS final instructions for mailing your

paper document to us

(7) Ship to us your paper document(s) with instructions on form you will print from our site.

The option for submitting a paper document for binding ONLY is available ONLY for Hardcover binding.

Fabric Hardcover Binding with Gold Embossed Lettering and Decoration on the cover


Printed Hardcover Binding with wraparound full color printing on the cover


Paper document submission is not available for Softcover Perfect Binding.


The second consideration for Thesis Book Binding or Dissertation Book Binding is choosing the type of paper that you want. We offer 5 types of paper as listed below and as explained here in greater detail ( https://phdbookbinding.com/digital-printing/ )

20lb regular or standard Copy Paper. This paper is ACID-FREE and is white in color. It does not have  a watermark. Acid Free paper is made from wood pulp, and it resists yellowing and brittleness over very long periods (measured in centuries). The production of Acid Free paper is also more environmentally friendly than acidic paper.

60lb regular or standard Copy Paper (also known as 24lb Copy Paper)*. This paper is ACID-FREE and is white in color. It does not have a watermark. Acid Free paper is made from wood pulp, and it resists yellowing and brittleness over very long periods (measured in centuries). The production of Acid Free paper is also more environmentally friendly than acidic paper. (See below for why this paper has 2 different names)

20lb, 25% Cotton Paper. This white paper is ACID-FREE and ARCHIVAL. It has a WATERMARK which is visible only when you shine a bright light behind the sheet. Archival paper has all the benefits of Acid-Free paper, except that it resists yellowing and brittleness even longer than ordinary Acid-Free paper. Another difference is that Cotton Paper is made with cotton pulp.

24lb, 100% Cotton Paper . This white paper is ACID-FREE and ARCHIVAL. It has a WATERMARK which is visible only when you shine a bright light behind the sheet. Archival paper has all the benefits of Acid-Free paper, except that it resists yellowing and brittleness even longer than ordinary Acid-Free paper. Another difference isthat Cotton Paper is made with cotton pulp. PLEASE NOTE that A4 (European Letter size) is NOT available in 100% cotton.

80lb Gloss-Coated Paper. This paper is ACID-FREE and is white in color. It does not have a watermark. But unlike regular copy paper, it is also coated with a gloss finish that makes it perfect for printing photos, charts & graphs, and more.

80lb Matte-Coated Paper. This paper is ACID-FREE and is white in color. It does not have a watermark. But unlike regular copy paper, it is also coated with a matte (non-gloss coating) finish that makes it perfect for printing photos, charts & graphs, and more.


The binding style you choose depends first on whether you’re submitting officially to your institution or for personal use. We offer 3 types of binding Fabric Hardcover Binding with Gold Lettering and Gold Emblem ( https://phdbookbinding.com/fabric-hard-cover/ )

Most institutions require Fabric Hardcover Binding with gold lettering or gold emblem for official submission. You can also choose this type of binding for your own personal copies and as gifts because it is binding of the highest quality that is impressive in look and feel. Fabric Hardcover binding is high quality, archival binding that’s fit for the most demanding public or private library. Fabric options include:

  • Classic Buckram fabric that is available in different colors,
  • Contemporary Levant finish fabric also available in different colors
  • Cowhide available in 3 colors

Lettering and emblem are applied to Fabric Hardcover binding with gold embossing

Printed Hardcover Binding ( https://phdbookbinding.com/printed-hard-cover/ )

Institutions may also allow Printed Hardcover Binding for Thesis and Dissertations. Printed Hardcover Binding allows:

  • Background color of your choice
  • Lettering color of your choice
  • Full color emblem
  • Image and text on back cover, or
  • Wraparound full-color cover design

Printed Hardcover Binding can be compared to Fabric Hardcover Binding on this page: https://phdbookbinding.com/comparison/

Perfect Binding (Softcover, Paperback binding) ( https://phdbookbinding.com/perfect-binding/ )

Perfect Binding is Softcover, Paperback binding that allows all the options available for Printed Hardcover binding

dissertation book cover

dissertation book cover

Thesis & Dissertation Binding Specialists USA

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DB Bookbinders is the USA’s premier provider of thesis binding services.

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Our expert binder team can create stunning and durable bindings that you can be proud to submit. Plus, our online thesis uploading platform is simple and straightforward, so you can get your order ready and shipped to you quickly.

