
Dedication in Dissertation: Examples and Guidance

The dedication section of your dissertation is where you can express your appreciation and gratitude to those who have been instrumental in your academic journey. It’s a heartfelt acknowledgment of the support, encouragement, and inspiration provided by individuals or groups that have played a significant role in your life. Below are some examples and guidance for writing a meaningful dedication in your dissertation.

“To my beloved parents,

Your unwavering love, endless support, and sacrifices have been the cornerstone of my academic journey. Your encouragement and belief in my abilities have been my guiding light through the highs and lows of this doctoral pursuit. This dissertation is dedicated to you, with deepest gratitude and love.”

“I dedicate this dissertation to my mentor and friend, Professor [Name],

Your mentorship, wisdom, and encouragement have been instrumental in shaping my academic and professional growth. Your dedication to excellence and passion for research have inspired me to pursue this scholarly endeavor with diligence and determination. This dissertation is a tribute to your guidance and belief in my potential.”

“This dissertation is dedicated to the memory of my dear grandmother, [Name],

Your love, wisdom, and strength continue to inspire me every day. Though you are no longer with us, your spirit lives on in my heart and my work. This dissertation is a testament to your enduring influence and the values you instilled in me.”

Dedication in Dissertation

Guidance for Writing a Dedication

Identify the recipient..

When deciding who or what to dedicate your dissertation to, it’s crucial to reflect on the individuals or entities that have profoundly impacted your academic journey. Consider those who have provided unwavering support, guidance, and inspiration throughout your pursuit of knowledge.

This could include family members whose sacrifices have enabled your education, mentors who have offered invaluable wisdom and encouragement, friends who have stood by you during challenging times, or even influential figures who have shaped your academic interests.

Additionally, it’s essential to recognize entities,, such as organizations or causes, that align with your academic goals and values. By identifying the recipient(s) thoughtfully, you ensure that your dedication carries genuine significance and reflects the essence of your academic journey.

Express Gratitude

The dedication section of your dissertation provides an opportunity to express profound gratitude to those who have contributed to your academic achievements.

Use heartfelt language to convey your appreciation for their support, encouragement, and belief in your abilities. Share specific examples or anecdotes that illustrate their influence on your academic trajectory, highlighting moments where their guidance or presence was particularly impactful.

Whether it’s the sacrifices made by your parents, the mentorship provided by a respected professor, or the enduring legacy of a departed loved one, expressing gratitude allows you to acknowledge the profound influence of these individuals or entities on your academic journey.

Furthermore, by expressing gratitude sincerely and authentically, you honor their invaluable contributions to your personal and intellectual growth, reinforcing the importance of community and support in the pursuit of scholarly endeavors.

In crafting your dedication, brevity is key to maintaining the sincerity and impact of your message. While it’s natural to want to express your gratitude elaborately, it’s important to resist the temptation to include extraneous details that may dilute the essence of your dedication.

Instead, focus on distilling your sentiments into a concise and impactful statement that captures the essence of your appreciation. By keeping your dedication short and to the point, you ensure that the message remains clear and resonates deeply with the intended recipients.

This concise approach not only respects the time and attention of your readers but also allows the sincerity of your gratitude to shine through without being overshadowed by unnecessary embellishments.

In essence, brevity enhances the effectiveness of your dedication, allowing it to leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Consider Relevance

While the dedication section of your dissertation is a personal expression of gratitude, it’s essential to ensure that it remains relevant to the overarching theme or subject matter of your academic work.

Your dedication should align with the context of your research, reflecting the connections between your academic pursuits and the individuals or entities you choose to honor.

Consider how the dedication contributes to the overall narrative of your dissertation, reinforcing themes of support, inspiration, or mentorship that may have influenced your scholarly journey.

By maintaining relevance, you underscore the symbiotic relationship between your academic endeavors and the supportive network that has facilitated your growth and development.

In doing so, your dedication serves not only as a token of appreciation but also as a reflection of the intrinsic ties between personal gratitude and academic excellence.

Personalize Your Message

Infusing your dedication with personal anecdotes, memories, or meaningful experiences can elevate the emotional resonance of your message, making it more heartfelt and impactful.

By sharing specific instances where the recipient(s) played a pivotal role in your academic journey, you not only convey your gratitude but also create a deeper connection between your dedication and the individuals or entities being honored.

Consider recounting memorable interactions, pivotal moments of encouragement, or instances where the recipient(s) provided unwavering support during challenging times.