We offer a wide range of binding styles to choose from, including buckram , vegan leather , and genuine leather , so you can find the perfect binding for your thesis or dissertation.

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Amazing finished product. Great service along the way and very professional. Highly recommended!!

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With over 30 years of experience, we specialise in providing high-quality thesis and dissertation binding services for universities and colleges in the United States.

Our experienced team of binders can craft beautiful, professional-grade bindings for your thesis or dissertation.

With our easy online thesis uploading platform, you can place your order and have it shipped to you in no time. We also offer a range of binding styles, from buckram, vegan leather, to genuine leather, so you can choose the perfect binding for your thesis or dissertation.

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There’s a lot to weigh up! We’ve put together a couple of handy guides to help you know what to look for when you’re getting your thesis, dissertation or design folio bound.

Thankfully, we’ve written a handy guide to knowing what to know before you go to a bookbinder. Have a read of ‘Five Things You Need to Know’ by clicking the button below.

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It can take years to develop your thesis or dissertation. Looking professional is essential for something this important.  

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We enjoy hearing from our happy customers after they’ve received their delivery of bound theses and that ‘magic moment’ of excitement. It’s something to be proud of and we love being part of that.

DB Bookbinders proudly supports university students and academics right across the U.S. with their thesis and dissertation printing and binding needs.

We also provide various other book binding restoration services to a broad range of professional organisations across the United States including colleges, universities and government organisations.

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The Dissertation-to-Book Workbook

The Dissertation-to-Book Workbook

Exercises for developing and revising your book manuscript.

Katelyn E. Knox and Allison Van Deventer

240 pages | 1 halftone, 176 tables | 8 1/2 x 11 | © 2023

Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing

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Related Titles

“ The Dissertation-to-Book Workbook not only succeeds but excels in guiding scholars through this process of revision. This pragmatic workbook walks an author through clear steps to identify the organizing principle of the book, write and revise the book’s central claims, and then ensure that the chapters actually function well together before the author sends the book to a press. Since scholars often only have one opportunity to convince a press to publish their book, working through this process before sending to editors is crucial—and this is an essential guide.”

Rebecca K. Marchiel, University of Mississippi

“Based on their years of helping academics revise their dissertations into books, Knox and Van Deventer have distilled their incredible depth of knowledge into a beautifully thought-out book that takes you step by step through the process of revising your dissertation. Too many writing books give vague advice without any practical guidance. This is not that book. From advice on crafting your book’s arc and organizing principle to drafting your book questions and producing chapter answers, this book takes all the guessing out of one of the most stressful tasks academics face. This is the best book I have seen on the topic.”

Wendy Belcher, author of Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks

Table of Contents

Dissertation to Book Workbook 01 - click to open lightbox

On Revision

William Germano

Behind the Book

Chris Mackenzie Jones

The Business of Being a Writer

Jane Friedman

Getting It Published, Third Edition

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How to Turn Your Dissertation Into a Book: A Step-By-Step Guide for New Authors


Whether you are just starting graduate school, writing your dissertation, or the proud recipient of a recent Ph.D., you may be thinking about turning your dissertation into a published book. There are many reasons why this might be a good idea. In some fields, a published scholarly book is a preferred method for presenting a comprehensive view of pivotal research. A book gives you the space to discuss details, complications, connections, and ramifications in a way that is not possible in a journal article. In these fields, a well-reviewed book gives you instant credibility when applying for faculty positions, tenure, and related positions. A published book also has a much longer shelf life than an unpublished dissertation, and will occupy a respected place on your CV or resume for years to come.

In other fields, good dissertations are expected to produce one or more published journal articles, and many tenured faculty at top research institutions never publish a book. In these fields, publishing a book may still be an asset for those pursuing a traditional academic career, and can be a great way to transition into other careers such as science communication, education, or public policy. So if turning your dissertation into a book is something you are considering, here are some steps to get started.

Step 1: Identify your audience

Publishers are businesses that make money by selling books. This is true of "trade" publishers that sell books for the general public, and "academic" publishers that sell books primarily for students and scholars. Therefore, in order for a publisher to consider publishing your book, there must be a sufficiently large audience to buy your book. This audience will strongly influence how you organize and write your book, and may cause your book to be massively different from your dissertation. After all, the purpose of a dissertation is to show that you are knowledgeable about your field of study, and have made a significant contribution to it. In contrast, the purpose of a book is to serve a need for the reader.

Some dissertation topics may work well as required reading for college and university courses. In that case, you need to identify the types of courses that would be appropriate (e.g. courses in sociology that cover gender identity), and develop an understanding of how many students take such courses. For example, you might find that almost all colleges in the California State system have a sociology department. At California State AnyTown, there are 20,000 undergraduate students, and 400 students a year take a sociology course that focuses on gender identity. Other dissertation topics might appeal to people in specific professions (e.g. people who work with children who suffer concussions), and you might look at the number of people in relevant professional organizations (e.g. associations for coaches or pediatric nurses). At the other end of the spectrum, you might imagine a book that appeals to a fairly wide audience (e.g. a book that addresses recent events linked to gender identity, or a broader discussion of concussion in youth sports). For these books, the intended audience may be harder to define, so you can estimate its size in the next step.

Step 2: Identify competing books

Once you have identified a potential audience, you need to familiarize yourself with the books they are reading. Your book will be competing with these books, so you need to determine how your book will fill a gap for this audience. Here you have the opportunity—and the obligation—to read widely in your intended niche. If this opportunity doesn't excite you, do not try to write a book for this niche. The process of writing a good book is laborious and time consuming, so if you are not interested in exploring similar books for what works and what doesn't, you will not enjoy writing your own book for this category.

As you identify and read competing books, you should pay attention to the topics that they cover, and how the author writes about these topics. Consider whether the text is instructive or narrative, what details are included, how the text is organized, and whether visual aids such as photographs, diagrams, or tables are included. Also find out when the book was published, how long it is, how much it sells for, and how many copies have been sold (or at least what its Amazon sales rank is).

You may find books that are very similar to your book, or that are different in significant ways (such as the specific topic) but that have characteristics you want to emulate (e.g. a good strategy for presenting technically challenging research to a broad audience). As you gain a good understanding of related books, you'll need to develop a list of 3-10 books that will compete with your book. You will use this list to support two points:

  • Books similar to your book have been successful with your intended audiences; and
  • Your book fills an unmet need for this audience, so they will buy it.

That unmet need might be a more recent book that incorporates new knowledge, or a book that takes a different approach to a question that has already been addressed.

This survey of related books will also help you plan your book. If you find that multiple books already exist for your intended topic, you may need to shift your emphasis so that your book offers something new. If you find that there are few successful competing books, it may be that your intended audience is too small, and that you need to shift your emphasis to fit into a more productive niche.

Step 3: Create an outline for your book

Once you have an intended audience, an excellent understanding of successful books in the same category, and an idea for how you can fill a need in that category, you can start planning your book in detail. Put together an outline, starting with the major topic for each chapter, and thinking about how the overall theme will progress through the entire book. Even for a purely academic book, there must be an overall arch to your story.

While it may be tempting to slip into the same mindset that you used for planning and writing your dissertation, remember that the purpose of your book is to serve a need for the reader. So rather than focusing on your specific research contributions (which is essential for a dissertation), focus on what the reader needs to know. To facilitate this mindset, it may be useful to put away your dissertation for a bit (assuming that it is already complete) and focus on other projects. Then revisit your dissertation topic when you have fresh eyes and a better understanding of what would be useful for your intended audience.

As you flesh out the details for each chapter, set a target word count and think about any images or tables that should be included. Keep in mind that book publishers must pay for every page, image, and footnote to be edited, prepared, and printed. Books that are only available electronically still have most of these per-page expenses. Therefore, use successful books in your category as a guide for how long your book should be, and how many images should be included. Color images also add significantly to the production costs .

As you are preparing your outline, you will likely reach a point where you are unsure if the details of your plan will work. Then it is time to write.

Step 4: Write a sample chapter

If you want a publisher or agent to consider your book, you will typically need to submit a sample chapter or two. You may be asked to submit your first chapter or your "best" chapter, so I recommend starting with your first chapter and making it excellent.

While there are many different approaches to successful writing, one common theme is that the first draft is usually terrible. So write the first draft of your first chapter and let it be terrible. Then read and revise, and repeat. As you are writing and revising, I recommend regularly taking time to read some of your competing titles. How do they deal with some of the challenges you are facing? Are their approaches successful or can you envision a better way?