These personal touches serve to underscore the genuine appreciation you feel towards them and highlight the profound impact of their influence on your academic growth.

Moreover, by weaving personal narratives into your dedication, you create a narrative thread that honors the past and celebrates the enduring bonds forged through shared experiences and mutual support.

Proofread Carefully

Before finalizing your dedication, it’s essential to meticulously proofread it to ensure accuracy, clarity, and appropriateness. Grammatical errors, typos, or inconsistencies can detract from the professionalism of your dissertation and undermine the sincerity of your message.

Take the time to review your dedication carefully, paying close attention to spelling, grammar, punctuation, and overall coherence. Consider seeking feedback from trusted peers, mentors, or advisors to gain fresh perspectives and identify any areas that may require refinement.

Additionally, ensure that the tone and language of your dedication align with the overall style and tone of your dissertation.

By conducting thorough proofreading, you demonstrate attention to detail and a commitment to presenting your work with the utmost professionalism and precision.

Ultimately, a carefully crafted dedication, free from errors and ambiguities, not only enhances the overall quality of your dissertation but also ensures that your message of gratitude is conveyed with clarity and sincerity.

Dedication in Dissertation: Final Remarks

In conclusion, the dedication section of your dissertation serves as a poignant tribute to those who have played a significant role in shaping your academic journey.

By following the guidance provided, you can craft a dedication that honors the individuals or entities that have provided unwavering support, guidance, and inspiration along the way.

From expressing heartfelt gratitude to ensuring conciseness and relevance, each dedication aspect contributes to its overall impact and resonance.

Personalizing your message with anecdotes and memories adds depth and sincerity and strengthens the emotional connection between you and the recipients of your dedication. Furthermore, careful proofreading ensures that your message is communicated with clarity, accuracy, and professionalism, leaving a lasting impression on your readers.

Ultimately, the dedication section is more than just a formality—it’s a meaningful opportunity to express appreciation for the invaluable contributions of others to your academic and personal growth.

Through thoughtful reflection and expression, your dedication becomes a testament to the supportive network that has accompanied you on your scholarly journey, enriching the narrative of your dissertation and reinforcing the importance of gratitude and community in academic endeavors.

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Examples of Dedications


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You've written a book, dissertation, or thesis; you've passed out from joy and woken up! Now, you need to write a dedication to that person (or those people) who made it all possible. 

You want the thesis or book dedication to be meaningful, but how can you make it work? You have lots of options, from simple to complex and from informal to formal.

Read on to discover how you can write the perfect dedication, whether it is a dedication to a friend, parent, child, or someone else.

Tips for Writing a Dedication Page

A dedication is usually a single sentence at the beginning of a book, thesis, or dissertation that offers the work to someone who inspired you or helped you with it. It's a short statement but one that can be very personal.

Here’s an example of a dedication for a thesis: 

Dedication Example

Before diving into the dedication examples below, you should keep a few things in mind: 

There's no right or wrong way to write a dedication sentence. Who you thank and how you thank them can and should be personal.

If the list of people you need to thank is long, you can use your Acknowledgments section to pay tribute to as many people as you'd like.

Everyone who reads your book, thesis, or dissertation will see your dedication page. Be aware of the impact that your dedication will have. 

Be brief. Dedication sentences should be short and to the point. 

Check out How to Write a Dedication for more writing help.

Formal and Informal Dedication Examples

Informal and simple dedication.

This one goes to you, Mom.

Formal and simple dedication

This is for my mother.

Informal and complex dedication

This is for my dad. Thanks for teaching me how to make casserole and for all those laughs.

Formal and complex dedication

I dedicate this to my sister, who was always there for me, even on the tough days.

Informal dedication with an anecdote

To Rebecca. Thank you for getting us lost in Mexico and eventually getting us found. Keep leading the way. 

Formal dedication with an anecdote

I dedicate this to Kimberly Marsh, for her outpouring of support when Charlie was hospitalized. Her steadfast commitment, love, and dedication will not be forgotten. 

Informal dedication in memoriam

In memory of Chuck Thomas. It was a joy to serve you coffee every Thursday. I'll never forget you.

Formal dedication in memoriam

I dedicate this book to Don Reynolds, who influenced countless people in his too-short time here on earth. I miss you more than words can say. Thank you for believing in my dream. I look forward to the day we meet again. 