As you write your first chapter or two, you may find that you need to revise your outline. Pay attention to what you can effectively cover for your audience in the space available.

Step 5: Identify appropriate publishers or agents

Once you have a strong plan and a sample chapter or two, you need to identify potential publishers. Start by looking at your list of competing titles, and learn about those publishers. Also talk to colleagues who have published books, and ask if they would be willing to put you in contact with their publisher or agent. The process can be quite complicated, and for a comprehensive guide I recommend The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published by Arielle Eckstut and David Henry Sterry. Many publishers also post guidelines for potential authors on their websites. For most publishers, you will need to show that you understand your audience and competing books, and provide a detailed book outline and convincing sample chapter.

Here is an infographic that breaks down all of these major points:

Dissertation Into a Book Infographic

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Turning a PhD Dissertation into 1 hard cover book?

Hey all. I’m not sure if this is the right place but I’m trying to give my brother a gift after he graduates with his PhD in May where I’ll turn his Dissertation into a nice hard cover book for him to remember but I’m not sure how to go about it or where to look for something like that. Does anyone have any advice?

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Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples

Published on September 9, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on July 18, 2023.

It can be difficult to know where to start when writing your thesis or dissertation . One way to come up with some ideas or maybe even combat writer’s block is to check out previous work done by other students on a similar thesis or dissertation topic to yours.

This article collects a list of undergraduate, master’s, and PhD theses and dissertations that have won prizes for their high-quality research.

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Table of contents

Award-winning undergraduate theses, award-winning master’s theses, award-winning ph.d. dissertations, other interesting articles.

University : University of Pennsylvania Faculty : History Author : Suchait Kahlon Award : 2021 Hilary Conroy Prize for Best Honors Thesis in World History Title : “Abolition, Africans, and Abstraction: the Influence of the “Noble Savage” on British and French Antislavery Thought, 1787-1807”

University : Columbia University Faculty : History Author : Julien Saint Reiman Award : 2018 Charles A. Beard Senior Thesis Prize Title : “A Starving Man Helping Another Starving Man”: UNRRA, India, and the Genesis of Global Relief, 1943-1947

University: University College London Faculty: Geography Author: Anna Knowles-Smith Award:  2017 Royal Geographical Society Undergraduate Dissertation Prize Title:  Refugees and theatre: an exploration of the basis of self-representation

University: University of Washington Faculty:  Computer Science & Engineering Author: Nick J. Martindell Award: 2014 Best Senior Thesis Award Title:  DCDN: Distributed content delivery for the modern web

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University:  University of Edinburgh Faculty:  Informatics Author:  Christopher Sipola Award:  2018 Social Responsibility & Sustainability Dissertation Prize Title:  Summarizing electricity usage with a neural network

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty:  Education Author:  Matthew Brillinger Award:  2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Humanities Prize Title:  Educational Park Planning in Berkeley, California, 1965-1968

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty: Social Sciences Author:  Heather Martin Award:  2015 Joseph De Koninck Prize Title:  An Analysis of Sexual Assault Support Services for Women who have a Developmental Disability

University : University of Ottawa Faculty : Physics Author : Guillaume Thekkadath Award : 2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Sciences Prize Title : Joint measurements of complementary properties of quantum systems

University:  London School of Economics Faculty: International Development Author: Lajos Kossuth Award:  2016 Winner of the Prize for Best Overall Performance Title:  Shiny Happy People: A study of the effects income relative to a reference group exerts on life satisfaction

University : Stanford University Faculty : English Author : Nathan Wainstein Award : 2021 Alden Prize Title : “Unformed Art: Bad Writing in the Modernist Novel”

University : University of Massachusetts at Amherst Faculty : Molecular and Cellular Biology Author : Nils Pilotte Award : 2021 Byron Prize for Best Ph.D. Dissertation Title : “Improved Molecular Diagnostics for Soil-Transmitted Molecular Diagnostics for Soil-Transmitted Helminths”

University:  Utrecht University Faculty:  Linguistics Author:  Hans Rutger Bosker Award: 2014 AVT/Anéla Dissertation Prize Title:  The processing and evaluation of fluency in native and non-native speech

University: California Institute of Technology Faculty: Physics Author: Michael P. Mendenhall Award: 2015 Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics Title: Measurement of the neutron beta decay asymmetry using ultracold neutrons

University:  Stanford University Faculty: Management Science and Engineering Author:  Shayan O. Gharan Award:  Doctoral Dissertation Award 2013 Title:   New Rounding Techniques for the Design and Analysis of Approximation Algorithms

University: University of Minnesota Faculty: Chemical Engineering Author: Eric A. Vandre Award:  2014 Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics Title: Onset of Dynamics Wetting Failure: The Mechanics of High-speed Fluid Displacement

University: Erasmus University Rotterdam Faculty: Marketing Author: Ezgi Akpinar Award: McKinsey Marketing Dissertation Award 2014 Title: Consumer Information Sharing: Understanding Psychological Drivers of Social Transmission

University: University of Washington Faculty: Computer Science & Engineering Author: Keith N. Snavely Award:  2009 Doctoral Dissertation Award Title: Scene Reconstruction and Visualization from Internet Photo Collections

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty:  Social Work Author:  Susannah Taylor Award: 2018 Joseph De Koninck Prize Title:  Effacing and Obscuring Autonomy: the Effects of Structural Violence on the Transition to Adulthood of Street Involved Youth

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George, T. (2023, July 18). Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 24, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/dissertation/examples/

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Dissertation layout requirements

Your dissertation layout must meet certain requirements. Special rules apply if you have written your dissertation with others or if you are publishing a commercial edition.

Always make sure that there are enough copies of your dissertation in a format that is easy to read.

Dissertation comprising articles

If you are reprinting articles, make sure they have the same format. This may mean that you need to enlarge or reduce them. The dissertation must be presented in such a way that it is a bound book.

Commercial edition

If you want to publish a commercial edition of your dissertation, you may only do so if:

  • It will be published after the PhD committee has decided that you may defend your dissertation.
  • The commercial edition – which will be the dissertation submitted to the beadle – has a bound title page. For further requirements, see the PhD regulations .


You may publish part of your dissertation in an academic journal before the defence has taken place. You must indicate this in the dissertation.

Multiple authors

A dissertation may be a selection of previously published articles of which the candidate is not the only author, or it could be a selection of articles that have been submitted for publication. If you include these articles in your dissertation, it then counts as a new publication. Take note of the copyright  of the other copyright holder(s).

Joint dissertation

If you have written a dissertation together with others, each of you must submit the dissertation with your ‘own’ title page and curriculum vitae, and the required number of propositions. On the back of the title page you can state that it is a joint study by two or three PhD candidates and that the result has led to a joint dissertation.

Requirements of the title page

See this example of title page to find out what the title page must look like. Note that you should not have the title page printed before the beadle has approved it on behalf of the Rector Magnificus.

Requirements of the non-scientific component

You may only duplicate the non-scientific component of your dissertation once the dean of the faculty has issued his or her approval. The non-scientific component comprises:

  • title page (front and back)
  • foreword and/or afterword
  • acknowledgment(s)
  • (possible) assignment
  • (possible) quotation/motto
  • table of contents
  • curriculum vitae
  • propositions
  • front and back cover of the dissertation volume, both the front and the reverse

Publishing in the Meijers Series

The Department of Research has its own book series  that includes PhD dissertations of Leiden Law School, but also books resulting from conferences and symposia.

The choice of the publisher/printer is up to the author or editor. The Department of Research has agreements with a number of specialist companies for the lay-outing of a publication. For the lay-outing of a PhD dissertation, it is recommended to calculate backwards from the date the book is due to be published. This is particularly important for PhD candidates whose defense date has already been set. In the case of a PhD dissertation, a period of 16 weeks is standard. For the procedure and planning, see instructions for authors . The size of the PhD dissertation is in principle maximum 100,000 words (including footnotes but excluding the non-academic part). The Dean, on behalf of the Doctorate Board, may grant an extension, following a written request by the Supervisor.

Instructions for Authors in the Meijers series

In the  instructions for authors you can find practical recommendations for the submission of a text document, tables and images and guidelines for writing text, footnotes and the list of literature references. These instructions are in line with the “ Leidraad voor juridische auteurs ”  (Deventer: Kluwer 2022). They also include information on the production process from the moment the final manuscript is ready. 