Dedication Examples to Different Parties

Book dedication to a child examples.

I dedicate this little book to my children. This one is for you, from me, your loving mother. 

To all my children. I almost named you after the characters in this book. If you can guess which name was almost yours, no complaining. 

To Nate and Jenny. I have nothing but gratitude to you, my children, for reminding me that walking to the beach is just as fun as being there. 

Book dedication examples to a friend

This book is dedicated to Tim. Thanks for encouraging me to write it. 

I dedicate this book to my friend and confidante, Jack Millhouse. He was the first person to encourage me to try. 

To Melissa R., for being a dedicated reader through all those rounds of revision. This one is for you. 

Book dedication to parents examples

To my parents. Thanks for keeping the interest rates low on everything I owe you. 

I dedicate this to my parents, for your constant love and support. 

This one is for my parents. Thanks for trying. 

Whether you are dedicating a thesis or a book to a friend or a family member, our examples can help you draft a dedication that both you and your dedicatee are proud of. 

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How to Write a Dedication

How to Write a Dedication

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Dedication, acknowledgements, & preface

Dedication, Acknowledgements, and Preface sections are all optional pages. But, what is the difference between these three?

Dedication — A personal tribute to someone or a group of people. Example: "To my parents."

Acknowledgements — A professional tribute to a person or people who helped you with the thesis. Example: "I wish to thank my thesis advisor for the hours of help in the lab making sure the experiments were set up properly and guiding me through the thesis process."

Preface ( sometimes confused with Foreward or Prologue ) — A very rarely included section that details why you are qualified to write about your topic of your thesis or why you became interested in the topic (for example, an anecdote about a childhood incident that led you to become interested in the topic). Do not confuse this with the literature review; this is more of a personal story.

The video below gives more examples of what can be included in these sections. Note: If your dedication is short (like "To my parents"), you may choose not to include the "Dedication" heading at the top of the page. A demonstration of how to format the dedication page this way is shown below.

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Acknowledgement World

How to Write a Dedication for a Thesis or Dissertation?

Writing a dedication page for your thesis or dissertation is a great way to honor the people who have supported you throughout the journey of your research and writing. In this guide, we’ll show you everything you need to know about writing a dedication page for your thesis or dissertation. From formatting it to what you can include, we’ll run through all of the details to help you write your dedication page with confidence and gratitude.

What is a dedication page?

In academic writing (as well as book writing), the dedication page is where you can honor the people who have inspired or emotionally support you throughout your research and writing in a personal manner.

The dedication page is an optional section in a thesis or dissertation when it comes to academic writing.

Why should I include a dedication page in my writing?

The dedication page is not mandatory in most academic writing.

However, by paying tributes to the individuals or even the higher power who meant the most to you, you attach meaning to your work beyond the academic level.

A song is merely a song with lyrics, and that’s that. But if the same song is dedicated to someone, it will certainly entail special meanings to those who are dedicated and the dedicator (yourself). In other words, dedication serves to connect your work with the people who mean the most to you.

The same goes for your work. Do you agree?

Where does the dedication page appear in a paper?

The dedication page should appear before the main body of a thesis or dissertation. But every institution has its own requirements. You should always check the formatting guidelines provided by your school, faculty or department.

For this matter, we took a quick tour of the formatting guidelines for the top three universities in the US. And we’ve already found 3 variations.

How long is a dedication page?

A dedication page can be as short as one sentence, if not in a few short paragraphs.

Who should I include on the dedication page?

In academic writings, the dedication page is where you can show your gratitude to the individuals (and even the higher power) who have inspired you or emotionally support you on a personal level throughout your work. 

They may or may not involve in your research work. You may include:

  • God or the higher power

What is the formatting of a dedication page?

Always check the formatting guidelines provided by your school, faculty, or department.

As a general rule, the title, as well as the text, should be aligned in the center of the page like this:

dissertation dedication to parents

What is the tone and style of a dedication page?

The tone of the dedication page can be formal or informal. It can be personal, sometimes even emotional and spiritual.

Formal phases to begin a dedication:

*Work: thesis/dissertation/report/research

This [work] is dedicated to…

Example: This project is dedicated to Mr. Smith, our teacher who helped and guided us to successfully complete this work.