Dissertation consisting of articles

The format of a PhD dissertation varies and may result in a handbook or monograph or a collection of (published or submitted) articles. For more information on the latter see Memorandum on PhD dissertations.

Financial regulations

There are some reimbursements available for PhD candidates .


If you have questions or would like to register your publications in the Meijers series, please send an e-mail to  Belinda Helder .

Human Resources

  • Working hours
  • Business travel
  • CAO and regulations
  • Individual Choices Model
  • Terms of employment in short
  • Registration and contract
  • Practical issues
  • International staff
  • University doctor
  • Working with a functional limitation
  • Mental fitness
  • Work pressure
  • Leiden Healthy University
  • Self Service
  • Confidential counsellors and complaints committees
  • PSSC Service Point
  • Service Centre International Staff
  • Immigration and formalities
  • Social life and settling in
  • Taxes and social security
  • Getting around
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Career guidance and mobility
  • Teacher development
  • PhD candidates and postdocs
  • Code of conduct
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Diversity and inclusiveness
  • P&D interviews
  • Continuing education rules and regulations
  • Confidential counsellors
  • Staff ombuds officer
  • Complaints committees
  • Collective insurances
  • Unfit for work
  • Unemployment

Finance & Procurement

  • Expense claims
  • Other allowances
  • Invoice payments
  • Sales invoices, credit notes and receiving payments
  • Payments without an invoice (by bank transfer, VVV gift card or cash), taxable remuneration (IB47)
  • Payments to research participants
  • Conferences and seminars
  • Framework contracts
  • Procurement procedures
  • Service portal
  • Research equipment
  • Real estate
  • University finances
  • Financial planning and control cycles
  • Regulations and guidelines
  • Working for third parties
  • Financial project management
  • Department Financial Economic Affairs
  • FSSC Service point
  • Controllers
  • University Procurement
  • Audit department
  • Synchronising mail and calendar
  • Printing and copying
  • Software and online tools
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  • Activating and managing your account
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  • Applying for a guest/external account
  • Office 365 and OneDrive
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  • Remote workspace
  • Secure online workspace from home
  • Application forms
  • Helpdesks and contact
  • Maintenance and incidents
  • Research data
  • IT and education > go to Education
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Archive management
  • Personal data
  • Working securely online

Buildings & Facilities

  • Workplace in the office
  • Reserving workstations
  • Requesting facilities for working from home
  • Laboratories
  • Environmental awareness at work
  • Post and Transport
  • Breastfeeding and quiet rooms
  • Reserving rooms
  • Service desks and receptions
  • Management and maintenance
  • Floor plans and house rules
  • Construction projects
  • Ordering catering
  • Faculty Club
  • Restaurants and bars
  • Vending machines
  • Event locations
  • Reporting unsafe situations
  • ERO coordinators
  • Health and safety coordinators
  • Servicedesk and receptions
  • Blended learning
  • AI in education
  • Digital tools
  • Tools for interactive learning
  • Lecture halls and computer rooms
  • Evaluation of education
  • The Programme Committee
  • Board of Examiners
  • Site visits and accreditation
  • Vision on education
  • Integrity and fraud
  • Student success
  • Degree programmes
  • Educational support units
  • ICT and education
  • Library and education
  • Internationalisation in education
  • Accessible Education
  • Tests and theses
  • Giving a presentation
  • Remote teaching
  • Reserving equipment
  • Referral options
  • Unacceptable behaviour
  • Training and workshops for staff
  • Training and workshops for students
  • Online self-help for students
  • Bringing students together
  • Background information on student well-being
  • CROHO and teacher's academy
  • Comenius programme
  • Teaching innovation
  • Contact about internationalisation
  • Arrange partnership and exchange
  • Sign up student and staff
  • Safety abroad and crisis management
  • Preparing for a trip: visa and Europass
  • Academic calendar
  • Course and Examination Regulations
  • Studying for a PhD
  • PhD ceremony
  • After your PhD
  • Career Platform
  • Confidential Counsellor and university doctor
  • Becoming a postdoc
  • Collaborating with renowned researchers
  • Training programmes, coaching and career guidance
  • Practical support for internationals
  • Confidential advisers, health & safety
  • Research programme data science
  • Collaboration Leiden-Delft-Erasmus
  • Research internationalisation
  • Find and prepare
  • Write your proposal
  • Submit your proposal
  • Grant awarded
  • Research Support Portal
  • Research Support Network
  • Data storage
  • Datamanagement
  • Research software
  • Sharing and sending files
  • Publication tools
  • Research from home
  • Roadmap and examples
  • Research visitations
  • Academic integrity
  • Ethics committees
  • Publishing your doctoral dissertation
  • Scholarly Publications and LUCRIS
  • Open Access
  • ORCID iD and DOI
  • Leiden University Press