I dedicate this [work] to…

Example: I dedicate this thesis to my father and my mother, who with love and effort have accompanied me in this process, without hesitating at any moment of seeing my dreams come true, which are also their dreams

I am dedicating this [work] to…

Example: I am dedicating this thesis to my late grandfather who taught me all about perseverance. His memories continue to keep me going in every single day of my life

Informal phases to begin a dedication:

Example: For my Almighty God, the reason for my existence.

Example: To Bruno, who has been my support in the difficulties.

Example: To my dearest wife Jenny, to my lovely little girl Jin, to my parents, to my brothers William, John and Paul, and to all those who made this thesis possible.

The dedication page vs the acknowledgement page, what’s the difference?

While both the dedication page and acknowledgement page let you show appreciation for the help and support in your research and writing, there are some major similarities and differences between the two.

Dedication in academic writing

On a dedication page, you honor a particular group of people or an individual for inspiring or motivating you for completing the project or paper. It can be personal, emotional, or even spiritual and does not necessarily have anything to do with the academic aspects.

You dedicate your research work to the people who mean the most to you, such as the higher power, your core family members, a particular individual, friends, or someone who has a special role in your life.

Acknowledgment in academic writing

In acknowledgments, you recognize resources (e.g. grants or funding), institutions as well as individuals that are involved or have support in the course of your research and writing. These parties directly play a role in your academic career. Here, you disclose as much academic-related information as possible.

The Similarities

These sections, usually optional, should be no longer than one page.

Depending on the requirements of school or academic department, they can appear before or after the table of contents in your paper.

The Differences

The key difference between acknowledgement and dedication is that the former is more formal and the latter is more personal.

Acknowledgement usually recognizes the contributions of those who were directly involved in the research, whereas dedications are a way for the writer to pay tribute to individuals who have had a significant personal or emotional impact on their life or work.

It is common for people to dedicate their writing to God or another higher power who they believe provided them with spiritual support during the writing process.”

Here’s a brief comparison table showing the main differences between the two:

If you want to check out examples of dedication for projects, reports, theses, dissertations, and books, also read: Examples of Well-Written Dedication Section

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DEDICATION This Dissertation is dedicated to my parents

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How to write acknowledgements in a thesis or dissertation

Navigating the intricate process of writing a thesis or dissertation can be challenging.

One crucial, yet often overlooked part is the thesis acknowledgement. It is also the only bit of my thesis that anyone really reads.

This section allows you to express gratitude to those who contributed to your academic journey. From supervisors and professors to family and friends, the acknowledgement section provides a platform to thank all who played a part in your work.

Whether you’re unsure about how to begin or looking for the best ways to acknowledge your mentors, this blog will provide valuable insights and practical advice to help you create an impactful thesis acknowledgement.

What is your thesis acknowledgement?

A thesis acknowledgement is a section in your thesis where you express gratitude to those who helped and supported you during your research and writing process.

dissertation dedication to parents

It typically comprises two parts: professional and personal acknowledgements.
  • Professional acknowledgements include your supervisor, colleagues, other academics, funding bodies, or institutions that significantly contributed to your work.
  • Personal acknowledgements encompass your family and friends who provided emotional support or helped with editing and proofreading.

The acknowledgements section is usually more informal than the rest of your thesis , and it’s acceptable to write in the first person. It’s typically placed at the beginning of your thesis, either before the abstract or the table of contents.

Although the length may vary, it usually doesn’t exceed one page. It’s crucial to plan ahead, listing everyone you wish to thank and consider their specific contribution to your work.

Who to thank in your acknowledgements

In your acknowledgements, you should first thank the members of academia who contributed to your research, including:

  • funding bodies,
  • supervisors,
  • professors,
  • proofreaders,
  • and research participants.

Mention them using their full names and titles.

If an authoritative figure in your field provided feedback, their acknowledgement adds weight to your research.

Despite the circumstances, a brief thank you to your supervisor is necessary.

Personal acknowledgements can include friends, family members, or even pets who provided inspiration or support during the writing process. Always refer to your university’s guidelines on acknowledgements.

Creating an acknowledgement can be slightly subjective, as the order and individuals to be thanked can vary greatly depending on the circumstances of the work and the author’s preferences.

However, generally, this example follows a common structure:

The order can be customized based on the importance of the roles these individuals played in the author’s journey.

Some may prefer to thank family or significant others first, while others might start with professional relationships such as advisors or collaborators.

It’s also crucial to keep in mind that the way of expressing gratitude can differ significantly between cultures and individuals.

How Long Should My Acknowledgements Be?