Communications & marketing

  • Communication tools
  • Media relations
  • Science communication
  • Bachelor recruitement
  • Master recruitment
  • Recruitment international students
  • Alumni relations
  • Alumni database
  • House style
  • Writing and translating
  • Use of images
  • Making a presentation
  • Website and web editorial team
  • Social Media
  • Conferences and Events
  • Working securely: tips
  • Privacy and security policy documents
  • Learning platform
  • Incidents and dangerous situations
  • Safety in a lab
  • Working with hazardous substances
  • Emergency Response Officer
  • Risk Inventory and Evaluation

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  1. PhD Thesis hardbound in wine NUIG

    dissertation book cover

  2. Marieke

    dissertation book cover

  3. Hardbound thesis / dissertation / fyp

    dissertation book cover

  4. Thesis and Dissertation Binding

    dissertation book cover

  5. Book Covers

    dissertation book cover

  6. Dissertation

    dissertation book cover


  1. The making of a Thesis

  2. How To Write A Perfect Dissertation Introduction (Essentials)

  3. Why you need to celebrate every #dissertation milestone

  4. A Tip To Make #Dissertation Writing Easy #dissertationcoach

  5. Mastering Your Discussion Chapter

  6. Dissertation, Article and book Writing


  1. Thesis and Dissertation Binding

    Expert book binding, specializing in thesis binding and dissertation binding, we have the expertise and experience to meet your bookbinding needs. ... Our Hard Cover books include top & bottom Headbands - chequered fabric that decorate and protect the edges of the spine of your book. Hard Cover books also use archival-quality Endsheets ...

  2. How to design a great thesis cover (Ultimate guide)

    1. Schedule the first call for phone or video. Schedule your first call to be phone or video. Email is very hard to effectively communicate with strangers, especially about abstract concepts like design. 2. Send them the covers and logos you liked before the call. Prior to the call, send them a cover design brief.

  3. Thesis cover design

    The design of your thesis cover is a great proces. You'll see it will give you new energy. We'll talk about who you are, what you want to radiate and we explore your taste. You'll get a new, creative view on your thesis and you can picture the end result: a real book. You'll have written a real book!

  4. Designing your thesis: make a cover that suits you and ...

    The cover design is the first thing people see. The cover of your dissertation implicitly tells the reader what the book is about, without directly naming the subject. The front of your thesis sets the tone for reading. Many PhD's often have a photo or other image in their head that fits well with their PhD topic.

  5. heart-balloon

    A high-quality cover design for your PhD thesis has huge benefits: Celebrate your PhD milestone with a beautiful thesis cover; Publish a dissertation to be proud of; Radiate authority and professionalism; Amaze your supervisors, your committee and your next employer with a professional-looking book; A bookstore-worthy look for your academic work

  6. Thesis & Dissertation Title Page

    The title page (or cover page) of your thesis, dissertation, or research paper should contain all the key information about your document. It usually includes: Dissertation or thesis title. Your name. The type of document (e.g., dissertation, research paper) The department and institution. The degree program (e.g., Master of Arts)

  7. Sample Dissertation Cover Page + How To

    Sample Dissertation Title Page. While each university has slightly different requirements, generally speaking, a dissertation cover page looks something like this, above. The required sections are as follows: TITLE. A Dissertation. Submitted to XXXXX University. Graduate Faculty of the School of XXXXXXXX. in Partial Fulfillment of the.

  8. Best Dissertation Writing Books

    The book shares an effective daily habit, tips on making consistent writing inevitable, managing incomplete research, leveraging advisor meetings, and seeking active help from friends. A game-changer for those struggling with time constraints in their doctoral journey. 5. The Dissertation Warrior, by Guy E. White.