The length of an acknowledgement section varies depending on the individual and the nature of the project.

Some people prefer to keep their acknowledgements brief and only thank those individuals who made significant contributions to their work.

Others may choose to include a more extensive list of people, such as mentors, colleagues, and friends, who provided support and encouragement throughout the process.

In general, it is recommended to keep your acknowledgements concise and focused on those who had a direct impact on the project

. Including a heartfelt thank you to these individuals is a meaningful way to show appreciation for their efforts.

However, it is important not to get carried away and turn the acknowledgement page into a long list of names. Remember that the focus should be on quality rather than quantity, as the acknowledgement section should not overshadow the main content of the project. 

Where Should My Acknowledgements Go?

The placement of your acknowledgements can vary, but it’s typically located in the first part of your thesis.

Mine is right after the abstract and before the introduction of my PhD thesis. 

You can place it right before your dissertation abstract or before the table of contents. However, the exact positioning may depend on the guidelines and requirements provided by your university.

Always ensure to check your university’s formatting requirements to be sure you’ve chosen the correct location for your acknowledgements section. 

Thesis acknowledgement examples

Here is my PhD thesis acknowledgement.

dissertation dedication to parents

Here are some sentence starters that you can use for inspiration:

1. “This thesis acknowledgement is a tribute to all the people who made my academic journey worthwhile.” 2. “I would like to thank my supervisor, whose unwavering support has been instrumental in the completion of this thesis.” 3. “In this acknowledgement section, I extend my deepest gratitude to all who have walked with me on this challenging but fulfilling journey.” 4. “Firstly, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the academic staff who provided their invaluable expertise and guidance.” 5. “My thesis would not have been possible without the endless help and support from my colleagues.” 6. “Special thanks go to my family, whose constant encouragement fueled my perseverance during the completion of this dissertation.” 7. “In the professional acknowledgements, I would like to acknowledge the significant contributions made by my research participants.” 8. “I would also like to thank the funding bodies, whose financial support made this research possible.” 9. “Through this acknowledgment, I express my heartfelt gratitude to my friends who have been my pillars of strength.” 10. “The completion of this thesis or dissertation is the culmination of efforts from various individuals whom I would like to express my sincere appreciation.” 11. “This thesis acknowledgement section is an opportunity to give thanks to those who made this journey less daunting.” 12. “I would like to express my gratitude to my editor, whose meticulous proofreading greatly improved my thesis.” 13. “Without their dedication, this thesis would not have been possible.” 14. “I express my sincere gratitude to all those whose names appear in this acknowledgement for their invaluable input.” 15. “In this acknowledgement for my thesis, I extend my appreciation to all those who have been part of this journey.”

Top tips to write acknowledgements

  • Plan Ahead : Make a list of the people you want to acknowledge and their specific contributions to your work.
  • Follow University Guidelines : Check your university’s formatting and content guidelines to ensure your acknowledgements adhere to them.
  • Use First Person : Unlike the rest of your thesis, the acknowledgements can be written in the first person.
  • Keep it Brief : The acknowledgement section should generally not exceed one page. Be concise and precise in expressing your gratitude.
  • Maintain Professional-Personal Order : Start with professional acknowledgements (e.g., supervisors, colleagues, funders) before moving on to personal ones (e.g., friends, family).
  • Be Specific : Highlight the specific contributions each person or organization made to your thesis.
  • Use Full Names and Titles : When acknowledging academic contributors, use their full names and appropriate titles.
  • Use Informal Language : Acknowledgements can be written in a more informal style, but avoid colloquial language.
  • Proofread : Ensure your acknowledgements are free of spelling and grammar errors.
  • Be Genuine and Sincere : The acknowledgements section should sincerely reflect your gratitude to the people who helped you in your academic journey.

Wrapping up – writing your acknowledgements section

As we reach the conclusion of this informative journey into the art of writing acknowledgements for a thesis or dissertation, it’s clear that this often-overlooked section carries significant emotional and professional weight.

A dissertation acknowledgements page is more than just a list of names; it’s a chance to express genuine gratitude and give due credit to all who have contributed to your academic journey. 

Remember, writing this section of your thesis isn’t an obligatory chore but a genuine opportunity to thank those who supported you.

From the tireless members of your thesis committee to the friends and family who offered emotional support, it’s a platform to acknowledge all the people who helped.

From mentors who provided expert guidance, colleagues who offered invaluable insights, to the institutions that funded your research – everyone deserves a heartfelt note of thanks.

Sample acknowledgements in a thesis often include both professional acknowledgements first, followed by personal ones, ensuring that all contributors are recognized appropriately. Always remember to use full names and titles for professional acknowledgements, and express your gratitude sincerely.

The acknowledgement page isn’t a place for long tales, jokes or anecdotes; instead, keep your acknowledgements concise, specific, and heartfelt.

As shown in the thesis acknowledgement examples, you should reflect on the people and organizations that significantly contributed to your research or writing, whether in a substantial technical manner or through support and guidance throughout the process. 

Studentship that allowed you to pursue your research, faculty who guided your studies, even friends who provided distractions when they were most needed – all these contributors deserve your thanks. Remember, it’s okay to use their first names for those who’ve been part of your personal journey, but for professional acknowledgments, full names and titles are recommended. 

As a PhD student, your acknowledgements should reflect your journey – the struggles, the triumphs, and most importantly, the people who have helped you along the way. Whether you include a list of names in alphabetical order, or you decide to group people or organizations, remember to be genuine, concise, and respectful. 

Whether it’s a thesis dedication to a mentor, expressing gratitude to your parents, thanking your friends for their love and encouragement, or even including certain political aspects that influenced your research, the acknowledgments section is yours to personalize. 

Writing a thesis or dissertation is a monumental task, and the people who support you through it are worth acknowledging. Keep this guide in mind when you write your thesis acknowledgements, and don’t forget to thank those who’ve been there for you – for in the journey of research and writing, no one truly walks alone. 

The last sentence may be a heartfelt statement, “I would like to express my gratitude to all those who walked with me throughout my research journey – your support was my strength, and this achievement is as much yours as it is mine.”

dissertation dedication to parents

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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dissertation dedication to parents

  • Acknowledgements for PhD Thesis and Dissertations – Explained
  • Doing a PhD

The Purpose of Acknowledgements

The acknowledgement section of a thesis or dissertation is where you recognise and thank those who supported you during your PhD. This can be but is not limited to individuals, institutions or organisations.

Although your acknowledgements will not be used to evaluate your work, it is still an important section of your thesis. This is because it can have a positive (or negative for that matter) influence the perception of your reader before they even reach the main body of your work.

Who Should I Acknowledge?

Acknowledgements for a PhD thesis will typically fall into one of two categories – professional or personal.

Within these categories, who you thank will ultimately be your decision. However, it’s imperative that you pay special attention to the ‘professional’ group. This is because not thanking someone who has played an important role in your studies, whether it be intentional or accidental, will more often than not be seen as a dismissal of their efforts. Not only would this be unfair if they genuinely helped you, but from a certain political aspect, it could also jeopardise any opportunities for future collaborations .

Professional Acknowledgements

This may include, but is not limited to:

  • Funding bodies/sponsorship providers
  • Supervisors
  • Research group and lab assistants
  • Research participants
  • Proofreaders

Personal Acknowledgements

  • Key family members and friends
  • Individuals who inspired you or directly influenced your academic journey
  • Anyone else who has provided personal support that you would like to mention

It should be noted that certain universities have policies which state only those who have directly supported your work, such as supervisors and professors, should be included in your acknowledgements. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you read your university guidelines before writing this section of your thesis.

How to Write Acknowledgements for PhD Thesis

When producing this section, your writing style can be more informal compared to the rest of your thesis. This includes writing in first person and using more emotive language. Although in most cases you will have complete freedom in how you write this section of your thesis, it is still highly advisable to keep it professional. As mentioned earlier, this is largely because it will be one of the first things your assessors will read, and so it will help set the tone for the rest of your work.

In terms of its structure, acknowledgements are expected to be ordered in a manner that first recognises the most formal support before moving onto the less formal support. In most cases, this follows the same order that we have outlined in the ‘Who Should I Thank’ section.

When thanking professionals, always write out their full name and provide their title. This is because although you may be on a first-name basis with them, those who read your thesis will not. By providing full names and titles, not only do you help ensure clarity, but it could also indirectly contribute to the credibility of your thesis should the individual you’re thanking be well known within your field.

If you intend to include a list of people from one institution or organisation, it is best to list their names in alphabetical order. The exception to this is when a particular individual has been of significant assistance; here, it would be advisable to list them.

How Long Should My Acknowledgements Be?