  9. A Guide to Thesis Book Design

    Description. 57 pages. "This guide is more basic and specific than other design manuals. Used in isolation it should tell you all you need to produce your book, even without prior graphic design knowledge. It could also be a starting point for a deeper dive into book design: other manuals that deal more thoroughly with elements such as book ...

  10. Dissertations / Theses: 'Book cover design'

    Consult the top 26 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Book cover design.'. Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen work in the citation style you need: APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago ...

  11. Thesis & Dissertation Printing

    Softcover theses and dissertations come with a full color printed cover. We have no minimum quantity requirements. In most instances, the number of printed copies needed for a thesis or dissertation are low. The size of thesis/dissertation orders we receive vary from a high of around ten to a low of one copy.

  12. Dissertation Binding and Printing

    Paperback binding ($10-20) Paperback binding is what is often used for real books. The pages are glued or sewn together, and your dissertation will be protected by a flexible cover. This type of binding makes your dissertation more durable and professional. In most cases, it's possible to add front and spine lettering.

  13. Free Dissertation & Thesis Template (Word Doc & PDF)

    If you're preparing to write your dissertation, thesis or research project, our free dissertation template is the perfect starting point. In the template, we cover every section step by step, with clear, straightforward explanations and examples.. The template's structure is based on the tried and trusted best-practice format for formal academic research projects such as dissertations and ...

  14. PDF Cover Page Manual

    The title should be the only section on the Cover Page that is double-spaced. All other sections on the Cover Page must be single-spaced. Cover Page should NOT be numbered. Page has 1" margins on all sides and text is centered. No headers or footers allowed in the margins. Do not divide words at the ends of lines.

  15. Dissertation layout and formatting

    Next go to "Page layout" and then "Breaks". Next, choose the submenu "Next page". Switch to the side, where the numbering should begin (in this case, page 2). In the edit mode of the header or footer, choose "link to previous", after that click on "Move to footer" and click on the "Link to previous" again.

  16. Thesis

    Soft Cover Value Pricing. Our value pricing for soft cover thesis binding is $40 per book. Includes soft cover, we supply the cover stock. Choose black or white cover. With gold or silver foil stamping on spine and front cover. Printing Services. QBS also provides printing services on a variety of paper stocks. The prices are as follows:

  17. Thesis Binding

    Thesis Book Binding or Dissertation Book Binding is the conversion of your thesis or dissertation document into a printed and bound book format. Getting this done correctly involves several considerations that includes the Submission of your document for printing and binding, your choice of Paper, and the Style of binding you want.

  18. Thesis Binding USA

    Thesis Order Form 2024. With over 30 years of experience, we specialise in providing high-quality thesis and dissertation binding services for universities and colleges in the United States. Our experienced team of binders can craft beautiful, professional-grade bindings for your thesis or dissertation. With our easy online thesis uploading ...

  19. The Dissertation-to-Book Workbook

    "The Dissertation-to-Book Workbook not only succeeds but excels in guiding scholars through this process of revision. This pragmatic workbook walks an author through clear steps to identify the organizing principle of the book, write and revise the book's central claims, and then ensure that the chapters actually function well together before the author sends the book to a press.

  20. How to Turn Your Dissertation Into a Book: A Step-By ...

    Step 3: Create an outline for your book. Once you have an intended audience, an excellent understanding of successful books in the same category, and an idea for how you can fill a need in that category, you can start planning your book in detail. Put together an outline, starting with the major topic for each chapter, and thinking about how ...

  21. Turning a PhD Dissertation into 1 hard cover book? : r/selfpublish

    What you want to do is go down to your local print/copy place, and get the pages printed on good quality paper. Then go to your local book binders club, and have them bind it in a fancy cover. It will cost you a bit, but you'll have a gorgeous, truly unique book. You can try to contact the University Bookstore.

  22. Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples

    Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples. Published on September 9, 2022 by Tegan George.Revised on July 18, 2023. It can be difficult to know where to start when writing your thesis or dissertation.One way to come up with some ideas or maybe even combat writer's block is to check out previous work done by other students on a similar thesis or dissertation topic to yours.

  23. Dissertation layout requirements

    cover; front and back cover of the dissertation volume, both the front and the reverse; Publishing in the Meijers Series. The Department of Research has its own book series that includes PhD dissertations of Leiden Law School, but also books resulting from conferences and symposia. Procedure