Acknowledgements vary considerably in length. Some are a single paragraph whilst some continue for up to three pages. The length of your acknowledgement page will mostly depend on the number of individuals you want to recognise.

As a general rule, try to keep your acknowledgements section to a single page. Although there are no word limits, creating a lengthy acknowledgements section dilutes the gratitude you’re trying to express, especially to those who have supported you the most.

Where Should My Acknowledgements Go?

In the vast majority of cases, your acknowledgements should appear directly after your abstract and before your table of contents.

However, we highly advise you to check your university guidelines as a few universities set out their own specific order which they will expect you to follow.

Phrases to Help You Get Started

Dissertation acknowledgements example for researchers and PhD students

We appreciate how difficult it can be to truly show how grateful you are to those who have supported you over the years, especially in words.

To help you get started, we’ve provided you with a few examples of sentences that you can complete or draw ideas from.

  • I am deeply grateful to XXX…
  • I would like to express my sincere gratitude to XXX…
  • I would like to offer my special thanks to XXX…
  • I would like to extend my sincere thanks to XXX…
  • …for their assistance at every stage of the research project.
  • …for their insightful comments and suggestions.
  • …for their contribution to XXX.
  • …for their unwavering support and belief in me.

Thesis Acknowledgement Examples

Below are three PhD thesis acknowledgment samples from which you can draw inspiration. It should be noted that the following have been extracted from theses which are freely available in the public domain. Irrespective of this, references to any individual, department or university have been removed for the sake of privacy.

First and foremost I am extremely grateful to my supervisors, Prof. XXX and Dr. XXX for their invaluable advice, continuous support, and patience during my PhD study. Their immense knowledge and plentiful experience have encouraged me in all the time of my academic research and daily life. I would also like to thank Dr. XXX and Dr. XXX for their technical support on my study. I would like to thank all the members in the XXX. It is their kind help and support that have made my study and life in the UK a wonderful time. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my parents, my wife and my children. Without their tremendous understanding and encouragement in the past few years, it would be impossible for me to complete my study.

I would like to thank my supervisors Dr. XXX and Dr. XXX for all their help and advice with this PhD. I would also like to thank my sisters, whom without this would have not been possible. I also appreciate all the support I received from the rest of my family. Lastly, I would like to thank the XXX for the studentship that allowed me to conduct this thesis.

I would like to thank my esteemed supervisor – Dr. XXX for his invaluable supervision, support and tutelage during the course of my PhD degree. My gratitude extends to the Faculty of XXX for the funding opportunity to undertake my studies at the Department of XXX, University of XXX. Additionally, I would like to express gratitude to Dr. XXX for her treasured support which was really influential in shaping my experiment methods and critiquing my results. I also thank Dr. XXX, Dr. XXX, Dr. XXX for their mentorship. I would like to thank my friends, lab mates, colleagues and research team – XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX for a cherished time spent together in the lab, and in social settings. My appreciation also goes out to my family and friends for their encouragement and support all through my studies.

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  • Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples

Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples

Published on 4 May 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on 4 November 2022.


The acknowledgements section is your opportunity to thank those who have helped and supported you personally and professionally during your thesis or dissertation process.

Thesis or dissertation acknowledgements appear between your title page and abstract  and should be no longer than one page.

In your acknowledgements, it’s okay to use a more informal style than is usually permitted in academic writing , as well as first-person pronouns . Acknowledgements are not considered part of the academic work itself, but rather your chance to write something more personal.

To get started, download our step-by-step template in the format of your choice below. We’ve also included sample sentence starters to help you construct your acknowledgments section from scratch.

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Table of contents

Who to thank in your acknowledgements, how to write acknowledgements, acknowledgements section example, acknowledgements dos and don’ts, frequently asked questions.

Generally, there are two main categories of acknowledgements: professional and personal .

A good first step is to check your university’s guidelines, as they may have rules or preferences about the order, phrasing, or layout of acknowledgements. Some institutions prefer that you keep your acknowledgements strictly professional.

Regardless, it’s usually a good idea to place professional acknowledgements first, followed by any personal ones. You can then proceed by ranking who you’d like to thank from most formal to least.

  • Chairs, supervisors, or defence committees
  • Funding bodies
  • Other academics (e.g., colleagues or cohort members)
  • Editors or proofreaders
  • Librarians, research/laboratory assistants, or study participants
  • Family, friends, or pets

Typically, it’s only necessary to mention people who directly supported you during your thesis or dissertation. However, if you feel that someone like a secondary school physics teacher was a great inspiration on the path to your current research, feel free to include them as well.

Professional acknowledgements

It is crucial to avoid overlooking anyone who helped you professionally as you completed your thesis or dissertation. As a rule of thumb, anyone who directly contributed to your research should be mentioned.

A few things to keep in mind include:

  • Even if you feel your chair didn’t help you very much, you should still thank them first to avoid looking like you’re snubbing them.
  • Be sure to follow academic conventions, using full names with titles where appropriate.
  • If several members of a group or organisation assisted you, mention the collective name only.
  • Remember the ethical considerations around anonymised data. If you wish to protect someone’s privacy, use only their first name or a generic identifier (such as ‘the interviewees’).

Personal acknowledgements

There is no need to mention every member of your family or friend group. However, if someone was particularly inspiring or supportive, you may wish to mention them specifically. Many people choose to thank parents, partners, children, friends, and even pets, but you can mention anyone who offered moral support or encouragement, or helped you in a tangible or intangible way.

Some students may wish to dedicate their dissertation to a deceased influential person in their personal life. In this case, it’s okay to mention them first, before any professional acknowledgements.

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After you’ve compiled a list of who you’d like to thank, you can then sort your list into rank order. Separate everyone you listed into ‘major thanks’, ‘big thanks’, and ‘minor thanks’ categories.

  • ‘Major thanks’ are given to people who your project would be impossible without. These are often predominantly professional acknowledgements, such as your advisor , chair, and committee, as well as any funders.
  • ‘Big thanks’ are an in-between, for those who helped you along the way or helped you grow intellectually, such as classmates, peers, or librarians.
  • ‘Minor thanks’ can be a catch-all for everyone else, especially those who offered moral support or encouragement. This can include personal acknowledgements, such as parents, partners, children, friends, or even pets.

How to phrase your acknowledgements

To avoid acknowledgements that sound repetitive or dull, consider changing up your phrasing. Here are some examples of common sentence starters you can use for each category.

Note that you do not need to write any sort of conclusion or summary at the end. You can simply end the acknowledgements with your last thank-you.

Here’s an example of how you can combine the different sentences to write your acknowledgements.

A simple construction consists of a sentence starter (in purple highlight ), followed by the person or entity mentioned (in green highlight ), followed by what you’re thanking them for (in yellow highlight .)


Words cannot express my gratitude to my professor and chair of my committee for her invaluable patience and feedback. I also could not have undertaken this journey without my defense committee, who generously provided knowledge and expertise. Additionally, this endeavor would not have been possible without the generous support from the MacArthur Foundation, who financed my research .

I am also grateful to my classmates and cohort members, especially my office mates, for their editing help, late-night feedback sessions, and moral support. Thanks should also go to the librarians, research assistants, and study participants from the university, who impacted and inspired me.

Lastly, I would be remiss in not mentioning my family, especially my parents, spouse, and children. Their belief in me has kept my spirits and motivation high during this process. I would also like to thank my cat for all the entertainment and emotional support.

  • Write in first-person, professional language
  • Thank your professional contacts first
  • Include full names, titles, and roles of professional acknowledgements
  • Include personal or intangible supporters, like friends, family, or even pets
  • Mention funding bodies and what they funded
  • Appropriately anonymise or group research participants or non-individual acknowledgments


  • Use informal language or slang
  • Go over one page in length
  • Mention people who had only a peripheral or minor impact on your work

You may acknowledge God in your thesis or dissertation acknowledgements , but be sure to follow academic convention by also thanking the relevant members of academia, as well as family, colleagues, and friends who helped you.

Yes, it’s important to thank your supervisor(s) in the acknowledgements section of your thesis or dissertation .

Even if you feel your supervisor did not contribute greatly to the final product, you still should acknowledge them, if only for a very brief thank you. If you do not include your supervisor, it may be seen as a snub.

In the acknowledgements of your thesis or dissertation, you should first thank those who helped you academically or professionally, such as your supervisor, funders, and other academics.

Then you can include personal thanks to friends, family members, or anyone else who supported you during the process.

The acknowledgements are generally included at the very beginning of your thesis or dissertation, directly after the title page and before the abstract .

In a thesis or dissertation, the acknowledgements should usually be no longer than one page. There is no minimum length.

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George, T. (2022, November 04). Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 14 May 2024, from

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